HomeMy WebLinkAbout45th & Pierson StreetINSPECTION TICKET JOB J/ ADDRESS DATE: BLDG. PERMITA/67na PERMITM BLDG. CONTR.,_ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP.y.L~,t...,..e~ INSPECTION MADE 2 REMARKS W.R. FOflM 619 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~ DATE: z I ~ BLDG. PERMIT# PERMITN BLDG. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE_ Z~ ~ / A 1 REMARKS (a 0~~~`~` • W.R.FORM 6t9 V DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 7pO ` 7500 WEST 29tn AvENUE BUILDMG INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0 M9111ib762 237-6944 Ex7. 255 P.O. BOX 618 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, C0L0. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY TFiE CHIEF BUIIDING INSPECTOR ANC RECEIPTED_BELOW. APPLICATION FOR MISCELI.ANE0U5 Pt mi i ~ JOB ADDRESS /I rf~f h~ /~/S /JJ-- OWNER ~ - ' ~ CONTRACTOR ADDRESS _ r ZIP CODE ~Gl015 C- y4DDRESS PHONE u- 3 ' NTRACT PRICE $ ~ ~L ~ Q ~ I n~'e ~ ZIP CODE f!Ub CO CITY IZ PHONE - LICENSENO. _ DATE L TYPE Ground Woll❑ pfher S w D Foce 12, MATERIAL Total Squan Faet $IGN$ 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ TYGS El*et. Pvmil No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zone_ Apprwod,ZonO Inapector (Speeify whith ia froM ) LJ l.J L-1 ~ I. TYPE SolidEl More Thon BO% ODanEl Lest TAOn 80% Open 2, MATERIAI . HeiQht FENCES 3 SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zons_ ApDrwed,Zone Impecta (Soecifv whieh it}ront) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisapDrovad OTHER 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BEIOW,THE FENCE, SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIVth3 DISTANCES FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACKS OR VROJECTqNS INCLUDED) SAL7~J~IZiJ G z ' 3U ~ I ~ I / 9lii)~ N 7 S~ I ~R e , ?,,,,,TZ6SPECIFV NORTN STREET NAME $HOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTV lINES; ON IRREGULAR IATS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MA%IMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DWISION. oooum mm i cvoiaF im navS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. . ELECTRICAL PERMlT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT STATE UCENSE N0. STATE UCENSE N0. FLOOR 8SM IST 2N0 3RD 4TH N0. FUELC'ircle0ne 6050i1 Propdis EI%Sdar pLUM INUM VARE UNDERSIZE B ILLEGAL BTU FORCED AIR NO WATER CIASET = TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER BTU STEAM - 8TU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB AIR CONDITIONINC-BN CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGNTING SINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM HEATING GARBAGE DISV POWER SUB-CIFCUI7S WATER HEATER Re1ri araM Cxoup OISPOSER,ETC) UTIUTY(RANGE AUTO.WASHER Pound~ CMr a , AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIXTURES DISH WASHER EIEVATOR WIRING MOTORS B CONTROlS FID(X7 DRAIN SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER RES F XT MOTORS OVER I HP I U TOTAL PERMIT FEE I hsreby acknowledqe that this aDDIIco- ZJ tion it cmroct and understand tnat 1 USE TAX Gonnot ffart thie OrojYCt until this appli- $ cotion is oDGroved. I shall comply with TOTAL FEE ths laws oi the Sta1e ot Colorado and to / 7 tha ZoninQ ReQulations and Buildinq APPROVED . 7.Gy . Code of tne City of Wheot Ridpe. Anr DISAPPROVED . violation of the above terme wdl couse CHIEF BUILDING,N SPECTOR,City Of Wheat Ridge immediote revocation of fhis Oermit Date Issued ~y0lioanb 9i0neNn NOT VALID UNIESS F f ~ CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS , ¢'tn k ; ♦ - nL S Q o~ S n~~,' dS1S _ --1Y? i"JN , - - ~ -~VL3 I.r> rnn-,ZCa V 1,1~ sTrossN-D_ 1 i ~ • . ~ ~ I ~ - _ ~ 1 71 LZ Z.l t - , ~ Ybw •^'~?~~1v'~,~~I'~1.~V~ _~,'t~'I_„ jp "7AsLS ,"u 1 j; ffEHHHTH R. PfiFVICK SURVEYOR CIVIL COLORADO 80401 STRUCTUkAL LAND PLANNING MINING REGISTERED ENGINEER AND LAND 13470 BkAUN ROAD GOLDEN, 279-44'79 April 10, 1991 City of Wheat Ridge Public Works 7500 West 29th Avenue Lakewood, Colorado Attention: Mr. Carlisle With respect to the "Exxon" roof contemplated to be obtained from Alpine Demolition ae discussed with you, I submit the following inf'ormation: I have made three trips to the existing roof located at the Alpine property on 41ard Road for the purpose of evaluating the structural capabillties thereof. Information has it that he "Exxon" roof wab designed for 130 pound per square foot live load. and my rough calculations confirm this although the $eometrical configuration of the built up box beams is not covered in steel handbooks. Further, I have inspected the existing installation in the City yard and it appears to be a good job. In view of the fact that the City would rather have centrally located posts , I have , in cooperation with Mr. Goscis, determined that two posts, longitudinally opposite the location of the side poets, but each center post. located about one and one half to two feet from the centerline would be a practical solutlon . These posts are to be anchored to concrete caissons set eight feet into the ground and extending three feet above the ground in the manner indicated by the existing installation. A transverse beam spanning the two posts must be installed to transfer the load from the roof to the columns. Stability would be ensured by the use of two typical box beams. This would involve good welding expertise. It is understood that the City has a good welder who can perform the connecting work. This approach also involves the end beams. The above diecussion represents my understanding of the intentions of the two parties; that is The City to purchase the rooY from Alpine and perform its own work on erectiom. If there any questions . I can be reached at 279 4479. respectfully, Kenneth R, Fenwick