HomeMy WebLinkAbout4890 Van Gordon StreetCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit #: 202002431 � �� Wh6atpsig COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Stipulations: Smart Start LLC 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 Date: 01/14/2021 This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code, Zoning and other related land use and development laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, and may be occupied for the use specified. OWNER: LEE DOUD INC ADDRESS: 25066 Genesee Springs Rd, Golden, CO 80401 CONTRACTOR/ADDRESS: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4890 Van Gordon St Unit 105, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PARCEL #: 39-174-08-023 ZONING: UA OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONST: V -B OCC LOAD: 15 FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: Bus. License Report Code Editions: N/A No change shall be made in the Use of this building without prior notice and a new CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY from the City of Wheat Ridge Certificate MUST be posted by front door of commercial occupancies Chief Building Official Zoning Administrator ,�7 Sprinklered: No City of ��Whea-W,i,id ge BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION PERMIT NO. 202002431 BUSINESS NAME: Smart Start LLC INSPECTION DAY/TIME Thurs., Dec. 17 @ 1:00 PM INSPECTION DAY/TIME _ INSPECTION DAY/TIM ADDRESS: 4890 Van Gordon Unit 105 CONTACT NAME: WP's 1700 SQ FT b/s 1 OCCUPANCY TYPE 15 OCCUPANCY LOAD vb NSTRUCTION TYPE ❑ SPRINKLERED ❑■ NON-SPRINKLERED Inspector Signature 12/19/2020 Date i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 'bL-I Job Address: Ov s Permit Number: 1-2 Od p U 13�ti/3 j ✓ V -- D No one available for inspection: Time 1:0S Re -Inspection required: Yes fNo When corrections are complete, schedule re -inspection online. Date i' GC Inspector: > DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 4' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division -5933 Inspection line (303)234 J (303) 235-2855 Office ` (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: alb/ arry.5,4 -~~w t3.r arc Job Address/Permit Number: 5(9'7,0 s%,sv.7fr<)V /~ff> >O iySl~°ce> tint. r ~r Q r~E tAf rv /~~~flff C;.F6f m< fG cuf rr>v tf'r ,~l s~iirt° ❑ No one available for inspection: Time t> AM/PM Re-Inspection required: es No When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 19110106' Inspector.Te, _ DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado The City of Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 DATE: September 16, 2004 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): Lee Doud Inc 11885 W 38' Ave Wheat Rid¢e CO 80033 (Lots 1&2) Shelden Patrick Proaerties LLC 6767 S Soruce St #105 En¢lewood CO 80112 (Lot 31 Powderhorn Park IV Partnershio LLLP 4896 Van Gordon St Wheat Rid¢e CO 80033 (Lot 4) OLD ADDRESS: 4890 Van Gordon St. Wheat Rid e CO 80033 NEW ADDRESSES: Lot 1 Buildin¢ 100• 4890 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridee, CO 80033 Lot 2 Buildin¢ 200• 4892 Van Gordon St Wheat Rid¢e, CO 80033 Lot 3 Buildine 300• 4894 Van Gordon St Wheat Rid¢e. CO 80033 Lot 4 Buildine 400• 4896 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridae. CO 80033 SUBDNISION: Powderhorn Pazk LOT(s) 1-4 BLOCK LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED DEVELOPMENT PLAN AUTHORIZED BY: r DATE: =V T DISTRIBUTION: 1. Property Owner 2. Jefferson County Assessor, A7"TN: Data Control, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, 80419 3. Jefferson Counry Mapping ATTN: Addressing, 100 Jefferson County Pazkway, Golden, 80419 4. U.S. Post Office, 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, 80033 5. Xcel Energy, ATTN: Correspondence, P.O. Box 840, Denver, 80201 6. Qwest Communications, Attn: Shirley Campbell, 12121 Grant Street, Room 601, Thomton, CO 80241 7. Water District: Valle 8. Sanitation Disuict: Fruitdale 9. Fire District: Arvada 10. Wheat Ridge Police Department 11. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 12. Wheat Ridge Building Division 13. 14. Log File Other. NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: "The Camation City" POWDERHORN, PARK AMENDMENT N0.2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FINAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PFASE consbvcbm aw. ' 7 ""apa d to 1°` `"'°a LOT 1, BLOCK 1, POWDERHORN PARK SUBDIVISION m , l lhi. could ilh"md. NdAYIp. 10o 0 & k 200 apPrslkrwtehl s.mw (n rl hol lN ,vl.r w r"Mmd w oft "W°"'"^" . SW. 1 /4 SE. 1/4, SECTION 7, T-3-S R-69-W M.x"`w i`i tiw. arena N. k,# 0.ban d °,t ohw YwfA eerrbhZ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (ehl9dnw Soo •400) ab pew Ymd, amhpN.tmrl d 2W000. ADJAOBR 1111006Mr c ,°°+t-sa ''.'..u ~ Nonni - - 20000.2 lagalt .d .at I I T ' T r~o i t Is'9~ • M.b e lit - a ' I I : I ' ` a wp. ww ~ ► a 7d %a 1 !t tt i 4- Ol/ N t~ B m sre • dpa ~ a. v-e .r- I I - 1 ntlantl4 9t0 ails a N i ) ~ es °w'"" ~ I i - t I P7ntNr AOwT10a ~ i z ~ 4 V i 0 BUILDING o.mc d w,K A 4 eN 3 O , - 9 ~ I 3 I I 11 9TORAOe YAM • i f ' warm T R~. ,s-. ' - $ 1 ~ ~ ! a i.w R.Q.. P ew FIRE LANE !I No WEST 49TW PLACE i mms .Y L . _ _ wnar t tes.w coo= it % is .ca. SITE PLAN "0 PROPEM " ' 1 a w b w mpIIC f • A< ~M wwl PYYO bmillF m . 1Meiq 1aP10 •r PROJECT DATA )!>MN I IMO A }w1 1L11O taR O01a mIt.IZ 24at Tdt1a[ 1001aR q Mwa wows mop PwaE '1 sash 2w , aadphC ]w 4w.s Opp wmNrmn tYO.i tlp w11p RC4 NIG ttwlol am run!.[ lbaNbtsl AIDIIOI saws am nmaa a1m9t Nos Ao woo arala awA aa4t mesa tAMDIWIa esu apr9 IIIl1 MI @bO Pwesa aaOMtO 11NIImMp® MY11M ft ft WA'y1tD IMpY 111Oesw CASE - STORY WZ-73-08 WZ-77-10 WZ-80-15 WZ-83-26 WZ-94-9 1 Iw.j» 99 n. ,pe >4 n. ~10b R R. laaM1 SQ R. ,Sew m R. A1w R. was m f6 rt. iwe !4 R ISnpp 1a n. Rs SL rt. Non, w rt U,~{L pWpOp IItB es99A VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES 8mmw'wZ.--- t. Adpewm F.P.rtw and wopPwd P.Ja 1m arm d mwe 1 (►NlRbid) d t ho aeWiYn d 1m CAS RYraad pepaNy. 'mlie9 4 mood A-2 (Agft d 2). 2. N pwp eb fplllb9 1ke• W dueled mew arow mmesrd vo,Pso . 3. OWWW 100. 200, k 300 aR w Aar, Pod A,r Iwt esas.d 22-Nat an bYpll &Ad" 400 Y Nib "wy eb 1114 n steed 24-lea In Nh4N9bl 4. 0 1 . W Os..d w two IWt, ba d tw SW 1/4. S°ctimn 17• T3S, INSw bmig ""woo u S. abh 1 . l/Y l.a pin tb w (LS 4799) wt h fww. & PesnOnq arlw sa bo w»wad by adm aft Lrrlgebmrl Awwa pry egpd". Aston " W a1.d hd1/0 P1w, ff wimM ww .arm pwrrA. 7. 3 • Amebiwl pmww a wm9eMm M1wn ewNeed pas~r fors aNwhq Uhs maA ews of Vtn Doaon Sbemt 9. sht tow t W ewi.e m d..gN grsdw- tlm 351 d mm 9P aNmw Prsa W Pool" ew.tenq of eA Thlrllher d.1.. UR .A. aw hln W Iw41tl m prs addle l PmrMp Rglimd, tswryh 1edlrctNn d bi t*q. w aowaitw d ad m* mITP afsa. 41WNgd d pwlw'~ N MM wMa M aw w. W Marl fMw 4 FsuP~ M bu " ~ V, AL, W14EAT FUDGE 061ECTOR OF PLANNING k DEVELOPMENT 99 La. DOA ,c; C" im" Prelidlrlt, being tm a of loots I&L Smldw PetOck PRepWOW LLC. A1r S 4gwlt R %l P. 11ocg4, b"wq We aw,ele d Loot 1. PanOSMn Pob m PetnerMlp. LAP: Evu+ E. Asby. Rbmt Y. SaiOM. Wily ws minwe of &e Lot 4, d the Rd d..wald w follow y of tat 1. Nook 1 d ft wmre Pwk elsdaOw btlhq m po a of tm 5111/4 of the SE 1/4 of S.eNan 1). TSSAW of the 6th P.M., lstkml Carty. Cdwaft wwa pwtktbly described m aches: 1) s 0w2rw It e dYmhw d nom I"t mwse 2) M ww'w t a lstewe of 427.00 Net 4hlnee 3) M 007077 E a lt. 4 itt.N lN.C 111.rQe 4) N 7731ST E a datvwo d 22164 Nes b be Wywlyg d e 1mN'41nt crow m tm dqw Nhwa a ledw d IMOD: ~ S) Mer4rwNty de.y Lm aR d amid . a dww. d 50.40 lemt Yuw,gb m mule wqm d 1124.5!, m a poMN of bwgwt taupe 4) S 4154'OC E e d twhw d 357.49 Net m ba TOME POW OF Cwmmbdng 3.514 .cr.1 (153.2« egwee !wt). ages. w New. ~ MMlD I TM b"mm-aq,wl wRw(~ b Ivlf alma Imt 1m YmPwt) bqd) da101tb.d mraen pw m OFlyadad w e PMM wt ,l w 't pko% Ow ad& M maw, awVN a bowl n tim" mihed s MN MI =Ma O1"~e m m" 611--we d W reo Y by lc 9ell,.r IecagnY. o.wNoaapaW t y Pmn (.and I an ewl ( Protb nd anote e fnoy ° l°Pwtr Tom proiab"ne of d e: 121 m 0 Al °mve N Rifts c m tlh. prem ..elbn m-171 d c11W 1 i one 1 0 d bl. ttgmt I )10TARIr PUBLIC _ 1 S,devlM PM ewn to bmbes ,ha &11 j.-.~o I2u14ufm.rJN I Yes carh.nl...lml wibel ~ RI PWIIe .l' S ( P. (Loh 3) NOTARY PUBLIC m Sub.wl.d and e.wn m Mere Ina tlha 1~ a Q .2m, c d my Ines one et4cid 4,; + Yr nhwM.=imn Wham N Eel E Asby (Lot 49 A L Y. S.UM (tec 4) NOTARY PUBLIC Sumere4a awd ...n to b.1w. hM NIT. ll4vM,io, oomoo ,moo 0111 so, - 7 z i1Zds4.. Nutwy P m. MLa PLAN" COMMISSION CER FCATION Appr,,d OA, q.// by d xlqftmlliboe~ _ by OR w t Aleq. es mow{ 0/a~! 1R'iJflddd.- CRY COMM CERTi711910N p L 1 App~ Coy of MMad 1Bd91~lMT' A 6 by Of --YwJ~ _ by Me AiIESi: ~ f/ - V_ aTV aE1et COUNTY CUEIW AND RECORDERS CERIIiCl1TE STATE OF CMARAD0 Cw1NT/ Or .ERFRIm ss this d.sanhwt ewwmd tw Npq p We enm N tm Cwwty Gmrs M Rmmwdo .t jvplhl h ll p v at 6elden. C"wPdo. on the day d ipaM •,q2Wl AD, p taem LA-7 Paq. 662-_ 11 1 1' I a 1 loo-lill v x r-, 3 M O~ o z X CD 0 Ix a r4 'I; •v x° ~ 0 c W x a C3 -6 z m t 0 rn d - o W 0.0 O r,w N 0