HomeMy WebLinkAbout4786 Teller StreetCity of Wheat Ridge o Residential Fence PERMIT - 070485 P&RM2T-N0: 070485 ISSLTED: 05/24/2007 308AAARESS: 4786TELLER ST fiXPIRES: 11/20/2007 DSSCRTBTiON: privacy fence per attached. CONTACTS •r* . . gc.. ~720f641-3979 Greg Kernan INX owner 720/296-9206 Bob Steele pARCLi,INFO Zf1W' CCYDB': R-2 US&:. UA SUBDIVISSON: 0009 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ gEg gUqqpgy . ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 5,800.00 FEES Pezmit k?ee . 162.90 pleauNote: . Plaru Review Fee 105.89 Qwlu/conuactorisresponsibleforlocatingpmperiy Tota1 Valuation .oo tinesandeonsWctingimprovemenLr :ccorZir.gtothe 1`ax Uss 104.40 appmved plan ead required development stsndards. . 373 19 77ie City 6 not tesponsible for inaccutate informaticn TpTpL +w [at( . 75.0o mbmitud wItLin tho pian set and any~constructi-a 3 y 19 y`8 ermts rcsuumg ..o , . TRC: Maximum height of 61. I hetehy Cibrtify that the eetback dietancee propoeed by thie pemit application are accurate, and do not viola[e applicable orlirtanCes.,.sulee or regulaCionerof the City of Wheat Rid9e or covenante, eaeemente or reetrictione of record; that all meaauremknW shown, and allagatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree Co abide by all conditione printed on tR1e appllcatiOnalW that I aeeume€ull reeponeSbility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other app~l:~cable.Whea~yt ~Ri~dge Ordinancee, for vrork ander thie perm/it. Plane eub)ect to field inepection. /X1~LL,sV2 ~ 1. Thie pemit wae iaeued in accordance with the provieione eet forth in }rour application and ie eubjeet to the lawa of the $taEeof.COlorado and to the Zoning Regulatione and Building Codee of WheatRidge, Colorado or any other applicable oxdYmtvCee of the City. 2._.1311g pesiriit ehall expire 180 daye from the iaeue date. Requeete for an extenaion muet be received pslos to ezpiration dat.e. 11n extension;may be granteC at the diecretion of the Huilding Official. 3. ;f.ehia.permit expiree,.a new pemit maybe acquired Yor a fee of one-half the amount noxmally required, provided no aha#+$eer~have been or will be made in the original plana and epecificatione and any euapeneion or abandonment has not ejcotedkd one (1) year. If cpangea have been or if euepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, full Eees ehall tip gaidfor a new permit. 4. Np wozk of any manner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water caueing a drainage problem. 5.. Cbntl'aetor ehall notify the euilding inepector twenty-four (24) houra in advance for all inapections and ehall receive :vjtitCCn;approval on inepection card before proceeding with aucceesive phaees oE the job. 6:..ShOrt9auance oL a pemit or the approval of dtawinge and epecificationa ehall not be conetrued Co be apexmit for, nor qpof, any vi lation of the provisione of the building codee or any other ozdinance, law, 2ule or regulation. A31 sreview ie :ect to field iaepectione. ~_'R...e1. 'V' . ~cEr.~Si date '1'ZON RBQIISSTLIWS: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 TS.MUST BE MADEBY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPBCTION THfi FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: ~ oF wHE'°r~ . BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: - a CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE [WAN U WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 -(303-235-2855) , m~~R"~~ hfIlYCOR APl'LIGAT`IE`.~IIV Property Owner: L~o . 3}-c- e-- Property Address %N1 g(e Te l~ e.Y 3'1' Phone: 7a C' a p6- 9't Q(f Contractor License No.: Company: ,y -Phone: 7o1 o- 779 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE Of UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Buildinq Dept. Valuation Figure: 3 1 hereby certify lhat the setback distances proposed by this permil applicalion are accurate, and do nol violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Value:$ 5$oo WheatRidgeorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsofrecord;thatallmeasurements - shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all POTCriIt FCO:$ conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for Plari ReVtOW FBe:~ compliancewiththeWheatRidgeBuildingCodeQ.B.C)andallotherapplica6leWheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under Ihis permit. Plans subjecl to field inspection. [JS0 T3X: (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):SIGNEDlh-~ DATE ~ O TOtal.y . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE Use of Space (description): G--) o oo~ z~~ c c- , Description of work: Sq.Ft.added " ONING COMMENTS: ~ Approval: ~ Zoning: ~.2 BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: UBUC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Apptoval: ccupancy: Walls Electrical License No: Company: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY h'1zX.lw&Nrw ~Ctf~.G~C J!- Roof: Stories: Plumbing License No: Company: Uf11tS: Sq.Ft.: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: NE , Approval: Approval: . .(4) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in y JO~J V31U8hOri - Colorado and to lhe Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheai ple GC SjJ$ ~95 . the Cily. ~Contractor License GC~ SUB (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced ~ f_ _ authorized is suspended or abandoned (or a period of 180 days CORYLBCtOT L1CeriSE T017CW8] G(;SLJ$ (3) I(this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired fora fee ofone-h - - have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and: fOL COIltI3CYOL L1CCi15C CCI S~ (1)yeaclfchangeshavebeenorifsuspensionorabandonmentexce COrilL3CYOCIriSUT3S1CeC01'f. GC~r SUB (4) No work of any manner shali be done lhal will change Ihe naturel flov S1tB PIBri (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours i approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phas• F'1Te DCPY. Slgll Off (6) The issuance of a permit or the appmval of drawings and Specifca- approval of, anyviolation of the provisions of the building codes orany _EriPlrieeIIrig det&11S is subiect to field insoections. Chief Building Official ~ *4F~f/~ ~ o Notification date: 6,n{v n Lee Aa]N3pTL90 n µlp5 SY 9tytR%L4 MYWSY aar,. n~gD ~gpb u ma~~ `m m m A a rq O ZC Z C) m CO 0 C c m x z ;u m C7 ~ m Q --I A 0 0 E - py O[ 09 09 •.t 31YJ5 ~ _ _ l1 r_ ~ j aVB3tl OW10dv - - - - f ~vve3e or~nm- - 03ala omod _ - are3a annod~" _ au SP-P, m a47 0; Od m 3a Danod AE'OBL 'Da . w w w" L - o~ ~3S 102 Ww> N y I i r 3 ta/1 3ela Oinoa'' 03T11 61 0 ¢ - - - - - - - - 3f1N3Atl H184 ~OJut a72t Pna 7as 21d a3 ~Umnsal srolra ??loaaEOdo analogy a;qfi 0.1 Sol IOU P JI1 w4ns P Pajm 38ur;eao;o3 ;9X os~8uq "SU03 aU 04 S, 9011( • /lam oz oL a 1/IpNdl lytl~~ 0 9f11tllNMnSND] WYl 5NY11110 IItlCC:...•.•. sl- 1(O de ll NO U1Yaw - • 0600[5l 1 llMi V1b3BOa i °a: 06005 . Y ,1„1j11 NDLL V/AIOJNI 54LL a0a X4CIA 3t1LL d011d3N39 3LL 3AMIITNOYI SIHtlYtn$NOJ WVI SNVIe @IDJ3tl Qltl'AVM 30 130015LNtl1NI5NOJ 1HDq'QapJ3y 1(0 $LN3W35Y3 a0 dH5tl3UA0 3NIYQ13,30 01 W V141VIllI0 A9 HOa Y353LLLV31VLLLLNOJ1CN 5300 A3AbN5 SXL '03bLLb3J 5111 W YM O1 y110a4N aOJ 1YiLL°aNOA3e s3soARna 03n311~3a0lYNOUIW tllllrtlYOJ 035f1391CN AWi'N0 BeEHNOLLYfA'd.N13Hl ONV'1Vla A3A SQi SN1 'L N03a31 NMOHS NOUYlA Nat 103YY 31LL WDbd Stl AN31NY 3aOW 03JN3YWDJ Be 13N S SM NI 1J3130 ANVNOan 035Yd NOLLJV ANtl AVN'1N3A3 da'NI 1J390FO11$b3A0J51(I15tlL1 nOA a3CiV 5aY3A 331HL NNLN1 A3 Wn55W NIl'13130.WV N.d O3S"NDLLJtl lVO3t AM'3JN31YW 19lW n0A At VI WYtlOIOJ OL ONIWIO]JY :3JLLON '4 S310N W aOIOJ d031Y15 iV0433131'dOllNIOJ'DNIN1193810 LilOtl 31l 011331(03 HIaON 3'.M3LL~ 0 <'dT4153N 3JV3LL~133f 09 Wnos 3JN3H1:1331 Z09415V3 3JN3lLL ONRNIN'%IDIS OIY$ 1(0 tl3i3W 153VXIaCN 3LL 1(0 HLO°5133f 012'3DNVNJ NVN3Yq]'9Z JC101901Y5 d03111153M 311 NO1NIOd Y1Y DNlNID39 $MOllOJ 5tl038 b753D'3R1Y1p NX13TOJ SL ~OlB 1D 1Ltld 1MLL SOIbL£1ZH06 LZd#~32d 0330 INIV101180 aid IaOS300NV1 0OVNOloo3031V1S'N0SN3dd3f 1(0,U.NnO0 "A W '-d H19 3H1 JO 193M 69 3`JNVd 'H1f10S E dIHSNM01 '2Z N01103S d0 V41SV3HiHON 3H1 NI 031V001 30NV'd9 NVH31f100'S N0019 d018Vd IVId 1.3A-dns GNVI 313aDNOO - `l L 30 d 2 S3bIMOV3Ha3A0 aOd1N3W35tl3 1N3aVddY 3JN33 NOLLdRtl 530 m30 03]a0]3tl aid 103301 013E+3N1 N1031PSY3Y SV 119 tl1 N03tl3103SPD53]6Y 1f13WnNDW 0Nn03 O .B6Wf 5ld. dYJ ]LLSYld9Aatl03tl M'135 3l3KMi0JN1550a]ON1103 t ON3031 9NOD xzz ' '~f SEL ~I n O 30Wtl0 a ` 2A. bvoz I 6\P~ 3SnOH"' C ANOIS Z L °3 ce Aao1s 3ON'Sd P I • O 3 9, 313aoNOo ILL ';N ,ZZl T ~ 0'09 'n 03HS3WYad ,a r~ aJ C-- a rd Dz ams i v (m 0 H.09) 133231S 2131131 00 09 1 313a0N00 ~.6.91 L.S e9ZL'q .524 1ltlHdStl 31V01311N3 F WHE4TA ~m City of Wheat Ridge °~~oRa~° Residential Fence PERMIT - 060984 PERMIT N0: 060984 ZSSUED: 10/16/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 4786 TELLER ST EXPIRES: DESCRIPTION: Construction of 63' of 6' privacy; 4' in front yard. CONTACTS owner 303/420-9953 Robert W. Steele PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: R-2 USE: R-3 SLTBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 500.00 FEES Permit Fee 30.55 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 9.00 TOTAL 39.55 q comments: pbmNOtC. Owner / conhector is rosponsible for locadng property lines and consWCting improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsib'r; r`^~ccurate i;, .~:rtnztion submitted within t.`ie I hereby ceYCify that the setbackdistancesproposed by this permit application aze accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of WheaC aidge or covenants, easements or restric[ions of rerord; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and [hat I assume fu11 responsibility for compliance with the Wheat aidge Building Code (i.B.C) and a11 other applicable wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inepection. Signature of contractor/owner date 1. This peYmit was iasued in accordance with the provisions set forCh in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit ahall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days Yrom issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. 3. If thia permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees sha11 be paid for a new permit. a. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor ehall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inepection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The iasuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an ap f, a ' ' n of the provisions of Che building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. A p ev3yslt'is subject to 'eld inspections. Signature of Chief Huilding Offical , da[e INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Of WHEqr ' ` . ~ Po City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Number. ~ ^ Community Development Department Date: C~CORP00 IWNC`-R BIIILIJLVG FE~ITAPFLI~`~4TION PropertyOwner: Ro6Lr-A- W PropertyAddress: y7~,, -~~lr_ S+ Phone: 3c3 c/-lz g9S 3 Contractor License No.: CAJ- ComPanY: -4'Phone: )ac A~c gAc(o OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I Buildina Dept. Valuation Figure: $ I hereby certify that the set6ack distances proposed by this permil applicalion are accurate, and do not violate applica6le ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenls orrestrictions of record; thatall measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read antl agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplica6le Wheat Rid9e Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subJect to field inspection. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)'.SIGNED DATE /L'/~.7/CY✓ (OwNER)(GONTR4CT00.):PRINTED. f_2[44a.V`4" C-' 3T2PIL.DATE Value:$ rjDO" Permit Fee:$ 30-55 Plan Review Fee:$ Total:$ 31,5-5 Use of Space (description): Description of work: rjari4- Sq. FL added COMMEMS: P.pprovai: Zoning: COMMEMS: Approval: WORKS COMMEMS: Approval: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Sq. Ft.: ~ ~ RC~CI~~MC~DD 0 C T 1 3 2006 Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Piumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: ApprovaC Approval: (1) This permit was issued in acrordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of ihe Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days frOm issue date or (B) lhe building aulhorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired lor a fee of one-half the amounl normally required, provided no changes have been orwitl be matle in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. ifchangeshavebeenorifsuspensionorabantlonmentexceedsone(1)year,fullfeesshallbepaidforanewpermit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shail notify the Building Inspector wenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wrilten approval on inspecfion card before proceeding with successive phases of the jo6. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approvai of drawings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation otthe provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, ruie or regulation. All plan review is subject to fieid Inspectlons. Chief Buildino Official . ~C_t// , . 51. ~roP+-ly Lin t v r d C WC+- 1 r~ W Si~ucau~c. M1 ~ ~ I~ I W u G r { t - g r N '1-- i z I r c Cs o.. ~ Ex, st,-3 wuoP Mt,1o-l F°'~tE' 3 I r ~ cx~ m ~s G I ~ a nc.e ~ -V ccs i Z~ ~ ~ 3z - - - - - - - - ~ oc~ 1 \ ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500WE5T29thnvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISiON PERMIT NO.M93#19082 234-5933 P.O. BOX6s8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONI.Y WHEN SIGNED BY THE CNIEF BUILOING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR !c> W ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE 3 3 - q TS ~ LICENSE NO. OWNER l(' c- d-- v~ > -~-CC te ADDRESS -7 L6 -~~--Ltf~ PHONE 'I 3 "S - ~i s~S '7 ZIp CODE .~3_~ CONTRACT PRICE $ C-e- I DATE / Z--3 -P3 1. TYPE GrOUnd❑ Woll❑ Proiecfinp❑ Othn SaDFOC1 2. MATERIAL Total ^,quon FN1 SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ Typs ElW. Permif No. 4 SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zoro_ ApprovW,2one Inspeeta (SplCify which is fronf ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DiyppqpveQ i. 7YPE Solid] ror~ TAOn 80% OpsnO Lest Thon 80% Open Z MATERIAL rd H~1Q FENCES / 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N`~[I--1 ~ S mr.. E~ Wi0 Zom wW M InspeCiw (Specify whicA ie }ront) u ❑ ~ duqprowd 'Z• I. OTH R 2 E 3. DRAW SNETCH OR SHOW BELOW,IME FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIV1hu DISTANCES FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) C-C rLL Ft-s e L L STREET N4MEU ~ E J~ -49 SPECIFY NORTN SNOW OISTANCES FROM THE M41N BUILDING Ta ADJOINING MOUSES, STREETS,AND PROPERTY LINES;ON IRRECULAR LATS, 5lIOW LEASj DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE B ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND iRD 4TH NQ FUEI;CimLOm Go{dl ENeSdor N0. WATER CIASET FORCED AIR BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATEft - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CMANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTMER HEATING GARBAGE DISV REFRIGERATqN SYSTEM POWER SUB-GFCUITS WATER HEATER pefri eront Goup UTILITY (RANGE, DISPO5ER, ETC ) AUTO. WASHER pounds CMr • FIxTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SY57EM WIRING MOTOFiS 9 CON7ROL5 FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFiERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORN OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAI. FI%TURES I hsreby ocknowlsdQe ihat thia aD0lico- PERMIT FEE NO7 VALID UNLE55 RECEIPTED fion ii eorrecf and undenfond that I USE TAX rojetf until Ihie apDli- l start this kb eanno D cation is ov0roved. I snall comply with TOTAL_FZE rado and to St t l f fh i C l a e o o o owf o e the the Zoninp ReQulations ond Buildinq pROV ~ l~ f✓ ~ j~>~ E ~ Code ofthe City of Wneai Ridqe. Any DI - violation of tne obove terme wiil couee CHIEF BUI R, ky of )Ilheaf Ridqe immediole revocation o ~ CALL 2345933 24 CE ~ Date Issued OR NSECTIOS vo~~eonl. 5ia~a~~~•