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3251 Sheridan Boulevard
City Mf Wheat Ridge T Aff Memorandum FROM: Melissa Mackey, Building Division SUBJECT: Refund for Permit *ATE: February 12th, 2016 Reason: Solar City has requested that this permit be cancelled due to homeowner contract being cancelled at 3251 Sheridan Blvd., Permit #2015004W Please refund: Contractors License$ (acct 01-510-00-513) 80% permit fee- $400.00 (acct 01 -510-00-516) 0% plan review $ (acct 01 -550-05-551) 0 % use tax: $ (acct 0 1 -500-02-505) Total- $400.00 TO: Solar City th 490 E. 76 Ave. Denver, CO 80229-6214 TOTAL 4M00- 00- ;1; , f!I1111111iii! I ill��ill��ll�����ll�l�ll��l���l���ll�ill� 1��jj Permit# 201500486 Address: 3251 Sheridan Blvd, Denver CO 80212 11111, I III I 11! 11 ITIRP11111111 I''i a LM Justin Catlett Permit Coordinator 720-705-4814 Solarcity Corporation -Denver -470 E. 76th Ave Unit#3A Denver, CO 80229 OR OFFICE USE ONLY CI i orDate: Cr Drwit o M ttlPe ii i Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 .29`x' Ave., Wheat midge, CO 80033 Flan Review Fee - Office: 303-235-25aa * Fax. 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 3662) Building 1t Application City, State, • Complete pier ai information on BC. TH sires of this ort ■»< v:. a.».+:..'� ■ 2 ..� .w m.»� :a. f«»» ■»:� -�/■\/ %§2.. d�<®� \2e\?°®«© 2e*<< ■2#\ m�-� / },�\ a\� ■�\y#m\%�f■e,\ $f<«� /�� ^�,� 2s\ ■ ? \� w��\/ / \ ■ © �.:aj<\ \\��.\/�2�y \ \fes ted. Install a4.5. kW.roof-mounted grid -tied solar PVsystem Sq.RJlLF . . � . mu . .. . Am ««<«y«yw»y y«»?» «... .. mar. . \ .. \ Other. Version #42.8 I ' a' a RU x 1 ", . ',l:4 ��w 110' March 27, 2015 � Project/Job # 5025701 RE: COVER LETTER Project: Rogers Residence 3251 Sheridan Blvd Denver, CO 80212 Digitally sighed by Kyle Jackson To Whom It May Concern, tate: 2015,03.27 .42:0 -06'00' A jobslte survey of the existing framing system was performed by a site survey team from SolarCity. Structural reviewwas based on site observations and the design criteria listed below- Design elow:I i ign Criteria: Applicable Codes = IRC 2012 / IBC 2012, ASCE 7-10, and 2012 ND - Risk Category = II - Wind Speed = 135 mph, Erasure Category C Ground/Roof Snow Load = 30 Ssf (Unreduced) ,,SolarCity, 03.27.2015 PV System Structural Version #42.8 Design Software M 13.;' � I � All structures except s indito 0 li li BEAM RELATIVE STIFFNESS Distribution of Gravity Loads to Existing Rafter and (N) Side Member (Sister Rafter) ROOF LOAD SUMMARY DL,wf 07.50 psf Uniform Roof Dead Load LLroof 30.00 psf Uniform Roof Live Load PLpv = 0100 psf Point Load from PV system stand-offs RAFTER MEMBER SUMMARY Member Nominal Size Species b d E I El Description & Mill Finish & Grade (in.) (in.) (psi) (in .4) (lb/in.2)*(in .4) (E) Rafter: 2 x 6 Surfaced DFSS 1.50 5.50 1,900,000 20.80 39,514,063 (N) Side Member: 2 x 8 Surfaced DF2 1.50 725 1,600,000 47.63 76,215,625 (Sister Rafter) LOAD DISTRIBUTED TO EXISTING RAFTER, RELATIVE TO STIFFNESS LoadER = EIER39,514,063 = = 0.341 EJER + Elsm �- 79-,514,063 + 6,215,625 lased on Relative Stiffness, 34.1 percent of the load is carried by the Existing Rafter, DLER 2.56 psf Uniform Dead Load distributed to Existing Rafter, relative to Stiffness LLER 10.24 psf Uniform Live Load distributed to Existing Rafter, relative to Stiffness PLER 01.02 psf Point Load from PV system distributed to Existing Rafter, relative to Stiffness LOAD DISTRIBUTED TO NEW SIDE MEMBER (SISTER RAFTER), RELATIVE TO STIFFNESS Load= Elsm sm 76,215,625 = = 0.659 ElER + Els m 7- 7-9,514,063 + 6,215,625 lased on Relative Stiffness, 65,9 percent of the load is carried by the New Side Member (Sister Rafter). DLsm = 4.94 psf Uniform Dead Load distributed to (N) Side Member, relative to Stiffness LLsm = 19.76 psf Uniform Live Load distributed to (N) Side Member, relative to Stiffness Pt-sm = 01.98 psf Point Load from PV system distributed to (N) Side Member, relative to Stiffness COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorkso Mar. 27, 2015 11:31 MPI -Existing.wwb Design Check Calculation Sheet WoodWorks Sizer 10.2 Loads: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit tern Start End Start End DL Dead Full Area --Iio— 2,56 (24.0)* psf SL Snow Full Area Yes 10.24 (24.0)* psf PVDL Dead Full Area No 1.98 (24.0)* at *Tributary Width (in) Maximum Reactions (lbs), Bearing Capacities (lbs) and Bearing Lengths (in): Unfactored: Dead 86 74 Snow 179 154 Factored; Total 265 228 Bearing: FItheta 698 698 Capacity Joist 916 524 Supports 586 586 al/ es Joist 0.29 0.44 Support 0.45 0.39 Load comb #2 #4 Length 0.50* 0.50* Min req'd 0.50* 0.50* Cb 1.75 1.00 Cb min 1.75 1.00 Cb support 1.25 1.25 Fc au 625 625 *Minimum bearing length setting used: 1/2" for end Supports and 1/2" for interior supports MPI -Existing Lumber -soft, D.Fir-L, SS, 2x6 0-1/2"x5-1/2") Supports: All - Timber -soft Beam, D.Fir-L No,2 Roof joist spaced at 24.0" c/o; Total length: 17'-9.8"; Pitch: 5/12; Lateral support: top= full, bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted (refer to online help); El WoodWorksO Sizer 10.2 Criterion ss Value Iiesa,rz Vaue Anal sis/Desi Shear fV = 36 F"v' ' .= 207 fv/F"v' = 0.18 Benda ng W fb = 1357 Fb' = 2579 fb/F'b' = 4.53 Bending(_) fb = 33 F'b' = 1093 fb/F'b" = 4.03 Laveeq 0.70 = L/27^8 = L/1{5ry €0 pDefl'n ^1.,+09y y.65 V . 4 SIGN Page Additional Data: FACTORS: F"/E(psi)CD CN Ct CL CF CfU Cr Cfrt Ci On LC F'v' 180 1.15 1,00 1.40 - _ - - 1.00 1+00 1.00 2 F°b'+ 1500 1,15 1.00 1..40 1.040 1.300 1.00 1.1.5 1.00 1.00 - Fkb'_ 1540 1,15 1.00 1.00 0.424 1.300 2+00 1.1.5 1:00 1,40 2 Fcpl 625 1.44 11.00: 1.04 1..00 E' 1.+9 million 1.00 1.00 _ _ _ - 1.04 1..00 -° Er ma' 4 w 69 million 1.40 1..40 - - _ 1.00 1..00 - 4 CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS: Shear : LC #2 = D+S, V - 212, V design - 200 lbs Bending(+). LC #4 = D+S (pattern: sS), M = 555 lbs -ft Bending(-): LC #2 = D+S; M = 21 lbs --ft Deflection: LC #4 __ (live) LC #4 = (total) D -dead L=live S=snow W=wand S=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concent at d E=earthqu ke .All LC's are lasted in the Analysis output Load Patterns: s=S12, =L+S or L+Lr, =no pattern load in this span Load combinations: ASCE 7-10 / SBC 2412 CALCULATIONS: Deflection: EI = 40e46 lb -int "Live" deflection = Deflection from all non -dead loads (live, wind,snow...) Total reflection -= 1. 0(Desna Load Deflection) + Dive Load Deflection. Bearing: Allowable bearing at an angle F"'theta calculated for each support as per NDS 3.10.3 Design Notes: 1. WoodWorks analysis and design are in accordance with the ICC International Building Code (IBC 012), the National Design Specification (NDS 2012), and ITS Design Supplement. 2. Please verity that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. . Continuous or Cantilevered Seams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other spans. 4. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1, 5. SLOPED BEAMS: level bearing is required for all sloped beams. 5. FIRERATING- Joists, wall studs, and multi -ply members are not rated for fire endurance. 7. The critical deflection value has been determined using maximum back -span deflection. Cantilever deflections do not govern design. COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorkse Mar. 27,2015 11:30 MP -upgrade. Design Check Calculation Sheet WoodWorks Sizer 10.2 Loads: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit tern Start End Start Unit. 9 0)psf 11 Area No H44 ( 24 11 Area Yes 1 9_ 76 (24.0)* Pat r 0 90) SE DL Dead Full, Area No 4�94 (24.0)* psf SL Snow Full Area Yes 19.76 Pat VDTs Dead Full Area No 1.98 (24.0)* sf *Tributary Width (in) Maximum Reactions (lbs}, Bearing Capacities (lbs) and Bearing Lengths (in): 0' 1 "-21* 16-3" Unfactored: Dead 131, 113 Snow 346 298 Factored: Total 477 411 Bearing: FItheta 688 688 Capacity Joist 903 516 Supports 586 586 Anal/Des Joist 0.53 0.80 Support 0.81 0.70 Load comb #2 #4 Length 0,50* 0.50* Min req'd 0.50* 0.50* Cb 1.75 1.00 Cb min 1.75 1.00 Cb support 1.25 1.25 Fc su 625 62 - *Minimum bearing length setting used: 1/2" for end supports and 1/2" for interior supports MPI -Upgrade Lumber -soft, D.Fir-L, No.2,2x8 (1-1/2"x7-1/4") Supports: All - Timber -soft Beam, D.Fir-L No.2 Roof joist spaced at 24.0" c/c; Total length: 17'-10.5"; Pitch: 5/12; Lateral support: top= full, bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor applied where permitted (refer to online help); c • e s M - ♦ ! Page Criterion Anal sitsa2ue �ialue Anal sispLes n. Shear fv W 49 F'v' = 207 fv/Fvl w 0.24 Bending(+) fb = 1405 F°b' = 2428 fb/Fb' = 0.95 Bending(-) fb = 34 F'b' = 679 fb/F'b l = 0.05 Live Defl'n 0.70 = L/278 1.09 = L/180 0.65 Total lefat L/ L/0 0.67 Additional Data: FACTORS: F/(psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci'' Cn LC# Fv f 180 1 r 15 1.00 1.00 - - _ - 1 n 00 1.00 1:00 2 F°b'+ 900 1.15 1.00 1..00 1.000 2.200 1.00 1..25 1.00 1.00 - 4 F'b'- 900 1..15 1.00 1.00 0.476 1.200 1.030 _1.15 1.00 1F00 _ 2 Fcp' 625 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 E' 1..6 million 1..00 1..00 _ - 1.00 1.00 - 4 Emin' 0.58 million 1.00 1.00 - p 1.00 1.00 - 4 CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS: Shear c LC #2, = D+S, V 382, V design - 353 lbs Bending(+); LC #4 = D+ (pattern: sS), M = 15:38 lbs -ft Bending(-); LC #2 = 3-S, M = 37 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #4 = (live) LC #4 = (total) ll=dead L -;Live S=sn.ow W=wind 1 -impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated B=ears cake All LC's are listed i ,Amo { t- 94 go-los-(M) 1C LZ/ lid C f ci —oz— — 00 03SVI ? a zas 16I AID" .40 NOWWWd v a s (cs)r� O"aft UDSzv ' HIM 0I133NNO3 NM L U 'WUVZ VO L S d3AN s� 3. SMO Qi Cama "3MklOWM ld3aX3 MW 10 IUM AjiouejoS' „ .. ,, dd lid 1t1? a ,1. dun d s '« TNW am ?MWOMWOR s a,ff NIS S. Alii NVOI8 HS L " It Sd`i n aur a 12 (L '-' ol, " r TZ ao 3 ti} tT {.Gcf r aaIGJ a c 03NDISI bovotqqA (13HSVG S1 1N3hdlil 3 30N31 31VO 80IS31NI NO Nn8 iin(IN43 8313VI VGiSkS Ad 331VOI(133 S138V1 3N1N8VM V 831N33 I VOI Zdlni aft Jif- 8t:W.Z ( LZ' {3'S LOZ ;ale S130VI V 13NVd NCl11n81a1S18 uos :)#- aIX}l Aq pau6is Xi1 Tl6lf S138VI V X08 83Nl8 Q3, NOtl3N11r 3CI S138VI 3NIN8VM V 103NN OSI 3b' S138VI 3NIN8VM V 103NNOOSIO 30 S13GV1 3NIN2lM 138VI 3NIN8M V NAM ll` un () 393 ` cul A (3) ED ov 3 H011d XV88V Z :H3l.l Z al«I311d AVa8V U V11d "-� SIDE VIEW OFMP1 NTS n lug s« «. RAFTER 2X6 @ 24" CIC ROOF AZI 90 PITCH 23 Ci. 2-x6 @24" OC ARRAY AZT 90 PITCH 23 STORIES: 1 Gom* Shitule ffm (N) 2x6 PURLIN ATTACHED TO (E) PURLIN WITH 10d COMMON NAILS (E) 2x THIS STRUCTURE 11MLL RECEIVE A PURLIN UPGRADE. (E) STRUTS (E) LBW PURLINul NEW I Cale: 1/2`° _ 1' COWKNIIPREMISE OOM ED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE A E -- 8025%01 } ROGERS, DAVID BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT .. CITY NOR SHALL IT Ds D 9 c Carp Mount T e C 3251 SHERIDAN BLVD PART TOC Cli THE RE Y A EXCEPT DENVER, CO80212 THE SALE A OF THE RE cvE (1INtLI ;�YL25P �2gbTY E T, WITHOUT THE WTTENPE + er CITY R01 AERIMPF r;F ..4A_Hq-7 l f 71 4 Pit MVVULE 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT ZP ARRA' SKIRT ZEP COMP MOUNT C (E) COMP, SHINGLE (1) (2) () () ( SUBSEQUENT MODULES ( � (E) RAFTED —,`' #_5T�N� Digitally signed by Nyle Jackson Date; 2015.03.2712:42:51 -06'00' S'TAMPED & SIGNED FOR STRUCTURAL ONLY u.4 RGGERS RESIDENCE Quin Spurgeon 4.5 Kid IAV ARRA' 3m aew*w P REV DATE.Nkat CA Sm STRUCTURAL. VIEWS % / T.( )-, � "M) w} -,d y IAV 3 3 27 2015 { }- - (r�s�z � aty� SWI Z/ t ! ws • 8V Ad MA 9'V 33003a i X 838AYi 831SIS 9XZ (N)SM31 5 OOOM M(1S NOSAIS M WW WIC -4Y7 (1,1 cx tke+tt frtr rttt ttrar arnc^ vncrr :aleDs 83SYG 3H1 NO 0383IN30 38 01 033N ION 5300 3011dS dVI :31ON M0138 180ddns LIQ 08VO8 39018 (3) li SII N P8 (8) %M M0138 180ddns d1� NC}SdIN (N) d llVM (3) 'NIN -, SM3d s BM OXZZ MOS NOSM S S838 3N 831.S (N) L SM38 S GOOM 83iJV8 (3) B bZZ MOS NOSMIS M0138 180ddns d 8V38 01 83R13N1 831SIS (N) Z20P +3 0 aA]M t NVO 'S83008 ,kiNo ivnoyuozi 03NIDIS V GUMISS i'! 6 a#11 0Rd8JV.�JJdF JAdV.,i6dI tWv UHM OM At 3V 3d MUM M1 103 A1Ri (q�ry ry9 f } �p�g gy W00 (APdw 31) 30S WV3 M40W P91 80 (1ld-Z 1) POt A HAJVH (3) a q du1Oo 01 k1 "{3#� 30S (N) N31SV.1 -,k-m smaym H1ONn "nru 1 3 NOM '.t1V 3 junoyg N3 r 3,of* Mala 39 tj -wH61wd t 1 US " N Ali 1 X3 NV , 1 i lfm pt� (r� (y p (� (c�pa ry (" 0 0 o g o q ' It WJ Mf) 10N *NHS 03tVM3 NR3M W1lVI't NI ll - lVUNMUW* C i 3O VI S1 AVSSV 3H1 H31f* O1NE NOIL33S A SIHI NO Sa V 831SIS -NVdS ON01V °3'0 .9 1V N W00 (APdw 31) 30S WV3 M40W P91 80 (1ld-Z 1) POt A HAJVH (3) 01 k1 "{3#� 30S (N) N31SV.1 -,k-m smaym H1ONn "nru 1 3 NOM '.t1V � `�' .9T@ 9xz c°a 1 1lG" 1 V HIM C3-3 Rd `O2lV3H SO N33S SI 9Nit Z HDIld 08T A V DO .VZ 0 9xz xs . It 'mm& 'mmSV NVdS ONO"RV "O`O .9t 1V a3mvis sm3sos MOS (,kl d--� 31) ez Haud 081 lzv 4Md 99M 80 (Ald-Z 31) 00M ACOS NOSdn /M (3) 01 SRS (N) N3 SVA 'Z ��S *314 dO1 O3ON3d O 31R SWI NI WOHS SV S (N) aNV Lro t ani A svds.A n a x td5 x Zd 31ON 3aMMI ONIH31VH A9 V N d H31JVV8 <NOLLYN 1OM MVS0dn N31.S S1N dW MIS M81 (3) -,t 146 U944 OJOW 6wuuods sialloi joj pais j ARuo apoAdn sjsRs psddol IRn.3 N) Zs#A 9x2 Z ILII 0000 c KUWOU r . MAIN FAN L i' btNtKAL NUIt5 INV KI tK ft 54D (N) #8 GEC _TO(N) GROUND RCN? Panel Numbdr: tm241E12h Env 1.: DC Ungrounded INV 1 — 1 SOLARED 5 —US— �-U � AT PANEL 1TH IRREWRSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number. 44031838 Tie—in: Supply Side Connection( )Inverter, 5A 240V, 97.5%. ,fit nlfe Disco and ZB, AFCI Underground Service Entrance INV INV 3 E 200A MAIN SERMCE PANEL E 20DA/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter CUTLER—HAMMER — (1 ) YINGU # YL25OP-29b TYPE EC # 8041 PV Module; 25OW, 226,2W RTC, H4, 40mm, YGE-Z 60, Black Frome, ZEP Enabled Vac. 37.6 Vprrmox. 29.8 I c AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DO STRINGS IDENTIFIER E r r • • k k 1 ," i' 4 Call t crc, ru A 3RAC CC (i) R �t # e1; ri XL- 5T9 Mot00A. 0-350. Rk4eft _(3) i X4977 -INT Lrx _ Top Comedor„ 100A, #12 °- 1%0 A 5701 QCT ROGERS, DAVID 3251 SH AN BLVD [{�ggk� DENVER, 80212 's7F,i 7196596499 / ( l ) S G S�ii, s 6tiX DC PV (ie) =txrr A I�Z H4, OC to RG, ZEP Gnd—(')AwG #6. sond Owe Copper - ( 1) GrwW Rod, 5/r x 6", Copper ARRAY GROUND ELECTRODE, LOCATE (N) CROUND ROD PER NEC 69&47(D) TO GROUND THE ARRAY.WWI A SEPARATE (N) #6 GEC FROM W ELECTRICALLY OW ARRAY FRAME TO THE (N) GROUND ELECTRODE. THE (N) DEC SiALL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM ALL OIHER NT CARRING METAL PART . #10, TH Z. 8i Voc* = VDC Isc = 1 I Ali �1Tr: PY lack Vae* - V tsc =15 ADC #10, TTHYN-Z„ Rei Vmp = &5D VDC Imp 12,69 AGC ( E } (I )AV #10, Sold Bore CWer EGC Vmp &W VDC Tmp=12,69 ADC FACE RAW THREE LINE DIAGR Doin ■I Spurgeon�Il���U6 yl k i o �r Alii C� 40 (1)AWG 110, TH1MZ Red (1 (1)AY, G THWN 2 We - ? )A#0 A, T!(WN, , Cr _ ...C/9G NEUTRAL limp =240 VAC Imp=23 A,AC - 7 (I )C Co*11( it, Kat 3/47 ,EMT, 0 5701 QCT ROGERS, DAVID 3251 SH AN BLVD [{�ggk� DENVER, 80212 's7F,i 7196596499 / ( l ) S G S�ii, s 6tiX DC PV (ie) =txrr A I�Z H4, OC to RG, ZEP Gnd—(')AwG #6. sond Owe Copper - ( 1) GrwW Rod, 5/r x 6", Copper ARRAY GROUND ELECTRODE, LOCATE (N) CROUND ROD PER NEC 69&47(D) TO GROUND THE ARRAY.WWI A SEPARATE (N) #6 GEC FROM W ELECTRICALLY OW ARRAY FRAME TO THE (N) GROUND ELECTRODE. THE (N) DEC SiALL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM ALL OIHER NT CARRING METAL PART . #10, TH Z. 8i Voc* = VDC Isc = 1 I Ali �1Tr: PY lack Vae* - V tsc =15 ADC #10, TTHYN-Z„ Rei Vmp = &5D VDC Imp 12,69 AGC ( E } (I )AV #10, Sold Bore CWer EGC Vmp &W VDC Tmp=12,69 ADC FACE RAW THREE LINE DIAGR Doin ■I Spurgeon�Il���U6 yl k i o �r Alii C� 40 . otleoo i lege l 9'069 iw This document does riot create any express warranty by Zap Solar or about its products or sarvices. Zap Solar's solei ararm ty fs contained in the wr itte r product warranty for each product, The end-user documentation shadeedwith 7ep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product vooranty. The customer is safety responsible for verifying the suitability of Zap Solara products for each use, Specifications are subject to change onthoia notice. Patents and Apps. aspo-sts_corn. 12 2214 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev Meet Page.. 1 of 2 ►.ZepSotar Components Next -Level PV Mounting Technology r a apt' tial` tt s1 l i l t t': r ii11 S s n t arl 1: ' ti s s ...a.t ..... ,„,i p Interlock Leveling Foot !Part No.!- c No, • AListed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Of1 GroundDo Wire Clip Nos. CL -1421.850-1460, J Listed UL 1565 ETL listed to UL 467 856-1467 zepsoler.corra I Listed to UL 2703 This document does not create any express warranty by Zap Solar or about its produces or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is coatakod in the evrtten product warranty for each product, The end-user documentation ped with Zoo Solar's products constitutes the set- Specificafions referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for versfying the surtebility of Zap Solar"s products for each use, Specifications are subject to change without notice, Patents and Apps: zepatS.com, 12 22 14 ZS for Comp Shingle Wariest Rev 02..pdf Page: 2 of 2 vs� .. sw,�' timet,Y'�3staPrg>aa�xapy,�naaYa.Wr�P,+�yrCt ¢s ;aidad5 b�)sat^d}. fW. . tt{ is5ri°[ � jAi � �asC,; � �#33 �� � 3� � � � �isasq^i 3 "d 19dh P Al 1 3tP.R�y^g {ta`�bauSddiSg'1 sdhMzl P��i2�uv,v £d[,1Em �, Sur "ubV ...,.,.... .».r �j �i � � � -n „.,. mw.�Nri ....a....,..ir,, w«.0 w+.... a n �, .,.a«.: mK' ...«...»....« v Y ""' 't�{'xY S �Y§d 4�� *�Su�i d e a�iFf.Sii dWP F ✓u v...,...,ma. .................e .. ...«.,„. s1 S MCQS V 9144SA NDISIQ WILSAS dad �: siles'sj x,cazS a xYs r �, &vQU`.vi / odd SYkno"', a >dP mw,.=� 3. 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IySr, ,.., .., _........ ... .....� . . _., ..... Ptl+Mar aaetput tatarancaa . , .. .. ... .... _ . _ ....._ tAPxxw .. . .... .,.....« .. , . .,_ .. . . . , ....., , .., ... ._..,_ ... .. _....e,., ... .... ,fFs $3 .95.+5 ,�. ,. _... .,.._. .. .. . ... RRadula tffkaime+�y * % 1&0 1S.7 151 14,8 0 ) y V.. V 34.3 30.0 39.5 24.6 29.3 Currant at P to R 834 &49 8 54 8.25 818 Opo tt rakta ♦ V.. V 37.7 37.7 3716 37.5 37,5 S7*ark-dreuit twit 6 0, 401 8 42 S 83 ffi ?5 .9.69 STC. 1dA"Xitrcea isader+scm, sSKKC raif xerxytaratauay AW4 9 5Ei spmctawm aeaoodrawg sa Eft •3 Tarotf's.Wft hravii." YL260.29U ... -... WSSP-29b ... YL250.24ta Yt,245P494 YLUOP-296 ......... .. .......... e .. .... , ,.., w.. ,...,..� °C .. ._..,. "' .__... 4Wmr W ...a ,r..A .,, . ...�._, ,.m. W .�_ ,.... .m.... _..,..,., .., ..,.... W .,. .. �.......... ;.. ..,.. ..... ,.._... High Tamp"aw"Ca _... NTC 75 .. ,..._.._. 1 205.7 e �._,.a .,,, ..sa ,.....,...W. 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"Yintgfi Green Energy Americas, Inc. info@yingliamericas.com Tel: +1 (888) 686.8820 YIN LAR YINGLISOLAR.COM NYSE.NGE 19'Pkeuf6r irvaCiPdfF Ervrgy ttandrrog Cn. LRe! } Yt"rE1:fdJe::SSISarrP&,'.SY6A,„E:CS.„s1JiSJt.,,Yiy1 . ..........."ti' Sank ifZb f 2' `a °3r Zi Z VZ ii � d5 Lai ” f3q d 5 �aut�ka� A,aa:e#u A ea.f a42+�j S fS�A fS5' S 65 , ... ... ,— n DMIZI A 0Z cv 00901 ' OSS9 00r19 AROZ LIP c OMS VS � rats 9 4 t°tq} 0 ..., ., . (ikhbF AO, 0001 P i7{gdAROZ 01 0866.. Dol)4 } ttYbft4 005£` ' q��,41Ls4�5%324�j �UfgUzgsp `9uaanSguriTti da!SSS�'f 5 } a xL� teao�3-UtSn}Aa42an�aaa3.3S .. l xag� uav�y t€s ua�fi�3Pt+{;1er,AzniD;A�' , UJf's� As@c;'Srr� a'rA@i@*3 �Sa x� k >sA"6iAE 1n3iino i neon „TiS IaiuSLUa „ SCI° a$L10paje,jos,tAP°uA ,,,; T'S( - SC3ttil'IttSMAN3HI•W"2klusnv t+} H.), NG"dVf,DMAJ4 MW #sZaia" .4; 01 sisa*u So'd', w da ni' @Y, U."; "rk.fL^sx a! txi ,+asls.@iAr, .g+mm. -,SrAI4i 7,AV-7'£S$CaS£.II'S'T a+rm A,"£jpt�;+n,°.' 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Dol)4 } ttYbft4 005£` ' q��,41Ls4�5%324�j �UfgUzgsp `9uaanSguriTti da!SSS�'f 5 } a xL� teao�3-UtSn}Aa42an�aaa3.3S .. l xag� uav�y t€s ua�fi�3Pt+{;1er,AzniD;A�' , UJf's� As@c;'Srr� a'rA@i@*3 �Sa x� k >sA"6iAE 1n3iino i neon „TiS IaiuSLUa „ SCI° a$L10paje,jos,tAP°uA ,,,; T'S( - SC3ttil'IttSMAN3HI•W"2klusnv t+} H.), NG"dVf,DMAJ4 MW " ' City of Wheat Ridge Residential Plumbing PERMIT - 111373 PERMIT NO: 111373 ISSUED: 11/09/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 3251 SHERIDAN BLVD EXPIRES: 11/08/2012 DESCRIPTION: Replace 50 gallon hot water heater * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 720/628 -1834 Diana Rosiere sub 303/920 -1102 Tonya /Kevin Lasky 11 -0104 Steadfast Plumbing Inc. ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0463 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 853.05 FEES Permit Fee 40.00® y r Total Valuation . Use Tax 15.35 ** TOTAL ** 55.35' Conditions: Work shall comply with 2006 IRC & 2005 NEC. Per IRC Sec. R313, smoke detectors are required to be installed in every sleeping room, in hallways outside of sleeping rooms, and on every level of the structure. Carbon Monoxide detectors are required to be installed within fifteen(15) feet outside the entrance to each sleeping room. Subject to field inspection. 1, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in thr d cement and/ r i a comp Hying approved plans and specifications. l A/(� 1 l �`fL011. Signature of OWNER (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject . to field ins ection. Signatu ief Building Offical Date INS CT N REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 RE ESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY.. Nov 08 11 06:03p STEADFAST PLUMBING INC 303 - 920 -2833 p.1 _ City of Wheat ��e Date: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT plan # Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 permit # Office: 303 - 235 -2855 " Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line_ 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Address: Property Owner (please print): '� I Cat 1(2 R te ' ` 4 ere- Phone � � - (0 - j Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: ' � 3 �, - t> thew -=-©" City, State, Zip: '" � V V PS"t"t'Y11 Contractor: Contractors City License #: Sub Contractors: Electrical: City License # Description of work: Plumbing: City License # BTU's Gallons _ Amps Sq Ft. Phone: 2 )p -3 -- qa(7 — M) Mechanical: City License # S onYract Value: ( 5 , Review Fee (due al time of submittal): OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiP, that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances. rates or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record, that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate: that I bare read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application: that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal ouvner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application To list that entity on this application CIRCLE ONE (OH9VER) (CONTRACTOR) ar (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIt E) of (OWNER) (CO.'VTRACTOR) PRIW NAME: ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DATE: k /g/ / OCCUPANCY: FIRE DEPARTMENT:: ❑ approved %W comments ❑ disapproved ❑ no review requited' Bldg Valuation: S Nov 08 11 06:03p STEADFAST PLUMBING INC 303 - 920 -2833 City ©f Wheat j COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �,gle SUB- CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Project Address: General Contras Phone #: Master #: X I Electrical Contractor Company Name: State License #: Signature of Authorized Agent ' .1MM. Date Plumbing Contractor I Company Name: Nk'nbk . _ Phone #: :9v3 gaD--J � D3 State License #: Master #: l�ic 3 Wheat Ridge License I p l i ignaft re of Authorized Agent bate Mechanical Contractor Company Name: Phone: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Date *This application must be signed by each sub- contractor confirming the same. Meuse O-cA'� u,A-h p mVk {gay vre_y\, -- 303 A 0 - ioOa. __TwK yOj�- -GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT it#It.DIM6'JN$PECTION LINE - (503-2345933) Building Permit Number : ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WWEA7 F2iDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) K"YOparty Owner: JAMES ROSIERE Property Address: 3251 SHERIDAN BLVD Contractor 4icense No. : 19312 Company : Deer Creek Plumbing, Inc. NMER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDWG AND AGREEMENT 9repy Carfi(y that ifie'setback distances proposed by fhis permil application are accurete, and not violetd appllcaWe ordinanees, rules or regulatlons of the City of W heat Ridge or uecahts,. ea"ment8 or resMctions of record; that all measuroments shown, and allegations jde qre.aGCUrete; tlhat I have reatl and a9ree to abida by all conditlons printed on Mis pdiratioh, sMl that I~aasumafull responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building dp(t:9.CJ arrtl aU'pthsr appllcable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. ValuBtibn z $ Permit FAe ; Plan Review Fee : Use TeiC:' . Tntad ~ - _ Use: DBSCdption : INSTALL 50 GALLON GAS WATER HEATER T"1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : SQ: Ft. ~ . , ApRrOVaf : _ Zanina i Approval : Approval : (ccupanoy: Walls itctr'rcal License No !ttipanY : p{ratipn Date : proval: TBOILERS I FURNACES A MINIMU GAS WATER HEA7ER5 A MINIMUM OF ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM SETBACK THcKa-05TAT REQUIRED (EX R-21 WALLS ■ RJB CEILINGS • R Roof : Stories : Plumbing License No :19312 Company :Deer Creek Plumbing, Inc. Expiration Date : 4/26/2005 Approval : OK/KS csr wvc , RAVoi,~►IA•..E$ Itial Unit~": (1)'7Ns pomllt wek I49ued in aaoMance with the provislons set farlh in yopur aDDlication and is subjecl to the laws W the 6tHN d C9MrObfMd 10 t14p [DARPf RegtAeliona end Building Cotle ot W heat Ritlge, Coloredo or any other applicable oMinances of the City. I (y) 7Ns pertn@ ghep yryirp i( (p) the vrork authorized is nol commenced within sixdy (80) days from issue date or (B) the bullding autlroi(zeA 48uep'endod af ObeiMoned fGh e Parbtl of 180 daYs. (3) M W6 permd-exdrec: a. new pertnlt may be acquiretl for a fee of onahalt the amount normalry required, provided no chenpe6 A8+0 beM M'wA belne}le }F I4W. olpieralplen8 endspecifice0ons and any suspension or abantlonment has not euceeded one (1) year. If chenges arematls or 7sUSpMtbn u' abladtl" pxcebda orre (1) year, tull fees shall be paid for a new pertniL 24)' ' Nn vrork of eiry manher shall be done that will change the natural flow of water ceusiny a tlreinage problem. . .(5). ConNactpr sheil iroUlyNie BuiMing Inspectw Nrenty-four (24) Murs in advance for all inspeclions and shell receive. wrlWan eppr4val m ~n ~a^d 6bf~^.. ro prqCe9dii'q valh iuCca sive phase (9). Tfie i66uence it w. pproval ot drewi and spacifications shell not be construed to be a permit for, rror an approvsl 01. 8nY p~e es ~p inance, law, rule or regulaUon. ~ Ghief Building lnspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of paqe. ~ n ~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :S_ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~~S WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 qppLICATIo N Property Owner : J~~ 1-1-ictj(\( ~ Property Address : ~ ~S phone : Srd4-- q() l .j Contractor License No. : ,r-A~j k L Company: 0~-_e_12_ ~L lz~~, f7l~ Phone OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit applieation are accurate, and do not violate appliwble ortiinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restriGions of reeord; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by ali wnd'Rions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compiiance with the YVheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applioble reat Ritlge rdi ances. (or work under tNis pertnit, (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~i " IU9~- pq7c UUSe : Description ~.,,-4_t ~-~V SIC Permit Fee Use Tax C., 5 J ~ G Totai : - -t;:;_,_c. 59S Sq. Ft. : I Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : I ElecVical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiretion Date : Expiretion Date : Expiretion Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) R is pertnk was issued in accorEance witlM IM proviaions ut foM in yopur application and is suEjeU to the laws of the State o/ CobreOO antl to the Zoning (Z Th'gulations anC Builtling Cotle of YVheat Ritlge, ColoreEO or any other applicabk oitlinances M the Cly. permit shall expirc R(A) yie work eWlwnzetl ia not commenceC within sizty (80) tlays hom iawe OaM or (B) the 6uiltling auNOriied is suSpeMed or abandoneC for a perioC ot 720 Oays. (3) If this permit expires, a new pe'mtt mey be aMuired Por a fee M one-haM the amount rwmially requiie4 proviAetl no changes have peen or wi11 Ea matle in the original plans anE specifiwtion7 anE anY awpension w abaMOnmeM has not ezcee7eC pie (1) year. II changes ue rtytle or tt suspension w abanEOnment exceeCS one (1) year. MI fees aMll De peiE for a new permit (4) No vrork pf am manner ahall Ee Apne yut will diange 1M naWral Ilow o( v2ter nuainp a tlrainaga problem. (5) Contraclor ahall notiy the Buildiny Inapettpr lwenry-{our (2e) hours in atlvance br all ins D~~dnng with sut~essive phases ol N8 p~ b. P~^a and sha4 reteiva writlen approval on inspedan oN Eelorc (6) The issuaxe of a peffnit or the epprpval of Arawinpa arM speUficatians shall no[ be cpnstrued to Oe a pemut for. nor an approval of, arry violatwn o( the provisions o( the buildirg cotles a any otlw udinance, lew, mle or reguWtion. '-50 ~ ~ ~~-~_k UK'~ N BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Chief Building Inspector t1*0AttT4FEMT OF PlANNING AND DEVELOPMfNT J1+1$WECTiON DIViSION - 235-2855 CI'tY QF WHEAT RIDGE 7500WEST 29TIi AVENWE WHEAT't21DGE, CO 80215 prpperty pwrner : MAGNANI ANTHONY Ptbperty Address : 3251 SHERIDAN BLVD ' Cpnkrdctor liCense No. : 17745 Company : Lepore Roofing OWNEfkM{)M1SRdCTOR filGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND ACaREEMENT H p~,fy fhat 4he aefbadt dbtance+ MoPo"d by this PsMA aPdintbn a uppw cMManole, nqes or repulN1wro of the City of YNh ~ reotriolim p( record; that elt measuromeMSahown, I yM { havo eead irc7d to abWe b aN wndRlona aintec Tt*hi 1 ass~m3iup ~ o an ~ work un~ bdb N' B.C.) and aq otl~er pppdicrbls ~dge (~N~P~Cp►ItqACTOR):SIGNED . T ` p~tfon : R£ROOF BUILDING DEPARTM , Zoning : ` aRProval: ; npprova~ : ppovartcy : Walls : Roof : EW*W L No ; Plumbing License No : Company : =*h& w. MQ ~ ! d ~ ~ Exptration Date : Approval : 0 Building Permit Number : 95-1632 Date :8/11/95 Phone : 233-3328 Phone : 233 9060 Construction Value : Permit Fee : $63.00 Plan Review Fee : $0:00 Use Tex : $45.57 $108:57 ToNal USE ONLY Stories Residentlal UniG4 : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : 0 r «.~'m~~+wr~b"~ala.u~CCame~awsameseasacowreoo«provo.~w . adnwwbat/un bsua d~e mmenced wllhin Nzly (80) tlari te a(9) the bui1M'q auftA=etl b euapenntled w b! W OnMhtB tli!lrtWU'rt nonnWY re4Wlad, provWW no dW0u hVB IIBeP or wNi be vi800 d1Yia wntlonrtieM hae rat axceetled orre (1) Year. N dianps* are msde a M euepanebn a a0a1ddvrbnl nit ntWnl 1bw of vn0er caueft • dainMie Mmblem. 24) twun In etlvanoa 1a a0 ffispecWm . anA shNl reoeivs wdtMn eppwal an Wapsctl0n cod berore soedficetlons Miall not bs eonstruaC to he a Pertnit tor, nor an aPP~+l of, aM vWmbOm of 1ha provlebns THE TWl8 PERNH7' CALL~: Y34~8 3 24 H RS PRIOR TOH SPECTION G INSPECTOR ~~e~- I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 GITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : ,y iD-9S Properfy Owner : /D/l y /1'fpg~,qN ! Property Address : 3a2J / ~~tfsz)c/avr Phone : a33-33dF1 Contractor License No. : / 77-0,5' . Company I-epoRe- 10-ovfini Phone: z 33 -/`p/oo OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback tlistances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or resMCtions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegation; made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all wnditions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Buildinc Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable heat Ri~ e r inances, for work under this permit. i~ OWNER CONTRACTOR SIGN 7 Construction Value : 3p3~; r3[~ Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : ( ) DAT Description Approval: Zoning : Approval: onamom Approval : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: ~ A Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ~ " RYI"k Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) mis pemmt was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur appiicatlon and is sueject m the iaws of the State ot Colorado and ro the Zonirg Regulafions and Buildmg Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances o( the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commencetl within siary (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) the builtling authorized is 5u5penEed or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount normally required, provitled no changes have been or will be ma0e in ine onginal plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are matle or i/ suspension or abandonment excee0s one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) Nb work of any manner shall be tlone Nat will change the natu2l flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify ihe 8uiltling Inspector iwenry-four (24) hours m atlvance for;:ll inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection carE betore proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifiwtions shall not be wnsirued to be a permit (or, nor an approval of. any violatlon of the pmvisions of the builtling co0es or any olher ortlinance, law, mle or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION