HomeMy WebLinkAbout3220 Youngfield StreetCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 75464 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date : 5/6/2003 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: APPLEJACK LIQUORS Property Address : 3220 YOUNGFIELD ST Contractor License No. : Phone : 233-3331 Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilfor co pliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe Ridge rdin nces, for work under this permit.~J (OWNEI9)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED DATE 3 /""3 Construction Value : $2,500.00 Permit Fee : $108.30 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $50.00 Total $158 30 Use Description : ADDITION OF 4 MAGNETIC LOCKS ON STORE ROOM GATES. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Comments: SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Building Comments Approval : Public-Works Comments: Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expination Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance wilh the provisions sel foAh in yopur application and is subject b the laws of the Slale of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heal Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspentled or abantloned for a period of 120 days. (3) If lhis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceedetl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fu0 fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done lhat will change the natural flow of water causing a draina9e problem. (5) Contrector shall notity the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written appmval on inspection cartl before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) 7he is ce of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be constmed to be a permit for, nor an appmval of, any violation of the n of th bui i 9 codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. W7Chief Buildin spector COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Pexmit Number: oF w"E'°T~ BiTII.DING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: = CITY OF WFIEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE VPHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-23j5-~2~85ry~~ F~]]~~ ~C OR ADO . APP3i1 {GQdTd Nd PropertyOwner: APPt-c:J~iL-1Z- bQUO125 Property Address: 3.2,20 yc)v~~ ~V-ICL-0 Contractor License No.: Phone: 3L-)- 233 '3331 Cpmpany: J. V) ~>WVis Cc iNC.. Phone: 3c3 -6 `tE"-.Z336 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UND&RSTANDING AND AGR&EMENT I hereby certry that ihe sctback distenccs proposed by this permit application are accvrate, and do aotviolate applicable ordiaances, ru18s or regulations of the Ciry of VJheat Ridge.or covenants, easements ornatrictions ofrocozd; thatall meesuremrnia shown, md allegations made are accurau; that I have read md agez to abide by ai] conditions printed on ihis applicadon and [tiat I-essume full respoasibiliry for compliance with the 4✓heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) md all other applicabte Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work uader this permik (OWNHR)(CONTRAGTOR):SIGNEU~w+.., ~~'~uwr~rr.~Ec nnre y/ ylo3 vi Construction Value:$ ~ 7 ~ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ TOt31l DESCFJPTION: AOplrionl U." 4 Luc.-e-> On( BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING GOMMENTS: .Appioval: Zoning: BUILDIN6 COMMENTS: Approval: o-c- A''a ? 9 7(ig3 S 11 SIC: Sq.Ft.: PUB{JC WORKS COMMENTS: . Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing Licease No: Mechanicai License No: Company: Company: Company: Expuation Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approvai: (1) Thu peamit wat iaaued in accmdance with tLepmvisiom setfwth m Your npplication md is subjat io the Lws of ihe Smh of Colondo "d to ihe Zoruing Regulatios endHmlding Codes of WhatRidgq Coloado ar sny offia applieoble oxd'mancea ofthe City. (Z) 13u pumit eLaIl expve if Poe wroxk euthorixd ia mt commmced within eizry (60) days from issne dete or (B) &e buldmg authorized is mspended or sbaudoned for aperiod of 320 daya . (3) IflEiapermitupi[ra,aaewpesmitmaybeacquitedforafeeofono-Lalftheamomtnormallymquimd,providednoctmgesLavebemorwillbemadein (he ncigiual p7ma end aperificatioas md any auspmsioa or ahand~thu aot exceeded oae (I) yeaz. If chmgw Lave bem or if surymsion or abpnd=mt ezceedo one (1) y<Q, fuIl fru sLall be paid foz n aew pumit (4) Nowoxkafmym-astallbedonethatw➢IchengethemhWflowofwatercavssmgadninagepmblem. (5) Co¢tac4rsLall aotitytheBmld'mgSnspeetortwmTy'foiv(24)hounmadvancsfozallinspectionamdsEallrecavewrittmappiovaloninspecrioncazdbefare pmceedinB with suecraaivephasu ofthe.lob. (6) Thcissuenceofapermitoztheapprovalofdnvviagsendaproi5cationashallaotbecoustruedtebeapemitfor,aornnapproWog anyviolatioaofthe pmvisioa of ihe bwldin6 wda ot any other oxdmanoe, Lw, rvle wrognletion. Chief Building Inspector MAGNALOCK° OIIERVIEW Magnalocks are designed to secure any type ot doar or gate that closes against a fixed stop. The product consists of an electro- magnetwhich mounts on thefixed frame and a strike plate which maunts on the moving door or gate. The strike plate is delivered with fasteners that permit it to flex so thatwhen the door closes, it automatically self aligns with the magnet. Magnetic force then takes over, strongly se- curingthe dnor. Release is achieved by switching off powertothe mag- net. CHOOSE THE INDUSTRY LEADER Securitron has 6een making electromagnetic locks since 1971 and has stayed at the forefront thanks to a continuing program of engi- neering improvements. In security industry trade journals, 6oth install- ing dealers as well as end users have consistently chosen the Magnalock`° as the most highly preferred product. We attribute this not only to the producYs features but to its proven performance in demanding applications. SELECT FROM A COmPIETE FAMILY The Mode132 and 34 series provide 600 pounds "treHic control" security siinilarto electric strikes, and are recommended for applica- tions where a physical assault on the door is not expected. Primary advantages of the Model 32 and 34 are lower cost and more compact size. For sliding doors, the Model 34R series offers recessed mount- ing and results in 600 pounds of esthetically concealed holding power. The Model 62 series offers higher security with 1,200 pounds holding force. Entry cannot be forced without special tools, or before the door or frame gives way. IYs recommended not only for high security open- ings, but for outdoor use on all gate types, too. At 1,800 pounds, the Model 82SC series puts out maximum MagPower! Applications for the Model 62SC include prison facilities, or anywhere an extra margin of strength is required. Model 82SC is also effective on large exterior gates; orwith a split strike plate on dou- ble doors. The incredible Shear Aligning MagnalockO-SAM for short- permits concealed mounting in aluminum, wood and steel doors forthe ultimate in finished appearance. SAM delivers 1,000 pounds holding force, maintains swing through operation on dou6le-acting doors, and even works on motorized bi-parting doors! ELECTROMAGNETIC LOCKS HIGH TECHNOLOGY mEANS PERFORMANCE IN YOUR APPLICATION Creating the world's best electromagnetic lock calls for serious engineering. During its years of continued development,the Magnalock' family has incorporated an array of advanced features (both physical and electronic) that have made it what it is today. Along the way, it has earned two separate U.S. patents and an impressive list of certifica- tions. PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION AND MOUNTING A lock should be tough. The Magnalocke comes in a stainless steel case and all ferrous metal surfaces are plated to military specifi- cations. A 10ft. integral cable makes wiring easy and the Magnalock8 is at home indoors or ou[. Mounting is via hardened machine screws into self-collapsing blind nuts (four screws with the Model 62 and 82SC; two with the Model 32 and 34). Mounting screw holes are closed off _IECUIIITRON t-800-MAGLOCK (624-5625) • wwwsecuritron.com An ASSA ABLOY Group company AS.SA ABLOY with tamper caps. Sheet metal screws-which can workfree-are not used at all. Even the strike sex bolt has a massive 1-1/4" diameter head. While the standard mounting hardware resists "casual" van- dalism and is considerably stronger than the holding force of the MagnalockO, Securitron can supply tamper proof hardware as an op- tion for high vandalism areas. Securitron tamper prooi fasteners re- quire special tools for installation and removal. We can supply these tools for hand or battery drill operation. Models 34R and SAM shear lock require mortising. ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE First, Magnalocks are remarkably efficient in power use. The 62 series operates on only 3 watts.(250 mA at 12 VDC or 125 mA at 24VDC.) The 32 series uses 3-1/2 watts. (300 mA at 12 VDC or 150 mA at 24 VDC.) The 34 series, 82 series and SAM draw only 4 watts. This benefit is especially importantwhen large numbers of Magnalocks are operated from a central power supply connected to the fire alarm system. MagnalockO efficiency generates large cost savings in wire gauge, power supply and battery backup costs. Second, internal electronics eliminate problems often found in other designs. We reverse outresidual magnetism and accelerate field collapse so that inductive kickback and EMI are suppressed sothere's no arcing over control switches or interference with nearby electronic devices. Ferrous metal aging which could lead to stickiness overtime is blocked. A U.S. patent has been granted onthe Magnalock's internal electronics. THE BENEFITS OF SECURING DOORS WITH MAGNETIC FORCE ALONE Electromechanical strikes and locks have been around longer, butmagnetic locks are increasingly dominating the industry. Why? We see four answers: Reliability, Security, Satety and Simplicity of Instal- lation. Reliahility. Anything mechanicalwears out.The MagnalockO has no moving parts and therefore possesses an unlimited operating life. Not many products perform for decades with no attention, but you can getthis performance when you select the Magnalocke. In addition, the MagnalockO is unmatched in functional relia6ility. It releasas every time when switched off, as there is nothing to jam. Because of its self- aligning strike, it secures every time the door closes. Problems of stiff latches and misaligned bolts simply don't exist. Securiry. Electromechanical strikes and locks are positioned be- tween the door and frame. They can be successfully attacked with a saw, or by spreading the dooi from the frame with a lever. The MagnalockO mounts on the other side ofthe doorfrom an intruder. The intruder must defeatthe door itself to get at the lock. And in addition,the holding force ofthe Magnalock0can be se- lected-by choosing the appropriate model-to exceed the strength of the door. Mounting position ofthe Magnalock0atthetop ofthe door enhances security by allowing the door to (lex during an impact at- tack. Extremely stiff doors, like those found in prisons, can benefitfrom the EASB MagnalockO accessory which creates a shock absorbing ef- fect (see MagnalockO options). Safety. Magnalocks are often employedto secure doorsthatare also emergency exit paths. In the event of a fire, it is vital for life safety that the doors immediately release to permit evacuation. This is done by routing the lock DC power through auxiliary contacts operated by the 6uilding fire alarm system. When the fire alarm activates, power is removed from all the locks. As there is nothing to jam, the Magnalocks release every time. Installation Simplicity. The MagnalockO surface mounts using only a drill and allen wrench. There is no routing, mortising or carpen- try work needed. It also effortlessly handles all the unusual situations where electromechanical locks and strikes don'twork: Narrow stile doors, double doors, roll-up doors, solid glass doors, hadlyfitting doors, swinging or sliding gates of all types. Bring them on! "Smarl" dual voltage. All Magnalockm models except Model32 automatically determine and adapt to 12 or 24 volt power by drawing the correct amount of current. There is no possibility of mis-wiring. Model6l in a verticalmounton an aluminum /rame glass door. Shown with TSB-3 Exit Bar and Model OK-26SS Mode132mounted vertically on an aluminum frame glass door. - in[erior view. Mode132SC mounted vertically on an alaminum lrame 1-800-MAGLOCK (624-5625) • www.securitron.com Patents U.S. patents granted on Senstat feature and internal electronics #4,516,114 & #4,682,801 EASB patent no. 5,758,913 ORDERING INPORMATION 32SC,62,34 (DualVoltage) 32-12 (12 Volts) or 32-24 (24 Valts) 4dd "F" forface mountversion (Inswinging door). Add "SC" for ienstat Form C version (Model 82 comes standard). Add "G" for :onduit fitting (not availa6le with 32 and 34R MAGNALOCI(S TECHNICAL DATA Holding Force 82SC series:1,8001bs.- 818 Kg. 62 series: 1,2001bs - 545 Kg. 34 series: 6001bs.- 273 Kg. 32 series: 600 Ibs.- 2731(g. Operating Enviranment -40 to 60 C, -40 to 140 F. Suitable for outdoor use (NEMA 4X equiva- lent). All ferrous metal surfaces plated to MIL spec. Magnet case: brushed stainless steel standard. Power Required 825C series: 350 mA at 12 VDC or 175 mA at 24 VDC 62 series: 250 mA at 12 VDC or 125 mA at 24 VDC 34 series: 350 mA at 12 VDC or 175 mA at 24 VDC 32 series: 300 mA at 12 VDC or 150 mA at 24 VDC Voltage tolerance: -10°/a +30°/a, unregulated acceptable. Dimensions Mode182SCMagnet:l2"x3"x1-3/4" 305x76x44.5mm Strike: 10" x 2-3/4"x 1/2" 254 x 70 x 12mm Mode162Magnet:8"x3"xi-3/4" 203 x 76 x 44.5mm Strike: 6' x 2-3/4"x 1/2" 152 x 70 x 12mm Model 34 Magnet: 9-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 1-1/8" 241 x 38 x 26.5mm Modei 34R Magnet: 9-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/8" 241 x 38 x 28.5mm Strike: 6-3/8" x 1-7/16" x 7/16" 162 x 36.5 x 11mm Mode132Magnet:8"x1-3/4"xi-1/2" 203 x 44.5 x 38mm Strike: 6-1/2" x 1-5/8"x 1/2" 165 x 41.5 x 12mm Approvals and Listings Underwriter's Laboratories: SA6635 and BP7041 and R13976 Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada: CMS140, SA6635 and BP7041 TUV (Germany): 951063246890009 Baumuster Gopruft California State Fire Marshall:4138-923:101 City of New York MEA:25195E & 254-95E BHMA certified NYC Board of Standards and Appeals; 801-80-SA City of Cleveland: 5-5-89 US Veterari's Administration:M.P.3 Part III US Defense Department: Listed PertNUmba OrsniPfi^~ Ric. M32-12 600IIr 12VDC ; S300.00 M32•24 ' 6001b.24VUC $300.90 M32fd2. . 60016. 72VDC Fece Mount $306.00 - M32F-24 60016.24YDCFaceMOUnt ' . 5300.1010. M32SC-12:. 60016. 12VDC Senstat Form'C' ' S360.00 . M32SC-24 .60016. 24VDC Senstat Form'C ' . $360.00 M32SCF-12 60016.12VUCFace.MountSenstatform'C . S360.00 rr. M32SCF-24 . 60016.24VDCFaceMountSenstatfoFm'C' . $36020. M34 6001b.DualVoltega,.. .$300,00'. M34E: 60016.DualVoltageFaceMount ' S300.00.:: M34R . 60016. Racassed Dual Voltaga . $320.00. M34RSC' 6001b. Hacessed Dual Voltage:Senstat Form C- $360.00 M39SC . 60016. Dual Voltage Senstat . . $360.00 M34SCF 60011r. Dual Voltage Pace Maunt Senstat $360.00 M62 ' 92001h. Dual Voltage . . . . $380.00 M62E 120016.DualVoltage.Face.Mount $380.00 . M62PG,. ~120016. Dual Voltage Pace MounTConduit Fitting $404:00 M62G 12001b.Oual Voltage Conduit Fitting . . , . $400.00 M62G-OS. 12001b. Dual Valuge Conduit Fiaing w/ONset Strike . . 5400.00 M62G-SS 120016.OuaIValtageConduitFttingwlSplitStrike 5500.00. M62-0S 120016. Dual Voltage w/OHseCStrike $380.00 M625C 72001h. UualVoltageSenstat . $440.00 M62SCF 120016. DualVoltage.SenstetPaceMount $440.00. M62SCFG. . 120016. Dual Voltege Senstat Fece Maunt ConduiY $460.00 M62SCG 72001b. Dual Voltage Senstat Conduit $460.00. M62SCG-DS 120016. Dual Voltage Senstat ConduitlOflset Sirike , $960.00 M625CG-SS 120016. DualVoltage5enstatConduiUSplitStrike $560.00 M62SC-OS 120016. DualVoltageSenstatw/OffsePStrike $440.00 M62SC-SS 120016. DualValtageSenstatw/SplitStrike $540.00. M62-SS 72001b.DualValtagew/SplitStrike 5480.00 pM62 . 12001b. 62 Dou61e,. Dual Voltaga.. . $760.00 OM62SG 120016. 62 Double, Dual Voltage Senstat Form C $660.00 M82SC 180016. Dual Voltage Senstat $520.00 M82SCF 180016. Dual Voltage Senstat Face Mount $520.00 M825CFG. 1800 Ib. Dual Voltage Senstat Face Mount Conduit 5540.00 M82SCG 760O Ib. Dual Voltage Senstat Canduit Fitting S540.00 M82SCG-OS 1800 16. Dual Voltage Senstet ConduiUOttse(Strike 554010 M82SCG-SS 180016. Dual Voltage Senstet ConduiUSplit Strike $640.00 Magnalack armature, mounting hardware and lastener assembly. Alarm Controls Corporation: Mortise Cylinder Stations Mortise Cylinder Stations MCK-3 ■ 1.75 Inch Stainless Steel Front Plate for Narrow Stile ■ S.P.D.T. Momentary Switch, Rated 4A @ 28VDC ■ 8 Inch Color Coded Stranded Wire Switch Leads ■ Red & Green LED Operates on 12 or 24 Voits ■ Tamper Proof and Slotted Head Screws Included MCK-4 ■ Single Gang Stainless Steei Front Piate ■ S.P.D.T. Momentary Switch, Rated @ 4A @ 28VDC ■ 8 Inch Coior Coded Stranded Wire Switch Leads ■ Provision For a S.P.D.T. Tamper Switch ■ Waliplate Retainer Included ■ Tamper Proof and Slotted Head Screws Included « MCK1 - MCK2 - MCK3 - MCK4 - MCK5 - MCK6» is) 2001-2002 Alarm Controls Corp. All Rights Reserved http://www.alarmcontrols.conL/mck2.htm Page 1 of 1 4/29/03 Alarrn Controls Corporation: Request to Exit Stations Page 1 of 1 Request to Exit Stations TS-1 ■ Large 1.5" Diameter Green Mushroom Button ■ N/O & N/C Contacts • Momentary Switch Action ■ Contacts Rated 10 Amps @ 35VDC or 120VAC ■ Red & Green LEDS operate on 12 or 24 Volts AC/DC ■ Uni[ Fits in Standard Single Gang Electrical Box ■ UL Approved & CSA Certified Components TS-2 Large Green 2" Square Push Button ■ Momentary Switch Action ■ Switch Iiluminated with Long Life Bulb, 12 or 24 Volt ' ■ Singie Pole, Double Throw Contacts, Rated 10 Amp ■ Switch Terminals Provided with Color Coded Leads Y.i Y ~ , ■ Unit Fits in Standard Single Gang Electrical Box ~"'^~~~,,,,;~,,.;~;,~..w~■ UL Approved & CSA Certified Components TS4 + (C? 2007-2002 Alarm Contmis Corp. All Riyhts Reserved http://www.alarmcontrols.com/rtel.htm 4/29/03 Appliwtion Date: Permit1131 Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District "Dedicated to Serve Through Excellence" P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Riiige, Colorado 80034 303-403-5900 Office 303-940-0350 Faac Contractor InformaYion Site Information Name' Address: ~ - ~ _ - Agent: t-1 v i-.,, " ;t . \ Business: 1 Contact: ~ Phone: 5u 3- %3Phone: I aKes[ the above informatian ro be accuraM. I have received and reviewed the7nspection Comp/iance and the !re Schedu/e. Thir permit is Me property olthe Wheat Ridge Fire Protet[ion Distrid and is issued subject to mnditions contrined herein. Upon any fai/ure ofany mndition induding failure oJdearance af any permit payment this permit is rubject to immediate revotation and the permitmust be reNmed upon demand M a rep~sentaHve of the Wheat Ridge F'ire ProMttion Distritt. r Signature of Applicant. INSPECTION BY FIRE DISTRICT REQUIRED? X YES ❑ NO Post this permit in a ronspicuous place. Request requimd inspecHons a minimum of three days in advanre af 303-903-5902 TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE TankIns edion No.of Tanks= @150.00/tank V 1 I Review Alarm S stem Plans System Value=, ^y0, ve (A25) Review 5 rinkler S stem Plans System Value= (.025) Review 8uildin Plans Valuation= . TOTAL OF FEES DUE ❑ Total Bldg. ❑ Alteration ❑ New ❑ Partial Field Inspedions and Dates: Hydrostatic Tests and Dates: , Other: :i ? i -n .ZI Amt. Paid ~ ~ ~ il Method Initials > t COf11ff10flt5. ..i4+` fwir•~.n!e~'!L '~r~' r.i<. r:,i~'r:i •/i..... .y li....~._u~l, hi:.:. . wr'.,~. re.. e...I;,~ fJ+! • L FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. F-JAPPROVED AS SUBMITTED CONDITIONALLY APPROVED (See Comments.) BY TITLEr,JIC-i1,i;L . v ~ 1 ~ n ~ 'a m DATE TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA Site Assessment Re-Submittal No. of SiYes @ 75.00/Site Plan Revision Re-Ins ed No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour i7d After hours inS ection 2 Hours + No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour TOTAL OF PEES DUE FINAL APPROVAL ~ Amt. Paid '4 Method Initials gy TITLE DATE A E _ 8Rl5AKROOM ARCH • 67i BF. SCOPE OF WORK: a ~ INSTALLAT{ON OF THREE 600 LB MAGNETIC LOCK ASSEMBLIES WITH PUSH TO EXIT BUTTONS TO SECURE TI1E LOADING DOCK STAGING AREA ROLLING GATES FROM TI1E MAIN WAREf10USE, AND ONE 600 LB MAGNETIC LOCK ASSEMBLY WITf1 KEYSWITCi1 TO SECURE TI1E WINE STORAGE ROOM IN Tf1E BASEMENT. - - ~ ~D 0 ~ ALL LOCKS WILL BE CONNECTED TO TI1E EXISTING ACCESS CONTROL E ~ E ~ 11- J_ ~ _.t_ Q~;,~,jQ _ EQUIPMENT CIRCUITS, AND WILL RELEASE UPON ANY GENERAL FIRE ALARM ® J ,b99R STAGING I ~ CONDITION. gF, TT T" ' 1 ~ L L I _ P p I) II - -I r 1 r • A~Z~A a~ cAt`i5~"R~1c,-na~l toot I AREA • ';"i4 3.r. ( euucR,oont sroR,~E AREA • b,Z03 sF. I 0 8 _ • - ~ SNTo Ott Bu-rront J_ J_ J_ _L J ('a MAL~y Ok, IG 6W t't"~h! LOGlC ~ [-TTTTT t.~ w Y J 12VDC PQWER ~ 1 _L .~T r - J SUPPLY Ai2EA sF. ~7Cl5TIhly Ge~°rt:5` 7 AH ~ T T T T T ~ ~ v,~ EGR~: R ~ RL BATTERY e - ~ GENERAL - ALARM WILL RELEASE ALL DUQR LOCKS F~ACP t 2 3 d 5 b 7 8 Ofi'TIO N y- I SGALE: I Jib"= I'-0p I _I iJ "~?~eet Rid ~ Fire Protertiar f~istriet Plays ~vie~~° 9 - ~J °.e. ,S' n~ Fe-aie~~ad flavid Cul. ~ederts ~ ~ e Certifieat~~n ~~3?7~ 1..~.fr~ m rtre Cod Celeraeo State dire St~ppressial System lespeetor Certifi~atioe #°2-iI3 e h.~ L~ 1 31 ~v~ r ~ti~ _ _ KT-100 CQNTRQLLER _ KT 100 CQNTRQLLER i 1cVDC P QWER ( 1zVDC MAGNETIC LACK MAGNETIC L SUPPLY QCK SUPPL AND DOQR L 7 AH AND DQQR r CQNTACT CQNTACT BATTERY GENERAL GENERAL ALARM WILL ALARM WILL RELEASE ALL RELEASE ALL ~ DOOR LACKS DQQR LACKS F~ACP FRCP PRQXIMITY PRQXiMITY CARD CARD READER READER - WQRKSTATIQN USB 485 USB-485 (S I ~ ~~"iSr~NG t t as ® _FF Z-0 ETN X2,3 w G E B SHMT NUh -R Z :3 so 0 n TPP 30?-74- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 15295 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 4/2/03 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: APPLEJACK LIQUORS Property Address : 3220 YOUNGFIELD ST Phone : 233-3331 Contractor License No. : 19322 Company : J. D. DAVIS CO. Phone : 698-2330 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback dislances proposed by this permit applicalion are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made ure accurate; that I have read and a9ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsib"ty for c mpliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (IJ.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh t Ridg rdin nces, for Work under this pf rmit. (OWNEER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED ~i.~ DATE y/,3/03 Description : REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CARD READER SYSTEM. ADDITION OF ACCESS CONTROL TO THREE NEW DOORS. ALL WORK IS 24 VOC. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Comments: SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Building Comments:;; ma OK 411103 Approval: DM Public Works Comments: Approval : Uccupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Construction Value : $11,000.00 Permit Fee : $253.90 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $132.00 Total ~$385.90 Use : Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heat Ridge, Cobrado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorize0 is suspendetl or abantloned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount normally required, pmvided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonmeN has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naNral flow of water wusing a drainage problem. (5) Contrector shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wriden appmval on inspection card before pmceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be constmed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the buil k g codes or a y other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. ~ Chief Buil ns e toF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT oe W"Eqr gUIL,DING INSPECTION LIlVE - 303-234-5933 ~ a CITY OF WI3EAT RIDGE " m 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (3~03-23j5-28~5'Y5~) Fry 7~~ ~~CORPO~ 4~Pj]l~li!{GY~lTiN.lV Building Pernut Number: Date: PropertyOwner: /+PI'l..F--J-i*'-4tU(iuUfLS Property Address: Phone :30'~, '2- 33 ' 33-3 I Contsactor License No.: I 9 3,2 2 E' P' 3()3' 6 q 8•Z330 Company: T -D• ~A~40 CO• Phone: ON'NER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UdDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pemvt application are accurale, md do not violate applicabte ordinances, mles or regulations of the City of Whea[ Ridge or covenants, easemenfs orrestrictions ofrecord; thatall measurements shown, md allegations made are accurate; [hat 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application md [hat I assume full responsibiliry for compliance withthe V✓heat Ridge Building Code (O.B.C) and all other applicable Whea[ Ridge Ordinances, for work under this pemut. DATE-3I~ZGI~3 (pWNFR)(CONTRACTOR):SIGNED , Construction Value:$ It, oL)u Permit Fee:$ X 3 Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ DESCRIPTION: dF F_ISr~~t(, CA2-0 !~£HDE.fL Syr,^>._'w*., Aoo~r uti~ JG F~-S; cONrBaL. T-C~ Tj~2e.'E t3i=,w ~uoRSlP~.. ~vJi~K ~0 24voc. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ap p~ SIC: r Q ZONING COMMENTS: ` ~ ~ Approval: Zoning: ~`CEI yED rj 1 BUILDING COMMENTS'7~R 41 , ApptovaL•'~ PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential . Elechical License No: Company: Expirarion Date: Plumbing License No: Company: Expiration Date: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: (1) This pemti[ was issued in accordavice with the provisioas set forth in your application md is subjecc to the laws of the State of Coloiado md w the Zoning Regulations md Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Cololado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) ihis pemtit sha➢ expire if (A) ihe `nurk authorized is not commenced vrithin sixry (60) days from issue date or (H) the building authorized is suspmded or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this penmit expsses, a new pecmit may be acquired tor a fu of one-half the amouvt norznally zequ'ved Provided no cEanges Lave been or will be made m theorigivalplaus and speci5cations and any suspensionor ebandovmrnthaz notexceed<d one (1) yeaz. Ifchauges Lave been orifsuspension or abandoarrimt exceeds one (1) year, fiil1 fces shaLL be peid for a new pttmit (p) No work of any manner shall be done that wi➢ cfiange Ne mnval flow of watm ceusiug a drainage problem. (5) CouhacmxshaLLnotifytheBuildinglnspwmrNrenH-four(24)houniuadvanceforallinspectloasandshellreceivewnttenapprovaloninspectioncazdbefore proceedivg with successive phases af thejob. (6) The issuance of a pemut or the appmval of eUawiugs md specificatlons shall not be conswed ro be a pemtit foy nar en approval of, avy violation of the provisio e building codes or any other ordi~unce, law, nile or ttgula6on. ~ Cluef Buil ing spector MOUNTAIN ALARM SECURITY SYSTEMS - J.D. DAVIS COMPANY, ING. 1235 So. Huron Street . Denver, CO 80223 . 303-698-2330 . Fax 303-698-0128 Applejack Liquors 3320 Youngfield St. Card Reader System Equipment Submittals II KT- ~ 00 CONTROLLER KT-100 Mini Contro//er ~ Small and Powerful The KT-100 Door Controller contains all the intelligence and necessary inputs/outputs to manage one door; it is also easily linked to a network controlling up to 32 doors. The KT-100 features include: ' Downloadable Firmware z ; The firmware program is stored in the controller ; flash memory; it can be easily uploaded from the g system's workstation without changing the memory chips. ~ t Trouble Reporting • Update firmware directly from system workstation • Fast! Up to 115,200 bauds • Ready to go! No dip switches or jumpers to set! The KT-100 constantly supervises power supply conditions and reports low power status to the system. The power output is protected against short-circuits and surges by a self-resetting PTC. The locking device is supervised for short to ground or open circuits. The KT-100 also monitors all the equipment for any failure or tampering. Any abnormal condition is reported to the software. • SV and 12V reader power • Interface with external alarm S3'SteII1S • 6,000 users / 3,000 events stored locally • 4 inputs / 4 relays supervised • 2-Reader interface Integration with ClientAiarm Systems The KT-100 allows the ability to arm/disarm an external alarm system. In addition, interfacing with an external alarm system allows the installer to assign the appropriate user permission to arm or disarm the external alarm system. Kantech Sstems Inhrnet: wwv.kantaeh.tom Copynght 2002 - entech Sysfems. Specifrtafions may Ee moAifietl wiMOUt natice. DN5076-0205-0207 Typical Door Layout Specifications KT-1 W Across Comroller T-RE% .F. RepumPb.E~it . , ~ u . . . ~ vmrCOmact Inputpower 9.5 to 14 VDG50mA + accessories (Max. 750 mA) Backup battery 1 lithium battery, up to 10 years retention (data and RTC operation). Dimensions(H.W.D) 11.4 x 7.0 x 3 cm (4.5" x 2.75" x 125") Operating temperaWre From 2°C to 40°C (35°F to 110°F) 0-95% humidity, non-condensing Reader types Wiegand, proximity, bar code, magnetic, integrated keypad and others Monitor input zones 4 monitored input zones, NO/NC, with or without end-of-line resistors Voints maximum wiring 600 meters (2,000 feet) -(AWG #22) Door strike output 12VDCQ 250mA, supervised Auxiliary outputs 2 outputs, open NPN collector for door access 8 status (LED, BUZ) 25mA max, 12 VDC each Relayoutputs 2 retay outputs, 12 VDC, 25mA max each open collector to ground 2 relay oufputs, 30VAC/DC, 50mA (max) each. Two Opto-isolated contacts per relay Reader power output SVDC @ 150mA protected Communieation poRS RS-485 Communicationspeed From 1200 to 115,200 bauds (automatic detection) Flash memory 64 K RAM memory 128 K, protected by a lithium battery Networkautonomy Distributed data and processing Certification/Liating FCC Part 15, Class B 00 D T-REX 2 CeN Reatlen (ENry 8 Exit) 4 E~M-Lire Reaisbn Tiafrefvrmar 18VAC.AOVA . MaerSuppy . ' .12vdta0C 12 Vops Batlery . ~ USB~ ~ ....y.r.'