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' 6EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number : 11657 Date : 1/5/2001 Property Owner : Property Address : 4705 REED ST Phone : 422-6501 Contractor License No. : 19814 Company :Westside Heating and Air Conditioning Inc Phone : 469-4507 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not wolate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or reatrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide bY all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ooinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDT /.JA _DATE; Description : INSTALL NEW 88,000 BTU FURNAC Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: Total $69.25 $0.00 $30.00 $99.25 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Occupancy : Walls OKAY Roof : Stories Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : 19814 Company : Westside Heating and Air Conditioning Inc Expiration Date : 3/3/2001 Approval: DM (t) This peimit was isauetl in eccordance with the provisions sel forih in yopur applicaGan antl is subject lo the laws oF the State M Colo2tlo and to the Zoning Regulatlons and Builtling Code of Wheat Ridge, Colo2do or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) Thls pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sixry (80) days from issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a penod ot 720 tlays. (3) If Mis pertnit expires, a new permrt may De acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amouM nortnalty requlrad, provided no changes have been or will be made in t e onginal plans and specfications antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. It changes a2 matle or if suspension or abandonment ezceetls one (1) year, full feea shall be paid Mr e new permit. (4) No work ot eny manner shall be tlone that will change the naturel flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) ConVactor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections antl shall receive wrilten approval on InspecUon card before proceetliing with succeasive pheses of Me 1ob. (6) The issuance oya,permit ur the epproval of drawin9s and speGfications shall not be consW etl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violatlon of the provisions of the Duildin➢EaRs orprryyor ordinance, law, iule or regula0on. DFPARTMENT OF PLANNIHG AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number S 7 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : ~ IC?3/~I 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: K L e LO V~9 I PropertyAddress: H Us ~eed ~ Phone: Contractor License No. :I q s I ~ Company: WesiS1cle •1~9`9le~NC phone:303 4bri_+.1jCfJ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify Ihat Ihe setCack dislances proposed by this pertnil ap0lication are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of lhe City of Wheat Ridge of covenants, easements or restrictions of rewrd; that all measumments shown, and allegalions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions prinled on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, (or worlc under this pemil. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE ConstructionValue: a,oo~ Permit Fee Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : 3o v ~ Total: qR~5 Description:~ep~-Q~' c C kIS i,~Jea ,~c.«nJqc•c In1e~~: $8,aec ff BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONI.Y ZvI SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : BIIlfdfnMC3ffffentsM Approval : POHIi~iVf/,BTKSi~R~'J Approval : Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : I q g~~ 1e Company: Company: Company: (,-1esTSi dc N Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ]I ~P.f~tl'SSEEQMM n ~I~[iSIR8BO1FdCl~ N eIdHS1E~'$Qf~8T1~ (1) TTis pertnil was iasued in accordance with lhe pmvislons xl lorth in yo0ur appliwtion an01a aubI'ect to 1he laws of Ua Slala of CobraGa anE 1o Ihe Zoning Regulationa and Building CoCe of VJheat Ridye, Coiorado or any other a001icaDle ordinancea of Ihe City. (2) This permil aha11 e[Dire d(A) Na woAc authonxed ia not commenced wi0in aizry (60) Oays from isaue dale or (B) the Oullding authorized is eus0ended or abandonM br a penod of 120 days. (7) II this pertnit ezpires, a new pertnd may be acquired lor a/ee of ono-hall Ne amounl normally required, provided no changes have been of will be maUe in Ne onqinal plans and specificatiom and any suspeneion or aEandonment hae not eaceeGeC one (1) year. I(changea are matle or il suspension of abandonmenl ezceetls one (t) year, lull fees shali Ee pai0/or a new pertnit. (a) No work of any manner sha11 be done ihat will change !he na(ural Oow of water wusing a Arainaqe pmblem. (5) Cont2QOr shall notily lhe BuilOing Inspeclor twenry-lour (24) houn in aEvanm lor all inspections and shall rcceive written approval on inspection wrd Oefom vroceediing wilh successive haees ol l~e IoE. (6~ The issuanc permit or appmval ol drawings and speciGwlione ehall not be comWed to be a permit lor, nor an aDPfaval o/, any violalion of lhe proviaiona of lne eiG1 her ordinanca, law, rule or regulation. V F Chief Building I For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ . I :-t+ r~r`v~#@z.?as~ n~ko-~:-~,». +;~.~s;X., `re^K .~5. ~S'~: h,aa~+st'W'~,`:y~",.~i,~',•.~'~'i,~.?.t~,"^~a~k~~~;tid'p , ~~1~?~''an+: Permit Number t Building Permit ~ 19537 C1TY OF vVHEAT RIDGE 11 /29/2005 7500 West 29TH Avenue inspection Line Wheahidgq CO 80033 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Residential Mechanical PROPExTY 4705 Reed Unit: owNEx: Daniel Worm (303) 422-6501 Descdptlon Install new 90% afue fumace 90,000 btu in crawlspace _r-e ~ A, ~ . Units: Occupancy: r-3 Walls: Roof: Stodes: Sq Fcet: City of kordinee I YaeEY Mh d+t Ne ~elbark dYt~vcw ProP^sdne~cflun.bYofrtcord;N [hle permlt~tWl~PP~c~tioomw anewemrnnWowv. ~aar~M ~od do ool vlohh ePPd~b Wa0.at l N~Ve or rcrW q nvd ol~tlao+ ~ c°a~M1e~bida by . . . arcovev~ob,wemeoborrevndallevtbosmode~reaceunn;oL Whut lUd{e sll eontlWua~ PN^led on Nb ~pP~~tbn, aod Nvt 1 auume fvll re.+puoeWility for romPwett witb the W heet R1tlee Bu1WN` Cotle (L.B.C.) -od 0 other "pW'aEle Whea[ IIld{e ardNenea, for woiY unEer thle Pe^^i4 I I/~~ /or / . . . 1 ryy p~.~~~ wu yuwE In ~aordur- wIN Ihe prvvbbm eN tortb in yoar applkatbn md b eubjeet lo Ihe i~w~ of Ne State of CoboEO ~nd ro IYe ° L ReeyatboumJ BYOdIVL Code of W 6at Rideq ColonAO ar ~nY oMn ~ppllubk orENwcn of the Cky. han Y 'uc6 Pm«m~~ le~o~pNJed cor~bodoned 6r•i V~~ ° 180d Y~ft a `tLetlmeofworle4wmnmadaflerlulve~vRwltNeMOrY 2 ~uthorkd oN M te b . 3 If Nb pmdl expira. 4 V°r°ei~ ~°°Y be aqWreE tor a fa of ono-balf the unovnt oormu4v Kq~~~ P~^~~d~ °O h~v<Mm or wl~be n~de lo the . . or1¢NdpW. md ~.ubePdtl otr.i. noun doomenthunMexceeENone(1)Yw.Ifchmin~nwdeorifw~0~^~^~°r~udoome~t ezaed, one (I) Y., - { N. wark otwy mnener Adl be done Wt wW eban9e Nc "mnl Mw ofw.ter uuNo` . dnloqe probkm. 5 Contr.elor YuY eotl(J the 8uilNOp WpMOr lweory-(our (2~) hoon In ~dvouce for -11 N-pe~HOU rod ob+ll rc«ive wAnw 'PPro~ ~KdO° ~forc Prueendyoe~ryU.,eWvephuuafthejob. pp v ,y~otNe . 6 ~hy~re- oa pad' or prov ot K---- M epai flntlov ~hJl oo[ be aavtrved to Ee ~ P~^"it tor. oor ~o • rovd of. Y pvYb buiNlv n or on , bw. rvk or reeul~tbo. G - SlCdlm OATE B 1O` Page I of 1 ~ Tu1day,November29, 005 . . Permk Number . . Iding Permit 19537 Y QF WHEAT RIDGE 11/29/2005 1500 Wot 291Ti Avenue whcaarbjlc> Co s0033 lnspection Ltne `303435-2855 303-234-5933 Residential 1Vlechanical RTY 4705 Reed ` Unit: t. Daniel Worm (303) 422-6501 ion e* 90% afue furnace 90,000 bN in crawlspace '1Led 4Sy guilding Approval Zoning ized CM I1/29/2005 Approved By c.root . . . . Pageloft . y,November29~.2005 . . . . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT w~Eq o~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 ^ ° CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " m 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) i ~o~ oR no° APPLl4.QfTd O17~~ 9 Building Pemtit Number: Date: Property Owner: D cuv " Q~(Jjc;, r m Property Address: ~7C5 KPec) 5tf Conaactor License No.: S' k Company: OATER/CONTMCfOR SIGNATI,Bti OF GNDERSTANDINC AND ACREEMHNT 1 hettby certify that the setback disunca propostd by this pertnit application are accuate, and do not vSolam applicable ordinancu, rula or rcgulations of the Ciry of Whcat Ridgc or covenana, casemcnu orttstrictions of rccord; that all measurcments shown, and allegations madc arc accurzte; that I have read and agrx to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume tull rcsponsibiliry for compliancc with the Whczl Ridge Buildin¢ Code (U.B.C) and all other apPlicab~~l}}e N'heat Ridge Ordinancu, for work under ,hOis pcrmit. WNERxCONTAACfOR). SIGK4 DATE (O`bTERHCONTRACI'OR)'PRIME DATE ~ Phone : Phone: Jt/~rd- Construction Value:$jW'~ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ T0t2l:$ DESCRIP110N: \Gl\ -A)e w CIC0 I-v ~N ucY BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft: ZONIN6 COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTY. Approval: PU6LIC WORKE COMMENTS: Approval: OccupnnLy: 'Na;ls. Roof: Siuries: ResidentidlUni[s: Electrical License No: Compauy: plambing License No: Company: Expirarion Date: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: Expuanon Date. ppproval: Approval. Approval: saaaaaaa (1) This pemm wss cssued in accord&nce with the provisions mt fortli in your+00lKation and u subjat w ihe 1a-s of lhe Sua of Cobndo md m the Zoning (icgulalion5 uid Boilding Coda ot KTeat Ridge, Cobndo or my oder +pplKabk ordivncf oon f'ssuc ~1C or (B) Ihe buildmg auNOrizcd is suspended or 7fiis pemnit shall <xpirt if (A) Ji< work autM1orized ¢ no, commrnced w idhin sury (60) d+Ys abandoMd for i periud of 720 days. (3) If this pemnit enpircs, a ncw permit maY be uquired ta a fn of on<-half the amoum nonnally rtquirtd providedcn~ Bu IN ifrsN''uspension or in fic onginal plu~s and spaifications uM anY suryensiun rnaM~~t has na ezceeded one (l) year abandonmem ezceeds one (I) yeu, fWl ttts shall bc yaid fw a new permiL (4) No work of any manna shall 6e done Uul witl <hmge the naNnl lbw of wmn causin8 a dninagc probkm. (5) Conaatlw shall noU(y the Baildin8 ~nspmcar iwmry-tour (24) hours in dvann for dl inayerUws and shdl receive wnnen approval on insyection card yefine p'ocedinti with suc<essive yhaxs of diejob. (6) The issuu¢'e of a permit or the appronl of dnwings ud ryRifications sMll no1 bc construcd a bc a permil for. nor an ayproval o[, any violation of the pro.isions of the bwWinB codcs w NY olAer ordimntt, 6w, rule or rcguhnon. Chief Building Inspector . WH > City of Wheat Ridge CoCORPF Miscellaneous PERMIT - 060044 PERMIT NO: 060044 ISSUED: 02/24/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 4705 REED ST EXPIRES: 08/24/2007 DESCRIPTION: Driveway CONTACTS owner 303/422-6501 Kyle Wurm PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: R-2 USE: R-3 SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: DI FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 3,200.00 FEES Permit Fee 126.50 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 57.60 ~I TOTAL 184.10 Comments: Any work in the city Right-of-Way, wi11 require a separate ROW permit. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancea, rulea or regulations of the City of wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of rewrd; that all measurementa ehown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I asaume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat aidge Building Code (I.e.C) and all other app'3,iybL4 Wheat Ri~ e Ordin nce~, for work under this permiL Plans subject to field inspection. , _'-lr/ /1 / " date Signature of contractor/owner 1. Thie permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the Sta[e of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat xidge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancea of the City. 2. Thi6 permit ehall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or B t e building authotized is suspended or abandoned for a peziod of 180 days. rovided no 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-halE the amount normally required, p has changes have been or will be made in [he original plans and specifications and any suspension or abEullnfees shallot exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonmen[ exceeds one (1) year, be paid fot a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and ehall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The iaeuance of a permit or the apprwal of drawin9s and specifications shall not be construed to b=u1e or re ulation an apprwal of, any viola ' of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, 9 All plan is a ect [o fie inspections. / ~ d t INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. please Note: nnrr~yey RFOU~' o the S6-5o1 (D. D ~er /contractor is re pmalb~e~~ ~o~di g rop~ Fo~ one-or M~o fomify dwellings, the frst hve^rycflW l1f1C4 8t1d COi1SWcting 1 c'~-(.a rom tHe existing edge aj epprovedplanandreyu;~cdde.~~! npmeti fomaaaon Ieet(15)afJrive~vay 1 Cu[ :n'`~ ` ` ` . -.~ctiotl pavement in(o the site shnll be surfaced with concrel4 'T7iE C'tty is not responsible lt, bricktwvers or similar materials. submitted within ~e plau sct a.:d a,spha errorsresultingfrominaccc,'u!=';0~01`` .i"'' COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4'. BUILDING INSPECTIQN LINE-303-234•5933 CITY OF WHEA7 RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303-235-2855) APAR'lR.A • PioPerty owner: ky/C U/wlh/ PropcrtyAddress: [~7U5 Recp Contxactor License No.: ' C°mPanYc Ob ocZ}.~ Building Permft Number: Date: Pbone; 3 a3 yZ1-6sbi Phone: OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIC,NATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Bufldlnq Depf. Valuafion S 1 hereby certliY that the satback disfances proposed by this pertnit'appllcadon are accurate, and do notvlolate epplieable ordlnancaz, rules or regulatlons of the City of W heat Rldge or co'venants, easemants or restrictlons of recqrd; thatall measurements shown, anil allege8ons made are accurete; that I have read and egree to abida by eIl condf8ona printed on thls eppilcaUon and that I assume full responslblli,ty for complfance Wth the Wheat RI dge Building Code Q.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinanees, forviork under thls pertnft. Plane su6Jectto field InspectloQ. Value:$- PermitFee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ 10& Total:$ 9(1 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED L-----~~ DATE Use of Space (descriptlon): Description of work: . , ~1'11tC u- cC Sq.Ft.added ' • . BUII,DINGbEPARTMENTUSEOI~LY SIC: Sq.Ft.: [0 ~ , . ENTB: OMMENTS: • . . Walls: Roof: Stories: Res(dential Units: Electricai Llcense No: Plumbfng License No: Mechanlcal Llcense No: Compeny: Company; • Company:. Expiratlon Date: Ecpiration Date; Fxpiration Date; AoorovaL Approval: • Approval: • ~ . (1) Thls pertnitwas fssued In-accordancewlth the proWsions setforth In your appllcation and IssuhJedto thelaws of the State of ColoradoandtotheZaningRegula8onsandBulldingCodesofWheetRtdga,Coloradooranyotherapplicableordlnancesof " the City. " .(p) This permit shall expire tf (A) fhe work authorSzed is not commenced within sixty (80) days from Issue date or (B) the Suilding authorizad ts suspended orabandoned for a parlod of 180 days. . (3) .IfthisParmltexpires,anewpermitmaybeacquiradinrafeeofona-halttheamountnormallyrequired,pravfdednochanges havebeen orwill ba mede in the ori9lnai pl2nsend spectficatlons and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1)-year. It chanpes hav56aen orif suspenslon or ahandonment exceeds ona (7) year, tull fees shall be paid for a new parmit (4) Noworkofanymannershalfbedonethatwitlchan8ethenahlralflowofwatercausinpadralnapaproblam. (5) Contractor shali notify the ButLdine Inspector twenty four (24) hours In advanca for all Inspactlons and shall recelve wrttten approval on lnspectlon card betora proceeding wlth succassNephasea of thaJob. (ej ;The Issuanee of a partnlt or the approval of drawln9s and sped8ca$ons shall not be construed to ba a permit fir, nor an approval of, anyvlolatlon of the prov[sions of tha buildinH codes or any other ordisance, law, rule orregulation. AII plan raviaw Issu6Jeettofleldinspeetlons. O `W~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~