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5500 W. 38th Avenue
, :2 7 westmetro Fire Rescue PERS DA1t1E 433 sura Lakewood, $0226 (303) 989-4307 0 st?7 CONSTRUCTION IT INSPECTION PROJECT NE Photovoltaic system t 97 tYP CATE ISSUED LOCAn Q/17/2 03 550 38th AvenueOCCUPANCY E� 283 8369 9LtRE FEET VAAl YEID AREA iVVVEC 0 Roof [r is PH FAX Ea Iowa i m7cTC } 859-8597 2! us o Solar i { 9 STATE E s R TADDRESS NATE, BP 80301 i M ion 0 Wild r ss '3 ext cad Cimonamommawwwomm PON iNkuwxnmmmmnm Permit le e1 ree Date BY- Solor photovoltaic SYStOm APPLICABLE NFPA TO BE BUILT ADHERING TO THE APROVED IFC, STANDARDS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. Additional changes may be required upon field inspection. A one week ounce isreqani i s heddie ids eeticaa�. Date B d Marking Conduits r,,,j Marking of DC disconnect1�-- C -i - 090 Rai efty- Access pathways Roof access; points and perimeter este BY. - Signature B . -i nat+ lock Plan Reviewer d3nrstri�tar City of W he' � it j,ZIi dge COM M U N ITY () IN E, LOPM 1�`NT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date.- ;("'( Plawpe,mit # 't I � " P000*1*00*W 5500 W. 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 9 0,,- Ken Shiarella 303-421-5500 kshiarella@earthlink.net 1= Address - T ii 02=1TO I jlnlyi�� projects@customsolar.u! -859-8597 Custom Solar projects@customsolarus Electrical: 119 Electric Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Mechanical, WR CLN License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form CL M E Oq E Mc 40 a. p 0 0 Lu0 c CL , - g ?b ; - 3 b 1 r a's> a 9 E 0. 8 ................. =lZMAUHE e -00 e M ucj 78 o r � c 5 fn —0 E rill, f 10- f: j5 :k 3!k pw�'$ 0 cKv , �? � .-S E t CL -6 C= o M ash a a> W C4 M 9 42 .0 0 fur M E > IM------ ICU r CO 41 0 as to �Z ............. ...... ....... " 05- S -N IN CD W V� 64 c 4) '00 CIO 0) (0 M W lis X4� 3: 0 W E co c m tM E w. , ............. < Cc> ............ ........ U) zM z 0 4 E c Sim I 10 S 5!1 R i rd IRNRII� IT 0- �T I I ce, > CIO & 0- 0 'W two rd IRNRII� IT 0- �T I I i IN Pill OHIO! 11 1111 NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE @ ©■»«E®© ROOFI COMMERCIALADDITION\\ $ RESIDENTIAL RO2:\ RESDE zAL ADDITION ■ WINDOW REPLACEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STR(Garage,hed, deck, © RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE«.a«- shed, deck, e.. MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE RE- IR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEMIAPPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT »,«w 1wirw Sq. FULF Stu's Gallons Amps . . . ....... ..Squares . ... ... . . «er .. . . .. Boulder, CO %iilig Jia),as � i * �i nuL. March 10, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Building and Inspection Services 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: Wind and snow load calculations. (32) Panel Roof Mounted Photovoltaic Array The photovoltaic array frame and mounting system has been determined to meet or exceed wind and snow load requirement for the 2012 IBC. Wind: Three second wind gust velocity of 105 MPH, Exposure B Snow: Roof Snow Load of 30 pounds per square foot Project Address: 5500 W. 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Specifications: • Roof structure determined to be able to support additional loads from photovoltaic array, racking and ballasts. • Dead load: Panels and array @) 5.5 psf. • Pre-engineered Unirac RM Roof Mounting System, rails, hardware frame. • Mounting system will be ballasted with concrete ballast blocks. • Installation by qualified solar installer in accordance with Unirac RM Mounting System design manuals with instructions from engineer. • Panels to be attached to supporting rai Is using manufacturces hardware. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. From: Brad Umbarger Sent: Wednesday, April 13,2016 10-18 AM To: "projects@customsolar.us' cc: 'kshiarellaCa earthlink.net' Subject: Plan Review Notes Good Morning Willie, I have done an initial review of the dans submitted for the Solar Photovoltaic project at 5500 W.381n Ave, Plan #201600477. The following information is required to finish the review of the project: • Provide proof of plan submission to West Metro Fire Protection District. • Correction of the design to reflect compliance with the correct wines load exposure category C. • Specific information regarding the number, type, and placement of mounting supports for the mounting system used identifying the ability to withstand wind load requirements. • Specify access and pathways to show compliance with 2012 International Fire Code requirements. We will be able to continue with the plan review process once these items are received. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you. Brad Umbarger Combination Inspector City of Wheat Ridge Ph: 303-235-2.882 Email: 1 PROJECT TITLE: NONE PROJECT ID: 62D56A52 NaNone Address: None City, State: Denver, CO, 80212 Module: ReneSola JC260M-24/Bbv virtus or 24/Bb 260 Watts Designed by None RM -BALLASTED FLAT ROOF 32 - 260 Watt Panels 902 So Ft, &3 kWs Note: Blocks above with values greater than 4 require extra ballast bays. The proper number of bays are provided in the Bill of Materials,. The installer must install these extra bays as near to the indicated location as possible. Layout Dimensions NS Dimension: -25,8 It EW Dimension- -43,2 It Row Modules Buckets Ballast Stocks Ballast Weight 1 8 9 25 800 2 8 9 36 1152 3 8 9 33 1056 4 4 9 28 896 5 4 5 19 608 6 0 5 13 416 PROJECT TITLE: NONE PROJECT ID: 62D56A52 NaNone Address: None City„ staw. Denver, CO, 80212 Module', ReneSola JC260M-24/Bbv virtus or 24/Bb 260 Watts Designed by None RM -BALLASTED FLAT ROOF 32 - 260 Watt Panels 902 Sq Ft, 8,3 kWs Plan review In option Denver, CO Arent l?a 1 ------------ RM -BALLASTED Region Product: FLAT ROOF Module Manufacturer: ReneSola Total Number of Modules: 32 JC260M-24/Bbv Total KW: 8 KW Model: virtue or 24/Bb Total Area: 902 ftp Module Watts- 260 watts Total weight on roof: 6430 lbs, Module Length: 64,57 Racking weight: 161 ins Module Width: 39.06 Module weight: 1341 lbs Module I Thic I kne I as: 1.:57 - Ballast welght: 4928 lbs Module Weight: 41.90 lbs - Max Say Load (Dead): 173 lbs - Max Say Load ((lead + Snow): 601 lbs Ballast Block Weight: 32 lbs Max Stocks per Bucket: 4 Loads Used for Design Building Height: 15 it Building Code: ASCE 7-10 Roof Type: Mineral Cap Win I d Speed: I I 11 . 0 mph I Parapet I Height: I ft Ground Snow Load: 30 psf Roof Snow Load: 22,68 psf Seismic (Ss): 0,18 Wind Exposure: C Loads Determined by Zip City, State: Denver, CO Wind Speed: 115 mph Special Wind Region Ground Snow Load: 20 psf Average?, Minimum Seismic Separation: Array to ,Array. 3 in Total Number of Modules: 32 To Obstruction or Parapet: 6 in Total KW: 8.3 KW To Roof Edge (no Parapet): 9 in Total Area: 902 ftp Total weight on roof: 6430 lbs Max Array Dimensions (Seismic). Rackingweight: 961 lbs NS Dimension. 175 it d Moduleweight: 1341 lbs - EW Dimension. 146 It Ballastweight: 4928 lbs I 11ON IT, a 21 NQ OWN AWN -1011 & Iit 1, Importance Factor = 1 2. Building Height s 60 ft, 3. Roof Slope k 1,2* and < 3' 4, Topographic Factor (Kzt) = 1 5. ASCE 7-05: Basic Woo Speed 85-150 mph (!BC 20061ASGB 7-05), Wind Exposure: 8 or C. 6, ASCE 7-10: Basic Who Speed: 1104180 mph (IBC 20121ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: 8 or C. 7, Ballast Calculations are pased on ASCE 7-05 & ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing per ASCE 7-05 and ASCE 7-10 8, Ground Snow Load: 0-60 psf. (Reduction can be input if this is acceptable with your local building authority). Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, driffing, and sliding conditions, 9. Roof Snow Load: Reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7-05 with the following assumptions'. Exposure factor = 0.9, Thermal factor = 1 .2, Importance factor = I. Please verify these are appropriate for your site before using the max bay loads reported above, 10, Dead Load Due to Racking: 3.5 tbs. per ballast tray I I. Module Gaps (EAAO- 0.25 in, 12. Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, 8, C, or D as defined in IBC 20061ASCE 7-05, SEAOC PV1 -2012 describes Structural Seismic Requirements for Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays Minimum Separation Distance: SEAOC PV1 -2012 prescribes a minimum separation distance for unattached PV arrays on rooftops, Array Size Limits for Seismic: SEAOC PVI -2012 limits the size of an unattached array by the design strength of the system connections Assumptions: 1, For Unattached Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays 2. Array Importance Factor, to =1.0 3. Building Importance Factor, Is = I .O 4, Site Class = D 5, Separation (S) is to a qualified parapet or rooftop obstruction 6. Array to Array Minimum Distance = O.5 * S 7. Array to Unqualified Parapet Minimum Distance = 1.5 * S 8, Ss: Spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05 9, Sds: Design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05 10, A minimum module return flange of 0, gin (when using 1-3/4 in, clip bolts) is required for all RM installations 11. A minimum module return flange of 0.65in (when using 2 in, clip bolts) is required for all RM installations 12. Coefficient of friction used for calculations = OA Gardner W. Mein, P.E. City of Wheat Ridge BUM—T'g -V�f 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Wind and snow load calculations. (32) Panel Roof Mounted mounted photovoltaic Array The photovoltaic array frame and mounting system has hm I'lot Wind: Three second wind gust velocity of 105 MPH, Exposure Level c Snow: Roof Snow Load of 30 pounds per square foot PrOjectAddress: 5500 W. 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 8021 Specifications: • Roof structure determined to be able to suPPOTt additional l0ads from photovoltaic array, racking and ballasts. • Dead load: Panels and array @ T 13psf. Pre-engineered Unirac RM Roof Mounting System, rails, hardware frame. Mounting system will be ballasted with concrete ballast block$. Installation by qualified solar installer in accordance with Unirac RM Mounting System design manuals with instructions from engineer, Panels to be attached to Supporting rails using manufacturees hardware. If you have any questions or comiment.-- 9= Mein, F E. N I Ir- �4'-o tt}�1Uj i�il4,+t�llat ``l� Ltil k '�t",�PNt'�'Y` t lYi ` n1 he��T lt1Y 1��i�1 .: l�\ Z,ltli�t I ¢¢ gg � pp ! t i 1 1 �f 'v; t b v 1 1 3 1 k itl�in lulttf ,4��11�.t� "kt`tt .ccl 11� ��l�,��1z�� `t � tl�. i 11tY 1 1 ti li ilti � � Ottty t � liuP ., fill tt t1 t i1. �. lij \iP'4t� 1 Pt?111����"1••�� 1u�1 'P L Y Ih kh^��"�Y n k 1 1l t 11 `�ahti��� t. 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Max,vilum Powen Mmax! 185 w 189 W 193,N Ar axim,ton P.,wmr Cur mmt {knp 6,57 A 6,63 A 614 A Maximum Flower Vo4age tVmp) 28,2 v 28,6 v 215.3 v shorl Cw"'uR curmnk (I so') 7,12 A 7,20 A 7,27 A Open Orclut VoWage (*,,c� 35,0 v 3511 v 35,2 v Vahms at Nou sat OpwaN q C KAVIemperWwe, irradiance of Cts Wrm2, ,,gnrTnxm AM I � 5, tonti ent terngerahn 2VIC , wind apwcl I m's 4'00 Typo 6'riches 0 60 '6xlot pc"', 41 series Gass High Irmismission, Low tom, 1"em8t5-mW Miss, F,anio Anodq*d Muormurn ARoy J_,nction M ". Wfit',AP67 rated, M, 91 bypasm diNks DimcmWcm '64,6 x 39 x 1,6 inn ht,,, s ootput cabto 12 AW(',,, 19A inchas Weigh 4018 the hnsb,flalkx, Hok, Location See Drawing Above cord'amr iq'GP 401 GP 40'HO paitet"', pfe ("Orauhler 12 26 28 P,ecc,"s, p'n E amlahv 700 770 iempeuobom, Coeff£vemt 0[ Voc upmpomturo coeffic*nt of Isc Cmnthvent of pmax -0,4V,,foC Noaunal Operating CO (NOCT) 45oC + 2oC 4 Chn F - +10 M,aroffuan "Y"Aamt VcAtige IWOVDC (EU) f AWNDC (USS� May,jn,stsm Serie,,,, FuFm Ratmq 2(A (EUl,2,l',A (USS� SUNNY1 } °t \ 1\iW �� � 1 �a w � �� � �r '� �' 7', �. � � }� "�., � \5� `��' ixry�a 4 � G� \''' / � U u� ,n Qx "€ t �u� �.':„u� \ t\ �'��� � lev Ya`' U...0 5 h�nv t.� 1k�.. � � �c \C L "L SP S N} J" P`.ro� N 'i44i k wi e t 0 V 1 U ST h i k 77 1 0 L SUNNY BOY 0 0. 380OTL-US ' ,11! i Setting new heights in residential inverter performance The Sunny Boy 300OTL-US/3800[tsUS/400OTL.US/5000'TL-IJS/60001"L-US/700OTt-US/7700TL-US represents the next step in performance for tat certified inverters, Its trcansfornaedess design means high efficiency and reduced weight, Maximum power production is derived from wide input voltage and operating temperature ranges, Multiple MPP trackers and ptiTrac" Global Perak mitigate the effect of shade and allow for installation at challenging sites, 'The unique Secure Power Supply feature provides daytime power in the event of a grief outage, Nigh performance, flexible design and innovative features make the Sunny Boy Ti.-LJS series the first choice among solar professionals. Efficiency MOK� ells"ei ` cy CEC efficiency cy Protection devices DC deyke DC reversepolority Protection 3roond fault #a onitofing 1 Grid ntonitofing AC s,larasl drzv t protection staalsigve residirrcal current montioring anif Arc fouti ckcaait interrvp pet (AFCQ compliant to 141 16996 lir mase closs Overvabage category Generaldot* NiTFonsiorts ( H f ) in mm firs) iii; Disconnect dimension (W / H / D) in tram (in) "tacking der cions tW 1 H / DI in nam lin) 32111 W 600 3000 w 33313 W 3840 W 4000 3000 VA 3330 VA 3840VA 4000 VA 208 V f i 240V/ 208 V rr # 2A(1 V 1 7433 9 0 240 V/ 183 - 229 9 211 - 264 V 183 - 229 V 21 � - 2" V 133 _ 229 V 211 M 264 V 60 Bax 159,3 - 60,5 tiz 60 tjz 159,3 - 60.5 Hz 60 Hz / 59,3 - 601 5114Z 15 A 16 A 20 3 1 1; 112 119 112 < <4% <d 97,2% 97.E 97.2'1 973% 942% 97.5% 96,5% 965% 96,5%9Z0%, 96,VI. 9:7,0 25 dB(A) I Tra"SIOMWIOSS Coravecthare NEMA 3R Sli 300OTL-US 22 0/0 0'0/0 Sunny Boy SOOOTL-Us $vmy Boy Tt-US sunny Boy 7000n -us Sunny 00Y 7700T1. 1S 208 V AC 240 V AC 208 V AC 240 V AC 208 V AC 240 V AC 208 V AC 240VAC 5300 w 6300 W 7300 W 600ow 600 V 600 v 600 V 600 V US - 480 V 210 - 480 V 245 - 480 V 270 - 480V 125 - Soo v 125 - SOD V 125 - 500 V W - 500V 125V/ 150 V 125V/'15 V 125 v / I so v 125V/ MV 30A/`ISA 30A/ 15A 3OA/18A 30A/ IOA 0/0/0 0/0/0 2/2 0/0/0 45501 w 520ow 6000 W 6000 W 7000 W 6650 W 768OW 4,550 VA 5 V 5200 VA 6000 VA 6000 VA 7000 VA 6650 VA 7680 VA 208 V / 0 2AOV/ 0 208V/ 0 24OV/ 0 213111+/# NOV/ 6 208 V / 0 24OV/ * 183 - 229V 211 - 26A V 183 - 229V 211 - 264Y 183 - 229 V 211 - 264 V 183 - 229 V 211 - 264 V 60 Hz / 59<3 - 60.5 Hz 60 Hz / 59,3 - 60S Hz 60 Hz/ 59,3 - 60,5 Hz 60 Rx / 59,3 - 60,5 Hz 22 A 25A 29,2 A 32A I I 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 <4 <4 <4 <4 971% W.6% 97,0% . 97,A%, 96,8% 96,8% 96,8% 973% 96,5% 97,0% 9&5% 97,0% 9&5% 9&5% 9&5% 96,5% < 29 dB(A) < 29 dO(A) < 29 d9jA) < 29 d51A) < I W <)W <IW <l W Tronsformorless TrwmfoTmwk&s Trod omelless Tmnsformwless convecRon FOO flPn fan NEMA 3R NEMA 39 NEMA 3R NEMA R 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 SD 700?)TL-US-22 M ... ... ..... .. ........... . . . .. ............. . ................ . . . . soo" Power Supply Wood —p -a-0 -rW Tronsformerless design The Surmy Boy 300OTL-US / 380OTL-US / 400OTL-US / 500OTL-US / 600OTL-US / 700OTL-US / 770OTL-US are transformerless inverters, which means owners and installers benefit from high efficiency and lower weight. A wide input voltage range also meons the inverters will produce high amounts of power under a number of conditions, Additionot[y, tronsformerless inverters have been shown to be among the safest string inverters on the market. An industry first, the TL - US series has been tested to UL 1741 and UL 1699B and is in compliance with the arc foult requirements of NEC 2011. 23MMMMZ2MM= OptiTrac'm Glo6al Peak, SMA's shadc- tolerant MPP tracking algorithm, quickly adiusts to changes in solar irradiation, which rnitigates the effects of shade and results in higher total power output. And, with two MPP trackers, the Tl -US series can ably handle complex roofs with multiple orientations or string lengths. An extended operating temperature range of -40 'F to x-140 'F ensures power is produced in all types of climates and for longer periods of Leading monitoring time than with most traditional string inverters, and oontrol solutions The new TI: US residential line features more than high performance and a large graphic display. The monitoring and control options provide users with an outstanding degree of flexibility. Multiple communication options allow for a highly controllable inverter and one that can be monitored on Sunny m. Portal from anywhere on the planet via an Internet connection. Whether communicating through R5485, or SMXs new plug -and -play WebConnect, installers can find an optimal solution to their monitoring needs. Wide Power Class Range Whether you're looking for a model to maximize a 100 A service panel or trying to meet the needs of a larger residential FV system, the Sunny Boy TL -US with Secure Power Supply has you covered. Its wide range of power classes—from 3 to 77 kW coffers customers the right size for virtually any residential application. The IFLUS series is not only the smartest inverter on the planet; it's also the most flexible. One of many unique features of the TL -US residential series is its innovative Secure Power Supply, With most grid -tied inverters, when the grid goes down, so does the solar_ powered home, SMA"s solution provides daytime energy to a dedicated power antler during prolonged grid outages, providing homeowners with access to power as long as the sun shines. ISSIZ= As a tronsformerless inverter, the TL -US residential series is lighter in weight than its transformer -based counterparts, making it easier to lift and transport, A new wall mounting plate features ant -theft security and makes hanging the inverter quick and easy, A simplified DC wiring concept allows the DC disconnect to be used as a wire raceway, saving labor and materials. The 380OTL-US and 7707L -US models allow installers to maximize system size and energy production for customers with 100 A and 200 A service panels, Toll Free +11 888 4 SMA USA www.SMA-Americo.com SMA America, LLC PROJECT TITLE- NONE PROJECT ID: 62D56A52 Name: None Address, None City, State: Denver, CO, 80212 Module: ReneSola JC26OM-24/Bbv virtus or 24/Bb 260 Wells 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a VERSIM IAIS APR •+ 6 PM Designed by None RM -BALLASTED FLAT ROOF 32 - 260 Watt Panels 902 So ft &3 kWa Note: Blocks above with values greater then 4 require extra ballast bays. The proper number of bays are provided in the Bill of Materials The installer must install these extra bays as near to the indicated location as possible. Layout Dimensions NS Dimension: -25.8 it EW Dimension: -43.2 ft Row Modules Buckets Ballast Blocks Ballast Weight 1 8 9 25 800 2 8 9 36 1152 3 8 9 33 1056 4 4 9 28 896 5 4 5 19 608 6 0 5 13 436 PROJECT TITLE- NONE PROJECT ID: 62D56AS2 Name: No Address: None City, State: Denver, CO, 80212 Module: ReneSola JC260M-24/Bbv virtus or 24/Bb 260 Watts Plan review ... . . .... ... ... Total Number of Modules. 32 Total KW: 8 KW Total Area: 902 It' Total weight on roof: 6430 Ibs Racking weight; 161 lbs Module weight, 1341 lbs Ballast weight: 4928 lbs Max Bay Load (Dead), 173 Ibs Max Say Load (Dead + Snow): 601 Ins Loads Used for Design 32 lbs •Building Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 110 mph -Ground Snow Load: 30 psf Roof Snow Load: 22.68 Psi Seismic (Ss): 0,18 Wind Exposure: C #.# 0. tt # - City, State: Denver, CO Wind Speed, 115 mph Special Wind Region Ground Snow Load: 20 psf Designed by None RM -BALLASTED FLAT ROOF 32 - 260. tt Panels 902 Sq Ft &3 kVVs In ction 32 lbs Max Blocks per Bucket: RM -BALLASTED Product: FLAT ROOF Module Manufacturer: ReneSola Parapet Height: JC260M-24/Bbv ModeL, virtus or 24/Bb Module Watts: 260 watts Module Length: 64.57 " Module Width: 39,06'" Module Thickness: Module Weight: 41,90 lbs Ballast Block Weight: 32 lbs Max Blocks per Bucket: 4 Building Height: 15 it Roof Type: Mineral Cap Parapet Height: It Minimum Seismic Separation: • Array to Array: 3 in Total Number of Modules: 32 - To Obstruction or Parapet: 6 in Total 8.3 KW .......... . To Roof Edge (no ParapetY 9 in Total Area: 9032 fly Total weight on roof, 6430 lbs Max Array Dimensions (Seismic): Rackingweight: 169 Itis « NS Dimension: 175 It Module weight,. 1341 lbs EW Dimension: 946 it Ballast weight, 4928 lbs 1, Importance Factor = 1 2, Building Height 5 60 ft, 3, Roof Slope� 1.2* and < 3- 4, Topographic Factor (Kzt) = 1 5, ASCE 7-05: Basic Wnd Speed: 85-150 mph (IBC 2001ACE 7-05), Wnd Exposure: B of C, 6, ASCE 7-10'. Basic Wnd Speed: 110-180 mph (IBC 20121ASCE 7-10). Wnd Exposure: 8 or C. T Ballast Calculations are based on ASCE 7-05 & ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing per ASCE 7-05 and ASCE 7-10 8, Ground Snow Load: 0-60 pst (Reduction can be input if this is acceptable with your local building authority). Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions, 9, Roof Snow Load: Reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7-05 with the following assumptions: Exposure factor = 0,9, Thermal factor = 1,2, Importance factor = 1. Please verify the are appropriate for your site before using the max bay loads reported above, 10, Dead Load Due to Racking: 3.5 lbs, per ballast tray I I. Module Gaps (E/W): 0,25 in, 12. Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in IBC 20061ASCE 7-05, SEAOC PV1 -2012 describes Structural Seismic Requirements for Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays Minimum Separation Distance: SEAOC PV1 -2012 prescribes a minimum separation distance for unattached PV arrays on rooftops, Array Size Limits for Seismic: SEAOC PVI -2012 limits the size of an unattached array by the design strength of the system connections, Assumptions: 1. For Unattached Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays 2, Array Importance Factor, in = 1,0 3. Building Importance Factor, le = 1,0 4, Site Class = D 5, Separation (S) is to a qualified parapet or rooftop obstruction 6. Array to Array Minimum Distance = 0,5 * S 7. Array to Unqualified Parapet Minimum Distance = 1,5 * S 8, Ss: Spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05 9, Sds: Design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05 10, A minimum module return flange of 0, 9in (when using 1-3/4 in, clip bolts) is required for all RM installations 11. A minimum module return flange of 0,65in (when using 2 in, clip bofts) is required for all RM installations 12, Coefficient of friction used for calculations = OA Gardner W. Me* Boulder, Co City Of Wheat Ridge Building and Inspection Service, 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: Wind and snow load calculations. (32) Panel Roof Mounted Mounted photovoltaic An,ay otovol, ic array frame and mounting system has #eergan&or v ,Mew . v7 Wind: Three second wind gust velocity of 105 Mpll, Exposure Snow: Roof Snow Load of 30 pounds per square foot , Level C Project Address: 5500 W. 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Specifications: Roof stracture determined to be able to support additional loads from photovoltaic array, racking and ballasts. Dead load: Panels and array @ 7� 13psf Pre-engineered Uninic RM Roof Mounting System, rails, hardware fiame. Mounting system will be ballasted with concrete ballast blocks. • Installation by qualified solar installer in accordance with Unirac JIMMounting System design manuals with instructions from engineer. I • Panels to be attached to supporting rails using manufacturet's hardware. If you have any questions or cornm�muirmncl, Sincerely, 4ardner W. Mcin, E. 3,a 0 • IleD ol, jrpsaq jou up asuald Isluoutum jo suoilsanb XUIR OAvq noA jj ommp.tetl s,.tajrqoqjnuPw &tsn sp-w 5ujljoddTis of poti-omir aq of slitic(I s •1.,).)UOUI W0.1i suoilimisut tll!AN s1mum uf3isp wajSXSdull UnOA Pv-d 3L'I)Ufl qj!m;)-IUvPjOm, ut jallpisut julos poU!j-enb Xq uoti-ellvisul e -sl,)olq IsTilli3q ol inuoi qltm p,,)jw—jji3q oq IpAx tumfvs 2utlutioA * -;DufrjO.IPMPtLq 'Sj!vA 'Ul'.)ISXS 'SululnOIN j00 -H W -d Itllucl Pajoaul5m.)-old 0 ',Tsd g-9 4) X-e'J'c PIC sl stud TUOI PUOU 0 `sjspjjvq purilut-43pi `,LIIJP OIL1110Aolmid Luo.0 sprol juuoq!ppu lioddns jai -,)Iqu oq gal pin latuls J00W * -suoilimilioadS Z Z08 OD 'il'ilp!'d IP -111M 4' -)AV q1*M Oo:SS3-IPPVjl-0fO-Icj lo(,)j�),jpnbsjid,Tunodojopeo-1/vioui,�,,joo,a :,vmS q sodx:,l- IH(IW go I JO Xj1,10jaA Isn'5 PUl I Ak PUOZlQS;-)OJIjj -PUIJ. 'DUI Z I OZ;)ql joj, jumaxinbai piol mous put., putAA pi jo jam i al p3ttittualop u sari LumAs 2uptinotu pup 0- tuv# XU.UU 3IVjjOA0joqd oill XP.LIV DIRIJOA01OLI(I pajunoWjoo-d louu(I (Zf) -suoilginalro puol mous pup. pulm :130f(InS :ujoauo,),KujN .11 ujoqA� ol CUOOS, C ps lcaqm AV ql6Z A 009L S,)OIAJ3S uotpodsul put, Suippnil gp!,S 1piqM jo Xuj 91OZ 101 qn-mW 0"') 'J"Pinou ,16 02 ll:Sla heoSource Sales 3038202237 p.2 - BUDGET QUOTATION ❑ Custom Fixture Division 9 Sign. Division ❑ Archdectural Element Division ❑ Neon & Cold Cathode Division Quotation 2002361 The art of i8umination 3401 Blake Street, Der~Ye~~ 80205 maif;..303.820.2622 fax: 303. . 37 e-maii: infoQneosource.com Date: , st 16 02 From: oug6rown,303.820:4138, rown@neUsource.com Sold To: City oT~ ge Greg Knudson 303.235_2857 Re: Westem Animal Clinic Signage P.O. L82d Tlfile: One (1) week for shop drawings from approved quotaUon, suc (6) to eqht (8) wceks fw fabrication a(ter approved shop drawings. Qty. Descriptioo Price Ea. Price Ext. 1 Western Animal Ctinic Signaqe, per NeoSource drawing ' $3,400.00 $3,400.00 1 Installation $400.00 $400.00 TOTAL: $3,800.U Comments: Qualifications 1) A$750.00 non-refundable deposit is required on alisubmittals. 2) Finishes and Color selection to be submitted antl approved prior to tabrication. 3) Estimate based on no unusual circumstances encountered during installation. 4) Estimate based on normal working conditions. 5} Estimate provided wfthout field survey is subject to change upon field conditiors. 6) Price subject to verification of eng3needng'rf needed. 7) Structural engineering can be provided at an additional amoun[. 8) All changes to Ge made in writing prior to fabrication. PavmentTerms 50'/o down with balanca upon completion, FOB 3401 Blake Street, Demer, CO 80205 Includes Shop drawings, fabrication, appl"icable packaging, installation, applicable permits and delivery to job site (In MeVO Denver only). Excludes Premium time, structural engineering, iamps, primary electrical connections, shipping and applicable taxes. Shin Date NeoSource will make every effort to meet the anticipated Shtp Date on this purchase order, however, this date does not represent conhact between Customer and R1eoSource. For additional information, please call or write NeoSource. °i °16 02 11:51a MeoSource Sales 3038202237 p.l I 1 ~07 HlC. ' ✓ rfax t ransm i t ta l DATE B1rs/02 FROM Daug Brown PHONE 303.820.4738 EMAlL dbrorvn@neosource.com ra COMPANY PHONE FAX RE: Total Pages E3:] , ~ The art of illuminatior 3401 Blake Street, Denver, CO 80205 Phone 303.820.2022 Fax 303.820.2237 e-mail: info@neosource.com Greg Knudson Cify of Wheafridge 303.235.2860 303.235.2857 Wesiern Animal Clinic Signage For Your Review FLI Per Request n Please Comment FLI COMMENTS Hi Greg, Dave tang asked that I tax this quofe to you. Please review and ca!l me with any qusstions. thanks, Doug . F'c•:YLwRr2CEi I~ ~2 i~-AProv.q L Letter of 7lransm' I j~ource N° - - 5 9 21 The art of fabrication c To, 617EY o r= oJ N trY+' +2 ~ JG ~ Address: 75-00 W. -M-11' fiv`s. aaol Blake Street Denver, CO 80205 Phone 303 820-2022 FaX 303 820-2237 Date• Attentiom GZ-ee. 'KNUz>S6-i.1 WHF~-~t'~-!~ Co ~60 0'33 Re• A-N)MA-L CLtNIG Slanj We Are Transmitting the Following: ❑ MATERIAL LIST ❑ SUBMITTAL ❑ RESUBMITfAL ❑ SPECIFICATIONS 4CJ DRAWINGS ❑ AS BUILT ❑ SAMPLES ❑ CORRESPONDENCE ❑ INFORMATION ❑ ❑ COPY Copies Description o W 'U ~''Z'5-JZ. (o 14 iYansmitted For: ld YOUR APPROVAL YOUR RECORDS ZYOUR REVIEW AND COMMENT U AS REQUESTED ❑ Remarks: ?LS :rz) s itRT~ LIc3i( Copy To: Received By: Signed: Date• DEPFiRTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14607 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 10/8/02 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: DR. DARREL LEE NORGREN Property Address : 5500 38TH AVE Phone : 970-928-7365 Contractor License No. : 19010 Company : NEO SOURCE Phone : 820-2022 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED! Ik Aa±1n.✓- DATE Description : 3' X 5' MONUMENT SIGN Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $0.00 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : qW Zoning : C-1 rw, B uiieliS~g G~~vnimy'e4ntut Approval : DM 1014102 Approval : Occupancy: Walls SIC : Sq. Ft. : OK PER STREETSCAPE AGREEMENTS. ELECTRICAL TO MEET 1999 N.E.C. ART. 600 REQUIREMENTS. Roof Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set fodh in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Cotorado and to ihe Zoning Regulafions and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixly (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of onc half ihe amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specilcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) yeac If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, (ull fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone tha[will change the natural Flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contrector shall notify the euilding Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with suc sive p, s oPthe jab. (6) The issuance oFa~pe a prov f ings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an appmval of; any viotation of the - provisions of the b Iding es r a r Ydilaw, rule or regulation. . ~ . . . . / Chief Building Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING A.N'D DEVELOPMENT BiTII.DING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WE5T 29'I'H AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2555) ~~UCATION Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No.: Company: Building Pexmit Number: Date: DMUZ--G-- W 3F3 ~ , OWNER/CONTRACTORSIGNATURE OF UNDERSTAIVDINGALVIIAGREE[vIEIVT I heazby certify Ehat the setback distancu proposo bry_ttis-pemut applicallon are accucate, and do notviolate applicable ordinances, nilu orregulations ofthe Ci[y of Wheat Ridge or covenurts, aesemeata or reshictions of record; }hat all measnremelRs shown, and allegations mada aze accurate; that I have read and agrea to abide by all conditions prirrted on flvs applications and+3iat I assume full responsibility for complianca wRh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (C7.B.C) aod all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work undertLis eimit. (ownERXcoxrxacrox):siGNED &l/G (iL6A nTe )b G~z~ (aj Phone! ~D- 9~ -736 3~ ~ Z Phone: jp? -4Z1 ^ 350o Construction Value*3 S DD Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Ti.ce Tax- TOt31: Description: ML> ✓1 V o-~r-Y BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Apprwal: 0~ rl~{I` °z11'~°i=~Gt2Gtt`~ ~ Zoning: G I ( ~l SIC: Sq.Ft.: MMMMOM: ~Jec}~. fo ~ner}- l9~~ ~/L4c ~C~ ~ Approval: 12i Approval: Occugancy: wn-lls: Roof: N°rcf,-" ~2.. c„~la11 Stories: Residennia1 Uni#.c- ~ e'c Li e e No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Elpiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Appxoval: Approval: Apprwal: (1) 17vs pavnit wvs issued in accordance with the piovisions sat foxth in yous application and is su6ject W the laws of the SGta of Colomdo and to the Zoning Regula4ons and Bvilding Code of Wlieat Ridge, Coiomda or azry other applicable oxd'wances ofthe CiTy. (2) 17tis peemit shall exp'se if (A) the worlc authorizeA is not commenced within sizty (60) days from issue date or (H) the build'vig authoriud is suspended or a6andoned for apedod of 120 days. (3) If qus pexmit expues, a aew pe[mit may be acqu'ved for a fee of ono-half the amovnt nornally tequired, provided no changes have heen or will be made in tlw ori@ual plaus and specifications and a¢y suspeosion a a6andonsir.nthas nat ezceeded ona (1) yeaz. If changu have bee¢ or ffsuspeasion w abandonmevt azceeds one (1) year, fiill feu slull bepaid for anewpennit (4) NoworkofanymannershallhedonathatvriLLchangeihamdsalflowofwateccausmg admivageproblem. (5) ConRactorshallnotifytheBuildingluspactoxtwenty-fouc(24)hom inadvancefoiall inspecRonsandshall xeceivewrittmapprwatoninspectioacardbefine pioceedivg with successive phases of thejob. (fi) The issuance oF e pemut or the apprwal of d[awing and specificaCOns shall not be conslxued fq 6e a peccit for, nox an approval of, anyviolation oftlte pravisions of wlding cod any ot6er ord'wence, law, mle a iagulatloa ! Cluef Building Insp or o ~ ~ IfONd 1011d M, u < 1 ■ N L co O IfINHAV 1418 S ~ p ~O~Fq1YW p 3WTYJIYLI ~ ~ N ~ W ~ : cn Z*h ' J N G ~ l i ~ ~1L Ld.l LLJ = p0 z J U o J LL' ~ ~ n ~ LLI ~ p Lo N C) 110 0 z ~ ~ (.3 or~ LLJ C) a: Z 0 w F- az ~ L'ocn r~w ~I J ~ I= O LL D. X O ~ Z ~ . . y ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~y r1 ~y W R~ ~ i a~ C> ~ ~ p a 9 o a mm ~ n ~ N Vi O~ F ~ I 00 ~L ~I oa ~I o..o ~ o m l 3 ~ ~ ml 'd gz' ~-li I a~~1 ~ L p U r z 0 D O O O f] ~ 9 > v u~ m M a o 2 x y n n f n o o m m > ° S o n ~ x o 0 > m ~ g o c o n > r Z o ~ f i I •I ' ~ ~ ~;i II n ~ il ~,!i -77' 15 1- 0 ,k I i 34 q " ~ ,125 J AL4.IM ~AGE. ~ouSN~ ru.ai~tt ,i i i ~ n i ~erl'puS1.I•ry.ik-nuC~H -3" ~ 4A-4eArr ^C-F--ri-4c,. ! W/'riZAti16LtlC, VIN-(U 2Nb SUtzr-a4,r_ &w.r..raPcr?- w 3v-2 " ~ ZUUFI~ k,2 5 2 3~~ I 3 ~'2 ~ 32 MIN. ~ ~ „ ~-D I ~ I ~ I ~JC~.✓ ~ ~t~~0 . 'goL1,A~.rJ ~ i ,oSCJ a.L-UM GJI-10LiLf7£R.U+ .t7Di.i~O~(LGGQ"f" 'PJL?GVC- ~~o~~a~~-~ ~z 75doyoLT con ~A ~ .T4a. tJCi r'.-n(LM F. F~. I i~s H;w, 350o w~tr~ Nruar~ C~~tc~ - 1422'f~15N --NeslU&N wN ~Tr-- i O[z P~Lt~~c. o'~~JM L.taM ~ I ~tzAM~ ~ 2 G2i r~ Nru~rJ . ' vOffiD./?a.L-11NI - - ~OV-~k.f?l-oAT' $LAGK A'I I ~ I I I ; i ~ 2x14 A5poF3 a a %Ac-r_/r_` G ~ X Ca x (:v A3Cn {t, . , gr 4,,, 5, ea--b4, ~ . ~ a-I- ' ' d --1- - ~ , - c° \01L,Q~n) I L,71, 'a . .Q .a . a a a ~ ! ~ouR. p~F•~ 6ONG2Eqlrl- CAI('~'O @ -Z,6 pA--fS d j t~ ~ ~ I L ~ i -'14 1~~v~ar3l~. 1 Ba~K ~iL..AGlC. QEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 8996 6/1 /99 Property Owner : Property Address : 5500 W 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : 18033 Company : Gordon Sign Co. Phone: Phone: 629 6121 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cedify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Construction Value : $2,100.00 Permit Fee : $83.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $31.50 Total: $114.75 Use: Description : Remove existing wooden display. Install new D/F pole sign (7' X 5') oah - 15' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : MLC Zoning : C-2 im Approval: DM Imimmasomilow Approval : Occupancy : Walls Per sign code Sect: 26-410(e): Sign must be placed 10' back from right-of-way, and must be placed withm a landscaped area Okay Roof Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions se[ forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorddo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any ofher applicable ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorizetl is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the huilding authorized is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change fhe natural fiow of water causing a drainage pro6lem. (5) ConUador shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card 6efore proceediing with successive phases of the jo6. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings and speciFications shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulalioa Gttief ~if~d ,g~nspecto~ - utrHrc I mtrv i ur ruanninU ANU DEVELOPMENT E3uilding F'ermft Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date i'Z1 ~5~1 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: wQs}ev.,, 6„i.IA c Property Address : 5 Soa W• 3Stl. Qve. Phone : Contractor License No. : \ go '3 3 Company 5~ C-,• Phone :(303) 6"Zci - 612 l OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances Oroposed by lhis pertnit application are accure[e, and do not violate ap0~icable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of VJheat Ridge or covenants, easements or iesVictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by ali conditions printed on this application, and that I assume tull responsibility far compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Cade (U.B.C.) and all other appliwble Whe t Ridge ordinances, for work unaer this pertnit. (OWNER)(CON7RACTOR) SIGNED DATE O2#) Construc6on Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : Description: ex`~sF~+,g wao~e., a:S.~LA~. 2~s}wl\ •.,~w uli= pole s'Wg-, ~'i'+ts") crA 1+ - 1 S , BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 5~G n ce~ sucF a(p -uioCe~ Sic~~ m~st Placflc~ l0` LncK f~:~ . Approval : fkl(1 c3m'ys at ae~c). ~ Zoning :0-a m~st ~ lncn'z~ ~L ~'n ct, ~ Qtllldtna~[n~liF~'9 La~d ~cappd c~we,. , ' O{~-gm ZAgg9 Approval: t ~Ob.lic_W~ffk3~IftrteT~ts;! ~S Approval : ~ Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : NICK Elecvical License No : Company : Ptumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: , Expiration Date : Hpprovai: Expiration Date : Approvaf: Expiration Date : Approval: _j Pfans Requ(red:',:'J A , P18ns Required .1 .1 :'P;ians.f.t&'quite~~d (i) Tnis Oermit was issueC in accortlance wiih the pronsions set IoM m yopur acD~~cabon ar.c is suolect to the laws of Ne State of ColoraEO anE lo the 2oning RegNauons ana Builtling Coae of Wheat Ritlge, Caioraao or any oNer apCljuole ortlinar.ces of tne Ciry. (2) This permn shail e:Ove d(A) the work autnonze0 is not commenceC vnNin si:ry (60) days hom issue date or (B) If.e bmlEmg auNanzeC is suspendeC or acanaoneu br a penoE of 120 Cays. (3) II t0is pertnrt expires, a new pertnit may Oe acquired lor a fee of one-half the amount nortnairy required, provided ro changes nave Eeen or will De maCe in Ine onginal plans ana speufiwtions anG any suspension or aEanOanment has not ezceeAed or.e ii) year. If changes are maEe cr it suspension or abanEOnment - ezceeCS one (1) year. full fees shall be paid br a new permR . (a) No worK ot any manner snall be tlone tnat wnl change Ne namrol Oow ol water wusing a era:nage proClem. (5) Cont2ttor snan notiy the Builtling Inspector M1venry-lour (24) hours m a0vance (or ali mspr_:ons an0 shail recene wntten aoCrovai on mspecuon wr0 Delore proceeanng wM su rve Ohases al Ne job. (61 The issuance o~ per R or the approval al Crawmgs anC s0euficapons snaii net oe cons;mea ro De a permrt lor. ncr an a;Drovai of, any rolauon ol the pmvisions . 01 Ine oudtlm ae or,arr92N¢r orainance. Iaw, ruie or regulanort " For Mayor THIS PERM"ALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (I Revisions: 12.800" ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 51 -0 FABRICATE EXTRUSION ALUMINUM CABINET 12" CONVEN110NA(. FRAME WITH FLAT RETAINER. A--REDUCETO PAINT CP,BINET AND RETAINER SATIN BLACK. 35 S6IUARE FOOT MARIGOLDYELLOW VINYL DESIGN #3630-75 BLACK VINYL DOG AND CAT. WE V 1 L RN BLACK VINYL COPY CY) 00 'O MARIGOLD YELLOW LINE ,!o= A_ N I M A L BLACK VINYL COPY Voltage: MARIGOLD YELLOW LINE Verified by: L T 1 L V 7sT I C BLACK VINYL COPY Date: 421-5500 BLACKVINYL CAF'Y Client Approval: CLEAR TRACK FOR 3 LINES OF 4° CHANGE LTRS. (LTR. FONTS separate) Client: WESIERN ANiMAL CLINIC S6IUARE TUBE SUPPORT Account Rep. PAINT OFF WHITE HODDER Date: 7/27/99 Drawn by. GH EXISTING BRICK WALL -~l- Scale: 1/2"=1'-0" s~- STREET SIDE Gordon Sign . AYSUaI Products Company . - - 2930Wast9lhAvenue . Demer; Cobrado 60204 - 303£296121. / Far. 303-629-7024 DOUBLE FACE PROJECIING QISPLAY T-1 2 ILLUMINATION E-Mail:G°m°`s1g°@aa.°°m @This design is the exclusive properry of Gordon Sign Company end cannot be reprodiiced either in whole or in part without their consent. Gordon Sign Company wiil endeawr to dosaly malch mIors, including PMS colors where spedfied. We cannot guarantce maa matches due rovarying compazibiliry of aurtece meterials and pairAS used. Drawing # 10-01339-A II OI III 1 I I 150.0 5/8/`Iq 99--1433 DATE FEE JOB# 1 ALLPOW MORTGAGE CO JEFFERSON COUNTY L A N D S U R V E Y I N G ADDRESS 550U W. 38TH N11C 5460 WARD ROAD • SUITE 160 BORROWERS NAME 51-11nRE~I.I_A ARVADA. COLORADO 80002 (303) 420-4788 INIPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Alftn. lildq. :If,-,Pt. > F - LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER CLIENT) ~ i 7 1 N?RGREN HINOt IUPMIVT SION, :OUNTY OF JEFFERSON, T.ATE OF +HLORADO A I" 1'v Scale: I"-20' 5500 West. 38th Avenue N89-59-58E 129.20' 10' Utility Easement (Plat)` 6 s O Brick v As halt Planter Box o y Parking b W Uri d r - Asphalt m I LOT I Parking W Existing Conc. Conc / Retaining Wall o LT) K --X44.2' -50.0' S 50.0' lqj~ lk~ `n One Story Asphalt v Asphalt b - - - Stucco & Brick cv 50.0' o~ I Existing Fence o_ O6 i. 145.20' Found NITF. Pin 'RVEV IS DRAWN USING PI AMDANGLESOR G:IARP'GSAND )1MBISIONS. - On the basis of my knowledge, information and belief, I hereby certify that this improvement location.certificate was prepared for tt - t~' • that it is not a Land Survey Plat or Ir.iprovement Survey- at Ra'rYi'1~tNat~l is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future ilnpiovemert lines. I further certify that the improvements on the'above described parcel on. this date, except utility c. onrections, are entirely within the boundaries of l1the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sgn of any easement crossing or burdening any p of said parcel,mxcep\\` 111/ffff~ . "I'IHU•YICFE: iAccording to Colorado law you must Los any legal action ~naryl 'in this survey within three years after you fit st discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect! I wpy~C~d more than ten years from tlje date of III v certification shown hereon." `C ~i i .Q, R ; =M. (/27268 99 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number Date 2794 3/21 /96 Property Owner : NORGREN DARREL LEE Property Address: 5500 38TH AV Contractor License No. : Company: Phone: 421-5500 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compiiance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : ENCLOSE DUMPSTER Construction Value : $490.00 Permit Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $0.00 Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: ~~`~~sk.ad.b~'..~:;r (1) Th is pefmi[ was issued in accordance with the provisions sel forth in yopur applicalion and is subject lo ihe laws of ihe State of Coloretlo and to the Zoning . RegulaUons and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colo2d0 or any oiher applicable ordinances of the City (2) 7his pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within si* (60) days (rom issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspentled or abantloned for a periotl of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new pertnit may 6e acquired for a fee oF one-half the amount normally required. provitle0 no changes have been ar will be made in the original plans antl specifications antl any suspension or abandonmen[ has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspansion or abantlonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thal will change the natu2l flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contrector shall notiry the Builtling Inspector lwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and"shall receive written approval on inspection caM before (6) The issuance permiS or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed lo be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any viola6on of the provisions of the buildiQ es oyany other orcJinance, law, rule or repulaUOn. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : 3-i ~ _ q~ Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company ~ I~'zla ~'EIl CL Phone: 00 Phone : OWNER/CONTR,4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, pefrtlit and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictians of record: that all m surements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree e by a nditions printed an this US@ application, and that I assume full respo i or omplian with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all ather applicab 11 ea i ordina s, for work under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGN DATE S F''S & Description: 30 ~ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMEN-t USE ONLY . Approval : c Zoning : Approval:(1L$TN~~~pT~~-PS-Pf-~L~~~A~rA'S 3-'Z0''4L(o ~1161IE W~1_itl9ltZS:! Approval: Occupancy : Waiis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License tJo : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: ~ PfansAequtred'~'J P112(ns Reguired _I P;C~h; R@qu(ci~tf~ (1) This Dermit was issuetl in accorEance wrth the provisions set forth in yopur apphcation and rs su0jecl to the laws of the State of Cobratlo and to lhe Zoning Re9ulabons and 8uilding Code of Wheat Rid9e, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlmances of lhe City. (2) This permrt shall ex0ire if (A) the work authonzeE is no[ commenceG within sixry (60) days fmm issue tlate or (8) the builEing auNOnzetl is suspentletl or abanaonea for a penotl of 120 days. (3) If this pertnrt expires, a new pertnit may be acquiretl for a fee o( one-halt the amount nortnally required, provitled no changes nave been or will De matle m the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetletl one 17) yeac If changes are matle or if suspension or aEantlonmen[ ex s one (1) year, full fees shall 6e paitl (or a new permit . (41 N wor of any manner snall be tlone that will change ~he naNral Oow of water causing a tlrainage pmblem. (5) C Ira or shall notiy the Builaing Inspector Cxenry-four (24) ~ours m atlvance for all inspecuons and shall recerve wntten approval on inspection wrtl belore pr e ing with successrve ph es of Ne job. (6) The 5 ance ot a permit or e approval of tlrawmgs antl speci(cations snall not be construea to be a permR for, nor an appmval ol. any wolaUOn of Ihe provisions of Ne dtlinp~Otles or an other ordinance~(aw. rule oi regulalion. \1 U yTef'Building inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ y - ~ ~ ~ ~ C1~ ,OI ~ ~ s 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~C) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2~~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT NO. M94#19226 234-5933 P.O. BOX 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS ~eD 3~ICATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERMTP• IU O e _ OWNER CONTRACTOR v 1141 l,hkee ln~ ADDRESS ADDRESS 13 VS-0 ~D !~:14- PHONE ZIP CODE CITY ZIPCODE CONTRACT PRICE$._zT PHONE 2f-9131 LICENSE N0. DATE S1/89Yl 1. TYPE Ground LJ WaIILJ ProiectingLJ Other Sor D Face 2. MATERIAL Total Square Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION yes El No❑ Type Elect. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved, Zone Inspector (Soacifv which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved l/ 1. TYPE Solid - / More Than 0% OPenLJ Less Than 80% Open FENCES MATERIAL ~rCG n-P Height y ~1 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ Approved,Zone Inspector (Specify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapproved 1. OTHER 2. 13. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE, SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GIVING DISTANCES FROM PROPERTY LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) _ y fFa?moire-L "T ~D i SPECIFY NORTH N /S I FRONT PROPERTY LINE STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOIADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES;ON IRREGULAR LOTS,SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMITTO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BYTHE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM I ST 2ND 3RD 4TH NO Ft1EL:Cirds One Gas 011 Propane Coal Elec Solor No. WATER CLOSET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING -STU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER Refrigerant Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS B CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTIFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER 1 HP TOTAL FIXTURES REMARKS 1 hereby acknowledge that this applico- PERMIT FEE tion is correct and understand that I USE TAX pli- t this roject until this a t t p ar canno s p cation is approved. I shall comply with TO rado and to St te f C l f th l a o o o ows o e the the Zoning Regulations and Building APP of Wheat Ridge Any Cit d f th C . y e o e o violation of the above terms will cause CHIEF ILD~ immediaY revocation oft s permit " Date Issued ~v" am. Sivnmun Z/4 IV V /l~ j JJa 38~!l LG{- I rlXil/ $l~i-~Zf i9 m 3 INSPECTOR,Cityof-W"qt Ridge CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS