HomeMy WebLinkAbout9650-9680 W. 44th Avenuee`ta City of Wheat~idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P:303.235.2846 F:303.235.2857 January 29, 2009 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): Eric Boivin. 9660 W. 44`h Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 OLD ADDRESS(ES): 9650.9660, 9670 & 9680 W 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 (multi-unit) NEW ADDRESS:_ 9660 W. 44a' Avenue. Wheat Ridge CO 80033 (single unit) SUBDIVISION: LOT(s) BLOCK KEY PARCEL NO(S): 39-222-00-022 NOTES: This is to eliminate addresses that were used when this was a multi-tenant structure. Current building is now being used by one tenant, All Traffic Data. AUTHORIZED BYE DATE: 1-2-9- 0 / DISTRIBUTION: 1. Property Owner 2. Jefferson County Assessor, ATTN: Data Control, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, 80419 3. Jefferson County Mapping, ATTN: Addressing, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, 80419 4. U.S. Post Office, 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, 80033 5. Xcel Energy, ATTN: Correspondence, P.O. Box 840, Denver, 80201 6. Qwest Communications, Attn: Shirley Campbell, 12121 Grant Street, Room 601, Thornton, CO 80241 7. Comcast, Attn: Jon Alvino, 6793 W. Canyon Ave., #13C, Littleton, CO 80128 8. Water District: Valley Water 9. Sanitation District:_ Clear Creek Valley 10. Fire District: Arvada 11. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 12. WheatRidge Biiildirig Division 13. Wheat Ridge Police Department 14. GIS Specialist 15. Log File 16. Other: Jeremy Teter, Vibrant Solar NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: DATE: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 4' City of Wheat Ridge 1 ~ Commercial Solar PERMIT - 081303 PERMIT NO: 081303 ISSUED: 11/07/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 9660 44th av EXPIk'ES: 05/06/2009 DESCRIPTION: 9.750 kw grid tied photovoltaic array CONTACTS owner 720/218-3742 Dawn Bouvin gc 303/521-0822 Scott Van Kirk 08-0209 Vibrant So1ar PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA . USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROSECT VALUATION: 159,648.00 FEES Commercial Solar 500.00 C Residential So1ar 500.00 Total Valuation .00 . TOTAL 1,000.00 Conditions: JS: Approved as submitted. Must comply w/ 2003 IRC & 2005 NEC. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City o£ Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that a11 measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree Co abide by a11 conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Euilding Code (I.H.C) and all other applicablp,lNheat Ridge Ordinanres, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Sign re of contractor/owner date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the 1aws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted a[ Che discretion of the suilding Official. 3. IF this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no . changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has noC exceeded one (1) yeaz. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees skall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done thaC will change the natural flow of emter causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for a11 inspections and shall receive written apprwal on inspection card before pmceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be mnstrued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions oE the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review iW field inspections. . Signature of Chief H ial daCe IN SPECTION RE• EST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADEBY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. a City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W291h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 ' Fax: 303-235-2857 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application Date: ~ Plan Qx - Permit#: C) Property Address: qCji 6Q , 2yyfy, puertue Property Owner (please print): DQWn gp~ V; n Phone(726)2i$" 372 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, ~ ~ J Contractor: Vi bran P S otGlr Contractor License Phone: 0' (0CM" 3 g-H _ J Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company:e;5PEleCkiC Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): ik0r6Wffioac Construction Value: 8 q Description of work• (as calculated per rhe Building v luario ~q• 75OK(.t~ grd - r~ e~ plan Review (due at time of su iittaq: $ ~hol-6uol~tc ar~-y d-~ ~M~S,Le~A~ > Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps (--/p'L v t/.]42 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restriclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this pertniL Plans subject to field inspeition. CIRLCE ONE~: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) r PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: )P M!J (A_47Dr SIGNATURE: we~T7ol- _ Date: )O ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY BUILOWGDEPARTMENTC S `0~~/~vive~ & OCCUPANCY: Reviewe. //„~,,.,~l~Y~~ q/ (NlI-~~i 1 ~5Ag~ t~o CN / FIRE DEPARTMENT:: ppfOVed W/ COmntBflts ❑ disapproved ❑ no review required Bldg Valuation: $ Flk6 PV System Line Diagram + Calculations Name Dawwn Boivin (meter 1) Address 9680 W 44th Wheatridge CO 60033 Phone 720-2183742 Distanc E-mail Xcel # 533791535-4 5 ' Premise # 301994778 System size: 9750 Num Panels 50 Num Strings Inverter 1 4 Num Sirings Inverter 2 2 ane n orma ion nv Ever ree n Solar ES-195-SL Voc 32.9 IsC 8.15 Vmp 27.1 Imp 72 Watis 795 widih 37.5 Series fuse 15 height 61.8 wei ht 40.1 Panel Information Inv2 Ever ree nSolar-ES-195-SL Voc 32.9 Isc 8.15 Vmp 27.1 Imp 72 Watis 195 widih 37.5 Series fuse 15 heighl 61.6 wel ht 40.1 3/4" EMT or equivalenl 2 B AWG THWN/rHW N-2 con( 7 8AWGTHWN/rHWN-2groL 314" EMTar equivalenl 26AWGTHWNRHWN-2wnu 1 8 AWG THW N/rHW N-2 gmL Total combined ampacity 59A 6 AWG M. rzted 90~ cames ]SN Separate DC Disconnects TRUE 10 % conduit on roof in direct sunlighf TRUE Calculations PV sitle ampacity per sinn , inverl Isc PV source current PV contluclor ampacity PV sitle ampaci per slnng, inverl isc PVSOUroecurrent PV contluclor ampaury ?Prepared by ~A~ + 4Slrin s ES-195-SL 251rin s ES-795-SL 1 ' # Panels 7 # Panels 17 Vmp 189.7 Vmp 298.1 I Imp 72 Imp 72 ~ Isc 8.15 nn, 15c _ 8.15 68duaCUpounJ - 11 I 5 Box i amp fuse/siring total Vmp 1897 man Voc 287.9 C Box total Vmp 298.1 max Voc 452.4 totallmp 28.8 RHW2 wire 40 ' ' rotallmp 74.4 RHW2 wire 600 V 6 oc ois Standa 0 A a ione #cnntluctors 2 conducbr 4 conduit 3/4" 600 V 30 A oc oisct SWnaatone #condudors Z conducror 8 conduit 3/4" mund #e round #8 Inverter#1 Inverter#2 PV System Line Diagram + Caiculations Name Dawwn Boivin (meter 2) Address 9680 W 44ih Wheatridge CO 80033 Phone 720-2783742 Distanc E-mail Xcel # 533797535-4 5' Premise # 300938476 C System size: 9945 i Num Panels 51 40 Num Sirings Invetler 7 3 Num Sirings Inverter 2 2 ane n orma wn nv nSOlar-ES195-SL 32.9 8.15 27.7 72 I 195 37.5 15 67.8 hi 40.1 Panel Information Inv2 Ever ree n Solar- ES-195•SL Voc 32.9 Isc 8.15 Vmp 27.1 Imp 72 Watts 195 witlih 37.5 Series fuse 15 height 67.8 wel ht 40.1 3/4" EMTOrequivalent - 2 8 AWG THWN/rHWN-2 candudors 1 8 AWG THW NRHWN2 graund 3/4" EMT or equivalent 2 6AWGTHWN/rNWN-2wnductors 1 8AWGTHWN/rHWN-2grountl Total combined ampaciry 59A 6 AWG wire ratetl 90`C carries 75A Separate DC Disconnects TRUE 70 % conduit on rooF in direct sunligM? TRUE rai- 'i'r,...e ~ Inverter#2 Fronius - IG 5100 PV min watis 4000 PV max watts 6300 PV usabie voltage min 750 PV usable voltage max 450 PV voltage max 500 PV max currenl 332 Max AC Power watis 5000 Max AC current @240V 21.3 Min AC Valtage range 212 Max Efficlency % 952 In[egratetl DC disconnect TRUE Max AC overwrrent prot. 30 Years Warranty 10 widih (in) 26.4 height (In) 16.5 depth (in) 8.8 weight (Ibs) 42 UL 1741 roved TRUE Q' I 3/4" EMT or equivalent 100Asubpanel ~ 28AWGTHWNRHWN-2wntluclors eaker 30A6f¢2kBf 1 8PWGTHWNRHWN2gmuntl Dut 60A Fusable AC disconnect accessable, lockable and in clear view of ihe meter. . "Photovoltaic S stem Disconnect <5' ServiCe Panel 240V 200 A UtilitY ' Max breaker: 40 A cl, Meter put will be connected directly to source, . h-«i„n ~<n,ino naooi . PVSitleampacirypersVin,invetler t PVOUtputNtrontlucroram ciry Isc 8.15A AmpaciryTOtal 382 x1.25 6 AWGTHWN-2-75A PVSOUmecurzent -10.[rA 19°tlerate 0.58 x 125 ~3.TA PV contluilor ampaciy ~7A Wire capaciry avail------- 43TQA PVSitleam aci ersVin ,invetler2 PVouqu[#2coMUCrorampacity Isc 8.15A AmpaciryTotal 25.5 x125 8 AWGTHWN-2~A PVSOUrcecurrent - 777A 157°Eerate 0.58 x1.25 PV contlucror ampaciry -=A Wire capaciry avail-------- 3f55 a meeo~~~ Prepared by Stephen Bures for Vibrant Solar Inc, 303-521-0082 r, ~ 0' 3 Sirin s ES-195-SL 2 Strin 5 E5495-SL N Panels 9 # Panels 72 ~ 1' Vmp 243.9 Vmp 3252 Imp 72 Imp 72 ~ IsC 8.15 Isc 8.15 b6dareCUpuunJ jl~I 5 Box total Vmp . 243.9 C Box [otal Vmp 3252 ~ amp fuse/siring man Voc 370.7 max Voc 493.5 totallmp 21.6 40 totallmp 14.4 RHW2 wire RH W2 wire 600 V 60 A r #contluclors 2 fi00 V 30 N #cantluctors 2 oC o~u~ canductor 6 oc oiut conductor e S~amalone conduil 3/4" Stanrlalone conduit 3/4" round #8 round NB Inverter #1 Fronius - IG 5700 PV min watis 4000 PV max watis 6300 PV usable voltage min 150 PV usatile voltage max 450 PV voHage max 500 PV max current 332 Max AC Power watts 5000 Max AC current @240V 27.3 Min AC Voltage range 212 Max Efficlency % 952 Integrated DC disconnect TRUE Max AC overcurrent prot. 30 Years Warranty 10 witllh (In) 26.4 . helghi(in) 16.5 depth (In) 8.8 welght (Ibs) 42 UL 1741 Approved l TRUE Inverlertoutputcondudoram ci mazwattage 5000 minvollage 212 ~ x125 tolal -2$5A Inve/Ier2oulputcaMUCloram ci marwanaqe 5000 minvoita9e 212 x125 tolal ~4bN 10/24/2008 ~ oF S Lopez Smolens Associates Consulting Engineers October 13, 2008 To: Drew Hazen Vibrant Solaz, Inc. 6489 South Magnolia Court Centennial, CO 80111 (303) 863-1994 Re: PV Panel Support Dawn Boivin 9660 W 44th Ave Wheat Itidge, CO 80033 Engineering Project Nuznber: 708407 Drew, This letter is to state that I made a general observation of the condition of the existing roof structure and reviewed the roof in reference to supporting a 30 psf snow toad, the self weight of the panels and a wind load for 110 mph 3 second gust, exposure C. The roof consists of 2x8 paralle-l chord wood trusses, apparently sparining from front exterior wall to rear extgrior wall. The observation and review confirms that the framing should be adequate to support these loads. This letter is to also state that the UniRac PV panel support system appears to work for the City of Wheat Ridge for wind speeds of 110 mph 3 second gust, eacposure C and for a roof snow load of 30 psf. Snow loading for the rack system is not rated because they assume that wind loading exceeds snow loading and rate the racking system to support wind loads up to 87 psf. The rack system is rated to130 mph fastest mile (150 mph 3 second gust) and for mof heights up to 30 feet, if the rail spans and cantilevers do not exceed the recommendations of the Installation Manual 9214, Pub. 0403I5-Iii, Copyrighted by Unirac, Inc., Ivlazch 2004, 20 pages. Sinc.erely, Jonathan Smo PensE. 1526 Spruce Street, Boutder Cotorado 80302 (303) 447-2813 facsimile (303) 447-3514 S 3 DF- < c ~ }1 ~ ~ ~ 4 ors- J n x J o n - • ~ 1 ~ O o ~ ^ ti n CL ~ ~ ~1 7 PhoYOVoltaic Sysfem Praposal Pi! Systern Proposal for €~awn Bo@v9n VibrantSoiar 1990 Garfieltl Ave Loulsville co. 80027 ' 303-6046696 Represen2aFive: Chris Hamiltoa 720-234-2396 Customer Name Qawn Boivin ~ Streei 9660 W 44th Ave City WheaVidye State CO 80033 k Phone 720-2183742 Email System j Panel type Evergeeen 195 Number of panels 961 i Mounting sys!em Flat: Inverters t < x SB 5000US ~ Inverters2 1 x ~ S64p00US Inverters 3 f 1 x SB 4000US Syst2m rebafe size small i # units ; or meters ) 3 : servicetype three phase voltage 240 ser~rlce size (amps) 200I S stem fnfo Panel Tilt" 2D AzimUth" 180 '/o Sh2ding ~ 10 % # anelsirow 50 panei orientation porfrait TilUShadiog AdjusUnent 96. i°lo Annual Efficiency Lpss 0.80°!0 S ft of Panels 4024 Additional liems ty peice I.I New Subptnel 0 5 ❑ zooa Panel upgrade ol $ ' I []Trenching;551foo[; ioo $ - ~ 2; Kvar Fnerpy Saver i $ 2,248 Ybran! Cartles Rebate $88627.5 $ 37D0 ❑ Siatzfltle rooP 4024 $ - ❑ S:zr,QOffs and Fashing 1631 S - ❑ aemote meniWr 4 $ - II ~~Awrtin 5 iQO;tt) 20 ~ ~ I S - ' Topat i S 5,948 -eenaing eiecmnan insoecuor. Systern Size (iSVV) wa..s 911712008 91E7/ZQ08 19.70 19,695.00 tSfiliYy Electric Co Xcei Xcel acct # 53-3791535-4 rebate/watt $4.50 renewable energy credit! wait $ - maximum rebate S 735,000 communiiy project PALSE num ears Energy Cost - ~ Kwh/yr 27,8?1 avg peak kev S;2rtingTzrrif C Starting coilarstKWh s 0.094 Peak demand charge;K4V-M S - current cosUyr $ 2.631 Deiault Increase per ear 5.0°l0 S s4em Cost Evergreen 195 x 101 $ 88,70G 565090US,S6?OOOUS.S64QCOUS $ 92,100; Balance of System $ 19,100 ( Design, Engineering, Installation S 33800 Adtli{ionailtams $ 594$ SubTofal $ 159,648 Wfieatridge Permits & Paes $ 1,650 GitytCcuniy Taxes S 2874 State Tax $ - - Total 8 164,172 Rebate S (88,628) OOP - Ouf oi PQCket $ 75,644 Fed2ral Tax Credit $ (49,251) Estimatea tax impaci $ (15,276) GosYafterfaxes 5 11,657 ~ - depos,r! due on signinc $ [ 7,554 due on Xcel rebate approvat $ 37,772 dtie on tlatiuery $ 30,248 dCIE OR XCEl TlO81 lASDEChCfI $ Anr.ual maintenance cortract I $ ; ( fiu9hnriZe$'Signafure fior VipranY Sotae voaoe!a Please s8e last Faae for terms and contl/iinns. Vibrant Sofar Confiden¢iat Date Pa^e t of 5 5or- S evergreen~~~ar Think Beyond. SPRUCE LINETM photovoltaic modules ~ ~ ~i) ~ C E nlew 195W module e Highest power and efficiency yet • Best available tolerance -01 +2.5% A range of high quality poly-crystaliine solar panels for on-grid markets offering exceptional performance, extraordinary versatility and industry- leading environmental credentials based on our cutting-edge String Ribbon'" wafer technology. > Best-in-class performance ratings proven by field installations• 98% of rated power guaranteed for 780, 190W product; 700% guaranteed for 195W product • 5 year workmanship and 25 year power warranTy for ultimate peace of mind' • More installation versatility with our extensive range of mounting options • Higher strength with wind and snow loads guarenteed up to SO lbs/k2 • Qualified to all major industry certifications and regulatory standards * Smallest carbon foot-print leading the fight against global warming • Quickest energy payback time for the maximum energy conservation • Cardboard-free packaging for minimal on-site waste and disposal cost 'FOrfull details see the Evargreen Solar Limited Warraniy available on request or online. - This pmdua is qualified to UL 1703, UL Fire SafeTy Class C, IEC 61215 Ed2, TUV SafeTy Class 2 and CE . String Rib6on and Spmce Line are trademarks of Evergreen Solar Ina String Ribbon is also a patented technology of Evergreen Solar Inc. ~ Electrical Characteristics Standard Test Conditions (STC)' ES-180 RL54TL orvP ES-190 RL,StrlorvC ES-195 k45L,Ra1 vC PmP2 (VN 180 190 195 Ptoi¢an« (°/a) -2% -2°k -0% PmP,m_ (Nq 186.1 194.9 199.9 Pmp,m,n (VAO 176.4 186.2 195.0 Ppm3 (VV) 759.7 168.8 173.3 Vmp M 25.9 26J 27.1 ImP (A) 6.95 7.12 7.20 V~ M 32.6 32.5 32.9 Iu (A) 7.78 8.05 8.75 Nominal Operating Cell Tempereture Conditions (NOC'1)" Pmp (VV) 129.0 736.7 140.1 Vmp M 23.3 23.8 23.9 Imp (A) 5.53 5.75 5.86 Voc M 29.8 30.3 30.5 I,c (A) 6.20 6.46 6.59 TNOCr (°C) 45.9 45.9 45.9 ' 1000 W/m', 25°C cell temperature, AM 1.5 spectmm; ' Maximum power pomt or rated power ' At PV-USA Tes[ Conditions: 1000 W/m', 20°C ambient temperawre, 1 m/swind speed 'BOOW/m',20°Cambientremperamre,tm/swlndspeed,AMt.SSpe<vum ` RL model made in Germany withou[ cell texNrin9; SL model made in USA wi[hout cell textunnq; TL model made in Germany with cell [enW ring; VL model made in USAwith cell texwring Low Irradiance The typical relative reduction of module efficiency at an irradiance of 200W/m' in relation to 1000W/m2 both at 25°C cell temperature and spectrum AM 1.5 is 0%. Temperature Coefficients a Pmp °C) -0.49 a Vmp °C) -0.47 a Imp °C) -O.OZ a Vac °C) -0.34 a Ix °C) 0.06 System Design Series Fuse Rating' 15 A UL Rated System Voltage 600 V ' Afw known as Maximum Reverse Current ~ ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ~ CHECK WITH YOUR INSTAILER Evergreen Solarlnc. www.evergreensolaccom Mechanical Specifications 5.6 0,16 GROl1NDING HOLE 3.5 i i 16 FC (IP c, ju a AL c' (T i 5.6 n G 046 GROUNOING HOLE All dimensions in inches; module weight 40.1 Ibs 0.26 21/4'BOLT ICTION BO% A) BLES (AWG12) ARRNODIZED IMINUM FRNME 'CONNECTORS :3) 0.16 :OUNOING HOLE Product constructed with 108 poly-crystalline silicon solar cells, anti-reflec[ive tempered solar glass, EVA encapsulant, TedlarO back-skin and a double-walled anodized aluminum irame. Product packaging tested to International Sa(e Transit Association (ISTA) Standard 26. All specifications in this produc[ information sheet conform to EN50380. See the Evergreen Solar Safety, Installation and Opera- iion Manual and Mounting D¢sign Guide for further information on approved installation and use of this product. Due to continuous innovatioq research and produa improvemenq the specifica- tions in this produa information sheet are subject to change without notice. No rights can be derived from this product information sheet and Evergreen Solar assumes no liability whatsoever connected m or resulting from the use of any information contained herein. Partner: 5195_US_010707; effective July 1 st 2007 Worldwide Headquarters 138 Bartlett Street, Marlboro, MA 01752 USA T. +1 508.3572227 F: +1 508229.0747 . info@evergreensolaccom J Customer Service - Americas and Asia 138 Bartlett Street, Marlboro, MA 01752 USA T:+1508357.2227 F: +1 508.229.0747 sales@evergreensolar.com I FRONIUS ' GRID-TIED INVERTERS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Light Weight At 42 Ibs, the FRONIUS IG inverters are the lightest grid-connected inverters making them easy-to-install. More Energy MIXT^^ Concept allows your system to output more energy under part-load conditions. Lower Cost Integrated DC / AC breakers reduce installation time and complexity. LCD Display Comes standard with every FRONIUS IG and tracks more than 20 critical system performance parameters. Powerful At 4000, 4500 and 5100 Watts, these inverters deliver more power output for higher performance installations. Reliable Fronius has been in business for over 50 years and has more than 100,000 inverters installed worldwide. Q POWEHING YOUR FUTURE I ~ ~ Input data IG 4000 IG 5100 IG 4500-LV RecommendetlPVpower(Wp) 3000-5400 4000-6300 3600-5500 Operating DC voltage range M 150 - 450 750 - 450 150 - 450 Max. DC input voltage M 500 500 500 Nominal input voltage (y 270 270 270 Max. DC in u[ wr2nt (A) 26 1 332 29.3 Outputdata IG 4000 IG 5100 IG 4500-LV Nominal output power (M 4000 5100 4500 Maximum output power (VJ) @ (40°C) 4000 5100 4500 Nominal AC output voltage M 240 208 Operating AC voltage range M 272 - 264 (240 +70% /-12 783 - 227 V Nominal AC curcent (A) 16.7 21.3 21.6 Maximum AC current (A) 16.7 21.3 21.6 Muimum utility back feetl current (A) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Max. coniinuous output fault current (A) 35.2 352 352 Nominal output frequency (Hz) 60 Operaling frequency renge Hz) . 59.3 - 60.5 (60+ 0.5 0.7) Total harmonic tlistortion < 5 Power Factor (cos phi) 1 Generel data IG 4000 IG 5100 IG 4500-LV Max. efficiency 94.4 94.4 94.4 Consumption in s[and-by (night) (M < 0.15 Consumption during opera[ion (M 15 Protection Type _ NEMA 3R Cooling Conirolied forced ventilation Size I x w x h 28.34x 16.46 x 8.78 in (720 z 418 x 223 mm) Wei ht 41.81b. (79 kg) Ambient temperature range 5 to 122 °F (-75 50 °G) Integretetl DC antl AC tlisconnects standartl Protectlons Ground faNt protection Internal GFDI, in accortlance with UL 1741 and N EC DC reverse polarity proiection Internal tliode Islantling protection Internal, in accortlance with UL 1741 and NEC Over temperature Output power derating Surge Protection Internal DC & AC protection, Testetl to 6 kV Compiiance Safet UL 1741 EMI FCC Part 15; Class B Anti-ISlanding protection UL 1741, IEEE 929 Grountl fault detector antl interrupter Compliant with NEC Art. 690 requirements, UL 1741 Miscellaneous Maximum AC over current protection Two-pole, 30 A circuit breaker AC wire sizing Uu maximum AWG 6 194°F (90 °C) copper wire DC wire sizing Use marimum AWG 8 194°F (90 °C) copper wire AC tliSCOnnector 32 A DC tlisconnector 30 A Warran 5 Years; 10 Yeare avaiiabie Distributed by Fronius USA LLC Solar EleCtronic Division 5266 Hollister Ave., #117 Santa Barbara, California 93171 E-Maii: pv-us@fronius.com www.froniuS.Cam E 3s 'as E~ i3 Ed mg S d~ 3t e3 me Er T'e ee Ce 'E 9e ~ -4- ti SOLA- `M0 1F NT U.S. Des. Pa[ent No. D496,2485, D496,2495. Other patencs pending. Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly with California Building Code Certification ~ Contents Letter of certiflcation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Part I. Scope, certification, and installer responsibility 3 Part Ii. Procedures for code-cmnpliant installations using the SolarMount~ Modufe Mounting Syscem.... 4 Part III. Installing SolarMounP" with top mountlng clamps... . . 9 P2rt N. Inst111ing SolarMoune with bottom mounting clips.. . 15 Wazranry. .20 UniRac welcomes inpu[ concerning [he accuracy and user friendliness of s~ 0 2004 by UniRac, Inc. this publica[ion. Please wri[e fo publications@unirac.com. 1 t All righ[s reserved. Installation Manual 214 i September 2006 Mr. Hal Newman UniRac, Inc. 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-1545 Subject: Engineering Certification for UniRads SolarMountr'" Universa] PV Module Mounting System Deaz Mr. Newman, Brian Spring Struc[ural Engineering 161 IINDEN LN MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 Tel: (415) 497-2880 8K9 PRINGENON@GMqILCOM Attached is the UniRac Calculation worksheet and Installation Manual #214, Pub. 0403 ] b-lii, Copyrighted by UniRac, Inc., March 2004, 20 pages. I have reviewed these calculations, and certify their results are accurate. The calculations determine the design level forces for wind, as prescribed in the CaliFornia Building Code. The adequacy of the iJNIR.RC structure is demonstrated Uy the calculations. The calculations also correctly deCermine the anchorage requirements for the insiallaCion, and this requiremenY is properly represented in Instaltation Manual #214. The calculations are based upon: 1. "The 2001 California Building Code, California Code of Regul:ations", based on the 1997 "Uniform Building Code, Volume 2: Structural Engineering Design Provisions", by International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, Ca, 1997, and Catifornia Building Standards Commission, Sacramento, Califomia, 2001. 2. `Manual of Steel Construction: Load Resistance Factor Desigd', 3rd Ed, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL., 2001. 3. "Aluminum Design M:anual: Specifications and Cruidelines for Aluminum Structures":, The Aluminum Association, Washington D.C., 2400 4. Mechanical Properties of LJN1RAC extruded rails and related components based on data obtained from Waiter Gerstle, PL,, Depariment of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. With this letter, I certify that UnilZac SolarMount products will be structurally adequate and wiil satisfy the buiiding codes listed above when they are installed per the "SolarMount Cocie- Compliant Planning and Assembly"; Installation Manual #214, Pub. 040316-1ii, Copyrighted by UniRac, Inc., March 2004. The structure to which the UniRac SolarMount system is connected should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, per Part I of the Installatioa Manual, to ensure it's adequacy to accept attaclunents and to support all applied loadings, per the biulding code. Please call me Sincerely, Brian Spring; PE, SE Installation Manuai 214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNIRA6' Part I. Scope, certification, and installer responsibility Please review this manual thor- oughly before installing your SolarMount system. This manual provides (1) sup- porting documentation for building permit applications relating to UniRac's Solar- MountT"' Universal PV Module Mounting system, and (2) plan- ning and assembly instructions for SolarMount. The installer is solely responsible for: • Complying with all applicable local or national building codes, including any that may supercede this manual; • Ensuring that UniRac and other products are appropri- ate for the particular installation and the installation environment; • Ensuring that the roof, its rafters, connections, and other structural support members can support the array under building live load conditions (this total assembly is hereafter referred to as the roof rafter assembly); SolarMount products, when • Using only UniRac parts and installer-supplied parts as installed in accordance with specified by UniRac (substitution of parts may void the this bulletin, will be structur- warranry and invalidate the letter of certification on ally adequate and will meet page 2); the 2001 Caiifornia Building • Ensuring that lag screws have adequate pullout strength Code and the Uniform Buitding and shear capacities as installed; Code, 1997, hereafter UBC 1997 UniRac also provides a limited ' Maintaining the waterproof integrity of the roof, includ- warranty on SolarMount prod- ing selection of appropriate flashing; and ucts (see p. 20). • Ensuring safe installation of all electrical aspects of the PV array. 3 VNIRAQ' Instaltation Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Part II. Procedures for code-compliant installations using the SolarMount Module Mounting System This bulletin is designed to support app(icauons for build- ing permits For installations using SolarMount'" PV Module Mounting System, manufac[ured by UniRac, inc. Follow the siac steps below and the installation instructions on pages 9-20 [o install SolazMount in compliance with the 2001 California Building Code and the UBC 7997 Before proceeding, note the following: • This bulletin addresses only wind loads on the as- sumption [hat wind produces the maximum load faceor affecting an insiallarion. Verify that other local facrors, such as snow loads and earthquake effects, do not ex- ceed the wind loads. Give precedence ro airy Facror [hat does. Wind loads are considered ro acc on che entire projecred area, or may be perpendicu(ar ro any surface. • The roof on which the SolarMoun[ wili be instalted mus[ have [he capaciry to resist the combined Design Dead Load and Live Load per footing listed in Tables 2 and 3 on pages 6-7. . ~ a?i`_-- 1. Determine the Basic Wind Speed at your installarion site For the United States, see "Minimum Basic Wind Speeds in Miles per Hour," reproduced below. If your ins[allation is outside the United States or if you need further assistance, consult a locat pxofessional engineer or your local buIlding authoriry. , s. ~ . . , io zx J~ ~m : ~ ~-=t I - ~ , ~OG \ n . .~:yc PF.:r ~p.= ~ vf. e~ ^na e!'~GiGV . uCrf.. ~.w.. ::o'.. _a ......v Figure 1. MinimumBasic Wurd Speeds. ReproducedJrom UBC, VoL 2, Structural EngineeringDesignProvisions, Chap. 16, Div. III, Wind Design, Fig. 16.1, "MinimumBasicWind Speeds in MiLes perHour," p. 36. The map has 6een adopted 6y the 2001 California Building Code (Fig. I6-1, vo12. p. 36). 4 Installation Manuai 214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNARACa 2. Determine the exposure category of your installarion site The Califor-nia Building Code` defines wind exposure catego- ries as foltows: sxrosuRa s has terrain with buildings, forests or sur- face irregulazities, covering ac Leasc 20 percent of the ground level area extending 1 mile (1.61 km) or more from the site. exnosuxv c has terrain that is flat and generally open, extending 1/2 mile (0.81 km) or more from the site in any quadrant or having scattered obstructions extending one-half miie or more from the si[e in nnyful( qundrnnt. This category inctudes flat or gently rotling open counCry and grasslands. Sites normally considered as Fxposure B, but which are subject to topographic amplification or channelizatioq such as ridgetops or draws, shal( be coitsidered as Exposure C. j exrosuxa n represents the mosc severe exposure in ar- eas with basic wind speeds of SO miles per hour (mph) (129 km/h) or grearer and has rerrain that is flat and unobstrucred facing large bodies of wa[er over 1 mile (lbl km) or more in width relatlve m any quadran[ of the building sire. Exposure D exrends inland from the shoreline'/a m31e (0.40 ktn) or 10 times the building height, whichever is greater. Table I. Design Wind Pressure (psfl by Wind Speed and Exposure Category Design force applies Co smiace pressure and/or uplift (withdrawal). Basic Wind Speed (mph) 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Category B I S' roof heighc 10 13 17 21 25 30 35 20' roof height 11 14 18 22 27 32 38 25' roof height 12 I S 19 24 29 35 41 30' roof height 12 16 21 25 31 36 43 Category C I S' roof height 17 23 29 35 43 51 60 20' roof height 19 24 31 36 46 54 64 25' roof height 19 25 32 40 48 57 67 30' roo( height 20 26 33 41 50 59 69 Category D I S' roof height 23 30 38 46 56 67 78 20' roof height 24 31 39 48 58 70 82 25' roo( height 25 32 41 50 60 72 84 30' roof heighe 25 33 42 51 62 74 87 Source: These DesignWind Pressure (P) values are based on the (ormula P= C " Cq * q, * I. (2001 Cnlifornin Building Code, voL 2, chap. 16, Snncturai Engineering Design Provisions, Div. III, Wind Design, p. 38.10). Assump- Uons: Iw = I and Ca = 1.3. 3. Determine Design Wind Pressure required for your installarion Design Wind Pressure is the amount of wind pressure that a sffacmre is designed to withstand, expxessed here in pounds per square fooc (psf). To determine the Design Wind Pressure required foryour installation, apply the foliowing facrors using Table 1: • your Basic Wind Speed (decermined in step 1), • your exposure category (decermined in step 2), and • the height of your roof above the ground. If your values fall significantly outside the range of the table, or if your Design Wind Pressure requirement exceeds 50 psf, consuli UniRac, a pinfessional engineer, or your Iocal buiiding authority. "2001 California BuiLding Code, vol. 2, chap. 16, S[ruariral Engineer- ingDesign Provisions, Div. III, Wind Duigq p. 3810. 7`Emphacis in the original, indicnnng materia( inserted by Califania into defini[ions ndopted from the UBC. 4a. Determine Minimum Design Dead and Live Loads for standard rafter spacing. . . Foot spacing refers to the space between L-feet (or standoffs, if applicable) along the same SolarMount rail (see Fig. 2, p. 8). iF you are spacing feet ro match a standard rafter spacing, con- sult Table 2 to determine your Minimum Design Live and Dead Loads per footing. (if you prefer to maximize foot spacing io minimize roof penetrations, skip to Step 4b on p. 8J Locate the make and model of the PV module that you plan to install and the rafrer spacing at your installadon sire. Read the Muumum Design Dead Load and read or exttapolare the Mini- mum Design Live Load for the Maxunum Foox Spacing and the Design Wind Pressure you determined in step 3. To meet code, you must verify that the roof raftei• assembly atyour instaiiarion site has the capacity to resist the sum of the Design Dead and Live Loads. If chey do not, try smaller foocer spacing. (In this case, you may elect to use the procedures oudined in Step 4b.) If the result is srill not acceptable, relocare the aizay to a stronger azea of the roof or strengthen the inadequate framing elements. For assiscance, consul[ a local professional engineer. Go to step 5 on page 8. 5 VNiMC' Installarion Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Table 2. SolarMountT"' Loads (Ibs) per Footing at Standard Rafter Spacings To meet code.your Design Loads mus[ be at or above those indicated.You, the insralleq are solely responsible for verifying that the roof can withstand these design loads. For specifications based on Design Wind Pressure values grea[er than 50 pounCS per square fooC, contact UniRac. Minimum Design Dead Load Minimum Design Live Load as a Funttion of DesignWind Pressure Minimum Design 6ve Load as a Minimum Function o(Design Wind Pressure Design Dead Load 20psf 30 ps( 40 Ps( 50 ps( 20 ps( 30 ps( 40 psf 50 ps( AstroPowerAP65,AP75 RWE Schott ASE 300 48" refter (foot) spacing 33 157 236 315 393 48" rafter (foot) spacing 58 248 373 497 621 64" rafter ((oot) spacing 43 210 315 420 524 64" rafter (foot) spacing 77 331 497 662 828 72" rafter (foot) spacing 49 236 354 472 590 72" rafter (foot) spacing 87 373 559 745 NA AstroPower APi 1 I O,APi 120 . RW E Schott SAPC 165 (See Sharp NE- 165 U I) 48" rafter (foot) spacing " 33 194 291 387 484 Sanyo HITI90 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 44 258 387 516 646 48" rafter (fooe) spacing 29 173 260 347 433 72 rafter (foot) spacing 50 291 436 581 726 64" rafter (foot) spacing 39 231 347 462 578 AstroPowerAPi165 72" rafter (foot) spacing 44 260 390 520 650 48" rafter (foot) spacing " 31 194 291 387 484 Sharp NE-80U I 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 41 258 387 516 646 48" rafter (foot) spacing 33 158 237 315 394 72 rafter (foot) spacing 46 291 436 581 726 64" rafter (foot) spacing 44 210 315 420 526 BP Solar 375, 380, 580, 585 72" rafter (foot) spacing 49 237 355 473 591 48" rafter (foot) spacing " 31 158 237 316 395 Sharp ND-123U I 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 41 211 316 421 527 48" aher (fooe) spacing 38 197 295 393 492 72 rafter (foot) spacing 46 237 356 474 593 gq^ rafter (fooe) spacing 50 262 393 525 656 BP Solar 3125 72" rafter (foot) spacing 56 295 443 590 736 48" a(ter (foot) spacing " 33 198 297 396 495 Sharp ND-NOECU (140W) 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 44 264 396 528 660 qg" rafter (foot) spacing 26 153 230 306 383 72 rafter ((oot) spacing 50 297 446 594 743 64" rafter (foot) spacing 34 204 306 408 510 BP Solar 3160, 4150, 4160, 41 70 72" rafter (fooe) spacing 39 230 344 459 574 48"ra(ter(foot)spacing " 33 209 314 418 523 SharpNE-I65UI,NT-175UI, NT-18 5U1 64 after ((oot) spacing " 44 279 418 557 697 qg" rafter (foo[) spacing 35 207 310 413 517 72 rzher (foot) spacing 50 314 470 627 784 64" rafter (foot) spacing 47 276 413 551 689 Evergreen EG 102, EG I 10, EC I 15 72" rafeer (foot) spa<ing 53 310 465 620 775 48" rafter (foot) spa<ing " 35 206 312 416 520 Sharp ND-167UI 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 46 277 416 555 693 48" rafter (foot) spacing 28 174 262 349 436 72 rafter (fooe) spacing 52 312 468 624 780 64" rafter (foot) spacing 37 232 349 465 581 First Solar FSSOD 72" aher (foot) spacing 41 262 392 523 654 48" rafter (foot) spacing 35 158 236 315 394 Shell SM I 10 64" rafter (fooe) spacing " 47 210 315 420 525 48" rafter (foot) spacing 32 173 259 345 432 72 rafter ((oot) spacing 52 236 354 473 591 64" rafter (foot) spacing 43 230 345 460 576 Kyacera KC80 72" rafter (fooc) spacing 49 259 389 518 646 48" rafter (foot) spacing " 29 128 192 256 320 Shell SQ70, SQ75, SQ80 64 rzfter (foot) spacing " 39 171 256 341 427 48" rafter (foot) spacing 31 157 236 315 393 72 aker (foot) spacing 44 192 286 384 480 64" rafter (foot) spacing 41 210 315 420 524 Kyocera KC 120, KC 125G 72" rafter (foot) spacing 46 236 354 472 590 48" rafter (foot) spacing " 34 187 281 374 468 Sheli SQ I40, SQ I 50, SQ 160 64 rafter (foot) spacing " 45 249 374 499 623 48" aker (foot) spacing 36 213 320 426 533 72 rafter (fooe) spacing 51 281 421 561 701 64" rafter (foot) spacing 46 284 426 568 710 Kyocera KCI SBG, KC 167G 72" rzker (toot) spacing 54 320 479 639 NA 48" rafter (foot) spacing 28 169 254 339 423 64" rafter (foot) spacing 37 226 339 452 564 SunWize SW85,SW90, SW95 " 72" rafter (foot) spacing 42 254 381 508 635 48 rafter (fooc) spacing " 35 190 285 380 474 64 rafter (foot) spacing 46 253 380 506 633 Photowatt PW750 . 72" rafter (foot) spacing 52 285 427 569 712 48" after (foot) spacing 30 162 244 325 406 64" nher (foot) spa<ing 40 216 325 433 541 SunWize SW I IS,SW 120 " 72" aker (foot) spa<ing 45 244 365 467 609 48 rafter (foot) spacing " 34 190 285 380 474 64 rafter (foot) spacing 45 253 380 506 633 Photowatt PW 1250 72" rafter (foot) spacing 51 285 427 569 712 48" rafter (foot) spacing 30 163 245 327 409 64" rafter (foot) spa<ing 39 218 327 436 545 UniSolar 64 ' 72" rafter (foot) spacing 44 245 368 490 613 qg .rafter (foot) spacing . " 2S 179 269 359 448 64 rafter (foot) spacing 33 239 359 478 598 Photowatt PW 1650 " 72" rafter (foot) spacing 37 269 403 538 672 48 rafter (foot) spacing 31 162 244 325 406 64" rafter ((oot) spacing 41 216 325 433 541 72" rafter ((oot) spacing 46 244 365 487 609 6 Instailation Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNIRAV Table 3. SolarMountT" Loads per Footing at Maximum Foot Spacing To meet code,your Design Loads must 6e at or above Che Design Wind Pressure indi<aced.You,the insCaller, are solely responsible for verifying that the roof can withs[and these design loads. For specifications based on Design Wind Pre:sure values grexter than 50 pounds per square (oot, conract UniRac, Design Wind Pressure DesignWind Prenure 20 pst 30 ps( 40 psf 50 ps( - 20 psf 30 psf 40 psf 50 psf AstroPowerAP65, AP75 RWE SchottASE 300 ' Maximum Foot $pacing (inches) 131 107 93 83 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 104 85 74 66 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 429 526 610 680 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 538 660 766 654 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 89 73 63 56 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 126 103 89 80 AstroPower APi I 10, APi 120 RW E Schatt SAPC 165 (See Sharp NE-I 65U 1) Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 118 96 83 75 Minimum Fooe Design Live Load (lbs) 476 581 670 757 Sanyo HIT190 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 82 67 58 52 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 125 102 88 79 AstroPowerAP1165 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 451 553 636 713 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 118 96 83 75 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 76 62 54 48 Minimum Fooc Design Live Load (lbs) 476 561 670 757 Sharp NE-SOU I Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 75 61 53 48 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 131 107 92 83 BP Solar 375, 380 580 585 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 430 527 604 682 , , Mazimum Foot $pacing (inches) 131 107 92 83 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 90 73 63 57 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 431 528 606 683 Sharp ND-123U I Minimum foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 84 68 59 53 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 117 96 83 74 BP Solar 3125 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 460 590 680 758 Mauimum Foot Spacing (inches) 117 95 82 74 Minimum Fooc Design Dead Load (lbs) 92 75 65 58 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 483 586 677 763 Sharp ND-NOECU (140W) Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 81 65 56 51 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 133 108 94 84 . BP Solar 3160, 4150 4160 4170 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 424 516 599 669 , , Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 114 93 80 72 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 72 58 51 45 MinimumFootDesignLiveLoad(Ibs) 496 607 697 784 SharpNE•165UI,NT-175UI,NT-185U1 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 79 64 55 50 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 114 93 SI 72 EvergreenEC102 ECI10 ECIIS Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 491 601 698 775 , , Maximum Poot Spa<ing (inches) 114 93 80 72 MinimumFootDesignDeadLoad(Ibs) 83 68 59 53 Minimum Fooc Design Live Load (lbs) 494 605 693 780 Sharp ND-167U1 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 82 67 56 52 Maximum FooT Spacing (inches) 124 102 88 79 FirsY Solar FSSOD Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 450 556 639 717 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 131 107 92 83 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 71 58 50 45 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 430 527 604 681 Shell SM 1 10 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 95 78 67 60 Maximum FooC Spacing (inches) 125 102 88 79 Kyocera KC80 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 450 550 633 710 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 145 118 103 92 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 84 69 59 53 . Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 387 472 549 613 Shell SQ70, SQ75, SQ80 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 88 72 , 63 56 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 131 107 93 63 Kyo<era KC 120 KC125G Minimum Foot Design Live Load (Ibs) 429 526 610 680 9 Muimum Foot Spacing (inches) 120 98 SS 76 Minimum Foot Design,Dead Load (lbs) 84 69 60 53 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 468 573 662 740 Shell SQ 140, SQ I50, SQ I60 Minimum FooC Design Dead Load (lbs) 85 69 60 54 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 112 92 80 71 - Kyocera KCI58G KG 167G Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 497 612 710 788 , Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 126 103 69 80 Minimum Foot Design Dead load (16s) 84 69 60 53 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 445 545 628 706 SunWize SW85, SW90, SW95 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 73 60 52 46 Maximum Foot $pa<ing (inches) 119 97 84 75 Photowatt PW750 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 470 575 664 741 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 129 105 91 81 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) - 66 70 61 - 54 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 436 533 616 685 SunWize SW I 15, SW 120 . Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (16s) 80 65 57 50 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 119 97 64 75 Photowatt PW 1250 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 470 575 664 741 Mazimum Foot Spacing (inches) 128 105 91 81 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 84 69 59 53 Minimum foot Design Live Load (lbs) 436 536 620 689 UniSolar 64 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 79 65 56 50 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 123 100 67 76 PhotowaCt PW 1650 Minimum foot Design Live Load (lbs) 459 560 650 728 Maximum Foot Spacing (inches) 129 105 91 81 Minimum Foot Design Dead Load (lbs) 64 52 45 40 Minimum Foot Design Live Load (lbs) 436 533 616 685 Minimum Fooc Design Dead Load (lbs) 83 68 59 . 52 w. 7 VNARACa Installarion Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly 4b.... Or verify Mciximum Foot Spacing and Determine Minimum Design Dead attd Live Loads If they do no[, try smaLler footer spacing. If the result is still not acceptable, relocate the array to a scronger area of the roof or strengthen the inadequate framing elements. Por assistance, consulc a local professional engineer. To minimize roof penecrations, consult Tab(e 3(p. 7) to deter- mine Maximum Foot Spacing allowable for the Design Wind Pressure that you determined in Srep 3. Find the make and model of the PV module you plan ro install, then read or excrapolate Foot Design Live Loads and llead Loads at the maximum spacing. To meet code, you must verify that foot spacing is at or below the dimension Listed and that the roof rafter assembly at your instaliarion site has the capacity to withstattd the sum of the Design Dead Load and Design Live Load for the speci- fted spacittg. 5. Verify acceptable Rait End Overhang Rail End Overhang (Fig. 2) must equa150 percent or less of foot spacing. Thus, if foot spacing is 72 inches, the Rail End Overhang can be up to 36 inches. In this case, nvo feet can support a rail of as much as 144 inches (72 inches between the fee[ and 36 inches of overhang at each end). 6. Ensure that Live Loads do not exceed Pu11-Out Capaciries Based on the characteristics of your roof raf'ter or truss lumber and the lag screws, consult Table 4 to determine the lag pull- out capacity per 1-inch thread depth. Compare that value to the minimum design live load per footing determined in Scep 4a or 4b. Based on these values, derermine the length of the Iag-screw thread depth you require to resist the design live load. To ensure code compliance, the lag pull-oi¢ capaciry per footing must be gceater than flie footing design live load. If your SolarMount requires standoffs, always use at least two lag screws to secure the s[andofE ro the rafter. Figure 2. SolarMountfoot spaciregrefers to the d"utance betweenfeef an the same rail. O'verv hang, the distance from end of the rail to the first foot inay6enomorethanhalfthefoo[spacing. Table 4. Lag pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (Ibs) in typical roof truss lumber Specifc gravity s/6"sha{t,* 2'/:"thread depth Lag screw specifcations '/e" sha(t,* per 1"threod depth '/'"sha(t,' per I" threod depth Douglas Fir, Larch 0.50 665 266 304 ` i Douglas Fir, South 0.46 588 235 269 Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine (MSR 1650 f& higher) 0.46 588 235 269 Hem, Fir 0.43 530 212 243 ~ Hem. Fir (North) 0.46 588 235 1 269 Thread ~ Southern Pine 0.55 768 307 352 depth Spruce, Pine, Fir 0.42 513 205 ~ 235 ~ Spruce, Pine, Fir (E of 2 million psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL) 0.50 665 266 304 Saurces: Uni(orm Building Code; AmericanWood Council. Notes: (1) 7hread mus[ be embedded in a mf[er or other sbuauml roo(member. (2) Pullaut valuw in<orporate a I.b sa(ery factor remmmended by theAmerimn Wood Council (3) See UBC (or required edge distances. -Use /lat washers w"rth lag saews. 8 Installation Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNIRAQ's Part III. Installing SolarMount with top mounting clamps This section covers SolazMount assemblywhere the installer has elected to use top mounc- ing clamps to secure modules to the rails. It detaIls the procedure for Elush mounang SolazMount to a pitched roof. COttCCtttS Layingoutthe installation area . . . . . . . . 10 Laying out L-feet . . . . . . . . . 11 Installing L-feet . . . . . . . . . . 11 Laying out standoffs . . . . 12 lnstalling s[andoffs . . . . . . . 12 Installing SolarMount rails 13 6ista116ig die modules..... 14 Figure3.Explodedviewof a Lmv-profiie installarion mounred flush to the roof witfi L feet. g ~ vn~ . ~ ~ Table 5. Part quantities SMR Series SolarMount Rail Sets (model no.= rail lengrh in inches) '/e" (oating '/e" (lange Rails L-feet 6olts nuts SMR48thru 106 2 4 4 4 SMR120chru 180 2 6 6 6 SMRI92 thru 216 2 8 S 8 CT Series Clamp Seu (model no. = modules accommodated) End Mid %a" module %+"x s/a" flange clamps clamps clamp bolts safety bolu nuu CT2 4 2 6 2 8 CT3 4 4 8 2 10 CT4 4 6 10 2 12 CTS 4 8 12 2 14 CT6 4 10 14 2 Ib CT7 4 12 16 2 IS CT8 4 14 18 2 20 Table 6.Wrenches and torque Wrench Recommended size torque ((t-Ibs) '/,"'hardware '/ia" IS '/a" hardware 30 Suinless steel hardware can seize up, Q a process called galling.To significanxly reduce its likelihood, (I) apply lubri- canc to bolu, preferably an anci-seize lubricant, available ac auto parts stores, (2) shade hardware prior to installation, and (3) avoid spinning on nuu ac high speed.See Inswllation Supplemenc 910, Golling ond Its Pievention, at www.unirac.com. 9 VNiRAC' Instaiiarion Manuai 214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Layrng out the installation area The installation can be laid out with rails parallel to the rafters (high-profile mode) or perpendicular ro the rafters (low-pro- file mode). Nore that SolarMount raits make excellen[ straight edges for doing layouts. Center the installation area over the rafrers as much as pos- sible. Leave enough room m safely move around the array during installation. The width of the installation area is equal co the length of one module. The length of che installation area is equal to: • the total width of the modules, • plus 1 inch For each space be[ween modules (for mid- clamp), • plus 3 inches (11h inches for each set of end clamps). Figure 4. RaiLs may 6e piaced parnllel orperpendicuiar ro rafters. 10 Installation Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly UNMRAQ' Laying out L feet L-feet (Fig. 5) aze used for installation through exis[ing roofing material, such as asphalt shingles or sheet metaL - Use Figure 6 or Figure 7 below io locate and muk the - L-feet lag bolt holes within the installation area. - ~ Ta meet code, you must use the foot spacing deter- mined inprocedural steps 4a or 4b (pp. 5, 8). Figure 5 VJhen de[ermining the distance be- tween the rails in high-profile mode, keep in mind that the center of each rail will be offse[ from the Lfooc lag bolc holes by 13/4 inches. If multiple high-profile rows are to be ins[a11ed adjacent ro one another, it will not be possible for each row to be centered above the rafrers. Adjust as needed, following the guideLines in Figure 7 as closely as possible. Overhang 25%typical : Foot spacing lepch end ~ , r._ ~ . ; I 3/_ ~ t 507 fypical Lower roof edge Rafters Figure 6. Low-profile layout 25% maximum typical each end I 50% minimum typical Lower roof edge Overhang ~ _ t F Rqfters ~ Installing L feet Drill pilot holes through the roof inro the center of the rafter at each L-foot lag bolt hole locarion. Consulc procedural step 6 and Table 4(p. 8) to select the lag bolts that you musx use to mee[ building code wind load requirements. Lag bolts are not provided with SolarMount rail sets. Squirt sealanx into the hole, and on the shaf[s of the lag botts. Sea1 the underside of the L-feet with a suitable weatherproof sealant. Securely fasten the Lfieet to the roof with the lag bolts. Ensure rhat the L-fee[ face as shown in Figure 6 or Figure 7. The single-slotted square side of the L-fw[ must a(ways lie against the roof with the double-slotred side perpendicular to the roof. 11 VNARAQ' Insta(larion Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Laying out standoffs Standoffs (Fig. 8) are used for flashed installations, such as those with tile and shake shingtes. Use Figure 9 or Figure 10 ro locate and maz'k the standoff lag bolt lioles within the nistallarion area. To meet code, yau must use the foot spacing determined in procedura( steps 4a or 4b (pp. 5, 8). Remove the tIle or shake underneath each standoff location, exposing the roofing underlayment. Ensuxe that the standoff base lies flat on the underlayment, but remove no more marerial than required for the flashings to be insta(led properly. Use the seandoff base as a templare ro mark lag bol[ hole locacions on underlayment above the center of the rafters (Fig. 9 or Fig. 10). ti oyVF Figure 8. Raisedflange smrtdaff (left) and flat top standoff used in con- juncaon with nn L foot. When determining the distance be- nveen the rails in high-profile mode, keep in mind that the center of each rail will be offset from the standoff lag bolt holes by'/~6 of an inch. If multiple high-profile rows are to be installed adjacent ro each other, it wi(1 not be possible for each row to be centered above the rafrers. Adjust as needed following the guidelines in Figure 10 as closely as possible. Installing stattdoffs Overhang - 25%fypical - ~Foot spacing , ' b each end 131 50% minimum ,m'.. . „ .r typical Lower roof edge ~ Raffers -f Fiyure 9. Low-profiie layout 25% typical 50% minimum each end typical - t ; • i r { ' ~ FOOI .`1/15, - sPacing ~ r Overhang Lower roof edge A r Rafters Figure 70. High-ptrofiie [ayout DrIlI'/is-inch piloi holes through the underlayment into the center of the rafrers ac each standoff location. Securely fasren each standoff to the rafrers with the hvo . s/,d' x 3'/2" iag bolts provided with it. Note: You mustverify that the 1ag boltsyou use are adequate for your installdtion by following proce- dural steps 4A or 4B (pp. 5, 8). Ensure that the standoffs face as shown in Figure 9 or Figure 10. SolazMount steel standoffs (lsls" O.D.) aze designed for collared flashings available from UniRac. Aluminum two-piece standoffs (ll/e" O.D.) take all-metal flash- ings, also available from UniRac. Install and seal flashings and standoffs using st2ndard building pracdces. 12 Installakon Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNMAV Figure ll. SpLice bars slide into the foofing bolt slots of SolarMount rnii secfions. Clamping = 'r bolt slot t o ry ,1 ' ~ Mounting Footing r I slots bolf sloi r7 . o~ Figure 12. Foot-to-railsplice attachment Aligning the Rail Ends. Align one pair of rail ends m the edge of the instal- lation azea (Fig. 13 or Fig. 14). The opposire pair of raiL ends will overhang the side of the installation area. Do not nim them off untIl the installation is complete. In low-profile mode (Fig. 13), either end of the rails can be aligned, but the first module must be installed at the aligned end. Installing SolarMount rails Keep rail slots free of roofing grit or other debris. Foreign matter will cause boLts to bind as they slide in the slots. Installing Splices. If your installation uses SolarMount splice bars, atcach the rails together (Fig. 11) before mounting the rails to the foot- ings. Use splice bars onlywith flush installations or those tha[ use low-profile tilt legs. If using more than one splice per rail, contact UniRac concerning therma( expansiott issues. Mounting Rails on Foorings. Rails may be attached ro either of nvo mounting holes in the foocings (Fig. 12). Mount in the lower hole for a low profile, more aesthetically pleasing instal- lation. Mount m the uppei hole for a higher profile, which wIll maa:imize airflow under the modules. This wil] cool them more and may enhance pcrformance in hoteer climates. Slide die'/e-inch mounting bolts inro the footing bolt slots. Loosely attach the rails ro the footings with the fl2nge nuts. Ensure that the rails are oriented to the fooeings as shown in Figure 6, 7, 9, or 10, whichever is appropriate. ~ I--- Edge of inetallation area Figure 13. Low-profile mode Figure 14. High-profile mode For the safest high-profile installation (Fig. 14), the aligned end of the rails must face the lower edge of the roof. Securely [ighten the 8ange nuts on the mounting bolts after aligtunent is complete (28-32 ft Ibs). Mount modules to the rails as soon as possible. Temperature chariges may bow the raiLs within a few hours if module plaremettt is detayed. Rg~ 13 {,NiMC' Installarion Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Instaliing the modules Prewiring Modules. If modules are the Plug and Play type, no prewiring is required, and you can proceed directly to "Installing the First Module" below. If modules have standard J-boxes, each module should be prewired with one end of the inrermodule cable for ease of installarion. For safety reasons, module prewiring should not be performed on the roof. Leave covers off J-boxes. They will be installed when the modules are installed on the rails. InstalGng the First Module. In high-profile installations, the safery bolt and tlange nut must be fastened to the module bolt slot at the aligned (lower) end of each raiL It will preven[ the Iower end clamps and clamping bolts from sliding ou[ of the rail slot during installacion. If there is a re[urn cable to tlie inverter, connect it ro the first module. Close che J-box cover. Secure the first module with'T-bolts and end clamps at the aligned end of each rail. Allow half an inch benveen the rail ends and the end clamps (Fig. 15). Finger tighten flange nuts, center and align the module as needed, and securely tighren the flange nuts (15 ft Ibs). InstalHng the Other Modules. Lay the semnd module face down (glass to glass) on the first module. Connect intermodule cable ro the second module and close the J-box cover. Ttirn the second module face up (Fig. 16). With T-bolts, mid clamps, and ftange nuts, secure the adjacent sides of the 6rst and second modules. Align the second module and securely tighten the flange nuts (Fig. 17). For a neat installatioq fas[en cable clamps to rails witlt self-tapping screws. Repeat the procedure until all modules are installed. At[ach the outside edge of the las[ module ro the raff with end clamps. - Trim off any excess rail, being careful not ro cut inro the roof. Allow ]ialf an inch between the end clamp and the end of the raff (Fig. 15). Check that all flange nu[s on T-bolts are securely fasrened. ! Module Yz' minimum ; frame i Y. module bol} `and flange nut - R End damp Rail : Figure 15 I . ~ '.I p~ i - t J-boxes . Figure 16 Motlule frames Y," module boli and flange nut Rail Mid clamp Figure ]7 High-lipped module (cross seciion) SolarMOUnt rqil SolqrMOUnf rail Figure 18. Mid clamys and end clamps for (ipped fr¢me modules are idenfical. A spacer for the end clamp is necessaty ortly if lips are Iocated high on the madule frame. Spacer Low lipped module (cross seciion) Fr3e 14 Ittstallarion Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly UNiRAC' Part IV. Installing SolarMount with bottom mounting clips This secrion covers SolarMOUnt assembly where the installer has elected to use botrom mounring clips ro secure modules [o the rails. [c de- tails the procedure for flush mount- ing SolarMount to a pitched roof. Contents Planning the installation area.... 16 Laying out and inscalling L-feet 17 Attaching modules to the rails... 18 Installing module-raii assembly. . 19 _j..~.. -i ~ i ri: Table 7. Part quanxities Figure 19. SMR mid CB components SMR Series SolarMount Rail Seu (model no.= rail length in inches) '/a" (oating '/e" /lange Rails L-(eet 6olu nuts SMR48 thru 106 2 4 q 4 SMRI20rhru 180 2 6 6 6 SMR192 thru 216 2 8 g g CB Series Clip Sets (model no.= modules accommodated) "module flonge Clip: bolts nuLs CB2 8 8 8 CB3 12 12 12 CB4 16 16 16 CBS 20 20 20 C86 24 24 24 C87 28 28 28 C68 32 32 32 Table 8.Wrenches and torque Wrench Recommended size torque (ft-16s) hardware 15 %a" hardware 30 Stainless steel hardware can seize up, Q a process cailed galling.To significantly reduce its likelihood, (I) apply lubri- cant to bolts, preferably an anti-seize lubricant, available ac auto parts scores, (2) shade hardware prior to insiallation,and (3) avoid spinning on nues at high speed.See Installacion Supplemenc 910, Galling ond Its Prevention, ac www.unirac.com. 15 VNiMC Installarion Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Disfance netween loa bolt ceMers - ,2., 2.. ~ ' i- Di<lance hs}ween ' ' moa~ic mountlny holes . P4 module ~ ~ ~liF~ ~dule eo[, Mo - dai'.. : r...~ ~ L- "root -Y . ~ Lag bc;lr I ~ , s Cli:tance bztween lag boit cGntc's ' 1/4 ' 4 ~ r-Distarrcz bst•ween n1odule irwi.n ny nol_s ~ i.._., , ~ ~ ~ r ~ dl~l'l I~_. IC - ~ Pigure 20. C[ip Arrmigemerits A and B Planning the installarion area Decide on an arrangement for clips, rails, and L-feet (Fig. 20). Use Arrangement A if the full width of the rails concacc the module. Otherwise use Arrangement B. Caution: If you choose Arrangement B, either (1) use the upper mounring hotes of the L feet or (2) be certain that the L feet and clip positions don't cunfltcx. ff rails must be parallel to the rafters, ic is unlikely chac diey can be spaced ro match rafrers. In that case, add structural supports---either sleepers over the roof or mounring blocks beneach ic These additional members must meet mde; if in doubt, consult a pro- fessional engineer. Never secure the footings to the roof decking alone. Such an arrangement will not meet code and leaves the ins2allation and the roof icself vulnerable to severe damage from wind. Secure the footings in acwrdance with "Insralling L-feeP" (p. 11). Leave enough room to safely move around tlie array during installation. Tlie width of a rail-module as- sembly equals the length of one module. Nore tha[ L-feet m2y extend beyond the width of the assembty by as much 2s 2 inches on each side. The leng[h of the assembly equals the ro[al width of the modules. r..s• 16 Installation Manual 214 Laying out and installing L feet L-feet aze used for ins[allation [hrough existing low profile roofing material, such as asphalt shingles or sheet metaL They are also used for most ground mount installations. To ensure that the L-feet will be easily accessible during flush ins[allation: • Use the PV module mounting hoLes neares[ the ends of che modules. • Simate the rails so that foot- ing bolt slots face ounvard. Use Figure 20 to determine spacing betvueen feet on opposite rails. Foot spacing (along che same rail) and rail overhang depend on design windloads. To meet code, yau must use the foot spacing determined in procedurat steps 4a m• 4b (yp. 5, 8). Install hatf the L-feer. • If rails are perpendicular to rafters (Fig. 21), install the feet closest to the lower edge of the roof. • If rails are parallel to rafters (Fig 22), install the feetfox one of the rails, but not Uoth. For che L-fee[ being installed now, drill pilot holes through the roof inro the center of the rafter at each lag bolc hole locarion. Consult Table 4(p. S) to select lag bolts to meec design wind loads. Squirt sealant into the hole and onto the shaf[s of the lag bolts. Seal the underside of the L-feet with a weath- erproofsealanc Securelyfasten the L-feet to the roof with the lag bolts. Ensure that the L-feet face as shomm in Figure 21 or Figure 22. Hold the rest of the L-feet and fasten- ers aside until the pane(s are com- plete and ready for installation. SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly UN!RAC' y~ i Irs'~ul! ~ater Icier ~ - . I I ! i 'i ~ ' ~ r. .i - ~n::+~- -------~r...c---_. xr--i.---x+ ~ LJWBf ~ Ins~alf r,ow roof eCge Figure 21. Raiis laid aut perpendicular to the rafters. wa. 17 N'tgitre Z'L. xutLti Latd out pmn!!et to tlte rafters. UNMAi" Installarion Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly Attaching modules to the rails Lay the modules for a given panel face down mi a surface that will not damage the module gtass. Align the edges of the modules and snug them together (Fig. 19, p. 15). Trim the rails to the rotal wid[h of the modules to be mounted. Place a rail adjacent to the outer mounting holes. Orient ihe footing bolt slot outward. Place a clip slot adjacent ro the mounting hotes, foltowing the arrangement you selec[ed earlier (Fig. 20a or 20b, p. 16). Assemble the clips, mounting bolts, and flange nuts. Torque the flange nuts ro 15 foot- pounds. Wire the modules as needed. For safery reasons, module wiring should not be performed on a roof. For a neat installation, fasten cable clamps to rails with self-tapping screws. 18 Installarion Manua1214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly VNORACg Installing the module-rail assembly Bring the module-rail assembly to the installation site. Keep rail slots free of debris that might cause bolts to bind in the slocs. Consider the weight of a fully assembled panel. UniRac recom- mends safety (ines whenever lifting one ro a roof. Align the panel with [he previously installed L-feet. Slide inch L-foot mounring bolts onio the rail and align them with the L-feet mounting holes. Attach the panel to the L-feet and finger tighten the flange nuts. Rails may be attached to either of nvo mounting hoLes in the footings (Fig. 23). • Mount in the lower hole for a low, more aesthetically pleasing installation. • Or moun[ in the upper hole to maxirnize a cooling airflow under the modules. This may enhance perfor- mance in hotter clunates. p AGOon1ir;; slots FooFlSg { Hangs bnll Jql Adjust the position of the panel as needed to fit the instal- Ia[ion area. Slide the remaining L-feet bolts onto the other rail, attach L-feet, and finger tighten with flange nuts. Align L-feet with mounting holes previously drilled into roof. Install lag bolts into remaining L-feet as described in "Laying out and installing L-feet° above. Torque all footing flange mics co 30 foot-pounds. Verify tltat all lag bol[s 2re securely fastened. Pigure 23. Leg-to-rail attacfiment wa< 19 VNAMC' Instaliarion Manual214 - SolarMount Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly 10 year limited Product Warranty, 5 year limited Finish Warranry UniRaq Inc, warranCS to the original purchaser ("Purchaser') of product(s) that it manufacares ("Product') aC the original insEallation sire that the Product shall he free from defects in material and workmanship tor a period of ten (10) years, except (or the anodized finish,which f nish shall be kee from visible peeling, or cacking or <halking under normal atmospheric conditions for a period of five (5) years, from the earlier of I) the date the installation of the Product is comple[ed, or 2) 30 days after the purchase of the Product by the original Purchaser ("Finish Waranry"). The Finish Waranty does not apply to any fareign residue deposiCed on the fnish. All insEallaCions in corrosive atmospheric wnditions are ezcluded.The Finish Warranry is VOID if the pactices specified byAAMA 609 & 610-02 -"Cleaning and Maintenance forArchiCecmrally FinishedAluminum" (www.aamanet.org) are not (ollowed by Purchaser.This WarranCy does not cover damage to the Product that occurs during i[s shipmen4 stoage, or installaCion. This Warrznty shall beVOID if installation of the Product is not performed in accordance with UniRac's writ[en installation instrucCions, or if the Product has been modified, repaired, or reworked in a manner not previously authorized by UniRac IN WRITING, or if the Product is insWlled in an environment for which it was not designed. UniRac shall noC be liable f01' CO05¢GU2n[idl, COnCing¢O[ ol' incidental damages arising out of the use o( the Product by Purchaser under any circumstances. If within the specifed Waranq periods the Producc shall be reasonably proven to be defe<cive, then UniRac shall repair or replace the defective Produc4 or any part thereof, in UniRac's sole discretion. Such repair or replacement shall completely satisfy and discharge all of UniRac's liability with respece to this limited Waranty. Under no circumstances shall UniRac be liable for special, indirect or consequenCial damages arising out of or related to use by Purchaser of the Producc. Manu(aaurers of related items, such as PV modules and flashings, may provide written waranties of their own. UniRac's limited Waranty covers only its Product,and not any related items. UniRac, Inc. 1411 Broadway NE 505.242.6411 20 www.unirac.com Albuquerque NM 57102-1545 USA 505.242.6412 FaX 41 City of Wheat Ridge Residential Fence PERMIT - 080793 PERMIT N0: 080793 ISSUED: 07/17/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 9650-80 44TH AV EXPIREB: 01/13/2009 DESCRIPTION: Wrought iron fence-installed around property Already.Inst I CONTACTS owner 720/218-3742 Eric Boivin . PARCELINFO - ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ Conditions: Note: Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating proeprty lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate. information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting'from inaccurate information. -Fees doubled for work without permit- I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or cwenants, easements or restrictions of record; that a11 measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.H.C) and a11 other applic-~ idge Ordina . or work under this permit. ~is subject to field inspection. 1 2 3 a 5 6 This permit was issued in Nqcordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the~ZOning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge,-0olorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This pesmit shall expire 190 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. M extension may be granted at the discretion of the Huilding Official. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee oP one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonmentexceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pexmit.. No work of any manner sha11 be done that will change the natural flow ofwater causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspectionsand shall receive written approval oninspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation o£ the provisions of the-building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All planreview is subj~ct'field inspections. . Signature of Chief aate INSPECTION Rfi¢YEST.LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY.3PM ANY BUSINESS DAYFOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. oF W"~'0p City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Date: 0 -7' 7500 W. 29w Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ¢ Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-235-2857 Plan O ~ a Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 ~LORPO Permit b I Building Permit Application PropertyAddress: Q(oso-q(og(7 l~Fs-j 44111qyr-4)UF, Property Owner (please print): E1?J(~, &-11Uj AJ Phone: 720Zi8-37+2 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Contrector: Contractor License Phone: Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Company: Exp. Date: Plumbing City License Company Exp. Date: Mechanical City License Company: Exp. Date: vc Use of space (description): Construction Value: $ ~ v4 Description of work: (as caiculated per the eui/tlins valuati i JMSy..~~~~ ~L(goiJD PP, pC-e-:-"/ Plan Review (due at fime of submittal): "FR-9yn f=R.07\f1"ot'-' 6LL)GTNEN ~til`t`f Sq. Ft./L. Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit applicalion are accurate, and do not violate applica6le ortlinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenls or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allega6ons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all condi0ons printed on this application and that I assume tull responsibility for compliance with the VJheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. CIRLCEONE:: '(OWNER) (CONTRAC70R) or PERSONALREPRE TATIVEo OWNER) CONTRA70R) PRINTNAME: DAv~hJ f~QJA/ j'n/ SIGNATURE: - ate: 7 O ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer. J D~ PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS ~ Reviewer. ~ ~ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY -7 f (6 (og foi ' evro,,5cn cl-ev1 Fevtet~ BUILDINGDEPARTMEMCOMMEMS Reviewer. FIREDEPARTMENT:[,[IeppfOVed4v/COmment5 ❑di50ppfoVed ❑ no review required OCCUPANCY: City of Wheat Ridge Building Permit Submittal List The following items are required for the SlllylB- Or 1W0 f8ffllly building permil submittal for the property located at . If any of the required items are not included in the submittal, ihe submittal will be consitlered incomplete and relurned immediately without review. This sheet must be submitted with the building permit application. Please initial beside each required item, signifying that it has been indutletl. Review Required by: 0 Building ❑ Planning ❑ Public Works SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS: Plans: ❑ Three (3) full-sized (24" x 36") plans (Contents of p/ans tletailed in the Single- and two-(amily handout) - yellow heatling ❑ Three (3) stamped sets of foundation plans. ❑ Three (3) copies of a grading and erosion control plan. ❑ One (1) copy of a soils report. DOCUMENTATION: ❑ One (1) completed building permit application. ❑ One (1) property deed. ❑ One (1) certified survey or Improvement Location Certificate. ❑ Proof of utility availability (form provided by city). ❑ One (1) building permit submittal list. The following items are required for the COfI1tI1B1'CI81 O► ff1U111-fallllly builtling permit submittal for the property located at C1 b50-F3b W If any of the required items are not included in the submittal, the submittal will be considered incomplete and returned immediately without review. If you had a pre-application meeting with Slaif, you must submit ihe checklist you received. Otherwise, lhis sheet must be submitted with the builtling permit application. Please initial beside each required item, signiTying ihat it has been included. Review Required by: 0 Building ❑ Planning ❑ Public Works SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS: Plans: ❑ Four (4) full-sized (24" x 36") plans (Contents of plans detailed in the Commercial & Multi-family handouf) - pink heading ❑ Two (2) copies of a final drainage report and plan OR Two (2) copies of a dreinage letter and plan ❑ Two (2) copies of a grading and erosion control plan ❑ Two (2) copies of a traffic impact sludy OR . Two (2) copies of a Uip generation study DOCUMENTATION: ❑ One (1) completed building permit application. ❑ One (t) property tleed. ❑ One (1) certified survey or Improvement Location Certificate. ❑ Proof of utility availability (form provided by city). ❑ One (1) 6uilding permit submittal list. ~.r~~;,~ ~ ~ . : ; - - - - _ - ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ Permit Number Building Permit 19647 CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue 1/5/2006 wheah-idge, Co 80033 Inspection Line 303-235-2855 c~x~tvm~ M~dye . k ~ 393-234-5933 Commercial Roofing PROPERTY 9((0 44th av - Unit: owtvER: Eric Boivin (303) 216-2439 Description Replace old shake shingles with new metal earth tone roof. FEES Fees Due Paid Use Tax $32.40 $32.40 Home Owner 0 ~ a`4, a Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: 0 I hereby <ertify fM1et Ne setback distancu proposed by this permif appli<ation are accuratq and do uot violah applicable ortlivancu, miw or reguletions ofthe Ciry of WLea[ Ridge or covenanb, easementa or rwlrictions of recard; tha[ all measuremens shown, and allegations made are acconm; [hat I havc read antl agrce ro abide by alt mntlitiovs prin[ed on Nis appltcaHOn, eud[hat I essume NII rwponsibNry for compliance wi1M1 fii¢ Wheaf Ridge Building Code (I..B.C.) and ell other epp eble WLeatRidgeordina rwarkundis}~rmic l I EDDATE 1 Thtspermi[wesissuedinacrordahttwi[h[heprovisionssetforthinyourapptica[ianantlissubjea[totFelawsoftheStehofColoradoantltoth<ZOning Rcgulationa and Building Codc of WM1Ca[ Ridgq Colorado or any o[htt applicablc ordinancu of the City. 2 Every permit issued aFell bemme NveGd wless Ne work ov the site autharized by such permR is commeviced witlrtn 180 days after its 6suance, or if ehe wmk aulM1Orized on tM1e si[e by mch permit is sospended or abandaned br a period af 180 drys after tFe [ime ofwork is mmmenaed. 3 If Hus pe'mit upUU, e new permit may he acquiretl far a fee otanrhalfthe vmwm normelly requGM, providetl uo cM1anges Lave been or will be made in Ne otlgtual plens and specificationa ana any suspension or abantlonmen[ has m[ exceedetl one (1) yeer.IfcM1angw ar¢ made or ifsuspenslon or ahvntlomueut ureeds ane (1) yeay fWl Ru shall be pvid 6r a new permit 4 Nowarko(anymannershellbedonetha[willchangethenamralilowafwatercaosingadninageprahlem. 5 Conhacwr sM1aO naofy [M1e Building Inspearor twenty-four (34) M1ours in advance for all inspceEons and sha0 rtceive wdtten approvel on inspxtion earA before pmceedingwithsuccurivephasuof eJab. 6 Theluuanceofap¢rmit pprovalofdrawingsan tti tionssM1alinotbeconstruetlfoheapermiffor,noranvppmvvlof,anyriahtiono(the provivionsoftM1ebu' odevaranyotherord'na gubtian. , a Thursday, 7anuary 05,,28D6 Page l of I Building Permit CTI'Y OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 c~yoccm~~aa~e. . ~ Commercial Roofing Permit Number 19647 1 /5/2006 Inspection Line 303-234•5933 PROPERTY 9660 44th av UIIIt: owivEx: Eric Boivin (303) 216-2439 Description Replace old shake shingles with new metal earth tone roof. Authorized By guildingApproval Authorized On Zoning 1/4/2006 Approved By C.root Thursday, January 05, 2006 Page 1 of 1 r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTME14T 4'. BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5833 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303-235•2855) "~6'~/~S J R.rY - Properry Owner. C~LfC iJ l ~i'/`v/ ProperiyAddress: j6-~'` ~ " Contractor License No.: . Company: Building Permit Number: ~91py ~ Date: Phone: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Buiidinq Depf. Valuafion Figure: $ I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed by this permit'application are . accurats, and do notviolate applicable ordinances, rules or regulatlons of the CIty of V2lUe:$ " WheatRid9eorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsofrecord;ihatallmeasurements `-"shown, end allegaBons made are acqurete; that I have read and agree fo abide by all Permit Fee:$ . conditlons printed on this applicatlon and that I assume full responsibilfty for compliancev-nth theWheatRldgeBwldtngCode(I.B.C)andalloth erapplicableWheat P1anReviewFee:$ Ridge Ordlnances, forv'uork under thls permlt Plans subject to field inspection. e X. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)zSIGNEU- OATE If TOt3l:$ C (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE/~-~ ' } ~ . . . Use of Space (description): Description of work: Sq.Ft.added BUII,DINGDEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: ICDMMENTS: . APProvaL• _ Zontng: . COMMEN7^u: Approval: W ORKS COMMENTS: Approyal: DEPAR7MENT COMMENTS: Approval: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Ecpiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date; qpproval: Approval: Approval: (1) Thispermitwasissuedinaccordancewlththeprovislonssetforthinyourapplicationandissu6jecttothelawsofthe5tateof Colorado and M the Zoning Regulations and Buiiding Codes of Wheat Rfdge, ColoreBo or any otherapplicable ordtnances of the City. .(2) This permit shall expire [f (A) thework authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. . (3) Ifthis permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amountnortnally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made In the original pl2nsend spec!ficatlons and 2ny suspension or zbandonment has not exceeded one (1)-year.lfchangeshavabeenorifsuspensfonorabandonmentexceedsone(1)year,Tullfeesshallbepaidforanewpertnit (4) Noworkofanymannershallbedonethatwillchangethenaturaltiowofwatercausingadrafnageprobiem. (5) Contrador shall nodry the Butlding Inspector iwenty-four (24) hours tn advance for all Inspections and shati receive vrzitten approval on inspection card before proceeding with successlve phases of the job. (6) The issuance ot a permit or the approvai of drawings and specifications shatl not be consWed to be a permit for, nor an approvai of, anyviolation ofthe provfstons of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan revfew Is subJect to fleld inspecttons. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number 77797 9/28/2004 Property Owner: IN TUNE AUTOMOTIVE Property Address : 9670 W 44TH AVE Contractor License No. : 20029 Company : Kevin Robbins, Electrical Contractor OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiTy that the setback distances pmposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations nditions printed on this made are accurate; that I have read and agree to aKa ge uildi g application, and that I assume full responsibil' fo cwith the Wheat Rid Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabl e , f~r work under this 96rmit/ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED DAT E~ I Construction Value : $130.00 Permit Fee : $30.55 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $1.56 Total: $32.11 Use : Phone : 463-8900 Phone : 618-0883 Date Description : REWIRE OF STREET SIGN - CONDUIT IN TRENCH BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY onin ~Comments'; SIC ~ 9 Approval : Zoning : Approval: kulilic V1~o~~ s Comm ne ts= Approval : Occupancy: Walls Electrical License No : 20029 Company:Kevin Robbins, Electrical Contractor Expiration Date : 2/28/2005 Approval : OKIKS Roof : Stories Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions setforth in yopur applicafion and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicabie ordinances of the City. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 720 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount normaliy required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change ihe natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contraclor shall notify the Building Inspectortwenry-four (24) houre in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with s essive ' (6) The issua erm he approvai ngs and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provis' s ui g0o erordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT Building Permit Number. o~ ~E~J y BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-2345933 Date: = 'o~ Cl7Y Of WMEAT RiDGE ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - {303-235-2855) `o~~~°° APPLICA?70N Qrape,ri owner: yn ne- ~ mv~ ,~-e- .3~3 _~'qoo Properry Addrar. q b'i a lN ' Li L\ t H ,3-- Phone: Conuactor License No-: -2,0~2cl ComPanY: )41)ir\ C'.n4aQ&1 Phone~J°3~ 6i~ d~3 pWNEWCON7RAL70R SIGNATURE OF UNOE9STANDIN6 AND AGtiEEMEHT I hereby certiN that the selbadc dislance6 Woposetl by this permit aOPlipGon are acwrete, antl eo rwt vbtate apqicabk ordinances, rules w repWatiom of me Ciry ot W heal Ritlge or tovmants. eascments aresiricUOns of recad: that all meawremenft sbown, anA aibpations ma0e are aaurau; that i have read arW ayree w abltle byaU toncrrGOns p+lnted on Nis applitaGon and that i assume hill responsibiliry 1or pomplianu with tlhe Wheat Ritlpe Bufldinp Cotle (U.B.C) and ail other applipbk W heai Ridye Ordinances, iM work un0er Uhis permil (owNEAMGONrnAcTOPo. (OwNER)(CONTRACTOii):PRIN7ED Description: , Sq. Ft. addW Construction ValueS I ;o Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:S Use Tax-~ Total:$ G°JVJ Expiration Date: Expiratron Date: Expiration Daie: AvvroYal- ?i(z.' ~0s ,o,PP~wal: Aarxoval: 17 ) This permit was issue0 in acowdarwe wim tlW Dvm*m sei forU+in your aGWication arM is subject to the tarvs a ft sta4 of Cobrado arW b tlie Zoni^fl Repoaums antl &nldi^O CoAes of Wneat Ridpe. Cobrado w arry dtw applicabte ordmanoes of th° CrtY- (y) 7hiS perrrdt shaY exp'ne St (A) the wak autAOrized k mt tommenced wnhin sixtY (50) daYs hom issue da4 w (B) the Duikdn9 aWiorlmsd'o wspsbsa Or 9bwdoned for i Wnad Ot 120 diys. (3) 1! tt0s vsmgt evkm. s nsw Psmil+roy be aoptisd 1ar a fes of onshatt the ammvp normaYy feVwmd. P^~vided ^o chwVw hwo! bOM p Will50 R1b0 Y111M Mgikf1 pIC1i iW ipodftobons wb uY suspension W obwxWnwd 118{ Ild O%OOlOl4 pM (1) Ysar. N chanpss luw besn or BanDension w abwdorunenleaceeCS one (1) Year, tutl iees atw8 be pai0 for a new DertNl (1) No wak o1 arry rtwrbr ahaY bs da+e tlfsl vri0 clmnye Me naGral 1bw of waFer eeusi^C adraenape Droble^. (5) Cmbaclor shM nodly Vw BuHJnG ~nspector hirwillY4our (Za) twus'rn a0vmre 1or atl inaVxtio^s and shau receive vrtinan aDwa'+l o^ insDecbo^ wd betas prooeedinD wiCi wccessiw pheaes of the job. (6) TM issuan,0e of a Dwnit a the approval 01 drawuqa and nDeakecDns tluY not Oe cOnaVUed b De a Darmit ior. rror an approval ot. any vida5on of Me proviaans of the EuilCirq w0es or anY other adinana, law, rule or regulaoon. Electrical License No: __o 2,q Plumbing License No: Mechanical license No: Company. ComPanY- ComPany. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-960 Date :5/11/95 Property Owner : Property Address : 9650-80 44TH AV Contractor License No. : Company : Phone: 422-6545 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) Description : ENCLOSE DUMPSTER Construction Value : $500.00 Permit Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $ .00 Total: $0.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Wails DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE MUST BE 10' BACK FROM STREET ENCLOSURE MUST HAVE BOLLARDS ON PARKING AREA SIDE Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approvai : Approval : . wow.m m (i) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forih in yopur appliralion and is sub~ectto the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning - Regulations antl Builtling Cotle of Wheal Ritlge, Coloratlo or any ofher appliCable ordinances of e City. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) ihe work authorizetl is not commencetl within sixty (60) days (romissue date or (B) ihe building authorized is suspendetl or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifications antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permiL (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of waier causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contrac[or shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceediin wifh successive phases of the job. (6) The issu 92 ermit orthe ap2foval of drewings and specifca[ions shall not be wnstrued to 6e a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the q il mg ny othe~yriance, law, rule 6r regulation. Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 GITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 !J ~ Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner : T i~_:JYl~S Property Address : 90 Contractor License No. : Company : ne.T~ ~~~i~S(~l~ J T e /7~ /O cl R~ ~ ~'DO0 Phone : `~aa - (a6 ~t s Phone: OWNER/CONTR4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restndions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable eat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE DATE?~ld /-'4. Description : 5,61,9S BUILDING DEPARTMENFUSE,c c, Approval: w~ Zoning : Construction Value :SOl ~dy Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : `oi Approvai'S~ C(k►.1C6L.t2V_. Ql'1L-jST HfiO-e_ N,.. b qAT2.AE+ Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: MENs,!Mt~irea~~ WNVTa~i (i) This permit was issued in accortlance with the pmvisions set Forth in yopur applicalion antl is subject to the laws of the State of Cotoratlo antl ro the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, ColoreAO or any other applica6le ortlinances of ihe City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not wmmenced within sixty (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the builtling authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this it expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amoun[ nortnally required, providetl no changes have 6een or will be matle in the orig al p ns and specifica6ons antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ex etls e(1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) Nb ork fany manner shall be done that will change Ihe naNral Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Co Vad r shall notify Ue Buildi Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection card before pro edi ng with successive a s of the job. (6) The "ss a ce ot a permit o he approval ot drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violalion of ihe provisions of th il g cotles or an r ordinan , law, rule or reguiation. ! Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION o°rc2s ~ ~ ~ w L a ~ Li pUmP - - ~ - - -~nr~05eb_, - -----~AJmo✓e ~jris~'yn~~i~~ _ i ~ 0 ZJO . i L o D ~ ~ , Ss 4 or - ' 6r7-~. or s `7LsR37- ~x I ~X ~HN Ce ~ r ~ .~~i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ Building Inspection Division ~ (303) 234-5933 Inspection line . (303) 235-2855 Office ' (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: "lt' ~".~.,~~i`.~G~iiz-~1 ~ Job Address/Permit Number: XASe -Pr w. VY1'a o793 J ❑ No one available for inspection: Time r~loS AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes 4::B,o 'When corrections have 6een made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 Date: ~~s Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE TH/S NOTICE