HomeMy WebLinkAbout10010 W 29th Avenue1 I 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:c� Job Address: Permi# Number:<%! C,z � LJNo one available for inspection: Time -;f: a AIVA/PM�i Re -Inspection required: Yes "No.' When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at; h ttp:!lwww. ci. whea tridge. co. uslinspection Date: '� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Iv.E--. Permit Number: �) 1. r ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/� Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http:/fwww. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: /k,z= lJ' Inspector: �---- - DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge r Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201902669 PERMIT NO: 201902669 ISSUED: JOB ADDRESS: 10010 W. 29th Avenue EXPIRES: JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace metal roof, 5/12 pitch, 12 squares *** CONTACTS *** OWNER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUB (303)426-8575 JEREMY SHULL *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 022254 INDEPENDENT ROOFING SPECIALIST USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 7,500.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 No Fees 0.00 ** TOTAL ** 0.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** COMMERCIAL FLAT ROOFS: In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a WARRANTY LETTER from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. LADDER MUST BE SET FOR ALL ROOF INSPECTIONS: A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. ALL PITCHED ROOFS REQUIRE A MIDROOF INSPECTION REGARDLESS OF PITCH. MIDROOF & SHEATHING: Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. REGARDING ROOF VENTILATION: Roof ventilation shall comply with Building Division Policy BD -18-001 for Balanced Ventilation Systems, or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. FOR ROOF PITCH 6/12 AND OVER: Midroof & Final Roof inspections for ROOFS with 6/12 PITCH & OVER: 3rd party inspection will be required for both the midroof and final inspections. The 3rd party inspection report AND THE ORIGINAL PERMIT CARD needs to be dropped off to the Permit Desk at the City of Wheat Ridge. The report MUST BE SIGNED by the Homeowner. ' ,r City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201902669 PERMIT NO: 201902669 ISSUED: 12/20/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 10010 W. 29th Avenue EXPIRES: 12/19/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace metal roof, 5/12 pitch, 12 squares I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications; applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest t legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all wor c a performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accorr}panying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and a companying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and maybe subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Off pial and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or;egulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building O,fficiil " - Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of �Wheatl d COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 291 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: perm its(a)ci.wheatridge.co.us I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Date: I apo I Plan/Permit # k", 1 / %? Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application '* Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: / Qn%0 k 27' J4UC Property Owner (please print): C14 -y 0 S k%,ec,,L fJo4,,c Phone: Property Owner Email: Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: -7SDo City, State, Zip:%ec�� J2i d Arch itect/Eng1neer: Arch itectlEngineer E-mail: Contractor Name: � y3 J_ Phone: City of Wheat Ridge License #: 62225'( Phone: �yo3- 41ZG - OL 7J Contractor E-mail Address: /t.`4-4+ EI o 6 _Ci� yc%oo • Cott— For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): A-4— Phone: CONTACT EMAIL(please print): Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all highlighted fields. COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. I —riS l l JIE t� -8.► � v�� SLS- 1 1 �oe vL� . s-)12 Sq. FULF 1200 BTUs Gallons Amps Squares Z For Solar: KW # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: LL -1 -construction Type:�,6,6,o Occupancy Load: Square Footage: i Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 75- do , Gc) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE. (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): DATE: Printed Name: A�L ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Building Division Valuation: ■am■ HC` ■oo■ rrrr• 0 r Engineering & SurveyingLLC ■ ■ r ■ January 18, 2008 John Schumacher Chief Building Official City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Paramount Park - Dugout Structures 10010 W. 290'Ave. Permit # 080011 Dated January 4, 2008 Dear Mr. Schumacher: 9570 Kingston Court, Suite 310 Englewood, CO 80112 PH: (303) 773-1605 FAX:(303)7733297 www.hclengineering.com This letter is written to document my inspection of the boring holes, reinforcing, and anchor bolts for the caisson foundations on the above referenced Dugout Structures. I visually inspected the drilled holes for the caissons, the reinforcement cages, and the anchor bolts on January 15, 2008. The caissons were inspected to verify that they were the correct diameter and drilled to the proper depth. The reinforcement cages were inspected to verify the number, size, and spacing of the longitudinal rebar and the ties. The anchor bolts were inspected to verify the type and size as shown on the approved plans. All the above-mentioned items have been supplied in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Respectfully submitted, DeWayne D. Hansen, P.E. HCL Engineering & Surve} a~ r ~STE •~9, o,~. s 1 8 nenrlti~ . . Na P'ees , Tota1 Valuation ' ,r..' 7OTAL * * ' trbliS .00 .00 .00 rssvEn: USE: Q~11 1/oarao;os '7/oajzoos Catidi Vibns : SU9c7$CT'.TO FZlLD ZNSPSCTSC3N CONTRAGTOR M[IST 8}h"; LICIITS ED .INWFIfiAT RIDGE BEFDREWORKINGON PROJECT .I.h6reCy CEYtity Lhat the eetback dlitancee propoeed by thie.pezmit application are accurate, and da mt vialat<,dpplicatilE . ozdinaaebe, Eulea oz sequl4lpna oE E}ie City of.Wheat Ridge or.covenante, easemente pr reeerictione'of recpzd; tCWt fii1meaburemedCs.:shovn, anA'allegaYioxy4eiade are accurate; that I have read arW agzee eo abide by a11 condielone`ptinted qn th,ia applit 2nd tha[ Y ae9uYne LuI2Ypeponelbility fox compliance wiih the Wheat RiQge Sui191ng CodO..(I.BX)arid aXl Otlhei'~ appli ab ' 'Qgef drd'ii~BnC a, ~for work un9er thiepermlt. Plans eubject to Yizlfl Snspection. Signaevre v contractOrfo . a~ te~ ~ 1. Thia p9#xmitwae iaeued 13f accprdaiice'with the provieione set forth nn youx ipplication and ie cuhject tb tlfa ipwe oE th;. Btat'e 4t Co-lasa4b aiidtb the Zonioy xegulatione and Bullding.COdea of Wheat'Ridge, Colorado or,any other appllcablg "br$inao2ee of the CSCy. : . . 7. This pCTmff.e2ta3l e1¢pire 180 &aye ~from the iaeue date. Requeete for an exten93m muat be zeceived prlor to.ezpdratioa~ ..data. Xtt.ezteqqiop (bay 'pe gYante4'at the diecretion of the.BUildlq9 Offlcial. 3:- ;E CTiia pernllt eXpSr4e, s nRw peimit may be acquireflfor a fee oP one-half the amount nozmallylzequited, provided no. - -'chatlgea ha6e been or'wi11 bemQB'Yn theoriginal plane and;epeciticatione.and aay euepensioa oz'qLaMOYUnent twe not axcetdeQone (1) y,qpi. If Qlterigee have been or iE auepen6ion or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, ftdl ieee etlall . . be pairi fos~ a new. paimie. . 4.No wprk'.of.any mazmeYeTyilk bedo7te tpat will change the natural flow of watet caueinga dta}nage proplem..5.CotttracCOF'ehall noCify Che'BUiiding inBpector twenty-fout (24).houre Sn advqpce forall irtepeetiona snd.6ha11.recnivEvrikten appmfai bn lneyecEion:caid SCfpre proceefling vith cuccesaive phaeee ofthe job. 6.,The Ysenance of a petmit os the.approval of arawings and apecificatione'ahall aot tie conatrued to be a ppzmle for, non~ ' hn aggrbval~bP, arty VielgtYbn pfphe.pr ieionaoP the buil8ing codeaor any othez 4idinanee, law, sLLle Oz reoLlation:' ` All p1dR ieview 1estibjmQ Ca 5... ctiona. . . . . signtiture nx Chief BuildSng 6E!# Tdate . . . : IN,SYA T ~,A~i,R~QU*ST~ e (343)234-5933 BiTILDING OFFICE: (303)235-285$ . . R9(~$STs 24C13T BE PWbB 9Y 3* ANY BUSINESS DAY EOR INSPECTIqN THE FOLLpWING HCT$TN$SS DAY. . ~ Ridge Miscellan I - ~ ~eT . w- ,v4 ~r o~„y r TK iS Koc-,'-L_ r01.v CALCULATIONS FOR Job: Paramount Address: 8' x 32' Dugout Wheat Ridge, CO (These calculations apply to the job at this address only.) Client: CLASSIC RECREATION SYSTEMS Sheet 1 2-3 4-7 8-12 13-1 i 18-19 D1-D9 c. W c O w .2 ao a~ U N ~ 7 ~ (D U N Q U a~ o m rn a c v m a~ rn ~ ~ ~ (U ~ N C N 0) Copyright 12/07 Index to Calculations Item BASIS FOR DESIGN DESIGN LOADS ROOFDECK FRAME DESI CONNECTIO S 1 ~ FOOTINGS ~ 0 DETAILS i3 Job # 2729-07 Project Engineer N Classic Recreation Systems, INC. 11875 E. Berry Dr. Dewey, Arizona 86327 Phone: (928) 775-3307 Fax: (928) 772-0858 BASIS FOR DESIGN Gravity Loads Dead Load DL = Snow Load SL = 1= LateralLoads Wind Load WL- Iw = Earthquake Load Seismic Use Group = Seismic Design Cat. _ Building Code 2003 International Building Code 2001 Edition of Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual actual psf 30.0 psf 1.0 100 mph, Exp. C 1 B STRESSES OFMATERIALS Stee/ Reinforcing Weldable Reinforcing Roof Deck Cold formed Structural: Wide Flange Tube Pipe Concrete Footings Soil Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Allowable Lateral Bearing Pressure: 1500 psf 100 psf / ft PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET Job: 9K3a OuGO(_) r Date: I&/O7 BY: OEA1 Job No.: a72 4-07 SH.: ' fy = 40000 psi. A-615, Grade 40 fy = 40000 psi. A-706, Grade 40 fy = 60000 psi. A-653, Grade 80 fy = 55000 psi. A-653, Grade 55 fy = 36000 psi. A-36 or fy = 50000 psi. A-572 fy = 46000 psi. A-500 fy = 36000 psi. A-501 fc = 2500 psi. Classic Recreation Systems, INC. DESIGN WIND LOADS FOR MONOSLOPE FREE ROOFS ASCE 7- 6.5.13 Wind Direction Y-0 ° Main Wind Force Resistina System K., exposure coeff. _ K.,, topography factor = Kd, directionality factor = Iw, wind factor = G, gust effect factor = P = qzGCN = Wind Direction l::= 7 = 180 ° r=iao° 0.85 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.85 15.72 (CN) psf V, wind speed Exposure Category B, roof angle h, mean roof height = 100 mph = C = 9.5 ° = 8.5 ft ASCE7, Table 6-3 ASCE7, Figure 6-4 ASCE7, Table 6-4 ASCE7 6.5.5, Table 6-1 ASCE7 6.5.8 0.00256KZKnKpV21N,GCN, Eq. 6-25 Wind Direction, y= 0° Wind Direct ;i Roof Load Case Clear Flow Obstructed Flow Clear Flow low P A Angle, 0 CNW C'NL CNW CNL CNW CNL CN W CNL A 1.2 0.3 -0.5 -1.2 1 2 O .3 -0.5 -1.2 po B -1 -0.1 -1.1 -0.6 -1 .1 .1 -1.1 -0.6 A -0.6 -1 0.9 H .5 7 5p B -1.4 16 .3 0.8 -0.3 A -0.9 13 -11 15 13 .6 0.4 -1.1 15° B -1.9 0 -2.1 -0.6 1.8 0.6 1.2 -0.3 A -1.5 -1.6 -1.5 -1.7 1.7 1.8 0.5 -1 ZZ 5' B -2.4 -0.3 -2.3 -0.9 2.2 0.7 1.3 0 -1.8 -1.8 -1.5 -1.8 2.1 2.1 0.6 -1 -2.5 -0.5 -2.3 -1.1 2.6 1 1.6 0.1 A -18 -18 -1.5 -1.8 2.1 2.2 -0.9 E -2.4 -0.6 -.2 2.7 11 19 0.3 -1.6 -1.8 -1.3 22 2.5 0.8 B -2.3 -0.7 -1.9 -1.2 2.6 1.4 2.1 0.4 unearry . . 1 00 1 53 -0 04 17 -1 A -0.68 -1.08 .03 -1 1 .50 - . . . . 9 5 B -1.53 0.00 -1.80 -0.75 1.65 0.38 0.90 -0.30 Is flow obstructed (Yes/No)? Load Case A (y = 0 P, windward roof P, leeward roof Load Case 8 (y = 0 P, windward roof P, leeward roof NO _ -10.69 psf _ -16.98 psf _ -24.05 psf = 0.00 psf Load Case A (y = 180 P, windward roof = 15.72 psf P, leeward roof = 24.05 psf Load Case 8 (y = 180 P, windward roof = 25.94 psf P, leeward roof = 5.97 psf PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET ~ Job: $K3~f7 Date: 13107 BY: ()EIj Job No.: 'J.