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7000 W. 38th Avenue
x �t E' x „e k WF h x III IIID' r, �`a tk.e g, ���� � .. ..• III 'I�I� �e a t 11 t ut a�1 fit` din, t3 r'1 � w � nti P, r � `t �x t� 1 u 1 tk" .w. # M d M M y �'.' M di �" � •� a �� k • � M MMM i ' . �� rw is ♦ M * M M M '� ��� s M M• M M M a M air M aM t , r • a • - • - « : ,. - rat w +r . • • e ' • • +wt , ;t,�; � : � �, � ' +a • � . �► s .: ♦ - - • # �. a au. 1 Y` � l t *c I 7^1 I b, ���� �� illllllll�lill�l [If��I�IIVI�I`;'.,,�» • � �{ �a;ii'�u�iIINII�IVIiIINillll 111�11i °N .�F�,�,'�N,�� I�IpI;! wl iiilVllll IIN e,[� `.� � � ii �� I�I��I��Ppli'd'��I'"N���'`"' wM s x��Y City of Date: ,.� Wh6at��'lictie CC0 DEvE-LoPMENT Plawpennit # Buildings &�Inspection Services Division 7500 Wf 2 Ave., Wheat Ridge; CO 80033 Plan Review Fft O sy ffice* 303. 235 -2855 * Fan 303-237-8929 Inspection tine; 303-234-5933 Sub tt tars.- Ucw- h a njrtzfa L;ompfete all information on HtlTH sides of this form terials to be used, etc.) OAAvAjc=- A*jg j!l Buildin D ivision Once I have this information I can continue my review If you have any questions feel free to contact me. www.d.wheatridge.coms Cgrtifitatc of aflame Aegistarue XEGISTERED APPLICATION CONCEIN —. 4— r - Date Wtook P614orm'd -' 7 This is to certify that the = 2 1e 4 r0ls o ge o scribed on the reverie side hereof have been Rome- retardant trealed (or are inherent onflamoble), TRI VANTAC-3E'Lt-C 2937 WEST 25th STREET FOR AT The flame Retardant Process Used Be Removed By Washing (will at will not) By Name rodochop Superinfendent TWO Control/ lot ------ ------- o uan tit y 4, 1 -00 YD Customer order # - 11 746 Destription_WEATHERTYTE 160Z 74" WT-76TRC TERRAC01"TA RED Td Van LLC Invols:41V 2 15, Product Code GOONEY, INCORPORATED 50 ESTEN AVENUE FAw RI 02660 AWNING CO OF' AMERICA INC 77 KALAMATH ST DENVER CO 80223-1549 The COOLEY Group R'e Lsfr)rr Date: 6 -7-10 Ref. March 2006 x U'SR ,. Warp 257 PRODUCT SPECIFICNrION 1140 161 eaee 1.0 BASE FABRIC lbs 1,1 Base Fabric Weight 2,9 c ly 0 2 1,2 Fiber t Style Polyester 1 We ft Inserted 2.0 COATED FABRIC Warp 21 Total Weight 16 oz 544 gIM2 2.2 Thickness 20 mils 0,51 min 2,3 Coating Type PVC 2.4 Coating Distribution 55/45 .5 Sealing Properties ED Dielectric ED Thermal $0 MATERIAL PROPERTIES I S Standard Metric ,. Warp 257 lbs 1140 161 Fill 149 lbs 663 N 3.2 "Tensile Strength, 1" Strip A puncture, Screwdriver 50 lbs 222 N Warp 176 lbs 733 l Fill 94 lbs 416 N ASTM TEST METHODS HODS 3.3 Tear Strength, Tongue Warp 56 lbs 245 N D751- (mod) Fill 57 lbs 254 111 A puncture, Screwdriver 50 lbs 222 N D 751 15 puncture, Ball 250 lbs 1110 N D751 16 Hydrostatic Resistance 330 psi 2.3 MPa D751 -a 17 Ply Adhesion 10 lbsI2 if 44 161.15 crn D761 3.6 low Temperature -40 F -40 F D2136 3.9 Nigh Temp, Contlintd , 180/200 O F 82/93 OC D1204 3.10 Abrasion Resistance 60 „000+ cycles 60,000- cycles D 4157 3,11 Mildew /Fungus Desistance No Growth No Growth 021 3,12 Fire Resistance Class A Class A F Pass pass NFPA 701 Pass pass UBC 26 -7 COMMENTS: Certified: City of Los Angeles and California State Fire Marshall Acrylic topcoat. Eight () year warranty. Not eradicable. Decorative Methods: P.S. Vinyl, Silk Screen, Spray Paint, and Digitally Printable. the tralarnaat on cc nouned herein or that is .supplied h its, or aart our behalf is based ulion data obtained through our own research and is considered accurate, T lansvever, No Warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuser or this data, the results erlrtaahted jrrrnt the use thereof rrr that any such ust, trill not inftin e ulton atty, patent, Ate information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiring it shall evaluate its suita ilirtrfor the specific application. Weathert to #WT- 76TRC:" 74" Terracotta Red (Standard tack 50 Yards) I TTrivanta e Page 1 of htip:IlNvww.trivantage.com/ ebapp/ cis /stores /servietlen/tri- pis /Weat ert te+ T'7 s C +7 .., 1/3/201 TRI VANTAGE Welcome AWNING CO OF AMERICA INC O Advanced Search "le W&M i�� Sign Out I lvtp Account j RegazFSSiESn List t C}Li[c:i<" f5 <de {` I Order History Fabric Shade Solutions Clean, Protett, Adhere : Hardware Trim & Card to itomfs): $0, + buret Weatherbae #WIT -76TRC 74" Terracofta iced (Standard Pack 50 sersad Fabric Weathe" to - RC 74 " COMPARE Awning Terracotta Red (Standard Marine Pa ck. 60 Yards) Drag product images o'� � I Mare to compare Recreational Screen and Mesh 839915 Shade See& i '. hlcaM, S ,ogn, Banner, Media Clear Compare Special ptriers0 Tent Quantity Upholstery 1 --I yard Shade Solutions Quantity .. _w.. ., Roileas 0-14 $26.25 per yard ,% Cabre Curtain 15-49 825,72 per yard lairsConrorl 50 or more $23,89 per yard So isror Maxi Solaznt) power Screen � Add to Carl SOW* Pro Soloing Shade ftcrabon Coliect o s Add to Comnate Solavr& Verficat Curtain Sosrity Add i sstirt # il" s t Clean, Protect, Adhere Adhesives Availability C?eaners In Stock to 1p* hq k s Av l Prutes:iants ,ix3ikty Hardware Awnng ?? of 0 , 111 L ._ eoaaGC , ..i 'o Fasteners Finishing Supplies for otabbing Grommets _ SPECIFICATIONS ATTACHMENTS 'tent and Tarp Item # $39915 Tests Meath e #Wr -76TRC 74" Terracotta Red (Standard Pack 50 Yards) Trim & Cord Designed for a variety of awning and sign applications, Mathertyka is a weatherproof awning materiel Adhesive Stendt with the took and feel of textured decorative fabric This high-performance composite vinyl substrate is Awning € on fiarne- resistant, easy to handle, highly durable and does a remarkable job of resisting sagging, Ernbellierrnents Matherrite is ideal for a variety of awning and canopy applications including restaurant., hospitality, Manne Binding rated, business and residential. It's digitally printable with solvent -based inks and accepts site screen and Rouse and Cordage spray paint. Weatherlyto is easy to clean, and resists stains and mildew, Tassels Thread and Bobbins Base Fabric; Polyester VA bcing Color. Teri to Red FR Standards Mete California State Fire Marsha€ Title 19, Section 1237, ASTM ES4 Class A; NFPA 7151, UL Listed FlnishdCoating: YinyliAcroo Government Specifications Met: None Gratz TanslW 257 x 149 Cleat Spellman Dielectric and Thermal Hydrostat* 300 psi Mildew Repellent; Yes Opaque: Yes Put Up: 50 yd Shrinkage Factor; UNK Style#: WT-76TRC Tongue Tear Strength: 55 x 57 htip:IlNvww.trivantage.com/ ebapp/ cis /stores /servietlen/tri- pis /Weat ert te+ T'7 s C +7 .., 1/3/201 „ �B h6 �. IZ440 7, 1 "')t— - 1 1 — � I �� - — .� RD[Xlr2ot� Rlffil �P*W� �' !��1: :a o ,+ # Welcome AWN ING OF AMERICA INC � R Advanced Search ra Sign Out I lay Accou I Requisition List I Quick Order I Order History in Q Fabric Shade Solutions Clean, Protect, Adhere Hardware Trim & Cord a Item {s :: $ 0, 00 " Home Visratremyte 4WT -75TRC 74" Tidracriftal Reel (Standard Pack 50 Yards) Fabric Weathertyte # -76TRC 74" COMPARE Awning Terrace Rigid (Standard Manne Pack 60 Ya rns) Grommets „ Manua here t tYf#a'a t€t GOn'1l7are Recreational Item f1: 939915 Tools Screen and Mesh 839915 athertye # T -7 TRC 14" Tenecona Red (Standard Pack 50 Yards) Shade Sall a tl s Sign, Manner, Media Adhesive Stencil Clear compare Spacial Purpo flame - resistant, easy to handle, highly durable and does a remarkable job of resisting sagging. Embellishments Sent Marine i3;nding retail, business and residential. it's digitally printable Wth solvent -based inks and accepts silk screen and Upholstery Quantity Tassels yard Base Fabric, Polyester Shade Solutions C2ttantlty P r4 ,.. ..... ..M---- ...„ R UeaseF ,. 0-14 $26.25 per yard UL lasted So boloi C abe Curtain 15-49 $26..72 per yard Sod Conlon 50 or more $23.69 per yard Grab Tensile: 257 k 149 Sclaire Mi3Yf Heat Sealable: Dielectric and Thermal Soliorg Power` Screen I Add to Cart Mildew Retargent: Yes Solair Pro Opaque Yes Soli arlli Shoe inspiration S hrinkage Factor. LINK C Cillerhon d t<s irm(tatrg Solo& Vehicle Curtain List Soavrfy� 4 ulsition t lst' uisiti i t Clean, Protect, Adhere Adhesives Availability C3eaners Oetaners In Stock aP he Ric a Ay itabsilty Hardware Awning Ct : 0 oC tc a CD Fasteners Finishing Supplies for Atrtibing Grommets � ATTACHMENTS Manua ^„^ SPECIFICATIONS _. _ _. rent and Tarp Item f1: 939915 Tools athertye # T -7 TRC 14" Tenecona Red (Standard Pack 50 Yards) Trim & Corti Designed for a variety of atontrail and sign applications, V*atherlyte is a weatherproof awning material Adhesive Stencil witty the look and feet of textured decorative fabric, This high-perfornparce com posite vinyl substrate is Awning Braid flame - resistant, easy to handle, highly durable and does a remarkable job of resisting sagging. Embellishments Weatherlyte is ideas for a variety of awning and canopy applications including restaurant, hospitality, Marine i3;nding retail, business and residential. it's digitally printable Wth solvent -based inks and accepts silk screen and Rope and Cordage spray paint. Werithertylist is easy to clean, and resists stains and mildew. Tassels Thread and bobbins Base Fabric, Polyester Webbing Carlos: Terracotta Red FR Standards Met: California State Fire Marshal Title 19, Section 1237; ASTM F84 Class A; NFPA 701; UL lasted Finish/Coating. Vrnyt /Aerytic Government Specifications Met: None Grab Tensile: 257 k 149 Heat Sealable: Dielectric and Thermal Hydrostat; 30D psis Mildew Retargent: Yes Opaque Yes Put Urn 50 yd. � w S hrinkage Factor. LINK C Style#: •76TRC Tongue Tear Strength: 55 x 57 a. 1.0 BASE FABRIC 1,1 Base Fabric Weight 1.2 Fiber/ Style 2.0 COAT ED FABRIC 21 Total Weight 2.2 Thickness 2.3 Coating Type A Coating istribution 2.5 Sealing Properties 2. 9 ozly gg gI D751-B Polyester / Weft Inserted 416 6 ozlyd 544 gIM2 20 !ails 0,51 mm 245 N PVC Fill 57 lbs 254 1 55145 3.4 Puncture, Screwdriver 50 l 222 N El Dielectric Thermal 1110 N D751 3.6 Hydrostatic Resistance 330 ;psi ASTMTEST Standard Metric 1 TI 257 lbs 114O N 1751 -A 149 is 663 1 82/93 O C Warp 176 lb 733 N D751-B Fill 94 is 416 3.3 Tear Strength, Tongue Warp 55 lbs 245 N 751 -6 (mod) Fill 57 lbs 254 1 3.4 Puncture, Screwdriver 50 l 222 N 0751 3.5 puncture, gall 256 lbs 1110 N D751 3.6 Hydrostatic Resistance 330 ;psi 2.3 MPa 1 751 -A 33 ply Adhesion 10 lbs12 in 44 N15 cm X9751 :6 Low Temperature 0 F -40 F D2136 3.0 High Temp, 0 ont/interrn, 1301200 O F 82/93 O C DI 204 3.10 Abrasion Resistance 60,000° cycles 60,0009° cycles X94157 3.11 Mildew/Fungus Resistance No Growth No Growth G21 3.12 Fire Resistance Class A Class A E84 Pass mass N FAA 7011 Pass pass UBC 26- COMMENTS: Certified: City of Los Angeles and California State Fire Marshall Acrylic topcoat. Eight (8) year warranty. Not eradicable. Decorotive Methods: P.S. Vinyl, Silk Screen, Spray Paint, and Digitally Printable. 0 ) The informahon contained herein or that is supplied by us, or on our behalf is hosed upon data captained through our own research and is considered accurate. lowe er, Alo Warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data, the results shunned from the use thereof or that fiat such use will not infi rn e upon arty p atent. This inlbranatian is furmshed upon the condition that the person receiving at Aall evaluate W suitability far the specific application. http.11 ntereorpusa.cao /selfdr,ill n lbul slottedinde t d x er a .htmi 2 /18/201 2 Unskitted Indented Hex Washer Head, Dnc Nated Maberiai Application mo m= Att ac h es me t o me tal. Attaches metal to metal. f 14 1�1�1 a. . I t o w 1. '. Material AppikaJon Attaches metal to metal. i i a+ *• Attaches metal to metal, Att ac h es me to Attaches metal to metal. ►" i l. i i i Attaches metal to metal. a esm f � i j * * y r i . i i .. Attaches metal, Attaches metal to metal, Attaches metal to m6tal �**M.Hex Head w/Reverse Serrations - Head .160 -.178 Materizd Application Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal Attaches metal to metal. * 1„ t 1 i # a Attaches metal to metal, Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal, f- SWIMS Attaches metal to metal http.11 ntereorpusa.cao /selfdr,ill n lbul slottedinde t d x er a .htmi 2 /18/201 2 Unskitted Indented Hex Washer Head, Dnc Nated Interearp I Strang -Point I eiff Drilling Screws I Unslotted Indented Hex Washer Head Page 2 of 2 I J� Attaches metal ti�jt�al �y� Attaches metal to Attaches metal to metal. f a� Attaches metal to lilts iR,T�' f f c e .. Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal, Lap/stitshi-9 I J� Attaches metal ti�jt�al I Steel Gauge �y� Attache me t a l to meta Attaches metal to metal. Attaches metal to metal. Steel Gauge •f « St eel sa » s s »a p ?owers Power-Stu PRODUCT INFORMATI in N orma l - W e i g h t f Anch (41 (2 , 2) Diam (3.4) ) 7.77 I 11 (9,5) D ept h j a r a rt.'{ • d 1,020 Tension I Shear (5 0.8) (1 (4.0 (4..3) (4.2) (4,6) 14 .2) 7,775 21/4 860 1 635 1.390 _ 1,700 _ 1,635 1,700 (283) (s7.2) (3.9) (7A) (6 3) 314 (41 (2 , 2) {4,0) (3.4) ) 7.77 6,95t� (9,5) 2 7t�0 890 __ .....,,,... 940 1,020 940 (31) 9) (5 0.8) (1 (4.0 (4..3) (4.2) (4,6) 14 .2) 7,775 21/4 860 1 635 1.390 _ 1,700 _ 1,635 1,700 (283) (s7.2) (3.9) (7A) (6 3) (73) d7. (Td ) 142 (12.7} aupkation such as _ 1,275 _ 1635 ... 2,04(1 1,700 __ 2,300 _ __ 1,700 (76,2) (5�7) (7,4) t9 »2) {7.73 di ?,4) 17.7} 4 ._ 1x425 _. 1,635 2,040 1,700 __. 2,300 _ 1,700 ._.... (10d,6) (6.4) d7,4) ( 9.2) (73)� (104)_ (7�7)� -- 2 314 1 2 M 2 075 2 75 _ 2 2,975 (69;9 9 qq ! (6 (1 Q ;4) ( 9..3) i 1 3. p 4 1 { i.. ) ...,. 1 ,4 ....ea ( ») .........�. .„ ................. 2 4017 m _ 2,320 _.__. ..._,.._..,. 2 _.. ,.w.�,..._. 2,975 3,375 ..,._.i _ - 2,9 ' - 75 75 (408 (10,) (10 (12 (,33.4) (15,2) (13. 3 316 13955 _ 3,(F9 _ 5 ___ 2,375 _ 3,765 _ 2,375 3,765 3 (85 =79 ._ _ (6 ..3) ( 13,9) 410,6) (16,9) ( (16.3) (1,1) 5 _ 2,660 .__ 3,095 ,.m '3,660 3,765 �,__ 3 660 .. 3,165 . 12,0) ._..__ ..e. (11.) {139) _. )) ��165)_. 3 716 1,900 4,490 _ eM 3.075 m( 6,040 4,325 6 114O (93.4) (8,6) (10.2) (13,8 ) (27,2) (97,5).. (27 2 }.. 7!8 4172 2,400 4,490 _ _� 3.905 6,040 � 5,305 _ 6,040 (212) (1143) (10,8) X20.2) (11;6) (212) (216) (27 »2) 5 314 ,6fGD _ 4,4 4? 4,9'7€3 W _ 6,040 . 0. 6,950 6,040 (146,1) 0 f,8) (20.2)_ (22.4) (27.2) (30,9) (27,Z) . n 112 2 6 w._ , 3,4a7,f7 5,35 7,775 (114.3) 19.81 (29.71 (15.51 t35.0) (73.611 d3S.€1 1 =fe satety or 2. x vori* food capadties are rnuftlp4ed by reduckn factors found in +e Ur ign, Uterra section when anchor iparing or roige diotances are 'ess dray cr treat d ,(arras 3, i )near iotco ohation may be used to detcaminr Ml rrwrabte toads fm arrer€ nediate emdedrnents acrd comptessrrre strength , r . Canada: (905) 673 -7195 or (Std) 631 -4216 Powers USA: (6010 524 - 3244 or (914)135®6300 , 6,, 05 5,070 7.77 6,95t� 7,775 (14 43 ( 2 9 3) (22.8) 3 o) (31) 9) ( 35,0) La 4,150 6,605 6,370 7,775 8,590 7 „175 065 ,1) (183) (29,7) (283) (35,0) (381) {35.03 1., Aikecrabie load t<agr does 4sted are calculated ;sinq and app, ieu sat'ety factor ci 4,0, Consideratscx' of safety factors of 10 or hisibiv ,;say be necesswv dependhig 3lorn the aupkation such as 1 =fe satety or 2. x vori* food capadties are rnuftlp4ed by reduckn factors found in +e Ur ign, Uterra section when anchor iparing or roige diotances are 'ess dray cr treat d ,(arras 3, i )near iotco ohation may be used to detcaminr Ml rrwrabte toads fm arrer€ nediate emdedrnents acrd comptessrrre strength , r . Canada: (905) 673 -7195 or (Std) 631 -4216 Powers USA: (6010 524 - 3244 or (914)135®6300 Ctrtif icate of dame Roioance State C is and the h w.. w .. , C., Reg.. No, . Control / lob Ouanfity 49 500 YD rd VantCqe, C ' AWNING F RIk. A INC KALAMATH ,S , DENVER C 80223-1549 „ From: AWNAMER@aol.com Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 3:33 PM To. Kirk Cadotte Subject: Response to City of Wheat Ridge Comments RE: The Office Attachments. CertificateofFlameResistance(Weathertyte).pdf; WeathertyteAwningFabric.pdf, Weathertyte-Specifications.pdf, TheOfficeFirePitHoodandVentDetails.pdf Rick D. An say, Owner AWNING CQM_PAM OF AMERICA. INC. SYnce i 9, 77 Kalamath Street * Denver, CO 80223 OFFICE: 303.825-7600 Fax: 303.623-2670 Cell: 303.898-2313 Visit our web site - �6�.aw�ninofa�merica�.com (1) See attached Weathertyte Awning Fabric product info. and product specifications w/ material properties and ATM test methods. (2) See attached Certificate of Flame Resistance registered and approved by the California State Fire Marshall. (An updated certificate will be rovided upon qejp t ord red material) (3) See attached Fire Pit Hood and Vent Detail. I a m � Itz . .� � w. I- �. �.. �: OW plea 3 g permit App licatio n Pharr` ddr , home: ttrtttt mbin : L C it y Li cense # Ork to r d- Attach ' additionelsheet If rt easy) a R e v iew (due St V " Of su bffilffed) " Sq F 4c a , tiea blc'G iunn a t day tt i rnit la lic tittn na ctarttt wo d; that all a llalucc su r c �acn ztt nt t car e tr icot? b °+ a ?li on and r! a n mall tt atlatic tr!t ctaratditiaaca at asap it tt t pct c nt c rt3itb cbr work �� t the descTibw WO been uthori"' tsy lac legal tawner Of the entity included on titan to is ti"n to last tliut cstity on this WficOtion' a� d�u t `t 1 � �� �;' � � � a� � � a �,i��'`��� 3 �'•" c�s�, mli i i;�,�Y *r,i�.,,,, RTK ENGINEERING ROME & BUILDING ENAMINA11OSS February 26, 2011 2939 Newton Street Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -1 Dear Mr. Yang: Denver, Colorado 80211 v ^' CO O C 0 R P Whea Ridge Building Department /ZZA pproved 3 A m i DING OFFICIAL DATE Validity of permit:. The issuance of a permit or approvalof plans, speeifieatione and computations shall not be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation to any of the provisions of the building code or of any City ordinances. pefmil8 presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the ' `Building codes or other ordinances of the City shall not be valid. (303) 477.0044 Cursory observations were made February 24, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included definition of repairs to structure primary members to restore functional serviceability. At present fire damage and primary structural issues of interest include the following. 1. Attic, A. Rear Roof Structure, Nominally 12' of 2x wood sloped rafters with spaced 1 x wood and probably OSB board over sheet need to be replaced. See attached sketch, Roof Repair /Rear 12 "Collars & Struts Only /Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 2. Second Floor, A. Repair near center frame bearing wall by "sistering" or replacing distressed 2x 4 studs. Replace 10' 3" portal lintel in center frame bearing wall with 2 each 2 x 10, wood Fb >= 1200 psi, typical. "Fishplate" as necessary to match older wood frame dimensions, typical. Typical header beam nail pattern of 3 '' /d' #10 nails, 2staggered rows at 2" from lower and top chord at 1' on center, UNO. B. At building west (building right) gable install 2 x 6 valley stringers extending at least 4' beyond valley top and lapping above primary roof 2x structural member. Also, install double 1 a /4 x 7 1 /4 LVL, Fb > = 2600 psi, typical, header tension and above roof structure support beam north to south connecting to west gable stringers with hanger at ceiling elevation. Locate header beam to enable post supports. Header may cant up to say nominally 2' at south, as necessary to fit with below noted support at first floor ceiling elevation. At north of west gable install double 2 x 4 column down to second floor elevation. Extend this double 2 x 4 column down to existing double 2 x 12 at basement ceiling elevation, landing immediately above / adjacent to existing tube steel column. At building west install 2 each headers at first floor ceiling elevation from exterior to center bearing walls, straddling masonry chimney. Install cross headers with standard hangers (Simpson, typical) to F sti ort doutble-2X pp went gable header and intermediate floor joists required to maintain second floor joA ffi'?Zn center spacing between the 2 headers of second floor. Construct the 2 each headers and'crds9 memberscof:2 each J a /4 x 117/8 LVL. At center bearing wall post down with at least double 2x to below existing wood beam. Block as necessary. Use A44 clips at wall top plate bearingf dcation� '- possible: Also in this area a number of existing 2 x 8 floor joists have been compromised by notching and holing to accommodate second floor bath plumbing. Relocate Cl waste line, so as to not hole floor joists or new LVLs. Repair existing floor joists with similar material "sistering" at least 4' beyond area February 26, 2011 of joist distress or to bearing support. Due to years of over load, some of the floor joists below ! vicinity of the second floor bath area have permanently sagged. Where sag is more than 1" and significant notching/ holing are present, replace the floor joist with like material. Water service may pass through floor joists and LVLs centered in member and not more than ' /4 span from bearing support. Double the single 2 x 8 at south stair perimeter — out side masonry to interior center bearing walls, as well as header cross to existing double 2 x 8 at stair north. C. At second floor building front nominally quarter, 2x ceiling rafters are compromised and are non conforming span. Install double 2 x 12 header beam spanning front bay window at second floor ceiling elevation, supporting above window frame wall. (Cut the header into the wall to directly support above wall studs.) Double the wall studs at bay window ends. At mid span of the new double 2 x 12 header install at second floor ceiling elevation double 2 x 10 perpendicular to the 2 x 12s to nearby cross interior partition wall. At partition wall install double 2 x 10 header, standard practice support and trimmer studs. Install 2 x 8 ceiling rafters at 16" on center, spanning up to 16' from building center to exterior side walls. Use framing connectors, LUS series, face mount for headers and rafters to headers. At exterior frame wall top plate connection of ceiling rafter to top plate use A34 clips. Also this area (nominally up to 12' from building front) at above long 2x sloped rafters install base plate, struts, collars at 32" on center, as shown on attached sketch, Roof Repair /Rear 12', Collars & Struts Only Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011. 3. Building Front First to Second Floor Stairwell, A. Remove sufficient finish to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of stair primary structure, including stringers. Do not remove this stairwell! It will need to be repaired (including as above noted) / rebuilt with improved structure to match existing geometry. 4. Basement, A. Remove grid ceiling and other finish sufficient to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels / beams, bearing wall and first floor joists. Mark offset, if any, of center bearing walls from second floor down through to ground. Do over, similarly for stairwell(s). Recommended general approach is to design / size primary structural members in need of replacement. Thereafter, reconstruction may commence. As work progresses, there should be expectation of modifications and perhaps extending scope of reconstruction. Given the fire damage and building age a number of nuances will be encountered. Protocol of periodic observations by Engineer of Record to enable continuity of direction leading to final work compliance with general building code intent for protection of public health, safety and welfare is suggested. Sincerely, �� \CKt1380� APPROVED IST o Subject to Field Inspections 6186 Wheat midge Building Dept. 0 � � Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. tgTs�oNAL p Date: t RTK/k ®® ` OF CovI Sig . Plan checker Attachments: Sketches / Existing Section Distressed Area, Feb. 24, 2011 / Roof Repair / Rear 12' : Collars & Struts Only/ Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 A44 Clip, Cat Cut, Simpson, pg 180, Wood Construction Connectors, 2011- 2012 APPROVED subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date: — 7 DJ 0 c 11 X\ x R I 'N Y, 6 C /< K C : ' e, �� " Z�g . ':� e H ZfA C) `.f '7 ' jr 4'-! 47 4 t oe- , A, p rRv IST, 14 11 plA .�"R . *I- * p r PeqpeD SWA-11 ml$pev .411 r crvR,+L U,Vf; RS&v,f2e1-,) 4 By tofr— j _ rh�FYr L?,F VFAoAfFP 7 '7 80-1-Dwd DIV'5"O") 1r ' vr A 186 4 enaS Work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, IMC, IFGC, IFC, 2005 NEC and any applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. V W 4 7 AI p rRv IST, 14 11 plA .�"R . *I- * p r PeqpeD SWA-11 ml$pev .411 r crvR,+L U,Vf; RS&v,f2e1-,) 4 By tofr— j _ rh�FYr L?,F VFAoAfFP 7 '7 80-1-Dwd DIV'5"O") 1r ' vr A 186 4 enaS Work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, IMC, IFGC, IFC, 2005 NEC and any applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. V W V A - �z P, % X 4 X 7 0 PIA il RApf' ((A F S 4 L j1j - N Ci 2v APPROVED A! --kz ubject to Field Inspections w heat Ridge Building Dept. U , Date: r" j1j - N Ci 2v APPROVED ubject to Field Inspections w heat Ridge Building Dept. U , Date: r" x k'N 4� X 4 \ Si Plan checker -� Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT DATE 08/12/2011 PROJECT 6861 Cebiche 7000 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO USA DESIGN ENGINEER Priest Engineering, Inc HVAC CONTRACTOR Cryton NEBB TAB FIRM Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E205 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -25 Certification Number: 2631 i — NEBB TRS 01 -2001 National Environmental Balancing Bureau v— I i PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 CERTIFICATION I — i THE DATA PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT IS AN EXACT RECORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND WAS OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB STANDARD PROCEDURES. ANY VARIANCES FROM DESIGN QUANTITIES WHICH EXCEED NEBB TOLERANCES ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THE REPORT. THE AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED & BALANCED AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING, ADJUSTING, BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS" AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. NEBB TAB FIRM: Double T Balancing Company REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (Air TAB Supervisor): Thomas Tunink DATE: 08/15/2011 0 THE HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED & BALANCED AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING, ADJUSTING, BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS' AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. NEBB TAB FIRM: Double T Balancing Company REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (Hydronic TAB Supervisor): Thomas Tunink DATE: 08/15/2011 SUBMITTED & CERTIFIED BY: NEBB TAB FIRM: Double T Balancing Company REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (TAB Supervisor): Thomas Tunink CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/2012 DATE: 08/15/2011 SIGNATURE f - -NEBB TRS 02 -2001 Report Is not valid uMess it fs stmnpea wah a ADUwal Euvlraaaxvaal Satencing Bumu CnNicaUm Seffi Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche PROJECT NOTES AND SUMMARY - Job Notes ...... ............................... 1 AIR APPARATUS - GU -1 Supply Air .............. ............................... 2 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - GU -1 Minimum Outside Air ...................... 3 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - GU -1 Supply Air .............................. 4 AIR APPARATUS - RTU -1 Supply Air. ............ ............................... 5 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -1 Minimum Outside Air 6 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -1 Supply Air ............................. 7 AIR APPARATUS - RTU -2 Supply Air ............ ............................... 8 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -2 Minimum Outside Air ..................... 9 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -2 Supply Air 10 AIR APPARATUS - RTU -3 Supply Air ........... ............................... 11 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -3 Minimum Outside Air 12 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -3 Supply Air ............................ 13 FAN - MUA -1 Make Up Air .................... ............................... 14 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - MUA -1 Supply Air ............................. 15 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - KEF -1 Exhaust Air 16 FAN - EF -la Exhaust Air .................... ............................... 17 FAN - EF -lb Exhaust Air .................... ............................... 17 FAN - KEF -1 Exhaust Air .................... ............................... 18 NEBB TRS 31 -2001 Mir c Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 PROJECT NOTES AND SUMMARY REPORT � G Repwf IS wR vaW unkss it Is subnaleQ w)th an aecnmparybg NESS CedflkaBw/ form stamped with a National ErMmnnmW fiaWndeg Bm w CeftHK'ehwr SwI Double T Balancing Company Q 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT t \/ PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT GO -1 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE Basenlant UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA .MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZF048N10N1 POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NIE1041844 RPM SER. FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE PC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE I CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 4.8 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY #.BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.125 FILTER TYPE - Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20xl 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.5 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.25 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 270 278 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.D. ACTUAL S.P.D. ACTUAL ENT. B.P. ACTUAL LVc, SP RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.05 -0.36 -0.41 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1350 1460 Coil - 0.17 -0.41 -0.58 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 0.98 Fan 0.98 -0.58 0.40 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.76 FAN RPM 1037 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS NEBB TRS 042001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues - PAGE: 2 Repolt 6 not Wild unless It is submuted wmh an accompatrybg NESS Certllicatbn fonn stern and w8h a National Emirommental Ealandrg Bun a Cem%bamwt Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT c PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche 2 3 4 UNIT 6 7 GO -1 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 12 13 1 SERVICE Basement LOCATION ALTITUDE DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 270 278 - DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 278 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 152.47 157.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 157 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORRONTAL NUASERS ARE LEFT TO MONT. VERTICAL NUMERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS: Report Is not Valid urd ss 9 Is salanMed wAA an aaCOnwnymg NEBB Celf ka0ou Tmm sMgwd wAA a NaMnal EmAmUTERW Balancing BMW CeltAkatW Seal Report is not wW unless It is subnAtect with an acsampa/yhlg NEBB CeWficetbrt Juno stanped wWr a National En wrunoental BalemJng Barman CertifC&tkW Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 REGISTER. GRILLE. DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) Irv" 0 i — PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT GU-1 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 245 220 110.0 2 SW 200 285 215 107.5 3 SW 200 240 220 110.0 4 SW 100 125 110 110.0 5 SW 100 140 105 105.0 6 SW 200 245 215 107.5 7 SW 150 180 160 106.7 8 SW 200 235 215 107.5 TOTAL 1350 1695 1460 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2007 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues _ PAGE 4 ME C Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT o— — i — PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTD -1 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZF06ON10NIA POWER BRAKE PAR. 1.5 SERIAL NIF080390 RPM SER.FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE PC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT - DAD1 ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 5.6 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.125 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20xl 14x25x1 OPERATING DIAMETER 3.75 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.125 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 400 416 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.D. ACTUAL S.P.D. ACTUAL ENT S.P. ACTUAL LVC. S.P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.21 -0.12 -0.33 TOTAL AIRFLOW 2000 2035 Coil 0.26 -0.33 -0.59 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 1.12 Fan 1.12 -0.59 0.53 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.65 FAN RPM 1112 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS: NEBB TRS O4 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 5 Report Is nod vaaa ardws a is soMMtea wkh an scoompanyhng NEBB Cenificsfba from sfanWW wAh a Naamlaf Em710nnK• W Babmng Bo Cen%batbn Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT c PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -1 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT VNDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 400 416 - DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 416 AIR TEMP. DS AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 225.88 235.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 235 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER. HOR=NTAL NURSERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT. VERTICAL NURSERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 1 READINGS BY. PAGE 6 Report is rnt valid uMess it IS sl8mmed wAh an a pwnyft NEBB CeNBcaUw Tam sanped wAh a. NsUmd EtNitonmental Bafand g Bateau CedukaBon Sae! Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 REGISTER, GRILLE. DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -1 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Dining MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION OR REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 150 205 102.5 2 SW 200 170 210 105.0 3 SW 200 190 195 97.5 4 SW 200 150 190 95.0 5 SW 200 165 210 105.0 6 SW 200 245 205 102.5 7 SW 200 255 210 105.0 8 SW 200 265 200 100.0 9 SW 200 300 210 105.0 10 SW 200 280 200 100.0 TOTAL 2000 2170 2035 REMARKS NEBB. TRS 13 -2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/04/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 7 Repot is. Wt vaaa aMess X is submAW wAb an accmnpanybg NESS Ce drscaUmi tmm stan4e7 wOh a Nmbnai EnHronvwW Saiandng Bureau Cwtdkafbn Sml Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT Report Is not vfld unless it is wbmitted With an acc m;Wnywg NEBS CeraTlcaem Icon, staffilmd With a National Eadmunental Balewng; Bureau CertBkeBat Seal J e =� PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -2 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZF048NIONIA POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL N1E1056561 RPM SER.FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE FC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 6.0 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.125 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20xl 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.875 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.0 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 320 355 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.D. ACTUAL &P.D. ACTUAL ENT. &P. ACTUAL LVG. &P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.10 -0.36 -0.46 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1600 1655 Coil 0.18 -0.46 -0.64 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 1.12 Fan 1.12 -0.64 0.48 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.84 FAN RPM 1112• VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS. NEBB. TRS 042001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 8 Min e Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -2 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 320 335 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 335 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 1180.71 189.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 189 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN iMTN AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORRONIAL NUMERS ARE LEFT TO MGM. VERTICAL NUMBERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS NEBB TRS 09 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: PAGE 9 Report Is 1W wW uMess A Is mbmrtfed wAB an aecwnpanyMg NEBB CeAiflwuw farm sfanW WAA 8 NattP9 Envf rf! anal Babndng Bureau CW#fc~ Seal v — �� �Al- 1 � J Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTD -2 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Seating MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 240 210 105.0 2 SW 200 200 205 102.5 3 SW 200 255 205 102.5 4 SW 200 130 200 100.0 5 Sw 200 195 210 105.0 6 SW 100 115 105 105.0 7 SW 100 125 110 110.0 B SW 200 220 205 102.5 9 Sw 100 105 100 100.0 10 Sw - 100 120 105 105.0 TOTAL 1600 1705 1655 REMARKS NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 10 RAPW b Iqf vBW unless it is subm&W wAh an wcwWnybg NEBB. CeRMCafbn farm sfanpW wAA a Nafbnal ErA*orm e W Bafanc/ng Bureau. CwtA nOw Seal .. Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 f F-> Report is nat raga unless it fs sabmiUea wAh an acmnpanyb/g NESS Ca - aacagm faun senpea wbh a Nagmat Em awnwatsl Balandng Bw2 CertTicabw sea/ PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -3 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION - SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME A.O Smith Y56 MODEL ZF036NOSNIA POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NIE1027261 RPM SER. FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE PC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DNDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 3.9. SHEAVE DIAMETER 6.25 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A37 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.25 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE l5x20xl 14x25x1 OPERATING DIAMETER 3.875 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.0 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 205 214 DEVICE DESIGN S.P. D. ACTUAL S.P.D. ACTUAL ENT. S.P. ACTUAL LVG S.P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.10 -0.25 -0.35 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1020 1045 Coil 0.16 -0.35 -0.51 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 0.90 Fan 0.90 -0.51 0.39 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.64 FAN RPM 974 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS. NEBB TRS 04 -2007 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE. 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 11 i — i Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTO -3 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 - 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 205 214 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 214 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 1115.76 121.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NUMBERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT VERTICAL NUMBERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM Repot Is not wffd UnAm A Is suLmMted wAh an accompanying NEBB CeRil2aUOn Tom stanW wM a National Emueram ffi BWandig BU Ceftftat W Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E2 0 7 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 o ^ia�m !]011 1 C IIICCI ISCR TEST RFPC)f2T (Flow Hood) _l J o0. T , — i PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -3 - SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Upstairs MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 CD 60 160 65 108.3 2 CD 60 150 65 108.3 3 CD 200 160 185 92.5 4 CD 200 220 205 102.5 5 CD 200 180 205 102.5 6 SW 150 160 160 106.7 7 SW 150 160 160 106.7 TOTAL 1020. 1190 1045 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 13 Reaort /s not v W Unkss It is sabm#[eC we an wcaWWfi9 NESS CaWjcgW fo .,t.,V 0 wAfi a MaBOnal Em m,,,,W BataW g BMW CeRCkatw Sea/ o — i rk Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TEST REPORT v — PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT MOA -1 UNIT SYSTEM Make Up Air SYSTEM LOCATION Roof LOCATION SERVICE Kitchen SERVICE UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Greenback MAKE MODEL DG- 110 - 810 -DB MODEL SERIAL 12469557 SERIAL SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.75 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. 5.25 17.0 SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. BELT MAKE Carlisle BELT MAKE - # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 AP96 # BELTS BELT SIZE MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Baldor MAKE FRAME POWER 145T 2.0 FRAME POWER SER. FACTOR RPM 1.15 1725 SER. FACTOR RPM NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 208 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE NAMEPLATE AMPERES 10.3 NAMEPLATE AMPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE 212 210 212 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES 9.7 9.9 9.8 ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HERTZ 3 60 PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.875 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM. OPER.DIAM. 4.125 4.0 SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 2775 2825 AIRFLOW ENT. S.P. LVG. S . ENT. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM 1282 FAN RPM REMARKS: REMARKS: READINGS BY: Dan Pegues READINGS BY: NEBB TRS 08.2007 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE:. 08/12/2011 TEST DATE PAGE 14 Repot Is not valid unWs N Is w&nX ed whh an acowmmnyfig NEBB C&Okagon fa stenWW with a Natfonaf EmHmnawnW Safandng Bureau Cengkagan Saul Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT C 11[ i Repmt Is not MW unless A is wbmMed with an accompanying NEBB Cedtffcaann fame deny¢ wbh a. National EnviMnI 7tal Ba/axing Bureau CefdrCOUM Seal . Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 �137IL11'149 wG \L�PI'14�GI� �.\-ia �.� I -! PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT EEF -1 SYSTEM Exhaust Aix ZONE 6 SERVICE Hood LOCATION Hod ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA - TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 22 114 STANDARD AIRFLOW 3600 3887 DENSITY I S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 3887 AIR TEMP. AREA 17.42 AVERAGE VELOCITY 1206.70 223.17 PosmoN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 207 235 241 245 212 199 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WT H AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORMONAL MAMERS ARE LEFT TO MWIT. VERTICAL NUMBERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM 1 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 I UOM: IP ( TEST DATE: 08/10/2011 I .READINGS BY: Dan Pegues I PAGE 16 ' Report Is not VRW uldws A or wbmfHea wAh an accompanying NEBB CcrBBcaarn Tarn slanpea wo a Matt" Eow2RnKrnal Balancing BMW CartBeadw Seal JL j MI T f Double T Balancing Company 7200E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT EF -la UNIT EF -lb SYSTEM Exhaust Air SYSTEM Exhaust Air LOCATION Restroom LOCATION Restroom SERVICE. Restroom SERVICE Restroom UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Broan MAKE Broan MODEL 771 -A MODEL 771 -A SERIAL N/A SERIAL N/A SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drive - SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drive - SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. - - SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. - - BELT MAKE Direct Drive BELT MAKE Direct Drive # BELTS BELT SIZE - - # BELTS BELT SIZE - - MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Broan MAKE Broan FRAME POWER - Fractional FRAME POWER - Fractional SER. FACTOR I RPM - - SER. FACTOR RPM - - NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 115 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 115 NAMEPLATE AMPERES 1.5 NAMEPLATE AMPERES 1.5 ACTUAL VOLTAGE 120 ACTUAL VOLTAGE 120 ACTUAL AMPERES 1.4 ACTUAL AMPERES 1.4 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drive - SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drive - SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. - - SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. - - TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 75 80 AIRFLOW 75 s0 ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM Direct Drive FAN RPM Direct Drive REMARKS: REMARKS. READINGS BY: Dan Pegues READINGS BY: Dan Pegues NEBB TRS 08 -2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 TES! DATE: 08/12/2011 PAGE: 17 Repat is not wfd unless R is sabmtled with an accompanying NEBB CegffkvU rt lam stampW wgh a Nafbuaf EMfaNIRRRIdf Balanchng Bureau Cenfticsaw Sea! Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TEST REPORT C =�Flrl PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT HEF -1 UNIT SYSTEM Exhaust Air SYSTEM LOCATION Roof LOCATION SERVICE Hood SERVICE UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Greenheck MAKE MODEL CUBE- 180 -15 -G - MODEL SERIAL 12469767 1106 SERIAL SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.75 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. 5.25 6.25 SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. BELT MAKE Carlisle BELT MAKE # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 AP25 # BELTS BELT SIZE MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Marathon MAKE FRAME POWER 56HZ -80 1.5 FRAME POWER SER. FACTOR RPM 1.15 1725 SER.FACTOR RPM NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 208 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.2 NAMEPLATE AMPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE 212 210 212 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES 6.8 7.0 7.0 ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HERTZ 3 60 PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.625 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM: 4.125 4.0 SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 3600 3887 AIRFLOW ENT. S.P. LVG. S . ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM 1306 FAN RPM REMARKS: REMARKS: READINGS BY: Dan Pegues READINGS BY: NEBB TRS 062001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE, 08 /12/2011 TEST DATE PAGE: 18 Repat M rfM VeHa unless it is suWnffea with an aCCOMPalrylag NEBB Ceirocatbn tan stanped with a Natbnsl Envfmn etdal Balancing BMW Certfflud cn. Seel _ v – i Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E2O7 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT v – i — � v� PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche MANUFACTURER MODEL SERIAL APPLICATION FIRST USE DATE LAST USE DATE CALIBRATION DATE Alnor EBT -721 90737021 CFM -Vel- Press -T 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 06/17/2010 Alnor HM680 71033197 Hydro - Manometer 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 09/07/2010 Alnor Rotating Vane RVA+ Velocity 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 09/09/2010 Extech 380935 971107696 VOA -700A A/C 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 07130/2010 Extech 850187 H196324 Temp / Humidity 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 10/01/2010 Extech Tach 2 Q310606 RPM 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 07/30/2010 Dywer D160 -18" 345345 Duct Traverse 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 Shortridge Air Foil 36" PT36 Duct Traverse 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 Shortridge ADM -860 - tt M97246 CFM -Vel- Press -T 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 07/13/2011 Shortridge HDM -300 W98026 Press Dif£ 08/04/2011 08/15/2011 10/19/2010 REMARKS NEBB TRS 27 -2001 DATE: 08/15/2011 - Report is nm wfld amass k is wbmAtea wM an accomparymg Was Ceniticstbn faro stanwW wRb a NaUwaf EftW=nrenW BHWDdn9 BUMM CezWka6on Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 E Dry Creek Rd - E207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 SYMBOL REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION A/C Air Cond. - Split System Hz Hertz AHU Air Handling Unit KH Kitchen Hood BCU Blower Coil Unit LD Linear Diffuser BHP Brake Horse Power MAU Make Up Air Unit CD Ceiling Diffuser MZ Multizone Unit CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute Mm Moduline - master CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner Ms Moduline - slave CUH -e Cabinet Unit Heater - Electric NA Not Applicable CUH -g Cabinet Unit Heater - Gas NG - Not Given EC Evaporative Cooler NIC Not In Contract EF ( L) Exuast Fan - Large P Pump EF ( M) Exhaust Fan - Medium PSI Pounds Per Square Inch EF (S) Exhaust Fan - Small RF Return Fan or Relief Fan EG Exhaust Grille RG Return Grille EH Electric Heat RE Relief Hood EHE Electric Heating Element RTU Roof Top Unit ERV Energy Recovery Unit SF Supply Fan FCU Fan Coil Unit SRs Supply Register - specialty PH Fume Hood SW Sidewall Grille FPM Feet Per Minute TF Transfer Fan FPVAV Fan Powered Variable Air Volum TR Troffer Ft Feet Trav Traverse Ft Hd Feet of Head UH -e Unit Heater - electric GH Gas Heat UH -g Unit Heater - gas GPM Gallons Per Minute UH -w Unit Heater - heating water HP Heat Pump VAV Variable Air Volume HX Heat Exchanger Hp Horse Power REMARKS: NEBB TRS 28 -2001 1 DATE: 08/15/2011 - Repwt Is rat vaW unfms it Is subnrdtetl wkh an aecauWrOiag NESS Ceddwsba !mM AaapW WiTh a Nafbnaf EtMamnental eafanehg Bureau GeRffickk r Sea! - �' \- eXleuae uloa+elax — wu� GU GT RK DETAIL =T BASEMENT MECHANICAL PLAN 1 ` a EbFET NOTES I. SFRY AW REILAN W:IS P'MIOAVOID DXfi ,Tj ASIFLL'SNYIA Y NDAUO TO LIXBiJOT wTX ", "... EASnAS S.VYa Nb FOItLAPQL PROIIG£IW YSInIXG AS xraesA¢r. 2. M WNN nEM TO L1b` mOE 61RDT AS PDXN E 5. REMN EWLLE `JWJ. m YO.AMPIN nE LMA'4a:OE OF 1iE E#'O`Nlfl OJOTYYMI� m71� TYP b I Q _ 4YESf1 6m 55-1 J L 6K6 —� IM C£N LI IW LFM NR S'AH2A$, L£TARS P1D FLIf1LATKNS. _ 100 CA1 w SHEET N0. 0 M 26 14 -2 NIECHANIC.AL w.D PUNS.1XD VOTES rIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN > SHEET NOTES I. IBx195M Y INJ ]p16.Q111ftV 0.1'150.WH FRGM M1002 N3T^ FS'£�ILE PKT LETNL ON nNS S`@T. 1 wx VWTPN w .. IBd61£nWldGlS. PROJILE IK{4AnON AW D1GT w,x� rein 9. 9Aii.Y A19 FERF11 dKR 91ULL P3EIRATC nldl E%IEVIIXt Ol, F K N.ANEX ERPLE N91M0 Bl'{C..Bi 115GE IRrftO_R OIWAS AFEA 4WSIce uFPR NDXA pI' L F NiPOYJMI.rELY 24'L�x40'wOE OObROMATE IB6XTOF BYlOiT�ALLQiDIN6 TO lE16IR OF lIY.QAAS 0.GT FRRI LN51O£ 4. SIPLY Nm PERRM GWTS LIXYITWI FIR5T Fl0.T{� Il5 fl4`B81r. R6 E4`8B1r nELNPNILAL rLVL S 6POMl NON1EDNRfOM191nIXUlKLWT. WTI M 9 VATED AffiJE 6RAOE W 2a•. (/Kf611NTE ILY.Angi wnl MMNn VIW AND FROi8 LIIE 6. 16xQ SLRiY A`b 2HQ REPFCI0.V'TS QA' W iRGI RTW AKNE ON ROOF. 2w Om V NR S'AH2A$, L£TARS P1D FLIf1LATKNS. _ F SHEET N0. 0 M z -2 NIECHANIC.AL PUNS.1XD VOTES ANON ffi M ly' I a 3 I s �<�� MCM 4 R2 N U SEGONG FLOOR MEGHANIGAL PLAN SHEET NOTES r. RPOFfC? EAN>_eE rolwl�aN LaA RCOF. ec ro EIE M 9NLLFflD VM LOCA TOMW YBtIF H4NfNN PRP'B!GEAQNCE T O XSD AVO t0NT0 rwwro lxsrN.unoN z 1RAN PON 6. RA. ro b#b PHLNS FLr vY.T �YDZTADDEI NPUDTTOFlr. OR � AWROAG MY wXl2 S YDICT TO 14X16. r `NNI. RI`,E W N9 ROME AfLNO ROGf 1RYf. 60 IM WlANM17JAn. FOR � LWlYtlfd` ;Tw /SCAP - £TO H AS EAW11rt0 MIAL ON a=bi �j Z.ro;a , s -x8;9 P iN . m =��nnoo.�om `a� �•` FP",tfSY /Jr�w 11502 _ , � SS NI�1� ' I111111 , � c C J l Z N 0 ll Z 00 z Q N • % 0 MU E trl r Q m0 o� � r4 L7 W 3 a-m -n vxro'ts sT u I sm EN mmalcn nuT L FlHD V&LFY PID fBiK.E EA511AS CWiIF IGf V NR S'AH2A$, L£TARS P1D FLIf1LATKNS. _ F SHEET N0. 0 M z -2 NIECHANIC.AL PUNS.1XD VOTES L FlHD V&LFY PID fBiK.E EA511AS CWiIF IGf o Aro rsAT ®Fae sf�atE r�rwN. ire NR S'AH2A$, L£TARS P1D FLIf1LATKNS. . SHEET N0. M -2 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Permit# 110504 Issued: 08/12/11 Stipulations: Cebiche Restaurant: Tenant Finish. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/ or the use proposed of the building and /or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 7000 W 38TH AVE Parcel Number: 39- 261 -00 -009 Owner: Thomas Yang 2700 Youngfield:St Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Contractor: Jack Grochala 2G's Installation LLC 7001 S. `Uinta St. Centennial, CO 80112 For the Following Purpose: Comm. Tenant Finish Code Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of x006 ICC /2008 NEC this building, without prior notice 2006 ICC /2005 NEC and a new Certificate of Occupancy _ 2003 ICC /2005 NEC I from the City of Wheat Ridge. rinkler System f B ilding Inspector Zoning Administrator CE IFICATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES 08/15/11 09:28:55 City of Wheat Ridge Page 1 bp701 -15 PERMIT INFORMATION - 110504 mmackey PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit #: 110504 Permit Type: Comm. Tenant Finish Permit Dt: 05/05/2011 Expires: 05/04/2012 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zone Cd: Unassigned £unct Use: Unassigned Subdivision: Unassigned Conn Type: Miscellaneous Legal: Address: 7000 W 38TH AVE Parcel Cd: 39- 261 -00 -009 OWNER: Thomas Yang Address: 2700 Youngfield St City /St /Zip: Wheat Ridge CO 80033 DU: 1 Last Zone Dt: Annex DC Lot: Block No: 0 Seteacks- Front: 0.0 Left 0.0 Right: 0.0 Back: 0.0 JOE DESCRIPTION: Restaurant Tenant Finish per plans FEES QTY DUE PAID: Permit Fee 142,788.00 1,409.40 1,409.40 Plan Review Fee .00 916.11. 916.11 Total Valuation 142,788.00 .00 .00 Use Tax 142,788.00 2,570.18 2,570.18 ---------- --- - - - - -- 4,895.69 4,895.69 CONTACTS: .owner Thomas Yang 2700 Youngfield St Wheat Ridge CO 80033 3039442540 go CL2 2G's. Installation LLC Jack Grochala 7001 S. Uinta St Centennial, CO 80112 sub CLA La Trinidad Electric Ruben Robles 7560 Wilson Ct. Westminster, CO 80030 3032634341 sub CL9 Cryton Inc Daniel E. Parsons 3700 S. Jason St. Englewood, CO 60110 3037892740 sub. CLE Colorado Heating & Plumbing Be 36 W. Evans DENVER, CO 80223 3037778775 sub CL4 Dan the Window Man Daniel Ryan 3440 Youngfield St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 3032323229 sub CLB Glenn's Plumbing & Heating Glenn S. Clayton 4961 S. Rio Grande St. Littleton, CO 80120 3037984085 PARCEL INFORMATION: 10 Structure Type 109 20 Year Built 1954.00 30 Property Type COMMR PERMIT CONDITIONS: All signage requires separate permits. All exteriorlighting shall be in conformance with Section 26 -503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. All work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, INC, IECC, IFGC and 2005 NEC and all applicable ordinances. No drywall or other wall coverings shall be installed until such time that structural modification work is verified and approved and written permission to cover is received from the Building Division. All work is subject to field inspection and approval. Structure shall not be occupied or furnished prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. APPROVALS: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS STATUS: 08/15/11 09:28:55 City of Wheat Ridge Page 2 bp701 -1s PERMIT INFORMATION - 110504 mmackey Type Description Required By Completed On - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Fire Final Fire Dept Insp PERMIT NOTES: 06/06/11 Tom Yang submitted plans to SS for review of structural framing. 05/05/11 Zoned C -1. Provided parking exceeds the number required. Permit approved by planning. 05/05/11 CREATED FROM APPL# 11 -0091 04/07/11 Given to KC for review. INSPECTION INFORMATION: # TYPE CONTR# CALLED CNCL WHO REQ DT INS DT STATUS 1 PUG:Plumbing Underground 01 -8479 05/16/11 no KC 05/17/11 05/17/11 INCOMPLETE 2 POG:Plumbing Underground 05/18/11 no KC 05/17/11 05/17/11 COMPLETE 3 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins 11 -0019 06/01/11 no MV 06/02/11 06/02/11 PARTIAL 4 FRI:Framing Rough Insp. 11 -0054 06 /02/11 no KC 06/03/11 06/03/11 INCOMPLETE 5 COU:COUrtesy 06/02/11 no KC 06/02/11 06/02/11 COMPLETE 6 MRI:Mechanical Rough Ins 06/03/11 no KC 06/03/11 06/03/11 INCOMPLETE 7 PRI:Plumbing Rough Insp. 06/03/11 no KC 06/03/11 06/03/11 COMPLETE 8 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins 11 -0019 06/07/11 no MV 06/08/11 06/08/11 COMPLETE 9 FRI:Framing Rough Insp. 11 -0054 06/06/11 no KC 06/09/11 06/09/11 INCOMPLETE 10 PRI:Framing Rough Insp. 06/09/11 no KC 06/09/11 06109111 PARTIAL 11 FRI:Framing Rough Insp. 11 -0054 06/10/11 no KC 06/13/11 06/13/11 INCOMPLETE 12 INS: Insulation 11 -0054 06/13/11 no KC 06/14/11 06/14/11 INCOMPLETE 13 FRI:Framing Rough Insp. 06/13/11 no KC 06/13/11 06/13/11 COMPLETE 14 COCUCOUrtesy 06/14/11 no KC 06/14/11 06/14/11 COMPLETE 15 INS:Insulation 11 -0054 06/15/11 no KC 06/16/11 06116111 PARTIAL 16 COU:COUrtesy 06/15/11 no KC 06/15/11 06/15/11 COMPLETE 17 GPT: Gas Pressure Test 02 -0070 06/16/11 no MV 06/17/11 06/17/11 COMPLETE 18 ERI:ElectriCal Rough Ins 11 -0019 06/16/11 no MV 06/17/11 06/17/11 INCOMPLETE 19 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 11 -0054 06/16/11 no MV 06/17/11 06/17/11 INCOMPLETE 20 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 11 -0054 06/20/11 no KC 06/21/11 06/21/11 PARTIAL 21 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 11 -0054 '06/22/11 no KC 06/23/11 06/23/11 PARTIAL 22 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins 11 -0019 06/23/11 no KC 06/24/11 06/24/11 INCOMPLETE 23 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins .06/24/11 an KC 06/24/11 06/24/11 PARTIAL 24 INS:Insulation 11 -0054 07/06/11 no KC 07/07/11 07/07/11 COMPLETE 25 PUG:Plumbing Underground 07/07/11 no KC 07/07/11 07/07/11. PARTIAL 26 PUG:Plumbing Underground 02 -1897 07/08/11 no KC 07/11/11 07/11/11 INCOMPLETE 27 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 11 -0054 07/06/11 no KC 07/11/11 07/11/11 INCOMPLETE 28 PUG:Plumbing Underground 07/11/11 no KC 07/11/11 07/11/11 COMPLETE 29 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 07/11/11 no KC 07/11/11 07/11/11 PARTIAL 30 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 11 -0054 07/15/11 n0 KC 07/18/11 07/18/11 COMPLETE 31 EFI:Elcctrical Final Ins I1 -0019 08/03/11 n0 MV 08/04/11 08/04/11 INCOMPLETE 08/15/11 09:28:55 City of Wheat Ridge Page 3 bp701 -1s PERMIT INFORMATION - 110504 m ackey 32 PFI:Plumbing Final Insp 02 -1897 08/03/11 no KC 08/04/11 08/04/11 INCOMPLETE 33 MFI: Mechanical Final 02 -0070 08/03/11 no KC 06/04/11 08/04/11 INCOMPLETE 34 ROF:ROOf Inspection 11 -0054 08/03/11 no KC 08/04/11 08/04/11 INCOMPLETE 35 BFI:Building Final Insp 11 -0054 08/03/11 no KC 08/04/11 08 /04/11 INCOMPLETE 36 LFI:Landscsping Final 11 -0054 08/03/11 no MR 08/04/11 08/04/11 INCOMPLETE 37 EFI:Electzical Final Ins 11 -0019 08/04/11 on MV 00/05/11 08/05/11 COMPLETE 38 PFI:Plumbing Final Insp 02 -1897 08/08/11 n0 KC 08/09/11 08/09/11 INCOMPLETE 39 MFI:Mechanical Final 01 -8479 08/08/11 no KC 08/09/11 08/09/11 INCOMPLETE 40 BFI:Building Final Insp 11 -0054 08/08/11 no KC 08/09/11 08/09/11 INCOMPLETE 41 BFI:Building Final Insp 08/09/11 no KC 08/10/11 08/10/11 INCOMPLETE 42 MFI:Mechanical Final 08/09/11 no KC 08/10/11 08/10/11 INCOMPLETE 43 PFI:Plumbing Final Insp 08/09/11 no KC 08/10/11 08/10/11 INCOMPLETE 44 BFI:Building Final Insp 11 -0054 08/10/11 no TS O8 /11 /11 08/11/11 INCOMPLETE 45 PFI:Plumbing Final Insp 02 -1897 08/10/11 no is 08/11/11 08/11/11 COMPLETE 46 MFI: Mechanical Final 01 -8479 08 /10 /11 no is 08/11/11 GO/11/11 INCOMPLETE 47 MFI: Mechanical Final 01 -8479 08/12/11 n0 is 08/12/11 08112/11 COMPLETE 48 BFI:Building Final Insp 11 -0054 08/12/11 no is 08/12/11 08/12/11 COMPLETE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Permit# 110647 Stipulations 2 Entry Canvas Awnings. Issued: 08/12/11 This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/ or the use proposed of the building and /or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 7000 W 38TH AVE Parcel Number: 39- 261 -00 -009 Owner: Tom Yang 7000 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Contractor: Ted Snyder /R.D.Ansay Awning Company of America, Inc 77 Kalamath St Denver, CO 802231649 For the Following Purpose: Commercial Deck Code Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of 06 ICC /2008 NEC this building without prior notice 2006 ICC /2005 NEC and anew Certificate of Occupancy 2003 ICC /2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Sprinkler System E—BLylYding Inspector Zoning Administrator 3RTIFICATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES 08/15/11 08:26:27 City of Wheat Ridge Page 1 bp701 -1s PERMIT INFORMATION - 110647 mmackey PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit#: 110647 Permit Type:. Commercial Deck Permit Dt: 06/08/2011 Expires: 06/07/2012 Address: 7000 W 38TH AVE Parcel Cd: 39- 261 -00 -009 OWNER: Tom Yang Address: 7000 W 38th Ave City /St /Zip: Wheat Ridge Co 80033 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zone Cd: Unassigned DU: 1 Funct Use: Unassigned Last Zone Dt: Subdivision: Unassigned Annex Dt: Cont Type: Miscellaneous Lot: Block No: 0 Legal: JOB DESCRIPTION: 2 entry canvas awnings 8' x 10 and 7' -6" x 21' wide SetBacks- Front: 0.0 Left: 0.0 Right: 0.0 Back: 0.0 FEES DIV DUE PAID: Permit Fee 7,500.00 172.60 172.60 Plait Review Fee .00 112.19 112.19 Total Valuation 7,500.00 .00 .00 Use Tax 7,500.00 135.00 135.00 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 419.79 419.79 CONTACTS: owner Tom Yang 7000 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 3039442540 go- C4N Awning Company of America, Inc Ted Snyder /R.D.Ansay 77 Kalamath St Denver, CO 802231649 3036257600 PARCEL INFORMATION: 10 Structure Type 109 20 Year Built 1954.00 30 Property Type COMMR PERMIT CONDITIONS: SS: Approved. Zoned C -1. 5' minimum setback to east side property line. Note: Owner /Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. APPROVALS: Reg Apprv'1 Date Approver Note Zoning 06/07/11 SS Meets 5 foot minimum side setback. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS STATUS: PERMIT NOTES: 06/08/11 CREATED FROM APPL# 11 -0152 06/07/11 Approved and given to KC for review. 06/06/11 Given to BE for review. INSPECTION INFORMATION: # TYPE CONTR# CALLED bp701 -1s 1 BFI:BUilding Final Insp 02 -2302 08/03/11 2 LFI:Landscaping Final 02 -2302 08/03/11 3 BFI:BUilding Final Insp 08/10/11 4 BFI:BUilding Final Insp - 08/09/11 CNCL WHO REQ DT INS DT PERMIT INFORMATION - 110647 no KC 08/04/11 08/04/11 no MR 08/04/11 08 /04/11 no BCS1 08/12/11 08/12/11 no KC 08/09/11 08/09/11 STATUS 08/15/11 08:26:27 INCOMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE INCOMPLETE mmackey Mim — i Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT DATE 08/12/2011 PROJECT 6861 Cebiche 7000 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO USA DESIGN ENGINEER Priest Engineering, Inc HVAC CONTRACTOR Cryton NEBB TAB FIRM Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 Certification Number: 2631 �L I nr i — NEBB TRS.01 -2001 National Environmental Balancing Bureau Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 0)3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT: 6661 Cebiche PROJECT NOTES AND SUMMARY - Job Notes ...... ............................... 1 AIR APPARATUS -GU -1 Supply Air ............. ............................... 2 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - GU -1 Minimum Outside Air ...................... 3 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - GU -1 Supply Air .............................. 4 AIR APPARATUS - RTU -1 Supply Air ............ ............................... 5 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -1 Minimum Outside Air ..................... 6 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -1 Supply Air ............................. 7_ AIR APPARATUS - RTU -2 Supply Air ............. ............................... 8 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -2 Minimum Outside Air ...................... 9 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -2 Supply Air ............................ 10 AIR APPARATUS - RTU -3 Supply Air ........... ............................... 11 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - RTU -3 Minimum Outside Air .................... 12 REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER - RTU -3 Supply Air ............................ 13 FAN - MUA -1 Make Up Air .................... ............................... 14 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - MUA -1 Supply Air ............................. 15 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE - REF -1 Exhaust Air ............................ 16 FAN - EF-la Exhaust Air .................... ............................... 17 FAN - EF-lb Exhaust Air ..................... ............................... 17 FAN - REF -1 Exhaust Air .................... ............................... 18 NEBB TRS 31 -2001 Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 w.o weew DwT IQ TCCT DCDn PT v — 3 PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT GU -1 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE Basemant UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZF048N10N1 POWER. (BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NIE1041844. RPM SER.FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE PC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 4.8 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.125 - FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20xl 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.5 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.25 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 270 276 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.D. ACTUAL SP.D. NT. &P ENT. SP. ACTUAL LVG S.P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.05 -0.36 -0.41 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1350 1460 Coil 0.17 -0.41 -0.58 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 0.98 Fan 0.98 -0.58 0.40 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.76 FAN RPM 1037 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SELPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS NEBB TRS O4 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 2 Report is (rot wMd w9ass X f sehmdted with an accnrn/enying NME Centlecattnn form stamped with a National Emmamenm naeacr� *u o ,w.. I . L. i � v7 Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 PROJECT NOTES AND SUMMARY REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche DESCRIPTION: Job Notes No deficiencies to report at time of balance. NEBB TRS 29 -2001 1 DATE: 08/12/2011 PAGE: 1 Repon fs w wW unless h is wb nne0 whh an we paWng NEBB Cenccagon form stamend with a NWwal BnelrnnMWW Ba nwng Bu u Certffla n Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT GU -1 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 270 278 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEURED AIRFLOW 278 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 1152.47 157.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 157 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WRH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NU@MERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT VER77CAL NUIMERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM 1 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: PAGE: 3 Report is r wfd U tl s k K sobmketl Wkh an a MpanYfn9 NEBB Cert/rx aan Tuna stamped with a NaU w Emimnnremal Balewm Bun:a!( cenun ou sea, w ill 1 Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RErISTFR rRll I F DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT GU -1 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRES5 NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 245 220. 110.0 2 SW 200 285 215 107.5 3 SW 200 240 220 - - 110.0 4 SW 100 125 110 110.0 5 SW 100 140 105 105.0 6 SW 200 245 215 107.5 7 SW 150 180 160 106.7 8 SW 200 235 215 107.5 TOTAL 1350 1695 1460 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 4 Report is mt ualitl unless a is submAffitl WM an xcompaWng NEBB CefflFa lm farm stanpee with a Nat Wm Ewf=ftlenW Balancing Bureau Certilmagon Seal 1 Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 wIM ADDAOATIIC TCCT PFPnIPT DIN .. PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -1 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZFO60NIONIA POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NlF080390 RPM SER, FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE FC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 5.6 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ it 60 BELT MAKE Browning FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 rSHEAV E MAKE P ower Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 VE DIAMETER 4.125 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20xl 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.75 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.125 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 400 416 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.O. ACTUAL S.P.D. ACTUAL ENT. SP. ACTUAL LVG. S.P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.21 -0.12 -0.33 TOTAL AIRFLOW 2000 2035 Coil 0.26 -0.33 -0.59 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 1.12 Fan 1.12 -0.59 0.53 EXT, STATIC PRESSURE - 0.65 FAN RPM 1112 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS: NEBB TRS O4.2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 5 Repmf is r,, v,nd anJess & m m miRad wa an accampaWng NF88 CuGficatim gunge MR wan a rveuoaw Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche 2 3 4 UNIT 6 7 RTU -1 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 12 13 1 SERVICE Basement LOCATION ALTITUDE DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW - 400 416 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 416 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 225.88 235.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 235 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RE41WNGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NUAEERS ARE LEFT TO NOW. VERACAL NUASERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM (REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: PAGE: 6 Repot Is riot v unless it rs wbm9fe0 Wu an as PaWng NEBB Ce WkaU,, farm stamper wmr a NaUanal EMIMM rnta/ Balancing 0u Cenaaraaao seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 0=mICTC0 I'DII I F I"11FF1 ISFR TEST RFPORT (Flow Hood) i PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -1 SYSTEM Supply Aix TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Dining MANUFACTURER TESTINSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 150 205 102.5 2 SW 200 170 210 105.0 3 SW 200 190 195 97.5 4 SW 200 150 190 95.0 5 SW 200 165 210 105.0 6 SW 200 245 205 102.5 7 SW 200 255 210 105.0 8 SW 200 265 200 100.0 9 SW 200 300 210 105.0 10 SW 200 280 200 100.0 TOTAL 2000 2170 - 2035 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/04/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 7 RepM is mot v fd unless 0 is submitted with an WMIRpanong NEBB CelNgragos Twm sdamped wfth a NaWftat ErrvimnrM7W Batanciug Bu2au CertmcaiWn seat J Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -2 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME Marathon Y56 MODEL ZF048NIONIA POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NIE1056561 RPM SER. FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE PC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 6.0 SHEAVE DIAMETER 5.5 C.F.L.A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A36 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.125 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x2Gxl 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.875 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.0 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 320 355 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.D. ACTUAL &P.D. ACTUAL ENT. &P. ACTUAL LVG. &P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.10 -0.36 -0.46 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1600 1655 Coil 0.18 -0.46 -0.64 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 1.12 Fan 1.12 -0.64 0.48 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.84 FAN RPM 1112 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SETPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS: NEBB TRS O4 -2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 8 Report S not wW unless d is suhmnled wnn an accompanying NESS Cenifi 0w Conn stamped wiTh a Nations' fmironnrentW Balancing Bureau QWff rron aeai Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -2 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW 320 335 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 335 AIR TEMP. DS AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 180.71 189.00 P ITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 189 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WRH NR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NUFBERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT, VERRCAL NUMBERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: PAGE 9 Report is trot vaG7 unless A is submitted with an accompanying NEBB Ce,Ulkatiou to= stanyien With a NaWna! Errvironmentel Belanrarg Bumm Dertneavmn seal i Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 PrMIRTPR GRII_I_F__ DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -2 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Seating MANUFACTURER TESTINSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 SW 200 240 210 105.0 2 SW 200 200 205 102.5 3 SW 200 255 205 102.5 4 SW 200 130 200 100.0 5 SW 200 195 210 105.0 6 SW 100 115 105 105.0 7 Sw 100 125 110 110.0 8 SW 200 220 205 102.5 9 SW 100 105 - 100 100.0 10 SW 100 120 105 105.0 TOTAL - 1600 1705 1655 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 10 Repan is not wffd unless k is submitted wil» an accompanying NE88 CmVFACellnn tune stamped wnh a Natldnai ENlm nlelnel zm mng numau uenmrniuu Deal v -- i i r Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 I I AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -3 SYSTEM Supply Air LOCATION SERVICE UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE York MAKE FRAME A.O Smith Y56 MODEL EF036N08N1A POWER BRAKE PWR. 1.5 SERIAL NIE1027261 RPM SER.FACTOR 1725 1.15 TYPE SIZE FC NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 230 DISCHARGE CLASS Forward NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.6 ARRANGEMENT DWDI ACTUAL VOLTAGE 239 SHEAVE MAKE - Power Drive ACTUAL AMPERES 3.9 SHEAVE DIAMETER 6.25 C.F.1-A. OVERLOAD 7.31 SHEAVE BORE 1.0 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 BELT MAKE Browning PWR. FACTOR EFFICIENCY #F BELTS BELT SIZE 1 A37 SHEAVE MAKE Power Drive NUMBERS OF FILTERS 2 1 SHEAVE DIAMETER 4.25 FILTER TYPE Mesh Mesh SHEAVE BORE 0.875 FILTER SIZE 15x20x1 14x25xl OPERATING DIAMETER 3.875 TEST DATA CENTER DISTANCE 12.0 TEST DESIGN ACTUAL - STATIC PRESSURE PROFILE OUTSIDE AIRFLOW 320 214 DEVICE DESIGN S.P.O. ACTUAL S.P.D. ACTUAL ENT. S.P. ACTUAL LVG. S.P RETURN AIRFLOW Filter 0.10 -0.25 -0.35 TOTAL AIRFLOW 1020 1045 Coil 0.16 -0.35 -0.51 TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE - 0.90 Fan 0.90 -0.51 0.39 EXT. STATIC PRESSURE 0.64 FAN RPM 974 VORTEX OR VFD POSITION STATIC PRESSURE SEfPOINT OUT. AIR DAMPER POSITION RET. AIR DAMPER POSITION REMARKS: NEBB TRS O4 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 11 Report is not V hrd amass A h. wbMifad wdh an acoompanpaq NESS Cei anon firm stamped wdb a National ErNiromm,,W Safanong Smeau Certification Seal — I I i Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cehiche UNIT RTU -3 SYSTEM Minimum Outside Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Basement LOCATION 10 ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 15 17 STANDARD AIRFLOW - 205 214 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 214 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 1.77 AVERAGE VELOCITY 115.76 121.00 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NUMBERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT. VERTICAL NUIMERS ARE TOP TO 207TOM IREMARKS NE86 TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 1 READINGS BY: PAGE: 12 Report is not valid unless it is submined with an woompaoing NESB CerlilwaRon form stamped with a Natbnal Errvironrrmnla/ BaIM110 J Bureau Cen(IrnaUOn Sea! Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RF=nIgTFR ('RII I F (DIFFUSER TEST REPORT (Flow Hood) 15 W i PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT RTU -3 SYSTEM Supply Air TERMINAL BOX LOCATION Upstairs MANUFACTURER TEST INSTRUMENT FLOW HOOD LOCATION REGISTER, GRILLE, DIFFUSER DESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL OR ADDRESS NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % 1 CD 60 160 65 108.3 2 CD 60 150 65 108.3 3 CD 200 160 185 92.5 4 CD 200 220 205 102.5 5 CD 200 180 205 102.5 6 SW 150 160 160 106.7 7 SW 150 160 160 106.7 TOTAL 1020 1190 1045 REMARKS: NEBB TRS 13 -2001 UOM: IT TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE: 13 Report is rrut v Af unless B m sobnWed with an accompangang NEBB CefBl/eagon form stamped with a Nadonal rata nrental Batanongf Bnmaa CMlhcahon Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road, Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TFCT RFPORT it PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT MUA -1 UNIT SYSTEM Make Up Air SYSTEM LOCATION Roof LOCATION SERVICE Kitchen SERVICE UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Greenback MAKE MODEL DG- 110- H10 -DB MODEL SERIAL 12469557 SERIAL SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.75 SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. 5.25 17.0 SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. BELT MAKE Carlisle BELT MAKE # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 AP46 # BELTS BELT SIZE MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Baldor MAKE FRAME POWER 145T 2.0 FRAME POWER SER. FACTOR RPM 1.15 1725 TER. FACTOR RPM NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 208 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE NAMEPLATE AMPERES 10.3 NAMEPLATE AMPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE 212 210 212 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES 9.7 9.9 9.8 ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HERTZ 3 60 - PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE Power Drive 0.875 SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. 4.125 4.0 SHV. DIAM. I OPER. DIAM. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 2775 2825 AIRFLOW 'ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM 1282 FAN RPM REMARKS: REMARKS: READINGS BY Dan Pegues READINGS BY: NEBB TRS 08 -2001 UOM: IP TEST DATE 08/12/2011 TEST DATE PAGE. 14 Repot is not v W unless A is whr ed wkh an acow#p ying NEBE CWVWI iom form st rWd wi a Nr ns erNlranmenrar e--W eu'c ��u, w„ Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche 2 3 4 UNIT 6 7 MUA -1 SYSTEM (Supply Air 11 ZONE - 13 1 408 SERVICE Kitchen LOCATION Roof ALTITUDE DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 25 32 STANDARD AIRFLOW 2775 2825 DENSITY 3 S.P. 562 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW 2825 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 5.56 AVERAGE VELOCITY 1499.50 508.50 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 408 411 2 548 503 3 619 562 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RE4IXNGS TAKEN WITH AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NURSERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT. VERTICAL NURSERS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS: No volume dampers on system, set for total air flow. NEBB TRS 09 -2001 I UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/09/2011 I READINGS BY: Dan Pegues I PAGE. 15 I Report is not vend unless it is suMNeB with an nummpvVffig NEBB CertifleeVOn lurm S&UMee wan a Nevelet tmnmmnmrar eusu � y nu,ew -M — I i Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT KEF -1 SYSTEM Exhaust Air ZONE 6 SERVICE Hood LOCATION Hod - ALTITUDE 12 DUCT DATA TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL HEIGHT WIDTH 22 114 STANDARD AIRFLOW 1 3600 3887 DENSITY S.P. 0.075 MEASURED AIRFLOW - 3887 AIR TEMP. DB AREA 17.42 AVERAGE VELOCITY 206.70 223.17 POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 207 235 241 245 212 199 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 READINGS TAKEN WTNI AIR BLOWING TOWARD THE OBSERVER HORIZONTAL NUIIWERS ARE LEFT TO RIGHT. VERACAL NUIMaRS ARE TOP TO BOTTOM REMARKS: NEBB TRS 09 -2001 1 UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/10/2011 1 READINGS BY: Dan Pegues PAGE 16 Repod fs trot v M unless d is suhmlttea with an accompanying NEBB Ce ffcedon farm alenwW WM a Nations Emlmnnrenta! BaOmng Bun aennnaaen seal 1 Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TEST REPORT pis 5i L' PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT EF -la UNIT EF -lb SYSTEM Exhaust Air SYSTEM Exhaust Air LOCATION Restroom LOCATION Restroom SERVICE Restroom SERVICE Restroom UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Broan MAKE Broan MODEL 771 -A MODEL 771 -A SERIAL N/A - SERIAL - N/A SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE Direct Drive - SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE Direct Drive - SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. - - SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. - - BELT MAKE Direct Drive BELT MAKE Direct Drive # BELTS BELT SIZE - - # BELTS BELT SIZE - - MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Broan MAKE Broan FRAME POWER - Fractional FRAME POWER - Fractional SER. FACTOR RPM - - SER. FACTOR RPM - - NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 115 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 115 NAMEPLATE AMPERES 1.5 NAMEPLATE AMPERES 1.5 ACTUAL VOLTAGE 120 ACTUAL VOLTAGE 120 ACTUAL AMPERES 1.4 ACTUAL AMPERES 1.4 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE Direct Drive - SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE Direct Drive - SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. - - SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. - - TEST DATA .DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 75 80 AIRFLOW 75 80 ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM Direct Drive FAN RPM Direct Drive REMARKS: REMARKS: READINGS BY: Dan Pegues READINGS BY: Dan Pegues NEBB TRS 08 -2001 I UOM: IP I TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 PAGE: 17 Report ! not wftd unless N is submkted WO an wanmpanymg NEW Cel wafion form sbmpetl with a Natanal Efwim amw Ra/axmg sumu cwfikaaun S i ,v— I ra Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 FAN TEST REPORT i PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche UNIT REF -1 UNIT SYSTEM Exhaust Ai.r SYSTEM LOCATION Roof LOCATION SERVICE Hood SERVICE UNIT DATA UNIT DATA MAKE Greenheck MAKE MODEL CUBE- 180 -15 -G MODEL SERIAL 12469767 1106 SERIAL SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.75 SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. 5.25 6.25 SHV. DIAM. CENTER DIST. BELT MAKE Carlisle BELT MAKE # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 AP25 # BELTS BELT SIZE MOTOR DATA MOTOR DATA MAKE Marathon MAKE FRAME POWER 6HZ -80 1.5 FRAME POWER SER. FACTOR RPM 1.15 1725 SER. FACTOR RPM NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE 208 NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE NAMEPLATE AMPERES 7.2 NAMEPLATE AMPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE 212 210 212 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES 6.8 7.0 7.0 ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HERTZ 3 60 PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Power Drive 0.625 SHV. MAKE SHV.BORE SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. 4.125 4.0 SHV. DIAM. OPER. DIAM. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL AIRFLOW 3600 3887 AIRFLOW ENT, S.P. LVG. S.P. ENT. S.P. LVG. S.P. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE FAN RPM 1306 FAN RPM REMARKS: REMARKS: READINGS BY: Dan Pegues READINGS BY: NEBB TRS 08.2001 1 UOM: IP TEST DATE: 08/12/2011 TEST DATE. PAGE: 18 Repwt is not v W unless d is sulmMted WM an a MPSnybg NESS CerliFirafian f damped with a NatbnaP ErN/mnmental salarMbg sumac Ce ffkadon Seal Double T Balancing Company 7200 East Dry Creek Road; Suite E -207 Centennial, Colorado 80112 -2569 SYMBOL REPORT PROJECT: 6861 Cebiche SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION EH Electric Heat GH Gas Heat NIC Not In Contract REMARKS NEBB TRS 28 -2001 DATE: 08/12/2011 Repoli R = vaw unless S RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTION REPORT 1801 19' Street, Golden, CO 80401 (303)271- d Cann - V Establishment On,neAMaoager !, ` Address G'y 1 j �p a. Food contact surfaces - c. Dishwashing facilities' b. Non -food contact surfaces X11 .` TESTING DEVICES a. Refrigeration units provided w/ accurate, conspicuous thermometer Routine Construction I Mo Day Yr Current License Posted Establishment email or Ls Follow -up Complain[ Preupen Consult - t i 2 f YES NO d Lighting - h. Separate living, laundry i. Restroom Facilities 15 ' , OTHER OPERATIONS ; - - a. Personnel: clean clothes, hair restraints, authorized b. Linen properly stored Regulatory Action(s) ❑ 1 Notification of Civil Penalty An inspection of your establishment was.made on this date in accordance with the COLORADO RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. You are hereby ordered to correct the deficiencies marked below. Failure to comply may result in further action by the regulatory agency. a. Approved source c. Cross - contamination b. Wholesome, free of spoilage d. HACCP plan Employee Health /Hygienic Practices a. Personnel w /infections restricted f. Demonstration of Knowledge b. Wounds properly covered g. Preventing food contamination c. Hands washed as needed from bare hands d. Hygienic practices - e. Smoking, eating, drinking Temperature Control Procedures a. Rapidly cool foods to 41OF or less d. Required cooking temperature b. Rapidly reheat to 165 of or greater e. Cold hold at 41 of or less c. Hot hold at 135nF or greater Temperature Control of Equipment f. Use of food thermometer (probe type, accurate to + / -2 °F) g. Adequate equipment to maintain food temperatures - - a. Manual b. Mechanical c. ht -place a. Safe water source c. Backflow, back siphonage b. Hot & cold water under pressure d. Sewage disposal a. Properly stored c. Properly used b ' Properly labeled NOTES: (� too sSCO{ 1 GTISnS Non - critical Items 09 '[, "' FOOD FOODTRQTECTION= a. Original container, properly labeled b. Food protected from contamination 10 ,' ' E UIPMEPYT DESIGNkCONSTROCTION '" ' a. Food contact surfaces - c. Dishwashing facilities' b. Non -food contact surfaces X11 .` TESTING DEVICES a. Refrigeration units provided w/ accurate, conspicuous thermometer b. Dishmachine provided with accurate thermometers & gauge cock c. Chemical test kits provided, accessible 12' ' . CLEANING OF EQ UIPMENT & UTENSILS ' .: a. Food contact surfaces c. Dishwashing operations b. Non -food contact surfaces d. Wiping cloths o pm 13 UTENSILS +SINGLE - SERVICE ARTICLES . a. Utensils provided, used, stored b. Single - service articles stored, dispensed, used c. No reuse of single - service articles 14 PHYSICAL FACILITIES.- - - a. Plumbing: installed, maintained e. Ventilation b. Garbage & refuse f. Locker rooms c. Floors, walls, ceilings g. - Premise maintained d Lighting - h. Separate living, laundry i. Restroom Facilities 15 ' , OTHER OPERATIONS ; - - a. Personnel: clean clothes, hair restraints, authorized b. Linen properly stored Regulatory Action(s) ❑ 1 Notification of Civil Penalty ❑ 2 " Notification of Civil Penalty ❑ 3' Notification of Civil Penalty ❑ Voluntary Condemnation ❑ Voluntary Closure - - - ❑ Embargo Notice Resolution /Interventions ❑: Voluntary Closure Release - ❑ Compliance Agreement ❑ On -Site Training ❑ Embargo Release Follow date -up ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f / Building Inspection Division l (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 FaK INSPECTION NOTICE \� Inspection Type: 3U 10 14" � �7,J41_�s�Sp6c"r Job Address: (Y. -)`6 An/taJtl Permit Number: l �� ��?�71 M � �!'�r ✓!/'��_ .,�1 �in/ 33 j k I F c� �! El one available for i ape tion: Time AA A PM / t Re- Inspection requ of d:t Yes No When corrections / been made, cafl for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: a t (' Inspector: .1 g80VtwAa_L DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: LV'S1111F5_ Job Address: 7y IJ I Sg`_ Permit Number: Z/D � C F j ❑ No one available for inspection: Time PM r Re- inspection required Yes No * When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Date: / /� Inspector: ! sowm l w—,� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE �. V1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type �+pf.s�sr��irasC� Job Address 74ng rrr . A1,6 Permit Number llol l x . ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM M Re- Inspection required: Yes ao *When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 s; Date: f Inspecto x x: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE .. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division f (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line - (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 76 L 4 .&1 7C 4�IZ Permit Number af045'Y7 r y ❑'No one available for inspection: Time 1 4r : L / M Re- Inspection required: es `- No when corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: ,r Inspector: 4 � DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE s. 1* .� r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division f (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line 303 235 -2855 Office ' 303 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type P/ E, lv)a .0 P Job Address Permit Number rip '�y9 i r 5 v: 7�fZg to Jq6VA E € '7 l�G* A-Vj W1_S A ❑ No one available for inspection: Time PM Re- Inspection required: r L e No when corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: �'°r��� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "r 0000 r Building Inspection Division ;(303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237- -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE inspection Type' I3� r Job Address 7 Ltl 3T 10x45 Permit Number 11a y.57 Log -€-!f Rcvlv 1,oV_0;4 -11 rx"Two� L/s�P S f z/t=17 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time PM Re- Inspection required: Yes No r.. *When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE I ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division �r (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type RUM6),k6 Job Address: Permit Number: { IT-) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time / ; /PM Re- inspection required: Ye No When c have been ma e; ea or re- inspection at 303234-5933 Date: C� 1l �� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE is ♦ 41 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: -- 7&7f -D /M. _99f4 /!�' Permit Number: //():S/)* ❑ No one available for ins ction: Time 2 A = ' pp� s Re Inspection required:j( Ye ) No * When corrections have be en m ade, call for re-inapection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ 4' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE B uil di ng Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: LF1 Job Address: 1 3`D V0 /AVe-- Permit Number: i co j UV /j G Date: q 1-_7 I Inspector: _�� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division Jroo (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office ` (303) 237 -8929 Fax INS PECTION NOTICE f; A Inspection Type Job Address 7000 w Permit Number //66 / t � ❑ No one available for inspection: Time a AM PM Re- Inspection required: Yes No, When corrections have been made, call f ir it at 303- 234 -5933 P r r f 1 Date: ( Inspector. t (( y DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Vr :CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building inspection Division (303)234 -5933 Inspection line '0 (303) 235-2855 Office * (303) 237 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 0 1'Z,�e c� &J, 41 Permit Number �ITY o No one available for inspection,,' Re-inspection required: Yes/ No When corrections have been M �all Date: /!�r IZZ Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE AM/PM 4 Alt— 5re m 4Rr�_ - rs�f> ' P} RAP, s�.6eON&ts y,?&T P �"'�i+RRI. -c r erl , A `3 �'4PJ � lit � 5 b ` �� f�S/d s� der : 4 eltX_Srr �;��a'� � a�J"r ..�tsc..f� f.��>i�✓�'�:'.✓et� s.+k fi jk� J.p�.`c',�?. T" ° �e�i Sc / b / ' � Y`,e�tn ,,� •' q .� ' °./� vrd�t+'�t =7` � �i �.f p .w �I'./f s- .fit ✓it' €.�J <tb Y�.��YU.�x°P�ts KI R a ly /�.�6Y`7ud/.+ A�: i I .f9t/:1 et1 65?u M44s nc y7p s't one av for inspection:. Time V AM?P 17) 1041kO "K£IJOe' Re- Inspection required:s No When corrections have been made, call for re inspection at 303 - 234- 5933 r Date: Inspector ;- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE e. _ A 4 1 < •, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address ^� Permit Number 1 t 0 57) q C V V -0-- �( r— } G F, r, ❑ No one available for inspection: Time Re- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: t " t ! Inspector: f/ DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE s b r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234- 5933 In line 7- (303) 235 -2855 Office i,* (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address OW Per mit ry Number / Alye v7 ��T2'�f F n'X.�(� k. �b'; �i 2 � 6— f�� ��)t �Y'°✓!'J. i FL ❑ No one available for inspection: Time �F Re- Inspection required: L No *when corrections have been made, call for r ME sion INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 749 ,el lrrzO Permit Number ! ®o VSV s>'..1`r ✓... �Jr'1 "� F-�3 �`+sm94' ✓ ..�' -tA .+�� u^ se /Q O'A< t: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time bra AM F Re- Inspection required: �No r. When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: a ,r Inspector; DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE j Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 inspection line (303)235 -2855 Office ' (303) Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type ° Job Address Permit Number ❑ No one available for inspection: Time k l WIPM Re- Inspection required: Yes ` No F *When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 r Date: - 7 Inspector: w. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE y ♦��4' .. +- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division f (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address f < a Permit Number f1,4 5D 4z � �2. 'c�e� b d�7>ds✓£' ?'z.(`1 `�i�., frr" �� �`1�9�Jn I 7,- n N /5 t �>I xu1 yg Re- Inspection required: Yes );,No k When corrections have made, call for relM Date: Inspector: AM /I CITY C Building /3OM 234 Job Address ` e �Fe ?;W Zw Permit Number /laSr�Y �. ❑ No one available for inspection: Time V !e, AMM '' Re- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE r ► t' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office'' (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE pection Type Job Address armit Number 116 `;V l QfJ'� y d rN✓ ..36�.+d�J�d�/ (l=gbb/'Fb �d p�✓'�✓S9Y L✓ o No one available for inspection: Time �.`Sc� AM /PM�i Re- Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection'Division (303) 234- 5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type > Y t s Job Address 7 Permit Number t I `c: y ZX5 7p ` ❑ No one available for inspection: Time a°l A t M Re- Inspection required: es No y *When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: Cr; a.r Inspector: 4 e DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE �: �� Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE - A 4 L/ Ir Pb� M7 7, Inspection Type IAALI -r/w, I Job Address 7z .� W 1 14V.-e Permit Number 110,5o `r A29 All-K D V/ 1 w, 91 7 ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ,- Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: j 9a9 4 % W� ,�vF Job Address: Permit Number: mss 4 . € te r :,9 fi . B. g; i t 4.' El No one available for inspection: Time F A iA YA Re- Inspection required: Yes No c= When corrections have been made, call for re- Inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: ZL DO NOT REM 6V THIS NOTICE .. . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 7rlr�ze-7 c.y l fel,4 Permit Number 1149-5 -CY ❑ No one available for inspection: Time A )F-M Re- Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303 - 2345933 Date: 61, ?t `111 Inspector DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 4� r. . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office'" (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type 0V ° 407 krz ; r "� ; e" Job Address 7 Permit Number d1e9.5'�V o No one available for inspection: Time l,'a'® AMP Re.- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: sf Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE o No one available for inspection: Time l,'a'® AMP Re.- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: sf Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE SUB- CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Project Address: 21" � 3 ' �q� Permit #: General Contractor: y-'')P,- Company Name: Phone #: State License #: Master #: Signature of Authorized Agent Date Company Name: Phone #: � 5,17_/ State License #: Master 9: Wheat Ridge ens k Signature o thorized Agent Y Date E Mechanical Contractor Company Name: Phone: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Date *This application must be signed by each sub - contractor confirming the same. VYAIX up a )f y 1 J dHh vo GLENN'S PLUMBING & HEATING CO. INC. In Business for Over 45 Years 4961 S. Rio Grande Street Littleton, CO 80120 Scott clayto Office: 303 - 798 - 4085 Owner Fax: 303- 798 -0152 Email: gph@gwestoffice.net . i I I s— -a JJ ` a�'l6iia1 f VTR' j I ! i , Ir H. cmu 7 Lj no! G1ZFA5F - _ ♦��f r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE < Inspection Type ViIV5 A- AW Job Address 7,9�r� y_. Permit F// ` Number 1105may t� 2b d .. lj4an; Time AM/PM dig�,'Ca -1 spection at I VE THIS NOTICE d CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r 40001r, (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office * (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Z� Llf-j Job Address Z�tg"P bd, Permit Number 7 F7 .. lj4an; Time AM/PM dig�,'Ca -1 spection at I VE THIS NOTICE ` CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address 74m;�> w 3 l� Permit Number f/03e9y e. I ❑ No one available for inspection: Time /&9 7?) M/ M Re- Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call f "nspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: 4116 �ff Inspector: // r DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦►�i r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type �v�✓ Job Address Permit Number t /225`c�q �� �; c's�f� e°�Yt./ `e�� >�'`.`�'S' aes,�S.Ta�'1�.�`z" -•'� ,, s�aE /�` 6 L��11 s.. ❑ No one available for inspection: Time PM Re- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: ✓J1 si Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦� l� •- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type 146*s,4Lr®ns Job Address _ � w 3'p7rl � Permit Number lf�5ta�0 &`l.�Js' ,err �%sI�"sh c*✓.oc2.tA' ❑ No one available for inspection: Time >' w,< Alwm�. Re- Inspection required'. Ye No When corrections have been made, call for r - inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: w'IkIl! Inspector: ,. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE � err Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: R r" Job Address: Permit Number: yltf5 - cid ,7fGa2� 6F?/ ciLE+!� s uvaF1' �. � , s . r2. fO /s ld: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM /PM" Re- Inspection required: Y'No "When correct / ions have been made, call for re- Inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date:� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division _40 1111111111 111111 (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 7 ` Job Address: 76WG? 3� 0 Permit Number: 11055 1 1 V ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ?t- AM Re- Inspection required: Yes No "When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: Inspector �o DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 1J ti .V = CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office " (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type APUPWe - l 5 laa rv7 ` Job Address w> 99 7-,a/ 41z Permit Number 11e�5� P%9,A": 7-Jr ❑ No one available for inspection: Time , � O A(,d Re- Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5933 Date: 1"1 Inspecto DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE RTK ENGINEERING HOME & BUILDING EXAMINATIONS 2939 Newton Street Denver, Colorado 80211 (303) 477 -0044 June 8, 2011 P ' cgm,z - -t- /IOSOe( Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage Repairs 7000 West 38"` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -7 Dear Mr. Yang: Periodic observations have been made during time period of February 24 through May 31, 2011 of repairs and remedial improvements to the fire damaged older portions of the former restaurant building structure and street sign. Repairs and remedial improvements comply with my letters and attachments of February 26, 2011, April 8, 2011, and April 18, 2011 with minor modifications as necessary to accommodate encountered conditions, as well as general practice standards and municipal building code. Sincerely, i Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. ITYI /7 RTK ENGINEERING �. -HOME & BUILDING E \AMINAIIONS 2939 Newton Street Denver. Colorado 80211 June 8, 2011 E ®s °`j Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Load Tracing / Fire Damaged Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job 41102001 -6 Dear Mr. Yang: (303) 477.0044 In response to inquiry repairs of the fire damaged structural portions of the formerly restaurant building are generally loading primary structure and foundation similar to pre damage conditions. Considerable number of structure members have been improved, including posts and lintels. There also is a portion of second floor 2 x 8 wood joists near former chimney location that have been replaced with 1 % x 117/8 LVLs. While such provides greater capacity than pre existing, load trace down to foundation and ground has been maintained. Many connections have been improved with use of rated metal framing connectors. Additional king and trimmer wall framing studs have been installed at portals. Though not damaged by fire, first floor joist support has been substantially improved with modifications by "sistering" and extending beams with substantially stronger LVLs. Additional steel columns and footings have been installed, replacing untreated wood posts set on concrete floor slab. Overall, the structural repairs provide better conditions than existed prior to the fire. Changes in load trace to ground and related structural improvements are as follows. Damaged 2 x 4 wood roof rafters at rear nominally half of the building older portion have been replaced with LVLs. Though undamaged by the fire, remaining 2 x 4 wood rafters have been "sistered" with LVLs. Tension collars and sloped struts down to center bearing wall have been installed. This work is as noted in February 24, 2011 sketch titled Roof Repair / Collars & Struts. Roof load is to for most part to undamaged masonry side and repaired center frame walls. Roof load to masonry side walls, though similar to pre Afe conditions is lessened with addition of the tension collars and struts. Load to masonry side walls traces Ad`3Vh to foundation. There is, however, an offsetting increase from roof load by addition of struts in normalized pattern rather than random upon the repaired center frame wall. This increase in roof load upon center bearing wall traces down to pre existing steel and heavy wood beam on steel columns / concrete pads support at basement interior. Reference to February 24, 2011 sketch titled Existing Section may be helpful. Load upon these pre existing steel and heavy wood beam on steel columns / concrete pads support at basement interior is in turn off set by reducing first floor load upon same by about 3/4s. June 8, 2011 Additional concrete footers with above new steel columns and modified by "sistering" as well as extended with new LVL built -up beams accept and transmit to ground nominally 3/4s of load from first floor — as shown in April 7, 2011 sketch titled Revised Basement Plan. Preceding is synopsis of concept used to repair fire damage while minimizing change to the pre existing load transfer to ground. Remaining distressed framing members have been replaced / improved with similar and load trace to foundation / ground not significantly changed. Sincerely, Robert RTK/k F��0 / Attachments: Feb. 24, 2011, sketch titled Roof Repair / Collars & Struts Feb. 24, 2011, sketch titled Existing Section April 7, 2011 sketch titled Revised Basement Plan i i Z4 N 1 -Z - �0, A. I'd c O 12, f7 Z ANI f'V i i Z4 N 1 -Z - �0, A. I'd c O 12, f7 Z ANI i i Z4 N 1 -Z - �0, A. I'd c O 12, it A/z x , �^� �� s�oF�Et RA Y r, TZ; i E PS f2 Sc Lj iKll Lt iKll a .. i i P I I r � sx s t ni kiGd z it . y A,D At i tt _3q - O I f�c 12 Q r _ zo =Z (ice'" -i'au; -- ON -3a' cor:�'� ✓J� � �:��- I.3.c -os,�; fir .- (F �E«'�sf;��� _ 3f 1 �` xis / 4 � =�ylSj� t.., . / ej ra _ { _. . _ • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type EAXW� Job Address 7~ w: Permit NuAer / /Ocs��y :�rJ l^'fQ� Via:.°+!- ' rP,s.1 -rF.s _ €ay�GlL&�R�S'rP,'�'�'.✓✓r t ..s;�x✓�'�= ��"5`c1�'S' .�f�s` .r'.2gs �',�La.� f3c",�a- i�'�pi'���� TL ft ry' /4 ff G'' daL/ grY� 6 se . ,fic�r P ty �%. ❑ No available for inspection: Time s; <PIPM Re= Inspection required: � No *When corrections have been made, call for rq- inspection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: 6:1'71 Inspector: C � / DO NOT REMO THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax E< INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ArP[ Re- Inspection required: Yes No �� E "When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303-234-5933 Dater Inspector 4 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 1N PEC I iv RECORD Occuoancvll e " INSPECTION LINE (303) 234 -5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. -- I• INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings /Caissons �.- Drywall Screw Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof/ French Drain Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLICE WORKS SHOULD BE CALLED AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) ROUGHS UUNURETE UNTIL ABOVE Lath / Wall tie ' Mid -Roof s. Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing _ Gas Piping Rough Mechanical INSPFCTInNS Tn RF Framing Electrical Insulation �.- Drywall Screw Mechanical FINALS Electrical Plumbing Mechanical Roof Building Final Fire Department R.O.W & Drainage INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLICE WORKS SHOULD BE CALLED AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. Parking & Landscaping "NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION & A CER YWICA IE OF - OCCUPANCY NOR-PERANSSION FOR OCCUPANC OCCUPANCY NOT P ERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED P ROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER 4 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE /� Building Inspection Division f (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office, - (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address Permit Number zz LT- SS DX A4.)1 'dcr�3t� ill o.No one available for inspection: Time AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been mad all f r re- sp } ction at 303- 234 -5933 v. r Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVTHIS NOTICE r �•" ' City of Wheat Ridge (/ Commercial Deck PERMIT - 110647 PERMIT NO: 110647 ISSUED: 06/08/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 06/07/2012 DESCRIPTION: 2 entry canvas awnings 8' x 10'8" and 7' -6" x 21' wide * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/944 -2540 Tom Yang gc 303/825 -7600 Ted Snyder /R.D.Ansay 02 -2302 Awning Company of America, Inc ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ Conditions: SS: Approved. Zoned C -1. 5' minimum setback to east side property line. Note: Owner /Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities name within this ^ument as par ti to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this documen d /or /ijs' /tcAV4nying ap oved plans and specifications. / / Signature of OWNER or CONTRACT3R lrcle one) bate 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any, applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field in e o Signature of IXiet Vilding Offical Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. t City of � W heat ° - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � ie Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303- 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Addrssse Property Owner (plet Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: _ 1 Con2racto : � { .L1lC4. /� 7( Contractors City License #: Phone: i- 3 • ,OZ oOO SubContrac #off; Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # De'scrl Dtton:of 4 E,(2 ( UISS /- fuJ/li�t�s "N d w • ACGtt/ • t Contract Value: Bl�az W11V X /O^8 / Wid $ 7CUU'.OZ� �;�r/ ^ dCJ�C Z� 4u`�Gl Review Fee neat time of submittal : Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have mad and agree . to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTR // AC ,, TOR) o (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: v� GA SIGNATURE: DATE: &1& Date: W 6 l Plan# 4 I'06� Permit# 1 1 0 &4,�- SIS t; �.. ✓ vf ci ✓sci ✓�� r ,�', �����h' ✓�� y ��a��E��?T�� ✓i � ✓✓��� � �j��� x f��i t ✓��� < z ReVlewer7 � ,.G t `v s � xz�a ✓�' -% , .� � � i � Y �`3i s� ✓ ✓/✓ � < �✓. �� ✓ tl ✓ a F �r G"/// z° � F ��y�� ✓�va� - Ya k .^ � 1 %� ✓ �' ;�` e BJJILD)NGpEPARTMERT COMME�TSS ,��'i.,��,.3�/ �r4i�s^a'k�f��3�S' fi b� a , � ti✓ ar w � ✓t 5�✓ s �r'st y- �� f �2 ✓i� �r �r �r q m� �.✓ Re4leyNer t ✓,.^". ✓ a�r1 2 ✓ �>� ✓�%+ � ��o^- Y.✓� � ✓`� fr n '�G� � r �� � ✓; /��✓ a ✓ ✓/� �1 � �7 ✓y Y rx. f yt �� /��5✓�i✓� �a ,e �i��r Erna 'ce%w� �h ✓rte? < r ✓ T y ! � 3=! �� a r,' y/r J�a , fit � �✓ r j� �m ✓y �� �q� F a ��" ✓'�'v �J5�i�. ii � �; . � r �.,✓;�.� � .e., �; r , :': (� z r�JS �r � � X� � ��xi> *���%r''��5^� i xr�''�' a.,.,,: �s✓✓- ,.3'� r �"'✓� t t r ✓ ' '�i""'� � /' ^,,. �S, � �, ✓ C s✓ ✓„� % ✓ i ,G � r r'` �s =j /q t� e''S'�''.%u'+' i' 3 � ,a � ✓8'i�i'� e ' ✓PUBL(CWO„RKS COMMENTS `"" ✓✓✓ ' "' u� a. c ,-� ✓ ^" ,i;t� %�' ✓ �t er r o ✓ Ly � w ,. s " ✓' '`� ✓' 7x ' a s t � r sli � C r' r� � i "j9 � sa'Y ��✓� r � �CCUPAPICY, i �. �, ✓ r „_ ✓ xf c 5 x x rv,. ✓ .r Gl f cpTi ✓ i sw ���:S r a ""`� o ✓� .ri 12euleWer h ✓ r> •� � ss'' s. 5?.'` -'S f.,v s � �� ,� j - -. NMM ')i�� 7� �S� � .: / �a�✓.'?�.,�A ,.,i✓.i,.�._ �FIREDEPARTME(JT� � �pp�oVed w/ colnrnents dlsap roved ❑ ,�o reY,iey✓'r qulred`✓ Bldg Valuation $ ��� �- � I e P!TIC I v PP RAI -DEL Pnl+ -KING C3�. t C. W0.' . 9 I _ N M N IN �. t j I l l J I IN 1 I . �, -. - �i201 G�1� PEwYrAN cuISINE' 491WH 9000 WJ ST 38TH N 140a WHEAT RIDGE, C'P 8e =33 APP ROVED c7 /f Co�tVfivTS: - e.3nO w 0 � N � � N J J � J go o� N W N W A N b T J O A n c u 7 q a � m m qj APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept.' ate..6 . ., Sig ........ ...........Plan Checker Work shall comply with 2006 IBC, ttEat p� IPC, IMC, IFGC, IFC, 20051�rEC and any applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Cp(ORP�� �-/%Uu11iJ✓L> C 5� .�4G/{ /I ( ° FTl�'lP� `� Wheat Ridge Building Deparknerit lJC i -� ��i a; e ¢Sr m Approved 'OF FICIAL DATE Vallilk of permit: The issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and Computations shall not be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation to any of the provisions of the building code or of airy -City ordinances. , Palo& presuming to give authority to violate or cancelthe provisions of the Building codes or other ordinances of the City sW not be valid. APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept.' ate..6 . ., Sig ........ ...........Plan Checker AWNING COMPANY D DB OF AMERICA,INC SHEET NO. of 77 Kalama"I Strt CALCULATED BY n? DATE ee A P r�7('(t�7 80223 -15 9 SU - /6UU {'lam' (303 6Z3 Z67O CHECKED BY DATE Subje e ct �o je inspc jon SCALE M ®w C* b j/ PHOU 2W fiivYe.4andI9M14f IP.MMN1 ® AWNING COMPANY OF AMERICA.INC. 77 Kalamath Street Denver, Colorado 80223 -1549 (303) 825 -7600 FAX (303) 623 -2670 6 � C a :I? ,O o JOBS/ b `h SHEET NO. OF / CALCULATEDB 1 M /� Y / ' DATE CHECKED BY DATE I i' Q iT m i d rn m (0 n v n , -s 8 H L 113 . f Z Jp -jR- e r :I? ,O o JOBS/ b `h SHEET NO. OF / CALCULATEDB 1 M /� Y / ' DATE CHECKED BY DATE I i' CHISHOLM CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD. Structural Engineers 1074 S. Alkire St. LAKEWOOD, CO 80228 (303) 914-8202 m L- t7 1:5 1 LI I L7 Ltid✓ 6. JOB SHEETNO.- OF CALCULATED By --'" DATE CWXKFD� Tr' 711 &g DIE: BeAee -AJk-JjVi3O� ce- or- k - Z ( - 1� 5): 4 r 2 - 42 a 57 PUM72 RTK ENGINEERING HOME & BUILDING EXAMINA1105ti 2939 Newton Street Denver. Colorado 80211 June 8, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, 4280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage Repairs 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -7 Dear Mr. Yang: (303) 477 -0044 Periodic observations have been made during time period of February 24 through May 31, 2011 of repairs and remedial improvements to the fire damaged older portions of the former restaurant building structure and street sign. Repairs and remedial improvements comply with my letters and attachments of February 26, 2011, April 8, 2011, and April 18, 2011 with minor modifications as necessary to accommodate encountered conditions, as well as general practice standards and municipal building code. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbock RTK/k RTR ENGINEERING �. HOME & BUILDING EXAMINAl'IONS 2939 Newton Street June 8, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Load Tracing / Fire Damaged Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -6 Dear Mr. Yang: Denver, Colorado 80211 (303) 477 -0044 In response to inquiry repairs of the fire damaged structural portions of the formerly restaurant building are generally loading primary structure and foundation similar to pre damage conditions. Considerable number of structure members have been improved, including posts and lintels. There also is a portion of second floor 2 x 8 wood joists near former chimney location that have been replaced with 1 % x 117/8 LVLs. While such provides greater capacity than pre existing, load trace down to foundation and ground has been maintained. Many connections have been improved with use of rated metal framing connectors. Additional king and trimmer wall framing studs have been installed at portals. Though not damaged by fire, first floor joist support has been substantially improved with modifications by "sistering" and extending beams with substantially stronger LVLs. Additional steel columns and footings have been installed, replacing untreated wood posts set on concrete floor slab. Overall, the structural repairs provide better conditions than existed prior to the fire. Changes in load trace to ground and related structural improvements are as follows. Damaged 2 x 4 wood roof rafters at rear nominally half of the building older portion have been replaced with LVLs. Though undamaged by the fire, remaining 2 x 4 wood rafters have been "sistered" with LVLs. Tension collars and sloped struts down to center bearing wall have been installed. This work is as noted in February 24, 2011 sketch titled Roof Repair / Collar & Struts. Roof load is to for most part to undamaged masonry side and repaired center frame walls. Roof load to masonry side walls, though similar to pre fire conditions is lessened with addition of the tension collars and struts. Load to masonry side walls traces down to foundation. There is, however, an offsetting increase from roof load by addition of struts in normalized pattern rather than random upon the repaired center frame wall. This increase in roof load upon center bearing wall traces down to pre existing steel and heavy wood beam on steel columns / concrete pads support at basement interior. Reference to February 24, 2011 sketch titled Existing Section may be helpful. Load upon these pre existing steel and heavy wood beam on steel columns / concrete pads support at basement interior is in turn off set by reducing first floor load upon same by about 3/4s. June 8, 2011 Additional concrete footers with above new steel columns and modified by "sintering" as well as extended with new LVL built -up beams accept and transmit to ground nominally 3/4s of load from first floor — as shown in April 7, 2011 sketch titled Revised Basement Plan. Preceding is synopsis of concept used to repair fire damage while minimizing change to the pre existing load transfer to ground. Remaining distressed framing members have been replaced / improved with similar and load trace to foundation / ground not significantly changed. Sincerely, �•. Q,kasoatQ a�� Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. `vTt,, s�oN ®, EN ,� � RTK/k Attachments: Feb. 24, 2011, sketch titled Roof Repair / Collars & Struts Feb. 24, 2011, sketch titled Existing Section April 7, 2011 sketch titled Revised Basement Plan a. q - IN des a a is C; co C-of(ARS t-,\ ' IX Y -, ati K, ck 4J 10 Q is C; co C-of(ARS t-,\ ' IX Y -, ati K, 10 Q is C; co C-of(ARS t-,\ ' IX Y -, ati K, //z- x TY 1w Of j2 to, 11 R F, -S 4p b 7� ig LS v"F, 1 A ,fV aA t c k '11 � �fiX✓ b tom°' 6 ❑ No one available for inspection: Re- Inspection required: Yes P vv"W I uwlfw4"Vlll /lava mow,, 1114 Yy 4[ Date:" Inspector:/ DO NOT REMOA IL .T-iine AM/ M I1�l� - q§pectlon at 303- 2345933 'THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type a — 2 fi'rhw Li ll Job Address 7 w _-�? ~77fe 4v,5 Permit Number t frs"a Y s —7 afarU ?wa fxw 64 i"3'"_�c�f ?T1'.iva9s" /�-�� !.G"6.✓�� t''<`- "!?'.�60�r�m'." %� t- - r.- t`Jt/ Tc'_.... r A ❑ No one available for inspection: Time i AM M Re- Inspection required, _P Yes' No When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection a "03- 234 -5933 Date:' << Inspector: -� f DO NOT REMOVE THIS,NOTICd ,At r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office ` (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address �FPW .fle Permit Number 1100 5'6Y ❑ No one available for it D tion: Time ( A-MMM � No DINE THIS NOTICE 4" 1 � A 41 • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office ,' (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE. _� Inspection Type 4 C Job Address _ ' Permit Number AI S `6v* ` s 1 4 6! f a; ❑ No one available for inspection: TI 6 Re- Inspection required: Yes Noe r VOTICE DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Building Plan Review Report so Kelly Brooks A -21B 5/26/2011 7 10. 180402 512612011 Reviewed By: Inspector No.: Date: Page: DATE: A -21B 5/26/2011 PERMIT NO. Building Area: 11015 PERMIT TYPE: 6640 s.f. Building Plan Review REVIEWER: system shall be submitted and permitted separately.. Kelly M. Brooks CODES: 2006 1 F +Amendments CONTACT INFORMATION: Tom Yang installation of or modification to fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment. 303- 944 -2540 PROJECT INFORMATION: Provide address numbers as required: Cebiche Restaurant 7000 W 38 1h Avenue, Wheat Ridge CO 303- 944 -2540 STATUS: ❑ PLANS ARE REJECTED. Revise and Resubmit. ❑ PLANS ARE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 3 ® PLANS ARE CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. See Review Comments. 506.3 ❑ A response is not required. purchased on -line at www.knoxbox.com. Contact the Division of Fire Prevention for additional amended ® A response is required. Submit an itemized response correlated to the direction if needed. remarks listed under'Plan Review Comments'. DEFERRED SUBMITTALS: ❑ Fire Sprinkler /Standpipe ® Fire Alarm or Detection standpipe system shall be provided with a key box in a location approved by the fire code official. ® Kitchen Hood Suppression System ❑ Other: Occupancy Group: A -21B Occupancy Load: Unk Building Area: 6640 s.f. Construction Area: 6640 s.f. PROJECT INFORMATION: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: Construction Type: V -B Building Height: 2 story <35' Sprinkler N Fire Alarm? Y No. REFERENCE COMMENTS IFC SEC. 1 General Provide an automatic and manual fire alarm system complying with NFPA 72. A fire alarm 105.7.4 system shall be submitted and permitted separately.. Fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment. A construction permit is required for installation of or modification to fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment. 2 General Provide address numbers as required: 505 Address Numbers. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4" and a stroke of .5" on a contrasting background. 3 General Provide a fire department key box as required. Fire Department approved key boxes can be 506.3 purchased on -line at www.knoxbox.com. Contact the Division of Fire Prevention for additional amended direction if needed. Key box installation. All buildings with a required fire alarm system or automatic fire extinguishing or standpipe system shall be provided with a key box in a location approved by the fire code official. The key box shall be of an approved type. 8 Nl NY Kelly Brooks 10.150402 5/2612011 2 Reviewed By: Inspector No.: Date: Page: 4 General Post the occupant Load as provided and/or approved by the Building Department and in 1004.3 accordance with the fire code: Occupancy load posting. Every room or space that is an assembly occupancy shall have the occupancy load posted in a conspicuous space, near the main exit or exit access doorway from the room or space. Posted signs shall be of an approved legible permanent design and shall be maintained by the owner or authorized agent. 5 A -1 Occupancy load data is figured incorrectly in the code study on sht A -1. Per table 1004.1.1 of the 20061FC, occupant load for unconcentrated assembly spaces shall be figured using NET area and not GROSS area. 6 A -1 Identify electrical rooms where electrical panels are located and not readily identifiable. 605.3.1 Electrical room labeling. Doors into electrical control panel rooms shall be marked with a plainly visible and legible sign stating ELECTRICAL ROOM or similar approved wording. 7 A -1 Identify electrical rooms where main disconnects are located and not readily identifiable. 605.3.1.2 Main electrical disconnects labeling. Electrical rooms containing the main electric disconnect shall be amended identified with a permanently affixed sign with letters not less than one (1) inch (25mm) in height on a contrasting background to read "MAIN ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT" 8 A -1 Fire doors that are a part of any 1 -hr rated enclosure shall either be automatically controlled 703.2.1 by the fire alarm system and /or shall be labeled as required: Fire doors. Where required, a sign shall be permanently displayed on or near each fire door in letters not less than 1 "to read: FIRE DOOR -DO NOT BLOCK on doors designed to be kept normally open, and FIRE DOOR -KEEP CLOSED on doors designed to be kept normally closed. 9 A -1 Provide an automatic fire - extinguishing system for the commercial kitchen hood. This 904.2.1 system shall be submitted and permitted separately through the Division of Fire Prevention. Commercial hood and duct systems. Each required commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct system required by Section 610 to have a Type 1 hood shall be protected with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system installed in accordance with the fire code and the referenced NFPA standard. 10 A -1 Provide a Class K fire extinguisher in the kitchen area as required: 904. 11.5 Portable fire extinguishers for commercial cooking equipment. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided within a 30 -foot (9144 mm) travel distance of commercial -type cooking equipment. Cooking equipment involving vegetable or animal oils and fats shall be protected by a Class K rated portable extinguisher. 11 A -1 Provide portable fire extinguishers as required: 906 Portable fire extinguishers. Minimum fire extinguisher sizes and distribution shall comply with IFC Table 906.3(1) Maximum travel distance to an extinguisher shall not exceed 75 feet. 12 A -1 Size and distribution. Multipurpose dry chemical portable fire extinguishers shall be ten (10) pounds 906.3 (4.5kg), shall have a minimum UL classification of 4 -A, and shall be rated to fight Class A, B, or C fire amended hazards. 13 A -1 Conspicuous location. Portable fire extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous locations where 906.5 they will be readily accessible and immediately available for use. These locations shall be along normal paths of travel, unless the fire code official determines that the hazard posed indicates the need for placement away from normal paths of travel. 14 A -1 Provide Fire Extinguisher signage for those extinguishers that are not readily identifiable or 906.6 are located within fire extinguisher cabinets as required: Unobstructed and unobscured. Portable fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view. In rooms or areas in which visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided, means shall be provided to indicate the locations of extinguishers. 15 A -1 The southern door leading from the basement to the main level shall be reversed so that the 1008.1.2 door swings in the direction of travel. Door swing. Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel where serving an occupancy load of 50 or more persons or a group H occupancy. 16 A -1 Provide door hardware, including panic hardware on all egress doors in accordance with the 1008.1.8 fire code: Door operations. Except where permitted, egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort. Exception: In assemblies with an occupant load <300, Groups B,F,M and S, and in places of religious worship, the main exterior door or doors are permitted to be equipped with a key- operated locking device from the egress side provided. There is a readily visible sign that reads THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED and the locking devices is readily distinguishable as locked. 17 A -1 Panic hardware. Each door in a means of egress from a Group A or E occupancy having an 1008.1.9 occupant load of 50 or more and any Group H occupancy shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware or fire exit hardware. Exception.: Group A occupancy complying with sec. 1008.1.8.3 18 A -1 Assembly area aisle requirements shall comply with section 1014.4.3- 'Seating and Tables' of 1014.4.3 the Fire Code. 19 E -2 Egress lighting is shown or the basement and second floor. However, egress lighting shall be 1006 Reviewed By: Inspector No,: required for the main floor as well, Ina accordance with the fire code: Pager Means of egress illumination. The means of egress, including the exit discharge shall be illuminated as all times that the building or the space served are occupied. In the event of a power failure, emergency egress lighting shall be provided power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes and shall consist of storage batteries, unit equipment, or an on -site generator. 20 E -2 No exit signs are indicated. Exit signs shall be provided and installed in accordance with the 1011 fire code. Exit Signs: Exits and exit access doors shall be marked with approved exit sign readily visible from any direction of egress travel. Exit sign placement shall be such that no point in a corridor is more than 100 ft, or the listed viewing distance for the sign, whichever is less, from the nearest visible exit sign. Additional exit signs maybe required if the exit access or exit doors are not clearly defined. 21 E -2 Additional exit signs. When exit signs are required by the building code, additional low -level exit 1011.1.1 signs, which are internally or externally illuminated, photo luminescent, or self - luminous shall be amended provided in corridors serving guest rooms in Group R, Division 1 occupancies and amusement buildings. The bottom of such sign shall not be less than six (6) inches (152mm) nor more than eight (8) inches (203mm) above the floor level and shall indicate the path of exit travel. For exit and exit - access doors, the sign shall be on the floor or adjacent to the door with the closest edge of the sign within Pour (4) inches (102mm) of the doorframe. 22 M -1 Provide remote indicating devices for duct detectors identified under "Mechanical Equip. 907.1.2.1 Schedule" as required: amended Remote indicating devices. Remote indicating devices shall be provided on all required duct detectors, elevator and electrical panel rooms, 120 volt detectors within multi- family dwelling units with access from interior corridors and where detection device activation is not readily visible to responding fire fighters. GENERAL COMMENTS: During Construction: 1. Trash dumpsters shall be kept greater than 20 feet from any structure. 2. Fire Lanes shall remain clear at all times during construction. 3. All utilities shall be clearly marked and protected from damage by construction equipment. 4. Areas under construction shall have adequate protection in place to safeguard the public. 5. An emergency phone shall be on site and accessible at all times during construction. Either a cell phone of a landline is acceptable. 6. Emergency contact numbers shall be posted on the front door during construction. 7. A Fire Extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A -40BC shall be within 10 feet of all "HOT WORK' operations. 6. All exit routes shall be clearly defined and posted during construction. Paths of egress shall remain clear of construction material, debris, or other obstacles at all times. 9. Any changes to the approved plans shall be submitted to the Division of Fire Prevention for approval. 10. The permit shall be posted at the site and visible to the public at all times. Additional Comments: 1. Any changes to an existing fire detection or suppression system requires a separate fire district permit. Submit for review and approval any changes required. 2. Any code requirements arising during construction shall be addressed with the Building Department and the Division of Fire Prevention. 3. These comments shall remain with the approved plans and the posted permit at the construction site. 4. 24 hour notice is required for all inspections. Please call the Division of Fire Prevention at 303- 403 -5915 in order to schedule required tests and inspections. Kelly Brooks 10. 180402 "512612011 3 Reviewed By: Inspector No,: Date: Pager CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Rue, Job Address: 77 Permit Number: e 0 en 5r� ee ❑ No one available for inspection: Time '_ AM PM Re- Inspection required: Yes "When corrections have been made, call for / re - inspection at 303 r- Date <//z/// inspector: 27 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE .ea ,J yihidacd Metyk 756V wiPaan @.asst Weotminieten,W SVV30 J Kane (303) 650 -7455, .Mn & (303) 263 -4341 .`RQabIw&e6 65@pw nxmn April 28, 2011 To: Wheat Ridge Building Department RE: Main Level Electrical Certification Cebiche Peruvian Dining 7000 West 38` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80205 My journeyman and I stopped at the restaurant to check the electrical on the main level. We traced the main level electrical to the panel and labeled the panel. These are all in good working order. Some of the electrical plugs and switches will have to be replaced simply due to the age and use. The fire and water did not penetrate the walls to cause any damage on the main level. We found that in the main level addition, there were some plastic boxes for wall lights that will have to be changed and some exposed wiring in the same area that need to be corrected, however these were just done incorrectly by previous owner. We will address all these issues when we are on site doing the other work. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this issue. Ruben Robles Master Electrician La T ' ad Elect " ' City of Wheat Ridge _ Comm. Tenant Finish PERMIT - 110504 PERMIT NO: 110504 ISSUED: 05/05/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 05/04/2012 DESCRIPTION: Restaurant Tenant Finish per plans ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 142,788.00 FEES Permit Fee 1,409.40 Plan Review Fee 916.11 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 2,570.18 ** TOTAL ** 4 Conditions: All signage requires separate permits. All exteriorlighting shall be in conformance with Section 26 -503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. All work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, IMC, IECC, IFGC and 2005 NEC and all applicable ordinances. No drywall or other wall coverings shall be installed until such time that structural modification work is verified and approved and written permission to cover is. received from the Building Division. All work is subject to field inspection and approval. Structure shall not be occupied or furnished prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within thi ent as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document accompan `Japprove plans and specifications. of OWNER -- L CgNFRA<`TOR (Circle one) * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/944 -2540 Thomas Yang go Jack Grochala 11 -0054 2G's Installation LLC sub 303/263 -4341 Ruben Robles 11 -0019 La Trinidad Electric sub 303/789 -2740 Daniel E. Parsons 02 -0070 Cryton Inc sub 303/777 -8775 01 -8479 Colorado Heating & Plumbing Se sub 303/232 -3229 Daniel Ryan 10 -0061 Dan the Window Man ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 142,788.00 FEES Permit Fee 1,409.40 Plan Review Fee 916.11 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 2,570.18 ** TOTAL ** 4 Conditions: All signage requires separate permits. All exteriorlighting shall be in conformance with Section 26 -503 of the Zoning and Development Code with fixtures fully shielded so that the source of the illumination is not visible from adjacent properties and streets. All work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, IMC, IECC, IFGC and 2005 NEC and all applicable ordinances. No drywall or other wall coverings shall be installed until such time that structural modification work is verified and approved and written permission to cover is. received from the Building Division. All work is subject to field inspection and approval. Structure shall not be occupied or furnished prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within thi ent as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document accompan `Japprove plans and specifications. of OWNER -- L CgNFRA<`TOR (Circle one) City of Wheat Ridge Comm. Tenant Finish PERMIT - 110504 PERMIT NO: 110504 ISSUED: 05/05/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: DESCRIPTION: Restaurant Tenant Finish per plans 1.- This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any ap icabla code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspec o Signature of Chi Bui ing Offical Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. xo OG'C.I�mIF -P Z5 K Fe ,Qwp GLao•� � o / ST / loeR ,to 3 (d,�FS FmF�✓r - ? `f P,4-r« 34? y;zS SCJ7 /FQy ,t>X /I ® d3/ 1�,fs wr: '(X ys r.sx rz, J�av s�Pa/y/R•P ISx g a /aS sk 8a2 9 'A15 - -17r0 & t I $/Awk.< / 3 x 7 = s, 5 S�t.t A; 4,14-9 kl7eofAl Z5 K Fe 0 f3a -UIBaR bx /3 +s.s.c s �ros. S •� '; 1ISG F /-VA .71X -,/ xy JV / ® - y VA.aa iX5 "tAn• ySC . o gfY•s = 9SG�� •� $AtA<�&,n .Z,x 'T ow. lVi. 1J is p,N�NG 4;2;2V /Y9 1jAGJlA w. r. AR EA {�l tiaE'+e,T t�RnQ 2 33 rg H 9 a City of heaticlge Date: t 'f l f _ COMMUNITY. DEVELOPMENT Plan # l � "��' �/ Building & Inspection Services Division permit # f a 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Owner (please print): �n Phone ZS 0 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 21 ? 0o 62e Z City, State, Zip: Contractors City License #: Phone: Suli;Contrin' - orst / Electncal. � lumbing: Mechanical: t City License # City License# City License # Descrtntt / orl =elfi ulaork? Squares BTU's ( Gallons / Amps Sq Ft. Contract Value: Review Fee (due at time of submittal): $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate;. that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work I and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or REPRESENTA TIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME /7p /0 ` /, SIGNATU DATE: e �rw � = �'s" ' ' .� � � ���'''�DIP/\R MENT USE�OiJLY �J ��• �/� �� �` ; s 34 �r ����� �< 4; a ✓ i ,,, N r> "'�!/,. rti`r� � .r v �`?' t r E. Jr un ` '' . n✓�."'ti. �"x v�1�fUws a"`3' +,rz,' �7r : � , ZONIyG COMMENTS ' �.,,@ � ✓7� �S %..�� � l.!' rr ✓ v ,- ..��,r� �iu'�'J ��.�a,�� .� r/3.'' f ..r v� r� ✓, r" v � r Zbnitlg iyr na-: ���.. l�il / ��,,,e rr / ., T rrF�a x✓ r% ; lc `'l� � ; :wl„,�, C"'", -r vv w,G ? y � L ,r � r �'? '� �� r' �'� et � ,,wc.. A� �r> ?/ firth ������r✓�6� ''3 �r.v Y. �. Y� ��r'EC J*jq",- 'e�,�� �: ' �� i � � � c � � tom, r .J � d.C/ ;,., l �� l �l a� � � v � % ;,. ��c*�� '✓ ;.,k�U,i y ��� �`s� "', � n "r% .1o �rl�,�",� ��. t �i`.s.�.h �. !BUIt.DING OF��RJ`,M„EN7 COMNCEt a,!' t ' � r'� / .S, C % .�� r r �.^. v /� f s � �� � r' •� z °e i. "?l,.r: � sy � h ReYle eT / � 6c'� y r %".' n tf'rr,° r s w rf r v r Y rs � ry'rG'" a ;'lF� hw��r�� r � '��,✓ `� r''�'".s- .^ -"5z'w v . ,:� sr-� �✓ . r,; �t. 1 � � '.. J i�"� �%,a" r ; "' j � s�v �y s� �,5 ✓�' r � k�a n �- � j�,+"c���`�>� �� ��-�^ ✓rs `r'�5"'Nr t r ,7 ` '`., N r 2 �, r r r: ?✓, ��",r. "• iYvg,'�'"d,; r ;,,rr ', k�P �:�,'y ?Nj 5A �,?' I r T r�_.� ,,, s S�pM ./` r % +S'7" ., r J''r 26 G , 3„ `/ r,ff-E^✓, f rY2 2 �H IRE l9EPARTMENT �'O approYgd Wf' ❑ disapproved ❑ n0 view iequired'� Bldg Valuation $ ���, " .,e . ,� .:X �, t r v,� fu > , r � Page 1 oft John Schumacher From: Kirk Cadotte Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 3:49 PM To: aop2700 @comcast.net Cc: John Schumacher Subject: RE: 7000 w.38th avenue Tom You didn't leave a phone number with your message so I figured I would e -mail you. The items requested were put together on 4/8/11 and were as follows. 1. Provide structural drawings for any and all interior or exterior on all levels. 2. Provide drawing of location and elevation details of all RTU and MAU areas including platforms, access, screening etc... 3. Provide Com.Check per International Energy Code. 4. Identify location of dishwashing machine(s), condensate hood(s), and exhaust duct. 5. Provide re- certification of all existing kitchen equipment planning on being re -used. 6. Provide UL listing for drywall overlay on main level ceilings already completed without an inspection. 7. Provide Mechanical calculations, fire damper locations and smoke /fire detector locations. 8. Provide Electrical plan to include existing and new wiring for all levels. 9. Provide Plumbing schematic and floor plan layout for plumbing fixture requirements per Chapter 29 2006 IBC,and location of drinking fountain. 10. Provide detail page for compliance with ICC /ANSI At 17.1 -2003 for changes in floor elevations, exiting bathrooms, parking etc... I took the plans home this weekend so I could at least keep moving forward and have questions on the following? 1. I need to know the intended use for the basement so I can review its use, exiting and fire ratings. I also need a drawing for the basement showing more than the bathrooms and a large table. 2. Provide a drawing of location and elevations for AC units and their screening. Once these items are received, the building department can continue the review of your plans. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thanks Tom Kirl: Cadotte Combination InsPector Office Phcae: 303 -235 -2550 A k i l e t,i ic1r � 415rf:\ iii I E3: I... ;'..l •• CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business - confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us invnediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message front your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: aop2700 @comcast.net [mailto:aop2700 @comcast.net] Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM To: Kirk Cadotte Subject: Re: 7000 w.38th avenue Kirk, I left a phone message with you around 11:30am today. I spoke with Loren from Priest Engineering 4/19/2011 Page 2 of 2 regarding the electrical drawings. The new wiring showing is to the new AC units. We are replacing all the damaged wiring in the other areas. Tom - - - -- Original Message - From: Kirk Cadotte To: aoo2700(a)comcast net Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:25 AM Subject: 7000 w.38th avenue Tom I received new pages for the electrical work to be performed but they show no new wiring anywhere. In addition, items 1 thru 10 of first request dated 4/8/11 have not been received (except as mentioned above). Do you have a status or time frame as to when this will take place? thanks Kirk C"adeztte Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303 -235 -2850 Fax: 303 -235 -285 wavw.ci.whea co us dill of Age f x3as�titt£a 4'r f >Pt`£ t,C >t�qi ;1.17 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This c-mail contains business - confidential infomialion. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message real your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 4/19/2011 Page 1 of I John Schumacher From: aop2700 @comcast.net Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 9:11 PM To: Kirk Cadotte Cc: Steve Art; John Schumacher; Kenneth Johnstone Subject: Reply to Kirk's Email 4/8/11 Attachments: rtk engineering 2- 26- 11.pdf; rtk engineering 4- 8- 11.pdf Kirk, I got your email originally dated 4/8/11 today. Since 4/8/11, 1 have been to the city and talked with John Schumacher on Monday 4/11 and Tuesday 4/12 about your question no. 1, your 2nd paragraph together with the revised basement plan to include a small bar, the drawing with the structural engineer's letter and notes about the structural work needed for the basement. Did you get these (3 copies) from John? I enclosed a copy for your review. This basement will be used for bar with weekend music. The basement is wide open with the exception of the bar, bathroom and 2 sets of stairs. In response to your other questions: 1) Here are the structural drawings for the 2 level and basement, which you already have. There is no other structural work. 4) These items are identified in the enclosed drawings. I will get this on Tuesday 4/19/11 and email this on Tuesday as I don't have them tonight. 5) 1 will get this item done once we figure out what equipment will remain to be re -used. I need Chef Sergio to help me on this item. 6) The UL listing for the 5/8" drywall overlay will be provided on Tuesday 4/19/11. 10) There is no floor elevation change. The existing bathroom and parking layout are in the plan. Again, I will email you items 4 and 6 on Tuesday 4/19/11, and the other items will be provided by Ted Tinsman, the architect and Loren of Priest Engineering. Thanks for your help, Tom 4/19/2011 February 26, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, 9280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage /Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001-1 Dear Mr. Yang: Cursory observations were made February 24, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included definition of repairs to structure primary members to restore functional serviceability. At present fire damage and primary Structural issues of interest include the following. 1. Attic, A. Rear Roof Structure, Nominally 12' of 2x wood sloped rafters with spaced I x wood and probably OSB board over sheet need to be replaced. See attached sketch, RoofReRair/Rear 12 ;Collars & ,Struts Only/ Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 2. Second Floor, A. Repair near center frame bearing wall by "sistering" or replacing distressed 2x 4 studs. Replace 10' 3" portal lintel in center frame bearing wall with 2 each 2 x 10, wood Fb >= 1200 psi, typical. "Fishplate" as necessary to match older wood fi•ame dimensions, typical. Typical header beam nail pattern of 3 /" 410 nails, 2 staggered rows at 2" from lower and top chord at F on center, UNO. B. At building west (building right) gable install 2 x 6 valley stringers extending at least 4' beyond valley top and lapping above primary roof 2x structural member. Also, install double 1 '/a x 7 % LVL_. Fb > = 2600 psi, typical header tension and above roof structure support beam north to south . connecting to west gable stringers with hanger at ceiling elevation. Locate header beam to enable post supports. Header may cant up to say nominally 2' at south, as necessary to fit with below noted support at first floor ceiling elevation. At north of west gable install double 2 x 4 colunm down to second floor elevation. Extend this double 2 x 4 column down to existing double 2 x 12 at basement ceiling elevation, landing immediately above / adjacent to existing tube steel column. At building west install 2 each headers at first floor ceiling elevation from exterior to center bearing walls, straddling masonry chimney. Install cross headers with standard hangers (Simpson, typical) to support double 2 x 4 column up to west gable header and intermediate floor joists required to maintain second floor joist 16" on center spacing between the 2 headers of second floor. Construct the 2 each headers and cross members of 2 each 1 '/4x 117/8 LVL. At center bearing wall post down with at least double 2x to below existing wood beam. Block as necessary. Use A44 clips at wall top plate bearing locations, as possible. Also in this area a number of existing 2 x 8 floor joists have been compromised by notching and holing to accommodate second floor bath plumbing. Relocate CI waste line, so as to not hole floor joists or new LVLs. Repair existing floor joists with similar material "sistering" at least 4' beyond area February 26 2011 of joist distress or to bearing support. Due to years of overload, some of the floor joists below/ vicinity of the second floor bath area have permanently sagged. Where sag is more than I" and significant notching /holing are present, replace the floor joist with like material. Water service may pass through floor joists and LVLs centered in member and not more than 1 /4 span from bearing Support. Double the single 2 x 8 at south stair perimeter — out side masonry to 'interior center bearing walls, as well as header cross to existing double 2 x 8 at stair north. C. At second floor building front nominally quarter, 2x ceiling rafters are compromised and are non conforming span.. Install double 2 x 12 header beam spanning front bay window at second floor ceiling elevation, supporting above window frame wall. (Cut the header into the wall to directly support above wall studs.) Double the wall studs at bay window ends. At mid span of the new double 2 x 12 header install at second floor ceiling elevation double 2 x 10 perpendicular to the 2 x 12s to nearby cross interior partition wall. At partition wall install double 2 x 10 header, standard practice support and trimmer studs. Install 2 x 8 ceiling rafters at 16" on center, spanning up to 16' from building center to exterior side walls. Use framing connectors, LUS series, face mount for headers and rafters to headers. At exterior frame wall top plate connection of ceiling rafter to top plate use A34 clips. Also this area (nominally up to 12' from building front) at above long 2a sloped rafters install base plate, struts, collars at 32" on center, as shown on attached sketch, RoofRepair / Rear I2 , Collars & Struts Only / Front 12', Feb. 24, 20 11. 3. Building Front First to Second Floor Stairwell, A. Remove sufficient finish to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of stair primary structure, including stringers. Do not remove this stairwell( It will need to be repaired (including as above noted) / rebuilt with improved structure to match existing geometry. 4. Basement, A. Remove grid ceiling and other finish sufficient to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels / beams, bearing wall and first floor joists. Mark offset, if any, of center bearing walls from second floor down through to ground. Do over, similarly for stairwell(s). Recommended general approach is to design / size primary structural members in need of replacement. "Thereafter, reconstruction may continence. As work progresses, there should be expectation of modifications and perhaps extending scope of reeonstr action_ Given the fine damage and building age a number of nuances will be encountered. Protocol of periodic observations by Engineer of Record to enable continuity of direction leading to final work compliance with general building code intent for protection of public health, safety and welfare is suggested. Sincerely, 16186 Robert T. Knickerbocker P. E. RTK/k�aMGOI�� Attachments: Sketches? Existing Section Distressed Area, Feb. 24, 2011 I Roof Repair/ Rear 12' : Collars & Struts Only / Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 A44 Clip, Cat Cut, Simpson, pg 180, Wood Construction Connectors, 2011- 2012 Page 1 of 1 ado2700 @comcast.net From: <robert :knickerbocker @comcast.net> To: <aop2700 @comcast.net> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 2A9 AM Attach: 11020 01 -3. d oc Subject: 7000 W 38th Ave, 1 st Floor Structure Tom: Attached is prelim copy of letter RE: 1st Fl Struct. 4 signed copies forwarded via snail mail. Note first paragraph inclusion RE: roof deck & second floor struct "compliance ". K 4/11/2011 R TK ENGINEERING ��,.. HOh1E & NL'ILDtRt: ESA hll ti.tiTfUSti April 8, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001-3 Dear Mi, Yang: Cursory observations were made April 6, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included review of to date repairs to affected roof and second floor structure primary members to restore functional serviceability and further consideration of first floor primary and secondary structure. At present repair of fire damaged roof deck, roof and second floor primary structural issues of interest are progressing reasonably well in coinplianee with municipal building code and general practice standards. As discussed, a few nuances, mostly concerning structural member connections, remain. Addition of metal framing hangers, plates and strapping, as discussed, is expected to be helpful, Now that most fire affected interior finish has been removed in basement first floor first floor primary and secondary structure can be better observed. As anticipated and discussed anomalies are present. First floor first floor primary and secondary structure issues of interest include under capacity / missing built - up wood beams at basement quarter points of floor joists and a number "box outs" of across multiple floor joist single member headers to single support floor joists. Intention of the basement quarter point supports is expected to have been reduction of deflection and potential for floor structure distress. These added to building structure components, probably occurred at earlier circa - u =hen the formerly single family house was changed to commercial use. In consideration of public safety and welfare these concepts need to be revisited. A nominally 13' length remnant near building front of the cast (building left) basement quarter point double built -up wood 2 x 12 floor joistsupport remains. One end is supported by front foundation wall and other by double wood 2 x 4 column on floor slab. Balance, whether formerly bearing wall or other, is missing. Recommendation is to install, continuous if possible, built -up beam of 3 each 1.9E 1 3 /4 x 9 % LVL (Fb >= 2600 psi, typical) having maximum open span of <= nominally 12' over 3 each new intermediate columns on footer supports plus end supports in beam pockets at foundation walls. (A nominally 20% improved beam performance is available by having it continuous over supports!) Use standard manufacturers nailing pattern for assembling built -up beam components. Use standard weight 3" diameter tube steel columns (ASTM A- 501, Fy = 36 ksi, typical) with ASTM A -36 steel ''/2" x beam width x 12" top and bottom bearing plates welded to column perimeter circumferences with AISC standard continuous %" fillet weld and mechanically fastened to beam and footer. Up to an inch of thin shims surrounded by non shrink grout on footer and foundation walls may be used to field adjust beam elevation, typical. Set columns upon new 30" x 30" x 12" April 8, 2011 3000 psi concrete (ACI 318 less plant inspection) footers on undisturbed soil sub grade with standard hook at each end, ASTM A -615, Grade 40 or 60 45s at 8" on center each way— i.e. 3 each way mat, typical — with Footer top surface flush with surrounding floor slab. Assumed sub grade beating capacity is >= I kip / sq ft. Provide %2" bit fiber expansion joint between footer and surrounding floor slab. Please provide at least 24 hour notice for my observation / confirmation of sub grade reinforcing placement and footer concrete installation. Similarly, predecessors installed a "fish plated" double wood 2 x12 at basement west (right) quarter point with open 19' span. This span is excessive for anticipated loading. Reduce open span to <= 10' by installing intermediate column on footer support, similar to above. "Box outs" in the wood 2 x 8 floor joist framing are to be eliminated, except at stairwells. Remove cross header and install "sister" floor joists (Fb >= 1200 psi typical) spanning beam to beam / foundation wall. Minimum lap is 4' else to bearing. If minimum lap is available no embedment with CC -B treatment at joist end or treated ledger is necessary at foundation walls. A single thickness of continuous plywood (not OSB!) may be used to "fish plate ", where existing ; floor joist sections are slightly offset, and a single "sister" installed. Otherwise, install "sister" for each existing severed floor joist spanning beam to beam. Use 3 ?/_>" #10 nails at 12" on center, staggered rows at 1 Yz - 2" from top and bottom chords to fasten "sister" to existing. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. of N -_ y -''C/ Attachment; April 7, 2011 Sketch, Applewood Revised Basement Plan with RTK Engineering annotations Page 1 of 1 Aop2700 @comcast.net From: <ro bert. kn ickerbocker@ comcast. net> To: <aop2700 @comcast.net> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 2:49 AM Attach: 1102001 -3.doc Subject: 7000 W 38th Ave, 1 st Floor Structure Tom: Attached is prelim copy of letter RE: 1 st Fl Struct. 4 signed copies forwarded via snail mail. Note first paragraph inclusion RE: roof deck & second floor struct 'compliance K 4/11/2011 RTK ENGINEERING NOME & BUILDING EXAMINATIONS 2939 Newton Street April 8, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -3 Dear Mr. Yang: Denver. Colorado 80211 E3 (303) 477 -0044 Cursory observations were made April 6, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included review of to date repairs to affected roof and second floor structure primary members to restore functional serviceability and further consideration of first floor primary and secondary structure. At present repair of fire damaged roof deck, roof and second floor primary structural issues of interest are progressing reasonably well in compliance with municipal building code and general practice standards. As discussed, a few nuances, mostly concerning structural member connections, remain. Addition of metal framing hangers, plates and strapping, as discussed, is expected to be helpful. Now that most fire affected interior finish has been removed in basement first floor first floor primary and secondary structure can be better observed. As anticipated and discussed anomalies are present. First floor first floor primary and secondary structure issues of interest include under capacity / missing built - up wood beams at basement quarter points of floor joists and a number "box outs" of across multiple floor joist single member headers to single support floor joists. Intention of the basement quarter point supports is expected to have been reduction of deflection and potential for floor structure distress. These added to building structure components, probably occurred at earlier circa - when the formerly single family house was changed to commercial use. In consideration of public safety and welfare these concepts need to be revisited. A nominally 13' length remnant near building front of the east (building left) basement quarter point double built -up wood 2 x 12 floor joist support remains. One end is supported by front foundation wall and other by double wood 2 x 4 column on floor slab. Balance, whether formerly bearing wall or other, is missing. Recommendation is to install, continuous if possible, built -up beam of 3 each 1.9E 1 3 /4 x 9 %z LVL (Fb >= 2600 psi, typical) having maximum open span of <= nominally 12' over 3 each new intermediate columns on footer supports plus end supports in beam pockets at foundation walls. (A nominally 20% improved beam performance is available by having it continuous over supports!) Use standard manufacturers nailing pattern for assembling built -up beam components. Use standard weight 3" diameter tube steel columns (ASTM A- 501, Fy = 36 ksi, typical) with ASTM A -36 steel '' /z" x beam width x 12" top and bottom bearing plates welded to column perimeter circumferences with AISC standard continuous '/4" fillet weld and mechanically fastened to beam and footer. Up to an inch of thin shims surrounded by non shrink grout on footer and foundation walls may be used to field adjust beam elevation, typical. Set columns upon new 30" x 30 x =2" April 8, 2011 3000 psi concrete (ACI 318 less plant inspection) footers on undisturbed soil sub grade with standard hook at each end, ASTM A -615, Grade 40 or 60 #5s at 8" on center each way — i.e. 3 each way mat, typical — with footer top surface flush with surrounding floor slab. Assumed sub grade bearing capacity is >= 1 kip / sq ft. Provide 1 /2" bit fiber expansion joint between footer and surrounding floor slab. Please provide at least 24 hour notice for my observation / confirmation of sub grade, reinforcing placement and footer concrete installation. Similarly, predecessors installed a "fish plated" double wood 2 x12 at basement west (right) quarter point with open 19' span. This span is excessive for anticipated loading. Reduce open span to <= 10' by installing intermediate column on footer support, similar to above. "Box outs" in the wood 2 x 8 floor joist framing are to be eliminated, except at stairwells. Remove cross header and install "sister" floor joists (Fb >= 1200 psi, typical) spanning beam to beam / foundation wall. Minimum lap is 4' else to bearing. If minimum lap is available no embedment with CC -B treatment at joist end or treated ledger is necessary at foundation walls. A single thickness of continuous plywood (not OSB!) may be used to "fish plate ", where existing floor joist sections are slightly offset, and a single "sister" installed. Otherwise, install "sister" for each existing severed floor joist spanning beam to beam. Use 3 ' / 2" #10 nails at 12" on center, staggered rows at 1 %2 - 2" from top and bottom chords to fasten "sister" to existing. Sincerely, Q RlrvK e/ Attachment: April 7, 2011 Sketch, Applewood Revised Basement Plan with RTK Engineering annotations Page 1 of 1 aQp2700 @comcast.net From: <robert.knickerbocker @comcast.net> To: <aop2700 @comcast.net> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 2:49 AM Attach: 1102001 -3.doc Subject: 7000 W 38th Ave, 1st Floor Structure Tom: Attached is prelim copy of letter RE: 1st Fl Struct. 4 signed copies forwarded via snail mail. Note first paragraph inclusion RE: roof deck & second floor struct 'compliance ". K RTK ENGINEERING NOME & BUILDING EXAMINAT'ION'S 2939 Newton Street Denver. Colorado 80211 April 8, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, 4280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -3 Dear Mr. Yang: (303) 417.0044 Cursory observations were made April 6, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included review of to date repairs to affected roof and second floor structure primary members to restore functional serviceability and further consideration of first floor primary and secondary structure. At present repair of fire damaged roof deck, roof and second floor primary structural issues of interest are progressing reasonably well in compliance with municipal building code and general practice standards. As discussed, a few nuances, mostly concerning structural member connections, remain. Addition of metal framing hangers, plates and strapping, as discussed, is expected to be helpful. Now that most fire affected interior finish has been removed in basement first floor first floor primary and secondary structure can be better observed. As anticipated and discussed are present. First floor first floor primary and secondary structure issues of interest include under capacity / missing built - up wood beams at basement quarter points of floor joists and a number "box outs" of across multiple floor joist single member headers to single support floor joists. Intention of the basement quarter point supports is expected to have been reduction of deflection and potential for floor structure distress. These added to building structure components, probably occurred at earlier circa -when the formerly single family house was changed to commercial use. In consideration of public safety and welfare these concepts need to be revisited. A nominally 13' length remnant near building front of the east (building left) basement quarter point double built -up wood 2 x 12 floor joist support remains. One end is supported by front foundation wall and other by double wood 2 x 4 column on floor slab. Balance, whether formerly bearing wall or other, is missing. Recommendation is to install, continuous if possible, built -up beam of 3 each 1.9E 1 3 /4 x 9 %2 LVL (Fb >= 2600 psi, typical) having maximum open span of <= nominally 12' over 3 each new intermediate columns on footer supports plus end supports in beam pockets at foundation walls. (A nominally 20% improved beam performance is available by having it continuous over supports!) Use standard manufacturers nailing pattern for assembling built -up beam components. Use standard weight 3" diameter tube steel columns (ASTM A- 501, Fy = 36 ksi, typical) with ASTM A -36 steel '' /�" x beam width x 12" top and bottom bearing plates welded to column perimeter circumferences with AISC standard continuous '/4" fillet weld and mechanically fastened to beam and footer. Up to an inch of thin shims surrounded by non shrink grout on footer and foundation walls may be used to field adjust beam elevation, typical. Set columns upon new 30" x 30" x 12" April 8, 2011 3000 psi concrete (ACI 318 less plant inspection) footers on undisturbed soil sub grade with standard hook at each end, ASTM A -615, Grade 40 or 60 #5s at 8" on center each way — i.e. 3 each way mat, typical — with footer top surface flush with surrounding floor slab. Assumed sub grade bearing capacity is >= 1 kip / sq ft. Provide %2" bit fiber expansion joint between footer and surrounding floor slab. Please provide at least 24 hour notice for my observation / confirmation of sub grade, reinforcing placement and footer concrete installation. Similarly, predecessors installed a "fish plated" double wood 2 x12 at basement west (right) quarter point with open 19' span. This span is excessive for anticipated loading. Reduce open span to <= 10' by installing intermediate column on footer support, similar to above. "Box outs" in the wood 2 x 8 floor joist framing are to be eliminated, except at stairwells. Remove cross header and install "sister" floor joists (Fb >= 1200 psi, typical) spanning beam to beam / foundation wall. Minimum lap is 4' else to bearing. If minimum lap is available no embedment with CC -B treatment at joist end or treated ledger is necessary at foundation walls. A single thickness of continuous plywood (not OSB!) may be used to "fish plate ", where existing floor joist sections are slightly offset, and a single "sister" installed. Otherwise, install "sister" for each existing severed floor joist spanning beam to beam. Use 3 ' / 2" #10 nails at 12" on center, staggered rows at 1 '/2 - 2" from top and bottom chords to fasten "sister" to existing. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. RTK/k Attachment: April 7, 2011 Sketch, Applewood Revised Basement Plan with RTK Engineering annotations O Ri r�k �I e a i �•� ��\�. � � � n � �� � A s � �� � � ,- �� �� � � �� � � � � � � � ��, �� � � z,�.���, l ! �� ���., ��, �� ��- ��. �� � o � N �, 'w � �. REC IVED BOB Applewood Quality Builders, .Inc. HA.R 2 2011 .1 ppBBUSINESS APPLEWOOD OFFICE PARK � *'kd -�_ fUI7 -- - EqU 2700 YOUNGFIELD STREET, SUITE 280 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 -7055 (303) 237 -1423 ♦ (303) 237 -1830 ♦ FAX: (303) 237 -5556 ♦ CELL: (720) 720 -2393 WEB: www.agbconcrete.biz Celebrating our 27th Anniversary March 21, 2011 John Schumacher Chief Building Inspector City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 ischumachergci.wheatrid eg co.us RE: Cebiche Authentic Peruvian Dining 7000 W 38 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear John: This email will give you an update on last week's progress. I enclosed the stamped letter from Robert T. Knickerbockers of RTK Engineering for your review. Robert inspected the work done on the 2 "d level and the roof decking and gave us a list of corrections to do. The corrections were done on Friday 3/18/11. H came out again on Saturday 3/19/11 and called for more corrections on the fire damaged work; he re- checked the roof decking and the decking passed his inspection. The roofing company came in on Saturday afternoon and finished the upper level roof on Sunday 3/20/11. We will make all the necessary corrections on the fire damage repair and once completed and we pass engineer's inspection with a stamped letter, I will forward a copy for your file. I have signed a contract with Ted Tinsman of Architectural Element Design and Consulting and with Priest Engineering, Inc on Friday 3/18/11. They will prepare all the required drawings and information for our building permit to include plumbing, electrical and mechanical. Once done, I will submit for permit. Please call me on my cell phone #303 - 944 -2540 if you have any questions. Yours truly, homas S. Yang P. S. I also delivered on Sunday afternoon a complete set taped to the outside door with your name and a note to get this to you on Monday morning. cc: Patrick Goff, p_goffgei.wheatridge.co.us Steve Art, sart@ci.wheatridee.co.us Meredith Reckert, mreckert@ci.wheatridee.co.us Kirk Cadotte, keadotte@ci.wheatridge.co.us Kelly Brooks, kbrooks(iJwrfire.ore .Colleen & Sergio Iraola, colleenihut@yahoo.com Britta Fisher, bfisher9wheatridee2020.org Eric Kissell, erie.kissell(o,orgadata.com Charlie Holeer, ngazette@comcast.net Tracy Langworthy, davidg0126@peoplepe.com F - E HAR i 2011 RTK ENGINEERING HOME & BUILDING E\AMISAIION'S 2939 Newton Street Denver, Colorado 80211 (303) 477 -0044 March 19, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure / Roof Deck 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001-2 Dear Mr. Yang: Cursory observations were made March 18, 2011 and earlier today of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included review of to date repairs to affected structure primary members to restore functional serviceability and roof deck installation. At present repair of fire damaged primary structural issues of interest are progressing. Roof deck of 7/16" APA rated 24 / 16 OSB PS2 -04 sheathing upon repaired / replaced sloped rafters at 16" on center is completed. Roof deck installation, including nailing pattern, appear to comply with general practice standards and municipal building code Sincerely, �EC1sr�� V �4t a 164$6` Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. RTK/k ,ea JWnidad Ued)dc 7560 wif6az ea )d wejunizzi ", eo 80030 J haze (303) 650 -7455, Atabi& (303) 263 -4341 .` /2faflizwGees G SCjne n.canz April 28, 2011 To: Wheat Ridge Building Department RE: Main Level Electrical Certification Cebiche Peruvian Dining 7000 West 38` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80205 My journeyman and I stopped at the restaurant to check the electrical on the main level. We traced the main level electricall to the panel and labeled the panel. These are all in good working order. Some of the electrical plugs and switches will have to be replaced simply due to the age and use. The fire and water did not penetrate the walls to cause any damage on the main level. We found that in the main level addition, there were some plastic boxes for wall lights that will have to be changed and some exposed wiring in the same area that need to be corrected, however these were just done incorrectly by previous owner. We will address all these issues when we are on site doing the other work. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this issue. Ruben Robles Master Electrician La TFifi ad Elect S �", Mr�srcn Cnn i2iK t2 " 1 City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Sign PERMIT - 110462 PERMIT NO: 110462 ISSUED: 04/29/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 04/28/2012 DESCRIPTION: Free standing 4' x 6' x 12' with base * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/944 -2540 Tom Yang sub 303/351 -6963 09 -0032 Vinyl Works ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK /LOT#: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 5,649.52 FEES Permit Fee 140.90 Plan Review Fee 91.59 9 d Total Valuation Use Tax ** TOTAL ** 334.18 Conditions: MR: Approved. Zoned C -1. Subject to field inspection. KC: Approved per plans, notes on plans and engineer letter. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspection. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this d current as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this.-dodu`"men a /or s� ac o panying approved plans and specifications. Sig ur of ERY or ONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable Statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. S. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provisio of applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field r n. Signature Chi f Building Offical Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 235 -2857 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 r , a .� . .. [ Date: ` Plan #: f Pe rmit #: 11 2 PropOnyAddress 7000 w 38th Ave. Property Owner (please print) Tom Yang Phone: -944 -2540 Mailing Address: (If different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip Contractor: Vinyl Works Contractor License 090 phone: 303 - 351 -6963 S�t7t Cott4raytots Electrical City License #: Plumbing City License #: Mechanical City License #: Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: t/se of space (description): Street Sign Construction Value: 5 649.52 ®'eseriptjonofwork' Free standing sign (as calculatedper the Building Valuation Date she replacement on 38th Ave. Current sign Plan Review (dueartimeofsubmittaq:s ! 6 face is 4ft x 6ft, new sign face is Oft x 6ft, 12ft high with base Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: 6 4 Squares BTU's Gallons Amps 128 with stone base OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) ( CONTRATOR) PRINTNAME: Scott Walker SIGNATUR6c Walker Date: 03/25/1 i Bldg Valuation: Freestanding Sign Calculation Sheet You must complete this sheet and include it in the submittal package for any new freestanding signs. You will also need to create a site plan and a detail sheet of the signage. Contractor. VINYL WORKS #090032 You are allowed 1 freestanding sign for every street right -of -way adjacent to your property. The allowable sign size is related to building size. Step 1: Determine the square footage of the building: Building size (in square feet): 6000 (This will be inserted in the formula below) Step 2: Complete the appropriate allowable signage formula: If the building is 0 —1,500 square feet in size, you are allowed a 35 square foot sign. If the building is 1,501 — 5,000 square feet in size, complete the following: - 1,501 = °50= +35 Building size Allowed sign size If the building is 5,001 — 50,000 square feet in size, complete the following: 6000 -5,001 = 999 =500= +100= 102 Building size Allowed sign size If the building is 50,000 + square feet in size, complete the following: "50.001 =��® 1,000 + 190 Building size Allowed sign size The "allowed sign size" may be placed on each side of the freestanding sign. ❑ Check here if the sign is existing and you are replacing a cabinet or face with the same size cabinet or face. 7 The sign must meet a setback from the street right -of -way. If the sign is less than 7 feet in height, the sign must be setback 5 feet. If the sign is between 7 feet and 15 feet the sign must be setback 10 feet. For most freestanding signs, the maximum height is 15 feet. For properties within % mile of the interstate, freestanding signs may be 50 feet tali. These signs must be setback at least 30 feet from the street right -of -way. Step 3: Determine the height of the new sign: The new proposed freestanding sign will be 12 feet tall. Step 4: Determine the setback from the street right-of-way: The new proposed sign will be setback 7 feet from the street right -of -way. (replacing current sign box and ad g stone base - 7' x 12' x 1 1 ) All freestanding signs must adhere to the sight distance triangle requirements as listed in Section 26 -603 of the Code of Laws. You must include a site plan which details the location of the freestanding sign, building and drive areas. Show all new and existing signage (include the square footage and height of all existing signs). Please include a detail of the proposed sign, including the overall square footage and height, as well as any electrical and structural details which may be pertinent. RTK ENGINEERING NOM£ & BUILDING EXAMINATIONS April , 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, 9280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Street Sign 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -4 Dear Mr. Yang: 2939 Newton Street Denver. Colorado 80211 WheatFidge Building Department proved BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE Validity of permit:- The issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation to any of the provisions of the building code or of any City ordinances. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the Building codes or other ordinances of the City shall not be valid. (303) 477 -0044 Cursory observations were made April 12, 2011 of existing street sign and review made of vender Vinylworks provided shop sketches for modifications / installation of new street sign. Shop sketches have been reviewed and amended. Existing nominally 24" by 64" concrete pad and embedded 6" diameter by 65" tube steel post may be reused. New sign is to be mounted atop existing concrete pad and post as prescribed in the amended shop sketches. Amended shop sketches labeled shop sketch #1 and shop sketch #2 comply with municipal building code and general practice standards. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. RTK/k Work shall comply with 2006 IBC, IPC, IMC, IFGC, IFC, 2005 NEC and any applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Attachment: April 15, 2011, shop sketch #1 & shop sketch #2 with RTK Engineering annotations APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date. E3 ....Plan Checker \ k p C 7 i xm � �: 7 i z - SC Ol0 J ' u G _ 0 1 12 ML fill I 111 \1 Q �4 iN Iv\ f ®gym cus""R S19AGOMP gXtfV91O00 ....... Stn' fldgrq DATE 5/30(02 gy Stovq SignComp'" oescwanoru STD 3 -IP2P 24 -29 -44 StrucWrgl (support} ' urru rvv. SHT � OF b N O O 9ftm A,�I NN l O iV 3co Am s A � 1.625 m .c ` n o c 3 m o m z ry 990 i o 3 n m m p ` AA N A � O --11 of C m 1 fiz)? r 111111 \R\ �Cl) :r_ �i o 1 ® Q ° ° - O n � m a N�1 CD /fl 0 b "� N _ ° o s p A 0 U CD xz OT N �1 ` - r m ma r fDr TO p. � BONN DA �yYM1 y� m AZON o� N c ' _990 1.625 Flle: �I: \bsemGly omwmge \$IUruarE \aa \sro ] -1v1P 3-3^ -µ_d.0 L-t u mi;ee: seo 1d. 2003 - I:Olpm .ti a M S fk: E f'd nKf a AO�a�� ; CO C » m T > H V a 0 m - .Z1 to CD w aO n �v m zr N n X N 00 02 ' rO"T i; a w �O ry Z N m T �iOV n mod^ n dQN ❑ t � 6u. �i a O N O C N CO C » m T > H V a 0 m - .Z1 to CD w aO n �v m zr N n X N 00 02 ' rO"T i; oa w ry 3 fi m N m mma �iOV m o mod^ d dQN 3 A O 6u. �i N O C K o n o m m F F Q N O F S . G t !° co A C CD fl: n 'WR u _ a) 2 5 Y j. to a m CD N m S CD t' 7r PO BOX 2042/ WHEAT RIDGE/ CO/80033 info @myvinylworks.com / 303.351.6963 Customer Signature Terms 50150 Item Description Qty Cost Total Sign 12 double faced sign box 1 1,410.00 I,410.00T 4x6 with vertical Tit HO Lamps Plexi sheet 7328 Lt beige plexi face 2 360.00 720.00T with gloss black vinyl lettering logo Sign Custom Fab Steel painted gloss black 1 794.00 794.00T 2 - 4x4x80 sq steel tube - 299.72 4 -2x4x5 rec steel tube - 471.08 .75 galvanized all thread, bolts, washer - 24 Sign Powder coating 1 350.00 350.00T Supplies Basic Mounting Hardware -1 75.00 75.00T bolts, washers, anchors, lags, ect Install Work Install, design, and labor work 1 970.00 970.00 - includes buck/lift use Permit City of Wheat Ridge Permit 1 0.00 O.00T Consulting/Contract Concrete and Stone Foundation by Applewood Concrete 0 1,000.00 O.00T Estimated Value Sales Tax 7.60% 254.52 All quotes are good for 30 days from date on iuvoice. Total $4,573.52 Customer Signature Page 1 of 1 Melissa Mackey From: John Schumacher Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:56 AM To: Melissa Mackey Subject: FW: 7000 W 38th Ave - Subcontractors list FYI John C. Schumacher, Jr., CB® Chief Building Official Office Phone: 303 - 235 -2853 Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 From: aop2700 @comcast.net [mailto:aop2700 @ comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 20119:22 AM To: John Schumacher Cc: Kirk Cadotte; Steve Art; Kenneth Johnstone Subject: 7000 W 38th Ave - Subcontractor's list John, I have signed with the following subcontractors for the following trade area: 1) Mechanical - Cryton Inc. Dan Parsons 303 - 789 -2740 (0) 303- 781- 0593(F) 720 - 273 -0349 Cell crytonmechanicalkilaol. com 2) Plumbing - Colorado Heating & Plumbing Services (C.H.A.P.S) Mike Davison 303 - 777 -8775 (0) 303 - 648- 6856(F) 303 - 916 -3226 Cell chapsplumbing(o aol.com 3) Electrical - La Trinidad Electric Ruben Robles 303 - 650 -7455 303 - 263 -4341 Cell 4) Main Level Windows - Dan the Window Man Dan Ryan 303 - 232 - 3229(0) 303 - 669 -0599 Cell windowdan@,comcast.net I changed the window company due to all the miscommunication on the upper windows. Again, I asked Dan to check with the Bldg. Dept. before he start the job. I hope to have all the revised drawings this week to resubmit to your office Thanks, Tom 4/22/2011 " ' City of Wheat Ridge * ** ZONE CODE: owner 303/944 -2540 Commercial Miscellan PERMIT - 110202 PERMIT NO: 110202 ISSUED: 03/07/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 03/06/2012 DESCRIPTION: Framing repair from fire damage on 2nd floor to close ** *CONTACTS ** * ** ZONE CODE: owner 303/944 -2540 Thomas Yang UA sub 303/263 -4341 Ruben Robles 11 -0019 La Trinidad Electric sub 303/761 -7774 Bobby Hannaberg 02 -1397 Classic Mechanical gc Plan Review Addtiona Jack Grochala 11 -0054 2G's Installation LLC ** PARCEL INFO ** P C V 14,800.00 ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED P C V 14,800.00 FEES����� Investigative Fees 283.55 Permit Fee 283.55 Plan Review Fee 91.59 Plan Review Addtiona 92.72 - Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 266.40 ** TOTAL ** 1,017.81 - Conditions: * *Fees doubled for doing work without permit. KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC and all applicable. City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entiti s named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this oc ment d/ ts' accompanying approved plans and specifications. T 1 ? - >t Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1.1 ` mhis permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and ✓specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field iWpe,&,von. Building Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of heat I Ac DEVFLOPM @NT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 -2�'5- 2855 " Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Li e: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application WAR-` - 7'WD i L51 32't/h twee Date: Pfan # Permit # Property Owner (please print): -Fpo t j Ac, S . VANG Phone: Zh u Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip:, CiO t reCtO. i \ (J`j`- ^ i"Gt� Contractors Ci License #: I t) 0 2-1 Phone: SuksCantracto .s ' , Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # r )`escrt ron fwWiwi r OrIpa J AZ -f`.. { v 11 � nn- �t 1� J� (M1 Cor�trect Value: L\G$1O�c� $ (L !7 /7 ICeb66 � ��� (� �- 1 `j e.�.� -i n.if e 5 Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Hahn t will b2 Su�wn�[ed� (tats ��pGc�;ov� C4� �f ;quares I BTU's Gallons _Amps Sg Ft $ OWNER/CORACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify at the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulatio s of the City of wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and tegations made al accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also auth rized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CHtCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: I t-� r �. SIGNATURE: DATE: - �O � e, Bldg Valuation: $ / e 6� City of h6at iC�E' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'. Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, Date: Plan # Permit Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application property,Addre §s: � ®, � ✓7 � Property Owner (please print): ff`GOJj/ ©/� -/((l Phone `% ' - 2 - Mailing Address: (if different than property address) -,,c Address; - /7 Ocr /l 6�S4 i 7 Z,9-0 City, State, Zip: r Contractor: /S ���C- �/� Contractors City License #: Phone: ( � &� ) s 7 —'� �j Electncal: Plumbing: J %rte(itns �in yip. Mechanical City License # City License # City License # jG / 5 0Z° -724-3 /� lcvvz 4 �> 7 - jai "c�3 Descrl tlonofworlcz / K/1 %, Contract Value: �l'� GV t G(. �j..�._ �..5'r /`✓1..2 -dt �J �iCJ fi s� Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Amps Sq Ft. $ OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances; rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (/ OWNER)) (C / or ( AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: �.. el c R e77, i'c/i; G� SIGNATURE -- 11/ DATE: CS' G i � Iftia � c� � DEPAI�TMENT"USE ONL)! " ��'' �'> 1. �, ✓ ,; l ' r y ZONING COMMENTS } �ti � /, i /�H a ��r ( �5 �'y ( /"r,�,, s`�� �� :��rc- r � �cf s ✓ ✓J e ✓ / � � Cax�Pk�'K1�� , �c ^r��'�cz ' ter �a�YFi ✓U av �/�ir, t Y i �e4leWer rry / F: j � � . %s�rg� ���e$� "s�r�erti7'�a��! w y n^9� i ✓a �� , %% ors r`' Re elder r � i � i �.E���r °rd,✓�„'�� � '�f�fis fr f�� � r ✓� t � u r ' ✓ � A sa , :. ,�,a` � �� a�+ l.'� �� � �1� s• � � y� im .. i.t:,, a _,�`, ., ,.,. ,,,._r r, -.!,. ,.,. .. ...1� -�✓<rr A.�z� �✓i�`�i'ur3 '! �.�...W�. v`swi,'s�L 3U.i�aCx J:.,.. v�,a. FIRE DEPARTMENT ❑ approved W/ COmmente ❑ dlSapprOYed ❑ I�0 reVlew regLRed� Bldg ValUatlOn $ RTK ENGINEERING --.. NOME & BUILDING EXAMINATIONS February 26, 2011 Thomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -1 Dear Mr. Yang: 2939 Newton Street 80211 (303) 477 -0044 vYh at Ridge Building Department Approved r< r r ILDI OFFICIAL DATE Validity of permit: The issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation to any of the provisions of the building code or of any City ordinances. parynila res presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the Building codes or other ordinances of the City shall not be valid. Cursory observations were made February 24, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included definition of repairs to structure primary members to restore functional serviceability. At present fire damage and primary structural issues of interest include the following. 1. Attic, A. Rear Roof Structure, Nominally 12' of 2x wood sloped rafters with spaced lx wood and probably OSB board over sheet need to be replaced. See attached sketch, Roof Repair /Rear 12 "Collars & Struts Only/ Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 2. Second Floor, A. Repair near center frame bearing wall by "sistering" or replacing distressed 2x 4 studs. Replace 10' 3" portal lintel in center frame bearing wall with 2 each 2 x 10, wood Fb >= 1200 psi, typical. "Fishplate" as necessary to match older wood frame dimensions, typical. Typical header beam nail pattern of 3 '/4" #10 nails, 2 staggered rows at 2" from lower and top chord at 1' on center, UNO. B. At building west (building right) gable install 2 x 6 valley stringers extending at least 4' beyond valley top and lapping above primary roof 2x structural member. Also, install double t / x 7 I /4 LVL, Fb > = 2600 psi, typical, header tension and above roof structure support beam north to south connecting to west gable stringers with hanger at ceiling elevation. Locate header beam to enable post supports. Header may cant up to say nominally 2' at south, as necessary to fit with below noted support at first floor ceiling elevation. At north of west gable install double 2 x 4 column down to seeond floor elevation. Extend this double 2 x 4 column down to existing double 2 x 12 at basement ceiling elevation, landing immediately above / adjacent to existing tube steel column. At building west install 2 each headers at first floor ceiling elevation from exterior to center bearing --- alls, straddli ng masonry chimney:' Install cross headers with standard hangers (Simpson, typical) to support double 2 x4 column up to west gable header and intermediate floor joists required to maintain ` second floor joist 16" on' epter sp40ing between the 2 headers of second floor. Construct the 2 each headers and cross members of 2 each 1 ' / 4 x 11 7/8 LVL. At center bearing wall post down with at least double'2x to below existing wood beam. Block as necessary. Use A44 clips at wall top plate bearing locations, as possible. Also in this area-a- number of existing 2 x 8 floor joists have been compromised by notching and ry holipg,to accommodate second floor bath plumbing. Relocate Cl waste line, so as to not hole floor joists or new'LVLs 'Repair existing floor joists with similar material "sistering" at least 4' beyond area February 26, 2011 of joist distress or to bearing support. Due to years of over load, some of the floor joists below / vicinity of the second floor bath area have permanently sagged. Where sag is more than 1" and significant notching/ holing are present, replace the floor joist with like material. Water service may pass through floor joists and LVLs centered in member and not more than ' /4 span from bearing support. Double the single 2 x 8 at south stair perimeter — out side masonry to interior center bearing walls, as well as header cross to existing double 2 x 8 at stair north. C. At second floor building front nominally quarter, 2x ceiling rafters are compromised and are non conforming span. Install double 2 x 12 header beam spanning front bay window at second floor ceiling elevation, supporting above window frame wall. (Cut the header into the wall to directly support above wall studs.) Double the wall studs at bay window ends. At mid span of the new double 2 x 12 header install at second floor ceiling elevation double 2 x 10 perpendicular to the 2 x 12s to nearby cross interior partition wall. At partition wall install double 2 x 10 header, standard practice support and trimmer studs. Install 2 x 8 ceiling rafters at 16" on center, spanning up to 16' from building center to exterior side walls. Use framing connectors, LUS series, face mount for headers and rafters to headers. At exterior frame wail top plate connection of ceiling rafter to top plate use A34 clips. Also this area (nominally up to 12' from building front) at above long 2x sloped rafters install base plate, struts, collars at 32" on center, as shown on attached sketch, Roof-Repair / Rear 12', Collars & Struts Only/ Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011. 3. Building Front First to Second Floor Stairwell, A. Remove sufficient finish to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of stair primary structure, including stringers. Do not remove this stairwell! It will need to be repaired (including as above noted) / rebuilt with improved structure to match existing geometry. 4. Basement, A. Remove grid ceiling and other finish sufficient to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels / beams, bearing wall and first floor joists. Mark offset, if any, of center bearing walls from second floor down through to ground. Do over, similarly for stairwell(s). Recommended general approach is to design / size primary structural members in need of replacement. Thereafter, reconstruction may commence. As work progresses, there should be expectation of modifications and perhaps extending scope of reconstruction. Given the fire damage and building age a number of nuances will be encountered. Protocol of periodic observations by Engineer of Record to enable continuity of direction leading to final work compliance with general building code intent for protection of public health, safety and welfare is suggested. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbocker, P. E. RTK/k APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. " EN � Date: OF COl4�: +'. x°2/26/ Plan checker I Attachments: Sketches / Existing Section Distressed Area, Feb. 24, 2011 / Roof Repair / Rear 12' : Collars & Struts Only / Front 12', Feb. 24, 2011 A44 Clip, Cat Cut, Simpson, pg 180, Wood Construction Connectors, 2011- 2012 APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date: T/ahl-I 1� I J� Plan checker 'N Work shall comply with 2006 113C, IPC, IMC, IFGC, IFC, 2005 NEC and any applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. T-D ot K L�A D CEf-- 7 0 — LJ Fo 'tX"kA _'5 cn" �k- — --- ------- 41; � t'l'> ''Z f. K al 47 4 _ 41; fr.ld,,�e e F 'UePAD $4,411 1, Y 7 * A, ' 6r " e A 4 /SjE VFA.-F To )'W6 8ad10 1 Sy WX7-5r.+A1P4FJ0 AiermR op AlWad41- — 7 e "e oat Cpl ,4,46E em/F t'l'> ''Z f. K 4 _ fr.ld,,�e e F 'UePAD $4,411 1, Y 7 * A, ' 6r " e A 4 /SjE VFA.-F To )'W6 8ad10 1 Sy WX7-5r.+A1P4FJ0 AiermR op AlWad41- — 7 e "e oat Cpl ,4,46E em/F N x 1% to x lrl� & V V I CN ID T' ol(Av 4d C)M" M=La.; 1 Yl kz APPROVED C to Field Inspections . ,,Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date: J St X, Signe Plan checker PAGE rwa C - T" V I CN ID T' ol(Av 4d C)M" M=La.; 1 Yl kz APPROVED C to Field Inspections . ,,Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date: J St X, Signe Plan checker PAGE rwa RTR ENGINEERING HOME & BUILDING ESAMINA170NS 2939 Newton Street February 20, 2011 Tomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -0 Dear Mr. Yang: Denver. Colorado 80211 (303) 477 -0044 Cursory observations were made February 19, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included over view formulation of means to restore functional serviceability. Majority of the fire damage is to the older, probably original, two story portion of the building. Additions have not been as severely affected. At present fire damage and preliminary issues of interest include the following. 1. Attic, A. Rear Roof Structure, Nominally 12' of 2x wood sloped rafters with spaced lx wood and probably wafer board over sheet need to be replaced. 2. Second Floor, A. Portions of near center frame bearing wall, including portal lintel, have been compromised and will need to be repaired, replaced respectively. B. West (building right) gable south column support has been compromised. Column alignment needs tc be traced to ground and column together with valley stringer replaced. Gable tension and above roof support cross needs to be replaced. North leaf of this gable appears less than adequately supported, as majority of probable original below wall has been removed (above the bar). Ceiling and portions of adjacent wall fmish in this February 19 found wall location is to be removed. Purpose is to enable determination whether built up LVLs can be installed to over come deficiency of west gable leaf support. Possible LVL "landing locations" need to be traced (opened up as necessary) to ground. West gable support stringer will also need replacement. C. West side bath frame wall distress presents best management procedure challenge, requiring further consideration. One larger unisex lavatory perhaps? 3. First Floor, A. Remove sufficient finish to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels, beams, bearing wall and second floor joists. RTK ENGINEERING �. NOME & BUILDING EXAMISATIOXS 2939 Newton Street Denver, Colorado 80211 February 20, 2011 Tomas Yang, President Applewood Quality Builders 2700 Youngfield Street, #280 Lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Fire Damage / Structure 7000 West 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Job #1102001 -0 Dear Mr. Yang: (303) 477 -0044 Cursory observations were made February 19, 2011 of portions of the fire damaged formerly restaurant building. Purposes included over view formulation of means to restore functional serviceability. Majority of the fire damage is to the older, probably original, two story portion of the building. Additions have not been as severely affected. At present fire damage and preliminary issues of interest include the following. 1. Attic, A. Rear Roof Structure, Nominally 12' of 2x wood sloped rafters with spaced lx wood and probably wafer board over sheet need to be replaced. 2. Second Floor, A. Portions of near center frame bearing wall, including portal lintel, have been compromised and will need to be repaired, replaced respectively. B. West (building right) gable south column support has been compromised. Column alignment needs to be traced to ground and column together with valley stringer replaced. Gable tension and above roof support cross needs to be replaced. North leaf of this gable appears less than adequately supported, as majority of probable original below wall has been removed (above the bar). Ceiling and portions of adjacent wall finish in this February 19 found wall location is to be removed. Purpose is to enable determination whether built up LVLs can be installed to over come deficiency of west gable leaf support. Possible LVL "landing locations" need to be traced (opened up as necessary) to ground. West gable support stringer will also need replacement. C. West side bath frame wall distress presents best management procedure challenge, requiring further consideration. One larger unisex lavatory perhaps? 3. First Floor, A. Remove sufficient finish to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels, beams, bearing wall and second floor joists. p p�E ( Applewood Quality Builders, Inc. BBBn�E$S APPLEWOOD OFFICE PARK EAU 2700 YOUNGFIELD STREET, SUITE 280 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 -7055 (303) 237 -1423 ♦ (303) 237 -1830 ♦ FAX: (303) 237 -5556 ♦ CELL: (303) 944 -2540 WEB: www.agbconcrete.biz Celebrating our 27th Anniversary February 27, 2011 Kirk Cadotte Plans Examiner & Combination Inspector City of Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303 - 235 -2850, 303 - 237 -8929 Fax keadotte@ci.wheatridge.co.us Dear Kirk: Thank you for your letter dated Feb. 23, 2011 and your phone call on Feb. 24, 2011. I really appreciate your quick response to my request. I am working with WheatRidge 2020 and the 38 Avenue Corridor Improvement on this project. Just a quick update, I met with my structural engineer Bob Knickerbocker the 2 nd time on Thursday 2/24 for about 4 hours including taking field measurements. Bob has the report together with 2 sketches. I am e- mailing you a copy of his report with the sketches for your review. On Monday morning I will drop off 3 copies of the stamped letter and sketches at your office. I hope that you can issue the structural repair permit so I can have the building dried in. Once dried in, I can have a more detailed drawing of the upstairs to show the 2 nd level plumbing, electrical and mechanical and then proceed to obtain bids from subcontractors and thereafter they can submit plans for their building permit. Biltnew Construction will replace the 2 nd level broken windows so I can have the upstairs dried in. I asked Jeff Berget to submit the window schedule to you and he indicated that he does not need a building permit. Applewood Quality Bulders has been in business for 27 years, and the last few years, we have concentrated on concrete flat work. We used to have either Class 1 or Class 2 license in the City of Wheat Ridge and I believe our license expired in 2006. I have a current structural limited commercial license in the City of Lakewood for the last 27 years. Will this allow me to get a building permit in Wheat Ridge? Let me know. Thanks again for your help. Sincerely, Thomas S. Yang City of Wheatidge �,�' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT { Cw)A d - 0 36' ) �T'5+ �� 556- City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2855 F: 303.237.8929 February 23,2011 Thomas /Rick RE: 7000 W.3 8 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The following items are required for obtaining a permit for the above address prior to issuance: 1. Provide (3) three sets of wet - stamped drawings showing exactly what is to be repaired or replaced. This shall also show any electrical,plumbing or heating systems that are effected. 2. Provide a complete description of work which would include any of the above along with drywall,windows replacement, etc.. Once these items are received, the building department can move forward with the review. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 303/235 -2850. Cordially, Kirk Cadotte Plans L.xamincr and Combination inspector 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wbeat Ridge Colorado 80033 Office Pbon : 30' -235 -2850 Fax: 303- 237 -8929 tvu��s�.c ,.�i� lheatri;3 �re.co_ us ss City of " Wheat�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT {y i}'lylft.li'h0att'Id:;E.ti4.13S February 20, 2011 B. Remove sufficient finish to enable evaluation for west gable north leaf support. (This is repeat of above.) C. Remove sufficient finish to enable tracing and rebuilding of front first to second floor stairwell. Do not remove this stairwell! 4. Basement, A. Remove grid ceiling and other finish sufficient to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels, beams, bearing wall and first floor joists. Mark offset, if any, of center bearing walls from second floor down through to ground. Do over, similarly for stairwell(s). Recommended general approach is to clear debris, expose sufficient structure to ident, classify, and design / size primary structural members in need of replacement. Thereafter, reconstruction may commence. In field tracing measurements, and design is suggested to be most expedient. Should you concur, a weather amenable afternoon is preferred following at least a day of worker absence from site. Suggested participants are foreman charged with day to day direction of the work, part time yourself to help with more important decision making, and myself. As work progresses, there should be expectation of modifications and perhaps extending scope of reconstruction. Given the fire damage and building age a number of nuances will be encountered. Protocol of periodic observations by Engineer of Record to enable continuity of direction leading to final work compliance with general building code intent for protection of public health, safety and welfare is suggested. Sincerely, I Robert T. Knickerbo RTK/k N F cker, P E Q February 20, 2011 B. Remove sufficient finish to enable evaluation for west gable north leaf support. (This is repeat of above.) C. Remove sufficient finish to enable tracing and rebuilding of front first to second floor stairwell. Do not remove this stairwell! 4. Basement, A. Remove grid ceiling and other finish sufficient to enable ident, classification and trace to ground of near building center lintels, beams, bearing wall and first floor joists. Mark offset, if any, of center bearing walls from second floor down through to ground. Do over, similarly for stairwell(s). Recommended general approach is to clear debris, expose sufficient structure to ident, classify, and design / size primary structural members in need of replacement. Thereafter, reconstruction may commence. In field tracing, measurements and design is suggested to be most expedient. Should you concur, a weather amenable afternoon is preferred following at least a day of worker absence from site. Suggested participants are foreman charged with day to day direction of the work, part time yourself to help with more important decision making, and myself. As work progresses, there should be expectation of modifications and perhaps extending scope of reconstruction. Given the fire damage and building age a number of nuances will be encountered. Protocol of periodic observations by Engineer of Record to enable continuity of direction leading to final work compliance with general building code intent for protection of public health, safety and welfare is suggested. Sincerely, Robert T. Knickerbocker, P RTK/k " ' City of Wheat Ridge / Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 110151 PERMIT NO: 110151 ISSUED: 02/16/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 02/16/2012 DESCRIPTION: Reroof *64 sqs with 30 yr dimen shingles and 24 sqs deck * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/944 -2540 Thomas Yang sub 303/233 -0171 Jim Delano 10 -0214 J.D. Enterprises LTD dba Rocky ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** Permit Fee Permit fee additions. Total Valuation Use Tax Use tax additional ** TOTAL ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: FEES 140.90 236.00 .00 97.20 DM 213.07 687.17 17,237.00 Conditions: 6 nails per shingle is required. Ice dam membrane is required from eave edge to 2' inside exterior walls. Board sheathing with any gap greater than 1/2" requires panel sheathing overlay on entire roof. Sheathing inspection is required prior to covering. Contractor shall provide ladder for inspections. Scheduled inspections that cannot be performed due to inclement weather must be cancelled prior to 8:30 a.m. on the day of inspection or a re- inspection fee will be assessed. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform - the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and a' a companying approved plans and specifications., / Signature of OWNER or C RACTOR (Circle one) Date This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Building Ortical Date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 - BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. F.1 City of heatdge - I UNITY EVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Date: Plan # Permit# Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Buildin�P�er -lit Application Property Address: �%��,��z�s r Property Owner (please print): y� y ,�, Phone: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) ' Address: `7 7Qb City, State, Zip: Contractors City License #: /p 02-1 Phone 0,3—Z 3 -3-� 7 I $ub °ontractgr Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # Des�rlpt�o��of.uuork Zq -S l ( 7 /ice" o- S . i3. Contract Value: T o - (,& Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons _ Amps Sq Ft. $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances; rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: It ... Bldg Value J 03/03/11 13:31:49 City of Wheat Ridge Page bp340 -iq ESTIMATE OF VALUATIONS AND FEES mmackey THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND NOT ACTUAL VALUES. CODE - -- DESCRIPTION - - -- - - -- VALUATION- - - - - - -- -FEE - -- -USE TAX prm Permit Fee 11,837.00 236.00 0.00 totva Total Valuati 11,837.00 0.00 0.00 use Use Tax 11,837.00 0.00 213.07 TOTAL VALUATION: 11,837.00 FEES VALUATION: 11,837.00 PERMIT FEE: 236.00 USE TAX: 213.07 OTHER FEES: .00 TOTAL FEES: 449.07 11 City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 110151 PERMIT NO: 110151 ISSUED: 02/16/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 7000 W 38TH AVE EXPIRES: 02/16/2012 DESCRIPTION: Reroof 30 sqs with 30 yr dimensional shingles * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/944 -2540 Thomas Yang sub 303/233 -0171 Jim Delano 10 -0214 J.D. Enterprises LTD dba Rocky ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA USE: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 5,400.00 FEES Permit Fee 140.90 Y, Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 97.20 ** TOTAL ** 238.10 Conditions: 6 nails per shingle is required. Ice dam membrane is required from eave edge to 2' inside exterior walls. Board sheathing with any gap greater than 1/2" requires panel sheathing overlay on entire roof. Sheathing inspection is required prior to covering. Contractor shall provide ladder for inspections. Scheduled inspections that cannot be performed due to inclement weather must be cancelled prior to 8:30 a.m. on the day of inspection or a re- inspection fee will be assessed. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this docu its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. S(Anaturtei6f Q7R or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of C lding Offical Date INS PECTI REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Feb 16 11 01:37p Rocky Mtn Roof & Siding 800- 265 -4649 p.1 OF WHEgT O GOR A Date: Plan #: Permit #: City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303- 235 - 2855 " Fax: 303- 235 -2857 Inspection Line: 303- 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Address: Property Owner (please print) Tl�xn Y ky �c ( Phone('�31 "7 -• 2 5L} Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: -2--70c e id City, State, Zip: La ke INC(IU ) Co Contractor: f2eCIC,�- ' . l�teLntT}d l J {?.xr= z SiDi Nor GOI >e FtS j Contractor License #: ICO2Z1 + Phone:( - ;L-i Sub Contractors: Electrical City License #: Plumbing City License #: Mechanical City License #: Company: Company Company: SA NG- LI=F Sq.Ft.ILFtadded: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): - eAOP Construction Value: 5 C q —' Description of Work: ras Calculated per Me Buildig p eltfatwo Data sheet) L? cC(- G7C iSTi N }2.tsC 1 LLS ! N L Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ COr» °ITTbIy A-5(i'h94 -i �`f�"� I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements a restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that t assume full responsibility for compliance vn the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plads subject to field inspection_ CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) ( CONTRATOR) PRINTNAME: LtLiln SiGNatiT1RE: ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer. BUILDING DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Reviewer. FIRE DEPARTMENT:: 11 approved wl comments ❑ disapproved ❑ no review required OCCUPANCY: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-1428 Date : 7/18/95 Property Owner : Property Address: Contractor License No. : ALMANZA FRANCISCO 7000 38TH AV Phone : 423-2933 Company : Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $0.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, PC'fmit F22 : $0.00 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Review Fee : $0.00 made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this li ti d th t I f ll ib l f li ith th Wh Rid B ildi U T $0 00 app ca on, an a assume u respons i ity or wmp ance w e eat ge u ng Se 8X : . Code (U.B.C.) and all other ap liyc•a~ble- Wheat `Rpie ordinan~c s, for ork under this permit. rnmrnioovrnniroerTnoCci6~t~, o /~/a. _ ,/oAe l//A nnTC ~~.T`/~4 Total : $0.00 Description : BANNrRS & Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: "NOWw; (1) This permitwas issued in accordance with the provisions setforth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulaiions and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorizetl is not commencetl within sizty (60) days from issue date or (B) the buildinq authorized is suspendetl or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specificalions and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (7) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e ihe natural Flow ofwater causing a dreina9e problem. (5) Contrector shall notiry the Building Inspec[orhventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before . proceediing with successive phases oFthe job. (6) The is ance of a permit or the approval of tlrewings and specifralions shall not be constNetl to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofthe udincodeso~yoihce,~,~rregulation. J~J 4 ! THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ~ Property Owner: / /,',~A~r~CO ` u Y , ~1/~~~ Property Address : ~~O~J ~ ~(//i ~{f ~ d/!j~(G0~(;~ft° Phone -'7 Contractor License No. : CompanY S 1 ~ ~~~lCL//'~6'1 CL ~llj~ ) Phone : } a'vpl_e G OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all wnditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Vyppat Ridge ordin3gces, for work,under this peSmit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) ~ Descriptian : O;ii ' ,E Approval: Zoning : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : Approval: nNEEM&WE~r"~M Approval: Occupancy : Walls Roof : Stories Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : A Expiration Date : Approval: ~ Expiration Date : Approval : i (1) This permit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set torth in yopur application and is subject to Ihe laws of Ihe State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ritlge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzetl is not commenced within sixry (60) days fmm issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspendetl or abantlonetl for a period of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-halFthe amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original pians and specifcations antl any suspension or a6antlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abantlonmen[ exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid !or a new permit. (4) Mo work of any manner shall be done that will change [he natural Flow otwater causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector hvenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection cartl before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permi[ or the appmval of drawings and speci(cations shall not be consiruetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the buildin9 codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION