HomeMy WebLinkAbout4602 Simms Street~~~AA,"~^"~`a3~b"S'eatakk*P't'wrA g*,+~t%;f'~~3'..=a?kr ~'.iT:,'w ..yf x ,':~:nix:*i ih5r.."~'r,'F,r.,+ , t'^,Ee o•z~.:. ; 1'ta~ .C~....:~ Building Permit Permit Number 19565 C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 west xvTx nvenue 12/7/2005 whemaidge, co 80033 ` /nspeetlon Line 303-235-2855 e,qrar+M~trmge ;f 303-234-5933 Residential Mechanical PROPERTY 4602 SII11IClS St U01t: :owNFR: Ward (303) 763-0961 . . . nesccrtPnuo Replace furnace w/ 90% ~EE rne-es Fpe-rrr ffot-aj Fc-ON ~~~yhaa e:.~..e eRFSrRIpTNE ENER Y C BOILERS 1 FURNACES A MINIMUM OF 90°!o AFUE WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF.60 ENERGY FACTOR OlCTpIC WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF .93 ENERGY FACTOR SKYBACK?NpRiiOSTAT REGUIREO (EXCEPT HYDRONIC IiERT) R•21 YVAltB • R48 CEILINGS • R-19 CRAWLSPACM . . .Upi4c:. . Occupancy: Walis: Roof: Stories: SqFeet: a i hembT Mfl%.~~s the sandKk Ebhom proposetl by tNs permit appllntlon erc aavrote, ~nA do no vbl~~e ~pplkaCk or0lo~nm, rula or rt{sIaWU atNe Ciry o( WYpt Ytldee or mvmio4 or wMCtlon, of ncoN; Nat ~11 mavurement~ ~how maEe .rc .aunle; thet I have md ~oA agrte b abWe by ap:coomtlovpr4~b9ovN4~pplk~tbo,mdtMt[ ieum ty forcompWntt NeWnutRIECe'9viWlopCade(L.&C.)evd ~Y O~YerapplkabN WYptRldgabMlnonsd,ferwojk'q~derthis I£mr V (OWNiR)(C0N1'A~ S[CdICDDATE : 1Th4 pvmi Weed In ottordmce wllh the proWbm eH forth in y.... pptlcatlon aod 4 subJeat to the hws of Me Sttle ofCobrado md ro LLe YonW( Re{uUtlo aed Builtllo¢ CoAe of WFeat Rifta Colondo ar soy other ~ppYcvble ordinanm of the City. 3 Every pewX Wued Adl Eecome iovWd unles. th<work on [he stle ~ulhorlssJ by moh permlt J. rommeond withio 130 do, aRV 10 imuosa, or Ifthe wort . mlhmkeJ oo Ne d[e by mcp permit 4smpentlM or abandoned far v perbd of 180 daye afla Me Ume ofxrorle Y wmmeoced. 3lf Wb pendl esp4ea, a new parmlt mry be eoqulred tar a fn of ooo-AN Me amowt oormally rtqulrM, pmNtled no ch.vpw hrve bem or w196<matle ie the odQ4Wylwand spetlMatbmmEmymrywNOOOrabmsdorwmthaootesttMedone(1)yev.IfelaaoLUartn.deorlfcuapeWmarWaoEOVmenl exmqbone(I)ysar,fiJlfewchJlbepddfar.newpamit. 4 NowmleofuywovaaLaObsdonetM1rtaNehm, W, nmmnlMwofw.tercauYOe. dnioageprobkm. . SCootruwr.h.ll notly [h. BuiWini Imparor twmty-four (34) haun in odvaoae for JI ivpaYlov wa ahall rceelve wtlmo apprvvtl on WpMloo eud Aetort prxeetlNewltASUauWvePhunof[heloE. . 6 The Owott ofa pemait or Ihe apProval otOnwlnW 2nd apeciflmtlow shs0 oot Ee aomtruN lo be a pvmit t r, oor an aODrovtl of, aey vlo6lbn atMe 'yrovYious of We Euildle{ aodu or my oNe Inw, rule or nQOhtlon. SIGNED .C7kfBo,dly(Ig~!"'/- DA7E . ~/v Wedncsda 7~ecember 07, 2005 Page 1 of i 12/06/2005 16:14 FAS 3099240495 BLIIE SKY P&H Q 002 BUILDIMG INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEA7 RIDGE • Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PrapeM1y Owner: Property Address': Phone l~2 ~ o conbactor License No. 'n935 . . . . 'Company : Phone : 303 ril ~1g I OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTA{JOING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value :~-g6o.0 Z I hercby certiry lhat Ihe selback distancCS Droposed hy this permfi applicalian are accurate, pgrmit Fee : antl do not vfolale applirable ordtnances, nAes ur regulallens of Lhe Ciry of Wheal Ridpe or covenenu, esaemenls or restriclions o( record; that all measuremenls shown, and allegations made arc accurate; Ihat I have rcad and ayres Io ahlde by all mntlilwns Rrinted an lhis Use 7ax : appliration, end that I assume full responsibiliry lor wmpliance wq the WAeat Ridge 8uilding Code (U.B.C.) afld all other applinble xarC under this pertnil. Total: $0.00. (QWNeR)(CONTRnCTOR) SIGNED, _DATE U50 : ~~c,~,~,, Cc~.+rn Description ~ : . . . . : VJ ~ vla ~ Approval : Zoning : BUILOING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : P_R61[$1N_~Ti"J Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Root: Stories : Residential Units : Electrical i.icense No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Gompany : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) Th4s pamilwu Issued In aomndanm wilh Iha pmviaiora sel IMh In yopvr appliration and Is su6jecl ro Ihe levrs of lhe Slafe ol ColoreEO enM m Ux Zoning RegWaUane and Building Code af NTeak Rldge, Colorado er ary elhn applinMe erdironee e/ Ne Cilr, (2) 71x+ w*rrit shaN apire il (/11 Ne wufll auVloriLOE it nol mmmena0 willtin .kty (eo) Oays from Issua Oole or (B) ft Oulklnp auNOrizN IS suepeMea or a6andoned for a pedod of 120 daye. (]J If Nis pem+il espiros, a nM' pomrt my he aeANretl for o fea of onrhelf Ne emounl rormly requiree, pmWOed na ilanges naw been u vllll be mada In me arigiml plaro and epedfioGons and any nuspenslan of ahandonmenl has nat eaceeAed one{1) yeer, II Nanpn are made or K suapension or aWndonmenl oceeES one (t) year, lull fws ahaq be pald lor a nci pemJl ~ No work of any manner shell be Eone Nat wiA eJUnOe Vie noluroi Aow of wma ouslng a Eralmqa Droelem. ~5` Contractershall noGM we BuiNlnp Im:pCCl0r Men"ur (241 pour:ln adaanee lar all FepeNom am spatl recelve wdrten apywal on InspeNon ord EefOre pt~C!ldlNy wAh 51~6l6~vE pha~ ol I~! ~Oh. (6) The usuonoe of a pemul ar Ihe axppravel of a~awings and spedAcallona shall ro16e mnswed lo Ee a pertnll fa, nor on approrm of, any vlaUUOn of Ne provlslwu . o/ Ne MMinp oodes a arry olhef aNinsoce, L+w. nAe ar repulation, Chief Building Inspector For Mayor TMIS PERMIT VqLID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION