HomeMy WebLinkAbout3745 Vance Streeti3UILDING DEPqRTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Correction Notice Job Located at -~3 Z/-r < 1/ 4 y, c- e- I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov_ erning same: TY o w~j k_ You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, cail for inspection. Date / ? f 4~ FOqM Wqg-22 i •••-ra....~ ~w omiamg Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG ' REPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1305 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date :6/27/95 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3745 VANCE ST Contractor License No. : 18319 Company : City Electric Co. Of Boulder OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cediy that the setback distances proposed by this permR application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility tor compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permil. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : 100 AMP SERVICE TO PHONE EQUIPMENT CABINET Phone : Phone : Construction Value : $1,000.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Use Tax : $15.00 Total: $60.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY l~>q(„~,:„•':' Approval: Zoning : RUN~: Approval: ~:~a...~,..:~~...;:t~" Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permi[ was issued in accordance vdlh the provisions set forth in yopur appIkatbn and is subjeel to the laws of the State of Cobrado and to the Zoning Regulatbns and Buildin$ Coda of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicahle ordinances ofthe Cily. (2) This permil shall expire d(A) the work authonzed is not commenced wilhin siuty (60) days from issue da~e or (B) the building author¢ed is suspended or ahandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permil axpires, a new permil may be acquired for a fee o( one-half the artaunt nortnalty required, provided no changes have 6een or v.ill be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or ahandonment has not exceeded ona (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandanmenl ezceeds one (i) year, Tull fees shall be paid for a new permil. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will changa the natural tlow of v.ater causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrador shall noti(y the Building Inspedor iwenty-tour (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wrillen approval on inspedion card before proceediing wilh successive phases of the job. (6) The issuanc o a permR or the approval of drewings and specif~cations shall not be consimed to be a perm0 (or, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions it building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Byflding Inspector ` THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION zm D€PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 wesT 29tn nvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 237-6944 Exr„~cc p.o. BOx ss8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALIU ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITV PHONE_ OWNER PERMIT % p PHONE ZIP CODE ZIP CODE b~~}pCONTRACT PRICE $ LICENSF NO a I J I~ i. TVCE Ground❑ Wcll❑ Proiecfinp❑ Othsr SorD Foot 2. MATERIAI Total Squart Faaf . SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yp❑ No❑ 7yps E4ct. Permit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Spxify whith ia front) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zone_ ApprovaE, 2one Inspeelor DiaapDroved f. TYPE SolidEl Mon Than 80% ODSnO Leu 7hon 80% Open ? MATERIAL Heiph} FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Spacify whieA ie tront) _ ❑ 5_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zone_ Apprwed,Zone lmpeeta Disapproved :ODTHER ~ RMi`1 kri . DRAW SKETCH pR SHOW BELOW,TNE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIViNv' DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) y ~ a oV~\ ~o~ n`\2PJ12. ~v~c\v~`C K ` a N SHOW OISTANCES FROM THE MAIN I DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, ~ APPI ~ 1HIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A F 0 "A- PERMIT WILL EXP e-~ ~11 vi ~ SPECIFY NORTN LINES;ONIRREGUTAR IOTS,SHOW LEAST 'AL PERMIT IIDAT10N BV TME BUIIDING INSPECTION DIVISION. 'ARTED WITHlN THAT TIfAE. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO._gSTATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUAAWIREUN'DERS2E81LLEGAL FLOOR BSM 15T 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. FUEL+CircJeOrnGoidlAOporie EleeSdar NO. WATER CLASEI FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL MOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICI_ - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCURS WATER MEATER Re}ri eront Group UTILITY(RAMGE,DISPOSER,ETC) AUTO.WASHER Poundf CAm e FIXYURES DISH WASMER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRWG MOTCS2S Bi CONTROLS FIIIOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MO70RS OVER I HP TOTAI FIXTURES I hareby acknowleAqe that this aDDllca- tion is correcP ond understand thoi I cannof atart this prnject until this oppli- eafion ie approeed. I shall eomply with fhe lowe of thc SPOIe ol Colorado ond to tha 2oninQ ReQulations and Buildinp Code of the City af Wheat RidQe. Any violafion of the abnve terme will couse immed te Y4vocution of this permit. ~e , ~ x Ie Date Issued evolieant~ 5iona~u.e PERMIT FEE I USE TAX I I I TOTAL FEE I$ 111l0~' I APPROVED DISAPPROVED CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe NOT VALID UNLE55 RECEIPTED CAL1237-8944 EXT.255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS