HomeMy WebLinkAbout12000 W. 44th AvenueInspection Type Job Address Permit Number I No one available for inspecdoor Time - AM/PM Re-inspection required: Yes No * When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 DaW Inspector* —1 DO NOT REMOVE THIS WTICE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 February 23, 2001 2220 Rand LLC 11930 W 44`h Avenue, Suite 200 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: 12000 West 44`h Avenue To Whom It May Concern, TheCityof ~~OF`NHEqT~Q i ~Theat ci ~ m GRidge o R a~o It has come to our attention that you are displaying product for sale along 44`h Avenue below your business sign. This is a violation of the Section 26-22 (C,3,a) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, which states the following; Merchandise, material or stock for sale or ren[ may be displayed or stored within ten (10) feet of the front of the buildings without being screened, except required parking spaces or fzre Zanes shall not be used for such outside display or storage. Further violations of these requirements will result in code enforcement action being taken to abate the violation. The property will be re-inspected on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 to confirm the violation has been abated. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, Darin M Codes Administrator Cc address file Cindy Hagerman, Code Enforcement Officer II Alan White, Planning and Development Director (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 a c v ~ _ d .y W ' N C V y J ~ ~ a N Q ~ G Y N N U d ~ a ~ A G Z j ~ Z N R~ C 7 I I ) R' > K ~ `o w °J1 N ~ p . 0° a 2 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ U L O ~ O p C r N .0 ~ O r ~ w N 0 _ i' ~ N O L ^ x ~ ~ ~ m p ~ m U ~ 0 ~ ~ lG VI 1 N M ' ❑N £ a c <n do m ^ ~ O \\l' d N. j J'0 m V U p~\ w y d D : i ~ s m y d d 'b'~ N N Q ry Vof N R'o av_ a~i N~ m m V~ u m 10 'O a) a w.c ~ a 9 °'c m > T > ~ ~ p\ T = N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q . a . \ Q ~ Y N 0 m \ d ~ O ~ U w ° E . a . Wu . ❑ ❑ ❑ ~ ❑ ❑ 2 ° . \ w~ ¢ m a ti )C m d ~ N ~ ~ a ° W a t7 ~ o Q (o N N ~WO E ~ ~ Z Qaw ° o C9 = ~ 2 p ~ ~ N . ~ 0 3: a z a m ~a O W Z E' ~ Z I Uti~ a wsI ~N ~ ~ q T O W ~ m a° 0 W ro b N z° ~ S E m 30 1En° 3da 1r°m y T i N~ mm w q} 0 Y c ❑ o ~ y CIO o N ~ ..o 3 00 LL Ci~ p ~ . w = u . ~ a M1 V ~ V~ m ~ . a ° D O m O M arj' m ¢ N G1 ` N ¢ O) V ~ °o 0 N ~ ~C_... IL Q 71777 Robert J. Olson City Historian, city of Wheat Ridge 303-433-6097 Alan White, diredor Planning and Development Department 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 RE: 12000 W. 44th Avenue historical significance At the request of inembers of your planning staff, 1 was asked to review the structures at 12000 W. 44th Ave. to determine if any of the buildings on the site have historical significance. This request was made because of pending development applications on the site. On March 2, 1999 a written report was requested. I am presently undertaking an Historical Structures Survey for the Wheat Ridge Historical Society under a grant from the Colorado Historic Fund. The 12000 W. 44th Avenue site is not on the list of structures approved for this grant, but research has shown that at least one structure would qualify for the survey because it was built prior to 1919. The Site Survey The site contains five main and three accessory strudures. There is a rock structure formerly used as a residence. The rest of the structures are wood frame. The property is the western Iot of Westlake Subdivision but was historically known as Parcel 6 of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision. Development on the site predates the creation of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision, platted in 1927. I believe the rock structure to be the oldest of the strudures on the site, built in 1915. It was constructed by pouring concrete to form the inside walis of the structure then using rounded river rock inserted into the concrete to form the exterior walls. Selective demolition done by building inspection staff on March 4 showed that the concrete walls were used throughout the structure and the concrete walis were quite thick adjacent to the window openings of the strudure. This rectangular structure has a rock and frame anteroom at the rear. Otherwise the entire structure is concrete and rock. The frame structure on the northeast corner of the property is wood frame and consists of two sections with different rooflines. Within the walls of the front part were found newspaper used for insulation. The editions of The Denver Post were dated 1936. The frame structure on the northwest corner of the property is wood frame and may also consist of two sections with different rooflines. The interior of this structure had been paneled and a new ceiling installed. Upon examination the material behind the wood paneling was shown to be a drywall board material. The original ceiling useA dimensional lumber that conformed to current standards (i.e., 11 5/8" for the 12" pieces of lumber). There is a wood frame residential building near the west boundary of the properly midway between the northwest building and the shed/stable building. This building was of typical wood frame construction. -2- There was a shed or stable building also near the west property line near the rear of the property. This building consists of at least four structures or additions. The oldest would appear to be the room in the northwest corner of the structure. This building has exterior siding. The room just east of it was a stable with about four horse stalis. The entry doors for these two partr of the building face south onto an open field at the south end of the property. R should be noted that the boundaries of this parcel prior to the 1970's extedned south to at least Clear Creek and appear to extend across Clear Creek several feet to the mid-section line of Section 20, T3S R64W. Several other small wood frame sheds existed on the property some with log facing material attached to the wood frame construction. The History The principal concem of historians in the community were based upon a persistent oral tradition of this site being developed at an early date (presumably in the 1860's or 1870's). That development was believed to include a stage stop or resting point on the Demer - Golden - mining camps route Then in wide use. This property is near the midpoint between Denver and Golden on that road. It also is near the intersection of hvo major north-south roads now known as Youngfield St. and Ward Rd. The property was originally part of the Abram Slater 160 acre farm developed in the 1860's. The Slater farmhouse is known to have been located north of W. 44th Ave. just east of the Youngfield quarter-section line in what is now the Interstate 70 right of way. The portion of this historic farm site south of W. 44th Ave. was sold apparently in the 1580's or 1890's and a portion of this became known as Pearl of the Valley. The main farmhouse of Pearl of the Valley is located where the 5-story hotel adjacent to 12000 W. 44th Ave. now stands. The property in this investigation was part of a 20 plus acre site including Pearl of the Valley house until 1927. In 1927 the land was subdivided by the then owner of Pearl of The Valley, Carroll H. Co6erly, a surveyor in private practice and also county surveyor for many years. Pearl of the Valley Subdivision had seven (7) tracts with six facing onto W. 44th Ave. numbered from west to east. The seventh trad included both shores of Clear Creek and the area north of the Creek. At the time of platting parcel 7 was separately identified and its history becomes separate from the rest of The Pearl of the Valley subdivision, most of which later became Shumway Resubdivision (lot 1, became the parcel now known as Jensen floral and it too had a historry separate from Pearl of the Valley/Shumway. The earliest written reference to 12000 W. 44th Ave. is as being "formerly Nesjoray's garage° in the 1934 edition of the XL Suburban Directory. This is the first edition of a city directory published to include the western portion of what is now Wheat Ridge. Subsequent editions of the directory 1934-1986 show various owners and occupants of the site which was both residential and commercial. In addition to °Nesjoray's Garage" there was "Texaco Town° and a welding shop operated by the Winslow family. Further research is needed concrning the commercial uses ot this site prior to 1934. Furfher research is also needed to document the nearby Pearl of the Yalley history. -3- The Conclusions * The rock house was probably built about 1915 of river rock and concrete. * The northeast building was built in 7936 of wood frame and was originally a Texaco fiiling station 1930's to 1970s. * The northwest building was built at an unknown date, perhaps the early 1930's perhaps somewhat earlier; or perhaps this is the 1915 structure rather than the rock house. This structure was referred to in the 1934 XL Suburban Directory as °formerly Nesjoray's garage.° * The frame residence could not be dated. * The shed and stables could not be dated. * There was no evidence of earlier construction within the walls of any of the buildings. * Using Department of Interior standards for designation on the National Register of Historic Places, none of the strudures meet the criteria for designation. i.e., the structures are not significant in the culturai, economic and settlement history of ffie the nation, state or region. * Further research is recommended on the commercial uses of the site prior to 1934. * Further research is rewmmended on the Pearl of the Valley. * Upon demolition the struc[ure be removed from consideration on the Wheat Ridge Historic Structures Survey. F .~~~v:~U(~/l LJ {~.C (•Ay~iwlYWK'A-LT')Uln ~~4,.w `,,~,I~i(,~ ~fJ,~i64 ~^+L'~t.z~(~ ~6.yP_.L ~ V Respectfully submitted Robert J. Olson City Historian Ciry of , ~~T' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 802154 GRidge February 10, 1999 Mr. Alex Brewer 11900 W. 44`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colarado 80033 Dear Mr. Brewer: The Planning and Development Department has received an application for a building permit at 12000 W. 44`" Avenue for the construction of a new tire shop building. This is a property about which I had a discussion with Mr. Glen Gidley on November 2, 1998. Mr. Gidley requested a meeting to discuss the acquisition of this property by Brewer Tire for expansion of the facility next door. It was relayed to me that the property would be acquired to construct a facility to change tires on truck tractors and "presumably semitrailers. A check of the zoning map revealed that the zoning of the property was Commercial-One. This zone district allows auto service and repair and maintenance shops, including tire sales. The regulations further state that "It is the intent to exclude body work or painting, and to exclude any such use primarily for service, repair or maintenance to truck-tractors or semitrailers." Glen and I discussed that the proposed would not be allowed in the zone district. Mr. Gidley stated that only a very small portion of Brewer's business is connected with fixck tractors and semitrailers. This was somewhat confusing to me because Brewer had made application last year for a truck tractor tire changing facility at 44"' and Tabor. In addition, the submitted building plans show a building height of 20 feet and overhead doors measuring 14' x 14'. It appears the facility is intended to accommodate vehicles larger than passenger cars and light duty trucks. At the conclusion of our meeting, Mr. Gidley was to write me a letter concerning the proposed use at 12000 W. 44`h Avenue. I have not received a letter. I am requesting clarification of your intent for the building. I cannot authorize a building permit for a facility that contains a use that is expressly prohibited by zoning. Please contact me at your convenience to discuss this matter. Zly , c A":-, Alan C. White, AICP Planning and Development Director cc: Mr. Richard Oliver, Acme Steel Buildings, Inc. (303) 234•5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234•5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number 8576 3/5/99 Property Owner : Ii Property Address : 12000 W 44TH AVE t Phone : 944-0183 Contractor License No. : 20266 Company : Max Thompson LancJscaping Phone : 278-2416 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING'AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : Demolition of building at 12000 W 44th Avenue Construction Value Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Use Tax Total Date $8,000.00 $50.00 $0.00 $120.00 $170.00 Use: Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub~ect to the laws of the State of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any ofher applicable orUinances of t~e City. (2) This permit shall eupire if (A) the work authorized is not wmmenced within sixty (60) days hom issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspentled or abantlonetl for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonmen[ has not ezceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage ploblem. (5) Conirac[or shall notiry the Buildin9 Inspec[or twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspec[ion cartl 6efore proceediing with successive phases of thejob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the appmval of tlrawings antl specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violaGOn of the provisions of the builtliua codes or any ofher ordinance, law, mle or regulatioa ! Chief Building I pector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 APPLICATIo N Property Owner: J w &M'Ja.- Property Address: Phone: Contractor License No. Company: rilfl+c lhnmo_c~~n L_AiJdSrRnl^o. Phone:303-a5~g OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or re covenants, easements or restridions of record; that made are acwrate; that I have read and ayr e to ah application, and that I assume full responsib ity for < Code (U.B.C.) and ali other applicable Wh t Rid~ge (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : ~ - l Approval: Approval : Occupancy : Waiis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Piumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : of this s yrild~ g r,"yJany other oMinance, law, rule or regulation. Construction Value'.`~p60 % Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approvai: Approval: Approval: (1) This pemit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set torth in yopur applicaGan and is sub1'ecl to the laws of the State of Colaado and to Ne Zoning Re9ulaGOns antl Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ortlinances of the Cily. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commencetl within sixry (80) tlays from issue date or (B) the 6uildin9 authorized is suspendetl or abantloned for a period of 720 days. (3) I! this pemit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half Ne amount nortnally required, provided no Uanges have been or will be made in Ne original plans and specifications and any suspension or a6andonment has not exceetled one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or aEandonment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the natural flow of water causing a draina9e problem. (5) ConUactor shall noUfy lhe Building Inspectortwenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspecdons and shall receive written appraval on inspection mrd before proceediing wifh successive phases of the ~ob. (6) The of a pemit or the approval o~tl2wings and specifica6ons shall not he consWed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violaUon of the provisions . Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : Use: AWO Go. 4~~/c~i, ~Li~A~it ~~✓ye ~'O ertnit appliwtion are accurete, of the City of Wheat Ridge or irements shown, and allegations wnditions printed on this :e with the Wheat Ridge Building es. for work under this pertnit. v m x - u H ❑ W h H ~ a ~ ~ Wq W U Z Q M L U p Li ~ ~ o P1 Q C ~ a ca ~ A 9 W ~ 1 m W ,a 1 o m ~ N 01 0 m N U ` 0 F- o u~ 3 9 m m v y ~ E r'9i'~ c,,. . g~ m o m .p .'5 J L Q ~ O ~ ~ 'C° s 9 ° m E o ~ -p o7 ~ q G O. b O I,p ~'O . . 0 C$ -r~ m C N C s . m~ €N ~ .93 m c a ~ v Ey^ v g£9 E rn- ° m 2 `o c c W p W ; ap°~ m A vl . $ cm 2 m c~Y O W ~ p N "mJ N •m~p C x I 'g ~ UI E ~ m P: ~ f" o~ v W W rf o m m - a . E • ~ ~ ~ W a , . o - 8 a ~r . $ @ ~i v c ~ c = . m $ ~ m , m Oa 0 N m~,, ~ O W~ A~ m N Co $ 1 q.0 C ~ n t0 ~ O m T~- Z O'. pp o i ~ 'c (g . H tf) ~ U o ~ o 'e' n E p ~ z F~e~ ~_~~,m~~ ~~s., ~ o~ ri cn 7 8 c~ o~R=,~~~9 0v. H . Sa~~io` »r9 a-'9=g' . . p W b 3 ..g ~ ~ m 'o' u. °i , x ' E'~ E~c~O1a9 1'.. p pW q ~°v Lp S rn w 9 m c._ . Z~ 6 s. i t C F H Mx ~ rl C m ~ jd 8'E0 O C~. . A s C O V~ i~ v ~ O A O c~ ia s ,~m v@ L W m` u ~ i o~ S Np q W Q c W O~.mc ~A o o~ . ~ c u: i x`ms~O'm> v~ ~w...~ u 8`~ ~y °iwwa A ~o`o Fom°um` 2,~~• m`~ Sw ~ i P. EawV ~.~>8 a~>~`m~$: ~m ~~t. W v 9 oi ; Z Q~ m B g u O c@~. E ~ p ,c W 'a~ ra ~ ,2 v o ° 0 w ' w ~ nL~ .-1 P. q0 9 ~ o.mZ'. m F F @ .g' ~r . o ya~ o •m ~ O W X m O H g E n ~ 2! FE ~ m 9 Z . asw" UVl ~ . ~vm° m m t ~ 0 P ~ O Al m q i 7 ~ o m v @ E E 1 . E ~ ii ri y N ~ ~ E d x O N .mG Q O ~ O O $ a o~ o a V LL H Q w . w = ~ •O Y Y ~ . _ F¢.- O ` W U m = " U e x ^ _ ' ✓ ' w H l' 'm ~ .S LI _ ' N J c vl = , ~ .i N a5 'a ~ C a a Z m li ~ O ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ . _ - - 'n0 . :wcaie . . :~F!t:.e.'. • '...➢'4AA t~P-'y.: .YA .~i- . FS~L:: siA" - - va` ~~~~vfv.l.. w'°.S1 . . . . . ~.._N.~. . . . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ . . MEMORANDUM Approved Date ~~~~~~~~~~~OMS TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer `~tj DATE: Monday, February 22, 1999 SUBJECT: J.W. Brewer Tire Company Expansion, 11900 & 12000 W. 44"' Avenue The Public Works Department has reviewed the above referenced site and has the following comments: 1. We will require a deceleration lane on the 44`h Avenue frontage. This lane is to separate the service vehicles from the through traffic to access the site. 2. The turning radius for the eastern access of lot 3 should be designed with a wide radius for large service vehicles to enter the lot easily. The design ofthe west access of lot 1 should include a feature to restrict large vehicles such as trucks and semitrailers turning right. 3. The east access of lot 1(12000) shall be physically closed off for vehicular access since its location does not meet the proper driveway spacing. 4. We will require right-of-way dedication to place the deceleration lane as discussed in item 1. The 441 Avenue right-of-way shows that there is a discrepancy between the submitted plan and City records. 5. Additional stipulations related to roadway and drainage may be required by this Departsnent when a formal refenal is forwarded for review and comments. Please see me if you have any quesrion regarding this memo. cc: Dave Kotecki, Senior Project Engineer Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer 7500, West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 Mareh 3, 1999 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E., & P.L.S. P.O. Box 200662 Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Brewer Tire Company Addition, 12000 West 44`h Avenue - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading & Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Jennings , I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Brewer Tire Company Addition received on February 22, 1999, and have the following comments: Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide concise typical cross section details for the south and west property lines to confirm acceptable grades to the adjacent properties.. 2. Please note all surface types for the proposed site. 3. Please note the existing grade for W. 44th Avenue. 4. Please correct sub-basin "D2" to "Dl" Traffic Engineering 1. A deceleration lane will be required along the West 44en Avenue frontage. This lane is required in order to separate service vehicles from the through traffic to access the site. 2. The turning radius for the eastern access of Lot 3 should be designed with a wide radius so large service vehicles can more easily enter the lot. The design of the west access of Lot 1 should include a feature to restrict large vehicles, such as trucks and semi-trailers, from turning right. 3. The east access of Lot 1(12000 West 44th Avenue), shall be closed off to vehicular access since its location does not Mr. Ed Jennings Page 2 meet the proper driveway spacing criteria. 4. Right-of-way will need to be dedicated for the required deceleration lane discussed in item 1 above. There is a discrepancy between the West 44th Avenue right-of-way shown on the submitted plan, and City records. 5. Please be aware that additional stipulations may be required upon submittal of the requested West 44`h Avenue deceleration lane design. Any questions regarding the items listed above can be directed to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 Street Construction Drawings l. Standard, engineered plan and profile street construction drawings will need to be prepared for the required deceleration lane improvements along the West 44th Avenue frontage. For your information and implementation into the second submittal, a copy of the City's Street Construction Plan Checklist is included. Also, relevant City standard details (collector street typical section, monolithically placed 6" vertical curb and gutter & sidewalk section and driveway), have been provided for implementation into the requested plan. Subdivision Plat 1. Said property has been platted as Lot 1, Block l, Westlake Park Subdivision. Subdivision Improvement Agreement A Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner/developer. For the developer/owner's information and review, a sample copy of this agreement is provided. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public Mr. Ed Jennings Page 3 improvements within the West 44th Avenue right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate plus 25%, will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File , Intermountain WesPs J.W. BREWER TIRE CO, INC. 11900 W. 44th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 422-2300 • Fax (303) 424-8714 - - - - Adependene Dealer ED ~ -r~~~,`p 31999 February 25, 1999 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO, 80215 Attn: Alan C. White AICP Dear Mr. White, This letter is to in£orm you of our intended use of the property at 12000 W. 44th Ave. The original building proposed was to be 12,000 sq. feet. The new facility has been scaled back to 7,200 sq. feet. The reason for the new facility is to relieve some of the congestion on the east side of our location at 11900 W. 44th Ave. This will give us more warehouse space and allow us to service our customers better. There has been a tremendous amount of consolidation in the trucking industry. The trend is larger fleets and less smaller independent trucking. We are currently doing over 60$ of our business away from our store. We run (5) service trucks out of this location. We understand the C-1 zoning on this property has a regulation limiting the primary use for service, repair to tractor-trailer or semi-trailer. The mix of our business is passenger, light truck, medium truck and semi trailer service. I checked speci£ic numbers in a two week period in February, 1999 of different categories of our customer base. They are as follows: With locations serving: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah Page 2 Auto Service 24 Light truck " 42 Medium truck & motor homes " 18 Utility truck " $ Drop off farm implement & misc. " 12 Semi-truck " 2$ This is an average only. The numbers vary based on the time o£ year. We anticipate no significant increase of semi and truck tractor traffic. As you can see by the plans, we are constructing a great facility at 12000 W. 44th Ave. We think the clean up of the property and the addition will be beneficial to all parties. Yours truly, Tom J. Douglas V/P Sales TJD/dg Arvada Fire Protection District P.O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 424-3012 - FAX (303) 432-7995 March 17, 1999 Mr. Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 RE: J. W. Brewer Tire Shop Building 12000 W. 44`" Ave. Deaz Darin, We have reviewed the plans for this facility for conformance with the 1997 Uniform Fire Code and have the following comments. l. Site: 1. The address will need to be posted on a temporary basis and permanently affixed to the building in a minimum of 4 inch numbers. UFC 97 901.4.4. Amended. `1 2. All-weather fire department access will need to be provided to tvithin 150 feet of all portions of the building, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52,000 lb fire appazatus prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3. 3. Fire lanes will need to be posted on each side, "No Pazking Fire Lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standazds. LTFC 97 901.4.2. 2. Occupancy Sepazation: 1. It appeazs that a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation would need to be provided from the Group H4 and Group B and M Occupancies. Openings would need to be protected in accordance with the Building Code. The final detemvnation will need to be made by the Building Department. ~ Page Two 3. Fire Suppression System: If the building remains classified as a Group H, Division 4 Occupancy a fire suppression system will need to be installed. 2. A minimum of three sets of plans and hydraulic calculations will need to be submitted for review and comment prior to installation. All work will need to be performed by a State of CO licensed sprinkler contractor. UFC 97 10013 3. The fire dept connection will need to be instailed and maintained within 150 feet of a fire hydrant. UFC 97 903.2 Amended. 4. The location of the fire dept. connection will need to approved by the Fire Marshal. UFC 97 1003.1.1. 5. Additional comments including supervision and requirements for audible alarms will be addressed at the time of plan review. 4. Exits: The main exit door if provided with a key locking device shall be posted with a sign stating, "This Door Is To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours. UFC 97 12073. 2. The remaining exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of key or special knowledge. UFC 97 12073. 3. The occupant load calculations that we performed indicate that the occupant load may be in excess of 10 persons. A second exit would need to be provided. Please verify if the occupant load calculations aze correct and if a second exit is needed. UFC 97 1202. 5. Emergency Lighting: 1. Provide emergency lighting by night light or battery pack units. UFC 97 1211.1. Page Three 6. Waste Storage: Provide metal cans with lids for storage of waste materials. lTFC 97 2901.73. 7. Electrical: 1. Electrical receptacles within the shop will need to be installed a minimum of 18 inches above the finished floor. UFC 97 2902.4 2. The occupant will need to verify that sufficient electrical receptacles are provided as extension cords aze not permitted to be used in place of permanent wiring. UFC 97 85063 8. Fire Extinguisher's: 1. Fire extinguisher's shall be a minimum of a 4-A rated, 10-]b. ABC dry chemical unit, fully chazged with current inspection tags, mounted not less than three feet nor more than five feet from the floor to the top of the mounting bracket at exits and stairways and where the travel distance exceeds 75 feet. UFC 97 1002.1 Amended. 9. Carpeting: If cazpeting is installed it shall be a minimum of a Class II Critical Radiant Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to installation. iJFC 97 Appendiac III-A. 10. Storage: Tire storage will not be placed within this building. If tire storage begns to appear within the building, the building will need to comply with the most current addition of the Fire Code. LTFC 97 Articie 81. 11. Additional Comments: 1. Any code requirements arising from construction will be addressed. Page Four 12. Inspections: 1. Twenty four hours notice required for all inspections. Inspections aze conducted Tuesday thru Friday. UFC 97 103.2.2. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District 13'-% Steve Steigled Deputy Fire Mazshal io. ; ~ -:i ~t 1 i ~ X. , i I' i._... I ; i AMC ~ 5 ~ ~i , i....... ~ i ~ ~ ; , i ~ i i_... 11130 W. 44th Avc. Acme Whcat Ridge, CO 80033 Proect Stea1 j Buildir.as (303) 421-0166 Job No. Inc. (303) 421-0650 (Pax) i subjecc ~99 ~ Generul Cofitructor ~i oate /'D,/ ev ~ Inchcape Testing Services ~ Warnock Hersey .:;•y MACHINING SPECgICATIONS OF Ivacnock licncy, tnc. &43l 111urphy brive AIIddltton, V415a59C Telephoee (608) eS04400 Pus (809) 831-0274 RIGI-AOR 0 FiOLLOW ME7AL TYPE, FOAM-FILLED AOOR 1/3, 3/4, 1, ANA 1•1/2 HOUFt liATING ALUMAX DOOR PROAUCTS, INC. (FORMERLY JOHNSON METAL PRODUCTS) P.O. BOX 667 RICHMOND, DTDIANA 47375 F]LE; 646-14994 (SEPTEMBER 1984) 495-PSV-0867 (7(TNE 1990) 656-4742 (QCI'OBER 1993) 12663-764 (APRII. 1995) 12487-764 (APR1L 1995) OCTOBER 1990 ItEVJ.SF.A .4PRII, 1995 ANY CHANGES Olt MODIFICA7'IONS OF T'HESE SPECgICA.TZON5 MUST BE AFPROVED BY WAFtNOCTC FERESY, IN WRiTING. ANY DEViA.TION FROM THESS SPECTFICA7'IONS WILL BE CAiJSE FOR 12E7ECTION OF THE DOOR ' Stii8'd i4Z'ON SW31ShS J,211N3 a0QW321Y WtlLZ:S'[, 666L'0S'33Q I14CHCAkE'fESTING SERVICE5 Machining SpecificaQons WARNOCK HERSEY ALUMAX DOOR PRODUCT3 (CORMERLY JOERdSON Mr TAI. PRODUCTS) Ii3, 314,1, and 1- 1/2 Hour Rnled RIGI-DOR 6 Door Apri126, 1995 TAB OO~ C9NTENTS I2A, IN................................................................1 S-IZE LIMITATIdNS .........1 MACfI1NING . . .................i HINGES ............................................................1 LATCHSfiTS ........1 1 CL,OSTJRES ' ViSION PANELS ..........................2 LOLJVERS ...........................................................2 VIEWERS 2 WEA'THERS'fRIl',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 I,IIEN'1'IF'ICATLQLV ............................................3 INS'TALLATION INS'TIiUC~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 D1tA.NvING IND~X ........................................................4 -vwa STi6'd S7Z'ON SW31S,lS AJ1N3 60QW36dO Wti8Z:S1 666L'0S'03Q INCFICAPE TFSTIIYG 5ERVICES WARNOCKFCEIZSEX • T'IPTGS 1/3, 3/4, i, and 1- 1/2 hours. SIZF, LIMITATIONS (Notninal and in inches) Single Swing Pairs MACHWING Machining Spccificaflons ALUMAX DOOR PRODUCT5 (fORMERLY JOIiNSON METAL PRODUC'TS) 113,314, 1, and 1- 1/2 I-Iour Rnted ItIG[-DOR (1) Daor Pago 1 of 6 Auri126.1995 36 wide by 84 high by 1,75 thick 72 wide by 841ugh by 1.75 thick (36 wide by 84 higli • each leaf) HINCsES 4" by 4" by 0.097" steet or per NFPA 80 i 'r, LATCFiSETS Only listed for use in fire raked openings. See Figures 1 aad 2. Cylindrical: Maximum 5 inch backset Maximum 2-1/8 inch diameter bore Minitnum 112 inch bolt iluow Niorticed: Maximum siae: 4-1/4" deep by 6-54" high by 1- 1116" wide Minimum 1/2 inch bolt tluow Aead Bolt: Maximum 5 inCh backset (where permitted) Iviaximum 2-1/8 inch diameter bore Minimum 1/2 inch bott throw Centerline dead bolt to centerline cylindeical latcli roinimum of 6 inclies. CLOSM5 Must be attached with through sex bo(ts . i.. SSiOt'd IVZ'ON SW315,15 J,J1N3 ?JOQW3ad0 WH8Z:TS 666t'0T'03Q IIYCHCAPE TE5T'ING BERVxCES Maehining Specificatiotu 1 WAIWOCK HER4EY ALUMAX DOOR PRODUCxS • (FORMERLY JOHNSON tv1ETAL PRODUCT9) 1/3, 314, 1, and 1-1/2 HowRated RIGI-DOR 0 Door 6of6 A ' 26,1995 . MORTISE LATCHSET D E A. Maximvm 1-1/16" 5hall not exceed width of lock case by more than 1/8" B. Maximurr► 4-1/4" Shall not exceed depth of mortice latchset case by more than 318" C. Maximum 6-518'° Shall aot exceed height of lock case by more than 1!2" (1(4" each ~ end) D. Maacimum 1-1/4" E, Must be equal t 1/16" , F. Maximum 8" , • ~ . StiiiS'd IGZ'ON SW31SJ,5 ,lalN3 bOQW32id~ WdBZ:titi 6661'0I'03Q . .1 INCFiCAPE TE5TING SERVICES WARPIOCIC }IERSEY Machining Speoilica8ons ALUIvW7C DOOR PRODUCTS (COftlvtCRLX J014NSON METAL PRODUCTS) l/3,3/4, i,pnd 1-I/214outRoted RYG[-DOR(D Aoor Pnga 2 ot 6 ' Apri126, 1995 VISION PANELS Listed I,ite ICits only. 12ating hour Ezposed Giszing AreA s uare inches 1Vtax. Width incUes Max. Fieigtat inches 1-1/2 100 33 33 ] 100 33 33 3/4 1296 54 54 1J3 1296 54 54 The groove formed for retaining the glass may very in accordance with the greater depth for greater exposed area as shown balow: , : Mnaimum Area of Ex osed Glnss Minimucn De th of Grove 300 in.2 1/2 inch 400 in.= 9116 inch 500 in.2 518 inch 600 in.2 11/16 fncka 1296 in.2 3/4 inch LOWERS Not allowed " VIEWERS • Listed viewers for rated openings onfy. (Maximum rating of 1 hour,) WEATHTRSTRIP Listed we6therstrippieg for use in rated openings • Sti/ZS'd T7?'ON SW31SA5 J,211N3 210QW3ado Wd6Z:S~ 666't'0i'J3Q INC1dC,ApE TESTING $E$VICES ' WARNOCI( HEASEY IDE, NTIT'ICATION Maehining SpeeificaUons A[.UhWt DOOR PRODUCTS (rORMEItLY JOHN50N METAJ. PRODUCT5) 1/3, 3/4, ond t• 112 Houc Roted ItlGI-AOR a Door Page 3 of 6 Apri126,1995 I£the door is machided then a Watnock Hersey rating tabel is to be placed on the hinge stile, below the upper hinge cutout, , INS'TALLAIXON INSTRUCTIONS Installation instructions are to ba attached to the hinge stile of the door. r,,.,... SSiEti'd SbZ'ON SW315AS hJ1N3 210QW321d Wti6Z:Iti 666ti'0S'03Q INCFICAPE TESTIlVG 5F8VICES WARNoCR BIRSEX ARAWIPTG INAEX Machining Specifitations ALUMAX DOOR PRODUCTS (FORM81tLY JOHNSON METAL PRODUCTS) 1/3, 3/4, 1, nnd 1-1/2 Hour Rated R1GI•DOR 0 Doot Page 4 oF 6 Apri126,1945 Pigure 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . , , . , . . . . . . , , , , . Cylindrical Bore for Latchset and Deadboli Figure 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mortise Latchset SSibS'd SbZ'ON SW3ISAS Aa1N3 bOQW3Jdo bJd62:1i 666t'0Z'031 ' IIYCHCAPE TESTIIVG SERVICES ~ WAItNOCKFIERSEY MachWng SpecificaUons ALVMA?CDOORPRODVCiS (F'ORivMRI,Y JOHNSON METAL PRODUCTS) 1/3, 3/4, 1, and 1- 1/2 HourRnked RIGI-DOR a Door Page 5 oP6 Apri126,1995 Pigure 1 ' ~ y O ~ A 'Q A A ~ ~ r w w ~ ~ < r ~ i Ln z C.) I Q I S J ~ ~ ._I~ I StiSi'd L72'ON ~ W ~ ~ U ~ ~ N a 0 w W a 0 ~ ~ ~ V ti ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SW315.15 h211N3 a0QW321dV Wt10E : L S 6665 ' 0S ' 03Q ~ DEC.10.1999 11:25AM PREMDOR ENTRY SYSTEMS N0.241 P.2i15 . , . . . . - - . . . . , - , . . . _ ~ . . . . ' . , . ~ ~ ' - - . . ~.;t~ - - - . ' _'i~, _ - ' ' _ . _ - --~~^r - . . . i ~ "'R~ ~r~.i.t = . _ l~L rt~~~ • . v-i-:.-;-r~.; : r;• ~ " - • . . - iw . ~ , . . . . . " . . . n.µ" _ • . . . . ' - ' i , . -.•r- ~ ~ ' . . . , , . : • : . - _ - ' " ' i.~as•;.'.-~_ :--.'.ti~.~7.. " ' ' _ _ ' " • :.i.`..~. ~ .e - r..~: 2~~ ' ~ _ . ` ....~..~..':'.....~r..'..~. `_'u ' i~ri~.~.• . ~i~.~ir'..~.~.i'St~~':~ii.' ~'S~~w7'~1{i4~Y:'Jy^~'~•S~J1'ii.~w'=y~wC~1R~.~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ...n ~ C~ Nt~'~ ~ r~rn ~~_~'~T~,~~+.~~ . ~ . 1T.. _ v-'.•.]~.wi~~'.`Ri'i': _ -[:.t'ti _ _ _ _ _ .y:'~' • . . :.ic:.i~~.:k~t • . . " . . . . • • . . ~~..~r~ii~r'n~.~..~ ±~+~v. .f . r. . . ~ A..~ . •r . . - .~--~I.:~~~..• . • . . . ~ ~ . . • •~.1~~' . . • . _ ~ / ~ •~...~.~w~~~~M~ y.~'W.~~..r.~.~..ti.r~~.~..a~r~~.~~v~~.~.. i . ~'•i ' . • II ~ I~ . . ~ . . • . . ~ W . . . , . . ' ~ , SOUTHWEST RESEARCM INSTI'f~UTE- ~ SAN ANTONIO. ' HOUSTON_; . ~ ~ , - . ~ . : _ . • . . . • . . . _ . . . - - - - - - - . - - '~:r'~:• - = =;j%.::~A":~,:_,:~::;:r; ~ . . . . , . v~ . • ~ ' . ~ ~ : v. : . ' _ ' . . . i.. ~ ' _ 1• ' I~ . ~.GYrlr~.w ~FWflMi' 4[s ~ ' . Y ' , ~ . ~ ~ ~ . 4 ~ . • _ . „ . ' .*i . • a ~ ~v• ~~~w-.4.• •.~~-.~~ii~ ~ ' •'~K~._: " ~ ~ ...~..~yN " ~.\µ~Myj~~ti~NW'~M~~~~u~~~'i~v~~ - ~ ~ ~ . . • ~ . ~wM~i. • • . n . . ~ D ~~.'1rV=~Yai~^..Ir ^r~~.rl~~~, , ' ~ . . . ~ . ' . _ ' . _ _ _ ^ r ~d.~Mia.......• . w . . . . _ ..._..n...w . i ~ ' . ~ . . . - ~ . ~ ~ . ~i ~ . . ♦ . . . ~ . . . ~ . . ' . ~~ti iA• ~wy ~ . . . • .W~.Ti:. . Y ~ ~u.. ~ ~ . . . ~ ♦u . ' . • • ~ •.rn.. . - , r°G.`~ rTM^~I~,a..Rf~~. . ~ a. DEC.10.1999 11:25AM PREMDOR ENTRY SYSTEMS N0.241 P.3/15 SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE P04YOPPIC@CRYWFAIl610 • 6Z20CUl,9QqqROAO • SANANTONIO.TlXA57lY9a • 161;1604•6711 ' DEPqflTMENTGF TELF~L•Y6TayT , PlRETECNNOCOGY 1WR:910$7f•1m I ASTM E152'STANDARD }IETHODS OF FIRE TESTS Ofi ,i DdOR ASSII+IHLIES: "JOHIJSON ATGI-DOA" PkJECT N0. 01-7283-612 FINAL R$PORT SfiPTEMBER 21, 1984 Prepared For JOHNSON M$TAL PROD[1CT5 + P. 0. BOX 667 RICHMOND, INDIANA 47374 ~ De y . Pxi.est ~ Senior Research Scientist Fire Enduranca Testing Tb4iwon: (q~M Mlann.uo~of tMSpnqr.l~ mq b.aW I~ Nmdmy fxtASwl7rol r~vrimHwmoe.mip~w fro~n CW~LOY1YWd ~OWMI bNMll~: h~K. Ih4 nowta N~mn•d~ InMNIf WII MIlt YYd h wMklp'era6MMbr SAN ANYONIO TEXAS MITM ortlew 0 IM MQY0T011, T~a11a, •110 ~AgMINpTpb. O.C, DEC.10.1999 11!26RM PREMDOR ENTRY SYSTEMS TEST PROCEDURE N0.241 P.5i15 SwliI's vertical exposure furnaee is capable of exposi.ng a maxi.mum test speca.men oP 12 ft high and 12 ft wide. The furnace is equipped with self- aspirating natural gas burners which are contxolled to achieve the desired tamperatures during the test. ?he conduct of the fi.ze test is controllad by the standard tima(tempaza- ture curve, and is deemad to be indicated by the average temperature ob- I tained from the readings of 9 thermocouples symmetrically located aczoss the face of the speci.men, 6 in. away. The theTmocouplas are enclosed in protection tubes af such material and dimanaions that the time constant of the thermocouple assembly lies be2ween 5.0 and 7.2 minutes, as dictated by the Standard. The fvrnace temperature during a teSL is conLrolled such thac the area under the ti.me/temperature curve is within 104a of the corres- ponding area under the standard time/temperature curve for 1 hour oT less tests, 7,5% for those less than Z hours, and 5% fox those cests of 2 hours oz more durasion, tYiten required, temparatures of unexposed surfaces are maasured with hlo. 18 B g 5 gauge, Type K(Chsomel-Alume7.) welded thermocouples, placed undez flexi6le, dry, £elted asbestos pads. The wi.re leads of the thermo- I eouple haue an immersion under the pad and are in contact with the unexposed surface for not less than 3.5 in. The pads are Qttached Eirmly to the sur- face to mini.mize aAy heat loss from the sides. Whera required, temperature ; readings are takea at no less than three points on the unexposed Surface, with at least one thermocouple in each 16 sq EL (i.S sq m), 1nd are moni- toxed continuously thraughout the test. ' The speciman, ,i.mmediaLeiy after the fire eacposure period, is subjeeted, £rom a distance of 20 ft, to the i.mpact, erosion, and coiling effeccs of a DEC.10.1995711:27RM'• PREMDOR ENTRY SY5TEM5 N0.241 P.6/1e~14'u~-o'~^^•OJ~ liose stream directed first at tlie middie and then at all parts oE the, exposed face, cllanges in direction being made siowly. The hose scroam is delivered titrouglt a 2,5-in. (64-mn) hosa diseharging through a National Standard Piaypipe of correspanding size equipped with a 1-1/2-in. (29-mm) discltarge tip of the standard-taper smooth-bore pattern, The water pressure and duration are determined as follows: RESiSTANCE PERiOD WATER pAES5l1RE DURATION (hours) (psi) (seconds/sq Et) Less than 1.0 30 . 0.6 Less tlian 1,5 gp 0.9 I,ess chan 3.0 30 1.5 3.0 or more 45 3.n T65T ASSEMBLY The.xest door/frame assambly, as received from the Sponsor (appenda.x A), iaas mounted in a masonry wall using normal constxuction cechniques, and cured to a condition o£ eonstanz mozsture content. Three thermocouples were at- taclted to the unexyosed surface oP the door (see Appendix B) in the manner described above, and Clte entire assembly pZaced in front oP the vertiCal furnace, TEST RESULTS Tlie test was Uegun on September 26, 19841 at 9;15 am, The ambient temperature was 79°P, witlt a moi5'Cure level oF 74'a relatzvo humidity and a barometric pressure of 29.91. All observati,ons are lisCed in Appendix G. AL1 furnace and unexposed face teinperatures are presented Uoth graphically and in tabular Edrmat in Appendi:c D. Copies of the test methods followed are presented in Appendix E. The test was continued for a total of 90 minutas. Throughaut the test expasure the door performed adequately, wa.th no excessive warpage or DEC.10.199 11:27RM . PREMDOR ENTRY SYSTEMS N0.241 P.7i15 ; . . ' . . other signs of failure, Afcer completion of the fira exposure, the assem- bly was ecposed to the hose streum for n Cotal oE 30 seconds. No damage i+as noti.cad durzng the hose stream test. CONCLUSIONS Tlie door assembly tested successEUlly achieved a fire resistancw rating of 90 minutes when tested in lccordallce witli tha methods set fortlt in ASTM 6152 Standard Methods oE Fire Tests of Door AssembiJ.es and NFPA 252 Fi,re Tests oE Door Assemblies. I DEC.10.1999 11:26RM PREMDOR ENTRY SYSTEMS N0.241 P.4/15 ABSTRACT The door assembly described in this report success£ully received a 90-mi.nute rating by AS'j'M E152 and NFPA 252. IAITRODfICTION The ASTM E152 Standard Diethods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies and NFPA 252 Fire Tests of Doox Asssmblias are inteqded to evaluate the duration for which a door assemhiy wiil remain in an opening during a predetermined fire test exposure. The test exposes a test sp¢ciman to a standard fire exposure control- led co achieve specified temperaeures throvghaut a speci£ied time period, TIME TEMPERATURE 0 minutes Ambient • 5 minutas 1000°F (538°C) 10 minutes 1300°F (704°C) 30 minutes 1550°F (843°C) 45 minutes 1638°F (892°C) 60 mi.nutes 1900°F (927°C) 2 hours 1$50°F (1010°C) 4 hours 2000°P (1093°C) foilawed by the application of a specified stiandaxd fire hosa stream. This atczndard slwuZd be uesd to measuxe and describs tke proper-bies of matariats, producta, or assgnbZies in response to heat arrd fZame under controlZed Zaboratory conditions and ahouZd rtot be used to describe or ~ appraise the fire has¢rd or fire risk of materiala, products, ar assem- bZies under actuat fire corrditions. However, results of thia test may be used aa eZemsnts of a fire risk assesament whtich takes tinta account ' abZ of the fcetors which axe pertinerr,t to an assesame»t of t'ne fire haz- ' art of a particular errd uae. This segoTt describes the aAelySis af a distinct aSSembSy, and includes descriptions of the test pxocedures fo2lowed,• the assambly tested, and all results obtsined. All Cest data axe oa fi2e and are availah2e for raview by authorizes persons. EL 1 F GE 0 . . _ : . . .'i ~ . . _ F~i 3~~'1~`Ii~`ilj~L1 ~ rv ~ J',~~7 ~ -'i,.r g:t,.IiJ'Yl4Y;? r~6c +;vf 't`.C,i€Ofd:'.i}43 3022{ ,J h ilate,~ ' i4.S.l,S/'~J FIie NL7; 99105-00 F A X %C' 0 F k LF ,R 8 H Y . , ~ t .;.1:, f , `rSlti ,7, .,7 °li `-L+r.; \ ~ t c- ~ <y ~ S ~ ] i Sti ` c: ( ; .r - ; '.l. ' 1 G±, , ::3 = ~ L - - . . U.- :a 3 ~ . . ~ T L~ s i : . - o - c= L a_; i - ~ ~ 3 a% ~ c `y ~ ' . ( ~ , ~C . - : : j:: _ - ~ Q: ~ s E 7 ~t3, ~ aY. " , ~ _ 2 v i~ C }j . U. f:. d+ GJ S:'i H Ci S~a y ,X a- o Y .r ~ y 'rl n; 71 ~ > s: ai v - ~ ~ _ . ~ - _ ~ . 'ar i ~ ' a: > ' _ F' ~ " - :8~ ~ A m ~ ~9• ~ e~ - i _ ~ r 2 n b. ~ ~ . : ~ a ' . . gN. : • ..u . a . . . ~Y f 3 . . n . 4 t- ' . ~'ti ~ ' ~ cv ~%a-~ y . . . v s . - ' ~d?, ; : . ..i~.~ . . . _ ~ <c ~a y s t _ . . , . ~ • E~t, S\ ~ d ~ Y ~ _ . . .v„. ~ . . ~ . . . _ . . e,. . t*dSY r ~ ~ y ~ ✓ . ! ~ ~~.r I / , ; ~ t i . f Q i aa 0 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 9041 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 6/9/99 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : - Property Address : 12000 W 44TH AVE Phone : 422-2300 Contractor License No. : 19901 Company : Acme Steel Buildings Inc. Phone : 421-0166 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $285,573.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, PeffTlit F2e : $2,035.35 and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of rec t all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Review Fee : $1,322.98 made are accurate; that I hav=read.ree-to bide by all conditions printed on this application, and tht I assume or com ianc ith the Wheat Ridge Building US2 T8X : $4,283.60 Code (U.B.C.) and all other age s, under this per t.(OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SDAT y Total : $7,641.93 Use: Description : 7200 sq ft pre engineered metal building w/showroom & offices for tire changing shop BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY M SIC : 7534 Sq. Ft. : 7200 Approval : SM 5117199 Per phone conversation w/contractor, Rich Oliver, 11 (eleven) Zoning : C-1 additional parking spaces are required (shown on plan in red) okay w/comments and redlines Approval: DM Approval:GK See attached PW review sheet, ENGINEERING FEE $550.00 Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : 18541 Company:Brug Electric Expiration Date : 2/28/2001 Approval: Plumbing License No :20013 Mechanical License No : 19005 Company :ARRM Contractors, Inc. Company : PRATT SHEET METAL Expiration Date : 8/31/99 Expiration Date : 8/5197 Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in a( Regula6ons and Builtling Ci (2) This permit shall expire if (A abandoned for a period of 1 (3) If this pertni[ expires, a new original plans and specificat exceeds one (1) year, full fe (4) No work of any manner sha (5) Conirac[or shall notiTy the B proceetliing with successive (6) The issuance of a permit or of the building codes or any nce with the provisions set forth in yopur applica[ion and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. vork authorizetl is not commencetl within sizty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or rs. t may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the nd any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or iFSUSpension or abandonment 311 be paid for a new permi[. one thatwill change the natural Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. ~ Inspec[or txenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before zs of the job. iproval of drawings and speciFicaiions shall not be construetl to 6e a permitfor, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ordinance, law, rule or regulation. ~.,hbe pector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : ' i3UILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 qPPLICAT~o N Property Owner: z~/~~e;,~' Property Address : j-,A~ow eo~ Phone : ~j~`'p~~✓'~ ' CoMractor License No. Company : Phone : OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND application are accurate, : City of 1Nheat Ridge or mts shown, and allegations itions orinted on this I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed b, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regu covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that al made are accurate; that 1 have read and application, and that I assume full res nsibiliry for i Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabl eat Ri ~ei (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDi/%0✓~ Description ~~0AZ3~t/'SAY ZO.JS' //n ~ Construction Value ~ PermitFee: ZSr's73 ~pJcm c~ie -~r ~.J,U35 Use ax : i . 3ZL. Total : r . US2: . . . 9 5~ dr~i'`ra _ s 3~ Y So.o (o = G 7 " 'BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning„Co' _m"R~nfs;~ 5I ~7Iq`1 SIC : 7534 Sq. Ft. :72c~o Approval : 1574k- Pe4 yykuMkc.v,ave+~~~ wVicsnh2~~-~'~-~C~ Zoning : C- I W.,~~A~!"oUV*r_, B~iidma; o-"~mmentsi~ ~b~.`'encF 65kow~M di-- ~APProvai:m..~.pk~luµ w/ ~m rn e~f~ ~ ~rc?u,v_ar p . gC~ ~CCRG~ • ~►e~ ~A roval: Occupanoy: Walls:J Roof: Stories: ResidentialUnits: Electrical License No :1Y~~1 Plumbing License No :~W~.~ Mechanicai CL~icense No :%~--`7 Company : Company Company iK Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was Issued in accordance with the provisions set (orih in yopur appliwtion and is sutiject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning RegulaGOns and Building Cotle of Wheat RiOge, Colorado or any other aDPtjwble ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall ezpire it (A) the work auNOrized is not commenced within sizry (60) days from issue date or (B) the huilCing authorized is suspentletl or a6andoned for a period ot 720 days. (3) If ihis pertnit expires, a new pertnit may 6e acquired (or a fee of one-half the amount nortnally requireq provided no changes have been or will be maCe in the original plans and specifiwlions and any suspension or abantlonmenf has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or it suspension or aEandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall 6e paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work al any manner shall be tlone ihat will change the nalural flow of water causin9 a d2inage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written aOProva1 on inspection rard before praeediin9 with successive phases of thef'ob. (6) The issuance of a permit or ihe approval of tl2wings and specifirations shall not be consWed to be a pertnit for, nor an a09roval of, any viola6on of the provisions of the 6uildin9 c9de~or any~o~ih~I-Ardinance, law, rule or regWa6on. Chief PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS Date ~ I_I 11 Applicant AL G trC ,`A lhC - Phone # - - al 16,16 Location of Construction (address) M000 IscliC• Purpose of Construction Building Permit Value $ ~ Commercial DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 Residential $ 6 0 , ~0 Single Family Residential Review Fee: $25.00 0- [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way] $ Multi-Family/Commercial: .$50 minimum fee [confrmation of existing technical documents]. $500.00 maximum fee [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminary/fnal drainage study ~O OO and erosion control plan(s) if required] $ f Site Plan: $50.00 (Not applicable for single family residential) Right-0f Way/Easement: $40.00 + $5.00/page recording fee Development Agreement Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 State Highway Access Permit: $75.00 application fee Traffic Impact Review & Report: $100.00 processing fee Flood Plain Variance: Class I=$75.00 Class II =$150.00 TOTAL REVIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) s l ~ $ - D^ $ 1 O" $ .o- $ O l $ 550.~ Please note that additional fees will be assessed for those permits related to construction of public improvements. If you have any questions, piease feel free to contact the Development Revievr office at 235-2868. Date Signature of Applica m DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW Date:(. 1 117 CaseBuilding Permit No.: OF WHH4T F 41 U cOt o a a°~~ Location: 12 000 -4, 4.470 .prJ6. Attention: Building Department Rt~ I have reviewed the attached materials submitted in application for approval of aClmrttit.c,►a1 51tak b~dJ at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. 2. / 3. ~ 4. % Boundary Closure: X OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. Drainage: a. Drainage plan and report needed _ b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: X OK Not OK; refer to stipulations. NPDES Permit Required: Yes 1c No Legal Description: ~c OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. If not OK, please explain: 5. ~ Public Improvements: a. street paving needed: Yes X No b. curb and gutter needed: Yes K No c. sidewalk needed: Yes ~ No d. streetlights needed: Yes 3e No e. storm sewer needed: Yes ~C No f. escrow required: _ Yes ~C No If an escrow is required, for what improvements? Amount of escrow: 6. ~ Development Agreement required: _ Yes k No If Yes, for 7. /Traffic impact analysis and report required: Yes ~ No 8. ~ State Highway Access Permit needed: Yes X No 9. 1 New roadway or aliey R.O. W. dedication recommended: _ Yes ~ No If yes, w 's recommended? 10. - All ex~ tin dedicated roadways/alleys meet the standazds of the City:__Z__C Yes No ~ If no, hic do ot and what is requested: ~-.nc, acee,ao G w i ~n 11. / APP O AL: The P lic Wor1c~ Departrnent has reviewed this request and hereby gives its d/or attached stipulations. appr v, subject to e abo7 fa ~ Signat e Gre udson Dat~- 12. NO AP RO AL: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not give its approval for the reasons stated: / Signature Greg Knudson Date 13. Stipulations attached: Yes K No ~ ~ ~ 14. SummaryComEnents: 0~11 ,K%v"Arc 2,,e Z~.w ,e Mae1~ ea iov~ G o. $5o'aMce . 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 jZl(jgg FAX 303/235-2857 June 1, 1999 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. P.O. Box 200662 Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Brewer Tire Company Addition, 12000 West 44th Avenue - Approval of Final Drainage Report, Grading/Erosion Control Plan & W. 44th Avenue Improvements/Traffic Plan Dear Mr. Jennings, This letter is to inform you that the final drainage report, and the grading/erosion control and W. 44"' Avenue improvements and traffic plans for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of tYie followirig items regarding the construction of the project: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a letter of certification stating that the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan, have been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the drainage report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on West 44th Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will 2/99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS SAMPLING AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRII'TION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and calibrated. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Deparhnent of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall fumish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements aze provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures, point oFverification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Deparnnent of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Table 720-1 City oF Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 1000 feet oFroadway, Surveys for roadway, AASHTO M145 sidewalk or pipe trench sidewalk and trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method AASHTO T99 or T180 1 per import material source determined by soil or materials type Embankment in-place density 1 per 300 feet per lane per 8 Minimum density per soil , Colorado Procedures inch loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 300 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures classification, Section 203.07 Sidewallc subgrade in-place 1 per 300 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 2 Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures footvertical interval classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in- 1 per 300 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum place density, Colorado density, T180 Procedures Lime treated subgrade in- 1 per 300 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry place density, Colorado density and opt. moisture, Procedures T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 300 feet per lane Density in accordance with density, Colorado Procedures contract documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per each HBP grade and Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Mazshall blow specified approved mix design Hot Bituminous Pavement in- 1 per 300 feet per lane per lift 92-96% of max. density place density, Colo. except Grade F to be 90-95%, Procedures T209 Concrete compressive 1 per 100 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural strength concrete, sidewalks and AASHTO Procedures curbing Concrete air content and 1 per 50 cubic yazds PCC pavement, structural slump concrete, sidewalks and AASHTO Procedures curbing Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. Page 2 be responsible for maintaining West 44`h Avenue on a regular basis such that it is free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 6. It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing for subgrade compaction, and other related material tests for those improvements to be constructed within public right-of-way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. If u have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. i erely, ~ / Gr g Kiiudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Alan White, Planning & Development Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner John McGuire, City Surveyor James Jacobsen Eng. Tech. II ~k~tc~i ,07.iver,,;sAene~S„teel,z~uild~ng;sR File Director Code Correction List April 26, 1999 ~ \p~ ~'y ~ Owner: Brewer Tire ~ Builder: Acme Steel Buildings, Fnc. ~ Address: 12000 West 44'h Avenue - SECOND REVIEW Description: New commercial tire service shop (S-3 / B Occupancy) 1. Show panel "B" and transformer locations and show building steel bond size. 2. Note that all outlets in bay area are to be GFCI protected. 3. Provide door and window schedule stating one-hour rating and what is to be done at service window.. 4. 8'-0" access aisle and signage are required for handicap stall. Please make these additions or corrections to the submittal and resubmit for review, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 235-2853. Sincerely, Darin Morga Codes Adm istrator Gode Correction List Owner: Brewer Tire March 9, 1999 Builder: Acme Steel Buildings, Inc. Address: 12000 West 44th Avenue !5- 3 Description: New commercial tire service shop (H-4 / B Occupancy) 1. ,.LPr'ovide "van-accessible" parking stall - 96" stall with 96" access aisle. 2. ;.Show how sand and oil interceptor is to be vented. ~J 3. /~how size, type and location of backflow device to be installed. .~'~6i'C.g' 4. . Provide Codes Analysis for project. 5. LProvide electrical calculations and service size. 6. ;,,Note that all outlets in bay area are to be GFCI protected and mounted no lower than 18" above finish floor. 7. ' y, 8. f-Provide interior wall construction details and section. , 9. !..Provide one-hour occupancy separation wall detail and section for wall between . shop and offices. 10. VProvide door and window schedule. 11. 'Stairway to have balusters that do not exceed 4" spacing, and guardrail at landing is required to be 42" high minimum. 12. ~,Provide mechanical ventilation information for bay area. ~ 13. Door at stair landing cannot reduce landing size by more than one-half and length of landing in the direction of travel shall not be less than 44". 14. Building will be required to be sprinkled due to the Group H?classification exceeding 3000 square feet. 15. List all sub-contractors and license numbers on permit application. Please make these additions or corrections to the submittal and resubmif for review, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 235-2853. Sincerely, Darin Mo~ Codes Administrator W N N ~ Z Z ~ J Q m ~ W, m F' Z ea p Z G J H ~ co a c~ z (l) Q - p o ~ v a U) Cl) Z M } ~ z U) a . UI Ct U ~ O N ~ ° ' I_ Q M ~ a V W w Q a ~O ~ tn O - L) Z ~ o J W Cr w G ♦o♦ v w M W m ~ ~ ~ ~ W Zo = ~ ~ ~ W C) 0 /W~ ~W V o CCW V z Q Q LLj ~ N Z m 4~ a ~ W~U) ~z _ N ~ Z 6 w °a o W Z a o N ~ ~ U) W ~ m O w ~ m a~ o LL O ~ U Z ~ °a o Z Z m M m 0 m O U r ~ 0 U m O W a Cl) ~ z - ~ F- O O ~ z z ~ ir w (L w ~ U a W Q U) o J a z ~ U) F- ~ U) ~ 8 0 2 er 0 U W (n Q U z F ~ W c CO O ~ Z - o m 0 o c' r_ y C 2 o a t ~ N U C ¢ (C N ~i 0 W z c? ~ Z W W m a x w O m Q Z Z) F W ~ U Z O 0 Z cc D 0 d 0 W z (Cf) Z W W m a w > m Q ~ Z ~ ¢ 9 LL. 5 c a c ~ 0 :S c m 0 0 4 o~ m o~ C y N d p7 d .6 ; C s a cm e E cots 7 a N x .°o ¢ ~ Y ~ ` ~ ~N ` ~ ~ ~ d ll< ~ ~ tl ~ ~ a a ~ ~ 0 ~ a m C k `Li o O7 Q ~ ~ ~lc~ - d m c ~ N U c p . m O > > . ~ Q E = cu J ~ ~ ~ C m c . p~ . C a E ~ c . a, ~ N p Ol c ~ T LL N ~ ~ o O W N ar N w ; N w a d x N L a af iz a LL W ° V LL I- W F=- LL, ~ C) ~ W J W ~ - M w Z N F M - g . o cn a 2 Q V oc a a c=j s U : 00 Z O: za Li ~ I V ~ O . , • ~ t!`' BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice . 1/41 _ 4, P Job Located at 1,f1 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: t ~f'U s €~P sivsr i o 5 l,u E?Pl~-7 9 You are 6ereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. - Date . i A . ' Inspeetor fo - ilding Dept DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG - FORM WR642 . . . . ' . . , I , r_„a„o,. rG 1 ~ ° 1y ~",h. BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at /ocm - You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Inspector for Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6-22 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at / Z ovv c`' ~ I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the foilowing violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date _ 2-0 tor Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE TH1S TAG FORM WR6-22 ;a.;. BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at 1,2000 w. 41 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. ; When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date , Z. FORM WR6-22 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at UGGO Gf/. 6/ 24,4C I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Builtling Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6d2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at ~ Z62~1a /s~' , I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: ~s sn C Z,~ nr). You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Inspector for Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE TH1S TAG FORM WFi6-22 BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at LZ ~j 4,0, 1 have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: / You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date mspeccor ror awiamg uepc FORM WH6-22 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Correction Notice Job Located at ~~~o bz, I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the foliowing violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: z You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date Inspector for Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WRB-22 bvx Intermountain WesPs J.W. BREWER TIRE CO, INC. 11900 W. 44th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303)422-2300• Fax (303) 424-8714 \ 11 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 ;findependen~ie Dealer ~ -~Pp` 31999 February 25, 1999 Attn: Alan C. White AICP Dear Mr. White, This letter~s to inform you of our intended use of the property at~12006":W. 44th Ave. The original building proposed was to be 12;006 sq. feet. The new facility has been scaled back to 7,200 sq. feet. The reason for the new facility is to relieve some of the congestion on the east side of our location at 11900 W. 44th Ave. This will give us more warehouse space and allow us to service our customers better. There has been a tremendous amount of consolidation in the trucking industry. The trend is larger fleets and less smaller independent trucking. We are currently doing over 60°s of our business away from our store. We run (5) service trucks out of this location. We understand the C-1 zoning on this property has a regulation limiting the primary use for service, repair to tractor-trailer or semi-trailer. The mix of our business is passenger, light truck, mediu[Fe'~ truck and semi trailer geryice. I checked specific numbers in a two week period in Februqry, 1999 of different categories of our customer base. They are;'as follows: f:.'. With locations serving: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah Page 2 Auto Service 24 Light truck " 42 15 1. Medium truck & motor homes " 18 13,&% Utility truck $ ("0% Drop off farm implement & misc. " 12 Semi-truck _28 This is an average only. The numbers vary based on the time of year. We anticipate no significant increase of semi and truck tractor traffic. As you can see by the plans, we are constructing a great facility at 12000 W. 44th Ave. We think the clean up of the property and the addition will be beneficial to all parties. Yours truly, A- Tom J. Douglas V/P Sales TJD/dg Intermountain West's Largest Independent Tire Dealer J.W. BREWER TIRE CO, INC. 11900 W. 44th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 422-2300 • Fax (303) 424-8714 February 18, 1999 The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Attn: Alan C. White Planning & Development Director Dear Mr. White, I am in receipt of your letter of February 10, 1999. I wanted to clari£y our position in regard to your conversation with Mr. Glen Gidley of November 2, 1998. With the zoning problems encountered on our proposed site to the east we decided to look at other options. The property at 12000 W. 54th Ave becam@ 4vailable and we purchased it on January 1, 1999. Our business at 11900 W. 44th Ave is tires, all sizes and types, including passenger light truck, truck industrial and farm. We have a tremendous amount of drive in e4Stomers with tire problems. In reviewing your letter, I find that Glen had told you he would supply you a letter concerning the proposed use of the pr±operty. I apologize that this has not happened t4 d;ate. Our current location is limited. We looked at the expansion to better serve our customers and expand in auto and light truck alignment. We also wanted to do a better job of repairing tires for our customers. This new facility would help the congestion that we cuxrently have. As you may know our current facility is about the only place that trucks can get a tire chanqed on the west side of Metro Denver. To give you a breakdoum of our business at this location I have outlined the following information: With locations serving: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah Page 2 1. We dispatch (5) service trucks from the shop to customer's job sites or customer locations. This equates to about 500 of our business. 2. We do a total tire management program for part of our customer base. This requires bringing in loose tires and wheels, dismounting them, sending them for retreading and then reinstalling them for delivery. This equates to about 20% of our business. 3. Customers with passenger light truck, back hoes, fork lift and misc. tires brought in for repair or replace. This equates to 150 of our business. 4. The remaining 15$ is tire repair and replacement on semi tractor-trailers for our customers. The location at 12000 w. 44th Ave. is well suited for our expansion. It backs up to the lake and a lot of the concerns voiced by the neighbors will not be an issue. We have moved the retread facility out of our location at 11900 W. 44th Ave. Yours truly, ~q , ~ ~ Tom J. Douglas V.P. Sales TJD/dg cc: Alex Brewer TDS/J.W. Brewer Tire Co. Mr. R. Oliver, Acme Steel Buildings, Inc. 7500 VJest 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 235-2868 FAX 303/235-2857 December 10, 1999 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. & P.L.S. P.O. Box 200662 Denver, Colorado 80220 The City of Wheat ~ ~ Ridge Re: Brewer Tire Addition, 12000 West 44"' Avenue - Drainage Certification Requirements Deaz Mr. Jennings, Thank you far your letter dated December 6, 1999 concerning the outstanding storxn sewer appurtenances that remain to be completed in the above referenced project. Specifically, the 3" diameter orifice plates need to be installed on the No. 13 inlets, and the required 12" wide chase section remains to be installed in the W. 44`h Avenue sidewalk. The installation of the above referenced storm drainage structures are critical to the proper function of the onsite drainage as designed by you, and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. As such, and in accordance with the terms of the City's approval letter dated June 1, 1999 for this project, a Certificate of Occupancy will not be approved by the Public Works Department until such time as the above referenced structures have been constructed by the developer, certified by you and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you have any questions, please do hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Jake Jacobsen, Eng. Tech II Rich Oliver, Acme Steel Buildings File BREWERTIRFA.LTR Date• ~ Z -Iv'T! A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion has been requested for: ADDRESS: (a.CY~U (,J . ~ Ak g Purpose of Structure:~~ L) 1.cJ P= `TI 2gz, Building Department Approval: Remarks: Zoning Approval: Remazks: C1~ L. J- G'U1'l~~-~ C'~c~ ~ U Public Works Anproval: V 4- k`Z- C =~v~n 2 ~c `OZ S.>~Om~~ec~~ ~JlSto7(} 'Fp 4h' GA'~1~Lc{cc1 Remarks: ~N~t~ r tnJ s q Kf~.J ~r~y~,1TS l ea ~ ct.as , ~ ~J Fire Marshall Appr&a (If ApplicaW4 Remarks: Sanitation District Apl (If Applicable) Remarks: Water District ApproN (If Applicable) Remarks: T N t] t O S 3 T 3 s d ~C W i Q = ~ a 3 S IC N 5 m n ~ O 00 n n C ~ ~ d w ~ < ~ ,N O ~ 3 m 1° 3 ~ n o ~ ~s s m m ~ o ~ m ~ N ¢ ~ S ~ v 0 0 n ~ m 'm ~ 0 ~ d 0 O ~ m A ~ C* n o 2 D m m ~ p m O ~ ~ A D O C~ O A z 0- o N C) (o z c ~ S ~ N m C O CD Q C) ~ d . j c~ (D J A ~ ~ a ~ n 3 o < m c ~ N N C (D ~ W T (D f (D ~ ~ Z ~ 0 ~ C ~ v ~ < N I W ~ ~ ~ 3 N ~ 7.1 a. ~ N c-~ O co O O W w Q C 6-1 Q C N(D ~ z d3 D A , nr:m C ° n Ja (D m X O ~ (D 3 ~ a w ~ N 3 D m E O~ (D cn s - C+ N O w m - oo^ ro ~ (p rt rt 3 N 3. ~ W ~ 6 nm N ~ n J oa- ~ S m~ ° co ro o =U cn - m ~ ~ ~ rt ~o . (D ~ Q u p~ N N ~ o. o a N ~ 3 3 O O 6 *N ~ D m ~ . ~ 0 3 ~ n ~ A m 3 amB i v N S O Q N m o°:a < D O O ( ~ ~ 3 Q C O N(p rt ~ m 3 m ~ c+ ~ O n a z a ~Q < 2 N N O ~c ~ p ' m c = a . (o S ~ ~ n m 3, o nm OC) 0 ~ 3 ~ O W W A rt d 3 ~p N Q N ET 6 ~ O Q < m ~ ~ ~ Z 3 6 m ~ ~ i Q0 0 -p- ~ ^ V ~ ~ A°oC0 lfl GT v<D o ~ m v N 0 ~ n (D ~ v (D Z N N F-~ ~ ~ ~ l 1 r H ITI I~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ V ~ ~ n ~ I IaIN• r~ Intermountain West's Largest Independent Tire Dealer J.W. BREWER TIRE CO, WC. 11900 W. 44th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 422-2300 • Fax (303) 424-8714 Deaz Neighbor: November 28, 1997 ~ ~ ~ Please find enclosed an official notice from the City of Wheat Ridge wMch informs you of our inteM to file an . application for approval of a Special Use Permit, and an invitation to attend a pre-applicaeon meevng at wlilch we, - and ciry staff, will answer questions which you may have conceming the proposal. Since thebfficial Ciry notice is not very informative, I wanted to provide more information to yoq so thaz you may better understand what we have planned for the site, and how it will integrate into this neighborhood, without creating adverse impacts on the neighborhood. 'I'he proposed use is summazized as follows: • LOCATION: The area included in this proposa] is generally bcated at ihe southwest comer of W. 44th Ave. and Tabor St., a 3.8 acre site which includes the old gas starioq Johnnies' Auto Repair, and the recrearion vehicle storage lot. It abuts our existing J. W. Brewer Truck Tire faciliry, which has operated at 11900 W.44th since 1983. • PROPOSED USE: A new 12,000 squaze foot truck tire service building would be constructed neaz the center of the RV storage lot. It would be used for providing truck tire services including mounting new tires and - repairs. The building would be single story, about 24 Feet high, and would be constructed oF similaz architectura] materials and style as our existing building to ihe west. The intent is to shift t}us function from . our existin- building, where these uses have operated since opening in 1983, and use the existingbuilding for office, shipping, receiving, and wazehousing. ' . - . • ACCESS: Since large trucks aze the primazy focus of our business, as it has been for the past 15 years at our existing location next.door,we want to ensure that there wilf be no additional traffic impacts to the neighborhood. Hence, all accesS will be directly from ~ W. 44th Ave. There will be NO ACCESS to or from Tabor St • DRAINAGE: All drainage will be engineered-to be collected on-site, and conveyed into the storm sewer in W. 44th Ave. • • SITE DESIGN & NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS: We aze sensirive to the fact that our neighborhood has a mix of both eqmmercial and residential uses. The proposed site laywt including fencing, landscaping, setbacks, li„ehting, buildin-, design, and daily operations is intended to minimize extemal impacts, especially to the residential neighbors. We want our property to be an asse[, rather than a de[riment, to the neighborhood. We will remove the old gas station and upgrade the W. 44th Ave frontage with ]andscaping similar to that w}uch we developed in front of our existing facility, next door. The fence along'I'abor St. will remain intact. The auto repair business will remain, however, new landscaping will be added in front. We will have a preliminary concept site plan at the neighborhood meeting for your review a;.u :.omment. If you have any questions or concerns, please plan to attend the neighborhood meeting at our existing J. W. Brewer bwlding at 11900 W. 44th Ave., Tuesday evening; December 9th, at 630 P.M., and/or call us at 422-2300. We hope you will support our proposal! . . Sincerely yours, , Alex L. Brewer, President With locations serving: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah ' Intermountain WesPs Largest Independent Tre Dealer J.W. BREWERTIRE CO, INC. 11900 W. 44th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 422-2300 • Fax (303) 424-8714 J.W. BREWER TII2E COMPANY EXPANSION PROPOSAL 11800 -11900 W. 44`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL J.W. BREWER TIItE COMPANY has made application to the City of Wheat Ridge for approval to develop and use property adjacent to it's cunent operations, located at 11900 W. 44'h Ave. According to City officials, this requires approval of an amendment to the eacisting zoning (G I) conditions for the eastern 3 parcels, and approval of a Special Use Pemvt for a114 parcels. If approved, a new 12,000 square foot building and appurtenant site amenities will be developed as a support facility to the current operations. The new building will house the truck tire service function of the business at this location. Since 1983, truck tire service has been accommodated at the current facility at 11900, however due to the site and building layout, many trucks aze serviced outside of the building, within the drive aisle. The current average number of semi trucks which aze serviced daily is 8-12. We expect that this volume will increase to 16-24 with the new facility. This new facility will allow for all tire service to be accomplished within a building, hence improving service to our customers and worldng conditions for our employees, and diminishing the negative visual and noise impacts of outdoor tire service for our neighborhood. B. STI'E PLAN As required by the City, a Site Plan together with proposed development standazds and site data has been provided. That site plan provides a development scenario which provides a highly functional and efficient office and service facility for the owner, which has been reviewed and approved the neighborhood (see next section), and which conforms with the City of Wheat Ridge - Zoning and Development Code for development within the Commercial-One(Gl) zone district, which is the cunent zone classification for the property. The site currenfly includes 4 parcels which includes the exisfing JWB facility at 11900 W. 44" Ave., the Recreational Vehicle storage lot (which is where the new building is planned for construction), existing auto repair business (which will continue to be operated, with minor revisions to the site), and the old service station at the corner of Tabor and W. 44`h (which is planned to be removed and become the new ennance, a lazge landscaped azea, and fenced-in pazking to support the new building). Please review the Site Plan for details. C. NEIGHBORHOOD RESPONSE We hosted a neighborhood meeting, as required by the Ciry on December 9, 1997, at which we presented our proposals to the neighbors in attendance. We described our plans, s6ared the site plan proposed, and Gstened to their concerns. At the conclusion of the meeting, we and the neighbors came to agreement on specific issues which needed to be addressed. Those issues and our response to them are as foflows: With locations serving: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah E.x N i R1T ~A,' !!'Z 66% (7-000 W. Zftd C -1 ts mor/iT (-ro 5-o-l~o u°~i1cles cJ~ S~ iff * T'tr~~era~~~ pw/dlp►~) buil ol 16-00 Taw q~D~Jin extsl~ <4z~'Ai'e, oki s,'fe bv,Wiv~ fevmit *C, °o fyopt pV' IA at T slhct. (aD3 - D4- ~ u~~ _ . ~itc 10 § ?g_?2 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE (S) lic street, with such buffer to be completely within the property bound- aries, althou;h the owner may addi- tionally landscape that area be- tµ•een the front property line and the street improvements if approved by the public works director. There shall be no waivers of this landscape buffer requirement. (e) Whenever a parking lot or display lot adjoins property zoned for resi- dential use, a landscape buffer of twelve (12) feet from said lot bound- ary shall be required. `Vithin the twelve-foot landscape buffer, a sir- foot view-obscuring fence or decora- tive wall shall be constructed. There shall be no waivers of this landscape . and fence buffer requirement. (fl There shall be at least one (1) inte- rior landscaped island for each thirty (30) parking and/or vehicle display spaces. Each such landscape island shall occupy the equivalent of one (1) pazking space, and each such re- quired island shall be landscaped with a minimum oFone (1), two-inch caliper tree or lazger, and four (4) shrubs or acceptable living ground cover. Auto service and repair and maintenance shops, including tire sales (but excluding recapping), muffler shops, auto and light- duty truck fueling stations, detail shops, tune-up shops, engine repair, transmis- sion repair, alignment services, caz washes, • upholstery shops, radiator repair shops, lubrication services and sound system shops. It is the intent to exclude body work or painting, and to exclude any such use primarily foc service, repair or main- tenance to truck-tractors or semitrailers. Body repair and painting may be allowed as a conditional use. (6) Banks, loan and finance offices. (7) Child care centers. (8) Clinics for psycholoe cal, social or marital counseling and treatment, including coun- seling and treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism, and including residential treatment facilities. (9) Commercial machine shops. (10) Community buildings,Y.M.C.A's,Y.W.C A's, churches, libraries, parks, museums, aquariums and art galleries. (11) Golf courses, including private clubs, res- taurants and lounges, miniature golf or driving ranges, and those uses commonly accepted as accessory thereto when lo- cated on the same premises. (12) Government or quasi-governmental build- ings and offices or public utility buildings, where outside storage, operations or re- pair facilities are not planned. (13) Greenhouses and landscape nurseries, in- cluding both wholesale and retail sales of related products; provided, however, that bulk storage or piles of materials, such as manure, peat, top soil, rock, sand, fire- wood or similar materials, aze screened from view from adjacent properties by a view-obscuring fence six (6) feet in height. Bulk storage or piles of such materials shall not be permitted within a front yazd setback and shall be no closer than twenty- five (25) feet to a side or rear lot line which abuts residentially zoned property or where zoned Agricultural and there is a residential structure within fifteen (15) feet af the common property line. (14) Homes for the aged, nursing homes and congregate caze homes. (15) Hotels, motels or bed and breakfast homes for transient occupancy. There shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross lot azea for each unit. (16) Indoor amusement and recreational enter- prises, such as roller rinks, bowling al- leys, azcades and similar uses. (17) Indoorfleamarkets;however,outdoorflea ` markets are prohibited. (18) Liquor stores. (19) Medical and dental offices, clinics or lab- ~ oratories. ( Supp. No. 18 1730 ~~23 bpfO- mm 50oP 7fl6K PM& a~ver c-I T~ dobry~~ W~ SG~o~p l~ ~rDf~a~ ~ AV~I ~ pboGfi I S°o of 6Gf5/vilL~ o~~ /o a)h 0(/► ~s ~1►''~ ~if~~ ~1(~cP~tYl~wfi ~Cr~! ~~DY's _ 61dti 5ize.. i~? 000 s-F - /ig 1r a1° wluf ~je~ S~ 5e "'o sD°~o ~f /~u~~ss js dcyjfcke4 Dbfto-`I45,4, coq0Udt ~ . 'o~ V1, vtwu~ ~op ~ p r'9r~v~ o~f ms~~y o-r : ToM. ~d OeIr' V ~ ~ ~r~rced _ ~ruc -DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 9739 11 /4/99 Property Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company : 12000 W 44TH AVE 18033 Gordon Sign Co. Phone: Phone: 629 6121 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Use : Description : Furnish and install one 30' D/F ground sign @ 157 sq ft and one wall sign 4' X 40' @ 160 sq ft BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : MLC Zoning : C-1 wm mm Approval: DM Approval : Occupancy : Wails Complies wlsign code. Proposed will total 100% of allowable signage for this property. Must maintain a 30' setback from ROW in front Okay. If signs are illuminated, they must meet NEC Article 600 Roof Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subjec[ to the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zonin9 Regulations antl Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any o[her applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work au[horized is not commenced wiihin sixly (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a perwd of 120 days . (3) IF ihis permit ezpires, a new permd may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amoun[ nortnally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ;exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) NO work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrector shall notify the Building Inspector riventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection card 6efore proceediing with successive phases of thejob. (6) The issuance of permit or the approval of tlrawings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the buildin es or ny~ )i er ordinance, law, rule or regulahoa --~~V i Chief Building Insp ' or Construction Value : $15,480.00 Permit Fee : $265.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $232.20 Total: $497.45 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ouuuuly reiiuu nuinuer : Date : Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company : -f10 S ~ -7 o c> c 'w . 4-`}ktit 'I v33 G0 sC~, on 5;-~,A CO. Phone: Phone: (303) GZq- 61'7-1 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereDy certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit applicatian are accurate. anO do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or iesUictions of record: that ali measurements shown. and alleganons . made are acturate; that I have read and agree to abide by ali conditions printed on Ihis apRlica!ion, and that f assume fuii responsi6iliry for eompliance with the Wheat Ridge Buiiding Code (U.B.C.) and all oNer appliwble Wheat Ridge ordinances, tor work unCer this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED i i.5ti 6c~ DATE 6`211} ConsVuction Value j s ,~~o - Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total: ~ DescriptionF`^~~,s~• `~ns}v1\ (Z~ 3v' QR11 D1F G•~~•~•.~ s:;~.~ L l57 d~ VSl ti-J 1'nsTClt L1l .-~l1" wnt\ 5, g, Lk-'X `f-p' s BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~Nnpti CO W( sic\ i"l c C~ ZtlnlncrzzmBm Approval: lC~°1o Zoning : 0~~- 4OTI\ Ro~,~ Approval: - ~\1 ~pn'~. • ~!a , £ oWW/ronhactorisre e0b11c,W~tk3'C~ftttlel~ZS:! d~+ry .>.s3f .,rcoF Ncc lines and co 4~,'c~ 6 (1D. %eppr°vedPlaa~aacdre4nl Approval : 7Le City is not resoonsih Occupency : Walls : Roof : D°°m,creu~ ~p~ etiois tinv fi„~ gG A r to Elec[rical License No : Plumbing license No : Mechaniczl License No : Company: Company: Company: . Expiretion Date : Approval: ~ Pfans R_equlred`.;;.;'J Er.pirztien Date : Approval: Pldns Required j Expiration Date : Approval : : Px3ns,~"qufceZt~ (ry This oermrt was issuea m accor0ance wim the provisions set rorth m yo0ur acouwnon ar.c is suolect to the laws ct Uhe State of Cobraao ana a the 2oning Reguiauons ana Builtling Cotle ot Wheat Ridge, Caioraao or any oNer aOPli~-le orEmar.ces of the Ciry. - (21 T~is cermn shail expire d(A) the work autnonzed rs noe commenceC wiWn sizry (60) Oays ham issue Eate or (B) L•.e budmng aumonzeC is suspendeC ar aoanaonee lor a penaE of 120 Oays. - (D) I( Ihis DermM1 exp-res. a new pertnit may De acquire0 for a fee o( one-halt the amount norma:ry reamre0, provideE ra cnanges nave Eeen or wili De maCe in the onginal plans ana specifira:ions anE any suspensian or aDanEOnment has not esceetleC cr.e 17) year. If Changes are maee Cr d suspensian or a6anEOnment excee0sone (1) year. full lees 5hall Ce Oaitl lor a new permit. . (a) No worK of any manner snall De Oone tliat will change the naturai Ilow otwater causing a c:a:nage proClem. (5) Conlrac:or snan no6ry the Buittling Inspecmr twenryJOUr (24) hours m aCVance for alt msCr_:ons antl snan recerve wnrten acCrarai on mspecuan wrC Ce(ore CroCeeCnng with SuCCe55rve phase5 0l the job. (5t Tne issuance ol a Oermit or the aOProval o( tlrawmgs and s0eclfiwtions snail ne[ oe cons;mea lo De a permrt for. r.cr an a^,Frovai U. any violauon of Ne Orowsions :i1 ine oudtling codes or any aener orEinance. Iaw. Nte or regula4on. Chief uildi spector For Mayor THIS P MIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEf BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 1aoo~ PlarcNota Owner / eoateactor is responsibie for locadng peopetty Gnes and construeting improvements according to the appmved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any conshvcsf o-a errors resulGng from inaccurate infama?iun. l d66 tp sfz~6. J9~ " ~ ~ ~ #4Q~r I~o 3/ 3/ ~,~/DGFS~NE /2' ---y ~ 3b ~ s~E1~~K Mh The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE; COLORADO 80215 "Wheat November 22, 2000 ';Ridge Quality Inn 12100 W 44`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Annual Hotel / Mote( Inspections for Business License Renewals Dear Management, As part of the Crime Free Hotel / Motel Program and annual business license renewals, the,building inspection division has implemented an inspection program to inspect all hotel and motel properties. This program will be inspecting properties for compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code and other applicable codes. This inspection process will be starting December 4, 2000. The building division will need to perform inspections of all areas including all rooms as part of this initial inspection. Any violations needing corrected will be forwarded to the manager and property owner via a notice and order to repair. The building division will be inspecting the properties in the following order, Location Date Inspection Time American Motel December 4- 6, 2000 9:00am Interstate Inn December 6- 8, 2000 1:00pm Quality Inn January 8- 10, 2001 9:00am Super 8 Motel 7anuary 10 - 12, 2001 1:00pm Motel 6(south) January 15 - 17, 2001 9:00am Motel 6(north) January 17 - 19, 2001 1:00pm Holiday Inn Express January 22 - 24, 2001 9:00am La Quinta Inn January 24 - 26, 2001 1:00pm Please have a maintenance person available to walk with the inspector and open doors that need to be unlocked as part of these inspections. (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat - GRidge The intent of these inspections is to ensure public health, safety and welfare insotar as they aze affected by the continued occupancy and maintenance of structures and premises. Existing structures and premises that do not comply with provision established by the code shall be altered or repaired to provide a minimum level of health and safety. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. SinceXIII) u~ Darin Morgan Codes Administrator Cc property owners address files Arvada Fire District Wheat Ridge Police Department, Hotel / Motel Program (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 - POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 Jefierson Co-,~nty Assessor's Department Todays date:11/22/2000 http://buffy.co jefferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?043887 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL Wdve Schedule Number:043887! ParcelID_39-201-09 001 ; •Active Properry Type:Mixed Use Owner Name: j MACGILLIVRAY BART Property Address:12100W 44TH AVE WHEAT Mailing Address:03737 BROADWAY RIDGE,CO 80033 ,BOULDER ,CO 80304 Legal Description ISubdivision Name: IJSHUMWAY RESUB Block; Lot Key Section Township; Range Quarter section Land Sq.ft I 0001' 20 ;73 69 NE 31,316 0002, *7~__ _31,316 0003, 20 F73 ; 69 31,316, 0004 20 69 , 31,316 Total Acres: 2.8760; DBA or Misc:QUALITY INN WEST Sales Information Sales Date Sales Amount: Deed T e ~Rece tio~: ~ ~ yP _ - p - 8-09-1993 $ 805,000 ; Special Warranty Deed 93125444 ; 7 02-1993 - ~ 0; Public Trustee's Deed , 93096622 ` - - = 5 15 1990 $ 950,000 1 Special Warranty Deed Joint Tenancy ; - - - 90040949 ; 5-14-1990 . $ 950,000 ~ Special Warranty Deed ~ NODECLOl 11-20-1989 OI Public Trustee's Deed ; - - CONVEROl% 6 12-1989 $1,665,000 ! Quit Claim Deed - - - CONVER02; - 9-25-1987 . $1,850,OOOj Warranty Deed CONVER03~ 3-26-1987 Oi Pubhc Trustee's Deed CONVER04; 4 30-1984 12 22-1982 - F o F-- 0; CONVEROS, CONVER06j - 6101982 F- CONVER07 Value Information 1 of 2 1 1/22/00 103 1 AM Jeft'erson County Assessor's Department 1999 Payable 2000 2000 Payable 2001, Actual Value Actual Value Land $ 630,800 $ 63Q800 _ Imp $ 2,523,100 $ 2,5237 100_ Total $ 3,153,900 $ 3,153,900 Assessed Value Assessed Value Lan d ~ $ 173,220 $ 173,210 F- $ 692,840 i$ 692,830 TOTAL ' $ 866 060 m $ 866,040 Taac Dist 3109 3109 Mill Levy 92.2290 N/A _ Date assessed 11 04-1999 ; i Tax District 3109 I Mill levy for 1999 payable in 2000] Neighborhood Area O.OOOOOE+OO I RETLJRN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASLJRER INFORMATION http:/Pouffy. co.j efferson. co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?043887 2 of 2 . 11/22/00 1031 AM STRUCTURALINVENTORY Jefferson Cormry Assessor's Department Todays date:11/22/2000 http://buffy. co.jefferson. co. us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?904095 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL Schedule Number:904095! Parcel ID: Owner Name:; TABOR LAKE INN Y BART PropertyAddress:12100W 44TH AVE,WHEAT MailingAddress:03737 BROADWAY RIDGE,CO 80033 ,BOULDER,CO 80304 Legal Description Subdivision Name: - Block Lot KeySection Townshipi Range:; Quarter section; Sales Information Sales Date; Sales Amount Deed Type Reception',) Value Information 1999 Payable 2000 2000 Payable 2001; Actual Value Actual Value Total _ $ 23,544 _ ; $ 20,240 _ _ i Assessed Value j _ Assessed Value I Land___.. ~ - ~ ~ TOTAL _ $ 6,830 Tax Dist _ 3109 ; 3109 Mili Levyi 92.2290 N/A . I af 2 11/22/00 10:31 AM DBA orMisc:QUALITY INN WEST/TABOR(105 ROOMS) Jefferson Connty Assessor s Department Date assessed 6-06-2000 i Taac District 3109 ~ - - - Mill levy for 1999 payable in 20001 COLJNTY _ ; 24.6860 SCHOOL i 51.7610 WHEAT RIDGE j 2.1730, ARVADA FIItE DIST. 8.OOOOi FRLTITDALE SAN. DIST. ~ 3.3720; REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST ; 000: URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DISTi 0.6550 VALLEY W DIST . _ j 1.5820~ TOTAL MILL LEVY ; 92.2290 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETLJRN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION http:/Pouffy.co.j e£ferson. co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?904095 2 of 2 11122/00 10:31 AM Jefferson Connry Assessots Deparhnent Todays date:11/22/2000 http://buffy.cojefferson.co.us/egi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?968645 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL Number.968645i ParcellD. ctiverActive ; Property Type: Commercial ' :me:; DENVER COCA COLA BOTTLING CO j Properry Address:12100W 44TH AVE,WHEAT ' Mailing Address:013345 CENTRAL AVE,LOS RIDGE,CO 80033 ' ANGELES ,CA 90021 i Legal Description Subdivision Name:; I Block~ Lot Key~ Section~ Township' Range~ Quarter sectioni Acres: DBA or Misc:MACH-QUALITY INN Sales Information Sales Date~ Sales Amount Deed Type Reception'I Value Information 1999 Payable 2000 2000 Payable 2001 _ Actual Value Actual Value Land _ 0 1 0 Imp_...----,0 ~ = Total $_5,934 . : $ 8,306. ' Assessed Value ; Assessed Value - - L~aija __,110 0 _ r-10 TOTAL ; $ 1,720 , $ 2,410 - 3109 3109 Mill Levy 92.2290 1 of 9 11/22/00 10:32 AM Jef:erson Covnry Assessor's Depariment Date assessed 6-06-2000 ; Tax District 3109 ; Mill levy for 1999 payable in 2000j COIJNTY . ~ 24.6860 ; SCHOOL I51.7610 WHEAT RIDGE - [11739 ARVADA FII2E DIST. _ 8.0000, FRLTITDALE SAN DIST. 33720 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST ; 000 - - iIRBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DISZ 0.6550 VALLEY W DIST j_ 1 5820:. TOTAL MILL LEVY ~ 92.2290 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION http://buffy. co.j efferson.co. us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?968645 2 of 2 11/22/00 10:32 AM Jefferson Ccunty Assessor s Deparhnent Todays date:11/22/2000 http:/Muffy.co.j efferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ais/test3. cgi?969126 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL Number:969126 1ParcellD: (Active:Active TELECASTING OF DENVER INC Property Address:12100W 44TH AVE ' Mai[ing Address:05575 TECH CENTER DR 300 .WHEAT RIDGE.CO 80033 i,COLORADO SPRINGS,CO 80919 Legal Description Subdivision Name:; . , B[ock; Lot Key Section Township' Rangel Quarter section Acres: DBA or Misc: WANTV EQ AT QUALITY INN WEST Sales Information Sales Date Sales Amount Deed Type Reception;l Value Information 1999 Payable 2000 - ~ 2000 Payable 2001 _ Actual Value Actual Value , _ ~ Total $ 11,553 $ 7,962 - - - Assessed Value Assessed Value _ . _ Land I" - ~ lll°u 0 I TOTAL " $ 3,350 Taac Dist ~ 3109 3109 Mi11 Levy1 92.2290 N/A I 1 of 2 . 11/22/00 1032 AM Jef!'erson Ccunty Assessor's Depariment Date assessed 6-06-2000 Tax District 3109 _ - - - - Mill levy for 1999 payable in 20001 COUNTY ; 24 6860 SCHOOL ~ 51 7610I WHEAT RIDGE ~ 2.1730 ARVADA FIRE DIST. ~ 8.0000 FRLTITDALE SAN DIST. 3.3720 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST 000 iJRBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST[0.6550: VALLEY W DIST i 1 5820i TOTAL MILL LEVY ; 92 2290 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASIJRER INFORMATION http: //buffy. co.j efferson. c o. us/c gi-b in/mis/ats/test3. cgi? 969126 2of2 11/22/001032AM Jefkrson Ccunty Assessor s Department Todays date:11/22/2000 http://buffy.co.j efferson. co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?972329 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR PROPERTY DETAIL ID: IActive:Active Fi_JNDING GROUP INC Property Address:12100W 44TH AVE,WHEAT RIDGE Mailing Address: PO BOX 803284 ,CO 80033 ,DALLAS,TX 75380 Legal Description Subdivision Name.•; Block P Key Section, Township! Range Quarter section and Sq.ft. I DBA or Misc:LEASE-QUALITY INN WEST Sales Information Sales Date Sales Amount Deed Type Reception'I Value Information 1999 Payable 2000! 2000 Payable 2001 Actual Value I Actual Value - ~ Land .___.10 -1 0____..__ limp 110 I 0 Total E 0 $ 3,995 ~ Assessed Value Assessed Value - - Land ~ l..°" ~ o 0 TOTAL r 0 Ta~c Dist ~ $ 1,160 3109 Mill Levy 76.4470 ~ N/A ' ~ - _ 1 of 2 11 /22/00 1032 AM IeffersomCc,unty Assessor's Deparhnent ate assessed 6-06-2000 District IMill lew for 1999 roavable in 2000i1 SCHOOL 151.7610 TOTAL MILL LEVYI 76.4470 STRUCTURALINVENTORY RETURN TO SEARCH PAGE TREASURER INFORMATION http://buffy.co.j efferson.co.us/cgi-bin/mis/ats/test3.cgi?972329 2 of2 11/22/00 10:32 AM 40 II, ,f Enclosed is the check for the sign permit at -TDs izc,c:~ W. `i-ti-t~ Rut Location. Thank You, GORDON SIGN COMPANY %"Lok Mike Doody Signpermit Coordinator Ga433b94S9E S3`I- n JISd.. '•fOdUCIS CG'T . C,'-.:_ (i 4';l~St 9th AV6 ~ pamie!. Colorado c - 3C3-G2&6121 33 3-629-1024 FzY Celoradc Ofices: Denver!Co!orade Springsi longmor,t/Pua'oio •`+^Jyoming Offices: Cheyanne Cascer/RocK S i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 10357 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 4110/00 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 12000 W 44TH AVE Phone : 422-2300 Contractor License No. : 18581 Company : Denver Sign Systems, Inc. Phone : 295 2090 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrtctions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : 2 new signs installed between existing pipe Construction Value : $1,250.00 Permit Fee : $47.90 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $18.75 Total: $66.65 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : MLC Zoning : G1 Approval: DM Approval: Occupancy : Walis SIC : Sq. Ft. : Complies w/sign code. Proposed will total 86.62% of allowed signage okay NON-illuminated Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was issuetl in accordance wi[h the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) ihe work authorized is not commencetl within sixty (60) days From issue tlate or (e) the building authorized is suspended or abantlonetl for a period oF 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee oF one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (7) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. . (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone that will change the natural Flow of water causin9 a dreinaqe problem. (5) ConVaclor shall notify the Builtling Inspector hventy -four (24) hours in advance for all inspec[ions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of ihe job. (6) The issuance of a permit orthe approval of drewings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions oFthe hyjLtling cotles or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulalion. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Buiiding Permit Number : Date : Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company & s. I aorOw~vvJ a D-e- (QS'J+! .6 €vw.)f2 s<.Ph OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF Phone : yJ-)-;23C1f) Phone : c) 1? S ;u?4D AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on lhis application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheatpd.ge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : a1yt,uW Construction Value : ;'P S-D•'j° Permit Fee : J 4_~ i o UseTax: ~~7 Total: $0.00. Use Il b- BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY roi_ _ . ~omP~S wIs~~n ~~e , P.no os~c~ Approvai (D , b a°Z6 6b C1.~.0~~ Zoning : MRih~' 'lents'3 ~H p ~ m;L I~mn-1-)Ivrra.•.u~~C. Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Electrical License No : Company ; Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : SIC : _ Sq. Ft: : ~ ~ - 7171~91' Stories Residential Unit s"'.' 1n pal ic~nse No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (7) This pemit was issuetl in accorUance with Ihe provisions set forth in yopur appliwtlon and is sub'ect to the IaWS of the SWIe of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regula0ons antl Buildiny Code of Nfieat Ridge, Colorado or any other appliwble oMinances of ~e Ciry. (2) This pemit shall expire if (A) the work authorizetl is not wmmenced within sixry (60) days (rom issue date or (B) the building aulhorized is suspended or abandoned (or a perioU of 120 days. (3) If this pemit expires, a new pemit may be acquired for a(ee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no Uanges have been or will be made in the oriqinal plans and specifiwtlons and any suspension or abandonment has not exceedetl one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (t) year, full (ees shall be paid for a new pemit (4)No work of any manner shall be done that will Uange the naturel flow of water wusing a drainage prohlem. (5) ConVaclor shall noliy the Building InspeMOr twenry-four (24) hours in advance for all Inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspeclion card before proceetliing with successive phases of fhe'ob. (6) The issuance of a pemit or Uie approval o~tl2wings and specifcallons shall not be consWed to be a pemit for, nor an approval o( any violation of the provisions of Ne building cyde3pr any other oMinance, law, rule or regulatioa - v .a iie ding I ector For Mayor THIS PE VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~ Walls : Roof lb _ - APR 7'90 14:43 FR GORDON SIGN C0. 303 629 1024 TO 3032352857 P.01/01 FAX TRANSMIlTAL $40-►~~ Gordon Sign A Vi&a! Produds CompanY 2930 W. 9tf+ Avenue Denvef CO 802044311 3034129-6721 Phnne 303-629-1824 Fax SOD 323-612'E 1 Page(s) To FoAow D/ITE: Aprfl 5, 2000 TO: M-0 Lou COMPANY: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FROM: Mike Qoody RE: TDS Q 12000 W. 44th FAX NUMSER: 3032352857 ~ MESSAGE Nlary Lou: Gordon Sign was originalty fhe General Contractor that pulled the sign pemuis et 12000 W. 44°i Avenue {ot TDS signage. However, we only installed the TDS sign and not ffie two signs under the 7DS sign. We wwilii not be doing any other instaflations at the site. The other signs will be instatled by another sign cw*mY- SincekrelY, Mike Dootly Permifs Goordvaator TOTRL PAGE.001 1-41J-1 7-99 THU 4:0" Y1.4 Fn; Pfii. 303432"995 ~ Arvada Fire Protection District P.O. 8ox S-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephona (303) 424•3012- FAX (303) 432-7995 March 17,1999 Mr. Aarin Nlorgan, Codes Adm'vtisttator Wheat Ridge Building Aepartnnent 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat itidge, CO 80034 RE: J. W. Brewer Tire Shop Buitding V0OO W 44'b,'A:ve. Dear barin, F. 2 • ~ We have reviewed the plans for this facility for con£ormance with the 1997 Uniform Fire Code and have the £ollowing comments. 1. Site: 1. The address will need to be posted oa a temporary basis and permanezxtly affixed to the building in a muvmum of 4 inch numbers. UFC 97 901.4.4. Aamended. 2. All-weather fire department access will need to be provitded to within 150 feet of all portions of the building, capable of supporting the imposed toads of 52,000 lb £re appazatus prior to above grade construction. ITFC 97 901.3. 3_ Fire lanes will need to be posted on each side, "No Parking Fue Lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat IUdge Standatds. UFC 97 901.42. 2. Occupency Separation: 1. It appea[s that a one-hour fire-resisdve occupancy sepasation would need to be provided from the Group H-4 and Group B and M Occupancies. Openings would need to be protected in accordance with the Building Code. The final deteaninarion wiJl need to be made by the Building Aepartnnezxt. P~fAR-1"-'3y THU 4:07i Fiei Fk" IdO. 3034327995 Y. 3 Page Two 3. Fire Suppression System: 1. If the building remains ctassified as a Group H, Division 4 Occupancy a fire suppression system vrill need to be instalted. 2. .A, minimum o£tktree secs of pla»s and hydraulic calculations will need to be submitted £or review and comment prior to installation. All work wiU need to be perfonned by a Siate of CO licensed sprinkler contractor. IJFC 97 1001.3 3. The Sze dept connection will need to be inscalled and maintained within 150 feet o£a fire hydrant. UFC 97 9032 Amended. 4. The location o£the £~re dept. connection wiU need to approved by the Fire Mazshal. UFC 97 1003.1.1. 5. Additional comments inciuding supervision and requirements £or audible ala:ms will be addressed at the rime of p]an review. 4. Exits: 1. The main exit door i£provided with a key tocking device shaU be posted with a sign stating, "This Door Is To Itemain Unlocked Auring Business Hours_ UkC 97 12073_ 2. The remaining exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of key or special knowiedge. UFC 97 1207.3. 3. The occupant load calculations that we perfoaned indicate that the occupant load may be in excess of 10 persons. A second exit would need to be provided. Ylease verify zf hhe occupant load c3lCUlations are cortect and if a second exit is needed. UFC 97 J 202. 5. Emergency Lighting: 1. Provide emergency lig,btang by night light or battery pack units. IJFC 97 1211.1. MAk-17-99 THU 4 08 P1vq FAIX P1G. 3034327995 F. 4 Page Three 6. Waste Storage: i. Provide metal cans with ]ids for storage of waste materials.. UFC 97 2901.7.3. 7. Blectrical: i. Blectrical receptacles within the shop wi11 need to be instalted a minimum o£ 18 inches above the finished floor. iJFC 97 2902.4 2. The occupant will need to verify that sufficient electrical receptaCles aze pzovided as extension cords are not petmitted to be used in place of permanent wiiing. UFC 97 8506.3 8. Fire BxtinguisAer's: 1. Fire extinguisher's shaU be a minimum of a 4-A rated, 10-1b. ABC dty chem'tcal unit, fully charged with current inspection tags, mounted not less than three £eet nor more than five feet from the floor to the top ofthe mounting bracket at exits and staicways and where the travel distance exceeds 75 £eet. i7FC 97 1002.1 Amended. 9. Carpeting: 1. If carpeting is installed it shall be a mitiimum of a Gass IT GYitical Radiant Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to installation. L7FC 97 Appendix III-A. 10. Storage: x. Tire storage will not be pl2ced within this building. I£tire storage begins to appear within the building, the buiiding will need to comply with the most cusrent additzon of the Fire Code. UFC 97 Article 81. 11. Additional Comments: 1. Asry code requirements arising from cAnstruction will be addtessed. t+i.:k-I7-9y THU 4:08 Ptvi F~r 1,10. 3034327995 F. 5 Page Four 12. Inspections: Twenty £our hours notice required for all uaspections. Inspections ere conducted 'Iltesday thru Friday. UEC 97 1032.2. Sincerely, Acvada Fire Protection D'zstrict Steve Steiglew Aeputy Fire Marshal Arvada Fire Protection District P.O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 424-3012 - FAX (303) 432-7995 CO,o y/ s.s,c,~~e ~-k.~ Mazch 17, 1999 Mr. Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29hAve. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 RE: J. W. Brewer Tire Shop Building p e 12000 W. 44'" Ave. Deaz Darin, We have reviewed the plans for this facility for conformance with the 1997 Uniform Fire Code and have the following comments. l. Site: 1. The address will need to be posted on a temporary basis and pennanendy affixed to the building in a minimum of 4 inch numbers. iJFC 97 901.4.4. Amended. ~ 2. All-weather fire department access will need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52,000 lb fire appazatus prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3. Fire lanes will need to be posted on each side, City of Wheat Ridge Standards. UFC 97 901.4.2. "No Parking Fire Lane" with signs that meet 2. Occupancy Separation: It appears that a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy sepazation would need to be provided from the Group H-4 and Group B and M Occupancies. Openings would need to be protected in accordance with the Building Code. The final deternvnation will need to be made by the Building Department. Page Two 3. Fire Suppression System: 1. If the building remains classified as a Group H, Division 4 Occupancy a fire suppression system will need to be installed. 2. A mivimum of three sets of plans and hydraulic calculations will need to be submitted for review and comment prior to installation. All work will need to be performed by a State of CO licensed sprinkler contractor. UFC 97 1001.3 3. The fire dept connection will need to be installed and maintained within 150 feet of a fire hydrant. UFC 97 9032 Amended. 4. The location of the fire dept. connection will need to approved by the Fire Mazshal. UFC 97 1003.1.1. 5. Additional comments including supervision and requirements for audible alarms will be addressed at the time of plan review. 4. Exits: 1. The main exit door if provided with a key locking device shall be posted with a sign stating, "This Door Is To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours. UFC 97 12073. 2. The remaining exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of key or special knowledge. UFC 97 1207.3. 3. The occupant load calculations that we performed indicate that the occupant load may be in excess of 10 persons. A second exit would need to be provided. Please verify if the occupant load calculations aze correct and if a second exit is needed. UFC 97 1202. 5. Emergency Lighting: 1. Provide emergency lighting by night light or battery pack units. UFC 97 1211.1. Page Three 6. Waste Storage: Provide metal cans with lids for storage of waste materials. UFC 97 2901.7.3. 7. Electrical: 1. Electrical receptacles within the shop will need to be installed a minimum of 18 inches above the finished floor. UFC 97 2902.4 2. The occupant will need to verify that sufficient electrical receptacles aze provided as extension cords are not pernutted to be used in place of permanent wiring. UFC 97 85063 8. Fire Eactinguisher's: 1. Fire extinguisher's shall be a minimum of a 4-A rated, 10-1b. ABC dry chemical unit, fixliy charged with current inspection tags, mounted not less than three feet nor more than five feet from the floor to the top ofthe mounting bracket at exits and stairways and where the trauel distance exceeds 75 feet. UFC 97 1002.1 Amended. 9. Carpeting: 1. If carpeting is installed it shall be a minimum of a Class II Critical Radiant Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to installation. UFC 97 Appendix III-A. 10. Storage: Tire storage will not be placed within this building. If tue storage begins to appear within the building, the building will need to comply with the most current addition of the Fire Code. UFC 97 Article 81. 11. Additional Comments: l. Any code requirements arising from construction will be addressed. Page Four 12. Inspections: 1. Twenty four hours notice required for all inspections. Inspections are conducted Tuesday thru Friday. UFC 97 103.2.2. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protecrion District Steve Steigle~ Deputy Fire Marshal i2aoo r~s~y[6~ d ~ Cl&5 ~ ffo vse - ~an -~o be AUe c- r F+ L% b N I~ r o 5 = ='=y`~ r ~ ~ . d g 9 . . . ~ m ~ g S s " v m ~ ~ (rJ g 4 2 g f tn Q H O e X M O p ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~..5• . ~ o ~ ~ o . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O y W~ ''d. O Y ~ o fn H f) t.im m ~c ~ .~c= C:•~ i=tA S N $m < ~ ~0 s ~ 7 H ~ o~i~' - o o O ~oU(~ ' ~ yc ~S 0 ~ 4~^.D .v am MOH tn w ~f qo m R7 u" d w m "7 y ~ a~~ yq 2 I'71 ~m'~ 9 2 a 'd y'C m ' a p d y 7 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 4 6q] H ~ 3 i _ a O a ~ 0 fn - m C m ~ a < o o . O Rf RJ m~ na q~ a ~ ~*l m y < ~ w o A N ~ m`~ a H ~ {*1 o' . ~ y ''-•.,k' p, ~Z-1 m. Li] 0 O T . ~ m K 3 O t~n ~ y V lC ~ ~ ° j ~c . h7 Z ? ~ T n c = ~91 . , ~ m a ~ m ~ y g m . o a, ~~y, ` [d~7 ~ 0 ~ o y " D a}mnfo m0~ v nH c o-c ~ ~ 0 } a W ~ ~ 0 a m ~ ~ . H H ~2 _ ~ v - m ~ ~-a n rt j n 12. ~E. ~ . ~O ~ m s c 3 5' 3 m p1 0o ~ Q i o, • ,-ri x. D M Z O P m 's Z n o P- Rm . - . ° O . ' ' m ~ u [4~7 9- m o O A7 H 0 ~ g . ~L' ~ c ~r [~''1 H . N m m i~ ro O R~1 N m. . ~ m ~ T ~u' y C R 5 O p~ v rt n,am ay a= m n 'w~ . P~+ 9 5- 3' m o 3 > > - S n ~ m a a gv , o . . , ~p ~ m i 3 ~ g y a o 4 p7 g 'B. . I'" S i'' tLi . f] ~•]~"c 1 . x g ~ ' Q2+. a ~ ~ m ~ o a ~ m ~ pG . v~i 0 `L. i x - ~ul' a m a w ' ~ °a ao°im3~oE4. [E;j o'. o ~ o, ~ a(~ x ~c g v~ 6' a . ~ r3 = m .2 '2r' m ~ y a o. . .~a 0 0.c.:_~3.-.. . .c,mmmrsc°c : alm° y . mmo.i d. 4 ° m m f1s-' F. pa 5-0 < > ~ $m'"9o a a i O d. & m~. . -NmyoE 6~'~. 4rg o~ y i~o &L'ff _ ~ ~ 0 7- ~ 0 ~ ~ . d J V 0 ~ 1 N . C r [ O.: 0 m.. ; N N Ot U,m P ~O ' ~E4 m;. . m . w I m C'. m r$ r. m' ^ a~~.~ 6 En to ua mv W ~ . . } 0 . P. . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ct a °x 0 g 3 . _ . . a. m; m . •~~tn . a 0 ~ ~ 6 O m c m ~ I 7 ~ I' STRIP M1 \ ~i. t. w ~ aa r" r to N Y 0 m O Q 0 ~ a N W. 44TH AVENUE (AS CONSTRUCS 89~ 30'0 4'0" ~ W 24.861 SoUT„ LINE w44 . ~ ~AS PLATiED SOUTH UNE W. 49TN AVE. AS CONSTFUCTED 136.601 . NE39°51 51 E ry na~ ~ I I I `33, 196.29' 1 Hl nEkLY) LOT 11. ~ i LEES SUBDIVISION ~NW C'2NER LOT 11 I ~ I I I WEST LINE I TBACT b,j 1EE5 SUBDIVISION . . PE/+RL OP THE VALLEY N W ; W : .'.~T 3 4E- LOT S, SMU 9° ; RE-SUE 1 01.1 E _..:.'T w O N ~ ~ N I OD 0 in 2 M LOT I ~ b N 3 O 0 :1((w~.i./ y ~ C4 z _o h ~ C ~~N 0~ L 00 72 ° W .0 LOT3 - o~Y 3 = % ~ FW c o J2- FNN W =2 0 t~ Jl . F ~ s:~ e . t l C• ~ LL NO . . . . . . I N 8 ~ ~ I £XCAVAT/ON SZ~L.I O, NEI CORNER l0T 5 ~ ~~y SHUMWAP RE-SUBDIyI510N l..c` NORTH LINE L0T5, SHUMWAY RSION L. ~ i t....~r~;.~' BL~OCK if ' 30• 4MT ~ . eAn'€. 3p'L.:.o LOT 4 'SE CORryER.TRACT 6. pEARL F'F THE VALLEY N 0° 17 '20" E 1 56.301 • ~....ewc na w a99 NI' _ I ~ ~ . - - LOT 5 332.46 S 99° 52,18W SOUTH l1NE LOT 1, SNUMWAY RE-SUBDIVISION S 89°58 O! W~LINE LOT.11 ~ 322 a~t LEES 54BDIVISION N 89°56'34~~ W S 0° 17~ IQ~~~N I N 27.48?O" E SW CORNER LOT 7. - ' SHUMWAY RE-SUBDIVISION / 39.44 ENST LINE SHUMWAY .I - GSE CORNER LOT T. RE-SUBDIVISION SHllM W AY I .y,;...•,• ~ RE'SUBOIVISI~N ~ i.:..- ..4,= =i Y::. . • r L':......` 4 0 50 ioo 200 25 75 150 300 nLE'.1"= 100' ~i 79~ 19e.vi o I 89°5I'51°E 468.86~ ~ I,yL~ /T pF GRAVEL - ` HIINE TRACT 6. PEARL OF THE VALLEY oI n {0 ~ ~ ~ r ~ N o~ J " N n , o fA ~ so m W J ZNI J -N ~ W y W W J SOUTH LI SE0. 20; S ~~1~ SE CORNE .LOT11, LE NOTES: i. LOTS 4 a 5, BLOCK I RESERVED FOR FUTURE PAR GRAVEL EXCAVATION. 2.BASIS OF BEARIrd"S IS THE SOUTH LWE OF THE T 3 S, R 69W- N 90° 0'0" E(ASSUMED) h /s'S£ ~ \ iV w iM ~ ~L -I ~ ~p F \ LLJ v°'Q ~ ZWY `0 0 lv V O Z ~ Q ~ ~ w L.Lj ~ J vj h p p Q2 ti j W Z ~ U a G 7- S'9Z ~ zs ~ O N l , Ss~ L i 3 ~ 0'02 ~ j--, Mi J v u1 1 w y ~ N o+, y~p y~p~ ~ ✓ t 1~ F a~ N y ~ . ~ ~~3 ' ~ ,/z ro o s v,v- . I S G £ . _ ~ -ZlN \L ti H ~ V o a'oz s . U K V L i ~ . 0 ~ Y , ~ . f: ~p y FL b 002 N 0 0 ~ w ~ J 0 J ~ ~ U Z o ~ h ~v Lj- ~ Z O J ~ J ~ W ~ LL, ~ 7