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3601 Teller Street
i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax 41,1SPCTIO NOTICE Inspection Type: L405"F1,10) A-6401, e�QQ 410 --Final Job Address: 3601 Itt Pf S#, Permit Number: D} O N Sy {-tet'-® L-;� d r— ❑ No one available for inspection: Time i)(9PM. Re -Inspection required: Yes 'N When corrections have been made, call) for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date: Inspector: J)'q'c td�t f DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: � r ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 r DateA `_Z& ( Inspector- f DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 5 - CITY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BuildV g Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 1 ° " wa 1/ Sc r,e k,/ Job Address: 3 o I 1 11 e 5 Permit Number: -0 o l S o l y S'd w ❑ No one available for inspection: Time /fl =39 &PM Re -Inspection required: Yes 19 When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 9 -9 s 18 Inspector: TD DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 5— CITY-- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building InspectionFbivision (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: os-- Z n .5 U I 41 �0,1 Job Address: `% 1IF r^ S 4 - Permit -Permit Number: "do ! `d o ) 44 5"O -+—nsVra--1on o--t0zr--nv ❑ No one available for inspection: Time /,0 = -39 &PM Re -Inspection required: Yes q5o When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date: moi'I Inspector:1/7 / i DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Nolte 7) -0 -?3-7X7 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: -30� REQ Job Address: 366 / '/' lP/" S 1` Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 13 5' AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes FO) When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: -9/3(-)-//g Inspector: M / DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 0 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection" Division �1(303) (303) 234-5933 Inspection line 235-2855Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax ,)io- P-,/,,,/ kUindow INSPECTION NOTICE . 30/- / ,VVI , �r am•n � Inspection Type: -31&- Gam' o ve7A Job Address: 7) 0 0 Te Ue r- S Permit Number: 0) .0 0 ! y S"o ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 10 = o3 IPM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date: IR /9) 9 /g Inspector: -7`b DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: -30LR014i, /Z fr Job Address: 401 Tell f✓r• ---t, Permit Number: '2 01001 t/ 5-0 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Y s No When corrections have been mad , c or re -inspection at 303-234-5933 DQD C___A ^ I &hspector l DO NOT REOE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE L� I /,D — `t- lee- . M P -0-e r Y> - Inspection Type: LID 3 - 57r, na ) 'e, /,-,c l� es Job Address: 3 (v 0 / Te Ile r- S+ Permit Number: 2 0 i V o/ 6 9 S ❑ No one available for inspection: Time( Lf QM/PM Re -Inspection required: Ye No When corrections have been made, "or r-iracp® a 3=294- 933 ( Inspec DO NOT REAM VE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge ' Residential Solar PERMIT - 201801695 PERMIT NO: 201801695 ISSUED: 06/28/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3601 Teller ST EXPIRES: 06/28/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Install a 4.225 KW roof -mounted grid -tied solar PV System *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)252-7267 MENDER NATHAN SUB (888)765-2489 Jared A Miller 110035 Tesla Energy *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 5,746.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Residential Solar 500.00 ** TOTAL ** 500.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that 1 am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this pennrt ..I €uriheratfest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all wprk to be performed is disclosed in this document andlor its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or.. C6NTRACTOR, (Circle one) Date This permit was issued based on thd-iriformation provided in thepermit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and maybe subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3, If this pen -nit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Off tial and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or grantin of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any app hc code or any finance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to f any inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of WheatF�i ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29±' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: � l31 Plan/Permit # f bq l Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 3601 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner (please print): Nathan Mender Phone: 720-252-7267 Property Owner Email: natemender@gmail.com Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: Same as above Citv, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Solar City Contractors City License #: 110035 Contractor E-mail Address: tward@solarCity.Col71 Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Phone: Phone: 253-720-4461 Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESIDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDONJ REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT x OTHER (Describe) Solar PV (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) Install a 4.225 kW roof -mounted grid -tied solar PV system Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $5746 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR,'� PRINT NAME: Daniel Licciardello ZONING COMMENTS: Reviewer: Digl lly tigmd by Daniel Daniel Licciardello Licde Ilo SIGNATURE: D.7 2018061110330.9-06'00' DATE: 6/11 /2018 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY f OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION. BUILDING DEP TMENT COMMEN S: Reviewer: 1 /34 PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS' Reviewer. PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required ��[� / �0 9_ Building Division Valuation: $ —/ l) April 30, 2018 RE: Project/Job # 80011526 Project Address: AHJ SC Office Design Criteria: CERTIFICATION LETTER Mender Residence 3601 Teller St Wheat ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Denver OQ�°fl L��F�L Abela DN &4-1,d-IS.IKry. —S,1,Kiry users, —Hawthorne. cn=Abelallo De Vera emv.., evera@wlarcity.can Oate: 2018,04.30 12 1 z Q -0)'00' Applicable Codes = 2012 IEBC/IBC 2012 IRC, ASCE 7-10, and 2012 NDS Risk Category = II - Wind Speed = 135 mph, Exposure Category C, Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Ground Snow Load = 30 psf MP1: Roof DL = 10 psf, Roof LUSL = 21 psf (Non -PV), Roof LUSL = 11.61 psf (PV) MP2: Roof DL = 10.5 psf, Roof LUSL = 21 psf (Non -PV), Roof LUSL = 21 psf (PV) Version #72.1 - 1 RU Note. Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss = 0.23116 < 0.4g and Seismic Design Category (SDC) = B < D To Whom It May Concern, A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from Tesla. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluation, I certify that the alteration to the existing structure by installation of the PV system, with upgrades specified in the plans, meets the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the referenced codes for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans/docs submitted for approval. Sincerely Abe De Vera, PE, SE Structural Engineer Phone: 888.765.2489, x57526 Email: adevera@tesla.com cl;xk6g-, zlk Tesla. Inc S L n Abela DN &4-1,d-IS.IKry. —S,1,Kiry users, —Hawthorne. cn=Abelallo De Vera emv.., evera@wlarcity.can Oate: 2018,04.30 12 1 z Q -0)'00' Applicable Codes = 2012 IEBC/IBC 2012 IRC, ASCE 7-10, and 2012 NDS Risk Category = II - Wind Speed = 135 mph, Exposure Category C, Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Ground Snow Load = 30 psf MP1: Roof DL = 10 psf, Roof LUSL = 21 psf (Non -PV), Roof LUSL = 11.61 psf (PV) MP2: Roof DL = 10.5 psf, Roof LUSL = 21 psf (Non -PV), Roof LUSL = 21 psf (PV) Version #72.1 - 1 RU Note. Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss = 0.23116 < 0.4g and Seismic Design Category (SDC) = B < D To Whom It May Concern, A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from Tesla. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluation, I certify that the alteration to the existing structure by installation of the PV system, with upgrades specified in the plans, meets the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the referenced codes for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans/docs submitted for approval. Sincerely Abe De Vera, PE, SE Structural Engineer Phone: 888.765.2489, x57526 Email: adevera@tesla.com cl;xk6g-, zlk Tesla. Inc S L n Version #72.1 - 1 RU HARDWARE DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY TABLES Landscape Hardware Hardware - Landscape Modules' Standoff Specifications X -X Spacing X -X Cantilever Y -Y Spacing Y -Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MPI MP2 72" 24" 72" 24" 41" NA 41" NA Staggered 746% Staggered 676% Portrait Hardware Hardware - Portrait Modules' Standoff Specifications X -X Spacing X -X Cantilever Y -Y Spacing i Y -Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MP1 48" 20" 62" NA Staggered 75.2% MP2 48" 20" 62" NA Staggered 68.2% 27° Member Analysis OK w/ Upgrades as Specified in Plans Mounting Plane Roof Pitch Qualification Results (Degrees) Member Evaluation Results MP1 37° Member Impact Check OK MP2 27° Member Analysis OK w/ Upgrades as Specified in Plans Refer to the submitted drawings for details of information collected during a site survey All member analysis and/or evaluation is based on framing information gathered on site The existing gravity and lateral load carrying members were evaluated in accordance with the IEBC and the I BC. Tesla. nc T e S L_ F= ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT BLDG BUILDING CONC CONCRETE DC DIRECT CURRENT EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING FSB FIRE SET—BACK GALV GALVANIZED GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GND GROUND HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED I CURRENT Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM (N) NEW NEUT NEUTRAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER PL PROPERTY LINE POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PV PHOTOVOLTAIC SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT LICENSE TYPE EC # 8041 MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR I AHJ: Wheat Ridge UTILITY: Xcel Energy (CO) CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT TESLA INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE TESLA EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TESLA INC. 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A UL—LISTED POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. 3. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. THE ROOF ACCESS POINT REQUIRING A LADDER SHALL NOT BE LOCATED OVER A WINDOW, DOOR OR LOCATED WHERE IT CONFLICTS WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS TREE LIMBS, WIRES, OR SIGNS. IFC 605.11.3.1 AN OSHA APPROVED LADDER SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SECURED TO THE STRUCTURE AT THE APPROVED ROOF ACCESS POINT PER NOTE ABOVE WITH AN OSHA APPROVED DEVICE DURING ALL INSPECTIONS. APPLICATIONS FOR A PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM PROPOSING A PARTIAL OR COMPLETE RE—ROOF OF THE EXISTING ROOF SHALL FIRST OBTAIN A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT FOR SUCH WORK FROM THE BUILDING DIVISION BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND SHALL PASS A FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC MOUNTING AND/OR RAIL SYSTEM DIRECT—CURRENT PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE AND DIRECT—CURRENT OUTPUT CIRCUITS ON OR INSIDE A BUILDING SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A METAL RACEWAY. THE WIRING METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS OF NEC 690.31 (G)(1) THROUGH (4) WHERE A UFER CANNOT BE VERIFIED OR IS NOT PRESENT ONE SUPPLEMENTARY GROUND ELECTRODE SHALL BE INSTALLED AND EMBEDDED A MINIMUM OF 8 FEET INTO THE GROUND AND FITTED WITH A LISTED CLAMPING DEVICE. EXISTING ROOF AND PLUMBING VENTS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED BY ARRAY INSTALLATION. PLUMBING VENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE RE—ROUTED THROUGH ATTIC SPACE AND TERMINATE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF LINE. VENTS SHALL TERMINATE TO THE OPEN AIR. (2012 IPC SEC 904.3) 1b coy of yell, L7EVEwt+EwO- APPROVED -Reviewed for Code Com21iA= PI s Hammer Date 9 yadbudaffM& the nsuanct M a worw or approval M Pbu wc*aft"" .W.. P.aab0,f, ~ „Of he O p~ M. O N gfi,ord of m9' V0I000r, a or, of the /rovab,n of the M,ddb/ oo4 or of any CRY aftu a,at perav" r.W,,ovaMeeo,aorfbar" - orattertheoroMfamfNthew+w.y ahs ar can era"Non claw cfr sw not halide JOB NUMBER: J B-80011526 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert MODULES: (13) SC SC325 INVERTER: Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL 17 k Y I ,tJ Ll Irf iY t<,r I s f / tTE COMMENTS 4( tAI Vii, ir Digit-alGlobe, U.S. Geological wA)ey. USDA Farm Service Agency ©®© USTOMER:1 DESIGN: NATHAN ' ■ 4.225 KW ■ ARRAY Enrique Morin 3601 TELLER ST RIDGE,WHEAT O 80033 PAGE NAME: SHEET:DATE: COVER SHEET 4/29/2018 VICINITY MAP w. Sheet 1 COVER Sheet 2 SITE PLAN a UCTURAL VIEWS " + / '•'l �r,X. ill {Y� h y_ 'F � ' 1 piAl Sheet 4 77rGENERAL e•CALCULATIONS NOTESImo. i _. r, a Ar f�( 1JEr(D4 DIAGRAM f 4 - }.1 _.__ I- IIA i , 4<M�[S�t, •,1.f�V'��r. Il 11 .~' - -f, Imo■5ir.r_ *iIr rC Cutsheets .Ili„ :�kIM !11 K1Ci Attached 1. ALL •R COMPLY 2012 i AND 2012 IRC 2. ALL ELECTRICAL V7,11 THE 1 • •1 � ! JOB NUMBER: J B-80011526 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert MODULES: (13) SC SC325 INVERTER: Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL 17 k Y I ,tJ Ll Irf iY t<,r I s f / tTE COMMENTS 4( tAI Vii, ir Digit-alGlobe, U.S. Geological wA)ey. USDA Farm Service Agency ©®© USTOMER:1 DESIGN: NATHAN ' ■ 4.225 KW ■ ARRAY Enrique Morin 3601 TELLER ST RIDGE,WHEAT O 80033 PAGE NAME: SHEET:DATE: COVER SHEET 4/29/2018 S ,TZ .OT .T 0 3 M ,T = ..ZE/F :@leas N NVd ]lIS 03HSVa SI 1NIAdIA03 d01d3iNI 2102/6Z/t Z 31VO A36 133HS NVId 311S 3VWN 30Yd H008 00 `3001N 1b3HM r is d 11131 10K L J.bddb Ad Mei 5ZZ't d3aN3W NbH1bN :NOulims10 83Mg1S00 ll z S DIA110S # bjlI 'DNI VIS31 30 NOISSINd3d N3UIW 3H1 100HUM '1N3MId1003 V SM 3AILD3638 3H1 -40 350 ONV 31VS 3H1 HIM N S,1N31d103J3H1 301SL00 S13H1D 01 18V NI NO 3IOW NI 03SOTJSIG 38 11 IIVHS 8ON ONI VIS31 1d30X3 3NOANV 30 IU3N38 3H1 ?J03 0350 38 AN IIVHS 03NIV1N0D N13a3H NOIlYYV2103N13H1 – IYfiN3013N00 SZ�Os OS (W S31SZ 03d MV S1N3A ONIMO06d 1V3H 5 = 1 }lasul-6wysD 3 M �A du10O SZ C131SAS ONUNnOM uuow anbuu3 :NgKln Q7911I009—aI (7 C7 f� OO J(,�8Y10N80f S ,TZ .OT .T 0 3 M ,T = ..ZE/F :@leas N NVd ]lIS 03HSVa SI 1NIAdIA03 d01d3iNI iJ L� 03d MV S1N3A ONIMO06d 1V3H C 3ON33/31VO d01d31N1 NO Nnd ilnGNO3 m— d01d31X3 NO Nnd ilnGN00 SNOUV001 3300NV1S NMOOIAHS OldVd esa 013W W3iS),S Ad a31V31a3a O S138V1 ONINdVM )? d31N30 OV01DI S139V1 )R 13NVd NOI1f181diS10 Oa S138V1 ?R X08 d3NIONOO/NOLLONfIf 30 Oe S138V1 ONINdVM N 103NNOOSIa OV S138V1 ONINdVM ?R iDINNOOSla 00 mw S139V1 ONINdVM N ODSla DO a31VKHM /M d31d3ANl SDI 13OV1 ONINdVM ?Y d313W Limn (3) O uivJ�)=l 1 szwoTS Z :,\dols albulys CJWOD :1VId31VW 81T :HlnV41ZV ),VMV 8ZT :HlnhlZV ZdW LZ:HDlld , VddV LZ :HDlld SauoTS Z :,idols albulys dw0D :1VId31VW 88:Hif1WIZV I.VddV 88:Hinv4izV TdW Ls:HDlld J.VMV LE :H011d AIN© lnfll.mI s w -A aDNJIS (INV (11dWd1S ,0010-L L£GZL O£b0.8 LOZ :aW(3 wo>/gpielosm?e�ana p e=p ewa ,A a4 opjelagV=u>'awogweH=no 's, -n QlaJeloS=no 'R7!ye�oS=>P'le>ol=>PNd eia a0 opmlagV Aq p-6 C� O CD M paan as pielagb .ldM3nI2ia 0) asnOH 40 Iuoa� nJV SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS � MP2 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72' 24 41" 0" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48' 2D" 62" 0" RAFTER 2X6 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 178 PITCH 27 '-TORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 178 PITCH 27 C.I. 2x6 @16" OC Comp Shingle X AND Y ARE ALWAYS RELATIVE TO THE STRUCTURE FRAMING THAT SUPPORTS THE PV. X IS ACROSS RAFTERS AND Y IS ALONG RAFTERS. PV MODULE 5/16"x1.5" BOLT WI1 5/16" FLAT WASHE ZEP LEVELING FOO' ZEP ARRAY SKIR- ZEP MOUNTING BLOCS ZEP FLASHING INSER (E) COMP. SHINGLE (E) ROOF DECKIN( 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG SCREW (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTEE Q'I L/C NOTE: LAP SPLICE DOES NOT NEED TO BE CENTERED ON THE MEMBER (E) WALL OR be I a rd o Dy cauY s9nee brAneia,ao De vera SUPPORT BELOW _ (E) RIDGE BOARD omasbaa<ae DeV111 YDN: d -local, H omno ne SIMPSON SDW SIMPSON SDW 22458 OR SUPPOR - MI T BELOW D e Vera Da 2018"049 0 5, 0,1 14 27-01700' { 22300 WOOD WOOD SCREWS In 1..%I . _`� �. �lyhl SCREWS (N) SISTER MEMBERS r (E) RAFTER SISTER UPGRADE INFORMATION: RAFTER UPGRADE INDICATED BY HATCHING UPGRADE NOTES: 1. CUT AND ADD (N) SISTER AS SHOWN IN THIS SIDE VIEW AND REFERENCED TOP VIEW. 2. FASTEN (N) SISTER TO (E) MEMBER W/ SIMPSON SDW 22300 (IF 2 -PLY) OR 22458 (IF 3 -PLY) SDW SCREWS AS SHOWN AT 16" O.C. ALONG SPAN AS SPECIFIED, IF WOOD SPLITTING IS SEEN OR HEARD, PRE -DRILL WITH A h" DRILL BIT. ALT. OPTION FOR FULL LENGTH MEMBERS ONLY- FASTEN (N) SIDE MEMBER TO (E) RAFTER W/ 10d (IF 2 -PLY) DR 16d FROM EACH SIDE (IF 3 -PLY) COMMON NAILS AT 6" O.C. ALONG SPAN. • SISTER ALL RAFTERS ON THIS MP SEC11ON INTO WHICH THE ARRAY IS LAGGED CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT TESLA INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE TESLA EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TESLA INC. JOB NUMBER: JB -80011526 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert MODULES: (13) SC SC325 INVERTER: Delta # Solivio 5.2 TL INSTALLATION ORDER LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT HOLE. ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO (2) MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH TO RAFTER USING LAG SCREW. INJECT SEALANT INTO FLASHING (3) INSERT PORT, WHICH SPREADS SEALANT EVENLY OVER THE ROOF PENETRATION. CINSTALL LEVELING FOOT ON TOP (4) OF MOUNTING BLOCK & SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT. NATHAN MENDER 3601 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 ------- 4'-0" MIN. MP SIDE VIEW FOR REQUIRED LENGTH D2 D2 MIR - TOP VIEW OF PARTIAL LENGTH LAPPED SISTER 6" END DISTANCE "-16" O.C. TYP.---�' 2y4" � „� 1 0 o Q SIMPSON SDW WOOD SCREWS Scale: 3/4"=l' -O" (E) 2x6 RAFTER (N) 2x6 SIDE MEMBER D2 2x6 END FASTENER GROUPING Scale. 1"= - 011 Of wheat RXd9e 4.225 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: STRUCTURAL VIEWS DESIGN: Enrique Marin SHEET: REV: DATE: 3 4/29/2018 T=SLn LiIS-1 810Z/H/� t 31Vo A38 133HS upon anbpu3 NDIS30 SNolldinoido lJndn :3YIVN 3DVd �dddd Ad Mei 9N't 9Z5LL008 #qor VZL# uolsJan 8L0Z'6rV0 ANviuwns WDISM .00.Lo- S GS LZ L 0£"40'9 L 0Z :a;e4 W03 goielostiwanape=pewa '-J-A ad opielagV=uD 'awogWeH=no'siasn pDAeloS=no 'A1D,eJ0S=�P'1001=aP :NO eJOA ad opielagV Aq pau6ls 6peim eaan as ��008 00 `1001 1d]HM 1S d3lill LOK dlOND NdH1dN 83YIO1SrO 1108 H11M N31SV3 113dnois ?W X13018 ONI1NnoA 30 (-v) d01 NO 1003 ON113A31 11ViSNl NOI1Vd13N3d 3004 3Hl d3AO /0N3A3 lNV1V3S SaV3ddS HOIHM '1dOd 1d3SNl M ONIHSVI3 OlNI 1NV1V3S 103f NI 'M3KS OVl ONISn d313Vd Ol HOV11V ONV X10018 ONI1NAOVi (Z) 01 1d3SNl ONIHSVI3 H3V11V '310H 1011d 711 a ONV `NOLV001 (�) 310H AdVA `d3l3Vd 31V001 dlOdO NOI1V11V1SN1 11 Z S D!n!loS # D}lao 'ONI V1S31 30 NOISS1110d :83183ANI N31118M 3H1 1nOH11A1 '1N3YidIn03 V1S31 (W 3nUD36M 3H1 30 3Sn ONV 31V'S 3H1 531n10N HIM NOU33NNOD NI 1d33X3 'NOUVZINVO80 laasul—bu!ysD13 M VA dwo0 SZ S1NI380 3TW N1103- HlaISinO a3S03DSla 3e 1111131VHS Y131SAS 9NLLNnOn 8ON "DNI V-lS31 1d3OX3 3NOkNV 30 1133N39 00 9Zq l [008-8 r3H1 803 03Sn 39 10N -nVHS a3NIV1NOO 83OnHN W N1383H 140UVY4803N1 3H1 - 3VUN30UNOD ,T = ..Z/T T :012DS F S ��OGN` IS d313Vd (3) (NIA `08A3 M3d0S 9V1 1131S SS31NIV1S VIa „91/9 KKK 3004 (3) 11ONIHS 'MOD (3) .d3SNl ONIHSVI3 d3Z 13018 ONI1Nnoh d3Z HIAS Jlvmv d3Z _003 ONI1MA31 d3Z 3HSVM 1V13 „9l/S LIM 1108 „SIX"WS 3ifla0A Ad SIN ins) AA7TA 7rlTC AJ 1X-/'1T.J 1 �d (N) -sja4m uole sl A pue siagei ssoloe si X 'Ad a g slioddns japi buiWB4 a nj:m4s aLp of angelai s emle aie jeL{3 swnwncew aje A pue X pajibbejS Pai dS 3nafiel VN VN Janalnueq-A 29 29 6uiaedS-A c ,.oz „oz J6AGInUCo-X d_ ,.8t I .,8q 6uloedS-X VN VN aanalgue�-A ..L4 L4 6u7,oedS-A a trZ .6Z JanalpueO-x o ..ZL ZL 6uloe S -X A ZdW LdW I aweN dVJ ino e -j pup buiDedS _#opuelg ;sd O,IZ ;sd 0'I.Z Ad-uoN-i-luns p pd 0*IZ agd 9*I� Ad :Hans oLZ eLe gokd AHS Iunon dwo:) A8S 3unoW dwoD MopuEgS ;ooa dwo:) }ooa dwoo 6ugood c ZdW LdW aweN dW uollewio;ul u isaa o!Iiaa S dW L -L algel 30SV L9z uopaS dfi091 6� jsd 0 0£ 0 ydw S£L 0-1 0 L -L 3oSb' 6d AA -A puol mous puna Ajo6aleo amsodx-3 paadS pwM a3ewgn jopej a?ue}iodun apo u6lsaQ eualua u6 sea ay»adg alisgop 9Z5LL008 #qor VZL# uolsJan 8L0Z'6rV0 ANviuwns WDISM .00.Lo- S GS LZ L 0£"40'9 L 0Z :a;e4 W03 goielostiwanape=pewa '-J-A ad opielagV=uD 'awogWeH=no'siasn pDAeloS=no 'A1D,eJ0S=�P'1001=aP :NO eJOA ad opielagV Aq pau6ls 6peim eaan as ��008 00 `1001 1d]HM 1S d3lill LOK dlOND NdH1dN 83YIO1SrO 1108 H11M N31SV3 113dnois ?W X13018 ONI1NnoA 30 (-v) d01 NO 1003 ON113A31 11ViSNl NOI1Vd13N3d 3004 3Hl d3AO /0N3A3 lNV1V3S SaV3ddS HOIHM '1dOd 1d3SNl M ONIHSVI3 OlNI 1NV1V3S 103f NI 'M3KS OVl ONISn d313Vd Ol HOV11V ONV X10018 ONI1NAOVi (Z) 01 1d3SNl ONIHSVI3 H3V11V '310H 1011d 711 a ONV `NOLV001 (�) 310H AdVA `d3l3Vd 31V001 dlOdO NOI1V11V1SN1 11 Z S D!n!loS # D}lao 'ONI V1S31 30 NOISS1110d :83183ANI N31118M 3H1 1nOH11A1 '1N3YidIn03 V1S31 (W 3nUD36M 3H1 30 3Sn ONV 31V'S 3H1 531n10N HIM NOU33NNOD NI 1d33X3 'NOUVZINVO80 laasul—bu!ysD13 M VA dwo0 SZ S1NI380 3TW N1103- HlaISinO a3S03DSla 3e 1111131VHS Y131SAS 9NLLNnOn 8ON "DNI V-lS31 1d3OX3 3NOkNV 30 1133N39 00 9Zq l [008-8 r3H1 803 03Sn 39 10N -nVHS a3NIV1NOO 83OnHN W N1383H 140UVY4803N1 3H1 - 3VUN30UNOD ,T = ..Z/T T :012DS F S ��OGN` IS d313Vd (3) (NIA `08A3 M3d0S 9V1 1131S SS31NIV1S VIa „91/9 KKK 3004 (3) 11ONIHS 'MOD (3) .d3SNl ONIHSVI3 d3Z 13018 ONI1Nnoh d3Z HIAS Jlvmv d3Z _003 ONI1MA31 d3Z 3HSVM 1V13 „9l/S LIM 1108 „SIX"WS 3ifla0A Ad SIN ins) AA7TA 7rlTC AJ 1X-/'1T.J 1 �d (N) GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND (N) #8 GEC TO (E) WATER PIPE AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Panel Number: MC204OB1150RJBC Meter Number: 64257653 Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 — ( i) Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL LABEL: A Inverter;520OW, 240V, 97.5%, Zlgbee, PLC — (13) SC SC325 PV Module; 325W, 306.5 PTC, 40 TYPE EC # 8041 INV 2 Overhead Service Entrance Voc: 69.6 Vpm0X: 57.6 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER (E) 150A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E 150A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MILBANK 150A/2P Meter Socket (E) LOADS C �• 3OA/2P a, --- cup B -- CUTLER -HAMMER Disconnect 6 D ---- -— - - - - -- -- L -�_� Inverter 1 IND Delta Solivia 5.2 TL 0 yr ---� � G GNB _ _ -_C_ ------------ ------ ------ Branch Socket Delta 5 ❑B 1 _C. - - - - - _Gc - =a - MP 1: 1x3- - tpj 3 2 o- MP 2: 2x5� mac. i (1 )Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT N i i EGC/GEC Z z c� GEC TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE I i i i Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP POI (1)SIEMENS # 0230 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker; 3OA/2P, 2 Spaces (1)MILBANK # U4801-XL-5T9A /� Meter Socket; 200A, #6-350, Ringless - (3) MILBANK U K4977 -INT Load -Side Tap Connector; 100A, #12 - 1/0 AWG �(1)CUHAMMER # DG221UR6 Disconnect; 30A, 240Vac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R - (1)CUTLER-HAMMER #DG030NB Ground/Neutral it; 30A, General Duty (DG) B (3)Delta Solivia Smart RSS Rapid Shutdown, 60OV, 20A, NEMA 4X, MC4 Branch Socket; MC4 U -Joint Connector, Female Female Male A (1)#32.0019 MULTI -CONTACT PV-AZB4 D� - (1) #32.0018 MULTI -CONTACT j PV-AZS4 Branch Plug; MC4 U -Join Connector, Male Mole Female ©(�(1 )AWG #10, THWN-2, Black L -L (1 )AWG #10, THWN-2, Red L-L(1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=21.6 AAC O (4)AK 110, PV Wire, 60OV, Black (1 )AWG 110, THWN-2, Green EGC (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT Voc* = 396.82VDC Vmp -288 VDC Isc = 12.06 ADC �(2)AWG #10, PV Wire, 60OV, Block Imp= 11.3 AGC O RL (1 )AWG #10, THWN-2, Green EGC II�L(1)Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT Voc* - 238.09VDC Isc = 6.03 ADC Vmp- 172.8 VDC Imp- 5.65 ADC -(1)AWG #8, THWN-2, Green EGC/GEC - (1) Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT ® (2) AWG 110, PV Wire, 60OV, Black (1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Green EGC RF (1) Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT Voc* = 396.82 VDC Vmp -288 VDC Isc = 12.06 ADC (4) AWG #10, PV wire, 60OV, Black Imp= 11.3 ADC O(1 ) AWG #10, THWN-2, Green EGC I (1 ) Conduit Kit; 3/4" EMT Voc* = 396.82 VDC Isc = 6.03 ADC Vmp = 288 VDC Imp= 5.65 ADC 5(2)AWG O 110, PV Wire, 600V, Black (1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Green EGC (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4' EMTgypr Voc* - 238.09VDC Vmp - 172.8 VDC Isc = 6.03 ADC Imp= 5.65 ADC C h reat CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT TESLA INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE TESLA EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TESLA INC. JOB NUMBER JB -80011526 0o CUSTOMER: NATHAN MENDER 3601 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 DESCRIPTION: 4.225 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: THREE LINE DIAGRAM DESIGN: Enrique Marin 70 ft T L� MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZS Comp V4 w Flashing -Insert MODULES: (13) SC SC325 SHEET: REV: DATE: 5 4/29/2018 INVERTER: Delta # Solivia 5.2 TL L I'069 33N Md 133NNOOSIO 3/V NV SI 13NVd lV3R113313 NIVA NI 83AYM 11MS13 (M—)13V8 31VIMAO10Nd IL (S)/�V'� b 01dlIOAOlOHd dVIOS 131MIS �inlin 10INNOOSIa 0d \IDINNOOSIO Oa aNV d11dJANI :NMOHS SV a�11VDOI SIDANNODSIa HlIM SADWOS JNIMOIlOd AHI W02id (IAI]ddns OSib' SI JNIming SIHl Ol 2i3MOd 8LOVWtg 3LV0 A321 133H5 adV3Vd cl NVId 311S 3YNN 30Vd `NON OS 1001d iV]HM is d3lill 10 9 ,lb ddd Ad Mei ZZ d aN3W Nb Hlb N NOndWS30 :OMO1SnD �l Z S DIAIJOS # D}jaQ a31M3NNI DNI V1S31 30 NOISSIV4N3d NhlAbM 3H1 inOH1N1 'A Y40103 VIS31 3AILD36321 3H1 30 3Sn ONV 3IVS 3H1 HIM NOUANNOO NI 1d3OX3 'NOILVZINVONO UN31d1038 3H1 301S1nO S83HIO 01 121Vd NI ?O MW NI 03SOIDSIO 39 11 IIVHS 30 1ViNOD JON "DNI VIS31 1d38 IN 3HL 2103 035n 38 lON IIVHS 03NIV1NOD N13d3H NOt1Vwa03N1 3H1 - IVUN30lJNOO SZ�Os DS lW s3�naon 5 }aasu�-6uiyso�� M �n dU10� SZ �3<SAS "u"�� UIjD anbiau w 3 N01S30 77 II (� C I n O 0 9 (g 6 [ 0 0 p—o I P'IN WP' L I'069 33N Md 133NNOOSIO 3/V NV SI 13NVd lV3R113313 NIVA NI 83AYM 11MS13 (M—)13V8 31VIMAO10Nd IL (S)/�V'� b 01dlIOAOlOHd dVIOS 131MIS �inlin 10INNOOSIa 0d \IDINNOOSIO Oa aNV d11dJANI :NMOHS SV a�11VDOI SIDANNODSIa HlIM SADWOS JNIMOIlOd AHI W02id (IAI]ddns OSib' SI JNIming SIHl Ol 2i3MOd MAXIMUM AC _ A OPERATING CURRENT_, MAXIMUM AC' A WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OFF POSITION A WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE Label Location (C)(CB)(JB) A WARNING Per Code: Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY 690.64 Label Location: MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL Label Location: RATING OF ALL OVER CURRENT (DC)(INV) DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN Per Code: SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE, TO BE USED WHEN SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY NEC 690.13.13 OF BUSBAR. Label Location (DC) (INV) Label Location Per Code: (INV) NEC 690.53 v - Per Code: m� CEC 690.56(C) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC)(POI) Per Code. NEC 690.17.E Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 705.12.D.2 Label Set (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection sce2nect C d y G � Label Location: A WARNING (DC) (INV) Label Location: Per Code: (AC)(POI) ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS NEC 690.35(F) Per Code. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE TO BE USED WHEN NEC 690.13.13 UNGROUNDEDAND INVERTER IS MAY BE ENERGIZED UNGROUNDED Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC)(POI) Per Code. NEC 690.17.E Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 705.12.D.2 Label Set (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection sce2nect C d y G � VII 3YV sJalJanu!Jelos/woo seo!Jawe-ellap-MMM (sRepiloH woi{ IJede) 1Sd wd9 of weL woj; Repu j of AepuoW M8 -69£ -9Z9 -L+ :(-Ilul) UoddnS Z£8b-Zb17-LL8-L+ :au!IIOH lJoddnS 1Z08 -69£-9Z9-1+ JO 6999-017ti-LL8-L+ :au!IlOH sales woo- dJoo-ellap@poddnS'JalJanul :I!ew3 UoddnS woo-dJoo-ellap@soles JalJanul :I!ew3 sales 9M76 VO 'luowaJ-1 'PN81uouJ9Jj L06917 •oul `uo!lseJodJoo s4onpoJd e;iaa ZL'069 alo!YV 4LOZ 03N ZV069 alo!IJV 4LOZ 03N L-LOL Z'ZZ VS3'L17LL In L-LOL Z'ZZ VSO'L4LL In X4 VW3N X17 VVE N ' aouelldwoa pJepuelS sJeal. 0 L steal 0 L (anal eaS anoge w00pZ lan91 eas anoge w000Z %00 L - 0 %O L - 0 (o.58 - Ota-) j.SBL - 04- (0.58 - Ota-) d.48L - Ot'- (O.OL - O1r) d.851 - Ob- (O.OL - Otr) d.89l - Ot•- spolg leu!uual maioS J013auu00 Ad 4H loua4dwV Jo JoloauuOO Ad t oW J0130uu00 Ad VH loua4dwV Jo Joloauu00 Ad trout JoloauuOO Ad yH loua4dwV Jo Joloauuoo Ad trove (610'£) sgl9'9 (6�£"L) sg198'Z (55 X SSZ x 9L£) 9L'Z x 40,0E x wn (£5 x OSL x OOZ ) 607 X LTS X LB"L JMV YL -VZ V/N A009 V/N aJ!M leu6!S AS leu6!S Old (Salo4 OAM) ,.V/£ V/N `JMV 9-ZL OWN V9Z V9Z VOZ VOZ Z L V5L V/N VOL VOZ h L 00 A009 od A009 V f! aiu!D 113)dV3N8 od oV Buulm pe Jol lmpuoo auo 'a! IVN•JIS As ov - Ad JU • Ad UU �me •eeptla[IOIs dapTq f V � b ata Ad =10.0L NI1411M -0ON NO XOG NMooin Hs aldVN V1190 elea IeJauas I'M Se. Ja.up-ellop MMM S(1 . J (Aluo l-1 009-SS2l IapoN)) uo!leo!unwwoo old ZL'069 8101P? b10Z 33N 41!M lueildwoo . SJo10auu00 Ad 41!M l0auu00 lsej . uo!lellelsu! lunon Loeb . 1461aM146!l pue loedwoo . uogoaloJd Xt, WON s32niv3d A3M . sJalJaAUI equapsaJ ase4d-al6ws s,ello(] 4l!M alggedwoo sl 11 ZL 069 aloilie t7LOZ O3N to sluawannboi um0pin4S pdeH a4l 4l!M lueydwoo AlInj walsls AeJJe Ad le!ouawwoo hews JO lelluap!saJ 34/1009 to loauuoos!p o!lewolne ue ap!Aad Sao!Aaa umopin4S p!de�j s.ella4 sa94JanuI ll 9'L�0'E: aDinaa unnop4nys e4jaa ao4 pidP sBullea lndlnp sBulleb lndul suo!leo!l!oadS leolugoal S(l 0 �d S VN dWe� JAI q3 a 9ifyd.�Ory :weJ6e!Q uo!;oauuoo Z -V 009-SSN lopow I'M Se. Ja.up-ellop MMM S(1 . J (Aluo l-1 009-SS2l IapoN)) uo!leo!unwwoo old ZL'069 8101P? b10Z 33N 41!M lueildwoo . SJo10auu00 Ad 41!M l0auu00 lsej . uo!lellelsu! lunon Loeb . 1461aM146!l pue loedwoo . uogoaloJd Xt, WON s32niv3d A3M . sJalJaAUI equapsaJ ase4d-al6ws s,ello(] 4l!M alggedwoo sl 11 ZL 069 aloilie t7LOZ O3N to sluawannboi um0pin4S pdeH a4l 4l!M lueydwoo AlInj walsls AeJJe Ad le!ouawwoo hews JO lelluap!saJ 34/1009 to loauuoos!p o!lewolne ue ap!Aad Sao!Aaa umopin4S p!de�j s.ella4 sa94JanuI ll 9'L�0'E: aDinaa unnop4nys e4jaa ao4 pidP C, - SolarCity '1 w a Solar Inverters Transformerless (TQ.- 3.8 kW, 5.2 kW, 6.6 kW, 7.6 kW Wide Operating Voltage Range: 85 - 550V Wide Operating Temperature Range: -13 158°F (-25 - 70'C) High CEC Efficiency: 97.5% Integrated AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interruption) NEMA 4X plus Salt Mist Corrosion Protection Natural Convection Cooling Dual MPPT (5.2kW / 6.6kW / 7.6kW) Compact and Lightweight UL 1741 / IEEE 1547 / IEEE 1547.1 / CEC ISO Listed /UL 16998(Type 11) / NEC 690.11 C us SolarCity 0 rP r 0 Delta Solar Inverters Datasheet for SolarCity INPUT (DC) Max. System Voltage 600 V Nominal Voltage 380 V Operating Voltage Range -3 85 - 550 V Full Power MPPT Range 200 - 500 V Max. Usable Current 18.0 A 20.0 A 20.0 A per MPP tracker Max Shat Circuit Current @ STC: 25.0 A per MPP tracker Max. Fdlowable Imbalance Power - 4200 W 5000 W 5600 W Allowed DC Loading Ratio 1.5 DC Disconnect - Internal MPP Tracker 1 2 Total Input Strings Available , ,� 2 4 OUTPUT (AC) Nominal Power 3000 W 3800 W 5200 W 6600 W 7600 W Max. Continuous Power 3000 W @ 208 V / 3300 W @ 208 V I 5200 W @ 208 V / 6600 W @ 208 V / 6600 W @ 208 V I 3000 W @ 240 V 3800 W @ 240 V 5200 W @ 240 V 6600 W @ 240 V 7600 W @ 240 V Voltage Range 183 -228 V @ 208 V/ 211 - 264 V @ 240 V Nominal Current 14AA@208V/ 158A@208V/ 24.0A@208V/ 31.7A@208V1 31.7A@208V/ 12.5A@240V 15.8A@240V 21.6A@240V 27.5A@240V 31.7A@240V Nominal Frequency "".1 60 Hz Frequency Range 59.3 - 60.5 Hz Adjustable Frequency Range 57.0 -63.0 Hz Night Consumption <1.5 W Total Harmonic Distortion @ Nominal Power <3% Power Factor @ Nominal Power > 0.99 Adjustable Power Factor Range 0.85i - 0.85c Acourtic Noise Emission <50 db(A) @ Im GENERAL SPECIFICATION Max Efficiency 98% CEC Efficiency ' 97.5% @ 208V /97.5% @ 240V Operating Temperature Range -13 - 158'F (-25-70'C) I derating above 122'F (50'C) Storage Temperature Raq i. 40 - 165-F (-40 - 85°C) Humidity - 0-100% Max Operating Attitude 2000m above sea level MECHANICAL DESIGN Size L x W x D inches(L x W x Dr 19.5 x 15.8 x 8.5 in (495 x 401 x 216 mm) 26.8 x 15.8 x 8.5 in (680 x 401 x 216 mm) Weight ' 43.0lbs (19.5 kg) 65.0 Ibs (29.5 kg) Cooling Natural Convection AC Connectors Spring terminals in connection box Compatible Winng Guage in AC AWG 12 - AWG 6 Copper ( According to NEC 310.15 ) DC Connectors 2 pairs of spring terminals in connection box 4 pairs of spring terminals in connection box Compatible Wiring Guage in DC AWG 12 - AWG 6 Copper (According to NEC 690.8 ) Communication Interface ZLgBee Display _ 3 LEDs, 4 -Line LCD Enclosure Material Diecast Aluminum STANDARDS; DIRECTIVES Enclosure Protection Rating NEMA 4X, IEC 60068-2-11 Salt mist Safety - UL 1741 Second Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 107, 1-01 SW Approval UL 1998 Ground -Fault Protection, NEC 690.35, UL 1741 CRD A.rlt"slanding Protection IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1 EMG FCC part 15 Class B AFCI UL 16998 (Type 1), NEC 690.11 PV Rapid Shutdown UL 1741 CRD PVRSS, NEC 690.12 (with SMART RSS) Integrated Meter ANSI C12.1 (meet 1% Accuracy) Regulation of Grid Support California Rule 21, HECO Compliant, IEEE1547 WARRANTY Standard Warranty 10 years Delta Products Corporation, 46101 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94536 Sales Email:.nverter.sales@deltaw .com G G Support Email: inverter.support@defte w.com Sales Hotline:*1-877-440-5851 or .1-626-369-8021 I'D �. Support Hotline +1-877-442-4832 Support (Intl.). +1-626-369-8019 p., Monday to Friday from 7 to 5 PST from Holidays) L �-- C« am pm (apart - o. G O 0 WV ZZ � s 9lOZ 66 AV pauodxa is el aleo G naa 100-6£9L-009 # luawn000 woo sledsz sddy pue slualed aogou lnoylim a6ue4o of loafgns aje suogeognadg asn goea jo; spopad s jelogdaZ to F1tIjgePns a4l 6wlyu9n jol apsuodsa Alalos si jawolsno a41 lluewem pnpoid a41 ui of payaja, suoilmipoads alos o4l salnplsuoo slonpoid spejog daZ glim paddigs uogeluawnoop jasn-pug o41 }onpad 4oea joy puejjem lonpojd uallum a41 w pawelum sj Rlue,jem alos s mcS daZ sao-as w slonpo,d sp lnoge jo jelog daZ Aq Illuejjem smdxa hue aleajo lou scop luawnoop ss41 4956 l(1 o1 palsli 609 6-058 ON i ed dllo aj1M oa #4 80iZ in pue L9V lfl of palsli 665 6-099 ON I ed Zn daZ punoj!D L9V l 058 J0 8891-098 (J) 094 6-098 10 999L-099 (1) ON Ued deo pua 8M lfl 01 palsli 66v6-048 10 909 6-098 ON Wd dija 80L61n 01 palsil L686-099 'ON Ued loo_A Buliana-j 400-6896-098 800-6896-098 600-1£96-048 600-6896-098 ON Ued Bei aayseM painldeo 80LZ in of palsy 8696-098 ON 11ed pasul Bulyselj 0 � o 80L6 in 01 Palsll I -IM in 01 palsil 80L6 in of Palsli 8696098 a0B886-098'ON lRd 8 6 60-009 10 8096-099 'ON IJed 8896-098'ON ued )iooljalul PIIS ALJjb )Iool8 BullunoW woo jelosdez sluauoduaoo WV ZZ,LI 9�OZ 6Z ujdV .pauodxa lsel aleo C naa 100-6£9L-009 #luawn000 wm sledsz sddy pue slualed ooilou lno41 m 96uego of loafgns aje suogecipoodg asn goee jol spnpad sjelogdaZ;o Rlipgelins a4l 6w(yu9n Jo; elpsuodsaj Aplos si aawolsm agl 41ue.uem lonpojd a41 w of pawa;aj suOIMWoods alos a4l salnlgsum spnpoid sjeloS daZ 4ltm paddgs uogeluawnnop jasn-pua agl-pnpo.id 4oea jol Kluejjem lanpojd uallum a4l ui paweluoo si quejjem alos s jejog daZ saowas jo slonpoid sli lnoge jo jejog daZ Rq Rlumiem ssajdxe hue aleajo lou saop jus—mop sigl sloop al6uius uogisodwoo sol . dwoo SZ 6olouyoaW -xaN 6lunoW nlanaaejosd I(�I�J2�OS;:pd 6oa 0 1 ® woo jelosdaz sa0lnap 6umoilisod anm jol 999 6 -in of palsil slonpoid luawabeuew anm daZ ,.VZ of do sJ8n9lllue0 pue „ZL of do sueds jol pajaeuibu3 EOLZ in o1 Pa1sli in aie slonpoid 6ulpuoq dwoo SZ L961n Pue £oLZ in o1 palsll in eje slonpoid 6ulpunoi6 dwo3 SZ sPJepuels O6 -L Pue 90-L 30SV 01 Nodal lauunl pulM EOLZ In ied lsd 09 of sainssaid peol mous pue ugdn pulm appow slioddns dwoo SZ suogeluauo adeospuel pue 1lejuod ui spelsul slog payolld jol pau6isa4 suoile:mpedg 031S11@ „Z adAi„ to „6 edAi;, se pegl}lao lainloelnuew Aue woll salnpow 6uisn papelsw uaUm 6wlea and M. ssel0 EOL Line sell dwoo SZ puoq leouloele pue leinlonils salealo ajempjey palsy -in 6ulpuoq olnV dwoo salnpow opledwo3 daZ pe gllm s4ioM slow 916wys uoppodwoo jol uollnlos 6ullunow Ad uolldp3sea gel bdW00 sloop al6uius uogisodwoo sol . dwoo SZ 6olouyoaW -xaN 6lunoW nlanaaejosd I(�I�J2�OS;:pd 6oa 0 1 ® "3-.5 SolarCity More power, �ass oanels. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL DATA MECHANICAL DATA L 'I 1Z 0.29 C eD25 �_ 003 AT NOCT (NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS) 24E0 4 �4 2 A A 4 �Z tI With a sunlight to electricity More power per panel AT LOW IRRADIANCE (20%) Our S2bW Pa -1 generates 20% pP,,d, -I- a standard 62 conversion efficiency of over 19.4% 2701h pa -1. 55.7 111 DEPENDENCE ON IRRADIANCE the panel ranks amongst the More energy —ry year '3. More y"', gy --aled [. -,the' Panel, as her' - 2 owim iup.rf highest in the industry. That means �:t�l In "I h—t our panels can harvest more Outstanding durability energy from the sun. which means Wan more than 20 additional cast=pe,fori-red beyond what ,s LIMITED 10 years (90% of Pmin) 7LVrcnt!y mandated. -here pa -15 far exceed ndus:ry standaros. WARRANTY 25 years (80% of Pm,,) 15 years it takes fewer of our panels to More layers, more power power your home. Plus. they Mznufacrured by Pana—ii, f— Solar'- tY -ha pa, ei MATERIALS 5 incn Photo-Itac —11, Hen—i—tion roll tech,oloqy, —ch adds a lays, -h fill Silicon AR coated tempered glass generate more power Output on :.p of high e ffic—cy cy,,tall— silicon. Black anodized aluminium MC4 during the hottest times of the day, Leading warranty Our Panels rank among the be n war-anty P. erase A CAUTION I sing ni cdr.fi,IIy even in warmer climates. with —rkman- ir, -.hat —t—ds IS years. before sing the p,,d,ct, &solarciy "a-ty-irr S tolarCity E ��5 NEMEMEME EMEMEM 7 SOMME so MMMEMEME MOMMEMEM MEMEMEMM MEMEMEMM TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS 0.29 C eD25 �_ 003 AT NOCT (NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS) 24E0 4 �4 2 A A 4 �Z tI With a sunlight to electricity More power per panel AT LOW IRRADIANCE (20%) Our S2bW Pa -1 generates 20% pP,,d, -I- a standard 62 conversion efficiency of over 19.4% 2701h pa -1. 55.7 111 DEPENDENCE ON IRRADIANCE the panel ranks amongst the More energy —ry year '3. More y"', gy --aled [. -,the' Panel, as her' - 2 owim iup.rf highest in the industry. That means �:t�l In "I h—t our panels can harvest more Outstanding durability energy from the sun. which means Wan more than 20 additional cast=pe,fori-red beyond what ,s LIMITED 10 years (90% of Pmin) 7LVrcnt!y mandated. -here pa -15 far exceed ndus:ry standaros. WARRANTY 25 years (80% of Pm,,) 15 years it takes fewer of our panels to More layers, more power power your home. Plus. they Mznufacrured by Pana—ii, f— Solar'- tY -ha pa, ei MATERIALS 5 incn Photo-Itac —11, Hen—i—tion roll tech,oloqy, —ch adds a lays, -h fill Silicon AR coated tempered glass generate more power Output on :.p of high e ffic—cy cy,,tall— silicon. Black anodized aluminium MC4 during the hottest times of the day, Leading warranty Our Panels rank among the be n war-anty P. erase A CAUTION I sing ni cdr.fi,IIy even in warmer climates. with —rkman- ir, -.hat —t—ds IS years. before sing the p,,d,ct, &solarciy "a-ty-irr S tolarCity E REESE NEMEMEME EMEMEM SOMME so MMMEMEME MOMMEMEM MEMEMEMM MEMEMEMM 0.29 C eD25 �_ 003 AT NOCT (NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS) 24E0 4 �4 2 A A 4 �Z tI With a sunlight to electricity More power per panel AT LOW IRRADIANCE (20%) Our S2bW Pa -1 generates 20% pP,,d, -I- a standard 62 conversion efficiency of over 19.4% 2701h pa -1. 55.7 111 DEPENDENCE ON IRRADIANCE the panel ranks amongst the More energy —ry year '3. More y"', gy --aled [. -,the' Panel, as her' - 2 owim iup.rf highest in the industry. That means �:t�l In "I h—t our panels can harvest more Outstanding durability energy from the sun. which means Wan more than 20 additional cast=pe,fori-red beyond what ,s LIMITED 10 years (90% of Pmin) 7LVrcnt!y mandated. -here pa -15 far exceed ndus:ry standaros. WARRANTY 25 years (80% of Pm,,) 15 years it takes fewer of our panels to More layers, more power power your home. Plus. they Mznufacrured by Pana—ii, f— Solar'- tY -ha pa, ei MATERIALS 5 incn Photo-Itac —11, Hen—i—tion roll tech,oloqy, —ch adds a lays, -h fill Silicon AR coated tempered glass generate more power Output on :.p of high e ffic—cy cy,,tall— silicon. Black anodized aluminium MC4 during the hottest times of the day, Leading warranty Our Panels rank among the be n war-anty P. erase A CAUTION I sing ni cdr.fi,IIy even in warmer climates. with —rkman- ir, -.hat —t—ds IS years. before sing the p,,d,ct, &solarciy "a-ty-irr S tolarCity n A T1 0 < � �a ® o a, A N rr�L::3 Oi O —' 3 F _ ro S A 3240 Gstcs Street 60' R.O.W. 100.0 100.0 > o m L� !F�a ►��jrjj; O O M H W �n7 N G7 ` D O �o O a~o z ;um rim m N zX v -I -U H 00 m L O m m � � t N W CA W s City of Wheat Ridge Homeowner Basement Finish PERMIT - 201801450 PERMIT NO: 201801450 ISSUED: 06/28/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3601 Teller ST EXPIRES: 06/28/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Converting existing office into bedroom; build floating walls to create new 100 sq ft bedroom; add new 10 sq ft closet; update switches, outlets and fixtures; add 4x10 supply vent; create new 29 in x 47 in egress window; 100 sq ft total *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)252-7267 MENDER NATHAN & KATE GRISBY *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 5,750.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 91.59 Use Tax 120.75 Permit Fee 140.90 ** TOTAL ** 353.24 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** I, the property owner, by my signature, attest that I currently reside at the project property, intend to reside at the property for a period of one year after completion of the project, and am personally performing all work, without the assistance of hired or professional workers. If professionals are hired, those contractors are licensed with the City of Wheat Ridge and are listed on the permit. Consultations and inspections will only be performed with the homeowner of record present. All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. City of Wheat Ridge Homeowner Basement Finish PERMIT - 201801450 PERMIT NO: 201801450 ISSUED: 06/28/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3601 Teller ST EXPIRES: 06/28/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Converting existing office into bedroom; build floating walls to create new 100 sq ft bedroom; add new 10 sq ft closet; update switches, outlets and fixtures; add 4x10 supply vent; create new 29 in x 47 in egress window; 100 sq ft total I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermrt. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 2 / -2 Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Dao 1. This permitt wasissued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying Flans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change, of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a perr�it shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code ony ordinancerregulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of ChieNV ng Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Whe t I O Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 291' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(b) ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Plan/Permit # �0 Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 3601 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner (please print): Nathan Mender and Kate Grigsby Phone: 720-252-7267 Property Owner Email: natemender@gmail.com Tenant (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Homeowner City of Wheat Ridge License #: Contractor E-mail Address: For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): Phon Phone: CONTACT NAME (please print): Phone: CONTACT EMAIL(please print): Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No.): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # ❑ COMMERCIAL 0 RESIDENTIAL Description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. Convert existing office into bedroom. Build or rebuild new floating walls (per WR checklist) to create new bedroom (approx 100 sq ft) and new closet (10 sq ft). Relocate, update, or add new switches/outlets/fixtures onto existing circuit. Add new 4x10 supply vent. Add New 29"x47" Egress window no more than 44" off floor using the Brighter Basments' DIY Kit. www.brighterbasements.com (see attached drawing). Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Sq. Ft./LF � ® 0 BTUs Amps Squares Construction Type: Gallons Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 4500 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE. (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) SI$Oature (first and last name): Printed Name: Nathan Mender DATE: 4/23/18 ZONING COMMMENTS: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION — CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 'r 3 Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: ] -^/ �..� Reviewer: Ci re C15 r n o v t J = $ 'D- 5— PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS Reviewer: Building Division Valuation: 7 CC, C w City of '+ Wheat ie COMMUN iTY DEVELOPMENT Official Certification of Property Owner Permit THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, the property owner, by my signature, attest that I currently reside at the project property, or intend to reside at the property for a period of one year after completion of the project, and am personally performing all work, without the assistance of hired or professional workers, or, if hiring sub -contractors, list them on the permit. Consultations and inspections will only be performed with the homeowner of record present at the project property. ► Property Owner(s): Project Property:-; c7e--4- 1 (Nj ?�'f"(L��%(� L--, e— c, �>'7? Project Type: k r_—�-r �tf� lSty� Notarized signature of Applicant State of Colorado } County of Je Sie1rS.,, } ss The foregoing instrument was acknowledged by me this � day of �" r� e , 20_L�' by IUC.+ Z i'vi er1dP t' TAMARA D O CAN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20164015481 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 22, 2020 Liz My Commission Expires L / Zz/20 Zv Notary Public Troy Dicker From: Troy Dicker Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 3:07 PM To: 'Nathan Mender'; Randy Slusser Subject: RE: 3601 Teller St., Plan # 201801450 Hi Nathan, Please see my responses. From: Nathan Mender <natemender@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 6:10 PM To: Troy Dicker <tdicker@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: Re: 3601 Teller St., Plan # 201801450 Hi Troy, Please see responses below. 1. What kind of construction materials will be cut in order to install the new egress window? ( i.e wood framing, brick, concrete..... ) Please be advised we will require a Professional Engineer's letter if you will be cutting a concrete foundation wall. There is an existing coal chute in the concrete foundation that I will be expanding. I'm working with the company that provides the DIY kit to get the attached drawing specific for my project. I will forward or drop it off once I have it. Please let me know if that would be acceptable. Once you have the site specific drawing, please submit to the Building Division. We definitely will want to see and understand the coal chute, and what structural changes will be made for the window. As of my understanding right now, I would say an Engineer's letter will be required. 2. What is the depth of the window well? I know you called out that the height inside will be no more than 44", but I will also need to know the depth of the outside window well. If the depth is greater than 44" in the well, a ladder will be required. I'm unsure of the exact depth, but it should be well under 44". If not I will install a ladder. OK. Thank you for clarifying 3. Please specify how the window well will have proper drainage. I'll be digging the hole 14" deeper than the well and backfilling with rock for drainage. Please include those details on the plans, so any inspector on-site will understand the scope of work. Thank you! Regards, Nate Mender On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:52 PM, Troy Dicker <tdickerC&,,ci.wheatrid eg co.us> wrote: Nate, Good afternoon. Upon review of your submitted plans, I have a couple of questions before I can proceed with approval. 1. What kind of construction materials will be cut in order to install the new egress window? ( i.e wood framing, brick, concrete..... ) Please be advised we will require a Professional Engineer's letter if you will be cutting a concrete foundation wall. 2. What is the depth of the window well? I know you called out that the height inside will be no more than 44", but I will also need to know the depth of the outside window well. If the depth is greater than 44" in the well, a ladder will be required. 3. Pease specify how the window well will have proper drainage. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Troy Dicker, Building Inspector Building Division 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2882 Fax: 303-237-8929 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Wl ilt u! he'at 1 Zic 11ge WINDOW WELL DETAIL CASEMENT WINDOW 20' MIN PATENT ON FRAME FULLY OPEN 4' X 3' X 1/4' WELDED STEEL FRAME, BASEMENT WALL LADDER REQUIRED INSERT FRAME INTO CONCRETE FROM IF WELL IS OVER OUTSIDE AND SEAL FLANGES 44' DEEP WITH RESILIENT SEALER. ATTACH TO CONCRETE WITH A 1/4' CONCRETE FASTENERS, FRAME WINDOW WELL 26' X 44' OPENING --Tf T.l A I r" 1T❑UT 36' MIN CASEMENT WINDOW, OR EQUIVALENT ORIGINAL WINDOW F7 I I I I L _f EXTENDED CUTOUT-""� 24' 36' MIN �- 4' END VIEW OF FRAME WHEN NECESSARY USE MULTIPLE SETS OF 4' LONG STEEL SHIMS TOTALING 12' IN WIDTH BETWEEN FRAME AND ORIGINAL WINDOW FRAME, OR FRAME AND CONCRETE, TO FORCE BOTTOM OF NEW FRAME AGAINST BOTTOM OF CONCRETE CUTOUT, OR BETWEEN BOTTOM OF FRAME AND CONCRETE. ...... 20' MIN 5.7 SQ FT MIN 29.25' I-- 37,25'---1 44" MAX FRAME FACE VIEW OF FRAME EGRESS WINDOW DETAIL KEEP TOP AND SIDES OF ORIGINAL FLOOR WINDOW FRAME IN PLACE. DO N❑T THIS DESIGN MEETS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS CHANGE OR REMOVE ANY 1, 2009, 2012 & 2015 IRC FOUNDATION WALL OR STRUCTURAL 2. 130 mph EXP C WIND FRAMING ABOVE WINDOW 3, 3 sec. GUSTS 4, ROOF SNOW LOAD 30 lb./sq ft s. GROUND SNOW LOAD 42.9 (lo./sq ft 6, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY B BASEMENT EGRESS WINDOW DETAILS OWNER EV SA E I XXXXXXX I DWG N0. HS -00i l RA SCALE NONE I DATE 20 JUN 2017 ISHEET 1 OF 1 WINDOW WELL DETAIL CASEMENT WINDOW 1 1 20' MIN FULLY OPEN--,, BASEMENT WALL FRAME WIND❑W WELL 26' X 44' OPENING MMTt'TAI AI r4 iT❑UT LADDER REQUIRED IF WELL IS OVER A As nrr"m 36' MIN CASEMENT WINDOW, OR EQUIVALENT ORIGINAL WINDOW L _f EXTENDED CUTOUT 24' MIN 36' MIN PATENT ON FRAME 4' X 3' X 1/4' WELDED STEEL FRAME, INSERT FRAME INTO CONCRETE FROM OUTSIDE AND SEAL FLANGES WITH RESILIENT SEALER, ATTACH TO CONCRETE WITH 1/4' CONCRETE FASTENERS. 4' —T END END VIEW OF FRAME WHEN NECESSARY USE MULTIPLE SETS OF 4' LONG STEEL SHIMS TOTALING 12' IN WIDTH BETWEEN FRAME AND ORIGINAL WINDOW FRAME, OR FRAME AND CONCRETE, TO FORCE BOTTOM OF NEW FRAME AGAINST BOTTOM OF CONCRETE CUTOUT, OR BETWEEN BOTTOM OF FRAME AND CONCRETE. x 20' MIN 5.7 SQ FT MIN 29.25' 37,25' 44' MAX '`FRAME FACE VIEW OF FRAME EGRESS WINDOW DETAIL KEEP TOP AND SIDES OF ORIGINAL FLOOR—,, -WINDOW FRAME IN PLACE, D❑ NOT THIS DESIGN MEETS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS CHANGE OR REMOVE ANY 1, 2009, 2012 & 2015 IRC FOUNDATION WALL OR STRUCTURAL 2. 130 mph EXP C WIND FRAMING ABOVE WINDOW 3. 3 sec. GUSTS 4, ROOF SNOW LOAD 30 lb./sq ft 5. GROUND SNOW LOAD 42.9 lb./sq ft 6, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY B BASEMENT EGRESS WINDOW DETAILS ER EV SAE I XXXXXXX I DWG N0. HS -001 I RA SCALE NONE I DATE 20 JUN 2017 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 City of Wheat , dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 Review is limited to the contents of the plans submitted and any errors or omissions contained herein shall not be construed as permission to allow any conditions to exist in violation of the codes of the City of Wheat Ridge Rough Framing and Wood Requirements 3 The complete rough inspection is to be made after the rough framing, rough electric, rough plumbing, and rough heat and ventilation are complete. The building should be fully enclosed with the roof covering and siding in place. 4 Protection from decay shall be provided in the following locations by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative treated in accordance with AWPA U1: (IRC R317) 5 Lumber, plywood, fiberboard, structural logs, and glued laminated timber must be identified by a grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. (IRC R502.1, R602.1, and R802.1) A. Wood in contact with the ground, embedded in concrete in direct contact with the ground or embedded in concrete exposed to the weather that supports permanent structures intended for human occupancy shall be approved pressure -preservative -treated wood. 6 Basements greater than 200 square feet and every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency and rescue opening or a door to the exterior. 7 Emergency escape and rescue openings shall meet the following requirements: A minimum clear width of 20 -inches, a minimum clear height of 24 -inches, with a total net clear opening of 5 square feet for grade level windows and 5.7 square feet for all others. A sill height of not more than 44 inches measured from the finished floor to the bottom of the clear opening. Window wells for emergency escape and rescue shall provide a minimum net area of 9 square feet with minimum horizontal projection and width of 36 -inches. The area of the widow well shall allow the emergency escape and rescue opening to fully open. (IRC R310) 8 Fire blocking shall be installed to cut off all concealed draft openings in the following locations: (IRC 302.11) A. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, vertically at the ceiling and floor levels, and at 10 -feet horizontal intervals. B, At interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings, and cove ceilings. C. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, cable, wires, chimneys, fireplaces, and similar openings that afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels. D. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run, and between studs in line with the run of the stairs at unfinished walls. 9 Stairways must be at least 36 -inches in width. Handrails shall not project more than 4% -inches. T Geo, maximum rise may not exceed 7% -inches. The minimum tread depth may not be less than 10 -inches. Minimum headroom is 6 -feet, 8 -inches. For stairways with solid risers a nosing of %-inch to 1%-incheORall o&°tg`�� be provided. When open risers are used the opening between the treads shall not allow the passage oVO4 4 -inch sphere to pass through. Landings must be provided at the top and bottom of the stairway that is the width of the stairway measuring at least 36 -inches in the direction of travel. Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of stairways with 4 or more risers and ramps with a slope exceeding 1:12. Handrails shall be mounted 34 -inches to 38 -inches above the nosing of the treads. Handrails must be continuous for the entire length of the stairs and provided with a minimum space of 1% -inch between the wall and the handrail. Ends shall be returned or terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. See the requirements and more information. (IRC R311.7.8.2) 10 Handrail Grip Size Shall Be:A. Circular Handrails: 1% -inch to 2 -inches perimeter. B. Non -Circular: 4 -inches to 6% -inches perimeter with a maximum cross section of 2% -inches. r. Perimeter Dimension Greater than 6%- inches: shall have a finger recess on both sides. 11 Guards must be provided for porches, screened porches, balconies, fixed seating and raised floor surfaces more than 30 -inches above the floor or grade below. Guards must have a minimum height of 36 - inches. Open sides of stairs with a total rise of more than 30 -inches above the floor or grade below shall have guards not less than 36 -inches high. Intermediate rails shall not allow the passage of a 4 -inch sphere. (R312) Window fall protection must be provided for window openings less than 24 inches above the finished floor and more than 72 inches above grade or surface below. (R312.2) 12 Ceiling heights for habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, and basements shall be a minimum of 7 -feet measured from the finished floor to the lowest projection of the ceiling. Non - habitable basements may have a ceiling height of 6 -feet, 8 -inches with clearance below beams and ducts of 6 -feet, 4- inches. Bathroom may have a ceiling height of 6 -feet, 8 -inches at the fixture front clearance area and over the fixture. (IRC R305.1) 13 All habitable rooms shall be provided with aggregate glazing area for natural light of not less than 8% of the floor area of such rooms. The glazed areas need not be installed in rooms where section (M1507) is satisfied and artificial light is provided at an average of 6 foot candles at a height of 30 inches. 14 Safety glazing shall be installed in the following hazardous locations and be permanently labeled as safety or tempered glazing: glazing panels in doors; glazing enclosing spas, bathtubs or showers; glazing panels adjacent and within 24 -inches of the edge of a door; glazing panels greater than 9 square feet within 18 -inches of the floor; glazing used for railings; glazing used for barriers for swimming pools and spas; and glazing enclosing stairways, landings, and ramps within 36 -inches horizontally of a walking surface. See the Boulder County Land (IRC R308) Heating and Ventilation Requirements 15 A. Habitable rooms must be provided with outdoor openings for ventilation equal to at least 4% of the floor area and shall have heating facilities capable of maintaining 68' at 3 -feet above the floor and 2 -feet from exterior walls. B. The windows need not be openable in a room where an opening is not required to be an egress window and a mechanical ventilation system is capable of producing 0.35 air change per hour in that room, or a whole house mechanical ventilation system provides 15 cubic feet of outdoor air per minute. 16 Bathroom exhaust fans shall exhaust directly to the exterior and must be provided in bathrooms where windows of at least 3 square feet are not provided. The mechanical ventilation must be capable of providing an exhaust capacity of 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous exhaust. (IRC R303.3, M1507.4) 17 Dryer vents must be rigid metallic, independent of all other systems, shall terminate outside the building, be equipped with a back draft damper, and sized and terminated per the manufacturer. The maximum length of the exhaust duct shall be 35 -feet (Unless approved under the manufacturer's listing) from the connection to the transition duct from the dryer to the outlet terminal. Where fittings are used, the maximum length of the exhaust duct shall be reduced in accordance with (IRC Table M1502.4.4.1) Flexible transition ducts are limited to 8 -feet, shall not be concealed within construction, and shall be listed and listed per UL 2158A. (IRC M1502) 18 Appliances and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of their listing. Manufacturer's installation instructions must be available at the time of the inspection. (IRC G2408.1, M1307.1, M1401.1,(M1902.2) 19 Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without removing permanent construction. 30 -inches of working depth and width shall be provided in front of the control side of an appliance. (IRC M1305.1) 20 Combustion air is required for all liquid fuel, solid fuel and gas appliances. (IRC M1701.1, G2407) 21 Gas burning appliances may not be located in or obtain combustion air from: a sleeping room, bathroom, toilet room, or storage closet unless it is a direct vent appliance or installed in an enclosure that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom in and such enclosure is provided with a solid weather-stripped door, a self-closing device and all combustion air is taken from the outdoors. (IRC G2406.2) Electrical Requirements 22 All hot, neutral, and grounding conductors in electrical boxes shall be tied together with a mechanical connection at the time of rough inspection. 23 Recessed lighting fixtures must either be IC -rated or installed in a sealed box in which the insulation is at least 3 -inches from the light fixture. All recessed lights must be tightly sealed or gasketed to prevent air leakage through the fixture into the ceiling cavity. (IRC N1102.4.5) 24 Tamper -resistant Receptacle outlets are required in every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room or similar dwelling areas spaced so that no point along the wall line exceeds 6 -feet from an outlet. (IRC E3901, E3902, and 4002.1-4002.14)A Counters 12 -inches in width or wider shall have receptacles placed no more than 20 -inches above the counter top and spaced so no point exceeds 24 -inches from an outlet. B. Island and peninsula counters with a WWI least 24 -inches and a width of 12 -inches or greater must be equipped with at least one outlet. C. ANA%@A,tRidge one receptacle shall be installed in a bathroom within 36 -inches of each basin. D. A least one receptacle uildin Division outlet must be installed in each laundry, basement, attached garage and detached garage with po�iver. �E. At least one receptacle outlet that is accessible while standing at grade level and located not more than6- feet, 6 -inches (1981 -mm) above grade, shall be installed outdoors at the front and back of each dwelling unit having direct access to grade. Balconies, decks, and porches that are accessible from inside of the dwelling unit and that have a usable area of 20 square feet. 1. Attics or crawlspaces containing equipment must be provided with at least one receptacle outlet within25-feet of the equipment. G. Hallways 10 -feet or more in length. 25 Two 20 -amp rated branch circuits shall serve receptacles in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast area, and dining area. At least one 20 -amp branch circuit shall supply bathroom receptacles and at least one 20 -amp branch circuit shall supply laundry. (IRC E3703.2, E3703.3, E3901) 2.6 Ground fault protection shall be provided on all 125 -volt, single phase, 15 and 20 -amp receptacles in the following locations: bathrooms, garages, unfinished grade level accessory buildings, at exterior locations, crawlspaces, unfinished basements, kitchen counters, within 6ft. of laundry, utility and wet bar sinks, boathouses, hydro massage, spa and hot tub locations. Receptacles must be in a readily accessible location. (IRCE3902, E3902.11) 27 Combination type Arc -Fault circuit interrupters must be installed on all 120 -volt 15 and 20 -amp branch circuit outlets in Receptacle outlets are required in every family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room, hallway, closets, and similar dwelling areas. (IRC 3902.12) 28 Smoke alarms shall comply with UL 217. Smoke alarms are to be powered by the building's wiring operated light. (IRC E3903)with battery backup and shall be interconnected so the actuation of one alarm will activate all alarms in the dwelling unit. Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations: (IRC R314) A. In each sleeping room; B. Outside each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms; and C One on each additional story including basements. 29 Carbon Monoxide alarms are required in a single-family dwelling that has fuel -fired appliance(s), or a fireplace, or an attached garage. The alarm must be installed within 15 -feet of the entrance to each sleeping room. Must be listed by a nationally recognized, independent lab. Plugs into a dwelling's electrical outlet and has a battery backup. They may be combined with a smoke -detecting device if the combined device complies with applicable law. (IRC R315) Working space must be provided around energized equipment for servicing and maintenance. The minimum dimensions shall not be less than 36 -inches in depth and 30 -inches in width in front of the equipment. Working space shall extend to at least 6 -feet, 6 -inches above the floor. (IRC E3405.2) 30 Electrical fixtures installed in wet or damp locations shall be installed so that water cannot enter or accumulate n wiring compartments or other electrical parts. Fixtures installed in wet locations must be labeled "suitable for wet locations". Fixtures installed in damp locations must be labeled "suitable for damp locations" or "suitable for wet locations". Switches or circuit breakers located in wet locations or outdoors must be enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure. Outdoor receptacles must have a weatherproof enclosure and an in -use cover. Cord -connected fixtures, hanging fixtures, track lighting, pendants, and ceiling fans shall not be located within3-feet horizontally and 8 -feet vertically from the top of a tub or shower rim. (IRC E4003.9, E4002.8, E4002.9,(E4002.10, E4003.9, E4003.10,E4003.11) Plumbing Requirements 31 DWV systems shall be tested on compellation of the rough piping installation by water or for piping system other than plastic by air with no evidence of leakage. Either test shall be applied to the drainage system in its entirety or in sections after rough piping has been installed .1) Water test 10 rect above the highest fitting connection or to the highest point of the completed system. The system shall prove leak free for 15 minutes. 2) Air test shall maintain 51hs of pressure for 15 minutes. 32 All piping must be inspected and tested prior to concealing. It shall be protected against physical damage and it must be approved for use and bear the identification of the manufacturer. (IRC P2503, P2603, P2608.1) 33 Bathtubs, walls above bathtubs with shower heads, shower floors, and shower compartments shall be finished with a non-absorbent surface which extends to a height not less than 6' above the floor. Showers must have a minimum 900 square inches of interior area and a minimum dimension in each direction of 30 -inches. Shower valves must be pressure balance/thermostatic mixing valves. Shower receptors shall have a curb threshold not less than 1 -inch below the sides and back of the receptor. The curb shall measure a minimum of 2 -inches to a maximum of 9 -inches above the top of the drain. (IRC R307, P2708, P2709) 34 The centerline of toilets or bidets shall not be less than 15 -inches from adjacent walls or tub. Toilets, bidets, and lavatories must have a minimum clear space of 21 -inches in front of the fixture. Lavatories require a 4 -inch clearance to wall or to a toilet. (IRC P2705) 35 Showers and tub/shower combinations shall have control valves of the pressure balance, thermostatic mixing or combination pressure balance/thermostatic mixing valve types with high limit stop per ASSE 1016 or CSAB125.1. Tubs shall also have a control valve as listed for a shower or a water -temperature -limiting device that conforms to ASSE 1070. The high limit stop for a device shall be set to a maximum of 120*. (IRC P2708.3,P2713.3) 36 Shower doors shall have safety glazing; hinged show door shall open outward. (R308.4.5, P2708.1) 37 Backflow prevention must be provided to prevent contamination of potable water. This includes but is not limited to: hose connections, irrigation systems, boilers, solar systems, fire sprinklers, and dishwashers. Backflow device must be inspected and approved by a 3rd party agency. (IRCP2902.2, Table P2902.3, P2717) Insulation 65 R-20 Walls R-49 Ceiling R-19 Crawlspace Window U -Factor .32 Floor R-30 city of Wheat Ridge Building Division 66 Supply Ducts in attics shall be insulated to a minimum of R-8. All other ducts shall be insulated to minimum R-6. ( N 1103.2. 1) 67 Combustible insulation shall be separated a minimum of 3 -inches from fan motors and heat -producing devices. Insulation shields must be provided where vents pass thorough insulated assemblies and must terminate at least 2 -inches above attic insulation materials. Can lights must be airtight if located in the building envelope. (G2426.4) 68 Class I or II vapor retarders are required on the interior side of the insulation in framed walls, floors and roof/ceilings of the building's thermal envelope. The vapor barrier is not required in construction where moisture or freezing will not damage the materials, or where the framed cavity (or space) is ventilated to allow moisture to escape. A vapor retarder is not recommended on a concrete basement foundation wall or in a shower /bath compartment (IRC 702.7, R702.7.1). Wallboard Requirements 69 Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with %-inch gypsum board (IRC R302.7). 70 Nail spacing for gypsum board % gypum board Ceiling 16oc, 7", nails 12", Type S screws %2 wall spacing 24"OC, 8" nail spacing. 12"OCscrews. 5/8 ceiling board 16"OC, 7"nails I 2"spacing, screws 24OC 8". 72 Water-resistant gypsum backing board used as the base or backer for adhesive application of ceramic the or other required nonabsorbent finish material shall conform to ASTM C1396, C1178 or C1278. It is permitted on ceilings where framing spacing does not exceed 12 -inches o.c. for %-inch thick or 16 -inches o.c. for 5 8 -inch thick gypsum board. Water-resistant gypsum board shall not be installed over a vapor retarder in a shower or tub compartment and may not be used where there will be direct exposure to water, or in areas of continuous high humidity. All cut and exposed edges shall be sealed. (IRC R702.3.8) 73 Floor assemblies, not required elsewhere in this code to be fire resistance rated, shall be provided with a inch gypsum wall board membrane, 5/8 inch wood structural panel membrane, or equivalent on the underside of the floor framing member.(IRC 501.3) 7500 W. 29'x' Ave Wheat Ridge, Co 80033-8001 303-235-2878 city of Wheat Ridge Building Division r City of Wheat I "*�„ CC]MMUN[TY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ADDRESS: How to Use this Guide Provide two 2 sets of plans and complete the following: 1. Review this Building Guide — Review the requirements set forth in this guide for submittal and compliance with applicable codes. 2. Provide 2 Floor Plans — one existing floor plan, one proposed, two copies of each, minimum 11" x 17" in size, drawn to scale, indicating room sizes and types. Identify furnace, water heater, plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, lights, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and windows, including size and type, and any other pertinent information. 3. Fill out a Building Permit Application. The majority of permit applications are processed in 1 to 2 weeks. The submitted documents will help determine if the project is in compliance with building safety codes, zoning ordinances and other applicable laws. Reviewed and approved plans and permit must accompany this document on site throughout project Z 1'1� Wheat Ridge Building Department Approved BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE Validity of permit The Issuance of a permit or approval of plan&, specifications and computatons shall or be a permit for, or an approval of, any violatinn m any of the pmvisions ai the building code or of any City ordinances P'mita presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the Building codes or other ordinances of the city shall not be valid. This handout is intended to accommodate projects constructed under the 2012 International Residential Code. It is not intended to cover all code requirements or circumstances. Check with the City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department for additional requirements. http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Sample Floor Plan 36 - - -c al.V wit 5 - PROJECT ADDRESS: 3601 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 FLOOR PLAN REQUIREMENTS: 1. Submit two (2) complete sets of required informag9p, including plans and equipment specifications. 2. Provide two (2) copies of floor plans, drawn to scale, a minimum of 11" x 17", with room dimensions and use indicated. For basements that are currently partially finished, provide two (2) copies each of floor plan showing current condition and proposed new or altered condition. 3. Plans must show the layout and type of electrical outlets, lighting, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Smoke alarms are required to be hard -wired and interconnected in new and existing bedrooms, halls and each level of the house unless removal of interior wall or ceiling coverings would be required. If removal of interior wall or ceiling coverings would be required, battery operated devices may be substituted. Carbon monoxide detectors may be hard -wired or battery powered and are required to be installed within fifteen (15) feet of each bedroom door in the residence. 4. Plans must show the location and size of all windows and identify emergency escape and rescue windows, including accompanying wells. Window sill height, ladder dimensions and clear space dimensions of wells is required to be listed. 5. Plans must show plumbing isometric and fixture unit count, and location of cleanouts and fixtures, including fixture spacing. 6. Plans must identify any modifications to the existing structural components such as walls, beams, posts and floor joists. 7. Plans must show methods for heating, cooling and ventilation of spaces to be finished. 8. Plans must indicate any area in basement where finished ceiling height is less than 7 feet 0 inches. 9. Asbestos report: Single -Family residential dwellings ("SFRD") — the trigger levels are: 50 linear feet on pipes; 32 square feet on other surfaces; of the volume equivalent of a 55 -gallon drum. A sample floor plan is shown on Page 1. Specific code requirements can be found on Page 3 of this document. PROJECT ADDRESS: 3601 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 1. Ceiling HeIgNs. If the finished ceiling will be less than 7% please consult your Building Depariment:. 2. EmePMCY Escapes: All basements and sleeping rooms must have an emergency escape window or exterior door. Emergency escape windows with a silt height below grade must be provided with an emergency escape window well and ladder. (For emergency escape window and window well requirements, see page 4.:) ..Smoke Ata rms and Carton Monoxide Detectors - Smoke alarms are required in all basements. if the finished basement contains a sleeping room, a smoke alarm must bee installed on the ceiling or wall in the sleeping room and in the hallway} or area immediately outside of the sleeping room. Smoke aearmss added to satisfyP the abooe requirements must be hard -** ed with battery backup, and interconnected with existing smoke aiarms. Smoke alarms are required to be hardwired and interconnected in new and existing bedroom-, hall and on each levet unless removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes would be required- In this case„ battery' operated devices are aceeptat e. C,O. detectors are required within 15 ft outside of each bedroom. 4. Nel BUMft Appliances: Fumac:es and water heaters cannot be located in a bedroom or bathroom, unless appliances are instar in a dedicated enclosure in which all combustion air is taken directly from outdoors, and a weather stripped solid door equipped with as approved self closing device is installed. if the furnace and inter heater are being enclosed_ adequate combustion air must be provided for these: appliances to operate properly_ For maintenance purposes, a minimum of 30 inches clear working space must be provided in front of furnaces and water heaters. Maintenance or removal of each appliance must be possible without removing the other or disturbing walls, piping, valves, wiring and junction boxes. 5. Rooted Walls: In areas subject to floor leaving, nein--bearing walls on basement floor slabs should be built to accommodate not less than 1-112 inches of floor mwrement. A detail of a typical mated wall is included on Page 4 of this: hand-out. Drywall should be held to a minimum of 1 inch above the slab to allow for movement.. G. Reel oC Fireblocking must be installed in concealed spate of wood -furred walls at the ceiling le%,ef, at 10 -foot intervals along the length of the wail and at all interconnections of concealed vertical and hori`ontal spaces such as intersection of stud walls and soffits or dropped ceilings. A detail of typical fireklocking is included can the following page of this handout. Firetlocks may be constructed of 1-112 inch lurnber, N4 inch plywood or pa de board.. 112 inch gypsum Board or fiberglass insulation 16 inches minimum in heigth, securely fastened - 7. Insulallffi: A minimum of R-10 insulation is requiredon basement walls, A minimum of R-21 is required in fl;c ors above unconditioned spaces (crawl spaces, etc.). 8. Space Usler Stairs: If access to the area or space under the basement stairs is provided for storage or other lases, the walls aril ceiling of this enclosed ice must be protected on the inside - 9. Ra nside_9.Ra Toilets must be provided with a minimum of 21 inches in front of the toilet and 15 inches from the center of the toilet and any sidewap or other obstruction. Showers shat€ have a minimum ifasicle cfimens-ion of 900 square inches, Male of encompassuig a 30 inch circle and be finished 72 inches above the floor with non-absorbent n ater l.s. See Exception 2, Pty 15.1 A ventilati on fan is required in toilet rooms and bathrooms with cr toppenabi'e windows or windows with less than 1,5 SF of openable area. Fans must be vented to the exterior of the structure and may not terminate within 3 feet of an opening:. 10. 1.10ft & Ventilating Lighting and ventilat a are required for any finished portion of the basement. Contact your Roil ng Department for specific requirements. The BuNing Depairlwnt staff can help you determine ghat is necessary to meet dnidlimum safety rquirellmnts. PROJECT ADDRESS: 3601 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 jimmO bewt Yj ke *w *reftces ow toy ow*d to pmdt 9 q6y* feet of V'41-'wq. A" S Insuate poat Fes"* Sass intiamational ?4 kv#lt -p . ...... R,,&sA*n*3f Cod* I* IAV -*m Lawiidet or s4t pameWto ZA v°- - 1'0* 4 It* m4liseed dir*nSicrS, IF,: 1-1;z ,at F**d mmoea4d %wes &I fwW *Alls and sets at 10 cor W-0 or hm w';:ih ply� 0e, gpsom board "kd I* waM stud wW t*k 4m 4 wcw* bw'4"' *0 kum fm to C*kv 40d r -30s ewwy 24 w,0*5 1voiqh holm p4* ino floor ^ in bacom Ix 40d mailt-p. Proswt, tr*xed art&-Ored to fbow Spaw - sxr,* ftckr*ss as will iftsh mr*na' teat Raea' E"rW4y S�aoapeAM Rftwe w,4o**Wfs 0!� swan im ut S rVicum ctrw-'sef, & 34 md" Mk " oW +t* Of dw *ph of d* avdm **f #votods 44 apwmw" aFjpd to* rlmt ftv*w4*e wit te wm. I wef�ewl�&* Wridm ke *w *reftces ow toy ow*d to pmdt 9 q6y* feet of V'41-'wq. A" S ffi Fes"* wS %shed v kv#lt -p I* IAV -*m Lawiidet or s4t pameWto a M'Ar4ftm at It* m4liseed dir*nSicrS, �cfuxt *#t A - -r4n* liowt off& *S1 -,4"-a tam Se w 1, * W!s of Okin" Eof C6ffloy" 4#4ht wAh Ic 6lubmabix", 2u, 31 widas N6ex 'tf�41 M'rrvmmwr4mt( �11u' 'nr" tml � ' -Yiew wdtm WIND❑W WELL DETAIL ,. CASEMENT WINDOW PATENT ON FRAME FULLY OPEN 20'MIN 4' X 4' X 1/4' WELDED STEEL FRAME, BASEMENT WALL LADDER REQUIRED INSERT FRAME INTO CONCRETE FROM IF WELL IS OVER OUTSIDE AND SEAL FLANGES 44' DEEP WITH RESILIENT SEALER, ATTACH TO CONCRETE WITH 1/4' CONCRETE FASTENERS, FRAME 36' MIN El 136' 4' WINDOW WELL MIN— END VIEW OF FRAME CASEMENT WIND❑W, 26' X 44' OPENING OR EQUIVALENT ORIGINAL WINDOW F-1 I I i L _I EXTENDED CUT❑UT 24' MIN WHEN NECESSARY USE MULTIPLE SETS OF 4' LONG STEEL SHIMS TOTALING 12' IN WIDTH BETWEEN FRAME AND ORIGINAL WINDOW FRAME, OR FRAME AND CONCRETE, TO FORCE BOTTOM OF NEW FRAME AGAINST BOTTOM OF CONCRETE CUTOUT, OR BETWEEN BOTTOM OF FRAME AND CONCRETE, 20' MIN 5.7 SQ FT MIN 27,25' 35.25' 45.25' 53,25' I- 44' IMAX `—FRAME FACE VIEW OF FRAME NEGRESS WINDOW DETAIL KEEP TOP AND SIDES OF ORIGINAL FL❑❑R WINDOW FRAME IN PLACE, D❑ NOT THIS DESIGN MEETS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS CHANGE OR REMOVE ANY 1, 2009, 2012 & 2015 IRC FOUNDATION WALL OR STRUCTURAL 2. 136 mph ASD EXP C WIND FRAMING ABOVE WINDOW 3, 3 sec, GUSTS 4. ROOF SNOW LOAD 30 lb./sq ft 5. GROUND SNOW LOAD 423 lb,/sq ft 6. SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY B BASEMENT EGRESS WINDOW DETAILS o�,1GENSFp , _ Q��•'SjUesT•., 3601 TELLER STREET �tY01 WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033 O� j •d `d( 96 . LL, Ft Z SIZE OWNER DWG N0. REV A xxx TS -001 01, 1 pRri'oAA*flX P� SCALE NONE DATE 29 MAY 2018 SHEET 1 OF 1 U J J LD Z H J W Z F --A V Z w Q Q H- Existing Stairs — 1. 41 � City of r�V `)`Wheat �d COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVED Reviewed for Code Compliance ��-L 61 - /,-; Plans EcanOner Date ydMsed wwt: The W—Xr ole W -W or mwovw of pkm vec*Ahafs .sdeve pawttons sWow be a oermajb. or an avavvofot ar Aatw to ow G1 Mep wsiont of the InWAnv code or of mpg Gtr ordmwes. Pennw (J/CSw" to Qhe outhw$y to "Wott of C~ the yrOm;m Of the outvffv Codes or other ordrlOMes of the C4y ~ not be valid. m 3' New 29"x T Egress window no more than 44" off floor 3 Using the Brighter Basments' DIY Kit. www.brighterbasements.com jSee attached drawing aa8ohl� ��g�,g nS f—✓c`t,vrl -4- %rte NOT APPROVED AS AN INDEPENDENT DWELLING UNIT. I All outlet X11'5" __------_ Existing window\ —. New Wall 7'5" ceiling height 5, 24" Closet d or outlet — New wall - Existing Family room 4ling light fixture Approx 100 sq ft 85 8'10" light switch New Wal a 8'5„ New 30" Door i i'— outlet outlet 0 4x10 Heating Vent existing closet E ting Water Heater/Furnace door Existing Bathroom existi . nci ww existing windowind Laundry area aO fisting Egress Window nS f—✓c`t,vrl -4- %rte NOT APPROVED AS AN INDEPENDENT DWELLING UNIT. v City Of Wh6atcPS ;t5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Official Certification of Property Owner Permit THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, the property owner, by my signature, attest that I currently reside at the project property, or intend to reside at the property for a period of one year after completion of the project, and am personally performing all work, without the assistance of hired or professional workers, or, if hiring sub -contractors, list them on the permit. Consultations and inspections will only be performed with the homeowner of record present at the project property. Property Owner(s): qW M 44)t K Project Property:_ �i �' G TeL t_ C -X 5 ! Get tE2iL -lLf P4 C 1- e:: 4'C, - 9 Project Type: otarized signature of Applicant State of Colorado } County of LJ -e ss The foregoing instrument was acknowledged by me this Ik day of _ 1�'I f�,� , 201r by r Notary Public r ROBIN LEE EATON Notary Public State of Colorado Notary ID # 20164034534 My Commission Expires 09-08-2020 My Commission Expires _LL 20v PERMIT: ADDRESS: JOB CODE: 1 h C( INSPECTION RECORD%! Inspection online frffi. vihftp://www.cl.wheatridge.co.us/insp,ection must be submitt via the online fo v�fir a m the Oggof l ctlon Inspections will not be perf—dPhYed.unless, this ca.d.pot.-on the project site Request an inspection before MIDNIGHT (11:59 PM) to receive an inspection the following business Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 102 Caissons / Piers 103 Footing / P.E. Letter 104 Foundation Setback Cert. Oft fimm� 105 Stem Walls 106 Foundation wall Insulation Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Underground / Slab Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 201 Electrical / Cable/ Conduit 202 Sewer Underground Int. 203 Sewer Underground Ext. Oft fimm� 204 Plumbing Underground Int. 205 Plumbing Underground Ext. 206 Water Underground `L4 . n Do Not Cover Underground or Below / In -Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspection Date Inspector Initials Comments 301 Rough Framing 302 Wall Sheathing 303 Roof Sheathing Oft fimm� 304 Sheer Inspection 306 Mid -Roof `L4 . n tucco 308 Rough Electrical Residential 309 Rough Electrical Commercial 310 Electrical Meter Residential 311 Electrical Meter Commercial 312 Temp. Const. Meter 313 Rough Plumbing Residential E14 Rough Plumbing Commercial 5 Shower Pan SEE OVER FOR ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS Rough Inspection (continued) Date Inspector Initials Comments 316 Rough Mechanical Residential 317 Rough Mechanical Commercial 318 Boiler / Furnace 319 Hot water tank 320 Drywall screw and Nail 321 Moisture board / shower walls 322 Rough Grading 323 Miscellaneous �(i�- (✓ Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 402 Gas Meter Release 403 Final Electrical Residential 404 Final Electrical Commercial 405 Final Mechanical Residential 406 Final Mechanical Commercial 407 Final Plumbing Residential 408 Final Plumbing Commercial 409 Final Roof �(i�- (✓ 410 Final Window/Door 411 Landscape/Park/Planning Inspections from these entities shall be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections please call 303-235-2846 For ROW and drainage inspections please call 303-235-2861 For fire inspections please contact the Fire Protection District for your project. 412 Row/Drainage/Public Works 413 Flood plain Inspection 414 Fire Insp. / Fire Protection 415 Public Works Final 416 Storm Water Mgmt. 417 Zoning Final Inspection 418 Building Final Inspection Note: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building Inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. For Low Voltage permits please be sure that rough inspections are completed by the Fire District and Electrical low voltage by the Building Division. /--� c) s d- -5 J i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: r"" (rr-- Job Address: (oc)1 Permit Number: "'ZD 110 6"2- 54 wVU-NU2 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time � S 10 AMPM Re -Inspection required: Yes (No When corrections have been made, call =ction at 303-234-593Date: !l inspector:�r- (�� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: M �7x Job Address: 7)CO D I ilk-- 7� Permit Number: �'� L b' ❑ No one available for inspection: Time A PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, callf r e -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: �� � 11 Inspector: c ULt__ DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE I 9'; 9, City of CC�Wh6at le '-t'OIXMAJMUNITYDEVELopm(�Ets4T4'�4 City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500W.29",Ave, Wheat Rid geCO 80033-8001 P:301235.2855 F:303.237 929 # Permits expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension r be made in whin g and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no mre than 180 days may be &Tanted at the discretion of the Chief Building O&ial and may be subject to a fie equal to one-half of the original pen-nk fee. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sok discretion of the Chief Building Offlicial and is not guaranteed. Please complete this forrii in its entirety and submit to the Building Division at RL,rrnitsLiiki.wheatrid le,,,co.us or fix to 303-237-8929. Party requesting permit extension: Nathan Mender (hon yL) AT&, r I Permit #201500023 Property Address: 3601 Teller St Phone # 720-252-7267 E-mail Address: naternender rwgymailcom Reason for extension reeluest: Thrie and budget restrictions Number of days requested: Until the October 31 s' 2016 Printed Name: Nathan Mender Signature: Date: 9/21/16 For office use only This request has been: am= I 2) Denied cmmmcszm�� 4-J c c m i w '4 MIS r NIL On sl okp. „&0 a i w '4 r ....,. k ;lu k It i w '4 L r L CIDMMM - Ty DEVE LOPM ENT [Olt lj• ♦ Building Permit Application 3601 Teller St Phone:720-0252-7267 Address: Cit , State, Phone: Contractor: Homeowner Phone: Electrical: W.R. City License # Plumbing: 0 NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE 0 EL0 NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE El COMMERCIAL ROOFING El ECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE COMMERCIAL ;!D RESIDENTIAL El RESDENTIAL ADDITION 0 WIN R E PLA CEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY ACCESSORY El RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE shed, deck, El MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE [I PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT El ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE ; > REPLACEMENT El OTHER (Describe) Addition of 3/4 bath in basemetO x w ; s Project V61tte. (Contract value or the cast of all materials and labor included in the en #1 e project) $-----$ OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, dales or regulation- of the City of teat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record, that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge evades and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application„ that I arts the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and arts also authorized by the legal oa of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRC ONE :• (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PIM NAz OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: 5 i SANIACCESS39 • The macerator/pump is connected to the spigot of a horizontal rear discharge toilet. • The toilet tank is connected to the water supply. • The macerator/pump is connected to the small diameter discharge pipe work. • The macerator/pump is connected to the electrical supply. The inside of the unit comprises of a pressure chamber, which starts and stops the unit, and the motor, which drives the stainless steel macerator blades and the pump. SANIACCESS30 Page 2 of 5 gravity flow towards the pump unit. 93 LA MM= SFA Saniflo introduced this accessory in order to ease the installation as this new addition made simpler to hide the pump behind any finished wall. This Extension Pipe is used with the Sanito Saniplus, Sanipro and Sanibest products. i The 18" extension pipe was designed with the idea to reduce time when installing our macerators. has an inner gasket which connects to the rear spigot of the toilet without any difficulty. Its seal connection keeps water from seeping out once the toilet is flushed. Its ease of installation is the reason why installers recommend this accessory for any Sani installation. When using the extension pipe, the toilet bowl should be raised 3/8 inch for addition gravity flow toward the macerator box. Descaler maintain optimum performance, It is specifically created for use with Saniflo products and laboratory formulated with phosphoric acid. Regular usage prolongs unit life, maintains efficiency and it is harmless to septic tank operation. 9ML= Transform the setting of your house with Saniflo! 70M ��� �^�^,/^---_-'--_��- __-_^_-�- __-^�_'---"'�° ` . ". ' ` ~ ~.~~.. ^~ - __--_ 11 ex 0 CL CL Y4 g s�q 8 $ a x L 11 ex 0 CL CL Y4 0 I 7.4 �k� \ � � \ / \ . � � � An 4t, \ N O \ � � ) : eg4 � o � � » m A � \ \ � @'¢ � ~ \ t .\ /: r , illy,-Mij , 11M PTM winclow VAIMY of Permit: The issuance of a pernift or approval of pl s sftd COMPUtations shall not be a permit for, or an app o f, any Violation is I any of the provisions of the building code ear of any Cit ordinantes. Pemfts presuming to give atshoritv j v i-1 1 r e or the prAvisions of t€' Work shall comply with the f codes: 2012 IRC, 2012 IECC & 2014, NEC Draftstoppitig & fire stopping Shall comply with Sections 302.12 & 302A 1 of the 2012 IRC. Minimum 50 CHNI exhaust fan vented to exterior shall, be provided in toilet rooms and bathrc)orns, Shutofl'valves required on Lavatories and water closets, i Mininiurn 30" clear area fiw toilet is 1'el(j rare d with minimuin 15"' fi - orn center to side all on each side. Sirloke alarins shall berequired in each sleeping rooni arid outside, each sleeping area per 2012 IRC, Section 313. Ccart)on monoxide detector(s) shall comply with Section R315 of the 2102 IRC & not more than 10' from the entrance of any sleeping rooni. 'T D : tho Fr K iel , = 1 1 d- 1 1 1 irr, s Wheat Ridge Building Dept, Date... Signed... ............. Chc- 0 Complete all information BOTH sides of this far Amps Squares tither D ivision (Contract value or the cost of pit materials and labor included in the jp_W2 project) EM NAME: SIGNAURE: DATE- Shahrarn Lam- Consulting Engineer 558 Castle Pines Pkwy 134-327 Castle Rock, CO 80108 IF IRIIII �Iiii I liiiiiiii�il I If we may • of further assistance, please contact our office. Mmaim 2, 7 heat Rid e Building Dppartment proved TM'; 0 CIAL of a pem or approva o �s P'P, - � , ns av n " The issuanec � hrlag w l I �Id c`omq'�,Imt� hs shng not ermil be a p for, or an approv-,,� , , , 1 11 " , I I � V:' to ,-ons of the buRding codes c.,r v��e, u ""o (71�v s`lai; 'IN N"? VAd, 34" CLEAR : . . J � w� <.� » « ■- , w w: & S : SF WITH A w ■: �< „ ».,; M I NI MUM DIMENS e »k 20" CLEAR .. .. . ��.... � � Z \� \� ; %7 SF of. pet able Area 44 " to F.F. � w� <.� » « ■- , w w: & S : SF WITH A w ■: �< „ ».,; M I NI MUM DIMENS e »k NICKY'S WINDOW & DOOR SUPPLY 4420 ALLISON STREET LNIT A 1 5 9200 HUNG ' 45.5 4-.- Window Sizing: — 1 92 - SINGLE HUNG 4&5 �--2715 Color: Glass Options mmmEmm ;Z JD A; 143.68 718.40 Window Sizing: WIND SERIES Bid By Ver: 7.01 bi 95 Page I of 4 Bid Dated: 1/212014 NFD NET WIDT14=27.75 NET I-IFIGIT17=45.5 Color: WHT Glass Options: DS EC LOW L,° ARGON Fr Options- * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts: CAM LOCK (WIN) WINDOW OPENING crRi, DEVICE Nfrc Data, U-VALUE =0.3 SHGC=0.3 VI,T- Bid By Ver: 7.01 bi 95 Page I of 4 Bid Dated: 1/212014 11ICKY'S WINDOW & DOOR SUPPLY Bid For: Lob Name JO-D Entemrises 3601 Teffer-, 1 9200 HUNG � ' /v / 33.5 I— Each Total 128.29 128.29 Window Sizing TES SERIES NED NED NET WIDTf1=27.625 NET WIDT14=19.25 NET HEIGHT=33.5 Color: MIFF Glass Options: DS EC LOW -E; DS EC LOW-E ARGON Frunie Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts: CAM LOCK (WIN) U -V ALIJE=0.27 WINDOW OPENING CTRL SHGC=0.32 DEVICE Nfrc Data: U-VAUJE- Nfrc Data: U-VALUE--0.3 2T,625 ... ........ VIIT=0.56 4 2 "1 I- PICTURE UNIT (2 63.08 24,25 Window Sizing: SERIES SERIES NED NED NET WIDT14=19.25 NET WIDT11=27.875 NET HEIG14T=24.25 Color: W14T Glass Options: DS EC LOW-E DS EC LOW-E ARGON Frame Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN * 3 114" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Nfrc Data: U -V ALIJE=0.27 CAM LOCK (WIN) SHGC=0.32 WINDOW OPENING CTRL V1..3 - =0.62 , ... - . . .. .... .. DEVICE Nfrc Data: 19.25 5 2 9200-SINGLE HUNG 37.625 ----------- ____j 27475 Bid By: Ver: 7,01 .O 195 Page 2 of 4 QUOTE - QT002683 MW 135.52 271.04 Bid Dated: 1/2/2014 SERIES NED NET WIDT11=27.875 NET HEIGHT=37.625 Color: WHT Glass Options: DS EC LOW-E ARGON Frayne Options: * 3 114" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts. CAM LOCK (WIN) WINDOW OPENING CTRL DEVICE Nfrc Data: U-VALUE--0.3 SftCjC=0,3 VLT=056 Bid By: Ver: 7,01 .O 195 Page 2 of 4 QUOTE - QT002683 MW 135.52 271.04 Bid Dated: 1/2/2014 I I s 2 91W SLIDER VLT=0,56 Sizing: WINPkO SERIES NFD Nil) Operation: NFTWIlYrl-1=31.5 Color NET RLIGHT— 16.5 Operation: X0 Color: WHT Glass Options: DS EC LOW-E ARGON Fraine Options: * 3 114" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts: CAM LOCK (WIN) NfTc Data: WINDOW OPENING CTRI, DEVICE Nfrc Data: U-VALUE=0.3 2 91W SLIDER VLT=0,56 Sizing: WINPkO SERIES NFD Bid By: Ver: 7.01.01 95 Page 3 of 4 112.54 225.08 Bid Dated: 1/212014 NICKY'S WINDOW & DOOR SUPPLY QUOTE - QT002683 Ajd For. ---bb �N arnge JO-D Enterprises 3601 Teller Une Qty Mscription larch Total � ... .......... ... . .... � we 6 P ) - 6 9200-SINGLE HUNG 135.56 81336 NET HEIGHT=20.5 Operation: X0 Color Wirr Glass Options: DS EC LOW-E ARGON F e Options: * 3 1/4" NAIL FIN RIP FIN Hardware Opts: CAM LOCK (WIN) WINDOW OPENING C'IRI, DEVICE NfTc Data: U-VALIJE=03 SHGC=0.3 VLT=0,56 Bid By: Ver: 7.01.01 95 Page 3 of 4 112.54 225.08 Bid Dated: 1/212014 NICKY'S WINDOW & DOOR SUPPLY QUOTE - QT002683 Ajd For. ---bb �N arnge JO-D Enterprises 3601 Teller Une Qty Mscription larch Total � ... .......... ... . .... � we 6 P ) - 6 9200-SINGLE HUNG 135.56 81336 NICKYS WINDOW & DOOR SUPPLY _BidFor. hi� JO-D Enterprises 3 60,, I 9100-SLIDER EMEMEW . 20.375 H Operation: Color: Glass Options: Frame Options Flardware Opts N QUOTE — QT002683 Each Total 112.50 112.50 240.27 240.27 10 1 9300-CASCADE CASEMENT WINDOW 4f 48 Window Sizing: NFD 1_1� NFr WIDTH=Yff NET HEIGHT=48 Operation: Lf1 Color WHT Glass Options: DS EC LOW-E ARGON Frame Options: RIP FIN Misc. Options: EGRESS HARDWARE Nfre Data: U-VALUE SHCjC=0,24 VLT=0A6 28 25 —w4 Now"0000900*010M Total Material + Labo Deliv r + 7.5% Tax: = Sub Total 2,888.83 0.00 0 00 216.67 3,105.50 Less Deposit 0.00 Balance Due: $ 3,105.50 x" Bid By, Ver: 7.01,0195 Page, 4 of 4 Bid Dated. 1/2/2014 tY' 1N: I Il l s made unless this card is posted on the building site receive inspection the following business day. D . INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings/Caissons Plumbing (Underground) Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground -: Heating (Underground) Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof/ French Drain ° Sewer Service Lines Water. Service Lines IVE HAS BEEN SIGNED.` Sheathin I I I �$ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY'THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY :NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) IVE HAS BEEN SIGNED.` Sheathin I I I �$ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY'THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY :NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER r ✓ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax Inspection Type: Job Address: f /L� Permit Number: 1, ❑ No one available for inspection: Time / ). ) M Re- Inspection required: Yes (No ' When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Date: G' / /, Inspector. Gam_ DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r Building Inspection Division I (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: _ -" 'f lx/ - )` Job Address: '�„ �G I // r 4; Permit Number: / iC r 4 - 11:5 - ii } El No one available for inss tion: Time � A !PM Re- Inspection required• Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re inspection at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: i - IC- Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE I Cit of Y YAcat , c Date: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plan # Building &Inspection Services Division Permit # ` r I 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Projerty At1d_ „rases 3 Property Owner lease p rint): (� - ; 5' Z M p Y (p p ) k � C f?�. s �, Phone: hm Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Gont_racfo „'e: ���� Contractors City License #: i Phone: .3 3 t S2 2 9 9 ,auAti.oncrau�or�e; Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # $ Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. 1 $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants; easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge . codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on ! this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR). or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) OWN R) (CONTRACTOR) PRINTNAME: W- "�' P/ SIGNATURE. DATE: Bldg Valuation: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 76460 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(305-234-5938) Date : 11/14/2003 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: ERNEST ZIMMULI Property Address : 3601 TELLER ST Phone : 423-1606 Contractor License No. : 21585 Company : Homestreet Roofing Inc. Phone : 777-0333 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenanls, easements or restrictions of record; lhat all measuremenls shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions pri ed on this application, and that I assume full respons' ility for compli nce with the W at Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W eat Ridge ordi ce r work nder this permit (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~,9 Construction Value : $1,300.00 Permit Fee : $62.31 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $15.60 Total: $77.91 Use: Description : TEAR OFF 2 LAYERS ON HOUSE. NO TEAR OFF ON GARAGE (RECOVER ONLY TO 3). INSTALL TAMKO 25 YR 3-TAB ASPHALT SHINGLE. ADD 4 ROOF VENTS. COUNTER FLASH CHIMNEY. EXTEND 3 PIPES TO MEET CODE.. em BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Zoning : SIC : 5q. Ft. : Approval: b,~,b~ic VIEor~~;Comm~~rts:' Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur apPlication antl is subject to the laws of the Stale of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colo2do or any other applicable oMinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commencetl wilhin sinty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspanded or abantloned for a period of 120 tlays. (3) If this permil expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or a6andonment has not exceedetl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds ona (1) year, full (ees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural Flow otwater causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Coniractor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediin successive phases of the job. (6) The: e he aPProval of drawings and sPecifcalions shall not be construed lo be a Permit for, nor an apProval of, any violation of the provisi of e des or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. i Chief Building In' ector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUrIITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Peimit Number: ; of wHE°r P/ gUII.DING INSPECT'ION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~o a WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-235-2855) C ORAO ~~~UCATION Property Owner: C/ w t s'f Z,'~.., u1c ' PropertyAddress: 3lno' ir/lcr SJ. u~l+e~'1~I'%d~c, (o, Phone:3o3 Coniractor License No.: ai S Sf s Company:jq/Me5.{reC-f /NLPhone: 303~770333 ON'NER/CON1'RACTOR SIGNATU[1E OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby eertify that the setback distenccs proposed by this pemrit application are accurat and do not violate applicable ordinances, rvles or regutations of the Ciry of V✓heat Ridge covenants, easements orreshictions ofncord; thatall measurements shown, md allegatlon made aze accurate; that I have read md agree to abide by al] condiNon printed onRi[hi applicafion md that I assumefull re~p sibiliry for mpliance with e Wheat dg Building Code (U.B.C) and all other f mcable V✓]Ordinan s, for work unde this permil ~ (OwNER)(CONTRACTOR): DESC,RIPTION: ~ /o (f r I75/d 7 /'oo/ dlwtY s D ~~-~-1- ~ Construcflon Value:$ °T PermitFee:$ 5 Plan Review Fee:$ T Use Tax:$ TOt31:$ 0 i ' ` c/'s ~ ~n otie c- No T~o a-v~ gara.SG lle<o✓~/ °z+~'~J asy~ 6 aJs~G.sZ,.:.,,1~ s - (~oGCH~P✓ y(ris~ C'~'1imnCa~ _ PY'1~4~~.~ 3 ~~`~S ~O ✓lOQGY /~UP. J BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONING COMMENTS: ' Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: APProval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pumit was issued'm accordance with the pmtisim sec fmth in yoar applicaaon and'u suhject W the laws of the Stak of Colomda md W the Zoning Regulations md Bw7ding Codes of Wheat Ridgq Colondo or any otLa appGcable ordmancu oftLe City. (2) This permit ehall ezpue if (A) the wodc authorized is not commmced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the bmlding autLmized is suspmded or abendoned for a pviod of 120 days. (3) IftLispecmitezpizu,anewpvmitmaybeecqu'vedforeReofone-helftheemountao+maliyrzquired,pmvidednacLavgahavebemorwillbemadein theoriginalplena andspeci5cations andanysuspm¢oa orabandonmmthes notetceededone (1) ycev ItcLanguhavebeenmifsaspmsion or ebpndomnmt ezceeds one (I) yeaz, full fea shell be paid for a new penmt (4) No wmk of mymanaer sEall be done tLat will change the naNCal flow of water ceusng a dxainage pm6lem (5) ContractorsLellaotifytheHuildingInspxtorhvenry-four(24)Lrnusinadvanceforall inspecROnsandshallrzcdvewrittenapprovaloninspeclioncardbefm< p`oceeding wiih successive pLesu of thejo6. , (6) 1'he issuance of a permit or the approvai of d*awiags md speci5cations shall notbe constued fo be a pemiit for, not aa approval o( auy violation of the pmvisioaa oftte building codes or any othv ordivance, law, rvle orregulation. Chief Building Inspector