HomeMy WebLinkAbout4471 Upham Streetr :: wheatndae To: mmmoN seem co us subject: Wine conn suhnimc Remo to remm Mpiiolion Di T::sdo, OcoR 16, A219:13:19 PM Revision to Permit Application Permit Number 202100003 assigned to project PROPERTY INFORMATION Permit Number 202100003 Property Address 4971 Upham street Property Owner Name Greg Hammeny Property Owner Phone 720-298-1284 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email ghammedy@gmsil.com Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Name Greg Hammeny Contact Phone Number 720-298-1284 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-1234567) Contact Email Address ghammedy@gmsil.com Retype Contact Email ghammedy@gmall.oam Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Revised Added a greenhouse with associated utilities to the scope of Scope of Work - work. The orientation of the coveretl patio and outdoor kitchen Provide a detailed was changed to interface with the greenhouse. description of the change in scope of work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Engineer Letter (if Field trot completed. applicable) Additional Documents M71 UPHAM ST -ILC odf on Letter Size Are plans or No documents locked for editing? Construction Plans 211026 HGH Stamoed Permit Packace ndf scanned on 11"x17" or larger Additional Project 62500 Value Only add what $62,500 valuation the revised scope of approved as submitted work is valued at. SP 12/24/21 Attach City of Wheat "71 nnnam Hammer Fientron n Pavmell Ridge Electronic Payment Form - ""DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Submitting Greg Hammery Revision Email not displayiig wmadly? View it in war browser. nt Wheatl>�dge Coli DomOPMENT a a7lATA lir3gel :iKPIPuxKKIlan /dCIKg1 These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code compliance The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer: Steven Peck Date: 12/23/2021 REVISION ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 IRC 2018 IBC 20181ECC 2020 NEC CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AMENDMENTS ON SITE PLANS MUST BE ONSITE FOR INSPECTIONS ALL PROJECTS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS Abbreviations Location Map Vicinity Map Reviewed for Zoning Compliance by the 04,r City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division --��'/ APPROVED BY: \j1 ROVED ]]]�n I I I`I DATE. November%20211 COMMENTS: Approved With the following conditions As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further constmctionimspections, a completed, sued and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the spite of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. USE CITY'S STANDARD FORM. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction strops resulting from inaccurate information. Landscaping removed or damaged during construction must be replaced prior to final inspection. Sheet Index Project Directory Architectural Sheets Owner & Contractor A00 Title Sheet Greg Hammerly A1.0 Site Plan 4471 Upham St. A2.0 Plans Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 A3.0 Elevations TELEVISION A4.0 Sections & Framing Details Architect A4.1 Framing Details ShelterBelt Design A4.2 Details 6145 Broadway A4.3 Outdoor Ill Details Denver, CO 80216 E7.0 Electrical Plan P. 720.313.0205 ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ON. contact: Paige Schavey Structural Sheets FACE OF FINISH Sl O Overview / Notes Structural Engineer S2.0 Site & Foundation Plans Gilliland Engineering S3.0 Foundation Details 2225 N. Gilpin St. S4.0 Foundation Details / Control Joint Plan Denver, CO 80205 S5.0 Roof Plans / Beam Design p. 330.612.3756 SED Elevations contact: Eric Gilliland S7.0 Elevations S8.0 Elevations S9.0 Elevations Project General Notes 1. All work performed, including materials furnished, workmanship, means and methods of construction shall conform with applicable and latest requirement of the national, slate and local building codes, all local and state handicap access anti use regulations, any fire department regulations, utility company requirements, landlords rules and regulations, alk general conditions of applicable awneacontractar agmement. 2. Before commencing work, the contractor shall file all required certificates of insumi with va owner, landlord and the Wilding department, amain all required Permits, and pay all fees required by the governing agencies. 3. The contractor shall visit the site and verify that all existing dondttions agree with information shown on the drawings. The submission of a proposal will be construed as evidence that the contractor has familiarized himself/Terself with the plans and building site. Any conflicts, omissions or discrepancies wall be brought to time attention of the andua t for resolution prior to commencement of any work. Claims made subsequent to the proposal for materials and labor because of difficulfies eraouatered, will not be recognized if they could have been foreseen had proper examination been made. 4. Any costs due to the lack of cooperation among trades shall be borne by the contradict or subcomractorls). 5. Prior to commencing work, ordering of materials and shop fabrication of any materials, the contractor shall verify all dimensions as indicated on the drawing and shall repos any discrepmcles to Me amhheat for resolution. S Drawings indicate location, dimensions, references, and typical detail for construction. Minor details not usually shown cur specified, but necessary for proper construction of any part Mame work shall be included as if they were Indicated in the drawings. For conditions not illustrated notify architect for clarification. T. The scope of work includes alteration to existing facilities. Work which is Real to comply with the intent of the design shall be performed to provide a complete and finished conduct, including work which may halt be specifically included on the contact documents, and shall be included in all bids. Contractor to insts ct at time of delivery all fixtures provided by owner to Insure proper quantity. Cat items are defect bass and match invoice. Contractor to he responsible for installation, which may include blacking, shimming, etc. It is the general contractor's responsibility, to coordinate all Items supplied by owner's vendors and to verify that all materials receHed are In accordance with the specification hereln. Any damages items or discrepancies between materials specified arM materials shipped shall be reported to the owners representative prosi 8. The contractor shall be responsible fur the protection of all installations, conditions, materials and finishes within the proposed construction arae and all adjoining property aftected by contractor's operations. The contractor shall provide adequate shoring and bracing for all structural removal tasks. The contractor shall have sole responsibility for removal tasks. The contractor shall have sale responslblllty, for any damage or injures caused by or during the execution of the work. Any existing materials and finishes which are damaged, shall be replaced as necessary with new matching maternal at the contractor's own cost and expense. 9. The contractor shall do all cutting, chasing, core drilling, patching and repairing as required to perform all of time work that may be indicated on the drawing, and all offer work that may be required to complete the job. Patching sM1ell match adjacent systems, materials and finishes unless otherwise noted. 10, Contractor shall employ adequate number of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specJied requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the walk. All work shall be performed by duly licensed tradesmen, required by state and local governments for each applicable trade (plumbing, elegance, arc), who shall srange for and obtain required inspections and signs OUR 11. These drawings are divided into sections for convenience only. Contractor, subcontractors, vendors and material suppliers shall refer to all relevant sections in bidding and performing their work and shall be responsible for all aspects of their work regardless of where the Information occurs on the drawings. 12. Contactor shell be responsible to coordinate work of all trades and shall provide all dimensions recall for other trades. Subcontractors shall be responsible for coordination of their work with the work at others, and shall verify that any work relating to them which must be provided by offers, has been completed end is adequate prior to commencing their work. 13. Contrector shall provide structural backingtblocking for all wall and ceiling mounted fixtures, finishes, equipment, beth accessories, etc. 14. Contractor shall install all materials and equipment as Per manufacturer's written instruction and/or recommendations. 15. Contractor shall at all times during the course of the contract keep the adjoining premises, including street and offer areas Assgnetl to or used by me contractor, free from accumulations of waste materials and rubbish caused by contractor's and subcontractor's employees. 16. Contactor shall assist with delivery and storage of owner supplied Items, and dispose of any resulting trash. 17. Contactor shell verify with owner and implement all landlord construction and design call shown on this set of drawings or acknowledged In wr8ing. is. Contactor shall provide shop drawings for all moves prior to installation, and samples of all material and color finishes for Sermons approval. Contractor shall provide timely and complete data on any deviation/substitution from contract document. 19, Contractor shall be responsible for a thorough, professional cleaning of the entire facility prior to owner takeover date. All exposed horizontal and vertical surfaces including, but not limited to, the following must be wiped clean and free M dust: walls, exposed structural members, stairs and railings, cabinetry, lighting fixturesrlamps, duct wok, sprinkler pipes, storefmm systems, interior/ exterior glazing, etc. All floors must be mopped clean. 20. Contractor to provide three (3) copes of As built information, operation and maintenance manuals, including all product guaantees and warranties. 21, Contractor is responsible for a certificate of occupancy prior to final retainage invoke any and all trade testing and signors, and sM1all verify that they have bean secured as issued by required local auahomies poor to owner occupancy 22. Contractor to Provide andrect with samples of all finishes, textures, and colors ten business days prior to installation. ACOUS. ACOUSTICAL DIAG. DIAGRAM F.O.B. FACE OF BUILDING JST JOIST O.F.D. OVERFLOW DRAIN SHL SHEET T.V. TELEVISION AD ACCESSDOOR DIM. DIMENSION F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE JT JOINT O.F.S. OVERFLOW SCUPPER SHTG. SHEATHING TYP. TYPICAL A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ON. DOWN F.O.F. FACE OF FINISH 01 OPENING S.L.D. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS AL ALIGN DR. DOOR FO.M. FACE OF MASONRY K.P. KICKPLATE CPP. OPPOSITE S.M.D. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS U.B.C. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL D.S. DOWNSPOUT F.O.S. FACE OF STUD CPPD. OPPOSITE HAND S.P.D. SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS U.L. UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY DWG. DRAWING F.O.W. FACE OF WALL LAM. LAMINATE SPECS SPECIFICATIONS U.N.O UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE BLDG. BUILDING FR. FRAME LAV. LAVATORY PL. PLATE S.S.D. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS BLKG. BLOCKING (E) EXISTING FTG. FOOTING LB. LAG BOLT P.L. PROPERTY LINE STOR. STORAGE V.B. VAPOR BARRIER BOT. BOTTOM EA. EACH LOUV LOUVER PLAY. PLASTIC LAMINATE STRUCT. STRUCTURE V.C.T. VINYL COMPOSITION TILE BSMT BASEMENT E.J. EXPANSION JOINT GA. GAUGE PEAS. PLASTER SUSP. SUSPEND VERT. VERTICAL EL. ELEVATION GALV GALVANIZED MAS. MASONRY PLYWD. PLYWOOD S.V.C. SPRINKLER VALVE CABINET VEST. VESTIBULE C.B. CATCH BASIN ELEC. ELECTRICAL G.B. GRAB BAR MECH. MECHANICAL P.T.D. PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD C.J. CONTROL JOINT E.C. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GYP. GYPSUM MFR. MANUFACTURER off PARTITION T.B. TOWELBAR CLG. CEILING EMER. EMERGENCY M.H. MANHOLE T&B TOP AND BOTTOM W. WEST CLO. CLOSET ENCL. ENCLOSURE HCP. HANDICAPPED MIN. MINIMUM R.C.P. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN TEL TELEPHONE W/ WITH CUR. CLEAR E. P. ELECTRICAL PANEL HDR. HEADER misc. MISCELLANEOUS R.D. ROOF DRAIN TEMP. TEMPERED W.C. WATER CLOSET COL COLUMN EQ. EQUAL HRDW. HARDWOOD MTC. MOUNTED REQ'D. REQUIRED T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE WD. WOOD GONG. CONCRETE EQUIP. EQUIPMENT HDWE. HARDWARE RESIL. RESILIENT THK, THICK WDW. WINDOW CONST. CONTINUOUS HORIZ. HORIZONTAL (IN) NEW R.H. RIGHT HAND THRESH. THRESHOLD W.G. WIRE GLASS CORA. CORRIDOR F.A. FIRE ALARM N. NORTH R.O. ROUGH OPENING TOIL. TOILET W/O WITHOUT CPT. CARPET F.D. FLOOR DRAIN I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER N.E. NORTHEAST R.O.W. RIGHT OF WAY TO.P. TOP OF PAVEMENT W.P. WATERPROOFING C.T CERAMIC TILE FDN. FOUNDATION I.E. INVERT ELEVATION N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT R.W.L. RAIN WATER LEADER TO.PL. TOP OF PLATE WSCT WAINSCOT FF FINISH FLOOR INSUL INSULATION N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE TO.W. TOP OF WALL WT. WEIGHT DBL. DOUBLE F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CAB. INT. INTERIOR SECT. SECTION TO.WD. TOP OF WOOD W.W.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC DEPT. DEPARTMENT FIN. FINISH O.C. ON CENTER S.E.D. SEE ELECTRICAL OWES. T.P. TOILET PARTITION DET. DETAIL FIXT. FIXTURE JAN. JANITOR O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER S.E. SOUTHEAST TO.S. TOP OF SLAB YD. YARD DIA. DIAMETER FL. FLOOR Project Information Zoning: R2: Residential -Two Land Use: Residential: Single Family Dwelling Site Area: 12,120 s.f. Max. Building Coverage: 40% Max. Building Height: 35'-0" Residential Building Area Summary: 2018 IRC (e) Residential Area: 2,020 Ed. Non -Residential (Accessory Agriculturall Area (n) Greenhouse: 427.5 s.f. Building Area (Covered): (n) Covered Patio Area: 216 s.f. Total Residential Building Area: 2,663.5 s.f. Lot Coverage: 2,663.5 /12,120 = 22% Applicable Codes: 2018 IRC 20181ECC 2020 NEC CO Plumbing Code Symbols Legend x N'-'------ Grid Line DN x X.X � I I I I L I Co O Room Name Room Number 0.00 S.F. Benchmark Title 147-8' la - Key Note Symbol Stair Notation Detail Callout Window Number Callout Door Number Callout Drawing Revision Target Centerline Section Cut Exterior Elevation Intenor Elevation Room Designation Finish Surface Elevation / Benchmark Wall Partition Callout Permit Set Date: 26 October, 2021 Revisions: STRUCTURAL ONLY SIGNED: 10/26/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 Title Sheet Sheet Number: MID ®['mpyn6hx eat sMIRReu Rzig, Site Plan Scale: 1"_ 10'-0" y E REVISION Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: N STRUCTURAL ONLY N N Site Plan EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 7 Sheet Number: CS) r 19 4.a'n9 DW wl M e ,gh, my snnmea�ms�� M M A+ W � N � 3 N 0 ch o0 Mc O C iO A00 L cn CU EEO dr. E ^�rR 9 E Lnm E 2 C 01 ( a STRUCTURAL ONLY SIGNED: 12/7/2021 Site Plan EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 Sheet Number: A1.0 19 4.a'n9 DW wl e ,gh, my snnmea�ms�� 4 units Manufacturer: Milgard or eq. Product Line: Ultra T'^ Series Frame: Fiberglass Glazing: Double pane, gas filled, no costing, clear glass Int. & ext. color: White (777 (n) gutter (n) asphal match (e). owner transition polycarlac insulated 6'-0' P06 polycarbc panels w/ aluminum system 2 units WINDOW & DOOR GRAPHIC SCHEDULE viewed from exterior O=tempered glass GLAZING SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 IRC SECTION R308. 2 Roof Plan $tale. 114• =1'-0' 6x6 post below, 2x8 rafters 0 24" O.C., w/ LRU28Z hanger s.s.d. 2x10 ridge beam, s.s.d. 2x8 rafters & 24" O.C. w/ LRU28Z face mount hangers on v ridge beam, s.s.d. r3 n in (2) 2x10 treated & painted puriins w/ iii LUS28-2 hangers on m nailer & beam, s.s.d. 2x8 treated & painted - purlins w/ LUS28 hangers, s.s.d. 2x8 nailer attached to double top plate on East & West w/ 5/16" a x 3" SS Lag Bolts & 9" O.C. Lag bolts must embed into the top plates. Pilot Holes must be used. s.s.d. (n) retaining wall-­ integrated alesintegrated into brick kitchen counters, s.s.d VI (n) thickened edge slab— sloped away from house & greenhouse @ 1/8' per ft. as shown on floor plan 2x6 framing Q North — wall only, s.s.d. mL LEGEND bf bacMtowpreventer #hb hose bib gas natural gas quick connect & shut of/ vat ENGINEER NOTE TO BUILDER: APPROVAL LETTER OVERFRAMED CONDITION IS ONLY PERMITTED WILL BE REQUIRED IF EXISTING FRAMING IS OF SUFFICIENT QUALITY (NO CRACKING OR VISIBLE DEFLECTION) AND THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA IS MET: • 2X6 RAFTERS 0 24" OC NOT TO EXCEED 8'-0" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • 2X4 PREFABRICATED TRUSSES NOT TO EXCEED 6'-0" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • STOP INSTALL AND CONTACT ENGINEER IF ABOVE CRITERIA IS NOT MET Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 1� 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions Roof Framina Plan Notes - roof shtg spec's: 7/16"s min. thickness, 4" edge nailing, 6' field nailing w/ 10D nails w/ r1/2"treated rafters ®24" O.C., 2-1/2" min. embedment. N . -blocking req'tl at all roof edges where hangers are not CIO ramed roof area, used N s.s.d. -all rafters shall have bearing mmed 2x8 rafter w/ on double top plates m wall below, s.s.d. -see sheet S1.1 for general r x4 wall 16" O.C., structural notes . N7 m -3/4" x 9-1/2"5'-91/2" 6'-1" 6'-1" ed&painted LVLs-1"O.C. w/23' 9"10 face mounter on ridge beam outside of framing & header 3 N 0 ch o0 3 Roof Framin Plan C") O $ le: 114" = 1'-0" O cj i V/ A L CID A, m O o C A,.0 LM CID W � OIM O lower slab 91-111181, 3'-0" 8'-0" 21-0111 (D (D � 7 outdoor ki[ch. min. Chimney (D L i (Vrl V�I Lb n a Ln g / (e) living room a work7 UP (n)hot tub i° " E O by Owner ; HOTUB SHALL COMPLY • WITH T2018 T C uncovered - - INTERNATIONAL - 2 01 outdoor 1 SWIMMING POOL AND m SPA CODE. (D g a 4 REVISION DwN (n) covered porch tO 1 - 216 sq ft d 4a L (A 6 +/ V-2 1/2.. N N N ht STRUCTURAL ONLY SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 GAHT& fans par Cares GAHT& design 0 (n) areenhouse (e) sun room _ no work D 427.5 sq. ft. ,pf1' z tY: Wad' 14 4ye;Fa Floor Plan Notes e) brick to remain to wall shtg specs' 7/16's min. bf be painted matte thickness OSB, 4' edge 6'-0" white w/ latex based nailing, 6" field nailing w/ 10D , paint nails w/ 2-1/2' min. 24'x24" motorized embedment. -all stud walls shall be framed inlets, 3/A3.0 2x4 0 16"s O.C. w/ dbl. top plates -West windows & door o headers to be (2) 2x8s w/ 1/2' polya -see sh blwn. GAHT& outlets N -see sheet 51.1 for general structural notes Plana _0� 1 1 1 1 1,-06 313'-1" 5'-103/8" 5'-103/8' 5'-103/8' 3'-1" Sheet Number: s��,�n"tea AM 23,-9., . outside of framing t Floor Plan o� w° A4.0 1 Scale: 114• =1'-W �oTng DN 5 ®C 'ght Ml sheIR 'It Rsig e�3 0 w 24"x24' exhaust fan, 1/A3.0 rn o m N k (n) concrete paths 46r a N 0 2 M A4.0 in N LEGEND bf bacMtowpreventer #hb hose bib gas natural gas quick connect & shut of/ vat ENGINEER NOTE TO BUILDER: APPROVAL LETTER OVERFRAMED CONDITION IS ONLY PERMITTED WILL BE REQUIRED IF EXISTING FRAMING IS OF SUFFICIENT QUALITY (NO CRACKING OR VISIBLE DEFLECTION) AND THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA IS MET: • 2X6 RAFTERS 0 24" OC NOT TO EXCEED 8'-0" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • 2X4 PREFABRICATED TRUSSES NOT TO EXCEED 6'-0" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • STOP INSTALL AND CONTACT ENGINEER IF ABOVE CRITERIA IS NOT MET Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 1� 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions Roof Framina Plan Notes - roof shtg spec's: 7/16"s min. thickness, 4" edge nailing, 6' field nailing w/ 10D nails w/ r1/2"treated rafters ®24" O.C., 2-1/2" min. embedment. N . -blocking req'tl at all roof edges where hangers are not CIO ramed roof area, used N s.s.d. -all rafters shall have bearing mmed 2x8 rafter w/ on double top plates m wall below, s.s.d. -see sheet S1.1 for general r x4 wall 16" O.C., structural notes . N7 m -3/4" x 9-1/2"5'-91/2" 6'-1" 6'-1" ed&painted LVLs-1"O.C. w/23' 9"10 face mounter on ridge beam outside of framing & header 3 N 0 ch o0 3 Roof Framin Plan C") O $ le: 114" = 1'-0" O cj i V/ A L CID A, m O o C A,.0 LM CID W � OIM O lower slab 91-111181, 3'-0" 8'-0" 21-0111 (D (D � 7 outdoor ki[ch. min. Chimney (D L i (Vrl V�I Lb n a Ln g / (e) living room a work7 UP (n)hot tub i° " E O by Owner ; HOTUB SHALL COMPLY • WITH T2018 T C uncovered - - INTERNATIONAL - 2 01 outdoor 1 SWIMMING POOL AND m SPA CODE. (D g a 4 REVISION DwN (n) covered porch tO 1 - 216 sq ft d 4a L (A 6 +/ V-2 1/2.. N N N ht STRUCTURAL ONLY SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 GAHT& fans par Cares GAHT& design 0 (n) areenhouse (e) sun room _ no work D 427.5 sq. ft. ,pf1' z tY: Wad' 14 4ye;Fa Floor Plan Notes e) brick to remain to wall shtg specs' 7/16's min. bf be painted matte thickness OSB, 4' edge 6'-0" white w/ latex based nailing, 6" field nailing w/ 10D , paint nails w/ 2-1/2' min. 24'x24" motorized embedment. -all stud walls shall be framed inlets, 3/A3.0 2x4 0 16"s O.C. w/ dbl. top plates -West windows & door o headers to be (2) 2x8s w/ 1/2' polya -see sh blwn. GAHT& outlets N -see sheet 51.1 for general structural notes Plana _0� 1 1 1 1 1,-06 313'-1" 5'-103/8" 5'-103/8' 5'-103/8' 3'-1" Sheet Number: s��,�n"tea AM 23,-9., . outside of framing t Floor Plan o� w° A4.0 1 Scale: 114• =1'-W �oTng DN 5 ®C 'ght Ml sheIR 'It Rsig word. w/ owner 4 South Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" line projected 35'-0' from existing/natural grade I_II ionIN mt�t� ......Z...... (e) chimney (n) hot tub (n) stair (n) outdoor kitchen 11'-0' lower slab C2?: North Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" 0 m to_rid_ 111'-5' (n) gutter attached to 1 x6 trim w/ downspout @ (e) chimney 36' high handrail attached to brick I house f f v 100'-101/Y ` �t. s & gh. n. fdn. 100'S 1/4' t o. lower s. [posed grade grade (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK Elevation Notes -wall shtg spar's: 7/16"s min. thickness OSB, 4" edge nailing, 6" field nailing w/ 10D nails w/ 2-1/2" min. embedment. -all stud walls shall be framed 2x4 @ 16"s O.C. w/ dbl. top plates -West windows & door headers to be (2) 2x8s w/ 1/2" polyiso, btwn. -see sheet $1.1 for general structural notes Elevation Notes -wall shtg spec's: 7/1Ws min. thickness OSB, 4' edge nailing, 6' field nailing w/ 1 OD nails w/ 2-1/2' min. embedment. -all stud walls shall be framed 2x4 @ 16"s O.C. w/ dbl. top plates -West windows & door headers to be (2) Me w/ 1/2' polyiso. blwn. -see sheet S1.1 for general structural notes (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK houseffe 100' 101/2' to. s & gh n fdn. to (e) chimney to. gh. slab / soil vertical siding to match house, word. w/ owner 1x6 trim (e) grade J proposed grade brick veneer to— match house, word. w/ owner line projected 35'-0' from existing/natured grade (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK 24"x24' motorized inlet shutters. mount shutters to ext. & motor to int. 25 5/8' x 25 5/8" R.O. case int. faces of R.O. w/ 1/2" LP SmartSide, all sides s East Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" -------------------------------------------------- line projected 35'-0" from existing/natural grade REVISION Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: W N O ' i 0 `yNaO 4) E E �'V _�IM LM Q C3 y E E r m r 24"x24" exhaust fan Ci i = H w/ shutter. mount w k w m shutter to ext. &fan to t] m E int. 25 5/8' x 25 5/8" m < m �1 R.O. case int. faces of g.- 2 II R.O. w/ 1/2' LP Insulates, STRUCTURAL ONLY I III I SmartSide, all sidesroo 1$, SIGNED: 12/7/2021 ... 4Ar1t.11.1rLil..—..—..—.. _.. _..—..—..—.. —..—.. .. .—...PolYcar 0• .—..—..—.. .—.—..—..—..—..—..d9e— EXPIRES. 1 to r. 0/31/2023 I I � 2 bond[8 Panel I I I I I I I I I I I III prefinishetl metal gutter III >L III III ttached to 1x6 trim; to I match house, coortl. w/ V owner t.o. pl. S. V I I I I I I %v "O IIII III III I I I I I I I I I I i � I I III vertical siding to III y i y match house, III III 4 III m i ! word. w/ owner 1x6tnm / II rick veneer to 3 �� 3match house, . _ o coortl. w/ owner - Lo. gh. slab / soil 2 100 0' 3'-103/4" 6'-0" 3'-11/2' 3 11/2'2'-01/2' raposed grade (n) french door e) grade 8-101/8" 18'-2' Elevations (n) outdoor kRchen (n) covered porch (n) greenhouse Kiava"� Sheet Number 1 West Elevation e� A3' O Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Ong DN 5 �^VY^6M1�ID319ieIRRa�Rzlg, I m o'v j�a mkw E prefinished metal j o c gutter attached to j rn ¢ y 1x6 trim; to match house, coord. w/ owner to. gh. slab / soil vertical siding to match house, word. w/ owner 1x6 trim (e) grade J proposed grade brick veneer to— match house, word. w/ owner line projected 35'-0' from existing/natured grade (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK 24"x24' motorized inlet shutters. mount shutters to ext. & motor to int. 25 5/8' x 25 5/8" R.O. case int. faces of R.O. w/ 1/2" LP SmartSide, all sides s East Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" -------------------------------------------------- line projected 35'-0" from existing/natural grade REVISION Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: W N O ' i 0 `yNaO 4) E E �'V _�IM LM Q C3 y E E r m r 24"x24" exhaust fan Ci i = H w/ shutter. mount w k w m shutter to ext. &fan to t] m E int. 25 5/8' x 25 5/8" m < m �1 R.O. case int. faces of g.- 2 II R.O. w/ 1/2' LP Insulates, STRUCTURAL ONLY I III I SmartSide, all sidesroo 1$, SIGNED: 12/7/2021 ... 4Ar1t.11.1rLil..—..—..—.. _.. _..—..—..—.. —..—.. .. .—...PolYcar 0• .—..—..—.. .—.—..—..—..—..—..d9e— EXPIRES. 1 to r. 0/31/2023 I I � 2 bond[8 Panel I I I I I I I I I I I III prefinishetl metal gutter III >L III III ttached to 1x6 trim; to I match house, coortl. w/ V owner t.o. pl. S. V I I I I I I %v "O IIII III III I I I I I I I I I I i � I I III vertical siding to III y i y match house, III III 4 III m i ! word. w/ owner 1x6tnm / II rick veneer to 3 �� 3match house, . _ o coortl. w/ owner - Lo. gh. slab / soil 2 100 0' 3'-103/4" 6'-0" 3'-11/2' 3 11/2'2'-01/2' raposed grade (n) french door e) grade 8-101/8" 18'-2' Elevations (n) outdoor kRchen (n) covered porch (n) greenhouse Kiava"� Sheet Number 1 West Elevation e� A3' O Scale: 1/4" = 1'0" Ong DN 5 �^VY^6M1�ID319ieIRRa�Rzlg, Lo. beam 108'-6 1/2' - housef.Le. � foo; -1 o7f/2"'� \ t.o.s_& gh_fdn. 100'-5 1/4' t.o. lowers. 97'-8 7/8" _t.o.ritlge 171'-5� - 107'-9 7/8" (n) concrete path per floor plan block out fdn. @ door per mfr. requirements t.o.9h. slab / M 100'-0" to ghRftg. M. -O. outside of framing 2 W - E Section Scale: 1/4" =1'_0 III I I I I I I V I I I iii I '7 ir4 i i' i' i' i' i' i i II . � II II II II II \ I II iI iI II II II � II A I II II II II II II I III i i i iii II I I III y III (E) HOUSE II jI / II jI jI V III WORK BEYOND,NO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WORK I II II II II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I III III II II II II II II II I II II II II II II II (a) frame & fdn. wall, no work. overframed roof above to. beam 108'-6 1/2" (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK to. s. & gh. n. fdn. 100'-5 1/4" to. lower s. (e) chimney 4 5 A6.0 � III I I I I I A 4.1 II III I I � I I I II I I I I i i i i i i I I I I II II II II IIII II LI I I II II II II II II II II I I Iy1.11 I I III II ',11 InII II II II II I I.I I I I I I I IM T -6 - lower slab bayed brake metal ridge flashing w/ 4' legs & asphalt shingles to match (e) hems house, word. w/ owner R Im I� neoprene washer 'ce and water shield, full coverage � I � screws 2) 7/16"s plywood, build roof proud Polygal 16 mm, triple wall, 3/4" plywood of poly & create positive drainage clear polycarbonate, R-2.5 sheathing 3) 1-3/4" x 9-1/2' treated & seal @ polycarb/framing interface LRU28Z rafts painted LVL rafter w/ HU610 face roof seam tape to wrap ov hanger, s.s.d. t.o. ridge mount hanger @ 6'-1" O.C. to int. & ext. siding, beveled shim bear on double top -'-'-'�-2x8 rafters 24"- - -- 1ff, 5" -plate --- - - - _--- &header&behind trim O.C., s.s.d. / 3" �s overhang 2) 1/4' EPDM foam gasket on int. & ext. of LVL header ashpalt shingles to ��utter attached to 1 x6 trim by Owner match (e) house, vertical siding to match word. w/ owner house, coord. w/ t.o. pl. S. ice and water shiel 2x10 ridge bee _� "-(3) 1-3/4' x 9-1/2" treated &-' -' . _. _. _.. _(e) owner v 107'-9 7/8' anchored to dbl. top pl. painted LVL rafter w/ HU610 full coverage with Simpson A24 Clips face mount hangar eather barrier 3/4" plywood sheathing @ 16" OC, s.s.d. 1x interior trim HU610 joist hanger, s.s.d. 7/16" OSB (2) 2x6 top plate, s.s.d. ead flashing int. & ext., aper barrier (2) 1-3/4" x 7-1/4' LVL htlr. window tape to vertical siding to match (e) house, interior siding -1/2" LP s's' of extend over siding & under word. w/ owner' SmartSide 190 series, dbl. 2x4 top plate abv. trim all windows &doors, weather barrier cedar texture panel, no windows btwn. columns, typ groove. seal all nail s.s.d. window unit 2x8 rafters @ 24' O.C., s.s.d. 7/ holes & seems & paint 4' gutter by owner w/ latex based, white 1z4 int. trim RU28Z raker hanger, s.s.d. 1 min. 2" RMAX matte paint save flashing x10 beveled beam, s.s.d. polyiso insulation, in. R-14 HT@ piping, see Ceres 1x6 fasci z8 column, s.s.d. of 1per package jamb beyond 2x6 16' O.C. sealant @ frame & sill, typ. framing, a.s.d. ant - - beveled sill, typ. wlock sill to match sill flashing - wrap window house, min 150 w/ 1" " reinforced thickened tape over siding & under trim overhang, typ. edge slab, sloped away @ all windows & doors, typ. aching w/ weep holes x6 column, s.s.d. from house & greenhouse 2x4 window sill plate, s.s.d. @ T o.c. @ 1/8" per ft., s.s.d. base, s.s.d. 1/2" expansion joint" rist 7/16" OSB reinforoed thickened 72x6.Plat wall wall w/:1/2" 1 min. 2" RMAX eather barrier etlge slab, slo ped away min. 2" polystyrene polyiso,R-7 par in. 1" min. clear air space from house & greenhouse 24" footer, s.s.d. R-14 total @ 1/8" per ft s.s.d. brick veneer to match ----------------- - ------------------ 4" perimeter ftln 1/2' expansion Joint " O.C. f ling, ss..d. house, coord. w/ continuous retaining drain, to daylight vapor barrier owner wall, sa.d. fdn. plan ' x 9' interior slab, see interior siding - 1/2' LP alvanized shelf angle floorplan la SmartSie 190 series, . Q m ll'p � edartexture panel, n _ -- - _ brake metal flashing, _ t.o. gh slat -- - - - - - - ---- groove. seal all nail holes weather barrier laps100 0' - a' A a a a a a a a a 9t9t9t9t9t' '' 9t9 &seams &paint latex y IIII —IIII —IIII 2 1/2" whiteont ................... -2x4 Pit sPlatss.d "Rfd3n stemwall, s s.d. - GAHT® iPing sea 24' f eat ss ares design p I drain( — . o tlpennuati ayl ghter it It �f f _ t 3'-61/4" 91 Detail 5 Srie.&ippin Fdn. &Framin Detail 3 Fdn. &Framin Detail 4 Scale: P = 1'-0' Scale: t' =1'-0' outside of framing 2 W - E Section Scale: 1/4" =1'_0 III I I I I I I V I I I iii I '7 ir4 i i' i' i' i' i' i i II . � II II II II II \ I II iI iI II II II � II A I II II II II II II I III i i i iii II I I III y III (E) HOUSE II jI / II jI jI V III WORK BEYOND,NO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WORK I II II II II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I III III II II II II II II II I II II II II II II II (a) frame & fdn. wall, no work. overframed roof above to. beam 108'-6 1/2" (E) HOUSE BEYOND,NO WORK to. s. & gh. n. fdn. 100'-5 1/4" to. lower s. (e) chimney 4 5 A6.0 � III I I I I I A 4.1 II III I I � I I I II I I I I i i i i i i I I I I II II II II IIII II LI I I II II II II II II II II I I Iy1.11 I I III II ',11 InII II II II II I I.I I I I I I I IM T -6 - lower slab bayed r french door - IIB VIII B IIII- (n) covered porch 15'-0 bonate panel III IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III 1��41 III 141 III 141 III 141 III 141 III 141 I I I 181-211_ (n) greenhouse 1 N - S Section Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: A\ 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions N N N I m r M m A+ M W � N � N Of 0 ch o0 rrli O O c.) r i M ea E E V MEt dIM o 77 f0 cc 0 Ln Cir � N REVISION CIO J i y m !n z NNG Oul STRUCTURAL ONLY rp °a SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 to. ridge . PtT'�, �'u•t� t.o. pl. S. , 167 7iF L, - - t.o. gh. slab / soil -r - -i---- Sections i- - to gh fig Sheet Number: Al Oo.o'n9 Dd ape ®c"pynaM1r my shdmsdr o,d� R R Im I� \ � I � � I r french door - IIB VIII B IIII- (n) covered porch 15'-0 bonate panel III IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III 1��41 III 141 III 141 III 141 III 141 III 141 I I I 181-211_ (n) greenhouse 1 N - S Section Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: A\ 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions N N N I m r M m A+ M W � N � N Of 0 ch o0 rrli O O c.) r i M ea E E V MEt dIM o 77 f0 cc 0 Ln Cir � N REVISION CIO J i y m !n z NNG Oul STRUCTURAL ONLY rp °a SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 to. ridge . PtT'�, �'u•t� t.o. pl. S. , 167 7iF L, - - t.o. gh. slab / soil -r - -i---- Sections i- - to gh fig Sheet Number: Al Oo.o'n9 Dd ape ®c"pynaM1r my shdmsdr o,d� .o. ridge 111'-5� 108'-6 100'-10 Lo. s. & gh. fdn. 100'-5 1/4" t.o. lower s. ashpalt shinglesto— Imatch coord. w/owner ice and water shield— full coverage plywood � t.o. ridge —ashpalt shingles match (e) house, coord. w/ owner ice and water shi full coverage 3/4" plywood — sheathing save flashing — 2x8 rafters is 24' O.C., s.s.d. 108'-6 1/2' v LRU28Z rafter' 2x8 fters 24' O.Ctl. hanger, s.s.d. 4' gutter by owner ra., s.s.6x10 beveled beam,— eave flashin LRU28Z rafter hanger, s.s.d. s.s.d. 11x6 fascialx10 beveled beam, s.s.d. AL port 1 x6 column behind, s.s.d..� i 11 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I rt ---------r— t-------1 — I \. brick kitchen counters & 36' high handrail behind I � 6x6 column, s.s.d.� post base, s.s.d.� i reinforced thickened 1 step to (e) grade, 1 re' dge slab, sloped away trouled w/ safety rom house & texture Q nosings, reenhouse 1/8' per s.s.d. housef.f.e. s.s.d. ..._.. .. .._. _. _.—.—.—.—.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._ 100'-10 1/2" cedar stair by Owner. 0 m r ' 10" w retaining wall, s.s.d. — / III " reinforoetl thickened- edgeslab,slopedaweYl- 'rfrom house ®1/8 Irl — fit, s.s.d. - ftg., S.S. 7'-6' 1 10' 2 Slab Transition Detail Scale: 1"= 1'-0" t.o. s. & gh. fdn. 100'-5 1/4'�� 5/8' g w/ Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 1\ 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions N O ch L O �N00 LQ EEO C ai '3MMI air p� G1 C3 � y E/� E 2 t.o. 21 97'087/8"�.._ —.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. I. ._.._.. SIG ED: 1 0/3wer a. STRUCTURAL ONLY 1/2023 Covered Porch Threshold Detail Framing Details REVISION Sheet Number: CAA A4.1 e`�ornADd etc �vrsaM1� my N�imea� ms�� 2x8 nailer attached to 2x8— overframe rafter w/ 5/16" a x 3' SS lags every 9'. pilot holes must be used min. (2) 2' RMAX R -7/1n.. R-28 tote 190 series, cedar pattern, ----- We grooves. seal all nail holes & seams & paint w/ latex based, white, matte paint 3/4" siding attached t blocking or furring strips to prevent water from pooling on brick. seal all nail holes & seams & paint w/ latex based, white, matte paint (e) rafter, cut back to (e) lop plate brake metal flashing on top of (e) brick veneer 3 Roof Tie-in Detail #3 Scale: 1"= 1'-0" HOUSE WRAP VAPOR PROTECTION INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE CONCEALING WEATHER MEMBRANES. VINYL SIDING TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3679 AND WITH 2018 IRC SECTION R703.11 overframed 2x8 rafter, s.s.d. {2) 7/16"s plywood, build roof proud of poly & create positive drainage Ace and water shield, full coverage asphalt shingles to match (e) house, coord. w/ owner '1x4 @ 16' O.C. infill wall. fasten infill wall bottom plate to (e) rafters w/ 3-1/2" x 5/16"lag-bohs. fasten to each (e) rafter, s.s.d. {e) roof framing to remain, cut back to (e) top plate (e) wall framing w/ (e) brick veneer, painted w/ latex based, matte white paint .Polygal megalock aluminum glazing system 13) 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" treated & painted LVL rafter Polygal 16 mm, triple wall, clear polycarbonate, seal @ polycarb/framing interface (2) 2x10 treated & painted— purlins w/ LUS228 hangers @ roofing transition, out to match rafter depth, 5/A4.1 2x8 nailer attached to 2x8— overframe rafter w/ 5/16' o x 3' SS lags every 9". pilot holes must be used 3/4' siding attached to blocking or fuming strips to prevent water from pooling on brick. seal all nail holes & seams & paint w/ latex based, white, matte paint. seal at poly interface w/ caulk (e) rafter, cut back to (e) plate brake metal fleshing on of (e) brick veneer 5 Rake Detail Scale: 1"= VI 2 Roof Tie-in Detail #2 Scale: 1"=1' 0 Polygal megalock aluminum glaring system w/ flashing above, sealed to poly w/ butyl tape ice and water shield, full coverage asphalt shingles to match (e) house, pulled away 4"s rafters, s.s.d (e) roof framing to remain, cut back to (e) top plate (e) wall framing w/ brick veneer, painted w/ latex based, matte white paint asphalt shingles to match (e) house, coord. w/ owner ice and water shield, full coverage (2) III plywood, build roof proud of poly & create positive drainage brake metal Zee flashing attached Polygal 16 mm, triple wall, clear polycarbonate R-2.5, seal @ polycarb/framing interface Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 1I 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions 2x8 treated & P2 i8nh J N purlins w/ LUS28 hangers I s.s.tl. 7 IS) 3)1-3/4' x 9-1/2' treated & r painted LVL rafter w/ HHUS48 hanger @ ridge beam & hdr. 14') IS) 2) 2x10 treated &painted purlins M w/ LUS28-2 hangers @ roofing 'tion, matt ar • depth had in. (2) 2" RMAX polyisoR-7 per 1 N in. R-28 total 2" O C11) 00 ilio LP S rtSide, 1 Series, ceda ern, /o C") O grooves. seal all nail holes & („) seams & paint w/ latex based, i,N C i white, matte paint L 4 Roof Transition Detail C Scale: 1"= 1'-0" LM fill >%LM W �r� 9 ai C'3 d i E m l!7 RT SPIN lashing above E O megalock, sealed to • poly w/ butyl tape & 1" , . C bubble washer screws p1 ce and water shield, full y coverage O spshingles tt+ ITTI i i i ii matchch ((e)house. coord. -y w/ owner m I.S. HIS2)1/4" EPDM foam y asket on int. & ext. top *I' plate y L of seam tape to wrap H _ over int. & ext. siding behind 1 x trim & nailer STRUCTURALONLY n) dial. 2x4 top pl. w/ 2x4 SIGNED: 12/7/2021 -Polygal megalock wall @ 16" O.C. & min. 2" EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 aluminum glazing system polyiso RMAX insulation below {3) 1-3/4' x 9-1/2' treated & painted LVL miter eather barrier Polvertical siding to match ygal 16 mm, triple wall,F clear polycarbonate, o house, coord. w/ r - seal @ polycartaf raming owner interface por -artier (n) 2x8 puriin beyond w/ 7/16' OSB LUS228 hangers, S.S. 'nterior siding - 1/2" LP (e) house raker to be cut SmanSide 190 series, back to (e) to plate cedar texture panel, no groove. seal all nail holes 2x8 nailer attached to dbl. & seams & paint w/ latex top P. w/ 5/16" a x 3" SS based, white matte paint lags every 9" @ East & West walls. lags must embed into top phs. pilot holes must be used Roof Tie -In Detail #1 flashing&caulk 1 Scale: l"=1'-0" Details Sheet Number: REVISION m � A4.2 of poly & create positive drainage Ni R-28 total ailing - 1/2" LP SmartSide, 190 NEI series, cedar pattern, w/o 11111 grooves. sea all nail holes & seams & paint wl latex based, white, matte paint 1 x interior trim INN Ni —�vapor banner Ni NEI ll i Mi tenor siding - 1/2" LP SmartSide 190 series, cedar texture panel, INN no groove. sea] all nail holes & ifti seams & paint w/ latex based, 1111 IN white matte paint .Polygal megalock aluminum glazing system 13) 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" treated & painted LVL rafter Polygal 16 mm, triple wall, clear polycarbonate, seal @ polycarb/framing interface (2) 2x10 treated & painted— purlins w/ LUS228 hangers @ roofing transition, out to match rafter depth, 5/A4.1 2x8 nailer attached to 2x8— overframe rafter w/ 5/16' o x 3' SS lags every 9". pilot holes must be used 3/4' siding attached to blocking or fuming strips to prevent water from pooling on brick. seal all nail holes & seams & paint w/ latex based, white, matte paint. seal at poly interface w/ caulk (e) rafter, cut back to (e) plate brake metal fleshing on of (e) brick veneer 5 Rake Detail Scale: 1"= VI 2 Roof Tie-in Detail #2 Scale: 1"=1' 0 Polygal megalock aluminum glaring system w/ flashing above, sealed to poly w/ butyl tape ice and water shield, full coverage asphalt shingles to match (e) house, pulled away 4"s rafters, s.s.d (e) roof framing to remain, cut back to (e) top plate (e) wall framing w/ brick veneer, painted w/ latex based, matte white paint asphalt shingles to match (e) house, coord. w/ owner ice and water shield, full coverage (2) III plywood, build roof proud of poly & create positive drainage brake metal Zee flashing attached Polygal 16 mm, triple wall, clear polycarbonate R-2.5, seal @ polycarb/framing interface Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 1I 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions 2x8 treated & P2 i8nh J N purlins w/ LUS28 hangers I s.s.tl. 7 IS) 3)1-3/4' x 9-1/2' treated & r painted LVL rafter w/ HHUS48 hanger @ ridge beam & hdr. 14') IS) 2) 2x10 treated &painted purlins M w/ LUS28-2 hangers @ roofing 'tion, matt ar • depth had in. (2) 2" RMAX polyisoR-7 per 1 N in. R-28 total 2" O C11) 00 ilio LP S rtSide, 1 Series, ceda ern, /o C") O grooves. seal all nail holes & („) seams & paint w/ latex based, i,N C i white, matte paint L 4 Roof Transition Detail C Scale: 1"= 1'-0" LM fill >%LM W �r� 9 ai C'3 d i E m l!7 RT SPIN lashing above E O megalock, sealed to • poly w/ butyl tape & 1" , . C bubble washer screws p1 ce and water shield, full y coverage O spshingles tt+ ITTI i i i ii matchch ((e)house. coord. -y w/ owner m I.S. HIS2)1/4" EPDM foam y asket on int. & ext. top *I' plate y L of seam tape to wrap H _ over int. & ext. siding behind 1 x trim & nailer STRUCTURALONLY n) dial. 2x4 top pl. w/ 2x4 SIGNED: 12/7/2021 -Polygal megalock wall @ 16" O.C. & min. 2" EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 aluminum glazing system polyiso RMAX insulation below {3) 1-3/4' x 9-1/2' treated & painted LVL miter eather barrier Polvertical siding to match ygal 16 mm, triple wall,F clear polycarbonate, o house, coord. w/ r - seal @ polycartaf raming owner interface por -artier (n) 2x8 puriin beyond w/ 7/16' OSB LUS228 hangers, S.S. 'nterior siding - 1/2" LP (e) house raker to be cut SmanSide 190 series, back to (e) to plate cedar texture panel, no groove. seal all nail holes 2x8 nailer attached to dbl. & seams & paint w/ latex top P. w/ 5/16" a x 3" SS based, white matte paint lags every 9" @ East & West walls. lags must embed into top phs. pilot holes must be used Roof Tie -In Detail #1 flashing&caulk 1 Scale: l"=1'-0" Details Sheet Number: REVISION m � A4.2 lid clearance grill countertop by owner double access relair g all & f er. ' s.s.d. 4" perimeter fdn drain, to daylight Li. proposed grade (e) grade D <, e �n) col. &covered porch e� 3 Outdoor KitCh. Detail Scale:1" =1'-0' house f.f.e. 100'-10 1/2' eq. eq. 5' m \ t.o.s. & gh. fdn. grill —'o 100'-5 1/4 .___ r.r_r_r_r•= 1 M� �- w ee Mee ME to. lowers. 97'-8 7/8' 2'-6 1/4' single access drwr m m 4'-115/8" 2'.15/811 N T -47/B" I provide ventilation per mfr. 2 N -S Section Elevation Scala: (n)covered in front t.o. beam 108'-6 3/4" 9'-11 1/8' 3'-0" provide ventilation per mfr. stairs beyond 1 REVISION Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions u W `-r T1 I I I I N \V I I 2 I I N urtace mounted h o0 I I O � d GFCI outlet L � e4 CIJ eg EV(Q/V Gr. 1 power burner EM O (A ^�rR non-combustible 4a d 9 I i E M m Ln countertop by Owner, typ. 2'-11/2" gnll ,c ao 36" high handrail tlble. bock attached to bock 1 wythew_i_________1 I weepholes below solid N surface counter fdn. wall, typ. c s.s.d. $ drawer I __________ I m 8 t.o. S. 100'-51/4 2'-51/8" 2-_r 2'-31/8' dbl access door fresh & recyc. drawe� 9'-11 1/8' 3'-0" provide ventilation per mfr. stairs beyond 1 REVISION Permit Set Date: 06 December, 2021 Revisions: 01 December 2021 Permit Comment Revisions u W � N \V � 2 C 01 N 0 h o0 L O � d O i ACO L � CIJ EV(Q/V Gr. 1 EM O (A ^�rR ai 4a d 9 I i E M m Ln STRUCTURALONLY SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 Sections spm a„� Sheet Number: C” A4t.3 e%ang ON So e 'gh,mvsndmemu,d� \V � 2 C 01 Om d m L L (A STRUCTURALONLY SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 Sections spm a„� Sheet Number: C” A4t.3 e%ang ON So e 'gh,mvsndmemu,d� PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW GREENHOUSE & COVERED PATIO PROJECT LOCATION: 4471 UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 CONTENTS: 1. OVERVIEW / NOTES 2. SITE & FOUNDATION PLANS 3. FOUNDATION DETAILS 4. FOUNDATION DETAILS / CONTROL JOINT PLAN 5. ROOF PLANS / BEAM DESIGN 6. ELEVATIONS 7. ELEVATIONS 8. ELEVATIONS 9. ELEVATIONS DESIGN CRITERIA: • IBC/IRC2018 • WIND LOAD =135 MPH, EXP C • SNOW LOAD (PG) = 30 PSF / 30 PSF MIN. ROOF SNOW LOAD • FLOOR LIVE LOAD = 40 PSE • SOIL TYPE "5" - UNITED SOIL CLASSIFCATION TYPE "CL" VICINITY: NOT TO SCALE SATELLITE: NOT TO SCALE GENERAL PLAN NOTES: 1) ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2) ALL DISCREPANCIES WITH EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE E.O.R. 3) CONTRACTOR OR OTHER PARTIES INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION SHALL USE GIVEN DIMENSIONS ONLY - DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 4) ANY COMPONENTS AND/OR BUILDING SYSTEMS NOT DETAILED IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS MINIMUM RECOMMENDATIONS. 5) E.O.R. SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION OF COMPONENTS AND/OR BUILDING SYSTEMS NOT SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS. 6) ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND ORDINANCES SHALL BE ADHERED TOO DURING CONSTRUCTION. IN ANY CASE WHERE THE DETAILS OF THESE DRAWINGS DEVIATE FROM ANY CODES AND/OR ORDINANCES, THE CODES AND/OR ORDINANCES SHALL GOVERN. 7) ANY WOOD MATERIAL EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL PRESSURE TREATED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 8) ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH (INCLUDING LOCAL AND STATE AMENDMENTS): A) BUILDING CODE YEAR AS IDENTIFIED IN THE "PROJECT DATA" FIELDS 9) TEMPORARY BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE STRUCTURE UNTIL ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY MADE PER THE PLANS. 10) JOB SAFETY AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 11) ALL VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM UNDER -FLOOR GRADE PRIOR TO THE STRUCTURE BEING OCCUPIED. 12) CLASS "C" ROOFING MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 13) ALL CONCEALED DRAFT OPENINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FIRE BLOCKING TO BLOCK THE UNHINDERED PASSAGE OF FLAMES. 14) EXTERIOR SHEATHING SHALL BE COMPLETELY DRY PRIOR TO APPLYING EXTERIOR COVER. 15) WALL FINISHES AND/OR INTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IRC 2018 CHAPTER 7. 16) MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION IF PLACED ON ANY PART OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE POSITIONED UNIFORMLY AND SPREAD OUT AS TO NOT OVERLOAD THE STRUCTURE. DESIGN LIVE LOAD SHALL NOT BE EXCEEDED. FOUNDATION NOTES 1) ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO REQUIRED DEPTHS AND DIMENSIONS ONLY (AS INDICATED IN THESE PLANS). CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OVER EXCAVATE OR DISTURB SOIL AT HIGHER ELEVATIONS. 2) FOUNDATION SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO COMPACTED/UNDISTRI BED EARTH. 3) FOUNDATIONS SHALL NOT BE POURED/BUILT UNTIL ALL REQUIRED HARDWARE, REINFORCEMENT, PIPES, CONDUIT, ETC. IS POSITIONED. 4) ANY DRY EXCAVATIONS MUST BE MOISTENED PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. ANY EXCAVATIONS THE ARE WET OR WITH STANDING WATER SHALL BE DRIED. 5) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN THE EXCAVATION AND INSTALLATION OF FOUNDATION ACCORDING TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. TIMBER NOTES 1) ALL STRUCTURAL LUMBER SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 IBC 2) MINIMUM LUMBER GRADE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 2)1) STUDS, BLOCKING, PLATES: STUD GRADE 2)2) JOISTS, RAFTERS: #2 OR BETTER 2)3) BEAMS, POSTS, HEADERS: #1 OR BETTER 3) ALL TIMBER/LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 4) ALL PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHALL BE GRADE -MARKED BY THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION (APA). CONCRETE/MASONRY NOTES 1) ALL CONCRETE USED IN STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE: A) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI AT 28 DAYS. B) MAXIMUM SLUMP OF 5" FOR ALL FOOTINGS AND SLABS. C) W/C RATIO OF 0.60 OR LESS FOR ALL FOUNDATIONS, AND 0.55 OR LESS FOR ALL SLABS AND COLUMNS. D) STANDARD DRY -WEIGHT DENSITY. 2) ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2018 IBC. 3) ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT TYPE I OR II AND SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ASTM C150. 4) ALL AGGREGATES USED IN CONCRETE SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM C33: MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZES: A) FOOTINGS: 1-1/2" B) ALL OTHER WORK: 1" 5) MINIMUM COVER FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENTS SHALL BE: 5)1) PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH. A) CAST AGAINST EARTH: 3" B) CAST AGAINST FORMS: 2" 5)2) NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH. A) SLABS: 3/4" B) COLUMNS: 1-1/2" 6) MINIMUM LAP LENGTH FOR REINFORCEMENT SPLICING SHALL BE 48 BAR DIAMETER. SPLICES SHALL ALL BE STAGGERED. 7) MINIMUM EMBEDMENT FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE: A) 5/8" DIA.: 7" B) 3/4" DIA.: 8" C) 7/8" DIA.: 9" D) 1" DIA.: 10" ALL ANCHOR BOLTS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO TREATED LUMBER SHALL BE GALVINIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL. COORDINATE OVERALL LENGTH OF ANCHOR BOLTS WITH BOTTOM PLATES USED IN CONSTRUCTION. 8) PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS TO ALL CONCRETE SLABS SUCH THAT THE TOTAL AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 400 SQ. FEET. 9) CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY E.O.R. PRIOR TO PLACING PIPES, DUCTS, CHASES, SLEEVES, CORING, AND OPENING ON OR THROUGH CONCRETE FOOTINGS, FLOORS, OR COLUMNS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THESE PLANS. 10) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN DESIGNING, INSTALLING, MAINTAINING AND REMOVING ALL FORM WORK. 11) REMOVES FORM WORK BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: A) FORMS AT SLAB EDGE: 1 DAY B) SIDE FORMS AT FOOTINGS: 2 DAYS C) COLUMNS: 7 DAYS FASTENER NOTES 1) NAILS: 1)1) ALL NAILS SHALL BE OF THE "COMMON" TYPE (UNO). 1)2) SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN NEAR EDGE OR END OF MEMBER, EXCEPT FOR SHEATHING. 1)3) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD. 1)4) ALL NAILING SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2018 IBC. 2) LAG SCREWS: 2)1) SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED IN PRE -DRILLED HOLES. 2)2) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD. 3) BOLTS: 3)1) SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F1554 GRADE 36. 3)2) SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED IN PRE -DRILLED HOLES NO LARGER THAN 1/16" LARGER THAN BOLT DIAMETER. 3)3) SHALL HAVE STANDARD WASHER AND NUT WHEN INSTALLED AGAINST WOOD. 3)4) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD. 4) ANCHOR BOLTS: 1/2" DIAMETER X 10" MIN. LENGTH CARPENTRY NOTES 1) REFER TO 2018 IBC FOR MINIMUM NAILING REQUIREMENTS. 2) ALL FRAMING MEMBER SHALL HAVE SOLID BEARING WITHOUT THE USE OF SHIMS. 3) CONTINUOUS DOUBLE TOP PLATES SHALL BE USED ON ALL WALLS. 4) WALL STUDS: 4)1) USE 2X4 STUDS AT 16" O.C. FOR ALL NON -LOAD BEARING WALLS. 4)2) USE 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. FOR ALL LOAD BEARING WALLS. 5) BLOCKING: 5)1) PROVIDE 2X BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES AND RAFTERS AT LOAD BEARING WALLS. 6) NOTCHING: 6)1) SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER UNLESS APPROVED BY THE E.O.R. 6)2) MULTIPLE NOTCHES IN THE SAME MEMBER SHALL BE SPACED 18" APART. 7) BORING: 7)1) SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER UNLESS APPROVED BY THE E.O.R. 7)2) MULTIPLE HOLES IN THE SAME MEMBER SHALL BE SPACED 18" APART. 8) BEARING: 8)1) A MINIMUM OF 3" BEARING FOR ALL BEAMS, RAFTERS, HEADERS, AND TRUSSES. 9) POSTS: 9)1) POSTS LOCATED INSIDE WALLS SHALL HAVING BEARING ON BOTTOM PLATE AND BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. 9)2) POSTS SHALL BE PROVIDED UNDER ALL BEAMS EQUAL TO THE WIDTH OF THE BEAM. 9)3) ISOLATED POSTS SHALL BE SEATED IN SIMPSON POST OF COLUMN BASE. 10) ROOF FRAMING: 10)1) FRAME RAFTERS WITH THE CROWN UP. 10)2) PROVIDE MINIMUM 3" OF BEARING 10)3) PROVIDE FULL DEPTH 2X BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS AT LOAD BEARING WALLS 10)4) PLYWOOD SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH GRAIN ACROSS FRAMING. FULLY NAIL WITH COMMON NAILS PER PLAN SET. 10)5) PROVIDE SIMPSON CLIPS TO ALL PLYWOOD JOINTS RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO FRAMING. 11) SHEARWALLS: 11)1) REFER TO PLAN SET FOR SHEARWALL LOCATIONS. 11)2) SHEARWALLS TO BE NAILED WITH COMMON NAILS WITH A MINIMUM 3/8" EDGE DISTANCE TO FRAMING MEMBER OR PANEL. 11)3) OSB MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF PLYWOOD. REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 ►F' Gilliland OAO ENGINEERING .© QiWalgreens !� n _ Uh Ave - °r Dress for LessQ Wo Ave l Mem W42nd Av, SATELLITE: NOT TO SCALE GENERAL PLAN NOTES: 1) ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2) ALL DISCREPANCIES WITH EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE E.O.R. 3) CONTRACTOR OR OTHER PARTIES INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION SHALL USE GIVEN DIMENSIONS ONLY - DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 4) ANY COMPONENTS AND/OR BUILDING SYSTEMS NOT DETAILED IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS MINIMUM RECOMMENDATIONS. 5) E.O.R. SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION OF COMPONENTS AND/OR BUILDING SYSTEMS NOT SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS. 6) ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND ORDINANCES SHALL BE ADHERED TOO DURING CONSTRUCTION. IN ANY CASE WHERE THE DETAILS OF THESE DRAWINGS DEVIATE FROM ANY CODES AND/OR ORDINANCES, THE CODES AND/OR ORDINANCES SHALL GOVERN. 7) ANY WOOD MATERIAL EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL PRESSURE TREATED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 8) ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH (INCLUDING LOCAL AND STATE AMENDMENTS): A) BUILDING CODE YEAR AS IDENTIFIED IN THE "PROJECT DATA" FIELDS 9) TEMPORARY BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE STRUCTURE UNTIL ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY MADE PER THE PLANS. 10) JOB SAFETY AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 11) ALL VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM UNDER -FLOOR GRADE PRIOR TO THE STRUCTURE BEING OCCUPIED. 12) CLASS "C" ROOFING MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 13) ALL CONCEALED DRAFT OPENINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FIRE BLOCKING TO BLOCK THE UNHINDERED PASSAGE OF FLAMES. 14) EXTERIOR SHEATHING SHALL BE COMPLETELY DRY PRIOR TO APPLYING EXTERIOR COVER. 15) WALL FINISHES AND/OR INTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IRC 2018 CHAPTER 7. 16) MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION IF PLACED ON ANY PART OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE POSITIONED UNIFORMLY AND SPREAD OUT AS TO NOT OVERLOAD THE STRUCTURE. DESIGN LIVE LOAD SHALL NOT BE EXCEEDED. FOUNDATION NOTES 1) ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO REQUIRED DEPTHS AND DIMENSIONS ONLY (AS INDICATED IN THESE PLANS). CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OVER EXCAVATE OR DISTURB SOIL AT HIGHER ELEVATIONS. 2) FOUNDATION SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO COMPACTED/UNDISTRI BED EARTH. 3) FOUNDATIONS SHALL NOT BE POURED/BUILT UNTIL ALL REQUIRED HARDWARE, REINFORCEMENT, PIPES, CONDUIT, ETC. IS POSITIONED. 4) ANY DRY EXCAVATIONS MUST BE MOISTENED PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. ANY EXCAVATIONS THE ARE WET OR WITH STANDING WATER SHALL BE DRIED. 5) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN THE EXCAVATION AND INSTALLATION OF FOUNDATION ACCORDING TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. TIMBER NOTES 1) ALL STRUCTURAL LUMBER SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 IBC 2) MINIMUM LUMBER GRADE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 2)1) STUDS, BLOCKING, PLATES: STUD GRADE 2)2) JOISTS, RAFTERS: #2 OR BETTER 2)3) BEAMS, POSTS, HEADERS: #1 OR BETTER 3) ALL TIMBER/LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 4) ALL PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHALL BE GRADE -MARKED BY THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION (APA). CONCRETE/MASONRY NOTES 1) ALL CONCRETE USED IN STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE: A) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI AT 28 DAYS. B) MAXIMUM SLUMP OF 5" FOR ALL FOOTINGS AND SLABS. C) W/C RATIO OF 0.60 OR LESS FOR ALL FOUNDATIONS, AND 0.55 OR LESS FOR ALL SLABS AND COLUMNS. D) STANDARD DRY -WEIGHT DENSITY. 2) ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2018 IBC. 3) ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT TYPE I OR II AND SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ASTM C150. 4) ALL AGGREGATES USED IN CONCRETE SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM C33: MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZES: A) FOOTINGS: 1-1/2" B) ALL OTHER WORK: 1" 5) MINIMUM COVER FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENTS SHALL BE: 5)1) PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH. A) CAST AGAINST EARTH: 3" B) CAST AGAINST FORMS: 2" 5)2) NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH. A) SLABS: 3/4" B) COLUMNS: 1-1/2" 6) MINIMUM LAP LENGTH FOR REINFORCEMENT SPLICING SHALL BE 48 BAR DIAMETER. SPLICES SHALL ALL BE STAGGERED. 7) MINIMUM EMBEDMENT FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE: A) 5/8" DIA.: 7" B) 3/4" DIA.: 8" C) 7/8" DIA.: 9" D) 1" DIA.: 10" ALL ANCHOR BOLTS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO TREATED LUMBER SHALL BE GALVINIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL. COORDINATE OVERALL LENGTH OF ANCHOR BOLTS WITH BOTTOM PLATES USED IN CONSTRUCTION. 8) PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS TO ALL CONCRETE SLABS SUCH THAT THE TOTAL AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 400 SQ. FEET. 9) CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY E.O.R. PRIOR TO PLACING PIPES, DUCTS, CHASES, SLEEVES, CORING, AND OPENING ON OR THROUGH CONCRETE FOOTINGS, FLOORS, OR COLUMNS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THESE PLANS. 10) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN DESIGNING, INSTALLING, MAINTAINING AND REMOVING ALL FORM WORK. 11) REMOVES FORM WORK BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: A) FORMS AT SLAB EDGE: 1 DAY B) SIDE FORMS AT FOOTINGS: 2 DAYS C) COLUMNS: 7 DAYS FASTENER NOTES 1) NAILS: 1)1) ALL NAILS SHALL BE OF THE "COMMON" TYPE (UNO). 1)2) SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN NEAR EDGE OR END OF MEMBER, EXCEPT FOR SHEATHING. 1)3) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD. 1)4) ALL NAILING SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2018 IBC. 2) LAG SCREWS: 2)1) SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED IN PRE -DRILLED HOLES. 2)2) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD. 3) BOLTS: 3)1) SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F1554 GRADE 36. 3)2) SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED IN PRE -DRILLED HOLES NO LARGER THAN 1/16" LARGER THAN BOLT DIAMETER. 3)3) SHALL HAVE STANDARD WASHER AND NUT WHEN INSTALLED AGAINST WOOD. 3)4) SHALL BE GALVANIZED ZINC OR STAINLESS STEEL IF IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD. 4) ANCHOR BOLTS: 1/2" DIAMETER X 10" MIN. LENGTH CARPENTRY NOTES 1) REFER TO 2018 IBC FOR MINIMUM NAILING REQUIREMENTS. 2) ALL FRAMING MEMBER SHALL HAVE SOLID BEARING WITHOUT THE USE OF SHIMS. 3) CONTINUOUS DOUBLE TOP PLATES SHALL BE USED ON ALL WALLS. 4) WALL STUDS: 4)1) USE 2X4 STUDS AT 16" O.C. FOR ALL NON -LOAD BEARING WALLS. 4)2) USE 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. FOR ALL LOAD BEARING WALLS. 5) BLOCKING: 5)1) PROVIDE 2X BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES AND RAFTERS AT LOAD BEARING WALLS. 6) NOTCHING: 6)1) SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER UNLESS APPROVED BY THE E.O.R. 6)2) MULTIPLE NOTCHES IN THE SAME MEMBER SHALL BE SPACED 18" APART. 7) BORING: 7)1) SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER UNLESS APPROVED BY THE E.O.R. 7)2) MULTIPLE HOLES IN THE SAME MEMBER SHALL BE SPACED 18" APART. 8) BEARING: 8)1) A MINIMUM OF 3" BEARING FOR ALL BEAMS, RAFTERS, HEADERS, AND TRUSSES. 9) POSTS: 9)1) POSTS LOCATED INSIDE WALLS SHALL HAVING BEARING ON BOTTOM PLATE AND BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. 9)2) POSTS SHALL BE PROVIDED UNDER ALL BEAMS EQUAL TO THE WIDTH OF THE BEAM. 9)3) ISOLATED POSTS SHALL BE SEATED IN SIMPSON POST OF COLUMN BASE. 10) ROOF FRAMING: 10)1) FRAME RAFTERS WITH THE CROWN UP. 10)2) PROVIDE MINIMUM 3" OF BEARING 10)3) PROVIDE FULL DEPTH 2X BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS AT LOAD BEARING WALLS 10)4) PLYWOOD SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH GRAIN ACROSS FRAMING. FULLY NAIL WITH COMMON NAILS PER PLAN SET. 10)5) PROVIDE SIMPSON CLIPS TO ALL PLYWOOD JOINTS RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO FRAMING. 11) SHEARWALLS: 11)1) REFER TO PLAN SET FOR SHEARWALL LOCATIONS. 11)2) SHEARWALLS TO BE NAILED WITH COMMON NAILS WITH A MINIMUM 3/8" EDGE DISTANCE TO FRAMING MEMBER OR PANEL. 11)3) OSB MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF PLYWOOD. REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 ►F' Gilliland OAO ENGINEERING PLAN VIEW - GENERAL SCALE: V = 10'-0" f NORTH PROPOSED OUTDOOR KITCHEN PROPOSED HOT TUB SLAB (E) CHIMNEY PROPOSED COVERED PATIOI MAIN (N)STEP PROPOSED GREENHOUSE 23'-9" T-1 HOUSE EXTERIOR BEARING WALL OF HOME (ROOF RAVE NOT SHOWN) (TYP.) THICKENED EDGE SLAB - TYPICAL DETAIL AT RETAINING WALLS SCALE: 1"= I -0W N0.4 LONGITUDINAL DEBARWITHIN THICKENED -EDGE (3" MIN. COVER) NO.4 DEBAR ®12" OC BEND AT WDEG AND EMBED • 12" MIM INTO SLAB • 24" MIN. INTO RETAINING WALL 4"THICKEND-EDGE SLAB a8, 4"X4" WIRE MESH AT MID -DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRAVEL NO.5 VERTICAL RED" 012" OC ON TENSION SIDE OF WALL (3" MIN. COVER) (SIDE WITHOUT FRE) i IIA R 4 V:1IC I IC Itl6191I I FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" f NORTH SEAR ELEVATION 100' -51/4" IfRITARVING WALL EE DETAIL) (SEE DETAIL) its, r a 10 REV C SIMPSONPBS6 POSTBASE EMBEDDED WITHIN RETAINING WALL (TYP.) (BEE DETAILS) STEM WALL MAIN :INnMOR OFSTEM-WALL/ COVERED PATIO � (566 FOUNDATION DETAIL) SLAB ELEVATION: 100'-51/4" SLAB ELEVATION: 100'-0" NORTHWALL HOUSE 5/8"X12" ANCHOR BOLTS REQUIRED AT 3' OC AND ' SHIN V OF ALL CORNERS WEST/EAST/SOUTH STEM WALLS 5/8"XIO" ANCHOR BOLTS REQUIRED AT Y OC AND WITHIN 1' OF ALL CORNERS ('I'YP.) THICKENED EDGE SLAB - TYPICAL DETAIL AT STEM WALLS/ EXISTING BUILDING SCALE:1"= I' F EXPANSIONJOINT (REQD. r THICKENED EDGE SLAB NO. 4 LONGITUDINAL RED" WITHIN THICKENED -EDGE (3" MIN. COVER) 4-X4' WIDE MESH •• ��r • SLAB SI IALL BE •IIF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ���•.• i I UNDERLAID zpe�a ea:a" a" J � G Oc)dn9 Oj; o 3'-1 REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL A -A: RETAINING WALL SCALE: 1"=1'-0' BRICK FINISH 1COURSEBENEATH TOP—EDGE OF THICKENED EDGE SLAB 2COURSESABOVE TOP -EDGE OF THICKENED EDGE SLAB NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR WITHIN THICKENED -EDGE (3" MIN. COVER) ID AT %DEG AND EMBED 12" MINAN'TO SLAB 24" MIN. INTO RETAINING WALL FY 4'X4" WIRE MESH AT MID—DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRAVEL OC ON TENSION SIDE OF WALL (3" MIN. COVER) (SIDE WITHOUT FILL) (2 WEEP HOLES PER WALL MIN.) (4) NO. 4 HORIZONTAL REBAR TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL (TIP.) APPROX. GRADE ON OUTSIDE OF RETAINING WALL BEND VERTICAL REBAR AT 90DEG INTO FOOTING (3) NO.4 REBAR WITHIN FOOTING (TYP.) (3" MIN. COVER) NOTE TO BUILDER: RETAINING WALL FOOTING SHALL EMBED 1' MINIMUM INTO BACKFILL SIDE OF WALL DRAINAGE SYSTEM REQUIRED ON BACKFILL SIDE OF WALL. DRAINAGE TILE MUST BE LINED WITH LANDSCAPING FABRIC TO PREVENT CLOGGING (SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS) REV C DETAIL D"1 -D.1: STEM WALL/ FOOTING (TYPICAL) SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SILL PLATE 5/8"X12" ANCHOR BOLT (3" HOOK LENGTH) NO.4 VERTICAL REBAR ®16" OC NO.4 HORIZONTAL REBAR ® TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL (TYP.) (3) NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR AT MID -HEIGHT OF FOOTING ('I'YP.) 77 18" Ilr INTERIOR DETAIL B -B: RETAINING WALL & SLAB SCALE: V =1'-0' MID -DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRA` NO.5 VERTICAL REBAR ®12" — OC ON TENSION SIDE OF WALL (3" MIN. COVER) (SIDE WFFHOUT FILL) (2) 2-I/2" DIAMETER WEEP -HOLES REQUIRED AT BOTTOM OF WALL, EXPOSED TO AIR (2 WEEP HOLES PER WALL MIN.) (4) NO.4 HORIZONTAL REBAR ® — TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF _ RETAINING WALL (TTP.) I I I I I I II APPROX GRADE ON OUTSIDE OF RETAINING WALL BEND VERTICAL REBAR AT 90DEG INTO FOOTING (3) NO.4 REBAR WITHIN FOOTING (ITP.) o ON MIN. COVER) ANCHOR BOLT SPECIFICATIONS: • 5/8" DIAMETER • 10" LENGTH / 7.5" MIN. EMBEDMENT • 3" HOOK LENGTH • REQUIRED AT 3611 OC (ALL STEM WALLS) AND WITHIN 1' FROM ALL STEM -WALL CORNERS REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 NO 4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR WITHIN THICKENED—EDGE (3" MIN. COVER) NO. REBAR ®12" OC BEND AT 90DEG AND EMBED SIMPSON PBS66 FOST BASE • 12" MIN. INTO SLAB SIMPSON PBS66 POST BASE EMBEDDED IN THICKENED • 24"MINANTORETAINING EMBEDDEDINTHICKENED EDGE WALL EDGE I 4" THICKEND-EDGE SLAB MID -DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRA` NO.5 VERTICAL REBAR ®12" — OC ON TENSION SIDE OF WALL (3" MIN. COVER) (SIDE WFFHOUT FILL) (2) 2-I/2" DIAMETER WEEP -HOLES REQUIRED AT BOTTOM OF WALL, EXPOSED TO AIR (2 WEEP HOLES PER WALL MIN.) (4) NO.4 HORIZONTAL REBAR ® — TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF _ RETAINING WALL (TTP.) I I I I I I II APPROX GRADE ON OUTSIDE OF RETAINING WALL BEND VERTICAL REBAR AT 90DEG INTO FOOTING (3) NO.4 REBAR WITHIN FOOTING (ITP.) o ON MIN. COVER) ANCHOR BOLT SPECIFICATIONS: • 5/8" DIAMETER • 10" LENGTH / 7.5" MIN. EMBEDMENT • 3" HOOK LENGTH • REQUIRED AT 3611 OC (ALL STEM WALLS) AND WITHIN 1' FROM ALL STEM -WALL CORNERS REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL C -C: RETAINING WALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1"= 1'A' NO.4 REBAR ®12" OC (TIP) SIMPSON PBS66 POST BASE BEND AT "DEG AND EMBED 4'X4" WIRE MESH EMBEDDED IN THICKENED 12" MIN. INTO SLAB \ pT EDGE 29"•MIN.INTO RETAINING MID -DEPTH WALL OFSLAB POST BASE SHALL HAVE 3' MIN. COVER ON ALL SIDES CONTROL JOINT PLAN SCALE: ill" =1'-0- f NORTH LONGITUDINAL (NO. 4) REBAR REQUIRED AT MID- HEIGHT OF FOOTING BEND REBAR 90 DEGREES AT CORNERS: MINIMUM2V LAP -SPLICE LENGTH AT CORNERS QUADRANT 4'-11 58" 5'-5" lUA1 RANT QUADRANT 5'-8 4" i 5i 5.6 DETAIL D -D: NORTH STEM WALL/ FOOTING SCALE: P =1'-0' 2X6 PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATE E PANSION JOINT (REQD. AT STEM WALL/ SLAB INTERACTION) V THICKENED EDGE SLAB — NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR WITHIN THICKENED -EDGE (3' MIN. COVER) SLA D-DSLAH OF SLAB 6" THICKENED EDGE SLAB T 6" _ID" POURED OVER RETAINING SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WALL WITH GRAVEL 5/8"X12" ANCHOR BOLT — D"HOOK LENGTH) 10" THICK RETAINING WALL N0.4 VERTICAL REBAR 4316" OC NO.4 HORIZONTAL REBAR 43 TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL (EYE.) (3) NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR AT MID -HEIGHT OF FOOTING (TYP.) 8"X30" RETAINING WALL FOOTING QUADRANT 5'-8 4" \/ NOTE TO BUILDER: CONTROL JOINT REQUIRED ALONG ALL STEM WALLS AND ALONG T-1'3/4" LENGTH OF EXISTING BUILDING CONTROL JOINTS MUST BE 911 (MIN•) FROM ANY COLUMN BASES CONTROL JOINTS MUST BISECT EACH SIDE OF QUADRANT FIELD MODIFICATIONS PERMITTED IF THE ABOVE LISTED CRITERIA IS MET. 112" 51/4"JTERIOI ANCHOR BOLT SPECIFICATIONS (NORTH WALL): • 5/8" DIAMETER • 1211 LENGTH / 9.511 MIN• EMBEDMENT • 3" HOOK LENGTH • REQUIRED AT 3611 OC (ALL STEM 4112" WALLS) AND WITHIN 1' FROM ALL STEM -WALL CORNERS DETAIL a -e: STEP DETAIL SCALE: V =1'-0- NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR (3" MIN. COVER) 1 BAR WITHIN UPPER STEP • 2 BARS WITHIN LOWER STEP NO.4 REBAR ®12" OC ALONG LENGTH OF STEP (3" MIN. COVER) • T'EMBEDMENTINTO LOWER SITE • 18" EMBEDMENT INTO SLAB 4"X4" WIRE MESH AT MID -DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRAVEL REVISIONS"� C,Q�4 lt.tln9 Dd llp SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 D' LONGITUDINAL (N0.4) REBAR 1 BAR MINIMUM WTHIN THICKENED 4 S WITTHIN RE HIN RETAINING WALL (TOP &BOTTOM) BEND REBAR %DEGREES AT CORNERS: MINIMUM24' LAP -SPLICE LENGTH AT CORNERS 8" NO.5 VERTICAL REBAR ®12" OC ON TENSION SIDE OF WALL (SIDE WITHOUT FILL AND WITH 3' MIN. COVER) CONTROL JOINT PLAN SCALE: ill" =1'-0- f NORTH LONGITUDINAL (NO. 4) REBAR REQUIRED AT MID- HEIGHT OF FOOTING BEND REBAR 90 DEGREES AT CORNERS: MINIMUM2V LAP -SPLICE LENGTH AT CORNERS QUADRANT 4'-11 58" 5'-5" lUA1 RANT QUADRANT 5'-8 4" i 5i 5.6 DETAIL D -D: NORTH STEM WALL/ FOOTING SCALE: P =1'-0' 2X6 PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATE E PANSION JOINT (REQD. AT STEM WALL/ SLAB INTERACTION) V THICKENED EDGE SLAB — NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR WITHIN THICKENED -EDGE (3' MIN. COVER) SLA D-DSLAH OF SLAB 6" THICKENED EDGE SLAB T 6" _ID" POURED OVER RETAINING SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WALL WITH GRAVEL 5/8"X12" ANCHOR BOLT — D"HOOK LENGTH) 10" THICK RETAINING WALL N0.4 VERTICAL REBAR 4316" OC NO.4 HORIZONTAL REBAR 43 TOP, MIDDLE, & BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL (EYE.) (3) NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR AT MID -HEIGHT OF FOOTING (TYP.) 8"X30" RETAINING WALL FOOTING QUADRANT 5'-8 4" \/ NOTE TO BUILDER: CONTROL JOINT REQUIRED ALONG ALL STEM WALLS AND ALONG T-1'3/4" LENGTH OF EXISTING BUILDING CONTROL JOINTS MUST BE 911 (MIN•) FROM ANY COLUMN BASES CONTROL JOINTS MUST BISECT EACH SIDE OF QUADRANT FIELD MODIFICATIONS PERMITTED IF THE ABOVE LISTED CRITERIA IS MET. 112" 51/4"JTERIOI ANCHOR BOLT SPECIFICATIONS (NORTH WALL): • 5/8" DIAMETER • 1211 LENGTH / 9.511 MIN• EMBEDMENT • 3" HOOK LENGTH • REQUIRED AT 3611 OC (ALL STEM 4112" WALLS) AND WITHIN 1' FROM ALL STEM -WALL CORNERS DETAIL a -e: STEP DETAIL SCALE: V =1'-0- NO.4 LONGITUDINAL REBAR (3" MIN. COVER) 1 BAR WITHIN UPPER STEP • 2 BARS WITHIN LOWER STEP NO.4 REBAR ®12" OC ALONG LENGTH OF STEP (3" MIN. COVER) • T'EMBEDMENTINTO LOWER SITE • 18" EMBEDMENT INTO SLAB 4"X4" WIRE MESH AT MID -DEPTH OF SLAB SLAB SHALL BE UNDERLAID WITH GRAVEL REVISIONS"� C,Q�4 lt.tln9 Dd llp SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 ROOFPLANS SCALE: 1/4"= 1'4' NC 6X6 OF 82 POST (TYP•) 0 Q5i' DETAIL F -F: CONNECTION DETAIL NTS SIMPSON 3"X3" ANGLE -TIE FASTEN BEAM TO DOUBLE TOP -PLATES Elf BFTN Y 0)-14118 B931 Y:F51410B q.1.9 Y C•FY IB 13 WAN 114 STUD PACK FOR COVERED PATIO BEAM (4 STUDS. MIN.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEAM I RAFTERS TO BEAM WITH FACE MOUNT RS LS REQUIRE (3) LES (MIN.)PER SEARING POINT PER SIDE C 01T.) FASTEN BEAM TO DOUBLE TOP -PLATES SIMPSON 3"JCP' TIE -PLATE FASTEN BEAM TO STUD -PACK SIMPSON 3'X3" ANGLE -TIE FASTEN BEAM TO FRENCH DOOR HEADER 0 SIMPSON 3'X7" TIE -PLATE FASTENHEADER TO STUD -PACK NOTE TO BUILDER: OVERFRAMED CONDITION IS ONLY PERMITTED IF EXISTING FRAMING IS OF SUFFICIENT QUALITY (NO CRACKING OR VISIBLE DEFLECTION) AND THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA IS MET: • 2X6 RAFTERS @ 24" OC NOT TO EXCEED 81-011 MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • 2X4 PREFABRICATED TRUSSES NOT TO EXCEED 6'-0" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN • STOP INSTALL AND CONTACT ENGINEER IF ABOVE CRITERIA IS NOT MET • SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FULL ROOF -FRAMING PLANS DETAIL F -F: HEADER/ BEAM DESIGN SCALE: V =1'-B' COVERED PATIO SUPPORT SEE CONNECTION DREAD, BELOF 2X4 BLOCKING* 16" OC (TYP.) (REQUIRED IN STUD BAYS ADJACENT TO ALL OPENINGS) STUD PACK FOR COVERED PATIO BEAM (4 STUDS. MIN.) 2X8 RAFTERS ® 24" OC OVERFRAMED ONTO (E) ROOF SURFACE. FASTEN TO RIDGE BEAM WITH LRU28Z HANGERS 4:12 PITCH (2)11"X53"J MICROLAM LVL FASTEN BEAM TO ADJACENT STUDS WITH SIMPSON 3"X7" TIE -PLATE (TYP.) 2X4 HEADER TRIMMERS HNP.) (2 MIN. PER SIDE) FASTEN TRIMMERS TOGETHER WEPH SIMPSON 3" X 7" TIE PLATE (TYP.) • REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF SND -PACK • (3) MIN. PER SIDE 2X30 RIDGE BOARD 2X4®16" OC W/DOUBLE TOP -PLATES KNEE -WALL FRAMED OUT ON TOP OF EXISTING BEARING WALL 2X4 BLOCKING ®16" OC (TYP.) (REQUIRED IN STUD BAYS ADJACENT TO ALL OPENINGS) 2XS RAFTERS H 24" OC OVERFRAMED ONTO (E) ROOF SURFACE. FASTEN TO RIDGE BEAM WITH MU28Z HANGERS 2:12 FETCH zppmnay4 F� CAAN o' G1d% ON g REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL G -G: COVERED PATIO BEAM SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 0 0 FASTEN STUD -PE ADJACENT WALL 0 0 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN POST TO FASTEN POST TO BOTTOM PLATE AND BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL ADJACENT WALL 6X10 BEAM ` 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN BEAM TO SIMPSON ECC66 (DF #2 OR BETTER) SIMPSON CC66 LRUNZ RAFFER FINGERS ON" OC (TEP.) 6X10 BEAM (DF M2 OR BETTER) 6X6 POST ADJACENT WALL 6X6 POST 8'-7112" 13'-31/4' ADJACENT WALL H` SIMPSON PBS66 POST BASE DETAIL H -H: GREENHOUSE WALL FRAMING SCALE: 1"=1'-0" H` SIMPSON PBS66 POST BASE 3133" ANGLE -TIE FASTEN BEAM TO DOUBLE -TOP PLATES OF EXISTING BUILDING (REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF BEAM) 3"X7 TIE -PLATE FASTEN BEAMED BEARING STUDS (REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF BEAM) 311X2" ANGLE -TIE FASTEN BEARING STUDS TO HEADER (2)1 t" X 5 ]" MICROLAM LVL HEADER FOR FRENCH DOOR (2) 2X4 BEARING STUDS 3"XT' TIE PLATE FASTEN STUD -PE ADJACENT WALL J//// 3"X7 TIE PLATE 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN POST TO FASTEN POST TO BOTTOM PLATE AND BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL ADJACENT WALL ` 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN BEAM TO FASTEN BEAM TO ADJACENT WALL ADJACENT WALL (2)1 j"X 9j" MICROLAM LVL HEADER (2)1 j"X Z�" MICROLAM LVL HEADER (2)1 j"X 7}" MICROLAM LVL HEADER (2)13°"X 9�" MICROLAM LVL HEADER 3"X7 TIE PLATE DOUBLE TOP -PLATES DOUBLE TOP -PLATES 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN DOUBLE TOP FASTEN DOUBLE TOP PLATES TO ADJACENT 3"X7 TIE PLATE SIMPSON 1H2T STRAP 3"XT TIE PLATE PLATES TO ADJACENT WALL FASTEN BEAM TO DOUBLE TOP PLATES SIMPSON In2T STRAP FASTEN BEAM TO DOUBLE TOP PLATES WALL AND 4X4 POST AND 4X4 POST 4X4 SUPPORT POST 4X4 SUPPORT POST i"DIAMETER XW ANCHOR BOLT ® 36" OC (3" HOOK LENGTH) (TEP.) 3"X "TIE PLATE FASTEN STUD -PACK TO ADJACENT WALL 3JACE TIE CK FASTEN POSPLATE TO STUD FASTEN POSPLATE TO STUD FASTEN POST TO STUD FASTEN POSPLATE TO STUD FASTEN POST TO STUD FASTEN SND -PACK TO ADJACENT WALL 3"X7 E TIE PLATE / L P T FASTEN STUD -PE ADJACENT WALL J//// 3"X7 TIE PLATE 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN POST TO FASTEN POST TO BOTTOM PLATE AND BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL ADJACENT WALL 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN MST TO BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN MST TO BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL REVISION 3"XT' TIE PLATE FASTEN STUD -PACK TO ADJACENT WALL 3"X7 TIE PLATE FASTEN POST TO N BOTTOM PLATE AND ADJACENT WALL SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL H—H: SHEATHING SPECS SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 0 0 0 \ \ \ o SIMPSON 1212HL STRAP c \ \ SIMPSON 1212HL STRAP \ \ \ e 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 o\ SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SIMPSON 1212HL STRAP \ \ SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SIMPSON Inn STRAP SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SIMPSON 1212HL STRAP o \\ �\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\ DETAIL W: GREENHOUSE WEST FRAMING SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 6X10 SUPPORT BEAM (SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS) 6X6 SUPPORT POST (TYP.) 3" X T TIE PLATE ®32" OC FASTEN RIDGE BEAM TO STUDWALL DRAWINGS) FASTEN TO ADJACENT WITH 3"X7 TIE PLATES 1'. SIMPSON AM CLIP ®16" OC FASTEN RIDGE BEAM TO DOUBLE TOP PLATES FASTEN TO ADJACENT STUD WALL WFPH 3 -XT' TIE PLATES (TYP.) (4 MIN.) � (2) 2x6 HEADER 2X4®16" BLOCKING REQUIRED AT ANCHOR BOLTS ®36"OC (3" HOOK LENGTH) (TYP.) PURLIN NAILER (SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS) 3" X 7" TIE PLATE FASTEN ALL HEADERS TO ADJACENT STUDS AND TOP/BOTTOM PLATES (TYP.) 2X4016" BLOCKING REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF ALL WINDOW/ DOOR OPENINGS ".) 2X4WIV BLOCKING REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS (TYP.) DOUBLE TOP -PLATES (TYP.) (2) W HEADER • 36" MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN, • CONTINUOUS OVER WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS) 3" X P' TIE PLATE FASTEN ALL HEADERS TO ADJACENT STUDS AND TOP/BOTTOM PLATES (TYP.) SHEATHING SPECIFICATIONS: • $" MINIMUM THICKNESS OSB • 10D FASTENERS • 2 i " MINIMUM EMBEDMENT • 4" EDGE NAILING • 6" FIELD NAILING FASTEN TO ADJACENT STUD WALL WITH 3"X7 TIE PLATES (TYP.) (4 MIN.) REVISION SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL i -i: GREENHOUSE WEST SHEATHING \\\\\ SAPDN 1n2HL \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \\\\ Q 0 0 \\\\\\\ 0 \\ \ o. .0`\\ \\\ o. \\ \ 0 0 0\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 0 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ o \ STRAP 1n2HC STRAP 1212HL STRAP N 1n2T SIMPSON 1212T STRAP SHEATHING SPECIFICATIONS: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ STRAP STRAP STRAP \ • a MINIMUM THICKNESS OSB \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ • ' FASTENERS 2 "\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ • 2 i " MINIMUM EMBEDMENT \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\ 0 0 0 0\ • 4 EDGE NAILING \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ • 6" FIELD NAILING \ �\\ �\\ �\\ �\\ �\\ � o 00 \00 0 0 00 X00 0 � DETAIL J -J: GREENHOUSE WALL NORTH FRAMING SCALE: 1" =1'-0" \ 3"X T' THE PLATE \FASTEN ADJACENT WALL TO RIDGE -BEAM REVISION 3" X T TIE PLATE FASTEN STUD WALL TO ADJACENT STUD -WALL (3 MIN. REQUIRED) X"WOC `b LOCKING :SQUIRED IN STUD AYS ADJACENT TO ,DJOWING WALL lt/a'n9 Doe 2X6 2X6 SIMPSON LRUNZ RAPIER HANGERS (TYP.) (n" OC) D DOUBLE DOUBLE 3" XT' TIE PLATES ® 32" OC FASTEN DOUBLE TOP PLATES TO RIDGE -BEAM 2X16 RIDGE BEAM SUPPORTED ENTIRE LENGTH BY STUD -WALL 2X6®16" OC BLOCKING REQUIRED IN STUD BAYS ADJACENT TO ADJOINING WALL 72X60 BLOCKKING REQUIRED REMAINING BAYS (TYP.) OC NI ALL STUD 2X6®16" WALL OC STUD (TYP.) 3" X T" TIE FLATS FASTEN STUD WALL TO EXISTING STUD WALL (3 MIN. REQUIRED) a"X12" ANCHOR BOLTS 36"0" HOOK LENGTH) (T ".) Z MPTBOTTOM PLATE ' Fl.. \ 3"X T' THE PLATE \FASTEN ADJACENT WALL TO RIDGE -BEAM REVISION 3" X T TIE PLATE FASTEN STUD WALL TO ADJACENT STUD -WALL (3 MIN. REQUIRED) X"WOC `b LOCKING :SQUIRED IN STUD AYS ADJACENT TO ,DJOWING WALL lt/a'n9 Doe SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 DETAIL J—J: GREENHOUSE NORTH SHEATHING SCALE: 1• =1'-0" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ DETAIL k—k: GREENHOUSE EAST FRAMING FASTEN TO ADJACENT STUD WALL SCALE: V =1'-0• WiFH 3"XT THE PLATES (TYP.) (3 MIN.) DETAIL k—k: GREENHOUSE EAST SHEATHING SCALE: 1"= V-0" /Zj7z FASTEN TO ADJACENT 2X9 BLOCKING ® 16" OC. REQUIRED IN \\\\\\ STUD WALL WITH 3"X7° BOTH STUD -BAYS \ \\\\\\\\ TIE PLATES (TYP.) (3 MIN.) PURILIN(NAIL SE DRA ER \\\ \\\ NGS) DOUBLE TOP -PLATE \\\ \\\\ .•.• o 0 0 0 0 0 � (2)2x6 HEADER FASTEN TO ADJACENT STUD WALL \ WITH 3 -XT' THE PLATES ME.) IS MIN.) 0 0 3"X7"TIE PLATE 0 0 FASTEN ALL HEADERS TO SIM PSON 1212HL ADJACENT STUDS AND TOP STRAP / BOTTOM PLATES 0 0 o \ (2) 2x6 HEADER orl o SHEATHING SPECIFICATIONS: • $" MINIMUM THICKNESS OSB • 10D FASTENERS • 2 z " MINIMUM EMBEDMENT • 4" EDGE NAILING • 6" FIELD NAILING [Oy:I:fAV v�M.ce�y�xyN�cyvrc•�.�� • 8" MINIMUM THICKNESS OSB • 10D FASTENERS • 2 "1 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT • 4" EDGE NAILING • 6" FIELD NAILING REVISION �SNIPSON 1212HL �\z�b,a"4yJ o STRAP o \ 0 o X10"ANCHOR BOLTS e%l09O e (3" HOOK LENGTH) (2 MIN.) FASTEN TO ADJACENT STUD WALL WITH 3"X7" TIE PLATES (TYP.) 0 MIN.) SIGNED: 12/7/2021 EXPIRES: 10/31/2023 ndmaa�a. :.mwm "`� ° "m 1. Replace (e) 50 amp subpanel located in garage with (n) i 125 amp subpanel located outside on patio. See ;mbe'd documentation for PW1624L1125CU subpanel. rl " "`"_ ' ------------------- 2. Replace (e) 50 amp breaker with (n) 125 amp breaker in (e) 50 amp subpanel main panel. Run #2/0-4 aluminum wire to (n) subpanel. 3. Install (n) junction box in attic to supply (e) subpanel aua,""hwsr ftm(",w"Y"l circuits. Yde�mY 4. Upgrade (e) circuits to GFCI or AFCI per subpanel (e) attached garage schedule. e eNMee br Yl }�- memwsen �Y .... 4(2) m.a wnmwn M 12l p memw GWTO 6WTO rem�e � M d O ® O X04 - REVISION �i�/w� m dv o (n) 125 Amp Subpanel Schedule Sunroom Lights (e) 4 1.45 5.8 2 (e) Sunroom 1 15 Amp, 120V AFCI 15 Amp, 120V AFCI Kitchen Lights (e) 4 (e) Attic Fan: 3 15 Amp, 120V AFCI 15 Amp, 120V GFCI Bar Recepts (a) 6(e) Bar Fridge 515 Amp, 120V GFCI 20 Amp, 120V AFCI Garage Recepts (e) S (e) Garage R 7 15 Amp, 120V GFCI 20 Amp, I 120V GFCI Greenhouse Fans (n) Greenhouse Lights/Recepts (n) 10 (n) Hot Tub 12 9 20 Amp, 120V GFCI 50 Amp, 230V GFCI 11 20 Amp, 120V GFCI Patio Lights/Recepts (n) 13 20 Amp'CI 20V GF 14 Spare Spare 15 1161 (N) Patio Spare Recepts ecepts New Circuit Loads Circuit Proposed Loads 6" Inline Duct Fan 4 1.45 5.8 �E�U 241,x 24" Motorized Inlet Shutter(s) 2 0.5 1 (N) Greenhouse Fans 14 20 120 24" x 24" Exhaust Fan w/ Shutters 1 4.8 4.8 d ceiling/rafter mount HAF fan 2 1.2 2.4 (N) Hot Tub D N 1 50 231 CL E O N (N) Patio E y 20 120 LED Light Fixtures 4 m Receptacles 4 (N) Greenhouse 20 120 LED Light Fixtures 2 E E a � d a E E j m m M E E 2 E_ J a 4 J m 0 6" Inline Duct Fan 4 1.45 5.8 241,x 24" Motorized Inlet Shutter(s) 2 0.5 1 (N) Greenhouse Fans 14 20 120 24" x 24" Exhaust Fan w/ Shutters 1 4.8 4.8 ceiling/rafter mount HAF fan 2 1.2 2.4 (N) Hot Tub Hot Tub 1 50 231 Receptacles 4 (N) Patio 20 120 LED Light Fixtures 4 Receptacles 4 (N) Greenhouse 20 120 LED Light Fixtures 2 18' x 24' BYK - 2 Layer GAHT Design Overall System: 4 Inlets - 4 Exhausts NORTH 23'6" General Air Flow Direction HT System Lower Level -4 General Air Flow Direction GAHT System Lower Leve F / General Air �( Flow Direction System Upper Level — 2ft' O General Air Flow Direction GAHT System Upper Level — 2ft SOUTH "T6 C E R E S GREENHOUSE SOLUTIONS Lower Layer • Intake • Outlet Upper Layer Note— Locate centerline of intake pipe 7" from finished corners to account for 12"' diameter GAHT fan. Locate center line of outlet pipe 3" — 4" from finished comers. -� Page 1 CAA M 18'x 24' BYK - 2 Layer GAHT Design Overall System: 4Inlets -4 Exhaust 4 Identical Systems - Install According to Diagram on page 1 Intake -6" HDPE Pipe, NON -PERFORATED 10' Minimum Length Pipe extends to surface & directly to fan. 4" HDPE Pipe Perforated and sleeved pipe, 15'-D" long 4" HDPE Pipe- Perforated and sleeved pipe, l4 -D" long er,6"to 4" [tor 6" Non - perforated, 6" long 6" ex's '4 x.44 Outlet — 6" HDPE Pipe, NON -PERFORATED, 10' Minimum Length, Materials (10) Wye - 6" ; (12) Reducer - 6" to 4" (2)inlet/ Outlet -6"HDPE Pipe, NOW PERFORATED, 10' min. length (4) HDPE Pipe, Perforated & sleeved, 14' length (g) Connector- 6" HDPE Pipe, Non - Perforated, 8" length (2) HDPE Pipe, Perforated & sleeved, 15' length (12) Connector -6" HDPE Pipe, Non - Perforated, 6" length Page 2 18' x 24' BYK - 2 Layer GAHT Design Overall System: 4 Inlets - 4 Exhausts L 4i C E R E S Install According to Diagram on page 1 GREENHOUSE SOLUTIONS Steps: a 1. Assemble 4 identical GAHT systems (See drawing page 2 and 3). This should take 2 people about f. 4 hours. Use duct tape on each pipe junction and to attach sleeve to next solid surface. The duct �+ tape will assure that the system does not come apart during backfilling. 'o 2. Excavate to desired full depth (usually 4 ft. below grade). S N 3. Drop the first 2 GAHT systems into the ground according to page 2. Remember to keep INLETS on o the NORTH WALL. IMPORTANT- Inlet and outlet pipe must be made out of NON — PERFORATED a 9 6" diameter pipe. Otherwise your system will not work. a 4. Backfill gingerly for about 2 ft. so the pipe does not get crushed. Careful use of a bucket from an excavator will work well. Use native soil for maximum performance with minimal cost or 'V, ^ o crushed stone in areas with heavy clay soils. Tamper gravel or soil to reduce system settling. s ;, 5. Lay the second 2 GAHT systems into the ground. Remember that the INLETS ARE on the NORTH 0 WALL in the OPPOSITE CORNER of the LOWER SYSTEM (see page 3 diagram).o M 6. Backfill to the desired height (usually grade). Option 1: Raised Beds or Planters - Use native soil for maximum performance with minimal cost or %" crushed stone in areas with heavy clay soils. TO Option 2: Growing in Soil at Grade - Backfill with V of medium grade soil, build greenhouse, and 0 then fill to grade with high quality, native, organic soil. It is very important to use good organic soil to minimize plant pests. Healthy plants don't get sick as often. ° / `% CAA %� U,/ Page 18' x 24' BYK - 2 Layer GAHT Design Usual Insulation Around Greenhouse Swedish Skirt or Lining of the Excavated Pit Greenhouse 18' x 24' Insulation 4' wide P6 ,lad CERES GREENHOUSE SOLUTIONS PTrene .r double laVeO Ideally 4� "�rink/Blue ideally 4" thick ( GAHT system 2 ft below grade thick (double 4" Pink/ Blue Board insulation One of the other Not both GAHT system 4 it below grade 0 a f ES Page 4 c 0 GAHT® System Materials List 18 x 24 DIY Standard GreenhouseGREENHOUSE SOLUTION � 4� CERES Description Manufacturer Notes/ Disunity Approx. Price Approx. PriceSuggested Source Part Number Calculations Re9'd per each($US) ($US) to Purchase From Below Ground Materials 6' dia x 10 ft HDPE Corrugated Drainage ADS 13 $15 $195 Local Building Supply, Landscape Pipe (Not Perforated) 06510010 Supply or Home Depot d' dia x 100 ft HOPE Corrugated Drainage ADS d $100 $400 Local Building Supply, Landscape Pipe (Perforated and Sleeved) 047301008$ Supply or Home Depot 6' HOPE Corrugated Wye Fitting ADS 40 $20 $800 Local Building Supply, Landscape 0622AA Supply or Grainger tDD 6'x4" Reducing Coupling ADS 48 $9 $432 Local Building Supply, Landscape 0614AA Supply or Home Depot Above Ground Materials 6" Inline Duct Fan Tjernl6und 4 $85 $340 Home Depot DuroStat" NEMA 4 Thermostat FarmTek 2 $46 $92 Fri CR2095 Fan Speed Controller 5A/1 20V FarmTek Optional -to 1 $50 $50 FarmTelk CF1844 reduce fan noise Fan Inlet Piping- 6' dia x lO It PVC Sewer B Cresline 2 $18 $36 Local Building Supply or Drain Pipe to ASTM D-2729 (Solid Wall) 52815 Plumbing Supply 3/0"-16 x 24' Threaded Rod - Zinc -Plated Double qty if fan 2 $3 $6 Local Building Supply or over 3 It high Home Depot 3/8"-16 Rod Coupling Nut - Zinc -Plated Double cry if fan 4 $2 $8 Local Building Supply or over 3 ft high Home Depot 3/8"-16 x d' Hanger Bolt -Stainless Steel Double qty if fan 4 $d $16 Local Building Supply or over 3 It high Home Oepot 3/8"-16 Lock Nut- Zinc Plated (10 Pack) Double qty if fan 2 $2 $q Local Building Supply or over 3 ft high Hame Oepot 3/0"-16 Nut- Zinc Plated (10 Pack) To help install 2 $2 $q Local Building Supply or hanger bolts Hame Depot /"""\ Cdd "GI coo' GAHT® System Materials List 18 x 24 DIY Standard GreenhouseGREENHOUSE SOLUTIONS d CERES Description Manufacturer Notes/ auanity Approx. Price Approx. Price Suggested Boom Part Number Calculations aegd per each($US) SUS) to Purchase From 1/4" galvanized mesh (hardware cloth) 4pieces cut to 1 $10 $10 Local Building Supply or 2'x 5'roll approx 9' he Home Depot #8x3/4' Self Tapping Screw A washers To hold mesh in 32 $0.25 $8 Local Building Supply or (4 per pipe) place Home Depot Wiring and conduit -1/2" conduit with Local Building Supply or surface mounted metal connection boxes Home Depot Approximate Total Price ($US) $7,401.00 (Any tax S shipping charges are not included) �N Gas line Isometric Permit Application #202100003 Existing Interior (n) Gas Meter Branch (e) Range 275 cu ft 57,000 BTUs Per Xcel Energy (n) 5 ft (e) Furnace (e) Water Heater Poly Riser 60,000 BTUs 50,000 BTUs (n) 30 ft 3/." Poly Buried 18" below grade (n) 30 ft %" Poly Buried 18" below grade New Exterior Branch (n) 18 ft 3/." Poly Buried 18" below grade Greg Hammerly 4471 Upham Street Ghammerly@gmail.com (n) Grill (n) Burner 48,000 BTUs 60,000 BTUs ( 5 k (n) Flex to V3/.Poly appliances Riser CAA FWV" Bdlwn View MONTECITOTM CAA Dimensions NOTE: All dimensions are approximate; measure your spa hetore making critical design or pafhmy decisions. O o O O O DD OC O O C� ❑F -I O DOOR SIDE Spa Specifications `AM Spe M1TAM Fwlpnnl H8I9M EIIr45re Ha r WW Ory RM Elttpk l (3a6X) olmasw FlNMr hNdNl calx* We& VVW Ralmramen¢ Area MONTEC"' 330 w14 X amp 89x67 N W 4,W0 M50 4Mb 3,8351% GFCI paledai Ns �npu,[ MABEMS" NL 330 wll. M amp UT Aa' N' `AM 4,M 90gW 3Mb 36XIX GFCI pMeaW M�.p aN MAUEMS' L 330 wN w amp WOW N SOM 4'WO M ga MU 3,4 lbs GFCI papdM 15pmN ail ARYAM- 230 wlt M amp T3'x6'7 N WV 4M M W6 3,7651he UCIpdmdd Nawp til 110 vIl " RIOWON-NL 1pX WXI UT xe'B' N' SO ffi qw MW3,mlw uCwNXary NMw 4,m0 1"pmm'° tim Ia0 OW, lSmp '&lsN L 33' MadWanap Iswemt S9x5'3' S0f Mqa MM 33MIM VCIPMaaM 4m0 uoil ^ OW 1A0 110wd, I5anp nv Xamp Pa 65'x65' N NP 3150 1.%W 4,1551W ucl C{aml 4,X0 up uN 'TMNSPMr IM 110wA, 15anp0 Z0 MOT N' XM a M4� gb 3,100IN 40wh 50 amp GFCI POMa NauY 4,X0 Orad "NENIHMiFR^ I.XO 110w8, 15ampo 30 65'x65' N' M Or e'ESgA Mbs 3MW 330u 50 amp GFCI pmued pvmy 4,X0 uN -NOMAM" 1,X0 110v06, 15ampo 230 val50 amp R�tl 69v u'9' 3T XR a =035BG 30MIbs GFCI pmade6 41000 praud two Nowt 15mp -eENICN.' M3 Wana4 aa.w i'10Y5'I' v XM EXqw MW 3,A98IG pmapapw 4A00 tim 1X0 Mace l5anp "ERAYSON- MS Nanry 4 W M510' 3P XM MqW MW 3,MIMa ucl p[I 4D10 tion 1,X0 110v9n5mp "CALAVERA- 33 Nanry I1M1W MW 3Y 35M a II0M NIEa 3,]W IM ucl p[&htl 00 tion AAMAINPEAINSA 2100=12 Specifications for Sunrooms (Editorially Revised) CAA ��„gory kll National Sunroom Association DTABLE OF CQNIENTS FOREWORD......................................................................................................1 1.0 SCOPE.........................................................................................................2 2.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS....................................................................2 3.0 GENERAL DEFINITIONS............................................................................3 4.0 SUNROOM CATEGORIES..........................................................................5 5.0 FENESTRATION PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ........ 5 6.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTING.....................................6 7.0 THERMAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................... T 6.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUNROOMS.......................................6 ® G NatiaMi ���--— Surtroom Asmdatlon 42012 Amenicin Architaclurel ManufacWare Association (AAMA), National Patio Enclosure Association (Ni & National Sunroom Association (NSA)—These printed or electronic pages may NOT but reproduced, republished or disMbutetl m any format without the exoness "Hen consent of AAMA, NPEA and NSA. This dccument was developed and maintained by representative members of AAMA, NPEA and NSA as advisory IrAametion. AAMA, NPEA & NSA DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS INFORMATION, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL AAMA, NPEA OR NSA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER FROM THE USE, APPLICATION OR ADAPTATION OF MATERIALS PUBLISHED HEREIN. Itis Me sole responsibility of the userlpurchaser to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content published herein. AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100-12 ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: 2002 PRECEDING DOCUMENT: AAMAMPEAMSA 210011 EDITORIALLY REVISED: 12112 PUBLISHED: 12112 THESE SPECIFICATIONS WERE PREPARED BY THE COOPERATIVE EFFORTS OF THE AMERICAN ARCHITECTURAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, THE NATIONAL PATIO ENCLOSURE ASSOCIATION, AND THE NATIONAL SUNROOM ASSOCIATION C1AMA/ 1 VrEAL/ 1 V SA 21Ur12 AAMA American Office Square, ralSuite a 550, ctmers Association 1827 Walden Phone: Square,5664550, : (847)bw&IL601]3-4628 Phone =it 303-5664 Fax: (54'n 303-5]]4 )rmeil: webmesterAmmavet ore D NPEA National Patio Encloswe Association 12625 Frederick Street, Suit 1-5 #315, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Phone: (909)485-8881 Fax: (909)924-30]8 E -wail rnfolompatom Qat' Sunroom Association NSA National Sunroom Association 13M Sumner Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2851 Phone: (216)MI-]333 Fax:(216)211-0105 E -mil: infolomtionalsunroow.ore AAMAMPEA SA2100.12 Page PREFACE This specification establishes minimum performance requirements of residential maintains (including sunspaces, conservalones, patio enclosures, patio rovers, porch enclosures and other related products olstmcrurw) and the fenestration products used therein as built how aluminum, fiber reinforced thermosets, vinyl, wood, and. or other alternate materials constructed as a sumoarn or extra space on conventionally built structures. The specification consists of eight sections. SECTION 1 covers scope and administrative details ofthe application of the specifications. SECTION 2 contains referenced standards throughout these specifications. SECTION 3 contains definitions and terminology for the interpretation of various provisions of these specifications. SECTION 0 defines uses, occupancies and limitations of the types of wnstmctions covered by the specifications. Section 3 also includes references to materials typically used in sumoom products. Sunroom categories are outlined by feature and performance requirements. SECTION 5 defines the minimum performance requirements for sunroom fenestration products. SECTION 6 con eros minimum perw mance requirements and design criteria for summons, SECTION 7 contains thermal performance criteria far summom requirements. SECTIONS contains general requirements for sumooms. NOTE 1: The specifications included herein will refer to other turnovers within model building codes, national speciftoations and other related AAMA. ATEA amt NSA standards, and speclfroations. No express approval or implied acceptance by any other agency or code entity us meant. FOREWORD Sumooms are u1i to add recourional space to residernial dwelling units. Prior in the publication of this document there were few specific detailed definitions and rryuirements for amounts, solariums, and screened porches or patio structures in the model building codes. The lack or definitive specifications and code requirements that specifically address sanctions has created confusion in the construction community as building officials and industry members alike struggle to apply unrelated code definitions and regovements to summons. The AAMAMPEAMSA 2100 specifications provide definitions and minimum performance criteria for sumooms and their components. The specifications also include mimmmn design criteria for various structural loads and other code requirements. The development of these specifications for sunrooms is an ongoing process. As the sunro im industry develops new product solutions to address consumer demand and code rapirements, the specifications will be updated to reflex the consensus between industry and building code requirements. v4s9 AAMAMPEAINSA 2150.12 Page 1 1.0 SCOPE LI TITLE These specifications shall be known as "Specifications for Sunrooms", and are hereunder referred to as "the specifications." 1.2 SCOPE The provisions of these specifications shall apply to the design and construction of residential sunmoms herein de Wed and described, except as such matters are provided for in applicable ordinances or statutes. 1.3 APPLICATION OF REFERENCES All ref ecs to chapter or section numbers of these specifications shall be construed to refer to such chapter or section unless specifically provided for elsewhere in the specifications. 1.4 SUNROOM The term samovar as used in these specifications infers to strap ices, conservatories, patio enclosures, patio covers, porch enclosures and other related products or structures. 1.5 APPLICABILITY 1.5.1 General The specifications shall apply to all matters affecting sumooms deemed to comply with the specifications defined herein. The construction, addition, alteration or repair ofsuch sunrooms shall comply with these specifications by section as specified. 1.5.2 Matters Not Addressed Any requirements essential to the safety of sumooms that are not specifically addressed in these specifications or applicable codes and standards adopted in the jurisdiction shall be dimern ed by the building official. The building official sball determine the provisions for permitting approvals, professional services, occupancy, violations and appeals as well as other requirements not expressly included herein Procedures for them activities shall be set by local code adoption, ordinance or at the discretion of the building official. 2.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 References m the standards listed below shall be to the edition indicated. Any undated reference m a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring in the latest edition of (bat code or standard. 2.2 American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) AAMA 250E-07, Comparative Analysis Procedure for Window and Door Products AAMA AG -12, AAMA Glossary AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/LS2/A"IFER, North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights 2.3 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ASCWSEI7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 2.4 ASTM International (ASTM) ASTM C177-10, Standard Test Method for Steady -State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-HotPlate Apparatus ASTM C518-10, Standard Test Method for Steady -State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus ASTM E72-10, Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Commission r"C�S era' AAMA/NPEA/NSA2100.12 Paget ASTM E33042 (2010), Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Earths Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference 2.5 International Code Council (ICC) 2009 International Budding Cade (IBC) 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) oo 2.8 National Fenestration Rating Council (NERC) NERC 100-10, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U -Factors NFRC 200-10, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Beat Gain Coefficients at Normal Incidence 2.9 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 70.201 1, National Electrical Code 3.0 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 3.1 The following words Said terms shall, for the purposes of Nese specifications, have the meanings described below unless otherwise expressly stared. The words have the benefit of interchangeability including Floridity, gender and tense. Terms that are not defined here but are defined in applicable miles shall use those definitions as interpreted by the Event building official. Please refer in the AAMA Glossary (AG -I1) for all definitions except for those appearing below (which apply only to AAMANPEANSA 2100). Terme that are not defined here or in applicable codes or ordinances shall have the normally accepted meaning as implied and defined by the context. 3.2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 3.2.1 ADDITION, SUNROOM: The construction of a sunroom that is attached to an existing structure. 3.2.2 AIR INFILTRATION: The amount of air that passes between a window sash and frame, a door panel and frame, or the glazing system of fixed windows. 3.23 ALTERATION: The modification of the existing structure to accommodate the addition. 3.2A BASIC WIND SPEED: A factor used to calculate structural pressures caused by wind acting on a surface or structure. Basic Wind Speed is expressed in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph) and is based on wind spew maps included in building codes or other related standards 31.5 CONDITIONED SPACE: An area or room within a building being heated or cooled, containing un -insulated ducts, or with a fixed opening directly into an adjacent conditioned space. 3.2.6 COVERING: A surface that provides protection or security by its position over a space. Coverings include, but are not necessarily limited to roofs, roof systems, glazed surfaces, screened panels or other similar assemblies. 31.7 DESIGN PRESSURE (DP): A rating that identifies the load, induced by wind and/or some snow, that a product is mope to withstand in Its end -up application. Loads induced by static snow are applicable only to unit skylights, roof windows, and TDDa (Not to be contused with Performance (rade (PG) or Structural Test Pressure (STP)). 3.2.8 FENESTRATION: Openings in the building envelope, such as windows, doors, roof windows, TDDs and unit skylights, designed to permit the passage of air, Eight or people. 3.29 FENESTRATION PRODUCT: An assembly designed to be installed in a fenestration opening us permit or write] the passage of air, water, light, and/or people. AAMA/NPEANSA 2100.12 Page 3 3.2.10 GLAZING, SUNROOM: Translucent, transparent, or opaque materiel, generally composed of plastic or glass that fills the prepared opening of fenestration product. 3.2.11 OPAQUE: Preventing light from traveling through and therefore not management or tramslucem. 3.2.12 OPENING: A breach or aperture in a wall or roof surface that is intended to accept a fenestration product or be left open. 3.2.13 PATIO COVER: A one story structure not exeeethng 3657 mm (12 fi) in height. Enclosure walls shall be permitted in be of any configmation, provided the open or glazed area of the longer wall and one additional wall is NMI to at least 65 percent of the ares below a minimum of 2032 mm (6 ft. 8 vr) of each well, measured tion the floor. 3.2.14 PATIO ENCLOSURE: A moment installed over an exterior surface such M a deck or patio slab. 3.2.15 PORCH ENCLOSURE: A sumoom installed as pan of porch. 3.2.16 ROOF, SUNROOM: The cover over a summon structure. Sumoom roofs shall be made of solid panel materials, ghousd surfaces, accounting or other materials and assemblies. 3.2.17 SCREEN: A product used with a window, door, or wit skylight, consisting of mesh who or plastic material used to keep out insects and is not for the purpose of providing security or for the retention ofobjecta or persons Gum the interior. 3.2.18 STRUCTURAL TEST PRESSURE (STP): The pressure differential applied m a window, door system, TDD or unit skylight- In the Specification, the STP is 150% of design pressure (DP) for omkive and doom and 200°/e of design pressure (DP) for TDDs and unit skylights. (Not to be confused with design pressure (DP) or Performance Grade (PG)). 3.2.19 SUNROOM: A one-story structure attached to a dwelling with a Staring mea in excess of 40 percent of the gross area of the structure's exterior walls and roof. 3.210 THERMAL ISOLATION: Physical and space conditioning separation from conditioned spaces) consisting of existing or new walls, doors and/or windows. The conditioned spaces) shall be controlled as separate sones for heating and cooling or conditioned by sepmme equipment. 3.211 TRANSLUCENT: A material that pernme the passage of light. 3.212 TRANSPARENT: A material Nat permits the passage of light with minimal distortion or scattering, so that objects on the opposite side from the viewer may be clearly seen. 3.213 UNIT SKYLIGHT: A complete factory assembled glass- or plastic -glazed fenestration unit consisting of not more than one panel of glass or plastic installed in a sloped or horizontal orientation that allows for round daylighting. Unit skylights site either fixed (non-operable) or venting (operating). 3.214 VENTILATION: The process of supplying and removing air by natural or mechanical means to and from any space. Such air may or may not be conditioned. 3.215 WATER PENETRATION RESISTANCE: A measurement of Ne resistance ofa fenestration product to the passage ofwater. 3.2.26 WATER PENETRATION RESISTANCE TEST PRESSURE: The pressure differential applied across a test specimen to determine the water penetration resistance rating AAMAMPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 4 4.0 SUNROOM CATEGORIES 4.1 The following categories re used in specify differing criteria for summers based on their intended use. Performance speeficafiom vary by summers category with stated minimum requirements. The room definitions are intended m provide required features for that classification of stmmom Additional or optional features added to enhance the pert rraance of the sunroom product are not within the scope of flux standard. 4.1.1 Category I A Thermally Isolated Srrmom with walls that are either open or enclosed with insect screening or 0.5 mm (20 l) maximum thickness plastic film. Category 1 shall meet the structural requirements as outlined in Section 6.0. The space is defined as a non -habitable, mon<onditioned sunroom. 4.1.E Category IT A Thermally Isolated Summit with enclosed walls. The openings are permitted to be enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. Category 11 must meet the structural requirements as outlined in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. The space is defined as a non -habitable, non -conditioned sunroom. 4.13 Category OI A Thermally Isolated Sumoom with enclosed walls. The openings are permitted to he enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for ah indigenous resistance, and water penetration resistance as outlined in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. The sunroom complies with the strvomrdl requirements as outlined in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. The space is defined as a non -habitable, non -conditioned sunroom. 4.1.4 Category IV A Thermally Isolated Sumoom with enclosed walls. The sumeom is designed to be heated and/or cooled by a separate temperature control or system mrd is thermally isolated from the primary structure. The swroom fermentation complies with additional requirements for air Infiltration resistance, water penetration resistance, thermal performance, and the structural requirements as outlined in Sections 5.0, 6.0 and TO. The space is defined as a nun -habitable and conditioned sunroom. 4.1.5 Category V A Sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated and/or coaled and is open to the main structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for air infiltration resistance, water penetration resistance, thermal performance, and the structural requirements as outlined in Sections 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0. The space is defined as a habitable and conditioned situation- 5.0 unroom 5.0 FENESTRATION PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 SCOPE Requirements for sunroom fenestration products shall include minimums as establishN by these specifications. Compliance with the applicable specifications shall be determined as outlined berein. 5.2 STRUCTURA 5.2.1 Structural Design Pressure Vertical fenestration products yr summons shall be designed hr accordance with Sections R301, M08 and R613 of the IRC, or Chapter 16 and Section 1714.5 of the IDC, whichever code is applicable. In addition to the minimum design pressure below (see Table 5-1), sloped fenestration products in sunrooms shall he designed in accordance with Sections 8301 W M08 of the IRC, or Chapters 16 and 24 of the IBC, whichever code is applicable. Wind pressures for the design of Category I sunrmi n. shall be determined in accordance with Table AB107,44 1) of the IRC. Categories 11 through V are subject to minimum swemtal requirements. The basic wind speed in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per bow (kph), as decor rad and by the local or regional building otHcial, shall be the basis for calculating applicable design pressure requirements. Sunroom fenestration products shall be rated in Pascals (Pa) (pounds per square foot (psQ) positive and negative at the appropriate test pressures. W 4 sr or A M]DiPEMDiSA2100.12 Page 5.21 Nonstandard Sizes Calculations using interpolation to establish performance values of non -tested sizes and/or configurations shall be based on testing completed in accordance with these specifications and eco dyzed with accepted engineering methods (see AAMA 2502). 5.23 Minimum Pressures Sunroom fenestration products in Categories 11, 111, IV and V shall be rated at a minimum positive and negative design pressure as outlined in Table 5-1 when tested in accordance with ASTM E330. 5.2.41 Fenestration Products Sumoom fenestration products shall comply with the specifications contained in AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2/A440, in accordance with Table 5-1 below. Table 5-1 6.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTING 6.1 SCOPE Structural requirements for sunrooms shall include m s as established by this specification. The summer shall be designed in accordance with Section R301 of the IRCmornChapter 16 of the USE, whichever is applicable. Structural performance shall be determined as outlined in this scarier, 6.2 LOADS ON SUNROOM STRUCTURES 6.2.1 Wind Loads Basic wind speed In miles per how (mph) or kilometef per hour (kph) shall be determined by the local or regional building official. Surname including exposed snvcttnee, components, cladding and roof covering shall be designed to resist the wind loads established in aceordaace with Section 8301 of the IRC, or Chapter 16 of the IBC, whichever is applicable, or local wind load criteria as determined by the local building official. Wind pressures for the design of Category I soorooms shall be determined in accordance with Table AHI09.4(1) of the IRC or local wind pressures criteria as determined by the local building official. Component and Cladding (C&C) pressures shall b used for the design of elements that do not qualify as Main Wind Force Resisting Systems (MWFRS). Examples of components and cladding for vertical wind pressures include roof panels, parties and connections attaching a roof element m supports. Examples of components and cladding for horizontal wind pressures include enclosure wall panels, mullions, doors, windows and their corrections. MWFRS pressures shall be used or the design of elements assigned to provide support and stability for the overall sunroom. Examples for the MWFRS for vertical wind pressures include columns, beaders, structural Fascias, ledgers and concrete footings. Examples of MWFRS for horizontal wind pressures include the toofas a horivontal diaphragm shear walls, wall bracing and anchorage to foundations. 6.2.E Dead Loads The roof dead load shall be minimum of 10 kg/m° (2.01bVW) or the actual material weight, whichever is greater. 6.23 Roof Snow (mads Ground snow loads shall be determined by the local building official. Unless otherwise permitted by the building official, Snow load factors, including drifting or sliding snow, based upon job site condimas, shall be used m determine the mml roof ow load in accordance with Section ]L 01 of fie IRC, or Chapter I6 of fie IBC, whichever is applicable, or local snow load criteria as determined by the local building official. 6.2.4 Roof Live Loads The roof live load shall be as required by the local applicable Code, or by Appendix H of fire IRC, whichever is applicable. AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 6 $wroom Cate o Fenestration Product Ill V Minimum Design Pressure WA 0 aj°r��u 0 20 5 Ventralsign 20 s ]20 Pa ]20 Pa ]20 Pa Minimum Design Pressure Pleasure N/A IS s IS s IS s 15 s Unit Sk li [s Table 5-1 6.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTING 6.1 SCOPE Structural requirements for sunrooms shall include m s as established by this specification. The summer shall be designed in accordance with Section R301 of the IRCmornChapter 16 of the USE, whichever is applicable. Structural performance shall be determined as outlined in this scarier, 6.2 LOADS ON SUNROOM STRUCTURES 6.2.1 Wind Loads Basic wind speed In miles per how (mph) or kilometef per hour (kph) shall be determined by the local or regional building official. Surname including exposed snvcttnee, components, cladding and roof covering shall be designed to resist the wind loads established in aceordaace with Section 8301 of the IRC, or Chapter 16 of the IBC, whichever is applicable, or local wind load criteria as determined by the local building official. Wind pressures for the design of Category I soorooms shall be determined in accordance with Table AHI09.4(1) of the IRC or local wind pressures criteria as determined by the local building official. Component and Cladding (C&C) pressures shall b used for the design of elements that do not qualify as Main Wind Force Resisting Systems (MWFRS). Examples of components and cladding for vertical wind pressures include roof panels, parties and connections attaching a roof element m supports. Examples of components and cladding for horizontal wind pressures include enclosure wall panels, mullions, doors, windows and their corrections. MWFRS pressures shall be used or the design of elements assigned to provide support and stability for the overall sunroom. Examples for the MWFRS for vertical wind pressures include columns, beaders, structural Fascias, ledgers and concrete footings. Examples of MWFRS for horizontal wind pressures include the toofas a horivontal diaphragm shear walls, wall bracing and anchorage to foundations. 6.2.E Dead Loads The roof dead load shall be minimum of 10 kg/m° (2.01bVW) or the actual material weight, whichever is greater. 6.23 Roof Snow (mads Ground snow loads shall be determined by the local building official. Unless otherwise permitted by the building official, Snow load factors, including drifting or sliding snow, based upon job site condimas, shall be used m determine the mml roof ow load in accordance with Section ]L 01 of fie IRC, or Chapter I6 of fie IBC, whichever is applicable, or local snow load criteria as determined by the local building official. 6.2.4 Roof Live Loads The roof live load shall be as required by the local applicable Code, or by Appendix H of fire IRC, whichever is applicable. AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 6 960 Pa 960 Pa 960 Pa 960 Pa aj°r��u 20 sp 20 5 20 s 20 s ]20 Pa ]20 Pa ]20 Pa ]20 Pa �4 IS s IS s IS s 15 s o `Mo/ry ms Table 5-1 6.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTING 6.1 SCOPE Structural requirements for sunrooms shall include m s as established by this specification. The summer shall be designed in accordance with Section R301 of the IRCmornChapter 16 of the USE, whichever is applicable. Structural performance shall be determined as outlined in this scarier, 6.2 LOADS ON SUNROOM STRUCTURES 6.2.1 Wind Loads Basic wind speed In miles per how (mph) or kilometef per hour (kph) shall be determined by the local or regional building official. Surname including exposed snvcttnee, components, cladding and roof covering shall be designed to resist the wind loads established in aceordaace with Section 8301 of the IRC, or Chapter 16 of the IBC, whichever is applicable, or local wind load criteria as determined by the local building official. Wind pressures for the design of Category I soorooms shall be determined in accordance with Table AHI09.4(1) of the IRC or local wind pressures criteria as determined by the local building official. Component and Cladding (C&C) pressures shall b used for the design of elements that do not qualify as Main Wind Force Resisting Systems (MWFRS). Examples of components and cladding for vertical wind pressures include roof panels, parties and connections attaching a roof element m supports. Examples of components and cladding for horizontal wind pressures include enclosure wall panels, mullions, doors, windows and their corrections. MWFRS pressures shall be used or the design of elements assigned to provide support and stability for the overall sunroom. Examples for the MWFRS for vertical wind pressures include columns, beaders, structural Fascias, ledgers and concrete footings. Examples of MWFRS for horizontal wind pressures include the toofas a horivontal diaphragm shear walls, wall bracing and anchorage to foundations. 6.2.E Dead Loads The roof dead load shall be minimum of 10 kg/m° (2.01bVW) or the actual material weight, whichever is greater. 6.23 Roof Snow (mads Ground snow loads shall be determined by the local building official. Unless otherwise permitted by the building official, Snow load factors, including drifting or sliding snow, based upon job site condimas, shall be used m determine the mml roof ow load in accordance with Section ]L 01 of fie IRC, or Chapter I6 of fie IBC, whichever is applicable, or local snow load criteria as determined by the local building official. 6.2.4 Roof Live Loads The roof live load shall be as required by the local applicable Code, or by Appendix H of fire IRC, whichever is applicable. AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 6 6.2.5 Selsmle Loads Sunroom structures shall comply with the requirements of ASCE/SEI 7 for the design of earthquake forces. Site specific design parameters shall be defined by ASCE/SE17. Where rational justification of the Response Modification Factor (R) cannot be determined through mtioml analysis, R very conservatively be set to IA for the propose of determining the applied seismic forces. The seismic Importance Factor shall be set to 1.0. 6.2.6 Load Combinations Load Combinations shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 2 of ASCE/SEI 7 and shall be used for determination of the "design" pressme which shall be applied to the structural elements of the Sunroom. 6.3 STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR SUNROOM ROOF ASSEMBLIES 6.3.1 Allowable Load The allowable transverse load capacity of the su mom roof assembly shall be the lesser of the load at the maximum allowable deflection or the Wtimme transverse load divided by a Factor of Safety of 20 for beading caused by load combinations which include Roof Live Loads, Wind Loads or Earthquake Loads, 2.5 for bending caused by all other load combinations and 3.0 for Shear caused by all load combinations. The ultimate transverse load capacity of the summom roof assembly shall be determined by testing in accordance with ASTM E72 or other approved income. 6.3.2 Maximum Deflection For aluminum structural members or panels used in roofs or walls of sumoom additions or patio covers, not supporting edge of glass or sandwich panels, the total load detection shall not exceed V60. For continuous aluminum structural members supporting edge of glass, the total load deflection shall not exceed the lesser of 19 mm (3/4 in) or TJ 175 for each glass lite, or Unit for the entire length of the member, whichever is more stringent For sandwich panels used in room or walls of summom additions or patio covers, the meal load detection shall not exceed L/120. 7.0 THERMAL REQUIREMENTS 7.1 SCOPE Thermal performance requirements for mmusoms shall include minimums as established by this specification. 7.2 THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF SUNROOM FEV ESTRATION PRODUCTS Thermal pert mance of surto n roofs, wells end fenestration products in Sunroom Categories P/ and V shat be in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), Intematioml Reanimated Code (Energy Section), or local cedes that are more sain uid than the aforementioned cedes. Compliance with the applicable thermal performance rating requirements shall be determined as outlined in this section. 7.2.1 Fenestration U -factor of the glazed panels shall be determined in accordance with NFRC 100 by an accredited, independent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufacturer. The solea heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of glazed fenestration products (windows, glazed doors and skylights) shat be determined in accordance with NFRC 200 by an accredited, independent labmamry, and labeled and certified by the meuumcmrer. 7.2.2 Roof and Wall R -Value: The R -value of opaque roof and wall panels shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C518 or ASTM C177. 8.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUNROOMS 8.1 SCOPE General requirements for sunro arms shall include minimums as established by this specification. Local building and fire code agencies have the authority to adopt diffming requirements. Where conflict exists between this standard and the requirements of the local authority b rvingj irisdiction, those of the authority having jurisdiction shall prevail. �w �r e`tws"n AAMAMPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 7 8.2 FOUNDATIONS 8.2.1 Concrete Foundations Load bearing walls happening no more than one Floor level and roof in all Sumoom Categories shall be Persuaded to be supported by a concrete foundation of no less Nan 200 mm (12 in) in width provided Nat formation is supported by a continuous footing that meets the criteria of Section 8.2.3. 8.2.2 Slab on Grade Where permitted by the local jurisdiction and in areas with a frost line depth of zero as specified by the building official, umooms shall be permitted to be supported on a concrete slab on grade provided that the slab is not less than 90 mm (3.5 in) thick, and does not support a concentrated load an excess of 340 kg (750 Had per column. 8.23 Slab on Grade with Turn -Down Footing Unless otherwise allowed in this specification, all Summoms in areas with a frost line depth of zero shall be permitted to be supported on a concrete slab on grade with a turn -down footing. The mm down toting shall support the bearing walls and load carrying elements ofthe structure. All Sumooms in areas with a Gust has depth greater than zero shall be personnel to be supported on a concrete slab on grade with a mm-0own perimeter footing in accordance with the requirements of the local building code. 8.2.4 Deckn Supporting Sunrooms All Categories of Scmooms shall be permitted to be supported on a deck that is constructed in accordance with the requGements ofthe local building code. 8.3 SITE MID PLAN Simmons shall comply with local code requitements fr elevation above grade, setbacks and easements, storm -water retention and offer site issues. 8.4 EXISTING EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS All categories of surmounts; shall comply with the egress and emergency escape and rescue opening requirements of the local building code. For the purposes of determining compliance, Category I sumooms shall be considered outdoor space unless otherwise dictated by the local code 8.5 LIGHTING Summon shall comply with code requirements for lighting. Openings required for lighting in adjoining spaces shall be permitted an open man a sumoom. The existing exterior openings in Ne adjoining space combined with the openings in the warrant shall provide sufficient lighting for the combined Flom area ofthe sumoom and the adjoining space. EXCEPTION I: Category I sunrooms shall be considered as outdoor space for the purpose of determining natural lighting requirements. 8.6 ELECTRICAL 8.6.1 Exit and Stairway Illumination All sunrooms shall provide stairway and egress illumination as required by local code. EXCEPTION 2: Category I srraoms are not required to have exit lighting 8.6.2 Receptacle Outlets Receptacle outlets in Category IV and V sunrooms shall be itutalled in accordance with NFPA 70 Article 314. EXCEPTION 3: Category 1, Il and III sumooms are eremptjrom requiremvntr for receptacle oullets. AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 8 Chamees from AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100-02 to AAMA AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100-11 Various editorial changes were made Better defined what is included In the tern "residential sum aims" in the "Preface" Added fiber reinforced therumsets as a material used to construct sunrooras in the "Preface" Added reference to the AAMA Glossary (AG -11) in Section 3.0 Removed definitions for "Ponied Baby Resistance", "Habitable", "ICBO", "Non -Habitable", "Solar Heat Gain Coefficient", "Sunspace", "Thermal Trevemittanca", "U Factor" and "Unconditioned" (due to new reference of AAMA Glossary) Added new definitions for "Patio Cover', "Unit Skylight" and "Water Penetration Resistance Test Pressure" Added requirements to meet specific sections of this specification for Category I, IL III, IV and V surmounts Added language for surmounts being defined as'ghermslly isolated" Added new first paragraph to Section 5.2.1 regarding code requirements (IBC and IRC) Removed specific design pressure requGements in Section 5.2 3, and added reference m Table 5-1 instead Removed old Section 4.3, "Forced Entry' Changed "Minimum Design Pressure— Vertical Glazing" in Table 5-1 from "optional" to "960 Pa (20 pso" Removed old Section 4 4, "Water Penetration" Removed old Section 4 5, "Air Leakage" Added reference to IRC and IBC codes in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 (and all subsections) Added new second paragraph to Section 6.2.1 regarding C&C pressures and MWFRS Added reference to ASCE/SEI 7 in Section 6.2.5; added new second paragraph to same section Added new Section 6.2.6, "Load Combinations" Added language regarding load combinations to Section 6.3.1 Removed old Sections 5.3.2, 5.33 and 5.4, "Structural Testing ofSumoum Components" Added new Section 63.2, "Maximum Deflection" Added reference to IRC and IECC in Section 7.2 Removed reference to AAMA 1503 in Section 7.2.1 Removed reference to NFRC 201 in Section 7.2.2 Removed old Section 6.2.3 and 6.3, "Thermal Performance of Sentiment Components' Added new Section 7.2.2 Removed language regarding perimeter walls in Section 8.2.1; replaced with ref c s in Section 7.2.3 Added new Section 8.2.3, "Slab on Grade with Tum -Down Footing" Removed old Section 7.6, `Guards and Railings" Removed language regarding wall space in Section 8.6.2; replaced with reference to NFPA 70 Removed old Appendix A Changes from AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100-11 to AAMA AAMA/NPEA/NSA 2100-12 Editorial change: Changed reference in Section 8.2.1 from Section 7.2.3 to Section 8.2.3. C" e %,,a orb's AAMAMPEA/NSA 2100.12 Page 9 [a AAMA Ametk m Architedual Manufacturers Assoclation 1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550, Schaumburg, IL 60173-0626 Phone: (847) 3035664 Fax: (847) 3035 ]4 E-mail: mbmaster@aamaneboM NPEA National Patio Enclosure Association 12625 Fretleriol< Street. Suit 1-54315, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Phone: (909)4658681 Fax (909)920.3078 E-mail: Info@npea.org CuNSational nroom ssociation NSA Natlonal Sunmom Association 1300 Sumner Ave., Cleveland!, Ohio "l 528 51 Pbona(21A241-]333 Fax:(216)241-0105 E-mail: info@nationakunroom.org City of Wheat Ridge Homeowner Accessory Structure PERMIT - 202100003 PERMIT NO: 202100003 ISSUED: 02/04/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 4471 Upham St EXPIRES: 02/04/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Construct patio cover - 240 sq ft total *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)298-1284 HAMMERLY GREG M *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 10,500.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 143.10 Use Tax 220.50 Permit Fee 220.15 ** TOTAL ** 583.75 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. I, the property owner, by my signature, attest that I currently reside at the project property, intend to reside at the property for a period of one year after completion of the project, and am personally performing all work, without the assistance of hired or professional workers. If professionals are hired, those contractors are licensed with the City of Wheat Ridge and are listed on the permit. NOTE: Consultations and inspections will only be performed with the homeowner of record present. A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. Landscaping removed or damaged during construction must be replaced prior to final inspection. 1* � 4 41' PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: JOB DESCRIPTION: City of Wheat Ridge Homeowner Accessory Structure PERMIT - 202100003 202100003 ISSUED: 4471 Upham St EXPIRES: Construct patio cover - 240 sq ft total 02/04/2021 02/04/2022 I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include al entities entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This.permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any pplicab e code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 02/04/2021 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. no change to valuation From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Accessory Structure (Garage, Shed over 120 sq ft, Gazebo) Date: Saturday, January 2, 20219:23:18 AM Residential Accessory Structure (Garage, Shed over 120 sq ft, Gazebo) THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4471 Upham Street Property Owner Name Greg Hammerly Property Owner Phone 720-298-1284 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" ghammerly@gmail.com WR Credit Card Auth.odf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Homeowner Name Wheat Ridge Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) II88II Contact Email Address ghammerly@gmail.com for Questions/Comments Retype Contractor ghammerly@gmail.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Covered Patio Work - Example: Detached Garage with Electrical; Unconditioned shed Square Footage of Accessory Structure Engineering Letters and Other Letter Size Attachments Construction Plans scanned on 11'x17" or larger 240 Field not completed. 4471 Uoham Construction Plans.odf Project Value (contract 10500 ok bf 1/5/2020 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Greg Hammerly Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH !ice �!1► PLANS 2018 IRC, 2018 1ECC, 2020 NEC, 'VIS 4�1 1` LLA S Reviewed for Zoning Compliance by the lk" COLORADO PLUMBING CODE UPHAM STREET MUST BE ON SITE FOR INSPECTION City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7�ry ALL firaigi are APPROVED '$uhiW to Field Inanacttons i'1/ BY: CIrr CURB DATE: January 28, 2021 eeoeERr it It COMMENTS: Approved with conditions �. I I I� ' W he at j�dge - - - - - - - I r- I I � I I I Ist � I I I I I Exlsnr4G House I I 1 I I � I I i I New Covered _ Concrete Patio EM-INGFRCNI WALK FRONT SEIBnCK I I I I I I I� I I W he at j�dge I APPROVED I 11 Ra,i a mecwrooeNm Ist Ip BRANDON F 1/18/2021 I la i5 aaa EKamnw Di I � h,n ypws�wn � 9mrauaa I Mevwnae �n.M.wrroruwu IY� I Ina. I �— EMISI rNplG I I PROP85�fY LLIMINE I I L — — — — —------- — ---- aHx SEIMCK-- _ J— p NORTH Owner/Contract is and constructing i F plan and required e responsible for ma c plan set and any co inaccurate informal 25 C nsible for locating prope. rents according to the ap hent standards. The Cit< information submitted w on errors resulting from noved or damaged during st be replaced prior to final EXISnNGORNEWAr EWING FENCE OD O the 6.8„ 1 VICINITY MAP M tib; - 44711 W HEATRDGE, CO Li vaEg��a 7 e W M LU > W 1--O O LU 00 LL Of OCoWw(D U-1 �_9(D < Of OW �Wzx av�0 Design Criteria: Table R602.3(1) Typical Fastening Schedule ITEM DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS 1. Building Code: INDEX: LEGEND: (N) 4" CONCRETE SLAB 2 RENF. #3 BARS @ 24" O.C. S0.1 1.1. Model Building Code: 2018 IRC, 2018 IBC 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or 1 1.2. City of Wheat Ridge Amendments S0.1 GENERAL NOTES/ DETAILS (M NEW BEAMS AND 2. Dead Loads: FOUNDATION PLAN 100 SQ. FT. MAX HORIZONTAL BARS 4" HEADERS 2.1. Roof Total: 15psf ROOF FRAMING PLAN (E) EXISTING INTO (E) FOUNDATION L 2.2. Wall Total: 10psf 3-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or POST BELOW El 3. Live Loads: 4-3" x 0.131" nails WALL 0 i � 3.1. Residential: 40psf i i HORIZONTAL BARS 4" SLOPE l i"PER 1' TO DRAIN 1 Face nail POST ABOVE 3.2. Bedroom Only: 30psf (N) FOUNDATION 0 3.3. Roof: 20psf 3-10d common (3" x 0.148"); or BLOCKING m 4. Snow Loads: 4-3" x 0.131" nails (E) FOUNDATION 6 4.1. Flat Roof Snow Load, pf= 30psf 3-10d common nails(3" x 0.148"); or 2 toe nails on one side and 1 toe nail on CONTINUOUS czam 4.2. Ground Snow Load, pg = 30psf ABU46Z 16" AT BASE DEMO [ _ _ ] MEMBER S. Wind Design Data: 5.1. Exposure Category- C 5.2. Wind Speed: V= 135mph 6. Seismic Design Data: 6.1. Design Category - B 6.2. Site Class - D 7. Soil Design Data: 7.1. Bearing Capacity - 1500psf (assumed) General Notes: 1. Construction documents are valid for a single use at the project location and shall not be reused, copied, or reproduced without written approval of the registered design professional in reasonable charge. 2. General notes and typical details are provided as a supplement to the construction documents and apply where specific notes and details are not available. Specific notes and structural details shall take precedence over general notes and typical details. Structural requirements shown in the framing plans and in the structural details shall take precedence over structural notes indicated in architectural sections. 3. Printed dimensions shall take precedence over scales shown on construction documents. The registered design professional in reasonable charge does not warrant the accuracy of scaled dimensions. 4. Approval by the inspector does not imply approval by the registered design professional in reasonable charge. Structural specifications that are unclear or ambiguous shall be referred to the registered design professional in reasonable charge for interpretation or clarification. 5. The contractor is responsible for the methods, means and sequence of all structural erection except when specifically noted otherwise in the construction documents, including all typical structural connections as referenced in IRC Table R602.3(1) and IBC Table 2304.10.1. The contractor shall provide temporary shoring and bracing, providing adequate vertical and lateral support during erection. Shoring and bracing shall remain in place until all permanent members are placed and all final connections are completed. 6. The contractor is responsible for standard connections unless notes otherwise. The contractor shall obtain additional assistance from the registered design professional in reasonable charge for all non-standard connections. 7. The contractor agrees that, in accordance with generally accepted construction practices, the contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility forjob site conditions during the course of construction of the project, including safety of all persons and property. This requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. The contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold owner and engineer harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work on this project, exempting liability arising from the sole negligence of engineer. Concrete 1. Concrete materials, qualitycontrol and construction shall complywith ACI 318. Special inspections shall be evaluated in accordance with ACI 318 R5.6, 5.8 and tested in accordance with ASTM C172, C31. Compressive strength (minimum specified at 28 days) 1.1 Footing 3500 psi 1.2 Slab 3500 psi 1.3 Walls 3500 psi 2. Materials 2.1 Cements (ASTM C 150) Concrete exposed to freezing and thawing or deicing chemicals shall conform to the maximum water-cementitious material ratio and minimum compressive strength requirements of ACI 318 table4.3.1. 2.2 Aggregates (ASTM C 33) nominal maximum size of course aggregates shall conform to (ACI 318 3.3.2) 2.3 Water used in mixing concrete shall be potable and clean. (ACI 3183.1.1-2) 3. Steel 3.1 Deformed Bars: fy=60 ksi (ASTM A615) 3.2 At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free from mud, oil, and other nonmetallic coatings that decrease bond (ACI 318 7.4.1) 4. Minimum Concrete cover (ACI 318 7.7.1) 4.1 Concrete cast against earth: 3 inches 4.2 Concrete exposed to earth orweather: 5.2.1 No. 6 or larger 2 inches 5.2.2 No. 5 bars, W31 Wire, or smaller: 1.5 inches 5.Formworkshallconform toACI 318andACI 347. Forms shall be removed in a manneras not to impairsafetyand serviceability of the structure. Concreteexposed hyform removal shall have sufficient strength notto beclannaged byremoval operation. Wood 1. Wood materials, quality and construction shall conform to 2018 NDS. 2. Structural lumber: (2015 NDS) 2.1 Bearing walls:Hem-Fir (HF) Stud (SATM D 1990, DOC PS 20) 2.2 Post: Hem -fir (HF) N2 or better (ASTM D 1990, DOC PS 20) 2.3 Beam and Headers Hem -fir (HF) N2 or better (ASTM D 1990, DOC PS 20) 2.4 Sill Plates Preservative -treated wood Structural composite lumber and engineered wood 3.1 Laminated strand lumber 3.1.2Ex=1.55E 3.2 Prefabricated wood I -Joist 2018 NDS 9.1.3) 3.3 Microllam LVL Ex= 2.0 3. Wood Structural panels 4.1 Roof floor and sheathing: Oriented Strand Board (OSB) (DOC PS 1,2) 4.2 Sheathing shall be manufactured with exterior glue and not less than 4x8 feet, except at boundaries and at changes in framing. 4.3 Wall Sheathing 4: 4.3.1 Oriented Strand Board (OSB) (DOC PS 1,2) 4.3.2 All panel joints in wall shall occur over studs or blocking using 8D nails spaced a minimum of 6 inches at panel edges and 12 inches at intermediate framing. StaGger sheathing joints. 4. Joist hanger, column caps, column bases, framing hardware: 5.1 Acceptable manufacturer Simpson Strong Tie 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94588 (800) 925-5099 http://www.strongtie.com 5.2 Substitutions: not permitted. 5.3 Wood connectors on pressure treated lumber are to be corrosion resistant stainless steel or hot dip galvanized hardware. 5. Adhesive: 6.1 Liquid nails heavy duty construction adhesive (In-903/Inp-903) 6.2 Specification ASTM c-557 6.3 Substitutions: permitted. Structural Observations 1. The owner shall employ a registered design professional to perform structural observations as defined in 2018 IBC 1704.6 for those structures where one or more of the conditions stated in 2018 IBC 1704.6.1 through 1704.6.3 exist. Prior to the commencement of observations, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement identifying the frequency and extent of the structural observations. At the conclusion of the work included in the permit, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement that the site visits have been made and identify any reported deficiencies that, to the best of the structural observer's knowledge, have not been resolved (2018 IBC 1704.6) (E) SUNROOM S.O.G (E) CRAWLSPACE N Table R602.3(1) Typical Fastening Schedule ITEM DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS NUMBER AND TYPE OF FASTENER SPACING AND LOCATION Roof (N) 4" CONCRETE SLAB 2 RENF. #3 BARS @ 24" O.C. S0.1 Blocking between ceiling joists or rafters to top 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or 1 plate TOOLED JOINTS @ DOWEL AND EPDXY (N) Toe nail 2 i 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or 100 SQ. FT. MAX HORIZONTAL BARS 4" 3-3" x 0.131" nails INTO (E) FOUNDATION L Ceiling joist not attached to prallel rafter, laps 3-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or 3 DOWEL AND EPDXY (N) 4-3" x 0.131" nails b i � Ceiling joist attached to prallel rafter (heel i i HORIZONTAL BARS 4" SLOPE l i"PER 1' TO DRAIN 1 Face nail Co � � INTO (E) FOUNDATION Collar tie to rafter, face nail or 11/4" X 20 ga. 3-10d common (3" x 0.148"); or 1 ridge strap to rafter 4-3" x 0.131" nails i � 6 � 8" PIER BELLED TO 3-10d common nails(3" x 0.148"); or 2 toe nails on one side and 1 toe nail on 3 ABU46Z 16" AT BASE opposite side of each rafter or truss S0.1 3-10d common (3 1/2" x 0.148"); or Toe nail `------------- -- Roof rafters to ridge, valley or hip rafters or 8" PIER 7 roof rafter to minimum 2" ridge beam 2-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or L------ ----- -- ----- I Wall 5' 3 8' 1 8' 4 8' 4 74" S0.1 S0.1 1 S0.1 S0.1 29'-74" SI M FOUNDATION PLAN 1N 1/4" = 1'-0" NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO F.V. LOCATION OF ALL POST ANCHORAGE. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE, CONTRACTOR TO F.V. AND COORDINATE ALL FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS 3. CONTRACTOR TO F.V. LOCATION OF TRANSITION FROM RETAINING WALL TO MONOLITHIC SLAB PER SITE GRADE REQUIREMENTS Z a 811 SECTION SECTION 1 (2) #4 (1) TOP, (1) BOTTOM 3" CLR. TYP. (E) SUNROOM SHALLOW FROST PROTECTED FOUNDATION (DO NOT REMOVE OR DISTURB EXISTING INSULATION) 4" SLAB PER PLAN NOTE A a / a a as. % 811_ SECTION 2 2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 1/4" = V-0" 4" SLAB PER PLAN NOTE (2) #4 (1) TOP, (1) BOTTOM 3" CLR. TYP. aQ a ?II" a M _ 4 O V-4" 4 SECTION 3 1" = 1'-0" #3 @ 24" O.C. SLAB REINFORCEMENT TURN INTO RETAINING WALL MIN 18" a #4 @ 18" O.C. VERTICAL AT OUTSIDE FACE (2) # 4 BARS TOP AND BOTTOM 1y" CLEAR TYP (2) #4 BARS HORIZONTAL 3" CLEAR TYP %6" OSB W/ 8d @ 6" AND 12" BEAM PER PLAN BC46 SHIM AS NEEDED 4x6 P.T. POST ALL THREAD DRILL AND EPDXY 4" OR a' x 8" ANCHOR BOLT WET SET Z m 12 2 - RAFTER PER PLAN - LRU26Z RAFTER TO BEAM 4x6 P.T. POST ABU46Z ALLOW y" EXPANSION JOINT AROUND ROUND PIER ---------� THICKENED EDGE SLAB i BEYOND SECTION CUT J (2) #4 BARS VERTICAL a 8 11 i 4 O a a a a D PER PLAN SECTION 4 2018 IRC - Wall Construction Table R602.3(1) Typical Fastening Schedule ITEM DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS NUMBER AND TYPE OF FASTENER SPACING AND LOCATION Roof Blocking between ceiling joists or rafters to top 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or 1 plate 3-3" x 0.131" nails Toe nail 2 Ceiling joists to top plate 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or Per joist, toe nail 3-3" x 0.131" nails Ceiling joist not attached to prallel rafter, laps 3-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or 3 over partitions 4-3" x 0.131" nails Face nail 4 Ceiling joist attached to prallel rafter (heel Table R802.5.1(9) Face nail joint) Collar tie to rafter, face nail or 11/4" X 20 ga. 3-10d common (3" x 0.148"); or 5 ridge strap to rafter 4-3" x 0.131" nails Face nail each rafter 6 Rafter or roof truss to plate 3-10d common nails(3" x 0.148"); or 2 toe nails on one side and 1 toe nail on 4-3" x 0.131" nails opposite side of each rafter or truss 3-10d common (3 1/2" x 0.148"); or Toe nail Roof rafters to ridge, valley or hip rafters or 4-3" x 0.131" nails 7 roof rafter to minimum 2" ridge beam 2-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or 3-3" x 0.131" nails End nail Wall 16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 24" o.c. face nail 8 Stud to stud (not at braced wall panels) 3" x 0.131" nails 16" o.c. face nail Stud to stud and abutting studs at intersecting 3" x 0.131" nails 12" o.c. face nail 9 wall corners at braced wall panels) ( p ) 16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 16" o.c. face nail 10 Built-up header (2" to 2" header with 1/2" 16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 16" o.c. each edge face nail spacer) 11 Continuous header to stud 4-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131") Toe nail 16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 16" o.c. face nail 12 Top plate to top plate 3" x 0.131" nails 12" o.c. face nail 13 Double top plate splice for SDCs A -D2 with 8-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or Face nail on each side of end joint (minimum 24" lap splice length to side of seismic braced wall line spacing < 25' 12-3" x 0.131" nails end joint) Bottom plate to joist, rim joist, band joist or 16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 16" o.c. face nail 14 blocking (not at braced wall panels) 3" x 0.131" nails 12" o.c. face nail Bottom plate to joist, rim joist, band joist or 2-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or 2 each 16" o.c. face nail 15 blocking (at braced wall panels) 4-3" 0.131" nails 4 each 16" o.c. face nail 4-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or Toe nail 4-3" x 0.131" nails 16 Top or bottom plate to stud 2-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or End nail 3-3" x 0.131" nails 17 Top plates, laps at corners and intersections 2-16d common (31/2" x 0.162"); or Face nail 3-3" x 0.131" nails Floor 21 Joist to sill, to plate or girder 3-8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or Toe nail 3-3" x 0.131" nails Rim joist, band joist or blocking to sill or top 8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131"); or 22 plate (roof applications also) 3" x 0.131" nails 6" o.c. toe nail 3-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162") 26 Band or rim joist to joist 4-3" x 0.131" nails; or End nail 4-3" x 14 ga. staples, 7/16" crown 20d common (4" x 0.192"); or Nail each layer as follows: 32" o.c. at top and bottom and staggered. Built-upgirders and beams, 2 -inch lumber g 3" x 0.131" nails 24" o.c. face nail at top and bottom 27 layers staggered on opposite sides AND: 2-20d common (4" x 0.192"); or Face nail at ends and at each splice 3-3" x 0.131" nails 28 Ledger strip supporting joists or rafters 3-16d common (3 1/2" x 0.162"); or At each joist or rafter, face nail 4-3" x 0.131" nails 29 Bridging to joist 2-10d (3" x 0.128") Each end, toe nail SPACING OF FASTENERS ITEM DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS NUMBER AND TYPE OF FASTENER Intermediate Edges (inches) supports (inches) Wood structural panels, subfloor, roof and interior wall sheathing to framing and particleboard wall sheathing to framing [see Table R602.3(3) for wood structural panel exterior wall sheathing to wall framing] 30 3/8" - 1/2" 6d common (2'x 0.113") nail (subfloor, wall) 6 12 Sd common (2 1/2" x 0.131") nail (roof) 31 19/32" - 1" 8d common nail (2 1/2" x 0.131") 6 12 32 1 1/8" - 1 1/4" 10d common (3" x 0.148") nail; or 6 12 8d (2 1/2" x 0.131") deformed nail Other wall sheathing 11/2" galvanized roofing nail; staple 35 1/2" gypsum sheathingd galvanized, 7 7 11/2" long; 1 1/4" screws, Type W or S 13/4" galvanized roofing nail; staple 36 5/8" gypsum sheathingd galvanized, 7 7 15/8" long; 15/8" screws, Type W or S Wood structural panels, combination subfloor underlayment to framing 37 3/4" and less 8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131") nail 6 12 38 7/8" - 1" 8d common (2 1/2" x 0.131") nail 6 12 39 11/8" - 1 1/4" 10d common (3" x 0.148") nail 6 12 (N) (2) ROWS 10d @ 4" O.C. SISTER NAILING MIN 5 NAILS (N) %6" OSB W/ 8d @ lu 6" AND 12" I r NO BELL AT SIM (N) RAFTER PER PLAN REMOVE (E) FASCIA (E) ROOF FRAMING REMAINS 12 2 SECTION 5 NOTCH (N) RAFTER FRAMING AND BEAR ON (E) WALL TOP PLATES (E) WALL FRAMING W/ BRICK VENEER i 6F•Ca YR �E�a �N Ff:, O C.3 c 35393 •% (Cw O 0 N 0 J N Q Z Q N Lu a (7 U Z Z 31tl0 OOQ J Zo01 ; J Z LL 11 0 r0 9NO)aHO Z � 0 W 01 (7 I_ - 4X M d'F0 W W 0 > W co CHOI CRY or Wheat Rias t9 -w�+- Z�OauWi 2 W U01 Z_ UJ UJ Z W WOWno J i D J 2020-8517 SHEET SO.1 OF 1 pi i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: __ 4( 9 - Job Address: 4 4-;T- i L_on�, a&,-, Permit Number: AV t5 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time , AM/ , M Re -Inspection required: Yes °Nb When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: -f — j_Inspector: gk DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSP,.FECTION gOJIE Inspection Type: �1 C) Job Address: H 7 1 U pSa- Permit Number: QO p0 q (r, ❑ No one available for inspecti n: Time A /PM Re -Inspection required: Yes N When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:-5 03-234-Date:5 I a9 I 13. -- Inspector --r- DO - - DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax Inspection Type: INSPECTION NOTICE L� (� � f 1;: t� Job Address: �►�I 1 (' � r_ Permit Number: t ® y ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes (N)o When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: S it, l Inspector: T- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division �(303) (303) 234-5933 Inspection line 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: y F- - n-) • /�? Job Address: �) `I 4 U! ) c w, `� Permit Number: c:�) 0 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes ')d When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date:_:�_ / / (, / Inspector: �) 7 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: y 1% (S F --I Job Address: p to an, Permit Number: of ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: \�66 No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Dategt Yb(W Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 14 o ZZ E, A I?_ Job Address: Li 4 -7 1 l 1 r` ) Permit Number: CIDU 1 _::�-c-) L� S (_ L r k kC1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: besNo When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- S% l 1.11 Z Inspector: S 'fi DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE /] City of CWheatfk MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(&.ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: r L�/ /' I I Plan/Permit # gV110mo/ Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed.'"* Property Address: 141 t� l Owner Property Owner Email: Rto iAA VV ' / Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: , *1rk1^1 e 'I ltv�p "'I., -� �c I \ �_3 Phone: Phone: Z70 Zqco) Contractors City License #: ' 1,_� -7 q Phone: Contractor E-mail Address: �c e �y� CA.('� 0-�^ ,^� Ci rv;� ; c. �r�.1&"«! (+<S Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form ❑ COMMERCIAL 0 RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ® RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) CC S I Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Gallons Squares a C Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESS TATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) l` PRINT NAME: 41116,e- ? ' � j' SIGNATURE: DATE: ✓ ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SPRINKLERED OCCUPANT LOAD: Building Division Valuation: $ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: I'n 1 P Is 1 C Job Address: U P s'i mi Permit Number: a O / 7 C) 0 L7 / N o 1-N SA"SY tN c>^/Qy(,-/- ,M ('e)tv fz��d� f ra ID 53� -P , ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 4 r Q _� AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -ins ection at 303-234-5933 Date:_6 2 ^ Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS OTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: G K I �l� ill % Pry l %iltw / J6 /b . Job Address: 4'/Y 7 / U PHA r' S 7 - Permit Number: a0 /7006 9 I r Tr r, A- n e 196)kS rf6a v+ et co AT Qd i Jtw/1 17uvr� . JLgvA4 r STe, M j A 7 T -Pd- 15r, �v✓�-� lel 7G'3. roc �LS� CAs ci � tRt - Gn Fj' coo 19A(t - r-ras 1111z t�-U6 FttA h - Y_ -11,A ❑ No one available for inspection: Time )2-g5 AN OP Re -Inspection required: (5 No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- Z3l �7 Inspector:f�9 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE li CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: [C C7± Job Address: '/y7 I LIPNAK,"' ST Permit Number: 2 D 1-700? ❑ No one available for inspection: Time r j ,/PM Re -Inspection required: YesN, When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: WOO Inspector: tT R DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Residential Addition PERMIT - 201700961 PERMIT NO: 201700961 ISSUED: 05/30/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4471 Upham ST EXPIRES: 05/30/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: 130 sq ft addition and enclose sunroom; Redeck and Replace entire roof with architectural shingles; kitchen remodel - 26 squares *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)298-1284 HAMMERLY GREG M GC (720)981-4269 Toby Hertel 022274 AAA Home Improvements SUB (303)944-6487 Paul Miller 110161 5M Electric SUB (720)841-2615 Matthew McCutchean 120174 All American Accessibility SUB (720)261-0491 Brian Gieck 110053 TechnicAir Mechanical SUB (720)209-4635 Michael Lindberg 140280 Pioneer Home Solutions *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 76,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 1,368.00 Permit Fee 938.85 ** TOTAL ** 2,306.85 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am t%e legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that a)l work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' ac omlpznying approved plans and specifications. Signature -6f OWNER vor CQNTIIA,CTOR (Circle one) Dat 1, +his permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This, permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees andprocedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The pen -nit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shallnotbe construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordmatFc � e ati 'n of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Inspection time requests will be accepted by email only. Please email requests to insptimerequest@ci.wheatridge.co.us between 7:30am and 8:00am, the morning of the inspection. Please put the address of the inspection in the subject line. A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: L1 1 h Permit Number: % L ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No 1 *When Date a z i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ��9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: w S Job Address: 5T Permit Number: 20 1-70 C, P/(M5 /e 7 Co"TrA,7oK �n�...s Wt CAA-iHo7 Le7T4-Y%- �rs►�t p rt � Nr � t' . ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 15/0 AM& Re -Inspection required: ffel No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: % / � / / 7 Inspector: CxA P DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Fa I jw5u�- Job Address: yq_3 t U )4AM 3r Permit Number: 20)1 00TOk C)CASE e6 Flo one available for inspection: Time 130y A Re -Inspection required: V No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 6 I3U/f7 Inspector: 6 -,AI' DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: tl� 5 Job Address: i 1/ 7/ V PHA t'�'7 5 % Permit Number: Z 6 1 700 1� (I / ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Ou AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes 62 When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- 711 c)//-7 Inspector: 6 A e DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Fie) hp, -5 1 PK I Job Address: 7 J (✓ P)-jA k" s? Permit Number: 2 o / 70U '� G / ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Q ?SO �91DM Re -Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- 713117 Inspector: 6Ato DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: FOy Job Address: Li 4_� 1 c PkA/�I S� Permit Number: 20 1 -102 IS 7 5lecy c '.✓i1 rLyv 506 &1411 N, 6w"14'')(12 Eos woe-11- 0 ow1-❑ No one available for inspection: Time L-'Z� A� Re -Inspection required: � No When corrections have been made, call for r9 -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: =575 -,7 Inspector: A Mew OS_�'�r" DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Fy CA— Job Address: L -I 1-4 % 1 U t' h rn f -f" Permit Number: / -7 b C) / (2 b j-) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time . _6 AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No * When corrections have been made, cali for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: - DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: F!J T Job Address: '1171 V PMA rrl 57 Permit Number: 2-0/-700 ISL pv✓►roA7lel- ❑ No one available for inspection: Time V, ',0-5 AM� Re -Inspection required: Yes Cw *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: -5/7 42 l Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE [Z -Z Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line ]�;Ir'(303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: c) Job Address: % i AM SLE Permit Number: Z"� n M) S Z ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM M Re -Inspection required:Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: I �? Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: �F o — Job Address: L# �4 17 1 0 P Permit Number: 0 1 1 1 C-) / S� 3 4:� S A,D )0� S iDu :14 KL7 / , OC ❑ No one available for inspection: Time l`f AM/PM Re -Inspection require Ye No *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 P Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE �s i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: T M S Job Address: +-1 `! -11 Permit Number: C 1 -� G C /-S-)--- fes.,... VJy,)AT !0 r /JsU lA 1'9rj ❑ No one available for inspection: Time % B AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: q' �, " 7 Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE HIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Residential Addition PERMIT - 201700152 PERMIT NO: 201700152 ISSUED: 03/29/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4471 Upham ST EXPIRES: 03/29/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Remodel Kitchen, Addition onto kitchen (100 sq ft); Converting covered porch into sunroom *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)298-1284 HAMMERLY GREG M GC (720)298-2469 Adrian Delgado 120007 Colorado Quality Const. SUB (303)591-7235 Martin McCoy 021456 In House Maintenance Heating & SUB (970)372-7438 Thomas Wood 090068 C&F Enterprises SUB (303)775-0971 Cesar Arriola 170072 2 Brothers Electric *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 58,302.40 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 521.30 Use Tax 1,049.44 PAM Permit Fee 802.00 ** TOTAL ** 2,372.74 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Windows shall comply with all applicable codes, have a .32 or better U -factor and shall be safety glazing if within a tub enclosure, less than 18 inches above the floor or within 24 inches of a vertical edge of a door.Smoke detectors are required to be installed in every sleeping room, in hallways outside of sleeping rooms, and on every level of the structure. Per City of Wheat Ridge policy, carbon monoxide detectors are required to be installed in the same manner and locations as smoke alarms.Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. City of Wheat Ridge Residential Addition PERMIT - 201700152 PERMIT NO: 201700152 ISSUED: 03/29/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4471 Upham ST EXPIRES: 03/29/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Remodel Kitchen, Addition onto kitchen (100 sq ft); Converting covered porch into sunroom I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applica le building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and ai thorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermrt. I further est that ieauthorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be p o e �d t 1 t rfg ed is 'sclosed in this document and/ou'ts' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 1101 Signature of OWNER or CO TRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received pnor to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 1 If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5, it4o dee�i wilding and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required pec ions and shal not procee or conceal work wiifl t written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicab>o@k or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Inspection time requests will be accepted by email only. Please email requests to insptimerequestgei.wheatridge.co.us between 7:30am and 8:00am, the morning of the inspection. Please put the address of the inspection in the subject line. City of a; Wheat -Midge MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: ,, / �_// I Plan/Permit # J 01 I ` Building 6 Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Review Fee: Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 $�94 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits@ci.wheatridge.co.us P)% I Building Permit Application 11(zj.2 _ *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: �I ✓ C'�/ ,l'��2�� Propertv Owner Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zi Phone: r� y-/7, Arch itect/Enaineer: G Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Phone: Contractors City License #: Phone: `� Contractor E-mail Address: —C � �"� % ��-�_�''�y7�S C' 1771 17/0 � Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form ❑ COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING MIRESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) e MOC4 Sq. FULF 1 0 0 -�' v? to Btu's Amps Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ f� �// -- OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Electronic Signature (first and last name): ! DATE: DEPARTMENT USE Oi' ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer jj 2 n 11,1d /,fl 2 / (,a /I BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: 17 V q0 A bj)r7 oN �o PR133ZCf 3o 4� /3v�. �� d � . City of Wheatjge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'b Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 All work is subject to Field Inspection and must comply with the 2012 IRC,2012 IPC, 2012 IMC and the 2014 NEC Rough Framing and Wood Requirements 11 The complete rough inspection is to be made after the rough framing, rough electric, rough plumbing, and rough heat and ventilation are complete. The building should be fully enclosed with the roof covering and siding in place. (12otection from decay shall be provided in the following locations by the use of naturally durable wood or d that is preservative treated in accordance with AWPA U1: (IRC R317) A. Wood joists closer than 18 -inches and wood girders closer than 12 -inches to grade located within foundation periphery. B. Wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry foundation walls and are less than 8 -inches from the exposed ground. C. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground. D. Wood girders entering concrete or masonry walls with a clearance less than %2 -inch. E. Wood siding, sheathing, and wall framing less than 6 -inches above the ground. F. Wood members supporting moisture -permeable floors or roofs that are exposed to the weather. G. Wood furring strips or wood members attached directly to the interior of below grade exterior masonry or concrete walls. H. Wood in contact with the ground, embedded in concrete in direct contact with the ground or embedded in concrete exposed to the weather that supports permanent structures intended for human occupancy shall be approved pressure -preservative -treated wood. 13 cessible under -floor areas shall be provided with a minimum 18 -inches x 24 -inches opening through the r or 16 -inches x 24 -inches opening through the perimeter wall. When the access is through a below -grade wall an areaway of not less than 16 -inches x 24 -inches must be provided. Where equipment is located beneath the floor, the access opening must be within 20 -feet of the equipment and allow the removal of the largest piece of equipment. (IRC R408.4 and M1305.1.4) 14 Basements greater than 200 square feet and every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency and rescue opening or a door to the exterior. 15 Emergency escape and rescue openings shall meet the following requirements: A minimum clear width of 20 -inches, a minimum clear height of 24 -inches, with a total net clear opening of 5 square feet for grade level windows and 5.7 square feet for all others. A sill height of not more than 44 inches measured from the finished floor to the bottom of the clear opening. Window wells for emergency escape and rescue shall provide a minimum net area of 9 square feet with minimum horizontal projection and width of 36 -inches. The area of the widow well shall allow the emergency escape and rescue opening to fully open. (IRC R310) 16 lumns must be restrained to prevent lateral displacement at the bottom end to insure against uplift. (IRC R30 .2.1, R407.3) 7 F re blocking shall be installed to cut off all concealed draft openings in the following locations: (IRC 3 1) A. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, vertically at the ceiling and floor levels, and at 10 -feet horizontal intervals. B. At interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings, and cove ceilings. C. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, cable, wires, chimneys, fireplaces, and similar openings that afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels. D. In www.ci.wheaMdge.co.us concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run, and between studs in line with the run of the stairs at unfinished walls. 18 At least one egress door shall be provided for each dwelling unit. The egress door shall be side-hinged, and shall provide a minimum clear width of 32-inches. Egress doors shall be readily openable from inside the dwelling without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort. (IRC R311, R311.2) 19 here shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door, The landing must be no lower than 73/- ess below the top of the threshold of the door provided the door does not swing over the landing. (IRC R311.3) 20 Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of stairways with 4 or more risers and ramps with a slope exceeding 1:12. Handrails shall be mounted 34-inches to 38-inches above the nosing of the treads. Handrails must be continuous for the entire length of the stairs and provided with a minimum space of 1 %2-inch between the wall and the handrail. Ends shall be returned or terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. See the requirements and more information. (IRC R311.7.8) 21 Handrail Grip Size Shall Be: A. Circular Handrails: 11/ -inch to 2 -inches perimeter. B. Non -Circular: 4 -inches to 61/ -inches perimeter with a maximum cross section of 21/ -inches. C. Perimeter Dimension Greater than 61/ -inches: shall have a finger recess on both sides. 22 Guards must be provided for porches, screened porches, balconies, fixed seating and raised floor surfaces more than 30 -inches above the floor or grade below. Guards must have a minimum height of 36 -inches. Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30 -inches above the floor or grade below shall have guards not less than 34 -inches high. Intermediate rails shall not allow the passage of a 4 -inch sphere. (R312)Window fall protection must be provided for window openings less than 24 inches above the finished floor and more than 72 inches above grade or surface below. (R312.2) 23 Ceiling heights for habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, and basements shall be a minimum of 7 -feet measured from the finished floor to the lowest ojection of the ceiling. Non -habitable basements may have a ceiling height of 6 -feet, 8 -inches with clearance below beams and ducts of 6 -feet, 4 - inches. Bathroom may have a ceiling height of 6 -feet, 8 -inches at the fixture front clearance area and over the fixture. (IRC R305.1) 24 Attic access must be provided for attics that exceed 30 square feet and that have a vertical height of 30 -inches or greater. The access must be located in a hall or readily accessible location with a minimum 22 -inches x 30 - inches access opening. The access must provide a minimum of 30 -inches headroom. (IRC R807) 25 Enclosed attic and rafter spaces must have cross ventilation for each space through screened openings. The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than 1 to 150 of the area of the space ventilated. The area may be reduced to 1 to 300 if 50-80% is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the space or if a vapor barrier not exceeding 1 perm is installed on the warm side of the ceiling. At least a 1 -inch space is required between the roof sheathing and the insulation at the location of the vent. (IRC R806) 26 Rafters must be framed to a minimum 1 -inch nominal ridge board that is not less than the depth of the cut end of the rafter or to each other using a gusset plate. Hip, and valley rafters shall be a minimum of 2 -inches and not less in depth than the cut end of the rafter. Hip and valley rafter shall be supported at the ridge by a brace to a bearing partition or be designed. (IRC R802.3) 27 Rafters and ceiling joists having a depth -to -thickness ratio exceeding 5:1 shall be provided with lateral support at points of bearing to prevent rotation. Rafters and ceiling joists having a depth -to -thickness ration exceeding 6:1 shall be supported laterally by solid blocking, diagonal bridging or a continuous 1 -inch by 3 -inch wood strip nailed across the rafters. (IRC R802.8) Roof trusses or rafters must be attached to supporting walls with approved hurricane clips. Trusses must be braced to prevent rotation and to provide lateral stability in accordance with the construction documents and the individual truss design drawings. (IRC R502.11.2, R802.11) 28 u sses must be designed and fabricated in accordance with ANSUTPI 1. A licensed professional shall lare the truss design. Trusses must be legibly marked within 2 -feet of the center to identify the manufacturer, the design load, and the spacing. Truss engineering and layout must be provided at the site at the rough framing inspection. (IRC R502.11 and R802.10) 29 Roofing material Wood roofs in the plain areas are limited to minimum Class "B" roof coverings. Shingle installation shall meet the manufacturer's high -wind installation procedures in areas where wind load is greater than 105 mph (V3 S). Chapter 9, R301.2.1, R325, and manufacturer's listing 30 All habitable rooms shall be provided with aggregate glazing area for natural light of not less than S% of the floor area of such rooms. The glazed areas need not be installed in rooms where section M1507 is satisfied and artificial light is provided at an average of 6 foot candles at a height of 30 inches. Qp31afety glazing shall be installed in the following hazardous locations and be permanently labeled as safety or ered glazing: glazing panels in doors; glazing enclosing spas, bathtubs or showers; glazing panels adjacent and within 24 -inches of the edge of a door; glazing panels greater than 9 square feet within 18 -inches of the floor; glazing used for railings; glazing used for barriers for swimming pools and spas; and glazing enclosing stairways, landings, and ramps within 36 -inches horizontally of a walking surface. (R308.4 through 308.4.7). 32 Skylights must be: (IRC R308.6 ) A. laminated glass (with restrictions). B. fully tempered glass (with retaining screen). C. heat -strengthened glass (with retaining screen). D. wired glass (with retaining screen in multiple glazing condition only). E. approved rigid plastic. F. Skylight U -factor required U-0.45. Skylights installed on roofs flatter than 3 units vertical to 12 units horizontal must be mounted on a curb4-inches above the roof. Heating and Ventilation Requirements T33 C awl spaces shall be provided with conditioned air in compliance with Section N1102.2.10. Crawl space IN hall be insulated. Crawl space wall insulation shall be permanently fastened to the wall and extend downward from the floor to the finish grade level and then vertically and/or horizontally for a least an additional 24 -inches. Exposed earth in unvented crawl space foundations shall be covered with a continuous Class I vapor retarder with a minimum thickness of 10 -mil. All joints of the vapor retarder shall overlap by 6 -inches and be sealed and taped. The edges of the vapor retarder shall extend at least 6 -inches up the stem wall and shall be attached to the stem wall. N1102. Ventilated crawlspaces. Ventilated crawlspaces shall be provided with insulation. (IRC R303.1,) 34 Habitable rooms must be provided with outdoor openings for ventilation equal to at least 4% of the floor area and shall have heating facilities capable of maintaining 680 at 3 -feet above the floor and 2 -feet from exterior walls. B. The windows need not be openable in a room where an opening is not required to be an egress window and a mechanical ventilation system is capable of producing 0.35 air change per hour in that room, or a whole house mechanical ventilation system provides 15 cubic feet of outdoor air per minute. 35 Bathroom exhaust fans shall exhaust directly to the exterior and must be provided in bathrooms where windows of at least 3 square feet are not provided. The mechanical ventilation must be capable of providing an exhaust capacity of 50 cfin intermittent or 20 cfin continuous exhaust. (IRC R303.3, M1507.4) 36 Dryer vents must be rigid metallic, independent of all other systems, shall terminate outside the building, be equipped with a back draft damper, and sized and terminated per the manufacturer. The maximum length of the exhaust duct shall be 25 -feet (Unless approved under the manufacturer's listing) from the connection to the transition duct from the dryer to the outlet terminal. Where fittings are used, the maximum length of the exhaust duct shall be reduced in accordance with (IRC Table M1502.4.4.1) Flexible transition ducts are limited to 8 -feet, shall not be concealed within construction, and shall be listed and listed per UL 2158A. (IRC M1502) 37A phances and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of their listing. facturer's installation instructions must be available at the time of the inspection. (IRC G2408.1, M1307.1, M 1401.1,M 1902.2) 38 Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without removing permanent construction. 30 -inches of working depth and width shall be provided in front of the control side of an appliance. (IRC M1305.1) 39 Gas and solid fuel appliances located in a garage and hazardous locations shall be elevated so the source of ignition is at least 18 -inches above the floor. Rooms and spaces that are communicate directly with the garage and are not part of the living space shall be considered as part of the garage. Appliances located in garages must be installed at least 6 -feet above the floor or protected from motor vehicle impact. (IRC G2408.2, G2408.3) 40 Combustion air is required for all liquid fuel, solid fuel and gas appliances. (IRC M1701.1, G2407.1) Air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue gases for appliances installed in buildings shall be provided with the requirement of (G2407.6 through G2407 .9).One opening shall be 12" below the ceiling and one opening shall be 12 " above the floor. 41 Gas burning appliances may not be located in or obtain combustion air from: a sleeping room, bathroom, toilet room, or storage closet unless it is a direct vent appliance or installed in an enclosure that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom in and such enclosure is provided with a solid weather-stripped door, a self-closing device and all combustion air is taken from the outdoors. (IRC G2406.2) 42 Gas logs installed in solid fuel burning fireplaces shall be tested in accordance with ANSI Z21.60 and installed per the manufacturers installation instructions. Gas logs installed in bedrooms must be direct vent or provided with an approved source of outside combustion air. The approved gas log set must be installed in the Solid -fuel burning appliances at the final inspection. (IRC G2406, G2432, and G243 43 B, BW, and L vents and factory -built chimneys must be provided with a clearance to combustibles per them a manufacturer's listing. Where vents pass through insulated assemblies, they must be provided with an insulation shield. A clearance of 9 -inches is required between single wall vent connectors and combustibles. Gas vents must penetrate through the roof flashing, jack or thimble and terminate in a Chimneys listed cap or per the manufacturers listing. Decorative shrouds installed at terminations shall be listed and installed per the manufacturer. (IRC G2425, G2426, G2427) Electrical Requirements 44 All electrodes present at each structure shall be bonded together to form one grounding electrode system to include: Concrete Encased Electrodes (UFER), water piping, ground rings, grounding rods, and plate electrodes. Bonding shall ensure electrical continuity. The electrode conductor must be connected in an approved manner and inspected prior to concealing. (IRC E3607, E3608, E3609, E3610, E3611) 45 ll hot, neutral, and grounding conductors in electrical boxes shall be tied together with a mechanical co\,nection at the time of rough inspection. ra4 ecessed lighting fixtures must either be IC -rated or installed in a sealed box in which the insulation is at ,6 3 -inches from the light fixture. All recessed lights must be tightly sealed or gasketed to prevent air leakage through the fixture into the ceiling cavity. (IRC N1102.4.5) 4 mper -Resistant receptacle outlets are required in every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, ar r, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room or similar dwelling areas spaced so that no point along the wall line exceeds 6 -feet from an outlet. (IRC E3901, E3902, and 4002.1-4002.14) A. Counters 12 -inches in width or wider shall have receptacles placed no more than 20 -inches above the counter top and spaced so no point exceeds 24 -inches from an outlet. B. Island and peninsula counters with a length at least 24 -inches and a width of 12 -inches or greater must be equipped with at least one outlet. C. At least one receptacle shall be installed in a bathroom within 36 -inches of each basin. A least one receptacle outlet must be installed in each laundry, basement, attached garage and detached garage with power. C. Attics or crawlspaces containing equipment must be provided with at least one receptacle outlet within 25 -feet of the equipment. D. Hallways 10 -feet or more in length.(E390 1. 1) (48 )Wo 20 -amp rated branch circuits shall serve receptacles in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast area, and dining area. 49At least one 20 -amp branch circuit shall supply bathroom receptacles and at least one 20 -amp branch circuit shall supply laundry. (IRC E3703.2, E3703.3, E3901) r4round fault protection shall be provided on all 125 -volt, single phase, 15 and 20 -amp receptacles in the 0 owing locations: bathrooms, garages, unfinished grade level accessory buildings, at exterior locations, crawlspaces, unfinished basements, kitchen counters, within 6ft. of laundry, utility and wet bar sinks, boathouses, hydro massage, spa and hot tub locations. Receptacles must be in a readily accessible location. (IRCE3902, E3902.11) 51 Combination type arc -fault circuit interrupters must be installed on all 120 -volt 15 and 20 -amp branch circuit outlets in receptacle outlets are required in every family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room, hallway, closets, and similar dwelling areas. (IRC 3902.12) 52 t least one wall switch -controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable room, bathroom, way, (1 Oft) stairway, attached garage, detached garage with electric power, and at the exterior side of each outdoor egress door having grade level access. Attics, under floor spaces, utility rooms and basements containing ez�uipment or used for storage must be provided with a switch operated light. (IRC E3903) 53 moke alarms shall comply with UL 217. Smoke alarms are to be powered by the building's wiring with ery backup and shall be interconnected so the actuation of one alarm will activate all alarms in the dwelling unit.(R314.5) Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations: (IRC R314) A. In each sleeping room; B. Outside each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms; and C. One on each additional story including basements. 4 rbon Monoxide alarms are required in a single-family dwelling that has fuel -fired appliance(s), or a it Dace, or an attached garage. The alarm must be installed within 15 -feet of the entrance to each sleeping room. Must be listed by a nationally recognized, independent lab. Plugs into a dwelling's electrical outlet and has a battery backup. They may be combined with a smoke -detecting device if the combined device complies with applicable law. (IRC R315) 55 Clothes closet lighting shall be limited to surface -mounted or recessed incandescent fixtures with completely enclosed lamps, and surface -mounted or recessed fluorescent fixtures. Recessed fluorescent fixtures shall have a minimum 6 -inch clearance to the nearest point of storage. 56 Working space must be provided around energized equipment for servicing and maintenance. The minimum dimensions shall not be less than 36 -inches in depth and 30 -inches in width in front of the equipment. Working space shall extend to at least 6 -feet, 6 -inches above the floor. (IRC E3405.2) 57 Electrical fixtures installed in wet or damp locations shall be installed so that water cannot enter or accumulate n wiring compartments or other electrical parts. Fixtures installed in wet locations must be labeled "suitable for wet locations". Fixtures installed in damp locations must be labeled "suitable for damp locations" or "suitable for wet locations". Switches or circuit breakers located in wet locations or outdoors must be enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure. Outdoor receptacles must have a weatherproof enclosure and an in -use cover. Cord -connected fixtures, hanging fixtures, track lighting, pendants, and ceiling fans shall not be located within3-feet horizontally and 8 -feet vertically from the top of a tub or shower rim. (IRC E4003.9, E4002.8, E4002.9,E4002.10, E4003.9, E4003. I0,E4003.11) Plumbing 58 systems shall be tested on compellation of the rough piping installation by water or for piping system r than plastic by air with no evidence of leakage. Either test shall be applied to the drainage system in its entirety or in sections after rough piping has been installed .1) Water test 10 feet above the highest fitting connection or to the highest point of the completed system. The system shall prove leak free for 15 minutes. 2) Air test shall maintain 5lbs of pressure for 15 minutes. 59 Piping must be inspected and tested prior to concealing. It shall be protected against physical damage and it must be approved for use and bear the identification of the manufacturer. (IRC P2503, P2603, P2608.1) 60 Bathtubs, walls above bathtubs with shower heads, shower floors, and shower compartments shall be finished with a non-absorbent surface which extends to a height not less than 6' above the floor. Showers must have a minimum 900 square inches of interior area and a minimum dimension in each direction of 30 -inches. Shower valves must be pressure balance/thermostatic mixing valves. Shower receptors shall have a curb threshold not less than 1 -inch below the sides and back of the receptor. The curb shall measure a minimum of 2 - inches to a maximum of 9 -inches above the top of the drain. (IRC R307, P2708, P2709) 61 The centerline of toilets or bidets shall not be less than 15 -inches from adjacent walls or tub. Toilets, bidets, and lavatories must have a minimum clear space of 21 -inches in front of the fixture. Lavatories require a 4 -inch clearance to wall or to a toilet. (IRC P2705) 62 Showers and tub/shower combinations shall have control valves of the pressure balance, thennostatic mixing or combination pressure balance/thermostatic mixing valve types with high limit stop per ASSE 1016 or CSA13125.I. Tubs shall also have a control valve as listed for a shower or a water -temperature -limiting device that conforms to ASSE 1070. The high limit stop for a device shall be set to a maximum of 120°. (IRC P2708.3,P2713.3) 63 Shower doors shall have safety glazing, hinged shower door shall open outward (R308.4.5, P2708.1) 64 Backflow prevention must be provided to prevent contamination of potable water. This includes but is not limited to: hose connections, irrigation systems, boilers, solar systems, fire sprinklers, and dishwashers. (IRCP2902.2, Table P2902.3, P2717) 65 R-20 Walls (new construction R-49 Ceiling R-19 Crawlspace Windows .32 . Floor R-30 66 Supply Ducts in attics shall be insulated to a minimum of R-8. All other ducts shall be insulated to minimum R-6. ( N 1103.2. 1) 67 Combustible insulation shall be separated a minimum of 3 -inches from fan motors and heat -producing devices. Insulation shields must be provided where vents pass thorough insulated assemblies and must terminate at least 2 -inches above attic insulation materials. Can lights must be airtight if located in the building envelope. Wallboard Requirements Wallboard Requirements 68 The garage shall be separated from the residence and its attic by materials of not less than %-inch gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than 5/8 -inch Type X gypsum board. Openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood doors not less than 1 -inch in thickness, solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1 -inch thick, or 20 -minute fire -rated doors. Openings are prohibited between garages and rooms used for sleeping. Doors between attached garages and living space shall be weather stripped to the degree necessary to make them airtight and shall be self-closing and self -latching. (R302.5.1) 69 Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with %2 -inch gypsum board (IRC R302.7). 70 Cement, fiber -cement, glass mat gypsum backer and fiber reinforced gypsum in compliance with ASTM C 1288, C 1325, C1178, or C1178 and installed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations shall be used as backers for wall tile in tub and shower areas and wall panels in shower areas. (IRC R702.4.2) . "71 Nail spacing for gypsum board 1/2 Ceiling 16oc 7" nails 12" Type S screws, 1/2wall spacing 24"oc 8"nails, 12 screws. 5/8 ceiling 16oc 7" nails 12"type S screws 5/8 wall 24oc 8"nails 12" type S screws. 72 Water-resistant gypsum backing board used as the base or backer for adhesive application of ceramic tile or other required nonabsorbent finish material shall conform to ASTM C1396, C1178 or C1278. All cuts and exposed edges shall be sealed. (IRC R702.3.8) Final Inspection Requirements 73 B ' dings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification place in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. 4" high, with a -mum stroke of 1/2" (IRC 319) 74 All dwellings shall have a controlled method of water dispersal from roofs that will collect and discharge all roof drainage at least 5 -feet from the foundation. Gutters, downspouts, downspout extensions shall be deemed adequate to meet these requirements. Surface drainage shall be diverted to a storm sewer conveyance or other approved point of collection so as to not create a hazard. Lots shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation walls. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6 -inches within the first 10 -feet. (IRC R401.3 and R801.3) Bill Myers Plans examiner/ Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29Th Ave Wheat Ridge, Co 80033-8001 303-235-2878 1821 Lowell Ln., Fort Collins, CO (970) 682-1668, sam@castonengineering.com February 8, 2017 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29`" Ave Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 Subject: The Hammerly Addition to be located at: 4471 Upham St. Wheat Ridge, CO To Whom It May Concern: This letter shall serve as a response to the plan review comments for the mentioned addition. The design wind speed listed on sheet S-1 is incorrect. The correct design wind speed is 105 MPH, 3 second gust, allowable stress design. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, "*x401970: Samuel G. Caston, P. Hammerly Addition 9. Carolina Eichinger and Greg Harnmerty 4471 Upham St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 906-7995 C)V) IN I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY L.ity of Date: ("T " t Igic h6 'at PISIMPermit # t �i (if different than property address�) Address: CqqtL State, z2i: Architect/Engineer E-mafl: I Iv z ce vv ii Contractor: A i Sub'Contractom: Electric* Wk City License # PlutnWrig: A W,R, City License # MechanicM� WR City License #Q/A Other City Licensed Sub� Qty License # Other City Licensed SW City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form COMMER CSI AL. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc,) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ml Sq. FLILF Stry's Amps Squares Gallons Other (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the Iafire project) OWN ERK,'ONTR ACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cemib that the setback distances proposed by this pennit application care accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rule or regulations of the City sat` Wheat Ridge or covenants, easentents or resuictions of record; that aH measurements shown and aflegntions made are accurate, that I have read and %Yme to abide by ail conditions printed on this apphcation and that I assume ffill responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any partnit issued Rased on this applicatiotn that I arn the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal covner of tire propcoy to lrerfonn the described work and am ako authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application, CIRCTE&VK ( (QJWVNIER)'�� (CONTR,41CTOR) ll�r (AUTHORIZEDREPR 7,47TIVE) of fOlVVE)?) ((70NT 7 N AM EG SIGNATURF: VA'M Ewa Building Division Valuation: $ Work shall comply with the following codes 2 IRC, 2012 IECC & 2014 NEC,, ATA • Ir, F] • svi "m (N) Shower Bench Draftstopping & fire stopping shall Comply witli Sections 302, 12 & 30111 of the 2012 IRC, 4471 Upham Street - 1 st Floor Bedroom & Bathroom Remodel Contact: Greg H► rnmerly (Homeowner) (721 ) 298-1284 APPROVED SubJ90 to Fieki Inspections Meat Ridge Building Dept Date -... Scope of Worl mammm W ork shall comp the following co I 2012 IECC 2014 NEC 4471 Upham Street - 1 st Floor Bedroom & Bathroom Remodel .. H arnm e r l y (720) 298-1284 APPR SUbjeCt to Field pe Wheat Ridge Buildi Dept, Date �aa Sfgne ,. , x �ray ­ ..... -Plan Checker a FA I A 00 Mt - 0 Duplex Ceiling Mount Light Fan Fan with Light s Switch 0- Wall Mount Light @ Smoke Detector KNI 4471 Upham Street -1st Floor Bedroom & Bathroom Remodel Contact-, Greg Hammerly (Homeowner) (720) 298-1284 Ghammerly@gma*ll.com Carbon monoxide detector(s) shall comply with Section R315 of the 2 102 IRC & not more than 10 ' firoin the entrance of any sleeping rooni. "z T APPROVED Subject to Reid InSpections Wheat Ridge Building Dept, Date, au a " 1 0 to 'a im ft IRRIGATI INDIRECT DISCHARGE To SANITARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM N IPIumbing Supply Plan Cold water supply Hot water supply ShUt0fi'valves require(i on kivatories and -vvater closets, MM aim 4 KIM] Contact-, Greg Hammerly (Homeowner) (720) 298-1284 NMI= APPROVED Subject to Field. Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date- F o klel,� I 2" �,, � w, t - Q 5, Structural Plan 4471 Upham Street -1 st Floor Bedroom & Bathroom Remodel Contact.- Greg Hammerly (Homeowner) (720) 298-1284 Gliammerly@gmaii.com APPROVED S� ject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. S�gned .... —A 'I n 3 , 2 ' kA 0 4 f, +� a; x s s plan # Addre City, State, is c. .. d P h o ne: 1 111 71111 t' � 0 .,. 04 (A j Whc-�c t f icige COMMUNri DumucwmENT Building A Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29"' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Request Line: 303-234-5933 r "I 'Plan # Pe ermit #,ge Address::. Oty, State, Zip" Nm Plumbing� Mechanica[ City License # City License. # City. License # Bldg Valuation: I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE / Building Inspection Division 40 (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: F4 ~,;.x if 441_-11('r Job Address/Permit Number: N4/71 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes &0) When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 Date: ° t r Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE - OCCUpanCVfrVpe INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234-5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL S PERTAININGTo THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS - DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS Footings/Caissons E Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic. Weatherproof/ French Drain Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines IVI.RC 1C V rv Ill 1. V Vt "A.I 6CLN WUNLD CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) - ROUGHS Sheathing Lath /Wall tie Mid-Roof Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Gas Piping Rough Mechanical Framing Insulation Drywall Screw TO BE SIGNED PRIOR FINALS Electrical - Plumbing Mechanical Roof Building Final Fire Department R.O.W & Drainage Parking & Landscaping START ALL ROUTING ONE. WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. `NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. UCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED r S PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER 1:- " 4' City of Wheat Ridge Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 081283 PERMIT NO: 081283 ISSUED: 11/04/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 4471 UPHAM ST EXPIRES: 05/03/2009 DESCRIPTION: Install k60,000 btu furnace w/ electrical reconnection CONTACTS owner 303/423-4583 Bruce Hunt - sub 303/232-3939 David Jenkins 02-0227 Nationwide Heating & Air Condi PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0304 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,700.00 FEES Permit Fee 78 .19 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 30 .60 TOTAL 108 .79 Comments Conditions: Must comply w/ 2003 IRC & 2005 NEC. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. JZ67-tu're of con ractor/owner V date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth. in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180. days from the. issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of „any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review,is subject to field inspections. re A j/ Signature of ChiefI INSPECTION REQ REQUESTS MUST.. date aNE: (3033)234-5933 ' BUILDING OFFICE: .(303)235-2855 OE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : /®/may/ve 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 APPLICATION Property Owner: Property Address : yqJ/ Phone: Contractor License No. oy~zz7- Company : Phone: 3 Z3l -39~ `r OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat ge (mantes, for work under this permit. (OWNER ONT SIGNED DATE Il l<"(``'~ Construction Value : boo Permit Fee : 70.1-7 Use Tax : 0 3D Total : l vg Use: Description : 11i✓ST.vu GD G ~~a<Yr~or' ~✓~Gte c iZr l°` BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Ft.: Approval Zoning: B'tfitdf Approval : P~b"1 Approval Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units Electrical License No: /9x Z Company : vy iL 4~G Expiration Date Approval : Plumbing License No: Company : Expiration Date Approval : Mechanical License No Company: Expiration Date Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) Th is permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector proceediing with successive phases of thtwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before el'. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of dobrewings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector