HomeMy WebLinkAbout10070 W 27th Avenuet Permi[ Number
Building Permit 19613
~ ~CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE w 12/22/2005
y 7500 Weat 291T-I Avenue ~5~
~ wheazriaee, co 80033 'Z~! Inspection Line
303-235-2855 303-234-5933
~ Commercial Miscellaneous
PROPERTY 10070 27th Unit:
f owxER: Arnerican Tower (303) 274-2556
; Description
t~ New microwaves and 20 amp circuits.
' - - - - I
FEES - --1- _ _ , _
, - IPaid _ J
+t Fees _ ~Due -
; Wse Tax - --9.00
P _ ~$30 55 _55
ermifFee ~$30
7btal Fees L39 55 $39.55
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~ - - _
° Name ' License # IP_hone
J EronfRanaB Wirelessylnc 21072 J000 703 4682__I
Y r~ l~ ~ r ~Y✓ I~f
' Units•r. . Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feek o
_ . 1 puapy peflib Wt We u[b~ck dismnces proposeJ b,[hie permit appl'aatian are eacvme, and do mt viohte appllceble ortlmances, rvla or regWaHOne of the City of
"t Wl~p! a' eave~ao~6 ea~emenls ar rtslriMions af recoN; tM1al W mwsaremenb sM1Own, vnd vllegelions mode [re eccunh, tM1al l M1ave rnJ end agree to abide by
~p ~rNhd on fhie npplicv[wn, md tM1al I aeaume (ull respovsib~Lty forcomphvnae wi[h IM1e W h<aI lotlge BuJdlne Catle (I..B C.) nnd .Y other npplitvbk
WYatt sd,farworku crMhpe uic ~
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al(corrrte.+cmrsl s crveo nnre
t 114 pernH wn 4suetl In nceardance wtlA [he provulans eet fonM1 in your appLCrtian and is sobj¢t m the Ivws of Ihe Stme of Colondo and m the Zoning
Rq"sw and BuiWmg Cotle of WM1¢at Ritlgq Colorvda or my other eppLcable ordmances o( Ihe Gly.
2 ENry pNm11 huued shvll become InvaLE unle.va lM1e x'ork on (he stle smM1OriuO by euch Oemit is comimnttd wPhin 180 dv}a Rler iIS 6suantt, or if IM1e wark
wlborWtl m tLe iite by such permit is suspendeJ or ebvndoned far n pmotl of IBU drys ~fter fire time of work u rommenced
3 If fib pKmlt upins, n new permit mry be acqutre4 (ar a@e of one-helf the vmounl normvlly rtqu4etl, provideJ m chmen M1ave Ettn or will be mude In [he
. weeeb oee (1) Yuq full feee shall be paid for a new permtt.
1 No warh af my manner shall be Jone that wN aM1angs the nnlunl Mw of wvta evming c drAnnee proGl<m
3 ~wtr~ebrdJlmhytheBUlldmelmpeatarbrrmyfour(E4)hoursmvtlvanceforallinspmuamantlshallrccdvewtlueuapprovalonlmpectloncvrabefore
. possmandIO`wlWmaeasivephasesoflM1efab.
.6. 17kinumeeof~permito +pPr^velofdraw~ speaifcmiansehallmt beconstrueJrobea permitfor,mrennpprovalof,myviolvtianofthe
' prnvYbr ofNe e rodes or any othe ~e.law, rule or regu."an.
Page 1 of
Thursday, D er 22, 2005 1
1111,~~.; w~~~~4}" .
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D D' l tl`~`a tng P"prm1t
Permit Number
7500 Weat 29TH Avenue
72~22~G ~~05
Wheatridge, CO 80033
Inspection Line
. 303-235-2855
riraf~'imeat[~a¢e .I
~ PROPERTY 10070 27th
ow1vER: American Tower
(303) 274-2556
New microwaves and 20 amp circuits.
AuthorizedBy guildingApproval Zoning
Authorized On 12/22/2005 Approved By aroot
Subject to field inspection
~ Authorized By Zoning Approval Zoning
Authorized On 12/22/2005 Approved By cCrane
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Page 1 of 1
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
303.235.2846 Fax:303.235.2857
20 June 2005
Susan Vale
Verizon Wireless
The City of
Wheat Ridge
RE: Collocation of an existing wireless facility/10070 W. 26h Avenue
Dear Ms. Vale:
In response to our conversation and your subsequent memo dated 15 June 2005, I offer the
following information in respect to Verizon's proposed relocation of wireless facilities.
You indicated to me that Verizon Wireless wishes to relocate an existing microwave dish on an
existing freestanding wireless facility located at 10070 W. 26`h Ave. The property is zoned G1,
Commercial One. Currently, Verizon has an existing microwave dish located 148 feet from grade.
You inquired about moving the existing dish two feet higher to 150 feet from grade. You further
stated that there would be no change to the equipment on the ground.
Section 26-615 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws states that for any property zoned C-1,
collocation on an existing facility may occur and shall be reviewed administratively (without need
for a public hearing), provided that no structural modifications or height increases occur as a result
of the collocation. If any increase to height or any structural modifications are needed to
accommodate the new equipment, a special use permit would be required.
The next step will require the completion and submittal of a building permit application. You can
find a copy of the application online at www.ci.wheatridQe.co.us. A structural analysis of the tower
is required, as is a site plan and detail of the relocated equipment.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at
'Fr6vis R. Crane
Susan Vale
10070 W. 26" Ave.
Jun 15 05 12:15p Susan Vale 3037831383 p•2
June 15, 2005
Txavis Cxane
Ciry of Wheat Ridge Planner
(303) 235-2849 Phone
(303) 235-2857 Fax
RE: Verizoa Wueless Site DEN Wheatridge
Located at 10070 West 26" Avenue
Deaz Mr. Ctane,
I woxk as a site acquisition coqsultant to Verizon Wireless. On Monday, June 13, we
discussed Verizon Wireless' intention to itnprove the existing telecommunication facility at
the above mendoaed location.
As we discussed, the modification to the DEN Wheatridge site will involve the
replacement of the eaisting 4' microwave dish currendy mounted at 148', with a 4' dish
mounted at 150'. This change will not effect the existing equipment on the ground.
According to our convessation, no additiaaal zoaing approval will be sequired from
the City of Wheat Ridge to complete the described modifications
Please confirm the following.
1. The tower is located within the Citp of Wheat Ridge and is subject to the City's
2. No zoning approval will be necessazy to complete the described modification.
Please sign this letter and fax it back to me at (303) 783-1383.
If you have any questions, please call me at (720) 935-8848 or sead an email to
Thank you verq much!
Susan Vale
Leasing and Zoaing Consultant for Vcrizon Wireless
Jun 15 OS 12:15p Susan Vale 3037831383 p.3
Printed Name
Jun 15 OS 12:15p
Susan Vale
SubJecf: Verizon Wireless site - DEN Wheatddge
Date: June 15, 2005
To: Travis Crane
Phone Number: 303.235.2849
Fax Number: 303.235.2857
Hi Travis,
From: Susan Vale
Phone Number: 720.935.8848
Fax Number: 308.783.1383
Per our phone conversation, here is the letter requesting verification ihat a
zoning permit is not required for the modification to the tower for the DEN
Wheatridge site. Please review it, sign at the bottom, and fax it back to me at
your earliest convenience. Feel free to call me if you have any questions at all.
Thank you very much for your help!
Jul OS 01 05:24p Homoya (512) 292-9558 p.l
To: Alan C. White, Planning Director
Travis Crane, Planner
From: Bruce Homoya, Zoning Manager, Dallas Market
Date: 7uty 5, 2001
Re: Planning Approval Amendment for an Antenna Change
XM Radio Site DEN008.A
This memo is a formal request for an anterua change at the American Tower site located
at 10070 W. 27h Avenue @ Kipling. On March 7, 2001 the Planning Daector, Mr. Alan
C. White, signed off on Planning Approval only for LCC International's proposal to
install an omni antenna (approx 70" tall and 2.25" diatneter) on the Tower.
Following pre-instaUation tesking, it has been deternrined by LCC's Radio Frequency
Engineers that the installation of a panel anteTma (model TA-2304-2) will provide better
signal coverage for the city of Wheat Ridge.
It is requested that the Planning D'uector review and approve the antenna change from an
omni to a panel antenna Attached to this memo is tbe panel antenna's specifications
sheet along with the original antenoa request for your review.
