HomeMy WebLinkAbout7014 W. 44th Avenue• ° COMMUMTY.DE4ELpPMENTDEPARTMENT pF WHEqlq gUILpING INSPECTION LINE • 303-234-5g33 CITY OF WHEqT it1DGE ° 7500 WES7 29TN AVENUE WHEAT RIpGE, Cp 80033 - (303-235•2855) APFI.ICAT"l~QN rropenyowner: °C6 e c'c~ro PropBm.Adanss: 701y cJ- tiHrh Av lJhear RFclgc? L'L Contractar I,icense Na, conipany: Building Permit Nur9f0er:-~"-'-' Da3ei T'hone: TO Phone: pWNEWGONIItACTOR SIGNATIIRa OF UNDER$TANDING ANb AGftEEMEN7 guffdinoDeot. Va/uation Figu/e: $ I hereby certrfy tha[ the set6ack dibtances proppge accurate, snd dn rrot vioiate applieable artlinances, 1 W heat Ridge or cpvBnents, sas0ments ar resttictiwu shown. and ailegaGOne made ara acpurrte: that 1 hm condi7ons printed on Uiis appliCgtion and ihat I compliance w"rfh tha Wheat R9dge guilding Cede (I.B_ Ridge Qrdinances, for work underytqis permif, ptan5, by thls pBtMit sppllqGon are es ot regulatlona af the Ci[y of arM Value:$ UU. Pernut Fee:$ ~ Plan Review Fee:$ •Z~ airTa Total:$ ~Q7 a- Use of space (description): - nescription of work: UpcUaTG ~10-0:ir°eal Plun°ny ~~°xiureS 54. Kt. addrd ~ CpMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: C7SE U401NGCOMMENTS: pPProvdf: ~jCE~t1GL0 "CyCF- ctwc~ E(ec~~r~ • LJ4fI ~?e' V UOLIC ~ ~MMENRg; v ~ae oea~rMeror coMMENTS: MProval: ccupancy: Walis; Roof: Stories: ResidenGal Units: Electricat License No: Plumbing License Na: Mechenical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expirefion Date: Expiration t7ate: APProval: P,pProvat• „?narovah (9) Th1s pgrmit was issugd in apCprdanC9 with fha prov(sans sat {crih In }rowappltcaGvn snd is subject ln lhe laws of the State pf Golqado and ta tltg ZoNng Reguhapnns and BuIlding Codes ofYyheat Ridge, Calvrado the Gty, orany pthetapplicahle ordinances o1 (2) Thi5 permit shs11 expire if (A) tite work authpYSed i3 no; cpmmenCgd withln slxty (90) tleys Trom issue date or (6) fhe Wlding auihnrized 1s suependad vr abandoned for a peYOd oi 78U day6, (3) IfthispertnitpXpires,gnewpermitmaypgaCquiredforaf98ofonghalfifAeamouMnormallyrequlred,provldednochanges Mave heen orwill be made in fhe orPglnal ptang snd specifippons and anysuspenaion orabandonment hae nntexcsetled nne (7) year. If changea havE t3esn pfl~sugpensi0~ 01'a6andontnani exceeds one (1) year, {up {ees siraU be paid fora neW pem~~. (4) No work o} any manner ahalt bg done Yhat will thsngp irye nap~ra~ }~yq, of water Causing e dralnage problem. (5) ContraCtpr shall notily the &~Ildipg 3~apeclor hveniy-fiaw (7A) hours M.advance for all inspections and Shs11 rpceive vmtten approval on h~sPetdon card befnre pmcaetling vlitb succeseive phases of the job. {fi} The issuapce of a pe~nR or th e appmval of drawfngs snd spadflcaupns sna11 not be mnetruad io 6e e perrnit for, nor an approval of, any4iolation otthe provlsions of the 6u0ding codes warry ptlierordinance, law, rule ormguiation. Atl pMn reNaw iseu6jeattvifaldinspaeu0na. Chief Building OffiCiai 50/ZC 39dd SQ-10Nh3J 3'7100IN 560b586E0£ 64:90 909Z/991Z0 ~Io~~oS J ~ r-~- ~a~-~- cmfr~A 25 i5 iS IS tS i5 i5 i5 i5 RHCHIPTS HISTORY ~5al .2~) 4- 97. 2S MD Electric 15976 kshutto 97.25 Bslmores Marin 15869 kshutto 97_ 25 Denver Controls 15807 kshutto 97.25 rugged 15769 croot 97_25 Belmear mechani 15769kshutto 97.25 Bradley Hlectri 15676 mchapla 97_25 Zsp Blectric Se 15470 kskxutto 97_ 25 CRFzFTSM.a1J TOUCH UOID 15447 cpeters 97_25 Sinjac Hlectric 15395 kshutto 25 .City of Wheat Ridge Miscellaneous PERMIT - 060033 PERMIT NO: 060033 ISSUED: 02/23/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 7014 W. 44th Avenue . EXPIRES: 08/23/2007 DESCRIPTION: fire cod drywall of wall adjoining units CONTACTS ten 720/435-8665 Steven McGarrah owner 720/435-8665 Nicolle Reynolds PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: R-3 SLTBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 80.00 FEES Permit Fee 30.55 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 1.44 TOTAL 31.99 Comments: Firewall must extend to underside of roof sheathing. 2 layers of 5/8" drywall required. Subject to field inspection. I hereby certify that the setbackdistances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume fu11 responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.S.C) and all other applica49aWheat_.tidqe Ordin~sceys, for work under this permi,t. Pl;kns subject to field inspection. of 1 2 3 4 5 6 This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado andto the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. - This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (H) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. . If this permit expires, a new pesmit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. IE changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid fara new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water cai Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-EOUr (24) hours in advance f written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of tk The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any othex INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (3 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION Z COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT oF WH~>q ' BUILDING INSPECTION LINE'- 303-234-5933 ti~ 'o C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ ' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 60033 (303-235-2855) ~LOftAO~ ~ APPMWtrJ . Property Owner: property Address: Contractox License No.: • Company: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND A6REEMENT I here6y cettifiy thet the setbeck distances proposed by this I accurate. end do notvlolate applicable ordfnances, rules or rei WheatRdd alle8atlons ade ar accurate that~l have re shown, ad n condfUons printed on thls appllca8on and that I assume compliancewith the Wheat Rldge Buildfng Code (I.B.C) and all i Rldge Ordinances, for work under thls permit. Pians subJect to Bufldin.aDepf. Va/uafionFigure: $ Building Permit Number: Date: Value:$ • Pexmit Fee:$ 3a_55 Pian Review Fee:$ 44 ~ $ ~ TOt21:$ t . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED ~ATE I I ' . Use of Space (description): Description of work: ' • FZ14bG0pB DlEY/~/HLC OP ~1/~}GG jYbS'D,rT/G ~/U-~T ~tr ~~~Z w . Sq.Ft.added ' ' . BTJII~DINGDEPARTMENTUSEONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: :OMMENTS: ApprovaL• • Toning: ' . ' 06MMEN75: ~✓fZ~-L~u'i✓~'l~~~ Gl~JC~C2~Ltl~/"~'-- " Approval: ,,.~/%h2lR)V~ ~d d-- S, cp- JORKSCOMMENTS: ✓N~ , ' . ApprcayaL• . ' . . . . . DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: . , qpproval: . , . . :upancv: Walls: Roof: . Stories: Residential Units: IssubJecttofleldlnspeetlons. /~1GOGLE R~%~i0G~5 S'Zyy tv &*14,55 /'G, IX7TGArpV 4,01 ~o`Z,j Electricat Lfcense No: ' Plumbfng License No: Mechanlcal l.fcense No: CompanY: Company: • Company:. Expiratlon Date: Dcpiration Date: Expiration Date; Approval: Approval: • Approval: • (1) Thispe[mitwasissuedln-accordancewith theprovistonssetforthinyourapplicationandissu6jedtothelawsoftheStateof ColoradoandtotheZoningRegulationsandBulldingGod'esofWheatRldge,ColorailootanyotherapplicablaoMinancesof ' the Clty. , . , (q) Thlspermttshallexpire[f(A)theworkauthotizedisnotcommencedwithinsixty(90)daysfromissuedateor(B)thebuilding authotized Is suspended orabandoned for a period of 180 days. . (3) .IfthispermRexpUes,anewpermitmaybeacqutredforafeeofone-halftheamountnotmallyrequi2d,pmvidednochanges haveSeen orwill be msde in the origtnzl pl2ns-end specfflca8ons and eny suspenslon orzbandonment has not exceeded ona (1)-year. If changes hava 6een orifsuspenston or abandonment exceeds ona (i) year, tuil fees shalt he paid for a new permit (4) NowoiicofanymannershalfbedonethatwillchangeihenatvralBowofwatercausingadralnagepro6lem. (5) Contraclnr shali notiy the Buttdtng inspector itventyfour (24) houts In advance for all tnspections and sbatl recelve written approval on Inspection caTd befnia proceeding with successNe phases of tha Job. . (6) :ihe issuance of a permit or $e approval of diawin8s and specifications shall not be constued to be a permit for, nor an appioval of, anyvlolaBon ofthe prov[slons oftha butldin8 codes osany other ordinance, law, rule oriegulation. Ali plan revfew 70/y w~~%Nl3Y61 H/H6o4T fi1=0g~e~ 60 $ODD Phone: 72.0 • C DA!TftC/ ~Phone: 72.0