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5305 W. 38th Avenue
Cartvoction Bice: OwnerlAgem: Decigner/Com2olon. of W heat .4p. RTM ENGINEERING COMcheck Software Version a nMechanical Compliance Certificate U W Dal TX 75254 Additional Efficiency Package(s) m% e� Reduced intoner lighting Power. Requirements are impllcilty enhanced! Wthin insider I9NN allowance tabulations. '/ding pN`s Project Information Quantity System Type & Description Energy Code: 2016 IECC Gas Stamps Water Heater, Capacity: EO gallons, Input Rising: 120 total w/ Pmleot TRle: SPENGA Location: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Climate Zone: 56 Pryjeat Tyle: New ConSINCtlOn Cartvoction Bice: OwnerlAgem: Decigner/Com2olon. 5305 W. 38th Avenue RTM ENGINEERING SUITE:E 14901 QUORUM DR. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 SURE 565 Dal TX 75254 Additional Efficiency Package(s) Reduced intoner lighting Power. Requirements are impllcilty enhanced! Wthin insider I9NN allowance tabulations. Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type & Description t WH Gas Stamps Water Heater, Capacity: EO gallons, Input Rising: 120 total w/ Circulation Pump Proposed ElAciat 95.00 %Er, Required Efficient 80 CO %E Compliance Statement The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent win the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 41.5.1 and to comply with any applicable mandatary requirements listed In the Inspection Checklist. David R. Lipper P.E. 3/16/2021 Name - Title Slgnatur< ` Date Project Title: SPENGA Report date: 03I16R3 Data filename: I:% 2o21R1FOX.D03-Splurge Studio - Wheat Ridge, Coal DESIGN DRAWIl SCHEDULES Page lot 7 CALCS\Spenga Studio - Wheat Rldge- COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck at COMcheck Software Version a°t W he „ qa V Inspection Checklist a j Energy Code: 2018 I ECC 19%ing Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Se tion # Plan R<NOW C Re COmPII<Si COmm<n!S/<SSYmPHOYi .ID d/or ElCom JPR31110i Plans, specifications. Information Dopes of IPR3p withcalculationschcompliance be Don Opoes Not with which compliance can be Not Observable heating systems for the service water document where and equipment to the ;ONpt Applicable tlommentwhere exceptions tothe system d arezed claimed fa[ water urers system uidetl per manufaetureYs zing specifications, C406 Plans, tions provide all Information OCoes Not [PR9]° calcwith hionaprovliance can be Don Opat bse with which compliance tinbe ONot Observable Idekennined cypfor the optiloonal energy :efficiency package options. �;ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project title: SPENGA Report date: 03/16123 Data filename: k\2o21R1F0%.003-spenga Stutlio-Wheat Ridge, COU13 DESIGN DPAWINGl SCHEDULES Page 2 o 7 CALMSpenga Studio - Wheat Rldge- COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck W Pea $Kt1On p # plumbing Rough -in Inspection Complies? Commenls/Azsumptlon& b Ra .ID C404.5, water supply piping conforms Omura les C404.5.1, toHeated to pipe length and volume pipe Not ODoes Not wH0 Lp'$2 requlremen[5. Refer to section tl¢Wils. OSo Not Observable) ONot Applicable O`N%0 C404.6.1, Automatic time switches installed to OComplies C404.6.2 automatically switch off the ODoes Na[ [PL311 recirculating hot-water system or heat ONot Observable! [race. ONot Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a OComplies [PUP heater and storage tank have controls ODoes Not I that limo[ operation from startup to Oryot Observable <= 5 minutes after end of heating El Applicable cycle. C404.2 Demand recirculation water systems OComplles [PLOP have controls that start the pump ODoes Not upon train a usefixturer Not Observable action of arecel of flture orM1e ONot Applicable appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold -water piping to 104°F. Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Ttle: SPENGA Report date: 01 Data filename: I:%2021RLF0%.003-Splurge Studio -Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DPAWINGi SCHEDi Page 3af 7 CALCS\Spenga Studio - Wheat Rldgsi COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck W heat section b. # Mechanical Rough -in Inspection Complies? CommenlslAzsumptlon& Re .ID C40E2.6 Thermally panel surtaces of JComplies IME41P ohne pine sensible beating panels have ODoes Not Not insulation >=R-3.5. ElNot Observable:m4yq/ va ng Cor ONot Applicable C403.7.2 (Enclosed parking garage ventilation ElCOmplles IME115P has automatic contaminant detection ElDoes Not and capacity to stage or modulate ElNo[Observable (fans to 50% or less of design capacity. ElNot Applicable C403.7.5 KRCM1en exhaust systems comply with ElComplles IME116P replacement air and cond@ioned ElDoes Not ',supply air limitations, and sell hood ElNot Observable rating requirements and maximum ONo[A Applicable exhaust rate Criteria, ppica C403.4.1. Heating for vestibules and air curtains Elcomp:ies 4 with Integral heating include Elects Not [ME63]2 automatic controls that shut off the ElNo[Observable beating system When outdoor air Elrypt Applicable temperatures> 45F. Vestibule beating and cooling systems controlled by a thermostat in the vestibule with heat ng setpolnt <— high and coaling setpoint>= 80F. C404.2.1 Gas-fired water -heating equipment IOComplles [MElllla installed In new buildings: where a ',ODoes Not singular piece of water -heating ONot Observable: equipment= 1,000 kBtulh serves'ONotApp Applicable the entire building, thermal efficiency >— 90 Et. Where multiple pieces of water -heating equipment serve the building with combined rating >- 1,000 kill lh. Me combined input - capacity -weighted average thermal efficiency >= 90 Et. Exclude input rating of equipment In individual dwelling units and equipment <=100 kBlulM1. C408.2.2. Air outlets and zone terminal devicesIOComplies 1 have means far air balancing. �ODOes Nat [ME537a 'ONot Observable: ElNot Applicable j C403.5, IRefrigera[el display cases, walk-in ElComplies C403.5.1, coolers or walk- in freezers served by ODoes Not C403.5.2 'Iremate compressors and remate a []Not Observable [MEB3P condensers not located in a ElNotApplicable condensing unit. have fan -powered , condensers that comply with Sections IC403.5.1 and refrigeration compressor: system5 that comply with C403.5.2.. Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Title: SPENGA Report Cable 03116/21 Data filename: I:%2021RLFOx.003-Splurge Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DBAWINGS\02 SCHEDUIEs Page 40f 7 CALMSPenga Studio - Wheat Ridge- COMCHECK-2018IECO.cck W heat s ec # Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project title: SPENGA Report Cali 03I16R3 Data filename: I:%2021RLF0%.003-Stange Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DBAWINGi SCHEDULES Page 5of 7 CALMSperri Studio - Wheat Rldge- COMCHECK-20181ECC.cck Ov Rough -in Eleclricel Inspecllon Complies? Commenls/Azsumptlon& Ration .ID C405.6 Lowvoltage dry -type distribution IEL261' electrictransformers meet the ;IDComplles '[]Does Not O - minimum tl<ncy requirements Of Table C405.6. []Not Observable: Sr G�/p�SO O\N []No[Appll<able C405.7 Electric motors meet the minimum IDComplles [EL -21T efficiency requirements of Tables ';[]Does Not C405.7Ip through C40i Efficiency verified through certification []No[Observablel under an approved c<rthicatlon ([]Not Applicable program or the equipment efficiency ratings shall be provided by motor nufac[ureriwhere certification 'programs tlo not exise). C405.8.2, Escalators and moving walks comply IDComplles C405.8.2. with ASM E AI]. 1IC5rA 844 and have ';[]Does Not 1 automatic controls con0guretl to ';[]No[Observablel 1E¢aI2 reduce speed to the minimum DNot Applicable permitted speed In accordance with :ASME A17.MSA B44 or applicable local code when not conveying (passengers. C405.9 Total voltage drop across the IDComplles IEL291' :combination of leaders and branch ';[]Does Not <IKW[s<=5%. []Not Observable: []Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project title: SPENGA Report Cali 03I16R3 Data filename: I:%2021RLF0%.003-Stange Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DBAWINGi SCHEDULES Page 5of 7 CALMSperri Studio - Wheat Rldge- COMCHECK-20181ECC.cck W heal $ p IFinal Inspection Complies? CommenlslAzzumptlon& ID C404.3 discharges installed I OCoes IFDl]a of non -circulating discharge piping of non -circulating Not Does Not O SyS[¢m5. LjNot Observable)G//p/O9 C Ell Door Applicable C404.4 All piping insulated In accordance with ElComplles I [1I2512 section details and Table C403.11.3. LIDoes Not LINoa Observable: Door Applicable C404.6.1 Controls are Installed that limit the ElComplles IF1121a operation of a recirculation pump LIDoes Not installed to maintain temperature of LjNot Observable storage tank. System retum pipe is a Door dedicated return pipe Or a c0ld water Applicable supply pipe. C408.1.1 Building operations and maintenance QCIoniches IFISip documents will be provided to the 0DOe5 Not owner. Documents will cover ONot Observable) manufacturers' Infmmnahlon, specifications, programming pryotA pplicable', procedures and means of Illustrating to owner how building, equipment and systems are intended to be installed, maintained, and operated. Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Ttle: SPENGA Report date: 03I16R3 Data filename: I:%2021RLF0%.003-Stange Studio - Wheat Ridge, COWS DESIGN DPAWINGI SCHEDULES Page hof 7 CALMSpenga Studio - Wheat Ridge- COMCHECK -2015 IECC.cck Project Title: SPENGA Report clate: 031161 Data filename: I:\201-Spenga Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DPAWINGS\02 SCHEDULES Page ]of 7 CALCS\Spenga Studio - Wheat Rldi COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck o W heaj l . 444 W. Lake St., Suite 1700 VIRTUAL Chicago, IL 60606 ENERGY m��on 312.583.]023 SOLUTIONS 9 OtNso° www.veschicago.com muncwnmru'wrxv. May 24, 2021 Subject: Spenga of Wheat Ridge, CO -5305 W. 3VAvenue, Suite E, Wheat Ridge, DO 80212 Architect's Certification I, George lain Dickie, as Architect being licensed in the state of Colorado, with license #ARC.0040584 being the jurisdiction governing the location of the Project. This certification being made for the benefit of the Lender in reference to the plans and specifications for this Project Sponge Instructor Fitness located at 5305 W. 38a Avenue, Suite E, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212, such plans and specifications dated 03/16/2021 and described as tenant build -out of a new fitness instruction center within an existing single -story shopping center To my best knowledge, information, and belief: Evidence satisfactory to Lender that the construction will conform with the 'National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings'(NEHRP) or a building code that has substantially equivalent provisions. The NEHRP provisions may be found in the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE) Standard ] and the International Building Code. Further, I confirm: a. Building will conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 2030, as amended, b. Plans and specifications are completed and adequate for construction of the improvements and have not been modified except as indicated therein, and c. The project, when constructed in conformity with the plans and specifications, will comply with all applicable restrictive covenants, zoning ordinances, building codes and other applicable laws, including environmental standards and will have direct connection to all necessary utilities. Certified by: Geo a Iain Dickie Signature: Date:05/24/2021 George Iain Dickie, All Licensed Architect, State of Colorado ARC.00405848 idickie(fteschicago.com Mobile: (630)370-3265 Page 1 of 1 AREA OF WORI 4,095 SF FULLY SPRINKLERED To Oi N N N N Z5 N1 PROJECT INFORMATION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (COLORADO) - CODES: BUILDING CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE W/AMMENDMENTS FIRE CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION CODE WIAMMENDMENTS FUEL CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE WIAMMENDMENTS ELECTRICAL CODE: 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE W/AMMENDMENTS PLUMBING CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE W/AMMENDMENTS MECHANICAL CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE W/AMMENDMENTS ENERGY CODE: 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE WIAMMENDI ACCESSIBILITY: 20M ICC -A117.1 ACCESSIBLE & USABLE BUILDINGS & FACILITIES General Project Description: TENANT BUILD -OUT OF A NEW FITNESS INSTRUCTION CENTER WITHIN AN EXISTING SINGLE -STORY SHOPPING CENTER. THE TENANT OFFERS INSTRUCTOR -LEAD EXCERCISE CLASSES CONSISTING OF 28 PARTICIPANTS/CLIENTS WITH 1 INSTRUCTOR. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II -B OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: GROUPA3 FULLY SPRINKLED BUILDING: YES FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: YES LEASE SPACE AREA: +/.4,095SFGROSS OCCUPANCY LOAD: 3,949 SF NET TOTAL 1 PER 200 3,949 SF @ 50 SF PER PERSON = EXITS REQUIRED: 2 FEMALE =I PER 65 ERRS PROVIDED: 2 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE: MAXIMUM -20W OCCUPANCY WATER CLOSETS LAVATORIES DRINKING FOUNTAIN SERVICE SINK LOAD REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED 79 TOTAL MALE =1 PER 125 1 PER 200 1 PER 100 1 (40 MEN+ FEMALE =I PER 65 ) Sheet AM, 39 WOMEN) KIT. KITCHEN 1 AGGR. AGGREGATE LAM. WATER CLOSETS LAVATORIES DRINKING FOUNTAIN SERVICE SINK ALUM. PROVIDED PROVIDED PROVIDED PROVIDED NORTH ARROW 2 4 2 1 LIGHT SHOWERS PROVIDED: 2 A101 APPROX. SP-NGA spin • strength • yoga 5305 W. 38th AVENUE, SUITE E WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 n EXISTING SITE PLAN �". LOCATION MAP NTS NTS Cut, gr o eT'4,AACoMWJ-g� "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer Money Date 07/21./2021 Sheet Index aIA161:4Ytl:I4Big] IItYai 1U19h14CIRCbi01li4bull 101:4J4:LSI19 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN S NOTES ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOL LEGEND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS AS ANCHOR BOLT Jot JOINT wase ISSUED FOR PERMIT PANELBOARD SCHEDULES 8 RISER n ACT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE JST. JOIST 1 ) Sheet AM, A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR KIT. KITCHEN 1 AGGR. AGGREGATE LAM. LAMINATE n 1 A002 ALUM. ALUMINUM LAV. LAVATORY UNDER SEPARATE COVER NORTH ARROW A—M3 ALT. ALTERNATE LT. LIGHT � ra 0 ouoedo °e°M A101 APPROX. APPROXIMATE MAX. MAXIMUM ATM deem As W1-01—Fl ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL MECH. MECHANICAL ® V BD. BOARD MEMB. MEMBRANE A101R BLDG. BUILDING MFR. MANUFACTURER O GRIDLINE A102 BLK. BLOCK M.H. MANHOLE Hai company (z DENOTES EXISTING) A200 BLKG. BLOCKING MIN. MINIMUM SETMANAGER SET OF DRAWINGS, CAREFULLY REVIEW EACH SHEET. EVIEW EACH A401 BM. BEAM MISC. MISCELLANEOUS Name " A501 BOT. BOTTOM M.O. MASONRY OPENING � FLOOR/LEVEL ELEVATION A_N2 BTWN. BETWEEN MTC. METAL Elevation B.W. BOTH WAYS MUL. MULLION AW3 C.J. CONTROL JOINT N NORTH SPOT( CEILING ELEVATION CEG. CEILING N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT n View Name AN, CLR. CLEAR NO. NUMBER � t/8��_t,Pon VIEW NAMETAG E0.0 C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT NOM. NOMINAL E1.0 COL. COLUMN N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE E11 CONC. CONCRETE O.C. ON CENTER SIM E2.0 CONN. CONNECTION O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER 1 E3.0 CONSTR. CONSTRUCTION O.H. OVERHEAD A101 DETAIL CALL OUT CONT. CONTINUOUS OPG. OPENING RIP-0-1 C.T. CERATILE OPR OPPOSITE DEG. DEGREE PCT. PRE -CAST SIMILAR OR OPPOSITE HAND FP7.0 DET. DETAIL P.L. PROPERTY LINE SIM FP2.0 DING. DIAGONAL P -LAM. PLASTICLAMINATE 1 SECTION MARK M0.0 DIA. DIAMETER PEAS. PLASTER A101 ON. DOWN PLYWD. PLYWOOD Mo.i D.S. DOWNSPOUT PR. PAIR ictal M1.0 DRWG. DRAWING P.T. PRESSURETREATED M2.0 E EAST PTD. PAINTED P1.0 (E) EXISTING O.T. OUARRYTILE 1 A101 1 ELEVATION VIEW EA. EACH R RISER P11 E.J. EXPANSION JOINT R.D. ROOF DRAIN P20 E.I.F.S. EXTERIOR INSULATION & RE: REFER TO 1Ref P 3+0 FINISHING SYSTEM REFR. REFRIGERATOR PI EL. ELEVATION REINF. REINFORCED O ARCHITECTURAL KEYNOTE ELEC. ELECTRICAL Rego REQUIRED ENCL. ENCLOSURE RM. ROOM EQ. EQUAL R.O. ROUGH OPENING 101 DOOR TAG EQUIP. EQUIPMENT S SOUTH E . EACH WAY S.C. SOLID CORE EXP. EXPANSION SCHED. SCHEDULE 11 PARTITION TAG EXT. EXTERIOR SECT. SECTION FA. FIRE ALARM S.F. SQUARE FOOT/FEET Room F.D. FLOOR DRAIN SHT. SHEET name ROOM TAG FDN. FOUNDATION SIM. SIMILAR lot F.E. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SPEC. SPECIFICATION F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET SQ. SQUARE PROJECT TEAM F.F. FINISHED FLOOR S.S. STAINLESS STEEL FIN. FINISH STAGG. STAGGERED FCR. FLOOR STD. STANDARD FLUOR. FLUORESCENT STIFF. STIFFNER F.O.B. FACE OF BRICK STL. STEEL Construction Management Architect: F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE Si STRUCTURAL Foxfield Construction Ltd. Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. F.O.S. FACE OF STUD SUPER SUSPENDED 1245 Humbracht Circle, Suite D 444 W. Lake Street F.S. FULL SIZE T TREAD BaNed, IL 60103 Suite 1700 FT. FOOT OR FEET TSB TOP AND BOTTOM Conrad: Thomas Piazza II Chicago, IL 60606 FTG. FOOTING TERRI. TERRAZZO Phone: 630-213-0777 x306 Contact: George Iain Dicide FURR. FURRING TSG TONGUE AND GROOVE tpiazza@foxfleldltd.com Phone: 630-370-3265 GA. GAUGE T/ TOP OF idickie@veschicago.com GALV. GALVANIZED T.O.P. TOP OF PLATE G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR T.O.R. TOP OF RIDGE Project Manager: MEP Engineer: GYP. GYPSUM T.O.S. TOP OF SLAB Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. RTM Engineering Consultants H.B. HOSE BIBB T.O.W. TOP OF WALL 444 W. Lake Street 14901 Cuaum Drive #565 H.C. HOLLOW CORE TYP. TYPICAL Suite 1700 Dallas, TX 75254 H/C HANDICAPPED U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Chicago, IL 60606 Contac: David Lippe HDWD. HARDWOOD VCT VINYL COMPOSITE TILE Contact Mark Jesse Phone: 469.776.0000 H.M. HOLLOW METAL VERT. VERTICAL Phone. 773432-7515 davM.lippe@rimec.cgm HORZ. HORIZONTAL W WEST mjesse@veschicago.cgm HR. HOUR W/ WITH HT. HEIGHT W.C. WATER CLOSET HVAC HEATING, VENTILATION AND WD. WOOD AIR CONDITIONING W/0 WITHOUT I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER INSUL. INSULATION INT. INTERIOR n EXISTING SITE PLAN �". LOCATION MAP NTS NTS Cut, gr o eT'4,AACoMWJ-g� "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer Money Date 07/21./2021 Sheet Index aIA161:4Ytl:I4Big] IItYai 1U19h14CIRCbi01li4bull 101:4J4:LSI19 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN S NOTES 1 1 1 1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR PERMIT ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN 8 NOTES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Wai wase ISSUED FOR PERMIT PANELBOARD SCHEDULES 8 RISER n 1 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ELECTRICAL DETAILS S NOTES 1 ) rs FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS) DRAWINGS BY CERTIFIED ISSUED FOR PERMIT PLUMBING FIXTURES SCHEDULES is NOTES 1 " FIRE SUPPRESSION AND/OR FIRE ALARM 1 Mootors n 1 CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW TKing l lore - UNDER SEPARATE COVER PROJECT •9m 38M Avco � s SITE � ra 0 ouoedo °e°M vMmaa ® ATM deem As emwassage wmad:sandwwnes ® V Menanes ©w �� MAP d.ana Ay o I've, wren A.e cei Q v Massage Q A NOTE: GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND CONSTRUCTION Auto '°"""" "` Hai company AA M Ane,arons SHALL, UPON RECEIPTOF TE 9 A3 " e „ SETMANAGER SET OF DRAWINGS, CAREFULLY REVIEW EACH SHEET. EVIEW EACH GENERAL CONTRACTOR I CONSTRUCTION MANAGER " SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER AND/OR ARCHITECT OF ANY APPARENT INCONSISTENCY, OMISSIONS OR ERRORS. r s i wn,nAla _ n EXISTING SITE PLAN �". LOCATION MAP NTS NTS Cut, gr o eT'4,AACoMWJ-g� "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer Money Date 07/21./2021 Sheet Index aIA161:4Ytl:I4Big] IItYai 1U19h14CIRCbi01li4bull 101:4J4:LSI19 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN S NOTES 1 1 1 1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR PERMIT ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN 8 NOTES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR PERMIT PANELBOARD SCHEDULES 8 RISER ISSUED FOR PERMIT 1 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ELECTRICAL DETAILS S NOTES 1 1 SUPPLY PLAN S NOTES ISSUED FOR PERMIT FIRE PROTECTION SYMBOLS 8 ABBREVIATIONS FIRE PROTECTION FLOOR PLAN FIRE PROTECTION DETAILS 1 1 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR PERMIT MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT MECHANICAL PLAN, NOTES & LEGEND 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT MECHANICAL SCHEDULES S DETAILS 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT WASTE AND VENT PLAN 8 NOTES 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT SUPPLY PLAN S NOTES 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT PLUMBING FIXTURES SCHEDULES is NOTES 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT PLUMBING DETAILS. 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAMS 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT SPECIAL NOTE: DO NOT SEPERATE THIS SET OF DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISTRIBUTING COMPLETE SETS OF THESE PLANS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS TO ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT. A COMPLETE SET OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE IN THE POSSESSION OF THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS ON THE PROJECT AT ALL TIMES. THE SHEET INDEX ABOVE LISTS THE CONTENTS OF THIS SET OF DRAWINGS. IF IT IS SUSPECTED THAT THERE ARE ANY MISSING SHEETS, PLEASE CONTACT THE ARCHITECT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THESE DRAWINGS WERE PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GEORGE I. DICKIE COLORADO LICENSED ARCHITECT 00405848 EXPIRES: 10/31/2021 k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 Urnec.com 1972.387.3500 / VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysolubons.com N �•Ir�/< V ^ Z 1119W W LLI CV rr�^ CV VJ 0 W00 J O W LLI Q OD 1<1 I LLI I 0 co In VES protect number. 710212 sheet title: COVER SHEET sheet number. A001 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. Data I GENERAL NOTES 1, THE TERM "WORK" AS USED IN THESE NOTES SHALL INCLUDE ALL REVISIONS AS DRAWN OR SPECIFIED IN THESE DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS ALL OTHER PROVISIONS SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED BY THE OWNER IN THE FORM OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. 2. GC, CM AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL VISIT JOB SRM AND BECOME FAMILWR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING BIDS. ANY DISCREPANCIES WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS AND/OR BETWEEN THESE DRAWINGS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BIDS AND THE START OF ANY WORK. 3. GC CM & SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS APPEAR TO BE UNCLEAR, AMBIGUOUS, OR CONTRADICTORY, THE GC, CM AND SUBCONTRACTORS MUST REQUEST CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING BEFORE SUBMITTING BIDS AND PROCEEDING WITH THAT PART OF THE WORK. IN CASE OF ANY APPARENT DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS GC & CM MUST NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE SUBMITTING BIDS AND PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK. 4. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE OWNERS &LANDLORDS REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING ALL REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE LEASE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS. 5. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED AS TO COMPLY WITH ALL GOVERNING STATUTES ORDINANCES, GOVERNMENTAL AND JURISDICTIONAL PERMITS AND APPROVALS AS OBTAINED. CONTRACTORS SHALL NOT SUBMIT A BID FOR THIS WORK UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY QUALIFIED AND LICENSED BY THE JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. 6. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER AND SHALL BE IN GOOD AND USABLE CONDITION AT THE DATE OF COMPLETION THEREOF. 7. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT PLANS AS APPROVED FOR ALL PERMIT REVISIONS AND OTHER CHANGES. NOWORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO RECEIPT OF BUILDING PERMIT AND REVIEW OF APPROVED PERMIT PLANS BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. B. DIMENSIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: A. GRID DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTERLINE OF STRUCTURAL GRID LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. B. DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH FACE TO FINISH FACE (INCLUDING TILE FINISHES), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. IF DIMENSIONS ARE NOT SHOWN AND CANNOT BE DETERMINED BY LAYOUT CRITERIA, CONTACT THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. D. WINDOWS ARE DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTERLINE OF OPENING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E. DIMENSIONING LAYOUT BEGINS WHERE THE START POINT IS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS F. WHERE A DIMENSION IS NOTED AS"HOLD" THIS DIMENSION SHALL INDICATE CLEARANCES AT COMPLETED CONDITIONS, TAKING FINISH MATERIALS INTO ACCOUNT. G. DIMENSIONS ARE BASED UPON SPECIFIED MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. SUBSTITUTIONS MAY AFFECT DIMENSIONS. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS SHALL INDICATE THE IMPACT OF THE SUBSTITUTIONS UPON DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES. 9. ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE BUILDING DATUM AS INDICATED. FLOOR ELEVATIONS NOTED ARE TO TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB. OR TOP OF WOOD SUBFLOOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. A SITE SURVEY SHOWING SITE BOUNDARIES, BOUNDARY LENGTHS, DECLINATIONS, SITE CONDITIONS AND GRADES IS TO BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN TEAM BY THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK. 11. GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION REGARDING GEOTECHNICAL AND SOIL CONDITIONS AT THE SITE IS TO BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN TEAM BY THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK. 12. FIRE SPRINKLER WORK SHALL BE DESIGN -BUILD. PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE BUILDING OWNER SHALL ENTER INTO SERVICE CONTRACTS WITH QUALIFIED AND LICENSED FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE THE MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF BOTH THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. DOCUMENTATION VERIFYING THE SERVICE CONTRACTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE FIRE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO BUILDING OCCUPANCY. 13. PROVIDE BACKING AND BLOCKING FOR WALL MOUNTED ELEMENTS AS REQUIRED FOR ATTACHMENT AND FOR SEISMIC BRACING (WHERE REQUIRED) OF NONSTRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. 14. IF MATERIALS SUSPECTED OF CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED, DONOTDISTURB; IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ARCHITECT AND OWNER. HAZARDOUSMATERIALS WILL BE REMOVED BY OWNER UNDER A SEPARATE CONTRACT. 15, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, UPON RECEIPT, CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE ARCHITECT REGARDING ANY APPARENT ERRORS, INCONSISTENCIES, OR OMISSIONS DISCOVERED. 16. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE CONSIDERED A WHOLE AND AS SUCH, THE CONTRACTOR AND SUB -CONTRACTORS MUST COORDINATE ALL INTERRELATED WORK. 17. WHERE NEW CONSTRUCTION ABUTS EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, OR WORK DONE UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT, ALL CONDITIONS AFFECTING WORK PROGRESS AND CONFORMANCE TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK. 18. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT RULES AND REGULATIONS OF FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODES, LAWS, ORDINANCES, STATUES, AND REGULATIONS. NOTHING IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS REQUIRING OR AUTHORIZING WORK CONTRARY TO THESE RULES, REGULATIONS, AND CODES. 19. THE DRAWINGS INDICATE LOCATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND TYPICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. THE DRAWINGS DO NOT ILLUSTRATE EVERY CONDITION; WORK NOT EXPRESSLY DETAILED SHALL BE OF CONSTRUCTION SIMILAR TO PARTS THAT ARE DETAILED. WHERE APPARENT DISCREPANCIES OCCUR, THEY SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 20. GRAPHICS AND SIGNAGE ITEMS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BACKING AS REQUIRED FOR PROPER INSTALLATION. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE WORK IN PLACE ON WHICH ADDITIONAL SPECIFIED CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE APPLIED TO ENSURE THAT SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SPECIFIED FINISH MATERIALS. VERIFY THAT SUBSTRATES APPURTENANCES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE IN PLACE AS REQUIRED BY FINISH MATERIALS, REPORT IN WRITING ANY DEFECTS, OR CONDITIONS WHICH MAY DELAY COMPLETION OF PERFORMANCE OF SPECIFIED FINISH WORK, FAILURE OF SUCH NOTIFICATION WILL BE CONSTRUED AS ACCEPTANCE OF SUBSTRATES AND WORK IN PLACE. CORRECTIVE WORK REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR OWNER DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE OF UNSATISFACTORY SUBSTRATE AND WORK IN PLACE CONDITIONS SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 22. SEPARATE CONTRACTS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND COOPERATE WITH THE WORK OF SEPARATE CONTRACTS SUCH AS TENANT IMPROVEMENTS, MAJOR TENANT BUILDINGS, AND PUBLIC UTILITIES, ETC. 23, FLOORING AND FINISH PROTECTION: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT NEW FLOORING AND FINISHES INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT, AND SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED FLOORING OR FINISHES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER UNTIL OWNER'S FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF FLOORING AND FINISHES AT CONCLUSION OF TENANT WORK. 24. FIRESTOPPING AND FIRE RATED PENETRATIONS REQUIRED AT ALL FIRE RATED WALLS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE INCLUDING DATA FOR MATERIALS AND PREFABRICATED DEVICES UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY APPROVAL NUMBERS FOR REQUIRED FIRE RATINGS SHOP DRAWINGS FOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION DETAILS AND CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE SHOWING MATERIAL OR COMBINATION OF MATERIALS USED, MEETS REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED FOR FLAME SPREAD AND FIRE RESISTANCE. 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC COPIES ON A CD OF THE DRAWINGS OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING. THESE SHALL INCLUDE SIE PLAN, UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS, BUILDING PLANS, FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN AND FIRE ALARM PLAN AS APPLICABLE. 26. ANY WOOD, WOOD BLOCKING, OR WOOD SHEATHING USED TO BE FIRE-RIETARDANT- TREATED WOOD. 27. USE MOISTURE/MOLD RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD ON ALL WET WALLS AND AT ALL LOCATIONS EXPOSED TO WATER. 28. EGRESS DOOR HARDWARE: ALL EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM THE SIDE EGRESS IS MADE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. 29. CONTRACTOR AND SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL PHYSICALLY INSPECT & VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOCATIONS OF WALLS, STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS & MEMBERS, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, FIRE PROTECTION MAINS, UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND METERING DEVICES PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BIDS, THE ORDERING OF ANY MATERIALS, AND BEGINNING ANY WORK. Or DEMOLITION NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND BE KNOWLEDGEABLE OF CONDITIONS THEREOF. HE SHALL INVESTIGATE, VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY INCONSISTENCIES OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE PLANS IN RELATION TO THE EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS OR ANY CONDITIONS REQUIRING MODIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTING CONDITIONS. GC TO BRING SALES AREA TO A "SHELL" CONDITION" IN ORDER TO ACCEPT NEW FIXTURE LAYOUT AS PER NEW FIXTURE PLAN. 2. SURVEY THE CONDITION OF THE BUILDING TO DETERMINE WHETHER REMOVING ANY ELEMENT MIGHT RESULT IN A STRUCTURAL DEFICIENCY OR UNPLANNED COLLAPSE OF ANY PORTION OF THE STRUCTURE OR ADJACENT STRUCTURES DURING DEMOLITION AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. PERFORM SURVEYS AS THE WORK PROGRESSES TO DETECT HAZARDS RESULTING FROM DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES. 3. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE & REVIEW ALL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS & DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF DEMOLITION WORK & BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THEM THOROUGHLY BEFORE PERFORMING ANY DEMOLITION WORK. BY THE ACT OF SUBMITTING A BID, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FOREGOING TO HAVE ACCEPTED SUCH CONDITIONS AND TO HAVE MADE ALLOWANCES THEREFORE IN PREPARING HIS BID. 4. PLANS SHOW GENERAL DEMOLITION WORK TO BE PERFORMED AND DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM OTHER DEMOLITION WORK REQUIRED TO PRODUCE THE BUILDING MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ON THE REMAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING THE PLUMBING, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. WORK INCLUDES REMOVAL AND LEGAL DISPOSAL OF ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ITEMS THAT ARE NOT UTILIZED IN THE FINISHED PROJECT. REMOVE ALL ITEMS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS AND ITEMS WHICH ARE NECESSARY TO BE REMOVED IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE FINISHED PROJECT. 5. FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. ALL DIMENSIONS LOCATING WALLS ARE TAKEN FROM OUTSIDE FACE OF EXISTING PARTITIONS OR SURFACE OF MASONRY UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 6. COMPLY WITH GOVERNING EPA NOTIFICATION REGULATIONS BEFORE STARTING DEMOLITION. COMPLY WITH HAULING AND DISPOSAL REGULATIONS OF AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. REMOVE AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF ITEMS EXCEPT THOSE INDICATED TO BE REINSTALLED, SALVAGED, OR TO REMAIN THE OWNER'S PROPERTY. 7. EXCEPT FOR ITEMS OR MATERIALS INDICATED TO BE REUSED, SALVAGED, OR DETERMINED BY OWNER TO REMAIN THE OWNER'S PROPERTY, DEMOLISHED MATERIALS SHALL BECOME THE CONTRACTOR'S PROPERTY AND SHALL BE REMOVED FROMTHESITE. PROMPTLY DISPOSE OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS. DONOTALLOW DEMOLISHED MATERIALS TO ACCUMULATE ON SITE. TRANSPORT DEMOLISHED MATERIALS OFF OWNER'S PROPERTY AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF THEM TO ENSURE MINIMAL INTERFERENCE WITH ROADS, STREETS, WALKS, AND OTHER ADJACENT OCCUPIED AND USED FACILITIES. REMOVE& TRANSPORT DEBRIS IN A MANNER THAT WILL PREVENT SPILLAGE ON ADJACENT SURFACES AND AREAS. 8. STORAGE OR SALE OF REMOVED ITEMS OR MATERIALS ON-SITE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. EXECUTE THE WORK IN A CAREFUL AND ORDERLY MANNER. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH THE LANDLOREIRROPERTY MANAGER TO VERIFY USE OF THE STORAGE ROOM, POWER, TEMPORARY STORAGE, SITE ACCESS, HOURS OF WORK ETC.. 10. SUBMIT WRITTEN REQUEST IN ADVANCE OF CUTTING OR ALTERING ELEMENTS WHICH AFFECT: a. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ELEMENT b. INTEGRITY OF WEATHER EXPOSED OR MOISTURE RESISTANT ELEMENTS. 11. PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING AND SHORING WITH CONNECTIONS OF SUFFICIENT STRENGTH TO BEAR IMPOSED LOADS, AND TO PROTECT ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY, AND TO ENSURE PROPER ALIGNMENT, COMPLY WITH ALL STATE, O.S.H.A. AND LOCAL CODES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE BRACING OF WALLS DURING DEMOLITION AND ERECTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE DUE TO HIGH WINDS OR OTHER LATERAL LOADS AND CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE DUE TO HIS FAILURE TO TAKE SUCH PRECAUTIONS. 12. SURVEY THE CONDITION OF THE BUILDING TO DETERMINE WHETHER REMOVING ANY ELEMENT MIGHT RESULT IN STRUCTURAL DEFICIENCY OR UNPLANNED COLLAPSE OF ANY PORTION OF THE STRUCTURE OR ADJACENT STRUCTURES DURING DEMOLITION. 13. REMOVE & REINSTALL ITEMS INDICATED; CLEAN, SERVICE, AND OTHERWISE PREPARE THEM FOR REUSE; STORE AND PROTECT AGAINST DAMAGE. REINSTALL ITEMS IN LOCATIONS INDICATED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL UNALTERED PORTIONS OF THE EXISTING CONDITIONS, AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE TO EXISTING WORK AND WORK BY OTHERS. 15. MAINTAIN EXISTING UTILITIES WHERE APPLICABLE TO REMAIN IN SERVICE AND PROTECT THEM AGAINST DAMAGE DURING SELECTIVE DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. VERIFY THAT SERVICE IS NOT DISCONNECTED IN OTHER TENANT SPACES DURING DEMOLITION. 16. PROVIDE TEMPORARY WEATHER PROTECTION, DURING INTERVAL BETWEEN DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, ON EXTERIOR SURFACES AND NEW CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT NO WATER DAMAGE OCCURS TO STRUCTURE, EXTERIOR, OR INTERIOR AREAS. G.C. TO PLACE WALK -OFF MATS AT EXITS TO CONTROL THE TRACKING OF DUST, DIRT AND DEBRIS INTO LANDLORD'S COMMON AREAS. 17. PROTECT WALLS, ROOF, SIDEWALKS, AND OTHER EXISTING FINISH WORK THAT ARE TO REMAIN AND ARE EXPOSED DURING SELECTIVE DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW CONDITION OF CONCRETE SLABS (INTERIOR & EXTERIOR) TO BE RE -USED WITH OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AFTER DEMOLITION OF EXISTING WALLS, FLOORS, & CEILINGS IS COMPLETE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW PATCH LOCATIONS & COLOR FOR: TRENCHING LOCATIONS FOR NEW PLUMBING; NON-COMPLIANT CODE CONDITIONS; AND SIGNIFICANT COSMETIC DEFECTS WITH OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. ANY EXISTING FINISHED SURFACES TO REMAIN THAT ARE AFFECTED BY SELECTIVE DEMOLITION SHALL BE PATCHED TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT SURFACES UNLESS CONCEALED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION, 18. WHERE NEW WORK ADJOINS EXISTING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL NECESSARY CUTTING, PATCHING AND FITTING. JUNCTURES OF NEW AND EXISTING OR OTHER WORK SHALL BE REPAIRED AND PATCHED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXISTING SURFACES. EXISTING WALLS REQUIRING MODIFICATION OF ANY KIND SHALL BE REFINISHED TO THE NEAREST OUTSIDE OR INSIDE CORNER. 19. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE AND/OR CAP ALL EXISTING UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, GAS, WATER, SANITARY & STORM) WHERE SCHEDULED NOT TO BE REUSED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY AND GOVERNING CODE AND UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. 20. PROVIDE TEMPORARY LIGHTING/POWER AS REQUIRED, DURING AND AFTER DEMOLITION FOR ALL AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF THIS CONTRACT, SUCH SERVICE SHALL BE TAKEN FROM EXISTING PANEL BOARDS, AND EXISTING EQUIPMENT MAY BE UTILIZED WHERE FEASIBLE. 21, ALL EXISTING CONDUIT AND WIRE INTERFERING WITH THE NEW WORK SHALL BE REROUTED CONCEALED IN THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 22. ALL UNUSED CONDUIT AND WIRE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED COMPLETELY BACK TO SOURCE, AND BRANCH OVER -CURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES PROPERLY LABELED SPARE". 23. UPON COMPLETION OF THE NEW INSTALLATION WORK, DISCONNECT, REMOVE, AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL TEMPORARY LIGHTING, POWER, AND WIRING. PROVIDE PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEOTAPE, SUFFICIENTLY DETAILED, OF EXISTING CONDITIONS OF ADJOINING CONSTRUCTION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS THAT MIGHT BE MISCONSTRUED AS DAMAGE CAUSED BY DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. 24. CLEAN ALL HORIZONTAL SURFACES OF ACCUMULATED DUST AND DEBRIS. SWEEP THE BUILDING BROOM CLEAN ON COMPLETION OF DEMOLITION OPERATION. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTER SUSPICIOUS MATERIAL OR BECOME AWARE OF THE PRESENCE OFASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS, THEN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OWNER OF SUCH CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH WORK IN THESE AREAS UNTIL OWNER HAS RETAINED A QUALIFIED SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR TO VALIDATE, ABATE, ENCAPSULATE OR OTHERWISE ADDRESS THE ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS AND WARRANT TO THE CONTRACTOR THAT THE WORK CAN PROCEED IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 25. MODIFY EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER AS REQUIRED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BY TENANT G.C. SPRINKLER DESIGN TO BE DESIGN BUILD UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DRAWINGS TO LOCAL JURISDICTION AS REQUIRED FOR SPRINKLER PERMIT, G.C. TO COORDINATE WITH LANDLORD APPROVED SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR IN REGARDS TO DESIGN, PERMITTING AND INSTALLATION. ALL SPRINKLER MODIFICATION/INSTALL WORK WILL BE UNDER A SEPARATE PERMIT SUBMITTAL. 26, G.C. TO COORDINATE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MODIFICATION WITH LANDLORD PREFERRED FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR PER NEW FLOOR PLAN. ALL FIRE ALARM MODIFICATION/INSTALL WORK TO BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. 27. G.C. SHALL COORDINATE WORK WITH BASE BUILDING MANAGER TO INSURE MINIMAL DISRUPTION TO SHOPPING CENTER OPERATIONS AND ADJACENT TENANTS, G.C. TO REUSE ANY EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, EQUIPMENT AND UTILITY SYSTEMS, PROVIDED THEY ACKNOWLEDGE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE OF SUCH IF DETERMINED TO BE NON COMPLAINT WITH LATEST CODE, NOT DESIGNED OR APPLICABLE FOR PROPOSED APPLICATION, DAMAGED OR NON OPERATIONAL REMOVE EXISTING DOORANDFRAME \^ EXISTING OVERHEAD APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING ROOFTOP UNIT (VIFL REMOVE ALL DUCTWORK -J I / r 11 LcJ F= 4\�O� ON = _ EXISTING 120/208 400A ELECTRIC PANEL, TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING TOBEREMOVED II IYI NIC ■ r___i 3048 EXTERIOR AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE EXTERIOR EXIT WITH PANIC HARDWARE ON EXISTING STORE ROOM L EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REMAIN, REMOVE ALL FINISH, INSULATION AND DEVICES SERVING THIS SPACE ONLY I--1 D I I EXISTING GYP COLUMN TO BE REMOVED III I I L - J EXISTING COLUMN TO REMAIN. EXISTING FINISH AND ALL DEVICES TO BE REMOVED APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING ROOF TOP UNIT (VIF). REMOVE ALL DUCTWORK SEE DEMOLITION SCOPE OF WORK NOTE #7 BELOW - EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REMAIN. REMOVE ALL FINISH, INSULATION AND DEVICES SERVING THIS SPACE ONLY APPROXIMATE LOCATION TRENCH AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW UNDER REMOVE MISTING +/- 18" HIGH OF EXISTING ROOF TOP UNIT(VIET SLAB PLUMBING FOR RESTROOMS, SHOWER ROOMS AND MASONRY SILL AND STOREFRONT REMOVE ALL DUCTWORK UTILITY ROOM (SEE PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATIONS). INSPECT TO PROVIDE FOR A NEW OPENING FOR ANY EXISTING GRADE BEAMS & FOUNDATIONS AND FOR NEW DOOR. SEE PLAN FOR SEE DEMOLITION SCOPE OF WORK ADJUST ACCORDINGLY- DO NOT CUT OR OTHERWISE MODIFY DIMENSIONS NOTE#7BELOW ANY EXISTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WITHOUT PERMISSION OF LANDLORDS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND PIPING IN FIELD. /1 FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 118 DEMOLITION SCOPE OF WORK: 1) SEE DEMOLITION NOTES ON THIS SHEET, 2) REMOVE EXISTING CEILING FINISH, ASSOCIATED STRUCTURE & INSULATION, AND ALL ELEMENTS IN THE CEILING (LIGHTS/GRILLS/ETC) 3 REMOVE EXISTING WALLS AS SHOWN INCLUDING ALL ELEMENTS IN THE WALL DOORS/PLUMBING/ELECTRIC/ETC. PATCH AND REPAIR S REQUIRED RECEIVE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4) REMOVE ALL EXISTINGTING FLOOR FINISHES.. PATCH AND REPAIR FLOOR AS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 5) REMOVE ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES. CAPISEAL INCLUDING LINES. REPAIR SLAB TO RECEIVE NEW FLOOR FINISH. 6) REMOVE EXISTING COLUMN FINISHES, INCLUDING DEVICES ON THE COLUMNS. 7) REMOVE ALL DEVICES, ITEMS AND EQUIPMENT ON THE EXTERIOR WALLS. PATCH AND REPAIR AS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE NEW FINISH. 7) REMOVE ANY& ALL MILLWORK TO THE ENT OR ROOF TOP UNITURE FE B) REMOVE ANY 8 ALL DUCTWORK TO THE ROOF TOP UN R. 9) EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO REMAIN - SPRINKLER HEADS AND PIPING TO BE ADJUSTED PER NEW PLAN LAYOUT. 1 HOUR RATED DEMISING WALL. SEE 4NSHEET A401 EXISTING STOREFRONT TO REMAIN, TYP 7x, k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 w .virtualenergysolutions.com = EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY IN FIELD C = EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED ALL EXISTING WALL DIMENSIONS, DOOR & WINDOW LOCATIONS STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS UTILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE VERIFIEDICONFIRMED IN FIELD. ,. ( •w/, O[[�� V T EXTERIOR W NOTE: UPON COMPLETION OF DEMOLITION, GC SHALL 7 CONFIRM THE DIMENSIONAL LOCATIONS AND SIZED OF ALL L i EXISTING COLUMNS IN THE SPACE AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES I I I 103 d LI- - - - EGRESS PATH 2- - - -� fim Ln EGRESS PATH 1 - STRENGTH I 11�11�®11�11�®II�II�®II�II�®� YOGA I S O L T-- EG RESS PATH I ^, SPIN ---------�---=EGRESS PATH2------------ "'ZZZ123 r N �1 II I1 FE D. EXTERIOR W Restroom Restroom EXIT W SLINK. SlI ® 101 II UNLOCKED utility® 103 d LI- - - - EGRESS PATH 2- - - -� DURING BUSIN SS W I� I HOURS I Lobby ' •����� EGRESS PATH I���J 1 HOUR RATED DEMISING NOTE: WALL. SEE 4A/SHEET M01 1 TENANT SPACE IS FULLY SPRINKLERED r , 2) FE = PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. MAXIMUM 75' DISTANCE BETWEEN EXTINGUISHERS, EXTINGUISHERS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM I RATING OF 2A:10BC AND THE TOP SHALL BE MOUNTED 36'-48" MAX ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR TO HANDLE. VERIFY EXACT NUMBER AND LOCATIONS WITH THE FIRE MARSHALL. n FIRST FLOOR LIFE SAFETY PLAN olWhea/,Q. Egress Travel Distances Path ID Total Travel Distance Each Path offing pN15s EGRESS PATH 1 1M-51/4' EGRESS PATH 2 122' - 53/4' LU LU cV r � CV C0 0 GO WO ::)U Z LU LU Q CO CO < L11 UI I L 0 In Date VES project number. 210212 sheat title'. NOTES / DEMOLITION PLAN / LIFE SAFETY PLAN sheet number. A002 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. Or TI womw zouul_ wwwY Y n M to xz z gQz go< oZo oa ewowH_ o o�az PE- ��aaUU H °�N . O M55 0 w ¢a ¢D=p gemnJ N Ca � m Jo WNn�= WU 1Nw UJo 0_ a 3LU O v � pm a0- < 3WF g W W 2 ¢ O to W O2: 5� c ® c or l El —ems am C Ol C OI coir coirEr 0 peo E x 0 0 0 n w w � ® v� i 18 min E front approach, pull side Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors and Gates v 24 min E (h) latch approach, pull side Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors and Gates O Water Closets 18-18 17-19 (a) (b) wheelchair ambulatory accessible accessible water water closets closets V 1 E (b) front approach, push side Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors and Gates 24 min E P) IMch approach, pull side, door provitletl with closer Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors and Gates Water E O Water Closets No ilxNres allmretl wimm m's aps=e �80 minim Water Size of Clearance at Closet Water Closets Location Dispenser Outlet Location row Ed (D roF Z Eaw WW oK t a c Mount on dean IIiI .E 22 min 11110 dryauriace � IVTO12- P Wall dear c oldoorswing E sweated on latch 38 min 42 min � � side de0 M door J " d front approacM1, push safe, door froithe provided with both closer and latch Tel (e) in floormihe hinge approach, pull side hinge approach, pull side hinge approach, Wish side center of the sign Maneuvering Clearance at Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Maneuvering Clearance at Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors Swinging Doors and Gates Manual Swinging Doors Manual Swinging Doors - Pictogram and Gates and Gates and Gates teaedng • Upper ease characters ED min 9' • Raised 1132" \� :':':: 24 min .E 24 min E E 22 min Wall signage `.� Height of a / Ieato2 5M Well a bellsignaed Grede2 to 2'max, IpI on the IMch side Emile of the door 0) latch approach, push side latch approach, push side, door provided with closer (9) hinge approach, push side, door providetl with bode doser and IMch Maneuvering Clearance at Maneuvering Clearance at Maneuvering Clearance at Manual Swinging Doors Manual Swinging Doors Manual Swinging Doors and Gates and Gates and Gates Side Wall Grab Bar Rear Wall Grab Bar at Water Closets at Water Closets E h min 1 %min Aprojetng)obsecs person e)ngects 33m Spacing of Grab Bars HandraiVGrab bar Clearance Clearance at Sinks PROVIDE INSULATION FOR EXPOSED DRAIN PIPES. 6 ma 11725 (a) (b) elevation plan Toe Clearance Circular Turning Space T -Shaped Tuming Space j 48 min I I Ground Space Beveled Change in Level ❑❑❑ ��*=I Vertical Change in Level Y2 max Carpet Pile Height 8 min ry E 8min i25x 11 min (a) (b) elevation plan Knee Clearance ACCESSIBILITY GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS NOTED ON THIS SHEET ARE FROM FACE OF FINISHES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, 2. SOME SHEET DETAILS MAY NOT NECESSARILY APPLY TO THIS PROJECT 3. A LEVEL LANDING ON BOTH SIDES OF EXIT DOORS, NOT EXCEEDING ill' IN LEVEL CHANGE, SHALL BE PROVIDED. 4. LANDING(S) AT STAIRS SHALL BE NO LESS THAN THE WIDTH, IN EACH DIRECTION, OF NOT LESS THAT THE WIDTH OF THE STAIR ITSELF. 5. ALL EXPOSED LAVATORY/SINK DRAINS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INSULATION OR PROTECTION TO PREVENT DIRECT CONTACT WITH DRAIN PIPE. 6. ANY APPARENT DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THESE DETAILS AND THOSE SHOWN IN THE DRAWING SET SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT. 7. THESE DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. DOOR HARDWARE NOTES 1. DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE CAPABLE OF OPERATION WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) HAND AND SHALL NOT REQUIRE TIGHT PINCHING, TIGHT GRASPING OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST TO OPERATE. 2. THUMB TURN DEADBOLTS ARE PROHIBITED; LEVER OR PADDLE DEADBOLT RELEASES ARE ACCEPTABLE. 3. DOOR CLOSERS SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM OPENING FORCE OF: 5165 MAXIMUM FOR INTERIOR DOORS AND 8.511ps FOR EXTERIOR DOORS ACCESSIBILITY NOTES 1. GENERAL: REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE FEATURES OF THE RESTROOMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ACCESSIBILITY CODE. 2. TOILET PARTITIONS: SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM TOE CLEARANCE 9' ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR AT THE FRONT AND SIDE OF THE PARTITIONS. 3. TOILET COMPARTMENT DOORS: SHALL BE SELF CLOSINGS AND BE PROVIDED WITH DOOR PULLS AT THE LATCH. THE DOOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CLEAR OPENING OF 32" WHEN MEASURED FROM FACE OF DOOR (AT THE 90 DEGREE POSITION) AND THE DOOR STOP. 4. TOILET PAPER DISPENSERS: DISPENSERS SHALL NOT BE OF A TYPE THAT CONTROLS DELIVERY OR THAT DOES NOT ALLOW CONTINUOUS PAPER FLOW. 5. LAVATORY FAUCETS: METERED FAUCETS SHALL REMAIN OPEN FOR 10 SECONDS MINIMUM. 6. SHOWER SPRAY UNITS: A SHOWER SPRAY UNIT WITH A HOSE 59 INCHES LONG MIN. THAT CAN BE USED BOTH AS A FIXED POSITION SHOWER HEAD & AS A HAND-HELD SHOWER SHALL BE PROVIDED. THE SHOWER SPRAY UNIT SHALL HAVE AN ONIOFF CONTROL WITH A NON -POSITIVE SHUT-OFF. IF AN ADJUSTABLE -HEIGHT SHOWER HEAD ON A VERTICAL BAR IS USED, THE BAR SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED $O AS TO OBSTRUCT THE USE OF THE GRAB BARS. SHOWER SPRAY UNITS SHALL DELIVER WATER THAT IS 120F DEGREES MAXIMUM. 7. GRAB BARS DIMENSIONS (HEIGHT, DIAMETER, AND DISTANCE FROM MOUNTING SURFACE) SHALL COMPLY WITH CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY CODES. GRAB BARS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A SINGLE CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 250 LBS. APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY POINT. back wall P welt[ 1L r IIS � control wall ' back 18 0 wall bleat control 48 min all wall umna emlw:edere war Pins naowe�re e.wz Grab Bars for Transfer Type Shower Transfer -Type Compartment Size Showers and Clearance 22-23 E seat sent we f wall 15-16 2% max (a) (b) size distance them wall L -Shaped Shower Seat Transfer -Type Shower Compartment Control Location k1k rip engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 %�i VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 wwwmirtualenergysolubons.com V Zt rLO V I W W cV C0rr^�^ N 0 WGD J O LU LLI Q CLD Q > tLl T.L 0 Data anm- °`\r,Ihaa1R VES project number. 210212 a sheet title: U ACCESSIBILITY �` ng caps° DIAGRAMS & NOTES sheet number. A003 0 20M Virtual Energy Solutbons, Into. r — 3048 EXTERIOR AREA OF KEYNOTE RESCUE MILLWORK RECEPTION DESK ASSISTANCE L — — — J °\ a ON 4'-0' VIE EXISTING CONCRETE STAIRS-VIF WIDTH IS MINIMUM 44", RISER HEIGH MAXIMUM 7', TREAD DEPT 11" MINIMUM EXISTING LOADING DOCK & STEPS TO GRADE FURNISH & INSTALL 42' HIGH STEEL RAILING AT LOADING DOCK EDGE 8 STEEL STAIR HANDRAIL DOWN TO GRADE 34' -36 - HIGH MEASURED ABOVE STAIR TREAD NOSING. EXISTING OPENING TO BE INFILLED WITH CMU TO MATCH EXISTING, BY LANDLORD EXISTING HANDRAIL TO REMAIN EXISTING STORE ROOM NI .�° Whea7Rv U m "°ee oM WALL TYPE 2A/AW1 WITH ACOUSTIC Text KEYNOTE TREATMENT PER WALL TYPE 4 MILLWORK RECEPTION DESK 2 I 3 3 IAN CONTROLS O EXISTING EXISTING i HOUR RATED 11O 10 SPRINKLER DEMISING WALL WA ROOM DEVICES IN THIS WALL ONO 2 1 II A601'ra i14 II TYP II STRENGTH 3 A501 �' II 13 TV I TYP I : m o II TVP m I I I NOTE: EXISTING 13 STOREFRONT GLAZING 3 YOGA AT SPIN AREA MUST 3 O rw TYR ALIGN PORTABLE TYP COMPLYWITH W w STEPPERS ON SPIN W m CATEGORY II OF THE 5 STRENGTH MACHINE roe _ A501 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFET3 16CFR ART 120SION ,I8 2 CI GFR PART NSI 7. EXISTING 4 12 A$Ot 2 CLASSAOFANSI Z9T.1. c1 t ACCESSIBLE ROUTE O Y IF _ 1 A501 COLUMN ST REFRO TGI TYP STOREFRONT GLAZING io m h COMPLIES,I 3 3' 30'-0316' STOREFRONT NT GLAZING c' w TOUCH PAD @ 2 MUST BE REPLACED TO O 2 2 60', IPAD @ 4B" COMPLY. z — — — — 2'-0" — — —i — — — — 100N — — "^ 2 TOUCH PANEL — — — - - it' -03/4" 9'-0" a4 6'-81/2' 6'-61/2' N1 @60'AFF H m 3'-0' 6' �3'-D" 0 3'-0" 8"= 3'-0' I AesiroRq% �r Reslmp 2 — 7 :� ®1 3 �1 0 �� 6 1 L 2 � L I �� — l me d LShwr. �Shwr. — — — — 0 L I is 9 0-p I Y 2 Utili � L( - b 8'-8" Lob a \ -- 2 by 1nz 10, I `J - IIp�II� 104\ _ L103 — — O j NEW STOREFRONT DOOR TO - -� — IL EXISTING 1 HOUR RATED 1 A502 3 ALIGN WITH EDGE OF EXISTING NI' DEMISING WALL. NO MULLION. MATCH EXISTING 2 DEVICES IN THIS WALL UNO FINISH & MULLION PATTERN. g ACCESS y`,r 2 1 O PROVIDE SIDELITE AND EXISTING TRANSOM AS REQ'D TO MATCH 8503 PANEL ABOVEI A503 STOREFRONT SEE PLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN, 23'-0" 105 NOT E#11 a SEE PLAN YOGA WALL 4 O 3 O NOTE #10 106 12'-0" 13'- V WALL TYPE 2/A40, W ITH ACOUSTIC TREATMENT PER WALL TYPE6 5' 10-3112 S' 6'-61/2" 6' 6'-6" 1'-103/4" 6'-10" 81/4" 6'1 hp -10' 5112' 33'-1314" UtilRy RECESSED ELECTRICAL PANEL -SEE ELECT DW GS / WALL TYPE 2A/A401 FOR RECESSED PANEL- BUILD OVER ACOUSTIC WALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN EXISTING SLAB---- i NEW FINISH SURFACE EXISTING SLAB r- TO MATCH EXISTING F ' ` #3 BARS @ 16 D.C., PICAL #3 ANCHORED #3x 1'd" DOWELS ADHESIVE ADH .C. W ANCHORED 00 ANCHORED AT 12" O.C. WITH 12' O.C. WITH HILTI HV200 NEW 6 MILETHVLENE HILTI HV200 VAPOR RETARDER NOTE: G.C. TO COORDINATE REMOVAL & PLACEMENT OF SLAB WITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. DETAIL2 CONCRETE SLAB INFILL ONCRETE SLAB INFILL 1" = R ARCHITECTURAL KEYNOTES Text KEYNOTE 1 MILLWORK RECEPTION DESK 2 BUILT-IN BENCH WITH HINGED BOX TOP. NOTE: IF THERE IS A CAVITY °\ a BEHIND THE BENCH, DUE TO THE WINDOWS NOT ALIGNING WITH THE WALLS, THE MILLWRIGHT WILL PROVIDE A SEPARATE FINISHED PIECE ,� (j THAT ALIGNS W ITH THE TOP OF THE BENCH AND IS WHITE ON THE TOP AFF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD. SEE 5/A601 AND ON THE BACKSIDE TO MATCH THE BENCH AND BE SEEN AS FINISHED FROM THE OUTSIDE. THE MILLWRIGHT WILL PROVIDE A / CUSHION THAT COVERS THE TOP OF THE BENCH AND NOTCHES OVER STRUCTURE: THE TOP OF THIS ADDITIONAL FINISHED PIECE. 3 RETAIL CASEWORK UNIT d LOCKERS PROVIDED BY OWNER. GC TO COORDINATE INSTALLATION. 4202 WILEV POST, ADDISON, TX 75001 ALL OPERABLE PARTS SHALL BE COMPLIANT WALL ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE A MIN OF 2 ACCESSIBLE DESIGNATED LOCKERS W/SIGNAGE. G.C. TO CONSTRUCT 4' HIGH BASE WITH 3' TOE EGALDIANOQPLATINUMSLV.COM KICK, FINISH WITH WALL BASE, PAINTED. 5 BEVERAGE COOLER. PROVIDE POWER 6 WATER DISPENSER. PROVIDE POWER& WATER CONNECTION 7 WATER HEATER WITH DRAIN PAN. 8 MOP BASIN. SEE PLUMBING SHEETS 9 AUDIONISUAL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT RACK. PROVIDE POWER & DATA. GC TO COORDINATE WITH AN & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. INSTALL 4' x W z WW FIRE RETARDANT TREATED PLYWOOD (MOUNTED TO METAL STUDS -GYP BD FINISH TO ABUT AT EACH SIDE) CENTERED BEHIND AN RACK AND 10 SPIN INSTRUCTOR'S PLATFORM. ALL WOOD USED TO BE FIRE RESISTANT TREATED. COORDINATE POWER & LOW -VOLTAGE WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR & AN VENDOR. 11 STATIONARY SPIN CYCLE 12 STRENGTH EQUIPMENT(QUEENAX) 13 PORTABLE STEPPERS 14 SCREEN EXISTING GLAZING WITH BLACKOUT VINYL AT ALL GLAZING IN FRONT OF SPRINKLER ROOM — = EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY IN FIELD O = NEW CONSTRUCTION NOTE: ALL EXISTING WALL DIMENSIONS, DOOR It WINDOW LOCATIONS, STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, UTILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE VERIFIED/CONFIRMED IN FIELD PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY APPARENT DISCREPANCIES WITH THESE PLANS TO THE ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. PLAN NOTES 1. G.C. TO INSPECT ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, UTILITY LOCATIONS AND CONDITION, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING WALLS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. 2. GC TO LOCATENERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITY SERVICES AND ENTRY POINTS INTO THE SPACE. G.C. SHALL INCLUDE NECESSARY UTILITY CONNECTIONS TO ALL NEW WORK. 3. TRENCH AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW UNDER SLAB PLUMBING FOR RESTROOMS AND UTILITY ROOM. INSPECT FOR ANY EXISTING GRADE BEAMS & FOUNDATIONS AND ADJUST ACCORDINGLY- DO NOT CUT OR OTHERWISE MODIFY ANY EXISTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WITHOUT PERMISSION OF LANDLORD'S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND PIPING IN FIELD. PATCH CONCRETE FLOOR PER DETAIL 2/A101 4. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH WALL SURFACES(INCLUDING WALL TILE) ONO. 5. G.C. TO COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WITH LANDLORD. G.0 SHALL FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF THE LANDLORD REGARDING ANY NEW PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE EXISTING ROOF AND EXTERIOR WALLS 6. G.C. SHALL PROVIDE AND COORDINATE IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR ALL WALL HUNG ITEMS. ANY WOOD USED FOR BLOCKING SHALL BE FIRE RESISTANT TREATED. 7. G.C. SHALL REPLACE OR REPAIR ANY MISSING OR DAMAGED FIRE PROOFING MATERIALS. REPLACEMENT OR REPAIRED FIRE PROOFING MATERIALS SHALL MATCH THE RATING OF EXISTING MATERIALS. B. G.C. AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE DIMENSIONS AND PLACEMENT OF MILLWORK, LOCKERS, APPLIANCES, AND FURNISHINGS WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION & OWNER -PROVIDED ITEMS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 9. REFER TO PLUMBING DWGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL FLOOR DRAINS, TYP 10. GC TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING STOREFRONT MULLIONS (HORIZONTAL & k1tril tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 'i L1110I AT Rib VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 WwW.virtualener olubons.ccm W Date i6r2021 VERTICAL) INCLUDING SIZE OF THE MULLIONS THEMSELVES FOR COORDINATION WITH VES number. Z1OZ1Z SPENGA EQUIPMENT & MILLWORK INSTALLATION W heals protect 11. PROVIDE 30"x30" PAINTABLE ACCESS DOOR WITH DRYWALL BEAD FLANGE BY ACUDOR °\ a OR EQUAL (TO ACCESS SPACE ABOVE FINISH GYP BD CEILING). BOTTOM OF DOOR 9'3" ,� (j sheat title: AFF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD. SEE 5/A601 ]H 12. COORDINATE WITH PLATINUM SLV AV CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ANY CABLING OR CABLING / STRUCTURE: 900 FIRST FLOOR PLAN ERIC GALDIANO, PROJECT MANAGER 9 One 5`� 4202 WILEV POST, ADDISON, TX 75001 PHONE 9723809500 EXTENSION 108 FAX 972-380-9501 EGALDIANOQPLATINUMSLV.COM W W W.PLATINUMSLV.COM 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. A101 02020 Virtual Energy Solulmns, Inc. 1p Whaa7Ra U m PiF PIF PiF BG. qp 3EIP1 4EIP1 TRIP+ SOB DN`s < r t m /P1 3EIP1 1EIP, SEE INTERIOR SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR ,EIP+ +EP, ELEVATIONS FOR 3ErP1 4EIPI FINISH LOCATIONS FINISH LOCATIONS EIP1 FINE] FW—B11wB, engineering consultants RFt 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 FINISH NOTES: PAINT EXPOSED CEILING STRUCTURE IAS INDICATED IN FINISH SCHEDULE) INCLUDING INSULATION, PIPING, & CONDUIT EXISTING FLOORS MUST BE PATCHED AND PREPARED TO ACCEPT NEW FLOORING MATERIALS PER NEW FLOORING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. FLAME SPREAD RATINGS OF ALL FINISH MATERIALS SHALL BE CLASS 'B' OR BETTER FINISH TAG LEGEND CEILING FINISH WALL FINISHES WALL BASE FLOOR FINISH I ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE I FEATURE WALL Number Name Area FLOORING WALL BASE EAST WALLS NORTH SOUTH WEST CEILING 100 Lobby I CTI WBi P4E P4E P4E EXISTING P4F 101 Restroom 58 SF CTI I CTTP3E CTl/P3E CTl/P3E P2F 102 SPRINKLER 58 SF CT1 CT1/P3E CTIIP3E CT1/P3E j P2F ----------------------------------- Shwr. 50 SF CTI ROOM CTl/P3E CT,/?3E CTl/P3E CT1/P3E P2F 104 Shwr. 50 SF CT1 SPIN STAGE CT1/P3E CTIIP3E N'c CT1/P3E P2F 105 Utility 142 SF CTI i P4E P4E P4E P4E P4F 106 F=RELD I I 1 SC WB2 P4E P4E I I I 1 I I P4E P4F 10T YOGA 903 SF VPI WBi P3EIP1F P3EIPIF P3EIP1F VP2IP1F PiF 1 j 1 STRENGTH I STRENGTH 1100 SF SPIN WB1 P4E/P1F P4E/P1F P4E/P1F PiF 109 SPIN 747 SF RFI WBi P1EIPlF MIR/P1F P1EIPlF PlIEP1F PiF VIRTUAL 1 : : ]2'-0" j 18 PIECES ATd'-0"EACH I ENERGY NOTE: GC:TO COVER THE RUBBER FLOORING AT ALL TIMES AFTER IT 1$ INSTALLED SO THAT NO MUST OR DEBRIS DISCOLORS T.HE FLOORING OR SCRATCHES THE SURFACE. 1 SOLUTIONS 3 rc i1 444 W. Lake SSuite 1700 I Chicago, ILL 60606 � I 312.583.7023 ------ j I www.virtualenergysolutions.com I FLOORING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 8 INSTALL APPROPRIATE CODE -COMPLIANT TRANSITION STRIPS AT ALL CHANGES OF FLOORING MATERIALS, TYPICAL W ILL! 0 INSTALL FRP I PANEL UP TO 8'-0" D N 1 FF AT MOP a UNDERSIDE OF 0 1 SINK -3 SIDES u tma" F a t o, w SOFFIT FINISH P2F ® �l1 / v ) 1 INCLUDING ENDS 1 1 OF RETURN ALLS LOBBY ACCENT WALL FINISH PSE C\ ^ - IlJ O t' VERIFY w/OWNER OT J lJ o V zLU Ld zi Q o faLC a Q DID G) �' Q ) V I w I EXISTING 8'-0"MANTRA WALL 2'-8 f12" 0 STORE P4F P4F P2F P2F P2F P2F P4F T03'6" O ROOM------ TYP SHOWERS: AFF, INSTALLER TO AFF, INSTALLER DETERMINE (+') '+ ility U� P4E P4E TLP3 CT2 AT SHOWER T1IP3 1IP3 1IP3 P4E LID FLOOR, CT3 AT SEE INTERIOR -' P4E P4E P4E P4E T1/P3 T1IP3 SHOWER WALLS T1IP3 T1IP3 T,IP3 Ti/P3 ELEVATIONS FOR T1IP3 T1/P3 P4E P4E FLOOR TO CEILING FINISH LOCATIONS e.— P� P4E T+M3 SEE INTERIOR TIIP3 T1173 T1173 P4E ELEVATIONS FOR 6RC2 W32 LTi LT, FINISH LOCATIONS CT CTi CTI WBt LTi FINISH NOTES: PAINT EXPOSED CEILING STRUCTURE IAS INDICATED IN FINISH SCHEDULE) INCLUDING INSULATION, PIPING, & CONDUIT EXISTING FLOORS MUST BE PATCHED AND PREPARED TO ACCEPT NEW FLOORING MATERIALS PER NEW FLOORING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. FLAME SPREAD RATINGS OF ALL FINISH MATERIALS SHALL BE CLASS 'B' OR BETTER FINISH TAG LEGEND CEILING FINISH WALL FINISHES WALL BASE FLOOR FINISH Data p`\T,Ihaa/R VES project number. 210212 d a sheet title: (i m FIRST FLOOR o`%9 Vis° FINISHES PLAN 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. A101 FN 0 2020 WOual Energy Solutions, Inc. ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE Number Name Area FLOORING WALL BASE EAST WALLS NORTH SOUTH WEST CEILING 100 Lobby 620 SF CTI WBi P4E P4E P4E P4E P4F 101 Restroom 58 SF CTI CTlR3E CTTP3E CTl/P3E CTl/P3E P2F 102 Restroarn 58 SF CT1 CT1/P3E CTIIP3E CT1/P3E CT1/P3E P2F 103 Shwr. 50 SF CTI CTl/P3E CT,/?3E CTl/P3E CT1/P3E P2F 104 Shwr. 50 SF CT1 CT1/P3E CTIIP3E CT1/P3E CT1/P3E P2F 105 Utility 142 SF CTI WK P4E P4E P4E P4E P4F 106 Utility 40 SF SC WB2 P4E P4E P4E P4E P4F 10T YOGA 903 SF VPI WBi P3EIP1F P3EIPIF P3EIP1F VP2IP1F PiF 108 STRENGTH 1100 SF RFI WB1 P4E/P1F P4E/P1F P4E/P1F PiF 109 SPIN 747 SF RFI WBi P1EIPlF MIR/P1F P1EIPlF PlIEP1F PiF Data p`\T,Ihaa/R VES project number. 210212 d a sheet title: (i m FIRST FLOOR o`%9 Vis° FINISHES PLAN 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. A101 FN 0 2020 WOual Energy Solutions, Inc. RESPONSIBILITIES OWNER PROVIDED & INSTALLED (G.C. COORDINATION ONLY) SIGNAGE - CONTACT ANDREA MONAHAN 435$12-7340 AMONAHAN@FORECASTPROCUREMENT.COM WALL GRAPHICS - CONTACT CONTACT ANDREA MONAHAN 435$12-7340 AMONAHAN@FORECASTPROCUREMENT.COM EXERCISE EQUIPMENT AUDIONISUAL SYSTEM AN CABLING MATERIALS (QUANTITY NEEDED PROVIDED BY G.C.) OWNER PROVIDED & G.C. INSTALLED LOCKERS BEVERAGE COOLER AROMA MACHINES CONTACT ANDREA MONAHAN 435.512-7340 FOR ORDERING MILLWORK SHOWER ROOM ITEMS Shower me Gios Subway with White Emser Perspertive Tile Stain Lark Grout �,. y /.-0 . (Are , Mrcn Glmall O It V dve seise slave. Fa„en vilve m:,dmwaE smxi PVMUM, sl,,,Omea AROMA MACHINE, ONE (1) TO SERVE EXERCISE AREA (SPIN, STRENGTH, YOGA AS INICATED ON A102 RCP SHEET) PRODUCT SPEC SHEET MUSEUM360 MODEL UNITS= SPEC SHEET RS. 145x7 VOLTAGE: UNIT SUE IIM POWER VIXTAP"E 50wwa22MaL Nese Levu roWw INdei GW WULEVM I43 Ponds CWMGE WRIGHT E000K n. Gaon MVMGE Vack pSPO1&ON COLOR LaracoM/ EYItl SIM.¢nmkw WMPm[cq,'9..VamPun FttleRbM[n AROMA MACHINE, ONE (1) TO SERVE LOBBY AREA PRODUCT SPEC SHEET \'ANGOGH360 MODEL UNIT SUE OR lox 55x 13 VIXTAP"E COMMENTS WIN roWw TAG 141maaa 1Deno; WULEVM DESCRIPTION `sada. WRIGHT LOCATIONS 146 ei. MVMGE 6'x24"CERAMIC ,Smell. h. COLOR RESTROOM & SHOWER Bwkw Wei aEPEREaN LOBBY: HERRINGBONE PATTERN. RESTROOMS/SHOWER HVAC wslanwlani RECEPTION DESK COUNTER TOPS: QUARTZ RECEPTION DESKTOP BY MILLWORKER RESTROOM/SHOWER ROOM VANITY & SINK: UNDERMOUNT SINK ATTACHED TO QUARTZ VANITY WITH BACKSPLASH & SUDESPLASH AT SIDE WALLS -ALL PROVIDED BY MILLWORKER. RESTROOM7SHOWER ROOM MIRROR: 24"x36' SUERA BACKLIT MIRROR - HALO DESIGN. PROVIDE IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR FRAME. PROVIDE SWITCHED OUTLET BEHIND MIRROR. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. CEILING FANS: AT EXCERCISE AREAS: HINKLEY IND -MB 54"BLACK CEILING FAN WITH LUTRON D6WP VARIABLE FAN SPEED CONTROL AT LOBBY: HINKLEY 54' W HITE CEILING FAN WITH LUTRON D600P VARIABLE FAN SPEED CONTROL .�° Whea/Rv U m ALL TILE FLOORING AND SETTING MATERIALS TO BE PURCHASED THRU ANDREA MONAHAN: 435-612-7340 / AMONAHAN@FORECASTPROCUREMENT.COM ALL RUBBER FLOORING TO BE COORDINATED WITH ANDREA MONAHAN & SPENGA CORPORATE TILE GROUT GRAY FOR 6'X24" GRAY CERAMIC FLOOR TILE IF IN SCOPE: GROUT GRAY FOR 2"X2' GRAY MOSAIC SHOWER FLOOR TILE IF IN SCOPE: GROUT WHITE FOR SHOWER WALLS TRANSITIONS/ TRIM FURNISHED TRANSITION WAINSCOT CERAMIC TILE TO PAINTED WALLS AND OUTSIDE CORNERS IS LF LENGTHS) ZB1.300<10-12525-1 TRANSITION 6"X24- CERAMIC TILE TO CONCRETE (8 FOOT LENGTHS) MU17-410-10025 TRANSITION SHOWER WALLS TILE TO PAINTED DRYWALL.B FOOT LENGTHS) ZBLNO-410-NO25-1 SANITARY METAL COVE FOR INTERSECTION OF SHOWER WALL AND FLOOR TILE (IF IN SCOPE) AND RESTROOM ROOM TILE TO RESTROOM FLOOR IS FOOT LENGTHS) ZMBCM2451SCA08 IF IN SCOPE: SHOWER SANITARY METAL COVE INSIDE CORNER ZMBET2400SCAICR IF IN SCOPE: SHOWER SANITARY METAL COVE OUTSIDE CORNER ZMBET2400BSCAOCR RUBBER FLOORING TO CONCRETE TRANSITION PIECE IS FOOT LENGTHS) ZBL423-NO-060-1 TRANSITION CERAMIC TILE TO RUBBER FLOORING OR LVT (8 FOOT LENGTHS) ZBL218-1110-10025-1 TRANSITION LVT TO RUBBER FLOORING 12 FOOT LENGTHS ROPPE NUMBER 179/155 COLOR BLACK WALL BASE SCHEDULE FLOORING SCHEDULE o MANUFACTURER PRODUCT OR PPRODUCT LOCATIONS COMMENTS TAG ing DN` TAG MATERIAL MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION COLOR SIZE LOCATIONS COMMENTS EMBER 6'x24"CERAMIC MATCH WALL COLOR - SEMI 6-x20 RESTROOM & SHOWER ADD WOOD SHOE AT TILE FLOORS - PAINT TO MATCH LOBBY, RESTROOMS, LOBBY: HERRINGBONE PATTERN. RESTROOMS/SHOWER CT1 CERAMIC TILE EMBER Wx24'CERAMIC GREY 6"x24' SHOWER ROOMS, ROOMS/UTILITY: 1/3 RUNNING BOND PATTERN EMBER 4"x10"CERAMIC WHITE 4'x10" SHOWER STALL WALLS (IF WALL UTILITY ROOM VINYLWALLBASE CT2 CERAMIC TILE EMBER TIT MOSAIC GREY 2x2 ON SHOWER FLOORS MIRROR 4'x10' SPIN FEATURE WALL MESH TO FIT (SEE INTERIOR ELEVATION) SPIN & STRENGTH INSTALL FACTORY EDGE TO FACTORY EDGE. FIELD CUT RFt RUBBER FLOORING TRICORN BLACK - EGGSHELL ROLL FLOORING GREY AREAS EDGES TO BE AT DEMISING/EXTERIOR WALLIS OR TRANSITION WILLIAMS FINISH STRENGTH'WERKWALL" STRIPS SC SEALED CONCRETE ALL AREAS WITH EXPOSED UTILITY ROOM AS PREPARE EXISTING FLOOR TO RECEIVE FINISH PER CEILINGS EXCEPT LOBBY 8 NOTED MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS SHERWIN LUXURY VINYL TRICORN BLACK -FLAT FINISH AVARA LUXUREY VINYL XUREYWALL UTILITY AND ALL PAINT EXPOSED STRUCTURE, INSULATION, CONDUIT, PIPING YOGA AREA, PAINT VPt PLANK PARTERRE FLOOR ANK GREY OAK 7'x48' KID'S ROOM (IF IN SPENGA'REVIVE' FLOOR U.N.O. SCOPE) CEILING PAINT ALL TILE FLOORING AND SETTING MATERIALS TO BE PURCHASED THRU ANDREA MONAHAN: 435-612-7340 / AMONAHAN@FORECASTPROCUREMENT.COM ALL RUBBER FLOORING TO BE COORDINATED WITH ANDREA MONAHAN & SPENGA CORPORATE TILE GROUT GRAY FOR 6'X24" GRAY CERAMIC FLOOR TILE IF IN SCOPE: GROUT GRAY FOR 2"X2' GRAY MOSAIC SHOWER FLOOR TILE IF IN SCOPE: GROUT WHITE FOR SHOWER WALLS TRANSITIONS/ TRIM FURNISHED TRANSITION WAINSCOT CERAMIC TILE TO PAINTED WALLS AND OUTSIDE CORNERS IS LF LENGTHS) ZB1.300<10-12525-1 TRANSITION 6"X24- CERAMIC TILE TO CONCRETE (8 FOOT LENGTHS) MU17-410-10025 TRANSITION SHOWER WALLS TILE TO PAINTED DRYWALL.B FOOT LENGTHS) ZBLNO-410-NO25-1 SANITARY METAL COVE FOR INTERSECTION OF SHOWER WALL AND FLOOR TILE (IF IN SCOPE) AND RESTROOM ROOM TILE TO RESTROOM FLOOR IS FOOT LENGTHS) ZMBCM2451SCA08 IF IN SCOPE: SHOWER SANITARY METAL COVE INSIDE CORNER ZMBET2400SCAICR IF IN SCOPE: SHOWER SANITARY METAL COVE OUTSIDE CORNER ZMBET2400BSCAOCR RUBBER FLOORING TO CONCRETE TRANSITION PIECE IS FOOT LENGTHS) ZBL423-NO-060-1 TRANSITION CERAMIC TILE TO RUBBER FLOORING OR LVT (8 FOOT LENGTHS) ZBL218-1110-10025-1 TRANSITION LVT TO RUBBER FLOORING 12 FOOT LENGTHS ROPPE NUMBER 179/155 COLOR BLACK WALL BASE SCHEDULE TAG MATERIAL MANUFACTURER PRODUCT OR LOCATIONS COMMENTS TAG MATERIAL MANUFACTURER DESCRIPRON COLOR I SUE I LOCATIONS COMMENTS CT1 CERAMICTILE EMBER 6'x24"CERAMIC MATCH WALL COLOR - SEMI 6-x20 RESTROOM & SHOWER ADD WOOD SHOE AT TILE FLOORS - PAINT TO MATCH WS1 WOOD WALL BASE N/A 1x4 PAINTED GLOSS 1x4 PER PLAN BASE. NOTE: NO WALL BASE AT YOGA FEATURE CT3 CERAMICTILE EMBER 4"x10"CERAMIC WHITE 4'x10" SHOWER STALL WALLS (IF WALL WB2 VINYLWALLBASE JOHNSONITE d"RE$lBASE COVE LENT MATCH WALL COLOR 4L HIGH UTILITY ROOMS MIR MIRROR 4'x10' SPIN FEATURE WALL INSTALL PER MFRS RECOMMENDATIONS. CUT WIDTH ON ENDS WALUCEILING FINISH SCHEDULE TAG MATERIAL MANUFACTURER PRODUCT OR LOCATIONS COMMENTS DESCRIPTION SUE CT1 CERAMICTILE EMBER 6'x24"CERAMIC GREY 6-x20 RESTROOM & SHOWER 1I3 RUNNING BOND PATTERN- SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR ROOM WALLS LOCATIONS CT3 CERAMICTILE EMBER 4"x10"CERAMIC WHITE 4'x10" SHOWER STALL WALLS (IF RUNNING BOND PATTERN IN SCOPE) MIR MIRROR 4'x10' SPIN FEATURE WALL INSTALL PER MFRS RECOMMENDATIONS. CUT WIDTH ON ENDS TO FIT (SEE INTERIOR ELEVATION) P1E WALL PAINT SHERWIN SW 6258 TRICORN BLACK - EGGSHELL SPIN AREAS AS INDICATED. WILLIAMS FINISH STRENGTH'WERKWALL" ALL AREAS WITH EXPOSED CEILINGS EXCEPT LOBBY 8 P1F WALL &CEILING SHERWIN SW 6258 TRICORN BLACK -FLAT FINISH UTILITY AND ALL PAINT EXPOSED STRUCTURE, INSULATION, CONDUIT, PIPING PAINT WILLIAMS WALLS IO'ABOVE FINISH 10' ABOVE AND DUCT WORK. USE 'DRYFALL'PAINT FOR ALL CEILINGS FLOOR U.N.O. P2F CEILING PAINT SHERWIN SW 7006 EXTRA WRITE - FLAT FINISH RESTROOM & SHOWER MOISTURE& MOLD RESISTANT, SCRUBBABLE. USE'DRYFALL' WILLIAMS ROOM CEILINGS. PAINT VOGAAREIIWALLSAS SHERWIN PUSSYWILLOW- EGGSHELL INDICATED, RESTROOMS, P3E WALL PAINT WILLIAMS SW 7643 FINISH SHOWER ROOMS (IF IN SCOPE) P3S WALL PAINT SHERWIN SW7643 PUSSYWILLOW - SATIN FINISH DOORS It, FRAMES WILLIAMS SHERWIN WHITE DOCK -EGGSHELL LOBBY, STREGTH AREA AS P4E WALL PAINT WILLIAMS SW 7010 FINISH INDICATED, UTILITYAREAS, KIDS ROOM (IF APPLICABLE) SHERWIN LOBBY III UTILITY ROOM PAINT EXPOSED STRUCTURE, INSULATION, CONDUIT, PIPING P4F CEILING PAINT WILLIAMS SW 7010 WHITE DUCK -FLAT FINISH CEILINGS, KIDS ROOM AND DUCT WORK. USE'DRYFALUPAINT CEILING (IF IN SCOPE) PAINT SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 7010 WHITE DUCK -SATIN FINISH DOORSB FRAMES ACCENTWALL SHERWIN SW 6921 ELECTRIC LIME -EGGSHELL WALL IN LOBBY LOCATIONS TO BE VERIFIED BY OWNER PRIOR TO PAINTING PP4WALL PAINT WILLIAMS FINISHACCENT LUXURY 7x48' YOGA AREA FEATURE WALLAVARA 2.0'PRODUCT IS RATED FOR WALL LUXURYVINYL PARTERRE VWALFLOORB KENNETCHALK TO 1D' AFF, APENGA' ION A VERTICALLY AT YOGA FEATURE WALL, PLANK WALL PLANK KID'S ROOM WAINSCOT TO KIDS HORUONTALLY AT KIDS ROOM IF APPLICABLE HORIZONTALLY d'$" AFF (IF IN SCOPE) k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 www.virtualenergysoluons.cem W W cV C0rr�^ CV 0 WGD J O Z LU LLI Q OD 1<1 I W I 0 I Date °t,Whaa/R VES project number. 210212 (iiN a sheat title: m IR' FINISH SCHEDULES mG�D9OnNso & EQUIPMENT NOTES sheet number: A101 FS 0 20M Virtual Energy Solul ons, Inc. GC TO COORDINATE TRACK LIGHT PLACEMENT wNi III MOUNTED SIGNAGE. TRACK ® in LIGHT TONE INSTALLED TIGHT BOTTOM DRUM LIGHTS TO EXISTING BEAM. ADJUST LIGHTS AT 9'-8' AFF Pi LOCATION OF SIGNAGE IF NECESSARY SO THAT BOTH ARE III P ON CENTERLINE III m m III EXISTING 'I' (SLOPED) GLUELAM T -8B ul C4 BEAMS Q III L —J III 111 I III III 111 111 III In III III 11.6" m In III YOGA P1 Y m P II' C2 m m III III III III m m TOUCH m PANEL' p CE ill CENTEREDTERED q ABOVE ill I SWITCHES I" EXISTING II / (SLOPED) pl 1/// GLUELAM I In BEAM III III EXISTING III P1 STORE III I1 ROOM U n P III III III III RELOCATE C APPROXIMATE III LINEER LRELOCATED N m WATER LINE TO WRAPAROUND I CENTER IN ROOM NOTE: ALL PENETRATIONS, BACK BOXES, ETC. LOCATED IN THIS DEMISING WALL MUST BE SOUNDPROOFED T -d C. DASHED LINE INDICAT 14'-9 1/4" r" TLW I I ' ENAX BF O I T -12B T -12B _ a k k a STRENGTH LL 0 C2 i v x LL I T -12B , l � m n/ \ n/ �T-12B� k I 128 I T -12B m milli n ABOVE TRACK CED —' LIGHTS - GC TO COORDINATE I ' I I T -12B T -12B T-128 a a a aMi— I k I k k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — Y — _ DASHED LINE INDICATES EDGE OF OUEENAX BELOW II CS LED STRIP LIGHTING AT CS ® /EACH EDGE OF MIRROR IN SHOWERS, TYP. w 02 w 02 1 EQ ECP " EO' EQ .Ri ._.._ [D1 _.._ F,Yq D1 EO EQ EQ Di ®� Ft I 9'-0 F.F 9\0' F D1 EQ EQw0 EO EO Ri ® w w w EQ SO p1 Ipi mQ Restroom a Restroomiiia iiia w o p, D, aa �U6111y 9' -0'F.9' -U' F. z� Rig: IR1 w Nils I Fi 02 wm LE05TRIP LIGHTING AT EACH EDGE T -12W a OF MIRROR IN RESTROOMS, TYP. T -12W a I NOTE: ALL PENETRATIONS, BACK BOXES, ETC. LOCATED IN THIS DEMISING WALL MUST BE SOUNDPROOFED — �I 1 REFLECTED 1 CEILING PLAN = 1 NOTE: REFER TO ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN FOR FINAL LOCATIONS OF ALL EMERGENCY AND MOT LIGHTING ARCHITECTURAL CEILING KEYNOTE KEY KEYNOTE C1 GYP. BOARD CEILING, PAINTED -SEE FINISH SCHEDULE C2 EXPOSED DECK& STRUCTURE, PAINTED -SEE FINISH D1 SCHEDULE C3 NOT USED C4 CEILING MOUNTED PLATFORM FOR AROMA 360 MACHINE. EX -1 FIRE -RESISTIVE TREATED PLYWOOD PLATFORM. PROVIDE 0 POWER. GC TO COORDINATE LOCATION, SIZE & 3 ATTACHMENT WMIECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR C5 55' DISPLAYS, PROVIDE POWER, DATA, MOUNTING BRACKET 0 It HARDWARE. B/DISPLAYS = 9'-0" C6 SAME AS C5. B/DISPLAY=T-9" CT SMART TV T4" AFF TO BOTTOM OF UNIT. PROVIDE POWER& 0 DATA @ 10' AFF. PROVIDE SUPPORT INCLUDING IN -WALL GASKETED LENS FOR SHOWER BLOCKING, MOUNTING BRACKET 8 HARDWARE. SPIN/STRENGTHNOGA: (BLACK HEADS & TRACK) 77 L1-19/IBIrb9Ygqu (WHITE HEADS & TRACK) 64 NOTE: VERIFY NUMBER OF HEADS (INCLUDING ATTIC STOCK) WITH G.C. & LIGHTING VENDOR PRIOR TO ORDERING. COORDINATE WITH LIGHTING VENDOR REGARDING ANY ACCESSORIES NEEDED FOR THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HANGING RODS FOR TRACK LIGHTS. CABLING. AND ATTACHMENT HARDWARE. TRACK LIGHTING CAN BE STEM MOUNTED TO LOWER THE FIXTURES USING AVAILABLE ACCESSORY KITS. NOTES: 1.) EXISTING GABLE ROOF: 24" STEEL BEAM RIDGE AND 24' GLU-LAM BEAM STRUCTURE. SEE SHEET A200 FOR ADDITIONAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. HIGH POINTS: DECK =19'-0', GILD LAM BEAMS= IT -0'. LOW POINTS: DECK =11'-0", OLD LAM BEAMS= W-0'. GC TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING STRUCTURE AND ROOF DECK. 2.) ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING IN LOBBY AND SPINISTRENGTH/YOGA AREA TO BE MOUNTED 11 AFF TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE 3) MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF TRACK LIGHTS VARY DUE TO THE SLOPED ROOF, BUT SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 10'-9" AFF. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR DIMENSIONS. CEILING FANS TO BE MOUNTED ABOVE TRACK LIGHTS. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL DUCTWORK. 4.) BEFORE HANGING ANY NEW EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHING NEW CONSTRUCTION FROMITO EXISTING STRUCTURE, CONFIRM WITH LANDLORD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5.) COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 6.) CONFIRM WITH LIGHTING VENDOR ALL REQUIRED ACCESSORIES NECESSARY FOR INTENDED APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENT PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION. COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL ASSOCIATED DEVICES AND CONTROLS. 7.) ALL ELECTRICAL SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND FACEPLATES TO BE BLACK WHERE LOCATED IN BLACK PAINTED WALLS IN SPIN & STRENGTH. ALL OTHERS SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND FACEPLATES TO BE WHITE. 8.) LIGHTING AND FAN PLACEMENT TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER DUCTWORK PLACEMENT, GC TO COORDINATE. LIGHTING FIXTURE COUNT FIXTURETAG #OFRXTURES TOTALTRACKHEADS 8 1 0 D1 10 0 D2 2 0 EX -1 3 0 F1 3 0 P1 3 0 P2 3 0 P3 1 0 Y T -BB 5 23 T-121 8 54 77 T41W i 5 i 40 T -12W 1 2 24 84 NOTE: GC TO PROVIDE SPRAY FOAM INSULATION AT UNDERSIDE OF DECK (4" THICK - VERIFY WITH INSULATION CONTRACTOR), FINISHED WITH FIRE. RETARDANT SPRAY, TO ACHIEVE A RATING OF R-28 UNDER THE DECK (t EXISTING R10 ABOVE THE DECK FOR AN R38 TOTAL R VALUE.) EO LED STRIP LIGHTING ED ATSPIN PLATFORM R1 BELOW T-813 f T -813f I III I III I I O I III 1 L _J III I III SPIN 0 Iro III I y i C2 Ili \ t / I III I III T-88 l III T-88 f IN III III m TOUCH PANELCENTER", III IPADOVER SWI CENTERED III NOTE: ALL SPRINKLER OVER SWITCHES LINESI'�'/ ASC TO LOSE AS POSSIBLE 3F0 it ASCLOSE GLOSSIBLE TO 13n fghj SIGNAGE III BIEXISTING GLUELAMS,TYP CODE / ALCOVE III 9dHM III 6666 n1 Cl III ale c m Dm Q 2' 3" c 4 6' 2 m S A 10o m T -BW e m CENTER PENDANT LIGHTS P2 OVER RECEPTION DESK —BELOW. B/FIXTURES T-0' ARE i T -8W a Lobi C2 I -o.. a VERTICAL SOFFIT FACE TO ALIGN W/EDGES OF RECEPTION DESK BELOW. I T 8 a \ e I — I I LED EMERGENCY EGRESS LIGHT W/ 90 -MINUTE BATTERY BACK-UP STANDARD LIGHT SWITCH EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAMS EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAM k1k rip engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenerursolubons.osm LLI LLI CV rr�^ CV VJ 0 w00 J O LU LLI Q O Q LLIT. Lq 0 co L0 Date ifV2021 D=DIMMER SWITCH °� t Whea R VES project number. 210212 F=FAN SWITCH a sheat title: C m NOTE: LOWER CASE LETTERS NEAR ' /Y SWITCHES INDICATE SWITCHLEG. / REFLECTED CEILING SWITCHES IN ROOMS WITHOUT .pC LOWER CASE LETTERS CONTROL ung p'N`s PLAN ALL FIXTURES IN THE ROOM 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. Al 02 ® 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. LIGHTING SYMBOLS SEE SHEET E2.0 FOR LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE LIGHTING VENDOR: L1_X=COLOR CONTACT ANDREA MONAHAN L L=LENGTH 435.612.7340 — DIA. PENDANT DRUM LIGHT, AMONAHANQFORECASTPROCUREMENT.COM SUSPENDED FROM STRUCTURE \ CEILING FAN. SEE SHEET A101FS DI 6" DIA. LED CAN LIGHT o FOR SPEC: SPIN & STRENGTH AREAS - BLACK \ LOBBY -WHITE HITENT / 132-0-"`YYY2� WI 6" DIA. LED CAN LIGHT TH \\ / OP3 16' DIA. BLACK PENDANT LIGHT GASKETED LENS FOR SHOWER F1 2X4 TROFFER, SUSPENDED FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE, 9'-0- AFF LED TSIGN MINUTE ® BATTE -UP BATTERY BACK-UP LED TRACK LIGHT, SUSPENDED T -LX FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE. SEE PLAN FOR#OF HEADS LED EMERGENCY EGRESS LIGHT W/ 90 -MINUTE BATTERY BACK-UP STANDARD LIGHT SWITCH EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAMS EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAM k1k rip engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenerursolubons.osm LLI LLI CV rr�^ CV VJ 0 w00 J O LU LLI Q O Q LLIT. Lq 0 co L0 Date ifV2021 D=DIMMER SWITCH °� t Whea R VES project number. 210212 F=FAN SWITCH a sheat title: C m NOTE: LOWER CASE LETTERS NEAR ' /Y SWITCHES INDICATE SWITCHLEG. / REFLECTED CEILING SWITCHES IN ROOMS WITHOUT .pC LOWER CASE LETTERS CONTROL ung p'N`s PLAN ALL FIXTURES IN THE ROOM 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. Al 02 ® 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. T -LX L1_X=COLOR _pi L L=LENGTH ++U� DIA. PENDANT DRUM LIGHT, SUSPENDED FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE OP2 HITENT BOTTOM OF FIXTURE T-0'AFF BOTTOM OF TURFPENDT-O' OP3 16' DIA. BLACK PENDANT LIGHT LED EMERGENCY EGRESS LIGHT W/ 90 -MINUTE BATTERY BACK-UP STANDARD LIGHT SWITCH EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAMS EXISTING (SLOPED) GLUELAM BEAM k1k rip engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenerursolubons.osm LLI LLI CV rr�^ CV VJ 0 w00 J O LU LLI Q O Q LLIT. Lq 0 co L0 Date ifV2021 D=DIMMER SWITCH °� t Whea R VES project number. 210212 F=FAN SWITCH a sheat title: C m NOTE: LOWER CASE LETTERS NEAR ' /Y SWITCHES INDICATE SWITCHLEG. / REFLECTED CEILING SWITCHES IN ROOMS WITHOUT .pC LOWER CASE LETTERS CONTROL ung p'N`s PLAN ALL FIXTURES IN THE ROOM 0 2' d' 8' sheet number. Al 02 ® 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. it n ROOF PLAN V4" = 1'-0" RAAMA ROOFING QAober 22.2020 Tltri salas Robert Perry & Associates 5500 South Quebx sr Ser 300 rint"ood. Co. 80111 Dear 31mmaa, 3133aalh 9aarl8aea NOTE: PER THE 20181ECC A CONTINUOUS INSULATION ABOVE THE as.vOGasYs02N ROOF DECK OF R25 IS REQUIRED, OR A TOTAL OF R38 AT THE yp3a UNDERSIDE OF ROOF NEEDS TO BE INSTALLED. GC TO PROVIDE SPRAY FOAM INSULATION AT UNDERSIDE OF DECK (4' THICK - VERIFY WITH INSULATION CONTRACTOR), FINISHED WITH FIRE - RETARDANT SPRAY, TO ACHIEVE A RATING OF R-28 UNDER THE DECK t R10 ABOVE THE DECK FOR AN R38 TOTAL R VALUE. Per your nqucsl a ressfeme tesi cut was conducted on the Rdge Village ShorfainP Ccnior Rnxd svRtem, kxaled at West 38n1 Ave. & Sheridan Blvd. 'I hu curter nxN system is believed to be a Mirk I lido White M Raaf Syron which was uls4dlal mcg an exislurg built up rcxvl'sysystroni I he nYlf syIKt m was found to be comprised of a word roKepe and "c docking , a 2 -inch Im'CT of a fibs r glass iawlation ovve the wood decking, 4 plies of an asphnh applied rtwl-mp fidl miavavds inSialled over the 2 -inch fiberglass insulation. and a red lava ruck grind rmbakled in aaphah appliM rnrr the roofing fells A fihr Mmnl nsukgitm ens hntdlal over the Mrih-up nxtf wsgrn, and the final toner of TPO Roof nKmhmne was thur mmrllal over the filler Mtmd imiallatilm to evmpiek whew K mvw the cuxnplete muo np, nmf macro. As far as the cxislnp R -rising% aIle of Or nx:f.ystan n uNRx eel, Ill inch fiberglass insulation hm an IWpmsi3nak R- 8 Value and the 6hLr vend inndwiar has an amnoxitae 1.5 R Vater. Including the adelmonal nmf malarink this nmf sysflrn sluxlkl III an extended 'otsl R value ot about R-10 1Mratrc feel free to cooled me wide an coco"ns sem near, have. Thank you for dr opp vanityb he a pat ofthe; proper Sincaety. Andy AyW 7 Rana Roofigt Inc. NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL USE K-13 OR EQUAL. SUPPLIER INFORMATION BELS Is SPECIFICATIONS TO THE RIGHT. ��„'rym"TX D.ErKs € .."so.m,o•wekA"ausP:,p�'�s��K�e,�e. CENTRAL I 'IT' 11 900THwur IRA,"' If P IMP PARK+ ......... e.m-...Gm6k x.aw«n.1mw1 �' .. um..ANA,e GENERAL INQUIRIES 12315 Ruhn Blvd Houston Texas 77045 Is &433. I To free aoo499,>Zq scasears�ssL K-13 has a Class 1, Class A flame spread rating per ASTM E 84. UL 723, NFPA 255 and UBC 42. • Flame Spread- 5 • Smoke Developed- 5 Underwriters' Laboratories - Rei #R5499 K-13 has been rated and approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation for use in categories: I. II, III, & IV. • Underwriters Laboratories - Classified Code Compliance Report UL ER 54gg • Factory Mutual Research - Report Nos. 39678, 20399, and 24703 • Federal Defense Logistics Agency Cage Code: ONJU2 • Federal Specification - SS -S -111C • Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications - CE -201.01 • Department of the Navy Guide Specifications - NFGS-07218 • EPA 40 CFR Part 248 • Miami -Dade County. FL. NOA #18-0122.09 - Expires Sept 4, 2020 • Los Angeles - RR -24311 • New York - MEA 65 -g6 -M • Meets California Bureau of Home Furnishings Standards • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act K-13 meets IBC 2009 Section 80330 Stability requirements for Interior Finish materials. r k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 1 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysol W ons.com W W cV H � N C0 O DO D O Z W LLI Q � O Q W INC)T. O co Lr) VES project number. 210212 sheat title: ROOF PLAN sheet number. A200 020M Virtual Energy SolulEons, Inc. Date 7 t A401 SIM. A401 UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK .� NOTE: WHERE TOILET ROOMS ARE / 6"(20 GA.) METAL STUDS NOT BACK TO BACK RUN VERTICAL / NOTE: IF THE DEMISING @ib" O.C. ATTACHED TO STUDS UP TO UNDERSIDE OF / / CEILING CONSTRUCTION WALL HAPPENS TO HR ON VERTICAL STUDS DECKMO DIAGONAL BRACING / / (WHERE NOTED ON PLANS) AROOF JOIST - PROVIDE W/FINISH AS SCHEDULED BOX OUT AROUND JOIST ,( /i USING SAME ASSEMBLY VARIES VARIES VARIES MATERIALS TO MAINTAIN SHEET REFER TO SHEET REFER TO SHEETREFERTO FIRE &SOUND RATING. A102 RCP A102 RCP A102 RCP Set" GYPSUM BOARD CEILING EXISTING GYPSUM WALL BOARD 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS wIFINISH AS SCHEDULED 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS AT TENANT SIDE TO REMAIN @16" O.C. OVERLAP AT BEARING SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS @i6' O.C. OVERLAP AT BEARING POINTS POINTS PROVIDE HORIZ. BRACING @ CONTINUOUS DEEP LEG RUNNER 1/3 POINTS,'SPAZZER9200 CONTINUOUS DEEP LEG RUNNER OR APPROVED EQUAL 5/8' GYPSUM BOARD CEILING 2 -LAYERS 5/8" TYPE -X GYPSUM WALL w/FINISH AS SCHEDULED BOARD - OFFSET JOINTS 24" FROM 518" GYPSUM BOARD CEILING SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS FIRST LAYER GWS. PRIME AND PAINT W/FINISH AS SCHEDULED35/8" (20 GA.) METAL. STUDS PER FINISH SCHEDULE. APPLY 'GREEN SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS @ i6" O.C. WITH ACOUSTICAL PROVIDE HORIZ. BRACING @ BETWEEN EACH GYP BGULE' NOISE ID LAV RNG PUUSING OUND 3 518" (25 GA.) METAL STUDS BATT INSULATION 1/3 POINTS, 'SPAZZER9200 TWO TUBES PER 4'x8' SHEET TO BACK @16" O.C. OR APPROVED EQUAL SIDE OF SECOND LAVER OF GWB BEFORE MOUNTING, USING A 3/8" PROVIDE HORIZ. BRACING @ BEAD IN A RANDOM PATTERN. SEE MID POINT, APPROVE EQUAL 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS L MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS. APPROVED EQUAL 51W GYPSUM WALL BOARD 16EOC. WITH ACOUSTICAL BATT INSULATION EACH SIDE WIFINISH AS SCHEDULED 718" NE GAUGE) HEMMED EDGE 5/8" GYPSUM WALL BOARD �+ Sl8" GYPSUM WALL BOARD EACH CHANNEL WITH HEMMED EDGE EACH SIDE WIFINISH AS 5" SIDE W/FINISH AS SCHEDULED -----------INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY SIC C SCHEDULEDRESILIENT MOUNT ELF -DR CLIPS PROVIDE HORIZ. BRACING @ PROVIDE HORIZ. BRACING @ 71/4' ATTACHED WITH SELF -DRILLING CONTINUOUS METAL 1/3 POINTS,'SPAZZER9200 1/3 POINTS,'SPAZZER9200 METAL SCREW. INSTALL 24' OC RUNNER CHANNEL OR APPROVED EQUAL OR APPROVED EQUAL VERTICALLY AND 48" OC HORIZONTALLY 5. CONTINUOUS METAL CONTINUOUS METAL NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED RUNNER CHANNEL RUNNER CHANNEL VIF: 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @ i6" O.C. NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED PROVIDE 3' ROXUL'SAFE In SOUND" ACOUSTICAL INSULATION BETWEEN ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, CONTINUOUS ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, CONTINUOUS STUDS CONTINUOUS AT BOTTOM OF AT BOTTOM OF GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES AT BOTTOM OF GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES GYP. B0. BOTH SIDES NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED NOTE: SEAL ALL PENETRATIONS NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED WITH FIRE RATED SEALANT TIEXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR T/EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR TIEXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR A401 MALL WET AREAS TO 3 5/8" STEEL STUD BRACE @ RECEIVE MOISTURE/MOLD O PARTITION TYPE 1 RESISTANT GYP. BOARD. DIRECTION), ATTACH TO ALLAREAS OFWALL TILE AT 1 PARTITION TYPE IA TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS SAME AS TYPE 2 WITH ONLY (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE SIM TO TYPE I WITH I S/8' CEMENTITIOUS BOARD METAL STUDS WITH ONLY ONE LAYER 5/8' GYP BD. - USED TO COVER WINDOW OPENINGS ADJACENT NEW GYP BD WALLS, AND FOR SIGNAGE ALCOVE BEHIND RECEPTION DESK SIC RESILIENT MOUNT SA237R CLIPS - ATTACHED WITH SELF -DRILLING METAL SCREW. INSTALL 24" OC VERTICALLY AND 48" OC HORIZONTALLY 718'(25 GAUGE) FURRING/HAT CHANNEL WITH HEMMED EDGE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY GREEN GLUE NOISE PROOFING — COMPOUND. APPLY TWO TUBES PER 4'x8' SHEET TO BACK SIDE OF SECOND LAYER OF GWB BEFORE MOUNTING USING A 318" BEAD IN A RANDOM PATTERN. SEE MFRS INSTRUCTIONS. 2-1-AYERS 513' GYPSUM WALL � BOARD. OFFSET JOINTS 24" FROM EACH LAVER. FINISH PER SCHEDULE 3/8' THICK SIC RESILIENT ISOLATION STRIP. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY ALONG TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES. SOUND ISOLATION BUSHING AT EACH FASTENERATBOTTOM PLATE NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED — HOLD BACK GYP BD 114" FROM ALL , JOINTS AT FLOORS, CEILINGS, CORNERS, ELECTRICAL BOXES, HVAC DUCTWORK, AND OTHER PENETRATIONS. FILL GAPS WITH GREENGLUE NOISEPROOFING SEALANT. STAGGAR JOINTS WHERE POSSIBLE SMOKE -SOUND SEALANT NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED TOP OF EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR n PARTITION BASE DETAIL NOTE: ALL WET AREAS TO 3 5/8" STEEL STUD BRACE @ RECEIVE MOISTUREIMOLD O PARTITION TYPE 2 RESISTANT GYP. BOARD, DIRECTION), ATTACH TO ALL AREAS OF WALL TILE AT TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS <i�> PARTITION TYPE 2A (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE SAME AS TYPE 2 WITH ONLY CEMENTITIOUS BOARD ONE LAVER GYP BD. INSULATION ONLY AT WALLS NEAR OR ON AN EXTERIOR WALL 20 GA. SHEET METAL CLOSURE ON SIDE OF WALL VISIBLE FROM SPACE - BELOW. PROVIDE SLOTTED TRACK AT WALL FOR ATTACHMENT DEEP SLOTTED TOP RUNNER TRACK S12 FASTENER WITH STAND- OFF WASHERS AT 8" -12' O.C. AT SLOT IN TRACK i TOP OF STUD NOTE: ALL WET AREAS TO RECEIVE MOISTURE/MOLD O PARTITION TYPE RESISTANT GYP. BOARD. ALL AREAS OF WALL TILE AT TOILET PARTITION TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE CEMENTITIOUS BOARD REFER TO PARTIT TYPE # FOR WALL ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION TOP FLUTE OF ROOF DECK BOTTOM FLUTE OF ROOF DECK FILL ALL VOIDS AT MTL. DECK WITH INSULATION SEALANT CONTINUOUS EACH SIDE 1 - #6 SCREW W/STAND-OFF WASHER EACH SIDE PARTITION HEAD DETAIL 3" = 1'-0" MIN. 1/4" THICK FIRESTOP SEALANT FILL ALL VOIDS AT MTL. DECK CONTINUOUS EACH SIDE WITH FIRE SAFING INSULATION (4111 DENSITY) 318" THICK SIC RESILIENT ISOLATION — STRIP. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY BETWEEN ROOF DECK AND DEEP SLOTTED TOP RUNNER TRACK 20 GA. SHEET METAL CLOSURE (FOR AESTHETICS ONLY - NOT A PART OF THE UL ASSEM BLV). ATTACH AT ROOF DECK ONLY, VERTICAL LEG TO COVER FIRESTOPPING ]ggE9Srlliq 7felIIIS1[T_W,4= SOUND ISOLATION BUSHING AT EACH - FASTENERATTOP RUNNERTRACK TOP OF STUD rel PARTITION HEAD FIRE RATED WALL U 3" = 1'-0" TOP FLUTE OF ROOF DECK BOTTOM FLUTE OF ROOF DECK E NOTE: CUT GYP BD TFIT PROFILE OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BEAMS 8 COLUMNS) AND ANY PIPES THRU THE WALL. FORM COMPRESSION SEAL INSTALLING MIN THICK FIRE RESISTANT NEOPRENE (ARMAFtEX OR EQUAL) 4O NOTE: ACTUAL STCIDCB RATINGS TO BE VERIFIED WITH SOUND ISOLATION COMPANY EXISTING DEMISING WALL ONSITE: REMOVE TENANT SIDE FINISH AND ANY EXISTING INSULATION. FINISH WALL PER ASSEMBLY ABOVE. ALL WORK MUST BE CONFIRMED/APPROVED BY LANDLORD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Diversion Wall Board Acoustic Partition Construction Notes A. Seal inner (base) gypsum layers to floor slab below and to structural slab above with a continuous bead (3/8' minimum) of acoustical sealant. Reference to "caulk" shall indicate use of acoustical sealant. Acceptable sealant manufacturers are: - U.S.G. - Acoustical Sealant " Tremco - Acoustical Sealant " Ohio Sealants - Sound Sealant " Pecos BA -98 Sealant • G.E. Corporation - Pensil 100 / 300 (fire rated sealant). - G.E. Corporation- Sit Pref sealant. " HILTI FS -601 Fireslop Sealant (tire rated sealant). B. Use 4' - 0" wide gypsum panels (where possible) of height required 10'-0" 12'-0' efc.), to minimize number of joints. C. Stagger all joints of single layer (or base layer) gypsum panels on each side so that joins are on one width studs. On doubled layers, stagger joints of face layer by one es npp from base layer. D. Stagger back-to-back outlet boxes an opposite sides of walls by two stud widths. E. Where partition is not insulated, seal all outlet box openings with acoustical sealant. Putty packs and sealant are recommended on all outlet boxes installed in acoustically rated partitions. F. Caulk around all penetrations. Where voids greater than 1/4" exist, pack with 1.5 PCF fiberglass and caulk airtight. H. Where parthton has insulation, do not pack. Insulation should be loose, preferably not in contact with both sides of partition. SOUND WALL QUESTIONS & MATERIALS: SOUND ISOLATION COMPANY (SIC) CONTACT: MALLIA SHUMAKER 704-709-9005 888-666-5090 X300 SOUNDISOCO.COM UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK t o Nd heaj',+ cILI, m 0`/fteg oc EXISTING CMU EXTERIOR WALL WITH GYP BD FINISH. ALL DEVICES INSIDE WALL TO BE REMOVED AND ANY HOLES TO BE PATCHED. PREPARE SURFACE FOR FINSH PER SHEET A101FN NOTE: IF GYP BD DOES NOT EXTEND TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK, GC TO INSTALL FRAMING, R11.4 CONTINUOUS INSULATION AND GYP BD FINISH TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK. NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED 3"x3"x3" 20 GA ANGLE, ATTACH TO RUNNER WRH 3#10 S.M.S. NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED T/EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR - O5 PARTITION TYPE 5 -EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS BOTTOM OF DECK 0 3"x3"x6" LONG, 20 GA ANGLE, ATTACH TO DECK WITH 288 SELF TAPPING SCREWS ATTACH STEEL STUD BRACE TO ANGLE WITH 3#10 S.M.S. DIAGONAL BRACING DETAIL 3" = k1tra tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualeneacysoluticns.cwm W W cV � CV C0 O DO D O Z LU LdQ O 1<1 I W I 0 O Lf� Date anm- VES project number. 210212 area title: PARTITION TYPES sheet number. A401 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solutrons, Inc. 3 5/8" STEEL STUD BRACE @ 48" O.C. (ALTERNATE _ o DIRECTION), ATTACH TO ANGLE WITH 3#10 S.M.S. RUNNER, ATTACH TO EA STUD WITH #10 S.M.S,RestR SIDE U w STEEL STUD WALL PER SCHEDULE �e8 DryS DIAGONAL BRACING DETAIL 3" = k1tra tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualeneacysoluticns.cwm W W cV � CV C0 O DO D O Z LU LdQ O 1<1 I W I 0 O Lf� Date anm- VES project number. 210212 area title: PARTITION TYPES sheet number. A401 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solutrons, Inc. rl NORTH ELEVATION-YOGAno TYP: GLULAM BEAMS FINISH PIF ALL SIDES UNDERSIDE OF SLOPED CLG FINISH PlF kk1QUiL10011 a 1A 01:14=111IN GC TO COORDINATE TRACK LIGHT PLACEMENT wNJALL MOUNTED SIGNAGE. TRACK LIGHT TO BE INSTALLED TIGHT TO EXISTING BEAM. ADJUST LOCATION OF SIGNAGE IF NECESSARY SO THAT BOTH ARE ON CENTERLINE ELEVATION NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HEIGHTS OF STRUCTURE, SLOPE, & ROOF DECK IN FIELD 2. ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING IN LOBBY AND YOGAISPINISTRENGTH AREAS TO BE MOUNTED 101-6" AFF UNO 3. MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF ALL TRACK LIGHTS VARY DUE TO THE SLOPED ROOF, BUT SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 10'-9" AFF. CEILING FANS TO BE MOUNTED ABOVE TRACK LIGHTS. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL DUCTWORK. B/DECK LP 11' B/GLULAM LP 9' FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" u NOTE: FURNISH & INSTALL HUNTER DOUGLAS WINDOW SHADES OVER STOREFRONT GLAZING INCLUDING THE DOORS. THE SPECIFICATION LISTED IS FOR PRICING ONLY -EXACT SPECIFICATION TO BE APPROVED BY SPENGA, AND ALL SIZING TO BE VERIFIED BY GC. SOUTH ELEVATION - SPIN lD Vdheaj',+ C Z6m wy.r Ns re, Racer NMNNN 5WI. Se, Bel -b0.uwae "Non Ndonzaaan Nn DaMprr Rtllr GNYgl5yt4m Me rWN on"syeWn SryM Bereaff Fabric ryye MA-e.lnrm Onas BBI. Noomide Mount Type Nela Mount Tube oWons I5•Tube Top Te flawl o Aafle Ci6NM lyre Large Round WpuYr CaawXe Off Trams N FBSN W'agNE Newark' Cham OFOon w cm ya SpetiR Narvmms No aloc:oy sypem Rlxaow system became, Loom saps RF Rocervw some Swpy Type R gWane l IRV) SN&wHU D.wnne Hunts Doutaft PoeNee Hub wNmam cons An wreare oneness AN anal O.mrnh Coo, M- Black areae 0 Hub Hub TumM Ftlnc Opama Ne TmeE Fabic Too No Mea T,aam m Speaker Blacks IN, Penn CefNwa Ne see kaon NavucbR Ne Location "Non Ndonzaaan Shp M Lm Ian 0 Carley qy -om Ramde Cowl PewNae RenoN LvRdIaW Ca WN saeNex PMiM Ct/ o. No pebbles pal NNNce aware 1-QN suMa ppocN,Ne %6IClr Black MAN IM Mauro WpuYr Re poa'6NNe $Wne wmlur 0 -Ne Dene cm ya SpetiR Narvmms No Type NNre Hunts Doutaft PoeNee Hub fAM[tlM MANftMW,Ske Am une a0m 0 Hub Hub spsse w5Nx1M"5 la fawm Tse Mea I 30'-53/4- SPIN WALL 1 44'-0- STRENGTH WALL 1 23'-0- YOGA WALL BEYOND I B/DECK H . n 19'-0" V B/GLULAM HP n 17'-0" V B/DECK LP n B/GLULAM LP n 0' -On 1 FIRST FLOOR -,C 0'-0" 1 B/DECK H.P. n 19'-0" B/GLULAM HP n T7'-0" B/DECK LP n 11'-0" B/GLULAM LP n g'-0" jipr FIRST FLOOR 0 Whea,' 0, -Oe 1% WEST ELEVATION - SPIN / STRENGTH / n YOGA D 2' 4l B' 1/4'=1'-0' k rtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 Www.virtualenergysolubons.cwm V� Zt 1 `� W W cV H � N CO O DO D O Z LU LLI Q L OD C7 Q > tLl T.0 O co Lr) VES project number. 210212 sheet title: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS sheet number. A501 0 20M Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. Date X1 SIGNAGEALCOVE _ B/DECKH.P. n 19'-0" r,1 NORTH ELEVATION -LOBBY 2 E 1'_0 1/4 = 1'-0" TYP B/DECK, STRUCTURE& HVAC TYP. ALL WALLS FLOOR TO BIDECK AT LOBBY NEW STOREFRONT DOOR IN EXISTING STOREFRONT SYSTEM. MATCH EXISTING FINISH & MULLION PATTERN. PROVIDE SIDELITE WOR TRANSOM IF R W'D - VIR n SOUTH ELEVATION - LOBBY 1/4" -1 _ 1'_ " B/DECK LP 11' - 0" V B/GLULAM LP n 9'-0„ v NOTE: GC TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING STOREFRONT MULLIONS (HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL) INCLUDING SIZE OF THE MULLIONS THEMSELVES FOR COORDINATION WITH SPENGA EQUIPMENT & MILLWORK INSTALLATION 2 FIRSTFLOOR n 0'-0" ELEVATION NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HEIGHTS OF STRUCTURE, SLOPE, & ROOF DECK IN FIELD 2. ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING IN LOBBY AND YOG VSPI WSTRENGTH AREAS TO BE MOUNTED 10'-6" AFF UNO 3. MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF ALL TRACK LIGHTS VARY DUE TO THE SLOPED ROOF, BUT SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 10' -9 -AFF. CEILING FANS TO BE MOUNTED ABOVE TRACK LIGHTS. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, SIGNAGEALCOVE FOR LED STRIP LIGHTING ALL SIDES AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT CABINET/RACK BY OTHERS QUAD RECEPTACLES - lC A401 11-01 COORDINATE WITH AN WILED STRIP LIGHTING INSTALLER aW 4' x 8- x SIB' FIRE RESISTANT AT EACH EDGE. \ \ _ B/GLLILAM H TREATED PLYWOOD. \ 2• INSTALL FLUSH WITH GYP GYP BD SOFFIT TO 17' - Q" 48" O.C. (ALTERNATE —y WITH J BEAD). PAINT TO \ b MATCH WALL COLOR UNDERSIDE OF EX DECK. PAINT UNDERSIDE P2F P41F \ \ (P4F 5 30"x30' ACCESS (2) QUAD RECEPTACLES ---- --- __--__-- P4F FLANKING (1) DUPLEX TYP BIDECK, SOFFIT: 6- (18 GA) STEEL TYP BIDECK, TYP B/DECK, PANEL FINISH P4E A601 STUDS @ 16. O.C. W/ 5/8" RECEPTACLE GLULAM BEAM STRUCTURE 8 P GYP. BOARD FINISH 8' STRUCTURE& STRUCTURE& T - 3SIDES 1T WIDE EQUIPMENT SHELF HVAC ACCESSIBLE PORTION OF HVAC HVAC CL b A502 DESK (d'xT) @ 36" MAX /� 4- VINYL WALL BASE CENTER PENDANT LIGHTS P4E OVER RECEPTION DESK _ B/DECK LP a g 7p -0'p AFF 0 11'� PPE w T-0" b Z (7 B/GLILLAM LP Il y. -B. TYP. ALL WALLS a C7 — 9' _ 0" V FLOOR TO P4E b SIGNAGE ALCOVE WITH 2" 6'-0" 2'-0" + _ ! 21/4' 8'-0" DEEP POCKET FOR LED STRIP B/DECKATLOBBV m w LIGHTING AT EACH EDGE OF UNO TYR. ALL WALLS FLOOR OO 8 S�=NG/\ b CENTER OVER LOCKERS A502 ALCOVE EDGES W/METAL'Y BIDCKAOTLOBBY @p BEAD. N m P4E e RECEPTION DESK: �. GC TO COORDINATE PLACEMENT P5E .� .� ♦=� - MILLWORKER & ELECTRICIAN WE. ALL WALLS �P4S mw m8 --. ............................._- a FLOOR TO ( J.� GREEN ACCENT - BIDECK AT LOBBY WALL -VERIFY w o WITH OWNER m FRAME 1 o p FIRST FLOO� 0' - 0" _ FIRST FLOOR nvel> 0'� <we1> <wB1> <WBI> U P4S \/ THERMOSTATS \/ 6 DOORS&FRAMES 6 CENTERED ABOVE 4 LIGHT SWITCHES r,1 NORTH ELEVATION -LOBBY 2 E 1'_0 1/4 = 1'-0" TYP B/DECK, STRUCTURE& HVAC TYP. ALL WALLS FLOOR TO BIDECK AT LOBBY NEW STOREFRONT DOOR IN EXISTING STOREFRONT SYSTEM. MATCH EXISTING FINISH & MULLION PATTERN. PROVIDE SIDELITE WOR TRANSOM IF R W'D - VIR n SOUTH ELEVATION - LOBBY 1/4" -1 _ 1'_ " B/DECK LP 11' - 0" V B/GLULAM LP n 9'-0„ v NOTE: GC TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING STOREFRONT MULLIONS (HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL) INCLUDING SIZE OF THE MULLIONS THEMSELVES FOR COORDINATION WITH SPENGA EQUIPMENT & MILLWORK INSTALLATION 2 FIRSTFLOOR n 0'-0" ELEVATION NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HEIGHTS OF STRUCTURE, SLOPE, & ROOF DECK IN FIELD 2. ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING IN LOBBY AND YOG VSPI WSTRENGTH AREAS TO BE MOUNTED 10'-6" AFF UNO 3. MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF ALL TRACK LIGHTS VARY DUE TO THE SLOPED ROOF, BUT SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 10' -9 -AFF. CEILING FANS TO BE MOUNTED ABOVE TRACK LIGHTS. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL DUCTWORK, SIGNAGEALCOVE FOR LED STRIP LIGHTING ALL SIDES AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT CABINET/RACK BY OTHERS QUAD RECEPTACLES - lC A401 11-01 COORDINATE WITH AN INSTALLER aW 4' x 8- x SIB' FIRE RESISTANT \ \ TREATED PLYWOOD. \ 2• INSTALL FLUSH WITH GYP BD (FINISH GYP BD EDGES 48" O.C. (ALTERNATE WITH J BEAD). PAINT TO \ b MATCH WALL COLOR \ \ (2) QUAD RECEPTACLES FLANKING (1) DUPLEX SOFFIT: 6- (18 GA) STEEL STUDS @ 16. O.C. W/ 5/8" RECEPTACLE _ P GYP. BOARD FINISH 8' 3'- 0" fi" T - 1T WIDE EQUIPMENT SHELF ACCESSIBLE PORTION OF CL b A502 DESK (d'xT) @ 36" MAX 4- VINYL WALL BASE CENTER PENDANT LIGHTS n AVRACK V_OELEVATION NOTE: GC TO COORDINATE POWER & DATA ' LOCATIONS IN DESK WITH MILLWORKER & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR n RECEPTION DESK PLAN 112 /1 RECEPTION DESK SECTION LED STRIP LIGHTING AT EACH EDGE OF SIGN ALCOVE METAL RUNNER TRACK, NO HOLES 15/8" METAL FURRING STRIPS SIGN ALCOVE DETAIL 6" = 1'-0" )ECK H. P. 19'-0" V k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysolubons.com t1_I W cV H � N AC % ao AC •\w/, V W �U Z Z 3BY I I i TO Q Q fl=Q O <111II TW 1 iT FLOOR Lf p'O co L0 SIGN ALCOVE BBV SIDE 'J' BEAD, CONTINUOUS AT ALL EDGES OF SIGN ALCOVE F]LYHIa9k1:U] .�° Whaa7Rv BG�e9 �50� in It VES project number 210212 sheat title: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS & DETAILS sheet number. A502 0 20M Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. lC A401 EXISTING ROOF DECK, VIE \ \ 3 5/8" (18 GA) DIAGONAL \ STEEL STUD BRACING@ \ 48" O.C. (ALTERNATE \ DIRECTIONS) \ \ SOFFIT: 6- (18 GA) STEEL STUDS @ 16. O.C. W/ 5/8" _ GYP. BOARD FINISH T - ACCESSIBLE PORTION OF CAN LIGHT A502 DESK (d'xT) @ 36" MAX CENTER PENDANT LIGHTS vi OVER RECEPTION DESK 7p -0'p AFF 0 w T-0" Z (7 y. -B. a b SIGNAGE ALCOVE WITH 2" 6'-0" 2'-0" + _ ! 21/4' 8'-0" DEEP POCKET FOR LED STRIP LIGHTING AT EACH EDGE OF ALCOVE (PROVIDE POWER & 8 SWITCH). REINFORCE A502 ALCOVE EDGES W/METAL'Y BEAD. N e RECEPTION DESK: GC TO COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF POWER &DATA WITH - MILLWORKER & ELECTRICIAN e m NOTE: GC TO COORDINATE POWER & DATA ' LOCATIONS IN DESK WITH MILLWORKER & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR n RECEPTION DESK PLAN 112 /1 RECEPTION DESK SECTION LED STRIP LIGHTING AT EACH EDGE OF SIGN ALCOVE METAL RUNNER TRACK, NO HOLES 15/8" METAL FURRING STRIPS SIGN ALCOVE DETAIL 6" = 1'-0" )ECK H. P. 19'-0" V k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysolubons.com t1_I W cV H � N AC % ao AC •\w/, V W �U Z Z 3BY I I i TO Q Q fl=Q O <111II TW 1 iT FLOOR Lf p'O co L0 SIGN ALCOVE BBV SIDE 'J' BEAD, CONTINUOUS AT ALL EDGES OF SIGN ALCOVE F]LYHIa9k1:U] .�° Whaa7Rv BG�e9 �50� in It VES project number 210212 sheat title: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS & DETAILS sheet number. A502 0 20M Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. RESTROOM ACCESSIBILITY NOTES 1. GENERAL: REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE FEATURES OF THE RESTROOMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ACCESSIBILITY CODE. 2. WATER CLOSETS: A. ALL WATER CLOSETS SHALL BE TANK TYPE AND INCLUDE SEATS (OPEN FRONT) AND CONTROLS FOR A COMPLETE BOBRICK B5806 STRAIGHT GRAB BAR OR OPERATING UNIT. FIXTURE TO BE FLOOR MOUNTED AND CAULKED TO FLOOR. B. W.C. CONTROLS TO BE ON OPEN SIDE OF FIXTURE. C. HEIGHTS OF ACCESSIBLE W.C. SHALL BE 17" TO 19" TO TOP OF SEAT. SEAT SHALL NOT BE SPRUNG TO RETURN TO A ATTACHMENT OF BARS SHALL BE LIFTED POSITION. 3. TOILET PAPER DISPENSERS: A. DISPENSERS SHALL NOT BE OF A TYPE THAT CONTROLS DELIVERY OR THAT PREVENTS CONTINUOUS PAPER FLOW. B. DISPENSERS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 15" ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR SURFACE AND T TO 9. (TO CENTERLINE OF DISPENSER) FROM FRONT EDGE OF W.C. C. DISPENSERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1 1l2^ BELOW GRAB BAR. 4. URINALS (IF INDICATED IN SCOPE): A. ALL URINALS SHALL INCLUDE FLUSH VALVES AND MOUNTING ACCESSORIES AS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION. S. ACCESSIBLE URINALS SHALL BE MOUNTED A MAXIMUM OF 17- ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. C. URINAL(S) SHALL BE CAULKED TO WALL. 5. LAVATORIES & MIRRORS: A. LAVATORIES SHALL INCLUDE FAUCET AND MOUNTING HARDWARE AS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION, B. LAVATORIES SHALL BE MOUNTED WITH THE COUNTER NO HIGHER THEM 34"ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. ALL m LAVATORIES SHALL BE UNDERMOUNTED TO THE COUNTER. C. LAVATORY APRON SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 27' ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. D. HOT WATER LINE AND DRAIN PIPES UNDER LAVATORIES SHALL HAVE PROTECTION AGAINST CONTACT. THERE SHALL \ NOT BE ANY SHARP OR ABRASIVE SURFACES OR ITEMS UNDER THE LAVATORIES. E. HOT WATER DISPENSED BY THE LAVATORY FAUCETS SHALL NOT EXCEED 110 DEGREES. F. FAUCETS SHALL ALLOW WRIST CONTROL. G. MIRRORS SHALL BE MOUNTED WITH THE BOTTOM EDGES OF THE REFLECTIVE SURFACE NO HIGHER THAN 40- A.F.F. H. LAVATORY FAUCETS: METERED FAUCETS SHALL REMAIN OPEN FOR 10 SECONDS MINIMUM, S. SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL (IF INDICATED IN SCOPE): A. A SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL UNIT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH WOMEN'S WATER CLOSET STALL WITH TOP WITH STAINLESS STEEL SHOWER MOUNTED AT 2'-9' A.F.F. T TOILET ROOM SIGNAGE: A. ALL TOILET ROOMS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNAGE SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUDE BOBRICK B5047x36 CLASSIC SERIES BRAILLE. S. SIGNAGE SHALL BE MOUNTED ADJACENT TO THE LATCH SIDE OF EACH DOOR, 600 VERTICALLY TO THE CENTERLINE OF SHOWER CURTAIN ROD THE SIGN A.F.F. AND 9" HORIZONTALLY FROM THE EDGE OF THE DOOR FRAME. 8. GRAB BARS: A. ALL GRAB BARS SHALL BE 1 1/4" - 1 1l2' IN DIAMETER. B. THE SPACE BETWEEN THE FINISHED WALL AND GRAB BAR SHALL BE I IR'. C. HORIZONTAL GRAB BARS SHALL BE MOUNTED 33" TO 36" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE OF THE GRAB BAR. D. BENDING STRESS IN A GRAB BAR INDUCED BY THE MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT FROM THE APPLICATION OF 25016s TP -1 SHALL BE LESS THAN THE ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR THE MATERIAL OF THE GRAB BAR. E. SHEAR STRESS INDUCED IN A GRAB BAR BY THE APPLICATION OF 250 lbs SHALL BE LESS THAN THE ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR THE MATERIAL OF THE GRAB BAR. IF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE GRAB BAR AND ITS MOUNTING BRACKET OR UI OTHER SUPPORT IS CONSIDERED TO BE FULLY RETRAINED, THEN DIRECTIONAL AND TORSIONAL SHEAR STRESSES SHALL BE TOTALED FOR THE COMBINED SHEAR STRESS, W HIGH SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS. F. SHEAR FORCE INDUCED IN A FASTENER OR MOUNTING DEVICE FROM THE APPLICATION OF 250 Iles SHALL BE LESS THAN THE ALLOWABLE LATERAL LOAD OF EITHER THE FASTENER OR THE MOUNTING DEVICE OR THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE, WHICHEVER IS THE SMALLER ALLOWABLE LOAD. G. TENSILE FORCE INDUCED IN A FASTENER BY DIRECT TENSION FORCE OF 250 Iles PLUS THE MAXIMUM MOMENT FROM z THE APPLICATION OF 250 Iles SHALL BE LESS THAN THE ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD BETWEEN THE FASTENER AND THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE. H. ACCEPTABLE GARB BAR MOUNTING HARDWARE: a. BOBRICK'WINGIT GRAB BAR FASTENING SYSTEM m k ' b. MOEN'SECUREMOUNT GRAB BAR ANCHORING SYSTEM I. GRAB BARS SHALL NOT ROTATE IN THEIR FITTINGS. 9. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: A. CONTROLS AND OPERATING MECHANISMS SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH ONE HAND AND SHALL NOT REQUIRE TIGHT GRASPING, PINCHING OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST. THE FORCE REQUIRED TO ACTIVATE CONTROLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 51bs. B. ALL FIXTURES,ACCESSORIES, AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE ACCESSIBILITY CODES. C. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES IN THE RESTROOMS SHALL BE WHITE. D. G.C. SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATIONS AND PLACEMENT OF ALL IN -WALL BLOCKING AND REINFORCED MOUNTING HARDWARE. 3'-0' 6" L T-0^ IIIIII�`'�IIIIIII \ l� 11 A503 F — — — -t, —8— = X48^06" 30'X48^ /CLEAR CLEAR SINK I SHOWER 117 A503 9 SPACE SPACE J 10 e10 � I / I \ \ 54'x6(E / DOOR APPROACH) NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH TILE n SHOWER 104 1/2" = 1'-0" RESTROOM 103 SAME GB -1 I I TP -1 1 1 GB -2 ADA 3 C PLIANT 2 A601 4 5 I_________J_____1�' 80'x80' e5'-0' St CLEAR MILLWORK TOILET SPACE ' b VANITY SINK m I____________� t ADA y COMPLIANT) BACKLIT ---- -- ----' MIRROR- SEE SHEET A101 FS 130"x48' ICLEAR SIN i 60'X54^ ,SPACE 1 DOOR _C_ _ _ _ CLEARANCE n RESTROOM 101 PLAN 1/2" = 1'-0" RESTROOM 102 SIM ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A003 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESSIBLE REQUIREMENTS. ITEMS, DIMENSIONS AND THE LIKE NOT SPECIFICALLY COVERED ON THIS SHEET SHALL FOLLOW THE INFORMATION AS INDICATED ON SHEET M03 CENTER BACKLIT MIRROR OVER VANITY. PROVIDE BLOCKING. SEE SHEETA10IFS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION — GFI OUTLET BEHIND PANEL FOR PLUG-IN SENSOR FAUCET TRANSFORMER rl RESTROOM ELEVATION - NORTH U 112, = 1'-0" TOILET ACCESSORIES SCHEDULE TAG DESCRIPTION Length Comments GB -I BOBRICK B5806 STRAIGHT GRAB BAR OR 3'-0' USE BOBRICK'WINGIT GRAB BAR. FOR GRAB APPROVED EQUAL BARS & TP ATTACHMENT OF BARS SHALL BE G.C. TO IDITIONAL INFO. DESIGNED TO RESIST A SINGLE Q GB -1 C1 CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 250 LBS, VANITY CABINET, to APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY CONFIRM FINISH & Z POINT. GB -2 BOBRICK B58M STRAIGHT GRAB BAR OR T-6" USE BOBRICK'WINGIT GRAB BAR. <z APPROVED EQUAL E �Z ATTACHMENT OF BARS SHALL BE m rc CT3 DESIGNED TO RESIST A SINGLE s z \ CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 250 LBS, z e z CT1 APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY � \� C POINT. SCA BOBRICK B-204-2 VINYL SHOWER CURTAIN 72 WITH STAINLESS STEEL SHOWER CURTAIN HOOKS SR -1 BOBRICK B5047x36 CLASSIC SERIES (CT1 KI SHOWER CURTAIN ROD N TH-1 BOBRICK B-6727 SURFACE MOUNTED DOUBLE ROBE HOOK 0 TP -1 BOBRICK 3-2888 CLASSIC SERIES SURFACE MOUNTED MI TOILET PAPER UI ¢w U DISPENSER 0 CENTEI VANITY, PRO SEE SHI Al GFI OUTLE' FOR AT CEILING P2F FAUCET 3E �P3E AGAINST WALL z IN -WALL PROVIDE IN -WALL BLOCKING AT REAR BLOCKING FOR FOR GRAB AND SIDE WALL, BARS & TP P3E G.C. TO IDITIONAL INFO. 0 Q GB -1 C1 m VANITY CABINET, to z CONFIRM FINISH & Z COLOR o CTi < z z <z 'BEHIND PANEL1 E �Z m rc CT3 z s z \ m z e z CT1 b � \� C / 0 72 TH-1 3 (CT1 KI N M CENTEI VANITY, PRO SEE SHI Al GFI OUTLE' FOR REMOVABLE KNE PROTLEAVE BOTTOM OF ECTION PANEL CABINET OPEN ACCESSIBLE CLEAR KNEE SPACE n SHOWER ROOM ELEVATION - NORTH 1/2" = 1'-0" Y! AT CEILING 4^BACKSPLASH AT ALL SIDES FAUCET PROVIDE IN - AGAINST WALL - IN -WALL PROVIDE IN -WALL BLOCKING AT REAR BLOCKING FOR FOR GRAB AND SIDE WALL, BARS & TP P3E G.C. TO IDITIONAL INFO. COORDINATE Q GB -1 m VANITY CABINET, SR -1 3'-6' CONFIRM FINISH & Z COLOR o CTi r <z 'BEHIND PANEL1 E �Z REMOVABLE KNE PROTLEAVE BOTTOM OF ECTION PANEL CABINET OPEN ACCESSIBLE CLEAR KNEE SPACE n SHOWER ROOM ELEVATION - NORTH 1/2" = 1'-0" Y! AT CEILING NOTE: __� YYMIN 2-' T PROVIDE IN - NOTE: PROVIDE WALL IN -WALL BLOCKING BLOCKING FOR FOR GRAB :ET A101 FS FOR BARS & TP P3E HOLDER REMOVABLE KNEE PROTECTION PANEL /1 RESTROOM ELEVATION -SOUTH t MIRROR OVER %P2>F AT CEILING 3E PE __� YYMIN 2-' T �\ NOTE: PROVIDE ADE BLOCKING. IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR :ET A101 FS FOR P3E HOLDER, TYP. a IDITIONAL INFO. Q GB -1 m TO CLG SR -1 3'-6' Z y o CTi r <z 'BEHIND PANEL1 ; m BARS CT3 z M \ m z e z CT1 SFORMER TRANSFORMER TRAN \� C / 0 72 TH-1 3 (CT1 KI /1 RESTROOM ELEVATION -SOUTH t MIRROR OVER AT CEILING P2F __� YYMIN 2-' T �\ NOTE: PROVIDE ADE BLOCKING. IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR :ET A101 FS FOR P3E HOLDER, TYP. IDITIONAL INFO. Q GB -1 TO CLG SR -1 3'-6' y o / r a 'BEHIND PANEL1 ; m BARS CT3 z SENSOR \ m z e z CT1 SFORMER TRANSFORMER TRAN \� C / 0 72 TH-1 3 (CT1 KI M n 0 GRAB UI ¢w U BARS 0 O Q z z Qo z m k ' 'o LL z o a iE LL-- UI Y ?I j n a� Z U- REMOVABLE KNEE I SHOWER CURTAIN NOT PROTECTION PANEL SHOWN FOR CLARITY AT DEILING(P2F SEE SHEET A003 CT3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3SIDES FLOOR TO CLG SEAT rl SHOWER ELEVATION -SHOWER NORTH U 1/2" = 1'-0" GB -1 GB -2 TP -1 FLUSH VALVE MUST BE ON OPEN SIDE OF W.C. ADACOMPUANTWC _ TP -t /1 RESTROOM ELEVATION -EAST 4"BACKSPLASH AT ALL SIDES AGAINST WALL 'ROVIDE IN -WALL OCKING AT REAR AND SIDE WALL, G.C. TO COORDINATE VANITYCABINET, CONFIRM FINISH & COLOR E LEAVE BOTTOM OF CABINETOPEN - n RESTROOM ELEVATION - WEST AT CEILING P2F __� YYMIN 2-' T P2F AT CEILING g NOTE: PROVIDE P3E IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR GRAB BARS & TP HOLDER, TYP. GB 2 Q GB -1 TO CLG 1'-0' 3'-6' y GRAB a O ; m BARS 2 a m z e z CT1 ✓ 0 C 72 8" (CT1 KI ADACOMPUANTWC _ TP -t /1 RESTROOM ELEVATION -EAST 4"BACKSPLASH AT ALL SIDES AGAINST WALL 'ROVIDE IN -WALL OCKING AT REAR AND SIDE WALL, G.C. TO COORDINATE VANITYCABINET, CONFIRM FINISH & COLOR E LEAVE BOTTOM OF CABINETOPEN - n RESTROOM ELEVATION - WEST SEE SHEET A003 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION N BACK FOIDEIN SEAT, PROVIDEIN BLOCKING FOR FOR SEAT SUPPORT AT CEILING P2F __� YYMIN 2-' T 112MIN. P3E PER MANUFACTURERSREQUIREMENTS2trz•M4% CT3 3 SIDES FLOOR TO CLG y GRAB a ; BARS 2 a 3 ✓ 0 o (CT1 n SEE SHEET A003 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION N BACK FOIDEIN SEAT, PROVIDEIN BLOCKING FOR FOR SEAT SUPPORT __� YYMIN 2-' T 112MIN. PER MANUFACTURERSREQUIREMENTS2trz•M4% ` y a ; 3 ✓ 0 o VERT. GRAD MR. 0 c `fin �s Q P2F ATCEILING ME \ T1 P3S \ i E / E b / n / � N � / REMOVABLE KNEE PROTECTION PANEL ACCESSIBLE CLEAR KNEE SPACE n SHOWER ROOM ELEVATION - WEST 1'_o �/ n Enlarged Plan - Accessible Shower Stall Typical Accessible Shower u ADA Shower Stall Detail - Typical 12" = 1'-0" SHOWER SPRAY UNIT & WATER (IF USED): A SHOWER SPRAY UNIT WITH A HOSE 59" LONG MINIMUM THAT CAN BE USED BOTH AS A FIXED - POSITION SHOWER HEAD AND AS A HAND-HELD SHOWER SHALL BE PROVIDED. THE SHOWER SPRAY UNIT SHALL HAVE AN ONIOFF CONTROL WITH A NON -POSITIVE SHUT-OFF. IF AN ADJUSTABLE -HEIGHT SHOWER HEAD ON A VERTICAL BAR IS USED, THE BAR SHALL BE INSTALLED SO AS TO NOT OBSTRUCT THE US€.j4Rea7 THE GRAB BARS. SHOWER SPRAY UNITS SryI{ALL R, DELIVER WATER THAT IS 120 DEGREES MgYINI 9 k1tra tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 j=j*>70jjj ARA polipp VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysolubons.ccm W Date VES project number: 210212 sheat title: ENLARGED RESTROOM & SHOWER PLANS & ELEVATIONS sheet number. A503 020M Virtual Energy Solulbons, Inc. Ir 7 12' x 12' ACCESS PANEL(COVERED 7 45' BY RUBBER FLOORING) SPIN FEATURE WALL SECURE n SPIN PLA U 3/4 " = 1ATFORM ENLARGED PLAN 45' W4'I 1 318"314" 3/4') 3/4' 3/8' 9 93/8'314'93/8'3/4'93/4'93/8' 2'1' II � I lle SPEAKER, TYPICAL OF3, \ Ir PROVIDED/INSTALLED BY AN CONTRACTOR z CLH am so a Q. be O O at at E O K O m n SPIN DISPLAY DETAIL 112 _ DOOR FLANGE WITH TAPING BEAD W"x30" ACCESS PANEL DOOR WISCREWDRNER OPERATED LATCH, CONCEALED HINGE, PAINTABLE NOTE: SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION(S)& SPECIFICATION w PLAN VIEW NOTE: ALL WOOD & PLYWOOD TO BE FIRE-RESISTANT TREATED NOTE: ABSOLUTELY NO STORAGE UNDER PLATFORM n ACCESS PANEL DETAIL Ll 3" = 1'-0" UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, VIF UNISTRUT MEMBERS, COORDINATED & INSTALLED BY G.C. G.C. TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY UNISTRUT TO SECURE DISPLAYS It SUPPORTS TO STRUCTURE. CURVED, HORIZONTAL SUPPORT PIPE BY AN CONTRACTOR VERTICAL SUPPORT PIPES BY AN CONTRACTOR SIDE DISPLAY BEYOND FRONT DISPLAY MONITOR WI SUPPORT BRACKET, INSTALLED BY AN CONTRACTOR i991JtlY�P1Y�T/3aa SPIN PLATFORM '8' RUNNER TOP OTTOM TAL STUD FRAMING PPORTING CEILING RUBBER FLOORING RN OVER PLYWOOD UNFINISHED PLYWOOD TOP (SEND LOOSE) RADIUS 1/4" MIN. — PAINTED EXTERIOR OF PLATFORM. FLAT BLACK. PIF kyj LED LIGHT STRIP INTERIOR LIGHT COVE VERTICAL -BACK TO BE PAINTED ACCENT P5E PLYWOOD INTERIOR STRUCTURE PAINTED 3/4' QUARTER ROUND (SEND LOOSE) FLAT BLACK P1 F RUBBER FLOORING RFI SPIN PLATFORM SECTION 3" = 1'-0" FRONT FACE OF QUEENAX 17 U w N N N 0 O be 0 0 O as LED STRIP LIGHTING FLOOR SLAB SECTION DETAIL UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, VIF UNISTRUT MEMBER, COORDINATED & OL INSTALLED BY G.C.-G.C. TO fC wl 15 PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY UNISTRUT TO SECURE DISPLAY & SUPPORT TO STRUCTURE. VERTICAL SUPPORT PIPE BY" CONTRACTOR DISPLAY MONITOR w/SUPPORT BRACKET, INSTALLED BY" CONTRACTOR J XO w D O O a O n STRENGTH DISPLAY DETAIL CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT PERIMETER OF FRAME, BOTH SIDES 3' STRENGTH EQUIPMENT (QUEENAX) 1/2" MIN.OVERI_M z O H C w HOLLOW METAL FRAME pax _ C? o. m j MIN. TWO I" LONG SCREWS w'0m _ PER ANCHOR. MIN THREE u E ANCHORS PER JAMB www wM 4' DOUBLE ,' TO ADJACENT STUD JAMBS WALLUNO rl TYP DOOR JAMB DETAIL U 3" = 1'-0" he okW at Q. a U m DOOR SCHEDULE �I DASHED LINE SHOWS DOOR HARDWARE (KEY) LOOSE QUARTER ROUND IIh4 TRIM AROUND BASE OF Jf PLATFORM 8' 8" \\ TEMPERED SEAM IN PLYWOOD TOP N (TO BE 2 PIECES LOOSE $I UNFINISHED PLYWOOD) Room Name LOCATION OF iPAD OR LAPTOP It TYPE & TOUCH PANEL SUPPORT, FINISH COORDINATE FINISH W/ SPIN BIKE PLACEMENT \••. COMMENTS HEAVY DASHED LINE SHOWS Y RED LIGHT STRIP \ •' A (VIDEO RGB SMD50M Lobby LED ROPE LIGHT \••'- B DIMMABLE/MULTI-MODEIREMOTE ANNODIZED 16AFT LENGTH) �• PAINTED SOLID WOOD EDGE •.- (SEE DETAIL) 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING \ \ ENTIRE STRUCTURE 1 PULL HANDLE ON PULL SIDE TORE PLYWOOD \ (BENDI-PLV AS NEEDED) REQUIREMENTS SATIN CHROME NOTE: G.C. TO COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF ALL 101 LIGHTING, POWER & AN EQUIPMENT WITH APPROPRIATE Restroom TRADES AT SPIN PLATFORM. A n SPIN PLA U 3/4 " = 1ATFORM ENLARGED PLAN 45' W4'I 1 318"314" 3/4') 3/4' 3/8' 9 93/8'314'93/8'3/4'93/4'93/8' 2'1' II � I lle SPEAKER, TYPICAL OF3, \ Ir PROVIDED/INSTALLED BY AN CONTRACTOR z CLH am so a Q. be O O at at E O K O m n SPIN DISPLAY DETAIL 112 _ DOOR FLANGE WITH TAPING BEAD W"x30" ACCESS PANEL DOOR WISCREWDRNER OPERATED LATCH, CONCEALED HINGE, PAINTABLE NOTE: SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION(S)& SPECIFICATION w PLAN VIEW NOTE: ALL WOOD & PLYWOOD TO BE FIRE-RESISTANT TREATED NOTE: ABSOLUTELY NO STORAGE UNDER PLATFORM n ACCESS PANEL DETAIL Ll 3" = 1'-0" UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, VIF UNISTRUT MEMBERS, COORDINATED & INSTALLED BY G.C. G.C. TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY UNISTRUT TO SECURE DISPLAYS It SUPPORTS TO STRUCTURE. CURVED, HORIZONTAL SUPPORT PIPE BY AN CONTRACTOR VERTICAL SUPPORT PIPES BY AN CONTRACTOR SIDE DISPLAY BEYOND FRONT DISPLAY MONITOR WI SUPPORT BRACKET, INSTALLED BY AN CONTRACTOR i991JtlY�P1Y�T/3aa SPIN PLATFORM '8' RUNNER TOP OTTOM TAL STUD FRAMING PPORTING CEILING RUBBER FLOORING RN OVER PLYWOOD UNFINISHED PLYWOOD TOP (SEND LOOSE) RADIUS 1/4" MIN. — PAINTED EXTERIOR OF PLATFORM. FLAT BLACK. PIF kyj LED LIGHT STRIP INTERIOR LIGHT COVE VERTICAL -BACK TO BE PAINTED ACCENT P5E PLYWOOD INTERIOR STRUCTURE PAINTED 3/4' QUARTER ROUND (SEND LOOSE) FLAT BLACK P1 F RUBBER FLOORING RFI SPIN PLATFORM SECTION 3" = 1'-0" FRONT FACE OF QUEENAX 17 U w N N N 0 O be 0 0 O as LED STRIP LIGHTING FLOOR SLAB SECTION DETAIL UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, VIF UNISTRUT MEMBER, COORDINATED & OL INSTALLED BY G.C.-G.C. TO fC wl 15 PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY UNISTRUT TO SECURE DISPLAY & SUPPORT TO STRUCTURE. VERTICAL SUPPORT PIPE BY" CONTRACTOR DISPLAY MONITOR w/SUPPORT BRACKET, INSTALLED BY" CONTRACTOR J XO w D O O a O n STRENGTH DISPLAY DETAIL CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT PERIMETER OF FRAME, BOTH SIDES 3' STRENGTH EQUIPMENT (QUEENAX) 1/2" MIN.OVERI_M z O H C w HOLLOW METAL FRAME pax _ C? o. m j MIN. TWO I" LONG SCREWS w'0m _ PER ANCHOR. MIN THREE u E ANCHORS PER JAMB www wM 4' DOUBLE ,' TO ADJACENT STUD JAMBS WALLUNO rl TYP DOOR JAMB DETAIL U 3" = 1'-0" he okW at Q. a U m DOOR SCHEDULE OR MANUFACTURER: DOOR HARDWARE (KEY) DOOR FRAME 1 p` ung H_ I SIZE TEMPERED \ 1 PUSH BAR TAG Room Name Room Number TYPE MATERIAL FINISH MATERIAL FINISH HARDWARE COMMENTS W H 100 36" 84' Lobby 100 B ALUMINUM ANNODIZED ALUMINUM ANNODIZED H-2 GLAZED DOORWITH TEMPERED MODEL. 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING \ \ SPECIFICIFIC DOOR 1 PULL HANDLE ON PULL SIDE MANUFACTURER: \ \ REQUIREMENTS SATIN CHROME GLASS 101 W. 84' Restroom 101 A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT H3 FINISH: SATIN CHROME STOPS FROSTED APPLIQUE 230 SURFACE MOUNTED ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: W/LOGO METAL / MANUFACTURER: DORMA 102 36" 84' Restroom 102 A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT HJ LCN,NORTON MANUFACTURER: PEMCO HEADS FINISH: BLACK METAL MODEL: / SEALS 103 36" 84' Shwa. 103 A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT 113 FINISH: GREY SILENCERS MODEL: 601 - FOR HOLLOW METAL FRAME METAL ADA 104 38" 84' Shwr. 104 A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT H3 TEMPERED GLASS PANEL TEMPERED GLASS - MATCH WITH HOLLOW METAL FRAME, PAINTED AND ALUMINUM FRAME EXISTING CONDITIONS A.C.A.P. FRAME, PAINTED METAL POST SIGNAGE: THIS DOOR 105 36" M. Utility IN A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT H-1 CONFIRM ALL MATERIAL& COLOR SELECTIONS WITH CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGER PRIOR TO ORDERING, FABRICATION, AND INSTALLATION. METAL IN 36" 84' Utility 106 A SC WOOD PAINT HOLLOW PAINT H-1 METAL 107 38" 84' YOGA 107 D INSULATED PAINT HOLLOW PAINT H4 NEW DOOR& FRAME IN EXISTING HOLLOW METAL MASONRY OPENING -VERIFY METAL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD —7w 38" 83' Lobby 100 C ALUMINUM ANNODIZED ALUMINUM ANNODIZED H-5 NEW TEMPERED STOREFRONT DOOR TO MATCH EXISTING EX1 72" 83' SPIN 109 EXIST. ALUMINUM ANNODIZED ALUMINUM ANNODIZED (none)SECURE DOOR CLOSED. PROVIDE SIGNAGE ON EXTERIOR OF DOOR: DOOR IS BLOCKED c engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS DOOR TYPES MANUFACTURER: DOOR HARDWARE (KEY) BUTT 1 KEYED LOCK SET (PROVIDE 2 KEYS) STORE ROOM 1 3 HINGES H_ I 3 DOOR SILENCERS TEMPERED \ 1 PUSH BAR GLAZING \ \ 1 CLOSER MOUNTED ON PUSH SIDE OF DOOR BRUSHED S.S. 1 WALL MOUNTED DOOR STOP- PROVIDE IN WALL BLOCKING MODEL: 1 LEVER HANDLE SET WITH PRIVACY LOCK PULL 3 HINGES —J H3 \ \ TVP: REFER TO (IF USED) 1 CYLINDER LOCK ON PULL SIDE \ \ HARDWARE 1 EGRESS PANIC BAR OR PUSH PLATE ON PUSH SIDE �'F \ BRUSHED S.S. SCE OR MODEL. 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING \ \ SPECIFICIFIC DOOR 1 PULL HANDLE ON PULL SIDE MANUFACTURER: \ \ REQUIREMENTS SATIN CHROME NOTE: DOOR INTO MODEL: \ STOREROOM ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: SPIN AREA FROM DORMA, SARGENT MANUFACTURER: LOBBY TO RECEIVE WALL FINISH: SATIN CHROME STOPS FROSTED APPLIQUE 230 SURFACE MOUNTED ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: W/LOGO / MANUFACTURER: DORMA DOOR FINISH: 689 CLOSER MODEL: W16 PH REGULAR ARM OR PHP WITH PARALLEL ARM HOLD OPEN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: LCN,NORTON MANUFACTURER: PEMCO HEADS FINISH: BLACK JAMB MODEL: / SEALS MOUNTED ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: NGP, KN CROWDER MANUFACTURER: HIAWATHA DOOR FINISH: GREY SILENCERS MODEL: 601 - FOR HOLLOW METAL FRAME ADA A B BOTT MMPLIFAILNT C D SOLID CORE PAINT GRADE ALUMINUM WITH CLEAR STOREFRONT DOOR WITH INSULATED HOLLOW METAL WOOD WITH HOLLOW METAL TEMPERED GLASS PANEL TEMPERED GLASS - MATCH WITH HOLLOW METAL FRAME, PAINTED AND ALUMINUM FRAME EXISTING CONDITIONS A.C.A.P. FRAME, PAINTED POST SIGNAGE: THIS DOOR MUST BE KEPT UNLOCKED NOTE: DURING HOURS OF BUSINESS CONFIRM ALL MATERIAL& COLOR SELECTIONS WITH CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGER PRIOR TO ORDERING, FABRICATION, AND INSTALLATION. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER: DOOR HARDWARE (KEY) BUTT 1 KEYED LOCK SET (PROVIDE 2 KEYS) STORE ROOM 1 3 HINGES H_ I 3 DOOR SILENCERS 1 WALL STOP- PROVIDE IN WALL BLOCKING 1 DOOR PULL 1 PUSH BAR -2 H2 2 TOP &BOTTOM PIVOTS 1 SET ACOUSTICAL HEAD It JAMB SEALS PLATES 1 CLOSER MOUNTED ON PUSH SIDE OF DOOR BRUSHED S.S. 1 WALL MOUNTED DOOR STOP- PROVIDE IN WALL BLOCKING MODEL: 1 LEVER HANDLE SET WITH PRIVACY LOCK PULL 3 HINGES —J H3 3 DOOR SILENCERS FINISH: 1 WALL MOUNTED DOOR STOP- PROVIDE IN WALL BLOCKING (IF USED) 1 CYLINDER LOCK ON PULL SIDE 33G 1 PULL HANDLE ON PULL SIDE A 1 EGRESS PANIC BAR OR PUSH PLATE ON PUSH SIDE �'F 3 HINGES BRUSHED S.S. 1 CLOSER MOUNTED ON PUSH SIDE OF DOOR MODEL. 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING (IF USED) 1 CYLINDER LOCK ON PULL SIDE 1 PULL HANDLE ON PULL SIDE MANUFACTURER: 1 PUSH BAR ON PUSH SIDE -5 H5 3 HINGES SATIN CHROME 1 CLOSER MOUNTED ON PUSH SIDE OF DOOR MODEL: 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER: SOMMER BUTT FINISH: 652 HINGES MODEL: BB50004.5"x4.5' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: HAGER, IVES PUSH MANUFACTURER: HAGER (OR EQUAL) PLATES FINISH: BRUSHED S.S. (IF USED) MODEL: WS PULL MANUFACTURER: HAGER (OR EQUAL) PLATES FINISH: BRUSHED S.S. (IF USED) MODEL: 33G KICK MANUFACTURER: HAGER (OR EQUAL) FINISH: BRUSHED S.S. PLATE MODEL. INS (IF USED) MANUFACTURER: SCHLAGE LOCK FINISH: SATIN CHROME SETS MODEL: JUPITER LEVER AIENJDJUP626 STOREROOM ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: DORMA, SARGENT MANUFACTURER: HAGER WALL FINISH: SATIN CHROME STOPS MODEL. 230 SURFACE MOUNTED ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: HIAWATHA, TRIMCO MANUFACTURER: DORMA DOOR FINISH: 689 CLOSER MODEL: W16 PH REGULAR ARM OR PHP WITH PARALLEL ARM HOLD OPEN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: LCN,NORTON MANUFACTURER: PEMCO HEADS FINISH: BLACK JAMB MODEL: 588 ACOUSTICAL SURFACE SEALS MOUNTED ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MANUFACTURERS: NGP, KN CROWDER MANUFACTURER: HIAWATHA DOOR FINISH: GREY SILENCERS MODEL: 601 - FOR HOLLOW METAL FRAME DOOR / HARDWARE GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL HARDWARE IS TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, LOCAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS AND ANSI At 17.1. 2. ALL HARDWARE IS TO COMPLY WITH IBC REQUIREMENTS 3. INTERIOR FLOOR TRANSITION STRIPS TO BE PROVIDED BY FLOORING CONTRACTOR (SEE FINISH PLAN) 4. ALL WOOD DOORS TO BE 1 3l4" THICK PAINT GRADE, SOLID CORE DOORS. 5. ALL MEANS OF EGRESS DOORS TO BE KEYLESS IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND BE OPERABLE WITHOUT THE ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR TOOLS, 6. EXTERIOR ENTRY THRESHOLD TO BE A MAXIMUM OF 1/2" HIGH, ACCESSIBLE THRESHOLDS. 7. INTERIOR THRESHOLDS, IF INDICATED, SHALL BE PROVIDED BY FLOORING CONTRACTOR 8. ALL FRAMES SHALL BE 16 GAUGE WELDED HOLLOW METAL FRAMES. 9. WHERE LOCK SETS ARE CALLED FOR, PROVIDE 2 KEYS PER LOCK AND 2 MASTER KEYS TO OPEN ALL LOCKS. 10. ALL INTERIOR DOORS AS INDICATED TO HAVE LEVER -TYPE DOOR HANDLES. 11. ALL DOORS WITH CLOSERS $HALL MEET MAXIMUM OPERATING FORCE REQUIREMENTS: EXTERIOR DOORS = 8.5 lbs MAX. INTERIOR DOORS = 51bs MAX. lla. ALL DOOR CLOSERS SHALL BE ADJUSTED SO THAT FROM AN OPEN POSITION OF 90 DEGREES, THE TIME REQUIRED TO MOVE THE DOOR TO A POSITION OF 12 DEGREES FROM THE LATCH IS 5 SECONDS MINIMUM, 12. KNURLED HARDWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON DOORS INTO HAZARDOUS ROOMS. 13. DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING OPERATED WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) HAND AND SHALL NOT REQUIRE TIGHT PINCHING, TIGHT GRASPING OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST TO of OPERATE. THUMB -TURN DEADBOLTS ARE PROHIBITED; LEVE% OR PADDLE DEADBOLT RELEASES ARE ACCEPTABLE. U 1,L G.C. TO REPLACEIRE-KEY ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AT END OF - PROJECT. COORDINATE WITH OWNER. 15. G.C. TO VERIFY ALL HARDWARE OPERATION WITH 9,.. i VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.563.7023 www.virtualenergysolubons.com LU LU cV H ^ rr�CV VJ 0 wJ O LU LLI Q OD 1<1 I LU I L 0 co Lr) Date VES Project number. 210212 sheet title: DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS sheet number. A601 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solubons, Inc. S on m d U Ea E vC ¢ 00 N < cy 2 r m Q: cL re»way are caulk m make watertight, 3. Pravda far try through wdll5 tlR]Gs. F'na'bA 5M1 IM1 II ufd Mdnd exlHd HIT M»abo6RAWrs. Flan nti w n M11. 9 Sam sleeve mreac- armh b uenrwniond NP 9 recway d. PWM rises requiredmr SUM&IUSMw -nlmm fid ncevmysand sleeve;. 5. PmvNe fire waling for powerhouses through Me rapid mnshudlon. R Minim wing for equipment Wmiared by other steel of this speoficaam inclJarg mechanical systems and tempemWm mnhols are equipment fiMlsred m me Owner. From fico m Was the mecAanicaYplunblrg systems wll be supplied with equipment wlN dlflerent eWw lchdacbndire than that wall on the mchanicaUplonbiy pars or shave on me ekEMnal plans. Make Menecewry adjustments m me each lsyatomsInAm, c dt, beakm w. O make the s Nm swe MWedY and may all applicable Wtles. G. IfifircrefiffisfamOrkiner 1. Promew records for the Orth ccode NMe r Ommw 0 Dlvew 1. 2. W M MlWdLantra ID b IRgecl. Note a NM wqnmMe In computer withtinstallation. 3. Pm oeaw"Wwo! b lY p a bl a -rigs Oft Owner annual mad locations of all equipment pamm,m hn,tmcboks, photocells, etc. These amwiys doll entad am changes from conal documents and stall be dR by compesenl pMmmlPo provide the owner AM qualify dmJmw of With"at pmpctmmplefion. 1. The ConMd"r doth sexual am preseA to meoma eWc board iSw on'F prdM 0[Theo sting skr elebbiwlavwmanMpraject. TMoperaly imbudiom and cnWn nap»bmopuresonincluding shall lungdamage rypenillen tl»canyb of rystem operation, In syste am sharyaNgrdms keyedPopidentificationydams, mo stat ndudeNe heofe"Oemint ando ecogns y rwiren with trach pe» of suuipmend, Ma one cygof insWleach opdmwiy abound in a h Non data, Omwo inch W Irons stall be bouts i0 d M1ad eboard m trial of sIXUntl assistance ON Thepealect will notreceive opeirahngi ccemance dmBNMiacwnAvethe been received id by the dal maintenance brochures have born recdvetl ry the Oadner. H. Proven temporary ukm»ndw M mnstdkn am airing dsydems. 3.0 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A Tests: 1. Perform manage, resisanre(phase to Muse, phase Is groundand Around), and ground fault tests ofwinng and equipment: minimum results In accordance with NEC and nundure s'rammmendation 2. Adlvamantlte4Nepedarmanmmsystems. Minimum rewlb In opponents with manufacturer' remmmenmUms 3. Perform firms WuW by annual having jurisdiction and as required by Dlviam 1. d. Provide tape reports B. Element: 1. Advatelwm Wmtt da b A' tsaM reconnect um-mbaanm lofl0% between shows at pemlb dem 3.05 ADJUSMENT AND CLEANING A. Adjustment. 1. TI9Apinfaden ngdevmsbwmWumWrecmm W Torque requbemenk. 2. AlgnmWtabrenicellywdhonzMd B. CI»Ny 1. Remove foreign matter aid cam al wrfams. 3.0 IDEWIFK:NTION OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS: A Proven lwawp g q tasks wm rem Nay secured to medals WIN drOme Of dd55 YfEws Or all abnormal Mulpmnt. B. Provide Wmntthrol chouldd' d for brats c'reuit janeltW d5 -in eadWNersam*MmlbwN door. C. Pravminert dentiying MRnDanM above Writs eleMml have. D. Proven nwepWMA an mar m=dame inWdng 1. woredManuradarer 2. Address ofwmwdum 3. Cambgnmwer BASIC MATERIALS AND METHDDB PART I- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A Dn phmd$ydws ProviaesydemdMuipment amwap and Mby M ebcGal antl commu madons systems. 1.02 WALIfYASMMNGE: A. ApMlcade Arches NEC. B. ApowMe UL Standard; PM2-PROWCTS 2.01 WMWLS: A. Candui%: 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: Any product UL labeled are Intea err the schemes 2. Intermediate Metal Consult HoHlgWd galvanized steel, complete with one coupling and one end thread prOtedv. 3. Each Metallic Tubing: Weldedele tropivaniien INnwall deal tubing. d. Flexible Metal MntICdd Il WAlpnetl gavanlied steel strip core with'igl copper ground din. 5. Lq EtgM1I Flexible Mewl Ranked Cl HoldiF9ad galvanized steel stop care with exlmmd myram uckel and"integral peer ground was 6. Mod Nonmwllw ElMec lbmdull, Schedule 40 pDyWnyrownde, Non impact resbtaM 7. Elbows are Beam: a. Riga mmmwlk manuld mwms'. internandam metal Walu. b. Fiber Wrenn "sea rime mwnas As the catapult with watch Nay amimMled. C . ings:are lagssize,Merry mrxwdurod. S. Buchiys: a. 1-i14'eal Meller. hgMimpMMrm ngphrw 15MC., OUDGe*ey Tvye'M b.1NAF amImage Not dpped gavamed We berneschading pre ic'rsulekn, 1503C., C-LGedney Type B' 9. Wcknew a. 1-100mwakr Z'nc plated rearysrockstwl OLGedney. IsYandlarger'. udn=pWMmAWabWimn 0. GWwy. 10. Hubs. Cadmium plated mneme iron, tapered thmtl5, mWmm 'W nng, Insulated Mat, 0 Mai 11. EMT Compression Connecbm. Gland compression type me plated sleel body, cadmium plated, malleable iron cot lated threal OLGM Use for sees 1 d smaller 12.EMT.Set Screw Couplings ;Z plated stbody, cadmium ceded malleable ran screw, 0 LGetl ey. Use for 1-114 and tamer 13 Lqu tltghl Conduit Conwhos. CadniumpUW malleable icon body and nut, cadmium piston sora fermis, insulated that, imrymlly cad Wd lManual lug. GZIGedneY Type WL. 14.1ibraugh WallandRmrSnls'. MMleablemnbody, rMzedm»,»Ming Ng, Pr NWmpawdngs and sed' rig gmnmet, Mx how cap screws, OZlGetlray iyq F$K. 15. Fire Baas: a. Fd Until: Heat act ioWn nt N nal, elasWneric H»Iiy nog, 8orhet head cap screws, steel mwn dome and earoad OZ/Gedney Type CFSF. b Fa EmptySmves: Chase Foam Mae Technology. Inc. 16.EWBells flacteduffeed Mossback, Instaletl malleable ' n OLGod ey Type THS. U. Pin . Condumaredmaybushings wasM1en t. ual be cadmium plde malleable Mod ofse terms and dimensions best suited for the application. B. bores and Cedes: 1. Power; Fadaywlor cotled where available. a. Branch GrouR THHN't fol copper; 3WIr atW'Cr gM100ampemsandla88 b Feadem; %HHW, THHNRHM, 600 Volt copper, applied at 75 -Crating maximum. a Sizes: 1. 410andsmauer-s0ge. 21 pBaal lager-shonwd. 3, 912mmlmumforp r#14mmlmwftd nnl. d Cabr Cad'y'. I. MBYllmvAsy $ a. Photo A Buck b. Phan B -Red c. Pnw C BIW d Neubal-Whss An Ground Grem 2. Communua By Others, unless specrfied dbemiser In When Sections. Wk p: 1. Square D. a. Inde n: LD seems; Metall pupo». b Combat I sans; rain tight. 2 ASSMHted Brown SgWR D d best failure and dimenaw kr WMwbon. D. Pull find jabber boxes: 1. My UL al are lAed M the 4Mw2 2100 cubic inches crpacdy and smaller;as specified for V taxes and candi withblank Wvers. 3. Ordifir 100 cubic inchescapappy . Use g g l Added, with M9es WmedW Ford gNuArush moral yenamel for warfare mvmngrm tadrrykmck b. Fiat Ne. 12 pugs sendmnmm mmmnda caw' covers Sizes I n accordance wall He damings and Me NEL. a. Rated NEMA 1 am 12 inedwr and used NEW M ere d ede*P in derip and matin ns F Cabinets. 1. FrrmrebWrka a. Same manuadumrae pamlbmd; evelaeddmedgee turned to receive into. 1. Code gaugegalvedmd area kr flush program 2Ctl A9P'id dual wmounting. b. Trumpiddoork: fumbler rnde gauge steel Mod allow hinged door Ash Wmbler lack am come keyecalNe throughoutmearook. 1, Flush dapminimumW4iWM4.WM.aOd SAN 2. Subnet 2. Other P a a sear all elecMralequpmenty as but not mited to conmdarsrotors controls metal etc Same as form"elboards. a ProvitlastedbadoMeskrr nhMMulpmnt Whom requken. b Pmvitle314'nchplyw"MbaNboatlkrmlepM1 mounted 3. Rated NEW l kteMmnd mtetl NEMA3RMerclerior, mmporwxilcaabm. G. Outlet Bax»: AWIdW EMd Compal Flush mounted awl boxes; Standard d ped galvanized stnl won begins malW k W ckdlk, one piece and will Matmc6M. H. Wiring waker I. Specifical grader Hubbell.A Hm. Pass S Seymour. Levron 2. Switches 20 amp 1202Tz/ 3, Receptacles, 20 amp. Twins, 3 Are dWlex grounding Prov tle G FI C devws wfiw requited by Once financing Kitchens, bare, toilem mot and worker Imwfiond 4. Coverplates: a. Ulorshallbeasnweonmepansor lfnmsho is diTdedbylheam iWa b. Coverytaln'dmll be sYv'Ne»wdin klcMWdM Mr ea 6. Milch tlenW wlorOwverpmra 6 Multi Multi a. Ponsedd Pingmdd2W0w*s.Mwim,ammul b. Single grounding recipients 10'ec creta. LumnsandragamOnglasighteasinownted. it Au req �. canstrairms 1. Distributor parneloodards'. Mannuflectursaffirl as shown on the drawings or in the rase of eusdng panels match the existing. b. Thus phase"line addn la sign with s mad bussing and all wpaM neutral. c. Maybe scheduled lmnelbmrd armd b m. d Provi*pdnea. a. ProVlm main toga only unions scheduleduand. ». I, separate ground bwown wM1etluktl. g. Provide matter bwang wMhALC. mtlys As shown an the suwmgs. 2. Branchcmutpand ard Manufachuredinnodela howa on the drawings or in the case of expandpanels , atch the existing. b. Them phase 4 wand sold resuffiffil desire with sequence bussing andOtl capacity neutral Upper bussing Only. Me creculd brekem cordis a sued circuit ratingas dwxn nthe malleable M in the 1 ad isnot stare request, in among. Mm the engineer the proper va uepnorro bis dw. The mntmcwr snailbe requires, at no Win express, ea replace any pmdkads,ry hg»r or bmakers xfidl do ml meal the available bull tuR d Physics catnw. e. Pmvwe win hall Why Mum the panel SmMe ready fir Sky secondary dao-ansMmararscheduled aNerwi». L PmvMe sMa ground WS All scheduled. g. Physics semmteiswted Amum We when www1 3. CireWb=kers: a. Resellable.quick-make, quick -break, bobin Mw type, We with separate trip position lrommand ea Examine D. Multiple pole breakers with common Mp and one operating handle. a Do not provide handle ties. d Wire with sequence phasing J. Disconnects'. 1. Henry tluty, quickmke Wabmk,Nmry rmted 2. NEMAludmrs NEMA3RouMoorswMw» OM M1ubo 3. Same mnwWrer aspanelb"ards. K Fusa; 1. Provde Mal fuWe equipment and dows maturing will 2. A Made ManWMNnvs: a. Sussman 0 Litlemse c Ferraz Shawmut 3. Ratings: a. 6th A and edger, Gass L, mnent LmIAy. D. NOW beds up to 6lNA; May RK -1. duals wL wr iimmg. c. Lighting fixtures; UR or GUS par manufactures reoornmMations. a Ewnd Light Paw, KTK who an HES style in We waterproof holder and heal. e. Up to DNA modem Gass J. L Supporug Dual MMM. 1. Conl'im us aoma channel: 12 gauge cad. eecV WaNZW, wan SimdNmte. Wso dM dimensions as required Or watched. 2. HanWRotaOmimuousthmd,dKtmlalvan'NmmMmate,woasMuimdrorloadaimWsed. 3. HexnesecapscrewsaMnue No.li113and No.IL11d 4. p oWplppstmMl Sen95H5100o atcanizedsted. S. Single beft chawlMPo shops: Steel, with mawmB edmv are red, Bells G105 and Series 6106. 6. My -In Mee Myer: SodM G149. T Caduil and PCs hmpr Series 61. S. Guam Camps: Sells NO, RC. EC am PCM amtcetlons. 9. Cm dem n»S, Wet Same D 256 or No. 6255. 10Contacts inserts channel: Bends DAB) W Bends D-986 1 1 National: Se*aC2ID. 12. Cabkwpports OLGWmy Type S. PART3.EKECUTIM 3.01 INSTALUMN: A condom 1. Far Feeder around. a. Install lM MoW mesal small in damp andwin ImMom,In and elepiscaleaalwhereoms in mewamml dna electrical equipment mom. D. Install Oxide cowl c M 1 where permitted by May authoritieshaving junadictingths of stifed. Use Iu btght flexible metal conduit in dump and wet l t ns. 2. For Drefiner curcuds. a. Install mormakdow raffin condul in damp and wed Imak s inconcrete slabs and Or same 2112income am edger, A. Install OWW lmtallie Tubing f - Tones are smaller where Once ked bybuilding structure. c. Install fervor metal mal J ALI permitted by aU dtl6 having lunedN' wth$0 six net U» Lqu Mgt nimble muffin coMulln dump are wel locations. 3. ForWMdkedersaalbmM omik lnWiIIPVC iw WWd metal wall for bends greater Man SO D am where med. Wrap wlen metal persons with etaleA'cba»mea, uttd Jeppegie distance 6 des beyond metl. Ed 1. I Minimum mM azo'. e FC 20amplyMandg rWnMdmubl 1. ND. I2AWG 2 12W longer Nan W feet are 277V kersper Man to fed Mmfirslda*Itopaml: Nato AWG 3. 12W longer man 120 but and ONIonger Nan 200bd Mum Mat WNW topenel: No BAWG Is . Ogwr traits siutl m this vdtage drop pe NEC, u Cantml Wlnng: ND.I4AWG,unlwdremnm spri 2 S. lowireandsmaller. CmnMnim aping connectors. tmimto at terminal cape. 3. ND.8win antl larger: Omnw are lemimle with above pWfied GZ/Ged m ado wen idevers or who Lber allvinyl WSWehalf l Pw d to possum a eIca I Imwa - are. M 4. Thrin es hold p Mag 'ndred cove apecMW tl cadmium Wll and hundred boxes and pandificer C. Outlet Boxes: 1. In ceilings provide d0 are 40D boxer. Omit mvers d da mare mnlpy and device Pates endr* cover the ailing opening. 2. For exposed work, at wet lomfims, and Man in non waterproofed walls Wow grade Mom FS and FD boxes. 3. Size special boxes far Wool deWces and apMmr sn acceptance with N.E.C. 4. Install outlet barrels finished to within 10OffinAW Wham 5. Install center of boxes at heights above finished Mor: a. ConveniencereceWides-18indes)A.DA) b. ggh(Swiams-4e lnahwpkDA) c. Other- As scheduled and nota. S. Group networks Chios with demanded Indicatedup the drawlins. Grouping of Mmmns a. a iMiW or at oho dAtlon if songeormultnwnsiMimM. TM maximum wmmrd *as A New WON mea In any one mndul MNl be icon he six. 7. DD not provlm through J t wall and back to back boxes. 0. Panrtm wnmd rmnuMduned plugs in unused openings Of boxes; 9. Provim box» at the mrminal of conduit runs to outlets and tlevis». 10. Propose Plaster rings and covers where required by the Wilding wudum I LPmvke Ad IoM Arms and lighting fixture Wet boxes where shop drawings of fixtures wal el»where as may be requiredforrtes. 0. pre lis M 1. Preside mmlb»ds of Iyer; and Wall mnedwed where indicamend. 2 Provide flush and surface mounted types w MIM"W d scheduled. 3 crovide cabinets Movide multi motioncob' l ficaurnall and scheduled. 4. For eWWer m me bu Mng structure, iMWmmnt of ratswaya 5Ill nips al B am O inches above nmsbea cod. 6 Insall panelb»Ns in cabal centered In door ouniys. 7. Protide ldenfifiwfim. E. Diameter'. I. Porn*dsmernasiW= anaasrequrodby NEC. 2 Provide fidentificatione indming Mums of supply F. End 1. NI electoral broods shall be teen the appropenste NEMAwp endwre. Noopentmeaev»svnllbe allowed G. &u i g0e las: 1. Sarcurryfastan and supponcdduikaal ucamysWM valued stdure as mMrM by the NEC are local autlwnfles. Suspend taizowl cons of conduits are »ways Men the Boor are roof mretclbn by red hangers sewn 10 mel or dee ec centonM dzea2 Minn and singer. Supped because are ratswo, Aman 3punt of Won and of each Lana, of Won termaation am at other dual m maintain hMzomal and worked agrvnenl Mhoul said and deformation. Do NO use cable, shop and wire uyers and fawners for support mum 2 Instal supports m permit equally distributed expansion and W grawec of steel and m»ways with expansion jank. U» guldnd manes and U kits and anchors designed amounted effectiveness for WIN longitudinal and 3. DD not supped conduits and re»ways from Mupmnt M' 4. Prance angle Iron and channel so papers m We Am and MOW forpanedboads catnw pullandlunctec boxes Supped independently from enteringwnduik are raceways. GRWNMNG PAU1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTMIN: A. Pmvke cirur am steel em m, am Mupment RxwNgj par the NEC and UL. 1.0 JMCONWIONS- A. PMed personnel surrounding surfaces and finishes, and equipment Mum damage we te heat generated during making upofMachine g d9 am shoos. B. Mn dreg red noend Washe me with an who test model and -cal additional ground rods and used noted as rem iron run May assistance he ground is less than five ONMSto gm w. PART2.PRWUmS 2.01 MATERMLS: A. GrouMing Eled , 314 inch diameter, 10 ke11MDh steel ma and eledrdNie harewd cower exterior by Copeamale Or 1hgwon Lightning Pppidlon Inc B. CWneabons. 1. In inaccessible locations ane for buried gmuntl cods are cable use Caawed thermal fusion pipe connalons designed for the application or solaesess pressure connectors 2 In maintenance Dual ocal soldeamem pressure conneuiM amended ed the specific apPlation. C. GrauM-ng Canduwn. 1. EguiMMand Enclosures: BrmoWmLw Mherd *concessions, slieflr NEC. 2 CussukarmSystrarre'. Gwn,insulamd,TyN1 HN/THWN, mppar75 b gr»s C, sae per N EC. D. GrouMEMancemenlM"W ERICOMe 01 MUcls MOD modure of concrete and eledncel wnmwre malerul. PART 3-E%ECMON 3.01 PREPARATION A Pre rafiWdSuStse OWansudamEwhch mndl W 9 m cmnaclbn am to be tenor Rwno»pint, wet gma»,ere tayuer E W hogs m brv¢ metdl. SAW INSTALLATXIN A. Preace a peparnent ground path from all panelboards Mum Me poled Of dismount using an satiated equipment gmmmy cWnudm, sized per NEC mole 25)122. At the pointofa%dWMn mored all ground connotations Wgemer along with all disnibutlm equipment word buses and tie Oa dnvw ground rod and to builnag as set each in NEC 250 and IoW trees. System grounding mM Ann shall Nwed Per NEC able 25066. B. Insall ground Ades in condub above gm* or airewy W*tl In all ma depth of not less Nan Ur tese gentle. InsMIIaODn he provide suffil mchaniW schemes an as net W brea k ground cables Or connections. C. Instau ran d d tl between eri e 9 Splices e u Ire Ams, h d beech P P M plans Where g lel p m gbA Iles buildings,t. when M1 1 metallic awards swasle f 3pmavod manhimotaismal D. At each convenience add install grounding clip a W W Me outlet box and leave a sufficient length of#12Are dm green -wand insulation he mooed to the MuMing terminal at the receptaGe. 3.0 TESTS A. Pedder ground led resistance last all an sparked ground field resiwae meter by Biddle or Awciapid Rewrch. Tern rasdk in secondaries with N.E.C. Minimum requirement. SN AWUSTMEM A Prolan wiffilonal ground tons as required m obtain N.E.C. mmmumadree b OGHTING PARTI GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide and Model all lighfiy fixWm,Idmps, Al and Samurai are Ighingmntral switches and systems. B. NI IgM fixtures and lamps shal be' wined by be Conhoalm, The Cot dor shall has responsble Re r"lyra"g d insuring all quantifies of lamps are light fixe C. RekrtoNe Light Fare Schedule enthedmwngsM mrd tadumrmbIN numbers and tlmrnpWns. D. The contractor shell verazill quantities bdore omering any IiAhtfxtures. E Leper designation heads outlet symbob W Vg drasup covices are WnnMted by law vdwe are line wtlage wring. The general oparetlon of lghfng are con IW Wads nil includy Interfor o0hiq:Manual swadia eM M r awe aV Scheduled I M»a Toe can. time arc by automatic time what with alter hour override camWityam sWbN. Exterser fighfiM:Premcall or astmmmic manimedt time ONphdatsll Or nirommic ON E Mr eewnN lNff ne, Mounter or aslrrcxx"ic on, plmla»IIwastrmamicd 203 FIXTURE LABELING: A. A119xhroa shall be moldy labeled Or May moral warnings of lams m match Ili wafta0e of M lanes desienaled in the fi81M schedule. PANT 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PMPARATNIN: A. VerAy mliq brown amalg L Inspect installed relm mwmmN Or Owes Wal m quality ye executiond wVN. B. Layout exactldalp of -in amommancewanrall calling pane fieMeP and scaffichal after boxes are wppm3. C. Pmvae Other boxes are dual D. Provide argumen te hadware to support Owes and outlet Ways from shadow. Oa Net support tram sally systems. 3.02 NSTALLATIM: A. Provide lobbing fiends, amps, swlAae and m systems, and wiring. B, 11 msignation o"RetlW arowingo"We um type III amp" in makes Of tanner usage. C. Provide spacers M fWures mm=a pilaw den" cdling mate*I. D. Provide plaster tames for reseed fixtures In plaster railings. E. ImWll fixtures in and on acoustical tile parody in alignment AM his lamb. F. Input fixtures in fiber dewing and fmmb0ad re outlet boxes and openings will ml be sig hr exposed. G. Paint below and Mm required m be us VON H. Cutlet box because an dzvange are it agrammthc mly. Portion outlet boxes m concise wed aUspenSUn nange5 and knackouto I. ImWll in awoww with mal We ILegal sWd lldate and mtalls W the dual J. All swinfor Iguy dull beinstalled with wiringswirched Sam phW limbss DthemiwnoWd. Referm Nchipiduml ekvatlWS Re epd counting locations. K. Renin dM, grew and foreign mwrieIs from fixtures. Remove fingerprint, smudges and did from mwree lenses and amps, STANDARD PROVISIONS tort dams Win ulaent and Vin M ne P MP respond to letter designations in the fight Aare&MANS. elements beta», wring, am cher inemlb5m. PART GENERAL 2. Prol M required DY enamovernscruffil 1.0 DESCRIPTION reiboWe prevent dameqam dowfiveeWpmmand A Remora Work Specified enwoere: 440.71. madensubs. 1.02 DUALITYASSURANCE', 1. ThaWmmipmviwdUantm4iWWingl3 DESCRIPTION: Fault funded mnamga Maurice Quality Cerebral err. are SWMMenmry Conditions and GRNuirem, c SqMiy'Install muedele at trmesrMureemprennt 1. T kW IUal standTeMiartls. apply mine mark sp flOnthis Dhakend amidaerosoltgM and Mason s a UMdry delays 'nmewwk B. Scope 1.N WARRANTY: 1. TheUntrad Dwunenkilwtr&McompleWswwd A. Provlde mNfiows of mal ur ''wamnbay. B. work and are wm*ed M the o"mMnea Architectural, S. Wamnty the work M are year Win and aur data Of Sm toll, Plumblrg, MecbanicalandEledwaiddivngs A, amep by owners mmmmabve lD Include wisdom fiom and specMminns. Reviewane examine the mmpleto set aebwMmeleSls, Mupmnland labor. rmMw mbdlre of Cmbed OOWmen15. wary auang NewdRdMy pitta. 2. Rotor aisoremnase, etas, onissions and ambiguifies in PART2-PRODUCTS handing, mediator and testing instructions 1.03 the Centrad Dommenbto the owners reprowmative in 3.N MATERIALS: A. war ng prior to bra. ONemi». provide materials and labor A. Batteries Tenwars l'mled. toresdve same in a manner approved by the Owners A. New,h»tram dw , of quality commercial genassuMW reprwnWM an m atltlXional cost O me Owner. 2O1 manwcWre by repumble manufactures 3. note Intent ol tlmvuys aid aponficammer is to provide B. Listed byUnicameral Laboadmes for hiAw dams al m km mm Item included nd Wall m Va C Incompliance with Contract D b' Andbq i ty andlike Out be fMMbo"in both Pravda 202 am Pa ga performance. "IM nems dna actual accused D $ml renals shall be by come manufacturer m=bte ystems 202 SUBSTITUTIONS 4. IteestiMmW by we Seasonal am not'includedby W519)minuteSd Wnt0UW50pemfirn. B am tl6ap1'ne'n no amwngs and sped cabons did A Substnme materials will be mnsicerea Or approval after ba pmvMed as if Included at no addernal male Wise Conrad has men awarded. Owner. B. Approval Of substitutions is spedfically exchded tan Ns C. Desvipton D'Msien prior fir signing of Conhod. C. 1. Facnllfies and systems of stectMat cork genemllylMUle, C. "Uftay wwwh bons: but am not IIMlen he Ne fdrowly: 1. In wrifiy a. Basic MaleM%am Methods 2, RMuireddatawmsugkrevaluetlon b. Services and DlsMbubon B. 3. Diderencelnwnlomm mWMlornchmm c. Lighting 4. Inas rdancew WWWIsprmodum a. Special Systems D. Requests for substances Imply m odlgatlW on the Omar and e. Communicators h'sreprewntatvn MAT 2. f, Heating&Union E. If fega6 err consortium am addressed! and changes in the 201 2. Pravda labor,materials, equipment, and ac»saones kr mark bre required, inedudiy work r dM in other Divisions, A complete systems whether Or not spe Tcallyen"lueea In pay al costslmONea and dW at mon»ryWynto 2.02 M Contract Documents amnmmMa4 subwucons at no aOtllfimd bow W Ne O A 3. Garengs are diagrammatic and contain graphic mprwnmWn;, schwulesaMn honsshmiing PARTS EXECfCUIpN ekN'anvmrk FoIlOvarevmgsasdoselyzsacaal 3.01 INSPECTION: constructed will permit Makedeamtons from drawings q Exam mortals upon except for damage. Replan far conformance to actual conducted Iadditional damaged mammate mass to M a Owner. Follow formed dimensions Ued ddw added antl W%Wm wiring are telephones eY bore regard W scale if notd' tl drawings. Refer B. Examine Way stral to which materials are WW Mme requiring clarficatons antl iamWoons W the wuretlMtlefects advances affedy the quarry am Owner's Wmsmtaae Or nsfil Mon* and ve B. exCUWn of wore and heard same As Name membranes. cocoas] at no additional cow mtlre 0.rner. Gavel PART2-PRMUMS: Did not alta woMOil I defects are cdreced. MoNar than dw W&w, it memo nwwq, srel C. If any item eb»rved In the building or existing are» Of to u WWI W Me omnrs represwm kr Vp al. A. buNing wfiich mg Of pose a»tepi hazed to We owner. any W renown viums MOM wenn approval. B, OWWM5 d ter onilding, or any service p umd invelvM 1.02 WA MSURANCE: vend the upkeep of Ne building or eleWOnl or barrel wheddec. PARI3-E%fCUTWN sycoma react thew Items W the owner in owing A Workmen OudMcaWns: Skilled Mechanics WmpetM in their 302 PREPAMTWN: trams Iwreed where rMulred by adhoMles having 1pnsdmon A Field Measurements: B. Reakuhrearol authorities demand oLLa m: 1. Carefully lay out exact loopholes of maderas -n conference 1. Damnine Semmeshavi ngI dco are the applicable with the Owners mprwnffibve owes. may andw i s0Nose wed s S. 2. Refer cone'w to the Owners reprwnathve far NO". 2. Peaum haversinf AM the researchersdM Resolve nA its n aboard wan the Others aw i having Maw 3'03 neiamiatmeWi lonalmm0 a UL Class P. where not We ilable pmi&dual ¢demand N °M 3, bewre ampay fnecessary secure iospeftm A. Provide system ofMpty wndub wllh pull OMs' pull and banve and approva Ls from UN rhes how juMdlon. 1 CoordrmW batons of methanol wed oNw trams by reference ve Cuirad DWdnenk did by cadmium whh d. In Idde between requ remenmofM betwaving Muison b-rib*rewlN works ethanol .varm waothofrayhrk een emcethe Wool akeM5m4rbcM innerrenw,mkend»6»rychans lO nninsee murements and meet Me waW, more ablyenl interference M oted aidsffan Noted reuummenk. B_ unoas Clean PnparoW iia dam a. Clea tlmrosendin sYfaces 5. In assay of differences betweenMat arya Me"'°"k he whichmaterialsntobe My a nmreea d Nevedousaumtsw having Md am Me ren arwnlencewNmerveadiertiremmmenaanpns and ss Contract Components herein erequreoutNou ed, Gators represenMves Bred increase Pd aebryahethe and Coit Noun, 3, Abo bate oplm dlnm 4 nous tet rw,u remems elm ply erequirements C. Verb poster (Yne t being taped for envronmental atltlg Ower arsme0.vner. adds be conditions including checking model numbers for conditions he C. A can'. Manuaduorsdanmw moul OR, Mm F. beenmumred For example lighting Fixtures shown C. Stanal Nearen»SWntlarns model shall be outdoor type am have cold weather Mllads. 1. NEC N ti I Eleffincal Card 3.03 INSTALLATION 2. NEPA National F PmI ion M len D. Lighting Cecil panel (for pmgds Order Nan 5,000 SF) A_ Installmaterials in accommuncewia Mrequwenk d the 3. ANSI American National Standards Instilute havinga"dtlftj ffid Wsmmce won NECA d. UL UMerwrmw Lakmtones Inc. Standards of Workmanship, man&mr recomrmMatlone 5. NEW Na l Eleclnwl Manuadurers Association are the Contend DocumentsElBVakm ofdevices will 6. CBM GeMAed Ballast Manufactures ban* WIN We AaleMans with DOWNS Ad aid Me Texas 7. BIL EnvWnmenml Teshing Laboratory actual Swrds, A models specified or shown on box dal scar td" Mw sanaams henry the Architect prior of Electrical dna B rgNeere BrwtlfiAe e lrourE B. IEEE I WmugMn. 9. ASTM Morn n Socaryal Tewng are Materials B. Excavafion and BacMfing: ID.IPCEA Insults Power Cara Engineers Association 1 Pmnde Wall and ucMlong in acceptance with me 11.USASI UnMaStaydArmliWs $tanmdslnstibate reWiremnlcdMlsM 2-Siwnrk. 12. NECA Netimal Electrical Cec cors Awaatian 2,Pron* sW*g W Mfed the exemption and SaNuad 13. Amaral with Dlsaulines Act (ADA) employees. 14. Texas Aaessibilily ACIITAS). 3 Ronde pumping W keep Other in dry=dI wll 103 SUBMITTALS: after to work has teen insMkd are suppose. A. ProtutDam: ProvidemanulaWrenenglwrlydam 4Provide waval0 death Wm INEC minimum Inalcatyproposed mWm6. Main a pr wsubuutl Rover unless noted offierieflas or rewmJ otherwise by deals not concur withtry spaMtl cards. mderodsorOther ubltyWMMW CwdinwexwvgronwMo selection p pw%Dart mfm Um stall be understood, co"%Im and Vadee Nghughled or abi noted in He samurai 5 Where Not and other hard objecm are encountered. B. Test RemS: Pmvldempndleslremmuuduary limlldme work Centrad DWvmenkand byaumonOay M1anyjurtsdAlon and all am wintoproeelowmnosl andmmed C CeNficatoa' Bal All 6. ucMAl OWN Manr sal M1ee Mm rocks am tlere llydupin inns a d WSauesign 1. PmvldetsN Wsrequireabyfunud DmumenkaM 90pinfi *rerymilo o190%as SfinedbYASTM Daygnatlon dual by by what having inse ton D89&57[PracNr Soil COmlmdnnTnl. 2. Pmvlde UMerwritem LabonWree bre%affixed 0 7. Remove tram site excavated material not wimNeM materakedwhen smndaras edd. recanting and excess maleralnet used M baddling. D. ODerotlon and MMntenence NO Ppvke Wpes of 8 VedrylOwdons of underground utilities Fluor 0 exmvafim. mal mW data office opmw software and vent Of damage to bund Alty lines wait Swage in mintinanm requirements ler mamrials wore ce with the ads uiremenb of the appropriate ufifiry E. wiwnanm MwnNs: Frovimspare W*requiredm cam»m at no OWN O the Caner. Contract Dommenb and manufamrors' nippu wt pa* C. Coding aid Pushing: Lw Or mMM%. Ng tlpihing'n acceptance with the F. The review of Slwp D-awingsawards; Sm rythe AndrewI'Provtl applicable Sed regarding the maleralWbeMrr sold) not m rte Na Connacmrs MKWM Kyfm an s tl frMm D 'og dSaodfiWfims mess nAma caPmhr 2. c d' ate the work to etmnate cull n9 except where m%ntionis specifically noted For such drawl at be timed submission and acceptance of the Arab fecl-s noted Merem. noes»ry. Men attention is ruled to deviations from the Draangs and 3 Orhore cunt' mwnry walls, stew supports fir prevent Specifications, Wits In letter of transmittal accompanying the mange to Ne walls during Mthng and Wall llWes and submmm whether or not such bachansian any change in w urd sWroas aver WMM he proted me rural mg Contract time and cast. Empire of any Mnd assovaterl AM mWnns. hall be N. reaporddlry of Nelnstaller of Division 4, unless speafimlly approved! oMSWWumber m6work i6wark. iDo ia in among by the OvmNirepresewtive. when G. Approval al»pproval, or comments on submMls shell net 5. As work MaNawe, make repass Md patch work reeve the contractor ofM requimments Of the specifications dsabedbyonmg. Resbore disturbed work to equal oral tlmwys smmuMingmrk. LOW JOB MNDmM3 D. Pandy'. A Manual C dti 1. neN l. nus chmWe r Fmvri'nsta meIfe+M=ni, 1. VIsdiumpactsue Veimloalons,e6vatlons, 2hall an &int arrangementantl Ovaablrylfiroe mapiIreMfapmdngandlmcM1WmgW 2. 1OWe necessary workro accommodate essfing Had morThmapM mwhng Optical pant. conditions are kdmfima whether or Net MmW in the E. FlMeAhouse d Insfirts CWhod DowmMs. 1, Provide d' led flhiNs, slaves and inserts B. Pmwlon 2. Provae Manage and cunlewsA rigs Our raceways 1. PpmdmamS%aM»naukiyeudatssandfiniaen extending Mmugeem uwN%andro"b. Formtofil re»way are caulk m make watertight, 3. Pravda far try through wdll5 tlR]Gs. F'na'bA 5M1 IM1 II ufd Mdnd exlHd HIT M»abo6RAWrs. Flan nti w n M11. 9 Sam sleeve mreac- armh b uenrwniond NP 9 recway d. PWM rises requiredmr SUM&IUSMw -nlmm fid ncevmysand sleeve;. 5. PmvNe fire waling for powerhouses through Me rapid mnshudlon. R Minim wing for equipment Wmiared by other steel of this speoficaam inclJarg mechanical systems and tempemWm mnhols are equipment fiMlsred m me Owner. From fico m Was the mecAanicaYplunblrg systems wll be supplied with equipment wlN dlflerent eWw lchdacbndire than that wall on the mchanicaUplonbiy pars or shave on me ekEMnal plans. Make Menecewry adjustments m me each lsyatomsInAm, c dt, beakm w. O make the s Nm swe MWedY and may all applicable Wtles. G. IfifircrefiffisfamOrkiner 1. Promew records for the Orth ccode NMe r Ommw 0 Dlvew 1. 2. W M MlWdLantra ID b IRgecl. Note a NM wqnmMe In computer withtinstallation. 3. Pm oeaw"Wwo! b lY p a bl a -rigs Oft Owner annual mad locations of all equipment pamm,m hn,tmcboks, photocells, etc. These amwiys doll entad am changes from conal documents and stall be dR by compesenl pMmmlPo provide the owner AM qualify dmJmw of With"at pmpctmmplefion. 1. The ConMd"r doth sexual am preseA to meoma eWc board iSw on'F prdM 0[Theo sting skr elebbiwlavwmanMpraject. TMoperaly imbudiom and cnWn nap»bmopuresonincluding shall lungdamage rypenillen tl»canyb of rystem operation, In syste am sharyaNgrdms keyedPopidentificationydams, mo stat ndudeNe heofe"Oemint ando ecogns y rwiren with trach pe» of suuipmend, Ma one cygof insWleach opdmwiy abound in a h Non data, Omwo inch W Irons stall be bouts i0 d M1ad eboard m trial of sIXUntl assistance ON Thepealect will notreceive opeirahngi ccemance dmBNMiacwnAvethe been received id by the dal maintenance brochures have born recdvetl ry the Oadner. H. Proven temporary ukm»ndw M mnstdkn am airing dsydems. 3.0 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A Tests: 1. Perform manage, resisanre(phase to Muse, phase Is groundand Around), and ground fault tests ofwinng and equipment: minimum results In accordance with NEC and nundure s'rammmendation 2. Adlvamantlte4Nepedarmanmmsystems. Minimum rewlb In opponents with manufacturer' remmmenmUms 3. Perform firms WuW by annual having jurisdiction and as required by Dlviam 1. d. Provide tape reports B. Element: 1. Advatelwm Wmtt da b A' tsaM reconnect um-mbaanm lofl0% between shows at pemlb dem 3.05 ADJUSMENT AND CLEANING A. Adjustment. 1. TI9Apinfaden ngdevmsbwmWumWrecmm W Torque requbemenk. 2. AlgnmWtabrenicellywdhonzMd B. CI»Ny 1. Remove foreign matter aid cam al wrfams. 3.0 IDEWIFK:NTION OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS: A Proven lwawp g q tasks wm rem Nay secured to medals WIN drOme Of dd55 YfEws Or all abnormal Mulpmnt. B. Provide Wmntthrol chouldd' d for brats c'reuit janeltW d5 -in eadWNersam*MmlbwN door. C. Pravminert dentiying MRnDanM above Writs eleMml have. D. Proven nwepWMA an mar m=dame inWdng 1. woredManuradarer 2. Address ofwmwdum 3. Cambgnmwer BASIC MATERIALS AND METHDDB PART I- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A Dn phmd$ydws ProviaesydemdMuipment amwap and Mby M ebcGal antl commu madons systems. 1.02 WALIfYASMMNGE: A. ApMlcade Arches NEC. B. ApowMe UL Standard; PM2-PROWCTS 2.01 WMWLS: A. Candui%: 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: Any product UL labeled are Intea err the schemes 2. Intermediate Metal Consult HoHlgWd galvanized steel, complete with one coupling and one end thread prOtedv. 3. Each Metallic Tubing: Weldedele tropivaniien INnwall deal tubing. d. Flexible Metal MntICdd Il WAlpnetl gavanlied steel strip core with'igl copper ground din. 5. Lq EtgM1I Flexible Mewl Ranked Cl HoldiF9ad galvanized steel stop care with exlmmd myram uckel and"integral peer ground was 6. Mod Nonmwllw ElMec lbmdull, Schedule 40 pDyWnyrownde, Non impact resbtaM 7. Elbows are Beam: a. Riga mmmwlk manuld mwms'. internandam metal Walu. b. Fiber Wrenn "sea rime mwnas As the catapult with watch Nay amimMled. C . ings:are lagssize,Merry mrxwdurod. S. Buchiys: a. 1-i14'eal Meller. hgMimpMMrm ngphrw 15MC., OUDGe*ey Tvye'M b.1NAF amImage Not dpped gavamed We berneschading pre ic'rsulekn, 1503C., C-LGedney Type B' 9. Wcknew a. 1-100mwakr Z'nc plated rearysrockstwl OLGedney. IsYandlarger'. udn=pWMmAWabWimn 0. GWwy. 10. Hubs. Cadmium plated mneme iron, tapered thmtl5, mWmm 'W nng, Insulated Mat, 0 Mai 11. EMT Compression Connecbm. Gland compression type me plated sleel body, cadmium plated, malleable iron cot lated threal OLGM Use for sees 1 d smaller 12.EMT.Set Screw Couplings ;Z plated stbody, cadmium ceded malleable ran screw, 0 LGetl ey. Use for 1-114 and tamer 13 Lqu tltghl Conduit Conwhos. CadniumpUW malleable icon body and nut, cadmium piston sora fermis, insulated that, imrymlly cad Wd lManual lug. GZIGedneY Type WL. 14.1ibraugh WallandRmrSnls'. MMleablemnbody, rMzedm»,»Ming Ng, Pr NWmpawdngs and sed' rig gmnmet, Mx how cap screws, OZlGetlray iyq F$K. 15. Fire Baas: a. Fd Until: Heat act ioWn nt N nal, elasWneric H»Iiy nog, 8orhet head cap screws, steel mwn dome and earoad OZ/Gedney Type CFSF. b Fa EmptySmves: Chase Foam Mae Technology. Inc. 16.EWBells flacteduffeed Mossback, Instaletl malleable ' n OLGod ey Type THS. U. Pin . Condumaredmaybushings wasM1en t. ual be cadmium plde malleable Mod ofse terms and dimensions best suited for the application. B. bores and Cedes: 1. Power; Fadaywlor cotled where available. a. Branch GrouR THHN't fol copper; 3WIr atW'Cr gM100ampemsandla88 b Feadem; %HHW, THHNRHM, 600 Volt copper, applied at 75 -Crating maximum. a Sizes: 1. 410andsmauer-s0ge. 21 pBaal lager-shonwd. 3, 912mmlmumforp r#14mmlmwftd nnl. d Cabr Cad'y'. I. MBYllmvAsy $ a. Photo A Buck b. Phan B -Red c. Pnw C BIW d Neubal-Whss An Ground Grem 2. Communua By Others, unless specrfied dbemiser In When Sections. Wk p: 1. Square D. a. Inde n: LD seems; Metall pupo». b Combat I sans; rain tight. 2 ASSMHted Brown SgWR D d best failure and dimenaw kr WMwbon. D. Pull find jabber boxes: 1. My UL al are lAed M the 4Mw2 2100 cubic inches crpacdy and smaller;as specified for V taxes and candi withblank Wvers. 3. Ordifir 100 cubic inchescapappy . Use g g l Added, with M9es WmedW Ford gNuArush moral yenamel for warfare mvmngrm tadrrykmck b. Fiat Ne. 12 pugs sendmnmm mmmnda caw' covers Sizes I n accordance wall He damings and Me NEL. a. Rated NEMA 1 am 12 inedwr and used NEW M ere d ede*P in derip and matin ns F Cabinets. 1. FrrmrebWrka a. Same manuadumrae pamlbmd; evelaeddmedgee turned to receive into. 1. Code gaugegalvedmd area kr flush program 2Ctl A9P'id dual wmounting. b. Trumpiddoork: fumbler rnde gauge steel Mod allow hinged door Ash Wmbler lack am come keyecalNe throughoutmearook. 1, Flush dapminimumW4iWM4.WM.aOd SAN 2. Subnet 2. Other P a a sear all elecMralequpmenty as but not mited to conmdarsrotors controls metal etc Same as form"elboards. a ProvitlastedbadoMeskrr nhMMulpmnt Whom requken. b Pmvitle314'nchplyw"MbaNboatlkrmlepM1 mounted 3. Rated NEW l kteMmnd mtetl NEMA3RMerclerior, mmporwxilcaabm. G. Outlet Bax»: AWIdW EMd Compal Flush mounted awl boxes; Standard d ped galvanized stnl won begins malW k W ckdlk, one piece and will Matmc6M. H. Wiring waker I. Specifical grader Hubbell.A Hm. Pass S Seymour. Levron 2. Switches 20 amp 1202Tz/ 3, Receptacles, 20 amp. Twins, 3 Are dWlex grounding Prov tle G FI C devws wfiw requited by Once financing Kitchens, bare, toilem mot and worker Imwfiond 4. Coverplates: a. Ulorshallbeasnweonmepansor lfnmsho is diTdedbylheam iWa b. Coverytaln'dmll be sYv'Ne»wdin klcMWdM Mr ea 6. Milch tlenW wlorOwverpmra 6 Multi Multi a. Ponsedd Pingmdd2W0w*s.Mwim,ammul b. Single grounding recipients 10'ec creta. LumnsandragamOnglasighteasinownted. it Au req �. canstrairms 1. Distributor parneloodards'. Mannuflectursaffirl as shown on the drawings or in the rase of eusdng panels match the existing. b. Thus phase"line addn la sign with s mad bussing and all wpaM neutral. c. Maybe scheduled lmnelbmrd armd b m. d Provi*pdnea. a. ProVlm main toga only unions scheduleduand. ». I, separate ground bwown wM1etluktl. g. Provide matter bwang wMhALC. mtlys As shown an the suwmgs. 2. Branchcmutpand ard Manufachuredinnodela howa on the drawings or in the case of expandpanels , atch the existing. b. Them phase 4 wand sold resuffiffil desire with sequence bussing andOtl capacity neutral Upper bussing Only. Me creculd brekem cordis a sued circuit ratingas dwxn nthe malleable M in the 1 ad isnot stare request, in among. Mm the engineer the proper va uepnorro bis dw. The mntmcwr snailbe requires, at no Win express, ea replace any pmdkads,ry hg»r or bmakers xfidl do ml meal the available bull tuR d Physics catnw. e. Pmvwe win hall Why Mum the panel SmMe ready fir Sky secondary dao-ansMmararscheduled aNerwi». L PmvMe sMa ground WS All scheduled. g. Physics semmteiswted Amum We when www1 3. CireWb=kers: a. Resellable.quick-make, quick -break, bobin Mw type, We with separate trip position lrommand ea Examine D. Multiple pole breakers with common Mp and one operating handle. a Do not provide handle ties. d Wire with sequence phasing J. Disconnects'. 1. Henry tluty, quickmke Wabmk,Nmry rmted 2. NEMAludmrs NEMA3RouMoorswMw» OM M1ubo 3. Same mnwWrer aspanelb"ards. K Fusa; 1. Provde Mal fuWe equipment and dows maturing will 2. A Made ManWMNnvs: a. Sussman 0 Litlemse c Ferraz Shawmut 3. Ratings: a. 6th A and edger, Gass L, mnent LmIAy. D. NOW beds up to 6lNA; May RK -1. duals wL wr iimmg. c. Lighting fixtures; UR or GUS par manufactures reoornmMations. a Ewnd Light Paw, KTK who an HES style in We waterproof holder and heal. e. Up to DNA modem Gass J. L Supporug Dual MMM. 1. Conl'im us aoma channel: 12 gauge cad. eecV WaNZW, wan SimdNmte. Wso dM dimensions as required Or watched. 2. HanWRotaOmimuousthmd,dKtmlalvan'NmmMmate,woasMuimdrorloadaimWsed. 3. HexnesecapscrewsaMnue No.li113and No.IL11d 4. p oWplppstmMl Sen95H5100o atcanizedsted. S. Single beft chawlMPo shops: Steel, with mawmB edmv are red, Bells G105 and Series 6106. 6. My -In Mee Myer: SodM G149. T Caduil and PCs hmpr Series 61. S. Guam Camps: Sells NO, RC. EC am PCM amtcetlons. 9. Cm dem n»S, Wet Same D 256 or No. 6255. 10Contacts inserts channel: Bends DAB) W Bends D-986 1 1 National: Se*aC2ID. 12. Cabkwpports OLGWmy Type S. PART3.EKECUTIM 3.01 INSTALUMN: A condom 1. Far Feeder around. a. Install lM MoW mesal small in damp andwin ImMom,In and elepiscaleaalwhereoms in mewamml dna electrical equipment mom. D. Install Oxide cowl c M 1 where permitted by May authoritieshaving junadictingths of stifed. Use Iu btght flexible metal conduit in dump and wet l t ns. 2. For Drefiner curcuds. a. Install mormakdow raffin condul in damp and wed Imak s inconcrete slabs and Or same 2112income am edger, A. Install OWW lmtallie Tubing f - Tones are smaller where Once ked bybuilding structure. c. Install fervor metal mal J ALI permitted by aU dtl6 having lunedN' wth$0 six net U» Lqu Mgt nimble muffin coMulln dump are wel locations. 3. ForWMdkedersaalbmM omik lnWiIIPVC iw WWd metal wall for bends greater Man SO D am where med. Wrap wlen metal persons with etaleA'cba»mea, uttd Jeppegie distance 6 des beyond metl. Ed 1. I Minimum mM azo'. e FC 20amplyMandg rWnMdmubl 1. ND. I2AWG 2 12W longer Nan W feet are 277V kersper Man to fed Mmfirslda*Itopaml: Nato AWG 3. 12W longer man 120 but and ONIonger Nan 200bd Mum Mat WNW topenel: No BAWG Is . Ogwr traits siutl m this vdtage drop pe NEC, u Cantml Wlnng: ND.I4AWG,unlwdremnm spri 2 S. lowireandsmaller. CmnMnim aping connectors. tmimto at terminal cape. 3. ND.8win antl larger: Omnw are lemimle with above pWfied GZ/Ged m ado wen idevers or who Lber allvinyl WSWehalf l Pw d to possum a eIca I Imwa - are. M 4. Thrin es hold p Mag 'ndred cove apecMW tl cadmium Wll and hundred boxes and pandificer C. Outlet Boxes: 1. In ceilings provide d0 are 40D boxer. Omit mvers d da mare mnlpy and device Pates endr* cover the ailing opening. 2. For exposed work, at wet lomfims, and Man in non waterproofed walls Wow grade Mom FS and FD boxes. 3. Size special boxes far Wool deWces and apMmr sn acceptance with N.E.C. 4. Install outlet barrels finished to within 10OffinAW Wham 5. Install center of boxes at heights above finished Mor: a. ConveniencereceWides-18indes)A.DA) b. ggh(Swiams-4e lnahwpkDA) c. Other- As scheduled and nota. S. Group networks Chios with demanded Indicatedup the drawlins. Grouping of Mmmns a. a iMiW or at oho dAtlon if songeormultnwnsiMimM. TM maximum wmmrd *as A New WON mea In any one mndul MNl be icon he six. 7. DD not provlm through J t wall and back to back boxes. 0. Panrtm wnmd rmnuMduned plugs in unused openings Of boxes; 9. Provim box» at the mrminal of conduit runs to outlets and tlevis». 10. Propose Plaster rings and covers where required by the Wilding wudum I LPmvke Ad IoM Arms and lighting fixture Wet boxes where shop drawings of fixtures wal el»where as may be requiredforrtes. 0. pre lis M 1. Preside mmlb»ds of Iyer; and Wall mnedwed where indicamend. 2 Provide flush and surface mounted types w MIM"W d scheduled. 3 crovide cabinets Movide multi motioncob' l ficaurnall and scheduled. 4. For eWWer m me bu Mng structure, iMWmmnt of ratswaya 5Ill nips al B am O inches above nmsbea cod. 6 Insall panelb»Ns in cabal centered In door ouniys. 7. Protide ldenfifiwfim. E. Diameter'. I. Porn*dsmernasiW= anaasrequrodby NEC. 2 Provide fidentificatione indming Mums of supply F. End 1. NI electoral broods shall be teen the appropenste NEMAwp endwre. Noopentmeaev»svnllbe allowed G. &u i g0e las: 1. Sarcurryfastan and supponcdduikaal ucamysWM valued stdure as mMrM by the NEC are local autlwnfles. Suspend taizowl cons of conduits are »ways Men the Boor are roof mretclbn by red hangers sewn 10 mel or dee ec centonM dzea2 Minn and singer. Supped because are ratswo, Aman 3punt of Won and of each Lana, of Won termaation am at other dual m maintain hMzomal and worked agrvnenl Mhoul said and deformation. Do NO use cable, shop and wire uyers and fawners for support mum 2 Instal supports m permit equally distributed expansion and W grawec of steel and m»ways with expansion jank. U» guldnd manes and U kits and anchors designed amounted effectiveness for WIN longitudinal and 3. DD not supped conduits and re»ways from Mupmnt M' 4. Prance angle Iron and channel so papers m We Am and MOW forpanedboads catnw pullandlunctec boxes Supped independently from enteringwnduik are raceways. GRWNMNG PAU1-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTMIN: A. Pmvke cirur am steel em m, am Mupment RxwNgj par the NEC and UL. 1.0 JMCONWIONS- A. PMed personnel surrounding surfaces and finishes, and equipment Mum damage we te heat generated during making upofMachine g d9 am shoos. B. Mn dreg red noend Washe me with an who test model and -cal additional ground rods and used noted as rem iron run May assistance he ground is less than five ONMSto gm w. PART2.PRWUmS 2.01 MATERMLS: A. GrouMing Eled , 314 inch diameter, 10 ke11MDh steel ma and eledrdNie harewd cower exterior by Copeamale Or 1hgwon Lightning Pppidlon Inc B. CWneabons. 1. In inaccessible locations ane for buried gmuntl cods are cable use Caawed thermal fusion pipe connalons designed for the application or solaesess pressure connectors 2 In maintenance Dual ocal soldeamem pressure conneuiM amended ed the specific apPlation. C. GrauM-ng Canduwn. 1. EguiMMand Enclosures: BrmoWmLw Mherd *concessions, slieflr NEC. 2 CussukarmSystrarre'. Gwn,insulamd,TyN1 HN/THWN, mppar75 b gr»s C, sae per N EC. D. GrouMEMancemenlM"W ERICOMe 01 MUcls MOD modure of concrete and eledncel wnmwre malerul. PART 3-E%ECMON 3.01 PREPARATION A Pre rafiWdSuStse OWansudamEwhch mndl W 9 m cmnaclbn am to be tenor Rwno»pint, wet gma»,ere tayuer E W hogs m brv¢ metdl. SAW INSTALLATXIN A. Preace a peparnent ground path from all panelboards Mum Me poled Of dismount using an satiated equipment gmmmy cWnudm, sized per NEC mole 25)122. At the pointofa%dWMn mored all ground connotations Wgemer along with all disnibutlm equipment word buses and tie Oa dnvw ground rod and to builnag as set each in NEC 250 and IoW trees. System grounding mM Ann shall Nwed Per NEC able 25066. B. Insall ground Ades in condub above gm* or airewy W*tl In all ma depth of not less Nan Ur tese gentle. InsMIIaODn he provide suffil mchaniW schemes an as net W brea k ground cables Or connections. C. Instau ran d d tl between eri e 9 Splices e u Ire Ams, h d beech P P M plans Where g lel p m gbA Iles buildings,t. when M1 1 metallic awards swasle f 3pmavod manhimotaismal D. At each convenience add install grounding clip a W W Me outlet box and leave a sufficient length of#12Are dm green -wand insulation he mooed to the MuMing terminal at the receptaGe. 3.0 TESTS A. Pedder ground led resistance last all an sparked ground field resiwae meter by Biddle or Awciapid Rewrch. Tern rasdk in secondaries with N.E.C. Minimum requirement. SN AWUSTMEM A Prolan wiffilonal ground tons as required m obtain N.E.C. mmmumadree b OGHTING PARTI GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. Provide and Model all lighfiy fixWm,Idmps, Al and Samurai are Ighingmntral switches and systems. B. NI IgM fixtures and lamps shal be' wined by be Conhoalm, The Cot dor shall has responsble Re r"lyra"g d insuring all quantifies of lamps are light fixe C. RekrtoNe Light Fare Schedule enthedmwngsM mrd tadumrmbIN numbers and tlmrnpWns. D. The contractor shell verazill quantities bdore omering any IiAhtfxtures. E Leper designation heads outlet symbob W Vg drasup covices are WnnMted by law vdwe are line wtlage wring. The general oparetlon of lghfng are con IW Wads nil includy Interfor o0hiq:Manual swadia eM M r awe aV Scheduled I M»a Toe can. time arc by automatic time what with alter hour override camWityam sWbN. Exterser fighfiM:Premcall or astmmmic manimedt time ONphdatsll Or nirommic ON E Mr eewnN lNff ne, Mounter or aslrrcxx"ic on, plmla»IIwastrmamicd 203 FIXTURE LABELING: A. A119xhroa shall be moldy labeled Or May moral warnings of lams m match Ili wafta0e of M lanes desienaled in the fi81M schedule. PANT 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PMPARATNIN: A. VerAy mliq brown amalg L Inspect installed relm mwmmN Or Owes Wal m quality ye executiond wVN. B. Layout exactldalp of -in amommancewanrall calling pane fieMeP and scaffichal after boxes are wppm3. C. Pmvae Other boxes are dual D. Provide argumen te hadware to support Owes and outlet Ways from shadow. Oa Net support tram sally systems. 3.02 NSTALLATIM: A. Provide lobbing fiends, amps, swlAae and m systems, and wiring. B, 11 msignation o"RetlW arowingo"We um type III amp" in makes Of tanner usage. C. Provide spacers M fWures mm=a pilaw den" cdling mate*I. D. Provide plaster tames for reseed fixtures In plaster railings. E. ImWll fixtures in and on acoustical tile parody in alignment AM his lamb. F. Input fixtures in fiber dewing and fmmb0ad re outlet boxes and openings will ml be sig hr exposed. G. Paint below and Mm required m be us VON H. Cutlet box because an dzvange are it agrammthc mly. Portion outlet boxes m concise wed aUspenSUn nange5 and knackouto I. ImWll in awoww with mal We ILegal sWd lldate and mtalls W the dual J. All swinfor Iguy dull beinstalled with wiringswirched Sam phW limbss DthemiwnoWd. Referm Nchipiduml ekvatlWS Re epd counting locations. K. Renin dM, grew and foreign mwrieIs from fixtures. Remove fingerprint, smudges and did from mwree lenses and amps, 0 2' 4' 8' k1ir t M engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. 4565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec. cam 1 972.387.3500 FO%FIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ods Gvaas oe.>:savecs a carvnucTam 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 VJW WMIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM W W cV I- C) V/ O 00 W0 �U \Z LLJ CWr-�k/ Q 0 WW_ Lo 5 0 70 L0 VES pmJed number 210212 Shall Nae: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Shcet number: Hill 020M Urlual Energy SolNions, Inc. respond to letter designations in the fight Aare&MANS. F. At IF fixtures shall be propend Installed wmgeay Amid EMERGENCY LIGHT AND ROWER SYSTEMS social acces»*eswr azslWeNib krrws»tl fixturessdnand mounting brackets. 440.71. GENERAL 1.02 DUALITYASSURANCE', 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A Maurice Quality Cerebral err. A. system based 'alMauaubery 1. T kW IUal standTeMiartls. amidaerosoltgM and Mason s a UMdry 2. Tenard Electrical Telling LaboramnesbmealCRM. Teregmlmlgetlrgfia ou battery and cbaryerequRmM&upMYly urJlmounand wnaaM;. remove lamps B. Rekrence SantlaNs: 1.02 SUBM17ALS 1. Ce d ballasts Swwdurars(CSM) Awctabon A, Provide Manufacturers banch ging wmporenls sizes pumps and Mae% mmdna mPd coo and many and electrical narrow WMCJlon eagmm mOONg, occult cordart antl"g^ te & dfi ythas;sMase, 2. measuremmeasuremmeasurementbdaMie ent La, lm(U.LJ handing, mediator and testing instructions 1.03 SUBMMM: 1.0 WARMN7 A. Shop Drar5y5 and Real Dopy : A. Batteries Tenwars l'mled. 1. Shop Drowkgs'. L"sshMngfotumaMbwb PART2 PRODUCTS dimensions and whas. mounting and wi*q royal 2O1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 2. Pro NO Manu br goal maWmft, fnimms storage A dry d cod' slalUfi q Dual Lite,Inc Emrdifte,aedine, Calends. onsifful lampsdwor too lumen disposal 202 MATERMLS. hdrs, mantenance*0eWo test coalficienb of A, All Mupment and Aaree wal he U.L deme. utfildeffier and assume of ranpliMts with Merence B. All bryp atleand devices shall have MOermst selected to standards . W519)minuteSd Wnt0UW50pemfirn. B Carlptw. PARi3-EX-E%ECUIgN ECa1 1. U labels stakes be models. 3.01 NbTAWnM: 2. For ballasts UL andE.TL labels. C. Ops t n and Maintenance NO: A. Install battery tack-up miss le light ft lom if non source supplied with was 'refund! 1. Wnufadurersreplamm i"Mlm B. Install unitary BgmpmMt per manufacturers instructions. 2. Manulaclurers InsWctlons Or re tamping, cleaning and repayment pare installation indrtions. c. Test wirer accordance with manubcWrers raommenmtlecs and Emergency Lighting Manufacturers AppeAppearancekNU' W MAT 2. PRODUCTS gultlellnes. 201 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS'. A bd 0 schedule and AM =Wads 2.02 MAMMALS: EWW WNDUITS S M A Lamps: 1. WmWumW Genaral scan, Phillipa, Osram, Sylvania PAU1 GENERAL 2, IWanms Inside ksiM, 130 volts d saes 1.01 DESCRIPTION arMwdL A. Provide Dry equator and Wl adds boxes caxmk, 3. FMmscent amid mymflnqd boards and supports Or Mum inWilmkn a Energy sang twe ddw added antl W%Wm wiring are telephones eY bore b. OF Wmm'. Equal O Sylvania, OwonW 32 ware T8 WWMne company am Names telephone Mulpmnt d. High lMso DSMaW: wapplar. a. PhosMKK wale a. B. Follow al l lwphom dmpam rewimmw. b. Select proal Warwng WMfiW and vothi PART2-PRMUMS: c. MercuryVapor: Deluxe WhM. 2,01 MATERIALS: a. Mewl Hali*: Super SMI Aso and BedextlydshN A. Provide Grounding as requiretl. where avaidabhe. B, Praise Terminal Mounting Boards; 4 bel x 8 kis x 314 inch 5. L wlWwinwnmsW G. E. MR-160d'stn N painwdpN*Wd.(malkrilrequ Wbywlephwspmi*r) wheddec. PARI3-E%fCUTWN B. Below 101 PMPARAnON L Flubduckint A' CwM nate with deal WWMm bre»m. Obmrn am submit Elecbcnkwhh law than 20 percent Mod harmonic BeFwntlen appanval balers DrM Gy_ mwkgw Mint When with greater or equal m O.oB S. Layout exact loraBom of oullw wbnw are bade. b. VdtagB required M application 3'03 NSTAL M a UL Class P. where not We ilable pmi&dual ¢demand IViw A. Provide system ofMpty wndub wllh pull OMs' pull and a Sourdwng A Hendon Door and WOO bore binds and lemma mounting tocols inaroaaz waN'nsul wuiwM e. Advance Gmeml Electro Sylvania Westinghouse.. dm"Wed respewve$ea6omaMNEC. ProddealWeat 2 HIAA intensity DSMaW: duplex rwVi uta telophone moecbg board. a. High power factor B. PmvS M uMergmuna NepMm service enhonce. b. Vdwe required M estimation C. Install ouflw at folmwly wvatlon5 above fashei BMs0 c. Lee nai»type untordbox» Of Slating 0-20°F 1. Sandal laimm e. ReMAyan male ademal dmWMmM ftmi 2. Wall backer-40lnc end f Merwry Vapor amMetal Halide. Constant wWWge 3, Abo bate oplm dlnm 4 nous aumtranskmer(CWA) sam, 0, Provide 10 Mconduit No mains hour ground Assume g High Pnwre Sodium: Auloregused type. Sam man" bodephismays srents entrance Malls. C. A can'. Manuaduorsdanmw moul OR, Mm F. Tag rem of pull acres going Wmsne Manuasanon flanges Myer Who spacers scow* plaster framed numbers. non ermwmwsialorUMumplWSwal. Dondw p In Wall but MtneB. D. Lighting Cecil panel (for pmgds Order Nan 5,000 SF) a. temconudingd mlayiwmr floselm, wentool saffichark euupam sensors success am DMrbmbl aevitse. ma 0 2' 4' 8' k1ir t M engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. 4565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec. cam 1 972.387.3500 FO%FIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ods Gvaas oe.>:savecs a carvnucTam 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 VJW WMIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM W W cV I- C) V/ O 00 W0 �U \Z LLJ CWr-�k/ Q 0 WW_ Lo 5 0 70 L0 VES pmJed number 210212 Shall Nae: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Shcet number: Hill 020M Urlual Energy SolNions, Inc. EXISTING STORE ROOM 0 1 I LA -34 WP/GFI LA -19/21/23 YOGA O = 1'-0" TOUCH PANEL MC BY RECHSCM SECURE M RPE AND PONT BLACK. J-B)X COhNPIAE OND CLAMP PROMDED BY 012TRNW. CONTRACTOR AND PA71ED BUCK STRAP/CHIP IS TO BE MOUNTED ABOVE BOX COMER LIEF. BLACK DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED ON BACK SDE OF N. EXTERIOR LOCATIONS SN41. BE GF.C.I. TYPE RECEPTACLE WH YEATERFROOF IN -USE COVERS l l PENDANT MOUNTED TV DETAIL SCALE: NTS ImI DISPLAY O 9'-O"AFF STRENGTH ©® FL — LA -16 D 2 DISPLAY O 9'-0"AFF 77 u O LA -25 LA 38/ +a4^ LA- _ shwr. 51 )IO/VIDEO -- A-3 IIPMENT CABINETT LA-35 LA -25 +60" 71 CONTRACTOR) BOTTOM OF BOR TO BE Y FROM END OF PIPE DD NOT TWO BOLT. (SCRIPT MOUNTED CLOUT CAN B: IP TO S AYWY FROM BOTTOM OF M Shwr. 771 X1 Blow" a @I%C!)W INDICATES 0 ♦ :l �� mm ISIISIMTCH L7 6 All -34 WP/GFI LA -13/15/17 SPIN 41l 41L_ DISPLAY O 1J 9'-0"AFF LA -18 LA - USE IPAD+13"AFF I F INDICATES n r�SWITCH FOR SWITCHED RECEPTACLE M2"AFF FAN ,N, FOR FIXTURE TYPE "R1" RestrI W 1 ResO m GENERAL NOTES A REFER TO ARCHITECTS DEVILS AND PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL FIXTURES AND DEVICES PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. B. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ALL RECEPTACLES SHOWN ARE NEW. VERIFY ALL NEW RECEPTACLE CONFIGURATIONS AND LOCATIONS WITH RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT PROVIDER OR MANUFACTURERS' PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. C. REFER TO MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. COORDINATE PROVISIONS FOR ALL CONTROL CONDUIT AND WIRING AS REQUIRED FOR INTERLOCKING OF FANS, MOTORS, ETC. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. D. COORDINATE IN FLOOR DEVICES AND CONDUIT ROUTING FOR SAME WITH ESTNG CONDITIONS AND ALL OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCnON. EXISTING SLAB TO BE X-RAYED AS REQUIRED TO AVOID ANY GONFUCTS OR DAMAGE TO EMSTING SLAB. NOTIFY ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICT OR DISCREPANCY. E PROVIDE POINT OF SALES CIRCUIT WITH SEPARATE, DEDICATED GROUND AND NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS. DO NOT SHARE OR 'DAISY -CHAIN' THESE CONDUCTORS WITH ANY OTHER CONDUCTORS. F. ALL RECEPTACLES TO BE MOUNTED HORIZONTALLY U.N.O. ALL CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLES TO ALSO RAVE USE PORT. G. ALL ELECTRICAL SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND FACEPLATES TO BE BLACK WHERE LOCATED IN TRACK PAINTED WALLS IN SPIN & STRENGTH. ALL OTHER SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND FACEPLATES TO BE WHITE H. WRAP ALL BACK BOXES AT DEMISING WALLS WITH ACOUSTIC PUTTY. 10 DISPLAY O ---, 7'-41AFF Lobby E. POWER NOTES BY SYMBOL 1(,i>1 1. PROVIDE A FLUSH MOUNTED 2 -GANG FLOOR BOX FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION WITH TWO (2) DUPLEX RECEPTACLES AS MANUFACTURER BY WIREMOLD. THE TOP OF THE COVER SHALL BE FLUSH WITH THE FLOORING. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL DEPAIL 2. INDICATES PENDANT SUPPORT MOUNTED DATA/POWER RECEPTACLE FOR PENDANT MOUNTED T.V. SEE DEFAIL THIS SHEET. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DEFALS FOR MOUNRNG REQUIREMENTS. 3. PROVIDE A 48"X48"3/4"D FIRE RATED PLYWOOD BACKBOARD. AT THE TOP OF THE PLYWOOD, PROVIDE 1/4"X3"X10" COPPER GROUND BAR WITH ASSOCIATED WALL MOUNT BRACKETS AND PRE -TAPED HOLES. PROVIDE A #6 GROUND WIRE JUMPER FROM THE GROUND BAR TO THE TELE/DATA EQUIPMENT. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT WITH OWNERS TELECOMMUNICATION PROVIDER PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. 4. PROVIDE REMOTE GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTING DEVICE FOR EACH INACCESSIBLE GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE. THE GROUND FAULT SHALL BE READILY ACCESSIBLE. 5. PROVIDE A 120 VOLT HARD WIRED CONNECTION TO CEILING MOUNTED FAN. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FANS. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED CONTROL WIRING. 6. PROVIDE A RECEPTACLE FOR THE AROMA FRAGRANCE THERAPY. VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION IN THE FIELD WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. 7. RECEPTACLE SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW SINK TO POWER AUTOMATIC SINKS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. 8. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET. 9. OUTLETS MOUNTED ON WALL ABOVE EXISTING STORE FRONT. 10. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF OUTLET WITHIN THE DESK WITH MILL WORKER AND ELECTRICIAN. 11. COORDINATE LOCATION OF (4) QUAD RECEPTACLES. SEE ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. 12. INTERLOCKED WITH LIGHTS IN SAME ROOM. SEE E7.1. 13. SHOW WINDOW RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT TO BE WIRED THROUGH TIME CLOCK. LA -10 Ir <�tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmee.com 1 972.387.3500 EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM 0 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. even. osveinssassmmwaaas 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTION$.COM w LU XA N ®' co 00O Vro W O �U Z LLI Z4 Uj > O 1110 CO CO 2 L O co M .A WheaYRv (i m c `�D Q�NSS 9 MEM VES project number: 210212 sheet Ntle: ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN AND NOTES sheet number: E1.0 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. TYPICAL J L1 T -BB LA3q J wbk ,-T-12B 11-11.13 STRENGTH F-3 Imi ImI ImI ImI ImI ImI wbm T -12B LAI w®q �-5 k,m wb ,m YOGA +P1 wap X1 wbk .. .. T -12B imilimmmilimi • ! IM IM41=1IMI wbk T -12B LAI T -12B EM . l -1 I I I I r-(5)1 1 1 1 EM Cl " 3 EXISTING LAI O 1 STORE ROOM F1 D1� ® © D1® LA -5w -1I -A-1 3 w-1 2 SM1wr. ®Di SM1wr. �1 +P1 lltlLL�� an -1 w 1 LJ LA -5 L w-1 E LA- LIP _AI F1 _AA TAM w-1[ w5 LAI IfEWMH01 GENERAL NOTES A SEE THE GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING E3.0. B. SEE THE UGHTING FIXTURES AND UGHTING CONTROL SCHEDULE ON DRAWING E2.0 & E3.0. C. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT FIXTURE LOCATIONS. D. NEW LIGHTING CIRCUITS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING PANELBOARD W. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE E. ALL ELECTRICAL SWITCHES, OUTLETS AND FACEPLATES TO BE BUCK WHERE LOCATED IN BLACK PAINTED WALLS IN SPIN & STRENGTH. ALL OTHER SWITCHES, DUTIES AND FACEPLATES TO BE WHITE LAI T -12B EM D1 Di ® �1 RCoom Restroom �( O T43W LIGHTING NOTES BY SYMBOL 'I 1. ALL NEW EXIT SIGN AND EMERGENCY BATTERY LIGHT FIXTURES SHAL BE CIRCUITED TO THE CIRCUIT SERVING THE ROOM/AREAS AHEAD OF ANY SWITCHES OR OCCUPANCY SENSORS. THESE DEVICES SHALL BE POWERED AT ALL TIMES. 2. PROVIDE A 4—POLE LIGHTING CONTACTOR TO CONTROL THE EXTERIOR RETAIL SIGN. 3. PROVIDE A DIGITAL ASTRONOMICAL TIME CLOCK FOR CONTROL OF THE LIGHT CONTACTOR, THE CLOCK SHALL BE CAPABLE OF KEEPING PROGRAMMING AT LEAST 10 HOURS ON LOSS OF POWER. 4. PROVIDE A 120 VOLT POWER CONNECTION TO THE EXTERIOR SIGN. CONNECT TO THE CIRCUIT INDICATED VIA THE LIGHTING CONTACTOR. SEE KEYED NOTE 2 THIS SHEET. INSTALL DISCONNEC SWITCH AT EXISTING CANOPY STRUCTURE COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD FOR REMOVABLE CAPS IN TOP OF THE EXISTING CANOPY WHERE CONDUIT MUST BE STUBBED UP. 5. LIGHT FIXTURE 01I TO BE HARD WIRED TO J—BOX. 6. EXHAUST FANS TO BE SWITCHED WITH LIGHTS. 7. ALCOVE SIGN LIGHT TO BE POWERED BY RECEPTACLE. REFER TO POWER PLAN FOR CIRCUIT NUMBER. B Bi"Ww�m SENSOR LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MODEL NUMBER $011104 LINE VOLTAGE, DUAL TECHNOLOGY MSD -PDT iR AUTOMATIC -ON, WALL MOUNTED CL1 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK VACANCY SENSOR PLD120 WH MEL (SEE NOTE 5) 971 Lu LOWVOLTAGE, DUALTECHNOLOGY #CM -PDT -O OB CEILING MOUNTED. STANDARD RANGE CL2 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK (1,000 SQ FT) SENSOR PLD240 WH (SEE NOTES 4 5 8 6) XX LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH FOR CONTROL iP=1-POLE #: SPOD 300W,2.5A OF CEILING MOUNTED SENSORS (SEE NOTES 4,586) 2P=2 -POLE#: sPOD D =DIMMER#:sPODD POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK PLD300 WH LOW VOLTAGE CEILING MOUNTED #CM -PC DS DAY LIGHTIPHOTOCELL SENSOR LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 360W,3.OA (SEE NOTES T) ® 1. MODEL NUMBERS ARE BASED ON SENSOR SWITCH, INC. (LEVITON, LUTRON AND WATTSTOPPER ARE APPROVED EQUALS) 2. COORDINATE FINISHES WITH CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ORDERING. 3. COORDINATE LOCATION OF OCCUPANCY SENSORS IN FIELD TO MAXIMIZE DEVICE RANGE FOR PROPER OPERATION. 4. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED POWER PACKS (NOT SHOWN) WITH THE CEILING MOUNTED SENSORS. VERIFY TYPES AND QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER. 5. OCCUPANCY SENSORS SHALL FUNCTION AS AUTOMATIC ON AND OFF. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT WIRING REQUIREMENTS WITH THE MANUFACTURER, PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. 7. THE DAYLIGHT SENSOR SHALL BE WIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ROOM SWITCHINGICONTROLS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALIBRATE THE SENSOR TO MEET THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER LIGHT LEVELS. D1 J'1 wia oT-8W A w-1 ® Qif LA -1a TYPICAL CURRENT LIMITER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION EXISTING $011104 N LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM SPRINKLER 11 CL1 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK ROOM PLD120 WH '^ U) OR WHITE FINISH 971 J'1 wia oT-8W A w-1 ® Qif LA -1a TYPICAL CURRENT LIMITER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION RATING CAT# N LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 120W,1.OA PLD120 BK CL1 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK C'4 PLD120 WH '^ U) OR WHITE FINISH D Lu O LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 240W,2.DA PLD240 BK CL2 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK PLD240 WH OR WHITE FINISH W LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 300W,2.5A PLD300 BK CL3 POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK PLD300 WH OR WHITE FINISH LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 360W,3.OA PI SK ® POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK FILLING WH OR WHITE FINISH LYTESPAN TRACK LIGHTING SYSTEM 48OWAOA PLD480 BK © POWER TRIP PLUG-IN BREAKER BLACK 0 PLD480 WH OR WHITE FINISH NOTES: 1. SNAPS INDIRECTLY TO POWER TRIP CONNECTOR KIT. 2. COORDINATE FINISHES WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDERING. j�A I k1liirtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr.#565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. vcxePs. vsys�nssPs.swmwc�aas VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM VES project number 210212 sheet 5tle: ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN AND NOTES sheet number: E1.1 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. W W N H C'4 ® ' '^ U) (] 00 D Lu O ::)U Z W Z4 >U CO ... 2 Lo 0 co LJO VES project number 210212 sheet 5tle: ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN AND NOTES sheet number: E1.1 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE TYPE MANUFACTURER VOLTAGE LAMPS # OF LAMPS TOTAL WATTS DESCRIPTION N T LITHONIA VA 'DARE - CONDUIT ©' PANEL "X" 2-X 4' SUSPENDED LED PRISMATIC TROFFER WITH 4000 LUMENS AND ELECTRONIC F1 #2ALL4-CTRF40L-GZ10-LP830 120 LED ARRAY 32 DIMMING DRIVER. PENDANT MOUNT FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE. N LOBBY (SEE NOTE 1) 120 663 p Z4 1 A BRD-WH-C Xl2+#12G-3PC. STANDARD COLORS: 1Q0 PTAR MAHA RAN E 30" LED PENDANT DRUM LIGHT WITH ELECTRONIC DRIVER VERIFY PENDANT Pi RL2600-30-NT-(SEE 120 LEO ARRAY 3T LENGTH WITH THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO ROUGHEN. 3 &-27K-DTR-2800LE NOTED (SEE NOTED 1 & 3) 0 2H2+p1ZG-34'C. BE NO LESS THAN 1 INCH IN HEIGHT 3. IN LED OF THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT MARKING AS REQUIRED 120 N PIN 109 P2 EGLO LIGHTING120 U HTIN TREN 1H LED I A19 1 g I6" DIA. PENDANT MOUNTED MONOPOINT WITH DIMMABLE LED BULB. VERIFY N2719A - WHITE (SEE NOTES 1 & 4) BACKGROUND. THIS LABEL SHALL AM INCLUDE THE DATE OF THE CALCULATION. 6 2112+k12G-34'C. 380 PENDANT LENGTH WITH THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO ROUGHEN. U BR PT PIN EGLO LIGHTING120 A q A RN -1 3145 IV DIA. PENDANT MOUNTED MONOPOINT WITH DIMMABLE LED BULB. VERIFY P3 N2719A - BLACK (SEE NOTES 1 & 4) 7 LED /A19 1 g PENDANT LENGTH WITH THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO ROUGHEN. 120 HALO R 3720 9 B 10 2#12+#123-34'C, 900 120 R D1 #H `T-TCP-LEDI4-DR-5627K 120 LED I A19 1 9 4" LED DOWNLIGHT WITH DIMMABLE LED BULB 3150 (SEE NOTE 1) 3 91UG-1'C. 13 A 14 X12+#123 -34'C. Boo lao R 4120 LED ROPE LIGHT. WRAP ROPE LIGHT AROUND THE EDGE OF THE SIGNAGE ALCOVE 16 Xl2 #123 -NCC. 360 120 R PTAR MAFRA RA E R 4120 17 C 10 2#12+p1ZG-36'C. 720 120 1 R PT U H&IPAD MAXIMUM BEHIND THE FRONT DESK (APPROXIMATELY 20' IN LENGTH). WRAP ROPE LIGHT RI T.B.D. 120 LED ARRAY 3W/FOOT AROUND EDGE OF SPIN PLATFORM (APPROXIMATELY IT IN LENGTH). SEE SHEET A 20 2#12 AM -319C. 900 120 A102 FOR DETAIL. COORDINATE MOUNTING WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 4120 PHILIPS-LIGHTOLIER 22 2#12+p12G-34'C. 180 120 R 4120 23 C PENDANT MOUNTED B' OF SINGLE CIRCUIT TRACK WITH 15 WATT LED HEADS REFER TABIYY TRACK:#602NWH & NBK, POWER TRIP 6099 120 LED SEE PLANS i5W PER TO DWG AND CURRENT LIMITER SCHEDULE. SEE SHEET A102 FOR TRACK HEAD CURRENT LIMITER: #PLDXXX WH & BL HEADS: A 25 FOR HEADS HEAD FINISHES. #L9038N (SEENOTES3&4) R tt 360 2#12+p1"eG 34'C. PHILIPS-LIGHTOLIER V B 28 201+023-34'C. PENDANT MOUNTED 12' OF SINGLE CIRCUIT TRACK WITH 15 WATT LED HEADS T12BM TRACK:N012NWH& NBK, POWER TRIP 6099 120 LED SEE PLANS 15W PER REFER TO DWGS AND CURRENT LIMITER SCHEDULE. SEE SHEET A102 FOR TRACK 360 CURRENT LIMITER: #PLDXXX WH & BL HEADS: 28 FOR HEADS HEAD HEAD FINISHES. 700 #LS038N (SEENOTE53&4) R BUTRONIX 2t1hp12G34'C. A LED EXIT SIGN WITH RED LETTERS AND A MINIMUM OF 1-112 HOURS OF BATTERY ® #VEX.U4&P-WB-WH UNV LED ARRAY 4.7 BACKUP. PENDANT MOUNT FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE. SEE PLAN FOR ARROW FAC (SEE NOTE 2) 360 2IX12+p12G 34'C. 33 REQUIREMENTS. VERIFY MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD. n� n EXITRONIX 540 120R EMERGENCY BATTERY LIGHT WITH (2)1.5W LED HEADS AND A MINIMUM OF 1-1/2 p #LED -90-132 UNV 200 2#12+p12G-34'C. HOURS OF BATTERY BACKUP AND SELF TESTING DIAGNOSTICS. MOUNT FIXTURES C (SEE NOTE 2) 2#12+02G -34'C. 360 120R AT 10'-6" AFF IN ROOMS WITH NO CEILINGS AND 7'-6" AFF IN ROOMS WITH CEILINGS. 1. EQUIVALENT FIXTURES BY PHILIPS, LITHONIA, COLUMBIA OR HE-WILLIAMS SHALL BEACCEPTABLE. 2. EQUIVALENT FIXTURES BY CHLORIDE, LITHONIA, COLUMBIA OR HE-WILLIAMS SHALL BE ACCEPTABLE. 3. VERIFY THE EXACT FINISHES AND PENDANT LENGTHS WITH SHEET A102, PRIOR TO PURCHASING. 4. PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CONNECTORS, END CAPS, CANOPIES ETC. FORA FULLY FUNCTIONING TRACK. NAMEPLATE PANELBOARD SCHEDULE SPENSAMEAT RIDGE, CO SELF TAPPING ENGRAVED LAMACOID. (TYPICAL) LA (EXISTING) SECTION 1 OF SCREWS 5/32 INCH LETTERS o SERVES N T POLES IMPS VA 'DARE - CONDUIT ©' PANEL "X" P CK # WRE- CONDUIT FED FROM "X" POLES /MRS N SERVES T AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT "X" C N LOBBY DATE CALCULATED "XX/XX/XXXX" 120 663 p Z4 1 A 2 Xl2+#12G-3PC. STANDARD COLORS: 1Q0 PTAR MAHA RAN E 1. NORMAL POWER - BLACK BACKGROUND, WHITE LETTERS. CT U HTIN PIN1V A 2. ENGRAVED NAMEPLATES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL PANEIBOARDS, AND MOTOR 120 750 CONTROL CENTERS. LABEL SHNL INCLUDE PANEL NAME, AVAILABLE FAULT rn 3 CURRENT RATING AND 'FID FROM' INFORMATION PER THIS DETAIL LETTERS TO 0 2H2+p1ZG-34'C. BE NO LESS THAN 1 INCH IN HEIGHT 3. IN LED OF THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT MARKING AS REQUIRED 120 N PIN 109 R BY 110.24, A PERMANDI AFFIXED LABEL SHALL BE APPLIED WITH THE FAULT CURRENT AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION AND CALCULATION. THE LABEL U HTIN TREN 1H 2 PANELBOARD 1392 SHALL BE 20X3' IN SIZE AND SHALL BE BLUE LERERING ON A CONIRASRNG 5 BACKGROUND. THIS LABEL SHALL AM INCLUDE THE DATE OF THE CALCULATION. 0 L PANELBOARD NAMEPLATE DETAIL SCALE: NTS EXISTING UTILITY POLE EXISTING EXISTING 600V SERVICE ENTRANCE - RATED, 400A/3P/4W/NEMA 3R PROVIDE WITH LABEL INDICATING "SERVICE ENTRANCE" SIMILAR TO PANEL LABEL DETAIL 02 THIS SHEET [je 75' 9616A EXISTING ONE LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: NTS EXISTING ALL PANELS TO BE LABELED PER DETAIL 02 THIS SHEET EXTERIOR EXISTING LIGHTING CONTACTOR 50' 8407A EXISTING 208Y/1 20V PANEL 'LA' WITH 400AMP MCB <�fur t M engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 Imec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. vcxau. Bsva�nesas.swmwmaas 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W WMIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM PANELBOARD SCHEDULE SPENSAMEAT RIDGE, CO Date 1 LA (EXISTING) SECTION 1 OF SOURCE: DISCONNECTSWITCH 9 MIN. CONDUIT SIZE: 314 o SERVES N T POLES IMPS VA 'DARE - CONDUIT ©' CK # P CK # WRE- CONDUIT VA POLES /MRS N SERVES T o c C N LOBBY 2 120 663 MN IICG 3PC. Z4 1 A 2 Xl2+#12G-3PC. 360 1Q0 PTAR MAHA RAN E R- CT U HTIN PIN1V A 2 120 750 20IA#120 VPC. rn 3 B 0 2H2+p1ZG-34'C. 400 120 N PIN 109 R G U HTIN TREN 1H 2 120 1392 2#12+#123 34'C. 5 C 6 2112+k12G-34'C. 380 120 U BR PT PIN R A q A RN -1 3145 3720 3#S+p10G-34'C. 7 A 8 2#12 02G -34'C. 600 120 R 3720 9 B 10 2#12+#123-34'C, 900 120 R 3720 11 C 12 X12+#123 -34'C. 600 120 R A A_ A RTU -2 3150 4120 3 91UG-1'C. 13 A 14 X12+#123 -34'C. Boo lao R 4120 15 B 16 Xl2 #123 -NCC. 360 120 R PTAR MAFRA RA E R 4120 17 C 10 2#12+p1ZG-36'C. 720 120 1 R PT U H&IPAD R A A A RN -3 3150 4120 3 #IDG -1'C. 19 A 20 2#12 AM -319C. 900 120 R 4120 Z B 22 2#12+p12G-34'C. 180 120 R 4120 23 C 24 W12+#IW 314'C, 900 120 R R 120 900 2112+#123 34'C, 25 A 25 212+02G -34'C. 200 120Rim R R tt 360 2#12+p1"eG 34'C. V B 28 201+023-34'C. 480 120R R UTUtt 360 ID1Mp1ZG Y4'C. 28 C 33 W# 912G -34'C. 700 120R R 360 2t1hp12G34'C. A 32 2#12+#12G -34'C. 1000 120R R D31MO 360 2IX12+p12G 34'C. 33 B 34 AH2+#12G-34'C. 540 120R R 200 2#12+p12G-34'C. X C 36 2#12+02G -34'C. 360 120R R 360 241hp12G 34'C. 37 A 38 40 2#12+#12G -34'C. 1500 1500H 220H R 360 2#12+p12G-34'C. 0 B R 360 2#12+p12G 34'C, 41 C 42 212+02G-3igC, 120 KEYED NOTES (NT): 1. HACRWPE 2 VIA CONTACTOR/TIME CLOCK NOTES: ALL CIRCUITS SHOT BE CURABLY LABELED AND IDENTIFIED ON ELECTRIC PANEL DIRECTORY. PANEL DRECTORY s1wu BE ttIT0. NOT 1Nrv0 NTOTErv. o SUMMARY CONN. LOAD KVA AMPS DEMAND DEMAND LOAD FACTOR OVA AMPS MOUNTED: SURFACE VOLTS: 213121 C CONTNUOUSI215Tf: 2.8 IM 35 PHASEAMRE: 34 R RECEPTACLE (ABLE M,214) 74.0 10r x/0 120 BUS RATED AMPS:: 400 AMPS M MOTORS (434 0.0 1M 0.0 MAIN TYPE'. M.C.B. K KITCHEN EQUIP (ABLE MBR 0.0 100% 0.0 BUS TYPE'. COPPER A AIR CONDITIONING (44q: 35.9 1MA6 X9 FUILYMTED: 22 KAIC VA CONN. PHASE A. 1980 i°b CONN. PHASE B: 1810 2X CONN. PHASE C: 17912 A H HEAT(HECTWC)(Mq: 3.0 OW BO NONLONINUOUS(2154 BO 10K 00 O TOTAL LOAD 55.7 155 51./ 143 EXISTING ONE LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: NTS EXISTING ALL PANELS TO BE LABELED PER DETAIL 02 THIS SHEET EXTERIOR EXISTING LIGHTING CONTACTOR 50' 8407A EXISTING 208Y/1 20V PANEL 'LA' WITH 400AMP MCB <�fur t M engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 Imec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. vcxau. Bsva�nesas.swmwmaas 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W WMIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM so" VES I mject number: 210212 o, sheet Btle: PANELBOARD SCHEDULES & ��"gD"5° ELECTRICAL RISER sheet number: EM 02020 Virtual Energy SolubKms, Inc. U.] Date 1 LU N rNo. 2 H 0&152021 3 CITY COMMENTS CV ©' U) 00O W O �U Vro Z UJ Z4 > CD CO~ 1 L �Q rn v'.. 2 ED O c'> Ln so" VES I mject number: 210212 o, sheet Btle: PANELBOARD SCHEDULES & ��"gD"5° ELECTRICAL RISER sheet number: EM 02020 Virtual Energy SolubKms, Inc. Dasaiption Date 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 031162021 rNo. 2 CITY COMMENTS 0&152021 3 CITY COMMENTS 06/2912021 so" VES I mject number: 210212 o, sheet Btle: PANELBOARD SCHEDULES & ��"gD"5° ELECTRICAL RISER sheet number: EM 02020 Virtual Energy SolubKms, Inc. g�TELEPHONE ro� &TV OUTLETS NEUTRAL LOAD HOT OS SINGLE SWITCH NEUTRAL HOT OS OS PARALLEL SWITCHING 0 DETAIL WALL SWITCH OCCUPANCY SENSORS SCALE. N.T.S. C �• ❑® cP 0 j NON -ADA o FIRE ALARM LIGHT 3o STROBES FIXTURES COUNTER o WALL THERMOSTATS FIRE ALARM i m� FTOP SWITCHES, o & CONTROL o PULL STATIONS z DEVICES PUSH PANELS & NURSE CALL � I BUTTONS STATIONS .I c ELECTRICAL &SIMILAR as mg RECEPTACLES DEICES $ FINISHED S FLOOR EXCEPTION: THESE REQUIREMENTS DO NOT APPLY WHERE THE USE OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT DICTATES OTHERWISE OR WHERE ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS RECEPTACLES ARE NOT NORMALLY INTENDED FOR USE BY BUILDING OCCUPANTS GDEVICE HEIGHTS SCALE: N.T.S. NOTE: UTIUZE SAME GROUNDING METHOD FOR SNITCHES. ASSEMBLY EQUAL TO RACO #983 GROUNDING PIGTAIL WITH SCREW t -r 2 0POWER OUTLET/SWITCH GROUNDING DETAIL SCALE N T S LOCK WASHER ?• SECURED TO WALL ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DUPLEX RECEP O. ACLEE, 18" F WP - WEATHER PROOF D - DEDICATED IG - ISOLATED GROUND AC - ABOVE COUNTER TOP � CONDUIL SWITCH/GROUND/PHASE/ IQ MOTOR �$ SMOKE DETECTOR LA -5 GFCI - GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTION !l �=�Ii COMBINATION HEAT/SMOKE DETECTOR QUADRAPLEX RECEPTACLE, 18' AFF., U.N.O. O$ -e DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR LA -3 FLOOR RECEPTACLE FLUSH MOUNTED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. O HEAT DETECTOR SPECIAL RECEPTACLE, 18" AFF., U.N.O. T DATA AND TELEPHONE ❑F FIRE ALARM PULL STATION, 48' AFF. SPARE MULTIOUTLET ASSEMBLY FIRE ALARM STROBE ONLY, 80" AFF., TO BOTTOM ® T TELEPHONE OUTLET, 18" AFF., U.N.O. II��II,�II FIRE ALARM HORN/STROBE, 80" AFF., TO BOTTOM OFLOOR 0 TELEPHONE OUTLET RUSH MOUNTED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL 0 DATA OUTLET, 18" AFF., U.N.O. FF—A—CF1 0 JUNCTION BOX FFAA_P1 FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL ® T TV OUTLET, 18 -AFF., U.N.O. � MOTION DETECTOR, ARROW INDICATES SENSITIVE DIRECTION SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW SWITCH, 48' AFF., U.N.O. SUBSCRIPT INDICATES: 2 - DOUBLE POLE SINGLE THROW 3 - 3 -WAY OS- OCCUPANCY SENSOR K - KEY OPERATEDRIP D - DIMMER P - PILOT LIGHT M - MANUAL MIR STARTER HE RATED NOTES: SUBSCRIPT OF LOWER CASE LETTER SIMILARLY MAR EIDNLIGHT ATES CONTROL OF FIXTURES/RECEPTACLES 0-1 DISCONNECT, FUSED ^^ II Ljj DISCONNECT, NON-FUSED O RECESSED SURFACE OR PENDANT UGHT FIX-tj -TYPE AS INDICATED. 4 OR INDUSTRIAL FIXTURE NOTE: SHADING ALL ORES RT OF D FRIRM EMERGENCY POWER SOURCE. P' F-� 2 Q WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE W�SSED SURFACE, PENDANT OR O FLUORESCENT FIXTURE Q PUSH BUTTON, 48" AFF., U.N.O. BATTERY EMERGENCY UNIT ® FLOOR TEL/DATA OUTLET FLUSH MOUNTED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. / 1e1 EXIT SIGN WALL OR CEILING MOUNT ONAL ARROWS AND FACES AS DIRECTIONAL WN ID M PANELBOARD (20480I 8V, TELEPHONE TERMINAL BACKBOARD 4'X 8'X 3/4' PLYWOOD, U.N.O. CEILING FAN ABBREVIATIONS AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR FBO FURNISHED BY OTHERS AEG ABOVE FINISHED GROUND FSE FURNISHED BY ELECTRICIAN ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH IBO INSTALLED BY OTHERS BBH BASEBOARD HEATER IBE INSTALLED BY ELECTRICIAN EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER NIC NOT IN CONTRACT EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER XFMR. TRANSFORMER OS OCCUPANCY SENSOR U.N.O. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RECEPTACLES SHALL BE IVORY WITH IVORY COVERPLATES IN LOBBY AND ART NOOKS. RECEPTACLES SHALL BE BROWN WITH BROWN COVERPLATES EVERYWHERE ELSE. NOTE: NOT ALL SYMBOLS ARE USED IN THIS PROJECT LOCK WASHER X5/8" BOLT CU(MIN) _ � GROUND BAR (COPPER) 1/4" x 5/8" BOLT 4" x 240L COORDINATE EXACT CATED INSULATOR FABRILENGTH WITH NUMBER OF FROM FLAME RESISTANT LOCK WASHER CABLES CONNECTING. (MIN. 21 - FIBERGLASS -REINFORCED IN MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM) THERMOSEr POLYSTER MOLDING COMPOUND (TYPICAL OF 2) WALL MOUNTED COPPER GROUND BUS DETAIL SCALENT. S. - DAY A4 PROJECT GENERAL NOTES APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS A. DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE AND MAY NOT BE DRAWN EXACTLY TO SCALE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING EXACT ROUTING OF ALL SERVICES WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS AND WITH ALL OTHER TRADES. B. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR CEILING TYPES AND EXACT LOCATION OF ALL FIXTURES. VERIFY CEILING TYPES WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDERING LIGHT FIXTURES TO ENSURE COMPATIBLE FIXTURE TRIMS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE. C. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE CODES. D. ALL CIRCUITS SHALL INCLUDE A GREEN GROUND CONDUCTOR SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 250-95, OR LARGER IF NOTED. E. ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED PARTITIONS DUE TO THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS SHALL BE SEALED TO MAINTAIN THE FIRE RATING OF THE WALL. F. ALL CONDUITS EXPOSED TO PUBUC VIEW SHALL BE PAINTED. VERIFY COLOR WITH OWNER AND ARCHITECT. G. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT ALL LIGHTS AND POWER FOR ALL OWNER FURNISHED CASEWORK. REFER TO OWNER'S FURNITURE AND FIXTURE LAYOUT FOR EXACT HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS. H. NO MORE THAN (9) CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ANY CONDUIT. I. ALL CONDUIT PENETRATIONS OF THE ROOF SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE MECHANICAL CURBS, EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY INDICATED OTHERWISE. J. NO CONDUIT SHALL BE ROUTED IN ANY PARTITION WITH A TILE FINISH. K. UNDERGROUND PVC CONDUITS SHALL CONVERT TO RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL ELBOW AND CONTINUE AS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT UNTIL EMERGENCE FROM SLAB OR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT. PROVIDE THREADED CAPS AT BOTH ENDS OF SPARE OR UNUSED CONDUITS. EXCEPTION: ALL PARTS OF UNDERGROUND LIGHTING BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUITS MAY BE PVC. L. ALL WALL LIGHT SNITCHES SHALL BE RATED AT 20A. M. ALL JUNCTION BOXES MOUNTED ABOVE CEILING SHALL BE MOUNTED 1'-0' AFC. N. ALL EXIT/EMERGENCY SHALL BE ON SAME BRANCH CIRCUIT AS THAT SERVING NORMAL LIGHTING IN THE AREA AND CONNECTED AHEAD OF ANY SWITCH, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 0. ALL WIRINGS TO BE 2#12. 1#12. 3/4-C UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. P. EXIT SIGNS AND EMERGENCY EGRESS EIGHTS MUST BE APPROVED BY FIELD INSPECTOR. ADDITIONAL FIXTURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTOR. Q. REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS AND COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. R. REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS AND COORDINATE WITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OF PLUMBING EQUIPMENT. S. ALL RECEPTACLES IN BATHROOM AND KITCHEN SHALL BE GFl PROTECTED. ALL RECEPTACLES ON ROOF AND EXTERIOR SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF AND GFl PROTECTED. T. PANEL CKT BRKR FOR FACP TO BE LOCKABLE TYPE. U. REFER TO OWNER EQUIPMENT MANUALS AND COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OF EQUIPMENT. NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE llrlh'±JJJ• }VV� JVV� jVV', 30"W X 38'H X 8'D OR AS REWIRED SOIIARE D TYPE I! OR EQUALLY OPEN UILA-1 LOBBY SPARE CONTACTORS. LA -3 SPIN/YOGA SPARE MECHANICALLY HELD, NEMA LA -5 STRENGTH SPARE 3R, 120V., 20A CONTACTS (TYFICAL OF 4) LA -3 SIGN SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE CI C2 0`� 0 LIGHTING CONTROL DETAIL SCALE NTS l ry "ab;09 iso k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. 4565 Dallas, Texas 75254 Ursa cam 1 972.387.3500 .dD WhearRa. U ry a B�. DN0 ung " 0 8' 1/4"=1'1 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. evaas oehLavaas a mvrrucTaa. 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 VJWW.VIRTUALENERGYSOLU IONS.COM V 0) Z FLC Q W LU cV F � CV CO 0 00 w0 ::)U LLJ z f�wFFT� V Q N0N 0 CO Q Lo 0 70 Lf ) VES Protect number 210212 sheet 9tle: ELECTRICAL DETAILS AND NOTES sheet number: E3"0 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION NOTES ABBREVIATIONS 1. THE CONTRACTORS WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE OWNERS POLICIES ON CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES. AC AIR COMPRESSOR ACC ACCESS 2. COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER FOR ANY EQUIPMENT ADJ ADJUSTABLE REMOVED THAT NEEDS TO BE RETURNED TO THE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR OWNER. AP ACCESS PANEL 3. COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR ANY TEMPORARY BOP BOTTOM OF PIPE SYSTEM SHUTDOWNS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE CL CENTERLINE WORK. CLG CEILING CSP COMBINED SPRINKLER STANDPIPE RISER 4. PATCH PIPING RISERS AS REQUIRED. DDCA DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK ASSEMBLY 5. COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR ANY FLOOR CORING DIA DIAMETER WORK THAT IS REQUIRED. DP DRY PIPE DSP ELEV DRY SPRINKLER PIPE ELEVATION GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION EX EXISTING DEMOLITION NOTES F FIRE SUPPLY FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FDC FDV FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FIRE DEPARTMENT VALVE 1. THE FIRE PROTECTION DEMOLITION DRAWINGS SHOW EXISTING PIPING, EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES WHICH ARE FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET INTENDED TO BE REMOVED. THESE DRAWINGS INDICATE FLR FLOOR THE REQUIRED SCOPE OF WORK AND ARE NOT FPC FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER FPTH FIRE PUMP TEST HEADER INTENDED TO REFER TO EVERY PIECE OF EQUIPMENT OR FS FL PIPE THAT MUST BE REMOVED IN ORDER TO COMPLETE FVC FIRE VALVE CABINET E VALVE THE WORK. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBI LITY TO VISIT THE SITE AND VERI FY THE GA GAUGE CURRENT INSTALLATION BEFORE SUBMITTING A BID FOR GAILY GALLON THE WORK. GAL GALVANIZED GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE 2. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE CONDITION OF ALL EXISTING EQUIPMENT. HD HUB DRAIN EXACT SIZES OF EXISTING PIPING, ETC. BEFORE ID INSIDE DIAMETER DEMOLITION WORK IS BEGUN. REPORT ANY IE INVERT ELEVATION DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD IN INCHES CONDITIONS TO ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION WORK. JP JOCKEY PUMP JPC JOCKEY PUMP CONTROLLER 3. WHERE DEMOLITION WORK WILL INTERRUPT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE TO AREAS OF THE FACILITY THAT MAX MAXIMUM ARE TO REMAIN IN OPERATION, COORDINATE ANY MIN MINIMUM INTERRUPTIONS WITH THE OWNER AT LEAST TWO MTD MOUNTED WEEKS PRIOR AND ACCOMMODATE THE OWNER'S MTG MOUNTING NEEDS ARE REQUIRED. NET NATIONAL PIPE THREAD NTS NOT TO SCALE 4. REMOVE THE INDICATED FIRE PROTECTION ITEMS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. THIS INCLUDES ALL HANGERS, OC ON CENTER STRAPS, AND RELATED MATERIAL. OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER 5. THE FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PRV PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE RESPONSIBLE FOR CUTTING AND PATCHING OF EXISTING PSE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT CONSTRUCTION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH NO CUTTING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OR STRUCTURE PSIG POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAUGE WHICH WILL DETERIORATE THE INTEGRITY AND RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE STRENGTH OF THE BUILDING WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT RPM PRESSURE REDUCEDZONE DUCEDLIEF THE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE STRUCTURAL REDUCED LVE ENGINEER. SCH SCHEDULE 6. PATCH AND REPAIR OPENINGS THROUGH WALLS AND SD SPRINKLER DRAIN FLOORS WHERE PIPES WERE REMOVED TO MATCH SP STANDPIPE EXISTING AND TO MAINTAIN FIRE RATINGS. SPR SPRINKLER T. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CLEARANCE TYP TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS AND INDICATE ROUTING OF NEW PIPING BEFORE FABRICATION BEGINS AS RISES AND DROPS MAY V VALVE BE NECESSARY DUE TO EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS. VESDA VERY EARLY SMOKE DETECTION APPARATUS �° `Nhear Ra U m A gc FIRE PROTECTION ANNOTATION k1t — CIA CLEAN AGENT —DSPR— DRY SPRINKLER PIPE engineering consultants F FIRE SUPPLY 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 —SPR— SPRINKLER PIPE Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 912.387.3500 GENERALSYMBOLS EQUIPMENTTAG OKEYNOTE FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. POINT OF DEMOCONNECTION END PTO OINTEXISTING OF oesmrv�oevunea�seorvrxneraa WHEN ON DEMO SHEET: END POINT OF DEMO m6i ELEVATION SYMBOL FP 1 DETAIL TTOM REFERENCE E NUMBER) NUMBER, N VIRTUAL EFER PIAN CONTINUATION REFERENCE ENERGY FP -1 (BOTTOM=DRAWING NUMBER) SOLUTIONS SECTION DESIGNATION (TOP=SECTION 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 FP -1 NUMBER, BOTTOM=DRAWING NUMBER) CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.683.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM FIRE PROTECTION SYMBOLS BO, FIRE ALARM BELL $ DRY PIPE VALVE ASSEMBLY LI LIj PREACTION VALVE ASSEMBLY L— N r CV SPRINKLER ZONE CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLYe ' r) 00 O 4 FLOW SWITCH LLI O 0 CONCEALED SPRINKLER HEAD Z .. LLI rW O UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD zb > r1 SIDEWALL SPRINKLER HEAD I I F ry FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ci M ��A/= FETE! FIRE PUMP TEST HEADER ( I > W � FDV FIRE DEPARTMENT VALVE O C— ROOF TOP TEST HEADER LID 6 FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET Mw FVC FIRE VALVE CABINET Q FIRE EXTINGUISHER (WALL HUNG) FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET r PUMP Oy W hea//t1i VES project number. 210212 shoat Otis: UZ L 1 11 m ' FIRE PROTECTION o� rt9sso SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 0 2' 4' 8' sheet number. w--`mm� F P . 01 1/4•=11-011 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. EXISTING STORE ROOM 0 ` NEW UPRIGHT ° SPRINKLER HEAD (TVP.) O YOGA ° u NEW UPRIG SPRINKLER (TVP.) O O X1 I I I I I O O STRENGTH I I I F--� F-01 F--� F-1 F--1 F--lL- I I NEW UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD (TVPJ I I O O I EXISTING ROOOM SPRINKLER ROOM I y I 4 I RNEW UPRIGHT ` NEW UPRIGHT SEMKLER HEAD SPRINKLER HEAD 1 SPIN UPRIGHT 0 SPR KLER H I mP.) O o fNEW(NCEALED / � / 11 ER HEAD IIIL r — Beatr°o� II I• 1 11 I• I 11SShww�r. LShhwr.L IN pv Utility _ J NEW UP IGHT SPRIN R HEAD .�° Nd haat Ra (i m 9�'Eli°9 Orr <�tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. 4565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmeo.com 1 972.397.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. nE51GNEP5. CEVELOPER; 6CONiMCttIRS VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL W606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM Data 16/2021 �Whad/ vca project numoer: CI Un[ o R, d a sheet title: FIRE PROTECTION ° FLOOR PLAN sheat number ° 2• 6. FP1.0 02020 Virtual EneW Solutions, Inc. LL O O lU CV I r N U) O 00 co O NEW G SPRINKLER HEAD C' 1 D (TYP.)l ° V Z L�LJ Zb >CE ii I l f Lobby 0 n. 0 I CO Q O OLO C) M Lf ) Data 16/2021 �Whad/ vca project numoer: CI Un[ o R, d a sheet title: FIRE PROTECTION ° FLOOR PLAN sheat number ° 2• 6. FP1.0 02020 Virtual EneW Solutions, Inc. TO SPRINKLER ZONE TEST VALVE DRAIN VALVE BALL VALVE AND PRESSURE GAUGE FLOW SWITCH � CHECKVALVE GLASS FLOOR OR ZONE CONTROL VALVE WITH SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIRE PROTECTION t1RISER OR MAIN TO DRAIN %TYPICAL ZONE FLOW SWITCH AND TEST CONNECTION DETAIL J N.T.S. NOTES: 1. SUPPORT PIPES PER SPECIFICATIONS. SPRINKLER HEAD VTO 1/Y REDUCER BRANCH SPRINKLER LINE (SIZED BY FP CONTRACTOR) UPRIGHT EXPOSED SPRINKLER HEAD DETAIL L N.T.S. Ej BRANCH SPRINKLER LINE (SIZED BY FP CONTRACTOR) .�° Nd haat Ra (i m qptM° engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. 4565 Dallas, Teres 75254 rtmeo.com 1 972.397.3500 V ARMOVER CONCEALED SPRINKLER HEAD DETAIL N.T.S. 1 -TO 1/Y REDUCER NOTES: 1. SUPPORT PIPES PER SPECIFICATIONS. CEILING CONCEALED SPRINKLER HEAD FOXFIED CONSTRUIZTIONLTD. n 5uL0PV6C0 kSo VIRTUAL NERGY LUTIONS 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL W606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM THREADED ROD PIPE HANGER SHALL MAKE CONTACT WITH PIPE W V PIPING TO 1 1 I LLI PENDENT HEAD N (V O `5o W0 0 � D U Z W> Z (� THIS DIMENSION MAY VARY n.CO 00 -- BRANCH LINE W O LOQ PENDENT STYLE SPRINKLERLO M HEAD RECESSED IN ACOUSTIC TILE CEILING 4 PENDENT N.T.S. Data 16/2021 �Whed/ vca project numuer: CI Un[ o R, d a sheet title: m FIRE PROTECTION °�tl9s� DETAILS sheat number 2• 4 ii FP2.0 114"=V-17 02020 Virtual EneW Solutions. Inc. CD X 0 7i a z - mJ i O 0 0 E tE N O 0 r o� N Q Co wW3 �Juct iww M ID O o cop 0xVI 0 O jO N Z CA3 Oo. X NIw /Ma >- _;cm wtiz.. §w K aw Q - ox STANDARD PROVISIONS PARTE-GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL: A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. The general prMsions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, instructions to Bidders and Gonwal Requirements, apply to the wark 'PPY specified in this Division. 2 This wct5an )intended Moi PP spec Division a antl' 'mended to Supplementary to General Conions, am General Reary General Conditions, enc General RequiremerAs. 3. Fumish all labor, materials, services, equipment and appliaaes requked is the complete furnishing and idallatbn of the Mechanical system, including Plumbing, Heating, Veralalirg aur AP Condrel and Fire Protection. 4. The use of the mass'provitlai Yumish',a 'inset" means Nat the Nem or Wall Is to be both furnal and insagtetl unless expressly sated otherwise. 5. The ten 'Contractor used In the Division of the Spedficatiens shall mean the 'Mechanical SubLontracla",'Numbing Subhantropul or 'Fire Furnished Subtntramr. B. Scope: 1. Refer s Achileclurel Supplements M the scope of the Project. 2. Re contract daumMs and complete scope of work are illustrated an Ue combined Anhiaclord: Sardural; PlumbinAl Heating, Ven111atinA and Ar Cadioning; and Elalrical drawings. Review aur examine the complete set of wdred daumads. 3. Refer d creDandes, errors, omissions and ambiguities in the named documents to the A Rfi . Olhenmes, provide materials and labs to resolve same in a canner approved by use Anhiad at no atltlNonal Mask to the Domer. 4. The intent of the drmdngs and specifications a to provide complete s s. raur Items included in oanot Me seem PNar are oflike Mad as ended in both. accesp risallaneeus item and accessories req tree forcomplete systems. 5.Items indicated by we discipline and not indutled in another discipline in the drawings and s ecifiwtions shall be A P protsK he if gatwadditional costs to the Owner. C. Deecription of Smosm: 1. Facilues and systems of medaneal work In Owing nclude, Wt are rot limited to, the (plowing: a. Basic MderbM and Methods. b. Plumbing Sysam. c. Heal Ar Contrlolrg and Vernalalirg System. It. Fire ProkedonSystem e. System Carnets. 2. For Mbar, materials, equipment and accessodes He complete systems whether or not stated cally inducted in the Contract Documents. 3. Drawings are diagmmmatic and contain graphic representations, schedulers and ndatimssfwwingmechaninllwak. Follow drawings as dwely as actual constmdon will permit. Make deviation from drawings far conformance to actual construction At no additional cosh to the Owner. Refer items coal Personnel and interpreatlors to the Owners repesentalive for resolution; provide work as resolved at no addiliodl mom to five Owner. Deviations for reasons other than deduced d above, if deemed necessary, shot) be submitted a the Comes repreaBrlkbR la aur 1. DO red rake deviations wri when approval. D. Definitions: 1. The Comada is responsible for Me Work of SubConlecksm. 2. Fumish- Supply Materials. 3.III -III beac . 4.RoAde Fumish and Insall Maadals. 5. Approve! -Wallen auM* to proaad from the Architect. 1.02 OUALJTY ASSURANCE: A. WakmnQualifimtions'. Skilledmechanics competent in their trades, licensed where required by authorities having jdisdiNon. B. Requirements of Aulhodties Having Juninichon: 1. Delermid Mult itiee having jurisdicliw and Ne applicade wtles, rules am regulations of these authafies. 2. Perform was in ance wig the requirements of authaities having jurisdictiw. 3. Obtain all wnb, licenws anc inspection as requlred by all aumodlies having jrriedideff Give all notices and comply war all Uses, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations and Conrad Waning on the work. 4 I cases of diRerences beN.reen requirements of the same aufiarfi" having jurisdiction exceed the leaser requirements and meet the greater, more stringent requirements. 5. All one and costs tar permits, licedes, or insp warms shall be Non by the CodmMr unless expressly slated othewn. C. Codes: 1. Tire insallalion of the mechaniml system shall conform to Ne requirements of the National Fire Preveraon Annual (NFPAI• local and stale wtles having jtdsdiffel am Me requiremaa ofthe Unity Companies wtime wrong are used 2. Cedes and mmaroes having junsdkticn over the work shall Marva as minimum requirements; but, lythe Contract Documents indicate requremnts which are in excess of None minimum requirements, town the requirements uftho Cnntrecl Equal shall W followed. Should there be any cenlids between the Contract [Documents ata codes or any nMinanws having jurisdiction, report these to the Accreted. D. Reference Slandeds: At systems Installed by this cwhador shall W updated and nodded in acoxdance with the following codes and standards, but in no instance shall the other be foss lore the requirements of 1. Stark aragephsofthew contrucnsanddocuments. 1. Specifietl manufacturers instructions and recommrodlons. 2. American Society of Healing, Rationalism and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 3. Sheet Notal am Air Conditioning fnntradom Naonal Aswdatbn. (SMACNA). 4. National Fire Prokdbn Association (NFPAI. 5. Underalers' Laboretones (JCI. 6. Americans with Disabilides AM (ADA). 7, tong code aulhodlies. 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND WBMMAL DATA: A. Before submits of the data the Commder shall check each piece of apparel equipment ment antl accessory to ensure compliance andhlearly the Plans Prequirements and Sped win ons and shall o iodic mat each May submitted unions signature i Intllcale Nal theya etlusTh ththe an varospecifications andplansCarlhall vwlyNto tea o-ededmeawane or ser work con y submittals to equipmenta d submitted. An signalals ray ter wthout Y theout twig checked by ndreldso wMM nein checketlb the Amhiled's office. 9 B. CerMM": 1. Provide ntsan by required bynamed documents and byauthoru" having jurisdictiondUn 2. Provided matennlers'Laoelones seals aifaetl to mtenaM. C. Ted Repores Pmide Papers other repods regular b contract documents amt surfaces having jrriediccom D. Approval, disls approval, m, sttheconaar the requirements of th eve the contractor the wings. requirements of the specifications or the drawings. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Ddivery' Deliver equipment and materials in unopere l manufacturer's standard packaging. Any dece of equipment placed on the job site WMM prof woman reveal shall W subjedetl to removal. B. Storage: Store equipment and mderials where net subject to damge hen perscnml and the element. C. Handling: Avoid damage h drawings and surrounding surfaces and finishes beNre and during instillation. 1.05 E%AMINATION OF PREMISES: A This Contraclorshall visilthe sea W become folly acquainted with the immediate and surrounding random and Me wrought under which the work will ho exewad. 1.06 SUBCONTRACT AND LABOR: A. Al provisions of this Section shall apply to all Subcontracts to the extent that they are applicable to such Subcontractor. 1.07 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK: A. The work, when completed will W wcaphd in a fmishetl, honed and undamaged Mule only. This Contractor shall provide for prohchon of the work during its progress and if damaged, all patching or replacing names" it full and satisfactory compleon. 1.08 FINALLY: A. It is the eq atlw that this Sentenced shall Provide a wmplde installation. At auxiliary construdon equipment and apparatus nemssary or whoortegeous W the crommon and testing of the work shall upincluded. The minion of specific brands to any pad of Me wait dowel er such complete Middletown shall rot be courpreted as reoving this Connecta ora furnishing and Meal soh parts. 1.15 WARRANTY: A. Warrant the work far we year M1nm and after data of beneficial occupancy to include heecomfnmdeadshrmalerials, equipment and labs. Ronald defective work during the warmntyperiod All compressors shall to five year non -prorated warranty. B. The one year warranty provided into General Coni shall be in ad0itiar to and not in limitation of any guamnaee or moraliee of larger duration m other mm Ws providro by law site Conrad Equa ls. C. The warranty shall include supervision and adjustment, any maintenance recommended by the equipment manufacturer or ccntectcr D or inspections Also l . ' in the Annual nany reMgemilost or leakedin normal operetionorn wriffea of equipment Provde shaneffa natenarvls durinto warranty donod PAR2-PRODUCTS 201 MATERIALS: A. Neth, free hen defects, of quality wmperdal grade stall predud by reputable manuaft re. B. Le ed by Underwtllere' luderea nRe which Moral appy. G In compliance with Conled Documents in regand to quality, tlimnsions, appearance, design and pedmmanm. D. Simlar onswit of same manufacture. E. First named under 'Acceptable Mandclurera is the manuadurer whose poppet was used fordesign. 202 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Subs mtmrids will ho wnddsretl tar approval after Comae hes Baan awarded. B. Approval of substitutions is spec lcally excluded hen this Division p nor to Mining of contnch C. Regpests M substitutions 1. In wrong. 2. Required data necessary for evaluation. 3. DMerence in correct amount for each Nem. 4. In accordance with submitlaa procedure. D. Requests for mMWlbn imply in obligation on the Owner and his rePresom ves. E. If approved subs&Wns cause Manges in the work required, inclutling wok by other trades, pay dl costs involve! and Most all necessary changes on accommodate substitutions atm atltlNonal cod to the OwmL PART 3.EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION: A. Examine materials upon 0 es. on woo tfor damages. A aged Replace dam materials. p B. am to be secure strhor dere to which arsenals areabe equalfordeexecrds tion osely fe not Mod the quality our offs ma manual W not Mod work N: drfecls are corteded. 3.03 PREPARATION: A. Fiero Measummds 1. Rater corfiicls 0 the Architect hx review. Resdve confiids in mwrdance with the Archilecfs wrion direction d no edtlfiond aaa to Me Owner. 2. Cmdnde )oceans of mler aur with other lades by reterence to Contract Documents and by wnarerva with Other trades. If work isu it founds idedere with work of mer Makes, make necessary"Wes to eliffmate northern at no additional Past s the Owner. B. Preparation of Surfacer Clean and shorvnw modify surfaces to which medals are to be appgietl am eewred in awodance with manufacturers recommendafions and Mcdtedstlirection. G Verify Paper use maadals being insulted for dwrenmenul conditions. 3.03 INSTALU nON: A. Idall medals in aaodance with Me requirements of the aulMnlles having junediction and the manufacturers recommndatlons. All heights and dearances of equipment to be installed is to be as deeded On the Mermaid pans and as requiretl by to ADA. Notify the Manual Ball coastal in writing purrs roughs. B. Reeds for Owner: 1. Maintain full set of Contract Daumds at Project. NOW day changes made in connected with final Installation. 2. Provitle a complete set date-builf reproducible drawings to Ne owner showing end locations of dl equipment, valves, Aping, Make, at new drawings shall refledanychangesfrommoa daumnds and shall be drafted by competent personnel to provide the owner with quality commands of utilities at project Sumplown. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PAUL -GENERAL 1.01 DEMMPMN: A. Work included! in Tha Section: The fdewing Specification applies W all work of Ow Medtanical arts Plumbing Contedors. PART2-PRODUCTS 201 STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS: A. All nationals and equipment shall wd to fico requirements of to Conrad Domments. Tirey shall be new, free mom tldeds, and troy shall conform to the following shndards where Mae organizations have set standards. At malerids and equipment shall the UL listed and labeled whore possible 1. UncemlMrs LaWatodes, Inc. (UL). 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Mention fill. 3. Amencan NaOwal Standards local (ANSI). B. ManufacWren names and alaloA numbers are used as a means of estadishiop predud gradeandquarty Whereseveml manufacturers are named only than named manufacturers are to be used on the or. Other named manufacturersalthough 9 acceptable as manufaccuffil must prove mer coil conform a will product IhanO 6 rdadon and p N meet spas and rmacryreuffer. is etc. of Me first named med mmNc C The use of one named General i bar New n the schedul"Th psorOf the above mmgxs. Theprocessorinnsoithe ado paragraph will govern in the eeedbn of grobe used D. Mom ere thea or approvetl a nalme an n used M Nese spare to be the name, a names, Other man arelobeusetlasa basis of of . q Ory Other manufacturer's preduds will Mad not ho wed assubstilu el and shark real ho used as a basis tb prising. E. moment waliryahallbe Minimum!togauges mahnal, w appmancessegM, finish, gauges spam ePtaaranms, capacity, PMInOmcturers re F. Manufacturers representation Availability m of equipment palls and replacement and wMce personnel in the area will be a fader in consideration of subslinulions. 2.02 FLAME SPREAD PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: A Materials and adhesives used lhrougouftlke mechanical system bar fifien, acoustkal lining, thermal (pipe) mutation, flexble connedbns, dud ape, pddrome bribing, dc, egwsed in plenum, shad mnimm tofive Fetleral Standard ham mreatl properties of materials. Under his requirement, the classifimtim shall rel exceed No. 11, with tlw range of iro" :adwaen 0 and 25 for Me basic nowit thoir Ines of 50 in its da"McaenW III as Ilsled in the Federal Specfimtion. B. Only materials and adhesives meting than requirements will he acespabe. PAU3-EXECUTION 3.01 FlREPROOFING PENETRATIONS: A Provide fire sealing for pemtrafiws through fire rded wnsbUCtion to minae the fire mtl of the walls, Boom, rations or rood g pa r local 1'urtstlicon aur Lantllas s po requirements. 3.02 ROUGXING4N AND FINAL CONNECTIONS: A The Mechanical Sub Central all have the respowbii y of roughen for and assembly of vandus equipment aur to make final connected to all equipment funded by Swop and/or under SedbnssMae Soughing ina s. B. Roughinginassembling of maniioequipmnl shall be Drawings or a from the mamin nonan Shop Drawings or be cal dfr and in ro case shall the location ec scaled (Com the Archiamralor Mechanical . Consul TheContractorshall be ethaA s equipment, wine summers Made etc Mom the plans furnished by ors ha ll o Coordinated and aseemd before Installation under this named 3.03 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: A Where equipment is being fumished under another Division, request from the Architeri an accepted drawing that will show axed tlimnaome of required locations of Manmctiond. Insall the required facilities a Me elr requirements of the roved 9 PP drawl g. B. Assume responsibility es costsorchang required than may be incorrect if the Speuficatiw is not followed. 3.01 CLFAN4IP: A During to execution of Ne woe remove all mbblM and excess materials awum%ated as a recall of the soak. B. Remove all tlid paid. drawn and skins from all Oxpowtl equipment Upon compaction of =do clean all equipment and the entire admitted so as a pmeM a Orst class job duableM awpancy. No loose pads or scraps of equipment shall be left on the premises. C. Equipment paint seen shall ho reftered with paint lots supplied by the equipment wharf cturer. 3.05 TESTS, ADJUSTMENTS AND INSPECTIONS: A On completion of the lnabolation ted and adjustdl new equipment )halted or existing equipment connected. B. Pay all costs Ml ata materials, equipped, etc, as required for testing and adjusting of Me stall Provide all apparatus, tempoery piping connection or any other requirements for all tests. Take due precautions to prevent damages the Wilding or no canards incurred by such ase. Repair and mks good any damage an round at no a Mmd eat to Owner. C. Any lea", defects or deficlencies dishavered as a result Of these Meal a tests performed! by Ne Ownemeained testing and olancing fin shall be repaired and test shall be rep"ted ural test requirements are fully common. D. on mad cal, all ddng tests shall W memo Whom Alpe is covered or concealed E. It is the intedw of this seclion of the spaacations to provide necessary less during and at comdeon of the job s ensure tight piping and dudwdda and a currently edjusled system, and Ince CmtracWrshall do everything necessary to accomplish this. F. Al moNrs, bearings, etc., on At equipment shall be mnatly cited aro awarded before the equipment a assumed am again at the Sumpletiar of the let. Provide complete oiling and greasing instructions for Owners designated personal. Grease Brings shall be installed on equipment Nat requires periodic Momal PIPING INSULATION PARTI- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Furnish all labor, materiels, loots, equipment and royal Nems required for the Complete insagatlon of insulation as indicated by the Contract Decumew. All piping insulation "loss(R-valued must meet that required by the applicable energy codes regardless of the thickness listed 1.02 WALRYASSUMNCE: A. AWlicasr: Company specializing in piping insulation application with than were minimum expereroe. B. Materials: Flame spreaufuel Contibuleusmcke developed efirg of 2550 in awrdence with ASTM Sid, 1255, UL 723. C. Under no dmtmmnces will maadals Sunulning asbestos be allowed on Nis project site. 1.03 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit Product data prior to adding. B. Include product description, list of doughts and thickness for wadi service, and locations. C. Submit manufacturers monarch instructions. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Manville., brad, Overs; Cooled. 2.02 GENERAL: A. At materials used shall have a flame Wr efing of not rare than 25 wfloul evidence of continuous progressive uncommon, and AM a smoke developed rating of not higher than 50. Shop droving submarine shall Mow this imo tm. 2.03 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING: A. For a1 Hot Water Com Water and (if used) Hol Water Reform Ppng: 1. Use Oxmse ningF insulae 25 Ath ISSL all orequalomyiece apeenmlaonwM all sd112-and andselfeeliI lap. 2. Ed tato and 314' lines use . us ape insulator.For tand larger linesuse f thick pipe insulation 2.0 AIC UNIT CONDENSATE GRAIN PIPING: A. Use Iii lhkk The insulation Mdibl pear insulation, or Ibacktihe MNI be damper! on thepipe, Wlatl back, hen be umthecWntuft n W should made. All scams will W pint wnnection RIGE 2.0REFRIGERANTPIPING A. Use tat"latio "Amens' of approved no ape Insulation on the suction line. ire insulback thenon to ho threatled on the be ma pulled back, then Ae canmdbn souftl ho made. At seams will be bull joint conmdiw. 2.0ACCESSORIES: A. Insulation Bantle. 3l4 inch witle; 0.015 inch theca galvanized sad. B. Metal Jacket Bands: 318 Inch come; 0015Inch tick btfunaluminum. C. hydrating Cement: ANSIIASTM C195; hydraulic Carting mime) Wml. D. FloodsgCeffentlenac ASTMC449. E. Floods Glen Goth: Unrelated; 9Paid, yd. NOS Seat, iff wought. F. Adendsumbe ter ComOaiNe wit ted in tion am then suflabe Nl reNm 8ll USB If U80tl ly 1ha0e pans. PARTS - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION: A. Do nor apply any insulation took piping has been inspaled pressure tend aur round bill B. All surfaces TO be insulated shall be deal and dried before applying insulaficn. 3.02 INSTALLATION: A. Insall materials in accordance with manufacturers instruction. B. Confinue insulation with vapor bander through mora orf. C. In supped park, locete insulation and Paver seams In lease visible Iecations. D. On insulated Mang with vapor barrier, Insulate filings,vdves,uMws, flanges, strainers flexible wnnedbns, aur expansion joints. E. On insured Aping without vapor banter and piping conveying fluids 140 tlegrees F (60 degrees C) a less, do red include fiang" aur unions at equipment, M hevd and seal ends s insulation at soh becatons. F. Provide an idem, not less Nan 6inehes NSO mm) long, s same thickness aro Suntan in adjoining insulation, belwwn support sheen aur ddng, bid under the finish jacket, an Piping 2 inches (50 mm)tliameter or larger,0 prevent insulation firm spool at support pans. Ideas shall the ma a such heavy density insual arterial at M the planned temperature range. Factory fabricated insects may be one G. Neatly finish insulation at supports, protrusions, and Indonesia. 3.03 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING INSULATION INSTALLATION: A. Insulate all cold water, hot were supply, and hot water return ddng, valves and fitlings. B. Funds and valves shall W insulated with insulating cement applied to thickness equal to that of adjoining pipe insulation and all the covered wM glass cloth jacket. FMirgC may be insulated with two layers of Pro M Fite lass bVCcowsuutiarjacketed wilh g e{omatl PVC covers in leu of Iduetln pr 9 cementand MDEN et 9.04 AC UNRON INST SATEDNAIN PIPING INSULATIONINSTALdrain P: A. laiden all condensate gran ddng and flange withinMe onin buddingna B. Idol ecimall inspection. in stud Seal ncewilh maneaMrerometa Seal finder! nn and seams with maMadurerd rewmmentletl edheW Nproddehantinumsvepm seal. 3.05 STORM DRAIN PIPING: pi A. MatInsulate In all storm drain piping above finished dain ficcr.ldulale the underside of all rooftlrain antlandvdnin atlas. FM B. ms and meet applied aebe inmlatess eh insulating cement applied to thickness equal to Rated witingss c insulation and shall a wveretl with glass o la jacket FMings may hoinmaatlwMhvo lsyersofPro tM fsuutiarsdwith miormedtl POOcovrs in tauofinsulating cement and cloth Jacket PLUMBING PIPING PAUL -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Fumish all labor, mtenals, tools, equipment and reeled items requiretl for the complete installation of Plumbing piping as indicated by the Contrast Documents. B. The Plumbing Contractor shall mom all Perm P PP 1 Ins ecfions a reals as req by Authorities having rsl . At fees and costsincidental ncidtherotshallbe assumed and paid for bythis Coniador PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 SANITARY SEWER WASTE AND VENT PIPING: A. BU WITHIN 5 FEET OF BUILDING: 1. Castest Imre Pipe: ASTM A74 service weigh. FlanOs: Castiron. Joints: Hubanbsgeol B. ABOVE GRADE: 1. Cad Iron Pipe: ASTM Act, service weight. Flfings: Cad iron. Jona: Hubanc spigot GSPI HSN comprsabn type with ASTM 0564 neoprene gasket or lead and oakum, 2. Cast Iron Pipe: CISPI301, hubless service might. Fillings. Cast Iron. Joints. Neoprene gaskets and stainless steel p clamp and shieshieldassemblies. "NO Al 3. Copper Pipe ASTMBD06.DWV urs. Fittings: MSIIMME 816.2 cod bronco, p Joints SME B1628. wroughtcopper. Joins: ANSVASTM B32, comer, Gretle OB. 4, PVC i Schedule Q pvc piping with solvenused if welded vc a fittings may be P PP 9 Y used it approved by )owl aulhonlies. 202 WATER PIPING: A. BURIED: 1. Within fat Capper Turing: ASTM 8110, ANSUAS ft a hard 16.29, awn. ht copper. Joint: SME Bi8.29, 32, sal l copper. Joins: AN%Tin,4 B32comer,%Silvenr. #100.9SS, Tin,4%Copper, 0.5%Silver. AWS with 3M B, chgua Cup Nersma Wool piping woy3Mwftat Cas dpi'ding 2. TdoeKSfeef Copper Tubing: ASTM 868, B1629 wrtldrawn wrought perinJoi ANSVASME ANSUAwrougbt PaPpec Joiner ANSIIASTM 832, solder,BI 965%Tin, t.% Copper, 0.5% Silver. AWS 98, B Cup silver braze. B. ABOVE GRADE. 1. Copper Tubing: ASTM B88 Type L had drawn. Effings: ANSUASME B1623, cast brass, crANSASME 816.29, wrought happen. Jdnin ANSI/ASW 832, sorts, SLIvabMe#lW,M.5%Tln,4%Coppar, ILS96 Sudden. 203 Condensate bale Pill A. Contlmwa drain piping shall be Diff/copper AM sweat fittings. 201 NATURAL GAS PIPING: A. Above GradeBlackSteel Pipe: AHIM schedule 411 Black SMN azs mded wild black malleable 125 LB. hates In sizes 2' or smaller and for larger sizes assembled by wearing thongs as manufactured by TPN -Tum. B. Below Grade- Same as ter gas piping Move grade, except warped wig 3M tramduad dpewrap. 1. Paste pipe (Nlpak) polyethylene PE -2306 may be provided fiappmed by teal authorilae, C. Gas Cocks: 1. Crew No. 320 Iron berry valve crew ends, with square plug head, M ape sizes under 2'. 2. Crane No. 325 iron body valve flange encs, square dug head, ter pipe sizes over 2o. D. Gas Pressure Regulator Fisher 5202 steel botly, the cast aluminum spring am diaphragm postage, relief vent and screwed entls. 2.05 BALL VALVES: A ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 1. Gane- Model 2180 CXC under Z'and model 21M IPS over 2'. 2Red and WM-Motl 5043 under 2- and named 5044 Poor 2'. TSW over 2'. B. Up to 2Inhes: Mums botly, stamen deal ball, Teflon sets and stuffing box mag, lever handle, solder encs. C. Over 2Inches: Bronze body, chrome plated steel ball, Teflon seat am during box seals, ever handle screw ends. PART3-E%ECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION: A Ream ape and Nee ends, remove tuns. B. Remove scale and did, on dome and made, before assemNy. C. Prepare piping connections to Moment with %Wes or Unions. D. Overhaul waterressure al Wlldin site. P 9 yervicana owed pressure xnWs Ppr D 9 wMm aping where wear pmwre axdeds 80 PER 3.02 INSTALLATION: A Promote nomogdiseaseco nnecon Whareerjalnlng dmimmeta BenIn pool mnerand mdnein graet. C. Instal ddng To conserve building space and rel nimerewithumerof M D. Groupoipingwhoneverfsadical at comma elevations. E. Cw es unless above ceiling, in or lls a note Mines unless athea4sa Mown or noted on the Durwood, F. f rh Bending sngid piping is not permMed, way Mile shall thed uMbetl for a change in direction. G. Install capita Conrad piping Mito linewM proper novel. Connedhomonal wrocnes MINS, eoraaroe- with 45 tleond BYfuings, ComodhOzY"and es ovefilingsCom. many 45 down 'brume s,60 sacks bull45 rem Nationrm`ad and A tog deg FUJI ormabindl0nM endits own fitli e. stacks my on a Mod we para to FUJI 9 hand. docsmyuseashat sweepr ill hand. Branches connecting t smios ora 0 degree shall tilted 45 dee bench lineal a 45de nee semthe side aeedu r0 m Adlhe W9 farm the rtle antl Np� H. Venly with the air Pan iffoning installer tat all vents through the roof are learned at least ten feel from the atle isit ins the unit. Thereshallbe at least ten feet Of honkn Nese gene and myymade ade itle air ranks, indexingd to tMi air requir Offset antlederoAevr expanded required. I. Install pipings outallow showing pipe, and contraction quipmestressing pipe,Irina,w conneeassumpmnt. J. and oxen enth assumed ter instillation sinmlation antlawe"ess wheraroves and K. Parke access where valves and flan9 Bare rot exposed. L. Slow whim piping and arrange to drain allow points. M. Establish elevationsWeed dstoreroad the building to ensuree not less Nan 188 d inches shover. N. Where pipe supper members are w rush structural apply framing. scrapebroffi antl apply one coat of zinc nM pnmere weltling. 0. Prepare pipe, Brings, supports. and ameswdes not prefinishod ready Vx finish peirang. Rear to Other sections of this sp riifiwtim bar panting. P. Establish invert MavaWns stapes ford manage he 1I8 inch per fact minimum. Maintain gradents. Q. Extend all condensate Maine to mares) approved receptor (unless shown otherwise) and same property to amid secondary rapping. R. Any PVC piping exposetl to the sunlight shall be W Drdeded, This may the from additives an the pladc compounds making up the pipe s from mating or sheadngs added to the pipe a#ecinsWlldim Neurrisaptued NtMdre. marad MreW insrudiod on preparation of Me surface prior to paining mud be elndly Nlbwed. 3.03 APPLICATION: A Use grund meschanicel couplings aur fasteners only in accessible locations. B. Install unions downstream of valves and at equipment or apparatus connections. C Install brass male adapters each side of valves in copper ddng system. Sweat solder Wapten to pipe. D. Insall ball valves for shuruft and s isolate equipment, pad of systems, or vertical mors. Kitchen equipment shall have ball vowed used for equipment isolation. E Install gate valves for throuing, bypass, or manual flow control services. 3.04 DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM: A. Pia to sating work, spiry system is complete, flushed and dean. B. Ensure PH of water to ae treated is between 7.4 and 76 by adding MOM (caustic sada or sotla ash) or add thydromorid. C. Inted disinfectant. flee chlorine In liquid, powder, table) or gas form throughout system To obtain 50 to 80 mi residual. D. Bleed water from outlet to ensure distribution and test for disinfectant residual at minimum 15 percent of outlets. E. Maintain disided in system for 24 hours. F. If Anal disntedant residual IesM less Nan 25 Wal, Legend manus 1. G Flush to tat of nt running system unlit residual Ys ue to tat waters tura L. eq nit BI H. Take samples Mom 0 sooner than 24 hours after flushing, hoar 10 percent of workers enc ham waleremy and andyze in accwdancewM AWWAC601. PLUM&NG EQUIPMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Formal all lana, materials, tads, equipment am reeled items acquired for the complete Ifinii of Plumbing Equipment as indicated by tlo Contract Documents. 1.02 REFERENCES: A. ANSIIASSE 1011- Hose Connected Vacuum Breakers. B. ANSIIASSE 1019- Wall Hydrants, Frost Proof Athemmtic Opining Antl-Backflow Types. C. ANSI A112,21.1 -Floor Drains and Floor Sinks. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 FLOOR DRAINS AND FLOOR SINKS: A. FD - 'A' Cad iron two dece body with double drainage flange, weep holes, camping colar, and round appeal nicked -bronze strainer, mode131g005A manutcal by Josam. B. ED Bp Castiron body AM tlwde dranage flange, weephd", damping cdu, removable sediment bucket, and mund qct iron st2inm Motle132320 manuWdu el by J"am. C. At drains shall have Imp Drinker Connections. D. F5: Cast mon body war double drainage flange, weep holes, clamping collar, enametl interior, aluminum internal dome strainer, sediment bucket with liner, antl round niMek-0 a strainer with 314 grate; model 49200 manufactured by Josam. E. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS -FLOOR MINE AND FLOOR SINKS: 1. Jmem. 2.J R. Smith. 3.Zum. 4. Wade. 2.02 CLEANWTS: A. Exarbr Areas Cow ren body with round cast nickel bows awew theme arts win am wear Model 56010 manufactured by Jdam. B tiFlaw lea powhoedywith double Meadow Meal clampingcollar, round with nickel bonze swriw ed covers rviceareesand round AM tlmessetl Coveer Ioacceptflmred (tie or named W1041Ln round or by bicaso Motld 56010)1-12 roundworm Am tl by Jwam. C. loader round epoxy Wall Areas: Cad her body enc mund epoxy celledswraver, and roundroustainless sleet accesesco s cover severed with machine drew; Mod 58710 mnufMduretlby Josam. D. loanerdedt pe Accesdoble Areae: Caulked oCCEPT tltype. E. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS miZ Wade, UTS: Jowm, J.R.SmM.,. Zorn, Weds. 2.0AIRCHAMBERS: A., An kanganchambers of type "er, inL"csPe t not lees Than 12' erg, and al smaller in size than the supply pipe shall took noddedand every forces, outlet, each water supply to each and every ngthre ouet.ithe ofequipment,these. The length aaVorare diameter whom mNeseair Members shall rh greater where required to eliminate water hammer. Refers Plumbing Not Diagram erN2.0WALL HYDRANTS AND BI A. Wall Hydrant iSE 1 I hardware, tyowwitchrome pedy,ande tl box how MreatlHe spout,re manukey,antl vacuum banker, Medd 865 mnufadured by Wooded B. Hose Bibb: ANSIIASSE 1015 MrohTMated oo brans how vacuum ewith Tee trader handle and vacuum beakerr . Wwuatl model 4P. C. ACCEPTAHYDRANTSLEM4N d,AmRERS-WALL HYDRANTS Wootllatl, Jaom, J.R. SmIN, Zorn, Wade. 2.05 Tap printer vebeM: A, Trap primer valves all the Josam 88250 or approved equal with bronze valve botly, movable operating para, lowered named brake, and gasketed access cover. 2.06 Backflow Preventers: At fixtures plumbed on this under shat have backflow preventers as required by the applicable code offoacemmt owne es. These may be individual (par hNrel backM w devices or they make a broclMow tlevice for the entire water serme, but they must prevent crossmnkmination in aremance with the local plumbing aur heath and". PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION: A. Cardinale emrirg of mot and! Noor Panatrtction to remlve dmina 0 required event devabons. 3.02 INSTALLA AND APPLICATIONS: A. Insall specialties in accordance with manuhdurer's instructions to Permit intended performance. B. Edend cleanwB to finished floor or wall surface. Lubricatethreededcaeaneut plugs with mixture of graphite and linseed oil. Encore cleamnce at cleared for rudding of tl ool system. C. On all Installation with spans belay the floor, all trades dearouts and tear sins shall have the necessary damping dam in collars to ensure waterproof dre ralaons. 0. Eaain wnaea8ush warMquadiAnhorGenou outs E. monde as Mail be provided d at more each chid s p dinky ongro Gall laws and d eachlarge in tlior m at ng con 45" enc in each Wruwul ran at intervals net exceeding 50 feetn all sal make, am drainlines o F. Extetrain a 112- saft copper pnmwr yet*athneseechwato from Imp Dnmr valve al the merest evalory or sink. PLUMBING FIXTURES PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Fumish all laor,mtehols, tools, equipment and related item required ter the complete 'nsrallalbn of Plumbing Fixtures as indicated by the Conrad Documents. 1.02 REFERENCES: A. Amricans with Disabilities Act ADA. B. NSFI A Sedbn 9 Supports Wath Standard. C. ANSI F.6,1-SuppOrderse the-Flmr Plumbing Futures for Public Use. D. ANSI At Forum Furnished and Rough Brass Plumbing Future Fmdo E. ANSI mbingF ups. namletl Cast Iron Plumbing Futures. F. ANSI At 2.19] -Vitreous China Plumbing G. ANSI AtTank ,ar Ron Unner WalerfJosel Bowie TION enc Unda. 1.0 A. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA: A. Submit oPeratiarand locked My ad B. Include fixers Trim gate. etl vkwaur replacement tide. 1.0. WARRANTY: A. Provide five year manufacturers manufacturers warranty. BWa"iInclutlecoverageofeleefivisa ler coder hamPre scar. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 201 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERB FIXTURES: A. AffecrounStandarml Su Kohler. Crane EII'er. Jud, Elkay. Fiat SlermWlliams. PART 3-E%ELUTION 3.01 INSPECTION: A. Review millwork shop duawings. Oman laetiar and doze of fixr mand openings Whom rough in and ir'aellation. B. Verity adjacent wnGmbon is ready to receive roughen work of this Section. 3.02 INSTALU nON: A. Insall each Mum with trap, easily removable Re servbirg aur clowing. B. Provide chrome dated raid or fievrible sup plies to fixtures with Iowa key stops, reducers and C. Insall Mad serum level and Plumb. D. Insallandsehafts. sin dao with wall cartersantl toll. E. Sam fimureeswell ancBear surfaces wit seelantao nPwuetl in other sections of this specification, mer to manual fayre. F. theiselnfoluresto thedeva Might as indicated on the accem and ural much evafias. A c mrences, aweucams with Deal Act (ADas A) the Amricans wing Deabilaes Ad (ADA) shall the tlhered W. G. On all d ter areas sou used in flush valve lity An requiretl areas, rough in themites eo that the operating lever is on the Suttle side of the stall or in the use of bankoven; type fixtures pmme ellerleft or the triteleversto put ew operation s the water dont on the Suttle dole ofthe M 3.09 ADJUSp1STING AND CLEANING: A. Adjust a" or valves for intended water flow aide 0 Mums without splashing, nam, or o s m. B. At wmplelbn, dean plumbing fixtures and equipment. C. Solidly Mach were olden to noun with lag wrevrs. Lead flashing is not intended W hold fixture In place. 3.04 FIXTURE ROUGH -IN SCHEDULE: A. Rough in fixture piping connection in exposures wig following table of minimum sizes ter padoular fixtures. Hot Cold Wash Valid Water Water Lavmry %" %' T 1-17 Mop Sink W W 3' 2' Sink IN %' Y 1.10 EWC - W Y 1-10 Wlr Cbsel - Y' 4' 2" Urinal - %' T 2 - WATER HMMRS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Encore protluds and Installation of specified fixtures are in contomwnm with ae=MwMli0d aur requirements of fico following Organizations. 1, National Sanitation Foundation (NSF1. .�O NJhael Ra UZiLlll m �or�Og X50 2. American Salary of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEI. 3. Nalkenal Board of Enter ad Pressure Vessel InspeMn(NBBi 4. National Ele mal WnaB mU Association (NEW). 5. Underwnlers Labaa nardd1). 1.02 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: A AI9P ui ment must conform s all state and put rerequirements the ithew requirements eare 9 more stringent than these spedrmatiws. 1.0. WARRANTY: A Provxte minimum time year warrantyforwater hemMa eekn umanufacturers provisions of Section15010. 2.0. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS: A Fassyassembletl and wired, elecVlS vesml B. Glass lined weMedslas Insulated with minimum 60 to 140 degrees F, flanged or screen nichrome element, high temperature limit thermostat. D. Brass water connections aur dip lube tlrain vawehigh-donsitymepnuoumarode, and ASME sited lempargure aur pressure relief valve. E. Flangamurdedimmakown heating Welling elements; individual etem& sodmd with Inwloy comesioniesisanl metal allay, pled less than 75 wafts Per square inch. F. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS -WATER HEATERS: 1. Slate. A0. SmM. Ruud, Rhoom, Lahinvar. 2.02 GAS WATER HEATERS: A Factoryassembled power gas, vertical storage type, 125 psg maximum=Mng pressure, minimum combustion Miami of 00%; manwadured by Lahinva, Sale, A.O. Smith a approved equal with capal as scheduled on the Module The armwaar Nader shall be certified and listetlC.SA International under Me latest edition of the applicable ANSI2ml AS 3 test standard Re water heaters. The water heater shall be thermally insulated with suRicent insulation to meet the minimum requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 Sandal thecurrent version of the IECC crus listedg capacity) (whichever is feate4l ( 9 Iheban act 9 P Y) B. Thebankconstruction multi flue ofenon strength heat ttA piLfl"deaner a 9 increasedtransfereacencY. The sink shall be contudetlnaccodaraewM (standard contraction withstand requirements and shall bemumof Me adding seal pressure of two time the working pressure without leakage.) (the ASME Boiler and Pres sure Vessel Co the requirements stamped and re nd Pre sur the National Boas d 9 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors,) Tha ane shall awaungpressure of150pd. Die pink shhatl be u tion sbetl with a d won e ereaseiror of Me etoo cleanout antlslineda Thah ensureAeancular be lass )lass and fired to ensure a ons ibelarheng of with os enc mase. agnecokshdlb topohedwtlh twoor mare magnesium anodes a provide Model war limited protechon and shall carry a three (3pper and rautoma C. thomentl luwar automatic immetsbn coder theme ora examsIIy adjustable F tomparradmis logic range Mom limit to 1 90 device F and high temperature Amid device a pol tlegr fes F. D. Eachtuderi Dean heaterMad ASME oNempowingeand Dein valve. ASME coed temperature and pressure roundvalve,Eedronicflame Twomanu system with diad spark gnaUc Two masa)gas ureshore mil valve; Mull g" valve, Gas pressure millym for am Ovaker erall managed, urs andurymolorand Wedwat r hadur Mantl co dlV and E. Rewater Me MugbeconaWdedheban shth a all to steel oppoad ondlyIn The bank shall o wmdelely eroamin In up a to of high tlwsitye heat rhaneroamd cover rst to maximize heat relendon and ower t standby Mat toes. The roar of the latestassembly shall The off ina3 coal owdiefu l finish. The unit shall Tevao IoW y cou rep 0a Category tli retlerN allow easywnmdion d. tea Caegar1, negative draft, 1 5,000 sydern. F. Water Heaters with Inputs d14Ma dile out and ergo shall be equipped with a Siad out brmerley assembly for easy May waawessantl deanirg. The burner Maywall what me one ue Irbuaq lame ponied tamers what fire on a omcnkl pear. G. Die ds F waheater orscupl oapprovedtoprance 1800 F waterforonitallon, commercial aur trM poll safen. H. l S mideM park control system with I ams sup nt Spark Ignition and ale ghrdl m c flamesupervisionW upon lamde 4 ound. main dampeshut_rlock upon flame bound. Avert Anis,, interlocked 24VAC controls shall d used to r1A VAheat l 24 in off cycle. CartrolG . a120 VAC wig 24 VACe ra-MCU PART 3-EXECUTgN 3.01 WATER NEATER INSTAL WN: A Insall water h"ars in apmdance with morin mss instruction and s NSF UL requirements. B. B.Cwsinale with plumbing piping and resided de iWl=it to funded compete efwRtin"som. .d0 Wheelie. .ZiLlll w I BG�D �5g 9 2' d' e' 1l4""=1� k1rr,tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas. Texas 75254 dirk cam 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ce uGN oavanu 4Mm o" VIRTUAL rENERGY OLUTION 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312583.7023 IAANVY.V IRTUALEN ERGYSOLUTIONS.COM VES project number: 210212 sheet title: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS sheet number: M000 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. W W N I- = =�J�)s N G vJ O i w0 r` •^/j D U V Z WL W LI z: > V 0 = N iY r00 i 1 LI M Q W 2 Lo C) M L0 VES project number: 210212 sheet title: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS sheet number: M000 0 2020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. cu a M 0 m a Ea w o- 6 m r m w a AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and related items requiretl fou the complete design and Installation dAM is Sprinkler System, B. All areas of the building shall be product by wet Automtic Fire Spunkkrs. Thesyslem shall be hydraulically calculated. Density shall be in accordance with NFPA-13 ant Factory Mutual. C Files Sprinkler Contractor shall many N al instal conditions IMrW awl nl a1YJ Somali D 9 rg installing System Yslern. 1.0Out ASSURANCE: A.. applicants State and ll Ccomr sun, NF l Readre Stale and Owners I ss, NFPA Cannot eq,ire ents(F insurance Company Requirements to the UMutual); including, out not limited to the idbwing: Local Building C 2 NFA Chapter 13. 3. Lfie Safety Cede NFPA-101. 4, Local Fire Cade. S.menkaFadory Mutual. 1.03 SCOPE: 1. The fire rofadion wnirecla stall sure D D nes of the current zotlnd all state. regulations. the ceiling. 1.01 SUBMITTALS: A. Prepare detailed waking drawlrgsof the Aukmalk Sprinkler System. B. Submit drawings and calculations W the Fire Wei l and Owner's Insurance Undenwdir antl obtain their approval. C. Submit far (4) copies of approved drewmgs and calculations to the Amhaed and taro 2 copies to the Fire Marshal for floor review and approval. PARTI PRIAL; B 201 GENERAL: A. All mfarl rfuegpipmnder then ark devices instilled am approvrnisheded antler Ihb y the hall au listed ant approved kr use by the autivches, agencies, codes and standards c3etl in this sectlm of the specificetionsons. EXECUTION 3.01 CERTIFIED CON ACOS: A. Fabnwtion and imbellaebn shell be by state experienced, fire ced, amaze tympany with experience de wank. iwommerregularly engaged ESIGN in rework. 3.0. DESIGN: A. Piping in areas having ceilings f be ancestor; tdo o pang In storage ram tleek shag los m y belea; piping In big kept service areas my be expwed bed kepi ba minimum distance from ceiling. All piping shall be new, dean and (nee hem est. B. Ifire Askam so CorAdd all shallcoordinatehis soak antl serviceswith all omen d equi mounted, tuspmdetl st m. Neetl equipment adwithPa structural system. No sprinkler lines shall pass Ihough C. Dgnsrequiring albof Mall membersfor message sprinkler apipes or Iffiratiffershallifiveavaged. Whoashd , to hornity,appearance and slogan aspects denote the necessityawnshall wi held W an abeh minimum and doneonly with agr Me Abdomens erten Me Natkl. 0. Formal addition Ki meeting N National Fire amosof Fewhys Muto. ual, Requirements antlm0 the Factory Mutual, Se following will apply 0 hespoi sytemer stem: 1. The spnnkkrsyskm shall be . Meneed to the building fireallnsystem nkler tem comet 2. Thisbe eWs llysmainsedso valve shall a local son w sound so that at least a owl adanm will sound When the valve o closed. 3.0DRAWINGS: A.. Shp dihed b consisting of the idiowing Mall be roputm vi the f=plat wedged 1. ammatre.Mngi system le wemeaa auomnship oin all system indicdbg relbianMp M ell omwavarheatl items triping, et Ii. ht Mall be as mometu risers, piping, eta Mall a as momentum ovieuas as possible, Proven¢ s pleasing overhead appearance, and MII WSII all Waclionsl requirements 2. Sprinter Contactor sheik ostein a ropy of APPROVED ceiling gall witsystem0tomayout wbwntrxcoraM shall soak omit layout when preparing sand tlmall so and installing wait. ernrerli handle shallbelocehtlIn themes w of ceiling tiles. Cuing ofceilang runners will not tor permitted 3. Pike pen indicating lemon of all underground cannectlam, consulany lves oche piping anal all doomed! necessary any other Items M tlak tleemed naessary by N FPA 13. 4. Compete details and sections as required to dearly define ant centy the design indicated by Se BfommMia laws and pilot plan. 5. At shop drawings, Via to being sent to the Architect, must bear the Fire Ergireenng Dept stamp of acceptance. B. Furnish ant install, neat W the speaker rlwr main, a printed sheet, protected by wood Mall glass rover, giving brief instodions ¢Nin control emergency procedure and rag 9 9 ryar other as deemed necessary b Fire ryY Marshal. G Upon completion of theam ngs s accuratelymark we luny a shun tlrae prev shaving stem tion sell underground etc fire prevention system piping, selves, Mmunfinini gandva. Shaw aelbn Mundo, give mining and valves by l of uimemmu pips give line winos un0eng. Uppipinghemstreet win as Owner. Uponcomplefiqu MlbejM,Wmilt Owner ono (i) nwl legible ropy of "as built" drawings. 3.0GUARANTEE: A.. a ieentlre ioneoarfollation mMell gilding dfor a harbtl ovine oar from Se building eaaptaruatlbe. 3.05 TESTS: A. Pnw lOhe npMng to the o in shad sphnmpr piping.theuntleywntl main shall beflushetl perms requirement MNFPA-13. AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT PARTI- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. FumisM1 all labor, materials, tools, equipment items required forme complete installation of Air Conditioning Equipment as indicated by the Cataract Enormous. 1.02 WARRANTY: A. Probe five year understated warranty on compressor units. S. Pwitla a ten(10)year Mechanical warrerdy for all heat exchangers from the manufacturer. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Meet to requiremmo M UL and appical mow. B. Test and rate wolfing system A nConddiming and Refrigeration InAtute Standard 210. PART2-PRODUCTS 1.01 PACKAGEDROOFTOPUNRS: A. Roof Top Consent Volum, Gas Firetl Heating and Coding units shall be as Scheduled and Mown on Nam. Cooling capacity ratings shall be based upon fast in manual With ARI gs standard W. U compressor, air amiss ofInsulated roof soh, cocr tons, ,air coded eatdenser pail, co=d ns, Gas Flied Heal exchanger, wntl&ISBkdam ns, pa evaporator sits relumtsh Ha applicable), vapo ( DD ). molorsentl drivers. coinUnits shall also include fit058all uniteprowdm s. B. Scheduled dule be the dra wig economizer if achedules on the drawings G Cellnet Sleelwfeh lona enamel finish anal aluew dower or re owurve access panels sunt quirk hstaneru wree members rs s ahtlflusid at nim Nlte. 8 pope with members shall be minimum 18 gape with mumaccess 20 M ,or removade panels, minimum glass gape. D. Inwlatbn; whom conditioned glasandfiber m Profeta where wdtiosio air is hendletl. Proed edgryMom ew®n. E. Supply Fan: Ct on*, a1 clew l type robber mounted Vy, a daub adjustable hinge pitch mdor pulley, dna rubber iwdasetl hinge mounted motor Fan motor shell have CvewrreMand major temperature"am nodded. ton %sembly shall be vibretion sedated. E me is ers:in aldmew arranged edfor easy mesio in meld (races artangetl far easy replacement G. Pwre copper tube fin coil asspectiowit galvanized drain pan and wive. E"pcep wlubes, and expansionase facet. Evepabapoil elan have f 1 air face to eswrepunit Reatrneoaof&lair Nickel through unto The cal shall be leek PSI.W200 P51 and pressuretesled W450 P51. H. Rerg dreg system xioncyseal cordainmwled senreti valves, aly s, owned wmoressorswlih service valves,ages, and filter e Protide, sigMglamen and Rar triers. Provide bhmw amendment on and over temparehre wAm sham all unite. I. Crankcase Faafars shall be nantlak on all nits. J. willProvidecopper tube aluminum fin contlwwr milassemblyWith subcmrect arm, K. Condenser ane baall lance diced perm nently lly dna dynamicallybalancedand b with permanently nodded bearings and buil)-in thermal hvedde pmtert L. Provide rrefrigeranant pressure switcA ocyck fans seating Section M. Healing Section thenal gas hued luomplete assembled and integral wit the unit exchanger lee seam electronics Me ei pa The heat exchanger thanbe e aluminized two -pass design with 16 gauge a ry heatt a steel primary ant 18 gauge secontlati heal exchanger surfaces. Freeexpa nsi design toeliminateand chose and expansion dresses and pokes. The burnerair proving switch. typepowerrbumm with air proving swatch. Aromatic pressure sensing salary swine to prevent burner operation if burner Is open far maintenance or inspection. The ceramic bucerwne shall shape the game to prevent impingement on sides of heat exchanger arum. Burner assembly shall anew the Maximum ignition. Provide all operating and wlety console with manuous ebctmnic flame supwition. N. Dampers: Freeze motorized minimum actual air dampers mth damper operator and control package to suWmAti lly open when Ne unit is running in Ne occupied made. Outside air damper Mall fail to closed penton. Provide ti hifienA dampors rswii ed gasket. A 9e 24 voN spring rehm with rr,00r and gear train mWinell 0, beticonn ction-powarwireword antl shall be poxered by silglity oint le tions) connections. AN utility of unit shall the wtetl through bottom of unit P. Uniprovide ll mpletebe equal roof insulation MMarb. Unit hallbem shadon ono wily an dNAM seal. noss amcrata unitall and Mme soma manafad asset unhand Ma11lanedean io prevent panelunder wmomsa son M to preventcondensationhorn termingw or easy Duct looms shall be provroetl to allay for easy and location and connection In oM curb prior o unfl placement Cut mngn shell wmply with National Roofin Conpacror's Association 9 requirements anti. Lesot Q. Compressor Grcuil compensation Ahut offove and temperature wmpenwkM W shut off becompressor ifcurrentParaw is comma Must herent co m rturallypressor teed. Pour ted with compressor thermal the wMnwithuit d er woodtotl whic thewnshlcivil extreme oraMhme gas to should omur dee Ki excessive suction gas famperaWre or rraor chemical R. Satery Sears by: fin gleCrabMu.lowsection sang beh prohuhtl by: fizsible pug, lav end high pressure sib, compressor, to compremr mom tan beingsubjected5 miuts. wrrenl more Nan once every 5 minutes. S. Low-pressure SAM roautomMcely Muk ol! Newmpubersor Seal it refingeraloss of pressure drops below wane lmlm Mto poant sys T Fwibte dugs lobed ince reMgraM system protect ¢urinal excessive erasures or temperatures in pro of fire orother abmmoal Age -temperature an motor U. Inherent c met outdoor fen odor prosection with orwel. Poterarcuit opera if molar Integral the bemmw exdurSig t V. When the unitis noir the occupied be op ore minimum oukitle or damper shall rape be open. When ma emunit e oldor air dampers in Me unoccupied Slowed mak me ourooralydampers shall be Slowed, W. The bulb nderst open and! ll allow tiv dampers to tlamars to nerd the ream air p oPe tlampers W Gose provide "free Foung' li when the meek air belmv MMaintainMaintainwtededmixed air temperaturea and ant I old compressor term approval -F ambient, return diagrams to minimum gontb n Mans approximately 70-F warned, X. a who aprogrammban Oman N AUTO awl with a remote EAT aFl m ten ONLTO s and system HEAT-OFF4900LAUT0 sbstlxf Y. When memsm unit Is forme a switch D factory we a mom smoke ion to rem, provide a switch i neo trulghl heiwn an remotely showsmoke is in Se upped IxreSm and W reset me smoke d 1.01 Splitebt System Unik: A. Unit shall be quiet operating and designed to mount hodzonkl or va 1, suspended or pad mounted m indicated on the Drawings. Indoor Wrmce pail unit and condensing units shall be moW systems provr d byte same congest B. Mavags) shall be forward curved complete with nater and adjustable speed drive. C. Heat Exchanger shall be welded heavy gauge One! and designed for even heat disataucoon w housmecrng of snapping on shrWp. Gas bumers shall be designed for high combuMm efficiency and long He Heating section shall be complete with shut-off miss fen and limit mit ll, 24 vol[ gas valve and pressure regulator, all entry mounted Heater stall be lowkaupream McodinAwil. Unadalloe supplied with natural draft combustion system. D. Direct expansion ref tterant cooling coils shall be cemfenan Woes mechanically handed to earthiness fins. Units shall be Wrnkhed With expanded valves. E. Casings Mall be bodeling!a phmphateed and fmhbetl wim a baked enamel wring. Casings Mall be Intrad internally, shall be complete with Main pan and wnnectlm and shall be arranged to pwitle access to all internal park by the cunve ent removal of panels, access tloas etc Unit Md 'nchrphrete,hakM see fillers. F. Units shall be mounted on or suspended with apprevetl Addition iselmors. G. Units shall few complete with filter section. H. Units shall have candernate drain para internally. Where required by legal aumdties hbricate wcormary Mod pans tram a know M single galvanized shat with weldod comm. Provide don pans under mals. Coordinate drain pan and condensate caim wit plumbing installer. 2.03 CONDENSINGUNIT A. Unit shall be air cooled canned for install outdoors. Unit Mall be seitcondainetl, factory Area and requiring no field aasemdy. Unit shall operate Properly Mom 40°F to 150°F anoieM temperaore onto%Inw-ambaM rands are indicated on medrawings. B. Units shall be Provided with all operating and safety controls including unioatles, when available hr the see unit provided, high and lav Pressure want Marler, cw wimnl protection devices, crenkcew heater, stiorliytle prevention control, lubnation system, cherying vetoes ant where normally available, filterdr, her, eight glass and mashre indicator. C. Units shall be hdory charmad and fabled. D. Condenser coil construction shall be copper tube and aluminum fin. E. Condenser ten shall be aural NowPM ro Ior P e with weather-proof molor. No PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. The design on the drawings soccrical, structural, etc) is based on the manufacturer listetl. If the unit is furnished by one of the War listed manufacturers, the Contro ler shall be responsible or any modification required to install such manufacturers unit. This shall include, but not be limited to, increases in unit MwW l teaser Sizes, switch and Ww a breaker Sizes, Actual trading, go B. Air unit to be supplied with fillers during the evnstiatimP ase of the Meet. After omect fill to one addm,al=plate We of ed Provide one rm Mal Us in accordance a wit C. All wiring Mall be in emoMance wim to MaterialElectrickwc Cnda. 0. Mount unikkg wated ht andowneory built mounting frame outdoor wywho .Mount WProed lowelaril utility services. Mount units ¢vel. E. Rmi top owsAlllNulMwttl where Shown an all themt drerviext clearance rancle a re is to be installed them ounce clearanceerlbyantletl applicable the manufacture oras requiretl t applicable every. lin unroo0op equipmentsufficientlyW as every train uOSHA In edges resheoM as at post sun OSHA I exhll all austf outlesh ts or atthmbing feet from exhaust hutlSts or thumbing the c etnk. F. If additional theopinlmof the Roof Top Manufacturer edtldimsNClevel spring i exceed is required saimure NC levels do not exceed 35 max, When pandit Roof include externalfispring Pfim pricing Roof Top Unit W quntraed h Adding Wand Engineer shall ha notifies before bidding R additional spring isolation is requiretl. in SEQUENCE ham SBmWnugj PERATIONS 3.02 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS A. Cooling 1. The neem mermmtaf Shell corNol me cooling rytle. 2. The en may enter run continuouslyt m be ryded at thethermostat.This function shall be sed al to thermoMat B. Heating 1he 1. The stall be crenirdletl by the neem thermostat 2. InMams'A'AUTO'poSiWn safanf fin r. controlled by a bon net wMCM1uously . 3. The ionmay either rant. Ifi function abe cycled by the thermostat. This furidbn Small be wt a1 the NermcemL C. Minimum oukitle air dampers apenmfan Ad and tlma men stop. WCTWORK PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Furnish all labor, mMedals, tool¢ equipment and relaxed items requiretl fa the complete installation of Ductwork as Indicated by the Contract Documents. PAU2 PRODUCTS: 201 MATERIALS: A. Geceral: Noncombustible w wnfmmingto requirements hr Claw l air dud materials, or UL 181. B. Side Ducts: Galvanized steel sheet, lock -forming quality, having zinc coating M 1.25 oz per St. X. (382 gmq m) hr each due in borrowings With ASTM AN C. Flexible DUMB: IMnlaNing spral of galvanized steel or aluminum construction; rated W 2 whom WG (50) Pa) pmdife and 1.5 inches WG (375 Pe) negative. D. Insulated Flexible Ducts: Again dud mapped with flexible glass fiber lowered, endorsed by wamkss aluminum pigmented plastic vapor tamer jacket, maximum 023K value at 75 degrees F (0-034 KSI at 24 degrees Ch E. Fasteners: Rlveta Who a sheet mmol Sam. F. Sealant NO"h ning, wwmw miwM, Ore resistive, co"ua with mating mtaials; liquid used alone or with two or heavy mastic. G. Hanger Red: Steel, galvanized threaded both ends, Nreedetl am and, or continuously threaded. H. Plumber's soap is not an appendage duce hanger, I. Dud longitudinal wart shall the double looked and hammered that J. Fabricate and support in accordance with SMACNA Low Pressure DUG Construction Standards ant ASHRAE handbooks, except as Indicated. Pwitla duct material, gages, conferring, and waling for operating pressures indicated. K. Size send duck installed in paw of rectangular duds in accordance with ASH RAE table of equNalenl recdarguhr and mund ducts. No variation of dud confgurelbn an sizes permned except by written promised. L. Compact Tce's, bends, ant allows Am radius of not less Man 1-1R times eidihof dud on counties. Where not Possible ad where mcargdlar elbows are used, provide turning yams. Where amudirel lining indicated pmvida Wming varve of perloaktl will with9 lass Mom irauldim. gradually, M. Increase dud diverge ce when note ssible g Di degrees upeyame wherever possible. Divergence 30 upstream ofequipmMrahallnor me exceed t e ceed 45 mrveyeae eownstreem trait not exceed 45 whom m N. Profreewemeswbereng restore P tlu Mom easements aMstrudud piping Where ee%mends duds ma0 ¢Mulct Pere areas it inW two duds malndiinin o -enol p Arg dud area. 0. Use double note ant lock wachere on creed mit suppods. 1.03 LOW PRESSURE FLEXIBLE WCIWORK: F. Law Pressure flexible dud shall option Anosolea Claw 1 ess of of the NFPA. A it be enclI'thosed in of factory ass ppandinsulation shall be englmetl in a diclory applied and sealed vapor baorieted flexr G. Insulated flexible dud shall be type SLR -181 Gengex manufactured the Environment Corge xaequalby Voremoor amex. H. All %Abledust Mall Iffieinstalled Far marvdeclrmmMaia. I. All am clonsManbemotor posjaw arcking stool, Ago ant app roved made tape imulatimloink. PA1 INSTALLA ON 3.A INSTALLATION: A. twitleamdats mnomgjandrequired tondal Pravda mtombereantl controllers. Provre mot tube coatings mWhom with Scandalfor with Sana devicsysterm, cocpde with meet Can with spring device or erscrewe ensure dedin GMeakagetedd Wbereopell ere provrea In insulated tluG of r smell Mutationms with inside metal nam B. Large ducts with normal spacearound equipment allow normal operating and maintenance aerlvities. C. pressure diflpwrsh thuffica 5 fast 5bootsMaxi o law pressure duds wire 5 feet (1.5 m) maximum add of double dud Held in piece win strap w damp. passing though the roof using galvanized Meet securely built into Roofing in Shadows with to instructions of me Roofing Contractor. Pwitla roof curb for all pemtragons. E. Flat dead Surfaces shall be cram diagonally in onall Y regadud Sam of may e.hhe Lt Ijoint form in all dud sizes may beflallaksong Transverse canes and intermediate bradng shall lureWdpeagalvanized e sh. eatmedala galvanizeddesigned angles FLoch junts lehammresomkem em airmight. InsideMtlud shall presenta sr,wtl sufface to nlair. G. Tom shall Ibemade with a dgapfromaof not Iwsflvnmaduct do& wi De ma from main boxwomein tluds will be made with lav g msfiang. H. naiomationsshalloave arate oinot mom Man 1"inn oansbrmationoeach 7- of le rgth. hlrfHf;P]a:OL'FYl111AI ARI PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Furnish all labor, materials, Kids, equipment and related items required for the compete now labon of Ductwork Insulation as indicated by the Contract Documents. All piping mutation values (R.values) must meet Nal required by the applicable energy codes regardless of the thickness listed. PAU2-PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A Fiberglass insulation'. Owens Corning Fiberglass, Manville, Knout Cgrackeetl B. Meadow Benjamin Fewer, Ineul4jou flo Chicago Magic, Chides Pro0ucs, St. Chir Rubber Co. 2.02 MATERWLS: A Owens,Comng Fiber lass E0,1 00 FRK 25 Dud Wrap or approved equal, NO density wto.0025# aluminum oil exterior. B. Ductlicer A neoprene cowed fieerylass boar having a denwty of nee less man 11P2 ad,, in conformance with Fed Spall 1111-1-5458. Type 1. Qvens-Coming Fiberylass Aemflex dud llcer or approved equal. C OwensCorning Fiberglass dud liner board or approved equal. D. Benjamin Roger 85-15 insulation bonding adhesive or approved equal. E. At CmtrecWls option, concealed we Supply air tluck and plenums, and elsewhere as indicated, shall be lined aim 1 -kick Fiberglass 1-iQ pond tlendty marad duct liner complying with NAPA AS enamel F Sound Duct Inwlatbn - Where indicated, Sound insulate air duces with l' Sick Fiberglass 1-12 Pound density=Wit dust liner, applied as specified above. PAU3-EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION: A Examine surfaces to be covered with mutation to insure work of preceding trader is competed B. Check mal Smal a space is of sufuaent data for rwTukedInsulation thickness. C. Verdi Sal substrate k clean ad all D. Do not proceed with application until mndMons are wfiskciwy. 3.02 THICKNESS: A. Supply dudwcrk: 1. Co ommi in Am or any unconsidered Space - 2 inch thick busMap. 2. Concealetl in return air plenum or conditioned spaces -s inch thick ducewrap. 2. Expmed In conditioned spaces -1 inch thick liner. 3. Exposed in unconditioned spaces and equipmentraoms-2inch Nicklmer. 4. More also indicated on common W be lined - l inch Nod liner. S. All duo * from air handling unit or ten wnt-1iinc ckrsl elbow or fuel mean Pas (eG-1 inch Nock liner. B. Return airtluGwoA. 1 end m'tck liar. C. Outside air ad mixed ream and outside air du hourly: 1 inch Nick lacer. D. Duct wool on, weather except exhaust ductwork. 2 inch thick Ilcer. E. General kitchen exhaust duoMom: 1 inch (minimum)du tmap(Ilnernaaookopkble). 3.03 APPLICATION: A. Dud be Insulated Includes all supply air duclworle, all outside air ductwork, mixed realm and oukitle air tludworlc, all realm air ductwork, and where indicated on drawings, whaustairductwork. B. At plenums shall be invulated as required for tluclwodc. C. Doing shall be lePPM fiialoomhes in directions, sealedwin approvetl mastic applied over each pint dna secures in paw. When wrapped insulation a"% lined overlap Ihe n shall tationtypesn irtdw. D. Insulatwinner a shall y t i hasten in a vapparth the we manner end may st tong ma with the use a rapier or endeer fastening material ac rewmmwtledbyndirsam fished ffirser Amm pwMA the diwecers are covered Am mastic orSM4CNAepa- E. Where, dud wrapinsckare 24"l the or greater, dud wrap to the b shall be AM san ba secured epee bottom of ns dud AMsandbaggedwash rstspac such as Mins and (maximum) dipwashers18'mwriters (marmum) o prevent sand o of insulation F. Seal programmeoftl team a punctures and other Anttretiosofbe to provide insulationfacing An tape or mastic to provide a vapor tlgN al. G. Where indicated W be Meed auk Mbe all insulated hfamagy, ramex than elation to H. Forinternal of ducts and insulation fire PPY insideof with ace side ex oserto air P edeam. with dicedsideexposed to stream Form longmudinhlybkbcorcerso! duGaplenum only. Tire -y antS rug emer and size th Surface. fire rIn ducts and W prose a smooth amomIn ducts and penumstimone site moretan d secure insulation wily fasteners i wily seemed mechanical (aced at 1 in addition ro othesive directions spaced al 14" cerders in both directionsQUALITY 3.OI FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. iWork mposell rid be roved byetl complete until hspaed-in approved by the luchflgratmoineerfor compiancewim Project soinsulation B. No ire building is a de uatelletlmani dal before buimirg is adequately closed in. Where neces ed by insulation wry Y peens N s projected by building enclosures, Agge on shall be permission from the Mecom ; and where permission Is granted, Me covering must be overing to make an by making olu far, wirer on covering to make rm Gray du tape is of not an apion forroved material. C. Gray dud tape is not an approved material. DUCTWORKACCESSORIES PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. Fumish all labor, material tools, equipment and related items required fm the complete installation of Ducts and all devices for proper air flow as indicated by the Contract Documents or as required lar good practice. 1.02 REFERENCES: A. NFPAOA Inelallatlonof Mr Conditioniw and Ventilating Systems. B. Still I ow PressureDud Constmoon Standards. C. UL 33- Heat Responsive finks hr The Protection Service. D. UL 5555 -Fire Dampers and Ceiling Nuclei PART PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL: A. In Sad whore elbow, Provide airfoil pawn doubla midnava Wming vanes. Turning vanes shall be wmmal in accordance with SMACNA Manual. Turning vanes shall be equal to BarberLdeman,'Air-Tums", Tutus and Beiley'Duct-Tums. O At each low pressure ductwork branch tmrna low manual dud and b each sweeping elbow baker -off to gas, protide a spider damper conersunA M blade on a square moralirg red Mod wit an adjusting device except b flexible duct Mori Unless othenvke indicated on plans, the adjusting devices shall consist M a control rod and Ve abnc, Inc. No 603 ball joint bracket. C. Provide where inaiwstl a Mode! SM-2DE spin in fatting with eua for and damper woman as recommend by Cecil Environment Comoretion, a ePPtoved equal, for low woure taps W coiling tlifluwrs. D. EachiMivkual air supply or realm unit, wtaNer skkwall or ceiling Manor shall be g#ed rola a device to pemoit the ackustall of the amount of air supplied to the unit independently of any other outlet These devices may take the farm of outlet book with Sanods, or of branch dud with soldier tlampers, as installation conditionsdidate, bat in any cese, each shall be fittetl with a means of manual adjustment of the amount of air dolly to me outlet. E. Flash and oaunfar flash around all duck snit9 through hthe roof using galvanized hcetYhuiflimtheron in acceptance with the insWMms ofthe Rwfi nit rbh Contractor. Provide roof cut ON F. M.Johnkalters required will havener. 112 M. JehnsMamilk'MkroEaf dead liner. G. Again ductwork shall be installed to supply tltusers, with length rid to exceed flue feel (S -or), 2.02 FIRE DAMPERS, SMOKE DAMPERS, AND COMBINATION FIRE AND SMOKE DAMPERS: A. Fire Dampers: 1. Fabricate in a arronce wit NAPA Wk and UL 5555 requirements and shall carry the corresponding label and shall be in W 9 of MeL cal also wit pertinentregJ ations ofMed LocalGoverning shall AutMntles. el 2. Fire dampers shall be of sults steel curtain Met Am common redsh 11 steel blades and With homeswhichshallbeedwithcommands maptecorillm In constructed with roues pl n pail. In closed position ore Htaaes d W l mound completely. Horizontally mounded dampers shall close and shall g looked erthe use of winless steel springs. by use of Same alliew accomplished byuseof accesspanels lurid dampers be WmisM1ro and installetl. 3. Fire dampers hr low pressure rectangular duck shall the Type po wh 95% or greater he and. be Type C with Irounder oval Fuck shall rs Type C with 100%free area. Fire dampers for medium pressure rectangular area. shall he Type Cwith I00% free area. d. Fabricate ceiling fvestop Pew of galvanized steel, 22 gauge to 76 mm)ham ant 16 gage it mm) flap, two layers 0125 inch (3.2 mm) ceramic Meer an top side and we layer m bottom Sae for much Raps, with locking clip. 5. Fabricate ceiling dampers of galvanizetl stew 22pa( 9 a 076 mirm frame stainless heelllnon fn and heat chosum spring 9weight retardant non asbestos fabric blanket ticoure. 6. galvanized steel) type dampers YP D galvanizetl steel wit interlocking blades. Provide sholws Gael closure springs and latchesgore with fel elloutof awns. Configure vimd awe do= up to 12 9 8 except for low g in height tluds up to 12 'odes m0 mm) a be get. ]. 16 gage (1.5 Fabricate ma)tifle blade firedampers wla i6gage(1.5imi mgnated steel name and Wadeskinless ad Makregnorinbonzea steel axles, steel x 112 inch and plated steel axles, i16 x 11P tribe (32 x 127 ming staled steel wpring, l lineal¢, stainless to steel closure spring, blade steps, and lock. B. Fusible links, gUL e33, Mull separbe at IN tlegrew F. Provitlaadjmhble laic shape ars. for combination m Smoke D dampers. G Combination Fire ant Smoke Dampers: 1. Fabricate in daccordance as c indicated wim NFPA 90Aantl Uro $idefsed aseevfre 2. Provide roper sleevefor So of r. steam Instilldamperopareloron ederaft. sleeve and link W damper operating shag. 3. me with multiple blades wit 16 gage (15 m (1.5 mm) galvanized seer frame and blades, dMmpregnatetl bronze amdsteel sleeve bearings and paled e agaxles, skinless steel Iamb wall intS x x in end (3.2 x 12.7 st mm) plated sfad luxring, anged linkage,and iafiess y, and 1l inch (1 .7 milatle sops, ons lock, and 12 end (12.] mm) actuaWr shaft. d. t Operators wall op wring rehm electric ardoype OeMeosshelf he on 120 V AC,60 rytle.l Probrs shallwi UL listedand damper mon. edswaches Windiwfa aempermpers: D. Smoke Dampers: 1. Fabricate in accordance with NFPA VA and UL malty ended Smote V d. 2. Commrmpe, pSmoke Vent Dampers: cin type, opening by gravity upon actuation of electro Rema) link, flexible shinlew steel Neste page souls to pollee¢ constant waling pressure. 3. Normally Ogen Snake Damper adaln type, dosing uponnd er ekdro thermal link garble winners steel Wade edge seals W providee constant nt swat preices ensuepstainless steel springs wit lits nd devices ensure positive Gowns or units mounted hizonky. PART TION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Install awessodesinaions. with manufacturers instructions. B. Ponbe balancing dampers exaustsyno on v wheresupply, return, and em larger where branches are cinen hem layer tluck as required tomer balancing. ler dampers only where indicated. cobin C. appewoke fire campers; smoke edalonmp fire and smoke dampers and smoke dampers at location indicatrd, where duds and tootles pass through fire rated apparatus and where required by authorities having junwi Install wit requires perimeter mounfing angles, sleeves, breakaway dud connections, coronion resistant springs, bearings, bushings and hinges. Install fire dampers of equal or greater fire rating as the wall ar ceiling penetrated. D. Demonstrate re saying of fire dampers to auMOa B having juriediMon and Owners rapesentagve. E. Provide banal dampa rs on all exhaust tons of exmaustduds cearesto Quite¢¢ and where ndiwhtl. F. Pravdaflexible to egecoentinonsicmaiafal Y adjacent motorized in ducts asswiaeea wim tons and duct access equipment. G. Pwrin duct access avers for inspection ats t n and awning before and ager filters, wine, fans, automatic tlampers, ra Are dampers Marwhere Mbafkmed dampers and b,ch size as iaindm Pmvttle 18 imumBX a Inch size for hand access 18 X inch size hr shoulder access, am as indicefage tl. WAG TESTING AND BALANCING PART GENERAL 1.01 ase Pe A. ThefWork unwhndedetl In this Seaton conskk of the and herkhingof egalllaborinsimmenk,loop and services required in connection with the ft Testing, Aching and Balancing(TAB) of the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems as de%Metl in ore mechanical specificationsansoranalor shown on to teed iwlplans, or reawnebly implied mere roc. B. The TAB Firm is responsible to ant shall submit reportsrmotiy toto wn AAB serveresineer andlorn Meo C. TAB services shall result in iso optimum consu ure,airflow andnoise curlsIn to weshowi spaces of the project D. Theshowingsng basic components and HVAC systems shall be tested adjusted and I Air I Alr gstii g Eq Systems 2. Air Moving Equipment 3. Heeling Systems (HVAC) 4. Control Systems Vermwlbn E. TA qu e Review 1.Document The TA 1. B Firm shall be Mans hr specuinglators me HVAC pans ant s arcotions relati Wme TASservices P rg for proper do mMantlatlwrae "Mans tlevs of ices for testiog, atljustirg and Fi nMall 2. TABFirm shallreview WACmanuility. s embedded Fin ltlae relatimemor submitted bilAG. 3. TAB Firm shall oval submitted HVAC auombbfab the recormolons. s hrICATIconformity o the soedfualbns. 1.A QUALIFICATIONS: A Te tan is to bee Agency by an agency) tlentt slowdown in, Agency loco us rub fic to testing and arkwhncong oinir antl mSd Kimemssystand balancing Age cM Ally se systems. TheTABum Agenryalance shall the fully seal by the Aswdalen Air Balance CwacieAABC). All land conceitedts shallbe working r er If reit and d the TABingead ncy working order. Bre haven the TAB xg 9 Agency sbe11 pwitle pmol of having successfully completed of ream five pmjecls of rimier She and scope during the v dby t years. need. agency shall be approved by me shall be B. All other TAB el owed m or tete shell be MannTABengimersor TABulf-we ns who Mall have ownFrmmM, m1l0me employees edges Firm for a minimum M rix (6) monthsprioro workingmfhiso proproject NT 1.O3 SERVICES OF CORACTOR7o prepare for the TAB: A eehepuof his sednoi the specifications pejonsthe nlmctofr e farsW the cointorimntrbofGecere1Configager, Mechanical Control and Nwrical Contraction Thetenm TAB Agwcymto to tympany perMming tiv tests and djuMeenk. B. The Contractoraequal stag up andtestall mMerws ant equipment which cemalN requireHeng. onaroAll iatthe shall Conbecterafea suffidexponeetlengm Mtime kchi Co Engiofs expanseto proveWIhd equipment manor Ownerab ,r equipment Ior hoe fir and manual tl Satif, only 0dhly ant quietly endperforms eetisfaclinithe moot Me and semmk sof him in the mechanical plains and spedRcetlan. C In order atested, talled HVACsystems and balanced, e Conprotractor shall operate thetlHVAC cad the necessary w enjoy for me length of time necoawry W popery andverifyhall further operate and for TAB, and shall WMer he TAB antl pay all rusk ti operation during p TAB byprince. o Operating expenses a be paid for by w Connectorthe lndutle, but not necessarilybe 1 Utiltlycom; wding'. t. Perevewelt; wedged, M water, gas and 2. all III quips Weta. operate antl Gop sill HVAC equipment 3. All mlamup ioand material wsk. 4. All minsnsae cock. D. no vall nsandapaficoscelan fl indicated adjust,dampersand for the purpose adjusting a devices forth¢ Purpose y testing, to adjusting and balancingtheconditions. HVAC systems to theinoohnnum nAliy of the grto IItillbe Ne responsiNliry of the Contractor to entail Nese devices in a cancer Nal will leave Nem accessible and readiry adjustable. The TAB firm shall be consulted If mere Is a questionable arrangement of a coal or adjushbledevice. Should any such device not be readily accessible, the Contractor shall provMe access as required by the TAB flim. E. The Contractor shall provide and coordinate to seMms of qualified responsible subcontractor; suppliers, and personnel as reg4tred W wired, repair or replace any and all muclent items or conditions found before and during me TAB period F. Asa ctlalhk Paled Cmhred sI P 1 Leaves shall make anmoan changes In the Y 9 sheaves belts motorstlamP ersor the to cortin tl dampers the LVvalveste required re mored by thence the HVAC] systems as required a the TAB firm atmadditional oust. G. Pmvreon xm idle t hondMCOMmM completion mcasprio Ki perms the wmpetiof of TAB seMces prior Owner of D pacey the Project H. The Fn 1. One Wh kthoul charge to the TABAB Nom: mis 1. a nof medankal specifications and at addenda. 2. At Tooc mpletang¢frdem. 3. Too complete was of mechanical plans with latest revisions. d. Approvedwiamrngs. S. Approved wntrd sizOramsantl submittals. 6. Approvedmpreys submidak for all HVAC equipment. I. Ham upgrad dmadinatems mnphteana in oABFint that pro poorondiryingthe AB TAB Fin rub theprofin W is reedye TAB services. in ceaiN inwritingrfme Andiflon Ennis. Lander Onmerihbl a wnditlon events. Commence a nt ofT readilesshall inocomme former orment of TAB Services shall include of foding shall 1. Constructionsio status ofd windows permit the closing of deers and windows, ceilings installed ate., to permit the obstions of projected actual ostems. contlitions. 2. Air e'trWburtnn Systems. a. ofal supply on and Indesign wall supply, return and eMaust duck. Document as re and d bin t thatmall duct leakage tests as required by the mechanical eaw filbns have hew performed and Me tesi resulk ere within aminimum finuffiallsp e dfi s b.Vrolumetlam suswnst dampers add aw rs are property meritedced nopen, c VerdOgminid outreairmarmum ouke air, relair and . sem, air and moue fight full Pers D 9 ,Qpm Y andhave t all sue and free reparation. a. Verify tat an supply, reom, exhaust and vatted as coastal and echhrsare plans. as Intlicosed m tlma mechanical P ens. e. Verity tlaethe carted size and type of oareffil o mte hasBre plans, and let they areme mahaaral plans, and mal they are aperational. C In it a dean mens leech air shandling coil and matneinhat the fillershrthe compete period ad that Se ndbala cad. is being coned, (supped, and balanced. .Vere thing (supply, return including: proper 9 N ( PPY. exhaust face operational ) pe and Vapor miction,hoe lam vibratlms Bna PmperllN orpn. n. verilymetallrruareskater proper M1eber ekmms are of proper size and rating. I. Make a record of actual motory do not andel ria and verify that they do not exceed nameplate ratings. 3. Automatic Controls: a. Verify than all cordant accordance wit proje ane installed in "edmf wily poled requirements and are functional, including all amper sequences air resets, detah sequences air resets, firestal, heezesht safeties, etc. b. Verity that all controlling insimmenk are calibrated and sena designed mom thermms war the exception otroom thermostatsor the completion ours o TAB rall he collapsed at thepormoo(TAB services with omparetion behreen TAB Arm and cTem Arecontrol J. The Auomalio Temperature Cordiol cordiador L. The cape of the TAB work as defined herein is indicated in rerckr mal the Control All be approve of his responsibility regarding the coordination and wdwnce requiring! to complete me P r i Requirements M fiml TAB. The TAB Finn will los responsible o me end itectEnAineer and/or Owner for the satisfactory goal of the TAB seMces. 1.04 SERWCES REWIRED of the TAB Agency: A. Uaison: no TAB marginalon the job shall .�o Wheal Ra UZiLlll m �`1Og 0i ad w liaison behren me A hit aglncer, Owner and Contractor. B. Early Inspection: limped the installation of Meet instal work, femperaore wo Nand Minor component park of the HVAC systems during me conMUMon stage for the purpose M reviewing mat part of Se work heaingW proper anagemnt and adequate provisons fm TAB. C. TAB Finn Services 1. The TAB parsmwl shall lest adjust and balance the WAG systems ems to provide tine fern eons aired dna noise W Par coordinate in tlth considered seem in to paces opera whilel the HVAC equipment s niteq D one Fin emcl be r 2. Re Firm shat be responsible hr actual d an all for ImancingNAtAm and jagging actual tlae m allourtl pumps, antair moving equipment, tamps, Feating and ceding equipment ant Ne operating conditions of all motors, elic as indicated in this speasafification. D. Upon completion of the iTm and startup M Me the systems, ms TAB Agway usa11 be responsiblea inspect, n Me pews adjust, oamnceantl read components on me perhrmance of the air system and dSNeredin aced Meas with sit an National Standards an hr Fiero Measurement andshedb thetimdna other standards , es air mundane shown PRBC. E. In all ton system, tiv air s require ,button the Pram may be varied as required but to trial air nednllty indicale0 Kir each zone mud bearantetl. 1.0. Guarantee A. addrmmas exteAir warranty ung "fa 112) tim momsefier ince Meant whirlficeme Acaacademic, request check Owner may, at fa HIVACtlm,reend dwkeTA of lectxa Many HVAC equipment. Provide TABdadNcdamKi asset as required in making sued tette. When any device is hantl geological belancin apom with the ISysePram are specifications oras HVAC system ¢hall be e AcompletelyidE ruggested ein Mew directed by eT MansOVEngineeraox0a Owneretma TAB firm's expense. B. Suints Withi W daysfderltenrenon m Ne Engineer within all complaints inspection k complete. Ua all wmpainte antl ken or ons encountered b arkinitiate steps taken or needed W be taken W wneM dG Whear Ra. UZiLlll w I BG�d 9 2' d' e' 1l4""=1� k1rr,tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Or. #565 Dallas. Texas 75254 Mmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ce ueNws. DEVELCmes, s CONTRACTORS VIRTUAL rENERGY OLUTION 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312583.7023 ViWNVNIRTUALEN ERGYSOLUTIONS.COM VES project number: 210212 sheet title: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS sheet number: M0.1 02020 Victual Energy Solutions. Inc. W W N I- = =�l�)a N G VJ O OD w0 DU Z ^ ZL1J i >V ILLI Q = iY r00 i 1 LI M Q W 2 Lo C) M (.0 VES project number: 210212 sheet title: MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS sheet number: M0.1 02020 Victual Energy Solutions. Inc. EXISTING STORE ROOM O ___177 - 24x20 O 1 C YOGA —200 A 200 'A' 200 O RTU_124x2D N I A' 200 RTU -3 5 9 0 'A' 200 SI 'A' 200 'A' 200 X1 STRENGTH LEI • � II� •',L •� �s � •mac 7d ��. _ iii i■�i�i�! iii iii i■�i�����i i� i®i ui�i iii o .. � • �� �.�.- I_I I■®I ISI I_I I_I I■�I ISI! I_I I_I ISI I�I ' •, _ �N,. :,.. /llil UI •D� laza TRAN TYP. �O ,00 , EF -1 E y g,• R.y ` I •IsIh /1 MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN MECHANICAL SYMBOLS LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION CEILING SUPPLY AIR DEVICE SD SMOKE DETECTOR ® m / SUPPLY DUCT RISER SPIWIN DUCT CONNECTION F/7/E CDEVIEIEILING RETURN AIR EGRIXHAUST CO/OH COH NUMIDISTAT DIOXIOE El/O RETURN DUCT RISER LLI Z > C� SPLITTER TEE DAMPER IIIA SUPPLY AIR FLOW PoINTOFCONNECTION TO EXISTING FM FM 9p ELBOWDOWN RETURN/E%HAUSTAIR FLOW M� MOTORIZED DAMPERELJ 90'ELBOW UP .A, fAIR DEVICE DESIGNATION 10'6fNECK SIZE (INCHES) Lo 350 fAIR FLOW (CFM) c'> 1.0 YYVIr FLEX DUCT CONNECTION MA,lUALBAIANCING DAMPER , �_I� DUCT SIZE TRANSITION 'A' fAIR FDEVICE LOW 350 fAIR FLOW (CFM) THERMOSTAT FIRE DAMPER LINED DUCTNORK EQUIPMENT TAGS (NEW Me EXISTING) OR FD TYT� (RTU -1 O TEMPERATURE SENSOR S FIRESMOKE DAMPER I� RECTANGULAR ELBOW W/TURNINGVANES NEW EQUIPMENT TAG INDICATES TYPE UNDERLINEDOF EQUI ON LSHOWN UNDERLINED ON PLAN. EXIST T E -g (EXIST RTU -1) EXISTING EQUIPMENT TAG TYPICALLY NOT UNDERLINED. SA SUPPLY AIR OA OUTSIDE AIR EA EXHAUST AIR RA RETURN AIR VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF MC MECHANICPL CONTRACTOR NOTE: NOT ALL SYMBOLS MAY BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. KEY NOTES BY SYMBOL 1 EXISTING RTU'S SHOULD BE DELIVERED IN PEAK OPERATING CONDITION BY LANDLORD. PROVIDE SERVICE CHECK TO INCLUDE, AS REQUIRED: REBALANCE EXISTING RTU'S TO CFM SHOWN ON SCHEDULE. CLEAN FILTERS. COILS. FANS, OIL MOTORS, CHECK REFRIGERANT CHARGE, VFVS, ETC. IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO ARCHITECT/OWNER. RECONNECT/REPAIR CONDENSATE AS REQUIRED. VERIFY PRESENCE OF DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS, PROVIDE IF ABSENT, DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE WIRED TO SHUT DOWN THE RTU'S IN THE EVENT THAT SMOKE IS DETECTED. REMOTE TEST AND RESET TO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THERMOSTATS. 2 PROVIDE 7 -DAY PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS W/AUTO -CHANGEOVER. THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS AT 60' AFF. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. 3 REFER TO EXHAUST FAN DETAIL. PROVIDE T EXHAUST DUCT UP THROUGH ROOF. TERMINATE WITH A WEATHER PROOF CAP EQUAL TO GREENHECK GRSI. ALL EXHAUST TERMINATION SHALL BE MINIMUM 10'-0' FROM OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES. 4 HOLD DUCT AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. COORDINATE ROUTING WITH OTHER SERVICES, EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURE PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK. 5 PROVIDE MEANS FOR RETURN AIR PATH. IF WALLS GO TO DECK, TRANSFER DUCT TO SIDEWALL MOUNTED GRILLE IS REQUIRED. HOLD SIDEWALL GRILLE HIGH AND PAINT TO MATCH WALL. 6 RETURN DUCT SHALL TERMINATE WITH OPENING ANGLED TOWARDS UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK. PROVIDE DUCT LINING FOR SOUND ATTENTUATION AND COVER RETURN OPENING WITH 12' HARDWARE CLOTH. GENERALNOTES A. CONTRACTORS AND SUB CONTRACTORS SHALL CAREFULLY REVIEW THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. INFORMATION REGARDING THE COMPLETE WORK IS DISPERSED THROUGHOUT THE DOCUMENT SET AND CANNOT BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED WITHOUT REFERENCING THE COMPLETE DOCUMENT SET. B. COORDINATE WITH THE WORK OF OTHER SECTIONS, EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS, REQUIREMENTS OF THE OWNER AND CONSTRAINTS OF THE EXISTING CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT SITE. PROVIDE DUCT RISES AND DROPS AS REQUIRED FOR FIELD INSTALLATION AND TRADE COORDINATION. NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE STARTING WORK. O. ALL ROOFING WORK (CUTS, REPAIRS, SPUD WORK, ETC.) SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDLORU'S APPROVED ROOFING CONTRACTOR. Q DRAWINGS FOR THE MECHANICAL WORK ARE DIAGRAMMATIC SHOWING THE GENERAL LOCATION, EQUIPMENT TYPE AND LAYOUT, THE DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCALED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSIONS. REFER TO MANUFACTURERS STANDARD INSTALLATION DRAWINGS FOR EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE DUCTWORK, INSULATION, WRAP OR LINER PER SCHEDULE, CONNECTIONS, OFFSETS, ACCESSORIES AND MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS. E. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AS APPROVED AND AMENDED BY THE GOVERNING CITY INCLUDING APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF NFPA, OSHA, BOCA AND UBC OR ANY INTERIM AMENDMENTS AT THE TIME OF THE PROPOSAL. PURCHASE ALL PERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK AND OBTAIN ALL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY CODE. E MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW GALVANIZED STEEL SUPPLY AND RETURN AIR DUCTS AS INDICATED. ALL DUCT TO BE INSULATED PER IECC AND INSTALLED PER SMACNA. G. DUCT DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE' AIRSTREAM' DIMENSIONS. H. PLUMB CONDENSATE AND SECONDARY PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. I. OUTSIDE AIR REQUIREMENTS PER SCHEDULE; IF REQUIRED, ROUTE DUCT FROM OUTSIDE PER LOCAL CODE REOUIREMENTS. OA AND RELIEF SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE MOTORIZED DAMPERS WITH AIRTIGHT SEAL. J. MAINTAIN IOCLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE AIR INTAKES AND ALL EXHAUST AND VENTS. k1r,tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmee.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. vexevs. Nsverur-as s wsnxnaass VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONS.COM K. THE SCHEDULED ELECTRICAL POWER VALUES AND REQUIREMENTS ARE BASED ON THE MANUFACTURER'S DATA FOR THE SCHEDULED MODEL. ACTUAL VALUES FOR THE EQUIPMENT SELECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR MAY VARY. FIELD COORDINATE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO SUBSTITUTION OF EQUIPMENT FROM SCHEDULED MODEL. L. COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR LOCATIONS FOR ALL ACCESS DOORS IN GYPBOARD CEILING FOR ACCESS TO SMOKE DETECTORS, FIRE DAMPERS AND OTHER MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. M. ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS CAPABLE OF BEING UL LABELED OR LISTED SHALL CARRY THE UL LABEL. N. PROVIDE PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS. SEE ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR EXACT LOCATION. O. RUN -OUT DUCTS ARE SAME SIZE AS DIFFUSER NECKS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. P. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF SMACNA SHALL BE FOLLOWED WITH RESPECT TO CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND SUPPORTING OF ALL DUCTWORK. DUCTS SHALL BE SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SMACNA CLASS C. ALL DUCTS EXCEPT FLEXIBLE RUNOUTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL. NO FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK PERMITTED ABOVE INACCESSIBLE CEILINGS. Q. PROVIDE RETURN AIR FILTERS AT THE HVAC UNITS, NOT AT THE RETURN GRILLE WITHIN TENANT SPACE. R. ALL LABOR,MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE FROM ALL DEFECTS. S. ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMCHECK AND THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CODE MUST BE MET. T. UPON COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION AND START-UP OF THE SYSTEM A TEST AND BALANCE AGENCY (TAB) SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSPECT, CHECK TEST, ADJUST, BALANCE AND RECORD DATA ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AIR SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AABC NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FIELD MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION AND OTHER STANDARDS AS PUBLISHED BY THE ANSI THE TAB AGENCY IS RESPONSIBLE TO AND SHALL SUBMIT ALL REPORTS DIRECTLY TO THE OWNER PER IECC. U. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS PER LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. VES project number 210212 W hea! .d R6 sheet Gtle: �. MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN, NOTES AND LEGEND 0 2' 4' e' sheet number: Am"El 1 M 1.0 114'=I'.W 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. ILLI �����2\L \\ :x w r N ® ' C" C) W O �U Vro Z LLI Z > C� IIIA �. °° ~ CO Q Lo 0 c'> 1.0 K. THE SCHEDULED ELECTRICAL POWER VALUES AND REQUIREMENTS ARE BASED ON THE MANUFACTURER'S DATA FOR THE SCHEDULED MODEL. ACTUAL VALUES FOR THE EQUIPMENT SELECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR MAY VARY. FIELD COORDINATE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO SUBSTITUTION OF EQUIPMENT FROM SCHEDULED MODEL. L. COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR LOCATIONS FOR ALL ACCESS DOORS IN GYPBOARD CEILING FOR ACCESS TO SMOKE DETECTORS, FIRE DAMPERS AND OTHER MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. M. ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS CAPABLE OF BEING UL LABELED OR LISTED SHALL CARRY THE UL LABEL. N. PROVIDE PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS. SEE ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR EXACT LOCATION. O. RUN -OUT DUCTS ARE SAME SIZE AS DIFFUSER NECKS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. P. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF SMACNA SHALL BE FOLLOWED WITH RESPECT TO CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND SUPPORTING OF ALL DUCTWORK. DUCTS SHALL BE SEALED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SMACNA CLASS C. ALL DUCTS EXCEPT FLEXIBLE RUNOUTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL. NO FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK PERMITTED ABOVE INACCESSIBLE CEILINGS. Q. PROVIDE RETURN AIR FILTERS AT THE HVAC UNITS, NOT AT THE RETURN GRILLE WITHIN TENANT SPACE. R. ALL LABOR,MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE FROM ALL DEFECTS. S. ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMCHECK AND THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CODE MUST BE MET. T. UPON COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION AND START-UP OF THE SYSTEM A TEST AND BALANCE AGENCY (TAB) SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INSPECT, CHECK TEST, ADJUST, BALANCE AND RECORD DATA ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AIR SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AABC NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FIELD MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION AND OTHER STANDARDS AS PUBLISHED BY THE ANSI THE TAB AGENCY IS RESPONSIBLE TO AND SHALL SUBMIT ALL REPORTS DIRECTLY TO THE OWNER PER IECC. U. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS PER LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. VES project number 210212 W hea! .d R6 sheet Gtle: �. MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN, NOTES AND LEGEND 0 2' 4' e' sheet number: Am"El 1 M 1.0 114'=I'.W 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. CD 0 a tt r W w CL K NG DULED) DAMPER NCH DUCT TYPICAL BRANCH DUCT DETAIL MALE MCS I WIN -IN TAP `AREA (SF) OCCUPANT DENSITY Vit# i CFM/ AREA EXHAUST AIRFLOW MIN.CFM REQUIRED zo 14'MB' I ? I VO UME DAMPER 12512' (INSTALL IN SEE PLAN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION) SPIN IN TAP DETAIL MALE MLS DOUBLE THICKNESS TURNING VANES DUCT EBBOW MITERED ELBOW VENTILATION AIR SCHEDULE OCCUPANCYCLASSIFICATION `AREA (SF) OCCUPANT DENSITY CFM/ OCCUPANT CFM/ AREA EXHAUST AIRFLOW MIN.CFM REQUIRED MIN. GEM PROVIDED 14'MB' 24'x24" 12512' 12512' NECK SIZE SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN IN LOBBY 521 4 5 37 BEE PLAN 57 57 101 RESTROOM 57 4.1113 N.C. LEVEL 18 MAX. 75 MODEL NO. G 70 -VG 102 RESTROOM 58 BODAMPER BD DAMPER 105 75 TITUS TITUS 103 SHOWER 52 MODEL NO. 272FS TDC 75 50F DESCRIPTION 104 SHOWER 52 CEILING DIFFUSER TRANSFERGRILLE REMARKS 75 25 GAS CONNECTION 105 UTILITY 142 0 COMPRESSOR 9 1 2 9 9 INUTILITY 0 0 13.6 2 NO. OF FANS 2 2 107 YOGA 932 25 20 54 FLA. (EACH) am 555 IN STRENGTH 1099 25 W 56 16OQUI 566 555 109 SPIN 740 25 w 44 20813 544 SIB TOTAL 3763 79 MAX. OVERCURRENT PROTECTION W 45 1733 1 1736 AIR DEVICE SCHEDULE DESIGNATION EF -1 DESIGNATION A B C D MODULESIZE 14'MB' 24'x24" 12512' 12512' NECK SIZE SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN FLOW RATE (CFM) BEE PLAN BEE PLAN BEE PLAN BEE PLAN NECK VELOCITY (FPM) 500 MAX 500 MAX 500 MAX 4.1113 N.C. LEVEL 18 MAX. GREENHECK MODEL NO. G 70 -VG G -070 -VG ACCESSORIES BODAMPER BD DAMPER 105 MANUFACTURER TITUS TITUS TRUS TRUS MODEL NO. 272FS TDC TDC 50F DESCRIPTION SIDEWALLGRILLE CEILINGOIFFUSER CEILING DIFFUSER TRANSFERGRILLE REMARKS 25 25 GAS CONNECTION 0.75 NOTES: 1. MOUNTING FRAMES SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH CEILING TYPE. 2. PROVIDE OPPOSED BLADE DAMPER. 3. PROVIDE OFF WHITE FINISH. 4, ALL CEILING DIFFUSERS ARE 4 -WAY DISCHARGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLANS. 5. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDRIONAL INFORMATION. B. DUCT RUNOUTS ARE SAME SIZE AS AIR DEVICE NECK NOTED ON PLAN. 7. OR APPROVED ALTERNATE. ALTERNATE EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE A CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE FOR APPROVAL. FAN SCHEDULE DESIGNATION EF -1 EF -2 SERVES RESTROOMS SHOWERS MOUNTING ROOF ROOF TOTAL CFM 150 150 TOTAL SYL (IN, W.G.) 0.375 0,375 MOTOR HPI WATTS 11151- 1/15/ - DRIVE TYPE DIRECT DIRECT VOLTIPHASE 12011 12011 SONEBIWEIGHT(LBS) 4.1113 4.1113 MANUFACTURER GREENHECK GREENHECK MODEL NO. G 70 -VG G -070 -VG ACCESSORIES BODAMPER BD DAMPER 105 INTERLOCK WI LIGHT INTERLOCKWILIGHT NOTES: 1. MOUNT FAN PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. MAINTAIN CODE REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN EXHAUST OUTLET AND OUTSIDE AIR INTAKES. 3. PROVIDE WITH SPEED CONTROL TO BE MOUNTED ON J -BOX ABOVE CEILING. 4. OR APPROVED EQUAL BY COOK. FASTEN CABUE TO TRUSS H MPROND MPHNER BY MI mNflL WIRA WC1MpIX SPIN -IN INNOM TAR WN WTTVELY DAMPER META RUN WT DUCT. SWE SITE �AS wNSR F NJT MGM ON Raw PUN. SEAL TAP MI DUCT SS SOLLM- ANT YU AMT MAMP (11P) RW15 ND SPI ^^^ N -IN'-' RIIIOU D M 0 MIN. OIiR le LONG ORANGE MARKER mum TAPE ATTAwEO M IDECR Y DAMPER L)CA1101 REMBU DNGT (MAIL LENWH 4A -C) - MCI TO PLN FCR 9]E SEAL TM MM MINT VAUNT RTU SCHEDULE - GAS DESIGNATION QQRTU-1 (X)RTU-2 (X)RTU-3 SERVES BRENDA C.F.M. 3000 2000 2000 EXT. S.P.(IN. W.C.) 0.8 0.0 0.0 INDOOR FAN MOTOR H.P. - R.LA. 6 O.A. C.F.M.(MIN.) 11 750 492 492 COOLING COIL TOTAL CAPACITY (MEN) 88.2 55D MS SENSIBLE CAPACITY(MEHL 70.1 43A 43.7 ENTERING AIR GRAMS -F) 80/87 II WW AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (' F) 105 105 IN CONDENSATE CONNECTION .75 NPT .75 NPT .75 NPT HEATING GAS INPUT 120 120 115 ENTERING AIR TEMP. ('F) 70 70 70 MINIMUM TEMP. RISE ('F) 25 25 25 GAS CONNECTION 0.75 0,75 0.75 COMPRESSOR NO. OF COMPRESSORS 1 2 1 1 1 1 R.L.A. (EACH) 13.8 16 13.6 CONDENSER FAN NO. OF FANS 1 1 1 H.P.(EACH) 0.75 0.75 0.75 FLA. (EACH) 4.0 FILTERS TYPE 2Yx2V' 18'x25" 16OQUI THICKNESS 2 2 2 ELECTRICAL VOLTAGErPHASE 20013 20813 20fl13 MINIMUM GIRCUITAMPS 41.0 31.0 27.3 MAX. OVERCURRENT PROTECTION W 45 35 ECONOMIZER ENI-IAIPY ENTHALPY ENTHALPY MANUFACTURER CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER MODELNO. 49HCFDOB 48FCRA06 40VE006 SEERIEERIIEER 412.01130 14.0111.01- 1011-/- NOMINALTON. 7.5 5 5 ACTUAL TON. 7.35 4.58 4.72 WEIGHT 925 556 490 REMARKS - NOTES: 1. EXTERNAL S.P. DOES NOT ALLOW FOR WET COIL AND DIRTY FILTER. 2. PROVIDE BAROMETRIC RELIEF FOR ALL UNITS WITH MOTORIZED DAMPERS OR ECONOMIZERS. 3. PROVIDE AIR DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS FOR ALL UNITS, PER PIAN. PROVIDE REMOTE TEST AND RESET FOR SMOKE DETECTORS. 4. ALL UNITS TO BE BELT DRIVE OR VARIABLE SPEED. 5. PROVIDE HAIL GUARDS ON ALL UNITS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ENGINEERS APPROVAL FOR ALL NEW OR REPLACEMENT UNITS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE ATTACHED TO OR TO BE SET ON THE ROOF PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK ALTURNIVE mm - 16A1KN ELY MEN ACCESS TO RBMMY UWATICN Is R6RNMED 1. AL PLEMJMS AND DUCTS MUSL BE SUPPORTED FROM SINUCTME PER LGCIL CXCE STANDARDS AND SMACNA STANDARDS 2 ALL MCI MW4 SF SEALEY RKLOMXG TAPE ANO MASTIC MANUFACTURERS WICLLNES. 3. ALL REX SUM SWL BE INSTAII£D Mix A ,L �r <�tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. J�`�� cv�ctv[wePs.swxrvu�aPs 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTION$.COM `ro Z� H I LO W LU N I- r � CV U) C) W LU O ::)U ZLLJ W Q 0 1.r 00 CO 2 W Ln 1^ MCS co V! WPPw1ED BY ORE Nw TRI Mm 18 C.W4E (MINIMUM) METAL STRIPS. DE 14' O.C. MAXIMUM \ A ro `,, fOR Sg WALLMAMMB IFI R EE f(4 --n OR IS LO VES Project number 210212 SPACING X �C R SHIL BE FWR W LEXIBL, w IISS IF R6NAMX 1MM( PNMT R6 IIMITED BY LOLL ODOR. THE MINIMUM B PLW m1gXG RADIUS SHA. BE WE AND 3" MAX. FROM UNER R CAME OR AsUF T.5 WEST BY THEE DU"ERT°�M l Wharf/�O sheet title: DUCT YINUFACTURELL , UNING DUCT U m S UD -WE DED PINS DUCT MMNM ME]USFR ROUND �µ'gYpa �M �. MECHANICAL AND CUPS SPOT IB' Loss ORANGE MARKER MING ,EE �. .°C SCHEDULES,NOTES WELD PINS TO DUCT ALL ENDS OF UNER TO BE NOTER: MATENAIR Aro Ixsruunw MWL BE PER TAPE ATTAWED TO IDwTFY ` 0 JL5` TREATED WITH ADHESIVE A�AxD�AAAwlxsruLBARg1E1NCDMPERIx DMPERLwAnw. g AND DETAILS ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER SPIRAL/ROUND DUCT W/ DIFFUSER DETAIL CEILING DIFFUSER DETAIL 0 2, 4, B, Sheet nDmber: WE SCALE NCS SCALE NIA MM 114"-1-0" 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. .�° `Nhaar Ra U m c X1"9tm engineering consultants 10901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 15254 rtmec.com 1 912.381.3500 ■ ' �F ■ ' �F 'd EXISTING , �'RRrWW��WW��11�1 SPRINKLER ROOM d I 0 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. I I 't �. uevcvezc oevauxr-Ps.swxrvu�aas STRENGTH 0ve VIRTUAL ENERGY All SOLUTIONS YOGA 0 SPIN 444 W LAKE CHICAGST. SUI1100 GH IOAGO, IL 60 I� 312.583]02323 VJW W.VIRTUAILENERGYSOLUITONI W W MS I - EXISTING STOREO SK ® i/V O1 ROOM L$� Ilop� r Irnonr J - WCQ 00 IIII @2 UJ 0 li N OED L�--- Ly -- ----- ------4 Shwr. LS 104 DNI 4 3" VTRLI z w LAV � � EY6. J Lobby I)..J — — Z4 i 0 L 0 ~ Q al Lo 0 c') Lr) Utility Lai WASTE AND VENT PLUMBING PLAN 1/4 LEGEND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION TAGS AND DETAIL KEYS. SEE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLANS FOR ITEMS SHOWN WITH THESE MARKINGS ON THIS SHEET, AND A COMPLETE UST OF EQUIPMENT FOR THIS PROJECT. COLD WATER 140T HOT WATER 1407 HOT WATER RETURN EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE SANITARY WASTE PIPING (E) SAN EXISTING SANITARY WASTE PIPING — — — WASTE VENT PIPING N* CHECK VALVE CI SHUT-OFF VALVE 71 QUARTER TURN BALL VALVE TP -X TRAP PRIMER VALVE ® ED FLOOR DRAIN FIRE PROTECTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRACTING WITH A CERTIFIED FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. FIRE PROTECTION SPECIAUST TO PROVIDE, FOR APPROVAL, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE UMITED TO THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AND/OR THE ADJUSTMENT OF AN EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM. ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL OTHER TRADES AND ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT. NOTES BY SYMBOL O 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY WASTE PIPING, OF EQUAL OR LARGER SIZE, FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND INVERT IN FIELD. OFLOOR DRAIN NTH TRAP PRIMER, SEE WATER PLAN. OWATER HEATER DRAIN PAN AND T&P REUEF TO DRAIN TO NEARBY FLOOR DRAIN. TERMINATE DRAINS WITH OODE-APPROVED AIR GAP. 4 VENT THROUGH ROOF. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 10'-0" FROM OUTSIDE AIR INTAKES. OROUTE 3/4" CONDENSATE DRAIN DOWN IN WALL AND SPILL INTO MOP SINK WITH MINIMUM 1-1/2" AIR GAP. VES project number: 210212 .d W hea! R6 sheet Gtle: . WASTE & VENT PLUMBING PLAN AND NOTES III number: Pi '0 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. PLUMBING NOTES: A. ALL WATER PIPING IN BUILDING ABOVE CEILINGS, IN WALLS AND BELOW FLOORS SHALL BE INSULATED AS REQUIRED BY THE IECC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. INSULATE PIPING TO PROTECT FROM FREEZING AND PROVIDE SOUND PROOFING. B. ALL WORK TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH PREVAILING CODES. C. WATER LINES TO BE INSIDE OF WALLS, SURFACE MOUNTED WORK IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. D. ALL WATER LINES TO BE VALVED AT STUB -IN LOCATIONS. E. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS IN LINE BEFORE ALL SOLENOID VALVES. I.E. AT DISHWASHER, DISPOSER(S), ICE MAKER(S), STEAMER(S), ETC. F. PROVIDE AND INSTALL PIPE HANGERS FOR ALL PIPING SYSTEMS. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P3.0. G. OWNER REQUIREMENT: NO DOUBLE -WYE UNDERFLOOR PIPE CONNECTIONS ON WASTE PIPING. PIPING INSULATION SHALL COMPLY V47H SECTION R403.5.3 OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. FIRE PROTECTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRACTING WITH A CERTIFIED FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. FIRE PROTECTION SPECIAUST TO PROVIDE, FOR APPROVAL, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE UMITED TO THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AND/OR THE ADJUSTMENT OF AN EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM. ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL OTHER TRADES AND ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT. NOTES BY SYMBOL O 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY WASTE PIPING, OF EQUAL OR LARGER SIZE, FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND INVERT IN FIELD. OFLOOR DRAIN NTH TRAP PRIMER, SEE WATER PLAN. OWATER HEATER DRAIN PAN AND T&P REUEF TO DRAIN TO NEARBY FLOOR DRAIN. TERMINATE DRAINS WITH OODE-APPROVED AIR GAP. 4 VENT THROUGH ROOF. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 10'-0" FROM OUTSIDE AIR INTAKES. OROUTE 3/4" CONDENSATE DRAIN DOWN IN WALL AND SPILL INTO MOP SINK WITH MINIMUM 1-1/2" AIR GAP. VES project number: 210212 .d W hea! R6 sheet Gtle: . WASTE & VENT PLUMBING PLAN AND NOTES III number: Pi '0 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. EXISTING STORE ROOM I] X1 STRENGTH Imi ImI ImI ImI ISI ISI YOGA HE] 9 3/4" NG LAY F-0 ® ®' MESA! I'm \ g ,e ® ©--111 -� I_I I_I I_I I fm Illn pip / 7EEEI� i I � I I I I I I I � Utility LAIh1 SUPPLY PLUMBING PLAN 1141 0 LEGEND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION TAGS AND DETAIL ® KEYS. SEE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLANS FOR ITEMS SHOWN WITH THESE MARKINGS ON THIS SHEET, AND A COMPLETE UST OF EQUIPMENT FOR THIS PROJECT. COLD WATER 140F HOT WATER 140F HOT WATER RETURN EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE SAN— SANITARY WASTE PIPING =(E) SAN= EXISTING SANITARY WASTE PIPING WASTE VENT PIPING N CHECK VALVE SHUT-OFF VALVE 71 QUARTER TURN BALL VALVE Z.y TP—X TRAP PRIMER VALVE ® @ FLOOR DRAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRACTING WITH A CERTIFIED FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST TO PROVIDE, FOR APPROVAL, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO TUE INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AND/OR THE ADJUSTMENT OF AN EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM. ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL OTHER TRADES AND ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NOTES BY SYMBOL O O1 PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS FOR SHUTOFF VALVES AND HAMMER ARRESTORS SERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES. EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM El 2 CONNECT 1-1/4' CW TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING PIPING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW PIPING OINSTALL MIXING VALVE MY BELOW FIXTURE, CONNECT TO SUPPLY PIPING AT FIXTURE, SET WATER TEMP. 0 110' F. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P-2. THE TEMPERING VALVE SHALL BE ASSE 1070 COMPUANT. O4 TRAP PRIMER VALVE IF FOR FLOOR DRAIN. TURN TRAP PRIMER LINE DOWN IN WALL AND EXTEND BELOW FLOOR TO DRAIN. SEE TRAP PRIMER VALVE DETAIL ON PLUMBING DETAIL SHEET P-2. OHOT WATER RECIRCULATING PUMP 'NTH )�" (2.0 GPM MAX. FLOW) CONNECTIONS. RECIRCULATING PUMP TO BE CONTROLLED BY TIME CLOCK. O6 INSTALL CHECK VALVES ON WATER SUPPLY UNES TO FIXTURE/OR EQUIPMENT. CHECK VALVES TO BE ABOVE CEIUNG OR AT nXTURE SUPPLY. SEE SUPPLY RISER DIAGRAM. OINSULATED WATER PIPING ABOVE CEILING SUPPORT WITH PIPE HANGERS, SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P-2 (TYP). OPROVIDE GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR EQUAL TO FISHER SET TO 7" W.C. VERIFY PRESSURE OF EXISTING SERVICE. PROVIDE GAS COCK AND DIRT LEG. Og CONNECT 3/4" GAS UNE FROM WATER HEATER WITH 120 MBH TO EXISTING GAS MAIN. VERIFY EXISTING LOCATION, SIZE AND SERVICE PRESSURE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW PIPING. < �r �tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTION$.COM w PLUMBING NOTES: A. ALL WATER PIPING IN BUILDING ABOVE CEIUNGS, IN WALLS AND BELOW FLOORS SHALL BE INSULATED AS REQUIRED BY THE IEGC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. INSULATE PIPING TO PROTECT FROM FREEZING AND PROVIDE SOUND PROOFING. B. ALL WORK TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH PREVAILING CODES. C. WATER LINES TO BE INSIDE OF WALLS, SURFACE MOUNTED WORK W IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. D. ALL WATER UNES TO BE VALVED AT STUB -IN LOCATIONS. E. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL WATER zw HAMMER ARRESTORS IN LINE BEFORE ALL SOLENOID VALVES. I.E. AT DISHWASHER, DISPOSER(S), ICE MAKER(S), STEAMER(S), ETC. F. PROVIDE AND INSTALL PIPE HANGERS FOR ALL PIPING SYSTEMS. > SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P3.0. G. OWNER REQUIREMENT: NO DOUBLE -WYE UNDERFLOOR PIPE CONNECTIONS ON WASTE PIPING. PIPING INSULATION SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION R403.5.3 OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRACTING WITH A CERTIFIED FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST TO PROVIDE, FOR APPROVAL, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO TUE INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AND/OR THE ADJUSTMENT OF AN EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM. ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL OTHER TRADES AND ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NOTES BY SYMBOL O O1 PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS FOR SHUTOFF VALVES AND HAMMER ARRESTORS SERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES. EXISTING SPRINKLER ROOM El 2 CONNECT 1-1/4' CW TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING PIPING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW PIPING OINSTALL MIXING VALVE MY BELOW FIXTURE, CONNECT TO SUPPLY PIPING AT FIXTURE, SET WATER TEMP. 0 110' F. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P-2. THE TEMPERING VALVE SHALL BE ASSE 1070 COMPUANT. O4 TRAP PRIMER VALVE IF FOR FLOOR DRAIN. TURN TRAP PRIMER LINE DOWN IN WALL AND EXTEND BELOW FLOOR TO DRAIN. SEE TRAP PRIMER VALVE DETAIL ON PLUMBING DETAIL SHEET P-2. OHOT WATER RECIRCULATING PUMP 'NTH )�" (2.0 GPM MAX. FLOW) CONNECTIONS. RECIRCULATING PUMP TO BE CONTROLLED BY TIME CLOCK. O6 INSTALL CHECK VALVES ON WATER SUPPLY UNES TO FIXTURE/OR EQUIPMENT. CHECK VALVES TO BE ABOVE CEIUNG OR AT nXTURE SUPPLY. SEE SUPPLY RISER DIAGRAM. OINSULATED WATER PIPING ABOVE CEILING SUPPORT WITH PIPE HANGERS, SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P-2 (TYP). OPROVIDE GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR EQUAL TO FISHER SET TO 7" W.C. VERIFY PRESSURE OF EXISTING SERVICE. PROVIDE GAS COCK AND DIRT LEG. Og CONNECT 3/4" GAS UNE FROM WATER HEATER WITH 120 MBH TO EXISTING GAS MAIN. VERIFY EXISTING LOCATION, SIZE AND SERVICE PRESSURE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF NEW PIPING. < �r �tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, IL 60606 312.583.7023 W W W.VIRTUALENERGYSOLUTION$.COM VES project number 210212 .d W hea! R6 sheet Gtle: SUPPLY PLUMBING PLAN %g010 AND NOTES sheet number: P 1 0 1 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. w LU N H C'4 ® ' '^ V/ M0 w W O �U Vro zw Z4 > O CO ... 2 co Lf ) VES project number 210212 .d W hea! R6 sheet Gtle: SUPPLY PLUMBING PLAN %g010 AND NOTES sheet number: P 1 0 1 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. UNIT COUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. TRAP SIZE D.F.U. TOTAL D.F.U. TOTAL NI .S.F.U. WC WATER CLOSET (FLUSH TANK) 2 4" 4.0 8.0 SAN. 2.0 4.0 LAV LAVATORY 4 1.25 1.0 4.0 SAN. 2.0 8.0 FD FLOOR DRAIN (EMERGENCY)2 SHOWER 3" 0 0 SAN. - - MB MOP SINK 1 3" 2.0 2.0 SAN. 3.0 3.0 EWC-1 FILTERED DRINKING FOUNTAIN 2 1.25" 0.5 1.0 SAN. 0.25 0.5 SH SHOWER 2 2" 2.0 4.0 SAN. 3.0 6.0 STORAGE FACTOR 1 - REWIRED STORAGE CAPACITY 62 GAL PEAK DURATION 1 HOUR(S) SELECTED STORAGE CAPACITY 60 GAL TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS: 64 GPH INLET WATER TEMP D.F.U. W.S.F.U. 21.5 19.0 W.S.F.U. 21.5 FU = 20.5 GPM (1-1/4" WATER SERVICE) D.F.U. 19.0 FU = 4" PIPING HORIZONTAL 0 1/4" PER FOOT SLOPE (216 FU MAX.) WATER HEATER SIZING SYMBOL FIXTURE QUANTITY GPH 0 140F SUBTOTAL MOP SINK 1 10 10 GPH TOTAL HOT WATER FLOW 10 GPH LAVATORY (PUBLIC) 4 8 32 GPH SHOWER 2 90 180 GPH TEMPERED WATER FIXTURES TOTAL FLOW 0 140F 212 GPH MIXED WATER TEMP 110 ('F) ACTUAL HOT WATER FLOW 145 GPH TOTAL HOT WATER FLOW RATE 155 GPH DEMAND FACTOR 0.4 -SD- RECOVERY CAPACITY 62 GPH STORAGE FACTOR 1 - REWIRED STORAGE CAPACITY 62 GAL PEAK DURATION 1 HOUR(S) SELECTED STORAGE CAPACITY 60 GAL REQUIRED RECOVERY CAPACITY 64 GPH INLET WATER TEMP 45 (F) OUTLET WATER TEMP 140 ('F) HEATER EFFICIENCY 0.95 Ca* REWIRED HEATING CAPACITY 53,368 BTU/H SELECTED HEATING INPUT 120 MBH PLUMBING SYMBOL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF UTILITIES AND PIPING BEFORE BALL VALVE 9 GAS DROP TO EQUIPMENT OBTAIN EXACT LOCATIONS AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FROM BUTTERFLY VALVE -W- WATER SERVICE UNE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL ARRANGEMENTS WITH UTILITY COMPANIES FOR SERVICE AND CONNECTIONS BALANCING VALVE --- DOMESTIC COLD WATER TERMINATE ALL VENT AND FLUE OUTLETS AT 10'-0" MIN. FROM ANY FRESH AIR INTAKES. CHECK VALVE ---- DOMESTIC HOT WATER STRUCTURAL FRAMING. NO WATER OR DRAIN LINES PERMITTED OVER OR UNDER ELECTRICAL PANELS. GATE VALVE -___- DOMESTIC HOT WATER RETURN PROVIDE TRAPS, STOPS, GATE VALVES, GAS COCKS, WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS, VACUUM BREAKERS ON GAS PLUG COCK WATER METER THREADED FAUCETS, WALL CLEANOUTS, CLEANOUT COVERS, FLEX CONNECTIONS, SHUT-OFF VALVES AND SANITARY SEWER VENT INDIRECT WASTE TO AN APPROVED RECEPTOR AND ALL NECESSARY TRIM FOR A COMPLETELY INSTALLED AO SMITH BTH-120 SANITARY WASTE LINE CSI WALL CLEANOUT -IW- INDIRECT DRAIN 0 FLOOR CLEANOUT -SD- STORM DRAIN 1 SEE BELOW FLOW SWITCH -F- FIRE PROTECTION - FLOOR SINK -G- NATURAL GAS LINE 10 FLOOR DRAIN THERMAL EXPANSION FLANGE -ER FLOOR DRAIN W/FUNNEL SII- UNION 2. ROOF DRAIN 12 BRANCH - TOP CONNECTION HUB DRAIN~ 13 BRANCH - OTTOM CONNECTION PROVIDE WITH Ca* WALL HYDRANT OR HOSE BIBB REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE RIM RAISED ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. FLOOR DRAINS MAY NEED PIPE RISER TO BE RECESSED WITH THE FLOOR SLOPED TO THE DRAIN. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE A -- WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR WITH SIZE �0 PIPE DROP ¢ VACUUM BREAKER -D- DRAIN LINE FLOOR MOUNT BACKFLOW PREVENTER r DIRECTION OF PIPE PITCH 3/4" - POINT OF CONNECTION - NEW TO EXISTING BELOW DIRECTION OF FLOW LAV TOILET ROOMS THERMOMETER -FW- FILTERED WATER MOEN W/AC TRANSFORMER MODEL 104630 GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR 8559 - MOTE: NOT ALL SYMBOLS MAY BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. PUMPS SEWER BELOW GRADE SCHEDULE 40 PVC GENERAL NOTES 1 VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF UTILITIES AND PIPING BEFORE TYPE 'L' COPPER COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2 OBTAIN EXACT LOCATIONS AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FROM TAG ARCHITECTURAL AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS. 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL ARRANGEMENTS WITH UTILITY COMPANIES FOR SERVICE AND CONNECTIONS TYPE AND SHALL PAY FOR ALL PERMITS. FEES, CHARGES AND METERS. 4 TERMINATE ALL VENT AND FLUE OUTLETS AT 10'-0" MIN. FROM ANY FRESH AIR INTAKES. 5 INSTALL ALL PLUMBING TO AVOID INTERFERENCE WITH ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND RECOVERY (GPH) STRUCTURAL FRAMING. NO WATER OR DRAIN LINES PERMITTED OVER OR UNDER ELECTRICAL PANELS. LWT (F) INSURE THAT ALL WATER LINES INSIDE WALLS ARE ADEQUATELY SECURED. 6 PROVIDE TRAPS, STOPS, GATE VALVES, GAS COCKS, WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS, VACUUM BREAKERS ON THREADED FAUCETS, WALL CLEANOUTS, CLEANOUT COVERS, FLEX CONNECTIONS, SHUT-OFF VALVES AND >(D INDIRECT WASTE TO AN APPROVED RECEPTOR AND ALL NECESSARY TRIM FOR A COMPLETELY INSTALLED AO SMITH BTH-120 & CONNECTED PLUMBING SYSTEM. 7 RECORD ON AS -BUILT DRAWINGS, ALL SIZES, LOCATIONS. INVERTS AND MATERIALS OF EXISTING PIPES 140 THAT ARE ENCOUNTERED AND NEW PIPES INSTALLED DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROJECT DELIVER 95% AS-BUILTS TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT THE END OF THE PROJECT. 8 ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL AND FEDERAL CODES, RULES AND 1 SEE BELOW REGULATIONS GOVERNING THIS PROJECT. 9 UPON COMPLETION OF JOB, INSPECT ALL EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS AND - COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL EXPOSED LABELS, SOIL, MARKINGS, AND FOREIGN MATERIAL EXCEPT PRODUCT RECIRCULATION LABELS AND THOSE REQUIRED BY LAW. 10 NOT TERMINATE LESS THAN 6" OR MORE THAN 24" ABOVE GRADE NOR MORE THAN 6" ABOVE THE WASTE THERMAL EXPANSION RECEPTOR. 11 PROVIDE FLEXIBLE GAS CONNECTIONS TO WATER HEATER AND COOKING EQUIPMENT. PROVIDE RIGID GAS MODEL NUMBER CONNECTIONS TO ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES AND WHERE LOCAL JURISDICTION PROHIBITS 2. THE USE OF FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS. 12 VERIFY ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCE CONNECTION SIZES PRIOR TO MAKING FINAL CONNECTION. REDUCE BRANCH PIPE SIZING JUST PRIOR TO CONNECTION TO UNIT. 13 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOOR SINKS AND FLOOR DRAINS. PROVIDE WITH THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION MAY REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING: FLOOR SINKS MAY BE KIT AND VENT OUT THE ROOF. REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE RIM RAISED ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. FLOOR DRAINS MAY NEED TO BE RECESSED WITH THE FLOOR SLOPED TO THE DRAIN. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE TOILET ROOMS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THIS INFORMATION AND INSTALLING THESE ITEMS AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 209AA137 ADA WATER CLOSET PUMPS SEWER BELOW GRADE SCHEDULE 40 PVC WASTE VENT ABOVE GRADE GAS WATER HEATERS TYPE 'L' COPPER COLD WATER ( BURIED) MOTOR TAG TAG LOCATION BASIS OF DESIGN WATER SIDE TYPE GAS INPUT (BTU/H) EFFICIENCY ELECTRICAL REMARKS MANUFACTURER AND MODEL RECOVERY (GPH) E'M (F) LWT (F) VOLTS PH HZ WH >(D UTIUTY 105 AO SMITH BTH-120 138 45 DOMESTIC HOT WATER 140 120,000 95% 120 1 1 1 60 1 SEE BELOW REMARKS: 1 NO - RECIRCULATION 1. PROVIDE WITH THERMAL EXPANSION TANK. O MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER M 2. PROVIDE WITH T&P RELIEF VALVE AND PIPE TO NEAREST FLOOR DRAIN. DRAIN VENT 3. PROVIDE WITH INTAKE AND FLUE KIT AND VENT OUT THE ROOF. WC TOILET ROOMS PUMPS SEWER BELOW GRADE SCHEDULE 40 PVC WASTE VENT ABOVE GRADE BASIS OF DESIGN COLD & HOT WATER (ABOVE GROUND) TYPE 'L' COPPER COLD WATER ( BURIED) MOTOR TAG SERVICE LOCATION CONDENSATE DRAIN TYPE CAPACITY (GPM) HEAD (FT) NOTE: REFER TO PROJECT SPECIFICATION MANUAL. REMARKS MANUFACTURER AND MODEL HP RPM VOLT PH VFD z: >(D TAG LOCATION Q RP DOMESTIC HOT WATER UTILITY 105 B&G PL -30 INUNE 1 20 1/10 1750 120 1 NO - RECIRCULATION LC) O MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER M MANUFACTURER PIPING MATERIALS LEGEND SEWER BELOW GRADE SCHEDULE 40 PVC WASTE VENT ABOVE GRADE SCHEDULE 40 PVC COLD & HOT WATER (ABOVE GROUND) TYPE 'L' COPPER COLD WATER ( BURIED) TYPE 'K' COPPER GAS (INSIDE BUILDING) SCHEDULE 40 BLACK IRON CONDENSATE DRAIN DWV COPPER INDIRECT DRAIN (INSIDE BUILDING) DWV COPPER NOTE: REFER TO PROJECT SPECIFICATION MANUAL. .�a `Nha Ra U m �06�0149 Doe kr <�tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ucwxc osysinasm, s comwc,ors VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTION 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, T 60606 312583.7023 W WVd.VIRTUAITEINERGYSOLUTIOINIS.COM W PLUMBING FIXTURES W N (V U) C) BASIS OF DESIGN O VALVE/FAUCET DU z CONNECTION SIZES z: >(D TAG LOCATION Q FIXTURE TYPE DIMENSIONS MOUNTING CO REMARKS VI �_ LU LC) O MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER M MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER DRAIN VENT CW HW WC TOILET ROOMS AMERICAN STANDARD YORKVILLE RIGHT HEIGHT 209AA137 ADA WATER CLOSET - - FLOOR MOUNT 4' 2' 3/4" - SEE BELOW LAV TOILET ROOMS KOHLER K-20000 LAVATORY MOEN W/AC TRANSFORMER MODEL 104630 8559 - UNDERMOUNT 1-1/2" 1-1/2' 1/2' 1/2' SEE BELOW MB UTUTY 105 FIAT TSB100 MOP BASIN T&S BRASS B-0665 BSTR 24'x24' FLOOR MOUNT 3' 1-1/2" 1/2" 1/2" SEE BELOW FD VARIOUS J.R. SMITH 2010-A FLOOR DRAIN - - 6" DIAMETER - 3' 1-1/2" - - SEE BELOW EWC LOBBY 100 ELKAY LZST_8WSSP ADA DRINKING FOUNTAIN W/BOTTLE FILLER - - - WALL (ADA HEIGHT) 1-1/2' 1-1/2' 1/2' - SEE BELOW SH SHOWER ROOMS TILE SURROUND BY ARCHITECTS - ADA SHOWER WITH SUDE BAR/WAND KOHLER ADA WAND SHOWER W TH MIXING VALVE K -T14489 -4 -CP TRIM, W/ K -2973 -KS VALVE, K -939 -G -CP SHOWERHEAD & K -22166 -C -CP HAND WAND SEE PLANS - 3" 2" 1/2" 1/2" SEE BELOW FCO UTUTY 105 SIOUX CHIEF FINISH LINE SERIES 834-4ANR CLEANOUT - - 4" - SEE PLANS - - - SEE BELOW TMV UNDER LAVATORIES SYMMONS 7 -210 -CK MIXING VALVE - - - - - - 3/8' 3/8' SEE BELOW REMARKS: 1. COLOR OF FIXTURES SHALL BE WHITE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. ALL SINKS, LAVATORIES AND WATER COOLERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH 17 GA. CHROME PLATED BRASS TRAPS W TH CLEANOUT PLUGS, TAILPIECE, STRAINER AND WALL ESCUTCHEONS. 3. ALL FIXTURES SHALL HAVE INDIVIDUAL CHROME PLATED, LOOSE KEY OPERATED SUPPLY STOPS WITH WALL ESCUTCHEONS. 4. PROVIDE ELONGATED, OPEN FRONT TOILET SEAT FOR ALL WATER CLOSETS. 5. COORDINATE WALL MOUNTING LOCATIONS AND HEIGHTS OF FIXTURES WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 6. PROVIDE ADA COMPLIANT PIPING SHIELDS FOR ALL EXPOSED UNDERCOUNTER PIPING FOR ADA SINKS. 7. PROVIDE WALL CARRIER FOR WALL MOUNT LAV SINKS. 8. PROVIDE ASSE 1070 COMPLIANT WATER TEMPERATURE LIMITING DEVICE FOR EACH LAV SINK AND SET TO 1050F. 9. PROVIDE CANE APRON MODEL LKAPREZL FOR WATER COOLERS. 10. INSTALL TRAP SEAL GUARD ON ALL NEW FLOOR DRAINS. BASIS OF DESIGN - RECTORSEAL. .�a `Nha Ra U m �06�0149 Doe kr <�tm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1 972.387.3500 FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. ucwxc osysinasm, s comwc,ors VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTION 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 CHICAGO, T 60606 312583.7023 W WVd.VIRTUAITEINERGYSOLUTIOINIS.COM VES project number: 210212 sheet title: PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULES, MATERIALS, & NOTES sheet number: P2.0 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. W W N (V U) C) w O DU z z: >(D Q 0 CO VI �_ LU LC) O M L0 VES project number: 210212 sheet title: PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULES, MATERIALS, & NOTES sheet number: P2.0 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. a N 0 o on r PROVIDE ONE PIECE SPUN ALUMINUM BASE WITH. GRADULATED STEPPED PVC BOOT, AND ADJUSTABLE STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. SET BASE IN BED OF MASTC REFER TO ARCHITECYS DRAWING FOR APPUCATON OF VENT PIPE BOOT INSTALLATON WITH ROOFING MATERIAL 12* ABOVE ROOF PROVIDE SLEEVE IF �� ANCHOR PIPE TO ROOF REWIRED BY TYPE DECK OR MISTS WTH OF ROOF DECK Url AROUND PIPE AND ANGUE IRON MINIMUM 12' BELOW ROOF WELDED OR SCREWED TO DECK M DOST REFER TO PLANS FOR VTR PIPE SIZES AND LOCATIONS LOCATE VTR MINIMUM TEN FEET HORIZONTAL OR THREE FEET VORTICAL ABOVE ANY BUILDING OPENING OR FRESH MR INTAKE, AND ONE FOOT FROM ANY VERTICAL SURFACE. PROVIDE 1" FlBERGIASS INSULATON WTH ALL- SERNCE JACKET CN VENT PIPE INSIDE BUILDING WITHIN SIX FEET OF VENT THRU ROOF LOCATION. VERIFY FLASHING AND CONTERFLASHING WITH ROOFING CONTRACTOR. 01 Seale: NONE IS LARGER THAN 1"� SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE GRATE SLOPE PIPE I AND STRAINER. MINIMUM AS MUCH AS O CAP = TWO PIPE DIAMETERS POSSIBLE Dal DIscHAR E MACE CONNECTION TO EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED MAKE PIPE MINIMUM ONE 92E VEIBFY WITH LOCAL LARGER THAN EQUIPMENT CON- CODES IF /NHEN TRAP NECTON, MINIMUM 3/4'. USE 'M" AND/OR VSAT PAE RE - OR 'L" HMD COPPER UP TO 1' OUIROG FOR TUE LENGiH AND TWE DWV FOR LARGER O DRAIN PIPE INSTALLED ROUTE PIPE INCONSPICUOUSLY AND UNOBTRUSIVELY. HMG PIPE AS REWIRED. DO NOT INSULATE INDIRECT DRAIN PIPE MEN INSTALLED EXPOSED IN FOOD SERVICE FACILITY. ROPER TO LOCAL CODES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. TYPICAL INDRECT GRAIN MGM EQUIPMENT. ALL INDIRECT WASTE DRAIN PIPING 91A11 TERMINATE WITH A 45' ANGUE OU TYPICAL REMOVE ALL BURS AND FILE DOWN SHARP EDGES. �1 INDIRECT DRAIN V V Scale: NONE IBII�IIII�� SIHD. b R 2' G&NWf TEE FIDNG WNL SURFACE META 11 WALL CLEANOUT UlA_J Il TO WATER[HEATER[ PIPE UNION: DIELECTRIC IF DISSIMILAR METALS :nl••q•:L:.LLL6': AR CHARGING VALLA FILL TANK WITI MR PRESSURE TO MATO WATER PRESSURE. MEN OPEN VALVE PIPING ARRANGEMENT SHOWN IS SCHEMATIC. ADJUST TO SUIT FIELD CONDITONS. MAKE PIPE SME SIZE AS TANK FITTING. FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTONS FOR INSTALLATION PROCEDURE. WRIFY PROPER OPERATOR MEN INSTALLED. EXPANSION TANK INSTALLATION SHALL OCCUR ONLY WHEN THERE IS A BACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLED WITHIN THE TENANT SPACE WATER SYSTEM OR BUILDING WATER SYSTEM. 02 EXPANSION TANK 1M OR JOISTS IDR - PER NEPA ALL -THREAD ROD FOR <-4" PIPE LARGER PIPE SIZES SEE NFPA 13. :ER - GRINNEL FlG 69 MUTED PIPE PROVIDE SUPPORT SHIELD. 07 PIPE HANGER DETAIL TRAScalel NONE HOT OR COLD WATER SUPPLY filIF HORIZONTAL BRANCH IS LESS THAN 20' NSTALL PER PDI LONG, PROVIDE ONE WHA AT END OF UNE PDI I STANDARDS AND IF BRANCH IS GREATER THAN 20' LONG, SIZE MANUFACTURER'S PROVIDE ANOTHER WHA IN MIDDLE, EACH A' INSTRUCTIONS SIZED FOR HALF THE FIXTURE UNITS unit FIrn IRF MULTIPLE FIXTURES ARRANGEMENT SHOWN IS SCHEMATIC. MODIFY TO SUIT MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS, MEET LOCAL CODE REOUIREMENM AND ALL OTTER APPLICABLE CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. PRIMERPRIMER DETAIL -Sco SINK SUPPLY VALVE "HAND SINKS" •TOILET ROOM LAVATORIES• FINISHED FLOOR �1 MV -1 MIXING VALVE V V Scale: NONE PDI SIZE PIPE SIZE FIXTURE UNIT LOAD srov vALVE 1/2' 1-11 B 3/4" 12-32 VATORY URINAL 33-60 D 1-1/4 61-113 E 1-1/2 OP VALVE F 2' 154-330 2 W. SUPPLY ui LARGER THAN 3" ALL INSULATED PIPE LARGER MAN 3/4'. AP PRIMER VALVE. MSTS. HANGERS w . SMITH 2699 tz ELEVATION PROVIDE UPPER ATTACHMENT AS REQUIRED FOR CASES NOT SHOWN HERE. TP -1< DO NOT INSTALL HANGER INSIDE INMUTON OR OTHERWISE PENETRATE (V VAPOR BARRIER. DO NOT HANG ONE PIPE FROM ANOTHER EXCEPT IN � CHASES. TRAPEZE HANGERS MAY BE USED FOR MULTIPLE PARALLEL PIPES. HANGER SPACING FOR PIPE SIZE COPPER: 4=12' S=11' 2-1/2"-10' 2* -W PENETRATE WALL AND ROUTE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY TRAP SEAL Q BELOW SLAB TO BOOR DRAIN. PRIMER VALVES SHALL COMPLY WITH PROVIDE MASS ESOUlO1E0N. ASSE 1018. DRAINAGE AND ELECTRONIC DESIGN TYPE TRAP SEAL PRIMER DEVICES1/2' NEAR ALL "NTS. STEEL< 4"-14' 3"-12' 2-1/Y-11' 2"-10' 1-1/2"9' 1"-Y 3/4'-8' 1/2"-5'. LOCATE HANGERS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO TURNS TO FLOOR DRAIN SHALL COMPLY WITH ASSE 1044. O AND LEES OF PIPE. PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTARY STEEL STRUTS BETWEEN JOISTS IF REWIRED. LOCATE HANGERS TO TAME LOAD OFF OF EQUIPMENT FINISHED FLOOR ARRANGEMENT SHOWN IS SCHEMATIC. MODIFY TO SUIT MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS, MEET LOCAL CODE REOUIREMENM AND ALL OTTER APPLICABLE CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. PRIMERPRIMER DETAIL -Sco SINK SUPPLY VALVE "HAND SINKS" •TOILET ROOM LAVATORIES• FINISHED FLOOR �1 MV -1 MIXING VALVE V V Scale: NONE PDI SIZE PIPE SIZE FIXTURE UNIT LOAD A 1/2' 1-11 B 3/4" 12-32 C URINAL 33-60 D 1-1/4 61-113 E 1-1/2 114-154 F 2' 154-330 FIXTURE UNIT TABULATION FIXTURE COLD HOT VALVE WATER CLOSET 10 -- TANK WATER CLOSET 5 -- URINAL 5 -- LAVATORY/SINK 1.5 1.5 JANITOR'S SINK 3 3 SHOWER/BATHTUB 2 2 PC TO PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS BY SIOUX CHIEF, PRECISION PLUMBING PRODUCTS, WATTS OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT WITH PISTON AND O-RING CONSTRUCTION, HAVING PDI #M- 201, ASSE +11010 AND ANSI IIA112.26.114 CERTIFICATION. INSTALL IN HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL POSITION, BUT NEVER UPSIDE DOWN. INSTALL IN UNE WITH WATER ROW DIRECTION IF POSSIBLE. SIZE THE UNITS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND/OR PER THE TABLES SHOWN ABOVE PROVIDE ACCESS PANEL FOR SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT, MERE REQUIRED. HAMMER ARRESTER 12 Scale: NONE VACUUM BREAKER EXPANSION TANK INSULATE WATER PIPING FLUE THRU ROOF SEE MECHANICAL PLANS FOR INSTALLATION DRAFT DIVERTER A.S.M.E. TEMP. & — PRESS. REUEi VALVE SIZE AS SHOWN ON FLOOR PLAN FULL SIZE T & P RELIEF UNE TERMINATE AS SHOWN ON FLOOR PLAN <H:FI\kI1PN DIRT LEG R D 3/4' DRAIN PAN LINE TERMINATE AS SHOWN ON FLOOR PLAN MIRING FOR REMOTE METER READOUT ROUTE AS NEEDED MUELLER SYSTEMS MM -100 WATER METER REFER TO PLANS FOR SIZE MGM !LANDLORD CONNECTION POINT FIELD VERIFY TO DOMESTIC WATER EXACT LOCATION PIPING IN LEASE SPACE MILLER SYSTEMS TRUREAD REMOTE METER READOUT INSTALLED AT OWNERS PERFER LOCATION 04 Scale 04 TENANT SUB METER 2'-0"X 2;-0"X 4" THICK CONCRETE COLLAR WITH q4 RE—BAR EACH WAY UNLESS SET IN SLAB.I CHAMFER EDGES + COMPACTED EARTH NOTE THIS DETAIL SIMILAR FOR ONE-WAY CLEAN OUT TO GRADE. SEE PLANS FOR MAN SIZE SCHEDULE 40 PVC �III■IIIJi, i1TWO-WAY CLEANOUT DTL. Va Scale: NONE VALVE (TW) �IZE AS SHOWN ON FLOOR PLAN REQIRQ. PUMP 1� 3/4" I CHECK VALVE (TYP.)J IBALL VALVE —UNION (TYPICAL) DRAIN VALVE WHOSE CONNECTION RECIRCuLATNG PUMP LL6" DEEP PAN BELL & GOSSET No. 100 WITH DRAIN 1/12 HP, 10 GPM 0 7'-0' OF HEAD 120V/10/60Hz GAS WATER HEATER 13 Scale: NONE i GO95S �t m WALL/EQUNPLENT STRUCTURE WASTE PIPE TO SINK/FlXNRE ABOVE FASTEN 3-5/16' X 1-3/8" CDUNG engineering consultants RANGE M WALL STRUCTURE 6' AFF 14901 Quorum Or. #565 Dallas. Texas 75254 Unnec.com 1 972.387.3500 3/8' MINIMUM THREADED RODal PIPE CLUMP J FOXFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. NOTE: 1RMNGUUIE BRACING 41 FOXFIE ID CONSTRUCTION 1.7 WASTE PIPE TO FLOOR SINK BELOW 05NONSUPPORT DETAIL VIRTUAL IP ENERGY STEEL DECK .4 1.11 SOLUTIONS PIP[ stiO•[ 6AR•JgSTAi 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1700 ROVIDECOPPER CHICAGO, IL 6060fi ADJUSTABLERNON-METAWC312583.]023 OATINWHRE CIMS HNNGFR fOR PPEBAND VJAVVNIRTUALENERGYSOLUTIONI HANGER FORANC{RS CONTACT OhR FOUR INCHPIPING FOURARE COPPER PIPE INCH M LESS DD NOT HANG PIPE PROVIDE GALVANIZED STEEL SADDLE FOR ui LARGER THAN 3" ALL INSULATED PIPE LARGER MAN 3/4'. FROM BOTTOM OF VERIFY INSILATON THICKNESS WHEN SIZING MSTS. HANGERS w PROVIDE UPPER ATTACHMENT AS REQUIRED FOR CASES NOT SHOWN HERE. DO NOT INSTALL HANGER INSIDE INMUTON OR OTHERWISE PENETRATE (V VAPOR BARRIER. DO NOT HANG ONE PIPE FROM ANOTHER EXCEPT IN � CHASES. TRAPEZE HANGERS MAY BE USED FOR MULTIPLE PARALLEL PIPES. HANGER SPACING FOR PIPE SIZE COPPER: 4=12' S=11' 2-1/2"-10' 2* -W Q 1-1/2"=8' 1-1/1 1"=6' 3/4"=6' 1/T=5'. CAST IRON: 10' AND ONE NEAR ALL "NTS. STEEL< 4"-14' 3"-12' 2-1/Y-11' 2"-10' 1-1/2"9' 1"-Y 3/4'-8' 1/2"-5'. LOCATE HANGERS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO TURNS Ld O AND LEES OF PIPE. PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTARY STEEL STRUTS BETWEEN JOISTS IF REWIRED. LOCATE HANGERS TO TAME LOAD OFF OF EQUIPMENT v CONNECTIONS ANCHOR WATER PIPE AGAINST SWATNG DUE TO CHANCES IN V WATER VELOCITY. PROVIDE SEISMIC BRACING IF/AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. CHAINS OR PERFORATED STRAP IRON OR STEEL IS NOT 7 w ACCEPTABLE REFER TO CODES FOR FURTHER INFORMATON. ; LU L Q PIPE HANGER DETAIL IV a0/ Scale NONECO ill LL Q to >M LU Lr) O Ln .�O VJhed/TIO'. (i L 4 w `�D 11Mss 9 H VES project number: 210212 sheet title: PLUMBING DETAILS sheet number: P3.0 ® 2020 Virtual Energy SoluOons. Inc. civ 7" ^Ct•I• &M Eal Z SUPPLY RISER DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE CwOW 7 �r a�Wneat, t M engineering consultants y 10901 Quorum Dr.#565 / Dallas, Texas 15254 o rtmec.com 1 912.381.3500 O c 4/dnB ON`s /4 / I / I / 1 1 1_� I _ / I _ 1 1_1� SqI I I II' i SqN 7 1/wry ✓ I � 2.. V EQ I I ? •. 4• sgN 1 7,7 2 I /.. v I I a^ SAN 1 nom' Q I \ I a- SI 1_ N �/2.1 S,qN 2.• SAN WASTE AND VENT RISER DIAGRAM �v sq,V NOT TO SCALE FOXFIEID CONSTRUCTION LTD. vexevs. vsveinssasswmwmaas 444 W. LAKE ST. SUITE 1100 CHICAGO, IT 60606 312.583.1023 W W W.VIIRTUAILENERGYSOLUTONI VES project number 210212 sheet Gtle: PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAMS sheet number P400 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. ILLI LU N H N ®' U) O 00 W O �U Vro Z LLI Z5 > C� InI�� c ~ L co rn v'.. 2 L O M Lf ) VES project number 210212 sheet Gtle: PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAMS sheet number P400 020M Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. Cortgradfi nsite: OwnedAgem: Software Version 5305 W. 38th Avenue 6COMcheck Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 SURE 565 ci�W hei may, Project Information Additional Efficiency Package(s) Fixture Energy ede: Pro Project Tgle: 20181ECC SPENGA U w / LED4: P3: DUCK PENDANT MOUNT: Other: 1 1 Project Type: New Consumption e'k7ng 1 6 9 Cortgradfi nsite: OwnedAgem: Desienems0om2clor'. 5305 W. 38th Avenue RTM ENGINEERING SUITE:E 14901 QUORUM DR. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 SURE 565 Fixture DALLA$ TX 75254 Additional Efficiency Package(s) Fixture Reduced intoner lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enlorced within Imetlor I9NN allowance calculations. Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (h2) Wane l B2 (BXC) 1 Spanga Studio -Usi lGymnazWm) 4306 0.61 2635 Total Allowed Walls • Sam Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Planes ID: Description l Lamp I Wattage Per Lamp l Bellsst Lampe/ aof Fixture (CXD) LED 3: P2:16' DIA. PENDANT MOUNT: Ober Fixture Fixtures Wetl. 27 1 -Spent Studio - LlHleton IGvmnasluml LED L FI: 2 X4' SUSPENDED LED: Other: 1 3 32 96 LED 2: Pit M' LED PENDANT DRUM LIGHT: Other: 1 6 37 222 LED 3: P2:16' DIA. PENDANT MOUNT: Ober 1 3 9 27 LED4: P3: DUCK PENDANT MOUNT: Other: 1 1 9 9 LED5: D1: a LEDDOWNUGHT:Omen 1 6 9 51 Track lighting l: TR -1213:12' TRACK : Wattage brayed on coo l losing review capacity 0 0 648 648 Track lighting 2: TR-ee: e' TRACK : Wattage based on wrtam limiting device cagacis 0 0 300 300 Track lighting 3: Tlsi 12'TRACK: Wallace based on monsoon limiting device capacity 0 0 436 436 Track lighting 4: TR-8W:8'TRACK: Wallace based an current lending device capracity 0 0 96 96 Track lighting 5: TR 4W: 4' TRACK: Wallace Eased on current limiting device capacity 0 0 48 48 Total Proposed Watts= 1935 Interior Lighting Compliance statement Compliance Statement The proposetl%lmilorlightirug a nted int is ment is consistent with the building plans, slaeclfcations, and other rain Me submitted wlM[ sp nnita IlcatIon Imaged intenor lighting systems have been designed to meet 2018 It requirements in COMc ec Versi imply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. David R. Lippe P.E. 0316-2021 Name -TRIe Sign Date Project title: SPENGA Report date: 03I16R3 Data filename: I:\2021\21.FOX.D03-Spenga SNtlio- Wheat Ridge, COWS DESIGN DPAWINGS\025CHEDULES Page lof 6 CALCS\Spenga Studio - Wheat Ritlge- COMCHECK-20181ECC.cck COMcheck Software Version V Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. 6e tion # Plan Review COmm<n!S/<SSYmPHOYi bR .ID FR,412 Plans, specifications, In Or ElComDopes of IPR4p withcalculationschcompliance be Don Dopes Not with which compliance Can be lightingONot Observable determined electrical or emsanr equipment ',ONot Applicable and document where and equipment and standard awhereexceptionsto the standard are claimed. rOrm ario n provided calculations, Include ter lightingowerl latasns,warao f' bulbs and transformers and control devices. I C406 Plans, specifications I antl/or IOComplles FR9]' calculations provide allinfOrmation ODoes Not with which compliance can be ❑NO[ Observable determined for the additional energy Cost efficiency package options, ppicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project title: SPENGA Report date: 031 Data filename: k\2021\21.F0%.003-spenga Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DRAWINGS\02 SCHEDULES Page 2 o 6 CALCSaSpenga Studio - Wheat Ritlge- COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck Section # Rough -In Electrical InspectionsfA Complies? Commentzsumptionz C, Re .ID 240522. ,Spaces required to havelight- Omens lies 2 man reductcontrolphatcontrols have aupant Not Omens Not [E@]c control Me the occupant t conesows load I reduce Me connected load In LINot Observable: areasonably llumina Illumination ONot Applicable >=5uniform '� pattern >= 50 percent. C405.2.L occupancy sensors installed in OCompfies Unti .1. classmoms/lecturemammg moms, ODoes Not 1 conference/mee0ng/multipurpose ENot Observable [EL38]l rooms, copy/print rooms, lounges/breakmoms, enclosed offices, DWI: Applicable open plan office areas, restrooms, storage moms, locker moms, warehouse storage areas, and other spaces c= 300 sgft that are enclosed by Floor -to -ceiling height partitions. Reference section language C405.2.1.2 for Control function In warehouses and section C405.2.1.3 for open plan office spaces. C405.2.1, Occupancy sensors control function In lOCompli ss 2 warehouses: In wareh0uses, the ODoes Not [EL19]1 lighting in alsleways and Open areas is Observable: Orypt Observable controlled with occupant Sensors that automatically reduce lighting power ONobA Applicable by 50% or more when the areas are no cupied The occupant sensors control lighting in each aisleway independently and do not contml lighting beyond the aisleway being controlled by the sensor. C405.2.1. Occupant sensor control function In OComp:ies 3 open plan office areas: Occupant ElDOes Not [EL20]'sor controls in open once spaces DebtObservable: >= 300 1have Controls 1) configured so that general fighting can Applicable be controlled separately In Control zones with Floor areas c= 600 sq.ft. within the space, 2) alltomaUCally turn: off general lighting in all contml zones'; within 20 minutes after all occupants have left the space, 3) are configured so that general lighting power in each control zone is reduced by >= 80% of the full zone general lighting power within 20 minutes of all Occupants leaving that control zone, and 4) are configured such that any daylight responsive control will activate space general lighting or control zone general lighting only when Occupancy for the same area is detected. C405.22, Each area not served by occupancy IOComplles C405.2.2.rs (per C405.2.1) have time- ';ODOes Not 1, swiKM1 controls and functions detailed IDNo[Observablel []NotObservable: C40i23. in sections C40i23.1 and " ONotA pPi [EI -2112 W heal Project Title: SPENGA Report date: 031161 Data filename: I:\2021\21.F0%.003-Stange Studio - Wheat Ridge,CO\03 DESIGN DRAWINGS\02 SCHEDULES Page 3 o 6 CALCS\SPenga Studio - Wheat all COLICHECK -2018 IECC.cck Se tio n # Rough -In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumpbons b Re .ID C405.2.3, Daylight zones withcontr I[]Compiles C4o5.2.3. ols tht the Controls 'lights []Does Not 1, independent of general ind ';[]Not Observable C4oi2.3. (lighting. section 0405.2. lights g. Cs ;[]NotA II Applicable 2 reecotleeecontr for spaces. [EL23]t :Daylightle 405.2.3.1 D applicable spaces, Daylight'; function function antl section C405.2trol section C405.2.3.25idell[zone. ' C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for IDComplles [EL26]' specific uses installed per approved []Does Not IlgM1tlng plans. (]Not Observable ONot Applicable C405.24 Additional interior lighting power ElComplles [EL27]' allowed for special functions per the ElDoes Not improved lighting plans and is ElNo[ Observable automatically controlled and ONot Applicable separated from general lighting, C405.3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ElComplas [EL611 face. ElDoes Not (]Not Observable; ElNot Applicable C405.6 (Low -voltage dry -type distribution ElComplas [EL26]2 electric transformers meet the ElDoes Not minimum efficiency requirements of ONo[Observabl¢; (Table CA05.6. (]Not Applicable C405J Electric motors meet the minimum ElComplas [EL27]2 efficiency requirements of Tables Elbows Not C405JQi through 0401 Efficiency vended through certification ElNot Observable antler an approved certification (]Not Applicable program or the equipment efficiency ratings shall be provided by motor manufacturer (where certification prgrams do not exist]. C405.8.2, Escalators and moving walks comply IDComplles C405.8.2. with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 and have ';[]Does Not 1 automatic controls configured to DNot Observable: [EL28]2 reduce speed to the minimum ';[]Not Applicable permitted speed in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 or applicable local code when not conveying passengers. C405.9 Total voltage drop acmss Me IDComplles [EI-29i combinationof feeders antl branch []Does Not circuits <= 5%. Observable ;[]Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Ttle: SPENGA Report date: 03116/23 Data filename: 182021RLF0%.003-Spenga Studio - Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DBAWINGS\02 SCHEDDIES Page 4of 6 CALCS\Spenga Studio - Wheat Rldge- COMCHECK -2015 IECC.cck Section # Final Inspection me Complies? Comntish ssumptlons Ra .ID C303.3, C furnished O&M []Compiles 2698.2.5. systems equipmeni to the []Does Not 2 lFl]]]3 oand wner re iltlingownPr Or tl¢slgndtetl representative. LlNot Observable: ONo[Appli<abl! :; 24050.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture LIComplies :See the haraftrUgladng fixture schedule forvalues. [FI18]1 lighting power is consistent with what []Does Not is shown on the approved lighting []Not Observable: plans, demonstrating cheapenedwatts ,ONotApplicable re less than or equal to allowed watts C409.1.1 Building operations and maintenance IOComplles [F157]' documents will be provided to the ';ODoes Not owner. Documents will cover Observable: manufacturers'anufacturers'information, IO NotA specifications, proglamming ppi procedures and means of Illustrating to owner how building, equipment and systems are intended to be installed, maintained, and operated C40i furnished Alchemic drawings for ;[]Complies 1 electric power systems within 90 days ';[]Does Not [FI1673 of system acceptance. []Not Observable) []Not Applicable C409.3 Lighting systems have been tested w IOComplles 111331're proper calibration, adjustment. ';[]Does Not programming, and Operation.[]No[Observablel []Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: .�O Whoa?Rtr. w c ��n pry5•o 9 Project title: SPENGA Report all 01 Data filename: 182021RLFU%.D03-Spenga Studio -Wheat Ridge, CO\03 DESIGN DRAWINGSW2 SCHEDUIHS Page 5of 6 CALCIASPenga Studio - Wheat Rldi COMCHECK -2018 IECC.cck Project Title: SPENGA Report clate: 031161 Data filename: I:\201-Spenga Studio - Wheat Ridge, C°\03 DESIGN DPAWINGS\02 SCHEDULES Page fiat 6 CALCS\Spenga 6tutlio - Wheat Rldi COMCHECK -2015 IECC.cck BATTERY CALCULATION HOURS OF SUPERVISION: 24 HOURS MINUTES OF ALARM: 5 MINUTES PANEL: MIRCOM FA-301-12LDR ITEM QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Device Supervisory Current Device Alarm Current Total Supervisory Current Total Alarm Current 1 1 FA-301-12LDR PANEL 0.283000 0.560000 0.283000 0.560000 2 1 2WB SMOKE DETECTOR 0.000050 0.000100 0.000050 0.000100 3 1 BG10 PULL STATION 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4 4 SCRL 15cd STROBE CEILING 0.000000 0.041000 0.000000 0.184000 5 5 PC2RL 75cd HORWSTROBE CEILING 0.000000 0.143000 0.000000 0.715000 6 1 P02RL 95od HORWSTROBE CEILING 0.000000 0.165000 0.000000 0.165000 7 1 P2RK 1load HORNISTROBE EXTERIOR 0.000000 0.212000 0.000000 0.212000 5 from (AFF) 0.715 0.821 Above TOTAL: 0.283050 1.816100 QUAN. PART # DESCRIPTION 4 SCRL SYSTEM SENSOR STROBE CEILING 6 PC2RL SYSTEM SENSOR HORN/STROBE CEILING 3 D4120 SYSTEM SENSOR DUCT DETECTOR 3 RTS451 SYSTEM SENSOR REMOTE TEST STATION NEW MATERIALS LIST ICIat1IiTrmH19[y16MACtago] I[oiOrl111111 C is iD EDRfCIRCUIT 1 FAA MIRCOM F EOL REZONE 1 MAP FA -301 EOL REZONE 2 120 vac 12LDW 2 P EOL (ZONE 3 fDICATED CONTROL RE 7788F PANEL EOL REZONE 4 RADIO W�UDACT t 1NSCEIVER 1 1 I I I I EOL RE ZONE 5 Z P Z P 2 P EOL REZONE 6 ONE LINE DIAGRAM C 7s Top of Device Ckl IM7J CURRENT PER CIRCUIT DEVICES Lens of Strobe EN "�"']5 )-f15 i L CURRENT PER CIRCUIT REMAINING CIRCUIT OUTPUT VOLTAGE To of Cabinet ESTIMATED ONE-WAY WIRE DISTANCE VOLTAGE DROP CIRCUIT FINAL VOLTAGE MIN, OPERATE VOLTAGE 5.000 Circuit i FRCP FAPS Max 1 0.212 0.212 1.488 6' Max To of Unit 0.068 20.332 below 810' FAA MAP telling (969 U Mln Min ox ❑P r. 7'6' 6'B' Circuit 2 NAC (90') (809 6'0' 5'4' (m' 0.041 0.164 1.536 20.4 (72') (649 (48') L.L.I All heights are E. -I ��mmea�.a�.ammmmmsammmmmmm measured 5 from (AFF) 0.715 0.821 Above Finished Floor CIRCUIT 2 DEVICE MOUNTING HEIGHTS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL MAP FIRE SYSTEM MAP COM COMMUNICATOR ❑F PULL STATION OP SMOKE DETECTOR (PHOTOELECTRIC) , DUCT DETECTOR (PHOTOELECTRIC) P REMOTE TEST STATION XRTS WITH RESET SWITCH C STROBE (NUMBER INDICATES CANDELA) 30 C INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED HORN WITH STROBE 0 (NUMBER INDICATES CANDELA) 75 C INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED WATER FLOW SWITCH TAMPER VALVE )- -r EOL RE END OF LINE RESISTOR (�:1LEGEND VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATION PANFI - MIRr11r'M FA -MI -191 nR city WheatRRd�e COMMVNIIY UlVIIMMEM APPROVED RBViewgd giCade Civml lienee Plans Examiner Date WItlMM eor•pm.Msepseyp/p►ufpxfyW a pnrml(n.wmgpMe%wrymbnnm ^^YNm¢�wonxrom 1TewOwKK,9 mlew NWLTYaPmi RrmN p.4mury ,o grv. oumenry m ruM w mael.M /rw'Iw q xle p W p md. w an.. wa�mne. •i m. rm.ned.a.. wr TOTAL RREM AILABLE LFORUIDEVICES CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUIT TYPE CURRENT PER CIRCUIT DEVICES DUAN CURRENT PER DEVICE TOTAL CURRENT PER DEVICE CURRENT PER CIRCUIT REMAINING CIRCUIT OUTPUT VOLTAGE IMRE GAGE ESTIMATED ONE-WAY WIRE DISTANCE VOLTAGE DROP CIRCUIT FINAL VOLTAGE MIN, OPERATE VOLTAGE 5.000 Circuit i NAC 1.700 1 10c WS WP 1 0.212 0.212 1.488 20.4 14 50 0.068 20.332 16.000 !.� •• easammmms��asa�ammmmmmmmmm 1') U 0 Cn r. ���asamm�ammmms�mmmmmmsam Circuit 2 NAC 1.700 15cd STROBE C 4 0.041 0.164 1.536 20.4 14 L.L.I v E. -I ��mmea�.a�.ammmmmsammmmmmm 75cd WS C 5 0.143 0.715 0.821 20.4 14 o,. ��mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 75cd HIS C 1 0.165 0.165 0.656 20.4 14 220 1.465 18.935 16.000 PANEL IUTALS TOTAL POWER TOTAL CURRENT AVAIL S,ggg TOTAL CURRENT REMAINING 3,744 NOTES: NEC 2020 TABLE 8 Current draws are Average (RMS) amperes. vn�tt resistance ohms per 1000 feet All voltage calculations are in wlls D.C. 12 2.01 Voltage drops are calculated assuming all of 14 3.19 the bad is at the end of the circuit. 16 5.08 Voltage Drop = Resistance X (one way Wire Distance X2) X circuit Amps 18 8.08 �1VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS Tenant remodel in existing sprinkled building. Existing conventional Mircom FA -301 sprinkler monitoring system. Installation of synchronized notification, and three duct detectors. Area: 3,949sf Occupancy Group: A-3 Construction Type: II -B Codes Used; IFC 2018ed., NFPA 72 2016ed., NEC 2020ed. In lieu of a permit card and associated forms, the West Metro Fire District is now providing a 'permit page' located after the cover page for all approved projects. The West Metro permit page includes the permit, general and specific instructions, and all inspection approvals and sign -offs. This sheet must remain part of this approved drawing set and on site for the entire time of construction. It is the responsibility of the contractor to read the West Metro fire permit sheet and tr 11 ••• 11 instructions and proce System Inputs �1SCOPE OF WORK Correct address is 5305. DESCRIPTION CLASS TYPE INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS B 2 #18 AWG FPLP HORN/STROBE CIRCUITS B2 0 #14 AWG FPLP REMOTE TEST STATION CIRCUIT B 4 #18 AWG FPLP Z ©. .!!, ���a�ammeammmm�ammmmmmmm U WIRE CHART System Outputs i 1- Control Panel Annunciation Notification Safet Control y o 1- ea�ammmm�am�amrammmmmmmmm ~ N O 0 00 ©• cl:� ��mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm W U >O Z ©. .!!, ���a�ammeammmm�ammmmmmmm U n 717 !.� •• easammmms��asa�ammmmmmmmmm 1') U 0 Cn r. ���asamm�ammmms�mmmmmmsam W Q L.L.I v E. -I ��mmea�.a�.ammmmmsammmmmmm M o,. ��mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v ., :. �• ��mm¢a¢a�ammmmm�ammmmmmm m:.. ----���------------ m .1111', .: ..- tl..I ��mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm %1SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS Index: FA -1. Title Page FA -2. Floor Plan FA -3. System Map INSTALLED BY; 11901 East 14th Ave. Aurora, Colorado 80010 Voice: (303)366-4905 ail: office@orapahoefire.com Fax: (303)366-4966 W SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION M ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fre Ali Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 ISCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: TITLE PAGE FA 1 SHEET _1 OF 3 N W ~ N O 0 00 SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION M ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fre Ali Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 ISCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: TITLE PAGE FA 1 SHEET _1 OF 3 O ILLI 0 Q Z cl:� W U >O Z O U n 717 00 LLI 1') U 0 Cn W Q L.L.I O MI0M M SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION M ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fre Ali Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 ISCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: TITLE PAGE FA 1 SHEET _1 OF 3 WEST METRO F1 RE RESCUE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Contact Me appropriate jurisdiction for additional requirements: Jefferson County: 303-271-8260 Cit of Edgewater: Y 9 303-235-8300 Douglas County: 9 Y 303-660-7497 Town of Morrison: 303497-8749 City of Lakewood:n akewood: 303-987-7500 Toof Mountain View: 303421-7282 City of Wheal Ridge: 303-234-5900 Town of Lakeside: 3034561980 105.3.1 Construction permits shall automatically become invalid unless the work authorized by such peril is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if Me we* authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the fine Me work is commenced. 105.3.3 Occupancy prohibited before approval. The building or structure shall not be occupied prior to the fire code official issuing a peril and conducting associated inspections indicating the applicable provisions of this code have been met. 105.3.5 Posting the permit. Issued perits shall M kept on the premises designated therein at all times and shall be readily available for inspection by the fire code official. 105.3.6 Compliance with code. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of me provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority m violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based on construction documents and other data shall not prevent the fire wide official from requiring the conection of errors in the construction documents and other data. Any addition to or alteration of approved censtrudion documents shall be approved in advance by the fire code official, as evidenced by the issuance of a new or amended permit. 105.3.8 Validity of peril. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinances of me jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not M valid. The issuance of a peril based on construction documents, operational documents and other data shall not prevent Me fire code official from requiring correction of errors in the documents or other data. 105.4.4 Construction documents approved by the fire code official are approved with the intent that such construction documents comply in all respects with the applicable edition of the fire wide. Review and approval by the fire code official shall not relieve Me applicant of the responsibility of compliance with fire code. 106.3 Whenever any installation subject to inspection prior to use is covered or concealed without having first been inspected, the fire code official shall have the authority to require that such work be exposed for inspection. 105.4.5 Amended construction documents. Work shall be installed in accordance with the approved construction documents, and any changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documents shall be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction documents. Requirements During Construction • Permits and approved plans shall remain on site during all phases of construction. • A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A40SC shall be within 10 feet of all 'HOT WORK OPERATIONS". • All fire alarm and suppression systems shall remain in-service while work is being performed. The Fire District shall be notified if any existing detection or suppression system will be off line for more than 4 hours. • Trash carnations shall be kept greater than 20 feet from any combustible materials or structures. • Fire Lanes shall remain clear at all times during construction. • All utilities shall be clearly marked and protected from damage by construction equipment. • Areas under construction shall have adequate protection in place to safeguard Me public. • An emergency phone shall be on site and accessible at all times during construction. Either a cell phone of a landline is acceptable. • Emergency contact numbers shall be posted on the front door during construction . • All exit routes shall be clearly defined and posted during construction. Paths of egress shall remain clear of construction material, debris, or other obstacles. • Smoking shall be prohibited except in approved areas. No smoking within 25ft of a building, or portion of a building, under construction. Signs shall be posted in accordance with Section 310. In approved areas where smoking is permitted, approved ashtrays shall be provided in accordance with Section 310. • Smoking shall be prohibited where conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard, and in spaces where flammable or combustible materials are stored or handled. • Any changes to the approved plans shall be submitted to the West Metro Fire Protection District for approval. • Refer to Chapter 33 'Fire Safety Dunng Construction and Demolition' of the IFC for all additional requirements for fire safety during censtruction and demolition. General Inspection Requirements • Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to Inspection. • Addhional changes or modifications may be required upon field inspection. • Such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved. • All failed inspections may result in a re -inspection fee based on the current West Metro fee schedule. • All failed inspectors must be re -inspected. West Metro Fire Rescue Acceptance Testina Requirements • Make sure all requirements of Me Permit have been met prior to requesting an Acceptance Test. • All system and related components shall be tested and ready for Acceptance Testing. • All required permits (fire department and city or county) shall be on site for the inspector's review • System failure may result in a $300.00 re -inspection fee. • Rough inspections shall be scheduled by the fire alarm contractor. All Inspections are requested through the online contractor portal. • The permit and the approved fire alarm shop drawings shall be on-site and available for reference at the time of any inspection. • There shall be sufficient personnel representing the installing contractor on-site at the time of the final inspection. Personnel shall have the equipment necessary and be prepared to conduct a complete acceptance lest of the fire alarm system. • Provide both a completed NFPA 72 Fire Alarm System Inspection and Testing Form and a completed NFPA 72 Fire Alarm System Record of Completion at the time of final inspection. • A representative of the fire sprinkler system shall be present to test of flow and tamper ff a sprinkler system Is installed. • Notify appropriate personnel and other occupants of the building as to when testing will be conducted. • Audibility tests shall be conducted prior tote final inspection. If a minimum of 15db over the ambient noise level cannot be obtained, then additional audible and visual devices will be required. Provide the Fire Inspector wit copies of test results showing compliance. Radio Dialer • If a radio dialer is Me proposed means of communication, The West Metro Fire Protection District requires a radio dialer wird LCD readout providing on site status and NelCon verification. West Metro Fire Rescue cumenfly accepts the following make and model of radio dialer: -AES 77071ntellinet 2.0 False Alarm Activations Durina Construction • A $300 unnecessary response fee will be issued for every false alarm caused by construction work. It is a violation of the fire code and local ordinances to initiate a false fire alarm. Some circumstances may result in the issuance of a court summons. • It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure that the fire system is offline and all smoke detectors in the vicinity of any work being performed are wveretl with a manufacturers approved Cover or other suitable means of protecting the detector head from Contamination and unintended activation. A responsible party must be identified to notify the fire department in case of a fire during the time the system is off line or inoperable by calling 911. Each day, when work is complete, the system must be put back in serves and the detectors uncovered. • Detectors are easily Contaminated with construction and drywall dust. The detectors can be very expensive to replace if damaged or contaminated by debris or by blowing them out. Contaminated and damaged detectors do cause false alarms even after working hours. A sensitivity or obscuration test of all detectors may be required before final system approval. • The fire alarm system is an important life safety tool that must be kept in good working order to be properly effective. You will not be given any penal or appointments for rough and final inspections if you have any unpaid fees including those due to false alarms. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS NFPA 72 Acceptance Test Requirements • 7.5.2 Before requesting final approval of the installation if required b he authority having jurisdiction Me installing contractor shall 9 9 PPY ty 91 9 famish a written statement statin that ns system has been installed in uirem nts. with approved tans and tested in accordance with 9 Y PP P me manufacturer's including instructions and theappropriate NFPA re requirements. Pp • 7.5.3 All systems iered to news stems and additions or alterations to existing systems shall include the following tlocumentation Y 9 Y 9 Y 9 which shall be delivered to the ownerorMe owners representative upon final acceptance q the system (1 )'An owner's manual and sin accordance published instructions covering all system equipment (2) A completed (as ted record drawings in accordance with accordance (3) A r spm etl record of completion form in accordance with 7.5.6 (4) For software -based systems, record copy of the site -spec software in accordance with ].5] 14.4.1 Acceptance Testing. All new systems shall be inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements at Chapter The authority having jurisdiction shall be notified prior to the initial acceptance test. 14.4.2-ReaccepenceTesting. When an initiating tlevice, notification appliance, or control relay is added, it shall be functionally tested. When an initiating device, notification appliance, or control relay is deleted, another device, appliance, or control relay on the circuit shall be operated. When modifications or repairs to control equipment hardware are made, he control equipment shall be tested in accordance with Table, items 1(a) and 1(tl). 14.4.2When changes are made to site -spec wflware, me following shall apply: (1) AlAlfunctions known to be affected by the change, or identified by a means that indicates changes, shall be 100 per -cant tested. (2) In addition, 10 percent of initialing devices Mat are not directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50devices, also shall be tested and correct system operation shall be verified. (3) A revised record of completion in accordance with 7.5.6shall be prepared to reflect these changes. Changes to the system executive software shall require a 10 percent functional test of the system, including a test of at least one device on each input and output circuit to verify critical system functions such as notification applianow,control functions, and off -premises reporting. Additional Installation Requirements and Expectations Visual Inspection Expectations • Visual inspection of all permits, drawings, as-buills and system documentation such as record of completion and NFPA forms is conducted before the inspection begins. • Visual walk through conducted to ensure that me components of the system are not damaged or obstructed and that me environment is suitable for continued operation. • Visual inspection of the control equipment should confirm Mat there are no alarms, supervisory or trouble signals registered on Me central unit. • Batteries examined for any corrosion, leakage, off gassing or boil over, or other physical damage and that the connections are secure. • Visually inspect the battery for date of manufacturing. Batteries must be marked wish month/year. Initiating Devices • Detectors should M free of damage, obstructions, and paint and manual fire alarm boxes should have clear access. • Detectors inspected to ensure Mat all covers, bags, tape or other coverings have been removed and that Me device is property supported or secured from the building structure. • Dud detectors and sampling tubes: inspect to ensure there are no obstructions of the sampling tube and that the orientation of the tube matches the manufacturers' specifications. General • During construction existing detectors need to M covered. • Rough electrical needs to be signed off prior to Me West Metro Fire District fire alarm final. • In a grid -type ceiling, initialing devices and notification appliances need to attach directly to structure by the box or support am. • Where detection is not required during construction, detectors shall not be installed until after all other construction trades have completed final cleanup. • If me top of a girder is within 4" of me ceiling, the girder is a factor in detector spacing. Heat Detectors • Ceiling mounted heat detectors should not M less Man 4" from a wall. • Wall mounted heat detectors should be within 4"-12" of the ceiling. • For solid joist construction, heat detectors shall be mounted at the bottom of the joists. • Where beams project more than 18• below the ceiling and are more man 8' on center, each bay shall be treated as a separate area. • Where beams are less than 12" in depth and less than Won center, detectors are permitted to be installed on the bottom of beams. Smoke Detection; • Peaked ceilings; Need detector within T of the top. • Smoke detectors should be 3' away from supply and return HVAC diffusers. • Smoke detectors should be spaced every 30' and 15' measured at right angles to walls, or all points on the wiling shall have a detector within 21' -in a corridor 10' wide or less, smoke detectors can be spaced 42' apad (21 + 21) but still 21' to end • On a zone detection system; need an LED outside of any room with a lock on the door. (including closets) • Smoke detectors shall be mounted on the ceiling, or f wall mounted within 12" of Me calling • Smoke detector coverage between beams or within ceiling recesses; If Me beam or recess height is more than 10% at ceiling height, may need detection in recessed spaces or between beams depending on 40% rule. • For rooms of 900 R2 or less, smooth ceiling spacing and smoke detectors on ceiling or bottom of beams allowed Pull Stations • Need pull stations within 5' of each exit doorway on each floor. • Pull stations should be raid with a contrasting background. • Should be securely mounted at least 42" above the floor, but not more than 48" above Me floor. • Pull stations should be mounted on both sides of group exit openings over 40' wide, and within 5' of each side. • Additional pull stations are required if horizontal travel distance exceeds 200' on any floor. Notification Appliances • Need strobes in all break rooms, conference rooms, and bathrooms. (Not private bathrooms) • The entire lens of a wall mounted strobe shall not be less Man 80" and not greater than 96" above Me finished floor. Where ceilings are low and do not Miami a minimum of 81 visible appliances shall be mounted within 6" of Me ceiling. • Strobes should be not more than 15' from the end of a corridor and at least every 100' in a wmeter, but any interruption such as a fire door or elevation change, the area shall be treated as a separate corridor • FDC strobe should activate on sprinkler water flow only. • If Me wiling is higher Man 30', wiling mounted strobes should be suspended at or below 30'. • All notification appliances shall be listed for the purpose for which they are used. Is. Wall mounted strobes shall be intended for wall mount and vice versa • For sleeping areas, if a mom has a linear dimension greater than 16'the notification appliance shall be placed within 16' of the pillow. • Audible appliances for the sleeping areas to awaken occupants shall produce a low frequency, including living rooms. W ring • A bushing shall M installed where cables emerge from raceway used for mechanical support or protection. • Wire shall be supported and secured by staples, cable ties, straps, hangers, or similar fittings designed and Installed so as not to damage the wire, at intervals not exceeding 4 % feet and within 12" of every outlet box, junction box, cabinet or fifting. • Wire should not run over the top of HVAC where it could be damaged or send false alarms. • Wire can be in an exposed! environment T above floor level. • Large areas of wire cannot be painted paint hides Me UL listing. • Raceways, cable assemblies, boxes, cabinets, and fittings shall be securely fastened in place. Cables and raceways shall not be supported by ceiling grids. • Wiring located within the cavity of a fire rated or non -fire rated floor -ceiling or roof -ceiling assembly shall not be secured to, or supported by, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling support wires. • Wire ties intended for use in other space used for environmental air (plenums) shall be listed as having low smoke and heat release properties. • Wired notification appliances and initialing devices need to have a back box, not a ring, and the box need to have at least an equivalent rating as Me wall or ceiling It Is In. Requirements and Deliverables on Behalf of the Owner The following intonation and documentation is required by NFPA 72 and shall be available on site at Me time of final inspection: 7.5.3 All systems including new systems and additions or alterations to existing systems shall include the following documentation, which shall be delivered to the owner or the owners representative upon final acceptance of the system: (1)'An owner's manual and manufacturers published instructions covering all system equipment (2) Record (as -built) drawings in accordance with 7.5.5 (3) A completed record of completion form in accordance with 7.5.6 (4) For software -based systems, record copy of the site-specfic software in accordance with 7.5.7 Record drawings shall be turned over to the owner with a copy placed inside the documentation cabinet in accordance with Section 7.7.• The record of completion shall be documented in accordance with 7.5.6 using either Me record of completion forms, Figure 7.8.2se through Figure 7.8.2(f), or an alternative document that contains only the elements of Figure 7.81 through Figure 7.8.2(0 applicable to the installed system.* The record of completion documentation shall be completed by the installing contractor and submitted to the enforcing authority and me owner at the conclusion of me job. The record of completion documentation shall be permitted to be pad of the written statement required in 7.5.2 and part of the documents that support the requirements of 7.5.8. When more than one contractor has been responsible for the installation, each contractor shall complete the perhaps of the documentation for which Mat contractor has responsibility. 7.6.6 Record of Inspection and Testing. The record of all inspections, testing, and maintenance as required by shall be documented using either the record of inspection and testing fans, Figure 7.8.2(g) through Figure 7.8.2(1), or an alternative record that includes all the applicable information shown in Figure 7.8.2(8) through Figure 7.8.2(1) PLAN REVIEW REQUIREMENTS A P R V E I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ❑ SEE COMMENTS ON THE PERMIT DRAWINGS ❑ SEE SUPPLEMENTAL REVIEW REPORT ALL WORK SHALL ADHERE TO THE 2018 IFC AS AMENDED AND THE 2016 VERSION OF NFPA 72 DATE: 1111612021 PERMIT No. 210330008 -FA PLAN REVIEWER: Lt. Mark Dean - NICET Fire Alarm Systems Level III 135772 ADDITIONAL REVIEW COMMENTS: STAMPED AND APPROVED PLANS AND PERMITS ISSUED TO ALL SUBCONTRACTORS MUST REMAIN ON SITE FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. ROUGH AND/OR FINAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE TERMINATED AND REINSPECTION FEES ASSESSED IF APPROVED PLANS ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THE INSPECTOR UPON REQUEST. FINAL INSPECTION AND TESTING In an effort to assist contractors, as well as our inspectors, in assuring final inspections go smoothly, we respectfully ask that you read and abide by the following measures: • All rough inspections for fire safety systems shall be scheduled by that system's contractor. Rough inspections will not be signed -off until mechanical, electrical and plumbing are in place. • All rough inspections must be completed and passed before any final inspection will be scheduled. (Unless the fire department has approved for the rough and final to be done at the same time.) • It is the General Contractors responsibility to ensure all rough inspections are completed, all pre-tests have been completed, and any insufficiencies discovered in the pre-tests have been corrected. As well, that all benchmarks on the G.C.'s permit have been signed off except those pertaining to the final inspection. • All FINAL inspections for the life safety systems, as well as the New Building or Tenant Improvement FINAL inspection shall be scheduled by the General Contractor. ALL be on site at the time of inspection. The space must be ready to turn over to the owner, or "move in ready'. • All doors, glass and door hardware, for interior and exterior must be installed, and all Flooring, carpet and painting must be completed. All construction trades must be complete and out of the space, and the final clean-up has been completed. • This form, appropriately signed and dated by all contractors, shall be given to the WMFPD inspector at the start of the final inspection. Re -inspection Fees 1st re -inspection -$300.00 2nd re -inspection - $600.00 • Each subsequent re -inspection is double the previous. • All re -inspection fees must be paid prior to the scheduling of the re -inspection. Fire Alarm Contractor (Company Name): Fire Alarm System Contractor Representative: Print name: Sight DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET. THIS SHEET MUST REMAIN A PART OF YOUR FINAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND MUST REMAIN ON SITE FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. PERMIT CARD AND INSPECTION APPROVALS West Metro Fire Protection District WM 433 S. Allison P Lakewood CO 80226 303 989-4307 Pkwy, ( ) To schedule an inspection go tow asswastmetrofire.org. Occupant Name: Address: Suite: Contractor: Property Use Type: Inspections Required: Sponge (TI. FS) 5305 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 E Arapahoe Fire Protection Inc. kyle hall 3033664905 ext 601 7202031222 c 7202031222 (AH) Under Construction Fire Alarm Rough (REQUIRED: The number of devices and on site contractor contact information is required in the notes section below), Fire Alarm Final (REQUIRED: The number of devices and on site contractor contact information is required in me notes section below) Job Number: Job Description: Permit Number: Permit Contacts: Project Cost: Permit Issued On: 210330006FA Tenant remodel in existing sprinkled building. Existing conventional Mircom FA -300 sprinkler monitoring system. Installation of synchronized notification and three duct detectors. 2103300081 None $8,000.00 11/16/2021 Permit Expires On: 11/16/2022 Permit: Fire Detection in System Modification ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS "Y BE REQUIRED INSP f1 INSPa INSP f3 INSP f6 PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL Fire Alarm Rough Irnpecibn Fire Alarm Permit Final Inspection INSPECTION COMMENTS *PLEASE READ PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTION(S)* -The contractor is responsible to be at the job site ready for the requested inspection up to 1 hour before and 2 hours after the confirmed inspection time. -The time you select when requesting your inspection is for inspection count purposes and the time is not the confirmed inspection time. The inspector routes his schedule after the cut-off and selects times based on their full schedule and inspection locations. -If a specific time for inspection is needed, you may leave a note in the comments box and the inspectors will do their best to accommodate. -An email will be sent to the email address on file with the associated permit with the inspection confirmation time (the system does not allow us to add additional contacts) . We do not call ahead. *Inspection cut-off time is 12:00 PM (noon) for next day requests* EXISTING STORE ROOM utility YOGA 01 Utiill!tYo 11'-0" n s104 (� —0" 10'-0" SHOWS FLAT CEILING HEIGHT PARTIAL FIRE ALARM FLOOR PLAN SCALE, 114° =11-0" STRENGTH 17,_G> F s o03 (9'-0" ZONE Restroom 102 DEVICE E F EOL EOL EXISTING E Milo SPRINKLER ROOM 1U SPIN PENGA " SUITE E INSTALLED BY; dgv= 11901 East 14th Ave. Aurora, Colorado 80010 Voice: (303)366-4905 Email: office@arapahoefire.com Fax: (303)366-4966 LL9 RTU -2 C� Z P CIRCUIT 2 — N O (n 00 C 75 w O D `J > O LL -1Q Restroom V) 00 M (� ,15 1s n E+-� Lobby LULL! 11'-0" >�( �l C LIJ 75 MLn LOCATION 1 PULL STATION RISER ROOM 2 SMOKE DETECTOR RISER ROOM 3 FLOW VALVE RISER ROOM 4 TAMPER VALVES RISER ROOM 5 AES RADIO RISER ROOM 6 DUCT DETECTORS SPENGA ZONE LIST ® 0 5 to t5 FEET NORTH SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FF—AC–PI FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL MAP FIRE SYSTEM MAP FC -0-M] COMMUNICATOR ❑F PULL STATION OSMOKE DETECTOR (PHOTOELECTRIC) P vP DUCT DETECTOR (PHOTOELECTRIC) REMOTE TEST STATION KM WITH RESET SWITCH C STROBE (NUMBER INDICATES CANDELA) 30 C INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED HORN WITH STROBE D (NUMBER INDICATES CANDELA) 15 C INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED WATER FLOW SWITCH TAMPER VALVE EOL RE END OF LINE RESISTOR E EXISTING DEVICE LEGEND Correct address is 5305. SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: D S S Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICA110N M ENGMEERING TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fire Aann Systems � c Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/l/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 SCALE: 1/4'=1'0" REVISION: PAGE NAME: FLOOR PLAN FA -2 SHEET 2 OF 3 m YOGA lar ( 296, 17 NORTH 1::.., Shwr. oa STRENGTH 108 Sl 102 r77�GiH��I[y�[�IN.\Q�PI FACP ❑F MAP OO p COM ' 4 e 0 SPIN YOU ARE HERE 1 PULL STATION RISER ROOM STORE SMOKE DETECTOR ROOM 3 m YOGA lar ( 296, 17 NORTH 1::.., Shwr. oa STRENGTH 108 Sl 102 r77�GiH��I[y�[�IN.\Q�PI FACP ❑F MAP OO p COM ' 4 e 0 SPIN YOU ARE HERE 1 PULL STATION RISER ROOM 2 SMOKE DETECTOR RISER ROOM 3 FLOW VALVE RISER ROOM 4 TAMPER VALVES RISER ROOM 5 AES RADIO RISER ROOM 6 DUCT DETECTORS ZONE LIST SPENGA 5304 WEST 38TH AVENUE, SUITE E WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80212 vP SPENGA SUITE E Lobby 100 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL MAP FIRE SYSTEM MAP C05COMMUNICATOR ❑F PULL STATION OP SMOKE DETECTOR 1 *1p DUCT DETECTOR WATER FLOW SWITCH TAMPER VALVE LEGEND Correct address is 5305. 11901 East 14th Ave. Aurora, Colorado 80010 Voice: (303)366-4905 ail: office@arapahoefire.com Fax: (303)366-4966 SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: D S s Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENOWEEFUl TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fire Aann Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 SCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: SYSTEM MAP FA- 3 SHEET 3 OF 3 N W r ~ N O Q 00 SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: D S s Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENOWEEFUl TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fire Aann Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 SCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: SYSTEM MAP FA- 3 SHEET 3 OF 3 Ld D Q � Q � O > Q p Ll V) 00 L1J n C/) ry LTJ Q W = O 20 SUBMITTAL PREPARED BY: D S s Alarm Design Solutions Inc. 105 Red Wing Court Mead, CO 80542 (303) 828-0802 alarmdesignsolu@cs.com JOB NUMBER: 8346 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENOWEEFUl TECHNOLOGIES Fire Protection Engineering Technology Fire Aann Systems Joel Blatt S.E.T. NICET #103704 Level IV EXP. 10/1/2022 DATE: 11/11/21 SCALE: N.T.S. REVISION: PAGE NAME: SYSTEM MAP FA- 3 SHEET 3 OF 3 LCD DISPLAY FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELS FA -300 SERIES Description Mircom's FA -300 Series fire alarm control panels consist of 6 and 12 zone models which are equipped with a two line by 20 character back -lit LCD display, numerical keypad and an integrated UDACT/Digital Communicator. The FA -300 Series family also includes remote LED and LCD annunciators as well as remote relay modules. The FA -300 Series panels are ideal for both new and retrofit applications. Designed for small to medium commercial, institutional and industrial occupancies, Mese panels are powerful enough to meet today's installation demands. The FA -300 Series panels are configurable by the keypad for onsite programming or by a PC for both onsite and remote programming. Easy to Install and simple to operate and configure, the FA -300 Series panels enable the installer to configure We system to meet their specific requirements. The FA -300 Series panels are equipped with a 5Amp power supply, 4 -wire resetlable smoke power supply (300mA max.), an Interface for a Remote Trouble Indicator (RTI) and an RS -485 interface for remote LCD annunciators, LED annunciators and Remote Smart Relay modules. All FA -300 Series panels come complete with a red door, black enclosure, durable CAT -30 lock and key and space to mount up to 12 AH batteries. Optional trim rings are available for semi -flush mounting. Mlrcdn Mwn me Mk v m MIM [hangs at any time xNue not® In Mi exiMBW t Features • Available in 6 and 12 zone models • Integrated UDACT/Digilal Communicator on select models • Equipped with 2line by 20 character back -lit LCD dial aid numerical keypad • Front panel and PC programmable • Remote upload/download capabilities • Base panel is equipped with Class "B" (Style "B") initiating arcuits which maybe configured as Class "A• (Style D") using a Class "A• converter module • Initialing circuits may be configured as Alarm, Verified Alarm, Waterflow Alarm, Sprinkler Alar, Latching or NonLatching Supervisory, Monitor and Trouble -Only • Base panel is equipped with Class "B" (Style "B") indicating drwits which may be configured Be Class 'A"(Style'T')usingaClass'Kdgnalrorwedermodule • Audible signals may I configured for Steady, Temporal Code, California Code and March Time • lMi Jng Cir itsmaybewnfguredas Silenceabk or NonSilonceaMe for both signals ant strobes • Built-in sync protocols for the following strobe manufacturers: Mircem, Amseco, System Sensor, Geri Faraday and Wheelock • Relay contacts for CommonAlarm, Aualiary/Alar (Disconnectable), Common Supervisory and Common Trouble • Configurable Signal Silence Inhibit. Auto Signal Silence and One -Man Walk Test • Subsequent Alarm, Supervisory, and Trouble operation • RS485 Interface for Remote LED Annunciators, LCD Annunciators and Remote Smart Relay Modules • Interface for a Remote Trouble Indicator(RTI) • Two event history logs comprised of a 200 event alar log for alar related events ant a 200 event general log for all other events • 5 Amp Power Supply • Optional modules for additional internal relay circuits ant City Tin Polarity Reversal • Optional trim rings for sermaush mounting • Complies with UL 864 ft Edition requirements aTA L05662 fli Mu mourn aria eeo 0 lao rimae moron. Features Initiating Circuits The FA -300 Series panels are equipped with Class "B"(Style "B") initiating circuits. The initiating clrcults may be configured as Class "A" (Style'D") using an ICAC -306 Class "A" convener adder module. Each Initiating circult may be configured for one of the following modes of operation: • Alarm (Without smoke detector verification) • Verified Alarm (With smoke detector verification) • Well Nam (Water flow sensors) • Sprinkler Alarm(Spdnkler flow sensors) • Latching Supervisory • Non -Latching Supervisory • Monitor (non -latching Input used mainly for correlating to a relay circuli) • Trouble -Only (for monitoring a trouble condition from an external device) 13 Series Protocol The FA -300 Series panels havethe i3 Series protocol built-in. The panels support Me two -wire i3 Series smoke detectors (2W-BOWT-B). These i3 series detectors communicate with the FA -300 to provide the following status information: Open circuit trouble This trouble indicates that loop is broken. Communication trouble This trouble Indicates that Mere is a fault in the line or the line is too noisy, the panel cannot communicate with the devices. Dirty device This trouble Indicates that one or more device on the IS zone is dirty Out of sensitivity This trouble Indicates that one or more device on the i3 zone is out of sensitivity range and cannot del an alar condition. Freeze trouble This trouble Indicates Mata device on the i3 zone has detected a freeze condition, e.g. the temperature is below 41-F / 5 -C (available only on model 2WT-B). The built-in protocol removes the need for the 2W - MOD Maintenance Module. Indicating Circuits The FA -300 Series panels are equipped with equipped with Class "B" (Style OF') indicating circuits. The indicating circuits may be configured as Class "A" (Style "Z") using an OCAC-304 or OCAC-302 Class "A" signal convener adder module. The audible signals my be configured for Steady, Temporal Code, California Code and March Time. Each of the Indicating circuits may be configured for one of the following modes of operation: Sllenceable Signal Non-Sllenceable Signal Sllenceable Strobe Non-Slleneceable Strobe The FA -300 has built-in sync protocols for the following strobe manufacturers; Mircom, Amseco, System Sensor, Genital Faraday and Wheelock. UDACTIDightal Communicator The FA -300 Senes panels are equipped with a fully integrated UDACT/Digital Communicatorwhich allows for the reporting of events to a monitoring facility. The UDACT/Digital Communicator can be configured for single or dual line operation and uses the Secunty Industry Association (SIA) and Ademco Contact ID protocols. The UDACT/Digital Communicator is configured via the main display and keypad on the main panel. In addition to its reporting functions, the integrated UDACTIDigitsl Communicatorcan be used to connect to the FA -300 panel from remote computers for uploading and downloading of configuration data. It also allows for the viewing of the event history logs. The FA -300 series panels have two event history logs comprised of a 200 event alarm log for alarm related events and a 200 event general IN for all other events. The integrated UDACT/Digital Communicator can be configured for either DACT or UDACT operation. In DACT mode the Digital Communicator reports common alarm, trouble and supervisory information. In UDACT mode the Digital Communicator reports point spec information. /!///U,, MIRCOM Ct9' a CAT. 5652 pop 2Of6 FA -300 Series LCD Version Models FA-300-6DR Six Zone LCD Display Fire Alarm Control Panel The FA-300-60DR is equipped with six Class "B" (Style 'B") initiating circuits and two Class "B" (Style N") indicating circuits rated @ 1 7 Amps maximum. (Total of 5Amps) One ICAC -306 Six Initiating Circuit Class "A" Converter Modules may be used for Class 'A" (Style 'D") wiring of the initiating circuits. One OCAC-302 Two Indicating Circuit Class "A" Converter Module may be used for Class "A" (Style "Z") wiring of the indicating circuits. The cabinet will support up to 12AH batteries. The panel can be semi -flush mounted with the optional FA-300TRB trim ring. Dimensions FA-300-6DR: 201 x 14.5-W x 4.5-D FA-300TRB: 22.5"H x 17"W FA-300-60DR Six Zone LCD Display Fire Alarm Control Panel with UDACTIDigital Communicator The FA-300-6DDR is equipped with six Class "B" (Style "B") initiating circuits and two Class "B" (Style 'V") indicating circuits rated @ 1 7 Amps maximum. (Total of 5Amps) One ICAC -306 Six Initiating Circuit Class "A" Converter Modules may be used for Class 'A' (Style "D') wiring of the initiating circuits. One OCAC-302 Two Indicating Circuit Class"A"Converter Module may be used for Class "A" (Style -Z") wiring of the indicating circuits. The FA-300-61DDR has a built-in UDACT/Digital Commuoicatorand the cabinet will support up to 12 AH batteries. The panel can be semi -flush mounted with the optional FA-300TRB trim ring. Dimensions FA-300-6DDR: 20"H x 14.5W x 4.5'D FA-300TRB: 22.5H x 17"W FA-301-121310IRTweive Zone LCD Display Fire Namt Control Panel with UDACTIDigital Communicator The FA-301-12DDR Is equipped with twelve Clarl (Style W) Initiating circuits and four Class °B" (Style N") indicating circuits @ 1.7 Amps maximum. (Total of 5Amps). One ICAC -306 Six Initiating Circuit Class AConverter Module may be used for Class'A" (Style 'D") wiring of Me initiating circuits. One OCAC-304 Four Indicating Circuit Class 'A" Converter Module may be used for Clan W (Style 4E) wiring of the Indicating circuits. The FA-301-12DDR has a built - In UDACT/Dighal Communicator and the cabinet will support up to 12 AH batteries. The panel can be semi -flush mounted with Me optional FA-UNIV-TRB trim ring. Dimensions FA-301-12DDR: Wit x 14.5W x 4.5"D FA-UNIV-TRB: 28.5"H x 17"W 111111 MIRCOM® mros.us.o �x.mnL .uwo s. Remote Annunciators RAM-300LCDR Remote LCD Annunciator The RAM -3001 -CDR provides LCD remote annunciation through a 2 line by 20 character LCD display. TheRAM- 300LCDR provides control switches fa System Reset, Signal Silence, Fire Drill and Acknowledge as well as a numeric keypad to access the menu fundians. The common control functions can be disabled on a per function basis. The RAM-300LCDR has LED indicators for A.C. On, Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble and CPU Fail. The RAvI300LCDR comes complete with a red enclosure and a CAT -30 Lair and key. SRM -312R Smart Relay Module The SRM -312 provides twelve configurable relay circuits, rated @ 28 VDC, 1 amp (resistive). Each circuit can be configured as a Normally Open (N.O.) or Normally Closed (N.C.) contact. Each relay is equipped with an LED that is lit when the relay is energized. The relays can be configured as relay per zone (1 to 1), Common on Alarm, Common on Supervisory or progremmablefora logical oradjacent zone configuration. An adjacent zone configuration will turn on an adjacent zone when the configured zone is active. A chaining configuration allows for multiple relays to turn on. The SRM -312 is DIP switch configurable and connects to the RS485 bus. The SRM -312R come complete with a red enclosure and a CAT -30 lock and key. RAM-208RIRAM-216R Remote LED Annunciators The RAM -208R and RAM -216R protide 8 or 16 points respectively of LED annunciation. Both models feature bi-coloured LEDs which are autoconfigurable for either Alarm (red) or Supervisory (amber). The LED annunciators have indicators for A.C. On, Common Trouble and Signal Silence and control switches for System Reset, Signal Silence, Lamp Test and Buzzer Silence. The RA vIl and RAV -216R are equipped with a keyswitch which alto sNrenabling and disabling of the Common Coal funrdons. BON models are available in a retl finish and mount in a 4 -gang electrical box. RAM-10161RAM-1016TZ Remote LED Annunciator The RAM -1016 Remote LED Annunciator provides 16 points of LED annunciation. The RAM4016 comes standardwith bio lldured LEDswitichareautomatically mnfiguredf oMerNarm(Red)or SupeMsory(Amber). The RAM -1016 has indicators for A.C. On, Common Trouble and Signal Silence and controls for System Reset, Lamp Test, Fire Drill, Buzzer Silence and Signal Silence. In addition it allows for the control switches to be disabled on a perfunction basis. The RAM-1016TZhas the same features and provides individual trouble LEDs. BONmodelsmounlina 1313-1000senesenclosum. r RTI -1 Remote Trouble Indicator Mircom's Remote Trouble Indicator provides remote annunciation of fire alar troubles. The RTIA mounts onto a standard single gang electoral box. r8 i OiGiu, MIRCOM �.rv,.e orv.,. ��R CAT. AT.S Adder Modules M! ICAC -306 Six Initiating Clrcult Class "A" Converter Module The ICAC -306 convertssie Class"B"(Style"B"initiating circuits an the FA300 main boats b Class "A" (Sryb'O') circuits. The ICAC -306 is equipped with wire leads to conned to the FA -300 main board. It mounts to the right of the main board Class "B" (SMe'B-) initiating circuits. Two ICAC -306 modules ere required to Convert all twelve initiating circuits on an FA301-12DDR series panel. OCAC-304 Four Indicating Circuit Class "A" Converter Module The OCAC-304 converts four Class "B" (Style "V-) indicating circuits on the FA -300 main board to Class "A" (Style "Z") circuits. The OCAC-304 is equipped with wire leads to Connect to the FA -300 main board. It mounts to the right of the main board Class "B" (Style 'r) indicating circuits and is used with the FA-301-12DDR series panels. OCAC-302 Two Indicating Circuli Class "A" Converter Module The OCAC-302 converts two Class "B" (Style "V-) indicating circuits on the FA -300 main board to Class "A" (Style "Z-) circuits. The OCAC-302 is equipped with wire leads to connect to the FA -300 main board. It mounts to the right of the main board Clan 'B" (Style 'r) indicating circuits and is used with the FA-300-6DDR acres panels. RIJI 0O&RM312 Relay Circuit Atltler 6locules The RM306 pmvibes sin oonfigumble relay dreuitq rated @26 VDC,1 amp(resstive). The RM312PmvidestweNe FolmCCord'guablerelaydrtalb,mhd@26VDm, 1 amp (resistive).Onboth modelseachNorm can be Configured as a contact. E ty Open (NO.) or Normally Closedi (N.C.) en Conrad. is enerayisegThe relays an be Configured as free relay is energized. The relays can be , Common as relay per mine (1 b 1), mammon on Alarm, Common orn zone Supervisory or prcgjacent efor logical oradjacent zone wnfgunt min whencoentwne Configuration w ctum hainon adjacent mine when fonFguptlwnei to Achainirg Configuration allows far multiple relays io tum on. LO Pi Polarity ReversallQty Tie Module The PR -300 provides outputs for city box and pdardy reversal applications. As a city tie module the PR -300 provides an interface between the control panel i ndiratirg circa cls and a master box. Il provides o0 -premises signal transmission for systems that must comply with NFPA requirements for Auxiliary Protective Systems. As a pdality reversal modulethe PR -300 providesan inbdace between the control panel and a reverse polarity receiver. It provides oII{rremises signal transmission for systems that must comply with NFPA requirements. mm ELU% 00 Active Enr."m Resistors The ELRX300arepowersaving Erclof{ neresistorswhich elimininsithe nee] bran additional tats"thietalarger baftenes in orderto meetthe 60hourslantlby requirement (Please neer to Battery Cabubtion Chart in manual /or more details) The El- X-300 can also be used when larger batteries than Can film thew bine[ are requ i red. The ELRX-300 are available with a withouta mounting plate. ��/1, KINK OM® mmxeuseo wx nLum ruwosEs LAT 5863 AT, 5618 Specifications AC Input 120VAC @ 60Hz Standby Power 24VDC Standby batteries Charging Capability 4 to 12AH Current Consumption Standby. 281 Alarm: 560mA Indicating Circuits Power limited / 24VDC unfiltered / 1.7A @ 49°C per circuit. Maximum 5 Amps. Ordering Information Model Description Aux supply (non resetable) Power limited / 22.3VDC regulated / 500mA may 4 -wire smoke supply (resetable) Power limited/22.3VDC regulated / 300mA max Unfiltered supply (full wave rectified) Power limited / 24VDC unfiltered / 1lA max at 4WC Auxiliary Relays (Common alarm/super/tile/ and auxiliary second alarm) Forni / 28VDC 11 A max control Panels Remote LCD A Montreal enclosure) FA -30060R Six Zone LCD Deeper Flre Alarm Control Panel FA -30D 60DR SU Zone LCD Deeper Flre Alarm Control Panel wXb bi UDACTIDIgilal Communicator FA-301-12DOR Twelve Zone LCD Deeper Flre Alarm Control Panel wXb builtAn UDACTIDIgilal Communicator Remote Annunciators and modules RAM30CLCDR Remote LCD A Montreal enclosure) RAM-AmLCDW Remote LCD Annuniabr lWbita enclosure) RAM -200R Eight zone Remote LED Anrmackgor RAM -216R Sixteen zone Remote LED Annunciator RAM -1016 Sixteen zone Remote LED A Montreal RAM -1016T2 Sixteen zone Remote LED A Montreal wish individual Trouble LEDs Sill Remote Relay Module vnM red enclosure RTI -1 Remote Trouble Indication B&1001R Red enclosure for RAM-1016/RAM-1 MATZ B&10015 Semi -Flush Stainless Steel Enclosure for RAM-1018IRAM-1016TZ B-1001WPR Red Sem-Flush Weatherproof Enclosure ler RNA-1016ARAM-10161 RIF101Heater Kitforusewith BB-1001WPR Adder Modules ICAC306Six initiating Canada Class' A' Consider Module OCAC304 Four Indicating Clmuit Class 'An Convener Module OCAC302 Two Indicator Circuit Class 'A"Convener Module RM 306 Six Relay Clmuit Adder Module RM 312 Twelve Relay Clmuit Adder Montle FIR300Pdadty R¢v¢r5al/City Tie Module ELRX 300 Arrive End-of-0re Resistor ELRX 30OR Arrive End-of-Ure Resistor wArk red mounting plate Accessories FA-30DTRB Black Semi Rush Trim Ring fw FA 300.6 enclosures FA-UNIV-TRS Black Universal Sexual Trim Ring ler FA30112 enclosures y FA -300 -DF Dead Front ler FA300-300 FA-301-DF Dead Front ler FA301-301 Q LIMA Universal Programming Tool Be 104 12 Voll, 4Ah Emery- 2 per required per panel Be 100 12 Voll, 7.2Ah BeHery- 2 pas required per panel Be 110 12 Voll, 12 Ah Batlery w -2 prequired per panel �m.aw aFoalasT .a.D,e���: Ml�a C a USA. 25 interchange Way 601nduddsl PaMwry, Fee 270 Voters. Cnmrb LAK 5W3 Cheektowaga, New Yotk 1429 TrIalmoney9(5)66UC655 Tall Fee@ (666)66(1 Fax: (905) 6604113 Fax Tall Feesy666)660A113 shortage, '. hos••//www.m'xmm.mm Emad . m lfifor onloom CATt ) SYSTEM �4 SENSOR 4 -Wire Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector The Irmo scurclex"Series are the only duct smoke detectors flexible enough to fit configurations from square to rectangular and everything in between. Photpelecum Integrated low Day technology -Air velocity rating from I(LONmin to 4,000ft/min (11.5 mos to 3033 Msec) -Versatile mounting offers square or rectangular configuration Plug-in sensor offers superb false alarm Immunity and the latest serer technology -Broad engecforoperarng temperature (-4°Fto 15rF) and humidity (M to 95% non-consenzingl • Patereed sampling tube Installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required • Increased wiring space with a newly added Is inch conduit knockout • One easy- access Test/Reset button and Improved LED status •Patented Interconnect facture for multi -fan shutdown • New high contrast terminal designations • Built in short circuit protection from operator wiring errors •Field selectable settings for configuring the detector -Two Door Form C relay contacts Q4 VAODC or 130VAC •Backward compatibility with existing lnnovair products, Including remote accessories Agency Listings �L LIMB Innovoui no Innnviddli 1041204 -wire phaaelectric duct smoke detector features a pivoting housing that fits both square and rectangular footprints and mounts to round or rectangular ductwork. This unit senses smoke In the most challenging conditions, operating in airflow speeds of 100 to 4,000 feet per minute, temperatures of -0" to 158°5 and a humidity range of o to 95 percent (non - condensing) .Aplug-in sensor head offers improved false alarm immunity and simple installation, testing, and maintenance. An improved cover design Isolates the sensor head from the low -now feature for large maintenance. The InnwairFlex housing provides ample wiring space, a Vr-inch c0nduit knockout, and builMn short circuit protection to prevent damage to sensitive components during Installation. High contrast terminal designations make wiring easy With its 3'.1 sensor-topower capability, the power board of the D440 may be used to monitor c0nd sensor.D45. simultaneously Lei supply and return side). As many as 501nnovriElex detectors can be interconnected. When one unit senses smoke, all interconnected detectors will switch their relays; only me detector sensing smoke will go into alarm, thus pinpointing the Fire source. An Bary-accessTesr/Reset boron makes it possible to test the unit with the cover on. Three DIP switches can be used to configure field selectable settings. cover tamper delay, number of sensors to be controlled, and shut down on trouble option. Each power board has two LEDs that can be used to indicate the situs of connected nmrq and a quick reference Imprinted on me cover explains the LED status indications Atandbg MaintenanceJusuble, and Alarm). The InnwairFlex duct smoke detector can be customised to meet local codes and specifications without additional will new InnovairFlex product line is compatible with all previous Innowir models, Including remote test accessories WAMING: Duct smoke detectors are NOT a substitute for open area make derecton; NM a substitute for early warning detection; NOT a replacement for a buildings regular fire detection system. Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional information. Innovairlilei" Duct Smoke Detector Specifications The air dust once, detector shall be a System Sensor lnnousrfll Nl20 Modell oua smoke report The dettau housing shall the UL listed per ul meat KEY aecru lest Station lamnal connection: shall he of the strip and Camp marked suitable am 14-18 BWG wlnrig Installing the Innovairill Sampling Tuba I e m ovam lex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detiMetube Inks securely into plxa and ran be removed by all the Iron 01 res locklug tab hod locking tab Awwu below take Wring for All -Wire Duct Smoke Detector and Accessories I POWEP INWIB IM))IE 1j I I e ra I ON I AU%ILWPYCOMACB FOP FAN SHUTDOWN, ETC. INOIE R) Ai Add 0 SUPERVISORY COMACIS MOTES) a 14 I auBM c. WM CTS NOTE O) ALaPM NO FlPST OETECIOF INTIE WOP IX l: 24V Power InpuRapond anon-poUrizN 34VDCor34VAC 5060Hz. I "AC Power l n W is ac ept w ly l z WAC 50LOHi Connect power Cooper o appropriate terminalsofeach detector. See specificatons kr additlonal power supply'roamation, NOTE]: Autillary contacts shorymn standby pomlon. Contacts switch all alarm as lnd cared by arrows. AUMllary normal are not to be hired for Connection to the Control panel See specifications br conlactrtngs PGWEP INPVIS INOIEI) r has �It w I I OR AU%ILIa1TYCOMACTS FOP FP NSHVTONN. E Aux UEOLRECHSTI TE2j SPECIFIEOBY SUPEMIYCACgITACTS MRyUFPO EL )NOTUPEfl sull me o. 4(N aguiral INITIATION d O COMACTS s�\ NAXMN . (NOTEI) I NME3:SupeNIwrycontacnsho insandbyposnlon.Opencontacts Indicate a trouble Condition to the panel See ipeclficationi for Contact ratings. Non O: Alarm lndlaton contacts shown In standby pomlon.Closed contacts Indicate an alarm medium to the perel Sae Specifications for contactprorms. -Fle wlehrtothe corresponding musical manual for accessorywl-ng counters Important Notes on 2:1 Sensor -to -Power Caoabilit .nCensor in Chat(:prainy in not anaiame)orau mpwa� IHe, moanlz The foduionly swi lame on the N1204-wlreConventional moaelx . 21 :shear -to prove capability can M shamed using we wl 20 and we Cat or two 04S and we paps m. Imocrtant Interconnect Notes • When using the In at onnecr kaon, all interconnected units must be powered wing the samelndecendem supply. .Polo- mud be metal throughout the Interconnect wiring ConnPmelM+ternanal on unit Ito the lM+terminal on unit z and son wSimilarly common theIKOMI terminal on cuIto the IM/AhX terminal on unzand won. UP tos0 D440 Ji 50 DIPIzowmix or so atotsd CC fri May be ImoConnecred. . Up IB CHI(Gral runs may be Interconnected. Please hoe that each of the p DHI00ACCC worts imerconnecled mry be replaced by three DVI 20 nsThetebre when using the interconnect mature a single Dm00ACDC can days either DHI WACDCs or 27 DAH 20 rni hDIE Alarm can be reset only aune'mlrning ae ide and not at tlaaevlcesimerconnectea Avlassorias System Sensor provides system Flexibility with a variety ofaccessorles, IncludIngtwo ramotetest stations and several different means of visible and audible system annunciation. As with our duct smoke detectors, all duct smoke detector accessories are UL listed. � I "lis comenloral phomelmnc senwr had PI21430 End cap for metal sampling lubes OST Meal sampling tube duawltllF up to 1 i 03ml PSI2V2051ENX @IGrymwnt'SMOITIera O915 Meal sampling tube duawltltlis l hlo2If(03to06M 1512V2051ENSW • � Meal sampling tube duawltltlis 2Itto4If(Mto 12M P524M M" inherent addon more nerd MSI51 UL52522 1d15I51MY1JL52522 rT Al OL 50011 $$ROSI ULS2522 M" inherent addon more (which D910 M RA400Z'JI 95P MHWI1IS4017 MHRUL59011 SW51War PS UCANstl flennofe annunciator vam cost alarm M451 willsOWNLENSW ilins Information 2051 "lis comenloral phomelmnc senwr had PI21430 End cap for metal sampling lubes OST Meal sampling tube duawltllF up to 1 i 03ml PSI2V2051ENX @IGrymwnt'SMOITIera O915 Meal sampling tube duawltltlis l hlo2If(03to06M 1512V2051ENSW Wall -mourrcSMONFlens DM Meal sampling tube duawltltlis 2Itto4If(Mto 12M P524M M" inherent addon more nerd D95 Meal sampling tube ducrWifts4hlo8If(12to2AM 15201DW M" inherent addon more (which D910 MLalsamplhgmore itshor s8trn 12h12<m 37 M 'Al Pernate annuMaror alarM APe151 flennofe annunciator vam cost alarm M451 Remontenearstation OH4000E-1 MrsherpoNendosure R154511KEY Remote not station Path res, loch EM Moral Jaunt tuthe Incur w ft 1h(03m) SSK451 Muhl surnang accessory \Z4 e 30350 MOAENSOR2-Frc6exlL6094 am wsu.mmgxm�.nss emssa Phone :BW-SENSOR2 dae 63R3JJ6495 ) SYSTEM l54 SENSOR Indoor Selectable - Output Strobes and Horn Strobes for Ceiling Applications System SensorL-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. . Plug in design wit mmlmel lmruaion into the bank box • burceratestam conslruclbn • Automatic selection of 12. or 24volt operation at and 30 candela . Fieldselectablecandela semngs on ceiling units' 15, 3o, 75, M,1 f 5,150, and 177 • tNun rated at 88+ all re is vote • Rotary switch by born tone and two volume selections • llnmeraal menmmg plate for ceiling units • Mounting plate Asking spring feature checks wlring density before device installann • Electrically Compatible wim legacy SpedrAlerl and SpectrAled Advance devices • Crnpalmle wit Moto syna module • Listed for calling rrouming only Agency Listings lM Stations Sensor W isiw offers the most versatile and easy hands ripe of horns, strobes, and born sorbed In nre Industry wim Inver consent drove and modern cosmetics. With Ands and and plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, System Sensor L -Series can meet virtually any application requirement. Me erne Lseres product fine of environment stores and ham door includea cards a features that increase main applicant versatility while simplifying insianatlen. All devices foal a phtnum desgn with minimal imoson imo the back m., maung insraumiens fast and foolproof while virtually criminal entry and dme- consuming ground faults. To further county Installaticn, the L -Series utilizes a universal punting plate so Installers can mount mem to awitle array of back bores. Wim an mboaN sbeding spring, in9allem can test wiring contain before the decide is including!. Investors can also easily adopt devices 1e a and a wide range of optical requirements using field selectable candela setlings, summary; selection of 12orstock operatian, and a ral swish for Mrn tones wild Iwo volume selections. &a Y M 1 Drun W onto .1. awskinxinsom lM Stations Sensor W isiw offers the most versatile and easy hands ripe of horns, strobes, and born sorbed In nre Industry wim Inver consent drove and modern cosmetics. With Ands and and plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, System Sensor L -Series can meet virtually any application requirement. Me erne Lseres product fine of environment stores and ham door includea cards a features that increase main applicant versatility while simplifying insianatlen. All devices foal a phtnum desgn with minimal imoson imo the back m., maung insraumiens fast and foolproof while virtually criminal entry and dme- consuming ground faults. To further county Installaticn, the L -Series utilizes a universal punting plate so Installers can mount mem to awitle array of back bores. Wim an mboaN sbeding spring, in9allem can test wiring contain before the decide is including!. Investors can also easily adopt devices 1e a and a wide range of optical requirements using field selectable candela setlings, summary; selection of 12orstock operatian, and a ral swish for Mrn tones wild Iwo volume selections. L -Series Specifications General ITSeriesceiling mount strobes and been strobes shall mount In a stamlSN 4 x 4 x 1sineb back box, 4Inch o all back box, or double - gang back Mx. Two-vere products shall also mount to a single -gang 2 x 4 is lob -inch back Mx. A univereal mounting plate shell be done for mounting ceiling and well products. The unification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate of the universal mounting plate. Also, L -Series products, when used am the SymcrCimuit'Module accessory, shall be command fit amncMed notification appliance circuit output and shall Metals on a nwnmlll 12 or 24 volt. When used with th Sync -Circuit Module, 12-volLrated application appliance circuit purpuM shall aperale between 85 and 175 volts; 24-vnithuted modification appliance coauit outputs shall operate between 165 and 33 vat. Indoor LSeries product shall Metals proveser 32 and 120 degrees FaMenMX from a regulated DC or WlFwave evelified unfiltered Past supply Ceiling strobes and M1wn strobes shall have fielbselectble candela settings Including 15, 30. 75.95,115,150, and 177. Strobe The strobe shall as a System Sensor LSanes all _ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective Samoa. The snrobe shall be wired as a primaryy-signaling refusal applionce and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements her visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 the ever the strobes entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist ut a cargo flash tube and associated lenshefleclor system. Mom Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor LSanes Mond _ Used to UL 1971 and UL 454 and shall be Appear for the protective service . The horn strobe shall be wired as a primaryy-signaling modification appliance and empty wit the Amencara win Divoutnes Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flishing at 1 Hz over the strobes entire common sell range. The strobe light shall consist of axenon gash lube eM associated lenaheuedn systm. The horn shell have two audibility options and an option to switch between a tempoM tree pattern and a nontemporal (continuous) patter. These spit ere set rya mureple pe5itien switch. The Mm on born strobe models shall operate or a coded or mnsMe power supply Syne treNpD Model The module shall be a System Seneca SynaCircuit model fil listed be UL 454 and shall be approved 1a fire prolective service. The module shall synchronize LSates strobes at 1 i and horns at temporal three. Pim, while operating the strobes, the module shell silence the horns on horn stare models war a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 411716 x 41116 x 2" inch back at The module shall also control Iwo Syle Y (Gess B) cimult or one Style Z (class A) clrcuft The module shall symhrontre multiple zones. Deray chaining two or more senchrearearyon mMules together will synchronize all the zones they costa. The module &go net operate on a ended power supply. Ceiling -Mount Surki Mount Back Box Skirl Dimensional 6 m thermal x 34' high (175 met diameter x EB mm high) (SBBCBL, SBBCWL) Noi 1, Full Wave painting (For mltage is anmregulated timnvarying power course tat is used on sane power supply and parol output. 2. P S. PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V mmered only for 15 and So W. UL Curren[ Draw Data canaala YtzS Vdb Dc 1& 3WIb Dc rwa 15 07 41 60 30 153 63 86 75 NIA 111 142 95 NIA 134 164 115 NIA 159 191 150 NIA 109 220 177 NIA 226 264 3.1KTampaMHIBM1 106 135 1]9 2M 225 2S5 2M 3.1 KHz NmTempaL High 84 BB 69 0 3.1 KHz Nc Tampma Law 77 w 83 OU Calling -Mount Hom Strobes Calling Mount Hom Strobes with Calling Surface Mount Beck Box LSeries Ordering Information Gelling Sonata Mount Back Box Ceiling Horn Strobes "n9 armees PURL 2 -Wire. Horn Stone. Red SCRL Phone, Rao PC L 2- Who, Han Sbobe. White SCWL Strobe, White BCWLLI AlhEm Strobe, Mite, AlhEm cxeodae T TRC -2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring fletl hite Rloo Universal Caning ThinMount SBBCRL SBBCRL Ceiling SurfaceMount Beck Box. fletl Box. SRBCWL udwa Ceiling Surface McuM Rack Box, WM1He \�1 3e25 onto Avenue •St, CloWeeIL 60174 S PM1one'Wo-SENS0fl2•Fox 6M3]]-6095 � Qv&wx1,U17 pq FRONT RANGE TEST & BALANCE - TEST AND BALANCE REPORT FOR SPENGA 5305 W. 38TH AVENUE, SUITE F WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOVEMBER 2021 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: PROCON DEVELOPMENT, INC. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: CMS MECHANICAL ENGINEER: RTM ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS PREPARED BY: FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE, INC. Front Range Test 8 Balance, Inc. certifies that all balancing is done in accordance wRb NEBB, AABC and ASHRAE standards. P.O. Box 630112 • Highlands Ranch • Colorado • 80163-0112 FRONT RANGE TEST & BALANCE - November 9,2021 Building Department Wheat Ridge, Colorado RE: SPENGA To Whom It May Concern All test and balance work on Spenga in Wheat Ridge, Colorado has been completed in accordance with NEBB, AABC, and ASHRAE standards. Please let me know if you need anything else regarding the Air Balance Report for Spenga. Sincerely, C� a.CVV Chris Cooper President From Range Test & Balance, Inc. FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: FAN DATA FAN NO. RTU -1 FAN NO. RTU -2 FAN NO. RTU -3 Location ROOF ROOF ROOF Service SPINISTRENGTH ENTRY RESTROOMS YOGA Manufacturer CARRIER CARRIER 48TFE006-A-511 Model Number 48HCFDO8A2A5AOAOAO 48CFA06A2A5A0A0A0 26031320327 Serial Number 3120P33869 3320057518 3120P33869 Motor Make/Frame MARATHON/56HZ NG/NG GE MOTORS/56Y Motor H.P./RPM NG/1725 NG/NG NG/1725 VOItslPhase/Hertz 208-230/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 F.L. Amps/S.F. 6.9-6.7/1.15 8.6/TP 5.2/1.15 Motor Sheave Make POWER DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE NG/1725 Motor Sheave Diam./Bore 1VL44/5/8" DIRECT DRIVE 4.25"OD/5/8" Fan Sheave Make FENNER DRIVES DIRECT DRIVE MAUREY Fan Sheave Diam./Bore AFD7411" DIRECT DRIVE 5.75"OD/ 5/8" No. Beks/Make/Size 11BROWNING/A44 DIRECT DRIVE 1/GATES/A40 Sheave CL Distance 16.75' DIRECT DRIVE 13.25' Filters 4-20"X20"X2" 2-16"X25"X2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL CFM 3000 3158 2000 2014 1600 1697 Fan RPM NG 769 NG DD NG 1237 Outside Air 750 775 492 511 492 494 Volta a 208 2121211/214 208 212 208 214/212/214 Am era a 6.9 4.5/4.1/4 8.6 6.5 5.2 3.3/3.2/3.2 REMARKS: TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CC&VL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: FAN DATA FAN NO. EF -1 FAN NO. EF -2 FAN NO. Location ROOF ROOF Service RESTROOMS SHOWERS Manufacturer GREENHECK GREENHECK Model Number G-095-6-YG-1-17-X G-095-6-YG-1-17-X Serial Number 1839829121F 18398289 21 F Motor Make/Frame VARI GREENING VARI GREEN/NG Motor H.P./RPM 1/6 / 300-1750 1/6 / 300-1750 Volts/Phase/Hertz 115/208-230/1/60 115/208-230/1/60 F.L. Amps/S.F. 2.2/1.3-1.1/EP 2.2/1.3-1.1/EP Motor Sheave Make DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Motor Sheave Diam./Bore DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Fan Sheave Make DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Fan Sheave Diam./Bore DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE No. Beks/Make/Size DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Sheave CL Distance DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Fiflers TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL CFM 150 153 150 159 Fan RPM NG DD NG DD Outside Air Volta a 115 121 115 121 Am era a 2.2 1.8 2.2 1.8 REMARKS: TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CC&VL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: SPENGA SYSTEM: RTU -1 TESTAPPARATUS: FLOW HOOD AREA OUTLET DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL FINAL REMARKS SERVED No. mme suf uc CFM VELICFM CFM % 1 SW 101IX15" 1.0 300 345 319 106% 2 SW 10"X15' 1.0 300 311 322 107% 3 SW 10"X15" 1.0 300 437 330 110% 4 SW 10"X15' 1.0 300 421 329 110% 5 SW 10"X15" 1.0 300 300 301 100% 6 SW 101IX15' 1.0 300 287 300 100% 7 CD 17'X17' 1.0 300 269 304 101% 8 CD 17'X17' 1.0 300 314 325 108% 9 ICD 17'X17' 1,01 300 1 301 317 106% 10 CD 12"X17' 1.0 300 356 311 104% TOTAL 3000 3158 105% REMARKS: O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CC&VL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: SPENGA SYSTEM: RTU -2 TESTAPPARATUS: FLOW HOOD AREA OUTLET DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL FINAL REMARKS SERVED No. mme suf uc CFM VELICFM CFM % 1 SW 101IX15" 1.0 360 399 371 103% 2 SW 10"X15" 1.0 360 377 360 100% 3 SW 10"X15" 1.0 360 367 353 98% 4 SW 10"X15" 1.0 360 349 359 100% 5 SW 10"X15" 1.0 360 301 360 100% 6 SW 101IX15" 1.0 0 0 0 0% 2 7 CD 12"X12" 1.0 25 56 27 108% 8 CD 12"X12" 1.0 25 51 25 100% 9 ICD 12"X12" 1,01 25 1 27 25 100% 10 CD 12"X12" 1.0 25 34 26 104% 11 CD 8"O 1.0 100 110 108 108% TOTAL 2000 2014 101 REMARKS: O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE 2 DELETED EXTRA AIR FROM DELETED SAG EVENLY DISPTRIBUTED TO ROOM TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: SPENGA SYSTEM: RTU -3 TESTAPPARATUS: FLOW HOOD AREA OUTLET DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL FINAL REMARKS SERVED No. mme suf uc CFM VELICFM CFM 1 SW 101IX15" 1.0 200 241 220 110% 2 SW 10"X15' 1.0 200 229 217 109% 3 SW 10"X15" 1.0 200 210 211 106% 4 SW 10"X15' 1.0 200 200 203 102% 5 SW 10"X15" 1.0 200 178 216 108% 6 SW 101IX15' 1.0 200 194 211 106% 7 SW 10"X15' 1.0 200 231 203 102% 8 SW 10"X15' 1.0 200 241 216 108% TOTAL 1600 1697 106 REMARKS: O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: SPENGA SYSTEM: EF -1 TESTAPPARATUS: FLOW HOOD REMARKS:O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL �m � fm�m®® � REMARKS:O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL FRONT RANGE TEST AND BALANCE AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: SPENGA SYSTEM: EF -2 TESTAPPARATUS: FLOW HOOD REMARKS:O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL � � ' fm�m®® � REMARKS:O CORRECTED FOR ALTITUDE TEST DATE: 11/9/2021 READINGS BY: CCBVL %tm VE rE Q MGY k "inz, M1.0 W40th Ale.......... b .. .: *or Irogralsiginnent ..liez w R9cct �i.m �m _ I or�. �^ r Y- I a al a*T■ ' ISb P8 �nl toe TI �� wr ni .' 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W 38th Avg w 3am,nv ran ROYoLSNN Cannery NI planar logo ontheae around, R 6MA o-_vTl bile 9 HalledilAlr ._ _ Cr ho :e isa _ �+, GaAtdoLo World Nai S r ' f� - ..SIGN ssmn:nat be aanm refin SITE MAP s�r.� 215/16' 2694 26101/16 346rn' d uminum rvzuars 6o h,dp, , hfi (s l R5Ggzrr btl e d sroll ore 0) set of Internally illuminated aluminum, pan dhonrel@xerw sPn^,'spin , sreretb'{ygaoMve 3"deep rolurns(than)white acryd focee w/3A"black trim aupfE"and data to hove 3"deep �PE�ppwhitea�wi'sFNcgreen aedav 3aav � SPEpp geenreturned o two (2)5 dw amateur aluminum m6ewa�(vamree to mumanbu4-)-wnminate nerty white � (,weRca) 5 l 3' ro3�6"♦ kwa/ WS` vERsvecrve vlev 43d m,,my L}j1....IJr. s[uo t�'J=�3za SP NG/ ` spin strength yoga �N7 v NEL DEco TON ruBWAr, SUBWAY sg" �p Ii11111111Y11Y1. 0". E�wro" � irz^-io• qpn: mDNOci whatndae co us TO: C MMD& P mtts subje : Wine "wb iUl: Cnmme:ual 1n r elrre:ant nni ea(e: Mo: y. Aml 19, 20219:38:08 FM Commercial Interior Remodel/Tenant Finish Application for Commercial Remodel/Tenant Finish This application is for Commercial Remodels and Tenant Finishes. Do not being work until the permit has been issued to the General Contractor. Required to Submit Proof of Submission to Fire Department Proof of Submission to Rema Dm Fire Department Begin Application PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 5305 West 38th Ave Property Owner Name Stephine Magee Property Owner Phone M7450-8107 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Chadie@fodeldltd.mm Address Attach City of Wheat Electronic-Payment-Form-BMe ndf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - **DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD** APPLICANT INFORMATION Contact Name of Charlie Piasss Person Submitting Application What is your role in the Architect project? Contact Phone Number 847450-at07 (enter WITH dashes, ag 303-123-0567) Contact Email Address Charlie@foofieldltd.com for Plan Review Questions Retype Contact Email Charlie@foxfleldltd.cam Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this for a new Yes tenant? Business Name of SPENGA Tenant Detailed Scope of A tenant finish out with new restrooms and 3 fitness areas Work - Providea including a new lobby detailed description of work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Location of Work Retail center Square Footage Area 4095 of Work Being Performed Asbestos Report - if Field not completed. applicable Construction Plans WheatddQe All Permit Dwos ndf scanned on 11"x17" or larger Project Value (contract $300,000.00 valuation okay value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Chedie Plezze Permit Email not displaying wmadly? View It in v ur browser. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Pets Subject: Online Form Submittal: Sewer or Water Line Repair Permit Application Date: Monday, August 23, 2021 11:52:41 AM Sewer or Water Line Repair Permit Application This application is exclusively for SEWER OR WATER LINE REPAIR - IN YARD Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Right of Way permits must be applied for with the Public Works Department. Is this application for Yes sewer line or water line repair - in yard only? PROPERTY INFORMATION Is this Residential or commercial Commercial? Property Address 5305 W 38th Ave Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Teresa Salas [ci�IcII:I:�diGYc? Property Owner Email Field not completed. Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Dig Boss Ilc. Name Contractor's License 140058 Number (This is a 5 or has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Jessee Wakeham Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 303-856-7476 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email fieldmanagement@digboss.com Address Retype Contractor fieldmanagement@digboss.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this a sewer line or sewer Line water line repair? Length of repair 8 feet Location of repair Parking Lot (backyard, frontyard, etc) Provide additional installing a set of clean outs details including installation of clean- o uts. Project Value (contract 5850 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Pets Subject: Online Form Submittal: Electrical Service Change/Upgrade/Electrical Work Permit Application Date: Wednesday, November 17, 20211:47:54 PM Electrical Service Change/Upgrade/Electrical Work Permit Application This application is exclusively for RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHANGE OR UPGRADE (200 amps or less). YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes electrical service change or upgrade - 200 amps or less? PROPERTY INFORMATION Is this Residential or Commercial Commercial? Property Address 5305 W 38th Ave, Suite E, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Property Owner Name Spenga Property Owner Phone 562-799-4439 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Attach City of Wheat FPF - S eennaa Ddf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Arapahoe Fire Protection Inc Name Contractor's License 019288 Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 720-203-1222 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email kyleh@arapahoefire.com Address Retype Contractor kyleh@arapahoefire.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this an electrical Upgrade service upgrade or change? Number of Amps 0 Location of work Unit E (garage, house, etc) Provide additional Fire Alarm above ceiling work. details, if needed. Project Value (contract 6,0000.00 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Kyle M Haynie Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. X1 WALL TYPE ZNA401 WITH ACOUSTIC EQ L EQ TREATMENT PER WALL TYPE 4 q 4 r - ARE EXTERIOR RESCUE RESCUE ASSISTANCE AN CONTROLS EXISTING EXISTING i HOUR RATED 31111111111111111111111111111 10 SPRINKLER DEMISING WALL NO ROOM EXISTING LOADING DOCK 107 DEVICES IN THIS WALL UNO 12 3" TOUCH PANEL @ 60", A601 &STEPS TO GRADE TYP / @42"@ 1 we IPAD 48", RECEPTACLE 14 II STRENGTH 3 _ _ _ _ FURNISH & INSTALL 42' - SAP HIGH STEEL RAILING AT 11 LOADING DOCK EDGE& A501 STEEL STAIR HANDRAIL 13 TVP DOWN GRADE 3TYP HIGH MEASURED ABOVE STAIR TREAD NOSING. I o TYP m EXISTING OPENING TO BE INFILLED WITH CMU O N EXi TO MATCH EXISTING, O - BVLANDLORD o NOTE: EXISTING 13 STOREFRONT GLAZING 3 YOGA AT SPIN AREA MUST EXISTING HANDRAIL TO TYP: ALIGN PORTABLE TYP COMPLYWITH REMAIN w w STEPPERS ON SPIN ®®® CATEGORY II OF THE g _ STRENGTH MACHINE A501 ° CONSUMER PRODUCT ON _ _ ¢� 3 SAFETY COMMISSION 16 CFR PART 1201, OR UISTc1 t ACCESSIBLE ROUTE \ CUSSAOFANSIM7. ur COLUMN NG 4 12 y A501 2 GC TOV RIFYFI Z9l.1. 3 1 A501 TYP STOREFRONT GLAZING —� COMPLIES, OR IF 0 3 3' BY -0 3/4' STOREFRONT GLAZING or > MUST BE REPLACED TO w 2 2 2 COMPLY. i 5 5 F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4'-0" VIF EXISTING _ 5 CONCRETE EXISTING TOUCH PANEL _ b it' -0314" 9'-0" a 8'-812" 8-812' STAIRS-VIF STORE @60"AFF 8 o w awe WIDTHM ROOM — — Bestro ReslmollL IS 2 Y � a MINIMUM 44", ao H S-0' 6' T-0" 3'-0' 6"— 3'-0' r — � RISER HEIGHT IS : ® Q I : I I MAXIMUM ]', AND 7 1 1 L — — — 11 <3>%I i — — ' ) — — 6 90 TREAD DEPTH IS i 11"MINIMUM d Shwr104 LES]_shwr. 108 y L I1 iw-I / 1I— m C,= 11p��1,L 2 'r A> Util�tty 6'-6" 102 1 'll" °� 101 C J 2 Lobby ~ \ip3 L — IIt���4"' — J ® NEW STOREFRONT DOOR TO EXISTING 1 HOUR RATED ALIGN WITH EDGE OF EXISTING 5 THIS SECTION OF WALL 23P -O' LENGTH: -- - — F DEMISING WALL. NO 1 A502 3 MULLION. MATCH EXISTING 35/8" METAL STUD AGAINSTEXISTING 'Lv 2 " DEVICES IN THIS WALL UNO WALL WITH 51W GYP BD FINISH. FINISH & MULLION PATTERN. g ACCESS Lv 2 1 4 PROVIDE SIDELITE AND EXISTING A503 PAN ELABOVE. o A503 TRANSOM AS REQ'D TO MATCH STOREFRONT SEE PLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS 23'-0" 105 NOT a TO REMAIN, z SEE PLAN VOLA WALL 4 O g O NOTE #10 106 12'-0" 13'-1" WALL TYPE 21A401 WH ACOUSTIC TREATMENT PER WALL TYPE 4 5' 10'-3112' S' 6'-6112" 6' 6'-6" 1'-10314' 6'-10" 8114" V-10' 512- 33'-1314" UtilRy RECESSED ELECTRICAL PANEL -SEE ELECT DW GS / WALL TYPE 2A/A401 FOR RECESSED PANEL- BUILD OVER ACOUSTIC WALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN EXISTING SLAB---- i NEW FINISH SURFACE EXISTING SLAB r- TO MATCH EXISTING F ' ` #3 BARS @ 16 D.C., PICAL #3 z ANCHORED ELS #3 x 1'd" DOWELS ADHESIVE ITO.C.ADHESIVE ANCHORED 00 ANCHORED AT 12" O.C. WITH 12' O.C. WITH HILTI HV200 NEW 6 MILETHVLENE HILTI HV200 VAPOR RETARDER NOTE: G.C. TO COORDINATE REMOVAL & PLACEMENT OF SLAB WITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. 2 1" CONCRE = RTE SLAB INFILL DETAIL O _o N NN N a ARCHITECTURAL KEYNOTES Text KEYNOTE 1 MILLWORK RECEPTION DESK 2 BUILT4N BENCH WITH HINGED BOX TOP. NOTE: IF THERE IS A CAVITY CRY COMMENTS BEHIND THE BENCH, DUE TO THE WINDOWS NOT ALIGNING WITH THE 4 WALLS, THE MILLWRIGHT WILL PROVIDE A SEPARATE FINISHED PIECE 09/022021 THAT ALIGNS W ITH THE TOP OF THE BENCH AND IS WHITE ON THE TOP CITY COMMENTS AND ON THE BACKSIDE TO MATCH THE BENCH AND BE SEEN AS FINISHED FROM THE OUTSIDE. THE MILLWRIGHT WILL PROVIDE A CUSHION THAT COVERS THE TOP OF THE BENCH AND NOTCHES OVER THE TOP OF THIS ADDITIONAL FINISHED PIECE. 3 RETAIL CASEWORK UNIT 4 LOCKERS PROVIDED BY OWNER. GC TO COORDINATE INSTALLATION. 8' A101 ALL OPERABLE PARTS SHALL BE COMPLIANT WALL ACCESSIBILITY 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE A MIN OF 2 ACCESSIBLE DESIGNATED LOCKERS W/SIGNAGE. G.C. TO CONSTRUCT 4' HIGH BASE WITH 3' TOE KICK, FINISH WITH WALL BASE, PAINTED. 5 BEVERAGE COOLER. PROVIDE POWER 6 WATER DISPENSER. PROVIDE POWER& WATER CONNECTION 7 WATER HEATER WITH DRAIN PAN. 8 MOP BASIN. SEE PLUMBING SHEETS 9 AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT RACK. PROVIDE POWER & DATA. GC TO COORDINATE WITH AN & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. INSTALL 4' z W z S/8" FIRE RETARDANT TREATED PLYWOOD (MOUNTED TO METAL STUDS -GYP BD FINISH TO ABUT AT EACH SIDE) CENTERED BEHIND AN RACK AND 10 SPIN INSTRUCTOR'S PLATFORM. ALL WOOD USED TO BE FIRE RESISTANT TREATED. COORDINATE POWER & LOW -VOLTAGE WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR & AN VENDOR. 11 STATIONARY SPIN CYCLE 12 STRENGTH EQUIPMENT(QUEENAX) 13 PORTABLE STEPPERS 14 SCREEN EXISTING GLAZING WITH BLACKOUT VINYL AT ALL GLAZING IN FRONT OF SPRINKLER ROOM — = EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY IN FIELD O = NEW CONSTRUCTION NOTE: ALL EXISTING WALL DIMENSIONS, DOOR It WINDOW LOCATIONS, STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, UTILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE VERIFIED/CONFIRMED IN FIELD PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY APPARENT DISCREPANCIES WITH THESE PLANS TO THE ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. PLAN NOTES 1. G.C. TO INSPECT ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, UTILITY LOCATIONS AND CONDITION, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING WALLS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK. 2. GC TO LOCATENERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITY SERVICES AND ENTRY POINTS INTO THE SPACE. G.C. SHALL INCLUDE NECESSARY UTILITY CONNECTIONS TO ALL NEW WORK. 3. TRENCH AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW UNDER SLAB PLUMBING FOR RESTROOMS AND UTILITY ROOM. INSPECT FOR ANY EXISTING GRADE BEAMS & FOUNDATIONS AND ADJUST ACCORDINGLY- DO NOT CUT OR OTHERWISE MODIFY ANY EXISTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WITHOUT PERMISSION OF LANDLORD'S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND PIPING IN FIELD. PATCH CONCRETE FLOOR PER DETAIL 2/A101 4. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH WALL SURFACES(INCLUDING WALL TILE) ONO. 5. G.C. TO COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WITH LANDLORD. G.0 SHALL FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF THE LANDLORD REGARDING ANY NEW PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE EXISTING ROOF AND EXTERIOR WALLS 6. G.C. SHALL PROVIDE AND COORDINATE IN -WALL BLOCKING FOR ALL WALL HUNG ITEMS. ANY WOOD USED FOR BLOCKING SHALL BE FIRE RESISTANT TREATED. 7. G.C. SHALL REPLACE OR REPAIR ANY MISSING OR DAMAGED FIRE PROOFING MATERIALS. REPLACEMENT OR REPAIRED FIRE PROOFING MATERIALS SHALL MATCH THE RATING OF EXISTING MATERIALS. B. G.C. AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE DIMENSIONS AND PLACEMENT OF MILLWORK, LOCKERS, APPLIANCES, AND FURNISHINGS WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION & OWNER -PROVIDED ITEMS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 9. REFER TO PLUMBING DWGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL FLOOR DRAINS, TYP 10. GC TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING STOREFRONT MULLIONS (HORIZONTAL & k1irtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 Ww W.virtualenergysolubons.ccm W W � CV C0 0 WJ O LU LLI Q O 1<1 I I I L 0 co L0 No. Descnp6an Date 1 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 031162021 2 CRY COMMENTS 06/012021 4 CLARIFICATIONS 09/022021 5 CITY COMMENTS 0922/2021 4202 WILEV POST, ADDISON, TX 75001 PHONE 9723809500 EXTENSION 108 FAX 972-380-9501 EGALDIANO@PLATINUMSLV.COM W W W.PLATINUMSLV.COM sheet number. 0 2' 4' 8' A101 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. VERTICAL) INCLUDING SIZE OF THE MULLIONS THEMSELVES FOR COORDINATION WITH VES number. Z1OZ1Z SPENGA EQUIPMENT & MILLWORK INSTALLATION protect 11. PROVIDE 30"x30" PAINTABLE ACCESS DOOR WITH DRYWALL BEAD FLANGE BY ACUDOR sheet title: OR EQUAL (TO ACCESS SPACE ABOVE FINISH GYP BD CEILING). BOTTOM OF DOOR 9'3" AFF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD. SEE 5/A601 12. COORDINATE WITH PLATINUM SLV AV CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ANY CABLING OR CABLING STRUCTURE: FIRST FLOOR PLAN ERIC GALDIANO, PROJECT MANAGER 4202 WILEV POST, ADDISON, TX 75001 PHONE 9723809500 EXTENSION 108 FAX 972-380-9501 EGALDIANO@PLATINUMSLV.COM W W W.PLATINUMSLV.COM sheet number. 0 2' 4' 8' A101 02020 Virtual Energy Solutions, Inc. 7 D VWI UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK Yy VARIES REFER TO SHEET A102 RCP 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @16" O.C. OVERLAP AT BEARING POINTS CONTINUOUS DEEP LEG RUNNER &B" GYPSUM BOARD CEILING w/FINISH AS SCHEDULED SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS 3 5/8" (25 GA.) METAL STUDS 5/8" GYPSUM WALL BOARD EACH SIDE WIFINISH AS SCHEDULED CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER CHANNEL NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, - CONTINUOUS AT BOTTOM OF GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED - T/EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR MALL W ET AREAS TO RECEIVE MOISTURE/MOLD RECEIVE MOISTURE/MOLD O PARTITION TYPE 1 RESISTANT GYP. BOARD. <i�> PARTITION TYPE ZA (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE ALLAREAS OFWALL TILE AT1 CEMENTITIOUS BOARD PARTITION TYPE IA TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS INSULATION ONLY AT WALLS (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE SIM TO TYPE I WITH 15/8' CEMENTITIOUS BOARD METAL STUDS WITH ONLY ONE LAYER 5/8' GYP BD. - USED TO COVER WINDOW OPENINGS ADJACENT NEW GYP BD WALLS, AND FOR SIGNAGE ALCOVE H D P 5 - PARTITION TYPE 1B SAME AS TYPE 1 WITBD. D AESTHETICS ONLY - NOT A PART OF THE FINISH ONE SIDE SIC RESILIENT MOUNT#A237R CLIPS - ATTACHED WITH SELF -DRILLING METAL SCREW. INSTALL 24" OC VERTICALLY AND 48" OC HORIZONTALLY 718'(25 GAUGE) FURRING/HAT CHANNEL WITH HEMMED EDGE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY GREEN GLUE' NOISE PROOFING — COMPOUND. APPLY TWO TUBES PER 4'x8' SHEET TO BACK SIDE OF SECOND LAYER OF GWB BEFORE MOUNTING USING A 3I8" BEAD IN A RANDOM PATTERN. SEE MFRS INSTRUCTIONS. 2 -LAYERS 6/8' GYPSUM WALL BOARD. OFFSET JOINTS 24" FROM EACH LAYER. FINISH PER SCHEDULE 3/8' THICK SIC RESILIENT ISOLATION STRIP. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY ALONG TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES. SOUND ISOLATION BUSHING AT EACH FASTENERATBOTTOM PLATE NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED — HOLD BACK GYP BD 114" FROM ALL , JOINTS AT FLOORS, CEILINGS, CORNERS, ELECTRICAL BOXES, HVAC DUCTWORK, AND OTHER PENETRATIONS. FILL GAPS WITH GREENGLUE NOISEPROOFING SEALANT. STAGGAR JOINTS WHERE POSSIBLE SMOKE -SOUND SEALANT NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED TOP OF EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR n PARTITION BASE DETAIL MAIN UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @ib" O.C. ATTACHED TO VERTICAL STUDS VARIES REFER TO SHEET A102 RCP S/8" GYPSUM BOARD CEILING wIFINISH AS SCHEDULED SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS 3 5/8" (20 GA.) METAL. STUDS @ Is- O.C. WITH ACOUSTICAL BATT INSULATION 51W GYPSUM WALL BOARD EACH SIDE WIFINISH AS SCHEDULED CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER CHANNEL NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED - ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, CONTINUOUS - AT BOTTOM OF GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED T/EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR NOTE: ALL WET AREAS TO RECEIVE MOISTURE/MOLD O PARTITION TYPE 2 RESISTANT GYP. BOARD, ALL AREAS OF WALL TILE AT TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS <i�> PARTITION TYPE ZA (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE SAME AS TYPE 2 WITH ONLY CEMENTITIOUS BOARD ONE LAVER GYP BD. INSULATION ONLY AT WALLS NEAR OR ON AN EXTERIOR WALL 20 GA. SHEET METAL CLOSURE ON SIDE OF WALL VISIBLE FROM SPACE - BELOW. PROVIDE SLOTTED TRACK AT WALL FOR ATTACHMENT DEEP SLOTTED TOP RUNNER TRACK S12 FASTENER WITH STAND- OFF WASHERS AT 8" -12' O.C. AT SLOT IN TRACK i TOP OF STUD UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK NOTE: WHERE TOILET ROOMS ARE NOT BACK TO BACK RUN VERTICAL STUDS UP TO UNDERSIDE OF DECO DIAGONAL BRACING VARIES 011WREFER TO SHEET — A102 RCP 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @16' O.C. OVERLAP AT BEARING POINTS CONTINUOUS DEEP LEG RUNNER 5/8' GYPSUM BOARD CEILING w/FINISH AS SCHEDULED SEE RCP FOR LOCATIONS 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. WITH ACOUSTICAL BATT INSULATION 5/8" GYPSUM WALL BOARD EACH SIDE W/FINISH AS SCHEDULED - CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER CHANNEL NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED - ACCOUSTICAL SEALANT, CONTINUOUS - AT BOTTOM OF GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED - brIOX 611 ![KKe1C [Naa1:4911010] d NOTE: ALL WET AREAS TO RECEIVE MOISTUREIMOLD O PARTITION TYPE RESISTANT GYP. BOARD. ALL AREAS OF WALL TILE AT TOILET PARTITION TOILET ROOMS & SHOWERS (IF APPLICABLE) TO RECEIVE CEMENTITIOUS BOARD REFER TO PARTIT TYPE # FOR WALL ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION TOP FLUTE OF ROOF DECK BOTTOM FLUTE OF ROOF DECK FILL ALL VOIDS AT MTL. DECK WITH INSULATION UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK CEILING CONSTRUCTION (WHERE NOTED ON PLANS) W/FINISH AS SCHEDULED EXISTING GYPSUM WALL BOARD AT TENANT SIDE TO REMAIN 2-1-AYERS 5I8" TYPEA GYPSUM WALL BOARD - OFFSET JOINTS 24" FROM FIRST LAVER GWB. PRIME AND PAINT PER FINISH SCHEDULE. APPLY 'GREEN GLUE' NOISE PROOFING COMPOUND BETWEEN EACH GYP BD LAYER USING TWO TUBES PER 4'x8' SHEET TO BACK SIDE OF SECOND LAVER OF GWB BEFORE MOUNTING, USING A 3/8" BEAD IN A RANDOM PATTERN. SEE MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS. 718" (25 GAUGE) FURRINGIHAT CHANNEL WITH HEMMED EDGE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY ON SIC RESILIENT MOUNT #A237R CLIPS ATTACHED WITH SELF -DRILLING METAL SCREW. INSTALL 24" OC VERTICALLY AND 48" OC HORIZONTALLY VIF: 6" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS @ I6" O.C. PROVIDE 3' ROXUL'SAFE n SOUND" ACOUSTICAL INSULATION BETWEEN STUDS SEALANT CONTINUOUS EACH SIDE 1 - #6 SCREW W/STAND-OFF WASHER EACH SIDE NOTE: SEAL ALL PENETRATIONS WITH FIRE RATED SEALANT PARTITION HEAD DETAIL 3" = 1'-0" MIN. 1/4" THICK FIRESTOP SEALANT FILL ALL VOIDS AT MTL. DECK CONTINUOUS EACH SIDE WITH FIRE SAFING INSULATION (416 DENSITY) 3I8" THICK SIC RESILIENT ISOLATION STRIP. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY BETWEEN TOP FLUTE OF ROOF DECK ROOF DECK AND DEEP SLOTTED TOP RUNNER TRACK BOTTOM FLUTE OF ROOF DECK 20 GA. SHEET METAL CLOSURE (FOR t - AESTHETICS ONLY - NOT A PART OF THE E UL ASSEMBLY). ATTACH AT ROOF DECK Co NOTE: CUT GYP BD TO TO FIT ONLY, VERTICAL LEG TO COVER PROFILE OF STRUCTURAL FIRESTOPPING _ ELEMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BEAMS & COLUMNS) AND ANY PIPES DEEP SLOTTED TOP RUNNER TRACK �..; THRU THE WALL. FORM COMPRESSION SEAL BY SOUND ISOLATION BUSHING AT EACH INSTALLING 114- MIN THICK FIRE FASTENERATTOP RUNNERTRACK _ RESISTANT NEOPRENE (ARMAFLEX OR EQUAL) TOP OF STUD . . n PARTITION HEAD FIRE RATED WALL U 3" = 1'-0" 4O NOTE: IF THE DEMISING WALL HAPPENS TO HR ON A ROOF JOIST - PROVIDE BOX OUT AROUND JOIST USING SAME ASSEMBLY MATERIALS TO MAINTAIN FIRE & SOUND RATING. NOTE: ACTUAL STC43C8 RATINGS TO BE VERIFIED WITH SOUND ISOLATION COMPANY EXISTING DEMISING WALL ONSITE: REMOVE TENANT SIDE FINISH AND ANY EXISTING INSULATION. FINISH WALL PER ASSEMBLY ABOVE. ALL WORK MUST BE CONFIRMED/APPROVED BY LANDLORD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Gvosum Wall Board Acoustic Partition Construction Notes A. Seal inner (base) gypsum layers to floor slab below and to structural slab above with a continuous bead (3/8' minimum) of acoustical sealant. Reference to "caulk" shall indicate use of acoustical sealant. Acceptable sealant manufacturers are: - U.S.G. - Acoustical Sealant " Tremco - Acoustical Sealant " Ohio Sealants - Sound Sealant "Pecans BA -98 Sealant " G.E. Corporation - Pensil 100 / 300 (fire rated sealant). - G.E. Corporation- Sit Pref sealant. " HILTI FS -601 Fireslop Sealant (tire rated sealant). B. Use 4' - 0" wide gypsum panels (where possible) of height required (10' - 0', 12'- 0', etc.), to minimize number of joints. C. Stagger all joints of single layer (or base layer) gypsum panels on each side so that joints are on alternating studs. On doubled layers, stagger joints of face layer by one stud width from base layer. D. Stagger back-to-back outlet boxes on opposite sides of walls by We Stud widths. E. Where partition is not insulated, seal all outlet box openings with acoustical sealant. Putty packs and sealant are recommended on all outlet boxes installed in acoustically rated partitions. F. Caulk around all penetrations. Where voids greater than 1/4" exist, pack with 1.5 PCF fiberglass and caulk airtight. H. Where parthion has insulation, do not pack. Insulation should be loose, preferably not in contact with both sides of partition. SOUND WALL QUESTIONS & MATERIALS: SOUND ISOLATION COMPANY (SIC) CONTACT: MALLIA SHUMAKER 704-709-9005 868-666-5090 X300 SOUNDISOCO.COM UNDERSIDE OF EXIST. DECK EXISTING CMU EXTERIOR WALL WITH GYP BD FINISH. ALL DEVICES INSIDE WALL TO BE REMOVED AND ANY HOLES TO BE PATCHED. PREPARE SURFACE FOR FINISH PER SHEET A101FN NOTE: IF GYP BD DOES NOT EXTEND TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK, GC TO INSTALL FRAMING, RU 1.4 CONTINUOUS INSULATION AND GYP BD FINISH TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK. NEW WALL BASE AS SCHEDULED 37x3"x3.20 GA ANGLE, ATTACH TO RUNNER WITH 3#10 S.M.S. NEW FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED T/EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR - DIAGONAL BRACING DETAIL 3" = 1'-0" OPARTITION TYPE 5 -EXISTING 6 EXTERIOR WALLS BOTTOM OF DECK 03'x3"x6" LONG, 20 GA ANGLE, - - - ATTACH TO DECK WITH 288 SELF TAPPING SCREWS ATTACH STEEL STUD BRACE TO ANGLE WITH 3#10 S.M.S. 3 5/8" STEEL STUD BRACE @ 48" O.C. (ALTERNATE DIRECTION), ATTACH TO ANGLE WITH 3#10 S.M.S. RUNNER, ATTACH TO EACH STUD WITH 410 S.M.S. EACH SIDE STEEL STUD WALL PER SCHEDULE rtm engineering consultants 14901 Quorum Dr. #565 Dallas, Texas 75254 rtmec.com 1972.387.3500 #h' VIRTUAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS 444 W. Lake St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60606 312.583.7023 www.virtualenergysolutions.wm < L. V Zt fl= V I W W cV � CV U) O DO UJ O Z UJ LdQ CO < 1 I 1 W I O Data - VES protect number. 210212 t tit1w eM1eePARTITION TYPES sheet number. A401 ®2020 Nrtual Energy SoluOons, Inc. NTS (TRACTORS i AND/OR 3ESSEDIF QUEST. DRAWINma ANU low 1t,ll-.E-I . DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. CONFORMANCE FORM NO WORK REQUIRED a not appear need mentions anNor modMMOngb un Leesokn svNomts) roust ba "emit sandy spm¢ 1 TMs wing A poHn Wil does "TMs`ROWn d CommandantsrsrediForm: (A aewland sbe used for saURE using a':ng xn Mbuna I Me Conlncbr Porlsl unax Vmumem Ubourn, doomapmal the bre Me sysWng3 Containment With Ne aWmpdab adopt¢soda,eaemaadee, Mn net Jto Ea reapbnvenfl.d unified deals^ wlmanpr who Winn be arle ane ,abortion ams pram she Ed an aparppeably owned and ¢u to completion on pard prom . Metro is 1haduietl pld and boors the final me^ani b/VJBa1 aw adriall tough me wmebm plamis Innxsaamed9b NeeAp pstar be atlxst� III G�ffl� M •TheT dI McInspection and signing this form must Ea this ssma Farso^antl ,�- a ante ded .Paxiaeawwollhem ioowram eTstindtarlhisbmlemgsyste in7 PERMIT CARD AND INSPECTION APPROVALS West Metro Fire Protection District wM 0336.NIIwn Pkwy,Lakax i.CO81i (303)388-0307 Y To xMOlMen lnapallon gobw�yyl�n °rg' Oscura¢Name: swa9n 91) Job Numbx. 2103WM ooutt as Jab DxGprlm: TOO Who FWna: 6m5WeA391h1 m madmidel Imla^eT W ends, CO 1212 E PmmN Number. 2103MO Ridge: Go One r. Chmlie Pi® %MR OoMacb: Norse Chntlie PI® /1674508107 Pxperry Uxrypa: Unger Comms n Prosed Cess SaIp.CW.ro Inerydlwn BprllrW. Permit lnlw On: 913@021 Rome ErIDenumber (REQUIREDFile o! eaMxa and on site mlxcbr conal Immrmauon'15 Muired In the none, esrWn belewl Sidi Final (REQUIRED Number of beads and the comas mmlme5on torus mob wlanno, is required in the notes We bei Temntlmpw ent Final (REQUIRED: Combat InM1 abon for as ample mMa ris rxube In We betty mx blew) Permit Eapi"on: 3131MW1 Permit: Tenant Improvement - A Occupancy RNRN HE LIN" INSR again LLCTNMs again MFPN INBPtt IDNIFRUT 'UIDCLIR RWllaFa PA&s FLL PA38 FOR. P188 FNL PMB FAIL )Reddi ED WHILE net NfnlPumn RealI I AliC Alu). URAL s.w.v.nmma 11 rs e, a 'NEa E City of " MUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 October 30, 2014 OFFICIAL ADDRESS VERIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property /properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): Rent -A- Center West Inc #01126 ADRESS: 5305 W. 38' Avenue E. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 SUBDIVISION: Rietlunann's Minor Subidivision LOT(s): 02 KEY: OOA SECTION: 24 PARCEL NO: 39- 244 -99 -002 NOTES: This is a courtesy notification. AUTHORIZED BY: DATE: DISTRIBUTION: 1. Xcel Energy, ATTN: Correspondence, 1123 W. 3rd Ave., Denver, CO 80223 2. Log File NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: Site VICINTTV MAP .—..- J •~ A r .: , � ter° �-�- -• , , www.ci.wheatridge.co.us I City of � Wheat -Midge M DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 October 30, 2014 OFFICIAL ADDRESS VERIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property /properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): Village Liquors, G &Y Corporation ADRESS: 5305 W. 38"' Avenue D. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 SUBDIVISION: Riethmann's Minor Subidivision LOT(s): 02 KEY: OOA SECTION: 24 PARCEL NO: 39- 244 -99 -002 NOTES: This is a courtesy notification. AUTHORIZED BY: .,s DATE: lU J DISTRIBUTION: 1. Xcel Energy, ATTN: Correspondence, 1123 W. 3rd Ave., Denver, CO 80223 2. Log File NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. s wi%xi.wheatridgexoms ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: Building er it Application Complete all information on BOTH H sides of this form Sq UL Btu's Gallons Amps Squares Other m +^gy 6... /> 0...s+ Q uj uj x 'r) uj CL mc w �g pq A..A c� e` x I# cn LO a� Cis 0 II Ld II m Ca r r 43 I v -A—CENTER LIOUOR ST A r A m F� ALL DRAWNGS, SPECOICATTONS AM OTHER WORK PRODUCT OF THE EN(NNEER FOR THIS PROJECT ARE INS'ROJUENTS OF SM'ACE FOR ORE PROJECT ONLY AND SMALL REMMN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENOWEER WHETHER lK EX (MAX EXISTING EXISTING UQUOR STORE RENT —A— CENTER ANY OF IKE mSTRvWNTS OF SERACC Or THE ENQNEER SY THE GONER OF EXTEN"S 3 PANEL A t 1 UNIT A UNIT 8 THE O*4WS RISK AND THE OWNER AOMS , R DEMO, W000AFY AND HOLD HARMLESS wr TO R PANEL 8 C AWSNG OUT Of UNAUTHORIZED REUSE OF THE OWNER OR DY OTHERS ACTR4 THROUGH 12.190 THE OWNER, CE ENTRANCE AC PULL M . CONNECT PROVIDE L3 RATED 600 AMP FOR POS SWITOi. AND WIER SOCKET TO RUIXE EXISTM 12,304KAIC FUTU TENANT& DAMAGED EQUIPMENT ON THE EXTERIOR OF T14E (4#35OKCMIL & 1 #403 "C. ` (4/4/0 & 1 f5G)2 -1/2" x SPACE FOR FUTURE FEEDERS 12.661 V 1I TO PROVIDE NEW 12U. X L1' —O*L. NEIAA :3R WI AY L3 N WA COVER Ii�C? L) ON RIt1R { BUILDING AT X. 3!—W XF.G. INS7ALL NEW FEEDERS EQUIPMENT AT ONE END OF WIREW IN ORDER TT? ALLOW SPACE FOR THE ADDITION OF RE FEEDERS, METER SOCKETS AN tN�INECT HES "H. X 12"L. XX 1 4'T . PRO COP PER (1/�4/0 /4"C. TC G ROUND EX G ELECTRODE 12L)/ — 3 MIN{1 TO Rtf OF 1W Y SYSTE SERVICE FEEDERS IN WIREWAY FOR R GROUND TERMINATIONS GRADE r A m F� ALL DRAWNGS, SPECOICATTONS AM OTHER WORK PRODUCT OF THE EN(NNEER FOR THIS PROJECT ARE INS'ROJUENTS OF SM'ACE FOR ORE PROJECT ONLY AND SMALL REMMN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENOWEER WHETHER lK PROJECT IS COMPLETED OR NOT, REUSE OF ANY OF IKE mSTRvWNTS OF SERACC Or THE ENQNEER SY THE GONER OF EXTEN"S PC ON OF THE .EER SHALL DE AT RMS THE O*4WS RISK AND THE OWNER AOMS DEMO, W000AFY AND HOLD HARMLESS wr TO THE ENMW" FROM ALL CLANS, DAMACES, AND EXPENSES INCLWWG ATTORNEYS' FEES AWSNG OUT Of UNAUTHORIZED REUSE OF THE OWNER OR DY OTHERS ACTR4 THROUGH THE OWNER, CD to i "m ' m �v ww, 4 ir Network Pomr August 8, 2014 16 W # 1:2MMM110MI-Mlill . . Denver Serc Center � \ /��! /\ » : «+ % \ \/R ( FAX (303) 4274080 Denv.0x1».1.:. §4# / {\ \ \ »%) Denver, CO 80221 TEL «w » »48 FAX (303) 4274080 Im Robert Perry and Associates 6500 South Quebec Street, # 300 Denver, CO 80111 I i * I - ?<:»» [KNUMILIMMeHIMUNO * - ERS Reference No- 3201490 Submitted By Richard Marshall Supervising Engineer August 8, 2014 Reviewed By Phil Glodava Service Center Manager H�U 1.1 The purpose of this project was to test the insulation resistance of the low voltage cables of the service entrances at 5305 West 38 Avenue Units "A and B". 1"r I Mal f I #I.-] wrl m It I# a iRtIRC 2.2 Please refer to Section 5 "Results and Recommendations" for complete details of the repair and testing. *01141 3.1 Cable, Low Voltage 3.1.1 Unit A Service Entrance cable between the meter housing and the Service Disconnect: THHN / THWN 1/0 (cable size estimated as tj cable markings could no longer be read) 3.1.2 Unit A Service Disconnect to the Main Breaker Panel THHN / THWN 1/0 (cable size estimated as the cable markings could no longer be read) 3.1.3 Unit B Service Entrance cable between the meter housing and the Service Disconnect* XHHW 4/0 I Inspected cables for physical damage and proper connectio where accessible. I .1 Performed insulation resistance test on each cable with respect to ground and adjacent cables with an applied potential of 1000 volts DC for one minute. This is a nondestructive method of determining the condition of the cable insulation to check for I It, I - - H -- M 12- . Ik - a i . M , f w (#K#, DIM III I irm I ITIZIM q II r. * & 0 Z # -IN- -, - - LAW I # lit # - - - 111111 Z1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5.2 All other cables listed in section 3.0 of this report exceeded the NETA-MTS minimum recommended value of 2 megohms. 5.3 The neutral-to-ground insulation resistance could not be tested due to the grounding of the neutral conductors in the Service Entrance Equipment and in the fire damaged gutter. ERS Reference No. 3201490 Page 2 FV Network Power INSULA TON RESISTANCE TEST REPORT UNZfQ +_ Housing Meter , .s 2 per phase (4) Service :. ;w,r r �'IM��iIIIViI� III IPdNI��IIVI U NI T R A g 1 cabl b rI I I1 I I 11f I � I +1r' ^�Iuul �A F' •!O I� e 5 k: ' f f { µ J Q and the Main Breaker Panel. 2 per phase (4) U IIII XOrI RAw II�I� � r � 91 � ICI IVIII �U�I ca b e t w een � th e U �� III II � �, � � ��� �W I� III I Ho us i n g III an th i Q � �,..:I y � �: ♦ �. IIU Service Disconnect switch. '� iul r wr �. u�� {Val I'II�I��JI�II�u�IIWV�pUU P�'ipI�V001 ��� IMII�Ip��i�iUII�IIIiN� tfwm— I I tea., Qf PROVIDE WEATHERHEADS FOR INCOMING SERVICE 301A FRN_R 200A FRN- -R 0 LATE FEEDER BY XCEL ENERGY 4,721 KNC 0 DE NEMA 3R PULL BOX WITH GAS KETED SCREW - T T T EXISTING EX95TINC lug ` M COVER TO BE WALL MOUNTED ON THE EXTERIOR OF o a LIQUOR STORE RENT- A -eCENTER THE BUILDING, CONNECT FOR NEW FEEDERS TO 2[ {4500011 AL ) "C. UNIT A UNIT B RENT-A-CENTER LIQUOR STORE EXISTING D POWERING EXISTING PANELB D UNIT B UNIT A - LLJ LOCATED INSIDE THE BUILDING (3)75KVA POLE MOUNTED `i SWITCH, AND METER SOC TO REPLACE EXISTING REM EXISTING UNDERSIZED "C. XCEL ENERGY T FORMERS SE RV IC E REPLAGA4 DAMAGED EQUIPMENT ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE 2[(411 114G)1- 1/2 "C) INTERIOR DER TO (414/1 & 1 6G)2�- 1/2 AREA A OF WORRK K AT A531 W. 36TH AVE. A PROVIDE SERVICE TO EXISTING PANEL WHEAT RIDGE, CO 81212 2 c°I ? EXISTING INTERIOR I FEEDER AND PANE! a TO KING SOONERS REMAIN 9,959KAIC 6,829 C s * 0 A B (4 35OKCMIL & 114G)3 "C. Wp WP uJ 200A 1iL0 400A MLO 12,304KAIC 401/3 200/3 REM` -A- CENTER UNIT A Qf 301A FRN_R 200A FRN- -R 0 Of EXISTING EX95TINC lug M 12,190 o a LIQUOR STORE RENT- A -eCENTER I- < UNIT A UNIT B RENT-A-CENTER LIQUOR STORE _ UNIT B UNIT A - LLJ PROVIDE NEW PULL BOX, FEEDERS, DISCONNECT `i SWITCH, AND METER SOC TO REPLACE EXISTING cal?, DAMAGED EQUIPMENT ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE )6z M"Lufm GWt1ER AW f ENYS A GRarm s E scA fG S AND OTHER ! t 00 CA 4 Age" .'R g, -° e ta WORK PedC`OUC OF THE EkH MEER FOR THIS S R ACE FOR PR4^.F CI WSTR FRN- -R 20OXA FRN —R ARE ME% S EF IYUS PRO EC T CrWY AND S4AUE. REMMN THE PRO CbF THE C NCKEER w4EWR THE (4#350KCML & 14G)3'C. "C. t�j a T ENGNI ER BY THE OWNER OF EXTENSIONS GT TwS PROXCT WiTt900 WRSTTEN M C PERWSVON OF n E E.wONVER VAALL BE AT THE OWNCR`S MSK AND THE OWNER AGREES 0 DEFEND, WDEMNW1 AND HOW HARMLESS tw EXISTING EXISTING _ M (4#4/0 & 1 #6G)2- 1 M 12,19O A. KiU ;A14 QT LR A"T"SRN'EB REUSE' E?A' TK ENS$NOLWS IXSTR6A&TS OF SERNTCE BY 0 0 LIQUOR STORE RENT—A— CENTER THE OWNCR OR BY OTHERS ACPRO 1HROJGH UNIT A UNIT S R �-A —C R U STORE SCALE: ONE Plan N orth UNIT D SPACE FOR FUTURE FEEDERS UNIT A PROVIDE NEW PULL BOX, FEEDERS, DISCONNECT ° a SWITCH, AND METER SOCKET TO REPLACE EXISTING 12.6I1 DAMA GED EQUIPMENT ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE )6z M"Lufm GWt1ER AW f ENYS A GRarm s E scA fG S AND OTHER ! t 00 CA 4 Age" .'R g, -° e ta WORK PedC`OUC OF THE EkH MEER FOR THIS S R ACE FOR PR4^.F CI WSTR e ,pry T 3 '$. Rr ffi ARE ME% S EF IYUS PRO EC T CrWY AND S4AUE. REMMN THE PRO CbF THE C NCKEER w4EWR THE (4#350KCML & 14G)3'C. "C. t�j a T ENGNI ER BY THE OWNER OF EXTENSIONS GT TwS PROXCT WiTt900 WRSTTEN M C PERWSVON OF n E E.wONVER VAALL BE AT THE OWNCR`S MSK AND THE OWNER AGREES 0 DEFEND, WDEMNW1 AND HOW HARMLESS 'VICINITY MAP THE rNONEER FROM ALL CLAWS, DAMAGES., AYt7 EXiTEhSES t7dCLJL.4NG ATtORK S �vEO (4#4/0 & 1 #6G)2- 1 w A. KiU ;A14 QT LR A"T"SRN'EB REUSE' E?A' TK ENS$NOLWS IXSTR6A&TS OF SERNTCE BY THE OWNCR OR BY OTHERS ACPRO 1HROJGH SCALE: ONE Plan N orth SPACE FOR FUTURE FEEDERS ° 12.6I1 N NE NOTES: t? 1. ER WIRE FOR THE BUILDING IS TO DE PER. �C7 cn DE NEW 1 2"SQ. X 6 *—O"L NE MA 3R WIREWAY # O SC BOND (1 #6 GND.) TO 2. SERVICE ENTRANCE WIRE M XCEL EN IS ALUMINUM. ° t TO BE MOUNTED ON ER OF THE € UILDING AT APPROX. EXISTING INCOMING WATER PIPE BU ILDING WIR T O ENTRANC WIRES U INSULA .3'-0* A.F.G. I NEW RS AND EQUIPMENT AT ONE END OF CONN ECTORS LIS FOR BOTH COP AND ALUM €NUM, :9 WI AY, IN ORDER TO ALLOW SPACE FOR THE ADDITION OF TWO FUTURE RS, M K AND DISCONNECT SWITCHES PER G `H. X 12'L T X 1f 4 "1! €e BIND (14 / GND.)3 f 4 ° C.' TO EX NG GROUNDING ELECTRODE 120 f 2 —30 INCOMING TED TO INTERIOR OF WI AY SYSTE x 4d SERVIC FEEDERS IN W€REWAY FOR BUI R D GRADE OD ct> CO FAMT fir ;; x0v 0" 1 tt t 75 34 m 4.EtC1 Cp „„r e ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM 3 4 s A M "A" e Pond T 3 3 i � ! Y s ? � iA, pa a, t 9Gt2R7 dAffi. a�a2sx iss a��i On SALE:: NONE t � � Rlf -: rr GWt1ER AW f ENYS A GRarm s E scA fG S AND OTHER ! t 00 CA 4 Age" .'R g, -° e ta WORK PedC`OUC OF THE EkH MEER FOR THIS S R ACE FOR PR4^.F CI WSTR e ,pry T 3 '$. Rr ffi ARE ME% S EF IYUS PRO EC T CrWY AND S4AUE. REMMN THE PRO CbF THE C NCKEER w4EWR THE FROIECT M COMPLETED OR NOT'. RENEE OF ANY OF THE WSTRU MEb S OF SERVICE OF t�j a T ENGNI ER BY THE OWNER OF EXTENSIONS GT TwS PROXCT WiTt900 WRSTTEN M C PERWSVON OF n E E.wONVER VAALL BE AT THE OWNCR`S MSK AND THE OWNER AGREES 0 DEFEND, WDEMNW1 AND HOW HARMLESS . +�' % F, THE rNONEER FROM ALL CLAWS, DAMAGES., AYt7 EXiTEhSES t7dCLJL.4NG ATtORK S �vEO w A. KiU ;A14 QT LR A"T"SRN'EB REUSE' E?A' TK ENS$NOLWS IXSTR6A&TS OF SERNTCE BY THE OWNCR OR BY OTHERS ACPRO 1HROJGH Complete all information on BOTH sides of this for Mailing Address. (if different than property address Add ress: " City, state, i O Ar+lt+ctlrtgl r it 'L ''. CZL. t i Contractors Cllr Lice nss t PIto � Cgntrsctor E-mail Address. ' U,C ec� 0 i Sub contractors.. E lectrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: R City License # W.R. City License # W,R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City license # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this for " W • s. a1 Sq. FULF Btu's Gallons Amps Squares Other ;wIlding Division Valuation: a mi CL PROVIDE NEMA 3R PULL BOX WITH GASKETED SCREW COVER TO BE WALL MOUNTE ON THE EXTERIOR OF C114 THE BUILDING.. CONNECT FOR NEW FEEDERS TO EXISTING FEEDERS POWERING EXISTING PANELBOARD LOCATED INSIDE THE BUILDING c14 REMOVE EXISTING UNDERSIZED 2 1 & 114G)1- INTERIOR FEEDER TO PROIA 300A SERVICE TO EXISTING PANEL 0 • A I # S I 4 350KCMIL & 1 4G)3 "C. EXISTING EXISTING LIQUOR STORE RENT —A— CENTER UNIT A UNIT B S PROVIDE NEW PULL BOX, FEEDERS, DISCONNECT SWITCH, AND METER ►� Q w O EX O BUIL t . SPACE FOR FUTURE FEEDERS (4 500 CMIL )3* , WP . . .. WP i SCALE: NONE 00/ AUL W ORK PR OF R F ER THE T 00/3 FRN —R g FN—R :NT —A— CENTER LIQUOR ST IfT B pRC?C+ER'Fy OF THE ENSINtEER. WIETHER THE UNIT A RENT-A--CENTER UNIT LIQUOR STORE UNIT B AVENUE i VICINITY MAP SCALE: NONE aPlan North GENERAL NOTES:. . . .. _ s aesww... ,wr.o a _ wwm... .� ....aw....... .m.. .... Z ,.. "ADERSOt!? OF DOCUMENTS, SCALE: NONE AUL W ORK PR OF R F ER THE T COP ARE TS COP C E PRO O .��� ARE THIS PROJECT MY AND SHALL REM404 THE pRC?C+ER'Fy OF THE ENSINtEER. WIETHER THE PR XE'CT 6Ss COMPLEITM OR NOT REUSE OF ANY CW THE 04STRUMENTS OF SER ACE OF TN£ ENGPNEER BY TNE. OWNER QF EXTENS0NN5 CA THIS PdROXC.T WTF400 WFUrTEN Pr NMIEBON OF THE ENGN£ER SHALL DE AT THE OYNERS WSK AND T4E OWNER AGREES : 10 DEFEND, WDEMNIFY AND HOLD H,R ESS.. SI �` 4 'HE, £NOWEER FROM ALL CLIUMS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES 'NCLUNNO ATI'ORNEYS' SEES O UM .ZED FYE OF � IHE E t", U RA E TktE £T+`GlNEER'S EMSTRUMENSS f#" SERYACf; BY 4EE S THE OWOk OR BY OTHERS ACTWG TIRDUGH THE O 4R. RENT-A--CENTER UNIT LIQUOR STORE UNIT B AVENUE i VICINITY MAP SCALE: NONE aPlan North GENERAL NOTES:. }� {/ . � \� �� � } � { \ : ... ... . cu Mechanical: OWNER/CONTRACTOR, SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND A(;RF,,EMFNl' I hereby certih that tht. setback distanc" proposed by this ptmift applik z u c accunaw anct do area � whale applicable ordinances, wits or regulations of the City o0k1wat Ridge or cove"ants, easemcm,, or rvstnciwsv� of ncwr(t flint afl measurenients sho vn and allegations made are accunvc� rhat I have rcid and agree to abide liY all condi6onz printed on thisapplica(ion and drat I assume full responsibility (br cc mplianer with appheahle City of whow Ridge Code and ordinances for work under any permit issuw hasied on this applivation" that I an) the legal owner or have fven outhoHzed by thk legal oN%w- offhe PrOjxTty 4) pell6rm the described work and ant ako authorized by the legal owner of any enfity inclutfcd oil tHsapplication w lit fliw vntity on this,', appkcati(m, Czar RC1XaVE, fOWNTR) (COA-TRACTOR) 2C fAtTHORIZED NJ f=NAMF",, SICNATURE �MWIHKAZEM= I j cs 11 I I I e ll I cp CD 17� fit a i 0* D DQ IQ EY I InE CID F7 Cl kv N co 42 C5 CL Zo 20 ar w co 2 m 00 co CL fir CL C7 cl, Cl) —g rn a i 0* D DQ IQ EY I InE CID F7 Cl kv \\ � lim VIM I & i m 1,9,9�ajenbs 96euf5is apemolle � IleAA ;,9,9;,gjenbs - Z IleM 19,9;,gjenbs 96eu6is alqemolle � IleM 1 VIRIM9 2 tfr-lolQl I a i e noA iq 11 qom o4 em �o o �oj jL>aull � 4,19 A9 101 U 0 Oeft ;0 �01 8{ 'UPS e 6u'q0e:4e enbs � pamollegie noA :SS,91 PV 1 qbeubls )ql • jqqqs Aelap e pue ueld iq�!s e gleajo ol pqqu osle Ipm no), 'suSis Ilem mau ALrr, jo; aftNoed le4!Luqns 9q4 Ul 4! apnjout PLIe 19,Sq$ s 91,91dwoD IsnLu no), MMOVI zs� #� 7500 W 2e Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Ridge Valley — roof replacement project 5305 W 38 Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 -07o(ZJ09 g ill AMMON M= 4*4 Frank Kelm, RRC Technical Services Administrator 1 llilillill q111 ' III III llillil!l 1111111illillippill III lillill • November 2, 2012 City of Meat Ridge 7500 W 2e Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Ridge Valley — roof replacement project 5305 W 3W Ave Meat Ridge, CO 80212 0171 wwm� I ilIN 17 to tot U1171 MIJI#MMra=. IINT it rat ii-TAg MEOMEMMM E= Y JJ, tTZ N " a � W, #JJ t� ft P • 1 �04 4 Frank Kelm, RRC Technical Services Administrator III lizi 111111 '!111111111 lImpill 1 11 Lq MLf It. WAM 34*45, OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNAWRE OF VNDEWSTANNUNG AND AGREEMENT I hvrvllg wlitv thal div "4villac4 tlisfalwo, po*jx)s#.xl by INN Iviluil applivmitill a(v ;wvilratc al)ji 414» jt4q ralt-N or tag ulatfAms of tllv Cily of Whoo Ri(lgc of vtft olkl)IIN. vosollvflf+ or ttsifivOof)• of woaL Iflal itil Ilwasurvo)"Illi shoo o and lbat t roW amf ogfvv its AN& by illf o"Iditiow, priowd *41 Illo. 411plwaok• mw tbal I msulov Lull this apphvml�&lw dim holl Ibc 1cpI oullo'**c haav tat vll authori/W fat° di v lcg.11 outwr ol'dw polvtly to 1wrtiffol Owdoolhowil wv� aml am idw jvtluiri/od h-v dw ou-no of am ollity mkJud%,M 4n) tjlis applicilsolt to lk( that ollits (411 dli% jmi livmi*w T 4 Tit k,') fco'Nix4crok) a. OWN I fUM"TRATOR J nRF ofpAftT#*mT 0 sWovW wO commoM C di%Woved C no re "w requimd I Stdo Voluatlool, $- • + Ridge RE: 0000000000000OD DOD DODO DO 0 DODO DODO 0 DODO D DO Village re roof City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 2e Ave Meat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Ridge Valley— roof replacement project 5305 W 3e Ave Meat Ridge, CO 80212 The following system as proposed by J & P Roofing, Inc., will qualify for a Mule-Hide labor and material, no dollar limit, Standard 15-year warranty'. , #4 1�0.4 Frank Kelm, RRC Technical Services Administrator K=1:N:G Reai Estate Denver Mailing Address • P.O. Bax 5567, Denver, Colorado 80217 General Office 8 Warehouse • 65 Tejon St., Denver, Colorado 80223 (303) 778-3346 • faz (303) 715•4546 November 22, 2002 Alan C. White Director of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 4~ Re: King Soopers 57 Fuel Facility, 5305 381h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado I (°c,4j Dear Alan, ~ 6/aAv~r "'o Ple e find enclosed for signature two (2) originals of the Fuel Facility Agreement of Nove er 20, 2002 in connection with the above captioned Fuel Facility. Also Kroger check number 3722556 of November 21, 2002 in the amount of $4,230. ayable to the City of Wheat Ridge. This check reflects funds to be held in row by the City of Wheat Ridge pursuant to the Fuel Facility Agreement. If satisfactory, please sign both originals, retain one for City records, and return the second fully executed original to my attention. Thank you for taking time with this matter. Piease do not hesitate to call with questions. Sincerely, f4l fti.,J- Mike Shunk Enclosures Cc: KS 657 fuel file - - - Gary Fritzler- _ . nl DILION COMPANIES Iui VrinfedwAaycledPeper. FUEL FACILITY AGREEMENT ~ This Agreement is entered into as of the ~~-day of November, 2002, by and between The CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado Home Rule Municipal Corporation (the "City") and DILLON COMPANIES, INC., a Kansas corporation, d/b/a King Soopers, Inc. (the "Developer"). The Developer proposes to construct a new King Soopers Fuel Facility ("Fuel Facility") in Ridge Village Shopping Center, 5305 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The Fuel Facility location is reflected on the portion of site pian attached hereto as Exhibit A. In connection with development of the Fuel Facility the Developer shall extend the southern most Sheridan Boulevard access median by installation of new paint striping. The area of new paint striping is outlined in red on Exhibit A. Both the City and the Developer wish to monitor the southern access drive on Sheridan Boulevard upon opening of the Fuel Facility. Pursuant to the above, the following shall appiy A. At the time of issuance of a building permit for the Fuel Facility the Developer shall submit a check in the amount of $4,230.00 to the City. The value of the check reflects one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the estimated costs to modify the access point should any modifications to the southern access drive median be necessary. The estimated costs for such modifications are described on attached Exhibit B. B. For a period of one-year from the date of opening of the Fuei Facility, both the City and the Developer shall monitor the southern access drive on Sheridan Boulevard. If any unforeseen problems are caused at this access point during this one-year period as a result of opening the Fuei Facility with unforeseen problems being further clarified as either (i) the City receiving more than five (5) traffic complaints pertaining to the extended access point, or (ii) occurrence of two (2) vehicular accidents at the extended access point, then the Deveioper shall prepare and provide to the City a plan to mitigate any identified traffic related problems. Upon approval of the plan by the Pubiic Works Director, the Developer shall construct any improvement required by the approved plans within thirty (30) days of approval of the plan by the City. C. In the event any improvements are constructed by the Developer during this one-year period pursuant to paragraph B, the City shall reimburse to Developer the fuil value of the check upon the City's acceptance of the completed improvements. D. At the end of the one-year period and in the event no probiems with the southern access drive are identified, the Ciry shall reimburse the full value of the check to the Developer. E. This Agreement shall expire upon the earlier to occur of either (i) one-year from the date of the opening of the Fuel Facility, or (ii) completion of improvements pursuant to paragraph B; provided, however, no later than June 1, 2004. DEVELOPER: Dillon Com nies, inc., d/b/a King Soopers, Inc. By: , Tit1e: / CITY: By: G ~ t"- U~ ~a3 The City o heat Ridge r ~j Title: fl,011 T l041l~ieGij !//lTkPr EXHlBIT A i ~ y 0 1 1 l 1 a ~ ~ ~ I 1 I ; I 6~ ouv L j t1ii •,Y..'•. ~X `'.11 11 • xs s~x _ , , y~ ' . ~ i .F ~.````'`"'"q'"__~_" S`._"h'" ~q__'"~""'~___j___'t'"''~ .i-=•1 ~ >-1- ~ ~ I I t i F- ~ ~ -7 , ~ O r--- L 7, V ~-f---+---t--~` g~=--t--~=---~t-~`---~---f~-- i . • . . . ~ ` ` ` • ~ • Q= j ~ - ~ ` ~ ~ ~j ~ L.- i ~S ~ \1 ~ J~ CrE~~ I bW~'. '^\1 \1 I I ~ t~~ r ~35:~~7-. ~ p L--~- 77_ = _ _ p = 1 0 I -J ' _ ` p ooaw~ WII I \ I 1 I I I I y.1 I~i1 1 I I 1 ~ I ~ I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I # I ~ OI ~ \ m""°u[" . y O . L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ s~ g ~ ` ~ 0 ~ N G wl QI y' 1 r-7 ?IW ~ ^'v 9 1 Iv I v Exhibit "B" for HING SOOPERS 5201 W. 38th Avenue Estimate to extend Concrete island 35 feet October 2, 2002 On-Site Public Improvements Description Unit uantitv Unit Cost Amount L Concrete Island Extension Demolish Existing Curb & Gutter SF 240 2.25 540.00 Sawcut Existing Pavement LF 80 1.25 100.00 New Concrete Curb and Gutter LF 80 22.00 1760.00 Patchback 6" Full Depth Asphalt SY 18 18.00 324.00 4" Concrete infill of island Extensic SY 20 28.00 560.00 Replace sign LS 1 100.00 100.00 Sub-Total 3384.00 xaocaa ioie vxxa sxxaex CINC2NNAT2, ORSO 45202-1100 M¢XA¢DZ6G 68FVICE RLqUE9YE~ 620 000000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 00 80033-0000 -7HEfOMPAWIOGQCANB,F,SEEIi„A,SAWI' ONTHEBAGC. : ,H,OLDATANGI.E,TO Vlf',W, iFNOTPRESENT.OP~TCASH sT~s aa~'oP "NEx r9iuc.~~tra.mnaF 62-35l3'19 a<uexrxwc' nsiawns~s . ' n2002-11-213722556 . m'Q ~~~`✓ONLY ~t" ~ c~r ol ~ *$4,230.00 ~i i ■FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ****'"*xrx~++** . nI a I 0 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . vma o~er s4.230.00 Q N~ " 7500 w 29T}I AVE ~ WHEAT RIDGE CO _ 80033-0000 0372 2556i1' 1:031i0035iI: 11803009S3429119 TMIS CHECK CONTAINS MULTItALOP pA1NBOW PHIN'(1NG IN THE BACKGHOUND. IF NOT PHESENT, DO NOT CASIL - ~ ~ gU1LDING DEPARTMENT i (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * ~ Correction Notice : Job Located st ' 5 5 3 1 have this day inspected this structure and these premises and ~ have found the followin9 violations of City and/or State laws gow erning same: t:r> ~ j ~7 G 1` D'EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-1899 Date :9/19/95 Property Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company 5305 38 AVE 17812 Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Phone : Phone : 690 8136 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordmances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : FIRE SUPRESION Construction Value : $1,100.00 Permit Fee : $54.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $16.50 Total: $70.50 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : w, mmgt,mm go, m (i) This permit was issued in accordance with ihe provisions set foAh in yopur application and is su6ject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regula[ions antl Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applirable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced wi[hin sia1y (60) days Bom issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a period of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have 6een or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permi[. (4) No work of any manner shall 6e done tha[ will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlreinage problem. (5) Contractor hall notiry the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written appmval on inspecfion card before proceedii ith successive phases of thejob. (6) The isspe ce of a permit or the approval of drewings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of ihe provisions of the~bu' ding cy4tles or any o[her ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner :(/1 4-L. i~-6-la 61 ?"vrGs Property Address : - Contractor License No. : 1?'c IZ 5~ ~3-Phone: CompanY ~~d?hP!}I+uE fri2o- /~ka 1'z--c1'-"-A,Phone : Co 9G -£s136 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certi(y that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete. Pgfrtlit FeB : and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regutations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all wnditions printed on this USE TaX : application, and that I assume full responsibility for complian =TE~2-1' t Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabl heat Ridge ordina, er this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED F-'~V` ~ _ _-e- TOt21 : Construction Value : Description: I~Vb 5P/Z/K«L6l<- 14z-_k-ej _rN L~OGlCt3l~S BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY , Approval : Zoning : muffa- Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Flumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company Expiration Date : Approval : ~ P~ans Req~ Company : Expiration Date : Approval : 3 P4nsRdguired ,,I Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permrt was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub)ect to [he laws of the State of Colorado antl to ihe Zoning Regula[ions antl Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall ezpire i( (A) Ihe work auNOnzed is not commencetl within sixry (60) days from issue da[e or (B) the 6uilding authonzetl is suspentletl or a6andoned for a periotl of 120 days. (3) If lhis permi[ expires, a new permit may Ee acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normalry required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specificatlons antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceedetl one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees shail be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone Ihat will change Ne natural tlow of water causin9 a tlrainage problem. (5) Conlractor shall notify the B, iiltling Inspector Rvenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection cartl before proceediing wilh successive phases ot Ihe job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings antl specifcations shall not be constmetl to be a permit tor, nor an approval ot, any violation of the provisions of the building cotles or any olher ordinance, law. mle or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DwAwN ar: aD N' DATE: COMRACT #:CiS- ZI 4 AS. ON SHT: A.S. ON JOB: ~ SCALE: N tr+ S FF'N ~c~.en T W o ~ ~j; ~ - , ~ lVlteat Ridge Fire Protection District Plans Revieuu oe?e: 9-ta-ff, ~o Reviewetl by David M. Roberts 2>44 .r ~ ~ Uni¢ori~ rire Code Certiiication #53275 ~ Cofer~•:io State Fre Suppression System m ~ • °o m N Inspector Cereificatron #92-173 Comments: Cd o%Fw,x~~ ~ Sy s r-~ \ tI ~ o ~ ~b~~'ljl~r[/a~lry1(fl.1/3~J2aCC .~~'~f~ N z y• 7s~3 10 ~..f~Lt~tTTER~ ~ `"alapn~wa/ sw6~e~i ~ ~ysdu.. .a,e~LreQu+,fl. G/(rY(OR Sooa o aoJ ~ 601 ` - 53~5- p W~sf ~g~wgt~lr = - (,uN-~at ll~nbs ~d 4roz,z 6481 S. PINEYCREER CIIZCLE lUt AURORA, OOLORADO 80016 't-4 a 7 ¢ (303) 69U136 FAX (303)699-6583 RECEIVE~ e:; ~oaGf i.GSde}.i~.~~~fu^^~• ~ wT biu~Ff a C-h. n1o rnsp.'+,H,s W;albedoke.w,¢;~J ~J(,ipw,..~~a¢~ d a✓/G tias bcer+ . ~ OAxw 02y Paxvsrt ? p ~x►St.N~- ~~~h BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at 1 have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the foUowing violations of City and/or State laws gov- ' erning same: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: 95-1759 Date : 8/31 /95 Property Owner: 38TH & SHERIDAN LTD PARTNERSHIP Property Address : 5305 38TH AV Contractor License No. : 18488 Company : Curtis Construction Inc. Phone: Phone: 2791432 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City oF Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : RETAIL REMODEL Construction Value : $21,000.00 Permit Fee : $216.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $315.00 Total $531.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Zoning : Approval: Approval: Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residentiai Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicai License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: wi, ag m - ~AVER". . ,9 4 (1) This permitwas issued in accordance with the provisions setforth in yopur application and is subject to ihe laws oFthe Siate of Cotorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Whea[ Ridye, Coloredo or any other applirable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work au[honzed is not commenced within siMy (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permrt may be acquired for a fee of one-halF the amount normally requiretl, provided no changes have been or will 6e made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. ' (4) Noworkofanymannershallbedonethatwillchangethenaturelflowofwatercausingadreinageproblem. (5) Contrector shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before proceedii with successive phases of thejob. (6) The iss of aI~ rtnit or the approval of drewings and speciFlCaUons shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofthe ui ingcogESOrenyother ordinance,law.ruleorregulation. Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL• 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION UEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND,_DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDINGCNTY OF WHEAT RI GE_ 235-2855 Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 5_q l Propertyowner: Property Address ; Phone : Contractor License No. : Company : (!A4Kr~5 ~p~77,pv~a.~T c, Phone 0- OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cedify that the setbackdistances proposed and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or rei. covenants, easements or restrictions of rewrd; thatmade are accurate: that I have read and agre -ta-at application, and that I assume full respo it Code (U.B.C.) and aiLQther applicable e idgg Description : application are accurete, ) City of Wheat Ridge or fnts shown, and allegations litions orinted on this Construction Value' Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (t) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State oF Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulalions and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days trom issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspentled or abandonetl for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceedetl one (i) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall 6e paitl for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihat will change the naWral Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) ContW.a.f all notify lhe 8uilding Inspector fxenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceith su ssive phases of the job. (6) The ia pe it or the approvai of tlrawings antl specifica6ons shall not be consVUetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of Ne provisions of thcod or any o[her ordinance, I)w, mle or regulation. Building Inspector For Mayor PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND'MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION I V iO l I 31va aOrv xTIasw 'ON 133H5 ~A9 U3AOElddV 3NIl3 '21 SNtl4 'l 31tl0 'H9W NOLLof12LLSN0o A8 NMtlild ~ :A8 Q3A0lJdd J~d 31tl0 ZpW 13 V',,? ~ mma;O z°zm ~mmZ ?p L :p Z oD r ° D L)NO nm m (7=70Z mi o aOm OZmm co C) r 00 m wm~ -ZI D mz Q Z A8 31V0 A8 31ea ltl5 1%3 'L A80'J3Ltl0 213LN3 1S4£-ZZh-008-1. '213'MO! 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IN z NyA xc~ ; ~ n IlX3 e- 915U(3 -a.aaa sro 531LL "9l3 031105 1~X3 03LHf7 91SIX3~e y ~ a ~ - /439VW'OA 3~b'1d321 ~ ~po I~A ~ NIVMQN Ol 3:111:10 gIHL JNIFYJ1VhS (S)3?1NXli 1FYJIl ; P 1H9fi A0N3JX3Y13 m D zs.~ ~ _ alzrJ 0.'70 JNLLSD(3 " 9,151%3-~ ~ CoD . I 1H "9, "J , LS IX3 p N ~c~ i I C ~ \ OJW \ - a =J I m ~ uumi i 'O q3M SV S31LL '9'MJ 'WillS321 NI NItlW3N Ol , 031I0S/03JtlWVU 3~V1'321 9NIIiO1jMS >d 32Jf1LXLi i IIXL3 NItlW3i1 Ol 3aLii0 SIHL N i ~ 1Fq(1 J,YJ 9NLLSDC3 ' ' ' ♦ i ~,YJ IX3 iian LLS oia9 ' J.lD 9.1SIX3 1H ; ' - ' WMIlS321 iN O. fUsoa D I i doW 'l,DOd ONIlSIX3 ♦ ~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Properry Owner : Property Address: Phone: Contractor License No. : Y 3 ZS Company: vkIOo 60-1G2PPz15F'5 i k)C Phone: 6(27705S OWNER/CONTR,4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or reguiations of the City of Wheat Ridge or P2rR11t F@e : covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to ahide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax : application, and that I assume full respons~ ity for comg iance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appliwble W e Ridge or i ences, for underthis permit. p (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNED IDATE Total : Description : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY I~ Approval : Zoning : Approval : ~,~YV3~ ~itsrits: Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : 41325'- Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Mii0o Expiration Date : y Z'ir• W`77 Approval: PI°~ns,RequlteSl '',,,j Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: ~ `PCk ns:Reguired J (t) This permrt was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of lhe State of Coloratlo antl to the Zoning Regulations antl Building Cotle oF Wheat Ritlge, Colorado or any olher applicabie ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall explre if (A) the work authodzetl is not commencetl within sixH (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) the building authonzed is suspentletl or abantlonetl for a penod of 720 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or wiil be matle in the onginal plans antl specificaGons antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeAetl one (1) year. I( changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (i) year, (ull fees shall be paitl for a new permit. (4) Nb work of any manner shall he done ihat will change Ihe naNrel Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Coniractor shall notiy the Builtling Inspecror twenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspedion cartl before pmcee0iing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or Ihe approval of tlrewings antl specifications shall not be construetl ro 6e a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of ihe provisions of the 6uilding cotles or any other ortlinance. law, mle or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1710 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :8123/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : II_Lpdy L Properry Address : 5305 38TH AV UNIT L) Phone : 740-8500 Contractor License No. : 18469 Company : Orion Enterprises, Inc. Phone : 979 7035 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $2,600.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, P@fmit F20 : $57.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Review Fee : $0.00 made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that i assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building USC' TaX : $39.00 Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable at Ridge or ' ances, for ru k under this permit. q ~ ^ DATE OWNER CONTRACTOR SIGNED C Total : $96.00 ) e ( Description : TENANT FINISH Electrical License No : Piumbing License No : Mechanicai License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ' abIDmu oo (1) This pertnitwas issued in accortlance with the provisions setforth in yopur application and is subjectto the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any oiher applicable ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (80) tlays from issue da[e or (B) the building authorized is suspendetl or abandoned for a periotl of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceetled one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new permit. (4) No work of any mannershall be done ihatwill change the natural Bow of water causing a dreina9e problem. (5) Contractor shall notlfy the Builtling Inspeciorhventy-four (24) hours in advance Forall inspec[ions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of pertni[ or the approval of drewings and specilcations shall not be consVUetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violatlon of ihe provisions of the buildindes or any o[her ordinance, law, nile or regulalion. Chiefjilding Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION f DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TM AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner : /"J~l/ ~ ' Property Address : ~OS ~ !PN/''o'(f Contractor License No. : ~ gta ~ I Company: Og/,41?U Phone : '2 IfQ S~_~ Phone : 6~7 Irl - 705i`6~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respons lity for compliance withthe Wheat Ridge Building CoAe (U.B.C.) and all other applicable V~t_ Ridge ordiqances, for,yvork under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) v ~ A Description Construction Value : a&GG. gv Permit Fee : ~ 7`c;-ej UseTax: _ ii~-~ Tot2t : C~ p e 61r.6 Electrical License No Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : C)Ktb N ~-TjL, Company : Company : Expiration 2~ q 7 Expiration Date Expiration Date : Approval: ~ Approval: Approval: s.f'~uimml- so q -a_: (t) This pertnit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and lo the Zoning-0 Regulations antl Builtling Code of Wneat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlinances of the Cily. (2) This pertnit shall expire it (A) ihe work authonzetl is not commencetl wiihin sisty (60) days from issue date or (G) the building authonzetl is suspentletl or abantlonetl for a penod ot 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired (or a fee of one-half ihe amounl nortnaliy requireQ provitled no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifiw5ons antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fuil fees shall be paitl for a new permit (4) Nb work of any manner shall be tlone sat wilf change ihe natural tlow of water causing a drainage prohlem. (5) Contractor shall notify_tF.2 Suiiding Inspector hvenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection cartl before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval ot drawings and speci(cations shall not he construed ro be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building cotles or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DERARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1895 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :9/18/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : - Properly Address : 5305 W38TH AVE Phone : Contractor License No. : 18527 Company : KNERL SHEET METAL INC Phone : 427-3501 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $1,125.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, PBfmif Fee : $29.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covena i ti f o d that all measurements sho n and alle ations t t t $0 00 Pi R i F n s, easemen s or res r ons o rec r ; w , g c . an ev ew ee : made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for ompliance with the Wheat Ridge Building ' Use Tax : $16.88 i nces, for work under this permit. Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED : DATE ~O f TOf81: $45.88 _ k,. . Description : HVAC TENNANT FIN Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: . (1) This permit was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forih in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the S[a[e of Colorado and to the Zoninq Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applirable ordinances of the Ciry. . (2) This permit shall expire rf(A) the work authorizetl is not commenced within six(y (60) days from issue date or (B) the 6uilding authorized is suspended or - abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis pertnit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normalry required, provitletl no chan9es have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications antl any suspension or a6andonment has no[ exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (7) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit . . (4) NoworkofanymannershallbedonethalwilichangefhenaturelFlOwofwatercausingatlrainageproblem. (5) Contrector shall n Ty the Builtling Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection card before . proceetliin9wit cessivephasesofthejob. .(6) The issuance a ermit or ie approval of tlrawings and speciFira6ons shall not he consW ed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofthe buildin co es or a other ordinan , law, rule or regulatioa Chief Bu' ing Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 2345933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : !22K'}a l Ck ll'er t, Property Address 3 0 / T vc Phone : Contractor License No. $ 5~7 Company: KH¢,.( Mcial Phone:Y27.3ifGI OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value f. 00 I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, P8fR11Y FBB : antl do not violate appiirable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenanGS, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown. and allegations made are acwrate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions pnnted on this Use Tax : application, antl that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ri e s, for work under this permit. Total : (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNED DATE I S q 1~ UH,-~ Description: ~I/~'iC 'I`Cti~i BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date ; Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: ~ = PY~ns Requlred ~ PlAns.Reguired _I .3 (1) This pertnrt was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set fotlh in yopur application antl is sublec[ to ihe laws of ihe Stale of Coloratlo antl to ihe Zoning Regulations and 8uiltling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any o[her applicable ortlinances of Ihe Ciry. (2) This permR shall expire if (A) the work auNOnzed is not commencetl within sixry (60) days hom issue date or (B) lhe buiitling authonzed is suspentletl or abandonetl for a periotl of 120 days. (3) It this permi[ expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half [he amount normally required providetl no changes have been orwill he made in the original plans antl speci(calions and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (t) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) N'o work of any manner shall 6e done iha[ will change the naWral Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contracfor shall notiy the Builtling Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspecbons antl shali receive written approval on inspection cartl before proceetliing wilh successive phases of the lob. (6) The issuance of a permit or ihe approval of drawings antl specifications shall not be cons[metl ro be a permit for. nor an approval of. any violalion of the provisions of the builtling wtles or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION iDEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1897 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :9/1 9/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 5305 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : 17732 Company : Cobra Fire Protection, Inc. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordin.?nces, for work under this permit. Description : FIRE SPRINKLER Phone : 741-6644 Phone : 341 0527 Construction Value : $1,995.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $29.93 Total: $74.93 Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicai License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: mmm (1) This permi[ was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is sub7ect to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations antl Building Code of Wheat RitlBe, Colorado or any o[her applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) ihe work authonzed is no[ commencetl within sixty (60) days from issue date or (6) the building authorized is suspendetl or abandonetl for a period of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half ihe amount nortnally requiretl, provided no changes have been or will be made in the . original plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall 6e paitl for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change ihe natural flow of watercausing a drainage problem. (5) Contrector shall nolify the Builtling Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance forall inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection caM before proceetliing with successive phases of [hejob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation oF the provisions of the 4tling cydes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulalion. Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 2345933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Jt_NAL IJCI i ES ALL EOUIPMEIJT TO BE i1L LISTED FOR fIRE PPOTECTION =J--= 2. ALL HANGERS AND THETr SPF;CIING FEP. IV.F,P,A. 13 AND LElCISL CODES. 3. SPRINKLERS TO BE SPACED FpR LiGHT AND ❑P.DTNARY HAz','R_, AS P.EQUIRED. 4. SPRINKLERS MAY APPEA~ T❑ BEE CENTERED IN CEILING TILr ~-'JT MA'Y VARY IN LOCATIDIV, 5 b✓EIRK T❑ BE PERFOP.MEL PS A SINGLE PHASE PROJECT. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRrJVIDE ACCESS TO ALL AP.EPS ,~C~ SYSTEM MODIF-ICATIrJN, CUTTING CEILING TILES FOP SPRINKLERS, ❑N SITE STORAGi- MATERIALS. 7. EXISTING SPRINKLER S`(STEM T❑ BE PROTECTED DURING DEM01 _ITION AND CONSTRUCTION, e HYDRAULIC CALCULATIOP;S, BACKFLO'v✓ PREVENTER ❑F AN'Y KIfi1, FREEZE PROTECTION, ❑FF HOURS LABOR, ❑VERTiME LABOR F OR ACCELERATED SCHEDJLE, MONITORING, WIRING, PAINTING, DESIGN FOR ❑b✓NERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY, SPR:fvK~ERS IN CONCEALED SPACES, ZONING, REPAIR ❑F EXIS-?NG LEAKS WHETHER ACTIVE ❑R ;v0 ' ARE EY.CLUDED FROM TH6 F-~7N TRACT. ~ <f ~ 0 Q ~ ~ ~ O U w v ~ ~ W rIo II ~ zl Q~ ~I I Ful mi I cl zi cq Xi wl ti I --~r=- --~,°f~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I i SPRI NKLE RS T HIS REA I MGR, D SPL Y W ; STAGING ~I i P„ ~ U RIGHT S RINKLERS GLU-LA i HEAm A D i 1/2' 90 ELL A E PIPED EXISTING T~~MPTC LAYOUT ¢ dI N w LINE _ e EX_1 1 2' ~ 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 ~ I 1/2 z 3 0 N ~ 1 ia-ie 14-i 1 g-0 I t t~ia i - - I , I I ~ I ~ 14' r~d S 542 -9 FIRE 12' I s,-s• ~ 'y~-~ I~ I I`~ 11L IIE I~ ~ ~ ~P ! E-°~ ~,-1111 „ HANGER NB HAhlGEF C1 NEW FIRE SPRINI:LER ~ RISER ASSEMBLY FITTER NCiTES 1 PIPING T❑ BE INSTALLEli PRI❑R T❑ CEILING GRID 2 SYSTEM T❑ BE HYDRi_7- STATICALI_Y TESTED PRI❑R T❑ TIE IN T❑ EXISTING SYSTEM, 3, EXISTING PIPING T❑ BE DEM❑'D F❑R NEW PIPE INSTALLATI❑N ~ ~ ~ N \ ~ I ~ REcEivED _ SEP 14 1995 W f3:F.D. I. INheat Rirge Fire Pro ection C±sirirt Pians Re iew ~ 1 oip~ ~ ~ 11' S'-/9~ UpRT_Hi D1MFNSION 4'~J?,x, d b~{ Ua,/Id ~V 14.1s'1S io, 'vr I ~o - -9 "t 4`,: r b. ~-,'t 32 5 5'-1C• ~ _ PENGcNT D1MEN On Co;c„^,_~ lire Sur;;jr-~t:om" S;-stem inspectcr Cerii?icatian #52-173 P~A1°~ r~l~tliS'C Uo{-i6~ F.~. ~~A~t iwaQ.,z~cCw vapLL~:.~ i ~ l~e..e Vtt~-7323, ~ ok~o~~s+a~la~au, #4e1 Tw-~, :-rc- [:=-RowE caNOPV w) ~1Jew(~0:I+o6=F~skd'k~dOC+Pri~~~~~, -c NO.1 REVISION IBYIDATEI FLOW TEST DATA I JYMBOLS I caPanvni wuFA1 rzror.F I SPEIWKLER LEGEND WLSOV u °/r"d°CE~'~~TLSR 5305 W. 38Ta AVE. WHEAu Jio DGlsr ~ 2246 ~ ? D6ra €ire 4rot¢ctiop, Iqc. b520 Jasper Streel ~ ~ ~ 0 1-- Aumm, Cobmdo 80011 ~303) 341-oc27 Svike 9!li¢ 47aWe 9efore It Surtx. SiATE REGISTRAiION NO. O60 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO. 234-5933 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS 55M~'i VU 3$^T~H nI~V - - OWNER `-~L-- CONTRACTOR t $.I~ F1 L~~~tiT ADDRESS CO/~OO H 1~, ~5 eZO LW ~T .j~~:~•' PHONE ~10T /~~/J ZIP CODE ADDRESS J CITY Wri I ZIP CODE I CONTRACT PRICE $ jaqrS ©0 F. ~i _ r it ~af ! &I LICENSE NO - 0'~ DATE L- 1 IK I' 7 PHONE ; ! 2 9 . d❑ PE G Wall❑ Proiectinp❑ Other Sor D Foes SIGNS roun 1. TY 2. MATERIAL ❑ ❑ T Total Square Feet Permit No Elect No 3. ILLUMINATION Yes 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specify which is front) YPe _ S_ E_ W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . Zone_ . Approved, Zone Inspector Disapproved 1. TYPE Solid❑ More Than 80% Open❑ MATERIAL ? Lees Than 80% Open Height FENCES . 3 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specify which is front) _ S_ E_ W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector Disapproved 1 F OP- W= ~Vl_eiQ . OTHER 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) SPECIFY NORTH STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. RMIT PL NO STATE LICE MECHANICAL PERMIT SIZES ILLEGAL ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER FLOOR j 2ND 3R j4TM NO. FUEL:Cimle One Gas011Propone Cool Elec Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING. _ --GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) FIXTURES WATER HEATER AUTO. WASHER DISH WASHER Refrigerant Group Pounds Charge AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 8 RECTFIERS SEWERS .-----...m nn wnov nTHFR RECEPTION NO. F0060388 75.00 PG: 0001-015 743 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 5/25/95 14:00 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT V/ ~ This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT is dated this 28th day of April, 1995, rj ("Effective Date") among the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado Home Rule Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), 38TH & SHERIDAN LTD. PARTNERSHIP, a Colorado Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") and DILLON COMPANIES, INC., a Kansas corporation doing business as KING SOOPERS, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "King Soopers"), together.collectively referred to herein as the "Parties". WHEREAS, Owner owns certain real property and improvements thereon located at 5305 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, which is a neighborhood shopping center known as Ridge Village Shopping Center ("Shoppinq Center") the legal description of which is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Property"); and WHEREAS, King Soopers is the anchor tenant of the Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, King Soopers desires to expand its current facility by approximately 17,500 square feet; and WHEREAS, the expansion of the King Soopers facility will result in increased tax revenues for the City and projected additional traffic on 38th and Sheridan; and WHEREAS, the City, in anticipation of the projected increased traffic count, as well as, the long term goal to expand and improve the corner of 38th and Sheridan, has agreed to acquire, by purchase or, if necessary, other legal means, the property located at the northwest corner of 38th and Sheridan, as more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Redevelopment Area"); and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that the Redevelopment Area shall be developed and utilized in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and that all future, owners of the Property shall be bound thereby; and 1 WHEREAS, the parties modifications to the necessitated as a re: and Sheridan; and WHEREAS, the parties responsibilities and modifications to the have furthermore agreed that certain curb cuts on the Property are sult of the modifications made to 38th desire to set forth their mutual ~ agreements with respect to Property and the Redevelopment Area; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. c;ty's AcqniGition of h R d velopment Area. The City agrees that it shall acquire by purchase or, if necessary, other legal means, the Redevelopment Area from its current owners. The City agrees to complete such acquisition by no later than August 1, 1995. Any and all costs associated with the acquisition of the Redevelopment Area shall be the sole responsibility of the City. 2, nPmol;tion of Existing Tmvroits best efforts to demolish l, 1995, the existing improv, Redevelopment Area. Any and demolition and removal shall the City. zements. The City agrees to use and remove, on or before August aments located on the all costs associated with such be the sole responsibility of 3. Cnnctr>>rtinn nf TmDrOV.m-rit8 oIl R2deV210Dm Il Ar a. The City agrees that it shall use its best efforts to: a. Right-of-Way. On or before March 1, 1996 (weather permitting) construct the improvements to the right-of- way along 38th and Sheridan Streets, including the acceleration and deceleration lanes, side walks, curbs and gutters, all as more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof; and b. R.Pdevelogment Area. On or before August 1, 1995 pave, with asphalt, the remaining portion of the Redevelopment Area, stripe same for parking and install appropriate lighting commensurate with existing lighting on the Property. 2 Any and all costs and expenses associated with such construction of the right-of-way improvements and the improvements on the balance of the Redevelopment Area shall be the sole responsibility of the City, except that Owner shall reimburse City for paving and striping costs incurred by the City in the ~ remaining portion of the Redevelopment Area. City agrees to provide Owner with appropriate invoices depicting actual costs incurred which Owner shall pay within thirty (30) days after receipt. The City agrees to use its best efforts to minimize the portion of the Redevelopment Area required for the right-of-way and maximize the portion of the redevelopment Area available for parking. 4. Mndi i aions to u b u s. Owner agrees that.the current curb cut and entry way to the Shopping Center located on Sheridan, in closest proximity to 38th, shall be moved as set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof. The City agrees to pay for any and all costs of relocating the curb cut, including, but not limited to, concrete removal, concrete replacement, asphalt removaT and asphalt replacement and re-striping of those parking areas affected by the change in curb cut. 5. M;nimize Disru ion. The City agrees to use its best efforts to minimize any disruption to patrons, tenants, invites, King Soopers and Owner of the Shopping Center during any period of construction. In the event any current means of ingress or egress is required to be restricted or terminated, the City agrees to provide Owner and King Soopers with at least ten (10) business days advance notice. 6. Variances. The parties agree that variances from applicable City land use requirements concerning parking and setbacks may be desirable or required to accommodate the proposed King Soopers expansion. Owner and/or King Soopers shall be responsible for making the pursing proper application for such variances. The City shall support such applications and urge their prompt hearing and approval by the Board of Adjustment, but the City cannot and does not guarantee that the Board of Adjustment will approve such applications. The Parties understand and agree that review of variance applications by the Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial function. 7, o md T', a. The City agrees to lease the parking spaces located within the Redevelopment Area to Owner, its successors and assigns, for a term equal to the King Soopers Lease and any additional option periods, commencing on the date such improvements to the Redevelopment Area have been 3 completed for a total rental of $10.00 ("Ground Lease") for the entire term. Any and all costs of maintaining the parking spaces within the Redevelopment Area, includinq, without limitation, costs for repaving, painting striping, snow removal and related items which shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of the Ground ~ Lease. Such responsibilities shall include capital reconstruction and repair to maintain the Redevelopment Area in the same condition as the Shopping Center parking lot. It is the intention of the Parties that Owner shall be responsible for all costs of operation and maintenance of the Redevelopment Area, of whatever kind or nature, throughout the entire term of the Ground Lease. Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all claims, and any and all damages, injuries or including costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of or in any manner related to the Redevelopment Area. Owner shall continuously maintain liability insurance covering the Redevelopment Area, naming the City as an insured party thereon, in amounts and coverages no less than any policy or policies of insurance maintained for the balance of the Shopping Center parking lot. Because of the potential for extensions to the original lease agreement, the City requires the owner to provide it with any and all extensions, amendments and/or modifications and any and all written notices of King Soopers intention to exercise its options to renew its lease. 8. Collateral Assianment of Ground Lease. The City. acknowledges that the Shopping Center is currently subject to a certain first deed of trust for the benefit of Commonwealth Life Insurance Company, a Kentucky corporation and Peoples Security Life Insurance Company, a North Carolina corporation (collectively "Lender"). The City . agrees that Owner may collaterally assign the Ground Lease to Lender or any further lender as additional security for Owner's current and any future obligations. 9. Temnorarv ons ri ion .aG m.n . Owner agrees to provide the City with a temporary construction easement across the Property for purposes of completing the modifications to the right-of-ways and any relocation of utilities associated therewith, as permitted hereby. Such easement shall be in locations and widths to be mutually agreed upon for ingress and egress for engineering, inspection and construction purposes. Such temporary easement shall automatically terminate upon completion of the right-of-ways and the improvements on the Redevelopment Area. 4 10. Landscanina. The City agrees to install landscaping, in appropriate locations of the redevelopment area. Owner shall annually during the period of the Ground Lease, reimburse the City for the City's cost to maintain such landscaping. 11. Utilities. To the extent that any existing utilities must ~ be relocated as a result of the reconfiguration of the ~ rights-of-way or the Redevelopment Area, the City agrees to complete such relocations at its sole cost and expense. 12. King Soooers' ExDansion. Subject the City's performance hereunder hereunder and under that certain copy of which is attached hereto part hereof, King Soopers agrees by no later than October 1, 1995 completion thereof. to and conditioned upon and the Owner's performance Third Amendment to I,ease, a as Exhibit E and made a to commence its expansion and to diligently pursue 13. T mina ion Tpnannips. i Owner and King Soopers acknowledge and agree that City shall have no responsibility to participate in any requirecl payments to tenants of the Shoppinq Center for termination of leases or relocation costs resulting from King Sooper's expansion. 14. T,endPr Consent. Within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Owner shall procure in form and content reasonably satisfactory to City and King Soopers, a written consent from Lender for this Agreemerit and an acknowledgement by Lender to be bound by the terms hereof. In the event such consent is not obtained within that time (or within such additional time as the Parties, by written amendment hereof may agree), this Agreement shall be null, void and of no effect. 15. Covenants Runn?ng wi h h. T.and R-.o dina. The parties intend that the benefits and burdens created by this Agreement shall be restrictive covenants running with the land and binding the parties hereto, their successors and assigns and all future owners of the Property. To that end, this Agreement shall be filed for record with the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado. 16. Amendment or Termination of this Agreement. Other than as provided at Paragraph 14, and subject to Subparaqraph 19(m), hereof this Agreement may be amended or terminated only by an instrument in writing signed by all Parties hereto or their duly authorized successors or assigns. 5 17. Maximim amoun o b x8ended by the Citv. Not-with- standing any provision in this agreement, the City shall only expend a maximum total sum of $800,000 to fulfill its obligations under this agreement. Any costs in excess of the aforementioned $800,000 must gain prior approval and authorization of the expenditure by City Council. 18. Aiah Purchase, Owner shall have the right to purchase the entire parking area of the redevelopment area, for fair market value, at the time of exercise, at any time during the term of the ground lease as described in paragraph 7 of this agreement by providing a written notice of its intent to exercise its right to purchase the parking area. Fair market value shall be determined by the city on the basis of an independently contracted MAI real property appraisal of value. Owner shall acquire the property within a period of 180 days after its written notice of intent to exercise its right to purchase. 19. Enforcement. The performance by the City, King Soopers or Owner of their respective obligations set out in this Agreement shall be in strict compliance with all applicable laws and the rules and regulations of all governmental agencies, municipal, county, state and federal, having jurisdiction. This Agreement may be enforced accordinq to its terms by the City, King Soopers or Owner by an action at law, and/or in equity, by decree of specific performance, injunctive relief, damages and/or pursuant to such other legal and/or equitable relief as may be available under Colorado law. 20. Not_iq. All notices hereunder shall be given to the following by hand delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested: CITY: Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Copy to: The Wheat Ridge City Administrator 7500 West 29th Avenue ~ 6 P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 OWNER: Copy to: Gerald E. Dahl Gorsuch Kirgis, L.L.C. P.O. Box 17180 Denver, CO 80217-0180 Robert E. Perry and 38th & Sheridan Ltd. 6500 S. Quebec, #300 Englewood, CO 80111 Copy to: Robert Preeo Elrod, Katz, Preeo, P.C. 1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203 Jeffrey W. Bailey Partnership Look, Milson & Silverman, Suite 1100 KING SOOPERS: Robert Letcher Director of Store Services 65 Tejon Street Denver, CO 80223 Russ Dispense Vice President of Real Estate 65 Tejon Street Denver, CO 80223 Copy to: James J. Soran, III, Esq. Montgomery Little & McGrew, P.C. 5445 DTC Parkway, Suite 800 Englewood, CO 80111 Any party hereto may designate in writing, from time to time, the address of substitute or supplementary persons to receive such notices. The effective date of service of any such notice shall be the date such notice is deposited in the mail or hand delivered to the City, King Soopers or Owner. I 7 21. Gtanda d on ra ovi 'on . The following standard contract provisions shall apply to this Agreement: a. Authority of Citv. This Agreement is expressly subject CI to and shall not be or become effective or binding on Q the City until approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council and fully executed by all signatories of the City of Wheat Ridge. b. Authority of Owner. Owner and the person executing this Agreement on behalf of Owner warrants that Owner is a limited partnership duly formed under the laws of the state of Colorado and that the governing documents of Owner authorize Owner and the person executing this Agreement on behalf of Owner to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. c. Au hori v of King Sooners. King Soopers and the person executing this Agreement on behalf of King Soopers warrants that King Soopers is a corporation duly authorized to do businesslin Colorado and that the governing documents of King Soopers authorizes King Soopers and the person executing this Agreement, on behalf of King Soopers, to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. d. Force Majgure. No party shall be liable for failure to perform hereunder if such failure is the result of any cause beyond the reasonable control of such party, and any time limit expressed in this Agreement shall be, extended for the period of any delay from any cause beyond the reasonable control of the party required to perform within such time limit. This provision shall include delays incurred by the City from encounterinq hazardous substances in the Redevelopment Area, Such delays resulting from soil contamination shall not exceed 45 days. e. Time of the Essence. Except as provided under the section of this Agreement entitled "Force Majeure", time shall be of the essence with respect to performance required under this Agreement. 8 f. Severabilitv. If any provision of this Agreement shall be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect or impair the validity, legality or enforceability of any other provision of this Aqreement, and there shall be substituted for the affected provision a valid and enforceable provision as similar as possible to the affected provision. g. Cap ion for onv ni n e. All headings and captions used herein are for convenience only and are of no meaning in the interpretation of this Agreement. h. Annlicable Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced according to the laws of the state of Colorado. The parties agree that any action brought with respect to this Agreement shall be brought and maintained in the district court of Jefferson County, State of Colorado. i. Racitals and Exhibits TncorBo a d. All recitals and exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. j, Costs of ,.gal Proceedinas, In the event that any party institutes legal proceedings with respect to this. Agreement, to the extent permitted by law the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other relief to which it is entitled, its costs and expenses incurred in connection with such leqal proceedings, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. k. Exculpation. The Owner of any portion of the Property shall not be personally liable for the performance of this Agreement after the Owner has conveyed its interests in the burdened Property to a subsequent owner. Any subsequent Owner shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 1. Assignment. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. ~ 9 M. Compl;an.- wi h m n m.n on . It is the intention of the Parties to comply with the provisions of Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution, "Amendment One" as adopted by the voters on November 3, 1992. To / G that end, all obligations of the City herein are specifically understood and agreed by the Parties to be subject to annual appropriation. This Agreement does not create any multi year fiscal obligation of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY: ATTEST: CITY OE WHEAT RIDGE . By: 44f-4 d"f~ < By: Wanda Sang.City Clerk Dan Wilde, Mayor AND APPROVED: By; ~ ~ ~ Robert Middaugh, City Adm'nistrator ~ By: r ~ Robert Goebel 14anager of Public Works 4 10 OWNER: 38TH & SHERIDAN LTD. PARTNERSHIP, A Colorado Limited / Partnership By: Perry & Bailey Limited Liability Company, a Wyoming Limited Liability Compan =nl ner B Y: Robert E. Perry Managinq- Member By: Jeltr-e y W. B a ' e Managii°rg Memb r KING SOOPERS: Dillon Companies, Inc. a Kansas Corporation dba King Soopers, Inc. By: Its: THIRD AMENDMENT TO LEASE (Store #57) THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO LEASE; made and entered into this L day of , 1995, is by and between 38th & Sheridan, Ltd. P rtnership (hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") and Dillon Companies, Inc., a Kansas corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee"). RECITALS A. By Lease date July 30, 1981, Lessor's predecessor in interest demised and leased unto Lessee certain premises located in the Ridge Village Shopping Center, 3817 Sheridan Blvd.,,.wheat Ridge, Colorado ("Shopping Center"), which Lease was thereafter amended by the First Amendment to Lease, dated June 3, 1982 ("First Amendment") and the Second Amendment to Lease dated October 27, 1993 (the "Second Amendment"). B. The original lease and the First Amendment and Second Amendment are collectively the "Lease". C. Lessor and Lessee are desirous of amending and modifying said Lease to the extent provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants and conditions contained herein and in the original Lease Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Expansion. Lessee hereby exercises its option to expand contained in Paragraph 8 of the Second Amendment. Lessee and Lessor waive the requirement for twelve (12) months prior written notice. The "Expansion Area" as defined in the Second Amendment is modified to include approximately 700 square feet of the south entrance and an area of up to 32 feet directly east of the current premises extending the full width of the building in a north-south direction. No additional minimum base rent shall be payable for these portions of the Expansion Area. The new Expansion Area is shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and denominated "New Addition". Lessee agrees, subject to the conditions set forth in Paragraph 2 below, to commence construction of the Expansion Area on or before October 1,; 1995. 2. Lessoi Obliaation. Lessee's exercise of its option to vweand_is conditioned upon Lessor completing the following obI'igat'3ditS c" ; / ~ ~ (a) Lessor shall no later than June 1, 1995 provide Lessee with written commitments from existing tenants to vacate the "Improved" 8,250 square feet of Expansion Area as designated in Paragraph 8 of the Second Amendment; (b) Lessor shall on or before August 21, 1995 acquire fee simple title or a leasehold interest by ground lease extending for the full term of the Lease plus any option periods to the area designated as "Existing Restaurant" on Exhibit A excluding the areas required by the City of Wheat Ridge for intersection modifications (the area to be acquired or leased is referred to as the "Npw Parking Area"); (c) Lessor shall no later than August 21, 1995 deliver possession of the "Improved" 8,250 square feet of Expansion Area as designated in Paragraph 8 of the Second Amendment; , In the event that Lessor fails to meet any of the obligations provided for above, the Lessee's exercise of the expansion option and this Third Amendment to Lease shall be. null a.nd void and the parties' rights shall remain as contained in the Lease as modified by the First Amendment and Second Amendment. 3. Parkina Area. Upon compliance with the terms and conditions provided for in Paragraph 2 above, Lessor shall cause the demolition of any improvements existing on the New Parking Area and shall reconfigure the New Parking Area as shown on attached Exhibit A or such other configuration as may be approved by the City of Wheat Ridge and agreed upon by Lessor and Lessee. 4. Lender Consent. Within thirty (30) days of execution of this Third Amendment, Lessor shall procure in form and content reasonably satisfactory to Lessee a written consent from all existing mortgagees for the Shopping Center to this Third Amendment and an acknowledgment to be bound by the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article XXVIII of the Lease. 5. Terms and Conditions. Except as amended and modified herein, all of the terms and conditions contained in the aforementioned Lease shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and affirmed by the parties hereto. i ~ , 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Second Amendment to the Lease as of the day and year first written above. LESSOR: 38TH & SHE AN, LTD. PARTNERSHIP By: t Managing Partner LESSEE: 4 DILLON COMPANIES, INC., a Kansas corporation BY. ~ i Tit18: War n F. Bryant, Sr. Vice President \di11on\d5786.838\third.new (03/31/95, tlj, jw) , 7T I ( I I ~ aseaz 01 sNgNaHawV aaix,t 01 „v„ zzsrxxa . r ~R=pG A 5 t (IRVAZ'MOR KyalINM \U v ~ aon~ U ~ dl E m I~ N > < a I ~ I I ° DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: 95-1889 Date :9/18/95 Property Owner: 38TH & SHERIDAN LTD PARTNERSHIP Property Address : 5305 38TH AV Contractor License No. : 18524 Company : LARRY'S PLUMBING Phone: Phone: 722-6506 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat dge ord nces, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Si DATEA_ 7 " Description : MOVE WATER EATER Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: tmli, m (7) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the Siate of Colorado and to the Zoning Re9ulations antl Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any o[herapplicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work aufhorized is not wmmenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 tlays. - (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount normally requiretl, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceedetl one (1) year. If changes are made or iF suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new pertnit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall noliry the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspec[ions and shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before yw~.ccunuy mu I au~n.cam.~ p1o~w ..i .....fdra p.... (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval owin95 and specifcations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violatlon of the provisions of the builtling codes or any ofheyordinance, law, rule or regula6oa . . Construction Value : $200.00 Permit Fee : $15.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $3.00 Total: $18.00 Chief Building Inspector/ " THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date Property Owner : ,3 I'4+SA.er;cEa,'.u l.. 7' Property Address : S 3 05- 3F-~~` Phone : Contractor License No. : Company Phone :~0~02 ~J~p6 S J OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setbaek distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicahle ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements ar restrictions of recortl: that all measurements shown. and allegations -made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordm es, fl r work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE - ~ DATE Description : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ?9QII;li1f9~~ Approval : Zoning : ~Itt~insr , Approval: Obilic'W_b~ r ts; Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company ~"freV'S F~Company : P Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: _j ; . _ ~ 9 P.fans Ra utred ~ ~ j • Pfans Re uired (p This permit was Issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is suhject ro the laws of the State of Coloratlo antl ro the Zoning Regulations antl Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applicahle ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commencetl within sixry (60) days from issue tlate or (B) the building authonzed is suspentletl or abantloned for a penotl ot 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl tor a fee oF one-half the amount normally required, pmvitled no changes have been or will he matle in the onginal plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) yeac If changesare matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceetls one (7) year, full fees shall Ce paid tor a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shail be tlone lhat will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contracror shall nolify the 8uilding Inspector hvenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection cartl before proceetliing wilh successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the appmvat of tlrawings and 5peciBCation5 shall not be wnstmetl to be a permit foL nor an approval of, any violaGOn of the provisions of the bmltling cotles or any other ordinance. law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION UEFARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1838 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : g/12/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: 5305 38TH AV Phone: 420-1105 Contractor License No. : 18507 Company : NICK'S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Phone : 722-9303 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $2,000.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, POfrtlit FB2 : $45.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations Plan RevieW Fee : $0.00 made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Whe t Ridge Building ' Use Tax : $30.00 ~ Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe i~pr ~ s 6Y work er this pe it (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNE DATE ~y Total : $75.00 Description : ADD 11 UTLETS , 2X FLOUR., & 2 SWITCHES Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: meam lmm~gnimm (1) This permit was issued in accordance wifh the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ritlge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work aulhonzetl is not commenced within sizty (60) days from issue date or (B) ihe building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis pertnit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amoun[ normalty required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall 6e done that will change ihe natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. . (5) Contractor shall notity ihe euiltling Inspeclorhventy-four (24) hours in advance Por all inspec[ions and shall receive written approval on inspedion card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of tlrewings and specifications shall not be consW etl to be a pemiit for, nor an approval of, any viola[ion of the provisions of the building codes or any o[her ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 4?EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND CEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : 0! f y~ ~~~yr~r Property Address Phone : Contrector License No. CompanyT/'/~~~.~/'✓/c-2 Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete, PerR11i FBE and do not vioiate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or res[rietions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations -made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax applicatian, and that I assume full responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheo Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat RiSJge,ardnanc~s,~ar work yy(der this pertnit. Description : ol_'Fel y</ea/'.f S BUILDWG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : N►Cffi 1" _ Q-~Z- Approval : ~I~~n►or~i~s~i~iits; Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical Lic.~ense, ~No :lr/~ P~lu1mbing License No : CompanY .~y//ch '3 ~/G°~`~jc~~~er¢:ompany : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: P~an -3 Approval: _3 Pylos.Reguired Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: A ;~P~ (7) This permrt was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set fotlh in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloratla antl to the Zoning Regulations antl 8uiltling Cotle of Wheat Ritlge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances ot the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sixry (60) tlays from issue tlate or (8) the building authorized is suspentled or abantlonetl for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been orwill be matle in the onginal plans and specifications antl any suspension or abandonment has not ezceedetl one (1) yeac It changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (S) Coniracror shall notify the Builtling Inspector Cxenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspeclion cartl before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval o( tlrawings and speci(cations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of. any violation ot the provisions of Ne building codes or any other ortlinance, law. mle or regulation. Chief Buildiryeflnspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1643 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :8/14/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 S S 3`i Properry Owner: Property Address : 5305 38TH AV, UNIT D Contractor License No. : Company : Phone: 740-8500 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $4,900.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, P2ffYllt Fee : $72.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Revlew Fee : $0.00 made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full respoge~~~~E for compliancewith t e Wheat Rige uilding Use Tax : $122.50 Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable idge a esor u this e it. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ ~ Total : . $194.50 Description : TENANT FINISH Electricai License No : Piumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: (7) This permitwas issued in accordance with the provisions setforth in yopur application and is subgct to the laws of the State of Coloredo antl to the Zoning Regulations antl Buildin~ Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of e City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or a6andoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permi[ expires, a new permit may 6e acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, providetl no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (t) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done tha[ will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrador shall no[ify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of thejob. (6) The issuance of a pertni[ or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be consW ed to 6e a pertnit for, nor an approval oF, any violation of the provisions of the 6uildi g codes or any o[her ortlinance, law, rule or re9ulatiort ',j 1' _ Chief Building Insp or THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELUPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : &41Ccj * ' j,~ / Property Address : T30s l~• 3c4 ulv4 Phone : _7Y0`a5'" Contractor License No. : Company : e.- Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and tfiat I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED - DATE Description /P~r✓d-~~T /'i~/~'sh. Construction Value : Permit Fee : ~ Use Tax : Total : Electrical License No : Company : pR/041 Q /~,I GPH S1 6No4 0. I Plurrlbing License No : ONMRPktimomy : Expiration Date : -2-r7-B-q7 Approval: A Expiration Date : Approval : im cP Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: EM (7) This permit was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Buildin9 Cotle of VJheat Ridge, Coforado or any oNer applicable ordinances of theCity. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is no[ wmmenced within sixry (60) days from issue tlate or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or a6andoned tor a penod of 120 days. (3) If Ihis permit expires, a new pertnit may be acqwred for a fee of one-haif the amount normalry required, pmvided no changes have been of wiil be matle in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (i ) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new permit. (a) No work of any manner shall be done that wili change the naWral Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Buiiding Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card betore proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of tlrawings and speciFlCations shall not be constmetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY i~./ ED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 4 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION - 21 LG4 S3o~ D . 6A~~ ~T1~ 37~ ~ I-~ eACK S-~R~Rav~ tl R~ ~ ` BGE2 Cvv~e2 ~ ~ ~ At ~ v ~ n pF}lG£ ~ I 1 I I i ~ N l--! N ~Rt~~ Doo2 DEF'ARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-1645 Date :8/14/95 Property Owner : 38TH & SHERIDAN LTD PARTNERSHIP Property Address : 5305 38TH AV Contractor License No. : 18444 Company : Thompson Builders Phone: Phone: 7978993 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cedify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibiliry compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat d~gg~rces, for work under this plrmit. s (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : DRYVpALL BETWEEN UNITS D& Construction Value : $1,200.00 Permit Fee : $29.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $18.00 Total: $47.00 Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ' ~om (1) This permit was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regula6ons and Builtling Code of VJheat Ridge, Coloredo or any oiher applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commenced within siuty (60) days (rom issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspentled or abandoned for a periotl of 120 days. (3) IF fhis pertnit ezpires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the on9inal plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If chan9es are made or if suspension or abandonment . exceeds one (i) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) NoworkofanymannershallbedonethatwillchangethenaturelFlowofwatercausingadrainageproblem. (5) Contredor shall notify the Builtling Inspectorhventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspedion card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (s) The issuancepf a pe it or the approval of drewin9s antl specifcations shall not be consirued to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions . of the build'ip¢pode or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chie~O,uilding Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ S-~ G DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number :,6cly- BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner: C-0 ' ~ Property Address : 530~ 3~ Pho e:~ Contractor License No. : Company : `Tl,)O_~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenis or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on tfiis application, a; d that I assum ~Pull resp~onpsi~bilit or co~ m.plian with the Wheat Ridge Building Code U.B.C. and all other a licab a i_1C1y~aYrtes, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : Approval: Occupancy : Walls Phone: Construction Value : / ~ ~"K'✓ Permit Fee : Use Sax : Total : . ~ . ,~'✓Z9~s>> , BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof: Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: ~3 Company: Expiration Date : Approval: ip~gm~~quired Company: Expiration Date : Approval: A (1) This pertnit was issuetl in accordance with the pmvisions set forth in yopur appliwtion and is su6ject to the laws of the State of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulations arttl euiltling Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sizry (60) tlays fmm issue date or (B) the building authonzetl is suspentled or a6antlonetl for a penod of 120 tlays. (3) If Ihis permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-hal( the amount normally required, providetl no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) Na work of any manner shall be tlone ihat will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlreinage problem. (5) COntraclor shall notify the Building Inspeclor hvenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written appmval on inspeclion card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings antl specifications shall not be constmetl to be a permit for, nor an approval ot. any violation of the provisions oF the builtling cotles or any other ortlinance, law, mle ot regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ a ------3-- ---t~- - - ~fr>! DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO. M91#16818 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APPLI ATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PE,RQy~IT JOB ADDRESS 530.9 ~f/ OWNER C'l CONTRACTOR Q R-71S ` m-a 1-I ADDRESS /77S 5'Pe=.210'*A) 21 ° 7~ ADDRESS / ?S S 1161i?Nl~ 270 PHONE Pa Zi?-7Al~Z ZIP CODE CITY X/ AlVe< Z:n ZIP CODE 82'"S 1 CONTRACT PRICE $ c7 a g: r _ a r 7// Sl? ri ' NE cv~ n - ~-r-vc LICENSE N0. °Z- 1. TYPE Ground❑ Woll❑ Proiecting❑ Other Sor D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes[] NOD Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector i r-1 r'1 I1 r_1 1. TYPE Solid More Than 80% Open❑ Lest Than 80% Open I / FENCES 2' MATERIAL W02,2415-l-) AlA y " oZX L,/ -_0j2/c__ - a®ight ~ ' / 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Z e_,~ Approved,Zons Inspector (Specify which is front) E ® ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. OTHER Z' 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPEf. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) REAR BROPERTY LINE w z y Lo~~i > '7L w 0 o: o. yl FRONT PROPERTY LINE STREET NAME 38-" X ee W rn SPECIFY NORTH SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO. FUEL.-Circle One Ga OIIPropone Coal Eloc Solor NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refrigerant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO.WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS Cf' Y917 ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER r-A MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES 'f:t s2-/Q-s I hereby acknowledge that this opplica- tion is correct and understand that 1 cannot start this project until this oppli- cation is approved. I shall comply with the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immedjgte revocation of this permit. PERMIT FEE IS USE TAX TOTAL FEE $ APPROVED tell DISAPPROVE CHIEF BUIL INC INSPECTOR, City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued ~5- -1J NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIPTED CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255. 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS Appliaante Signature INSPECTION TICKET Joe ADDRESS DATE: ,5--/ I i Vp9 / BLDG. PERMITS 167,?0- PERMITN BLDG. CONTR. ~ T SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. 'j -a TYPE OF INSP. &--,Yr-- INSPECTION MADE ~-Z'c(/ REMARKS 0-/{ /l-~ _ . . _ . _ . . INSPECTION tICKET S,~ asw_sJOBL/ ADDRESS DATE: 5 -52 BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR . DATE INSP. REQ. iYPE OF INSP. I- l y~~ iNSPECTION MAD E REMARKS ~ ~ W.R. FORM 6-79 / CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Issued Without Fee 7500 W. 29th Avenue Date July 22, 1991 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code, Zoning and other related land use and development laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, and may be occupied for the use specified. OWNER Rent-A-Center ADDRESS 5305 W. 38th Avenue #5 C m CONTRACTOR Tom Dittemore Construction,6424 So. Everett Way, Littleton, CO a M PROPERTYADDRESS.1'l09 W_ 49th Aironna Tlnih #5 W ~ M LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE Rental of furniture and appliances No change shall be made In the use of this building without prior notice and a new Certificate of Occupancy from the City of Wheat Ridge---l Chief Building Inspector ! 4Y41L. CGA I Zoning W.R. Form &9 For Mayor 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 THIS PERMIT VALID APPLI ATION FOR MI£ JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS Sd~Sq-rt/R/(/G,~s~rre /a3 CITY ZIP CODE PHONE 79y~~~y~/ LICENSE N0. OWNER PERMIT M91#4726 ADDRESS ~~1'S'S/Je/r//fn/JU/7`e a/oU PHONE Z I R C 0 D E CONTRACT PRICE $ 1. TYPE Ground❑ Woll❑ Proiecting❑ Other So,D Face_ 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes[:] No❑ Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector (Sneeifv which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ Disapproved I, TYPE Solid[:] More Than 80% OpenU Less Than 80% Open FENCES MATERIAL Height 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S__ E_ W Zone_ Approved,Zons Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ Disapproved I. OTHER 13. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) -1- SPECIFY NORTH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO-ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. ocooois wu I nvclRF AO new FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. _ ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. STATE LICENSE NO. ALUM INUM WIRE UNDERSIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM I ST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO. FUEL:CirdeOne Gas dl Propene Cod Etee Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER REFRIGERATK)N SYSTEM HEATING SP. GARBAGE Dill POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refri eranf Group UTILITY (RANGE,DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Pounds Char e DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIXTURES WIRING MOTORS a CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES /I.li REMARKS thi lica- sapp I hereby acknowledge that tion is correct and understand that I USE TAX 07 d cannot start this project until this appli- $ cation is approved. I shall comply with TOTAL FEE aS (J the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building APPROVED D)$dIPPR6V'CrB' v Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause CHIEF BUILDI INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridge n of this permll re immediat ~ ~ Date Issued i A 4 OIIeeMe signature LID UNLESS RECEIPTED ~-A _413 ~ 5 1-9 1 CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS el -?a 6 ~a INSPECTION TICKET Jos ADDRESS 5"3" GJ3S GtL,7 ' I '7 7 45 q ( DATE: BLDG. PERMIT#U-)°tG PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR ~ DATEINSP. REQ.~'7 TYPE OF INSP. ` INSPECTION MADE REMARKS Z~ INSPECTION TICKET aos ADDRESS S ~ /✓GE`t I DATE: ~ -fb BLDG. PERMIT# ~ 7-'-4 13 INSPECTION TICKET JoB o-~ ADDRESS ~ DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# l6?gL PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. ,SUBCONTRACTOR ' DATE INSP. REQ. 7 . TYPE OF INSP. Q~/ , INSPECTION MADE 2-4el ' REMARKS ' i I INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS h ~l' G fJ C'V 5 F DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. ~ -rb TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS W.R. FOFM E79. .SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. iYPE OF INSP. _r"r~~ INSPECTION MADE 7-/ . REMARKS 19 ! / An' ' 1'~t•'s I'~~ul`e~ s /drG- ~ie~,/1~ euc- rvo-e'~ 4 "c o " W.R1C.$QRM&191/1 ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO. M911117084 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. PPLICATION FOR MISC JOB ADDRESS s~OS Yv" F ELLANEOUS PERMIT C'_ IU OWNER E/UT A' -T~eF K R Q rAle lU ~6 eU OONTRACTO + ADDRESS ~t 60 r Ol ~/f7 l A" C LIU ( l=it D/ _ [ x. ` ADDRESS, C2A9 KS6/U S T / ' ? PHONE 316 -6,3~ 77IP CODE c CITY Z`X C0 ZIP CODE , n DOS 16 PHONE 2,2,m- LICENSE NO. 6 7 ® CONTRACT PRICE $ O DATE 2- 19" 1. TYPE Ground ❑ yyall0 Proiecting❑ Other S or D Face n s-.?- A / 2. MATERIAL / ys k NP T` Total Square Feet 410 SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yesp No❑ Type Elect. Par it Na. _ 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zon Ap~rd~ on Ins ator (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. TYPE Solid❑ More Than 80% Opsn❑ Less Than 80% Open FENCES 2. MATERIAL Height 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved,Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved I. 2' OTHER 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) 1 '3©r 1 -1- SPECIFY NORTH STREET NAME wr ✓ 3 T SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST, DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AvcRAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM I ST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO HT£LChMOne Gae 011 Propane Else Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refrigerant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS a CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES I hereby acknowledge that this appliea- fion is correct and understand that I cannot start this project until this appli- cation is approved. I shall comply with the lows of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immediate revocation of this permit PERMIT FEE 15-7 ~(J USE TAX (od TOTAL FEE 3 $ Gj C4 CaN APPROVED DISAPPROVED CHIEF BUILDING I ECTOR,City of Wheat Ridge ~ Date Issued / 1 y? f VALID a CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NOMM91f13730 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APPLICAI17 FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT JOB ADDRESS °5-QS 3 Unrf' ZF OWNER GE~crt- CONTRACTOR~ lfl~~/~~~7 TAG ADDRESS S~~ U*l/P E ADDRESS _ 190 I-)- 630-') PL~9c%E PHONE CITY A~AV~9 ~y ZIP CODE. Bsy ZIP CODE 9"`f CONTRACT PRIC~E7 $ -49 PHONE ~If 667 LICENSE NO. - DATE 9- /F~ 1. TYPE Ground ❑ WOOD Proiecting❑ Other S or D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ NOD Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved,Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved I. TYPE Solidi-I More Than 80% OpenLJ Leee Than 80% Open FENCES 2. MATERIAL Height 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S E_ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ El ❑ Disapproved OTHER [2. . DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) J Y H K SPECIFY NORTH N STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO-ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THISAPPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM I ST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO Fl1EL:CWeOne Gap 011 Propane Cool Elec Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refrigerant Group UTILITY(RANGE, DISPOSER,ETC.) AUTO.WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 8 CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 8 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES I hereby acknowledge that this op0lica- tion is correct and understand that I cannot stmt this project until this appli- cation is approved. I shall comply with the lows of the State Of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immedoe revocation of this permit Applicants Signature PERMIT FEE '5- 0--o USE TAX 35--')o TOTAL FEE $ fl ? 70 3 S`/6 CHIEF BUILDING N4SPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. MP91#3251 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. + PPLICATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PER IT JOB ADDRESS `J~OS W . 36+12A VP.. OWNER 6cix -pr CONTRACTOR EM Q bS P Di I ADDRESS ADDRESS k`-V_( nf\ Irl~~ ~~Pr»-tc~n 5~-. Sc,~~}~ a~lx> S - PHONE ZIP CODE CITY vvc.I]] ZIP CODE 80038 PHONE `DB -8 4C) LICENSE NO. PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE APPROVE( 1. TYPE Ground❑ Wall❑ Proiecting❑ Other Sor D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ Type Elect. Permit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. TYPE Solid[] More Than 80% Open❑ Lees Than 80% Open MATERIAL Height FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ Approved,Zons Inspector (Soecifv which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved INSPECTION TICKET JOB G' J o3- Cl 3 (J •V(~- ADDRESS -J 2e'3- r~ (/n p g/ DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# PJ CPEER,MIT# BLDG. CONTR. '0~6_ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION )THER STRUCTURE, GIVING INSPECTION TICKET R PROPERTY LINE AJOB DDRESS -:L30 $ (d 5 P&k _ Jury Ygl3~ Sr DATE: z BLDG. PERMIT# p PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. 19 6-6-- T PROPERTY LINE SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. S- 02. i HOUSES,STREETS,AN !ERAGE DISTANCE. TYPE OF INSP. a MBING; ELECTRICAI INSPECTION MADE_ 2-g THE INDICATED WORK 1TE OF ISSUANCE IF WI REMARKS CST PLUMBING PERN LICENSE NO BSM -IS-Ti W.R. FORM 6-19 DSET yL W.R. FORM E79 f HEATING POWER SUB-CIRCUITS GARBAGE DISP. WATER HEATER UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO.WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES I hereby acknowledge that this applica- tion is correct and understand that I cannot start this project until this apPli- eation is approved. I shall comply with the lows of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will Cause immediate revocation of this permit. Applicants signature CHIEF BUILD CONTRACT PRICE $ _ 300 oa City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued Z i q/ UNLESS RECEIPTEJD- . t 4~L 4- 13 L _I_(I I CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO.MP91#3240 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. - Nr('LIVI.]~yV1Y 1 VI\IJ VLLLMIYLVVJ I LI\IJOB ADDRESS -'~3 OS !r/esT ,38 ~~T /V`'r° OWNER CONTRACTOR 40. G PIcr 4';6 y- IG ADDRESS Fr ADDRESS ZI/L S PHONE 761'1 -3 / 51 7IP000Ed'o'111 CITY ZIP CODE ~G I:ONTRACT PRICE $ ~ ,5O - PHONE 7;7d' OJ-3C LICENSE NO. 1. TYPE Ground ❑ Woll❑ Proiecting❑ Other S or D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ At -'.'^ne Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D' 1. TYPE Solid❑ More Than 80% Open❑ Lees Than 80ah 2. MATERIAL FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ Approved,Zons Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. OTHER 2. 13. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE, SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) SPECIFY NORTH STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOiADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO, .ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH MECHANICAL PERMIT NO. FML;C'adeOne Gas Oil Propane Cod Elee Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL / HOT WATER BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refrigerant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO.WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES 1 hereby acknowledge that this applico- tion is correct and understand that 1 cannot start this project until this appli- cation is approved. I shall comply with the lows of the Stole of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immediate revocation of this permit. saamants sienatare - A" PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE APPROVED CI-d CHIEF BUILDING City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued /79_~ CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS s INSPECTION TICKET JOB BUILDING DEPARTMENT ADDRESS ,30 a-"-Q' { 237•6944 Ext. 255 DATE: BLDG. PERMITS PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. PE vV"~, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Correction Notice 3 Job Located at DATE INSP. REQ. -*==9 V - TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADe " - REMARKS W.R. FORM 619 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws governing same: ~ h.:...... m U' fem r............................................... , S, 6" C..... C,L.<' 5,...:...... (.a...j.:.vT- a~,........... Z ' You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Inspector for Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6-33 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT m q/ 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO. / (m( 3 237-6944'EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APP CAT'IOlN FOR MISCELLANEOUS 7 MIT JOB ADDRESS 36 y1 wfs7T?s llyi'IT I OWNER t l7Sr_ CIsLLl~/' f 5•/f•o,A~Jeyt Ltr~7e✓1. CONTRACTOR- "Or~ ~i/ £ra`'Y2£ Lr~r7 ADDRESS -3 C, S LtiES T 3S Ac ADDRESS r' cf 2 Sry• EC/_'/Ct 17 tZ~tr' PHONE ZIP CODE s CITY 4 4 &&17 " ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ ~r-a o`er -'1!0[- f0 y LICENSE NO. 1. TYPE Ground [3 Wull❑ Proiecting❑ Other S or D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. TYPE Solid[] More Than 80% Open❑ Less Than 80% Open MATERIAL Height FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zone_ Approved,Zone Inspector (Soecifv which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved I. OTHER 2. w i T6¢LL /~c,~ r 5 r , 13. Z~ ct S TdF~ C' cq;Qr l7 L r L r DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) i J -1- SPECIFY NORTH STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO-ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. MPUIT Wu I FYPIRF 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE !F WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME ELECTRICAL PERMIT LUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. TATE LICENSE N0. ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL BSM I ST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO FUEL:CirdeOne Gas 011 Propose Cod Elee Solar NO. R CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASHBOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS ER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING P OTHER HEATING AGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS R HEATER Refri grant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) . WASHER Pounds Charge WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIXTURES WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS R DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS L TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS RS ADDITION TO OLD WORK R MOTORS OVER I HP FIXTURES L FIXTURES I t thi lica- PERMIT FEE s app 1 hereby acknowledge tha tion is correct and understand that I USE TAX cannot start this project until this appli- cation is approved. I sholl comply with TOTAL FEE the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building APPROVED Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any DISAPPROVED- violation of the above terms will cause CHIEF BUILDING immediate revocation of this permit. 0 rt-L $ia` ,City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued~ Applicants signature NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIPTED CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS j:3Q S J 8 DATE: '41`' BLDG. PERMITM I66.~ ~ PrEFIMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR- - 1 DATE INSP. REO. TYPE OF INSP.U INSPECTION MADE DMZ REMARKS W.R. FORM 619 G~~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 237-6944. EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. PERMIT NO. ME91#4709 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APPLICATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS P MIT h JOB ADDRESS 3OT Q 3stn' ne_.E t= OWNER /44 f ro LL... CONTRACTOR IJ t_A 2s7 ~ - CO ADDRESS 115 She n, M M~J &,V- 5~i_63 ADDRESS I ~S ra C L ~A t1-t0 S'r PHONE / ;Id 0. 7 Y to ZIP CODE CITY bE/.)UfM- ZIPCODE 2017--3 CUNTRACTPRICE$oy- PHONE 60i2i -iba,t LICENSE NO. DATE 2 -24-1/ 1. TYPE Ground El Wall[:] Proiecting❑ Other S or D Face SIGNS 2. MATERIAL 3. ILLUMINATION Yes[] No❑ Type Total Square Feet Elect Permit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specify which is front ) _ ❑ S E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ . Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector Disapproved 1. TYPE Solid❑ More Than 80% Open❑ Less Than 80% Open 2. MATERIAL Height FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (Specify which is front) _ ❑ S_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ Zone- Approved,Zons Inspector Disapproved 2. OTHER 3. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) -1- SPECIFY NORTH PPnNT STREET NAME_ SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO, ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOMEA PERMITTO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0.-/3602 PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE 8ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO. FUEL:Circl$One6oa011Propane Cod Elec Solar NO. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refri !rant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Pounds Charge FI%TURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B NTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES REMARKS WLl & halt-J A l 414)d I hereby acknowledge that this applica- tion is correct and understand that I cannot start this project until this appli- cation is approved. I shall comply with the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of the City of Wheat Ridge. Any violation of the above terms will cause immediate revocation of this permit r Ar PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE CHIEF BUILDING a NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIPTI P V0$!l Sb', $d Is 130, Jyo -0 City of Wheat Ridge Date Issued'/--I ✓ CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS 40i,lieanb Sienamre INSPECTION TICKET Jos ADDRESS ..r ~ rI BLDG. PERMITH DATE: PERMITS BLDG. CONTR. ~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATEJNSP. REQ. CL TYPE OF INSR INSPECTION MADE REMARKS W.R. FORM 619 ri INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS 3O~ JZjC a/ DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# V7,7 PERMITN BLDG SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. ~a- ~ INSPECTION MADE Z~1-21- REMARKS W.R. FORM 6-19 ✓ BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237-6944 Ext. 255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE a ♦ Correction Notice ~ 7-s 2~ ~j~ ~ Job Located at ';t 1:2 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises a have found the following violations of City and/or State la governing samer ....1. /t.... G'.5......`'~.....`:5.... . 2..: vG ~ c~ 1 ,,~~o Ca u~-~ - .-1.... f~.. ~ ......~.~J.. ~~2 ..1 1-5:.:. You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violati< When corrections have been made, call for inspection. ° Date " Lk f........ ~ ~ inspector for Bwldin9 Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FONM WR6-SI. INSPECTION "7i:," --i JOB -2- ADDRESS --s ` DATE: BLDG. PERMITN c R C~ PERMITN BLDG. CONTRa1 SUBCONTRACTOR -0ATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. ~ INSPECTION MADE 1? REMARKS O~C W.P. FORM 6-79 J . / ~ . INSPECTION TICKET Joe ADDRESS DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# V70 . PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. W , ~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS W.R. FORM E19 / a INSPECTION TICKET Joe ADDRESS ry~ ~ Y~ DATE: ~ BLDG. PERMIT# `F7.2~ PERMITB i BLDG.CONTR_ ~ SUBCONTRACTOR Cc ~i DATE INSP. REQ. a TYPE OF INSP. " ~ . INSPECTION MADE <9- REMARKS W.R.FOr RM619 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS J _ 3 0 S W--5 e~ rh~ 71 DATE: -a-9 BLDG. PERMITM 70~j PERMITA BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. q- a0 ~ !?J TYPE OP INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS o W.R. FORM 6-19 / c au c aL.a ror+ 133rs OtlddV 3tra 0 f~ nm w m D; z m m C7 N R 202 M NO ~ m M= N vc) a0 zm m= r 'f cm v 70 m O,i&07ldM S310N l'd213N39 0 s.ov~a Ae aarnisra a'ra a Ae mrswani -nnrazrn Av-wsa rnM am niat anksw rnM -rn h00N AVIq N STMM XJOLI37i5 77Y O 'dLL .0-.1-.9t/C tsu-xs (oiU T3ssna airuao T64-9C9 (9tf) 'Y3CpW AONYS lDYD= 7Y'tl A8 Q3MSIMifL{ 511311 110! Z6LL-9fD (9lf) X3WSiIM'0 3l30 1OV1NM 'JY'l11Y NOLLYMGN00.7 NOILo11MiSN0o UO.d 2{31b'321J V u0-,6 Jr0-10 @ NOl1dA313 l1dM 3sve meena 11001! 'Nu ♦ X t MYO ~ /Wil 3T8 = N N rmu ma -I \ : MVd 15MlOC3 0 1N3S30M^JHI Q31Nf1011 TYM ~ 1tDn AiiLS 1/mSaNOfRi 38RL t'li f F--~i -y SH37 OLLYIISitld /M 1SYIV81ilA11FClW /M 10i103i! NI-AV'I 1l3753yp(I'w 3g(LLy f X Z (D .0 _.~-.2/1 . SN31 OLLY/6qld /M Y34 i0iLL NFAY7 1h3J.fadDffU 3Bfii-t s % Z ~ NvIa VNnraa stoawus lvotato3u nO s.roY•a Ae ¢rrnisNi royv xe mNStnani 38 01 SdGLil31Nf10o OM' S13NI6v:1'f SLYW (Z) d0 MVO lVtllILYN 38 OL Siq00 ONY 513N18Y;1 Z 9-LfCO 31B93d 1WNOSlN1. 38 oi s3om aNr saol a3twqo rv I NOl1`dn313 13NI8do Oe 3W 'OY7! AI N3F6YMFiSii NI-7701 3lBV1MOd .i~ I o-J-. a/1 NOlldA313 13N18b'O O ~~u~c .TLWIWIIUfi.~. . . ~ aaiMAL coerwna+s 1. THESE PUNS ARE W7ENOQ W1t71T. 7}IESE PUNS ARE I AND NOT GUARAN}EM 7p E i THE GENEM CON7pA7CO(t RESPR158ti FOR PERFOR11a FOILONViC /W. NA7IdUL 5 A-CQIiFR IS NOT RESPONg PERFaRYm BT 7FIE GQ OR 1 GFNFRAL CONTRACfOR TO M AND IS R6PW9BlE FOR M V759EC710N BfFdtE SLBYlil1 4. RFNT-A-CFNiER MRL C011P1 WSPECIIW Of IIMROVEyQn wwa usr m n+e mOwu ACCFPTANCF. N 1HE EVf7iT COYPIEIFD N JO OAYS REtI' RE]/S .WO eEnlrr ~r rnr TO RFPRESFNT R.AC DE9CN D BE US€D /S A 6yMNE ACQIRA7E /OR 195 SLB-COM7RACTORS ARE 11E AND ICCAL COOES uREN7 ~15 ~ CCDE NOUifqVS °Fl' DMMG ~ca+anoers E70SIINC 7E}Iµi SpAC£ G ANY BIOS lE A FlNAL WIW(-7HRU AND MILI. PRONDE A NR1TTp! CONTRActoR vwoa ro Fw,LL 'UNCH LIST RFJ15 ME HO? •A--CQiiER M41_ COYREiE 7FIE 0. CELNC TO BE A UY-A1 ACOU; ~c svu~'nonaDro e ey i d n.tics G.C. m vieoVIDE rtE ; AND REOUREp RfM01t1C OF ANY PiSTALLATON 10 YEEi FRE COf Is REanem m MEEr ntxr-n- 7• AL7. OOORS i0 BE N.G MOOp, p GC TO VEPoFY L18k1 GOOFtS t CODE AND TO NOTFY Rdr_u 2 X t 1II.E 1M7H MFIITE GPoD. Mt PIN/ idt NeCFiT. m. (uw. a-n) Ex oxAw+cs iC wRwna ' tL00R, ~ PLAN ' M'/ FRAMES. BY RACS GG ONS F REO'0. BY OF REOI1RFUCUTc . P~INT 6RADE BIRQi P/UNT 7RW TO YATOi~WNl~• TO F S PRONDE KEYED LOLX St~S AT BOlH OFFlCE COORS vROHUe ~rm oew ear Ar reEAe ooan uu cruNOm LOG6ET A7 FRONT OWR Y. RAC'S G.C. RESPqIyIBLg Fpp ALy p~~M ARCHTTECr. AAND FNfiNEF7tS FEFS C-0' „ J 1/2' PRCVIDE YW. 3 CAL MATER HEA7EN BELOW. 41K (BY R.AG'S C.G) RESTROOM - Cl'G. M. 8'-0' aa+c rzoort HO?L PRONUE NE~Y 4Y WOE H.4. DOOR (ar rt.n.c's cc,) (V4R7FY LOC W/ TFNI~ TFN (RY ACCT. ~ MGR. Wc Hr. 1o•-o• 10. PRONUE FpJ,OwNC RESiltppy ACCESyMEy.. (BY LANOLpRO) WL 16' X 24' YIRRpq 1I55LE 01SPENSER OWAUST FAN t OUpIDC pU7LE7 pgOyE uVATORY. It. Ill CEM9NC PARTttI0N5 BY LANpLppp REACY TO REpEyE FWig{Q FlMSfiES: t. AL. wALtS (WCLUpNC SiORAQE RESR200Y. OFFICES TO 8E PNN7ED M17p MWUY (2) cpAfi INiQnpq Ura E~MEL' FV& qi - PAINTWC TO BE BY RACS C.C. ' -GEVOE-1H KG MFS}1NNp (OFF y~ITE) OR EWAL . -4I7'TSBURG- 80-710 WN.L FCDE FORYUTA- l- {S ST10T F- 1 7/2 SNOT B- 1 SqT 0- 1 -BEHJA►IM YCORE RWS-OT - 10 gp7~ fA OY 88-6 gq}5 . -SFiiRS- CREY VE1VEf 073- AC (90)15 AEL MOOD 7PoY 70 BE PNNTFD 00. 84SE SFitl-fypSS 2 . OtSPLAY MEA ~ FVPo~114 DG5 GC) iMRU DECOR 7R01 AT N.L 9iEE71tOdf R.A.C. MSTALL ' PER DETK. 7NS qUMNG pRFfppg m~ Y AREA k aAIR RAL FURN' BY RAC WSfAl.tm BY RAC'S RG 1 CARPET Fl1RN. BY RAG . NSTPL1.m BY RA.G'S C.C. (SUI+RISE CARpE'f YG15 PIE7t Ppp(T pis) RAG'S G.C. i0 RF]IOVE ALL E'1057ING FLOOR COVQtlNGS 4. NNYL BASE TD BE Fl1FW. BY R.AC AND WSfALLm Au wuts av tEAsf ,wEn. occErr sraucE ,uREw WSTALiID BY R.AC'S C.C. NdSTN1m ATN ~ ML ME0.S CAItPE'f 4EEiS 7liE 7LLE OR EXPOSED CCNCtESE NnN.IID BY RA,G'S G.C. 7 CpIPU7pt 1ElEPNONE ONE DEqG7Ep 3. W1tt 12' X 12' CG1?CSi,ON TiL" AT XIiUtEN AREA AND QiiRT' TJ sE NRNI571m 7HRWQ1 R.A.C. AND INSTALLE.p p((t PLAN• TLE TO BE TARIETf NNri 'EJJXPRE590NS COLLECT'ON` 7HRU-CHIP 0514. PATfEPtN TD R{M IN SA11E D:RE:iidl INSTALLED BY RA.G'S GG YECNANIGLL: 1' LANDLORD To Fl7RN191 t MSTALL REGUIRED 14EA7INC, AIR CONDfSlONlNrn DUC7INC, AND dfFUSERS AT A YWIYUY L,OAp eF i fnx voR asa so. rr. I rA AREA. oucrs ro ee r [NStJV~TED• 3UPPLY AIR qFFUSBS TO BE { WAY qFFl15EAS IN OFFiCES, PERfORATID YETAL UY-IN OIfFUSERS W CISPUY AREA AND SiORAGE 2 LANOUMD TO pRONOE GAS TO XV/AC SY51EL w/ sereu~ METx. PlIlY81N4 1. RAG'5 RC Tp pppyME WALL YTD. SERNCE y7NK N17H N.M. k CW. FAUCET 7p XAVE HOSE ATiAOIYENT ~ RpffGSro. m FOR LOGTION. 2 FURNSN AND WSTALL YM. 3 CAL IYiR. HEAIER x u~rint o Furat wcAna+. TptET AND M RW91 AND INSTALL TANK TYPE _ N.L UVATqtT. - X4 SiWP FI%tUAES n 10'-0' I (LIQiTINC TO BE PROVIDm 2 rROHOe u Kt wwr uo COUNTER (BY LANDLORp) 3. PRONDE QtFRGFNCY IJOfTI 4. PRONDE SNp,E PqE 51Nn S. PRONDE IX17LEi5 PER PW 6. PRONDE pr!ONE JACXS PER 700'~: - cAw counmc ~ ' Cf 51N } ( e-a o JY FURN. BY RAC. WSTALLm BY ' K W/ FtG YD. RAC S C.C k ~ ~ 8188 AITAOWpR ~ MGR 36' M X 4' H.ONE WAY N90N WO_ ~ ~ C .AC'S RC) . I~ ' , BY R A 'S GC) .v GRPET RUBBER 1RM151T10N SiPoP ^ NRN. BY R.A.C. ^ ~ m aSPUr INSTNIED BY RA.G'S GC ~ Q7 3-6 X a C 110. 1u~ ~ VWn nME FtoaR NR17• 9Y R.A.C. NSTAIdID BY RAC'S.GG ~ GfTS ~ TORAGE a'c xr. ~a~ . ~ ~ ear~a ~uwc L ~m «mars • w~-a- - a u. rrx rn. N sraR. w. QC) ~ . ~0 WrR. HEATER t S7KK TO BE RESIOVID. (SY LANCLOqp) PARTITION LEGEND ~ NESY 3-5/8' 47L $TUDS O 16' O C CpY}R &A, gpE W/ Y LANDLORD 9EY L~INOLORD ~/~~9NG PAR71710N - ' K(TCHEN B HN1L 7IL,EC-0' No~ cxmM nUE ro ruie A b ~ . ~ aisrouot oRM conIMR f- Fua+. er R.A.C. r S• _ . NSTALLm BY RAGY C.G CABME'!S ANO COUNTE7t TCPS FJRN. :7 R.,tG WSTALLID BY RAG'S GR MiD. 42' AFf. T1P. 3 MfES ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS 9- 770 V OUPLE]( 0 12' AFF. UNL65 H01FL w/ CpyEp ~ - SIH0.E POIE 5wfTGf ► - m.ErHa,e ,u« • ,r ArF. w/ cowt 220 V RECFPTCAL - 9RYER • l Y AFF 220 V RECEP7ICAL _ ;IµGE • 12' A.FF pRCUfi 80iH 220 V RECEP. TO- cETHex Fav APru,wce fErnxe a+Lr. U17-3 PIIASE PANE3, k SERNCE, : tLU0RE5CQlT UY-W CRO55 LEASE AREA . STORACE 70 BE 4', 2-NBE TNE LETlG7H OF 7HE ROOY. LWDLORD.) t X 4 4 iUBE) OVER $Alp$ F RECIRRED PFtt COOE (B_Y I.ANDlORO) AS 910MN. (8Y LANpLaliD) 10 DPOSFD CONIXA75)L (BY LANULORD) JJ.(BY RACS GC) ~ T.V. asPUr cASINEr FURN. 9Y RAC. WSTALLm BY RA.C'S GG DISPLAY CL'C HL 10'-O' CARPET FLOOtt PLAN T1s•_v_- a,-__ STOREFRONT BY UNOLORO ALll1L C1A55 ENm ooarc BY UNDLptp RUBBER 7RAN9110N STRIP- F11RN. BY R.IC NSiN.LID BY RAC.S G.C. NNK TILE FLppR NRN. BY R.A.C. WSLV.LID BY RAC.'S 6C GENERAL NOTES FOR CpNSiHUC110N COpROINAIION AT RAC CON7ACT GQ7E DANITSLt1IX, t-80p-422-3131 FN7FR GTECORY 4. / 6' APPrtovm er. ~ ~ m T ~ ~ 4 ~ 0 LESSM DAIE APPRO Y• L~~, s W~ ~J Zm W= V Q N W ~ ay I.V = ~ W N > Wui Z Qa W L ~ GU 1 OF 2 Permit Number Building Permit ; 19420 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ 7500 West 29TH Avenue 1 ~~26~2005 _ Wheahidge, CO 80033 ' ` . ltlSp6CtlOn LinB . . 303-235-2855 CtycEV~AeueEredee 4~ . . 303-234-5933 Commercial Sign ~ . ~ PROPERTY $305 . : 38th AV . . . . Urilt: . : owivEx: Ridge Village (303) 741-6644 Description . . . . . . . Remove existing sign. Install new D/F Center display 8'4" wide on brick base to match street scape @ 15' OAH. , FEES Fees ' Due Paid Use Tax $.00 $.00 : Plan Review Fee $212.36 $212.36 PermitFee $326.70 $326.70 Total Fees $539.06 $539.06 . . . . . . . . . . _ ,(,FG . . . . . CONTRACTORS ~ V ti • Ob Name License # Phone Gordon Si n Co: 18033 000 629-6121 Units: Occupancy: Walls Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: 0-IherebyurUfy6atWesetbackdishncuproposedbytLispermi[applicatlonareaccwa[qantldouotNOlnteapplicableoNinauces,tWesorregNationvoftheCity a( : . Wheai Ridge or eoveneuts, evsemenb or r'ctions ofrecard; tha[ a easurcmenls sM1Owu, znd allcgalions mede vre accuiafe; [hat [ 6ave rend aud s~ee ro a61de by allaontltUOOSptlueedovthisappliaa[ionNvtlasmmefu res WtytairompliaucewiththeWheetRidgeBuildingCode(L.B..)ands~o[herappllcable , Whea[Ridgeordinances,forworku , d Nispe f4 . l,o a~ . (OWfiER)(CONTRACTO . . . . SICuYIDDATE . . . . 1Tlus pemwitwas issued in aaordevee 'th fM1e provisions se[ fotlh in yaur appGCation antl Is subjec[ m the laws of the SmteofColando and to tLe Zanmg . .RegWatlousvvdBuildingCOdeofWheatRidge,ColoodooranyaNerapplicableordinanaaofNeCily. . ' . 2 Everypermi[iuuedshdlberomeinvalidunlevsWex'ohkonttiesi[eauFlioriiedbysuchpermitiscommenceAwLAin180daysafhrtlsissuance,oriftM1ework; auehorizetlo¢thesiiebysuchpermitlssuspendedorabantlonedferapetlodo(180daysaflerthetimeo(workismmmencetl. l If[M1iapermitexp4w,auewpe.rmi[maybeacqulredtorafeeofonahelfNeemamtnormallyrequGed,prondednocM1engaheveAeenorwill6emadeintheorlgiuilpiam and spaifications and eny suspension or a6andoumen[ has mt ezaeeded one (I) year.lfchanges are mede or ifsospemion or abvudanment uceedsane(I)yeayfullfeessAa116epaitltoranewpermiL . 4. NoworkofanymeunusM1allbedanetbatw111cheogeNenaNnlOOrvofwaterreusingadraiwageproblw. 5 Contrac[orshellnatifytLeBoildinglnspeclortweuty-fwr(34)M1OUrsinedvence(orallinspectiona vvdsha0receivewritlmvpprovalanimpationcardbetore p ceediugwiths ecessivePM1%sesot[he'o6. . . . b The issua rm [ o apyro1 af drawin s d p ufihans shall mt be mnstrued m be a permn foy ¢ar an epproval of, any vioLfion of fLe . . pro ' ov wl des . an na; law, mle or rcgulntloo. . . . . . 1 CNefBuiidinglnsPec[or . . . . . ...SIGNEDDATE . . ' . ' Thursday, October 27, 2005 . . . . . Page 1 of 1 . . . Building Permit PermitNI742O ~ CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 we5t ZvTH avenue •'~~}10/26/2005 wheazridge, Co 80033 Inspechon Line 303-235-2855 :Gtyot+sman~Aye 303-234-5933 Commercial Sign PROPERTY 530$ 38th Av Ulllt: owrvER: Ridge Village (303) 741-6644 Description Remove existing sign. Install new D/F Center display 84" wide on bnck base to match street scape @ 15' OAH. Authorized By guilding Approval Zoning Authorized On 10/27/2005 Approved By CR Ok w/ notes Authorized By ZoningApproval Zoning C-I Authorized On 10/26/2005 Approved By JI-I Must be 10' from righhof-way, cannot cut into city fence / post sliucture on 38th Ave. Thursday, October 27, 2005 Page 1 of 1 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . : of WHEqp DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Pemrit Number: b ~ ; a BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: !e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1(~1 ~ m 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE i . C~C ORPO~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-235 2855) ~ APPLZCAZ,IVN i Properry Owner: Property Address: .6-3425 Phone : ~l~41o;W Contractor License No.: 184)33 ~ Company: ~.~Z?9/V~~~y Phone: i OWNER/CON7RACTORSiGNATGREOFUivDERSTAtYDINGahD AGREE14EIVT . ~ - I hereby cerlify thaY the setback distancu proposed by lhis petmit applica[ion are Construction Value: accurate, and do not violate applicabfa ordinances, mles or regulations of the City of Pel'Illlj I+'ee: W heat Ridge or covenan4, easaments or reslrictions of record; that all measurements . ~ . shmvq and allegations made aze acwratz; that I have read and agze to abiAe by all Plan ReV10W Fe2: ~ conditions prin[ad on this application znd that I usume full responsibility for USe'I'aX: compliance with the Wheat Ridge Buifding Code (U.B.C) and all olher appticable WheatRidgeOrdinances,forworkunda}I'~ertnit. TOt2.l: , 06i44i6R)(CON'IR4CTOR): SIGYEq~//~Y ~ DA Description: ~~YdQ/~ /S~7HG C~2/ ~ " •~i'~~~~ -i6,f/ BUII,DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY / SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONING COMMENTS: - Approval: J~ fo•Lfo-Os - x~vst be (o r f/~ fi~lnf -o-f-~+/AY ~upHOf cvf ikfa Zoning: C_1 Ci+Y {Pt~ct/pa3~--J-~-A/-~ ~Ave_ 1 i~' I la uuL~~.,._: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: ~O~ ~ ;'-e~ 4 ° PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: ---W Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Companv: Residential Units: Mechanical License No: Company: E,Ypiration Date: Expirauon Date: ExpiraUOn Date: Approval: Approval: Approcal: (1) This perttiit was ismed in accordance wi[h the provisions se[ foM1h in your application and is subjzc[ m tl;e larxs oCi : SL [e of Colorxdo md to thz Zoning Ragulations and BuilAing Codu of Wheat Ridce, Cobrado er any other applicable ordinances ofchc City (2) This pnmit shall cYyirt if (A) thc work authoiized is no[ co.-mnenced within sixty (60) Aays imm issue dzm or (B) thx builAinS authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of LO Aays. (3) If this petmit cxpires, a new pennit may be acquired for a fze of one-halCtha amount nomully require4 Fovided no chanyes hnve been or will be maAe in the onFjnal plaris and spzcilwa[ions and any suspension or abar.donment haz not csceeded one (I) yev. If changes have ozen or it susprnsion or abandonment exceeds one (I) year, fWl f es shall be paiA for a new pertni[. (4) No woci of any mxnnu sFw116e done Nat will change thz naNral flow ofwater causiny a dninage pmblem. (i) Contractor shaLL notify 1he Building Inspector [wenty-four (24) hov[s in advance for all inspections and shall receive n'titmn apprwai on inspection card beCom proceeding with succasive phxses of thejob. . (G) The issuanee of rt pamiit or 1he appmval of drawings anA specifiw[ions shall not be consaucd to be a penni[ tor, r.oc an xppmval of, any viola[ion o2 the pmvisionsof:hebuilAingcoAeso:anyotheror celaw,mkorregulaeion. . CluefBuililingIns tor " ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ `V_ ~ J ~ .c ~3~'~~~'~,~~~„~ ~~Ab f~~~~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ao F'veyc S ~ ~ o.Q2vo 2~ 1 ~ 0 tA 7 ~ \l1 l >p r- Z T J Z z N 00 v L 2 ~ u, a Q ~ ~ ~ V13 J ~ ~ ~ u ~ . ~ ~ ~ f a S $ ~ ~ Z ~ d ~ Z~ y C a S a ~ W (j y J „ ~ U) O ~ ` o ro O N E d ~ L R ~ N A E ~ 41 C L W O1' C W 01 > 'y a a ~ II y W « > ~ ~ a~ i LL, cc L r / N V ~ N ~ O $ K tn o IY c r J ~ Q ~ ~ 7 tA oa ~ H~ I CL !r' ~l Ucd ~ IM d N y tA y $ ~ FA N L 3dyu d ■ ~ . - y N 1 ai [ ~ ~ / ~ ~ l'! a 01 T r (4) O 3~c O ~ a;$ ~ L U) W C 0-0 ~ ^ C ~y ti ~ [1~ ~ 3 O N ~r Q o ~ a r~n y^1 - 7 O O ~ T Z o n N N m Y U ~ Y Y 2 ~ w E N 7 N N d N 0 C ~ C ~ I v' Y/ M C ~m2 Q C U d ;a ; o m ~ ~ t7 'E 'O N Y OMZ C y A m C ~j 0 u O1 09 ° a c ~ ~N N Y ~ w ~ 3 O a m L d zl 9 m 9 m m C m O a ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ W 9 d d c V 3 a 0 d N Q ❑ ~ m 'O N d c 3 0 a a c 0 0 rn d ~ C n ❑ tm a c c N = o ~ LL 'x ~ c y s y t v 3 m s 0 o a _ O a d A ~ E a ❑ 13 m o VZ w ° ~ ~ ~ 0 . x o m = } y y N ; 'v ai ❑ C C +4'~ a1 O y C 9 C oi R o C ~ y Yf a x O x Q v t C C N y Z > w L V o N ~ 3~' O ~ y W N i O J ~ a a l~ l l ~ 9 13 o dZ ❑ y d C } N N 13 U ❑t~ dw V ~ N a0 o o d ~r - ~ ~Rd 0 3a ❑~E ~N (D C ~rO ca ~ y m ❑ac Y u O a c ° 13 9 N i ad+ y a ~ E C Y ❑ ~ O 0 3I ~I Z a N J a N z a N 0 Z m 0 (7 « u z O Y ~ ❑ ~ N ? °m a~ z V ~ ir lL N p, ~ a~ ~ W p o z O1 } ooZ ,o TO ~C~1 } ~m NN N 13 O cry N 9 y c ~~rn L ~ y 3 y T ~ Cc cC0 W t7 ~ . O OI 7 d L A > Q Y cc ` WI U~o~ z T ` o y O J ~ O ` ai y Z c 0 U y N ~ m d N 7 C ~ ' J - m U ~ - G. O y y a ~ ~ uY = a U V o d z ~ n = z m ` a _e y a 9 N d d t N 0 A I~ N y ~ LL ox _ = C q ' Y I 13 ❑ 1.L+ ❑ y C E d-. 7 E 7 L ~ m ura E G~iw ~3 y~Qm d13 y13a~ UI IWI w I 0 Z ❑ Y ❑ ti A ~ ~ > 0 e e e m ~ d 9 J F 0 a 8'_4" Revisions: 2-4" $i-011 G: 32/05 Add notes i & dimensions. 2p„ 6'-7" H: 3/11/05 ~ Add Footer I: 8/9/05 Fabricated aluminum cap with li9httexture finish. _ T Painted Sherwin Williams WR3-733 Change Cabinet Color J: 8/1 S/OS 1/8" aluminumface painted light beige with vinyl copy. Add Voltage NI Aluminum cabinet with light texture finish, painted Sherwin Williams WR3-733 0 v White poly carbonate face with standartl "King Soopers" vinyl. Gordon Sign Meets UL 3630-33 Red and 3630-015 yellow. Safety Requirements 'v I ° I Client: Robert Perry & Assoc. mmmmmm Brickbase overCMU block 38th & Sheridan 2 J~WZMOW base with metal cap to match Wheatridge, CO existin Wheatrid e sVeetsca e 9 9 P. Account Re p.: wHEar M. Bonkoski 'f'o '"c Date:2/16/04 Drawn By: J. King 3'-8" x 11'-4" x 12" Deep Double (T-12 Illumination) Scale: Noted concrete pad with #6 rebar „ o o File Name: set 8" O.C.. Scale: 3/8 - Ridge Viliage Revised Wheat Ridge Buitding Department 7_23-04 8" Dia. steel pipe support QVed (Sales Drawings/M. Bonloski) set in concrete footer 3'-0" Dia. x 7.75' deep 't A.~ 1.9 Yds concrete. ~ D !3 IGDINGOF f~c?110^s GORDON SIGN ; ~ ~ ~ ~ d The issuance o 1 a Peimi t a a p r o~ ~ P~ans~ s e~~ alidiry oi pert n : ~t ~ a y~ approval of, any vioiauon to d and compuWlions shall nol be a pem! ordinances. U' any of the provisions of the buildmg code a of ~y City perTpts presuming to give authoritv+n violale or cancel the provisions of tf~e 2930 West9th Avenue building codes or e!h°t ordinances ot the Ciry shall not be valid. oenvar, coiorado sozoa 303-629-6121 / Fax: 303-6291024 . denverdesign@gordonsign.com Drawing # OO This tlesign is ihe exclusive property o( Gortlon Sign and cannot be reproduced either in whole or in part without iheir wnsent 1 0-0671 $-I ~ GoNenS~pnwlllmtluW~adDSelymelNwlw¢NtluWpPM6wh5vAwn¢petlndWeonrwlpuuanleeemqm+ItlivSNebwyinB~~~Mba~~emalelukuWpenbusntl.