HomeMy WebLinkAbout6250 W. 44th AvenueCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: 18436 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date ; 3/10/2005 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: JASON MORRIS Property Address : 6250 W EST 44TH AVENUE Phone : 3-356-1769 : Contractor License No. : 22227 ' Company : K T MAINTENANCE Phone :(303) 766-8807 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OFUNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Valuation : $1,950:00 ~ 1 hereby certiTy that the setback distances. pioposed tiy this permit application.are accurate; and : P@fftllt F2e : $90.10 : donot violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or . covenaMS, easements or restrictions of recortl;that alf ineasurements shown, antl allegations PIBft R2VI8W FEE :.<$0.00 . . made areaccurate; that 6have read and agree.to abide tiy all conditions. printed on this . . application, and thatTassume full responsibility.for compliance with the !Nheat Ridge Bwlding US8 T8X : $35.10 . Code (I.B.C)) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinance , for work undeCthis permit. ~ ,(OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR)SIGNED ' DATEc~YO'LF!tS_ TOlBI: $~25.20 . . . . . . . USB : . _ . ~ Description : REPLACE CRAW L SPACE FURNACE Y BUILDING DEPARTMENTLSE ONLY ~~r~nts SIC : Sq. Ft. : . ina~Comun Approval : Zoning : ~ r dA:_9~.~~,m a S-~ i. Approval : t; r APproval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units ~ . - Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical ticense No : Company: Company; Company; Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval' ' Approval : Approval : ' (7) 7hispermit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to tfielaws of the Sfate of Coloradoand to the Zoning . Regulalions and Bmlding Code of Wheai Ridge, Coloredoor any otiier appticable oidinances of the City. - .(2) . This pertnit shall eupire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or abantlonedforaperiodof180tlays ' ' (3) . If this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one half the amount normaily reqmred, provided no changes have 6een orwill be made in the original plansand specifications and any suspension or atiantlonment has noPexceetled one (1) yeac if changes are made or if suspension or abandonment .exceedsone.(i)year,fullfeesshalibepaidfoianewpermit-. (4) NoworkofanymannerslialltiedoneShatwillchangethe.naturalFlowofwatercausingadrainageproblem.--.. ~..(5) .~-Contrador shall notify the Builtling Inspector twenry four (24)hours in advance for all inspections and shall.Peceive written approval on inspedion caN before proceednng with successrve phases (6) Theissuance of a permit or th ~ p N'd ' ins and speciFlcation all not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violahon of the provisionsofthebmldingc e~uc~(lawrr rregulation... . ~ Chief Building lnspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverseside of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: o~ W"E'°'q BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234•5933 Date: ~ o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " , 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 • (303-235-2855) `°~°R"°° APPLICATION Property Owner: ~--J j1iLCl`f ; Property Address: ~A_M 1,i ? +-4 Q y~ Phone: :30,7` 3n" l?0 Contracror License No.: ;Z, a ;La 7 ~.ry4l T Phone:3c3-7L•L -Y~6? COII]p3Dy: 4 i e✓ C~,.JGi.N l'. ''L OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNANRE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Value:$ 1 hereby certiiy Ihat the seiback distances proposed by this pertnit applicatlon are accu2te, and do not violale applicable ordinances, rules or regulations ot the City of PeIITllt F.ee:$ ~a WheatRidgeorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsotrecorcl;thatailmeasurements plan ReviewFee:$ shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applip6on and that I assume full responsibility for Use Tax'R compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all other applicable Total:$ Wheal Ridge Ordinances, for work under this pennitn (OWNFRNCO~CTOR):SIGNEO pK(M.(. /vL ~ ` - - - L (OWNER)(CONiftACTOR):PRINTEO K LQ,,*J {btC`f DATE :3-JG9 "<)V Description: R e~ fo-e-e- Ci`c~ui t!~PmeFuP"rO~t z Sq.Ft.added Electrical License No: 3`1 Plumbing License No: Mechanical license No: oZ~a~7 te•~,c:.~,e ~z Company: fytcutiu,S f~ etr~cr`.'E, Company: Company: Rr Ihitr`.J Expiration Date: a. -07 6cpiration Date: Expiration Date: 3-i e;2e0 (c ApProval: ApProval: ApProval: . 0) Ttiis permit was issued in accordance wiM the provisions set forth in your appiiqUOn and is subjec[ to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and 8uilding Codes of W heat Ridge, Colo2do or any oMer appficable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sizly (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abanCOned for a period of 720 days. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-haif the amount normalty required, provide0 no changes have been or will be made in the originai plans and spedfications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded wie (1) yeac If changes have been or ii suspension or abandw+ment exceeds ooe (1) yEar, full fees shall be paid for a new pennR (4) No work oi any manner shall be done that will change the nalurai flow of water qusing a drainage problem. (5) Contraclot shail noti(y the Building Inspector twenty-tour (24) hours in advance for all inspecUOns and shall receive written approval on inspection card betore Proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permft a the approval of tlrawings and spedficatlons shall not be mnstrued to be a permit tor, nor an approval of, any violadon of the provisions of the building codes m any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buiiding Official APPLICATION FOR BUILDING CONTRACTORS LICENSE City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (Do not write in this space) License # Expires: The undersigned affirms that he/she is familiar with the ordinances and regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge relative to building & construction within the City and shall at all times perform in compliance with same as a contractor under the class of license hereby applied for: Lic. Class/Description Fee Lic. Class/Description Fee Class 1- Unlimited $150.00 Class 6- Structure Moving $ 75.00 Class 2- Limited $125.00 Class 7- Demolition $ 75.00 ( ) Class 3 - Residential $100.00 ( ) Class 8 - Plumbing $100.00 Class 4- $ 75.00 ~Q Ciass 9- Mechanical $100.00 Non-habitable buildings and sfructures Carport Class 10 - Electrical Signal Private detached garage (systems less than 48-volts) $ 75.00 Storage shed Swimming pools O Class 11 - Sign $ 75.00 Fences Siding Class 12 - Fire Protection $ 75.00 Fascia Soffl't Class 13 - Lawn Sprinkier $ 75.00 Patio covers Glazing / Windows (installation and replacement) Class 14 - Roofing $ 75.00 Framing Drywa!l Masonry (none structural veneer only) Elevator systems ( ) Class 5 - Homeowner $75.00 BUSINESS NAMER % Ili0.ivTe'_~~wC.~. OWNERSNAME k @V,`!✓ /tf= %dlE ADDRESS S,? 7,S S- jR cLk e- C,'T CITY `(.~~'FEv✓,t~l STATE Cp ZIp PHONE 31D j' 7(a ~a- 6-~0 7 FAX ?n G ,7A- ? 7 77 REFERENCES (3 other Municipal/County Licenses): /+v NEc`ri, Lic ~ o by-i ~2~~ 8? oc tL 'Please'tir'ovitle abnies $f'aice7rses: e~'F eovvs n-f Lic cNeS- 10 1,3 z n T~t ~rtii tA-v Lic ~ss ~ ~ Signature ~ BY Chief Building Official insurance Requirements: Coverage shall include workers compensation and empioyer's liability in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), Generai Liability Insurance in the amouni of two million doilars ($2,000,000)- general aggregate and one million dollars ($1,000,000) ior each occurrence. The City of Wheat Ridge must be listed as the Certificate holder. (Please provide a copy at time of Iicense submittal.) License Classification. (a) The various ciasses of licenses issued under This article and the work authorized io be performed by the hoider of ihe license are as follows: (1) Building Contractor - Class 1, shall be authorized to perform the following: unlimited building, altering, adding to the structural portions of any building, structure or portion thereof of any type, including all concrete, structural steei and iron, and the demolition of ail or any part of a building or structure on a site on which he will build new construction, remodel, alter or repair an existing building or structure. (2) Buiiding Contractor - Class 2. shall be limited to Type III, IV or V buildinos not exceeding three (3) stories and not used for Educationai, institutional or Hazardous occupancies as defined by the buiiding code. (3) Residential Suilding Contracior - Class 3; shall be limited to one and two family dwellings and muitipie single-family (townhouse) residentiai structures not exceeding three (3) stories. (4) Building Contractor - Class 4, shall be authorized to perform the following Non-habitable buiidings and structures Carport Private detached garage Storage shed Swimming poois Roofing Fences Siding Fascia Soffit Patio covers Glazing / Windows (installation, replacement and repair) Framing Drywall Masonry (none structural veneer only) Elevator systems (5) Home Owner Building Contractor - Class 5, shall be issued to an individual who desires to perform work involving consiruction, alterations or additions including plumbing, electrical and mechanical allerations of a single-family dweNing owned and resided in by that individual. ~ CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE City of Thomton 9500 Civic Center Drive Thomton, CO 80229 303-538-7250 This is to certify that: KT MAINTENANCE 5975 S ROME CT CENTENNIAL, CO 80015- Has been issued a MECHANiCAL & PLUMBING LICENSE on August 04, 2004. License Number: 5552 License Eupiretion Date: August 04, 2005 Contractor Number: 11350 Chief Buiidi cial Signature of Licensee ~ CITY OF CENTENNIAL Business License SessionlD: 7/16/2004 Business Licease Year 2005 Txp ID: 1341 Issue Date: 07119/2004 Expiration Date: 06/30/2005 KT MAINT'ENANCE License No: CEN05-4063 KEVIN M. FOLEY 5975 S. ROME CT. CENTENNIAL CO 80015 Location No: 1 Location: KEVIN M. FE3LEY 5975 S. ROME CT. CgNT'ENNip,i, CO 80015 The licensee named herein is authorized to do business in the CITY OF CENTENNIAL as provided for the Llcense Schedules listed below: Code Descriptbn License Amount H7 HVAC-HEATING, WARM AIR AND VENTILATION _ $76'00 Total License $75.00 Total lssue Fee S5.00 Total Penairy $0-00 Total lnterest ~.00 Total Fee 7-5 S0.00 Total Amount Remittetl $80.00 Licenses paid by check are void if cM1eck is not honored upon first presentation to bank This I►cense does not permit operation uniess businass is in comptisnce with ail other applicable laws/rules. Non-Transferable License Officer CONTRACTOR LICENSE d~ CITY OF AURORA - BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 1470 SOUTH HAVANA STREEf, ROOM 200 AURORA, CO 80012 PHONE NO. (303) 739-7420 TYPE OF LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE LICENSE NO. HVAC 08/O1/2005 2004 121687 00 CL DATE OF ISSUE: 07/23/2004 CONTRACTOR: KT MAINTENANCE 5975 S ROME CT CENTENNIUAOL CO 80015 , LICENSING OFRC l Company: K T MAINTENANCE Address: 5975 SOUTH ROME COURT City: CENTENNIAL State: CO Zip: 80015 Type of License: Mechanical Contractor CityLic: 22227 Phone: (303) 766-8807 Fax : (303) 632-7777 Date Issued : 3/10/2005 Expiration Date : 3/10/2006 CHIEF BUILD G PECTOR Note: K79KAIXTENANCE 5975 SOVDf 12,09KE C0'V122 CE90~XNIAL, CO 80015