HomeMy WebLinkAbout4900 Tabor StreetDEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 9429 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 9/2/99 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 4900 TABOR ST Contractor License No. : 19645 Phone : Company : Aaron Fire and Safety Phone : 455 3340 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE jY ~z DATE Description : Fire alarm system Construction Value : $750.00 Permit Fee : $32.65 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : •'_1y' -LS Total: $43.90 Use: Rx T: D. QOC~ i 1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PRAY ~W SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : v mossfewam Approval: Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State ot Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulalions antl Building Cotle o! Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances ot the City. (2) This permit shall expire it (A) the work aulhorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permi[ expires, a new pertni[ may be acquire0 for a fee of one-halt the amount nortnally required, providetl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceedetl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone that will change the nalural flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contredor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspeclion cartl before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings antl specifcalions shall not be wnstrued to bea permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions o( the building cotles or any other ordinance, law, rule or regula6on. Chief Building ns or od DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 AppLICATIo N Property Owner: bUK//4~ Property Address : ~/Yw UAIOA~I°Cc'- eO Phone : Contractor License No. Company : ICIW~ 4r'J 7/ Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulaGOns of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abi by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility fo ompliance wRh the Wheat Ridge Building Cotle (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat ' e rdi ances, for wo under this pe it. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ DATE ~ Description : 117 Construction Value : 7j7- ° " Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY owff ff FW Approval: 2oning : Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanicai License No : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issucd in axortlance vnM the provisions set lorth in yapur aDDlication anE is subject to the lavn of the State oi Coloratlo antl ro Me Zoning Regulations antl Building Catle ot VJheat RiEge. ColoreEO or any oNer applim0le ottlinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnR shall expire A(A) the work auMOrizeE is not wmmenceC within sizry (80) Eays from issue tlate or (B) Ne Duiltling authonzed is suspendetl or abantloneC for a penotl o(120 tlays. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of ono-hal/ the amount rrormaly require4 pmviCed no changes have been ar will Oe matle in the ariginal plans anC specifications an0 arry suspension or aEantlonment has not exceeCed one (1) yeac II chenges are matle or il suspansion or aDanOonment ex[cetls one (7) year, full teea shall be paitl fw a new pertnit (4) No vrork of any manner shall De Aone that will Uwnpe the naN21 flav ot water rausing a tl2inage problem. (5) Contrac[or shall notlry the Builtling Inspeeta tweny-four (24) hours in advance for all inspedions antl shall receive wntlen appioval on inspectlon raN Defore roceetliing with successive phases of the "00. (6) pThe issuance of a pertnd or Ne approval ~tlrawings anC specficatlons shall not ba mnstruetl to be a pertnR for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the builtling cotles of arry oNer oidinance, law, Nle Or regulation. Walls : Roof SIC : Sq. Ft. : Stories : Residential Units : Chief Building Inspector NN 01;20r1999 . oue nccounr OAT[ NUMBER ~ 9,239.57 co«ecreo zA T-,_..._ .9 25 9.;57 . . N~N~IfM~~MW~~ 77(~i 77 EL~ni ) I . ~BGUE --j - - . ; ~ - ~ v5 ~ _ i. . . i_ . I - , 220 .!27_ oooi: cirv or v:i~ta~ eiu.,e • s~i.c.~„d., 1600 W. 291h AVE • NlHBAT RIUGE, COIOHALO 'S ; 50.48 ; . . _ . . . . . ~ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . ......I_ 1 . . . ~ :\11P EXCEtiS TqY rpLLEfl6[I- I , r u ~;,r.ocrvrAxXJIX1G'~(XXX.XXXXYk}X X /j'XtRXXT.'~ f . 8lw AIE.^.lAx .y.... (;.J~J I... .._SO...Y_S2 ~.lv Il:f LAY AMfIIIIAr II ItlEfi i] IpF . !1 ' . . . . . . ~ _ , rulnL rnznu[~ ~.nnoiwiaonrn'~. 10 UO;: ..Sp~[i~ ..in(~ ~ nui I > K 1uiPLt4%,PENALTYANDtNTERESfOUi 'OEL'IT 1~.V jjjjjjj~ „ .,,tnnc;t ~ ~ ' . . . . ~ioraL oue ~ nNO rnrnme, ~ ~E 0~ 8 _ . 4 cirv uc wNrnr uio,E 5 - rnXneLE saLes s senwce 1 9, 0 19 A0 OPY DLEASE COMFLETE THIS FORM ON HEVt:IcE fdi)t rnN F I P E S A ~ E +Y 33 "IHRiPQ5A ST' hJ `J E'ri ~ T~EftF4T7tu c:Ft~+ &~l;~vn"~Gi,-;in~Fiib r?:~'sni;TNE"~ PLEASE CL€AF: UF' ALL ACCOUNT LALRNCES. 'fl?ANK Y'DU FOR YOUR CGOPERA7I6N C U 8 O'~ 1 1- 35 RETURNS MUST BE IN TAX OFFICE OR POSTMARKED BY 20TH OF MONTH`MIYWYINYPEr~{(~tl~(~ ~llXOf' .1- fUlG7/Ul.lstu.luat il1{l ~ ~ ~ ~ V V \ ~ ~ Model SK-2224 2-Zone Conventional Fire Panel A simple, powerful, cost-effective panel for basic fire protection applications The SK-2224 is a two-zone, 24-volt conventional fire alarm control panel. Simpie to install and operate, this panel is the state of the art in small fire panels. The SK-2224 provides a number of powerful features. Two Class B initiation zones, two 1.25 amp notification circuits, and a 2.5 amp power supply are standard features. You simply cannot install more power for the money! Other standard features include a half amp auxifiary power output for special applications such as door holders; dedicated alarm and trouble relays; easy to use on-board annunciator; and a compact cabinet that can house up to two 7.0 AH batteries. Model SK-2224 2-Zone Conventional Fire Panel The Silent Knight SK-2224 provides two Class B zones, two 1.25 amp notification circuits, and a 2.5 amp power supply. Other powertul features include a.5 amp auxiliary power output and two dedicated relays for alarm and trouble. Programmable features for zones inciude alarm verification and "enhanced" verification, that allows pull stations to be recognized on smoke verification zones. Zones can also be programmed for zone type (alarm or supervisory), and water flow delay (30, 60, or 90 seconds). Notification appliance circuits can be programmed for silencing or no silence and for ANSI or steady output. The on-board annunciator is easy to use and provides LED indication of alarm, supervisory and trouble conditions by zone as well as system status. Features • Two Class B initiation zones • Two power limited notification circuits rated 1.25A each • 2.5A power supply • Dedicated alarm and trouble relays • Auxiliary power output rated at .SA • Alarm verification feature • Enhanced verification feature allows panel to recognize pull stations in smoke verification zones • Communicator accessory fits in cabinet • Compact cabinet houses up to two 7.0 AH batteries • Notification appliance circuits programmable for ANSI or steady output • Walk Test feature • UL 864 listed, complies with NFPA 72 and 101 • DIP Switch programmable No programming software or special tools required Specifications Primary AC 230 / 120 Vrms @ 50 / 60 Hz Total Accessory 2.5A Load Dimensions Height: 15 7/8" Widih: 12 13116' Depth: 3 3/8' Color Red SILENT KNIGHT Model SK-2224 Model SK-2224 2-Zone Conventional Fire Panel Engineering Specifications The contractor shall provide a completely electrically supervised fire alarm control panel Silent Knight Model SK-2224. The system shall contain a fire alarm control panel capable of operating and supervising smoke detection devices, alarm notification devices, and an on-board annunciator. It shall be compatible with a digital communicator accessory which is housed in the control cabinetry. The fire alarm control panel shall have a 2.5 amp power limited supply, two Class B initiation circuits which shall accommodate heat detectors, smoke detectors, and manual pull stations. Smoke detection shall be achieved with either 2- or 4-wire detectors that are compatible with the system. The initiation inputs shall be programmable as 1) verification zones in which detectors are automatically reset one time before signaling an alarm condition; 2) enhanced verification zones which can recognize pull statiPons when smoke verification is in use in a zone and will signal an alarm immediately (will not reset) if the alarm has come from a pull station; and 3) water flow delay zones in which the system waits 30, 60, or 90 seconds, as programmed, before signaling an alarm condition. The FACP shall have two 125 amp notification outputs which are programmable as silenceable or not silenceable and ANSI cadence or steady. The FACP shall be capable of supporting four remote LED annunciators and shall have dedicated relays for alarm and trouble and an auxiliary power output rated at .5 amp. The FACP shall have an on-board annunciator to indicate alarm, supervisory, trouble, and status conditions. The annunciator must include LEDs for AC, GENERAL TROUBLE, SYSTEM SILENCED, WALK TEST, GROUND FAULT, AND LOW BATTERY. The annunciator shall also contain LEDs to annunciate alarms, troubles, and supervisory by zone. The FACP must be fully operational from the annunciator and include buttons for ACKNOWLEDGE, SILENCE, RESET, and WALK TEST. The annunciator must also have separate DISABLE switches for each zone and notification circuit; SILENCE, RESET, and WALK TEST. ,o v~ acwssory Silent Knigh[ SK-2224 Fire Alarm Conirol Panel ro i a~~~mmo. u11 _l_1-1~ InI11BHen Nntifi IiOn TRUde FINm Aur.POxxr cimune cmmia oeomeieoreepy. oms (xCiasaB) (zaassa, (5ame) reb] 125N uM) SK-2224 Block Diagram ~ SILENT ICNIGHT m 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 MADE IN AMERICA 800-446-6444 or in Minnesota 612-493•6435 FORM# 350380, Rev. 11/97 FAX:612-493-6475 World Wide Web: http://www.silentknight.com Copyright C) 1997 Silent Knight Security Systems Battery Calculation Worksheet Job Name Mountain Vista Health Care Standby (mA) Alarm (mA) ~ Description QTY Each Total Each Total System Components SK-2224 Panel 1 100 100 250 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal System Current Requirement 100 Notification Devices P2475K 2 Subfofal NAC Circuits Initiation Devices 2112I24ATR Smoke Det Subtotal lnitiation Devices Totals (Amp) Standby Load (Amp) Alarm Load (Amp) Total Minimum Load Derating Factor Minimum Required Battery Selected Battery 1 0.05 0.05 0.10005 Req Stdby Time (hrs) 24 Req Alarm Time (hrs) 0.084 12 4.5 Amp Hour 148 65 65 0.611 Comment 0 296 2.4012 0.051324 2.452524 2.943029 3.0 Amp Hour Min ~ ~YxE i ~ F d V "s.„ F.aG,'4 4r c~t 4 t,.+ W .,✓k~,~~h; llll/24TR Features 2112124n7r Models Available 2100D Photoelectronic, 2-Wire 2100TD Photoelectronic with Thermal, 2-Wire 2100TR Photoelectronic with Thermal and Relay, 2•Wlre 2112/24R Photoelectronic with Relay, 4Wire 2112/24TR Photoelectronic with Thermal and Relay, 4Wire 2100AT Photoelectronic with Thermal and Sounder, 2-Wire 2112/24ATR Photoelectronic with Sounder, Tharmal and Relay, 4Wire 2112/24AITR Photoelectronic with Sounder, Isolated Thermal and Relay, 4Wire • Models with buil[-in soimder` producing NPPA 72 mquired temporal tone • Models with 135°P fixed-temperature heat detection • Models with localized, nonlatching smol<e alarm and latching thermal • Smart-Checlc'" selGdiagiiostic mnintenance (mtwr to satisfy NI'PA 72 sensitivity [esting requirement • Large, supervised*' plug-in terminal Ulock wiUi captured SEMS screws decrcases wiring and ins[allation time • Removable, cleanable insect scmen protects sensor [rom insects and airborne dust • Ruilt-in [est switch • Visual alarm, power, and maintenance indicamr • 3-year warran[y 'pateNed housing design "patent penAing System Sensor 100 Series low-profile, direct-wire detectnrs pnck superb per(ormance and reliability into a small paclcagc. Sevcral new modcls contain a built-in soundcr that produccs thc NrPA 72 irquimd temporal evacuation lnne. Advanced circuitry provides superior falsc alirm immunily, while reducing maintenance. And ihe Porm C relay, stnndard mt most models, nllows the detectors to control remote tunctions such as elevator recall and door dosure Thc isolated Ihermal teature on thc 2112/24AITR reduces nuisance alarms and unwirranted calls to the central station. UO Specifcations - 2100D and 2100TD Operaling Vollage: 12 or 24 VDC (nominal) Dimensions SlanAby Currenl• SO pA maximum average Diamcter. 5.5 inches (140 mm) Alarm CurrenC 100 mA maximum limited by panel liright 1.7 inches (43 mm) with brackel Temperature Range: Shipping WeighC 53 oz. (150 grains) 2100D: 32° to 120°P (0° to 50°C) IlumiJity Range: 10% m 93% RH, nonwnAensing HOOTD: 32° lo ]00°F (0° ro 39°C) m System Sensor 7/98 This document is not intendeJ lu he used for irisWllation purpnses. A05-227-07 Specifications - 2100TR Diameter. 5.5 inches (140 mm) Standby Currenr. 50 pA average, 100 pA max. HeighC 17 inches (43 mm) wilh bracket Alarm Current: 25.5 mA min., 100 mA max. WeighC 6.8 oz. (192 g) (Alarm current mus( be limiled to 100 mA by Ihe control panel. It Operating used. lhe RA4002 Remote Annanciator operates within the specified Temperalure Range: 32° l0 100°P (0° to 38°C) detector alarm curren(s.) Opereting Reset Votlage: 1.3 VDC min. Flumidity Range: 10% to 93% Relative 1-lumidity, Resel Time: 03 seconds max. noncondensing Start-up Time: 30 seconds max. Lalching Alarm: Resel by momentary power (at(er 60 sec. reseQ inlerrup[ion Alarm Initiation and Heat Sensor. 135°P fixed lemperature Auxiliary Relay electronic thermistor Conlact Ralings, System Voltage (VDC): 12/24 nom., 8.5 min., 35 mnx. Resistive l.oad: IA (1), 30 VDC Max. Ripple Voiinge: 30% o( nom. (peak lo peak) Specifications - 2112/24R and 2112/24TR Diameter: 5.5 inches (140 mm) System Voltage (VDC): 12/24 nom., IO min., 35 max. Iieighh 17 inches (43 mm) with bracket M11ax. Ripple Voltage: 30% of mmiiinal voltage (peal< to peak) Weight 6.8 oz. (190 g) Standby CurrenC SO pA average Operating Alann CurrenC 28 mA typical, 35 mA max. at 12V TemperaWre Range: 36 mA typical, 45 mA max. al 24V 2112/24TR 32° l0 100°F (0° to 38°C) Reset Vottage: 0.8 VDC min. 2112/24R 32° to 120°F (0° l0 50°C) Resel Time: 03 seconAs max. Operaling StarFup Time: 30 seconds max.(after 60 sec. reset) Humidity Range: 10% l0 93% Relalive Humidity, Alann Iniliation anA Aux iliary Relay noncondensing Conlacl 2alings, Latching Alarm: Reset by momentary power interruption Resistive LoaJ: IA 0 30 VDC Heat Sensor, 2112/24TR: 135°F fixed lemperatore COL Relay: A77-71613, 12/24 VDC elecVOnic thermistor Specifications - 2100AT Diameler. 5.5 inches (140 mm) Sys(em Voltage (VUC): 12/24 nom., 8.5 min., 35 max. HeighC 2.05 inches (52 mm) Max. Ripple Vollage: 30% o( nom. (peak (o Veak) Weight: 7.4 oz. (210 g) Slandby CurrenC 50 /rA average. 100 pA max. Operating Alann CurrenC 13 mA min.. 100 mA max. TemperaWre Range: 32° to t00°F (0° l0 38°C) (if used, (he RAAOOZ Remote Annuncialor operates wilhin Ihe Operating speci(ied detenor alarm currenis.) Humidity Range: 10% l0 93% Relalive Humidity, Reset Voltage: 1.8 VDC min. noncondensing Reset Time: 0.6 seconAs max. Latching Alarm: Reset by momentary power interruption Start-up Time: 30 secunds max. Audible Signal: 85 d6A minimum when in alarin (a(ler 60 sec. resel) or wilh supply polarity revers'ed Revrrsiiig Rciay: RI:I. 12/24 VDC Ileal Sensor: 135°P fixed lemperalure electronic Iherinistor Specifications - 2112/24ATR and 2112/24AITR Diameter: 5.5 inches (140 mm) System Voltage (VDC): 12/24 nom., 11.3 min., 35 max. NeighL• 2.05 inches (52 mm) Max. Ripple Vollage: 30% of nom. (peak ro peak) Weighl: 7.5 oz. (2I0 g) StanJby Cunenl: 50 /tA average. 100 pA max. Operating Alarm Currenl: 49 mA lypical, GO mA ntax. at 12V Temperalure Range: 32° to 100°F (0° to 38"C) 57 mA lypical, 65 mA max. at 24V Operaling Reset Vultage: 0.8 VDC min. Humidily Range: 10°L l0 93°•G Relative I1umiAity, Resel Time: 0.6 seconds max. noncondensing Sfarl-up Time: 30 seconds max. iatching Narm: Resel by momentary power interruption (after 60 sec. mseQ Audible Signal (al 24 VDCJ: RS dIIA typical when in alann or wilh supply pol, rily reversc¢I Heat Sensor 2112/24ATR: 135°F fixed temperature electronic thermisror 2112/24AITR: 135°F fixed temperature isolaced electronic thennistor Page 2 Alann Initiation , nd Auxiliary Relay Conwct Ralings, Resistive Load; IA 0 30 VDC Reversing Relay: RRI, 12/24 VDC GOI. Relay: A77-7166, 12/24 VDC A05-227-07 100 Series Wiring Guide MIUOt PEAqiE NEMOiE ' YYplxCUiM µNUMCI/.lOfl ' I INIIUiINO ~ _ - 1~ I LMY I , UllIST[O A~ ~ COMY~IIULF II COMHOI pANFI ~ ~NC A M~OO2 / 1 i C U I I PEAqiE \ ~ y ryp MINIINCI~P' OPIILW~L LIA59 A WIPINO NOTE. ONLV ONE DETEGTOR PER ZONE CAN BE USED. Wtring Dfagram for 2100D and 2100TD ~LWV~ ~ p i~ i A E /~1i M ( u A CO TACT ~ CO T.~C A / f) H . Wiring diagram for 2300TR ^lPO lf -IF- 1Ea _ . ~ ~ ♦ + F ' I H F • 1 A1 LLISiFD I I ~ A I I M1PA11I1LE Mi1NOL ~ . I / FWEL o' \ I I. flMCOZ . . I : hNNINLIAiON . µ~NCMTOfl fl NOT NUT OSEO USED OPTWIUICLI\'f'A IW11lq Wiring Diagram for 2112/24R and 2112/24TR NOTF:On1YO^a0e~eclaPo~t~a,4allEaueeE,uMCUwlwnNab~mlMqn4awlMaelMiaMla~ epay'lly, YP~1~1vMIY0pOwelaupply.TM3100ATJe10C1e~sMlliqlOB-NwM ann~ Wiring diagram for 2100AT ro iETECiORS _ . . . . _ _ . ECIPoWEfl I I I I I 1 SU PEPNSION I ~ , R E lAY l9fONM P I erven0¢Eq d ~ ♦ ~ / I 1 ~ . . ~ A%)qIB 1&NV j _ R ` _ H t~ A ALryRM I ~ n ALI~RM I { u uSren OMPATIIILE ° ~ A COpTACT I ~ rv n TAC T CO r I I cw~moi E P'W r I rvc 1 A ~ ~ I i ~ r nc I A ' ~ I EOL RESISIIXI ~ sPeCiF iED nv ~ I I ' C U I te G U PPNEL r. y NO X' . i e) NO X i IMNUFGf:TU RERI INRIATINO I I ~ ' ~ I IOOV I I I I I - - - - - ~~_~~~~__I , OPTIONAI. CUSS A WIHINp Wiring diagram for 2112/24ATR and 2112/24AITR Page 3 A05-227-07 Generai Description Sys[em Sensor 100 Series low-profile smoke detectors use 2112/24AITR produces the NFPA72-required, 85 dBA a sta[e-of-the-art optical sensing chamber. The unique design of the optical sensing chamber in 100 Series photoelectronic smoke detectors can sense smolce particles from a wide range ot combustion sourees. These detectors minimize nuisance alarms by using a custom integrated circuit (or signal processing. The thermal detectors provide restorable, 135'F [ixed- temperature heat detection. The 2112/24TR, 21000AT, and 2112/24ATR have heal-de[ection units integrated wi[h the photoelectronic sensor. The 2112/24A1TR pho[oelectronic smoke sensor is isolated trom the fixed-temperatum lieat sensor, providing a self-resetting, local audible smoke alarm tha[ does not alarm at the panel. Only the fixed- temperature heat sensor will cause the 2112/24AITR lo alarm at the panel. A piezoelec[ric horn in the 2100AT, 2112/24ATR, and Ordering Information tempornl [one pattern when the individual detector alarms or when the siIpply voltage palari[y is reversed. Inslallation of lhese detccrors is simpli(iecl by the use of a mounling broclcet and a plug-in tenninal block with capturcd SiiMS screws that can be prewired [o the system, aIlowing tlhe detector to be easily installed or removed [or cleaning. Detector sensitivity can be tested in place using the MOD400P. Test Module. An I.BD on the detecmr provides a local visual indication of the detector's status. IT power is applied to the de[ector, and it is (unc[ioning normally in sWndby, the status LCD blinlcs every ten seconds. The LED also latches on in alarm. All of these iinits feature a visual indica[ion tha[ maintenaiice is mquired - if the sensiiig chamUer drifts oW o( its sensitivity limits, lhe LBD ceases ta Ulinlc. I'ar[ No, Description 2100D Photo, 2-wire, 12/24 VDC 2112/24AI"fR Pho1o with piezo sounder, isolated 135°F thermal, 2100TD Pho[o with 135°I' thermal, 2-wirc, 12/24 VDC auxiliary rclay, 4-wire, 12/24 VDC 2100TR Photo wi[h 135°F thermal, auxiliary relay, 2-wire, Accessories 12/24 VDC 2112/24R Pho[o, 4-wire, auxiliary relay, 12/24 VDC 2112/24TR Photo with 135° F ihermal, 4-wire, auxiliary relay, 12/24 VDC 2100AT Pho[o wi[h piezo sounder, 135°F Ihermal, Z-wim, 12/24 VDC 2112/24ATR Pho[o with piezo sounder, 135°F thermal, auxiliary relay, 4-wire, 12/24 VDC N07'6: Prodtict specifications subjecl lo chanF;e without nolice. RRl Reversing relay for 2- and 4-wire smoke detectors A77-716I3 GOL power supcrvision relay module (or 4-wire smolce detectors MOD40011, tiensi[ivity tes[ tool for 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 Scries smoke detec[ors n77-nB Adapter bradcel to retrotit 100 series detectors System Sensor Worldwide Manufacturing & Distribution In Canada: In the Far IvsL In Italy: Telephone: 905-812-0767 Telephone:852-2191-9003 9ilephone:39-40-949011 Pax:905-812-0771 Paz:852-2736-6580 fax:39-40-382137 In Chlna: 'Iblephone: 86-29-525-6253 Fax: 86-29-524-6259 In India: In fhe Uniled Kingdom: Telefax: 91-022-8202564 Telephone 44d403-276500 Dax: 44-1403-276501 Page 4 A05-227-07 ~ Fire-ureeaLarrns incorPOraTeo April 17, 1998 302 Series Rate-Anticipation Heat Deteciors Section: Conventional Initiating Devices F-850 GENERAL The Thermotech 302 Series rate-anticipation heat detec- tors operate within a controlled range of two to three de- grees of their set points, regardless of the speed or rate of temperature rise. These detectors are available in either 135°F or 194°F ratings. The 302 Series are normally-open devices designed es- pecially for fire detection and alarm systems. FEATYRES • Immediate response. The 302 Series activate whenever ambient air temperature reaches a detector's setting, eliminating the thermal time lag inherent in conventional heat detectors. • Eliminates fa/se a/arms. The 302 Series do not respond to momentary temperature fluctuations below the selected temperature. • Universal application. The 302 Series can be used in all areas for any type of occupancy. • Self-restoring. • Hermetically sea/ed, shock resistant, corrosion resistant, and tamper-proof. PRINCIPLES OF OPERA710N The 302 Series rate-anticipation heat detectors re- spond and activate the fire alarm immediately whenever the ambient temperature reaches the preset temperature setting. Under rapid heat rise conditions, the rate-anticipation feature enables the detector to respond one to three degrees ahead of the setting. At the same time, however, it does not respond to momentary temperature fluctuations be- low the selected protection level, thus eliminating false alarms. When temperature drops back down below the protection level, the detector automati- cally resets itself. (Model 304) Total overall length: 4-1 /8" Base diameter: 2" s California State Fire F M Marshal .~Yf 7270-0021:001 S539 J.1.5H3M3.AY E35018A (Except EPM) (EPM model only) APPLICA710N INFORMATION ELECTRICAL RATINGS Vo/tage Current 6-125 VAC 5 amps 6-25 VDC 1 amp 125 VDC 0.5 amp 302 Series detectors have a smooth-ceiling UL rating of 50' x 50' (15.24 x 1524 meters) and are the only type of heat detectors having such a rating on both fixed tempera- ture and rate anticipation. The 302-H is designed for hori- zontal mounting and UL rated for 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12.19 meters). This document Is not intendetl to be used for installalion purposas. We try lo keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot wver all specifc applications or ISO-9001 anticipate all requiremen[s. All spacifiwtions are subject to change without nolice. For Engineering and M2nufaClufing more information, contact Fire•Lile. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 QU21ily System C¢Aifl¢d 10 ~ FIY@iITB°nLarms ip Clintomille Roatl, Notlhford, Conneclicut 06472 lntemational SWndaN I30-9001 Mede in Ihe U.S.A. ncw.on.eo ur-owro - raye 1 oi c PRODUCT LINE INFORNIATION ~ Thermotech Model 302 Series Rate-Anticipation Heat Detectors MODEL NUMBER ~ DESCRIPTION REPER TO 302-135 135°F Intenor Vertical Mounting. - - Note 1 below. 'I 302-194 194°F Interior Vertiral Moun6ng , r 302-AW-135 .135°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting. Note 2 below. I I 302 AW 194 ~194 F All Weather Vertcal MounUng i~ x t7§.r•.e .r .y P n ,..v ~"!Px~ ~':v..~:u:ti~.id,ax 302-ET-135 135°F All Weather Vertical Mounting. _ _ - - - - _ I Note 3 below. 302-ET-194 194°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting. i~T_ . r ..iii..l.a=~ 302-H-135 1135°F Interior HonzoMal MouMing. Note 4 below. - 302-H-194 194°F Interior HoriwMal Mounting. I .k.al.w~e! 358,+„x~.aiFf%'S n..eA ~5~ d' kae..,~ ~+v ..~'_.t..•.ra. _iv _ , •..:....z 302-EPM-135 135°F ExpIosiorrProof Moun6ng ~ - ~ Note 5 below. I 302-EPM-194 194°F ExpIosiorrProof Mounting. ~ AP_P Decorative white plastic adapror plate for mounting 302 and 302-AW to 4" outlet box. U j Note 1: For interior mounting in any atmosphere that is compatible with terminal screw type connections. UL rating 50' x 50' (1524 x 15.24 meters). Note 2: Humitically sealed for moisture-proof or dust- proof installations. Requires no special backbox when the all-weather leads are properly spliced to'THW' or equivalent type wire. Note 3: Humitically sealed for moisture-proof or dust- proof installations. Requires no special backbox. Has plastic hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit threads for attachment to threaded hub cover, or any outlet box. Note 4: Same as model 302 except designed for hori- FINE SILVER zontal mounting. UL rating 40' x 40' (12.19 x CONTACT POINTS 12.19 meters). Note 5: Explosion-proof for installation in hazardous lo- EXPANSION STRUTS cations. Has hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit threads for attach- HIGH EXPANSION ment to threaded hub cover of Series JL fixture SENSING SHELL 0.040 fitting as manufactured by Killark Electric Co., or ANODIZEDALUMINUM equal. HEAT ANTICIPATION CONTROLSLEEVE SETTING SCREW DEVCON HERMETIC SEAL Cut-Away View, ACTUAL SIZE Page 2 of 2- DF-50673 Horn/Strobe with Standard Plate Strobe with Small Footprint Plate Features • 24 volt strobe models: 15, 15/75, 75 and 110 candela • 12 volt s[robe models: 15 and 15/75 candela • Horn models operate on 12 and 24 volts • Low current draw: reductions as high as 45% • 7tvo field selec[able/reversible horn tones - 3000 Hz Interrup[ed - Electromechanical • Field selec[able/reversible high-low dBA output on horn (low output on 24 wlt models only) - 101 peak dBA p 10 ft. high output' - 96 peak dBA @ 10 ft. low output* • Field selectable/reversible [emp 3 pattern or non-temp 3 continuous pattern on horn • Horn/strobe can be wired ei[her in [andem or independently Specifications • Universal mounting plate included with each unit • One screw mounting of strobe and hom/strobe [o mounting plate • SpectrAler[ strobe and horn/strobe [ake up zero room in the back box. • Single gang mounting without the use of a mounting plate (horn model only) • Self-con[ained screw covers • Aesthetically pleasing design • Synchronize horn and s[robe with Sync•CircuiP" module • Silence hom on horn/strobe over a single pair of wires using Sync•Circuit module • Sound outpu[ varies wi[h [one and ou[put op[ions selected; sound levels based upon anechoic room measurements. Walk test SpectrAlert hom/strobe and horn only work on "walk Mounting: 4" x 4" x 1'/z" or tests" with tune durations of 4 seconds or greater. 2" x 4° x 11/8" standard boxes Input terminals: 12 to 18 AWG Indoor operating temperature: 32° to 120° F(0° to 49° C) Dimensions Weatherproof S[robe and horn/s[robe wi[h universal plate: 5" x 55/a" x 2's/1e" Strobe and horn/s[robe wi[h small footprin[ pla[e: 33/8' x 55/a' x 25/16" Horn with universal mounting plate: 5" x 5s/a" x V/16° Horn wi[hout mounting pla[e: 2'5/16" x 5s/1e" x 1'/16" Weight, horn only: 72 oz. Weigh[, strobe and hom/strobe: 8.8 oz. operatiug temperature: 32° to 151° F(0° to 66° C) Voltages: 12 or 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered Operating voltage range': 12 V, 10.5-17 V; 24 V, 2030 V Opera[ing voltage range* (with SynrCircuit module, MDL): 12 V, 11-17; 24 V, 21-30 V ' These products should be operated within Iheir mied voitage range; UL does, howevee lest (unclionai inle@'ily to -20% and + 10% of manufacW rer s stated ranges. F M aMEA APPNOYED j QnAoor model listings only. For addilionallistinR intormation see "Nmes" on bolwm of page 6J 0 System Sensor 9/97 This document is not in[ended ro be used for installation purposes. A05-936-04 Horn with Standard Plate General Description Sys[em Sensor SpeclrAlert Series strobes, horns, and combination horn/ selectable teatures are accomplished with Ihe use ot pins and jumpers strobes are UL listed for primary signaling in life safety sysrems and meet located on the back of each SpectrAlert hom and hom/strobe. An accessory ADA public mode visible signaling requiremen[s. module is not needed [o make these field selec[ions. The horn on hom/ SpeclrAlert products can be connecred to Ihe alarm indicating circuit of s[robe modeis will opera[e on a coded power supply. The horn only model a fire alarm control panel and are compatible with DC line sapervision. The designed for coded power supplies (HC12/24) wifl also operate on a coded SpeclrAlert produc[ line moun[s to standard back boxes with the use ot a power supply. universal moun[ing plare incWded with each uniL An optional small StroEes footprin[ mounting plate fits m a single gang box. An accessory back box The ADA mmpliant Spec[rAler[ strobes are electronic visible warning skirt gives a cosme[ic finish to a 4" x 4" x 11/2" or a 2" x 4" x 171w' surtace signals Ihat (lash at 1 Hz over their operating vol[age range. These produc[s moun[ed back box. All strobe and horn/s[mbe moun[ing options require are available in 24 volt models at 15, 15/75, 75 and 110 candela intensities only oce screw attachment of produc[ to plate. and in 12 vol[ models at 15 and 15p5 candela intensities. SpeclrAlert These products are designed for 12 and 24 VDC and full wave rectified pmducts teamre dramatic reduMions in current requirements. unfil[ered power. FWI wave rectitied operation requires more cuaen[ ihan DC operation. For de[ailed current draw in(orma[ion, consul[ Ihe table Syne•Clreuit Module below. The horn/s[mbe combination products are fac[ory assembled with The Sync•Circui[ Module is available for Ihe synchroniza[ion of slrobes and jumper wires for in-tandem operation. For independent wiring of horn and homs and can synchronize two Style Y(dass B) circui[s or one Style Z s[robe, remove jumper wires. When wired for independent operalion, Ihe (class A) circuiL The module can also genera[e a synchronized [emp 3 lone strobe will continue m run while Ihe hom can be siienced. However, the for System Sensor's Mul[i-Alert'" and PA400 horn producls.' The strobe must be running (or horn to opemte. synchronization module allows [he Spec[rAlert horns on combination horn/ strobes to Ue silenced on 2-wire systems. Spec[rAlerPs Sync•Circuit Module Horn can be daisy chained for multiple zone synchroniza[ion. The Module shall The SpeclrAlert Series horns and horn/strobes provide Iwo differen[ field not operare on a coded power supply. selec[able/reversible tones, a high-low field selectable/reversible sound output set[ing (low se[ting on 24 volt models only) and a(ield selectable/ 'For Muhi-Aler[ and PA400: Strobes must be wired m a continuous source reversible temp 3 pattem or non-temporal con[inuous pa[[ern. These field of power (nomcoded power supply). SpectrAlert Current Draw Table Gi.nM Mlv AVENAGEC URHENT(mA) Y EAKGUN RENT(m A) IN RUSHCU HNENT(m A) 12y WJppgle 20V Models 12V Modl s 2 4V Model a 12V Model g 2 gV MoEe~ s 70.SV 72V iN 20V 24V 30V 10.SV 72V 17V 20V 24V 30V 10.5V 12V 1]V 20V 24V 30V GBfICBIB OL fWP OL fWP CC FKA DG FWP OC iW11 OL iM'F DL FWA DC fWP CL iWP ~C FNP DC fWP OL fWP OC FWP OC AVP OC FWP DC FNP OC FWfl OL FWA 15 133 159 116 15] 81 128 59 120 53 80 46 ]9 460 4fi0 dW 460 420 CB 150 270 150 270 140 250 BO 108 92 124 140 19 170 230 220 2B0 270 3]0 15!]5 168 182 142 1]1 99 15 ]6 92 66 93 58 132 480 520 490 520 OBO 480 190 270 170 270 10 270 76 100 88 126 160 185 1]D 230 210 2]0 210 360 '!5 NP NA NA NA NN N 4 145 1]0 123 159 102 141 NA NA NA NA NA NA 350 <40 340 O80 330 420 NA NA NA NA NA NA 190 2C0 239 28~ 290 290 380 370 0 11 NA NA NA NA NF NN 1fi9 220 t0U 191 HS 174 NA NA NA NA NR NA Cfi0 560 AW 510 620 620 Nh NF NA NA NA NA 190 230 22J 290 Horn Only HIghlLOw Temp Tone Volume Mon AVERAGECU 72yModel a 10.5V 12V 1N oc vxx oc em+ oc rvm NNENT(mA) 26V MoMF 20V 2CV 30V oc fwa oc ~'n oc exn Elec1r0- High TBm 10 11 12 1~ 16 16 19 21 25 18 28 26 mech. N00 10 16 01 1 19 14 25 1) 29 23 34 30 <P Low Tem NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 12 13 13 1] 15 NOf~ NA NA NA NA NA NA 12 1fi 14 19 1] 2< 3000 HE High Tem 11 13 H 11 16 18 24 28 28 23 3] 33 Inierru0t. Non 11 17 11 21 14 20 19 34 29 39 35 ~5 Low Tem NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 14 1i 15 21 19 Non NR NA NA NA NA NA 13 18 16 21 22 25 Horn/Strobe -15 cd AVEPAGECUNRENT(mA) tpy MqdelE 24V Models XIghlLOw Temp 10.5V 12V 1N 20V 24V 30V TOIIC Volume /NOfI ~C FWM OC RVF ~L FNF ~L FWfl OC FNR OC FNX Eleclro. High T¢m 1aa na 12a tb9 BS 1a2 ]e 101 9e 8e 75 tal meCh. NOn 163 1]0 126 18] 95 1d2 69 98 78 100 76 138 LOW Tem NA NA NA NA NA NF 70 82 W 93 63 13 NOn NA NA NA NA NA NA 91 92 67 93 63 132 3000H2 High Teln 141 1M 125 188 9] 10C 83 108 91 103 83 106 IOtBfNpL Non 144 1]3 125 168 BS 146 79 1~2 80 106 B1 142 LOW Teill NA NA NA NA NA NA 73 84 70 85 87 1 NOn NA NA NP NA NA NA 72 92 88 99 68 132 Norn/Strobe - 75 cd AVERAGE CURRENT (mA) 12V Motlglc 24 V MoGals Hlgh/LOw Temp 10.5V 12V 1]V 20V 24V 30V TOIIB VOIY1110 MOII DL RM OC FNR LC FlVF OC FWF CL FlVP DG FWN EIBmO- High Tem NA NA NA NA NA NA 184 191 1C8 161 131 18l RIBCh. NOn NN NA NA NA NA NF 163 188 148 169 132 1W LoW TeT NA NA NA NA NA NA 156 182 136 162 119 156 N011 NA NF NA NA NA NA 157 182 1371 162 1 119 15] 3000HZ High TBm NA NA NA NA NR NA 189 198 151 1M 139 171 Interrupt. Non NN NA NF NA NA NT lfi4 182 150 195 137 1P Low Tem NA NA NA NA NA NA 159 186 1~0 16E 123 180 NOn NA NA Nh NR NN NN 150 198 139 163 124 162 Horn/Strobe -15/75 cd AVEPA6ECURRENT(mA) 72V Modelf 24V MotlBIF HIghlLow Tamp 10.SV 72V 17V 20V 21V 30V Tone Voluma Mon oc exn oc ~n oc exu oc wm oc rwn oc rvm EleClro- Nigh Tem 11 1]B 193 152 181 3 180 95 113 91 HI 153 87 mech. Non 13 18C 11B 193 152 181 1 93 110 89 113 BB 1W LOw TBm NH NA NA NA NA NA 87 104 98 108 75 11C No0 NA NA NA NA NA NR 80 tOC 80 106 75 1GG 3000 HZ Hgh Tem 1l9 195 t52 183 115 188 100 118 94 H6 85 158 Intermpt. Non 1]8 198 15T 183 113 188 95 H6 B3 H9 93 156 LOw TBm NA NA NR NA NA NA 90 106 83 108 ]9 146 Non NA NR NA NA NR NA 89 1W 82 107 80 iaa Hom/Strobe -110 cd VERAGECURNENT(mA) Models 20V M9dels Hlgh/LOw Temp 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V Tona Volume Mon vwn oc rwA oc rwn oc r~m oc rwa EIBCYm. Hlgh T¢In NA NF NA 1B8 261 165 209 iC4 2W meGh. NOO l NA NA i NF 106 238 183 211 td5 20 LoW TelM1 NF NA NA 232 153 204 132 18 N OO NN NA NA 181 232 15l 2aC 132 19 M2 Hlgh T211~ NA NA NA 183 2C6 168 21C 152 20 illt¢INpI. NOfI NA NA NA 188 2<2 16] 21] 150 21 Law Tem NA NA NR 103 23C 15> 206 138 18 No0 NA NA NA 182 232 156 205 139 195 Page 2 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. A05-93G04 Specifications SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capable of mounting to a standard 4" x 4" x 1 y:" back box or a single gang 2" x 4" x 11/e" back box using the universal mounting plare included with each SpectrAlert producL Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in conjunction with the accessory Sync•Circuit Module, shatl be poweced irom a mn-coded power supply and shall operate on 12 or 24 volts. 12 volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 10.5 - 17 wlts. 24 volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 20 - 30 volts. SpectrAlert products shal] have an operating remperature of 32 to 120° F and operate from a regulated DC or full wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Horn Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert model capable of operating at 12 and 24 volts. Horn shall be listed to UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (a[ 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a mo-cemporal continuous pattern. The horn only model designed for coded power supplies (RC12/24) shall operate on a coded power supply. Strobe Strobe shall be a Sys[em Sensor SpectrAlert model lis[ed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabiiities Act reqnirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over [he strobe's entire opera[ing vol[age range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash mbe and associated lens/reflector system. Horn/strobe shall be a Sys[em Sensor SpectrAlert model lisred to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabiiities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over its entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shal] consis[ of a xenon Flash tube and associated Iens/reflector sysrem. The horn shall have Iwo tone oplions, two audibility op[ions (a[ 24 vol[s) and Ihe option [o switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattem. S[robes shall be powered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory installed jumper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models shall opecate on a coded or noo-mded power supply. Motluie Module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Cirwit modei listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire pro[ective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert stmbes at 1 Hz and horns at temporai 3. Also, the module shall silence the homs on hom/strobe models, while opera[ing Ihe strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall be capable of moun[ing [o a 411/,«" x 411/ib' x 21/n" back box and shall control two Style Y(class B) or one Sryle Z(class A) circuiL Module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules together and re-synchronizing each other along [he chain. The Module shall no[ opera[e on a coded power supply. SpectrAlert Dimensions Nom/Strobe with Small FootprirFt Mounting Plate Horn Only (same dimensions for strobe only) ~._2151ls'--1 I-. . 5 /a I - - - 5„ 55/e' I SS g ' ' I S~ /a` I 25hfi"- Horn/Strobe with Universal Mounting Plate (same dimensions for stroba only) Sync•Circuit Module Page 3 This documen[ is not intended to be used for installation purposes. 2„ ~ I~ III II A05-93G04 SpectrAlert Mounting Diagrams --2" back box -66S , 4 back box i l' r I ~ I I I I \ q I `y ~ , Nom Direct Mount II U 1 I ~l I' I I II ~I J" ~ ~--4" back box -D-MP - (included with each producry j ~ A i 1 dr. ~ Y ~ y yyy i a n c 4'va Norn Surface MouM with Accessory BeCk BOX SKtrt ~ -2" back box ~ i~ il i I '~qa Norn wkh Universal Mounting Plata (included with eaeh product) -4" back box D-MP (includedwith - - each produCl) I ~ `P ~II I ' 1 ~ Strobe or Norn/Strobe with Universal MouMing Plate (included with each product) 4"/,s" x 4"/,a" x 2'/a" back box ~ Strobe or Norn/Strobe with Accessory Smali FootpriM Mounting Plate 4" back boz Strobe or Norn/Strobe Surface Mount with Accessory Back Box Skirt Sync•Circuit Module Direc! Mount Page 4 This documen[ is no[ in[ended [o be used for ins[alla[ion purposes. A05-936-04 SpectrAlert Wiring Diagrams TANDEM OPERATION INDEPENDENT OPERATION HORWSTNOBE COMBO NoxHnxosrnoee on I! { r¢romx u ' ,.I ONIXT DEVICE OR f ,me.w.eenew.ao TONQT ~ I MDRXOIIS I - (1 , I I Hor. C ♦ °"O°". , I EOL F FROY: OI 5lROB . ~ -uoou ~ I i.~CP.MODVL! OR VREVIOII! E L. f1 oe r~E p UI FACLORYM8T1LLf0 ~~1 1-1 J MVER OEVILE ~ u. U S R N N XOXN XOPWSTPOBE STNOBEONLY ' ' f -'__._..\PI( -N),__-. . FOURWWESYSIEM iWOWIHE3VSi EM ~ 'C 0 WMBOMOOELS I EI 1NYMI%OFM ELS OO WIHEOPoflWOEYENOENT I I I I ~ I I WIPED fOP TANOEM ~ B OP~~T~~ L OVEHATON t (HOHNCANBEWflNE00FF ES ^T „ (-),.~I Ia) CONT VETO OPEMTE) Pj H E O I O ~ B L I O E . i E I Homs Sflenced Ovar i\vo-Wire CircuR 1. Any mix of Horn/Strobes or Strobe only devices is acceptable 2. Horn control connects to interruptible power source Mooom ~ {II_ cm w I iavo r I - ~ I eoi tl w ) I . M[R 4mle2 ~i I l TVP[BOF 1-1 I iBPlCTUll1RKNCH: I NORNONIV XOPWb1XOB! STPOBlOHLY ~ . . ie~ wwe~wr uoouUe f1CV n 1 I~~ eox~x l ~ Ll ellC1PA RT ' ~ Y l mM MNCC OR !OL HAGl 11 f f xnM I - tw... f.~ ~ . . cmii es em ~011 OCN OL l . . Mnrom~.mm~even4 riurwure~arr . A~ ~`~bAM~~~yMmK HOTE: 1) Anymlzol8qc\IIOIM1OTNVOG*.iImMOnIY. wMmonlyEwlc • IIOwWI~b,l. 3) NeGWepor hwnenlyu.ellew~Jenzen~f.Mne rYVlew ~n ImYllatl om m1. M1emIna~ EOL ...inor .onom romroi u.mi..i. Sound Output Guide (dBA) Temp 3 Coding of Multi-Alert and PA400 Sounders Note: Strobes must be powered from non-cotled su pply MODUIE 1 WXA I FRLP .:i I 4EYl~OX / . E NPL1 ~ y ii L . . N1C[ . 1 jWF - TO XEIR ~ i UENCEOP EpL I~~„ ~ I • I Xam" IIIMT'npnM ~ HON ' aMErqlnryrc. IEMV.J UL ReverberaM Room tlBAC volb DC Aneehoic Room Peak dBA 010 tt./voHs DC 1_0_5 12 17 20 24 30 10,5 12 17 20 24 _30 Temporel Low Tone Electromechanical NA NA NA 75 75 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98 3000 Hz Interrupted NA NA NA 75 79 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98 High Tone Elec[mmechanical 75 75 79 82 82 82 94 95 98 100 101 102 3000 Hz Interrupted 75 75 79 82 85 85 94 95 96 100 101 102 Noo- Low Tone Elec[romechanical NA NA NA 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98 Temporal 3000 Hz Interrupted NA NA NA 82 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98 High Tone Electromechanica] 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 100 101 102 3000 Hz Interrupted 79 82 85 88 88 88 93 95 98 100 101 102 Page 5 This documen[ is not intend ed [o be used for installa[i on pur poses. A05-936-04 SpectrAlert Ordering Information All weatherproo( models must use weathetproof hack box model WBB. Avg. mA' Avg. mA• Red 4Vhile Voltage Candela @ Nom. VDC (gp Nom. FWR" Nom/3lrabss P1215 P1215W 12 15 124 167 P121575 P121575W 12 15/75 152 181 P2415 P2415W 24 15 78 98 P241575 P241575W 24 15/75 91 lll P2475 P2475W 24 75 148 167 P24110 P24110W 24 110 165 209 P241575K (weatherprooQ - 24 15/75 91 lll P2475K (weatherproof) - 24 75 146 167 P24110K (weatherprooo 24 170 165 209 Canada P2415A P2415WA 24 15 78 98 P241575A P241575WA 24 15/75 91 111 P2475A P2475WA 24 75 148 167 P24110A P24110WA 24 110 165 207 P241575KA (weatherproop - 24 15/75 91 lll P2475KA (wea[herprooQ - 24 75 148 167 P24110KA (weatheproofL_ 24 110 165 207 Latin Ame[ica P241575F (FUEGO) 24 IS/75 91 lll SLfobas 51215 51215W 12 15 ❑4 157 5121575 5121575W 12 15/75 142 171 52415 52415W 24 l5 53 80 5241575 5241575W 24 15/75 66 93 52475 52475W 24 75 123 159 524110 529110W 24 110 140 191 5241575K (wealherpmoQ - 24 15p5 66 93 52475% (weatherprooO - 24 75 123 159 S24110R (wea[herprooQ ' _ . 24 . - I10 140 191 Canada 52415A 52415WA 24 15 53 80 5241575A 5241575WA 24 15/75 66 93 52475A 52475WA 24 75 123 149 524110A 524110WA 24 110 140 191 5241575KA (weatherproof) - 24 15/75 66 93 52475KA (weatherpmoq - 29 75 123 149 524I10KA (weatherproofL - 29 110 140 191 Latin America 5241575F (FUEGO) 24 15/75 GG 93 Noms H12/24 H12/24W 12/29 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 H72/24K (weatherprooQ - 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 HCl2/24 ([or mAed power) HC12/24W (for mded power) 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 HC12/24K (for coded DoWer, weatherOmof) 12L29 _.NA. 12 L23 12 / 21 Canada H12/24A H12/24WA 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 H12/24KA (wea[herproofl - 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 HC72/24A (for coded powec) HCIl/24WA ([or coded power) 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 Sync•CIrcuHMOtlule . ...MDL MDLW .12L24 . NA lG 24 Canada MDLA MDLWA 12/24 NA 16 24 Small Footprlnt Mountln( Plale for Slnpe 6en[ Only S-MP 5-MPW NA NA NA NA 8urhea Mount Beek Box Skirt 86S BBSW NA NA NA NA Unlversal MouMlnt Plate (nplmament) D-MP D-MPW NA NA NA NA Woatharproof Bxk BoX WBB - NA NA NA NA Noles: Agency Listings - Indoor models: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, MEA. Wea therpmof models: UL, all others pending. Hom for mded power: UL, ULC. FM, CSFM, MEA. AlI 5pec[rAlert products are designed for wall mount only. Installa[ion ot less than 75 candel a s[mbes may be Permissible under the equivalent facilitation clause ot the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2). Nowever, it is ihe responsibilily ot ihe pereon or entily designing the fire alarm system to delermine the acceptability of less th an 75 candela stmbes. All 15/75 candela strobes or horn /sVObes are recommended for 20' z 20' rooms or less. ' Horn and hom/strobe current d raws assume horn is sei at temp 3, electmmechanical lone and high audi6ility. " FWR = Full Wave ftectified System Sensor Worldwide Manufacturing & Distribution In Canada: In lhe Far Fast: In Italy: In the United Kingdom: Telephone:905-812-0767 Telephone:852-2191 -9003 Telephone:39-40-9490-111 Teleph one:44-1403-276500 Fax:905-812-0771 Fax: 852-2736-6580 Fax:39-40382137 Fax:44-1403-276501 In China In India: In Singapore: Telephone:852-2191A003 Telefax:91-022-8202564 TeIephone:65-273-2230 Fax: 852-2736-6580 Fax: 65-273-2610 Page 6 This document is not in[ended to be used for ins[allation purposes. A05-936-04 A ~ n~ n N j~ i~ ~ d I in ni cn°~ .`a c' a_ rti ra ~ i sn ;ar IM, c,> ..r ~.'J C7 CU i7. rv~ « % iY • « s~ oi G] ~-w ?f CI J -Il. bv ~GS' M O ~ ~ I .y /H P' c Ml /IlII?ON~ RE R ra~rv ~ o/ denver • C~., - ~ N " R4F (303) 455-3340 7-P FAX (303) 455-8743 < - brian kaiser ariposa street tlenver, co%rado 80277 ~ ~ O ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ r7 o~ c~ y Q r ~ ~ C r > A~ J C D ~ 2 ~ r M l r N ~ \ O 9 S ~ 0 r ~ 4- ~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner: 34,47-1Sr 1'710mE /~56AY• if)`_ oCAe* '7'97'n5 Property Address 7''~30,e s r Phone :-Ys/-'/IGl Contractor License No. : Company : 5- Y4~ emk G L EC. Ca •-i ti e- Phone : z 9/~ •~p~d OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : / pM,.°-° Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total : I hereby ceAify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applira6le ordinances, rules or regula[ions o( the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations matle are accurate: that I have read and agree lo abide by all wnddions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the eal Ridge Buiiding Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicable Wheat idge ordin~.nc si 6r der this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGN DATE Description : 5~21j11Do / -~E~Uie4•" /-o%~ ,cvitSi-# BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Approval: Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : 5'7U izq eeu ,,~'LGL Company : Company : /a/SO t7/z{,-yvr' Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: ig Lpi~ri9,Re~mr~a~t ~ ~i~xs*RSqarc~n~ ~ ~~rss~~qmran~ (i) This permit was issued in aaadance with the proWsions set (orth in yopur appliaUon and Is subjec( lo the Wvn of the Stale ol Cobnda and to Ue 2oning Regulations antl BuilEioy CoAe of NTeat RiLge, Coloratlo w any atl~er applira0le ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This pem+ll slwll ezpire il (A) the rrork autMnzcd is nat commenceC wiNm sixy (60) days Imm issue date w(B) the DuiMing aNlwized is 5u5peMed a aoaneoneC Iw a peiiad o112o aays. (7) II ihis pemt ezpircs, a new pertnit may Oe acquired la a fee of one-hall the amount nortnalty nyuireE. OrovideG rw changes have Deen or vrill be maAe in Ne onginal plans a'W spedfwtions anE any suspenslon w aDandonment lus rwt exceeCed one (1) yeac If changes are made a il suspensbn or abanCOnment e.CeeOs One (1) year, Iull tees snall OB pYid Iw a new pertnil. (a) No worlc ol any manner shall De tlane Ihat will chenge the nalurel Ilow ol waler wusing a tlrainage Dmblem. (5) Camratlor stun noiiry the BuilEinq Inspector (wenry-lour (44) hours in advance lor all inspedbns anE shall receive written approval on inspecUon faN 6elore Groceeeung wlin successive pneses of the joo. (6) TTe rssuance of a pemul or the aOProval o! drawings anA sptti0falions shali rrot be consWeO to Ee a pefmit for, nor an approval 01, any violation at the Orovisions ol tnv OuAainq wdes or eny otner ordinance, law, rula w regulallon. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number Date 5810 9/9/97 Property Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company : 4900 TABOR ST 18567 Sturgeon Electric Co. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : TEMP SERVICE Phone: 421-4161 Phone:2868000 Construction Value : $4,000.00 Permit Fee : $69.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax $48.00 Total: $117.00 Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: a 11 fm LVAKMNBNNBNK= (1) This permit was issued in aaordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo antl to the Zoning Regulations antl Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other appliwble ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue tlate or (B) the builtling authonzed is suspendetl or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permR may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the ori9inai plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are maAe or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, (ull fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change ihe natural Flow of water wusing a drainage problem. (5) ConVaclor shall n the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions antl shall receive wntten approval on inspection cartl before proceediing with s cessive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of ermit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of lh e Duilding es orpny other ortlinance, law, rule or regulalion. Chief iFding Inspector T S PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 0 > m e ~ Qa P ogP~ypp q =v U TT=1 EXISTING PSCo. o_ 500 kVA TRANSFORMER 480/277V SECONDARY w 42,600 SCA M PSCo. METER w ° z ^3S 35,421 SCA W on 200A3P DISCONNECT t7 $a;;~ WITH LPS-RK-200A FUSES =.2 N (5,900 SCA LET-THRU) 4#3/0, 1#4G, 2"C. 13,474 SCA (4,641 SCA Q LET-THRU) p H-1 DISTRIBUTION CENTER w TRAILER PANEL Eo~ 200) 12D/20SV, 200A, 480/277V., 30, 4W. z 30, 4W. TT-2 125~A3P O I O w z 1 480-120/208V, -4#1/0, 1#6G, 1-1/2"C. 4#3/0, 1#4G, 2°C. 30 TEMPORARY SERVICE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM " 970B03 NO SCALE NOTES: 1. ALL OTHERMSE.ENT IS NEW UNLESS NOTED 10°REG®p OA°.y+¢+% 25 AUGUST 1997 2. SHORT CIRCUIT VALUES ARE BASED ON A 165' FEEDER LENGTH FROM TT=1 TO HH=1, w 14004 ~ .rr.ohn er: n SFe AS NOTED