HomeMy WebLinkAbout4560-1/2 Yarrow Street,..,e,~ : _ . . , . . . . ; !41 City of Wheat Ridge ~ Commercial Electric PERMIT - 080386 PERMIT N0: 060386 ISSUED: 04/24/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 4560.5 .Yarrow St. EXPIRES: 10/21/2008 DESCRIPTION: Hook up phone cabinet from newserv 100Amp. meter pedistal CONTACTS owner 303/784-0369 Qwest . gc 303/678-8389 Jeff McKueker 02-1634 McKuaker Electric Inc. PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0317 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ . FEE SUMMARY . ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,250.00 FEES Permit Fee 62.31 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 22.50 ~ TOTAL 84.81 Conditions: Must comply w/ 2005 NEC. I hereby certify that the eetback dietancee propoeed by thie pexmit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancee, rulee or regulatione of. the City of Wheat Aidge or covwante, eaeements or reetrictione of record; that all meaeuremente a}wwn, and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditione printed on thie application and that I aseume full zesponeibility for compliance with [he Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other apgl' able eat Ridge Ordinancea, for work under thie permit. Plana aubject to field inepectlon. i4~ y z 7-~ Y 1. Thie permit was isaued in accordance with the provieione set forth in your application and ie eubject to thc lawe of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulationa and Building Corles of Whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thie permit ehall expise 180 daye from the ie9ue date. Requeate for an extension muet be received prior to excpiration date. An exteneion may be granted at the diecretion of the Huilding Official. 3. IF Chie pexmit expicee, a new permlt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changee have been or will be made in the original plana and epecificatione and any euepenaionpz abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) Year. If changee have been or if euepenslon or abandonment exceeda one (1) year, full feee ehall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of anymanner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water cauaing a drainage problem. 5. ConGZactor ehall notify Che euilding Inapector twenty-four (24) houre in advance for all inepec[lone and ehall zeceive written approvalon inepection card before pzoceeding with aucceeeive phases of the ]ob. . 6. The iaeuance of a pexpit or the approval of dzawinge and epecificatione ehall not be conetrued to be a permit for, nor an approval ~ 1', y~ ~,((~`''a[ion of the provieione of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, xule or regulation. nll plan reQij~/~j//fubject to field inspectione. Signa[ure of date INSPSCTION RBQIISSTLIDTB: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2655 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY SUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THEFOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. COMM[JNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR'ITU-1VT Building Permit NTUmber: BUII.DIlAGI1NSPECTlONLINE-303-234-5933 Dare: CITY OF VVHFr1T RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVEPNE M'HEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-235-285~ ~~~~~ION Property Owner. G~ w e s'T' Property Address: y.s 649, S YcA-r r vij S y- Phone : 3° 3 7 S' y03 6 Y Contractor License No.: a 1 6 3`( Company:M-Kvsk r ELec-rri-e zNC Phone: 303E7Y P3d'9' OWIiER/COK17tAC[OA SIQVAl'ORE OF UIVDERSIM'DBiG M'D AGREEFgK7 ConshvcUOn Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ TOtalS 120 ll"L2ClY l l VtN: J4aoK, p rk ov- c C-a.rromNeLM1! St✓v~tZ _rwi.S,t"l( i,,~ c~.,. /cTo/1, /2C12- y0 i/,~ !1' 1'✓(c:t-<i" ~tdiST0.I BUII.DMG DEPARTMENT USE OA'LY SIC: Sq.Fc: 20NING COMMENfS: Approval_ Zoniag: BUILDING COMYIXiS: A}1pIOV3l: Pueuc WoAKS Correqrs: Approval: Occupancy_ Walls: Roof: Stories: Resideatial Units: Elechical License No: ~ 14 3 Plumbing License No: Mechanica] License No: Company:/11 c/iZ7L«.h, c <',v<Company: Company: Eacpssation Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Apprwal: Approval: Approval: . p)---n"nycona.v,sissmemammAOeewimmeymviaanssarmtLmyoursyytiwam,mismbjmromclswsor+Lesweorcolm.m,mmmezooins_- - AeZaLdoes wdBmltivE Codn ofATeft RidE4 Colaado m+uY etDc ryplioDle mdareaco of We (]ry. I7J 71isPaion33rYlupRif(A)tLewukawLmadisoacommcnwlwitEmvib(60)dan5m moedamv(B)iheMvld'meavehoriudissu+9endedor anaeaoned twayuiaad tm drys anewPcomituaYbcaWavedfor. feeotwcWlfthc.mowtmornallYmquired.IDuvidednoc6+o6psbavebemorwllbemadein ihewigmilPlansandsprc5e0msmday's¢V~mmaEwdoemmthumtueeedd~(I)Ycw. ifc6n8nhaveDemori(msymdoomabandmmmt easds we (1) Y~.foll fre shaRbePoid fwa xw pamil (4) Nowkotavy~esWDbvdaoemuwle4~g~~enamal0ordwacomm{.dnioagepableri. (5) Cw4actmsWIInaCfYdeBWdmB~~hventY-fom(l4)iwursm.dvw.efora0msprstrmsadsba➢rocdvevriaeaappnvalouie+ysrioneardDefwe procad'm6 wuL suuamt PDaxs of tLc joD. (6) The issowu of a pwvnt m IM apQmnl Mdnwings aod speti5oeoos sLall notDe construed b bea parmt [a. nar m appowl 04 my viohum oCtD< povivonv oTfhe Tmld"mg ~ ar avy oWc o~-~ taw. =ule erzgotation CilGf Bi111d1IIg IS1S(1CCi0i I hefeby certify that tbe sei6xk duhnces pm{rosed by thispamit applicatim ue xcivate, and donot violatc appficable ordinanca,TUla w rcgulauons of eLe Ciry ot Whwt Ridgc or cnvuums.azmenrsorrtstricuoasofmcwd: tLatallrtnaAVCamtssLowo.mdallegaums made att acauats: that I have nad and agRS w sbide by all condiuoos {aiuted on this appliwtion md 8nt 1 anvme full rctponabdiry fw coaryliance witL tLe Wheat Ridge Huldmg Code (U.B.C) end all othv applicablc Whcat RidBe Ordimncct. 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L1NE INLI~IJSJ-tlN 01NEST orn. secnon: bxu3 pLLI: ARVADA FTiN 9iE: 4566 YIRROW 5T. cummAnm TOWNSTIIP: T35 CEO CODE 2J3»0 OATE: DECEYHER 26. 2007 1801 `Uf.FORNU ST.. $lt 5100 RMlCE: R69W CIiY' WNEAT RDGE PSN JOBS: P7001 DRNN BY: J.F.L. DEN4ER CO 80202 GP.0. NO.:z ` CWNN: rMER5LU ACAD FILE R70010WG