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10200 W. 38th Avenue
2. Order (May 1997) for payment of $18,900 fine for 378 property violations at the Herr Estate - WR Municipal Court re WR vs. Jacob Frederick Herr; Summons No. C97-1 3. May 1999 Memo from Curt Matuna to Marti Reed re Herr Estate documents 4. June 1999 Ltr to G. Raymond Goodwin, Deputy Public Administrator from Gary Wardle, Wheat Ridge Director of Parks & Recreation re the City's interest in purchase the Herr Property at 10200 W. 38 th Ave. 5. October 2002 Memo to Mayor & Council from City Attorney Dahl regarding notices and orders served on personal rep for the Herr Estate, concerning code violations i. November 2002 Ltr to Jennifer Raleigh (should be "Rowley") at Watrous Ehlers Meile & Goodwin law office (Littleton) re code violations and actions required. 7. December 2002 request for council action for demoon of structures at 10200 W. 38 Avenue - Herr property; legal research regarding recovery of costs. 8. December 23, 2002 Petition to Jefferson County District Court requesting Order to repair real property of the Herr Estate and motion for hearing, ?a ## 1 - - * I JIM Jennifer Raleigh C/o Law F 7472 S . Shafer Lane. Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80 127 � y< \� \�\ AO RIE: Phone conversation on November 14,2002 regarding 10200 W 38 Ave Wheat Pidge, CO 80033 '17his letter is a follow up to our telephone « ©, on November 14, 2002. Per cone you were informed there are three issues need to ing be addressed along with a line to c ver omplete these issues. The issues and time lines are as follows, A I'M RON M § 11T Ili 'Iffill I �MMEMM= Pagt 1, 10200 W 38 90 *d 00: T T Z007- 6 3 9 � 8zS2ziO9:XPj Md8 9NINNS d PaP 2, 10200 W 3e AV If you feel any of the above referenced dates cannot be met, and all of the compliance issues noted for the house cannot be completed by the dates indicated, a demolition permit for all structures on the site shall be secured no later than December 6, 2002 with work being completed on or before January 6, 2003. Failure to meet any of the dates indicated will result in the city securing a demolition contractor to abate the violations, with all costs and administrative fees being assessed to the owner or designated representative and/or property of record. Should you have any questions regarding these issues please contact me at 303-235-2853 Cc address file / Alan White, Planning and Development Director Randy Young, City Manager Jack Chism, Police Patrol Nick Fisher., APCO )0 *A 00: T T ZOOZ 6 Oacl �-SKS2Z9-02:xpj Md S 9NINNH'ld RE: Phone conversation on November 14,2002 regarding 10200 W 38 Avo Wheat Ridge CO $0033 This, letter is it follow up to our telephone conversation on November 14, 2002. Per our conversation !, were informed there am three issues needin ' A to 4.• e line to complete These issues. The issues and time lines = as follows, M� M� 'r� W I Ne I - I MW W 39' Avc A 0 * e #6T.T ZS:OTIST/TT - WWN ZZZS0..eMEM6 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 9. 2002) TITLE. DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES AT 10200 W. 38""' AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING (Date: BIDS/MOTIONS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING EJ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: El E Yes No Planninc and Development Director CitvMlan, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval of a motion to demolish structures at 10200 W ' Avenue fora cost not to exceed $10,000.00 ard further to amend the 2002 Budget to transfer funds from the fund balance in the amount of $10,000.00 to the appropriate line item account, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A notice and order to repair and/or demolish the structures at 10200 W. 38 Avenue was provided on October 7, 2002, with a date of November 20, 2002 for obtaining permits to repair the main structure and a date of December 6, 002 fear obtaining a demolition permit for the garage, Both of these deadlines have passed with no action by the owner's representative, Pursuant to the order. the City is proceeding with securme a contractor to demolish the structures. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Due to requested budget cuts, all ordinance enforcement funds were deleted from the Planning and Z7 Development Department Budget. The action wou, reduce the General Fund fund balance a maximum amount of $ 1 0,000DO COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATIQN larzong "WINL40 The property at 10200 W, 3 81h Avenue has been the subject of numerous code complaints over the years. The structures have been vacant for the past two years, with the main structure being boarded up by order of the City. The property has continued to deteriorate to the point where it is now a health and safety 1997 ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS St ` JNGS «, Chapter SECTION • 1 ACCOUNT OF OF REPORT • ' #' • i SPECIAL • *ia • The validity of any assessment made under the provisions of this chapter shall not be contested in any action or proceeding unless the same is commenced within 30 days after the assessment is placed upon the assessment roll as provided herein. Any appeal from a final judgment in such action or proceeding must be per- fected within 30 dabs after the entry of such judgment. SECTION *r. O* AND TAX COLLECTOR: Ar • OF s TAX BILL Qj M jurisdiction, who shall add the amount of the assessment to the next regular tax bill levied against the parcel for municipal pur- poses. COUNTY AUDITOR and collect taxes for this jurisdiction, a certified copy of the gust 10th. The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those the current year. 1997 ABATFMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS DEMOLITION FUND • I pair and demolition fund. In 1609 1612 tor of this jurisdiction, who shall add the amount of the assessment to the next regular tax bill levied against the parcel for municipal purposes. COUNTY AUDITOR i 1 51mys'"balm Xvidwagnmin I x!: »« 4 «> HOUSING CODE DEMOLITION FUND 011 1 and demolition fund. EN 7 From: Marti Reed To: Gerald E. Dahl Date- 8122/02 12:03PM Subject: City of Wheat Ridge - Estate of Wilma Herr Witma e IF this is the right onle, " Wilma H H� r died in 1994. The estate was (and is being) probated in Jefferson County, Case N �)L4PR 969 . This is a very unusual, mixed up, estate, The estate was originally filed intestate, formal proceedings, At some point a Will was admitted. The estate was closed. The estate was then re-opened. pill 11 � 11 pi Carol Welch - 3451 W. 68th, Denver CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number • her computer. I left a message for Chief Jack Hurst (on his voice mail) advising him of the above, Again - I can only assume that this is the same Wilma Herr. Marti Reed MOM comp r is connected. L E. Dahl - 6T$601 LDOC SUBJECT: ESTATE OF WILMA Y. HERR City of Wheat Ridge, #53027 I have reviewed the copies of recorded documents. The fo are showing: ............. and Deborah D. Moss as co-Personal Representatives was also recorded 4/17/95, The Court has advised me that the estate was closed (according to the computer) on 12/16/96. Yet, there is a certified Letters of Administration, appointing G. Raymond Goodwin, Deputy Public Administrator for Jefferson County on 10/18195 that was certified on 04/21/97 as being in full force and effect as of that date - and the Letters were recorded on 04128/97. By all rights, the estate should not have been allowed to close [especially in form supervised administration] while there was any property remaining untransferred] Curt — I mU have to be at Jeffco next week, All depends on the luck of the draw, I have a Jury Summons, but I'm supposed to call them Monday night to see need to report on Tuesday am. Heavon only knows they aren't likely to chose me (two strikes, I work for a law firm and I'm married to a cop!) — but if I have to go, I could pull the file and see what I can find that might make sense. May-28-99 10:36A DEVREVFAX G. Raymond Goodwin Det)ut% Pu • 303 235 2857 P-02 The City of Wheat Ridge City Council has authorized tl ie OIPrOPertY ro — c — ated at 10200 W. 38' Ave. Attached is tic City Resolution No Thctitle documents indicate that you are the administrator of th,: property, Please sign this letter and return authorizi , * , PIirWV_k*I - • Thank for your assistance in this matter. 9= 1, (3. Raymond Goodwin, Deputy Public Administrator k- - Jefferson County, as successor personal representative in the estate of Wilma Y. Herr, Dc ceased, subject to administration under the Colorado Probate Code, Case No. 94PR969 authorize - ,he City oof Wheat Ridge and their authorized contractors to enter upon the property and into the buildings located at 10200 W 38' Ave. for the Purpose of competing a survey and phase I er vironmental assessment. M_MMMMMMMM EOMEEMMM 7500 West 29" Avenue Planning: Parks & Recreation: Public Works: Fax: Z _J��� a (/ Original to follow in the mail 13 Yes • 05/28/99 FRI 11:55 [TX/R NO 65431 TO: Curt Matuna FROM: Marti Reed DATE: May 21, 1999 SUBJECT: ESTATE OF WILMA Y. HERR City of Wheat Ridge, #53027 I have reviewed the copies of recorded documents. The following are what the records are showing: Wilma Y, Herr obtained the property by Warranty Deed recorded 10/14/77, 11 11ll qjjR3]F0qT . M 11 W K 11 Ill: The estate was opened formal intestate with supervised administration. An Order of Intestacy, Determination of Heirs and Formal Appointment of Personal Representatives was dated 11/29/94, nunc pro tune 11 / 16/94. That Order was recorded on 4/17/95. The certified Letters of Administration appointing Carole Joan Welsh, J. Frederick Herr and Deborah D. Moss as co-Personal Representatives was also recorded 4/17/95. Now this is where it starts to get confusing. 11111 i ollIll I 1 1 ill I I Mail 111! By all rights, the estate should not have been allowed to close [especially in formal, supervised administration] while there was any property remaining untransferred. Curt - I May have to be at Jeffco next week. All depends on the luck of the draw. I have a Jury Summons, but I'm supposed to call them Monday night to see if I need to report on Tuesday a.m. Heavon only knows they aren't likely to chose me (two strikes, I work for a law firm and I'm married to a cop!) - but if I have to go, I could pull the file and see what I can find that might make sense. I - U 19211 Date: 03-29-1999 Property Address: 10200 W. 38TH AVE. CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 7500 W, 29TIl AVE, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Attn: GARY WARDLE Phonc� 303-235-2876 Fax: 303-234-5924 Copies: I Sent Via Courier* Our Order Number: ABC671023 I I • # Date: 03-29-1999 Property Address: 10200 W 38TH AVE, Buyer/Borrower: A PURCHASER TO BE DETERMINED Our Order Number: ABC671023 Seller/Owner: G. RAYMOND GOODWIN, DEPUTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, AS SUCCESSOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE ESTATE OF WILMA Y. HERR, DECEASED, SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE COLORADO PROBATE CODE, CASE NO. 94PR969. If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY C111CAGO 'TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the prenriurns and charges therefor, all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Conurntment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the th of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. Issued bv- 'Xothori; or ent F, 2890 (1 I TIRB: 5-1-75 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALT A COMMITMENT Our Order No. ABC671023 Schedule A Cost. Ref.: Property Address: 10200 W 38TIl AVE, 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 EEZ= 9. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES, IF ANY, Our Order No. ABC671023 M SUMMONS NO. C97-1 101 2. The Court imposed a fine • $999 and 180 days jail • each • two convictions • Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Section 15-2 1 (1). The Court imposed a fine of $999 on each I the rempining three convictions of said code section. Such fines and jail are suspended on thl following conditions: a. No her similar violations for one year; Vii. , Property located at 9205 West 44' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, cleaned up in and brought into compliance by June 9, 1997; and, c. Payment in full of fine and costs. DONE AND SIGNED this 12' day of May, 1997, MUNICIPAL COURT, C OF WHEAT GE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO M ORDER THIS COURT hereby reduces to writing the Judgment and Order entered May 9, ISPnst the above-named Defendant as follows- 1. The Court imposed a fine of $18,900 for 378 violations of Wheat Ridge Mum al •t "' Sectitcv 20 x none M which i susnended. M fine. ! e in costs. for a total of r s 11TWEIRM Clwk of the Municival Caiwt GORSUCHKIRGIS LL.C. ATTORNEys AT LAW SUITE 1100 1401 SEVENTEFNTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 TELEPHONE (303) 299-8900 FAX (303) 298-0215 10pfft"t 31*4 Ms. Joan Fitz-Gerald Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 A' gr MAILINo ADDRESS P.O ox 17180 DENVER, COLORADO 80217-0180 InavaihISULV 11guo im 1=11L.41 * go] THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, vs. JACOB FREDRICK HERR, Defendant. SUMMONS NO. C97-1 THIS COURT hereby reduces to writing the Judgment and Order entered May 9, I*Vnst the above-named Defendant as follows: 1. The Court imposed a fine of $18,900 for 378 violations of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Section 20-24(7), none of which is suspended. Said fine, plus $218 in costs, for a total of $19,118, is due and owing. RECEPTION NO. F029109e 6.00 Pe 1--001 744 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 8/26/96 7:30:00 CERTIFICATION Certification Step or Certified to be a true copy of the original in my custody and to be in fall force and ett'ect as ot'° Cate I (Deputy) Clerk of Court MAY, - 20'99(THU) 08:43 LAND - TITLE COMMRCL TEL:303 399 3796 Pt 001 From. Chruty B rown Directpbone: .303-331-6267 Far 303-399-3796 Number ofpages, including cover.- .... .... . . rvA1fffm!jLUU(r-,#m, I U=9 0 . 08:43 LAND TITLE COMMRCL TEL:303 399 3796 P. 002 13 POW" I Trao � A f ORT04 alamo zXmM tto i4at 26,)$ reet tborftf. ar ther with the Xorth * of vdOfkt W*fft 3 'FISOP Gd uent t* Tft*t A. Aloo kftown Itp imd numbored; 10200 W4 3ffth Avcnu3 MAY. — 20'99(THU) 08:44 LAND TITLE COMMUL TE Lai 03 399 3796 P, 993 MR-2 08:44 m�.. � IIIN III III III Illl��ul JEFFERS C OLORA DO 1 ! gm a t k w d + t • i� se mw + rx r 4 ® ♦ x i b a if k e fs Y ww It » 1 ! gm MAY. - 20'99(THU) 08:44 LAND TITLE COMMRCL TEL:303 399 3796 P, 005 MN MAM I ftlafMwl 2 1 1#101; R Afm! % *80226 and 9622 co o D, St At. 2 r Wi gg i ns, Co 80654, respectively 0 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 15140 2/18/03 PropertyOwner: RAYMONDGOODWIN Property Address : 10200 W. 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : 21539 Company : C. NELSON HOMES INC Phone : Phone : 271-0789 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements sho , and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditi rinted on this application, and that I assume full responsibility fo orr~Fance w' e Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe gerdinanc , r work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED N JC/^ !~5/'~"" DATB:~ _aJ ` Description : DEMO EXISTING HOUSE Construction Value : Permit Fee : $50.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $50.00 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Comments;; Approval : Zoning : B,uilding Comments,^; Approval : OKIDM Approval: Occupancy: Walls SIC : Sq. Ft. : OK PENDING ASBESTOS REMOVED TO BE COMPLETED IN 30 DAYS. Roof Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heat Ridge,Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of ihe City. - (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis permif expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or wili be made in the originai plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall 6e done lhaf will change lhe natural flow of water causin9 a drainage pro6lem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in atlvance for ail inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection wrd before proceediing wiasuccessive phases of the job. (6) The issuance~ofp per it o approval of drawings and specifcalions shail not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of the pmvisions of the bw es or any other ordinance, law, mle or regulation. - ~ Chief Building Insp' ctor COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTll1ENT BuIlding Pemut Number. `j%'yO OF WHEAJ ; q BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: J ~ m CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Z/ 471d3 7500 WEST 29TH AVENCTE WHEAT RIDGE> C( C~CORAO~ f Properiy Owner: 1 Properiy Address: /L,72 O0 Contractor License No.: Z/ 180215 - (3,y0H3-2H3p5-p2555)~dd'3~p ~3i"~"iflO~7~ 4V KoDo~1/1~1 C~ -1h Phone Phone:'~a,3' 2 OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pennit applicatlon are accumte, and do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regularions of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easementc orresh-icfions ofrecord; that all measurements shotw, and allegations made aze accwate; that I fiave read and agree to abide by all condiHons printed on this applicallon and that I assume full responsibility for compliar.ce with e eAt Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all other applicable )Yheat Ridge Ordin e or work under this pettnit r(OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR):SIGNED . DAV-1--f"G DESCRIPTION: ° Construction Value:$ S~oo Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ BUII,DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONING COMMENTS: - Approval: Zoning: BUILDINGCOMMENTS:C)-~ ^ "fls Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS. Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Elechical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expirarion Date: Expuarion Date: Expuation Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pemut was ismed in acwrda¢ce with Ihe provisioas set foxth in your appGcafion and is subject to We laws of the Smte of Colorndo and W the Zonmg Regulafions andBuilding Codes of Wheat Ridge, Coloado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) T6is pemiit shall expire if (A) fhe work authonzed is not commenced within s&ty (60) days Eom issue dah or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. ' (3) Iftitispelmitexpiru,anewpermitmaybeacquired£orafeeofone-halftheamountnocmallyrequired,providednocLaugeshavebeenorvrillbemadein theoriginalplaosa¢dspeci5cafionsa¢danysuspensionorabandoarnenthunotexceededone(l)year. Ifchanguhavebee¢orifsuspeasionorabandonment eacceeds one (1) yeaz, full fea shall be paid For a new pe*mit (4) No woik of any mauner shall be done that witl change the naNml flow of wahr causing a dreinage problem. (5) Couhactorshall notifytheBuilding7nspecWrtwenty-four(24)houtsinadvanceforall inspectioncandshallreceivewrittenapprovalo¢inspecaoncardbefore pmceeding with successive phases afthejob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and speci5cafiovs shall not be constrned to be a pe¢nit for, nor an approval of, any violation oFthe provisions of 4e building codes or any oNer ordinauce, law, iuLe or regulafion. Chi uilc' Inspector YEO UO VJ lUeFltl LE1C D• VdUV~ JI ENVIRON1biENTAL PRCIFESSIONAL SERVICES, I.LC P.O. Sox 1288, Morrisoo, Colorado 80465, (303) 697-1446, FAX (303) 697-8930 PROPOSAL February 6, 2003 Clay Nelsort Golden Development P.O. Box 244 Golden, Colorado 80402 Mc Clay Nelson, Re: Asbes[os Abatement at 10200 W. 38'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colondo Environmenbl Professional Services, LLC (EPS) is pleased to submit this proposat for the asbestos abatement at the abnve referenced property. We will furnish labor, materials, disposai and wmpleu documenhetion to comp)ete fhe work as foilows: • Removal of appmximazely 1,633 SF asbestos Trensite siding on the outside of We above referenced house. This project requims a permit from the State Health Department aud will require 10 working days before wrnk can proceed. . All work w71 be done in strict compliance with atl Federai, State and Local regutations and guidelines. Work will be completed witliin 2 working days. . The price to complete ihe above project will be: $1,900.00 ADDEDUM• • Removal of approximately 1,633 SF of sreel siding from the outside of the above referenced house. -5--~~ Tpe price to complete the above prqect will be: '570689-,~0~(/~ TOTLE YRICE FOR Eo77i PROJECT5: Any alterations or deviazions from the above scope of work.invoWing extra cos4s will be executed only upon written orders and will become,an,extrn charge over and above the iniTial project cost. ~ Respec[fully submitted " Dale Gibbs : Wemaywithdiawthispropomlif'rotaaep[ed ' m30daysRttinwiarfurtalwrandmarerialsshallbesartmwHiJY.uNess othe'wiu ageed upon by the partia. All invoi sh 1 be due and payable upon completiao, or, teccipt. lf any invoices aze notpaid aembdaetm (10)daysaftuieceipi,the n1 unpaidbalmiczoftheimacc5ha111hpeaRerMarinterestatthetateof18 perccnt pv ennum until paid. IfEnvironmental fessioral $ervias, LLC is mquired W instionc Iegal acuoo ro oollctt any pan Cw invoice, ii is agrecd tlatEnvimnmerta( Professionel Smica, LLC shall be enlitkd ro 214 coscofwlkdions, to inctude wun catts antl rCatunablc attomty fas- ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above pricing, scope g~ork ondifions e~factory and are hereby accepted. You are autlmrized m do the yigd~Eas s ed Pa ygi~be made as outlined above_ 02 ~f~ -O WATktfliJS EHI.ERS MIELKE & GL30DWIN, I.LP ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELLORS AT LAW KEN CAi2YL S7ARFt CENTSiE 7472 SOUTN S#iAFFER LANE. SUOTE 100 LI7TLETON, COLORADO 80127-7403 G. Baymond Goodwin Telephone: (303) 332-1222 ext. 112 goodwin@wemglaw.com Facsimile: (303) 376-3540 February 12, 2003 City rsf Wheat Ridge Re: 10200 West 38th Avenue To Whom it May Cancern: i am the personal representative of the Wilma Y. xerr estate. As the owner o€ the real property, I have granted Clay B. Nelson, a contractor, permission to obtain a permit for demolition of the house. Zf you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. MIEI,KE & GOODWIN, LLP Goodcain GRG/lml , JEFFEF.'SUhd COURT Fax:303-271-6271 Feb 3 2003 14:56 F'.G1 ~ U DISTFtICT COURT JEFFfiRSON COTINTX, COLORP.DO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, ColoYado 80401 1N T'FIE DSATT'E1Z OF THE ESTATE OF: ~ Wilma Y. Herr Deceased. ~ A COURT USB-0h'LY A CaseNumber:1994 :PR. ?69 Division:.4 Coumoom:... OADER GRANTSNG PEESO??AL REPRESNNTATnli DE°3d239S01T T,0 :2?dCTJR ' EBPENSES TO AEMOLISfl TAE Hou5E ANn GARAGE LOCATED AT 10200 F7E5T 38TH AVENUE THIS MATTER COME ON the Petition by the Personal Represen- tative to comply with the demolition order served by the City of Wheat Ridge Colorado regarding the seal property located at 10200 west 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. After reviewing the Petition and the Notice filed by the Personal Representative, Chis couzt grants the Personal Represen- tative permission to arrange Eor and pay estate expenses for thu demolition of the garage and house located on the propezty. DONE THIS day of 2003, ~ DSSTRTCT COURT GE CounSel is arde,-ed to maiE copies o~ this documeiit 80 cAEl o2hof Farties ef gecord u; theis Gauaisei w;YhFn 48 hours o`r rece;c: Fnd ffu;nssii to ihe Cour~, a Ceriifica?a cr mailing wdfihin one woek. DISTRICT COURT JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Wilma Y. Herr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A Attorney: G. Raymond Goodwin CaseNumber: 1994 PR 969 69ATROUS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP 7472 South Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 _ Littleton, Colorado 80127-7403 Telephone: (303) 932-1222 ext. 112 Division: 10 Courtroom: Facsimile: (303) 932-8222 E-mail: goodwin@wemglaw.com A .Re 14617 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned do hereby certify that on this -3/~~day of February, 2003, I have delivered a true and correct copy of the ORDER GRANTING PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE PERMISSION TO INCUR EXPENSES TO DEMOLLISH THE HOUSE AND GARAGE LOCATED AT 10200 WEST 38TH AVENUE dated Eebruary 3, 2003 by depositing the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Robert L. Sagrillo Darren Fight Todd E. Kastetter c/o Carole Joan Welch SAGRSLLO, HAMMOND & DINEEN LLC Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive 1330 17th Street, Suite 100 Inverness, Florida 34450 Denver, Colorado 80202 Clifford Crawford Charles Crawford c/o Deborah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggins, Colorado 80654 Deborah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggina, Colorado 80654 Shelly Biemel Enochian M. Sandra Biemel c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Brandon Biemel Shawna Biemel Loring c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Donald Robers 16880 W. 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 Jake Herr 16890 West 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 David C. Japha ZAPILER, FERRIS 2345 7th Street Denver, Colcrado & RHODES, LLC 80211 City of Wheat Ridge c/o Gerald E. Dahl GORSUCH KIRGIS, LLP 1515 Arapahoe Street, Tower 1, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80202 ~ Estate of Wilma Y. Herr 2- . Case No. 1994 PR 969 L) JAN 1 4 2003 DISTRICT COURT JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Wilma Y. IIerr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A Attomey: G. Raymond Goodwin Case Number: 1994 PR 969 WATROUS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP 7472 South Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 T•ittleton, Colorado 80127-7403 TPlephone: (303) 932-1222 ext. 112 Division: 4 Coumoom: Facsimile: (303) 932-8222 E-mail: goodwin@wemglaw.com A .Re 14617 NOTICPs OF CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVITS AND REQUEST FOR ORDER ALLOWING DEMOLITION OF HOIISE AND GARAG$ LOCATfiD AT 10200 WEST 38TH COMES NOW the Personal Representative, by and through his attorneys of record WATROIIS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN;-LLP, to in- form the court of inspections made.by-two inflependent contrac- tors, and states as follows: 1. On December 23, 2002, the Personal Representative in- formed the court that the City of Wheat Ridge had issued an order of demolition for the house and garage located at 10200 West 38th Avenue, Wlieat Ridge, Colorado. 2. Before conducting-an on-site inspection at the property, the Personal Representative hoped that fixing up the property would be cost justifiable as opposed to demolishing the struc- tures. 3. The real property located at 10200 West 38th Avenue is in a commercial area, however, a prospective buyer previously stated that the area was in a flood plain. That same prospective buyer offered to purchase the house, garage and real property for $50;000.00, "as is". Based.on ihformation and belief, the Per- sonal Represeiitative'believes the:va3ue:of the real property, without the structures exceeds $1'00,000.:_ 4. Some personal property is located in the house and garage, but little,if any of the personal property has value. 5. According to the affidavits signed by Gino Brandt and Clay B. Nelson (atkached to this Notice) With construction experience, both the house and garage should be demolished. 6. From an inspection on the outside, the roof was worn and the chimney appeared unstable. The foundation wall supporting the house was leaning into the crawl space supporting the house. Many structural cracks and slanting of the floor make the house uninhabitable. Finally, the presence of asbestos in the siding and possibly in the ceiling increases the possible liability if remediation is not completed as required by law. 7. If the Personal Representative delays in either restor- ing the house or in an attempt to demolish the structures, the City of Wheat Ridge has informed the Personal Representative that it will proceed with demolition. B. Depending upon the outcome in the hearing set for February of 2003, this property may be subject to a specific bequest. WIiEREFORE, the Personal Representative requests that this Court enter an order allowing the Personal Representative to arrange for demolition of the house and garage on the real pro- perty located at 10200 West 38th Avenue, and for such other re- lief that this Court deems necessary. Dated this JIX-~day of January, 2003, Respectfu;4y submitted, MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP G. ~ymon~oodwin, Reg. No. 14617 Att neys for Personal Representative Estate of Wilma Y. Herr -2- Case No. 1994 PR 969 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned do hereby certify that on this J_~4-,-daY of January, 2003, I have delivered a true and correct copy of the NOTICE OF CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVITS REQUEST FOR ORDER ALLOWING DEMOLITION OF HOUSE AND GARAGE LOCATED AT 10200 WEST 38TH by depositing the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Robert L. Sagrillo Todd E. Kastetter SAGRILLO, HAMMOND & DINEEN LLC 1330 17th Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80202 Clifford Crawford Charles Crawford c/o Deborah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggins, Colorado 80654 DeboYah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggins, Colorado 80654 Darren Fight c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Donald Robers 16880 W. 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 Jake Herr 16890 West 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 David C. Japha ZAPILER, FERRIS & RHODES, LLC 2345 7th Street Denver, Colorado 80211 City of Wheat Ridge c/o Gerald E. Dahl GORSUCH KIRGIS, LLP. 1515 Arapahoe Street, Tower 1, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80202 Shelly Biemel Enochian M. Sandra Biemel c/o Carole Joan Welcz Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Brandon Biemel Shawna Biemel Loring c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 r Estate of Wilma Y. Hert -3- . Case No. 1994 PR 969 DISTRICT COURT JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Wilma Y. Herr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A CaseNuxnber: 1994 PR 969 Division: 4 Courtroom: ORDER GRANTING PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE PERMISSION TO INCUR E%PENSES TO DEMQLISH THE HOIISE AND GARAGE LOCATED AT 10200 WEST 38TH AVENUE THIS MATTER COME ON the Petition by the Personal Represen- tative to comply with the demolition order served by the City of Wheat Ridge Colorado regarding the real property located at 10200 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. After.reviewing the Petition and the Notice filed by the Personal Representative, this court grants the Personal Represen- tative permission to arrange for and pay estate expenses for the demolition of the garage and house located on the property. DONE THIS day of January, 2003, DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT COURT JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MAT'I`ER OF THE ESTATE OF: Wilma Y. Herr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A Attomey: G. Raymond Goodwin CaseNumber: 1994 PR 969 WATROUS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP 7472 South Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littl-eton, Colorado 80127-7403 Teleghone: (303) 932-1222 ext. 112 Divis:on: 4 Courti-oom: Facsimile: (303) 932-8222 E-mail: goodwin@wemglaw.com A .Re 14617 AFFIDAVIT OF CLAY B. NELSON REGARDING 10200 WEST 38TH AVENIIE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I, Clay B. Nelson, being duly sworn, state as follows: 1. I am a licensed contractor with the City and County of Denver and I have been working in construction since 1979. 2. I first visited the property at 10200 West 38th Avenue in 1994. On January 6, 2003, I conducted an inspection of the home and garage and I have viewed the inside of the home, includ- ing an inspection of the crawl space and attic. 3. In my opinion, the home and garage are not suitable for restoration and I recommend that the structures be demolished. I do not believe the home and its foundation would be issued a cer- tificate of occupancy by the City of Wheat Ridge. The foundation that the home rests upon is caving inwards and needs substantial work to strengthen the foundation walls. The interior structure of the house is cracking and appears to be unstable. Underneath the aluminum siding, the house appears to have asbestos siding from the original construction. Without additional inspection the interior ceiling may also need to be removed with care to as- bestos issues. I, Clay B. Nelson, being first duly sworn upon oath, declare and allege that I have read the foregoing, AFFIDAVIT OF CLAY B. NELSON REGARDING 10200 wEST 38TH AVENUE, know the contents therein, and the same is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ClaNelson G The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -~L day of January, 2003, by Clay B. Nelson, affiant. Witness my hand and official seal My Commission expires g to~F+~o ~ ~ OF cc E!`- Estate of Wilma Y. Herr - z' Case No. 1994 PR 969 DISTRICT COURT JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Court 100 Jefferson County Parkway Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Wilma Y. Aerr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A Attomey: G. Raymond Goodwin CaseNumber: 1994 PR 969 WATROUS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP 7472 South Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127-7403 Telephone: (303) .932-1222 ext. 112 Division: 4 Ceurtroom: Facsimile: (303) 932-8222 E-mail: goodwin@wemglaw.com A .Re 14617 AFFIDAVIT OF GINO BRANDT 10200 WEST 38TH AVENUE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I, Gino Brandt, being duly sworn, state as follows: 1. I am a resident of Lakewood, Colorado and I have been a licensed contractor with the City and County of Denver. My construction experience began in 1965 through the present. 2. I first visited the property at 10200 West 38th Avenue in late December 2002. On January 6, 2003, I conducted an on- site inspection of the house and garage, including an inspection of the interior of the house. 3. In my opinion, the house and garage are not suitable for restoration and I recommend that the structures be demolished. I do not believe the house and its foundation would be issued a certificate of occupancy by the City of Wheat Ridge. To obtain such a certificate, the house would need to be tied into the electrical, gas, water and sewer services. In addition, the foundation that the home rests upon is caving inwards and needs substantial work to strengthen the foundation walls. The in- terior structure of the house is cracking and appears to be unstable. Finally, asbestos may be present on siding of the house and in the interior of the house. Removal of asbestos will be an additional cost necessary for demolition. I, Gino Brandt, being first duly sworn upon oath, declare and allege that I have read the foregoing, AFFIDAVIT OF GINO BRANDT REGARDING 10200 WEST 38TH AVENUE, know the contents therein, and the same is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~ Gino Brandt ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of January, 2003, by Gino Brandt, affiant. Witness my hand and official se My Commission expires "~ollt06i1/IIiO/ -F~o~l''s,~,. : . - t, . 3~~ ) Estate of W ilma Y. Herr - z- . Case No. 1994 PR 969 r! 1' 3~' ,s • DISTRICT COURT ~ 3\ JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO \ Court 100 Sefferson County Parkway ~ ~ ` Address: Golden, Colorado 80401 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: i~ Wilma Y. Herr Deceased. A COURT USE ONLY A Attomey: G. Raymond Goodwin CaseNumber: 1994 PR 969 WATROUS EALERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP 7472 So uth Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton. Colorado 80127-7403 Telephone: (303) 932-1222 ext. 112 Division: 4 Courtroom: Facsimile: (303) 932-8222 E-mail: goodwin@wemglaw.com At . Re 14 617 PETITION FOR COIIRT ORDER TO REPAIR REAL PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE AND MOTION FOR FORTHWITH AEARING COMES NOW the G. Raymond Goodwin, Personal Representative, by and through his attorneys of record WATROUS EHLERS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP, to request that this court issue an order directing the personal representative as to the repair or demolition of real property owned by the estate and to set a forthwith hearing, and grounds therefore, states as follows: 1. The estate has been opened since 1994 upon the death of the decedent. A hearing to determine final probate of the will and distribution of the estate is set with this court on February 12, 2003. 2. The estate owns real estate located at 10200 West 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The property consists of two structures, an unattached garage and a two story residence. 3. The subject property was vacant when the personal representative was appointed as Deputy Public Administrator and in complete disrepair. Without knowing the final distribution date of the property and the proper beneficiary, the real property was boarded and sealed to preserve and lessen damage to the property. The outside property was cleaned from debris and all illegally automobiles parked on the property were removed in about 1997. 4. On September 26, 2002, the City of Wheat Ridge issuen a Notice and Order for the property to be brought into complianee with the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. A copy of the Notice and Order have been attached to this Petition. 5. On September 22, 2002, the personal representative be- came ill and.was unconscious until the middle of October. In November, the personal representative was released from the hospital and later in December after recuperating from his illness, he returned to work and met with representatives of the City of Wheat Ridge. 6. The cost to repair the residential structure is uncer- tain until an inspection of Y.he property can. be completed before the hearing. The unattached garage is in disrepair and most likely should be demolished. 7. Because of the previous notice, the City of Wheat Ridge has the immediate ability to demolish all structures on the property. 8. After meeting with the City of Wheat Ridge representa- tives, the city manager and legal counsel agreed to allow the estate to repair the property, if repair is cost effective. However, the City has directed the personal representative to receive Court direction on or before January 12, 2003. If court direction is not received before January 12th, the City of Wheat Ridge may demolish the real property structures without further notice. WHEREFORE, the personal representative requests that: a) this court allow the personal representative to present evidence and request court direction; b) this Court set a one hour hearing on or before January 12, 2003; and c) for such otrier direction as this Court deems necessary. Dated this 20')I~~ay of December, 2002, Respectfully submitted, WATROUS EFTLE'RS MIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP t-L'C CCQ. t~ G. Ra/ on Goodwin, Reg. No. 14617 Attortieys for G. Raymond Goodwin, Personal Representative Estate of Wilma Y. Herr - 2- Case No. 1994 PR 969 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned do hereby certify that on this ~~`"~2ay of December, 2002, I have delivered a true and correct copy of the PETITION FOR COURT ORDER TO REPAIR REAL PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE AND MOTION FOR FORTHWITH HEARING by depositing the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Robert L. Sagrillo Todd E. Kastetter SAGRILLO, HAMMOND & DINEEN LLC 1330 17th Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80202 Brandon Biemel Shawna Biemel Loring c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Zslanc: 507 Canaday DriVe Inverness, Florida 34450 Clifford Crawford Charles Crawford c/o Deborah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggins, Colorado 80654 Deborah D. Moss 9622 County Road D Star Route 2 Wiggins, Colorado 80654 Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 Donald Robers 16880 W. 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 Sake Herr 16890 West 14th Place Golden, Colorado 80401 Darren Fight J. Frederick Herr c/o Carole Joan Welch c/o David C. Japha Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive ZAPILER, FERRIS & RHODES, LLC Inverness, Florida 34450 2345 7th Street Denver, Colorado 80211 Shelly Biemel Enochian M. Sandra Biemel c/o Carole Joan Welch Gospel Island 507 Canaday Drive Inverness, Florida 34450 City of Wheat Ridge c/o Gerald E. Dahl GORSUCH KIRGIS, LLP 1515 Arapahoe Street, Suite 1000 De Estate of Wilma Y. Herr - 3- . Case No. 1994 PR 969 Tower 1, ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE AND ORDER Date: September 26, 2002 Location: 10200 W 38' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Orton Heights, Block 00A, Section 28, Township 3, Range 69 Record Owner: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127 The City of Wheat Ridge, acting by and through the undersigned authorized official, has determined that the sWcture(s) and/or property at the above-referenced location is in violation of the foflowing provisions of the following codes: UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1997 Edition ("UCADB") VIOLATIONS: Buiidina/Structure Apolicabie Code Section Condition(s) in violation Detached garage 302 (4-10,12, 13,17,18) Walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structural problems. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 13,17 Root is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 12, 13, 15, 17 Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. House 302 (12,13,15,18) Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged 9utters, disconnected gas and electric services. These conditions render the 6uilding(s) and/or structure(s) referenced above dangerous under the provisions of Section 202 of the UCADB. CNB\53027'422357 REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Buildina/Structure DetacHed Garage Buildina/Structure House Must be: ~ Demolished or ~ Repaired El Vacated by: _ Must be: ~ Demolished or ~ Repaired C] Vacated by: _ It the sVucture must be REPAIRED, you must secure ali required permits and commence the work: If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Withiri thirtv (30) davs from the date the permit was issued FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to commence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure(s) at issue, may appeal the terms of this Order concerning the above UCADB violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Building Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official wifhin thirty (30) days from the date ihis Notice was served on you. If this Notice was serveii on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall wnstitute a waiver of all right to an administretive hearing. UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1997 Edition ("UHC") VIOLATIONS: Buildinq/Structure Abplicable Code Section Detached garage 601.1, 1001.2 (13), 1001.311,4,5,6,1, 1001.4 Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.3 (4-6), 1001.4, 1001.8, 1001.10 Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.8, 1001.11 House 1001.2 (5113), 1001.4, 1001.8 Condition(s) in violation Walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structurai problems. Roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing' materials. Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. 8roken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, diseonnected gas and electric services. CNB153027\422357 These conditions render the building(s) andlor structure(s) referenced above substandard under the provisions of Section 202 of the UHC. REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Buiidinq/Structure Detached Garage Buildina/Structure House Must be: ~ Demolished or ❑ Repaired ❑ Vacated by: _ Must be: ■ Demolished or N Repaired 0 Vacated by: _ structure must be REPRIftED, you must secure all required. permits and commence the work; If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Within thirtv (30) davs from the date the permit was issued. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you faii to wmmence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record titie or legal interest in the structure(s) ai issue, may appeal the terms of this Order concerning the above UHC violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Buiiding Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official within thirty (30) days from the date this Notice was served on you. If this Notice was served on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of ali right to an administrative hearing. WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS ("WRMC") VIOLATIONS: BuildinqlStructure Fencing Site Applicable Code Section WRMC, Sec 26-603 WRMC, Sec. 15-15 (c) WRMC, Sec 26-502 (G) Condition(s) in violation Approximately 20 feet of fencing attached to southeast corner of garage exceeds allowable fence height of six feet. Un-maintained gravel access and drive to site/garage Un-maintained landscaping CNB\53027422357 ,-k REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Must be: El Demolished or Fencina and Site ❑ Repaired (SVucture/site/feature/etc.) ❑ Vacated ■ Other. Cut fencing down to a maximum height of 6-0" , Provide weeding, fertilizing, pruning and any other maintenance to limit weeds and overgrowth of the site. By the following date: Within thirtv (30) davs of the date of this order. FAILURE YO COMPLY: If you fail to perform any act required by this Order in the time indicated, the City may commence a civil action to declare and abate the violations enumerated herein and to obtain a court order to enter the property, abate the violations and wilect the costs of such abatement and such other costs and penalties as authorized by law. This civil action is in addition to any criminat proceeding the City may be authorized to commence. ISSUED 7500 W. 29"' Av u Wheat Ridge, C PH: (303) 235-2 ~ FX: (303) 235-2857 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Codes Administrator I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was mailed via United States certified mail, return receipt requested, this Z~ day of`~`o~- .2002, addressed as follows: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane. 5ui*a 100 Littleton, Colorado 8012 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was posted on the _ day of , 2002, at the following location: CNB4530271422357 Your f ling has been successfully submitted to CourtLink. Your fling information appears below. To print this information for your records, click anywhere on the filing information, then click the browser Print button. To pertorm another filing, click Begin a New Filing. To exit File & Serve, click Return [o File Room. CourtLink eFile Filing Receipt Filing ID: 1142754 Flled by: Goodwin, G Raymond Authorized by: Goodwin. G Raymond Watrous Ehlers Mielke & Goodwin LLP Watrous Ehlers Mielke & Goodwin LLP Filing Option: File Only Authorized: 12/23/200210:29 PM MT Court: CO Jefferson County District Court 'Ist JD Division/Courtroom: 10 - Division 10 Case Class: Probate Case Type: Intestate Formal Case Number: 1994PR969 Case Name: In the matter of: HERR, WILMA Y Filing Documents List Conversion Linked Filing DocumentTitle Document Main/Supporting Access Filing pages Original Status Docs Type . ID Type Fee File - Petition for Court Order to Repair Converted Motion Real Property of the E5t@te and 1211589 Main Public $0.00 7 MoUOnforForthwdh Hearing Biiling Reference: ~~s ~ . ~ View.All COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 14955 12/20/02 Property Owner: G. RAYMOND GOODWIN Property Address : 10200 W 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : 932-1222 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the sefback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printedon this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : DEMOLISH GARAGE (UNATTACHED) Construction Value : Permit Fee : $50.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : Total: $50.00 Use: , EM Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Ezpiration Date : Approval : (1) This permitwas issued in accordance with the provisions set foAh in yopurapplication and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regula[ions and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any otherapplicable ordinances of the City. - (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) if this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount nortnalty required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not ezceeded one (7) yeac If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. . (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change ihe naturel Flow of water wusing a drainage probiem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspectortwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. - (6) The'95Wnce of a p i[ orthe approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the mpc Sio is i ing codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buildin nspector oF WHEqT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Pemut Number: BiJILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ~ m CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~.Q~OftPp~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) ~~UCA-TION . Property Owner: Property Address: 10200 `6V• 3pft Phone : ContractorLicenseNo.: Whe&,4--t ~f,~,~ Company: '~r a.ECO Phone: OWNER/COPITRACTOR SIGNA'1'URE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT . IherebycertifythatihesetbackdistancesproposedbyUusperaritapplicarionazeaccumte, COriStCUCt10IIv31UC:$ anddonotviolateapplicableordinances,xulesorregu]atlonsoftheCiTyofWheatRidgeor pexmitFee:$ covenants, easetneats orreshiclions ofrecord; thatallmeasurements shown, and allegarions made aze accumte; that I have read and agee W ' e by all conditions printed on this Plan Review Fee:$ application md that I assume full responsibili or mpliance with the Wheat Ridge Use Tax:$ - Building Code (U.B.C) md all other ap ic 1 t Ridge Ordinances, for work under Uus peraut. 117 , Total:$ DESCRIPTION: -1)& lt 5~ h e- (It~et-*Q~") BUII,DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONING COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTS: ' Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Elechical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (I) Thispersnitwasissuedinaccordancewiththeprovisioassetforthinyourapplicationand'ssubjecttothe]awsoftheSiateofCo]oadoandtotheZOUing Regulafiovs md Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applica6le ordinaaces of the CiTy. (2) This pe:mit shall rxpue if(A) the work authorized is notcommeaced within sixTy (60) days from'ssue date or (B) the 6uild'mg auihorized is suspended or a6andoned for a period of 120 days. (3) IflLispelmiterzp'sw,anewpumitmaybeacquiredforafeeofone-halftheamountvolmallyreqvired,providednochangeshavebeeuorwillbemade in the origiuaf plans md spwi5caaons aud any suspeasion or a6andonment has ¢ot exceeded one (I) yeaz. If chauges have been or if suspension or a6andonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pemut (4) No work ofanymamer shall bc done that will change the naNral flow oFwater causmg a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall nofify the Build'mg Inspecror hvenry-fow (24) hours in advance for all iuspecfioas md shall recdve written appravel on inspection cazd before proceeding with successive phzses ofthe job. (6) TLe issuance of a pe:mit or ihe approval of drawi¢gs md specificatious shall notbe conswed W be a pexmit fo , aor an approval of, a¢y violatioa of the provisions of the biulding codes or any other ordinence, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector , 7500 West 29'h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Planning: Phone # (303) 235-2846 Building: Phone # (303) 235-2855 Engineering: Phone # (303) 235-2861 Fax Phone # (303) 235-2857 DATE o Z- Name: C Organization: Fax: Phone: From: ,-n Division: Subject: # of Pages: Comments• Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes No Planning ❑ 1 BuildingA Engineering ❑ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE AND ORDER Date: October 7, 2002 Location: 10200 W 38" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Orton Heights, Block OOA, Section 28, Township 3, Range 69 Record Owner: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127 The City of Wheat Ridge, acting by and through the undersigned authorized official, has determined that the structure(s) and/or property at the above-referenced location is in violation of the following provisions of the following codes: UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1997 Edition ("UCADB") VIOLATIONS: Buildinq/Structure Aqplicable Code Section Condition(s) in violation Detached garage 302 (4-10,12, 13,17,18) Walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structural problems. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 13,17 Roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 12, 13, 15, 17 Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. House 302 (12,13,15,18) Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, disconnected gas and electric services. These conditions render the building(s) and/or structure(s) referenced above dangerous under the provisions of Section 202 of the UCADB. CNB\53027W22357 REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Building/Structure Detached Garage Buildinq/Structure House Must be: 0 Demolished or F-1 Repaired E] Vacated by: _ Must be: ~ Demolished or ~ Repaired ~ Vacated by: _ If the structure must be REPAIRED, you must secure all required permits and commence the work: If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Within thirtv (30) davs from the date the permit was issued. FAILURE TO COMPLY: if you fail to commence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure(s) at issue, may appeai the terms of this Order concerning the above UCADB violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Building Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official within thirty (30) days from the date this Notice was served on you. if this Notice was served on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing. UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1997 Edition ("UHC") VIOLATIONS: Buildinq/Structure Aoplicable Code Section Detached garage 601.1, 1001.2 (13), 7001.3(1,4,5,6,), 1001.4 Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.3 14-6) 1001.4, 1001.8, 1001.10 Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.8, 1001.11 House 1001.2 (5,13), 1001.4, 1001.8 Condition(s) in violation Walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structural problems. Roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, disconnected gas and electric services. CNB\53027\422357 These conditions render the building(s) and/or structure(s) referenced above substandard under the provisions of Section 202 of the UHC. REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations Iisted above: Buildinq/Structure Detached Garage Buildinq/Structure House Must be: ~ Demolished or 0 Repaired ❑ Vacated by: _ Must be: ■ Demolished or N Repaired F-1 Vacated by: _ If the structure must be REPAIRED, you must secure all required permits and commence the work: If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Within thirtv 1301 davs from the date the permit was issued. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to commence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure(s) at issue, may appeal the terms of this Order concerning the above UHC violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Building Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official within thirty (30) days from the date this Notice was served on you. If this Notice was served on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing. WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS ("WRMC") VIOLATIONS: Buildinq/Structure Fencing Site Applicable Code Section WRMC, Sec 26-603 WRMC, Sec. 15-15 (c) WRMC, Sec 26-502 (G) Condition(s) in violation Approximately 20 feet of fencing attached to southeast corner of garage exceeds allowable fence height of six feet. Un-maintained gravel access and drive to site/garage Un-maintained landscaping CN8453027W22357 REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Must be: El Demolished or Fencinq and Site ❑ Repaired (Structure/site/feature/etc.) ❑ Vacated ■ Other: Cut fencing down to a maximum height of 6'-0" , Provide weeding, fertilizing, pruning and any other maintenance to limit weeds and overgrowth of the site. By the following date: Within thirtv (30) davs of the date of this order. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to perform any act required by this Order in the time indicated, the City may commence a civil action to declare and abate the violations enumerated herein and to obtain a court order to enter the property, abate the violations and collect the costs of such abatement and such other costs and penalties as authorized by law. This ciyil action is in addition to any criminal proceeding the City may be authorized to commence. ISSUED Darin Morgan, at Ridge Codes Administrator 7500 W. 29`" v nue Wheat Ridge O 80033-8001 PH: (303) 23 -2853 FX: (303) 235-2857 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was mailed via United States certified mail, return receipt requested, this day of 2002, addressed as follows: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Coloredo 80127 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was posted on the ~ day of ~i-Fo~cr , 2002, at the following location: /h21JO ~u CNB\53027W22357 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2855 Fax:303/235-2857 The City of Wheat 1?Idge November 14, 2002 Jennifer Raleigh C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shafer Lane. Suite 100 Littleton, CO 80127 RE: Phone conversation on November 14, 2002 regarding 10200 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Raleigh, This letter is a follow up to our telephone conversation on November 14, 2002. Per our conversation you were informed there are three issues needing to be addressed along with a time line to complete these issues. The issues and time lines are as follows, 1. Garage: Demolition permit must be issued no later than December 6, 2002, with demolition being completed on or before Januarv 6, 2003. 2. Fencing: Any fencing, which exceeds six feet in height, must be cut down so it does not exceed six feet in height, to be completed no later than December 20, 2002. 3. House: Building permit must be issued and work commenced no later than November 20, 2002, with work being completed on or before December 20, 2002. Below is a list of items required to bring the house into compliance, 1. Cover and secure all exposed windows. 2. Paint all exposed wood used to cover windows to match house base or trim color 3. Replace or install all missing and/or damaged siding. 4. Install permanent street address numbers. 5. Repair and clean all gutters and down spouts. 6. Repair and/or install the furnace and water heater and air test gasline so that gas service can be re-established. 7. Repair and/or replace electric service and any interior wiring so that electric service can be re-established. Page 1, 10200 W 38' Ave Page 2, 10200 W 38°i Ave If you feel any of the above referenced dates cannot be met, and all of the compliance issues noted for the house cannot be completed by the dates indicated, a demolition permit for all structures on the site sha11 be secured no later than December 6, 2002 with work being completed on or before January 6, 2003. Failure to meet any of the dates indicated will result in the city securing a demolition contractor to abate the violations, with all costs and administrative fees being assessed to the owner or designated representative and/or property of record. Should you have any questions regarding these issues please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, Darin Morg Codes Adm istratar Cc address file ✓ Alan White, Planning and Development Directar Randy Young, City Manager Jack Chism, Police Patrol Nick Fisher, APCO November 14, 2002 7ennifer Raleigh C!o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shafer T,aae. Suite 100 T,ittleton, CO $0127 RE: Y'hone conversation on November 14,2002 regarding 10200 W 38`h Ave'4X'heat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Rxleigh, This.letter is a£ollow up to our telephone conversation on November 14, 2002. Per our conversation you were informed there are three issues needing to be addressed along with a time line #o complete these issues. The issues and time lines are as £ollows, 1. Garage. 17emolition permit must be issued no later than Decem6er 6, 2002, with demolition being completed on or befowe Januarv 6, 2003_ 2. Feiucing: Any fencing, which exceeds six feet in height, must be cut.down so it does not exceed six feet in height, to be completed no later thxn December 20. 2002. 3_ House: Building permit must be issued and work commenced no later than November 20, 2002, with cvork being completed 4n or before becember 20. 2002. Below is a list of items required to bring the house into compliance, 1. Covex and secure all exposed windows. 2. Paint all exposed wood used to cover cvindows to match house base or trim color 3. Raplace or install all missing and/or damaged siding. 4. Tnstall permanent sireet address numbers. 5. Ttepair and clean all gutters and down spouts. 6. Repair and/or install the fumace and water heater and air test gasline so that gas service can be re-established. 7. Repair and/or replace electric service and any interior rwiring so that electric service can be re-established_ Page 1, 10200 W 38'" Ave N 0* L ,6L,t LS:OT`StilST ltiW~ION a7oN jinsa~j a6ed awtl jipjS apoW LS:OT ZOOZ SZ AoN >k>I< -~...iodaZ-1 -z~uoZ) 'a- iWsuIe.al zS8zSiL£0£: Xp~ zzzazi~Ko~6 uot4e3o-1 T 'd fId 'S 9NINNti~d CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE AND ORDER Date: September 26, 2002 Location: 10200 W 38' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Orton Heights, Block OOA, Section 28, Township 3, Range 69 Record Owner: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127 The City of Wheat Ridge, acting by and through the undersigned authorized official, has determined that the structure(s) and/or property at the above-referenced location is in violation of the following provisions of the following codes: UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1997 Edition ("UCADB") VIOLATIONS: Buildinq/Structure Applicable Code Section Condition(s) in violation Detached garage 302 14-10,12, 13,17,18) Walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structural problems. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 13,17 Roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. Detached garage 302 (4-9), 12, 13, 15, 17 Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. House 302 (12,13,15,18) Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, disconnected gas and electric services. These conditions render the building(s) andlor structure(s) referenced above dangerous under the provisions of Section 202 of the UCADB. CNB\53027W22357 REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Bulldinq/Structure Detached Garage Building/Structure House Must be: ~ Demolished or ~ Repaired E] Vacated by: _ Must be: ~ Demolished or ~ Repaired ~ Vacated by: _ If the structure must be REPAIRED, you must secure all required permits and commence the work: If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Within thirtv (30) davs from the date the permit was issued. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to commence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof againat the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure(s) at issue, may appeal the terms of this Order concerning the above UCADB violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Building Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official within thirty (30) days from the date this Notice was served on you. If this Notice was served on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing. UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1997 Edition ("UHC") VIOLATIONS: Build ing/Structu re Applicable Code Section Condition(s) in violation Detached garage 601.1, 1001.2 (13), Walls are wracked and 1001.3 (1,4,5,6j, 1001.4 leaning showing possible foundation and structural problems. Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.3 (4-6), Roof is in disrepair with 1001.4, 1001.8, 1001.10 missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. Detached garage 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.8, 1001.11 Peeling paint, no weather protection and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. House 1001.2 (5,13), 1001.4, 1001.8 Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, disconnected gas and electric services. CNB\53027\422357 These conditions render the building(s) and/or structure(s) referenced above substandard under the provisions of Section 202 of the UHC. REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Buildinq/Structure Detached Garage Buildinq/Structure House Must be: ~ Demolished or El Repaired ❑ Vacated by: _ Must be: ■ Demolished or N Repaired Vacated by: _ If the structure must be REPAIRED, you must secure all required permits and commence the work: If the structure must be DEMOLISHED, secure all required permits within sixty (60) days of the date of this order, commence work and complete: Within thirtv (30) davs from the date the qermit was issued. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to commence work within the time specified in this Order and vacation is not required, the undersigned official may: (i) order the building vacated and posted to prevent further occupancy until the work is completed; and (ii) cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or against you. APPEALS: You, or any person having any record title or legal interest in the structure(s) at issue, may appeal the terms of this Order concerning the above UHC violation(s) or any action of the undersigned official relating thereto to the City of Wheat Ridge Building Code Advisory Board. You must file your written appeal with the undersigned official within thirty (30) days from the date this Notice was served on you. If this Notice was served on you via certified mail, date of service is the date of mailing. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing. WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS ("WRMC") VIOLATIONS: Buildinp/Structure Fencing Site Applicable Code Section WRMC, Sec 26-603 WRMC, Sec. 15-15 (c) WRMC, Sec 26-502 (G) Condition(s) in violation Approximately 20 feet of fencing attached to southeast corner of garage exceeds allowable fence height of six feet. Un-maintained gravel access and drive to site/garage Un-maintained landscaping CNB\53027W22357 REQUIRED ACTION: You are required to take the following action to remedy the violations listed above: Must be: El Demolished or Fencinq and Site ❑ Repaired (Structure/site/feature/etc.) ❑ Vacated ■ Other: Cut fencing down to a maximum height of 6'-0" , Provide weeding, fertilizing, pruning and any other maintenance to limit weeds and overgrowth of the site. By the following date: Within thirtv (30) davs of the date of this order. FAILURE TO COMPLY: If you fail to perform any act required by this Order in the time indicated, the City may commence a civil action to declare and abate the violations enumerated herein and to obtain a court order to enter the property, abate the violations and collect the costs of such abatement and such other costs and penalties as authorized by law. This civil action is in addition to any criminal proceeding the City may be authorized to commence. ISSUED BY: Darin Morgan, Wheat Ridge Codes Administrator 7500 W. 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 PH: (303) 235-2853 FX: (303) 235-2857 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was mailed via United States certified mail, return receipt requested, this day of 2002, addressed as follows: G. Raymond Goodwin, Esq. C/o Law Firm of E Rick Watrous 7472 S. Shaffer Lane, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE AND ORDER was posted on the _ day of , 2002, at the following location: CNB\53027M22357 OCT. 1.2002 2:14PM FAX To: Darin Morgan Wheat Ridge Codes AdminisEra4or Fax (303) 235-2857 From: Verda Watkins, paralegal Re: 70200 W. 381 Avcnua Date: October 1 e 2002 Pages: 1, oncluding cover page. Deaz Mr, Mpigaxt; N0.197 P.1 Per your request, the address of the persona] representative of the Sstate of Wilma Hea is: G. RAYMOND GOODWIN, ESQ. 7472 S. ShafferTaae, Suite 100 Littleton, Colorado 80127 303.932.1222 I will also foivvard to Mr. Goodwin the materials sent to this firm by you Pleasa call if you need fvrrher assistaace, The iaf~lion coatained'm this commmicatioa ie confidential, may be attomey. client Fnivileged, amy constihrte b4side mformation and is only foc the use of the addressee. UnautLnrizeduse,disclosuceorcopyingisshictlypmhlbiredaadmaybe wilawful Ifyouhavereeeived Hris commimicatianiaeimr,pleaseinmwAiatelynoUfy us at (303) 8254900. 17mk you, snke ioo 1330 17°i Street DCAVCT, COIOCedO 80202 303-8254900 303-893-2363fax Jefferson County Assessor System http://ww4.co.j efferson.co.us/apps/servleUats.atsdisplay?sch=905759... General in(ormation Pazcel I Vuiuep,~viNiauu,.ouwi ~ 303 27I 86\00 t Property Address:07472 S SHAFFER LN 100  LITTLETON CO 80127 Mailing Address:SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Owner Name:, WATROUS E RICK LAW FIRM OF E RICK IWATROUS ! Neighborhood:N/A Area:N/A jSale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception ! No Sales Disclaimer: information is prepared as an ongoing commitment to the public to provic -ate, quality and up-to-date information to the public. This is an informational service and will be maintained during normal busines: hours, 8 a.m. to 5 pm., Mondays through Fridays. If any service interruption ir service occurs during non-business hours, the problem will be addressed at the beginning of the next business day. Jefferson County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current a accurate property information possible. Jefferson County assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this public data. Send mail [o ,~scssonn-co.icffcrsoii.co.us with questions or comments about this Web Site. Copyrigh[ (D 2000, Jefferson CounTy, Colorado. All rights reserved. Last modified: May Ol, 2001 1 of 1 10/I/2002 2:48 PM Dave Brossman From: Carmen N. Beery [cbeery@gorsuch.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:26 AM To: daveb@ci.wheatridge.co.us Subject: Re: 10200 W. 38th Ave Dave: I just spoke with Jerry Dah1 and he would like you to pass along the information you provided me to Darin Morgan and Nick Fisher. Could you also describe for them (and me) where these 2 parcels are located within this address? The most relevant thing for our purposes is - does the City own any property upon which a nuisance is located? Thanks, Carmen N. Beery . Gorsuch Kirgis, LLP P: (303) 376-5064 F: (303) 376-5001 . cbeery@gorsuch.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you. received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer and any network to which your computer is connected. "Dave Brossman" <daveb@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 10/08/02 10:32AM 'Hi Carmen - I left you a phone message regarding the.30;200.W::.38th Avenue,property, but I thought I'd send you awritten E-mail as well. I looked at the deeds that you faxed to me, and also the deed for the parcel at 10200 W. 38th Ave. The Lega1 Description for10200 W. 38th Avenue is described as Tract A of Orton Heights Subdivision except for the west 26.35 feet, together with the North 1/2 of the vacated W. 37th Avenue. The Legal Descriptions for the Lena Gulch acquisition that you had faxed to me are both described as portions of Tract A, Orton Heights, so therefore they must completely lie within the Legally described boundary for 10200 W. 38th Avenue. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance. Thanks - Dave Brossman, City Surveyor mailto:daveb@ci.wheatridge.co.us 303.235.2864 1 I f-'-1 C~ ~ o_ ~ co ~ 0 -P fo ~ ~ ~ -ICT-04-02 FRI 10;35 AM FAX N0, P. Ol Name; Fi rm: F'rom: Re: MESSAGE: GORSUCH KIRGIS LL P !1T'['OANEYS AT LAW PLEA E DELIVER iM EDIATELY 70: Dave Brossman, City Surveyar City of Wheat Ridge Carmen Beery ,^ie Legals pave: 7hE two legal duscriptions attached - I am wondering if these are anywhere on the property with the tallowing address:14200 W. 38'h Avenue. Thanks for your hefp. -Carmen 7ho fnformetloR contalnod In thls fax message Is confldantlal Informatlon intended only for fho uso oi the Individual or ontity named above. If thc reader of this messago ts not tha Intendvd roclplent, you aro heroby notiffed that any disseminatfon, distributlon or copy oF this communfeatton Is atrletiy prohihltod. If you have receivod thfs cammunicaiion in orror, piease immadiateiy natiPy us by ,viBYh"o"'g a"d TSSL'C.^. Y!!s orlginal massage to us at the address bulow vla the U.S. Pastal Sorvlce. Thank you. ToLal number of pagos: 2(not including cover sheet) Fax No,: 3031a35-2057 Confirm No.: 3031235-2864 OctobBf 4, 2002 File No. 53027 Gorsuch Kirgis LLP Tower I, Suite 1000 1515 Arapahoe Street Denver, CO 80202 1"olephone: (303) 376-5000 Fax: (303) 376-5001 If you have any probiems, cal! 3031376-5141 OCT-04-02 FRI 10,36 AM FAX N0, , , ; „ ~;r,~ <,~,~n:; fs~, ,~•1: : ' . , P. 02 ' 8Id421ti ' r.sa,r_nss_c,ririny oF LE.l'a CU7.CR ACp9ZS2SION NO. 2.104 A poYtion of mrace A, Orton Haiqhte Subdivieton. Jaf£exson Countiy, Coloxarlo, descriUcd as FolloWBi • , ^ ' pery;pnlnq nt ihe Nocthvest eexneY of oaid Traet x, ■atd cornae lyinq on thc South righG-of-xay linn of West 39th Avanuef thcncn J•;nstorly nlong acid Sauth Yight=af-vay liaa 26,35 leet to ths trun Foint aE fleginningi • , thancO continving Easterly along raid Sauthriqhb-ol-vay lina, 215,00 Yankr • then" SoUencasrerly cn a deflociien aegla to +_Ae riqht of 456004On`, 45.60 fcett ' . , , • " thcnca Southiaonterly on n daPlackioit dnqle !o the-righti o2 83'45000", 84.00 Fcet? iheocc continuinry 5outhwosterly on a d¢£lection angie to the rfqhe u! 80441510, 118.01 feat to tho South liae e£ said Tract A; tAencu iauuterly aionq said South line o!