HomeMy WebLinkAbout7605 W. 38th Avenuea.rey� Jua�uw�a3 a��-� a6un" q"ooH jeNsl abed 01 SISOd suill! 4 )1 moo opejoloo 06pw watim anuOAV 416Z *M 009L juatupedea 00110d OBPIU WOW suollejado 1048d u0sullillm Uelis jueasjas uosu!jpM/uojjnU -juowdojoAa(j, SilunuiLuoD 01 JIUW-3 VIA OPVW svA� uotWlagpoN -ojtvinf oqj ut aftup p1noa lrql jnqOA!jujodooa ojoANjqS!uoj ajoqj ui sauo aql -juottiqsqqpjsi 3qj ut wp simuoisnaSumu motl uo ftipuadop iaogjo ouo Isvol ju ql!m puods;Dj jostAj;Ddns v umBe opm ol spaau lotwoo J! jRqj PUaWWODW I �OJVMIA ol sisojolut lsaq notp ui sm J! POP!O;Dp XDql PUle PaAll.IR om u;Dqm ssouisn.q oy ui suoijud snojownu ajam ojoql -luojoBillaq pur Xi5m, XJ,I,As-em 'ssouisnq aqj uo polsod SIaPJO ISISOP PUR OMO aqj ZIUIAOWOI Sl XpuanddL, oqm ljoqlojq joH'OAijrjodooa Inq ;)AIjujuawn5jv sum Xsl;a(i -jLq qp3nnH oql jo uoijujodo aqli?UIAIOAUI SUOIWJOTA 33MUlpio jo jaqLunu u joj suowLuns pedio!untu u ponssi stm (ft190100 juuqvbjV,�sjoC[ *OAV q1tt, 'A� 909L 1919-91 MON Jo E��w MERZOMMEM m 6dFqooa6ewi -stu8w4,7eUV jeq Lje�InH .'PMJ :pafqnS allopeD VDI 'AaVeVi essllaN :O.L VqV 6V:L STOVOZ AM 'AePsauPaM :Juas auolsu4of qlauua)l :wojj Will III I li I I'll III III Aa)l:)ew essilow noA lue41 papauuw st jaindwoa jn0A 43!4m 01 110ml ,ra .1440 5,3 3 9V N VW X1 Cj S68Z-VEZ-E0S :x S68Z-SEZ-EOE SE00g 0pejojo:),a2p!8 jea4 anUaAV 416Z 'M 00 • luoilsanb Suilsaialut oS OPH :pafqnS AaNeW essilaW :ojL WV LT:6 STOZ 'i;,T A jAepsjn4j:juaS uowtunaW awAer:woj:i .d 6Z68-LEZ-EOE A SS9Z-SEZ-E0E :OuOqd 031 uePtuWal IPJ Aaj:)eW esslial *palla aq 11!m a4s 'Suilsod S1qj SaA0UJaJ aqS J1 'U0OUJa:4e eaoid ue:) am os aun ajo a( Aeii)o Ulege ja 2ui sod a Aart r OPH :3d *PafqnS uoLuLut, :)W awAeC :ojL 'd AV 6T:6 STOZ "vT AeW 'Aepsin4i '.4u0S Aa�DeW essilaW :woj:l (laaJIs a4l dn guilaaw e wojj pue ol iguiag jsnf,Ajjadojd a4l Aq 2UIAIJP AjjeUOljUajUl IOU AjjeIOI) 'A:Wed liews e aj!j OPH:Rf :pefqnS AajDeVq essilaVq :01 NV ZZ:6 STOZ 177 AM Aepsinqj_ :Juas uowwqdDVq aLuAef :w0jj 111 11,11 111 1 IN I III Xapew essilaw Likk 1 i i 1� SK U t }tt i 1 tt: f giij Von— t t t � t t 1, 1 �y yy t ", ri �P Pix 1 t} 1� Fa tt tit i , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT Building PermiY Number : 18373 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date : 2/17/2005 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner. DIVID ' ` Property Adtlress : 7605 W 38TH AVE #123 ' Phone : Contrector License No. : 17644 Company; New Man Signs- Phone : 303-934-4306 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ` Valuation : $2,100.00 . I. Fieteby certify tFiat the setback distances proposed by lhis permit application are accurate, and . Pgffllll F2B.: .$1 08,30 do no[ violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or . . 00 $0 . covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations . Plan RevleW F08 : . ~ made are accurate; that I have read and agree toabideby all conditions printed on this US2 T8X : - $37.80 application,:and that I assume fullresponsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building ; e ordin es, for o(k under this permit Code (U.B.C J and alfother applicable Whe . r . ` (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED~~DATE Total: ' $146.10 . Use : 75 cs~ ~ Description : NEW SIGN 'BUILDWG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : ~~.l~no n ommgmtsb ~ Approval : JH 2/14105. SIGNiS 30.8 SQ. FT., OK PER WILMORE CENTER PCD. Zoning : PCD Building~Comme t~ ANYELECT. MUST MEET 2002 NEC Approval : ~'urbii'"~~VU,ork ~;,Cotn4~eh'ts~y APProval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No <Mechanical License No : Company: Companyc Company; Expiration Date : Expiration Date Expiretion Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordanCe with the provisions set foAh in yopur application aod is subject to ihe laws of Ne State of Colorado and to the Zoning. . Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo orany other applicable ordinancesbf the City. ~(2)'. . Thispermit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sizty (60) days.from issue date or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or ' abandonedforaperiodof:780.days ' ' . (3) If this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normalty reqmred provided no changes have been orwill be made in the .priginalplansandspecificationsandanysuspensionora6antlonmenthasnotexceededone:(7)yeac Ifchanges.aremadeorifsuspensionorabandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall bepaid tor a new pertnit. - (4) No work of any manner shalttie:done thatwill change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. . .,(5) ' Contractor shall notify the Building Inspedor hventyfour (24) hours in advance for all inspections and sM1all receive wntten approval on inspechon card before . proceediing with successive phases of the job. ' ' ' ' . . (6) The issuance of a per ' the approval of tlrawings and specifications shall not be construedto be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the . provis'ion's of tl~e-budding codes are y other ordinance, law, rule or regulatioa ~ ~ ~ ' . . . . C i~i~ ing I spector Please sign Terms and Conditions on teverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: BUIIDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: = g CITY OP WHEAT RIDGE ° 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Property Owner: Pt' Vl /A + ProperryAddress: 7~ p S~~ Pbone: Contracior License No.: Company: Phone: ~ o ~ ~ 3~ ~f3o6 v~ OWNER/CONTiiACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ~ ValueS Z jcgo, I hereby certify that the seiback Oistances proposed by this permil appiicatlon are - accu2te, and do not violate appiicable ordinances, rules or regulations of Ne Ciryof PCnT11I FCC:$ WheatRiOgeacovenanU,easemenLSarestricbonsofrecord;Natallmeasurements planReviewFee:$ shown, and allegalions made are accurale; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all condiGOns printed on ihis application and ihat I assume full responsibiliry for jJ¢ "j' x;S wmpliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and afl oNer applicable Wheal Ridge Ordinances, forwork und w this ve~~c . Total:$ ` ` pI z-~U-D (OwriFRNCANTnnCTOtt1'.51GNFD~ / 'DATE (owr~r+)(coHrsucroa):Pww.rreo h/ l.l. onTE Description: 2 C~. /t ~v(Jl.t W ~ i Sq. Ft. addad 3 3 5 / BUILDIItiG DEPAR7'MENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.FL: ONINGCOMMENTS: APProval:.Ji~f D-Y - .s9dv&~eL oK (~R1lYyDP~ ~ Zoning: (ev~4er 1°C9- ; COMMENTS: Approval: Vowcs Con+r.+ENTS: Approval: Wal1s: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: ElecUical license tJo: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company. Company. Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Ecpiration Date: ApProvah Approval: ApProval: (1) Ttiis perrnit was issued in acoordance with me provisions set foM in your appGCation and is wbject to the laws of the SWie ot - Colora0o and to the Zoning RegulaGOns and Building Codes oi W heat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances oi the Ciry_ ' (2) This pennit shall er.pire i( (A) tlhe worlc authorized is rwt commenced wiMin sirty (60) days hom issue date or (B) the building auMaized is susperMeO a aban0oned for a perind of 120 days. (3) It Mis permil enpires. a new Permil may be acquired fa a tee of one-half ihe amount nortnaily raQuired. Provided m chan9es have peen orwiN be made in the original plans and spedfications and any suspenswn or abandonment has rwt ezceedfld one l11 Year. It che^985 have been or if wsDe+ision or abandonment exceeds one (1) Year, full (ees sha0 Oe PaiO for a new, permiL (4) No woAc oi any manner shall be done that will charpe the naNral flow of water pusinD a drainaBe proWem. (5) ConVaqor shall rwtify the Bu0din8 InspeUOr twenty-four (24) Irours in advance fa all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspecGOn card before PioceeCin9 wiM wccessive Phases of ft job. (6) 7he {syuanoe o( a permit a ihe approval of drawinps and spacifieations shall rwt be construed to be a pertnit for, rwr an approval of, any vbfation of the povisions ot the building codes a any other wdinance, law, rule a regulation. Chief Building Official F 5 fa3 ~ ~ 25, 3 S,~ . ~ - ' l~~~ F-7- , . _ :1~, a , , _ . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division ~ (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address/Permit Number: ~~I.~r w • sgn`' rrrJ'7~~iC°7?3!Q Zs r~X.°14t°-lf .s'i~'zai 0 AICeC eW t r~- dFi1"!1,5 S°t,~,~eiJ/J'E°i~ ,~si,O 7*fi e s"a1wTr'!, c ❑ No one available for inspection: Time x :ge-, AM/PM Re-Inspection required: "Yes No *When corrections have 6een made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector7 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE