HomeMy WebLinkAbout4099 Upham StreetDEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 4251 BUILDING IN$PECTION DNISION - 235-2855 CIT( OF WHEAT RiDGE Date : 11f21/96 7500-WEST 29TH AVENUE YYHEAT RlDGE, CO 80215 ' Property Owner. Property Address : Contractor license No. : Company : 4099 UPHAM ST 18505 BARTELS HEATING & A/C OF UNDERSTANDtNG AND AGREEMENT Phone : 424-0445 Phone : 422-3589 ConstructiEm.Vatue: $1,200.00 Permit Fee : ' $4125 Pian Review Fee : $0.GO Use Tax : $14.40 Total : ' $55.65 or Qil $ KiNE6~ ' DATE ~ . . Description REPLACE FURNACE BUI[DING DEPAf2FMENT USE ONLY kpproVal: Zoning : Approvai : Approval : Occupancy : Walls SIC : Sq. Ft. : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical ticense No : Company : Expiration Date : Approvai : 0 (1) (a) gIN (3) (8) (8) Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical Lacense rvo : Company : Expiretlon Date : Ecpiration Date : Approval : Approval : C~o~aa~do y on~«~eoWwel~e iord nenaus a the cimly.~ Mws a u,e sale w cawaao ana to me zontrp . M h nut eanmencetl wlMin Nxry (80) deYS Van lewa tlale a(8) the dtlldinp autlrorizetl b wspantletl or u'uW br e fee W ontrhaM the amount nonndy required, provided ra dmqa hw9 Dsen M vAfl be meEe in Ma unbn ap ~eban~donmeirt hea not exceetled one (1) year. M charpet are meEe a H swpsmbn w abantlonmmt .ha p 1M nadaWllow o( waEx tauainG a Oralnepe proWem. wnty-faur (24) haure In e0vairoe lor sll inspedlont and ahaA iecelve wrlten approval on inapeclion cmd before winge aM ePeciflatlona ~ahaN rat be conaWeG ro be a Demdt far, nor an epproval M, anyviolarion ot ihe Pmvisbns TH18 PERMIT YALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTORANO MAYOR CALL: 2346933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INBPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ' BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, GO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : i,J PropertyOwner. Minshall ~ Property Address : 4099 Upham St . : Contractor License No. : 18505 Company: Bartels Heating and A/C Phone : 424-0445 Phone: 422-3589 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEM£NT I hereby certily that the satbadc distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete, and do not violate applipbla ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or rostrictlons of record; that all measurements shown, anE allegations made are accurete; that I have read antl aaree to abide by all condkions printed on this application. and that I assume /ull rasponsibdry for mpliance with the Wheat Ridge Buiiding Code (U:B.C.) and all other appliwbb W~]OpbR[dg4rtlinonces, tor„work under this pertnd. onTE Y ?9 G ConsWction Value : 1, 200 . 00 Pemtit Fee : 41 . 2 5 UseTax: 14.40 Total : 55.65 v N Description: Install replacement furnace, 100,000 BTU. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval: u Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company' Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : -1 Pfins~~9n(red'_:"; ~ j ;-.Pf~nsJtequlred -9 }2 I (1) This permrt was issueE in accortlance vnN the provlsions set farth in yopur apphcation antl is subject lo the lawa of the State of Cob2CO antl lo the Zoning Regula6ons anC Builtling CoOe o(lMieat Ritlge, CobraCO or any other applicaWe ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permn shall ex0ire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced wiNin sixry (60) days hom issue Eate or (B) the buiiCing authonzetl is suspentleC or abanCOneO br a penoE of 120 days (3) I( thispeimM1 ex0ires, a new pertnft may Oe acQUiretl for a fee of one-hatt the amount normalN requireQ proviCetl no changes have been or will De maUe in Ne onginabplans antl specifications and any suspension ar abanEOnment has not ezceetled one (1) yeac If cPanges are matle or if suspensionar abanAOnment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall De paitl for a new pertnit. (a) No vrofk of any manner snall be tlone that will change the natu2l flow of water Causing a tlrainage pmElem. (5) ConVaclor shall notily the Builtling Inspector Mrenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspecvons anE shall receive wntlen apProval on inspecUOn tarE De(ore proceedling with successrve phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings antl specJfications shall not be cons[rueo to Ee a permit for, nor an aOProval of, any violalion of the provisions of the building cotles or any other orEinance, law. rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~g4#4522 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BCITYDIOF WHEAT RIDGE,ICOLO.N PERMIT N0. 234-5933 P.O. BOX 638 TMIS PERMIT VAUD ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CNIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTEDBELOW. APPLI TION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT ~ I A, y OWNER ~ JOB AODRESS ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE ~ . LS - S1 ~~L L ~r ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ CITY / / - PHONE - ~ / ~ , ~ LICENSE NO_ 11X~-~- DATE ~ ZIP CODE L TYPE GrounO ❑ Wall❑ ProiectinQ❑ Othsr S a D Feu . 2. MATERIAL Total SQUOrt Fnf N SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ TYDe Etod Pv mit o. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ 5_ E _ W Zone_ Apprwed,2one lnspecta ❑ sd i (Spxify wnich is front ) ❑ ❑ ❑ soDDrw D n 80% OpenE] Tn [i M Lon Thon 80% Open o on 1. TYPE Solid IA NoiQht FENCES MATER L 3 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zrne_ Approwd,ZoM InoDeeta ❑ vad l (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ aopOro D 1. OTHER 2 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVIhG DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY UNES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) _ ~ SPECIFV NORTN STREET NP.ME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TQADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS,AND PROPERTV LINES; ON IRREGULAR LATS,SMO"N LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTV LINES,NOT MA%IMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BYTHE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. oioc i9n nevc [onM 7HF nATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. _ _ _ . MECHANICAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT STATE IICENSE N0. S7ATE UCENSE N0. PLOOR BSM IST 2N0 3RD 4TH N0. FUEUCirdsOne CwiOil ROparN EI Sobr ALUMINUAI WIRE UNDER SIZE B ILLEGAL FORCED AIR - BTU NO WATER ClASET h10T WATER - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL STEAM - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB AIR CONDITIONING-BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGHTIN6 SINN REFRIGERATION SYSTEM HEATIN6 GARBAGE DISV Rafri eiant &ap POWER SUB-qFCUITS WATER HEATER UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC) AUTO. WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINNLER SYSTEM FI7(TURES DISH WASMER N EIEVATOR WIRING MOTOFtS 9 CONTROLS FLOOR DRAI SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTl+L FIXTURES A7 REMARKS lPaY e 01 ~ i - PERMIT FEE co I heroby ocknowledpe that thia ap0l fion is correcl ond understand that I USE TAX cannof starf this proltlct until inia apDii- corion is avOroved. 1 snall comply witn TOTAL FEE 1he lowa of the Stote oi Colorodo on0 to ths ZoninQ ReQulotions and 8uildinp DISAPPROVEI Coee of tne City ot wneat RieQe. nny violalion ol tne above rorma wiii couse CNIEF BUll.q immsdiate,r6Jpcafion of fnis Oermit $ j~ WSPECTOR,City of Y*eot Ridqe Issued NOT VALID UNLE55 REI CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS