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6301 W. 38th Avenue
qpn: mplvOc: wheatndae co us To: c MMDer v Mils sayers: Wine wno au Ital: mmmemai rme,or aemmetrrenant Fish Dalt: TYEEey, Dere 29, 202010:16:22 AM Commercial Interior Remodel/Tenant Finish Application for Commercial Remodel/Tenant Finish This application is for Commercial Remodels and Tenant Finishes. Do not being work until the permit has been issued to the General Contractor. Required to Submit Proof of Submission to Fire Department Proof of Submission to West Metro Fimod Fire Department Begin Application PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 6301 W. 38th Avenue, Wheal Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner Name Inner City Health Center Property Owner Phone 303-296-1767 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email kraigb@innercityheafth.org Address Attach City of Wheat Electronic Payment Form - Wheatridoe orf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - **DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD** APPLICANT INFORMATION Contact Name of Fabled Pans Person Submitting Application What is your role in the General Contractor project? Wheat Ridge 017e6a Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contact Phone Number 720-390-9728 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-1234567) Contact Email Address fpans@nowelldenver.com for Plan Review Questions Retype Contact Email spans@howelldenver.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this for a new Yes tenant? Business Name of Inner City Health Center Tenant Detailed Scope of Demolition (wall removal and finishes), new partitions, electrical Work - Provide a (safe off, new circuits, lighting, fire alarm relocations, electrical detailed description of services), HVAC (new ceiling exhaust fans, test and balance, work Including ductwork), plumbing (new sanitary, fixtures, hot/cold water lines), mechanical, electrical, millwork (uppeolower cabinets, reception desk), Flowing fl -W plumbing work and cove base), painting, acoustical ceiling occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Location of Work 1M floor (halt of Me space) Square Footage Area 1291 of Work Being Performed Asbestos Report - if 6301 W 38th Asbestos Intended on report.odf applicable Construction Plans ICHC Wbeatridge Full Permit 2d-2041df scanned on 11"x17" or larger VALUATIONAPPROVED Project Value (contract $318,2M.00$318,254.00 AS SUBMITTED. SP value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Fabian Pans Permit Email not displaying wmadly? View X in war lj w r. liPage 4 Elevation F.nvirvnuma Li I Limited Elevation Environmental Services Permit 202002688 Elevation Environmental Services 13340 Harrison St Thornton CO 80241 (833)536-8476 Wheat Ridge Family Health Clinic 6301 W 38" Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Prepared For: Wheat Ridge Family Health Prepared By: Elevation Environmental Services 13340 Harrison St Thornton, CO 80241 CDPHE CERTIFICATE #'s: 24795, 25621 wneao ainea Date(s) of Inspection — December 23, 2020 um�ro nmaan 21Page Elevation Environmental Services 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Table of Contents AsbestosRegulations ...................................................................... ........................................... ........ AsbestosLab Reports ................................................................................................................................. 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7-11 12-14 15-16 3lPage Elevation Environmental Services 1. Asbestos Regulations The EPA and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) require all building materials with Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) contain less than 1% asbestos via PLM analysis. OSHA requtemems are more stringent. It is required by law a0 friable and nomfiiable ACM be removed prior to renovation activities that may disturb verifiable and assumed ACM. Furthermore, all finable ACM must be removed prior to demolition. Point counting is required for bulk samples where the asbestos content is less than 10%. Federal and State agencies define ACM as those containing mora than 1%. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requires materials with ACM less than 10% be point counted or be "assumed" ACM. If point counting is done, the result supersedes the non -point counted PLM result. Homogeneous Material Classifications • A preliminary walk through of the buildings was conducted In determine areas of materials which were visually similar in color, texture, generate appearance, and which appeared to have been installed at the same time. Such materials have been temsed "homogeneous materials" by the EPA. During this walk through, the approximate locations of these homogeneous materials were noted. • Following the EPA inspection protocol, each identified suspect homogeneous material was placed in one of the following EPA classifications: Surfacing Materials — Sprayed or toweled on surfaces (walls, ceilings, structural members) for acoustical, decomfive, or fireproofing purposes. This includes plaster and fireproofing insulation. Miscellaneous Materials — Other nounfriable products and materials such as floor the and ceiling tile. Thermal System Insulation —Insulation used to inhibit heat transfer or prevent condensation on pipes, boilers, tanks, ducts, and various other components of hot and cold -water systems and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (VAC.) systems. This includes pipe lagging, pipe wrap, block, batt, blanket insolation, cements, muds, gaskets and ropes. (These materials were not sampled as pan of the survey.) Friability Classifications Friable and non -triable ACM's are defined as follows: • Friable asbestos -containing material: any material containing more than 1% asbestos, determined using PLM analysis, that when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I nonfidable asbestos -containing material: asbestos -containing resilient floor covering, mastic or asphalt roofing product containing more than 1%asbestos as determined using PLM. • Category H nonfriable asbestos -containing material: any material, excluding Category I non -friable ACM, damming more than 1%asbestos as determined using PLM that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. - Regulated asbestos -containing material (RACM): (1) friable ACM, (2) Category I nonfriable ACM That has become friable, (3) Category I notifiable ACM Wan will be or has been subjected to sanding grinding, cutting, or abrading, or (4) Category 11 nonfiiable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by We forces expected to act on the mammals in We course of demolition or renovation operations. Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Bulk samples were collected by using various sampling tools (cutting tools, knives and chisels) to cut away or scrape portions of suspect building materials into zip -sealed plastic bags or sampling tabes. Samples areas were chosen by using a 3x3 sampling grid and a random number generator on the inspector's phone. The individual samples were labeled by material type and location. Samples were analyzed by Reservoirs Environmental Laboratory located in Denver, CO. The laboratory maintains accreditation through the American Industrial Hygiene Association (ARIA), and National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The analysis performed was EPA Method 600/R -93/l lb. 9 41Page Elevation Environmental Services 2. Introduction On December 23, 2020 - Elevation Environmental Services performed a limited scope interior inspection of the scope of work inside the structure located at 6301 W 38'" Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO. The scope of work is a remodel of the front admission area and a few exam rooms. 3. Homogenous Area Table HA Sample Size Samples Sketch Locations Friability Condition Material Ref Name Sqft Collected Ref #a 7 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive G= Grand Type # NA (unless NA NA NA 6301-CA01-02 D=Damaged 13 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CDW01-01 noted) 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDW01-02 4 SD= Pink Drywall 6301-CDW01-03 1 4 5 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-M 4 6 Severely 6301-CDW02-01 5 2 Gra all 6301-CDW02-02 5 1 3 1 Gray Drywall Damaged 5 1 ACT01 1200 2 89 Ceiling F G MISC 2 BBA01 300 2 7,10 All wall bases NF G MISC 3 CA01 600 2 1213 flooring NF G MISC 4 CDW01 720 4 1,4,5,6 Exam rooms F G MISC 5 CDW02 340 3 2,3,11 From Reception F G MISC 4. Sample Results - Asbestos Containing 5. PLM Determined Non -Asbestos Containing Material Sample ID HA Sketch Description 6301-ACIR IA1 ACM Sample lD Ref# Refp Description ACM Description Content 6301-BBA01-01 2 7 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive 6301-BBA01-02 OV io NA NA NA NA NA NA 5. PLM Determined Non -Asbestos Containing Material Sample ID HA Ref# Sketch Ref# Description 6301-ACIR IA1 1 8 White Acoustic ceiling file with pin holes and random fishers grey backing 6301-ACT)1-02 1 9 White Acoustic ceiling file with pin holes and random fishers greybacking 6301-BBA01-01 2 7 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive 6301-BBA01-02 2 10 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive 6301-CA01-01 3 12 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CA01-02 3 13 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CDW01-01 4 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDW01-02 4 4 Pink Drywall 6301-CDW01-03 1 4 5 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-M 4 6 Pink Drywall 6301-CDW02-01 5 2 Gra all 6301-CDW02-02 5 1 3 1 Gray Drywall 6301-CDW02-03 5 1 11 1 Gray Drywall 6. Critical Areas Roof -Not in scope Attic -Not in scope Crawlspace - Not in scope Flooring- Inspected 51Pagc Elevation Environmental Services 7. Asbestos Inspection findings Elevation Environmental Services (EES) performed a limited scope interior inspection of the structure. The purpose of the inspection is to identify if the walls and ceiling area in the scope of work have asbestos containing material. EES found 5 homogenous areas. The homogenous areas were sampled to conform with AHERA standards. Samples were delivered to Reservoirs Environmental for analysis. Analysis of the samples did not find asbestos containing material in the samples collected. 8. Asbestos Recommendations Elevation Environmental Services did not find regulated asbestos containing material in the samples collected. Work is clear to proceed pending any sate or local permitting. Sketch 61Page Elevation Environmental Services 10. Pictures a oft 453oJ-/ k7w o� h� Elevation Environmental Service (O�/04F6 .. lCO7�R 9 i.✓: tl 9 % - G6k*..o o y, 12IPa c FIcvatlon envl ro N m e N t a services MbNa COIIIPIB mmi iFW`eW Am NWWW m^m it. Asbestos Laboratory Reports 641 A(Mum ♦ all, 'xnue meCP we Im M 66 n RESERVOIRS ENVIRONNENTIL INO. a IW Cm Itli Wn BlEMa i1: N BIRN 4NLLYBIB. GCERCENTIOF WRANMTNMI BY YKNIE 6m1®w.01 PEy�lNixnm Fasmoll.1 BO 0 IW PC, wVT B aeemw.e F 0161, PT4m��:e MI W 38TH AVE 0 am Cvmk.�R.. wnn �Wo MW WmdVPABEA"lLllb 9Nn Nryplpun AD wwM ElPany Rm9vrp.e mmW P. T�I �Nlle 1 Y31 wmve iw1 MbNa COIIIPIB mmi iFW`eW Am NWWW m^m cAwvPm 641 A(Mum ♦ all, 'xnue meCP we Im M 66 S m11T1 BY a IW BY 6m1®w.01 w ee,..wuwlw BO 0 IW B aeemw.e F o 0 Im spmwAD AD 0 im awl NEW m A VWVE, mlcanyl WpmweMiW tWl 4 MO 0 1W BQwm WYiPvw r MO 0 im CBNspwnewaMW M i 0 im ml CMILI 1 YeMefeew ommmWw ED i 0 1W .=103 Auurywmeswl5 NO AD AD Bina 4.WrymnpW BE M 0 Im C Yeanelae mwI 01 W1 reN xwye revnmmeeE n vplulry Lalm mwew velem tlh1 Y P W mue en al a 131Pa Elevation Environmental Services Iwn C Ibn Cmynnu IN 1 COW9191 AWmeon9ppuvNµppapMpNis ED 0 INN RESERVOIRS ENVIRONYENTIt- INC. a AVAAwN M ED NVLAN LAN `iAioleesa a TYLE'. PLY BULK 4NLLY919, PERCENTAGE (VUUAa ICN BYYVM-LAW IY ND 0 IW 8 ftM O b NO va EVEN BAN C01,101 w wLo min m 14 nr. Grua nw..rm WMM+OMxI PefxB,;mxV BE 100110 EPA BE 1B YgxrlryM Xun NEaI 14 WI WWWLI PrVM iO Wa GTsr mllae0 I,.mrc-rmmoiu Homo iAlmp rrtr L AMkJ al E AO br P1 ftY CprMM YYxnI SI V Iwn C Ibn Cmynnu IN 1 COW9191 AWmeon9ppuvNµppapMpNis ED 0 INN a AVAAwN M ED is a EMU (MWmiP IY ND 0 IW 8 ftM O b NO 15 W BAN C01,101 w AP.wprPWpNwY.wpnN9mm MD m 14 IS WMM+OMxI PefxB,;mxV BE q is 14 WI WWWLI AprglunryulrPxfxnYP IW iO 10 owl WWW --@ A6ry+n'Ie OwAwamepppmeplN 10 YO ONE 9 pM4n VYo ANN MY m ED A6pronayell lr NNWAN MD m is 12 rtY4Wyrerwnm�bOXn wp�oXYlneEmauN 0• W w) XVW rwneu<nL Prj ,g' „o (J _d_ AN0 ioX 141P age Elevation Environmental Services __.._�._._ �Reeerw/ra EnNrnnmenta/. Inc. xEs4onnwnn �w I HIM -ter �w I mer Elevation Environmental wv, 9 ».�}! ..... . . .. * /|§/ f z — �- ! , ) . e \ _ }\ \\ � 9 ICHC DENTAL CLINIC DENTAL CLINIC 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE CO 800336301 INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER W. 38TH AVENUE I WHEATRIDGE, CO (FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENT) KEY PLAN SHEET INDEX PROJECT INFORMATION TENANT ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT: INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 6301 W. 38TH AVE. A0.0 PROJECT DIRECTORY, PROJECT INFORMATION WHEATRIDGE, CO A0.1 GENERAL NOTES BUILDING CODES: PHONE (720) 833-5097 A0.2 ADA NOTES & DETAILS 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODES & AMENDMENTS CONTACT: WESLEY SYKES NONE NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION A2.1 FLOOR PLAN A3.1 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN __ _ __ ____ _ _____ 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE 2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE EMAIL WesS@InnerCityHealth.com 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS A4.1 FINISH PLAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE A5.1 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2018 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE AMENDMENTS A6.1 INTERIOR DETAILS 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CODEAMENDMENTS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 2018 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AMENDMENTS 2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE AMENDMENTS 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET MECHANICAL MP0.0 MECHANICAL & PLUMBING SCHEDULES, NOTES & LEGENDS OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: PER IBC CHAPTER 3- B 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION MP1.1 MECHANICAL & PLUMBING WATER PLAN & SEWER PLAN TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PER IBC SECTION 602- TYPE V-B MP1.2 HVAC PLAN P9.0 MECHANICAL & PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULES SPRINKLERED: NO NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 ELECTRICAL PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT SCOPE: THE SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT IS SECOND E0.0 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES, NOTES & LEGEND E1.0 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN & LIGHTING PLAN GENERATION TENANT IMPROVEMENTS CONSISTING OF 1,291 S.F. CONVERSION OF 3 MEDICAL EXAM ROOMS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS E2.0 ELECTRICAL COM CHECK TO 3 DENTAL TREATMENT AREAS, NEW LAB AND E3.0 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULE, ONE-LINE DIAGRAM &D STERILIZATION, REMODELED FRONT OFFICE AREA. 2000 S. COLORADO BLVD. V FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS TOWER 1, SUITE 7500 TENANT OCCUPANCY: BUSINESS (B) 4,433 G.S.F. DENVER, CO 80222 ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 9,000 S.F. PHONE (303) 534.3344 ALLOWABLE HEIGHT: 2 STORY/40', MAX. PROVIDED 1 CONTACT: DREW KRAFT STORY, 20' EMAIL: ddkraaft@de OCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATION: RAveelopco.com� p (' GENERAL CONTCTOR B - MEDICAL OFFICE: 4,217/100 = 42 OCC. HOWELL CONSTRUCTION 8085 E. HARVARD AVE. DENVER, CO 80231 EGRESS WIDTH: PHONE (303) 696.5800 CONTACT: TODD BERRY • e S i g n a 36" MINIMUM REQUIRED (PER ICC A117.1-2017, SECTION 402) 48" MINIMUM PROVIDED EMAIL: tberry@howell.com NORTH A I ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS: ALL EGRESS DOORS AND INTERIOR DOORS MEET ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS p ARCHITECT/INTERIOR DESIGNER jigsaw design, LLC. W E u u V COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL: 75'MAXIMUMALLOWED design, LLC. 74'-5" PROVIDED 3004 S. ADAMS STREET jigsaw S DENVER, CO 0210 EXITING: PHONE (720)4.27.9203 GENERAL NOTES SYMBOLS LEGEND 2 EXITS REQUIRED, 4 PROVIDED CONTACT ANNIE PRATTEMAIL EMAIL: annie@jigsawdesignllc.com 3004 S. Adams Street 1. ALL NOTES APPEARING HEREIN, WITH THOSE ON VARIOUS SHEETS SHALL APPLY TO ALL DRAWINGS AND FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 15. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. G.C. SHALL COORDINATE BASE BUILDING MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION WORK WITH TENANT IMPROVEMENT WORK. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OFFICE 100 ROOM NAME AND NUMBER EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE: 200' MAXIMUM ALLOWED Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignlIc.com CONSULTANTS 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS SHALL CONCUR WITH AND BE OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. PLUMBING FIXTURE CALCULATION REQUIREMENTS: www.jigsawdesignllc.com MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING ENGINEER DETERMINED FROM THESE DRAWINGS ONLY. O WINDOW TAG BUSINESS (GROUP B): W.C. = 1:25 (M), 1:25 (W), LAV. = 1:40 (M & W) 16. G.C. SHALL INSTALL AND REMOVE TEMPORARY PARTITIONS AS NEEDED TO 3. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. NOTED DIMENSIONS GOVERN. LARGE SCALE SEPARATE THE CONSTRUCTION AREA FROM THE ONGOING OPERATIONS OF OCCUPANCY OCCUPANT LOAD MALE FEMALE LAV. BELFAY ENGINEERING DETAILS GOVERN OVER SMALL SCALE. THE CLINIC. a KEYED NOTE 2811 W. 9TH AVENUE B - BUSINESS 42/2 = 21 1 2 1 DENVER, CO 80110 4. REPETITIVE FEATURES NOT COMPLETELY DESCRIBED AND OR DETAILED 17. THERE IS TO BE NO CONTRACTOR PARKING IN THE FACILITY LOT. STREET 102 DOOR TAG PHONE (303) 892.5980 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN EXACT ACCORDANCE WITH CORRESPONDING PARKING IS AVAILABLE. FAX (303) 892.5979 FEATURES WHICH ARE COMPLETELY DESCRIBED OR DETAILED.@:::-_SHEET DETAIL DETAIL NUMBER SHEET PLUMBING FIXTURES PROVIDED: TOTAL GENDER NEUTRAL 3 W.C. +3 LAV. CONTACT: TOM BAILEY EMAIL: tbailey@belfay.com STAMP: 5. G.C. SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FIELD DIMENSIONS AND WHERE DRAWN CONDITIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE TO PLANS WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF THE TENANT. 6. G.C. SHALL SECURE BUILDING PERMITS AND ALL OTHER PERMITS AND LICENSES AND PAY ALL FEES AND SHALL OBTAIN FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITIES. 4\ � \ INTERIOR ELEVATION TAG 6 X ] LEVATION NUMBER SHEET ' HEET WHERE DRAWN DRINKING FOUNTAIN: 1 HIGH/LOW PROVIDED MOP BASIN: 1 EXISTING UTILITY SINK PROVIDED • City of � W heatdge CoMMUNnv DEVELOPMENT APPROVED �! of Co�O V MICHELLE. LYNN 7. G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION OF ALL WORK BY ALL TRADES. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AEXTERIOR PROGRESS SCHEDULE SHOWING ALL TRADES TO ENSURE COORDINATION. ELEVATION TAG LEVATION NUMBER SHEET X AX. HERE DRAWN Reviewed for Code Compliance Steven Peck 01 /11 /2021 �i 00403172 G 02-04-2 FN SfiDARG� 8. ALL NEW WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S LATEST PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 9. ANY NEW OR EXISTING ITEMS (SUCH AS BROKEN GLASS OR DAMAGED GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS) WHICH SHALL REMAIN IN THIS PROJECT AND SECTION TAG X NUMBER {X. HEET WHERE DRAWN Plans Examiner Dat. VaNky of Permit: The issuance of o p~ or wproroJ of plans specocaffwN and compurahons shag not be o permitfa% or on approval of any violation to any of the provlsiam of Me budding code or of otyCgy aedi,sancet. permgt pmsuntngtogfwouthorrtytoYroioaforowicelthe provisMhtoftfkiumft ARE DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF ANY CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL BE codes orotbnor6woottofdwCgysWewtbev" VICINITY MAP DRAWING TITLE: REPLACED OR REPAIRED IN FULL EXTENT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 10. G.C. SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES AROUND AREA OF CONSTRUCTION TO KEEP NOISE AND DIRT FROM THE ADJACENT OPERATIONS. WORK OUTSIDE THIS ENCLOSURE SHALL BE DONE ONLY AFTER ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2018 IRC C OVE RS H E ET APPROVAL AND COORDINATION WITH THE BUILDING OWNER. EXISTING SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE COVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION OF DUST. ACCESS TO EMERGENCY EXITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. g�-��� CLNG ELEVATION TAG A. F. F. 2018 IBC 2018 I ECC 2020 NEC CODE INF 0 R MAT I 0 N 11. GENERAL CONDITIONS REFER TO THE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND T.O. CONCRETE ELEVATION DATUM EL. 100'-0" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AMENDMENTS ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR THOSE AREAS IN WHICH WORK NECESSITATES CUTTING, PATCHING AND FINISHING. ALL REQUIRED CUTTING, PATCHING AND FINISHING FOR STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ALTERATIONS AND NEW WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED BY G.C. 12. THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT AT ALL TIMES TO DELIVER, PLACE AND INSTALL EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS AS THE WORK PROGRESSES, SO G2S WALL TAG ON SITE PLANS LONG AS THE PLACEMENT OF SUCH DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OR CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. 13. G.C. SHALL COORDINATE MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION WORK WHICH INVOLVES CHOPPING, TRENCHING OR CORING OF EXISTING CONCRETE SLABS AND/OR OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. ALL PROPOSED CORING TRENCHING AND/OR MODIFICATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURE MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL Q REVISION MARK VV. 38T"AVE. MUST BE ONSITE FOR INSPECTIONS ALL PROJECTS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS PROJECT NUMBER: 1921 DRAWN BY: TO LANDLORD'S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF AFOREMENTIONED WORK. 14. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURAL SLABS, MEMBERS, ETC. SHALL BE PATCHED TO MATCH ORIGINAL CONDITIONS AFTER INSTALLATION OF DUCTS, ETC. SEE NORTH W E 6301 W. 38TH AVE. SHEET NO.: STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. S GENERAL CONDITIONS NOTE: NOT ALL STATEMENTS OR SECTIONS OF THIS SPECIFICATION MAY APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT/DESIGNER FOR CLARIFICATIONS. 1. ANY REFERENCE TO "ARCHITECT or DESIGNER" MEANS JIGSAW DESIGN, ANY REFERENCE TO "G.C." MEANS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS. ANY REFERENCE TO "LANDLORD, BUILDING MANAGER, OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR TENANT" MEANS BUILDING REPRESENTATIVE. 2. BYSUBMITTINGA BID, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR INDICATES THAT HE AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE REVIEWED ALL GENERAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS, VISITED THE SITE AND ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE INTENDED SCOPE OF WORKAND EXISTING CONDITIONS. BIDS SHALL INCLUDE COSTS TO REPAIR AND/OR RE -CONDITION. 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH AS -BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS FOR ACCURACY AND CONFIRMING THAT THE WORK IS BUILDABLE AS SHOWN PRIOR TO PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION BIDS. IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES OR QUESTIONS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT BEFORE SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION BIDS. 4. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET BY OWNER AND BUILDING MANAGER (WHEN THERE IS ONE) FOR CONSTRUCTION. COORDINATE WITH OWNER AND BUILDING MANAGER PRIOR TO BID AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS IN PROJECT AREAS TO IDENTIFY WORK REQUIRED TO BE REFURBISHED AND/OR REPAIRED FROM "AS -IS" CONDITIONS TO "LIKE NEW" CONDITIONS AS POSSIBLE. 6. NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL MATCH EXISTING "BUILDING STANDARDS" EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION IN FIELD AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO ARCHITECT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH THE BUILDING, ITS SYSTEMS AND LAYOUT, ABOVE AND BELOW FINISHED CEILING. THEY SHALL NOTE ITEMS WHICH WILL CONFLICT WITH, OR BE DETRIMENTAL TO, THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED. THIS SITE VISIT SHALL BE MADE PRIOR TO BID SUBMITTAL. 7. THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED TO DESCRIBE ONLYTHE SCOPE AND APPEARANCE OF THE REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING THE PERFORMANCE AND LEVEL OF QUALITY EXPECTED OF ITS COMPONENTS. ENSURE THAT ALL WORK COMPLETED AND MATERIALS INSTALLED BE IN FULL COMPLIANCE, AND MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS OF ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES. NOTIFYARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 8. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFYWITH BUILDING MANAGER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM IF WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION MEETINGS SHALL BE HELD. IF SO, G.C. SHALL RECORD AND DISTRIBUTE THE MINUTES OF THESE MEETINGS TO THE OWNER, ARCHITECT, TENANT REPRESENTATIVE AND SUBCONTRACTORS UNLESS OTHERWISE DETERMINED. THE MEETING NOTES SHALL BE ISSUED PRIOR TO THE NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING. 9. UPON SUBMITTAL OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SUBMITA SCHEDULE INDICATING THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION TIME FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S WORK. 10. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISASSEMBLE DRAWING SETS FOR DISTRIBUTION TO SUBCONTRACTORS. SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL HAVE A FULL SET OF DRAWINGS FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PRICING, SCHEDULING, MATERIALS, ETC. FOR WORK AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND IN SPECIFICATIONS AND ALL RELATED WORK TO PROVIDE A COMPLETED PROJECT AS SCHEDULED. 11. WHEN SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES WORK ADJACENT TO OTHER TENANTS: TENANT SPACES, INCLUDING CORRIDOR AND TENANT ENTRIES ON EACH SIDE OF THIS SUITE SHALL BE LEFT IN GOOD OPERATING ORDER INCLUDING FINISHES, LIGHTING, POWER, ETC. VERIFY SCOPE OF WORK OUTSIDE OF THIS TENANT SUITE WITH BUILDING OWNER OR MANAGER. SUBCONTRACTORS AND VENDORS SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR VERIFICATION OF ANY AND ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AFFECTING THEIR WORK. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE BUILDING MANAGER ANY CONSTRUCTION IN OTHER SUITES OR AREAS AND ANY INTERRUPTIONS OF PLUMBING, HVAC, POWER OR COMMUNICATION SERVICES. 12. THE G.C. SHALL PROVIDEA 5 %CONTINGENCY AS PART OF HIS BID UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 13. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM AND PROVIDE FOR REQUIRED FLOOR PREP AND INCLUDE IN BID. 14. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUESTING AND COORDINATING ALL BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS IN ALL FIELDS OF HIS WORK AND THE OBTAINING OF THE FINAL "CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY". 15. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (UNO), THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS AND CERTIFICATIONS AS ARE NECESSARY FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF THE WORK. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE ALL NOTICES AND COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS, BUILDING CODES, ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS BEARING ON THE CONDUCT OF THE WORK. 16. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PURCHASE AND MAINTAIN THE CERTIFICATIONS OF INSURANCE WITH RESPECT TO WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, PUBLIC LIABILITYAND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR THE LIMITS AS REQUIRED BYLAW. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING AND SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS WORK. 17. ALL DELIVERY OF MATERIALS SHALL ENTER THE BUILDING AT POINT DESIGNATED BY THE BUILDING MANAGER AND/OR TENANT AND/OR OWNER AND FOLLOW PREDETERMINED ROUTE THROUGH BUILDING TO WORKSPACE- NO EXCEPTIONS. G.C. SHALL PROTECT THIS ROUTE WITH EITHER PLASTIC OR MASONITE AS DIRECTED BY BLDG. MGMT. 18. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY PROTECTION OF TENANT'S FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION. TENANT SHALL CONTRACT WITH FURNITURE MOVER, G.C. SHALL COORDINATE WITH THIS VENDOR AS REQUIRED. 19. GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST ALLOW FOR SCHEDULE MODIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED AS TENANTS MUST REMAIN FULLY OPERATIONAL DURING CONSTRUCTION. SCHEDULE ALL SHUTDOWNS WITH TENANT AND/OR BUILDING MANAGEMENT 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE. 20. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY, CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE OF ALL WORKERS, AND SECURITY OF THE WORK SITE AND STORED MATERIALS, ETC. WHILE ON SITE. THIS INCLUDES THE PROHIBITION OF RADIOS. 21. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES, THE APPROVED AND MOST CURRENT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND BUILDING PERMITS, INCLUDING APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS. 22. THE BUILDING AND FACILITIES MUST BE ACCESSIBLE TO AND FUNCTIONAL FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED(ADACOMPLIANT)AND CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS AND LAWS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THIS AND CONSULT WITH THE ARCHITECT SHOULD ANY DISCREPANCIES OR QUESTIONS ARISE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 23. QUESTIONS CONCERNING ACCURACY, BUILDABILITYANDCODECOMPLIANCESHALLBEADDRESSEDWITHTHEARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. IF THE G.C. FAILS TO MAKE SUCH A REQUEST, OR PROCEEDS WITH ANY WORK IN QUESTION, THE COSTS FOR CORRECTION OF WORK, IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE CLIENT AND/OR ARCHITECT / DESIGNER SHALL BE BORNE EXCLUSIVELY BYTHE G.C. 24. ALL CHANGES IN THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL ONLY BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BYTHEARCHITECT/DESIGN ER AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OWNER AND/OR TENANT. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS/SPECIFICATIONS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLARIFYING WITH THE ARCHITECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL RESOLVE FIELD CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH ARCHITECT. 25. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST BERNEEN THE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE DRAWINGS, THE SPECIFICATION SHALL GOVERN, HOWEVER, THE G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLARIFYING WITH THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER. 26. THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER, ONLY, SHALL INTERPRET THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 27. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ANY MEASUREMENT BE SCALED FROM THESE DOCUMENTS. ANY MEASUREMENT NOT GIVEN AN ACTUAL NUMERICAL DIMENSION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ARCHITECT'S ATTENTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 28. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE ENTIRE DESIGN TEAM WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, CONFIRMATION WITH DELIVERY DATES ON ORDERS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT WITH LONG LEAD TIMES, WHICH COULD PREVENT THE MEETING OF SPECIFIED CONSTRUCTION DATES. IN THE EVENT THAT THIS IS NOT DONE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ADDITIONAL EXPENSES REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ITEMS WITHIN TENANT'S SCHEDULE. 29. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER OF ALL BUILDING ITEMS RELATING TO BOTH WALLS AND CEILING (FIRE HORNS, SPEAKERS, SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLERS, ETC.) NOT INDICATED IN THESE DOCUMENTS FOR EXACT LOCATION/RELOCATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 30. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL MANUFACTURED ITEMS, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS, OR THE SPECIFICATION HEREIN, WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT. CONFIRM DIRECTION WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 31. GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST RETAIN SUBCONTRACTORS THAT HAVE THE ABILITYTO PURCHASE THE PRODUCTS SPECIFIED HEREIN. 32. SUBSTITUTIONS: ALL ITEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED EXCEPT WHERE A SUBSTITUTE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OWNER, ARCHITECT / DESIGNER AND TENANT IN WRITING. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT / DESIGNER AND TENANT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LESS THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE LEAD TIME OF THE ORIGINALLY SPECIFIED PRODUCT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO RECEIVE WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION BASED ON PRICE AND QUALITY. QUALITY SAMPLES, SPECIFICATIONS AND PRICING INFORMATION ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT/ DESIGNER AT TIME OF SUBSTITUTION REQUEST AND WITHIN THE TIME FRAME AS IDENTIFIED IN THIS POLICY. PROVIDE THREE (3) SETS OF SUBMITTAL INFORMATION FOR REVIEW. ALL PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS MUST HAVE EQUAL GUARANTEE, BE OF EQUAL QUALITY AND NOT COMPROMISE THE DESIGN INTENT AS SET BYTHEARCHITECT/ DESIGNER. 33. SUBMITTALS: SUBMIT ELECTRONIC SETS OF LITERATURE AND/OR PRINTS AND THREE (3) SETS OF FINISH MATERIAL SAMPLES TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR ANY AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: • DOORS FRAMES AND HARDWARE • FULL HEIGHT GLASS • CARPET SEAM DIAGRAMS • PLUMBING FIXTURES • TOILET ACCESSORIES • RECEPTION DESK • NEW CABINETRY/ WORK COUNTERS (MILLWORK) • NEW MISCELLANEOUS SHELVING • APPLIANCES TO BE PROVIDED BY G.C. • FINISH MATERIALS 35. SEE ALSO SEPARATE SECTIONS OF WORK AND PLANS FOR OTHER SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. 36. THESE SHOP DRAWINGS MUST BE REVIEWED BY AND HAVE THE G.C.'S SHOP DRAWING STAMP AND SIGNATURE PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL TO ARCHITECT / DESIGNER. 37. SHOP DRAWINGS OR SCHEDULES APPROVED BY OTHERS ARE NOT PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ARCHITECT / DESIGNER ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK PREPARED / INSTALLED UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. 38. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SEPARATE TRASH REMOVAL SERVICES DURING DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDE THOROUGH CLEANING OF ANY SOILED PUBLIC SPACES BEFORE LEAVING THE PREMISES EACH DAY. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER AND CODE COMPLIANT MANNER. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF DUMPSTER WITH TENANT, OWNER, AND/OR BUILDING MANAGEMENT. 39. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL AGREE WITH THE SUBMISSION OF THIS BID THAT SHOULD THE ARCHITECT HAVE TO PERFORM ADDITIONAL PUNCHLISTS DUE TO NONCONFORMANCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR THE ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT/D ESIGNERATTHE ESTABLISHED HOURLY RATES UNTIL WHICH TIME THE PUNCHLIST IS APPROVED AND THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. DOOR AND HARDWARE NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PROFILE SAMPLES OF ALL WOOD/METAL DOORNVINDOW FRAMES AND TRIMS, AND ANY MISCELLANEOUS WOOD/METAL/GLASS PIECES FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING, IN A TIMELY MANNER AS NOT TO DELAY THE PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL PREFINISHED DOORS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. DOORS THAT ARE DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR HIS SUBCONTRACTORS WORK DURING THIS PERIOD SHALL BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BYTHE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 3. FINISH SUBMITTALS AND SCHEDULES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT OR BUILDING MANAGER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. 4. DIMENSIONS GIVEN FOR DOORS AND FRAMES ARE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS ONLY. FRAME TOLERANCES, CEILING CLEARANCES AND UNDERCUTS ARE TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION AND DEDUCTED FROM THE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING ACTUAL DOORS. CONSULT ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ORDER FOR CLARIFICATION SHOULD ANY DISCREPANCIES OR QUESTIONS EXIST. 5. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THAT ALL HINGES, ETC. CONFORM TO THE WEIGHT LOADS OF SCHEDULED DOORS PRIOR TO ORDERING DOORS AND FRAMES. 6. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HARDWARE FOR FIRE -RATED OPENINGS IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA STANDARDS. THIS REQUIREMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH HARDWARE. 7. ALL DOORS IN THE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL PROVIDE HARDWARE NOT REQUIRING A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE FOR EXIT OPERATION FROM THE EGRESS SIDE OF THE DOOR. ALL DOOR HARDWARE SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE CODE REQUIREMENTS. ALL DOORS EQUIPPED WITH SPECIAL LOCKING HARDWARE SHALL COMPLYWITH CRITERIA ESTABLISHED IN CURRENT APPLICABLE CODES. 8. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MISCELLANEOUS PIECES, SILENCERS, SEALS, DOOR STOPS, ETC. AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL INTERIOR DOORS. 9. ALL KEYING SHALL BE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH OWNER AND TENANT REPRESENTATIVE TO COORDINATE AND DETERMINE KEYING REQUIREMENTS. ALL LOCKS SHALL BE KEYED TO THE BUILDING MASTER SYSTEM. FURNISH NVO (2) MASTER AND ONE (1) GRAND MASTER AND KEYING SCHEDULE TO OWNER. 10. ALL DOOR LEVERS SHALL BE MOUNTED 42" A.F.F., UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 11. WHERE APPLICABLE, FLOOR MOUNTED DOOR STOPS SHALL BE MOUNTED AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE TO THE DOOR OPENING, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. MILLWORK NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FINISH SAMPLES OF ALL MILLWORK FINISHES/MATERIALS, PROFILE SAMPLES OF ALL WOOD BASES/TRIM PIECES AND SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL MILLWORK PRIOR TO ORDERING IN A TIMELY MANNER AS NOT TO DELAY PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. 2. ALL MILLWORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWI STANDARDS' MOST RECENT EDITION FOR "PREMIUM GRADE" MILLWORK AND CABINETRY QUALITY AND DETAILING. 3. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION AND AS INDICATED BY ARCHITECT. ALL HINGES SHALL BE CONCEALED, SELF-CLOSING AND ALL DRAWER GLIDES SHALL BE FULL EXTENSION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL MILLWORK DOORS SHALL BE SECURED WITH MAGNETIC CATCHES AND HAVE SCHEDULED LOCKS (WHERE CALLED OUT) AND DOOR PULLS. REFER TO TYPICAL ELEVATION FOR FINISH AND LOCATION. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CUT SHEETS FOR ALL MILLWORK HARDWARE INCLUDING LOCKS, DOOR PULLS, GUIDES, HINGES, ETC. TO ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 4. ALL CASEWORK SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AWI SECTION 400 -PREMIUM QUALITY, FLUSH OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION, AND MEDIUM DENSITY"FIBERBOARD" SUBSTRATE (NOT PARTICLEBOARD) FOR PLASTIC LAMINATE AND WOOD VENEER. 5. AWI SECTION 200 SHALL GOVERN ALL WOOD WALL PANELING. PANELS SHALL BE VENEERED ON NVO (2) SIDES TO CONTROL CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION. 6. ALL RUNNING TRIM SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AWI SECTION 300 -PREMIUM GRADE. 7. AWI SECTION 1500 SHALL GOVERN ALL CASEWORK CONCERNING WALL PANELING AND RUNNING TRIM. CUSTOM GRADE CATALYZED LACQUER AWI SYSTEM TR -2, TRANSPARENT FINISH, 40 SATIN 30-50 SHEEN, OPEN PORE: NO WASH COAT, INCLUDE STAIN, SEALER, SAND AND TWO (2) TOP COATS. 8. FOR PLASTIC LAMINATE PRODUCTS, ALL EXPOSED SURFACES, ALL SEMI -EXPOSED SURFACES AND ALL BALANCING FACES OF LAMINATED PANELS SHALL BE PLASTIC LAMINATE. FOR WOOD PRODUCTS, ALL EXPOSED SURFACES AND ALL SEMI -EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL BE WOOD VENEER WITH VENEERED OR SOLID WOOD EDGES (INCLUDING BOTH SIDES OF DOORS AND DRAWER FRONTS). FOR ALL OTHER INTERIOR, SURFACES SHALL BE "MELAMINE" OR APPROVED EQUAL CABINET LINER. COLORS: WHITE FOR LAMINATE CABINETS, BLACK FOR WOOD CABINETS MINIMUM VENEER AND OVERLAY THICKNESS. TOP AND SHELF EDGE: 0.050" THICK MINIMUM, VERTICAL SURFACES: 0.028" THICK MINIMUM, HORIZONTAL SURFACES: 0.050" THICK MINIMUM, CABINET LINER: 0.020" THICK MINIMUM. REFER TO FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR COLORS. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING AND CONFIRMING ALL APPLIANCE, VENDING AND EQUIPMENT DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO PRODUCTION OF MILLWORK. 10. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING, LOCATING AND INSTALLING ALL BLOCKING REQUIRED TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT MILLWORK PIECES AND THE RELATED LOADING. 11. THE HEADS OF ALL FASTENERS IN WOOD FRAMES, TRIM, ETC. SHALL BE SUNK, FILLED SMOOTH AND BLENDED WITH FINAL FINISH FOR INVISIBLE APPEARANCE. 12. CASEWORK: • AWI SECTION 400 SHALL GOVERN - PREMIUM QUALITY • FLUSH OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION • MEDIUM DENSITY"FIBERBOARD" SUBSTRATE (NOT PARTICLEBOARD) • FOR PLASTIC LAMINATE AND WOOD VENEER. 13. HARDWARE: • HINGES: MEPLA DS-KLIP SYSTEM, 120 OPENING, CONCEALED/SELF-CLOSING • DRAWER GLIDES: ACCURIDE MODEL 4034 (FILE), 3005 (BOX), 2006 (PENCIL) • TOUCH LATCHES: AMEROCK #70280 • MAGNETIC CATCHES: KNAPE & VOGT N0. 915 BR • LOCKS: TIMBERLINE SUPPLY "SYSTEM 150" (PEDESTALS) "CD -184" CAMLOCK • (INDIVIDUAL LOCKS) • PULLS: 4" WIRE PULLS -ALL DRAWERS AND DOORS, FINISH: BLACK (U.N.O.) • GROMMETS: DOUG MOCKETT, MODEL EDP, COLOR: BLACK, 2 1/2" MINIMUM • DIAMETER. PARTITION PLAN NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT THE TOTAL WORK AREA PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER THE OPPORTUNITYTO REVIEW ANY CONFLICTS IN THE FIELD. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE THE LAYOUT AND EXACT LOCATION OF ALL PARTITIONS, DOORS, WINDOWS, ELECTRICAL/DATA, CEILING/LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLES WITH THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISH FACE OF PARTITION UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. WHERE PARTITIONS TERMINATE AT WINDOW MULLIONS, CENTER THE PARTITION ON THE MULLION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DO NOT FASTEN INTO MULLIONS. WHERE PARTITIONS TERMINATE AT BUILDING PERIMETER COLUMNS, PROVIDE CLOSURE TO GLASS. REFER TO DETAILS ON PLANS. 5. USE DRYWALL ACCESSORIES AS SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS OR IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. SUBSTITUTIONS MUST HAVE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 6. DIMENSIONS NOTED "HOLD" OR "CLEAR" ARE CRITICAL AND SHALL SET PRECEDENT FOR LAYOUT OF PARTITIONS. 7. "ALIGN" MEANS SIMILAR COMPONENTS OR CONSTRUCTION, (E.G., WALLS, JAMBS, ETC.) SHALL BE IN LINE ACROSS VOIDS. 8. "TYPICAL" MEANS IDENTICAL FOR ALL APPARENT SAME CONDITIONS. "SIMILAR" MEANS COMPARABLE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE CONDITION NOTED. "OPPOSITE" MEANS SIMILAR COMPONENTS OR CONSTRUCTION ON OTHER SIDE. 9. "PROVIDE" MEANS FURNISH AND INSTALL. 10. ANY DIMENSION NOTED "VERIFY" OR "AS REQUIRED" MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 11. ALL HEIGHTS ARE DIMENSIONED FROM ABOVE FINISH FLOOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. DOOR FRAMES OCCURRING ADJACENT TO INTERSECTING PARTITIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED 4" FROM THE BACK EDGE OF JAMB TO THE FACE OF THE ADJACENT PARTITION UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 13. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL EQUIPMENT SIZES, REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION METHODS WHERE NOTED, "TENANT/OWNER PROVIDED..........GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL". 14. NEW GYPSUM BOARD CONSTRUCTION MEETING EXISTING CONSTRUCTION IN THE SAME PLANE SHALL BE FLUSH WITH NO VISIBLE JOINTS. 15. ALL GYPSUM BOARD CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PLUMB AND IN TRUE STRAIGHT LINES AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C480 AS WELL AS MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION. 16. ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHALL HAVE METAL CORNER BEADS. ALL PARTITIONS SHALL HAVE FILL BEAD AT TOP OF WALL AS DETAILED. 17. GYPSUM WALLBOARD ON PARTITIONS REQUIRING A RATING OF ONE-HOUR OR MORE SHALL BE TAPED AND THE SCREWS SPOTTED WHETHER OR NOT WALL TREATMENT IS SCHEDULED. MAINTAIN RATINGS OF EXISTING ADJACENT CONDITIONS. 18. DRYWALL SHALL BE SCREWED TO METAL STUDS AND FINISHED WITH THREE (3) COATS OF TAPE/COMPOUND, SANDING BETWEEN COATS AND AFTER FINAL COAT. 19. SOUND INSULATION USED IN PARTITIONS SHALL BE (6) SIX P.C.F. THERMARBER, FRICTION FIT. INSULATION SHALL FIT SNUGLY IN PLACE AGAINST STUDS. SOUND INSULATION USED IN WALLS AND PARTITIONS ABOVE THE CEILING AS DETAILED SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM FLAME SPREAD OF 25, AND SHALL BE 24" X 48", (THREE) T UNFACED MINERAL FIBER DESIGNED TO ABSORB SOUND AND SPECIFICALLY MANUFACTURED FOR USE ABOVE SUSPENDED CEILINGS. WHERE SOUND INSULATION IS REQUIRED AT PARTITIONS, GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO ALSO PROVIDE SOUND BATTS AT CEILING AS WELL AS SOUND BOOTS ON RETURN AND SUPPLY DUC_RNORK. 20. ALL WOOD BLOCKING NOTED SHALL BE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED. PROVIDE WOOD BLOCKING IN ALL PARTITIONS WHICH RECEIVE SHELVING, CABINETS, COUNTERS, FURNITURE, ETC. WHERE LOCAL AUTHORITIES PROHIBIT WOOD BLOCKING PROVIDE 16 GA. METAL SHEETS. 21. PROVIDE PAINTED DRYWALL EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 30'-0" O.C. (U.N.O.) INSTALL JOINT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN NOTES 1. COORDINATE THE WORK OF ALL TRADES INVOLVED IN THE CEILING WORK TO ENSURE CLEARANCES FOR FIXTURES, DUCTS, PIPING, CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEM, ETC. NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE FINISHED CEILING HEIGHTS. SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR FINISHED CEILING HEIGHTS. VERIFY IN FIELD. 2. PERIMETER CEILING ANGLE, WHERE OCCURS, SHALL BE INSTALLED TIGHT TO VERTICAL SURFACES, FREE FROM CURVES, BREAKS OR OTHER IRREGULARITIES AND PAINTED TO MATCH CEILING FINISH. 3. LIGHT FIXTURES, SPRINKLER HEADS, EXIT SIGNS AND OTHER CEILING ELEMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CENTER OF INDIVIDUAL CEILING TILE, U.O.N. 4. IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND THE ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR COMMENCING WITH WORK. 5. VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL PLUMBING, MECHANICAL DUCTS, STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ANY AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ITEMS. INSTALL APPLICABLE NEW PLUMBING, MECHANICAL FANS, DUCTS, CONDUITS AND OTHER RELATED ITEMS SO AS NOT TO CONFLICT WITH LUMINAIRES AND ANYAND ALL FIELD CONDITIONS. 6. INSTALL LIGHT FIXTURES WITH PROTECTIVE FILM OR SIMILAR COVER OVER LOUVER LENS BAFFLE AND THE LIKE TO AVOID FIXTURE SOILING OR DAMAGE. FIXTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED CLEAN AND AS NEW. LAMPS SHALL BE NEW AT PROJECT COMPLETION. 7. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ALL LIFE SAFETY DEVICES REQUIRED BY CODE AND ALL EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURES. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL GOVERN LOCATIONS OF THESE DEVICES, BUT G.C. TO CONTACT THE ARCHITECT IF THERE ARE DISCREPANCIES. 8. ALL DRYWALL CEILINGS SHALL BE LEVEL AND WITH NO VISIBLE JOINTS OR IMPERFECTIONS. CONTROL JOINTS WILL ONLY BE LOCATED AS SPECIFICALLY NOTED IN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 9. ACCESS PANELS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED IN DRYWALL CEILINGS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED ON PLANS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH SUBCONTRACTORS AS REQUIRED. IF MECHANICAL/ELECTRIC/PLUMBING IS NOT COORDINATED, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS WILL RELOCATE ITEMS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER AND/OR TENANT AND WITH NO ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SCHEDULE. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS REQUIRE AN ACCESS PANEL IN A DRYWALL CEILING AND IT IS NOT NOTED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE THE ENTIRE CEILING PLANE ON HOLD AND IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER TO CONFIRM CONDITION. 10. ALL CEILING PENETRATIONS SHOULD BE CHECKED AND CONFIRMED BUILDABLE BEFORE ANY RELATED ELEMENTS ARE CONSTRUCTED. IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OTHER COORDINATION QUESTIONS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK IN QUESTION OR ANY RELATED/ADJACENT WORK. IF WORK PROCEEDS WITHOUT THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER'S APPROVAL/CONFIRMATION, REWORK/RELOCATION WILL BE AT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 11. IF ANY EXPOSED ITEM IN THE CEILING REQUIRES RELOCATION DUE TO CONFLICT, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST CLARIFY WITH THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER AND/OR ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE ITEM IN QUESTION. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PUT ON HOLD THE CEILING OF THE ENTIRE AREA/ROOM AT ANY LOCATION WHERE A CONFLICT OCCURS PENDING APPROVAL/CONFIRMATION FROM THE ARCHITECT / DESIGNER INCLUDING ALL PENETRATIONS (GRILLS, DIFFUSERS, SPEAKERS, ETC.). IN THE CASE OF A CONFLICT THAT OCCURS IN AN OPEN OFFICE AREA, THE ENTIRE CEILING SHALL BE PLACED ON HOLD. ANY ITEMS INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISCOVERING THE CONFLICT WITHIN A ROOM OR OPEN OFFICE AREA WILL BE SUBJECT TO RELOCATION AT THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 12. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE COMPATIBILITY OF ALL LIGHT FIXTURES WITH CEILING MATERIALS, ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION AND ADJACENT FINISHES. THE G.C. SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER OF ANY CONFLICTS WITH THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION.. 13. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, ATTACHMENT DEVICES, TRANSFORMERS, ETC. AS NECESSARYTO PROVIDE A COMPLETED INSTALLATION. 14. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY A COMPLETED LIGHT FIXTURE, LAMP AND BALLAST SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL TO THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF ANY ORDERS. THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER WILL ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF LIGHT FIXTURES, LAMPS AND BALLASTS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. 15. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TARGETING AND ADJUSTING ALL ADJUSTABLE LIGHT FIXTURES UNDER THE OBSERVATION OF, AND/OR IN COMPLIANCE WITH, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THESE TASKS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BASE CONSTRUCTION BID. 16. ALL CEILING PENETRATIONS SHALL BE CHECKED AND CONFIRMED BUILDABLE BEFORE ANY RELATED ELEMENTS ARE CONSTRUCTED. IF ANY LIGHT FIXTURE CANNOT BE INSTALLED DUE TO CONFLICTS WITH SPRINKLERS, BEAMS, H.V.A.C., ETC. OR ANY DISCREPANCIES OR QUESTIONS ARISE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER IMMEDIATELY. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH THE WORK WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. IF WORK PROCEEDS WITHOUT THE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL/CONFIRMATION, REWORK/RELOCATION WILL BE AT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 17. ALL INCANDESCENT TYPE LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE SWITCHED AND CIRCUITED SEPARATELY FROM ALL FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURES. ALL INCANDESCENT FIXTURES SHALL BE CONTROLLED WITH A DIMMER SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18. ALL DOWN LIGHTS AND WALL WASHERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE CENTER OF CEILING TILES OR GYPSUM BOARD SOFFIT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 19. ALL RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES MUST BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE THROAT IS EVEN WITH THE FINISHED CEILING PLANE. THE OVERLAPPING FLANGE MUST THEN FIT FLUSH WITH THE CEILING PLANE/THROAT. NO LIGHT LEAK SHALL BE VISIBLE. ALL MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE AND CEILING MODIFICATIONS NECESSARY ABOVE THE CEILING PLANE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BASE CONSTRUCTION BID. 20. ALL EXIT LIGHTS AND EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER CODE REQUIREMENTS. IF A DISCREPANCY EXISTS BETWEEN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM WITH THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER THE REQUIRED LOCATION AND MOUNTING DETAILS. 21. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES TYPES ARE INDICATED ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND/OR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT/DESIGNER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH DRAWINGS. 22. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES AND RELATED DEVICES SHALL BE U.L. APPROVED. 23. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES AND RELATED DEVICES SHALL BE SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT OF THE CEILING GRID IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATIONS IN THE BUILDING CODES. 24. REFER TO PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR EXACT MOUNTING HEIGHTS, LOCATION, DETAILS AND CONFIGURATIONS OF ALL LIGHT FIXTURES AND RELATED DEVICES. 25. ANY ITEM NOT SHOWN ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THAT IS IN VIEW FROM THE FINISHED SPACE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. 26. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT AS REQUIRED FOR LIGHT FIXTURES, WHICH ARE MOUNTED DIRECTLYTO SUSPENDED CEILING TILES. 27. ALL WIRING CHANNELS (FLUORESCENT AND INCANDESCENT) AND BAFFLES SHALL BE COLD ROLLED STEEL OF MINIMUM GAUGE, OR AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE. 28. ALL SOCKETS SHALL BE OF THE PORCELAIN TYPE AND SHALL BE SECURELY MOUNTED TO CHANNELS WITH SCREWS. SPRING MOUNTED SOCKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. MANUFACTURER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING CORRECT SOCKETS FOR LAMPS INDICATED FOR USE IN FIXTURE. 29. ALL FIXTURE WIRING SHALL BE OF THE HEAT RESISTANT TYPE, OR AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE. 30. MANUFACTURER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER VENTILATION AND TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS OF LIGHT FIXTURES. 31. ALL FIXTURES WITH REMOVABLE COVERS OR CONES SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH SAFETY CHAINS SECURELY ATTACHED TO MAIN HOUSINGS. THERE SHALL BE A SUFFICIENT QUANTITY OF SAFETY CHAINS TO SUPPORT TOTAL WEIGHT OF FIXTURE. 32. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER AND/OR ENGINEER THAT ALL LIGHTING EQUIPMENT MEETS ALL NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES AS APPLICABLE, E.G. THERMAL PROTECTION AND U.L. LABEL. 33. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE LIGHTING CONSULTANT MANUFACTURER'S CATALOGUE SPECIFICATION SHEETS FOR ALL STANDARD CATALOGUE LIGHT FIXTURES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF SAME. 34. MANUFACTURER AND/OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT DETAILED DRAWINGS OF ALL SPECIAL DESIGN FIXTURES FOR APPROVAL TO THE LIGHTING CONSULTANT AND/OR ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 35. ALL COMPONENT PARTS OF ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS I.E. LINEAR FIXTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. COLOR AND FINISH SPECIFICATION SHALL BE BYTHEARCHITECT/DESIGNER UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED IN THIS SPECIFICATION. 36. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, INITIAL PURCHASE OF LAMPS NOT EASILYAVAILABLE LOCALLY SHALL INCLUDE 100% SPARE QUANTITY OF LAMPS. 37. MANUFACTURER AND/OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ASSURE THAT ALL FIXTURES SPECIFIED FOR EXTERIOR USE SHALL BE TREATED WITH A WEATHER -RESISTANT CORROSION PROTECTIVE COATING. 38. ALL FLUORESCENT LAMPS SHALL MATCH EXISTING BUILDING STANDARD. IF NONE ARE EXISTING OR THERE ARE NO BUILDING STANDARDS, NEW LAMPS SHALL BE WARM WHITE IN COLOR RENDITION. 39. 'CTBS" DENOTES COLOR TO BE SELECTED. DEMOLITION PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DEMOLITION IS TO BE PERFORMED IN A SWIFT, SAFE MANNER SO AS TO KEEP DISTURBANCE TO BUILDING TENANTS TO A MINIMUM. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT ALL SALVAGEABLE ITEMS REMOVED IN DEMOLITION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DOORS, FRAMES, HARDWARE, GLAZING, CASEWORK, HVAC EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, ETC. SHALL REMAIN ON SITE AS OWNER'S PROPERTY. COORDINATE STORAGE REQUIREMENTS WITH BUILDING MANAGEMENT. VERIFYTHIS WITH TENANT AND/OR OWNER. 2. G.C. TO CONSTRUCT OR PROVIDE PROTECTION BARRIERS AS NEEDED FOR SAFETY AND TO CONTAIN DUST DUE TO DEMOLITION. G.C. SHALL TAKE CAREFUL MEASURES TO CONTAIN THE SPREAD OF DUST AND FUMES OUT OF THE WORK AREA THROUGH OPENINGS, DUCTWORK ETC. ALL "HIGH HAZARD" WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED OUTSIDE NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. 3. CONTRACTOR TO PATCH AND/OR REPAIR REMAINING SURFACES AS NEEDED DUE TO DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF CONSTRUCTION TO MATCH EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ITEMS "TO BE RELOCATED" SHALL BE STORED IN PLACE DESIGNATED IN CONSTRUCTION AREA, ACCORDING TO BUILDING MANAGER'S INSTRUCTION. 5. REMOVE ALL DEMOLISHED MATERIALS FROM BUILDING AND SITE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR RETURNED TO OWNER. ALL OTHER DEMOLISHED MATERIAL SHALL BECOME PROPERTY OF GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR REMOVAL. 6. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DEMOLITION AS INDICATED ON DRAWING INCLUDING REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF CARPET AND WALL BASE WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION UNLESS NEEDED FOR PATCHING. 7. WHERE OCCURS, SPRINKLER HEADS, SMOKE AND FIRE DETECTION EQUIPMENT MUST BE SHIELDED TO AVOID FALSE ALARMS. COORDINATE WITH FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL WIRING, CABLE AND CONDUIT NOT IN USE IN AREAS OF WORK FROM WITHIN WALLS AND IMPROPERLY SUPPORTED OR NON -PLENUM RATED CABLING (IN USE OR NOT) FROM ABOVE CEILING. COORDINATE WITH BUILDING MANAGER. FINISH NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR THE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL, SAMPLES OF ALL REVEALS, TRIM PIECES, ETC. AND 12" X 12" FINISH SAMPLES OF ALL SPECIFIED MATERIALS IN APPROPRIATE APPLICATIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING. PROVIDE SAMPLES IN A TIMELY MANNER AS NOT TO DELAYTHE PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTIVE COVERINGS FOR CARPETS, FURNISHINGS AND EXISTING FINISHES IN AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE WORK OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. 3. ALL SURFACES SHALL BE PROPERLY PREPARED AS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE SPECIFIED FINISH INCLUDING WALLCOVERING. EACH FINISH SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT SURFACES TO RECEIVE FINISHES AND REPORT UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS AND SUBSTRATES TO THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT/DESIGNER IMMEDIATELY. 4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF THE APPROPRIATE PAINT/STAIN/SEAL FOR SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS, I.E. METAL, CONCRETE, STRUCTURE, ETC. AND THE CONFIRMATION OF THESE TYPES WITH THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO ORDERING/APPLICATION. 5. NO FINISH/MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, UNLESS REVIEWED BY ARCHITECT/DESIGNER AND APPROVED IN WRITING. 6. ALL WALL/CEILING REVEALS AND TRIM SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. ALL WALLS SHALL BE SMOOTH ROLLED EGGSHELL LATEX ENAMEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL PAINT SHALL BE MANUFACTURERS PREMIUM GRADE WASHABLE LATEX FINISH. CEILINGS SHALL BE SMOOTH ROLLED WITH FLAT LATEX ENAMEL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. REFER TO FINISH PLAN, FINISH SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR PAINT TYPE AND COLOR. 8. PERFORM PREPARATION AND CLEANING PROCEDURES IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH PAINT MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. APPLY PAINT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. USE APPLICATORS AND TECHNIQUES BEST SUITED FOR THE SUBSTRATE AND TYPE OF MATERIAL BEING APPLIED AS SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 9. PROVIDE PRIMERS AND OTHER UNDERCOAT PAINT PRODUCED BY THE SAME MANUFACTURER AS FINISH COATS. USE ONLYTHINNERS APPROVED BY THE PAINT MANUFACTURER, AND USE ONLY WITHIN RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY LIMITS. 10. PREVIOUSLY UNFINISHED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT TINTED PRIMER AND TWO COATS FINISH PAINT. ALL OTHER SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS FINISH PAINT. INTERIOR PAINT SYSTEMS: IP-1(DRYWALLWALLS): LATEX -EGGSHELL GLOSS 1ST COAT - PRIMER/SEALER TINTED TO FINAL COLOR. 2ND COAT - EGGSHELL LATEX ENAMEL. 3RD COAT - EGGSHELL LATEX ENAMEL. (PREMIUM JOB) QUALITY:-HIGH(U.N.O.) IP -2 (DRYWALL CEILINGS): LATEX- FLAT GLOSS 1ST COAT - PRIMER/SEALER TINTED TO FINAL COLOR. 2ND COAT - FLAT LATEX CEILING PAINT. QUALITY: - HIGH (U.N.O.) IP -3 (EXPOSED FERROUS AND GALVANIZED METAL): ALKYD - SEMI -GLOSS 1ST COAT - SHOP PRIMED: FOR TOUCH-UP USE ALKYD PRIMER TINTED TO MATCH FINAL COATS. 2ND AND 3RD COATS: - ALKYD SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL. QUALITY: -TOPOFTHELINE IP -4 (OPEN OR CLOSED GRAIN CATALYZED LACQUER A.W.I. SYSTEM TR -2 CUSTOM GRADE SATIN WOOD, TRANSPARENT FINISH): FINISH, PARTIALLY FILLED PORE. STAIN 1ST COAT- WATER REDUCED SEALER SAND - 220 GRIT 2ND AND 3RD COATS - WATER REDUCIBLE ACRYLIC LACQUER STROKES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 11. ALL SCHEDULED WALLCOVERING SHALL BE GLUED. FABRIC WALLCOVERINGS SHALL HAVE GLUE APPLIED TO WALL AND NOT TO FABRIC. SEE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. PROPERLY "SIZE" AND COAT WALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF WALLCOVERING. 12. IN THE EVENT OF IMPERFECTIONS IN THE MATERIAL, PATTERN OR COLOR MATCH, THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ARCHITECT/DESIGNER. DO NOT RESUME INSTALLATION WITHOUT SPECIFIC DIRECTION FROM THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 13. ALL WALLCOVERINGS MUST MEET LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL FLAMMABILITY REGULATIONS. SUBMIT (3) SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR INSTALLATION. 14. ALL SEAMS SHALL BE OF HIGH QUALITY STANDARDS PATTERN -MATCHED AND INCONSPICUOUS. 15. CLEAN ALL JOINTS AND EDGES AFTER COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. 16. FIELD TOUCH-UP SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SHALL INCLUDE THE FILLING AND TOUCH-UP OF EXPOSED JOB MADE NAIL OR SCREW HOLES, REFINISHING OF RAW SURFACES RESULTING FROM JOB FITTING, REPAIR OF JOB INFLICTED SCRATCHES AND MARS, AND FINAL CLEANING UP OF THE FINISHED SURFACES. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH ARCHITECT/DESIGNER TO REVIEW AND APPROVE ALL STONE SLAB MATERIALS PRIOR TO ORDER PLACEMENT. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECT/D ESIGNERAS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH PROJECT SCHEDULE. 18. NO TRIM PIECES OR REDUCER STRIPS ARE TO BE USED BETWEEN FLOORING AND OR WALL FINISH CHANGES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 19. FLAT CHANGES OCCURRING BE RNEEN THE EXISTING FLOOR OR ANY TILE FLOORING AND CARPET SHALL HAVE NO VISIBLE REDUCER STRIP. CARPET SHALL ALWAYS BE 1/2 NAP (1/4" MAX.) ABOVE TILE OR CONCRETE. 20. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SWEEP AND CLEAN THE FLOOR SLAB PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ALL FLOOR COVERING. 21. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS FLOOR ADHESIVES FROM ADJACENT SURFACES AFTER FLOOR COVERING INSTALLATION. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ONLY THOSE CHEMICALS RECOMMENDED BY THE FLOOR COVERING MANUFACTURERS, AND THOROUGHLY CLEAN THOSE SURFACES AFTER THE CHEMICAL CLEANING. 22. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM AND PREPARE ALL FLOORS TO RECEIVE FLOOR COVERING TO LEVELNESS REQUIREMENT OF MANUFACTURER FINISHES. CONFIRM CONFORMANCE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. 23. FLOORING INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE LATEX LEVELING TO REPAIR SURFACE IMPERFECTIONS AND AT TRANSITIONS TO STONE OR CERAMIC TILE FLOORING FOR SMOOTH TRANSITION. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE FLOOR PREPARATION WITH OTHER TRADES. 24. ONCE TILE IS INSTALLED, REMOVE ADHESIVE FROM SURFACE AND SEAMS ONLYWITH CHEMICALS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER. THOROUGHLY CLEAN SURFACE AFTER INSTALLATION. 25. WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS REQUIRE, ESPECIALLY SLAB ON GRADE, INSTALL TILE OVER WATERPROOF ISOLATION MEMEBRANE, UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY BUILDING MANAGER AND/OR TENANT. 26. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RUBBER BASE AT ALL CARPETED AREAS. AT ALL EXISTING BUILDING HARD SURFACES OR SPECIFIED HARD FLOORING, COVE BASE SHALL BE INSTALLED. REFER TO FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR BASE TYPE AND HEIGHTS. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO ORDERING/APPLICATION. NOTE: -ALL INSTALLATION ASSEMBLIES SHOULD BE INSTALLED BY FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. IF DISCREPANCIES OCCUR CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR DIRECTION. GLASS AND GLAZING NOTES 1. GLASS AND GLAZING SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLAT GLASS MARKETING ASSOCIATION "GLAZING MANUAL" AND AHSI Z97.1-1975. 2. ALL GLASS SHALL BE ORDERED WITHOUT MANUFACTURERS STAMP AND FREE OF BLEMISHES AND TONG MARKS. 3. PROVIDE TEMPERED OR FIRE RATED GLASS AS SHOWN ON PLAN AND REQUIRED BY CODE. ALL LABELS MUST BE VISIBLE AFTER INSTALLATION FOR VERIFICATION BYAUTHORITIES. 4. FIELD VERIFY GLAZING OPENINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING GLASS. WHERE PANELS ARE GROUPED TOGETHER IN OPENINGS, PROVIDE EQUAL PANELS (U.N.O.) 5. FOR GLASS INDICATED ON PLANS TO BE RELOCATED OR RECONFIGURED, THE G.C. SHALL VERIFY THAT SUCH GLASS IS APPROPRIATE TYPE TO MEET LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS WHEN IN THE NEW LOCATION (ie: TEMPERED OR RATED). G.C. SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BID SUBMITTAL AND REQUESTA CLARIFICATION. POWER & COMMUNICATION NOTES 1. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL/DATA AND COMMUNICATION RECEPTACLES SHALL BE LOCATED VERTICALLY V-6" A.F.F., UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND DETAILS FOR CENTERLINE OF MOUNTING HEIGHTS. MATCH EXISTING HEIGHT IF ADA COMPLIANT, MINIMUM 1'-3" A.F.F. 3. ALL SWITCHES/DIMMERS/LIGHT CONTROLS SHALL ALIGN WITH ADJACENT DOOR HARDWARE, AND BE LOCATED 6" FROM THE OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR FRAMENVINDOW FRAME, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. GANG PLATES SHALL BE USED FOR LIGHT SWITCHES/DIMMERS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ALL RECEPTACLES/DEVICES THAT ARE GROUPED TOGETHER MUST BE ALIGNED AND WITH EQUAL SPACING BETWEEN EACH PLATE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLIANCES, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, OWNER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT, ETC. 6. ALL FURNITURE IS N.I.C. (NOT IN CONTRACT) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DOCUMENTS. TENANT SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL FURNITURE, EXCEPT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POWER AND MAKE FINAL HOOK UP OF SYSTEMS FURNITURE USING TENANT PROVIDED PIGTAIL OR WHIP CONNECTOR. 7. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE TELEPHONE, DATA, FURNITURE AND SECURITY SUBCONTRACTORS EMPLOYED BY THE TENANT AND/OR OWNER. 8. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT THE TOTAL WORK AREA PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW THE ARCHITECT THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW ANY CONFLICTS IN THE FIELD. 9. THE ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL WET AREA DEVICES, RECEPTACLES AND FIXTURES IN COMPLIANCE AND ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE CODES, LAWS AND REGULATIONS. DEVICE FINISHES TO MATCH DEVICES IN NON -WET AREAS. 10. ALL SWITCHES (EXCLUDING DIMMERS)AND RECEPTACLES SHALL BE OF SAME STYLE AND MANUFACTURER. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL ABANDONED RECEPTACLES AND MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS NOT SHOWN ON PLANS. ABANDONED DEVICES SHALL BE PATCHED TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT CONDITIONS. 11. REFER TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL FIRE SAFETY DEVICES. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY ARISE CONFIRM WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. LOCATIONS FOR ANY DEVICES NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIRED BY CODE SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ARCHITECT. 12. THE ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND SUPPLY POWER CIRCUITING FOR EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE SYSTEMS, AND VERIFY REQUIREMENTS WITH THE TENANT AND THE FURNITURE REPRESENTATIVE. 13. THE ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL EXIT LIGHTS, AUDIO ALARMS AND THE EMERGENCY LIGHTING CIRCUITRYAS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING BUILDING CODES. THE ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING THE LOCATION OF ALL DEVICES WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. IF COORDINATION IS NOT PERFORMED, CONTRACTOR SHALL AT OWN EXPENSE RELOCATE DEVICES AS REQUIRED. 14. ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMMUNICATION JUNCTION BOX AND CONDUIT TO CEILING PLENUM WITH PULL STRING AT LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE, ONLY, THE INSTALLATION OF TELEPHONE AND COMPUTER CABLES, JACKS AND EQUIPMENT WITH TENANT AND OWNER. ALL MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION BYTENANT. WIRING TO BE COMPLETE BEFORE INSTALLATION OF CEILING TILES. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH TENANT'S CABLE CONTRACTOR ON ALL ITEMS INCLUDING EXISTING CABLE TO REMAIN. ALL NEW CABLE SHALL BE PLENUM RATED. 15. FLOOR RECEPTACLES FOR POWER, TELEPHONE, DATA, ETC. SHALL BE FLUSH TYPE. ALL FLOOR PENETRATIONS MUST BE X-RAYED AND COORDINATED WITH STRUCTURAL CONSULTANT AND BUILDING MANAGEMENT. 16. DO NOT MOUNT THERMOSTATS, SWITCHES OR OUTLETS AT AN BOARDS OR WALL CABINETS. COORDINATE DRAWINGS WITH FURNITURE INSTALLER. 17. DO NOT ATTACH CABLING TO CEILING SUSPENSION WIRES. ATTACH TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. 18. PROVIDE TYPED PANEL DIRECTORIES AT ALL NEW AND MODIFIED PANEL BOARDS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 19. DO NOT MOUNT DEVICES BACK-TO-BACK IN PARTITIONS. MECHANICAL & PLUMBING NOTES 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FAMILIARIZING THEMSELVES WITH EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL OF A BID AND SHALL PREPARE DRAWINGS OF DUCTWORK AND DIFFUSER FOR COORDINATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER OF ANY CODE RELATED ITEMS REQUIRED FOR THE EXACT LOCATION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE ARCHITECT. THERMOSTATS SHALL BE MOUNTED 54" ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. DO NOT MOUNT THERMOSTATS, SWITCHES OR OUTLETS AT AN BOARDS OR WALL CABINETS. COORDINATE DRAWINGS WITH FURNITURE INSTALLER. VERIFYWITH BUILDING MANAGER IF LOCKED BOXES ARE TO BE USED AT THERMOSTATS. 5. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE FIRE AND/OR SMOKE DAMPERS AT ALL FIRE RATED PARTITIONS. 6. BALANCE SYSTEM AND PROVIDE REPORTS TO BUILDING MANAGEMENT UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. NO THERMOSTAT SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 12" HORIZONTALLY OF A DIMMER SWITCH. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT HVAC SUBCONTRACTOR IN ALL OF THESE CASES AND CONFIRM WITH THE ARCHITECT. 8. ALL EXPOSED DUCTWORK SHALL BE SPIRAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. EXPOSED SPIRAL DUCTWORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED. ALL GRILLES TO BE ALUMINUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS, THERMOSTATS, ETC. PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CENTER ON WALL/COLUMN TYPICAL, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS. WHEN NOT SHOWN VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 10. PROVIDE LINEAR AIR DIFFUSERS AT GYPSUM BOARD CEILING ELEMENTS AND BOND TO CEILING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 11. ANY ITEM NOT SHOWN IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THAT IS IN VIEW FROM THE FINISHED SPACE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT. 12. ALL CEILING PENETRATIONS SHOULD BE CHECKED AND CONFIRMED BUILDABLE BEFORE ANY RELATED ELEMENTS ARE CONSTRUCTED. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS OR DISCREPANCIES REGARDING THESE ELEMENTS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK IN QUESTION OR RELATED WORK. 13. REFER TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL FIRE SAFETY DEVICES. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY ARISE CONFIRM WITH THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. CENTER ON WALL/COLUMN TYPICAL, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS. 14. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL EXIT LIGHTS, AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE ALARMS AND THE EMERGENCY LIGHTING CIRCUITRY AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING BUILDING CODES. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING THE LOCATION OF ALL DEVICES WITH THE ARCHITECT. 15. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS WITH DUCTWORK, DIFFUSER AND THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS. ARCHITECT/DESIGNER WILL VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 16. WHEN A BUILDING IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS LOCATING ALL SPRINKLER HEADS. ARCHITECT/DESIGNER WILL VERIFY FOR DESIGN INTENT ONLY PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. ALL SPRINKLERS TO BE CENTERED IN CEILING TILES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN DRAWINGS. 16.1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SPRINKLER COVERAGE WHICH MEETS ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. VERIFY HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS AND COORDINATE OBSTRUCTIONS, COVERAGE DENSITY, ETC. ANY CHANGES TO THE LAYOUT SHOWN MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER AND/OR ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING. 16.2. INSTALL NEW (AND EXTEND EXISTING) AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER HEADS AND ALARM SYSTEM(S) TO MEET ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ADA REQUIREMENTS. 16.3. FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY REWORK OF SPRINKLERS AND PIPING REQUIRED TO PERMIT THE FIRE PROTECTION LAYOUT SHOWN. THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE BUILDING AND ITS SYSTEM. CONFLICTS WITH CONDITIONS DETRIMENTAL TO THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED ARE TO BE NOTED. ANY ASSOCIATED WORK IS TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE BID. 16.4. SPRINKLER HEADS IN ALL DRYWALL CEILINGS SHALL BE CONCEALED TYPE WITH COLOR FACTORY APPLIED AND MATCHED TO CEILING COLOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 17. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER NFPA STANDARD NUMBER 10 REQUIREMENTS AND BY LOCAL FIRE PROTECTION JURISDICTION. PROVIDE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER WITH LAYOUT PLAN FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 18. WHEN CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES SAW CUTTING EXISTING FLOOR SLAB FOR PLUMBING ACCESS, THE G.C. SHALL VERIFY, TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY, THE LOCATIONS OF THE EXISTING PLUMBING LINES AND LAYOUT THE SHORTEST ROUTE FOR PROPER FUNCTION AND CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING PLUMBING LINES. ONCE PLUMBING WORK IS INSPECTED AND APPROVED, RE -COMPACT SOIL AND RE -POUR CONCRETE TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT THICKNESS AND FINISH. 19. WHEN CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES PENETRATING THE EXISTING ROOF ASSEMBLY THE G.C. SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDLORD AND VERIFY IF ANY WARRANTY IS IN EFFECT. THE G.C. SHALL INSTALL THE REQUIRED PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL ITEMS AND/OR ASSEMBLIES IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE ROOFING MANUFACTURER RELATING TO THESE ITEMS SO AS NOT AFFECT THE WARRANTY. DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO N0. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION • • • 1 i saw desi n LLC. g g 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@a jigsawdesignlIc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com STAMP: � CO 0 i. 0 F� LE 4 MICHEL O LYNN *Ir ^� LJEg_ .,1* Ir 004031 C• 02-042 Z++ i D AF DRAWING TITLE: GENERAL NOTES m ar Wheat Ridge DRAWN BY: 1921 1 XX I E TO OUTSIDE (E) ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM B XLl (E) ACCESSIBLE RESTROOMS r— (E) ELECTRICAL ROOM �/ W DENTAL CLINIC TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXIT: 26'-10" U 0 (E) RESTROOM 0 (E) JANITOR CLOSET J INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO J LU LJ V ® NI ~I H H Wco W o N0. DATE ISSUE/REVISION LU LU TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXIT: 61'-2" 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS ~ ~I 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION NORTH WC E 11 S L �� EXIT TC OUTSIDE EXIT T OUT INDICATES REQUIRED EXIT IL =a W I \� V 1 AF EXITINGPLAN Scale: 3/32" = 1'-0" 48" 54" PREFERRED WHERE ADJACENT OBSTRUCTION Spout outlets of wheelchair accessible • e S 1 g n 48" MINIMUM OR WALL OCCURS drinking fountains shall be 36" max. above the floor. Spout outlets of drinking L C — — 12" MINIMUM IF DOOR HAS fountains for standing persons shall be GEOMETRIC SYMBOL HORN STROBE / BOTH A CLOSER AND A LATCH 38" min. and 43" max. above the floor. INSTALL SIGNAGE I R I / 15" ON LATCH SIDE M M REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE Y OOFDOOR � p p i ® � " / � � � z `n � jigsaw deli n LLC. ao 36 MINIMUM 1& Q SWITCH �� �� T. STAT 6"L 48 MEN WOMEN - 30X48 CLEAR FLOOR SPACE CENTERED ON 1* ••�•� •""E LOW ADA DRINKING FOUNTAIN. KNEE AND 3004 S. Adams Street ° HIGH FORWARD REACH LIMIT TOE CLEARANCE SAME AS LAVATORY SECTION Denver, CO 80210 Qo SIGN MOUNTING MEN WOMEN- I DRINKING FOUNTAIN CLEARANCES www ji sawdesi nllc.com DETAIL ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE � X www.jigsawdesignllc.com NOTE: PROVIDE (1) SIGN PER TOILET COMPLYING WITH ADA LOCAL Q4 z Scale: N/A CODE. SIGN TO HAVE RAISED AND GRADE 2 BRAILLE CHARACTERS AND FINISHED FLOOR � M PICTORIAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. SIGN SIZE: 8" X 8" COLOR: g Go GREY WITH WHITE CHARACTERS. POWER z X 24" MIN. EXTERIOR DOOR TYPE: DATA I o 18" MIN. INTERIOR 1. MINIMUM 10" HIGH SMOOTH SURFACE AT DOOR BOTTOM, r M EITHER ATTACHED PANEL OR BOTTOM RAIL. D N� STAMP: REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE HARDWARE: r2. OPENABLE FROM INSIDE WITHOUT USE OF KEY OR SPECIAL Z Z DOOR WIDTH PLUS KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. 8 Scale: N/A 6 Scale: N/A 48" 48" 24" MIN. EXTERIOR 3. OPENABLE BY SINGLE EFFORT LEVER -TYPE DEVICE (NOT �koF Coto MIN. INTERIOR REQUIRING GRASPING). Q. COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. NOTES: PLAN © CORRIDOR PLAN 4. MOUNTED 36" TO 42". caM'LYNNLE BELOW THRESHOLD FIN. FLOOR LEVEL 1. X SHALL BE < 25 INCHES Z SHALL BE > X. 5. THE FORCE FOR PUSHING OR PULLING OPEN INTERIOR SWINGING EGRESS �J�• L 4" MK DQEROR & 18" MK INIEROR DOORS, OTHER THAN FIRE DOORS, SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 POUNDS. THESEif _POND SfRKE EDGE OF A G41E CR DOOR FORCES DO NOT APPLY TO THE FORCE REQUIRED TO RETRACT LATCH 00403172 THRESHOLD 2. WHEN X < 20 INCHES, THEN Y SHALL BE 48 INCHES MAXIMUM. TI -E SIDE TC4V� V1HGi R SIMNG& 48" MINIMUM BOLTS OR DISENGAGE OTHER DEVICES THAT HOLD THE DOOR IN A CLOSED /C�� 02-04-20 G' 1/2" MAX' NS N� PILE HEIGHT 3. WHEN X IS 20 TO 25 INCHES, THEN Y SHALL BE 44 INCHES MAXIMUM. POSITION. FOR OTHER SWINGING DOORS, AS WELL AS SLIDING ANDFOLDING DOORS, THE DOOR LATCH SHALL RELEASE WHEN SUBJECTED TO 18" MIN. A 15 -POUND FORCE. THE DOOR SHALL BE SET IN MOTION WHEN © MAXIMUM FORWARD REACH OVER AN OBSTRUCTION 32" CLEAR),INTERIOR SUBJECTED TO A 30 -POUND FORCE. THE DOOR SHALL SWING TO A A❑ TRANSITION BETWEEN FLOOR FINISHES cn 24 MIN. FULL -OPEN POSITION WHEN SUBJECTED TO A 15 -POUND FORCE. " _ J OF BLDG. ERIOR DRAWING TITLE: 4 MAX. CLEAR WIDTH ANY AMOUNT \ 0 Z 1 /4° MAX. 2 I oo 0 o EXITING PLAN & 4 1 I Din OOR WIDTH PL S 42" ACCESSIBILITY o W 1/2" MAX. co W � � N =a 00 = DETAILS 9 N Z © THRESHOLD 1/4 MAX. < CLEAR FLOOR SPACE HIGH AND LOW FIG. (A) FIG. (B) M © PARALLEL APPROACH 10SIDE REACH LIMITS 36" TO 42" LEVER Wheat Ridge OR U SHAPED 24" 30" HANDLE 0 gund�"y ��0" CANE HITS POST OR B RAMP LANDING AT Ifl VESTIBULE PLAN BUM PIMON HRS oa��DOORWAY PLAN 10" MIN. BOTTOM Fc -1 LEVEL CHANGES RAIL OR PROVIDE NOTES: KICK PLATE PROJECT NUMBER: 1. CLEAR SPACES MUST BE LEVEL TO PREVENT WHEELCHAIRS 1921 NOTES: Q I FROM ROLLING WHEN THE OCCUPANT RELEASES THE WHEEL GRIPS TO REACH FOR THE DOOR. 1/4" PER FOOT IS DRAWN BY: 1. 1/2" MAXIMUM TOTAL HEIGHT WITH 1/4" MAXIMUM VERTICALM ALLOWED FOR DRAINAGE. XX fEF CHANGE AT EDGE. i� � D 2. WHERE DOORS OPEN ONTO, SHEET NO.: �, BUT NOT INTO A CORRIDOR THE 2. 1 : 2 SLOPED BEVEL REQUIRED IF LEVEL CHANGE IS OVER REQUIRED LEVEL AREA BEYOND THE DOORS MAY BE A MINIMUM OF RUBBER BUMPER CANE RANGEANE RANGE 1/4" VERITCAL LEVEL CHANGE. 48". FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE APPLICABLE NOTES ON ON CHAIR 12" MAX..MAXE MAXIMUM SIDE REACH OVER AN OBSTRUCTION FIG. A B 3. 1/4" MAXIMUM VERTICAL LEVEL CHANGE. TYPICAL ACCESSIBILITY NOTES SHEET. O FIG. U A DETAIL PROTRUDING OBJECTS 7 FLOOR LEVELS 5 REACH RANGES 4 DOOR CLEARANCES 3 ENTRANCE/EXIT DOORS Scale: N/A Scale: N/A Scale: N/A Scale: N/A Scale: N/A IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT DEMOLITION PLAN GENERAL NOTES A. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD CONDITIONS BE FOUND CONTRADICTORY TO THESE DRAWINGS. B. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON EXECUTION OF DEMOLITION. C. VERIFY LOCATIONS OF PUBLIC AND ON-SITE UTILITIES BEFORE PROCEEDING. D. DASHED LINES ON DEMOLITION PLANS INDICATE WALLS, WINDOWS, CASEWORK, ETC. TO BE REMOVED. E. REFER TO MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION. F. COORDINATE ALL DEMOLITION WORK WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION. EXECUTE DEMOLITION AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETELY ACCOMMODATE NEW WORK AS DELINEATED IN THE PLANS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. G. DEMOLITION OF PARTITIONS TO INCLUDE ALL ELECTRICAL, VOICE AND DATA LINES, AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED ITEMS. H. SALVAGE FOR RE -USE ALL DOORS, FRAMES, HARDWARE AND SIDELITES. DEMOLITION PLAN KEYED NOTESO 1. REMOVE PARTITIONS AND RELATED ELECTRICAL OUTLETS AND DATA. TERMINATE ELECTRICAL LINES BACK TO POINT OF ORIGIN. 2. REMOVE DOOR ASSEMBLY. SAVE FOR RELOCATION OR RETURN TO BUILDING STOCK. 3. REMOVE EXISTING CABINETRY. PATCH WALL AS NEEDED AND PREP FOR NEW FINISHES. 4. REMOVE ALL FLOORING AND WALL BASE AT AREAS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO SHEET A4.1 FOR LOCATIONS OF NEW FINISHES. 5. CUT -IN SECTION OF WALL AS REQUIRED FOR NEW 3'-0" DOOR. 6. REMOVE ELECTRICAL AT THIS LOCATION. TERMINATE ELECTRICAL LINE BACK TO POINT OF ORIGIN. 7. SALVAGE EXISTING WALL SCONCE AND RETURN TO BUILDING STOCK. 8. EXISTING CARPET TO REMAIN AT WAITING AREA. REMOVE EXISTING LVT AND WALL BASE. DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE EXISTING DOOR, FRAME AND HARDWARE IN - IT'S ENTIRETY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SALVAGE FOR RE -USE. EXISTING PARTITON TO BE REMOVED EXISTING PARTITION TO REMAIN KEY PLAN IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. I DATE I ISSUE/REVISION 01 1 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com STAMP: nMICHELLE. FCO/ �coOEF2-1 DRAWING TITLE: DEMOLITION PLAN City Of Wheat Ridge 8ding 1921 DRAWN BY: XX IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT PARTITION KEYED NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1. NEW WALL 3 5/8" METAL STUD WALL WITH 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM A. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BUILD-OUT BOARD EACH SIDE WITH SOUND BATT INSULATION, TO UNDERSIDE OF AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN FIELD CEILING. CONDITIONS AND DRAWINGS PRIOR TO WORK. B. ALL NEW PARTITIONS ARE DIMENSIONED FINISH FACE TO FINISH FACE. 2. NEW TEMPORARY WALL, 3-5/8" METAL STUD WALL WITH 5/8" TYPE G.C. SHALL LAY-OUT PARITIONS IN CHALK AND OBTAIN ARCHITECT'S DENTAL CLINIC "X" GYPSUM BOARD EACH SIDE WITH SOUND BATT INSULATION, TO APPROVAL PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. UNDERSIDE OF CEILING. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR ALL DAMAGED EXISTING TO REMAIN SURFACES TO AS-NEW CONDITION. 3. RELOCATED DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH NEW OR RELOCATED STOREROOM D. G.C. SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE SEALANTS AT PARTITION LOCKSET HARDWARE. DOOR TO BE KEPT 6" MIN. CLEAR FROM THE FACE OF PARTITION WALL ON HINGE SIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E. INTERSECTIONS, AT FLOOR AND UNDERSIDE OF CONSTRUCTION ABOVE AS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER. ALL DOORS TO BE KEPT 6" MIN. CLEAR FROM THE FACE OF PARTITION ° 4. RELOCATED DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH PASSAGE LOCKSET. F. WALL ON HINGE SIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROVIDE SELF TAPING ACCESS PANELS AT GYP. BD. ENCLOSURES INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 1 5. NEW COAT ROD AND SHELF. AROUND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE 6. STACKABLE WASHER/DRYER, GE STACKED WASHER AND DRYER SET WITH FRONTLOAD WASHER AND ELECTRIC DRYER IN WHITE. VENT DRYER PER CODE, RE. MECHANICAL. G. H. I. CONTRACTOR TO SKIM COAT AND PREPARE FOR NEW FINISHES, ALL EXISTING DAMAGED OR UNFINISHED SURFACES. SEE ENLARGED PLANS AND DETAILS FOR ALL SPECIALTY MILLWORK. ALL APPLIANCES TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY G.C. U.O.N. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION OF WHEATRIDGE, CO 7. REFER TO DENTAL EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS AND M/E/P DRAWINGS FOR EQUIPMENT, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS AT THIS AREA TENANT SUPPLIED APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT (IE. WATER LINES, FLOOR DRAINS, ETC.) CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE AND INSTALL ALL APPLIANCES. 8. PANO X-RAY PROVIDED BY TENANT AND INSTALLED BY G.C. J. PATCH AND REPAIR ALL EXISTING CORRIDOR FINISHES AT AREAS o 9. PROVIDE BACKING IN WALL AS REQUIRED FOR TENANT PROVIDED WALL K. AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION. PATCH ALL WALL BASE SCARS AT EXISTING WALL SURFACES, PREPARE MOUNTED EQUIPMENT. SMOOTH TO RECEIVE NEW WALL BASE. L. CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE FLOOR LEVEL TO A VARIANCE OF NO 0 0 1 10. LOCATION FOR UNDER COUNTER MOUNTED DURESS BUTTON. GREATER THAN 1" IN 10'. NOTIFY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF WORK IF CONDITION OF FLOOR LEVEL IN EXISTING SPACE EXCEEDS NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 11. LOCATION FOR WALL MOUNTED X-RAY EXPOSURE BUTTON AT 42" A.F.F. M. THIS AMOUNT. PATCH EXISTING PENETRATIONS AND ABNORMALITIES IN CONCRETE 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 12. PROVIDE 2" CONDUIT FROM TOWER TO CHAIR. N. FLOOR. WHERE PARTITIONS CONTAIN SOUND BATT. INSULATION, SET MTL. STUD TRACKS IN CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT AT FLOOR AND HEAD 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 1 13. DENTAL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS. WHERE APPLICABLE. STAGGER ELECTRICAL BOXES BY 24" AT OPPOSITE SIDES OF WALLS. 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION 14. PROVIDE 18" DIA., WIDE ANGLE 160' VIEW CONVEX MIRROR (U-LINE OR EQUAL). EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY TENANT. 0. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO DENTAL EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS AND M/E/P DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SHARED N 114TT. 9 OFFICE .A. 108 I^ 1 A5.1'10 +- o o C1" LAUNDRY >< 117 I �i 5'-6- DENTAL STOR. 118 T. 9 TpP') 54" N N A5.1' 11 124H 11 SIM.) N54 HALL N pl 119 ° + 32 ❑A- PROCEDURE 1 120 N a 1 0 � N o STERILIZATION 1A5.1 3 7 11 106 N F. LO esign L LEGEND EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN NEW WALL TO UNDERSIDE OF CEILING 12 1 j -PANS A5.1 7 LAB 105 104 OT 7 0 jigsaw design, L.L.C. 8 g�_�" ;� 3004 S. Adams Street 12 N 9 + 48" O EXISTING DOOR ASSEMBLY TO REMAIN Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com — — a CONSULT NEW BUILDING STANDARD DOOR ASSEMBLY PROCEDUR 121 c?. 103 , 1 A5.16 13OFFICE a, N TYP. x1 0 LO N = NEW ELECTRICAL DUPLEX OUTLET STAMP: t� ELECTRICAL FOURPLEX OUTLET 2'- '-12 12 ( '-4" W-0" OF Cot A5.1 13715P.) +42" PROCEDURE 3 122 a 4 > CHECK-IN A5.1'S ' 1 101 N 10 N y MICHELLE O * MLJYNLER/ < 00403172 G ®c oz oa zo ��'SED ARG` KEY PLAN p N N +78„ LOBBYN./ WAITING \ N DRAWING TITLE: 100 FLOOR PLAN C 8" + +7 �.. 1 1 N N t 'I City or _ 2 A5.1 Wheat Ridge Building Dnrison 1 FLOOR PLAN F I PROJECT NUMBER: 1921 DRAWN BY: AP SHEET NO.: ■ IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT CEILING PLAN Scale: 1/4" = V-0" GENERAL NOTES A. ALL EXISTING GRID AND TILE TO REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL GRID TO BE CONTINUOUS AND UNINTERRUPTED EXCEPT AT FULL HEIGHT SOUND PARTITIONS. B. G.C. TO VERIFY THAT ALL CEILING ELEMENTS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT FIXTURES, HVAC GRILLES AND VENTS) INDICATED TO DENTAL CLINIC BE REUSED OR RELOCATED FUNCTION PROPERLY AND ARE IN GOOD CONDITION. C. PROVIDE ALLOWANCE TO REPAIR OR REPLACE GRID AS REQUIRED AT ROOMS WITH FULL HEIGHT SOUND PARTITIONS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. D. PROVIDE ALLOWANCE TO REPLACE ANY DAMAGED OR DISCOLORED CEILING TILES AS REQUIRED FOR AS—NEW APPEARANCE (ASSUME 30% REPLACEMENT). INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER E. ALL EXISTING HVAC GRILLES AND VENTS BO BE CLEANED. PROVIDE ALLOWANCE TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED GRILLES OR VENTS 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE AS REQUIRED FOR AS—NEW APPEARANCE. WHEATRIDGE, CO F. ALL FIXTURES ARE TO BE EXISTING OR RELOCATED BUILDING STANDARD 2X4 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROVIDE NEW FIXTURES TO MATCH EXISTING AS REQUIRED FOR NEW LAYOUT. REFER TO ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN FOR LOCATIONS OF EXISTING, RELOCATED AND NEW FIXTURES. G. LIGHTING LOCATIONS TO TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL OTHER CEILING AND PLENUM MOUNTED ITEMS. G.C. TO COORDINATE ANY DISCREPANCIES OF ITEMS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. H. REFER TO ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SWITCHING, FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND HVAC PLAN. I. LOCATIONS OF NEW DOWNLIGHTS AT ACT CEILING TO BE IN CENTER OF TILE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. J. G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF CEILING LAYOUT WITH A/V EQUIPMENT AND/OR DRAWINGS. NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET CEILINGKEYED NOTES Fx] 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION 1. SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM THROUGHOUT TO REMAIN, U.N.O. REPAIR/REPLACE GRID OR TILES IF NECESSARY TO MATCH EXISTING. 2. PROVIDE NEW GYP. BOARD SOFFIT. 3. EXISTING FIXTURE TO BE REMOVED. SALVAGE FOR RETURN TO OWNER STOCK. REFLECTED CEILING LEGEND EXISTING 2'x2' SUSPENDED CEILING GRID & TILES TO REMAIN NEW GYPSUM BOARD SOFFIT :::�� EXISTING 2'X4' FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN EXISTING 2'X2' FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN O NEW OR RELOCATED 2'X4" FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE O NEW OR RELOCATED 2'X2" FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE NEW LED PENDANT MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE EUREKA SPROCKET 4005—CFD . KEY PLAN IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com STAMP: Of Coto -s, MICHELLE. LYNN o DRAWING TITLE: CEILING PLAN C" Of Wheat Ridge FITITTIVITI MI. 1921 FINISH PLAN Scale: 1/4" = V-0" CODE TYPE MANUFACTURER FLOORING LVT-1 LUXURY VINYL TILE �MANNINTON SELECT WALLS PT -1 PAINT DIAMOND VOGEL PT -2 PAINT DIAMOND VOGEL CG CORNER GUARD ACROVYN WC -1 WAINSCOT ACROVYN B-1 WALL BASE ROPPE B-2 I WALL BASE IROPPE FINISH SCHEDULE STYLE BARNWOOD PLANK LG -150, 1-1/2" ACROVYN COLOR & DIMS BROWN SUGAR MSC243 0532 RAND MOON 0027 WHITE FENCE 934 PEARL 927 FOLKSTONE PINNACLE RUBBER BASE 150 DARK GRAY PINNACLE RUBBER BASE 1150 DARK GRAY MISCELLANEOUS DATE GENERAL NOTES NOTES A. ALL WALLS AT AREAS OF WORK ARE TO BE PAINTED P1 UNLESS AL3002T TEXTURED 12/17/2019 OTHERWISE NOTED. PLASTIC LAMINATE NEVAMAR B. C. ALL PAINT AT LAB, STERILIZATION, LAUNDRY AND PROCEDURE AREAS TO BE LATEX SEMI GLOSS FINISH. PREPARE ALL EXISTING GYP. BD. WALL SURFACES SMOOTH FOR NEW 5"X48" (178MM X 1219MM), ASHLAR INSTALLATION PS -1 PORCELAIN SLAB FINISHES. SKIM COAT WALLS WHERE WALL COVERING AND/OR BASE ELEMENTAL SELECTION MOONSTONE CM11 MATTE, 1/4" SLAB HAVE BEEN REMOVED, PREPARE WALLS TO LEVEL 4 FINISH, OR MATCH PORCELAIN SLAB D. ADJACENT EXISTING SURFACE FINISH. REPAIR ALL DEMO SCARS SMOOTH FOR NEW FINISHES. BELMONT TERRACE CM07 MATTE, 1/4" SLAB E. PATCH ALL GYPSUM BOARD IN EXISTING WALLS AT LOCATIONS WHERE OUTLETS AND/OR THERMOSTATS AND SWITCH PLATES HAVE BEEN F. REMOVED. RE. FINISH SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL FINISH G. INFORMATION. ALL TRANSITIONS BETWEEN CARPET AND LVT TO RECEIVE 1-1/2" TO 42" A.F.F. RUBBER TRANSITION STRIP. RE DETAIL 13/A6.1 H. I. J. ALL FLOORING TO EXTEND UNDER COUNTERS. ALL EXISTING AND NEW METAL DOOR FRAMES TO BE PAINTED P2 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL GYP. BD. SOFFITS TO BE PAINTED P2 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TO 42" A.F.F., PROVIDE FRYE REGLET WALLCOVERING TRIM #WCTF125-217 AT TOP EDGE 6" COVE K. L. ALL NEW DOORS ARE TO BE FINISHED TO MATCH EXISTING. PROVIDE NEW COVE RUBBER BASE AT ALL NEW WALLS AND AREAS TO 4" COVE RECEIVE NEW FLOORING. MISCELLANEOUS DATE PL -1 PLASTIC LAMINATE NEVAMAR DREAMY ALLUSION AL3002T TEXTURED 12/17/2019 PL -2 PLASTIC LAMINATE NEVAMAR WILD OATS MATRIX MR7002T TEXTURED 01/24/2020 PS -1 PORCELAIN SLAB DALTILE ELEMENTAL SELECTION MOONSTONE CM11 MATTE, 1/4" SLAB PS -2 PORCELAIN SLAB DALTILE ELEMENTAL SELECTION BELMONT TERRACE CM07 MATTE, 1/4" SLAB FINISH PLAN KEYED NOTES <�> 1. EXISTING CARPET TO REMAIN AT THIS AREA. PROVIDE ALLOWANCE TO PATCH/REPLACE AS NECESSARY DUE TO DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION. 2. PROVIDE NEW .040" ACROVYN RUBSTRIPS AT THIS WALL FROM TOP OF WALL BASE TO 42" A.F.F. 3. PROVIDE RUBBER TRANSITION STRIP AT TRANSITION BETWEEN EXISTING CARPET AND NEW LVT. 4. NEW CORNERGUARD KEY PLAN IF THIS SHEET IS NOT 24X36, IT IS A REDUCED PRINT DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO N0. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com STAMP: 4 5 O - C040 Co MICHELLE. O LYNN 00 �, 403172 G � 4 02-04-20 `�� \` SFD AR N DRAWING TITLE: FINISH PLAN CRY of Wheat Ridge 1921 DRAWN BY: AP DENTAL STORAGE 118 6 A6.1 Q. EQ. N 10 -- -- O I N BACKGROUNDS 02 �) N LO I 4 EQ. SECTIONS 01/21/2020 10 , N 01/24/2020 MEN0_11i 05 02/04/2020 0 IN N I CV 3'-0" F co I M 7'-8 1/2" VERIFY 4 A6.1 HALL 119 d rn 4Zr7rTinni4Z WHITE MELAMINE SHELVES WITH PVC EDGE HEAVY DUTY KV STANDARDS AND BRACKETS SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. OPEN CABINETS WITH (2) ADJ. SHELVES, PL -2 P.LAM. WORK SURFACE, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH (2) ADJ. SHELVES AND LOCKS, PL -2 SCHEDULED SINK PORCELAIN COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH, PS -2 P.LAM. BASE CABINETS, PL -1 SCHEDULED WALL BASE PROCEDURE 1 (PROCEDURE 3- OPP.' STERILIZATION 106 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" WHITE MELAMINE SHELF WITH PVC EDGE HEAVY DUTY KV STANDARDS AND BRACKETS SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" 0 N O I N I N 10 5'-1" VERIFY OFFICE 102 SHARED OFFICE 108 5 A6.1 0 SHARED OFFICE 108 P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCKS, PL -2 P.LAM. WORK SURFACE, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" 1 C P.LAM. OPEN CABTS WITH (2) ADJ. ELVES, PL -2 PORCELAIN SLAB COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH, PS -2 P.LAM. BASE CABINETS, PL -2 12"X6" DOOR VENT SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. OPEN CABINETS WITH (2) ADJ. SHELVES, PL -2 SCHEDULED SINK PORCELAIN COUNTER N AND BACKSPLASH, PS -2 P.LAM. BASE CABINETS, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCK, PL -1 P.LAM. WORKSURFACE, PL -1 FILE/FILE PEDESTAL, BY FURNITURE, TYP. SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCK, PL -2 P.LAM. WORKSURFACE, PL -2 FILE/FILE PEDESTAL, BY FURNITURE, TYP. SCHEDULED WALL BASE co io MI ENLARGED PLAN @ CHECK-IN 101 CHECK-IN 101 10 -- -- O I N BACKGROUNDS 02 �) N SD FOR REVIEW 4 EQ. SECTIONS 01/21/2020 10 , 04 01/24/2020 MEN0_11i 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION IN N 6'-0" 3'-0" 0 SHARED OFFICE 108 P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCKS, PL -2 P.LAM. WORK SURFACE, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" 1 C P.LAM. OPEN CABTS WITH (2) ADJ. ELVES, PL -2 PORCELAIN SLAB COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH, PS -2 P.LAM. BASE CABINETS, PL -2 12"X6" DOOR VENT SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. OPEN CABINETS WITH (2) ADJ. SHELVES, PL -2 SCHEDULED SINK PORCELAIN COUNTER N AND BACKSPLASH, PS -2 P.LAM. BASE CABINETS, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCK, PL -1 P.LAM. WORKSURFACE, PL -1 FILE/FILE PEDESTAL, BY FURNITURE, TYP. SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" P.LAM. UPPER CABINETS WITH LOCK, PL -2 P.LAM. WORKSURFACE, PL -2 FILE/FILE PEDESTAL, BY FURNITURE, TYP. SCHEDULED WALL BASE co io MI ENLARGED PLAN @ CHECK-IN 101 CHECK-IN 101 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" 5 CHECK-IN 101 5 7 A6.1 A6.1 z `I N N \ LID I LO 10 -- -- O I N BACKGROUNDS 02 �) N SD FOR REVIEW 4 EQ. SECTIONS 01/21/2020 10 , 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" 5 CHECK-IN 101 5 7 A6.1 A6.1 z `I N N \ LID I LO 10 -- -- 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 4 EQ. SECTIONS 01/21/2020 10 , 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION IN N 6'-0" 3'-0" CHECK-IN 101 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" PAINTED GYP. BD. SOFFIT, PT -2 NEW PENDANT LIGHT LEXAN DIVIDER PORCELAIN SLAB TRANSACTION COUNTER WITH WATERFALL SIDE EDGE, PS -1 PLASTIC LAMINATE, PL -1 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" PAINTED GYP. BD. SOFFIT, PT -2 NEW PENDANT LIGHT PORCELAIN SLAB TRANSACTION COUNTER WITH WATERFALL SIDE EDGE, PS -1 P.LAM. WORKSURFACE, PL -2 FILE/FILE PEDESTAL, BY FURNITURE, TYP. Scale: 1/4" = V-0" LOCKING P.LAM. OPEN CABINETS WITH (1) ADJ. SHELF, PL -2 FULL HEIGHT P.LAM. CABINET WITH (6) ADJ. SHELVES, PL -2 SCHEDULED WALL BASE Scale: 1/4" = V-0" DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION ni jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesign]Ic.com www.jigsawdesignIIc.com STAMP: of: Cott -T MICHELLE ca LYNN O 00403172 \41� 02-04-20 , SFD ARGN DRAWING TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS city of Wheat Ridge DRAWN BY: 19211 XX 1 NOTE: SEE FINISH PLAN FOR LOCATIONS OF FLOOR TRANSITIONS. DE i T V-6" FULL HT. CABINET P.LAM. AT ALL EXPOSED AND SEMI—EXPOSED SURFACES, PL -2 P.LAM. BASE. PL -2 SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" z 0 Q J UJ i,.i ir N W cr COUNTER V-5" P.LAM. COUNTERTOP HIDDEN COUNTER TOP SUPPORT BRACKETS, AS REQ. SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" I L0 12 CHECK-IN @ TRANSACTION EXPOSED CORNERS TO BE RADIUSED AND EDGES SANDED SMOOTH 1/4" TRANSPARENT GRAY SMOKE POLYCARBONATE SET IN ALUMINUM U—CHANNEL PORCELAIN SLAB TRANSACTION TOP WITH WATERFALL SIDE EDGE PORCELAIN SLAB WORKSURFACE NOTE: PROVIDE DEDUCT ALTERNATE PRICING FOR PL -2 WORKSURFACE WITH PORCELAIN EDGE AT TRANSACTION SIDE. P.LAM. ON 1/2" MDF, PL -1 SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" ADJUSTABLE SHELVING RE RESISTANT LOCKING AS REQUIRED 0. BRACKET o I -0" A.F.F. N SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" COAT ROD & SHELF WHITE MELAMINE SHELF W/ MATCHING PVC EDGING Cn z 0 w> Ew K & V 734/750 > w FLANGE & ROD Li ry SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 0 I N 0 rK w z 0 0 0 01 Li z 0 0 UPPER CABINET SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 1'-6" 5MM HOLES WITH ° PINS ON 2" CENTERS, TYP. 3/4" ADJ. SHELF W/ P.LAM. FINISH ° ALL EXPOSED AND SEMI—EXPOSED SURFACES ° TO BE P.LAM. °1 /4" HARDBOARD, FINISH TO MATCH 7 CABINET INTFRIOR OPEN UPPER CABINET "The front of lavatories and sinks shall be 34 inches maximaum above the floor, measured to the higher of the rim or counter surface." 2009 ICC A117.1 (606.3) SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 0 N 0 i N 2" METAL STUD DIAGONAL NG AT 48" O.C. TO RSIDE OF STRUCTURE ;SIDE OF SCHEDULED CEILING RACK SECURED TO CEILING AYER OF 5/8" GYP. BD. EACH )F METAL STUD BATT INSULATION METAL RUNNER FASTEN TO W/ POWER DRIVEN FASTENER -0" O.C. STAGGERED PER -ACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION ,ULED BASE AND FLOOR 'ING PARTITION TO UNDERSIDE OF CLG SCALE: 3" = V-0" BACKSPLASH, WHERE USED WITH CONTINUOUS SEALANT ALONG ALL EXPOSED EDGES BASE CABINET SCHEDULED COUNTERTOP SCHEDULED PULL, RE. ELEVATIONS HEAVY DUTY FULL EXTENSION GLIDE, TYP CONCEALED CABINET HINGE 3/4" ADJ. SHELF W/ WHITE MELAMINE FINIS 5MM HOLES WITH PIN ON 2" CENTERS, TYP, SPECIFIED P.LAM FINISH DOOR INTERIOR CABINET TO BE WHITE MELAMINE FINISH SCHEDULED BASE SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" "DA COMPLIANT \RDWARE, RE. -UMBING \CKSPLASH, WITH DNTINUOUS SEALANT -ONG ALL EXPOSED )GES HEDULED DUNTERTOP WITH DNTINUOUS SEALANT -ONG ALL EXPOSED )GES SCHEDULED PULL, RE. ELEVATIONS ADA SINK BASE CABINET ADA COMPLIANT SINK, RE. PLUMBING ADA REQUIRED KNE DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 CONCEALED CABINET 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW '� 01/21/2020 HINGE 04 01/24/2020 CD T.O. BRACKET 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION DRAWN BY: 5MM HOLES WITH I N CO 7'-0" A.F.F.PINS ° ON 2" CENTERS, TYP. N VARIES 3/4" WHITE MELAMINE RE. PLAN SHELF WITH PVC EDGE o ° 3/4" ADJ. SHELF W/ (WHITE/BLACK) MELAMINE FINISH HEAVY DUTY KV o ° INTERIOR CABINET TO BE P.LAM. ON 1/2" MDF, ADJUSTABLE SUPPORT ° ° WHITE MELAMINE PL -1 ANGLE BRACKETS > FINISH. Q_J ° ° > w w ° ° SPECIFIED P.LAM. FINISH CHECK-IN @ADA HEAVY DUTY KV WALL DOOR 10 BRACKET AT 3'-0" O.C. o o 1/4" HARDBOARD ° FINISH TO MATCH ° CABINET INTERIOR SCHEDULED PULL, RE. ELEVATIONS I L0 12 CHECK-IN @ TRANSACTION EXPOSED CORNERS TO BE RADIUSED AND EDGES SANDED SMOOTH 1/4" TRANSPARENT GRAY SMOKE POLYCARBONATE SET IN ALUMINUM U—CHANNEL PORCELAIN SLAB TRANSACTION TOP WITH WATERFALL SIDE EDGE PORCELAIN SLAB WORKSURFACE NOTE: PROVIDE DEDUCT ALTERNATE PRICING FOR PL -2 WORKSURFACE WITH PORCELAIN EDGE AT TRANSACTION SIDE. P.LAM. ON 1/2" MDF, PL -1 SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" ADJUSTABLE SHELVING RE RESISTANT LOCKING AS REQUIRED 0. BRACKET o I -0" A.F.F. N SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" COAT ROD & SHELF WHITE MELAMINE SHELF W/ MATCHING PVC EDGING Cn z 0 w> Ew K & V 734/750 > w FLANGE & ROD Li ry SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 0 I N 0 rK w z 0 0 0 01 Li z 0 0 UPPER CABINET SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 1'-6" 5MM HOLES WITH ° PINS ON 2" CENTERS, TYP. 3/4" ADJ. SHELF W/ P.LAM. FINISH ° ALL EXPOSED AND SEMI—EXPOSED SURFACES ° TO BE P.LAM. °1 /4" HARDBOARD, FINISH TO MATCH 7 CABINET INTFRIOR OPEN UPPER CABINET "The front of lavatories and sinks shall be 34 inches maximaum above the floor, measured to the higher of the rim or counter surface." 2009 ICC A117.1 (606.3) SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" 0 N 0 i N 2" METAL STUD DIAGONAL NG AT 48" O.C. TO RSIDE OF STRUCTURE ;SIDE OF SCHEDULED CEILING RACK SECURED TO CEILING AYER OF 5/8" GYP. BD. EACH )F METAL STUD BATT INSULATION METAL RUNNER FASTEN TO W/ POWER DRIVEN FASTENER -0" O.C. STAGGERED PER -ACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION ,ULED BASE AND FLOOR 'ING PARTITION TO UNDERSIDE OF CLG SCALE: 3" = V-0" BACKSPLASH, WHERE USED WITH CONTINUOUS SEALANT ALONG ALL EXPOSED EDGES BASE CABINET SCHEDULED COUNTERTOP SCHEDULED PULL, RE. ELEVATIONS HEAVY DUTY FULL EXTENSION GLIDE, TYP CONCEALED CABINET HINGE 3/4" ADJ. SHELF W/ WHITE MELAMINE FINIS 5MM HOLES WITH PIN ON 2" CENTERS, TYP, SPECIFIED P.LAM FINISH DOOR INTERIOR CABINET TO BE WHITE MELAMINE FINISH SCHEDULED BASE SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" "DA COMPLIANT \RDWARE, RE. -UMBING \CKSPLASH, WITH DNTINUOUS SEALANT -ONG ALL EXPOSED )GES HEDULED DUNTERTOP WITH DNTINUOUS SEALANT -ONG ALL EXPOSED )GES SCHEDULED PULL, RE. ELEVATIONS ADA SINK BASE CABINET ADA COMPLIANT SINK, RE. PLUMBING ADA REQUIRED KNE DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 01 12/11/2019 BACKGROUNDS 02 12/17/2019 SD FOR REVIEW 03 01/21/2020 PROGRESS SET 04 01/24/2020 90% PROGRESS SET 05 02/04/2020 PERMIT & CONSTRUCTION of design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com STAMP: Of cotolq IO MICHELLE. '� LYNN O </ 00403172 02-04-20 0 \\ SEd ARGN DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS SPACE CRY of SPECIFIED P.LAM. FINISH DOOR Wheat Ridge CONCEALED CABINET HINGE Building Divison CONTINUE SCHEDULED FLOOR COVERING PROJECT NUMBER: INTO CABINET. 1921 SCHEDULED BASE DRAWN BY: XX SCALE: 1-1/2" = V-0" DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. I DATE I ISSUE/REVISION 1 1 02/04/2020 1 PERMIT SET 1 n jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com ENGINEERED BY: STAMP: :FAY s'INEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 FAX: (303) 892-5979 EMAIL: belfay©belfay.com \\\\\x��p111I I I IPI I ►►llb�gZ O BELFAl 227 5 - �1/1}11j,:� AL DRAWING TITLE: PLUMBING FLOOR PLANS City or \ I DRAWN BY: Wheat Ridge 19119MPA Mpl El OUTSIDE AIR VENTILATION TABLE ROOM # OR DESCRIPTION OCCUPANCY DESCRIPTION* AREA (SF)* IMC TABLE 403.3 VALUES HVAC UNIT DATA ROOM DATA COMPLIES WITH IMC TABLE 403.3 OCC LOAD FACTOR (OCC PER 1000 SF)* NO. OF OCC (IF ** APPLIES, USE NEXT COLUMN) ARCHITECTS SEATING COUNT OA VENTILATION RATE (CFM/OCC) AREA VENTILATION RATE (CFM/SQFT) PLANCODE(S) OF OA SUPPLY EQUIPMENT SUPPLY EQUIPMENT % OA ROOM SUPPLY SA (CFM) ACTUAL OA DELIVERED BY HVAC UNIT*** (CFM) TABLE 403.3 MIN REQ'D OA (CFM) Lobby [100-102] Offices - Main Entry Lobbies 324 10 4 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 400 60 49.3 YES Lab [104] Offices - Office spaces 62 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 75 12 10.9 YES Sterilization [106] Offices - Office spaces 65 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 100 15 11.1 YES (E) Server [107] Offices - Office spaces 100 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 100 15 13.8 YES Shared Office [108] Offices - Office spaces 138 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 150 23 16.6 YES (E) Counseling [110] Offices - Office spaces 73 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 100 15 11.7 YES (E) Utility [115] Public - Corridors and utilities 115 0 0 0 0.06 (E)F 15% 75 12 8.6 YES (E) Hall [116] Public - Corridors and utilities 140 0 0 0 0.06 (E)F 15% 100 15 10.5 YES Laundry [117] Offices - Office spaces 35 5 1 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 75 12 8.9 YES Procedure [120-122] Offices - Office spaces 548 5 3 5 0.06 (E)F 15% 500 75 59.9 YES TOTAL OA CFM: 11675 254 201.3 AIR DISTRIBUTION EFFECTIVENESS (Ez) Ceiling supply of warm air and ceiling return 0.8 * - PER 2012 IMC, TABLE 403.3, REQUIRED OUTDOOR VENTILATION AIR. **- PER ARCHITECT'S SEATING PLAN, EXCEPTION TO SECTION 403.3. *** - BASED ON RTU OUTSIDE AIR PERCENTAGE ABBREVIATIONS: OCC - OCCUPANT, WC - WATER CLOSET, UR - URINAL O Z City or Wheat Ridge DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. I DATE I ISSUE/REVISION 1 1 02/04/2020 1 PERMIT SET 1 n jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com ENGINEERED BY: STAMP: :FAY s'INEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 FAX: (303) 892-5979 EMAIL: belfay©belfay.com \\\\\x��p111I I I IPI I ►►llb�gZ�//i 11NNO Al .lo 227 5 - ��:. �1/1}1lj•:�� AL DRAWING TITLE: MECHANICAL FLOOR PLANS 19119MPA FITITTIVITI M1. MP1 02 ES NAL FIXTURE ENT DESIGN INTENT. PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE SELECTION TOPBE N NEGOTIATED BETWEENFlP.C. AND OWNER.* FIXTURE FAUCET OR FLUSH VALVE ACCESSORIES WATER WASTE SIZES PLAN PLAN RIM MTG. FAN ALT ROUGH—IN STD. S. P. ROUGH— GENERATED ELECTRICAL COLD HOT CODE DESCRIPTION MAKE/MODEL# HT. (AFF) DESCRIPTION MAKE/MODEL# DESCRIPTION MAKE/MODEL# IN P—TRAP NOTES HS -1 HAND WASHING SINK, 300 SS, EAGLE 31" GOOSENECK FAUCET CHROME PLATED 1/2" 1/2- 1-1/2" 1-1/2- -1/2"WALL WALLHUNG, 14.5" X 18.5" MODEL #HSA -10—F CODE DESCRIPTION 1-1/2" TAIL PIECE, DRIVE TYPE CFM IN. W.G. RPM SOUND WATTS OR W W/BACK SPLASH. PH* WT # MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER 1-1/2- TRAP, 3/8" INTERLOCK WITH NOTES EF-1-2 EXHAUST FANS FC DIRECT 80 0.25 1172 FLEX SUPPLIES AND 10.8W 120 1 10.4 PANASONIC FV-0511VQ1 1,3 SWITCH ANGLE STOPS. CWSW-1 CLOTHES WASHER SUPPLY OX BOX 48" 1/2" 1/2" 2" 2" FAN TYPE LEGEND: AND WASTE WALL BOX W/ 696 SERIES FEATURES: BI — BACKWARD INCLINED — SUPPLY ANGLE VALVES & WATER W/MAGNETIC CONTACT STARTERS. 1 — GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPER 8 — RUBBER MOUNT ISOLATORS 13 — INSULATED CABINET FC — FORWARD CURVED — SUPPLY ALL 10 FAN MOTORS HAMMER ARRESTOR. MEANS & AUTO— 2 — MOTORIZED BACKDRAFT DAMPER 9 — IN—LINE ADAPTER PLATE 14 — MOTOR WEATHER HOOD P —PROPELLER RESET THERMAL PROTECTION. Wheat Ridge DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. I DATE I ISSUE/REVISION 1 1 02/04/2020 1 PERMIT SET 1 n jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com ENGINEERED BY: STAMP: :FAY s'INEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 FAX: (303) 892-5979 EMAIL: belfay©belfay.com \\\\\���o p\II I I I IHI I ►►llb�gZNN ///i O gEL�FAl 227 5 - AL DRAWING TITLE: MECHANICAL / PLUMBING SCHEDULES FC:►► 19119MPA DK FAN SCHEDULE PLAN FAN ALT STD. S. P. FAN GENERATED ELECTRICAL UNIT MODEL NUMBER LIST OF FEATURES. PLAN CODE(S) AND/OR OF EQUIP. TO CODE DESCRIPTION TYPE DRIVE TYPE CFM IN. W.G. RPM SOUND WATTS OR W VOLT PH* WT # MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER (SEE LEGEND BELOW) INTERLOCK WITH NOTES EF-1-2 EXHAUST FANS FC DIRECT 80 0.25 1172 0.6 SONES 10.8W 120 1 10.4 PANASONIC FV-0511VQ1 1,3 SWITCH FAN TYPE LEGEND: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: FEATURES: BI — BACKWARD INCLINED — SUPPLY ALL 30 FAN MOTORS W/MAGNETIC CONTACT STARTERS. 1 — GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPER 8 — RUBBER MOUNT ISOLATORS 13 — INSULATED CABINET FC — FORWARD CURVED — SUPPLY ALL 10 FAN MOTORS W/INTERNAL DISCONNECTING MEANS & AUTO— 2 — MOTORIZED BACKDRAFT DAMPER 9 — IN—LINE ADAPTER PLATE 14 — MOTOR WEATHER HOOD P —PROPELLER RESET THERMAL PROTECTION. 3 — ROOF CAP 10 — GREASE TROUGH 15 — LONG WALL HOUSING RB — RADIAL BLADE — SUPPLY ALL BELT DRIVE FAN MOTORS W/ADJUSTABLE PITCH SHEAVES. 4 — WALL CAP 11 — THREADED GREASE DRAIN 16 — SHORT WALL HOUSING VA — VANE AXIAL 5 — FACTORY CURB CONNECTION 17 — CLOSURE ANGLES 6 — FACTORY VENTILATED CURB 12 — OSHA GUARD 19 — SPEED CONTROLLER 7 — SPRING MOUNT ISOLATORS 20 — OTHER NOTES: Wheat Ridge DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. I DATE I ISSUE/REVISION 1 1 02/04/2020 1 PERMIT SET 1 n jigsaw design, L.L.C. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesignllc.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com ENGINEERED BY: STAMP: :FAY s'INEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 FAX: (303) 892-5979 EMAIL: belfay©belfay.com \\\\\���o p\II I I I IHI I ►►llb�gZNN ///i O gEL�FAl 227 5 - AL DRAWING TITLE: MECHANICAL / PLUMBING SCHEDULES FC:►► 19119MPA DK HVAC, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR COORDINATION SCHEDULE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION OF WORK FURNISHED BY MOUNTED BY WIRED BY VS LOCATING EXISTING UTILITIES EXTERIOR. G.C. NL = NIGHT LIGHT (24 HOUR) SINGLE PHASE DH INTERIOR. P.C./E.C. TRANSFORMER M100014 KMPAD PAD M10MM EACH TRADE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS. TEMPORARY UTILITIES TEMPORARY HEAT. G.C. SECONDARY RECESSED DIRECTIONAL WALL FIXTURE. DELTA—DELTA 30 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE. E.C. E.C. E.C. PENDANT FIXTURE. WATER AND TOILET AND FACILITIES. G.C. TAPE/ROPE/FESTOON FIXTURE. BUSSED WEATHERHEAD CONCRETE M/E EQUIPMENT PADS, HOUSEKEEPING PADS, CONCRETE SAWING, PATCHING, CORE DRILLING, AND REPAIR. G.C. WEATHERHEAD(S) STRIP/WRAP FIXTURE. WITH GROUND FAULT CURRENT EXCAVATION EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND CONCRETE OR ASPHAULT PAVING FOR UTILITIES OR OTHER M/E EQUIPMENT. G.C. INTERRUPTER TRACK FIXTURE. CURRENT ROOF TOP, FIELD BUILT EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS AND DUCT CURBS. STRUCTURAL FRAMING FOR SUPPORT. G.C. TRANSFORMER FIXTURE. WITH ADJUSTABLE FIELD BUILT EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS AND DUCT CURBS, TOP MINIMUM 9" ABOVE FINISHED ROOF.FROM G.C. TRIP SETTINGS G.C. TO CONSTRUCT PLATFORM/CURB 2X10'S AS REQ'D AND CAP WITH 3/4" PLYWOOD AND 40# COATED FELT. FLASHING OVER THE TOP OF PLATFORMS AND CURBS. H.C. DUAL FACES EXIT SIGN H.C. TO PROVIDE 26 GA. G.S. METAL TOP EXTENDING 3" DOWN SIDES. ALL JOINTS SOLDERED WATERTIGHT. ROOFING REPAIR AND/OR SEALING OF ROOFING SYSTEM. G.C. BATTERY POWERED FROG EYES. FU ED EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURE MOUNTING STRUCTURAL FRAMING FOR SUPPORT. G.C. * CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. HANGERS, MOUNTING HARDWARE, ANCHORS, PIPING STANDS, AND EQUIPMENT LEGS. H.C./P.C./E.C. GROUND PANM A 42 SPAM EACH TRADE RESPONSIBLE FOR MOUNTING THEIR RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT. ROOFING AND ROOFING PENETRATIONS PIPE AND ROUND DUCT/VENT ROOFJACKS. H.C./P.C./E.C. PANELBOARD TB EACH TRADE RESPONSIBLE FOR ROOFJACKS REQ'D FOR THEIR EQUIPMENT. PITCH PANS FOR EQUIPMENT LEGS OR PIPE STANDS. H.C./P.C./E.C. EACH TRADE RESPONSIBLE FOR PITCH PANS REQ'D FOR THEIR EQUIPMENT. DRAIN, OVERFLOW SCUPPERS, AND GUTTERS. G.C. WITH MAIN WITH MIN ROOFING REPAIR AND/OR SEALING OF ROOFING SYSTEM. G.C. GROUNDING SYSTEM ' CIRCUIT BREAKER PAINTING EQUIPMENT, DUCTS, PIPES, LOUVERS, AND ETC. G.C. .z SPAM PANELBOARD WITH MAIN AND ACCESS DOORS FOR M/E EQUIPMENT REQUIRING ACCESS. H.C./P.C./E.C. G.C. EACH TRADE TO FURNISH ACCESS DOORS AS REQ'D FOR THEIR EQUIP. FIRE RATED CHASES FOR GREASE DUCTS, FLUES, DUCTS, AND ETC. G.C. PANM A ELECTRICAL CONTROL TRANSFORMERS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT. H.C. E.C. E.C. HVAC CONTROL WIRING 48 VOLTS AND LESS. H.C. H.C. ®PANELBOARDS HVAC CONTROL WIRING GREATER THAN 48 VOLTS. E.C. LIFER DRIVEN E.C. LUGS KIT HVAC EQUIP. INTERLOCK WIRING HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE E.C. E.C. CONDUIT FOR ALL WIRING. E.C. E.C. DISCONNECT SWITCHES. E.C. E.C. E.C. MOTOR STARTERS TO INCLUDE THERMAL OVERLOADS. H.C./P.C. E.C. E.C. EACH TRADE TO FURNISH STARTERS AS REQ'D FOR THEIR EQUIP. DUCT MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTORS INTERFACED WITH BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. F.A.C./E.C. H.C. F.A.C./E.C. H.C. TO PROVIDE ACTUAL DUCT SIZE MEASUREMENTS. IN BUILDING W/O FIRE ALARM/DETECTION SYSTEM. H.C. H.C. E.C. INTERLOCKS W/HVAC SYSTEM FANS. i i E.C. ABBREVIATIONS: E.C.—ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, F.A.C.—FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR, G.C.—GENERAL CONTRACTOR, H.C.—HVAC CONTRACTOR, P.C.—PLUMBING CONTRACTOR GENERAL ELECTRICAL PROVISIONS 1. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ONE LINE DIAGRAM LEGEND 2(4-250 MCM XHHW AL, — (2) PARALLEL RUNS CONSISTING #3 CU GND)3" C. OF (4) 250 MCM XHHW ALUMINUM VS CONDUCTORS IN 3" CONDUIT. ®O� OVERHEAD UTILITY NL = NIGHT LIGHT (24 HOUR) SINGLE PHASE DH TRANSFORMERS Qs TRANSFORMER M100014 KMPAD PAD M10MM UTILITY TRANSFORMER - DELTA—WYE 30 TRANSFORMER low KM SECONDARY RECESSED DIRECTIONAL WALL FIXTURE. DELTA—DELTA 30 sa CONNECTION WALL MOUNTED/VANITY FIXTURE. TRANSFORMER PENDANT FIXTURE. CABINET UNDERCABINET LINEAR FIXTURE. TAPE/ROPE/FESTOON FIXTURE. BUSSED WEATHERHEAD DFl FUSED SWITCH 2'X2'/2'X4' RECESSED TROFFERS. WEATHERHEAD(S) STRIP/WRAP FIXTURE. WITH GROUND FAULT CURRENT RECESSED LINEAR FIXTURE. 10/30 SURFACE/SUSPENDED FIXTURE. INTERRUPTER TRACK FIXTURE. CURRENT FLOOD LIGHT/ACCENT FIXTURE. CIRCUIT BREAKER BOLLARD FIXTURE. TRANSFORMER FIXTURE. WITH ADJUSTABLE POLE FIXTURE. WITH METER STEP FIXTURE. TRIP SETTINGS OM METER .�. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH DUAL FACES EXIT SIGN 3004 S. Adams Street COMBO EXIT SIGN AND FROG EYES. (ATS) BATTERY POWERED FROG EYES. FU ED DIESEL/NATURAL GAS GENERATOR n CIRCUIT BREAKER * CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 GROUND PANM A 42 SPAM NEW/EXISTING X 1 FAULT POINT PROJECT NUMBER: 19119E PANELBOARD TB SHEET NO.: ■ (MAIN LUG ONLY) 42 WX NEW EXISTING PAN® BOARD WITH MAIN WITH MIN GROUNDING SYSTEM ' CIRCUIT BREAKER NEW/EXISTING .z SPAM PANELBOARD WITH MAIN AND ® SUBFEED CIRCUIT BREAKERS PANM A 84 SPAM (2) 42 SPACE ®PANELBOARDS WITH FEEDTHRU WATER BLDG LIFER DRIVEN LUGS KIT PIPE STEEL ROD ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND ARE NOT TO BE SCALED FOR DIMENSIONS. TAKE ALL DIMENSIONS FROM ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS AND FROM THE STRUCTURE ITSELF BEFORE FABRICATING ANY WORK. VERIFY SPACE REQUIREMENTS, COORDINATING WITH OTHER TRADES, AND INSTALL THE SYSTEMS IN THE SPACE PROVIDED WITHOUT VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS, SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, OR EXTRA CHARGES TO THE OWNER. BELFAY ENGINEERING WILL OCCASIONALLY PROVIDE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CERTAIN SUB—SYSTEMS OF THE DESIGN. ESPECIALLY SYSTEMS THAT RELY ON PROPRIETARY PARTS. IN SUCH CASES, IT IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT BELFAY ENGINEERING IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A THOROUGH AND COHESIVE PERFORMANCE SPEC AND REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING SHOP DRAWINGS AND INSTALLING A WORKING SYSTEM CONSISTENT WITH THE PERFORMANCE SPEC. 2. VERIFICATION OF FIELD CONDITIONS — BEFORE UNDERTAKING EACH PART OF THE WORK, CAREFULLY STUDY AND COMPARE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH FIELD MEASUREMENTS. PROMPTLY REPORT IN WRITING TO THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ANY CONFLICT, ERROR OR DISCREPANCY. 3. EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS — COORDINATE EXACT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS (VOLTAGE, PHASE, AMPS, AND ETC.) OF EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS BEFORE PERFORMING WORK. 4. PERMITS — APPLY FOR AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, FEES, LICENSES AND INSPECTIONS FOR THIS DIVISION OF WORK. 5. CODES — COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND UTILITY COMPANY REGULATIONS. IN CASE OF CONFLICT WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE MOST STRINGENT SHALL GOVERN. 6. ACCESS DOORS — FURNISH ACCESS DOORS TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO ALL J—BOXES, PULL BOXES, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. ACCESS DOORS FOR INSTALLATION IN FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE APPROPRIATE FIRE RATING. 7. ADDING LOADS — BEFORE ADDING ANY LOAD NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, TO THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, SUBMIT REQUEST IN WRITING TO THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 8. SPECIFIED MANUFACTURERS AN ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER'S NAME AND MODEL NUMBER OF A PRODUCT MAY BE GIVEN FOR AN EXAMPLE. THIS IS THE EQUIPMENT CONTEMPLATED DURING THE DESIGN PROCESS AND FORMS THE BASIS OF A STANDARD OF QUALITY. VERIFY THE MODEL NUMBER IS STILL ACCURATE AND MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS AND THE MODEL NUMBER, THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS SHALL GOVERN. APPROVED EQUALS SHALL BE ALLOWED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. SUBMITTALS A. REQUIRED SUBMITTALS — SUBMIT ELECTRONIC COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR APPROVAL. 1.) SERVICE EQUIPMENT, PANELBOARDS, LOAD CENTERS, SWITCHES, FUSES, AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS. 2.) LIGHTING FIXTURES. 3.) WIRING DEVICES AND DEVICE PLATES. B. REVIEW TIME — ALLOW 5 WORKING DAYS FOR REVIEW OF SUBMITTALS. ORDER NO MATERIALS OR BEGIN NO WORK UNTIL ALL SUBMITTALS ARE RETURNED APPROVED. C. RESUBMISSION — MAKE ALL REVISIONS REQUIRED AND RESUBMIT AS REQUIRED FOR INITIAL SUBMITTAL. 10. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS — THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE AND MATERIAL NOT SPECIFIED BUT NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND WORKING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. THIS HARDWARE SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, ALL MISCELLANEOUS CONDUIT FITTINGS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE, LIGHT FIXTURE MOUNTING HARDWARE, BRACKETS, CONNECTORS, CORDS AND PLUGS. 11. WARRANTIES — GUARANTEE ALL WORKMANSHIP, MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT AND REPLACE ANY FOUND DEFECTIVE WORK WITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE. POWER PLAN LEGEND _ � A (1) 1—POLE HOME RUN; PANEL A, CIRCUIT #2. 2_4 A (1) 2—POLE HOME RUN; PANEL A, CIRCUIT #2,4. _1_3_5 A (3) 1—POLE HOME RUNS; PANEL A, CKT #1,3,5. — — — CONDUIT CONCEALED IN WALL OR CEILING. — — — PVC CONDUIT UNDERGROUND USE. —USE— USE CABLE; SUITABLE FOR UNDERGROUND USE. CAPPED CONDUIT. 0 JUNCTION—BOX. ®V WALL TELEPHONE/DATA/TV OUTLET, 18" AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED UP WALL TERMINATING ABOVE CLG. 0 COMPUTER DATA OUTLET. 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED UP WALL TERMINATING ABOVE CLG. AC DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, 18" AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED; CIRCUIT #5. WP 5 GFI = GROUNDABOVE/BELOW TB INTERRUPTER ER IG WP = WEATHERPROOF USB IG = ISOLATED GROUND USB = USB PORT(S) 0 DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, 18" AFF. 0. SWITCHED RECEPTACLE; SWITCH LEG = a. ® CEILING RECEPTACLE. ® ® FLOOR DUPLEX/D. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE. ® ® FLOOR COMBO DUPLEX/D. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND TELE./DATA/TV. SEE NOTE ABOVE. ® SPECIAL RECEPTACLE, REFER TO PANEL SCHEDULE FOR DETAILS. MULTI—OUTLET ASSEMBLY OR PLUGMOLD. Hs ELECTRONIC HORN AND STROBE. TELEPHONE BACKBOARD. (TBB) NON—FUSED SWITCH; FUSED SWITCH; COMBO MOTOR STARTER; MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER. G NEW/EXISTING PANELBOARD. ,geSCSB = STRUCTURED CABLE SERVICE BOX; SCS�6 PROVIDE (1)120V RECEPTACLE IN SCSB. ® PLUG FUSE SWITCH, 120V 15/20A. MOTOR EQUIPMENT. EF -1 EQUIPMENT BY OTHERS; "EF -1" = PLAN CODE. TC TIME—CLOCK, 7—DAY, ASTRONOMICAL TIME—KEEPING WITH BATTERY BACK—UP. cR CARD—READER, +48" AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED UP WALL TERMINATING ABOVE CLG. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 GENERAL — THIS SECTION DESCRIBES THE MATERIALS AND METHODS COMMON TO THE ELECTRICAL DIVISION OF WORK. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. ABOVE GROUND INTERIOR — HOT DIP GALVANIZED AS REQUIRED BY CODE OF EMT, IMC, OR RMC. B. BURIED AND UNDER CONCRETE SLABS — SCHEDULE 80 PVC W/ASPHALT COATED RMC ELBOWS WHERE PENETRATING SURFACE. 2.2 CABLE SYSTEMS — CONCEALED SPACES ONLY, TYPE AC OR MC CABLE AS ALLOWED BY CODE. 2.3 CONDUCTORS LIGHTING PLAN LEGEND SENSORS: ®®® OS = OCCUPANCY SENSOR (DUAL TECHNOLOGY) 2 VS = VACANCY SENSOR (DUAL TECHNOLOGY) ®O� PERMIT SET NL = NIGHT LIGHT (24 HOUR) 3 DH = DAYOIGHOTLIC HAARVESTINGRSENSOR Qs S = SMOKE DETECTOR srnOBE CO = CARBON MONOXIDE RECESSED CAN FIXTURE. S/STROBE = SMOKE WITH STROBE Hs ELECTRONIC HORN AND STROBE. TELEPHONE BACKBOARD. (TBB) NON—FUSED SWITCH; FUSED SWITCH; COMBO MOTOR STARTER; MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER. G NEW/EXISTING PANELBOARD. ,geSCSB = STRUCTURED CABLE SERVICE BOX; SCS�6 PROVIDE (1)120V RECEPTACLE IN SCSB. ® PLUG FUSE SWITCH, 120V 15/20A. MOTOR EQUIPMENT. EF -1 EQUIPMENT BY OTHERS; "EF -1" = PLAN CODE. TC TIME—CLOCK, 7—DAY, ASTRONOMICAL TIME—KEEPING WITH BATTERY BACK—UP. cR CARD—READER, +48" AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3/4" CONDUIT STUBBED UP WALL TERMINATING ABOVE CLG. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 GENERAL — THIS SECTION DESCRIBES THE MATERIALS AND METHODS COMMON TO THE ELECTRICAL DIVISION OF WORK. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. ABOVE GROUND INTERIOR — HOT DIP GALVANIZED AS REQUIRED BY CODE OF EMT, IMC, OR RMC. B. BURIED AND UNDER CONCRETE SLABS — SCHEDULE 80 PVC W/ASPHALT COATED RMC ELBOWS WHERE PENETRATING SURFACE. 2.2 CABLE SYSTEMS — CONCEALED SPACES ONLY, TYPE AC OR MC CABLE AS ALLOWED BY CODE. 2.3 CONDUCTORS LIGHTING PLAN LEGEND Al ALPHANUMERIC = PLAN CODE WHEATRIDGE, CO LOWERCASE LETTERS = SWITCH LEG 2 NUMERICAL ONLY = CIRCUIT HATCH FILL = EGRESS PERMIT SET NL = NIGHT LIGHT (24 HOUR) 3 SWITCHES: a a a LINE/LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH 3—WAY SWITCH DIMMER SWITCH ® RECESSED CAN FIXTURE. RECESSED DIRECTIONAL WALL FIXTURE. CEILING MOUNTED FIXTURE. WALL MOUNTED/VANITY FIXTURE. PENDANT FIXTURE. UNDERCABINET LINEAR FIXTURE. TAPE/ROPE/FESTOON FIXTURE. �( CEILING FAN WITH LIGHT KIT. 2'X2'/2'X4' RECESSED TROFFERS. I—o-� STRIP/WRAP FIXTURE. RECESSED LINEAR FIXTURE. 0 SURFACE/SUSPENDED FIXTURE. TRACK FIXTURE. OQ FLOOD LIGHT/ACCENT FIXTURE. O BOLLARD FIXTURE. OPEDESTRIAN FIXTURE. POLE FIXTURE. E— E— STEP FIXTURE. Q EXIT SIGNS: SINGLE FACE EXIT SIGN SINGLE FACE WITH INDICATION ARROW L C DUAL FACES EXIT SIGN 3004 S. Adams Street COMBO EXIT SIGN AND FROG EYES. info@jigsawdesign]Ic.com BATTERY POWERED FROG EYES. ENGINEERED BY: REMOTE LANDING FIXTURE. A. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER AND MINIMUM SIZE SHALL BE #12 AWG (20A MOCP) OR #14 (15A MOCP) EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. B. INSULATION SHALL BE THWN—THHN EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. ALL CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS SHALL BE RUN WITH EQUIPMENT GROUNDING AND WILL USE CONDUIT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 250.122. 2.4 PANELBOARDS — PROVIDE PANELBOARDS W/BOLT—ON CIRCUIT BREAKERS EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE PANEL SCHEDULE FOR CAPACITY, RATINGS, SPACES, VOLTAGE, PHASE, MOUNTING, AND OTHER OPTIONS TO BE PROVIDED. 2.5 LOAD CENTERS — PROVIDE LOAD CENTERS W/PUSH—ON CIRCUIT BREAKER EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE PANEL SCHEDULE FOR CAPACITY, RATINGS, SPACES, VOLTAGE, PHASE, MOUNTING, AND OTHER OPTIONS TO BE PROVIDED. 2.6 GFCI — ALL GFCI SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION PER NEC 210.8. 2.7 ALL CONNECTED TERMINATIONS, CONDUCTORS, AND DEVICES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM TEMPERATURE RATING OF 75-C, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PART 3 EXECUTION. 3.1 RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. RUN CONDUIT PARALLEL WITH AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO BUILDING LINES. B. PROVIDE 1 EMPTY 3/4" CONDUIT FOR EVERY 3 UNUSED SPACES IN FLUSH MOUNTED PANELBOARDS OR LOAD CENTERS. C. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE CONDUIT ON CONNECTIONS TO VIBRATING EQUIPMENT. CONDUIT AND GROUNDING MEANS SHALL BE PER NEC. 3.2 IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT A. IDENTIFY EACH DISCONNECT SWITCH, TRANSFORMER, PANELBOARD, LOAD CENTER, AND ALL OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFIED BY A PLAN CODE ON THE DRAWINGS. B. NAMEPLATES SHALL BE ENGRAVED IN LAMINATED PLASTIC, 3/8" HIGH AND ATTACHED WITH SCREWS. C. ALL PANELBOARDS AND LOAD CENTERS SHALL HAVE TYPE—WRITTEN DIRECTORIES INSERTED ON THE INSIDE FACE OF THE DOOR IDENTIFYING EACH CIRCUIT. D. ALL COMPONENTS OF EMERGENCY CIRCUITS SHALL BE PAINTED RED. 3.3 LIGHTING A. ALL EGRESS LIGHTING AND EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A CONSTANT HOT PER EACH CIRCUIT THAT IS INDICATED PER PLAN. DESIGN SUMMARY FOR PLAN REVIEWER GOVERNING CODES: 2020 NM 2011B IEEE COMCHECK: LIGHTING COMCHECK — YES — ON PLANS Appoved as Noted DENTAL CLINIC INNER CITY HEALTH CENTER 6301 W. 38TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO NO. DATE ISSUE/REVISION 02/04/2020 PERMIT SET . e s i g n L C jigsaw design, LLC. 3004 S. Adams Street Denver, CO 80210 info@jigsawdesign]Ic.com www.jigsawdesignllc.com ENGINEERED BY: BELFRY ENGINEERING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL * CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2811 West 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 TEL: (303) 892-5980 FAX: (303) 892-5979 EMAIL: belfay©belfay.com STAMP: ,go V 22795 r" DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: 19119E DRAWN BY: TB SHEET NO.: ■ _.r FFFFFFFF gr -- I RE=,! � L7 m i J L � al I . ..:.. —�jmom, Fine I I PFFERS WITH I t = IlPage Elevation Environmental Services Pertni[202002688 1 �w Elevation Environmental Services ♦� �".� 13340 Harrison St Thornton CO 80241 Elevaliov Environnrenml (833)536-8476 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Prepmed For: Wheat Mdge Family Health PrepmedBy: Elevation Environmental Services 13340 Harrison St Thornton, CO 80241 Ma CDPHE CERTIFICATE #'s: 24795, 25621 wheatRidge Date(s) of Inspection —December 23, 2020 2 1 P a g e Elevation Environmental Services Table of Contents 1.0 Asbestos Regulations................................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 Homogenous Area...................................................................................................................................... 4 4.0 Asbestos Containing Material................................................................................................................... 4 5.0 Non -Asbestos containing Material............................................................................................................ 4 6.0 Critical Areas................................................................................................................................................ 4 7.0 Asbestos Inspection Findings.................................................................................................................... 5 8.0 Asbestos Recommendations..................................................................................................................... 5 9.0 Sketch........................................................................................................................................................... 6 10.0 Picture........................................................................................................................................................... 7-11 11.0 Asbestos Lab Reports................................................................................................................................. 12-14 12.0 Certifications................................................................................................................................................. 15-16 3 1 P a g e Elevation Environmental Services 1. Asbestos Regulations The EPA and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) require all building materials with Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) contain less than 1% asbestos via PLM analysis. OSHA requirements are more stringent It is required by law all friable and non -friable ACM be removed prior to renovation activities that may disturb verifiable and assumed ACM. Furthermore, all friable ACM must be removed prior to demolition. Point counting is required for bulk samples where the asbestos content is less than 10%. Federal and State agencies define ACM as those containing more than 1%. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requires materials with ACM less than 10% be point counted or be "assumed" ACM. If point counting is done, the result supersedes the non -point counted PLM result. Homogeneous Material Classifications • A preliminary walk through of the buildings was conducted to determine areas of materials which were visually similar in color, texture, general appearance, and which appeared to have been installed at the same time. Such materials have been termed "homogeneous materials" by the EPA. During this walk through, the approximate locations of these homogeneous materials were noted. • Following the EPA inspection protocol, each identified suspect homogeneous material was placed in one of the following EPA classifications: Surfacing Materials — Sprayed or troweled on surfaces (walls, ceilings, structural members) for acoustical, decorative, or fireproofing purposes. This includes plaster and fireproofing insulation. Miscellaneous Materials — Other non -friable products and materials such as floor tile and ceiling tile. Thermal System Insulation —Insulation used to inhibit heat transfer or prevent condensation on pipes, boilers, tanks, ducts, and various other components of hot and cold -water systems and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (VAC.) systems. This includes pipe lagging, pipe wrap, block, batt, blanket insulation, cements, muds, gaskets and ropes. (These materials were not sampled as part of the survey.) Friability Classifications Friable and non -friable ACM's are defined as follows: • Friable asbestos -containing material: any material containing more than 1% asbestos, determined using PLM analysis, that when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I nonfriable asbestos -containing material: asbestos -containing resilient floor covering, mastic or asphalt roofing product containing more than 1% asbestos as determined using PLM • Category II nonfriable asbestos -containing material: any material, excluding Category I non -friable ACM, containing more than 1% asbestos as determined using PLM that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Regulated asbestos -containing material (RACM): (1) friable ACM, (2) Category I nonfriable ACM That has become friable, (3) Category I nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading, or (4) Category II nonfriable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act on the materials in the course of demolition or renovation operations. Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Bulk samples were collected by using various sampling tools (cutting tools, knives and chisels) to cut away or scrape portions of suspect building materials into zip -sealed plastic bags or sampling tubes. Samples areas were chosen by using a 3x3 sampling grid and a random number generator on the inspector's phone. The individual samples were labeled by material type and location. Samples were analyzed by Reservoirs Environmental Laboratory located in Denver, CO. The laboratory maintains accreditations through the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), and National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The analysis performed was EPA Method 600/R-93/116. a 41Page Elevation Environmental Services 2. Introduction On December 23, 2020 — Elevation Environmental Services performed a limited scope interior inspection of the scope of work inside the structure located at 6301 W 3811' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO. The scope of work is a remodel of the front admission area and a few exam rooms. 3. Homogenous Area Table HA Sample Size Samples Sketch Locations Friability Condition Material Ref Name Sqft Collected Ref #s 7 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive G= Good Type # Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive (unless 3 12 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CA01-02 D=Damaged 13 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CDWOI-01 noted) 1 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-02 4 SD= Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-03 4 5 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-04 4 6 Severely 6301-CDW02-01 5 2 Gray Drywall 6301-CDW02-02 5 3 Gray Drywall Damaged 5 1 ACTO1 1200 2 8,9 Ceiling F G MISC 2 BBA01 300 2 7,10 All wall bases NF G MISC 3 CA01 600 2 12,13 flooring NF G MISC 4 CDWO1 720 4 1,4,5,6 Exam rooms F G MISC 5 CDW02 340 3 2,3,11 From Reception F G MISC 4. Sample Results — Asbestos Containing Sample ID HA Ref # Sketch Ref # Description ACM Description ACM Content NA NA NA NA NA NA 5. PLM Determined Non -Asbestos Containing Material Sample ID HA Ref # Sketch Ref # Description 6301-ACTOI-01 1 8 White Acoustic ceiling tile with pin holes and random fishers grey backing 6301-ACTOI-02 1 9 White Acoustic ceiling tile with pin holes and random fishers grey backing 6301-BBA01-01 2 7 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive 6301-BBA01-02 2 10 Beige Cove Base with cream colored adhesive 6301-CA01-01 3 12 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CA01-02 3 13 Yellow Carpet Adhesive 6301-CDWOI-01 1 4 1 1 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-02 4 4 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-03 4 5 Pink Drywall 6301-CDWOI-04 4 6 Pink Drywall 6301-CDW02-01 5 2 Gray Drywall 6301-CDW02-02 5 3 Gray Drywall 6301-CDW02-03 5 11 Gray Drywall 6. Critical Areas Roof — Not in scope Attic — Not in scope Crawlspace — Not in scope Flooring- Inspected a 51Page 7. Elevation Environmental Services Asbestos Inspection findings Elevation Environmental Services (EES) performed a limited scope interior inspection of the structure. The purpose of the inspection is to identify if the walls and ceiling area in the scope of work have asbestos containing material. EES found 5 homogenous areas. The homogenous areas were sampled to conform with AHERA standards. Samples were delivered to Reservoirs Environmental for analysis. Analysis of the samples did not find asbestos containing material in the samples collected. 8. Asbestos Recommendations Elevation Environmental Services did not find regulated asbestos containing material in the samples collected. Work is clear to proceed pending any sate or local permitting. 9. Sketch 6 I age Elevation Environmental Services 2OlITION PIAN 10. Pictures 'Meet PoEW .,WD r=izy -ti ;: ��; . ,.. � , ;; .> F � Y <.� � �.. i � ��I ' Ca4d °A"01 C30l - 46i:J40j-o/ 121Page Elevation Environmental Services 11. Asbestos Laboratory Reports CAN L 4000*00W 0, Cow `vI,DNN,v, No, NUTRIVE WN 3NM aoiw. Whid %N"'c-senr.wu IN 9 CAN L 4000*00W 0, 9 BIPage Elevation Environmental Services fulAhNiNaboT Im IN se SAINT rNESSnalls, 0 MOT ao.r NNNul Mlow 1e-m.ngr.em �� AM,Cu.. xwyq wa Im IN se AM,Cu.. xwyq wa 141Page Elevation Environmental Services ��� T Neservulrs EnNmnmentnl, Inc x®+�� u nM I IP 5�li�,�i�.y!`�ji trsl —® MIPage Elevation Environmental Services wV da` z on � e s � E a ° z � U � -7 w 0 op H a da` on vi -7 12/28/2020 Print Preview Permit Application - Print Preview Address: Addr/Street: 6301, 6303 West 38th Avenue City/State: Wheat Ridge CO Zip Code: 80033 First Name: Kraig Last Name: Burleson Business Name: Inner City Health Center Phone: 303-296-1767 Phone AH: improvements consisting of 1291 SF conversion of 3 medical Cell Phone: exam rooms to 3 dental treatment areas, new lab, and Fax: sterilization, remodeled front office area. Addr: 3800 York Street Su ite: City/State: Denver CO Zip Code: 80205 Email: kraigb@innercityhealth.org Occupant: Building: Un -named structure Occupant: Inner City Health Center Su ite: Property Use Type: Commercial Job: Job Type: 2 Existing Building/ Tenant Improvement Sq Ft: 1,291.00 Cost: $318,000.00 Desc: The scope of this project is second generation tenant improvements consisting of 1291 SF conversion of 3 medical exam rooms to 3 dental treatment areas, new lab, and sterilization, remodeled front office area. Comments: Permit2O2OO2688 https://www.mobile-eyes.com/PA_PrintPreview.asp 1/1 City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Sign PERMIT - 201901695 PERMIT NO: 201901695 ISSUED: 11/19/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 6301 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 11/18/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Install 1 sign on south wall - 35 sq ft; install 1 sign on east sid - 24.50 sq ft Tenant: Inner City Health *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)506-1257 6301 W 38 LLC SUB (303)279-5977 WILLIAM STUPANSKY 070192 PRECISION SIGN COMPANY *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 550 / Medical Office BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 50.38 Use Tax 42.00 Permit Fee 77.50 ** TOTAL ** 169.88 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. A City of Wheat Ridge p Commercial Sign PERMIT - 201901695 PERMIT NO: 201901695 ISSUED: 11/19/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 6301 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 11/18/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Install 1 sign on south wall - 35 sq ft; install 1 sign on east Sid - 24.50 sq ft Tenant: Inner City Health I by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications; applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this perm - I further attest that I am legally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be pertorlmed and that all wfk-4o-b� pertort is�dlosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. gi-gnature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (C.Tr61e one) Date ` I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in thepermit application and accompanying Flans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This. permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The i uance or grant' of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any ap ca le code ora rdinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of COWheat -gc MMUNITY DEVELOi'MENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(cDci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: 1 ) b / Iq Plan/Permit # �01 y1 U j/_ 5 ((1'�/) Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 6 3 t I !mac -5-/_ 3,9� e- S5— Property Owner (please print) a -h cz Aru.l_ r5,: cA� f � Phone: 3y -J24" 03^7- Property Owner Email: dC C N; e--Pl to 3) :i & itc- ,� Tenant (Commercial Projects Only) ",iey- / X/ Property Owner Mailing Address:: (if different than property address) Address ��'% �f.t'�--iK.GL� 62C�c" City, State Zip: je__� --pf !�-y- Co • 5-s- Architect/Engineer E-mail: Phone: Contractor Name: rI'e-G+ AtP.(Lf%-y City of Wheat Ridge License #: Phone: 303 "J-4-7 517 -3 - Contractor 17 -3 - Contractor E-mail Address: I cA.16 e- r0!'t U S i1"l "dl For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): � t Phone: 3L�3- 33 VS CONTACT EMAIL(please print): rs'��i Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No.): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub City License # City License # _� (COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. Sq. FULF Amps Ut-Ac-g^ R-=- 65. f S, -,F-t =: s -fit- L i 3. S- BTUs Squares Gallons Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ 6 C Q r� 011'NER/CO\TRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibilit) for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR ,o�AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of (OH'NER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): DATE: u Printed Name: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMMENTS:,Zp-.C_j /Kk N COy. rlri�eC.s Reviewer: BUILDING DEP ENT � Th Reviewer: ca PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: CA:511 Building Division Valuation: Z/ 000) Wall Sign Calculation Sheet You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new wall signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. Project Address: 610I (,d 3 Contractor: You are allowed 1 square foot of signage for every 1 linear foot of wall to which you are attaching a sign. All wall signs must be adjacent to a street or major interior drive. Step 1: Measure the length of the wall(s) where you are attaching the sign: (4031,-L/ Wall 1 - feet Wall 2 - feet Wall 3 -� feet Step 2: The length of the wall is the allowable square footage for the wall sign. Wall 1 allowable signage- (6— square feet Wall 2 allowable signage- 0 square feet Wall 3 allowable signage- AVLo square feet Site Plan Wall Sign Calculation Sheet You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new wall signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. Project Address: &3 0/ O,- :3 , Contractor: ✓C S It A)- ' p You are allowed 1 square foot of signage for every 1 linear foot of wall to which you are attaching a sign. All wall signs must be adjacent to a street or major interior drive. Step 1: Measure the length of the wall(s) where you are attaching the sign: � J, Wall 1 - feet Wall 2 -_ feet Wall 3 - feet Step 2: The length of the wall is the allowable square footage for the wall sign. Wall 1 allowable signage - Wall 2 allowable signage - Wall 3 allowable signage- .qita Plan 61 -6 --square feet 0 square feet square feet City of `7`I heatAi Jge COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`x' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 BUILDING DIVISION CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM • Please complete this form and email or fax, along with the completed building permit application(s)/contractor license to the Building Division desk: Email to permits mci wheatrid eg co.us (for permit applications) or contractors Liki.wheatridge.co.us (for contractor license) • You can also fax to 303-237-8929. • Please allow up to 24 hours for processing. DATE: PERMIT ADDRESS: C I Oe -s 4- 3' I-,,- COMPANY NAME:,,2!Lr /` �� 1 4 A,,, e NAME OF CARDHOLDER: (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD) p p BILLING ADDRESS: .7 ! y u ' �► �tc - 57� Z4W (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD) CONTACT PHONE: 3o J ` 5 _ 3&-6,3 METHOD TO RECEIVE PERMIT(S) BACK (fax or email):i/uu r ,L -U A1C?S_S`. CARD INFORMATION: CARD NUMBER: '�414-, 1 `'2 L' 76 'L/�/ CARD TYPE: (Circle One) ® VISA CARD EXPIRATION DATE: CVV NUMBER: (3 DIGIT NUMBER ON BACK OF CARD) ❑MASTERCARD 1, the applicant for this Credit Card Authorization Form, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application. I further attest that I am legally entitled to authorize the City of Wheat Ridge to process any and all building permit related charges authorized by me or my authorized agent to this card and, through the execution of a Building Permit Application form provided to the City, and by my signature b o authorize such charges. � J ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE: DATE: l5 l t, understand that checking this box, that I acknowledge that this constitues a legal signature. w�i %vxi.wheatridgexoms CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r' Building Division g 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 (303)235-2855 Contractor's License # - 070192 PRECISION SIGN COMPANY WILLIAM STUPANSKY 404 VIOLET ST GOLDEN CO 80401-4975 Bus Phone: (303)279-5977 Fax: (303)279-6236 Type of License Expires On Amount ----------------------------------- ----------- -------- Sign Contractor 05/31/20 75.00 WILLIAM STUPANSKY BOB KALKOFEN Cherry Gowe George O tt Chief Building Official 05/23/19 Policy Number: Date Entered: 3/1/2019 A4CCPR 0f CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEYY) D3/1/2019 TYPE OF INSURANCE ADOL INSO THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Teri Luba / teri@compsrvs.com INSURANCE GROUP OF COLORADO LLC PHONE (30 )778 778-7811 AIX,No: (303) 778-8991 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE SERVICES E-MAILEat: DDRESS: Leri@ COMPIarve . COM PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 300,000 1113 E ALAMEDA AVE INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC I$ PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 DENVER, CO 80209 INSURER A: LIBERTY bVIVAL INS'00 23043 INSURED PRECISION SIGN COMPANY INC. INSURER 8: P555z LASSIW*XE 41190 INSURER C: AUTONp 11 INSURER D: 402 VIOLET STREET GOLDEN, CO 80401-4975 INSURER E: INSURER F : 3/1/2020 I UVCKAb C:Q LCK I Ir'i,,AIC IYUmocn: KCVMIUN NUMlStK: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR L TYPE OF INSURANCE ADOL INSO SUBR WVD POLICY NUMB ER POLICY EFF NMI DDIYYYY POLICY EXP MMI DDIYYYY LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE ®OCCUR BKS58568056 3/1/2019 3/1/2020 EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 300,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY [0 ` LOC JET OTHER: GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 2,000,000 PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ A AUTONp 11 BILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOSONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY BAS58568056 3/1/2019 3/1/2020 Ea accidentS 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) S BODILY INJURY (Per accident) 5 Per accident S $ A UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESSLIAB OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE US058568056 3/1/2019 3/1/2020 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 DED I I RETENTION $ S B WORKERS COMPENSATION- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? a (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA ` / X / ` 4040686 3/1/2019 3/1/2020 YJ STATUTE ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000. E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S 1,000,000. E. L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 ACORD 25 (2016/03) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE JAMES T. MJL4TAY �•-- ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reser The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Produced using Forms Boss Plus software. www.Fonns13oss.com; Impressive Publishing, LLC 800-208-1977 1. 11 This Lease shall become effective on the Effective Date, and Lessor shall give possession of the Premises to Lessee subject to, and contingent upon the occurrence of Final Closing of the Asset Purchase Agreement, -dated June 18, 2018 between Lessee, as `Buyer" Maurice A. Archuleta, M.D. and Shelly L. Archuleta, husband and wife, as "Owners' , and Wheatridge Family Practice, P.C., as "Seller", for Lessee's purchase of certain assets of Wheatridge Family Practice, P.C., which Final Closing must occur, if at all, on or befor®; September 28, 2018_ (the " 1A 'A"). If Final Closing of UAPA does not occur on or before SWtember 28 2018 then this ):.eawe &H automatically terminate and become null and void, and the full amount of the Security gg&(9ection 107) pgjd to Lessor pursuant to Sgetign 3.01 hreof shall be due Rnd pay We -back to Lessee within five (5) dw of such termination date 2. Demise and Possession. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor, the Premises for the Lease Term on the terms, covenants and conditions set forth herein. 3. Rent 3.01 On the first day of each month of the Lease Term, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, without -deduction or offset, prior notice or demand, the Monthly Rent, as set forth in paragraph 1.04, hereof, and Additional Rent, as set forth in paragraph 1.06, hereof, in lawfid money of the United States of America, by.means of or an MT transfer to 6301 W 38, LLC, Routing No. 102000076, Account No. 1875912188, or to such other person or place as may be designated from time to time by Lessor. Upon the execution of this Lease by Lessee, there shall be due firm Lessee to Lessor the Security Deposit as set forth in paragraph 1.07, hereof. The first partial Monthly Rent for the period, if any, at the beginning of the Lease Term which is less than a full calendar month shall be a pro rata portion of the Monthly Rent, 3.02 Lessee shall also be obligated to pay as Additional Rent the amounts set forth in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6, hereof as such amounts become due. 3.03 Any installment of Monthly Rent or Additional Rent due hereunder by Lessee to Lessor which is not paid within five (5) business days after the same becomes due and payable (whether or not demand shall have been made therefor) shall be assessed a five percent (5%) late fee. 4. Insurance Costs 4.01 During the Lease Term and the Option Term, Lessor shall provide and keep in force comprehensive insurance coverage on the Building for the benefit of Lessor, insuring against (i) liability for bodily injury or death of any one or more persons, and (ii) property damage, insuring against the perils of fire, sprinkler coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief and special extended coverage ("All Risks"). The insurance carrier providing coverage shall have no less than a 2 financial rating of "A" by the insurance rating of the A.M. Best Company. The liability coverage on the insurance policy shall have limits of coverage no less than $1,000,000 per person with an aggregate limit of $2,000,000. Lessee shall be named on the insurance policy as an Additional Insured. 4.02 a During the Lease Term and the Option Term, Lessee shall () nS p pay to Lessor within twenty (20) days after receipt by Lessee from Lessor of an invoice therefor, the Insurance Costs incurred for the Building obtained by Lessor for each year of this Lease, (b) "Insurance Costs" for the Building are Lessor's costs of procuring and maintaining: (1) general liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage, covering bodily injury and property damage liability and (il) property insurance covering the Building and its improvements against "All Risks" of direct physical loss or damage including without limitation, fire, lightning; vandalism, terrorism, earthquake, flood, windstorm, loss occasioned by operation of building laws. Such insurance will not include coverage on any property belonging to Lessee or improvements installed by Lessee, and will not exceed the coverages carried on the Building prior to the Lease commencement date by Lessor, 4.03 (a) During the Lease Tern and Option Term, Lessee shall maintain in full force and effect on all of its fixtures, equipment and other personal property in the Premises a policy or I policies of fire and extended coverage insurance with standard coverage endorsement in an amount of at least the greater of (a) eighty percent (80%) of their insurable value, or (b) $50,000, and containing an express waiver of any right of subrogation by the insurance company, Dining the Lease Tenn, the proceeds from any such policy or policies of insurance shalt be used for the repair or replacement of the fixtures, equipment and other property so insured Lessor will not carry insurance on Lessee's possessions. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with a certificate of such policy or policies upon the commencement of the Lease Term and, whenever requested in s writing by Lessor during the Lease Term. e i 4.03 (b) During the Lease Term and the Option Term, Lessee shall provide and keep in force comprehensive insurance coverage. on the Building for the benefit of Lessee, insuring against (i) liability for bodily injury or death of any one or more persons, and (ii) property damage, insuring against the perils of fire, sprinkler coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief and special extended coverage ("All Risks"). The insurance carrier providing coverage shall have no less than a financial rating of "A" by the insurance rating of the A.M. Best Company. Lessee's F current insurance carrier is deemed acceptable to provide the coverage required under this Section 4.03(b). The liability coverage on the insurance policy shall have limits of coverage no less than $1,000,000 per person with an aggregate limit of $2,000,000, Lessor shall be named on the insurance policy as an Additional Insured.. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with a certificate of such policy(ies) upon the commencement of the Lease Term, and annually thereafter during the Lease Term, Lessee's failure to annually furnish Lessor with a certificate of such provide evidence to Lessor of such policy(ies) shall not be an incurable default under this Lease. Lessee shall be responsible for own workers compensation and other statutory disability insurance as required by the state in which the Building is located covering all employees, 3 4.04 (a) Lessor and Lessee, with respect to any loss which is covered by insurance then being carried by each of them, respectively; the party carrying such insurance and suffering said loss hereby releases the other of and from any and all claims with respect to such loss to the insured party to the extent of such insurance carried, and hereby waives all rights to claims for damages as against the other and the other's insurance companies. Further, Lessor's and Lessee's insurance policies, respectively, shall contain provisions requiring that the respective insurance companies waive all rights of subrogation as against Lessor and Lessee and as against the other's insurance companies, which either party has, or which may arise hereafter, for; j damage to the Premises or the Building; damage to real or personal property located in the Building, loss of business; or any other loss caused by perils typically covered by fire and i extended coverage, building contents, store contents and business interruption insurance C coverages, (b) Lessee shall give prompt notice to Lessor in case of fire or property damage in the Premises, or in the Building, and shall give written notice to Lessor within one (1) business day thereafter of any damage claimed by Lessee. Lessee shall not be entitled to any abatement or diminution of Monthly Rent or Additional Rent for any period during which it prevents Lessor from repairing that portion of the damage to the Premises, if any, which is, Lessor's obligation to repair, nor for any period beyond the aforementioned seventy two (72) hours during which Lessee failed to notify Lessor. S. Tax Expenses 5.01(a) During the Lease Term and the Option Term, Lessee shall pay to Lessor the Real Estate Taxes for the Building for each year of the Lease, within twenty (20) days after receipt by Lessee from Lessor of an invoice therefor. (b) "Real Estate Taxes" shall mean all real property taxes, possessory interest taxes, personal property taxes, excise taxes, levies, assessments of any nature, both ad valorem and nomad valorem, levied, assessed or imposed at any time by an governmental authority, upon or against all of the Building. . (c) Within a reasonable period of time after determination of the Real Estate Taxes for any year, Lessor shall furnish to Lessee a statement showing the Real Estate Taxes. 5.02 Lessee shall be solely responsible for any taxes levied by any governmental or taxing body with respect to the; (i) ownership, possession, leasing, operation, nnanagomen4 maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy by Lessee of the Premises or any portion thereof; (ii) upon or measured by the value of Lessee's personal property located in the Premises; and (iii) upon this transaction or any document to which Lessee is a party creating or transferring an interest or an estate in the Premises, 6. Operating Costs. 4 . 6.01 During the Lease Term and the Option Term, Lessee shall timely pay directly to third -parties all Operating Costs for the Building. 6.02 (a) "Operating Costs" shall mean: all direct costs of operation and maintenance, as determined by standard accounting practices, including, but not limited to, the following costs: water and sewer charges, janitorial service, labor, maintenance of the exterior of the Premises of snow removal and upkeep of all common areas. (b) All costs (amortized over such period as Lessor shall determine in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied, together with interest on such costs at the then -current market gate on the unamortized balance) of any capital improvement made to the Building by Lessor a$er the base year which capital improvement acts in any j manner to reduce any maintenance expenses of the Building but not more than the amount of any ! such actual reduction. ("Maintenance expenses" shall not include depreciation on the Building or on equipment in such Building, loan payments, or real estate broker's commissions.) 7. Security Deposit. Lessee has deposited with Lessor the Security Deposit. The Security Deposit shall be held by Lessor as security for the faithful performance by Lessee of all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be kept and performed by Lessee during the Lease Term'and thereafter. If'Lessee defaults with respect to any provision of this Lease, including but not limited to the provisions relating to the payment of rents, Lessor may (but shall not be required to) use, apply w retain all or any part of the Security Deposit for the payment of any other sum in default, or for the payment of any other amount which Lessor may spend or become obligated to spend by reason of Lessee's default, or to compensate Lessor for any other loss or damage which .Lessor may. suffer by reason of Lessee's default. If any portion of the Security Deposit is so used or applied, then Lessee shall upon written request from Lessor, including description, of the Lessee's default to use the Security Deposit, and documentation of the amounts used, deposit cash with Lessor in an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to its original amount, and Lessee's failure to do so shall be a material breach of this Lease. Lessor shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general funds, and Lessee shall not be entitled to interest on the Security Deposit. If Lessee shall fully and faithfully perform every provision of this Lease to be performed by it, the Security Deposit or any balance thereof shall be returned to Lessee (or, at Lessor's option to the last assignee of Lessee's interest hereunder) within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the Lease Term and upon surrender of the Premises. In no event shall Lessee have the right to apply any pact of the Security Deposit to the rent due hereunder. 8. Use of Premises 8.01 The Premises may be used and occupied only for Lessee's Permitted Use, and for no other purpose or purposes, without Lessor's prior written consent. Lessor shall have the right to withhold its consent to any other use. Lessee shall comply with any and all covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Premises. 8.02 Lessee shall promptly comply with all federal, state and local health, safety, and environmental laws, ordinances, orders and regulations affecting the Premises, and its cleanliness, safety, occupation and use. 8.03 Lessee shall not do or knowingly permit anything to be done in or about the Premises, or bring or keep anything in the Premises, that will in any way increase the fire insurance upon the Premises. Lessee will not perform any act or carry on any practices that may injure the Premises or constitute a nuisance or menace, Lessee shall not cause, maintain or knowingly perimit any outside storage on or about the Premises. In addition, Lessee shall not allow any condition or thing to remain on or about the Premises which diminishes the appearance or aesthetic qualities of the Premises and/or the surrounding property. 9. Premises Improvements. Lessor shall be under no obligation to altek, change, decorate or improve the Premises, whether to adapt it for Lessee's Permitted Use or for any other purpose. 10. Parking. Lessee shall have the right to park in the designated parking areas, subject to Lessor's right to alter, modify or reduce or to change the location of such parking facilities. Lessee agrees not to overburden the parking facilities and agrees to cooperate with Lessor in the use of the parking facilities. Lessee shall not use or encroach upon property rights on the properties adjacent to the Building. I L. Utilities 11.01 With respect to the Premises, Lessee shall be directly obligated to pay for all utilities and services, including but not limited to: heating, lighting, electricity, air conditioning, water, sewer, and janitorial expenses. Lessee shall not be permitted to install equipment on the Premises other than that ordinary and necessary to Lessee's Permitted Use, without Lessor's written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 11.02 Lessee shall pay for all telephone, cable and internet and such other services for the Premises. 11.03. Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee in damages or otherwise nor shall Lessor be deemed in default herein, for any interruption or reduction of utilities and services, unless resulting from the negligence or willful actions of Lessor or its agents, employees or contractors. There shall be no abatement of Rent by reason of any such interruptions and/or reduction of utility services, nor shall the same be deemed to constitute constructive eviction or breach of the covenant for quiet enjoyment by Lessor. 12. Acceptance of Premises. By entry hereunder, Lessee acknowledges that it bas examined the Premises and accepts the same as being in the condition called for by this Lease. 13, Alterations, Mechanics' Liens 0 13.01 Alterations may not be made to the Premises without the prior written consent of Lessor, and any alterations of the Premises excepting movable furniture and trade fixtures shall at Lessor's option become part of the realty and belong to Lessor, unless otherwise. agreed between the Parties. 13.62 Should Lessee. desire to alter the Premises and should Lessor give its written consent to such alterations, Lessee shall contract with a_oontractor approved by Lessor for the construction of such alterations (and provide copies:of construction permits andior lien waivers, if applicable) and Lessee shall promptly pay for all work performed and materials furnished in connection therewith, Prior to the termination of the Lease Term, Lessee at. its. -sole cost shall return the Premises to their.condition before any such alteration, if requested by Lessor, unless such alterations have become a _part of the realty pursuant to subparagraph 13,01 above. 13.03 Notwithstanding anything in subparagraph 13.01 above, Lessee may, upon the written consent of Lessor, install trade fixtures, machinery.or other trade equipment in conformance with the ordinances of the applicable city and county, and the same may be removed Capon the termination of this Lease, provided Lessee shall not be in default uiider any of the terms and conditions of this Lease and the Premises are not damaged by such removal. Lessee shall return the Premises on the termination of this Lease in the same condition as when leased to Lessee, reasonable wear and tear and casualty excepted. Lessee shall keep the Premises, nand the underlying real property free from any liens arising out of any work performed for, materials furnished to or obligations incurred by Lessee. All such work provided for shall be done at such times and :in such manner as Lessor may £conn time to time designate. Lessee shall give Lessor at least fifteen (15) days' prior written notice before employing any laborer or contractor to perform work resulting in an alteration of the Premises, so that Lessor may post a notice of non -responsibility consistent with Colorado statutes. 13.04 In all instances where Lessor's written consent is required under this paragraph Lessor shall have the right in its sole discretion to withhold its consent, unless otherwise stated in this Lease. 14. Waste and Quiet Enjoyment 14.01 Lessee shall not commit or knowingly suffer any waste or create any nuisance upon the Premises. 14.02 Lessor covenants that Lessee shall have quiet use and enjoyment of the Premises for the Permitted Use provided herein. 15. Indemnification and Waiver by Leasee 15.01(a) (i) Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless Lessor against and from any and all claims arising from Lessee's use of the Premises or the conduct of its business or from any activity, work or thing done, permitted or suffered by Lessee in or about the Premises, including but not limited to failure to comply with all federal, state and local statutes, regulations and/or 7 ordinances regarding health, safety, environmental, building and/or zoning matters, and shall further indemnify and hold harmless Lessor against and from any and all claims arising from any breach or default in the performance of any obligation on Lessee's part to be performed under the terms of this Lease, or arising from any act, neglect, fault or omission of Lessee, or of its agents, employees, or invitees, and from and against all costs, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in or about any such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon, and in case any action or proceeding be brought against Lessor by reason of any such vlaim, unless caused by Lessor's negligence or willful misconduct, (ii) Lessor shall indemnify and hold harmless Lessee against and from any.and all claims arising from any activity, work or thing done, permitted or suffered by Lessor in or about the Premises, including but not limited to failure to comply With all federal, state and local � statutes, regulations and/or ordinances regarding health, safety, environmental, building and/or zoning matters, and shall further indemnify and hold harmless Lessee against and from any and all claims arising from any breach or default in the performance of any obligation on Lessor's ! part to be performed under the terms of this Lease; or arising from any act, neglect, fault or omission of Lessor, or of its agents, employees, or invitees; and from and against all costs, reasonabld attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in or about any such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon, and incase any action or proceeding be brought against Lessee by reason of any such claim, unless caused by Lessee's negligence or willful misconduct. (iii) Lessee and Lessee, as applicable under subparts (i) and (ii) above, upon notice from the other Party, shall represent its obligations hereunder at the indemnifying Party's expense by legal counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnify Party. (b) Lessee, as a inaterial part of the consideration to Lessor, hereby assumes 'all risk of damage to property or injury to persons in, upon or about the Premises from any cause whatsoever, except that which is caused by the failure of Lessor or its agents, employees or contractors to observe any of the terms and conditions of this Lease on its part to be observed when such failure has persisted for any unreasonable period of time after written notice of such failure, and Lessee hereby waives all claims in respect thereof against Lessor. The obligations of Lessee under this paragraph, arising by reason of any ocow-rence taking place during the Lease Term, shall survive any termination of this Lease. (c) The obligations of this paragraph 15.01 shall be in addition to the provision of paragraph 4,43, hereof. 15.02 Lessee, as a material part of the consideration to be rendered to Lessor, hereby waives all claims against Lessor for damages to goods, wares and merchandise in, upon or about the Premises, and for injury to Lessee, its agents, employees, invitees or third persons in or about the Premises from any cause arising at any time, other than that caused by any acts or omissions of Lessor or its agents, employees or contractors. 16. Maintenance and Repairs 16.01(a) Lessee shall, at its sole cost, keep and maintain the Premises and appurtenances and every part thereof; in good and sanitary order, condition.and repair. Lessee expressly waives the provisions of the applicable laws of the State of Colorado, if any, wherein it can claim constructive eviotion or set-off, whether by deduction from rent or otherwise, or where it can abate payment of Rent or vacate the Premises because maintenance and repairs were not made. If, during the Term hereof, any alteration, addition or change of any sort to all or -any portion of the Premises is required by law, regulation, ordinance or order of any public agency as a result of Lessee's Permitted Use, then Lessee shall promptly make the some at its sole cost, and expense. (b) Lessee shall; at its We cost, keep and maintain in the interior of the Premises all utilities, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, fixtures and equipment used by Lessee in good order, condition and repair. Lessee shall pay for a maintenance service agreement for the HVAC system of the Building, which shall provide for maintenance of the HVAC system, on or before May 1 and November. l of each year, and provide evidence of such maintenance to Lessor. Lessee's failure to provide evidence to Lessor shall not be an incurable default under this Lease. Such cost shall be includable in the Operating Costs for the Building. Lessee shall also be responsible for the exterior maintenance items of landscaping, snow removal and lighting; which costs shall be includable in the Operating Costs for the Building. 16.02 Lessor shall maintain. and repair the foundation, exterior walls, roof and roofing systems of the Building, and the electrical. and plumbing and HVAC systems exterior to the Premises, unless any damages thereto are a result of the negligence or intentional acts of Lessees, its agents, employees or invitees. 17. Signs, Landscaping. Lessor shall have the right to control landscaping and approve the placing of signs and the size and quality of the same. Lessee shall make no alterations or . additions to the Premises or landscaping and shall place no signs which are visible from outside the Premises without the prior written consent of Lessor. Lessor shall have the right at its sole discretion to withhold its consent, Any signs) not in conformity with ibis Lease or with applicable governmental regulations may be completely removed by Lessor at Lessee's expense, after notice to Lessee of the nonconformity and reasonable opportunity for Lessee to obtain conformity. 18. Entry by Lessor. After not less than 24`.yours prior notice by Lessor to Lessee, Lessee shall permit Lessor and Lessor's agents to enter the Premises at all reasonable times for the pzupose of inspecting the same, or for the purpose of maintaining the Premises, or for the purpose of making repairs, alterations or additions to any portion of the Premises, or for the purpose of showing the Premises to prospective tenants during the last three '(3) months of the Lease Term or placing upon the Premises any usual or ordinary' For Sale" signs, without any rebate of rents and without any liability to Lessee for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the Premises thereby occasioned. Lessee shall permit Lessor at any time within three (3) months prior to the expiration of this Lease Term or the Option Term, to place upon the Premises any usual or ordinary "For Lease" signs.. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Lessor shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in, upon and about the Premises, excluding Lessee's vaults, and safes. Lessee shall not alter any lock or install a new or additional lock or any bolt on any door of the Premises without the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, If Lessor shall give its consent, Lessee shall in each case furnish Lessor with a key for any such lock. 19. Abandonment. Lessee shall not vacate or abandon the Premises at any time during the Lease Term or permit the Premises to remain unoccupied for a period longer than fifteen (15) consecutive days during the Lease Term, and if Lessee shall abandon, vacate or surrender the Premises, or be dispossessed by process of law, or otherwise, any personal property belonging to Lessee and left on the Premises shall at the option of Lessor be deemed abandoned and may be disposed of by Lessor in the manner provided for by the laws of the State of Colorado. 20. Destrructiou 20.01 In the event of (i) a partial deshuction of the Premises during the Lease Tenn which requires repairs to the Premises, or (ii) a declaration by an authorized public authority that the Premises are unsafe or unfit for occupancy for any reason other than Lessee's act, use or occupation, which declaration requires repairs to the Premises, wherein such destruction or such condition is covered by Insurance pursuant to paragraph 4, hereof, Lessor shall forthwith make repairs, provided repairs can be made within one hundred twenty (120) days under the laws and regulations of authorized public authorities; but partial destruction (including any destruction necessary in order to make repairs required by any declaration) shall in no way annul or void this Lease or result in or entitle Lessee to any abatement, diminution or reduction in the Additional Tient and/or charges payable by Lessee hereunder. However, Monthly Rent shall abate during the period that the Premises are untenantable, whether in whole or in part, proportionate, to the area of the Premises that are untenantable. If such repairs cannot be made within one hundred twenty (120) days, Lessor may, at its option, make the same within a reasonable time, this Lease continuing in full force and effect. In the event that Lessor does not so elect to make repairs which cannot be *made within one hundred twenty (124) Clays, or repairs cannot be made under current laws and regulations, this Lease may be terminated at the option of either party; provided, however, that if the damage is due to the fault or neglect of Lessee, its agents, employees or invitees, Lessee shall not have the right to terminate this Lease. 20.02 A total destruction (including any destruction required by any authorized public authority) of the Premises shall terminate this Lease. Lessor shall be required to repair any property installed in the Premises by Lessee if such repairs are so covered by the referenced. Insurance. 20.03 if at anytime during the last one hundred twenty (120) days of the Lease Term there is a partial destruction, Lessor may at Lessor's option cancel and terminate this Lease as of the date of occurrence of such partial destruction by giving written notice to Lessee of Lessor's election to do so within thirty (30) days after the date of occurrence of such partial destruction. 20.04 Lessee hereby expressly waives any and all rights under applicable law inconsistent with the terms of this paragraph, and in the event of destruction agrees to accept an 10 offer by Lessor to provide Lessee with comparable space within the building in which the Premises is located, if any, on the sante terms as dais Lease. 21'. Condemnation. 21.01 If the, Premises shall be taken or condemned for a public or quasi -public use, this Lease shall terminate as of the date title shall vest in the condemnor. If the Premises be taken or condemned, all compensation awarded upon such condemnation or taking shall go to Lessor, and Lessee shall have no claim thereto, except for award :amounts relating to relocation of the Lessee or the Lessee's property. 21.02 However, nothing herein shall limit Lessee from making claim for compensation or damages to which Lessee may be entitled during the Lease Term by reason of the condemnation of the Premises. 22. Assignment and Subletting 22.01 Lessee shallnot, either voluntarily or by operation of law, assign, sell, mortgage, encumber, pledge or otherwise transfer all or any part of Lessee's leasehold estate hereunder, or permit the Premises to be occupied by anyone other than Lessee or sublet -'the Premises or any portion thereof, without Lessor's prior written consent in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any act by Lessee including merger, consolidation or liquidation, shall constitute an assignment for purposes of this Lease. If Lessee is a corporation, unincorporated association, non-profit corporation, limited liability company, entity or partnership, the transfer, assignment or hypothecation of any stock or interest in such entity in the aggregate in excess of forty-nine (49%) percent of the outstanding stock or interests shall be deemed an assignment within the meaning and provisions of this paragraph. Any attempted assignment, sale, encumbrance, pledge, transfer or subletting without Lessor's consent shall be void and shall, at the option of Lessor, result in the termination of this Lease. Consent by Lessor to any assignment or subletting shall not release Lessee from its primary liability under this Lease, and Lessor's consent to one assignment, subletting or occupation or use by other parties shall not be deemed a consent to other subleases, assignments or occupation or use by other parties. 22.02 (a) in order to assure Lessor that the proposed assignee will have the resources with which to pay the Monthly Rent and Additional Rend required herein, any proposed assignee must demonstrate to Lessor's satisfaction, a net worth (as defined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied) at least as great as the net worth of Lessee on the date this Lease became effective; (b) Any proposed assignee must have reasonable prior experience regarding Lessee's Permitted Use; (c) Lessee's assignee shall not make use of the Premises other than Lessee's Permitted Use; and 11 (d) Any proposed assignee of this Lease must assume and agree to be bound by the terms, provisions and covenants of this Lease. 22.03 Lessor and Lessee understand that, notwithstanding certain provisions to the contrary contained herein, a trustee or debtor in possession under the Bankruptcy Code of the United States may have certain rights to assume or assign this Lease. Lessor and Lessee further understand that in any event, Lessor is entitled under the Bankruptcy Code to adequate assurances of future performance of the terms and provisions of this Lease, 22.04 Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor for Lessor's reasonable costs and 'attorneys' fees incurred in conjunction with the processing and documentation of any such requested assignment, subletting, transfer, change of ownerslvp or hypothecation of this Lease or Lessee's interest in and to the Premises, not to exceed $1,000.00. 23. Breach by Lessee. Lessee shall be in breach of this Lease if any time during the terra of this Lease: 23.01 Lessee fails to make payment of any timely payment of Monthly Rent, Additional Rent, and/or any other sum herein specified to be paid by Lessee, and such failure is not cured within five (5) business days after Lessor's written notice to Lessee of such failure of payment; 23.02 Lessee has failed to satisfy the requirements of paragraph 4 Insurance, paragraph 5 Taxes, and/or paragraph 6 Operating Costs, and such failure is not cured within twenty (20) business days after Lessor's written notice to Lessee of such failure; 23.03 Lessee falls to observe or perform any of its other covenants, agreements or obligations hereunder, and such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after Lessor`s written notice to Lessee of such failure; provided, however, that if the nature of Lessee's obligation is such that more than thirty (3 0) days are required for performance, then Lessee shall not be in breach. if Lessee commences performance within such thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion; 23.04 Lessee becomes insolvent, makes a transfer defrauding its creditors, or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; 23.05 Lessee voluntarily files a petition under any section or chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, as amended, or under any similar law or statute of the United States or any state thereof, or Lessee is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent in proceedings filed against Lessee thereunder; 23.06 A receiver, trustee or custodian is appointed for all or substantially all of Lessee's assets; or 23.07 Lessee has abandoned the Premises as defined in paragraph 19, hereof. 12 24. Remedies of Lessor 24.01 If Lessee breaches this Lease before the end of the Lease Term, Lessor shall upon written notice have the right to terminate the Lease. On such termination, Lessor may recover from Lessee each of the following. (a) The amount at the time of judicial (or arbitrator) determination of damages of the unpaid rents accrued through the time of termination; , (b) The amount at the time of judicial (or arbitrator) determination of damages of the unpaid rents accrued after termination; (c) The amount at the time of judicial (or arbitrator) determination of unpaid rents that will accrue during the balance of the Lease Term, less a ten percent (100/0) time value discount; and. (d) Any other amount necessary to compensate Lessor for the damage proximately caused by Lessee's breach of its obligations under this Lease, as determined by judicial (or arbitrator) finding, .24.02 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Lessee has breached this Lease, at Lessor's option, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect so long as Lessor does not terminate Lessee's right to possession of the Premises, and in such event Lessor may enforce all of its rights and remedies under this Lease, including the right to recover Rent pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 24.01, hereof; For purposes of this subparagraph, the following acts by Lessor shall not constitute the termination of Lessee's right to possession of the premises: (a) Acts of maintenance, preservation or efforts to relet the Premises, including, but not limited to, alterations, remodeling, redecorating, repairs, replacement and/or painting as Lessor shall consider advisable for the purpose of reletting the Premises or any part thereof; and/or (b) The appohitment of a Receiver upon the initiative of Lessor to protect Lessor's Interest under this Lease or in the Premises. 24.03 Any efforts by Lessor to mitigate the damages caused by Lessee's breach of this Lease shall not waive Lessor's right to recover the damages set forth above. 24.04 Nothing herein shall be construed to affect other provisions of this Lease regarding the Parties' rights to indemnification from Lessee for liability arising prior to the termination of this Lease. 13 24, 05 No right or remedy conferred upon or reserved to Lessor in this Lease is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy granted to Lessor by statute or common law, and each and every such right and remedy shall be cumulative. 24.06 The voluntary act or other surrender of this Lease by Lessee, or a mutual cancellation thereof, shall not work a merger and shall, at the option of -Lessor, terminate all or any existing subleases andtor subtenancies, or may, at the option of Lessor, operate as an assignment to it of any or all of such subleases or subtenancies. 25, Security Interest. 25.01 In order to secure payment of all Monthly Rent and Additional Rent, and to secure payment of any damages or loss which Lessor may suffer by reason of the breach by Lessee of any covenant, agreement or condition contained in this Lease, if any, Lessee hereby grants to Lessor a security interest in and an express contractual lien upon all goods, merchandise, equipment, fixtures, furniture, improvements and other materials, supplies and tangible personal property of every nature owned by or belonging to Lessee presently or which may hereafter be i situated on the Premises and all proceeds therefrom all of which shall be deemed to be "Collateral". Except as a result of sales of goods or merchandise in the ordinary course of Lessee's business, Lessee's property may not be removed from the Premises without Lessor's written consent until all Rent and Additional Rent has been paid, and all the covenants, agreements and conditions imposed upon Lessee have been fully complied with and performed by it. 25.02 Lessee agrees and acknowledges that Lessor shall have the right to file a UCC -1 Financing Statement to perfect the security -interest granted to Lessor i% the Collateral referenced in paragraph 25.01 hereof. Upon the occurrence of a breach by Lessee, in addition to any other available remedies, Lessor shall have all rights of a secured party under the Colorado Uniform Commercial Code with respect to the Collateral. 25.03 If Lessee has or is requested to give a security interest in the Collateral to a business lender, then Lessor hereby agrees to subordinate its security interest under subpart 25.01 above to the security interest of Lessee's lender. 26. Attorneys Fees/Collection Charges 26.01 If Lessor or Lessee utilize the services of an attorney to enforce his Lease, then the substantially prevailing Party, as determined by the presiding fact finder, shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses from the other Party. 26.02 Should Lessor be named as defendant in any suit brought against Lessee in connection with or arising out of Lessee's occupancy hereunder, Lessee shall pay to Lessor its costs and expenses incurred in such suit, including reasonable attorney's fees. 14 26.03 In the event that damages are assessed against either Party to this Lease, said damages shall. accrue interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum as of the time that the cause of action arose. 27. Limitation of Liability, In consideration of the benefits ac wing hereunder, Lessee and all its successors and assigns covenants and agree that, in the event of any actual or alleged failure, breach or default hereunder by Lessor: (a) The sole and exclusive remedy shall be against the Lessor's interest in the Premises; and (b) No writ of execution will be levied against any other assets of Lessor. 28. Estoppel Certificate 28.01 Lessee shall at any time upon not less than twenty (20) days' prior written notice from Lessor, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lessor a statement in writing: (a) certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect, or, if modified, stating the nature of such modifications and certifying that this Lease, as so modified, is in full force and erect, (b) acknowledging that there are not, to Lessee's knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of Lessor hereunder, or specifying such defaults if any are claimed, and (e) no rents have been paid more than one (1) month in advance. Any such statement may be conclusively relied upon by Lessor and any prospective purchaser ox encumbrancer of the Premises. 28.02 Lessee's failure to deliver such statement within such time shall be conclusive upon Lessee that; (a) this Lease is in full force and effect, without modification except as may be represented by Lessor; (b) there are no uncured defaults in Lessor's performance; and (c) no rents have been paid more. than one (1) month in advance, and (d) that Lessor has a right to execute a document to thai effect as Lessee's attorney-in-fact. 28.03 If Lessor desires to finance, refinance or sell the Premises, Lessee hereby agrees to deliver to any prospective lender or purchaser designated by Lessor such financial statements of Lessee as may be reasonably required by such lender or purchaser. All such financial statements shall be received by Lessor in confidence and shall be used only for the purpose herein set forth, 29, Subordination; Attornment 29.01 This Lease, at Lessor's option, shall be subordinate to any ground lease, easement, mortgage, deed of Uvat or any other hypothecation for security, now or hereafter placed upon the real property and improvements of which the Premises are a part, and to any and all advances made on the security thereof and to all renewals, modifications, consolidations, replacements and extensions thereof; provided, however, that such subordination shall only be effective if the holder of any such mortgage (and any successor in interest to such mortgage holder) shall not disturb Lessee's rights under this Lease, as long as Lessee is not in default (subject to any applicable grace, notice and/or cure periods) under this Lease. 15 29.02 Lessee agrees to execute any documents required to effectuate such subordination or to make this Lease junior to the lien of any ground lease, mortgage or deed of trust, as the case may be, and failing to do so within twenty (20) days after written demand does hereby make, constitute and irrevocably appoint Lessor as Lessee's attorney-in4act and in Lessee's name, place and stated to do so. 29.03 In the event any proceedings are brought in foreclosure or in the event of the exercise of the power of sale under any deed of trust covering the Premises or any other similar matter of acquisition by the holder of the deed of trust or purchaser at a foreclosure or sale pursuant to power of sale, the Lessee at the request of any such party will attorn to such. holder or purchaser, as the case may be, and recognize such holder or purchaser as the Lessor under this Lease. Lessee will at the request of such new Lessor execute a document in a form proper for confirming such agreement to attomment. i 30. Sate by Lessor. in the event of a sale or conveyance by Lessor of the Premises, the same shall operate to release Lessor from any liability upon any of the covenants or conditions, expressed or implied, herein contained in favor of Lessee, and in such event Lessor shall transfer i the Security Deposit to the transferee, and Lessee agrees to look solely to the responsibility of the successor in interest of Lessor in and to this Lease. This Lease shall not be otherwise affected by any such sale, and Lessee agrees to attorn to the purchaser or assign. 1 31. Holding Over. This Lease shall terminate without further notice upon the expiration of the Lease Term, Any holding over by Lessee after the expiration of the Lease Term shall not constitute a renewal or extension thereof or give Lessee any rights in or to the Promises. If, with Lessor's prior written, consent, Lessee holds possession of the Prmiscs after the Lease Term, Lessee shall become a tenant from month to -month upon the terms otherwise herein specified and Lessee shall continue in possession until such tenancy shall be terminated by Lessor, or until Lessee shall have given to Lessor written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination ' of such monthly tenancy of its intention to terminate such tenancy. During said hold over period, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as monthly rent, one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the Monthly Rent. ' 32. Option to Renew 32.01 Lessor grants to Lessee one (1) three (3) year option following the Lease Term hereunder (the "Option Term') to extend. the Lease Term (the "Option"). As long as Lessee is not in default hereunder (after applicable notice and cure periods), Lessee shall have the right to exercise said Option. To exercise the Option granted hereunder, Lessee must so notify Lessor in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the Lease Term, or an Option Lease Term, as the case may be. 32.02 For each year during the Opiioli Term, the Option Term monthly rent shall be increased by three percent (311%) over the Monthly Rent of the previous Lease Year or Option Term year, as the case may be. i 16 33. Right of First Refusal. During the Term and any Option Term hereof, and in the event that Lessee is not in default hereunder, Lessor grants to Lessee a right of first reftisal in connection with the purchase of the Building. In connection herewith, in the event that Lessor receives a written offer from a third- party to purchase the Building, which offer is acceptable to Lessor, at its sole discretion, Lessor shall promptly deliver to Lessee a copy of said offer. Lessee shall then have a thirty (30) day period during which to deliver a written offer, to Lessor to purchase the Building on the same terms and conditions of the third party offer. Upon receipt of Lessee's offer, the parties shall close the purchase of the Building subject to the terms of a standard foram Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate. If Lessee does not deliver to Lessor an offer to purchase within the time provided herein, Lessee's rights in this paragraph shall lapse. 34. Option to Purchase 34.01 (a) Commencing on the third (^ anniversary date of this Lease and during any Option Term, Lessor grants to Lessee an Option to purchase the Building (the "Purchase Option!). This Purchase Option shall be in effect only during such period of time that Lessee is not in uncured default hereunder. To exercise this Option, Lessee must so advise Lessor in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the initial Term hereof. (b) The purchase price for the Building shall be the thea -la air Market Value. Purchase of the BYulding shall be pursuant to tho terms of standard form Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate. 35. Miscellaneous Provisions 3 5.01 The individual(s) signing on behalf of the Lessee warrants that that individual has the authority to bind the Lessee. Lessee shall deliver to Lessor, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Lease, a copy of the entity resolution, adopted by Lessee authorizing said Lessee to enter into and perform this Lease and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Lease on behalf of Lessee. 35.02 All notices, statements, demands, requests, consents, approvals, authorizations, of-ers, agreements, appointments, or designations under this Lease by either party to the other shall be in writing and shah be considered sufficiently given and served upon the other party if delivered by hand, by certified snail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the address set forth in Section 1 hereinabove or to the last known address of said party, or by overnight courier to the address set forth hereinabove or to the last known address of said party, 35.03 This Lease contains all of the agreements and conditions made between the parties to this Lease and may not be modified orally or in any other manner than by an agreement in writing signed by all parties to this Lease: Lessee acknowledges that neither Lessor nor Lessor's agents have made any representations or warranty as to the suitability of the Premises to the conduct of Lessee's business. Any agreements, warranties or representations not expressly contained herein shall not in any way bind either Lessor or Lessee, and Lessor and Lessee 17 expressly waive all claims for damages by reason of any statement, representation, warranty, promise or agreement; if any, not contained in this Lease. 35.04 The terms and provisions of this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, adniiu strators, successors and assigns of Lessor and Lessee, respectively. 35.05 Any provision of this Lease, except for the payment ofrents, determined to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall in no Way affect any other provision hereof. 35.06 Time is of the essence of each teen and provision of this Lease. 35.07 Whenever the singular number is used in this Lease and when required by the context, the same shall include the plural, and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and the word "person" shall include corporation, firm or association. If there be more than one Lessee, the obligations imposed t}pon Lessee raider this Lease shall be joint and several. 35.08 The headings or titles to paragraphs of this Lease are not a part of this Lease and shall have no effect upon the construction or interpretation of any part of this Lease. 35.09 This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, and venue in any suit shall be in the District Court, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have executed this Lease as of the day and year first above written. LESSOR: 6341 W 38, LLC By. �� r Maurice A. Archuleta, Manager LESSEE: Inner City Health Center By: Kraig Burleson, 0 18 C 0 fV 120.00 in H E A L T H C E N T S Your Doctor. Your Dignity. New ,MAI 5 C IA.4 . 5-i d -t,, Wheat Ridge Family Health Clinic 303-940-9118 www.innercityhealth.org Proof RevD: 07/08/19 • Job: 184377 Size:42"x 120" • Quantity: 1 Material: Full color print on adhesive vinyl with UV laminate, applied to 3mm white ACM. Client Approval: Signature: �►•, City of " COW heat MMUM7Y DEvELON. APPROVE PlanstiSIWr4r0fQP~0r0P apiiner v_ooitr of im"M and compuratwns shall not be o pemptibr, or an OW of Me prowslam of the buWAng code or of c preeutrafng to VW outhorlty to Woke a conal t Date: All copy is initially checked for errors. Final proofreading and corrections are the sole responsibility of the client. Subsequent revisions and correction of typographical errors will be made at the client's expense. PLEASE NOTE: Colors depicted are for representation only. Actual color samples are available upon request. F)/6//,l-- Date wol of plans specipconom ~ of, ony wol~ to CRY aronoam permits pnav/slpas 4 OW MAW6V n O I' * < 0 O�o v, .. G N r) maw p CD tai p iv Tar. - o A t� Wheat Ridge Family Health Clinic 303-940-9118 www.innercityhealth.org Proof RevD: 07/08/19 • Job: 184377 Size:42"x 120" • Quantity: 1 Material: Full color print on adhesive vinyl with UV laminate, applied to 3mm white ACM. Client Approval: Signature: �►•, City of " COW heat MMUM7Y DEvELON. APPROVE PlanstiSIWr4r0fQP~0r0P apiiner v_ooitr of im"M and compuratwns shall not be o pemptibr, or an OW of Me prowslam of the buWAng code or of c preeutrafng to VW outhorlty to Woke a conal t Date: All copy is initially checked for errors. Final proofreading and corrections are the sole responsibility of the client. Subsequent revisions and correction of typographical errors will be made at the client's expense. PLEASE NOTE: Colors depicted are for representation only. Actual color samples are available upon request. F)/6//,l-- Date wol of plans specipconom ~ of, ony wol~ to CRY aronoam permits pnav/slpas 4 OW MAW6V C 0 0 N c c H E A L T H C E N T S Your Doctor. Your Dignity. 19New Wheat Ridge Family Health Clinic 303-940-9118 www.innercityhealth.org Proof RevE: 07/09/19 . Job: 184377 Size: 42"x 84" - Quantity: 1 Material: Full color print on adhesive vinyl with UV laminate, applied to 3mm white ACM. Client Approval.- Signature: pproval: Signature: C-5 A-5 T <S c.;f — Date: All copy is initially checked for errors. Final proofreading and corrections are the sole responsibility of the client. Subsequent revisions and correction of typographical errors will be made at the client's expense. PLEASE (VOTE: Colors depicted are for representation only. Actual color samples are available upon request. IF cM O Wvotftidoe v LD A y INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION ONLINE FORM: hftp://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/inspection p .cl.wheatridge.co.us/inspection INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Cancellations must be submitted via the online form before 8 a.m. the day of the inspection Occupancy/Type CSS- V_ r__ Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. **Request an inspection before 11:59 p.m. (midnight) to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To A proval Of The Above Ins ections Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Wall Sheathing Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. Sewer Service Mid -Roof Plumbing Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Do Not over Underground or Below/In-Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Mid -Roof Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Lath / Wall Tie Final Plumbing Rough Electric " Final Mechanical Rough Plumbing/Gas Line Roof Rough Mechanical Final Building Rough Framing NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. Rough Grading Insulation Drywall Screw/ Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof Final Window/Doors Final Building NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. rvr row vortage permits — riease De sure that rough inspections are completed trom the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201706048 PERMIT NO: 201706048 ISSUED: 08/14/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 6301 W 38th AVE EXPIRES: 08/14/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial re -roof: Remove existing Duralast roofing and install new 60Mil EPDM with polystyrene tapper and Dens Deck Surface. EPDM will be fully adhered. 28.10 squares *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)506-1257 ARCHULETA MAURICE SUB (720)366-2827 Michael Emsbach 170471 Above and beyone Restoration *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 550 / Medical Office USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 29,138.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 611.90 Permit Fee 499.55 ** TOTAL ** 1,111.45 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: &L, F,00 Job Address: D± Permit Number: 2_011 0 U Q f;) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for,Ar -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: C DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201706048 PERMIT NO: 201706048 ISSUED: 08/14/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 6301 W 38th AVE EXPIRES: 08/14/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial re -roof: Remove existing Duralast roofing and install new 60Mil EPDM with polystyrene tapper and Dens Deck Surface. EPDM will be fully adhered. 28.10 squares *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)506-1257 ARCHULETA MAURICE SUB (720)366-2827 Michael Emsbach 170471 Above and beyone Restoration *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 550 / Medical Office BLOCK/LOT#: 0 *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 29;138.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 611.90 Permit Fee 499.55 ** TOTAL ** 1,111.45 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. T - City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201706048 PERMIT NO: 201706048 ISSUED: 08/14/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 6301 W 38th AVE EXPIRES: 08/14/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial re -roof: Remove existing Duralast roofing and install new 60Mil EPDM with polystyrene tapper and Dens Deck Surface. EPDM will be fully adhered. 28.10 squares I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes d all applica municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner oft roperty an authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermrt. I furthe est t I am 1 ally authorized to include al[ entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performecj�nd t all vy to be peraftlied is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signatur of WNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This pBTMit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying dans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Offcial and is not guaranteed. 4, No work of an manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date �^ REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PN ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City Of �Wheat Midge MUNITy DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: perm its(a)ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Plan/Permit # 1� Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: (930lid �' AJC �f Property Owner (please print): Melte R(� ilt) kL Phone: G0(a\C')S_7 Property Owner Email: C1,(c, ; )�oA-ca @,� W (kAiysa , es Eovn Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Phone: Ion , LJ—C- Contractors City License #: I�/ 1 Phone: -L90�v�. ,i7 Contractor E-mail Address: com Sub Contractors: Electrical W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ffCOMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESIDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) �Y�c�►^e IE�00` , C. 1�ns�sk. Sc�K ce , E?Qtv\ L,3M �e uL�,( a&\QfQd. Sq. Ft.ILF a(j�, �u Btu's Amps Gallons Squares AMD Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ as ,133• OWNER/CQNTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE;,-- (CONTRALTO UT RIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): �/�_ �( `---� DATE: ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services, Division (303) 2345933 /nspecfion line (303) 235-2855 Office CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ Elec. ❑ Plumb. ❑ Mech. ❑ Structural ther Job Address: ~'ist ❑ 2nd (4L f • ~s~-5;' ~ 3rd ~i~/G ' ~ (G~~{J~f'%f- "-o Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. 0 Blocked Access o No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM •When correcGons have been made, call for re•igspection af 303-2345933 ? Date: Inspector: ~ DO NOT REMOVE TH/S NOTICE i ~ ~ 4~z) i'- COMMUNITY D~VELOPMENT DEPT. 4oWH~TR~am Inspectiory- ervices Division (303) 234-5933/nspection line (303) 235-2855 Office CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ Elec. ❑ Plumb. ❑ Mech. Structural ❑ Other ❑ 1st ❑ 2nd ❑ 3rd Job ❑ Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. "o Blocked Access /0o one available for inspection: Time __1/1&PM * When conections have been made, ca/l for re-ins e tion at 303-2345933 r ~ ~ Inspector. , Date: 0 I 1 DO NOT REMOVE j 1 OTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ,'tiOFWH~T'Pi~m Inspection Services Division (303) 2345933 Inspecfion line (303) 235-2855 Office CQRRECTION NOTICE ~ ❑ Elec. Q Plumb. ❑ Mech. ❑ Structural ❑ Other ❑ 1st ❑ 20 ip 3,fd _ Job ❑ Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. ' ❑ Blocked Access ' C ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM ~ *When correction have 6een made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 ~ Date: Inspector. :I DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division ~ m (303) 2345933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ Elec. ❑ Plumb. ❑ Mech. ❑ Structural ❑ Other ❑ 1st ❑ 2nd ❑ 3rd Job Address: 397g/ ,~i~ ,4. 4E o7oaos Fi.v~L ,gLVG • ~sr w- /d- d-r ~~xk . G S 7' ,r..~T- VeW,!5 oonn S &~/C Tn SiZ) P IL t SET - vP 1ruJ 12 z~^i-s r7o a.~r occ~~✓ ok /'~w1~~~r .t~'✓Si-✓ESs a Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. o Blocked Access ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM *When corrections have 6een made, call forre-inspection af 303-2345933 Date: 1,91 1a`7 Inspector:~~Ni DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 2345933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Ofiice CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ Elec. ❑ Plumb. ❑ Mech. ❑ Structural ❑ Other ❑ 1st ❑ 2nd ❑ 3rd : Job Address: ~:.~of w 38rs~ .9~i~ a a~a2ozos - rPreI-60, rslWr ~f A~r drr-srefFf0 7n AV4-rrs Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. ' ❑ Blocked Access z; ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM f *When correcfions have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 ~ ~ Date: lZy o7 Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 2345933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ Elec. ❑ Plumb. ❑ Mech. ❑ Structural ❑ Other ❑ 1st ❑ 2nd ❑ 3rd - Job Address: O3o/ uv, 39?W Avg e°• .4-- 0~&22os „aAs.F~ /d,F..oi rd-A s~ a.s A,(? i3,s-rn.?a,~Ys ❑ Re-inspection fee of $ must be paid prior to re-inspection. n Blocked Access ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM 'When corrections have 6een made, call for re-inspectian at 303-2345933 Date: o ,?s o7 Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ~ ~ ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspecfion line (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: IOlpe~, Job Address/Permit Number: Po3,91 4~•. .7gr-rV tt~o2a~ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes ~ *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 ri. , Date: fiI~je7 Inspector: ~°'~e ~ DO NOT REMOVE TH/S NOTICE j Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site 24 Hours notice required for inspections Job Address Building Permit No. Owner Contractor Contractor Address INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings/Caissons _ ;-I C sternwall Reinforcingi orMonolithic~ Weatherproof / French Drain Water/Sewer Service Lines r VIJK IVU I.UNI:KF ~ F I IN ~ 11 Nii(1\/F MSC F(CC~I til!_AICI'1 CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground ~ ; r ` t Plumbing (Underground r Heating (Underground) vv rvvi rvuK rLVUK UNI ILMBVVE NAS BEEN JIGNED Electrical Service b ' S- Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Air Test Gas Piping Rough Mechanical Framing Roofing Insulation Drywall Screw FINALS Electrical Plumbing oRto~ o e~ Mechanical o ~s dy ze Frame / Interior Finish ~y o Kc R.O.W & Drainage Fire Department 2 co., . Parking & Landscaping **NOTE: ADDIT IONAL INSPECTIONS / COMMENTS ON BACK OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER Date Type Occupancy ~ ~ n o\ v ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ 4 t ~ C \ ~y ,i l C} u\ ~ n ^ ~i ~ ~ N } ~ ~ V \ R: ~ + 1 ; ~ V l~- ~ U1 e~ \y ~ ~n y J ~ rn f !t~ 4 ~ ~ Q V ~ I ~ s r al f i ~ , ~ ~ ~ ; ~a ~ `.v [~J , ~ ~ ~ O ~ V \i ~ ~ ~ rn \ oU ~ A \ \ ~ t r~ \ / ~ ~ 0 :3 0 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 owlift 0 ~ mo - ~ CD _ ■ ~ ~ Cr 01 W % . . ~..~.'...~:..:.,.v~.~. .r.~..- ~...:.,-.~...r.^r.~.v.~M~.~..... ~ .i :...-...r..rnv r.•.,-. •.i..~ _v%,~.n.~.v~..^ Date: : . e - A Cer#ificate of Occupancy 1 Completion ~ has been requested for: 7 ; ` : L30 ADD~2fSS: ~~IJ'2 JE" i~" ~ ~ puRpOSE OF STRUCTURE: ti < C < ~ B.uilding DepartmentApproval: ' ~ ~ Remarks: V(~-Zoning App.roval: tg) : 2 ftemarks , k Public Works Approyal: j < Remarks: ; $ Fire Marshali Approval: ~ (If Applicable) ~ ~ Remarlcs:- . . t t ~ Sanitafion District Approval ~ (If Applicabie) i < Remarks: ~ Vdater District Approval: ; !I( AQp!icable) - Remarks: aF WHEql a a APPLICATION FOR MINOR GRADING/FILL PERMIT (4 ~~CpRA00 APPLICANTS NAME: APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: ADDRESS OF FILL: DATE OF APPLICATION: All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved permit is effective for a period of one (1) year from date of issue and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code or other applicable City adopted Resolutions or Ordinances. [Vote: All public improvements, when constructed, shal[ be maintained (by the respective individual(s) and/or company responsible for the construction of that public and/or private improvement in the respective development) on a daily basis, or as needed, such that they are free of mud and other construction debris tracking from the site. Failure to comp[y with this requirement will result in the enforcement of Article III, Specified Nuisances, Section I S-l6 (4) af the City of Wheat Ridge Code ofLaws. MINOR GRADING, EXCAVATION. AND FILL PERMITS 1. 1-50 Cubic Yards: No permit is required for dumping or excavation of earth materials, which do not exceed 50 cubic yards, provided, however, that any fill deposited is on natural tenain of less than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope, or such fill is less than three (3) feet in depth and is not intended to support permanent structures, and in addition, such fill or excavation does not obstruct or otherwise adversely affect any drainageway. Should any of the above standazds be exceeded, or a drainage way be affected, a permit shall be required under the guidelines for No. 2. 2. 51-500 Cubic Yards: Dumping or excavation of earth materials not exceeding 500 cubic yazds may be allowed with a permit approved by the City Engineer. All applications aze to be submitted on the appropriate completed application form and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and sketch plan indicating the following information before the perxnit will be issued. A. Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. B. Location and extent of azeas to be filled and/or excavated. C. Location of existing and proposed drainageways, irrigation ditches, etc., and indication of how and where historic run-off will be maintained on and through the site. D. Cross-section area to be filled and/or excavated indicating original slope, new slope and depth of fill. E. Statement that indicates the proposed use or purpose for said fill or excavation. F. Relative elevation of adjacent properties. G. Erosion control plan showing placement of control devices such as hay bales, etc. 3 501-10,000 Cubic Yards: Operations in which earth material fill or excavation exceeds 500 cubic yards, but does not exceed 10,000 cubic yards, may be allowed by a permit issued by the City Engineer afrer review of an application and supporting information. The following information shall be submitted with the required application form: A. A site plan, prepared and signed by a Colorado registered professional engineer, at a scale of no less than 1 inch to twenty feet (1:20) which illustrates the following: B. Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. C. Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. D. Location of existing waterways and drainage courses indicating any changes. (for a site containing an established irrigation ditch, a letter of approval from the appropriate ditch company shall be required). E. Location of existing and proposed points of ingress. F. Location and extent of existing vegetation, proposed changes in such vegetation and methods of rehabilitation on site vegetation after earthwork operations are complete. G. Erosion control plan. H. Grading plan with existing (dashed lines) and proposed (solid lines) ground contours with contour intervals of 2 feet and spot elevations. 1. At least two cross sections (east to west and north to south) through the site showing depth of fill and/or excavation. J. A drainage report may be required if site runoff chazacteristics aze changed. K. Relative elevations of adjacent properties and structures. L. Statement of purpose of intended fill and/or excavation. 4. Performance Standards: The following provisions shall apply to all Minor Grading, Excavation and Fill Permits: A. Rehabilitation: Within thirty (30) days after cessation of filling and/or excavation, rehabilitation for the site shall have been completed in accordance with the approved plans. Rehabilitation shal] consist of leveling, grading, landscaping or any combination thereof to minimize potential erosion and be acceptable to the City Engineer. B. Debris: Debris and/or contaminants shall not be used except with the approval of the City Engineer. "For the purpose of this Section, the term debris shall have the same meaning as the terms "garbage, trash orjunk" as defined in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 15-4." In no case shall debris or contaminates identified or classified as hazardous waste by local, state or federal agencies be used as fill in any fill areas within the City of Wheat Ridge. C. Excavation and/or fill areas shall be graded to facilitate weed control until final grades are set and site rehabilitation and use occur (must be leveled with side slopes not to exceed 3 to 1). ]iFORMS & LEllERS\ APPS & PE~SWunoe Gra&ng 8 Fill Peimit doc 2 . Rev 2/05 5. Permit Feesx 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yazds 101to 1000 cubic yards for the first 100 cy $23.50 ~ 5 1 157c) $37.00 $37.00 plus for each additional 100 cy or fractionthereof cy X $17.50/100cy 1001 Yo 10,000 cubic yards for the first ] 000 cubic yazds $194.50 plus, for each additional 1000 cy or fraction thereof cy X$14.50/1K cy '°Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 5-76. TOTAL $ Oz~ All permits shall be applied for prior to fil] deposition or excavation operations begin. Any permit applied for after cutting or filling operations on site are in progress shall be subject to a double fee and other penalties as prescribed by Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-1004. Any fill requested under this permit within the 100 year flood zone MUST COMPLY WITH WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 26-801, FLOOD PLAIN ZONING ORDINANCE. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I CANNOT START THIS PROJECT UNTIL THIS APPLICATION I5 APPROVED. I SAALL COMPLY WITH THE I,AW5 OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS WILL CAUSE IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. APPLICANT: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: P - 62Applitca!nts Signature City Engineer ~r~~~~'~~-~j~,- 3/zo l07 Owner's Signature (if different than above) Approval Date ' 1:T0RMS&LEITERS\APPSdPERNSI'SN1imrGrading8Fi11Pertnitdoc 3 Rev2/OS 4HE4,, eat Ridge City of Wh Comm. Add Structure PERMIT - 070205 ?ERMIT NO: 070205 ISSUED: 03/16/2007 70B ADDRESS: 6301 38TH AV EXPIRES: 09/12/2007 DESCRIPTION: medical clinic addition,site/ landscaping improv.,.& remodel. CONTACTS gc 303/423-0123 Joe Gerber 01-8128 General Gerber'Const. "Inc; owner 303/940-9118 Maurice Archuleta aub 303/271-1171 Jack Howard ,c.s 06-0120 Howard,Electric, Ine. sub 303/420-5470 Paula Tutty 4~1,0 02-0001 Southwest Mechanical Managemen;ub 303/659-6000 AGrS40~ 02-0051 A-Werner Plumbing PARCEL INFO t+ `4,cai.. p' tONE CODE: R-C USEi UA " '>UBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ k* FEE SUMMARY ~Sgg,v,\V STIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 278,500.00 FEES Engin. Review Fee w5~i &200.00 ~.,,m PlesseNote: Permit Fee ``-'~a~~0 2,595.07 I',~-.:;et2dcon5~tru~tinresponsibleforlocafingproporey Plan Review aee ~ ~0 1,585.80 g~pro;~ementsaccordinq tot,w Total Valuation '`d~~,, & .00 :vedplan andreq•,yreddeve:opmentsT,?r,';u4's. 5,013.00 is not tesponsible for inaccurate ra ~r.:-a Use Tax wit6in the plan set ard an TOTAL *a 0~ 9.494.87 ._C yCO •s resuIting from i,z, cu;al,, ents: OK w/ notes. Subject to field inspection. Must comply w/ 2003 IBC, 2005 etc... See attached sheets, erosion control measures need to be in place prior to truction commencement. OK per redlines. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pesmit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City oE Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applicat' an that I assume £ull r ponsibility £or compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.H.C) and all other applic le WAidgeo i nk der this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. ,~~r r r/n ner Jate ~ This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension.must be received prior to espiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. If this permit espires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) yeaz. if changes have been or iE suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new peimit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow oE water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Huilding Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit Eor, nor an approval of, an violatio E the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan r_evT€su' t to fiel ' spections. of Chief Buildidg OfYical aace N REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. ~r ~ q/ ~ m City of Wheat Ridge C~~ORP~~ Comm. Add Structure PERMIT - 070205 PERMIT NO: 070205 ISSUED: 03/16/2007 . : JOB ADDRESS: 6301 38TH AV EXPIRES: 09/12/2007 DESCRIPTION: medical cl inic addition,site/ landscaping improv. , & remodel ' CONTACTS ' gc 303/423-0123 Joe Gerber 01-8128 General Gerber Const:` ~Inc::. owner 303/940-9118 Maurice Archuleta sub 303/271-1171 Jack Howard 06-0120 Howard Electric, Inc. sub 303/420-5470 Paula Tutty 02-0001 Southwest MechanicalManagemety sub 303/659-6000 Bi 02-0051 A-Werner Plumbing~ PARCEL INFO •~6r,~2~ a r ZONE CODE: R-C •`ta'a" csv $1 USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ • FEE SUMMARY 9~ a `0 ESTIMATED ZOJECT VALUATION: FEES S~ Engin. Review Fee ~~a y 2 0. Permit Fee 3,25 5 ~PleaseNote: Plan xeview Fee 2,11 41 er/contractorisresponsibleforlocatmgproFerfy Total Valuation p". lines and constructing inipro-remenL^ accordcng [o approved p!an and reqa ;-e3 deve2oPment stand. 6 660.0 Use Tax The CiYy is not responsible for inaecurate m'b__ TOTAL V 9 t y~ , 234 . 9 submiiYed vvithin the plan set and any cors,-,,, ~ •~6 Comments: DFB: See attached sheets, erosion control measures need to be in place prior to construction commencement. TRC OK per redlines. CR: OK w/ notes. Subject to field inspection. Must comply w/ 2003 IBC, 2005 NEC, etc... I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applic/ q Whej~t RidgeF.6f "d,i ces, for work under this permit~. P~ans subject to field inspection. ~ lY This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to-the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Suilding Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permiC shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to espiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building OEficial. 3. If this permit expires, a new pesmit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. . S. Contractor shall notify the Huilding Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written apprwal on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval o£ dxawings.and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, a violat' pxovisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan reyY€s,1W et to field-3 pections. o£ date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING-OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. W ~ LL Q ~ o o e W¢° V N 6LL N H ~ ° aG1 G~!. a V jp . c+~j 3 ~WC c _ BUILDING PE ~ ~..~om y 1T I N V-7EzN Q'. - R N~:~-9r inspec#ion this permit mus# be posted ~c ,!1~ y ~ 10 L CL the si#e and visible firom #he street. (45 Q N f0 N .p.C O wS 3 m€2~.'~ ~ J Y ~ U O ~ 9 ~ y C.N ■ ~ d m c~ ~ y s applicant.for a b ' m° W= terms and conditions connection with this requires: TERMS AND GONDITIONS on uilding permit in the City ofWheah Ridge, I do hereby agree to the set forth below far the issu~nckpf'ta. Certificate ofi Occupancy in building permiY. The Issuan:ce>;.pf a'C:ertificate of Occupancy 1) The completion of all required landscaping ancj eelaYtd'.site improvements. Inspections are perfiormed by the Planning and Zoniiig.Div(saon.%'. 2) The completion of site drainage/grading requiremerits per the ;approved site _ grading pian and/or final drainage report and plan, i( such re~SDr~'rand plan is applicabie. Far all residential, and nonresidential projects wiGh,an;apptoved.final draina,ge report and plan, a letter of certification is required froriaathe_,ci~Ti! engineer of record. Inspections are performed by the Public Works Depar#iiient. 3) fihe completion and.acceptance by the City pf Wheat Ridge of alI required public improvements, or a Development Covenant or cash escrow may be required in lieu of construc#ion, as deterrnfned by the Public Works Department, The Pubiic Works Department performs public improvements inspections. 4) The completion and approvai of a Certificate of Occupancy Appiication form and. finat inspections. Inspections are perFormed by the Building Division. Afl Yhe above items musY, be compieted and approved by Planning and Zoning, Building and Pubiic Vi(orks 6efiore a Certifiicate of Occupancy is issued. Final Inspectibn by the Building.Division does no# cortstitute authorization of a CertifcaYe of Occupancy nor . permission for occupancy. Occupancy of #he structure is not perrni##ed until the Gertificate of Occupancy is issued: (Uniform 8uilding Code, Section 109) The City is not responsible for any real estate closings or other agreements conceming the properly which may be affected by failure to complete the above items and obtain a Certifica#e of Occupancy. I have read, understand and agree to the f.oregoing terms and conditions. I have received a copy of the application for Certifcate of Occupancy. oF wneqr ~ Po City of Wheat Ridge Community Development I . c~lORP00 4,rMERM . RUILDINGPL Propeity Owner: u r~ ce: Ar c hu I 'JA Property Address: 6301 W,38~k ~vc- Contractox License No.: ' - Company:~`7ehzvwk el-Zrbe- .OWNER/CONTR4CTOR BIGNATURE. OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGR I.hereby certify that thesetback distances. proposedby this permits accurate;.and do not violate applicable otdinances, rules or regulation , -Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements.or restrictions of rewrd; that all i shown, and atlegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree . conditions'.printedonthis application and that.l.assume full res compliancewiththeWheatRidgeBUildingCode(I.B.C)andallotherap RidgeOrdinances,forworkpnderthis.pe~r~ ~°..bjecttofieldi r~ : (BVJW€#(EBMFRA6~Q~2) SIGNED AR4 P+'✓/ DAl Ivl'~'~'~VIStL~~S+JNT 3 ~3 VFS,~'~ : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED ~ DA- Use of Space (description): Description of work: A-DpjtIoV 17FMFD1C-f;t 5TcEL Fv«I WtP- iJ o7-M- Sq.Ft. added 2193`"✓i- 'BU 1 C.T LJ p . : P'bdf, 10 BUILDING DEPARTIV . ONINGCOMMENTS' Approval: ~Zoning: L-» . . ~G BUILDINGCOMMENTS . . Approval: . . . . PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: . . . . . . ~ IREDEPARTMENTCOMMENTS. ' Approval: Occupancy: Walls Roof: Electrical License No: ' Plumbinglicense Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Bmlding Codes theCity " '(2) This permit shail expire if (A) the work authorized is not comr autFiorized is suspended or abandoned for.a period of 180 d~ -..(3). If thispermit.expires, anew permit may be acquired for a fee tiavebeenorwillbemade.intheoriginalplans.andspeci£cati. (1) year. If changes have 6een or ifsuspension or abandonm (4) No work ofany manner shall be done that will change the na (5). Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector.twenry four (24 . approval on inspeclion card before proceeding with successi (6) The issuance of a permit or the: approval of drawings and ; approval of, anyviolation ofthe provisionsmfthe bwldmg codE is subject to field inspectionsJ Chief Building Official v ~ ~ . g ~ 2 C>- r t F WHEqT I City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Number. ~ m Community Development Department oate: ~aCORPOO C"Vi,~~'j!'~k=%kkML & ~F'.LULHF.~[~.A.R.-('w.E BGA~kr-,DMP~KIW~~PK.a".4 ..{:ON. . Property Ownex: M A uri cE A'r c 1~U ~~-;-q Property Address: 4 301 W. 39 F hA ~e Phone: 3 G 3b`( 1 Contractor License No.: . Company:C:72Yle~c~~ e,evb2~ ~hS~'. Phone: 3634 33CS\2.3 OWNER/CONTR4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDMG AND AGREEMENT guildinaDepf.l/aluafionFigure: $ 1 hereby ceftiry that the setback distances proposed bythis permit application areaccurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applicatfon and that.l assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ritlge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, forwork unier this pefibjectto field inspection. intf~~s~~Ves~SK-1"#€`~3°~~~{'v8ks ' (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR):PRINTED - DATE V2IU0:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax: Total:$ Use of Space (description): Med k4~\ C 1,K. L. Description of work: ADpitIoN DF MtDIe-ALGLtQic, 'jU C~I~»~~ G61J57(CVL'7'lOY~ 5TcEL FvZAWls IJ C?'+F STUCco.hnlD MatA-. 5AR Sorp~qr W trl-1 Sq. Ft. added ~.I q 3"~Jr- B U I LT Uf? RbafF, l0cw oEs c.kN 1vs,--,APE/S,rE f M.0 k_bUEIV(EIJ'C'5 COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: COMMENTS: Approval: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY '~'dy2~ ,IC WORKS COMMENTS: D ~ Approval: - ~2o5/onJ con,T~oL rr. DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: ApprovaC ' Roof: ~ FEB 0.9 2007 ./1U 7D v ~ NE Tv I A.) tial Units: Electrical License Na ' Plumbing License No: Mechanical License Na Company: Company: Company: ~ Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: ApprovaC Approval: - Approval: ' (1) , This permit was issued in accordance with the provlsions set fodh in your application and is subject to:the laws of the State of . . Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code4 of Wheai Ridge, Colorado or any oiher applicable ordinances of ` the City. . . . . . . . . . . . (2) . This permit shail expire if (A) the work authorized isnot commenced within siaty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for.a period of'I80 days. - . (3) If ihis permii expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amountnormally required, provided no changes . Fiave been orwiil be made.in the original plans and specifications and anysuspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceedsone.(1) year, full fees shall tie paid for a new permit. . (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturai flow of water causing a drainage pmblem. . . .(5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspectortwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shalYreceive written ' approval on inspection card before proceeding.withsuccessive phases of the job: (6) The issuance of a permit-or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not heconstrued to be a permit for, nor an approvalof,anyviolationoftFieprovisionsoftliebuildingcodesoranyotherordinance,Jaw,_.mleorregulation.Allplanreview ' is subject to field inspections. Chief Building Official oF WHEqp . . ~ Po Clty of WheBt Ridge Building Permit Number: ~ m Community Development Department Date: ~~CORA00 . COMMERCML & kY4CFLTI`-:A"_.~4G4IL..4. ~'..E C.A4~EVG ~~RMIeE ~~~LICA d' ION . Properiy Owner: M A u ri cC Ar c hU lt,4~ Property Address: 6 30, W. 39 F~A,'c Phone: 363 cN0 Y IIY Contractor License No.: Company:C72V1e,ickI C1eY192Y C,045~1 Phone: 363 43.3 612.3 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN7 guildinp Dept. Valuation Figure: $23Gj,'<''~.~ I hereby certify that the setback distancesproposed by this permit.application areaccurate,.and do not violate applirable ordinances, rules or regulations of theCity of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenis or restrictions of record; thatall measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, forwork unoer this pefpjt~~'iibjectto field inspection. 7 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED ' DATE V21U0:$ IYI"I-'~'~✓ISILV¢$~SN-('~~J~T~`f (~0~~ ~ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax: Total:$ Use of Space (description): MeLca \ C 1,KtL Descriptionofwork: ADD)TloN DF M6DIr-AI-GLiQ1c, '[b Cji:5z1nS~, Gont5tlZV~'~'IOr~ 5TGEL fYLqWl6 W if-+4- STUCco.ilrilD NIetAL 13,4 Q Soi~~' W tT1-1- Sq.Ft.added 711351-- 'BUitT UP EZbD'~, fpJCI.,VOES (.A-N'D$c.q-PF-/SI-rE (Mpk_a0EMEPSt'5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 51 C: Sq. Ft.: NGCOMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: JINGCOMMENTS:O' ~ ~ 2D ~ Approval: M~ V (S ~ E8 09 2007 .IC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS . ~ ~ Approval: IOccupancy: Walls Roof: Stories: Residential Units: I I Electrical License No: l~ ~ Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: suu~ ~~PS~ Company: Company: A UJo6\2 r , Company: ~y, ae~- Expiration Date: Expiretion Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) . This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set fodh in your application and is subject tothe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within siuty (60) days fmm issue date or (B) the building . authorized is suspended or abandoned for.a period of 180 days. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes fiave been orwill be made in the originalplans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exoeeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one.(1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit.. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) . Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written . approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phaseaof the job. (6) The issuance of a permitor the approval of drawingsand specifications shall nof be construed to be a permit for, nor an approvalof,anyvioiationoftheprovisionsofthebuildingcodesoranyother ordinance;law,.ruleorregutation.Aliplanreview . is subject to field inspections. . . . . . . Chief Building Official Feb. 28. 2001 2;31PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No, 0395 P. 2 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECT1011I DISTRICT PO BOx 507 • 3$80 UPHAM S7REe7 o VIIHEAT RIDGE, CoLoR,ano 800340507 8034035900 • FAX303-9d0-03S0 • WWW.WRFIRE,ORG Maurice Archuleta February 28,2007 6301 West 38" Ave Wheat Ridge, Coloxado 80033 Ra: 6301 West 38fiAve., Remodel addition. The following requirements are made under the 2003 International Pire Code adopted by the Fire Board af the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and the City Council of the Gity o:f Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Plans submitted show remodel for bathroom areas ozily. The pIans do not show work to electrical or FiVAC. The complete plans do not show the exact scope of all work to be pezformed. Plans shall be submitted for approval. 2. Plans shali be submitted to the Fire District for perm.itting and appxoval of the required fire alarm. The alarm shall have A.D.A. requirements incorporated 3. The exits shall have iIluminated exit signs with battery backup. A,11 paths of egress shs11$ave emergency back up lighting. 4. The EXIT doors shall have signs stating "TFIESE DOORS TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHILE T'I-IE BITILDING IS OCCUPIEb." 5. The address fox this tenant shall be visibXe from the street of address. Minimum heigIit is 5 inches. 6. The gas and electiical panels shalt be addressed with the unit they serve. 7. Fue Extinguishars with a minunum rating of 2A-40BC shall be mounted every 75 Feet within the building. (Plans submitted do noC show any fire extinguishez's.) 8. AU phones shall post exnergency numbers. 9. Inspections sha31 be required befoxe the City of Wheat Ridge issues a final C.O. 10.Other requirements may be made at the time of inspections. Any qnestions regarding these requirements please contact me at the Fire Dis Douglas J. Saba Fue Marshal Fire Code Inspectax # 5683898-66 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK,S REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: h Applicant: Phone: ~d~'~~3~~C1r 7-:3 Location of Construction: (e 3 0/ Ga. 3844' ,4v4F-,urJe Purpose of Construction: $uo-Di&& 1"a s -770-,U Single Family Commercial Building Pernut Valu OO~j Multi-Family DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES Development Review Processing Fee: $100.00 $ /00 • b D (For document processing) Single Family Residence Review Fee: $50.00 $ (For review of applicable technical documents) Commercia]/Multi-Family Review Fee: •(For review of exisring technical documents) $100.00 $ / D O-On •(For review of technical documents for ROW construction, Final Drainage Report, G& EC Plan $500.00 $ Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: $200.00 $ (For document review and processing) TOTAL REVIEW FEES (due at time of Building Permit issuance): $ ZDp •0b PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITfiIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Siguature of Applicant ~ Date ~ (sf LI-I KAFORMS & LETTERSDEVELOPMENT FORMSTee S4vclure (1-22-07).doc Aev 1/07 OF W HEqTR/ . DEPARTMENT OFPZ7BLIC WORKS COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW DI partment o Public Wbrks Date: 2 `22/D 7 Location: 630 / (,J , 3 $-H+ /4yi!F-A-)vc ATTENTION: BUII,DING DEPARTMENT I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a Bv«Di~U .9~D<ne.v to be located at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. L ~ Proper[y Boundary Closure: J~ OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. 2. ~ Drainage: a. Final Drainage Report and Plan required _ b. Drainage Plan & Certification Letter required c. Lot drainage/grading is to be reviewed by the Building Division ~ d. Site drainage/grading has been reviewed and are: ✓OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations 3. NPDESPermitRequired: _Yes -Lo~No 4. ~C Public Improvements to be comnleted: a. street paving/patching: Yes v No b. curb & gutter: Yes v No c. sidewalk: Yes ✓No d. standard street lights: Yes / No e. pedestrian lights Yes ✓ No f. s[orm sewer: Yes ✓No g. letter of credit required: _ Yes -,G No If a letter of credit is required, for what impr ovements? Amount of the letter of credit: $ /)(ff 5. ~ SIA/PIA required: _ Yes ✓ No 6. / Traffic impact analysis and report required: Yes i' No 7. Street Access Permit required: Yes ✓ No If yes, was it approved by the Director of Public Works? Yes ✓ No 8. J~ Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: ✓Yes No If not, what is requested: e/~i}' Has the dedication been received? Yes No 9. ~ APPROVED: The Public Works Deparrment has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Permit Application, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. 10. Al U#4 NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and does not approve this Permit Application for the reason(s) stated. 11. A*4- t 2. IVZII Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Stipulations: Z122LO7 Date Date NOTE: Any damage to the existing Public Improvements as a result of Chis construction is to be repaired to meet City standards by the Permit Applicant prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.). A Drainage CertiFcation Letter is required prior to the issuance of the C. O. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 tHy 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 oEwheat Ricrge . Deyarhner'f af Public Works LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATED L2Z~b7 ADDRESS 6301 Z-0• 38'~`~-✓'G,a,v~ Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construcfion) to an acceptable condifion, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to deternune the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. DevelopmenE Review Engineer Cc: File Rev 4/03 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 4621 , BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 2119/97 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 6301 38 AVE Contractor License No. : 18738 Company : A. Adkisson Electric, Inc. Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT . I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilit for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable}Nfi$at~idge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : BUS ELE mmm Approval : Zoning : Approval: ammmmmummm Approval: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Walls : Roof SIC Phone Phone: 2309550 Sq. Ft. : Stories : Residential Units : \ Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: uln (1) This permit was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set torth in yopur applica[ion and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Cotoredo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Whea[ Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work au[horized is not commenced within sixty (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspentled or abantloned for a penod of 720 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nofmally requiretl, provided no chan9es have been or will be made in [he original plans and specifca6ons and any suspension or abandonmenf has not exceerled one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (7) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor g all noti(y ihe Builtling Inspectortwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliir~~ ith successive phases of the joh: (6) The issuA of permit or the approval of drawings and specifcalions shall not be construed to be a permi[ for, nor an approval of, any viola[ion of the provisions of the y5u' ing~des or any other ordinance, law, mle or regulation. . Inspector $325.00 $45.00 $0.00 $3.90 $48.90 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (o30I OW, 3g 3S 6 5 /~~73 ~ ori Property Owner: OU 1CO02 P6z01'\0-(-' 0 N S Property Address Contractor License No. Company Date : a- 1, 9' q 7 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable WJLeat,StyJge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : Building Permit Number : CIZ'j S 117 D Phone: c3aS" I5SO Phone : 3 ~y_aa y y Construction value Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total : rnN> 1 09 v CI~GU 1T 1~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC Approval : Zoning : B ui fding~C:o~ititir~'enfs:~ Approvai: Approval : Occupancy : Walls S Sq. Ft. : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : ~r L "CL.c_.~, ) eJC__ Eiectrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : Approvai : Approval : Approval : IN ~~a (7) This pemit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub7'ect to Ne laws ot the State of Colo2tlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Builtliny Code of Whea[ Ridye, Colorotlo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This pemit shall expire if (A) ihe work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (80) days trom issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this pemit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in the onginal plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (i) year, tull tees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4J No work of any manner shall 6e done that will change ihe natu2l Flow of water causing a d2ina9e problem. (5) Contrector shall notify the Builtling Inspector twenty-lour (24) hours in advance (or all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing wiN successive phases of the ob. (6) The issuance of a pemit or the approval o~drawin9s and speci(cations shall not be consWed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval o(, any violation of ihe provisions of ihe building codes or any olher orUinance, law, rule or regulalion. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION _ ( ~ r ~ , ~ , . _ 1,~,-~,~.~, ~5 _ ~ . ~r ~i`~'~ ~ ~5~ ; , , ~ ~ m _ _ R ~ ~ _ _ , . ~ _ . . w ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . , . ~ ~ . ~ 4~: . . . . . . ~ ; ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ . . :i~M . , , - . . r . , . . . . . ; . . . . . . . .k f.....~ . • S . • , ~ ~ ~ ~ , . , , , ~ „ ~ ~ , ~ x _ _ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ , . ~ w; ~ , . _ q . ~ ~ . r /~1.- `h4 •wM, t . ~ . ~ti.ti~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ ~f~ . ~ . . . . ~ . . ~ J 'i*.w ~ . . ~ . . . . . ' . . . . . . ~ . . ~ ~''Frvs; . ~ . l . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✓ ~ . . ~ . , . ' . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . ~ . yF ~ . . ~ . . . i. . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . . 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' . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ to-Q:k DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 4375 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 12/19/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 6301 38TH AV Contractor License No. : 19316 Company : Outdoor Promotions, L.L.C. Phone : Phone:2251550 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN I hereby certity that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegation made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full res onsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Buildin Code (U.B.C.) and all other applica eeat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED-1DATE l^2~ Description : BUS SHELTER Construction Value : $4,300.00 Permit Fee : $100.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $51.60 q T s g Total: $152.10 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : 7319 Sq. Ft. : 52 Emmm Approval : SM 12/11/96 ADVERTISING IS ALLOWED IN R-C ZONE DIST. SHELTER WILL Zoning : R-C HAVE A 5' SETBACK FROM CURB. LOCATED ON PUBLIC R.O.W.. APPLICANT WILL MAINTAIN A 20` RADIUS FOR ~ Approval : "m CLEANUP. AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED FOR A 1' Approval : GK 12117196 EASEMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: m Y om''i3' (7) This permit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regutalions antl Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work aufhorizetl is not commenced within sizty (60) days from issue tlate or (B) the building authorized is suspendetl or abandoned for a period of 720 days. . (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in Ne original plans and speafcations and any suspension or ahandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fuil fees shall be paid for a new permii. (4) No work of any manner shall 6e done that will change the natural flow of water causin9 a dreinage prohlem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Builtling Inspec[or lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (e) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drewings antl speciFlcations shall not be cons[ruetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation oF the provisions of the b lilding otles or y otheror inance, law, rule or regulation. t~~ Chi uilding Inspector Fo~Mayor IS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : C Property Address : 6 361 L✓ . 3S ~f1~~ • Phone : Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value :13 O'G I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are acwrate, P@fmit Fee : lp-ra- S~ and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of 1Nheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations Pian Review Fee : made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Use Tax : S, G a Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabl eat Ridge ordinances for work under this permit. Totai :%S" (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED - DATE/t-/O-9G Description: Qws S ka,'y-Pr- znS4~1ta49 r- BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zorii~'~ Cb~~nt~ lz a 1•`i le Approval:r-d,.i.. Qvviecurisiab is Zoning : gL i1avE 6 y' Ser Buifdin~ ApP~~ca,~sr wSv-u Approval: n b&`z0mvu"Nr wms SIC :-f3 icl Sq. Ft. : SZ i~ b.u.evviJE~> HJ R-~- 'yoN~ ~tST: 5~I27e.y2. Wflt _6ADK- '}`(LVPA CU S. LCC6ti'(b viJ (~ur5~t~'iz:ctW. ~crzcL'~"AtJUi~ MkPJ'Tb:1N A 20' "1zD-D1VGi~ Atl E'&''elvlVNl- aPP¢ovj50 3'ui a i' Plhvw'V-- ~ Approval : v'L/l~ I IL Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential llnits : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: ~ rP~,lan . > ec~_ce.d,~ ~ ~P,;C ns Re,q~fr_ed~j (1) This permit was issueC in accordance with the proNSions set forth in yopur appliwtion and is subject ta the laws of the SWte of Colo2do and to the Zoning Regula6ons and Building Cotle of VJheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other appliwble ordinances of Ue Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire d(A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sizry (60) days trom issue date or (B) the huiltling authonzetl is suspended or abandoned for a penod o1720 days. (3) If Nis pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a lee ol one-half the amount normalty required, provitled no changes have been ar will be made in the onginal plans and speci(cations and any suspension ar abantlonment has not e:ceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new pertnit. (a) No work ot any manner shall be tlone that will change the naturol tlow olwater causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contractor sh II no6fy the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance tor all inspeqions antl shall receive tten approval on inspection wrd be(ore proceetliin su ssive phases of the "ob. (6) T~e issu of a mit or the aDDroval oldrawings and specifications shall noI=n eG t o be a pertnit for, or n approval of, any violation of the Drovisions of the b ICi co ar any other rtlinance, law, rule or regulation. _ Chief w ding inspector For Mayor HIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS Pl EASE PRINT CLEARLY AND FILL OUT FORM COMPLETELY Building Permit Number Date Applicant % rv ~ 'f'i ~-S Address / S' 3 `'7 ~ ~4,°-6~/ city State C-el Zip ~BSa Phone 974-~S-ISSO Location of Construction (address) Purpose of Construction Building Permit Value $ y 30G ~ Commercial 1x_ Residential _ ~ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) Base Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 minimum $~0 Single Family Residential: .003 x(value of improvement) $25 minimum fee $ (includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public rlght-of-wayj Multi-Family/Commercial: .0050 x(value of improvement) $50 minimum fee $ [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminarylfinal drainage study and erosion control plan(s) if required] Site Plan: $50.00 (Not applicable for single family residential) $ Right-of -Way/Easement: $40.00 + $5.001page recording fee $ Development Agreement Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 $ . State Highway Access Permit: $75.00 application fee $ T2ffic Impad Review 8 Report: $100.00 processing fee $ Flood Plain Variance: Class I=$75.00 Class II =$150.00 $ 00 TOTAL REVIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) The above fees include one follow up review to verify that initial deficiencies noted are corrected. Additional review and/or processing past the follow up review and/or processing will be charged against the building permit applicant at the above fee schedule. Please note that additional fees will be assessed for those permits related to construction of public improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Development Review office at 235-2868. \ Signature of Applicant > -:=~'Z/~-' Date / 2-4- I{ OFFIClAL 7_.Oh11 NG MAP WHEAT RI DGE GOLOR,4D0 M.nP .=00?-cD~ _v,e IS. ~99a _cs 4evi5ion, pecem7e- 22. '994 Ie0' R1W Uh tRvl.t Z~R ~ ZONE DSTR'G-' SV Y I~f 24 =nRc- ~_o- (~'cS,Gi.A c5 O'.NNc<5-t?I ' D°NCT=S °A~_ i _c ^DDR°SScS ~ SGA~= : lOC o- :'A`A'i~ hM1V }_Vd0?N-..,TT - :35-2652 P.O. eox ¢70807 UTDOOB -.2AL, Don Goette Fc. couin:, co 80527 o/~OMOT/ONS uc President of Operations (970) 225-1550 M„i~~-n~m nnw,edn9 afflf.wi,,,,ls Cellular (970) 566-1589 f3us Shelter UJorksheet Ciry: State: Sight Location: N~~-~^v Shelter !,/ku4-R,` c- Ga ~'~H'/~ve ~ Kenct.e/ Landmarks: ;n.o-re>Fe> : I Phone I M#: Name: Contracted Date: I Date Completed: I Cost: >e '~nnFr~~Fnr`~ Ph0112#: 1 M#: Name: Locate Conf I Contracted Date: I Date Completed: I Elec. Insp. / Insp Date: Sigh~ Mcap ` ~ y 'x 1 s's~e r'~Yyu cl ~ l~ S/~J17'~t~ L.IO:.vLN S2T ~RGG S'/lv~MCl../b V 3 6cb;ndS.% - s- - - - - - - - - Sid~.cJwlk • .•t~yb*po/~ 3 BUS SHELTER LOCATION Posting Certification r~. residing at 1R3 `J ~'r~ i Qd yT ~ol~r J (applicant's address) as the applicant for a bus shelter with advertising, hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 4 3~ (location of shelter) on the 1,:P day of U vl- n 1994, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for hventy five (25) days prior to issuance of a permit for construction of a bus shelter with advertising. Applicant Signature _ NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Planning and Development Department together with a Building Permit application form and supporting documents, for each proposed bus shelter location STAFf FINDINGS: There were no registered complaints, regarding the above bus shelter location, during the twenty-five (25) days for which the site was posted. Staff Signature / ~N_ / ~S RECEPTION N0. F0346461 6.00 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO PG' 0001-001 12/18/96 12:50:51 BUS SHELTER AND UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned Grantor hereby granu for a one time fee of from Outdoor Promotions, 1839 East Harmony Road, Unit #4, Fort Coliins, CO 80525, its successors and assigns, as the Crrantee, a non-exclusive easement to construct, operate, ~ maintain, and repair a Bus Shelter and electric utility lines and may be hereafter constructed and replaced in: LOT 44,4_t- BLOCK SUBDIVISION O k40 ADDxESS _ 1,,3a1 r,v, in the of section Township Range in the City of ~ County of ~ pk-~9py,, State of the easement being described as follows: The easement is 44~feet in width and ~(5-- feet in length. The boundary lines of the easement shall be the width and length as stated above for the purpose of a concrete pad. In addition, Grantor agrees to allow a continuous strip wide enough to accommodate a buried utility line to the neazest utility pole if applicabie. Together with the right to enter upon said premises, to survey, construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, control and use said Bus Shelters and related fixtures and devices, as may be required to permit the operation of standard construction or repair of Shelters. The Grantor shail be responsibte for disposal, in accordance with Federal and State law(s) and local ordinances, of any soil and debris excavated from the property that is contaminated with hazardous substances, wastes, petroleum, etc. The Grantor reserves the right to use and occupy the easement for any purpose consistent with the rights and privileges above granted and which will not interfere with or endanger any of the said company's facilities therein or use thereof. In case of the permanent abandonment of the easement by Grantee all right, privilege, and interest aranrP.l -ha11 rerminate. The work of installing and maintaining said Shelter and fixtures shall be done with caze; the surface along the easement shall be restored substantialty to its original level and condition.. Signed this --,_4'~day of (\RANTEE: GRANTp Zorl Outdoor Promotions PO Box 270807 Address as~ o Gv /G jj ;-FortCollins, CO 80527 (970) 225-1550 Phone III BUS STOP SHELTER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as between the City of Wheat Ridge, and OUTDOOR PROMOTIONS, L.L.C. "Outdoor Promotions") referred of the 31st day of March, 1996, Colorado (hereinafter "the City") , a Colorado company (hereinafter to collectively as "the parties". 1. RECITALS AND PURPOSE a. The City owns rights-of-way within the City limits in which streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks are constructed. The City does not own the rights-of-way upon which the highways of the. State of Colorado are constructed, although the City may own certain property upon which curbs, gutters, and sidewalks are constructed and which are adjacent to and front on the rights-of-way owned by the State of Colorado. b. Outdoor Promotions desires to use those City rights-of- way along street frontages within the City for installa- tion of bus stop shelters that will have space for commercial advertisement. c. The City will grant a revocable permit to Outdoor Promotions under the terms and conditions as hereinafter specified in this Agreement. 2. GRANT OF PERMIT For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the parties contained herein, and other valuable consider- ation, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowl- edged, the City hereby grants to Outdoor Promotions an exclusive permit for installation of covered bus stop shelters at locations permitted pursuant to this Agreement. This permit may be revoked by the City upon failure by Outdoor Promotions to comply with the terms and conditions hereof. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF BUS STOP SHELTERS Outdoor Promotions shall design, provide plans and specifica- tions for, and erect shelters at certain bus stop locations in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at locations selected in the manner set forth at Paragraph 4. The parties contemplate and intend that at least 30 bus stop shelters shall be erected. Outdoor Promotions will initially erect thirty (30) shelters and will only erect additional shelters with the City's approval. In the event a minimum of 30 shelters have not been erected on or before December 31, 1997, this Agreement shall automatically terminate, and, notwithstanding Paragraph 9, Outdoor Promotions shall remove all shelters within 30 days. A rendering of the standard shelter to be employed within the GED\53027\132506.6 City is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and fully incorporated herein by reference. 4. LOCATION AND APPROVAL Outdoor Promotions shall erect all bus stop shelters at locations mutually agreed upon by both the City and Outdoor Promotions under the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws § 21-151. The procedure for obtaining City approval for the location of a shelter shall be as follows: a. Outdoor Promotions shall make application for the placement of a shelter at a stated location, pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws § 21-151. The application shall specifically state whether an RTD shelter is or was present at the site, and if still present, shall detail arrangements for removal and storage of the same at no cost to the City. b. The application shall describe whether the shelter is to be lighted, and shall briefly describe the style of the shelter and which side panels of the shelter will be devoted to advertising. c. The City, acting through its Director of Planning and Development, shall review the application and act to grant, with or without conditions, or deny. Conditions of approval may include, without limitation, that the shelter not be lighted. d. While Section 21-124(b) of the Code of Laws (made applicable to bus stop shelters by Section 21-151) permits courtesy benches in listed zone districts, the City may grant or,deny a permit for the location of a bus stop shelter for any reason or for no reason. e. The City may require that Outdoor Promotions construct shelters at locations specified by the City, which shelters may not contain advertising, but may be lighted at the option of the City. Outdoor Promotions shall construct one (1) such shelter following the construction of each group of fifteen (15) shelters containing adver- tising; provided, however, that the first fifteen (15) shelters containing advertising shall not be subject to this requirement. The parties may agree to the con- struction of additional shelters without advertising in excess of the amounts required hereby, by reducing the payment to the City under Paragraph 8, or otherwise. f. Prior to construction of any shelter, Outdoor Promotions shall post a notice at tiie proposed shelter location, advising the public of the proposed shelter construction and of its right to object to such construction. In the GLD\53029\132506.6 - Z event no protest, in the form set forth at subparagraph (g) hereof, is filed with the City on or before the 25th day of such posting, construction of the shelter may proceed. g. If a majority of the property owners or a majority of residents within a radius distance of 100 feet in every direction from any such shelter sign a written petition objecting to the placement of a shelter at the proposed location, Outdoor Promotions shall not place a shelter at that location. 5. PERMISSION OF PROPERTY OWNER REQUIRED All bus stop shelters shall be erected on public rights-of-way along the street frontage. Notwithstanding the above, Outdoor Promotions may locate bus stop shelters on private property, provided, however, that Outdoor Promotions shall secure, at its own expense, written leases, authorizations, or grants of easement from the owners of such property, with such leases, authorizations, or grants of easement giving Outdoor Promotions the right to erect and maintain such bus stop shelter on the applicable parcel of real estate. 6. Outdoor Promotions shall make bi-weekly inspections and service stops of all shelters, and shall maintain all shelters in good condition, including, but not limited to making all necessary repairs, graffiti and trash removal, repainting, and replacing, at its expense, any advertising signs which have been damaged or destroyed. Outdoor Promotions shall provide regular snow removal, power washing, and shall control grass and weeds within and in the area of the shelter, on a schedule which shall be supplied to and coordinated with the City's Department of Public Works. After receiving notice of any unsanitary or unsightly condition, state of disrepair, defect, or dangerous condition existing in any shelter, Outdoor Promotions agrees to forthwith repair, replace, or remove such shelter. If Outdoor Promotions breaches this provision requiring the maintenance of bus stop shelters in good repair or condition, the City shall have all remedies as are available for breaches of contract, including the right to terminate the Agreement. Outdoor Promotions shall pay all electric expenses and service costs incurred by the use of electrical lighting. The City agrees to allow and grant to Outdoor Promotions access to and the right to connect or tap into any electrical service which is now or hereafter being furnished to any public street light located in a close proximity to any shelter, subject to all requirements of the City for such construction, 'and provided that Outdoor Promotions reimburses the City for the reasonable costs of - 3 GED\53027\132506.6 such electricity consumed in the operation of lighting of any such bus stop shelters. 7. Outdoor Promotions shall have the full and exclusive right to secure commercial advertisement to be displayed in all bus stop shelters and to receive any monies in revenues derived therefrom. All advertisements secured by Outdoor Promotions shall conform to the standard codes of advertising, and Outdoor Promotions agrees not to display advertising relating to or displaying promotion of political, alcohol, tobacco, pornographic, religious controversial, or immoral advertising. The foregoing sentence is not severable from the remainder of this Agreement. Should this provision be challenged by Outdoor Promotions or any third party, and should it be declared unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement may, at the City's sole option, be terminated. Al1 advertising shall be limited to two (2) panels on the advertising end of each shelter, not to exceed 24 square feet per panel. The back panel of each advertising end of the shelter shall be made available at no cost to the City or to other groups or organizations permitted by the City, for the display of public service information. 8. PAYMENTS Outdoor Promotions shall pay the City a monthly percentage equal to ten percent (10%) of the gross receipts of Outdoor Promotions during the term of this Agreement from advertise- ments placed by Outdoor Promotions in or upon all shelters located within the City under this Agreement. "Gross receipts" as used herein is defined to mean the receipts from gross rentals of all advertising placed in or upon all shel- ters permitted within the City under this Agreement, less any sales tax and related taxes (excluding any state or federal corporate income tax), whether such sales of advertising be evidenced by check credit, charge account, or other exchange. Each charge or sale upon installment or credit shall be treated as a sale for the full price in the month during which Outdoor Promotions sha11 receive payment therefor. Payments shall be made to tfie City monthly, on or before the 15th day of the month following the sale. 9. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement/Agreement shall be for ten (10) years, commencing on March 1, 1996, and terminating on February 28, 2006, unless renewed as hereinafter set forth, provided, however, that the City, pursuant to Section 15.9 of its City Charter, may, at its pleasure at any time, revoke Outdoor Promotions' right to use or occupy any portion of any street, alley or City-owned place. Outdoor Promotions shall GED\53027\132506.6 - 4 - have the option to extend and renew this Agreement, to the degree the parties agree on the terms of such extensions, for three (3) additional periods of five (5) years each. Upon termination of this Agreement, Outdoor Promotions shall remove any bus stop shelters that the City has in writing requested the removal thereof within thirty (30) days and restore the affected sites to substantially the same condition as before the construction of the shelter within ninety (90) days after the date of said termination, all without cost to the City. Any shelters remaining after that time shall become the property of the City. 10. MAINTENANCE OF BOOKS For the purpose of ascertaining the amount payable to the City under Paragraph 8, Outdoor Promotions shall keep at its premises accurate accounts of all gross advertising receipts, with these accounts to be entered in a book of permanent nature. The City shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine the books and records of Outdoor Promotions for the purpose of determining the gross receipts. 11. INSURANCE Outdoor Promotions shall submit a certificate of insurance for comprehensive general liability insurance to the City in which the City is named as an additional insured in the following minimum amounts: a. Bodily Injury or Death -$150,000 per occurrence; $600,000 in the aggregate. b. Property Damage -$150,000 per occurrence; $600,000 ir the aggregate. Outdoor Promotions shall maintain such insurance continuously in force throughout the term of this Agreement and shali annually on the anniversary date hereof provide to the City a copy of the current certificate of insurance. 12. COOPERATION WITH REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT a. Outdoor Promotions agrees that in performing all obligations, imposed upon it hereunder, including by way of example and not limitation, the selection of any proposed location for the placement of a bus stop shelter and the maintenance of any bus stop shelter, to fully cooperate with the Regional Transportation District or successor entity providing substantially the same service. b. In cases where existing RTD bus stop shelters are to be dismantled and replaced with Outdoor Promotion' bus stop GED\53027\132506.6 _ 5 shelter, the new replacement shelter shall automatically become the property of the City in the event of termina- tion of this or any future agreement. All other bus stop shelters will remain the property of Outdoor Promotions. The City shall have the option to purchase all other shelters installed by Outdoor Promotions in the event that Outdoor Promotions or its successors, heirs, or assigns does not, for any reason, renew an agreement with the City. 13. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT The following are conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement: a. Outdoor Promotions shall obtain the agreement of the Regional Transportation District to the removal and storage of existing bus stop shelters owned by the District and located within the City at such time as Outdoor Promotions obtains a permit to place a bus stop shelter at each such location. Evidence of such agreement shall be provided to the City on or before thirty (30) days following execution of this Agreement. b. On or before December 31, 1997, Outdoor Promotions shall have located a minimum of 30 shelters within the City. c. Outdoor Promotions shall have posted a performance bond of $5,000.00 to be retained by the City during the term of this Agreement to guarantee performance of its obligations hereunder. 14. INDEMNIFICATION Outdoor Promotions expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and any of its officers or employees from any and a11 claims, damages, liability, or court awards, including costs and attorney's fees that are or may be awarded as a result of any loss, injury or damage sustained or claimed- to have been sustained by anyone, including but not limited to, any person, firm, partnership, or corpo'ration, in connec- tion with or arising out of any omission or act of commission by Outdoor Promotions or any of its employees or agents in using and occupying any location for a bus stop shelter. Outdoor Promotions agrees that the City is not and will not assume any liability, responsibility, or costs for any damage or maintenance to any structures or improvements erected by the Permittee under this Agreement. 15. LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS Outdoor Promotions agrees that it will never institute any action or suit at law or in equity against the City or any of - 6 GED\53027\132506.6 its officers or employees, nor institute, prosecute, or in any way aid in the institution or prosecution of any claim, demand, or compensation for or on account of any damages, loss, or injury either to person or property, or both, known or unknown, past, present or future, arising from the revocable permit granted hereby. 16. DEFAULTS; TERMINATION If either Outdoor Promotions or the City fails, neglects or refuses to perform any of its covenants, terms and conditions when and as required under this Agreement, each party shall have such remedies as are available at law or in equity; provided, however, that any default in the payment of money may be corrected within thirty (30) days of its occurrence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City may declare this Agreement terminated in the event Outdoor Promotions fails to adequately perform its obligations after thirty (30) days written notice of such failure. 17. NOTICES All notices required or allowed to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be addressed to the parties, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: If to Outdoor Promotions: 1839 East Harmony, U 4 P.O. Box 270807 Fort Collins, CO 80525 If to the City: 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Attention: Public Works Director with a copy to: 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado Attention: City Attorney 18. GENERAL PROVISIONS This Agreement shall be;construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. Venue for any action interpreting or enforcing this Agreement shall be in the District Court for Jefferson County, Colorado. This Agreement provides for an independent contractor relationship. Neither Outdoor Promotions, nor any of its officers, employees or agents, shall for any purpose be deemed employees, officers G6'D\5302]\132506.6 - 7 or agents of the City. This Agreement sha11 not be assigned by Outdoor Promotions without the prior written consent of the City, which may withhold its consent for any reason. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties, their respective legal representatives, success- ors, heirs, and assigns; provided, however, that nothing in this Paragraph shall be construed to permit the assignment of this Agreement except as otherwise expressly authorized herein. The City reserves the right to move any bus stop shelter in an emergency, as determined by the City, or for maintenance or construction of sidewalks, roadways or other public utilities. The City is not responsible for losses or damages to bus stop shelters occasioned by third parties. Any delays in or failure of performance by any party of its obli- gations under this Agreement shall be excused if such delays or failure are a result of acts of God, fires, floods, strikes, labor disputes, accidents, regulations or orders of civil or military authorities, shortages of labor or materi- als, or other causes, similar or dissimilar, which are beyond the control of such party. This Agreement is intended to describe the rights and responsibilities only as to the parties hereto. This Agreement is not intended and shall not be deemed to confer any rights to any person or entity not named as a party hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first appearing above. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO By: Dan Wilde, Mayor ATTEST: , C•\ ~ Wanda Sang, Cit~~ Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY C?TY AT Ge ld E. Dahl, City Attorney cso\53027\:32506.e -8 OUTDOOR PROMOTIONS L.L.C. ATTEST: By: Gary D. Young, President/CEO Mark Saymon Office & Personnel Manager ceo\53027\132506.e - 9 I 5~ Rq SI ~ l--H K ~ gXIiIBIT 1 Example of Style and Construction of Bus Stop Shelter to be used in Wlieat Ridge, Colorado K ( IN (5 ~~{~LIF~ S1`ILE CoLoR: tJ,C- SZl v~ 'X 1- 1;aZK 6kfaEM KF- iau.1 c.. - GE ~ --~,~_r~~_ NERAL NOTES l~ All: STRUCTURA~ STEEL, UNI.ESS ~THERWISE N~TED, SHAI.L BE ASTM A-3b, MINFMUM YIELD STRENGTH 36,Oa0 PSI, 2, AL~ Al.UMINUM MEMBERS, UNLESS ~THERWISE ~ za+E r~v NOTED, SHAL~ BE QF ALL~Y 6063-T5, o~~ ~ 3, AL~. HOLES SHALL BE DRILLED ~R PUNCHED, 4, STEE~ WELDING SHALL CaNF~RM t[1 AMERICAN ~ WEI.DING S~CIETY STAlVDARD DL I-80, ~ ~ ELECTR~DES SNALL CONFORM T~ ASTM A233, ` - , ~ I.ASS E70XX, ' ~ _ 1 , ~ 4- ~ ~ 1 F _ C~ ~ D _ - ~ z ~ ~ _ ~ W 0 ~ ce ~ o J Q ~ ~ Q W ° C~ ~ ~d ~ ~ y W ~ } ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ - _ ~ O - ~ ~ r- - - ~ - T~ ~ ~ ~ ~t Z f _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ d- I / , ~ ~ a AR { ` ..'~°^i...i~~.w.. 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SECTIO e o a ; M „ e I BACK ~ N G~ ,Q ELEVATION ~ r 1? N Tobr Manufocturing Company, lnc 3 • 501 S. R09!! St., Anaheim CA 92805 SECTION ECTI m`i EL~A~o~+ Qwc 13' WITN AD SOX ON ,,,•~~a F TY OF WHEATRI E rONAt um tom mv ~ 1241 9 2~scALE 3 5 96 ~""^r ~LAKso DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 4182 Date : 11/13/96 Property Owner: Property Address : 6301 38TH AV Contractor License No. : 19277 Company : Vista Graphics Phone : 940-9118 Phone : 699 4600 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $1 625.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, P21'fTllt F22 : $15.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations covenants Plan ReView Fee : $0.00 , made are accurate; that I have read and a@ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that i assume full si 'lity r compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building ~ Use Tax : $19.50 Rid 'e ordinances, for work under this permit. Code (U.B.CJ and all other applica le W i (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE DATEf U ^~C Total : $34.50 Description : sign BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : 24 Approval : SM 1116196 Zoning : R-C Approval : milemmommom Approval : Occupancy : Walls 8' SIGN NEEDS 10' SETBACK (71' IS SHOWN ON PLAN) Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ~ ~~~M lm impmem e , (7) This pertnitwas issued in accordance with the provisions setforth in yopur applicafion antl is subjectto the laws of fhe State of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulafions and Buildin~ Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) ihe work authorized is not commenced wiihin sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building aufhorized is suspended or abantloned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, providetl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not eacceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done iha[ will change the naturel flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contrector shall notiry the Building Inspectorhventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (e) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be conshued to be a permi[ for, nor an approval of, any violatlon of the provisions nf fhe huildinodes onanv other ordinance. law. rule or (egulation. Chief B il ing Inspector THI RMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : ~F_A~ PropertyOwner:lfC'~U Property Address : 1'?61 Contractor License No. : Company : Phone: qzl~) -pl/y Phone : ~ p-~-49JD OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all condition printed on this application, and that I assume full responsi 1~ for comp {ance with t~Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W ~at Ridge or i a 6 s, for rk under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED TE~~-~~o Description BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zo'nih~• oC`-inmAn"ts'~ il- cp 'q(C SIC: Sq.Ft.: ~r...,-_ Approval: ~w~ R~~ ~ 1~.ee.:QA ioi r,e,ibkc1, LllI IA 4Yn.~~ o~ Zoning :9-G B_ui~dmg °_om enm ts"~ Approval: P. u61 ic:~W~Co'ffimen Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: wq FPians RequireN_ IM lfflans Requice N Wfait~"Re"wq~7i~,ed (1) This permit was issued in accortlance with the provisions set (orih in yopur applica5on and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and lo the Zoning Regulalions antl Builtling Code of VJheat Ritlge, Coloretlo or any other applica6le ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a penod ot 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquireC for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and speciFications ana any suspension or abandonment has not ezceeded one (1) year. It changes are made or if suspension or a6antlonment exceeds one (1) year, tull tees shall be paitl for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone Nat will Uange the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contreclo hall notify the Buildin9lnspeMortwenty-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspedions and shall receive wntten aOProval on inspection rard hefore procee n with successive phases of the ~ob. (6) The i ua ce ot a pprtnil or the gpprov. ayo~drawings and specifications shall not be constmed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any.viola6on of the provisions of t e 6u'tling wqfs or any otbpr ordip3nce. law, rule or regulation. Inspector For Mayor Construction Value : /O2s Permit Fee : !S - 07J Plan Review Fee : Use Tax Total : IS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION b r C ~ ~ 0 D ~ ~ `b 0 T ~i ~r 0 ~ ~ r' ~ ➢ ~ ~ ~ r, n ~ ~ ~ O V ~ v~J ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ C ~ Z ~ ~ k-faN DA L--~- b` ~ , : o1~U~3~ a o , s ~;IlC~~ G~a CH~l~C~qq ~la a o C~ ~ (b" i ~ ~ p4A~~N I I II I i ~ ~ i H` ~f~L'-E: YvH\i~ fLEX F~~in(7ED DlOBMIik'fJO(`k Ei LLtvES CSO~-[~ G-O60 I ~ I ~ ~t3lht6T ~ 5'iRj ` 2't 6A~ 54fECT(Mr-57AC i (F->Ce,a gN~St~ C).~+, rMS~ ~ pal,~eo METl+Li.iG cYo~~ i ~ , I I ~ ~ I i ' I I ~ ~ i ~✓~f~{~ 1121 ~LSL rA,1VI ~ Lv G L l IV i G I SCA E' . APPROVEDBY: 1 DRAWN B - REVISED DRAWING NUMBER 11 X 17 PRIMEO ON NO. 1000N CIEAFPPIM• . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 Correction Notice _ Job Address: (0 S° 10~~ W- \ze . When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933. Date: - Inspector DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE : ~=1 7500 West29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge August 22, 2007 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: PRO] OLD NEW ADDRESSES: 6301 W 38t" Ave Wheat Ridee CO 80033 (eastern portion of building) 6303 W 38`h Ave Wheat Ridee CO 80033 (new addition westem oortion of building) SUBDIVISION: Noro Subdivision LOT(s) 1 BLOCK KEY PARCEL NO(S): 39-243-16-002 NOTES: ! AUTHORIZED BY: DATE: Z Z- 07 DISTRIBUTION: 1. Property Owner 2. Jefferson County Assessor, AT"I'N: Data Control, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, 80419 3. Jefferson County Mapping, ATTN: Addressing, 100 7efferson County Parkway, Golden, 80419 4. U.S. Post Office, 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, 80033 5. Xcel Energy, ATTN: Correspondence, P.O. Box 840, Denver, 80201 6. Qwest Communications, Attn: Shirley Campbell, 12121 Grant Street, Room 601, Thornton, CO 80241 7. Comcast, Attn: Jon Alvino, 6793 W. Canyon Ave., #13C, Littleton, CO 80128 8. Water District: Wheat Ridge 9. Sanitation District: Wheat Ridge 10. Fire Dish-ict: Wheat Ridge 11. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 12. Wheat Ridge Building Division 13. Wheat Ridge Police Deparhnent 14. Log File 15. Other: NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: "The Carnation City" DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-337 Date :2/14/95 Property Owner : Property Address : 6301 38TH AV - 3825 KENDALL Contractor License No. : Company : Phone: 238-4474 Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide bY all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE Construction Value : $300.00 Permit Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $0.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : GM 02/10/95 Zoning : RC Approval : SE 02/13/95 Approval: Occupancy : Walls BOLLARDS MLUST BE LOCATED AT CORNERS OF SCREENING FENCE Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions sel forth in yopur applicalion and is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Re9ulations and Building Code of Whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordina~lces of the City. (2) This permit shall ezpire if (A) the work au[honzed is no[ commenced within sixty (60) days from issue tlate or (6) the building authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, providetl no changes have been or will be made in the oriqinal plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall 6e paitl for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e the natural flow ofwater causing a tlrainage problem. (5) ConVactor shall no[ify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspedions and shall receive written approval on inspection wrd before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings and specifcations shall not be construetl to 6e a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of [he provisions of the building Codes or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulation. 3 1C't Chief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE,.CO 80215 Property Owner : p21 P, ilt Property Address :u~ 3 a'?h Pnone :~3B' Contractor License No. : Company: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : U~d I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, PeffTllt FBe : and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building ~ i Code (U.B.C.) and all other appliwble Wheat Ridge ordinanc , f work under this permit. Total: $0.00 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED TE Description : j~ N BUILDING DEiPARTMcENT USE ONLY APProval:~~ Z•l0,°~`j ~~~°-e,"`""~'t ~ Zoning :9v Approval : a . -95 Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Expiration Date : Approval: R` Expiration Date : Approval : mull.-~"_.,~~g-Rim (1) This permitwas issuetl in accortlance with ihe provisions set forth in yopur applicalion and is subjectto ihe laws of the State of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulations and euildin8 Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days hom issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspended or abantlonetl for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in the ge l plans and specificalions and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment s one (7 ) year, full fees shall be paid tor a new permi[. (4) rk oFany manner shall be done ihat will change fhe natural flow of water causing a dreinage pro6em. (5) ctor shall noliry the Bultling Inspecortwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection caN before tliing wiih successrve phases of the job. (6) ance of a permit or theproval of d wings and specifcations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions blding cotles or any ofykr or¢JAanw, rule or regula[ion. Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ro 5 t E L N~ -u L i•- N !"t V C yt ~n C! N 7 C G) d E ~ 04, ,~j •r 6~ ~o L V ~ t 41 ~ C . v in v r r- a~ a~ o~+ v L a ~ c~SF-,•.....,,Oy~., Gl Y L/O N> N .n i U L L a,- 4- o ~ a~ ~o r c~ v~n ~ ~t~,o {f'D Zp'• ~ 0.! 4J C VI ~ 1] XLL L CL m N~ V= W ~ ~,~U? U i A A v W ~M d M N U• ~:0.7 Fc ~}.1;~06 1'~ .r~ •4, d ~'6 ~'rd,~''• . S'~P. ~ ,v~~Pny,~~~*~•"~ ~ ~ 116.0~ ~ ` ~ , o S Do ~ 84.0 3 0 .9' 0 ~ W ~ ' . W o ~ 1 a . . . . . . .j . 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ J m S . . . . 'o V ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ` ~ $2.0 ,o -30.0 `l u v W ~ ' 6.0 ~ d 38TH AVENUE