HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-05-257500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 February 6, 2006 Jerry Kannapinn 8670 Jellison Ct. Arvada, CO 80005 Dear Mr. Kannapinn: RE: Case No. WA-05-25 Please be advised that at its meeting of January 26, 2006, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One (C-1) for the following reasons: 1. The request will have no effect on the essential character of the locality. The property functions as a comer lot with multiple frontages. In most cases, corner lots are allowed two freestanding signs. 2. There are unique conditions in that the property has street frontages on all sides, with only one being public right-of-way and the others being private streets. Current regulations only allow public rights-of-way to be considered street frontages for the purposes of freestanding signage. 3. Staff considers the request reasonable for visibility purposes. 4. Staff has stated that as to the intent of the current code and design criteria, this private street does, in practice, function as a public street: With the following condition: The signage shall be constructed as illustrated to the Board. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, January 26, 2006. This variance shall automatically expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date it was granted, July 25, 2006, unless a building permit has been obtained. Jerry Kannapinn Page 2 February 6, 2006 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Fie d Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: WA-05-25 (case file) Building File \\srv-ci- ng-001Wsers\kfield\Kathy\BOA\CORRESP\2006\wa0525approval.wpd CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 26th day of January 2006. CASE NO: WA-05-25 APPLICANT'S NAME: Jerry Kannapinn LOCATION: 10160 West 50th Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-25 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-25 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The request will have no effect on the essential character of the locality. The property functions as a comer lot with multiple frontages. In most cases, corner lots are allowed two freestanding signs. 2. There are unique conditions in that the property has street frontages on all sides, with only one being public right-of-way and the others being private streets. Current regulations only allow public rights-of-way to be considered street frontages for the purposes of freestanding signage. Staff considers the request reasonable for visibility purposes. Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-05-25 Page two (2) 4. Staff has stated that as to the intent of the current code and design criteria, this private street does, in practice, function as a public street. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: The signage shall be constructed as illustrated to the Board. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BLAIR, DRDA, HOVLAND, PAGE NO: None ABSENT: BELL, BYBEE, HOWARD DISPOSITION: A request for a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 101.60 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 26th day of January, 2006. Paul DrdaTChair~' B0 of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secr Board of Adjustment For the following reasons: 1. There is an approximately 3 foot retaining wall on the south property line and a significant grade change on the property which creates a hardship for the property owners to have a true 6 foot privacy fence on the south property line. The retaining wall was built by the city. 2. The request will have a minimal effect on the essential character of the locality. An 8 foot fence at the proposed location will be less impactive given the grade change between the 38th Avenue right-of-way and the subject property. The 8 foot fence at the location proposed would have the same visual impact as a 5-6 foot fence. With the following conditions: L 1. The fence height variance is approved for the fence as shown on the site plan submitted by the applicant. The applicant must submit information with the building permit which illustrates that the fence will be out of the sight distance triangle. 2. The variance is not applicable to the sight distance triangle on the subject property. The fence must adhere to all sight distance triangle requirements in the Code of Laws. 3. The property owners must obtain a right-of-way permit from the Public Works Department prior to constructing the fence in the right-of-way. Board Member DRDA offered the following friendly amendment: The applicant shall maintain the proposed fence and landscaping up to the new fence. The amendment was accepted by Board Members HOVLAND and PAGE. The motion passed 5-0. Chair DRDA advised the applicant his request for variance was approved. E. Case No. WA-05-25: An application filed by Jerry Kannapinn for approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One (C-1). Tbis case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the case file and digital presentation. Jerry Kannapinn 8670 Jellison Court, Arvada Mr. Kannapinn, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair DRDA. He requested a variance due to the fact that Blue Grass Terrace fronts on three streets (50th Avenue, Street A and Board of Adjustment - 11 - 01-26-06 Street B). Streets A & B are private streets and are not taken into account when determining the number of freestanding signs on a property. He would like to identify the retail development from the intersection of 50c` Avenue and Kipling and also have identification before the main entrance at Street B. His signage would compliment the sign program of the Arvada Ridge development and aesthetically blend into the project in both setting and architectural compatibility. This would increase the leasing space appeal for the building. Mr. Kannapinn presented an architectural rendering of the sign to the Board. Board Member ABBOTT complimented Mr. Kannapmn on the form and function of his design. There were no other individuals who wished to address this case. Chair DRDA closed the public hearing. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BLAIR, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-05-25 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA- 05-25 be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Variance: A variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial- One. For the following reasons: 1. The request will have no effect on the essential character of the locality. The property functions as a corner lot with multiple frontages. In most cases, corner lots are allowed two freestanding signs. 2. There are unique conditions in that the property has street frontages on all sides, with only one being public right-of-way and the others being private Board of Adjustment - 12 - 01-26-06 streets. Current regulations only allow public rights-of-way to be considered street frontages for the purposes of freestanding signage. 3. Staff considers the request reasonable for visibility purposes. 4. Staff has stated that as to the intent of the current code and design criteria, this private street does, in practice, function as a public street. With the following condition: 1. The signage shall be constructed as illustrated to the Board. x IL The motion passed 5-0. hq Chair DRDA advised the applicant his request for variance was granted. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair DRDA closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS Chair DRDA inquired about the status of appointing alternates to the Board of Adjustment. Meredith Reckert stated that staff is working on this. A change in start time from for the Board of Adjustment meetings was discussed. This will be addressed at the next meeting. Board Member ABBOTT suggested that, in the future, applicants be encouraged to present photo simulations of how their signs will look from the street, etc. NTW BUSINESS • Meredith Reckert encouraged Board members to attend a public planning session for the Wadsworth Corridor Plan to be held on January 27 and January 28. • Approval of minutes - September 22, 2005 It was moved by Board Member ABBOTT and seconded by Board Member HOVLAND to approve the minutes of September 22, 2005 as presented. The motion passed 4-0 with Board Member DRDA abstaining. Election of Officers Bob Blair was elected as Vice Chair. Election of Chair will take place at the next meeting. Board of Adjustment - 13 - 01-26-06 ou L O Q ~ 0 N rML V N U) T o3 ~CD rMIL 0 0 cD rMIL 0 rMIL r D m CD a 0 c~ Cn 0 3 CD v 0 Q - ~ 5 O cn CD cn C7 v 0 N CD 0 0-3 0 -0 CD N 3 -0 v CD x 3. N 3 =3 -1 C: Q cr CD 0 h ll~ • O ~ . - O C D N CD N C-D `C O CD O y CD O C CD c uq rr X11 Y • ~ ` ✓ / rn ('D CD 0 CD CD C~~D CD N k C C-D ~ O CD C-D N O +1 V a'( O CD t~ v O ~ l O ~ u~ Cam` Ll ~r • fQ O CA I~z *W M D c~ as' s 0 0 N O cQ f All p r S 3 rr y . 3 Im v 0 3 3 rt CA 3 (D kw. rn { i 6 ~e rC c~ o' I v 0 c~ 4 rn c~ JO• cI/wJ I m 0 O m CL 2! Z O /wJ - I cn CD 0 rMIL Ma Mi O wo (D -s rm#L l< r O O xw cQ cD rt l-L (D 0 r+ mu MN O MO m mn M. l< r O O XM cQ cn O a Zi m 0 rF mu Ml O m CD mn rr r O O X ca Cl) O C rMIL CD 0 MU Mi O ~D -z rt r O O W ( Q 0 rMIL I L,d"L m n O cD fm*L r O O XM c~ m 2) cn r-OL 2) ~ O O O r•r N S C_ - C S rN•r 0 CD Q. Q CD 2D 3 2) COD (Q . 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CS (D CO : (D O O 0 O cn - v < (D 3 O Cll :3 :3 O (D O _ CD a CD C: (D n (D O O O 'S O - M O 1 (D O Z3 O cn ~-n CD 0 cn CD CD (0 (n C)_ - CD Q _ o C CD CL Sll 0 0) w (D m (D D :3 a) (n :3 0 0 (n 0 CD (n 0 :T CD O O -h CQ ~ O -h ~ CD 70 v (1) 0 Z5 cn 0 "S CD 0 CD CD " _ O 7. C c- ZT O O CD ry . Q CD cn v CD p ( D CD 0 CD Z3 CD (n M CD (n =r m D C :3 CD =5 - (Q C ` 0 0 U) CD -h ,-I- w w CL ° - v : CD o O (S ~ Q U) a cn CD < CD CT (n - Cc CD :3 (n (D CD 0 0 O U) CD (:3 `C ccn O v w = iv O O v CD W cn (D p 0_ CD m CD Q- 3 O CD (n ((DD 0 < zT o (n (D O C: (Q CD -0 C O O N cn (D CD O - c - (a 1 Cn N CD PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 26, 2006 Case No. WA-05-25: An application filed by Jerry Kannapinn for approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One Name Address In favor/Opposed POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. Wq-05'2-S PLANNING COMMISSION A/ CITY COUNCIL { BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CCircle One) vnnrnrnriA'M z j u I, residing at e) (address) as the applicant for Case No. lLejoji~ certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at !lJ G ;!5:i~T. r (location) on this j day of tiCjWLLA4;Z4~ r , 20~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. NOTE: This form must be submitted at the pgMG-1h&earin-g-onf[his ca will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. Silt= e:\plan ni ngWo rms\posti ngeert Rev. 1/1/03 V_ r .~oF WHE0T9~a CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT OOGORA00 TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Jeff Hirt CASE NO. & NAME: WA-05-25/Kannapinn DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10160 West 50'h Avenue APPLICANT (S): Jerry Kannapinn OWNER (S): Spasco Ltd. APPROXIMATE AREA: 82,182 square feet (1.89 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial One (C-1) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map ARVADA Subject Parcel 5v PID Board of Adjustment Case WA-05-25/Kannapinn ( Z F -_7 1 Jurisdiction All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The property in question is located at 10160 West 50`b Avenue. The property has Commercial-One (C-1) zoning. The applicant is requesting this variance on behalf of the property owner, Spasco Ltd - e The request is for approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed. Per Section 26-709 (D)(2) of the Code of Laws, a maximum of one freestanding sign per street frontage is allowed for nonresidential property. Street frontages are those streets which are public rights-of-way. While the property essentially has street frontage on all sides, only one street is public right-of-way in 50a' Avenue All other street frontages (west, south and east) are currently private streets, not public rights-of-way. The two proposed freestanding signs are located at the northwest and northeast corners of the site, adjacent to 50`s Avenue. The northwest sign is the main identification monument sign, and the northeast sign is the secondary identification monument sign. The northwest sign is shown as 12 feet in height and 64 square feet in size. The northeast sign is shown at 10 feet in height, and 76 square feet in size All other development standards for freestanding signage have been met with this request. H. CASE ANALYSIS The property is currently being developed for an approximately 14,400 square foot multi-tenant retail structure. Surrounding properties include commercial uses to the east which are adjacent to Kipling Street, vacant, commercially zoned property to the south, and industrial uses to the west. To the north of the subject property is the City of Arvada, and a recently constructed large scale commercial development. Given sign regulations, and the subject properties' offset from Kipling Street, freestanding sign visibility is problematic for this development. There are unique circumstances in that there are streets on all sides of the property, and access points on three of the four sides of the property. Three of these streets are classified as private, and only one of them is considered public right-of-way therefore only one freestanding sign is allowed. Providing visibility for motorists on Kipling Street has been noted as essential by the applicant, therefore the need exists for signage on the northeast corner of the property. The private street on the west side of this property aligns with access into the above mentioned new large scale development, therefore the applicant wishes to have identification here as well. If any of the private streets shown on the site plan were classified as public streets, the applicant would be allowed two freestanding signs. R. VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? If the request is denied, the property may still receive a reasonable return in use. The property may still be used as commercial/retail property without the need for any variances. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? The request will have a minimal effect on the essential character of the locality. The property essentially functions as corner lot, therefore the allowance for two freestanding signs is appropriate. The applicant Board of Adjustment 2 Case WA-05-25/Kannapinn has expressed, and the elevations submitted indicate that the signage will compliment the architecture of the building itself. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? There are no conditions related to the shape or topographical condition of the property that render any portion of the lot unbuildable for a freestanding sign. There are however unique conditions in that there are essentially 4 street frontages, and three vehicular access points but only one street classified as a public street. The purpose of the allowance of one freestanding sign per street frontage in the Code of Laws is to allow for visibility of signage for motorists. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The applicant has created his own hardship by requesting a variance to allow for two freestanding signs in this location. The property does function as a corner lot with multiple street frontages, however only one street is considered a public right-of-way. 5. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? Approval of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area. The request would not impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property. The request would not substantially increase the congestion in public streets, increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety. Property values should not be impacted as a result of this request. 6. If criteria 1 through 5 are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The request would not result in a substantial benefit or contribution to the neighborhood distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant. The request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. III. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the above criteria are supportive of the variance request. Staff has found that there are unique circumstances attributed to these requests that would warrant approval of a variance. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1) The request will have no effect on the essential character of the locality. The property functions as a corner lot with multiple street frontages. In most cases corner lots are allowed two freestanding signs. 2) There are unique conditions in that the property has street frontages on all sides, with only one being public right-of-way and the others being private streets. Current regulations only allow public rights-of-way to be considered street frontages for the purposes of freestanding signage. 3) Staff considers the request reasonable for visibility purposes. Board or Adjustment Case WA-05-25/Kannapinn 4) The elevations submitted indicate freestanding signage which will compliment the buildings architecture and be an attractive element to the property. Monument style signs are encouraged, and the proposed signs will be monument signs. With the following condition: 1) The signage constructed shall be consistent with the elevations and site plan submitted for this variance application. Board of Adjustment Case WA-05-25/Kannapinn December 15, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: Z Z a z Z d I am requesting a variance for a new retail development (Blue Grass Terrace) located at 10160 West 50th Avenue. The variance requested is to allow two free standing signs along West 50th Avenue. Justification is as follows. 1. Blue Grass Terrace fronts on three streets (5& Avenue, Street A and Street B). 2. Would like to identify Blue Grass Terrace from the intersection of 50th Avenue and Kipling. 3. Need identification before the main entrance at Street B where you have to turn left (need to get into left lane). 4. It would not cause any detrimental effects to surrounding properties and in fact compliments the, sign program of the Arvada Ridge development. 5. Would increase the leasing space appeal for the building. 6. Aesthetically blends into the project in both setting and architectural compatibility. Meredith, again, thank you for the opportunity in presenting this variance application to help us in enhancing our project and tenant appeal. This is going to be a very nice project for the City of Wheat Ridge. EXHIBIT I 4':!!{f ~ip•.? m 1051.1ijd -,KANNAPINN A.I.A. f'3;SIC NFR~ z ARCH FCT5 N1b 8670 JELLISON ST. ARVADA, CO. 80005 ut.l,o~bu * ka to noo- "d CSex.ivt eW►.. vles;. RaemA 1[a09. Tg340A adH N6d' p_AY11!_}MF-.. - taws`.. . - - 9a~.afSf;gpilC.f1d1 r4 C e Y' s 1`RUf.2kaA[.'a l-DTIIERS a ~~Mi~tts~~ ' 29"M Aiiy t a rerrrt-lir s - sa.*a~a~ / a a'li8t we T.n.j - - ~ 3C.e~! i D!r . ~ zs.~w j_~y t r+ , ' t stoseo:. Ti R `iY , i i • wfa - n .nd11 ✓ .6'. 11 ~t 'z i c f.I3.M lofl Seconldarg T.D. Monument, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on Thursday, January 26, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WA-05-20: An application filed by Advance Auto Parts for approval of a variance from the maximum allowable height, maximum allowable size and setback requirements for freestanding signs and a variance to the maximum size allowed for wall signs for property located at 5400 W. 38 h Avenue and zoned Commercial-One (C-1). Case No. WA-05-21: An application filed by Paul Halliday for approval of a 2 foot rear yard setback variance from the 10 foot rear yard setback requirement resulting in an 8 foot rear yard setback and a variance to the maximum building coverage requirement for a detached garage on property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 3440 Estes Street. Case No. WA-05-22: An application filed by Doug Pollock for approval of a 5 foot side yard and 5 foot rear yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard and 10 foot rear yard setback requirement for detached garages over 8 feet in height for property zoned Residential-Two (R-2) and located at 4280 Pierson Street. Case No. WA-05-23: An application filed by Scott Rensch for approval of a variance to the maximum fence height standard pursuant to Section 26-603 of the Code of Laws for property located in the public right-of-way adjacent to property at 3805 Garrison Street and zoned Residential One (R-1). Case No. WA-05-25: An application filed by Jerry Kannapinn for approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One (C-1). Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: January 12, 2006 Bo/+ - Ila ~yr-~-~L MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :MCgaw Rober D 7004 2890 coal 6396 6094 Site :10185 W 49th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :10185 W 49th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$250,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-232-6060 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:1,367 Ac:.22 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Mjb Motels L L C Parcel :043374 Site :10200 W 49th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7Q04 2890 0001 6396 6100 Mail :3737 S Elizabeth St #103 Independence Me 6 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.54 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Bluegrass Ranch Inc Parcel :110019 Site :4901 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6117 Mail :16999 S Golden Rd Golden Co 80401 - Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1968 Pool: B1dgSF:2,203 Ac:.57 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stehle Gary Lee Parcel :110020 Site :10051 N 1 70 Service Rd #170 Wheat Ridge 8, 7004 2890 0001 6396 6124 Mail :14040 W 58th Ave Arvada Cc 80002 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-423-6485 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1969 Pool: B1dgSF:3,769 Ac:1.17 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Foothills Bank Parcel :430384 Site :4975 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6131 Mail :4975 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land - Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1967 Pool: B1dgSF:3,612 Ac:.86 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Halley Lesley Parcel :430385 •02/28/2003 Site :9945 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :2742 Coal Bank Dr Fort Collins Co 80525 7004 2890 0001 6396 6148 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land one Bedrm: Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1998 Pool: B1dgSF:3,453 Ac:.73 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Spasco Ltd Parcel :430386 Site :10090 W 50th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6155 Mail :109 N Post Oak Ln #550 Houston Tx 77029 Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.88 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Bgt Enterprises Parcel :430388 Site :10100 W 50th Approx Ave 80033 7004 2890 0001 6396 6162 Mail :8305 S Wadsworth Blvd Littleton Co 80128 Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.96 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Parkhill Brad Parcel :430915 Site :4900 Kipling Approx 7004 2890 0001 6396 6179 Mail :5757 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada Cc 80002 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.72 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Amoco Oil Company Parcel :430916 Site :4900 Kipling Approx Wheat Ridge 80033 •n4/1r/1999 7004 2890 0001 6396 6186 Mail :PO Box 1548 Warrenville 11 60555 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.38 - ---•.MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :City Wheat E3rctce~ Parcel :436278 Site :10201 W 9t"y ve Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/18/2005 Mail :7500 W 29,XAve Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price iG~ Use : 3112 Ind, Impr ved Land Phone g,'~. Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1973 Pool: Bld SF:T 78 c.3.41 JAN 2 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no repress or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this MetroScan / J£ferson (CO) owner :Arvada Ridge Market Place Llc Parcel :447474 Site :*no Site Address* ~F^~^a •~o t'~~ionnn Mail :9135 Ridgeline Blvd Highlands Ranch Cc E 7004 2890 0001 6396 6193 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.31 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Aravada Ridge Market Place Llc Parcel :447477 Site :*no Site Ad s* Xfered :12/31/2004 Mail :9135 Ri ine Blvd Highlands Ranch Cc 80129 Price :$7,109,800 Use :2111 V. ca Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF- Ac*2.34 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Target Corporation Parcel :447478 Site :*no Site Address* Mail :1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis Mn 55403 7004 2890 0001 6396 6209 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:14.68 S~PI RIDO C~ O n Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 3031235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge January 12, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WA-05-25 which is a request for approval of a variance from the maximum number of freestanding signs allowed on property located at 10160 West 50th Avenue and zoned Commercial-One (C-1). This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on January 26, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. \\srv-ci-eng-001 \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA\pubnotice\2005\wa0525.wpd NE 16 ~ 1 _ , PID TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK WZ-7 8 L. CONTAINER DOORS GLA55 CONTAINER 5Y5TEM5 FILING NO. 1 MINOR SU5 WZ-824 PID _ ' WZ-n-16 PID % wz-s3s - - - - 1- - wa99-„ _ , - - ARVADA ' " ' s ~ _ oolo . L & K eV°' c d - BLUE GRA55 TERRACE Pl , - MS-96.6 g - 5ANDEK51NDU5TRIAL PARK FAR wzfi,a PID ~ C-1 6 3 PID 9 wz-oat WZ-72-32 - WZ-7 - WZ-8S3 A55O QU { AVE wz-n-1D ~ PID BECKER INDUSTRIAL ~ SUP-9D-7 . ' - / y ~ . - WHEA 18 PID ND. C-7 I0 ,&o 5E~ w WAREHO 7o WE5T J~~ .lolm WEST RO FRONTAGE RD NORTH 0 W EST I.70 FRONTAGE RD SOUTH NE 21 OFFICIAL -PARCELILOT BOUNDARY SE 16 ZONING MAP (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WHEAT RIDGE ----WATER FEATURE COLORADO ' DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 0 100 2CO ~00 9OO P,A (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) wxwr ° O0.. DEPARTMENTOF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 ° PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2001 3 Robert Mcgaw & James Mcgaw Motels L L C Mjb Bluegrass Ranch Inc 10185 W 49th Ave 3737 S Elizabeth St #103 16999 S Golden Rd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Independence, MO 64057 Golden, CO 80401 Gary Lee Stehle Foothills Bank Lesley Halley 14040 W 58th Ave 4975 Kipling St 2742 Coal Bank Dr Arvada, CO 80002 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Spasco Ltd - Bgt Enterprises Brad Parkhill & Jack Wehner 109 N Post Oak Ln #550 8305 S Wadsworth Blvd 5757 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Houston, TX 77024 Littleton, CO 80128 Arvada, CO 80002 Amoco Oil Company City Of Wheat Ridge Arvada Ridge Market Place Llc PO Box 1548 7500 W 29th Ave 9135 Ridgeline Blvd Warrenville, IL 60555 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Aravada Ridge Market Place Llc Target Corporation 9135 Ridgeline Blvd 1000 Nicollet Mall Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Minneapolis, MN 55403 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : owner :Parkhill Brad Parcel : 207767 Site :4900 Kipling St #APPRO Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 06/25/2003 Mail :5757 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada Cc 80002 Price : $302,300 Use :2177 Vacant,Commercial,Limited Size Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.05 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Parkhill Brad Parcel : 430389 Site :10100 W 49th Ave #APPRO Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 03/15/2004 Mail :5757 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada Co 80002 Price _ Use :2177 Vacant,Commercial,Limited Size Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BidgSF: Ac:.11 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 1/10/2006 * 10:34 AM Parcel Number ...2 39 164 04 007 39 164 04 014 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 1/10/2006 * 10:28 AM Parcel Number ...14 39 164 06 008 39 164 06 Oll 39 164 06 012 39 164 04 002 39 164 04 003 39 164 04 004 39 164 04 005 39 164 04 008 39 164 04 009 39 164 04 010 39 164 00 007 39 164 00 009 39 164 00 019 39 164 00 020 00-001 3tZ35' 101898' 00-001 00-001 00-001 04-004 15970' r 7 bus ~ v 0 zooaz i 04-005 4 002 g +43. 5'8 + oaott 04-010 ✓ v Industrial ark 67.x9 VIII _ 04-009 m 00-007 0 oaoos . 04-008 13 g _ V I gb I 00.59' 0601' 4000' 22921 96.30' --'ts>v7 00.019 .~y0.ma 9 ' 00-021 109.ao• 1 0.20' 00-020 00-018 - - 0n019 00.020 i - St0245' I t550i _ . ~ 52105' " - - 00-003 It 0 0 m z_m ~ M II o N N M O V O O W J m .ZT 0 O a a o U 0 ~aa~3S 409-9861 'OO'JJ3f xa ~ N M m o NO O O to LLI QV~ C) Ir O W 0: Q O W J ~ on o ~ O 0 M 0 0 W M J 00 O O W Q Lw r ~0 a J 0 YLL~ Y/ Q n m W a W a cc N F- O ' yZ yd ~a w J m ~ n m m m x N m m M m p 0 U LL LL W m m M m a 0 0 U w N Q L 1 p m m m M N m m ~ O O p O ~ U U a LL LL (L LL W r W 7 m ~ 2m mN W Y z 6 N LL Q a LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) 4%RT + 92=1 Address~,~"FPho•~ine-~Y'"! 71r Stated Zip Fax • Owner Contact t~,~~lY Address R/o7/~ (/~~t r Phone-~-~S City- State 4::V. Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) - Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ R' ht of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group emporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval Variance/Waiver (from Section ) Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Current Zoning: Current Use: I certify that the inforrr and that in filing this al without whose consent must submit power-of- Signature of To be filled out by staff: exhibits Iam ac Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: are true and correct to the best of my knowledge dge and consent of those persons listed above, y be accomplished. Applicants other than owners roved of this action on his behalf. to me this day of ~NC v ( 2005 n P Notary Public My commission expires Date received /~5 175 Fee d Recespt No._ Case No. W14-06 ° - ~-5- Comp Plan Desig. Zoning 6i- j Quarter Section Map S' Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date Case Manager. i CIA- 05- Z5 (-,Wk &plp) tbT6S ~P/1 M 1T'/tu..a w/ c •w I¢~~eo Seiac~US~ ~r~. S,~Ns A 2,A S 1~ Z.G k1 k! 0k~ awa / nna cC 4 e rj to 0V 1 s "A) A(ww~ s;u ----i l"1 33 I+too - soul 200 . 3l•31) I~0 f3(•?3 ~ i1(-?1 Case No.: A0525 Quarter Section Map No.: E16 App: Last Name: Kannapinn Related Cases: App: First Name: er Case History: Variance to add one Owner: Last Name: more free-standing sign andy Aron! per street frontage Owner: First Name: Ic_10 asco Ltd App Address: 8670 Jellison St. Review Body: BOA: 1/26/06 City, State Zip: JArvada, CO 80005 App: Phone: 03.4315918 APN: F9_ Owner Address: 109 N Oak Lane Ste 5502nd Review Body: - City/State/Zip: Houston, TX 77024 2nd Review Date:. i Owner Phone: 800357-1031_ Decision-making Body: BOA:1I26I05_ Project Address: 10160 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name; est 50th Avenue City/State, Zip: heat Ridge,.----- a CO60033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: District: by ---J Project Planner: jHirt File Location: ctive Date Received: 12/15/2005 Notes: Pre-App Date: Follow-Up: °rl=I_'9'y"y'c"~ iLkJ.T DT 7! .yJ tfiVF F i_.v7N +dr Chi i, 6 Fy c =i}(i pPYt1Ei;1 iicG~lti Nhjl_I'tlk` iy) T_ f