•Trqet A,;15.00 taets thencc Nor.tncrly at right ang7.as to sai8 South lina# 20.04 feelt khr.ncc Northwentexly oa a dcYlectioharigle to the 2eft ot 46°28'I5^, 91.93 fcat; . ' lhr,nce Northexly on a dcF2echion angle Yo Lhe right of 44°53'53•0 90,40 [pFG t0 the Lrue pOint of Sngimning; cnntainF 260099.31 ,quare feat or 0,608 ecrea, more or ieus. 3 I~ FxiainzT "nn / ?CT-04-02 FRI 10:36 RM FAX N0, P. 03 tio4.2tt1 L6CAI. DEF,CRIP:TO\ OS L£\A GULCH CDNSTRUCI`ION EA°EyF1iT N0. 2,104N ~A porzion oP Tract A, orton HaLqhta'Subdiviaton, Jaltereon'County', Colcrado, described as foiicwce. , • co<nncrair,g st the AortAvest tn:;„cr of said Tract A, sAid ecrnec lyincj o,-. Chc Spiath zign[-ot-vay lina ol West 38th AvenueT thcr.r.n Rasteriy along ssid Souih right-ef-wny Sihe 241.35 feet to the tetlu foint of 9eginningi thrnoc cnntinuing Eastcrly along eeid Soulh zight-of-vay 64.0 fect to itx point of interscetian with the axtenoion of the Eaet line oP caid Trnet Ar thenco snutherly 15.0 feet along the'extensioa of the East line o£ said tzaat; , , , thanac on a dafleotion ziqhG of 89°26430", 23.53 feetl [henae an a dcFlecrioa le£t o£ 51>15', 21.57 feett thance on a dalflectton right oE 96015', 45,0 feet to the Truo VOtnt of Ileqinhing, contair.ing 11135 aquera £aat or 0.026 rieree, morc or lcas, , • , . ~ SeI❑ aonsCryction easement is contained in the property deacribed itf ~ .~ao1c 3n65 Paye 361 0£ the defferson Covntp Hecords,. ~I rXIIIDTT "0" City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White, Pianning and Development Director Jack Hurst, Police Chief FROM: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator SUBJECT: 10200 W 38"' Avenue DATE: September 17, 2002 Below is the list of violations for the above referenced address, IMPC = 1998 International Property Maintenance Code UHC = 1997 Uniform Housing Code UCADB WRMC = 1997 Unifonn Code for the Abatement of Danaerous 13uildings = Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Fencina: Approximately 20 feet of fencing attached to garage exceeds allowable fence height of six feet. iVRMC, Sec 26-603 Site• 1. Un-maintained gravel access and drive to site/garaoe. WlZAIC, Sec. .i-l.i (c) 2. Un-maintained landscaping. WRAIC, Sec 26-502 (G) GaraQe: 1. Detached garage walis are wracked and leanina showing possible foundation and structural problems. IPMC 301.3, 302J, 303.1, 303.4, 303.5 UHC 601.1, 1001? (13), 1001.3 (1,4,5,6,), 1001.4 UCAD6 302 (4-10, l Z, 13,17,18) 2. Detached garage roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing materials. IPMC 301.3, 302.7, 303.1, 303.4, 303.5, 303.7 UHC 601. 1001.2 (13), 1001.3 (4-6), 1001.4, 1001.8, 1001.10 UCADB 302 (4-9), 13,17 3. Detached garage has peeling paint and holes in walls, doors and roof and appears to be filled with trash and debris. IPMC 301.3, 302.1, 302J, 303.1, 303.2, 303.6, 303.14, UHC 601, 1001.2 (13), 1001.8. 1001.11 UCADB 302 (4-9), 12, 13, 15, 17 House• Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged gutters, disconnected gas and electric services. IPMC 301.2, 301.3, 302.9, UHC 1001.2 (5,13), 1001 UCADB 302 (12,13, l.i, l8) 303.2, 303.3, 303.6. 303.19, 303.15 S, 1001.8 Pronertv Historv: Code files: Files # 1, 42 have been purged, file #3 starts in May, 1995 for junk, trash and inoperable vehicles, cleaned up and file closed 12, 1995. File re-opened in January 1999 forjunk and inoperable vehicles, summons issued February 1999, case was dismissed March 1999 due to defendant bein- cooperative in a police matter. Building Division files January 12, 1999 - correction notice issued for siding work being done widiout a permit. January 15, 1999 - window and siding permit issued fo Brad Smith (tenalit?) January 18, 1999 - Property was inspected by Bob Gaspar, no habitability violations found. Pebruary 25, 1999 - Property was inspected again by Bob Gaspar at the request of the police depaRment, habitability violations were found and gas service was diseonnected. Electric and water services were also disconnected in 1999 and the property still has no services according to agencies. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White, Planning and Development Director FROM: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator SUBJECT: 10200 W 38'h Avenue (38"' & Lee St.) DATE: August 19, 2002 I visited the above site to day and took pictures for our records. Below is a list of items needing to be abated, 1. Secure existing detached garage by installing pad locks or other methods. -1 c 2~'?, UC"°3 2. Detached garage needs to be painted so as to be weather tight. Gc)ti.3 uNC l,cn. Z io c1. 0, i o<=j, y 3. Detachedgarageroofisindisrepair,re-roofrequired.dttc,~=,.a,too,,b v~aps s~z,ia~iu 4. Repair damaged fencing on site. W:.coL -(N4<~),r) 5. Finish installing siding on house structure. w1c lo~,. t oc.nc3 3~;63/ 6. Paint all eaposed window trim, soffits, fascia so as to be weather tight onc Goi 3, ~mc , 'CO '.'t 7. Board up all exposed glass and broken gfass panes to eliminate the attractive::~noa nuisance. unc 8. Re-secure rain gutter at east side of structure. :ooi. s These items can be taken care of within 15-30 days after notice. ~ V H zo z~9~ ~-~~~H ?Y Alan White From: Jack Hurst [jhurst@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 1:35 PM To: Randy Young Cc: Alan White; Darin Morgan; Nick Fisher; Jack Chism Subject: Herr Property - Code Violations Randy, Thursday, September 12, 2002, the following people met to discuss the various code issues regarding the Herr Property at 38th and Lee: Jack Hurst; Jack Chism; A1an White; Darin Morgan; and Nick Fisher. 4de were joined by City Attorney Dahl as well. We generally discussed the violations present at this property and the legal issues regarding the fact that it is currently in probate, and has been for some time. Nick got back the weed notice, and bill for the city abating the weed problem a few weeks ago. This was returned because the "responsible person" for the property has changed since the last abatement action occurred. S9e are fairly certain that county records are up-to-date, and that we know who to contact regarding the property. We plan to make a single notice for all violations noted. Final inspections (without a warrant to enter the property) will be completed the week of September 16. It was pointed out at the meeting on the 12th that most of the nuisance code violations are relatively minor, including: weeds; trash; and a portion of a fence that appears to be too tall. Property owners, (or the city if we want to abate these problems) could eliminate these violations easily by mowing weeds, and picking up trash. Those two sections of the fence that are too tall could be removed and ? think that o.,ould take care of that problem. Structural issues with the house are more difficult to assess. The fact that the house has been abandoned for some time, may be an area that ore can use to address the issues. Once I get the list of current, obvious violations from Nick and Darin I will meet with Gerry Dahl the following week, hopefully on Monday or Tuesday (September 23 or 24th). We will finalize the notice and mail as soon as it is developed by the city attorney. We also decided to post the property as well as send a notice. That will atleast let some of the neighbors know that we have started a process. Please feel free to share this schedule and proposed process with anyone who is interested. J 1 Alan White From: Jack Hurst Qhurst@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:58 PM To: Nick Fisher; Alan White; Darin Morgan Cc: Randy Young Subject: HERR PROPERTY I would like to meet on either Wednesday, September 11 or Thursday, September 12 at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the approach and tactics we will take to "clean-up" the HERR property at about 37th and Lee. I cannot meet sooner than these dates. Let me know (hopefully by Monday, August 26) which date is the best for you to meet. A1so, an associate of Gerry Dahl's contacted me today and said that this is a"complicated" probate matter. She said that the current "personal representative" for the Herr property is Carol We1ch,3451 W. 68th Ave., Denver (no phone listed). An attorney is listed as Tod Kasteter, at 303-825-4900. A petition has been filed with the court (recently) to set aside the will. This will be heard in early November. The contact at Dahl's office is a oerson by the name of Marty Reed. Her phone number is 303-376-5134. I presume that what ever action we decide to take we will be addressing the issues with Ms We1ch. 2 will try to have Gerry at the meeting in September, so let me know the date, and I will get him here as well. Thanks J 1 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White, Planning and Development Director FROM: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator e4Y SUBJECT: 10200 W 38"' Avenue (38"' & Lce St.) DATE: August 19, 2002 I visited the above site to day and took pictures for our records. Below is a list of items needing to be abated, 1. Secure existing detached garage by installing pad locks or other methods. 2. Detached garage needs to be painted so as to be weather tight. 3. Detached garage roof is in disrepair, re-roof required. 4. Repair damaged fencing on site. 5. Finish installing siding on house structure. 6. Paint all exposed window trim, soffits, fascia so as to be weather Cight 7. Board up all exposed glass and broken glass panes to eliminate the attractive nuisance. 8. Re-secure rain gutter at east side of structure. These items can be taken care of within 15-30 days afrer notice. 7500 West 29h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 P(anning: Phone # (303) 235-2$46 Suilding: Phone # (303) 235-2855 Engineering: Phone # (303) 235-2861 Fax Phone # (303) 235-2857 DATE Z ~ D Z_... Name: Organizafion: Fax: Phone: From: Division: Subject: # of Pages: Commenis: Z76 - ~;Dd ! Original to fallow in the mail 0 Yes No )I 0* 8 XM 8S:Oi`6 /ZT _ItiW?J0N TOOS9L£~026 91oN lInsay 26ed awtl ~.ae4S apoW U011230~ 8S:Oi ZOOL 6 32Q T 'd ~...iodaZ-J --4.uoD -4-tW su-e..A1 A<A~ ZS8ZS2Z£O~:Xpj Md '8 9NINNd~d Planning ❑ ~ Builcling,& Engineering ❑ 7500 West 29'h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Planning: Phone # (303) 235-2846 Building: Phone # (303) 235-2855 Engineering: Phone # (303) 235-2861 --Fcx Phone # (303) 235-2857 Organiza ion: Fax: Phone: From: Division: Subject: # of Pages: Comments: Pla ing~ Engineering ❑ „ _ ? r Jfa ? 976 -5`voi Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes XN 0 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Notice and Order to repair or demolish Date: September 23, 2002 Location: 10200 W 38"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Orton Heights, Block OOA, Section 28, Township 3, Range 69 Owner: Carol Welch, Personal Representative 3451 W 68°i Avenue Denver, Colorado 80221-2618 The City of Wheat Ridge has found the above referenced address to be in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, 1998 Edition, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1997 Editiaz, Uniforni Housing Code, 1997 Edition and the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws due to the following conditions, Fencin2: l. Approximatzly 20 feet of fencina auached to go araae exceeds allowable fence height ot six feet. lVIZ1LIC, .Sec 26-603 Site• l. Un-maintained gravel access and drive to siTe/garage. 1VRMC, Sec. 5-15 (c) 2. Un-maintained landscapin.g. WRMC, Sec 26-502 (G) Garase• 1. Detached garage walls are wracked and leaning showing possible foundation and structunl problems. IPMC 301.3, 302.7, 303.1, 303.4, 303.5 UHC 601.1, 1001? (13), 1001.3 (1,4,5,6,), 1001.4 UCADB 302 (4-10,12, 13,17,18) 2. Detached garage roof is in disrepair with missing sections and unmaintained roofing inaterials. IPMC 301.3, 302.7, 303.1, 303.4, 303.5, 303J UHC 601, 100/.2 (13), 1001.3 (9-6), 1001.4, 1001.8, 1001.10 UCADB 303 (=1-9), 13,17 3. Detached garagge has peelina, paint and holes in walls, doors and roof and appeus to be filled Nvith trash and debris. IPMC 301.3, 302.1, 302J, 303.1, 303?, 303.6, 303.14, UHC 601, 1001? ('13), 1001.8, 1001.1I UCAD13 302 (3-9), 12, 13, 15, 17 Page 2, 10200 R' 3S°i Avenua House• Broken windows, missing siding, missing street address numbers, damaged 'mitters, disconnected Ps and electric services. IPMC 301.2, 301.3, 302.9, 303.2, 303.3, 303.6, 303.14, 303.13 UHC 1001? (5,13), 1001.4, IOOLS UCADB 302(12,13,15,18) IMPC = 1998 Interna[ional Property Maintenance Code UHC = 1997 Unifonn Housing Code UCADB = 1997 Unifonn Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Quildings WRMC = AAqheat Ridge Munieipal Code Due Yo the above referenced structures beinb considered as a dangerous and/or substandard buildings, you are hereby noCified that a repair or demolition permit shall be secured widiin thirtv da s 30 from the date of receipt of this Notice with all work beinb completed no later than sixty days (60) after the pernzit is issued. Failure to comply with said notice and order will result in the city being forced to proceed with demolition of said structures and all costs associated wich said demolition being assessed to the property and/or its owners. Airy person having any record title or legal interest in the above referenced property may appeat lrom the notice and order or any action of the codes administrator to the Building Code Advisory Board. provided the appeal is made in writing within thirty days (30) of receipt of this notice. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing. Sincerely, Darin Morgan Codes Administrator Jaimary 19, 1999 An inspection of the property locaCed at 10200 West 38"' Avenue was done at 5:30 P.M. on 7anuary 18"', 1999. Present during the inspection was one of the owners. No violation to habitability was found. The property lias adequate water(hoc and cold), sanitation, heat, and elech-icity. The kitclien sink also lias a required disposal. No furtlier investigation is required at this time. Bob Gaspar g G Buildiiig Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 8401 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 1/15/99 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 10200 W 38TH AVE Phone : 587-9350 Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulahons of the City of Wheat Ridge or . covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by ali wnditions pnnted on this application, and that I assume full responsibildy for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this pertnit.(OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Construction Value : $0.00 Permit Fee : $0.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $0.00 VJC Description : Replacing siding, replacing windows. Bedroom windows do meet egress BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. Approval f ~ Zomng {A B7I#1dI~~~~~~~~~ ~ r t • ~ ~ • ~X,:~: APProvai t P~bt,~o'r~C~mnr,e~ts s Approval: Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electricai License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: , Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : ApProval : APProval . . (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur appiication and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to ihe Zoning Regula0ons and Buiidiny Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) ThIs permit shall expire d(A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixAy (60) days from issue date or (e) the building authonzetl is suspended or a6andonetl for a period of 720 days ' (3) If this pertnit expires, a new pertnd may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans antl speufcations and any sus~ension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, (uli fees shali be paid for a new permiL . (4) No work of any manner shail be done that will change the natural tlow otwater causing a drainage pro6lem. . . . .(5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspeclor hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions antl shall receive wntten appmval on inspection card before ceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) pro Tiie issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings antl specificalions shali not be cons[rued to be a permit lor, nor an approvai of, any violalion of the provisions of ihe builtliwfMcdes Ot,2AY olher ordinance, law, rule or regulatioa . . . . . . . . . THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO WSPECTION ` DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING 1NSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, co 80215 APPLICATIo N PropertyOwner: " v- .T~lm!e pp✓ ~ Property Address : Phone :~0 ~ a_ Contractor License No. : • ~~J Company: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Vaiue : .I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit appiication are accurate, . . PetOllt F@2 : . and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or . covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegahons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this .U50 T8X application, and that I assume full responsibility for compiiance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other.applicable Wh at Ridge o r~an er, t k und this permd.~) TOt81 : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR).SIGNEq~~r~ . . DATE~~'~' / . USE : . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . e Description 7i BUILDING EPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : c ' Approval : Zoning : Buii"dinq~Commen Approval: MnWimK~Go.rr`~rri@tst"s:t APProval: Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residentiai Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicai License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : APProval: APProval: ' APProval: :(1) This pertnitwas issued in aaordance with the provisions set foM in yopur application and is subJ'ect to Ne laws of the SWIe ol Colo2do and to Ue Zoning : Regulatlons antl Building Code of Wheat Riaye, Colo2tlo or any olher appliwble ordinances of Ne Ciry. ' . . (2) This permit shall expire A(A) the work auNOnzed is not commenceC within sialy (60) tlays from issue date or (e) the bmltlingauthonzed is suspentled or abanaonedlorapenodo1720days. ' (3) 11 ihis pertnit expires. a nevr permrt may be acquiretl for a fee of one-hall the amount nortnalty required, pmvided no Uanges have been or wili be made in the originai p~ans antl specifioalions and any suspension or abandonment has not ezceetletl one (1) yeac. if Uanges are made or i( suspension o( abantlonment ' exceeds one (1) year. Ntl fees shail be paid for a new permil . . ' . . . . . . . . . : . . . . ~{4) NOworkofanymaanershallbedoneUatwillchangethenaturaIllowolwatercausingadraina9epro0lem. (5) Contraclor shall noUry the Buiiding Inspeclor tweny4our (24) hours in advance lorall mspections and shali receive wntten approval on inspec6on caM before ..proceediin9m~successivephasesotNejob. . . . . . . . . . ~ (6) .'The issuance of a permit or Ne approval otd2wings and specificaUons shali not be consWetl to be a permit br, nor an approval of, any violatlon of ihe provisions . of the building codes or any otherordinance, law. Me or regula6on. . . . . Chief Building inspector {iATROG"S EHLERS et.81. la001 ~ WATROUS EHL.ERS NIIELKE & GOODWIN, LLP ATfORNEY$ AND COUNS'cLLOR$ AT lAW 7472 SOUTH SHAFFER IANE, SUITE 100 LffTLETON, COLORADO 80127-7403 FAX COVER SHEET G. Raymond Goodwin ~ TELEPHONE: (303) 932-1222 Thursday, jUIlP. 28, 2001 FACSIMILE: (303) 932-8222 To: Animal-Park-Code Enforcement tinit Of: CITY OF WFIEAT RIDGS Client 7017 Fax#: (303) 235-2949 Telephone#: (303) 235-2926 Regarding: 10204 W. 38th Avenue REMARKS: URGENT and FOR YOUR REVIEW Courtesy No tiOFP 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING FACSIMILE COVER SHEET: 2 The attached Courtesy Notice was received in our office on Monday, June 25, 2001. We have made arrangements with City Wide Custom Sezvice to mow and trim the weeds at 10200 W. 38th Avenue as soon as possible, however, due to prior commitments, and due to the upcoming 4th of July holiday, it may be the end of next week before they can work this job into their echedule. Please contact our office if this in not acceptable. Thank you. The information contained In this facsimile message is information protected by attomey-dient andlor the attorney/woric product privilege. it is intended only for the use of the individual named above and the pnvilepes are not waived by virtue of this having been sent by facsimile. if the person actually receiving this facsimile or any other reader of the faaimile Is not the rramed recipient or the empioyee or agent responsible to deliver It to the named recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communi<ation is sGicUy prohibited. If you have received this communication In error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return che original message to us at the above address via U.S. Postal Service. IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, Pt.EASE TELEPHONE US IMMED(ATELY AT (303) 932•1222 SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION 6) Property: 10200 W 38TH AVE, WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-4006 C021 APN: 39-281-01-001 Use: MULTIPLE USES Counly: JEFFERSON, CO Census: 105.03 RTSQ: 69W03S28NE Map Loc: 19-B* Subdiv: ORTON HGTS Owner: HERR WILMA Y Tax Rate Area: 3141 Total Value: $25,610 Prop Tax: $2,272.37 Land Value: $5,120 Exemptions: Imprv Value: $20,490 Assd Yr: 1996 % Improve: 80°/a Ph Mail: 1555 GLEN DEE DR; LAKEWOOD CO 802153021 C044 one. .T;,~r-si~. ~ej'er Gvy~ c,/s4 G) q SALES INFORMATION LAST SALE PRIOR SALE Transfer Date: 10/06177 Sale Price/Type: $42,500 FULL Document 850361 Document Type: 1stTD/Type: Finance: Junior TD's: Lender: Seller: Title Company: Transferlnfo: SITE INFORMATION Improve Type: Zoning: Site Influence: County Use: 21120105 Flood Panei: Phys Chars: Legal: TR569600/ ORTON HGTS Lot Size: A0.45 Lot Area: 19,602 Parking: Park Spaces: Bldg Class: Bldg/Liv Area: # Units: # Bldgs: # Stories: $/SF: YrblUEff: Total Rms: Bedrms: Baths(F/H): Fireplace: Pool: Bsmt Area: Construct: Flooring: Air Cond: Heat Type: Quality: Condition: Style: Olher Rooms: Comments: 330-BSMT;SCHD#048868;LA 17660;IA 70640;69-03-28-569600-OOA--OOA 1,275 $33 1941 330 STEEL/HEAVY 1996-98 Experian Page: 1 of 1 To: Darin and Bob From: Cindy Date: January 7, 1999 Re: Housing Inspection at 10200 West 38"' Avenue (The David Herr Estate) I haad requested PD Officer Jim Lorentz to perform a welfare check at the above address due to a complaint that a child and motlier were living at this liome that was not tit to live in. The complainant indicated that there was no elech•icity or heat in tlie house. I had gone out twice; no one was home, and several windows were broken and boarded up. Lorentz met with Jenny Vorhes, who is living at the liouse. S6e said that her daughter does not live there. Lm•entz said that the house has electricity, heat, and a phone, but no water. Vorhes said that she was "fighting with the city to get wate►-". Lorentz suggested that she contact her water district. They discussed that the home is fit for au adult, but not a child, to live in. A Housing Inspection may still be in order. Thanks, Cii►d,y ~~TS 9E~ {~~.5 ~r oc. ~i°. ~2f;T~~GI~ GmG~ ~~CcC~~fe Cx i_s ~ , To: Darin and Bob From: Cindy Date: January 7, 1999 Re: Housing Inspection at 10200 West 38"' Avenue (The David Herr Estate) I haad requested PD Officer Jim Lorentz to perform a welfare check at Yhe above address due to a complaint that a child and mofher were living at this home that was not fit to live in. The complainant indicated thaf there was no electricity or heat in the house. I had gone out riwice; no one was tiome, and several windows were broken and boarded up. Lorentz mef with Jenny Vorhes, who is living at fhe house. She said that her daughter does not live there. Lorentz said t6at the liouse has electricity, heat, and a phone, but no water. Vorlies said that she was "fighting with the city to get water". Lorentz suggested that slie contact her water district. They discussed that the liome is fit for an adult, buY not a child, to live in. A Housing Inspection may sfill be in order. Tlianks, Cindy .r L~ w; ~ v -191114 77►, [r1*74 ;711 :i0 ►`ii4 k" Y1 (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Correction Notice Job Located at /i" ' i,- % / I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. . ~ Date ) DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG Buliding Dept. FORM WR6•Y2 ~ ~ ~ \,3 `3eA-(, ~ ~ ~