HomeMy WebLinkAbout4674 Simms StreetF",r ~ N Z~~~ W N N ~ p co v M cv cx~ W y`n O I- O- M * W v°fj " ~ tM4 o OvN~ W 7 m M N w ° o Z ~ ~ ~ O U W F= Z 2 O H W a N Z ~r ~r N ~ H ~ c ~ :~oz .r G ~ N ca N N d L ~ ~ Q ~ 0 ~ ~,i M m - ~,.r . . a city of wn~~t Riage R LO Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 080167 PEItMITNO:~. 080167 ~ . . ISSUED: 02/25/2008 ~ . . ~ JOS~ADDRESS.: 4674..~~Simms St~~ . ~ ~ &XPZRES:. . . 08/23/2908 D$SCRTPTIdN: repl..ace furnaCe w/new 60K BTU 80% furnace ; •«:I~ CC/NT?\CTS~ gc 303/469-4507 owneY ~ 303/422-8~521.~. PARCSL INFO 2bNE CODE r . VA SU$DIVISION: I#i~.~ Richard C. Pfeifer Glen Jacabson 01-9814 We9tside Heating and Air'Condi - USE: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ . FEE SU=X ESTIMIaTED PROJECT VALUATION: 3,371.00 . . . . FBES . . Permit Fee . . . 126.50 . - ~(p . Tqtal Valuation .00 Ltee xax 60.68 •::TpTAL,** . 187.18 . Commettts: Stibject to-field inspection I hereby certify that ehe eetback diatancea propoeed.by thie pesmit application are accurate; anddo not violate applicable oPdinancee, rulee or regulatione of.the City of.Wheat Ridge or covenante, easemente or reetrictions of recoid; that all . rAeasu=emente6hbwn, and allegationemade are accurate; that S have read and agree to abide by all conditione ptinted on thie application and that I aeeumefull reeponaibility for compliance with tRe Wheat RidgeBUilding Cofle (I.B.•C) and all 6ther . applicable YFheat Ridga Orifinancea, for work under thie pezmit. Plane aubject to field inapection. . 3Sgnature oE.contrector/owner date 1.Thie pezmit.wae 1a9ueA in accordance with the pzovieione eet forth in your applicatioa and is eubject to the lawe of.the etake of.'COlpzadd and'to the Zonin9Regulation6 artd Builditg Codee of Wheat.xidge, Colorado or any.other applicable. . ordinancea of ttie CSty. . .2.Thiq perbiC etktll exgire 180 daya froln trie,ieeue date. ttequeeta for an extenelon m¢at be received prior to erzpiration date, An exteReion may"tie granted at the diadretion of the Building Official. . -.3.. Sf fhie pezmit expiree, anew.permit may be.acquiied for a fee of one-half the.amovnt normallyrequired, piovided no . changeeltave been or will be made in the origlnal plans and.epecificationa and any Buepen¢Son or abando[iment nae not . eXCeeded oae (1) ylar: If ctlangee have been or if auepeneion oz abandomment exceeda one il) yeaz,. full feee ahallbe paid for a new pezfilt. . 4. No work oE any manner ehall be done that wi1L change the natural flow of water caueing a drainage ptoblem:5. Contractor.ahall notify the Building Inepector twenty-four (24).houre in advance for all inepectione and ehall receive wri[ten appraval.on.inepeceioncard before proceeding with eucceaeive ptiasea,of the job. . 6. 'Fheiaeuance of aperfnit or the appcoval of drawSnge anA epecificatione ehall not be conecrued to De a perniit fom, nor ' anapproval of, anyvlolation of the provi9ione of the building.codee om any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plaa review is 6ubject to field pectiona. . . ~ INSpBCTION R8Qt788T L2~:.(303)234-5933. BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 -REQUESTS'MUST BBMADEBY 3BM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLIAWING BUSZNESSDAY. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOYMENT OF WHE~l9 BUII.DINGINSYECTIONLINE-303-234-5933 ~ ~ m CTTY OB WFiEAT RIDGE 7500 't'VEST 29TH AVEPI[JE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-Z35-2855) _ _ ~~~UCAZW Buildiag Petmit Number. Date; Properiy0wner.~` ~~~1 ~~+s~l~Sor\ PropertyAddiess:y~-]q 'JiYY1I'Y1'7 Contcactoi License No.: ta ~ y Company. ORNER/CONTRACIOR STQUiOAB OF DfIDERSfAMING AND AGAEEh4T1T Ihccbycatify tLatthe sctbukd'utanca pcoposedby tlilspccmit appHca6oa are accura% md donotviohte applicable ord'manca, mla orrogulationf of the IXty ot W6eatRidgea eovwantr, easements a reshic6ans of teeord; tlut ill mrznacmenb shown, md allegadons aude are accvrate; dat I Lave read md agice to abide by all conditions gmhd on tbis appficatiw md that I auwne fu➢ responstbiliry for coa@Hana with the What Ridge Bwlding Code (U.B.G) and aLL other appticable VTheat Ridge Ordinanw, fa wak unda thi,pcrtdt. (ORTffkYOQ7IRACPORI:S[G[~D I j.C[)YY~ iWVL _DA18 nESCRIPriox: k- Phone :~j A Phone: ~0--?v460-'] 6b7 Construction Value:$~3] 9 Pemiit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ • Totai:$ l `6 7 ' g BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONINO COF7MENT5: APProval: Zoning. BaLewu CoMrnexrs: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: APPmval: SIC: Sq.Ft: ' Walls: Roof: . SWries: RcsidentialUnits: ElEChical License No: PIumbing License No: Meehanical License No: \q~ I q company: company: comeany:VJe~5id4:. HeoA-i✓x~~ ExpuationDate: ExpirationDate: ExpixationDate: yI OL-C{/~"J Approval: Approval• APProval: (1) YLi+pe+mitwssissvediuucoidincewiOL thep`ovisiovsUfcethmyomapptiatimand'vsubjatbtLahwsoftLeShroofCokradoandmtLelnnin{ . Rcyutatiovs and Buildin8 Codu of Wheat Ridge, Cobndo a any otha apptia6b oNinanea ottLe Ciry. (2) 'ILu PvmitsLallcxpveif(A)WaworYanthmized'unotcommenccdwirLinsizb(60)daysfmmissnedaroa(B)tLebwld'mLanthmizediarnsptndeda abandoncd for a puiod o[ 120 daya. , (3) Itihupamitexpaes.anewpamitmaybeae9uvedforafe¢ofonehil[ihsamomtnu[AaDY*e4uire4ProvidedaocLanBGLavabeeaaer4Mmads in Ihe origiml plav and speei5ndod and anY mspensiona aEmdonmat La mt uaed<d one (I) Yw. It cLan6u Law Mm a i[ snsPemioa a a6andonmeat exccedf one (1) yeu.1a➢ tw sLaIlbe paid for a aew p«mit ~ (4) NowrkoCmymsnnasLillbedonelhatw+4chan6atheuLV+1_tbwofwataaasin6adnmagepmblua (5) Con¢xbr shalt aori[y the BuildinBInsP«eoe twrnry-fnw (14) houn in advaece ta all iospaEOw and sha➢ rtceiw writlen a➢P+ovil oa1°sPaaOp cud bdae proceed'mgwith mccusiva pEssa ottLejob. (6) Tneismanesofap<xmitathaapprovalofdawmgamdspaiScaGOws6allvotbaconshuedbbaapttmit:or.aoranappmvalot mYviohEOnoflLe pmvuioaa otthe buldinY cpdu ot any otEa ordivncq law, xule orngvladoa Clrief Building Inspector City of Wheat Ridge Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 080168 issusD: 02/25/2008 EXPIRES: 08/23/2008 conditioning unit . ***CONTACTS . . . gc 303/469-4507 Richard C. Pfeifer 01-9814 Westside Aeating and Air Condi owner 303/422-8521Glen Jacobeon PARCEL INFO'** . . . ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION:UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ . **FEE SUMMARY . ESTIMATED PRO 3,478.00. FEES PermiCPee. 126.47 . Total.Valuation .00 Use`Tax 62.60 **TOTAL 189.07 Comments:' subject to field inspection I hereby certify that the setback dietances propoeed by thie pemit application are accurate, and do not violate applicablC : ordinancee, rulee or regulatione of the City oE Wheat Ridge or covenante, eaeemente or reatrictSOne of zecord; ttut all meaeurementa ahowrl, and allega[ione made are accura[e; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditione printed.on thie application and that I aseume full reeponaibility for compliance with the t4heat Rid9e Building Cotle (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge OrdinanCee, for work under thie pemiit. Plane eubject to field inspection.Signature of contracton/owner . date All plan review ie eubject to fiele. PERMIT NO: 080168 JOBADDRESS: 4694 SimmsSt. DESCRIPTION:install -ixew 2 ton air 1. Thie permit wae iseued in accordance with [he provieione eet forth in your application and ie aubject to the lawa of the State nf Colorado and to CheZoning xegulatione and Building Codee of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancea of the City. 2. Thie pezmit ehall expire 180 days from the ieeue date. Requeete for an extenelon muet be received prior to ezpiration date. An exteneion may lae.gcanted at the diecretion of the euilding Official. 3. If thie pemit expiree; a.new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, psovidefl no. . changee havebeen or will be made in the original planaand epecificatione and any auepenaion or abandonmenC hae not exceeded one (1) year. IE changee have been or Sf euapeneion or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full feea ehall be.paip..for a new permit. 4. Nowark of any manner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of wa[er caueing a draSnage problem. 5. ConCractos.ehall notlfy the' Suilding Inepector twen[y-foux (24) houre in advance for all inapectione and ehall receive !rritten approval on inepec[ion card before proceeding wlth aucceseive phaeea of the job. 6. Theieauance of a permit or the approval of drawinge and epeciEications ehallnot be conetrued to be a pemit for, nor an apprwal of, anyviolation of proviaA~p e of the building coCea or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Signature of Chief Building Official V aate ZNSPBCTIONR8QII8ST LINSs ( 03)Z34-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2655 REQUESTSMUST BEMADEBY3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSDAY. of WNE,T DEPARTMEPITOFPLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENT BuildingPemvtNumber., s BUII.DING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date; CITY OF WFIEAT RIDGE U m 7500 \'VEST 29TIi AVENUE ~aaRA~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-235-2855) ~MCARON q Property Owner. Q~JLLkN -TO~P~n PropectyAddiess: ~-{~ply ~JI ✓YIYYI`J ~ • Phone:3'y~'U5'~-t Contiactor License No.: tati y, company: ORT7EA/CONTRACfOR StGNATURB OF DNDERSIANDING AND AGREEhffiiT I6erebycutifythat the utbackdistanw pioposed bythii pvanit appHcation are ucunte, md do notviolarc applicable ad'mances, cula orngulatiom of the City o[N6eatRidge ar wvcnaa[s,eaumcnrsarutrictions ohaord; tlutallnr.asmemwn showq mdallcgatloiu aude aze accunte; that I luve tead md agree W abide by all co¢difioas printed w this applicaGw md that I assume full euponsbiliry fa complimca with the What Ridge Bw'lding Code (U9.G) wd all otha appl'uabte Whcat Ridge Ordinaaces, for worlc wda m;s pamit (ORTIDtYCONiRACroIt1;SIGNID f~XX)~ i WlSL DAffi uDY ~~~1 Phone: Construction Value:$'~W Pertriit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ ! ~Gj O DESCRIP'I'ION:Z'~~~' UV1 BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONIN6 COMMEHTS: Approval: Zoning. BUILDINO COMMENiS: Approval: PU134C WORKS COMMENTS: Appmval: SIC: Sq.Ft: ~ Occupancy. Walls: Roof: SWries: ResidentiatUnits: ~ I Electrical Licensc No: rj7,RIL Plumbing Liccnse No: Mechanical License No: coropany: W2`--16p , COmpanr coropany: We54l5id4.. E1eC_-irw~d Facpitation Date: Expiration Date: E~cpitation Date: y I 2C{ /OS U Approval: Approval: Approval: ' (1) '1fiis pamitwasumedinucoidancewithtLeprovisiomsctfMhm.youraqptiatio¢md'usu6jatwthelawsoftheShhotCobradoandbtLe7ouing Regula{iaat and BuSdin6 CodG of Whot Ridgv, Colondo a uy othe applinbb ord'manca of ib¢ Ciry. (2) 1Lifpamitzhallexpim if(l) theworkauthorizedisnotcommencedwitL'msaty(60)dry3 fiomissnedatea(B)iheDuildm{authociz<dissuspendeda abandoncd toc a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis p«mit upires, a aew pttmitmay be uquirzd toz a ka of ouo-hil[ths amomt nmdu➢Y n4uire4 Providedao changn havnbeen ar wil1 M wde in dLe origuul plaas nd spaiSnCOd and any xryeosion'm abandonmmt ha not ucttded o¢e (1) yar. If changes Law beea or i[ swpeusieu a abudowneut ucerdf one (1) yeac,Su➢ fw sLaIlbe paid for> aew pamit (4) NoworkofmymamasLaIlbedanniLatwIDchaagetLemeuW tbwofwafauosiagaMmagspmbkm. (5) Contracbc shall aofify the BuUd'mg Inryatar twmry-fow (14) ho,mf m advance for aR mspaGOas and xha➢ raeive writtm appmnl o¢ iuryafim cud befwa pxoeeeAing with saeeuzive phasp of the job. (6) Tae issuancs of a pamit or the appiont o[dnwmga md spaiSnROm shaII votbe mnstrued b ba a pexmit.foy nor m>pproval o( my violatiw of the prorisiow of the bmlding codu oc my oeaa oidinancq kw, cWa or rcgnlifioa . Chief Building Inspector . Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 ciy~ Residential Plumbing Permit Number 19752 2/3/2006 Inspectlon Line 303-234•5933 PROPERTY 4674 Simms St Unit: owtvEx: Glenn Jacobson (303) 422-8521 Description Replace water heater. IFEES Lees IUse Tax Permit Fee [Total Fees ~CONTRACTO_RS Name [Prease Plumbmg_ , _ - - - 1Due _ 4.00 F$38,49 CIN of Wheat Ridge PRESCRIPTIVE ENERGY CODE BOILERS I FURNACES A MINIMUM OF 90%, APUE GAS WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF.60 ENERGY FACTOR ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF.93 ENERGY FACTOR SETBACK THERMOSTAT REQUIRED (EXCEPT HYDRONIC HEM R•21 WALLS • R38 CEILINGS • R-19 CRAWLSPACES Units: Ocwpaucy: Walls: RooL• Stories: Sq Feet: 1 hereby rerti(y Rat the edbtta4 divunces proposed by iM1is permit appticulon .n vcauntq and do md violate applinble ordinanca, rulen ar reeubtlons of Ihe City of Wh¢tl Ridge or cm'envnb, taoemenb ar res[Aclianv of rcrortl; lhvt nll mevsurtmems shown, md a1legalions mvde arc mcuroft; Ibtl I M1rve read md ~eree to abide by all contlilions prinhJ on [Ab applkatbn, nnd IM1Vt 1 vssume PoII respansibility fm mmptlmtt with the W hert Ritlge Builtlin¢ Code (L.B.C.) md all olAer apVlicnble N'hev[ Aidge ortlinantts, (ar wor4 undtt IM1is pennil. (OWNER)(WNTRACTOR) SIGNiiiDATE 1 Thie pmmit wn isvued In accortlmce w1tM1 the provleions set forth in your apptication md is mbjeat ro tM1e lam of (Fe Serte of Colorvdo md rofise ZoMng Neguloliom md Bulldine Code of W'M1eat IUJga Colondo or my otM1er npPR~vLk ordinmco of Rhe City. E Every permif Lvsued ehall become invvtid unless the work on che site vuthorized Ey mch permtr is commenced wichln 180 tlvys afler iBbmontt, or If the worY rvthorizN on Ihe ehe by auch permi[ is suspe^deJ or itnntlaneA Inr a periotl of I80 tlnye afttr IM1c lime o(work ie rommmaN. 0 If tMs psrmll expiru, v new permil mry be atqulred for v@e of onchvlf Me vmounl normvlly rtqulretl, provitlW no aM1mga hrvc been ar wN ine mnJe in Ihe mieinvl plnm vnd spmlpcatlonv ond my suepenslan mabvndonmenl haa nal excttded one (l) year. l(chanees nre made ar if mspmsian ar stEmndomnenl exceeds one (1) ysaa full fe. aAv1I be pvid for v new pennit. J NoworkohnymvnnersM1allpetlamthatwillahm&eehenalurvlilowafwnlereausin¢vJrvinv¢eProblem. 5 Con[nclarahallmtifytheBUlldinplnspeemrlwenty-four(30)hounlnndvvnrefarWLUp¢tlonsenAeM1VllrttelvewralenapprovalonlmpecNOncerdbefare pmaetline wich euceenive phawe of (hs job. 6 TM1eluumceofapermirorIke+pprovnlofArvwingenndspecl0crtiovsM1allmtbsaonawedrobevpenniHOr,noranvpprovalaf,anYviohtlono(tM1e ......m~.....n11nrM14lFltmeodueisotM1ero cce,low.rvleorrekulvllon. Friday, Fcbruary 03, 2006 Page l of 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING IN5PECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF R'HEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235~-2~855) "P~i~.:ATtON Building Permit Numbei: Date: Properry Owner: 9 /,07h Properry Address: 75/ Contractor License No.: / '7 .FpGG OwNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF iRVDERSTANDINC AND ACREEMENT I heazby certify that the se[back Aislanew proposed by ihis pamit npplication ere accurate, and do not violRte applicnble ordinanoes, Nlee ot regulationa of the City of Wheat RiAge or covenantv, easemenis or reatrictiom of record; that all measuremenis shown, and allegationa made are accurnte; ihat I heve [ead end agree to xbide by all conditions ptinted on this applioations md that I essume full responsi6ility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code ((J.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridga Ordinances, for work under Uhis pemut. (ownEaxcota'rar.croR). stcxao.i12L'4~.~nra Description: ,.pI'gC¢ znning ~"o~ttl;e#1ts: Approval: Zaning: RulLdtng Ccs~p6nts: Approval: k?uUll~ S~lttzk5 ~u7~rtBS~: Approval: Occupancy: Walls'. Electrical License No: Company: Phone : ?d3 - 4~ - 8S°a/ Phone: S3 y a Construction Value: 6 7~' Permit Fee: y g: y 9 Plan Review Fee: TTcP Tax,~~+~ Total: 3 K, ~ y BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: Roof. Stories: Residential Units: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No. Company: Company: Eacpiration Date: Expirarion Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Ap roval: ~ '[7is pefmit was isrved in ucotdanoe with the p[wiaiom ~et forth in yow applicItlon end h su6ject W the laws of the S~wk of ColonAo md lo the Zor~g Rcgaletioro md BuildinQ Code of ~eu ludgq Colando or my oUtw applicable ord'wncu of the Ciry. (2) 11vs pertnit ehnll expue if (A) the work authoazed is ml commmceA witEin eizty (60) Mye Bom c-sue date or (B) the building e~thonzed is euspendeA or abendonod fot e pertod of 120 deya. ~.ideA no chang~s hrve been or will be made ~n (3) If this pemiit exprtes, a new pemilt m+Y be sequired for e fee o( orto-Mlf Ne emow[ nonnalty requiced, p Ne ong4W pluu md spaifimtiotu md mY ~P~tmwabmdoncnent hu nat ezceedad me (1) yeu. If ch=ga heve been or S wp~ion or abendarunent exceeda one (1) yeu, full fees iluU be pud fu a new pm[LLt. (q) N. work of vry munu ilWl bn donn that wilt cFunge the n+dval IIow of water causing & dninW Problem (5) Conccac[or sMli notify Uu Building 4upxtnr bnenlY'fow (24) hom in edvance for all i"PO0tiD0' md shell recmve wntten eppcwil on wpection card befoa pioceeding with succes.tive phues etihejob. (b) The ismance of e pecmit a the eppiwd of drawings +nd sPecific+ti°^s"I noe be corvwed w be e pecmit for, nor en appiovel o(, enynolation of c pronsions of the btilding coAu oi eny othw ocdinancq Lw, rule w mgule4on. „v q t/-'•- h-"A Chief Building Inspecmr