-70-0-7 SH.: _ Classic Recreation Systems, INC. EARTHQUAKE LATERAL LOAD TO COLUMN International Buildinq Code 2003 Soil Site Class = D Seismic Use Group = I SS = 20.9 % S, = 5.9 % SIt2 CIaSS Table 1615.1.2(1) (Fa) Mapped spectral response acceleration at short periods (Ss) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 A 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 C 120 120 1.10 1.00 1.00 D 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.10 1.00 E 2.50 1.70 1.20 0.90 0.90 F - - - - - Slf@ CIBSS Table 1615.1.2(2) (Fv) Mapped spectral response acceleration at 1-sec periods (St) 0.20 030 0.40 0.50 A 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 C M 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 D 2.4O 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.50 E 3.20 2.80 2.40 - F - - - - Fa SMS = Fa SS Fv SM, = Fv S1 Sps = 2/3 SMS Sp1 = 2/3 SM1 Seismic Design Cat. I R Height T = 0.035 (hn)o.7s r V = Sps ! [R/I] V = So1 / [(R/I)T] V = 0.044 S, / [R/I] V = 0.5 S, / [R/I] V (Controls) Sps Seismic Use Group > I II III 0.000 A A A 0.167 B B C 0.330 C C D 0.500 D D D SW Seismic Use Group > I II III 0.000 A A A 0.067 B B C 0.133 C C D 0.200 D D D = 1.600 Interpolated Site Coefficient = 0.334 Maximum spectral response acceleration at short periods = 2.400 Interpolated Site Coefficient = 0.142 Maximum spectral response acceleration af 1-sec periods = 0.223 5% damped spectral response acceleration at short periods = 0.094 5% damped spectral response acceleration at 1-sec periods = g = 1.00 Importance Factor = 3.50 Response Modification Coefficient = 8.5 ft Height of Column = 0.174 s Fundamental Period = 1.00 Reliability/Redundancy Factor = 0.064 W kips (16-35) = 0.155 W kips (16-36) = 0.001 W kips (16-37) = 0.000 W kips (16-38) = 0.064 W kips PRELIMINARY UNLE..SSSEALED ON EACH SHEFT OR ON COVERSHEET Job: O+C3 T Date: I 2 O BY: 0EN Job No.: a7A4'67 SH.: 3 Classic Recreation Systems, INC. COMPONENTS AND CLADDING Roof Deck 24 ga "AEP PANEL" Nu-Wave Corrugated F,,, yield strength = 40 ksi F,, tensile strength = 55 ksi I„ moment of inertia = 0.036 in°/ft S,(t), section modulus = 0.8050 in'/ft S,(b), section modulus = 0.0798 jn '/h See Manufacture's Specifications. PRELIMINARV UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET Job: 8932 p04DUT Date: I`a/6"7 By: DE" Job No.: 0721-o-z SH.: 4 Classic Recreation Systems, INC. N u-Vilave° Corru Featuring ZincalumeFor Twice the Life! Zincalume combines the strength of steel with the corrosion resistance of aluminum for twice the life of most zinc coatings. N u-Wave Corrugated is a through-fastened metal panel with 7/8" deep corrugations. The panel measures 36" out- to-out, with a 32" net coverage for roof applications and a 34 2/3" net coverage for wall applications. ❑ Deep corrugations provides bold aesthetic shadow effects in application. ❑ 20, 22, and 24 gauge are offered factory curved to save time and money on the job site, produd arrives ready to install; also allows a variety of looks to meet the aesthet- ic needs of a project. ❑ Available in a variety of 24 gauge DuraTech'"5000 (polyvinylidene flouride) colors, ZACtique°ll treatrnent, or 26 gauge is available in the DuraTechT"'ntcoating system. All gauges include Zincalume Plus as an unpainted option. 20 and 22 gauge panels require longer lead times. ❑ High tensile-steel in 26 gauge. ❑ Quick, economical trim packages available as standard trim pieces that can be ordered by number. ❑ Strength of design allows longer spanning or greater allowable loads. ❑ Fiberglass skylight panels are available to match the profile of the metal panels. www.aepspan.com sr-out-toouc ~I ~ >I2'/3' < I< 32" Net Coverage (Roof only) > I < 341/3" Net Coverage (Wall only) > ~ A E P ~ SPAI`I Engineered Solutions in Metal Tawma, WA 800-733-4955, 253383-4955 FAX 253-272-0791 Fontana, CA 800-272-2466, 909-823-0401 FAX 909-823-2625 Q Dallas, TX 800-733-4955, 253-383-4955 FAX 253-383-4955 Nu-Wave° Corr Allowable Span (k-in.) llowable Load (psfl A 30 40 SO 6-10 511 5-4 4-2 3-10 3J ! g 6-9 5-11 5-3 5-8 S-2 4-9 7-7 6-7 5-11 5-2 4-9 4-5 f 7-8 6-4 5-6 4-11 SS U7 80 5-3 4-7 4-2 3-11 f 7-8 6-4 5-6 4-11 24 DS U180 7-0 6-2 5-6 4-11 f 8-7 7-1 6-2 5-6 TS U1S0 6-6 5-8 5-2 4-10 f 8-6 7-0 6-2 5-6 SS V180 5-7 4-11 4-6 4-2 f 8-6 7-0 6-1 5-6 22 DS U180 7-6 6-8 6-1 5-6 f 9-6 7-10 6-10 6-2 TS V180 6-11 6-7 5-7 5-2 f 9-2 7-7 6-8 6-0 SS U180 5-11 5-3 4-9 4-5 f 9-1 7-7 6-7 5-11 20 DS V180 7-77 7-0 6-5 5-11 f 10-2 S-6 7-5 6-8 TS U7 80 7-4 6-5 5-11 5-6 No[es: • 5[eel conforms to ASTM A653 Grade 60 for galvanized coa[ed 26 gauge; ASTM A792 Grade SO (or Zincalume(D ma[ed 26 gauge; ASTM A653 Grade 40 for galvanized coated 24 gauge to 20 gauge; ASTM A792 Grade 40 for Zincalume(~) coated 24 gauge to 20 gauge. • For wind loading, multiply allowable load values by 133. • Values are based on Ihe American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) "Specifications /or the Design of Cold Rolled Steel StrucNral Members" (1986 edition, with 1989 Addendum). Specifications subjec[ ro change wi[hout no[ice ted Allowable Distributed Load (psf) Span (ft-in) Gau e 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 364 161 91 58 40 t 295 87 36 18 10 361 160 90 57 40 26 DS U] 361 160 88 45 26 451 200 112 72 50 TS V180 451 164 69 35 20 f 322 143 80 51 35 55 V180 322 116 49 25 74 f 319 141 79 51 35 24 DS V180 319 141 79 51 35 f 399 177 99 63 44 TS V180 399 177 92 47 27 f 399 177 99 63 44 55 V180 399 145 61 31 18 f 396 llb 99 63 44 22 DS U180 396 176 99 63 43 f 495 220 123 79 55 TS U180 495 220 116 59 34 f 476 211 119 76 52 55 V180 476 175 73 37 21 f 472 210 118 75 52 20 DS V180 472 210 118 75 52 f 590 262 147 94 65 TS U180 590 262 139 71 41 LoadingTable Legend 6Load limited by flexural bending stress L-Span (Inches) Uxzx-Load limited by deflection SS-Single span fY DS-Double span I ~ TS-Triple span ~L LT` I P AE i5ft SPAN Engzneered Solutimu in Metal Zincalume° is a registered trademark of BHP Steel QLA) Pty Ltd 0 ASC Profiles Inc January 2004 Printed in USA Revision SM (PS159) ~ SCREW CONNECTIONS 2001 Design of Cold-Formed Sfeel Structural Members d = nominal screw diameter dw = larger of head or washer diameter, not larger than 1/2" Pas = allowable shear force per screw Pns = nominal shear strength per screw Pa, = allowable tension force per screw Pm = nominal tension strength per screw P„o, = pull-out per screw P„o„ = pull-over per screw t, = thickness of inember in contact with the screw head tZ = thickness of inember not in contact with the screw head F., = tensile strength of inember in contact with screw F.Z = tensile strength of inember not in contact with screw F.S. = 3.0 t, = 0.021 in. Approximate Gauge = 24 = 58000 psi, Y= 40000 psi t2 = 0.120 in. Approximate Gauge = 11 F.z = 58000 psi, FY = 46000 psi Screw No. 12 Shank Diam. = 0.216 in. Section E4.3.1: Connection Shear qoverned bv Base Metals tz/ti = 5.741627 tz/tl 2.5, use Equations E4.3.4 & E4.3.5 When tz/t, 1.0 When t2/tl 2.5 Equation E4.3.1 = 4706.3 lbs/screw Equation E4.3.4 = 707.0 lbs/screw Equation E4.3.2 = 707.0 lbs/screw Equation E4.3.5 = 4059.1 lbs/screw Equation E4.3.3 = 4059.1 lbs/screw P„s = 707.0 lbs/screw Pns = 707.0 lbs/screw Shear Cap. of Screw = 625.0 Ibs/screw` Pas = P„s/(F.S.) = 235.7 lbs/screw 'Based on "HILTI" w/ F.S. of 3.0 Section E4.4: Tension Equation E4.4.1.1 Equation E4.4.2.1 Pnt Pat = 1277.91bs/screw = 568.21bs/screw = 568.21bs/screw = 189.41bs/screw Allowable Shear = 235.7 lbs/screw NOTE: Shear Governed By Base Metals Allowable Tension = 189.4 lbs/screw NOTE: 1. Minimum spacing of screws shall not be /ess than 3d 2. Minimum edge distance of screws shall not be less than 3d (May be 1. Sd in direction perpendicular to force, when connection is subject to shear in one direction.) 3. The head of the screw or the washer shall have a diameter, dw of not less than 5116 inch, washers shal/ be at least 0.050 inch thick. 4. Values may be increased 33% for wind or earthquake loads. PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET Job: $.c3a D11 00r Date: 12/C)-jL By: ()Ej,,) Job No.: Q72Q'0~~ SH.: ~ 1 Classic Recreation Systems, INC. Joint Coordinates and Temnerafures i onoi x rwt v rrn 7 rfFl ro- rci nof-n G- ni~ 1 NS -4 1.333333 -16 0 2 N6 -4 1.333333 16 0 3 N1 -2.25 1.041667 15.708 0 4 N2 -2.25 1.041667 -15.708 0 5 N9 -2.25 -7.167 15.708 0 6 N10 -2.25 -7.167 -15.708 0 7 N13 0 0.666667 16 0 8 N14 0 0.666667 -16 0 9 N3 2.75 0.208333 15.708 0 10 N4 2.75 0208333 -15.708 0 11 N11 2.75 -7.167 15.708 0 I 12 N12 2.75 -7.167 -15.708 0 13 N7 4 0 -16 0 14 NS 4 0 16 0 15 N15 25 625 15.708 0 16 N16 25 625 -15.708 0 Hot Rolled Sfee/ Properfies I~Ael F fL~l f4e❑ Alii T6erm /NFF F1 floneihd4/fM21 Violrlf4c0 1 A36 29000 11154 3 65 49 36 2 A572Grade50 29000 11154 3 65 49 50 3 A992 29000 11154 3 65 49 50 4 A500 42 29000 11154 3 65 49 42 5 A500 46 29000 11154 3 65 49 46 Hof Rolled Stee/ Secfion Sets i.,kvi er.- ned,.., i;~f T,,..e floelnn Rii A lin91 i,,,, rmei i- r~et i rmet 1 Column HSS6x6x3 Tube Beam A500 46 T ical 3.985 22.315 22.315 35.031 ' 2 Rafter HSS8X4X2 Tube Beam A500 46 T ical 2.701 7.916 22.981 18.729 3 Perimeter HSS10X4X3 Tube Beam A500 46 T ical 4.683 13.881 57.868 36.586 4 Mid HSS8X4X3 Tube Beam A500 46 Tvpical 3.985 11.327 33.146 27248 Member Primarv Dafa I oV.cl 1 Ininl I IniM K Ininf Rnfofc/d Surfinn/Chana flacinn I icf Tvnc Ma}arial flesinn Ru 1 Col1 N1 Column Tube Beam A500 _46 T ical 2 Co12 N2 Column Tube Beam Asoo_as T ical 3 Co13 N3 Column Tube Beam Asoo_as T ical ' 4 Col4 N4 Column Tube Beam Asoo_as T ical 5 PER 1 tN4 N3 350.54 Perimeter Tube Beam ASOOas T ical 6 PER 2 N1 350.54 Perimeter Tube Beam Asoo_as T ical 7 Rafter 1 N1 Rafter Tube Beam Asooas T ical 8 Rafter 2 N2 Rafter Tube Beam A500 _46 T ical 9 Mid N16 N15 350.54 Mid Tube Beam Asoo_ae T ical Hot Rolled Steel Desiqn Parameters ~ ~....r<.i i~__rwi i i.-,...... v.,., V.~ r..,_,,,, r..,_.~ rf. „ ~,.,n., o oo,~„ 1 Col1 Column 8209 2 Co12 Column 8209 3 Co13 Column 7.375 4 Col4 Column 7.375 5 PER 1 Perimeter 31.416 6 PER 2 Perimeter 31.416 7 Rafter 1 Rafter 5.069 8 Rafter 2 Rafter 5.069 9 Mid Mid 31.416 RISA-31D Version 5.Od [F:\...\...\...\Risa Models\Dugout\8X32 Dugout 100mph Wind 30psf Snow.r3d] Page 9 Mem6erArea Loads (BLC 1: Dead) Joint A Joint B Joint C Joint D Direction Distribution Ma nitude s 1 N8 N6 N5 N7 Y Two Wav -1.58 Member Area Loads (BLC 2: Live) Joint A Joint B Joint C Joint D Direction Distribution Ma nitude psfl 1 N8 N6 N5 N7 Y Two Wav -30 I MemberArea Loads (BLC 3: Wind 1) i..:..~ n a 1 N5 N14 N13 N6 V Two Wa 10.69 2 N14 N7 N8 N13 V Two Wa 16.98 3 N5 N14 N13 N6 L B-C 10.69 4 N14 N7 N8 ~ N13 ~ L ~ B-C ~ 16.98 Member Area Loads (BLC 4: Wind 2) Member Area Loads (BLC 5: Wind 3) L.... n L. e. I] I,..J r I,. M n nb rfl.. nicrrihidin nna nihvicrncfl 1 N14 N7 N8 N13 V Two Wa -15.72 2 N5 N14 N13 N6 V Two Wa -24.05 3 N14 N7 N8 N13 L B-C -15.72 4 N5 N14 N13 N6 L B-C -24.05 Member Area Loads (BLC 6: Wind 4) b. . o b. . r L...~ n nl. ~H.. nl~triV.~i6,. nnn nlhvVntnefl 1 N14 N7 N8 N13 V Two Wa -25.94 2 N5 N14 N13 N6 V Two Wa -5.97 3 N14 N7 N8 N13 L B-C -25.94 4 N5 N14 N13 N6 L B-C -5.97 Joint Loads and Enforced Displacements (BLC 7: Seismic) i..~..~ i~V.el I fl AA flirorfinn Mannitiidcfk k-ff in rad k'c^9/kl 1 N1 _ _ L X 036 2 N3 L _ X 036 3 N4 L X 036 4 N2 L X 036 Basic Load Cases L.I.J o..f..f nIN.l6irt Arco !nA Sude~< 1 Dead . . DL . . . . -1 _ _ _ _ . . 1 2 Live LL ~ 3 Wind 1 OL1 4 4 Wind 2 OL2 Z 5 Wind 3 OL3 4 6 Wind 4 OL4 4 7 Seismic EL 4 g LC 1 TransientAr... None 50 g LC 2 Transient Ac.. None 90 10 LC 3 Transient Ar... NOnB 70 11 LC 4 Trensient Ar... None 90 12 LC 5 Transient Ar... NOf12 90 13 LC 6 Transient Ar... NOf18 90 14 LC 7 Transient Ar... NOfI@ 70 RISA-3D Version S.Od [F:\...\...\...\Risa Models\Dugout\8X32 Dugout 100mph Wind 30psf Snow.r3d] Page 10 Basic Load Cases (Continued) BLC Descri tlon Cate o X Gravit Y Gravit Z Gravrt Joint Point Dislribut.. Area M... Surface 15 LC 8 Transient Ar... None 90 16 LC 9 Transient Ar... NOne 90 17 LC 10 Transient A.. None 50 Load Combinations flo«rinfl..n Snlvc Pft SR RI C ParlnrRl C FarfnrRl C FnrfnrRl FaNnrRl C FarlnrRl C FartnrRl C FacfnrRl C Facfnr 1 Dead + Live Ye DL 1 LL 1 2 Dead +.75 L+W 1 1 1 2 .75 3 .75 3 Dead +.75 L+W2 1 1 2 .75 4 .75 4 Dead +.75 L+W3 1 1 2 .75 5 .75 5 Dead +.75 L+W4 [ 1 1 2 .75 6 6 6D+W1 1 6 3 1 7 6D + W2 1 6 4 1 8 6D + W3 1 6 5 1 9 6D + W4 Yes 1 6 6 1 10 .6 Dead +.7 Seismic Yes 1 1 7 7 Envelone Member Section Forces ~n.....l.o. Ce, ANelfLl I, •i C6ve.fL1 I, . C6mrfL1 Ir Tnrnuof4_fFl Ir v Mnma I, v INAnmc Ir 1 Col1 1 max . 3.466 4 155 6 _ 0 . 1 0 1 0 1 649 6 2 min -1.147 7 -.257 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -1.008 8 3 2 max 3.355 4 155 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.152 4 4 min -1.213 7 -.257 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.621 6 5 Co12 1 max 3.475 4 156 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 655 6 6 min -1.162 7 -.259 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -1.018 8 7 2 max 3.363 4 156 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.157 4 8 min -1.229 7 -259 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.627 6 9 Co13 1 max 2.806 5 174 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 618 2 10 min -.414 6 -.169 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.83 8 11 2 max 2.706 5 174 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 419 8 12 min -.474 6 -.169 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.662 2 13 Co14 1 max 2.804 5 175 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 623 2 14 min -.417 6 -.172 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.842 8 15 2 max 2.704 5 175 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 428 8 16 min -.477 6 -.172 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.665 2 17 PER 1 1 max 0 1 1.904 5 253 5 0 8 0 1 0 1 18 min 0 1 -.468 6 -.022 6 0 3 0 1 0 1 19 2 max 0 1 463 6 022 6 0 8 0 1 0 1 20 min 0 1 -1.897 5 -.253 5 0 3 D 1 0 1 21 PER 2 1 max 0 1 2.183 4 282 1 0 4 0 1 0 1 22 min 0 1 -.923 7 -.042 7 0 7 0 1 0 1 23 2 max 0 1 91 7 043 7 0 4 0 1 0 1 24 min 0 1 -2.167 4 -281 1 0 7 0 1 0 1 25 Rafter1 1 max 273 3 804 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 662 2 26 min -.083 8 -.027 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.419 8 27 2 max 066 9 413 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.152 4 28 min -.053 2 -1.185 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.621 6 29 Rafter2 1 max 273 3 794 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 665 2 30 min -.085 8 -.025 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.428 8 31 2 max 067 9 416 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.157 4 32 min -.051 2 -1.177 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 -.626 6 33 Mid 1 max 0 1 1.646 4 274 4 0 6 0 1 0 1 34 min 0 1 -.376 6 1 -.063 6 0 9 0 1 0 1 35 2 max 0 1 376 6 063 6 0 6 0 1 0 1 36 min 0 1 -1.646 4 -274 4 0 9 0 1 0 1 RISA-31D Version S.Od [F:\...\...1...\Risa Models\Dugout\8X32 Dugout 100mph Wind 30psf Snow.r3d] Page 11 Envelone Joint Reactions In n! Y fL1 1.. V fLl 1 N9 max 257 _ 4 3.466 4 0 1 NC NC NC NC 649 6 2 min -.155 6 -1.147 7 0 1 NC NC NC NC -1.008 8 3 N11 max 169 8 2.806 5 0 1 NC NC NC NC 618 2 4 min -.174 2 -.414 6 0 1 NC NC NC NC -.83 8 5 N12 max 172 8 2.804 5 0 1 NC NC NC NC 623 2 6 min -.175 2 -.417 6 0 1 NC NC NC NC -.842 8 7 N10 max 259 4 3.475 4 0 1 NC NC NC NC 655 6 8 min -.156 6 -1.162 7 0 1 NC NC NC NC -1.018 8 9 Totals: max 838 8 11.874 4 0 1 10 min -.584 6 -2.099 6 0 1 Envelope ASD Steel Code Checks M>mhor S6- !`Mc !`he,4 i...rHl 1 Col1 HSS6x6x3 098 8.209 4 007 0 4 z3.7~5 27.6 27.6 27.6 2 .6 zs H1-2 2 Co12 HSS6x6x3 098 8209 4 007 0 4 23.775 27.6 27.6 27.6 2 .6 26 H1-2 3 Co13 HSS6x6x3 058 0 8 005 0 2 24.285 27.6 27.6 27.6 2. .6 39 H1-2 4 Col4 HSS6x6x3 059 0 8 005 0 2 24.285 27.6 27.6 27.6 2 .6 .39 H1-2 5 PER 1 HSS1oX4X3 680 15.261 5 030 0 5 3.234 27.6 27.6 27.6 1 1 1 H1-1 6 PER 2 HSSlOx4X3 .772 15.261 4 034 0 4 3234 27.6 27.6 27.6 1 1 1 H1-1 7 Rafter 1 HSS8X4X2 126 2.509 4 040 069 q 18 .763 27.6 27.6 27.6 1 .6 .85 H1-2 8 Rafter2 HSS8X4X2 126 2.509 4 040 .069 q 18.763 27,6 27.6 27.6 1 .6 .85 H1-2 9 Mid HSS8X4X3 864 15.549 4 032 0 4 2.987 27.6 27.6 27.6 1 1 1 H1-1 RISA-3D Version 5.Od [F:\...\...\...\Risa Models\Dugout\8X32 Dugout 100mph Wind 30psf Snow.r3d] Page 12 Endplate Connection Mid eeam to Rafter d, depth of inember bf, width of inember t,,,, material thickness pf, bolt dist. fr. edge = 8.0 in = 4.0 in = 0.188 in = 1.250 in a' ----------------------125(p, + r, ) + d, /2 b' Pf +t„ - d,12 Ff, flange force MID- P12 TB, bolt tension F, o, 1( Ne,,,, /2) S ratio - 1- (dti + 1/8)/p R-------------------- b L r' T~ -1Jl a------------------------- 1 or 1 Q J S 1- tm;n, plate thickness 6.66Teb' F 1+Sa' f„ weld stress IA1 +I ~Al +r12My/~' l 1 l I l ) a, req'd weld size j. /(21 0.707) Design Loads Gravitv 8, angle above horiz. M, moment P, axial force v, shear at section PPiate, force 1 plate voia,e, plate shear = 0.000 ° = 0.000 kip-ft _ -0.100 kips(T) = 1.400 kips _ -0.100 kips = 1.400 kips Lateral 6, angle above horiz. = 0.000 ° M, moment = 0.000 kip-ft P, axial force = 0.000 kips(T) v, shear at section = 1.700 kips PP,a,e, force ~ plate = 0.000 kips "olate, Plate shear = 1.700 kips Bolt Design BOLT DESIGN OK N, Number of bolts = 2 a' = 2.110 in Bolt Designation = A307 b' = 1.1255 in dg, bolt diameter = 0.625 in Ff, due to gravity = 0.050 kips r,/i2, shear capacity = 3.7 kips Ff, due to lateral = 0.000 kips r,/S2, tension capacity = 6.9 kips TB, bolt tension = 0.050 kips Endplate Design ENDPLATE DESIGN OK tP, plate thickness = 0.375 in S ratio = 0.813 p, tributary width = 4 in p = 256.946 F, tensile stress = 65 ksi a' = 1.000 FY, yielding stress = 50.0 ksi tm;n, min. thickness = 0.028 in Weld Design (E70X)O WELD DESIGN OK Weld = 0.125 in f„ due to gravity = 0.058 ksi f„ due to lateral = 0.071 ksi a, req'd weld size = 0.005 in PRELIMINARY UNLES_SSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET Job: Vd32 OUvLT Date: 1407 BY: ()&J Job No.: q7QQ-07 SH.: L3 Classic Recreation Systems, INC. Endalate Connection Rafter to Column a ----------125(p, +1,)+d,/2 b' -----------------------Pf +t. -ds/z Ff, flange force M/D- P/2 TB, bolt tension F,.,,_I( N.,, /2) S ratio I - (d, + 118)lP Q a'b, ' r,/S2 T -1 a ] or ~ '6 S I- tm;n, Plate thickness - 6.66Tg b' f„ weld stress ---------~(~A1 +I ~A1 +r12Mv/1' l I l 1 l a, req'd weld size f„o,/(2t o.707) Design Loads Gravifv Lateral B, angle above horiz. = 9.460 ° B, angle above horiz. = 9.460 ° M, moment = 0.525 kip-ft M, moment = 1.200 kip-ft P, axialforce = 0.237 kips (C) P, axialforce = 0.273 kips (C) v, shear at section = 0.800 kips v, shear at section = 1.200 kips PPlate, force i plate = 0.365 kips Ppiate, force 1 plate = 0.467 kips vP,a,e, plate shear = 0750 kips vPiale, plate shear = 1.139 kips Bolt Design BOLT DESIGN OK N, Number of bolts = 2 a' = 2.025 in Bolt Designation = A307 b' = 1.0575 in dB, bolt diameter = 0.625 in Ff, due to gravity = 0.594 kips r„/S2v, shear capacity = 3.7 kips Ff, due to lateral = 1.542 kips rn/S2, tension capacity = 6.9 kips TB, bolt tension = 1.542 kips Endplate Design ENDPLATE DESIGN OK tP, plate thickness = 0.500 in S ratio = 0.813 p, tributary width = 4 in (3 = 6.656 tensile stress F = 65 ksi a' = 1.000 FY, yielding stress = 50.0 ksi tm;,,, min. thickness = 0.152 in Weld Design (E70X)O WELD DESIGN OK Weld = 0.125 in f„ due to gravity = 0.123 ksi f„ due to lateral = 0.275 ksi a, req'd weld size = 0.018 in PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEFT OR ON COVERSHEET Job: p'43~ OVROV7 Date: a 07 Bv: OE,J Job No.: 37a4-67 sH.: /y Classic Recreation Systems, INC. d, depth of inember = 8.0 in bf, width of inember = 4.0 in t,,,, material thickness = 0.120 in pf, bolt dist. fr. edge = 1.250 in Endplate Connection Perimeter to Column a' 125(pf + t„ ) + d, /2 b- ------------------------Pf +t„ -de1Z Ff, flange force M/D- P12 TB, bolt tension -------Ff „_1(Ny,,,,12) S ratio 1- (d, + 118)lP ~~S2 a' r - 1 P b, ~ T 1 a 1 or - Q S 1- tm;,, plate thickness - 6.66Te6' (12My/~' f„weldstress--------+(A1 +l 1 1 1 1 ~ J a, req'd weld size j,,,/(21 0.707) Design Loads Gravitv Lateral 6, angle above horiz. = 0.000 ° 6, angle above horiz. = 0.000 ° M, moment = 0.000 kip-ft M, moment = 0.000 kip-ft P, axial force = -0.100 kips(T) P, axial force = -0.100 kips(T) v, shear at section = 1.700 kips v, shear at section = 1.700 kips PPlate, fOrCe L plate = -0.100 kips PPlate, force L plate = -0.100 kips Vplate, plate shear = 1700 kips vpiate, Plate shear = 1.700 kips Bolt Design BOLT DESIGN OK N, Number of bolts = 2 a' = 2.110 in Bolt Designation = A307 b' = 1.1255 in dB, bolt diameter = 0.625 in Ff, due to gravity = 0.050 kips r„/52,,, shear capacity = 3.7 kips Ff, due to lateral = 0.050 kips r„/i2, tension capacity = 6.9 kips TB, bolt tension = 0.050 kips Endplate Design ENDPLATE DESIGN OK tP, plate thickness = 0.500 in S ratio = 0.850 p, tributary width = 5 in p = 256.946 F, tensile stress = 65 ksi a' = 1.000 FY, yielding stress = 50.0 ksi tm;n, min. thickness = 0.025 in Weld Design (E70X)O WELD DESIGN OK Weld = 0.125 in f„ due to gravity = 0.061 ksi f„ due to lateral = 0.061 ksi a, req'd weld size = 0.004 in PRELIMINARY ON EACH SHEET OR ON UNLESSSEAL ED COVERSHEET Job: Z~3oLS~t+qoLT ^ ' Date: I.y<)`] By: C)E.J Job No.: Q7,gQ.07 SH.: IS Classic Recreation Systems, INC_ d, depth of inember = 10.0 in bt, width of inember = 4.0 in t,„ material thickness = 0.188 in pf, bolt dist. fr. edge = 1.250 in Base Plate Connection Location: Base Plate Center Member Loads: Gravity Loads: P = 2.700 k S = 0.101 k M = 0.288 k-ft Baseplate Properties Baseplate width: 12.00 inch Baseplate depth: 12.00 inch Edge Distance: 1.5000 inch Baseplate thickness: 0.5000 inch Fillet Weld Thickness: 0.1875 inch Fillet Weld Capacity: 2.78 kip/in Bolt Specifications: Al lowable Shear Load = Allowable Tension Load = Actual Bolt Tension: Gravity: Tact = M * 12 inch / 10.5 / 2 Uplift: Tact = M' 12 inch / 10.5 / 2 Column Size : 6" x 6" Uplift Loads: Comp. P = -1.200 k Ten. S = 0.300 k M = 1.100 k-ft Bolt Properties: Bolt Diameter: 0.625 inches Bolt Type: A307 Number Bolts (top and bottom): 4 Fy (plate) = 50.0 ksi Wind Inc. = 1.00 3.068 kips/bolt 6.136 kips/bolt - P/4 = + P/4 = 0.929 kips/bolt O.K. O.K. -0.510 kips/bolt 0.929 kips/bolt < 6.136 O.K kips/bolt Gravity: Vact = 0.025 kips/bolt wind controls Uplift: Vact= 0.075 kips/bolt 0.075 < 3.068 O.K. kips/bolt kips/bolt Plate Bending: Maximum Flange Force = 0.813 kips Maximum Bolt Tensile Force = 0.929 kips Maximum Plate Bending = 1.219 k-in Fb = 0.75 ' Fy * 1 Fb = 37.5 ksi Sx(req.) = M/ Fb = 0.0325 inch^3 t (req.) = sqrt[ (6 * Sx) / b ] = 0.127 inch (O.K.) Flange Welding: Ff = 2.78 kip/in ' 24 inches = 66.72 kips (O.K.) PRELIMINARY UNLESS SEALE1D ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVER SHEET L Job: pd3Q (JU~OC.T Date: I.~/O7 By: DleN Job No.: a7;217'O7 SH.: 16 ~ Classic Recreation Systems, INC. FOUNDATION DESIGN Anchor Embedment Pu = P'(1.7)'(2.0) (w/out special inspection, wind or seismic load only) Pss = 0.9`Ab'(60ksi) (A307) Anchors AP = P*r'(r^2 + h^2)^(1/2) h Ap oPC = it-X•4'Ap'(/'c)^(112) Vu = V'(1.7)*(2.o) (w/out special inspection, wind or seismic load only) Vss = 075`Ab`fut Inspection of Bolts N Wind/Seismic Increase N ~Vc =~800'Ab'X'(f'c)^(1l2) (where loaded toward an edge greater than 10 dia. away) P(k) 0.93 (Tensile force) Anchor Bolt Dia. = 0.625 inches Ab 0.307 (Cross-sectional area of anchor) Number of Bolts = 1 Pu (k) 3.16 (Required tensile strength with factored loads) Pss (k) 16.57 (Design strength of anchors in tension) Q 0.65 (Strength reduction factor) Pc (psi) 2500 (compression strength of concrete) 1.00 (normal weight = 1, all-lightweight = 0,75, sand-lightweight = 0.85) h(in) 8.00 (embedment length, 7(radius = h assuming 45 degrees from bottom)') Ap (in"2) 284 (effective shear cone area) Pc (k) 56.9 (Design tensile sirength) V (k) 0.08 (Shear force) Vu (k) 026 (Required shear sirength with factored loads) /ut (ksi) 60 (Min. specified tensile strengih, assumed for A307 bolts & A108 studs) Vss (k) 13.81 (Design s[renth of anchors in shear) Vc (k) 12.27 (Design shear strength in concrete) (1/~)"(Pu/Pc) = 0.09 < 1.0 (Pu/Pss)^2 + (VuNss)^2 = 0.04 < 1.0 (1/~)'(( PWPc)1(5/3) +(VuNc)^(5/3)) = 0.01 < 1.0 (1/Q)(VuNc) = 0.03 < 1.0 PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEET OR ON COVERSHEET Job: ~SX37-D ✓AO Lt Date: 107 BY: j)EJJ Job No.: - p7ac{.0-] SH.: I~ Classic Recreation Systems, INC. FOUNDATION DESIGN Caisson Footing Description/Location of Footing: Allowable Soil Bearing Allowable Lateral Bearing CHECK LATERAL BEARING CAPACITY Ph d= 425xS36 2.34 P A= Slb Load due to wind or seismic? (Y/N) M, moment in column P, lateral load = M! h h, dist. from ground to "P" d, depth of footing b, diameter of footing Allowable lateral bearing 18C, Section 1804.3.1 Structure adversely aflecfed by... ...'/z"mofion @ ground suAace? 2 x allowable lat. brg. S3, allowable lateral bearing based. ...on depth of embedment Allowable lat. brg. w133% increase Columns w/D.L. & W.L. = 1500 psf = 100 psf/ft N = 1.01 kip-ft = 135 Ibs = 7.Sk = 3.00 k = 1.50 fl = 1001bs/ft"2 N = 200.0 Ibs/ft"2 = 6001bslft^2 = N/A Ibslft^2 A = Req'd "d" = 2.184 ft < DIAMETER OF PIER = DEPTH OF CONCRETE FOOTING = CHECK STRESSES OF CONCRETE PIER f, compressive strength of concrete Moment due to wind or seismic? S, section modulus of conc. pier f, stress in plain concrete pier = M/S f„ allowable tension = t.s x(Pc)^('/z) f„ increased for wind or seismic 0.350 3ft O.K. 18.00 in 3.00 ft 2500 psi N 573 in "3 21 psi. 80 psi. 107 psi. O. K. CHECK VERTICAL BEARING CAPACIN P(LI.), graviry load = 3.500 kips Allowable brg. at min. depth = 1500 pst Increase for depfh? (Y/N) V Allowable brg. w/ Increase for depth = 2700 psf Allowable brg. value at bottom of pier = 2100 psf A, bearing area at bottom o( pier = 1]67 sq. ft. qs, gravity load soil pressure = 1981 psf. O.K. - WITHOUT SKIN FRICTION Allow. skin friction =(Allow. Brg.) / 6 = 350 psf Skin surface (excluding top 1) = 9.425 sq. R. Skin friction = 3.299 kips NOT USED CHECK UPLIFT CAPACITY. IF APPLICABLE F, total wind uplift load = 12 kips Allow. brg. value at bottom of pier = 2100 psf Allow. skin friction = 350 psf Skin surtace (excluding top i') = 9.425 sq. ft. Skin friction = 3.299 kips Remove earth loads from uplift cap.7 = N Dead load of pier = 0.769 kips Dead load of earth = 2.902 kips Total dead load = 3.670 kips O.K. PRELIMINARY UNLESSSEALED ON EACH SHEFT OR ON COVERSHEET Job: ~-r3aDLi (a Date: )1I07 By: IDF10 Job No.: a 72 G'67 SH.: L Classic Recreation Systems, INC. SPREAD FOOTING W/ COLUMN CENTERED IN FOOTING DEAD LOAD MOMENT RESISTANCE AGAINST OVERTURNING SOIL PRESSURE Applied Overturning Moment (uplifl) = 1.01 ft-kips Allowable Soil Pressure Applied OveAUrning Moment (gravity) = 029 k-kips . Increases for Width OR Deplh D.L. of SUUCWre = 0.50 kips Allowable S. P. w/ Increases L.L. of Structure = 3.00 kips Wind or Seismic (increase)? (YIN) Lenglh of Footing = 325 feet S.P. w/ 33 % Increase Width of Footing = 325 feet Applied Overtuming Moment Thickness of Footing = 18 inches D.L. of Siructure Dead Load of Footing = 2.3766 kips Footing 0.L. Volume of Earth on footing = 0.0 cu, ft. Slab on Grade (y or n) N Slab Widih Induded = 0 ft Total Verf. Load Thickness of Slab = 0 inches e' _(Mr - OTM) / Total Vert. Load ' Dead Load of Slab = 0.00 kips e= I/ 2- e Dead Load of Earth = 0.000 kips 1/6 = Total D.L. = 2.877 kips RESULTANT IN MIDDLE 1/3 D.L. Resisting Moment = 4.67 ft-kips S.P. = P/A+/- M/S Required Factor of Safery = t5 DL+WL Soil Pressure F. of S. Against Overturning = 4.6 DL+LL SoilPressure DEAD LOAD RESISTANCE AGAiNST UPLIFT Applied Uplift Load - Total Wind = 1.20 kips D.L. of Structure = 0.5 kips Volume of Earth in 30 degree Cone = 8.5 cu. k. Dead Load of Earih = 0.845 kips Dead Load of Footing = 238 kips Earth Load included Y = 0.845 kips Total Dead Load Resistance = 3722 kips F. of S. Against Uplift = 3102 O.K. Depth of Footing Below Grade = 18 inches LENGTH OF FOOTING: 3.25 feet WIDTH OF FOOTING: 3.25 feet THICKNESS OF FOOTING: 18 inches REINFORCING: 2 -#4 , both ways = 1500 psf = 0.1 = 1650 = N/A psf = 1.01 ft-kips = 0.5 kips = 2.377 kips uplift 9ravily = 2.877 kips 5.88 kips = 1274 feet 0.75 feet = 0.351 feef 0.88 feet = 0.542 feet 0.54 feet = 448.9 Psf O.K. = 1615.0 psf O.K. FOOTING REINFORCING fc = 2500 psi fy = 40000 psi d = 15.5 inches M, Moment Mu, Ultimate Moment ='I J M Assume a one foot sirip Mu, = 1.7 M/ W idth of Footing Beta Phi rho,balanced m 14.1 psi = Rn rho, Req'd. Req'd. As Total As Req'd. Total As Req'd- (W ind or Seismic) USE: 2 4 As 1397 ft.-kips 5776 ft.-kips 1777 ft.-kips 0.85 0.85 0.031 18.824 0.014 ksi 0.0004 0.066 sq. in. / ft 0.214 sq.in. 0.161 sq, in. 0.393 sq.in. PRELIMI::L H SHEET OR ON COVER SHEET Job: O'~3 a ~~iJ Job No.: Q~aR•07 SH.: ~ Systems, INC. sme=vxLs NOTE: STRUCTURE(S) SHALL NOT BE MODIFIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CLASSIC RECREATION SYSTEMS, INC. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR THIS STRUCTURE DO NOT ALLOW FOR ANY ADDITIONAL LATERAL LOADS FOR ADDED WALLS OR STRUCTURES CONNECTED TO THIS UNIT. ~ $ ~ SEE MID BEAM DETAIL SEE COLUMN DETAIL PLAN VIEW 8'X32' 22 GA CORRUGATED STEEL ROOF 8"X4"X.188 HSS MID BEAM io"X4"X.188 HSS PERIMETER BEAMS : FASCIA :TION 8"X4"X.120 HSS RAFTER BEAM 6"X6"X.188 HSS COLUMN DUGOUT MODEL NTS 01 DEC 12 2007 r 9 . ~ 7'-6" ~ 0 W H a c~ ~ LL 0 ~ OO ~ U Q W U` W N F' N Cn N M U) U) _ry co w 00 ~ X LLJ U) x W W o d cn CO U) 2 ~ Q XW - m XC) oo~ z 2E OD Z) ~ J X0 C) U) X ~ io = J cn W ~ Q Z 0C G ~ ~ O (D :D C) N Cy') X EO z 0 ~ a > w I w c: -'T- 35008 m; w A ~ 9~SSION P~-E~O pEC 12 2001 Da ~ 0~0~0 sf9 8' 22 GA CORRUGATED STEEL ROOF 12 2 r_-_ io ~ 8"X4"X.120 HSS RAFTER BEAM 6"X6"X.188 HSS COLUMN i Fq pp8 35 m• ~ ~ • ~ ~'rS . C~ /ONAt-~~ DEC 12 2007 END ELEVATION 8'X32' DUGOUT MODEL NTS p3 VI ~ _ "M 1 1 3 ~ 5, ~ 1r_9,, ROOF LINE Ln CV ~ M ~ co MC17 (`7 I CENTER OF FOOTING, BASE PLATE & COLUMN TYP - SEE FOOTING FOR A-BOLT LAYOUT -IN LAYOUT PLAN 8'X32' DUGOUT MODN s ~ DEC 12 2001 0~0~0 ~,sq J 8"X4"X.188 HSS MID BEAM HAND HOLE - 1 /8'. 8"X4"X.120 HSS RAFTER BEAM (2) NUTS w/ FACE PLATE TACK WELD MID / RAFTER BEAM PLAN NTS 8"X4"X.188 HSS MID BEAM HAND HOLE 1/8„ 8"X4"X.120 HSS RAFTER BEAM (2) Nl PLATE T MID / RAFTER BEAM DETAIL rvrs (2) A307 BOLTS w/ BEAM END PLATE (2) A307 BOLTS w/ BEAM END PLATE c; 35008 • m; ¢ .c v~ DEC 12 2U0 ~ ~S si 9~T, (2) %8" A307 BOLTS w/ TACK WELD HEADS TO BACK OF Y2" BEAM END PLATE IC"X4"X.188 HSS PERIMETER BEAM y4" REINFORCING PLATE WELD TO INSIDE OF COLUMN 1/8" (2) 5/e' NUTS/FW 6"X6"X.188 HSS COLUMN (2) 5/e' NUTS/FW PLAN VIEW / RAFTER / COLUMN CON 1/8" 8"X4"X.120 HSS RAFTER BEAM (2) %e' A307 BOLTS w/ TACK WELD HEADS TO BACK OF Yi' BEAM END PLATE )ETAIL NTS 04 DEC 1 2 2s1 '/4" REINFORCING PLATE WELD TO INSIDE OF COLUMN 22 GA CORRUGATED STEEL ROOF PANEL w/ (1) # 12 X 1" HEX TEK @ EVERY OTHER VALLEY (2) 5/" NUTS/FW 12 2 ID'X4"X.188 HSS PERIMETER BEAM y" PLATES w/ (2) A307 BOLTS TACK WELD 1l8" V 6"X6"X.188 HSS COLUMN 1/8" ~ ~ ~ II I 8"X4"X.120 HSS I RAFTER BEAM I (2) 5/e" A307 BOLTS w/ TACK WELD HEADS TO BACK OF Yz" BEAM END PLATE 1 /fi" RAFTER FASCIA SECTION NTS DEC 12 701 07 ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR LOC°1 FROST CONDITIONS12 X12 )(Y2 ~ BASE PLATE COLUMN ~ q-BOLT l HOLES BASE PLATE PLAN N~ W S N FINISH GRADE i ~ • . #3HOOPS (6) #,c U_BARS REBAR PLAN VIEW NTS 6"X6X.188 HSS COLUMN 3116" - (4) HEX NUTS & BASE PLATE e v 0 • s V , e ~ e A ° I I I I I~ # SVERTICAL REBAR I 2500 PSI CONCRETE I ~ ~ I BY CONTRACTOR (4) 5/8"XIb' A-BOLT # 3HORZ REBAR TIES b w/$ " EMBED BY - ~ O" OC (3) @5 " OC @ M CONTRACTOR A.B. LOCATION ~ NOTE: DIG OR I d I DRILL HOLE DO N FORM NON-EXPANSIVf _I IIIIUNDISTURBED OR5% =COMPACTED SUBC3kDE ~ . R• 3° III II I- 0 35008 DIA. B-SURFACE CAISSON FOOTING DETAIL ~SS~oNAL8'X32' DUGOUT MODEL vo(, V2 ol tvTS ~ 0~0~0 12"X12") V12" ~ ° ° BASE PLATE ° o, COLUMN ~ ~ o o A-BOLT HOLE BASE PLATE PLAN VIEW NTS 6"X6"X.188 HSS COLUMN FINISH GRADE OPTIONAL ABC --i m ~ ~ • ° a a OD ~ (4) 5 /8"Xlb' A-BOLT w/g " EMBED BY I CONTRACTOR M e . p ~ • • • v~ J //V 0.0e v ~ IIIIIIII I I Q . - p .p . . . , - _ ~ I I I I v. . - 2500 PSI CONCRETE ~ BY CONTRACTOR . , - IIIII I~ 3n sQ (a) # y REBARIS" OC EA WAY TOP & BTM NON-EXPANSIVE, ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR UNDISTURBED OR 95°/a LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS COMPACTED SUBGRADE SUB-SURFACE SPREAD FOOTING DETAIL 8'X32' DUGOUT MODEL NTS ~ a ~ ~J 3/, 6" ~ HEX NUT & BA NAT. GRADE CV DEC ? 2 2UU7 PERMIT NO: ~7~143 ISSUED: 10/23/2007 JOB ADDRESS: Paramount Park EXPIRES: 04/20/2008 DESCRIPTION: R&R 260.1in. ft 6 foot chain link + 6' tall posts CONTACTS gc 303/772-3819 02-1720 Ideal Fencing Corp. owner 303/205-7553 Maak Ruote City of Wheat Ridge PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USH: UA SUSDIVISION: 0676 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED.PROJECT VALUATI .00 FEES No Fees .00 . TOTAL **.00 . ' Comments subject to field inspection contractor must renew license I hereby cer[ify that [he eeCDack dietancea proposed by thie permit application aze accuzate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulation8 of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenante, eaeements oz restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegatiof+s made are accurate; that I have read and a9ree to abide by all conditions printed on thie applica[ion and tfiat I aeeume fu1lYesponai611i[y for wmpliance with the wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other apolicah,le/qheat Ridge Ordinances, fo2 work under Chis permit. Plana subject to field inepection. . Si a re of con2Fac[or/owner / M=e 1. is permit was issued in accordance with the provieiona eet forth in your application and is eubject to the lawa of the State of Colorado and to the 2oning Regulatione and Building Codee of whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ozdinances of the City. 2. This permit ahall expire 180 daye from the iseue date. Requeste foz an exteneion must be received pzior to expiration date. An exteneion may be granted at the diecretion of the Huilding Official. 3. if thie permit expizea, a new pemit maybe acquired for a fee of oce-half the amount noxmally required, provided no changes have.been or will be made in the ori91na1 plana and apecificatione and any auspeneion or abandonment has not exceeded one(1) year. If changee have been or if euepeneion or abandonment exceeda one (1) yeaz, full fees ahall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any menner ehall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Huilding Inepector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inapectiona and ahall receive writ[en approval on inapection card before proceeding wSth aucceeeive phasee of the job. 6. The issuance of a pemit or the approv of drawinge and epecificationa shall not be conetrued to be a pemit for, nor an approval of, any vijlation y~ Jt~e viaione of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. ~ ePectione. All plan review ie eub ect to~f Signature of Chief Building Off# ial date . INSPBCTION REQUSST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST SE MADE BY 3PM ANY SUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWZNG BUSINESS DAY. Page 1 of 1 Christine Ruote From: Mark Ruote Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:44 AM To: Christine Ruote Subject: fence permit Chris, Info as follows; Paramount Park 10010 w 29th Ave. Ideal Fence 6' tall x 260' of fence chain link replacement R and R(8) 6' tall metal posts I told him to come in around 2PM. Thanks 3tar:: Ruote City of Wheat Ridge Parks Project Coordinator 9110 w 44th Ave.Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ph 303-205-7553 cel I 720-244-3306 fax 303-467-5901 e-mail mruotc(r'ci.wheah-idge.co.us wi,.r.ci aheatudgeco.us 10/23/2007 Page 1 of 1 Christine Ruote j Go) O w' a~ ~J.~ t / ~ From: John Schumacher Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 12:46 PM To: Mark Ruote Cc: Christine Ruote Subject: Paramount Dugouts Mark, I have reviewed the engineering info that you dropped and it looks good. We should probably issue you a no fee permit for the dugouts and have Kirk do a final inspection to close it out at the time of completion. Call or write if you have any questions. Thanks. John C. Schumacher, Jr., CBO Chief Building OEficial Ciry of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 235-2853 Office (303 235-2857 Fax jschaiTVtclici (d)ci_ti'hcatnclgc_c u u_s 1/4/2008