HomeMy WebLinkAbout4860 Van Gordon StreetCITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building • s Division l 234-5933 r^ (303) 235-2855 Office - t 3) 237-8929 Fax w Inspection p. • Add ress PermitNumber s r a ire sr r Mjr D. te - Inspecto 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE WITH AMENDMENTS. The 2006 International Fire Code shall be known as the ` T.F.C." or the code" and may be cited and referred to as such. The 2006 International Fire Code, including Appendices B, D, E, F and G, published by the International Fire Code Council is hereby adopted by reference. Appendices A and C are deleted. The following amends ents by additions, deletion, revision and exceptions are made to the Fire Code. Section 104.1 General Authority and Responsibilities is arnended to read as follows: 3. 'rhe destruction of unsafe structures, Wherever this code refers to the Chief in the context of Code administration or enforcement, it shall refer to the Fire Marshal or designated representative by the Building Official. Wherever the code refers to the Chief of fire suppression, it shall mean the Chief of the Wheat Ridge Fire Department and the Chiefs of the adjoining Fire Departments. Section 1,03.4.1. Legal Defense, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: official, city officer or employee or any subordinate, shall not be liable lbr costs in an action, suit or proceeding that is instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this code; said any officer or employee of the department off re prevention or the City, acting in good faith and W ithout malice, shall be free from liability for acts perforrned under any of its provisions or reason of any acts or ornission in the performance of official duties in connection therewith." Section 105.2.2, Inspection authorized. Section 105.2.2, Inspection authorized, is hereby amended by adding a sentence to the end of the paragraph to read as follows: "Twenty4our hours notice shall be provided to the division of fire prevention for required inspections and tests." Section 108.1, Board of appeals established. Section 108. 3, Qualifications. Section 108.3, Qualifications, is hereby deleted. Section 10 9.3, Violation penalties. Section, 109. s, Violation penalties, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "304.2.1 `rash enc:losure . Trash enclosures, including doors, shall be of anon-combustible construction. " 1. _Curie and two fam ily dwellings. 2. l:.iq fed- petrolcwn fueled cooking devices may be operated as setforth in section 3098.3.1.1. Section 308..1.1.. q fled- petrolu -gas fueled cooking devices. Section 3098.3.1.1 L -P gas burners harm L -l' gas container with a water capacity up to 20 pounds .1kg) I-p gas capacity, may be used on combustible construction. Section 315.2.5, Marking maximum permitted storage height. Section 315.2.5, Marking maximum permitted storage height, is hereby added to react as follows. I Section 503.2.1, Dimensions. Section 503.2.1, Dimensions, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows Exception: the width of private streets may be reduced from the required, twenty-six (2 6) feet (7935m m) if a specific access and parking design is approved by the fire code official." Section 503.2.3, Surface. Section 503.2.3, Surface, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "503.2.3,5u face- Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced with the first lift of asphalt as to provide all - weather driving capabilities." "Crass- Crete, geo-tek, sitter rings or other similar landscape treatments that will prevent a fire apparatus access road from being maintainable as an all-weatber surface and immediately discernable, shall be prohibited". Section 503.2.5.1, Group R, Division 3 occupancies. Section 503.2.5.1, Group R, Division 3 occupancies, is hereby added to read as follows: "503,2.5,1 Group R, Division 3 occupancies. Where a property is a Group R, Division 3 occupancy, the length of a dead end fire department access roadway may be increased to one- hundred seventy-five (175) feet (53,340mm) without the provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus if approved b' fire code official." Section 503.2.8, Curbs. Section 503.2.8. Curbs, is hereby added to read as follows: M "5( . 2 8 Curbs. bs. Vertical curbs shall not be placed at the entrance of or within fire access lames and roads. Mountable curbs may be used if approved by the fire code official." Section 503.2. 9, Gated communities. Section 503.2.9, Cfated communities, is hereby added to read as follows: Section 503.2.1.0 Fire protection in recreational vehicle, mobile home, and any actures housing parks, sales lots, and storage lots.. Exception: Recreational vehicle parks located in remote areas shall be provided with protection and access roadways as required by the fire code official. " Section 506.3, Key box installation. Section 5 06.3, Key box installation is hereby added to read as follows: "506.3 y box installation. All buildings with a required fire alarm system or automatic 2. For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies that distance requirement shall be 500 feet (1 52400mni). Section 508.5.7, Marking of fire protection equipment. Section 508.5.7, Mark-in g of fire protection equipment, is hereby added to read as follows: I Section 603.9.1, Gas meter identification. Section 03.7.1, Gas meter identification, is hereby added to read asfollows: "603.9. 1 (3'as ineter idenlifit. Gas meters shall be identified pith the building address and/or unit number." Section 605.1, Abatement of electrical hazards. Section 605.1, Abatement of electrical hazards is hereby amended by the addition of a second paragraph to read as follows: "Wiring systems, including covers, shall be maintained as required in the National Electrical Code lor their original installation." Section 605.3.1.2, Main electrical disconnects labeling. Section 605.3,1.2,plain electrical disconnect labeling, is hereby added to read as follows: "605.11.2 Main electrical disconnects labeling, Electrical rooms containing the main electric disconnect shall be identified with a penrianently affixed sign with letters not less than one (1) inch (5 ray} in height on a contrasting background to read "MAIN ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT." Section 605.3.1.3, Labeling of address or unit disconnects. Section 605.3.1.3, Labeling of address or unit disconnects is hereby added to read as follows: "605.3.1.3 Labeling qfadtlrtovs or unildisconnect , Electrical disconnects shall N. identi fled with the address and/or unit number in accordance with the electrical code." Section 903.1.2, Location of sprinkler control valves. Section 903 . 1.2, Location of sprinkler control valves, is hereby added to read as follows: I Section 903.2.1.6 Group B is hereby created to read as follows: "Section 903.2.1.6 Group B: An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group B occupancies where the fire area containing a Group B Occupancy exceeds 12,000 square feet (I 115 2) or more or where the combined fire area on all floors including mezzanines exceeds 18,000 square feet (91937m2)". Section 903.2.2.1, Group E Occupancies is herby revised to read as follows: "Section 903.2.2. 1 . Group E: An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed where the floor area containing a Group E Occupancy exceeds 12,000 square feet (I I I 5m2) or more including all combined floors". Section 903.3.7.1, use connection locations. Section 903.3.7..1, Hose connection locations, is hereby added to read as follows: 8 Section 904.11, Commercial cooking systems. Section 904.11,4, Special provis ons for automatic sprinkler systerns, is hereby deleted in its entirety. Section 904.11.7, ' esidenti l type cooking equipment. Section 904.11.7, Residential type cooking equipment, is hereby y added to read as follows: Section 905.1.1, Hose connection locations-standpipe a syste s. I m Section 907.2, 10. 1 ..2, Group R-4-Senior citizen care, is hereby added to read as follows: Section 912.3.1 Locking fire department connection caps. Section 912.3.1. tocking fire department connection caps is hereby amended in its entiretry to read as follows: Section 1011.1..1, Additional exit signs. Section 101 1.1.1., Additional exit signs, is hereby added to read as follows Section 1412.1 When required. M Section 1412.1 When required, is amended by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: Section 3308.2.2. 1, Where allowed, is hereby added to read as follows: Chapter 45, Referenced standards. M Chapter 45, Referenced standards, is hereby amended by adding the following referenced standard on to the International Code Council Standard Reference list: "Insurance Service Office 545 Washington Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07310-1686 Insurance Service Office Guide for Determining Fire Flow, Fire Suppression Rating Schedule February 2003. Chapter 45, Referenced standards. Chapter 45, Referenced standards, is herby amended by deleting the following referenced standards from the National Fire Protection Association Standard's from the National Fire Protection Association's standard reference list. Standard 101, Life Safety Code. Appendix B, Fire-flow requirements for buildings, Section B103.1, Decreases. Appendix 13, Fire-flow requirements for buildings, Section B103.1 Decreases, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "B103.1 Decreases. Decreases in the minimum required fire flow are permitted up to 50 percent, when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout and in accordance with 903.3.1 standards. Section 91} NFPA 13R sprinkler systems are not permitted to be used for a reduction in minimum required fire flows." M ZMBM�� 83 2. •� intend to install a range in the kitchen of its facility. Imam= tilt kt tzsc i Owner R"k':Ise, Co 3,003,,' - Van (Sordc, Uni't h of floor area covered by the cabinet. The room in which the cabinet is installed shall also be ventilated as required in Section 608.6.1. 608.7 Signage. Signs shall comply with Sections 608.7.1 and 6083.1 [M] 609.1 General. Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods shall comply with the requirements of the International Mechanical Code. [M] 609.2 Where required. A Type I hood shall be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances and domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes that produce grease vapors. 54 2 006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODe 506.3 Ducts serving type I hoods - Type I hoods shall comply with 506.3.1 through 506.3.12.3 507.2 Where required. Type I hood 507.2.1 Type I hood required for production of grease or smoke 507.2. 1.1 Operation -- Automatically operate hood fan when oven used 507.2.3 Domestic appliances in commercial —Type I or 11 required M 903.112.2 Commercial cooking operations — Automatic sprinkler required in coin kitchen hoods 904.2.1 Cornm hood and duct, systems — each required hood and duct system shall have automatic fire-extinguishing system 904.11 automatic extinguishing required 904.11 .2 system interconnection M 602.1 Commercial Cooking Appliance definition 904.11.7 Residential system in lieu of commercial is permitted. � t . Mrs. Letzsch, SO 01 Bail NNW n " " within ten (10) days of receipt of this message. o City 0( Coo-iMUNITY Dtvuormf KI this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, Thank you, City of City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 3012352855 F: 301237,8929 February 17, 2012 Mrs. Elizabeth Letzsch 4860 Van Gordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mrs. Letzsch, On February 16, 2012, a call was placed to you by me in response to a voicemail message request for contact from you, and a discussion of the situation occurred. You made a variety of unfounded www.d.wheatridge.co.us 2006 International Mechanical Code "Section 507.2 Where Required. A Type I or Type 11 hood shall be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances in accordance with Sections 507.2.1 and 507.2.2. Where any cooking appliance under a single hood requires a Type I hood, a Type I hood shall be installed...." "Section 507.2.1 Type I hoods. Type I hoods shall be installed where cooking appliances produce grease or smoke, such as occurs with griddles, fryers, broilers, ovens, ranges and wok ranges." purposes. A variety of other sections related to the ducting and interconnection of the appliance(s) and hood are also applicable. KMUIMM a W I "Section 904.2.1 Commercial hood and duct systems. Each required commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct system required by Section 604 of the International Fire Code or Chapter 5 of the International Mechanical Code to have a Type I hood shall be protected with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing, system in accordance with this code." tie cirea rel.,uVremeMm =7770775 TY me In7mWanona .......... U, 0 e an exhaust hood, making this section applicable. " Section 904.11 Commercial cooking systems. The automatic fire-extinguishing system for commercial cooking systerns shall be of a type recognized as for protection of commercial cooking equipment and exhaust systems of the type and arrangement protected. ...automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be listed and labeled for specific use as protection for commercial cooking operations...." This section establishes the requirententfor a dedicatedfire-extiitguivhing, independent Pf tile buildings'fire sprinklers stem. 2006 International Fire Code "Section 904.11.7 Residential type cooking equipment. When residential type cooking equipment is installed within Group A, B, E, F, S and R-4 occupancies, a residential fire-extinguishing system may be used in lieu of a commercial type fire extinguishing system with approval of the fire code official and the building cod official." LIAM M In lieu of compliance with these requirements and installation of the required exhaust hood, dust system, and fire-extinguishing system, pernianent removal of the oven/range and all of its' associated systems and components is deemed an acceptable alternative. An appeal of the final written determination of the Chief Building Official may be made to the Building Code Advisory Board as establish in the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, in writing, not more than ten (1 t) days from the date of this decision by submitting the attached form to the Building and Inspection Services Division not later than 5:00 pm. on February 27, 2012, A hearing of the Building Code Advisory Board shall be scheduled as soon thereafter as possible. im JAn C S umacher, Jr., CBO thic 1V11g Official 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2853 Fax. 303-234-2857 WNA1W.Ci.Wheat Lrid City (if ccm Attachment: Building Code Advisory Board Appeal Application City of �� W,16atR,1- 09 e- BUILDING CODE ADVISORV BOARD APPEAL APPLICATION (Cannot be used for appeal of Notice and Oixter postings) "This application A , r processing, Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Date of filing will be based the jL,1STbe fijlly completed to be, accepted fo on date that the contj,.Wete application is mccived, Compli applications must be fil W— within 10 days of issuance of decision to be appealed to teceive consideration, Emma= Address of Property applicable to the Appeal: Printed Name and Signature of Appellant: Relationship of Appellant to Property: Full Address of Appellant: Appellant's e-mail address and daytime phone number: Legal Name and Mailing Address of Property Owner (If different than Appellant): Signature of Property Owner (If not Appellant): Explanation of requirement to be appealed and basis for appeal request (use separate sheet if necessary): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Attach written determination of BCAB Chairman) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Permit# 110067 Issued: 04/01/11 Stipulations: Tenant Finish of Tigar Gymnastics and Cheer. * *No range /oven /cooktop without permitted installation,of grease hood and fire suppression system. Also, no storage on mezzanine above restrooms. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/ or the use proposed of the building and /or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 4860 VAN GORDON ST Parcel Number: 39- 174 -08 -025 Owner: Lou Ficco 3650 Vance St #1 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Contractor: Lou /Mario Ficco Lou -Mar Construction 3650 Vance. Street #1 Wheat ;Ridge, CO, 80033 For the Following Purpose: Comm. Tenant Finish Code Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of ,2006 ICC /2008 NEC this building without prior notice V -01 2006 ICC /2005 NEC and a new Certificate of Occupancy _ 2003 ICC /2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Sprinkler' System Chf BAUViding Inspector Zoning Administrator a 04/04/11 10:06:20 City of Wheat Ridge Page 1 bp701 -1s PERMIT INFORMATION - 110067 mmackey PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit #: 110067 Permit Type: Conn. Tenant Finish Permit Dt: 01/25/2011 Expires: 01/25/2012 Address: 4860 VAN GORDON ST Parcel Cd: 39- 174 -08 -025 OWNER: Lou Ficco Address: 3650 Vance St #1 City /St /Zip: Wheat Ridge CO 80033 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zone Cd: Unassigned DU: 0 SetBacks- Front: 0.0 Funct Use: Unassigned Last Zone Dt: Left: 0.0 Subdivision: A -1 PATTERN MINOR Annex Dt: Right: 0.0 Cont Type: Brick Lot: Block No: 0 Back: 0.0 Legal: JOB DESCRIPTION: Gymnastics Tenant Finish FEES QTY DUE PAID: Permit Fee 95,975.00 1,099.85 875.64 Plan Review Fee .00 714.90 2,666.66 Total Valuation 95,975.00 .00 .00 Use Tax 95,975.00 1,727.55 .00 ---- - - 3,542.30 - - -- --- - - - - -- 3,542.30 CONTACTS: owner Lou Ficco 3650 Vance St #1 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 go CL1 Lou -Mar Construction Lou /Mario Ficco 3650 Vance Street #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 3038630489 sub CLA Chris Electric Co., Inc. Chris /George /Helen 1501 W. Cedar Ave. Denver, CO 80223 3037788281 sub CLS GoldenPlumb /Heating LLC Brian DeBever 619 6th St Golden, CO 60403 3038851456 sub CL9 Jeffco Mechanical Daryl Moore 16795 W. 44th Ave. Golden, CO 80403 3035984641 PARCEL INFORMATION: 10 Structure Type 303 20 Year Built 2002 30 Property Type COMMUZ PERMIT CONDITIONS: MR: Approved. New outside mechanical equipment must be screened. Subject to field inspection. KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC, and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspection. _ — Letter from tenant required, acknowledging none comliance with IECC APPROVALS: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS STATUS: Type Description Required By Completed On - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Fire Final Fire Dept Insp PERMIT NOTES: 01/25/11 Permit approved. New outside mechanical equipment must be screened. 01/25/11 CREATED FROM APPL# 10 -0422 01/21/11 EC approved, given plans to MR for review. 01/18/11 Lou re- submitted corrected plans to JS. 04/04/11 10:06:20 City of Wheat Ridge Page 2 bp701 -1s PERMIT INFORMATION - 110067 mmackey 12/16/10 Called Lou Ficco to let him know that Kirk needed additional information. Copy of letter and original permit app is the "Applications Awaiting Things" folder in black bin. 12/07/10 Given to KC for review. INSPECTION INFORMATION: # TYPE CONTR# CALLED MCI WHO RED DT INS DT STATUS 1 EUG:EleCtriCal Undergrd. 01 -8688 01/26/11 no MV 01/27/11 01/27/11 COMPLETE 2 EFI:Electrical Final Ins 01 -8688 01/27/11 n0 MV 01/28/11 01/28/11 COMPLETE 3 EMR:Elec Service - EMR 01 -8688 01/27/11 . MV 01/28/11 01/28/11 COMPLETE 4 PUG:Plumbing Underground 01 -9638 02/03/11 no KC 02/04/11 02/04/11 PARTIAL 5 PUG:Plumbing Underground 11 -0024 02/07/11 no KC 02/08/11 02/08/11 COMPLETE 6 GPT:Gas Pressure Test 11 -0024 03/01/11 no SCSI 03/02/11 03/02/11 COMPLETE 7 PRI:Plumbing Rough Insp. 11 -0024 03/01/11 no SCSI 03/02/11 03/02/11 COMPLETE 8 GMR:Gas Meter Release 11 -0024 03/01/11 no BCSI 03/02/11 03/02/11 COMPLETE 9 FRA:Framing Inspection 01 -9638 03/07/11 no MV 03/07/11 03/07/11 COMPLETE 10 INS:Insulation 01 -9638 03/07/11 no MV 03/07/11 03/07/11 COMPLETE 11 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins 01 -8688 03/07/11 no MV 03/07/11 03/07/11 COMPLETE 12 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 01 -9638 03/07/11 no KC 03/08/11 03/08/11 COMPLETE 13 EFI:Electrical Final Ins 01 -8688 03/25/11 no MV 03/28/11 03/28/11 COMPLETE 14 PFI:Plumbing Final IRSp 11 -0024 03/25/11 no KC 03/28/11 03/28/11 INCOMPLETE 15 MFI:Mechanical Final 11 -0042 03/25/11 . KC 03/28/11 03/26/11 COMPLETE 16 BFI: Building Final Insp 01 -9638 03/25/11 on KC 03/28/11 03/28/11 INCOMPLETE 17 BPI - Building Final Insp 03/29/11 no KC 03/30/11 03/30/11 INSPECTION RECORD Occupancy/Type INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234 -5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. C) Vah � ' _I INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings /Caissons 'r All i L_ z%xif 'isf� P �✓— v /fi7 �� a� Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground 'y Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof / French Drain i Sewer Service Lines y � ' Water Service Lines Fire Department I YOUR NO UONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Electrical Insulation Plumbing (Underground) 'r All i L_ z%xif 'isf� P �✓— v /fi7 �� a� Heating (Underground) 'y ROUGHS Sheathing Electrical Insulation Lath / Wall tie Plumbing Drywall Screw Mid -Roof 'y Electrical Service Rough Electric i Rough Plumbing y � ' Gas Piping Fire Department Rough Mechanical 'U H r V Framing 3 3 Electrical Insulation 7 Plumbing Drywall Screw FINALS Electrical f Plumbing Mechanical Roof Building Final Fire Department 1 R.O.W & Drainage INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLICE WORKS Parking & Landscaping SHOULD BE CALLED AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. "NOTE. ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONST/TUTEAUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. 'C- OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER 4* 1199041� 7 March 28, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: The International Gymnastics Academy of the Rockies (d /b /a TIGAR Gymnastics & Cheer) does not intend to install a range in the kitchen of its facility. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Very Truly Yours, Eliza eth M Letzsch v Owner 4860 Van Gordon Street Unit B Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 720.89TIGAR www.tigargymnastics.com ._ __..._ ...._..........___ INSPECTION RECORD OccupancvlT INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234 -5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. IcII) 1 ah I /)r,l INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS J OB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings /Caissons Plumbing ✓RAE- Xw7f%149 D,"/— sV✓$iJ " :�/�� ,FGA Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Mechanical Reinforcing or Monolithic J' ZS �� A Weatherproof / French Drain Sewer Service Lines Building Final Water Service Lines Fire Department � -I-Rf ra BEEN SIGNED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Electrical Plumbing (Underground) Plumbing ✓RAE- Xw7f%149 D,"/— sV✓$iJ " :�/�� ,FGA Heating (Underground) Mechanical ROUGHS Sheathing Lath / Wall tie Mid -Roof y Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing , Gas Piping Rough Mechanical I 1 11 rY .ABOVE INSPECTIONS TO BE SIGNED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING Insulation Drywall Screw FINALS Electrical Plumbing Mechanical J' ZS �� A Roof Building Final Fire Department - 3 -3O-d1 R.O.W & Drainage INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLICE WORKS Parking & Landscaping SHOULD BE CALLED AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. "NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTEAUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER To Whom It May Concern: The International Gymnastics Academy of the Rockies (d /b /a TIGAR Gymnastics & Cheer) does not intend to install a range in the kitchen of its facility. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Very Truly Yours, Eliza�etzsch v Owner 4860 Van Gordon Street Unit B Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 720.89TIGAR www.tigargymnastics.com �1 L r n- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division J (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address Permit Number v Tima r NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 0 �r 0 _ Lt 1" CHAMFER OR PROFILE AS NOTED BY EQUIP. SUPPLIER 1 -0 #4x T1016" EPDXY INTO 6" DEEP DRILL HOLES IN SLAB #4 012" HORIZ. NEAR FACE #4 @16" VERT. c o F I #4 06" HORIZ. IN LOWER 2 FT. OF WALL UNREINFORCED ON GRADE _ 8" SECT. A (3/4 "= 1' -0"} 2 -0 T1016" #4 016" HORIZ. NEAR FACE 11 #4 016" VERT. N #4 016" VERT. 1 1/2" #4 016" HORIZ. - NEAR FACE d- 8" SECT. (3/4 "= 1' -0 ") 1 -0 #4x 71024" EPDXY INTO 6" DEEP DRILL HOLES IN SLAB rM #4 024" VERT. ` #4 012" HORIZ. NEAR FACE _ - iHE L 8 " UNREINFORCED SLAB ON GRADE SECT. F (3/4 " =1' -0 ") UNREINFORCED SLAB ON GRADE SECT. SECT. B (3/4 "=1' -0 ") 1 -0 #4x T1 ®24" EPDXY INTO 6" DEEP DRILL HOLES IN SLAB 8" E (3/4 "= 1' -0 ") 1 -0 or #4 024" VERT i N #4 016" HORIZ. NEAR FACE 1IF IFi1I -1 I I -1 I I- UNREINFORCED SLAB ON GRADE SECT. 1 -0 #4x 11 ®24" EPDXY INTO 6" DEEP DRILL HOLES IN SLAB 8" C (3/4 "= 1' -0 - ) GENERAL NOTES 1. CONCRETE A. ALL CONCRETE, EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE, SHALL DEVELOP 3000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS, MIX SHALL CONTAIN A MINIMUM OF 5.5 SACKS OF PORTLAND CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD. B. EXTERIOR SLAB ON GRADE CONCRETE, EXPOSED TO WEATHER, SHALL DEVELOP 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS. MIX SHALL CONTAIN A MINIMUM OF 6 SACKS OF PORTLAND CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD. C. MAXIMUM SIZE OF AGGREGATE IS TO BE 3/4 ". D. USE TYPE 11 CEMENT. 2. REINFORCING A. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NEW BILLET BARS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A615 EXCEPT FOR WELDED APPLICATIONS. FOR WELDING, USE NEW BILLET BARS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A706. B. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD POINT OF 60,000 PSI UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL TIES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD POINT OF 40,000 PSI. C. DO NOT REBEND ANY BARS WITH A YIELD POINT GREATER THAN 40,000 PSI. D. REINFORCING PROTECTION 1. CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH ------------------ -- --- - -- 3 IN. 2. CONCRETE POURED IN FORMS BUT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER - - -- 1.5 IN. 3. WALLS, SLABS, JOISTS NOT EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER -- 0.75 IN. 4. COLUMNS AND BEAMS ----------------------- -- --- ----- 1.5 IN. E. LAPS AND SPLICES IN WALLS OR GRADE BEAMS 1. ALL BAR LENGTHS ARE DRAWN TO SCALE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL SPLICES SHALL BE 36 BAR DIA. WITH A MINIMUM LAP OF 1' -6". MAKE OUTSIDE BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. 2. FOR CONTINUOUS FOOTING FOUNDATIONS, STAGGER TOP AND BOTTOM SPLICES. 3. FOR SPACED FOOTINGS OR PIER FOUNDATIONS, SPLICE TOP BARS AT MID SPAN BETWEEN SUPPORTS AND BOTTOM BARS AT SUPPORTS. F. PLACE 2 - #5 BARS (ONE EACH FACE) WITH 2' -0" PROJECTION AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE. G. ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE NO JOINTS IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. GRADE BEAMS AND WALL SHALL BE MONOLITHIC POUR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. H EAVEN ER ENGINEERING 1 No O RR F. O R A T E 0 1959 South Pearl Street Denver, Colorado 80210 ft« (303)733-1962 Revision Dates: 2 -21 -11 Issued: 12 -6 -10 Sheet No. 51 of I sheets U U zQ)� o� ,o ff Revision Dates: 2 -21 -11 Issued: 12 -6 -10 Sheet No. 51 of I sheets pp9✓.7r7 9 Z1a047 March 24, 2011 To Whom it may concern: The International Gymnastics Academy of the Rockies dba TIGAR Gymnastics, acknowledges and accepts that the location at 4860 Van Gordan Street, Bldg/2 in Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 does not comply with the Com -check standards. We understand and accept that the structure is 20% less compliant than code would be required. We accept the approval of the structure as -is in relation to the 2006 IECC. Signed: l ui�Gtf� ,Z /� Date: 3�Z44(/ Elizabeth Letzsch (Managing Member for The International Gymnastics Academy of the Rockies dbaa TIGAR Gymnastics) State of aoje cdo County of __�gWeist n On this, the day of kQ(�C 1 20 H , before me a notary public, the undersigned officer, personally appeared i ZQ( (7 �eG c5c,� , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In witness hereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for the St ate of / My Commission expires cp . /I q Zoo I 3 J An TwEJER-MillEr www.TIGA"mnastirs can • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office:* (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type A.42 Job Address Permit Number Ad 0 tad �2 AM k- j aa,,Z >af .AW eZm #` :. .9A r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1 /l Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE` Inspection Type` P -'✓ Job Address �f , Permit Number •c ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes /No d 1 � r c' When corrections have been made, call for r nspection at 303 - 234 -5933 €' f)ata• ��,�_�r' Jncnactnr rl�f,� DO NOT REMQVE'T` NOTICE HEAVENER ENGINEERING, INC. 1959 S. PEARL ST. DENVER, CO 80210 phone: 303 - 733 -1962 e -mail: heistructures @msn.com March 3, 2011 LouMar Entities 3650 Vance St., #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 4860 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge, CO FIELD REPORT Date of inspections: February 23 and 25, 2011 Present at site: Jere Heavener Work observed: Placement of the reinforcing in the walls of the four pits (counting the three joined together on the northeast wall as one pit). The pit walls were reinforced in accordance with the revised plans dated 2- 21 -11. Heavener Engine 7 ring, Inc. y Heavener, P.E. MAIN FLOOR PLAN NO SCALE KEY EXISTING PARTITION TO REMAIN PARTITION TO BE REMOVED NEW PARTITION FIRE RATED PARTITION �. . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 4`1c7 #1�✓�dra��rr sz Permit Number lle9oe AAppeoveD ❑'No one available for inspection: Time Y 1,10 AWE_& ._ Re- Inspection required: Yes a -- *When corrections have been made, call for r re ° - inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: J Inspector: �" �" DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ppr o f � r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 20 -8929 Fax > INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type 4C Job Address Permit Number d ♦ 4' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building inspection Division I (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 - 2855.Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOT Inspection Type: (°ns PNSS<;iG,246 �firc.5 f e�eir K- 5. Job Address: Wf '60 0, Permit Number: 0 6 7 i.'_7 - fi d P� l7t c Y e C f ( i z ❑ No one available for inspection: Time d fJ AKTTM Re- Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re inspection at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: s "'i� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: P10MI)OICA Lt J4 Job Address: q�i Permit Number: Pl[�t7(n i n �LU.f 41 �f1V11 )t Vi fi" i.� /V ? F J 3. } ( l [ .' r: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time )A) `aZ MOM Re- Inspection required: Yes No s When corrections have been made, call for re - in pact n at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: _ f t Inspector. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE .: r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type & Job Address Permit Number f fe 7 e' 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time A PM) Re- Inspection required: Yeso,* When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: R Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE r CITY OF WHEAT RII 1 Building Inspection Di (303) 234 -5933 Inspect (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 2; INSPECTION N01 Inspection Type J A7201, Job Address Permit Number llnP67 44LOM A9,0 , ,9s�i' s�rr,2r2 ��°�, Jrs✓s.���7 -�� s c�str?^rc .��art�',m5 ✓a��sa:: I t ❑ No one available for inspection: Time vatc. �f'a'f�a iiiaNcu�i DO NOT REMOVE TMI V S 7 cam' *,fg f 17- y . 2df ❑ No one available for inspee AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Ye *When corrections have been m re- inspection at 303- 2345933 Date: / s Inspector: r `` DO NOT REMOVE T NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (3 03) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION N TICE Inspection Type: . C Job Address: Ze6 V4� 4-7090D.J So Permit Number: _��� � - 7 ❑ No one available for inspection Re- Inspection required: Ye{' I, When corrections have been made Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOV Time AM /PM for r inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Id ' v THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge _ter ► J Comm. Tenant Finish PERMIT - 110067 PERMIT NO: 110067 ISSUED: 01/25/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 4860 VAN GORDON ST EXPIRES: 01/25/2012 DESCRIPTION: Gymnastics Tenant Finish * ** CONTACTS * ** owner Lou Ficco gc 303/863 -0489 Lou /Mario Ficco 01 -9638 Lou -Mar Construction sub 303/778 -8281 Chris /George /Helen 01 -8688 Chris Electric Co., Inc. ** PARCEL INFO ** PR T -. 95,975.00 ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0079 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ *.* FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PR T -. 95,975.00 FEES w MVALUATION: Permit Fee 1,099.85 Plan Review Fee 714.90 .. Total Valuation .00� Use Tax 1,727.55 L'CG ** TOTAL ** 3,542.30 Conditions: MR: Approved. New outside mechanical equipment must be screened. Subject to field inspection. KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC, and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspection. * *Letter from tenant required, acknowledging none comliance with IECC. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this docum t as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and /or its' cc anying approved plans and specifications. 6 0 1 Signat OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) bate 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of y applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field s t' Signature qllChitV Building Offical Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. I ✓ City of %7 vV�l eat Midg e Date: ,_RL�� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ¢ Plan# Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Permit #'� LC1l Office: 303 - 235 -2855' Fax: 303- 237 - 8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 P Building Permit Application fEo rhfy�cltQSSi 4 [ 4 1 & 0 ()cv,2�rjg,2) Property Owner (please print) l r7 Gc 0 Phone3a-2j --o��0 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 3b 50 V — 5 l City, State, Zip: (( �r/ r �it- kPsti.`t J 1Q // o V ohm 9: o 12-4— Contractors City License #: Q(g6 3, Phone: 3 U3 -�A O - cl qd' W tracfors�.�, Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical City License # City License # City License # D scN tio" o vi or�c f"' ,J,Z7�.� r✓1( Contract Value: € t $ L L��14 sCh 11C �' Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. $ ® ®. OWNER/CONTRACTORSICNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full - responsibility for compliance with applicable City of wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: - DA TE:.. . Bldg Valuation: wpm 4 0:1 k �W- E R All \J) b- 16 2- ;3 �� � 73- > L41 M LZ < \J) b- 16 2- ;3 �� � 73- > L41 M LZ 16 2- ;3 �� � rj tt LL 0 61 'T f j Cl IJ I Ll� 73- > L41 M LZ < < LLJ CL uj OF C-) -j < oc 00 oc 'I N U1 ZL 0- --.) m I <11 0 U- t- - F- 0 0 C/1 L40 Cf) cn oc ----o rj tt LL 0 61 'T f j Cl IJ I Ll� 73- > L41 M LZ < r1 j r4 7-j . . . . . . . . . . . v UI) 24 LA Nt r-7 "4 21, Z L4 > 21. -2 1 0 1'j I J M LZ < < LLJ CL uj OF C-) -j < oc 00 'I N U1 ZL 0- --.) m I <11 0 U- t- - F- 0 0 C/1 L40 Cf) cn Un V � j � I > icy un � a. J un 1'j I J M LZ < < LLJ CL uj C-) -j < 0 N U1 ZL 0- --.) m I <11 0 U- t- - F- 0 0 1'j I J LZ t 1'j I J I City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Submittal List The following items are required for the Single- or two family building permit submittal for the property located at . If any of the required items are not included in the submittal, the submittal will be considered incomplete and returned immediately without review. This sheet must be submitted with the building permit application. Please initial beside each required item, signifying that it has been included. Review Required by: ❑- Building ❑ Planning ❑ Public Works SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS: Plans: ❑ Three (3) full -sized (24" x 36 ") plans (Contents of plans detailed in the Single- and two - family handout) — yellow heading!' ❑ Three (3) stamped sets of foundation plans. ❑ Three (3) copies of a grading and erosion . control plan.. ❑ One (1) copy of a soils report. LEG' n/mrc %tl7A laStSS', FPS � srn,2E RRr, 6P,�s� /ce�z 76�y,� F',�nt'��e.v, tl � 13 e.mptt£e r Daa�J DOCUMENTATION: rdDD Jt7sA ❑ One (1) completed building permit application. Aa/nyL' /WO, X,FV,SB+i°T+ RJPA�FL.rP:Fr ❑ One (1) property deed / Ost3lf -t c'v7T j l- , k 0 ❑ One (1) certified survey or Improvement Location Certificate. El Proof of utility availability (form provided by city). ❑ One (1) building permit submittal list. 1. iWArr W2. Yei� ❑ One Grade /Fill permit. •2— SfMQtviyf 7v [rdWry' >Sav' C wt;2) The following items are required for the commercial or multi- family building permit submittal for the property located at . If any of the required items are not included in the submittal, the submittal will be considered incomplete and returned immediately without review. If you had a pre - application meeting with Staff, you must submit the checklist you received. Otherwise, . this sheet must be submitted with the building permit application. Please initial beside each required item, signifying that it has been included. Review Required by: ❑. Building ❑ Planning ❑ Public Works SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS: Plans: a ❑ Four (4) full -sized (24" x 36 ") plans b (Contents of plans detailed in the Commercial & Multi- family handout) — pink heading k ❑ Two (2) copies of a final drainage report and plan Fa OR Two (2) copies of a drainage letter and plan f 4 s ❑ Two (2) copies of a grading and erosion control plan ~ E1 Two (2) copies of a traffic . impact study OR Two (2) copies of a trip generation study - DOCUMENTATION: ❑ One (1) completed building permit application. - ❑ One (1) property deed. ❑ One (1) certified survey or Improvement Location Certificate. - - - - ❑ Proof of utility availability (form provided by city). ❑ One (1) building permit submittal list. ❑ One Grade /Fill permit. [CC/ANSI A117.1 -2003 Chapter 5. General Site and Building Elements Chapter 5. General Sit 501 General 501.1 Scope. General site and building elements required to be accessible by the scoping provisions adopted by the administrative authority shall comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 5. 502 Parking Spaces 502.1 General. Accessible car and van parking spaces shall comply with Section 502. 502.2 Vehicle Space Size. Car parking spaces shall be 96 inches (2440 mm) minimum in width. Van parking spaces shall be 132 inches (3350 mm) minimum in width. EXCEPTION: Van parking spaces shall be per- mitted to be 96 inches (2440 mm) minimum in width where the adjacent access aisle is 96 inch- es (2440 mm) minimum in width. 502.3 Vehicle Space Marking. Car and van park- ing spaces shall be marked to define the width. Where parking spaces are marked with lines, the width measurements of parking spaces and adja- cent access aisles shall be made from the centerline of the markings. EXCEPTION: Where parking spaces or access aisles are not adjacent to another parking space or access aisle, measurements shall be per- e and Building Elements mitted to include the full width of the line defining the parking space or access aisle. 502.4 Access Aisle. Car and van parking spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle complying with Section 502.4. 502.4.1 Location. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route. Two parking spaces shall be permitted to share a common access aisle. Ac- cess aisles shall not overlap with the vehicular way. Parking spaces shall be permitted to have access aisles placed on either side of the car or van parking space. Van parking spaces that are angled shall have access aisles located on the passenger side of the parking space. 502.4.2 Width. Access aisles serving car and van parking spaces shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum in width. 502.4.3 Length. Access aisles shall extend the full length of the parking spaces they serve. 502.4.4 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them. Where access aisles are marked with lines, the width measurements of access aisles and adja- cent parking spaces shall be made from the centerline of the markings. 39 Chapter 5. General Site and Building Elements EXCEPTION: Where access aisles or parking spaces are not adjacent to another access aisle or parking space, measure- ments shall be permitted to include the full width of the line defining the access aisle or parking space. 5025 Floor Surfaces. Parking spaces and access aisles shall comply with Section 302 and have sur- face slopes not steeper than 1:48. Access aisles shall be at the same level as the parking spaces they serve. 502.6 Vertical Clearance. Parking spaces for vans, access aisles serving them, and vehicular routes from an entrance to the van parking spaces, and from the van parking spaces to a vehicular exit serv- ing them shall provide a vertical clearance of 98 inches (2490 mm) minimum. 502.7 Identification. Where accessible parking spaces are required to be identified by signs, the signs shall include the International Symbol of Ac- cessibility complying with Section 703.6.3.1. Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation "van accessible." Such signs shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum above the floor of the parking space, measured to the bottom of the sign. 502.8 Relationship to Accessible Routes. Park- ing spaces and access aisles shall be designed so that cars and vans, when parked, cannot obstruct the required clear width of adjacent accessible routes. ICC /ANSI A717.1 -2003 503 Passenger Loading Zones 503.1 General. Accessible passenger loading zones shall comply with Section 503. 503.2 Vehicle Pull -up Space Size. Passenger loading zones shall provide a vehicular pull -up space 96 inches (2440 mm) minimum in width and 20 feet (6100 mm) minimum in length. 503.3 Access Aisle. Passenger loading zones shall have an adjacent access aisle complying with Section 503.3. 503.3.1 Location. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route. Access aisles shall not over- lap the vehicular way. 503.3.2 Width. Access aisles serving vehicle pull -up spaces shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum in width. 503.3.3 Length. Access aisles shall be 20 feet (6100 mm) minimum in length. 503.3.4 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them. 503.4 Floor Surfaces. Vehicle pull -up spaces and access aisles serving them shall comply with Sec- tion 302 and shall have slopes not steeper than 1:48. Access aisles shall be at the same level as the vehicle pull -up space they serve. 503.5 Vertical Clearance. Vehicle pull -up spaces, access aisles serving them, and a vehicular route from an entrance to the passenger loading zone, and from the passenger loading zone to a vehicular exit serving them, shall provide a vertical clearance of 114 inches (2895 mm) minimum. City of Wheatf l e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date• Plan# c Building & Inspection Services Division I Permit # 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Pr3PertyAcldfess 4 /(?1�Q 0C , / 1 �1 t J U 4 r�cL� Property Owner (please print) � —( 1 9 c- C Phone:303 ac j -- CY10 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) t �JJ Address: r�h,St� J , � �J City, S tate, lA� P C oatra": mct Contractors City License #: Q(g6 Phone: 3 % U�ZLcl Plumbing: City License # City License # Mechanical: City License # D ES Grl pti"O tl'`O�NtiO r�C �2iVtrz �el.( Contract Value: Review Fee (due at time of submittal); Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. $ 4 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: G t a r ay .T, m�' ���4 t �'im e*f' '�✓`i� � .��' »x t �� �� Res 0 �✓ P ��`� ' lt'� s .��' ^ 'kx� l s�"+ 'Zi t�1 '"&`~;' a� ?�z� ,�, � ����� r � z _ .. ' •x °M,Y a?s. sa..,, ,,, .v a `it�a.,, c$a`.4t,_. �. ,.,. u.�Y, �k.. a. ,+xza .r1am�' #e.'F. an✓d. .a. ,v,;;�W €v.�aa w+�,.,ar<Yfar'_ i. ,�.._ .. w.`vt. .,n »P, eM.a ..�}a...f m - Aaa .T �{ �.^vr" 4k Wsi �' ?9 'bF �^" ^" 5••'1 t e, 5fS A r I I - �I�tyseane �r�ph(7� app oU�ed w cot�me��ts � s�isa��prg,�fed �v� no reugew,fiegitg�re Bldg Valuation: .�,r.. .T.:. 77_ OLGp/t2r� Ovt. - �� __ '� �f �;- 12/16/10 14:01:52 City of Wheat Ridge Page 1 bp340 -iq ESTIMATE OF VALUATIONS AND FEES mmackey THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND NOT ACTUAL VALUES. CODE - -- DESCRIPTION - - -- - - -- VALUATION- - - - - - -- -FEE - -- -USE TAX prm Permit Fee 570,247.50 4,102.55 0.00 rvw Plan Review F 570,247.50 2,666.66 0.00 totva Total Valuati 570,247.50 0.00 0.00 use Use Tax 570,247.50 0.00 10,264.46 TOTAL VALUATION: 570,247.50 FEES VALUATION: 570,247.50 PERMIT FEE: 4,102.55 USE TAX: 10,264.46 OTHER FEES: 2,666.66 TOTAL FEES: 17,033.67 ° w ` City of J" W Wheatl dge CommuN1TY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 December 16, 2010 Lou Fieco RE: 4860 VanGordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The following items are required for obtaining a permit for the above address prior to issuance: 1. Provide mechanical and electrical plan (3 sets ) 2. Provide plan showing 2 "a floor including staircases (3 sets) 3. Provide Com.Check per International Energy Code (3 sets) Once these items are received, the building department can move forward with the review. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 303/235 -2850. Cordially, Kirk Cadotte Plans Examiner and Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303 -235 -2850 Fax: 303 -237 -8929 www.ci.i hcatridgc.co_us ` I City of Wheat _gam COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4Y?Y SY.C3,1F }1e91 t'Idj?f.00.t25 December 22, 2010 Lou -Mar Entities LLC 3650 Vance St # 1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Lou Ficco Over? my `Years of Eaufience — Since 1976 Re: 4840 Van Gordon Street. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr, Ficco: Chris Electwc Co., tnc, 1501 W. Cedar Avenue Denver, CO 80223 Phone: (303) 778-8281 Fax: (303) 778-8213 www. Chr[sE]ectetc.com We propose to furnish all material, labor, insurance, tools, equipment, applicable licenses, sales tax and permits, and any other services and related items necessary for proper execution of electrical work as follows: Furnish and install new three - phase, 277!480 -volt, 200 -amp electrical service originating from the existing Xcel Energy transformer. Excavate from the building to the Xcel Energy transformer. Furnish and install power feeders as necessary, Furnish and install self - contained meter. Furnish and install two (2) 480 -volt disconnected. Furnish and install power feeders from the main inside disconnect to the new 200 -amp. 480 -volt panel. Furnish and install one (1) 480 -volt, three - phase, 200 -amp electrical distribution panel located at the northwest corner of the East Unit. Furnish and install one (1) 480 -volt. 100 -amp, three -phase feeder from the new electrical distribution panel to the existing 480 -volt, three -phase electrical distribution panel. Hook -up and energize existing circuits for lighting and 120 -volt receptacles only, throughout the East Unit, Furnish and install wrap- around overhead fluorescent light fixtures in the newly constructed restrooms and breakroom only. Furnish and install power supplies for light fixtures in restrooms and breakroom only. Furnish and install power supplies for customer furnished exhaust fans and hook- up as necessary in restrooms, 4• Remove existing 400 -watt, metal - halide, high -bay overhead light fixtures from East Unit. Install eighteen (18) customer - furnished, 2' X 4', T5 high- output, six - tube. overhead fluorescent light fixtures. As stated by the customer, the fixtures are 277 -volt. Chris Electric will furnish and install an additional six (6) 2' X 4`, 277 -volt, T5 high - output, six -tube, overhead fluorescent light fixtures as requested by the customer for greater and equal lighting distribution and illumination. Remove all unused conduit from East Unit only. Over q" Years v, f Exceffenee — Sinee 1976 December 22, 2010 Re: 4840 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page Two !Votes and Exclusions: ✓ Professional electrical engineering and drawings are included in the following price for the new electrical service only. In the event, the building department requires additional electrical engineering for both units in order to change the occupancy, additional costs for this is not' included in the following price. ✓ At this time, we do not know the exact number for EM (emergency) light fixtures or exit signs will be necessary for this project, and the costs for these are not included in the following price_ After Chris Electric obtains a building permit, the building department will recommend the number of EM light fixtures and exit signs are necessary for the East Unit. Chris Electric will then at that time provide the customer an additional separate quotation for this work. All electrical work, above and underneath the newly constructed 2 "` Floor mezzanine located at the southwest corner for the East Unit is not included in the following price. f As noted above, power supplies for new breakroom is included in the following price, any new electrical work, power supplies, receptacles etc. for the breakroom is not included in the following price. The following price excludes, voice /data cables, fire alarm, saw cuttinglcore drilling, exhaust fans, low voltage temperature wiring and controls THE ABOVE, COMPLETE, FOR THE SUM OF—.— ....... ..................$15,000.00 (FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS) Oa gh"ty `Years a, f 11 w —Since 1976 As part of the consideration for the electrical installation identified above, Chris Electric Company, Inc. extends a one (1) year warranty on all workmanship. With regard to the parts used by Chris Electric Co., Inc., Chris Electric specifically limits the warranty to the warranty as granted by the manufacturer of the part, if any, to Chris Electric Company, Inc, and subject to transferability of that warranty to you, The Company carries adequate installation and liability insurance for your protection. It is our desire to work with you as closely as possible. and we shall prepare a precise work schedule to meet with your approval upon acceptance of this proposal. All installations to be completed in compliance with local and national electrical codes. All installations to be performed in a professional manner. Thank you for' he opportunity of working with you on this project. We appreciate being of service to you. Please indicate acceptance by signing and returning one (1) copy. Facsimile signatures shall evidence and constitute a binding agreement between the parties. NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within. thirty (30) days, AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize Chris Electric Company, Inc. to perform the above requested work. i understand and agree to pay for said work immediately upon its completion, unless prior arrangements have been made. Should t fail to pay as agreed, I will be obligated to pay late charges of 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance. I further agree that in the event legal proceedings are instituted to collect the unpaid balance, I will pay all costs incurred in connection with said proceedings, including a reasonable attorney's fee. Chris G. Chris El, i ACCEPTED PRINT NAME — TITLE _1�11[f DATE l2 138 /2ol 6s, President Company, Inc, December 22, 2010 Re' 4840 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page Three PROPOSAL 3800 QUITMM STREET DENVER,coLDRAW 80212 (303) 455 -9552 (303) 455 -9558 — ivntuc VANCE 4860 VAN GORJ 303.420.9621 1 Quantity Description of work Unit Price Material Total 1 1 1 1 TAX LABOR 168 X 192 OPENING WITH 4" TUBE STOREFRONT AND 1 "OA THERMAL AND STANDARD NARROW STYLE ENTRANCE DOOR COMPLETE DOOR FRAME AND TRANSOM NO PANIC ALL METAL 1" OA THERMAL UNIT ANNEALED AND TEMPERED 1525.00 1326.00 2750.00 432.93 1600.00 TOTAL $9'633.93 - J 11205 East 37th Ave. • Denver, CO 80239 (303) 371 -5511 •(800)776 -4442 Fax (303) 371 -2211 - (800) 776 -4460 www.oldcastleglass.com /(Z If u Ito Wasatch Foundations Im 25599 WCIR 4 Hudson, Co 80542 Date 117/2011 Estimate# 727 Lou Mar Construction P.O. # Terms Net 15 Due Date Wwoli Other Wasatch Awndations Xnc 303-655 -1810 Fax 303-655-9268 Subtotal $6,200.00 Sales Tax (o.oyQ $0.00 Total $6,200.00 4850 Van Gordan, Wiest Ridge Co FwndaVon Waft W Pit$ ImIudes all L.-Aw, cmcreW 1 & Rebar 4,700.00 4,700.00 Cwwb1W9 Floor inside Pits, Includes all Labor concnih- 1.6w,00 1 Wasatch Awndations Xnc 303-655 -1810 Fax 303-655-9268 Subtotal $6,200.00 Sales Tax (o.oyQ $0.00 Total $6,200.00 To: Lou -Mar Builders PROPOSAL /CONTRACT GENERAL DESCRIPTION Date: January 17, 2011 Jeffco Mechanical, Inc proposes to provide labor, material and construction in accordance to the following project: Tigar Gymnastics, Van Gordon St. Wheat Ridge, CO MECHANICAL CONDITIONS This price is subject to change unless the owner accepts this proposal within thirty days. Changes in the work to be performed shall be made only upon written authorization and the contract price shall be adjusted accordingly. The owner shall insure the work and premises against loss by fire and other peril. Also, heating- plumbing systems once installed, become the owner's responsibility to protect and/ or insure. WARRANTY This job is warranted for a period of one year from the date of completion. Any warranty by the manufacturer for parts beyond one year will be honored. Labor to replace said parts is not herein warranted beyond one year warranty period. Any misuse or improper maintenance of equipment or materials shall void said warranty. INCLUSIONS: HVAC: Install 5175,000 BTU infrared tube heaters. Install 100,000 BTU 90% efficient as furnaces at water meter Includes all venting through roof or wall as needed. 2 -5KW baseboard heaters for bathrooms. Exhaust fans for bathrooms. 4 heat only thermostats. Install Thermotek T2-D.500-G15 MUA unit Install Greenheck S1 -24 Exhaust fan with CO2 interlock Install new gas lines for gymnastics heaters and regulators as needed. Plumbing: Install new plumbing fixtures as shown on prints dated 1 -13 -2011 1 floor drain in each bathroom. Install new 40 gallon electric water heater under stairs in break area. All water piping will be copper. Prepared By Daryl N. Moore 16795 W. 44 Ave. Golden, CO 80403 303 -598 -4641 Drain piping from new fixtures to new sewer tap near manhole in parking lot. 2 water coolers as shown. Install new furnished water meter off existing water feed inside building. EXCLUSIONS: Cuts to concrete, excavation, squeegee. Concrete/asphalt finish. Any traffic grade vaults or covers. Seal roof penetrations. Jacks and flashings will be provided. New H2O service line to curb. CONTRACT PRICE: Upon acceptance of this proposal, Owner agrees to pay Jeffco Mechanical, Inc a total o£ $ 29,950.00 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: The foregoing proposal, with its specifications, terms and conditions, is hereby agreed to and accepted, this contract contains all understanding and agreements between the parties. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a copy of this contract. Accepted: By: v Ge�7 Date: Zol Submitted by: Prepared By Daryl N. Moore 16795 W. 44 Ave. Golden, CO 80403 303 -598 -4641 DeLUZIO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 55660 EAST 41ST AVE STRASBURG, CO 80136 303 -622 -6563 / 303 - 918-7450 Oate: To: Project: Oate /drawings: Scope of work: 10/22/20 LOU - MAR TIGAR GYMNASTICS 1 012112 01 0 . ..................... I......... STEEL STUD FRAMING AND GYP BOARD 20 GA MATERIALS WITH STEEL POST EVERY 8' LABOR AND MATERIALS TO CONSTRUCT WALLS PER PLANS LOW WALL FIGURED TO BE 6" - TO SEPERATIONWALLBETWEENTOILETSFIGUREDT ID GRID PURR OUT WALLS IN TOILET FIGURED TO BE 3 516 TO GRID BE 3 5/8 FREE STANDIN CONSTRUCT COLOSET IN STO P ER WARA ROUGH WITH LOU -E FIGURED BREAKI RAGE ROOM WALLS CON BOARD INSTALLED AND TAPED ONLY ON STORAGE ROOM CEILING LAYOUT OF NEW WALLS, CLEAN UP AND BROOM SWEEP UOTE WEEP INCLUDED IN Q ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS NEW 2' X N WHITE 15116 GRID SYSTEM WITH FLAT 2' X N CEILING TILE ( USG RADAR) IN TOILETS INGS CLEAN UP AND BROOM SWEEP INCLUDED IN QUOT L) i) P) LAYOUT OF CELL letion dates are reviewed ha m s r n wrftfrr 30 da s frorn this a�trmm av be Estimate is subject to c � _arc ha when schedule and co $10,58 $774 INCREA sh or install access p primer of panels Parner of Gyp Boan a � ble to hold ricers . or ermanent) is to be prowoc� �r Sufficient lighting ( temp. P for finishing of the gyp board. h -up to We will not guarantee any finishes if the permanent lighting is not functional for touc fief surfaces are painted in schedule do to m! DUMPSTER TO BE FUR NI SHED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR es rial MANUFACTURES WILL NOT HOLD THE PRICING AFTER THE PRICE Liability for liquidated damages Fire caulking & fire safing Fire caulking @ Penetrations of other trades Patching of sprayed on fire proofing Backing/Blocking wood or metal Any wood items water &ground faults Temp. heat,power re Doors, Frames ena.ne sing, calculations Shop Drawings, 9 Respectfully submitted, Tony 1 O Furm Upgrade of existing corridor Dust protection of a If required for fire rating Wall I Floor protect Level5(five) finishing Off Hours work of Clean up and removal of trash other than related toDCS scope Temp. barricades & general trades protection Remove, protect, re install of window. coverings KIPCO 5350 iCibner Street Golden. CO 80403 303 - 278 - 15541303- 50R-R475 TO: Lou -Mar FROM: K>PCO RE: Quote for 4860 Van Gordon DATE: October 25, 2010 1. Saw cut and remove concrete 2. Excavate for pits Thank you, Mike Nankervis KIPCO $2,500.00 3,500.00 � PX S, FIRE PR TEC'rIoiv PRODUCT SUBMITTAL FOR: TIGAR GYMNASTICS 4860 VAN GORDON ST, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 18795 W. 59� Pl., Golden CO 80403 * 303- 279 -8279 * FAX 303 - 279 -8296 State License # 520 Bull Moose Tube Company has been making pipe for a long time and is recognized as a producer of quality pipe products. Eddythread 40 is designed with the same thoroughness as our other fine pipe products and now our customers have an option to buy a carefully designed replacement for Schedule 40 that • Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0 • Has No Thread Warning • Has a Pressure Rating of 300 psi • Is Lighter Weight Than Schedule 40 • Is Approved by Factory Mutual and Listed by Underwriters Laboratories • Is Produced in Accordance to ASTM A -135 and A -795 • Can be Used With Standard Schedule 40 Threaded Fittings, Couplings and Valves • Is Produced From Steel With Excellent Properties of Strength and Threadability • Can be Used in Wet, Dry, Preaction, and Deluge Type Sprinkler Systems" • Offers Lower Freight Costs EDDYTHRFAD do .^�FFr:IFIr:ATIf1NC Nominal Weight I.D. Bundle Pipe Size in Lb. /Ft (!n) Size 1 1.600 1.090 70 1 -1/4 2.139 1.425 51 1 -112 2.562 1.655 44 2 3.364 2.124 30 C' ()RRrl Clrltd RFCiCTAAIf'C DATInC Nominal Sch. 40 EDDYTHREAD 40 EDDYLITE Pi Size in 1 1.00 1.00 0.74 1 -1/4 1.00 1.00 0.48 1-1/2 1.00 1.00 0.47 2 f 1.00 1.00 0.38 Eddyfhreed 40 can be hot dipped galvanized to meet FM's requirement for dry systems 1819 CI ton Road For additional information, (/�v't,�,t`�(+J�) O 63017 contact your salesperson today at s @113 .k l.( BULL"MAGE nMCNMRF NY (800) 32 (800) 3254467 or (636) 537 -2600 =81 V FAX: (636) 537 =2645 in the USA, or from Canada a w .brdlm00SCtub0 o0nt call (800) 882 -4666 Al A ®company e-mail: info ii:but1m00SZa1ba.00m •••wmrea uilaameuanm�retrearre�nreamnamaswiwnmmew� .aa�wv�ua,. amnm�•nnereaerw.merenema�a• oar+ aweaecesonewrmw�em�awu�trna .�naasamon. 02/03 The Cost Effective Replacement for Schedule 10 NPS I O.D. i Eddy Flow Sclr. 10 Sch. 40 Eddy Flow I Schodule 40 AM ! 1r -1 11— ... . 1.114 1.660 1.515 1.442 1.380 2.93 1.00 1-112 1.900 1.734 1.682 1.610 3.44 1.00 2 2.375 I 2.209 2.157 2.067 2.78 1.00 2-1/2 2.875 2.729 2.635 2.469 1.09 1.00 3 A 3.500 • vnn 3.342 -- 3.260 3.068 1.00 1.00 1 Orraf CanlNad MAS1MAr3SandA79i ? FH approved r,: l enovarg and W*" row esa fd we, Systems, ? U , Nsted (re, U.S d Canada) rrar/oWfig by rwMtee a by ested rvbbe,gaakated RMAirs re, we M Msq dty, pnadden, and dailies We sprinkle, syetema. ? Llehtwalght • saris SNppfng "Sm, and oAWS caste, handUn o CM be Ysad wtdl rml ersbvad COYpdngs of melded otrdars le, pnesuns W re 175 psl, floe,sfook awyaWe in M-MUS 1602"S pradaeadln Trenton (OA). Ovatd (MO), abd M4SOry(ON). Also can as orderer M eusbaw h"bls. P o Can be soWled roll grooved or p/sln end. Can be uaad for wet and dry' systems. Eddy Few can Oo set dipped gatvanfaad ro rower F7411 regtdfsmwd fade entems. The following tables will help you determine the substantial hydraulic advantages of Eddy Flow over Schedule 10, and achieve cost savings through system downsizing. Any questions or comments should be addressed to Bull Moose Tube Technical Support Department at 888- 227 -6430, or via e-mail at tQQh$UQD*rt(MbUllmQg§etMbe.coM Please request our cutshest for more information on Eddy Flow. Friction lass calculations are based on the Hazen - Williams formula P a ( 4.52 X gl.6e )r ( Cl-" X d4.11) Where P Is the frictional resistance In pounds pressure per square inch per foot of pipe, Q is the gallons per minute flowing, d is the inside diameter of pipe In inches, and C is the friction 1098 coefficient. C =100 (for dry systems), C= 120 (for wet systems). LD.'s used for the calculations are given in parenthesis. 1615 Cterksan RoM For additle118f Mfermaflon, � ChostarrwW, Mo 63017 Censor your salesperson today of eAQ TL a cOa�alN(Y, FAX: 3254 46? (800) 325.4467 or (636) 53'.2600. led i'. ; - .... . i FAX' (6313) 937.2846 !n the USA, or from Carleds www.6dlfmomtubecom - au(600) 882-4666 rrINA A ®tomparry a•matl: bulim00setubecom aasabvs Wlnrornetlm.mmird MnMirorWrkw�rn<Idr sm ar 0ue4wWn. ewlMxw toot rlwn\ctlM hdllUpMrq�areduRtorMaaUpN xlVgw rgt4:s aA+MnoW bwwdnpotlbuM+. run> TO /1:0 39Vd - DND1Ifr - TTgAClQQCnc cM!TT ann7 ,l L i, 3 APPLICATION The Ames 2001 SS provides positive drip -tight closure against the reverse flow of non potable liquids caused by a cross connection. The 2001 SS can be used in fire protection systems, irrigation systems and other systems requiring non - health hazard protection. INSTALLATION The 2001 SS may be installed vertically or horizontally. Refer to local codes for specific installation requirements. SPECIFICATIONS The double check shall consist of two independently operated spring loaded cam -check valves, required test cocks, and optional inlet and outlet resilient wedge shut off valves. Each cam check shall be internally loaded and provide a positive drip tight closure against the reverse flow of liquid caused by back siphonage or back pressure. The modular cam -check includes a stainless steel spring and cam -arm, rubber faced disc and a replaceable seat. ` NATIONAL APPROVALS Contact the Ames factory for specific approvals. A FEATURES • 50% Shorter end to end dimensions for compact inexpensive installation. • 60% lighter in weight, reduces installation and handling costs. • Stainless steel reinforced patented cam check assembly for long term reliability and low head loss. • Reversible cam check disc. • 100% Lead Free. • No Special Tools Required for Servicing. • 300 stainless steel one piece body. • Same lay length as most Detector Check Valves, for retrofit applications. FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS )SY NR y a ? dd > -3 Size A B C D E F G Weight w/ Gates Weight w/o Gates in. in. in. in in. in. in. lbs. lbs. 3" 20" 36 1/8" 10 1/2" 3 3/4" 7 1/2" 18 7/8" 12 3/8" 190 43 4" 16 112" 34 5/8" 10 1/2" 4 1/2" 9" 22 3/4" 14 3/4" 255 42 6" 22 1/2" 43 5/8" 121/2" 5 1/2" 11" 301/8" 19" 399 78 8" 22 112" 45 5/8" 12 1/2" 6 3/4" 13 1/2" 37 314" 22 1/2" 613 92 3 "Documw oFLow CHAwrERisncs p� s� vuvm) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Flow Rate (GPM) isn 6"DocumwmFLowCwAA=Rts(I —s—rt vav>:s) 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Flow Rate (GPM) �- Approximate head loss at the UL rated flow V = Vertical H = Horiizontal Contact Ames Company for "N" pattern configuration information. CO FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS 4" DocumENTED FtowCR4RAmRisncs (i n sir V&ve) 10 j 6 ``� ° . V v 4 0 2 a D 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Flow Rate (GPM) _ 6" DocuMENTEDFlow CRaRacmancspla ,ourG vim) 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 Flow Rate (GPM) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Sizes: 3 ", 4" 6" 8" Rated working pressure: 175 psi Temperature range: 32 0 F to 110 °F Flange dimension in accordance with AW WA Class D All internal metal parts: 300 series stainless steel Construction: 300 series stainless steel M82 -108 .., R/99 ES -FBV -3 Job Name _ Job Location Engineer _ Approval _ Series FBV -3 2 Piece, Full Port Brass Ball Valves Sizes: 1 /4" through 3" (8 -80mm) U` FM Mss- sP -110 O Approved 1 /4" - 3" (8 -80mm) 1 h" - 2" (15 -50mm) FEATURES Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative Series FBV -3 Threaded End Sizes: t /a" - 3" (8 -80mm) • Suitable for full range of liquids and gases • Minimal pressure drop due to full size ports • Bottom loaded, blow -out proof stem • Pressure rated at 600 psi (41 bars) WOG non -shock and 150 psi (10.3 bars) WSP for r /4' - 2 " 600 psi (41 bars) WOG non -shock and 125 psi (8.6 bars) WSP for 2Vz" - 3 ". • Virgin PTFE stem packing seal, thrust washer and seats • Vinyl insulator on heavy duty, zinc - plated carbon steel handles • Fast quarter -turn open or close operation • Excellent for throttling and balancing applications of nonabrasive fluids where minimum Flow is 20% to 100% of valve capacity • Low operating torque • Adjustable stem packing gland • Maximum operating temperature. 400 "F (204 0 C) • Minimum operating temperature. -40 "F ( - 40 0 C) GAS APPROVALS - Threaded valves only Size 1 h" - 2" (15 - 50mm) CSA A@ us 2 and 5 psi 0 -40 "F to 125"F (14 and 34 kPa @ -40 to 52 0 C) Size 1 h", a/4" & 1" (15, 20 & 25mm) ASME11316.33 /CSA 125 psi at maximum operating pressure @ -40"F to 400 "F (8.6 bars @ -40 0 C to 204 0 C) FIRE SERVICE APPROVALS Size 1 /4 11 - 2" (8 - 50mm) UUFM rated at 300 PSI Series FBVS -3* Solder Connections Sizes: ale" - 3" (10 -80mm) ( 1 h"- 2" only) U9 SPECIFICATIONS Approved valves shall be 2 -piece and constructed of forged brass body and end adapter. Bail shall be full port, chrome plated brass. Seats and stem packing shall be virgin PTFE. Stem shall be brass with adjustable stem packing nut threaded to body to prevent stem leakage if lever removed. Valves shall be rated to 600 psi WOG (41 bars) and 150 psi WSP (10.3 bars), and comply with MSS -SP -110, CSA, UUFM and ANSI 816.33 where applicable. Valves shall be equal to Watts' FBV -3 (threaded) or FBVS -3 (solder end). 'This valve is designed to be soft soldered into lines without disas- sembly, using a low temperature solder to 4201F (216 Higher temperature solders may damage the seat material. Apply heat with the flame directed AWAY from the center of the valve body. Excessive heat can harm the seats. After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened. A LEAVEN /N VALVE TECNNOLOOV REGULATOR —si "c" lava Watts industries, Inc.— Water Products Division " Safety & Control Valves USA: 815 Chestnut St, NoAndover, MA01845-6098; www.wattsteg.com Canada: 5435 North Service Rd., Burlington, ONT. LR 5H7; www.wattseda.com • 1 CER71FIED MATERIALS A- 20 ® B : 10 a i C � N � D a L ® a m 1 G �H I ��H E- ® � F A. Handle Nut - Zinc plated carbon steel B. Handle - Zinc plated carbon steel Flow (gpm) TEMPERATURE /PRESSURE RATING bars psi 41.3 600 ` 34.5 500 y 27.6 400 a 21h" - 3' C 20.7 300 Y L 3 13.8 200 DIMENSIONS 6.9 100 I H I I Ht 3.4 50 0 0 °F 10 38 93 149 204 260 °C With vinyl insulator C. Packing Nut - Brass 0. Stem Packing - Virgin PTFE E. Thrust Washer - Virgin PTFE F. Stem - Machined Brass G. Body - Forged brass H. Seats - Virgin PTFE 1. Ball - Chrome plated brass J. Adaptor- Forged brass Flow (gpm) TEMPERATURE /PRESSURE RATING bars psi 41.3 600 ` 34.5 500 y 27.6 400 a 21h" - 3' C 20.7 300 Y L 3 13.8 200 DIMENSIONS 6.9 100 I H I I Ht 3.4 50 0 0 °F 10 38 93 149 204 260 °C e or ssure/ Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without in- curring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold. ES- FBV -30138 ® WattsnegWatorCo., 1997 Printed in U.S.A. FLOW CURVES •�• '�- �- i! � ;� ^ a, ti I C I C Working Temperatur 'See applicable note on reverse side f -- - I -- - - - -- -t I - - -- solder end valves with regards to pre temperature rating. L ( FBV -3 I Lt ( FBVS -3 FBV -3 FBVS -3 Dimensions Size Ordering Ordering C H Ht I L L1 Wei ht in. mm Code No. Code No. in. mm in. m in. mm m in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kg. 4 /4 3h 1 /z 3 /4 1 8 10 15 20 25 546800 546801 546802 546803 546804 - - 546810 546811 546812 1 /a 136 1 2 236 36 36 50 52 62 336 336 3 /a 4 4 81 81 91 114 125 - - 3 4 4 - - 91 114 125 3 /e 3 /s t 13 /6 1 10.5 10.5 12.5 20.0 25.0 1 1 2 2 3'/a 46 46 60 68 80 - - 2'/s 2 33e - - 53 72 86 .3 .3 .5 .8 1.4 .1 .1 .2 .3 .6 1 32 546805 546813 2 66 4 125 4 125 1 31.0 3 90 3 98 2.0 .9 1'/2 40 546806 546814 2 /s 75 5 140 5 140 1 39.0 3 99 4 112 2.6 1.2 2 50 546807 546815 3 80 7 200 7 200 1 50.0 4r% 113 5 135 4.0 1.8 2 65 760210 760211 4 /s 109 9 250 7/8 200 2 60.5 5%2 140 6 /s 161 9.0 4.1 3 80 760212 760213 4% 118 9 250 7 200 2 74.0 6'/4 159 736 182 12.8 5.8 e or ssure/ Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without in- curring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold. ES- FBV -30138 ® WattsnegWatorCo., 1997 Printed in U.S.A. FLOW CURVES •�• '�- �- i! � ;� ^ a, ti h� L Faster, Cleaner, Better Anvil's innovative DRI- SEAL ® Gasket for Gruvlok Fire Protection Systems is from cutting-edge technology that not only pre.lubri- cates Gruvlok Gaskets, but continues to provide sealability after installation is complete. FASTER Since Gruvlok DRISEAL Gaskets require NO FIELD LUBRICATION, Gruvlok 7400 and 7000 couplings assemble significantly faster. Saving the field lube step in typical installations translates into a faster system construction. CLEANER No lubricant, no messy gloves, no slippery tools, and no residue to clean -up. DRI-SEAL` brand gaskets from Gruvlok puts savings into the hands of installers instead of grease! BETTER DRISEAL brand is NOT a coating. The DRISEAL gasket is a cutting edge elostomer process that not only provides a pre-lubricant installation, but supports gasket sealability after the joint assembly. Figure 3400* lligidlite Coupling The Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling from Gruvlok is specially designed to provide a rigid, locked -in pipe connection to meet the specific demands of rigid design steel pipe. Fast and easy swing installation of the rugged lightweight housing produc- es a secure, rigid pipe joint. The Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling is UL /ULC Listed and FM Approved for fire protection service in both wet and dry systems, with roll grooved or cut grooved steel pipe prepared in accordance with Gruvlok grooving specifica- tions. Working pressure ratings shown are for reference only and are based on schedule 40 pipe. For the latest UL /ULC Listed and FM approved pressure ratings versus pipe sched- ule, see www.anvilintl.com or contact your local Gruvlok Sales Representative. The Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling with a DRI - SEAL`, "C" Style, Grade E Type "A" gasket is intend- ed for use in fire protection systems installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13 "Sprinkler Systems ". 0d ■ Ipl Ipl 1 � Couplings equipped with DRISEAL` gaskets are differentiated from standard couplings by the use of purple nuts. Consult Gruvlok Catalog (item #0401 for Gasket Styles, Gasket Grade Index, and Gasket recommendations. 13 For more information, and installation and assembly instructions, go to Anvil's website (www.onvilind.com). - Available galvanized. ` VAen ordering, refer to product as FP7400. FIGURE tl t CO UPLING A WAflNING Range m COUPLING SPECIFIED Nominal Pipe Max. Wk. For dry pipe systems and Freezer Pipe End COUPLING DIMENSIONS : BOLTS TORQUE § Appmx. Size 00 Pressure -� Separation applications lubrication of the gasket is required, Gruvlok Xtremere lubricant Note: 7400 Type "E" required for use in copper system 2 ,..- Oty. Size Min. Max. Wt. Ea. is recommended. § - For additional Bolt Torque information and Coupling Data Chart Notes, see page 16. � Couplings equipped with DRISEAL` gaskets are differentiated from standard couplings by the use of purple nuts. Consult Gruvlok Catalog (item #0401 for Gasket Styles, Gasket Grade Index, and Gasket recommendations. 13 For more information, and installation and assembly instructions, go to Anvil's website (www.onvilind.com). - Available galvanized. ` VAen ordering, refer to product as FP7400. For additional technical information, please ` 4 lisit Anvil's web site at www.anvilinti.com I I T � 5 I S li - Also available as an internationally manufactured product which includes pre - lubricated gasket identified by yellow nuts. FIGURE tl t CO UPLING Range m COUPLING SPECIFIED Nominal Pipe Max. Wk. Max. Pipe End COUPLING DIMENSIONS : BOLTS TORQUE § Appmx. Size 00 Pressure End Load Separation X Y 2 ,..- Oty. Size Min. Max. Wt. Ea. 1n.7O■mm ln.mm PSI/6ar Lbs i1M tn: /mm to.1mar 7n./mm {n./mm : WMIN FlAhS -M:: LBs. P/4 1.660 300 649 0 - 1/a 2 4 /x:: "- `1 -.' 2 3 A 2 30 45 1.3 32 42.2 20.7 2.89 0-32 Ml6 x 57 40 60 0.6 1 � 1.900 300 851 0 -'h 2% ' 4 1 2 1 h x 2 30 45 1.4 40 48.3 20.7 3.78 0-3.2 Il910 x 57 40 60 0.6 2 2.375 300 1,329 0 -Ye 3%4 5 1s /4 2 %x 2' /4 30 45 1.6 50 60.3 20.7 5.91 0 -3.2 -- M10x57 40 60 0.7 2 2.875 300 1,948 0 -'e 3 6 1%4 2 s%x 2'/4 30 45 1.9 65 73.0 20.7 8.66 0-3.2 M10 x 57 40 60 0.9 3 3.500 300 2,886 0- 1 /8 4 6 /4 1 2 s /ax 2 30 45 2.1 80 68.9 20.7 12.84 0-3.2 M10x70 40 60 1.0 4 4.500 300 4,771 0- 5 7 1' 2 %x 2 30 45 3.1 100 114.3 20.7 21.22 0-5.4 1410 x 70 40 60 1.4 5 5.563 300 7,292 0 - 1 /4 08 9'14 2 2 1 h x 3 80 100 4.6 125 141.3 20.7 32.44 0-6.4 x112 x 76 1 10 150 2,1 6 6.625 300 10,341 0 -'h 7A - 10 2 2 'h x 3 80 100 5.5 150 168.3 20.7 46.00 0 -5.4 Ad 12 x76 110 150 2.5 8 8.625 300 17,528 0 -'/e 10'/4. 12 Z 2 Yzz3 80 100 6.4 200 219.7 20.7 77.97 0-3.2 A1112 x 76 710 150 3.8 For additional technical information, please ` 4 lisit Anvil's web site at www.anvilinti.com I I T � 5 I S li - Also available as an internationally manufactured product which includes pre - lubricated gasket identified by yellow nuts. Size Range - (Fig. 65 and Fig. 66) S/6 thru � /ts inch rod (1/2 thru 10 inch pipe). Material - Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut. Function - Recommended for hanging from steel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4 inch (Fig. 65) or 1 -1/4" (Fig. 66) Features - All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or bottom flange of the beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) Mavbe installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allowing the rod to be threaded completely through the clamp. Open design permits inspection of thread engagement. Approval.+ - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the U.S. (UL) and Canada (cUL). Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification Society SP-69, type 19 and 23. Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Pamphlet #13, 3/8 inch rod will support 1/2 thru 4 inch pipe, 1/2 inch rod will support 1/2 thru 8 inch pipe. Finish - Plain, Electro-Galvanized, and HDG. Order Bv- Figure number, rod size, and finish. c:... L Fig. 65 Ti R C D E FIG. 65 J; Max. Rec Approx Fig. 66 TABLE n C D E F Mass. Rec. Approx i 10 Size Range - 1/2 thru 8 inch pipe. Material- Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G -90 specifications. Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features • (1/2 thru 2 inch) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. • (2 -1/2 thru 8 inch) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approta /s - Underwriters' Laboratories listed (1/2" thru 8 ") in the U.S. (UL) and Canada WL) for Steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering approved (3/4" thru 8 "). Conforms to Federal Specifications V/W -H -171 E, Type 10, and Manufacrarers Standardization Society SP-69, type 10. MG.200 ADJUSTABLE BAND HANGER Maximum Temperature- 650 ° F. Finish - 1vid. Galvanized and Stainless Steel. Order By-- Figure number and pipe size. 1/2 — 2 inch pipe PIPE ROD SIZE "I FM MAX. REC. APPROX. SIZE inch Metric* A B LOADLBS. WT. /100 1/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3 -1/8 2.5/8 400 11 3/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3 -1 /8 2 -1/2 400 11 1 3/8 8mm or lOmm 3.3/8 2 -5/8 400 12 1 -1/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3.3/4 2 -7/8 400 13 1 -1/2 3./8 8mm or 10mm 3 -7/8 2 -7/8 400 14 2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 4 -1/2 3 400 15 2 -1/2 3/8 10mm 5 -5/8 4.1/8 600 27 3 3/8 10mm 5.7/8 4 600 29 3 -1/2 3/8 10mm 7 -3 /8 5 -1/4 600 34 4 3/8 lOmm 7 -3/8 5 1000 35 5 1/2 12mm 9.1/8 6.1/4 1250 66 6 1/2 12mm 10 -1/8 6-3/4 1250 73 8 1/2 12mm 13 -1 /8 8-3/4 1250 136 B AI 2 1/2 - 8 inch pipe * Order Fie. 2001`1 Hydraulics Summary Shut P.C.F. Fire Profecfion 19795 W. 59fh Place Golden. Colorado 90403 (303)- 279 -9279 Project Information TIGAR GYMNASTICS 4980 YAN GORDON ST WHEAT RIDGE. CO 90033 Contrast No: 010 -168 Suldfnia: AT SITE (EAS' Systrrr 10: REMOTE AREA Rrt_ OrmWho No: FP -1 OF 1 Constru tiara: NON- COMBUSTIBLE 13— orb GYM (WAREHOUSE) Autbsrft ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION GIST. System Information amla m TAM ICT Hydraulics Design Criteria Orisfty: .20 GPM /SgFt Rrnotm Arena: 1500 SgFt Sprfn4dr CowoOr 130 SgFt Omfian Standard: NFPA 13 Homrd: ORDINARY GROUP II Fiiau-r Ckjr . 3 Sprinklers / Nozzles Momdonfu•r: VIKING Model: M Sfa: 1/2 K- Foator: 5.5 Tmmprotu-s Rotfno: 286 Commodity Storage Commmmr. N/A Stria Mdh: N/A Class: N/A Laaotfon: N/A Arno. N/A Afslm Y9fd: N/A Storoias Ht: N/A Solfd PlmdZ N/A Pouitfad2 N/A itac km Rock Type: N/A Horfmntol Borrfrs: N/A Flm 513odnia Laniaftudinal: N/A Orsfmn : Peter C. Froyen Cola Br Peter C, Froyen Cafm 12 -8 -10 Hydraulics Information Demand... Spr Rmq'd Prrs: 51.44 PSI Spr Rmq'd Flom 319.95 GPM Add'I Flom: 0.00 GPM Moss of Sr= 250.00 GPM Total Flom 569.95 GPM Total Press: 51.44 PSI 5totfa Orr 0.00 Ft Supply... watw F%w Tasf Stotfa: 58.50 PSI Rmfcfml: 49.50 GPM L7ty Flordno. 1548.00 GPM Eirrotfam 0.00 Ft Ootr12 -7 -10 Tfms9:00 AM By: ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION Pump Data Rotmd: (NA) PSIL+ (NA) GPM Boost Prmz (NA) PSI Ofsatnriam Pros: (NA) PSI Ofsdioram Flom (NA) GPM t,.7` 011f bb%od Stotfx (NA) PSI Rmrdmi: (NA) GPM o +y Florrfnia: (NA) GPM Available... P) 57.09 PSI(+ 569.95 GPM F) 51.44 PSI(+ 1357.41 GPM Margin... Prmsu-r 5.64 PSI Flom 787.45 GPM Sfiama 0yn0mfo9 Corporotron 9 mwnga 790z. a mahti ftmmma Enaopsdotfon? N/A Tronswsm N/A 7700 Hyelratlram A d Q U U✓ U a Y a (7 0 0 N I o a r � o 4 a 3 V I ) N F a CD 0 O ro 'Ir u� aJ H W H co a a a LO o C- eorno a ,n N . 0 .0 a m + u . > �m�nv cn v w Gnaw E z X: E CI- a [L a. 0019 LD 0000 ti00- 0000 N LO ^ c) N Ln @J EJ H H cn u) CL a N N N N N N ) Ln C oo_co t0 O a E ti U O LL _ � D O m L N U a) c a N Y O @ O + C Vl •-+ -� in awi �0 � L I d O 0 O O OSd) ainssaad m L a mg U) d dfrJ a 00� r cn o vv E 0 d ^ v �N a a S Oa)O 3 d LL n 7 I • v T J � ` Q � c c Q c C c a C • V c � C C • d Q U U✓ U a Y a (7 0 0 N I o a r � o 4 a 3 V I ) N F a CD 0 O ro 'Ir u� aJ H W H co a a a LO o C- eorno a ,n N . 0 .0 a m + u . > �m�nv cn v w Gnaw E z X: E CI- a [L a. 0019 LD 0000 ti00- 0000 N LO ^ c) N Ln @J EJ H H cn u) CL a N N N N N N ) Ln C oo_co t0 O a E ti U O LL _ � D O m L N U a) c a N Y O @ O + C Vl •-+ -� in awi �0 � L I d O 0 O O OSd) ainssaad i SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 1 TIGAR GYM TIGAR GYM FLOW TEST RESULTS Water Supply STATIC 58.50 PSI RESIDUAL 49.50 PSI @ 1548.00 GPM CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 570.0 GPM 57.08 PSI SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR FLOW FLOW K- FACTOR PRESSURE ---- -- - - -- -- -- 105 29.80 24.00 - - -- 5.50 - - -- - -- 29.35 106 24.42 24.00 5.50 19.71 107 24.14 24.00 5.50 19.26 108 24.05 24.00 5.50 19.12 109 24.06 24.00 5.50 19.14 110 24.14 24.00 5.50 19.27 ill 24.43 24.00 5.50 19.73 112 24.37 24.00 5.50 19.64 113 24.09 24.00 5.50 19.18 114 24.00 24.00 5.50 19.04 115 24.00 24.00 5.50 19.04 116 24.09 24.00 5.50 19.18 117 24.37 24.00 5.50 19.63 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 319.95 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 569.95 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 51.44 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.08 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 9.92 FPS SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 116 115 EQUIV Q 23.93 117 116DQ 24.09 Q 48.02 62 117DQ 24.37 Q 72.39 22 62 Q 72.39 21 22 Q 72.39 --------------- - -- 114 115 Q 0.07 113 114DQ 24.00 Q 24.07 112 113DQ 24.09 Q 48.16 52 112DQ 24.37 Q 72.53 42 52 Q 72.53 33 42 Q 72.53 13 33 Q 72.53 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 RN 2.729 AiN 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 2.030 RN 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 2 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 8.00 0.0157 PT 19.04 (115) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.13 L 8.00 0.0569 PT 19.17 (116) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.46 L 62.83 0.1216 PT 19.63 (117) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 62.83 PF 7.64 L 2.00 0.1216 PT 27.27 ( 62) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 1.22 L 15.00 0.0134 PT 29.36 ( 22) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 15.00 PF 0.20 PT 29.56 ( 21) L 8.00 0.0000 PT 19.04 (115) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.00 L 8.00 0.0159 PT 19.04 (114) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.13 L 8.00 0.0572 PT 19.17 (113) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.46 L 22.50 0.1220 PT 19.63 (112) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 30.50 PF 3.72 L 47.75 0.1739 PT 23.35 ( 52) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 8.30 L 6.08 0.0794 PT 31.65 ( 42) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 1.04 L 1.88 0.0794 PT 32.69 ( 33) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.71 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 12 13 P -LOSS Q 72.53 --------------- 109 108 - -- Q 0.22 110 109DQ 24.06 Q 24.28 111 110DQ 24.14 0.0020 Q 48.43 61 111DQ 24.43 0.00 Q 72.85 21 61 C100 T Q 72.85 20 21DQ 72.39 Q 145.24 --------------- 107 108 - -- ( 12) Q 23.83 106 107DQ 24.14 19.12 Q 47.96 51 106DQ 24.42 PE Q 72.38 41 51 8.00 Q 72.38 32 41 Q 72.38 4.310 141" 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 RN 2.729 CM2 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 3 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 15.00 0.0020 PT 34.21 ( 13) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 15.00 PF 0.03 PT 34.24 ( 12) L 8.00 0.0000 PT 19.12 (108) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.00 L 8.00 0.0161 PT 19.12 (109) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.13 L 8.00 0.0578 PT 19.25 (110) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.46 L 62.83 0.1230 PT 19.71 (111) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 62.83 PF 7.73 L 2.00 0.1230 PT 27.44 ( 61) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 1.23 L 15.00 0.0484 PT 29.54 ( 21) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 - C120 T 15.00 PF 0.73 PT 30.27 ( 20) L 8.00 0.0156 PT 19.12 (108) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.12 L 8.00 0.0568 PT 19.24 (107) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.45 L 22.50 0.1216 PT 19.69 (106) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 30.50 PF 3.71 L 47.75 0.1732 PT 23.40 ( 51) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 8.27 L 6.08 0.0791 PT 31.67 ( 41) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 1.03 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 12 32 2.030 Q 72.38 RN 11 12DQ 72.53 4.310 Q 144.91 CMi 60 20 P -LOSS 1.734 PIPE Q 2.37 SUMMARY LEN /Ft RN 105 60 1.734 1.88 0.0791 Q 2.37 ( 32) F =T F 7.00 BL 104 105DQ 29.80 1.734 8.88 Q 32.17 L 15.00 0.0073 BL 103 104 F =0 F 1.734 PE Q 32.17 C100 T 15.00 PF BL 102 103 1.734 PT 34.32 Q 32.17 L 2.00 0.0002 PT 30.28 BL 101 102 8.00 1.734 -0.87 Q 32.17 10.00 PF 0.00 BL 100 101 0.0002 PT 1.734 ( 60) F =0 Q 32.17 PE 0.00 0120 BL 50 100 PF 0.01 1.734 L Q 32.17 PT 29.42 (105) F =0 F BL 40 50 0.00 1.728 T 8.00 Q 32.17 0.22 L 8.00 BL 31 40 (104) F =0 2.030 0.00 Q 32.17 C120 T 8.00 BL 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 4 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 1.88 0.0791 PT 32.70 ( 32) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.70 L 15.00 0.0073 PT 34.21 ( 12) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 15.00 PF 0.11 PT 34.32 ( 11) L 2.00 0.0002 PT 30.28 ( 20) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.00 L 62.83 0.0002 PT 29.41 ( 60) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 0120 T 62.83 PF 0.01 L 8.00 0.0271 PT 29.42 (105) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.22 L 8.00 0.0271 PT 29.64 (104) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.22 L 8.00 0.0271 PT 29.86 (103) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.22 L 8.00 0.0271 PT 30.08 (102) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.22 L 8.00 0.0271 PT 30.30 (101) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 8.00 PF 0.22 L 22.50 0.0271 PT 30.52 (100) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 30.50 PF 0.83 L 47.75 0.0386 PT 31.35 ( 50) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.84 L 6.08 0.0176 PT 33.19 ( 40) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.23 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO :2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 11 31 Q 32.17 10 11DQ 144.91 Q 177.08 - ------ -- - - -- 19 20 Q 142.87 18 19DQ -24.11 Q 118.76 17 18DQ -23.22 Q 95.54 16 17DQ -23.15 Q 72.39 15 16DQ -23.28 Q 49.11 14 15DQ -23.97 Q 25.14 2.030 RN 4.310 CM1 2.729 CM2 2.729 CM2 2.729 CM2 2.729 CM2 2.729 CM2 2.729 CM2 54 14 Q 25.14 44 54 Q 25.14 34 44 Q 25.14 25 34 Q 25.14 1.734 RN 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 5 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 1.88 0.0176 PT 33.42 ( 31) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.16 L 15.00 0.0106 PT 34.39 ( 11) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 15.00 PF 0.16 PT 34.55 ( 10) L 15.00 0.0470 PT 30.28 ( 20) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 15.00 PF 0.70 L 12.50 0.0334 PT 30.98 ( 19) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 12.50 PF 0.42 L 10.00 0.0223 PT 31.40 ( 18) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.22 L 11.67 0.0134 PT 31.62 ( 17) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 11.67 PF 0.16 L 13.33 0.0065 PT 31.78 ( 16) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 13.33 PF 0.09 L 13.33 0.0019 PT 31.87 ( 15) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 13.33 PF 0.03 L 2.00 0.0172 PT 31.90 ( 14) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.17 L 125.33 0.0172 PT 31.20 ( 54) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 133.33 PF 2.29 L 47.75 0.0245 PT 33.49 ( 44) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.17 L 6.08 0.0112 PT 34.66 ( 34) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.15 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 5 25 Q 25.14 ------------------ 59 19 Q 24.11 49 59 Q 24.11 39 49 Q 24.11 30 39 Q 24.11 10 30 Q 24.11 9 10DQ 177.08 Q 201.19 2.030 RN 1.734 RN 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 2.030 RN 4.310 CMi ------------------ 58 18 Q 23.22 48 58 Q 23.22 38 48 Q 23.22 29 38 Q 23.22 9 29 Q 23.22 1.734 RN 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 2.030 RN 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 6 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 1.88 0.0112 PT 34.81 ( 25) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.10 PT 35.72 ( 5) L 2.00 0.0159 PT 30.99 ( 19) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.16 L 125.33 0.0159 PT 30.28 ( 59) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 133.33 PF 2.12 L 47.75 0.0227 PT 32.40 ( 49) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.08 L 6.08 0.0103 PT 33.48 ( 39) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.13 L 1.88 0.0103 PT 33.61 ( 30) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.09 L 12.50 0.0134 PT 34.51 ( 10) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 12.50 PF 0.17 PT 34.68 ( 9) L 2.00 0.0148 PT 31.41 ( 18) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.15 L 125.33 0.0148 PT 30.69 ( 58) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 133.33 PF 1.97 L 47.75 0.0211 PT 32.66 ( 48) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.01 L 6.08 0.0097 PT 33.67 ( 38) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.13 L 1.88 0.0097 PT 33.80 ( 29) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.09 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 8 9DQ 201.19 Q 224.41 4.310 W l - - - - - - 57 17 Q 23.15 47 57 Q 23.15 37 47 Q 23.15 28 37 Q 23.15 8 28 Q 23.15 7 8DQ 224.41 Q 247.56 1.734 RN 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 2.030 RN 4.310 CM1 ------------------ 56 16 Q 23.28 46 56 Q 23.28 36 46 Q 23.28 27 36 Q 23.28 7 27 Q 23.28 1.734 RN 1.734 BL 1.728 BL 2.030 BL 2.030 RN 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 7 EQUIV P -LOSS PRESSURE PIPE PSI /Ft SUMMARY LEN /Ft PSI L 10.00 0.0164 PT 34.70 ( 9) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 10.00 PF 0.16 PT 34.86 ( 8) L 2.00 0.0148 PT 31.63 ( 17) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.15 L 125.33 0.0148 PT 30.91 ( 57) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 133.33 PF 1.97 L 47.75 0.0210 PT 32.88 ( 47) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.00 L 6.08 0.0096 PT 33.88 ( 37) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.13 L 1.88 0.0096 PT 34.01 ( 28) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.09 L 11.67 0.0197 PT 34.91 ( 8) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 11.67 PF 0.23 PT 35.14 ( 7) L 2.00 0.0149 PT 31.79 ( 16) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.15 L 125.33 0.0149 PT 31.07 ( 56) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 C120 T 133.33 PF 1.99 L 47.75 0.0212 PT 33.06 ( 46) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 47.75 PF 1.01 L 6.08 0.0097 PT 34.07 ( 36) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 C100 T 13.08 PF 0.13 L 1.88 0.0097 PT 34.20 ( 27) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 C100 T 8.88 PF 0.09 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW DIAM GPM IN 6 7DQ 247.56 Q 270.84 4.310 CM1 ------------------ 55 15 Q 23.97 45 55 Q 23.97 35 45 Q 23.97 26 35 Q 23.97 6 26 Q 23.97 5 6DQ 270.84 Q 294.81 4 5DQ 25.14 Q 319.95 3 4 Q 319.95 2 3 Q 319.95 1 2 Q 319.95 0 1 Q 319.95 EQUIV PIPE LEN /Ft L 13.33 F =0 F 0.00 C100 T 13.33 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 8 P -LOSS PRESSURE PSI /Ft SUMMARY PSI 0.0232 PT 35.10 ( 7) PE 0.00 PF 0.31 PT 35.41 ( 6) 1.734 L 2.00 0.0157 PT 31.87 ( 15) F =T F 8.00 PE -0.87 RN C120 T 10.00 PF 0.16 1.734 L 125.33 0.0157 PT 31.16 ( 55) F =T F 8.00 PE 0.00 BL C120 T 133.33 PF 2.09 1.728 L 47.75 0.0224 PT 33.25 ( 45) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL C100 T 47.75 PF 1.07 2.030 L 6.08 0.0102 PT 34.32 ( 35) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.00 BL C100 T 13.08 PF 0.13 2.030 L 1.88 0.0102 PT 34.45 ( 26) F =T F 7.00 PE 0.81 RN C100 T 8.88 PF 0.09 4.310 L 13.33 0.0272 PT 35.35 ( 6) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM1 C100 T 13.33 PF 0.36 4.310 L 11.38 0.0316 PT 35.71 ( 5) F =2E F 14.00 PE 0.00 FM C100 T 25.38 PF 0.80 4.310 L 16.04 0.0316 PT 36.51 ( 4) F =0 F 0.00 PE 6.95 FR C100 T 16.04 PF 0.51 4.310 L 2.88 0.0316 PT 43.97 ( 3) F =126/0 F 126.00 PE 1.25 FR C100 T 128.88 PF 4.07 4.310 L 0.50 0.0316 PT 49.29 ( 2) F =0 F 0.00 PE 0.22 FR C100 T 0.50 PF 0.02 4.280 L 53.00 0.0175 PT 49.53 ( 1) F= GV,T,E F 38.00 PE 0.31 UN C140 T 91.00 PF 1.59 PT 51.43 ( 0) MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.08 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 9.92 FPS AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM TIGAR GYM FLOW TEST RESULTS Water Supply STATIC 58.50 PSI RESIDUAL 49.50 PSI @ 1548.00 GPM CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 570.0 GPM 57.08 PSI SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 320.04 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 570.04 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 51.38 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.10 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 10.27 FPS 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 1 ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR FLOW - -- FLOW K- FACTOR PRESSURE 105 29.89 - - -- 24.00 -- - - - - -- 5.50 - - - - - -- 29.53 106 24.46 24.00 5.50 19.77 107 24.15 24.00 5.50 19.28 108 24.06 24.00 5.50 19.13 109 24.04 24.00 5.50 19.11 110 24.12 24.00 5.50 19.23 111 24.38 24.00 5.50 19.65 112 24.42 24.00 5.50 19.71 113 24.11 24.00 5.50 19.21 114 24.01 24.00 5.50 19.06 115 24.00 24.00 5.50 19.04 116 24.08 24.00 5.50 19.16 117 24.33 24.00 5.50 19.57 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 320.04 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 570.04 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 51.38 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.10 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 10.27 FPS 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 1 AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 2 TIGAR GYM FROM TO --------------- FLOW LENGTH - - - -- FITTING DIAM TYPE PSI /Ft S -LOSS PRESSURES 116 115 21.49 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.013 0.00 19.14 19.04 117 116 45.57 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.052 0.00 19.55 19.14 62 117 69.90 70.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.114 0.00 27.62 19.55 22 62 69.90 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.114 0.87 29.63 27.62 21 --------------- 22 69.90 15.00 - - - -- 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.013 0.00 29.82 29.63 114 115 2.51 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 19.04 19.04 113 114 26.53 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.019 0.00 19.19 19.04 112 113 50.64 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.063 0.00 19.69 19.19 52 112 75.05 14.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.130 0.00 22.61 19.69 42 52 75.05 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.185 0.00 31.45 22.61 33 42 75.05 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.084 0.00 32.56 31.45 13 33 75.05 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.084 0.81 34.12 32.56 12 --------------- 13 75.05 -- 15.00 - -- 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.002 0.00 34.15 34.12 110 109 21.73 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.013 0.00 19.21 19.11 111 110 45.85 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.052 0.00 19.63 19.21 61 111 70.23 70.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.115 0.00 27.78 19.63 21 61 70.23 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.115 0.87 29.80 27.78 20 --------------- 21 140.13 - 15.00 - - -- 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.045 0.00 30.48 29.80 108 109 2.31 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 19.11 19.11 107 108 26.37 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.019 0.00 19.26 19.11 106 107 50.51 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.063 0.00 19.76 19.26 51 106 74.97 14.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.130 0.00 22.68 19.76 41 51 74.97 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.185 0.00 31.51 22.68 32 41 74.97 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.084 0.00 32.61 31.51 12 32 74.97 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.084 0.81 34.17 32.61 11 -------------------- 12 150.03 15.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.008 0.00 34.29 34.17 60 20 1.91 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.000 -0.87 29.61 30.48 105 60 1.91 70.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 29.62 29.61 104 105 31.80 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 29.83 29.62 103 104 31.80 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 30.04 29.83 102 103 31.80 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 30.25 30.04 101 102 31.80 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 30.46 30.25 100 101 31.80 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 30.67 30.46 50 100 31.80 14.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.026 0.00 31.27 30.67 40 50 31.80 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.038 0.00 33.07 31.27 31 40 31.80 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.017 0.00 33.30 33.07 11 31 31.80 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.017 0.81 34.26 33.30 10 -------------------- 11 181.83 15.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.011 0.00 34.43 34.26 19 20 138.21 15.00 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.044 0.00 31.14 30.48 18 19 114.80 12.50 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.031 0.00 31.53 31.14 17 18 92.32 10.00 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.021 0.00 31.74 31.53 16 17 70.16 11.67 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.013 0.00 31.89 31.74 15 16 47.74 13.33 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.006 0.00 31.97 31.89 14 15 24.42 13.33 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.002 0.00 31.99 31.97 54 14 24.42 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.016 -0.87 31.28 31.99 44 54 24.42 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 33.45 31.28 AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 3 TIGAR GYM FROM TO FLOW LENGTH FITTING DIAM TYPE PSI /Ft S -LOSS PRESSURES 34 44 24.42 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.023 0.00 34.56 33.45 25 34 24.42 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.011 0.00 34.70 34.56 5 -------------------- 25 24.42 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.011 0.81 35.60 34.70 59 19 23.41 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.015 -0.87 30.43 31.15 49 59 23.41 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.015 0.00 32.44 30.43 39 49 23.41 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.022 0.00 33.47 32.44 30 39 23.41 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 33.60 33.47 10 30 23.41 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 34.50 33.60 9 -------------------- 10 205.24 12.50 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.014 0.00 34.67 34.50 58 18 22.48 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.014 -0.87 30.81 31.54 48 58 22.48 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.014 0.00 32.68 30.81 38 48 22.48 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.020 0.00 33.63 32.68 29 38 22.48 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.009 0.00 33.75 '33.63 9 29 22.48 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.009 0.81 34.64 33.75 8 -------------------- 9 227.72 10.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.017 0.00 34.81 34.64 57 17 22.16 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.014 -0.87 31.02 31.75 47 57 22.16 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.014 0.00 32.83 31.02 37 47 22.16 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.019 0.00 33.76 32.83 28 37 22.16 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.009 0.00 33.88 33.76 8 28 22.16 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.009 0.81 34.77 33.88 7 -------------------- 8 249.88 11.67 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.020 0.00 35.00 34.77 56 16 22.42 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.014 -0.87 31.17 31.90 46 56 22.42 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.014 0.00 33.02 31.17 36 46 22.42 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.020 0.00 33.97 33.02 27 36 22.42 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.009 0.00 34.09 33.97 7 27 22.42 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.009 0.81 34.98 34.09 6 -------------------- 7 272.30 13.33 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.023 0.00 35.29 34.98 55 15 23.32 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.015 -0.87 31.26 31.98 45 55 23.32 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.015 0.00 33.26 31.26 35 45 23.32 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.021 0.00 34.28 33.26 26 35 23.32 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 34.41 34.28 6 26 23.32 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 35.31 34.41 5 6 295.62 13.33 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.027 0.00 35.67 35.31 4 5 320.04 11.38 14.0 4.310 FM 0.032 0.00 36.47 35.67 3 4 320.04 16.04 0.0 4.310 FR 0.032 6.95 43.93 36.47 2 3 320.04 2.88 126.0 4.310 FR 0.032 1.25 49.25 43.93 1 2 320.04 0.50 0.0 4.310 FR 0.032 0.22 49.49 49.25 0 1 320.04 53.00 38.0 4.280 UN 0.018 0.31 51.40 49.49 AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM TIGAR GYM FLOW TEST RESULTS Water Supply STATIC 58.50 PSI RESIDUAL 49.50 PSI @ 1548.00 GPM CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 570.0 GPM 57.08 PSI SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 319.95 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 569.95 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 51.44 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.08 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 9.92 FPS 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 1 ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR FLOW - - -- FLOW K- FACTOR PRESSURE 105 29.80 -- -- 24.00 -- - - - - -- 5.50 - - -- --- 29.35 106 24.42 24.00 5.50 19.71 107 24.14 24.00 5.50 19.26 108 24.05 24.00 5.50 19.12 109 24.06 24.00 5.50 19.14 110 24.14 24.00 5.50 19.27 ill 24.43 24.00 5.50 19.73 112 24.37 24.00 5.50 19.64 113 24.09 24.00 5.50 19.18 114 24.00 24.00 5.50 19.04 115 24.00 24.00 5.50 19.04 116 24.09 24.00 5.50 19.18 117 24.37 24.00 5.50 19.63 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 319.95 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 569.95 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 51.44 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.08 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 9.92 FPS 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 1 AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 2 TIGAR GYM FROM TO --------------- FLOW LENGTH -- - -- FITTING DIAM TYPE PSI /Ft S -LOSS PRESSURES 116 115 23.93 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 19.17 19.04 117 116 48.02 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.057 0.00 19.63 19.17 62 117 72.39 62.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.122 0.00 27.27 19.63 22 62 72.39 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.122 0.87 29.36 27.27 21 22 72.39 15.00 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.013 0.00 29.56 29.36 114 115 0.07 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 19.04 19.04 113 114 24.07 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 19.17 19.04 112 113 48.16 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.057 0.00 19.63 19.17 52 112 72.53 22.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.122 0.00 23.35 19.63 42 52 72.53 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.174 0.00 31.65 23.35 33 42 72.53 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.079 0.00 32.69 31.65 13 33 72.53 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.079 0.81 34.21 32.69 12 --------------- 13 72.53 - 15.00 -- -- 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.002 0.00 34.24 34.21 109 108 0.22 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 19.12 19.12 110 109 24.28 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 19.25 19.12 111 110 48.43 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.058 0.00 19.71 19.25 61 111 72.85 62.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.123 0.00 27.44 19.71 21 61 72.85 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.123 0.87 29.54 27.44 20 --------------- 21 145.24 - 15.00 -- -- 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.048 0.00 30.27 29.54 107 108 23.83 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 19.24 19.12 106 107 47.96 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.057 0.00 19.69 19.24 51 106 72.38 22.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.122 0.00 23.40 19.69 41 51 72.38 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.173 0.00 31.67 23.40 32 41 72.38 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.079 0.00 32.70 31.67 12 32 72.38 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.079 0.81 34.21 32.70 it -------------------- 12 144.91 15.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.007 0.00 34.32 34.21 60 20 2.37 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.000 -0.87 29.41 30.28 105 60 2.37 62.83 0.0 1.734 BL 0.000 0.00 29.42 29.41 104 105 32.17 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 29.64 29.42 103 104 32.17 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 29.86 29.64 102 103 32.17 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 30.08 29.86 101 102 32.17 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 30.30 30.08 100 101 32.17 8.00 0.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 30.52 30.30 50 100 32.17 22.50 8.0 1.734 BL 0.027 0.00 31.35 30.52 40 50 32.17 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.039 0.00 33.19 31.35 31 40 32.17 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.018 0.00 33.42 33.19 11 31 32.17 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.018 0.81 34.39 33.42 10 ----------------- 11 177.08 15.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.011 0.00 34.55 34.39 19 20 142.87 15.00 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.047 0.00 30.98 30.28 18 19 118.76 12.50 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.033 0.00 31.40 30.98 17 18 95.54 10.00 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.022 0.00 31.62 31.40 16 17 72.39 11.67 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.013 0.00 31.78 31.62 15 16 49.11 13.33 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.007 0.00 31.87 31.78 14 15 25.14 13.33 0.0 2.729 CM2 0.002 0.00 31.90 31.87 54 14 25.14 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.017 -0.87 31.20 31.90 44 54 25.14 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.017 0.00 33.49 31.20 AUXILIARY SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2776HY1 TIGAR GYM 12 -08 -2010 PAGE 3 FROM TO FLOW LENGTH FITTING DIAM TYPE PSI /Ft S -LOSS PRESSURES 34 44 25.14 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.024 0.00 34.66 33.49 25 34 25.14 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.011 0.00 34.81 34.66 5 25 25.14 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.011 0.81 35.72 34.81 59 19 24.11 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.016 -0.87 30.28 30.99 49 59 24.11 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 32.40 30.28 39 49 24.11 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.023 0.00 33.48 32.40 30 39 24.11 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 33.61 33.48 10 30 24.11 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 34.51 33.61 9 -------------------- 10 201.19 12.50 0.0 4.310 CMl 0.013 0.00 34.68 34.51 58 18 23.22 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.015 -0.87 30.69 31.41 48 58 23.22 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.015 0.00 32.66 30.69 38 48 23.22 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.021 0.00 33.67 32.66 29 38 23.22 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 33.80 33.67 9 29 23.22 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 34.70 33.80 8 -------------------- 9 224.41 10.00 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.016 0.00 34.86 34.70 57 17 23.15 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.015 -0.87 30.91 31.63 47 57 23.15 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.015 0.00 32.88 30.91 37 47 23.15 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.021 0.00 33.88 32.88 28 37 23.15 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 34.01 33.88 8 28 23.15 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 34.91 34.01 7 8 247.56 11.67 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.020 0.00 35.14 34.91 56 16 23.28 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.015 -0.87 31.07 31.79 46 56 23.28 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.015 0.00 33.06 31.07 36 46 23.28 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.021 0.00 34.07 33.06 27 36 23.28 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 34.20 34.07 7 27 23.28 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 35.10 34.20 6 -------------------- 7 270.84 13.33 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.023 0.00 35.41 35.10 55 15 23.97 2.00 8.0 1.734 RN 0.016 -0.87 31.16 31.87 45 55 23.97 125.33 8.0 1.734 BL 0.016 0.00 33.25 31.16 35 45 23.97 47.75 0.0 1.728 BL 0.022 0.00 34.32 33.25 26 35 23.97 6.08 7.0 2.030 BL 0.010 0.00 34.45 34.32 6 26 23.97 1.88 7.0 2.030 RN 0.010 0.81 35.35 34.45 5 6 294.81 13.33 0.0 4.310 CM1 0.027 0.00 35.71 35.35 4 5 319.95 11.38 14.0 4.310 FM 0.032 0.00 36.51 35.71 3 4 319.95 16.04 0.0 4.310 FR 0.032 6.95 43.97 36.51 2 3 319.95 2.88 126.0 4.310 FR 0.032 1.25 49.29 43.97 1 2 319.95 0.50 0.0 4.310 FR 0.032 0.22 49.53 49.29 0 1 319.95 53.00 38.0 4.280 UN 0.018 0.31 51.43 49.53 �7W' -711 ate 725 51 ME FLDVT itiaT REEULT3 Date of Test: 12-4)7- 2010 Tirae Hof Test: 09:10 Location: Vacant Buikhng Addrewi: 4930 Van Garden Street Pelson ConductLV'1"est: Tim/Vidlq Wafer /SteigimW 4940 van Cordon S! P2 StA 8e siduo l :Pit P:Ltut_2 4718 20 a9 10 2 —_ E5 - .5.iS - O. ,,)0 V 0..00 - 15413 333a 339 - St -migleder, Steve 15471 3313 36512 404.1 0 PSI 4041. 3utstotal 1 FI4 , w Tests: -gin: 15411 333^ 3652 4041 1 =ba:: 1540 3313 3b412 4041 15471 3313 36512 404.1 fj 0 Z S __J y H. '7903 Ali Way I ado 80005 • (303) 424 -3012 '_� %071.2d113 11: E2 3034327935 L.,Q%14na GFP9 %. rCTDT07 ^�` City of jqr Wheatljdge COMMt7NITY DEVELOPMENT City of wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 December 16, 2010 Lou Ficco RE: 4860 VanGordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The following items are required for obtaining a permit for the above address prior to issuance: 1. Provide mechanical and electrical plan (3 sets ) 2. Provide plan showing 2 °a floor including staircases (3 sets) 3. Provide Com.Check per International Energy Code (3 sets) Once these items are received, the building department can move forward with the review. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 303/235 -2850. Cordially, Kirk C:adotte Plans Examiner and Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303- 235 -2850 Fax: 30:3 -2 ±7 -8929 uww. i.wheaoidge.co.Us City of Wheat _ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT v' w.ci.whea(ddgc.co.us o! ds City of Wheatdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Inspection Division Plan Review Notes 12/17/10 Lou -Mar Construction 3650 Vance Street #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Project Address: 4840 Van Gordon Street A review of your submittal documents for City of Wheat Ridge Plan #10 -0422 for a main floor gymnasium tenant finish at 4840 Van Gordon Street, Wheat Ridge, CO, 80033 was conducted and the following additional items are required to process the permit application: 1. Provide stamped and sealed structural plans for structural portions of the project. 2. Provide stamped and sealed mechanical plans for all mechanical components and gas supply lines. 3. Provide stamped and sealed electrical plans indicating load calculations, exit signage, emergency lighting, appliances, outlets, etc. 4. Provide additional information on plumbing plans to indicate type and location of water heater, DFU calculations, fixture number calculations, etc. 5. Provide detail drawings, stamped when required, for pit walls and floor, for exterior wall alterations, for compliance with accessibility requirements for drinking fountain, restrooms, dressing rooms, etc. 6. Provide Com -Check demonstrating compliance with the 2006 Energy Code. 7. Provide information for required electrical, plumbing, mechanical and other subcontractors. 8. Provide plans for existing second floor construction and occupancy, including stairs and exiting. Upon submission of the above items review of the application for permit will be recommenced. Please feel free to contact me should you have questions concerning the required information. Cordially C. r, Jr., CBO of Bcial City of Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office (303) 235 -2853 Fax (303) 235 -2857 1 I AND 1 46GND) 5,449AIC 973AIC (E) UTILITY TRANSFORMER q 80,200 (4 #3/0) 2 "PVC 36, 134AIC 13.768AIC- 200/3 WE 200/3 200A FRS UTILITY 200A FRS FUSES METER FUSES WP M NEMA 3R (N)PANEL HA I)0//3 100/ I/O AND 1 42GND) 2 "C. OOO ONE -LINE DIAGRAM 1 SCALE: NO SCALE O SERVICE GROUNDING: 1. WQ. CU TO GROUND ROD. 2. 1 #2, CU TO WITHIN 5' OF COLD WATER MAIN PIPE. 3. 1 #6 TO 5/8 "X10' GROUND ROD. CONNECT ALL GROUNDS PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS. 1 (E)PANEL. LA )/3 (E)30KVA 100/3 T (3 #6 AND I #8) 1 "C. 146 CONNECT TO NEAREST BUILDING STEEL PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS. LOAD SUMMARY CALCULATION FOR "Panel HA" ARGEST DESCRIPTION LIGHTNG RECEPTACLE MOTOR HEATER KITCHEN OTHER TOTAL CONNECTED MOTOR LOAD VA DESCRIPTION LOAD VA DEM PAC. DEM. VA LIGHTING 3000 1.25 37M REC UP TO 10,000 6000 1.00 6000 REC. OVER 10,000 0 0.53 0 MOTOR 0 7.00 0 LARGEST MOTOR 560 135 700 HEATER 0 1.00 0 KITCHEN 140% 1.00 140% OTHER 0 1.00 0 TOTAL CODE DEMAND VA 24540 VA Total Code D..Nd 24540 VA /96D= 6E AMPS Total Connected Load 23650 VA Tat"[ De.n ,] Load 24540 VA SHEET N. E0.0 �I..I`% II nn M<.DJI PNC ASSGCIAIES CONSULTING EN61NE=_RS 1 825 LAWRENCE STREEr, suirE Zao DENVER, COLORA00 80202 PHONE: 1032913800 EAX: 3032933884 EMAIL: HADJICRHADJIENGR.COM PROJECT: TIGAR GYMNASTICS VA 4860 VAN CORDON ST. SHEET T ONE -LINE ORIG. DWG E00 One- Line_I1001 dwg DRAWN BY' RE DATE: 01 -03 -1I SCALE: NONE JOB #: 11001 CHK'D BY' GH SHEET N. E0.0 HA ED .. -ting tlet'Od Pan el Status Panel lntormatlon .. SURFACE RELOCATED ❑ NSN S-H 4,50/277 Bars Rofing 225 A Wain Breaker. 200 A RUSH ❑ EXISTING ❑ Wre 1 AID Rating: 14.0x/ Ckt New Catl Descdption Loatl Bb P IT PhIP11 P Bb Laad DescnpliCC Cade N ,,— C43 i IBKR' VA -, B: C VA. K °l, x 1 3 5 1� 7 - ❑ 9 11 __ 1 ILighling 3 11 htm g, g 1 Ngh � Sp�e ❑ r S Pa e 01 Spare 255 20 2 9d _ 20 12 S2 23 r SE l I IF 3 , t T i y '• ttt s . 1 20 1 1' 0 � 0 I 0 ttI I 20 _ Spare i Spare a� IS a_ ,. p ISpa e iS parF - - 2 ❑ 6 p 6' ❑ S ❑ 73 p 1" 13 :. )5 ❑ Spare Spare f p �, 20 I 1 1 i ; 3 1 2O I I ^0 {� �SPare ' III Spare j ❑ Ir 16 1' .. la P 7 ❑ Spare ❑ Space -�. Space (_ • 20 r � 1 � . • • � 7 � , C (({ _ ISpp'e � Space _. ISpace ❑ 19 ❑ 2v Q 22 Space _ ?' r _ t Y (Space - 22 x:,.41 2 ;J �� 31 .,� 33 ...❑ SPace Space jSPa a Space -- ; �� r — } t I I I pare Ipaae '� i �.. 'SROae .._._. 3 , Space ISP ca .. I T.0. 6 p 78 [� 3D ❑ 32 34 �-. iapace .. r r -- E i f _I ;. Y' £ SPace i q 36 -❑ 39 jSPaae __ ❑. (Space __. - I • iO0 r 236.A � I f 1 Pon_I HAI I 7.. ❑ 3% ❑ ?J_. .. 41 ' !S200- . / I _ d 42 Code Descdpfica Load V,A Dem Lead Sammap• I Lighting 7776 125% Per Phase 2 Rec vp fa IO,QD3 1037 Ph A 10475 VA REC over IC,OO„'+ 50%, Ph B 10475 VA 3 Motor 107 Ph C 10475 VA Largest tAofor 1 4 Heater lom Ccnneded 31426 VA 5 Kitchen 100% Oode Demand 33370 VA 6 Other IHO% 7 Sub Panel 236,50 1c'm Cade Demand 40.19 Amps h_eder - Feed From - 'x REVISED LOAD n�� In �I PROJEa: TIGAR GYMNASTICS LOPYRIGHi2013 NADJI ANDfSSOCIAiES INC. 4860 VAN GORDON ST. CSIhNC FS SHEET TITLE : C O N SULTING E'-'N C O N SULTING EncwE.es SHEET N. Iexs LAWRENCE STREET, SUITE 200 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 PANEL SCHEDULE [ O PHONE: 3032933800 FAX: 303293 -3884 ORIG.DWG: EO.IPanel_I1001dw9 DRAWN BY RE L . EMAIL: HADJICSHADJIENGR.COM DATE: 01 -03 -11 SCALE: NONE JOB 4: 11001 CHK'D BY: GH Ain s 1 n COMcheck Software Version 3.8.1 �( Envelope Compliance Certificate 2006 IECC Section 1: Project Information Project Type: Addition Project Title : Tenant Finish - Tigar Gymnastics Construction Site: 4860 Van Gordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Permit No. 10 -0422 Owner /Agent: Lou Ficco LouMar Construction 3650 Vance Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 263 -0489 louficm @gwestofFce.net Designer /Contractor: Brooks Waldman Brooks Waldman Associates 66 South Garfield Street Denver, CO 80209 (303) 320 -6800 BWAssoc @commst.net Section 2: General Information Building Location (for weather data): Climate Zone: Vertical Glazing / Wall Area Pct.: Activity Type(s) Workout Area (Gymnasium) Wheat Ridge, Colorado 5b 2% Floor Area 16484 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Etvelo ign poFAILSVbs worsethancode, -'" - Climate-Specific Requirements: Component Name /Description Gross Cavity Cont. Area or R -Value R -Value Perimeter Proposed Budget U- Factor U- Factor(.) Roof: Insulation Entirely Above Deck 16484 -- 19.0 0.051 0.048 North Exterior Wall: Solid Concrete:7" Thickness,Normal Density, 2773 -- 0.0 0.780 0.113 Furring: None East Exterior Wall: Solid Concrete:7" Thickness,Normal Density, 2378 — 0.0 0.780 0.113 Furring: None 12'x14' O.H. Door: Other Door, Non - Swinging 168 -- -- 1.200 1.450 TxT Man Door: Uninsulated Double -Layer Metal, Swinging 21 — -- 1.200 0.700 South Exterior Wall: Solid Concrete:7" ThicknessAormal Density, 2605 — 0.0 0.780 0.113 Furring: None 12'x14' Storefront: Metal Frame Curtain Wall /Storefront:Double 168 -- — 0.550 0.450 Pane with Low -E, Tinted, SHGC 0.60 3'x7' Man Door: Uninsulated Double -Layer Metal, Swinging 21 -- -- 1.200 0.700 6" Concrete Floor: Slab- On- Grade:Unheated 16484 — — -- -- (a) Budget U- factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY, and are not code requirements. (b)'Other' components require supporting documentation for proposed 1.1-factors. Air Leakage, Component Certification, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: 1. All joints and penetrations am caulked, gasketed or covered with a moisture vapor - permeable wrapping material installed in accordance - with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ 2. Windows, doors, and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. ❑ 3. Component R- values & U- factors labeled as certified. Project Title: Tenant Finish - Tigar Gymnastics Report date: 12128110 Data filename: D: \Data- BWA\BWA Assoc \4860 Van Gordon St \Comcheck \Tigar Gym.cgk Page 1 of 2 ❑ 4. No roof insulation is installed on a suspended ceiling with removable ceiling panels. ❑ 5. 'Other' components have supporting documentation for proposed U- Factors. ❑ 6. Insulation installed according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R -value without compressing the insulation. ❑ 7. Stair, elevator shaft vents, and other outdoor air intake and exhaust openings in the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. ❑ 8. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed.. ❑ 9. Recessed lighting fixtures are: (i) Type IC rated and sealed or gasketed; or (ii) installed inside an appropriate air -tight assembly with a 0.5 inch clearance from combustible materials and with 3 inches clearance from insulation material. ❑ 10. Building entrance doors have a vestibule equipped with closing devices. Exceptions: ❑ Building entrances with revolving doors. ❑ Doors that open directly from a space less than 3000 sq. ft. in area. ❑ 11.Vapor retarder installed. Project Title: Tenant Finish - Tiger Gymnastics Report date: 12128/10 Data filename: D:\Data -BWA \BWA Assoc \4860 Van Gordon St \Comcheck \Tigar Gym.cck Page 2 of 2 City of °~ `7`Iheat�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'� Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 December 16, 2010 Lou Ficco RE: 4860 VanGordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The following items are required for obtaining a permit for the above address prior to issuance: 1. Provide mechanical and electrical plan (3 sets ) 2. Provide plan showing 2" d floor including staircases (3 sets) 3. Provide Com.Check per International Energy Code (3 sets) Once these items are received, the building department can move forward with the review. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 303/235 -2850. Cordially, Dirk- Cadotte Plans Examiner and Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303- 235 -2850 Fax: 303- 237 -8929 v wvv.ci. vvheatrid�- , e.c<1 us 11 b4 ' City of J" j�d ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT w%vwxi.whcat ridge.co.us a City of Wheat Midge COMMUN[Ty DEVELOPMENT Date: Plan # i Building & Inspection Services Division I Permit # 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application PrvPe�Y`A� ess 4/&0 (�G✓t � �3 �c2 � Property Owner (please print) /—C), 1 C-C- C7 Phone:3CD aC 3 � Mailing Address: ss: (if different than property address) Address: 36 50 I G✓ . City, State, Zip: (Zk r `J P_S ' } O s Cori:: ractot Contractors SubaCot}traef Electrical: City License # License #: O( g634 Plumbing: City License # U Phone::3 — �)6 3 — U c Mechanical: City License # �2llir z oil Contract Value: ';t I q�.14r 1 ��'�'• Review Fee (due at time ofsubmittaq: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. {L, OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: v _ P # � Ixe �i aARiM 7 i �PpraS W ' m ants ri[I p rPLd`C o teidF g lfr$ Bldg Valuation: 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Rldge FAX 303/235-2857 April 4, 2003 Steven Aberle A-1 Pattem Co. 4860 Van Gordon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mc Aberle: RE: Case No. WA-03-07 Please be advised that at its meeting of March 27, 2003, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for an increase of non-living landscaped area in an industrial zone to 36 percent of the landscaped area for property located at 4860 Van Gordon Street for the following reasons: I. Approval of the request would not alter the essential character of the bcaliry. 2. The hardship is a byproduct of the drought. 3. The applicant is attempting to reduce the need for extensive outdoor watering. 4. Approval of this request would not be detrimental to the public welfaze or injurious to other properties in the neighborhood. 5. Staff recommends approval. 6. Approval of the request would contribute to the benefit of the neighborhood, the city and its citizens. 7. Plant materials have been chosen and located in a plan that is more efficiently irrigated than conventional designs. 8. Additional trees and bushes are being installed above current code requirements. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, March 27, 2003. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolutions Draft of Minutes cc: WA-03-07 (case file) Building File C9Wcuments and Seltings\kathyflMy DocnmentsUCa[hy\BOA\CORRESP\2001\wa0307apProval.wpd CERTIFICATE OF.RESOLUTION O R I G I N A L I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Boazd of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado on the 27th day of March. 2003. CASE NO. WA-03-07 APPLICANT'S NAME: A-1 Pattern LOCATION: 4860 Van Gordon Street Upon a motion by Boazd Member BLAIR and second by Boazd Member HOWARD, the following resolution was stated: WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-03-07 is an appeal to this from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and WHEREAS, there were no protests registered against the application; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulaUons goveming the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Boazd of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-03-07 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: An increase of non-living landscaped azea in an industrial zone to 36 percent of the landscaped azea for property located at 4860 Van Gordon Street. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Approval of the request would not alter the essential chazacter of the locality. 2. The hazdship is a byproduct of the drought. The applicant is attempting to reduce the need for eactensive outdoor watering. 4. Approval of this request would not be dehimental to the public welfaze or injurious to other properties in the neighborhood. Staffrecommends approval. Resolution No. WA-03-07 March 27, 2003 Page two (2) 6. Approval of the request would contribute to the benefit of the neighborhood, the city and its citizens. 7. Plant materials have been chosen and located in a plan that is more efficiently irrigated than conventional designs. 8. Additional trees and bushes aze being installed above current code requirements. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BLAIR, DRDA, ECHELMEYER, HOVLAND, HOWARD, ROLLINS, SCHULZ NO: None DISPOSITION: A request for an increase of non-living landscaped area in an industrial zone to 36 percent of the landscaped azea for property located at 4860 Van Gordon Street was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 27th day of MARCH. 2003. A, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary of Adjusiment Boazd of Adjustment requirements. 2. This variance will run with the current zoning and with the current improved width of Parfet Street. This amendment was accepted by Board Members SCHiJLZ and BLAIR Board Member HOVLAND offered a friendty amendment to add another condition as follows: 3. The fence and gates must be in compliance with sight distance triangles. This amendment was accepted by Board Members SCHULZ and BLAIR. Chair HOWARD stated he would vote against the motion because no hazdship had been demonstrated. The applicant could build a 6-foot fence with a 30-foot setback without need for a variance. Chair DRDA reminded those present that a super majority vote of six affirmative votes was required for passage of the motion. The motion failed 5-3 with Board Members DRDA, HOWARD and ROLLINS voting no. Chair DRDA advised the applicant that his request was denied. ~ C. Case No. WA-03-07: An application filed by A-1 Pattern for approval of an increase of non-living landscaping, not to exceed 50%, as described in Section 26- 502 (Landscape Requirements) for property zoned Industrial and located at 4860 Van Gordon Street. The case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Boazd there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staffreport and~digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons oudined in the staff report. Meredith Reckert informed the Boazd that the City of Wheat Ridge as well as several other Colorado municipalities is currently reviewing landscaping regulations in light of the drought and also in a long-term effort to conserve water. Consideration is being given to doubling the allowed amount of non-living landscaping. Steven Aberle 4860 Van Gordon Street Mr. Aberle, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair DRDA. He stated that his request is based upon fuhuistic, realistic landscaping to cut back on irrigated surfaces. His Boazd of Adjustment Page 6 03/27/03 company does work for the Denver Water Board and DWB directors have indicated they will be asking cities to cut back on irrigated surfaces by fifty percent over the next five years. He explained that vegetation will eventually cover eighty or ninety percent of the rock used in the hardscaping. This vegeta6on is, for the most part, native to the azea, requires little water and grows to a height of only two to three feet. In response to a question from Boazd Member HO WARD, Mr. Aberle stated that the islands in the pazking lot would be filled with junipers, mulch and wildflowers. Boazd Member ROLLINS commended the applicant for talcing this proactive step in water conservation. Upon a motion by Board Member BLAIR and second by Board Member HOWARD, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-03-07 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; Whereas, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose oF the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA- 03-07 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. Type of Variance: An increase of non-living landscaped area in an industrial zone to 36 percent of the laudscaped area for property located at 4860 Van Gordon Street. For the following reasons: 1. Approval of.the request would not alter the essejp r dY'the locality. 2. The hardship is a byproduct of the drought. 3. The applicant is attempting to reduce the need for extensive outdoor watering. 4. Approval of this request would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties in the neighborhood. 5. Staff recommends approval. Boazd of Adjustment Page 7 03/27/03 Board Member ABBOTT offered a friendly amendment to add the following reasons: 6. Approval of the request would contribute to the benefit of the neighborhood, the city and its citizens. 7. Plant materials have been chosen and located in a plan that is more efficiently irrigated than conventional designs. 8. Additional trees and bushes are being installed above current code requirements. The amendment was accepted by Board Members BLAIR and HOWARD. L The motion passed 8-0. Chair DRDA advised the applicant his request had been approved. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair DRDA closed the public hearing. 6. OLD BUSINESS AfT • Boazd Member ABBOTT requested that the city attomey prepaze an explanation of abstentions in the voting process for Boazd of Adjustment cases. • The Boazd also expressed a desire to spend more time with the ciTy attorney in a question/answer session in the neaz future. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Aoproval of minutes - It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board Member HOVLAND to approve the minutes of February 27, 2003 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board Member ROLLINS to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. PAUL DRDA, Chair Board of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment Boazd of Adjustment Page 8 03/27/03