HomeMy WebLinkAbout4801 Tabor StreetSY ~tems OUWM ADVERTISING 2502 North Black Canyon Highway, Phoenix, Arizona 85009 •(602) 246-9569 • Fax (602) 433-2482 December 12, 1995 Mr. Glen Gidley Director Department of Pianning & Development CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Billboard Applications Dear Mr. Gidley: Chris Carlile of C& E Communications is authorized to represent our company in the following matters. Outdoor Systems will remove the second of our two billboards from 7701 W. 44th avenue in exchange for being granted a permit to install a billboard in December 1995 at the north side of I-70 west of Tabor on the Lakemont Center property. Yours, Robert M. Reade Real Estate Director CITY OF WVHEAT RIDGE nrPr~n nri~ DEVELOPMENT Phoenix • Tucson • Denver • Houston • Atlanta • Columbus • Louisville • New Orleans • New York City "W . ~ . . , . . < . . . . DERARTMIINT OF PLANNINt3 AND DEVELdPMENT Building Petmit Number : 95-2387 BUILDINt3 INSRECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :12/13/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 a3 9M Property Owner: Property Address : 4801 TABOR ST Contractor License No. : Company : OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGMATURE OF UNDERSTANDWG AND AGREEMENT or coVmERxconrrancroR> Expiration Date : Approval: 0 - pormiL Description : BILLBOARD 14' X 48' 32 FT BILLBOARD - 50FT SETTBACK, 5' SIDE YARD BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY A{lproval; Zoning : Approval: Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residentiai Units : Electriql License No : Plumbing License No : Mectfanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiradon Date : Approval : 0 (1> ndsparMtwasNau~edqMea (s) Th~psm~tlt~M~~s1axN~caw 2 a6arkonetl fa e W 1 (3) a #sVero*enow1 (B) (8) Phone : 337-3474 Phone : Construction Vaiue : Permit Fee : Plan Revievv Fee : Use Tax : Total $15.00 $0.00 $625.00 $640.00 Expiration Date : Approval : m aon...t r«m In yw~wpqr.a~.ua „~w Is weeaa nb uW. anb sumacwa.ao .oa w nb zowro ~ wNh7n aM~y i~~1vs~handbeue~CaEe a(B) Ine buiarp aWaAzatl k suepsMea or ror e he a one-harctlis amamt noimaRY resNNeA, H die'qeerio aiemW~ ~aM~ewbeen psraim a lnft a M i anbaInt.donma nthss naexoeeEed ons (1)Yax. fs p en w (24) I~wure flow ~ eda o na far ep •"eQ•mM stml rscaive wrM~n appioW m kapectlon artl bafas I aM ~D~adona eheN not be wnatruetl Eo be a P~ nor en approvW W. uN vblatlon N C~s provlebnc e a repWadon. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-6933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION = DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number Date 2734 3/11 /96 Property Owner : Property Address : 4801 TABOR ST Contractor License No. : 18129 Company : Dynalectric Co. Phone : Phone : 233 4488 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restric[ions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree ro abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume WII responsibil'Ay for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permk. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : WIRE SIGN Construction Value : $4,000.00 Permit Fee : $69.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $60.00 Total: $129.00 Approval : Zoning : Approval : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ 1GG-PID 3/26196 Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was isauetl in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur applicatlon antl is subiecl ro the laws of the Stale of CobraOo antl M the 2oning Regula6ons antl BuiWing Cade of Wheat RiA~e, Colora0o or any other applicable ortlinances of tfie Ciry. (2) This pertnil shall eupire if (A) the woAc authonzetl is not commenced within sixty (80) days from issue dale or (B) Ne building aNMrized is auspentletl or abantlone0 for a perioG 0, 20 tlays. (3) If this pertnit ezpires, a new pertnrt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normaly requiretl, provitletl no chaiges have been or wlll ba made in the onginal plans and spedficetlons antl any suspension or abandonment has not enceeded one (t) year. If changes ere made or N suspansbn or abandonmenl exceeds one (t ) year, lull fees shall be peia for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall ba done that will change the natu2l Mow of water causirg a tlrainage problem. (5) Cont2ctor shall rwtiy the Buildin9 Insceclor Iwenry-tour (2a) hours in atlvanca for all inspectlons antl shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliin M succeasrve phases ot ihe 1ob. (e) 7he Issu W a rtMt a the approval of drawinga and spedfiptions shall not be wnsWed to be a pertnit for, rror an epproval of, arry violation of the provisbns of the b Itll or airy th r o'nance, law, iule or regulation. Chief Iding Inspector For ayor T S PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner:lJ();,~",_A[a" ~~}~u i~~ Property Address : - F' d Phone: Contractor License No. ~ Company 1'IQ,eGI'r (L ~YYTanV Phone :r:~33 -`t4D g OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that tha selback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of reeord: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printetl on this applieation, and that I assume tull responsibi' tor compliance ith the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applieable Wreaidga ortlmancys~for work unCer this pertnrt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED_ (~:Zil/Y )~C~ Xd DATEJ_ I Construction Value : qG p ri ,hj Permit Fee : 04e UseTax: 60.0-s Total : Description: `Dke-,~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approvai : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Elec[ncal License No : Plumbing License No Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: J Pfans R:e'qulred_-~ Plans Required .I I f P,J~ns,it8qulfi= (t) ihis Oermrt was i55ueE m accortlance wiln the Orovisions set lorth in yopur ap0liu4on and is su0ject ro Ihe laws of the Slate of Calo2tlo and to ihe Zoning Regulabons and BuilEing CoEa a( Wheat Ridge, Coloraao or any other aOP~icable ordmanCes ot Ihe Ciy. (2) 7his permrt shall expire d(A) the work authonzeG is not commencetl wrthin sixry (60) tlays from issue Oate or (B) the bwltling authonzeG is su5pentleE or abanaanea for a penoC of 120 Eays. (3) If this permrt expires, a new pertnd may Ce acQUiretl for a tee of one-half the amount nortnalty reQUireE, provitleE no changes have been or will Ee matle m Ihe ongmal plans and specifiralions and any suspension or aCanOOnment has not exceedeE one (1) year. I( chanqes are maGe or d suspension or aban0onmem exceetls one (1) year. fu0 (ees shall Oe paitl tor a new Oermit. , (4 1 No work ol any manner snall be tlone tnat will change the naWral Ilow of waler causing a Grainage proClem. (5) Contractor snall notiN the BuilAing Inspecror twenN-(our (24) hours in atlvance lor all inspe ns and shall recene wn proval on mspecuon rarE Cebre oroceedung wiM successrve phases of Ne lob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval ol tlrawings and specdications snall not oe co tr a to Oe a permit for, no an pro v i ol. any violatwn of the Oravisions ol ihe OudCing codes or any other ortlmance. law, rule or regulabon. / Chief Building Inspector For ayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner : ~_~J' ` v ~ Property Address :[„QU'c -C~ iY'~'~ Phone :7~1_3t{~ a Contractor License No. : Company : C} ~ ~ Phone : p$b `b - ~ ~'63 4 9 - -,-t OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances pmposed by this pertnit application are acwrate, antl do not violate appticable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covanants, easements or restnctions of record: tha ay measurements shown, and allegafions made are accurate; that 1 have read g a abi by all conddions pnntetl on this appliwtian, antl that I assume full sponsi for c phance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appli ble W ~ ga rdinances, for work untler this pertnrt. (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) Description : ~q y , q S '?>2 r--} Construction Value : zlj IU-6 Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : ~ ~L' ` ` slc~lt v~,.~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONIY Approval: Zoning : 'P p Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electncal License No : Plumbing License No Mechanical License No : Company Company : Company Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : _j Pte[ns R§qutred " J _3 Ptans Required I 1 p~psmptN (1) This permit was is5uetl m accortlance wrth Ihe provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject lo the laws of the State of Colo2tlo antl ro[he Zoning Regulations antl 8uilding Cotle of VJheat Ridge, Colorado or any other appliwble ortlinances of the City . (2) This permh shall exprte R (A) ihe work authonzetl is not wmmencetl within sizry (60) tlays hcm issue tla[e or (B) the builtling authonzeC is suspendetl or abantlonea for a penotl of 120 Oays. (3) If Nis pertnit expires. a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normairv reQuireO, provitled no changes nave been ar will De matle in the original plans ana specifintions antl any suspension or aDantlonment has not exceede0 one (1) yeac If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment ezcCeCS one (1) year. full t2ES snall Ce paitl tor a new permit. (4) No work ot any manner snall be tlone that will change the naNral flow of water Cdusin9 a aramage problem. tl en approval on inspection cartl before UOns an (5) Contractor snall nohry ihe BuilCing Inspector tWenry-four (24) hours in atlvance fot roce iing with sucCessrve Onases of the joD~6) The ance O a pefmit Oroval o( tlrewings antl SPecifcation5 5ltall noI meo to be a Pe I for. n r an aPProval of. any wola6on of the PrOVisiOns of e wltling otles or any th ortlinance, law, mle or regulation. f ~ ,I ief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSP CTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION A{'P(LcJ261.- fJF St-DL.• F"mcf' M W-A'm..~-wi GN'PY"IAL- bF 41W LoEA711i'rJ R2.n:vL G'Dt.~ ~LE7rt?~2- Tu f3a~-latTJ~LNEb ro F+i-r~ ~cy-T) 81LG8ORliA rQm B-I zdNE L-DC/}jFja f}i 770/ W.yy%"~¢vF_. jo RE RF~'c~rEV ~ PcvSttpHT %0W-pe,eo~ ~~-ti12.(6)Ci) t;oto . CE:✓; Z'A-L. ~ - 147- oY BlLLf30LF+ED- 53_~( FT' / I ~ ✓ f~ ~ 3/~/~~ ~46PARTMENT OF PLAPININ6 AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 2849 BUILDING INSPECTION DNISION - 235-2855 Date : 4/3i96 CITIf OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AYENUE WHEAT RIDCiE, CO 80215 Properry Owner : Properly Address : 4801 TABOR ST Phone : : Contractor License No. : 97583 Company : Ed Winterboer r Phone : 722 3045 ~ 60,NlMCONTRACTOR SiGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $750.00 ( ceriHy thet the setbadc dbtances proposed by this pertnitapp~kation ere axurate, Pertnlt Fe¢ : $21.00 ~ violat~ a~ bb ordinances, rubs a ropuletlons ot tne cnY of Wheat Ridpe or ~eeis u rcstrictbna of recwd; that au msasuromems shaim, and allpauona Plan Review Fee : $0.00 f42 e icCUrats; Mat 1 hsve retl and agm W abldeby all caMkbns priMed on Mb " Npn and that I asaume fuA isspons il~tr tor oa~flance with the Wheat Ridpe Bulldi~ Use Tax : $11.25 {.B.C.} and all other applkable YVheat Ridpe adinarwes, tor worlc undx this pertnn. n.~~ o~..~i~`° DATE y 3-9 . ToTal: $3225 (biAMER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE biseription : 6' CHAIN LINK WITH SLATS -9' X 18' X 6'HIGH AROUND GAS TANK BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ' n~- SM-413196 PID Zoning : Approval : Approval : Gdcupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : `ElectricaI License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : d6itnp8ny : Company : Company : Eacpiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : '/ipprtlval : Approvai : APProval : ' (1) This PwM xwt beueA In xcadanca WM 1M ProWsions ssl foM In YoWr aPWicsHOn and b eubNct So the laws d the Strte of Cdaado m0b tlis Zonpq RSqUWynn WpBuIk1ho Cotle W yVMStRk1pe ColorWo a rry otlm eoWiable ordinsncea Mthe Cily. Duildinp aWwrhed b wspentled ar (2) 7M's pymit 4iW exqro RW IM worlc ei~tlwr~ed b not oonpnenceE wIM7n aixAy (80) dvY+hom Neua dats a(B) the mendqiNi Rr a perbd M 120 . (3) P~e~ xpkp. a naw meY Oe ac4~ for a Aea of maMM the &nount nwnnely rs"im7, om~bed rq Chanpat hevs Wen a wM Os nrtls N the rnC anY w~a WanOanmait ha ral exceWStl ana (7) yeer. It chenpes aro made or x awparubn a absntlannml ) mmwe0r ar (1) Y~, IuN bM M~ bs p/dd!a ~ nsw~nmL No wak danY mamsr ahrq M daryroy tlpr~l wriN durps Ms NUrW Ibw dwetx uusl pe drainape poblem. . C6 Cqo~Mcat~ yrq ~ phaeas ~ yyp pMisMY-lau (24) houn in aMante for all~kqpectlom end ahall rerve ca wrlllen aDWaN m Mupaeibn erd bdWe fh Nawnm d s DemYt a 1he aDW~I o(NavArW an0 sp~estlons ahsll not be mnabueA ro ba a D~H nor an aPMa+e~ 06 enY vbletlm dihs MoWeb^s at ury oNier nancm hw, ntla or npWatlon. wl.- ief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VAIID ONLY YVHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234d933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address Phone : Contractor License No. Company ,~IlwPhoneyS OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the selback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are acwrate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appliwtion, and that t assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appliwble Wheat Ridgep rdinances, for work untler this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNEDDATE'6'J__'f6 Description BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval eo,'K_ 4I*,/A1 Zoning : Pi p Approval: QO blic~W~iYk3•_Giifit~natitsq Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: ~ Plans.Reyulred Plumbing License No : Company: Expiretion Date : Approval: 7,V ;PIahsRequired Mechanical License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approval: r~ fQyitAN (1) This permit was issuetl In accordance with tlie provlsians set forth in yopur appllcation and is subject to Ne laws o! Ihe State of Coloratlo and ro Ne Zoning Regulations and Building Code ot VJheat RiEge, ColoraEO or any oNer apptiwble ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commence0 within si:ty (60) tlays from Issue dale or (B) the UuilCing aulhonzed is suspentle0 or abanEOned tor a penod of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit eapires, a new permit may Oe acquireE lor a lee ol one-half the amount normalry required, provideC no changes Oava Oeen or wiil De maEe in the original plans and speufications and any suspension or aCantlonment has not exceeEeO one (t) yeac II c0anges are matle or il suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (t) year, lull fees shall be paitl tor a new permit. (a) No work of any manner s0a11 be tlane Nat will change the natural Oow of waler wusing a tlrama9e proElem. . (5) CoNractor shall notiy the Builtling Inspector lweny-/our (24) hours in atlvance for all inspecuons and shall receive written approval on inspection rar0 Ee(ore proceetliing with successive phases ot the lob. (6) The issuance of a permit or Ne appmval ol Grewings and specifcations shall not be wnstruea to Ee a permit for, nor an approval ol. any violation of the provisions of the Cuilding CAtles or any other ortlinanGe, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buiiding Inspector For Mayor Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION \ i i~ i ,o l 1 1i OFFI GI AL ZONt NG MAP WHEAT RIDGE GOLORADO MAP ADpP?ER !ure !5, 1994 Laet {Zevieien: Jonuary 9, !995 OEPARTHENf OF RAW:IN6 AhD DEVfl.OPNB.R - 735-]65] ~ AREA RcQUiRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL '00-YEAR FLOOD 4'LAIN (APPROXiMATE LOGRTION) ~ ZONE DISTRIGT BOUNDRY PARGEVLOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNh'rE5 OWNERSHIP) UTY'_IMIT LINE - - WATER FEATURE ~ DENOT=S MUL-1 IPLE ADDRESSES NE 20 ~m o w~ SCALE i'.400 Date: v; ILI ✓ C & E COMMUNICATIONS. INC. 6023 S.W. View Point Terrace, Portland, OR 97201 1. Lcased Precnises. The undersigned, as LESSOR, hereby leases and grants ezclusively to C& E Communications, Inc., as LESSEE, the real property generally described as being: within Lot 1, Block 2, Lakemon[ Center Subdivision at the sou[hwest comer thereof which pazcel begins 50' north of the souW proper[y line and adjacent to the west property line of Lot 1, Block 2, Lakemon[ Center Subdivision in the city of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (hereafter identified as [he "Premises") for the putpose of constructing and maintaining a billboazd sign and devices, including illumination fixtures and all necessary equipment for a period of [en years, plus the period of time between signing of this lease and payment of [he ren[ deposit. The Lessee shall have the right to erect, place and maintain an advertising sign and equipment on the Premises and post, paint, illuminate and maintain advertisement on such strucmre. The Premises aze si[uated on real property owned by Lessor which real property is described as L.ot 1, Block 2, Lakemont Center Subdivision, which proper[y is hereafrer referred to as the Adjacent Real Property. A legal description of the Adjacent Real Property is attached hereto as Exhibi[ "A". A map of the Adjacen[ Real Property is attached hereto as Ezhibit "A-I". A description of the Premises on which the sign is to be situated is attached hereto as Ezhibit "B". Lessor and Lessee will stake the perimeter of the sign pazceL Upon a survey, diagram and/or legal description being wmpleted for [he sign parcel, the survey, diagram and/or legal description will be aztached to [he lease as Ezhibit "B". The access and utility easements to the Premises shall be described on and attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 2. Rent. Upon signing of this lease, Lessee has paid the Lessor as consideration for Lessor's entry in[o this lease [he sum of $500.00, receipt of which payment is hereby acknowledged by Lessor. Upon issuance of necessary advertising pemuts to Lessee and upon erection of the Advertising Struc[ures, Lessee agrees to pay additional rent [o the Lessor for [he first [wo years of the lease (which begins wi[h the comple[ion of erec[ion of the Advertising Structures) at Lessor's elec[ion, at one of the [wo altemative rent schedules: either a), a lump sum payment of $21,500.00 if the Advertising Struc[ure is erec[ed by December 31, 1995, or b), if issuance of necessary advertising pemtits and erection of [he Advertising Structure is delayed inro 1996, an immediate lump sum payment of $21,500.00 or equal monthty rental paymen[s over the first yeaz of the lease in the amount of $1,000.00 per month and over-the second year of the lease in the amoun[ of $1030.00 per month. Each year thereafter, beginning with the third yeaz of the lease, Lessee agrees to pay the annual rent in equal monthly payments beginning on the first day of each month. For the third year of [he lease, the annual rent shall be $12,730.80 and each monthly rental payment shall be 1/12th of the annual rent. Beginning with the fourth year of the lease and continuing through each additional year of the lease term, the annual rent shall be increased 3% each yeaz over the amount of annual rent paid in the preceding yeaz. Rental paymen[ shall continue ro be made monthly by L.essee to L.essor at L.essor's address of 632 Gold Run Road, Boulder, CO 80302, or at such other address that I.essor shall no[ify Lessee of in writing, in equal monthly payments on the first day of each month. 3. Ootion to Renew. Lessee shall have the option to renew this lease for an additional term of ten yeazs by giving 60 days written notice to Lessor of Lessee's in[ent ro ezercise its option [o Lessor. For the option term, [he aruiual rent for the eleventh yeaz of the lease shall be the annual rent for the tenth yeaz of [he lease plus 3%. During the op[ion term, the annual rent shall also be increased 3% per yeaz over the aznount of annual rent paid during the preceding yeaz of the lease. During the option term, rental payments shall continue to be made by Lessee on a monthly basis wiW payment due on the first day of each month. 4. Advertisine Structures. All strucmres, equipment and materials placed upon [he Premises by the Lessee aze hereafter identified as the Advertising Structures and shall be deemed to be fixture, but shall always remain the proper[y of Lessee and may be removed by Lessee in accordance with the terms of this I.ease. Lessee's ren[al w 4 payments will cease upon removal of the Advertising Strucmre from the Premises as a result of any provision in this lease. 5. Hold Harniless. L.essee shall save the Lessor harmless from all damage to person or property by reason of accidents resulting from the negligent act of its agents, employees or others employed in the wnstruction, alteration, maintenance, repair or removal of its Advertising Struc[ures. 6. Access. Lessor hereby grants Lessee and Lessee's personnel the right to ingress and egress over Lessor's Adiacent Real Prooertv for the purpose of erec[ing, al[ering, maintaining, repairing and removing the Advertising Structures including sign display, illumina[ion devices and related equipment a[ all [imes during [he term of the lease and for the purpose of connecting power from [6e power source to the Advertising Structures. Lessee shall be responsible for all costs and ezpenses relating to power wnnection an use of power relating to the Advertising Strucmres. ~ ~ V Lessor also gran[s and conveys aniasement to Lessee within the Adjacent Real Property described in Exhibit A for the pucpose, if necessary, of Lessee wnnecting power, to the Advertising Structure. A diagram and/or legal description showing the location of the easemen[ over the Adjacent Real Property is shown on Exhibit C. I.essor shall have the right to upgrade [he electrical service connection to the Advertising Structure used by Lessee, but Lessee shall only remain responsible for payment of the cost of power ac[ually installed and used by L.essee. 7. Easemen[ for Lieh[ and Air. Lessor agrees not to obstruc[ or pernilt any other person ro obstruct, by alterations to or erec[ion of structures on Lessor's Adjacen[ Real Property or by grow[h of trees, shrubs or other plants on Lessor's Adjacent Real Proper[y, the view of the advertising display or devices on the Premises in any manner whatsoever from vehicles using Inters[ate 70. Lessor grants to I.essee an easemen[ for light and air over any Adjacent Real Property owned or controlied by Lessor between the sign pazcel and Interstate 70. 8. Sole Aereement. This lease wntains the sole agreement of [he parties rela[ing to the lease of the above described Premises. Neither party will be bound by any statement or promises, oral or written, unless such statements, warranties or promises aze set forth specifically in the lease. 9. TiUe to Premises. Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, the Lessor represents and warrants that L.essor is ei[her the owner or the agent of [he owner of [he Premises above described and has fiill authority to make this lease. 10. Personal Propertv Taz. All persoual property tac or other tax associated with the Advertising Structures shall be bome by Lessee. Any assessmen[s levied or other chazges made by a city, sta[e, county or other govemmental en[ity rela[ing to the Advertising Suvcmres shall be borne by Lessee. The parties recognize that Lessee's only obligation is to pay [he personal ptoperty tac assessed on the Advertising Structures as it becomes due unless another [ax or assessment is specifically levied against the Advertising Struc[ures. Lessee will not be responsible for a prora[ed portion of real property tax or assessments levied on the Adjacent Real Property. 11. Good Faith. The terms and conditions of this lease shall be interpreted and applied in good fai[h by the parties. Each party agrees not ro directly or indirectly attempt ro circumvent the intent of this lease by means of transfers of real property or otherwise which would frustra[e the purposes of this lease. 12. Maintenance of Lease. Lessee agrees that it will not execute any mortgage, trust deed, contract of sale or other agreement which would subordinate the interest of I.essee to any such secured party, purchaser, transferee or assignee for any purpose including but no[ limi[ed to, foreclosure remedies upon default. I.essor further agrees that in the even[ of a sale, [ransfer or assignment of the Premises by L.essor to a person or entity other than the L.essee, L.essor will require such purchaser, transferee or assignee to honor all the teans of the Lease and to agree not to disturb Lessee's right, title and interest in the Premises under the Lease. In the event that a secured party requires an assignment of rents under the terms of the Lease, Lessee shall, at the reques[ of Lessor, agree to such assignment of rents. 13. Chanee in Ownershio. In the even[ of any change of ownership of the Premises hereby leased, the Lessor agrees to notify the L.essee promptly of such change, and the Lessor also agrees to give the new owner formal written notice of the existence of [his lease aad to deliver a copy thereof to such new owner. 14. Rieht of Firs[ Refusal. Lessee is hereby given a righ[ of firs[ tefusal to putchase the Premises in the even[ of the receipt of a bonafide offer to purchase by Lessor. Lessor and Lessee unders[aud that any bona fide offer to purchase will most likely include the Adjacent Real Property; in such event, Lessor will determine an appropria[e price solely for the Premises. Lessee shall have 30 calendaz days from the receip[ of a copy of said offer ro purchase to enter into a contract to purchase on equal or superior [erms. Should Lessee be either in default under the lease or shall fail to execute a contract for the purchase of the Premises within 30 calendaz days, then the right of first ~ refusal shall terminate. It is undersrood [ha[ Lessor is waenfly offeringQ~~e~for sal~~deent. n~ lv~srSl IU~ 15. Assienment. I.essee shall have the righ[ [o sublease, [ransfer, or assign its interes[ in this lease and its interest in the Advertising Struc[ures to another party. Notice of such sublease, transfer or assignment will be promptly given in writing by Lessee [o Lessor. All the [erms and conditions of this lease shall continue to apply to Lessor and to the sublessee, transferee or assignee of Lessee. 16. Removal of Advertisine Strucmres. Lessee may remove the Advertising Structures and related improvements at expiration of this lease or during We term of this lease if L.essee is unable [o obtain necessary governmen[al percnits. However, if Lessee has commenced making regulaz rental payments after the initial deposit, then Lessee may only cancel this lease by paying Lessor an aznount of money equal [0 12 months of rent under this lease. 17. Condemnation. If either all or a part of the Premises on which the Advertising Structures aze located or if the Adver[ising Stmctures can no longer be used for the display of advet[ising as a resul[ of taking by right of eminen[ domain, condemnation or the threat [hereof, or othet govemmental ac[ion, (including, but not limited to, revocation of permits for the Advertising Stmctures) dantages for the loss of the leased Premises and for the loss of the use of the Advertising Structures shall be awazded solely [o the Lessee. In the event [hat only Lessor may pursue a claim for darnages for loss of the leased Premises and loss of the use of the Advertising Struc[utes, Lessor agrees to pursue such claim for damages on behalf of Lessee in accordance with the instmctions of L.essee and further agrees to wllect such damages Ihat may be obtained and tum over funds representing such damages to L.essee. L.essor and Lessee agree to cooperate fully in implementing [hese provisions. Lessee agrees to be responsible for all costs, expenses, fees and attomeys fees inwrred for the benefit of Lessee in pursuing such claims for damages. A[ such [ime as Lessee is no louger able to adver[ise on the Advertising Swc[ures as a result of govemmental action described in this pazagraph, Lessee may elect [o cancel the lease. 18. Hazardous Materials. Neither Lessee nor its officers, agents or employees shall be responsible for any claims, damages or liabilities azising out of any contamination, generation, storage, release, spill, creation or disposal of Hazardous Ma[erials which may have ezisted on [he Premises prior to the execution of this lease or after execution of this lease unless cleazly caused by Lessee in its use of the Premises. 19. Successors. All of the rights and obligazions under [his lease shall apply to and bind the heirs, successors, executors, administrators, transferees, assigns and sublessees of the pazties hereto. 20. Disoute Resolution. Waiver of any violation of this lease by either party hereto shall no[ be constmed as consent to a later violation of the lease. Should a dispute arise over the terms of this lease which the parties aze unable to resolve, either party may request azbitration of the dispute by notitying [he American Arbitration YA Association (AAA). The rules of AAA shall govem azbitrator selection and azbi[ration procedures 21. Privileee Sien. Lessee agrees that L.essor may display a privilege sign below Lessee's billboazd during the [erm of this tease, if the privilege sign is approved by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge, without ezpense to Lessee except for the cost of building the sign. Lessee agrees to build a privilege sign for Lessor and Lessor agrees to reimburse Lessee for the cost of building the privilege sign. 22. Lessor's Rieh[ ro Purchase Advertisine Structure. Twelve months after the Advertising S[rucrures have been erected and advertising copy has been displayed on the sign, Lessor shall have the right of first refusal to purchase the Advertising S[ructures and the leasehold interes[ of Lessee for a guazanteed price and on the same oiher terms that Lessee offers to sell the Advertising Structures and its leasehold in[erest to a third par[y. The guazanteed price to L.essor shall be 42 times the monthly revenues derived from advertising on the sign. Monthly revenues shall be an average of those revenues received by Lessee from advertising on the sign over the 12 moo[hs preceding Lessee's submittal of an offer to sell to a third party. Any months during the preceding 12 mon[hs in which advertising revenues aze not generated from advertising on the sign will not be counted in detenmining the average monthly revenues. Lessor shall have 60 calendaz days from the receipt of a copy of an offer to purchase to enter into the contract to purchase for the euazanteed nrice and on equal or superior terms. 23. Lessor's Rieht to Advertise. During the term of the lease, Lessor shall have the righ[ to have adveRising copy displayed on the primary sign at the same price and on the same terms thaz Lessee offers to other cus[omers. 24. Erection of Advertisine S[rucmre. Lessee will a[tempt to ob[ain the necessary adveaising pernuts and to erect the Advertising Structures as soon as possible with a goal of wmpleting the permit and erection process 6y December 31, 1995. If Lessee has no[ obtained the necessary advertising permits and erected the Advertising Struc[ures by June 30, 1996, this lease shall be cancelled; however, Lessor and Lessee may mutually agree to extend the period during which Lessee will have the right to ob[ain the necessary adver[ising permits and to erect the Advertising Structures. 25. Develooment of Adiacent Real Prooertv bv Lessor. It is undersrood and agreed that Lessor is adding fill material (raising height and expanding banks uound the lake azea where sign is to be Iceated) and further understood and agreed Lessor shall be constructing an 8' plus walkway, landscaping and rcek berm azound the perimeter of the lake shore. It is also undersrood that such improvements to the Adjacent Real Property will not obs[ruct the view of the billboazd from Interstate 70. 26. Effective Da[e. This lease is effective upon siguing by Lessor and Lessee. Either party may record this lease or a memorandum thereof. This lease is being signed by L.essor in the presence of who has been ~ requested to sign as wimess. e I2~5/~5 I.essor(s) RobeR J. Vermillion Date Address: 632 Gold Run Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 Telephone: 303-442-7111 ~ Signature of Lessor(s) Date If Lessor is a corpora ton, the person signing for L.essor is an offi r or authorized agent of the wrporation whose title is /Y" , and by such signature, such representative of the corporation warrants that he or she is authorized to sign this lease in accordance with the bylaws and or resolution of the Boazd of Directors of the corporation. Accepted:. C& E Communications, Inc. Telephone: sY: 17''~, -'I~ Christopher Cazlile, President jbb/c&ecoMcolp/lease.2 ate C/ z`ens. wn cw. xa« I ~ x`i SEE s+ccr i _ p UKfY01li CEMTEII SLlpryi l~ ~ I 8 &OR rd fR 4pGE~ss6~ " ~ i ; f W . d~; • . J1= R ! s= ~r Mo ~~fp~~ A PAI ~L ~~~~r j ' ' ~ 'o%a . ~ i • ~ xr~ `at.wu~ ne~ T•~o` « t.rraa4irtJ u"ni.'i~ti:r. . ~'{f(IY~~M(.~tKllT I \'I fAtY[Il11ICYGt]O`Yfl \ . . ~ lt . rG}G 11Yt QR I . T.PO.B. . ; •f4+p / ~ ~ ~rcarm a ~ LUf 2 W . lelvz so m I S~ y'+~/ ~a.or ~~y~g . \ ~tza•' ~Je . eE~.~ oiza 'd ,y?• / . ; 1= ~w ~ M vrur~ ' ~Ti~_%~ '~Ctt ` • / . 1t0.0e' '~~y~ . -e ,~P . - . lN' . al0 uK ~ LKW S wr m ~r~~y~un ~ . -+c:s- wcn u+[Y[k i r F . . E ` sc ean scw . . - -L0T 3 ~ :ut9d accn.ns~s~ . u~~•, e 14, oxsom . ~---'rM . . W~E -0 • - . R . . . wss~ woiy ruF" . . . . _ . . . ~ y N IBMGE'DO% ~ ' . . . ?q OE ?RACT . _ . . . . ~ : . ~i . IOI.Lq iA~p~NS r F . • . . y . . . y, H0.lQ A EW . ' Mp•8l4f'( -`N F T773Rpr . . . O . . . c°Mas "ve.v !o, - C.U W _ . . ~3eo~ I L07 4 ~ = J = $o m ~xw m m r , 3 g h. q L W n . . . - . ' . . • . . a . ~ W ~~N ~r7: fi ~ COR. SW« : J ` ; J / ko/ =~,t¢rn~.-cd~s 0A` ' ~ ~R~ac ``9• ~y°_ oie- ~Nt ~aE4 ~ . S• CM 0- o« 2 .EXHaBIT entui(es, Inc.. - COVER SHEET 8197North 89rd Avonuo • Pooria AZ 85745 SIZE OF SIGN: 14' X `S HA6L• 5 ~'~RU 100~ WIND LOAD: 30 s ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE: ~O ps~~ft" C zoo ~s f ~-~t STRUCTURE DESIGN: W(FaC~roR oF2) CENTER MOUNT PARTIAL FLAG (col. loc. ) FULL FLAG (col. loc. ) EXTENDED FLAG (col. loc. ) mmmmmmmm~ - 1448. ! - l44$,3S ~ - ►¢48,37 - 144B.21 ~ - 144b.19 OFFSET ' ~C V-BUILD ANGLE OR 3 O FEET (MAX. OPENING) BACK TO BACK OR SINGLE FACE FOOTING DESIGN: Jt ROUND x SQUARE - SPREAD ~Sia.. ~h~`~BKAL E~~-\? SPECIAL CONDITIONS: IZ-UO-L°i44- TABLE Of CONTENTS CRITERIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CS - ( HEAD DESIGN- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H - l To H-S TORSIONDESIGN T - l ToT-3 COLUMN DES IGN- - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - C-t FOUNDATION DESIGN- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F-l PIPE MOMENT CAPACITY CHART - - - - - - ' ' ' ' M-1 { ROHERT LAIZU[i& PRESIDENT I ~ Ventures Inc. ~ DESIGN LOAD L~L -20PSFX3X12 (4 MEN) <,;:-'+200 REFERENCE HEAD DESIGN FRONT CATWALK FRONT CATWAIIC (MAX TRIB) - 720# STRINGERS - 5.8 X 2 GRATING - 3.14 X 3 CONN & MISC aoa mLe FC (~741A , JOB NO. SMAT. I Oi CALCUUTED BT ~Y C DATE ~-allkf(LQ CHECKED BY OATE BGUE - 800# (4 MEN/LEDGER) 11.6 PLF 9.42 PLF 2.58 PLF 23.6 PLF - SPAN 3'-0" USE AMICO EXPANDED METAL GRATING CAP - CONCENTRATED IAAD AT CENTER OF SPAN 100#/FOOT OF WIDTH STRINGERS (MAX. 14' SPAN) 1.0 F_ A*- Mmax - 23.6 X 14` + 20 X 3 X 14'' = 578.2 + 1470 - 2048 2 1024 g 8 USE 4 X 3 X 1/4 LL.V. Fb - 1.024 X 12 - 12.29 KSI (S - 1.0 IN ) 1.0 .C4 MEN LEDGER P-(23.6 X 12) + 800 - 1083.2 (12'TRIB) M- 1.08 X(1.5 + 1.5) +(.009 X 4.5) (4.5/2) - 3.33'-Y MIN. FLANGE - 3.24/2 X 3-.54K/IN USE W6 X 9 UNSUP. LENGTH 5'-0" USE 3/16" FLANGE M CAP - 101 K> 3.33' K CONNECTION DESIGN PER AISC HANGER TYPE CONNECTION K Mmax [.02 (3) 12 +.0236 X 12] X 4+.009 X 5.5 /2 - 4.1491 (12' TRIB) P- 4.149'-K /1.28 = 3.24K /ANGLE 3 X 3 X 1/4 X 4 3/4" ' 1 3/4" GAGE WP - 3.24/4.75 -.682 KLFti.65 KLF PREL. SELECTION TABLE b- 1 3/4" - 1/4 - 1 1/2" a- 3- 1 3/4 - 1.25" b' - 1.5 - .625 - .875" a' - 1.5 + .625 - 2.125" a' + b' - 3" p- 4.75/2 - 2.375" d' -.625" or - 1 - (.625 / 2.375) - .7368 M - [2.375 (.25)a X 36]/8 - .668 d - [3.24/2 X 1.5 / .668)-1] / .7368 - 3.58 Bc - 1.62 [1+/1 +?7368/ ` 2,825J _ 1.90 KIPS ~ FIANGE - 8 X 1.90 X 2.125 X.875 1/2 -.2768 IN>.25 (2.375 X 36 [2.125 X .7368 (3.0)) 108 OVERSTRESS USE <3 X 3 X 1/4 X 4 3/4 LANG W/ 1/2"4 DIAMETER A307 BOLTS V,,j - 2 Tqq - 3.9K ` INOTE: RESTRICT 2'-6" MAX WIDE ON 12' TRIB LEDGERS ^ R PRESIDENT & VenEures Inc. JUY IIIIL JOO NO. ' SMT.~ OF CALCULATED OY DATE GMELKED UY OATE SCALE CRITrRIA SPCCIFICATION CODG: I -11 L) P>C-- STLEL: ASTM A-36 FY - 36 KSI PIPE SECTIONS: ASTM A-53B, A 252 CR, OR APZ-SLX WELDING ROD - ASTM E-70 SERIES IAW HYDROCEN BOLTS - A 307 OR 325 TYPE "N" CONCRETE - MIN. COMPRESSIVE STENCTL{ OF F'C - 3000 PSI (150 PCC) AT 28 DAYS RCIIAR - ASTM A 615 CRADC 40 OR G[tADG GO (DGSICN BASED ON 2000 PSI) WOOD - DOUGLAS FIR I1+RCIi - 2iF WITH FB (REP. ) 1450 PSI FOUNDATIONS - SPREAD FfG. ALIAWABLG BEARZNC PRESSURE SEG SOIL REPORT OF UBC TABLE N0. 29 II ROUND OR SQUARE CAISSON FTG. ALLOWING IATE RAL BEARZNG PRESSURE SES SOIL REPORT OR UIIC TABLE N0.29 B~ 2 00 -1- W ITN- ~ f2.. o~F 2~ t/a c~l DESIGN LOADING WIND - PSF LIVE - FRONT CATWALK - 20 PSF OR (4) 200# MEN. AT ANY POINT REAR CATWALK - 20 PSF OR (2) 200# MEN. AT ANY POINT DEAD - SIGN rACE WT. 5/16 DURAPLY -.9375 PSC 2X4 (6 TOTAL HORIZ.) - .5691 PSF 2X6 (1 TOAL VERT.) - .575 PSF 7 LAYERS-PAPER AND CLUE - 416 PSF 2.49 PSP - 2.5 PSF WIND IAAD FOR U.B.C. p- Ce Cq q,s I EXYOSURE C(OPEN COUNTRY) p- DESING WIND PRESSURE Ce - COMBINED HLICHT, EXPOSURE AND GUST FACTOR Cq - PRESSURE COEI'FICIENT (1.4 FOR SICNS) q.s - WIND STAGNATION PRLSSURE AT 30'-0" I- IMPORTANCE FACTOR (1.0 FOR SIGNS) WIND VC OC Z1' 70 75 BO 90 100 110 OVLRALL O~S 145 l6•d. 20,~5 2r-~,6 31,0 HEIGHT ' p-iS Ce i.o6 2i.s . 24.~ 3o.q 38.0 46.D 20 1.13 1q.5 22.9 25-.9 12.9 40.5 44.0 25 l.lg '!-l.0 24.2 2'1,3 34-.'1 42.6 S I.Co 30 1 23 21,1 25.0 28.2 35-.a 44.1 53. 40 . 1.31 23.1 0 I 38.1 41.0 _6_9 43 1 252 0 201 3z.8 4l Co 51.2 (c2,0 q . . ~ 4 fjp 1,53 2?.O 31.1 35.1 44:6 54 5 Gb. j j ROBERT I.A1Z[JRE ~ PRESIDENT ' ~ I Ventures Inc. ; ~ ~ I JoeTFTLE 25;ro9r4k JOB NO. 9NT.1L.~ OF CAIWIATFABY ~AC- OATE_q&.1-5 9 CMECNED BY DATE 8CALE HEAD DESIGN REAR CATWALK REAR CATWALK DESIGN LOAD L.L. - 20 PSF X 2X 12 (MAX TRIB) - 480# ( 2 MEN) < 7::200 - 400# (2 MEN/LEDGER) D.L. STRINGERS 5.8 X 2- 11.6 PLF GRATE 2 X 2-(ACT 1.87) 4.0 PLF MISC. - 1.6 PLF 17.2 PLF SPAN 2' - 0" USE AMICO 1.87# GRIPMESH EXPANDED METAL - CAP - CONC. LD @ CENTER OF SPAN - 150# / FOOT OF WIDTH STRINGERS (MAX 14' SPAN) SEE SHEET H-1 USE < 4 X 3 X 1/4 (MAX 10' SPAN) MAX - 17.2 X 10a + 20 X 2 X 14~ - 1230' -#/2 - 630~ /STRINGER 8 $ F - .630 X 12/.577 - 13.10 KSI < 21.6 USE <3 X 3 X 1/4 b NOTE: (MAX 10' SPAN) (-K LEDGER P-(17.2 X 12) +(20 X 12) - 446.4# M - .45 (1.0 + .5) + .009 (2.5' /2) - 703 USE W6X9 UNSUP LGHT 2'-6" Mcap - 11' K > J03`- K CONNECTION DESIGN PER AISC HANGER TYPE CONNECTION ~Imax -[.02 (2) 12 +.0172 X 12] X 2.5 +.009 X 2.5~ /2 - 1.744~~K (12' TRIB) P- 1.744 X 12/9.375 - 2.23K WP - 2.23/4.75 -.47 KLF <.65 KLF PREL. SELECTION TABLE SEE SHEET H-1 FOR CALC OF <3 X 3 X 1/4 CLIP. USE <3 X 3 X 1 4 X 4 3/4" LONG W/ 1/2" DIAMETER A307 BOLTS PER AISC HANGER CONNECTION K 23K/ 2 BOLT / 3" -.37K / INCH USE 3/16" FLANGE CAPS .61 /IN ~ 1 ~ ROBERT LMLURE ~ PRBIDENT & Ventures Inc. Jos rrtu clo 11 Josrro. -sNi..l.._s-a w,Lcinwrco w ~ oAta cNCUao sr w'S 14 X 48 6 UPRIGHTS CONN. CM. FF. V-BUILD nESIGN CRITERIA - 14 X 48 MAX TRIB. AREA 8'-0" - 6 UPRIGHT DESIGN MA}C UNBRACED LENGTH - COMPRESSION FIANGE CANT. LENGTH 14'-0" BACK TO BACK CATWALKS TO CONNECT BOTH UPRIGNTS Mmax -(30 PSF WIND) X 8 X 142 /2 - 23.521-K/2 - 11.76!-14fiTPRIGHT (40 PSF WIND) - 15.67 (50 PSF WIND) - 191.59 (60 PSF WIND) - 23.52 (20 PSF WIND) - 7•84 ~ f$ ~/P>°. MIN. 1/2"6 4 X 1.33 X. 1.33 I X 1.33 I~ X 1.33 W X 1.33 50 L'f5 - 2'/~ Max. UNBRACED LENGTH UPRIGHTS 4( 5' 6' 7' S' ; 9' 10' 11' W/ 1/3 W6 X 9 14.6 13.3 13.3 12.7 -3 1 10 8.7 S STRESS WS X 10 21 18 . 16.7 15.3 14 12 10 INCREASE W12 X 14 36.7 34.3 32 28.7 25.3 22 18 - t.n ~ Y 9F R9. 3 .89.3 89.3 81.7 81.7 81.7 75. 3• 70.7 SINGLE FACE OR " V" BUILD ¢ ~~X -(30 M /2 - PSF WIND) X 8 X 14 23.52 /UPRIGHT max (40 PSF WIND) 31.34 , SEE MIN. FIANGE THICK. (50 PSF WIND) 39.18 IN CONN. BEIAW OR (60 PSF WIND) 47.04 1/4" GUSSETS (20 PSF WIND) 15.68 CONNECTION CENTER MOUNT, FULL FLAG, V-BUILD DESIGN FOR CONNECTED UPRZGHTS MpL+ MW X 12 - 2T (20") + 2T (24") 2 • SHEAR/BOLT - 3.6/8 - .45K NEGLIBLE TOTAL Mmax= 1 i BOLTS A307 ~ FLANGE W/ t Mwind WEB f . . ~ _ , . ...a . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . , . . . . . . xudEtrr lAfLuIM pRESIDENT ~ & Ventures Inc. 9 ~au 144U~• I ioerrtLe J,,~ 'L, JOBNO. gMT.~J.--~-OF .TAoA.e Ib Sq cALwureo er CMEGKED BY~ DATE SCALE X 48 6 UPRIGHTS CONN. CMi FF. - DF GN CRERiP' 14 6 UYRIGHT DESIGN TRIB. .°.R~ $'"o_ UNBRACED LENGTH -COMPRESSION FLANGE LENGTH 141-0" TO BACK CATWALKS TO CONNECT BOTH UPRIGHTS 14maX - (30 PSF WIND) X 8 X 142 /2 - 23 • 521 K/2 ~ 11. 76 " NpRiGHT - 15.67~-K (40 PSF WIND) ~ 19.59~"K (50 PSF WIND) ~ 23,521-K (60 PS: WIND) _ ~,gq~-K (20 PSF WIND) iINGLE FACE OR "V" BUILD 8 X 14 Z/2 _ 23 52 '-K /~1p[tIGHT CK Mmax -(30 PSF WIND) X . 34'"K SEE MIN. FLANGE THI 31 (40 PSF WIND) . 39 18i-K IN CONN. BEIAW OR (50 PSF WIND) 47.041-1` 1/4" GUSSETS (60 PSF WIND) 15.681"K (20 PSF WIND) NBRACED UPRIGHTS 4' 5' 6, 7, g1 91 10' 11' 8.7 8 3 10 11 LENGTH W6 X 9 14.6 13. . 3 13.3 12.7 3 14 12 10 ~ 1/3 STRESS W8 X 10 21 18 34 16.7 15. 3 32 28•7 25'3 22 18 INCREASE W12 X 14 36.7 . 89 3 81.7 81.7 81.7 75.3 70 7 3 89 W12 X 26 89.3 . . CONNECTON CENTER MOUNT, FULL FLAG, DOUBLE N F~ X 12 - 2T ~2~") + 2T ~24~~ Mmax - F[DL + M"~ ~ ~ DESIGN FOR CONN ECTED UPRIGHTS a x TENSION SHEAR/BOLT - 3.6/8 - .45K NEGLIBLE TOTAL gR DESIGN ISC WEB STIF FI.ARbe BOLTS A307 FLANGE W/ WEB L~pw(.44.~ ~ . ~{Ir(• 1 3 INCR IND T W 1 3 INCR 46 2"$ 4 X 1.33 i 1 ~/16 s~ \ /4 ~ 20 ~ / PSF 1.6 33 X 1 I 30 0 . PSF 2.4 PSF 3.1 ~ X 1.33 1/4 16 33 X 1 SO . 0 PSF 4 5~ L . 16 7 X 1.33 4 60 . PSF INSTEAD USE A307 K 56 K ~v l"« VWtnID- WELD~N ~DK 1.9 " _ 8 71 - 7 1/4" WELD - 1. . 9K+ 56K - 57.9 / 2 X 3. 60 PSF C CONNECTION ~ _ ~"j A- NjAx ~ 6VUlil\l W1Y/Vi- pRESIDENT i R & Lventures Inc. Jos rirLe ,aae~o, art.~ cALcuureo sr oArE , cneuKeo sr °Ate .CA.. 14 X 48 6 UPRIGHTS CONN. CM. FF. V-BUILD DESIGN CRITERIA - 14 X 48 MAX TRIB. AREr1 8'-0" - 6 UPRIGHT DESIGN MAX UNBRACED LENGTH - COMPRESSION FIANGE CANT. LENGTH 14'-0" BACK_TO BACK CATWALKS TO CONNECT BOTH UPRIGHTS x - M (30 PSF WIND) X 8 X 142 /2 - 23.52'-K /2 rK NPRIGHT ma _ 15.67 (40 PSF WIND) ' _ 19.59 (SO PSF WINA) _ p3.52 (60 PSF WIND) ' f 7,84 . (20 PSF WIND) SINGLE FACE OR "V" BUILD 8 X 14-2 /2 - 52' 23 K/UPRIGHT Mmax - (30 PSF WIND) X • 34 31 SEE MIN. FIANGE THICK. (40 PSF WIND) . 18 39 IN CONN. BEIAW OR (50 PSF WIND) . 04 47 1/4" GUS SETS `i (60 PSF WINp) . (20 PSF WIND) 15.68 UNBRACED 4' S' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' LENGTH UPRIGHTS 14 6 3 13 13.3 12.7 11.3 10 8•7 W/ 1/3 W6 X 9 W8 X 10 . 21 . 18 16•.7 15.3 14 12 10 STRESS W12 X 14 7 36 •34,.3 32 g•~ Qi'~ 22 18 . INCREASE . ~ o R 7 J 75.3 , 8 CONNECTION CENTER MOUNT, FULL FLAG, V-BUILD DESIGN FOR SINGLE UPRIGHTS (M p, + M,,y)'X 12 - 2T (20") + 2T (24") SHEAR/BOLT - 3.6/8 - .45k NEGLIBLE TOTAL Mmxy` Mv, + Mwind uP~~~ ~N • ASIC HANGER DESIGN AISC - BOLTS A307 FIANGE W/ ~WEB WIND T ~ W 1 3 " INCR 4 X 1 33 1 3 INCR 1/4~~ T3/16" 20 PSF 2.8 1/2 4 . 3/16 30 PSF 4.2 1/2" X 1. 33 1/4 ~ 40 PSF 5.6 1/2" 8.7 X 1.33 5/16 6 1/4 1/4 ~ 50 PSF 7.0 1/2" 8.7 X 1.33 33 5/1 5/16 1/4 _l _ r 60 PSF 8.4 1'/2" 8.7 X 1. ~ ~ ~ ~/P~". MIN• I _ c°r`1 BpL'fS-Z~/~~ MaX• (~Al~JE STIFI _ . . . ~ { ROBERT LAIZURB ~ PRFSIDENT & Ventures Inc. I JDBTI.LE (G I V 14A-5A I JOB NO. 9HT. ~ OF CALCULATED BY J.J - DATE 1.- ~ CMEGI(EO BY DATE SCALE UPRIGHT 6 UPRIGHT - 14 X 48 A 325N BOLTS DESIGN CRITERIA 14 X 48 MAX. TRIB AREA - 8' -0" GROr~'s ~R~G'li . MA}C. UNBRACED LENGTH CANT. LENGTH 14'-0" TRIB LENGTH OF TOP STRINGER - WIND 2 1/2' 3' 3 1/2' 4' 4 1/2' S' 20 26" 21" 18" 16" 14" 13" 30 26" 21" 18" 16" 14" 13" Hi 40 20" 16" 13 1/2" 12" 10 1/2" 10" N 50 15 1/2" 12 1/2" 11" 10" 8 1/2" 8" ~ 60 13" 10 1/2" 9" 8" 7" 6 1/2" "~~11SS H2- H1X2 3X3X1/4 L I .59 IN BOLTS ~ s = .58 IN3 A325N ~ K ~ A- 1.44 IN1/2" DIAMETER - 1.33 X 4 .1 - 5.4 K rx E .93 IN 5/5" DIAMETER - 6.4 X 1. 33 - 8.5 ANGLE CHORD BOAT SHBAR TUPEN BOLT PL. MIN WELD WIND 20 t SIZE L2 1/2X2 1/2X 1/4 PER BOLT 3.5 A325 1/2" THICK 1/2" 1/4" 30 7 4 13 L3 X 3 X 1/4 4.2 1/2" 5/8" 1/4" 40 . L3 X 3 X 1/4 4.9 5/8" 5/8" 1/4", 50 *L3 X 3 X 1/4 5.7 5/8" 3/4" 5/16" 60 *L3 X 3 X 1 4 6.4 5 8" 3 4" 3 8" HORD AT BOTTON OF TRU55 ~ G(ZOSS 5 X A 3 XIAL - M- P, X d fa - M/ . ENDING - TRUSS STRGR max - WIND X SPG X SPCG X SPAN 6 G~ZOSS Q fb - Mmax X 12/5 fb ~ ~CD , OMBINDED - fa + fa (1- fa) (fb) < 1.33 o~4 L`( (-~F'e 21.6 ~ KSI ' 16.33 KSI `70 KSI L 3 X re, 3 X 1/4 PLtS, L3X3X1/4 N _LA N n ~ ICONNECTION 50L'rs ~A5"L5J BOLTS - SHEAR - M/3.5 X 3 BOLTS + DL/3 X 2 1-r Pe rl IWELDING SHEAR - Mmax X 12/10" X 9 X 2 X 1.33 `1I ` PLATE THICK SHEAR M/3.5 X(A-BOLT HOLES) -~pRS1C'J1~I r✓" / ~ ~ ~ a 0 a ~ WdEKT w¢URE PRFS[DENT Ventures Inc. JOB TITLE (~p J.1 I ,4' v ' " JOBNO. SXT. 4GOf CALCUUTED BY OATE , b ul GMEGKED BY OATE SCALE X 48 6 UPRIGHTS CONN. CM, FF, SF, oR DF DESIGN CRITERIA - 14 X 48 MAX TRIB. AREA 8'-0" - 6 UPRIGHT DESIGN MAX UNBRACED LENGTH -COMPRESSION FIANGE CANT. LENGTH 14'-0" TO BACK CATWALKS TO CONNECT BOTH UPRIGHTS Mmax - (30 PSF WIND) X 8 X 142 /2 - 23. 52'-K /2 - 11.76'-K/UPRIGHT (40 PSF WIND) - 15.67'"K 19 59''K' (50 PSF WIND) . - 52"K _ 23 (60 PSF WIND) • '"K (20 PSF WIND) - 7.84 SINGLE FACE OR "V" BUZLD 2 1-14 x - M (30 PSF WIND) X 8 X 14 /2 - 23. /UPRIGHT 52 ma (40 PSF WIND) 31. 34SEE MIN. FIANGE THICK. (50 PSF WIND) 39. 18 IN CONN. BEIAW OR (60 PSF WIND) 47. 04'"K 1/4" GUSSETS ~ (20 PSF WIND) 15. 68'"K BRACED LENGTH UPRIGHTS 4' S' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11' / 1/3 W6 X 9 14 .6 13.3 13. 3 12.7 11.3 10 8.7 8 - STRESS W8 X 10 21 18 16. 7 15.3 14 12 10 INCREASE W1 2 X 14 36 .7 34.3 32 - - 28.7 - 25.3 - 22 18 -.c o - CONNECTION oR Si~j~~E ~b.C~ CENTER MOUNT, FULL FLAG, DOUBLE FACE Mmax DESIGN FOR 51N6L E- UPRIGHTS Mmax X 12 = 2T (20") + 2T~ TENS ON _~L + MyILND_ SHEAR/BOLT - 3.6/8 - .45K NEGLIBLE J~~rFI-s.K&E TOTAL p,ISG GER DESIGN AISC WEB STIFF u.PWu~T ~ - 'TI L Ilf A + Mi~. T BOLTS A307 3 INCR ;Wl FIANGE W/ 1 3 INCR WEB TH CK 2.8 /2" ~ 4 X 1. 33 1/4"f~- 3/16" r 4.2 1/2" 4 4 X 1. 33 1/4 f~ 3/16 5.6 1/2" ~ 8.7 X 1.33 ~ 5/16 ~ 1/4 7.0 1/2" 08.7 X 1.33 5/16 1/4 60 PSF 8.4 1/2" ~ 8.7 X 1.33 5/16 ~ 1/4 I ~c+ k l"4ee> ~ INSTEAD USE S/S"+- A307 boL-rs WELD TORSION VpL.- 1.914 VWI~Ip - 56 K ~ + W v x q 2%4" bAGE 17r-+ 56K - 57.9K / 2 X 3.71 - 7.8" - 1/4" WELD I ~.JA-%4 MAX CONNECTION 60 PSF RODERT LMLURE ~ PRESIDENT ? I JOB TITLE I 1 ' & Ventures Inc. ~ ~ ~I ~ JOBNO. SNT. ~-4 OF CAlCUU7E0 BY - DATE a Ib 8 CHEGNEG Br DATE SGALE L 3 X 3 X 1/4 STRINGER Jlb1v Utctacain V ' Mmax -(SECT. MOD.) 21.6 X 1.33 STRESS INCREASE 12 'C..ALIAW STRESS 36 KSI w- Mmax X 8 MAX SPACING - W/ WIND IAAD gp[N a' (FEET) BIAXIAL BENDING - WIND AND D.L. DEAD IAAD IS NEGLIGIBLE. L 3 X 3 X 1/4 S-.577 IN3 WT - 4.9 PLF 20 PSF WIND 40 PSF WIND 60 PSF WIND JkX. SPAN OR MAX MAX SPAN OR MAX MAX SPAN OR MAX gIg AREA SPACING FT TRIB AREA SPACING FT TRIB AREA SPACING FT 8 8.63 8 4.3 8 2.87 9 6.82 9 3.4 9 2.87 10 5.52 10 2.75 10 2•87 11 4.56 11 2.28 11 2.87 12 3.83 12 2.28 12 2.87 13 3.26 13 2.28 13 2.87 14 2.8 14 2.28 14 2.87 30 PSF WIND 50 PSF WIND g 5.75 8 3.45 9 4.54 9 Z•73 10 3.68 10 2.73 11 3.04 11 2•73 12 3.04 12 2•73 13 3.04 13 2•73 14 3.04 14 2.73 ~ ROBERT Lk1ZiJRE R PRFSIDENT & Lv-eilt-ue--sL Inc. JOB TITLE (o.S r I445y"t jOBHO. gH,. 4 OF CAtWUTEDBY A~ OATE V I~ Cj CMECKEC BY OATE SCALE PREADER 14 X 48 - 6 UPRIGHTS CONN. CM. FF V-BUILD [tEADER BM TRIB 8'-0" DEAD LOAD 1 ~ 507 9 X 8- ~RINGER 4 X 4 X 157 . (.350 + .57) (CANT + 1.33) + UPRIGHT 22 X 17.5 - 2) 8 2 X 17 6 385 - 464 385) (CANT + .5) + .188 (CANT + 4) . + CATWALK (23. 95 275 (CANT - 5) 1 + .095 (CANT) LEDGER 9(5.5 + 2.5 + 2.5) - . . 1451# SEE SHEET H3 Mmax ONE UPRIGHT v_ _ ri.. !~Ki Ml'K' "''Yqnv 7N41N 5' ~F. IN M M M 20 PSF 9 16 25 30 PSF 24 33 40 PSF 31 40 50 PSF 39 48 60 PSF 47 56 BEAM SELECTION 10' M M 16 do 15' M M M 3 23 do 40 I 47 55 63 NOTE: 20' 25' 30' 35' M M M M M c Mw Mr M t M Mr M M M 68 39 30 do 46 38 do 62 45 do 69 52 do 16 47 54 54 ~ 61 69 76 83 62 69 77 84 91 70 77 85 92 99 CONNECTION BEIAW FOR MIN. FIANGE THICKNESS - IF LESS USE 1/4" GUSSETS p ~ l-K UNgRACED LT D. L. DEFLECTION INCHES , p BEAM 5' 10' 15' S' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' CANT LENGTH W12 X 14 33 20 - .OS .35 - - - - MD~~ CANT - PpF~S W12 X 16 40 21 - .04 .30 DL - P(CANT X 12)3 W12 X 19 52 28 - - 24 3(29,500) IgM W12 X 22 61 40 W12 R 26 89 4 56 - .15 •49 - 42 INCLUDE 1/3 maP W12 X 30 103 94 68 - .13 . INCREASE W12 X 35 121 110 104 - .11 .35 W12 X 40 137 126 126 - 10 .33 .75 bo [-TS(g To' CONNECTION C ENTER MOUNT, FULL FLAG SEE ~30VE q." (~.3 ~1NG V-BUILD G4 -EF „n : , 3 4 3 MT- 2T( 23/1 2) + 2T(27/1 2) > MT /8 .33 - TENSION BOLT OLT K IE I BOLT SHEAR = 60 X 8 X 17. 5 / 1. /B 33 X 4- 1. S8 y P ,0 (5 ~1~ ~A f~F.l~ c NN• TS ba C>n0 h•fiN - pESi N AisC. 3, 2~ IA( WIND T B F T B F T B F T B F T B 2 F S 16 T 7 3 B 1 2 F 3 8 20 3 1 2 1 4 3.8 1 2 5 16 4.7 1 2 5 16 5.5 1 2 5 16 6.5 1 30 4 5 16 4.8 5.6 6.5 5 16 7.4 3 S 8.3 1 9 40 4.8 S 6 6.5 3 8 7.3 3 8 3 8 8.2 9.2 . 10.1 1 7 SO 5.8 6.6 7 6 3 8 7.4 8.4 3 8 . 9 2 10.2 7 16 11 ` J 60 6.7 ' C T 10 ' CA NT 1 5' C ANT 0 ' C ANT 25 ' C ANT 30 CA ' NT innr T 1/2":p~O:l l.Nr - o.vi • ROBERT LAIZURE ~ pRFS1DENT & Lv-cn_ture__s-L- Inc. 40e rirLE -T 44$ g JOB NO. lNT. ~ OF CAIWUTED B1' DATE ~IT CMECKEO BY OA7E ION BACK TO BACK CONN. 38 1/2 X 38 1/2 CAP PL 12 BOLTS - A325 ~ C.OL• (DwiNp G I•IIKD siorl [os - PoL Mw - Pa 14 X 48 - BACK TO BACKKLF rLr poL. - HEAD WT CM. .406 F.F. .463 (INCLUDES TORSION) 17' - 6" pW - WIND LOAD (PSF) X HEIGHT (KLF) [(d-(d, + C2 9~ )]Z/2 Mb- Mwl + M~ a (KLF)[(d-(d,+ COL /2 Mb- Mwa + MPt. ~ z M.r. - (EGH -1 1/2) (Pw X(d-(d%+COLP)) 2 2 COMBINDED IAADING My + (Mt ) a < 1 Mb co-P M1- C~P nr.orarmrnXi nCAiI Tnen ° ~i CAP PSF Ltr rfo-. nsn IN BOLT PL FIANGE WIND 20 "d" 0 Mw 354 Mw M 469 M 8 114 27814 1 1 4 15 16 5 301 393 495 105 19823 1 1 8 7 S 10 233 290 372 93 11316 ' 1 3 4 15 1 4 211 273 80 - 7 8 11 16 20 123 146 191 6 - 3 4 1 3 4 5 8 24 89 103 136 57 - 1 2 1 3 S 1 2 30 0 531 469 708 171 27814 1 3 8 15 16 5 452 393 599 158 19823 1 1 4 7 8 10 350 290 455 140 11316 1 1 8 13 16 15 261 211 336 120 - 1 3 4 20 185 146 236 101 - 1 11 16 24 134 103 169 86 - 5 8 1 5 8 9 16 40 0 708 469 849 228 27814 5 602 393 719 210 19823 1 1 2 15 16 10 466 290 549 186 11316 1 1 4 7 8 15 348 211 407 160 - 1 18 1 6 20 246 146 286 134 - 1 3/4 24 178 103 206 114 - 5 8 1 3 4 5 8 50 0 885 469 1002 28 2 814 S 753 393 849 263 19823 10 583 290 651 233 11316 1 3 8 78 15 435 211 483 200 - 1 1 4 7 8 20 308 146 341 168 - 1 1 8 13 16 24 223 103 246 143 - 3 4 2 11 16 60 0 1062 469 1161 342 27814 5 904 393 986 316 19823 IF 10 700 290 758 280 11316 1 1 2 15 16 15 522 211 563 240 - 1 3 8 7 8 20 370 146 398 202 - 1 1 4 13 16 L E: 24 268 103 287 172 - 3 4 3 4 l-s=4%2 V\,o ae 111 a ~ N a o 00 e4 S6.DDLG TO P-,'iI 09 ttol,Ts G 0 2fz BOLTS m MAX T-(Mot./dy X 6)+MT/d,X 6 V-(~Wi /dl/2 X 12)+P„J}C d/12 :2) T-Mwy(MP,X)+MoL/dAX 6 V-PwAX V/12 BOLTS TAISr(55 X 1.33 - 1.8fv) (BOLT AREA) TALL > T AISC TABLE 1.6.3 CAP PL M-T X 3 X 5 t REQ - 6M/27 X 1.33 X b FLANGE-SEE HANGER CONNECTION AISC - USE 4 3/4" wion+ ALL CAPACITY WITH 1/3 STRESS INCREASE *IF FLANGE OR CAP PL THICKNESS < REQUIRED - USE STIFFER PLATE SEE SHEET T-2 ~ ROBERT LMLURE ~ PRESIDENT & Ventures Inc. aoanrLe 15TE5 JOB NO. gMT, ~ Of CALCVIATEU BY ~7 OATE LIT GMECKED BY WTE SCALE 15' V CONN. 38 1/2 X 38 1/2 CAP PL 12 BOLTS - A325 GOL• (D W 1N D ~ PSF S[SDDLE rT0 RSI O h4 - 3/4 13/4 S 8 1t3?fi - 1 2 1 3 8 1 2 PXJI~"~S 8825 1 3 8 15 16 CO S~Z 7/9 - 1 J - 1 11 16 BOLTSOl MAX2 5 8 1 5 8 9 16 T-(Mpt-/dyX 6)+Mr/d,X 6 RR95 V-(Mwl /di/2 X 12)+PWX d/12 ~ N OWIr1D 14 X 48 - 15' V - PDL- H~ ~ CM. .445K~ F.F. .502kVF (INCLUDES TORSION) Tof2sIOPl Pi,,L - WIND IAAD (PSF) x HEIGHT HvL. ' PDL.(KLF) [(d-(dl+ COLc~)]2/2 Mb- Mw, + Mp2 2 MW, - Po (KLF)I(d-(dl+ COLO)]~ /2 Mb- MwZ + MpLI 2 MT - (HEIGHT -1 1/2) (Pw X (d-(dI+COL+)) 2 2 COMBINDED LOADIN6 ~ + (Mt )2 < 1 M bcoP M-r-GbP I q N FOR 1" DEFLECTION DEAD LOAg= I. ._71 iM CAP I e o _ e o 4495 1 1 4 7 8 T=MwL(MAX)+P1vL/dyX 6 - 1 1 8 13 16 V-PWLX V/12 BOLTS - 1 3 4 TALIr(SS X 1.33 - 1.8fv) - 5 8 1 3 4 5 8 (BOLT AREA) 8825 TALL > T AISC TABLE 1.6.3 0136 CAP PL M-T X 3 X 5 4495 1 3 8 7 8 t REQ - 6M/27 X 1.33 X b - 1 1 4 7 8 FLANGE-SEE HANGER CONNECTION " - 1 1 8 13 16 f~+ AISC - USE 4 3/4" kliD - 3 4 2 11 16 ALL CAPACITY WITH 1/3 !8825 STRESS INCREASE SS M36 *IF F'I.ANGE OR CAP PL THICKNE 4495 1 1 2 15 16 < REQUIRED - - 1 3 8 7 8 USE STIFFER PIATE - - 11,4 zii, 13 16 9/4 SEE SHEET T-2 ~ ROBERT [,AIZURE R PRESIDENT & Ventures Inc. I JOBTITLE 2OT IM423 I7 , JOB NO. SHT. ~ OF c,ucuureo ar oAre $ b 0) CNEGKED BY OATE ~ SGALE ION 20' V CONN. 38 1/2 X 38 1/2 CAP PL 12 BOLTS - A325 "-4"O ~yp 14 X 48 - 20' V PpI, - HEAD WT CM.=.460 F.F.=.517 (INCLUDES TORSION) ~ HEIGHT .roRSloµ pt„l - WIND LOAD (PSE) x 1 MPL' POL(KLF) ((d-(dl+ COL0)]2/2 Mb- Mw,Z+ Mp~ PSF ~ 2 MWi - Py.1 (KLF) [ (d- (di+ COL+ ) j2 /2 Mb- i wiNP 2 M-r - (HEIGHT -1 1/2) (Pw X (d-(d,+COL4)) d~' S 2 2 COMBINDED LOADING M b +(Mt < 1 _ vnn l 11 TC4T C!`TTl1TT nven Mne ~ M~~r 1 Mwy + MpL~ ee sa N e ^ 0o e. 1336 1 1 V 3 4 SLSpDLE 'r0(L^~IOt`~ - 7 S 11 16 - 34 134 58 - iz isa 12 8230 1 21, 15 16 COL 9600 1 1 4 7 8 . 5~y 1336 1 1 8 13 16 - 1 3 4 - 1 11 16 BOLTS 1 MAX - 5 8 1 5 8 9 16 T-(M d,.ZX 6)+M-r/dIX 6 8230 V-(Mw,/d,/2 X 12)+PWX d/12 9600 1 1 2 15 16 2 1336 1 1 4 7 8 T-Mw2(MAX)+MpL-/d2X 6 - 1 1 8 13 16 V=PWZX V/12 BOLTS - 1 3 4 TALIr(55 X 1.33 - 1.8fv) - 5 8 1 3 4 5 8 (BOLT AREA) '8230 TALL > T AISC TABLE 1.6.3 9600 CAP PL M-T X 3 X 5 _1336 1 3 8 7 8 t REQ - 6M/27 X 1.33 X b - 1 1 4 7 8 FLANGE-SEE HANGER CONNECTION - 1 1 6 13 16 AISC - USE 4 3/4" WID'fi4 - 3 4 2 11 16 ALL CAPACITY WITA 1/3 28230 STRESS INCREASE :9600 *IF FIANGE OR CAP PL THICKNESS 11336 1 1 2 15 16 < REQUIRED - - 1 3 8 7 8 USE STIFFER PLATE - 1 1/4 13/16 SEE SHEET T-2 9 ROBERT LMlUR6 ~ Jae*I*LE PRFSIDENT ,oB No. 5HT 1! oF ~ 'CALCUUTEDBY ~~G DI1TE 8 R 4 j & LVenturesL-Inc. ; CNECKEOe• OATE SCALE REFERENCE TORSION 30' V CONN. 38 1/2 X 38 1/2 CAP PL 12 BOLTS - A325 ppL _ HEAD WT CM. .507 F.F. .566 rti, Ol•It1D 14 X 48' - 30' V (INCLUDES TORSION) HEIGHT P WIND IAP.D (PSF) x G1 ~ I'I' (O1 Mpv- PpL KLF) I(d-(di+ COL4))2/Z Pfb- Mw~2+ M~j~? 2 M~,li-PS,y(KLF)[(d-(dl+COL4)]"/2 Mb- Mw2+M~ y2 4'/2 Ml_ - (HEIGHT -1 1/2) (Pw X (d-(d,+C2 ~ Lj)) V - qs.~ 2 2 1 e, ,e COMBINDED IAADING Mb + (Mt ) , r MI•caP MttQP OR 1" DEFLECTION DEAD I.OAD , o . Mot1 CAP PSF • IND "d" Mw Mw M M i BOLT PL FIANG d2-2, 20 0 318 1 514 604 108 27320 1 1 4 15 16 ~ OAa F5 425 502 99 19029 1 1 8 7 SG.DDLE~ ~'To~ZS~Oh - 34 134~5 8 ~3?S 12 1 38 1 2 e~oVTs !7320 i 3 s i coL. 2%y .9029 1 1 4 7 a L0796 1 1 8 13 16 _ - 1 1 3 11 4 16 BOLTSOl M~2 - 5 8 1 5 8 9 16 T-(MM/dzX 6)+M1/dIX 6 V-(Mwi/di/2 X 12)+PWX d/12 27320 19029 1 1 2 15 7 16 8 2 T-MwZ(MAX)+MvL,IdZX 6 10796 - 1 1 4 1 1 8 1 6 v-pWZX / OTS 2 B - 1 3 4 1.Sfv) 33 1 X - 5 8 1 3 4 11 16 (BOLT AREA) 27230 TALL > T AISC TABLE 1.6.3 19029 CAP PL M-T X 3 X 5 REQ - 614/27 X 1.33.X b 10796 1 3 8 1 4 7 13 8 16 t FLANGE-SEE HANGER CONNECTION - - 1 1 1 8 3 4 AISC - USE 4 3/4" WIDT44 - 3 4 2 11 16 ALL CAPACITY WITH 1/3 27320 STRESS INCREASE *IF FIANGE OR CAP PL THICKNES' 19029 10796 1 1 2 15 16 < REQUIRED - - 1 3 8 7 8 USE STIFFER PIATE - 1 1 4 13 16 SEE SHEET T-2 - z ie 3 /4 \1 ROBERT LAIZURE ~ PRESIDENT & V joarT,E cc 14 .108 NO. SM,(T. ~~r Of GLCUTATED BY V DATE GHEGKED BY OATE SCAIE IM (PLATE) - T X 4.5/6 ~ M /4i - 11-K/INCH ` tREQ F27 X 6 X 1.33 FULL FLAG TEN COL CAP CONN. COL DIAMETER + 2 OR 2 1/2 (14 X 48 SIGN) e~L--rs + ca~. cAP PLA-rE coL- Mb (PIATE) - T X 2" - ggq- MX 6 27 X 1.33 CENTE IrID U~T 20 R 4 30 40 50 19 60 ' 24 22 COI,• Ea5 oL-Ts + coL,. caP FI.,4'fE o C4) ~IFFNER. CAP ~ I . I ROBERT LMIURE R PRFSIDENT & Ventures Inc. ~ ,oBr„LE G 1448z42-4- JOBNO. CALCUUTED BY SHT.C-l OF ~A"' DATE 5L1 CMECKEOBY DATE SCALE ` ~ COLUMN 5' - 50' 14 X 48 BACK TO BACK Pwl - W X WIND X HEIGHT 17'-6" Pw2 - V X WIND X HEIGHT 17,_6" caL. *Wi gp Mwl - Pwl X (HAGL + HEIGHT) (AT GROUND LEVEL) 2 Mwl - Aa2 X (HAGL + HEIGHT) (AT GROUND LEVEL) 2 MDL - Pdl X TORSION LENGTH/2 (AT GROUND LEVEL) /.i__1^ VTT^/1D M-7 t MnT -(GREATER NUMBER) ~'o~LSIoN D=24 Mt - Mwl - SHT T-1 Mb +(Mt 1 Mb CAP Mt CAP 10U h r AIXAL IAAD - NEGLECTED HAGL - HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND LEVEL ~14 FOR 1" DEFLECTION---------,_",,,, DL DEFL DL DE IND HAGL d Mwl Mw2 MDL Mb Mt 14 WIND HAGL d Mwl Mw2 MDL Mb Mt 14 20 5 24 231 0 52 237 0 40 30 24 1303 0 52 1304 0 10 315 0 319 I 35 I 1471 0 1 1472 15 399 0 402 40 I 1639 0 ~ 1640 20 483 0 486 45 1807 0 1808 25 567 0 569 - -A e 50 1975 0 ~ 1976 I 30 651 0 6531 1 50 5 578 0 ' S80 35 735 0 737 10 788 0 ' 790 40 819 0 821 15 998 0 999 45 I 903 0 904 1 20 1208 0 1209 I 50 987 0 988 25 1418 0 1419 30 5 347 0 351 30 i 1628 0 1629 10 I 473 0 476 35 I 1838 0 1384 15 1 599 0 I 601 40 2048 0 ! 2049 20 I 725 0 I 727 45 I 2258 0 i 2259 25 I 851 0 I 853 50 I 2469 0 2470 30 977 0 978 60 5 ! 694 0 I 696 35 1103 0 11104. I 10 946 0 947 40 1229 0 ' 230 I 15 1198 0 ' 1199 ! 45 1355 0 ' 1356 20 ~ 1450 0 ! 1451 50 1481 0 I 1482 25 ' 1702 0 1703 40 5 463 0 1 466 1954 0 1955 10 630 0 1 632 35 2206 0 ~ 2207 15 99 0 i SO1 40 2458 0 i 2459 20 967 0 968 : 45 2710 0 2710 ! i 25 1135 0 ~ 1136 2962 0 ~ 2962 ` ~ ~ ROBERT IMUIt6 ~ PRESIDENT II ~ & Ventures Inc. l JOBTITLE GI^~5 E~, r1 JOB NO. SHT. C" OF CALCUTATED BY OATE 8~61eleq cnecneo er oAre SCALE :E 55 - 100' HAGL 14 X 48 BACK TO BACK . ?wl - W X WIND X HEIGHT Mwl - Pwl X(HAGL + HEIGHT) 17'-6" (AT GROUND LEVEL) 2 GOL. ?w2 - V X WIND X HEIGHT Mwl - Pw2 X(HAGL + HEIGHT) 171-6" (AT GROUND LEVEL) Z ~ To~tSIoN MDL - Pdl X TORSION LENGTH/2 D= 24 (AT GROUND LEVEL) Nw O I.~IIP1D Mb - Mwl + MDL OR Mw2 + MDL k1011 (GREATER NUMBER) Mt - Mwl - SHT T-1 Mb + (Mt )Z < 1 Mb CAP Mt CAP AIXAL IAAD - NEGLECTED HAGL - HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND LEVEL ~ I4 FOR 1" DEFLECTION ~ DL DEF ~ IND HAGL d Mwl Mw2 MD L Mb M t DL DEFL I4 W40~ 80L 24 2983 MOZ M5 2 2983 M t~ I4 20 55 24 10 1 0 5 2 1072 0 85 3151 0 3151 60 1155 0 1156 90 3319 0 3319 65 1239 0 1240 95 3487 0 3487 70 1323 0 1324 100 3655 0 3655 75 1407 0 1408 S 2678 0 2679 80 1491 0 1492 50 S 2888 0 2888 85 1575 0 1576 60 3098 0 3098 90 1659 0 1660 65 0 3308 0 3308 95 1743 0 1744 7 3518 0 3518 ! 100 1827 0 1828 75 3728 0 3728 30 55 1607 0 1608 80 85 3938 0 3938 ~ 60 1733 0 1734 4148 0 4148 ' 65 1859 0 1860 90 4358 0 4358 ~ 70 1985 0 1986 95 00 4568 0 4568 ~ 75 211111 0 2112 1 55 3214 0 3214 gp 223 0 2238 60 60 3466 0 3466 ' 85 2363 0 2364 3~18 0 3718 90 2489 0 2490 65 0 3970 0 3970 I 95 2615 0 2616 7 4222 0 4222 40 100 55 2741 0 2143 0 2741 2144 75 80 4474 4726 0 0 4474 4726 60 2311 0 2312 85 4978 0 4978 65 2479 0 2480 90 5230 0 5230 70 2647 0 2648 95 i ~ 5482 0 5482 ~ 75 ` ~ 2815 0 ~ 2815 100 ~ I ROBERT LNZURE ~ PRFSIDENT & Ventm•es Inc. , JOBTITLE ~~14-~~A30 JOB NO. SHT.OF CALGULATED BY ~ DATE CMEGNED BY CATE SG1LE ROUND FOOTINGS FOR 14 X 48 CM AT 30# WIND FORMtJLA: d- A(1 + 1+ 4.36h ) WNERE A- 2.34 P P- 25.2 2 A S1 b b- (SEE BEIAW) LATERAL SOIL: Pall - 200 PSF/FT (CIAY, SANDY CLAY) h- H.A.G.L. + 1725 BEARING (PER UBC TABLE) Pall - 300 PSF/FT (SAND, SILTY SAND) 51 - Pall (3~ 1ST33 RESS INCR. 29_g Pall - 400 PSF/Ff (SANDY GRAVEL) d_ 4' MAX FOR COMPUTING S1 3 d - DEPT H OF CA ISSON b- 3' - O"(p b '4 "0' b _S, L 200 4 300 # 400 # 200 # 300 # 400 # 200 # 300 # 400 # H. 5' . A.G. -0" 28 21'-0" 17'-6" 23'- 0" 17' -6" 14' -0" 20' -0" 15' -0" 10' -0" 31'-0" 23' -0" 19'- 0" 25'- 0" 19' -0" 15' -0" 33' - 25' -0" 21' -0" 27'-0" 21' -0" 20, _0" 35 _p 27, _0" 22, _p Zq, 22 25' -0" 37' -0" 28' -6" 23' -6" ' " 39' -0" 30' -0" 25' -0" 32' -0" 25' -0" 21' -0" 30 ' -0 " 26' -0" 33' -6" 26' -0" 22' -0" 35 ' -0 " 27' -0" 35' -0" 27' -0" 23' -0" 24' -0" 20' -0" 40 ' -0 0" 43' -6" 34' -0" 28' -6" 28' -6" 24' -0" 31' -6" 25' -0" 21' -0" 5 50' - -0" 45' -0" 35' -0" 29' -6" 37' -6" 29' -6" 33' -0" 26' -0" " 22' ' -0" " 55' -0" 46' -0" 30' -6" 38' -6" 30' -6" 34' -0" 26' -6 " 22 ' -6 " ' " 47' 0" 37' -0" 31' -6" 31' -6" 26' -6" 35' -0" 27' -6 23 -6 60 ' -0 0" 49' - -0" 38' -0" 32' -6" 41' -0" 32' -6" 36' -0" 65 70' - -0" 50' -0" 39' -0" 33' -0" 1 142' -0" 33' -0" 75' -0" 51' -6" 40' -0" 34' -0" 1143' -0"' 34' -0" ' " 52' -6" 41' -0" 35' -0" 44' -0" 80 ' -0 " 53' -6" 42' -0" 35' -6" 85 90, -0 0', 55, _ ~ 0' ~ 43 _0'' 36 _ ' - 95' -0" 56' -0" 44' -0" ' " 100'-0" 57' -0" 45' -0" 42' -0" 33' -6" 28 -6 ROBERT LAIZURE ~ PRESIDENT & Ventures Inc. FTG WITH REINF. 14 X 48 CM SIGN 14 X 48 CM BACK TO BACK TO (30' V MAX.) [ATERAL SOIL BEARING 1~"- 400 PSF/FT (SANDY GRAVEL) FORMULA - d~ E3 (1 + 1+ 4.3n6h WHERE A- 51 2.34 (PER UBC) 2 ~7 @ 12A O, G, ~ - e. w. CTYR) Py o Tc~s~oN E--- ~ ~N~TNi I ~ LENGTH X WIDTH X DEPTH T- I 1 I4 5 K W 4Gr- I JOBTITLE JOB NO. SHT. ~ OF TED BY ~ DATE CAICUU UATE CMECKED BY 9CAlE P - (20) (30) (40) (50) (60) P, % 25.2 15.75 33.6 21 42 26.25 PI P~'i C'~P1~,7~ . . ' ' J0071TLE , • . J00 NO. SM. M'l Of . _ _ _ . . . S L~ DATE ' . CAICULATEO 0y Vpn1.u~.' T71 , ~ . ~.ll~n ' . CNECNEO 0Y _ DATE . _ . ~ SCALE 8137 Horih 119rd Avonue • Puoria, AZ 06345 • - : REFERENCE . . , - G.GP/i'GI'~IES 'FOf- N1.OM E~ 'PI P'ES . , • 'S_ ~-~p4-DZ ) WHER6 Di: o,o. = DZ: I , o. 32 Di SC) •2 '',Fb =.-72 ; F~ C I F °/r 33 oo/Fj) F 6' 13000 > "/r > 3300 K (STIlE59 I1lGREASE) 33 , . - . ~P' Mb , S X F Z ~ . I 6575 q4 1 ' ' D oR :Fv : • 4 F~ ~~F /r < F~~'/s C Yc)~ 1 F~ ' . ' F = 23goo (TkE LARGER OF) ~ n boo! p/ ~a/2 ~iF T. > 6575 F~4/s ~Yc) ~'t 49 4h/ . .Q . . Y YD \ T . -Mt CAP = f (ST0.E55 I,dG - x 1-33 REASE) 0/2) I2 , S I Fb Mb CAP Fv M t CAP L max ft WT/FT #/ft DIA WALL Fy ksi in3 in4 i ksi ft k ksi ft k in n 188 35 57.4 574 0 20.2 128.7 14.0 178.2 0 192 40.9 49.5 39.8 43.9 20 20 . 0.203 35 61.9 619 20.7 142.1 9 185 14.0 14.0 . 206.6 IINLTD 46.3 Zg 0,27.9 35 66.6 666 25.2 2 25 . 202•3 14•0 224•8 UNLTD 50.5 20 0.239 35 72-4 724 6 756 . 25.2 211.3 14.0 234.7 UNLTD 52.8 2 59 .20 0.250 35 75. 281 35 84.6 846 0 25.2 236.4 14.0 262.6 2 290 UNLTD UNLTD . . 65.7 29 20 . 0.312 35 93.5 935 25.2 261.2 6 286 14.0 14.9 . 318.5 UNLTD 72•3 20 0.344 35 102.6 1026 25.2 2 25 . 311.0 14.0 345.5 UNLTD 78•7 Zm 0.375 35 111.3 1113 0 1200 . 25.2 335.1 i,4.0 372•4 UNLTD 55.1 6 91 20 6.406 35 120. 438 35 128.6 1288 0 25.2 359.8 14.0 399.8 1 426 UNLTD UNLTD . . 97•9 20 20 . 0.469 35 137.3 1373 25.2 383.5 9 406 14.0 4.9 1 . 452.1 UNLTD 194.2 20 0.500 35 145.7 1457 25.2 2 25 . 453.1 - 14.0 593.4 UNLTD 116.8 20 0.562 35 162.2 1622 7 1787 . 25•2 499.1 1.4.0 554.6 UNLTD 129.5 1 142 20 20 0.625 35 178. 698 35 194.8 1943 0 25.2 544.2 1.4.0 0 604.7 0 653 UNLTD UNLTD . 154.4 20 . 0.750 35 219.4 2104 25.2 587.7 _ 14. . &VentuYi~s, InG., 8197Norlh 63rd ATonue • l'ooria. AZ 06345 p I P g Ga-Pac-t r IIffS J00 TITLE - M-I JOO NO.-- SNT. OF CALCUUTED (lY S DATE ~ CHECNEDOY_ DATE SCALE 'F h'4~F'l E.+~- GA'~/i'G I T lE 5 OR- 'P! P'ES 1 5= Tr(D.4'DL4) 32. D, WHER6 Di = O.o, pZ=1.D. Z_ 5 C) , .Z 'Fb: .-72 F~ C iF °/r < 330 o/pI) F 6=.~s_p 4 F~ ~ i 3 0 0~~ . • ' ~ STM1ESS MbcAP' SxFbxl.33'~ ~ 6575 Fv= •4 F~ (~F54 < F~,/s(~/,)w °/r > 33001F3) INCREASE) 94 \ oR F~1/3 ~ - 2380o IIboO~ _ / D Fv = ( rkE ~RGER OF) D~T( i F /r > 6575 ~ 49 4 l Fy4I5~/D~~'T AND r~iISI r O - rY r~ Mt C2S) 33f 1 (ST0.E55 INCREASE) . . CA P ~/2) 12 . X . DIA WALL Fy S I Eb Mb CAP Fv Mt CAP ft k L max ft WT/FT #/ft iin in ksi in3 in4 ksi ft k ksi P 1 !36 0.250 35 249.2 4486 18.6 513.7 14.0 773.4 8E7 1 34.5 2 46 95.6 107.3 ;36 0.281 35 279.4 5029 19.2 593.5 9 676 14.0 0 14 . 9E0.2 . 60.0 119.1 36 0.312 35 309.4 5569 6124 19.7 26 3 . 766.5 . 14.0 1055.9 76.6 131.1 36 0.344 5 35 35 340.2 3699 6659 . 2E.9 856.8 14.0 1198.0 95.1 142.8 5 36 36 0.37 406 0 35 399 ..5 7191 25.2 1115.8 14.0 1239.7 UNLTD 154. 5 166 36 . 0.438 35 429.8 7737 25.2 1200.5 14.0 0 14 1333.9 6 14:4 UNLTD UNLTD . 178.2 ; 36 . 0.469 35 459.0 8263 8786 25.2 2 25 1282.1 1363.3 . 14.0 . 1514.8 UNLTD 189.8 36 36 0.500 562 0 35 35 488.1 545.8 9825 . 25.2 1524.4 14.0 1693.8 UNLTD 212.9 4 236 ,36 . 0.625 35 603.8 19868 25.2 1686,.¢ 14.0 0 1873.8 6 1961 UNLTD UNLTD . 247.9 '36 0.656 35 632.1 11378 25.2 2 25 1765.5 6 1846 14. 14.0 . 2051.8 UNLTD 259.8 1 36 0.688 35 661.2 11901 . . 6 8 36 875 0 35 827.8 14900 25.2 2312.9 14.0 25E8.9 DNLTD TD . 32 2 374 ' 36 . 1.000 35 936.2 16851 25.2 2614.7_ 14.0 294:5.2 _UNL . , 4a ~ o FAG E 4~= 0 6 ~ .SPG~ ~ S= ~ = 40 ~ 0 ¢ O 1-4W.y.2l1lL FFAr.I(,~Q41 {~ArJ C~41 L OP?I o►J ~ 1. Narf(~P_gl t~ 1-INdC~2A1L 57121f-IgL"Qr7 i tU BR.QGE e~ ~ 2=1~r 14 ~ I N F 2~~~ I~ A ~ I n WALKWAY ~ 13x3v4- A 2Ea2 WWAY ~ ~ D I ~ I _ 2_' Lia.. s W~ox4 I 2 EA 2 2~A~ uFt21CaNT F'~~I I 3 l ( TeinS Asst I ~ u.') 4 CftD0E1~ I 2F•12 ~ I sjf 1 l~ I I ~ N I lil „ ~ ~'~i E-- ~ 57~ W G E ~ ~ 3 I ~ 1~ ~ i u aa"° i b - - Toesiotil - hPaLir~(,~5 ~ I ~ ~ - - - ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ D a 5P/~GinIGS ~ j ~ LEG~yE2, ~ I _FeaaT r/-wAY I ~ ~ea2~L caofoveR- ~ Ca.W.~,~1 ~ ~ eFne w waY I LI wat.kwA~f - r, U+opC-cz. l~ ~ ~ ~ leoc~E2 I wroza I) I' wwM~ i o ~ Q (s~~ -ram ~ 1- I I -r~;o,~ DET. S ~L-'~N II 1 r ~ Q N Q z a~o~1 -µ~+6~ + ~'I ~ z C~~wP~zo~~ a C.~ N ~.E"rFi ~ B ~4E~ dpl2u~ II tt ~ ~ ST~{LEl I ~ - ~YYLE ~ ~ ! ~1W3~~` FROM ~ u ~ Q Fr~~T , I~ ~I F O N ~~T Ii i. ~ i ~g2ADE~ i GDIrl1k~1J 9 w-wAY ~ ~I~ N ~_r..~w-wAY V Tangy ~ ILL - - ~ w ~ I I PE1; t- w~xq ~ ~eonl ~e ee t a ~--'=l r~~o ~o-n~.., i~C 3~~ i~/a° I'.5'/2~ ~~~a i-2 ~ t~ETI- 3 w 1 ~ (SEE Tik6l.E) ~EGTI~l~I ~~E~ _r ' !r ELE ~/~,TI O N ~ N ~ i S~L~"~ ors.! ` 2O y ~ Goy. DiA. p~Us ~81-~r~A~325 - i ao~Ts _ ~ ` w~~x~4 F2An1T WALKv✓,gY ~ 2~~ 5 ~i2) ~ S+ -vH < 'fcRSfor~, Ff6 _ oiA T J READ 4 ~I1..~5T21nI~aE~ (SEETaBLF) To251or~1 / Ig ~ ~ N i, < - W-v✓AY I Gol.vrnnl O I ~ cQ d~ ~ x - d _ ~ - - n. N - - - 3 I _ ~ J 1 1 uPZ~c~ur - ~ ,~~zs ?~i-~s SEGTIOrJ A-A 'j VPKVaHT ~ ~oUyMnt ~ li ~(sEE Tc.&F) `w2"Ir84 `?~C-T ~{Z F}T-l"oesia.l v~avEe - - - - - - - - _ GbNh1, @wc.K. BASK nR. l.Enye~L ~ ~ ~*r-r.'- ~3 SI~.1f~~E F~aGE I~ t~' id ~ ~v 1rr 5tap.~E2 I ~~aFFT ~1~ r PLL~I~I ~II~V~I ~FAGKTv B~I-'~ \ 3~4~~f - C~`f L3x31 ~4_ . ~ ■ Fra~nlr ` Pj~ I \ ~ y ~ lyu55Et fk-~Z 3 - wn~.kwtaY ~ A B 3/~" 3x~~-44 ~I - a ?lATF02M' _ ( ~~E2 \ (Al-LMnIS ~ V~4 Ed?5 i~2 I It7 l~.~t~ ~ (IF SVPPI..IEU~ y \ (5E8 7~blE) t ~ 1 ' a~ DET ; CoLuMrJ -To~Slorl ~ DETAIL S p ~ ~ GotltilECiIDN ca~c~eTE i- ~ 1,. - I / REA2 e QF~ W-WAY ~ l+.wAY FROM God. r R t 1\ SPeEA~E2 ~ ~P COI.Urw~l ~ ~ `~a2AOE I r GDWMhI~ ~ - ~mrF:. ToP`IOrJ - RF1a2 - - - - - - L~ - - - - iA err - tnr~rz f t'' E - - x ~'V GL TORSION COLUMN I \ S~~'E ~ ~~p ~ 20"~X.25U' 35 KSI 36'$ X ~ ~ ~ U' f- 10 .250 t LLi ~ t... ~ T~ 20 . 344 25 .375 r~ X / ~ ` ~ ~L~L."3 t~~.Sl ~ -r 35 .406 i ~ Tl~~~~ GIJ~~ ~~~I~~t"'' 40 .469 ~4 3x4 Tr~KS 4 i ~ I.E,JC~TU l d so ~ sez ~~xo=4~ rj~ M' d ~ _ - - f..G:~G 55 40"~X .500 F2antT `"'~2-~Z~A~325~ i~ ~~r ~Y so I sez . I C ~°~.-rs 4 ~ li ~ 14~~i~~L _ . 65 .562 .I l I ( ,Iw - ~ / 70 .625 625 2S o 15 BACK TO BACK & 30 STJnlC~ 75 151/2 91 V's MOUNT 00, 80 .68$ ~ Q tik .688 26r 16 85 .750 of 90 .750 750 161/2 PAINT vc, Ut 750 2^~ 17 JA 95 875 s C 875 I Zt3-vo 171/2r°~+o. 4~:3 ~4OLe IZE paTE PLAr,~ VIC-V\,.,,/ ~V~~ `CORSIO~ 14.- t~ 100 .875 875 18 1/2 k~ bE7 M entu s, Inc. AS SHOWN n Er I tl/ v 8137 North 83rd Avenue • Peoria, AZ 85345 .10P-S t~4 0 S-H IJp TYPICAL OF I