* ToM1erNT-100 . YbAYetian:~... Kantech Sstems IntaIMf: wrw.ksntecA.com Copynghf 2002 - anteth Systams. SpeWlicatbns may be motlilied wiMOUt noNce. TECI~' 1 ACGESS CONTROL AND INTEGRATED SYSTEMS Multi-Function Proximity Readers With 4 new IoProx readers to choose from, you will find one that's right for your applicaaon! Their atuactive, compact and weatherized design makes them suitable for instailation in various indoor and outdoor environments. • Up to 1000' (30(hn) iJNSHIELDED CaUIC • Up to 6" (15cm) Read Range • Indoor/Outdoor • Bicolor LED • PICZO / ioProx PRR=M/1Y aEnWas The IoProx reader electronics are vandal and weather resistant, and are encapsulated in epoxy. All readers have an integrated piezo buzzer and bicolor LED indicating systemlreader status. OpUonal tamper switch and command button modules are available. UNSHIELDED Cable The IoProx readers can be installed using #22AWG UNSHIELDED cable to a distance of up to 1000' (300m) from the conVOller. Using this type of cable significandy reduces installadon costs. Integrated Command Buttons (P200XSF and P400XSF) An opaonal integrated command button module can be added to the P200XSF and P400X SF models. The two buttons are form "C" contacts ihat can be used to perform different funcdons such as arnring/ disazming an alazm panel, serving as a doorbell when connected to a buzzer, etc. Voltage Requirements The readers accept a voltage of 5 to 14 VDC and can be used with virtually any controller on the mazket. This will allow a system to be upgraded simply by changing the readers and cards, without needing to recable. XSF Security XSF format readers aze only compatible with Kantech software products. The readers recognize over 137 billion unique codes. Using Kantech's XSF cards (eXtended Secure Format) provides increased security and absolute guarantee against card duplicadon. Easy Installation The IoProx readers' small size provides fle7cibility for mounting: they can be installed on walls, door mullions, or single and double gang boxes. Read Range • Optional Command Buttons Thereadrangeincreaseswilhreadersize.Depending 0 t1on81Tam SwitCh on the model selected and the environmental • P Pei condidons, the read range varies from up to 4" (P100XSF) to up to 6" (P400XSF). Kantech Systemslnc. rnremer. wwwxanrecn.ean uwinfmrouim Ccpy~gM2000NaMechSystwmsbreSpedlKationsmnybemob6edwMOUfnatroa P100RSF P200XSF P300RSF P400RSF Mini 31ullion Single Gong Dou61e Gang Typicyl read rangc'. Up to IOcm (4') Up to 125cm (5") Input voltage 5 to 14 VDC 5 to 14 VDC Currenl DC maximum 85 mA 85 mA Dimensiuns (H•N•U) mm.......... 70 x 44 x 17.8 114.5 x 44 x 17.8 Dimensiuns (H•WU) in,._.._....._ 2.75 x 1.75 x 0.7 4.50 x 1.75 x 07 N'eight........ _ 39g (1.37oz) 52g (1.83oz) Colnr......... Blact Blxk Transmit frequene}._....... 125 kHz 125 kHz LED indicator _ Biwlor stavdard Bicolor staudard (red, 8reen) (md, green) Piezn buzur _ Integated Integrated Operating trroperatures 35°C to 65°C -35°C to 65°C (-90°A to I50-F) C 90°F ro]50°N) Fonnat XSF' for Kaotech XSF' for Kantech software onty software only Maximum dislnna'e finm controllrr; Reader Pnwer 124 300m (1000') 300m (I0001) Reader Pow'er $V 150m (5001) 150m (500') Cable type 3[wisted paes, solid core 3 twisid pavs, solid cae k22AWG, imshielded, #22AWG, waLielded, Beldm ref 88742 8elden ref #8742 Certificatioos UL294, CE, FCC 1JL294, CE, F(:C Commund Bu[[uns (Optional) N/A P-BUTN/200 Tnmper Switeh (OpHonal).......... _ N/A P-TAMP Up to 14cm (SS") 5 to 14 VDC 85 mA 114.5 x 70 x 17.8 4.50 x2.75 x0.7 S3g (2.92oz) Biack 125 kHz Bicolor standazd (red, gree) Incegcaced -35°C to 65°C ( 90'P to ]50°F) XSF' fm Kanteeh software only 300m (1000') ISOm (500') 3 twisted pavs, solid care N22AWG, unshielded, Belden ref 88742 UL294, CE, FCC N/A P-TAMP Up ro 15cm (6') 5 to 14 VDC 85 mA 114.5 x 114.5 x 17.8 4.50 x4.50z0.7 112g (3.94oz) Blact 125 kHz Bicolor standard (red geen) Integrated -35°C to 65°C (-30'A to 15(rF) XSF' fm Kmtech software only 300m (1.000) 150m (500') 3 twisted pavs, solid core X22P.WG, uosltielded, Beldm ref A8742 1JL294. CE, FCC P-BUTN/400 P-TAMP Cwrqrati6k Higp Sewriry Uual F~oded Proaumity Cards for aR maders : P10SHL (Starximd caad), P20DYE (Dyo-Sub ortl), P30DMG (Dye-S1ib eaid with Wank mag-sinpe) md P40KEY (Ke}7ag). `XSF: eXtrnded Secure Formet ' Reduced reed [mge wi[h keyhgs md Dye-Sub carde GRN =01 INO WHT ~ -0 INl GND GND +5v or-~ 5+ + 12V : OR : LED OUT7 BUZ T"► OUT2 ~T-3(IO ~ KT-200 ontroller Controller : Note : "UL has only verified compatibility with specific UL lis[ed Access Control Units. Please consult the Access Control Units Installation Instructions for more iuformation. Kantech Systems lnc. jnremer www.kenrech.com copyn9hr2000KS.4sN sysranw x,a spavat~ meyae moddhed »;atout,roAre. E N T R Features and Benefits SPEGIAL A P A S S~ E D I T I O N Powerful, Complete and Easy to use F.xpress Setup. The Express Setup utility enables installers [o automatically define and configure system components. This saves installation dme and prevents semp errors. With Express Setup, the system is fully functional and ready to test the hardware and wiring before customizing a pazticulaz site. Vocabulary Editor. The system is muldlingual. It is available in English, French and Spanish; i[ can be operated in two coucurrent languages. TLe integrated Vocabulary FAitor tool allows users to aauslate the system into most languages. 4lultiple reader technology. EntrnPass Special Edition is compatible with Kantech's complete line of door conuollers: KT-100, KT-200 and KT- 300. This hae an added benefit when upgrnding eacisting sites thatrequire moTe flexibility and improved user interfaces. It also allows you to select the conholler tha[ best suits your needs. Intcrfacing with cxternal alarm paneis. KT-100 and KT-300 controllers I allow users to arm, disazm, and postpone ' I the azming of an ex[ernal alazm paneL This allows EntraPass Special Edition to ' easily integrate with otLer alazm systems. ~I Historical reporfs and Quick reports. EnuaPass Special Edition '-'allows the ability to define and generate % reports. Hisrorical repwrts are based on arcluved or filtered events and card use events. Quick repoits are based on ' selected groups of events such as door , ~I evenu and on event types (nomial, , ~ abnormal). i, li System Desktops. Pouc predefined ~ desktops provide the flexibility of ~ monitoring both access control and alarm ' '.._.activity._...__ Fac6 system desktap can be customized: name, background wlor, size, font, etc. EntraPass Special Edition is a comprehensive single-workstation software package designed for smaller installafions of up to 128 card maders. Easy to configure. EntraPass Special Edition allows users [o easily configure the access control softwaze using the Express Setup utility. With the appropriate user privileges, operators can define or modify pmrameters (such as schedules or access levels), generate reports or acdvate concrolled devices (such as locking oi unlocking doors, ac[ivating relays for lighting or air conditioning). ~/~:...:~~T . a~ ~IX~~ ~ 8 2002, 2003 Kantech Sys[ems. All rigLts reserved. Specificacionc may be modified witlrou[ notice. /Yy q/ LV!'1 j mmgmma rynems For updated infoimatioq please check ouc our Web si[e: www.kan[ech.com ONf446-0207 Easy to operate. Once devices aze defined, the system runs automatically. It lockstuulocks doors, aceivates relays, monitors inPuts, according ro schedules or system evenis. KANTECH' inugroted systems System Capacities Number of cards . Udimited KT-]OD (Stmd-alone).......... . 4,00(1 cacds KT-2(1[I (Stand-alone)..................... . .(1(N) cards RT300/126K (Stand-alone).......... 8,000 cazds KT-300/512K (Stand-alone).......... 56,fNM1 cazd+ Card fnmilies or si[e cades Unlimited Number of sites (loopx) ..2 Doorcontrollcn ..64 Cud readvs ..12R Keypadv 128 Monitared points (inpuc) ..1024 Monitaed point groups 100 per site Card uur access levels SW Scheddes (4 time intervalx each) 100 Hdidays 366 Holiday tYPes ...4 System operazor pasxwords........... ...Udimited Opera[or security Ievels .Unlimited Concuirent operalor laoguages ...2 Log prmler ...1 Opeonal Report printer l Op[ional ANi-paesback....... per contmller Daza 6ackup ufility Yes Configmabk deilclops Yes System Architecture ( _ SPECIAL EDITION F N T R A P A 5 S' . Specit5cations 1 Pracesso..................... ..Pen[ium IIU 800 MHz / Minimum RAM 128 MB 1 Free Itard disk space... 4 GB P Sc[een resolution ....800 x 600 (256 colors) 1 Operating System........ Win 98IN'C/2000/MelXP Ordering tnformation ESPE-EN. License for En4'aPass Special edition Software English versioa hxludes English Reference Manual. ESPE-MAN-EN. Addi[ional English Reference Manual. System Configuration 1 One workstauon 1 One optional log pcinmr & one optional report printer 1 2 loops, up to 32 convollers per laop 1 Up to 128 readers/keypads per system 1 RS-232 to wnnect KT-2001KT-300 or RS-485 to connect all controllers. NOTE: An RS-485 coneerter (.euch ae a VG485 or USB-485) i.e mandatory lor communication wifh KT-1001oops RS-485 Bus Up w 32 conwllers ..-----------L._ .,.i ~-~KT------- KI 11 C~~ `~~0 2002,2(~31CentechSystems-.SllrigL[sreserved.$pecificauonsmaybemodifiedwi[hou[naice. ~TG~r~i „rteg,aM erseems Fw updated infoema[ioM pleate check ou[ our Web si[e: www.kantechcom IXJf44BM07 1-800.MAGLOCK (624-5625) • www.sacuritron.can nucNaLaKO ovEevIErr Magnalocks are designed to secure airy type of dow or gate that closes against a fixed stop. The product consists af an elecho- magnetwhich mauntc onthefixed freme and a strike plate which mouMs on the moving door or gate. The strike plate is delivered with fasteners that permit itto flex sa thatwhen the door closes, it autamatically self aligns with the magnet Magnetic force then takes aver, strongly se- curingthe daor. Release is achieved byswitching off pawertothe mag- net CHOOSE iHE INDUSTRI( LEADER Securitron has been making electromagnetic locks since 1971 and has stayed atthe forefrontthanks to a continuing program of engi- neering imprwements. In security industrytrade journats, both install- ing dealers as well as end users have consistently chosen the MagnalockO as the most highly preferted product. We attribute this nat only to the producYs features but to its proven performanca in demanding applications. SELECI FROM A COMPLEiE PAINILY The Model 32 and 34 series provide 600 paunds "he8ic conhol" security similar to electric strikes, end are recommended for applica- tions where a physical assault on the door is not expected. Primary advantages of the Model 32 and 34 are lower cost and more compect size. For sliding doors, the Model 39R series offers recessed mouM- ing and results in 600 pounds of esthetically concealed holding power. The Model 62 series affers higher sacuriry wiffi 1,200 pounds nolding force. Entry cannot be forced without special tools, or 6efare the door or frame gives way. IYs recommended not only for high security open- ings, but for outdoor use on all gate types, too. At 1,800 pounds, the Model 82SC series puts out maximum MegPower! Applications far the Madel 82SC include prison facilities, or anywhere an axtre mergin of strength is required. Model 82SC is also effective on large exteriorgates; orwith a splitstrike plate on dou- ble doors. The incredible Sheer Aligning MagnalockO-SAM for short- permits concealed mounting in aluminum,wood and steel doors forthe ulfimete in finished appearance. SAM delivers 1,000 pounds holding force, maintains swing through operation nn double-acting duors, end even works on motorized bi-parting doors! ELECTROMAGNETIC LOCKS HIGH TECHNOLOGY MEANS PERFORMANCE Ip YOUR APPLICATiON Cresting the world's best elecROmagnetic lack calls for serious engineering. During its years of continued developmeM,the Magnalocko family has incorporated an array of edvanced festures (both physicel and electronic) that have made it what it is today. Along the way, it has earned two seperete U.S. pateMS and an impressive list of certrfica- tians. PHYSICAL CONSiR11CTION AND MOUNi1NG A lock should be tough. The MagnalocV comes in a stainless steel case and all ferrous metal surfaces are plated ta military specifi- cations. A 10 ft. integral cable makes wiring easy end the Megnalockm is et home indoon or out. Maunting is via hardened machine screws into self-collapsing blind nuts (four screws with the Model 62 and 82SC; two with the Model 32 and 34). Maunting screw holes are closed off M ASSA ABLOY Group comPanY MAGNALOCKS4 ~withtamper caps. Sheetmetal screws-which canwarkfree-are not used at all. Eventhe strike sex bolthas a massive 1-1/4° diameter head. While the standard mounting herdware resists "cesual" van- dalism and is cansiderebly stronger than the holding force of the Magnalackl, Securitran can supply tamper proaf hardware as an op- tion for high vandalism areas. Securitron tamper proof tasteners re- quire special tools for installation and removal. We can supply these tools for hand ar battery drill operation. Models 34R and SAM shear lock require mortising. ELKTRONIC PERFORMANCE First, Magnalocks are remarkablY efficientin power use.The 62 series operetes an only3watls.1250 mA at 12VOC or 125 mA at24VDC.) The 32 series uses 3-72 wa1h.(3D0 mA at 12 VDC or 150 mA at 24 VDC.) The 34 series, 82 series and SAM drew only 4 wetts. This benefit is especially importaMwhen large numbers of Magnalacks ere operated fram a central power supply connected ta the fire alarm system. MagnalockO efficiency generetes large cost savings in wire gauge, power supply and battery backup costs. Second, intemal electronics eliminate problems often found in ather designs. We reverse outresidual magnetism and acceleratefield collapse so that inductive kickback and EMI are suppressed so there's no arcing over coirtrol switches or interference with near6y electronic devices. Ferrous metal aging which cauld lead to stickiness over time is blocked. A U.S. paterrt has been grented on the Magnalock"s internal electronics. THE BENEfITS OF SECURING DOORS WITN MAGNETIC FORCE ALONE Elechomechenical strikes and locks have been around longer, but magnetic locks are increasingly dominating the industry. Why? We see four answers: Reliability, Securiry. Sefely end Simplicity of Instal- lation. Reliebiliry. Anything mecha nical wears out The MagnalocO has no moving parts and therefore possesses an unlimited operating life. Not many praducts perfarm for decades with no attention, butyou can getthis performancewhenyou selectthe MagnalocV. In eddition,the MagnalockO is unmetched in functionel reliahility. It releeses every time when switched off, asthere is nathing to jam. Because of rts self- aligning strike, it secures evary time the door closes. Problems of stiff latches and misaligned bolts simply don't exist Security. Electromechanical strikes and locks are positianed be- tween the door and freme. They can be successfully attacked with a saw, ar by spreading the door from the frame with a lever. The Magnaloce mouMS onthe otheraide af Ihe doorfrom an iMruder. The intruder must defeatthe door itself to get atthe lack. And in addition,the holding force afthe MagnalnckO can be se- lected-by choosing the appropriate madel-to exceed the strength ofthe door. Mounting position ofthe Magnalock* atthetop ofthe door enhences security by ellowing the door to flex during an impact at- tack. Extremely stiff doors, like thosefound in prisons, can benefitfrom the EASB Magnaloce accessorywhich creates a shock absorbing ef- fect (see MagnalocO options). Safery. Magna locks are often emplayed to secure doors that a re alsa emergency exit paths. In the event of a fire, it is vital for life safety that the doors immediately release to permit evacuation. This is done by routing the lock DC power thraugh auxiliary contacts opereted by the building fire alarm system. When the fire elarm activates, power is removed from all the locks. As there is nothing ro jam, the M agnalocks release every time. Instelletion Simpliciry. The Magnalock* surface mounts using only a drill and allen wrench. There is no routing, mortising or carpen- try work needed. It also effortiessly handles all the unusual situations where electromechanical locks and s[rikes don'twork: Narrow stile doors, dauble daors, roll-up doars, solid glass doors, 6ad ly fitting daors, swinging ar sliding gates of ell types. Bring them on! "SmaR" dual voltage. All Magnaloce models except Model 32 automatically determine and adapt to 12 or 24 volt power by drawing the correct amount of curreM. There is na possihility of mis-wiring. ModelGl ina verOCel mounton anaWminum fiame glass doa. Slwwn with TSB-3 6it Ber and Madel DK•16SS Mpdel32 mpurrtaAvarticallYon an aluminum Ireme gMss door, -iMeria view. Mode132SC maunted verticelly an an alurttinum heme niNCS (MOf - B.YIBIIO/YI@W. 1-800-MAGLOCK (624-5625) • www.securitron.com ~ ~ ~y i y4 q~ t 0 C~~ ti. The Aluminum Frame Shim Brocket is for use with eluminum irame glass doors. The brecket spaces the magnet bady down 1/2" to clearthe blade stop and provides afternate mounting hardware for the strike plate as with the magnet body spaced dawn, the standard sex bolt can iMerfere wi[h the glass. The pert numbers are ASB-32/62/82 with a finish suffix, ar "BK" far black anodized aluminum. , ~ i .,.e ~ r.r , s .~.w.._•-'---«..+. - - .4 ~.a.., _,«J The Concrete/Wood Frame Brecket is used on concrete filled or wood door frames. On cancrete frames, the bracket anchors to the frame via sheet mete I screws a nd the magnet mounts ta the bracket via machine screws. The bracketincludes a central splice area and avoids the problem of drilling a wireway through the concrete. On wood frames, 4" wood screws are employed ta penetrate deeply iMO the header. Separete part numbers are used for the Model 32, 62, and 82 series Magnalock CWB-32, CWB-62, CWB-82 with a finish suffix of "CL" for clear anod¢ed aluminum ar "BK" for black anadized aluminum. @E O t:~ p ~ C] The Universal Header Brecket is used to axtend a nartow hsader (often faund an aluminum frame glass daors) to permi[ mounting af the Magna lock. The bracket is positioned either to eutend 1" ar 1-1/2" and also serves to conceal the hookup cable within its hollow interioc Model UHB works with Model 32, 34 or 62 series Magnalacks and the longer UHB-82 works wi[h the Model 82. Bath with a finish suffix of "CL" for clear anodized aluminum or "BK" for black anodized aluminum. ~ ~e.+wt~!sRw-RCr ~ fVMMW?:Mldi MNMCN •IKtM R , w ' 1 R'4'MAtR+AI~h ~ iL( MtIXtiYAIOW VXI~ 4 ia!?S~MYv : sc.acr S?ML'L A l a , : - itYM~l1 ~ - • y 23 ~ ^ ! . H'x6lN ~ Moun6Rp on rxrtsrrrirrp "mg daor shawing updanal rrse ot Srnp Fdasr Plato amf Universa! flesder Bracket t Dreas Covers are separately available for the Model 32, 34, 62 a nd 82 series Magnalock. They install in seconds using structura I foam adhesive and perform three functions: The Caver improves thg aPPear- iECNNiCAI DATA Holding Fores 82SC series:1,8001bs: 816 Kg. 62 series: 1,2001hs.- 545 Kg. 34 series: 600 Ibs: 273 Kg. 32 series: 600 Ibs: 2731(g. Opereting EnvironmeM -40 to 60 C, -40 to 140 F. Suitable for outdoor use (NEMA 4X equiva- lent). All ferrous metal surfaces plated to MIL spec. Magnet case: brushed stainless steel standard. Power Required 82SC series: 350 mA at 12 VDC or 175 mA at 24 VDC 62 series: 250 mA at 12 VDC or 125 mA at 24 VDC 34 series: 350 mA at 12 VDC ar 175 mA at 24 VDC 32 series: 300 mA at 12 VDC or 150 mA at 24 VDC Voltage talerence: -10%+30%, unregulated acceptable. Dimensions Mode182SCMagneti7x3x1-3/4" 305 x 76 x 44.5mm Strike: 10' x 2-3/4k 112' 254 x 70 x 12mm Mode162Magnet8'x3"x1-3/4' 203x76x44.5mm Strike: 6' x 23/4'x 1/2" 152 x 70 x 12mm Madel34 MagneY. 9-3l4" x 1-3l4" x 1•1/8" 241 x 38 x 28.5mm Mode134R Magnet 9-1/2" x 1-112" x 1-1/8° 241 x38 x 28.5mm Strike: &318" x 1-7/16" x 7/16" 162 x 36.5 x 11mm Mode132Magnet8'x1-3/4'xt-1/Z' 2IX3 x44.5x38mm Strike: 6-1/2' x 1-5l8'x 1/2' 165 x 41.5 x 12mm Approvals end Listings Underwriter's Laboretories: SA6635 and BP7041 and R13976 Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada: CMS140, SA6635 and BP7041 TUV (Germany): 951063246890009 Baumuster Gapruft California State Fire Marshall: 4138-923:101 City af New York MEA: 25195E & 254-95E BHMA certrfied NYC Board of Standards and Appeals; 801-80-SA City of Cleveland: S-5-89 US Veteran's Administration:M.P.3 Part III US Defense Depar[ment Listed 1-800-MAGLOCK (624-5625) • www.securitron.com PateMs U.S. peteMs grerrted an Senstatfeature and iMernal electronics #4,516,114 & #4,682,801 EASB patent no. 5,758,913 OROERINC INFORMATION 82SC, 62, 34 (Oual Vohage) 32-12 (12 VoRs)l or 32-24 (24 Volts) Add "F" for face mountversion (Inswinging door). Add "SC" for Senstat Form C version (Model82 comes standard). Add "G" for conduitfitting (nat available with 32 and 34R MRCRIII.OdIS Nav.ro-x.,..w., awY.ry araw,A and/aAewsrns.W4h .M„~.. ..w.+.. Altronix AL,400ULACM '4=' Overview The AL400ULACM distributes controlled power to access control systems and accessories. It will convert a 115 VAC 50/60Hz input into eight (8) independent fuse protected 12VDC or 24VDC trigger controlled outputs. The outputs can also be configured as dry form "C" contacts. autputs are ac[ivated by an open collectar sink or normally open (NO) dry trigger input from an Access Control System, Card Reader, Keypad, Push Button, PIR, etc. Each output will route power to a variety of access control hardware and devices which include: Mag Locks, Electric Strikes, Magnetic Daor Holders, etc. Fuse protected outputs will operate in both fail-safe and/or fail-secure modes. A form "C" dry output relay enables Alarm Monitoring, HVAC Shutdown, Elevator Recall or maybe used to trigger other auxiliary devices. The fire alarm interface can be contigured for the following modes; a) Eight (8) outputs affected. b) Four (4) outputs affected and four (4) outputs unaffected (50/50 mode). ~WYIV Specifications: • UL listed burglar and access control power supply (UL603, UL294). • Input 115VAC 50/60Hz, 1.9 amps. • 4 amps continuous suDPly current at 12VDC • 3 amps continuous supply curtent at 24VDC • Field selectable 12VDC or 24VDC operation. • Power supply input options: a)One (1) common power input for ACMS and lock power (factory installed). b)Two (2) isolated power inputs (external power supply is required). (for this option output current is determined by the power supply connected, not to exceed a maximum of 10 amp total). • Eight (8) Access Control System trigger inpu[s. Input options: a)Eight (S) normally open (NO) inpu[s. b)Eight (8) open collector inputs. c)Any combination of the above. • Eight (8) independently controlled outputs. Output aptions: a)Eight (8) Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure power outputs. b)Eight (8) form "C" 5 amp rated relay outputs. c)Any combination of the above. • Eight (8) auxiliary power outputs (unswitched). (class2 power limited fused outputs are rated 3.5 amp). • Main fuse is rated at 10 amp. • Red LEDs indicate outputs are triggered (relays energized). • Fire Alarm disconnect (latching or non-latching). Fire Alarm disconnect input options: a)Normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) dry contact input. b)Polarity reversal from FACP signal circuit. Fire Alarm disconnect options: a)Eight (8) outputs affected. b)Four (4) outputs affected, four (4) outputs unaffected (50/50 mode). • Alarm output relay indicates that FACP input is tnggered (form "C" contact rated @ 1 amp 28VDC not evaluated by UL). • Green LED indicates when FACP disconnect is triggered. • Built-in charger for sealed lead acid or gel type batteries. • Maximum charge current .7 amps. • Automatic switch over to stand-by battery when AC fails. • Zero voltage drop when unit switches over to battery backup (AC failure condition). • Thermal and short circuit protection with auto reset. ~l . Page 1 of 2 http://www.altronix.com/p_html/AL400ULACM.htm 3/27/03 AL40DULQCM Access Power Controller With Power Supply - A i i i i i i i L T. 0 f'A 8G ___I} I-~---II u STAMw: R ~ ~ ~ ~L 1 ~ L ~G~E~Q ~ ~ STFtGING ~ < ~ eraavaa~ ~f T T T T /J~~ .4119 8l. ~ ~ r a~ A ug I ~ ~ I ~ r i . ARG • T4 9!'. I ~ AREA .2,270 SP. O GONSUt.TANT: p/~GKM0119TORA6C . I ARPh . 6,20J e.R. - - - - n MAIN 9JiLE3 T- AREA • 14, SP. L~~1_~J I I F- I rLTTT1~TL~~TtI - - I0 FOR: L~~.$-T r~ AREA F- f TTTTT I ~1D~ L R L R ~ R L e - ~ ~ g ♦ 5 6 7 D FLOOR I- LJ~'~I~l OPTION I 0~ KT-100 CONTROLLER KT-S00 CONTROLLER 12VDC POWER 12 MAGNETIC LOCK SUPPLY MAGNETIC LACK SU AND DOER ~ AH AND DOER CONTACT BATTERY CONTACT GENERAL GENERAL ALARM WILL ALARM WILL RELEASE ALL RELEASE ALL DOOR ~~CKS DOER LACKS F A C P FACP PROXIMITY O ~ CARDIMITY CARD READER READER i USB-485 WORKSTATION USB-485 , TYPICAL SINGE D❑❑R DIAGRAM TYPICAL D❑UB~E D❑ SET NUMS I TPP 3OZ7+ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-329 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :2/14/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3220 YOUNGIFELD ST Contractor License No. : 17517 Company : Air Flow Heating OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibtlity for wmphance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Phone : 433-6821 Phone: 477 1644 Construction Value : $500.00 Permit Fee : $15.00 Use Tax : $7.50 Total: $22.50 Description : ADD ONE FIRE DAMPER IN EXISTING SUPPLY DUCT WORK & ADD 5 NEW SUPPLY VENTS OFF EXISTING DUCTWORK TO ACCOM TENANT FIN. Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval : ~ OMM Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permi[ was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur appliwtion and is subject to Ne laws of the SWte of Coloratlo and to the Zoning RegulaUons and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) Ne builtling au[horized is suspended or abandoned for a period ot 120 tlays. (3) It this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a Fee of one-hal( the amount nortnally required, provi0etl no changes have been or will be made in ihe original plans an0 specifiwtions antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetled one (1) year. If chan9es are made or if suspension or abantlonmen[ exceeds one (1) year, (ull fees shall 6e paitl for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natu2l flax of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Builtling Inspector twenly-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspec6on card before proceediing with successive phases of Ne 7ob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings antl specifications shall not be construetl to.be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation oF the provisions of the buildin4 cotles or anV other ordinance, law, rule or regulatlon. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 wesT 29tn AvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0, 237-6944 ExT. 255 P.O. BoX 63e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHiEF BUIIDING iNSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. Y ~ APPLICATION FOR MISC ~ ELLANEOUS PER I 1 JOB ADDRESS ZZJ M~+ ~.,C OWNER n ~ C 4e 4 - ';F1 ADDRESS 3z CONTRACTOR - , 4 ,.,,r ~°V ADDRESS ~~tl ...a _ m~~ je'A ZG PHONE z-ZIPCOD ~ + C°I~ -azIP CODE e~ tt CONTRAC PR E$ CITY _ oU.,.lc -ti-T -it, G,I iicFtisFUn DATE tl❑ TYPE G Woll❑ Proietfinp❑ 0ther SaDFeee roun I. Totol Square Faet SIGNS 2. MATERIAL ❑ ❑ T Permil No Elset No 3, ILLUMINATION Yes 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LME N (Spacify wnicn ie front) YDS _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ . Zone_ . Apprwod,ZOne Inspeetor DisopDrwed 1. TYPE Solido More Thon 80% ODenO MATERIAL ? Less Thon 80% Open HeiOht FENCES . 3 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LME N (SVecity wnien it front) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zme_ Approwd,Zono MsDeefa DisaDOroved I . 2 OTHER 3 . DRAW SKETCH OFt SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIWhG DISTANCES FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACKS OR GROJECTpNS INCI.UDED) ~ SPECIFV NORTH STREET N4ME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY lINES; ON IRREGULAR WTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY IINES, NOT MA7(IMUM OR pVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMITTO PERFORM TNE INDICATED WORK ONLY l1PON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STAFTED WITHIN THAT TIME. _ ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINI.M VARE UNDER SRE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM 15T 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. FUEL~CirclsOn~ Gat OII Propa» lcooo Elx Solar Np. WATER CLASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - P.MPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE - AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTMER HEATING POWER SU9-LIFCUITS GARBAGE DISP WATER HEATER REFRI6ERATION SVSTEM Retri erant Goup UTILITY(RANGE,DISP05ER,ETC) AUTO.WASMER Pounds Cnor e FIXTURES DISH WCSHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS d CONTROLS FI.DOR DRAIN EIEVATOR SIGNS URINAI. TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOiORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI%TURES 1 1 I I I i I hereby ncknowledqe tho1 this oDPliw- tion u eorrect and understand tnot I connot ftart this Drojtltt until Ihis aDGli- totion it ap0ioved. I shall compty wifh the lows of Ihe State o1 Colorado ond to the ZoninQ Repulatione ond Buiidina Code ottha City of Wheoi RidQe. Any violotion ol the above terme wiit couse immldiale revocahon qf thIs Dermit AeoIioenl. slv.etJ. PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE GHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR,Oy of Wheat Ridqe Date Issued~`, ~ 9 S A NOT CALL 237-8941 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS