HomeMy WebLinkAbout5220 Quail StreetCity of CoMMUNITY ISE LOP ENT �'q-g Building & Inspevilon SwWces Dh4sjon 7500 W. 2e Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 363.237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 j 14 K w 4 Complete all information on BOTH skies of this form $ NEW COME IAL STRUCTURE ELECTRICAL ©» : UPGRADE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE $ COMMERCIAL ROOFING $ 2■ MERCIA ADDITION $ RESIDENTIAL ROFI RES �/2\ADDITION WINDOW REPLACEMENT $ COMMERCIALACCESSORY2STRUCTURE &a«eshed, deck, RESIDENTIAL \kd960 \j\ % & d \ &2 (Garage, shed, deck,\ \\� MECHANICAL \ / : \ \P LIANC R EP AIR » REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE%/{\REPAIR or REPLACIVIENT Sq. F!%F \ \. \ � &u \ \ 3 \ ^ \Gallons Amps . .... ... . <Squares <... �Othe Coloradommission Regulation and the This notice signifies •radioactive material), notified the r # 9epending on the I Wed. he Colorado strongly suggests other local ti nt �, + :C , remain in the structure bris lett\ a `ter the completion of po t- *,4 sbestos-contaminnated soil" at 5'bfihe Solid Waste Regulations 6 CCR 00-2, Part 1. THE ORIGINAL APPROVAL NOTICE MUST BE POSTE ► ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. Immediately notify the Asbestos/MQ Unit ofproject modifications byfax(number above) or -mail (address above) and the appropriate county health department byfax. Project modifications include changes in the scope of work or the ;scheduled work dates, etc. This demolition approval notice is valid beginning 3/7/2016. The actual scheduled work dates are from 3/7/2016 through 6/7/2016. Approval issued on: 3/$/2016 Record number: 115620 Fee Paid: $60.00' Notice Number: 16JE1229D Check number: CC 2586 For the location specified below: SFR Arthur Building Inspector: Arthur Wltden eri c t on No.: 20138 5220 Quail St. Arvada Jefferson County Inspection Date: 03/01/2016 This notice has been issued to: ZI $ Alpine Demolition 5790 W 56th Ave, Ste. C Arvada, CO 80002 s d by: J City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: Accounting Department FROM: Kristy Shutto, Building Division SUBJECT: Refund for Permit DATE: September 21, 2004 Reason: Overpayment ofpermit fee for 5220 Quail St. Permit # 17725. Please refund: 100% permit fee: $216.00 (acct # 01-510-00-516) 100% plan review $ 100% use tax: Total: $216.00 TO: Chazles Richardson 5220 Quail St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thank You! Xiisty ,Shutto Kristv M. Shutto Bldg. Dept. Secretary Atrvci-eng-001\usersUcshutto\Building Dep~t\Building Dcpartmrnt\q'ord PcrfatTOrtns\RCfunc COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 17725 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date : 9/21/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: RICHARDSON Property Address : 5220 QUAIL ST. Phone : 303-810-1017 Contractor License No. : 22096 Company : Tote-A-Shed Phone : 857-1500 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $27,000.00 I hereby certify thal the setback distances proposed by this permi/ons on are accurate, and Permit Fee : $534.96 do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or re9ulatio,~s of th Ceat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that mea remwn, and allegations Plan ROView Fee : $347.72 made are accurete; that I have read and agre o a" de II co inted on this application, a nd that I assume full responsi i f co anc eat Ridge Building Use Tax : $324.00 Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W " ge r inan , for work under this3/~ermit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ DATE TOf81 : $1,206.68 Use: Description : NEW 1440 SQ FOOT SHED xaa BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning_Comments;; SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : TRC OK Zoning : A-1 PIea3C NOte: BuiloYng CommeltEs:; OwneT/cOntnictor is responsible for locatin o property OK. 9/21I04 lines and consWc[ing improvcmer.ts accr„din; to th, Approval : CR approved plan and required develo pme;:; ;tar,da-ds. The City is not responsible ~or n ` Pu~Ili¢ Works Comments7 accurate in ariy,~ . i ; submitted within the Ftazi5~~ and an Approval : y cr r; c1;, n errors resulting trom inaccc;: E; in:arc ,...w;, Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions sel (orth in yopur application and is subjact to the laws ot the Slate of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code ot Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the buiiding authonzed is sus0entled or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided na changes have been or will be made in lhe original plans and specifcations antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds ane (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the naWral flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Coniraclor shall noti(y the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with succassive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permil or the val of drawings and specifications shall not be constmed to be a permit for, nor an appmval of, any violation of lhe promsions o ildin es or any ot dinance, law, rule or regulalion. i Bing In?pec or Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. 09/21/2004 TUE 12:57 FA% JOJ 857 9238 HIGH PLAINS ENGINEERING a 002/002 s. ~ . .V.,~ High Plains Englne+erln9 735 Denver Avenue • Forl Lupwn CO BOF;'L I PFicme 303-85"/-32130 • Fax 303-85-37-3936 Tote-A-Shcd Mr..Tack WaIkcr 13065 WCR 20 FoiY Lupton, CO 50621 September 21, 2004 Rr:: Stmctural certification for the 36' x 40'Lgecutive III'1'otc-A-Shed huilding it 5220 Quail Street, Wheal Ridge, C'O Job ff 0414245 To Whom It May Concern: The subject shed struchual dcsign is adequute for a 90-mph exposurc B wind loading and a 30-pound snow load. Sincarely, Todd M. Scluocder, PF; G--_ ~iz..l0- 1) ~ o~. C~ ~ ,v~ a 09/21/2004 TUE 12:58 FAS JOJ 857 9238 HIGH PLAINS ENGINEEAING ~ ~rr Hi ' gh PIa~ s Ehgeneer/n ``~.~'`r*•y 735Den verAaenue• Fatt LuptonCa80621 " Phone303-857-9280 • Fax303-857-9236 FAX TRANSMISS]ON TO: '{A D 303 ..~3s o285 -7 FItOM::::~2 0 0 SUBJEC;T: NLJMBEY,, OF PAGES: ~-_(INCLUDING COVER) DAT]S: j- ~ I - 0 4 MLSSAGi;: Z001/002 e ~ \ ---~s CONrmetvrinL NOTir.c: THI: INFOILMATION CUN'PAINEU IN TI IIR T'ACSIA1ILF.' TRANSMIti510N IS LLCALLY PRl VILECLU ANL) C:pNF1UrNT1A1. (NFORMAT[ON INTT?Nr)RC) UNLY FOR TH1i USE Or T11C INUIVIDUAI. pR LN'1"CI'Y NAMf;[) ABOV(y. IF"I'HH RP,ApE1t UPTFIIS 11tANtiMISSIpN IS NUTTIII? IN fr:NUEU RRCIPIEN'I'. 1'(tU AkE HERRP.Y Np7'IFILD THA'1'ANY DISShMINATION. UISI'IZIf1UTlf:)N t71t CUPYWG UF 1'Hlti TRANSMIStiIQN IS 5'I'ItICKTI.Y PROIIIRITF.(). IF'RCC'fifVF.0 Bl' MISTAkE PLh)13P. CON"1'AC'Pf iS aND DU$'fR(1Y OR MAILORIGINAL'I'RANSMI.SSIUN LtAC'K. I HnNK YOII FOF 1'UUR CpMFLIM('F,TYI NRIITEC 1"I'I Ili CONbIUtNTIALIfy pli'PHIS PqCSINIII.R TRANSA715SIpN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: BUIIDING INSPECTION LINE • 303-234-5933 Date: 'a C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Propcrry Owoa:~%i -6 /rl '/O/ ~ PropertyAddcess: ~;C)A, ~..f~ Pho Contractor License No.: Company: Phone: OWNER/CON7RACTOR 51GNATUFIE OF UNDERSTANOING AND AGR£EMENT ~ ~0C1~ Construction Value:5 1I heteby certify that the selbaek distances ploposed by this pertnit applitation are acarale, antl tlo not violale applipble ordinances. Mes m repulaUOns of the City of Permit Fee:S WheatRkfpeorcovenants.eaxmentsorrestrictionsofrecord:ttwtaNmeaw'ertknts P1anReviewFee:$ shpwn, anA albyeGans me0e are acW 2te; tlret 1 heve re80 and apree 1D abi0e by ali condi6ons printed on this applicaGOn and that 1 assume full rcsponsibiliry for USe'r3X'~+ Compiianee with Me Wheai Ridqe Buil , p Code (U.B.C) an ~11 oNer appfipble - Wheal Ridye Ordinances. tor n er ttiis Total:$ , I~~XCONTRACTORI.SK,NFD DATE ,~.....~~,,,......e.,..,,e..ee.~~ ~i /7/'s~1.S~'✓ .rs1l /TMeO Description: ~vz/o Sq. Ft. aOMd COM.1EN75: Approval: ~ Zoning: }F• ~ 'COFMdEN75: Approval: BUILDING L'SE ONLY rnN ' - WORKSCONM.IENTS: tv~'& Approval: 3ancv: Walls: Roof: Stories: Electrical License No: Plumbing Liu Company: Company. Expiralion Date: Expiration Da ApProval: Approval: (1) ThR Den*ut wes iasued in eCCOrdance wiN tlfs Mo^sion CdoraOO aW b the Zoninp RepWationa and 8uildirq G the City. (2) TTis PaT^it shaN expirc if (A) the work auMOrizeO is nol aNhafzed 'a waP«Mea a aDaMoned tor a psriod ot ' (3) n Ws Dam* aT.' 1 . a nsw psmrt may Ds aopuYSd Ax. haw bssn or wYl bs mWS Mi tlis oriyrwl D4ns aM apsd (1) Year. If chanpa+have besn Or N sus0ansion Or aDarK (4) No wpk o} eny manner ahaN be done Uul witl dwW tl (5) Contracbr shW notify the Buildv+p insDecl« twe^tY-fa aDDiov+l on +mVecEOn ard beto.e Dmcoed'vq wim suc (6) TM bsuanoe o( a permit w tha approval 01 dravrirqs : approval of, any vidation o1 the provisiona of the buildir uilEing Official Residential Units: ! n ~ Yate or ~~c2J \ wx ot " uiainp MV" ed ons DemdL •rinen rar an Residential Worksheet (SF/Duulex) Submittal requirements: Copy of Deed [71~e~Site Plan (to scale) Er Elevations D Address: 5 0 QU~~ S+. Zoning: lk ~ Use: gc-s Property in the flood plain? ~ b Lot Size: U~0 414-9 sq. ft. Lot Width: v` (n8( fr. Maximum Lot Coverage: 2 5 % Proposed Improvements House: sq. ft. Addition to House: sq. ft. *Shed: sq. ft. Detached C-m-age: ~ sq. ft. FxV\- Proposed L,ot Coverage: (Tota]) ~ • ~ % q' 0Z sq. ft. Existing Improvement(s): House: 10+_1 sq. ft. Shed: 3 S" S1.e.d.~ sq. ft. SSo ~ Detached Garage: sq. ft. Other: sq. ft. g03 sq. ft. Required Setbacks FT2 30 S I5 S l`~J R 5 Provided Setbacks: FR ~--C S 7i~ Maximum Height: 35 ft. Proposed Height: ~D' S ft. Maximum Size: ~ sq. ft. Proposed Size: sq. ft. Access Notes For one and [wo-family dwellings, the first 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into [he site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. For all uses o[her [han one and two family dwellings, no vehicle en[rances or exi[s may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that [he street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from Ihe interior edges. For all uses, one access point per property is permitted *Metal sheds in excess of 120 s.f. not allowed. Landscapine Notes For one-and two-family dwellings, one tree for every 70 feet of street fron[age is required. 100% of the front yard and 25% of the entire lot must be landscaped prior to issuance of C.O. Street vees required: Street trees provided: T a 9 O ~ ~ tl v z 0 ~ m c m N ~0 c a m ~ ~ m y Q , 7 O C) C tp .w G r O (D ~ m ~ 3 ay o ~ C) C (D~a a tocr 0 r o N ^ ~ ~ o - m D ~a ~ o ~ M a ~ ~ W 30 'y ~ * ~v 0 CL ° o o Q = W ~ ~ dI D co~ mcn ~ aN ~ C ) ; ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~o Z ~ 2 3 o O m ~ ~ m ~A w ■ CO)~ n m e fD 3 d F m, a + w 3 w ° DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 5220 QUAIL ST. Contractor License No. : 20550 11664 1 /8/2001 Phone: 3034672283 Company : All Seasons Mechanicai Phone : 420-5750 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not wolate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree t ide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full res onsi r com liance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicable VV ~t~iances, for work under this permit. . I . . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : FURKACE INSTALL Construction Value : Permit Fee : Pian Review Fee : Use Tax : Total $2,300.00 $83.25 $0.00 $34.50 $117.75 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Occupancy : Wails : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: mecnanicai ucense llu . Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) Thls permil was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject lo the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulaflona antl Buildin9 Cotle of Wheal Ridge, Colorado or any oMer applicable ortlinances of Me City. authorized is suspended or (2) This pertnit shall eupire if (A) Me work authorized is not commenced within sixry (80) days from issue tlate or (B) the builtling been abandoned for a penod of 120 deys. for amount non will (3) of 9inap ans and p~ec'Ricetlpons antl any s s~peuns on or abantlonme tehas not exceedeU onle (ij yea~r. , tchange are matle oeis uspe si n obabandonment euceetls one (1) year, Tull fees shall be paid for a new permR. (4) No work of afry manner shall be tlone Nat will change the natural flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written app roval on inspection carC before Tprpceediing witlt suaessivethphases of lha'ob. (6) thhe inunm huadifw o codes of i any oNePorUialncetl ew~rule or d regulafiion4ons shall nol be construed N be a permil for, nor an approval of, any violation ot the provisions o Chief Building Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT R1DGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) A PP LicA-r 1o N Property Owner: LhAt IfS PropertyAddress:~"j`ZZO Qi9o.,\ -5`Nd`, Contrector License No. : Company: OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEiNENT I Ferehy certiF/ !hat the sethack dis;anczs prcooszC by this permit appiica[ion are arura[e, antl ao not violate applicaCle oMinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnctions of reco`E; !hat all measurements shown, anC allegations maCe are accurete; that I have read and agree to ahide by all conditions pnnted on this appiieation, and that I assume (ull responsibility liance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applica6le Wheilk q inances, for work under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED OATE nIl~4I Descriptian: Building Permit Number : Date : Phone :3O°j-U67-Zzg-S Phone : 30-5- ~)Zp-S JS Construction Value!fZ~, OZ1 Permit Fee : U52 T3X : TOtal: Use BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ SIC : Sq. FL : Approval: Zoning : 6f![f Approval : Q11G1 Approval : Occupancy': Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : ComPan Y : Al1 S~IOS /~I`f~I~GA~ttI~ Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) Thia pxmtt wes iasueE in aomEancs.MN the prohyqns yet (arth in yopur applkatlon anE is aubject to the iaws of the State of Coionao antl W C+a Zoning ~Z) Thnulatlona anC BuiltlNg CoES d Wheat RWqe, Cabnao or arry omer applieabla oNinancea of ine Ciq, pertnit 0all sxpiis it (A) pis w,prk wNOnzeA is not commencetl wiNin sixty (80) Crys M1am ixwe Earo or (B) the builaln authaAZeC is suspentleC or aOanEOneE !at a penGE W 120 Oays. 9 (7) If Nis pmni( expuq, afteN,palK nyy pe acquyny ror a Iee W onahalf the artwunt immulty reQuireO, pmriaed np Uanges have heen or will Oe made in Ne e%9~~g °~e ~^4 SP~6ons and arry wspauian or abanEOnment haz not exceeCeC one (7) ynr. If Nanqea arc matle or it suspension or abandonment (a) No watk af a() Yeaz• ~ fm ~ Oe paiC for a new Pertnit (3) ConaaUw.ftia4~~ ~~~e ~x ~~ge Ne naNral flow o! water nusinq a Crainaqe po6lem. proCeaEOng wipi a~p ry~Wy~~p p~,ry~w (24) naun in advance !or all inapeNo~s aM Mall rx.aive wntten aPP~I an inspec4on mrtl Oalore (8) Tha iuuanee af a peimt or the appfpvy p( ywinyy anE specillmtlons shall mt he consUVeC tp pe a pertnit !w, iwr an aPProvaI af, any vialabon a! Ue OmvWons o! the tluiWing Cotln pr yry aykr yylnan". law. mle at requlatlon. Chief Building InspecWr COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date I i~r 7/20/2004 Property Owner: CHARLES & JILL RICHARDSON Property Address : 5220 QUAIL ST Contractor License No. : 22039 Company: Charles Richardson Phone : 810-1017 Phone : 8J10-1017 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measuremenls shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) antl all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW N ER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : FOUNDATION AND GR,4DING PERMIT FOR SFD Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: Total : Use: $310,000.00 $2,820.7 $1,833 9 $3,7 .00 74.24 OD BUILDING T ; kaning Consmentsr; Approval : Zoning : n Approval Approval: " Occupancy : alls : Roof : Stories Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: LY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provisions ut forth in yopur application and is subject to ihe laws of the SWte of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Builtling Code o( Wheat RiOge, Colorado or any olher applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced wilhin sizry (60) days from issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspentled or abandoned for a periotl of 120 days. (3) If fhis permit ezpires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally reduired, provitled no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and speci(ications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. I( changas are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihat will change ihe naturdl flow of water causing a draina9e problem. (5) Coniraclor shall nolify the 8uilding Inspeclor hventy-tour (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspeclion wrd hefore proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance ot a pertnit or the appro f drawings and specifwtions shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of t~at~g cod any other o~ nce, law, rule or regulation. . Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page ~ WHEqJ O p ti o n u ^ ~~~ORP00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: / )1 Property Address,~p Contractor License No.: Je_ Company: Z;c~zd--,L-Irv e ~O G~Ufr~ L Phone: Y Z pnon~~193(0- 920~0 OWNER/CONTRACTORSIGNATUREOFUNDERSTANDINGANDAGREEMENT ConstructionValue:$ I hereby certify that the selback distances proposed by this permit application are Pepplt Fee:$ accurate, and do nol violate appllcable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of WheatRid9eorcovenanis,easementsorresVic[ionsofrecord:ihatallmeasurements P~an ]ZeV1CW F'ee:$ shown, and ailegations made are accurate; that I have read and a9ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility T~ e TaX'~+ compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all olher app TOtal:$ W heat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. DATE (pW NEt3)(CONTRACTOR): SIGNED (pWNER)(CONTR4CTOR):PRMTED Description: jin/n/~ , Sq.Ft.added / ARTMENT USE ONLY ~I, COMMENTS: (D Approval: Q ~ Zoning ~ IGCOMMENTS: ~Oi't1E ~ ~y c•C, J Approval: (,~~%6r,l 1,`'°kde u?I,itlz T' ~~°u ~~•f ` b ~ uv~ r 1- . W ORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Walis: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: e~~Electrical license No: ~ Company: Expiration Date: °~Piumbing License No: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Colorado set forth in your applicalion and is subject to Ne laws of the Stale of (1) v• yThis permii was issuad in accordance with Ne Provisions and ~o the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of W heal Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (p) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the buil ing authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. unt normally required, provided no changes If Nis permit expires, a new permit may be acQuired for a tee of one-half ihe amo riment r have been or will be made in the ori9inal plans and specifications and any suspensioar, fullbees shall be paid foa ew pertnit ~3) (1) yeac If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) ye (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the nalural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Coniractor shall nolify the Building Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for ail inspections and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceedinq with successive phases of the job. (g) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be consWed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the ions of ihe building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief B ' ing Official *Mechanical License No: Company: • PMON[ 414-4174 • 5430 MARLAN tT., P.O. NOX 136 ARVAOA. COLORADO 80001 CLEAR CREEK VALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT U 0UAS1 MUNICI/ALITY> July 19, 2004 Chazles & 7ill Richardson 5220 Quail Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado Re: 5220 Quail Street Sewer availability To Whom it Concems: please be advised that Clear Creek Valley Sanitation District wi11 provide sanitary sewer services to the above property located in the azea once it is included in the District and will have the have the proper easement to connect to Districts main sewer line and Engineers approval according to Rules and Regulations of the District. The existing residential building on the property would require a tap to the main line when approval from City of Wheat Ridge. Contact us if we can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Ruben xodrig►ez District Superintendent RR/ja ELL CONSTRUC110N AND TEST REPORT OF COLORADO, OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER For O(fiu Us s ony Mff NUMBER 200716 F $)--CL~~.l..r 9 t; 1 7 Ai r~harrlSOR g s 12641 W 56th P1. Crty, Sc Zp arIrada., r„ Rnnn2 Phone ( 467-2285 3. WELL LOCAT70N AS ORILLED: SP,_1/4 _ NV 1/4, See.- 16-TwP• 3 S. Range 69 OISTANCES FROM SEC. UNES: g~, ~~e, OR 2400 _ h. from ~Sec. line. and 1 a n n n~~ . SUBDMSION: LOT_BLOCK FIUNG(UN1n STREEf ADDRESS AT WELL LOCATION: 4. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION ft . DRIWNt9 METHOD untw ~ 5. 0 DATE COMPLETED 4-1 -99 ..TOTAL DEPTH 560 tt DEPTH COMPLETED s6o ~ GEOLOGIC IOG: 6 HOLE OIAM. (in.) From (ft) To (ft) p.vm o«o~puonn a Ma.rw frrw. sa.. cowr, wu« t.oo++an) S3/ ° --6 -n ~ 1 (1 - 10-21 u 7n rr v 1 h 1 Aora 7 n 17 n n i sh a~ 7 pLpjN CASING From(it) To(it) tl Sa n ~an ni o h i~rr,<__ ,.c Wa e OD (in) i~►d +1 ill u g-1~4 -Sa`.va!- -488° z a n a~ n n t„A ~ha1e A 1.~2 p.,n -ao- n~n SFn ni„A r, i ii e: / ,1 t Si Sl 1 6 z o s-.. ,...t5 PERF. CASINa: Screen 4 1 2 PV[' ~nn „~T & fILTER PACK: 9. PACKER PLACEMENT: Material ta/A TyPeRubher.oarkPr Size laced at . n irrterval epth A2 1Q GROUT1NCi RECORD: Material Amount Densiry Irrterval Placemerrt REMARKS: _a.a...a emnn* ~b6gal~bag~-L1 Dump c amoa4 24ba $ • 1 . - ItA~~kl$1 1~~IF4~39h zone @~ieccci~f l~isrsti6(rlh~of~3fb~r~NF.~V1S 33 : with air D ~ fc Dat~me measured d, eq s-30pm Produaion Rate i n gpm. ~it Oatelfirne measured Test length (hrs.) ' 3. I Mve mad iM "Om#rrls m►de Mtein md know Ne oorRenb iMr*W. " th/¢ tlfh' an Uw to my k ~9 clw misGm~~wr ~ Z4L104 ll~(a C.RS.. the mokirp d taW su¢~moMS Mnin eonstilutn WrJaY in M. swond dprw ud b VunisMble .t • N 827 CONTAACTOR Name/frtle (Please type or print) I Signature Phone (2n-L)A21-S24 6 Uc. o. Date 4-28-99 John Pres Form No. OFFICE OF SFiE STATE ENGINEER Gws-25 COLORADO DMSION OF WATER RESOURCES • 918 Cerrtannial Bldg., 1313 Shermen St., Demat, Coloredo 80203 (303) e65a5e1 827 ' - yyQL pEpMfT NUMBER 200716 APPLICANT DIV. 1 CNTY. 30 WD 7 DES. BASIN MD Lot: 81ock: Filing: Subdiv: APPROVED WELL LOCATION JEFFERSON COUNTY SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 16 CHARLES & JILL RICHARDSON TWp 3 S ppNGE 69 W 6th P.M. 12641 W 56TH PL ARVADA CO 80002- DISTANCES FROM SECTION LINES (303)467-2285 2400 Ft. from North Section Line 1400 Ft. from :4'est SeC.ion L•,na PERMfT TO CONSTRUCT A WELL ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT CONFER A WATER RIGHT CONDfiIONS OF APPROVAL 1) This well shall be used in such a way as to cause no material injury to e(isting water rights. The issuance of the peRnit does not assure the applicant tha[ no injury will occur to another vesced water rigM or preclude another owner of a vested water rigM from seeking relief in a civii court adion. 2) The construction of this well shall be in compliance with the Water Well Consiruc[ion Rules 2 CCR 402-2, unless approval of a variance has been granted by the State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Corrtractors in accordance with Rule 18. 3) Approved pursuant to CRS 37-92-602(3)(b)(D and policy of the State Engineer under the following conditions. a) The use of ground water from this well is limited to ordinary household purposes inside one single famiry dwelling and the imgation of not more than 20,000 square feet of home gardens and lawns. 5) Produc[ion from this well is restricted to the Upper Arapahce aqu'rfer which corcesponds to the irnerval beriveen 405 feet and 565 feet below ground surface. Plain casing shall be ins[alled and grou[ed to prevent production from other zones. 6) The maximum pumping rate shalt not exceed 15 GPM. 7) The annual amount of ground water to be withdrawn shall not exceed 1.3 acre-foot. 8) The retum ilow from the use of the well must be through an individual waste water disposal system of the rype so that not less than 2% of the total amount of water withdrawn is retumed to the same stream system in which the well is located• 9) This wetl shall be constructed not more than 200 teet from the location specified on this permit• Note: To insure a maximum productive I'rfe of this well, pertorated casing should be set through the entire producing interval of the apprwed zone or aqu'rfer indicated above. Note: The abiliry of this well to wRhdraw its authorized amount of water from this non-renewable aquifer may be Iess than the 100 years upon which the amount of water in the aquifer is allocated, due to anticipated water level declines.,,~,~ ~ y 7'EHI+GT EXPIRATpN DATf EXTENDED ~ A~ APPROVED I/~ z ~ RAN ~l,~ Receipt No. 0408629 DATE ISSUED JAN 2 9 1997 EXPIRATION DATE JAN 2 9 199 Farm No. OFFICE OF TFIE STATE ENGINEER Gws-25 COtOAADO DMSION OF WATER RESOURCES ~3~ 818 GrdAnnid BId9•. 1919 SMnnm St. OeMM, CO~&& SO= . ~7 9gg.3581 yyELL PERMff NUMBFA ~ZQO"y7 6 - " - gp Wp 7 DES. BASIN MD APPU ANT L ON. 1 CNTY• Lot ekoic: FMnp: subew: APPROV~O WEU. LOCATiON JEFFERSON COUNTY SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SeWOn ~ 16 P.M. CHqpLES & JIL L RiCHARDSON T~ 3 g RANGE 69 W 12641 W 66TH PL ARVADA CO 80002- DISTANCES FR(2M SECTiON UNES 2400 FL from Nath Section Une (30.3)467-224_ _ 1400 FL from West Section Llne PERM(T TO CONSfAUCT A WEIl- ISSUANCE OF THIS~P~~ v~ ER A WATER RIGHT 1) This well shatl be used fn such a way aa to cause tw materfat in1ury to existin9 water ri9hts. The issuance of the that ~o InJury `xi~ o~r to another vested water rlgM or (xeclude another • pertnk does rwt assure the aPPU~ reUef in e civil court accion. ay~,n~ a a vested water rigM from seekin9 lon Rules 2 CCR 402-2, uniess 2) The co~nwOm d this well shail be in comP~lance wnh the Water Well Construc~ the State Board of Examiners of Wate[ Well Consuvction and Pump approvai ~ a variance has been 9~ed bY InscallaUon CoMrectors in aabrdance wRh Rule 18. 3) APProved pursuaM to CRS 37-92-602(9)(b)m ~ Pd~Y of the State E~9ineer under the following condi8ons. a) The use of ground water from this well Is Umfted to wdinarY h°useh°Id (w~~ ~de one sin9~e famiy dwelifng and the Irri9aUon d not mae than 20,000 sciuare feet d home 9ardens and lawns• r ahoe aquHef which Co~eSP°n~ to the lnterval ~ ~ 5) Produc8on from this well fs rr~ound suAaceu Plain ~n9 ~all be Insca~led and 9routed to preveM Pr405 feeY end i~ 9 from other zones. ; s) The maximum pumping race shall not exceed 15 OPM. 7he annual amount d 9r~^d W~er to be withdrawn Shall rwt 1•3 acre-#oot ~ S) The retum 8ow from the use °f the '"'eU must be thra9 stem ~ the type so , that rrot less h~ ~ med to the e same stre~~ ~em in which the than 2N+ ~ total artw~~rt of w~er wfthdrawn weil is located. ~d on ttds p~ g) This weil shall be constnicted not more than 200 teet from the bcation $P~should be set throu9h the endre Note: To insure a maximum p~~i+~ iZ~ a~uHer h~idicated ebove.9 producing iMerval ot the aPP~ iter Note: The aWGry of th~ well to withdraw its auth~~ ~OUM °~'~ter from this n~-re^e"~e aqu may be less tlw ~ 100 years uPon whkh the amount ot watw In the aquifer is allocac ~ d~e - WNER,S COY , to ~i~~,~~~,~d~~~;,q7 a z, 4^ APPROVED Le FlAN ~ DATE ISSUEO JAN.2 9 1997 EXPIRATION DATE IAN 9 t99 I Receipt No. 0408629 co 4 = r ..~,m City of Wheet Ridge l~ Department of Public Works MEMORAI`IDCIM TO: Chad Root, Code Administrator FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: 7uly 21, 2004 SUBJECT: Richazdson SFR Grading Permit Hi Chad - After our conversation with Mr. Richazdson and his Project Supervisor, I thought Pd put together some language regazding the Grading Permit. This statement can to be added to the document you aze creating for Mr. Richardson in order for him to obtain the "foundation permit": I agree that the grading to be performed on the lot for the Richazdson single-family residence, located at 5220 Quail Street, shall be limited in scope to the area for, and immediately sunounding the proposed structure, until at such time as a lot line adjusrinent plat which is to firmly establish the southerly lot boundary is submitted to the City for review. Until said lot line adjustment plat is received, reviewed, and accepted by the City, the lot gading shall be limited to only that which is necessary to construct the building, shall not extend further south than to within 10 feet of the estimated proposed (adjusted) lot line, and under no circumstances shall any grading be performed more than 300 feet south of the existing northerly property line of 5220 Quail Street. Subsequent to city approval of said lot line adjustment plat, the overlot grading may be completed per the proposed site plan and the limits of grading may be extended to the newly adjusted lot line(s). Furthermore, I shall comply with the laws of the State of Colorado, with the zoning regulations, and the building code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immediate revocation of the Grading/Fill Permit and/or Foundation Permit and commencement of enforcement proceedings by the City of Wheat Ridge. I added a sentence that includes the foundation pemiit in it (last paragraph). Feel free to edit this as you see fit. So if you could please add this language to the document you are assembling for the Richardson's, I would be most appreciative. CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager FIle 06/14/09 MON 15:11 FAZ JOJ 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS Z001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TEGEPxON6 303•424-9661 Fax 303-624-0828 June 14, 2004 Alan White City of Wheat Ridge Director of Planning 7500 W. 290' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Alan; rn reference to the attached water service availability request and our phone conversation, water service is not available from Valley Water at this time as there is not a water mainline that abuts the property. A looped mainline extension would be needed to serve the property at the owners expense that meets the Valley Water District's rules and regulations. The subject property at 5220 Quail Street is currently served by a well, If I can be of any further ass9stance, please call_ Sincerely, y~Aw-z~~ Robert Amold District Manager 06/14/04 MON 15:12 FAE JOJ 42~4 ~08~28~~ VALLEY WATER DIS C ~GC3o3~235-285'I CERTIFICATE OF WATE]t A[Hp SEWER SERVjCE AVAII,A$ILTry Note to Applicant: A building pemiit will not be issued without tltis Ceriificate signed by the Disttict or Agency suppl,viag services. T~" Certificatp by authoT'• •n ,~exRi*PS one v_ ear ¢~daxgof anomval ~ 7ob Addrass Date la 002 W4" PY4. 3 cf-Fe,e. Use JL Addre's ' Telephone SE Name of Aistricr. WER Individual Septic Petsaic No_ Sewer Savice Available Sewer Seivice Noe Available Comm(nu or CondiIIOCS• I herebY certify ebat a..milability of smicc is as oated above Signaoue of Aurhmized agenc Dau tefferson Coudry Healrh Depemarnt (iF SEPTIC) Aalhotiasd Sigaanue D~u Name ofDisqict; wATEIi Colorado well Pmmit No. ( ) Water Sft-ice Availeblo Cott4nears or Condiuoat: T by- ctify avai i SiSn8Q1[B of Alrtheeized s e. Wa[er 9etvice Not A~ailable See attached letter is as 7*g'90II Coimty Iiealth Depa=ent (!F WELT.) above. Authoraed Sigaat+ue 6-14-04 Dete TO'd 6£:91 GOOZ OI unr 4S8Z5£Z£0£:XPJ md 8 9P1INNtrld 06/14/2084 09:18 3834565077 FRUITDALE PAGE 01 - ~a~c bo.-eJl~- ~ C~~s~ 2~5 - 2as~ CTTY F WHEAT 12IDGE CERTIFICATE OF \wATER AND SEWER SERti7CE 4vA1I.ABTLITY Note to Applieanr. A buildiag p2xmir. will not be issued wiQwut th:s Certificnte signeci by the District or Agtney supplying se[vices This Ceitificatemires cwc ycaz rrom date of anproval bv authori ' e a¢ent. Job Address ^ Date ~ ,y~ p ~`GIrOYp~ e_flh!J~~-bH~I~; Yi!_iM,T~SVUf'{a"r-~YJW.~qldar~~ '~•1•m• LegaIAescnption _ 3~0Uee Address Telephone t SEVVTR Name o! Disaiat: _~Y1nA-4 p_\2, [ndividuat Sepcic Permit No. - Sewc Scr,iee Aveslable ut~ee~rswljoe Noc Arailflblt Cumme¢aozCoadi6ous:TCev~r.Q he /h OlCSar CyI'e & o rv.' Ihereb ~y thu fservice u u iadica[ed above. ~ -/y_r, v -loe Siena e onaed Agent Due 7effaxon Couaty Health Deparanent (TF SbP17c) - Auxtaoriud SignaNxe Date WATER Name of Disufct: VCi~12w Colorado Wall PessnitNo. O Watu Sonue Available O Wanr Service Not A.ailable Comrnoa!c or I hereby ce-tity thnt avai]ahiliN of seriiee h ae hldi0ated above, Signsture of AurhoriZeA Agent IefftrsOn CounC/ Heahh pepaRxncat (ff'0.'EL3,) wuThozi2e6 Signanue Da:e rn•.4 r,t-or r:nn; nr unr ;c27cc7cnc~xe4 nt, -s nnirKkEna February 25, 2004 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & (atvLVGiSTS I,<-), /C) O Charles Richazdson 12641 West 56`h Place Arvada, Colorado 80002 Subject: 5252 Quail Streetigation, Percolation Tesring and OWS Design Jefferson Counry, Colorado Job No. 16208 ~ 13e cal 2 lv1r. Richazdson, , CHLTRCH & Associates, Inc. (CHURCH) investigated the subsurface conditions, ewater system (OWS) desig As requested perfomied percolation testing and prepazed an onsite wastn foe~ ~ subject site. The design was prepared for Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) p submittal to the Jefferson County DeParhnent of Health and Environment (County)- SITE CONDITIONS The investigated site is an approximate 2.2-acre loto A~o ho eve apublc sewerg~or wat r are not located within the City Limits of Wheat Ridge, C available at the site. OWS and wells aze required. The 1ot is relatively flat with vegetation consisting of a sparse cover of native grasses. pgOPOSED CONSTRUCTION idence A three-bedroom residence is proposeSD proposed averageildaily sew g oadlfolr a threee well. In accordance with the County Sulations, and Wl~ a peak load of 675 GPD. bedroom dwelling is calculated at 450 gallons per day (GPD), Detail constnicrion plans were not available at the time of this design. giTgSURFACE CONDITIONS ro osed drain Subsurface conditions were explored by dnllinS a profile boring in the v~~~~' of the p p fieid azea at the approxunate location presented on Figur ell clab thataextended t na depthsof about thin layer of topsoil underlain very sandy anelllighla ~tending to a depth of 10 feet, the maximum 7 feet. The clay Was underlain by silty gr Y depth explored. Bedrock and ~o~d Wle of the claytat a depth of 3h fet wasgob azned forh g datfion boring is presented on Figure 6. res~ on Figure 7• analysis the results of which are p existi lls The presence of 8 feet of soil in the bonnS "alll allow f~a seib~e C~eci° nteria et forth byethe and drain field area from 200 feet to 100 feet (minim ) P County ISDS regulations• Boulswrd Whse Ridps. CO 80033 Ftx: 309.463=1 rwir,ee-i .er7s4a3+29 3p3,qg39317 OWS Design Job No. 16208, February 25, 2004 Page 2 Five percolation test holes were drilled at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The percolation test results ranged from 30 to 60 minutes per inch (MPn with an average percolation rate of 42 MPI. Percolation test results aze presented on Figures 8 and 9. RECOMMENDATIONS The result of our investigation indicates an OWS can be installed at the locations presented on Figure 1. The OWS design is based on an average daily sewage load of 450 GPD and an average percolation rate of 42 MPI. It is not certain that gravity drainage can be achieved from the proposed residence to the OWS drain field at this time. Prior to construction the OWS installer should confirm the sewer sYubout invert elevation and determine whether or not gravity drainage can be achieved taking into consideration the maximum recommended depth of the proposed drain field trenches. Septic Tank Option A: If gravity drainage can be achieved, a 1250-galion, two-compartment, precast- concrete septic tank with a screened dosing siphon installed in the second compartment is proposed. A manufacturer diagram of the proposed septic tank is presented on Figure 3. Septic Tank Ontion B: If gravity drainage cannot be achieved, a 1250-gallon, two-compartment septic tank with a Biotubes effluent pump system installed in the second compar[ment is proposed as an alternative. A manufacturer diagram of the proposed septic tank is presented on Figure 4. Drain Field: Five 3-foot by 59-foot gravel absorption trenches aze proposed, for a total absorption azea of 885 ftz. The trenches should be constructed similaz to the details on Figure 2. The absorption beds should be setback from the existing two wells by a minimum of 100 feet. The septic tank effluent will be distributed to the absorption trenches by a flow-splitter basin. A detail of flow-splitter basin is presented on Figure 5. A distribution box may be substituted for a flow splitter basin. Vehiculaz movement over the drain field azea during construction should be kept at a minunum to avoid compaction of the receiving soils. Dump trucks and rubber-tire backhoes and excavators are to be kept out of the proposed absorption beds during construction. The surfaces of the absorption beds should be seeded after installarion of the OWS. A seed mix such as "Foothills, Pasture, or Prauie" mixes should be sown. These mixes do not require irrigation and may develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed over the absorption trenches. The trenches should be protected from livestock. Good surface drainage must be incorporated in to the site grading plans for the project. OWS drain fields will not function as designed if allow to become saturated. Drainage should consist of a swale around the perimeter of the drain field azea to diver runoff away. A runoff detention pond located to the east of the proposed drain field azea may be required to achieve adequate drainage. EFFLUENT PUMPING SYSTEMS If gaviV drainage cannot be achieved and pumping is required, the installation of an Orenco Biotube Pump System is proposed. The president of CHLTRCH is a non-participating owner of SCG Enteiprises, Inc., which is a local distributor for Orenco Systems, Inc. The proposed pumping system should meet the following minimum speciScations: OWS Design Job No. 16208, February 25, 2004 Page 3 Pump - The pump shall be ITL and CSA listed as an effluent pump. An OSI model P50 or P30 HH pump is proposed. The pump should be one-half horsepower and 230-volts. A manufacturer pump curve diagram is attached. Access Riser - Access risers that extend to final grade, must be provided. The risers aze to be watertight and attached to the tank such that a watertight seal is provided. Risers should be rated for the appropriate lateral load requirements. Discharge Assembly - The pump dischazge assembly is to have a disconnect union accessible from the ground surface to allow pump replacement. The dischazge assembly is to be plumbed with a weep hole to allow drainage between cycles to minimize freezing potential. Float Switch Assembly - The on/off and high water alarm float switches aze to be accessible for adjushnent without removing the pump or vault. Pump float switches should be set to discharge approximately 125 gallons per dose to the drain field. Electrical Splice Box - The splice box shall be UL approved for wet locations. All wire splices aze to be completed with UL listed waterproof splice connectors. Controls and Alarms - Conuols and alarms shall be listed per iJL 508. Controls aze to include a toggle switch for manual operation of the pump; a separate dedicated circuit for the pump and the high water alazm; an audible and visual alazm; and an elapsed time meter. The panel is to be NEMA 4X rated. Location - The puxnp control panel is to be mounted within sight of the respective pump system. The panel is also to be located such that the alarm can be readily seen and heard (remote alazms to a location within the building can be provided). The panel is to be mounted at convenient heights to allow access and maintenance. INSTALLATION OBSERVATIONS The installation of the OWS is to be observed by the design engineer. Observations aze required on the open-hole excavation and prior to final backfill. The open-hole observation should be performed prior to installation of the chambers. The fmal observation should be performed prior to backfill, after placement of the chambers and distribution pipes. Septic tank, dosing basin, flow splitter basin and plumbing, as applicable, can be observed during either visit. Our office shouid be called to observe the installation of the OWS 24 hours in advance. Installation observations, OWS redesigns, restaking of drain fields or additional site visit requirements in addition to those required for this design, aze not included with this design and will be at an additional fee per the service agreement and/or fee schedule. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service. The owner must also be aware of, and assume responsibility for, ongoing maintenance of the system. In the absence of a monitoring program, the septic tank should be pumped every two years or more frequently if needed. Effluent filters and screened vaults, as applicable, aze to be cleaned at the rime of pumping or as needed. There aze daily considerarions such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable materials into the sepric system. Garbage disposal use should be minunized to reduce the frequency of pumping. Water use must be monitored so toilets aze not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To OWS Design Job No. 16208, February 25, 2004 Page 4 illustrate the point, a n,nning toilet can use in excess of 1000 GPD, which may flood and irreparably hann the system. We caution against the installation of a water softener. The hydraulic loading from the backwash of a water softener is detrimental to an OWS and a sepazate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. No landscaping or plastic can be used over the field, which will reduce performance of the field. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. The design of the OWS is based on the treahnent of domestic sewage only. No industrial or hazazdous wastes should be introduced into the OWS. Floor drains should not discharge into the OWS. LIMITATIONS Our investigation, layout, design, and recommendations aze based on data submitted. If conditions different from those described aze encountered, we should be called to observe the conditions. If proposed construction is changed, we should be notified to evaluate the effect of the changes on the wastewater system. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements,, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, aze to conform to ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to be licensed with the county health department, and is to have demonstrated knowledge of the ISDS regulations and requirements. If there aze questions, please call. CHCTRCH & Associates, Inc. l`~ -Az\ V+'j~ Kenneth Hamilton Project Manager Reviewed by Edwazd O. Church, P 0. C,yG~ o Attaclunents EOC/kch 3 copies sent 7ypiC,qL pL4N VIEW (N.T.S.) 5-OUTLET FLOW SPLITTER 4' OR 2' BASIN OR CONCRETE PVC ScWER DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH BAFFLE LWE L' SCH 35 PERFORATED PVC DISTRIBlJTION LINE t,' SDR 35 SEWER PIPE 1.5" 59' ~ LINES TO OTHER 7RENCHES TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION (N.T.S.) OBSERVATION/VENT DRAiNAGE SWALE - SIL? ~ 1.5 ' / BACKFILL I~ CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFlCAT10N5 DESIGN CRITERIG RESIDENCE - 3 BEDROOMS LOADING - 75 GAL/PERSON/DAY TWO PEOPI.E/BEDROOM 4VERAGE LOADING = q= 450 GPD PERCOLATION RATE = L2 MPI AREA =(L50 X 1.5 X J4')/5 AREA = 875 SF TRENCH $PECIFICATIqVS NUMBER OF TRENCHES = 5 LENGTH OF TRENCHES = 59 FEET WIDTH OF TRENCHES = 3 FEET TOTAL PROPOSED AREA = 885 Sf 16208 BARRIER MGTERIAL ~Q• ~ I T LS' 6' MIN. *1 4' SCH 35 PERFORATEC PVC DISTRIBUTIO."1 LINE ENDS CAPPED b' MIN. 00SERVGTIONNENT PIPE-1~1 3, TOTAL - FIVE TRENCHES . Q••I~I . SCARIFY SURFACE TREGTMENT UNIT SPEGFICATIONS MINIMUM TIWK CAPP.CITY = 1250 GALLONS RECOMMENDATIONS - ONE 1250-GALLON.TWO-COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC Tl+NK WITH 4N SCREENED DOSING SIPHON OR PIL.TER BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT IN THE SECOND COMPARTMENT. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAILS FIGURE 2 ~ y E ~ co CY) a O N N ~ O N Y N O (fl W U@ ~ Z q Z Y J f ~ rLL C C Z ~ w er g ~ z J a m O ~ O C 0 N O~ r v 4 2 ~ O LU VJ 'LL U ~ a O m = W ~ Q Q 0 W 3 p w w Q U O ~ (/J N H ] J C) (n W Y J ~ W p= Z ~ = J ~ Q F Y N U a Q~ ~ m 3 a W Y w O w Q W o 7 NC() J z w w d o d 4- O Z d -i ~ v ~ m = d Q=p O d~ a I a Q m F 0- D Q C7 ~3ma cf°a ~ a ~ w o ~ ~ Z } ~ ~ z~ W W~ W O~ Y O O Y Z ~ ~ L W (n (n ~ W ~ ~ mat/~ ~ o~ Z Q I U w Q Q V _ J O O m 0 W~ li J v7 ? NJ ~ U' ~ H . U 0 0 ti f cn = V d ~ ~ ~ W = ~ U Z w m ~ 0 U N w ` G = LLJ ~ ~ ~N-= wF U) § Y ~ ~3 z z ow CO = ~ F ~ ow Z Q Y Z Z a fl U z U- . ~ r 3Zw ~ ra F cl) U) - LLJ ow 0 LLJ Z CO oo (4 J c ~mo Z ~ < o 0 . -o ~ ° - _ - a_ Q_. - ~ ' " - Y N 0 0 s Z w I I II Z a c~ Q~ u5 ~ _ F*J U w N W aZ i a ~ o a o U) af y c ~ a N 0 aN N J E _ o U 5 = J Q ~ V V Z E U) ~u 00 ~ C Q ~ I I ~ F- d O W N o N U Z~ 0~ I W ~ o ? U N N ~ m ° 5 ° 3 o (:J E w E W Z ~ ~ o Cg ~ U- w ~ I w N y y d ~ o ~ v O Q z mw ~ w .tl ~3 ¢ p Q ~ ~ ~ N I_ Y o u w p d p ¢ 3 m L 0 o~ U ~ ~ o ~ ~ o o tn a " 0 0 0 : i ~ 2e N I I V m Y • $ ` Y O U) 0 w F' J J O O O W m J m F ~ O h- w W 3o w J = v~i N w N Z ~ o ~n r Lo ~ Y ~ D C7 > -Y O W Z r N U7 - U7 O F w = W ~ cn W W K J J O m O C- 0~ 0- 0 F-- ~ ~ F a ~ Y U 1 J~ U w ~ O W O d ZL/) J~ ~ a x ~ v Q Q ~ lL J d 0 ~ Q Z? 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V V) lt ~ O ~ r~ W [If ~ o~ N N + ~wZ N a - ~ wN =F ~ W Y tn OOU J n aN Zw d~ o O ac G ~ a I ~ J Y z ~ U F- d W ~ J U d ~ ~ 7 ~p Apl D ~ i ] Q ~ C V ~CD Q 3D v ~ FLOW SPLITTER BASIN FOR GRAVTTY FLOW EFFLUENT IELD #1 INLE FIBERGLASS LID WITH STAINLESS STEEL IPE iAAGE, Qt JOB NO. 16208 FIGURE 5 TOP VIEW To FieLo #z PROFILE HOLE INFORMATION PRO-1 CIAY, VERY SANDY, SLIGHTLT GRAVELLY, SLIGHTLY n MOIST, REDDISH BROWN AND TAN. 10l12 7 l'.I SAND, GRAVELLY, DENSE, MOIST, TAN, YELLOW, GHAY 8 "e .9 9 'r eon INDICATES DEPTH TO TEST HOLE CAVE AND THE NUMBEii OF DAYS AFT-ER DRILLING W-~~ THE MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN FIGURE 6 JOB NO. 16208 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. Engineers & Geologists Dcnver, Colomdo 303.4619311 Toll-Free 1.8771483123 100.0 - 90.0 80A - 70.0 m 60.0 - e a G' $0.Q 7- C u V ~ 40.0 ^ 30.0 - 20.0 - l0A - 0.0 0.01 Gradation Test Results #200 ri100 #50 #30 rilb 48 #4 GRAVEL 7% SpND 33% FINES 60°/a MOISTURE 10.6% DATE: 2/18/04 JOB NAME: 5252 Quail Str. JOB NUMBER:16208 HOLE / SAMPLE Pro-1 DEPTH 3' LIQUID LIMIT NA PLASTICITY INDEX NA DRY DENSITY (pcfl N/A 3/8" 3/4" 3•• Q 10 20 30 $ e _ 40 a 'u C c 50 ~ L - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 100 100 FIGURE7 1 10 0.1 Diameter of Pardde in Millimeters DESCRIPTION:CIay, Very sandy, slightly gravelly, slightly moist, redish brown and tan. Percolation Test Result Form in Water rercv~a~~~~~ Water Depth Drop Hole Hole Length of Water Depth Level (in.) Flate (min./in No. Depth Interval at Start `of at End of ` interval in. 30 > > 5 4.500 5.000 500 5 0.500 0.500 30 5.000 . 250 6 0.750 30 5.500 . 500 6 0250 30 6.250 . 250 7 0.750 30 6.500 . 500 7 0.250 30 7250 . 000 5 0.500 30 7•500 . 500 8 0.500 30 8.000 . 500 8 12.000 3.500 2 22.5 30 . 000 12 13250 1250 30 . 250 13 14.750 1.500 30 . 750 14 15.500 0.750 30 . 500 11 13.000 1.500 30 . 000 13 14.250 1.250 30 . 250 14 15.000 0.750 30 30 . 15.000 15.500 0.500 23 30 10.000 14.000 4.000 000 2 3 30 14.000 16.000 . 500 1 30 16.000 17.500 . 000 2 30 11.000 13.000 . 500 2 30 13.000 15.500 . 500 1 30 15.500 17.000 . 000 1 30 17.000 18.000 . 000 1 30 18.000 19.000 . q 17.5 30 7.500 10.750 750 12 3.250 2.000 30 10.750 . 000 10 2.500 30 7.500 000 10 . 11.500 1.500 30 . 500 6 9.500 3.000 30 . 500 9 11,500 2.000 30 . 000 8 9.500 1.500 30 . 500 9 10.500 1.000 30 . 60 60 30 30 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 16887 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(803-234-5933) Date : 4/2/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: CHARLES RICHARDSON Property Address : 5220 QUAIL ST Contractor License No. : 21915 Phone : 810-1017 Company : Silverlode Electric Phone :(303) 587-5146 OW NER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by lhis permit application are accurate, and tlo not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and alle9alions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heal Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W heat Ridge ordies, for wprk under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE DATE~.. O Description : 200 AMP SERVICE Construction Value : $$50.00 Permit Fee : $46.43 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $10.20 Total: $56.63 Use: hum 166;s Approval : Zoning : BUiltlfRg Ci'gmr~'ient~.s Approval : PupIFe'4VorksAm0nW,; BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof SIC : Sq. Ft. : Piesse Note: Owner/wntractor is responsible for locating property lines and consWcting improvements according to the approved plan and required development ,tandards. The City is not responsible fur inaccurate infornm:'-,:; s,uhmitted within llie plan se: and :my censaz .-r:rs r_sul~ire f..r,i i! a - Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : 21915 Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company :Silverlode Electric Company : Company : Expiration Date : 2/28/2005 Approval : OKIKS Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in acwrdance with the provisions set forth in yopur ap0lication antl is subject to the laws o( the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulalions and Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ritlge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commencad within sizry (80) days from issue date or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period oF 720 days. (3) I( this permit ezpires, a naw permit may he acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally requiretl, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (1) year, NII fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No vrork of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel Flow oF waler causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector hvenry-four (24) hours in advance (or all inspections and shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (e) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and speciFlCations shall not be consfrued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the prov/is~ions of t/h~e qbu Vl~ilding codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. C,i~t of Aeat Pue Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMIJNITY DEVELOPME1vT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number. WNEq BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~~l WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-23t5-j2i85~5~l4Af) ~o~ oa ~v~ r~PPl~ TION PropertyOwner. Cl-a,rlt-` '/?,clifa>,-rs r,j Property Address: Sz 20 4- ~ a d Contraccor License No.: 9 kel l`J Phone 3<' (7 -/C'/ Company: .S~ I✓ ~r~1e,~1 F ~~[-c-hr, ~ Phone: ~3n3) s ONN'NER/CONTMCTOR SIGNATURE OF tiNDERSTaNDING AND AGREEMEK7 I hcreby cMi(y that the tttback distances proposed by this permit applicauon arc accuntc, and do nol vialate aypl+ca6lc wdinanca, ivla or rcgulations at'the Ciry of Wheal Ridge or covrnanu, caumrnu or restrictiom of rccord; that aIl messurcmenis shown, and allegations rtudc arc accuatc, that ] have rtad and agree ta abide by al1 conditions pdnlcd on this application and that 1 assumc fuil rcsyonsibiliry for compliancc with the Whea1 Ridge Building Codc (U.B.C) and all othcr appiicable Wheat Ridgc Ordinances, (or work unda this pertoiL DESCRIPTIOn: Construction Value:$ ~SO`= Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ BUILDiNG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONIN6 COMMENT3: Approval: Zoning: eaLmNa CorrEnrs: Approval: VU6L1C WORKf COMMENTi: Approval: Ocwpancy: Walis: Roof: Stories: RaidentialUniu: Electrical Licensc No: ~j y 1,~j Plumbing License No: Mahanical Liccose No: Company:S,Iuz-TLvdF tZF<7r-.~ Company: Company: Expvation Date: Expiration Date: Expira[ion Date: Approval• Approval: Approval: (1) Thu permis wu mucd in wcwdurcm with tFe peo.ii~au sn fond in ywr Wplicaum aod'u subjx4 a dhs laws of the Sou of Cobndo aid w the 7notng Re;u6uons and Buildin{ Codes of W6nt 14d;e. Cobr+do a inY ther +D7lKabk adimnces of tht Ciry. This permil shall ezpirt i(lA) IM wark autMrized'u na commrnced within sixry (60) daY+firrinti im" dau or (B) ihe bwNing aetlwriud is suspended w .waonea r«. vmoa or 120 an. If tAu pennit <xpna. a nm pemiit nuY h ac9wrtd fa a fa of arc-6a1f UK snwwt nonnalh re9uired. Dmvided no cAanges Mw~ beai w wili bs made in the oriYinul Dluu W ryecificaooos md any wWSOSio^ «sEmdmmrnt lus od evcoedd ms (l) Ya- If <hanYes luve b«o w if susyensnn or abandonmma e>cecds am (I) Y.. Potl (aes sAa66e Pud fw i nnv Gmnit. (4) No work of any manna Jull be done iW1 will c6mye iM1e manl ibw o( waw <>usini a Mimge probk+o. . (5) c~u.cwr sn.n ~h the eYaain` I~e, w<omra. (24) nou.: m a„~ kr ill +~~o .~a sn.n rcttrvs w+iotn appmv.l on mspa6an cW berae D*aadin` wi* :ueceauvs plusea orthe jab- (6) 1Lf ISfYY1m OIf pCfRllt O! U1[ ppIOVII Of Afi`Y111$S lOE SpGC1fKi00115 SIIaII DW Ei COIISQYW b GC l pCR1111(O!. OW YI lppNViI Of. NY vqli4ql Of II1C pm%iziau of the bui{diog cades amY o~ onim^n• V"'• ^'k m rtyu6uoe. Chief Building Inspector