HomeMy WebLinkAbout4200 Wadsworth BoulevardCity of Wheat Ridge Commercial Miscellan PERMIT - 071204 PERMIT N0: .071204 ISSUED: 11/02/2007 6WADSWORTH BLVD JOB ADDRESS: 1 EXPIRES: 04/30/2008 . DESCRIPTION: chriatmas tree lot, shed, signage, fencing per attached CONTACTS TEN 303/366-4064 KEN/DARLEEN McCOY OWNER 303/798-0212 44TH AND WADSWORTfi L PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: c-1 USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 500.00 FEES Permit Fee im 30.55 Total Valuation .00 PlesaeNote: Use Tax 9.00 Opmer/contractor i; resoonsible for tocatilgproFeRy TOTAL 39.55 lines and constructing improvemenL^ :.ccoiding to the Comments 7 de laty is not responsib(e for inaccucate informafion submitted wit6in the plan set and aay constructi0a errors resuldag from inaccurate inforr.uirtion. 77~ °!/-a--O 7 I hereby certify that the eatback dletancea propoeed by this pemit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancea, rules or regulatione of the City of wheat Ridge or covenante, eaeemente or restric[ions of record; that all meaeuremente ehown, and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I asaume full reeponeibility foz compliance with the wheat Ridge Huilding Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Rid9e Ordinances, for work under Chis permit. Plane eubject to field inepection. Signature of contractor/owner aace 1. Thie permit wae ieaued in accordance with [he provieione eet forth in your application and ie eubject to the lawe of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Re9ula[ione and Building Codee of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thia permit ehall expire 180daye from the isaue date. Requesta for an exteneion muet be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be 9tanted at the discretion of the Huilding Official. 3. If thie permit erzpirea, a new permi[ may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provlded no changee have been oz will be made in the original plane and epecificatione and any euepenaion or abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) year. If changee have Ceen or if euepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, full feee ehall 6e paid for a new pexmit. 4. No work of any maruier ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water caueing a drainage problem.. 5. Contractor ehall notify the Building Inepector twenty-four (24) houra in advance for all inapectlone and ehall receive written approval on inepection card befoze proceeding with euccesaive phasee of the job. 6. The ieeuance of a permit or the approval of drawinga and epecifications ehall not be conatrued to be a permit for, nor an approval oE af iolation of the provieiona of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan r,i eubject to field inepectiona. Signatuze Official IN3PSCTI'6N RBQUSST LINB: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY•3PM ANY BUSINE55 DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. oFw"E"rq City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 ' Fax: 303-235-2857 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application Property Aadress: l~f ~Oi~./).SC~~ f/ /,~t Property Owner (please print): ,7 % V- / d/2 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: d/l Date: Plan Permit LL-C 30 3 - City, State, Zip: 11--LjJ/~' O /z 61 0 3, 0 / U Contractor (_/i T~lI ~~Lt=R Contractor License Phone: ~ZJ ~J "7jlo G' Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): ~ ~P• Construction Value: S_ SC9 0' Description of work: r~rn Q Q~ (as calcula[ed per the Build/ng Valuatlon Data sheet) 1/27 ✓Jtz ~G-~ ~ Plan Review (due af time of su6mittal): $ icJ Sq. Ft./LFtadded: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by lhis permit application are accurale, and do not violate appiicable ortlinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under ihis permit Plans subject to field (nspectlon. , CIRLCEONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACT~O./R) /ojjPERSONAL~R~EP~RE~SF/N~ TATIVEO((OWNERj)/J(C/~'J TRATOR) PRINT NAME SIGNATURLC.,Ci/.Oa~2C. / 'I Date: ZONING COMMENTS'. Zoning::~~ / Reviewec PUBLIG WORKS COMMENTS' Reviewer DEPARTMENT USE ONLY BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OCCUPANCY: Reviewer FIRE DEPARTMENT:: ❑ approved w/ Comments ❑ disapproved ❑ no review required /20/2006 FRZ 15:24 FAX 303 798 0102 Westar Real Propeity SVC £OJm (6595 'OH BOfj Oi;61 U1M 900Z/8T/01 LAND LEASE THIS LEASE is made this 18th day of October 2006, BETWEEN FourtwFourth 6 ofadewozth LLr the LESSOR. AND Aon 6 Darlem MoCaY cba McCo Chriataas Trees the LESSEE. I.ESSOR does hereby iease to LES EE, anq i.Essr.E nereby hires from LESSOR that ce=tain lot of land and its appurtenances, described as: Timas Squarea Center 44`b 6 Wadsirorth Wheatridge, C0. for the term of 52 DAYS., commencing on the lOth day oP November, and ending on the 31 st day of December 2004~_, at the total rent or sum of TWELVE HUNDRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($1250.00)*'****'* DOLLARS, payable as follows: 1. Rent due in full on or before November 15, 2006. 2. Lessee will furnish Lessor Proof of Liability Insurance in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00 by November 15, 20b4 naminq Lessor, Westar Real Pro ert Services, Inc as an additional insure . 3. Lessee will insure lot is cleaned to original condition by January lOth, 2007 pendinq weather conditions. 9. Lease is contingent up Lessee being able to obtain sales and use permits from the City of Wheatridge. 5_ Lessor will furnish Lessee one (1) free Christmas tree_ 006 lESSEE promises to quit and surrender the premises to LESSOR at the end of the term, in as good order and condition (reasonable use and wear thereof and damage by the elements excepted), as the same are now or may be put into, and to pay the rent above stated Por such further time LESSEE may hold the same, and not to make or suffer any waste thereof, nor lease, nor sublease, nor permit any other person to occupy or improve the same, or make or suffer to be made, any alteration therein without consent of LESSOR, AND if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default shall be made in any of the convenants herein contained, the LESSOR, at LESSOR'S option, may terminate this lease, and may re-enter the premises to the extent provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this lease the day and year first above w itten. LESS y ~ LESSEE Mark Bennett McCOy Christmas Trees Fourty-FOUrth & Wadsworth LLC 2301 Peoria Street P.O. Box 596 Aurora, Co 60010 Littleton, Co 80160-0596 303-366-4064 795-1968 (Lot) 3&q 3- 79$•c^•.;Z/,1- 3c'3 - 79s, - a /0.~t. 1=4 1C E•d ds4=so so ez aoo 10/24/2006 TUB_15:22, PA8 303 796 0102 tiestar Real Prope=ty Svc wooi/ooi 'Z000 16995 'On HOt) 00~0 IIIS 900Z/1Z/OI ~tv SW 18004/OOi •0~ ~f595 "Ot 90t') ~T=61 all 90@Z/si/Oi .f OW PROPERTY Pus"WION paawxion's hersbl! g~ C`~ ~~/j1J9'S 7~='Z"S jpeap~dat: 1HW SW NE" SE(oacew)°E To ea~dawct ictlr7 sal~~,dw~ Sl,~l D K7'7J r - owned BY- 2ivKi " c ic ~~buwilusP1MC) . . the Csy °f W~ R~ 6e appmv" by This Ce~ti6cq' of PropertY DCPMURML ~l-/~-~~ ~ aarca►~~ caa-~ v~a ~m WC,oao ma mms~M ab*vc-. No mocedruoooeas~~~~fM mY~~~PMO& ~O • ~q(Z3 ~ ~m/ ~ SEAL: rrarwxY rusuc: 0_. s.vam eer«e me oas .~~.~.._.a'r °r 1~.bBf 20 C~t~ ^aa~ a - BY. - . uryc~rt~=- •'~~~`O ~ Mr com+„;ss'°° F"vb-es-- - wppjo.War s3kSTa= Date, zooia8 Dmt .e as►:so go at A?o . . ~ ►-d- . ~ ~ ~ - ~ . ~ OFF1 GI AL ZONIN6 MAP WHEAT RI DGE GOLORADO rtnP nooPtM .i.,. ts. ic?v+ Lo►t Rsraion Jawy 13. R1;05 0 AREA §UIWMN~~M PLM ,PPIW„A. SE 23 ~ Z,OM DISTRIGT Ed.MRY ~ - PAace.n,or IN vCXZY DENe"tfs a a49zsrnm ' ' ~ . uerores nwr a.e AooMssM W.Uc r.,oo O"iKR Q RNI" NO OL'1i9DP!!7f -a6-]AEQ -r +r . . i : . ~ ► ~ n_ - 'i'.~..t - 1 . ~ I I i, ~t'': , r~•'~~~ . \ \ ~ : ~ • ~ F ~ ~ - : :~~,i, a ~ . ~mc ~ ~ ~!a*+uo I ~t , • \ ~ Z ~ ~ \ ~ ~ d . \ ~ \ , M~~IIC , {1 . v= \ ~ . ~cp!(ol'F'ICg . Y' ' , Z 5.13 ~ ~ •`4 . ~ ` ~1 ~\'t . , ~ t _ ` . . . ~ • `uy . ~ ' ~J~iA1,.B •ti - ~ }rtzp.w{ • , ~ : • • ' ' . I ~ R►:H(-IUWs : aevtaa •~•a+l' ~ • S~Gc9(~-'F/:~ ~--V l~ . _ . ~1~-J~T~. • . . . ~ ~ - llz...IP~~• . . - . • • :j:' 4. . . . • ' . _ " • _ ~ ' ,f . t • IWtaO _ PP~`. ' . % ' `30 ~ ~ I.._~, Y - ; ° - .t, i.:.~;:`-:,~ y. ~ - - , ' - 0 ¢ a > w J ~ n 2 H ¢ O 7 ~ i 4 i I' I~ ~I I I~ I~ ~ I~ I II il t~ ~ Exisnr;c I L ~ - I flUI1.01NG - - _ _ - ~I - II r(7 • II ~ . ~ - i LEG[ND El - (4rtq U 1 - - - - - - L~ l ~ So o Sii i oa SCALf-ffFi nrPiior.NniE Pnv'r_!.iFr.r nirtn : I > Om W~E V O~ ~m 3W Wm~ so 3 0 rn ~ a v @ w i Y ~ a a w > a a a V > m ~ N ~ 3 s w` City of Wheat Ri 44_~ .dge Commercial Miscellan PERMIT - 061046 ISSUED: 11/01/2006 PERMIT N0: 061046 EXPIRES: Jpg ADDRESS: Q~WADSWORTH BLVD fence, etc. DESCRIPTION: Temp Christmas Tree Lot., storage building, Forty-Fourth & Wadsworth LL CONTACTS owner 303/798-0212 McCoy Christmas Trees 9c 303/366-4064 Darleen D. McCoy , pARCEL INFO UA . USE: ZONE CODE: C-1 gLOCK/LOT#: 0/ SUBDIVZSION: UA 500.00 FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: FEES 30.55 Permit Fee 19.86 ~ Plan Review Fee 00 Total Valuation D 9.00 Use Tax 59,41 TOTAL Comments: TRC: OK. 6' fence must be at least 50' from west property line. Subject to field inspections. ana ao noe vioiaee applicabie his permit application are accura e, ; that all I hereby cextify that the aetback distances propoaed by t sements oz reatrictions of xecord ordinancee, sules or regulatione of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, ea measurements shown, and alle9atione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on t is application and that 1 a ume fu~l~l fe8 onsibunder thie permitncPlanshsubjecteto field inspectgonode (I.B.C) and all othez c e wl h at Rid9e r v Si9nature of contractor owner application and t e 1. This permit wae isaued ie eubject to the lawe o in accordance with the provisions eet forth in your ations and Building Codes of wheat Aidge, Colorado or any other applicable State of Colorado and to the Zonin9 Regul ordinancee of the City. 2, This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized ieziod ofm180cdayaithin sixty (60) days from issue dat zovided ' e no building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a p If thie permit expiree, a new pesmit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount no~lly require , p and any suepension or abandonment has no one (1) year, full feee ahall changea have been or will be made in the original plans suspeneiandon spec or ificatione abandonment exceeds exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if ater causing a drainage prob em. be paid for a new permit. l inspections and shall receive 4. No wozk of any manner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of w r 5 wotapproval ontinspectionlcard9before cproceeding wi and th apeceuccessive phasesaofethejob a perm ritten it for, nor 6. The iseuance of a permit or the approval of drawinge ifications shall not be construed to be ' aeion e provisions of the building codes or any other o=dinance, law, rule or regulation. an approva~ anY inapections. All plan'~ ~;ect t ' Signaturilding Offical INSPECTION REQS7EST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2655 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o~ W"E'°j,~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 ~ o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TM AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 • (303-235-2855) `°`°R"°° APPLICATION Property Owner: Cb,0-7y- ,A=pc/R 7-1-1 -p~ GUI' PropertyAddress: ey,~-Ob'J 601"-S,~4)02714 Contractor License No.: M~-~~~'e~ Company: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Building Permit Number: Date: cvv27/% LL~ ~i tV^Q. Phone: 033 ~0 8cx)lohone: 303 I hereby ceNfy that the setback distances proDOSed by Nis pertnit applicadon are accurate, and do not violate applicabie ordinances, rules or regulations of the City oi W heai Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of remrd; ihat all measurements shown, anC allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree b abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge BuilCing Cotle (U.B.C) and all oNer applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under fhis permit. , _ [ ise Tax-S TO[3l:$ (0WNFR)(G0NlRACT0R):PRINTECb1'T/r4,L~ 10 '~DATE /3fU6 7-~R- ~ro,e.ll~- Description: q "X I1!~ D~, p u~mvD t.~ iTTrr ~L.S~ ~7z.~ T/x1 ~2oo i-, D~/rn19 stz/~~~l Po2i7g G26 7'Ty- Sq.Ft.added 1,IjT /S L1S1X'75 ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIG: Sq.Ft.: )~PMENT o ~ V E 0 Zoning: ~ ~ 'o _ ('"''°~'t`~~ • 0 C T 22006 G COMMENTS: Approval: W ORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Walls: Roof: Slories: Residential Units: Electrical license No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnit was issuetl in accordance vriM the provisions set forth in your applioGon and is suGjed to the laws of the Stale ot Cdorado and to the Zoning Regulalions and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applipble ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall eupire i( (A) the work auMorized is not commeoced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the builEing authorized is suspended or abandona0 for a period of 120 days. (3) if this permil enpires, a new permit may De acquired for a fee of ono-half the amounl normalty required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans.and spadfications and any suspension or aDandonmenl has not exceedetl one (1) yeac Ii changes have been or it suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, tull tees shall be paid for a new peimit (4) No work o( any manner shall be done that will chan9e the naNral ibw of v2ter pusinp a dreiaage problem. (5) Contractor shall rwtify the BuilCinp Inspector N+eMy-four (24) hours in advance fa all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection prd beTOre proceeAinp with successive phases o( the job. (6) The Issuance of a permit a the aDProval of drawirps and speafiptions shail not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an ~ approval of, any violaUOn of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or reguiatlon. Chief Building Official Value:$ 5-00•00 Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ 10/20/2006 FRI 15:24 PAx 303 796 0102 Weatar Real Property Svc £Oam (6595 'OH 80CI OT;61 UeR 900Z/81/0T LAND LEASE THIS LEASE is made this 18th day of October 2006, BETWEEN 80uxtv-FoU=th 6 af8f~~~+~'h LiG the LESSOR. AND 1Gan i Darlem )6oCoY dba McsCcY cbwlstbaa Ttaes the LESSEE. LESSOR does hereby lease to LES Es, ana Lr.sar.n nereby hires from LESSOR that cextain lot of land and its appurtenances, described as- Tisea Squarea Cez+txs' 44m 6 Wadsworth Wheatridge, C0. for the term of 52 DAYS , commencing on the lOth day of November, and endinq on the 31 st day of December 2006, at the total rent or sum of TWELVE HUNDRED FZF"I'Y AND NO/100 ($1250.00)*****"** DOLLARS, payable as follows: 1. Rent due in full on or before November 15, 2006. 2. Lessee will furnish Lessor Proof of Liability Insurance in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00 by November 15, 2004 naminq Lessor, Westar Real Property Services, Inc as an additional insured. 3. Lessee will insure lot is cleaned to original condition by January lOth, 2007 pending weather conditions. 9. Lease is contingent up Lessee being able to obtain sales and use permits from the City of Wheatridge. 5_ Lessor will fvrnish Lessee one (1) free Christmas tree. 3/0 I,ESSEE promises to quit and surrender the premises to LESSOR at the end of the term, in as good order and condition (reasonable use and wear thereof and damage by the elements excepted), as the same are now or may be put into, and to pay the rent above stated for such further time LESSEE may hold the same, and not to make or suffer any waste thereof, nor lease; nor sublease, nor permit any other person to occupy or improve the same, or make or suffer to be made, any alteration therein without consent of LESSOR, AND if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default shall be made in any of the convenants herein contained, the LESSOR, at LESSOR'S option, may terminate this lease, and may re-enter the premises to the extent provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this lease the day and year first above w itten. ~-LESSOT2~^ LESS~CEE~ ~ Mark Hennett McCOy Christrnas Trees Fourty-FOUrth & wadsworth I.LC 2301 Peoria Street P.O. Box 596 Aurora, Co 80010 Littleton, Co 80160-0596 303-366-4064 745-1968 (LOt) 30 3- 798• e.~/3- 3c3- I 9S- aic-:~, i ::'-4 1c E.d - - . .dS4:S0 90 HT 430 10/2412006 TOB 15:22 FAE 303 796 0102 Fleatar Real Properly.Svc_ w001/001 Z00ln, (6995 'ON 80P] 00;0 ITS 900Z/iZ/OI N/OOf ~ 10/3012006 1fI 15:25 llki 303 Tff 0142 Weatar 1lN1 rsop@=t7 F s0l0 (659S 'O[ 70P] Gi=61 aSK !OR"7/eT . . . . .f cmn%W-&'M OF PROPERTY PEKWL"M 'T pa~°° a 6°ebY-~aa~ 6°r ~ C~~ hmo=) ~~p~op~t~ 1oc+e@d Ug)SCdac: Nw Siv NH SE i~)°~ ro rnadocx.wl sale oadw sfD f. D/G7`~ 8i~1~ Gt_G Ovoed BY- X-"? ~U - This CaIi6cao of Pmperiy PauWL"im nuat be aM°'~d by dw Cky °f Widt Ridge //-/O onlyfor ehe a6we CW'6caoa Valid tcom _ louriao aod toc statcd abuvL_ No u~e t6m aoe aoc any be Vmftd for inY 8va °m P06011 --I_ / . -:22 - d- - - lG/ - - - - - .r1?/ S. A.P. awou Sionemm' wmcess ~stY ~p • lAl Z3 - . ~~m14 NOTwRY PUBLIC: SEI►L: Sw1ai■ before me tlas ~t day ot a%vl*r ZDOl.O 1F. ~,k C-LAtS waaRSS a sr. ~nv c~n C,s Z'~ My ammimim Expbvs-- OFFIGIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT Rl DGE GOLORADO rtiw nooPrM is. i"x Lwt Rawiorc .lawy 13. Ki" 0 AREh REGIJIRIN3 SITE PLhN APPROVNL SE 23 -ZOIe DISTRIGT EOVMRT - PhRCd./{,O'T & xMR7 e~e ammewnTes a 4NmW--*nfn • oa+org rnA-n a.e AocIUMsM 'em a ''-100 o9vinmIt w RNMtl ND R19a1Rltr - 86•7lEQ -r rr F ~ . ~ i l , - ~ \ • ~ " \ ~~H . ~ . . • ~ \ ~ J, t• I 4: 1 I=I I ~ ~ I I I 6 . ~ ~-.~1zzA Nur • . r RutTluam t L-+ .MM!wt . 4/ • :JiL~~~I~L'll-~% ~ G-.V l~ _ • . ~ r. . 1. ,.rr ' ~~~~'~G• ~°161J1°`t~ . . . - . • .~.,~i-.'' ~f•.1'~ l. . ' ..1~ . . . . . . '~N~~ ^ . r ~ , • . . ' . . , ~ ' - . ~'2'".~lLEM.W ' . Fdt''_.e~i,~'` . : . , . ' ' . . ~N~~- : . . _ . . ;R.. ~ •n ~ . , ~ ' ~ _ . ~ - a C K ~ t!J J U n 2 H C 0y } N r' 4 } ~ EXIS11::G - I I flUII.DING ~f - _ - - - ~I ~ ~ I~ t ~ II It (7 - - - - 1~ V i ~ I' Pl27n _fIU1 ~ _ . 1 f II ' ~ LEGEND Ar~ A O - (4r2a d ~ 3 - - L ~ l so o sn - i o0 sr.ALE-n_Er -l-_ - - - ~ - • - I_ Af'PRnY.I1.lAl E PA`dV ~.IF N l AlZlr./+ ; I : ~ ~ ~ w a ~m WE U v W3 m xa ~ a° g ~ a 0 z ~ a > a fn ~ > m z ~ i w O ~ ~ a~ 3 ~ ~ I W A _ CERTIF(CATE OF L,IpgILITY (NSURANCE °"'C ^'0°mmm C593)216-1422 FAX 003)226-24ii KEELSON PAtiNdtS TM 10 ~117E IS ISlYm AS A W►TiER OF N!°p8MR71DN 0W7 At0 C01l~tS MD MCMUPOM TFE CERT~CIITE 12211 SM IK01'l15011. $Y7t@ 100 MOLO6R. TNS C6lTIFICA7E OOES NO7AN@O E7RBID OR Portlaad. OR 97Z05-2214 , /WTBtTM Cbr'istms Trle O[pt NOUNlSAFF0RDW6COYER ~ MIOW AQE ►Mlf• ~ OBA: Ke~netl~ & Darlem MoCo t K tl WwwwaK fiat Ma'dllk'~ Lmuvace Co y em ar Iac ~s ifisersom r'laparal 2701 reoria Street Aurora. N lOB11 ~F ffigumma __COYERARS waunme 1~twtm r+~wsr~ aaaw A I X I ~ ~ s m = asww s MJURM i ~ELrRIt1 AMIYI~O AlIdAnDAI/N 73517~z qv~~ ~ T ~ 9Kif lMf ~oav~q z 1,000, A X X S scr~nwroa Mmwno - mrDum s x z nor.a+rm.uros s s~ upfu~eamr Wr wma~r-u~ s . Nno QlQTK%. e~.cc s Nno orir. AW s amstwpau~wanr x a !6RM 10114 10/14/2007 cAm aoaWxFCE t 1,000.00( s can 0a,uN..MM - .maRMwh s - ~ 1 090 DIMUCTEE i ■ElBIf10M f f M0 ■lI 16BC01p61GlICMMO DIBITLMRItp • . A EL Fl1LMK,Gi06Nr f Ai1L flM4~1~10.~10@I ' ' . - s iI 1caas wolA• IqS O!!11 REGIME i5 inSr^ed TOP Opq'it7b15 Of 41M eam[d d s.aiecc eo onlicp cena. mweselas. ana e=lasioms r;th eagn.r ro locaeim Tinle Souarc Ceaar'. 42,0 WdswDrth S'ivd. Mmatridye OD. MlSZiP Qlii R'Opl1'LY $VC IIIC itU: Nark BnnrmlL. Agewt 2579 M llaia Street Ste m) Littletow. m ts120 ACORD 75(200U06) anoW.c~as Txs,uMsEMano rouo~ea ac aArqu,m eaamna Amv OF7E 111~lpe. wE epAC ~ w~ll a1064w1 ~o M~ ~_Mq~Iq/~91~lOl~CE W 1MEC~l1lIC~7E NOtOM MM4010i1E LFFT. ~urr►r.woE w Ma auoM Mon~s arut ~vE w osusntor oa u~nm CACOAD/.bRPORA7IDN 1lSi W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 17958 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-2345933) Date : 10/25/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: FORTY-FORTH & WADSWORTH LLC Property Address : 498`SWADSWORTH BLVD Phone : 798-0212 Contractor License No. : YZDO Company: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegalions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W at Ridge ordin for w k under this it. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGN DATE~~) Valuation : $500.00 Permit Fee : $30.55 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $10.00 Total: $40.55 Use: Description : TEMP CHRISTMAS TREE LOT, STORAGE BLDG & FENCE, (1) 2-SIDED SIGN. THE FENCE IS 6' TALL OPEN MESH W/ 4"X4" OPENINGS. BLF)G IS 16'X24' PLYWOOD W/ A STANTED TIN ROOF. WE PROVIDE A DUMPSTER & USF ' VERATOR FOR POWER. BUILDINr- ~ ONLY SIC Zaning,Comrr~ents;. ~ : Sq. Ft. : ~ Approval : JH Zoning : C-1 Building"Commeiits:' n INSPECTION AFTER SET UP. 10121104 Approval: CR pka:e Note: Rublic-°11Yorks CominQnts, ~I ~ iy cesponsible for locating Approval : ltnp and eonsWMlnS tmprovementa according to the elopment standards. Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stori . C~ ~s no respo~ e or msaecurau infortnation su mittwi m e p an set an any construct'on Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : cnorsfcbeo"ffelthiinuacar8loinformation. Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permil was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur applicaUOn and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regutalions and Building Code of W heat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permil shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commanced within sixly (60) days From issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may be arquired for a fee o( one-half the amounl normalty require0, provided no changes have been or will ba made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has nol exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees shall be paitl for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the naWrel Flow of water wusing a drainage probiem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shail receive written approval on inspection wrd before proceediing wilh successive phasas.af the job. (s) The issua ermi e approval o wings and specificalions shall not ba construed to be a permit for, nor an apOroval of, any violation of the prov ' e b' g co s or ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI~VG AND DEVELOPMENT h~--~e- BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) c[lv.2TN y!-L.C. Prooer,i Own=• 61"i9"d5 Prcperty Address :~~5 P^cr.= -7 GfJ~~xl~ ~-li bj C/ c~ 7/6 " v~ 3 Contractor License No.,:NiC L'v 7-72& ~ Compan y3~ ~Phone:3d3 jG6-~o6~ OWNERiCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value :.5-DQ - I hereby certify that the setback disiances proDOSed by this permit apDlication are accurate, antldo no[ vioiate applicable ortlinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ritlge or covenants, easements or restnctions of record: tAat all measurements shown, and allegations maCe are accurate: that I have read antl agree to abitle by all eanditions pnnted on tMs acphcation, and Ihat I assume full tesponsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Cotl and ali other applicahle Wheat Ritlge ordinances, for wotk untler Nis rmit. ~;~~..,re `~f Permit Fee : Use Tax Total : ACTOR) SIGNED DATE U52 ~rP- 'f~f-.~r~lt.s~ .Ld 0 o2'SiDr.--7j TF, e~ F-e-wccl-S & o 4c-7~).rJ1L~i 'L"x " oPCNi.u~:,s 7-WE ,31-A, % s E7s:160o u6 i/o'x ';2q' 7-1i0 /Quv,`- Gvl ~"'_No 5 ~Ua ~v ~1/i-A P.PUU1vy rvcr2K1.r~z1L /'--r> f'o~u~-rt `~'i- BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZbTi ngc,_°--- enf_s"i SIC : Sq. Ft. : APProval : J~J 10 I y0'04- . G Zoning : Buifd~ng ~ Approval : a l2- ~ kP • /O -ZI'd PJ61Tc~ m en Approval: Occupancy : Walis : Roof Stories : Residential Units Electrical License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (t) This perrtut waa iuueE in acwrEanoe wiN Me pmriawns xt brth in yopur appliption anC ia su0ject to tfie laws ol tne Slate ol Colonao anC lo the Zonin9 Reguuuans anC Builain9 CaOe of Whaat RiOge, Cdontlo or arry oNer applinble ortlmances of Ine Giry. (2) This permit snail exphe if (A) Me vrork auttwnza0 is not.aommence0 wlNm mMy (60) Cays Imm issue aale or (B) Ihe builCmq auNOnzeO is suspenaeC or ahantlonetl Por a penoE of 720 0ays. (7) If Ws pemmt exprtes. a new pemv[ may Oe atquireE for a lee of onthalf the amount nomully repulro0. 0mvtOecl no W nqes luve been or will be maEe m tMe onginat olans antl epetifi0tions aM am/ sw0ension w aban0onment lus not ezceetleG one (1) year. If chanqes are matle or rt suspension or aoanaonment exceeGS one (7) year, lull 1MS Shilt.D! piiC for a nhv plrtnL (a) No work ot any rtunner sfWl Oe Oom Nat will Marga tM nalunl lbw p1 wahr rausing a Cninaqe prahlem. (5) canvaceor anau namy me euiwinq'inspeaortwenry.rour (24) nours in aov.nce ror an mspecuons ana snmi reoe+ve wnnen aovmvai on ir,sxction am xrore PfOceaCiinq wM su¢esvve phaaas W Me o0. (6) The issuanu of a permit or the 0~'al a~a~n a fiotions shall rwt be mnsCUeE to Oe a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any noiahon ol Ne pronsions ot me ounamg rauesprp er ortlmana. I r req Uoon. Chief LAND LEASE THIS LEASE is made this 16th day of BETWFEN FpLtY-FOLth 6 Wdd9NOY'th LC AND Ken 6 Darleen McCov dba MeCov Chris LESSUR tloes hereby lease to LESSEE, an LESSOR that certain lot of land and its as: Ti.mea Squarea Center 44' & Wadarrorth Wheatridge, C0. for the term of 47 DAYS , commencing on and ending on the 31 st day of December or sum of ONE THOUSAND AN12-NO/100 ( 1IIt~ payabJe as follows: ~z September 2009, the LESSOR. mae Treea, the T,ESSEE. J LESSEE hereby hires from appurtenances, described the 15th day of November, 2004, at the total rent G!"" ~.00)*****'** DOLLARS, 't,,,o , m ~a MP rsigrry 1. Rent due in full on or before November 15, 2004. 2. Lessee will furnish Lessor Proof of LiabiliY_y Insurance in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00 by November 15, 2004 naming Lessor an Westar RealProperty Services, Znc as an additional insured. - 3. Lessee wili insure lot is cleaned to original condition by January lOth, 2009 pending weather conditions. 4. Lease is contingent up Lessee beirig able to obtain sales and use permits from the City of Wheatridge. 5. Lessor will furnish Lessee one (1) free Christmas tree. LESSEF, promises to quit and surrender the premises to I.F.SSOR ar_ the end of the term, in as qood order and condition (reasonable use and wear thereof and damage by the elements excepted), as the same are now or may be put into, and to pay the rent above stated for sucki further time LESSEE may hold Lhe same, and not to make or suffer any waste thezeof, nor lease, nor sublease, nor permit any other person to occupy or improve the same, or make or suffer to be made, any alteration therein without consent of LESSOR, AND if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default shall be made in any of the convenants herein containeci, the LESSOR, at LESSOR'S option, may terminate this lease, and may re-enter rhe premises to the extent provided by law. IN wSTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed This lease the day and year first above writtg;e.-7 / .0 „ i Mark Bennett l McCoy Christmas Tr s E'ourty-FourCh & Wadsworth LLC 2301 Peoria Street P.O. Box 596 1 Aurora, Co 80010 Littleton, Co 80160-0596 303-366-9064 745-1968 (I,ot) 303-798-0212 v~,~ s✓ r_uc+~ +1•~' 11 `•~~""R RL~ rrtVrcr,i~ JUJl7atl1FjC lU Jl7J.~b4J31b p0'3gtld 9LE5 v9£ £0£ 6 ' ~ ,-.?0.'I1 S 2.OO4 I.hm I~E THIS LEASE 8E1'WEEN ~ AND 14en i is made Lhis 16Ch ddy_oi LESSOx Lnat as: .`or the term of and ending On t or sum of ONE payable as= 1. Rent due 3by lease co a.-c... ain :ot of land and its 21aen Sqaasas Cot►!as i MadorosW Nh"tcidqe, C0. 47 DAYS , Commencinq on ,p 31 st dav of Decembez r.u2;ez ,powy - Se tet~er 2904, Ei ~•Z~ [he LESSOR_ the LESSEE. d L--E35EE hereby nires fzom appurtenances, described the 15th day of Novemb8t, 2-OU4; at the total ten[ rp.001'•••••`• OOLLARS, ~ in full on or before Novembez 15, 2004. 2_ Lessee will furnish Lessor ?roof of Liability Insurance in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00 Cy November 15, 2004 naminq Leaaor an Westar Real PtopsrCV Services, Inc aS an additional insLrea. 3. I.essee will insuze lot is cleaned io original condition by January lOth, 2004 pending Meather conditions. 4. Lease :e contiaqent up Lessee beinq able to obtain sales and use pezmits from the City af Wneatridqe. 5. Lessor will Lurnish Lessee one (1) free Christmas rrQe. LESSeE pzomises ro quit and surrender :he premiseg to LESSOR at the end of the term, in as qood order and condicion (tsasonable use and Wear thereof and damaae by the elements exceFted), as the same are now or r.by be put inio, and to pay the rent above stated for SuCh further timc LESSEE may hold the same, and not to make or suffer any aastQ thereof, nor Lease, nor aublease, nor permic any other person to occupy or itnp=ove [he same, or mdke or suffer to be made, any alteration therein withGUt cons¢nt of LES50R. AND if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if defaulc shall be made in any of the convenan[s herein contained, the LE550R, ac LESSOR'S opr.ion, may termiriate this iease, and maY =e-enter the preinises to the extent provided by law• iH wtTNESS wHEREOE, the parties hereto Rave executed ZriS 2ease the tlay and year first above Mark 9ennEtC Fouzty-Fouzth 6, Wadsvorth LLC P.O. Box 596 Littleton, Co 80160-0596 303-798-0212 McCoy Chriscmas Trq2s 2:301 Peoria Street AurOZd, GO 80010 303-366-4064 745-1968 (Lot) ...e~ rne d66=0i 40-bL'ZDo TO7RL PAGE.02 -,rv, 1c1 rr.~+rcrt~ i Je6J~JOJIVG IU At1JJb`1J3Ib Y.{91:19:z Z0'3gtid 4VV_ 9LE5 D9£ £0f Z1a:Gtl DmC i I l~ CER'i1"CATE OF TADtSRR71f tUMisSM Paeussioa u Mnbr Vnead fot: 14 C LO to WamsCt fldfl o.Wailr y02751-r-oR A4, C reia cati6a+e or reuptey rambuen muu bc.ppeor.a sr eAs City of weat Rialip uamg D"ammm• CsroIIaMt Vsifd 5om op 31 " B m1y Lor drc abov: lomoa aed ome d 4ove. No mots 6m ome w may bepm~od ~or ~ep ~ivm tirae Fe~o4• -Z "ZOQAJ Zoe~ ~ep: D~x ~peeNeaii.e vrn8o~ i~e Dne ~~p2 s~ ~ ~ ~b r IvOIAIIY TU8L1C: S~raen tietolt me tDi~ sr , ~~'1l v,GU' ~ICke(d.12~ '~I MY COleous¢fri B~: ~ L~ 'ttlctar~ Cogol23 D~o AypioM+d 8Y: S~ks 7x:i_ - - - ~ C'aisrmif-.s r---s pomrr _ vwmcm~ _ NWd1Wi S'g- lr/`c°easr)o!: . ~ iaa~~ 7n•~ 4TV-C b9F QoE d95=01 40-bi-150 ~ A O w ~ 3✓N"J.1`l3 ~ .P O ~ x ~ C O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'S7 ~ ~ r~ O~ 7 O~ r A ~ ■ ' ~ o oc ~ ~ ^ t" o A ^ z~ A w m H ~ ~ S ~ ~O t~7 i O ~O b C) n n (M 0 ~ - ~ CD S ~ -1 ~ A ec 3 ~ y O a t7' ~ S _ ~ E~cis1ir:c ~ OU111)ING i - I ~ ~ _ r--- _ t~T-.-------- y II II ) i~ ~T,-_- - - / I~ ~I - it ~ I I II ~ o I ~ - - - ° / ~ ~ _ ~ - ~ ' 2 \ F i . O 3 , ~ ~ - _ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . i~.__~ --__--II_-----I ~~,-------.i ~ I V!zzn , . ~I I~ I ~ - I ~ ~aunn~- ~110f'i'ING CC.IIICR ~~ZOO ~dar~aWOl14. bJ4,cmF R;~l~e ~ . ~ - - - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , LEGtNU af-t e. ~ \ ~ ~ . _ _z_-- - - - - so u sn iuo SIlA1Fflfl J~ 11~ I~ i ~ ~ I . .._I _ AI'f'1?pY.11,4A11 nAVi_}.H 1!I AI21 ! ~ 7URE:' 1~~7Cf'{.IP'fE ~ F i I ' l b ~ . ~r - - --al~ ~ ~ . . ` ` , ~ i P~vJidc • ~ , , . ` , . ~ . ` : ~ f~tlT6'fT1CG. \ `n Is'xic~ ~ • . ~ ' ~ ~ I- . t1 uur(~1ur-~ wLY. . ~ . L_,--- ~ nu~, 0u,_ ~'rt,~:~x s.r r;i~~.,~►~,.~^.°,~-- . , - - • . . _ i--- _ . ^-~ND:..' ~ . • : ~ . ' , . ' . ~ ~"i,1 MMN F~ . . • \ . „ . • . . , 4 ~p,fl4l:iA.:y~x:.w_ 'l; •~...i "~~.'L~Li: i... i. r ' ~ r_._~---- _