All statemenu meniioued in the original signed document remain true. This memo is to
be considered as an Amendmeirt to the origmal document allowing only for an antenna
change from an omni to a panel antenna. As noted in the original document, all
descriptions of the proposed construction have been furnisbed by the applicant, LCC
International, Ine. The official whose signature appeazs below does not wazrant that that
any of the above descriptions are true. This statement does not grant the applicant the
right to start wnstruction activities. All proposed construccion is subject to review and
approval of construction drawings prepsred in accordance with all applicable building,
mechanical, and electrical regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge.
If you have any questions or comments, feel &ee to contact me at (512) 422-3904. Please
fax back you signed o(972) 659-0045. Thank you.
Approved by:
Title: P12-00er --1--
Date: <o \u\~ 01
l~e,O-Dre Co+~S~CUt~on ~e~~rS~ `20.~ ~..~.5-k S~.br~•} ~ Co+~P~e~e~ .~~\~~a~oh
y~7✓ ~~:.\~+v, ~uri:~~. ~h~5 ~11ca't~'vv~ S~'1ou~a ~~n~l~..ae. c~ S~~e, rl1?!~
o7nc~ ~ ~-2k~frl o{' au.'~ot \7~~.r~ ~im '~rOQ[~ 'a. '~iG( OWN<X .
HP OfficeJet
Personal Printer/Fax/Copier
Fax Log Report for
303 235 2857
Ju1-10-01 11:44 AM
9151 2~ 9~29558~--121
Result r_RM T_xM Date T~ Pura4i~ Diac on stic
OK 01 Sent Jul-10 11:43A 00:00:43 002586030022
Jul OS 01 05:25p Homoya
' ' ....~,.nn rmm:3U31352857 To.2084q50485
Mar-07-01 04:43P DEVREVFAX
_aET~i 7ST:'LGGf~
(512) 292-9558 p.4
Powered by&Fax.com Pa9e: 3 of 3
303 235 2857 p ~3
uaq.7.0f 12:t9P({; PAGE J/d
ZoNny ConslstarKy Cky of Wheat Riqya ZOi Ing Cpde
Section 26-616 of tfie newly-adopted code proy des for satelllte earth stations in
Commercial zones as a response to the f{Cs coci s(q7 CFR part 25) that pertalns to
satellite earth stntlons. This portlon of the FCC'g ;ode IMludes gpqRS (of whlch, XM
SOtellite Radio Is one of the two Ikensees). Pwsuant to the Citys code, height is
nmioed bo that of tl,e zone when satellRe eartt statWns are roof-mounted, The
Proposed Xh15R faCtlity wlll not be ropf-mounted ;!nd is therefore, not subject to this
regulat3on. Given tfie CltyJs code settion 26-616, U ie proposed proJect is not sub)ect [o
any type of zoning permtt. I[ witl be subJect to bt ilding depertment review to ensure,
among other things, that the tower is strvctui ally capable of handiing the new
Pianning Approval
The descrlp[IOn of proposed constnxUon has be!n lurnished by the appllcant, lCC
lntemational. The ofMklal whOSe si9nature 0ppear. belpw does not warrant that any of
the above deso"ons are true.
Prov!ldeed mat the above descrlptlons are We, the I ~roposed insbllaNrt does not reyuire
any zoning/planning permltr based on the CNy's Zp iing oode.
ThIS sWbement does not grant the appllcaM the rIC ht to sfart constructipn acctvtUes. AI(
proposed constructlon is subjeet to revlew and approval of mnstruction drawings
prepared in aaordance wlth all applicable bailding, mechaNal, and eiectrical
reguWtlons of The Qty of 4Yheat Rldge (includin(. stnxtural calwlatlons and landlord
authorizadon), along witfi certlfiwHon yy the epFlkant that all e)lsttng and proposed
fadtides will complywi th these reguladonsP4-ipl k bl-,3f x,,~yipnL,Jrc),, -fpyt,,
Approvetl bY: r' ' PrO~ ak~'bWer guJhes^,
7itle; Il~Yif~~pl"
Date: 3 ?
minal: 90
Jul OS 01 05:25p Homotia (512) 292-9558 p.3
neceivea:ut.rnar.oi 0623PM Fmm:3D3T52&57 To.20B4450qe5 'D1- /J00Poweredby6aFax.mm P8qe.2nt3
hiar-O7-O1 04t43P DEVREVFAX
mm cr: cccl: ZUV445w0n . 303 235 2857 P_ U2
-wA.7-or 12:1ePU; aAGE 314
Backqround IniomwUon - XM Radio
XM Satelllte R3db is the next generatlon of radb Eervlte. XM Sat¢Ilite Radto obWined
one of two Satellite Oircct Audio Radio Servfce (5(,ARS) Gcenxs in October of 1997.
XM will 12utich tW0 sdtellltes fhat WIII b0 IoCAted n geostatlonary urbit above North
Amerita. l'heSe satelAtES will beam !n radio stgna to speclally deskgned receWers in
cars, semis, In homes, on c,vise ships and iIrplanes, and in other Ifstening
environments. Puture rddios will be a61e W receive fM (n additlon to tradftlonal AM and
FM bands. In fact, some models of new [ars in 2t 01 will come equlpped with a radio
capable of neceivtng XM SatelUte Radio.
XM is dlfferent from tradidonal radio seMce In that' he subSCriber w0{ be abie to receive
up to 100 digital-qudlity dwnnels of musk, ta k, educational, spoR5, and other
programming wtthout stadc. In additlon, a Iistener will be abk to tune in to the same
stHtlon(s) from coast t0 coast. Some channels will je commercial fre2 whlle others will
have advertising sponSCHS. Increased dhace H III enable subscrlbers to listen to
aftematlve formats that ryplolly have little alrpla} despite high album sales volumes
(such as reggae and blues, dmong athers).
XMSR uses a frequency in the 2.3 Gigahertz portia i of the spectrum. Typlcally, a radio
will be a41e ta receive slgnal diredly from the satidllte. However, various topographic
and man-m0de obstructions (such as tell bufldlncs) will impede the sl9nal in certain
areas, Thus, %MSR requlres sa6ellite earth statloi "teRestrWl repeater" faciliiies that
receive Cne radlo signat from the yeosmtlonary satellite vla a small satellite dish,
enhance the signal In the radlo equlpment and then re-hansmlt the slgnal Uuough
either an omnidlredional antenna or a few smaN panei antennas. On this partlcular
site, one omnl antenna will be utllized,
Site Charactaristlcs
The-subject Droperty Is developed wlth a smali sbip center along with an exlsting 155'
lattice 6ower along wMh astaiated equlpment th'R is locdted behind the strip center.
The subJeCt praperty Is wned Gl.
Antenna and Equiptnent ConA4ursdon
The prpposed omM amenna (70" tail, 2,25" dtameter) will be mounted at the 110" level
on the exlsttn9 tower (the aenterllne will be t pDroximately 113). The prOposed
an[eMa will noC euceed tlle exlstin9 tnwer heisht Because the antenna Is so small in
comparison 60 the tower, R is unllkey [o be reddfly notlceabie.
The proposed sateuite dlsh antenna (26" in tliam -rar) wIU be mountetl on [he exiseing
tOwer at a cEnterUne of 40'. 717e assocfated radic equipment cabinet will be Ixated on
the ground near tfie base of the tDwer Inside an e:isting fenced area.
Jul 05 O1 05:25p Homoya f5121 292-9558 p.2
TA-23042 Adjustable Sector
2500 - 2500 MHz
The TA-2304-2 is a vertically polarized sedoral antenna which has adjuslable side
panels for 60-180 degree azimulh paUems. The anterma consisis of a printed
dipole array endosed in an alurrrdnum base with a W sta6i6zed radome fa
superior weatherability. The antenna is at DC ground to aid in lightning protection.
ElecUical SpeciRcatlons
Frequenry Range: 2300-2500 MHx
oyn: (eeq 175 @ so° iss @so°
14.5 Q 120° 73 @160°
YSWR: 1.51 maz.
FroMIBxk ihtio: 20 tlB min.
Pdadzallimr. Vehkal
PowerRaHng:200 Wans
H-Plane Beamwidlh: W. 90,120,160 degrees
E-Plane 8eamwidlh: 72 Aegrees
EIecMGI DownlNt O. 2 degfee5
Cross PW. DlscdminaHOn: 20 d6 min.
Impadance: 50 ohms nwninal
Termination: N kmale (7116 DIN oDtional)
Typl[al Mitl bnC vMws. (FOr Eeb~ls, cmlazl fadory)
TIL-TEK Mtennas vmw.tirmk.com (613) 258-5928 Fortn 2000.2304-2 ae..x.ze
$pWflC81YM168Y~11pC11P C110119. ~ 11WC!
Mechanical Specifiwtions
Length: 40 m. (1016 mm)
Widtb: 4.9 ia (124 mm)
Wp1h: 4.8 in. (117 mm)
WNgM Ilncl. ttamps): B Ib. (3b Fg)
Ratatl WIM Vobdry: 125 mph (200 kMh)
Mor. Thruat al ralad wind: BB lb. (39 kg)
M9chanieal DowntlfL• 0 - 30 (oplbnal)
Mounting Pi{re: 0.75 - 3.0 in. (79 - 78 mm)
RadifUng ENmeob: Platetl coppar on PC9
RNMtlor. Irtidded aluminum
Radoma: Gray UV sta6ilizM ASA
ClamDe: Alurttinum antl HDG sleel
e 7~
2084450485; MAR-7-01 12:18PM; PAGE 1
1 of 1
LCC InteRwtional, Inc.
phone (949) 2123204
Fac (208) 445-0485
'(o: Alan White, Planning Director frorm Suzanne Buckmelter.
Fax: 303-235-2657 Paysa: 4
Phonm Daex 3l7I01
Ftw. XM Satellite Rad'a CC=
E3 Ur9eni 0 Fof Ravisw ❑ PNase Commwnt 0 Maasa ftPh ❑ Plpse Recydo
• Cmnrnents:
DearMr. White,
PursuaM to our phone conversation yesierday, March 6°, I am sending you a project descriptan in
hopes fhat you will aign and initial d and reWm it to me. The projec[ deacription is ihe same as what we
discussed except that the exisGng tovuer is adualy 30' higher tlian what I na0 men6oned (the proposed
mounting helght of the new antenna remains the same). It would help us tremendousy if we coukl
haVe ihis doCUmeMatiOn to give M OUr client at your eerlie5t posSible Convenience- Il woWd atso be
helpful to whcever submits for the building permit so that the zoning peRnit issue dces not nave [o be
revisited at that time.
Please send Ihe signetl project tlescriplion to me at (208) 445-0485 fax or via mail to:
Suranne Buckmetter, LCC Intemational Inc., 2081 Dailey Ln., Supanor CO 80027
If yrou have any Questions or comments, p"e call me at (949) 212-4204-
Thenk you for your assistance.
SENT BY: LCCI; 2084450485; MAR-7-01 12:18PM; PAGE 2;4
~ s4{ull!.~?C'.
10070 W. 27"' Avenue
Wheat Rfdge, CO 80215
Prepared for:
Clty of Wheat Ridge
Planning Department
Prepared by:
Contact; Suzanne Buckmelter, Planning Consultant
(949) 212-4204
2084450485; MAR-7-01 12:18PM; PAGE 3/4
Background Information - XM Radio
XM Satellite Radio is the next generation of rddio service. XM Satellite Radio obtained
one of [wo Sateilite Direct Audio Radio Service (SDARS) licenses in October of 1997.
XM will launch two satellites that will be located in geostationary orbit above North
America. These satellites will beam in radio signal to specially designed receivers in
cars, semis, In homes, on cruise ships and airplanes, and in other listening
environments. Future radios will be able to receive XM in addition to traditional AM and
FM bands. In fact, some models of new cars in 2001 will come equlpped with a radio
capable of receiving XM Satellite Radio.
XM is different From traditional radio service in that the subscriber will be able to receive
up to 100 digital-quality channels of music, talk, educational, sports, and other
programming without stadc. In addition, a listener will be able to tune in to the same
station(s) from coast to coast. Some channels will be commercial free while others will
have advertising sponsOrs. Increased choice will enable subscribers to Ilsten to
alternative formats that rypically have little airplay despite h+9h album sales volumes
(such as reggae and blues, among others).
XMSR uses a frequency in the 2.3 Gigahertz pordon of the spectrum. Typically, a radio
will be able to receive signal directly from the satellite. However, various topographic
and man-made obstructions (such as tall buildings) will impede the signal in certain
areas. Thus, XMSR requires satellite earth station "terrestrial repeater" facilities that
receive the radio signal from the geosWtionary satellite via a smali satellite dish,
enhance the signal in the radio equipment, and then re-transmit the signal through
either an omnidirectional antenna or a few small panel antennas. On this particular
site, One Omni antenna will be utilized.
Site Characteristics
The subject property is developed with a smatl strip center along with an existing 155'
lattice tower along with associated equipment that is lotated behind the strip center.
The subject ProPefi' is zoned C-1.
Antenoa and Equipment Configuration
The proposed omnl antenna (70" tall, 2.25" diameter) will be mounted at the 110' level
on the existing tower (the centerlfne will be approximately 1131. The proposed
antenna will not exceed the existing tower height. Because the antenna is so smail in
comparison to the tower, It is unlikely to be readilv noticeable.
The proposed satellite dish antenna (26„ in diameter) will be mounted on the exiscin9
tower at a centerline of 40'. The associated radio equipment cabinet will be located on
the ground near the base of the tower Inside an existing fenced area. In;yaclw
2084450485; MAA-7-01 12:19PM; PAGE 414
Zoning Cons[stency - City of Wheat Ridge Zoeing Code
Section 26-616 of the newly-adopted code provides for sateliite earth stations in
commercial zones as a respon on of theCFCC'sdcode includes SDARS (of pwl~ich SXM
satelUte earth stations. This po
Satellite Radio is one of the two licensees). Pursuant t0 the City's code, height fs
limited to that of the zone when satellite earth stations are roof-mounted. The this proposed XMSR facility will not be roof-mounted and is therefo~o,e~ issnot ubjectbjtoect to the regulation. Given the C~ty.s ~ode'i ~ subject to,b ding depart ent review to ensure,
any type of zoning pe
among other things, that the tower Is structurally capable of handling the new
Planning Approval
The descriptlon of proposed construction has been furnished by the applicant, l
Intemational. The official whose signature appears below dces not warrant that any of
the above descriptlons are true.
Provided that the above descriPtions are true, the proposed installation does not require
any zoning/planning permit5 based on the City's zoning code•
This statement dces not grant ihe applicant the right to start construction activities. All
proposed construction is subject to review and approva~~han cal,u and electr al
prepared in dccorddnce wlth all applicable building,
regulacions of The City of Wheat Ridge (including~n ~al all lexistingsanddproposed
authorization), along with certiflcation by the appl''
facilities will comply Wr th these regulationspwpl l*r of `foti"
pYo~ aV1 twe,r ouoner
Approved bY: '
pate: VQ
HP OfficeJet
Personal Printer/Fax/Copier
Fu Log Report for
303 235 2857
Maz-07-01 04:45 PM
esult a es Tce Date Time
Duretion Diagnoslic
OK 03 Sent Maz-07 04:43P
00:01:46 002586030022
~f F;,"'Idge
7500 West 29rh Avenue
Parks & Recreation:
Public Works
DATE 37/01
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
Phone # (303) 235-2846
Phone # (303) 235-2877
Phone # (303) 235-2861
Phone # (303) 235-2857
Name: ~~hhe ~~-yvle~~f
Orgnnization: 44~~C- _
A~~ 4l
Dept: PlanningX Parks & Recreation ❑ Public Works a
Subject: x/4 6@d io
# of Pages: (Including cover paae) 15
Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes ;,<-No
The City of
Suzanne Buckmelter
LCC International
7925 Jones Branch Drive
McLean VA 22102
RE: Site # DEN 008.A
I am returning the information for the XM Satellite Radio equipment co-locate 10070 W. 27'h Avenue
in Wheat Ridge CO (site # DEN 008.A). Should you decide to continue with the application process,
please resubmit all pertinent documentation to the City of Wheat Ridge. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me.
Thank Y ,
Travis . Crane, Planner
City of Wheat Ridge Colorado
(303) 235-2849 voice
(303) 235-2857 fax
cc: File
(303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949
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