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3301 Youngfield Street
INSPECTION RECORD Inspection online form: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/inspection Cancellations must be submitted via the online form before Sra nrrthe-ela a inspection Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site Request an inspection before MIDNIGHT (11:59 PM) to receive an inspection the following business day PERMIT: ADDRESS: LjCi JOB CODE: _ fL-- Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 102 Caissons / Piers 103 Footing / P.E. Letter 104 Foundation Setback Cert. 105 Stem Walls 106 Foundation wall Insulation Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Underground / Slab Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 201 Electrical / Cable/ Conduit 202 Sewer Underground Int. 203 Sewer Underground Ext. 204 Plumbing Underground Int. 205 Plumbing Underground Ext. 206 Water Underground Do Not Cover Underground or Below / In -Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspection Date Inspector Initials Comments 301 Rough Framing 302 Wall Sheathing 303 Roof Sheathing 304 Sheer Inspection 305 Insulation 306 Mid -Roof 307 Metal / Lath / Stucco 308 Rough Electrical Residential 309 Rough Electrical Commercial 310 Electrical Meter Residential 311 Electrical Meter Commercial 312 Temp. Const. Meter 313 Rough Plumbing Residential 314 Rough Plumbing Commercial 315 Shower Pan SEE OVER FOR ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS a PERMADDRESS:ur X', �,f JOB CODE: Rough Inspection (continued) Date Inspector Initials Comments 316 Rough Mechanical Residential 317 Rough Mechanical Commercial 318 Boiler / Furnace 319 Hot water tank 320 Drywall screw and Nail E'�. - �`� VGl-\' {�>_ 321 Moisture board / shower walls 322 Rough Grading 323 Miscellaneous Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 402 Gas Meter Release 403 Final Electrical Residential 404 Final Electrical Commercial 405 Final Mechanical Residential 406 Final Mechanical Commercial E'�. - �`� VGl-\' {�>_ 407 Final Plumbing Residential 408 Final Plumbing Commercial 409 Final Roof 410 Final Window/Door 411 Landscape/Park/Planning* Inspections from these entities shall be requested one week in advance. *For landscaping and parking inspections please call 303-235-2846 **For ROW and drainage inspections please call 303-235-2861 ***For fire inspections please contact the Fire Protection District for your project. 412 Row/Drainage/Public Works** 413 Flood plain Inspection** 414 Fire Insp. / Fire Protection*** 415 Public Works Final** 416 Storm Water Mgmt.** 417 Zoning Final Inspection* 418 Building Final Inspection Note: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building Inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. For Low Voltage permits please be sure that rough inspections are completed by the Fire District and Electrical low voltage by the Building Division. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: 2 a t j 0 0?j 20 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 1 D I C-) AM4� _M) Re -Inspection required: Yes No i. When corrections have been made, call f r e -inspection at 303-234-5r3, Date: t Z)4- 1 )Inspector: \-Pc 046� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Mechanica PERMIT - 201708720 PERMIT NO: 201708720 ISSUED: 10/31/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 3301 Youngfield St EXPIRES: 10/31/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace 2.5 ton AC condensor in same location, like for like. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER 303-279-5565 LAQUINTA SUB (303)956-1970 Don Smith 090399 Tri Star Heatng & Air LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,500.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 52.50 Permit Fee 93.35 ** TOTAL ** 145.85 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as partes to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) ate I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division-—-, 6. The issuanc - ranting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any licabl - e dmance;i� rc4u jE t on of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to f eld inspection. Si azure of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat 1dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(a-)ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Plan/Permit # dol �l 'q ~� 2—o Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: (3:QC) E \( Dupy.D Property Owner (please print): La, ('v) U i k_g- A Phone: 3 00 7 (- 55 Property Owner Emai Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: k' l Arch itectlEngineer E-mail: ><J(a Phone: Contractor: I5 ,% l�pt 4\g_�— Contractors City License #: Phone: � -,5 S'a -b �� Contractor E-mail Address: if T )l Le, . , Grz; e�4i+l,-: i_,L Sub Contractors: Electrical W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form —A COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) f Sq. FULF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other IProject Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) I OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. 1, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR)'or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name):.. DATE: ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ irk* -W 11161 , 1111112111111 �# Detailed destription of records requesteti: Building Permit for LaQuinta Inn 3301 Youngfieid Service Road. Any information as to whether handicapped ramps were installed at time building was built or at a later date would be appreciated. I believe the bulding was constructed in the mid 1980's,. Thank you, Ellen • .... ... ..... ...... .. .. . .......... . MOM1161=1 ' III "*r*T • Research & Retrieval INN "*10LIMAM&MVIAM Transfer to Computer media May also include Research & 111ormcifion 21 fees ideos ore mointoined only 6 'nonths offer the meeting rnimutes )re approved Budget book or other large publication -M* MUM= O lga, City Clerk f ~ . . ' . . . . . . . . Gity af Wheat Ridge :i ~ A 6~ae rcial Sign PERMTT - 080864 ' PERMIT NO:080&60 . . ISSUED: 07/31/2008.Jf1& ADDRS5S: 3301 .Y9LJ*GFfRLD :ST . . EXPIRES: . . 01/21/2009 . DESCA3PTI6N: Replace sign faee . . . . . ~r+ CON~ACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . owner303/237-0888 LaQuinta Inn gc. 303J295.-2090...Mike.NUdd 01-6581 Denver 3ign Sy9tems, Inc.•. ;FARCEL~INFO . . . . . . . , . . Z0136 CObB: UA USE: UA SUSpIVISION: UA . BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ . *+.FE$ SUMMARY . . . . ESTINSATfiD PROJECT VALUATION: . . 250.00 . . . , . FEES . . TptaY ValuatiQn . . .00 . ~ Use 2ax ~ . 4.50 . . TOTAL . . . . . . 4.50 . . . . . . Coriditions : AT pIE. . . . . . . . . . I herebyycertify ihat the aBCback di9tancee pzopoeed by thie permit appllcation are accurate, and do nop violate applicable. ord'inancee:,rulea or:zegulatl4ne:of the City.of..wheat Ridge.or covenants,eaeemente.or reetrictione of record; [hat all: measuiemente..ahown, andallegatione mafle are accurate;thati have zead and agree to abide by all oonditioqa prieted on thieapplic6tion'and Cha¢ 1 a0aume Iullreaponeibility for compliaace with the cIIieat aidge Building Cbde(I.e.C)~and all othe[ apylacablq Wheat RidgG Ozdnnanaee, 6or woYk under Chis pezmit. Plans eubject to field inapection. Signature ofcontrackoi/ov}nei date . i. Thia permit fvae ie9ued in accordance witti the provieioneeet Porth in your application and ieeubject to the laay of.Ghe :9tat2rof C:olorado and.to the7,oni[lg,Regulatione and Building Codea of Nheat-Ridge, Colorado nY any othElapplicatile ordlnahceS:oS the CSty. . . . . . . . . . 2. Thie pernu.t ehail expize 180daye frwn the'SSetae date. Aequee[e'.Etlc az# "teneionmugt 6e received prior to.ezpiiation . date. An erztGnsion my be qYanted~aCthe diecretion of the Building OYficial. 3.Ip tflie.permitexpisee, a new.pezmit may be aCquired for:a fee of one-halE the-amoun[. normal3Yreguired, pYnvSded..no ..ehangeshave b&en or will be:made in the ori9inal plane and epeci€icatione andany auepeneion.ora6andonment hae:not;excpeded une ill yeat. If changea have been or if euepenaion or.abandoninent exceede one (1) yeas,full Eeee 9ha11be,paid for a neyv permnt. . ' . - . a: -NO work oi~any mannez ahsll be dana that wilY change the natural flow of water causing a dzainage problem.'--5. Contzactorsha1S noCiiy the.auilding Inepeetos twenty-four (24) houre in advance foz allinapectione and ehall reCeivewYit4enapproVZl.o¢.inepCCtion.card.befoze proceeding with eucceeaive phaeee of the~joL. 6. .The,iesuanee:of apermit or the approval of drawingeand epecificatione ahall not be conetruedto be apermit LoT, nor an apprwal Of,any vlolation oE e proviaions of the building cadea or any other otdinance,3aw,zuleor regulatiori: . All pkanxeview }e~eubje .f inepecCione. . . . . Signaeura of Chief Sui1diPE galdate INSpg~ O]7.R$Q1788TZ~$t (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 ' :REQUESTS MUS'1' BE MAME 9Y 3YM ANYBUSINESS DAYFOR INSPECTIONTHE.FOLLOWING~HUSINESS DAX. , Fw"Ear,~ City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-235-2857 c o Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 ~(ORPD Building Permit Application Date: Q`~ I- ~g Plan Permit Ogb M Property Address: '5' ?p f y0 utl,q A £e- S E1,~ 0- £ 12-4 Property Owner (please print): Phone: 0 3 - -7 3 7-0,P~~,' Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Contractor: f vLv £R-- Sl E n C ~c• Contractor License Phone: (3) ~2'S`'ac99'D Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Company: Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: .D Construction Value: Use of space (description): S ~ 6~ (as calculafed per the Buildinq Valuafion Data sheeU DescriPtion of work: ~^f ~O C e ~p Plan Review (due at time of submittal): E Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN7 cable ordinances, I hereby certify thaf the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate appli rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or re striclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and lhat I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to fieltl inspection. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ~o/f {OWNER) (CONTRATOR) JI~1 KL IV vdD SIGNATURE: Zi't~-a Date: /U-U PRINT NAME: ZONING COMMENTS: &e Zoning: fG~ Reviewec A 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY: FIRE DEPARTMENT:: ❑ appfOVed w/ commenl5 ❑ disappfoved ❑ no feview required Bldg Valuation: La Quinta Sign (.U , 3,,2 14 vAr- 4 r9 W N ~ VJ 9 J W I^ ~ I ~ ~ w - - - - , Z ~ ~ S ~ ~ , WJE ENGWEERS ARCHITECfS MATERIALS SCIENTISTS 22 May 2007 Mr. Don Smith Custom Welding & Fabrication 43224 London Drive Parker, Colorado 80138 3301 nq e~ ~rv. ~lou I?Cf . Re: La Quinta - 3tair Replacement Golden, Colorado WJE No. 2006.5140 Dear Mr. Smith: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 10881 Wesl Asbury Avenue, Suite 110 Lakewood, Colorado 80227 720.962.8688 tel 1720.962.8488 fac On 17 May 2007 we made a site visit to observe the work that was completed at tbe above referenced project. The work items we observed were the new steel stairs, railing, concrete landings; and masonry repair work of existing brick walls at the staircases. We observed that the work was in substantial compliance with our drawings. Please cail iF you have any questions. Very truly yours, WISS, JANNEY ~ Luis F. Estenssoro, P.E. Senior Consultant Compliance Itr.doc ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~•~~ESTE~S „~C~ v..~ so:, 23302 F^S'r'/••.....••~ Atlanta He~'9u atte eslMinneyPolis/N~w ah~ lN W~Veld~O,e& N~n yo~~pn a~lasln_hb'00k www.wje.com os;ovzoor 13:39 FAX ~ r ~ ~ ~ I ('US'.['UM '1Wk;l..I.JyN(i AND FAEiRl:(:ATlON,1NC. 4~224 London Dr. Par4r, Colorado $0138 103-680-0817 720-870-0472 FAX FAX I'itANSMITTAL ~ . , ! 11ate: 6~-1-zO i ' I'a f'rom: DcnnaYd 5nagt}i 11.ALX Tium.ber: 3G3-~-235- 2 85p Nrxniber oi`' Pages Inclocling Cover Sheet: O/V % ~l~/ / f ~ uooi .i2007 ia:aa Fnx ?~3n~ ~O1,ka~1~e~Gj ~rv. t2c~. Uooz 05/22/2007 15:22 7299628488 W~SS JANNEY ELSTNER PAGE 02/02 [T J r T'"' l aNOiNeens Wiss, Janne►, Elatncr A9soCebs, Ina f~, nRCHrreCfs 1D8BtWestA~eyAvenue,Buite110 WJ l.s I MA7E1lWS5C1£I4T[SIS Lakenood,Colaado80227 720.982.9sB8 ►N I 720.982.8498 fex wwn,wje.com zz mav zpo7 Ivxr. Aon Smisli CusCOm WDicling & Fabricaklon 43224 Lotidon Drive Pazker, Color.ado 80138 Re: La Qui.nta - Stair Replacbtbent Golann, Colorado W7E No. 200G.5140 Dear M*. Smi[h: Oa 17 May 2007 we made a sitp vieit to ob,%erve tbe work ttiat was complered at the above referented project. The wo[k items we observerl were the new stCel stai[s, railin$, concreDe landings; and mesomry ropair work of axicting brick walle at the staircases. Wa obeervod that tbe work was in subsYantial compliance with aut dtawiags. Please ¢all if you have any queqtiod9. Very Ynily you*s, VvLSS, JANNEY,,FL9TNER A&SOCTA7TS, INC- C.r Lms F. Estenssoro, P.E. ~0. Senior Consultant ~ ~O • 25302 ComWlMCa Hr.doc ~'^F`n ~C+~ e,,R44 T ~ 06122~; HeadquaAers 6 Ldiwotorla-Nodh6roolt, 1610is AUama I pusnn IBoon I Chlcwo I Cwveiar,d I oailw I D+me~ I odm IHanokAu IMs~^ ws aigelee I MhneWalis I New tiaven I nen vork I rrinoeton I asn Frendeco 18019e 1 wearurq~on, oc 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax:303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 11 June 2007 Kristi Jackson The Planning and Zoning Resource Corporation 100 NE 5`h Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 RE: 3301 Youngfield Service Road Dear Ms. Jackson: I have received your request for zoning verification for the property located at 3301 Youngfield Service Road in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). This zoning designation allows a wide range of uses as specified on the approved development plan (the "Seventy West Business Center Combined Outline and Final Development Plan"). One of the listed allowed uses is "hotel/motel". The property currently contains an existing hotel. While it is difficult to ascertain if any violations are present on the site, it should be noted that currently there are no open code enforcement cases for the property. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at 303.235.2849 or taraueL(bci:wheatrid =e.co.us. Sincerely, Oi " Travis R. Crane Planner II Kristi Jackson 100 NE 5`n Street To: Date: Subject: The Planning & Zoning Resource Corporati 100 NE 5 Street • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 Toll Free Telephone (800) 344-2944 • Fax (405) 418-2284 Kathy Field ~ May 23, 2007 a' Zoning Verification Letter for: La Quinta # 636 La Quinta 3301 Youngfield Service Road - Golden, CO We have been asked to obtain an updated zoning verification letter on the above- mentioned property. Please consider this a formal request for a letter outlining the following questions: n • What is the current zoning classification of the property? • Is the current use as a hotellmotel with kitchenettes in guest rooms permitted either by right or special permit or as a pre-existing use? • In the event special or conditional use permits were required can you provide either a copy of the permit or include a statement that one has been issued and is in effect? • Are there any open or uncured zoning violations on file for this site? Please address the zonina letter to: The Planning and Zoning Resource Corporation 100 NE 5" Street OKC, OK, 73104 Please fax the comp/eted zoninp letter to mv direct fax number at 405-418-2284 bv June 15, 2007. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on the above matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number above, ext 3243 or via email at kristij@pzr.com. Sincerely: Kristi Jackson Document Specialist ~WH~T City of Wheat Ridge ~OLoRaCommercial Miscellan PERMIT - 061226 PERMIT NO: 061226 ISSUED: 12/20/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 3301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE RD EXPZRES: DESCRIPTION: Replace 6 stair cases. CONTACTS La Quinta Inn owner 817/690-2745 qc 303/660-0817 Donald Smith 06-0239 Custom Welding & Fabrication PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATZON: 60,000.00 FEES Permit Fee 927.95 Plan Review Fee 603.17 mo Total Valuation '00 Use Tax 1,080.00 TOTAL 2,611.12 Comments: Okay with notes on plans ai'j3 subject to field inspection by Chad Root Stairs to be installed to code at time the hotel was built. I hereby certify that the aetback distances proposed by thie permit application aze accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenante, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurementa shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditiona printed on this application and tha[ I aesume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Huilding Code (I.B.C) and all other app 9ble Wheat Ridge Ordina s, f k under thie permiL Plans eubject to field inspection. ~ ~2-I 3 D~ ~ date the 1. Thie permit wae issued in accordance with the prwiaions set forth in your applicatCOlorado1or9anyeothe~r applicablef the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codea of Wheat Ridge, ordinances of the City. 2. Thia permit ahall expire if (A) the work authorized ia not commenced within eixty (60) days from ieeue date or (H t e building authorized is euspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. zovided no 3. If this pexmit expires, a new permitmay be acquired foz a fee of one-half the amount normally required, p has changee have been or will be made in the o=iginal plans and specifications and any euspension or abfual fees shallot exceeded one (1) year. If changee have been or if auspension or abandonmen[ exceeds one (1) yeaz, be paid for a new pexmit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natunal flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before pzoceeding with successive phaees of [he job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications ehall not be construedlaW b=ule ormregulation an apprwnl of, any violation oE the provieions of the building codes or any other ordinance, All plan rev6 aubj5jp tS,;Aw~,napections. Signature ie£ Building fica . date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDZNG OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Dlo-~ z ~s' , . of WHEqr P City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Number: ~ m Community Development Department Date: ro~oRpoo G'OM14lERCIAL & MULTI-F.AMlLY B UILU IN(t FER l ~ITAk'P.~ICA TION Property Owner: I9v1'Vfr'L /5 n/ PropertyAddress: ~~i0/ }lOV^'~'jF%dl~~~'Y,GG- KO`~ Phone: Contractor License No.: Company:ClJS"7~f Phone:~,jJ~~U . OWNfR/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Buildin4 Dept. Valuation Figure: $ I hereby certify that the setback disiances proposed by this permit application are - accuiate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Va]lle:$ 6a VJheatRidgeorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsofrecord;thatallmeasurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by alI PeITT11C FEO:$ ...collditions. printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for corppliancewith the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and ail otherapplicable Wheat P13t1 R0V10W FCO:$ Ridge Ordinances, forwork under this permiL Plans su ject to field inspection. US0 T3X: . '.(OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)'. SIGNE °7~ 4A ~ DATE12"1S~jr( TOtdl:$ . :(OWNEft)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED,a,--nf,,t/L ~~1f1'i'1 DATEIZ'If Use of Space (description): &L161-C? ' Description of work: "Sq.Ft.added BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ' . ZONING COMMENTS Approval: Zoning: `BUILDINGCOMMENTS: . . ApprovaC f-- 1/ PUBLtCWORKSCOMMENTS: LCo6 . Approval: ' lREDEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Efecttical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Aooroval: Approval: Approval: (t) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set fodh in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of COlofado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheal Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of . the City. . ~ (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building , authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. ' (3) If fhis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half fhe amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and anysuspension or abandonment has not exceeded one . (1)year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for anew permit. . '(4) . . No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naWral flow of water causing a drainage problem. . . (5) Coniredor shall nolify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. .(6) . The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, anyviolalion ofthe provisions ofthe building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule orregulation. All plan review . is SUbject to field inspectians. Chief Building Official 12/05l2006 09:07 7209628488 WISS JANNEV ELSTNER PAGE 03/03 ~ j W ~~~9 P`0~ LA QUIN7A GpLDEN Proj. No. 2008_5140 J Mn.enwc.sacmNns~s Date 11/28106 `ftM nrawn SAB '"li'."^"°','E'°`'"'^°°°`'°"°, 10B87WeelAebur Avenue 5Lai t7 CUSTOM WELDING h0Ck8d WPC r ; , y e 0 + + ~ `"kewaod,O°'"°'°~ 72D.eG211esa mi I no.sss.oegg fex AND FABRICATION SC219 1/2" TYPICAL STAIR ELEVATION Si nae rva GENERAL NOTES 1. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1982. 2. SHEEf S1 IS A GENERAL SCHEMATIC. 3. ALL EXPOSED STEEL IS TO BE COATED WITH A ZINC-RICN PRIMER AND TOP 12/05/2006 09:07 7209628488 WISS JANNEY ELSTNER PAGE 02/03 WALLS SHOWN FOR CLARITI' z REPI.ACE CHANNEL IN KIND E,qCH END ALL FOUR 51DE5 1/4 la/ 3" 0 9 2" ~ ~~4 a.c., ~rrp. _ #4 ~ ~2" O.C. a a 3x3x1/4" ANGLE, REBAR B070M FULL PERIME7ER COVER 1" MIN. 8'-6"f FIELD VERIFY N07E5 AND COMMENTS: LANDING ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING BLaCK WALLS SHALL BE AS PER ORIGINAL DETAILS. CONCRETE: f'c = 4000 psi 6% f 2% AIR ENTRAINMENT INTERIOR ANQ EXTERIOR OF STEEL LANDING FRAMES SHALL BE PAINTED PRIQR TO CONCRETE PLACEM°_N7. THE WELDED AREAS SHALL BE PAINTED AFTEft WELbING. THE ENDS OF THE WELDED REBAR SHALL BE PAINTED FOR A LENGTH OF 6". PAINT SYSTEM: STANDARD EPOXY COATING 2 PART SYSTEM PRIMER 0 557 zINC, 3 mils MIN. TOP COAT, 4 mils MIN. REF. McMASTER-CARR OR EQUIVALENT T829T12 - PRIMER T$29T3 - TOP COA7 COLOR CHOICE BY OWNER REBAR: #4 0 12" SPACING, EACH pIRECTION GRADE 60, WELDABLE EI sNamesae ,,,JC„MUS ''f0re" ` LA QUINTA GOLDEN ProJ. No. 2008.5140 J mnnsnins.,xm.Zrnara Date 12l4l06 Drawn SAe WMs,Jsnnry,EletnerNSeehtu,urc. GII9nd CUSTOM WELDING Checked wPC~F~ 10867 WqRlp6pt1ryAv01WB, S1111B 710 Loh.wme, CdvrodoB=} AND FABRICATION Scale 3!4" =1'-0• ,za,eu,eaee ta i rzo.eea.eaee re sh"nxo ARwYlAU01~I~ Ck MM ~ ~ ~ PLATFORM SEC710N . ~I I I ~ I~ I~d AepYr I~N~ 1 M'/ IM~ I Nw Yee TypIGAL DETAIL SZ A~I~~ww.l~l~s•ac Yl1V1AK111TJ19{I• W ljp1~IR~lpl~({~ Outside of apartment complex 2. Article Number 7160 3901 9644 6338 9647 i 3. Service Type CERTIFIED MAIL 4. Restricted Delivery? (EMre Fee) ❑ Yes , 1. ArticleAddressetlto: Re: 3301 Youngfield St. Ledgemet Entertainment 3900 W. Innovation St Sioux Falls, SD 57107-7002 PS Form 3877, by C. SiBneNre ✓-~~,l.Z)~/ D. le tlelivery atltlress tliXereM from ttem It VES, entar dalivery atltlress below: uomasuc newm M 7160 3401 9844 633E 9654 3. SeMce TYPe CERTIFlED) IL I 4. Reatnctetl MA An~eiY? (EMia Feel f~ 1;.i_ . . . A. 1~tlj rya~E Mana 3301gyountf1of La Quinta Inns Golden, COeld Serv Rd. 80401 . , • 7 A. Rec N 2, pRicle Number W~a ~A0 AOdi Yes X irom rtem 14 g No 3 ~pYES.enle~0~~ „atlErassbelow: q~44 6338 9~ ~y~ 3~q1 3. ~rvice 7YP0 CEPTIflED MAIL ❑Yes ; 4. Restricted DeliveN~ (E~ra Fee) `~an;ctanaareuealo: {ield Service Rd. Re; 3301 Youn9 ~ _ La Quinta IRid9e 600 909 Hidden 75038 Irvine, TX 2, qhicle Number . 7160 3901 9644 6338 9616 Service T FlED MAIL Yes pestricteE De1"eryf'E"ra Fee) Current Occupants 3301 Mindfield Rd. Golden, X .as aedressd'Merentfmm~~em14 p'l D. I delivery atlOrass below: 1_.. . ~ VES, enler delivery , . • ' 2. Article Number B. p. eceive Ey (Pleese PrintC dy) / C f e ~ D. Is delivery atldress CiHerent irom Hem 17 It YES, enler Oelivery adtlress below: 71611 3901 3. ServiceType CEPT1flEDMAIL ~ ~ Yea 4 Resinded Delivery7 (EMra Fee) 1. Article Addressed to: Re: 3301 Youngfield Service Road World Cinema 9801 Westheimer 409 Houston, TX 77042 Petum PS Form'sni 1, 4u.r - FROM :BiLL RORDY FRK N0. :817-424-3524 Sep. 28 2006 10:32AM P1 NOV-29-2006 WED li :30 Aki FROV,CtI5T6M WELDING ANQ FABBO FAX:7208900472 PAGE 1 _ ~ CU3TOM WEi.11AWG APID BABRICATlONONG 4.'~224 LONDON DA PA=R, COY.dR1ri0 90198 3p3.6&1-A817 720476-"72 BA7i November 29. 7.f10b City of Wbeau'1d80 ~ ~~t gepIVMW of 3trus rt Is QuiM Iuas Thenk you fin youi foedbrdc regetdinC the ProJect at tbc La Qatata ~nns. Tt was good tRltcmB ta you an tLe phoae. Per aux ooxlveteudaa+, we ace rocluwtiaR en mAmsioa of tha deadiuie for the six amir oese xeplsMnmb, ettbe £OllowinK lao~ TA Quinta IAns 3501 YounG&ld Sea+'iaa Rvsd C3olden, Calasado.80401 Cwnal Managex: Keacn Oliva Tha purpose of tha eMmim mlueg is so we aan Pull ePerudt $ar the job. We greft sveal& Your as~utum an this taearer. If yon bavc m►Y 4adoas °t omoom p1mae do aot HedtW * aaalrot eithm Don at Ouboma W44in8 md Febricedion. ar Karen ati La Quinte. Siacerely. (Qm,or& //-Zjr,AG: n~a s~ net° cumm wcuwa ma Fabnaum E WHEAT O R ti o ~ U C~[ORP~O NOTICE AND ORDER To PROPERTY OWNER AND ALL CURRENT OCCUPANTS Pursuant to the 1997 Edition and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buiidings, the 1997 Uniform Housing Code and the 2003 International Property Maintenance Code, the following property is in violation. According to County Records you are the property owner of the described property in violation. ~„f io/3~job October 19, 2006 , . - Property Owner: Atm: Management of La Quinta Inns 7ybp 3901 9844 6338 9654 3301 Youngs Field Service Rd Golden CO 80401 , Lodgenet Entertainment 7160 3901 9844 6336 9647 3900 W. Innovation ST. 1 Siowc Falls SD, 57107-7002 . World Cinema 9801 Westheimer 409 7160 3901 9844 6338 %30 Houston TX, 77042 NIMMOMESIOMM , - La Quinta Inn more _ 909 Hidden Ridge 600 7160 3901 9844 6338 9623 Irvine, TX 75038 ~ - • ~ ~ Current Occupants • ' ' 3301 Youngfield Service Rd 7160 3901 9844 6338 9616 Golden CO, 80401 ~ . D ~ . . Property Description: commonly known as: La Quinta 3301 Youngsfield Service Rd Golden Colorado 80401 NOTICE The property owner, and all current occupants, are hereby notified that the undersigned Building Official of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, has found the building located on the above described real property to be a Dangerous Building within the meaning of Section 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1997 edition, as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado ("Code"), as more particularly set out below: The building is being used for dwelling purposes and is in violation of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buiidings, sections in bold are the sections that this property is in violation of. SECTION 301- GENERAL For the puipose of this code, certain terms, p1n'ases, words and their derivarives shall be conshued as specified in either this chapter or as specified in the Building Code or the Housing Code. Where temu are not defined, they shall have their ordinary accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. Webster's Third new International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridge, copyright 1986, shall be construed as providing ordinazy accepted meanings. Words used in the singulaz masculine gender include the feminine and the feminine the masculine. BUILDING CODE is the Infernational Code Council, as adopted by this jurisdiction. DANGEROUS BUILDING is any building or shucture deemed to be dangerous under the provisions of Section 302 of this code. HOUSING CODE is the Uniform Housing Code promulgated by the Intemational Conference of building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdicrion. INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE is ihe 2003 International Property Maintenance Code promulgated by the Intemational Code Council, as adopted by this jurisdiction. SECTION 302 - DANGEROUS BUILDING For the puzpose of this code, any building or shucture which has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous building, provided that such conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public or its occupants are endangered. 1. Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is not of sufi'icient width or size or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic. 2. Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is so warped, worn. Loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic. 3. Whenever the siress in any materials, member or portion thereof, due to all dead and life loads, is more than one and one half times the working sness oi stresses allowed in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, putpose or location. 4. Whenever any portion theieof has been damaged by fue, earthquake, wind, flood or by any other cause, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the minimum requuements of the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, pucpose or location. 5. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is ]g el ~y tp f~, or to become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure peisons or dama e ro e 6. Whenever any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or omamentarion on the exterior thereuf is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not so anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of one half of that specified in the building Code fot new buildings of similaz shucture, purpose or location without exceeding the woxking s4essed permitted in the Building Code for such buildings. 7. Whenever any portion thereof has wracked, wazped, buckled or settled to such an extent that walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to winds or earthquakes than is requued in the case of similaz new consuuction. 8. Whenever the building or sfructute, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidarion, deterioration or decay; (ii)faulty construcrion; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such buildings; (iv) the deteriorarion, decay or inadequacy of its foundarion; or (v) any other cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse. 9. Whenever, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is manifestly unsafe for purpose of which it is being used. 10. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural members list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle on third of the base. 11. Whenever the building or shucture, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33 percent or more daznage or deterioration of iu supporting membei or members, or 50 percent damage or deterioration of its non-supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings. 12. Whenever the building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or detenorated as to become (i) an attractive nuisance to children; (ii) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to (iii) enable persons ro resort thereto for the parpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts. 13. Whenever any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the building regulations of this jurisdiction, as specified in the Building Code or , Housing Code, or of any law or ordinance of this state or jurisdiction relating to the condition, location or structure of buildings. 14. Whenever any building or shvcture which, whether or not erected in accordance with a all applicable laws and ordinances, has in any non-supporting part, member or portion less than 50 percent, or in any supporting part, member or portion less the 66 percent or the (i) s4ength, (ii) fire-resisting qualities or characterisrics, or (iii) weather-resisting qualiries or characterisrics required by law in the case of a newly constructed building of like azea, height and occupancy in the same location. 15. Whenever a building or struchue, used or intended to be used for dwelling pucposes, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise, is deternvned by the health officer to be unsanitary, unfit for human habitation or in such a condition that is likely to cause siclaiess or disease. 16. Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate eaits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the fire marshal to be a fire hazard. 17. Whenever any building or s[ructure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance known to the common law or in equity jurispiudence. 18. Whenever any portion or a building or stnicture remains on a site after the demolirion or destrucrion of the building or structure or whenever any building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six months so as to constitute such building oi portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public. The 1997 Uniform Housing Codes states: SECTION 1001- DEFINII'IONS a 1001.1 GeneraL Any building or portion thereof that is detemnned to be an unsafe building in accordance with Secrion 102 of the Building Code, or any building or portion thereof, including any dwelling unit, guest room or suite or rooms, or the premises on which the same is located, in which there exists any of the condirions referenced in this section to an extent that endangers the life, limb, health, property, safety or welfare of the public or the occupants thereof, shall be deemed and hereby are declazed to be substandard buildings. 1001.2 Inadequate SanitaUon. Buildings or portions thexeof shall be deemed substandazd when they aze when they are in sanitazy. Inadequate sanitarion shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Lack of or improper water closet, lavatory, bathtub or shower in a dwelling unit or lodging house. 2. Lack of or impioper water closets, lavatories, and bathtubs or showers per number or guests in a hotel. 3. Lack of or improper kitchen sink in a dwelling unit. 4. Lack of hot or cold rumiing water to plumbing fixtures in a hotel 5. Lack of hot or cold running water to plumbing fixtures in a dwelling unit or lodging house. 6. Lack of adequate heating facilities. 7. Lack of or improper operarion or required ventilating equipment. 8. Lack of minimum amounts of natural light and venrilation require by this code. 9. Room and space dimensions less than required by this code. 10. Lack of required electrical lighring. 11. Dampness of habitable rooms. 12. Infestation of insects, vernrin or rodents as determined by the health officer. 13. General dilapidation or improper maintenance. 14. Lack of connection to required sewage disposal system. 15. Lack of adequate gacbage and rubbish storage and removal facilities as detetmined by the health officer. 1001.3 Structural Hazards. Buildings or portions thereof shall be deemed substandard when they aze or contain shuctural hazards. Structural hazazds shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Deteriorated or inadequate foundations. 2. Detective or deteriorated flooring or tloor supports. 3. Flooring or floor supports of insufficient size to cazry imposed loads with safety. 4. Members of walls, partitions or other vertical supports that split, lean, list oi buckle do to defective material or deteriorarions. 5. Members of walls, partitions or other vertical supports that are of insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. 6. Members of ceilings, roofs, ceiling and roof supports, or other horizontal members that sag split or buckle due to defecrive material or deterioration. 7. Members of ceilings, roofs, ceiling and roof supports, or other honzontal members that aze of insufficient size [o cairy imposed lads with safeTy. 8. Fueplaces or chimneys that list, bulge o settle due to defective material or deterioration. 9. Fireplaces oi chimneys that are of insufficient size or s4ength to carry imposed loads with safety. 1001.4 Nuisance. Buildings or portions thereof in which there exists any nuisance as defined in this code are deemed substandard buildings. 1001.5 Hazardous Electrical Wiring. Electrical wiring that was ins[alled in violarion of code requirements in effect at the time of installation or electrical wiring not installed in acwrdance with generally accepted construction practices in areas where no codes were in effect or that has not been maintained in good condition oi that is not being used in a safe manner shall be considered substandard. 1001.6 Hazardous Plumbing. Plumbing that was installed in violation of code requirements in effect at the rime of installation oc plumbing not installed in accordance with geneially accepted conshucrion practices in azeas where no codes were in effect or that has not been maintained in good condition or that is not being used in a safe manner shall be considered substandard. 1001.7 Hazardous Mechanical. Mechanical equipment that was installed in violation of code tequirements in effect at the time of installation or mechanical equipment not installed in accordance with generally accepted construction pxacrices in areas where no codes were in effect or that has not been maintained in good condition or that is not being used in a safe manner shall be considered substandaxd. 1001.8 FaulTy Weather Protections. Buildings or portions thereof shall be considered substandazd when they Uave faulty weather protecfions, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Deteriorated, crumbling or loose plaster. 2. Deteriorated or ineffecrive waterproofmg or exterior walls, roof, foundarions or floors, including broken windows or doors. 3. Defecrive or lack of weather protecrion for exterior wall coverings, including lack of paint, or weathering due to lack of paint or other approved protective covering. 4. Broken, rotted, split or buckled exterior wall coverings or roof coverings. 10019 Fire Hazard. Any building or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment, combustible waste, or vegetation that, in the opinion of the chief of the fire department, is in such a condition as to cause a fire or explosion or provide a ready fuel to augment the spread and intensity of fire or explosion azising &om any cause shall be considered substandard. 1001.10 Faulty Materials of Construction. The use of materials of construction, eacept those that are specifically allowed or approved by this code and the Building Code, and that have been adequately mai¢tained in good and safe conditions, shall cause a building to be substandard. . 100111 Hazardous or Insanitary Premises. The accumulation of weeds, vegetation, junk, dead oiganic matter, debris, gazbage, offal, rat harborages, stagnant water, combusrible materials, and similar materials or conditions on a premises consritutes fire, health or safety hazards that shall be abated in accordance with the procedures speciFied in Chapter 11 of this code. 1001.12 Inadequate Exits. Except for those buildings or portions thereof that have been provided with adequate exit facilities conforming to the provisions of this code, buildings or portions thereof whose eait facilities were installed in violation of code requirements in effect at the time of their construction or whose exit facilities have not been increased in number or width in relations to any increase in occupant load due to alterations, additions or change in use or occupancy subsequent to the time of construction shall be considered substandard. Notwithstanding compliance with code requirements in effect at the time of their construction, buildings or portions thereof shall be considered substandard when the building official finds that an unsafe condition exists through an improper location of exits, a lack ot an adequate number or width of exits, or when other conditions exist that are dangerous to human life. 100113 Inadequate Fire-Protection or Fire-Fighting Equipment. Buildings or portions there of shall be considered substandard when they are not provided with the fue-resistive construction or fire- exringuishing systems or equipment required by this code, except those buildings or portions thereof that conformed with all applicable laws at the rime of their construcrion and whose fire-resistive integrity and fire-extinguishing systems or equipment has been adequately maintained and improved in relation to any increase in occupant load, alteration or addition, or any change in occupancy. 1001.14 Improper Occupancy. All buildings or portions thereof occupied for living, sleeping, cooking or dining putposes that were not designed or intended to be used for such occupancies shall be consideied substandard. The following is a list of items that shall be frxed to meet code: 1. The stairs are falling apart and the metal structural support is rusting out. Need a Colorado Licensed Engineer to sign off that all of the stairs are safe to use. 2. The Rise shall not be greater than 7" as required under the Building Code for commercial buildings with no variance greater than 3/8" on a flight of stairs. A building permit is required for any stair replacement. ORDER 1. The City of Wheat Ridge Building Official has determined the stairs referenced above to be a Dangerous. The Building Department will post each stairway as a Dangerous due to the amount of life safety issues. Pursuant to Code all occupants shall not use any stairway until the stairs aze brought up to meet code This is therefore required in order to protect life, health and safety of the public. II. The owners are ordered to pull a building permit to fix the deficient items. The Building Department will post the building as a Dangerous Building due to the amount of life safety issues. Pursuant to Code all occupants shall be required to vacate the property. This is therefore required in order to protect life, health and safety of the public. III. If the stairs have not been brought to code or demolished by December 1, 2006. Section 801 in the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings states, "801.1 Procedure. When any work of repair or demolition is to be done pursuant Section 7013, Item 3, of this code, the building official shall issue an order thereof to the director of public works and the work shall be accomplished by personnel of this jurisdiction or by private contract under the direction of said director. Plans and specifications therefore may be prepared by said director, or the director may employ such architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as deemed reasonably necessary. If any part of the work is to be accomplished by private contract, standard public works contractual procedures shall be followed." Section 801.2 states, "801.2 Costs. The wst of such work shall be paid from the repair and demolition fund, and may be made a special assessment against the property involved, or may be made a personal obligation of the property owner, whichever the legislative body of this jurisdiction shall determine is appropriate." The property owner and all occupants are hereby ORDERED TO CEASE AND DESIST use of the above described building stairways. The Building Official shall cause the property to be posted with the attached Notice and may take action to remove all future occupants from the building until the stairs are brought up to code. REMEDIAL ACTION The property owner must apply for and obtain a City of Wheat Ridge building permit to correct any deficiencies. IV. All deficiencies shall be fixed but are not limited to the items on this list. APPEAL OF THIS NOTICE AND ORDER Any person having record title or other legal interest in the above described premises may appeal this Notice and Order or any action of the Building Official to the Building Code Advisory Board or known as the Board of Appeals pursuant to section 112 of the Code, provided that the appeal is made in writing as provided in the Code and filed with the Building Official within ten (10) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. FILING OF AN APPEAL SHALL NOT STAY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS NOTICE AND ORDER. It is a misdemeanor to occupy this building, or to remove or deface this notice. BY ORDER OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S BUILDING OFFICIAL 303-235-2853 303-570-7510 Chadley Root, Buildi Official ' ~ "peny appraisal system Page 1 of 1 03301 YOLTNGFIELD SERVICE RD Mailing Address: GOLDEN CO 80401 ~wner N ~e(' 09801 WESTHEIMER 409 WORLD CIN) Neighborhood: _ HOUSTON TX 77042 Subdivision Name: _ Go to qspin Map for this ~ 1=-- ~v ~ http://ww 14.co. j efferson. co.us/ats/displaygeneral. do?sch=971504&offset=9 10/19/2006 Pr.operty appraisal system Property Address: 03301 YOiJNGFIELD SERVICE RD GOLDEN CO 80401 Mailing Address: 03900 W INNOVATION ST SIOUX FALLS SD 57107 7002 Neighborhood: - Subdivision Name: - lSale Date iSale Amount IUecu I ypo i-----r-~-- Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule (io to Aspin Map for this Schcdule Page 1 of 1 Owner Name(s) LODGENET ENTERTAINMEI http://ww 14.co.j efferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=965517&offset=l0 10/19/2006 Prbperty appraisal system Schedule: 902885 Parcel ID: Status: Active Property Type: Commercial Property Address: 03301 YOiJNGFIELD SERVICE RD GOLDEN CO 80401 Mailing Address: 00909 HIDDEN RIDGE 600 IRVING TX 75038 Neighborhood: - Subdivision Name: - Page 1 of 1 Print Owner Name(s) LA QUINTA INN i BRE/LQ PROPER" Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule Go to Aspin Map for this Schedule http://ww 14.co. j efferson.co. us/ats/displaygeneral. do?sch=902885&offset=ll 10/19/2006 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception PXOperty appraisal system Property Address: 03301 YOLTNGFIELD SERVICE RD GOLDEN CO 80401 Mailing Address: 00909 HIDDEN RIDGE 600 IRVING TX 75038 Neighborhood:162 - Subdivision Name: 002800 - 70 WE5T BUSINESS CENTF,R Page 1 of 1 Owner Name(s) BRE/LQ PROPER' Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Land ; 0001 OOA 29 3 69 NW 11630 1630 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 08-15-1984 700,000 84078457 01-25-2006 0 Warranty Deed 2006022733 http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=182261 &offset=12 10/19/2006 Jefferson County Assessor's Depar[ment Todays date:ll/22/2000 http://buffy.eo.jefferson.co.us/coi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi'? I 8226 I JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL ScheduleNumber:182261 IParcellD:39-292-07-021 (Active:Active (Property Type:Commercial I Owner Name: LA QUINTA MOTOR INNS INC ' _ _ PrapertyAddress:03301 YOiJNGFIELD SERVICE RD MailingAddress: PO BOX 2636 SAN ,GOLDEN,CO 80401 ANTONIO,TX 78299 Legal Description Subdivision Name: ( 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER I B[ock~ Lot Key ISec iont Township Range; QuaKer section Land Sq.fi. 0001 OOA;- 29 3 69 , NW I 116,305 Total Acres: 7 2.67 DBA or Misc: LA QiTINTA MOTOR INN Sales Information ,S la es Date Sales Amount i] 8-15-1984 $ 700,000 Value Information 11999 P 21by eaa 0~ Actual Value [Lana $ 9os,ioo Imp _ $ 3,620,400 (Total ~ ~ 4,525,500 iAs ssed Value Assessed Value ILand 262,480 Fs 262,480 IMP ~ $ 1,049,920 $ 1,049,920 TOTAL $ 1,312,400 $ 1,312,400 Tax Dist '3123 ' 3123 ~ Mill Levy F97.7940 N/A Z,r~ C.uUi~~w /nk- rpl-10 ~ ~4 114111~ ry:'. . . - .j a 1 of2 17/22/00 I0:37 AM Jefferson County Assessor's Department IDate assessed 4-15-1999 I Tax District 3123 Mill levy for 1999 payable in 2000 SCHOOL 151.7610 WHEAT RIDGE 2.1730 IN. W. LAKEWOOD S. DIST. I 7.0730 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. 000 'iU AN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST 0.6550 IWEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION D 11.4460 , ~TO L MILL LEVY 97.7940 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETLJRN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION 2of2 hrip://buffy.co.jeCCerson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi? 182261 I U22/00 1037 AM Jefferson Cwnry Assessor's Departrnent Todays date:11/22/2000 http://buffy.co.jefferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ais/test3.cgf?902885 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL Schedule Number:902885' Parcel ID: ctive:Active Properry Type: Commercial OwnerName:' MEDITRUST CORPORATION LA QUINTA INN 636 rG op erty Address:03301 YOiJNGFIELD SERVICE RD OLDEN ,CO 80401 Address: PO BOX 2636 SAN ,TX 78299 Legal Description ISubdivision Name:' I Block Lot Key Section Township ange Quarter section Land Sq.ft. I ° Tota[ Acres: DBA or Misc: LA QUINTA INN #636 Sales Information Sales Date Sales Amount Deed Type Reception l Value Information 1999 Payable 2000 ;2000 Payable 2001 Actual Value Actual Value _ Land 0 0 Imp 10-_ 10- Total $ 887,260 Assessed Value $ 860,343 Assessed Value !Land I" ID I P 0 TOTAL $ 257,310 $ 249,500 Tax Dist 3123 ~3123 Mill Levy 97.7940 IN/A 1 of2 11/22/00 1037 AM Jefferson Counry Assessor's Department ;Date assessed 6-06-2000 x District 3123 ~ ll levy for 1999 payable in 2000 ICOLTNTY 24.6860 t- r.,,. 51.7610 WHEAT RIDGE 2.1730 IN. W. LAKEWOOD S. DIST. 7.0730 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. 000 ~L~ J--_AN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DISTi 0.6550 WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION D 11.4460 TOTAL MILL LEVY 97.7940 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION http://buffy-co.jefferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.c,li?902885 I 1/22/00 1037 AN 2of2 JetTerson Counry Assessor's Department Todays date:11/22/2000 hrip://bu ffy. caj effcrso n. co.us/cgi-b i n/m i s/ats/test3. cgi'? 965 517 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL ScheduleNumber:965517 Parce[ID: ctive:Active PropertyType:Commercial Owner Name:' LODGENET ENTERTAINMENT CORP IProperry Address:03301 YOL7NGFIELD Mailing Address:03900W INNOVATION ST N iSERVICE RD,GOLDEN ,CO 80401 ,SIOUX FALLS,SD 57107 Legal Description Subdivision Name:' I Block Lot Key Section Township Range Quarter section Land Sq.ft. I ° Tota[ Acres: F 0 DBA or Misc:LEASE-SATELLITE MOVIES Sales Information ,Sa el s Date Sales Amount Deed Type Reception I Value Information 1999 Payable 2000 2000 Payable 2001 Actual Value Actual Value ITotal 1$ 9,218 j$ 7,085 Assessed Value Assessed Value Land 0 0 ~ lIMP 0 0 TOTAL F$2,670 $ 2,060 Tas Dist '[3123 13123 F ill Levy 97.7940 N/A 1 of2 71/22/00 1037 AM lefferson CounTy Assessor s Depariment Date assessed 6-06-2000 I ITax District 3123 ' Mill levy for 1999 payable in 2006 COiTNTY 24.6860 SCHOOL 51.7610 (WHEAT RIDGE I 2.1730 N. W. LAKEWOOD S. DIST. 7.0730 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. 000 JURBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST 0.6550 WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION D 11.4460 ITTAL MILL LEVY 97.7940 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION 2of2 http://buffy.co.jefferson.co.us/cg i-b in/mi s/ats/[est3.cgi?965 517 I I/22/00 1037 AM lefferson County Assessor's Department Todays date:11/22/2000 ht[p:/Muffy.co.jcfferson.co. us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/[cst3.cgi'?970495 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL de Number:970485 IParce[ ID: [,4ctive: Active IP Name: PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING GROUP tyAddress:03301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE RD ~EN,CO 80401 Lc Address:00001 PEPSI WAY :S.NY 10589 Legal Description Subdivision Name:' I Block Lot Key Section' Township Range Quarter section Land Sq.ft. I 0 Total Acres: F 0 DBA or Misc:MACHINES-LA QLJINTA Sales Information Sales Date;Fsales Amount Deed Type Reception I Value Information 999 Payable 2000 I2000 Payable 2001 Lctual Value Actual Value 'otal 7,217 j$ 6,380 lAssessed Value Assessed Value Ilm-' Iu Iu TOTAL 2,090 $ 1,850 TaiDist 3123 3123 jMill Levy 97.7940 N/A 1 of2 I I/22/00 1037 AM lefferson County Assessor s Department Date assessed 6-06-2000 I'ax District 3123 Mill levy for 1999 payable in 20( ICOVIVTY IL4.VOVV SCHOOL 51.7610 WHEAT RIDGE 2.1730 ~N W LAKEWOOD S. DIST. 7.0730 i G ONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. 000 ~URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST 0.6550 'NEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION D 11.4460 TOTAL MILL LEVY 97.7940 I STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION 2of2 http://buCCy.co.jefferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgl'?970485 11/22/00 1037 AM Jefferson County Assessoi s Departmen[ Todays date:ll/22/2000 http://buffy.co.jeffersoaw.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/tesL3.cgi?971504 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL ~S dule Number:971504 ParcellD: ctive:Active ' Property Type:Commercial Name: WORLD CINEMA INC Property Address:03301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE Mailing Address:09801 WESTHEIMER 409 RD,GOLDEN ,CO 80401 HOUSTON ,TX 77042 Legal Description ISubd v ozs~i n Name: ( Block Lot Kep Section Township[iiangeFQuarter section Land Sq.ft. I ° Total Acres: F 0 DBA or Misc:LEASE-LA QUINTA Sales Information FSales Date I Sales Amount ~Dee p Receptioni l Value Information 11999 Payable 2000 12000 Payable 2001 Actual Value Actual Value Land 0 IO Fimp Fo- O F otal F 0 Assessed Value $ 10,330 Assessed Value ' Land i0 0 IMP _ IO 0 TOTAL 0 Tax Dist $ 3,000 13123 Mill Lew 76.4470 'N/A 1 of2 I I/22/00 1037 AM Jefferson County Assessor s Department rDate assessed 6-06-2000 ~ Tax District Mill levy for 1999 payable in 2000 SCHOOL 51.7610 TOT LEVY 76.4470 STRUCTUR.4L INVENTORY , RETLJRN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION 2of2 http://buCfy.co.jefferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?971504 I1/22/00 1037 AM The Ciry of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat November 22, 2000 9Ridge La Quinta Inn 3301 Youngfield Service Road Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Annual Hotel / Motel Inspections for Business License Renewals Dear Management, As part of the Crime Free Hotel / Motel Program and annual business license renewals, the building inspection division has implemented an inspection program to inspect all hotel and motel properties. This program will be inspecting properties for compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code and other applicable codes. This inspection process will be starting December 4, 2000. The building division will need to perform inspections of all areas including all rooms as part of this initial inspection. Any violations needing corrected will be forwarded to the manager and property owner via a notice and order to repair. The building division will be inspecting the properties in the following order, Location Date Inspection Time American Motel December 4- 6, 2000 9:00am Interstate Inn December 6- 8, 2000 1:00pm Quality Inn January 8- 10, 2001 9:00am Super 8 Motel January 10 - 12, 2001 I:OOpm Mote16 (south) January 15 - 17, 2001 9:00am Mote16 (north) January 17 - 19, 2001 1:00pm Holiday Inn Express January 22 - 24, 2001 9:00am La Quinta Inn January 24 - 26, 2001 1:00pm Please have a maintenance person available to walk with the inspector and open doors that need to be unlocked as part of these inspections. (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234•5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat GRidge The intent of these inspections is to ensure public health, safety and welfare insofar as they are affected by the continued occupancy and maintenance of structures and premises. Existing structures and premises that do not comply with provision established by the code shall be altered or repaired to provide a minimum level of health and safety. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, ~ Darin organ Codes Administrator Cc address files Arvada Fire District Wheat Ridge Police Department, Hotel / Motel Program (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 DEPARTMENT OF PLAMMING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 5103 ~ BUILDIIdG 4NSPECTION dIVIS10N • 235-2855 CIT'Y Of WHEAT RIDGE Date : 5/19/97 7500 VMEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RI[}GE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3301 YOUNGFIELD ST Phone : 279-5565 Contractor License No. : 19481 Company : Scheer Enterprise Phone : 9891118 OWNER/CONTRP,GTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cedify th9t and do not violate a or tt this pertnit application are accurate, ations of the City of Wheat Ridge or measuremenls shown, and allegations (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) . Description : RELAMINATE by all condRions printed on this iilianee wRh the Wheat Ridge BuiWing Iances, for work under this partntt. WALL PANELS Eonstruction Value : $1,500.00 PermitFee: $148.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tau : $18.00 Total:' $166.50 Electricaf License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiratiort Date : Approval : Approvai : Approval : a n r J~ (1) This pemritwas issued in accordance wtth the prmfalons sei forth in yopur appikation and is sublect M the laws of the State ot Cobratlo antl to the Zoning Regutatiom arW BuiWir~g Coda of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or arry oMer epplicaGe oMihances of ilie City. (2). This permit sHali e~cD!B ~it (A) the wak auMOrized is nol comrrenced wiMin sinly (80) tlays from isaue tlale or (B) the builtling aWhorized is.suspeMAed or abanCOnedfor a period o( 720 tlays. . (3) Ii tfiis permit ezp(res, a imw pefmit may ba acqufre0 for a tee of orie-half the anaunt normatly required, provitletl rro changes have been a wGl be made in the brigmal plans antl speclfieationa arM eny suspension or abandonment has rrot exceedetl ona (1) year.N changes are made or rf suspenabn or abentlonmeM . exceetls one (1) year, fullteea sliall bepei0 for a new, permit . (4) N¢ work of any manner sMall be dom thet wifl change the naWral flow of water eausing a drainege proNem. (5) ContraUor shall notly the BuiWing Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspectlons antl shall receive written approval ortinspection cartl before proceediing with successive Dha6ea of the lob. (6) The issuancep~p petmft orthe appro,val af drewings end specificetions shall nat be consW ad to be a permN kr, nor an approval of, a~ry vidation of the provisbns of the huildindrLdes a am other ortlmance, law, rule a reBUlaHon. . PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEP BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : ~ ( 1AJT1A- Property Addresst, FI lz~ '-p phone: Contractor License No. Company :~jCFF~&PZ Pz ~~Tr~ YZ~~7-LS~ Phone I~-I 8 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate appiicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume (ull responsibility tor compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, f r work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED _ DATE 'S/I Description : Zotfip'~~ Approval Zoning : Approval: a,qblaw_~~~ Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Construction Value : I s Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total : [-vAtt- PA-wFiSZw C~ t~ L~~l~i o~S BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : is Lei mmrem n •P~a~ME~ n rrammmom (1) This permit was issued in accordance with t0e pmvisions set forth in yopur application and is subject lo the laws of the State of Cob2tlo antl lo the Zoning Regulations and Buildiny Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicaEle ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall eapire d(A) the work authonzed is not commenced wilhin sixry (60) days from issue date or (8) the 6uiltling authodzed is suspended or a6andoneE for a Oenotl of 720 days. (J) I/ this permit ezpires, a new pertnit may be acquired br a fee of one-half the amount normally requireQ proviOeG no changes have been or will be made in the originai plans antl specifrations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, tull fees shall be pai0lora new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall Ue done Nat will Uange the naWral9ow of water rausing a Urainage proDlem. (5) Contractor shall notily the Builtling Mspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for ail inspections ana shall receive wntten approval on inspection cartl 6etore pmceediing with successive phases of t0eIob. (6) The the buJdng codes or iany approval Iaw~nNSe or d specifications shail not be construed to Oe a permit for, nor an approval ol. any violation of the provlsions of Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Packet No. 5077 Permk No. 4`'6 78 WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 9001 WEST JEWELL ~ LAKEWOOD, CO 80232 ` FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT yw;;STREET,ADDRE550FJOB 3301 N YOUNGFIELD NAME.OF BUSINESS/TENANT LA QUINTA INN A1PPl.ICANT NAME Fz RF'MA6TER CQRF, 4 '770 DENVER APPLIGItNT ADDRESS CITY `$Ignatura of Applicant „ DATE OF APPUCATION 11127/55 ( 303)295-2644 PHONE CC~ i3t~::1 f_ STATE ZIP - For inspeclions call (303) 989-1307 , . - Required Inspeetions shall be requested a minimum " ot one worlcfng day In advance - Post in a consplcuous place . . INSPECTION BY FIRE DEPT. REDUIRED YES ~ NO ❑ ' r. _ TYPE OF PERMIT ~ DETECTION SPRINKLERS ❑ STANDPIPES ❑ OTMER NEW ❑ PARTIAL 0 ALTERATION ❑ TOTAL BLDG ~LOOR NO, TFiRU--LlU1 Kipld (napections and dates Hydros4atla tests and dates Rnunh-in¢ and dates ilq~- G 0 'r. . Caopc/2T ~ ni r,r-p k T= ~ ~i N PE TION. FIRE, DEPARTMENT APPHOVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIL . APPROVEQ AS $UBMITTED . LYJ CONDITIONALI.Y APPROVED (See reviewers notes on plans) BY: ~ I-•. ' q, /~„tiy= ~ TITLE DATE / . . . . . VALUATION . . OF WORK 'FINAL APPROVAL: Puw ves' No TornL Fee bATE 1 :Z; 9S FlLeo ~ TITLE CHECk O $ V / cnsH O Property Owner : Propecty Address : 3301 YOUNGFIELD ST Phone : Contractar License No. : 17718 Company : Master Protection Corp/dba Fire Master phone : 295 2644 (OWNER)(CONfPACTOR) SIONED DATE conswcction va►ue : Pertnit Fee : Plan Review Pee : Use Tax : Total $144.00 $0.00 $75.00 $219.00 bescnptiort : WET PiPE SPRINKLER FIRE SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ApProvai : Zoning; APProvaL• Approvat : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residendal Units : Elechical License Hb : Plumbing license No : Mechanipl Liaence No : Compang : Company : Company : ExpUetion Date : Expirati~on Date : Ecpiraaon Date : Approval : Approvai : Approval : (1) muyem*waw0wn2ceo4n"w0 ftwovwm ,aronnmYrow+r*Ppnauonaauwu~Cenmsrw.amesuraca«,aomobn»zrnxa R a~d CeMsdWlwtW0pa CaW~doaarydlw~pq1q o~dn~saot Gly. 'f1~RW ~LU Itr wkattYwdxed b not ao~miencM wMhln etitq {(f~ yY+homipw Mte or f9) tl~a MaW~q rMaIW k rrps'M~d a abMddMdbMR er~30 (3) tt tldt P4~ neM vnM!! be eoquheA ror e M W ona-W111a amant lwimelly rcQuVad,~vI~ no dwqx hsve 6e~naw111 be m~ N~ the 11 .ane(1)Yev. Nd~npesmsma6~pon a Wendonment ~Mwaad aWan~'au~ aaaritlannwrthnnatmxoatletl a g w ~ .~a0dr41e(1►y~N,fiiNieNSMi00ptldtldkren~ swosmR. . (4~ . lbwakdMNmMMNS~dtisda~sMYlwlYdqnp*lnsnMxYlbwolwMr adalnpePraMsm. (3) Ca ~~~Bu~FqlntOrda1lwMib'four(24)honnMWvanWfOralR~ ad" anCNmNncMww~IlMiaPProvYOn~cMdWfas ~y Mq ofh i~~a~-of'b~ ~~~tlmsehtllnotweonswaamna.pamxra.noranapprovelaf.r9rwastlenanrvrovhbro ~~l 7 ~ THIS PERMIT VA4iD ONLY WHEN 8N3NED BY'THE GHIEF BtJtLDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-6933 24 HOUR9 PW OR TO INSPECTION gm OWNER/CONTRACTQR 81GNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date : 3-I 3-9C CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 1..A. Qti..aT., T...-X Property Owner :<2,, v..OEN ......a -,S~r. c 3 c Property Address : 3 Z a~ o Phone : Contractor License No. : \ Z'~ ~ F_ Company: nnn,crs~. ~neTT-~.T~UAlD3A Fhone: 29-c- 2.c`! ( OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that lhe setback tlistances proposetl by this permit appliwtion are accurete, antl do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restridions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations matle are accurate; that I have reatl and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appliwtion, and that I assume full responsibility for eompliance with the Wheat Ridge Builtling Cotle (U.B.C.) an0 all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work unCer this pertnit. -(~(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEyDATE -/7^ ~ Construction Value : I Y6 -4 Permit Fee : ~qa. o-,,~ Use Tax : Total : Description : yyr Z.~z S P,a..~ ~ r~. rti- ~ gy s T 6+,.-~ Y✓~ a n~~~ c~..T-` o W s BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ Approvat : Zoning : WIIdIn Approval: ~blic ~WaY1~R~ftltnieRits;? Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Eleccncal License No : Plumbing License No . Company : Expiration Date : Approval: _j Plans Requlred;"..`l Company : Expiration Date : Approval: _,g PIA"ns Required Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ~ P*ns"K84u(cB'tl~ (1) This permrt was isSUeC m accorEance wrth lhe Dfovisions sel lortn in yopur appliWbon antl is su0lett to tOe laws of the SWte of Co1o20o an0 to ihe Zoning Regulauons antl Building Code at VJheat RiEge, Colorado or any other appliwble oramances of ine Ciry. (p) This permrt sball ex0ire A(A) Ihe work autnonzetl is not commencetl wrthin sixry (60) days hom issue tlale or (B) the bmltling authonzeE is 5uspentle0 or abantloneC for a penaE of 120 Cays. (3) If this permd e:pires, a new pertnlt may be acpuired for a fee of one-halt the amount normally reQurtetl, pmvlded no changes have been or will Ge matle in tMe original plans anC specifirations anC any suspen%ion or abantlonment has not exceetleE ane (1) year. It changes are maGe or If suspension or abanEanmem ezceetls one (1) year. tull fees shall be pai0 for a new permit. (4I No WOrK of any mannef SM1311 Ee tlone lhat will Uange the natufal flow of water Causing a Eramage Oro0lem. (5) Contracmr snall nably lhe BuilEing Inspector tv.enry-four (24) hours in a0vance for ali inspecuons ana snali recerve wntten ao0rova1 on mspecvon rarE DePore omce nng wrth successrve phases of the job. specifica j6 aC he ~udtl OoWdes or,anytoth~ ominal ce law~nuse otlregu ationtions snall not oe consvuea to be a permrt lor. nor an approvai ol. any wolation of the provisions inglnspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Wet Pipe Sprinkler. System Modifications La Quinta Inn GOLDEN INN #636 3301 Youngfield Service Road Wheat Ridge, Colorado Fire Protection Contractor: FireMaster 4770 Fox Street # 20 Denver, CO 80216 303-295-2644 1 2 GENERAL NOTES THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED BY GULF SPRINKLER of COLORADO, INC. per DRAWINGS 84-254 SHEETS 1 through 5, DATED 11-6-84. THE GULF SPRINKLER DRAWINGS INDICATE THAT THE SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED FOR A LIGHT HAZARD HOTEL OCCUPANCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13. THE DESIGN AREA WAS ALL SPRINKLERS (TWO) IN A SINGLE GUEST ROOM. HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL, 165°F, QUICK RESPONSE SPRINKLERS WERE _VSED IN THE SLEEPING AREAS. THE DESIGN WAS BASED ON A WATER SUPPLY OF: STATIC 110 psi; RESIDUAL 56 psi; FLOW 1396 gpm. THIS PROJECT RELOCATES SOME SPRINKLERS AS SHOWN IN TYPICAL ROOMS ON SHEETS 3&4. WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW BI P. E 4-- z PERMIT# FINAL VERIFICATION SUBIECT TO VERIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF h~LE1D LIRE SYSTEMS AND REQUIREMENTS ~~Ol?A rG ~~n ^ r _ . AGGOPC CC P"HALL i~'S? L S40P A - AL SC UhINIWNHlI1rIY FCR F- 0 20352 THERE ARE TWO BASIC ROOM CONFIGURATIONS, WHICH ARE, TYPEA and TYPEB & C. ON SHEETS 3 & 4 THE AFFECTED ROOMS ARE SHOWN AND LISTED. TYPICALLY THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR ROOMS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF EACH TYPE WILL NOT BE MODIFIED AND WILL REMAIN AS DESIGNED BY GULF SPRINKLER. THE ROOMS ON THE RIGHT SIDE WILL HAVE SOME SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS. IN THE TYPEA ROOM, THE EXISTING SIDEWALL SPRINKLER HEAD WILL BE RELOCATED TO THE NEW SOFFIT. IN THE TYPES B & C ROOMS, THE EXISTING SIDEWALL HEAD WILL REMAIN AS INSTALLED BY GULF SPRINKLER. A NEW SMALL ORIFICE HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER WILL BE INSTALLED TO PROTECT THE AREA THAT IS BLOCKED BY THE NEW CLOSET. THE SIDEWALL WILL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 4" FROM THE BATHROOM WALL. 3. THE MOST HYDRAULICALLY REMOTE AND HIGHEST DEMAND AREA HAS NOT CHANGED FROM THE GULF SPRINKLER DESIGN. IT IS STILL THE LOBBY (REMOTE AREA #1). THE MOST HYDRAULICALLY REMOTE (UNMODIFIED) AREA IS STILL GUEST ROOM 304. THE T `rr"r%%%%=I•'+"" MOST HYDRAULICALLY REMOTE AREA WHERE THE ADDITIONAL SIDEWALL HEAD WILL BE 1+'lYe Protection EnOlneering ADDED IS GUEST ROOM 107. THE DESIGN AREA IS THREE HEADS. Review by: b b 4. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE UL LISTED. 5. ALL PIPE SHALL BE COPPER SPRINKLER PIPE. Brian C. Olson, P.E., CBO 6. ALL PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13. Fire Protection Engineer Colorado PE 20354 Sheet 1 P (736-A 134-A 1132--A~~30--A 236-B~: 3+13 232-B :?Y3 ?J6--8 33113 332 ~ SS.-a 137-•A 1-15-A 133-- 131-6 -B 237 224-8 23.E 23'1 33713 1 3.`5-6 23 333 1 1 o r Ii a I~ i p 128-C 128--C 125--0 122--C 126-A 326-9 7.26-a ts =2-8 SZ'ra 316--3 124-8 127-8 3 123-8 121-A 11S-A i 224-8 22'7--B 8 .23-9 221 2'.4~ 324-6 327-8 8 323--6 321-aa 314-8 ~ o 3~ i 141-A 251-e I 341-a 'I 3<<-A 1 253=8 - ! . IVi,RTi--! I II II }(3-5 1Li-A f 2c,-8 I x7-3 r-- I t:;Mil 148-8 140-A t. 1111:!111 248-8 249-6 _ i• i i 150a•A 151-k ` ~5c~a ~1-a lr ~ 1 • a B s1-a i.1~ i i • 15-.1 215-8 315-9 111-A 211-6 311-8 203-8 107-8 207-8 307-8 205-8 305-8 y ' 1 t A,l. 1 374-3~„ 17;1 i 112-A ~-8 312-8 e `iC--C 21Cr-3 I 1^" 205--8 3088--8 ,06-.1 I i ISUI,,I)ING LAYOUT X ROOM NUMBER - ROOM lYPE J ~ 10.'--A n 104-A y ~ -1 - 203-B 2043 7114 30.5-6 I 30-9 1 I I } i I f LAW 1 %f .r TYPE A ROOMS Left Room # Right Room # 104 106 105 103 112 114 115 111 118 120 121 119 130 132 134 136 148 150 151 149 340 342 344 346 Z°M~~ NEW FLT®%eJ'%R PLAN - ROOM TYPE A SCALE 114' = 1' 0' Gf1r0~ ~ ins TYPE B & C ROOMS R Right FIoom # 109 107 125 123 11 129 127 133 131 ' It n p 0-60 v2 I L-71 NEW SIDEWALL SPRINKLER HEAD EXISTING SIDEWALL SPRINKLER HEAD TO REMAIN AS IS LOCATE 4" MIN FROM WALL 137 135 143 141 147 145 230 232 233 231 234 236 237 235 243 241 247 245 248 250 251 249 330 332 333 331 334 336 337 335 343 341 347 345 348 350 351 349 I,I U 4 I ADD NEW 3/a" COPPER PIPE EXISTING SIDEWALL SPRINKLER THEAD TO REMAIN AS IS J .~0 1{e~1 M OST DTE f,m l D? NEW FLOOR PLAN - ROOM TYPE B *C SCALE 114" = 1' 0" e HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET I Name: La Quinta Inn, #636 Location: Wheat Ridge, CO Building: A Contractor: FireMaster, Inc. Calculated By: FireMeasure, Inc. Construction: [ ]-Combustible [x]-NOn-Combustible Occupancy: Hotel Guest Room Date: November 21, 1995 System No. Wet Pipe Contract No. Drawing No. GULF Spkr Ceiling Aeight: 8 Ft. SYSTEM DESIGN ( ]-NFPA 13: [x]-LT. HAZ. [ ]-ORDINARY HAZARD GROUP: [ ]-EX.HAZARD. [ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 231C: FIGURE: CURVE: ' [x]-OTHER (Specify): GULF Sprinkler Design Basis [ ]-SPECIFIC RULING: MADE BY: DATE: Area of Sprinkler Operation: Density: 0.10 qpm/sq.ft. Area Per Sprinkler: Varies Hose A1lowance GPM: Inside: Hose Allowance GPM: Outside: Rack Sprinkler Allowance: NA Guest Room * System Type * [x]-WET [ ]-DRY [ ]-DELUGE ( ]-PRE-ACTION NA * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE * 100 Make: Reliable Model: GFR QR Size: 1/2" K-Factor: 5.6 Temperature Rating: 165 F CALCULATION SUMMARY GPM Required: 166.07 PSI Required: 80.01 "C" Factor Used: Overhead: 150 Underground: 120 WATER SUPPLY * WATER FLOW TEST * * PUMP DATA * * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Date & Time: Unknown Rated Capacity: Capacity: NA Static PSI: 110 At PSI: Elevation: NA Residual PSI: 56 Elevation: GPM Flowing: 1396 * WELL * Elevation: Base of Riser Proof Flow: NA Location: Assumed to be the base of the existing sprinkler riser Source Information: GULF Sprinkler design drawing 84-254 dated 11-6-84 ig 0 File: QUINTAI.THE PRESSURE NODE (PSI) 1 80.01 2 76.76 3 73.64 4 71.86 5 77.16 6 75.44 7 58.98 8 54.35 9 67.36 10 64.62 11 47.90 101 23.94 102 19.78 103 16.42 104 16.14 105 14.56 "THE" Sprinkler Program by FPE Software, Inc. Page: FLOW ELEVATION K-FACTOR AREA DENSITY (GPM) (FEET) (SQ.FT.) (GPM/SQ.FT.) 166.07 -6.0 SOURCE 0.00 1.0 0.00 8.0 0.00 8.0 0.00 -6.0 0.00 -6.0 0.00 28.0 ' 0.00 28.0 0.00 -6.0 0.00 -6.0 0.00 28.0 27.39 8.0 5.6 40 0.685 0.00 7.0 0.00 7.0 22.50 7.0 5.6 225 0.100 16.17 7.0 4.24 50 0.323 File: QUINTA7.THE "THE" Sprinkler Pragram by FPE Software, Inc. BEGIN END FLIXJ DIAMETER TVPE FITTINGS LENGTH NODE NODE (GPM) (INCHES) (FEET) 1 2 66.07 " 4.026 40 2C2GTE 50.0 2 3 66.07 4.026 40 CG2E 8.0 3 4 66.07 1.985 CL T2E 20.5 4 5 66.07 1.985 CL E 14.0 5 6 66.07 1.985 CL 49.0 6 7 66.07 1.985 CL 2E 34.0 7 8 66.07 1.985 CL 2E 116.5 8 9 66.07 1.985 CL 2E 34.0 9 10 66.07 1.985 CL 3E 55.0 10 11 66.07 1.985 CL ET 34.0 11 107 66.07 1.025 CL 2T 22.0 101 102 38.67 1.025 CL T 6.5 102 103 38.67 0.750 CL T 2•25 103 104 22.50 0J50 CL 0.5 103 105 16.17 0.750 Cl T2E 6.25 EQV LENGTH TOT LENGTH FRICTION C-VALUE Pe (FEET) (FEET) (PSI/FT.) (PSI) 78.00 128.00 _ 0.002 120 3.03 44.00 52.00 0.002 120 3.03 30.22 50.72 0.035 150 0.00 7.56 21.56 0.035 150 -6.07 0.00 49.00 0.035 150 0.00 15,17 49.11 0.035 750 14.73 15.11 131.67 ' 0.035 150 0.00 75.11 49.11 0.035 150 ►74.73 22.67 77.67 0.035 750 0.00 22.67 56.67 0.035 150 74.73 75.11 37.11 0.879 150 -8.67 7.56 74.06 0.326 150 -0.43 0.00 2.25 1.495 750 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.549 150 0.00 0.00 6.25 0.298 150 0.00 Pf (PSI) 0.22 0.09 1.78 0.76 1.72 7.73 4.63 1.73 2.73 1.99 32.63 4.59 3.36 0.27 1.86 Pa9e: 2 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 1.67 1.67 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.85 25.69 15.04 28.08 16.34 77.75 H Y D R A U L I C S U M M A R Y Safety Margin: 28.94 psi. • Maximum velocity in the system is 28.08 ft/sec. Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm. System requires: 80.01 psi. @ 166.07 qpm. (including xose Allowance) Supply available: 108.95 psi. WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION Static: 110.00 psi. Residual: 56.00 psi. @ 1396.00 gpm. Hose: 100.00 gpm. FITTING LEGEND F = 45 DEGREE ELBOW E = 90 DEGREE ELBOW L= 90 DEGREE LONG TURN ELBOW T = TEE OR CROSS B = BUTTERFLY VALVE G = GATE VALVE C = CHECK VALVE D = DELUGE VALVE P = FOAM PROPORTIONER PIPE TYPE LEGEND 40 = SCHEDULE 40 10 = SCHEDULE 10 30 = SCHEDULE 30 AD = ACTUAL DIAMETER . CK = COPPER TYPE K CL = COPPER TYPE L CM = COPPER TYPE M PB = POLYBUTYLENE - IRON PIPE SIZE CP = CPVC 80 = SCHEDULE SO GALVANIZED NOTES: PRESSURE (psi) r N w ~ N ~ a m ~ m ~ N w m m m m m m m m m m m m m m ~ m m A m V' ~ m m m ~ r 0 L ~ r m 3 v m r N m m r ~ m . ~ N 1 a ~ M1~ ~ 1 1 \ ~ r 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 'L. ~ f~ w s ~ 1 ~ N s ~ ~ A ~ H r R! RS r ~ c ~ d A 3 ~ 7 ~ n ~ K C R Bulletin 131 D Model GFR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewail HSW 1 Deflector Intermediate Level Upright Intermediate Level Pendent Conventional Model GFR/F2 Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Deflector Upright Conventional , Pendent Horizontal Sidewalt HSW t Def!ecror, Model GFR Model GFR/F2 Quick Response Sprinklers Product Description Reliable Models GFR and GFWF2 Sprinklers are Quick Response fusible solder rype automatic sprinklers. These sprinklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster than standard response sprinklers. This Quick Response enabies the Models GFR and GFWF2 Sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster than standard response sprinklers of the same tempera- ture rating. Application Quick Response Sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style and sprinkler spacing are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Association or the approving authority having jurisdiction. Quick Response Sorinklers are intended for standard area coverage and standard water densities as specified in NFPA 13. Quick Response Sprinklers and standard response sprinklers should not be inter- mixed. Intermediate LeveiPendent Vertical Sldewall Intermediate Level Upright Small Orifice Upright co 9L (D Cl) 0 The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vemon, New York 10552 Model GFR/F2 Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: I Modei GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data Sprinkler Type S!anaarc-Uprigpt (SSU) and Penaent (SS?) DetleC:o'< Markec to Intlicate Position >a Stanoard On6ce with Vz" NPT (RY2) Thread Small OrifiGe with iz" NPT (R'/x) Tnreao 'i, Smau Oriflce with NPT (RLz) Thread 10 mm 0'ifice XLH with R3/e Thread a qe Oriflce with 3/" NPT Thread (1) ~.oentif:ed by pintle extending above deflecror Modei GFR/F2 Gluick Response Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Data I 820 1 (1) loent~f~ec by pintie extentling above Cetiector. ~T „ Approval Organizatlon and Type ot Approval „K Nominal Thread Faotor Sprinkler Light I zard H Ordinary Hazard Orifice . Size US ~Metric Height a NPT 5.62 81.0 3'/,s' 12 3 12.3 . NPT 424 61 0 3°/,6" 12.5 , - NPT 2B2 40.6 3'/,a" '~.2.= v;z' 'r"NPT ~82 35/.~s' ~.3 - Approvals 5.62 81 0 2(73 mm) 1,2.3.4,5 024 61 0 ' . 12,3 282 406 3 23 ~ Q 10 59 73 Trt' 4. I q 90 118 2 2 .3 4 IflStdllBilOf1 YVrencn: Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Model GFR & GFR/F2 Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers Installation Quick response sprinklers are intended for standard area coverage and standard water densities as speci- fied in NFPA-13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model GFRlF2 Recessed Quick Response Sprin- kler is to be installed as shown with a maYimum recess of ','z inch. The Model F2 Escutcheon illustrated is the only recessed escutcheon to be used with the Model GFR Pendent or Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. The use of any other recessed escutcheon wili void all approvals as a Quick Response Sprinkler and negate all warranties. When installing Model GFR Sprinkers use the Model D Sprinkler Wrench and when installing Model GFR/F2 Sprinklers use the Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench. Any other rype of wrench may cause sprinkler damage. Maintenance The Models GFR and GFR/F2 Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA-13A. Do not dean the sprinklers with soap and water. ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove any dust using a soft brush or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory apolied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be main- tained to allow quick replacement cf damaged cr oper- ated sprinklers. Ordering Information: Specify: 1. Sprinkler model 2. Sprinkler type 3. Orifice size 4. Temp. rating 5. Sprinkler finish 6. Escutcheon finish (where applicable) NOTE: 1. When Model GFR/F2 is ordered, sprinkler and es- cutcheon are packaged separately. 2. When Bronze, Bright Brass or Black Plated Sprink- lers are ordered they may be supplied with chrome links. Sprinkler Types Standard Upright S[andard Pendent Sidewall Vertical Horizontal HSW 1 Oeflector Conventional Recessed Pendent Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Deflector Intermediat2 Level Upright ~ Pendent Finishes Standard riniki L heon Bronze Plated ! lated r ! e mePlated 7 i p rs ted B e Plated Black d ed .Sprinklers may be Supplietl with C7rome Gialeo imrcs. (1) For Brignt Brass Plated, ony irame. oetlec:or antl cap are platetl. Temoerature Ratings 11 Sprinkier Rating Maximum Ceiling Temperature Classifieation °p °C °P °C Ordinary i65 74 100 38 ' Approvals 1. Underwriters Laboratones. Inc. 2. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada 3. N.Y C. B.S.&A. No. 587J5-SA. 4. Loss Prevention Councii 5. Verband der Sachversicherer 6. NIIL-S-901C and MIL-STD-167-1 ULI Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler ULI Guide Number VNIV 3 AND DEVELOPMENT )IVISION - 335-2855 ►T RlDGE i AVENUE CO 80215 3301 YOUNGFIELD ST 17835 Biue Sky Plumbing Buiiding Permit Number : 95-2004 Date :10/6/95 0046RFGONMCTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I IprpHy~ qM! She: selbaek dIstancas ProDosad bY this Pertnit appIkatlon are axurete. ~1710h";k ~ N-M-M b orcYnae, rubs cr ulatfona W the of Wheat Ridpa or restrt record; tht measuremeMa shown, and albgNbns have reed andrae to ebtlball Conditlonapnnted on this tutl respo~siox' fot comPliance with the Wheat Ridpe BuiWing {tkB:C:) MW rA oRher appltcable Whea ordi kr oric under tbis pertnn. Plumbing License No : Company : ,,........,.-r.... • - - - Deso R: 'MOVE LAVATORY BASINS, EXTEND DRAIN AND WATER TUBING IN LA QUINTA FOR 129 ROOMS BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY pp tl~8 tpning : ~ WaNs Roof : Stories : Residential Units : tkonir~se No : laa~i : 1fl ~ ~ ;ar wa~ ~o +a t } oHr ~ M UM V , GhiqreaaNdi. fi1 Expiration Date : Approval : In ecaordancsvMh the qwlMOna tst kAh In yopur eppiksllon Phone : Phone : 421 2161 Constructbn Vafue : Pertnit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: Total $117.00 ' $0.00 $139.65 $256.65 Mechanical LicenseNo : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : antl b audect 6o the Iswe d1M SGIe of ColorMbend b the Zoninp rencee athe Clly. rya hom lesue tlete a(9) the bulldln0 siNrorbetl Is swPWWed a ~rme~y rsauaed. N cnanpes a e rn~e ha esue~aenNOn w~e ia~mpen w o~ c+) r~... i me nearai irow w waiw wwn ~.w r~~•,•~••• wr (24) froun In atlvence for aW apectlrne eiM ehell recMva wri~n appiovel on inapeetlon eard befare sna spedACeuons anan rwt oe oonsaued w oa e a~ rwr an eypmva~ a. anr vblatlo^ avre pow~ona VALID SIGNED , or reBuMllon. PERMIT CALL:O234-6NLY 24 HOURS RIOR TOHN8PECTION BUILDING INSPECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3 301 Yav n-~etj Phone : Contractor License No. : CoJ~ 1y ssfs7l ~ J~ Company u2 SkY wn6i~~ y ~2a~--~ ~ ~~-C , Phone : OWNER/CONTR.4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setbaek distances proposed by this pertnit appliwtion are accurate, and do not wolate applicable ortlinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnetions of rewrtl: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are aecurete; that 1 hava read and agree ta abide by all wnditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respon iliry for compliance ith the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W Riordrt~' nc or work under this permrt. Description 4'/,i 4X.y 13 fr5~sllS e u~c~~ .~.Construction Value : °G ~ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE DATE 0 Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : I f N q/1L~/.~~ Y lv4'Fe~-~v / ~ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Walls Roof : Stories Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : 17~?3~5 Mechanical License No : Company: Company B/v& Sk~_ Company: Expiration Date : Approval : I Pfana:RWqplred'~:' 1 Expiration Date : Approval : _3 P(gnsRequired Expiration Date : Approval : -A = mmR~tit!II~I~ =a1 (1) This permit was Issued in accortlance with the provisions set fotlh in yopur aOPlication and is subjeM to the laws of [he Stale ot Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulalions and Building Cotle of Wheat RiCge, Coloratlo or any other aDPlicable orUinances of l~e Ciry. (2) This permM shall ezDire R(A) lhe work authorized is not commenced wiNin sizty (60) days from issue tlate or (B) Ne Guiltling authoraetl is suspentletl or abandonetl far a penoO of 120 Cays. (3) If this permrt expires, a new permit may be acquired Por a fee of one-half tne amount normally requiretl. provitled no changes have been or will be matle in the onginal plans and specifwtlons and any suspension or abantlonment has not eaceeded one (i) yeac If chanqes are matle or if suspension or aEantlonmenl exceetls one (1) yeaL filll fees shall be paitl tor a new peRnit. (4) Nb work of any manner shall be tlone that will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlreinage problem. (S) Coniractor shall notiN Ihe Builtling Inspeclor lwenry-four (24) hwB in atlvance lor all inspecdons and shall recerve writlen appmval on inspection wra Defore procee(Jnn9 with successive phases of the job. I6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of Orawings and specifcations snall not be wnstruetl to be a permrt (or. nor an approval ot. any violalion ol the provisions of the Dutltlmg cotles or any other ortlinance, law. rwe or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID CONLY ALL W 34 5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO~IN P'ECTION ECTOR AND MAYOR ~'.f4 fltit~«0 5r~~ A^.^-. w,.._ r-DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1981 BUILDtNG INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :10/3/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Properly Address : Contrector License No. : Company 3301 YOUNGFIELD ST 18558 Wadman Corporation Phone : 302-6384 Phone : 621 4185 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cerdy thet the selback tlistencea proposed by tAis permit applicatlon am accuwte, and do not violate eppIkeble ordinances, rubs or regulNions of the City of VMeat Ridge or eoveneMS, eaeemeMs or reatrictions of record; lhat all measurements shown, and allegations made are accureto; that I Aave read andag ree~to abMe by all condidorm printed on thia applkxtion, and thet I asaume tull responsibil'dy comPlianee wRh the Wheat Ridge Building ~Jc under Mia pertnk. Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Rj~e ordmSn's8, tor wo (OVJNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : REMODEL bF LA QUINTA INN ALL ROOMS Construction Value : $339,430.00 Permit Fee : $1,479.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $5,091.45 Total: $6,570.95 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY -1 Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : a ~~r m 0 (1) This permB was isauetl In eaoMence wiN tlfe provislons set foM in yopur applicatlon aM ia wb~t to Cre laws of tlm Sbte of Cobiado and b Me Zoning Repu~tlou and Buildi Cotle of Wheat RI~ Colorado or arry other appl'~cabb ortlinences of the Cily. (2) Thle partnft aha~l ~Pire~ (A) 8u work auUwifzed Is not commenced witldn aizly (80) deys M1nm Issue date or (B) the Duildirq autlwrized is suapended a ebantloned Iw a periotl of 13o days. (s) u mb parmn expres, a newpam~ R mey Ee amquired for a fea of ono-haM tlre amount rwtmely require0, orovitlatl no cnarges nave been awm ce meae m me onBinei olane and apecMeatlons antl any auepenalon or ebandonment has mt exceeAatl one (t) year. N ehanges are mede a it auapenebn or ebanEOnment (4) No wwk of airy mennar aMll be 0one that wNl chenpe mo natuiai now a wavar causi a anmepe pmaem. (5) convacbr ahau noary me eWMirq 1ntoeetot fwantydour (za) nours In aavs~a ror al~ napecnons and anan recehre w~+tlen approval on lnspecUOn eam cefoia proceeOqrp witlisucceeelve Wlaaea at Me lob (8) tl~e lesuance of a pemiM orBre approval of arawinps and epec ..Ificatlons ahNl rat be conetrued m be a permit ror, rar an approvel ot, erry vblation a tlie pmvisions Iding Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOUR$ PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : L 4 Q0 - aTA iIJ ~15, i-N G PropertyAddress: 33 0~ ouNC-icC7 Sr_2✓ ~cF 27 Phone: 3o2-63S4 ~ a~a ~ Contractor License No. : Company : 16~1/(4-.✓ d/7"~~)') Phone(~D) ~VJ 7 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are acwrate, PeffTllt FBE and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and a9ree to abide by all contlitions printed on this Use Tax : application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work untler this permiL L p „ N ra iN i'„ o ' Total : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ATE Ib 5 ,TA+-~ 2 z"rti2~~~1 E2~liTS ~uun,n~ RG/irRUV~~•nsre ne ..r'.. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY , Approval : Zoning : 9 Approval: triommaitgnom Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : Wkid..=:~ j' (i) This permit was issuetl in accortlance wiN the provisions sel fortn in yopur application and is suDject to the laws of the SWte of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Re9ulalions antl Building Code of Vvhea[ Ritlge, Coloratlo or any other appllcabie ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire of (A) the work authonzed is not commenced wilhin sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the builtling aulhonzetl is suspended or abandoned for a periotl of 120 tlays. (3) I( this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired lor a fee of one-0alf the amount normally requtreQ provided no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and speufwtlons antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceetled one (1) year. If changes are made or it suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone that wi0 change the naWral flow of water causing a drainage probiem. (5) ConVac r shall notify the Builtling Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance Por all inspections antl sha0 receive written approval on inspection card DePore proce ng with successive phases of the joD. (fi) The 5 ance of a permit or Ihe aDProv of tlrawings antl specifcations shall not be cons[nled to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the pmvisions of t iltling,dotles or any other ornce, law. rule or regulation. Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 3301 Youngfield Street DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : lp - z- ci6- 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Lc` Q"'kG Property Address : 3301 "i 0u flq-(~'QJa Phone : Contractor License No. : Company: SPaca- F'- 'G~cT2I c c6 Phone:8lt3 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete. P8f(T11t F88 : and do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of recortl: that all measuremen[s shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all eonditions printed on this US@ T8X : application, and that I assume full responsibility for c plianca wdh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ri ge rdin nces, gr work under this pertnit. Total : (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNED / DATE ID .2. Description: CLeG.~IC61' for eCn~oQGL 6F Iaq P-00Mls BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ~ P%ns,Requlred.",.1 Company : Expiration Date : Approval: _3 Pf7Yns Required I Company : Expiration Date : Approval : A ; Mns Kf qaitg4l'i" (1) This permit was Issuetl in accortlance wlth Ne provisions set fotlh in yopur ap011cauon ana is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Re9ulations and 8uiltling Cotle of Wheat RiOge. Coloratlo or any other appiiwble ordinances ot the Ciry. (2) This permit shall exptre If (A) the work authonzetl is not wmmencetl wM1hin sixry (60) days hom issue tlate or (B) the builtlin9 auNOnzed is suspentletl or abantloneC Por a periotl af 120 tlays. (3) If lhis permit expires, a new permlt may be acquiretl (or a fee of one-half the amounl normally required. prow0etl no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and sOecifcations and any suspenslon or abanEOnment has not eaceeEetl one (1) year. If changes are matle or rf suspension or abantlonment exceetls one (1) year, full (ees shall he pai0 Por a new permrt. (4) No work o( any mannef Shall be tlone Ihat will thange the naNral flow of water cau5ing a Orainage problem. (5) Contrector shall noM1fy the Bniltling Inspector lwenry-four (24) hours m atlvance for ali inspecuons and shall receive wntlen approval on inspection cartl before proceetlung with successrve phases of the lob. i5) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcations snall not be conswetl to be a permrt for, nor an appmval ot any nolation of the provisions of the builtling cotles or any other ortlinance, law. mle or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 1~1 P q N~ C) L v INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~vi n DATE: BLDG. PERMITk 3C-06 PERM ITM BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. `t -,;'~~9 If TYPE OF INSR cL. 7JC.<~Vt"' INSPECTION MADE REMARKS W.R.FORM &19 renrrt xursen M94#19145 f f T P l ~ l l q ~ W Iill ( . I' ~ O 0 s s ~ d m o g ~ 3 a ~ o V"x ~ F.~ . ~.~5 ~~..P:... C, 91 Z } o _ o ~ m m m o y O m 0 ' c m 0 m 3 ~ m ~ a m 0 0 3 E; ~m m~ ~m o 0 m m' c » c D n a = mm ~0 0 c a 0 0 m ~ m / n f O a ~ S m 0 r O 2 ~ 'c 9 O- N m s °v r m O ~ m n o ~ v D m i ~ N 0 z ~ ~ O D Iz 2 z m 71 w ~~m? .O 0030 w 9~~~ w my°m ~ ~ ~ 3am a ~ y ~ m m m ~ anv ~ o m m ~ ~ 2 'pom om m.3 o m ~ - c a ~3 mM ma gg m m~m m a» °m m o 0 n mS a°o$ A a,~ o ° o ~ mm~ O ~'m f+ 9 m ~ ~c N m a V m ~ (n m a a < o mmo rt w a°o°~ ~ ° 3f~ CD m'.o°p. ,C o . m m. 3 O ~ mov (o ao 0 3 c < r ° n 3~ - : ~ m 0 F P . 0 m n O N O m O H 00 N o C+ N O N ~ ~ S 0 c $ \ { ~ H ~ ~ 0 ll ~ > 9§0 ~ mf~ m oQ 0 3 ~1 ~ 0 m <1 m 0 O c A m ~ ro z m ~ m ~ b w f+ N ~ t+ ~ ~ A , t I's = i8 ~f ~ •i A ~a ~ S T ML 5 ~ INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE INSPECTION RECORD a3y"s933 JOBADDRESS 3301 Youngfield Street BUILDINGPERMITNO'` M94#19145 OWNER La Quinta Inns, Inc. rPE OCCUPANCY CONTRACTOR Newcastle Const. Services 2401 lSth Street Denver, CO 80202 SETBACNS FROM PROPER'tY LINES: NORTH SOUTH DATE ISSUED 2/10/94 EAST West INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footin s Caissons Reinforcin or Monolithic Weather roofin POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical Ground Work Plumbin Ground Work Heatin Ground Work DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN S}GNED i i n Ruu h Electrical C! Rou h Plumbin AirTest Gas Pi in Rou h Heatin & Ventilation (above must be signed prior to iraming lnsp~ctjon) Framin Z Insulation D wall nailin Roofin Refri eration Electrical under round Final 3 Electricai Fixtures Plumbin Fixtures /,;/C~ Heatin & Ventilation Landsca e & Parkin R.O.W. & Draina e Fire De artment JObCORI Ibted C)<~° " "5t~n," OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE uk OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER u `q 4~t / c;l q S' G INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS V o ~ ^ tit-x-cX. DATE: l~BLDG. PERMIT# yj _ PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR.~~ ~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS 1~ INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~G DATE: J`O~ S BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. ~`~IA~XXJ.-~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. S/ iYPE OF INSR --4- - WJ JJ~ i INSPECTION MADE REMARKS~ 5 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS 3 3C) I ~J~-✓I ~ J DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# l q~ 4 S PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOF DATE INSP. REa. TYPE OF INSR ~-~"~'0.-✓"'~-~ INSPECTION DE REMARKS S INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS J ~JG DATE: BLDG. P RMI~qTN I V~ PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. iYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS O W.R. FORM 619 W.R. FORM &19 ~ I c~ pz / 6 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS DATE: V BLDG. PERMIT# 19 1 PERMIT# '1,1 , BLDG. CONTR. JA INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS (31 buq~( I ~ 5 DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR 'DATE INSP. REQ• TYPE OF INSP. ~ INSPECTION MAD DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS REMARKS_ Y V ~ ~ W.R. FORM 619 / W.R. FORM 619 b INSPECTION TICKET Jos 3 3 U ADDRESS pu9v DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. y SUBCONTRACTOR cl DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS ~i W.R. FORM 6r19 j DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500WES729thAVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. MM94#4371 234-5933 P.O. BOX6sa CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ANC RECEIPTED BEIOM/. APPLICATION FOR MISCE G OUS PER IT JOB ADDRESS '~-t ~ ~L' '33J~1~I WNER c a: . ADDRESS ~?t~ 1 7'c "t n f~ C~ d..~ CZ(~ CONTRACTOR O ^ tIp ADDRESS ~~T~ t osl SY PHONE ZIPCODE CITY 1-6 L V 0 G~ ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE PHONE a ~I -C~7~ LICENSE NO. DATE D'~ 9-J 1. TYCE Ground❑ Wail❑ Proiectinp❑ 01Mr SaDFOOe 2. MATERIAL Totcl SQuan Fee1 SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yea❑ No❑ TYDe Elect. Permit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zons_ Approved,Zom Ins"dw (Spscily which is fronl ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disopprovad 1. TYPE Solid[:] More Than 80% ODanEl Less Thon 80% OpOn MATERIAL - HeiQM FENCES 3 SET BACK FROM PROPER7Y LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Appraed,Zons IneOkta (SDetifY which is }ront) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisapOroved OTHER 12, 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIV1h3 DISTANCES FRqA PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTpNS INCLUDED) SPECIFY NORTH STREET N4ME SNOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TPADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS,AND PROPERTV LINES; ON IRREGUTAR lATS.SNOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MAJ(IMUM OR pVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECFiANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORN~ THE INDICATED WORK ONLY-UPON VALIDATION 8Y THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. oGannirwu i FxaiRF 1P0 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. MECHANICAL PERMIT nWMWUMN4REUNDER52E81LLEGAL Np FLOOR WATER ClASET BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. FUEUCirclaOn~GofOll ENeSdw FORCED AIR - BTU fo C~f~ ~ TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE ° AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONINCa-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTMER K C- wC f-xl HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUITS WATER HEATER Refri aranf Group UTILITY(RANGE,DISPO5ER,ETC.) AUTO.WASnER Poundf CAar e FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINNLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROIS FLO(Kt DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI7(TURES . ~ i . PERMI~ FEE ~J 'IF 0~) USE TAX cm TOTAL FEE q G NOT VALID UNIESS RECEIPTED It (~64-~ Y I hareDy acknowledqe thot Ihis Vpplcca- tion is torrett and understond lhot I Gannof start this prOltlcf until Ihie appli- Cation is aDProved. I shall camply with Me lawa oi the Slate ol Colorado and to ths Zoninp Repulafions ond Buildina Code of ihe City of t+eat Ridpe. Any violafion of the a fer will cause immediafe revocolln of 1 is Dermit b SlyneNn CHIEF BUILDIp(d INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe Date Issued CAIL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS LAKEWOODIBANCROFT COMBINED FIftE AUTHORITY 9001 West Jewell Avenue Lakewaod, Colorado 80232-6664 (303) 989-4307 Fas: (303) 989-6726 Jack E. Prose Chief Building Inspector 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatridge CO 80034-0638 RE: LAQUINTA INN 3301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD Deaz Mr. Prose: February 28, 1994 All azeas inside where walls are removed, added or moved require smoke detection to be added to the area of remodel. Please have the conuactor contact me to discuss the Lakewood/Bancroft Combined Fire Authority's code requirements. Respectfully submitted, Herbert Burton Lt. Depury Fire Marshal /ls PREVENTION • E;Upi;A'I'ION • HF.tiF;AHCti + UEVE[qP\1t~:'r.,l. DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500wES72ethAVENUE 6UILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 234-5933 P.O.BOX638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,COLO. MP794#4359 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SiGNED BY THE CHiEF BUILDING MSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. AYF'LIGH IUN rUlt MIJI.tLLANtUUJ YCrtMI I / ~ 7 " JOB ADDRESS OWNER ~-A J c~i•`~'~ - Y CONTRACTOR ~czac ;~E - ADORESS 1417_~I"'O TY ADDRESS PHONE ~ L'144" ZIPCODE ~-~.L[ CITY ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ PHONE LICENSE NO. DATE L TYPE G A ❑ Woll❑ Proieofin ❑ Other S a D Feee SIGNS roun 2. MATERIAL 3 ILLUMINATION Yu❑ No❑ 7yps p Total Squon FNt ElW Permif No . 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specity which ie front ) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ . Zone_ . ApprovW,Zone In"da DiwpDroved 1. TYPE SolidE] More Than 80% OpsnO MATERIAL ? Less Thon 80% Open NeiOhf FENCES . 3. SET BACH FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specify whieh is }ront) _ ❑ 5_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zme_ ADWaed.Zom InsOata Diaapproved I . 2 OTHER 3 . DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVIN3 DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBALKS OR PROJECTpNS IN0.UDED) z ~ J ~ Y 1- 2 SPECIFY NOiiTN ~ N STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE M41N BUILDING TPAWOINING HOUSES, STREETS,AND PROPERTY LINES;ON IRREGULAR LATS.SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY IINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORMI THE INDICATED WORK ONLV UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT S7ARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE UCENSE NO. ALUMINUMWIREUNDERSIZE81LlEGAL PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH MECHANICAL PERMIT NQ FUEUCirtlaOrMGa{dlRoppN E Sdor Np. WATER CLASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINN OTMER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRiGERAT10N SVSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUITS UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC) FIXTURES WATER HEA7ER AUTO. WASHER DISH WGSHER Z Refri aronf Group PouMs Clar e AUTOMATIC SPRINKIER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OlD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI%TURES REMARKS e thot this applico- knowled I M b PERMIT FEE q y oc re tion u conect and undersfand ihai I li- til th USE TAX is app tonnol stmt this Drojett un oation is ap0roved. I shall comply with TOTAL FEE ths lawf ai the Stote ot Colorado ond to ths Zoninq Requlations ond Buildinq APPROVEI An Rid 019~ y qe. Code of the Cify of Wneot violotion of the obove terma will cause CHIEF BUILD immediateirevocation of this permil / _~TcuE 6~c~i Date Issued_ ~ &ooIi eani. s'o...... -q 1. ~ C/ INSPECTOR,Cify of Wheat Ridqe ("c)ES0, CALL2345933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS , ~ ~U3 ~ a~ F- ~ n m cl) Z ~ ~ D ~m Z Rn h o ~ ~ - - ~ i' is~. o 0 r V, m F, ~ , ~ J F y ~ N A E r y In 6 ~g D IaMMI36~ 1 ~`H~~~N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500WeS729thAVENUe BUILDWG INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO.Mgq#19145 234-5933 P.O. BOX638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONIY WHEN SiGNED BY THE CHiEF BUILDING MSPECTOR ANC RECEIPTED BELOW. ~ APPIr'•CATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT JOB ADDRESS J~/w° OWNER /-Q ~ CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 112 ADDRESS PHONE 2!0" 30 Z^aZiffE ZIPCODE 1Z~G~ CITV ZIP CODE T"~v CONTRACT PRICE $ 0^7~ ~/iI1.7.4 PHONE ¢ SS /y/Y LICENSE NO. I vA i t ` ° iZ' ❑ Proiecfinp Wall 4 ❑ 01hsr S or D Faa $IGNS I. TYPE GrounE 2. MATERIAL / V ❑ N - 6' I 7 s 4z-xv Tofal Squon FNt ~ G Eloc armit No. o 3. ILIUMINAT10N a 4 SE7 BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE yp - 5 E N ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ 2one w one Inspeota-7 Drwsd Disa (Spetify whith ia iroM ) p 1. TYPE SolidE] Mon Than 80% ODenO Lsos Thon BO% Open ht Hei FENCES MATERIAL 3 SET BACK FROM PROPER7Y LINE N_~ & `M- ❑ - ❑ g Ze - APOraW,Zorn Iropecfa roved Diaa (SPecify which ia front) 1 ❑ A L DD OTHER . ~ Q 2 h~' a. pRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVihG DISTANGES FROM PF+c»'eni r unea. ~ (SETBACNS OR 7ROJECTIONS WCLUDED) REAR PROPERTY LINE t (.1 INSPECTION TICKET JOB Q ' 0 y, ADDRESS ~ I Jl~- ~8 ' ROPER7Y LINE n DATE: BLDG. PERMITB STREET NAME PERMITB SNOW DISTANCES FROM TME MAIN BUILDING T6ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND VRd DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. gLDG. CONTR. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTHICAL; MI THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UP SUBCONTRACTOR PEPMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAVS FROM THE DATE OF ISSLIANCE IF WORP l~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT DATE INSP. REo. STATE LICENSE N0. STATE LILENSE N0. tYPE OF INSP. ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2N0 3RI NO Wa7ER aDSET INSPECTION MADE Z TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATM TUB REMARKS CHANGE SERVICE - AMPSSHOWER LIGHTING SINK HEATING GARBAGE DISP POWER SUB-GFCUITS WATER HEATER (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO. WASHER UTILITY XTURES DISH WASHER FI W.R. FORM E79 WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FI.DOH DRAIN SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER REMARKS I hsroby ocknowledQe that lhis opplica- tion is correct ond undersiand lhat I Connot start this Drojetf until ihif oppli- tation is apOroved. I shall comply wifh the laws of Ihe S1ofe oi Colorodo ond to ths Zoninp Requlations and Bwldinq Lode of fAe City of Wheat Ridpe. Any violation o/t,/rihe obove rma will coule immediatydevocotio of)lSis permil PERMIT FEE CCJ NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIGTED ~'{t (oUSS~9 i~ USE TAX I TOTAL FEE I$.~(os. o-ti I CHIEF BUILDING ,City of Wheat Ridqe Date Issued L q ✓l X']~.~i V)I CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS u T -- n rl :ao nn, fReimagne = La Quinta Inn 0 (036 3301 Younefield Service Rol, Golden CD GROUP 8, PACKAGE 3 THE SCOPE OF THE WORK OF THIS PROJECT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEMS IDENTIFIED ON THE INDICATED SHEETS., THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SEPARATE LINE ITEM PRICES FOR EACH ADDITIVE ALTEFIATE BID ITEM ALOWG WITH THE BASE BID. ADDITIVE ITEM NAME SHEETS ALTERNATE M DECORATIVE FEATURE AT LOBBY FRONT 0002A01, 0120,421,1010,421,1016A41 ALTERNATE 0 2 FEATURE WALL 0002A01,143OA41 ,:I • 5HEET INDEX 0002AOI SITE PLAN O / NOTES 0120A21 EXTERIOR ELEVATION COLOR KEY 055OA21 FOUNTAIN ELEVATION 012OA22 EXTERIOR ELEVATION COLOR KEY 055OA41 SOFFIT/BASE DETAILS 012OA23 EXTERIOR ELEVATION COLOR KEY 055OA42 SOFFIT DETAIL 0506AOI LOBBY DEMOLITION PLAN 055OA43 SOFFIT DETAIL 0506AO2 LOBBY RENOVATION PLAN 0550.A44 SOFFIT DETAIL 0506A03 LOBBY REFLECTED CEILING 055OA45 SAFE DEPOSIT DETAILS 0506M01 LOBBY MECHANICAL DEMOLITION PLAN 0560A41 RESTROOM INT. ELEVATION AND PLAN 0506MO2 LOBBY MECHANICAL RENOVATION PLAN 0806,401 LOBBY FURNITURE FINISH PLAN 0506.E01 LOBBY LIGHTING FIXTURE PLAN 0905,401 PORTE COCHERE PAVING PLAN 0506.EIO LOBBY POWER/COMMUNICATIONS PLAN 101OA21 ELEVATION KEY PLAN - FRONT 0506.E81 FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS 101OA22 ELEVATION KEY PLAN - LOBBY SIDE 052OA01 FRONT DESK PLANS 1016A41 FRONT FACADE DETAILS 052OA21 FRONT DESK ELEVATIONS 1021A41 TRIM DETAIL 052OA22 FRONT DESK BACK ELEVATIONS 1025A41 TRIM DETAIL 052CA41 FRONT DESK SECTIONS 103OA41 RAILING DETAILS 053OA21 BUFFET ELEVATION DETAIL 1035A41 RAILING MEDALLION 053OA41 BUFFET DETAILS 1040,441 RAILING DETAIL 0545AOI LOBBY FLOOR FINISH PLAN 105OA44 FASCIA DETAIL 0545AO2 LOBBY FINISH PLAN - ENLARGED DETAIL 1055A41 BEAM END DETAIL 056OA21 FRONT DESK SOFFIT ELEVATION 101OA41 RAILING DETAIL 055OA22 FRONT DESK WALL ELEVATION 1010.EOI PORTE COCHERE BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN 0550,423 LOBBY ELEVATION 1165A43 ROOF DETAILS MOA24 ENTRY VESTIBULE ELEVATIONS 1425A41 PAVING DETAILS 055OA25 BUFFET ELEVATION 1425,442 PAVING DETAILS 0550,426 L ELEVATION AND PLAN 143OA41 FEATURE WALL DETAILS uo� cudau Auv 'SbulmwP Qsa44 UO PQlGU PO!GA a99*ds ay} job >4uo pans! WO PUD - ONIViNino Yi jo Kyj�wd a4l aic s;L*Juo-3 j!aq4 PUD SW3UMoOP aS94i - ONI 'ViNMO V1 mot Aq papqWid sl - -,uj'spQjl4ajv LjDo)j 614qs!6nA 40 ;UDSUG3 ua)Ayo passaudxa Stiq �MOAI s;uawnoop asaq jo 2uO!4GAj!POw JO 's S! 'SuOqn np LU uj al LU Ul ca 0 i7-- 0 - q q uj tp- ca ]z Ju ui w W- ui ccl LLI r U- ul 4 3 ui C , C, ui U-1 _UA U-1 LIJ 9 g Uj'-D ca 0 43 Z X >— f k " D j ui CA ca > :z ca Lfi Q -4 Y: -q — +– = __ tt1 27 ui WQ > 0- 7M OL !b ZS U. I + LIA ul sp — ZZA —1 8 LU C Lij ul C� ul x u x - 4 LIA Di 'V � '0 - x LIA -cD C) CO #-- u U4 LLJ L.0 tYY C'D x ca —4 ul U 43 U-J tk CL — — -q 0-) K � ul x —10 L . L Y ul x <1 Fi ty. UA C L- > 0 :z LA li ul 7 UA c a �z C, u LIA 6 UA LU { r � 4i.d� V l � A- CL CO UA ul -A OD uj uj Ul T d - ) 37 < ki tY w ul W- A UJ " "-A -M �1 ij I N� X s , t t� S � vv 40 - N1 �l . 1�s A A ., A c; Lu 0 C) cr ,10 uj O'l CO ui r � - 41 'W W I t r N Al T �v ky) �� Im 4 1W y X� � 0 C< Q) SZ � .v Q) C ' , n i 'S co V 00 c 0 C) L I) k N o LJ Ltj CN Cl. < �4, Li VQ V, IX n t:j q l i 'S co V 00 c 0 C) L I) X o LJ Ltj CN Cl. < �4, Li VQ V, t:j q l UA �- — 'S co 00 c 0 C) CO CLI X o LJ Ltj CN Cl. < Li VQ UA �- CO CLI UA �- - l PT -I) 1 PT I 0 I � O i Lp 11 I I Lp FIT= Lp I I I I I I I I I I I O I O O I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I O PT -2 I I � I I I I i I I - - --' 1021 `�------- - - - -�� 1025 b A41 PT -I 441 -EXTERIOR ELEVATION COLOR Q"r V811 C II -�II Q�4 a ii .. ■■ ii �Mm W I I I I I I I I PT•I GENERAL NOTE: ALL RXIM DIWCTICNAL SIGNS AND FORMATION BUILDING SIGNS SHOULD BE R'MOVED PROIR TO PAINTING. THE NEW BUILDING SIGNS ARE OF A DIFFEF&NT DESIGN AND SIZE, AND MAY NOT BE LOCATED AT TPE SAME LOCATION OF PREVIOUS SIGNAae. "� f it� JQ.ssEpri NA � � v'A L a: NOTES PAINT COLOR LEGEND REFER TO SPEG'FICATIONS FOR PAINT COLOR SELECTION UFOWATION. WC - NO C04GE TO EXISTING FINISH 01. PANT COLOR DESIGNATION REFER TO COLORS PRODUCED BY BENJAMIN MOORa£ AND ARE FURNISPED FOR RE- FERENCE TO COLOR SELECTION MATC14NG RWOSES ONLY. ALL PAINT ARE TO BE PROVIDED 45 SPECIFIED, PRODUCTS OF, 510" WILLIAMS. 02. EXISTING BRONZE COLOR METAL WINDOWS SNAIL REMAIN UgTN NO NEW PANT FINISH. 03: (NOT USED) 04. REFER TO ENLARGED DETAILS AS INDICATED FOR COMPONENT PAINT FNISPES. 0S. REMOVE BOX BEAM N NAILER UNDER ROOF 4 RESTORE WALE FNISN AND PANT 06. WOOD TRIM AT UMNDOWS ARE TO RECEIVE PT -2 FNSN, METAL FRAMES ARE TO REMAIN WpANTED, WC 01. ALL L055T DOORS AND TW TO BE i PANTED PT -5. Reimaging - La Quinta Inn X636 I 3301 Yorngfleld Savice Rd Golden CO X60 —� GO —� s0 112 E. Pecan Sheet P.O. Box 2636 San MtoM, T 78299 arm TEL. (210) 302 -6146 EXTERIOR ELEVATION 012CA21 COLOR KEY IF � Jos 7 Pc.x -1)l FT- IM A41 rol o:ii1111- llllii C l PT -1 e we E TERIO 1/8" = 1' - 0 " m TION COLOR Kul' GENERAL NOTE: ALL RXM DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AND INFORMATION BUILDING SIGNS SFILYJLD BE REMOVED MP401R TO PANTWA TI$ NEW BWLDNG SIGNS ARE OF A DIFFERENT DESIGN AND SIZE, AND MAY NOT BE LOCATED AT TIE SAME LOCATION OF PREVIOUS SIGWsE. i NOTES PAINT COLOR LEGEND REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR PANT COLOR SELECTION INFORMATION WC - NO CHANGE TO EXISTING FINISH PI. PANT COLOR DESIGNATION REFER TO COLORS PRODUCED BY BENJAMN MOORS AND ARE RIRNISNED FOR RE- FERENCE TO COLOR SELECTION MATC 4NG F WWOSES ONLY. ALL PANTE ARE TO BE PROVIDED AS SPECIFIED, PRODUCTS OF, %a" UILLIAMS. M. EXISTING BRONZE COLOR METAL WINDOWS 614A LL REMAIN WT14 NO NEW PANT FINISH. 93. MOT USED) M. REFER TO ENLARGED DETAILS AS INDICATED FOR COMPONENT PANT FINISHES. 7S. WDOD TRIM AT WINDOWS ARE TO RECEIVE PT -2 FINISH, METAL FPJMS ARE TO REMAIN UWANTED, WC. 96. ALL LOBBY DOORS AND TRIM TO BE PANTED PT -S. Architec twera — Denver CO I La Q Irta Inns, Ina 112 E Pecan Street P.O. Be. 2636 San MWW.- TX 76299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 r pby3 EXTERIOR ELEVATION COLOR KEY 0120A22 GENERAL NOTE: �1 I r t I C� ALL ROOM DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AND 1 C ` WOR MATICN BUILDWj S*NS SHOULD BE REMOVED PROIR TO PANTW DE NEW l J BUILDING D SIZE, E, A NOT BE OF A < � Cf51GN AND SIZE, AND MAY NOT BE LOCATED AT RE SAME LOCATION OF PREVIOUS SIGNAGE. ALL EXTERIOR BUILDINGS SU FACES ARE TO BE PANTED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL EXiSTWG EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTU�96, EXIT LIGHTS, FIRE ALARM PULLS, 44D FIR_ ALARM ANNNCIATOR5 ARE TO BE PROTECTED THROUGHOUT CONSTRICTION ) 1 /6II _ II - 011 VATION OOLOR Q`f M4 ! Y 1 y I i'i C f 9 F � n F: r—y �q � E..:t NOTES PAINT COLOR LEGEND REPER TO SFECFICATIGN5 FOR PANT COLOR SELECTION W MATION WC - NO C"rsE TO EXISTING FINISH 01. PAINT COLOR DESIGNATION REFER TO COLORS PRODUCED BY BENJAMIN MOM AND ARE RWISHED FOR W- FERENCE TO COLOR SELECTION MATCHING FURP'OSES ONLY. ALL PA ARE TO BE FROVIDED AS SPECIRED, PRODUCTS OF, SHERUN ULLIAMS. 02. EX 6TNG BRONZE COLOR METAL UNNDOUS SHALL REMAIN WITH NO NEW ! PAINT FINISH. 03, DRAWWs5 ARE ALL INCLUSIVE, ALL DETAILS MAY NOT APPLY TO THE WOK SCOPE OF WO 04. REFER TO ENLARGED DETAILS AS INDICATED FOR COIMPONENT PANT RNSE5. 05, PANT ROOF TILES ONLY IF EXISTING ROOF TLE5 ARE PANTED. LWANTED ROOF TILES REMAIN WANTED. WIT PAINT SAMPLE AND SPECFICATION TO RCFN ATECT FOR APPROVAL 06. WOOD TRIM AT UNNDCUS ARE TO RECENE PT-2 FINISH, FETAL K"S ARE TO REMAIN WPANTED, WC. 01. ALL LOBBY DOORS AND TRM TO BE PAINTED PT -5. at �\ nn F Relmaeing - La Quinta Inn X636 3301 Youngfleld SwAce Rd Golden CO _%7 j w ' is // Pla=en - Den O La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.O. Baa 2636 San Mtanio, TX ] 99 TEL (210) 302 -6146 Rim EXTERIOR ELEVATION 012CA23 COLOR KEY 6 1A3w yowl q4- N.I.C. 14 TYP. 0 // 99 21 i 20191 r r R TON I �I / 03 25 ?E [2 - S I — QII AN — � r — �_= CSC J r _ 7.::: 03 = _ — 1 ELEPHONE r 7 E 14 11 13 M 04 33 n TYP. (" LOBBY 32I 14 01 02 34 TYP. 12 ENTRY min rm 24 m i ` N.I.C. --\ TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL OFFICE 23. WOVE SOLID EOCD PAEW FROM 90Ra7 "F OF MW DOORS, WM LEAVES. CCM To FA 51AN 2A. 0701E SOLD WOOD PAEW OR EX= &ASS FROM 7RAWCM FMU ABOVE D= ROOD FRAME TO FHMN 75. WM DOBTEW FCFCORI TWUE AT CELWA MEP SIRA,E FORNBU RINL 26. R M4W EMSTM FAIAW MW 2T wmEETOSTRYa IRDOFINOLIDNGa.A55, STOPS AND TF41 2L FEMOW 006TNG SECRTY CAMERA (TO BE IM=AIEO PER F800ATION PLAN). X Eb6TFW V90M MAOMES TO BE SEOCATED. CAP ALL AEAtOCNED SB WM FOR &W MALL &*AM DRAW M ni FLOOR SLAB AND SEA. FFTII CO ICREM 30. F@TOW ETOSTFW UEDCO DR41Vtr TRFAVB1f5. A ROT USED) 32. lVVVE ALL E>45TNG MM CEiILM nO AND PREPARE SIIBACE TO RECENS M TEXNED affACE CTSNG 33. F810VE IXBTW SMM DEWORS FOR P086M FE -USE 34. RxaPWUFE ET06TM FIRE SMO&ER MTEM W11M NEW C06TRETICK MU RE COMKA10E SRN NFPA AND LOC& IMMUTTa15. 6p 29 14 TYP, 01 7 ;l IV NOTES OL PB10r£ ROOM TIFSCYADUT. 02 i8'01f TLE 945E THi91fNC12T. 01 RROM CELSW AE,GL9 50M AD IRAMM F810E WAC 0=10W AV tMMO R PWYe AS RENF4D. RBER TO RENNATM PLA2 FOR MEW OF AREA d. REM EN91N6 FW DESKMLLWISC AD MANTAN ALL PON32 *0 TEUPME CQIECWS FOR NBU PEW LATOV OS. PEMAE MLLAM CAP AID RSM art A2T CCMXtK 5 TWAT APPLY. ft RSDAPARMION AS NDDAIED. OL REh0VE 0= AND PARMICN AS OL RMOVE5WATLEADFW&IMAGEF0RIEIU MATENAL 05 Rroa EX9Tm Lon AD TOLET ACCESSORES AS FWARW . 10. 1@DVE MR=S UMER TRbA1179E5. L WiM CAE WM AND FP*E M WOVE DODO R4CK W.CE a R37OVE Down LEW RKNES. "m TO RSWAIKN AO OtAWSE D MAW FOR NN LOCATM N. R310VE E%IBTNG FLIbIEBC@If LViR FOSTIEES. 9. D55TH MM U FVVWSFGFEIDBN FWLL M1IEAN PFW N CELFWFOR CCRECTICN OF OIF M MO COLli59. CAP BRCFIKam SLAB AO SEAL am CONaETE E. RrDtE SOSTM FLOOR SLABS AS I SQW TO ACC855 RDE101CM VARIORAN PFM R Rr10VE E OSTFYs WAC SIPPLY GRLLES N FACE CF GCW AO 6M CELIW AWA FfL'NT DESK IL 00636 IfOr 5TAT TO ME FIIACATED. NM TO RSWATM PLAN It Of *0 PATCH O56RW VJVACE ASR QW FOR N6TAUATTCN CF FaKtALt FVVXE SOW sooma 20. 'VVe DOM EYE DEPONT 9aC &ALYACEFORNWALATM 2L TACrA BJE RONC EYE 1484M AID SALVAGE MR NOTAllATTOR 22 FWAWR AVINCIATORPA)SLOPE1; TO R3WATTCN"TDRNBU LOCATION Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 33- 0f d Rd Golden CO YYovefffeld � Tw — w — 7 1 T Architects / Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pectin Street P.O. Bae 2636 San Mtanio, T 75299 TEL (210) 302 -5146 DkAL' LOBBY DEMOLITION PLAN 05&AOI N.I.C. —\ 11 2 28 ILK m m •7 - 11 OFFICE M 4C I ip i i i Z Y RENOVATION AN .. .II r I �l i o e e ii ENTRY Ili- BUFFET If —�• i ( TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT ME M- 23 23 21 26. FM AJRM ANINCIATOR PAFEL, RELOCATED TO PAM INTO OFFICE. 21. NOW NVAC IIUT TO SIPRT Y0RKR70M, OFFD -AM DESK FMTW. LOBBY. TEL134 NE AND OlMt AWAB P✓&VIOSLY 8E1tV1:D 8Y EXISTING WIT. 28. NEW 2'-b' =E DOLR COMIMATE NEW UTH EQrMW DESK! AID FEW AIR KRUt 29. TIEN3S DOOR FOR THE 4GRWXM SMI) BE IIDERRrt BY P TO ALLOW FOR AR FEW 30. LOBBY SIDE DOM SILL BE FITTED FFTH Will PANIC I SECMWTY WARI)RA E F PANG / BECWIY WARXM S NOT FFEW. N tEcaflai E EXISTING, SMOKE DETECTION ATD FIFE SPWIQER SYSTEM U MI NEW CRBTRMOL NSLFE CR'FLIFNCE LM NFPA AD LOCAL FECALATRFS. NOTES OL WALLS TOFELEIME IBNI WALL CO'BMa11Rd7llil- OUt. 01 GELINGGTOPEO MEPANTFFBN REMOVE FWAIT WRIE AND REPLACE WIN NEU 03. TILE Fl.CORK FE: LOBBY R.00RRW FLAK 04. SORT. NEW DMUMLL BRIT ToFMW GRAN MMDWACRR/lM.. 05, NOT USED, 06. NN DPAIM TREATMENT. TE: ELEVATIRL 01 NEW FR W DESK FE. BUANIIED FLAN e6 WSMILL111OROIEBPVAl1ON6. OS NEW TILE FE: ELEVATIONS. 10. WIN MWETNG BYPLAY /!lnDlfB RACK REFER TO ELEVATIONS.. WER RIMM AD CGNFRADT (STALLED. t NEU PARMIRL META. 81TDS AT 16' Or- ANN ON VI' GYPUMM BOARD R.M MIN WSTM ON EACH FACE OF MALL. U. FRTMDE 1lYKGWB CELM At 6' -IO V2' AFF. f (KM WNN IXSTNG BRFR FORT EIM.. B. REMOVE Ab ISTALED SECWTY CAMERA (F R62MA K RELOCATE INAC TFERMC&TAT FROM FEMDEBC WALL TOTED LOCATION SNOW (F WAIL ED). S. DOSTM ACOWWAL CELM TIE IO P84W S. PROVDE NBU TEDHOE RRLET6 N LOCATIONS INDICATED. M 1 AMAIN AND I". FRDME ELEiRCAL AS 11152M. S PATCH AW WAR PARTITIONS AS FERFRED.R86t i0 FNSH BCNELTME. S IEIK 4'-0' LCNG LNEAR O.Ot NVAC DIiSBE SRN 1RINBITIRT OOOISICT7IXSTFNG OIICIUDRC 20. DOMSLE ACHY, DOOR WIN 81"A LOADED BME FLOW FLA1E6 EACH WE IEF DOORA2O RAPE TOMATCND WING OFFICE DOOR AND RATE n FE.00ATE TELEVISION CUM TO W-0' AFT. FROVDE FEU DLFLU AAl14ENT a 6'- O'AFF. n NOT USED. 23. SNELVNG WN MM SCCFE TO BE OEM"ED BY awt M. FEFSTALL SALVAGED WW DEFW BOM N FEU LOCATION MUTED. WW TO DETAIL. 25. NOT USED. 1 Reimaging - La Quinta Inn '636 3301 Service Rd Golden C0 T — " De Architects /Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Street P.O. Boa 2636 San Mtanio. TX M299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 R ,G. 12,61W LOBBY RENOVATION PLAN MMA02 N.I.C. —�\ III EL Ise 03 12 13 03 m IL�Ir� OFFICE 70 1.1 �—• � � u I \`•J /I /A 8 1-611 Ilk L055 ' REFLECTED CEILING PLAN 1/8 _ 1 -0e i i c. J \J I 9 J�x FS eE..7 Ole _�, E 10St_ 'rt ;v §. I L NOTES IX Cpl "N M GVDOVE6. BL NB66A' fiblilID ro caN^.rftE llni MFLWdN DEF.FCe 7E%1M Vi SPACE HUNTED LW R CME. ed. E7 R4 F6 n N FIREPLACE TO M5 �. M,< MD. 96. W CUTLET FB,CCAW 1O WW APF. a ADMABlE FECM SM.. B6 m9ati i6m. 10. RZWe WLirslt FkltW- & RBCE66ED W.41cE6CEtlf. 2 94LL MMW LG W F600F6i. D. WNl9XMFED STEAD: CM.M ©00 Reimaging - La Quinta Inn X636 3301 Yoogtield Service Rd Golden CO -- Architects / Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E P• cn Stmet P.O. Bce 2636 Scn MWM.. TX ]8299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 e• RASAB REFLECTED CEILING aq DEMOLITION NOTES: AIR GRILL � RE 0L REMOVE EXISTING ES, AND AIR ASSO CIAT ED EIS y 6. ALL NEW DOhESTIC WATER PIPING SHALL IIRJ E$ AND ASSOCIATED SWEET METAL BRANCW DUCTWORK AS SHOWN /I/I � / l C� S° BE COPPER TYPE K OR L, SWEAT JOINTS CROSS- HATCHED. CAP SUPPLY TRUNK DUCT r' I 7 MADE W/ SILVER OR OTHER LEAD -FREE AS SHOW SOLDER RUSH NEW PIPING 4 CHLORINE 02. EXISTING A/C UNIT TFERIOSTATE TO 6 S DISINFECT PER LOCAL CODE R- r� 1AN MENTS. SLOPE ALL NEW HORIZ WASTE 03, RMOVE EXISTING 4" GRADE CLEANOUT AND PIPING N THE DIRECTION OF FLOW. 4" SANITARY SEVER PIPING F EXISTING WORK 1. INSULATE ALL NEW DO'ESTIC COLD WATER CONFLICTS OTH NEW WORK RELOCATE AS PIPING W/ VY THICOESS FIBERGLASS PIPE SHOWN. DISCONNECTION WORK MST BE CO- NSULATION HAVING AN ALL- SERVICE ORDNATED WITH MANAGETENT TO ENSURE VAPOR BASER JACKET. SEAL ALL WATER USAGE IS CURTAILED INITL NEW PIPING TRANSVERSE AND BUTT JOINTS. S REINSTALLED. RELOCATE GRADE CLEANOUT S. RELOCATE AWNY EXISTING THEMTATE TO NEW LOCATION SHOWN, WITHIN THE LOBBY AREA AT THE OUNER'S 04. EXISTING 61J8 -SLAB SANITARY WASTE DIRECTION 041CH CONFLICTS WITH ANY PIPING TO R9MAN UrGR4DE WORK. S. MOVE AS REM. AND APPROPRATELT CAP ALL SdSTPNG FUMING WORK WHICH IS TO BE ABANDONED UNDER THE NEW IF- GRADE WOW SCHEME CONFORM TO LOCAL N.I.C. FUMING CODE REQWREMENTS N THIS /E BUFFET 1 61 7\ GARDEN TERRACE -jL_J uio"OOM I fjl L - I T II l� N.LC. L Ja � LOBBY MEC A NIC LI O � f, II ICE OFFICE Zvi i ® ® TELEPHONE PMEN ENTRY NOTES MECHANICAL NOTES: GENERAL I. ALL DUCTWORK SIZES ARE SHOWN AS NET INSIDE DUMENSIONS. WRAP ALL NEW 9UF'PLT DUCTWORK UUTH I" THICK HBERI" DUCT WRAP HAVING A FOIL KRAFT (FRG VAPOR BARRIER JACKET. LINEAR DFTtSER BOOT SECTIONS S ULL HAVE I' THICK FACED FIBERGLASS ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER OF 15 PCF DENSITY. 2. ALL SHEET FETAL DXXORK SHALL CONFORI TO SMACNA. - HVAC DUCT CONSTRICTION STA - METAL 4 FLIXBLE (latest edition). CON- STRICTION! DUCTWORK FOR 05' (q) PRESSURE CLASS, SEAL CLASS "C' RATING. PROVIDE NECESSARY OFF- SETS AS REQUIRED TO AVOID CONFLIC WITH EXISTNG WORK TO WAN AND NEW WORK OF OTHER TRADES (SUCH AS RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES) WHICH LAKE PRECEDENCE 3. COORDINATE ALL CUTTING AND PENE- TRATIONS FOR OPENING,°, WT14 THE GEH CONTRACTOR COORDINATE BOOT 4 DIFFUSER LOCATIONS IWT14N THE CLOG, SOFFIT MOULDING SECTIONS PER AR:HITECTtRAL DETAILS. 4. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL BUILDING CODES. 5. UNLESS OTHIMSE NOTED, ALL NEW WORK SHALL MATCH MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION OF EXISTING WORK ALL NE9U DUCTWORK SHALL BE CON- CEALED FROM VIEW. Amhitects / Planners — Denxr CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Peron Stmet P.O. Box 2636 Ban Mt io, T 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 y , 2AbW LOBBY MECHANICAL DEMOLITION PLAN 0506MO D -1 TINS a CT -540 B(TRIM 4A MM BAR WBU4LL LINEAR DfftWR (114' BARS, LIP WACAG, 0 -DEG Daucnm X 2 -IOM NCH WIDE PROVIDE WTN TYPE 4 (114' NCH) WR WY LATCHED FRAME 4 BORDER AND O AG -35 OPPOSED BLADE VOLIPE DAMPER IM UNITE FMISH 0-2 TUTUS a CT -540 WIWW AUMNEM BAR SVEW4LL .' LINEAR DURJgER (V4' BARS, IR' SPACING, 04)EG DEFLECTION) X 4 NCIN WIDE PROVIDE MTN TYPE 4 (V4' NCH) SPRING- LATCHED KAPE 4 BORDER AND PAG -35 OPPOSED BLADE VOLUME DAMFER 9M UNITE PUSH - G -1 TMIS 4 44L AU MMM 45- DE3REE BLADE FDED DEFLBCTIOH 112 SPACING REIIRN AIR GRILLE. FD -I 2' CAST RON FLOOR DRAIN WITH ADJUSTABLE NICKEL 5R7NTF STRAINER GRATE, BOTFCM DRAINAGE FLANGE IUT14 UB3'HOLES. PROVIDE SECOND FLOOR LOOT WT44 FLASNIG CLAtl? JOSAI SERIES 30000 OR AMA' Z -45. TRAP PRIMER (WHERE SHOW0 P'ROVW JOUM N460 -B6, LRN Z -M, OR J)t SMITH 5.2653 CONNECT TRAP PRFER TO COLD W4TER PIPING ASH SIM NB -I In' RBMOVABL T4MNDEL HOSE BM WITH B4QGLO8 PREVENTION (VALUMM BREAQRIDEVIM CHIOACeO PAW 5T. AC -1 UHM iCB -831 WFPFLOW BLOOR COIL W2 ST0 CT9i AT OA' (WG) WER4AL STATIC PRESSURE DROP (NCLIIDIG FILTER LOADING). Vi-NOR EP011ER, 208 VOLT, 60 HZ SINGLE PHASE. 3- SPEED, DIRECT DRIVE BLOWER FROVIDE UT4 LE NOX 'ECB8-8 ELECTRIC (HELD - INSTALLED) 2 -STEP (EATING COIL RATED AT 6 Kn INPUT (20300 BT A ORP0.. HEATIII COIL SHALL BE 208 VOLT, SIDLE P44SE, 385 MNMM ClRCWT AMPS. PROVIDE AC -1 UNT44 A 2 -STAGE HEATWAt I -STAGE o00L►Yn THERMOSTATE WITH SWITCWWj U8 BAN (ON-OFF-AUTO AND NEAT -OFF -COOL (OR AOTO- QLMYaEOVERA RM16VED BY THE AIR CONDITIONIG WT MANFACTIM FIELD-SET BLOM FAN MOTOR SPEED TAP ACCORDWXY TO OBTAIN SPECIFIED SYSTEM AIRFLOW REQUfeWs WITHIN (t) Ia. PROVIDE Ac -I WIT NTH W-41T -8IDE W4LO FEW AR MAKE FILTER ADAPTOR AND TRW LMAY FILTER MEDIA (NOTE, THIS WIT IS A 1001 RE- CIRGILATIG AIR SYSTEM). r AC/ FLU( 51 G LAI i I OU-1 LBOM W IS31N AIR- COOLED COFDMON WIT. MN NET WAIT COMM CAPACITY AT OUTDOOR DRY BULB AMBIENT OF 100' F AND INDOOR % AIR CONDITION OF 16'F/ 60% RELATIVE AMIDITRY SHALL BE 212 MB14 (SENSIBLE) AND 260 h614 (TOTAL). 200 VOLT, SIDLE PHASE W HZ B MNMIM CRCUT AMPS MNMM SEER IL40. MIQNf WIT ON A CONCRETE BASE PAD. MAINTAIN M AS FACTIM'S RECOMMENDED SERVILE AND AIR CLEARANCES. INSTAL. N ACCaIRDANCE UT14 MA4- FAC71,1F£R'S REC01?'BDATION6. FELD TOP -OFF RE- FRIGERANT CHARGE AS R GUIRED. H. NOT USED. I RBRIGE W (R -22) SUCTION AND LMID LIES. IS. NOT USED. PROVID 3/4' (O SUCT ION AND 3/8' (OD.) IS. NOT USED. V INS ICtION (W ARMAFLEX n. NOT Low. L3' OR CELL �� IS. E'XISTIG 2' WASTE IF TO REMAIN FOAM IY(tl.ATIM PROVIDE PRECHACfDPRE- R CONNECT NEW 3' WASTE BRANCH WYE FROM AC -1 EVACUATED 40 LINEAL FOOT LINE KIT (LE NNOX WIT FLOOR DRAIN INTO EXISTING HOER" 4' a ).10440). INSTALL PER MOLFAMIRER's SANITARY Sm N01FY M4106EME NT PRIOR TO REC"IE NDATIONS. PIPING TO SINTER GROUND OPENING 4 LINE TO COORDINATE DOWNIME CN FLOOR WALL AT LOW LEVEL RSNG UP TO NIGH PLUMBING FOOM USAGE N NO MWK LEVEL NSIDE PROVIDE UEATHERW SLICOE- 20. E)%TIG 4' IIDERy-AB SANITARY SKIER TO CALUW PVC PIPE SLEEVE TH RO AH WHICH REMAIN. PIPING WEFffi WALL CQIECT TO ACA WIT 2L NOT USED. RE RGERANT COIL PER hflt R cCOP11BDATIONS. 22. NOT USED, 23. ER' COOL RROM RESTROOM DOWN TO SHT -Off VALVE 51116 AT W AFF. PROVIDE 'T' FniNG RB)G TO TWO (2) V4' COLD WATER CON - NECtM FOR COVE MACHMACHINE AND JUKE MACHMACHINE_ ry)q(4 DO NOT ISLOCY. ANY ACCESSES ON AC -I WITH OX PIPE RJTI GA PROVIDE LIWD B(PANBICN VALVE KIT (LB#M LB- 53[61 -CD) AT AC -1 WIT. UCN U. MOUNT AC -1 WIT ON NESOPRE E VIBRATION I60- LATICN4 PADS FIRMLY GLIE TO FLOOR SLAB. 1 q J Q- NoTEs OL PROVIDE 5'-0' TIDE ACOUSTICALLY LIED DIPU3ER BOOT SE TICK (5' DEEP MAX) WIN 60/4 BRANCH DUCE/ BOOT AS SNOWY FRO- VIDE ADABTABLE OPPOSED BLADE VLOW'E DAPER BEHIND ACTIVE DFRtlFR SECTOR MNMM BOOT HEIGHT TO MATCH DMUR SERVED. 02. PROVIDE 5'-0' VIDE ACOUBTWALLY LIED DRUBER Boor SECTicNI nH' DESK tMAXJ IIITN 36/4 BRANCH DUCT/ BOOT AS SHOAT). PRO- VIDE ADAISTABLE OPPOSED BLADE VOLUME DAPER BEHIND ACTIVE DIR1SER SECTIM MNMM BOOT MIGHT TO MATCH DMRSER SERVED. 3. PROVIDE 14'-0' WE A.COISTICALLT LIED LINEAR DFRBER BOOT SECTION B' DEEP MAX) BOOT AS SHOUIN PROVIDE ADJUSTABLE OPPOSED BLADE VQ.IJ E PAPER BEHIND OFRISER SECTION. MNMM BOOT NEW TO KATW DIFFUSER SERVED. 04. PROVIDE 2'-6' WDE ACOUSTICALLY LIED DFRBER BOX SECTON (5' DEEP MAXJ URN 30/4 BRAN04 DUCT/ BOOT AS SFKUN FRO- VICE ADJUSTABLE OPPOSED BLADE VOLUME DAMPER BEHIND ACTIVE DIFFI 2 SECTION MNMM 8001 HEIGHT TO MATCH DM USER SERVED. 05. NEW 28/8 BRANCH TAIZ -OFF FROM EXISTING 401D MAN SUPPLY AIR TRW DST. PROVIDE 30' FLARE TO DERMSER BOOT CCNECTM 06.288 MAN APPLY AR TRNC DUCT FROM ACA 01. DOTING A/C WIT TO R31AN. NO RE- BALANCE NECESSARY. 08.30/4 TRABFER DIV'T COHECTED TO LINEAR DMISERB ON BOTH SIDES OF WALL AS SHAW 03 30M TRANSFER DUCT (TH (NESS OF WALL) WITH Fnm CIRLLEB MONIED 04 am SIDES.I M DST) GRL.LS WITH BOTTOM AT 4' ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL I0. IS'B SIMPLY AIR DISCHARGE OFF OF AC -I WIT. FROVIDE R& 000CTICN AT WIT OR AS EDIT OF DISCHARGE ELBOW AS WK IR44UTION WO 258SUPPLY AIR TRACK DST. e�m mmomm Reimaging - La Quinta Inn 3301 YoungfEeld SaVice Rd GO �— Anlvtecta /Planners - Denver CO La Quints Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Street P.O. Box 2636 San Mfanio, TX 78298 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 arm LOBBY MECHANICAL RENOVATION PLAN f1 1 636 Idea CO IGHTING FIXTURE FL I l8 I D 23. PROVIDE CURET NTH SURCN 24. LOCATE TV Re ELECTRICAL CUTLET ABOVE TV SELF AND W D TV LOCATNOK S. NOT USED, 2b. ALL CREDIT CARD FNCWS WILL RE01F£ T1ER OAN SEPARATE DUPLEX OJW FOR IRA490M ANe COIVM TABLE A SECOD DUPLEX CUTLET 1$ REG JW= FOR THE TABLE LAW 21 PRDME N -SLAB OODUT FOR RESERVATIAN TELE!% E LOCATED ON TABLE N MITER OF ROOT. VERIFY UTN FFE DRW438 FOR TABLE LOCATIOL 000 LCBT FL (NOT USED) 20. R@10VE EIUST6Y. CELNG OR WALL SURFACE AS REGAM FOR NBTALLATION OF CMAT AND 50)0 AND PATCH TO MATCN EXBTAKV FRIOR TO PANTWG OR APPLICATIGN OF NEW WALT. COARM 2L VERFY EXACT LOCATION AID WTaMeW WITH F'OWAN SUPPLEt 22. E)*TNG IMERCCM FROM FROW DOOR TO DESK TO BE REMOVED ABD REPLACED URN FEW SYSTEM FROMM BY WNER NSTALLED BT CORR4CtOR Is. ALL UOTWS NCOMW5 RECWTS AT FRONT DESK ARE TO REI44N AID BE IEWEED. EXTBe E)4M OUiIEi F018t AID CGTIINICATION CODURS AS REd1F'ED. VERFT EXALT MCINTNS AND LOCATION O ALL DEVICE$ UATN ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROXNN. R CO #W TO DUSTNG RECEPTACLE BRANCH CIRWR BMWIRS OR SPAR CROUrT Ef EA%Q9* RISE B(ISTMi CON2WT 001E POBNBLE, PROVIDE ADDIT- IONAL CR:IJIT BRE,UQ:RB, M", CONDUIT AND AWOROI BaE$ As REOOVED. R (NOT IB®) 17 ®® NOTES CL WNW RECEPTACLE TO RETIAN N USE 02.0810 f 8057Mi DEVICE N WALL BENS FEMOVED. REROUTE CRQat As REMPIED TO RFOmw DOUNSTFEAM Was 03. Not USED - 04. FEMOnE BMWs RECEPTACLE$ AID TELE- PIDE DEVICES FROM UWl BEW3 REMOVED AID DISCARD OF OR RBBE As DIF£CIED BY OVER 00 FelOVE ALL mwm mm-n LEs, ANCTION BOER, PLIUMOLD, TELEPHONE DEVICES, ETC. FROM DMT#A COHTBR AREA 94" B BENS NNOVED, REUSE OR DUi m LIP DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY AA!]FREOT. ALL IMSTW3 CONDUIT SnMED W MO AREA IS TO fEMAN AND TO BE OCT@DED As FEmm TO CO*BCt NBU DENIES. 06, REMOVE EXIBTNS ICE MACFUE CIRLIIR TO CLEAR NAT FOR NEW C VR=0L REVVE BOX, CONWIT 4 WE (SAM TO PANW RELABEL SPEAKER AS VAAP. OT. FEW FU N FLOOR OUTLET UV ymmw E. 00 SAWW 4 PATCH DUM FLOOR SLAB As REfaNW TO EXTEND C=lt TO NEW FLOOR OUTLET AS $HOIN. 06. CO HENCE CUTLET AND T.V. = LOCATED N T.Y. SWELF, W. FUSED DISCO ECT MC14 FOR NEW HVAC FAN ' UUT. VERFT ELECHWA FE(aAf HM WITH Ea~ SUPPLER IL REED DUCOIEQ WXW FOR NEU HVAC cOemm WT. VERIFY ELECTRICAL REM LENTS UIT14 EdIEi K °..IFPLIER M ISOLATED CIRW 4 TELEF'HOFE CMET FOR FAWCO''ERMACNNE. D. RELOCATE NVAC TASMTATE FROM FEAR DESK AIN.L TO NEW LOCATION SHWIL It FIRE ALAR1 &UNCIATCRPA4a, RELOCATE TO FACE WO OFFICE. B. EOLATED ORM FOR FRWER, VERFY EXACT LOCATIOL Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %3b 33011 Youungpfield 6&vfLcee Rd Gooldm CO � ' Arclsstects /Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Psoon Street P.O. Box 2836 Son Antonio, TX 70299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 ° ° py, MAO LOBBY POWER/ COMMUNICATIONS PLAN MbEIO I MATERIAL 5PECIFICATION5 I CO"l UNDER BLDG. SLAB - PVC 40 OR FULL WT, GALV. STEEL 6" MIN. COVER BELOW FLOOR SLAB, OTHER UNDERGROUND RUNS OUTSIDE OF FLOOR SLAB - PVE 40 OR FULL WT. GALV. STEEL. 24" MIL COVER CONCELED IN BLDG. - EMT OR FLEX. ANY RIGID STEEL USED UNDERGROUND TO BE FACTORY WRAPPED WITH PVC TAPE OF FACTORY APPLIED PVC COATING; NO CONDUIT PERMITTED IN FLOOR SLAB. RUN UNDER SLAB. Win /4 4 SMALLER - COPPER THUR n 4 SMALLER - COPPER THUN. CONVENIENCE OUTLETS 20A SPEC GRADE - IVORY IN LIGHT COLOR WALLS - BROWN IN DARK COLOR WALLS. FLOOR OUTLETS FLOOR OUTLETS ON GRADE SHALL HAVE FULLY ADAISTABLE CAST TYPE BOXES, STEEL CITY %64 Cl WITH x664 CST COVER COLOR OF COVER TO BE SELECTED BY ARCHITECT. PROVIDE FLANGE FOR CARPET OR TILE AS REQUIRED. IF IN WOOD FLOOR WITH NO CARPET OR TILE PROVIDE FLANGE SUITABLE FOR WOOD. FOR 120V POWER PROVIDE TWO DUPLEX OUTLETS IN EACH BOX WITH A %64 -WT WIRE TUNNEL. FOR SIGNALS PROVIDE TWO BLANK PLATE$ %64 -BP UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. WALL SWITHCES 20A SPEC GRADE - MATCH CONV. OUTLET FINISH. WALL PLATES SMOOTH LINE PLASTIC = MATCH DEVICE FINISH, TIME SWITCH 24 HOUR ASTRO DIAL W/ 6 HOUR SPRING CARRY OVER DISCONNECTS PROVIDE HEAVY DUTY FUSED DISCONNECTS FOR ALL MOTORS,14VAC UNITS AND PUMPS IF NOT PROVIDED BY OTHERS. USE DUAL ELEMENT FUSES PER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER RECOMMENDATION. LIGHT FIXNRES UNLESS OTHERIUISE SPECIFIED, ALL FLUORESCENT BALLASTS SHALL BE CLASSIFIED AS THE "A" LEVEL IN THE GE. BALLAST SOUND RATING STANDARD. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS ARE UNIVERSAL, ADVANCE, GE OR EQUAL. FLUORESCENT BALLASTS SHALL BE ?MARK III' WATT -MISER ENERGY SAVERS OR EQUAL, ALL FLUORESCENT LAMPS SHALL BE GE. 20 VOLTS INSIDE FROSTED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. BALLASTS FOR HID FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH POWER FACTOR REGULATED TYPE. ALL FLUORESCENT LAMP BALLASTS AND LUMINAIRES WITH FLUORESCENT LAMP BALLASTS SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY APPLICABLE ENERGY COMMISSION TO COMPLY WITH THE LATEST BUILDNG Da;nY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS. ELECTRICAL 5YM50L6 e EXIT LW 4 WMT FAN ti" r4 r r v PANEL DUPLEX RECERACLE (r K' AFF, W10) N SUFaW DUPLE)( RM'TACLE SPEGTAt FARM 2W REEFTAG.E T FAX RM JAAC T RI © CABLE TVJAl2K y arm ELECIRICAI.9WtCN D ELECTRICAL 004 um DIM $ 3 TFIEE -MY EUVRICAL SWITCH A�t6�1, ' Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 33011YYouLifWd-SSwocee Rd Golden CO Tw — Tw — Architects / Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Street P.O. B.. 2636 Ban MWI., TX 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 y arm FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS aftfal FIXTURE 5CHEDULE ©® ��i - ■ ■� ®� �. : ®� ® ■ ■�� -• it �3 I :7: a_J :� well ® + + ; +ir ��� - • �ZqI tea: Y'.._ :'/ © ■® +�� � ,'� �76777UI�® AQ,l;s -/3r /s1 # ALL FMAIRES ON GROND ARE TO BE DARX BRONZE. ALL MMMS CN BLDG. ARE TO BE MITE OR LIGHT GREY. VERIFY FINAL FNISHM WITH AR: Ma PROR TO R2r*l -N (1) PULL U SWOED HOT I.ES FF M CKT TO BATTERY PACK AND WIRE PER MAN.FACRIRER'S REC"IENDATICN. GENERAL LJORK CODE ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST F UI.AT06 OF THE STATE IaRE MARSHAL, STATE CODE OF REGULATIONS, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, SERVING UTILITY COMPANIES AND OTHER APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS IS TO BE CONSTRUED AS TO PERMIT WOW NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES WHERE WORK OF A HW�HER DEGREE 15 INDICATED N THESE PL" OR SPECIFICATIONS T1416 REGUIREFENT SHALL GOVERJ. I rl. NOTES GENERAL NOTES: 01. EQUIPMENT CUT OUTS DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED M SHOP 02. SCRIBE END TO WALL. I o, rr rr u' rr, rr ' +T ►:�i ►� (VARIES FF01 Y-84 TO A MN. �J2 OF 3'-N4". VARIATION WILL W A41 MATCHED ON OT4ER SIDE OF CANTER TO MWNTAN SYMI'ETRT. FELD VERIFY CO OMON MAD NOW F'RfxECT MNIAW R OF SITUATIOK 052 L PARES FROM T-10t TO A MN 052 A41 OF T -34t VARIAnOr WILL OE A41 MATCHED ON 07R R SIDE OF COINER TO MANTAN SYMMETRY. .FIELD VOW C40101TIC14 AND NOTIFY PROA M MNIAGER OF SM IATICN. _ D E 5 < (DIMENSIO � - - -- 14 I� (0 I I I I IC F 7 13) ( 13 2 FIR ONT DE5 (EQUIPMENT) 1/4" c — , Y ^F a J � L3 ✓c Ali M. e _ °W. "X - $ F EQUIPMENT LEGEND: OL UNDER COUNTER STORAGE Wl VS" THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC DIVIDERS AT EQUAL SPACES (CREDIT CARD FORMS).. 02. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION 03. SWITCHBOARD 04. CABINET (TRASH STORAGE BELOW) 05. CRT (RECESSED M COUNTERTOP) MY50AW 06, b 4 I� 01. OPEN (CPU CN PULLOUT) 06. TRIMLINE TELEPHONE (CABI MOUNTED IN 4" MDENTATIONJ 0S, OPEN STORAGE BELOW 10. RESERVATION CARDS I L TIME CLOCK Q. METAL CASH DRAWER (FURNISHED BY OUNER) 13. DRAWER FOR VING CARDS. 14. FRONT DESK PRINTER (ON PULL -OUT DRAWER UPAPER ACCESS IN BACK) 15. CABINET FOR PAPER STORAGE ACCESS ABOVE. 16, TACC II n. CPU B. ADJUSTABLE SHELF 15. MISC. DRAWER (VARIES FF01 Y-84 TO A MN. �J2 OF 3'-N4". VARIATION WILL W A41 MATCHED ON OT4ER SIDE OF CANTER TO MWNTAN SYMI'ETRT. FELD VERIFY CO OMON MAD NOW F'RfxECT MNIAW R OF SITUATIOK 052 L PARES FROM T-10t TO A MN 052 A41 OF T -34t VARIAnOr WILL OE A41 MATCHED ON 07R R SIDE OF COINER TO MANTAN SYMMETRY. .FIELD VOW C40101TIC14 AND NOTIFY PROA M MNIAGER OF SM IATICN. _ D E 5 < (DIMENSIO � - - -- 14 I� (0 I I I I IC F 7 13) ( 13 2 FIR ONT DE5 (EQUIPMENT) 1/4" c — , Y ^F a J � L3 ✓c Ali M. e _ °W. "X - $ F EQUIPMENT LEGEND: OL UNDER COUNTER STORAGE Wl VS" THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC DIVIDERS AT EQUAL SPACES (CREDIT CARD FORMS).. 02. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION 03. SWITCHBOARD 04. CABINET (TRASH STORAGE BELOW) 05. CRT (RECESSED M COUNTERTOP) MY50AW 06, OPEN 01. OPEN (CPU CN PULLOUT) 06. TRIMLINE TELEPHONE (CABI MOUNTED IN 4" MDENTATIONJ 0S, OPEN STORAGE BELOW 10. RESERVATION CARDS I L TIME CLOCK Q. METAL CASH DRAWER (FURNISHED BY OUNER) 13. DRAWER FOR VING CARDS. 14. FRONT DESK PRINTER (ON PULL -OUT DRAWER UPAPER ACCESS IN BACK) 15. CABINET FOR PAPER STORAGE ACCESS ABOVE. 16, TACC II n. CPU B. ADJUSTABLE SHELF 15. MISC. DRAWER Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 YoWQfl&Id 8wvlce Rd Golden CO Architects /Planners — Denxr CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pe n Sint P.O. fi x 2636 San MWM.. TX 7x299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 r 2/bm FRONT DESK PLANS 05 2CA01 0 730® CID JOSEP M. PAIi L B - S /00 FACE OF WALL C-L OF SPACE FACE OF WALL i EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL 2' -1 1 /4 11 2 EQUAL Fi)WD FIXED /. 4' -2" �w — ;z f w — 7w Architects / Planners — Denver CO VARIES 160 VARIES FRONT DESK ELEVATIONS 4' - 2 " VARIES TO MATCH VARIES TO MATCH OTHER SIDE OF COMER OTHER SIDE OF cauatER ST -1 ID3 5T -I ID4 IDI PL -1 ID2 FT -9 05 5T -I 3' -0" (MN.) I' -2" 1 SEE NOTE 5' -2 It? SEE NOTE 4' -2 VARIES FROM V -SK TO A M FIXED VARIES FRCM T -104 TO A MIL OF V -IVi'. VARIATION WLL BE OF T -3 VARIATION WILL BE MATCHED ON OTHER 61DE OF MATCHED ON OTHER SIDE OF CgIAER TO MAINTAIN SYMMETRY. COLNIER TO MAINTAIN SYMMETRY. FIELD VERIFY CONDITION AND FED VERIFY C NDMCN AND NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER NOTIFY PAMCT MANAGER OF INWIM OF SITUTKIL FRONT DESK 1 ELEVATION 3/8 = 1' -011 VE-M -1 ST -1 5T -I PT -' ST -1 FL -I FRONT DESK 2 512E ELEVATI NOTES 0L FLUBH WOOD PANEL WITH LAMNATE FACE PL -I: NEVEMAR, HOLLYWOD ASH, "-326T. (BEE SPECS) 02. 4' VERTICAL 6IMYATED STONE MgYDING. BT -I: KORALITH,KORAL CAST, $AVSTOE FNL% PROFILE IL04. (SEE SPECS). 03. SMUTED STC E MCUL Nl ST -I: KORALITH, KORAL CAST, SAIDWOIE FINISH, PROFILE 404. (SEE SPECS) 04. SMLATED STOW MOLLDING. ST -I: KORALITH, KORAL CAST, 114I"TOE FINISH, PROFILE OM, (SEE SPECS) 05. NEW WOOD BASE MOULDING, Pf-S 6NERIANWLLWI6. BMB- I: 'OF- UHITE' ' Wil- GLO56. (SEE SPEW ob .... Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Yargfield Service Rd Golden c0 �w — ;z f w — 7w Architects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Street P.O. Box 2636 San Mlanio, TX 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 160 FRONT DESK ELEVATIONS 0520A21 052 dd9 I' -144' TO I' -0'. VARIATION UULL BE MATCHED ON OTHER SIDE OF COWTER TO MANTAN SYMMETRY. NOTAY PROJECT MR 1 LEFT CAE3INET (DIMENSION) 3/611 11.0 IPM i I ®Z TO 1 OPM I id I % a" I are IS 17 04 IS 20 �45INIT (EQUIPMENT) No CENTER GABINET(EQUIPMENT) 3/8" = I' -0" 1'-11/2' I' -5 314 C11 114" 3' -S uL NOTE: T141 DRIMIGN VARIES FROM 14 TO 0'. VARIATION DULL BE MATCI-ED ON OTHER SIDE OF COWTER TO MANTA I N SY11 ETRY. NOTIFY PROJECT MGR \ RIGHT G45 NET (DIMENSION) 3/8" = 1' - 0 " 0_ rr.JCty EQ. 2 11 EQ. c c A42 - _ 1 -- . - -__. aPB1 are d co - _� = arw Q _ e sl M C r -s In" r -e ln" r -s ln" 5' -2 ln" $ENE ��4� f N fi 10 S:: P1 iv1. a Pr ?.4; L f B° i r. Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Yoxgfield Service Rd Golden CO NOTES EOIDFMEM LEGOD 01. UNDER COWER STORAGE W/ V8' THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC R&M DIVIDERS AT EGWSL SPACES FRONT DESK BACK ELEVATIONS (CREDIT CARD FORMS). 02. CREDIT CARD A NCRIZATION 03. SUUTCHBOARD 04. CABINET (TRASH STORAGE BELOW 05. CRf (RECESSED N CaNTERTOP)WXEYBOARD 06, OPEN 01. OPEN (CPU ON RULLOUT) 08. TRMLNE MLEP40W ( CABNET MCBNTM N 4' NDENTATIO U 09. OPEN STORAGE BELOW 10. RESERVATION CARDS 11. THE CLOCK 12. METAL CASH DR4M (PiIRNISHED BY 006U 13. M ER FOR VNG CARDS. 14. FRONT DESK PRIMER (ON PULL -OUT DRAUER UVPAPER ACCESS N BACK) 15. CABINET FOR PAPER STORAGE 4 ACCESS ABOVE 16. TALC 11 IT CPU 18. ADJUSTABLE SHELF 13 MISC. DRAUER 10 S:: P1 iv1. a Pr ?.4; L f B° i r. Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Yoxgfield Service Rd Golden CO Amhitecte / PLamern — Deaver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.O. Boa 2636 San Mtonfo, T 78298 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 R&M FRONT DESK BACK ELEVATIONS 05201x22 SIGHT CABINET EQUIPMEr f 3/8" = 1' -0" ACID QETAII_ -2 14. NARDWOOD COVERED W/ LAMINATE. WI LSON ART, HUNTER R NEBULA, BULAA, , #4621 -8. (SEE SPECS) 15. PULL CUT SHELF. 16. OPEN COMMUNICATIONS UAREWAY. �— IT PLUGMOLD. REFER TO E LECTRICAL 1 8. UNDERCOUNTER L IGW FIXTURE. 13 NEW ISOLATED GROUND DEDICATED CIRCUIT OUTLET FOR TAC -11. 20. HARMONICA. INSTALLED TO LOVER LEFT SIDE OF OMER r 2 I. FURNISHED PRINTER ISOLATED CROW DEDICATED CIRCUIT INSTALLED OUTLET. TO l UPPER RIGHT SIDE OF OWNER W E P d FURNISHED PRINTER 1 22. ISOLATED GROUND DEDICATED : CIRCUIT OUTLET. F3 - l 23. CRT I C� D IN COUNTERTOP) fi y le e-, a $ v N f.E 3' -0" 01 PL -2 9 6 ID52 3' -0 052 4 3 . 0 6 a PL -2 14 A41 10 1_ 4" A41 1 -1/2 4" PL -2 14 11 10" 2' - 2 " I8 11/2" 11 18 21 PL 23 _ \ "`' 01 PL -2 cO = 14 01 1 PL -2 L0 ID5 ST -I PL-2 05 $T 6 3/4 c .3 _q Q 08 4" 112' 05 ST -I 15 I 4 " 11/2" �I I 4" 11/2 10 � 53/4 � I 12 ST -I M s 22 �, ST -I m 19 15 ID6 ST -I 13 13 04 PL -I Cc% tj 13 Il I I ID4 PL -I ry 04 PL -1 01 Pt -9 m I 12 1' -10 3/4" 5" 01 PT -9 n 2 1 1' -10 3/4" 5" 12 2' I' -10 3/4" 5" 01 11 2' -5 3/4" 5 12' 12 11 PL -3 _ 2 1 -5 3/4 11 5 1/2' 2' -5 3/4" 5 12' PT - 0 F RONT DESK SECTION (RIGHT) ONT ®ESK SECTION (CENTER) FRONT Q- &K SECTION (LE=T) 3/4 = 1' -0" ( D��3/4 = I' -ID" ( � 3/4" - I' -0" NOTES 01. NEW LAMINATE COUNTERCAP. PL -2: WILSON ART, 4LNTER NEBULA, #4621 -8. (SEE SPECS) 02. 3/4" PLYWOOD TYP. 03. SIMULATED STONE MCULDING. ST -I: KORALITH, KORAL CAST, SANDSTONE FINISH, PROFILE 0 204. (SEE SPECS) 04. LAMINATE FACE. PL -I: NEVEMAR, HOLLYWOOD ASH, U- 8 -326T. (SEE SPECS) M. SIMULATED STONE MOULDING. ST -1: KORALITH, KORAL CAST, SANDSTONE FINISH, PROFILE 0 203. (SEE SPECS) 06. 4" VERTICAL SIMULATED STONE MOULDING. ST -1: KORALITH, KORAL CAST, SANDSTONE FINISH, PROFILE JLQ4. (SEE SPECS) 01. NEW WOOD BASE MOULDING, PT -9: SHERMAN WILLIAMS. BIMB I. "OFF- WHITE" SEMI- GLOSS. (SEE SPECS) W. PLASTIC LAMINATE CABINETRY. PL -2: UNLSON ART, HINTER NEBULA, 4621 -8. (SEE SPECS) 0B, TACC -II. 10. ADJUSTABLE SHELF. I L REMOVABLE TOE KICK 12. OPEN ELECTRICAL WIREWAY 13. 3" X 8° OPENING FOR ACCESS TO UAREWAY. .a ©oo r 1wmiacJmcd - is wul I mn -V�v I 3301 Youn9f" SaVice Rd Golden CO ^7 Architects / Planners — Denver CO 112 E. Peo Street P.O. ea" 2636 San Mtanlo, T 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 FRONT DESK SECTIONS 41/4" '/4 11 I' -I 1/8 11 I /4° I'_I I / g n I /4n I /4u I' -I I /8 I 14n I' -I 1 8 n I /4° I' -1 I /8n I /4u r—j;4 1 /4 n I /4 1' -1 I / I /4n 41 / S 3/16" GROUT JOINT 41 ` -3116" GROUT JOINT 10 U,F -1 xx f'T -9 09 �I CT -3 02 �Y CT -I 01 10 LLF I � : -' M 06 \� X w \Y CD Tu 05 2" Q OFFSET FACES 04 10 OF -I e — r FT -9 07 4 II/Ib" 2' -2 5/8" I, n n I ii n n z ®R { s z 3 -4 / 2 5/8 (EQUAL) (EQUAL) J O S E P V -3 3/8" PrR,! -s L a � I o u 0 NOTES OL FEW WALL TILE 13Va' x BVe' CERAMIC WALL TILE REFER TO SCIEOLE. 02. DECORATIVE TILE BORDER 16 8 TO SCIEDIA.E. 03. NOT TEED. 04. PLASTIC LA11NATE BASE CABRET. OPERABLE DOOM FOR STORAGE ACCESS, M. PLASTIC LAMNATE COW WOP FLUSH UATN FACE OF BASE CA13W PLASTIC LAMNATE VERTICALS. 06. PLASTIC LAMNATE BACKSP ASK AND WE SPLASH HEW AS DEtEWI ED BY TILE LAYOUT AND RASE C.ABW 4EI6FIf. 01. W—W WOOD BASE WW BASE KTO RECESSED TOE SPACE AT FRONT OF CARNET. 08. NOT tem. 0S. NEW SOFFIT WITH CROWN MOLDNG AND TR'I. FS:ER TO DETAILS. 10. FEW WALL COVERNG. RE: FKW SNOtLE . 'J _ Reimaging - La Quinta Inn x636 s� 3mlroun 2 gnela servrce Rd rsolaen co I —fie — Architects / Planpen Den - ver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.O. Bae 2636 San Mtanio, T% 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 - y arm 5UFFET ELEVATION DETAIL 0530.,421 CT -I PL -2 PL -2 PL -3 PL -3 PT -1 3/4 I ID wlvm Ell v IDS r 4 3' -0 0530 EQ. A21 !COORDINATE IV TILE LAYOUT EQ' ( BUFFET ENLARGED PL74N I/4 11 - I ID ., PL -2 PL -I (INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR) PL -2 4 A 1 JOSEPH' M. FLAN AT UJA5TE SIMILAR REFER TO ELEVATIONS 3/4 I 0 . 4 " . ( 11 `/ // NOTES OL GYPSIM WALLBOARD ON METAL SW FWWaa / R V 43 (AS MO ND) EACH SIDE OF OPBdtYa. 02. PROVIDE 4M'=-OUT AT COMWOP FOR TRASH BELOW. FINISH EDGES OF OPENNG UM LAMNATE, PL -2. 03. 2 1/R' DAA VER ACCESS HOLES FOR ELECTRIC Maw COWTERTOP. TRM WITH CIPME- PLATED GKI'M. 04, NEW WALL TILE BI'e' z Bk' CERAMIC ULAN TILE, REFER TO SCHEDULE. 05. PLASTIC LAMINATE BASE CABR- , OPERABLE DOORS FOR STORAGE ACCM (3/4' PLYWOOD - TYPICAL). 05. PLASTIC LAMINATE CaKWOP FLUSH WITH FACE OF BASE CABINET. i PLASTIC LAMINATE VERMALS. 01. PLASTIC LAMINATE HAMIPLAS14 ARID a.+ID 41FLA4N. HEW AS OVERT NED BY TILE LAYOUT AND BASE CABW HEIGHT. ' 08. PLASTIC LAMINATE CAME DOORS. 00 NEW WOOD BASE MW BASE INTO RECESSED TOE SPACE AT FW OF CAB*7 0 PLYWOOD BASE FRAME IL ADAIISTABLE SHELF. 3/4' PLYWOOD WITH PLASTIC LAMINATE FLUSH 14.41 OLM WASTE CCNTANER EQUAL To MODEL NO. 4b, BY TIM ELK GROVE, LLIN015.11' W X bYl' D X 20Hi' K S. ELECTRICAL OUTLETS. FOM TO POWER COM Nr,ATM PLAN. 14. WATER SUPPLY. REFB2 TO MELIIANICAL PLAN. S. NOT USED IS. CARNET mowR Fmm WITH PLASTIC LAMNATE. i Ll n 5ECTION AT WAFE Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 SwVica Rd G;ooIcla CO Architects / Planners — Deaver CO NOTES L055Y RENOVATION PLAN 1 /811 _ II - 011 LEGEND: CT -I 13X13 CERAMIC La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Peron Street P.O. Bow 2636 San Mtonio, T M299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 FLOOR TILE. CT -2 ACCENT TILE µ ar.113 41 ROSATO TRIANGLE CT -3 ACCENT TILE 41 ROSATO BORDER CPT -I CARPET CPT -2 CARPET NOTES 01. AT TRAN51TIONS OF CARPET TO CERAMIC TILE, PROVIDE A VINYL MCULDING EQUIVA- LENTTO MERCER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. - (I -800- 441 - 8442), TYPE 360 360 CERCO T, COLOR 211 MAUVE WITH TYPE 910 SINGLE . FLANGE TRACK- 02. AT TRANSITIONS OF CARPET TO VINYL TILE, SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT TYPE 365, 360 CERCO T, COLOR 211 MAUVE WITH TYPE 910 $W4E FLANGE TRACK 03. FULLY EXTEND CARPET BENEATH TACC II ELECTRONIC SAFE. Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Youngfleld Service Rd Golden CO Architects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Peron Street P.O. Bow 2636 San Mtonio, T M299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 µ ar.113 L055Y FLOOR FINISH PLAN 0545AOI NOTES 01. NEW FLOOR TILE 13Va X 13li6 CERAMIC FLOOR TILE REFER TO SCHEDULE. 02, NEW ACCENT FLOOR TILE. REFER TO FNISH SCHEDULE. 03. FLOOR PATTERN TO BE CENTERf ON COLI!'NS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Q C'S L11 ... ww 15H FLAN = pAl R Reimaging - La Quinta Inn X636 3301 Yomefield Service Rd Golden CO Arcltitects /Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pavan Street P.O. Box 2636 Son Mtonio, TX M299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 y , U*m L055Y FINISH PLAN - ENLAW-iED DETAIL 0545 d NOTES Ot W N41.F MID WOOD MI - PANTED. 02. NEW W WOW 645E TO 5E PANTED. 03. NEW WALLCOVIRWA RE: FIISN SCHEDLLE (VIM). 04. EXISTRYs DOOR AND CASM TO BE PANTED 05. NEW O M MOA DRKt PANTED. 06. Nom) DOOR AND CAM TO MATCH MTM AND TO BE PAITTED FE; FNISN sCNEOLLE. 01. PLASTIC LAMNATE PANEL. FE: FM SC ED(ILE M FAN( STONE MOLLDWA 4e VERTICAL LV SA WOE FNISN. FROILE 4 LO4. 03 MTM EaSRW (SAFE) BY OWNER TO BE MOCATED, BENID CON6EALFD DOOR FIELD VERIFY LOCATION 10. Mau YW LOOVEFNC1. t SAFETY DEPOSIT BO)ES BBAD CONCEALED DOORS. RE: DETAIL Q. FAUX ME, C44 R RAIL. 904 SANDSTONE FW&N D. MESSAGE BONDS. OM FIRMED AND CCNIWCTOR INSTALLED, FFNE 14, NEW IIW.L SCONCES. REFER TO LOOM FLANS. 6. NEW LIEAR SLOT DFRISER. 16 WAN PANEL ODER HRISIED AND CONRACTOR NSTA.LED, FINE n. FLASTIC LAMINATE ON sw PLYWOOD Wmi W w� Reimaging - La Quin 3301 Yowefleld SaAce Rd. Golden Anhitects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.O. Boa 2636 San Antonio. T M99 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 py Ibb3 FRONT DESK WALL ELEVATION 05BO 36 CO L L NOTES Cl Ills NALF MIND WOOD TM • PANTED. 02. NEW &'M BASE TO BE PANTED. 03. NEW W&LCOVERM RE: FlLSH SCHEME ; (VNTu. 04. DOTING DOOR AND CASKS TO BE PANTED 05. NEW CFAN MCUILOM PANTED. 06. NEW DOOR AND CASH TO MATCH. E )MTNS AND TO BE PANTED. RED FNISN SCNEOLM 01. PLASTIC L41MAlE PANEL. RE: FNLSH SCJEDME. OS. FAD( STONE MOILDRYs 4' YEIMAL UV SANDSTONE FNISN. P"LE 404. OS EXISTING Ed¢1'ENT (SAFE) BY MINER TO SE IELOCATED, WIND CONGEALED DOOR FIELD YEWr LOCATION b. TEXTLE WN.LCOM" IL SAFETY DEPOSIT WO 53W CONCEALED DOORS. RE. DUAL O. FAIR( STONE, C"R RAIL. 704 SANDSTONE FNSH S. MESSAGE BOARDS. ODER RRIN&M AND COMUCTOR INSTALLED, FF1E 14. FEW WALL SCONCES. REFER TO LWNG PLANS. 6. NEW LREAR SLOT DRWR. I6. SIGN PANE- C0ER RRISNED AND CONTRACTOR N5TALLED. FRE n. PLASTIC LAMNATE ON 54' FLYWOOD W� 3/8 = 1i - 0110 J Reimaelne - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 YOungFIsld Service Rd. 6�oldw CO Arc La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pawn Street P.O. hoe 2636 Son Mtonio, T M299 TEL. (210) 702 -6146 216M FRONT DESK WALL ELEVATION MWA22 a„ C yAy3 \� �VUt.P 3'} P " ✓f. P p i ti LQE ELEVATION 3/8" = 1 NOTES OL NM I VP VWF KM U= W PANW, 01. MM 6' LWOD ME TO DE PANTED. 03. FEW uAU.COVEFwa FE= Raw 6D ERLE 04. EF2STM WOW TO FSUK M. FHImmXw TREAvw 06. FM COLM TO DE PANTED, OT. MAMVWM MUL ORMRRM MED AFD Ca#RA= WALLED, FF. / E 00 (2! ADADTAME FAOOD "IVES OAK TO DE 6TMIED. 03 F OOMMOLLMIRAiIED. r� �Y 1� / Architects /Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan 6. t P.O. Box 2636 San Mtonio, T M299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 w D&M LOBBY ELEVATION OE WA23 JOSEPH M. Al P ,H L IL lID -- 12 01 PT 9 05 C: L��; / L J L = JJ E I 09 PT -9 0l / v 04 M FFI F 02 PT -9 VE5TI 3/8 I 0 VAT ION L �==iNI IN 3/S" = I'-0" 5T VAT ION NOTES DL EXISIMCEILWA, PAWED. 02. NEW O FIDOD 648E TO BE PAWED. 03. NE➢ WALLCOVOO& RE. R M SCFMLE. 0A. E)MTM TRK PAWED. 05. EASTM EE" TO RECEIVE NEW FNIW M. EMSTWA WSDO)I TO MUM 0T. NEW MM 7WA71-FNT. M NEW ALA% PANELS ADDED TO MATCH EXISTW OS EX5TSI8 DOORS TO BE PAWED. V feVA EMTN8 WOD PANEL TR400M AND FR41M I MALL NOV HEADBF TO MATCH E090 DO nt4*a 2. NSTALLNWI1FiYN01fAAAK mom DOOR FR4"AS FOOMFORt Orl'M PAT04 AID FIEPAR E>4 7M FWYE AND MM AS REOAF£D. Reimagfng - La Quinta Inn X636 3301 TmVfleld SErv(ce Rd Golden CO Architects / P - -- enver� CO I La 6vinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Psoon Stmet P.O. Box 2836 Son Antonio, TX 7x299 TEL (210) 302 -6148 ° ° y , MAe ENTRY VESTIBULE ELEVATIONS MOM A �5 Josl P A HIL - -n NOTES Ot NEW ClWM M=Ws AND IM TO M PANTED 02. NEW 64 WOOD BASE TO BE PANTED 03. NEW UW-L COVE04 W, PHS4 SC4MLM 04. EOTM 0000 TO BE PAM. 05. S' X V X 4• W= SPA006, PANTED. ob. 5 X 13 CERAMIC TLF 01. DECORATIVE TLE 5OFM 0 "M LAMNAM BASE CABW DOORS 0% "TIC LAMWAIE CCWMCP *0 YMIC" BASE CABWn OPERABLE CABW DOOFS FOR STORAGE ACCEW PLASTIC LAMNAS 10, NEW COL"S TO BE PANTED. IL FEW AM CAI I TO f81AK PAM. M REMOVE AND CLOSE OFF E)dM FEW AIRCMIE ABOVE POOR LL 2x WOOD IM rmw K CEM"MOWW FITS SMIKER WAD VOUK PT-9 onta u 1 n L A41 tal r nm6 4 jd j3 co Reimaging - La Quinta Irol %36 ca ( 15 3301 yowerfeld Sevics Rd (301den CO 0550 09 PT -9 PT -9 L9 L La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 F Pn St.et P.O. Box 2W6 Son MtoM., rX �99 ar"53 5UPPELELEVATION TEL. (210) 302-6146 BUFFET 055OA25 ELEVATION T-211 c RREFL AG 1/4 WAA // // E rU55v\l OFF. ,� A42 . e l HAND PT -9 PT -9 08 01 WF -I 03 PT -9 :03 WF -I PT -9 102 1= 11REPLAGE ELEVATION 3!8 I 0 P ro, on 1) PLAN II C� J Mme. f 10S € ! -i M. b a Pa H L f j S'd',51 aka. ,H"A�f�� U1F -2 10 055 OPP, PT -9 18 A41 HAND 08 09 14 PT -9 a 16 ul Il w r LLU 12 �- 13 OFF. A41 HAND NOTES a NEW TRM AND CROUM WADMG TO BE PAM. 02, NW 6' BOOR BASE TO BE PANTED. 03. NEW ULLCOVEFAW4 RE: FNISN SC{EDULE 04. NOT USED. 05. EWE OF EXISTW W Fn. 06. ALW NEW PARTITION Wn WOE OF EXIST. HEA¢rk 01. (NOT LOW) E8. & X s' X 4' WOD BR4=%, PANTED. 0s FAUX STOKE MANTLE tM03 MpLDMG AT EDGE 10. TEXTILE UlA LCOYSWi. IL NEW PARrMCK METAL SW$ AT W OL. FMISH UM W' GYFFiM WARD FLUSH UTH EXISTNG. D. BUS' X B VS' TEE AT MANTLE. 3. FAD( STOW FACE 14. I -W' W00D SVE.YIIY MXED) TO BE STAND, B. (NOT USED) Is. TELENSIOK BY M ER. TL EXISTNG Tv OUTLET, FEMATE TO NEW N P081TU)N PRWX NEW OUrLET WFfRED M CMrr. B. LsEAR SLOT DFFUSER COMNATE BLAB - OFF LOCATIONS W MECNAUCAL. a 2 X W= CAP, FARM. 20. FED YERFT FACE PromCNS OF of-AR SLOT DFRWR Reimaging - La Quinta Inn x636 3 yowerialld Gav ccS Rd G�oldeenn co Architects s 71 00 La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Peean Street PA. ear 2636 San Mtanio, Tx 76299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 y DAM LOBBY/ FIREPLACE ELEVATION AND PLAN 0550.A2 NOTES 01 NEW CWW r0JLDWG MD TM to BE PANTED. 02, IEW 0 WOOD BASE TO BE PANTED. 01 036TWs COTE UALL. TO FWSH SCHED14.E. 04. M?Wj DOOR ADO MM TO EE PANTED. 05. CAST STOLE UWl TClldAN. 0b, 516' Cale 5800 BOOR T", IV WW1 01. EXISTM SI4LL MMM EXIST 6W TO Rc'IAK CO. AWN TOP OF FCINTAN WTH BLOCK JONT. M NlW ACCENT U4 LL COVERWI FE: MW SCIEDOLE. a N 3' - 2 " FOUNTAIN ELEVATION 02 r• - P , E,. Y 5 av @ 1c - PT -9 'J Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Toungfield SWAACe Rd Golden CO ilrcbit.. s enver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pxan Street P.O. Box 2636 San Mtonio, T M299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 xx RAM FOUNTAIN ELEVATION O55IDA21 NOTES A UM PCMDM IM PROFU e10mN, PAWW 02 OM PICLLDIG ION FWLE SM PMlIED. 03. 11a1F-RTIlO MN.D11G O4 NEO OR MUG CELNG ME FM TO MUM CELM PLAK 05. FACE OF CMRETE 914lL AT Ca RM TEMALE. R6ER TO PUNS. ec 5tv GTPBN YW.L WARD CN 2 VI' MAL 5W TRAM AT W' OL. 01 WAC DPAL'ER / DIGIW W, ROT.i2TO ELEVArM LOCATKMB. CODFDK41E WTN TfOUMAI DRMNAi. ■ 50F / E3,45E DETAIL 3 I 0 Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Towgfield SsAce Rd Golden CO Ara — co La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 F Pecan Street P.O. Box 2636 San Antonio, a 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 I r ur AD SOFFIT / BASE DETAILS 0550A41 I R;maging - La Quinta inn ' 3WI yowg 5aNCe Rd CiOklon co .a QJlnta MAS, Iftc. 112 E P c n S[ l P.O. Box 2636 San fl a io. T% 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 oETAII NOTES CL LIM RODE 1M TO ELECTM& VPAWA Ot MW MUMU,NMMEBNOM 01. nanONG all a LL avw a NEB OR 1X*T1G CEU G TOE FeM TO LS, 5W GYPRM U4LL BOND ON 2 lP FETAL SW milltm N 16 Architects l�op rx,�Depvr ,_, � � e Y AP& lAr "' ° ° ,., U&M 04 SOFFIT DETAIL 1' -4" i' -4i 04 of I 01 - j JOSEPH M. P a ) SOFFIT ID;TAIL FRONT DESK q 1 3 c 1' - a � NOTES CL LIM RODE 1M TO ELECTM& VPAWA Ot MW MUMU,NMMEBNOM 01. nanONG all a LL avw a NEB OR 1X*T1G CEU G TOE FeM TO LS, 5W GYPRM U4LL BOND ON 2 lP FETAL SW milltm N 16 Architects l�op rx,�Depvr ,_, � � La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Sheet P.O. Box 2636 San Antonia, TX M299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 ° ° ,., U&M SOFFIT DETAIL 5OAA4 NOTES Ot LM PUM MM TO EIECTfdtAL DR4OW8 & MM MaLDW UtW MULE " M ol. W-ww MOLOW, Ol IEO OR DWTW6 MM RM To R nWW CELLEYs PLAT 05. WAC DffM/ plCtIlM RMR TO 8EVAWO FOR LOCATOO COMMIE WM rV004CAL DRAWW6. 06. SOWT fEWNI TO BE MAx PCWRLE BUM IfGI DWTWG MDMMCAL CQVMM,,PELD VBWY Ol 6B' GTPW 91ALL BoNID CM 7 W' MtAL SW PRAMNG AT Of- Inn "636 vfCe Rd Golden CO W Quinta /ie— ners - Denver CO s, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.D. Box 2636 San AnWnio, TX ]8299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 y, arm SOFFIT DETAIL PL -3 7 JAMES I 3 11 =1 1 -0 11 PL -3 1 3 /4ii =V -0" -3 -4 f h� J 10 s E p I.1 1 Y, F S 3 5 PL -3 TA �, Architects / Planners — Denver CO A L jinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Sheet P.O. Box 2636 Son Antonio, 1 76289 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 NOTES ,� . „ 0,y110 BL WOOD Snm AND GYPSII i uv4.Leoarm SAFE DEPOSIT DETAILS MOA45 PARTITION. 02.3/4' PLYWXD D70.ONe 03. PLASTIC LAMINATE FNSN ON ALL NTIEWR SURFACES. 06 - 2 �- y j ^` 04. SAFE 019"IT BOX BY MNER SALVAGED F1�Po DEMOLITION. 12 1 05. NWAE WIN D(TEWw THROW. W14FE AND VOG AS 6PECPIED PL 3 15 02 0s. (NWT M) 01, 3/4' FLYU= DOORS. PL 3 03 11 06. PLASTIC LAMINATE DOOR FACES. IS 03 SLAMS / SPACEFS AS WCUF ED. IB. BASE FRAME TIW LAYM 3/4' PLYW= -r ,� TYPICAL 14 LL IL NEW FAUX STONE MOI Wj 4' VERTICAL, w SAWSTON1E FNISN fWRLE a LO4. W � 01 > } N. NEW OR EXISTING CNAiRi41L MOILDNG. n 0 B. NBU OR EXISTIN3 R= BASE VERITY OS FL-4 w to SIZE. F Vt TO NTEI" ELEVATIONS. LL EL 14 MAGNETIC W"d LATCH, WAPE 4 VOLT _ AS MFIED 5. W X I' PLYUIOOD 10M IUTN FLM11C r n LAMINATE 1101 16. RIBBER BASE. R3ER TO SPECIFICATIONS. H ED EDGES OF GAS. IT •PLYWOODT D E T 74 I L IT' At IS. V14QDWOOD 'T' AT EXPOSED EDGES OF > 3 -1 0 PL -3 TA �, Architects / Planners — Denver CO A L jinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Sheet P.O. Box 2636 Son Antonio, 1 76289 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 „ 0,y110 SAFE DEPOSIT DETAILS MOA45 > FE DEF051 T E30X CAE3INET INT- ELEVATION RE5 3/8 I 0 ?5' -Z" 2 // 4 II 08 II t 5 LLJ Ln NL>4RC ED FLAN m s II n 3 3 08 it U 03 Uf -3 10 Mimi p R p •® 1 /i C 4 a y y C: i NOTES CL RILL FEW MD WIDTH V4' POLL'f M PLATE a"M UR 02. DECORATIVE LWHT PDRIRE MaMEO TFROIYaH MRROR 03. NEW 941r ova" TOR WAILS) REFER TO FINISH SQEDULE 04. NSW-ATE EXPOSED DRAN PM 05.13 X B RAOR TILE Olt IN V3 STRIPS AND AL&M UV NEW FLOOR TILE PATTEM RER3i TO SCIEDULE 06. WANW ALL POUR WALLS. 01. NEW 3'-0' DOOR TO MATCH NEW DOORS TO OFFICE. 08. OPoBITATION MAY VARY FROM SITE TO SITE. MRROR PLANS kO ELEVATIONS AS REaMW 03 TOILET TISSUE HOLDER. FENH, COLOR 5A 801E 10. PAPER TOWEL HOLDER. FEN -1, COLOR 5A BOE I PROVIDE WOOD BLOOCM N WALLS FOR ALL ACCESSORIES. 2. caum TILE TRIM - No X 4V B. Me BAR, 36' LENGTH. 14. GRAB BAR 42' LEFC+TK B. DMTNG LAVATORT WITH NEW LEVER TYPE TRIM. IS. PANTED WOOD TR L n. OREMATICN MAY VARY FROM SITE TO 811E MRROR FL" AV ELEVATIONS As REOWR D. Is. NEW FLOOR TILE BVe' X BVA' CERAMIC FLOOR TILE I7&FR TO SCH FS CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSUE THAT Rh* * i COYLY LM AD A RFfi1RE ISM. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RENOISIBI.E FOR RE4MM EXISTING PLU NS M RES TO MEET AD A REaMMIE RS. NOW PRaW MANAGER OF ALL RECUM ACTIONS TO BE TAML 20. RELOCATED TOLET TO NCLIDE AD A RAISED SPAT. rr M. nta Inn %36 Rd. Golden CO — - Denver EME] 112 E Peeon Street P.O. Boy 2636 San Mtonio, T 78299 Ta- (2110))p30022— ° ° w , U&M X611446 FEE ROO I INT. ELEVATION AND PLAN MCA41 MARKETING ART /ACCESSORIES AIOA SPLIT LOBBY MI POSTER HOLDER, DBL. Al ARTWORK ACCESSORY PACKAGE M2 POSTER HOLDER SGL. A2 ARTWORK AIOB SPLIT LOBBY M3 BROCHURE HOLDER A3 ARTWORK ACCESSORY PACKAGE M4 READER BOARD A4 ARTWORK All SIDE LOBBY M5 HORIZONTAL HOLDER AS ARTWORK ACCESSORY PACKAGE M6 LOGO A6 ARTWORK Al2A CO RNER FIREPLACE EXTERIOR Al ARTWORK WOOD BLINDS EXI EXTERIOR BENCH AS (NOT USED) Al2B CORNER LOBB EX2 WALK -OFF MAT A9 (NOT USED) ACCESSORY PACKAGE FOLIAGE Fl FICUS F2 TERRA COTTA CONTAINER F3 SPATH F4 TERRA COTTA CONTAINER F5 BOUGAINVILLEA F6 TERRA COTTA BOWL HOSPITALITY 3 HI FLOOR LAMP H2 DINING CHAIR 1/� H3 CAFE TABLE H4 SERVING CART H5 TRASH RECEPTACLE H6 (NOT USED) H1 WINDOW TREATMENT P 4 NOTES ENTRY LI EI BENCH E2 CONSOLE TABLE E3 TABLE LAMP E4 DRAPERY ROD 6' -0" L. E5 DRAPERY TREATMENT E6 AREA RUG El DRAPERY TIE BACK ES BENCH -GRADE B ES SIDEBOARD -GRADE B LOBBY LI TELEVISION L2 LOUNGE CHAIR L3 TABLE LAMP L4 LAMP TABLE L5 SOFA L6 COFFEE TABLE L1 ASH URN L8 AREA RUG LS LOVE SEAT LIC DRAPERY ROD 4' -0" L. LII DRAPERY TREATMENT LI2 (NOT USED) L13 VALANCE TREATMENT L14 WINDOW TREATMENT WOOD BLINDS L15 (NOT USED) LI6 COFFEE TABLE -GRADE B Ln LOUNGE CHAIR -GRADE B LIS AREA RUG LIS SOFA -GRADE B L20 LOVE SEAT -GRADE B L21 MIRROR L22 HORIZONTAL BLINDS Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Youngfield Service Rd Golden CO n.a — La Qjinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Peron Street P.O. Boe 2836 San MWM.. T 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 y` BA93 LOBBY FURNITURE FINISH FLAN VW&A �u GENERAL NOTE: NOTES OL PATCWWANT AREAS OF 066TING ROOF TILE UfW PANT HAS DETERIORATED. MATCH EXISTING COLOR (NOTE: TTPICAL FOR ALL TILE ROOF AREAS THROUGHOUT FRDjECTJ 02. NEW GU4RDR41L AT EXISTING SALCONT. REFER TO DETAILS. 01 NEW DECORATIVE MEDALLIONS AT EXISTING RAILINGS. 04. DECORATIVE ARLFED AIUNNG 03, FB IOVE EMBTINS DECORATIVE OUT- RKIGERB. PATCH AND FINISH FASCIA AS REMI ED. 06. PROVIDE ORNAMENTAL METAL SRACIE CLOW$ AT LOBBY BUILDING GABLE ENDS MID PORTS COC ERE GABLE Be REFER TO DETAIL (TOTAL OF v 01. EXISTING U4LL MO WW DECORATIVE LW FlXT M TO REMAIN 08. TRIM (RAKE CUT) EXI6TPG DECORATIVE OUTRWiM TO 3' WIND FACE OF 06ST14 GUTTER ATTACH NEW 3 X 8 WOOD FASCIA TO OUIRIGR#R5, TW TO UVERWE OF FETAL CdlTTER 03 REMOVE TWO CU0RK4ER5 AT GABLE REMOVE BOX BEAM AND NAILER STRIP ROOF. RE14W TO MATCH AND PANT. ' lcoimacjili�d - L.a wuinca inn '10; 3301 YowAtIeld Service Rd Golden CO Arc}u c lewpgpaA r CO ALL ROOM DIRECTIONAL 606 AND La Qinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Ps n Street P.O. ft. 2636 San MNnio, T 76299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 INFOrd1ATICN BUILDUP+ SU46 SHOULD BE ° REMOVED PROIR TO PANTING. THE NEW alsm BUILDING SIGNS ARE OF A DFFEMT a DESIGN AND SIZE, AND MAY NOT III AL .. �. OCATED AT E F I EVICUS 5044 SAME LOCATION OF NOTES OL PATCWWANT AREAS OF 066TING ROOF TILE UfW PANT HAS DETERIORATED. MATCH EXISTING COLOR (NOTE: TTPICAL FOR ALL TILE ROOF AREAS THROUGHOUT FRDjECTJ 02. NEW GU4RDR41L AT EXISTING SALCONT. REFER TO DETAILS. 01 NEW DECORATIVE MEDALLIONS AT EXISTING RAILINGS. 04. DECORATIVE ARLFED AIUNNG 03, FB IOVE EMBTINS DECORATIVE OUT- RKIGERB. PATCH AND FINISH FASCIA AS REMI ED. 06. PROVIDE ORNAMENTAL METAL SRACIE CLOW$ AT LOBBY BUILDING GABLE ENDS MID PORTS COC ERE GABLE Be REFER TO DETAIL (TOTAL OF v 01. EXISTING U4LL MO WW DECORATIVE LW FlXT M TO REMAIN 08. TRIM (RAKE CUT) EXI6TPG DECORATIVE OUTRWiM TO 3' WIND FACE OF 06ST14 GUTTER ATTACH NEW 3 X 8 WOOD FASCIA TO OUIRIGR#R5, TW TO UVERWE OF FETAL CdlTTER 03 REMOVE TWO CU0RK4ER5 AT GABLE REMOVE BOX BEAM AND NAILER STRIP ROOF. RE14W TO MATCH AND PANT. ' lcoimacjili�d - L.a wuinca inn '10; 3301 YowAtIeld Service Rd Golden CO Arc}u c lewpgpaA r CO La Qinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Ps n Street P.O. ft. 2636 San MNnio, T 76299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 ° ° alsm ELEVATION KEY PLAN, FRONT 1O1O.A21 01 1 /QII � 11��11 TYP. 101 TYP. 02 TYP. 14 TYP, 03 1 1 0 1 �lr5 1561 -1 GENERAL NOTE: ALL PjXM DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AND INFORIATION BUILDUP SIGNS &HOTTED BE REMOVED PROIR TO PANTUP TFE NEW BUILDUP SIGNS AFM OF A DIFFERENT DESIGN AND SIZE, AND MAY NOT BE LOCATED AT THE SAME LOCATION OF PFEV10US SIGNAGE. ^ Y� F r I �s n NJ- PA 11 b s 1 -3 0 NOTES a PAIWnIMPAINT AW-4 OF EX5TNG ROOF TILE 44M PANT NAS DETERORATED. MATCH EXSTNG COLOR (NOTE: TYPICAL FOR ALL TILE ROOF AREAS TVI UGHOUT PROJECT) 01. EXISTING EXTENDED RAFTER TAILS TO BE CUT BACK AND NEW FASCIA TO BE WALLED, 03. D*TNG WALL•MOINTED LKGNT RXTM TO FBVX 04. NEW FASCIA BOARD • SEE DETAIL IMA44. Reimaging - La Minta Inn % 3301 Youngfleld Service Rd Golden CO luc)vtects / Planners — Denroer CO La Quirta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pawn Sheet P.O. Box 2636 San Mtonio, T 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 R y, 26's ELEVATION KEY PLAN, L055Y SIDE 101OA22 r 36 f 08 T- 7- ( T- F`� / V S— 7 T.O. WALL FRAMING 6" 1' -2" IC4 01 u 05 M 2" [_I6 - f 1 I.4 I6 ' 06 01 Cq — cs 09 14 4 - B DG In _ T_ 12 `r T- 10 11 J T- 11 15 4" 2 1" L 4' - 2 " 2' -1' 4" 03 IS 02 ur 1035 � T_ i9 .0 I + T.O. SLAB (3rd FLOOR NOTE: THE WORK IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHEET CONSTITUTES ADDITIVE SID ALTERNATE N0, I. NOTE: HATCHED AREA INDICATES EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. FIELD VERIFY / � CONDITIONS ( (/ / EXTENTS ON I/2" : I' -0" "seLOz P �. I , . r 9 E3 - �� ff NOTES 01. EXISTW3 BULDNG ROOF AND WALL. FELD VERIFY CONDITION MID EXTENTS. 02. EXISTNG RAILING TO REMAIN. 03, RELOCATE CENTER SECTION OF EMSTNG RALNG N FRONT OF NEW FEATURE PANEL. PROVIDE NEW PIECES OF TOP AND BOTTOM PALO (TO MATCH USTNGi EXTENDING BACK TO FACE OF EXISTINGA WALL EACH SIDE OF PANEL FASTEN EIDS OF NEW RAILS INTO EXISTN6 W4LL FASTEN ENDS OF EXISTING RAILS INTO NEW TOP AND BOTTOM RAILS. 04, EXISTING BALCM To IeUk 06. EXISTING WIRKf#Ri To BE R31O FROM FRONT FASCIA EXISTIYe FASCIA AND TRCI TO BE R MYED N AREA OF FEAW PANEL. 06. 6 X 6 CERAMIC TILE, CUSTOM COLOR 07. I4' TRICK SMOOTH SAND RPA4 STUCCO TIM ACCENT. 08. 3/4' THICK RAISED STUCCO C 24' VIA, SMOOTH FINISH. m AT CONTRActan CPTIGN, EXTERIOR NEAUTIGN AND FINISH BTSTEM MFS) MAY BE LISTED N LIEU OF STUCCO. 10, 1 X BLOCKWA IL 2 X 6 PRT BLOdCNG. 12. VY FRT PLYWXD SPEATWK L. PETAL LATR, PAPER BACKED SELF - I4. PORTLAND COW On>eeo. IS. EXTERIOR L&MA FIXTWE. CONNECT TO FORTE COCIERE LIGHTING FOR aRauTNG AND SMNG 16. WSTOM CERAMIC TILE LOGO. TT, EMBLEM PROFILE FAMCATEP of 314' CDX PLY OVER 2 X P.T. WOOD FRA%4 IS. J BOX FOR EXTERIOR SOL46E VERIFY FOU.FR REQMaME ITS AND EXACT MdMIG LOCATM CCNIECT TO PORTE COCFERE CIZCWTNfs AND SWTCAM a INSTALL 4W SCREENED VENT N SOFFIT. onto Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 YowVf1ald Scvloe Rd Golden CO — 7 Pla n nners —Den La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Peron Sheet P.O. Box 2636 Son Mtonio, a MOB TEL (210) 302 -6146 xx y , arm FRONT FACADE ImA41 DETAILS TIRIrl 1/4" 2 1' -0" IL PYP}I JAMES DET 11/2 = 1' -0 J NOTES Of RAISED $TUCCO PANEL ARCW EXISTNG DOOR / RN= 02. RAISED SAICCO BAND AWJV PANEL AS WICATED. 03. RAISED STUCCO BAND AT TOP OF PANEL AS NDICATED. SLOPE TOP OF BAND TO DRAN . RAISED CIRCLE CUf•OUf N STUCCO PANEL, 20' DIA 05. OUILNE OF VSTM DOOR / D(DM 06. OUTLW OF EXISTNG BALCONY AND RAILRG TO RE44N 01. aRLNE OF EXISTPYs DECORATIVE UG4T F)(W TO RM IAN (LA SIDE). 08. WEND PANE. TO $VERWE OF EXISTNG BALCONY OR TO DUSTNG TRM BOARD AT BALCONY d1TRIGGER5. 03 OtMW OF EXISrM BI3LDlPe (VERIFY). 10. IR' PRT PLYUIOOD "ATNNG. IL FETAL LATH, PAPER 5UW SELF - FIRRRA 12. PORUW CBW PLASTER B. EXISTING 00N67W) N. 14. AT CONTRACTOR'S OF", EXTERIOR NSILATION AND FNISN SY67E1(EF6) MAY SE USED N LO OF STUCCO. B. OOTLNE OF NEUI RAILNG U3iN Ol bW STEEL P=EM FE: 03OA41 .... nn er Reimaging - La Quinta Inn %36 3301 Service Rd G�oldm CO 1Y Yowgffleld T! w — T La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 F- Peron Stet P.O. Box 2636 San Mtnnio, T 76299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 arm TRIM 1021 A41 DETAIL 1 4" 8' EXISTING [ &' 4" p TAIL OF WING I EQUAL EG 2'-II" BE] i L F sow 11. N (Yl YA41 — 4' OVERLAP,1f1 T TIT TI TIT TIT TiZ TIT T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L11 LI 111 .L11 111 L11 1 ` I 4' 1 -2 PT -6 EXISTING OPENING 18%-4 TIRIMi DET 114" = 11 -011 AN NOTES OL RAISED STUCCO PANEL AROWD EXISTWG DOOR / WNDW 02. RAISED STUCCO BAD ARCWD PANEL AS !DILATED. 03. RAISED STUCCO BAND AT TOP OF PANEL AS INDICATED. SLOPE TOP OF BAND TO DRAIN. 04, RAISED CIRCLE CUf -OUf N 81U000 PANEL, 20' DIA 05. FRAME Pm EXISTW OPENNG TO CONTTNIOUS NE IT INDICATED. STUCCO OVER PAPER•BAOW METAL LATH cN I/1" EXTERIOR GRADE FLTWXD %EATAWA 08. aRLI E OF NEW RAU M, 01 CUTLI E OF DdSTNG DECORATIVE LWT FSCW TO REMAIN (EA $DE). 06. STUCCO PANEL AND TRIM BANDS A e APPLIED TO BOTH SIDES OF PORIE- COC ERE END WILL 03 OUTLINE OF DmTwi END WALL (VERIFY) 10. FOWLAND CEMENT PLASTER It FETAL LATH, PAPER BALKED SELF - U. L,2' ?W FLY= $LEATNTNG. D. 2 X 4 PRT FR41M AT K" or— 4. AT CONTRACTORS OPTION, EXT4i10R N9lq.ATION AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIPS) MAY BE LISM IN LIEU OF 510000. 15. EXISTSYs CONSTRMICN. ©oo I Reimaging - La Quinta Im %36 3301 Youngfleld Service Rd Golden CO �e- ea Planaen — D..ce CO La Quinta Inns, Ina. 112 E. Peoon Stmet P.O. Box 2636 San Mmnio, T 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 ft "A3 xx TRIM DETAIL 1025.A41 NOTES OL EXISTNG BALCLNT OTR1Ci K 02.2 X 6 WOOD TOP RAIL, FFMM IWATED. 03. STEEL FLATE (MAX I -V4' WIDE) COGN1011S AT TOP AW BOTTOM OF SIM PICXETS FASTENED TO WOD RAIL$, 04. 2 x 4 WOOD BOTTOM PAL, PTMSSIIfv< TMTM 05. VS' x I V4' TtECTANCt LM BAR 0.4M PIONS AT 4' LN CWM OS. 24'X 2y' X 3AW X IVi' LM STEEL ANGLE ANONM TO 2 X 6 61.4 4 LAG BOLT MD TO WALL WV I.40 EXPANSION BOLT N ELONGATED NO.E ■ D i NOTE: WATCHED AREA NDICATES EXISTMG CONSTSWTIOK FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS/EXTENTS. 1 1 1M11 _ 11 — �II Reimaging - La Quinta Inn X636 3301 Toungfield A RcL holden CO Architects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Seeet P.O. Box 2636 San mtoM.. TX 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 r BhN3 RAILING DETAILS 103CA41 1211 B• ii. RAILING 1 1/2" -Z 11 ION DETAI PT-1 IC% TALL 13 MEDALLIONS A5 INDICATED _.. DRAWINGS AND DIRECTED BY PROJECT MANAGER 1 ar }� J K E Fl A `s°i L A B -O.� sf 0 NOTES OL DECORATIVE RAII.NG MTEDALLICK SWEET . METAL M PROFILE 614pW.1iffER TO LOBBY ELEVATIONS FOR LOCAT06 FEFER TO SFECF CAT06 FOR ADDITICNAL W0; MTM 02. SMOOTH %UT METAL EDGE BAND, c"VED ALONG EDGE 03, COMM SOLDER 04. b" DIA. SMOOTH MET METAL CIRCLE, CRIMPED ALONG EDGE. 0S. A"'IETRED SHEET METAL MEDALLION, RNIDOM AND R3WAAR PATTEIK CUT TO DIMETISIONS AND PROFILE SNOA 06. CM. FILLET WELD TO EXIST HANDRAIL ALL SIDES 01. PANT FNISN. 0S. MEDALLION TO BE CWMRED VERIICALL AT30UT M CB4IERLNE OF ADJACENT EXISTFG DECORATIVE SCRCOL UIORC OR BEIUEEN E+01TOM AND TOP RAIL i .. Architects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Peean Street P.O. Box 2636 San Mtonio, T 78299 TE. (210) 302 -6146 8,599 RAILING MEDALLION I035,A41 NOTES OL E(USTNG WXD CCLIM1 Myoo. 01. W GAUGE %W FETAL TM REFER TO EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. PANT PER DMMOR PNI6N SCVEDILLE. 03. EXI5TW3 TOP RAIL TO RS UK 0C MOT UND) 05. SEALANT. O6. NOTCN AROUND I z i POST AND UELD, CONTSl1dPo. MELD VBEFY. el. WD TO ALTEMAlE PICKETS. 08. NEM EDGE, CCM WA MW TO ALMW ROOTS (OPPOSM EOTTOM EDGE) 4 POM SAILING DETAIL {� 3e , P -0 1CGImd2In�j - Ld GIUITILd ITITI - D.5f0 3301 Youngfleld 8aVoe Rd. Golden c0 Architects / Planners — Deaver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Street P.O. Boe 2636 San N M., T M269 TEL (210) 302 -6146 RAILING DETAIL 1040A41 Poo , _ ., A NOTES IX FbSTtY� E ED F E L RAEIER TAIL OUT B ACK FRL VE 10N TO To AS S ADE . W D. P T 0. RIFY N C E A ROrIOE NECESddRY EARANCE AT EXISTN6 ! DQKNW 7F. OZ MTWj ROOF STRLTW4-: J 03. MTMi MAL C4IIM TO FEI14N 04. hID FA SCIA W 016 EN OF OWWJ RAPER TAU �MD TOP Ma OF FASCIA LEVEL. PAIR MRFNISN 604V E ' 05 . PATCH / R>°AM EXSNlG R70F tILEB N AFFA Ufn PAM NAS DEIEROPATM. NATCN EXIM COLOR (NOTE: TTPICAI. FOR ALL TILE ROM AWAS TKRDI r*m a u3w OS. PROVIDE c4wK z EEAD OF MAW AROW Eton OF DMTWs R*TER TAILS AT NO FASCIA CMAUD SP NO ON TOP EDGE TO SW IMTER , EXIST. COL. NOTE: HATCHED AREA INDICATES EXISTING: CONSMCTION, FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS / EXTENTS. ExiFING oyEfRHA _ mmipi loolm PT -8 PT -5 J 4 � �w IC6nna GdlfUd - La 'Aulnia NN - 0.7L0 3301 Youngfield Swvice Rd Cur f 7 Architects / Ptanam— Denver CO NOTES 0L DOM WALL AND ROOF STM CM. 02. DMINS DOT W BEAK. MOW Al I X CLADDM (F REIiNSM) aM BACK BEAM DID AS MDICATM 03. SHEET METAL END CAP WITH FROFU SHak 34' WIDE RAISED 910M 5(MD A%= SALL4i47'F.FED TDOUE SMACE, R4ND0M AO IRl;S" PATMW (SHADED A WX.. PRWM MMlW 2' a*i4 P OF END CAP ON WOM BEAM UV RILL MAD OF SEALAM CCMNVA M LAP. 04. I -V2' WIDE TOTAL STRAP FASTENED C041Ml0115LY ARCUO FERMTER OF END CAP AT QIT END OF D(ISTM MAM 1® t PT-1 PT-2 NOTE: WATCHED AREA INDICATES EX16TING CONSTRUCTION, FIELD VERIFY CONDITION/EXTENTS. BE74M ENE) DETA 1 1/211 _ 1 1 - 011 9 Reimaging - La Quinta Inn x636 3301 Youngfield Service Rd Golden CC Amhitects / Planners — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E. Pecan Sheet P.O. Boe 2636 San Mlonio, TX 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 „„ 12r lw BEAM END DETAIL 1055A41 �A— 6 � � , -, ., a 6 IA& A A "..0-ft A-0 NOTES 0L Datwi CONWEJE BLAB. 02. MOM PRECAST OOMMM WALL 03. 1' x I'M TLBE &PPM POST. 04. STEEL RATE (MAX 1 -Lye MW CWtWJS AT TOP AND BOTTOM CF BTEEL PMEM FASTM TO WXD RALLS. 0. V8• x 1 V4• RECTANfiILL.AR BAR CORVED RC en. ¢6. 2 x 4 WOOD BOTTOM RAIL OT14 EASED EDGES. 01. 2 x 6 WOCO TOP RAIL WITH EASED EDGES. 08. 8E4LANf 03 I V2' X I In' STEEL ANGLE CLIP X I• LORD LLEILDED TO RALMS. ANOM TO WELL UV V4' X I W' LM F>d *MCN AVCiM. J0. 2 • V4' X 2 W LONG EXPANBICN AN%M JIB Architects / Planners — Denver CO La QW(nta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pacer Street P.O. Box 2636 Son Mtonio, T 76299 TEL (210) 702 -6146 Rib RAILING, DETAIL 101CA41 I I I I I I L - -C = �\ \ nI - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - II I I I u IM �JI II � UDpv n / � j . I II I -\ I PORTE COCHERE/ BLDG, LIGHT 11 1 1 - 0 11 I NOTES OL M96 LWn TO FElM aEA)L PAW,R *V W:C*#W m MOM. TO E) FwH eafML TTPC& llFgPAlart. as N ? tW. OB. Wt LM. 104. BOLUeEO. C& WT=. 106, WA M FDM 6N POWE .cO.OM WM. Reimaging - La Quinta Irm %36 3301 Yowgrield Service Rd. Golden C Amttitects / Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan Street PA. Boa 2636 S n Mlanio, T 78299 TEL. (210) 302 -6146 o py EAf93 FROTE COCHERE BUILDING LIGHTING FLAN 101001 t R \� EXIST. COL. NOTE: HATCHED AREA INDICATES EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS / EXTENTS. EXIFING OV ERHANG = MOIDiFl /I ■ REN J� / PT -5 NOTES A MTNG OMMED RAFTER TAIL. Of MCK AS NDICATED. FIELD 4ERFY DI11319" TO MAX 1ECEBS4RY CLEARANCE AT D0506 DOWi8P:ut. 03. BMW, @DCF 6MMUIF. 03. LtIO FA20A MAIM Ov1:R M OF E)dM RAFTER TAILS. W" TOP We OF FASCIA LM PANT PER FNI%4 SOHLLE. 04. PANT WTER TO MATCH MZR ON EXI87RYe ROOF 7S.E8. 05. PATCH / REPAWt 007M RDOF TILES N ARM SF✓ER£ PANT" DETERIORAIM MATCH E7(I8TNG COLOR OM, TYPICAL FCR ALL TILE ROOF AFEAS 14wyNOiIT BISLDNS) 06. FF40" CONTFIIOSS BEM OF SEALWd '... ARORD E71DS OF MSTM RAPIER TAILS AT NEW FASCIA BWLD SP BEM ON TOP EDGE TO SHED IIAIER e1. HMTMLKARFknMM=W ON BEAM TO M R OCATED 0140 NBO FASCIAS. 0S. WAANT. CONTNK. A. Reimaging - La Quinta Inn F Uo 3301 YowgFleld 5avice Rd Golden CO Architects / Planners — Denxr CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Pecan street P.O. Boa 2636 San Mtonio, TX 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 MA3 ROOF 1165A43 DETAILS � � I= ON�I�U�IN�� JOIN 1 1/2 = 1' -011 D •Ik5 - 01 1 /4 " R (TYP.) " e a \ r }8 ° e. p d p' N G O 15 A 0 d p ��<E` D CONFRUCTiON JOINT 11/2 = P -0" ° -14 01 SEE DETAIL " A " G p d , CONTRACTION JOINT 1 1/2 -- II -01' °'IR5• IUIDTN OF SAID BLADE MIN, 114" SAWED JOINT DETAIL III FULL 01 1 R ° e F- 1 p 0 4 NOTES OL JOINT SEALER 02. SAW CUT. 03. TE BARS V2' X 30' At 30' OL, 04. 3/49 DOUEL BAR$14' L04 AT IY' OL. 05. CASE BAR ON THIS END ONLY. 06. END Off *0 BENT. 01 EXPANSION CAP. 08. JOINT FILLER M 3/4'X IS' DO111 BARS AT VOL. ry .,I 4 7 jos;:P'lH [A. PAHL -;80 A N f. `y ` 4 355.! 1 -3 -q FROM ■� b DOWELED C ON5TRUCTION JO 1112 1 1-011 0 Reimaging - La Quinta Inn "636 3301 Youngfield Service Rd CO / Architects / Plamae� — Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 E Peaan Sheet P.O. ft. 2638 San MW la. TX 7"299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 ° ° w Oh93 PAYIW3 DETAILS 1425.441 FOIRMED JOINT J n '7 ! '/44�' ll R. ( T Y IF 1 ) . I T I n Q ° - a ° .9 a a ° a n d a CONFRUCTION JOIN 1 1/2 a I' -011 Dd46< EXPAN51ON 11/2 ml 3 n 11 4" R ITYP) c a' n .° 4. v e ° d a d ° ° e C a d . CONTRACTION JOINT /-- - 11/2 11 = 1' -011 0 -as 02 I I 01 03 s .. ° _ a' a e .a ° d °. d : a 1 iII 11 aan I � .n CON5TF 11/211 _ 11 - 011 ION JT. 's EXI5T. F AVEMENT 11211 p J - . ,O GRETE (�JRE3 DETAI VA RIES 1% SLOPE MIN. l I El I I d m1 Iii_ I 011 11/2" - V - V 01 e d . c d . M ♦— v 04 NOTES 01. JONt SEALER 02. EXISTM CONCIWE PAY91W 03, 6" X 6' - un X un W. 04. JW FILLER 06. BUILDNG OR STRICM 06. RW-44 FACE OF EXI6TKG SLAB WALL BE THWWAY CLEANED OF ALL SOIL AND L006E ASS 5GATE6 AND SHALT. BE WET DOUN JUST F131OR TO M PCIIRM OF NEW PAYBW 6LA6. Cl. FNSH GRADE. W. PAYM �f C07 1t � F9 s Reimaging - La QWinta inn %36 3301 Yow gfleld Service Rd Golden CO r _ Architects /Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 1- Paean Street P.O. Boa 2636 San Mlanio, T 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 ay R&M PAVING DETAILS 1425A42 d a a d ° a . T I n Q ° - a ° .9 a a ° a n d a CONFRUCTION JOIN 1 1/2 a I' -011 Dd46< EXPAN51ON 11/2 ml 3 n 11 4" R ITYP) c a' n .° 4. v e ° d a d ° ° e C a d . CONTRACTION JOINT /-- - 11/2 11 = 1' -011 0 -as 02 I I 01 03 s .. ° _ a' a e .a ° d °. d : a 1 iII 11 aan I � .n CON5TF 11/211 _ 11 - 011 ION JT. 's EXI5T. F AVEMENT 11211 p J - . ,O GRETE (�JRE3 DETAI VA RIES 1% SLOPE MIN. l I El I I d m1 Iii_ I 011 11/2" - V - V 01 e d . c d . M ♦— v 04 NOTES 01. JONt SEALER 02. EXISTM CONCIWE PAY91W 03, 6" X 6' - un X un W. 04. JW FILLER 06. BUILDNG OR STRICM 06. RW-44 FACE OF EXI6TKG SLAB WALL BE THWWAY CLEANED OF ALL SOIL AND L006E ASS 5GATE6 AND SHALT. BE WET DOUN JUST F131OR TO M PCIIRM OF NEW PAYBW 6LA6. Cl. FNSH GRADE. W. PAYM �f C07 1t � F9 s Reimaging - La QWinta inn %36 3301 Yow gfleld Service Rd Golden CO r _ Architects /Planners - Denver CO La Quinta Inns, Inc. 112 1- Paean Street P.O. Boa 2636 San Mlanio, T 78299 TEL (210) 302 -6146 ay R&M PAVING DETAILS 1425A42 � EXPAN51ON JOINT EXPAN51ON JOINT \ f 1/2 -- 11 -011 } Q 'f. s // o io 9 m L_• R1 -6 13116" I 22 F- --- L--- - - - - -- I EaUAL 4" 3' -6" - -- 4 lm' -8" -------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- FA I r 3 ;t -- — --- — — — — — — — — —_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ Q 4 11 1 1 1 ) i I �p 3 - - -- L— ` ff&UAL 101F C ' / JOSE n.4. �L 'ww 6 ®_ IIli!i!i!�Fi!i�i�i !i Il r—RE: PLAN 3/4 TYP W m NOTES OL Cm MALL 07. 6TII000 Rm SPANISH TRXEL TEXTRE. 03. STUCCO FNIBH, 314' THICK B' W N SAND FRISK 04. UK TOP RM TO DRAIN. 05. AT talIRAGTOR3 OPTICN, EXTERIOR NSLATION AND 1 NISH SYSTEM (EFS) MAY BE LISTED N LEU OF STUCCO FNBN, TYP, 06. 4 AT 33' OL. FILL CELL WV 3500 PIS GFml2 (STAWER HOCKS). 01, S' CPU WI TRIBE TYPE REIHF. AT I6'= CO. 3- 03 3 -r 3 TE6 AT S' OG 10. 4 - 5V M. FILL CELLS IV 3500 P51 GROUT (I EAR N EA CELL). IL 'S X3'- 6'LQa4WOZ. a ' 5 cm. • TOP OF WALL FILL SOLIP WITH 3500 PSI QW. a 0 6'-0 OR NIGHER MALL, PR7YIDE' 5. 6' OC. W. •6'-0 CR HGHER W4Ll., PROVDE 4 - r5 CO)T. 0. P.T. WCCD OR EPS OWL" FOR TRIM, STUCCO FNS{ 6. 110' THICK SMOOTH S4lD TTfTBFI $TUCCO TRIM ACCENT. FL CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE LOGO. E 6 X 6 CERAMIC TILE, asTOM COLOR R VS' THICK SIM PLATE W EASED EDGES IN 3' X 3/S' DIA. STIRS ANCTIOREp FTO "L UTH EPDXY GROITL PANTED WITH Fr -1 VF1mE RUM. 30. SUM PR21LE FABRICATED OF 3/4' COX FLY OM 3 X P.T. WOOD FRWMI G ATTACIED TO CHIT. - 3L TILE, LOGO AND AM= 0=0ON O fACE OF WALL C LY UN.O. ON SREPLANS. 31 LIGHT R)MIRE ON ONE FACE ONLY, AM NOW OT608E ON WE PLATIB. 33. ORBIT TO tEAREBT EXISTING, NCUSE LIG M PROVIDE COARM ER AS RE(iM FOR DESHiED "-OF" SWCNNGA m IFIM // u 3 irim Reimaging - La Quinta Inn x636 3301 Yow4field Service Rd Golden CO NOTE: THE WOW INDICATED ON THIS SHEET CONSTITUTES ALTEWATE NO, 5 AS INDICATED ON 0002AOI AND AGAIN AS SLTERNATE NO.2 1430 AS INDICATED ON W02AOI RE: PLAN I Architects / Planners – Denver CO i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING fi DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PUHLIC WORKS REVIEW Date: Z o - °j 4 Case/Building Permit No. 141 qq/f (~t LOCBtlOI1: ~~"jol `~OJr»FzE~-c~ SEtzvtC~ LcAD Please review the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a ~04ri,,XoL re,,,,ockei , and indicate your decision on those items checke3 below, and please add any other comments i•rhich you r,iay have under number 16. 1. M Boundary Closure:1;2'OK C7Not OK; refer to Stipulations 2. q Area: Acres Square Feet 3. Ci Drainage: a. Drainage plan (and report) eded Q b. Drainage Plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: M OK C]Not OK; refer to Stipulations 4. O Legal Description: Y OK C3 Not OK; refer to Stipulations I£ not okay, please explain: 5• Public I:nprovements: a. Street Paving Needed Y b. Curb & Gutter needed Yd c. Sidewalk needed Y ~ d. Street Lights needed Y (jiz e. Storm Sewer needed Y f. Escrow required Y N If Escrow required, for what improvements? In what aMOUnt? dlo 6.i_i Development Agreement required Y N If Yes, for 7. C1 All necessary documents have been initiated by Public Works and are attached hereto: 8•cJ Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? Y O 9. t=l New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: No If yes, what is recommended: 10.1= All existi~g dedicated roadways and alleys meet the standards of the City: .(p If no, which do not and what is requested: ll.l=] All existing~-and proposed dedications have been reviewed and found to be: ¢f OK O Not OK; refer to numbers 8& 9. 12.M Approval:tiPUblic Works Department has reviewed this request and hereby gi s its approvaiT subject to the above and/or attached stipulati n / 1 '_'T_ ~+---o%o 2 -i o - `f'~ Sigi ature Date 13. p The Public Work Department has reviewed this request and does not approve for the reasons stated: Signature Date 14, p Stipulations attached: Yes No 15. O DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: 16. Summary Comments: 116 pc/reqPWreview rev.01/89 r_. WHEAT aIDr,E , ITY OF 75c~U W':"3TH AVE. , P.O. POX E..,8 WHEAT RIDr,E, r_:OLORADO 8C0034 AUG 23, 1993 DATE PpID° ~:E_:EIVED FF~OM: DENVER SIr~N SY57EMS IN'- DES~~~'IFTION: E'LD~' FEF:MIT/PLD~~ USE 7AX i,HECk:: N0: 4574 i:HE~_F:: AMOUNT f...qSH: so CHAR.GE: $().00 MDNEY OF'DEF: $0.00 OPR. ID: AMW AMOUNT FECEIVED: $19•2" F'ECEIPT N0: 57150 7500 wEST29thAVENUE DEPARB ILDINGF NSPECTION OMSION ELOPMENT pERM1T NO.MP9 /^?/04 234-5933 P.O. BOX638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONI.Y WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ANC RELEIP?ED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS l,'~~ ~ CONTRACTOR c Lj``ryg ~ ADDRESS 3' ' ~L--- CITY ZIP CODE ~0 PHONE LICENSE NO. 1~d~ SK I. TYPE GrOUOd U 2. MATERIAL ELLANEOUS PERMI~ OWNEF ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACT PRICE $ DATE `2-S--5 200 Proitclina❑ 01Mr 5 a D Foee . _ s~c~..-.- _ . ~ E_ W ❑ INSPECTION TICKET - INSPECTION TICKET JOB FEP ADDRESS E_u' - ❑ Vk {M4~ - OT DATE: BLDG. PERMITN PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. 3 -d`I "q TYPE OF II INSPECTIO REMARKS ri i,STREETS, W-R. FORM &19 W.R. FORM 6-19 )ISTANCE. LECTRIC CATED WOR I OF ISSUANCE If WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. f . ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO I Oy Z- STATE LICENSE N0. AWM INUM WIRE UNDERSIZE B ILI.EGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TM N0. R1EL°Circls0~ ~fal EleeSolo~ WATER CIASET FOfiCEO AIR - BTU NO HOT WATER - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH 7UB STEAM - BTU AIR CONDITIONING-BN CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGHTING SINN GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATqN SYSTEM HEATING WATER HEATER i sraN GrouD Reh POWER SU9-CIFCUITS Poundf CMr e E7C ) DISPOSER UTILITY (RANGE AUTO. WASMER , , AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FI%TURES DISH WGSHER ELEVATOR WIRING MOTOFtS B CONTROLS FIDOR DRAIN $IGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER T RES MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAI. FI% U . i REMARKS 0 lJ'e (1 "f" V, I hareby ucknowladqe thot this oDDlica- tion it Cmrect ond undeisfond ihat I connot sfart tAie project until this oppli- cotion is apOroved. I sholl comply with fhe lowa oi the Stote ol Colorado ond to ths ZoninQ FeQulotiona ond Buildinp Code ofthe Cify of W~e t Ri qe. Qny violation of ihe above t rm (vdl cause immediate rexocafion ~t I permH 1`'K C-K A ) N ? PG(I.- PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE CNIEF BUI INSPECTIO REMARKS ZIP CODE ~ ~ NOT AIID UNLESS RECEIPTED ~GD 1,67 $ , i , . _ . ,City of Wheat Ridqe CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS pme Issued JoB 3 3 ADDRESS C DATE: BLDG. PERM TN .560 PEnR/M~ITN UCTURE,GI' BLDG. CONTR. TV LME SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. ~ -q `ci y TYPE OF II RTV LINE 4oofeaN. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500WES729thAVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. M93#18932 234-5933 P.O. BOx638 CITY OF V4HEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHVEF BWLDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS /~IYt~VVJ 1 OWNER CONTRACTOR ~IC ADDRESS CITY ~ ZIP CODE PHONE ~ Yr do 70 LICENSE NO. ~ b} ADDRESS PHONE ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ p ~'d• w DATE 1. TYPE GroundM_ W ol~1❑f Proieofinp❑ 0ther Sw~Faes ~ 1 V'! 2. MATERIAL_ ~ ~ ~ V~~1 Tolal Squore Feat SIGNS 3. ILWMINATION Yoe1~1l~ No❑ TyDa Elee Pvmit No. 4. SET BACN iROM PROPERTV LINE N (SpeeifywhicAiefront) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ . Zon InsMefor Dimpprov is- / I. TYPE Solido More Than BO% ODeno Less TAOn BO% Open MATERIAL - Heipht FENCES 3. SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE N (SpeCity whieh it }ront) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zoro _ ApDrwW,Zone Inspecta Disopproved I. 2 OTHER 3. . DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIViN6 DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTqNS INCLUDED) iiI (L S iG j, C r~- c~•~ w K.) ~ SPECIFV NORTM STREET N4ME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDIN6 TPAOJOINING 110USES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES;ON IRREGULAR lATS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR qVERAGE OISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE B ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. FUEL:CirtleQ'r GW ql EIoeSdw N0. WATER CLASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH 60WL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CMANGE SERVICE-AMPS SMOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTMER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATpN SVSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUITS WATER HEATER Refri eront Grou UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPO5ER,ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Pounds CMr e FI%TURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLEtt SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMER$ 9 RECTFIER$ SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES ii__ w (o 's Q v19)-v 6-0C~o f'O_l~ PERMIT FEE 1 Mreby acknowledqe tnot this ovolica- tion u correct and unEerstand tnat I USE TAX iil th s o t t th li- un i is projec eonnof stor OD eation it opprovee. I shall comply witn TOTAL FEE nd f l d t f C ora o a o e o o fha lowe oi the Sta fha Zoninp Repulationa and Buildinq APpROVEC Code of tne City ot wneat Rieqe. any DISAPPROVEC violation of tne obove terme wdt couse CHIEF BUILDI immediate revocation ol this permit L~ O $ lI. d-0 INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe //'Lt_x Date Issued appli ane. siana r. VALID UNLESS CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29tn AvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. M93# 18899 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.o. eox sse CiTV OF wHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VAUD ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIP7ED BELOW. 3 p0, ICAT~N FgR MISCELLANEOUS PERN~{T v ~ ~2T ~ OWNER r~~f UI Lt,"4'l4 JOB ADDRESS J CONTRACTOR ~4)~ I K ADDRESS ADDRESS ~Q~^-~~• PHONE ZIPCODE CITY ZIP CODE a~ CONTRACT PRICE $ ~~M* f]ATE 'H ONE tr I _ - u..~ _ . r ~ 1. TYPE Ground ~ Woll❑ Proiettinp❑ 01her SorD~af~ ~ p~ ~k ( L ~ 2. MATERIAL `~r - Totol Squon Fad Q t atHF2C SIGNS No❑ T Y D~s 3. ILLUMINATION Y6s0 El~ct. P*~mi / ~ n 4 SE7 BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N~ S_ E W ~ ❑ Zon pprov ZOne Inapecta rovad +Z~ • Di ~ (Speeify whiM ia f ronl) ❑ ❑ soDD 1. TYPE Solid[] More Thon BO% OD~MC3 Litet Thon 80% Opon MATERIAL ? HoipM FENCES , SET BACN FROM PROPER7Y LINE N_ 3 S_ E_ W Zone- A70rwed,Zon* ImDseta . ❑ ❑ rovsd Di a (Speufy which if front) ❑ ❑ s pD I. OTHER 7 2 3. ORAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVIhu DISTANCES FROM PR(WtrtTt lirvca. (SETBALKS OR PROJECTIONS INCIUDED) REAR PROPERTV LINE l' > W y ¢ fh 17 a w ( u ~ ~1I IN I - J60 ~ FRON7 VROPERTY LINE w ~ SPECIFY NORTM STREET NAME $HOW DISTANCE$ FROM THE MAIN BUILDING T6ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINESiON IRREfiULAR LATS, SHOW Lcecr DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THISAPPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDiCATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILOING INSPECTION DIVISION. ccaMi7 WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS PROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. STATE LICENSE N0. ALUMINUM VARE UNOER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM 15T 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. Fl1ELCircle0rn GW ql Propana E Sola ~ WATER ClASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATM TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUI7S WATER HEATER Refri eron~ Group UTILITY(RANGE,OISPOSER,ETC) AUTO. WASMER Pounda Chor e DISH WASHER AUTOMA7IC SPRINNLER SYSTEM FIXTURES WIRIN~ MOTOFtS 9 CONTROLS FLOOt DRAIN EIEVATOR SIGNS URINGL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORN OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP . TOTAL FIXTURES . , _ I . iv ~/iU ni._ ,,.a (.U t 'rt" /u~J F 7 C/ 7 ui/ . -7,7 • . / ' V - R NOT VALID UNL ESS ECEIPTEI a' i li ERF EE .Q~ c s aDp I hereby ncknowledpe that th fion ie torrect ond understand that I tonnot ffart tAis projtltt until thia aDDli- ~ tation is oDOraved. I shall comply with 7 ; s V ~ fhe lowf of the Sfote ol Colorodo and lo , ulations ond Buildinp Re in Z iL p p on iha V Code of tne City of Wneot RieQe Any f the above terme win cause i Cit y of Wheot Ridge NSPECTOR, on o violat immediote revocation of tnls vermit CAL1237-8944 EXT.255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS Date Issued ~ r$ ~ . ~ a:, ~ . , M41.1 • _ ~Fn "r~, i~ c 1 i ~11~ JUE-1-6 93 1:.3~k~8 UURLfTC' F . y ~ ~ 34.. y ' 9 .l~ ~ ~ • (p • N (}1 TI T. ? 0 .X ~iNN3i'xO¢A~0 47nCb rme m~ r n S a m$~i ~ cl ~ r m lh 7 . . m A m 9 ~ ~ m ~s z~ ~ m s ~ ~ ~ L1 q C A Pm m m IR xt,, z m$ s m.i ~m<oi~ Z G ZT~ Fn 04 s O C ~ n\..~ t~.~ . y s T $ m w fr1 D m ~ ~ "a5, x ; K Ja ~ 0 m N r ~ g ~ rd q ~ i u i } ~ i~gdH~•c~r ~ z ,y~ r* ~4 ':~Y 7'e~ ~a ' y~'S fP ~ 9 L ~ , y~ .f~'' K. ~ ~y ~ • ~ } ~ ~ y 9 i pL1 ~ ~ 4 Y t 9 a ~ ~1 { : y 9 ~ . Y { kfy. F ' I .t ~ .P, f ' = 6 Y ' ~t ti ➢n . . . ~ . ~ . . ti . 0 I1111~F ; }I . , :A~ ~ u + . , ~ ' yl . . . _ . . ~ ffi m DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29tn AvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 237-6944 ExT. 255 P.O. eOx eae CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. M92#3384 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. I/ QPPLIVWTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PFRMir - ~ _ JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR OWNER .011-'4 ADDRESS (GLUf PHONE G: ZIPCODE '30 CITV ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ J` OJOt~ PHONE ~S7 S~a~' I LICENSE NO. ~y~~---TV' 1. TYPE Ground❑ j5--) z.-2-yyoll❑ Proieofinp❑ OMer SuOFOes 2. MATERIAL Tofal Squon FNt SIGNS 3 ILLUMINATION Y950 No❑ Typs Eleef, psrmit No. 4 SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ ppprpvad Zqu inBa~ta (Specify which ia fronl) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Diaopprovld 1. TYPE Soiido Mon Tlwn BO°/a Opan❑ Losc TAon BO% Open FENCES MATERIAL Hebht 3. SET BACN FROM pROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zpne_ ppprqib,Zons Inspecta (Specify whieh iefroM) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisoDproved _ OTHER I Z' DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVIIvu dST4NCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SET84CKS OR PROJECTpNSINCLUDED) ~ SPECIFY NORTM STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE M41N BUILDIN6 TPApJ01NING NOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY lINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTV LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDIGATED WORN ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY TME BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. IPERMIT WILL EXPIRE 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF I$$UANCE !F WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHtlI THAT TIfAE. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. ('7 ~ 07 S MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE 8 ILLEGAL F100R BSM IST 2ND 9RD 4TH N0. FUEI:CimJaOrn Go{dl ElseSda NO. WATER CLASET FORCED AIR BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER BTU NEW SERVICE AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BN LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATINC GARBAGE DISF REFRIGERATpN SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUtTS WATER HEATER Re}ri eront Goup UTILITY(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC.) AUTO. WASHER pounAt CAar s FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 8 CONTROLS FLDOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI%TURES I hareby oeknowladqe ihot this o001ico- fion u conect and understand that I Connof atarf fhis proj6et unfil thia appli- eation is opprovad. t shall tomply with the lowa of the Sfote of Colorodo and to the ZoninQ ReQulclions ond Buildinp Code of the City of Wneot RidQe. Any violation of the above terms will cauae immediate revocofion ot thia permii. AOV7ieenL SiOnalure PERMIT FEE USE TAX I TOTAL FEE 1__\ I$ iz., I CHIEF BUILDI ,Cityof Wheat Ridqe DO}e I55U?d~~~~/' NOT VAUD UNLESS RECEIPTEO CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS A ® City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Sign PERMIT - 201902243 PERMIT NO: 201902243 ISSUED: 11/01/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 3301 Youngfield Service Rd EXPIRES: 10/31/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replacing ground sign hit by car with like for like ground sign. 30.82 square feet. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER 303-279-5565 BRE LQ PROPERTIES LLC SUB (303)279-5977 WILLIAM STUPANSKY 070192 PRECISION SIGN COMPANY *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 91.59 Use Tax 126.00 Permit Fee 140.90 ** TOTAL ** 358.49 *** COMMENTS *** USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / PROJECT VALUATION: 6,000.00 *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this per 't and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all a ities named within this document as parties to the work to be per o a d that all wor to be performed is disclosed in this do ent and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 11 I ign ure of O R or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or grant' of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any apple code or anjprdinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chlef Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat R dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: 161,�gll q Plan/Permit # 0i9v�a�3 Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application i *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 3301 Youngfield Service Rd Property Owner (please print): BRE LQ Properties LLC Phone: 800-843-9888 Property Owner Email: psullivan@personasigns.com Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: C/O La Quinta Corp, 909 Hidden Ridge 600 City, State, Zip:lrving, TX 75038 Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Precision Sign Company Contractors City License #: 70192 Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Phone: Phone: 303-279-5977 Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form ® COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ® OTHER (Describe) Replacing damaged ground sign that was hit by a car with anew ground sign (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) � ---t,Oao „k4 d2o Ccv1 Oerer%W"4�f- Sq. Ft./LF 30.82 s.f. Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ $6,000.00 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that l have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. 1, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Electronic Signature (first and last name): DATE: 10/15/2019 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMMENTS: T&.V / �- re, CjyL�p� /� �4 ^ OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Reviewer "� ) / q `l�C f wp (a r -c.4 liq BUILDING DEPARTMENT CO MENTS: Reviewe(eay co13►�cq Building Division Valuation: $ 6,003 Randy Slusser To: reception@precisionsigncompany.com Subject: Plan review for replacement sign at 3301 Youngfield Service Rd Wheat Ridge I am reviewing the replacement sign for this project. Please see comment below: 1. Provide structural details for sign footing, pole and attachment. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Randy Slusser, CBO Chief Building Official Building Division 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2803 VVNVW.Ci.wheatridize.co.us r Wheat ui�re CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. RESOLUTION NO. 1353 TITLE: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TO ACQUIRE AN INTEREST IN A PORTION OF THE REAL PROPERTY AT 3301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, IN FEE SIMPLE FROM THE PRESENT OWNER(S) THEREOF FOR THE PUBLIC PURPOSE OF COMPLETING THE YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD RELOCATION PROJECT CONTEMPLATED BY THE CITY, FURTHER CONTINUANCE OF GOOD FAITH NEGOTIA- TIONS TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE INITIATION OF AN ACTION IN EMINENT DOMAIN TO AC- QUIRE SAID PROPERTY IN THE EVENT GOOD FAITH NEGOTIA- TIONS DO NOT RESULT IN AN AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY. WHEREAS, The City of Wheat Ridge is involved in the design of a street construction, reconstruction and improvement regard- ing the relocation of the Youngfield Service Road within the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; WHEREAS, Completion of said West Youngfield Service Road Relocation Project is undertaken for the public purpose of im- proving said public street in furtherance of the health, safety and welfare of the public population of the City of Wheat Ridge and all those who use said Youngfield Service Road; WHEREAS, LaQuinta Motor Inns, Inc., LaQuinta Plaza, P.O. Box 790783, San Antonio, Texas, 78279-0783 is the fee owner of cer- tain property whose address is 3301 YOUNGFIELD SERVICE ROAD, Wheat Ridge, Co, which property is situate within the right of way necessary for the completion of the Youngfield Service Road Relocation Project; WHEREAS, said negotiations have, to this point, been unsuc- cessful; WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is required to acquire in fee simple a portion of the property located at 3301 Youngfield Service Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that, in the event that good faith negotiations do not result in voluntary sale of said interest in said real property to the City, it is necessary that the City acquire said interest in said real prop- erty through the use of the City's powers of eminent domain as reserved to the City in Section 16.4 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and in Article II, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of Colorado and in C.R.S. 38-1- 101, et sea. and 38-6-101, et seg. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, that 1. The City Council does hereby declare its intent to acquire a fee simple interest in a portion of the real property situate at 3301 Youngfield Service Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, (which interest to be acquired is described in Exhibit A attached hereto) from its present owners and all others having an interest therein. 2. The property to be acquired, as described in Exhibit A, is necessary for the public purpose of completion of the roadway and related improvements, to be completed as part of the Youngfield Service Road Relocation Project, which public works project has as its public purposes the improvement of the street, drainage and pedestrian access of the public street known as Youngfield Service Road, from West 32nd Avenue to a point on the existing Youngfield Service Road, within the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. The property at 3301 Youngfield Service Road is neces- sary for the completion of said Youngfield Service Road Relocation Project as designed. 4. The City Council specifically authorizes that negotia- tions between the City and Owners of the property continue in good faith, but in the event such negotiations are unsuccessful, acquisition of the property described in Exhibit A from the record owners thereof and all other owners having an interest therein, through use of the powers of eminent domain based upon the City's powers of eminent domain granted by the Constitution of the State of Colorado, the City's Home Rule Charter, and the Statutes of the State of Colorado, is hereby authorized. 5. A copy of the Resolution shall be forwarded to the record owner(s) of the property at 3301 Youngfield Service Road. DONE AND RESOLVED this 24th day of May , 1993. RAY J. I GER, JRU OR ATTEST: WANDA SANG, CITY CLERK PARCEL "B" (PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM LA QUINTA) DESCRIPTION A strip of land situated in, over and across Iot 1, 70 West Business Center, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said lot I whence the west quarter corner of Section 29, T. 3 S.,R. 69 W., of the 6th P.M. bears S. 56o 30' 14" W. a distance of 1152.80 feet; 1. Thence S. 890 39" 00" W. along the south tine of said lot 1 a distance of 180.12 feet, to a point of curve; 2. Thence continuing along said south line along a curve to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a central angle of 290 52' 08" an arc distance of 91.23 feet, the chord of which bears N. 75o 24' 56" W. a distance of 90.20 feet to a point of nontangent, broken curve; 3. Thence easterly along a nontangent curve to the right having a radius of 125.00 feet and a central angle of 03o 39' 20" an arc distance of 7.98 feet, the chord of which bears N. 87o 49' 20" E. a distance of 7.97 feet; 4. Thence S. 000 21' 00" E. a distance of 1.00 foot; 5. Thence N. 890 39' 00" E. parallel with and 22.50 feet north of the south line of said lot 1 a distance of 214.05 feet; 6. Thence N. 490 54' 17" E. a distance of 58.65 feet, to a point on the east line of said lot 1; 7. Thence S. 00o 30' 00" E. along the east line of said lot I a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning; The parcel described above contains 6,211 square feet, or 0.143 acre, more or less. Bearings are based on the plat of 70 West Business Center. Prepared by: Frasier Engineering Company October 22, 1991 Revised February 20, 1.992 Job No 3902-013 EXHIBIT A I OF 2 Q E o , w } c V ♦!1 Q _ F c o s 5� Na Z L o 3 CD 3 (D r o c ❑�c� 3c • J O m x o m �o o - 0 a •• d D m Q Q w (D z �i .0U)1p= U) D E J q� U (n Z an c� N i } (n �' • ,� M� p 0) C' c + cuy co ,O .c CO 9 y. CD a y CD D 7 s 3a O oU)f tico 0) c co co _0 O J)O U o m Z w > Jp 0 O CD - c co U a a o n a 1- O 00 • Q a co r) m `�...} 0 z ...CD❑ ii .1' (D CD C .:. .— v O ( +_� w w Z O Z w W car; LU O o v (7 111 U) 0 o W o U � �i per r� " � � • .9i�e Y `� - - j e. y�,�� 1 , S s oor w r �ar in PFA NO- deweI lbr '.., •" ""M M6ge Plannirg Division • - - APPROVED Do o — LJ L,j CN ` I 4 Q�G r C) N \N E N cp Ln I rt \ 1 - -a-- - - ---- � -m n a Ua �\ null00 'Gg �S\ s� 0f' \ o SS S� L cD S J N 0 L N N w ~ LLj z_Ln QEI E-5 z �o WLQo_ Lrxv,•, w LLJ `ZZOC �w- I (O 1r1 I ZS VINNIZ ^ I W O O E, o>O. cc c) C) c N NO- deweI lbr '.., •" ""M M6ge Plannirg Division • - - APPROVED Do o — LJ L,j CN ` I 4 Q�G r C) N \N E N cp Ln I rt \ 1 - -a-- - - ---- � -m n a Ua �\ null00 'Gg �S\ s� 0f' \ o SS S� L cD S J N 0 L N N w ~ LLj z_Ln QEI E-5 z �o WLQo_ Lrxv,•, w LLJ `ZZOC �w- I (O 1r1 I ZS VINNIZ °" t, 1 • i �;' �J t L !Mi i TO til y , -y3/1o" ,' PLAIE, TIP >( . HAM_I O _. t�" THICP STEEL L MATCH PLATE - UPPED MATCH PLATE nIL 4x SCALE PARTICULAR CARE SHALL BE _ TAKEN TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT CABINET COLUa1rd15Lif _ ',_ 1- . •� f r' EE MATIH PLATE DE?A!LS Fr•IF, \I_FW PREHEAT OF THE THICKER HSS 3"x3"<�S" WALL nUa£ j j j I j �: — ELEMENT FOR THE SOUNDNESS F,= 46 1,51 STEEL MIN.=� ': OF THE WELD I i 1 I I—I j I I f•. f •i '.J� - - — — c.-" - 'i HOLES FOR a. BASE CGLLIh,hl SUPPORT II i Ir -- _ y HSS 3"x 3'*T'i6_ WALL TUBE —'`'-{ f 'f, _ - - T- Cr f,'•A A325 BOLTS F,= 46 !• bl STEEL MITI I j I� I f• - , — _— v BASE COLUMN f• _ �' - _ = ELECTPICAL HOLE :IIf=I I�. • _ III "! / CVUUMF! Ti) /4- PLATE. T iP. EJ _I II { i f a•f• •• f V. _I Ii I_ I'?" THICK STEEL I � I i , i. O MATCH PLATE —1 I Lai v _I i 1- LONIEF MAT -H P- T- TAIL I I I •` _� I I- 3 S - - - - SECTIOhd A.— .. -"' - . •_E tdGT Tin SCALE SPE,-IFICA.TIC) 'IS 14" • Q2- , 3Y6 AU)MINUM ANGLE IPON FRAME - 19" ROUTED ALUMINUM FACES ,�" 7328 WHITE POtr APBONATE BACFEP: CC:P, ill" 7328 WHITE P01.',CAP.B0NATE BACI,EP SUNBURST- Vltl fL APPLIED IST SURFACE APLON ?500-125 GOLDEN (E -_ PFA, --E) APLON 2500-84 TANGEP.IhiE (IS?F :E) E•TEPIOP FINISH: -' CABINET: PAINT TO MATCH SHER`AIN WILLIAMS SW7645 THUNDER GPA, TOP CAP PAINT PANTONE 40PLUS SERIES 160 TERRA COTTA TOP -BOTTOM REVEAL: PAINT PANTONE®PLUS SERIES 400 C TAN FACES: PAINT TOMATCH SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW7645 THUNDER CRAY ROUTED GROOVES: PAINTED BLACK POLE COVER. PAINT PANTONE®PLUS SERIES 400 C TAN INTERIOR FINISH: PAINT REFLECTIVE WHITE - U L LISTED .080" ALUMINUM SHIP! ON CABINET - Sy" ROUTED ALUMINUM SKIN ON CABINET - SWITCH LOCATED INSIDE COP( CABINET - ENDS REMOVABLE FOR SERVICE ACCESS - GE 7100K WHITE LED'S AS RE)UIPED - GE GPEEN MINI MAX MODULES - PLATE MATCH PLATE INSTALLATION - ELECTRICAL - (1 ) 20A 120V CIRCUIT 140Ilk s�11` City of -� COMMUNI IY DI VI t.( it -. - �. Sirw-lm•N Instruction -:. Auminum Design Manual I Eiitiun) 0u be Cc- -, P.S I 0 _8 days Compressive StrerSu , STD WT (1150 P.0 F. ) 3. Reinforcing Steel shall be ASTM A-615 Grade 60. (ifiniquinild) a Ail reinfor 'ng steel shall be free from mud o0, rusi or coatings that w?uld reduce or destroy bond b All reinforcing bars shdi top 30 diameters mmmum• except as noted c. Minium cmtrete cow m lie; stirrups m4 in bas #4 h 3/4 inch for 3iab. udl aid surfaces not a rwd to xealt.er a n contact An grand. 3 acnes for unfamcd surfaces deposited oganst the grmmo except as noted 4. Structural Material Spe_ihcations' a. Aluminum shapes shall be extruded from 6051-T6 atl;y Welding filter alloy shall be 5356. b. Structural Steel and Plates shall be AS1M A-36 (F,=36 Msi). c. W -Shape beams shall be (F,=50 ksi) Minimum d. Structural lub'ng shaft be ASID 4-500. Grade 8. (Ff=46 ksi) e Structural piling Od be ASN A-53, Grade & Type E a i (F,=35 Sv). ASTN 4512 Cade 42 (F,=42 1s,) n ASN 4572 Gdde 50 (F,=50 isiJ (see drawing far indivtdual member specificotions) 5. High strength bolts for connections shall be ASTM A-3-15. unless othermse noted 6 Welding electrodth AINS [11.1 -(Current Editun). E70XX. (At! sMdirq to be ,-, . . elde, certified for spin died geld type i 7 Design Wind Sp -ea ,L,= i ' MPH (.• ) Equivalent Wind Load Putt= ss PSF 0 _ above the ground f3 Se. Wind Gusts) Exposure �_ Riss Category S.. Ip=l_ 8 Soil Bearing Copoclty Peauirements. a. Minimum Allowable Vertical Bearing Capacity sholl be __A P.SF b. Minimum Lateral Bearing Copadty shall be (150 W • 2)=:, P.S.F per foot of depth. (Times two increase per IBC S -!-lion 13043.1) 9rrty rant dimensions and conditions m the field before wit ythe Engineer of any discrepancies d APPROVED THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL Review d for Code Compliance CODE AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. lal3t Pians aminer Date VaNdky of permit: the issuance of o permit or approval of plans speciffcottons and mmputo"ns shall not be a permit for, or on opprovat of any taolobon to any of the provisions of the building code or of oto' City ordinances. Aermfts presuming to give outhonty to vloloi r or cancel the provrstons of OW BUMV crofts or ~ ordinances of the City shalt not be vURA W fflc1 res i..<y.-bltfi-aur.m.,n.,nie.hd<us• ..,d. cyan..=w:�nwr.u.<:xurmn<.n,.<rw: K-rmwnlin ,N rn<•ro.iN.r:iw<r n.. 32851 �` v ��ss�ONAt N flus nan ions linin ekyvwrx,lh *,".,id —kJb% Cud E Thumpmn, de. P.E. d.g.14 xpiuwn• I' -W .pa- 411- d—nmi s.• imi —,Q-11 --i amt -1.3 uW iM"0. [ mux twfmrsJ .,n., ktrona.:c,I— S HEFT 1 OF T C' R m a a% Ci N 1K W Q F Cz IF- 2 J Cnz 7 M N L y z Q U } F- m U U Cq Cn I �Z 0° C/) O Q �a CT- 010 Cn rel Z Cn ~~ I O C' 0 t` wLr) C'7 O � � tfD 0 W a z p0 a