HomeMy WebLinkAbout12601 W 26th AvenueNov. 3. 2005 4:40PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No.6150 P. 2 * ps f975 PermK N0. APPliatian pate: Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District ( P.O. Box 507 • 3880 Upham Street ' Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0507 = 303-403-5900 Office • 303-940-0350 FaX • www•wrfire.org rn a APPM _ Mame; Address;. AgeM: Addresr. . Business: M Cantad: Phone: Phone: ~ ,;I'`,? ~o I Kt~rt fha a6ow iMarmaNon m ha aeturata I h~w naNW anA nvNw~d the I~do+~ ~ ,mpllenee anA tl+a Fea Sdxdula. Thb pemih b tM ~ DmMW ef the WheM Rid9e Fue ProtNAen Di6tr+et and ia iswod subjaa to mmlMom aeimInaA haroln. Upan +Mr h0un ot any mndhlon Isdudhg m failure of dearonce of anY Pe'mi[ PaymeM4 this permit is ableG te immedla[e reroeaoon anE tl+e Oarmit must he rennned upon demand M a fepcexnmtiveoflheWheakWdgeFueProheetlo 'd. ~ ~ 5'ignaturc of AppGo~ F1 NOIICE: If conetrllttlon le 1'ted VM tNe 188udnoB of a pemitr TN (3) tlmes !fie normal fee will ba ascemed. ~ INSPECfION BY FiRE PRO ON DISTRICT REQUIRM? ❑ NO rn .,....w,..,naye,vsd.~ xeaueQnaye~iade~sp~mh~am9~9nun da)s1nadvmKeer303-4R3-sSC1. OF PERMlT FORMULA (xe fee sdxdu~e siireq FEES n Ta7 No. of Tanks= p~~ m M der Platis Syshem Val ue= SysG.m Plans System Value- g Plans ValuaCon= Pla ing or Use Plare Valuation= . ❑ 7ata1 Bldg. aation ❑ New ❑ Partlal go X Q pate Paid ..4 Amt Pald m Metl'°d A InltlaB . ~ Fy 0 Z ' ' FINAL APPROVAL ❑ arrROVEO a3s u nrrreD [OND ~LL ~PROV e Co a ~ rmE ~r ~r~/ DATE ~ef- B~! sx Trn.E oATE p MAhoa Inidals v - ~ ~ M ~ A ~ ~ X 3 M ~ Nov. 3. 2005 4:40PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT Project Coordinator 12601 West 26' Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colarado 80033 Rje: Consttvction at the above address. No. 6150 P. 3 September 1, 2005 The following requirements are made unda the 2003 Imternaxional Fire Code adopted by the Fire Board of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District snd the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Plans submitted to the Fire Dishict do not show any plans for electrical. Review done with the information supplied. 2. A Fire Alarm shaU be installed within this building. T'he plans.for a fully addressable, full-coverege, Fire Alatm shaU be submitted for approval and permitting. 3. Illuminated Exit signs shaU be supplied within the corridors for the illumination of the paths of egress. These signs sha11 be supplied with battery back up. 4. Signs shaU be placed on the main entiy doors statin8 "THESE DppRS pRE Tp REMAIN UNLOCKED WHII.B THE BUII,DING 5. Fire extinguiahers with a minimum rating of 2A-40BC shall mounted 3 to 5 feet from the floor surface with a maximum travel distance of IS OCCUPIFD" 75 feet unobstructed. 6. SEE REQUIItEMENf S ATTACHED FOR THE FIRE ALARM• Any questions please comact me at the Fire District. Reviewed by, Douglas J. Saba Fire Marshal Nov. 3, 2005 4:40PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No.6150 P. 4 , WHEAT RIDCE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PO Box $07 • 38g0 UpHwbt S`rmET • WyiE,e,r RibcE, CowRwno 8003440507 303-4035900 • FAX3039e{0-0350 • vVWW.wRFlRE.ORG SYSTEM INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ATTFdVTIONALL CONTRACfORS . Prior To Yois Request For A F'mal Inspgctian The Following Conditions MusE Be Met! i. All ofthe required paper wor3i and peimits an presmt and on-site. • 2. Youmust have the appropziate tools and devices to activate fhe various crctrits ef the systeoi. 3. Yon must have safficimt pasamnel and a]mpment t}ie petmit holder colmpany) to perform the desireatests (spmeone to tesc the devices and s. e one to seset the system). Ifradfos aze ncedea they to must be provided by thepemiit holder. ' 4. Yon mueE notify all 'appropriate personael and other accapants of the building as to when the. fire alazm system wM be tested. Consider postiag signs giviii8 m#oxm$tion resarding tesft• 5. All devicts (shubes, hcuns, azmnaciatoxa etc..) must be. tested prior w you zeqnest. for $aal . aisPection- 6, 17u £ue alarm commnaicator must be caaaeoted to t#/o (2) active phone lmea and the detection system is on-liae with the monitarmg station. ( 7. The permit holder is respona~blo for the propar insffillatirm and operffiion of the ale:m system for the ~ amzpermitted. 8. 1be Kaox Box (if applieable) mvst beon order as iastalled at the time of the inspactioa. 7he acceptaace bf the detxtion or spaiaYler system is besed upon field verificadon. It is the responsxY P~¢ ~ to msure tliat alt of the pe~it xeqniiements are met Fail~e W mcet the permit requiremmts will result in a deaial of inspection and a ro-iaspeetiaa fea will be assessed. Iunderstaad tLat by signiag tlus form, I agree to meet the listed conditions for theSystern, Inspection Requivemeots. I a}so agcee to perfonn a 100% fimctionality test oa the eatire alazm or spriakler system and cozsect aay problems tLat are fcund to iasnre tLat the system meets all of the requitements of this permit. I uadeatand ihat failure to comgty with apy of these conditions orif aazry ather discrepancies ace faimd st the fime of tesfmg by tfie testing Fire Ma:shel or lyis designx, will result ia a R&IN9PECITONFEE OF $100.00 RER STI'E. • Pamit Number: ~ Date: /Za /(2.r ,