HomeMy WebLinkAbout2605-2615 Upham StreetDEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-915 Date : 5/8/95 Property Owner : Praperty Address : 2605-15 UPHAM ST Contractor License No. : 17832 Company : Lon Smith Companies Phone : 238-3911 Phone: 291 0300 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilitv for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for ork under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATEs Description : REROOF Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: ~ onsomm ~ ~ In (1) This pemit was issued in accordance with ihe provisions set forlh in yopur application and is sub'ecl to ihe laws of the State of Coloretlo and M the Zoning Regulations and BuilCing Code of Wheat Ritlge, Colorado or any other applicable ortlinances o(~e City. (2) This pemit shall ezpire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commenced within sixRy (80) days hom issue tlate or (B) the builtling authonzetl is suspentletl or abantloned for a penotl of 120 days (3) I( this pemit expires, a new permR may be acquired (or a fee of one-half the artwunt normally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in ihe original plans and speafcations antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full /ees shall be paiC fOr a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel flow of water wusing a drainage problem. (5) Con[rector shall notify ihe Building Inspector twenry-lour (24) hours in advance (or all inspections antl shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before proceediin9 with successive phases of ihe "ob. (6) The issuance ot a pemit or the approval d2win9s and specifiwtions shall not be wnstrued to be a pemit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the (builtling codes or anpppy otheIr ordinance, law, rule or regulation. hief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Construction Value : $4,999.00 Permit Fee : $72.00 Use Tax : $74.99 Total: $146.99 Ti!-ZZy DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Properry Owner : Qv Application Number : Date : Property Address: ~o's ia(M6 u Phone : Contractor License No. : 1 ' 1 h Company : ~Vl l)~Vl,l'['~'1 5vtI~-i,'('Yy(,~i Phone : (-V~~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances pwposed by this permrt application are accurate, and tlo not violate applicable ortlinances, rules or regula6ons of the City of Wheat Ridge or coveqanls, easements or restrictions ot record: that all measuremen(s shown, and allegations matle are accurate; that I have reatl and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this apDlication, and lhat I assume full responsi6iliry for compliance wrth the Wheat Ridge 8uilding Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, (or work untler this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : Omments: Approval : Zoning : Approval : Pa . `1Aforks'Comments: Approval : Construction Value : , tg Permit Fee : 170-100 Use Tax : ? (f,, 0/0 Total: M Cl BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : _j fP~i'hs R~qutred. ; 1 Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : J Plans Required Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : J (t) This pertnrt was issuetl in accortlance wrth the provisions set forth in yopur application an0 is suDjecl to the laws of the Slate of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Re9ulations antl Building Coae ot Wheat ftitlge. Culoratlo or any other applicable ortlinances of the City. (2) This permrt shall expire if (A) the work aulhorizetl is not commencee wdhin sixty (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) the builtling authorized is suapended or abantloned for a penotl of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a lee of one-half the amount normally requiretl. provided no changes have been or vrill be made In the origmal plans and specifiraoons antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeDeU one (1) year. IF changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment 2xceetl5 one (l) yeaf. fu0 fee5 Shall bE paitl for a new pefmrt. (4) No work of any manner snall be done that wlll change the naWral flow ol water causin9 a drainage pro6lem. (5) ConUaclor shall notiy the Building Inspector hvenry-fow (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shail receive written approval an inspection caN bebre proceetliing wdh successrve phases of the lob. (6) The issuance of a permit or tne approvai o( drawings and specitications shall not be conswetl to be a Dermit br, nor an approval of, any violaUOn o( Ue provisions oi the builtling cotles or any otner ortlinance . law, mle or reqmation Chief Building Inspectar THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WFIEN SIGNED BY TNE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELAPMENT 7500WES729thAVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION OIVISION PERMIT N0. M93#18796 234-5933 P.O. eoX 63e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VAIID ONLY WHEN SiGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BEL'JW. LI~~ J I5 / N~'1' IVHI IVIV rV!\ IYIIJIiGLLM1VCVVJ ~y5~r / JOBADDRESS ~O~~~~ OWNER ~.si 9 T'o✓ PoJ~" ~CuJP✓S CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 2LS - ~ ~.La'~a-+5 ADDRESS ~`~OiS-/S PHONE ~3,S--:39// ZIPCODE f~62[S CITY sh 'Z~ZIP CODE CONTFACT PRICE $ p D~ PHf)NF ~ LICENSE NO. DATE nE❑ Woil❑ Proiectinp❑ OtMr SaDFaeo TYPE G I SIGNS rou . 2. MATERIAL Total Squaro FM Eleet hrmif No ❑ 7 ❑ . . ypa No 3. ILLUMINATION Yes 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zono_ Apqwed,Zom Inspeeta (SDKify whith ia fronf ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DimpprwW 1. TYPE Solid❑ Mon TMn 80% ODSn❑ Less Thon BO% Open MATERIAL . Hepht FENCES 3 SET BACK FROM PROPER7Y LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zono_ ApprwM,Zons InupeNa (SDecify whieh ie tront) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Diwpproved L 'Q"j Z b v i~{ro /~cc~ OTHER 3 . DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,TNE FENCE,SI6N,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GNIKv qSTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) ~ SPECFY NORTM STREET NAME Si10W DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDIN6 TUADJOINING MOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY IINES; ON IRREGULAR lATS, SF10W LLM DISTANCE TO PROPERTV lINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE OISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIOATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSI2E 8 ILLEGAL PLUMBING PERMIT S7ATE LICENSE NO. FLOOR 8SM IST 2ND 3R0 4TH MECHANICAL PERMIT NQ FUEUCirrJsOM 0N E Solar WATER CIASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL FpT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE - AMPS S HOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUITS UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC.) FIXTURES WATER HEATER AUTO. WASHER DISH WASHER Rafri srant GouO PounM CMr a AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FI.DOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGN$ URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWER$ ADDITION TO OLD WORN OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAI FI%TURES REMARKS 4FEE I hareby ucknowledqe thot this applico- tion is eorrect and understond tnat I connof start IAis Droject until ihia appli- cotion it ap0raved. I shall [omply with tM laws of the Sfote ol Colorado and to 1M Zoninp Repulafions and Buildinp Code of the Uty ol Wt+eat Ridpe. Any violation tne above rerme will couse CTOR,Cityof Wheaf Ridge immed te re ocotion of this permit Date IssuPd~ ~ NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIPTED C CALL 2345933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS