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© m �oF(15TIW FLOOR V III SINK (V IF SALES PLUMBING FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'- 0' ASSUMED EXISTING FI WATER U/C UNDER COUNTE c 0 o 4 m ASSUMED EXISTING FILTERED WATER LAC (VAIF.) RWTF 2- EJECTOR PUMPS DISCHARGE PIPE BONDER COUNTER, UP THRU CHASE, RUN ABOVE CERINS N TIE DIRECTLY INTO EXISTING MOP 51NK WA5TE PIPE - ROUTE I -In' VENT PIPE FROM PUMP UP 1NRU CHASE AND TIE INTO EXISTING MAIN MPNIFOD MTCN P5a• a• a• a• a• VV ¢ U� END CAP I END CAP II END CAP I END CAP WALK-IN COOLER PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE: FIXTURE MANUFACTURER CONNECTIONS MARK SERIES NUMBER DESCRIPTION CW ON W V BP -I SHURFLO NMI 002 SERIES BOOSTER DUMP PUMP INSTALLED INLINE PRIOR TO FILTER STATION PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS 115V/60NZ. PLUG In' MEW FRA KE PROPER BUT: INSTALL NEW BREWE UNIT, PROVIDE NEW 3/0" FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BFP WATTS 9502 -MF) TIED INTO FCA PROVISION UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. EXTEND NEW DRAIN LINE INTO PUMP FUNNEL W EXISTING A-UNFUNG FIXTUREETVIFIRAGE MARLENE AND PIPING CONNECTIONS TO REMAIN (INSTALL MY IF NEEDED) NEW MELTTA ESPRESSO UNP. OINSTALL 6 INSTALL NEW ESPRESSO UNIT, PROVIDE NEW WV' FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BEP WATTS 9SD2-MF) TIED INTO RON PROVISION UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. O UNDER COUNTER EJECTOR PUMP WITH EASIN PIPED THEM 5/5 CHASE ABOVE CEILING INTO INSTALL NEW NITRON BREWER: 1 -In' 1-1/2' EP -1 ZOELLER 9131 M49 POP SINK IN THE BOH, 115v/60NW 4A (FLA) REIfXATE EXISTING CED TEA UNIT: = NEW 3/0" FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BFP WATTS 9502-11F) TIED INTO FCW PROVISION OPROVIDE NOTES: 1) ALL NOTED FIXTURES SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE TO INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 'AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990'. FIXTURES AND THEIR INSTALLATION SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) PUBLICATION MINA - 'PROVIDING ACCESSIBILITY AND USABILITY FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PEOPLE' AND/OR GOVERNING CODE. 2) ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES ENIPMENT FROM, AND FITTINGS SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND CODES INCLE IMG BUT FOOT LIMITED TO WATER AND ENERGY CONSERVATION CODES. THE SCHEDULED AND/OR SPECIFIED PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT REPRESENT THE MINIMUM CRITERIA AND SHALL BE THE 51 FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S BASE BID. IF THE SCHEDULED OR SPECIFIED FIXTURES OR EQUIPMENT DO NOT COMPLY WITH GOVERNING CODES OR REGULATIONS IN ALL RESPECTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN ALTERNATE BID FOR COMPLYING FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, TRIM, AND FITTINGS. THE ABSENCE OF AN ALTERNATE BID SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO MEAN THAT THE CONTRACTOR'S BID INCLUDES ALL CYTS NECESSARY TO MEET ALL REGULATIONS AND CODES. L THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATING AS-BOILT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY DEMOITCH. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE U115TING CONDITIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. 2. CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL, PRESERVATION, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION OF ALL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED AND RE -INSTALLED. 3. ALL U115TING AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT EXTEND IMO OCCUPIED AREAS SHALL REMAIN OPERATIMAL CONTRACTOR SHAM COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES MINIMUM OF SEVEN (T) DAYS PRIOR TO OUTAGE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE PERSONNEL FOR FIRE AND SECURITY WATCH DURING OUTAGES TO FIRE AND SECURITY SYSTEMS. DRAIN FROM EQUIPMENT FLOOR SINK WIl GRATE TO BE USE FLUSH WITH FLOOR (U NOT ALLOWED BY �A4 4'°eJ 1JI b Ta BY P FLOOR SINK DETAIL L WHERE APPLIES SCALE: NONE NOTES: I. WATER PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE MINIMUM BASED ON PLUMBING FIXTURES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED FIXTURE UNITS DOMESTIC WATER PIPE SIZES ARE EASED OFF OF 5 FT/SEC FLOW VELOCITY FLOWING THROUGH COPPER PIPE 2. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO FIELD -VERIFY IOCATIpJ, SIZE, TYPE, AND CONDITION OF EXISTING PIPING. NOTE TERMINATE ALL PIPING CONNECTING TO MOMENT WITH A 3/0' OR 1/4' FIARE FITTING. In' TO 3R I STRAINER BALL VALVE WICK CONNECT IN BOXED -IN ARI NOTE LRE UNIT IS NOT REWIRED EQUIPMENT W IINTERGRA BACKFUM PREVENTION. FCW CONN. DETAIL J SCALE'NONE DUMP VENT OUTLET, UP TOFU CHASE 4 TIE INTO NEAREST EXISTING VENT MANIFOLD INLET Fin, MGR. OFFICE 2- DISCHARGE PIPE THRU 5/5 CHASE (SEE RAN) (FLU VALVE EJECTOR PUMP SYSTEM EJECTOR PUMP DETAIL 4 SCALE'NONE UNISEX RESTROOM EMPLOYEE RESTROOM BACKROOM KEYED NOTES: O BEVERAGES EQUIPMENT PUMPED VIA 2' EJECTOR PUMP DISCHARGE PIPE UNDER COUNTER, UP THEN CHASE, RUN ABOVE CEILING 4 TIE DIRECTLY INTO MW 5NK DRAIN LINE IN THE BACKPCOM. BY MEANS OF ZOELLER 9131 " LOCATED IN CABINET BELDEL DRAIN FUNNEL TO EP -I INLET FOR BEVERAGES EQUIPMENT INDIRECT O DRAIN PIPES NEW SOFT HEAT COFFEE BREWER UHT: OINSTALL 3 PROVIDE NEW 3B" FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BW WATTS 95D2 -NF) TIED INTO FCW PRM5ICN Z UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. ONSTAIJ q MEW FRA KE PROPER BUT: INSTALL NEW BREWE UNIT, PROVIDE NEW 3/0" FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BFP WATTS 9502 -MF) TIED INTO FCA PROVISION UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. EXTEND NEW DRAIN LINE INTO PUMP FUNNEL W EXISTING A-UNFUNG FIXTUREETVIFIRAGE MARLENE AND PIPING CONNECTIONS TO REMAIN NEW MELTTA ESPRESSO UNP. OINSTALL 6 INSTALL NEW ESPRESSO UNIT, PROVIDE NEW WV' FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BEP WATTS 9SD2-MF) TIED INTO RON PROVISION UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. O INSTALL NEW NITRON BREWER: OTIE NEW FILTERED WATER CONNECTION W/ WATTS SD2-NF BEP FROM EXISTING MAIN FCW UNDER v COUNTER W/ BACKFLOW PREVENTER. RE-ROUTE DRAIN PIPE INTO INTO EXISTING FS (V.I.F.) REIfXATE EXISTING CED TEA UNIT: = NEW 3/0" FILTERED COLD WATER LINE (W/ BFP WATTS 9502-11F) TIED INTO FCW PROVISION OPROVIDE UNDER BEVERAGE COUNTER. 0 NOT USED NOT VSED O Ell FOR WATER ROOSTER KE SEE FIXTURE E FOR I A. PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND PERFORM ALL LABOR REWIRED TO INSTALL COMPLETE AND OPERABLE PLU IMG SYSTEMS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, AS SPECIFIED AND A5 REWIRED BY CODE B. RLN ALL SOIL WASTE AND VENT PIPING WITH A MINIMUM GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. HORIZONTAL VENT PIPING SHALL BE GRADED TO DRIP BACK TO THE SOIL OR WASTE PIPE BY GRAVITY. C. ADJUST 5131ER INVERTS TO KEEP TOPS OF PIPE IN LINE WHERE PIPE SIZE CHANGES. D. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 5'-0'O GROUND COVER OVER ALL UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND A MINIMUM OF 3'-0' OF GROUND CHER OVER ALL UNDERGROUND SEWERS AND DRAINS, E. PROVIDE SHUTOFF VALVES IN ALL DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM BRANCHES IN WHICH BRANCH PIPING SERVES TND OR MORE FIXTURES. F. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AL DOMESTIC COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING SHALL BE 1n' WE. G. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PIPING 15 OVERHEAD, TIGHT TO UNDERSIDE OF SLAB, WITH SPACE FOR INSULATION IF REWIRED R. INSTALL PIPING SO THAT ALL VALVES, STRAINERS, UNIONS, TRAPS, FLANGES, AND OTHER APRORTENANCES REWIRING KCE55 ARE ACCF551BLE. I. WHERE DOMESTIC COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING DROP INTO A PIPE CHASE, THE 517E SHOWN FOR THE PIPE DROPS SHALL BE USED TO THE LAST FIXTURE. J. INSTALL ALL PIPING WITHOUT FMCING OR SPRINGING K. ALL PIPING SHALL CLEAR DOORS AND WINDOWS. L. ALL PIPING SHALL GRADE TO LOW PONTS. PROVIDE HOSE END DRAIN VALVES AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL RISERS AND LOW POINTS. M. UNIONS PND/OR FLANGES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT, IN BYPASSES, AND IN LONG NPI% RUNS EW FEET OR MORE) TO PERMIT NEA5501BLY FOR ALTERATION AND REPAIRS N. ALL VALVES SHALL BE ADJUSTED FOR SMOOTH AND EASY OPERATION. p. ALL VALVES (EXCEPT CONTROL VALVES) AND STRAINERS SHALL BE FULL SIZE OF PIPE BEFORE REDUCING SIZE TO MAKE CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT AND CONTROS. P. PROVIDE CHAINWHEEL OPERATORS FOR ALL VALVE5 IN EQUIPMENT ROO15 MOUNTED GREATER THAN 7'-0"ABOVE FLOOR LENTIL CHAIN SHALL EXTEND TO V-DAEOVE FLOOR LEVLL. O. PROVIDE ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT WITH ACCESSIBLE STOPS. R. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE ICON POINT OF ROOFS, AREAWAYS, FLOORS ETC. S. PROVIDE CLEACV16 IN SANITARY AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AT ENDS OF RUNS AT CHANGES IN DIRECTION, NEAR THE BASE OF STACKS, EVERY W FEET 1N HORIZONTAL RUNS AND ELSEWHERE AS INDICATED. T. AL CMANOUTS SHALL BE FULL SIZE OF PIPE FOR PIPE SEES 6 INCHES AND SMALLER AND 514ALL BE 6 INCHES FOR PIPE SIZES LARGER THAN 6 INCHES. U. ALL BI VALVES AND BUTTERFLY VALVES 54AL BE PROVIDED WITH POSITION INDICATORS AND MAXIMUM ADJUSTABLE STOPS (MEMORY STOPS). V. ALL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED CO THAT VALVE REMAIN5 IN SERVICE HINDU EQUIPMENT OR PIPING ON EQUIPMENT SIDE OF VALVE IS REMOVED. W. ALL PIPING WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL TRADES INVOLVED. OFFSETS IN PIPING AROUND GBSTRUCTION5 SHALL BE PROVIDED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE DINNER. X. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS IN ALL PIPING SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO PUMPS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT WHICH REWIRE VIBRATION 40LATION FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS CLOSE TO THE EQUIPMENT AS POSSIBLE OR AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. C h ri $t0 �� a Digitally signed by p Christopher Stress r Stress Date: 2021.06.30 09:49:00 -04'00' •n • 10 A/E REVISION FIELD REVISION 0 CODE REVISION W Q SHwe Number 36492 Scale AS NOTED 11PRA4TAzI fmL CHECKED BY: MM Daae 06-28-2021 PLUMBING PROPOSED PLAN P101 W N Z N W Ip Q O v = U � N LLI 0)M o (D m" o C c::3 LLI 7 a 00 wQC.r.3c � C O 1: 0< dLL U) rn Ln WRQ . � O `y O O Z N 00 w (N C.���O MOD W o C TO U Lu w c w r L i �a ti SHwe Number 36492 Scale AS NOTED 11PRA4TAzI fmL CHECKED BY: MM Daae 06-28-2021 PLUMBING PROPOSED PLAN P101 LEGEND: GENERAL NOTES: HOMERUN CIRCUIT TO PANELBOARD A: CAPITAL LETTER ADJACENT TO FIXTURE =TYPE Ox TELEPHONE OUTLET, WALL MTD Q MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOX 1. COMPLETE SYSTEM: FURNISH ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, TRANSPORTATION, SUPERINTENDENTS AND SERVICES REQUIRED TO ll UV NA, 125V, DUPLEX RECEPTACLE a LOWERCASE LETTER = SWITCHING GROUP I MILE E OUTLET, N.O. X = NUMBER OF TELEPHONE PORTS AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION DEVICE CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, AND MODIFY THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AS HEREIN SPECIFIED AND SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS FOR A COMPLETE OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. COORDINATE WORK TO BE PERFORMED OR INSTALLED BY OTHERS AFFECTING THE ELECTRICAL WORK AND FURNISH ELEVEII 0 (NEMA S-20R), WALL MTDV SS =BELL- SINGLE STROKE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY STEEL SHAPES, BLOCKING, ANCHORS, SLEEVES, HANGERS, ETC. FOR ATTACHING OR CONNECTING ELECTRICAL WORK ll (U NA, 125V, DUPLEX RECEPTACLE EM: EMERGENCY LIGHTING v DATA OUTLET, WALL MTD i DATA OUTLET, U N. O. T =BELL-TROUBLE G =GONG TO RELATED WORK OF OTHER TRADES. ALL ITEMS NOT SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED HEREIN, WHICH ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE A COMPLETE WORKING INSTALLATION, SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHOUT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. ■ (NEMA S-20R), WALL MTD ISOLATED GROUND NL: NIGHT LIGHTING(UNSWITCHED FIXTURE) Y = NUMBER OF DATA PORTS C =CHIME 2. REGULATIONS: ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST ADOPTED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, RULES, REGULATIONS AND AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 20A, 125V, GFCI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE SWITCH, 20A, 12019]V, TOGGLE TYPE, U.N.O. V% COMBINATION TELE/DATA OUTLET, WALL MTD HORN, WALL MTD (NEMA S-20R), WALL MTD a,b,c,._ =SWITCHING GROUP I MILE l 2 DATA OUTLETS, U. N. O. 3. WORKMANSHIP: ALL WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER OR OWNER'S ll (� NA, 125V, SPLIT WIRED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BLANK=SINGLEPOLE 2 =DOUBLE POLE X= NUMBER OF TELEPHONE PORTS Y = NUMBER OF DATA PORTS HORN, CEILING MTD CULAR SHALLWITH BUILDING PROPERLY BE GORED REPRESENTATIVE. NES, ALIGNED AND SUPPORTED.RACEWAYSHALL ALL IN RACEWAY, ARE PARALLEL AND DARING DEVICES O A/E REVISION (NEMA S-20R), WALL MTD 3 =THREE-WAYsQj MINI HORN, WALL MTD 4. COORDINATION: PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, EXAMINE ALL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND COORDINATE WITH ALL 20A, 125V, QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE 4 =FOUR-WAY D=DIMMERSWITCH 0 TELEPHONE OUTLET, FLOOR MTD MINI HORN, CEILING MTD OTHER TRADES IN ORDER TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN AFFECTING THE ELECTRICAL WORK. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT VENDOR CUT SHEETS FOR EQUIPMENT POWER/CONTROL REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTIONS, MOUNTING HEIGHTS, AND FIELD REVISION (NEMA 5L20R), WALL MTD K =SINGLE POLE KEY OPERATED O DATA OUTLET, FLOOR MTD LOCATIONS OF ALL NEW ELECTRICAL DEVICES. FIELD VERIFY EXACT NAMEPLATE DATA ON ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED UNDER OTHER .I L =LOW VOLTAGE M4 SPEAKER, WALL MTD DIVISIONS AND/OR BY THE OWNER PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WORK AND MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENTS TO OUTLETS, I CODE REVISION 20A, 125V, QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE M =MOTOR RATED ❑0 COMBINATION TELEIDATA OUTLET, FLOOR MTD 5w W =WATTAGE TAP CONDUITS, WIRE, AND/OR CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS AS REQUIRED TO MATCH EQUIPMENT ACTUALLY FURNISHED, FINAL LOCATION OF (NEMA 6-20R), WALL MTD, ISOLATED GROUND p = SINGLE POLE WI PILOT LIGHT EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES TO BE COORDINATED WITH OWNER. Q RC =REMOTE CONTROL WIRELESS ACCESS POINT, CEILING MTD �/ SPEAKER, CEILING MTD Ac 5. EXISTING CONDITIONS: SURVEY SITE OF WORK PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID TO BECOME FULLY INFORMED OF ALL CONDITIONS THAT EFFECT THE WORK g NA, 125V, GFCI QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE T = TIMER OPERATED SWITCH 5w W =WATTAGE TAP ANDCOSTTHEREOF. CONSIDERATIONS WILLNOTBE GRANTEDFOR ANY ALLEGEDMISUNDERSTANDING OFTHEAMOUNTOFWORKTOBE (NEMA 5-20R), WALL MTD TELEPHONE BACKBOARD (TBB) PERFORMED. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER IN ADVANCE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS. H Q AUTOMATIC EMERGENCY POWER TRANSFER STROBE UNIT, WALL MTD 6, PERMITS: OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS,LICENSES, AND INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE MUNICIPALITY MD UTILITY COMPANY. PAY ALL z NA, 125V, SPLIT WIRED QUADRUPLEX CONTROLLER IQ INTERCOM OUTLET CD=CANDELARATING RECEPTACLE (NEMA 5-20R), WALL MTD ASSOCIATED FEES FOR PERMITS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNING REQUIREMENTS. O OCCUPANCY SENSOR, CEILING MTD Qi M INTERCOM MASTER STATION STROBE UNIT, CEILING MTD T. UTILITIES: COORDINATE WITH POWER AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES FOR SERVICE REQUIREMENTS. NOTIFY UTILITIES OF COMMENCEMENT OF WORK NA, 125V, SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE � CD=CANDELARATING AND MAKE ALL ARRANGEMENTS FOR TEMPORARY SERVICES. THE COST FOR ALL WORK AND MATERIALS REQUIRED BY UTILITY COMPANIES AND SET-UP (NEMA 520R), WALL MTD O DAYLIGHT SENSOR, CEILING MTD 0 INTERCOM STATION OF SERVICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BID, 125V, m COMBINATION HORN ISTROBE, WALL MTD 8, INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER: COORDINATE ALL WORK REQUIRING INTERRUPTIONOFELECTRICAL POWER WITH THE BUILDING OWNER } 20A, SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE @ ROOM CONTROLLER HETELEVISION OUTLET, WALL MTD CD=CANDELARATING AND OBTAIN WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE BUILDING OWNER PRIOR TO SHUTTING DOWN POWER TO ANY SWITCHBOARD. PROVIDE NOTICE Q (NEMA S-20R), WALL MTD ISOLATED GROUND TO ALL OTHER TRADES OF ALL SCHEDULED INTERRUPTIONS OF POWER. ED OCCUPANCY SENSOR, WALL MTD HE AN OUTLET, WALL MTD COMBINATION SPEAKER I STROBE, WALL MTD O POWER FLOOR MTD W =WATTAGE g, PRODUCTS: ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY NOTED AS EXISTING TO BE REUSED. MATERIAL AND METHODS EESPECS OR ROLE. (SEE SPECS OR NOTES) © TELEVISION OUTLET, CEILING OF INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. (UL), ANSI, NFPA, ADA, AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL PHOTOCELL 0 MTD CD=CANDELARATING ORDINANCES. DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGED DURING INSTALLATION ANDIOR TESTING SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED IN ACD Cn ❑® 20A, 125V, DUPLEX RECEPTACLE F1 LIGHTING CONTACTOR 0 AN OUTLET, CEILING MTD �Q COMBINATION HORNISTROBE, CEILING MTD MANNER MEETING THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. PROPOSED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NRTL LISTED, LABELED, OR APPROVED, (NEMA S-20R), FLOOR MTD CD =CANDELARATING 10. PENETRATIONS: COORDINATE FLOOR AND WALL PENETRATIONS WITH STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE-RATED SLABS TIME CLOCK qv1 VOLUME CONTROL, WALL MTD AND/OR PARTITIONS SHALL BE FIRE-PROOFED BY AN APPROVED METHOD TO THE SAME OR GREATER RATING THAN THAT OF THE SLAB OR PARTITION. ❑® NA, 125V, QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE COMBINATION SPEAKER I STROBE, CEILING MTD ALL PENETRATION SHALL RECEIVE CAULKING TO SEAL ANY TYPE OF ENERGY LOSS. (NEMA S-20R), FLOOR MTD 2'X4'LAY-IN TROFFER H[m] MICROPHONE OUTLET, WALL MTD 1w W = WATTAGE 11. AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT: VERIFY AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT WITH POWER COMPANY AND MAKE EQUIPMENT PROVISIONS AS NECESSARY. CD=CANDELARATING ❑ SPECIAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLE, FLOOR MTD ® 0 SOUND SYSTEM AMPLIFIER 12, VOLTAGE DROP: INCREASE WIRE SIZES AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN VOLTAGE DROPS @A MAXIMUM OF 3% FOR BRANCH CIRCUITS AND 2% FOR w (SEE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE OR NOTES) ® FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR FEEDERS. fr SPEAKER,WALL MTD 13. WIRING: ALL CONDUCTORS CARRYING 50 VOLTS OR MORE SHALL BE MINIMUM NI2 AWG CU, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL CONDUCTOR SIZES ARE ® 20A, 125V, DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ® FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL BASED ON COPPER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE TYPE THHN ORXHHW TYPE INSULATIONS, COORDINATE INSULATION TYPES WITH (NEMA 520R), CEILING MTD ❑ ZXZ LAY-IN TROFFERsO SPEAKER, CEILING MTD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, NEC REQUIREMENTS, AND CONDUIT FILL REQUIREMENTS. ALL CONDUCTOR SIZES ARE BASED ON 60 C INSULATION FOR 2'X4'LAY-IN TROFFER, NIGHT LIGHT ®ers REMOTE ALARM INDICATING BTEST STATION CIRCUITS RATED 100 A OR LESS MD 75 C FOR CIRCUITS RATED MORE THAN 100 A. Q ® 20A, 125V, QUADRUPLEX RECEPTACLE 0 1'X4'LAY-IN TROFFER BELL 14. COLOR CODING: FOR EXISTING WIRING SYSTEMS, COLOR CODING SHALL FOLLOW EXISTING SITE REQUIREMENTS. FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS OR WHERE (NEMA 520R), CEILING MTD ZX4'LAY-IN TROFFER, EMERGENCY LIGHT 0 KNOXBOX EXISTING INSTALLATIONS DO NOT HAVE A COLOR CODING CONVENTION, THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS OF COLOR CODING SHALL BE STRICTLY ADHERED STRIP/CHANNEL FIXTURE CHIME TO AND FOLLOWED THROUGHOUT: SPECIAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLE, WALL MTD 0 WATERFLOWSWITCH CONDUCTOR 480Y/2TN 240V OR LESS (SEE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE OR NOTES) . ®A TRACK LIGHTING WI DIRECTIONAL HEADS GONG PHASE A'. BROWN BLACK W N 0 NON-ADDRESSABLE OUTPUT RELAY PHASE B: ORANGE RED 30A, 125/25DV, DRYER RECEPTACLE ® DOWN LIGHT, CEILING MTD Q/ BUZZER PHASE C: YELLOW BLUE N (NEMA 14-30R), WALL MTD 0 PRESSURE SWITCH NEUTRAL GRAY WHITE Z WR <® WALL WASHER, CEILING MTD HORN 'H' OR SIREN'S" EQUIPMENT GROUND: GREEN GREEN W UAV 50A, 125125OV, RANGE RECEPTACLE 0 JUNCTION BOX ISOLATED GROUND: --- GREEN W/ YELLOW STRIPE OD (NEMA 14-SDR), WALL MTD CEILING MTD LIGHT FIXTURE °0' BELL RINGING TRANSFORMER 15. GROUNDING: ALL CIRCUITS SHALL BE RUN WITH AN INSULATED GREEN COPPER GROUND WIRE SIZED PER NEC. USE OF CONDUIT AS A 0 DOOR CLOSER GROUND IS UNACCEPTABLE. Q O U ® 60A, 480V, 3PH, WELDING RECEPTACLE, WALL 1M1 Y WALL MTD LIGHT FIXTURE 0" RELAY / 1 MTD DOOR HOLDER 16. CONDUIT: ALL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONDUIT, MINIMUM 1I2" FOR INDOOR AND 3/4" FOR OUTDOOR. EMT IS ACCEPTABLE WITH = lJ WALL SCONCEBELL e B BUZZER COMBINATION COMPRESSION FITTINGS ONLY. MC IS ACCEPTABLE FOR FIXTURE WHIPS ONLY. ALL CONDUIT AND WIRING SHALL BE CONCEALED IN CEILINGS N _ DROP CORD (SEE SPECS OR NOTES) © VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH (TAMPER SWITCH) AND/OR WALLS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. CHANNEL EXISTING WALLS WHERE REQUIRED. WHERE CONDUITS ARE UNABLE TO BE W W mOO Q WALL PACK Qo ELECTRIC DOOR OPENER CONCEALED, HARD PIPED CONDUIT SHALL BE USED AND PAINTED TO MATCH ADJOINING SURFACE. 0) /11 M V 0)L O Op POWER POLE (SEE SPECS OR NOTES) VALVE WI INTEGRAL SUPERVISORY SWITCH 17. ROUTING: CONDUIT ROUTING SHOWN IS SYMBOLIC AND DIAGRAMMATIC. INSTALL CONDUIT TO FIT ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. (mo DO IF- 6® SINGLE HEAD POLE MTD LIGHT FIXTURE 0 LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER (TAMPER SWITCH) 18. MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING PANELBOARDS: PROVIDE NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND/OR FUSED SWITCHES AS REQUIRED. NEW EQUIPMENT SHALL LL r �_ •�� O RECEPTACLE RACEWAY I PLUG MOLD MATCH EXISTING INSTALLED EQUIPMENT AND SHALL BE OF THE SAME MANUFACTURER AND TYPE AS SIMILAR EXISTING EQUIPMENT. INTERRUPTING AVAS� Q �® DUAL HEAD POLE MTD LIGHT FIXTURE I-O ANNUNCIATOR ED ABORT SWITCH RATING OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE THE SAME AS OF THE EXISTING EQUIPMENT. W W d W IO JUNCTION BOX, WALL MTD 19. IDENTIFICATION: ALL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT,TRANSFORMERS, PANELBOARDS, AND OTHER ENCLOSED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE L �+ N• ® EXHAUST FAN ❑• SINGLE BUTTON PUSHBUTTON STATION Q HEAT DETECTOR (THERMAL DETECTION) IDENTIFIED AS INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. SAID IDENTIFICATION SHALL CONSIST OF PERMANENTLY ATTACHED ENGRAVED LLI r C L O Q JUNCTION BOX Q C 3 , QS EMERGENCY WALLPACK 0 TWO-BUTTON PUSHBUTTON STATION Qr HEAT DETECTOR- FIXED TEMPERATURE TYPE PLASTIC �DOATES EACHDEVICE H BRANCH OV BE IDENTIFIED CIRCUIT NUMBERAND I-AMINATSCHEDUEEO �(% O i 0 0 O JUNCTION BOX, FLOOR MTD HCRCCIRCUIT IDENTIFIEDSHALL NSIDEPAD OR TERMINATIONPROTECTION SHALL E FI CIRCUIT ON THE JUNCTION OR OUTLET eOX OR UPON INDIVIDUAL WIRES IN CASES W HERE MORE THAN ONE OF EACH PHASE CONDUCTOR OCCUR. O T C 0 � X ® tT EXIT ALLDIRE MTD, SINGLE FACE CEILININDICATES 0.. THREE-BUTTON PUSHBUTTON STATION Q HEAT DETECTOR RATE OF RISE/ i LL O JUNCTION BOX, EXPLOSION PROOF Y (ARROW (ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF EGRESS) TYPE FIXED TEMPERATURE TYPE 20. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS: SUBMIT MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD PRODUCT INFORMATION, PERFORMANCE S. `^ Lo �06 Q �M CLOCK SHOP DRAWINGSSHCAL DIMENSIONS, AND OTHER INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR ENGINEER TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL VJ 'xi�O SAFETY SWITCH, 30A, 3-POLE, NOKFUSEO A EXIT SIGN, CEILINGM'ALL MTD, DOUBLE FACE M =MASTER Q SMOKE DETECTOR BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING ANDINSTALLING ANV EQUIPMENT. O O Y (ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF EGRESS) DF =DOUBLE FACE 21. SUBSTITUTION AND ALTERATIONS: THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION FROM THE REQUIREMENTS HEREIN WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE OL NDo n gt= SAFETY SWITCH, 30A, 3-POLE, FUSED @20A lt�H= S = COMBINATION SPEAKER QQ SMOKE DETECTOR-IONIZATION TYPE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED RESULTING FROM SUBSTITUTION OF EQUIPMENT AS WELL AS THE PERFORMANCE AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. L �1�^�' V%O ® STARTEROR MOTOR CONTROLLER CEILING/WALL MTD. SINGLE FACE (ARROW 0 SECURITY CONTROL PANEL QQe SMOKE DETECTOR-PHOTOELECTRIC TYPE 22. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS: THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AT THE SITE, FOR THE OWNER, ONE COPY OF ALL w W ON Q% 0O INDICATES DIRECTION OF EGRESS) C STARTER, COMBINATION W/ DISC. SWITCH EXIT SIGN W/ COMBINATION EMERGENCY LIGHT,® KEYPAD SMOKE DETECTOR, DUCT MTD DRAWINGS, ADDENDA. APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS, REVISIONS AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS IN GOOD ORDER AND MARKED TO RECORD ALL CHANGES MADE DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE SET OF DRAWINGS AND OTHER INFORMATION SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE �._- E p � OT TRANSFORMER CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR DATE OF SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE AND ONE COPY GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE AT A MINIMUM: L I_ O ® SECURITY ALARM INITIATING DEVICE A. SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM OF THE BUILDING ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND, '0 Z d ) CIRCUIT BREAKER LOW VOLTAGETHERMAL MAGNETIC, (MCCB),THERMAL MAGNETIC, 3-POLE DC =DOOR CONTACT B. FLOOR PLANS INDICATING LOCATION AND AREA SERVED FOR ALL DISTRIBUTION. J U W 1p C D Q ELECTRICAL PANEL/ ENCLOSURE AS NOTED ON u GB =GLASS BREAK DETECTOR Oco, CARBON DIOXIDE DETECTOR r O PLAN DRAWINGS, SURFACEIRECESSED P AF -FRAME CURRENT RATING MD= MOTION DETECTOR 23. CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL ALL CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL SHALL BE IN TRIPLICATE, DELIVERED TO THE ENGINEER AND BECOME THE PROPERTY 111 L AT -TRIP CURRENT SETTING VS =VIBRATION SENSOR MA� END OF LINE RESISTOR OF THE OWNER. • 8 ELECTRIC UTILITY METER WC=WINDOWCONTACT24. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS: PROVIDE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS TO THE BUILDING OWNER. THE MANUALS SHALL L� / DISCONNECT SWITCH, NON-FUSED, ©x FIRE SERVICE OR EMERGENCY PHONE STATION INCLUDE, AT A MINIMUM, THE FOLLOWING: 1 3-POLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ® ACCESS CONTROL DEVICE A =ACCESSIBLE A. SUBMITTAL DATA STATING EQUIPMENT RATING AND SELECTED OPTIONS FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRING MAINTENANCE, - UG - UNDERGROUND PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION CR=CARDREADER H =HANDSET B. OPERATING MANUALS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRING MAINTENANCE. REQUIRED ES =ELECTRIC STRIKE C =JACK ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ACTIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED. -OH- OVERHEAD PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, ML =MAGNETIC LOCK C. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF AT LEAST ONE QUALIFIED SERVICE AGENCY. 3-POLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE RX = REQUEST EXIT PUSH BUTTON DAMPER- MOTORIZED FIRE I SMOKE 25. RRANTY ENTIREVELOP ICAL LL INPROPER ANYWORK EXCEPT LLEDFROM p V, UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE SERVICE CONDUIT (2NA SWITCH, 1 BOA FUSES) WITENNDEYEAROVER OR MATERIALS WHICHDEFECTS, ORDER INARY EARCONAND DATE OF OR MATERIALS WHICH DEVELOP DEFECTS, EXCEPT FROM ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR, WITHIN ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 10° 177 SECURITY CAMERA, WALL MTD SHALL BE REPLACED WITHOUT CHARGE. BENEFICIAL USE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS FINAL ACCEPTANCE. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - - - CONDUIT BURIED FUSE S0A TEDFUS OTHERWISE PTZ=PANPHLTIZOOM SHALL, DURING THE ONE YEAR GUARANTEE PERIOD, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENTS OF ALL ELECTRICAL •� T AZ BX =BOX SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT, APPARATUS, DEVICES, ETC, INSTALLED BY HIM, AND DO ALL WORK NECESSARY TO ENSURE EFFICIENT AND PROPER CONDUITCONCEALED LINA HOLDER, (t ODA HOLDER, 30A FUSES) D =MINI DOME FUNCTIONING. y.: 1 GROUND (CND) BL =BULLET RCHITEGS CONDUIT UP WP -WEATHERPROOF <- CONDUIT DOWN BUS SECURITY CAMERA, CEILING MTD ABBREVIATIONS: PTZ=PANTTILTIZOOM I ' CONDUIT SEAL-0FF TRANSFORMER, DESCRIPTION AND RATING AS BX =BOX A AMPERE GND GROUND NTS NOT TO SCALE NOTED D= MINI AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR GRA GALVANIZEDRIGIDDSTEEL OCPD OVERCURRENT PROTECTION DEVICE T CONDUIT CAP BULLETME BL =BULLS AHG MOVE FINISHED HOA ON OVERHEAD �pj CURRENT TRANSFORMER WP =WEATHERPROOF AHC AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION ISOLATED IG ISOLATED GROUND P POLE � CONDUIT TEE BODY 10P.6 -CT RATIO (3) AFC AVAILABLE CURRENT JB JUNCTION BOX PH PHARE CURRENT -QUANTITY OF THREE REQUIRED �{ NORMAL/EMERGENCY CALL BUTTON AIC AMPERE INTERRUPTING CAPACITY KVA KILOVOLT-AMPERE PNL PANEL T+ CONDUIT EL BODY POLARITY ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH KW KILOWATT POWER smre Number CONDUIT SLEEVE WITH BUSHINGS L- PUSHBUTTON BLDG BUILDING LS.I.G. LONG, ORT, INSTANTANEOUS, REC RECEP RECEPTACLE BRKR BREAKER GROUNDD FAULT TRIP RM ROOM 36492 �\ THERMOSTAT, WALL MTD o�Whed(R C CONDUIT LTG LIGHTING SW SWITCH 0 PULL BOX l a CKT CIRCUIT MCA MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPS SWBR SWITCHBOARD sale Qr THERMOSTAT, CEILING MTD U A CLG CEILING MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER SWGR SWITCHGEAR AS NOTED CT CURRENTTRANSFORMER MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER me TELECOM BACKBOARD CU COPPER MCCB MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER TELE TELEPHONE DRAWN BY: IM 9. -o° `N%DMS CTR CENTER MCP MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR TYP TYPICAL EA EACH MDP MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL UG UNDERGROUND CHECKED BY: MM EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING MES MAXIMUM FUSE SIZE UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Date c no n n O6-28-2021 CONDUCTOR MLO MAIN LUG ONLY UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY EOL ELECTRONIC OVERLOAD MOCP MAXIMUM OVERCURRENT V VOLT PER FEEDER PROTECTION VIF VERIFY IN FIELD ShW FIA FULL LOAD AMPS MTD MOUNTED WI WITH DEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE MTS MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH W WIRE ELECTRICAL GENERAL CONDUCTOR N.C. NORMALLY CLOSED WP WEATHERPROOF NOTES AND LEGEND GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER N.O. NORMALLY OPEN XFMR TRANSFORMER E0.0 FASTFOOD DEMOLITION NOTES: I. DRAWINGS ARE TO BE USED ONLY AS A GUIDELINE FOR DEMOLITION, COORDINATE ALL DEMOLITION WORK WITH NEW WORK INDICATED ON CONSTRUCTION PLANS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS BEFORE PROCEEDING. 2. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING, INCLUDE ALL INCIDENTAL AND MISLEU-MECUS DEMOLITION WORK NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN, BUT REQUIRED BY NEW CANSTRL'CTION. BID SHALL INCLUDE ALL WORK REWIRED FOR A CONFUTE JOB. 3. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR TEMPORARY POWER AS REWIRED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION, 4, VERIFY ALL SOURCES Of ELECTRICAL POWER TO AREA OF YORK ARE DISCONNECTED AND LWKOUT/TAGOUT PROCEDURES ARE FOLLOWED PER OSHA REQUIREMENTS. 5. COORDINATE ALL DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER TRADES. 6. MAINTAIN EXISTING 517VCES TO AREAS NOTED TO REMAIN. T. WHERE DEMOLITION WORK INTERRUPTS EXISTING POWER, CONTROL, COMMUNICATION OR SIGNAL WIRING TO EXISTING DEVICES OR EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN, PROVIDE NEW WIRING AND/OR EQUIPMENT AS REWIRED TO RESTORE CONTINUITY OF THE INTERRUPTED CIRCUITS. 6. REWORK ANY EXISTING COMMIT, WIRING, AND/OR ELECTRICAL DEVICES BEING DISTURBED BY THE WORK AS REWIRED TO RETURN TO ITS FORMER EXISTING OPERATING CONDITION. 9, MY CIRCUITS FEEDING WROXM DEVICES OR EQUIPMENT BEING RELOCATED, REWORKED, OR ABANDONED AND SERVING OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES, AND/OR EGUIPIMEJT 51UALL BE MAINTAINED BY PROVIDING JUNCTION BOXES OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE METHOD AS REQUIRED. h O ss ERAGE BAR z OFOR COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEMOLITION PAPE. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED FLUOR PIAN. OEXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REIfXATED. EXTEND EXISTING &RANCH CIRCUIT WIRING M) o 0 0 0 EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT O3 O O 9 T J� O O O O Q OEXISTING 4 BBL FCB L V u SLURP J IJ L SI➢E➢ CASE POST MIX xxxv7T7 OUTLETS TO REMAIN t7 O 9 " I mmmmi V uI J J IJ V Q O U h O ss ERAGE BAR z `REMOTE (==Cl OFOR COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEMOLITION PAPE. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED FLUOR PIAN. OEXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REIfXATED. EXTEND EXISTING &RANCH CIRCUIT WIRING M) TO NEW LOCATION, EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT O3 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS BACK TO SOURCE (DEDICATED ONLY). SWITCH Z -1 OEXISTING ELECTRICAL PANELS AND CONTROL EWIPREIT TO REMAIN. 6' ➢RUBLE NOVELTY SI➢E➢ CASE OEXISTING OUTLETS TO REMAIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING METER t O EXISTING CONDUCTOR SIZE IN THE FIELD. mmmmi Q `REMOTE (==Cl END CAP I END CAP 11 END CAP I END CAP ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: IW =1'- O' VAULT 0 amvmeaA3 NnJ-I WALK-IN COOLER 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING EMERGENCY AND EGRESS LIGHTING EQUIPMER/DEVKES SHALL 15, RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SAME BE STORED IN A MANNER TO AVOID DAMAGE UNTIL REINSTALLED. BE SALVAGED, MAINTAINED IN PROPER OPERATION, AND RECONFIGURED AS REWIRED TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. IN, ALL PANEIEOARDS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH REVISED TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY CARDS WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND SPACE SERVED PROPERLY DESIGNATED. EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 11. WHERE DEMOLITION WORK RESULTS IN PARTIAL DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING BRANCH REIDENTIFIED AS REWIRED TO COORDINATE WITH PROPOSED DESIGN. CIRCUIT THROUGH REMOVAL Of ONE OR MULTIPLE CUTLET BOXES AND WIRING DEVICES, EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING SHALL BE PULLED OUT TO NEAREST JUNCTION BOX AND MADE SAFE. 20, EXISTING NATERIAL5/EWIFNENT SHAT BE TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER. MATERIAL/FOUIPMENT FOR DEMOLITION OF COMPLETE BRANCH CIRCUITS, DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING WIRING NOT REWIRED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND CONDUIT BACK TO SOURCE. 2L ALL CONDUIT AND CABLING SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED AS REWIRED BY THE NATIONAL 12. BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKERS MADE SPARE AS A RESULT OF DEMWITUN WORK 5HALL BE SWITCHED TO ELECTRICAL CODE. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE AND/OR THE 'OFF' POSITION, REWORK EXISTING CONDUIT AND/OR CABLING AS REWIRED. 13. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED COMPLETE INCLUDING COMMIT AND WIRE. 14, REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL WORK IN SPACE AD NOTED AND A5 RBOUIRED TO COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DEMOLITION AND NEW WORK, 15. DEMOLITION WORK SHALL INCLUDE REMOVAL Of LIGHTING AND ASSOCIATED SWITCHES/CONTROL5, RECEPTACLES, LOW VOLTAGE AND WMMUNICATIW DEVICES AND CABLING AND ALL RELATED CONDUIT, WIRING, SUPPORTS, AND HANGERS AS NOTED ON THE PIANS, 16. THE ELECTRICPL CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEING REMOVED AS A RESULT OF THE REMODELING. Ii. EXISTING BODEMENT NOTED TO REMAIN SHALL BE SALVAGED, REPAIRED, AND CLEANED FOR FUTURE USE, REPLACE MISSING HARDWARE OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT AS REWIRED, DEMOLITION LEGEND: NOTE: REFER TO DEMOLITION FLANS FOR NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. -------- DASHED LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE REMOVED, LIGHT LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO REMAIN. DARK LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED. UNISEX RESTROOM n EMPLOYEE RESTROOM 6 6 f \\v BACKROOM t > W/} o TIN 4 EXISTING �� S HRAGE NICD ELF ��2x MGR. OFFICE 6 BUBO PAN`C ELE� EXISTING ELK. SERVIC IDDX 0 V, M14, 4W, M (VAF.)G) Zl. ALL SURFACES AFFECTED BY THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING DEVICES, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PATCHED/REPAIRED AND PAINTED, 23. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATING AS -BUILT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MY DEMOLITION. SHOULD THERE BE ANY D15CREPANOIE5 BETWEEN THE U115TING CONDITIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT; THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, 24, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL, PRESERVATION, 51ORAGE, AND PROTECTION OF ALL EW IPMENT AND DEVICES DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED AND RE -INSTALLED. 25. ALL EXISTING AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT EXTEND INTO OCCUPIED AREAS SMALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES MINIMUM OF SEVEN (T) DAYS PRIOR TO OUTAGE. CONTRACTOR 5HALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE PERSONNEL FOR FIRE AND SECURITY WATCH DURING OUTAGES TO FIRE AND SECURITY SYSTEMS. KEYED NOTES: OFOR COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEMOLITION PAPE. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED FLUOR PIAN. OEXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REIfXATED. EXTEND EXISTING &RANCH CIRCUIT WIRING M) TO NEW LOCATION, EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT O3 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS BACK TO SOURCE (DEDICATED ONLY). SWITCH Z -1 OEXISTING ELECTRICAL PANELS AND CONTROL EWIPREIT TO REMAIN. O5 EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN. OEXISTING OUTLETS TO REMAIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING METER t O EXISTING CONDUCTOR SIZE IN THE FIELD. mmmmi Q O U END CAP I END CAP 11 END CAP I END CAP ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: IW =1'- O' VAULT 0 amvmeaA3 NnJ-I WALK-IN COOLER 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING EMERGENCY AND EGRESS LIGHTING EQUIPMER/DEVKES SHALL 15, RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SAME BE STORED IN A MANNER TO AVOID DAMAGE UNTIL REINSTALLED. BE SALVAGED, MAINTAINED IN PROPER OPERATION, AND RECONFIGURED AS REWIRED TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. IN, ALL PANEIEOARDS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH REVISED TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY CARDS WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND SPACE SERVED PROPERLY DESIGNATED. EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 11. WHERE DEMOLITION WORK RESULTS IN PARTIAL DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING BRANCH REIDENTIFIED AS REWIRED TO COORDINATE WITH PROPOSED DESIGN. CIRCUIT THROUGH REMOVAL Of ONE OR MULTIPLE CUTLET BOXES AND WIRING DEVICES, EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING SHALL BE PULLED OUT TO NEAREST JUNCTION BOX AND MADE SAFE. 20, EXISTING NATERIAL5/EWIFNENT SHAT BE TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER. MATERIAL/FOUIPMENT FOR DEMOLITION OF COMPLETE BRANCH CIRCUITS, DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING WIRING NOT REWIRED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND CONDUIT BACK TO SOURCE. 2L ALL CONDUIT AND CABLING SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED AS REWIRED BY THE NATIONAL 12. BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKERS MADE SPARE AS A RESULT OF DEMWITUN WORK 5HALL BE SWITCHED TO ELECTRICAL CODE. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE AND/OR THE 'OFF' POSITION, REWORK EXISTING CONDUIT AND/OR CABLING AS REWIRED. 13. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED COMPLETE INCLUDING COMMIT AND WIRE. 14, REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL WORK IN SPACE AD NOTED AND A5 RBOUIRED TO COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DEMOLITION AND NEW WORK, 15. DEMOLITION WORK SHALL INCLUDE REMOVAL Of LIGHTING AND ASSOCIATED SWITCHES/CONTROL5, RECEPTACLES, LOW VOLTAGE AND WMMUNICATIW DEVICES AND CABLING AND ALL RELATED CONDUIT, WIRING, SUPPORTS, AND HANGERS AS NOTED ON THE PIANS, 16. THE ELECTRICPL CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEING REMOVED AS A RESULT OF THE REMODELING. Ii. EXISTING BODEMENT NOTED TO REMAIN SHALL BE SALVAGED, REPAIRED, AND CLEANED FOR FUTURE USE, REPLACE MISSING HARDWARE OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT AS REWIRED, DEMOLITION LEGEND: NOTE: REFER TO DEMOLITION FLANS FOR NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. -------- DASHED LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE REMOVED, LIGHT LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO REMAIN. DARK LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED. UNISEX RESTROOM n EMPLOYEE RESTROOM 6 6 f \\v BACKROOM t > W/} o TIN 4 EXISTING �� S HRAGE NICD ELF ��2x MGR. OFFICE 6 BUBO PAN`C ELE� EXISTING ELK. SERVIC IDDX 0 V, M14, 4W, M (VAF.)G) Zl. ALL SURFACES AFFECTED BY THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING DEVICES, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PATCHED/REPAIRED AND PAINTED, 23. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATING AS -BUILT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MY DEMOLITION. SHOULD THERE BE ANY D15CREPANOIE5 BETWEEN THE U115TING CONDITIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT; THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, 24, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL, PRESERVATION, 51ORAGE, AND PROTECTION OF ALL EW IPMENT AND DEVICES DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED AND RE -INSTALLED. 25. ALL EXISTING AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT EXTEND INTO OCCUPIED AREAS SMALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES MINIMUM OF SEVEN (T) DAYS PRIOR TO OUTAGE. CONTRACTOR 5HALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE PERSONNEL FOR FIRE AND SECURITY WATCH DURING OUTAGES TO FIRE AND SECURITY SYSTEMS. KEYED NOTES: OFOR COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEMOLITION PAPE. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED FLUOR PIAN. OEXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REIfXATED. EXTEND EXISTING &RANCH CIRCUIT WIRING M) TO NEW LOCATION, EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT O3 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS BACK TO SOURCE (DEDICATED ONLY). SWITCH Z -1 OEXISTING ELECTRICAL PANELS AND CONTROL EWIPREIT TO REMAIN. O5 EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN. OEXISTING OUTLETS TO REMAIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING METER t O EXISTING CONDUCTOR SIZE IN THE FIELD. END CAP I END CAP 11 END CAP I END CAP ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: IW =1'- O' VAULT 0 amvmeaA3 NnJ-I WALK-IN COOLER 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING EMERGENCY AND EGRESS LIGHTING EQUIPMER/DEVKES SHALL 15, RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SAME BE STORED IN A MANNER TO AVOID DAMAGE UNTIL REINSTALLED. BE SALVAGED, MAINTAINED IN PROPER OPERATION, AND RECONFIGURED AS REWIRED TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. IN, ALL PANEIEOARDS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH REVISED TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY CARDS WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND SPACE SERVED PROPERLY DESIGNATED. EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 11. WHERE DEMOLITION WORK RESULTS IN PARTIAL DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING BRANCH REIDENTIFIED AS REWIRED TO COORDINATE WITH PROPOSED DESIGN. CIRCUIT THROUGH REMOVAL Of ONE OR MULTIPLE CUTLET BOXES AND WIRING DEVICES, EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING SHALL BE PULLED OUT TO NEAREST JUNCTION BOX AND MADE SAFE. 20, EXISTING NATERIAL5/EWIFNENT SHAT BE TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER. MATERIAL/FOUIPMENT FOR DEMOLITION OF COMPLETE BRANCH CIRCUITS, DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING WIRING NOT REWIRED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND CONDUIT BACK TO SOURCE. 2L ALL CONDUIT AND CABLING SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED AS REWIRED BY THE NATIONAL 12. BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKERS MADE SPARE AS A RESULT OF DEMWITUN WORK 5HALL BE SWITCHED TO ELECTRICAL CODE. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE AND/OR THE 'OFF' POSITION, REWORK EXISTING CONDUIT AND/OR CABLING AS REWIRED. 13. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED COMPLETE INCLUDING COMMIT AND WIRE. 14, REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL WORK IN SPACE AD NOTED AND A5 RBOUIRED TO COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DEMOLITION AND NEW WORK, 15. DEMOLITION WORK SHALL INCLUDE REMOVAL Of LIGHTING AND ASSOCIATED SWITCHES/CONTROL5, RECEPTACLES, LOW VOLTAGE AND WMMUNICATIW DEVICES AND CABLING AND ALL RELATED CONDUIT, WIRING, SUPPORTS, AND HANGERS AS NOTED ON THE PIANS, 16. THE ELECTRICPL CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEING REMOVED AS A RESULT OF THE REMODELING. Ii. EXISTING BODEMENT NOTED TO REMAIN SHALL BE SALVAGED, REPAIRED, AND CLEANED FOR FUTURE USE, REPLACE MISSING HARDWARE OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT AS REWIRED, DEMOLITION LEGEND: NOTE: REFER TO DEMOLITION FLANS FOR NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. -------- DASHED LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE REMOVED, LIGHT LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO REMAIN. DARK LINES INDICATE EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED. UNISEX RESTROOM n EMPLOYEE RESTROOM 6 6 f \\v BACKROOM t > W/} o TIN 4 EXISTING �� S HRAGE NICD ELF ��2x MGR. OFFICE 6 BUBO PAN`C ELE� EXISTING ELK. SERVIC IDDX 0 V, M14, 4W, M (VAF.)G) Zl. ALL SURFACES AFFECTED BY THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING DEVICES, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PATCHED/REPAIRED AND PAINTED, 23. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATING AS -BUILT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MY DEMOLITION. SHOULD THERE BE ANY D15CREPANOIE5 BETWEEN THE U115TING CONDITIONS AND THE DESIGN INTENT; THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, 24, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL, PRESERVATION, 51ORAGE, AND PROTECTION OF ALL EW IPMENT AND DEVICES DESIGNATED TO BE REMOVED AND RE -INSTALLED. 25. ALL EXISTING AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT EXTEND INTO OCCUPIED AREAS SMALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES MINIMUM OF SEVEN (T) DAYS PRIOR TO OUTAGE. CONTRACTOR 5HALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE PERSONNEL FOR FIRE AND SECURITY WATCH DURING OUTAGES TO FIRE AND SECURITY SYSTEMS. KEYED NOTES: OFOR COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEMOLITION PAPE. DISCONNECT AND REMOVE EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED FLUOR PIAN. OEXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REIfXATED. EXTEND EXISTING &RANCH CIRCUIT WIRING M) TO NEW LOCATION, EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED. DISCONNECT EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT O3 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS BACK TO SOURCE (DEDICATED ONLY). SWITCH Z EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER TO 'OFF' POSITION AND LABEL AS SPARE. OEXISTING ELECTRICAL PANELS AND CONTROL EWIPREIT TO REMAIN. O5 EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN. OEXISTING OUTLETS TO REMAIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING METER t O EXISTING CONDUCTOR SIZE IN THE FIELD. Whea,�10 U04,n B0, o 0 ADB DeiMs 1� A/E REVISION 1) FIELD REVISION 10 CODE REVISION W H Q 36492 Scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM Date 06-28-2021 Sheet ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN ED1.0 W N M) � Z N LU oo Q O U Z: U �\ V/ co O (O ,ITCo 'Lu^ V L) L a- O M D Lp00 lt d 04 OD Lu w> H C 30 Of > 0�=ULL Lr) Q N N �/M M/J Lr)Wco ^F,, Q - L N O z d W L � T00 N \W °c'- LL! O `O Uwe ILL! L 40, 36492 Scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM Date 06-28-2021 Sheet ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN ED1.0 1 OUIPMENT NORMAL ROUND BAR IN PANELS CONVENTIONAL OUTLET 2 SCALE: NONE NOTE: REUSE EXISTING CIRCUIT AS NEEDED FOR THE NEW EW IMENTS MIDDIFTVEXTEND EX151L% CIRCUITS TO NEW EQUIPMENTS LOCATION. PROVIDE NEW BREAKER AND HIRING DEVICE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEW LOAD. NEW WIRING SHALL MATCH EXISTING URI WIRING AS REWIRED, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR i0 VERIFY ACTUAL 51 CONFIGURATION THE FIELD, AND ROUTE THE NEW PANEL 'N' AS REQUIRED TO MANDEL THE NEW LOAD. SEE RISER DIAGRAM. 7— A 6 E46 SALES b 16. BRANCH CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND ELECTRICAL DEVICE ELECTRICAL DESIGN AS MANN VERIFY EXISTING WIRE SIZE, BREAKER INSULATING BONDING DEDICATED BARRIER JUMPER OUTLET HUBBELL a INCREASED LOADING. PROVIDE NEW BRANCH CIRCUITS AS REQUIRED_ NOG -5161 OR PANE -BOARD DIRECTORY, AS -MILT DRA141%S MIAAOR EQUAL, COLOR Z DRAWN MOUNTING ISOLATED (PROVIDE NEW A5 REQUIRED ONLY) GROUND ISOLATED GROUND V f� BAR P PANEL EQUIPMENT 1 NORMAL GROUND ISOLATED OUTLET BAR IN PANEL J SCALE: NONE N-1315 _ 1 ------------------------ IN M N.I0- N-11 1 0S �h II E51 EI. N-] \ 3 AWN I, M - 6DEUSLE SIDED yNy_IN y NOVELTY CASE D \ n ye O At m iiw 1JII EI\ 44 5]a �J\ 810 II E51 M -T3.15 HENDCAP CASE AS' -- Q REMOTE ES CID - o HAP NOTE ANY T, SINGLE PHASE, 15 OR 10 AMPERE RECEPTACLEPfACLE LOCATED H WITHIN 6 FEET OF AN OUTSIDELOGE OF A SOUK TO HAVE GFCI PROTECTION. NOTE: ° ALL RECEPTACLES USED FOR DISPENSING AND L FWD PREP SHALL BE GFCI PROTEC 1 NTt- ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 11I P- O' END CAP I END CAP I J END CAP END CAP GENERAL NOTES: I. REFER TO RETAIL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE FOR EQUIPMENT CIRCUITRY AND OTHER REWIREMFNTS. 2. RED OR TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FIR ALL HIRING DEVICE LOCATIONS AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 3. BRANCH CIRCUITS RUN ABOVE ACCESSIBLE CEILINGS MAY USE ME CABLE. 4. COORDINATE ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS, WIRING DEVICE TYPE, MOUNTING HEIGHT, NFAM OF ATTACHMENT, AND CONNECTIONS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS. 5. FINAL LOCATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE COORDINATED WITH OWNER. L VERIFY STUB -UP LOCATONS FOR ALL UNDER SLAB CONDUITS PRICK TO ROUGH -IN. 1. FOR CLARITY, CONDUIT ROUTING 15 DIAGRAMMATIC. COORDINATE CONDUIT ROUTING WITH OTHER TRADES AND MAKE FIELD CHANGES AS REWIRED, B. INSTALL OUTLETS W CREMATE SIDED OR PARTITIONS IN SEPARATE STUD CAVITIES. DO NOT INSTALL BACK-TO-BACK. 9. PROVIDE MATCHING COVER PLATES, RECEPTACLES AND RELATED ITEMS. PROVIDE ONE-PIECE TYPE GANG COVER PLATES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WALK-IN COOLER UNISEX RES ROO� >' I EMPLOYEE REB ROOM Y I 'a Qq BACKROOM ismO To S�q 6 N 14� EXISTING E EG S DRAGE � HEL MGR. OFFICE EXISTING AN I H - P - NEW PANEL 'N' ,f VERILY LATION IN FIELD ' N FIELD - ur 10. CONNECT TO EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS WHERE POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE 16. BRANCH CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND ELECTRICAL DEVICE ELECTRICAL DESIGN AS MANN VERIFY EXISTING WIRE SIZE, BREAKER EXTEND U115TING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FROM IX15TING LOCATION LOCATON5 SNW4N ON TH15 DRAWING HAVE BEEN COLLECTED RATING, AND PANEL LOAD CAPACITY 15 SUFFICIENT FOR o 0 0 00u..�4 INCREASED LOADING. PROVIDE NEW BRANCH CIRCUITS AS REQUIRED_ ROUTE COMMIT AND CONDUCTORS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT THROUGH PANE -BOARD DIRECTORY, AS -MILT DRA141%S MIAAOR TE.E/DAWAYHER RILE AND HOME RUN. Z RECORD DRAWINGS AT THE TIME W THE INITIAL DESIGN. 11. INTERCONNECT LOADS SUCH THAT THE CURRENT DOES NOT EXCEED I6 (PROVIDE NEW A5 REQUIRED ONLY) AMPS ON EACH 4D AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER AND/OR 11 AMPS ON EACH 15 BBL sLw AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER. VERIFY EXISTING WIRING 15 MINIMUM #11 SPARE 15 NOT AVAILABLE EL, SHALL PROVIDE BREAKER SUFFICIENT WITHOUT FURTHER INVESTIGATION, THEREFORE, ELECTRICAL MST NHFCBMAKERnixx-cx OEC. CLNTRACTQR SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND TRACE ALL BRANCH BREAKER. ALL NEW HIRING SHALL BE MINIMUM 011 ANG, CU. ALL COORDINATE. CIRCUITS PRIOR TO START OF WORK AND NOTIFY ENGINEER NEW WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE RATED MINI" AS AMP. (D OF RI IN CASE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. Am, 18. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE, EC SHALL REUSE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM HAVE ADEQUATE SPARE LOAD CAPACITY AND OROUTE 8 EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS SERVING AREA OF WORK AND/OR EXISTING FEEDER(5) AND CIRCUIT ERFAKER(S) ARE OF SUFFICIENT SHEET E-1.0. MODIFY CIRCUIT NUMBERS TO ACCOMMODATE NEW LOAD INTO SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE THE ADDITION OF NEW LOADS. NOTIFY ENGINEER U115TING PANEL. MAINTAIN DE51GN INTENT OF PROPOSED IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARISE PANELS TO ENSURE MAXIMUM LOADING DOES NOT EXCEED 80L OF BRANCH CIRCUITS FOR NEW ELECTRICAL DEVICES. MAXIMUM CAPACITY, AND AND BALANCE THE PANES AS REWIRED 10 WAD PER BRANCH CIRCUIT TO BE CONNECTED SH4LL NOT 13. VERIFY THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT AND SYSTEM CAPACITY W THE COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT EXCEED 801 OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER CAPACITY. UTILITY COMPANY AND MAKE EQUIPMENT PROVISIONS AS REQUIRED. 11 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FROVIDf BUCK AND BOOST NEW CIRCUIT BREAKER INTERRUPTING RATINGS SHALL AT A M. NOT ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES, RECEPTACLES, JUNCTION MINIMUM MATCH EXISTING. BOXE5, DATA OUTLET$ SWITCHES, ETC. ARE SHOWN % THIS - DRAWING. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY 14. UPDATE ALL PANEL SCHEDULES H/ NEW TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY LL>u EXISTING DEVICES AND RELOCATE, REUSE, REMOVE, ETC. AS CARD. A AUGURED BY THE NEW SCOPE O WORK. 15. CONCEAL ALL CONDUITS IN FLOORS, WALLS, OR CEILING UNLESS NOTED rrixl N-1315 _ 1 ------------------------ IN M N.I0- N-11 1 0S �h II E51 EI. N-] \ 3 AWN I, M - 6DEUSLE SIDED yNy_IN y NOVELTY CASE D \ n ye O At m iiw 1JII EI\ 44 5]a �J\ 810 II E51 M -T3.15 HENDCAP CASE AS' -- Q REMOTE ES CID - o HAP NOTE ANY T, SINGLE PHASE, 15 OR 10 AMPERE RECEPTACLEPfACLE LOCATED H WITHIN 6 FEET OF AN OUTSIDELOGE OF A SOUK TO HAVE GFCI PROTECTION. NOTE: ° ALL RECEPTACLES USED FOR DISPENSING AND L FWD PREP SHALL BE GFCI PROTEC 1 NTt- ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 11I P- O' END CAP I END CAP I J END CAP END CAP GENERAL NOTES: I. REFER TO RETAIL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE FOR EQUIPMENT CIRCUITRY AND OTHER REWIREMFNTS. 2. RED OR TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FIR ALL HIRING DEVICE LOCATIONS AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 3. BRANCH CIRCUITS RUN ABOVE ACCESSIBLE CEILINGS MAY USE ME CABLE. 4. COORDINATE ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS, WIRING DEVICE TYPE, MOUNTING HEIGHT, NFAM OF ATTACHMENT, AND CONNECTIONS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS. 5. FINAL LOCATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE COORDINATED WITH OWNER. L VERIFY STUB -UP LOCATONS FOR ALL UNDER SLAB CONDUITS PRICK TO ROUGH -IN. 1. FOR CLARITY, CONDUIT ROUTING 15 DIAGRAMMATIC. COORDINATE CONDUIT ROUTING WITH OTHER TRADES AND MAKE FIELD CHANGES AS REWIRED, B. INSTALL OUTLETS W CREMATE SIDED OR PARTITIONS IN SEPARATE STUD CAVITIES. DO NOT INSTALL BACK-TO-BACK. 9. PROVIDE MATCHING COVER PLATES, RECEPTACLES AND RELATED ITEMS. PROVIDE ONE-PIECE TYPE GANG COVER PLATES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WALK-IN COOLER UNISEX RES ROO� >' I EMPLOYEE REB ROOM Y I 'a Qq BACKROOM ismO To S�q 6 N 14� EXISTING E EG S DRAGE � HEL MGR. OFFICE EXISTING AN I H - P - NEW PANEL 'N' ,f VERILY LATION IN FIELD ' N FIELD - ur 10. CONNECT TO EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS WHERE POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE 16. BRANCH CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND ELECTRICAL DEVICE ELECTRICAL DESIGN AS MANN VERIFY EXISTING WIRE SIZE, BREAKER EXTEND U115TING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FROM IX15TING LOCATION LOCATON5 SNW4N ON TH15 DRAWING HAVE BEEN COLLECTED RATING, AND PANEL LOAD CAPACITY 15 SUFFICIENT FOR M) FROM FIELD NOTES, WAIK-THRU, SURVEY PHOTOS, EXISTING INCREASED LOADING. PROVIDE NEW BRANCH CIRCUITS AS REQUIRED_ ROUTE COMMIT AND CONDUCTORS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT THROUGH PANE -BOARD DIRECTORY, AS -MILT DRA141%S MIAAOR TE.E/DAWAYHER RILE AND HOME RUN. Z RECORD DRAWINGS AT THE TIME W THE INITIAL DESIGN. 11. INTERCONNECT LOADS SUCH THAT THE CURRENT DOES NOT EXCEED I6 (PROVIDE NEW A5 REQUIRED ONLY) AMPS ON EACH 4D AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER AND/OR 11 AMPS ON EACH 15 IT. SOME EXISTING CIRCUITS ARE UNABLE TO BE IDENTIFIED AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER. VERIFY EXISTING WIRING 15 MINIMUM #11 SPARE 15 NOT AVAILABLE EL, SHALL PROVIDE BREAKER SUFFICIENT WITHOUT FURTHER INVESTIGATION, THEREFORE, ELECTRICAL AWG, CU FIR A i0 AMP BREAKER AND #14 ANG, CU FIR A 15 MIP OEC. CLNTRACTQR SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND TRACE ALL BRANCH BREAKER. ALL NEW HIRING SHALL BE MINIMUM 011 ANG, CU. ALL COORDINATE. CIRCUITS PRIOR TO START OF WORK AND NOTIFY ENGINEER NEW WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE RATED MINI" AS AMP. (D OF RI IN CASE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. @. VERIFY EXISTING PANELS) AND UPSTREAM ELECTRICAL 18. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE, EC SHALL REUSE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM HAVE ADEQUATE SPARE LOAD CAPACITY AND OROUTE 8 EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS SERVING AREA OF WORK AND/OR EXISTING FEEDER(5) AND CIRCUIT ERFAKER(S) ARE OF SUFFICIENT SHEET E-1.0. MODIFY CIRCUIT NUMBERS TO ACCOMMODATE NEW LOAD INTO SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE THE ADDITION OF NEW LOADS. NOTIFY ENGINEER U115TING PANEL. MAINTAIN DE51GN INTENT OF PROPOSED IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARISE PANELS TO ENSURE MAXIMUM LOADING DOES NOT EXCEED 80L OF BRANCH CIRCUITS FOR NEW ELECTRICAL DEVICES. MAXIMUM CAPACITY, AND AND BALANCE THE PANES AS REWIRED 10 WAD PER BRANCH CIRCUIT TO BE CONNECTED SH4LL NOT 13. VERIFY THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT AND SYSTEM CAPACITY W THE COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT EXCEED 801 OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER CAPACITY. UTILITY COMPANY AND MAKE EQUIPMENT PROVISIONS AS REQUIRED. 11 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FROVIDf BUCK AND BOOST NEW CIRCUIT BREAKER INTERRUPTING RATINGS SHALL AT A M. NOT ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES, RECEPTACLES, JUNCTION MINIMUM MATCH EXISTING. BOXE5, DATA OUTLET$ SWITCHES, ETC. ARE SHOWN % THIS (L DRAWING. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY 14. UPDATE ALL PANEL SCHEDULES H/ NEW TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY LL>u EXISTING DEVICES AND RELOCATE, REUSE, REMOVE, ETC. AS CARD. A AUGURED BY THE NEW SCOPE O WORK. 15. CONCEAL ALL CONDUITS IN FLOORS, WALLS, OR CEILING UNLESS NOTED MO, CONTACT MINER OF RECORD IN CASE OF ANY OTHERWISE. W Mf CONDUITS ARE UNABLE TO BE CONCEALED, DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY AFFECT THE DESIGN INTENT = EXISTING EIEC, SERVICE 110YH8V, EPA, 4W, MA (V.LE)O KEYED NOTES: OEXISTING TO REMAIN. EXTEND U115TING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FROM IX15TING LOCATION O AS REWIRED AND PROVIDE NEW WIRING DEVICE. NEW WIRING SHALL M) MATCH EXISTING. WHERE HIRING A5 REWIRED FOR VOLTAGE DROP. ROUTE COMMIT AND CONDUCTORS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT THROUGH (D TE.E/DAWAYHER RILE AND HOME RUN. Z PLACEMENT AND THE LOAD OF EXISTING RECEPTACLES OVERIFY (PROVIDE NEW A5 REQUIRED ONLY) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CAPACITY OF EXISTING LTJ AND UTILIZE EXISNNG SPARBSPACE FOR CONNECTION. IF OPANELS SPARE 15 NOT AVAILABLE EL, SHALL PROVIDE BREAKER SUFFICIENT TO HANDLE NEW EQUIPMENT A5 DEFINED ON SHEET E-1.0. OEC. TO PROVIDE REWIRED CIRCUITING AND CONNECTIONS. FIELD COORDINATE. TIE INTO EXISTING CREDIT.EXTEND EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING (D AS REWIRED AND PROVIDE NEW HIRING DEVICE. NEW WIRING SHALL MATCH EXISTING. CAPSIZE WIRING AS REWIRED FOR VOLTAGE DROP. THE NEW 5L8 -PANEL N (I40PMBV, 31 4WIRE, IMAM) WITH OROUTE 8 41 'ING, IN IFAS'CL TO EXISTING EIEC, SERVICE AS REWIRED. SEE SHEET E-1.0. OELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ACTUAL SERVICE CONFIGURATION IN THE FIELD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST PANELS TO ENSURE MAXIMUM LOADING DOES NOT EXCEED 80L OF CAPACITY, AND AND BALANCE THE PANES AS REWIRED 10 RECEPTACLE AND DATA OUTLET IN CEILING FOR DEE. SIGN. �L COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT O PROVDDER AND OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH -1N. 11 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FROVIDf BUCK AND BOOST II TRANSFORMER, 60 HZ, WAMP, MOUNTED UNDER THE COUNTER, FIELD COORDINATE. 1� A/E REVISION 10 FIELD REVISION 10 CODE REVISION 36492 Sce1e AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM 06-28-2021 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN El 00 W N M) MI- Z N LTJ 00 Q O I mCO .q M ��LuM� V �L O M 11 D Ulm lt (L CNI Lu LL>u NM A LY> Q �Uoo = U ` `LL VJ � Ln > Wco Q L d 00 z (I) N 00 W L u) mON00 0 W 0 C�- J U LuCOD Lu L I �� a 36492 Sce1e AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM 06-28-2021 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN El 00 \ NOTE' DESCRIPTION FiER pAGRAM 15 EASED ON THE BEST INHRMATIOI AVAILABLE. THE ELETRICAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IN LOAD IN KVA L VERIFY THAT ALL EXISTING EMITIM&T TO REMAIN 5 IN GOOD HOTING C/JNCITION AND HAS / FILED IF THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONDUITAND CONDUCTORS EQUATE LOAD CWK17 AND PHTSKAL SPKEYSPARES TO ACCQlNpATE THE NEW UNDS, AL. HA5 ADEGVATE LOAD CAPACITY TO MOUNTING HEIGHT (AFF) FINISH SMALL BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO BID AND ANY DISCREPAN0 5 "a BE MOUNT ACCWIMODATE THE NEW LOADS, AND ONLY ES 0 THE ENGINEER'S ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. UPGRADE THE ELECTRK,V. SERVICE TO A 2081120V, 3 Plnz, 4 NAM Hand, IDEA, M.LO., LOCKABLE, S. MN 5-20 2 412 41 TO EG IN 1/2' G BRANCNCIRCUTT HIGHER AHP SERVICE IF IT 15 NECESSARY. IB' I WDIE See (4)103 AWG' EXISTINGSQUIPMENT LOADING(KVA) EXISTING TO U I! (1)#B GND # DESCRIPTION NOTE REMAIN, EMr TO RELA1H PH WIRE (4))X3/0 AWG KVA KVA (4)#3 �• (1)#6 GND PH TYPE (I)#8 GND 2-I/2 PIT DESCRIPTION # EXISTING TO I-1/4' EMT EXISTING N REMAIN. METER #12 (4)#3/0 AWG U15TIM EXISTING EXISTING DUSTING EXISTING NEW 100 100 (1)#6 GND PHIL ML PN- PHIL PNL PHIL EXISTING 3 IV T5' F' A' 2-I/2 PIT L' N' ® U115TING PANEL 2 I'20/219V 120/219V 120/N9V 120/203V WT 'MDP' 5 110n09V 3PH, 487 3PH, 487 3PH, 487 3PH, 487 NOV24W ENCLOSURE 20 COV 20 3�' 487 100A MLO 200A MLO 100A RICH 200A MLO 3PH, dW (V.LF.) "MR 20 #12 2 QA IDK AIC 14K AIC IDK AIC 14K AIC IDWA RATED �K AIC EX. AFCO LK AIC 2 3 EXISTIN N 3 TO FINISHED EXISTING REM41N. 20 (IIIIAHG. 2 5ET5(4)i600 NOTE, IN 41C. 20 #12 (I)#0 GND GRADE EX CONVENIENCE STORE _._ TO POWER COMPANY MAN71110 ' ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 1 SCALE :NONE RETAIL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE E# DESCRIPTION ITEM# VOLTAGE LOAD IN KVA ELECTRICAL LOAD ANALYSIS CONDUITAND CONDUCTORS NEW Ponelbourd IN' CONNECTION TYPE MOUNTING HEIGHT (AFF) REMARKS HOT FOOD DISPLAY CASE ES NEWEQUIPMENT 1.0 2081120V, 3 Plnz, 4 NAM Hand, IDEA, M.LO., LOCKABLE, S. MN 5-20 2 412 41 TO EG IN 1/2' G BRANCNCIRCUTT PLUG-IN IB' I WDIE See 2 DLYIR FREQER EXISTINGSQUIPMENT LOADING(KVA) BRANCHCIRCUIT # DESCRIPTION NOTE TYPE PH WIRE BRK KVA KVA SANK WIRE PH TYPE NOTE DESCRIPTION # 1 HOTFOODDISPLAYCASE(E5) N 3 1 #12 20 100 100 20 #12 I 3 EX HOTPOODOISPLAYCASE 1 2 2 WORFREEZER(E26a) N. 5 1 #12 20 0.72 1.00 20 #12 1 3 EX. COFFEEER, 2 3 NI7RON(E30) N 3 1 #12 20 0.54 EDD 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE OR. 3 4 NITRON(E30) N 3 1 #12 20 0.54 1.00 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE BE. 4 5 IDT(E38) N 2 1 #12 20 0.36 LOU 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE SR. 5 6 BOOSTERPUMP(E41D) N 5 1 #12 20 100 100 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE OR, 6 7 COFFEEMAKER(E43) N 3 2 #10 30 299 1.00 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE SR. 7 8 225 1 3 N " N. 3 MT(E38) N 3 2.49 1.00 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE BE. 8 9 COFFEEMAKER(E43) AE 3 2 #10 30 2.49 100 20 #12 I 3 EX. COFFEE OR. 9 10 N. 3 0.18 20 #12 1 3 N. TWO SERVER DOCKI6G STATION (E94) 26 27 2.49 1.00 20 #12 1 3 EX COFFEE ME 10 11 TWO SERVER WLKZN6STATION (E44) N 3 1 #12 20 0.18 100 20 #12 I 3 EX COFFEE N. 11 12 WYONOVEN (SAG) N 3 2 #10 30 2.00 3.00 30 #10 I 3 EX COFFEE BR. 12 13 " " N 3 34 35 SPACE 2.00 3.00 D%OPCNA[[O W 0.00 13 14 FRANKEMALHLNE (E52) N 3 2 #10 30 2.25 3.00 30 #10 I 3 EX COFFEE M. 14 15 " N 3 0� SPACE 2.25 3.00 SPACE 15 16 FRANKEMACHINEOUTLET(E52a) N 3 1 #12 20 0.18 1125 1 8.90 10.27 16 17 FRANKE 1"(E53) N. 3 2 #10 30 2.25 ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY: 17 IB ^ " N 3 LOAD TYPE 2.25 CONNECTEOLMULTI DEMANDLOAD A:REFARCH DW&FOR LIGHTFIXTURE SCHEDULE MOUNTING HEIGHTAND LOCATION. 18 19 UIC. MILK FOR MELITTA(E93a) AL 1 3 1 #12 20 0.18 B: VERIFY ACTUAL WIRING REQUIREMENT W/ UNITS SUPPLIES. 2.)RECEPTACLES 19 20 DEE. SIGN (EIf04) N 1 1 #12 20 0.36 0.00 0.50 20 21 DEE. SIGN (EI10a) N. 1 1 #12 20 0.36 0.65 LIMIT VARTES FROM THIS PANEL SCHEDULE. FOR ANY NEW EQUIPMENTBEFORE CONNECTING 1 1 21 221 DEE. SIGN(Ealoa) N 1 1 #12 20 0.36 5.)OHER 22 231 PUMP(E41c) N. 5 1 #12 20 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 AS NOTED ON SCHEDULE 23 TOTAL ADDED LOAD = 30.4 29.7 23.0 22.56 KVA RE. RELOCATED FORM PANEL ...I TOTAL REMOVED LOAD TOTAL AMPS ED 208Y-3 PH. ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY: 84.5 AMPS 62.7 AMPS ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR 5HALLTE5TPANEL5 TO ENSURE MAXIMUMLOADING DOES ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY: LOAD TYPE CONNECTED LOAD CONNECTEOLOAD L) LIGHTING 1.00 DOO 2.)RECEPTACLE5 0.36 DOO 3.) APPLIANCES d KITCHEN EQUIP 25.58 17.00 4.) HVACAREFRIG. 0.00 0.00 5JOTHER 2.72 DOO TOTALLOAD: 29.74 KVA 17.00 KVA 82.6 AMP 47.2 AMP NOTES: EX'. EXISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED (VERIFY IN FIELD) M NEW EQUIPMENT, VERIFY ACTUAL WIRING REQUIREMENT W/ UNITS SUPPLIES. RETAIL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE E# DESCRIPTION ITEM# VOLTAGE LOAD IN KVA LOADIN AMPS RECEPTACLE CONDUITAND CONDUCTORS NEW Ponelbourd IN' CONNECTION TYPE MOUNTING HEIGHT (AFF) REMARKS HOT FOOD DISPLAY CASE ES 120/1 1.0 2081120V, 3 Plnz, 4 NAM Hand, IDEA, M.LO., LOCKABLE, S. MN 5-20 2 412 41 TO EG IN 1/2' G BRANCNCIRCUTT PLUG-IN IB' I WDIE See 2 DLYIR FREQER E26 LOADING(KVA) BRANCHCIRCUIT 6.3 # DESCRIPTION NOTE TYPE PH WIRE BRK KVA APHA5E BPHA5E CPHASE KVA BRK WERE PH TYPE NOTE DESCRIPTION # I SPACE IP -20A PLWAN 18' 4#3 1 IDT E38 200 200 30 #10 2 3 N DOMNOVEN(E46 2 3 SPACE IP -CA MIG -IN 9' PROVIDE ADJACENT DATA CUTLET WITH 1' CONDUIT POMP E41C 2.00 2.00 N • 4 5 SPACE F -20A PLG -IN 18' I VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH E4UIPMENT SUPPLIER ZOELLER #131 MR5 (OR EOJAL) LAID 0.54 0.54 20 #12 1 3 N. NITRON(EW) 6 ] UAC MILK DISP.(E93a) N 3 1 #12 20 018 036 018 20 #12 1 2 N. FRANKEMA6HINEOUDET(E52a) B 9 2 WOR FREEZER(E26) N 5 1 #12 20 072 0.90 0.18 20 #12 1 2 N. FRANKEMACHWEOUTL£T(E52a) 10 11 PUMP M98(E4 ALL . 5 1 #12 20 1.00 154 054 20 #12 1 3 N NETRON(E30) 12 13 COFFEEMAKER(E43) N 3 2 #10 30 249 349 1.00 20 #12 1 5 N BOOITERPUMP(E41D) 14 15 2 1110 t l 1110 EG IN 3/4' C. N. 32.49 IB' VERIFY REOUIRDIENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. FRANKE MACHINE CUTLET 620 2.6] 018 20 #12 1 3 N TWO SERVER MICKIINGSTATION(E44) 16 17 DIGITAL MENU BOARD (010) N 2 1 #12 20 072 2.97 2.25 30 #10 2 3 N FRANKEMACHIIJE(E52) 18 19 DIGITAL MENU WARD (EIRU) N. 2 1 #12 20 072 297 225 1 3 N " 20 21 MT(E38) N 3 1 #12 20 036 26] 2.25 30 #10 2 3 N FRANKEMACHIIJE(E52) 22 23 FRANKE 1000 (E53) N. 3 2 #10 30 225 4.50 225 3 N 24 25 212 4 1 NO EG IN w C. N 3 VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER 1 225 293 0.18 20 #12 1 3 N. TWO SERVER DOCKI6G STATION (E94) 26 27 DIGITALMENUBOARD(ELIO) N. 2 1 #12 20 072 OJ2 SPACE 28 29 DIGITAL MENU WARD (010) N 2 1 #12 1 20 072 OJ2 SPACE 30 31 SPACE ppTMADAb 11x9 KVA HOPE KVA 000 SPACE 32 33 SPACE 766A AMPS 691.3 AMPSESUEI mLLh MNDLI SSTMANELS M ENSURE UMUM LDAMN6 DOES 0.00 SPACE 34 35 SPACE D%OPCNA[[O W 0.00 SPACE 36 37 SPACE 0.00 SPACE 38 39 SPACE RETAIL FFN NT ELECTRICAL 5D4M1FN i . 1. EC SHALL PRDWDE CORD AND RW FOR EOUIPMENT, IF ANY, WITH CORD AND PLUG NOT INCLUDED. ALL 5. PRICK TO ADDING NEW CIRCUITS, EACH PANEL D65TING LOAD MUST BE CAREFULLY DETERMINED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 220.87(1),(2) i(3). T415 5HALU. CORD/PLW CONNECTED ABOVE THE CEILING FOR RUIPMENTS WITH A FLEXIBLE CORD/CABLE 15 NOT BE THE BASELINE FOR DETERMINING EACH INDIVIDUAL PANEL CAPAITT. W NOT ADD WAD TO 807 OR MORE OF PANEL FEEDER OU RAIN SERVICE ENTRANCE UP5TRFAM CIRQUIT BREAKER. PERMITTED AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PER NEC AW& 6. DO NOT ADD NEW LOAD TO FUEL PANEL. 2. COORDINATE NEMA RECEPTACLE CONFIGURATION WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. 7. 'HKW LEG' MEASURING 205V TO GROUND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR SMILE FIXE CIRCUITS. 3. PROVIDE GFCI DEVICES QU CIRCUIT BREAKER5 WHERE RECURRED BY NEC. B. EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT AND DEVICE5 SHALL BE NETIA 3R 4. NEW CIRCUITS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO UNUSED OR MADE SPARE BY DEMOI-ITION POLES IN EXISTING PANELS. 0� SPACE 40 41 SPACE 000 SPACE 42 1125 1 8.90 10.27 TOTALCONNECTEDLOAD 3042 KVA 84.5 AMP ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY: NOTES: LOAD TYPE CONNECTEOLMULTI DEMANDLOAD A:REFARCH DW&FOR LIGHTFIXTURE SCHEDULE MOUNTING HEIGHTAND LOCATION. L) LIGHTING 0.00 1.25 0.00 B: VERIFY ACTUAL WIRING REQUIREMENT W/ UNITS SUPPLIES. 2.)RECEPTACLES 3.24 LED 3.24 EX: EXISTING TO REMAIN. (VERIFY IN FIELD) RECEPTACLES MORE THAN LOW KVA 0.00 0.50 0.00 N: NEWEQUIPMENT. VERIFYWIRINGREQUIREMENTW/SOPPLIEDEQUIPMENTIFIT 3.) APPLIANCES d KIICHEN EQUIP 22.46 0.65 LIMIT VARTES FROM THIS PANEL SCHEDULE. FOR ANY NEW EQUIPMENTBEFORE CONNECTING 4.) MVACAREFRIG. 0.00 TOO 0.00 TO THE EXISTING PANEL, E.L. TO VERIFY THE EXISTING LIRCUITBREARER 5.)OHER 4.72 LED 4.72 AVAILABILITY.E.C. 5HALLPROVIDE BREAKER 5UFFIC!NTTO WNUEPROP05ED LOAD 6.)LARGESTMOTOR KVA 0.00 0.25 0.00 AS NOTED ON SCHEDULE TOTALLOAD: 30.4 KVA 22.56 KVA RE. RELOCATED FORM PANEL ...I TOTAL AMPS ED 208Y-3 PH. 84.5 AMPS 62.7 AMPS ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR 5HALLTE5TPANEL5 TO ENSURE MAXIMUMLOADING DOES NOTEXCEED 80%OFLAPACM. RETAIL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE E# DESCRIPTION ITEM# VOLTAGE LOAD IN KVA LOADIN AMPS RECEPTACLE CONDUITAND CONDUCTORS CIRCUIT BREAKER REQUIRED IN PANEL CONNECTION TYPE MOUNTING HEIGHT (AFF) REMARKS HOT FOOD DISPLAY CASE ES 120/1 1.0 B.3 5-20 2 412 41 TO EG IN 1/2' G IP -20A PLUG-IN IB' I WDIE See 2 DLYIR FREQER E26 115/1 0.72 6.3 5-15 2 412 4 1412 EG IN I/2' C. IP -20A PLUG-IN IB' VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH FOUIPMENT SUPPLIER NITRON COLD DRAFT EX NOW 054 4.5 5-15 2 #12 t 1 1112 EG IN in, C. IP -20A PLWAN 18' 4#3 1 IDT E38 Wall 0.36 30 5-20 2 #12 4 I #12 EG IN 1/2" C. IP -CA MIG -IN 9' PROVIDE ADJACENT DATA CUTLET WITH 1' CONDUIT POMP E41C 115/1 0.403 35 5-20 1 2 912 t I #12 EG IN I/2' C. F -20A PLG -IN 18' I VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH E4UIPMENT SUPPLIER ZOELLER #131 MR5 (OR EOJAL) LAID 115/1 LCA RA 5-w 2 #12 4 1 #12 EG IN 14' C. IP -20A PWG -IN 9' VERIFY REQUIREMENTS HIT" EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER BREWER BAD 2(9/1 4.94 24 L14 -W 3 #10 1 1 010 EG IN I' C. Y -30A PLUG-IN IV VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER TWO SERVER GCKIIG STATION E44 MIT 016 L5 5-15 2 #12 0 1912 EG IN I/2' C. IP -20A PLUG-IN B. 17 DOYON NEW EAG 2C0/I 4.0 21.0 (V.LF.) 2 1110 t I BIO EG IN 3/4' C 2P -WA (V.I F.) L (D(00 VERIFY REQUIRPIBNTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. FRANKS MACHINE f52 220/1 4.5 22.4 6-30 2 1110 t l 1110 EG IN 3/4' C. 2P -'AA PLW-IN IB' VERIFY REOUIRDIENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. FRANKE MACHINE CUTLET 620 DOW 0.18 1.5 5-20 2 ED 4 I #12 EG IN I/2' C. IP -20A FUJ IN 9' VERIFY REQUIRBIENIS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER FRANKE 1000 E53 200-220/1 4.5 Y2.4 6-w 2 910 1 I #10 EG IN 3M' C. 21'-30A PLUG-IN IB' VERIFY REOUIREMENT5 WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. U/C HIT DISP. FOR FRANKE 1000 E930 DOW 0.10 1.5 5-20 1 2 #12 4 11112 EG IN 1/2' C. IP -209 PWG -IN IB' VERIFY REQIIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER DEE SKIN HRR 120/1 0% 3.0 5-20 2 #D 4 1 #12 EG IN In' C. IP -209 RW -IN V.LF. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER TV EIIO 115/1 036 3.0 5-20 212 4 1 NO EG IN w C. IP-XA PLUG-IN VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER 1 X)INACMaENDS WDE M¢NtR 3WIFIC[ENTT) HANDLE LOAD 510THER LOS WAD AS NmMm ON SCHEDULE yuR5E5TMOTOR KVA am 025 am PERIELDLAYE)FURAPARL evaovmE UEw[mtv[TwEAxER /.S lrtprtREe ppTMADAb 11x9 KVA HOPE KVA NOTE" TOTAL AMPS 0 mbJ MH. 766A AMPS 691.3 AMPSESUEI mLLh MNDLI SSTMANELS M ENSURE UMUM LDAMN6 DOES D%OPCNA[[O W RETAIL FFN NT ELECTRICAL 5D4M1FN i . 1. EC SHALL PRDWDE CORD AND RW FOR EOUIPMENT, IF ANY, WITH CORD AND PLUG NOT INCLUDED. ALL 5. PRICK TO ADDING NEW CIRCUITS, EACH PANEL D65TING LOAD MUST BE CAREFULLY DETERMINED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 220.87(1),(2) i(3). T415 5HALU. CORD/PLW CONNECTED ABOVE THE CEILING FOR RUIPMENTS WITH A FLEXIBLE CORD/CABLE 15 NOT BE THE BASELINE FOR DETERMINING EACH INDIVIDUAL PANEL CAPAITT. W NOT ADD WAD TO 807 OR MORE OF PANEL FEEDER OU RAIN SERVICE ENTRANCE UP5TRFAM CIRQUIT BREAKER. PERMITTED AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PER NEC AW& 6. DO NOT ADD NEW LOAD TO FUEL PANEL. 2. COORDINATE NEMA RECEPTACLE CONFIGURATION WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER. 7. 'HKW LEG' MEASURING 205V TO GROUND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR SMILE FIXE CIRCUITS. 3. PROVIDE GFCI DEVICES QU CIRCUIT BREAKER5 WHERE RECURRED BY NEC. B. EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT AND DEVICE5 SHALL BE NETIA 3R 4. NEW CIRCUITS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO UNUSED OR MADE SPARE BY DEMOI-ITION POLES IN EXISTING PANELS. TOTAL LOAD (ADDED - RETAOVED) KVA KVA'0.65% 1274 8.28 AMP AMP 35.39 23.00 10 ALE REVISION 10 FIELD REVISION 0 CODE REVISION P: U) Z Z _O } co Ac LU of W M.J \ W o N O O EXISTING PaxebSmd'MDP' MF) THE FOLLOWBJGCALCULATIONSARE BASED ONT THE POINT -BY -POINT METHOD ALL CALWWTIONSUTILIZE ODPPERCONDUCTOIL9 IN AT THE UTILITY TRANSMRMER= 52,000 Amp. us (rNe Etts*wc¢[e. LOAD 15MAZECINim1 MMANCHCII SPAWNCIRWET W N CONDUCTORS SIZE APER PHASE PHASE m+MrvA) Ise D NESCUTION MOTIF PAN PP I WDIE See (VA APHAU SPHASECAHISE KLA Sat maE P4 TYPE MME DESCRIPTION IF 9,510 2 Pacel'MET pond L' EXERTING 33ft LTJ oo 3 208 13,465 7,033 4 PEPSI Tl Paul IT EXISTING 31ft 493 1 3 208 9,351 5,031 Q O U 4#3 1 3 200 7,928 = U C 3811 4#3/0 1 3 M 00 7 PANEL Is, EX 3 #310 AW ow 208 4 ED PAMEI 717 co 45ft 493 1 3 208 lt 4,149 H! I CN LTJ f xLo LTJ 0BID Uoo AS PAMM w N 3 03 AM C a 16 0 a AM 3 EX FAMEEL P, 14 W R Q LL 17 . . . No Z °LI�Do 15,27 Et . . . Is W L (D(00 04 ✓T00 i 91 M 60 on 2 W o EO EURT IOL TOFAL LOAD SUMMARY'. .j INTEL CONNI KbWSr aaMMOUv MHE HTA ewunou xLOAD �ux Maaea EX m S,REI®TACUa:;LAMENT SRMMnMENTW/SUPPUEDEQ PMENT7IT A WEQUPMENTMEACAECOSUECTwM %IAMMML[EAMESA ¢TCHENIPALP X)INACMaENDS WDE M¢NtR 3WIFIC[ENTT) HANDLE LOAD 510THER LOS WAD AS NmMm ON SCHEDULE yuR5E5TMOTOR KVA am 025 am PERIELDLAYE)FURAPARL evaovmE UEw[mtv[TwEAxER /.S lrtprtREe ppTMADAb 11x9 KVA HOPE KVA NOTE" TOTAL AMPS 0 mbJ MH. 766A AMPS 691.3 AMPSESUEI mLLh MNDLI SSTMANELS M ENSURE UMUM LDAMN6 DOES D%OPCNA[[O W 10 ALE REVISION 10 FIELD REVISION 0 CODE REVISION P: U) Z Z _O } co Ac LU of W M.J \ W o N O O THE FOLLOWBJGCALCULATIONSARE BASED ONT THE POINT -BY -POINT METHOD ALL CALWWTIONSUTILIZE ODPPERCONDUCTOIL9 IN AT THE UTILITY TRANSMRMER= 52,000 Amp. DESCRIPTION W N CONDUCTORS SIZE APER PHASE PHASE VOLTS Ise D ALL L -N 1 U1. Tramommer MDP MINING 220ft (2)4#600 2 Z N 208 20,611 9,510 2 Pacel'MET pond L' EXERTING 33ft LTJ oo 3 208 13,465 7,033 4 PEPSI Tl Paul IT EXISTING 31ft 493 1 3 208 9,351 5,031 Q O U 4#3 1 3 200 7,928 = U C 3811 4#3/0 1 3 M 00 -cu O (O 35ft �'LL^J V co 3 208 13,234 6,923 co 45ft 493 1 3 208 lt 4,149 a I CN LTJ xLo LTJ 0BID Uoo O L Q C a M H M co W R Q LL O Z °LI�Do W L (D(00 04 ✓T00 i L'c °c'- 2 W o EO Uwe .j FAMTCURRFN'f CA UC04AMONS SUM1DTAItY THE FOLLOWBJGCALCULATIONSARE BASED ONT THE POINT -BY -POINT METHOD ALL CALWWTIONSUTILIZE ODPPERCONDUCTOIL9 IN AT THE UTILITY TRANSMRMER= 52,000 Amp. DESCRIPTION LENGTH CONDUCTORS SIZE APER PHASE PHASE VOLTS Ise POINT FROM RI MOM ALL L -N 1 U1. Tramommer MDP MINING 220ft (2)4#600 2 3 208 20,611 9,510 2 Pacel'MET pond L' EXERTING 33ft 403M 1 3 208 13,465 7,033 4 PEPSI Tl Paul IT EXISTING 31ft 493 1 3 208 9,351 5,031 5 Panel MDP- Pmcl'S P.%ISTMG No 4#3 1 3 200 7,928 4,311 6 PILL] MDP- PEPSI A' EXISTING 3811 4#3/0 1 3 208 12,902 6,766 9 Pxml'MDP' Pmml'B' EXISTING 35ft 493/0 1 3 208 13,234 6,923 8 Paml'MET Race] N. NEW 45ft 493 1 3 208 7,612 4,149 NOTES e.) THE IT TRANSPORMER B:., LENGTH, 6 WERE WE ARE BASE ON THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION, E.C. SHALL VERIFY IN FIELDANDNOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS BEFOREPROCEEDING 36492 sOM1a AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM D4I5 06-28-2021 Stoat SCHEDULE, AND PANEL CA -CS E200 FIT 1 -GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The general provisions of the contract including General and Special Conditions and General Requirement shall apply to all work under this Section. 1.02 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES AND STANDARDS A. Equipment,fixtures, material and installation shall conform to the requirements of the local Building Department, the serving utility companies, the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, Life Safety Code, Occupational Safety and Health Ad, and applicable national, state and local codes, ordinances and regulations. B. All equipment shall be equal to or exceed the minimum requirements of NEMA, IEEE, and UL. C. Should any change In Drawings or Specifications be required to comply with governmental regulations, the Contractor shall notify Amhitect/Engineer prior to execution of the Work. The work shall be carried out according to the requirements of such code in accordance with the instruction of the Architect/Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. D. The provisions of Standards, Codes, Laws, Ordinances, etc., shall be considered minimum requirements. In case of conflict between their published requirements, the Owner's Representative shall determine which is to be followed and his decision shall be binding. Specific requirements of this specification or the drawings, which exceed the published requirements, shall take precedence over them. 1.03 FEES A. All local fees,permits, and services of inspection authorities shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with local companies with respect to their services. Contractor shall include in his bid any casts to be incurred relative to power service (primary and/or secondary) and telephone service. 1.04 SCOPE OF WORK A. This division of the specifications covers the electrical systems of the project. It includes work performed by the electrical trades as well as trades not normally considered as electrical trades. B. Provide all incidentals, equipment, appliances, services, s, hoisting, scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, labor consumable items, fees, licenses, etc., necessary to provide complete systems. Perform startup and checkout on each Item and system to provide fully operable systems. C. Examine and compare the Electrical Drawings with these specifications, and report any discrepancies between them to the Architect/Engineer and obtain from him written Instructions for changes necessary In the work. At time of bid the most sl ingent requirements must be Included In the bid. D. Examine and compare the Electrical Drawings and Specifications with the Drawings and Spedfications cif other trades, and report any discrepancies between them to the Architect/Endneer and obtain from him written Instructions for changes necessary In the work. At time of bid, the most stringent requirements must be included in said bid. E. Install and coordinate the electrical work in cooperation with other trades installing interrelated work. Before installation, make proper provisions to void interferences in a manner approved by the Architect/Engineer. All changes required in the work of the Contractor, caused by his neglect to do so, shall be made by him at his own expense. F. It is the intent of the Drawings and Specifications to provide a complete workable system ready for the Owner's operation. Any item not specifically shown on the Drawings or Called for in the Spedfications, but normally required to conform with the intent, are to be considered a pan of the Contract. G. All materials furnished by the Contractor shall be new and unused (temporary lighting and power products are excluded) and free from defects. All materials used shall bear the Underwriter's Laboratory, Inc. label provided a standard has been established for the material in question. H. Except far coming, conduit fittings, outlet boxes, wire and cable, all items of equipment or material shall he the product of one manufacturer throughout the entire project. Multiple manufacturers will not be permitted. 1.05 REFERENCES A. Utilize the following abbreviations and definitions for discernment within the Drawings and Specifications. 1. Abbreviations a) NEC National Electrical Code. b) OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act. d ANSI American National Standards Institute. d) NEPA National Fire Protection Association. e) ASA American Standards Association. Q IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. g) NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers&sedation. h) UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. I) IES Illuminating Engineering Society. J) ILEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association. Q ASTM American Society of Testing Materials. 1) ETL Eledrical Testing Laboratories, Inc. m) CBM Certified Ballast Manufacturers. n) EIA Electronic Industries Association. o) LED Light Emitting Diode. P) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer. 1.06 DEFINITIONS A. "PROVIDE" means to supply, purchase, transport, place, erect, conned, test, and turn over to Owner, complete and ready for regular operation, the Particular work referred to. B . "INSTALL" means to join, unite, fasten, link, attack, set up, or otherwise connect together before testing and turning over to Owner, complete and ready for regular operation, the particular Work referred to. C "FURNISH" means to supply all materials, labor, equipment, testing apparatus, controls,tests,accessories, and all other items customarily required for the proper and complete application for the particular Work referred to. D. "WIRING" means the inclusion of all raceways,fittings,conductors,connectors, tape, junction and outlet boxes, connections, splices, and all other items necessary and/or required in connection with such Wark. E. "CONDUIT' means the inclusion of all fittings, hangers, supports, sleeves, etc. F. "AS DIRECTED" means as directed by the Architect/Engineer, or his representative. G. "CONCEALED" means embedded in masonry or other Construction, installed behind wall furring or within double parmfons, or Installed above hung ceilings. 1.07 COORDINATION OF THE WORK A. Certain materials will be provided by other trades. Examine the Contract Documents to ascertain these requirements. B. Carefully check space requirements with other trades and the physical confines of the area to insure that all material can be Installed in the spaces allotted thereto including finished suspended ceilings and the spaces within the existing building. Make modifications thereto as required and approved. C. Transmit to other trades all information required for work to he provided under their respective Sections in ample time for installation. D. Wherever work'mtercon reds with work of other trades, coordinate with other trades to insure that al l trades have the information necessary so that they may properly install all the necessary connections and equipment. Identify all items of work that require access s0 that the ceiling trade will know where to install access doors and panels. E. Coordinate project and schedule work with other trades In accordance with the construction sequence. Coordinate, F. The Drawin show only the general run of raceways and approximate location of outlets. An significant changes In location of outlets cabinets 8s Y B Y Pp V 8 8 eti necessarym de. All meet field conditions shall adewi hitt the cost to caner. eArchie En Ineer and receive his royal before such 8 N 8 approval alterations are made. All such modifications shall be made without additional cost to the Owner. G. Obtain from the Archirect/Engineer In the field the location of such outlets or equipment net definitely located on the Drawings. H. Circuit "Cap" I n the form of arrows are used where shown to Indicate the home runs of raceways to electrical distribution points. These tags show the circuits in each home run and the Panel designation. Show the actual circuits numbers on the finished record drawings and on panel directory card. Where circuiting is not indicated, Electrical Subcontractor must provide required circuhing in accordance with the loading indicated on the drawings and/or as directed. I. Adjust location of conduits,panels, equipment, pull boxes, figures, etc. to accommodate the work to prevent interferences, both anticipated and encountered. Determine the exact route and location of each raceway prior to fabrication. 1. Right -of -Way: a) Dines that pitch have the right-of-way over those that do not pitch. For example: steam, condensate, and plumbing drains normally have riga akway. Lines whose elevations cannot be changed to have right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be changed. E) Make offers, transitions and changes in direction in raceways as required to maintain proper headroom in pitch of sloping lines whether or not indicated on the Drawings. J. Wherever the work is of sufficient complexity, prepare additional Detail Drawings to scale similar to that of the bidding Drawings, prepared on tracing medium of the same size as Contract Drawings. With these layouts, coordinate the work with the work of other trades. Such detailed work to he clearly identified on the Drawings as to the area to which it applies. Submit for review Drawings clearly showing the work and its relation to the work of other trades before commencing shop fabrication or erection in the field. K. Coordinate with the local Electric Utility Company and the local Telephone Company as to their requirements for service connections and provide all necessary materials, labor and testing. L Coordinate with contractors for work under other Divisions of this specification for all work necessary to accomplish this contractors work. 1.08 EXAMINATION OF SITE A. Prior to the submitting of bids, the Contractor shall visit the site of the job and shall familiarize himself with all conditions affecting the proposed installation and shall make provisions as to the cost thereof. Failure to comply with the intent of this paragraph will in no way relieve the contractor of Performing all necessary work shown on the Drawings. 1.09 PROGRESS OF WORK A. The Contractor shall order the progress of his work to conform to the progress of the work of other trades and shall complete the entire Installation as soon as the conditions of the building will permIt. Any cost reaching from the defective or ill-timed work performed under this section shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Ship and store all products and materials in a manner that will protectthem from damage, weather and entry of debris. if items are damaged, do not install, but take immediate steps to obtain replacement or repair. Any such repairs shall be subject to review and acceptance of the Architect/Engineer. B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened container full identified with manufacturer's name trade name t class rade size and color. nope Y type, .g C. Store materials suitably sheltered from the elements, but readily accessibly for inspection by the Archifed/Engineer until installed. Store all items subject to moisture damage in dry, heated spaces. 1.11 EQUIPMENTACCESSORIES A. Provide supports, hangers and auxiliary structural members required for support of the work. B. Furnish and set all sleeves for passage of raceways through structural, masonry and concrete walls of floors and elsewhere as will be required for the proper protection of each raceway passing through building surfaces. C. Wall mounted equipment may be directly secured to wall by means of steel bolts. Maintain a least 1" air space between equipment and supporting wall. Groups orarrays of equipment may be mounted on adequately sized steel angles, channels, or ban. Prefabricated steel channels providinga high degree of mounting flexibility, such as those manufactured by Kindoxi GI06-Strutt and Unistrut, maybe used for mounting arrays of equipment. 1.12 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. General: Provide operations & maintenance (01 manuals in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1. Provide two (2) copies of each manual. 2. Manuals shall be 8-1/2 Inches X 11 Inches in hand cover 3 -ring loose-leaf binders. 3. Manuals shall be complete and In Owner's hands prior to turning building over to Owner and at least SO days prior to Institution to operating personnel. B. Provide manufacturers literature as regularly published by the respective manufacturers for proper preventative and comprehensive maintenance. C. Provide 0&M manuals including but not limited to the following. 1. Alphabetical list of all system components, with the name,address, and 24- hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each Item duringthe first year of operation. 2. Operating instructions for complete system including: a) Normal stanin& operating, and shut -down. b) Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment. c) Summer and winter special Procedures, if any. d) Day and night special procedures, if any. 3. Maintenance Instruction including: a) Proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment, and date when lubricated. b) Necessary cleaning, replacement and/or adjustment schedule. 4. Manufacturer's data for each piece of equipment including: a) Installation instructions. b) Drawings and specifications. d Parts list, including recommended items to be stocked. d) Complete wiring diagrams. e) Marked or changed prints locating all concealed parts and all variations from the original system design. Q Test and inspection certificates. D. Refer to individual specification sections for additional 0&M requirements. 1.13 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. During construction, keep an accurate record of all deviations between the work as shown on Drawings and that which is actually Installed Keep this record set of prints at the job site for review by the Architect/Engineer. B. Upon completion of the installation and acceptance by the owner, transfer all record drawing Information to one neat and legible set of prints. Then deliver them to the Archhect/Engmerer for transmittal to the Owner. C. Provide in each main electrical switchboard room a framed copy under glass of the appropriate Single Line Riser Diagram as reviewed by the electrical engineer. Media shall be a high quality presentation type paper. Blueprints or other media which fade shall not M used. 1.14 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee all material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance by the Owner, except that where guarantees or warranties fair longerterms are specified herein, such longer term to apply. Within 24 hours after notification, correct any deficiencies that occur during the guarantee period at no additional cart to the Owner, all to the satisfaction of the Owner and Architect/Engineer. Obtain similar guarantees from subcontractors, manufacturers, suppliers and subtrade specialists. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Applicable equipment and materials shall be listed by Underwriters' Laboatorles and Manufactured in accordance with ASME, NEMA, ANSI or IEEE standards, and as approved by local authorities having jurisdiction as mentioned In Division 1. B. If products and materials are specified or indicated on the Drawings for a specific item or system, use those products or materials. If products and materials are net listed in either of the above, use first class products and materials, subject to approval of Shap Drawings where Shap Drawings are required or as approved in writing where Shop Drawings are not required. C. All equipment capacities,etc. are listed for job site operating conditions. All equipment sensitive to altitudes or ambient temperatures to be derated and method of derating shown on Shop Drawings. Where operating conditions shown differ from the laboratory test conditions, the equipment to be derated and the method of derating shown on Shop Drawings. 2.02 SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT A. All requests for substitution of materials or equipment shall he made in writing by the Contractor. The request must be In the Engineers office not less than 10 days prior to the bid date. Samples of proposed substitute materials or equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer for review whenever they are requested. Bids shall be based only upon the specified materials and equipment, or substitutes that have received written acceptance from the Engineer prior to the bid. B. Wherever the words "for approval" or "approved" are used in regard to manufactured specialties, or wherever it is desired to substitute a different make or type of apparatus for that specified, submit all information pertinent to the adequacy and adaptability cif the Proposed apparatus, and secure Archflect/Engaz er's acceptance before apparatus is ordered. C. Wherever quanthies or a definite make and size of apparatus is specified, the make and size of apparatus which is proposed must conform pubstantially(in regard to the operating results) to that specified or Implied. Same shall apply to important dimensions relating to operation of apparatus in coordination with the reit of the system, or to properly fitting it into available space conditions. Any substitution of equipment or apparatus shall include all necessary revisions, as required to complete the installation. D. Acceptance of substitutions, for equipment specified herein, will not be given merely upon submission of manufacturer's names and will be given only after recelptofcomplete and satisfactoryperformance data covering the complete range ofoperating conditions in tabular and graphical forth. Furnish complete and satisfactory information relative to equipment dimensions, weight, etc. Acceptance of all equipment specified or shown on the Drawings, or substitutions submitted for that specified or shown on the Drawings, will be granted if such equipment, in the opinion of the Archited/Engineer, conforms to the performance requirements, space conditions, weight requirements and quality requirements. Any additional construction and design costs Incurred as a result of any accepted substitution shall be borne by the Contractor. The opinion and judgement of the Archltect/Engineer shall be Mal, conclusive, and binding. 2.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Prepare and submit detailed Shop Drawings for materials, systems, and equipment as listed herein, including locations and sizes of all openings in floor decks walls and floors. B. The Work described in an Shop Drawing submission shall be careful) checked for all clearances (including thosere required for maintenance and seri field V P 8 V ( B q B). conditions, maintenance ofarchitectural checked and that and r coordination ion with all on the'ob. Each submitted Drawing shall indudeacertificetianthat proper 1 P g all related lob conditions have been checked and [ha[ no conflict exists. C. All drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of field requirements t0 allow ample time for checking and resubmittal as may be required All submittals shall be complete and contain all required and detailed information. D. Acceptance of any submitted data or Shop Drawings for material, equipment apparatus, devices,arrangements, and layout shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility of furnishing same of proper dimensions and weight, capacities, sizes, quantity, quality and installation details, to efficiently perform the requirements and intent cliche Contract. Such acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors, omissions, or inadequacies of any sort on submitted data or Shop Drawings. E. Each Shop Drawing shall contain the following information. 1. Provide general Information on each copy of the submittal. a) Project title. E) Reference to the applicable drawing and specification article. d Contractor and supplier identification, addresses and telephone numbers. d) Submittal Date. 2. Ceni&ation that the contractor has reviewed the submittal. 3. Refer to individual specification sections for additional information requirements. F. Shap Drawing submittals shall be provided for each specific material,system, or equipment as identified herein. 1. Asa minimum, make submnals on the following items: a) Raceways, conduit &wire b) Wiring devices and plates d Switchboards d) Transformers e) Panelboards Q Fuses g) Disconnect switches h) Motor control centers I) Motor controllers, starters, and contactors j) Lighting fixtures, lamps 0 Instrumentation, metering equipment I) Special systems -fire alarm, security, CCN, intercom, etc. 2. Refer to individual specification sections for additional submittal requirements. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Follow manufacturer's instructions far installing, connecting, and adjusting all equipment. Provide one copy of such instructions to the Architect/Engineer before installing any equipment. Provide a copy of such instructions at the equipment during any work on the equipment Provide all special supports, connections, wiring, accessories, etc. B. Use marts nits skil led in their trade for all work. C. Keep all items protected before and after installation. Clean up all debris. D. Before commencing Work, examine all adjoining, underying,etc., Work on which this Work is in any way dependent for perfect workmanship and report any condition which prevents Performance of first class work. Become thoroughly familiar with actual existing conditions to which connections must be made or which must be changed or altered. 3.02 PREMIUM TIME WORK A. The following Work shall be performed at night or weekend other than holiday weekends as directed and coordinated with the Owner. 1. All tie-in,cut -over and modifications to the existing electrical system and other existing system requiring tie- ins or modifications shall be arranged and scheduled with the Owner to be done at a time as to maintain continuity of the service and not interfere with normal building operations. 3.03 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILL A. Provide excavation for the Work. Excavate all material encountered, ad the depths indicated on the drawings or required. Remove from the site, excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill. Provide grading, as may be necessary, to prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other excavations. Remove any water accumulating therein. Provide sheeting and shoring as may be necessary for the protection of the Work and for the safety of Personnel. B. Provide trenches of widths necessary for the proper execution of the Work. Grade bottom of the trenches accurately to provide uniform bearing and support the Work an undisturbed soil at every point along its entire length. Except where nock is encountered, do not excavate below the depths indicated Where rock excavations are required, excavate rack to a minimum overdepth of four (4") inches below the trench depths indicated on the Drawings or required. Backfill overdepths in the rock excavation and unauthorized overdrafts with loose granular, molt[ earth, thoroughly machine tamped, to a compaction level of at least 95 percent to standard protector density or 25 percent relative density or as specified by the Architect. Whenever unstable soil that is incapable of properly supporting the Work, as determined by Architect/Engineer, is encountered in the bottom of the trench, remove sail to a depth required and backfill the trench to the proper grade with coarse sand, fine gravel, or other suitable material. C. Excavate trenches for utilities to a depth that will Provide the following minimum depths of cover from existing grade or from indicated finished grade, whichever is lower, unless otherwise specifically shown. 1. Primary electric service: four (4) feet (minimum) 2. Secondary electric service: two (2) feet (minimum) 3. Telephone service: two (2) feet (minimum) D. Trenches shall not be placed within ten (10) feet of foundation or soil surfaces which must resist horizontal forces. E. Do not backfill trenches until all required tests have been preformed and the installation observed by the Engineer. Comply with the requirements of other sections of these specifications. Backfill shall consist of non expansive soil with limited Porosity. Deposit in six (6") Inch layers and thoroughly and carefully tamp until the Work has a cover of not less than one(1)foo[. Backnl and tamp remainder of trench at twelve (12') inch intervals until complete. Uniformly grade the finished surface. Backfill and tamp with compaction at least equal to the surrounding area. 3.04 CUTTING, PATCHING AND REPAIRING A. The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Where cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling of floors, walls, partitions, ceilings or other surfaces is necessary for the proper installation, support or anchorage of raceway, outlets or other equipment, the work shall be carefully done. Any damage to the building, piping, equipment or defaced finish plaster, woodwork, metalwork, etc, shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Where conduits, mounting channels,outlet,junction, or pull boxes are mounted on a painted surface, or a surface to be painted, they shall be painted to match the surface. Whenever support channels are cut, the bare metal shall be cold galvanized. 3.05 DEMOLITION AND CONTINUANCE OF EXISTING SERVICES A. All existing electrical services not specifically indicated to be removed or altered shall remain as they presently exist. B. Should any existing services interfere with new construction, the Contractor shall (after obtaining written approval from the Architect/Engineer) alter or reroute such existing equipment to facilitate new construction. C. Under no circumstances shall existing services be terminated or altered unless deemed necessary by the Architect/Engineer or specified herein; also, prior to altering any existing situation, the Contactor shall notify the Owner in writing giving two (2) weeks advance notice of planned alteration. D. It shall be solely the Contractor's responsibility to guarantee continuity of present facilities (with respect to damage or alteration due to new construction) and any unauthorized alteration to existing equipment shall be corrected by the Contractor to the Architect/Engineer's satisfaction at the Contractor's expense. 3.06 CLEANING UP A. Contractor shall take care to avoid accumulation of debris, boxes, crates, etc, resulting from the installation of his work. Contractor shall remove from the premises each day all debris, boxes, etc., and keep the Premises clean. B. Contractor shall clean up all fixtures and equipment at the completion ofthe project. C. All switchboards, panelboards, wireways, trench ducts, cabinets and enclosures shall be thoroughly vacuumed clean prior to energizing equipment and at the completion of the Project. Equipment shall he opened for observation by the Architect/Engineer as required. 3.07 WATERPROOFING A. Avoid, if possible, the penetration of any waterproof membranes such as roofs, machine room floors, basement walls, and the like. if such penetration is necessary, perform it prior to the waterproofing and furnish al I sleeves or pitch pockets required. Advise the Architect/Engineer and obtain written permission before penetrating any waterproof membrane, even where such penetration is shown on the Drawings. B. If Contractor penetrates an walls or surfaces after the have been waterproofed, he shall restore the waterproof integrity of that surface as directed by the P P P B Y Architect/Engineer at his own expense. 3.08 SUPPORTS A. Support work in accordance with the best industry practice and the following. B. Include supporting frames or racks extending from building structure for work indicated as being supported from walls where the walls are incapable of supporting the weight. In particular, provide such frames or racks in electric closets. C. Include supporting frames or racks for equipment, intended for vertical surface mounting, which is required in a free standing position. D. Supporting frames or racks shall be of standard angle, standard channel or specialty support system steel members. They shall be rigidly baked or welded together and adequately braced to form a substantial structure. Racks shall he of ample size to assure a workmanlike arrangement of all equipment mounted on them. E. Nothing, (including outlet, pull and junction boxes and fittings) shall depend on electric candu'ds,raceways, or cables for support, except that threaded hub type fittings having a gross volume not in excess of 100 cubic Inches may he supported from heavy wall conduit, where the conduit is securely supported from the structure within five inches of the fitting on two opposite sides. F. Nothing shall rest on, or depend for support on, suspended ceilings media (tiles, lath, plaster, as well as splines, runners, bars and the like in the plane of the ceiling). G. Provide required supports and hangers far conduit, equipment,etc., so that loading will not exceed allowable loadings of structure. 3.09 FASTENINGS A. Fasten electric work to building structure In accordance with the best Industry practice and the following. B. Floor or ad mountedequipment shall not be held In lace sole) b Its own dead weight. Include anchorhstenin In all cases. Pp V Y 8 8 C. For Items which are shown as beim ceiling mounted al locations where fastening to the building construction element above is not possible, provide suitable 8 8 8 B Po , auxiliary channel or angle iron bridging, tying to the building structural elements. 3.10 TESTING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. The Contractor its 11 provide a 11 testing instruments, equipment and all materials, connections, labor, etc., required to perform tests. B. Test all circuits,fixtures, equipment, and systems for proper operation and freedom from grounds, shorts and open circuits before acceptance is requested. C. Measure voltage at panelboards and outlets after the building Is fully occupied. Make final transformer tap adjustments based on these measurements. D. Perform all tests required by local authorities, such as tests of life safety systems, in addition to tests specified herein. E. Perform tests required by other specification sections. Wheat e�6/ .�� ng D VVEn ■ O 1 A/E REVISION 0 0 FIELD REVISI( 1 CODE REVISI( Z W W J LU Al 1 _ 36492 scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM Date 06-28-2021 Shoe) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E300 W N Z N 0 W 00 Q = U N net coV ,,Wnn iO VJ LL W W N LL O Lo U) L Z W W J LU Al 1 _ 36492 scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: IM CHECKED BY: MM Date 06-28-2021 Shoe) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E300 FIELD ARCHITECT: GRAPHIC SYMBOLS BUILDING CODE W18 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE EXISTING BUILDING CODE Christo her°Iglta"YS'gne p ACCESSIBILITY CODE XXXX ROOM IDENTIFICATION KEYED NOTE DESIGNATOR PLUMBING CODE Christopher 5t XXX REFERENCE NAME TEXT NOTE NUMBER O :20131NTERNATON4MECHPNICAL COLE ELECTRICALCODE _ REFERENCE NUMBER FIXE PROTECTION :20131NTERNATON4 FIRE CODE NEW EOUIPMENTI ITEM ^^� ENLARGED DETAIL TEXT NOTE NUMBER MIS INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE PROJECT NPIiRATIVE: PROPOSE PARTIAL FOOD PREPARATION EQUIPMENT REPUCEMEMAT E%18TIN0 CONVENIENCE STORE. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORK. NO LHSNOE IN USE. EORE850R OCCUPANCY. Will COOS REFERENCE ��/ T09:42:53-04'0 VV p2di� �� ' SHEET NUMBER RELOCATED EQUIPMENT/ ITEM IIL�r� IILII� IIL�r� 11L1'JI I' IILir� IILJI( IILJII LEVEL IALTEMTON REQUIREMENTS /R\ TEST NOTE NUMBER :LQMpLT W/CH, B SECTION DETAIL laws In effect at the tlrne M submktal. Reasonable : M 3 REFERENCE I.D. REMOVED EDVIPMENT/REM SHEET NUMBER -CONSTRUCTION TYPE effort was exerd5ed in checking for code Compliance. The stamping of Mese documents shall net be TEST NOTE NUMBER :SB ASSUMED -NO.OF STORIES (TENANT) D :1 :1 E.T.R. ELEVATION DAVM MINT C 03A REFERENCEID. /j 1�3'-0"A.F.F. SHEET NUMBER T LEVEL2 LOCATION ELEVATION amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer �0"� :NO B -SPW XKLEREO Date o9/oz/zou 6 7 -ELEVEN -MPNUPL FIRENPTiM SYSTEM UWINDOW SYMBOL �� A CEILING HEIGHT KEY iW REFERENCE NUMBER 3�- MATERIAL TYPE :NO STORE NUMBER: 38492 //TT�Yp�E DOOR SYMBOL REVISION INDICATOR :PER MECHANICAL LODE :NO • REFERENCE NUMBER RENBION NUMBER X � VESTIBULE REQUIRED (ENTER TO SPACE 3.0005.F. 1) ENERGY CODE:IECC SO2A.] :NO WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80212 SEPARATIONS LEVEL IALTERATON REQUIREMENTS :Po2 :COMPLY W/ LX.B -TENANTBEPPAATION:NA. X E3.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ea�olz� :MA. -FINISH CLASSIFICATION :TPBLE�J9 :EYJT ENCL08URE8AND PASSAGE WAYS: CLASS :LLAWA � coRRlooRs: cross B :cuss e ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES: CLASS :CLPBSC OCCUPANT LOAD SUMMARY: -GROS6 FLOORARFA :2.Y305F TOTAL -FLOIXYME4ALLOWANCE TABLE100I :SPLE8038.F. /OCCUPPM 2.0295F /BO•% - TABLE100I STOCK 30) SF/CLLUPPNT 9815F I3OJ•3 TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD Me 40 000 LOAD EGRESS REQUIRED NUMBER OF EXITS 10062A :1 :3 E.T.R. -MIN. FRIT BEPAPATILN a00T1.1 ; WA : WA -MPXIMUM EGRESS PATI : TABLE 101] 2 :2C0 FEET MO% : 77' -Il' -E%IT PASSAGEWAY (SERVING MORE THAN SO OCCUPANTS) :10212 "INCHES :WA -E%IT PASSAGEWAY (SEWING LESS THAN WOLCUPANTB) 10203 :351NCHE3 :36" PLUMBING FACILITIES: -EXISTING REBTROOMB : IEBC 000.1 :1 :1 E.T.R. FIRE RETARDAM TREATED FIELD ARCHITECT: GRAPHIC SYMBOLS BUILDING CODE W18 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE EXISTING BUILDING CODE Christo her°Iglta"YS'gne p ACCESSIBILITY CODE XXXX ROOM IDENTIFICATION KEYED NOTE DESIGNATOR PLUMBING CODE Christopher 5t XXX REFERENCE NAME TEXT NOTE NUMBER O :20131NTERNATON4MECHPNICAL COLE ELECTRICALCODE _ REFERENCE NUMBER FIXE PROTECTION :20131NTERNATON4 FIRE CODE NEW EOUIPMENTI ITEM ^^� ENLARGED DETAIL TEXT NOTE NUMBER MIS INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE PROJECT NPIiRATIVE: PROPOSE PARTIAL FOOD PREPARATION EQUIPMENT REPUCEMEMAT E%18TIN0 CONVENIENCE STORE. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORK. NO LHSNOE IN USE. EORE850R OCCUPANCY. Will COOS REFERENCE ��/ T09:42:53-04'0 VV p2di� �� ' SHEET NUMBER RELOCATED EQUIPMENT/ ITEM IIL�r� IILII� IIL�r� 11L1'JI I' IILir� IILJI( IILJII LEVEL IALTEMTON REQUIREMENTS /R\ TEST NOTE NUMBER :LQMpLT W/CH, B SECTION DETAIL laws In effect at the tlrne M submktal. Reasonable : M 3 REFERENCE I.D. REMOVED EDVIPMENT/REM SHEET NUMBER -CONSTRUCTION TYPE effort was exerd5ed in checking for code Compliance. The stamping of Mese documents shall net be TEST NOTE NUMBER :SB ASSUMED -NO.OF STORIES (TENANT) D :1 :1 E.T.R. ELEVATION DAVM MINT C 03A REFERENCEID. /j 1�3'-0"A.F.F. SHEET NUMBER T LEVEL2 LOCATION ELEVATION amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer �0"� :NO B -SPW XKLEREO Date o9/oz/zou 6 7 -ELEVEN -MPNUPL FIRENPTiM SYSTEM UWINDOW SYMBOL �� A CEILING HEIGHT KEY iW REFERENCE NUMBER 3�- MATERIAL TYPE :NO STORE NUMBER: 38492 //TT�Yp�E DOOR SYMBOL REVISION INDICATOR :PER MECHANICAL LODE :NO • REFERENCE NUMBER RENBION NUMBER X � VESTIBULE REQUIRED (ENTER TO SPACE 3.0005.F. 1) ENERGY CODE:IECC SO2A.] Pelf o�e S. ARCHITECT: CLIENT: BUILDING CODE W18 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE EXISTING BUILDING CODE Christo her°Iglta"YS'gne p ACCESSIBILITY CODE : S091LGgN81 Ait].1 FOR ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS PLUMBING CODE Christopher 5t MECHPNICPL CODE :20131NTERNATON4MECHPNICAL COLE ELECTRICALCODE Stress Date: 2021.06. ' FIXE PROTECTION :20131NTERNATON4 FIRE CODE ENERGY MIS INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE PROJECT NPIiRATIVE: PROPOSE PARTIAL FOOD PREPARATION EQUIPMENT REPUCEMEMAT E%18TIN0 CONVENIENCE STORE. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORK. NO LHSNOE IN USE. EORE850R OCCUPANCY. DESCRIPTION COOS REFERENCE ��/ T09:42:53-04'0 VV p2di� PROPOSED IIL�r� IILII� IIL�r� 11L1'JI I' IILir� IILJI( IILJII LEVEL IALTEMTON REQUIREMENTS "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These tlmwings were reviewed antler the applicable :LQMpLT W/CH, B -USEGROUP laws In effect at the tlrne M submktal. Reasonable : M : M -CONSTRUCTION TYPE effort was exerd5ed in checking for code Compliance. The stamping of Mese documents shall net be :5B 0.43UME0 :SB ASSUMED -NO.OF STORIES (TENANT) construed to be a permtt for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or tical codes, ordinances or :1 :1 E.T.R. -COVERED MALL amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer �0"� :NO :NO -SPW XKLEREO Date o9/oz/zou :NO 7 -ELEVEN -MPNUPL FIRENPTiM SYSTEM :SOT2.] :NO STORE NUMBER: 38492 AUTOMATIC FIRE PIARM SYSTEM :PER MECHANICAL LODE :NO 5995 WEST 38TH AVENUE VESTIBULE REQUIRED (ENTER TO SPACE 3.0005.F. 1) ENERGY CODE:IECC SO2A.] :NO WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80212 SEPARATIONS LEVEL IALTERATON REQUIREMENTS :Po2 :COMPLY W/ LX.B b 5 ELI ■ 0 A/E REVISION 1� FIELD REVISION 10 CODE REVISION Q_ Z FlIGHT >_ a G T) iE w GENERALNOTES 0 AREA. INSTAU.she W N Z N W CO lose Q O = U N W cu ED 0 qI co V C fe] 7. M U) r�NV =3 CONI LU LL C O KEY PLAN ��Q C: 00 Low UQax Orn= aI,_ f 8 • -e. U) len > C w O �o q (1) C) L N �_� a 5-„+ M.H a, es J LJ W tp C }N Ps. - s o `O H. t A; yj �RC11 it Sl ell 36492 Scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dale 05-25-2021 Sheat TITLE PAGE T100 ABBREVIATIONS PLUM ALUMINUM FG FIBERGLASS REp'D REQUIRED PBV ABOVE F.V FIELD VERIFY REV REVISION(S) REVISED AIC AIR CONDITIONING GWBIGYP GYPSUM WALL BOARD RM ROOM ARE ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR GA G4UGE RO ROUGH OPENING GALV GALVANIZED A.F.G. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE GL GLASS BCHED BLHEDULE ARCH ARCHITECTIURPL) HIM HARDWARE SEC SECTION OF BITUMINOUS 8F SQUAREFOOT BOT/BO. BOTTOM/BOTTOM OF ryDWD HARDWOOD HVAC HFATINGNEMILAl10W 81M SIMILAR BLDG BUILDING AIR CONDITONING 8C 80LID CORE CLG CEILING TIM HOLLOW METAL SPEC SPECIFICATION(8) LL CENTERLINE Al HORIZONTAL 88 STAINLESS STEEL CONAMI CUR CLEAR INSUL INSULATION BTRUCT STRUCTURAL COL COLUMN INT INTERIOR 8U8P SUSPENDED COSMIC CONCRETE .R JOINT TBG TONGUE AND GROOVE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT LL LANDLORD TEL TELEPHONE CONST CONSTRUCTION MPXiT11N Mq%IMUMTIINIMUM T.O. TOP OF CONT CONTINUOUS MFR MANUFACTURER) TYP TYPICAL El Co, CORNER GUARD MEDIA MECHANICAL yCT VINTL COMPOSITION OTL DETAIL MISC MISCELLANEOUS TILE DIA DIAMETER MTL METAL VERDE VERTICAL DIM DIMENSION M.R. MOISTURE RESISTANT VEST VESTIBULE ON DOWN NIL NOT IN CONTRACT OWG DRAWING HIS NOTTO SCALE V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD EA EACH CC ON CENTER WE WOOD ELIELEV ELEVATION OPN'G OPENING WWTAM1'WM WELDED WIRE E.T.R. FISTING TO REM4IN OPP OPPoSITE (HAND) FABRIC (MESH) EQ EQUAL pMJF PRE -MOLDED JOINT FILLER E%18T EXISTING PNL PANEL EXP EXPOSED p -LAM PLASTIC LAMINATE FM EXTERIOR pLWD PLYWOOD EIFS EXTERIOR INSULATION PREFAB PREFABRICATED FINISH SYSTEM 6FOJ prypJELT FT(') FEET. FOOT PLATE FIN FINISH(EO) pgl PoUND8 PER SQUARE INCH F.E. FIRE EXTINGUISHER FL FLOORING) PT PRESSURE TREATED FO FLOORDRAIN REF REFERENCE F.R. FIRE RATED REINF REINFORCED RR IF CODE SUMMARY TO AT No MWIERIALS, ��MNET �M SHOWN DAMAGED DURING 0 CNI ALL !RELATED 00 17. it ALL WOOD IMIMl BROKIKING. PLYWOOD. El SMALL SE TYPICAL INTRE PROJECE SOL Poll IS RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING A CURRENT RECORD SET OF CRAVINGS ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION G.C. SHALL TURN OVER A COPY OF THE DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT ANIXOR CLIENTAUL AS REQUIRED ou ARCHITECT: CLIENT: BUILDING CODE W18 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE EXISTING BUILDING CODE MIS INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ACCESSIBILITY CODE : S091LGgN81 Ait].1 FOR ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS PLUMBING CODE :2018IN1ERNATIONPL PLUMBING LODE MECHPNICPL CODE :20131NTERNATON4MECHPNICAL COLE ELECTRICALCODE 2020 EOITON OF THE NOTIONAL ELECTRICAL LODE FIXE PROTECTION :20131NTERNATON4 FIRE CODE ENERGY MIS INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE PROJECT NPIiRATIVE: PROPOSE PARTIAL FOOD PREPARATION EQUIPMENT REPUCEMEMAT E%18TIN0 CONVENIENCE STORE. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORK. NO LHSNOE IN USE. EORE850R OCCUPANCY. DESCRIPTION COOS REFERENCE REQUIREMENT PROPOSED GENERAL LEVEL IALTEMTON REQUIREMENTS 862 :LQMpLT W/CH, B -USEGROUP 309.1 : M : M -CONSTRUCTION TYPE :TABLBW1 :5B 0.43UME0 :SB ASSUMED -NO.OF STORIES (TENANT) :TABLE 503 :1 :1 E.T.R. -COVERED MALL 002.0 :NO :NO -SPW XKLEREO 6092] :NO :NO -MPNUPL FIRENPTiM SYSTEM :SOT2.] :NO :NO AUTOMATIC FIRE PIARM SYSTEM :PER MECHANICAL LODE :NO :NO VESTIBULE REQUIRED (ENTER TO SPACE 3.0005.F. 1) ENERGY CODE:IECC SO2A.] :NO :NOMOD SEPARATIONS LEVEL IALTERATON REQUIREMENTS :Po2 :COMPLY W/ LX.B -TENANTBEPPAATION:NA. X E3.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ea�olz� :MA. -FINISH CLASSIFICATION :TPBLE�J9 :EYJT ENCL08URE8AND PASSAGE WAYS: CLASS :LLAWA � coRRlooRs: cross B :cuss e ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES: CLASS :CLPBSC OCCUPANT LOAD SUMMARY: -GROS6 FLOORARFA :2.Y305F TOTAL -FLOIXYME4ALLOWANCE TABLE100I :SPLE8038.F. /OCCUPPM 2.0295F /BO•% - TABLE100I STOCK 30) SF/CLLUPPNT 9815F I3OJ•3 TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD Me 40 000 LOAD EGRESS REQUIRED NUMBER OF EXITS 10062A :1 :3 E.T.R. -MIN. FRIT BEPAPATILN a00T1.1 ; WA : WA -MPXIMUM EGRESS PATI : TABLE 101] 2 :2C0 FEET MO% : 77' -Il' -E%IT PASSAGEWAY (SERVING MORE THAN SO OCCUPANTS) :10212 "INCHES :WA -E%IT PASSAGEWAY (SEWING LESS THAN WOLCUPANTB) 10203 :351NCHE3 :36" PLUMBING FACILITIES: -EXISTING REBTROOMB : IEBC 000.1 :1 :1 E.T.R. PROJECT DIRECTORYLd Lu Lu ARCHITECT: CLIENT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT CORNERSTONE BFAWLO SERVICES BUILDINOBINBPECTILN 1176 N.IRNNG STREET 1556OLD ELBERT ROAD SERVICES ALLENTOWN, PA 13ID9 ROYBTON. GA MOO CONTACT NAME'. MARK METZGAR CONTACT NAME: NICK FISHER ]500 W, NTH AVE. PH: (610)BZOd2N FH:1]OBI BBO.IWO 2ND FLOOR NUMBER DRAWING TITLE WHEAT RIDGE, co e6Ba3 X T100 TITLE SHEET 30Y23S2&'b HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH X EX100 AS -BUILT FLOOR PLAN sERmces Drvlsary X A100 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN AND NEW EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ras PARFErsr LAKEw000, � co e6zls (304) 232N01 X EX102 AS -BUILT CEILING PLAN (36P) Fqx lam)z]1e]fiB X A108 PROPOSED CEILING PLAN WWNJEFFCO.UBIHEALTI DOCUMENT LIST LOCUS PLAN 6 NUMBER DRAWING TITLE X T100 TITLE SHEET X G100 GENERAL NOTES X EX100 AS -BUILT FLOOR PLAN X A100 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN AND NEW EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE �eol��H � X A1V2 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN AND RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE •vmn aap.eowxix X EX102 AS -BUILT CEILING PLAN X A108 PROPOSED CEILING PLAN vnmananem X E0.0 ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND E9 X ED1.0 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN nre�eeae.nvn % E1.0 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN B X E3.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ea�olz� � M X P1.1 PLUMBING PROPOSED PLAN � e unman Coffee House T e u�n o..m Me DOCUMENT LIST 6 NUMBER DRAWING TITLE X T100 TITLE SHEET X G100 GENERAL NOTES X EX100 AS -BUILT FLOOR PLAN X A100 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN AND NEW EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE X A1V2 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN AND RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE X EX102 AS -BUILT CEILING PLAN X A108 PROPOSED CEILING PLAN X E0.0 ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND X ED1.0 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN % E1.0 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN X E2.0 RISER, SCHEDULE, AND PANEL CALCS. X E3.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS X P1.1 PLUMBING PROPOSED PLAN STOKE NO: 36492--5995 WEST 38TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, CO, 80212- REMODEL PROJECT DURATION - 2 DAYS. 1. IT MUST BE NOTED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT THE VERY E55ENCE OF THIS WORK 15 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE END USER BY EXPANDING, IMPROVING AND UPGRADING THE CURRENT CONDITIONS OF THE STORE. IT SHOULD FURTHER BE UNDERSTOOD, THAT ALL WORK WILL TAKE PLACE IN OPEN AND OPERATING STORES AND THAT AS A SUPPLIER OF THE WORK SAID WORK MUST BE DONE IN A PLANNED MANNER, TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION TO THE ON-GOING OPERATION OF THE STORES AND IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC SAFETY. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH GOVERNING BUILDING AND HEALTH DEPARTMENTS CONDITIONS OF STORE OPERATION REQUIRED FOR REMODEL LOCATION TO REMAIN OPEN. IF REQUIRED BY GOVERNING BUILDING AND HEALTH OFFICIALS CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH PROJECT ARCHITECT OF RECORD AND PM FIRM TO DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A PROJECT SAFETY AND FOOD SANITATION ACTION PLAN. 3.UPON DETERMINATION BY THE LOCAL BUILDING AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS THAT STORE OPERATIONS MUST CEASE OR BE ALTERED CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM. 4.UPON RECEIPT Of 7 -ELEVEN INVITATION TO BID, IF DEEMED APPLICABLE BASED ON THE LEVEL OF SCOPE, CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK OF RECEIPT OF THE INVITATION TO BID AN ONSITE INSPECTION OF PROPOSED REMODEL LOCATION. CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE MINIMUM FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOUR NOTIFICATION TO THE PM FIRM OF THEIR PROPOSED SITE INSPECTION DATE. 5.A5 A RESULT OF CONTRACTOR'S 51TE INSPECTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM OF ANY/ALL SITE CONDITIONS THAT MAY CONFLICT WITH THE APPROVED SOW OR DE51GN DRAWINGS OR REPRESENT A POTENTIAL UNFORESEEN CONDITION WITH THE REMODEL PROJECT'S APPROVED SOW AND DE51GN DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN DESCRIPTION AND PHOTO DOCUMENTATION TO THE 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM, CONDITIONS THEY BELIEVE MAY/ WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL WORK NOT COVERED WITHIN THE APPROVED PROJECT SOW OR DESIGN DRAWINGS. &CONTRACTOR SHALL PARTICIPATE IN WEEKLY CONFERENCE CALLS, AS CONDUCTED BY 7 -ELEVEN CM WITH PROJECT STAKE HOLDERS. 7.CONTRACTOP. SHALL ATTEND ONSITE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING AS SCHEDULED BY 7 -ELEVEN CM. B.CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR AND SECURE ALL REQUIRED BUILDING DEPARTMENT (INCLUDING ALL REQUIRED TRADE PERMITS) AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMITS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PERMIT SUBMITTAL/ APPROVAL ACTIVITIES THROUGH THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD AND PM FIRM. CONTRACTOR RECOGNIZES THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND THAT THEY SHALL SUBMIT PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR ALL BUILDING DEPARTMENT, (INCLUDING ALL REQUIRED TRADE PERMITS) AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT WITHIN I WEEK OF BEING AWARDED PROJECT CONTRACT. FURTHERMORE, IT IS REQUIRED THAT CONTRACTOR SHALL COMMUNICATE AND COORDINATE PERMIT APPROVAL STATUS WITH ARCHITECT AND PM FIRM. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY AND PROVIDE THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD AND PM FIRM OF ANY AND ALL PLAN CHECK REVIEW COMMENTS RETURNED TO THE PERMIT APPLICANT OF ALL PLAN INFORMATION CLARIFICATIONS OR PLAN CORRECTIONS REQUESTED OR REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OR HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY WORK TO SECURE ALL REQUIRED PERMITS 3 WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF 7-ELEVEN5 PUBLISHED REMODEL/ EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION START DATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY PM FIRM IF ANY INDICATIONS ARE GIVEN BY THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY/ JURISDICTION THAT THE PERMITS WON'T BE AVAILABLE BY THE PRESCRIBED DATE. I I . CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED PLAN REVIEW AND PERMIT FEES TO SECURE ALL BUILDING PERMITS, TRADE PERMITS AND HEALTH PERMITS. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE OR SECURE ALL REQUIRED BU51NE55 LICENSES, PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING JURISDICTION. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH ALL GOVERNING JURISDICTION DEPARTMENTS REQUIRED OPERATING INSURANCES AND LABOR LAW WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS AND INSURANCES. CONTRACTOR RECOGNIZES THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND SHALL PROVIDE ALL CERTIFICATES OF PROOF AS REQUIRED BY JURISDICTION OFFICIALS WITHIN A TIMELY MANNER THAT DOES NOT RESULT IN DELAYS AND ABILITY TO SECURE ALL PERMITS WITHIN THE REQUIRED 3 WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF PUBLISHED REMODEL INSTALLATION DATE.. 14. SHOULD SCOPE OF WORK CHANGES OCCUR DURING THE ON51TE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF OUT OF SCOPE ADDITIONAL WORK, PHOTO DOCUMENTATION Of AREA REQUIRING ADDITIONAL WORK, WRITTEN COST PROPOSAL, LEAD TIME TO COMPLETE ADDITIONAL WORK AND IMPACT TO PERMITTING AND / OR THE PROJECT TIME LINE. 15. CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE PM FIRM, WITHIN 2 DAYS OF PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING DATE, ALL REQUESTED SOW REVISIONS INFORMATION. CONTRACTOR WILL NOT PROCEED WITH REQUESTED ADDITIONAL WORK RESULTING FROM PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM 7 -ELEVEN CM OR PM FIRM. I G. CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM TO DEVELOP A FINAL REMODEL TIMELINE REFLECTING COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED SCOPE OF WORK. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXECUTE ALL REMODEL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGREED UPON REMODEL TIME LINE. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE AND COORDINATE ALL WORK PROVIDED BY 7 -ELEVEN 3RD/ PARTY SUPPLIERS. AS PER THE SOW, REMODEL PROJECT DRAWINGS AND PROJECT TIMELINE. 18. DURING THE EXECUTION OF PROJECT REMODEL, CONTRACTOR HEREBY AGREES THAT WHEN ADDITIONAL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE APPROVED SOW 15 REQUIRED, A CHANGE ORDER MUST BE CREATED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PM FIRM WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED ADDITIONAL WORK, PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF AREA REQUIRING ADDITIONAL WORK, WRITTEN C05T PROPOSAL, LEAD TIME TO COMPLETE ADDITIONAL WORK AND IMPACT TO PROJECT TIME LINE. CONTRACTOR WILL NOT PROCEED WITH REQUESTED ADDITIONAL WORK WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM. CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND WILL PROVIDE PM FIRM ONSITE SUPERVISION SAME DAY NOTIFICATION REQUESTED CHANGE ORDER UPON DISCOVERY OF NEED FOR ADDITIONAL WORK, 19, CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN THEIR BID, TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS AND MAKE ALL NECESSARY PROVISIONS TO PROTECT STORE VISITORS AND EMPLOYEES FROM ENTERING WORK ZONE AREAS. BY EXAMPLE AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE SAFETY: ERECTING BARRIERS, CONSTRUCTION "CAUTION TAPE", MONITORING AND /OR OTHER MEANS NEEDED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM ANY POTENTIAL ACCIDENT AND INJURY. 20.ALL STORE AREAS WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES OCCUR SHALL BE DRAPED AND MADE SEPARATE FROM THE PUBLIC AND NON -REMODEL STORE AREAS. WHERE OVERHEAD WORK IS REQUIRED ALL STORE PRODUCT SHALL BE DRAPED WITH PLASTIC SHEETING TO PROTECT FROM CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, DUST OR OTHER POSSIBLE CONTAMINATES. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STORE MANAGEMENT REASONABLE NOTIFICATION AND COORDINATE THE TIMING OF CLOSURES OR PUBLIC ACCESS TO WORK AREAS INCLUDED WITHIN THE APPROVED SOW. 2 1 .IF ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBING SERVICE INTERRUPTION 15 REQUIRED TO COMPLETE REMODEL WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STORE MANAGEMENT NOTICE THE DAY PRIOR TO ANTICIPATED UTILITY SERVICE INTERRUPTION. 22.CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM TO DEVELOP AND PROVIDE PLAN FOR THE PLACEMENT OF ROLL -OFF DUMPSTER AND STORAGE POD5NEHICLE5, THIS NEEDS TO INCLUDE PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN TO PROTECT THE GENERAL PUBLIC AGAINST ACCIDENT AND INJURY FOR THE DURATION OF THE REMODEL PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE THE DELIVERY OF ROLL -OFF DUMPSTER, STORAGE POD UNIT5NEHICLE5 AND FORKLIFT ONE (I) DAY IN ADVANCE OF 7-ELEVEN15 PUBLISHED REMODEL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION START DATE AND SCHEDULE REMOVAL IN ADVANCE OF PUNCH DATE. 23.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF 7-ELEVEN5 PUBLISHED REMODEL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION START DATE THE DELIVERY OF ROLL -OFF DUMPSTER, STORAGE POD/5NEHICLE5 AND FORKLIFT. 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR ONSITE PARKING OF THEIR SUB -CONTRACTORS AND THIRD -PARTY CONTRACTOR VEHICLES. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT THE ACCESS TO ON51TE PARKING AREA TO THE DELIVERY AND UNLOADING OF TOOLS AND MATERIALS AND IN KIND AT THE END OF WORK DAY. IT 15 EXPECTED THAT DELIVERIES OR CONTRACTOR DAILY MOBILIZATION TAKING LONGER THAN 10 MINUTES SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE STORE MANAGER. CONTRACTOR AND THEIR 5UB-CONTRACTOR VEHICLES SHALL BE PARKED OFF-SITE. 25.CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRICT ANY WORK OUTSIDE Of THE STORE TO THE APPROVED DUMPSTER, STORAGE POD AND FORKLIFT PARKING AREA. IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY FOR CONTRACTOR WORK, DUE TO THE NATURE OF WORK, TO EXTEND BEYOND APPROVED PARKING AREA THE CONTRACTOR/5 SHALL PROVIDE 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED WORK AND RECEIVE APPROVAL PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 2G.CONTRACTOP. SHALL ISOLATE AFTER 7PM THE NIGHT PRIOR TO START OF REMODEL ACTIVITIES THE "APPROVED PARKING" AREA FOR THE DUMPSTER, STORAGE POD UNITS AND FORKLIFT. THE `APPROVED PARKING" AREA SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH TRAFFIC SAFETY CONES, YELLOW CAUTION CONSTRUCTION ZONE TAPE AND SIGNS INDICATING "DANGER DO NOT ENTER CONSTRUCTION ZONE" 27.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RECEIVING OF ALL REMODEL EQUIPMENT AS SET FORTH WITHIN THE APPROVED PROJECT SOW AND SHALL PROVIDE PROPER EQUIPMENT HANDLING AND STORAGE TO PREVENT DAMAGE AND THEFT FOR THE DURATION OF REMODEL ACTIVITIES, CONCLUDING ON THE PUBLISHED DATE OF PUNCH VERIFICATION MEETING, 28.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH PM FIRM5 ONSITE SUPERVISION WRITTEN VERIFICATION OF THE RECEIPT OF ALL APPROVED PROJECT SOW EQUIPMENT. 29.CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY PLACE ALL CRATING AND PACKING MATERIALS INTO DUMPSTER UNCRATING ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONFINED TO THE APPROVED DUMPSTER * POD STORE UNIT AREA, ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS MUST BE PLACED INTO THE DUMPSTER AT END OF DAYS' WORK. ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS MUST BE PLACED INTO POD STORAGE UNITS AT THE END OF DAYS' WORK, UNLESS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM. 30.CONTRACTOP. SHALL ON THE DAY OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL DELIVERY, IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY PM FIRM'S ON51TE SUPERVISION OF ANY VISUAL OR CONCEALED DAMAGE, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF ANY VISUAL OR CONCEALED DAMAGE. 3 I .CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL APPROVED SOW EQUIPMENT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED SPECIFICATIONS AND WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN ITS BID THE RECEIVING, STORAGE, UNCRATING, PLACEMENT, FINAL ELECTRICAL AND/OR PLUMBING CONNECTIONS, STARTUP TO CONFIRM EQUIPMENT IS OPERATIONAL AND THE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ALL PACKING AND CRATING MATERIALS. 32.CONTRACTOP. SHALL IDENTIFY ALL EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND COUNTERS THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED FOR REUSE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE ALL EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND COUNTERS THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED FOR REUSE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL DISPOSAL AND/OR DAMAGE. IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL DISPOSAL OR DAMAGE OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND COUNTER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE AND/OR REPAIR ALL, AT THEIR EXPENSE, AS REQUIRED. 33.REGARDING REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR AND THEIR REFRIGERATION INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL SERVICES AND WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL REFRIGERATION IN ACCORDANCE TO MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATIONS AND WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. 34.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REASONABLE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT (MATERIAL * LABOR) OF ANY AND ALL EXISTING WALL, FLOOR AND CEILING AREAS AS A RESULT Of REMOVAL OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR COUNTERS. IF REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENT REPRESENT EXCESSIVE WORK OR REVEAL UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CREATE A CHANGE ORDER TYPICAL TO THE PROCESS AS DEFINED WITHIN GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ITEM NO, 13 35.CONTRACTOP. SHALL PROVIDE PROFESSIONALLY PRINTED EXTERIOR SIGNS COMMUNICATING TO THE PUBLIC THAT STORE IS UNDER REMODEL. 7 -ELEVEN CM SHALL PROVIDE APPROVED GRAPHICS AND SIGN TEXT. SIGNS SHALL BE A. 2 EACH 24" X 3G" RIDGED SIGNS TO BE MOUNTED TO A -FRAME SIGN STAND B. 1 EACH 48" X 9G" VINYL BUILDING BANNER 3G.UPON COMPLETION OF REMODEL ACTIVITIES ALL FF*E AND PRODUCT SHALL BE WIPED CLEAN, REMODEL AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A MORE THOROUGH CLEANING INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLEANING OF INTERIOR WALL5, FLOOR, CEILING AND UNDER NEW AND EXISTING CABINETS. 37.CONTRACTOP. SHALL COORDINATE AND SCHEDULE ALL BUILDING, AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT INSPECTIONS ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PROJECT TIME LINE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 7 -ELEVEN AND PM FIRM WRITTEN AND PHOTO CONFIRMATION OF ALL JURISDICTION REQUIRED APPROVALS AND SIGN -OFFS. 38.CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ROLL -OFF DUMPSTER, STORAGE POD UNIT/5 AND FORKLIFT REMOVED FROM REMODEL LOCATION NO LATER THAN SCHEDULED PUNCH VERIFICATION MEETING DATE OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO SECURING FINAL INSPECTIONS. 39.CONTRACTOR SHALL ATTEND PUNCH VERIFICATION WALK THROUGH AS SCHEDULED BY 7 -ELEVEN CM. 40.CONTRACTOR SHALL RESOLVE ANY PUNCH VERIFICATION ITEM WITHIN 48 HOURS OF PUNCH MEETING DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED UPON BY 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM OR WHERE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PUNCH ITEMS AND AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS EXCEEDS THE 48 HOURS PUNCH COMPLETION WINDOW. FURTHERMORE, CONTRACTOR AND PM FIRM SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETION DATES FOR ALL PUNCH VERIFICATION ITEMS AT CLOSE OF PUNCH VERIFICATION MEETING. 4I .DURING THE EXECUTION OF PUNCH VERIFICATION MEETING IF WORK OUTSIDE OF THE APPROVED SOW IS REQUESTED, A CHANGE ORDER MUST BE CREATED. FOR THIS ADDITIONAL WORK, OTHERWISE DESIGNATED AS AN "OUT OF SCOPE PUNCH ITEM", THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PM FIRM WRITTEN DESCRIPTION, PHOTO DOCUMENTATION, WRITTEN C05T PROPOSAL, AND LEAD TIME TO COMPLETE ADDITIONAL WORK. CONTRACTOR WILL NOT PROCEED WITH REQUESTED "OUT Of SCOPE PUNCH ITEM" WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM 7 -ELEVEN CM AND PM FIRM, CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND WILL PROVIDE PM FIRM TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION Of ANY "OUT OF SCOPE PUNCH ITEM" WORK. 42.CONTRACTOP. AND PM FIRM SHALL PROVIDE FULL PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF ALL COMPLETED PUNCH VERIFICATION ITEMS. 43.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ABLE TO INVOICE 70% OF THEIR CONTRACT AMOUNT UPON COMPLETION OF THE PUNCH VERIFICATION MEETING. 44.THE FINAL 30% BALANCE IS BILLABLE UPON A: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF ALL ITEMS ON THE PUNCH VERIFICATION LIST. INCLUDING COMPLETE PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF ALL IN SCOPE OF WORK PUNCH VERIFICATION LIST. B: SUBMISSION Of CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTOR FINAL LEAN WAIVERS. C: COPIES OF PERMITS INDICATING APPROVED BY ALL RELATED BUILDING AND HEALTH DEPARTMENTS. 45.UNDER5TANDING THE PROVISIONS ABOVE, IT MUST BE FURTHER NOTED THAT TIME IS OF "ESSENCE AND CRITICAL" TO THE SUCCESS OF THI5 UNDERTAKING. THIS WORK IS INTENDED TO BE COMPLETED IN A PERIOD OF 4 DAYS AND IS NOT TO EXCEED G DAYS (THE SPECIFIC DURATION WILL BE AGREED UPON BY SITE IN ADVANCE OF ISSUING THE CONTRACT) TO SUPPORT BOTH THE MINIMAL DISRUPTION TO THE STORE AND YET COMPLETING ALL WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY. 4G.ALL WORK AND WORKMANSHIP PROVIDED IS EXPECTED TO BE TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF THE TRADE / INDUSTRY, COMPLIANT TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ULTIMATELY RESULTING IN A FINISHED OFFERING THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE 7 -ELEVEN CONSTRUCTION, THE END USER AND THEIR CLIENTS. Digitally signed by Christopher Christopher Stress Stress Date: 2021.06.30 09:46:48 -04'00' 1� A/E REVISION 1 FIELD REVISION CODE REVISIONI a z IFI a N 016A�I AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dae 05-25-2021 Sheet GENERAL NOTES G100 W N Z N W co > 0 Q b C = U N MU` LLIN o 00 A co C� M c V a N ( n 7 � , Do Lu W ~ Q c:3 0`om �Lnw O UQ� o M >=> Q . LL o U) Lo c: L Z Dino Ocq d W N R°D C W o c (0 J (.)Lu (0 o w a ti 016A�I AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dae 05-25-2021 Sheet GENERAL NOTES G100 ULL0 A/E REVISION 1) FIELD REVISION 10 CODE REVISION c z o W h &I BE MOTE kevorn ( _ U) m _ O O o 0 0 0 mryG" .... UNISEX ��. `O slureNP oA ._._. ys,. 2; _. RESTROOM ip8 NF eeL s o — X ms' CEILING r _ T ' ' IRECi CR/JN SOFFIT NT: 955' ` 2APi mu w________________ HT 106.5' ______ mez INDIRECT Dwm ±tBEVERAGE BAR W LK -IN nnrvD — CO LER ♦ 5mK COFFEE ISLAND t' -slid" W CEILING N y a. Q HT: 94' �� EMPLOYEE Q ®O O OQ(9:) ® '�' '' 3' " m RESTROOM O O 5'd" A 05' FILING 0 0 0 ® ® N HT:955' a :f W N 0 SOFFIT 'S HAND N _ HT: 106.5' _ - SINK Z P 290. Gti GIlk e INDI� > V DBI LIJ CO �� RKK ROVSLO ri 3' 3' 9' 9' 9' 3' i0 _ g r Q b FASTFOOD m� �I�� errsrs�r �g �' U ----"-- /L�1 �� _ cy) 00 PASTRY A� e"E %\ NIS N rn �QPF \,, V' ?O END CAP �� ""' E'__` N �� O I'C N 9'. ol" m y \ DIRECT DEI y.+ M �° O �1� BACKROOM �rn CEILING HEIGHT W �� 3 O Y DIDTOJOI6T W �/ 333 3 3 3 z I > �mw �. -'I� COI6'B" __ O _ �� ------- '1 50 10'-52 O DI >> a DRary Zo rn _ O U7 Lo > O L O N, zTowree peon �+ "00 °s nO 0.=F' Z Ui N O a 0 I I1 � O(V ° [ MGR. LLI C C M E. Q� C OFFICE > L� SALES 12'-6' 6'-I"� _ w 0 FILING Z t0 N yY�y' 1 'J1 U LU Lp C rl VICE B CEILING O .0 W r a XT: 120" -N Ny S Lam' �� CEILING HEIGHT �T Y yymyy $ 8 136" TO JOIST 5 °!e3 END CAP END CAP SEND CAP S END G F VO AS BUILT PLAN SCALE: 1/411= 11- Orr �RCHITEGI Sore Num6aT 36492 scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dale Digitally signed by 05-25-2021 Christopher Christopher Stress 6N�L AS -BUILT PLAN Stress 04'00?021.06.3009:46:59 EX100 O V n � G DOUBLE NOVELLACASf soeD NEW EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE .F QTY DESCRIPTION 72" L Sink Grid System - (1)Sw72k3 Track, (2)Swu45k3, (1)1872nk3 18x72ses, (2)Sws18k3 MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER PART NUMBER 807697 3150047 1 Dc -05, Redesigned In 2015, 240v Shf, (1)Wg1872k3 Grid, (1)Swgb2 Bracket, (1)Dd6333a, Tr1848xe Style Tray Rack, DC05T-240V 530 3291536 1 1)Gs1436k3 Grid Shf, (1)H21Ok3 Bsk, (1)H 2O9k3 ask, (1)Bh6k3 Btl Hid, (1)Iw Intermetro Industries Carp 7115656 W co Space 3m, Pan Cap 8, Stainless Top (3 Sp 8 R Ss Top) Model #98904, 3" Casters, 30" High Replenishing Cart Only (Chroni 14"X36"X60"8, Consists Of: (4)1436nc, 14"X36" Chrome R04762 3117101 1 0 Wire Shelves, (4)54u, 54" Chrome Pasts, (4)5m Casters (Quote 1z687)- 711rc143cb- 98904 Q O Reach -In Freezer,One-Section,27" Wide, 24 Cubic Feet- All Stainless Exterior- 18 Months Packed In Box W/Assembly Instructions (Note: This Unit Requires (2) M6302 815 R 17388 3291568 1 Turbo Air Inc Intermetro Industries Corp 711RC143CB F-- M L Counter, 34h, 36d, Trash, Straight Front, Cab -12x35 Doors, Double Sided, Full Flaps, Bins (Used With Replenishing Cart/ 1 With 711rc1818kb And 2 With 711rc143cb)- (1 Box R04626 R17392 3291572 2 Of 6) -(Quote JE689) Mb30250b/Mb30250b6 Intermetro Industries Corp MR3025086 R32634 3299808 1 Ba mco- Beckett Cb 5011 Ihts 115/120v Turnkey Resources CB501-ULHTS-120V R20085 3126296 2 Nitron2, Low Ration, Removable Graphic Bunn O Matic Corporation 51600.0018 3501536 1 Legs; Cream Ff42-41d-Fst-Npk-3i Dispense -Rite Model No. Lid-4bbWs - Custom Cup And Straw Organizer, Four?Section, 62001329-012 W >W ~ Program Pricing 2019,Counter, 34h, 42d, 20.5"D Bun Warmer Shelf W/ Close Off Panel, Slim Design, Accommodates 6 Oz. To 44 Oz. Paper, Plastic Or Foam Cups, Rim Diameter Oto O R37287 4300431 1 Ranges From 2?5/8"To 4?3/4",19?1/2"1X5?1/4"WX210, Polystyre Turnkey Resources #LID-4BT-WS R33116 3126320 2 Infusion Twin Soft Heat, Blk/Sst (711) Includes Overlay And Pre -Loaded Software Bunn O Matic Corporation 51200.011 R14004 3126273 4 53452.0000 Drip Tray Kit, For Infusion Twin Soft Heat Bunn O Matic Corporation 53452.0000 R13999 3126268 8 Soft Heat Servers -27850.0200 Bunn O Matic Corporation 27850.0200 R14DOO 3126269 2 Twin Soft Heat Stands - 27875.0200 Bunn 0 Matic Corporation 27875.0200 R30577 7812006 1 Franke Flavor Station, Up To Six Bottles Of Syrup Franke Coffee Systems Americas LID FS6 R30578 7812007 1 Franke Espresso Machine A1000 Franke Coffee Systems Americas LID A1000 R32234 7812008 1 Franke A3000 Milk Refrigerator Franke Coffee Systems Americas Llc A1000 Milk Refrigerator 3299978 1 Ithaca Model 9000 Dual Column Thermal Printer Franke ABDO Bean To Cup, Iq Flow, 3 Grinders. Includes: Mavea Water Filter, On Site Model 9000 NE -21 R32233 7812000 1 Install And Training Franke Coffee Systems Americas LID ABDO FB Counter, 34h, 30d, Oven, Cab -24x29 No Door, W/Inserts, Pull Out Ss Shelf, Top -Flat Ss R00905 3500542 1 24x301 Hole, Shield, Legs; Cream Ff2-30d-Oven-W/Insert-Ada Royston Llc`•' 60088657-012 R29873 99954 1 Boha Terminal Turnkey Resources BOHAI Terminal Dcc Work Station Click And Collect - 30 X 60 X 74 (Quote 1z956) - 713dcc5b (Replaces R26061 3291576 1 713dcc5) Intermetro Industries Corp 711DCC5B Counter, 34h, 30d, Oven, Safe Cab 30x29, Closed Back, Top -Flat Ss 30x30,1 Hole, Heavy Duty Side Panels, With Heat Shield, Legs, Cream, Ada, Ff30t-Oven-30d-Fst-Grd-Sf-Cb R12190 1 3500857 1 1 1 Royston Lli 1 60112831-012 SOFFIT — _HT 106.5- (2) A /DE SIGNS' ABOVE FOOD AREA F�g�lllll�.-Ta�x.+ PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" ITEM NUMBER ORACLE QTY D MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER 807697 3150047 1 Dc -05, Redesigned In 2015, 240v Doyon & Nu Vu DC05T-240V Z N New Age - 1/2 Size Bunn Pan Rack- Under Counter - 20 3/8 W X 321/4 H X26 D- Runner W co Space 3m, Pan Cap 8, Stainless Top (3 Sp 8 R Ss Top) Model #98904, 3" Casters, 30" High R04762 3117101 1 0 New Age Industrial Corp Inc 98904 Q O Reach -In Freezer,One-Section,27" Wide, 24 Cubic Feet- All Stainless Exterior- 18 Months 815 3267604 1 Warranty Energy Star Turbo Air Inc M3F24-1-711 N F-- M L Counter, 34h, 36d, Trash, Straight Front, Cab -12x35 Doors, Double Sided, Full Flaps, 00 R04626 3134106 1 Waste Containers, Top -Flat Ss 12x36 No Hole, Legs; Cream Fftm1-36d-DI Royston Llc"' 23002260-012 M C/) Program Pricing 2019,Counter, 34h 42d; Napkin, (3)Taquito, (Rh) Waste, Full III cN LL Divider Panel, (2) Adjustable Shelves, Cab -42x41 Doors, Tap -Flat Ss 42x42,.5" Overhang. R18820 3501536 1 Legs; Cream Ff42-41d-Fst-Npk-3i Royston Llc**• 62001329-012 W >W ~ Program Pricing 2019,Counter, 34h, 42d, 20.5"D Bun Warmer Shelf W/ Close Off Panel, 3, Oto O W Ed Boat Sloped Shelf W/3"H Lip, Full Ht/Width Divider Panel, (1)Adj Shelf, Cab -42x41 No o R18821 3501537 1 Door Top -Flat Ss 42x42,.5" Overhang, Legs; Cream Ff42-42d-33.R-S Royston Llc"• 62001564-012 Misc, SOW, Front Line, Fixed Sneeze Guard, Standard Glass For Use, Square Post; Led O R18848 3501564 1 Lights; Silver (Used With (2) Rg75 Roller Grills) (National Roll Out Volume Pricing) Royston Llc**• 62007535-060 W Shelving, Kit, 36w, Includes (1) 26hx36w Open Frame, (3) 5.5dx36w Wire Shelves; Cream R18861 1 3501577 1 1 (Used For Chips On Hot Hold Cabinet With 4.89" Overhang) I Royston1 1 72003485-012 W 0cZ`0 Hfdc Combo Serve Case, Tempered Glass, Dual Fans, Wire Racks, 2 Center -Pull Open 45 6170391 1 Front Doors, 2 Sliding Rear Doors, 115/1/60 HIED Required. Sanden Venda America Inc HFDC00003 NE -1 3299978 1 Ithaca Model 9000 Dual Column Thermal Printer Ithaca Model 9000 NE -21 TBD 1 1 12' Power Pole, Ivory, Duplex, 30t -412v TBD #N/A 4 BBL a p H9 S FCB Aft Q5o� �aM 777 mui SOFFIT TB D 2'Ar „mm2<2__ _T_1085______ 9iACFIX15lING 96 HY x372 (1)1 'DEE ip mlG n s - SIGN'NE ABOVE 8.305] R3057 83223 NITRONS p32G P �x PANO H3'DEE SIGN' ABOVE COFFEE ISLAND MNEEDED TO r Ls T`B n SUFPDRT WW EW 9'-10a' mo=O W N C D END CAP CID G'- C� VAULT mav CEILING HEIGHT _ 738' TO JOIST .,_ w D GA w D eA END e P END GAP ie �,p DEE SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED AT T-0" ATF (PRIMARY FLOOR LEVEU. HS PARO SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH COFFEE ISLAND, ORIENTED TO BE OVER FRANKE MACHINES. SINGLE A- I SIGN TO BE CENTERED DIRECTLY ABOVE NITRONS, 12" OFF OF WALL, SINGLE A SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH ROLLER GRILL CABINETS WITH FRONT EDGE OF SIGN ALIGNED WITH REAR OF CABINET. SINGLE A- I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH NOT FOOD CASE IN ALIGNMENT WITH ROLLER GRILL SIGN, WALK-IN COOLER UNISEX RESTROOM y 05. — CEILING HT: aeV EMPLOYEE RESTROOM � 05 CEILING HT AS S GREASE DIRec BACKROOM CEILING HEIGHT 13V TO MIST 4Hc1 K 2 1� A/E REVISION J) FIELD REVISION A CODE REVISION W N C D END CAP CID G'- C� VAULT mav CEILING HEIGHT _ 738' TO JOIST .,_ w D GA w D eA END e P END GAP ie �,p DEE SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED AT T-0" ATF (PRIMARY FLOOR LEVEU. HS PARO SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH COFFEE ISLAND, ORIENTED TO BE OVER FRANKE MACHINES. SINGLE A- I SIGN TO BE CENTERED DIRECTLY ABOVE NITRONS, 12" OFF OF WALL, SINGLE A SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH ROLLER GRILL CABINETS WITH FRONT EDGE OF SIGN ALIGNED WITH REAR OF CABINET. SINGLE A- I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH NOT FOOD CASE IN ALIGNMENT WITH ROLLER GRILL SIGN, WALK-IN COOLER UNISEX RESTROOM y 05. — CEILING HT: aeV EMPLOYEE RESTROOM � 05 CEILING HT AS S GREASE DIRec BACKROOM CEILING HEIGHT 13V TO MIST 4Hc1 K 2 1� A/E REVISION J) FIELD REVISION A CODE REVISION IFFICE SMm Numter 36492 Scale ceMNG 5 AS NOTED HT 121M m'n4 A£Ai DRAWN BY: KLD .�� CHECKED BY: MM Date C h ri sto h Digitally signed by a„ 05-25-2021 p Christopher Stress PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN er Date: 09 -041001 Al 0 0 Stress 09:47:09 -04'00' W N D Z N W co > 0 Q O C = U N F-- M L 00 M C/) =3 cN LL 00- C I W >W ~ = c:=Q 0iom 3, Oto O W UQ� o o' I> >=QLL C� O L O Z O ` fn W O W c =00 W 0cZ`0 J U W to IFFICE SMm Numter 36492 Scale ceMNG 5 AS NOTED HT 121M m'n4 A£Ai DRAWN BY: KLD .�� CHECKED BY: MM Date C h ri sto h Digitally signed by a„ 05-25-2021 p Christopher Stress PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN er Date: 09 -041001 Al 0 0 Stress 09:47:09 -04'00' RELOCATED EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ITEM NUMBER CITY - DESCRIPTION - MANUFACTURER RE -1 (2)A -I "DEE 1 Bullet Oven, Model: Encore Z Turbo Chef RE -2 O 1 Prep Fridge 34H, Model: MUR-28 ENDCAP Turbo Air Inc RE -3 1 Counter, 34h, 30d, Trash, Straight Front, Cab -24x29 Flap, Waste Container, Top -Flat Ss 2430 No Cream Fftm2-30d-Ada Hole, Door, Legs; Royston Llc*** RE -4 [1 1 Prep Freezer 34H, Model: MUF-28 = Turbo Air Inc RE -5 1 Iced Tea Brewer, Model: Infusion Itb-Dd, W/Sweetener, 120v, W/Display Flavors Group (Set) Bunn 0 Matic Corporation RE -6 1 Lid and Straw Holder Royston Llc*** RE -7 1 +'U¢o Napkin Display N/A RE -8 72a 2 " Commercial Microwave, Model: NE -17521 W Panasonic RE -9 o 1 Counter, 34h, 42d, Trash, Straight Front, Cab -12x29 Flap, Waste Container, Top -Flat Ss 12x42 No Cream Fftm1-42d-Ada Hole, Door, 1/2 Legs; Royston Llc*** SOFFIT — —HT10S.5- - zceJ sd3. _ M. - C `= G ... it i T 1 FFTMI SOFFIT jt4,555L \-------N z---- rrnnzi-- ---------------- HT_10S.5'------. -----� as ---- ----p-- efRCKATIN --------------------- - (1)A -I 'DEE 1r MICBSNAWS 011 n f SIGN' ABOVE T NITRON5 RANO HE DEE SIGN' ABOVE - COFFEE ISLAND W N 5O (2)A -I "DEE SIGNS' A6pb Z FOOD AREA O W ENDCAP SALES Q [1 C zceJ sd3. _ M. - C `= G ... it i T 1 FFTMI SOFFIT jt4,555L \-------N z---- rrnnzi-- ---------------- HT_10S.5'------. -----� as ---- ----p-- efRCKATIN --------------------- - (1)A -I 'DEE 1r MICBSNAWS 011 n f SIGN' ABOVE T NITRON5 RANO HE DEE SIGN' ABOVE - COFFEE ISLAND 12'-6" RELOCATED EQUIPMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V- 011 CEILING HEIGHT ar 136w TO JOIST c END LAP END LAP END CAP END CAP I �^� I (PRIMDEE SIGNS TO BE INSTAUED AT SIGNS TO BE INSTALUED AT "!'-0" AFF (PRIMARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 RANO SIGN TO BE ARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 FANO SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH COFFEE ISLAND, ORIENTED TO BE OVER FRANKS MACHINES. SINGLE A SIGN TO BE CENTERED DIRECTLY ABOVE NITRON5. 12" OFF OF WALL. SING_£ A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH ROLffR GRILL CABINETS WITH FRONT EDGE OF SIGN ALIGNED WITH REAR OF CABINET, SINGLE A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH HOT FOOD CASE IN ALIGNMENT WITH ROLLER GRILL SIGN. WALK-IN COOLER MGR. CEILING HT 1ID UNISEX RESTROOM 05' — Y CEILING HT:9 5' EMPLOYEE RESTROOM S 05' CEILING HT: 955' LL DIRECT BACKROOM CEILING HEIGHT IWETOJOIST 1T A/E REVISION 1) FIELD REVISION Al CODE REVISION 1 W N i Z N O W ENDCAP 12'-6" RELOCATED EQUIPMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V- 011 CEILING HEIGHT ar 136w TO JOIST c END LAP END LAP END CAP END CAP I �^� I (PRIMDEE SIGNS TO BE INSTAUED AT SIGNS TO BE INSTALUED AT "!'-0" AFF (PRIMARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 RANO SIGN TO BE ARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 FANO SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH COFFEE ISLAND, ORIENTED TO BE OVER FRANKS MACHINES. SINGLE A SIGN TO BE CENTERED DIRECTLY ABOVE NITRON5. 12" OFF OF WALL. SING_£ A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH ROLffR GRILL CABINETS WITH FRONT EDGE OF SIGN ALIGNED WITH REAR OF CABINET, SINGLE A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH HOT FOOD CASE IN ALIGNMENT WITH ROLLER GRILL SIGN. WALK-IN COOLER MGR. CEILING HT 1ID UNISEX RESTROOM 05' — Y CEILING HT:9 5' EMPLOYEE RESTROOM S 05' CEILING HT: 955' LL DIRECT BACKROOM CEILING HEIGHT IWETOJOIST 1T A/E REVISION 1) FIELD REVISION Al CODE REVISION 1 W N i 12'-6" RELOCATED EQUIPMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V- 011 CEILING HEIGHT ar 136w TO JOIST c END LAP END LAP END CAP END CAP I �^� I (PRIMDEE SIGNS TO BE INSTAUED AT SIGNS TO BE INSTALUED AT "!'-0" AFF (PRIMARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 RANO SIGN TO BE ARY FLOOR LEVEU. H3 FANO SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH COFFEE ISLAND, ORIENTED TO BE OVER FRANKS MACHINES. SINGLE A SIGN TO BE CENTERED DIRECTLY ABOVE NITRON5. 12" OFF OF WALL. SING_£ A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH ROLffR GRILL CABINETS WITH FRONT EDGE OF SIGN ALIGNED WITH REAR OF CABINET, SINGLE A -I SIGN TO BE CENTERED WITH HOT FOOD CASE IN ALIGNMENT WITH ROLLER GRILL SIGN. WALK-IN COOLER MGR. CEILING HT 1ID UNISEX RESTROOM 05' — Y CEILING HT:9 5' EMPLOYEE RESTROOM S 05' CEILING HT: 955' LL DIRECT BACKROOM CEILING HEIGHT IWETOJOIST 1T A/E REVISION 1) FIELD REVISION Al CODE REVISION 1 36492 Scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dale Digitally signed by 05-25-2021 Ch ri sto sheet p Christopher Stress RELOCATED EQUIPMENT Date- 2021 Stress947o°o A102 W N Z N W 00 Q [1 C = U — V M comp C') +'U¢o of(1)!Ec 72a " W o W(If Q C: O i 3 o 0 Ln WU Q �= q °� a C . Cf)0 0 Cf)�Do N Z W L n L>T N C o W oc'Z `0 U Lu EE W Z � � o_ ti 36492 Scale AS NOTED DRAWN BY: KLD CHECKED BY: MM Dale Digitally signed by 05-25-2021 Ch ri sto sheet p Christopher Stress RELOCATED EQUIPMENT Date- 2021 Stress947o°o A102 qpn: reDNOci whatndae co us TO: r MmnEJ Pemtts sayers: Wine wno Sbmlbal: mmmeruai 1m r elrrerenl nnab Arte: Tl:u¢ yJu", 28218:13:32 AM Commercial Interior Remodel/Tenant Finish Application for Commercial Remodel/Tenant Finish This application is for Commercial Remodels and Tenant Finishes. Do not being work until the permit has been issued to the General Contractor. Required to Submit Proof of Submission to Fire Department Proof of Submission to Job 210708001 5995 West 38th Avenue Wheat R due GO 80212 Fire Department .df Begin Application PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 5995 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Property Owner Name Makele Abraham Property Owner Phone (303) 888-9815 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email maswinU@gmail.com Address Attach City of Wheat Electronic Payment Form.otlf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - **DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD** APPLICANT INFORMATION Contact Name of Marin Slamk Person Submitting Application What is your role in the Architect project? Contact Phone Number 6107176772 (enter WITH dashes, ag 303-123-0567) Contact Email Address msimikCcomerstonenet.00m for Plan Review Questions Retype Contact Email msImik@conerstonenet.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this for a new No tenant? Business Name of 7-ELEVEN Tenant Detailed Scope of REPLACE OLD COFFEE MAKERS, DUCTLESS ELECTRIC Work - Provide a OWEN WITH NEW ONES AND OTHER FOOD PREPARATION detailed description of EQUIPMENT AS PER DRAWINGS, THIS IS PERIODIC work Including MAINTENANCE WORK. NO CHANGE IN USE, EGRESS OR mechanical, electrical, OCCUPANCY. plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Location of Work SALES AREA Square Footage Area 213 of Work Being Performed Asbestos Report -if Field not completed.. applicable Construction Plans 36692—FULL SET-- WHEAT RIDGE. CO REVO.Mf scanned on 11"x17" or larger Project Value (contract 23600 value or cost of ALL Valuation okay materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for MARGIN SLOWIK Permit Email not displaying wmadly? View It in v ur browser. l C L. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE f' Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: ' ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes 0.0,21, When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234- Date: - 03 -234 -Date: ; ? U '� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: �C% 1 Gi C� (� .5_7 5 64,4— iJr\ ✓1, h (,-- L 5 ( e— igz GCSE �s Vkc_i _ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 10-� AM/PM Re -Inspection required: )62' No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: S _ �q ` l � Inspector: �I DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Sign PERMIT - 201900589 PERMIT NO: 201900589 ISSUED: 05/21/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 5995 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 05/20/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial sign installing new graphics on 4 sides of canopy fascia; install eyebrow on top edge of fascia with LED lights. New graphics on fuel dispensers. Tenant: 7/11 Conoco *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (972)828-6592 7-11. INC SUB (719)540-5216 SUSAN NOVAK• 021.138 JOE'S ELECTRIC COMPANY GC (303)355-0013 JOHN KOPPENHAFER 100329 KTK GENERAL CONTRACTING *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 123 / USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 24,005.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 287.33 Use Tax 504.11 Permit Fee 442.05 ** TOTAL ** 1,233.49 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. All lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. Lighting must be capable of being dimmed. LED lights that illuminate signs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 footcandle maximum allowance. City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Sign PERMIT - 201900589 PERMIT NO: 201900589 ISSUED: 05/21/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 5995 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 05/20/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial sign installing new graphics on 4 sides of canopy fascia; install eyebrow on top edge of fascia with,LED lights. New graphics on fuel dispensers. Tenant: 7/11 Conoco I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with thispermrt. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all_work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. ignature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and maybe subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermrt fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner, shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or grant' g of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any appl e code or an rdmance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. /" s Signature of Ch of Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City Of Whcat lac COMMUNrry DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 2911 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits .ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Lllsl/ C/ Plan/Permit # '�-CyT005-g- 1 Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: - l �V 3 S+ v - Property Owner (please print): P -' ( jNC- Phoneg" -Va 6_�-9 2 Property Owner Email: 3 ® o -7 11, eoo, Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) J - 1 (C) 6 c e'o Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 3?�0 Adz City, State, Zip: .'Lf j tJ , TQC , 7cab 3 Architect/Engineer: L S Arch itect/Eng1neer E-mail: Contractor Name: K1 T [\ c� e q.. l City of Wheat Ridge License #: 1 no '32°1 Phone: ';'3> 0 Lo 4 9 4 g q Ltd' Phone: 3033S5_ Do/3 Contractor E-mail Address: hotAa rJ W& KtV, G U I -T D rt:3z�'d►'1 For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): 46wtvo, l,Uon y Phone: :30 ct Lt L4 b1C CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease PAF -2y1 Sub Contractors (Must provide VKheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # �� ,itkCl krkG,( L`tEVOJO Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all highlighted fields. OMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. F yc&01-,v OA) �°� �aDSr ��9s c IvA L c o Sq. Ft./LF BTUs Gallons Amps Squares For Solar: Kw # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Square Footage: Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) -2L4,oa,,v0 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perforin the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWN ) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): aa /_ DATE: I I Printed Name: D't%1 c r t! DEPARTMENT USE ONLY c s ZONINGCOMMMENTS: � OAO--Iv, "t-t"d V"I f�tX" OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: v --Reviewer: T/21 / tot CONSTRUCTION TYPE: BUILDING DEP ENT OMME TS: Reviewer: i)I'1 PUBLIC'WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: us ' (0 Building Division Valuation: City of Wh6atpjd ge OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must be signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: q S w 3 y _j f4 IF Permit #: General Contractor: << -r1'` Electrical Sub -Contractor Company Name:.TOE S le -4-4-l" t4— Phone #:_ -1(1 6 Sq e -? 1-7 State License #: EG 0 0 -r,- Master #: D 00'1 -135- Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Signatur of Authorize Agent Date Plumbing Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Mechanical Contractor Company Name: Phone #• Master #: _(required field) Date Phone: Wheat Ridge License #: ( required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Date April 1, 2019 VIA EMAIL Dave Hanel KTK General Construction 3755 W 69" Place Westminster, CO 80030 303-355-0013 Re: State of Colorado Permit authorization To whom it may concern: This letter confirms that 7 -Eleven, Inc. is the owner of all the fuel equipment at 7 -Eleven properties across the State of Colorado. 7 -Eleven, Inc. authorizes KTK General Construction personnel to obtain permits and perform fuel dispenser upgrades at all of its facilities. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the following: Jose Rios Manager, Environmental Services 3200 Hackberry Road Irving, TX 75063 [, 1 " I l.cont 972-828-6592 Sincerely, �Pm Jose Rios 7 -Eleven Manager, Environmental Services Cc: Dave Hanel, KTK General Construction Bobby Leach, 7 -Eleven, Inc. 7 -Eleven, Inc. Cypress Waters. 3200 Hackberry Road. Irving, TX 75063 — Mailing Address: Box 711 / Dallas, TX 75221 972-828-7011 Scott Cutler From: Scott Cutler Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 10:27 AM To: 'darrylk@ktkgcltd.com' Cc: Randy Slusser Subject: 5995 W 38th Ave - Lighting/Sign Permit Review Hello — I'm contacting you about the lighting/sign permit submitted for 5995 W 38th Ave in Wheat Ridge (Permit #201900589). 1 need a couple of questions answered before I can approve the permit. Confirm that the proposed LED light bar complies with our lighting code: "All fixtures shall be fully shielded... light rays emitted are projected below, and not above, the horizontal plane of the fixture, such that the source of illumination (bulb or direct lamp) is not visible from adjacent property or rights-of-way. All light fixtures shall be downcast to minimize undesirable effects of illumination such as glare, skyglow and light pollution." I saw that the fixture has a 3 -inch shield, but this may not be enough to ensure the source of illumination is not visible from the street or adjacent properties. Confirm that the lighting can be dimmed. The City has illumination standards at nighttime for LED lights that project onto signage; all signs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 footcandle requirement. We are concerned that this lighting may be too bright and not shielded enough. Thanks, Scott Cutler Planner II Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 1969p19 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Scott Cutler Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 10:27 AM To: 'darrylk@ktkgcltd.com' <darrylk@ktkgcltd.com> Cc: Randy Slusser <rslusser@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: 5995 W 38th Ave - Lighting/Sign Permit Review Hello — I'm contacting you about the lighting/sign permit submitted for 5995 W 38th Ave in Wheat Ridge (Permit #201900589).1 need a couple of questions answered before I can approve the permit. Confirm that the proposed LED light bar complies with our lighting code: "All fixtures shall be fully shielded... light rays emitted are projected below, and not above, the horizontal plane of the fixture, such that the source of illumination (bulb or direct lamp) is not visible from adjacent property or rights-of-way. All light fixtures shall be downcast to minimize undesirable effects of illumination such as glare, skyglow and light pollution." I saw that the fixture has a 3 -inch shield, but this may not be enough to ensure the source of illumination is not visible from the street or adjacent properties. 2. Confirm that the lighting can be dimmed. The City has illumination standards at nighttime for LED lights that project onto signage; all signs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 footcandle requirement. We are concerned that this lighting may be too bright and not shielded enough. Thanks, Scott Cutler Planner II Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us r W t CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. Scott Cutler From: Darryl Kanzler <darrylk@ktkgcltd.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 9:52 AM To: Scott Cutler Cc: Randy Slusser; Lauren Mikulak Subject: RE: 5995 W 38th Ave - Lighting/Sign Permit Review Attachments: 20190509_201559jpg;20190509_201632jpg;20190509_202528jpg;20190509_ 201533jpg;20190509_202622jpg;20190509_202556jpg Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged See attached photos of an existing site Showing the shielding is sufficient to block view of Diodes from adjacent property, also this product is sealed from the top to restrict all light from escaping upward. This product is fully capable of being dimed as well. Thank You Darryl Kanzler KTK General Contracting Limited O- 303-355-0013 F- 303-355-0776 C- 970-380-7573 From: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 3:13 PM To: Darryl Kanzler <darrylk@ktkgcltd.com> Cc: Randy Slusser <rslusser@ci.wheatridge.co.us>; Lauren Mikulak <Imikulak@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: RE: 5995 W 38th Ave - Lighting/Sign Permit Review I'm following up with you about the questions I sent on 4/9/19 regarding the lighting permit. I will be out of the office starting this afternoon through next Friday and will be unable to respond to emails or calls during that time. Lauren Mikulak, copied on this email, will be able to clarify my questions about shielding and dimming if needed. If you need to submit revisions as a result, that can be coordinated through the Building Division. Thanks, Scott Cutler Planner II Office Phone: 303-235-2849 1969 - 2019 3CY 'A 1 3 Of 60 900 9ty specjallty O"'P-AIC, 300V 50 492.21 lumens per foot Beam angle 10deg x 30deg r ,SPECIFICATtONS ae,am., Angle 30- )t 157, Speclatte OpM certtftanons LL & WL Ries-grimedtsw tmnuaij, --E. Oftenijons 0. 91' x I 13"1. x O.WH :--,hc3cy l7w'.1 23 LM,'f'W Fastembrq Peel & stick, I, M K-eMnicarl sr -r --w hole 12VUC- traensft iT#v) 110 LWrnod 9 473 LKAte. I x mods• (Se ries, 1% ZRI ft x:22 mods! 4eratIng Terpp -2-51, tai _WC -7�ackzzirgg 19.5 ft, 144 iwcs) per bag or 430 ft �todsj per case PDV**r 1-32Wi",tod (;2.97W ft P aver Supply P-L,=-rj 1 NEC- PT-Aection Grade Iwo Run Fohat3ge-e 19.5, ft '.,4 n --Z s jv'N-3 W ?5 spacing 2.25 ff cdslft 'ifully ty Me, tr, t*dj W3nant., y 5 `fear Pr oil W 1,' 5 "fez r U rr, Ie -d Lam` .SeT65_ af LOC e -k 7- 11 Project This is to inform all cities the scope of work associated with the 7-11 / Conoco fuel canopy project The project in this application includes the following 1. Remove existing Conoco/7-11 signs. Then install new "Conoco" branded Decal over existing Red/silver/ white fascia on the canopy. Then the signs will be remounted in the same location Includes all 4 sides fascia. For the New color decal. See attached drawings for changes in color. Since decal is a glue on product there should be no structural changes to the canopy 2. There is an illuminated band that is mounted on the top of the canopy fascia designed to shine directly down onto the Fascia to highlight the Fascia color. The illuminated band is constructed to completely seal any light from shining up towards the sky. The Down lighter / band will be mounted to the 3 sides of the canopy that are most visible from the street. All upgrades to the, canopy lighting electrical will be done by licensed electrician. This includes bringing any issues from the past up to Current code (canopy and sign wiring) 3. Island and canopy poles under the canopy will also receive a fresh coat of paint. Along with a decal package applied to the dispensers Thank you Howard Wong -Darryl Kanzler KTK General Contracting 303-355-0013 o �► �, _ City of Darryl 970-380-7573 c � Wheat�clge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Howard 303-994-4079 c APPROVED darrylk@ktkgcltd.com eviewed.for Code Compliance Pla94E aminer Date VAdKV of oerolt: The ;ssuana of a P~ or opprosat of Pkns sPeclltoOW0 and comPutatWM shoN not be o Pernut f br, or on opprovat of, any MlOwn to onyx of the provislons of the buNding code or of any City ordmnces. Permits PMAWW g to gtve outhodty to violate or tenet the Pronstons of the Bwtdlnp coda or other ordinances of dw City shot/ not be valid 9c,EcrnlCM, Sw�LL ccy►Vcy wrrN eVh NFC Conoco Fusion Downlighter Signature Image Installation Guide PN 661922 This product is designed to be installed with the Conoco Fusion Signature Image. Please verify that your site meets this classification and the new canopy fascia has been applied/installed riot to beginning downlighter installation. If not, please communicate with the appropriate contacts. Read through all of the instructions prior to beginning installation and verify (using the packing list) that all parts have been received and in good condition. INSTRUCTIONS: 5100490 —FUSION DOWNLIGHTER Page 1 of 10 city of Wheat Ridge Wilding V 0)27/17 W *NOTE* BEFORE CUTTING OR INSTALLING ANY ELEMENTS, FIELD VERIFY THE CANOPY DIMENSIONS! Verification is vital in ensuring all canopy elements are installed properly INSTRUCTIONS: 5100490 — FUSION DOWNLIGHTER Page 3 of 10 City r Wheat Ridge Building Divin. , REV 06/27/17 Conoco Fusion Downlighter Installation Guide ##10 X 3/4" K -LATHE PAINTED TO MATCH HOOD CENTER WIRED 6 FT WHITE CABLE UL RECOGNIZED REMOTE POWER BOOX t2027NAC I �""�'ij•.e t2VDC 60W i UL WET RATED 3.00 wswRTc" DIFFUSER FILM i t BUSHING FOR CABLE LED RAIL POP RIVET COLOR TO MATCH RAIL — WHITE LED MOUNTED TO LED RAIL 3.000" HOOD I 3.00 i POP RIVET COLOR TO MATCH RAIL REFLECTOR 2.038" CRITICAL 8915 ULTRA -MATTE OVERLAMINATE MAINTAIN SPACE DIFFUSrFIDO ACM 3MM ACM - INSTRUCTIONS: 5100490 —FUSION DOWNLIGHTER Page S of 10 627/17 2. Begin installing downlighter sections from the corner out. Downlighter on a logo side will be installed OVER the logo. If on a side where the downlighter will terminate with an end cap, try to have any cut sections down at the end cap end. Follow the same process as above, drilling a 5/8" diameter hole 1-1/2" from the top of the ACM panel for each section. The hood and reflector edges should be EVEN, and the screw should run through the pilot hole in the HOOD. When approaching the end of a canopy side, pay close attention to make sure that the remaining cut downlighter section will not be less than 24". If it looks to be less than 24", two cut sections will be necessary. **Note: Remember that one 118" section may need to be used for two or more cut pieces. 3. Measure & cut the necessary length piece(s) to fill the remaining space. DO NOT CUT THROUGH THE LED MODULES! It may be necessary to remove or relocate an LED if the cut falls in that area. Be mindful that some "drop" from a cut section may be used for a different side. In some cases, a 59" downlighter section may be sent to fill the remaining space, which has its own dedicated wire coming from the end of the assembly. It is also possible that a side will need a 59" section AND an additional cut section. 0 0 0 0 N N 'C 'i i '120W 60W o CV N _ r r - 33.85" 0 0 v N 0 0 v N 24.00" — - - 24.00" Be mindful of where the offset is needed on each section — always try to cut so that the offset is on the usable piece. Close off the cut end of any necessary wires with a dab of sili to prevent water from entering the wiring. ►tyof INSTRUCTIONS: 5100490 — FUSION DOWNLIGHTER Page 7 of 10 Wheat Rid REV 0,4/17 W 1 Electrical LED Specifications: 1.32W/module, 5.91W/ft, 83Lm/W 118" downlighter — 44 LEDs per section = 58.08W 59" downlighter — 22 LEDs per section = 29.04W 13"x13" corner — 4 LEDs per section (x2) = 10.56W Power Supply Specifications: 60W power supply — 100-277VAC / 12VDC, 1.1A -0.45A 120W power supply — 100-277VAC / 12VDC, 2.2A -0.90A Each 118" downlighter section requires (1) 60W power supply (or half of a 120W box). Cut sections/corners can be combined onto one 60W power supply. 118" section + 53.85" cut section + corner (2-10" sections) = 191.85" Total combined length: 15.99 ft x 5.91W/ft = 94.50W = (1) 120W power supply ° 120W 01) Ln C) O G 112.92" i 24.00" - - - - 24.00" Failure to follow these guidelines can blow out the power supply and cause damage to the LEDs. INSTRUCTIONS: 5100490 —FUSION DOWNLIGHTER Page 9 of 10 city of Wheat Ridge 3uiiding DivisR EV Reviewed *wZ*ift tom0ante by cfit •,, My of Wheat Ridge Planning DWhion APPROVED or. Stern DAM S 1-L COMMENTS- Tis-aqc tom t%e) wd S •+ciattJlS 1�WkE\ r1 sk ",o- d-,WnIAI�ty eaQc6%1ttM All lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. 0 z 0 J 5 CQ Drawing: Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 01 n �. 90' z M G, -t 20--6-- Revision: 0'-6" 0 Approvals: dX P66 El Landlord d Permitted *1 Jurisdiction: Parce I I D: Classification: PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Z " : city of Store # 88353 Wheat 5995 W. 38T" r\91"MUNIIY DEVEL01'M WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80TROVE' ECEI QED Mdftanao/opernwtor 14pf" �c onsoow+pu nat bf a wnot fir,, or on 01 MW WOA~ so any oJLMf � or euAdMp code a of ar*4M" +es. As+wb 92 Qo t a V91'orti�n:eoe, iA:� not beCw=i al North anton, OH 44720 52 17" Canopy Logos (2) — Typ. SQ FT = 6.14 ea. C17HI-LED CONOCO CANOPY LOGO - 17" TALL X 52" WIDE *CUSTOM* ., WKV • 4 'i2" NOTES: �I 4�- 1) Existing Conoco signs to be removed, converted to LED internal illumination, sign cabinet painted and re -installed in its current position. 1 2) Conoco vinyl overlay to be installed by a certified 3M vinyl contractor. 3) Signs to be re -installed in accordance with all local codes. EXISTING CANOPY LONG SIDE C — Typ. Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long PROPOSED CANOPY LONG SIDE C — Typ- Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long. Logo is 6.14 sq. ft. Drawing: Proposed Canopy Lonq Side I Revision- R1 I Date: 1.30.18 Approvals: ❑X P66 Q Landlord ❑ Permitted • VINYL OVERLAY 180-10 WH ITE VI NYL 8519 CLEAR LAMINATE RED, BLACK, GRAY GRADIANT SCREEN PRINTED • ILLUMINATED LOGO.093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY 20VAG/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.) Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification • • ® PMS 485C Red, Red _ Grad Iant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 IBJ LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 494-9444 Wheat Ridge 52' 17" Canopy Logos (2) — Typ. SQ FT=6.14 ea. 4 'i2" NOTES: 1) Existing Conoco signs to be removed, r- converted to LED internal illumination, sign cabinet painted and re -installed in its current position. ` 2) Conoco vinyl overlay to be installed by a certified 3M vinyl contractor. 3) Signs to be re -installed in accordance with all local codes. EXISTING CANOPY LONG SIDE A —Typ. Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long PROPOSED CANOPY LONG SIDE A —Typ. Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long. Logo is EXISTING and will be reused. Drawing: Proposed Canopy Long Side I Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 1 Approvals: ❑x P66 [j Landlord [j Permitted • VINYL OVERLAY 180-10 \/\H ITE VINYL 8519 CLEAR LAMINATE RED, BLACK, GRAY GRADIANT SCREEN PRINTED • ILLUMINATED LOG0.093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY 20VAG/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.)*Tel We Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification: � PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38T" AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 X LSI Adapt, Inc. ciii�' of 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW Nort h Canton. OH 44720 Wheat Ri, 9e E E I 4 'i2" NOTES: 1) Existing Conoco signs to be removed, r- converted to LED internal illumination, sign cabinet painted and re -installed in its current position. ` 2) Conoco vinyl overlay to be installed by a certified 3M vinyl contractor. 3) Signs to be re -installed in accordance with all local codes. EXISTING CANOPY LONG SIDE A —Typ. Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long PROPOSED CANOPY LONG SIDE A —Typ. Canopy Fascia is 3' tall x 90' long. Logo is EXISTING and will be reused. Drawing: Proposed Canopy Long Side I Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 1 Approvals: ❑x P66 [j Landlord [j Permitted • VINYL OVERLAY 180-10 \/\H ITE VINYL 8519 CLEAR LAMINATE RED, BLACK, GRAY GRADIANT SCREEN PRINTED • ILLUMINATED LOG0.093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY 20VAG/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.)*Tel We Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification: � PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38T" AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 X LSI Adapt, Inc. ciii�' of 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW Nort h Canton. OH 44720 Wheat Ri, 9e 52 05 17" 1 S M Canopy Logos (2) — Typ. SCJ FT = R 14 ea 4 %" NOTES: —►I ko_ 1) Existing Conoco signs to be removed, converted to LED internal illumination, sign cabinet painted and re -installed in its current position. 2) Conoco vinyl overlay to be installed by a certified 3M vinyl contractor. 3) Signs to be re -installed in accordance with all local codes. Drawing: Proposed Canopy Short Side DI Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 I Approvals: X P66' Landlord ❑ Permitted • VINYL OVERLAY 180-10 WH ITE VI NYL 8519 CLEAR LAM I NATE RED, BLACK, GRAY GRADIANT SCREEN PRINTED • ILLUMINATED LOGO.093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY20VAC/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.) Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification: #Tel Wel, 0 PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 2s 1 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 city of Wheat Ridge Proposed Canopy Logo 17" x 52" 52" { 17" SQ FT = 6.14 ea. NOTES: 1) Existing Conoco signs to be 41/2" removed, converted to LED internai illumination, sign cabinet painted and re -installed in its current position. 36" Canopy Fascia Detail W/ 17" x 52" sign ILLUMINATED LOGO .093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY 20VAG/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA) Drawing: Can PROFILE VIEW OF FASCIA W. ,A - 36" A - 36" Canopy Fascia Detail Fascia Detail Revision: R1 Date: 1.30.18 Approvals: X. P66 Landlord Permitted • VINYL OVERLAY 180-10 WHITE VINYL 8519 CLEAR LAM I NATE RED, BLACK, GRAY GRADIANT SCREEN PRINTED • ILLUMINATED LOGO.093 WHITE POLYCARBONATE FACE PAINTED RED SLOAN VALUE LINE PLUS WHITE LAID OUT (2) MODULES PER FOOT. EACH MODULE 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY20VAC/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.) Jurisdiction: Parcel ID: Classification 0 PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 494-9444 City of VI/heat Ridge 4 '/2" 52" 4,7 A to duel products & electronics configuration may I t OOV i s Canopy Logos (2) — Typ. SQ FT = 6.14 ea. EXISTING DISPENSER GRAPHICS Drawing: Proposed Dispenser Graphics NEW OVERLAI AND PIDS LirIwi A I A I w Ll NEW PUMPSKIRTS PROPOSED DISPENSER GRAPHICS Revision: R1 ( Date. 1.30.18 j Approvals: X P66 Landlord Revision.. • VALANCE.090ALUMINUMPOWDER • 90KQM&MW METALLIC APPLIED PRIN FpDk Al FFE VINYL 8519 CLEAR LAMINATE • VAC UFA/IRtPL°Ii4CJGE 118 Wi9G6W0LRWNATE TRANSLUCENT 7328 APPLY VINYL FIRSTSURFACE • FREVIVII MD LOGO.093 WHITE B01Q11VATE FACE 8L"!WVhYL•i'JLr..t11VC,,�l V1Y XT '*W§b9� I$#NP BCH W E 60 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 130 WHITE LONG MODULES 60W POWER SUPPLY20VAG/12VDC (1.0 AMPS 60 WATTS EA.) Jurisdiction: Parcel ID-. Classification: 0 PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 2 s1 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 city of Wheat Ridge NOTES: 1) MID is duel branded. No Changes Required at this time • • "r-ELEVEIt EXISTING MID Drawing: MID Sign I Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 Approvals: P66 j Landlord Permitted Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification: ® PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 City Of what Ridge C� MON.- ,..�_ _..�. �•--- Tom: Drawing: Canopy Prototype Example I Revision: R1 Date: 1.30.18 Approvals: Q P66 Landlord Permitted Jurisdiction.- Parcel urisdiction:Parcel I D: Classification: PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton. OH 44720 City of Wheat Rid., '%_ 4 13x13 Corner WW onopo 1. Q "0' f h, .�0 V Cqj V FLAT END CAP LIGHTBAR 3" FROM ENDS OF LOGO VARIOUS 3" 3" WA .7 Drawing: LED Light Bar Detail #10 X Std' K -LATHE PAINTED TO MATCH HOOD CENTER WIRED 6 FT WHITE CABLE UL RECOGNIZED ;wriiiiou + 2iOGi01Y ,,V 3.00 r Diff USER FILM ' � - BUSHING FOR CABLE / /'' LEO RAI. REFLECTOR 3MM ACM All lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. POP RIVET COLOR TO MATCH RAIL ,,--- WHITE LED MOUNTED TO LED RAIL 1 HOOD 3,00i POP RIVET COLOR TO MATCH RAIL 2.038` CRITICAL 8915 ULTRA -MATTE OVERLAMINATE MAINTAIN SPACE DIFFUSER FILM APPLIED TO ACM Revision. R1 I Date- 1.30.18 I Approvals: ❑x P66 Landlord Q Permitted Jurisdiction: Parcel I D: Classification: ® PMS 485C Red, Red - Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38" AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 F92 0 LSI Adapt, Inc. 0 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton. OH 44720 0 Drawing: Satellite View Revision: R1 I Date: 1.30.18 Approvals: [1x P66LaJLandlord Permitted Jurisdiction: Parcel ID: Classification: fto] MM 1k PMS 485C Red, Red _ Gradiant, Black Gradient, Gray 0 Gradient Phillips 66 Store # 883537 5995 W. 38TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LSI Adapt, Inc. 9260 Pleasantwood Ave., NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330)494-9444 airy of Wheat Rtd9e i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: t` _ eT Job Address: 51175 W, 30V T" Permit Number: 20/ 6 00 6 2 ro./ e ❑ No one available for inspection: Time �'� Z 3 AI /PM Re -Inspection required: Yes N When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Z Inspector: �jv DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE r Inspection Type: +� F i Job Address: S9 5 S w.. 3 8 7 - Permit Permit Number: 2ol C co 6 2 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 10 Q ' A /PM Re -Inspection required: Yes oNo *When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: ` 1 �? Inspector:�- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE M__ 0 M 0 1 0 PROPOSED SIGNAGE NOT TO SCALE �� 0 _ 41 m -,f, YESCO. 1 PAGE 3 nit; # Denver Region Denver 4. 11220 E. 53rd 3d Avenue, Suite 300 ' ';— 1 Denver, CO 90239 co ' „s 303-375-9933 c c * r• ' c r Colorado Springs z; cono o el o:. _- _ _ , �� ��,• �- 1 wa arc ` 5011 List Drive ` cono Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-385-0103 Thm draw ..,-W m assts p. in ouras Arap.al Tnndg.al idea, Herein a.. the e m rrsco D, ... , ,d d{!1 nto pyi.r Pers. me dmwmo i. %« `eo o ly ha obta ater. carmen a .'."w,v.:. ayreemen-ith rrsco 3a~- 39iT. _ .. -`. fir -- � � S. ._ _ `•s:,Ei:a, � ®2019 YESCO LLC ) • :I +, — _ 1 a . , ��� - ^�'�{ ° s � All rights --d '44-®.W 'fl# www"yescacom E R. 4t �yrn g 3 .rtrt y �ri)b.. r .. Y 7-11 #36492f ;;5995 IN 38TH AVE EXISTING SIGNAGE TO REMAIN 1 �I� CUSTONFER APPROVAL Client Sig: Landlord S ELECTRICAL NOTE OL NOTE REVISIONS DESIGN NUNISM to EXISTING SIGNAGE TO REMAIN j3 I •Y W.A I T CUSTONFER APPROVAL Client Sig: Landlord S ELECTRICAL NOTE OL NOTE REVISIONS DESIGN NUNISM 4'-5 114" 10 srr DOTTED LINE INDICATES 2 114" SIGN AREA 0 SIF ILLUMINATED CABINET SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" QUANTITY: 2 RECEIVE & INSTALL 0 N 2,-0" ELEVEn RECEIVE & INSTALL (2) SINGLE FACED CONOCO CANOPY CAPSULES. '(2) SINGLE FACED 7 -ELEVEN CANOPY SIGNS TO REMAIN AS IS. REMOVE AND REPLACE (2) SINGLE FACES 7 -ELEVEN CABINETS _PERMITTING SIGN1 AREA:20.47W IGN2 AREA: 4.00ftz ._ NOT INCLUDED ,X PP RO V 63Y: DATE: COM MFNTS: ®SIDE VIEW © SIF ILLUMINATED CABINET SCALE: V = V-0" QUANTITY: 1 EXISTING TO REMAIN (WEST) 1 TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF (SOUTH) NORTH SIDE OF CANOPY EXISTING CONDITIONS TO CLIENT' 7-11 #36492 ADDRESS: 5995 W 38TH AVE CITY 1 STATE I ZIP: WHEATROGE, COLORADO ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: JOHN CURRAN ORIGINAL DATE: 2.22.2016 Client Signature I Date Landlord Signature I Date NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ELECTRICAL RUNS OR FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION CHARGES ARE NOT INCLUDED. ILLUMINATED DISPLAYS WILL BE WIRED FOR 110 VOLT POWER UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICATED. IE VOLTAGE IS NOT I 2 PLEASE!XDICATE YOUR VOLTAGE HE PE EFF -1 FIC- F L�YESCO IS A UL BECOGNIZEO MANUFACTURER THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND I OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIB INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. 704220 R1 2 3 4'-0" 3'-8" © DIF ILLUMINATED PYLON SCALE: 114" = 1'-0" QUANTITY: 1 CON00017-11 CAB - RECEIVE & INSTALL FACE CHANGE QUANTITY: 1 LED GAS PRICE CAB - RECEIVE & INSTALL FACE CHANGE Aar PRO !' 1, ATE: COMMENTS-___ CLIENT: 7-11 #36492 ADDRESS: 5995 W 38TH AVE CITY 1 STATE I ZiP: WHEATRDGE,COLORADO ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: JOHN CURRAN ORIGINAL DATE: 2.22.2016 Client Signature I Date Landlord Signature 1 Date NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ELECTRICAL RUNS OR FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION CHARGES ARENOT INCLUDED. ILLUMINATED DISPLAYS WILL BE WIRED FOR 120 VOLT POWER UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. IE vO1 TIRE IS NOT 12O PIfASE INDICATE YOUR VOLTAGE HERE ©YESCO IS A UL RECOGNIZED MANUFACTURER THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND I OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. 704220 R1 3 13 SCOPEOF WORK: REMOVE EXISTING GAS PRICE FACES. RECEIVE AND INSTALL IOIF LED GAS PRICE FACES. RECEIVE AND INSTALL Ill NEW POLYCARBONATE CON00017.11 FACES WI 1 112" ALUM. DIVIDER BAR . PERMITTING CON00017-11 CABINET AREA: 10.5ft2 GAS PRICE CABINET AREA: 10.5ft2 mil• I NDTINCLUDED I WIN 11111111111kim4m FABRICATIONI • SHIPPED -IN TYPE GAS PRICE CHANGER ILLUMINATION DIRECT LED ILLUMINATION INSTALLATION BY YESCO SHIPPED -IN TYPE POLYCARBONATE COLOR WHITE LAYER 1St SURFACE VINYL COLOR SEE COLOR KEY Aar PRO !' 1, ATE: COMMENTS-___ CLIENT: 7-11 #36492 ADDRESS: 5995 W 38TH AVE CITY 1 STATE I ZiP: WHEATRDGE,COLORADO ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: JOHN CURRAN ORIGINAL DATE: 2.22.2016 Client Signature I Date Landlord Signature 1 Date NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ELECTRICAL RUNS OR FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION CHARGES ARENOT INCLUDED. ILLUMINATED DISPLAYS WILL BE WIRED FOR 120 VOLT POWER UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. IE vO1 TIRE IS NOT 12O PIfASE INDICATE YOUR VOLTAGE HERE ©YESCO IS A UL RECOGNIZED MANUFACTURER THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND I OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. 704220 R1 3 13 wh�,of' Wh6atBoge F FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,22„ 2 4, Pon .,. r M t,4. -7/11 o 41. Otter City Licensed Sub: City License # +.R. City License # WR City License # Otter City Licensed Sub; City License Complete afl information on BOTH sides of this form r amount ",moo J w4,I c t + t , IAO `,+1TJA+ D t1444?vI*f4,0- P/4v/ot T6 /IC/Xrv6 r. . FULFter' ft Amps . Squame You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new all signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. Project Address: Contractor: You are allowed I square foot of signage for every I linear foot of wall to which you are attaching a sign. All wall signs must be adjacent to a street or major interior drive. Step 1: Measure the length of the wall(s) where you are attaching the sign: Wall 1 - 10 feet all 2 - z 7- feet all 3 - feet ,CAX7- e-,90*1W'V,1,*V e44eVI"*'4 "evls� to 2: The length of the wall is the allowable square footage for the wall sign. Wall 1 allowable signage- '? 0 square feet Wall 2 allowable signage- ZZ- square feet Wall 3 allowable signage- square feet � �,� � ,.� .. , �,W. t a eA g £APPROVED 7711 #36492 QUANTITY:EXISTING TO REMAIN e4l �3 5996 W 38TH AVE C�sr,=STATE t Vs T COLORADO d30 CON NTS: n JO URR 2.22.2016 Nou t q t+ `T-'kx �§ is t� -? t " 1 In ish +t151 +a1 Ay++ Y4�� x'+TT �s,<•+'GtCtT' J . : U£RSETwNOTED, iT TIAL RUNS € AL £tfrOM CaNVECWX 'S F N M3V) iUMAE 3 MAYS sU ff WD £�RIZO VOU POWER '�'�..,,?; ,�,a slhu Te , X11111,x." ti ' U1Ji,ESHQtPd£,R1R#SE Nmu v ��aa..e$ err zaa:nr ewraaatT rasa wctess,aea �`ia�t �at�'a'�i3 i , i t 1't �+ t a° ill ♦ '� � �'�` k VOLTS AMPS Imlommomm yEsto a A #I aft4awro ?'Rt S�+A iS sAifCC£5S iC RE tASi"AkE.EJ spa i �\� Ttty1� �'u11e� ��� � AcrssuroAsae£ �rart+ rk#€ a�4t3R£aE&�rR r£ i�i� R\h tall klt`£�+ •+," ARTP;1.¢ VaOf THE AATMAt ELECT COME tti t t �`•.y �a t t . ANOt CR OTHCR v�iauaU.k'c' ENGE"A S RP DDR SRiiVSAt% S ANI RkANM �" V M "V GK o s W1 ii i ii i ii ZEN REMOVE EXISTINIS GAS PRICE FACES. RECEIVEAniI 9ikGTAit [tiiELEit GAS PRICE FACES. RECEWE AND INSTALL €11 NEW POLYCAR ORATE CON CO1711 FACES W1 110' ALUM tltYtl3ER RAR --------- PERMITTINGC4} OCOI 7-11 CABINET AREA 12 33 GAS PRICE CABINET AREA -1133 sq ft _w etl t#a tk9XNPQ; 9#� i�P jAt@yNR[} '�' auax+e'. p * W WOO*, 1Y[ffiC� Yllrww'"01, fIfI YIYII IIII+ WHEATRO l�rl 1M .� JATOHN f����RIr�����I- �!� 'I # 1 t Allilmr %..Onoco, i h' S' 'Regular Diesel 11 1 t it W1 ii i ii i ii ZEN REMOVE EXISTINIS GAS PRICE FACES. RECEIVEAniI 9ikGTAit [tiiELEit GAS PRICE FACES. RECEWE AND INSTALL €11 NEW POLYCAR ORATE CON CO1711 FACES W1 110' ALUM tltYtl3ER RAR --------- PERMITTINGC4} OCOI 7-11 CABINET AREA 12 33 GAS PRICE CABINET AREA -1133 sq ft _w etl t#a tk9XNPQ; 9#� i�P jAt@yNR[} '�' auax+e'. p * W WOO*, 1Y[ffiC� Yllrww'"01, fIfI YIYII IIII+ WHEATRO l�rl 1M .� JATOHN f����RIr�����I- �!� 'I # 1 i h' �,'11t11 11 1 t it N 9 0 0 0 $, D01 E ,� e •. ,� ",, -„-- kkrca wYF4.AFcear-1211*. =.xx3an� M- z- J� APPROVED_ 0 SCALE to _.._ ; L fit ?r'— TZ, + i-E CURB DWAPSTER b " i „ y ENCLOSURE € ......, w,µw„w ,.�..,.. �_ 4.-..a jj 0 � Newii 29S�ftCOMIT Y x} tTISrIkD ”' 0 a to replace$ pftf FA ?-EL laga5 #S'St3E ., ,. „u ViLrei sc'. f � f f I { Existing 4 SWA 5 a S S , .i , f 99� '. :sncepy sdgna :.% #4 S435YlaiVY d sag s a�g=Pt [ SITE SUMMARY waft sE;Ato e �a E DOCUMENT 8//F/ainx '6 bnaX',�3 Za USE NO (MUN) E: i @ NOT✓ a ea t f s _ _.. re . AtECHANiAL PROPOSED M BE LOCATED$ ' ¢ ; � ( t LOT rtP : a2 ASKS 25..31" S' peAM Be ,av ON THE ROOF' *'` I n, i I STANDMID PARXWM Sr TWO ENTRIES P ROP>SE.D TY1iAt af�i7 A tt,to AMS 194 / 000 9F MALWO 2, TOTAL REOLWO DID A TO RE RATIO PROVM Ewa �s SF ACCESS" 10TA2, PRO 5 5PAMS VAN i SPACES TOTAL CONNECTING TO TOTALTA4 iR£S3 1 5'PhCES .n. `. , NGT£: A SITE T THCPGaiE I NEPSIM WAS New Wes for ex � NOT C ax SC TINE Trus AAE AN WAS aTET}.:.IS G„ SET10, TO ANS Et`SSSEB?Fdtdlgy tufa PAdtlt(R!G RZ TPS 4�9t1 T61 9E Existing 36 soft % r cippmvea per vuwn By we MR Amit UPDATEDON THE prxapootsng Or condbonal use Pefind SIiE APPROVED Subject to Fie�d �nspedbns SITE T PLAN 1 w� Iliv ._� . M f F_ AASHTO 001DRIVE n US x J 2pccEss sEBEEN CONCEPT-8 coPasssEae�s ac�s+rt�a ^^•'^�...,, Unmet. 1HE FfA.t mu.S. f'7tai 7 CK.EVE7d Navy "1 {_ :,P . E ,a w„u„w' V , . ,., W t1 T nen f' r s tr ' r City of � W heat Midge ccMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Tim Paranto, Public Works Director FROM: Sarah Showalter DATE: February 20, 2013 SUBJECT: Proposed sign in right -of -way for 7- Eleven at 5995 W. 38` Avenue The recently- approved 7- Eleven convenience store and gas station at 5995 W. 38` Avenue (Case number CUP- 12 -01) submitted a building permit application and right -of -way user permit application to construct a free - standing sign in the public right -of -way, subject to Section 26- 708.F of the sign code. The code states that the Directors of Community Development and Public Works must jointly approve any sign in the right -of -way, assuming it meets the specific criteria outlined below. Please review the response to the criteria below, as well as the attached drawings from the applicant. The proposal was referred to all utility providers in the area and no objections were received. A draft of the revocable license agreement, prepared by Public Works, is also attached. Demonstration of compliance with Criteria in Section 26.708.F: a. there are no viable alternative locations on the subject property There is one location on the subject property that could be an alternate location for the monument sign, which is in the small landscaped area immediately east of the building and adjacent to the parking lot at the southern edge of the property. This area, however, is currently screened from view of the street by an iron fence with masonry screen wall and a row of shrubs in front of the screen wall. The screen wall and landscaping were constructed by the City as part of the 2001 streetscape improvements to 38` Avenue from Harlan to Sheridan. For the sign to be visible from this location, the screen wall would have to removed and the plants replaced with a species lower to the ground. This is not desirable since the wall and plants provide an attractive screening of the parking area and are part of the comprehensive streetscape design for this portion of 38` Avenue. There are no other viable locations on site since the building is located close to the street and the screen wall blocks the view of most of the southern portion of the property, adjacent to 38` Avenue. This criterion has been met. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY City of .,. tete. �� 28��Wh6at MUNI-TY DEVELOPMENT EN � � �e its Building & Inspection Services Division �w" W 7500 W. 2e Ave,, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Aw Office: 303-235-2855 * ; 303-237-8929 Plan Review Inspection Lire: 303-234-5933 IT -3 � PANG Building r t Applicati on & * Pleassoonviate all hightightedareas On bath aid" of this km- Ift""V114% "010000S May not be P"X*sed} Property Address.* f Prope Owner (please print : PhoVIC ry Property Cerner Email. Mailing Address: if different than property address A±52P 7U141 Address:7 loo) Cit � State, �i Cl i'll i'A h1l, L Architect/Engineer E -rale Phone. -__J4 Contractor: " Contractors n Contractor ctor E -t tAddress: Sub on tea Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: l W.R, City License ## W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City Liven Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form �f 1M � A d.: lFYk kF •.: r f r >. � � i ; y til MY d r b A.: 1F * • ' • ; mount of Materials to be used, etc.} 4 j SqFULF Btu's Gallons Amps Squares Other i w�y r f #'#y� *i f W 44 Wheat Ridge, $0034 # "0 4 w Ws 7 wrlh*ft. 66 x Phone (m) 431-6100 e,)d 340 ' BtUDING REVIEW COMMENTS BFA Pmject No.##* Delta StDre#36492 Wheat Ridge, • 80212 SEM PLO —DRAIN PIPING PLAN RISER ANDSCBEDULES: a. Revised the flooplan and riser to include recessed grew trap Added wit .ry Sizing Calculation"table VA a. Added -Gmw Trap Detail- vocifying j so APPROVED Subject to se ",,d �n pe titre. MM�',,7790 Fax 989-520.9683 0 EN ■ I b. the sign is for a property with commercial or mixed use zoning The property is zoned Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N). This criterion has been met. c. the sign will be within right -of -way that is immediately adjacent to the subject property The proposed location is immediately adjacent to the site. This criterion has been met. d. the sign is not in the right -of -way of a state highway 38` Avenue is not a state highway. This criterion has been met. e. there are no immediate plans for widening the street as identified in the 5- year Capital Investment Program (CIP) or planning documents There are no immediate plans for widening 38 Avenue in this area. This criterion has been met. E the sign is not for a site being completely redeveloped with new construction, in which case the proposed design should incorporate the sign on site Technically this site does not meet this criterion because the property is being completely redeveloped with new construction. However, there is a unique condition that allows for an alternate interpretation of this criterion. The unique condition is that the land that the applicant proposes to use for the sign was originally owned by the applicant as their property. The City had an easement on the property for the streetscape improvements but did not own it as public right - of -way. As part of the Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan approved for the project, the applicant agreed to dedicate the portion of their property along 38` Avenue to the City as right -of -way. The acceptance of dedication of this right -of- way to the City was approved by City Council via motion on November 26, 2012 (and vacation of the streetscape easement was approved via ordinance on December 10, 2012). The applicant was not required to dedicate the right -of -way in question to the City but elected to do so since it was a benefit to the City. If the applicant had not dedicated the land to the City, they could have placed the sign in the requested location without requiring a right -of -way permit and compliance with these criteria. Because the applicant took action to cooperate with the City and because there are no other viable locations on site for the monument sign, it makes sense to allow a sign in this location, rather than limit the appliant's signage options due to their willingness to dedicate their land as right -of -way. 2 The intent of this criterion to prevent a newly redeveloped site from designing the new construction in a way that requires signage in the right -of -way. Because the land in question was not right -of -way when the original site plan was designed, this criterion has been met. g. no underground utilities, except for electricity, exist in the proposed location for the sign The referral to utility companies confirmed that there is no conflict with underground utilities. The applicant will be responsible for coordinating with Xcel and Comcast on any existing electric or cable in the existing area. It will be there responsibility to relocate or repair the existing utilities if necessary. This criterion has been met. h. the sign does not obstruct the sidewalk or vehicular traffic The sign is not located in the sidewalk area or in any area that would obstruct vehicular traffic. This criterion has been met. L the sign complies with sight distance triangle requirements per section 26- 603.B The sign is within the 15 -foot sight distance triangle required for the intersection of a driveway and an arterial street. The Director of Public Works, however, analyzed the proposed location and found it to be safe based on the line of sight for cars utilizing the driveway onto 38` Avenue. This criterion has been met. j. the sign is not located in the landscape buffer or amenity zone located between the back of curb and the sidewalk The sign is not located in the landscape buffer between the sidewalk and the curb. This criterion has been met. k. the sign is not a pole sign The sign will be a monument sign, not a pole sign. This criterion has been met. 1. the sign must exclusively advertise or identify the business or operation located only on the immediately adjacent property for which sign is permitted. The content on the proposed sign would exclusively advertise the business located at 5995 W. 38` Avenue. This criterion has been met. 3 Approval: Based on the demonstrated compliance with the criteria above, I approve the pen for the sign: Al Community Development Director Tim Paranto Public Works Director E Certificate Of Completion Building Division 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 Permit#:201300006 Issued: 08/29/2013 Stipulations: Fueling System and Canopy for New 7-Eleven. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. . 6 . Owner: 7-ELEVEN INC. 1722 ROUTH ST SUITE 1000 DALLAS TX 75201-2506 Contractor: For the Following Purpose: Comm. Accessory Stru CTLITHOMPSON The Copestone Company 1624 South 21$ Street Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904 Subject: Declaration Letter 7-Eleven Store 36492 5995 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Project No. DN46611 We performed weld and bolt observations presented in our Report Nos. I through pq dated June 19 through July 19, 2013. Our observations indicated welds and bolts were in I general accordance with quality standards and were in general conformance with structur- drawings. IQ71 W, 12ft) Avenue I Denmer, 80204 � - reepi -, .Ion.e 03-825-0777 Fax: '720-488-4,148 CTLITHOMPSON ; a I • A 11 MEM 11 Subject, Declaration Letter 7-Eleven Store 36•92 5995 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Project No, DN46611 As requested, CTL I Thompson, Inc provided testing and observation services for the 7- Eleven store in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Services were provided on a part-time, ► n-call basis, We performed compaction testing of pad subgrade, foundation wall backfill, and parking lot r• .r- presented in our Report Nos. 1 through 9 dated April 19 through May 28, 2013 The compaction tests and our observations indicated the fill was placed and r• .r- prepared in general conformance with compaction recommendations. We observed installation of drilled piers presented in our Report No. 1 dated June 4, 2013. Our observations indicated the piers were installed in general conformance with plans, We performed reinforcing steel placement observation of walls, columns and slabs presented in our Report Nos. I through 4 dated May 15 through July 10, 2013, Our observations indicated reinforcement was placed in general conformance with the approved drawings and standard construction practice. We performed concrete testing of caissons, slabs, walls, and sidewalk presented in our Report Nos, I through 7 dated May 17 through July 30, 2013. The test results indicated the average 28 day compressive strengths achieved specified strengths, We performed masonry observations presented in our Report Nos. I and 2 dated July 17 and 18, 2013. Our observations indicated general conformance with masonry construction 4etails. We performed weld and bolt observations presented in our Report Nos. 1 through dated June 19 through July 19, 2013. Our observations indicated welds and bolts were in general accordance with quality standards and were in general conformance with structur drawin gs. I 1 ( L 1 1 _371 W, 12'h, Avemie I Den\ter, C000rado 80204 � 'Teiep�' 303-825-07'77 Fax 720-488-.4148 =a iii I Ij TV> IR VIV Certificate Of occupancy Building Division 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 Rermit#.201300005 Issued: 08/29/2013 Btipul s': Construction of New 7-- even. * *Engineer letter is required to be turned to the Building Department by 09/03/2013.** This ce e building constructed and/ the use proposed of the ul 1n above permit number and can property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge 'Building :Cade and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 5995 W 38th A VE Parcel No: 39-244-17-007 Owner 7-ELEVEN INC . 1722 ROUTH ET SUITE 1000 DALLAS TX 75201: -250 Contractor: Kh ader Bhubba 1642 E PARKER RD ETE 105 DENVER CO 80231 -2918 For the Following Purpose Commercial New Etruc Cade Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of 203,12 1CC/2011 NEC this building without prier notice 2r 606 ICC /2011 NEC and a new Certificate Of Occupancy 2006 ICC /2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other C ie Bus: ng Inspector ZoniHg Administrator C TI ICATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF �. COMMERCIAL OCCUPAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 2937-8,929 1 IV-1-'l C, IOZ—' < T)& 7WA, , j., 1v 14 Date: 2-q Inspector CITY OF ; RIDGE :. 0 No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM •- • required: No s_ • A CITY • WHEAT RIDGE Build' 9 'nspoctio D n ivision .301 4-6 Inspection line (303) 235 i255 0 e - (303) 237-8929 Fax UpgggEMAg�7-. Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: 3 0 0 No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required. No Date: 27- Inspector: CITY WHEAT R. Building Inspection Division Ins 237 Fax Permit Inspection Type.- Job Address: 39' *7 t Av-0 * l (Ch a ll W a p p ly) Amps Stu's Gallons Square$ Other ProJed Value* (Contract value or the cost of III materials and labor included in the S atire project Buildin Division Valuation 4� CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE tion Boulludding Inspec Division (303) 234_ 5933 Inspection line 3 03) 235-2855 Offfce - (30� 237-8929 Fax � IM12-:M I MIN 1 Lol 9 101 Inspection Type e�C7;� /,(A , )o�ae 4 Job Address Permit Number 5" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE, Inspection Type Job Address 6 w- Permit Number 24i 3 ed M5, Kirk Cadotte pewml AO1'3oe- OEM= Thank you for our conversation regarding the subject project, attached are the cut sheets and documentation we spoke of along with the County Health approval letter, as you are aware Eleven has prepackaged foods for reheating, please let us know if your require any further documentation for resolution, thanks again for your help with this project. : I II PHONE III T I I IBM I zml• Curtis Tanksley Permitting Manager Central Region - Florida Region - West Region Accelerating Growth through Alignment, Efficiency and Innovation t 479.273.7780 ext. 270 f 479.2719436 ouabs,ta ks -ae,c;ogi, 1 1�,R1-1'N("A-'4 809 SW A Street, Suite 201 BentrinviNe, Arkansas 72712 � he. cJormaJon Vs sm 'eat rlended oniy fw e person o en'My to which 4 s mass ressed Pr�d noay con', n, cwl ?,nd � 0 p+ vleged rna, Use, cisc'osurc, d;stftOon, c cnn'=x!bn d l , me try u iriendcd rEIVI'We'NS is n(R aulhorz�eo end m�y be kmlawlul, ff you remved this ,n t � 'he """"n'der *,nd at de any o cpies of thus docu mert Cr"'(Y p:s' C, col� ZIC I 1 HARRISON FRENCH &I ASSOCIATES, L'I"D Date: 7124/2013 A 0 / 1 ae RE: 7-Eleven Store 3649� 5995 W 38" Ave Wheat Ridge, • 80212 Manager, Mechardcal Engineer, at 479-273-7780 extension 291. RE= Greg Schluterman, P.E. Program Manager mzzz�=I CURTIS TANKSLEY KAJRHW*N-F,REH*H- 809 SW A ST SUITE 201 BENTONVILLE AR 72712 RE: Retail Facility Plan Reviel 7-ELEVEN 6996 W 38Th AVE I ............ least 48 gallons per hour. The specifications for the proposed water heater MEET this requirement. Installation of any additional fixtures may require a re-calculation of the hot water needs. Golden Office 1801 19th Street Golden, CO 8040 303.271.5700 - office 303,271-5702 - fax Lakewood Clinic 260 S Kip ling Street Lakewood, CO 80226 303.232M01 - office 3032397088 Arvada Clinic 6303 Wadsworth Bypass Arvada, CO $0003 303275,7500 - office 303275,7503 - fax P. 1,3ew"'. i Please contact the Department regarding any significant change in the plans or specifications of this facility. Failure to do so may result in expensive corrections if the change does not comply %vith the Regulations and may delay construction. P"a ;L7VI300 The Department must conduct a pre-opening inspection of this facility prior to commencing operation. This inspection will be to verify that the facility has been constructed as shown on these plans and that all equipment is iristalled and operational. Upon successful completion of the pre-opening inspection and payment of the appropriate licensing fee the facility may be approved to open. When in operation, this facility Will be inspected by the Department at least twice per yean Inspections may occur at any time the facility is open for business, Follow-up Inspections will scheduled as necessary to correct violations. I 1 • .� MM= Leslie Frank Environmental Heafth Snprialisq-', (303) 271-5776 FAX: (303) 271-5760 lefrankQieffoo.us "Alf. , ° EF 1 item #73 PRODUCT: QUANTITY: ITEMM Overall • a Third Ave, Dallas, Tx, 76226 800,527.2100 MMjLw—wjpjt,ggM Revised 090110 '• *t �e Roller Gril n " Super \\o\ o §f ©f \\£� S urfac e < � \ ��Roller Grill ODEL < *t : «R GRILL A SNEEZE GUARD SG-850D m .y C 130CHf F T = 8 Project X= I EXTEAIOR CMISTRItICTIOR • Powder coated, corrosion-resistant steel outer wrap • Powder coated, corrosion- resistant aluminum front panels and door • Cool-to-touch exterior; all surfaces below 122 (50 • Ergonomic door handle AMM— dal A 1. Impingement Heater 6. CaWyfic Converter 2. Bottom Browning Element 7, Vent Catalyst 3. Side-Launched Microwave & Air Filter 4. Blower Motor 9. Inlet Air for Cooling 5, Impinged Air Electrical Components INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION 0 201 stainless steel 0 Fully welded and insulated cook chamber a Removable rack and lower jetplate Smart Voltage Sensor Technology does not compensate for lack of or over voltage situations, it is the responsibility of the owner to supply voltage to the unit according to the specifications on the back of this sheet Ventless certification is for all food items except for foods classified as 'fatty raw protems.' Such foods include bane -in, skin-on chicken, raw hamburger meat, rays bacon, raw sausage, steaks, etc If cooking these types of foods, consult local HVAC codes and authorities to ensure compliance with ventilation requirements, Ultimate verelints allowance is dependent upon AHJ approval as some jurisdictions may not recognize the UL certification or application. If you have questions regarding ventless certifications or local codes please email ventless,helpaturtiochof com TurtroChef reserves the right to make substitutions of components or change specifications without prior notice, '1 500 'e DM s 4 t7a2 nn,I Encore JK Model 50 Hz ENC- 9500- 6- JK)-Japan JK Model 60 Hz (ENC•9500-1Wit) -Japan Voltage 220 VAC tt Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) NEW 16-50, PSE, Max Input (MW Input) 63 kW (3.5 kW) I W.A.. Encore ED Model (ENC -95 3 -FD) - Europe /Asia Delta Voltage 230 VAC 0 DIMENSIONS 50 Hz o 0 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) 0 Max Input (MW Input) 103 kW (3.5 kW) IEC 309,4-pin Encore EW Model (ENC- 9500.4- ) _ Europe/Asia Wye Voltage 400 VAC Frequency 50 Hz o 0 0 0 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 16 amps (20 amps) c3 Max input (MW Input) 70.5 kW (3.5 kW) IEC 3M', 5 - ppiss Encore AU Model (ENC- 9500 -5-AU) - AustraliatNew Zealand Wye Voltage 400 VAC Frequency 50 Hx0000 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 56 amps (20 Vamps) Max Input (MW Input) 50.5 k (33 kW) C #Ipi, 5 pin Encore JD Model 50 Hz (ENC- 9500-9-JD) Stacked Units (Stacking Kit Required) JD Model 60 Hz (ENC -15 t t -JD) - Japan Delta Voltage 200 VAC Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) Max In Input (MW input) p p 10.S kW (3.5 kW) ME SA bl de aSe, 4- Encore KW Model (ENC- 9500.52 -KW) - Korea /Middle East Wye Voltage 400VAC Frequency 60 Hz ( Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 1 6 amps (20 amps) Max Input (MW Input) 10.5 k (35 kW) tEC 309, 5 -p n Encore So Model (ENC- 450013 -S7) - Korea /Middle East Delta Voltage 230VAC Frequency 60 Hz D 000 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 anxps (30 amps) I I 1 O kW (3,5 kW) IEC 309,4 �I �II�L u�li ��I�IIIIIInVIII WallClearance (Oven not intended for built-it) installation) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS- LE PHASE (ENC-9500-1) - North America Max Input (MVV Input) i Encore UK Model (ENC-9500-2-UK) - Europe/Asia x iii l�Y � I1fIA 1 Encore 8K Model IENC - Brazil Encore LA Model (ENC-9500-7-LA) - Latin America 4 t7a2 nn,I Encore JK Model 50 Hz ENC- 9500- 6- JK)-Japan JK Model 60 Hz (ENC•9500-1Wit) -Japan Voltage 220 VAC tt Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) NEW 16-50, PSE, Max Input (MW Input) 63 kW (3.5 kW) I W.A.. Encore ED Model (ENC -95 3 -FD) - Europe /Asia Delta Voltage 230 VAC 0 Frequency 50 Hz o 0 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) 0 Max Input (MW Input) 103 kW (3.5 kW) IEC 309,4-pin Encore EW Model (ENC- 9500.4- ) _ Europe/Asia Wye Voltage 400 VAC Frequency 50 Hz o 0 0 0 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 16 amps (20 amps) c3 Max input (MW Input) 70.5 kW (3.5 kW) IEC 3M', 5 - ppiss Encore AU Model (ENC- 9500 -5-AU) - AustraliatNew Zealand Wye Voltage 400 VAC Frequency 50 Hx0000 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 56 amps (20 Vamps) Max Input (MW Input) 50.5 k (33 kW) C #Ipi, 5 pin Encore JD Model 50 Hz (ENC- 9500-9-JD) - Japan Delta JD Model 60 Hz (ENC -15 t t -JD) - Japan Delta Voltage 200 VAC Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 amps (30 amps) Max In Input (MW input) p p 10.S kW (3.5 kW) ME SA bl de aSe, 4- Encore KW Model (ENC- 9500.52 -KW) - Korea /Middle East Wye Voltage 400VAC Frequency 60 Hz ( Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 1 6 amps (20 amps) Max Input (MW Input) 10.5 k (35 kW) tEC 309, 5 -p n Encore So Model (ENC- 450013 -S7) - Korea /Middle East Delta Voltage 230VAC Frequency 60 Hz D 000 Current (Max Circuit Requirement) 30 anxps (30 amps) Max Input (MW input) 1 O kW (3,5 kW) IEC 309,4 U.S.: All ovens shipped within the U.S, are packaged in a double-wait corrugated box banded to a wooden skid. international: All International ovens shipped via Air or Less than Container Loads are packaged in wooden crates. for all installations. 2011 -2012 TurboChef Technologies, Inc. \t u` r it iv vC City of MUNrry Df.vr SMEMEEM A b Ditto: Plan # N cki to Permit # Lo Contrattor: Contractors City License M Phone: Sub Contractors: Efectrical: Plumbin Mechanical: p r City License City License # City License # 9 ti ft — 0f ,# (Fully describe work to be performed - Attach additional sheet if necessary) c—, Contract Value of all work: , r-1 Review Fee (cities at time of Squares ___ BTU's Gaflons Amps Sq Ft, 1 1 OWNI',R/CONTRACTOR SICK A'I'VRE OF I NDERS VVNDING AND AC REEAM E NJ hcrch% I, c"I I t N Hull flic ,vfha� k propo,cd 11" idea rwrnw "IM)Hcation m C'W CUl"We AMI th I nos N i, ILak app icaWc ruk or re sf thk� Cit or V4 heat Rkh"C 01 coy oaW CJSVMWWa M Ic"V" 00n, of ivt oW, tf aH as ,seed ,010Q.J60Wr MALIC MV s h - CW , 31c: Owl $ hw t t md ml 3') abidt" h� jl onidinsm printed on 01s ,,Ipjsiw,anon mid Owl i f0l )on0lilivr fin compr,wcv %wh or , I Whcal 16.1ge mid ordinwh,'V-w tot to 06a tmdcr aW, bo on nk or ho\ c hvv m(ro6, 0w "t jrhP011' to �A,TfW'M 0W dt"CribCd MIJ mn ako h\ tbt o\s ocs W 'on cnlih ;m iudckl on this ,q)pli,xiov to list ftkt cwiv, on thi, api0ik CIR(TEOM11 (0ffNLR) (CAIRUIORi '(111HORIZE0 RtITtSI: \ TJ I'llE) aftOlfAL (f0N1R4(1'0Ri LIRL Oro -0 7— ,UNANIV�3�� 4 aiwter� - 4, 7 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY "N"ANG COMMAUNI S Zonmq Remewer SOWN(, DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Rewewtcr Reviewer. FIRE DEPARTMENT. t approved w! c 'E" disapproved no review required FBldg Valuation: itv of r> .: �„'t.'ta�;�tt9N'lt°"a' °. �. Building & Inspection Services Divisi 7500 W. ` Ave- Wheat Ridge, CO 8003 Office: 303-235-2855 * ° 303-237-892 Inspection eque t ne" 303-234-5933 ' (Compleie,ILI highlighted areas) iii p�01� Plan # a tez Perni Property Pr oporty Owner (ple srrrtt : hone, LL (if ttiftrant than ttrot ',a rt atta i°' )ss Contractor: Co ntractors Cite License MM City License tt Cite Lice � #- Cit License ' (Fully crib worm to be pe rfo rmod - Attach { additional sheet If necessary Contract Veftioof all wadc o a s, 1 tv r" .c « >, R eview {;Yaata a tar a r � aotaarg +a +'a�1a Squares , .v,.. ,.._,.,,. BTU's Gallons Amps Sr ONANER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE U °° UNDERSTANDINC AND AGREEMENT 8 $ao'cht, ce°atltl th as tite sOt .ar.k all "t.raas`e" Isrsgxs scd lb till, p:r nil application ark. .akx craw rartal eta no � white aal�l�la alsla ��s� +,3;r sea c , rYalo or ro uLlt4m cif ffic Cit N of WItex Ridge or d:@ %vn atrts, k� as al3e.ntt or rc'wtrRy BiofY � kit' r Cord; In 'aH tn e,asu °tt,cnta « Shun n and aallqaatlaas arae3° aase� xs �:as €zats, rbtst Isra s° ;ae€ .aaa l �tvreta tea ell roalt Ile ;all °astte3 €t3aaR2 tta' "I €atcal ae ata ,,atal�slla.aatl�aa ails l tls.et ,a �a.asra haall t ~a�l�araa�a;aalat�� 3aWr a:aatlall #awa¢a�.c° atPutla kalalrlie °aa�;a° ��st) alt �t`?atdkt iil�l�at �a�cie ^� taatc� aas��ltaa�ta�a � �aat °����as °� asa�ai�:o� a =aa� l�ao�; sat i�4ssa.�� �raa��:a9 coat this (heat i am tlac 3egal +sarawr or hake Neil ;aaatkknized ?`a, tile » , al ik %vner fO slat prg1VI - l" to pv taarlta tlry biocrl #°ed %Nor ami am ,al "o t €aatlaorizk: bs �hv lo,r l aarc eta. aat'uawl e°aatral, raarlaaded crra tltat� altithcataaaal to lkt tlasat e ^rrtlt� € n dli tta lr §t �staen�. ( "INXE OV `.' tt "ttt.1' :fa "3 WON't 'l(TO ) EMU , , .0 / /Y ISIGIN B ldg Valuation; �� ?d T #0113 PERMIT* > P 7- Eleven #36492 APPROX START: > April 10, 2013 ADDRESS: 5995 W. 38th Ave, Wheat RWge APPROX : > August 2„ 2013 PI,iNMIST > 7 Eleven. Inc WARPANM > ADDRESS: 1722 Routh Street, Ste 1000 CERT OF OM > CS Z: Dadas, TX 75201 UTIL17'X TRANS: > CONTACT Mitch Faith PH 972- 828.5582 an O%: CONTACT: PH 72 E It.: ision Applications Duff Or, UM 4 0113„ Ust xWSU$tjS7 . 550 VV0„ ild Painting RO Box $22 N f W� M 111 mV "IINI ,�IUM(II W tl IM S" fm III R att l es Nllplpl r w wu n or+r 9305 Northf*W 810 F- iGis i ° � # AIIII�I a l IIII mI IIILI1IIGGI VIII �� N�� « .. 1 w V " " � �. �Illil 111 �I lI'lll �" �I�1 I � N !a�N ���t� A � � �� S h e ridan A u' 0 k i .. M} 40214 # -- x o up 4 "u ou r l esion W�'U�uiii ru P +� o r Cru - 4 � 6 «a $ 303-364 ..;� r r„ 303-73 �ktt Un in Elec '! E l ec tric � e r p q ------ 0 u -250- 46 0 7 �i � � �� �II �II 1 lAurors 80011 III IIII I �� �I 6t44r 0113„ Ust xWSU$tjS7 of J9rW1ZMtRkqge CITYOF WHEAT RIDGE HL11LDING AND INSPE.CTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 2�hh Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p, 301235, 2855, 1" 303,237.8929 Date: Signature of Firm am a duly authorized representative of the agency nd t k re below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary iicaed belo and do, by for review and approval, of t 0 :' roject indicated above. * Wheat Ridge Sanitation District * Clear Creek Sanitation District * Fruitdale Sanitation District * Westridge Sanitation District * Other Agency Notes:--!- �(kn "f v�c, Signature: V L Date: t y of at Date: A*1-`1- Project Address: Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: Project Type/Description: CITY OF WHEAT RIM & 1,WILDING AND INSPECTION SERMES[NMION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 301235- 303,237,8929 Signature of Firm M 0 am a duly authorized representative of the agency hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary indicated above. * Wheat Ridge Sanitation District * Clear Creek Sanitation District * Fruitdale Sanitation District * Westridge Sanitation District * Other MUMMIAM Date: Signature. cy presentative) A Y of , ('Ir5 "OF WHEATRIME BUILDING AND INSPECTION ERVI TS ,I) ISIO 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p, 303,235,2855J 303,237,8929 Prat Address 2 L Project Type/Description: Signature of Firm am a duty authorized representative of the agency Use, below, hereby acknowledge receipt of docurnents necessary indicated above. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection * Arvada Fire Protection * Wheat Ridge Water District * Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Agency Notes: amm documents® (Agency Representative) Date: ) tA-vo-.tjcc- SJ- Mau #0113 VEN N - & ADDRESS PERMITM > ERMUM 7-Eleven #36492 APP STARTi > April 10, 2013 AODRESS: 5995 W. 38th Ave, Wheat RWge APPRO X 040: > August 2,2013 Artfton French & Assoc, Ltd AWkEfron*M PUNCHLIST > 606 Iris Su" 7 Eleven, Inc WARRANM > ADDRESS: 1722 Routh Street, Ste 1000 CERt OF OCC > CSZ* Datlw TX 75201 UTILITY TRAtM > CONTACT: Mitch Keith PHONE: 972-828-5582 Conwudoa Weakc 1 1 3014UAIM E-MAIL: a. stpermslw vftekc CONSTRUCTIORMANA 91ft- �F 303-730(IM Clusbec Street CONTACT, &� PHONE: I E-MAIL -�Nll glC I t on VEN N - & ADDRESS 102680 $*1no 1-6fidil ARCWf- Artfton French & Assoc, Ltd AWkEfron*M -- 10 606 Iris Su" $0• Southwest A St Sto 201 f- 40V3.03119 . ..... .. . .. ........ �02830 lones Engineering fsoto company 1 1 3014UAIM MM IIIII ;120 W Littleton 81*1i Ste 206 I �F 303-730(IM Clusbec Street &� I -------------------------------------------- -�Nll glC I t on 02900 Landscape ul 10740 W, 44th Ave 17 E 3M $11s6t, $W 347 f.* 970-776-3301 102680 $*1no 606 Iris Su" f- 40V3.03119 �02830 fsoto company Clusbec Street 02900 Landscape ul 0*00 Soap" 17 E 3M $11s6t, $W 347 f.* 970-776-3301 DASH Concrete 0. ao-34-9422 OW S, Uni4erSitlr Blvd 6 F- 303.346-6377 04000 Masonry joh hw& hg";onry 169 ICI 35190 W000 VW" Tied -9412 f%utwl Meet RRI 4201 fW 30 107200 Insut Ion I'MOW Insulation Systems 14850 Urna Street �F: 30-371-3077 *7500 Roof A Roo" Box 47 F: 7420-869-1199 �Utfbro asw !Zenviar Waterproofing, LLC 111 @ 119094 East Eastman Ave F- 720-010-7349 Aurora 80013 *8800 Glass 111crest Wass 4 Fourth Avenue F: 1[0-774-3443 "griTont $0501 09200 Stucco Dutch's Masonry 10 303-514-0222 6138 S Pierson Court F: 303-904-4230 Uttleton 80127 t • • . > P 1313 Duff Dr. Unit 4 F- M I Fort C004 $0 524 oar 1 —Ca 1 � III "ollplplllWu F looring ! o �mIIIN m ml In °I ",U:U. 19 70 0 AutooW { {{ 7 I i6; 49900 ;q o (mlw I dea l Paintem9llu� g 81 - 6 975 , u : �� e �i ��IhI II W " I�a�ua a �� uuiloi�ia'I�mgn�g ICI �r��i�as uI� ��iWliw +ie u_ �+0 W Iurpu! � 3034 95-9 6 7 " " a: � # ... T fur �mo w�I ISM �� rI ou a B l in d s �! 5 747 ShoWan Blvd, Urvil 7C . 400 i:° I I I I "; nueloV lul lurid „Ipm�7�io�V1 Plambi Ide St .mr MI Voi� �11 I V Yu lu x �+urau � n�i p ++ r)w � ��� �I�l ����I�� a # #' 303-738-377 .,: 80229 73 ScrarOn St Of 13 test stR^'StP80ST Project Address: _ LV, V" ooj e- Pe it General Contractor: �1 � r, <- u a , ,- Electrical Contractor C ompa ny Si gna t ure A u t hor i ze d ;; Date P lu m bing Cont C ompany Phone #; State License #: Master Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of • C I Mechanical Co e: Phone: Wheat Ridge License #: Signatur of • •+ Agent Da Citt W he at R4,rcdl Y-c"311 �' A �LCCIAAI ,0MMUNF1Y DEVELOPMENT t w � • � rr a l� ,� s Pro .; Addir Proporty0woor (pleaseprint) , 0 C. hone, Maiffingi six (if different than property addr describe City License # C> 1 -7 z H a City License # City License # work to be performed - Attach additional shoot If necessary) t , t r o",e s 1 2-0 Review Fee (due at Urre tit crbmitt t): I " ) r quare ..�„�.� _— BTU's Marra — Amps _ _ q t. t .� °� liiam�M • a I - - M M WWI any new freestanding signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. 51 w ontractor: Zg-g,�o 44C ANIUM Building size (in square feet): .'5 0" (This will be inserted in the formula below) FRI 32= �Iji 332= 50 50,10 =6 10 1,501 + 35 Building size Allowed sign size 5 500 + 100 Building size Allowed sign size Check here if the sign is existing and you are replacing a cabinet or face with the same size cabinet or face. �wR(tLzAagIIRg2g--I t For most freestanding signs, the maximum height is 16 feet. For properties within % mile of the interstate, freestanding signs may be 50 feet tall. These signs must be setback at least 30 feet from the street right-of-way. MMMME��� The new proposed freestanding sign will be ? - feet tall. RM= The new proposed sign will be setback . _,v Z,4 feet from the street right-of-way. j-0447%p ov A"'A Owe -rW 7.41 q'jVj'-4i 0#* sooftf- # -" 1 crri All freestanding signs must adhere to the sight distance triangle requirements as listed in Section 26-603 • the Code of Laws. F. U M 17-71 P # - ON WIN 1,1 1-111,01,1211 You o submittal package • signs, any new wall rr also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of a .•- Project Contractor: r attaching You are allowed I square foot of signage for every I linear foot of wall to which you are a sign. • . r . w • Step of the wall(s) where you are attaching the sig _- _ -. 2. The length of - wall is the allowable square footage for allowable Wall 3 «- "' _square _- MR-Im M17 LI I J6-JL#MW III s # You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new wall signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. Project Address: S91S'�) 18 Contractor: qjII5.5 e.,> 4 L C- You are allowed I square foot of signage for every I linear foot of wall to which you are 2ttaching a sign, to 1: Measure the length of the wall(s) where you are attaching the sign: Wall 1 - C?O feet Wall 2 - 2 2- feet Wall 3 - '? feet esr SOWTO Evs-r C.^ ri * ry C^^#tey CAA�Vey . # > AMR. 15#11F. I square fe square fel I square fe no= -r"*- 01-,4J You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new wall signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet • the signage, Project Address: 5JI-5' w 5k — 1V sr _ Contractor: Ye 5c. /, I- e— You are allowed I square foot of signage for every 1 linear foot of wall to which you are attaching a sign. go= 01-TrAC146 XJ'M'P(-,4eJ NE 7 Eleven #36492 5995 W 38th Street Wheat Ridge CO *- 1,11. ■ � \ \\ � � � � � Nis Sign Engineering 4,0 I 0 IM .Q21UMO esion Pipes - Fy = 35 ksi, Tubes - FY=46 ksi # of Column Column Length Cols Type Size (PI TS) (ft) R Start blQjg*, Q22 AgINI Q& and t only M req Mall End Sleeve Elev Elev Depth v&h l ft Ln (kip It (kip ft -325 6.00 N/A 2.1 15,0 Sign Engineering 4.0 Im LATERAL BEARING PIER AND CAISSON FOOTINGS Project: 7 Eleven #36492 Descript: Monument Sign, 7 -0 HA GL Ref IBC 2009 Section 1817.3.2.1 Moment/ Footing, M= 150 p Shear/ Footing, P=V= Composite Centroid, h= 1,071 lb-ft 303 Ib 3.54 ft Sign Engineering 4.0 »S C O \ ®g \< » « . w?4 <!< DA 1 a :< . ?lam < 2\ »,. « �. <?» 2401 . O w *R SALT LAKE . : 84 LOCATION 5*f2 * 31# % YftWddat ? #. : » PHO NE: a :a.aa ..w. Oft" ..... I I 41 i / / % I BC 2009 # « 15 PS f \# MPH # aw j CY ;" a 7-ELEVEN STORE NQ, 36492 - W. 38TH AVE, & HARLAN ST, SITE FLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT 1, CARTER IVIS OfONC,x IN THE SE 1?4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE &A9 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE. MEA RMAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF OMOFLA BeQt31. NTING STEEL (8Y OTHERS) PAN .. _.:.R Z INSET RETAINER PEER SU L.Y ITE LEES PANNED WIS' ACRYUC FACE 1/4* EMBOSS iP2 FAAROSS 314* EMBOSS 1 s,* G PANNED 3MV ACRYUC FACE LE LEC# U U1, 48 SA C22 „2 No,107 THE SKENS ON THESE PAUS PA"" HAVE EELS DEV IT D TO Mitt OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE CODES . OR REQUIREMENTS 9E THE KC•200 MD OR THE 2010 FBC ANN OR THE 2007 SFSC MOUNTED TOGGLE 8t t Elevation- SE sii Sign Cabinets - Sin Mounting Side Mast - Si ,in A' proved 3 114 = 1'-t ro tisoay Sgtr F e(All Cabinets Combined): 61.4 NTS I N r � tb BE i i sittl� n t�. �1�. .»»..., ..... _.,...�...,„.. „. w..,..,.,»..,.:....,,,. �....,,_,«...„......._,. �....... �....,.,. �,..�.....�,.»�.._........._�., �., �._... »..».,...»..,,�...,,,...aw»..,, _.w.....- ...�.._.....: .,. ....... �......,_...» w„ a. d ....»»...,,..w.......:,._..,..� ..,.:.,.....,., �....,... �,. �......,..._„ �......,. � .w.,.,....,�,..�.w.,�.......».w I - Eleven #36492 9 tl -.»... r.,...,.,.,.,... �..... �. �,.»,... m. .. .... .,.a _..v .,>.- �»,_..w..,.�......�.,�.,�, �..,,.....�..�,«..,.. N7t Y te& Sa lesperson: R ft i3 Designer: V P qeo 2 Crnxgitnm aY1a � did 48 aR,.L'27,.3 t7fl7 h; rhinnf-hr R . 38Th Biqa Psc §. WHEAT RID CO BOO BEEN WSIGNE0 THE SIGNS ON THESE Agn of the future to NEE EXCEED Ad.L HAVE SXBd.E CODES 0 4 E\Cust mars\ l rr\ t ,i .t ; ORIG AL CONCEPT .. a µ,., .. Rr EMENTS Or THE NEC -2091 AND OR 3LIO SHAD S), , KS(MVILL � rL, 32257 9 04,268A681 \ t -Ri 649 . dir 0l,% ,Q : Rt° CS tMVd 0otn t c ustomer appro4 d aW THE ?010 €'BC AND OR THE 2007 Sr PC T HARBINCIM AND hdAR Noy BE USED OR o SCA"rr"D tW ANY FORM V2Er�iOUT 1HE EXPRESS "s�iMTTEN PERMSMON Of N €LACER, s CONC �ts� r�€as rN�E Ns gar acs dsr dzsrca r�R PRODUCTION Ara,�ldr rArt�s��r,��, t�s3s �c�td; N zr�E sr.E PROPERTY �r r�dxa sd M r �rn PURPOSE OF NNr��rs7N�Ar csra s rs���. �N �E �_ _.rv._....r. _._._. �_ �._....,.,..,.._.__ �__._.,.._... _,���..._M_.��..,.._.....�_..__ 1. I)IMENSIONS1 OAH: 68 W16" 0AL 55 13/16* OWOFF TOGGLE SWITCH ragg g --ml #1 display Square Footage(Ca bin et): 36.0 T.0, HIGH PARAPET 21'_ T.o� 1w. , owr. Ut, 48 csA, C212 N0,207 THE UONS ON T14ESF PACES HAVE RUN OFMISHED TO MEET Oil EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE CODES OR REWREMENTS OF Tht NEC AND OR THE E= HIC AND (A THE 2007 SFAC NOTE. CANOPY SHOWN FOR �LLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, ACTUAL CANOPY TO VARY FROM RENDERMGy CANOPY COLUMNS TO BE WRAPPER TO MATCH BUILDING. NOTE: IMAGES SHOWN ARE, FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY, ARTWORK IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING COMPLETE SURVEYS & LOCAL SIGN ORDINANCES, op, Laymit SI T E Ov� P sod Can gn vnA% 10 11 8" = I Salespersorr, RG PM: Be Designpr: VS Raqe: 4 UL 49 T-Elew-A #36492 Tumkey Project CSAC22,2Na.107 5"S W 39TH ST MESSNOMM Sign Pk-ka* harbinger WHEAT EI DGE, CO 80212 THE SIGHS ON TK5F PAGES HAVE SEEN OESIGNED slM of the future TO MEET 04 EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE CODES OR F\Custorners\7 Eleve t Art 12,12,12 ORIGINAL CONCEPT KWRWENTS OF THE MC AND OR 5100 94AD ROAD, JACKSONViLLE, FL 3225? 904,264,468t \SVE2219-RI #36492.cdt 01,16,13 Rl- CS rmvd optn I customer appw4 date: THE 2010 FSC AND OR THE 2007 WgC THRS DESIG,4 IS FAR 74 SOUE MMSE Of 1LUSTRATION IS CrjNCLpT DrslGq THIS FLE �S NOT To RE USED rOR PR00U(T*N AND104 FAWCAMOR T�IIS DESIGN IS THF SO41 PWK.RTY Of HAR&MISER AND MAY Noy K USED OR DUPUCATE.0 ilN ANY FORM WTHOUT THE EXRESS WMTTTw PERWSMON OF HARWNGER, City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: File FROM: `Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: 5995 West 38th Avenue DATE: September 29, 2002 This memorandum is in regard to the property located at the northeast corner of Harlan Street and West 38`h Avenue. This city recently completed a streetscape project along West 38' Avenue and is proceeding with a streetscape project along Harlan. This property owners feel they have been impacted by the 381 Avenue project and are hesitant to sign the needed easement for the Harlan Street project. The current use of the property is as a car repair garage. The city is requesting the owner sign a sidewalk easement to allow the public sidewalk along Harlan to encroach two feet onto their property. The owners are concerned that signing the easement to allowing public improvements on their property may preclude them from a future expansion of the existing building. The owners have indicated that they wish to construct a building addition measuring 18'x 75' on the rear of the building to be used as warehousing. Based on the size of the addition relative to the current building coverage, the city would require 1320 square feet of landscaping on the property. Roughly 1145 square feet of landscaping was installed as part of the 381 Avenue streetscape project. There was 125 square feet of landscaping on the site subsequent to demolition for the project bringing the existing total to 1270 square feet. As an incentive for signing the easement, the city has agreed to install an additional 100 square feet of landscaping along Harlan behind an existing electrical switch cabinet. The new landscaping will consist of a tree located in a tree grate and shrubs and perennials of the city's choosing. The additional landscaping installed by the city will bring the property up to standard to accommodate the building addition. The owner has been informed that even if the landscaping on the property is sufficient enough to allow the addition, there are other requirements that have to be met. Of particular concern, is the amount of parking provided. Staff has concluded that a total of 23 spaces are currently required. An additional 3 spaces will be required with the addition. The plan presented to the Department of Planning and Development shows the addition on the north side of the structure, displacing ten parking spaces. To accommodate the displaced parking spaces, the owner must reconfigure the parking design on the property or provide off-site parking in accordance with Section 26- 501.C.4. of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. c: building permit file Gary Campbell RIGHT OF ENTRY AND LETTER OF AGREEMENT I/We, the undersigned Property Owner(s) ("OWNER") hereby grant permission for the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE and/ortheir representatives ("CITY") to enter upon my/our property at the following address: Name(s): Tami Burton Address: 5995 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado The purpose of this Right of Entry and Letter of Agreement is to gain permission from the OWNER to enter OWNER'S property to allow the CITY to transition from the owner's property to the proposed 2001 Harlan Street Sidewalks/Pedestrian Lights Project. The sidewalks/pedestrian lights project is further described on the diagram attached to this Right of Entry and Letter of Agreement as Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The CITY hereby agrees to repair any physical damage to any real or personal property of the OWNER directly caused by the CITY, its authorized agents, officials and contractors in connection with this entry on the OWNER'S property and/or frontage for the purposes described above. The CITY shall not incur any further liability for its actions pursuant to this Right of Entry and Letter of Agreement. The CITY agrees to construct such frontage and/or private property and driveway improvements only as necessary to transition into public improvements to Harlan Street, and for no other purpose. The CITY will construct no other improvements on OWNER'S property and/or frontage other than as specifically identified in the list below. The CITY and OWNER agree that the following specific improvements and/or repairs listed below and/or shown on the attached Exhibit'A' will be constructed by the CITY along the OWNER'S property and/or frontage: 1. 2. 3. The CITY and the OWNER agree to the promises, conditions, and limitations contained herein. EXECUTED THIS _21 day of ~~QV_, 2002. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (CITY) Greg Knudson Interim Director of Public Works Approved as to form 8/2000 Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney PROPERTY OWNER(S) (OWNER) Tami Burton Project # S-01-01 FilesonEnginent\Forms\Legaf\ROELOA2-MFiG.frm Place landscaping area approximately 100 (one hundred) square feet to the north of Project No.: S-01-01 Location:5995 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 PERMANENT EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Tani Burton whose address is 6480 West 31st Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80214, hereinafter called the "Grantor" for and in consideration of the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY ONE and 52/100 ($821.52) and other valuable consideration to them in band paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, hereinafter called does hereby give and grant to said City PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following described premises to-wit: A tract of land lying in the SE 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as: Commencing at the SE comer of the SW 1/4 of said Section 24, whence the NE corner of said SW 1/4 of Section 24 bears N 00° 16'49" W, a distance of 2638.68 feet; Thence N 00° 1649" W along the East Line of said SW 1/4, a distance of 71.95 feet to a point; Thence N 89°43'11" E leaving said East Line, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Harlan Street and the Point of Beginning; Thence N 89°45'02" E, a distance of 5.29 feet; Thence N 00°11'49" E , a distance of 25.05 feet; Thence S 89°45'02" W a distance of 3.00 feet; Thence N 00"1149 W a distance of 115.10 feet; Thence S 89°55'57" W a distance of 2.50; Thence S 00° 16'49" E a distance of 140.15, to the Point of Beginning. NOTE: All bearings are relative to one another and are based on the bearing of the East line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 24 being N 00"16'49" W. For the purpose of. The construction and maintenance of a sidewalk. Subject to the following terms and conditions: To the extent permitted by law, and without waiving any immunities, protections, or defenses available at common law or under statute, including, without limitation, the Colorado Governmental Immunities Act, Section 24-10-101, et seq., C.R.S., the City, individually and for itself only, agrees to hold harmless the Grantor from and against any suit, claim, attorney's fees, loss or damage, including personal injury or loss of life, which may occur as a result of negligent construction or maintenance of said sidewalk by and/or for the City on the property subject to this easement. Said tract contains 411 square feet more or less. Also known by street and number as:5995 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212. And the Grantor hereby covenants with the City that she has good title to the afore described premises; and that she has good and lawful right to grant this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of . 2 A E Jr . A.D., 2002. Tani' Burton, Grantor STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before the this z 4 day of SaPd 2002, by My commission expires Oy z 2003 . Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge; Colorado 80215-6713 The drafter of this description is Dale Petersen P.L.S., prepared on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado; 80215-6713 and is not to be construed as representing a monumented land survey. BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7/20/98 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address: 5995 W 38th Avenue Phone: Contractor License No.: 20047 Company : Absolute Management, Inc. Phone : 759-2655 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : Removal of three fuel tanks Construction Value : $12,990.00 Permit Fee : $200.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $194.85 Total: $395.35 Use: Electrical License No Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date Approval: Expiration Date Approval: Expiration Date Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. ((4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (6) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the'ob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval Vdrawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspect THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Lil-?dc.` CgATC/z- . 7-X Property Address : S995- yV, ✓ fJ~ Phone : Contractor License No.:Cj(} Company: ~Sso/vfe ~an4y~//?erJY (_,~~$~c~n~ Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat~idge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED GGGrr✓c- f9usfa- DATE 7 9 S~ Description : k177,1 a,111 0 / ee ICJ ~~frlcs . Construction Value : ,/2, 99o Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total: $0.00 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : gmrd Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Electrical License No : Company: Walls : Roof Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was Issued in accordance with the provisions set forth In yopur application and is subject to the laws of the Slate of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (0) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-hall the amount nornally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or it suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water musing a drainage problem. 5) Contractor shall nobly the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the ob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval o drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pemut for, rar an approval of any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION SIC: Sq. Ft. : Stories : Residential Units : J pis 1. i REPORTING AGENCY: Permit Number: Ga 7 UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL CR No.: Business Name: O 1 Date: -Z ' Business Address: a vr-'.. s 2,. Business Telephone. Permit Holtler. T `lc a, P son Contacted: '7 r - 7s- - 43--S- Size of Tanks: O: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DDo Product Stored: q t.zr Serial Numbers: (1),4J, L-/..W1 (2) tdd, rwylje,( (3)LL,-L"o( (4) (5) (6) E' p Step t Inspector's Initials COMMENTS: Yes No la State agency has been notified lb Date notified: to Approved plans, from State II and Gas are attached • 1 - Stop 2 r - - Inspector's Initials COMMENTS: Yes No 2a All electrical lines and connectlons have been disconnected. Inspector's Signature: LLn L'oH+~ Agency: „ j Date: Time: - , = NOTE: No work shell be undertaken by contractor until this step has been completed. , Step 3 Inspector's Inhhals COMMENTS: j Yes No 3a Received approved plans from State Oil & Gas 3b Approved plans are attached ✓ 3c Product has been drained from pipes Into tank 3d Piping has been capped or removed % 3e Residues and liquids have been removed from tank f- 3f How. was dnsate disposed of? 3g Evacuate to the top on the lank 311 Fill pipe; gauge pipe, vapor recovery touch Connection, • - pumps and other tank fixtures have been removed. _ ,31 Venf'line Istgtili.,cpnnectgei,.;.. . Inspector's Initials COMMENTS: Y 4a Solid carbon dioxide used to vent vapors ' 4b Other vapor removal system used'(descdbe) 4c Venting of tank Is pr„oper ' 4d Tank LEL reading is 20 percent or lower 4e All holes plugged with a minimum of a 1/2' hole ~ ✓ . 41 Vent line has been disconnected ✓ _ 4g Evacuate area around tank and remove tank e;r 4h Tank has been labeled after removal _ 41 Tank will be transported to. disposal site on the same day ✓ ''I ' ' It was taken out of groiind• - - - 4J Tank is properly secured on truck with vent hole on top Step 5 - Inspector's Inhltals COMMENTS: Yes ho 5a Is soil contamination present after tank removal8 l ~ D I F fKd11'e- ei ~+„cercfecf ~ • (o f yes, describe: I'y~ t"a~aetaG . ~ Swsp~~~~y 5b If yes, notify State Health Department: fMbto/uwGt w.T•'oti SI~c. - Person Notified: Date: 1 5c If yes, notify State Oil & Gas: - Person Notified: Datq: 4,2 Pr'au-we- 5d Name and address olank destination: L Oft A111106CIR0 ~ ~.(SS GYDrILf,u. e,J. ~ a .~.1 FX4ww fo' _41 R/(,CaSSBY Yb 5e Werg -takenT' ` ,fs~u.r/r~flcso,.,.oics J iv"A It so, what agency took pictures? -17hm y% 5f Were samples taken at she? ✓ „ _ M so, what agency took samples? Akthls fksr 4v 5g Were spilt samples offered? If so, person accepting samples: - 5h DateMme samples relinquished Step 6 FIN ECTIOSIGN gTURES: P - . 98 =_!2 Fire sd Approving Signature Date City County Appr ng Signature Date Other A en les P esen /Representative Other Aeancies Present/Representative j. A;; ,it t. 4• 2• 5. 3 a Step 7 Pink copy of this form given to: rint name) (SI etu Above Person) Date torm given: _ Z.ZI Time form. given: 4 88PD-13 White Copy - Enforcement Agency Yellow Copy - Appropriate Flrd'Dlsblct Pink Copy - Owner/Permit Holder DIA RAM, 71 ~ , - ,r-7A J -•f 4 ao G-& t•° i o C i WD LL ~ +{/ono aw( ~ . ~ ~ s:~ . a raw Nli'-1'y Sew„( . COMMENTS: Qii-4~-K -44k a ,At pdW-t \o \C ~c r+rF ~1i'o0 ~AAI db Z.`° w ~ of ~ r ~ r w `t a -L4 I - Istit • T +~a b U r - t I. 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: ,61n~• I.vSP. eSe ~dE~ ~JSs d6_SS Job Address/Permit Number: .57775 w •.3gl;w 9riE ®r £ I~£.wG l losf_ ;t2~4cefss iQc 1-si,at any .~'f..a ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Re-Inspection required: es No AM/PM 'When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 Date: ph/92 Inspector: T/ r DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE