HomeMy WebLinkAbout3465 Saulsbury StreetRocky Mountain Structural Engineering 795 McIntyre Street, Golden, CO 80401 Ph:303-278-1515 Fa:303-278-1965 rmse@comcast.net Arin: Gary McKee 1/13/2006 795 McIntyre Suite 100 Golden, CO 80401 Re: Footing and Foundation Inspec ons for Bill Roberts Residence loca at 3465 Salisbury Ct. in Wheatridge, Colorado. RMSE Jo Deaz Mr. McKee; At your request, a representative of Rocky Mountain Structural Engineering has inspected the footing and foundation wall reinforcement for the portion of the residence being repaired. We confirm that the placement of the reinforcement and dimensions of the concrete in the footing and wall are compliant with the intended design. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Sincerely, William A. Scott, P.E. Principal .F"c.:,•~``~ _~:'~>s: ..•rl,., w A. ~i •S/~a ~4 06 c~ : s 3ut3$2 c ~~~r~• I[^~ • • , - - . . . . . . . Building Permit Number CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 11/8/2005 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, Co e0033 Inspection Line 303-235-2855 O~O"'^~'~~ 303-234-5933 Residential Miscellaneous PROPERTY 3465 Saulsbury Ct Unit: owNER: Bill Roberts (303) 550-2275 Description Strucwral repair of front entry azea. Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: [ here6y arHfy Wt tbe selbme4 dYtueme propased by thla peemit appliallou an ucvralq md Ao nol vblah opptleabk ordloanen, mb or multtlou ofthe City of Wbeat RIdK or mremetl, euemevb or rceWetlooe of rtaoN; that as mwuremwb ehown, aod a&{+tlova maEe ue oceunte; tEet I have md aod qree W Wlde by JI eondilbuyrpted ov IW aPPlicatioM and that Imnwoe fWl wpoeqbWry for eomPtlsou wif6 the What R1d¢e BuWlet CoGe (I..B.C.) aod ai other pplkWle 1TA4pavltwuWuedleserorNeaMthNeprnWbmxtforNlnyourapplleatlonmtlinubjecltoNehwm o(NeSh[eotCobMeandlotheTqW{ Rqehtlom wJ BuWlnp Code of When Rideq CobnAO or Any oNer appllubk ordinmcea of Ne Clry. 1 Every prmlt Iuued Yutl bewme Invalld uelen Me worie oo the Yte outhariard by ,ueh pereik la roouomcM wlflJn I0 fty,+fler IU lammq or i(Ne worlc matEOrbM oo Ne tlte by sucY permlt b wpeuded or aEOnAOVed far a perbd of 180 Eaya aho the Woe of wort b mmmeeced. 3 If Np pe'mU uptrx, . eew pumlt wy be ocqvired fw o fa of ono-haHthe omom[ normaBy nqulrtd, prohdW oo sWeiu M1+w beee or will be mWe lu Ne origWtl phm md spedflafbm md avy mryembn or W mtloomm[ 6u oot aaudN oee (1) yev.lf chmCa on mde or IfmpevMOe or Wudosmwl esaed. en<(1) yw, Po9 Ra ilu0 be pW for . oew permit 9 No nmk of uy muner sWII be dooe that wW <hmee Ne natunl0ow of waW eewlnL a aalnage proE4m. ! CaotrasWr AN wotlty fhe BuMioe Intpeclor twaoty-four (IO) hovn lo aEVaott for W Inryeniow aoE NaY rettive writlm ~pprovJ on lopeellov wd bafore prattMlvC wltb ucm4n Phun af Ne Io4. 6 lLe 4aaoa MAprmut or the ~p winp uW epeMOSatlov elull oot be comtrued b be . permit for, nor m approvtl ot, sey vbl~tlos oft4e provbbm9LlyC~loLro •+oyoNero qlaw,rukorreCUln[bn C4eauffllop,1o0&Or y-T9 SIQimDAT6 Tuesday, November 08, 2005 Page 1 of 1 Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 rirorvm~wwge_ l Permit Number 19464 11/8/2005 Inspecfion Line 303-234-5933 Residential Miscellaneous pROPERTY 3465 Saulsbury Ct Unit: OWNER: $11I ROU01"IS (303) 550-2275 Descriptian Siruchual repair of front entry area. Authorized By guilding Approval Zoning Authorized On 11/7/2005 Approved By CR Ok w/ notes. Subject to field inspection. Tuesday, November 08, 2005 Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) cOC OftAO~ "2` e`/ CiA / 1O Properry Owner: X~(.L h~kgY✓ IL Property Address: ,351"6"~l5,(~/J.j/(#Coniractor License No.: 171B6' ComPanY: -IYfICle A -7-- O Building Permit Number: Date: Phone:310-? 5,50 Phone: zroarfy ~Y40 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Bulldinp Dept. Valuation Figure: $ I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by thfs permit appiication are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of ~ WheatRidgeorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsofrecord;thatallmeasurements ValUe:$.5;;Z0ro shown, antl allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ag2e to abide by all Pernut Fee:$ conditions printed on this appllcaUon and that I assume full responsibility for complfance with the Wheat Rldge Building Code (I.B.C) and aIl otherapplicable Wheat P1an Review Fee:$ Ridge Ordinances, forwork under this permit. Plans sub ctto feld inspection. Use Ta,a,c1•$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):SIGNEb Q O DATE TOtal.$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE Use of Space (description): u2 Descriptfon of work:~! 'Af~5 4~&~ Sq.Ft.added BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: GCOMMENTS: 'to7ES~ 5GcR_1[U~' Approval: ~ ,~'V~/ l~s\J ~ WORKS COMMEN75: Approyal: DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Approval: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No; Company: Mechanical license No: Company: Ecpiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date; Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permitwas issued Inaccordance wiih the provisfons setforth in your application and is subJect to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of W heat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire If (A) the work authorized is not commenced withln sixty (90) days from Issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. . (3) If thls permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwili be made ln the original plans and speciicatlons and anysuspension or a6andonment has not exceeded one (1)year. If changes have been or if suspensfon or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall ba done that will change the natural flow otwater causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall noUfy the Building Inspedor hventy-four (24) hours In advance for all inspections and shall recefve written appmval on inspection card befora proceeding wlth successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the of drawings and speciflcations shall not be construad to be a permit for, nor an approvalof,anyviolationof he vfsionsofthebufldingcodesoranyotherordinance,law,ruleorregulation.Aliplanrevfew Is w~a Qfliii~~C-~-C ' FIng Official EXI 11NG RESIDENCE ST IR LAND;ING o ~ i iA ESTiMATE AREA OF SHAILOW FOUNDATION ~ ~FG~S 40 O: v ,a • - $ -0 ~:31: 36082 s 1 SS ~ EXISTING' COVERED lONP~- PORCH W/ SLAB ON GRADE ~ NORTH 1 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SLAB AS REQUIRED TO ACCESS FOUNDATION. 2 REMOVE AND REPLACE BRICK NEER AS REQUIRED TO UPGRADE FOUNDATION. 3 EXISTING SHALLOW FOOTING W. RICK VEREER WOOD FRAME BELOW GRADE. THIS FOUNDATION SYSTEM IS FAILI G AND WILL BE REPLACED W/ CONCRETE STEMWALL ON SPREAD FOOTING. E: FOUNDATION DETAIL. 4 THE EXACT MAKEUP AND EXTE T OF SFfALLOW FOOTiNG IS UNKNOWN ~ Rocky Mountain Structurai Engine nng SHaLL BE NOTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE THE EXPOSED, EXISTI G FOUNDATION IN THIS AREA TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF THE N W FOUNDATION. 5 WOOD FRAMED STAIR LANDING AY NEED TO BE REMOVED AND REBUILT TO AN UNKNOWN EXTENT. 6 EXISTING PORCH BEAM TO BE S ~IPPORTED BY (3) 2X4 POST W/ (2) KING STUDS_ i os-oia ~ Bti11 Roberts R d ' i fi S f d hn d..,...rd..~.. " w o L an uc ur eem 1-800-922-1987 10/12/OS WAS M Robarb r ~-5,~{4-67W • -W ~ ~rr 214/Op2 ~S ~~y ~GM+ RE90E11 4 ~aISIqVL 7BS INl t SL' ~ - pn l . yl~, pe lD/01 p USE • ,1 rr Bdl RaDerts F iVtm-1Yl6; Hs~,1~ W1000rRtAtli aurraxwocrr a.wuo.x+.i.mc DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO M93#18738 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY ?HE CHIEF BUIlDIN6 INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS CITY (.S PHONE OWNER ,G1~<C-V i ADDRESS ~ J Y -7/ ' PHONE " ZIP CODE" ' ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE - ~ F Z-- LICENSE NO. lb-661--i DATE 1. TVPE Ground❑ Woll❑ Proietlinp❑ Othar SaDFaee 2. MATERIAL Totol Squan Fee1 SIGNS 3 ILLUMINATION Ysa❑ No❑ Type EIKf. Pnmit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zons_ ApprwsO,Zme Inspector I. TYPE SolidU Mon Thon BO% ODSnU Leat Then 80% Open FENCES ? MATERIAL Heipht 1 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zone_ ApprwM,Zone lnspscta (Speaify which ie }ront) ❑ ❑ ❑ dsapprowE I (2 0. OTHER '71 3' INSPECTION TICKET DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHERSTRUCTURE,GIVING JOB (SETBACKS OR PROJECTqNS INCLUDED) DDRESS DATE: BLDG. PERMITk ~cF7= PERMITM BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ STREET NAME TYPE OF INSP. SF10W DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TPADJOINING MOUSES, STREETS, AND P DISTANCE TO PROPERTV LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. INSPECTION MADB APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; REMARKS r~~ ~3 THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY I PERMR WILL EXPIRE 180 DAVS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF Wi ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PL11M81NG PERMIT V~ SiATE LICENSE N0. ALUMINUM WIRE UNOER SIZE 8 ILIEGAL FLOOR BSM I ST 2N0 W.q. FORM 6-19 Np. WATER CLASET TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL -J - NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB CMANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER LIGHTING SINK HEATING GARBAGE DISV REFRIGERATqN SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUITS WATER HEATER Rafr' oonf Grou UTIUTY(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC.) AUTO.WASHER PouMs CIw/ • FIXTURES DISH WASMER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORN OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES 1 Aveby ocknowledpe ihat this oODlico- tion n eoneot and undentond lhot I eonnof ftarf this projnct until thia opDli- eation is aDOroveC. I shall comply witn fAa lowf oi the State of Colorado ond to the ZoninQ Repulations and Bwldinq Code ofthe City of Wneai Ridqe. Any violofion of the obove terma will couee immediate revocation ot fhie permit PERMIT FEE •je 6(`•° y" usE Tax TOTAL FEE $ '7 APPROVED ~ ~ ~-3Cz 1 ~ CHIEF BUILDI INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe f Oate Issued 17-