HomeMy WebLinkAbout6805 W 29th Avenuecity of wh6a 0 C COAAMUNITY DEVELOPMENT # I W-AX ft , I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Plal, # I NE327MM= LP80fi-5 L'o C 25 -1 !%vfl*. Address: Is - — -- - ----------- Electilicat W,R. Qtv License # M Mechanical: WR ON Ucense # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Sq. FULF c Lp 1 1 - -./ Stu's Gallons Other Amps Squares ~ m City of Wheat Ridge °otoRaP Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 060077 PERMIT NO: 060077 ISSUED: 03/03/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 6805 29TH AV EXPIRES: 09/03/2007 DESCRIPTION: Install 100K BTU gas furnace. CONTACTS GC 303/762-1421 Mike McAuliffe 01-6486 Controlling Systems, Inc. owner 303/234-1740 Daling PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: R-3 SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,000.00 FEES Permit Fee 90.10 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 36.00 A&Z TOTAL 126.10 Comments: Cjtv of Wheat Ridge PRESCRIPTIV.E ENERGY COD BOILERS 1 FURNACES A MINIMUM OF 90'/a AFUE GAS WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF.60 ENERGI' FACTOR ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF.93 EhERGY FACTOR SETBACK THERMOSTAT REQUIRED (EXCEPT HYDRONIC HEAT) R-21 WALLS • R•38 CEILINGS • R-19 CRAWLSPACES I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that a11 measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and thae I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under [his permit. 21ans subject [o field inspection. Signa[ure of contractor/owner date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions seC forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and euilding Codes oE Whea[ Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire iE (A) the work authorized is not wmmenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 190 days. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquized for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no chavges have been or will be made in the original plana and specifica[ions and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees sha11 be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natvral flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notiEy the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding wi[h successive phases of [he job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall no[ be construed to be a permit for, mr an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan ttvq~ is a~ ctv~eld inspections. date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: of w"E'°rq BUILDING WSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ~ o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Property Owner: Property Address: AF'vf) Contractor License No.: ~'7/,, Compa~~l.I Yl~ .Phone~ /~f'~ 1`1~c;?V OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDMTANDING AND AGREEMENT I Buildinq Dent. Valuation Figure: $ c I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of `/a]Ue:$ Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements Q shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all PeCri]IY F88:$ conditions printed on Ihis application and that I assume full responsibility for P]an ReV10W FCO:~ compliancewith the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for w er ihis permiL Plans subject to fi spectio Use Tax:$ ~ j (GW NER)(CONTRAC TE Total:$ PRILI/ DATE . " "P - ( • D Use of Space (description): ~~F- Descripti~f work, 100/ ~ 0&tgZ/~ 'n~ l(~i- rf ( Sq.Ft.added Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to Ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be matle in Ihe original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naNral flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contrac[or shall notify Ihe Building Inspec[or hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive wri[[en approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed lo be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. ChiefBuildingOfficial Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: PERMITtRAGKING FORM ADDRE55 'S YN ~ ~ ~r 1 / P ~ ~ ~~~n I • S-a l-~ ~~a r~'!Un DATE SUBMITTED 1 PERMIT NUMBER ~ TYPE OF PERMIT ~~JZS ICIY.I TYlI~! C t tu-42rS PHONE DG4 CONTRACTOR ~ - l^G"r_p 1 v~ in ~ n. l)1 l ~ I Yl G PHONE Q14 ' 1-14 O TYPEOFREQUEST b(P614-I'DUP1"1 E85~S1G1-e - C~C~.rf W2i-~SLG~~' ; -d,c{DATE AND REA50N FOR PERMIT DENIAL REQUIRED CONDITIONS MET PRIOR TO PERMIT APPLIGATION ? YE5 NO N/A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL nnrF w DATE OUT , ~ 6UILDING DEPARTMENT ~ ENGINEERIN6 DEPARTMENT ,kIr PLANNING DEPARTMENt ❑ FIRE DEPARTMENt ❑ GITY ARBORIST ❑ POLIGE DEPARTMENT ❑ SEWER DISTRIGT O WATER DISTRIGT ❑ OTHER CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / CEPTIFICATE ~N F LOMPLETION DATE ❑ BUILDING DEPARTMENT - ❑ ENGINEERING C ~I2j' q ~ o 1~ ) 1 ❑ PLANNIN6 DEPA - ❑ FIZE DEPARTME~ - DATE CEKTIFICATE OF OC( DATE OUt O BUILDING DEPAR ❑ ENGINEERING DE ❑ PLANNING DEPAF ❑ FIRE DEPARTMEN PLANNING ESCROW GONDI ENGINEERING ESCROW ~M~A - ~ viH~• G 4 DATE OUt DATE TEMPORARY CER7IFIGATE OF OCCUPANCY 155UED DATE EXPIRED Building Permit Number : 7152 JI Job Address: 6805 W 29th Avenue ~ Description of Permit : Great room addition east side, attached garage on west side. Inspection List Number Type Date A roval Remarks 19132 RF 9/2/1998 dis/b 19133 RM reins ect 9/2/1998 ok/b 19169 RF 9/4/1998 okldm 19289 Ins /14/199 ok/b 19447 DWN /23/199 ok/b 24031 FP /17/199 dis/b 24032 1 1 FE /17/199 ok/dm 24033 FM /17/199 ok/b 24034 FF /171199 ok/b m r WC G ~ 1L ~ Z ~ ~ ~ W W 0 {n 1i N Q M = N ~ M LL o V V ~ Llw~ " ~ O W L ♦0♦ V V U m d V J a 0 ~ o > M N N 3 _ l0 a ' N t ~ r c 10 A ~ ~U M p V C y O N ~ ~ 0 d rn ~ c a; c 0 o m d 'o « hi N m ~ W N j w O1 L > C L N ~ 0 R O c o 'o ~ OI y ~a ° c GI L M F U i0 d V L ~ V ~ Y E v c d~ o ~ c ~ Tt d c L o ~ d i L ` W Q V ~ d t 3 ~ ~ .d. W c H N F l1A O 11J ~ 0 Z 0 In t7 R 3 ¢ LL 'O > C O l0 OI d N A ~ ~ H •E d Z W L Y ay W V ~ W T 0 Y ~ O ~ C~0 V V O a W ~ W ~ yO G M N ^ = 3 v3 yA , V ~ .0 > O ~ Y cm ~ 4) ~ a Q U ~ ~o ' a ~ W ~ 7 A W O J ~ w ip y OI C 0 L ~ L 61 ~ N C O ::{0 O C O 3 U Ol d o q c M F i V ~ 9y ~ o £ ~ o ~ C ~ t c ~ N d o t V d ~ ~ `o V / d L 3 VL cl a c 9 3 m ~ ~ Y ~ 0 ~ N x ~ 11A > W ~ Z G p Q ; Q LL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 7636 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITYIOF WHEATRIDGE Date : 8/17/98 7500 MtEST 29TH AVENUE WHEaT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Properly Address : Contractor License No. : 6805 W 29th Avenue 19034 Phone : 234-1740 CompBny : APH Service Co., Inc. Phone : 2956622 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certfry that the selback dist8nces proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinanees, rules or regulations of the GRy of Wheat Ridge or covenanta, easements or restdction; of record; that all measurements shown, and allegaGons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions priMed on this applicatbn, and that I assuma full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applieable Wheat Ridge ordmances, kr work under this permfl. (ONMER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE ConstrucGon Value : $5,000.00 Pertnit Fee : $100.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $75.00 Total: $175.50 Use : Description : 3 ton alc, 30 amp disconnect, GFI, light for furnace and switch BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approvaf: Zoning ~ APP~~ ApprovaP : Occupancy : Walis Roof Electrical License No Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) (2) (3) (4) No work W erry manner ahe5) Conhactor ahall nddy the B proceediinp wHh succeeslve (6) ThB iesuenae W a pemtlt M W the builtling codea or any Plumbing License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approval : eat khh in SIC Sq. Ft. : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : uM is wpject lo the laws of the StaW ot CdaaOO and to t~e Zoning ancea of the Cily. rys hom issue date or (B) tlre buildiig authorized b auspended or pWreO for a fee M one-haNthe amount nortnelty ie9uire0, Pm`rideA no charges hnve been tt wtll be matle in the xnswn or abaiMOnment has not exeeaded wie (1) year. If changea are made a M auspaneion or abenUOnmaM x e new permit. I tlianpe the naluial flow of water causinp a drainape poblem. NreMy-four (24) houB in advance for all inapeeUOns end sha11 recelve wriGen approvel on InspecUOn card balure b. rawings arM spedlleatfons shall'rot be cons6vad to be a pertnit tor, nor an approval of, arry vbla6on of the Provisbna 18W, NIB or regUlatiOn. Chief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VA41D ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR I CAIL: 2345933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number Date 7637 8/17/98 Property Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company 6805 W 29th Aven/ue 18145 APH Service Co. Phone : 234-1740 Phone : 295 6622 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Construction Value : $200.00 Permit Fee : $25.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $3.00 Total: $28.00 U se : Description : 3 ton a/c, 30 amp disconnect, GFI, light for fumace and switch BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY WI~,~n-SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Approval: ro ~,,~P'~""W::, Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with ihe provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subjed to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulafions and euilding Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances ot Ihe Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) [he work authorized is not commenced within siuty (60) tlays from issue date or (B) ihe building authorizetl is suspended or abandoned for a periotl of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, providetl no changes have been or will be matle in the onginal plans and specrfications antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid tor a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done tha[ will change the natural Flow of water causing a dreinage proUlem. (5) Contraclor shall notiry the Building Inspeclor hvenry-four (24) hours in advance (or all inspections antl sha0 receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcalions shall nol be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval o(, any violalion of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, mle or regulation. ~ oq6Yaz~ ~lO Chief Buildin Inspector j- THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : ~ 0 u L ii ~1. ( ' Property Address : W0~3 W, °w, ' Phone : v2 ~ y 1 7qD Contractor License No. : ( "9 U CompanY : ~ Q W ~~^J ? C~- ~iO ~i,r- Phone : OWNER/CONTR,4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ConsWction Value I hereby ceAify that the setback dislances proposed by this permd appliwtion are accurate. and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or PBfRlit F0e : /Gb SC~ covenants, easemenls or restriclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and a9ree to abide by all conditions printed on this U52 T2X : application, and thal I assume full responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building under this pertnil. ~r+ ) and all olher aPPlicable eat IZid ordinances, for work Jt Code (U B C 00 $0 , . . . a ~ . Total: DATE (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED U se: 3'Fa-~, /J-n ;p DesCriPtion 1=f C.l. '1- L BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 2bbTi~fllCbr~Ci~fii3`i SIC : Sq. FL : Approval: Zoning : 6'Qlftl[rsmeatmm Approval: P_Q61C~Nat1K~'P~~it37 Approval : Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : ElecVical License No : I VW3 Plumbing License No : se No : J 3 ~i Mechanical Licen Company : A Q ~J I C.~- Company : , Company : % /v ~ W &'n71 t<- Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit waa Issued In aaoNance wiN Ux provisions sM foM In yopur appicatwn and Is subIea io the laws ol the State ol CobraAO anA to Me Zoninq RegulaUOns an0 Buildiny CoEe M Wheat RiCge, Cob20o a any oNer appllcaDle ordinances ol ttw Crty. (2) This pertnit shall expire d(A) Ne work auflwnzcd Is rwt comme^ud wNn^ siaty (60) Cays Irom Issue Oale a(B) the buildinp auUwrizM is iuSpenOM u aEaMOneC tor a perioC ot 120 Eays. (7) it tnis pemvl expires, a new pemut may be ecqWreE lor a ka M one-hen tne amount nomnaiy required. provided no chanqa nave Deen a will De maae in ure onginal plam arW speafiwlions anC any suspension a aDanOOnment lus ~ot eaceeCed one (1) year. II charpea are ma0e a if suspension w aDanEOnment e:ceees ona (1) Year, luil (eee shall Ee pa1C la a new pertnit. (d) No work of any rtunner ahall 6a Oone Ihat vnil change the mWral Ilow ol water pusing a tlnina9e poElem. (5) CooVactor shall ratify Ihe BuilEinq InsOeUOr lwenry-lour (24) Iwun in atlvance fa all mspectians anC shall receive wntten approval on InspecUOn caM Delora Croceeeiing wiui succeasWep1~axe ot iheIob (6) The issuanca ol a pemut u the approvel o(Crowin9s and specifiwtians shall rol De wnsWe0lo De a permil la. nor an epDrml ol, afry vblation W the proWsbns . ol the CuilOinq mCea or arry other pdinance. Ww, rule a repuWtion. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 6805 W 29th Avenue 'm'ry{''*"W" ..~~;W PERMIT For inspection this permit must be posted on the site and visible from the street As applicant for a building permit in the City of Wheat Ridge, I do hereby agree to the terms and condiHons set Forth belw for the issuance of a Certificate of Occupany in connection with this building permit. The issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy requirer. 1. The complerion and approval of final inspections and any necessary corrections of elechical, plumbing, mechanical and framing systems. Inspections are performed by the Building Division. 2. T'he completion of site drainage/grading requirements per the approved site grading plan and/or final drainage report and plan, if such report and plan is applicable. For all residential and nonresidential projects with an approved final drainage report and plan, a letter of certification is required from the projects civil engineer of record. InspecHon aze performed by the Public Works Department. 3. The completion and acceptance by the Ciry of Wheat Ridge of all required public improvements, or a Development Covenant may be processed in lieu of constructinf said improvements. The Public Works Department performs these inspections or provides the Development Covenant. , _ . - 4. The completion of all required ]andscaping and related site improvements. Inspections are performed by the Planning and Zoning Division. All the above items must be completed and signed off by Planning and Zoning, Building and Yubtic Worics before a Cer#ificate of Occupancy is issued. Final Inspecrion by the Building Division does not constitute authorization of a Certificate of Occupancy nor permission for occupancy. Oeenpancy of the structure is not permitted until the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. (Unfiform Building Code, Section 109) The City is not responsible for any real estate closings or other agreements conceming the property which may be affected by failure to compete the above items and obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. The City is under no obtigation to issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. I have read, understand and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions. Name (please print)_, , ~4 - ~ Licensed and Insured Is PROPOSAL ReoRe~ SWIn COMMERCIAL A E RESIDENTIAL ACE ROOPING & SIDING ROOFING SPECIALIST A4 PROPOS ~MITTEDT PHO $y-or7 STREEf6 ~ /rl iv JOBNAME 4 CITV, SJATf AND ZIP CODE 1-L`ITI.,4;"T/~1 A~ rffo) w AI~ECIAL INSTRUCTIONS t. Existing rype of root _ 2. Repair or repl8ce with 3. Style of shingl~ ~ 4. Color of shingle 63eo Tenmson sveat Denver. CO 80212 (303) 433-0410 2882 Durenpo Or. CobraCO Sprihps, CO 80910 (719)442-0410 4200 W. 11 N Street Puedo, CO 81005 (719) 643-0440 5. Base fett Lace felt 6. Valley rype 7. New roof jacks 8. Metal edge t e Feiet - e 9. Tear oH layers 10. Existing number of layers 11. Manufacturer's limited warranty 12. Company's limited warranty 13. Clean up and haul off roofing trash 14. Clean out gutters (roofing trash) 15. Seal around all pipes and vent where 16. Lien waiver provided 17. Clean up daily 18.Protectlandscape ere needed 19. Roll magnet thru y~rd (tear off only) 20. Insurance papers provided 21. Permit Furnished CIM6, SPECIAL NOTE: ROOFING F REMAN WILL BE ON JOB SITE ALL THE TIMES TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. ACE ConsVUCHon. LLC is a Ifce and registered Corporeiion of the State m Colorado doing business as ACE Roofing & Siding. Ws Pr,opoae hereby to furnish aterial and lab r- complete in accordance with bove specifications, for th t!um of ~ r~,(9Lk- / 'v ) < 43 NI ma ia uar sed lo apecifiW. I to Os comDlMb pra workman Mke m ~ror accwdin to sj@nartl vr a~ "js ~^tx ror 'b' ° enx Date of Ac eptance . ComplMi~ a(e~M IM o id r~M1eE II • of Ms ow e~6.M3 infurance compenY. Asmeqe lo the builCing ich whib roonnq w m acens wni ee coaeree oy me convea«. ai .greemanu corm an A thorized Signa atnka, cc(Ftl~ or OMaya yo our conVO/~ 'C~ arY a, t nxaaary I s anca. Oura e lulry cav(ree {7y.NoRm~ ' ScnetlWiiwsw ~Oo~ro E n GIe sipneh•bUl limitetl oy a hry a m eneb ane NOTE: This prop s I mait W ~ rawn by us if not accepted within nCCEP74E OF PROPOSAL - 7his WoPMd bwa^n e legel Eincllig coMract 72 Iwurs hom Oats of acceparwe. 1 1/2% psr moMh intxeel vnll Ce a00atl m to all accounb 30 tlays Put SI ~18t due. In sOtlition, cosro enE reasoneble &ttomeys tee tor collecliona mey Ce chergaE m enY 9 attount pant Aue ovx 90 days. Payment will Ee ma0s u wlGnetl eDOVe. Feilue lo pay Can constitule a mechanip lien filatl againat Me propeMCancdletion of ihe conlrecl may W SI nature smiwetl Cv oaNna a cancellation lee in the amount of 5% oi Me conHect DdPo. 9 May-27-98 03:OOP DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 P.Ol F- A x (-bP\I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNtNG AND DEVELOPME NT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: y P/~v ~ D~9UlE S Properiy Address : °Z Phone : )C 6 ~ 7 Contrector License No. : x , Company : X,~G ~ t~0o~) f? ~ Phone : 7- OWNER/CON7RACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANDING AND AGRE EMENT ConsWction Value : 3 O o)-/ 1 hereby eeAify that the setbadk distances propoaed by Mu pertnit applicaUon src ac urale, and do not violate applicabla ordinanas, iulee a reyulations of the City of WAeat He qe or covenants, easements or reslrictions o( recorE; tAal ap measurements shown, and a! eyationa made are accunte; that I have read and agree lo aDWe by all cantlitions printed on tl is applieation, and tAat I assume full respensibil'ly for compliance wdh e Wheat Ridge BuilEing Code (U.B.CJ antl all ot~er applipDle Wheaj Rj idgeArdinapc", fyy~ioAyQnder this I ertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDK ~I I df0:W7LJCAlLXDATE-)~-N:-Z Description : X IfZ~e aa Ag ~ n Approval: Zoning : 0~~ BUILDIN ' Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total: $0.00 Use: x Y SIC Approval : EDISIC~NOrKsmommenI Approval : Occupancy : Wails : Root Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Sq. FL : itories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiretion Date : Approval : (1) 7hu pem+A was IasueE In aocordana wNh tM povisbna 3et IorN In yopw apyin6on i W h 3ubia0 b ft laws of ft SVte ol CdorsEO and b tlie Zonirq RegNaUOns arM BudOnp CaOe ol Wheat RMpe, CobraOO or airy other sppicade artlin nas ol the CM. (2) Thia pemN shatl eirqra A(A) the work aWiorizeC is nOt =nmerKlE wiWn sury (80) 4a tmm Nwe Wto Ot (8) Na Duidtrq auUwAiM is JuspaWeC a a WnOOned lor a perlo0 0l 170 Gays. 11 Ws pmM e.pves, s new permL mY be scQU4ed lu a lee d onaNtl tM snnunl m roGy reQuueO. proMCo m Uunpes have Eeen or wiM be m+Ce in tna diqinsl plany arW fpOpfKatlpl► a1W any wSpension p a0an6onmenl lus nol extee6e aa (t)Year. U Manpes are made or e wapenabn aoeanemrtrm eaceeas one (t) Year. Nn feea sheu be pafE Ia a new, pemN. 41 Na wwk of arry mamer ahall be Cona Nat witl Uurpa U+s nalural Ibw W water puwp i dninaqe prodem. 51 Ca+vana Snsl notiN uw Buik4p impecfar t«enry-larc (Iq nours In oCvanca fa sil in pections ana sAan receive wAnen appmvai an Nspaction urG betae o~oceeoiinp wM wcuaaNepy ua ol the (a) Tl~a ~ssuance of a pemm er ihe approvu Mwlnpa W speoficatlwu shalt nd be oW sWM to be v penM Id. nor an spproval d, ury Ndatbn ol tlw provisbns d Ne oinUi'p w0n or eny otlier ortlinWica. law. ruk a repulauon. Chief Building Inspector F'I r Mayor ~ ",.l"n n'i Ttsr- ru ~cc a1 uf fuA(; INCPFCTfr17 ANn 117AYOR 1?Ep!Ai~C'fW NT C]F PLANNINC3 AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Nurtlber : 7152 ~ ` E3UILbINNG~~' C~ ~111iAT RlD ON - 235-2$65 Date :W-$198 7500 YWEST 29'CW AVLNUE "4EAT ttll')GE, CO 80215 , Proptartyt)wner: Lonnie DuTing Prop" Address : B805 W 29th Avenue Ph<me : 234-174Q ` ConUactor tiCense No. : 19895 ' Company : B Shatp Builtlers Phone : T9A-0514 OIARJEhtiGOt`1TRAGTOot B'O+IATURE OF IENDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEtdT CDnste'UCdOi~;~6~IuQ : OO ~ trereby certUy akd u,e eemsck cibtancrs v~a+~~ed ~+Y ~ vem~ic apancaHon are aca,ra~e. Permit Fee : ~895.00 a~t! donot vw~ts appliatDb oF~rtancas, rubs ar te~latbna of tha City ot Whaat Rid~ w c~ts. aasamp~ts or r~ M record; d,sc au measuremanta siw~xn, ana e~rogatwns Plan RevaRw FeQ . S0.00 made aro acauYta: fha31 N8w'r~b 8nt4 a6iib alt c4rMitlona ~inted an thia . aapt~ation, a~,a~t~ 1r~ ~ror' ~ance wnh the u~a,ear Rkqe Bunano Use Tmn : $11,566.00 Coae (t~.9.G) amt6n q1As4 qvD~~e Wheat -.~a~es~ icr work w~ tnu permif: , (ONMER)(CONiRACTOR)SIONED.. . . DATE . ' T01w ~ - Q"~,~~0~ . U$2: . DesCdption : Great Poom addition east side, attached garage on west side. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE f7NLY SIC ; Sq. Ft: : ' Approvaf : MLC Zoning : R.2 Bedroom window must meet egress requM$ments, amoke ddtaCtues Approvai : BG reqatred as per code See aMached PW review sheet and add S10$40 for anglirteNring ApproYai :GK Qccupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electricat ticense No : Plumbing License No : Meahanical License No : Company : Company ; Comparry : Expiratlon Date : Expiration Date : Expiratiort Date : APProval; Approval i . Approval : (1) ThbPmm Nas;hswdin+MadordaKavm tltsprovFaiqnase[faMinyopurapplkstlonsndiswp~' btM.MwsdMe50ft d= lnd14lve~i+p. RepulaUWiian~i W~Nq CS~ abaAda~ed~ra p~rWd.W UNMaBtRMqs GolaatlowarnyoMar ~pW~at~ atllnanoescf9xCRy. . T hisP~tNaNago~pltafl(Al 134 drwakaitlw~etllanotconxrormtlwilnlnWay(60}Cayshomiasuedo0la(B)theDWltllnOeWqAteONcsApiqndWrtor .(3) IttldsPemd4xqkaR4tNUlt meYbeam9tiYedforafeeaf'orwhaMtlfeanauMnanWNrNWred,PovkW a4~~t" E0Ma'wNFfi~ MeqM ~GM~P~etIQ a%I arW ahendOnminthsa notexasdatlaro(7) Yeir. MdWpeaOtahMdeatNN aMp6lqloll# eiccmadsona(i~`Y~,kAI ~q 6e Opa~fn~iw or ~X. ' . . (4} NawlMc~anY.IronnM' `b4EMye~tlMtwlqq~SMromtwdlbw~w~rpwhwadyneyeprdNem: . . . ~ W~lM ~ . Yes d Nt 4xenh4arc (?A) hours N atlvana tw d fnepectlaits and ahell rauFt6wrMbn MPrar+MtMimMetlm aar1bb[ats ~ ta~ . as cr eap~~ o'irawxqc ma apadnaaaa anaa rxA ea mia a «akanc.. te a a~ an spp~wai c6 oY vwiauar ~msprrw«+a c6~ - ~r, rub « rp~~a,.. . . ~Chief Buiiding lnsp~tor For Mayor THIS PERNI1T VALID 4NI.Y WHEiJ SK3NED BY THE CHIEF BUIIDING INSPECTtNt ANONAAcY'lCiR " CALLc 234-8883 24 HOURS PRWR TQ INSPEC710N DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner. L-411''^"'e- r PropertyAddress: 1o0Us Phone4 o Contractor License No. : IlCj C1 q5 Scpa -`ZR`1'3. Yr~"^ CompanY:Y' So}A(z,P Qj~.~Pa,n.S Phone:t'Fl`k-0 5")H OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value :/QD, 000~ I hereby certify that the setbarJc disWOces proposed by is perm@ application are accurate, Pefrtlit Fee : ~-Ci . 00 and do not wolate aOPlicable ordinances, rules or tegul ons of the City of Wheat Ridge or ~ p 00 covenants, easements or restridions record; thal all easurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; Nat I have read a ~ree to a6id Y all eond@ions printed on this US@ TaX : I`500. G application, and that 1 assume full resp n bil'rty for co liance w8h the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable at Ridge d ances, for work under this pertnit. TOt81 : $0.00 . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE i ~ US@: au i qv; e~~ - C~ 75`= Description CzQ~-t- BUILDING DEPARTME USE ONLY `*-r-;•- SIC • ~`~~:i.. Sq. Ft. , ' ~y A Approval: Zonin 9 RECEIVED snit8irr~3a~M &P~ro~m~Mv51 mPel ef~.rss ~ 1998 Approval : ~moke Je l P, w~ reg :"'r~ .~7 ~Qr ee P. MAY 2 t_. P'WJ3NMMMMffl yEE FTACi'tEa IF..O. Approval: C►Z,~ Iq$ ,4 p C• , Occupancy : waiis : Roof : Stories : Re e Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permil was IssueC in aaaEance wiUM the pmvisions set toM In yopur appicatlon and is sub'ect to the laws ol Ne Stata oi Cobrado and W the Zonirp Regulations a`W Builtliny Code of Wheat Ritlye, CobnCO w any o0ier applicaDle atlinances of the Ciry. (2) Thia pemvl shaY expre d(A) the xrork auUwnzed is nol commnxxd wilAm swRY (60) tlays trom Issuc Eate or (8) the buildinp authaized is suspenOeE or abaMOned lof a peAod of 120 days. (a) II Nis pemtil exp'uea, a new pertnrt may be acqWred lor a lee ol one-haM the amant normaly requireA, qwiEM no Uanges have Oeen or vrill be ma0e in the original plans an0 speaficatlwns and a`ry auspensbn u abanEOnmeM lus `wl eacee0ed we (1) year. II charpes are made w il suspension u abandanment e.ceeds one (t) year, full lees shall be paW fa a new peimil (4) No work o/ any manner shall be Aona ihat will clunpe the naturai flow o/ water ousing a tlninage problem. (5) Conuaaw sha4 ratiry the euilalnp Insoeclor lwenty-lour (24) twun in advance /w all inspections anC shall receive written approval on inspeclion card belae iob. proceediirg with suaessive phaxs o! the (6) Tne isauance ol a permil u ihe approvel o/anwings and specifiraUons shall rw10e consuved t pemtil lu, nor an a provai o( airy vbtation W the provisbns . ol the buildirp coEea M any othet ordinance, law, iWe or repuWlbn. ?/.'Gf r v Chie Building I spector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION May 26, 1998 6805 W. 29`h Ave. Plans have been reviewed and the following deficiencies were noted: 1. Foundation details do not match engineering details. 2. Smoke detection needs to be in compliance with 1994 UBC. 3. 3 X 3 foot landing at all exterior doors. 4. Exterior doors must be illuminated. Plans must be stamped "approved" prior to issuance of building permit. Said Plans have conections noted on them and may be issued for construction. of T DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS BUILD/NG PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW COL O R A~O Date: 5S ga Case/Building Permit No.: Location: L~~ W • 2~ ~~Ef1~ Attention: Building Department I have reviewed the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a~2 ~~.Tt~ at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. ✓ Boundary Closure: X OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. 2. Drainage: a. Drainage plan and report needed _ b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: n OK Not OK; refer to stipulations. 3. ~ NPDES Pernut Required: Yes x No 4. / Legal Description: ~c OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. If not OK, please explain: 5. Public Improvements: a. . street paving needed: Yes K No b. curb and gutter needed: Yes rt No c. sidewalk needed: Yes ot No d. street lights needed: Yes x No e. storm sewer needed: Yes K No f. escrow required: _ Yes ~ No If an escrow is required, for what improvements? Amount of escrow: 6. Development Agreement required: _ Yes K No If Yes, for 7. ~ Traffic impact analysis and report required: Yes 't No 8. ~ State Highway Access Permit needed: Yes X No 9. New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication recommended: _ Yes 1-c No If yes, what is recommended? 10. All exist edicated roadwaxs/atleys meet the standards of the City: K Yes _ No If no, 'ch o not and what is requested' 11. AP OV : The lic Wor Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its app ov , subject the abov d/or attached stipulations. Si ature eg Knudson Date 12. _ NO APPROVAL: The PubGc Works Department has reviewed this request and does not give its approval for the reasons stated: Si~nature Greg Knudson Date 13. ✓ Stipulations attached: Yes A No - ~~..~nma~ u~ SP¢ 14. SummarvComments: N Rib1,r_ „rnt>rn.,rxnowk_ Y.al a C:\..fortnsWldprtnC2.5m PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS Date S I2`1 Applicant _1!2_~•LFDfTP Phone # 214' ~ 6524 i Location of Construction (address) Purpose of Construction G lwelmayn~ Building Permit Value $ 01 ~000 Commercial _ Residential ! 1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) ~ Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 $ " Single Family Residential Review Fee: $25.00 [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way] $ 2S Multi-Family/Commercial: .$50 minimum fee [confirmation of existing technical documents]. $500.00 maximum fee [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminarylfinal drainage study and erosion control plan(s) if required] $ e' Site Plan: $50.00 (Not applicable for single family residential) $ Right-of -Way/Easement: $40.00 + $5.00/page recording fee $ Devebpment Agreement Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 $ --a' State Highway Access Permit: $75.00 application fee $ A~ Traffic Impact Review & Report: $100.00 processing fee (P~ Flood Plain Variance: Class I=$75.00. Class II =$150.00 t - Co~ m TOTAL RE1/IEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) $ Please note that additional fees will be Faessed for those permifs related to construction af public improvements. If you have any stions, please feel free to contact the Development Review office ffi 235-2868. ~ Signature of Appliqnt ` \ ~Y L~ - Date ` ^ I ^ Ct,5 rne ciry ot 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 GWheat 9Ridge SINGLE FAMILY MINOR EXCAVATION AND FILL PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT: ~3 S!a'PaP ADDRESS OF EXCAVATION/FILL: ~.~~CC77~ vJ 71'1'% ke APPLICANT ADDRESS: DATE OF APPLICATION: r, 1 Zq I~$ All permits shall be applied far through the Public Works Department. An approved permit is effective for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance, and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees estabiished by the UniForm Building Code (UBC), or by other applicable City adopted Resolution or Ordinances. Grading Plan Review Fees*: 0 to 100 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4SSi5 0 101 to 1,00 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 1,0 01 to 10,000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 10,001 to 20,000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUB-TOTAL: Grading Permit Fees*: 0 to 50 cubic yazds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 2 50 51 to 100 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O 1 to 1000 cubic yazds $22.50 for the first 100 cubic yards, pius $10.50 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof: C. Y. Amount Due: $ 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $117.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $9.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yazds or fraction thereof: C. Y. Amount Due: $ 10,001 to 20,000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $238.50 om TOTAL FEES DUE: $ (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 Building sites whose total excavation and fill exceeds 20,000 cubic yards must be processed under the provisions of Section 26-33 of the Wheat Ridge City Code. Upon conformance with Section 26-33 of the City Code, grading plan review fees and grading permit fees shall be established in conformance with Section 3310, Table A-33-A, and Table A-33-B respectively of the Uniform Building Code. * Uniform Building Code, Section 3310 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT, AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE REQUESTED WORK CAN NOT BEGIN UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, WITH ZONING REGULATIONS AND WITH THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION WILL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, AND COMMENCF,MENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION, OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. CITY OF WI-IEAT Engineer Owner's Signature (if different than above) S~ Z 9 ~9°e Approval Date mexfillp.frm DEED OF TRUST BORROWER Lonnie C. Duling ADDRESS . . 6805 West 29Th Avenue Deaver, CO 80215 ,TELEPNONEN0. IDEM77PICATIONNOPIn consideration of the loan or other credit accommodation herainafter specified and any future advancas or future Obligations, as defined herein, which may hereinafler be advanced or incurred and the trust hereinafter mentioned and other gootl and valuable consideration, the receipt and suificiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby irrevocably bar ains, sells, transfers grants, conveys and assi ns to Trustee, his successors and assigns, in trust, for FirstBaak Of Wheat Ridae, I~.A., 4350 ~ladswortL Slvd. , 9Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ("Lender"), with power of sale and right of entry and possession all of Grantor's present and future estate, right, title and interest in and to the real property tlescribed in Schedule A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by this reference, together with all present and future improvements and fixtures; all tangible personal property including without limitation all machinery, equipment, building materials, and goods ot every nature (excluding consumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in connection with the real property, whether or not affixed to the land; privileges, hereditaments, and appurtenances including all development rights associated with the Property, whether previously or subsaquantly transferretl to the Property from other real property or now or hereafter susceptible of transfer from this Properry to other real property; leases, licenses and other agreements; rents, issues and profits; water, well, ditch, reservoir and mineral rights and stocks pertaining to the real property (cumulatively "Property/'); to have and to hold the Property and the rights hereby granted for the use and benefit of Trustee, his successors and assigns, until payment in full ot all Obligations secured hereby. Moreover, in furthar consideration, Grantor does, for Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives and assigns, hereby expressly warrant, covenant, and agree with Lender and Trustee and their successors and assigns as follows: t. OBLIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall secura the payment and performance of all present and future indebtedness, liabilities, obligations and covenants of Borrower or Grantor (cumulatively "Obligations") to Lender pursuant to: !n1 thfe nnnA nf Tri,wi wnd ihe followina oramissofV notB3 and othBf 8Qfeemeflt3: INTEREBT RA7B' ~ :PRINCIPALAMOUNT( - CREDIT UMIT ~FUNOINO/ AGREEMBNT DATE MATURITY DATB CUSTOMER. . NUM9EP. LOAN . . NUMBER . FIXBD $3,548.00 03/21/97 . . 04/01/99 1 _~i~~~_. i•_ 0-23-1578 9 t~..~~ 84689 M~ N~s (b) all other present or future, written agreements wi[n ~enaer mat rerer specnica~ry w m~s uve~ . o..o.....o.. ...o a-...- diHsrent purpoaes thsn the foregoing); (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust; (d) future advances, whether obligatory or optional, to the same extent as if made contemporaneously with the execution of this Deed of Trust, made or extended on behalf of Grentor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that if one of the Obligations is a line of credit, ihe lien of this Deed of 7rust shall continue until payment in full of all tlebt due under the line notwithstanding the fact that from time to time (but before termination of the line) no balance may be outstanding. At no time shall the lien of this Deed ot Trust, not including sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, exceed $ 3,548.00 ; and (e) all amendments, extensions, renewals, modifications, replacements or substitutions to any of the foregoing. As used in this Paragreph 1, the terms Grantor and Borrower shall include and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than one. 2. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor represents, warrants and covenants to Lender that: (a) Grantor has fee simple marketable title to the Property and shall maintain the Property free of all liens, security interests, encumbrances and claims except for this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B, which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by reference, which Grantor agrees to pay and perform in a timely manner; (b) Grantor is in complience in all raspects with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including, without limitation, those relating to "Hazardous Materials," as defined herein, and cther environmental matters (the "Environmental Laws"), and neither the federal govarnment nor any other govarnmental or quasi governmental entity has filed a Iien on the Property, nor are there any governmental, judicial or administrative actions with respect to environmental matters pending, or to the best of the Grantor's knowledge, threatened, which involve the Property. Neither Grantor nor, to the best of Grantor's knowledge, any other party has used, genareted, released, discharged, stored, or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as detined herein, in connection with the Property or transported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Properry. Grantor shell not commit or permit such actions to be taken in the future. 7he term "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, material, or waste which is or becomes regulated by any govarnmental authority including, but not limited to, (i) petroleum; (ii) friable or nonfriable asbestos; (iii) polychlorinated biphenyls; (iv) those substances, materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act or any amendments or replacements to these statutes; (v) those substances, materials or wastes defined as a"hazardous waste" pursuant to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendments or replacements to that statute; and (vi) those substances, materials or wastes detined as a"hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 101 ot the Comprehansive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, or any amendments or replacements to that statute or any other similar stete or federal statute, rule, regulation or ordinance now or hereafter in effect. Grantor shall not lease or permit the sublease of the Property ta a tenant or subtenant whose operations may result in contamination of the Property with Hazardous Materials or toxic substances; (c) All applicabla laws and regulations, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 72101 et seq. (flnd all regulations promulgeted thereunder) and all zoning and buGding laws and regulations relatin9 to the Property by virtue of any federal, state or municipal authoriry with jurisdiction over the Property, prBSefOy are evd shall De observedand complied with in all material respects, and all rights, licenses, permits, and certificetes ot occupancy (inGiuding but not IGnited to ioning Yariances, special exceptions for nonconforming uses, and final inspection approvals), whether temporary or permaneot, which are niateriel to the'.u=e and occupancy of the Property, presently are and shall be obtained, preserved and, where necessaryrenawetl; . LPC0511 O FormAtion Technologles, Ina (4/20/94) (800) 93]-3]99 Pege 1 015-_ - Loanie C. Duling Darleae A. Duling 6805 West 29Th Avenue Denver, CO 80215 1 TELEPFIONENO. . . . ADDRESS IDENqFIG1T10NN0. Public Trustee O£ JePferson County 100 Jefferaoa County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419-1540 (d) Grentor has the right and is duly authorizad to execute and pertorm its Obligations under this Deed of Trust and thase actions do not and shall not conflict with the provisions of any statute, regulation, ordinance, rule of law, contract or other agreement which may be binding on Grantor at any time; (e) No action or proceeding is or shall be pending or threataned which might materially affect the Property; and (f) Grantor has not violated and shall not violate any statute, regulation, ordinance, rule of law, contract or ather agreement (including, but not limited to, those governing Hazardous Materials) which might materially affect the Property or Lender's rights or interest in the Property pursuant to this Deed of Trust. 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. Grantor represents and warrants that there are no prior deeds of trust affecting any part of tha Property except as set forth on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Trust, which Grantor agrees to pay and perform in a timely manner. H there are any prior deeds of trust then Grantor agrees to pay all amounts owed, and parform all obligations requiratl, untler such deetls of trust and the indebtedness secured thereby and turther agrees that a default under any prior dead of trust shall ba a default under this Deed of Trust and shall entitle Lender to all rights and remedies contained herein or in the Obligations to which Lender would be entitled in the event of any other default. 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERIY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN GRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the event of a sale, conveyance, lease, contrect for deed or transter to any parson of all or any part of tha real property described in Schedule A, or any interest therein, or of all or any beneficial interest in Borrower or Grantor (if Borrower or Grantor is not a natural person or persons but is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, trust, ot other legal entity), Lender may, at its option declare the outstantling principal balance of the Obligations plus accrued interest thereon immediately due and payable. At Lender's request, Grantor or Borrower, as the case may be, shall furnish a complete statement setting forth all of its stockholders, members, or partners, as appropriate, and the extent of their respective ownership interests. 5. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In consideration of the Obligations, which are secured by this Deed of Trust, Grantor absolutely assigns to Lender all Grantor's estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand now owned or hereatter acquiretl in all existing antl future leases of the Property (including extensions, renewals and subleases), all agreements for use and occupancy ot the Property (all such leases and agreements whether written or oral, are hereafter referred to as the "Leases"), and all guaranties of lessees' performance under the Leases, together with the immediate and continuing right to collect and receive all of the rents, income, receipts, revenues, issues, profits and other incoma of any nature now or hereafter due (including any income of any nature coming due during any redemption period) under the Leases or from or arising out of the Property including minimum rents, additional rents, percentage rents, parking or common area maintenanca contributions, tax and insurance contributions, deficiency rents, liquidated damages following default in any Lease, all proceeds payabla under any policy of insurance covering loss of rents resulting from untenantability caused by destruction or damage to the Property, all proceeds payable as a result of a lessee's exercise of an option to purchase the Property, all proceeds derived from the termination or rejection of any Lease in a bankruptcy or other insolvency proceading, and all proceeds from any rights and claims ot any kind which Grantor may have against any lassee under the leases or any occupants of the Property (all of the above are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Rents"). This assignment is subject to the right, power and authority given to the Lender to collect and apply the Rents. This assignment is recorded in accordance with applicable stata law; the lien created by this assignment is intended to be specitic, perfectetl, and choate upon the recording of this Deed of Trust, all as provided by applicable state law as amended from time to tima. As long as there is no default under the Obligations or this Deed of Trust, Lender grants Grantor a revocable license to collect all Rents from the Leases when due and to use such proceeds in Grantor's business operations. Howevar, Lender may at any time require Grantor to deposit all Rents into an account maintained by Grantor or Lender at Lender's institution. Upon default in the payment of, or in the performance of, any of the Obligations, Lender may at its option take possession of the Property and have, hold, manage, lease and operate the Property on terms and for a periotl of time that Lender deems propar. Lender may proceed to collect and receive all Rents from the property, and Lender shall have full power to make alterations, renovations, repairs or replacements to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Rents in Lender's sole discretion to payment of the Obligations or to the payment of the cost of such alterations, renovations, repairs and replacements and any expenses incident to taking and retaining possession of the Property periodically and the management and operation of the Property. Lender may keep the Property properly insured and may discharge any taxes, charges, claims, assessments and other liens which may accrue. The expense and cost of these actions may be paid from the Rents received, and any unpaid amounts shall be added to the principal of the Obligations. These amounts, together with other casts, shall become part of the Obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. 6. LEASES AND OTHER AGREEMENTS. Grantor shall not take or fail to take any action which may cause or permit the termination or the withholtling of any payment in connection with any Lease or other agreement ("AgreemenY") partaining to the Property. In addition, Grantor, without Lender's prior written consent, shall not: (a) collect any monies payable under any Agreement mora than one month in atlvance; (b) modify any Agreement; (c) assign or allow a lien, security interest or other encumbrance to be placed upon Grantor's rights, title and interest in and to any f~qreement or the amounts payable thereunder; or (d) terminate or cancel any qgreement except for the nonpayment of any sum or othar material breach by the other party thereto. If Grantor receives at any time any writlen communication asserting a default by Grantor under an Agreement or purporting to terminate or cancel any F~qreement, Grantor shall promptly fonvard a copy of such communication (and any subsequent communications relating thereto) to Lender. All such Agreements and the amounts due to Grantor thereunder are hereby assigned to Lender as additional security for the Obligations. 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Lender shall be entitled to notify or require Grantor to notify any third party (including, but not limited to, lessees, licensees, governmental authorities and insurance companies) to pay Lender any indabtetlness or obligation owing to Grantor with respect to the Property (cumulatively "Indebtedness") whether or not a tlefault exists under this Deed of Trust. Grantor shall diligently collect the Indebtedness owing to Grantor from thase third parties until the giving of such notification. In tha event that Grantor possesses or receives possession of any instruments or other remittances with respect to the Indebtedness following the giving of such notification or if the instruments or other remittances constitute the prepayment of any Indebtedness oi the payment of any insuranca or condemnation proceeds, Grantor ahall hold such instruments and other remittances in trust for Lender apart fram its other property, entlorse the instruments and other remittances to Lender, and immediately provide Lender with possession of the instruments and other remittancas. Lender shall be entitled, but not required, to collect (by legal proceedings or othenvise), extend the time for payment, compromise, exchange or release any obligor or collateral, or otherwise settle any of the Indebtedness whether or not an event of default exists under this {~qreement. Lender shall not be liable to Grantor for any action, error, mistake, omission or delay pertaining to the actions describad in ihis paragraph or any damagas resulting therefrom. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall cause Lender to be deemed a mortgagee-in-possession. 8. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor shall take all actions and make any repairs needed to maintain the Property in good condition. Grantor shall not commit or permit any waste to be committed with respect to the Property. Grantor shall use the Property solely in compliance with applicable law and insurance policies. Grantor shall not maka any alterations, additions or improvements to the Property without Lender's prior written consent. Without limiting the foregoing, all alterations, additions and improvements made to the Property shall be subject to the beneficial interest belonging to Lender, shall not be removed without Lender's prior written consent, and shall be matle at Grantor's sole expense. 9. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Grentor shall bear the entire risk of any loss, theft, destruction or damage (cumulatively "Loss or Damage") to the Property or any portion thereof from any cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Damage, Grantor shall, at tha option of Lender, repair the affected Property to its previous condition or pay or cause to be paid to Lender tha dacrease in the fair market value o} the affected Property. 10. INSURANCE. The Property will be kept insured far its full insurable value (replacement cost) against all hazartls inclutling loss or tlamage caused by flood, earthquake, tornado and fire, theft or other casualty to the extent required by Lender. Grantor may obtain insurance on the Property from such companies as E[e acceptable to Lender in its sola discretion. The insurance policies shall require the insurance company to provide Lender with at least . 3O days' written notice before such policies ara altered or cancelled in any manner. The insurance policies shall name Lender as a loss payee and provide that no act or omission of Grantor or any other person shall affect the right of Lender to be paid the insurance proceeds pertaining to tha loss or damage of the Property. In the event Grantor fails to acquire or maintain insurence, Lender (after providing notice as may be required by law) may in its discretion procure appropriate insurance coverage upon the Property and the insurance cost shall be an advance payable and bearing interest as described in Paragraph 21 and secured hereby. C,rantor shall furnish Lender with evidence of insurance indicating the required coverage. Lender may act as attorney-in-fact for Grantor in making and settling claims under insurance policies, cancelling any policy or endorsing Grantor's name on any draft or negotiable instrument drawn by any insurer. All such insurance policies shall ba immediately assigned, pledgad and delivered to Lender as further security tor the Obligations. In the event ot loss, Grantor shall immediately give Lender written notice and Lender is authorizetl to make proof of loss. Each insurance company is directed to make payments directly to Lender instead of to Lender and Grantor. Lender shall have the right, at its sole option, to apply such manies taward the Obligations or toward the cost of rebuilding and resioring the Property. My amounts may at Lender's optian be applied in the inverse order of the tlue tlates thereof. 77. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not initiate or consent to any change in the zoning provisions or privata covenants aHecting the use of the Property without Lender's prior written cansent. H Grantor's use of the Property becomes a nonconforming use under any zoning provision, Grantor shall not cause or permit such use to be discontinued or abandoned without the prior written consent of Lender. Grantor will immediately provitle Lender with written notice of any proposed changes to the zoning provisions or private covenants affecting the Properry. 12. CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall immediately provide Lender with written notice of any actual or threatened condemnation or eminent tlomain proceeding pertaining ta the Property. All monies payabla to Grantor from such condemnation or taking are hereGy assi9ned to Lender and shall be applied first to the payment of Lender's attorneys' feas, legal expenses and other costs (including appraisal fees) in connection with the condemnation or eminent domain proceedings antl then, at the option of Lender, to the payment of the Obligations or the restoration or repair of the Property. 13. LENDER'S RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Grantor shall immediately provide Lender with written notice ot any actual or threatened action, suit, or other proceeding affecting the Property. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as its attornay-in-fact to cammence, intervene in, and defend such actions, suits, or other legal proceetlings and to compromise or settle any claim or controversy pertaining thereto. Lender shall not be liable to Grantor for any action, error, mistake, omission or delay pertaining to the actions described in this paragraph or any damages resulting therefrom. Nothing contained herein will prevent Lender from taking the actions describad in this paragraph in its own name. 14. INDEMNtFICATION. Lender shall not assume or be responsible for the peAormance of any of Grentor's obligations with respect to the Property under any circumatances. Grantor shall immediately provide Lender with written notice of and indemnify and hold Lender and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from all claims, damages, liabilities (including attorneys' fees and legal axpenses), causas of action, actions, suits and other legal proceedings (cumulatively "Claims") pertaining to the Property (including, but not limited to, those involving Hazardous Materials). Grantor, upon the request of Lender, shall hire legal counsel to defend Lender from such Claims, and pay the attorneys' fees, legal expenses and other costs incurred in connection therawith. In the alternative, Lender shall be entitled to employ its own legal counsel to defend such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grantor's obligation to indemnity Lender undar this paragraph shall survive the termination, ralease or foreclosure of this Deetl of Trust. LPW511B 0 FermAtion Tachnologies, Ina (4/20/99) (800) 931-3798 Pege 2 of 5 15. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. Grantor shall pay all taxes and assassments relating to Property when due and immediately provide Lender evitlence of payment of same. Upon the request of Lender, Grantor shell depasit with Lender each month one-tweltth (1/12) of the estimated annual insurence premium, taxes and assessments peRaining to the Property. So long as there is no default, these amounts shall be applied to the payment of teuea, assessments and insurance as requrted on the Property. In the event of default, Lender shall have the right, at its sole option, to apply the tunds so held to pay any taues or against the Obligations. My funds applied may, at Lender's option, be applied in reverse order of the due date theraof. 16. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY, BOOKS, RECORDS AND REPORTS. Grantor shall allow Lender or its agents to examine and inspect the Property and examine, inspect and make copies of Grantor's books flnd records pertaining to the Property from time to time. Grantor shall provide any asaistance raquired by Lender for these purposes. All of the signatures and informetion contained in Grantor's books antl records shall be genuine, true, accurate and complete in all respects. Grantor shall note the existence of Lender's beneficial interest in its books and records pertaining to the Property. Additionally, Grantor shall repoA, in a form satiafactory to Lender, such information as Lender may request regarding Grantor's financial condition or the Property. The intormation shall be for such periods, shall reflec[ Grantar's records at such time, and shall be rendered with such frequency as Lender may designate. All information furnished by Grantor to Lender shell be true, accurate and completa in all respects, and signed by Grentor if Lender requests. 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Within ten (10) days after any request by Lender, Grantor shall deliver to Lender, or any intendad transferee of Lsnder's rights with reapect to the Obligations, a signed and acknowledged statement specifying (a) the outstanding balance on the Obligations; and (b) whether Grantor possesses any claims, defenses, set-offs or counterclaims with respect to the Obligations and, if so, the nature of such claims, defenses, set-offs or counterclaims. Grantor will be conclusively bound by any representation that Lender may make to the intended transferee with respect to these matters in the event that Grantor fails to provide the requested statement in a timely manner. 18. DEFAULT. Grantor shall be in default under this Deed ot Trust and the Trustee's power shall become operative in the event that Grantor, Borrower or any guarantor of the Obligations: (a) tails to pay any Obligation to Lender when due; (b) feils to perform any Obligation or breaches any warranty or covenant to Lender contained in this Daed of Trust or any other presant or future agreement; (c) tlestroys, loses or damages the Property in any material respect or subjects the Property to seizure, confiscation, or condamnation; (d) seeks to revoke, terminate or otherwise limit its liability under any guaranty to Lender; (e) dies, becomes legally incompetent, is dissolvetl or terminated, becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, fails to pay debts as they become due, files a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws, has an involuntary petition in bankruptcy filed in which Grantor, Borrower or any guarantor is named, or has property taken under any writ or process of court; (f) allows goods to be used, transported or stored on the Property, the possession, transportation, or use of which, is illegal; (g) allows any party other than Grantor or Borrower to assume or undertake any Obligation without the written consent of Lender; or (h) causes Lender to deem itself insecure due to a significant decline in the value of the Property; or if Lender, in gaod faith, for any reason, believes that the prospect of payment or performance is impaired. 19. RIGHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAUIT. If there is a default under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall ba entitlad to exarcise one or more of the following remedies without notica or demand (except as required by law): (a) to declare the Obligations immediately tlue and payable in full; (b) to collect the outstanding Obligations with or without resorting to judicial process; (c) to require Grentor to deliver and make available to Lender any personal property or Chatlels constituting the Property at a place reasonahly convenient to Grantor and Lender; (d) to enter upon and take possession of the Property without applying for or obtaining the appointment of a receiver and, at Lender's option, to appoint a receiver without bond, without first bringing suit on the Obligations and without otherwise meeting any statutory conditions regarding receivers, it being intended that Lender shall have this contractual right to appoint a receiver; (e) to employ a managing agent of the Property and lat the same, either in Trustee's own name, in the name of Lender or in the name of Giantor, and receive tha rents, incomes, issues and profits of the Property and apply the same, after payment of all necessary charges and expenses, on account of the Obligations; (f) to pay any sums In any form or manner tleemed expetlient by Lender to protect the securiry of this Deetl of Trust or to cure any default other than payment of intereat or principal on the Obligations; (g) to toreclose this Deed of Trust judicially or nonjudicielly in accordance with applicable state law; (h) to set-oH Grantor's Obligations against any amounts owed Grentor by Lender including, but not limited to, monies, instruments, antl deposit accounts maintained with Lender or any currently existing or future affiliate ot Lender; and (i) to exercise all other rights available to Lender under any other written agreement or applicable law. Lentler's rights are cumulative and may be exercisetl together, separately, and in any order. In the event that Lender institutes an action seeking the recovery of any of the Property by way of a prejudgment remedy in an action against Grantor, Grantor waives the posting of any bond which might otherwise be required. Lender or Lentler's designee may purchase the Property at any sale. In the event Lender purchases the Property at the Trustee's sale, to the extent Lender's bid price exceeds the Obligations, Lender shall pay Trustee cash aqual to such excess. 7he Property or any part thereof maY be sold in one parcel, ar in such parcels, manner or order as Lender in its sole discretion may elect, and one or mare exercises of the power herein granted shall not extinguish or exhaust the power unless the entire Property is sold or the Obligations are paid in full. 20. SECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This Deed of Trust shell be considered a financing statement and a fixture filing pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (as adopted in the state where tha real property is located) covering fixtures, chattels, end articles of personal property now ownetl or hereafter attached to or to be used in connection with the Property togethar with any and all replacements thereof and additions thereto (the "Chattels"), and Grentor hereby grants Lender a security interest in such Chattels. The debtor is the Grantor described above. The secured party is tha Lender described above. Upon tlemand, Grantor shall make, execute and deliver such security agreements (as such term is tlefinad in said Uniform Commercial Code) as Lender at any time may deem necassary or proper or requiretl to grant to Lender a pertected security interest in the Chattels, and upon Grantor's failure to do so, Lender is authorized to sign any such agreement as the agent of Grantor. Grantor hereby authorizes Lender to fila financing stataments (as such term is defined in said Uniform Commercial Code) with respect to the Chettels, at any time, without the signature ot Grantor. Grantor will, however, at any time upon request of Lender, sign such financing statements. Grantor will pay all filing fees for the filing of such financing statements and tor the refiling thereof at the times required, in the opinion ot Lender, by said Uniform Commercial Code. If the lien of this Deed of Trust be subject to any security agreement covering the Chattels, then in the event of any detault under this Deed of Trust, all the right, title and intarest of Grantor in and to any and all of the Chattels is hereby assigned to Lender, together with the benefit of any deposits or payments now or hereafter made thereof by Grantor or the predecessors or successors in title of Grantor in the Property. 21. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender, at Lender's option, may expend funds (including attorneys' fees and legal expensas) to perform any act required to be taken by Grantor or to exercise any right or remedy of Lender under this Deed of Trust. Upon demand, Grantor shall immediately reimburse Lender for all such amounts expended by Lender together with interest thereon at tha lower of the highest rate describad in any Obligation or the highest rate allowed by law from the date of payment until the date ot reimbursement. Thase sums shall be included in the definition of Obligations herein and shall be secured by the beneficial interest granted herein. H the Obligations are paid after the beginning of publication of notice of sale, as herein provided, or in the avent Lender shall, at its sole option, permit Grantor to pay any part of the Obligations atter the beginning of publication of notice of sale, as herein providetl, then, Grantor shall pay on tlemand all expenses incurred by the Trustee antl Lender in connection with said publication, including reasonable attorneys' fees to the attorneys tor the Trustee and for the Lender, and a reasonable fee to the Trustee, and this Deed of Trust shall be security for ell such expenses and fees. 22. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. All payments made by or on behalf of Grantor may be applied against the amounts paid by Lender (including attorneys' faes and legal expenses) in connection with the exercise of its rights or remedies described in this Deed of Trust and then to the payment of the remaining Obligations in whatever order Lender chooses. 23. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as its attorney-in-fact to endorse Grantor's name on all instruments and other documents pertaining to the Obligations or Deed of Trust. In addition, Lender shall be entitled, but not required, to perform any action or execute any document required to be taken or executed hy Grantor under this Deed of Trust. Lender's performance of such action or execution of such documents shall not relieve Grentor from any Obligation or cure any default under this Deed of Trust. All powers of attorney described in this Deed af 7rust are coupletl with an interest and are irravocable. 24. SUBROGATION OF LENDER. Lender shall be subrogated to the rights of the holder of any previous lien, security interest or encumbrance discharged with funds advanced by Lender regardless of whether these liens, security interests or other encumbrances have been released of record. 25. COLLECTION COSTS. To the extent permittetl by law, Grantor agrees to pay Lender's reasonable fees and costs, including, but not limited to, fees and costs of attorneys and othar agents (including without limitation paralegals, clerks and consultants), whether or not such attorney or agent is an employee of Lender, which are incurred by Lender in collecting any amount due or enforcing any right or remedy under this Deed of Trust, whether or not suit is brought, including, but not limited to, all fees and costs incurred on eppeal, in bankruptcy, and tar post-judgment collection actions. 26. PARTIAL RELEASE. Lender may releasa its interest in a portion of the Property by executing and recording one or mora partial releases without atfecting its interest in tha remaining portion of the Property. Nothing herein shall be deemed to obligate Lender to release any of its interest in the Property (except as requiretl under Paragraph 35), nor shall Lender be obligated to release any part of the Property if Grantor is in tletault under this Deed of Trust. 27. MODIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modification or waiver of any ot Grantor's Obligations or Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust must be contained in a writing signed by Lsnder. Lender may perform any of Borrower's or Grantor's Obligations, delay or fail to exercise any of its rights or accapt payments from Grantor or anyone other than Grantor without causing a waiver of those Obligations or rights. A waiver on one occasion shall not constitute a waiver on any othar occasion. Grantor'S Obligations under this Deed of Trust shall not be affected if Lender amends, compromises, exchenges, fails to exercisa, impairs or releases any ot the Obligations belonging to any Grantor, 8orrower or third party or any of its rights against any Grantor, Borrower or third perty or any of the Property. Lander's failure to insist upon strict performance of any of the Obligations shall not be deemed a waiver and Lender shall have the right at any time thereafter to insist upon strict pertormance. LPC0511C OO FortnAlion Technolagias, Inc. (4/20/84) (800) 8373988 Pege 3 of 28. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Grantor and Lender and their respective successors, asaigns, trustees, receivers, administretors, paraonal representatives, legatees and devisees. 29. NOTICES. Except as otherwise required by law, any notice or other communication to be provitletl under this Deed ot Trust shall be in writing and sent to the parties at the addresses describetl in this Deed of Trust or such other address as the paAies may designate in writing from time to time. My such notice so given and sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, shall be deemed given the earlier of three (3) days after such notice is sent or when received by the person to whom such notice is being given. 30. SEVERABILITY. Whenever possible, each provision of this Deed of Trust shall be interpreted so as to be effactive antl valid under applicable state law. N any provision ot this Deed of Trust violates the law ar is unentorceable, the rest of the Deed of Trust shall continue to be velid and enforceable. 31. APPLICABLE LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the state where the real property is located. Unless applicable law provides otherwisa, Grantor consents to the jurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lander, in its sole discretion, located in that state. 32. MISCELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lender agree that time is of the essence. Grantor waives presentment, demand for payment, notice of dishonor and protest except as required by law. All references to Grantor in this Deed of Trust shall include all persons signing below. H there is more than one Grantor, their Obligations shall be joint and several. This Daed of Trust represents the complete integrated understantling between Grantor antl Lender pertaining to the terms and conditions hereof. 33. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. No person is or shall be a third parry beneficiary of any provision of this Deed of Trust. All provisions of thia Deed of Trust in favor of Lsnder are Intended solely for the benefit of Lender, and no third party shall ba entitled to assume or expect that lender will not waive or conaent to the modification of any provision of this Deed of Trust, in Lendar's sole discretion. 34. PRESERVATION OF LIABILITY AND PRIORITY. Without atfecting the liability of Borrower, Grantor, or any guarantor of the Obligations, or any other person (except a person expressly released in writing) for the payment and performanca of the Obligations, and without affecting the rights of Lender with respect to any Property not expressly released in writing, and without impairing in any way the priority of this Deed of Trust over the interest of any person acquired or fvst evidenced 6y recording subsequent to the recording of this Deed of Trust, Lender may, either before or after the maturity of the Obligations, and without notice or consent: release any person liable for payment or performance of all or any part of the Obligations; make any agreement altering the terms of payment or pertormance of all or any pan of the Obligations; axercise or refrain from exercising or waive any right or remedy that Lender may have under the Deed of Trust; accept additional security of any kind for any of the Obligations; or release or otherwise deal with any real or personal property securing the Obligations. My person acquiring or recording evidence of any interest of any nature in the Property shall ba deemed, by acquiring such interest or racording any evidence thareof, to have consented to all or any such actions by Lender. 35. DEFEASANCE. Upon the payment and performance in full of all af tha Obligations, Lender will execute and deliver to Grantor thosa documents that may be required to release this Deed of Trust of record. Grantor shall be responsibla to pay any costs of recordation. 36. CONSTRUCTION LOAN. q This Dead of Trust is a construction mortgage under the Uniform Commercial Code, to secure an abligation incurretl for the construction of an improvement on land, including the acquisition costs of land. This Deed of Trust secures a construction loan, and it will be subject to the terms of a construction loan agreement behveen Grantor and Lender. My matarials, equipment or supplies used or intended for use in the construction, development, or operetion of the Property, whether starad on or off the Property, shall also be subject to the lien of this Deed of Trust. 37. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD. Grantor hereby waives all homestead axemptions in the Property to which Grantor would otherwise be entitled under any applicable law. 38. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. GRANTOR HEREBV WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURV IN ANY CIVIL ACTION ARISING OUT OF, OR BASED UPON, THIS DEED OF TRUST. 39. ADDITIONALTERMS: Grentor acknowledges that Grantor has read, understands, and agrees to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust, and acknowledges receipt of an exaa copy of same. Dated this 218t day ot MaYCh, 1997 . GRANTOH: Lonn18 C. DIIL1IICJ GRANTOR: D8r1@a@ A. Duliag Lonnie C. u ing r e-D -1 ne A.-SuTing GRANTOR: GRANTOR: GRANTOR: GRANTOfl: GRANTOR: GRANTOR: LPW511p O FormAHonTechnologies,Ina(4/20/84) (800)8313'/88 Page0ot5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS State of Colorado ~ ss. County of by The foregoing instrument was acknowletlged before me this - - day of My commission expires: Witness my hand antl official seal. State of Colorado County of by as of/for My commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. ~ Natary Public SCHEDULE A~ That part of Lot 4, SLock 2, BARTH'S SUBDIVISZON desciib6d ae: Segianing at a point 100.411 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 4, Block 2; thence West 120.385 feet; thence North 125 feet; thence East 120.385 Eeet; thence South 125 feet to place of begianing, Couaty of Jafferson, State of Colorado Also knowu by street and number as: 6805 Weat 29Th Aveaue Denver, CO 60215 Together wlth all water antl weter righis of any type which are appurtenant to the property or which are or mey be usetl on or in connectlon with lhe properly al ihe present tlme or any tlme hereaXer Inclutling, but not Iimitetl to the following: edjutlicatetl weter nghts antl tlecrees entl priorltles iherefor; unatljutlicatetl water rights antl approprletlons; rlghts In water from trlbutery antl noninbulary sources, wnetner suAace or untlergrountl; conaltlonel wffier nghts; rights exlsting unaer well permlis Issuetl by the State Engineer or other fetleral, state or municipal authonties; rlghts entl pertnits entl tlesignateA grountl water Dasins; ell rights clelmetl untler contrad, axchange, or plens or augmentetlon; ell tlttches, cenels, reservoirs, plpelines, tunnels, wells entl other structures for tliverting antl conveying weter antl eli nghts of way antl eesements therefof; antl ell shefes of stock or otnef Insiruments eVlAencing any of all rights to eny Such water hefeln tlescribetl. ' SCHEDULE 8 _ a Deed of Trust recorded July 11, 1985 for the use of FirstBank o£ Wheat Ridge, N.A. to secure the sum of $98,825.00 THIS DOCUMENT WASPREPAREO BV: FirstSank Of Wheat Ridge, N.A. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO LENDER AT ITS ADDRESS DESCRIBED ABOVE. ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day af LPW511E FormAtlanTechnologles,lna(9/20/B4) (800) 93]-3]99 Pege )EGTION DNISION - 235-2855 OF WHEAT RtOGE VEST 29TH AVENUE T RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner . ` Propprty Address : 6805 W. 29th Avenue Phone : 234-1740 Contractor License No. : 20060 Company : Ray Zanko's Electrical Service Phone : 355-5424 OF UNDER3TANDING AND AGREFMENT ` . (dNRJFR)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED < DATE . . ~ . TOt91 : . ' $156.00 . . . . . . . . US@ : . . DescripGOn : New garege, service upgrade to 200 amp, refeed existing circuits, add general lighting forroom addifion 20 amp circuit to pool motor BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approvai : 2oning : Approval : APProval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories Constructlon"Vaiue : $5,000.00 PermiCPee; $81.00 Plart Review Pes : $0.00 Use Tax : $75.00 SIC i Sq. Ff. : Residential Units : EleCkrica! License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiraticn Date : Expiration Date : Expiradon Date : Approval : ApProval : Approval : (1) rnupermuwaroweamaccoraricxwimmeprowsrons eacrormmropuevMmOo+anauwesamn,ewnam.sa.acawaft ancaoa, zonxw ae~ enaeuMo cadeawneeeW~a cowr.~w«amom«,~~q~ae wdxaocKa the cny. (2) rnb pesiroli s~qnaTf(I~na worlc autla~Zea b na cambncea wMin s~H roo> doys aom ~ewe dare or (a) me dYldFw.rWwrtr.ea is wevenaea or.. abanaomwfaq a+ ' a (S) ttthb pMNt mx~rwW y be a4ulred fa' e lee of ana4hall Me amowitnorme~N roQWnetl,~~ tq Maqa~IWa bean M WM bf matle M ths wWinal p6wu and ua eny «ffia~onmant has na excee~ktl aro (1) Year. lf chanpst era msds a H auepemWn a abantlonmwN m«cexisona(1)Y~,fitioeaatWlbePald ranewoenMt . (a) Nowohc W mqr mrnar 51uW be tltlne Mat wiq dhenpe tlro n~rel Mow ot weter muwgy a dralnepe pobbm. (S) ContraIXOr ahMl ndiry IhaBulMYp In~pepor lwenlydow (24) Iwuw In advance for YI fnfpe~Jionf antl Nhall recelvtlwail~n eppoval on h~epectlon aNbekra. pmeep~np wilh a~eive.pheaes of the bD. - (8) . Tha iaewncq W a patmN or are a.roval o(tlrawlnps and epedRestlms ahell rat be oonsWSd to bo a penNt for, nor an appovW d, atry WoMtlai dtlro'piovabru a me nwidUpcoll« nr aer oCwr«ainence. Isw, mle w rewmtwn. . . Y ` .C f7 l . . . . ~ Chief BuNding Ih THl8 PERMiT VALID ONLY WHEN $IGNED' BY THL CHIEF BUI4DING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TiD INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner. Li,f~,lN,i; Property Address 0~ G BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Contrector License No. : 3% 70 CompanY: Phone ~ : i -S -<S-s`(.Zy OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this perm@ application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City ot Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree lo abide bX all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume fuli responsibility tor compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat f7idge otdinances, for work under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED n 11 _41 DATE ~ US@: \ ~ Description Nc.~ (~rq,q'4 u rc~ l>;~6A-r4UG 70 ~ txig ~I q)& ~~r~e~~s5 ~ ✓+0~ ~~E~v.~Crrr✓6 ~viit ~ / ,ff.)r)r 20 Yical~. {Q Hf-' T.~~nntMoz.i2 SIC Approval: Zoning : Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : 3770 Company ~4`i GAwlL~b` ~ 1.~~ . SG-!LV `-C Expiration Date :~J 2-~~ ~ y Approval: Phone : f3LJ - / -4 < <Ij Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : p. 00 $0.00 Sq. FL : Roof : " Stories : Residential Units : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnil was Issued In a¢adance with the piovisions set 1oM in yopur applifatlon arW is suq ect lo ihe laws of Ne SUte of Cobrado aiW to the Zonirp Regula6ws and Building CoCe o( 1Mneat RiEye, Cobratlo a arry oNer applica0le adinancea ol the Ciry. (3) This pertril shall ezpire d(A) the vrork e Wwnzed is nol commenced wiNm sizty (60) Eays Irom Iszue date or (B) ttw buildtrp aWiaized is auspen0ed or abafWOned la a perioE ot tYO days. (7) II Nis pertrvl espires, a new pertnR may be acqulred fw a lee W ono-haH the amounl normalry requveA, provided no thangee have been u witl be rtaee in the original plans anE spetifintlons ahd any suspension a abanCOnment Aas not ucee0ed one (1) year. II Uiafpes are made a if suspension a aEanMOnmenl exceeds me (i) year, lull fees ahall be pal0 for a new pertnil (4) No work ol any manner shall be Cone ihal vrill change the naWral Ilow o(wa4r wusinq a draiwge prohlem. (S) ConVactw shall naGry ihe BuilElnp InspeGOr twenry-lour (24) houn in aMance lor all inspecUOns an0 shall receive written approrel on Inspecfion car0 De(we proceeCiirg wilh sutcessNe phaxs o} Ne Iob. (6) TAe issuance o/ a pertnit or the epprovel o(C2wings and spedf¢aUons shall rol De conswe0 to De a pertnit for, nor an approval ol, any Nolatlon o( Ne provlslons . ol the builCinp mGes w any oMer ptlinante, Ww, rule w repuWtian. . Chief Building Inspector 1 ~ ~ For Mayor Building Permit Number : Date : THIS PERMIT VALIO ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION