HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-05-176545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 October 15, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Dept Attn: Jeff Hirt 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 SUBJECT: YOUR AND MY TELEPHONE CONVERSATION WHICH BEGAN APPROXIMATELY 9:37am FRIDAY OCT 14, 2005 Dear Jeff, First, I wish to be very clear, I have no issues with you, personally. Any involvement I have had with with you, you were very nice and fair. Also, I had the feeling, during our subject conversation, you were embarrassed with the message which you had for me. You stated the traffic engineering department would not permit the two (2) angle parking spaces in front of the proposed building to be striped because of their stated safety concerns, because of vehicles backing over the right-of-way (ROW) There are thirteen (13) parking spaces in front of the current development four (4) of which are angle parking spaces. Vehicles parking in any of those thirteen (13) spaces, to leave the premises would back over the ROW. During the twenty four (24) plus years the current development has been there, SAFETY of vehicles backing over the ROW has not been a problem. Inspite of the fact that SAFETY has not been a problem and inspite of the fact that I went through the process and was given unamious approval by the Board of Adjustment for the partical waiver for landscaping to make room for those two parking spaces, you were told to tell me that the traffic engineer department not only disapproved this late in the process, but they have the authority to do that even though the above stated permission was granted. Included in your message that the traffic engineer dept would not permit the striping of the two parking spaces in front of the proposed building is that I could put the two parking spaces on my adjacent property, BUT in order for those two spaces to count as two of the thirteen spaces, I would need to eliminate the property line between the existing project and the new project. That is when I reminded you that this is a retail project and the retail customers would come and park in that area whether it was striped or not. You agreed, but stated, even though customers park there, that area cannot be striped and cannot be used for two of the thirteen required spaces. -2- I can tell wh I was of the impression mb~ a ed be' 9 y you wer terse carrier of that message, as I would have been embarrassed, too. I am of the mpinionrthat did not come from the traffic engineering dept. That came from someone who is using the traffic engineering dept to support this ANTI-BUSINESS maneuver. I object and find that unacceptable. I made it very clear, from the beginning, that I would apply to the Board of Adjustment for the same waiver as I did, and received,in 1981 for the existing project. If the traffic engineering dept has such power, then staff has the responsibility to advise BOTH myself and the traffic engineering dept of my plans when we are in the early stages of planning. It is not acceptable that after the plans were completed and the Board of Adjustment has approved the waiver to make room for those two parking spaces, one of which is in compliance for handicap, that traffic engineering can step in and basically say, 1) property owner you cannot make such plans with staff, and 2) Board of Adjustment you cannot grant such waiver of landscaping to make room for those two parking spaces. You included in your subject message to me the issue of property lines. I own all of this property and IN GENERAL would not have reason to object to eliminating that property lin etween the exist- ing project and the new project or any of the oth r property lines involved. Unfortunately it seems obvious that someone hopes to use the absence of a property line in an anti-business maneuver. I will not tolerate such tactics. I made it very clear, in the beginning, that the adjacent property, owned by me is to remain grandfathered, as it is now. The plans submitted and approved, included the fact that the adjacent property would remain grandfathered. Jeff, I standby my letter to you, dated 09-30-05. the satement I requested is acceptable, other that the current project will remain grandfathered if I any or all of the property lines involved with the and the removal of any of those property lines wil affect the new project. No revision of to simply say choose to eliminate current project 1 not adversely In addition to my request for the above official signe Statement by the City of Wheat Ridge, I request an officially si ned statement by the City of Wheat Ridge retracting the message.of which you were the verbal carrier,that the striping of the two (2) angle parking spaces to be infront of the proposed building, will not be included as two (2) of the thirteen (13) required spaces. As I stated earlier, there are thirteen parking spaces in front of the curren~project with four of them angle parking. If anyone parks in any of those thirteen spaces, to leave thev would back over the ROW. Adding two more angle parking spacesto the new project with customers backing over the ROW will cause the same safety problems we have had for the past twenty four plus years, -3- which is NONE. The traffic engineering dept has no basis for stating there is a safety problem issue at either the current development or the proposed new development. In general, my planning with the City has been very pleasant. I would like to believe any anti-business tactics is an embarrass- ment to any of those good,folks with which I have been working. Including but not limited-to Doug at the fire dept, Alan White, and Meredith, each encouraged me to eliminate involved property lines because of benefits to me. I am sure they were unaware there may be those who would use the disappearance of property lines as a means to hassle a long time business person who is also a long time property owner who landscapes and beautifies his property-more than most. I followed procedure to obtain the waiver to have room for the two striped parking spaces in front of the proposed building. The work of the land surveyor that eliminates any property lines WILLINOT be filed until the City puts a stop to those who wish to hassle. THEREFORE: 1. I expect those two requested officially signed statements no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, October 18, 2005. 2. I expect to begin construction of the proposed building very soon, without any ANTI-BUSINESS hassling tactics by any of those with the City who may wisl.to,do so. If I do not receive those requested officially signed statements within my stated deadlineand if I receive anymore anti-business hassles from those who may wish to do so, fro4 he City of Wheat Ridge, it is attorney time. n erely,,/-) i .7erry oach Copies to: Wanda Sang, city counsel Dean Gokey, City counsel Randy Young, city manager Gretchen Cerveny, mayor - District II - District II 41 F ja yY ~41 ri wtf 3 V Prior to his presentation, Jeff H= entered a letter from the applicant into the record. A copy, of this letter was provided to each Board Member and also made a part of the case file. After the Board had opportunity to review the letter, I& Hut outmed all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Chair BLAM He advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case and reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended denial of the request for reasons outlined in the staff report. The applicant is planning to build. a 2,700 square foot addition to an existing commercial structure. With these proposed changes there are required landscaping improvements under the Code. Board Member HOWARD commented that the applicant could have applied for a zone change to Planned Commercial Development Meredith Recka t explained that zoning is in place to allow the addition and therefore the applicant could not be required to rezone to a planned Commercial Development, even though staff would have preferred it. There would be more flexibility with landscaping under aPCD. - y 1<taa j eh g. 7331 V to; 44"' Avenue I& Roach, the applicant, was swum in by Chair BLAIR. He stated that his originai plans called for a six-foot landscapebuffer in front of the fence on the northern boundary of the property. He and his architect were then told that the buffer was not necessary because of the six-foot fence. In response to a question from Board Member BL.AIR, Mr. Roach stated that he could not recall the name Mr. Roach disagreed with the staff report that landscaping in front of the existing building was nonconforming because he reccived a variance for the landscaping its 1481. He stated he would be providing more landscaping in front than required by the city while many neighboring properties do not seem to take pride in landscaping. He provided photos of those properties. He, offered to add additional landscaping at the corner of 44°h and Vance at the other end of the building. Board Member ABBOTT suggested that it would be advantageous to Mr. Roach and the city if his two lots were combined Mr. Roach stated that a land surveyor is presently looking into this. Meredith Reckert commented that, while combining the lots would help to more eJcttively deal wltb parking and Board of Adjustment 09-22-05 20 "d 6r. 11 9x?7- 02 day l e six-foot buffer strip at the rear of the property would still-~~-;~, to accommodate fire access around the rear of the building -2- ZS8ZS4L202:~~ and '8 9NINgH-d ky 6545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 September 30, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Dept Attn: Jeff 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 E Dear Jeff, The issue of the property lines on the adjacent property should not have been an issue included in the recommendation for Denial.. During my early discussions with the City, I made it very clear that if this new development did not allow us grandfather such conditions of the existing development, includinJo ut not limited to the parking, landscaping, and the roof mount HVAC is, I would not add.-the new development. I was assured the new development could be done and the condition of the exixting project would remain grandfathered. Later, at the meeting at the fire station and in the presence of Alan White and Travis, Doug,of the fire department, stated with-.a very helpful attitude, I would have cost savings, mainly in fees if the one property line between the new development and the exising project would be eliminated. I pointed out, at that time, cost saving is fine, if the existing project remains grandfathered. _ Also, the issue of the 6 feet of landscaping along the 70 feet of the North 6 foot fence should not have been included in the recommendation for Denial. Per discussions with Travis, Travis told both the architect and myself that the 6 feet of landscaping is not required because the 6 foot fence is there. r r To avoid the chances of more unpleasant surprises, I will not continue the process of eliminating any property lines at my property at the 7300 block of W 44th Ave, UNTIL I receive, in writing, officially from the City of Wheat Ridge, the following assurances: Removing any or all of the property lines will not alter any of the following: 1. Parking as it exists at parking plans for the ne 2. Landscaping as it exists and landscaping plans fo W 44th Ave, 3. Not require screening of 4. Will not adversely effect at these properties. 7337, 7393, 7397 W 44th Ave and w development at 7331 W 44th Ave, at 7337, 7393, 7397 W 44th Ave r the new development at 7331 the present HVAC roof mounts, new and existing development RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL. -a- A reminder, I did volunteer to add some landscaping to the south- west cornor of 7397 W 44th Ave and added that such landscaping would be such that it would not interfere with presnt parking and parking access, present loading and unloading and loading and unloading access, and also not to interfere with handicap and pedestrian access. One Board member added a friendly amendment . to my request for a partical waiver, to comply with the offer which I just described. My opinion, including those issues in the recommendation for Denial is a return to some reasons why the City of Wheat Ridge, hopefully in the past, had the reputation that developers should avoid the City of Wheat Ridge. That reputation is what many of us have worked very hard to be convincing that the City of Wheat Ridge should no longer have. I request and expect prompt actin hat those 2 issues be eliminated so we may, without additional del y begin construction. Prompt action is a must because 1) weather soon will be a factor, and 2) more important price of materials will soon increase because of New Orleans. I am told the price increase will probably be. substantial, incerel erry RoaschU6Qv P S - Reference the FAX which I just received, case #3 on pagegN is in error. As you will note the triangle which has availableyyis on the southwest area of the plans of he new Teve bpment. tl` However, in the letter to which you referred, I did volunteer to landscape at the southwest cornor of 7397 W 44th Ave, whi4s the Northeast cornor of Vance and 44th Ave. I decsrioed that offer in this letter, also. Thank you for that FAX. I will review more closely to see if I recognize any other errors. 6545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO Sept 26, 2005 City Of Wheat Ridge Planning Department Attn: Chet 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 SUBJECT: 6 FOOT LANDSCAPING BESIDE NORTH FENCE AT 7331 W 44 AVE First, I wish to thank all who participated in the Sept 22 meeting. Chet, based on the information which you had-, you presented my case very well and the board approved the waiver which I requested. Now, the 6 foot landscape in front of the 6 foot fence at the North side of my property. As you know, I was asked, at this meeting, who said and when was it said that both the 6 foot fence and the 6 foot landscaping is not required at the North end of my property. I responded that it is too bad my architect, Eric Scholz, is not here because he reminded me that both of us were told that at a meeting.. The morning of Sept 23 I called Mr Scholz. He reminded me that when we met with Travis to review the notes made in red on the blueprints. Mr Scholz also reminded me that this was the same meet in which Travis told me the City is much more tough now, compa`Yed to when, by waiver, I was allowed to do the landscaping which is now in front of 7337 W 44th Ave. Travis went on to say because the City is more tough, I would not be granted the waiver. After the above mentioned meeting, I called the fire department to request a meeting with them and stated that I would bring with me a site plan which would allow more room for the fire equipment. The fire chief called me back to say we could meet the folloeing morning and that he invited Chad Root to be present at our meeting. We met that morning. Travis and Alan White also attended that meeting. The fire chief had no objections with my site plan. Since I knew what was acceptable with the fire Dept. I made a more detailed site plan and then called Travis to meet with him. We met and discussed my site plan and agreed that my architect should redo the site plan to reflect my drawing of the site plan. I left with Travis a copy of my drawing. There was a discrepancy with what I left with Travis, The drawing did not include the 6 foot landscaping beside the North fence, but my note which accounted for the total landscape square feet did include that landscaping. -2- After I received the revised site plan, done by the architect, I met with Travis. As was agreed, the site plan done by the architect did not include the 6 feet of landscaping beside the 6 foot fence to the North. Fortunately, the architect did not include the discrepancy which I did. I pointed out to Travis that architect surprised me with the planter at the Northeast cornor of the building. I told Travis that surprise was discussed with the architect and the architect and I agreed that 171 square feet for landscaping is available at the Southwest area of the proposed building and we would gain an additional 50 square feet of landscape area. Travis was pleased with that. The above mentioned meeting between Travis and myself was on Aug 15. After that meeting I wrote a check to the City for X390.00 to be included with my application for the Sept 22 meeting with the Board of Adjustment. Between Aug 15 and Sept 21 when I received my notice of Denial, nobody contacted me to advise me that what Travis told both me and the architect was not correct. Enclosed is a photocopy of the envelope used for my notice of Denial. The post mark is Sept 20, which means I could not receive the Denial any sooner than the day beforethe Board meeting. That did not give me much time to be able to tell the Board such details as 1) who said and 2) when was it said that BOTH the 6 foot fence and 6 feet of land scaping are not required. To sum this all up, the following is my situation. Because both the architect and I were told, by Travis, that BOTH were not required I have a complete set of building plans to construct a building. Those plans would need to be changed using the services of the structural engineer who was done with his work on this project. It means more fees to the structural engineer to use his services again. The architect may need more fees, depending on how much more he is required to do. Therefore, this means more fees and loss of time. All of this to plan for a smaller building to accommodate 6 feet of landscape along a 70 foot fence. That landscaping would be sandwiched between a 6 foot tall fence and parked vechiles, where few would see the landscaping. This makes no sense, especially when now we are told we were adivsed incorrectly.Z Should be able ~,rHouf to proceed with my current building plans and without the 6 foot landscaping. As you know, I am not against landscaping. I have ns ra ed that I provide more landscaping and beauty than most. You can appreciate why the architect requested to see, in writing what was discussed at our Sept 22 meeting. He and I were told one thing and now we are told NO. ,,Sincerely, /-J l erry Roach 5m o ~ a-c~ o mz me 8m CD tat tat -kr a~ •L':r i tD s, C a CD a 0D 8 rn o U 0 w w •P~RrF H. Ny. ','FTJ~ 6L4 ~ r Tb r tni~t gy Hasi2P C~ =g f-J C Cc 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Meat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 October 7, 2005 Jerry Roach 7331 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Roach: RE: Case No. WA-05-17 Please be advised that at its meeting of September 22, 2005, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED the request for a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the ten-foot landscape requirement abutting 44th Avenue for property zoned Restricted Commercial and located at 7331 W. 44s' Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The variance does not alter the essential character of the neighborhood as there is currently angled parking adjacent to the street. 2. It would not be detrimental to the public welfare and, as designed, the landscaping that the applicant has included can be perceived as a possible benefit to the neighborhood by increasing some of the landscaping as seen from the public view. 3. it is not in the best interest of the city or its citizens that this commercially zoned property remain a vacant, paved and otherwise unimproved parcel. With the following conditions: 1. Landscaping will be required as shown on the review with planters and trees as approved by the city. 2. Parking spaces in front that lack adequate depth must be addressed and approved by the city. 3. Landscaping of the 171 square foot triangle at the comer of 44th and Vance, as proposed in the applicant's letter, be required. However, the Board of Adjustment DENIED the request for a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the required 6 foot wide landscape buffer along the northern property line for property zoned Restricted Commercial and located at 7331 W. 44 h Avenue. Jerry Roach Page 2 October 7, 2005 Enclosed are copies of the Certificates of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, September 22, 2005. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Fiel Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificates of Resolution Draft of Minutes Cc: WA-05-17 (case file) \\srv-ei-eng-001\users\ ieldVCazhy\BOA\CORRESP\2005\wa0517apprmal.wpd COF COPY CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 22nd day of September, 2005.2005. CASE NO: WA-05-17(A) APPLICANT'S NAME: Jerry Roach LOCATION: 7331 West 44`n Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(A) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(A) be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to landscaping along the northern property line for property zoned Restricted Commercial. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The full six foot buffer in this location would seem to serve no practical purpose as to the intent of the ordinance. 2. The inclusion of the full six-foot landscape buffer precludes the required twenty-foot drive path around the north side of the building addition as required by the fire department. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Any property remaining along the north property line of 7331 W. 44th Avenue after provision of the required fire department access required parking dimensions will require landscaping. Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-05-17(A) Page two (2) VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BLAIR, PAGE NO: HOWARD, HOVLAND ABSENT: BELL, BYBEE, DRDA DISPOSITION: A request for a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the required 6 foot wide landscape buffer along the northern property line for property zoned Restricted Commercial was DENIED based on Chapter 2, Article 3, Section 2-53(d) of the City of Wheat Ridge Codes of Law which state that Board of Adjustment motions not carried are thereby deemed denied. ADOPTED and made effective this 22nd day of September, 2005. Bob Blair, Acting Chair Board of Adjustment . z1a ' Ann Lazzeri, Secret Board of Adjustment CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 22nd day of September, 2005. CASE NO: WA-05-17(B) APPLICANT'S NAME: Jerry Roach LOCATION: 7331 West 44`h Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(B) be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the ten-foot landscape requirement abutting 44th Avenue for property zoned Restricted Commercial. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The variance does not alter the essential character of the neighborhood as there is currently angled parking adjacent to the street. 2. It would not be detrimental to the public welfare and, as designed, the landscaping that the applicant has included can be perceived as a possible benefit to the neighborhood by increasing some of the landscaping as. seen from the public view. 3. It is not in the best interest of the city or its citizens that this commercially zoned property remain a vacant, paved and otherwise unimproved parcel. Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-05-1703) Page two (2) WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Landscaping will be required as shown on the review with planters and trees as approved by the city. 2. Parking spaces in front that lack adequate depth must be addressed and approved by the city. 3. Landscaping of the 171. square foot triangle at the comer of 440i and Vance, as proposed in the applicant's letter, be required. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BLAIR, PAGE, HOWARD, HOVLAND NO: None ABSENT: BELL, BYBEE, DRDA DISPOSITION: A partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the ten-foot landscape requirement abutting 44th Avenue for property zoned Restricted Commercial was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 22nd day of September, 2005. ~c~~~ ~ vV r V Bob Blair, Acting Chair Ann.Lazzeri, SeckaFy Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting September 22, 2005 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Blair at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29u, Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Tom Abbott Bob Blair Paul Hovland Bob Howard Betty Jo Page I 3. 4. Members Absent: Daniel Bybee Janet Bell Paul Drda Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Jeff Hirt, Planning Technician Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes for the public hearing of September 22, 2005. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. PUBLIC FORUM No one indicated a desire to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING Acting Chair BLAIR stated that with only five members present, four affirmative votes would be required to grant a variance. He informed the applicants that they had the right to request a continuance if they wanted their cases to be heard when more members were present. There was no response from either applicant. A. Case No. WA-05-17: An application filed by Jerry Roach for approval of a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) for the property zoned Restricted Commercial and located at 7331 West 44`s Avenue. Board of Adjustment 1 09-22-05 Prior to his presentation, Jeff Hirt entered a letter from the applicant into the record. A copy of this letter was provided to each Board Member and also made a part of the case file. After the Board had opportunity to review the letter, Mr. Hirt entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Chair BLAIR. He advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case and reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended denial of the request for reasons outlined in the staff report. The applicant is planning to build. a 2,700 square foot addition to an existing commercial structure. With these proposed changes there are required landscaping improvements under the Code. Board Member HOWARD commented that the applicant could have applied for a zone change to Planned Commercial Development. Meredith Reckert explained that zoning is in place to allow the addition and therefore the applicant could not be required to rezone to a Planned Commercial Development, even though staff would have preferred it. There would be more flexibility with landscaping under a PCD. Jerry Roach 7331 West 44`h Avenue Mr. Roach, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He stated that his original plans called for a six-foot landscape buffer in front of the fence on the northern boundary of the property. He and his architect were then told that the buffer was not necessary because of the six-foot fence. In response to a question from Board Member BLAIR, Mr. Roach stated that he could not recall the name of the person who gave that information during one of several meetings he attended with the city and fire department. Mr. Roach disagreed with the staff report that landscaping in front of the existing building was nonconforming because he received a variance for the landscaping in 1981. He stated he would be providing more landscaping in front than required by the city while many neighboring properties do not seem to take pride in landscaping. He provided photos of those properties. He offered to add additional landscaping at the corner of 44a' and Vance at the other end of the building. Board Member ABBOTT suggested that it would be advantageous to Mr. Roach and the city if his two lots were combined. Mr. Roach stated that a land surveyor is presently looking into this. Meredith Reckert commented that, while combining the lots would help to more effectively deal with parking and landscaping issues, the six-foot buffer strip at the rear of the property would still be required. In order to accommodate fire access around the rear of the building Board of Adjustment - 2 - 09-22-05 as configured, the 6 foot wide required buffer needs to be waived by the Board of Adjustment. This buffer cannot be administratively waived by staff. Board Member ABBOTT asked the applicant if he would consider continuing the case in order to give more time to work out parking and landscaping issues. Mr. Roach indicated that he would prefer not to delay building construction because of approaching winter weather. Chair BLAIR asked if there were any present who wished to address this case. There was no response. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member PAGE, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(A) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-0-17(A) be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Variance: A partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the required 6 foot wide landscape buffer along the northern property line for property zoned Restricted Commercial. For the following reasons: DRAFT 1. The full six-foot buffer in this location would seem to serve no practical purpose as to the intent of the ordinance. 2. The inclusion of the full six-foot landscape buffer precludes the required twenty-foot drive path around the north side of the building addition as required by the fire department. With the following conditions: Board of Adjustment - 3 - 09-22-05 1. Any property remaining along the north property line of 7331 W. 44th Avenue after provision of the required fire department access required parking dimensions will require landscaping. Board Member HOVLAND commented that the building seemed to be too deep to accommodate buffering and parking. He asked if the building was redesigned to be larger when the applicant thought the landscaping buffer was not required. Mr. Roach replied that the initial plan was drawn up with space for the landscape buffer. After meeting with the fire department where he was told he didn't need the buffer because of the six-foot fence, he and the architect proceeded on that basis. OVLAND The motion failed 3-2 with Board Members NAM voting no. Chair BLAIR advised the applicant that his request regarding the landscape buffer along the north property line was denied. Upon a motion by Board Member HOVLAND and second by Board Member PAGE the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-17(B) is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Case No. WA-05- 17(B) be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Variance: A partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) specifically related to the ten-foot landscape requirement abutting 44th Avenue for property zoned Restricted Commercial. For the following reasons: Board of Adjustment - 4 - 09-22-05 1. The variance does not alter the essential character of the neighborhood as there is currently angled parking adjacent to the street. 2. It would not be detrimental to the public welfare and, as designed, the landscaping that the applicant has included can be perceived as a possible benefit to the neighborhood by increasing some of the landscaping as seen from the public view. Board Member ABBOTT offered the following friendly amendment: Reason No. 3: It is not in the best interest of the city or its citizens that this commercially zoned property remain a vacant, paved and otherwise unimproved parcel. It-) R AF The amendment was accepted by Board Members HOVLAND and PAGE. Board Member HOVLAND requested an amendment to add two conditions to his motion as follows: 1. Landscaping will be required as shown on the review with planters and trees as approved by the city. 2. Parking spaces in front that lack adequate depth must be addressed and approved by the city. Board Member PAGE agreed to the amendment to add the two conditions. Board Member ABBOTT offered another friendly amendment as follows: Condition No. 3: Landscaping of the 171 square foot triangle at the corner of 44th and Vance, as proposed in the applicant's letter, be required. The amendment was accepted by Board Members HOVLAND and PAGE. The motion passed 5-0. (The meeting was recessed from 9:10 to 9:17 p.m.) B. Case No. WA-05-18: An application filed by Michael Pusaterifor approval of an 8 foot rear yard setback variance from the 15 foot rear yard setback requirement for a swimming pool on property zoned Residential One and located at 3201 Nelson Street. This case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Chair BLAIR. He advised the Board there was Board of Adjustment " 09-22-05 ~ O ~D CD ~ O N ~ N r'r' O C!1 ~ W W .p ~D ~D V1 *OIL J 7v ^ D r (D aj -0 ~o r) ai o n OLo w 3 rn CD CD r 3 m n (D Ln -s `J O Up ~o r) O r~-r N N LTI O O :D N (D Q CD (D C: Q (D w N (7 (D C, ;=-cli 0. --1 O -0 (D (D CD -O -p r* y - N O -c a rt Co (Q cn LO C7 Q (D n (D -0 (D (D r.~. X CD 3 0 -0 Q) Ct (D =3 (D 0- r -t- - - (D rt C: (n O (D (D 0 0) O -0 M. 0 O -1 C~ r-r 0- LO O O~ (D ~ o < LO Lo -0 aj 0 O X , 0- rt O CD rt =3 cL G ET (1) 0 3 -a 0 n o (D (D n ~n 0 Q' o°G3 ~ A CD CD D ~ G O CD C N =3 g r- r ~ rn cD m cl - O = N F-` ~ 3 (D C CD Ul (D _0 n (D LO ' • (D O -0 (D (D ~ ca 0 . 3 m r C) cr ca. QJ _ o < m- CD rt 0 CD - l CD rr- M ~ Q _ rn O - 0 07 D rn Ei, o • :37 L ~D CD 0 (=D, (D ~ -0 n: a- m t CD -o -0 0- CD -l M - -1 Lo n 0 ~ r y- IrD b O O t ml n A~ UQ fD b O O N 0 ~a b A~ C n b O rr- r O O UQ O n b O r O O UQ O cam. n O r 0 0 v. n b O r 0 0 n b O r 0 0 0 C cD n b O r-r r O O UQ O rr- fD A7 A~ ~ A~ n C ~ ~ rn C C ~ a~• ~ o ~ aria C e ~ O ~ A~ W N F-+ C ~ n cC UQ •J f IrD fD o fD CD C "t CD C9 ~ C M~ • r) 01 Lri W N h-L < rf Q rnr CD rt 0 n ~.Ln ~ zy- -0 r-r p G G w CD rr (D 77 r-r D N CD ~ fD a) • On p QC: 6~ CD Q p ~ ~ rt Q ~ CD O n un L QJ ::E Ort CCDD LO p n o rn O i- D cn Q (D ~ aj (D -i M. cn ~ m :3 Ct CD n 1° -0 (A M Lnn rt C --n Ln D = O O 0 CD ~ a CD F-I rt O O 6 n ED, O n Ln O Qj rt CD ry- 0 rr O O Q r~-r rt D rt O -11 D Q O CD D Q Q CD CD O cn rt cn M O CD CAD LC :O p -0 aj CD I =r r-t- C: 07 _0 CD- 0 Q O CD - :3 CD CD CT FIT O < m r-r (D r~i- cn fD D Q Q O r -r O La Q p O rt 0C: CD CD w CD fD p rnr '0 D N O ~ CD -0 ~ Ort LO O 07 0) CD n CD CD 6 CD CD CAD to M O U) p CD r-i. 1 r=t CD D 0 0 w CD "O m -0 -0 (D Ln -0 CD 0- O D r) Q a) Ct 07 O O -ti Lo O (D can co r-r N =r O. ray- `G 'O CD O Ln r* r-r O - ~ ~ fl1 CD - cn fD D, -0 CD :3 CD CD U) (D Lo r-t- aj GO CD p 1 ~ ~ a) O E m HT rt CD- ~ O O 6 Q CD _Ln O d d Di O rt CD O 6545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, Co Sept 22, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, Cc 80033 SUBJECT: SOME STATEMENTS ON PLANNING DIVISION REPORT ARE A MISSTATEMENT OF FACT #1 - Page 2, the #4 of your stated REQUEST. No reques was made for #4 because the fence is a 6 foot view obscuringfence from the other side. The other side is where the view is to be obscured. I am surprised this was made an issue in this Report, as during one of my visi.ts with Planning, and with the architect present, it was agreed that this fence is conforming. #2 - Top paragraph of page #3. I am surprised this is an issue in this Report. When I,.in person, brought the architect's revised drawing, I made an issue that the architect surprised me with the planter protruding from the northeast cornor of this proposed building and stated the landscaping belongs in the area southwest of the proposed building where the architect stated 171 sq ft is available to landscape. That is when.staff could clearly see those three (3) parallel parking spaces which the architect indicated as 20 feet long. However no comment by staff about the 20 foot long parking spaces are not conforming. The comment made - we can make an issue of the correct place for the planter when we meet with the Board of Adjustment. Now I am surprised. It seems, wi.th the load staff has, that comment was overlooked. Conclusion - To.solve this problem perceived by staff, remove the architect's propos d planter at the northeast cornor, which d 71 has 121 sq ft, but ads sq ft of landscaping in the available southwest area; then,,we have plenty of space for three (3) parallel parking spaces which are 22 feet in length, each. #3 - Page 31 paragraph 2 Non conforming is not correct. It conforms with waiver granted in year 1981. I am surprised that it was stated that this was nonconforming when an issue was made of this waiver. #4 - Page 3, paragraph 6 Staff?s comment about landscape buffer is not correct. See facts stated in #1 - fence is a conforming fence. -2- #5 - Page 4, staff's answer to staff question #4 Applicant has created "own hardship." This is a retail business and view of front needs to be more open. We are still providing the required amount of landscaping. When, I the applicant, provide the flowers, at this site, as I do with my other properties, there will be more than the required landscaping. I am surprised an issue was made of this. At various meetings, I brought photos of other properties of mine, which show I landscape not only more than is required, but I,landscape more than most. #6 - page 4, staff's answer to staff's #6 question. "Not result in a substantial benefit or contribution to the neighborhood." With all of the efforts many of us in the City of Wheat 'Ridge have made to promote good development and a better appearance to Wheat Ridge, I find the above statement by staff, a big surprise. Also, I am somewhat offended by that statement, especially since I provided. staff with various photos which showed staff the beauty I add to my properties. Many property owners do not do that. I volunteered to add some landscaping at the southwest cornor of 7397 .:;W 44th Ave, which is identified as the northeast cornor of Vance and 44th Ave. I told staff I would be willing to remove some paving~to add landscaping. I al.so volunteered to,,. with a degital camera, take photos of the cornor of Vance and 44th Ave to help point outphat I would do there, Staff said they would do that for me. This offer of mine is missing for the staff report. That offer included,- put thos0hotos on a disk fot easy viewing. I do expect corrections to be made to tIr- the wrong information on the subject staff report. The good folks who volunteer their time to serve on the Board of Adjustment.need the correct information reference this site before they can make a decision reference my request for a partial waiver of land scape requirements to I he front only. I say front only, as when corrections are made, o this report, it will be evident that all else is in compliance.' This subject.request for partial waiver is the same request for waiver I.made and received in the year of 1981. The results of that waiver is in front of 7337 W 44th Ave, the adjacent property. As one can see, I have add more beauty to that landscaping. During one of my sessions with Planning, I stated I would make the same waiver request, as I did in 1981. .The response I received from Planning was I would not received the waiver because they are more tough now. I was so surpeised with that anti-business comment, I contacted a city council person. That individual was not happy with the response I received. I request and wish for the same waiver which received in 1981. cerely,~ Jerry oach ~oF W"E°'so CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT 00(OaP00 TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Jeff I-Ert CASE NO. & NAME: WA-05-17/Roach DATE OF MEETING: September 22, 2005 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a partial waiver of section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) for property zoned Restricted Commercial (RC). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 7331 West 44`s Avenue APPLICANT (S): Jerry Roach OWNER (S): Roach Investment Limited Partnership APPROXIMATE AREA: 12,080 (.28 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Restricted Commercial (RC) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map Subject Parcel (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION ❑ 44 CL P V i uaan co V V f- r U) r LIU ~to Q v ~ M I e°l E ° IT j on °o T V) n PGA n~ Board of Adjustment I Case WA-05-17/Roach Jurisdiction All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The property in question is located at 7331 West 44" Avenue. The property has Restricted Commercial (RC) zoning. The applicant, Jerry Roach, is requesting this variance as the property owner. The request is for approval of a partial waiver of section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) of the Code of Laws. The proposed changes on the property include an approximately 2,700 square foot addition to an existing commercial structure. With these proposed changes there are required landscaping improvements in the Code of Laws. As a nonresidential use, such improvements include: 1. 20 percent of the gross lot area must be landscaped - Sec. 26-502 (D)(3)(c)(1) 2. 1 street tree for every 30 feet of lot street frontage - Sec. 26-502 (D)(3)(a) 3. A landscaped area 10 feet in width from the edge of right-of-way on 441i Avenue - Sec. 26-502 (D)(3)(c)(2) 4. Parking lots adjacent to residentially zoned property must provide a landscape buffer 6 feet wide. Within this landscape buffer there must be either a 6 foot high view obscuring fence, decorative wall or landscaped hedge that is 6 feet in height - Sec. 26-502 (E)(1) The site plan submitted is deficient from the requirements listed above in numbers 3 and 4 The property has frontage on 441i Avenue, therefore the 10 foot landscape strip is required from the edge of right-of-way on 44" Avenue referenced above in number 3. The property adjacent to the north also has Residential Two (R-2) zoning, and the applicant is proposing to have a parking area abutting the north property line. Therefore the 6 foot landscape buffer referenced above in number 4 is also a requirement Effim This case was published as a request for a partial waiver of Section 26-502 of the Code of Laws. To be precise, the request is for approval of a waiver to the requirement for a landscaped area measuring 10 feet from the edge of right-of-way for nonresidentially zoned property abutting 44 h Avenue and a waiver to the requirement for a landscape buffer of 6 feet for a parking lot adjoining property zoned for low- or medium-density residential use. Il. CASE ANALYSIS The subject property has a number of constraints to allow for a 2,700 square foot commercial addition on site. Most problematic related to the zoning and development code is with regards to parking and landscaping requirements. The proposed addition is for the purposes of retail space. The number of parking spaces required for retail in the Code of Laws is at a rate of 1 space per 200 square feet of floor area. There is a provision in the code to exclude 10 percent of the floor area for this requirement (for such areas as utility rooms, hallways, restrooms, etc.). Although the addition is attached to an existing structure, it is on a freestanding parcel at this time. Discussion on the setback implications is below. As a freestanding parcel, parking rates are determined on the subject parcel alone in this instance. The number of required parking spaces, given the above mentioned 10 percent exclusion for a 2,700 square foot retail structure is 13, one of which being a handicapped accessible space. 13 spaces are shown on the site plan with one handicapped space. Board of Adjustment 2 Case WA-05-17/Roach At least 5 of these parking spaces as shown do not conform to the city's dimensions for parking spaces. Parallel parking spaces must have a width of 8 feet and a depth of 22 feet per the Code of Laws. There are three such parking spaces shown on the east side of the proposed addition that do not meet the 22 foot depth requirement. There are also two parking spaces in front of the proposed addition (south side of addition) which do not have adequate drive aisle width, at 8 feet for angled parking. There is angled parking existing to the east, and essentially the proposed angled parking will match what is already on site. The existing parking at this location however is considered nonconforming. The creation of new nonconforming angled parking spaces may not be allowed as shown. Although this is a request for a waiver to the landscaping requirements, the parking layout and area available for landscaping are interrelated. There may be other alternatives for placement of parking spaces to provide the required number of spaces to be in compliance with requirements for drive aisle and size requirements, although it appears to be difficult to do so. The existing structure, and the proposed addition will encompass three different properties ,°(k~,xlubit - - rl. All are currently under the same ownership. As noted above, the property in question is zoned Restricted Commercial (RC). The properties to the west, however, are zoned Commercial One (C-1). There are implications with the setback requirements if the applicant wishes to construct the addition with the current lot configuration. Currently there is a lot line going through the existing building, and with the new addition under the current lot configuration there will be another lot line going through the building. Sections 26-217 (RC development standards) and Section 26-218 (C-1 development standards) both allow a zero setback if the structure is constructed of masonry or nonflammable material and in accordance with the building code. Staff has understood the intent with this development to be to consolidate two or more lots in the future to eliminate at least one of the lot lines going through the building. It has been noted that several of the parking spaces, as shown on the site plan submitted, do not meet the city's regulations. The intent of the landscape waiver, at least in part, is in order to allow for more room to construct the required number of parking spaces. Providing the required landscape buffer on the north property line, for example, would eliminate the 8 parking spaces shown. Providing the 10 foot landscape buffer on 44`" Avenue, for example, would eliminate the two parking spaces in front of the building. It would be more beneficial to consider the site as a whole, as it will function as one structure with unimpeded vehicular and pedestrian access throughout the exterior of the building and the site. The parcel for which the landscape waiver is being requested and the parking layout is being considered is currently freestanding, and must be considered as such. It would be more beneficial to do this analysis after the lot (or lots) have been consolidated and make a determination then if there is a need for any waivers or variances, or if the applicant can meet all development standards with the addition. For variances that are denied, Sec. 26-107 of the Code of Laws states that a new application for substantially the same development process may not be refiled for one year after denial. If this request is denied however, the applicant may proceed with either consolidating the lot or lots, or reconfiguring the site to meet (or more closely meet) applicable development standards. This may result in another request for a variance or waiver. It is likely that request would not be considered substantially the same request. hi other words, it is likely that if this request is denied and another request comes forward it may be reheard before the Board of Adjustment at any meeting in the future. IIl. SITE PLAN The property is approximately 12,080 square feet, or .28 acres. The property measures 80 feet wide with a depth of 151 feet. The area surrounding the property in question consists of commercial uses to the south and west, single family residential to the east and single and multi-family residential to the north. Board of Adjustment 3 Case WA-05-17/Roach Staff did not find any comparable variances in the immediate vicinity of this request. IV, VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the request is denied, the property may still receive a reasonable return in use. There may be alternatives for the layout of the parking and landscaping to accommodate the proposed addition. It would be beneficial to consider the site in its entirety after the applicant consolidates the lot or lots. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? The request will have a minimal effect on the essential character of the locality. The proposed changes are consistent with what exists on the site. The existing conditions however are nonconforming under current regulations with regards to parking and landscaping. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? There are no unique conditions related to physical surrounding, shape or topography of the subject property that render any portion unbuildable, or make it impossible for the applicant to construct landscaping improvements. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The applicant has created his own hardship by requesting a waiver to the landscape standards. When considering the site as a freestanding parcel, however, it is very difficult for the applicant to be in compliance with applicable landscaping and parking regulations without the need for a variance or waivers. 5. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? Approval of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area. There will not be a decrease in the supply of light and air to adjacent property. The request would not substantially increase the congestion in public streets, increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety. Property values should not be impacted as a result of this request. 6. H criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result in a substantial benefit or contribution to the neighborhood distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant. Board of Adjustment 4 Case WA-05.17/Roach The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the above criteria are not supportive of the variance request. Staff has found that there are not unique circumstances attributed to these requests that would warrant approval of a variance. Therefore, staff recommends DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. If the request is denied, the property may still receive a reasonable return in use. 2. The request would not result in a substantial benefit or contribution to the neighborhood distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant. 3. The site plan does not meet all applicable parking regulations in addition to landscaping regulations. The two are interrelated; therefore it is not in the best interests of the applicant to approve the landscaping waiver without addressing issues with the parking layout. 4. Although the subject parcel is freestanding, the site should be considered as a whole because it functions as such being one structure with unimpeded access throughout the site and shared parking and pedestrian areas. 5. It would be beneficial to consolidate the lot or lots and at that time address parking and landscaping issues. If necessary, the applicant will have the ability to make another request for a variance or waiver without adhering to the 1 year stipulation in Section 26-107 of the Code of Laws while considering the overall functionality of the site. Board of Adjustment Case WA-05.17/Roach Dt5iBKPPRKIIKttJI@[VN '.A/AAtAK1': AREA ALLOWABLE WILDING AREA (TABLE 503186) = WX SF AREA MODIFICA77016 FOR FRONTA6E INCREASE = 1017 5F TOTAL 5F ALLOYED = lOpf7 TOTAL 5F PROP05ED = 4939 5F PARKIN5 SUMMARY: PARKI16 REQUIRE? : 13 SPACES HANDICAP PARKM REQUIRED = 1 PER 25 SPACE5 PARKINS PROVIDED = 12 + I HC = 13 SPACE5 LANDSCAPE SUFPtARY: 6ROS5 LOT AREA OF NEW PROPERTY = 12107 5F LANPWAFE PROVIDED 20% = 2360 5F ADDITIONAL CITY AWIRDIEM 10' LANDSCAPE PROVIDED BE7YaN PARKM AND PROPERTY LIRE TREES PROVIDED EVERY 30' AT STREET PER CITY REQUIREMENT &A MAXINR/M 6LAZIN6 ON IEWWILDINS EXHIBIT I ~ SITEPIAN Sr4EtE`-MG 0 PXGrP19PA4KM3v7 O 20 5. 10 ■ 15 EXI5TIN67 BUILDING TO REMAIN 7240 50 FT 1 2 3 4 6 7 ~8 ~mec nwaxscnoaes i p rw9mu i0 ~lu~I Fl~ccfGmerwx A ~ xnxx I aewm G.RR91t6KEGfws~NV - romrsvr.® \ \ AW~YIfOMW51£lBt - \ 45 ~ \ \ tE19FO O W4' T4 I NEW I STORY ~ RETAIL 4 2700 W FT wusurn.we~ 11 Rq.P ' I 1 !lWfS'L9W.K I8 12 ~ ~Da9Mn.B6tro~ AE5T 44TH AVENUE aaxurcRrk I. I`I ~v EXHIBI'T' 2 0 d Co Co o •d M U- m h o 1 d ~W ~ W a f t'. .ri . a >r fi A y 4 4 f R s S ~ f S,! f - t r f~ w ~ v N ~W F x O O ~ f U 1 m r% o rn z 1 d 1 n ~ LL 1 ~ r-f ,I z ~ N N W co W Q O O dc 10 ~ Y ~ 4 t y ~ _ a i ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ yti;~ t f ~..y ~ ~ a i r$! ~ s, .ti - y ~ t r s ~ r v : ' ~ w r Y, x ~ a i~ Cf h r y~ ~3 f^ .t Y t O C,4 , Cd r. - r4 -0 rn ts 05 C* ca > 0 as w d~~oa.mm . v~ J 00 l W ! j _ P d , m E- 0.4 r W , L' b- ~i 11 V. . t m u 'o .C O LS G J V f a: W o U 8 LL C) z a: ¢cr<o~ I I 1 Vvi ~y D O^ O a ' O ° J I ( J 1N cr- Z ~ 3 m w L ui cc T r a 4 r { a s r to, «a as a W C uy o d ~ d ' r td u w O a y y w m b' e Ei 3 y m q>X~~ ~ . I Ir p o aQ R b w O) ~ m Ej , w ry~ Ul~ ' _ S 4fd E m C C _ ° m :sa o f g• 3 y6J ~-v- - m.oi . yw C m y $pa - a8 - 1 m m 0 0. ad ,w :9~. C r o u w i ❑ >bnv ai ~d ~ im d m a:d u 1 > cd ~E F O CJ T- ._'1 , a - d o' of mod vu o r _ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on September 22, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WA-05-17: An application filed by Jerry Roach for approval of a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) for property zoned Restricted- Commercial (RC) and located at 7331 West 44`h Avenue. Case No. WA-05-18: An application filed by the Michael Pusateri for approval of an 8 foot rear yard setback variance from the 15 foot rear yard setback requirement for a swimming pool on property zoned Residential-One (R-1) and located at 3201 Nelson Street. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: September 8, 2005 ~4j il ~ a--• MetroScan / Je £erson (CO) Owner :Park Kerry J Parcel :024104 Site :7350 W 94th P1 Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6780 Mail :7350 W 94th P1 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1947 Pool: B1dgSF:1,339 Ac:.23 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Fatzinger Charles W Parcel :024456 Site :7301 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6797 Mail :7304 Coors Ct Arvada co 80005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-4606 Bedrm :2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1937 Pool: B1dgSF:920 Ac:.49 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Wheatridge Gardens Parcel :024567 Site :4415 Teller St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfer.~ -1 6396 6803 00131 Mail :3250 E 2nd Ave #200 Denver Co 80206 7004 2890 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:8 YB:1957 Pool: B1dgSF:30,400 Ac:1.35 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Roach Investment Limited Partnership Parcel :025155 Site :7337 W 94th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 .ice,.. . Xfered 6396 6810 0001 Mail :6545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7004 2890 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land -421-3107 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:3,128 Ac:.21 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lonardo Pasquale Parcel :025517 Site :7330 W 44th Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6827 Mail :4637 Saulsbury St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-940-7712 Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:992 Ac:.25 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lonardo Piasquale Parcel :025517 Site :7330 W 94th ) Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/06/1979 Mail :4637 Saulsbv- Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 R9-s~'Improved L4and Phone :303-940-7712 Bedrm: 4 ="tath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:864 Ac:.25 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Roar Investment Limited Partnership Parcel :025539 Site :7393` 4t-,AvE'"Wfieat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/31/1997 Mail :6Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Imp ved Land Phone :303-421-3107 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1957 Pool: B1dgSF:4,331 Ac:.57 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Roach Investment Limited Partnership Parcel :025805 Site :7331 44th Ave Whea edge 80033 Xfered :12/31/1997 Mail :6545 W 9 A eRidge Co 80033 Price Use :1111--Vaaarlt, sidential Phone :303-421-3107 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.29 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Flieder John R Parcel :026124 Site :7250 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6834 Mail :4833 S Robb St Littleton Cc 80127 Use :5178-Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1957 Pool: B1dgSF:4,684 Ac:.52 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Kajewski Steve Parcel :038580 Site :4416 Upham St Wheat Ridge 80033 ..r A •nR/?n/1992 Mail :PO Box 21 Louisville co 80027 7004 2890 0001 6396 6858 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm: 4 Bath:3.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:1,920 Ac:.29 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stancoll Llc Parcel :109809 Site :7300 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfarort °n"'^-.,.^,.- Mail :1200 17th St #3000 Denver Cc 80202 7004 2890 0001 6396 6841 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land e Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:1,841,~~c C.22 /71 Et 9 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representatimis:yi o - or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report l-~l , : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Karl Milloie Parcel :195R7s 6396 6865 Site :7340 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 Mail :7340 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1967 Pool: B1dgSF:34,800 Ac:4.16 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge September 8, 2005 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA-05-17 which is a request for approval of a partial waiver of Section 26-502 (Landscaping Requirements) for property zoned Restricted- Commercial (RC) and located at 7331 West 44th Avenue. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on September 22, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. % -ci-eng-001\users\kfield\Kathy\BOA\pubnotice\2005\wa05l7.wpd Kerry Park Charles Fatzinger Gardens Wheatridge 7350 W 44th PI 7304 Coors Ct 3250 E 2nd Ave #200 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80005 Denver, CO 80206 Roach Investment Limited Partnership Rlllp 6545 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Pasquale Lonardo & Elfina Aka Lonardo 4637 Saulsbury St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Pasquale Lonardo a Aka Lonardo 4637 S St W~l eaYRidRidg geZ'~80033 Roach vestment Li Partnership Rlllp 65451W 44 e Whea dge, CO 033 ach Investment Limited Partnership Rlllp 6545 W 4ti Ave WIT idge, CO 80033 John Flieder & Marsha Flieder 4833 S Robb St Littleton, CO 80127 Steve Kajewski Stancoll Llc Milloie Karl PO Box 21 1200 17th St 43000 7340 W 44th Ave Louisville, CO 80027 Denver, CO 80202 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 9/6/2005 * 11:28 AM Parcel Number ...12 39 231 14 001 39 231 14 002 39 231 14 003 39 231 14 004 39 231 14 005 39 231 14 006 39 231 14 007 39 234 00 006 39 234 00 096 39 234 03 015 39 231 14 008 12-002 13-001 ; 13-031 19.54') 115.01' 14-009 N 14-039 - - I H PL 1 (124.80') (156.20') . j i N j 14-008 C 14-040 j a 14-001 ~ j i (206 71' 14-002 o ° (126.50') 154.50' . j N (82.20') v 66.80' 4 0 j -00 - -005 L 14-007 0 12-007 14-004. a 14-00 t t>s ar2 ge 0 1 i ~ - ° I i 103.80' 8 20' I 00' 64 00' 81 00' 77 00' 303.2011 ) 80. . . . C -2 / L- 00-006 03-015 03-001 04-001 0 I v, i II )1 N N O a 00-006 03-015 03-001 co Im 1136.70'1 029.30" L- 71 N 00-096 A O 0 0 00-029 00-031 (310.20') --3T6.2o7- 00-039 (310.51' 00-040 (310 52'1 00-029 O 03-015 0 O 03-002 ~ 136.50') (129.00') j ' I 03-014 ° 03-003 i 136.20' (129.00') . 03-013 'oqo 03-004 C I I (136.00') (128.70') I 03-012 03-005 i . 1'.%20' I ~ I 0 03-011 n 0 03-006 ~ I ti (128.31') . j 03-010 a 03-007 c~ ! ~ I 128.01) ( 50.) I 03-009 ° o „ 03-008 m 99-002 00-028 i 'I 120.20') i I 00-032 (299.30') 00-038 p 0 (170.31') 00-037 Square Footage Existing 7240 Addition 2700 Total Proposed 9940 Parking 10% exclusion 8946 Parking Required 44.73 (1/200 - 10%) Existing Striped Parking 13 observed (per photos) Landscaping, existing (approximate) Square footage Percentage of total 7331 W 44th 1300 500 0.148674 7337 W 44th 1600 0.167715 Total (2 east lots) 3400 7393 W 44th 12000 0.535954 Total (all three lots) 15400 0.349706 Total square footage (all 3 lots) 44037 o.fp cr 2 73 J-~ uv~ 4/4 A/ 4;? -S r- I-). PC Li+sr 1&x16'/ - ISI & /VcRrm (.,k 76 yad /F,4:5 T 6r- di-vc~- 3x7 ~16a r/+- I 5&,UG 3X37 1 f 6LOC. 3 x37 ~5 a S X ~ rf o Rc(C 141R/-U a~l~ T X -4 O W OOC W G N N W N S mD W V cp W tT G y S 0) f f a 0 W f 0 O N = a O O CD 0° O O N cn C cn N K al o ° w ~ N N W N S ° D GI cD V • 3 ~(D 6 C LA S f~D fD .~i f Fa n A f n N O y O C O O- N O OD b ° O 12 C N N N W ~ IN ?I- N h ~ G b 6 fi : 7k v ~ S J V i ~ rl V G w O d N 0 r~l V ~ p -a -n , :2 W1 m 1~ ;o 0 < > ® C r z ® J J ~1 O O O OU ~ T W :a" W / ~ G7 y N N N M m S?o p 00 00 00 N cn? -f n m O J N J 8 ~2 W ❑ p -a -n Q3 ~ < > ® m z R r z / _ _ O o0 0 Z _ W W W N N N m (A (A CA m sto p N m Z TI N N C j c o 00 01~ ~ -n CO n 1 3 J 0 m O -rh- N -N U ~ 11 1331- Jl W. li`fn fwt~ • I to cr~snt. tots t 3~ -_a Hea~~ _ ' f ! t Sol. w, el e`tca YMA^ • 3t bl #h o{ ' - ' ! ~ - \ots )re cep. wo..la_.._. heed 2413 of LS _ - (a.w t? '13,93 CZonwa R•2) LbtS LS vn .._rt~ of lA ro_ _ l~Itix sz, ( 04-80 ~b of _Ls - Lo gZ LS , ykwwbLe Zb/ e-f - tad+s c I~~z 5a~ra s - - - - i- - ot~. 1r nntwed ust aria - ~w.t ,r I~Y,.e _ • I I Ner•l'~r` oc a aS~ ~ _ _ _ VJQA. d• u~nc~ toI us strip aaja~dr~ k~ 406- 3 i - F I baS<~ ern lob o of bl a,~ 45~ _ ~pt~,t 1 v - _ ~ ~ aCC Ct rt~+ w h aeon a to is- on~~W rovrot\t ~ta„aNas ; : stops-- - f7rl, studios ARCHITECTURE w+DSM AFCHREMURE OEVELOPNEW CONSOLING TRANSMITTAL D a t e: 7-21-05 T o : Meredith Reckert, AICP Project: 7331 W.44"St. Attached: 1 revised site plan From: Eric Scholz p z Via: Mail Action: Hello Meredith, Attached you will find a revised site plan for the project at 7331 W. 44". We made some minor changes to the site plan to meet Fire Department Requirements. Please note that our other site calculations, parking and square footage stayed basically the same. Please call if you need further information, Thanks, Eric Scholz Form Studios, Inc FORM Studios Incorporated, 4439 North Broadway, Ste D, Boulder CO 80304 PHONE Ivan: 303-323-1923 FAX: 303-442-1556 EMAIL: Eric@4 rmstudios.hirr Z-Z 11 X33 z Z~ CJ 7 r ~J Si?r y~[~. ~&\~a~ chi,. ---~~J~~ v . -1331 . Pad lS b~{{e,< n~ N J tD ' Con . 'Pla~~ July 20,2005 Douglas Saba, Fire Marshall Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 303-403-5900 !~A C°3, RE: 7331 W. 44" Ave, addition, review dated 7-18-05 Dear Mr. Saba, ~ GAY✓~ f'Tif 1, studios ARCHITECTURE wDs EnaGxne K DMOPMFM CONSMMG Attached you will find responses to your comments that I hope you find now comply with your requirements: 1. The attached siteplan illustrate compliance to your listed requirements. 2. See the attached specifications sheets for all proposed gas or electric appliances. 3. The twenty foot wide drive aisle is now shown on the east side of the building. As you can see, the parking is still shown. The extra width came from the landscaped area that has been shifted to the northeast. 4. Please note the required turning radius shown on the attached siteplan. 5. The north end of the building will contain a sign that states : FIRE LANE - NO PARKING. For the east side of the building, we felt that since the required 20'-0" drive aisle is provided, the parking could remain and a sign would not be required here. 6. Acknowledged, and communicated' to the contractor. 7. The contractor shall keep a set of approved plans and permits on-site at all times. 8. The Owner will deliver a set of stamped engineered plans that illustrate properly designed structure for all roof loads. 9. The Contractor will notify the Fire District of all inspections pending. 10. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Contractor. 11. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Owner. 12. Please note the addition of (3) 6" x 4'-0" concrete filled steel bollards on the attached siteplan. 13. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Owner. 14. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Contractor. 15. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Contractor. 16. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Owner. 17. Acknowledged, and communicated to the Owner. If you have any remaining concerns, feel free to contact me or Peter Carey at the same phone number. Sincerely, Eric Scholz, Architect Form Studios, Inc. 303-323-1923 FORM Studios, Inc., 4439 N. Broadway, Ste D, Boulder, CO 80304 PHONE/ van: 303-323-1923 FAX: 303-442-1556 EMAIL: Eric@formstudios.biz 4~ 0 TRAMN s Model Number Description Y S C 036 A 3 R L A C 0 0 0 C 1 0 0 0 1 A 1 1 2 3 4,5,6 7 8 9 10 1112,1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DIGIT 1 - Unit Function Y = DX Cooling, Gas Heat DIGIT 2 - Efficiency S = Standard Efficiency H = High Efficiency DIGITS-Airflow C = Convertible DIGITS 4A6 - Nominal Gross Cooling Capacity (MBh) 036 = 3 Ton 048 = 4 Ton 060 = 5 Ton 072 = 6 Ton 090 = T/2 Ton, Single Compressor 092 = 7% Ton, Dual Compressors 102 = 8y2 Ton 120= 10 Ton DIGIT 7 - Major Design Sequence A = First DIGITS- Unit Voltage 1 = 208-230/60/1 3 = 208-230/60/3 4 = 460/60/3 W= 575/60/3 K = 380/60/3 DIGIT 9 - Unit Controls E = Electromechanical R = ReliaTelt. Microprocessor DIGIT 14 - Fresh Air Selection 0 = No Fresh Air A= Manual Outside Air Damper 0-50% B = Motorized Outside Air Damper 0-50% C = Economizer, Dry Bulb 0-100% without Barometric Relief D = Economizer, Dry Bulb 0-100% with Barometric Relief E = Economizer, Reference Enthalpy 0-100% without Barometric Relief F = Economizer, Reference Enthalpy 0-100% with Barometric Relief G = Economizer, Comparative Enthalpy 0-100% without Barometric Relief H = Economizer, Comparative Enthalpy 0-100% with Barometric Relief DIGIT 15- Supply Tan/Drive, Type/Motor 0 = Standard Drive 1 = Oversized Motor 2 = Optional Belt Drive Motor DIGIT 16-Hinged Service AccessFilrers 0 = Standard Panels/Standard Filters A = Hinged Access Panels/Standard Filters B = Standard Panels/2" Pleated Filters C = Hinged Access Fai ls2" Pleated Filters DIGIT 17-Condenser Coil Protection 0 = Standard Coil 1 = Standard Coil with Hail Guard 2 = Black Epoxy Pre-Coated Condenser Coil 3 = Black Epoxy Pre-Coated Condenser Coil with Hail Guard DIGIT 20 - Convenience Outlet 0 = No Convenience Outlet A = Unpowered Convenience Outlet B = Powered Convenience Outlet (3 phase only) DIGIT 21-Communications Options 0 = No Communications Interface 1 = Trans Communications Interface 2 = Will Communications Interface 3 = Novar2024 Controls 4 = Novar 3051 Controls DIGIT 22 - Refrigeration System Option 0 = Standard Refrigeration System A= Thermal Expansion Valve (TXV) B = Dehumidification (Hot Gas Reheat Coil) DIGIT23 - Refrgeration Controls 0 = No Refrigeration Control 1 = High Pressure Control 2 = Frostat 3 = Crankcase Heater 4 = High Pressure Control and Frostat 5 = High Pressure Control and Crankcase Heater 6 = Frostat and Crankcase Heater 7 = High Pressure Control, Frostat and Crankcase Heater DIGI7-24 - Smoke Detector 0 = No Smoke Detector A = Return Air Smoke Detector B = Supply Air Smoke Detector C = Supply and Return Air Smoke Detectors DIGIT 10 - Heating Capacity L = Low M= Medium H = High X = Low, Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger Y = Medium, Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger Z = High, Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger DIGIT 11 - Minor Design Sequence A = First Sequence DIGITS 12, 13 - Service Sequence = Factory Assigned DIGIT 1S -Through the Base Provisions 0 = NoThrough the Base Provisions A = Through the Base Electric B = Through the Base Gas Piping C = Through the Base Electric and Gas Piping DIGIT 19 - Disconnect/Circuit Breaker/ Phase Monitor (3 phase only) 0 = No Disconnect/NoCircuit Breaker/No Phase Monitor 1 = Unit Mounted Non-Fused Disconnect 2 = Unit Mounted Circuit Breaker 3 = Phase Monitor 4 = Phase Monitor & Non-Fused Disconnect Switch 5 = Phase Monitor & Circuit Breaker DIGIT25 - Monitoring Controls 0 = No Monitoring Control 1 = Clogged Filter Switch 2 = Fan Failure Switch 3 = DischargeAir Sensing Tube 4 = Clogged Filter Switch and Fan Fail Switch 5 = Clogged Filter Switch and Discharge Air SensingTube 6 = Fan Fail Switch and Discharge Air SensingTube 7 = Clogged Filter and Fan Fail Switches and Discharge Air SensingTube 8 = Novar Return Air Sensor Example: Model numberYSC036A3R1.A**0000C10001 At Odescribes a unitwith the following character istica. DXCOolingwith natural gas heating, 3 ton nominal cooling capacity, 208-23016013powersupply, ReliaTeP controls, low heat model. 0-100% dry bulb economizerwitholn barometric relief, standard ectdrive motor, standard access panels, standard condenser coil with no coil protection, through the base electric and gas access, non-fused disconnect, no convenience outlet or communications interface, standard refrigeration coil. high pressure control, return air smoke detec[onand clogged filter switch. 14 RT-PR0006-EN 0 TRANE® General ( m ` o s) Data Standard Efficiency Table GD-1 - General Data 3 Ton Convertible Units 47on Con vertible Units YSOD36AI YSC036A3, A4, AW YSC04841 YSC048A3, A4, AW Cooling Performance' Gross Cooling Capacity 37,400 37p00 50,300 49,200 SEER2 10.5 10.7 10.1 10.0 Nominal CFM/ARI Rated CFM 1,200/1,200 1,200/1,200 11600/1,600 1,600/1,600 ARI Net Cooling Capacity 36,000 36,000 48,000 47,000 System Power(KtM 3.91 3.79 5.28 5.40 -Heating Models Lm Medium High LaN Medium High low Medium High law Medium High Headng Input(etu) 60,000 80,000 120,000 60,000 80,000 120,000 60,000 80,000 120,000 60,000 80,000 120,000 Heating Output(Btu) 47,000 63,000 95,000 48,000 64,000 96,000 47,000 63,000 95,000 48,000 64,000 96,000 ARKW 80 80 80 81 81 81 80 80 80 81 81 81 Steady State EfficiencyN 80 80 80 81 81 81 80 80 80 81 81 81 No. Bunters 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 No. Stages 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gas Supply Line Pressure Natural (minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0 4 .5/14.0 LP(minimumhnaAmum) 10.0114.0 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0 Gas Connection Pipe Sim (in.) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Compressor rr.,.,e 1Mermert c 144ert oedc 1/Scroll 1/Scroll Tube Sin(in.)OD 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 Face Area (sq ft) 719 719 6.17 9.59 Rows/FPI 2/17 2117 2/17 1/17 Indoor Coil-Type Lanced Lanced Lanced Lanced Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 3125 Face Area (sq ft) 5.67 5.67 6.68 6.17 Rows/FPI 2116 2116 3/16 3/16 Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice Drain Connection NolSize(in.) 1Pl NPT 1P NPT IA/4 NPT 1P/c NPf No Used/Diameter(in.) 1/22 122 122 122 DriveType/No. Speeds Direct/1 DirecV1 Direct/1 DirecUl CfM 2,550 2,550 2,850 3,610 No. Motors/HP 1/0.20 110.20 1/0.33 1/0.33 M to RPM 1,075 1,075 1{075 1,075 Direct Ddvetndco Fan Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal PC Centrfugal FCCentnfugal No. Used/Diameter(io.) 1/10 x 10 1/10 x 10 1111 x 11 1/11 x 11 DwaTypeMo. Speeds DirecU2 Direct/2 Direct/2 DimcU2 No. Motors 1 1 1 1 Motor HP(Standard/Overseed) 0.3310.50 0.33/0.50 0.60/0.80 0.60/0.80 Motor RPM(StandanHOversaed) 95mi'low 93011,100° 1,000/1,100 1,00011,100 Motor Frame Size(Standard/Oversized) 48/48 48/48 48/48 48/48 M RT-PR0006-EN 16 I Performance Data Table PD -2 - Gross Cooling Capacities (MBH) 4 Ton Single Phase YSCO46AI AmbientTemperabtre (F) 85 95 105 115 Dry Entering Wet Bulb (F) rv,n WW11, et 67 71 At 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 Airflow (F) MN SHC NHi 5HC NBi SHC V9SHC wHi SHC NHi SFiC Iv1Eti SHC NHH SHC NHH SHC N1Efi SHC MH 94C NHH SHC 75 45.5 38.7 52A 30.0 56A 20.1 41.6 36.6 49.0 28.3 54.4 18.9 376 34.5 44.4 26.7 51.8 175 33.5 32.3 39.8 24.5 48.0 15.8 1410 80 46.5 46.5 52.5 37.6 56.8 28.1 43.2 43.2 49.1 35.9 54.8 26.7 39.9 39.9 44.6 33.8 52.0 25.2 36.5 36.5 401 31.6 48.2 23A 85 50.3 50.3 53.0 45.1 57.4 34.9 47.0 47.0 49.7 43.7 55.0 33.9 43.6 43.6 45.3 41.6 52.2 32.8 40.2 40.2 41.0 39.5 48.3 31.0 90 53.3 53.3 53.8 52.5 57.7 41.1 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.8 55.5 41.0 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 52.5 40.1 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 48.6 38.6 75 46.8 41.3 53.1 31.3 56.9 20.5 42.7 39.1 50.1 29.7 55.0 19.2 38.7 370 45.4 27.5 52A 17.9 34.4 34.4 40.8 25A 48.9 16.3 80 48.7 48.7 53.4 39.5 57.5 28.9 45.2 45.2 50.3 38.2 55A 27.8 412 41.8 45.7 36.0 52.7 263 38.2 38.2 41.1 33.9 49.1 24.7 1600 85 52.2 52.2 53.9 475 58.1 36.1 49.3 49.3 51.0 46.7 55.7 35.3 45.7 45.7 46.7 44.7 52.9 34.5 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 49.2 33.0 90 54.9 54.9 54.9 54.9 56.4 42.8 52.7 52.7 52.7 52.7 56.2 42.9 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 53.3 42.5 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 49.7 41.3 75 48.1 43.8 53.6 32.5 573 20.8 43.8 41.6 50.8 31.1 55.5 19.6 39.8 39.5 46.3 29.0 52.9 18.2 35.8 35.8 41.5 26.7 49.6 16.7 80 50.5 50.5 54.0 41.2 58,0 29.6 47.1 47.1 51.1 40.3 55.9 29.0 43.4 43.4 46.7 38.2 53.2 274 39.8 39.8 42.0 36.0 49.7 25.8 1760 85 53.6 53.6 54.8 49.8 68.6 37.1 51.1 51.1 52.0 49.4 56.3 36.6 477 47.7 48.1 47.9 53.5 36.1 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 49.9 34.9 90 56.1 56.1 56.1 56.1 59.0 44.2 54.2 54.2 54.1 54.1 56.9 44.8 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 54.1 44.7 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 50.5 43.9 75 49.1 46.3 54.2 33.5 577 21.2 44,9 44.0 51.5 32.4 55.9 20.0 40.7 40.7 47.1 30.4 53.3 18.6 370 370 42.2 28.1 50.1 170 80 51.9 51.9 54.6 42.7 58A 30.1 48.8 48.8 51.8 42.2 56.3 30.2 45.0 45.0 47.7 40.4 53.7 28.5 41.2 41.2 42.9 38.2 50.3 26.9 1920 85 54.7 54.7 55.5 51.8 59.1 38.1 52.5 52.5 52.9 51.8 56.8 37.8 49.4 49.4 49.4 49.4 54.1 37.6 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 50.5 36.6 90 57.1 571 571 57.1 59A 45.6 55.3 55.3 55.3 55.3 574 46.4 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 50.7 46.7 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 51.3 46.2 1. All capacities shown are grossand have not considered indoor-fan heat. To obtain NET cooling capacity subtract indoorfan heat. For indoorfan matformula, refer to appropriateairflow o tablenctes. I 2 MBH= Total Gross Capaciry 3 SHC=Sensible Heat Capaciry Table PD-3 - Gross Cooling Capacities (MBH) 4 Ton Three Phase YSC04BA3, A4, AW AmbientTemperature (F) 85 95 105 115 Dry Entering Wat Bulb (F) CFM Bulb 61 67 73 61 57 73 51 b/ /3 bl b/ /4 Airflow (F( N16i SHC NHi SHC NHi SIC MBH SHC MN SHC AN SIFE MHH SIC wHH SHC NW SHC MBH SHC VW SHC M3H SHC 75 44.8 38.6 51A 29.8 56.1 20.1 41.0 36.6 48.2 28.2 53.7 18.9 37.3 34.7 44.2 26A 50.8 176 33.4 32.7 39.6 25.2 47.1 16.0 80 46.0 46.0 51.6 37.4 56.5 279 42.9 42.9 48.3 35.8 50.0 26.6 39.7 39.7 44.4 34.0 51.0 25.2 36.4 36.4 40.0 32.0 472 23.6 1440 85 49.6 49.6 52.0 44.8 56.7 34.8 46.8 46.8 48.9 43.6 54,2 34.0 43.6 43.6 45.1 41.8 51.2 32.7 40.3 40.3 41.0 39.8 474 31.1 90 52.5 52.5 52.9 52.2 57.2 41.6 50.2 50.2 50.1 50.1 54.6 41.1 47.2 47.2 47.2 472 515 40.1 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 47.7 38.6 75 46.1 41.1 52.1 31.1 56.7 20.5 42.1 39.0 49.1 29.6 54.4 19.3 38.3 37.1 45.1 278 51.5 18.0 34.3 343 40.6 25.7 47.9 16.5 80 48.1 48.1 52.4 39.3 57.2 29.0 44.9 44.9 49.2 379 54.7 227 41.5 41.5 45.4 36.2 51.7 26.3 38.1 38.1 41.0 34.2 48.0 24,8 1600 95 51.4 51.4 63.0 47.3 577 36.7 48.7 48.7 50.0 46.4 55.0 35.5 45.6 45.6 46.3 44.8 51.9 34.6 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 48.2 33.0 90 54.2 54.2 54.2 54.2 58.0 43.5 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 55.4 43.2 49.1 49.1 49.1 49.1 52.3 42.5 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 48.7 41.3 75 472 43.5 52.8 32.3 573 20.9 43.3 41.5 49.8 30.9 54.9 19.7 39.1 39.1 45.8 29.1 52.0 18.3 35.6 35.6 41.3 271 48.5 16.8 80 49.7 49.7 53.1 41.0 57.8 30.1 46.7 46.7 50.1 40.0 55.3 28.8 43.3 43.3 46.2 38.3 52.3 27A 39.7 39.7 41.8 36.3 48.7 25.9 1760 85 52.8 52.8 53.8 49.7 58.1 377 50.3 50.3 51.0 49.1 55.6 37.0 47.2 47.2 47.2 472 52.5 36.1 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 48.9 34.9 90 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 58.7 45.3 53.4 53.4 53A 53A 56.1 45.2 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7 53.1 44.7 476 47.6 47.6 47.6 49.5 43.8 75 48.2 45.8 53.3 33.4 57.8 21.3 44,4 43.8 50.4 32.1 55.4 20.0 40.3 40.3 46.5 30A 52.5 18.6 36.6 36.6 41.9 28.3 49.0 172 80 51.0 51.0 63.7 42.7 58.3 31.1 48.1 48.1 50.7 41.9 55.7 29.6 44.7 44.7 47.0 40.3 52.8 28.4 41.1 41.1 42.6 38.3 49.2 26.9 1920 85 53.9 53.9 54.6 51.8 58.6 38.7 51.6 51.6 51.9 51.5 56.2 384 48.6 48.6 48.6 48.6 53.1 37.7 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2 49.4 36.6 90 56.6 56.6 56.6 56.6 59.3 47.0 546 54.6 54.5 54.5 56.8 471 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 53.8 46.9 49.0 49.0 49.0 49.0 50.3 46.1 n..[ : 1 All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat. To obtain NET cooling capacity subtract indoor fan heat For indoor fan heat formula, refer to appropriate airflow tablenotes. 2 MBH=Total Gross Capaciry a SHC=Sensible Heat Capacryy RT-PR0006-EN 29 N 40 0 40 Feet A E CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 0 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) C Address 46LF5- Avr_ Phon 6' Bc/3 State Co Zip A0~~3 F 0 0-7//A (Zlme-o -rrVVESr~V1C-/V Li atTEO Owner PA v4A-sr/TpAddress Phone City State Zip Fax n ~ Contact JP R y/ / S a 4c 1-f Address 65CJ_ • 4 ~ ut- Phone S 6- 8 City W s.t A *:y - 14 r 0f--a State L o Zip--a-Q336 Fax B (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): `j 33 1 cJ • Ll r CT U l= Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval [XVariance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: O S 8 Dfl- Current Zoning: j~z G Current Use: UI+4f qv ( L. T Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 1 ~1 y8 G Proposed Zoning: _ Proposed Use: A A J=g%S4_ I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which appLQy_ed of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant. I A. h'tsp day of G 20 l~`J NA, OUBOG Public - V ` pF COLO~P y commission expires CJL1(f>`(/(v To be filled out by staff: Date received Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. 4N Commission,EApires•,Wt81 °o eat Fee$ ~ Rec ipt No. Zoning Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. vV4"66--/7 Quarter Section Map Case Manager Property appraisal system Previous 6 OF 11 Next Page 1 of 2 Printer Friendly Page Sch:025805 Parcel ID:39-231-14-005 Status:Active Property Type:Vacant Land Property Address 07331 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: 06545 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4710 Owner Name ROACH INVESTMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RLLLP Area:2 Neighborhood: 2405 BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT RIDGE AREA Subdivision Name: 169400 COULE HAN GRANGE Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuazterSection Land Sgfr 004 E 007 23 3 69 0 12066 =E]❑=== Total 12066 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 08-20-1976 36,000 ~ CONVER02 OS-31-1978 0~ 80074667 09-30-1980 69,000 ~ CONVEROI 12-31-1997 0 Quit Claim Deed F0532782 Assessor Parcel Maps associated with Schedule: map39-231.Ddf. Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF's. Location Map/Additional Information. Send mail to assessor@coJefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Copyright @ 2005, Jefferson County, Colomdo. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Web site information current through: 09-17-2005 Version 3.5.0 - Release Date: SEPTEMBER 2005 httD://ww14.co.iefferson.co.us/ats/diSDIavizeneral.do?sch=025805&offset=5 9122/2005 Hme Properly; Rarutrds Gerreral In€ormation - Maps Property appraisal system Maps Previous 7 OF 11 Next Page 1 of 2 Printer Friendly Page Sch:025155 Parcel ID:39-231-14-004 Status:Active Property Type:Commercial Property Address 07337 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: 06545 W 44TH AV WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4710 Owner Name RLLLP ROACH INVESTMENT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Area:2 Neighborhood: 2405 BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT RIDGE AREA Subdivision Name: 169400 COULEHAN GRANGE Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Land Sgft 004 E] 008 23 33 69 0 9540 Total 9540 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 02-O1-1977 40,000 0 CONVER02 OS-31-1978 0~ 80076113 09-30-1980 86,000 ~ CONVEROI 12-31-1997 0 Quit Claim Deed F0532782 Assessor Pazcel Maps associated with Schedule: map39-231.pdf. Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF's. Location Map/Additional Information. Send mail to assessor@co.iefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Copyright @ 2005, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Web site information current through: 09-17-2005 Version 3.5.0 - Release Date: SEPTEMBER 2005 httD://wwl4.co.iefferson.co.us/ats/disi)lavizeneral.do?sch=025155&offset=6 9/22/2005 Hang - Property;P.aaJrds In formation ttanerall Property appraisal system 02515511Pronertv Address: 07337 W 44TH A Page L of 1 NUMBER BUILT GRADE FLOOR ISTRUCTURE TYPE IIUNITSI QFr JISQFr IJARE -7 1953 Average Strip Shopping CenterF~ 3128 I0 954C Send mail to assessor@co.ieffzrson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Copyright @ 2005, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Web site information current through: 09-17-2005 Version 3.5.0 - Release Date: SEPTEMBER 2005 htti):Hwwl4.co.iefferson.co.us/ats/commercialinventorv.do?sch=025155 9/22/2005 HoJ PromrtY f ocords Commercial InYen~ijr~r Maps Previous 7 OF 11 Next Property appraisal system Previous 10 OF 11 Next Page 1 of 1 IISch:025539 Parcel ID:39-231-14-003 Status:Active Property Type:Commerciall I W 44TH AVE II IIWHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 II Wailing Address:1106545 W 44TH AVE II 11 IIWHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 471011 Name H INVESTMENT LIMITED :2 Neighborhood: 2405 BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT RIDGE AREA Name: 169400 Date Assessor Pazcel Maps associated with Schedule: man39-231 pdf. Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF's. Location Map/Additional Information. Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Copyright @ 2005, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Web site information current through: 09-17-2005 Version 3.5.0 - Release Date: SEPTEMBER 2005 http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=025539&offset=9 9/22/2005 N~3e - Pmpery Records General Information _ Maps Property appraisal system Maps Previous 10 OF 11 Next Page 1 of 1 Address: 07393 W 44TH A TYPE 111 111957 IlAveragell l IlRetail -Single Occupancyll1 114331 110 ~E Send mail to qssessor@_qojefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Copyright @ 2005, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Web site information current through: 09-17-2005 Version 3.5.0 - Release Date: SEPTEMBER 2005 htti)://wwl4.co.iefferson.co.us/ats/commercialinventory.do?sch=025539 9/22/2005 Herne - - C Prq Recards' ommercial pert5 Inventory I N T vi CG . ~ A T o si t 0_ o m ~ O z a d o E o 0 c U o r oN Q n m m ~ c° ~ ^ o o °D A a a y o 0 8 c c 0 ~ N m 0 ~ y~ m I 'N .C C 0 v W U 2 n 13 2 nQ M ° - 2 y'~ c n W O O y n J T t~ 6 h O 9_. > 9 T = N 00 0 °N' o f7 c o E E S ~4 U v~ m o m s ~ y ~ o z a. Urs d r-~ ~D.. 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Ip~ I i ~ rora~ s~,~.~or~v . io i rora~ ~ ~or~osFV = aa i r I ~ ~ i PARKING SUMMARY: ~ i i! _ 4 I ~ PARKING REQUIRED = 13 SPAGFS T ~ HANDICAP PARKI~i RfQU/RED = 1 PER 25 SPACES PARK/N6 PROVIDED = 12 ~ I HG = 13 SPACES I ~ LANDSCAPE SUMMARY: w I GR055 LOT AREA OF IvEW PROPERLY = 1210 II LANDSGAP~ PROVIDEG~21 ~ = 260 ~ ADDITIONAL GIT1' REQliIREMENTS: ~ _ ~ R 3 3 Y / 10' LANDaGAPF PROVIDED BFTN~EN PARKING AND PR0 I~ TREFS PROVIDED EVERY 30' AT 57REEr PFR U1Y RE(d ~ ~ 60~ MAXIh~1M GLAZING ON IOW BUILDING, 6' LANDSCAP TO THE NORTH 4 i i4 1 I V 1 I i~ f~ 1t T I ~ - 1 Y 4 1 i l~ a mot, ~i_ a Yw a f I 1 i~ ~ / u r s f ~ I s` 1 y i Y _ ~ t~ d - ~ rs ,mot - .r ' r. , ti~ r~~rt~.=... i._._.. f i M~° t. J s V! 1  DATE: 10=W5 lNFST 44TH AVENUE / ~ SITE PLAN ° ~ ~n 5 10 15 A1.0 V I ~ ~ ■ I i Ti"! CLtd J ~ I I r I 1 { b f I I f r 1~ i -1 l' ~ ~ TWD i~YAY l i~ Y, ~ . ~t~ri~ ux~ecvr ro ~atN ,L s N ! ■ r i . r 'I I~ .1 I~ i 5 e AREA SUMMARY: ~ l; I .rte _ - R I ALLONfABLE BUILDING AREA (TABLE 503 IBG) = 9 ,4REA MODIFICATIONS FOR ~RONTAGF INCREASE = I, TOTAL SF ALLON~IJ ° ~ I ~ TOTAL 5F PROPOSED ° q r. ~ ~ /'ft`s - - G 1~~T~41L ~ 2700 5~? ~7 i Fx~~r~as r ~ q ro r~~N PAiFKIN6 SUMMARY: r. - vt~ei~ PAKKING REQUIRED = 13 SPACES HANDICAP PARKiI~i REQUIRED = ~ PER 25 SPACES II PARKING PROVIDED = IZ + I HG = 13 SPACES LANDSCAPE SUMMARY: GR055 LOT AREA OF NEW PROPERTY = 12 20% GR055 L07 AREA REQUIRED L APE = 2 II LANDSCAPE RFOVIDED~20~ = 24 10 °n~'w~Y i 1 ifs ADDITIONAL CITY REQUIREMENTS: l 10' LANDSCAPE PROVIDED BETWEEN PARKING AND P TREES PROVIDED EVERY 30' AT 57'REFT PER GIN R I 60~ MAXIhfl1M GLAZING ON NEW PUILDING ~ ll i ~ t I III -mil 1~ ~ [ ~ . :F } _ - f T ` O 5 - ~ 4 "f r a ` r~  c4m TO REMAIN WA cms cm 7EXrT I STIt~6 GIJT 1 EX15TtN6 SEPTR TO REMAIN WA 7Rm5 f'~R G11Y GODS A1.0 i Case No.: - App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App:Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: A0517 ! Quarter Section Map No.: NE23 Roach Related Cases: kerry Case History: anance to parking & landscaping... Roach Investment LP ! - /o Jerry Roach 545 W. 44th Ave. Review Body: BOA: 9/22105 heat Ridge,, CO 80033 03-456-4843 A`PN° 9-231-14-005 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision-making Body: BOA9/22/OS _ -I 332 , Approval/Denial Date: est 44th Avenue _ heat Ridge, C080033 ( Reso/Ordinance No.: Conditions of Approval: i District: Crane ctive _ Date Received: 5/15420057 Pre-App Date: l~ i i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 018/19/nib 10x356 All rdb TERRY ROACH RECE'IP'T 140oCO1957G AMOUNT PMSD ZONING APPLICATION F .300.00 ZONE FM4D ZONING REINBUREEMENT MOO ?REIM PAYMENT RECEIVED MOUNT CK 7287 3 0,00 TOTAL 3gn.0U