HomeMy WebLinkAbout4950 Ward Road�\\-11k3 UJN�\u 11L1 12Z GO ry M1 •„ � S tr' H EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE LIMITED WARRANTY SERIXA 1044163JAN20MO SQUARE FOOTAGE 6500 I BUILDING O AVER: Mona Wyatt Wyatt Building Pak BUILDING ADDRESS: 49M Ward Road Wheat Ridge, COS= is t EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/2dM9 EXPIRATION DATE 11/2x2039 MULE -HIDE PRODUCTSCO, INC. ("Seller") Harms to theabos named BdIcirg Ower ("Buyer"), installed attheabow named location, that its EDM roiling marbrae ("Merbra d') is freefron mardactuf ng defects and that the Merrbraewill not deteriorate due to the action d rroisMe, aggen, ozone ad ultra olet light modfied tytirre ad terrperalure ("Weathering") to the eclat that it becomes incapalie d meirrai ing a vAertighi condition for the Herrartyperiod indicated aluuve as a single -ply roofing mei b are ad that the Memtrane, is manufactured in accordance with the mandacdrer's speaficabors. This W+arra lydoes not oxer the appeaa oe, deahiiness or dscdoA a n of the Merrbrae for ahyreascrt Though the Membrane is qute inert and will resist weathering %ell, it will not witistad thea tions of maymeterials. Byveyd illustration (tui not limited to) such materials include strong adds, fats, ills, grease ad most tydrocarbans. Cale mist be talm in determining oompelible erniromerta conditions for installation Seller assumes no liatilityfor ayfalure d the membrane resulting from (1) Ads of God, Including wthot limitation floods, lighting, huricanes, winds (wmelter gusts or sustained), earf iquales, earth tremors, tornados, gales, hal, fire, the infestation or presence of dart, mdd fungi, bacteria" insects or animals ofaiyoriginor cause or aydelris resulting fromtheforegdrg; (2) Irstallabon; (3) "act of negligence, accident, misuse or abuse byBLW, the irstaller or ayother person, incluing but not limited to %erdafisrrt fire, falling object, ddil disobedience, aotdura or aycrininal conduct; (4) Erniramerval fallout, cterrical Wackor the press noewthin or onisideftBuidirg of ayoorrrrerclal or industrial sdwrt, add caustic fluid petrdeumprodct, vw grease, a sabot, days plasticize; (5) Aryfalue, deterioration, settlement or mvem at of the roof structure, rod decub su bWate or buldrg ompo ants (inducing but riot limited to HVACs); (6) Defects in the buildrg or rad design; (7) Ladcdttanege including b t rat fimited to "condition caused byinaiequatea improper rod Fitch or dains, oonde satin from madineryt or deflection in the rod surface; and (8) Use in an incompatible amrornert as indicated in the preceding paragraph. To require a performance of Seller's obligatici s under the Nkrraty, Buyer mtsL Hithn thirty(30) clans d dsco eryd the prpo tad defector deterioration tovhich the dam relates, send witten notification of such defect at its own ape sebyca tified mail to: MULE -HIDE PRODUCTS CO., INC. ATTN: WARRANTY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1057 BEL.OIT, WI 53512-1057 This notice mist induda a genera description d the purported defect or premature deterioratien Failure to notitythe Seller in this manner shall be deemed a %elver of aryprported defect or premature deterioration Wthri thirty(30) dare after witten noticed the alleged defect has been receked by Seller, its represertatlws Hill imestigate the dam Seller shall be entitled to inspect the rod before incurring ayottigation hereunder. It shall be the respo sihilitydthe building owner to prwde safeaccess tothe roof. An inspection fee (in accordancewith Seller's standard diages) shall be pad by Buyer to Seller prior to inspection (the "Inspection Fee'). In the event the caused the leakis nil covered lythe Waraty, Seller will retain the Inspection Fee. Such iruestigation nayincludethe sec rerrert of adequate sarples dthe Ment cane franthe structure to vtich it is afimd for testing by Seller as part of its darra investigation Failureto be permitted such irnesbgation constitutes a vayer dthe prpoted defector pre ratue deterioration Upon bang permitted such opport rityto investigate, Seller will than prorrptlyperform ayrt ligaton imposed bythis Warratyas a result of such imestigation Ifu{aminspection bytheSeller, theMentranesham prarahredeterioration because dvadheringvlthnIhev rrartyperiodstatedherein,SellersliabilityadBuyer'ssdead eodushe reredyshall be fimited at Seiler's option to the su{plyd rq)ar material sufficient to replace the affected area d Mernbrae a credit to be applied bAerds the prdhased a newMenbrae, the yelue d ttnese rarades being determined bythe seller based upon the nrrber of rerrairirg rmrOs of the umpired varrartyused to pro -rate at current prices for the Martrae. The nmlmm pro-raled \eiue alloned tySeller for repair or credit shall not aceed the crigiral Memtrae purchase trice This limited v era tydoes not apply to labor, other materials or anyother items BUYER'S REMEDIES STATED HEREIN ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR CLAIMS AND DAMAGES ARISING FROM FAILURE OF THE MEMBRANE SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPUED, W -ITCH EMEND BEYOND THE FACE HEREOF. SELLER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR THEORY OF ACTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONTRACT, TORT, PRODUCTS UABIUTY OR OTHERWSE,(I) FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PROFIT OR DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING OR ANY MERCHANDISE OR OTHER CONTENTS THEREIN, FOR WHATEVER CAUSE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MOLD, FUNGI, AND BACTERIA EVEN IF THE WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREIN FAILS OF ITS PURPOSE; AND (ll) FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY SELLER'S APPROVAL OF THE CONTRACTOR OR INSPECTION OF, OR FAILURE TO INSPECT, THE BUILDING ROOF. IN THE EVENT OF ANY ARBITRATION OR LITIGATION REGARDING THIS WARRANTY OR ITS SUBJECT MATTER, IF SELLER IS THE PREVAILING PARTY, BUYER SHALL REIMBURSE SELLER FOR ALL OF SELLER'S DISPUTE RESOLUTION COSTS, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES FOR PURPOSES OF THIS WARRANTY, SELLER WILL BE DEEMED THE PREVAILING PARTY IF THE BUYER RECOVERS NOTHING OR ASUM LESS THAN WAS OFFERED IN SETTLEMENT. THIS WARRANTY TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS (WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN AND BY WHOMEVER MADE) WHICH CONFLICT WITH THISVWOW4TY. Seller shall ret be liable for any incidental, consequential or other daragas such as damages tothe structure tovtich the Membrane is affixed or its corterts; and any resulting darregaor condition, indulrg but riot I irrited to, mild fiMi or bacteria, nor shall Seiler beliable for aydarrayesvhichare based on reg ligence, breach dverrenly, stridliability or any other theory other than the liablityset forth above. Incidental and consegLerida! damages shall nil be recoverable a en if the re-su lop yremedy provided far herein fails of its luPM& Set ler willriot beIiablefor ayactiosoraparituresvilchare incurredpriortowittenack%Jedgnot of Seller's responsibilityrelabrgtothere-supplyraradyprWdedfor herein This varatyis rot binding upon Seller unless aeated byai aeamve officer of Seller or a dulyauhorized errpoyee of Seller's Wamaty DeparMai No represertaiw or employee of Seller, or ayother party, may after the Wwratywittod the prier Witten corset of an anroutice officer of Seller or a duly authorized errployee of Seller's Warranty Departnut Ths Warratyconstitutes the entire uderstandrg of the pates wth respect to the su elect matte contained hereiR anddrac es ad supersedes all prior agreerrets, Wed er witten or oral, be6wen the parties. This WarratyshalI tae precedence ower any other bloc marts or represertatiors (whether oral or v tten, and byWxma er made) Wich meryconflict with this Warranty. KJLEfl/DEARODUCTS CQ, INC. 7 _ Technical SarvioeAdministrdor BY. Pagel d2 r�r Date: Form ID: 1044163JAN20 Building Owner's Roof Care and Maintenance Guidelines ver. 2.01 Thank you for choosing a Mule -Hide Roofing Sys temi Following are guidel ineson how to care for your roof to help ensure along useful service life. The manufacturer'sv%arranty is not a maintenance program or agreement. There are various items associated with your roof system that are not covered under the warranty. It is the responsibility of the Building Owner to regularly inspect and maintain the roof. Mule+ide strongly recommends the Building Owner institutesan annual maintenance program wth written documentation of any activities on the roof. Maintain a log of maintenance procedures and people accessing the roof. This aids the building owner in determining the source of any damage to the roof. Your roofing system should be inspected at least twice a year (once in the spring and once in the fall) and after every major storm. These inspections should be performed by a Mule -Fide Warranty Eligible Applicator or by someone specially trained in roofing systems FE4D YOUR AAWANTYG4/` EFULLYBEFORE EXECUTING ANY ROOF -TOP FA.OW OR FILING OFA CLAIM Understand the Terms and Conditions to avoid adversely affecting the warranty. General Guidelines 1. Keep the roof surface clean of debris, especially at drain areas to avoid clogging. Good roofing practice suggests that water not be allowed to remain on the roof for more than 48 hours after a rain. Keeping the roof clear of debris will allow for proper water runoff and avoid overloading the roof withstanding water. 2. Keep chemical and petroleum products(adds chemicals, solvents, greases, oil$ or any liquidsoontaining petroleum products)offthe membrane to avoid degradation. If swelling occurs contact Mule -Fide immediately. 3. Do not exhaust ktchen %astes(vegetable oils) or other animal fatsdirectly onto the roof surface. If incidental contact is likely, contact Mule- Fide for recommendations on preventative measures 4. TPO and PVC membranes may be used for restaurant roofs but must have a rooftop maintenance program in-place to ensure that accumulations of animal fatslgrease are regularly removed and the membrane surface isdeaned periodically. See Mule-Hde'sCare and Maintenance Overview for specific cleaning instructions 5. WalFways must be provided if regular rooftop traffic is required, such asservicing of rooftop equipment. Exercise caution when not walWng on vvallanrays, especially on white membranes (Vlhite-on-Black EPDM, Elastomeric Acrylic Coatings; TPO and PVC) since ice or frost buildup may not be visible. All membranesare slippery when wet. 6. Wren it isnecessary forworkersto be on the roof to service rooftop equipment, e.g., HVAC units, antennas etc., worlers should be cautioned to use walkvaysand to exercise care with their toolsand equipment to avoid puncturing the roofing membrane. Mule -Fide recommendsthat the building owner or property manager leep a "Roof -top Maintenance and Activity Log" to track dates and activities by personnel or other trades 7. Handprints; footprints, general traffic grime, industrial pollutantsand environmental dirt may be cleaned from the surface of the membrane by scrubbing with detergent and water, then rinsing with dean water. To maximize and maintain reflectivity, white membrane(s) should be cleaned once every two years 8. Keep roof maintenance items; such ascounterflashings metal curbs metal duds etc. sealed watertight at all times All exposed masticsand sealants regardless of the purpose or function, are required maintenance itemsto be remediated by the Building Owner, induding but not limited to pitch pan and metal flashing sealants 9. Loss of granules from mineral surfaced membranes is typical and not a manufacturing defect. In cases of granule loss that becomes more noticeable, additional surfacing should be applied asdirected by Mule -Nide. 10. Protective elastomeric coating systemswill oxidize and weather, losing overall dryfrim thicIness, Thisis normal and not a defect in the material. Warrantiesthat include an elastomeric coating asa protective surfacing of a membrane may require periodic recoating at specified intervalsto maintain the warranty coverage. The Building Omer irresponsible forall coststo perform any specified recoating. 11. Examine all areasadjacent to the roof, parapet wellsand adjoining structures Damage to itemssich asmasonry, failing mortarjoints loose or missing sealants loose stone or tiles; loose and improperly sealed counterflashings etc., may be the source of lealsthat are inadvertently blamed on the roofing system. These items need to be addressed by properly trained personnel to avoid damage to the roof system. 12. If any changesare to be made to the roofing system (FNAC equipment, TV antennas tie4nsto new roofing s,stems etc), contact Mule- Fide for priorapproval. Vlbrkdirectly related to the roofing system must be accomplished bya Mule -Fide Warranty Eligible Contractor. 13. If you have a IeaK checkforthe obviousguch asdogged roof drains, brolen *slights, loose counterflashings brolen water pipes leafing roof units, and dorm damage. Note when the leaking occurs Items such as heavy or light rain, wind direction, temperature and time of day are important duesfortraddng suspected leaks Doesthe leakstart and stop with the rain, ordoesleakng continue afterthe rain hasceased? If you believe that the leakiscovered underthe Mule -Fide warranty, please notify Mule+4de's Warranty Department at (800) 786-1492 assoon aspossible, and follow up with written notification in accordance with the warranty terms LealG resulting from the deterioration or failure of building componentsor physical damage are not covered by the Warranty. The building owner must pay the investigation and repair oost if the problem isfound to be outside the slope of the Warranty. For temporary repairsin the Mule+ide membrane, use a one -part urethane sealant and contact Mule -Fide. Do not use any Asphalt Product to males repairson any single -ply roof as it WILL degrade the membrane. If any asphalt product is used on a single -ply roofing membrane, that area will have to be removed and replaced at the Owners expense. The preceding information for care and maintenance for Mule -Hide roofs isnot meant to be exhaustive and isfor illustrative purposesonly. Please refer to Mule -Fide's Care and Maintenance Overview literature on the Mule-Hde websteN wv.mulehide.com) formore information. Compliance With the above itemswill aid in asmring a durable, watertight roofing system. Mule-HideProductsCo.,Inc. P.O. Box 1057 Beloit, VVI 53512-1057 Phone: 800-786-1492 Fax. 888-218-7838 www rnulehide.com Page 2 of 2 12/18/2019 Caleb's Roofing On 11-21-19, Mule -Hide Products Co., Inc. ("Mule -Hide") performed a visual inspection of the roof at 4950 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, CO. This visual inspection was undertaken at the request of Caleb's Roofing and the City of Wheat Ridge, CO. Based on the inspection, Mule -Hide has determined that the roof appears to be installed in accordance with Mule - Hide's installation requirements. Note that this inspection is a visual inspection only; Mule -Hide did not and will not take core samples or perform any other destructive testing. Mule -Hide makes no representations regarding the underlayment, adherence or anything else not readily ascertainable by a visual inspection of the surface of the roof. Sincerely, Kenneth Schultz West Regional Director Mule Hide Products Mule -Hide Products Co., Inc. National Support Center' 1195 Prince Hall Drive, Beloit, WI 53511-5481 tel. 608.365.3111 1 fax. 608.365.7852 9 �o "re'� r<b- ex.�Aa-\vn ;7-a.ad \ibjze CALEB'S MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES "q -he Tlat Wpof Wpofing Company" 2555 S. Santa Fe Dr. Unit E, Denver, CO 80223 Phone: (303) 971-0256 Fax: (303) 871-8525 Email: accounting@calebsmanagementcom January 6, 2020 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to confirm the five-year labor workmanship warranty provided by Calebs Management Enterprises, Inc. for the Mulehide 60 mil ballasted EPDM recover on the commercial roof per proposal installed at: 4950 Ward Rd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The five-year labor warranty began November 20, 2019 and ends November 20, 2024. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at 303-971-0256. Sincerely, lam/ Leonel Orozco Vice President & General Manager A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: ` , Job Address:�- Permit Number:,) ❑ No one available for inspect�4E!_7� Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http.lAvww.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspection Date:—i • Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge y> Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201902220 PERMIT NO: 201902220 ISSUED: 10/17/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 4950 Ward Rd EXPIRES: 10/16/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Cover over ballasted EPDM roof with new Mulehide 60 mil EPDM; reuse ballasted rock - 65 squares total *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)635-0043 WYATT BUSINESS PARK LLC SUB (303)971-0256 MIKE POST 018582 CALEB'S MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 48,547.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 1,019.49 Permit Fee 718.05 ** TOTAL ** 1,737.54 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** COMMERCIAL FLAT ROOFS: In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a WARRANTY LETTER from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. LADDER MUST BE SET FOR ALL ROOF INSPECTIONS: A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. ALL PITCHED ROOFS REQUIRE A MIDROOF INSPECTION REGARDLESS OF PITCH. MIDROOF & SHEATHING: Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. REGARDING ROOF VENTILATION: Roof ventilation shall comply with Building Division Policy BD -18-001 for Balanced Ventilation Systems, or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. FOR ROOF PITCH 6/12 AND OVER: Midroof & Final Roof inspections for ROOFS with 6/12 PITCH & OVER: 3rd party inspection will be required for both the midroof and final inspections. The 3rd party inspection report AND THE ORIGINAL PERMIT CARD needs to be dropped off to the Permit Desk at the City of Wheat Ridge. The report MUST BE SIGNED by the Homeowner. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. 1 further attest that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be per _red and tlat all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 91gnature of OWNER o ONTRACTOR)�Circle one) Date ' 1. This permit was issued base n—thr infrTm—ation provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180.days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Isuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a perniit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regglation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201902220 PERMIT NO: 201902220 ISSUED: 10/17/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 4950 Ward Rd EXPIRES: 10/16/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Cover over ballasted EPDM roof with new Mulehide 60 mil EPDM; reuse ballasted rock - 65 squares total I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. 1 further attest that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be per _red and tlat all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. 91gnature of OWNER o ONTRACTOR)�Circle one) Date ' 1. This permit was issued base n—thr infrTm—ation provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180.days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Isuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a perniit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regglation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat. Pjdge Cos,AmuNITy DEVELOI'MENT Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 29' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: Permits(cDci.wheatridge.co.us I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Date: 10 � Plan/Permit # it , x � Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: LAqp-'K) — Lim(() "Oyu z x b Property Owner (please print): t�,_kej-)Q \NNC7)At Phone: lM-t a5—W1A_3 Property Owner Email: V�C_Nm�1� Q� �C��� . r fi Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) ysAmi Fks� c -c Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: �A9U3 NOVO V1. City, State, Zip:Oat— M ZCjC)3 j Architect/Engineer: lei / A Architect/Engineer E-mail: N I A Phone: N%% Contractor Name: ����1��� �S i�• City of Wheat Ridge License #: t!) 1 Z 5_9__ ` Phone:' Contractor E-mail Address: For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): Lc� U -C7 ,C C_� ,Phone: .� CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): { ��( �a�,� C�� S1 u 1(.�1 Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all highlighted fields. ®COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. boolc&t�1 on ex\N 'Vk . _ cal new Mvleh�de b0 rn � 1 �YDN(,bb�.K) . exSStir,g baAQSitc-1 Sq. Ft./LF BTUs Gallons yn Amps Squares _kJ5 For Solar: KW # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Square Footage: _ Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any pen -nit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (C NTRAC R) or AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) ONTRACTOR Signature (first and last name): DATE: ,4 Printed Name: PAX� tc---, A . ho t 1 elm ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Building Division Valuation: Product Data Sheet MULE -HIDE FR 60 and 90 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE (PRE -CLEANED) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Mule -Hide 60 and 90 mil thick FR EPDM membranes (Pre -Cleaned) are high performance non -reinforced membrane that stands up to tearing, impacts, punctures and normal roof traffic. The elastomeric properties of the EPDM membrane compensate for thermal shock and building movement. EPDM membranes provide excellent resistance to ozone and aging. The membrane is manufactured in accordance with the guidelines established by the RMA (Rubber Manufacturers Association) and meets or exceeds the ASTM Standard Specification D 4637. Fire Retardant (FR) EPDM membranes are specially formulated to inhibit spread of flame and meet or exceed code body testing criteria for fire retardant roofing membranes. Mule -Hide EPDM (Pre -Cleaned) membranes are available with in -seam tape that is pre -applied to the sheet BASIC USES Can be used as a elastomeric single -ply roofing membrane for new construction and re -roofing applications. Pre - Cleaned 60 and 90 mil membranes are used primarily in Fully Adhered roofing systems, but can also be Ballasted. SPECIFICATIONS Mule -Hide 60 -mil and 90 -mil Thick FR EPDM Membranes (Pre -Cleaned) Physical Properties" Test Method Specification Typical Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 412 + 10 +10 Weight, Ibm/ft (kg/m ) .060 0.35 (1.7) .090 0.59 2.9 Tensile Strength, min, si M a ASTM D 412 1305 (9) 1600 11.0 Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 300 465 Tear Strength, min, Ibf/in kN/m) - Die C ASTM D 624 150 26.3 200 35.0 Factory Seam Strength, min. ASTM D 816 Membrane Membrane Modified Rupture Rupture Resistance to Heat Aging' ASTM D 573 Properties after 4 weeks @ 240°F(116°C) Tensile Strength, min, psi(MPa) ASTM D 412 1205(8.3) 1450(10.0) Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 200 280 Tear Resistance, min, Ibf/in(kN/m) ASTM D 624 125(21.9) 215 (37.6) Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 +1.0 -0.5 Ozone Resistance' Conditions after exposure 100 pphm ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks Ozone in air for 168 hrs @ 104°F(400C) Specimen is at 50% strain Brittleness Temp., max, deg. F de .0 ASTM D 746 -49(-45) -49(-45) Resistance to Water Absorption* After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (700C), ASTM D 471 +8,-2 +2.0 Change in mass, max, % Water Vapor Permeability' ASTM E 96 0.10 0.03 MAX. perm mils Proc. B or BW --See continued on next page -- Revised: April -2017 PDS 09-1310 Page 1 of 3 Product Data Sheet MULE -HIDE FR 60 and 90 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE (PRE -CLEANED) SPECIFICATIONS (continued) Flexibility / Torsion DMA @ -40°F ASTM D5279 N/A 225 MPa Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) 0% No Cracks No Cracks Weathering Xenon -Arc, total irradiate ASTM G 155 No Crazing No Crazing exposure at 0.70 W/mZ irradiance, 176°F 7,560 kJ/m 41,580 kJ/M2 80°C black panel temperature 3,000 hours 16,500 hours At 0.35 W/m irradiance, 176°F (80°C) black 6,000 hours 33,000 hours panel temperature Fungi Resistance ASTM G21 N/A 0 nogrowth) *Typical properties and characteristics are based on samples tested and are not guaranteed for all samples of this product. This data and information is intended as a guide and does not reflect the specification range for any particular property of this product. **Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or complexity of the test. However, all tests are run on a statistical basis to ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting. LEED Information Pre -consumer Recycled Content 5% Post -consumer Recycled Content 0% Manufacturing Location Carlisle, PA or Greenville, IL Solar Reflectance Index SRI 9 PACKAGING Mule -Hide 0.060" and 0.090" FR EPDM Membranes (with and with -out tape) are available in a variety of sheet sizes with widths up to 40' and lengths up to 100' long. Contact Mule -Hide Products for specific sheet sizes. BENEFITS & SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENTS • Can be installed over a variety of roof decks • Outstanding weatherability • Sheets can be pre -taped for labor savings and consistent seam placement • Requires no special equipment to install • Available as a lightweight system • Full line of pre -taped accessories available CODE APPROVALS/COMPLIANCE A variety of Factory Mutual Ratings, Underwriters Laboratories Classifications and Miami -Dade Approvals are available. Contact Mule -Hide Warranty Department for additional information. Meets or exceeds requirements of ASTM D 4637 for Type 1 non -reinforced EPDM single -ply roofing membranes. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Fully Adhered Roofing System a) Approved insulation shall be attached to the roof deck with an approved insulation adhesive or approved fasteners and plates. b) The field of the roof is fully adhered to the substrate with Mule -Hide membrane adhesive. 2) Ballasted Roofing System a) Approved insulation to be loosely laid to the deck. b) Roofing membrane is loosely laid over insulation and ballasted with washed river rock or pavers. Page 2 of 3 PDS 09-1310 Revised April -2017 Product Data Sheet MULE -HIDE POLY 60 and 90 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE (PRE -CLEANED) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (continued) 3) The membrane is required to be mechanically attached at the base of all vertical surfaces, roof edges, and angle changes greater than 2:12. 4) All seams are to be constructed with seam tape and tape primer, and checked for voids. 5) All details will be done in accordance with Mule -Hide details. 6) On projects where a Mule -Hide Standard or Premium Warranty is requested, an authorized Mule -Hide representative shall inspect all completed work. This is only a brief summary and not the complete specification. The Mule -Hide Specifications, Details, Technical Bulletins, and associated documents should be thoroughly reviewed prior to starting any project. Contact Mule -Hide Products for additional information. STORAGE & HANDLING • Use proper stacking procedures to ensure sufficient stability of the materials. • Surfaces may be slippery when wet, or due to frost and ice build-up. Exercise caution to prevent falls. • Exercise care when working near edge of roof. • Store Mule -Hide membrane in original wrappings in a cool, shaded area. Cover with light colored, breathable, waterproof tarpaulins. • Pre -Taped membranes should not be exposed to prolonged jobsite storage temperatures in excess of 90°F (320C), otherwise the shelf life of the Pre -Tape may be affected. • When using pre -taped membranes in warm, sunny weather, shade the tape end of the rolls until ready to use. • Mule -Hide Pre -Tape has a shelf life of one year. PROTECTION & SAFETY Mule -Hide maintains Safety Data Sheets on all of its non-exempt products. Safety Data Sheets contain health and safety information for your development of appropriate product handling procedures to protect your employees and customers. Mule -Hide's Safety Data Sheets should be read and understood by all of your supervisory personnel and employees before using Mule -Hide products in your facilities. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The information given on this PDS is subject to change without notice. Always check the Mule -Hide website at www.mulehide.com for the latest information, changes and updates or contact Mule -Hide Products Company at 800-786-1492. DISCLAIMER The statements provided concerning the material shown are intended as a guide for material usage and are believed to be true and accurate at the time of printing. No statement made by anyone may supersede this information, except when done in writing by Mule -Hide Products Co., Inc. Since the manner of use is beyond our control, Mule -Hide does not authorize anyone to make any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or any other warranty, guarantee or representation, expressed or implied, concerning this material. This product may be eligible for a Mule -Hide warranty, please check the Mule -Hide website at www.mulehide.com or contact Mule -Hide directly at 800-786-1492 for details. Buyer and user accept the product under these conditions and assume the risk of any failure, any injury person or property (including that of the user), loss or liability resulting from the handling, storage or use of the product whether or not it is handled, stored or used in accordance with the directions or specifications. Mule -Hide must be notified in writing of any claims and be given the opportunity to inspect the alleged failure before repairs are made. Revised: April -2017 PDS 09-1310 Page 3 of 3 Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Comme Permit Number 18844 6/ 14/2005 Inspection L/ne ti`~°~'"~~°` 303-234-5933 rcial Tenant Finish PROPERTY 4950 Ward Rd Unit: otvxER: gA WyatU Wyatt Business Pazk (303) 933-9444 DescripHon Tenant Finish. Tear out interior walls and add plumbing for 6 spas, 110-electrical for spas. (Nail Salon) m4v Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Fcet: wtl(y Wat tM aelbock d'ulaom Propoeed bY Ihb permit aPVhretl^e art aeearate, aetl do vol vbla[e apPUmb4 atlh~vee0. rnW w np,Wtlem afH- CNy of W{e m mvwun4 saumeots or ratrkllane ofreroN; IM1at a meuurtmmn ehows, and aDeqatlom mode ve waenle{ Wat I have mad "d aeree bObNe byilw orislM an tb4 zool's+tba and that Iavume full rtepmeuNWry for rnmptl"tt Mlh We When Rbee BuWle{ Cotle (U9.C.) and 0 oWr ~ppllnEb I lL. peemit w'u iuved In attortl.nce wllh [he pmWbv xl forN lo yoar apptlutloe md Ysubject W Ne bws ef We StYe ofCobrando avd ro We Znu1nL R"uYtlov and BvJding Cade of wM1eet IUd¢q Cobndo ar aoy oM1u opplluEk ordinmw of Ne CYty. 1 ThbpeewX~4.11e+plrei((A)NeworYau[hor4edbnot<ammeoadwlthlndzty(60)J., 6oniuueE~teor(11)tYebaYdlng wuNOa4ed4wpsMdor WavOOUd for . perIod of 120 days 3 ItNh peruil expMe0. 0 oew prrWt mry be acquirtd Wr o fa otoeo-luCOe moun1 norunlly rtqv4W, pnvldd uo cW W Yme beee m wU be nWI la We orlsiosl piw md specifleationc and any ampensbn or Waedosmeet hu oM em.deC ooe (1) yur. V WoLe+ue maCe ^r u,°Wtond°° °rMa'°d°m°at exexd, me (I) ywq full feu NW be peid for a oew permLL 4 Nowaeka(nymmneraholl6eEOneOn w01 e4an{e[heontnNOOwofwahrneMOL+drafteC[. Pmkalew~ S Cmo-mcbrAubuo[IytheBUlWluelnapectortwenty-kur(21) hounlnWviettforAt loeptalowaadAalleeMVemintevwmvaImWpMiweWbNore. proeeNlvp wlth tettmlve pAun of the Job. Tuesday, June 14, 2005 Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Pertnit Number: o~ W"E"p BUILDING INSPECTION UNE • 303•234-5933 Date: ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION PropertyOwner:~/'!, ~/,qF W~/i•'~7t l3~/S1Ib~~.SS cV~ Property Address: 5! g 5 0 jAi /c-0 27D. Phone: 303 ~3 3' y y~ U Contractor Liccnse No.: Company: //'V C Phone: 'j03 9~ 5-v2~E,.~ OWNER/GONTRACTOfi SIGNANRE OF UNOERS7ANDING AND AGitEEMENT Buildina Deot Vaiuation Figure: $ Io 060 ' 1 hereby certity that the setback distances proposed by Mis permit appliotion are acarate, and do not vwlate aDdicable aAinances, rules or reyuWtions of the Ciry of V alue: $ W heat Ridye a oovenanb. easemenb a restrictions of record; Ihat aY meawremenb showri, and albpations made are acwrate: that 1 nave read and aprce to abide by all Permit Fee:$ conditions printed on ttiiis applicaUOn and Nat I assume (ull responsibliry fa compliance with theWhaatRidpeBuildingCode(1.B.C)anOaNOUierapplicableWheat P1an ReviewFee:$ Ridge Ordinances, for Nrork urbei this parmK. Plans sub'ect to field inspectla~. Use Ta7C:$ C. (OWNERMGOHTMCTOR):SiGNEO wt ~DATE~'"~~~5 Total:$ C (OWNEN)(CONTMGTOR):PftIHTE f~4A7 4 V A4-~ DATE "O yO Use of Space (description): T N AAv' F/N 15 ~q n1 j~ ~~N /4 rv i Descrition of work: ~ / p 11G ! iU"r'<i~~C~ L~=-t..! lS ~2c%~ '~J~~~Jr..~ •-~ar //C -G/EcTiz~~JC_ .5 Sq. Ft. added (n P"S , C/llf~/L 73 f4 L-D/ll_) BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC ---SnF~ NGCO~wENT5 ApprovaC Zoninp: LF 9 DING COMMENTS: ' MproYJC L1 LIc Waas Ca.vMEr+rs: qpprovaC DEVARTVEwT Cor.Meni5: Approval: , :upancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: ElecVical License Na Plumbing License Company. c CompanY t>Wn 17~>6 c4c,f 5 Expiration Date, Expiration Date: License No: Company. Ecpiration Date: (1) TTis permit waa icsue0 in accadanoe with the Provisbns set foM in yow application and is wbject W the laws ot Ue SLate ot Cobratlo and b Vx Zmirq ReyulaUOns and BuiMinp Codes d W heat Ridpe, Cobrado or arry dMr applicabb ordinances oi the City. (2) This pamit ahaN exPpro if (A) the work auftr¢eE is nd commenoetl witliin sixty (90) tlays from issue dab a(B) the builtling authoAZed is suapsrWed or abandansd fa a pvio0 0(180 Cays. (3) ir ws vm*nn nxpi.es. a new vermrt mar ee swuirod ror a tee ot one-narc the ama,m normaiy reQugrea. pwaee m a,anges have been w will Ds nw0s in tl» orbnal Dmna and 3pecfio6ons aW uy susGension w abandonment has not eaceeded one (1) Yqr. M dwCes have bsen a N suapension or aWNdonment exoeeOa one (1) Yeu, fuN tees ahap be paid tor a new PertniL (4) No work M any manar a1wY bs Aoro tlW wiR charqe the naWral Ibw of vrater qwnp a Crainape probbm. (5) Contrsclor a1wE noft the BuYdinG kspxbr l*~ (21) Aain in advanos for aN inspections vW shatl receive writlen approvy on Ynpsdbn ord bstors Droceodw+O wdtlh siccessivs phasss of ths job. (6) The issuarws of a DwM a Ow eDDroval vf ArawirWs and sVedficaUa+s shaN rrot be oonatrued b bo a Pw^d fa, rror an approval of. am'vbWNOn of ttw Movisio^a of IM buil?rg oodea a arry dMr ordnance, bw, mb or repraEm. All plfn mrMw b subjM to MW Impeclbns' Chief Building Official v > c m ~ F R • ~ yI M W y 5 G W t 0 :a 6 L O C ~ LO Q z \ W W Lb M N W = O ~ N O Q ° `L A . Z ~ o ~ d 0 c ~ LM ~o ~ U L ~o • 7 ~ W ~ t M W \ ~ a t> ~ o _wE W G u I Z ~ ~ ~M W ~ W M = N ~ ~ LL O ~ V W V O i Z ~ 0 V ~ a L ~ O ~ ~ TW ~ W O J a 0 m rn N y y 3 m a ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~U Y Q ~ c y O N ~ ~ > d o~ ~ 0 C = 0 R d -0 r N 9 L C d O W N t > 0 t i N 01 C .C I ~ w c 0 W 0 C O o ~ O! FL N w C d ~ Y W d V c0i 'o r E M_ dd a o ; e W r ~ y 0 d t~ ~ L W O ~ d ui c .2 ~ O c o .o . OI d ~ ~ c d ~ .c w ~ m ~ d 0 0 0 e R a o; r cc L ~ N C L ` W 0 v } d t 3 s a W S s m' ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ I 0 c a m' ~ ~ 16 \l M C F Cl) r W > w ~ O Z 0 Fa- N ~ W 0 W H z 0 ~ 3 Q LL s rn .II..,.. O L O I : m , « v 0 3 U ~ m- ` z ° °0~ m tf' n 0 0 0 oam C~ y . U W q ~ C l t< U ° 9 ] -0N O O m „ a om~ J r~ F+1 ~ Q p ~ oQ V n m m t o m ~omm ~fl W LL WWmm t Q p W E c « 3 D '=r ~gl U V ca . °Ecm Y aN ~ ►.i ie m v o ps s ; .e - p ~ G m C t0 I I ' ~ mcm a mcmm U p 00 p :E -i¢O v LL V p..¢ ' 5 t e m t L p ~ a ~ I i N W a: 0 0 Q ¢ W Z 0 >1 b a E 0 U ~ ro R ~ Q. Q ~ Z U ~ m O ~ V L ~ 3 ] LO m It N p w - ¢ °a N w rc o ¢ w a ~ nL8?-96 Y38NIIN LNY3d m m v C N m U 0 c L `p U N n F ~ v O ~ c ; m C ~ rty g ¢ ~ 3 m U ~ t L 2T3 0 O r m U ~ ~ c o f6 E m c v a ~ ~ - U 00 L O a c ~ a ~ w L 1 V C Z Z 8 O J J LL w x H Q Q ~ o ~ m a ~ ~ C y 01 C ` E 9 a m c m ~ U N LL ~ € IL ; ~ ~ DATE: ~s -(7' 6 7 TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Building Department RE: c C) The property at 'Cct S~ W 0~J a'~` has been signed of£ by the Building Department and is ready for a CO inspection. Once the inspection has been completed, please inform the building department as to the status. Thank you. PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL Remarks: DATE: A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: Building Dept.Approval: Remarks Zoning Approval: ~ C, 0. Remarks 0/bl- 51- J- ~G . INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE INSPECTION RECORD k. usj ~:s4-5933 IOBADDRESS 4950 Ward Road BUILDING PERMIT N0. 96-2870 OWNER B. A. Wyatt CONiRACTOR Ojala & Com SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES NORTH SOUTH DATE ISSUED 4/5/96 EAST I TYPE OCCUPANCY West INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footin s Caissons Reinforcin or Monolithic Weather roofin POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical Ground Work Plumbin Ground Work p,k. L /,j Heatin Ground Work DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Rou h Electrical Rou h Plumbin AirTest Gas Pi in S Asc Rou h Heatin & Ventilation S (above must be signed prior to iraming insp6cti6n) Framin ~ c 4 ~ Insulation / 17,1916 . ~y • Dr wall nailin Roofin Refri eration Electrical under round FinaV Electrical Fixtures ~ Plumbin Fixtures Heatin & Ventilation Landsca e & Parkin R.O.W. & Draina e Fire De artment S Y~l Job Com leted 4CCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER aa.I W"'I.ntirplivllr' xl~0 WES~`~AVENGUE YHEAT Rlt3iiE, Cd $0215 P►oqertY qwner : ' PrKtprly Rddness: 4950 WARD RD Garttraftr LiCanSe No. : 18701 Company : BelCon Mechanical AND GAS PIPiNG OYVNEWCONTOAC'1'4R SIGNATt1RE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ' I~y ~~~Mq1.6Ntl~C dibta~ces Propcaed by this ~rtnd a Ncatbn are aeeurate, 46". . ' `pNlti:E'Ai61. G.a~sdlaqisrippNCabb N~MBe o~tor wmk under this peimit. l2} (i (6) ~ry~At12f?~M oaa~y~. kiF~res Y 11Fi! . ~Of li~eflhNl ~ 9fY:~t~a &I $11~Q ~"ISp~BCtG Phone : Phone : 623 2777 Construction Value : 53,900•00 Permit Fee : $63.00 Plan Review Fee : $0•00 Use Tax : $58.50 romi : ` s121.60 Bti1LDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Walis : Roof : Stories : Residen6al Units : Ptumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Comparry : Ecpiration DBte : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : w+pWi«~m.na m woee ro me uwa a me stacea cowr.ao arw m n» zawng ~pp~pb ~awnercee a cuy. 9n ebdy (bli) dari from lasue Oets a(9) the bWldinO aulhorized b weOaWeAor'me emount rwrrndy reauUea, provItleC m w~ nsve wen or uatl be mwe k~ uro q rrot extaetletl one (1) Year. lf cnerpae me mede or B suepMebn a AbandaimaM f wabr auiinp a droinape problam. lwiroe ror au inepactlons ana snall receive wdtten approvai on insvactlun epa cM«e " rwt bs coneWetl to bs a permk for, nor an sPPbwt a, any vWisyrn ot9ue ProvNiont E Building Permit Number : 2936 VAIL1D QN.Y NMEN SIGNHD BY THE CHIEF BUILDING IN3PECTOR ' CACL:' 294-5833 24 HOtfRS PRIOR TO INSPECTION n Qate : 4/18i96 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner :0~!QC C eec T c~- PropertyAddress: Contractor License No. : %0/ Company: "e7r, Phone : Phone : G-- z? z 7~, j OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnctions of recortl: that all measurements shown. and allegations matle are accurate; that I have read anE a9ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh t'dge ordi~nce~r work untler this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ ~ DATE ~f /d~9G Description : ' ~~,a~ ~ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Zoning : B~IldtnnMEAN= Approval: ~qb,liE W~C3itl~erits:! Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : _j rPlans.Re'qulred;, Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ,A Plans Required .;I m Company: Expiration Date : Approval: 91 rP;l4ns;&4410$9W (1) This Oermit was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions sel forih in yopur apphca6on anE is 5u01ect to the laws ol the State of Cobretlo anE ro the Zoning Regulations anA Builtling Code of Wheat RiEge, ColoraCO or any other apOB(able ortlinances ol the City. (2) This permit shall e:pire d(A) the work authonzed is not commenceG within sixN (60) days from issue date or (B) the building aulhonzed is suspenEetl or abantloned for a periotl of 120 Gays. (3) If Nis permR e:pires, a new permit may Ee acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount normally requireQ provitletl no changes have been or will Oe matle in the original plans and specifiwtions and any suspension or aban0onment Oas not encee0e0 one (1) year. If changes are ma0e or if suspension or aDandonmem exceetls one (t) year. tun tees shall be Oaitl lor a new permil. (d) No work ot any manner shall be Eone t0at will change the natural Bow of water causing a Oranage problem. (5) ContraCtof Sllall notily the Builtling InSpeCtor Iwenty-/oul (24) hour5 in atlvanCe lor all inspeCnOns and Shall reCeive writlen appmval on inSpecUOn caftl Oefore proceetliing with successive phases ol the lob. (6) The issuance o/ a permit or the approval ol drawings antl specifcations shall not be construeG to Oe a permrt for, nor an approval o/, any violation of the provisions of the bWltling CAOes or any ofher ortlinanCf. law. rule or regulalion. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor Construction Value : ::~~j6t-0 6125' Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEYELOPNt€Nt N+1- 238-2855 Building PeRnit Number 2955 4/23/96 • - PropertY Owner : prop9rfy Add►ess : 4950 WARD RD PMone : ContrBctpr trcense Mo. -1 18838 Ccmpany : ar West Enteeprises, Inc. Phone : 781-8820 OWNEWGONTRACTOR &IGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I her66Y oerdtY thot tYN.eeHlildc tkstemona. PfoPO$ed bY tM3 Demdt aDDketlon ere accuraM. (0wNER)sc0hrrRncr0R> srarye04& Description : T€b1ANF FINISH Approval t Znning : r Approval: ApProvat : OCCUpancy : Watis ; Cottipany : ExpiraHen Date : Approval : C2I (g) (6) (6) ~ / L f/ Construction Vaiue : Permit Fee : Plan Rev'iew Fee : Use Tax : Date $81.00 $0.00 $90.00 $171.00 Total Roof Plumding License No : Compeny : ExpiraUon Date : Approval : Mechartical License No : Company : Eupiration Date : Approval : prnuwns saronn xn r~aov~.na u w~sam-ms isws wtlM sma arcaa~eo.nda u+sz«~,p caoum~a em~ o~ ~wH~n°Wc~~ceo~01~aa s~`rtam or (9) me eWft awanzee Is awpendeu or id h not mmnsncetl . . . . . ne~lon albr a abend~OnmeM ftnwnount ~(1~y~r. , 7t dwqea ~ o~r M ePenSbn tt~~i0on~ment a~four 19= CvarwaW+ce ~kr rh rKWOZAT iecNveertiGen+PDrm'al on InMeCion c I rA'MKas. wInqs end apacmaUOne anell na oe oonawea m oe a pamx ror, iror an sppowd a, airy viaamn a me poweiom w. or repWaBon. . ~/41&t U THfS pERAINT YAUD ONLY WlfEN SIGNED BY TWE CHIEF SFJIIDINtG IN$PEC70R CALL: 234-3833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTiON MM. USE ONLY Stories : Residential Units : DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner: C~~~`ewsc, Property Address : (4 C w &.,-Q /t'~Q. Phone : ~g~3S Contractor License No.: Company : p c r~ Phone : 7PJ, Q? ~ ~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setback distances pmpased 6y this permit application are acwrote, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abitle by all conditions printetl on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridg~e ofrdinances, for work untler this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED~C. DATE zs - / Description '7~ ~ J 1wt1 Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls ConstructionValue: 600Q d~ Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: J sPlans:Req Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: M. Pl~hs Required Expiration Date : Approval: gi __Q , ic: (1) This permrt was issued in accortlance with the prwisions set forth in yopur apPtication and is SuEject ro the laws of Ne State of Colo2tlo and ro Ne Zoning Regulations and Building Code of VJheat Ritlge, Cobratlo or any other appliwDle oMlnances ot the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire il (A) the woB authonzetl is not commenceC within sixry (60) days Irom issue Eate or (B) the building authonzed is suspentle0 or a6antloned lor a perioC of 120 tlays. (7) If this permR e%Oires, a new petmit may be aCquireE (of a IeE Of one-half the amOUnl nOrmally r2quif2Q provided no Changes have Ce2n Of will be matle in the onginal plans and specifications and any suspension or aCantlonment has not exceetled one (1 j year. If Uanges are ma0e or if suspension or aOanEOnment ezceeds one (t) year, WII lees shall be paiE for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone Ihat will change Ne naWral Bow of water causing a arainage proDiem. . (5) Contrector shall notity Ne Building Inspector lwenly-tour (24) hours in aGvance lor all inspecnons and shall receive wntten appmval on inspxtion carE Cefore proceetliing with successive phases o( the joE. (6) The issuance ol a permit or ihe approval of Erawings and specifications shall not Oe construetl to be a permit br, nor an appmval of. any violation ol the provisions of the builEing cotles or any other ortlinance, law. rule or re9ulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ribEP11R't'MNT OF P#.AAlNING AND DEYELQPMENT Building Permit IVumber : 2911 N$~1f Ct' PEC ViCM~11T RIQGE 235-2EISS Date : 4l15/96 80215 Property Owner. ProperLyAddress : 4950 WARD RD Phone : Coritractar License No. : 1W61 Gomparry : Advanaed Eiectric, Inc. phone : 4312847 OWNER/CONTR7IGTOR 51GNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I herebvi cerliN that the aeffiedc dfstances prw0oeed 6y Nia permHapplicatbn are accwrate, ap~at~ti;d a I~ass4 u~fuN~na pn ~,~1oa~npby n wrt'~h Np ~~d on fhis . lia ~ NMSM Ridge BwMing Cade (U.B.GJ fnd all otAer app6cabb HM,at oYdinancea, for work utder thia pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTfiACTOR) SIBNED DATE DescripWh i TENANT FfNISW ELEC Piumbing License No: Company: DEPARtMENT USE ONLY Rpprovai : Zorring : Approv8l: ' APprovai : Occupan¢y; Walls : Roof : Stories Company : Expifation Date : Approval : m INN" (i) (2) (3) f63 ConsWction Value i $5,500.00 Permit Fee : $93.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $82:50 Total: $175.50 Residentiai Units : MeChanical License No : Company : ExpiraUon Date : Expiration Date : Approval: ~ Approval: fl M Ax~no9 1M~rqvy~ sel PoM In yopur ap~eatlon md k~q~ b 1M tawa of tt» SINe of CabrWO arM b tlre Zatiny . GoOm P~YyhB6t Colo w anY ~ epakaDb adk~m~cee W tho C~(A) fiewtlAc : b not mmmerMeE wlMm abdY (80) daya flom iewe d.k or (B) M6 budtlpp autl»rl=W k weperMetl rn aai~o aiww m~r os awuaea ror s reea onenan me arrwunc nommuv re~wrrea,pw wea no marqs+n.va nas~ or w~e bs maae m me and eya abantlonmeMhas not arzceadaE ons (7) Ymr. If chanpee are t~a a It awpantbn m abantlonmant 0#Mms~Lepairt~r~pem~ t er shop be 9aw tf~dw~ cla~ iM naWrnl lrow otwaror eswkg a O~e~npe Prabbm• . ~ Me quildhp MsaedartwenN•four (24) houn in advana for aR inapactlone anA ehatlreceive wii~an approval on ineP~~ card betore ~Ivs Oliafa of bb~~8 an0 speaflcatlons Mallnot De cons4uetl b he a pemYt fM, nw an approvel of, eM vlolatlon of Me piovisbnt oriNytlpMyN' b'~- ,ruleorropulatlon. THIS PLRNHT YkLFQ BNLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CFIIEF BUILDING IN3PECTOR CALL: 234-5935 24 HOUPiS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :~I 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : g* Uq40 Property Address :/-JIS 0 wM9-iA Phone : Contractor License No. : I566 1 Company : A'~,irLlcj A'4~- 2.4 , Phone : L/?11,7g'/7 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby eertity that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrietions of reeord: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions Drinted on this application, and lhat I assume full responsibility for co p iance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicabl eat Ridg q i, nces/ _for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED I DATE ~~"~`r 9G Description: Is~ Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : S, > x~) Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ Approval : Zoning : ~~llidin" 61if~ Approval : ~t~ b1i6=W~kk9~CSfiihiefits;! Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: A.. Plans.Re`_guired r;:: ~ Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Pla'irlis Required J Company: Expiration Date : Approval : A rP,ISns~t~ctKi~@~ (t) This permd was issued in accortlance with the Orovislons sel fotlh in yopur appliration and rs suDjecl lo the laws ol the State of Cobrado and ro tlie Zoning Regulations and Builtlin9 Code of Wheat Ritl9e, Colora0o or any other appticable ortlinances ol the Ciry. (2) This permR shall expire il (A) Ihe work autnonzeC is not commencetl within sizry (60) Oays /ram issue tlate or (B) the builtling authonzed is suspenEeE or ahandonetl tor a penaE of 120 days. (3) If lhis permil expires, a new pertnit may be acpuired lor a fee of one-half the amounl normally requireQ proviEed no changes Oave been or will De matle in t0e original plans and speufiwtions and any su50ension or abantlonment Oas not ezceeAed one (1) yeac II changes are ma0e or if suspension or aGanAOnment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl lor a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone Nat will change the naWral 8ow ol water causing a Erainage proDlem. (5) Contractor shall notify lne Builtling Inspecror M1venty-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspecaons and shall receive written approvai on mspection cartl Oelore pwceeCiing with successive phases o( the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specificalions shall not be construea lo De a permit for. nor an approval of, any violation ol Ne provisions ol the budtling wtles or any olher ortlinance, law. mle or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION QF pLANNING AND DEVElOPAAENT ~;I~ ~~i lIN~3PEG1'I~N: EHVF31'ON - 236-Z8$5 Building Permit Number : 2870 Date : 4/5/96 Phone : phone : 420 5656 QY4*RICt#WRAGtOR StONAFURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT diNanca Rn+P~~ Deapp~Ia~lon aro sara0e, ~IIq14~~~oN~. rWK ot i00 o~t tlw CaY otVVhUat RMlpe wkeaetlons .r........~. «,w.x~n.meMa ihwm. and a . Constructlon Value : $19,500.00 Pemit Fee : $207.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $292.50 Total: $499.50 tksCrlp~iott ; T'ENANT FINISH FOR CHALLiNGE TECH BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 6K4/4198 NO COMMENTS ' , Oocupmq; yyaft: Roof : SOories : Residenbal Units : E18cUkW;LIGShee Nd : Piumbing Lfcense No : Mechanical Lic~se No : Company : Cofnpa°y : Expitation Date : ExpireGon Date : p,oprpaf; Approval : Approval : ~ ~ ■ ■ r~ t1y ~.owu@wwinw.a~••~raninyow.~•~,aa an»~n.. am. acao~.ao .oa mu» zaa~w coaa~,rt~cda.do«.~rem.r~pp~pyam~..'a~:cny. m (N ry Wdk (s nOt OoI/M1Mnad wM10n th~l dM Amm IpiN AaM a(B) tlM b1~IdY10 wtlw~laed b WipendOfl af prM. d130 for e 1ae d arh~N IM rrouM noimYh raquNad,ppyy~ no clriq~s lww bsri awpl.be m~ in tlr CsI M1Mi .~1' a~ 1 UrenpM ao nwds d9 arp~n a ebendonnwM aManY Or~WO~vrortAYnatmc~d*done(t)Y~. f ~ 1'yWr. M fN►NM W p4d~~a~. y~unt , myYwNadUaamsbwtwMdwqsbrn~urjj awawer .beY~apapodrn• tqtlNnaeuYdnuJro.clobtxbMna-rourtzqnou.M.av.no.~orw wiaeroa,.owswdm,•vawamftpetimardwaro ~qN~i~~(~pS~d~psd~OmeMtlnatbecaneWeAbbeaPwM br, normappmyo W,wYvmati^dMD^ovw" op~yy p a~nrid. hW, tuN or rptAWOn. ~ry it~q Inspodor 7MIg PERMfT V11UD ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDMKi tNSPECTOR CALL: 2344933 24 HOUR3 PRIOR TO INSPECI'ION s~ Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 April 3, 1996 Mr. John Eckert, Chief Building Official City of Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29th Wadsworth Wheat Ridge, C0. 80034 RE: Challenge Tech 4950 Ward Rd. Dear Phil, CIN OF "FA7 RIDGE PLANNIN & DEVE OPMENr We have reviewed the plans for this tenant finish and have the following comments. 1. Site: 1. The address shall be posted on a temporary basis and shall be permanently affixed to the building in a minimum of 4 inch numbers. 2. Exits: 1. The main entrance doors will need to be provided with a sign stating, "This Door To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours." UFC 91 12.106(a). 2. The rear exit door shall be openable without the use of key or special knowledge. UFC 91 12.106(b). 3. Exit signs will be subiect to field inspection. Additional signs may be required. UFC 91 12.111(b). 4. Exit signs shall be placed on a separate circuit with a lock on the circuit breaker as specified in the Electrical Code. 5. Provide emergency lighting by night light circuit at front and rear door or battery pack emergency lighting at front and rear doors. IF a night light circuit is used, it will need to be on a separate circuit with a lock on the breaker. UFC 91. 12.11(b). 3. Portable Fire Extinguisher's: 1. Provide (1) 4-A rated, 10-b ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher, fully charged with current inspection tag, mounted not less than three feet nor more than five feet from the floor to the top of the mounting bracket by the front or rear exit door. UFC 91 10.501(a). Amended. 1. Need to submit information on any flarrenable or hazardous materials that may be stored or used and quantities of materials at site. 2. Any code requirements that may arise from construction. 3. Twenty four hours notice raquired for all inspections. Sincerely, At-S%teigieele-r Deputy Fire Marshal Arvada Fire Protection District DEPARTMENT OF PLA;VNING AND DEVELOPMENT Buiiding Permit Number : BUILDIfVG INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 75C0 WESl' 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner: 3,A, WKq~E Property Addrass :<1q so wAeD ?-OaD Phone : ConVactor License No. : 17728 Company: D~atA k coM?,4N1 , Phone: yzo•sesb OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certily that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restrictions of rewrd; that all measurements shown. and allegahons matle are accurate; that I have read and agree to abitle by all eonditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work untler this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED OATE Description : T'fuArJJ u~srd ~~FtAilAu4s TfcN Construction Vaiue : i 9, 5 00. o 0 Pertnit Fee : Use Tax : Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Zoning : Approval : ' lits:+ nw, ~ Approval tI fI `i`j Occupsncy : Wails : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electncal License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: _j Pfans R.equlred_;;,,;`J Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: ~ PlaFns Pequired Expiration Date : Approval: PXns;tt6 Qui (7) ThiS pertnR was i55uEE in aCWrE2nce Wrth (h2 prom5ion5 Set (ahh In yopur apphUUan and is SuDjM Io lhe laws Of IhE Slale Of COIOratlO and lo Ne Zoning Regulations and BuilOing CaEe o( Wheat Ritlge, Coloraao or any otner apOhwole oramances o11he Ciry. (2) This permrt shall expve d(A) Ihe work authonzetl is not commencetl wrtbm sixry (60) days tmm rssue Eate or (B) Ne bmlEing autlicnze~ is suspendeC or aban0onea lor a penotl o1120 Cays. (7) II this pertnrt expires, a new pertnR may De acquireE lor a lee of ane-hall the amount nortnalry reQUireQ proviCeC no changes nave been orwill0e matle in the origmal plans and specifications and any suspensian or abanUOnment has not exceetleA one (t) yeac If changes are matle or d suspension or aCanOOnment ezceeCS one (t) year, tull (ees shall be paitl for a new permR. - (a) No worK of any manner snall De tlone Inat wlll cnange ine nawral ilow of water wusing a drainage pm0lem. (5) Conlractor Shall noUty Ihe 8uilding InSpeC(Or Iwenly-fouf (24) hoUfs in aEVanCe lor all inSpeCLOnS an0 Shall reterve wntten aDOroval on inSpeCUOn UfC De(Ore prOG nng wiV1 SUCCe55rve phases o/ th2 jo0. (61 Th is ance qf a permit or the aOProval of tlrawings and s0~~~ica6ons snait not oe consvuea to Ee a permit (or, nor an approvai of. any vwlauon of the pmvislons IhE utltlinWCOees or any other ortlmance. Iaw. mle or regulaUOn. Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ r~ ROOST AND DEV~Lf:~PMENT Building P+ermit Number : 95-2256 lYi5lbFi - ~2856 Date :11/161~5 ~ 't~AY~NWE ~AE, CO 80215 ~ - ~ ' property twmmr : ' pcpprgtty AddMss : 4850 WARD RD Phone : t;OntacW Litense hla: : 11728 : campany : E)Jft & CompanY Phone : 420 5856 OWNERMONTRAC'i'(k2 $04ATii#!E OP UNDERSTAN6ING AND'A6REEAAENT Constructipn Value $17~,i10U.00 bY MN Parmk aro axurae. PAdYlit fee : i895.k~t1 and do nOt ~Nb d~ulat#i aDuNlfioau of tM~~Y1RAat t~s or of004 npild m9WAwm* stWwm, and aup.trons Plen Reviev+ Fee : $0.00 m~t~t~~ ~am~=~~~~~ Us~aTauc: $2,595.00 Cotls 4Li.8. .}i~~ fnrWrxk u~Wer thls petmit. (owr+MCM'rRA") BGNEG Dn'rE , Total : $3,490;00 Desaiptbn ; OFFIGE Bi1lLDiNC 3HELL BUILDING DEPARTMfNT USE ONLY 1 t~186 BUq.DiN6'3128E TO RERAAIN THE SANE ' Xt3~ir~p; p~U ORIGINAI. MR1M1T 2258 YItA81S$UED FC/R FOUNDA'1'ION O!lI.Y UN'M 0M4'li 8Y PYfI DEP'T Ap{~'pWB~f~:tiMEi~f1$MF6 ' yyaft: Roof ° Stories : Resitlantial Uniis : 0 EleCtriaai LiGatloa No:11$ g ti 1 Plumbing Lir,Wee Fb ; MechanMea[`t,leen§a Nb : Gon+PWW : WA~G"F-13 SIuLS.+c, can,panY : c°mpany, : , Exp• ExpiraUon Date : Enpkabon Dite : Ap I►PProva1: ApProYal: ' ~,y ~ " «a. ~ wsl+assa~•~raarm «oxu:a'r~ r..d+~.~wcecaa.~a«a~c~n.zan~no (z) ~ nn~ct~or•M w AW (e0) do" mM,ro+u.awa(B) ft bdcft .umwweawAprasa« (s) KNR ~ ww toratesMOtoetliManaiMnamW~l+e7~M.7f~usa:e~tMS~ndona a~ . ~yy ~qy~*py~~cr ner ~ ~emseaeaaiaN)`rar ( N ,~'aa►~ = iNl~k rAd" kwdwlMratliah3~qspoiWa'+~ . . . ~dprbbos+ttY-~+t~lhanNia/"u~1WW N. W andMaYtaotlwWeG6MWPaval on tapaw caidOslbro . antl epe~r*WI nol bs cmetrwtl b bs s PMmR tor,'na an ~pqwN d, e~1Y NoWbn af Ms prcvieloM y. ~PqwN d Allf ` M~ WMr`iaw., ~uls a ropWatlon. . . Ch lnepechar J$For MaT-WHEN SIGNE FERNNT UrALID M 1%MLL• 2344913 34DHOURS PRIOR TO I~NS~PE~GTTOJ PECTOR ANb MkYQR - 2 1 - 9 5 T U E 1 5: 2 6 O J A L A A N D DEPARTNIENT OF PLANNiNf3 AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF YYHEAT RIDGE 7300 WEST 29?H AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Parmit Number Date :11l16i95 ProPertY Owner : Pwperty Address : 4950 WARD RD Phona : Contractor License No. : 17728 Company : Ojala 8 Company Phone : 420 5656 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING ANO AGREEMENT 1 hBfeby a and Co not M BWVrilO. *W RWy! Or arq $xpationa d On lMs t Rldpe BuUdinO Kqib Portnlt. . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED.,4 Description : FOUNDATION TOTAL FEE HAS BEEN PAID COnSbruCtiOn Value : $173,000.00 Pemtit Fee : $895.00 Pian Review Fee : $0.00 Usa Tax : $2,595.00 Total ; $3,490.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : SM 11lOi/95 Zoning : PCD I APProval: BUILPING'S USE TO REMAIN THE SAME BLDG Approval : GK 11M6195 PlRMIT PENDING APPROVAI.OF TMESE oocuMtn w.r.urc Occu an STUDY,EROSION31J1NDFILLfDUNIPINCi PERNpT p~~ Waiis ; Roof : Storbs : Reakiendal Unils : 0 Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Compeny : CompanY : Expiration Date : ExpiraHon Date : Expiration Date : Approval : APProvaI : Approval : ~ ~r ■ ~■o■~ ■ ~~■~r 1ni.oom+t wrawwkaowramMrxnmsm~ a1 ram ~nyopvIaW~m ma r wW~ btlNl~Mdtlr5hl~MCdor~tloand btlroZonkp ~ aepurouoravwg~q~p coa~awnw~~+oneoawnrenN..ppir,weMwna.M tlr°cnr (t) Tnls Oe~ ~h~A apN~ Y(!1) Yr wak I~ nol eomm~nud WtlYn ~rb M~ dys f~a^ I~aw Aw a(B) IM M~INnO wNMzed U wsPencletl a WendaMbr~pMWdd1~M . lrtnro aermt exWroe, a new mw a ~oWdred tar. aa WoneMM Ne ~ma,nt namrM roa*eo. voN0e0 ro charoN new bwi «wln oe mMe N+ me „n.:,.~ M...~..M .b rn.u■osnYm a WrMannrd Iw not amMOed ans (1) Yaer. tlUUpe~ ~ro mM~ Or M ewpx~fon er NrmlomiroM ny'~nnr~MRMdD/~tlNtwnemnp~uriwum~wvarww.r .m.~+y.r~,.~~~.,w ~oYN x~• ~q M~'~'•~b-~~ t~) now~ N~av.na. ar w «~a.n41 raaw. wRw, ~pprevu en inapecua, eara natera ltl10u0CNNV0oM ~N 010 0. ~ af~ Oe~mlt atM ~CO~ ~MwNp m0 ~O~MUtbm eMA not Ee aonemiea 7o ee e M~t b. nOr M rOpovY M. PM v~etlOn W me provh0o~re q eor oNaElphnna~ ,ruMaMpA~tlwi. ~ ~ - -~~'-.L/~ /S/ ~<~Q, ~Ca.,..~~P~ Zlf ing InspBCtor or Mayor ~r~ ~ ERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAY R CAI.L~ 234-693~ ?A HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 40M:3044 DEAAR"fiylEN7 aF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-2256 BUttDtNt3 lNSPEG'f10N DtY1S10N - 235-2855 ` CfTY OF YVHEAT RIDGE Date :11/16/95 7500 VYEST 29TW AVENUE WriEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropeAy Owner : Property Address : 4950 WARD RD Contractor License No. : 17728 Company : Ojala 8 Company OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT R . 1 bereby certily tAat !he setbedc dbtanaes proposad by thb portnil applicafion are axutaM, and tlo not vio7a~ Ibatb oNdininces, nil~ or repulaNOiu M the City M Wheat RWge or covenaMa, e~p or roatrid)onsof reeord; Uiat WI mewuremeMs shown, aM albpations moda are aavrak; ffiat I have read xWap eee to abidbv all condHiona prinled on this applkation, and that I assume Np tespqmiDNiN for lianae witf~ the Wheat Ridgs BuiWing Coda (U.B.C.) snd au.other applica6lq~eat ancea, for work under this pamift. ' ~ l . Descripdon : FOUNDATION ONLY BUT Approvaf : SM 17109/88 Zoning : PCD ApProval : ApprovaP:GK 11M6195 Occupancy: FEE HAS BEEN PAID BUILDING'S USE TO REMAIN THE SAME REQUIRED PERMIT PE STUDY,ERI Walls : Roof : Stories 'O 41 Mechanical License No : ,(,J~J., Company : Elechical license No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : 0 ~r (2) (3) (5) ~ey DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Phone : Phone : 420 5656 ConstrucGon Value : $173,000.00 Permit Fee : $895.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Taz : $2,595.00 Total: $3,490.00 OF Residentlal Units : 0 Expiration Date : Approval : 0 is eub)W Eo IM laws N IM Steta of Cobrado anA b ths 2oMny en M tlie Cily. Yom luw tlaro or (B) tlia bud01rV auUaiized h awpantlsC a b(1)y~r. Hdianpesms~laEBaN~ or abondonmeM smw ~y me ewp~mnp qpnnenry•rour (zq mure m wvence (or ali ftpecmns ana ohW roceive xnipen ePDmW on impaOon artl boMre ~ ipe~nnH~p~tlN.MM~v d~mvlnps aM epadflptions ehell mt bs !o be a epadRatio pwmR for, nor an appoval uf, any vblatlon d yie proyWons . a~ryr otlrer , law, M tapidalbn. ~VTA2'4- L--O~ r ing lnspector For Mayor PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIONED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234.5833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 12- Plumbing License No ;/;7 Company :~3EL Go,u Expiretlon Date : Approval: r DEPARTMEN'.C OF PLANNIN6 & DEVELOPMENT REQIIEST FOR PIISLIC WORRS REVIEW D'ate: Case/Building Permit No. Location: (.i,'~ Ple $~e view the t ached materials submittad in application for approval of a<~VIP.~~ O-~~iCe , and indicate your decision on those items check below, and please add~ther comments which you may have under number 18. 1. = Boundary Closure: L_ OK _ Not OK; rafer to Stipulationa 2. ~ Area: Acres ? 3. Drainage: a. Drainage plan (and report) needed b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: _ OK A Not OK; refer to stipulations 4. NPDES Permit Required 5. Legal Description: n OK If not okay, please explain: Y ~ _ Not OK; refer to stipulations 6. ~ Public Improvements: a. Street paving needed Y(0 b. Curb & Gutter needed Y c. Sidewalk neede.d Y d. Street Lights needed Y C2~~ e. Storm Sewer needed Y N f. Escrow required Y ~J I f E s c r o w r e q u i r e d, f o r w h a t i m p r o v e m e n t s? I n w ha t amoun t? 7. _ Development Agreement required If Yes, for s. ~ All necessary documents have been initiated by Public Works and are attached hereto: - 9. Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? Y (T-) 10. ~ 11. Is a State Highway Access Permit needed? Y ~ New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: Nc If yes, what is recommended: Y a) 12. _,C All existing dedicated roadways and alleys meet the atandards of the City: Ym If no, which do not and what is requested: 13. ~ All existing and proposed dedicationa have been reviewed and found to be: x OK _Not OK; refer to numbers 11 & 12. 14. ~ Appr al• he Public Works Department has reviewed this request and her by g' es i~s approval, subject to the above and/or attached S 15. 16. 17. 18. Date The Public Works Department has raviewed this request and does not approve Por the reasons stated; Signature Square Feet Data Stipulations attached: Yes ! Nn./ DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: Summary Comments: of G0. As\PLAN&DEV.FRH (FORMS) ~ - Recarded at o'clock........_..bI., 792224 . Reception No. ~ uV r FR.A. ED OF TRUST, Made thia 2nd day o4 N t~ a Q Myatt,Jr., a ...Recaia4: I . . fd-E Bt b- 26632 6'72 JLlriB .-197L., between the grantor herein whose addreeaje 10100 W98't 218t PZaC9, Lakewood, Colorado, 802 County of J9f f 6 PS Oll and State of Colorado, and the PUBLIC TRUSTEE of the County or City and County in which the property described below is situated, in the Nr State of Colorado, ~ ~ Witnesseth: The Gzantor to secure Y1Q9~.' promissory note(IQ bearing even date herewith, for the total principal 0 5umof---Eighty ~`hoysan~ gn~i no/100---------+»-------~------ - - - dollars, payable to the order of Triur ow . r ess.Dn Ruth Dormer Ericsson an,d John M. F~ricgsorie ae joint tenants, thelieneficiaryhereinw osea dressi 4~h 1,1.8[J' Teller Street, VV1C$t Rldg8p Colorado , after the date thereof, ivith interest thereon from the date thereof at the rate of 8-,11 percent per annum, principal and interest payablc in monthly installmenta of $71 .67 from June 2, 1q76 to January 15, 1977 and commenci.ng January 1~, 19'j7 said prncipa~ and interest payatle in monthly installmenta of $9~0.00, each payment to be made on tr,e 15th day of each and evory month, after d¢te for a period of ten ears, (120 months), at whiah time principal baiance shall b.e payaUle in full, each installment when so paid to be applied first* does hereby grant and conyey unto said Public Trustee the following, described property, situate in the „ t of Jefferson State of Colorado, co wst:All that part of Plot One (1) , f8F~(J~LAS GARDENS South of the Colorado and Southern Railroad and lo Three (3) kICHOLAS GARDENS, Except portion desc ibed in ~ook 01; at Pa e 3~5,'except portion deseribed in Sk 10}1 at Pa ge 522, xcep~ n~r~ion descx~ t~ed 3n Boo~ 1580 at Page 399, exce t p rtion escr be in ~ook lb~}5 at Pa e, except portion escriEed in Book 001 at Pa~e 1{.zl, except por~ion desqribed in Bq k 2091 at Page 392, zcept por ion described in Book 2706 at Page lb~, anc~ except that pa f Plot 3 described as Pollows: Beginning at a point on the South ine of Piot '3 which is 10.0 Peet East oP the SW corner of Plot 3, ICHOLAS GARDE~• thence North, parallel with the West line of Plot3 distance of 22 .b Peet to the North p3~ p rty line; thonce West alon he North proper~y line a di•atanG$ of 18.~ feet to u goint on the est line of Plot 3 which is 229.b feet North of the SW corner of lot thence South alon~ the We,v t line of Plot 3 a distance of 22 . eet o the SW corner of lot 3:/-z~~:,-w- f thence last alon the South line Qf Plot a distance-of 10.0 feet, more or qp(q~ pr pq7+ ~p']t pn }}}7~~~eS 7j'77~~ ~{!n~p?7~~ (pq~thor with and sub J{ect to an acc ss ~6 A~RD ~H6LD~~eemeF'~to¢~thter ILfi~R ay~ui[enaS(l~2: n~ASeAevertheleee, thot in caee o( de[avit in the veymrnt of eaitl note or any yert thercof or intereet thereon, or (n the Derformance of anY wvenenta hereinafter eet tarth, then uyon the beneficiary (nate'holder) filing noticc ol election and demand [or eele, eaid Publle 74vetee, sfter advertiefn¢ noNce of en{d eale weekly, [or not leae thaa fovr weeke, in same newnpaper ot generel circvlation in enid county, ehell eNl esid Droperty In the manner Drovided by lew in [[ect et the time of fiiin¢ euid nulice vnd demend, nt yublie euction far cush, at nny proper piaee deel¢nated in the notice of eale. Out of the proceeAs of said eale eaid Truetee ehntl rewin or pay firet all (eee, eharges end coa4 and all moneye advaneed tor texee, insurenee and essesamenb, or on any Drior encumbzence, with in- tereet thereon, end pey the DdvciDSl nnd (nternt due on eeid note. renderin¢ the overDlue (i[ eny) unto the ¢rflntor; and e[tee the expiration of [he Limc o( rcdemptiun, eaid Trvatec ehnil ezecute end deliver to the Durchaeer n deed Lo Lhe DroDerty eold. The bene[iciary mey yu[ehaee eald D*oDeKy nr jmy pert thereof at euch eele. The ¢rentor covensntn try t Aetg t e( de I n o[ thme r~ Ia e<ixe~ of .dDra8Detlrtuy in f eiymD1<, engd thaL ea'+d DiogDerty te (reeo(encumbranen.~cep+~rjZS~O~W`dy,ycovellfl~3aflY1C19Y'68LY'1C~213aOI~ PBCple'Q881116 t'.8~ :sto the paym ent of the interest on the ar~ount of princiDal remaini g unpaid, ani3 the balance thereof credited to the principal: Grantor s all have the rih to ma e ^iJn'7cipal orepayments in any amount without jJ2dT''t~~I ~anua aYor~e~prdxtehdld covere¢c nts to the benetleinry, nnd will Day ell taxee md eseecemenG a¢ainet caid Dra b Oay inaurance yremiuma, taxn or amounG due m pr(oi encumbrsnce, become nddiHOeel indebtedneee due hereueder; end in caae of foreelosute. 1 PREPAYMENT PENALTY: Prepayment of payments of $~715.67 from June 2, 1 sub3act.to penaltv of W.of the Dr daea eum a ~O the mount eQUal to the unpaid balence o[ eaid no4 with lose Dayable y nnd amounie due on prior encumbran<ea, and if he ahall fall 6eneficiary may ney the e~me_gRd~allOn~oyete,eq u&YfIOe~Tl ill nar an attornev7 [ee o[ l'tl 8 ilti Ul tl ~ny amount in excess of monthly , to January 1, 1977, shall be cipal balance due on promissory ~ deed of tmet or the Ntla to eatd D*oDerty, the ¢ranWz e¢reee beeome xdditione! indebtedneas due herevnder; and the grnntor lon or uther exem0tian now or hereofter yrovided by law. et or n breach ot any of tha covenenta hereln, then enld Drincipal become duo and Dayeble at ance, nnythin¢ in eeid note to the ered.tq ;ha beeefteiary, aad on falluro to deliver auch yoeeceaton ipWI bY mby coprt o[ comvetent jurisdletion. fa1%tAc.iqtngillue: p'nd..the uee of eny ¢end<r ehsll b< uDClfeuble W rtll Ylnd«e. AII of the Covenanb he[ein lhall b! DITtlInQ uDOV tne Teapecs~ve heire,- peJeohol~rebtebentativea, eutceeeon and aeeipne of th¢ nirtlee herem. . ' Ezecute he r en r tirstebove written. ,f~li., - - L---- ~ • Wyfl - ~ STATE OF COLORADO. '_"""_"'"_'`;SeL( •L~Couo~lof" ~2"_ ea ' ~ J The fore¢olve inetrument wen acknowledyed before me thie 2nd deyof June%...~.. ..ib.bry• B. A. Wyatt, Jr • _ L : i ' ~ Ml Commleeion uDti'n j \Vimea: my hend nnd of[icial eeal. 1 .r , CJ - . . • /jy~ - ~ No4rf Pnblic. . ' . / -J i~ l .un DEED OP 1RU9T TO PUBLIC TRU9TEE.-Short Form.- " ~f -Drad[ord Publiehing Co., 1324-4G Stout Strect. Denver, ColornAa -q_~"~t4t~ 2862 872 C ~ 0 s \ y ~ ~ ~ z O. ~ ry~ ~ ~ ry J ~ V S z r~j p 5' ~ ~ n 7 r10i ~e m d m.~ ~y ~ ry y : f S N M~ Q F: . y! . . Ai ~ . _ . : 0 . ~ N 8 tl' O~1i a. n. . . y ~e ~ ~ y w w O ~C. . d• . . . ~ . ~ - . . ~ . . , ~ . , . ~ . . ~ NO. 922B. INBTALLhSENT NOTE. -Sradford Publiehin¢ Co.. 1824-16 3touL Strcet. Denver. Cobrado (678-6011) -2-76 $8 o.x ooo. oo . Tuna.... 2............ is...76 APter dBtOS ...............for value received, I........... . . . ................................promise.to pay to the oider o~'?~~'low_..E..__. Eric.sson,._._Ruth Dormer Ericsson and John .M..._Ericsson.._as ...joint....tenants.._w.ith.._r_ights....... of ..survivorship , i -~Dollara . . the sum of..-."~........ .Eight~ Thou9and arid ri0..100 . f'I' 85 Teller Street 1Nheat Rid e and ~ntere~t ...IA.O.T~. }1~..~f.... .tFia.~.X0.Ari att't... . ...............L.................................~a...i...., said principW PayableI1 co~o~&do........ of ~$71 . 7 from ;l~a'ie 2, 1976, to Junuary 15p. .1977_r....And.._co _encing. JaY]tiiary 15.......19 77~'~'~~sai"d~'..princ3pa'~"..ani~riterest payable 3 on~hly installmen~s of ~900..00 each payment .to be made. on. th ~th._day._of . . ~"ears 8~'CYi"'ai]cT""'e'very"'mori8'fi',a ter"°dat~'e"; fo'r .....p......er. io o~' t~ 1 y , FQNOafzcXxxx.xx~WxCxA ,xac~(120~mont at ch time princi ba c 1 be able in u 1 ea h~ t b app~~e~ to ~~i~ p.a enthe _~,inte.ret~ ori ..t.. amoun~_.g~iprinci . . remainin~~'tmpa~tH;..... ttYiiA t'9 . cTi~e fo . ~tIie priricipa IT L4 AGREED t 8 thL no b not yatd when due or derJared dv hereuade the DHoci en n Intermt thereon ahall drnw intere+t et the rate of__ lo___Der e r onnum, md thet fallu» to maka an~ Dn e L o[ e1 mLwhm dua or en1 de(nu1L under nny encumbraace or a¢mment e p thfe aote eLall uoeo the whole fn a at the lntereet to be covnted ee Drio<iG+l et t6c oytiov of the holde of Ae note. The malcen and endoxvm ha eev yrom or Da9m~4 PN~t. notlee of noe-yeymme snd Diota4 end eYree to{`~(1 sknaion of tlme o1 DaymenL ~nd y D sm , t or tet turity, end it thL note or intereet t6ereau na e oun ca~ m fo e] re a-- I. not Id whm due.~ol.6lt is 6rw¢ht, a¢ree Lo DaY dl reuon.ble ll Ior atto ey e[eee. o bl ..0. . aJ • - . .:..k.'.-~i?:' _ . - ~ MEMORANDUM OP PA ENTS Date of Payment Paid on Interest Paid on Principal Pays Intereat to Amount Paid I Bslance of Principal Received by °,swith i - right to tnake a ter anuary L rinci a . 1 7. re a Prepa ents in an ent of any amount amount i ithout excesa enalt of o , e , , o snuary , , sha b . . a . J . ^n _ _ - ~m~,._.___~ ._..~,..-•-<^F- : L~ ~ ~ I 9 al al 0 'o 'o ~ 0 0 a z i w M y N Q y N C ~ c ~ ~e M ro w ~ v ~ y n w . . . . ~ . . . r r ~ ~ Z O ~ m \ ~ DEPARTNiEWT OF PLAFINIRlC AND QEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEA"f RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIUGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : ! . , 17728 Phone : Company : Ojala & Company Phone' 420-5656 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : 173,000.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate. P@ffT11t FBB : antl do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that aIl measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax : application, antl that I assume full responsibility for com liance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat dge r i ances, for work untler this permit. Total: $0.00 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE 10-20-9 ~ Description BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE O Y~ Approval f,n,. ~IL-UiN6S v5E ro Renanu Zoning : pav ~E SAME ~ ~v e~[ttl~t _ ei~~ Approval: ~5#~G:i~VY~ iiY~~"~.^~, I~P,~`D DoW^'~GnTS 'CSCMCr 2e V-rD ~ ~°"^LG of 0~0~1 P~¢""t ,.~a, ~rc~v~n(~ RPP2°.rA~ oy ~(4~5C 5~~. ~(7atri. g.rvv~/ ~tL.+sl~n Approval : c, u,r~flF~w~9.,.np~•.q TJO'P+^ Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicaf License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : A,pproval : Approval : Approval * : a~/, 'd.ry.'mm'"oliffo.~~ Z4 ~r`P~,x~iis;R~quiPed (1) This permit was issuetl in accortlance wiN the provisions set foRh in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the Stale of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wlieat Ritlge, Coloretlo or any olher applicable ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work aulhonzetl is not commenced within sixry (60) tlays trom issue dale or (B) the building aulhonzetl is suspenAetl or aDantloned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normatry requireQ provitled no changes have 6een or will be matle in the original plans antl specifications antl any suspension or abantlonment hes not ezceeded one ('I) year. If changes are made or rf suspension or a6andonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No woB of any manner shall be done lhat will chanqe the natu2l Bow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Cont2ctor shall nolily the Builtling Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for ali inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inSpeIXion card before proce ing with successive phases of the job. (6) The s nce of a permit or the approval of drewings and specificatlons shall not be wnstmea to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the pmvisions of e b Atling'codes or any otherAinance, law, mle or regulation. uilding Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION OJALA & COMPANY 6425 W. 52nd Avenue Suite 1 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 (303) 420-5656 r6L 06 ~~UCTEEa oW ro \U~rl=~~:`T C~'10 J = DATE I _j y Y JO! NO. _ •TTENTION RE: ~ I~a 4~'G ~ WE ARE SENDING YOU pi Attached ❑ Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings l~ Prints ❑ Plans O Copy of letter ❑ Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION A,? A,3 ,SZax36 > THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: * For approval . ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections .k For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ 190 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS (r-FvA~,.- COPY TO SIGNED: ~ 40%PreConsumerConiant 6 10%PwtCOnaumerCOnmM once. If enelosures aro not as notea, kinaly nonh us st n~M c.~ ..R mu~ vimrmmT1m ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit_copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ Samples following items: ❑ Specifications ffm'0~~~a". ~'~d<~_..:. . ~w.~ ~ . t DEPARTMENT OP PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-2242 'BUILDING INSPEGTION DIVtSION - 235-2855 Date :11/14/95 CITY bF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WE$T 39TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 4950 WARD RD Contractor License No. ; 18247 Company : AJPha ElecVic, Inc. QWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Phone : Phone : ConsVuction Value : $495.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $7.43 Total: $52.42 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residendal Units : Electricai License No : Plumbing License No : Company : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Expiretion Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (t) This Oan*wes Iseusdirt aoooNenoe wNh tlts Droww" amfam in Yopur eDWkation wM bW p~t b tha Inw dths Stale d Cobretlo a~d ro ths ZonNq Rq{UY~tlpnf en0 Bup~p COde d VNbatq1~e Cobfbo or anY otlroreppNe~bb ortlinanoes d Iha G~j. (2) 7hy pemd( ylwp mr . h't 1~UM wak sutllol~zetl ia rrot ConxrMnCed wNNn aWy (80) deYe hom lewe daOB a(B) the buildin0 aWloAsed la wapeMed a auanaonW ror qamMd o(;3a (3) Nthb P~~ ~fe6 ~a Mw maY for a fte Of one-half N8 am0unl mrtnelN teQuiretlIXo~ or a~~mB~M qpyrel pl4ne a'M.e sM aMwepen ebn a NwiWonnianl haa nM eaceeded aro (1) Y~r. 1t ( mc~esds ane (7) Yesr, a~l feaa Ntr ne vMdfor a newpe~t. NowakMeM'mfnnerN~6edon~~e~tlp~ulpxdYtlwnpeihe SnaOrNllowofwpxaueYq edreMeBePmbkm• w~itli of ths ~H-tatt (2i) laun in aMance kr all fnaP~s and t~all recelve w~en ePP~~ on ImDecdai eaN bsrore b«,. ~a°° n~~aan~a'nce~. u~w~°`n, "~or rcau~e enaii ~a oa consauea ro ce a a~n r«, nor an aaa~~ a. am Waeuan a ma v~eia+. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CI1LL: 234-5833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Descrlption : TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION METER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company ~I~50 (.I~QYCL IC(~ ~1c~5 AtphcA Eiee+rIc-jv\L. Building Permit Number : Date : Ud~ z Phone : Uwrvtrut;UrvrRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the satbaek distanees proposed by this permit application are accurate. and do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Vuheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restnctions of reeortl; that all measurements shown. and allegatlons made are accurate; that I have reatl and agree to abitle by all wnddions pnnted on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Bullding Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe t R-i-dg~e ordinanees, for work untler this permrt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE ~l DATE II flascrintinn - Phone : /l'z~' I ZS3 Construction Vaiue : Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : - ! BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : ~ . , Approval : 1Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No z,{ Company alphct lnc, Expiration Date : 7-1 Zg Icl -7 Approval : _j P(kns RBqaired : 'l Plumbing License No Company : Expiration Date : Approval: J, PfBns Required j (1) This perrtxt was Issuetl in accortlance wiM the pmnsions set forth in yopur applicabon and is subject tp the laws of Me SWIe of Coloroda and to the Zonirg Regulations and Building Code of VJheat Ritlge, Coloraeo or any otner applicable orCmances of the Ci . (2) This permrt shall ~0~~ of (20 the OaW.rk authonietl is not commencetl within sixry (60) tlays hom issue tlate or (B) Ne bullEing auNOnzed is suspentleE or abanEOnetlfora yS (3) li this pertnit ezpires, a new pertnit may Ue acquirM Por a fee of one-half the amount nortnalty required, provided na charges have been or wlll Oe matle m Ne onglnal plaos and specifiwtions and any suspension or a0antlonment has not ezceeGed one (t) year. If Uanges are matle or if suspenslon or aEantlonment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall be paiE for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be Oone that will change the naNral Bow of water causing a tlranage problam. (5) Contrector shall notiry the Builtling Inspector twenry-tour (24) hours in atlvance lor all inspecoons and shall receNe wntlen approval on inspection carC pefore . pmceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the appmval of drawings and SDecification5 shall not oe construea to be a permit for. nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of [he builtling cotles or any other ortlinance. law. rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Building Permit Permi[NI8e844 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 6/14/2005 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 Inspection Line 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Commercial Tenant Finish PROPERTY .4950 Ward Rd UnIt: OwtvER: BA Wyatt/ Wyatt Business Park (303) 933-9444 Finish. Tear ouY interioe walls and add plumbing for 6 spas, 110-electrical for spas. (Nail Salon) ~ `ES - . Fees - 'iDue USeTax___ - _ _I$108.00 - Permit Fee - 10 Totai Fees $271.10 _ = - - i CONTRACTORS I_ Name = license # _ - = - RNR Enterpnses {dba_Drai n Do;22304 [B~ Handyman Inc__ _~22305 ~Phone I 1303 988 4166 303 995 0266_] Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: o I haeDy m+eify Ntl the MEaek diet~ncea proyoxd by Ohis permi' vpplicatlon are aeeurme, and do mt violace vpplicable ordinvnces, rules or rtgulnlione of tM1e City of Whn[ Ritlee or tovmmtF Asemenls oor reseric[ione of recortl; that nll mevsnremcnta sM1Owq and allegalions made vre vttmvlq Ihat 1 M1ave nad vntl agree lo abiJe by all condi[ione prtehd on thb applumion, vnd that Iassume PoII responsibiliry for compliana with Ne W heat RitlQe Buildink CnJe (U.O.C.) vitl vll ather applicabla WM1eat RIJee ordlnanca, far work under tltls permit. - (OWNER)(CON'IBACTOR) SICNEO DATE 1 11i1s permlt wu bmetl in vmordmce xith the provuians ret forth in your applicvtian and is suLjeat ro tM1e laws af the Stne of Caimado and to dia Zoning RepWbtlov and BWlding CoOe nf WM1ev[ Ridge, folorvAO nr vny other npplicable ardinances of Ihe City. ] Th4psarmitNullezpir<lf(A)Iheworkaulhorizetlisnuc<ommmcedwichtnsixry(60)dnysGOmissueJaieor(H) thebuildingmflhoriutlismspendetlor abaotlooetl for is perlaJ of IIO Jnys. ] ItNhpeemlt ezP4N+inewpennilmvyhe¢quiredfora@eafane-hnlf[heamountnormvllv rtquirtJ,provitlcdnoehvngesM1avebeenorwillbemvdeinthe oripinal pbm and apecifaatiom nM vny empension or vbandomnent has ml erceedad nne (I) year. If thvnges vrt made or if euspcnsion or abmtlanmatl excutls ooe (1) Yeaq full @u snsll b<P+la for a nen Oennit. 1 Noworkofmymmnershall6edonethafwNchangelM1envturalilawufwatercvusingadrvinagepmbleni. S Cootracfor ,hallnoHfythe9uiltlLnglnspeetortwenty-four(EO) M1OUninvJVnnaefuralluryeatlomanJShvllremivexntimappruralaninapmtionnrtlbefun proceMine with aecesslve phases uf the job. 6 ]Ttiuuaotto(apamitorlhaappronlofdnwing.vnndapeei6am1on.shvllnol beaomweJmbeapermit fopnormappravalof,any vlolationuflM1e pmvbbne of the bulldivg mJer or vny other oMinmre, lew, rvlc or reQulz(ion. CMe(BWWIOglmpeator SIGNEDUATE Monday, June 27, 2005 Page I of I qE/22/2005 15:59 3032000120 RIO GRANDE ELECTRIC PAGE 91 ELECTRIC Phone:303-200-0113 Fsx: 303-200-0120 Tb: City of Wheat ridge Building dept From: Cameron Leathurby J►tfi: Kristy Payes:l Fax: 303-235-2857 Dsbs: 612212005 Re: Pertnit # 18844 CC: ❑ UrgeM ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recyde .This is to advise you that Rio Grende Electric is not instelling the electriral for 4850 Ward roed for & Mac Handy man servkes. Please remove R Grande 5ectric form the building permit. Please call if you have any queslions. Thank You, C/U►~'""'"' , Cameran Leath rby 1338 Teller Street, Lakewcal, Cdo►ado 80214 a~ m d a~ ~ ~ o a) o i. a ° . W y 'C ~N (3) . CL y . l0 . N..~ y. . . ~ . . CU. (D ~.m 0) ~7 ~ N 3 7 > > ~ 61 N b 3 . ~ . . a aa ;E; ~ M -0 W ° n ~ o to O m 0 0L ~ cn CO 00 U C ~ p 'a a~ ~ ~ . Q > ~~C E2 o LL Wro ~y~ Q CD . O . Z' N V T'a. d . . : . m ~ . ~ . ~ O o v °(i o ~ 0) LO ti ~ m-o fY ~ ro ~ yv m 2 a ~ i .0 0 . ~ . ~ ~ . C o 2:, D . U W . .~a ~ m E U :o y« n (0 N a ~ O sa U) T N ~O W ~ ~ m ~ o ~ ~ ~ 0 cn W ~ ~ a w .aa) ` a ~ Q a o a a ~ ~ (D m O Q E maa U ~ Z m 0 < = ~ z E Z O , ~ ~ FL-a3 0 ~ O n- v ~ d cyZ w n ❑ I Y \ ^ J L 3 V ~ 7 0 ~ V ~ 0 N ~ 0~ s . . c . ~ ~ (D. . 4- Vl ti: L ~ " ~ t U o H C ~ ,N o ~ A L . v £ z R . G O N C W N ~ tm ~ O Ra a :D ~ O CL Z Z ~ O Z O Z Z U J O N N = U) tL N N o w ~ w = V U s = ? W Q ~ ~ J 0 O N U o ❑ u \ a c w N c ~ V E V m o~ d C ' L p U N , _ _ . Date: < ; A Certificate of Occupancy 1 Completion ~ ' has been requested for: < ADDRESS: ~~1 S C~ ~~I AR~ R~ • ~ ~ PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE:a-m~ ~km ; : ; < Building DepartmentApprovaL ` ~ Remarks: ` ~Zoning Approval: ~ Remarks: < Public Works Approvai: < Remarks: ~ Fire Marshall Approval: (If Applicable) ~ Remarks: ; Z Sanitation District Appr (If Applicable) Remarks: 2 ~ Water District Approval: (If Applicable) < > Remarks: . , , ~ . . < < INSPECTION RECORD 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 235-3855 r'Insoectfon Llne (303) 2345933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site 24 Hours notice required for inspections Job Address l 1~ ' Type Owner Contractor ' Contractor ~ Occupancy INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FWNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Faotings/Caissons Semwall Reinforcing or Morwlithic 071)170 Weatherproof / French Drain Water/Sewer Service Lines POt1R NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Ui'- 7• Heating (Underground) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED FJectrical Service Rough Electric S O W-os Rough Plumbing °l Ai Test Gas Piping ' Rough Mechanical Insulation Drywall Screw FiNUs Ekx*ir-el ~7•i e s Plumbing 0 7- `-a < Mechanical Frame / interior Finish p7 R.O.W & Drainage FFe Department - ) Paricing & Landscaping 't'tNOTE: ADDIT IONAL IN SPECTIONS / COMMENTS ON BACK OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER