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From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Pets Subject: Online Form Submittal: Revision to Permit Application Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 3:28:44 PM Revision to Permit Application Permit Number 201902328 assigned to project PROPERTY INFORMATION Permit Number 201902328 Property Address 10500 West 38th Ave Property Owner Name Jefferson County Library Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) 303-403-5205 Property Owner Email debbi.mikash@jeffcolibrary.com Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Name Brian ostler Contact Phone Number 303-984-2568 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address brian@calahan.com Retype Contact Email brian@calahan.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Revised Scope of Work - Provide a detailed description of work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Addition to existing Library Building Engineer Letter (if Field not completed. applicable) Additional Documents on Letter Size Are plans or documents locked for editing? Construction Plans scanned on 11'x17" or larger Additional Project Value Only add what the revised scope of work is valued at. Field not completed. No 0 SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Submitting BrianOstler- Architect Revision Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 10 9 8 6 s 4 3 z VENT CAP PER MFR APPROVED WALL THIMBLE �POWERED VENT THRU WALL TRAP WITH REMOVABLE CAP UNIT HEATER DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE MOUNTED PER MFR'S REQUIREMENTS Y 1 FUEL GAS PIPING CALCULATIONS ALL HEATING (HT) AND COOLING (AC) LOADS ARE BTU/HR ABBREV SYMBOL SYSTEM PRESSURE 7.00 IN H20* SA DESIGN OUTDOOR, HT 0 MIN. EQ INLET P 6.00 DESIGN OUTDOOR, AC 100 O ALLOWABLE P DROP 1.00 EQUIP M BH MTR O UH -1 45 ADJ SPACE TEMP, CL 90 EXISTING LOADS 500 BACKDRAFT DAMPER TOTAL 545 LONGEST LENGTH 160 FT *TL = TRUNK LINE N. WALL 20 18 360 FUEL GAS RATING 850 BTU / CUBIC FOOT (DENVER 5280') W. WALL 40 18 720 **PER IFG 402.4 EQUATION 4-1, LOW PRESSURE GAS EQUATION** S. WALL 20 18 360 10 1,800 E WALL 40 18 720 EXISTING SIZE ROOF 800 15 2,667 OR PIPE SECTION M BH CFH PIPE SIZE REQ'D PROPOSED MAIN 1 545 641 1.57 2" 2" UH -1 45 53 0.61 3/4" 3/4" JI KI LI MI NI OI P HEATING & ENVELOPE CALCULATIONS ALL HEATING (HT) AND COOLING (AC) LOADS ARE BTU/HR ABBREV SYMBOL DEG F DB SA DESIGN OUTDOOR, HT 0 UP/OUT & DOWN/IN DESIGN OUTDOOR, AC 100 O DESIGN INDOOR (HT) 50 TSTAT DESIGN INDOOR (AC) 72 MTR O ADJ SPACE TEMP, HT 60 FLOW ARROW ADJ SPACE TEMP, CL 90 SD GROUND TEMP 50 BACKDRAFT DAMPER ENVELOPE LOSSES/GAINS BD ENVELOPE LENGTH (FT) HEIGHT (FT) AREA R VALUE HT LOAD N. WALL 20 18 360 10 1,800 W. WALL 40 18 720 10 S. WALL 20 18 360 10 1,800 E WALL 40 18 720 10 ROOF 800 15 2,667 DOORS 164 4 2,050 AREA 750SQFT W CEILING HEIGHT 16 1FT �- TOTAL 6,267 OUTSIDE AIR LOSSES/GAINS Z 120 < FRESH AIR REQD. 5,460 INFILTRATION LOSSES/GAINS TIGHT =0.5 *PICK TIGHT/ MEDIUM/ LOOSE VALUES > MEDIUM =.85 W LOOSE= 1.3 J ACH CFM 1.50 300 13,650 GRAND TOTAL HEATING LOAD c9 25,377 i BTU/HR HEATING EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION d 0 *FIND EQUIPMENT THAT MEETS NEEDS OF ENVELOPE FROM PREVIOUS SECTION! HEATING U EQUIPM ENT A FUS 80% MODINE HD -60 INPUT= 45,000 GRAND TOTAL HEATING CAPACITY BTU/HR F 28,440 MECHANICAL LEGEND NOTE: ALL ITEMS MIGHT NOT APPEAR ON DRAWINGS DESCRIPTION ABBREV SYMBOL DUCTWORK SA FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK UP/OUT & DOWN/IN x O THERMOSTAT TSTAT METER MTR O DIFFUSER, CEILING FLOW ARROW DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR SD MOUNT/WALL OR SIDE MOUNT BACKDRAFT DAMPER BD BD RETURN AIR GRILLE, CEILING RAG i MOUNT/WALL OR SIDE MOUNT V �LL TAG �� SG_1 DIFFUSER/RAG ID SIZE - 1202 FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTION{ CFM �� 150 SUPPLY AIR DUCT, SA O UP/OUT & DOWN/IN x Ej RETURN OR EXHAUST DUCT, RAG 021UP/OUT & DOWN/IN o FLOW ARROW DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR SD sD BACKDRAFT DAMPER BD BD MOTOR OPERATED DAMPER MOD MOD V �LL w z MANUAL VOLUME DAMPER MVD LLJ FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTION{ DOOR UNDERCUT & HEIGHT UC fuc- �• CONNECTION TO O EXISTING SYSTEM SECTION DETAIL, x N0./SHEET NO. xx FILTER FIL C) AXIAL FAN o FLOW ARROW ------ OUTSIDE AIR (FRESH AIR) O.A. NEW/EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED (N)/(R) EKSTiNG (E) MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 1. INSTALLATION IS TO BE COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL AND IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. COORDINATE INSTALLATION IN EVERY RESPECT WITH WORK OF OTHER TRADES, EXISTING INSTALLATION, UTILITY COMPANY SERVICES AND STANDARDS, AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND UTILITY COMPANY REGULATIONS. 3. CUTTING AND PATCHING SHALL BE IN AN APPROVED MANNER, PATCH TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE. NEW ROOF OPENINGS ARE TO BE COORDINATED WITH STRUCTURE. MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCE BETWEEN O.A. INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS, GAS VENTS, AND PLUMBING VENTS. 4. OBTAIN, PAY FOR, AND MAINTAIN PERMITS, LICENSES, CERTIFICATES OF INSPECTION, AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. 5. FIELD CHECK EXISTING CONDITIONS AND INCLUDE ALL COSTS IN BID REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE INSTALLATION. 6. USE CONICAL SPIN IN FITTINGS WITH MANUAL DAMPERS ON EACH BRANCH LINE (WHERE POSSIBLE). 7. PROVIDE EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING FOR MECHANICAL WORK. PROTECT ACCORDING TO OSHA STANDARDS. 8. VERIFY ALL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PRIOR TO ORDERING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. 9. ALL INSULATION SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATING NOT EXCEEDING 25 OR A SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 50. 10. ACOUSTIC LINER SHALL BE 1-1 /2LB GLASS FIBERGLASS WITH BLACK COATED MAT SURFACE. LINER SHALL BE MANVILLE "LINACOUSTIC". 11. ALL SUPPLY AND RETURN AIR DUCTS AND PLENUMS SHALL BE INSULATED WITH A MINIMUM OF R-8 INSULATION WHEN LOCATED IN UNCONDITIONED SPACES AND A MINIMUM OF R-12 INSULATION WHEN LOCATED OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. WHEN LOCATED WITHIN A BUILDING ENVELOPE ASSEMBLY, THE DUCT OR PLENUM SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM THE BUILDING EXTERIOR OR UNCONDITIONED OR EXEMPT SPACES BY A MINIMUM OF R-12 INSULATION. 12. BALANCE AIR SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS OF NEBB. SUBMIT BALANCE INFORMATION ON STANDARD FORMS PREPARED BY NEBB OR EQUIVALENT. 13. BRANCH DUCT TAKE -OFFS: CHAMFER MIN OF 1.33 TIMES BRANCH DUCT WIDTH IN THE DIRECTION OF FLOW, MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES. 14. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTORS BETWEEN DUCTWORK AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT WHERE VIBRATION TRANSMISSION MAY RESULT. 15. FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK SHALL BE MADE OF A SPRING STEEL HELIX SUPPORTING A PLASTIC CORE, INSULATED WITH 1" FIBERGLASS, IN A COPOLYMER VAPOR BARRIER JACKET, AND LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 10'. 16. FLUE PIPING SHALL BE UL -LISTED, TYPE B, DOUBLE WALL, GAS VENT PIPING. ALL FLUES SHALL TERMINATE IN A ROOF CAP. THE FLUE VENT PIPING SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY METALBESTOS, HART & COOLEY, DURAVENT, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 17. MANUAL VOLUME DAMPERS TO BE DOWCO SERIES AVM OR EQUAL AS MANUFACTURED BY RUSKIN CREATIVE METALS. 18. DUCTWORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE LATEST ASHRAE AND SMACNA STANDARDS. DUCTWORK SHALL BE SEALED WITH MON-ECO INDUSTRIES ECO DUCT SEAL 44-50 TO SMACNA CLASS "C" STANDARDS. PROVIDE DUCTS, CONNECTIONS, DAMPERS, TURNING VANES, AND GASKETED ACCESS DOORS. CHANGES IN DIRECTION AND SHAPE OF DUCTS SHALL BE GRADUAL. ALL DUCTWORK SIZES SHOWN ON PLANS ARE INSIDE DIMENSIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 19. EXPOSED ROUND DUCTWORK SHALL PRE -MANUFACTURED COMMERCIAL GRADE SPIRAL DUCT. STANDARD ROUND FORMED GALVANIZED SHEET METAL IS NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE BUILDING MATERIAL. 19.1. ALL EXPOSED DUCTWORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP. ALL TAKE -OFFS, FITTINGS, TRANSITIONS, ETC. SHALL BE SEALED FROM INSIDE THE DUCTWORK MINIMIZING EXPOSED SEALANT AND INSTALLATION HARDWARE. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SLIP JOINTS OR FLANGE -TO -FLANGE JOINTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 20. FILTERS SHALL BE 2" RIGID, PLEATED, DISPOSABLE TYPE, AND 30% EFFICIENT. FILTERS SHALL BE FARR 30-30. PROVIDE THREE COMPLETE SETS OF FILTERS: CONSTRUCTION, REPLACEMENT AT BALANCING, AND REPLACEMENT SET TO OWNER. 21. TEES, 90' ELBOWS UP TO 18" WIDE AND 45' ELBOWS SHALL CONSIST OF AN INSIDE RADIUS GREATER THAN HALF THE DUCT WIDTH, OR BE FURNISHED WITH DUCT TURNING VANES. TEES AND 90' ELBOWS GREATER THAN 18" SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AIR FOIL TYPE DUCT VANES. BRANCH TAKEOFFS OF MAIN SHALL BE "WYE" TYPE WHERE POSSIBLE. 22. IF LEAKAGE IN EXCESS OF 5% OF THE SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW IS INDICATED AFTER BALANCING, RESEAL TO ELIMINATE EXCESS LEAKAGE. 23. PROVIDE A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS, INCLUDING ALL EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORIES, AND APPURTENANCES REQUIRED. THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL CONTRACTOR MAY BE THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR OR APPROVED SUB -CONTRACTOR. ACCEPTABLE AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS SHALL BE POWERS, HONEYWELL, JOHNSON CONTROLS, OR CONTROLS FURNISHED BY THE SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. ALL CONTROL WIRING (LINE VOLTAGE OR LOW VOLTAGE) REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL SUBCONTRACTOR. 24. FURNACE UNIT THERMOSTATS SHALL BE PROGRAMMABLE, ELECTRONIC, AUTOMATIC HEATING/COOLING: HONEYWELL T8000 OR EQUIVALENT BY UNIT MANUFACTURER. 25. DUCT DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE RETURN AIR PLENUM IN ALL SYSTEMS GREATER THAN 2000 CFM. COORDINATE DETECTORS WITH FIRE CONTRACTOR IF APPLICABLE. DETECTORS SHALL CONTAIN AN IONIZATION TYPE DETECTOR WITH SAMPLING TUBES EXTENDING THROUGH THE WIDTH OF THE AIR DUCT. ALARM STATUS INDICATING LIGHTS SHALL BE VISIBLE ON THE FRONT OF THE DETECTOR. KEY CONTROLLER TEST AND RESET SWITCHES PLUS AN EASILY ACCESSIBLE TEST JACK SHALL BE PROVIDED, INCLUDING REMOTE STATION S WHERE DETECTORS ARE NOT READILY ACCESSIBLE. THEY SHALL INCLUDE ALARM CONTACTS (DPDT) RATED A FIVE (5) AMPERES AT 210 VAC OR 28 VDC RESISTIVE. UNIT SHALL HAVE SELF CONTAINED POWER SUPPLY REQUIRING 120/240V POWER. 26. SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS: HVAC UNITS SHALL EACH BE CONTROLLED BY A HEATING/COOLING THERMOSTAT. TOILET EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE CONTROLLED MANUALLY BY WALL SWITCH, AND TURN ON WITH BATHROOM LIGHT IF SHOWN OR AS INSTRUCTED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. KITCHEN HOOD EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE INTERLOCKED WITH THE MAKEUP AIR UNIT FOR SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION. ACTIVATION OF DUCT DETECTOR SHALL SHUT DOWN ITS RESPECTIVE HVAC UNIT. 27. A "COMFORT BALANCE" SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, TO DISTRIBUTE UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT THE SPACE. A DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT OF AIR SHOULD BE ROUTED TO AREAS WITH SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF GLASS, OR HIGH INTERNAL GAINS. BID SHOULD ALLOW ONE ADDITIONAL BALANCE OF THE SYSTEM TO SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OWNER/TENANT. L E. 6 m�, J Wheat Ridge Building MECHANICAL PLAN :7/ SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 4/22/2020 bf revision ok A B C D E F G HI I JI KI LI MI NI 01 P BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 REVISION #1 (R1) 02.07.2020 FIELD VERIFICATIONS/CHANGES CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRLAN@CALLAHAN.COM F- ENGINEERING COMPANY z O Z o C) J o T- a LVo ZW Q-/ J Qao w o �- z W V W V �LL w z 00 0 LLJ 13z L/ LO W CL/ V = W W C) C)z D �- W� Q Z LL/ CD W J F- ENGINEERING COMPANY -I 0 w ul I w a� w z T- W 0 � Q D N W N Q W Q 00 z 7W w z 20 13z F--- N w c9 z w w Q C) C)z D z W� w Z 00 CN 0 N W 0 H 2 c9 i d 0 U ENGINEER DAN MNG, P.E. 4900 W 291h Ave Darner, CO 80212 303400-5105 dldng(►7mn*mes-oom ENGINEERS STAMP No Pp0 01 i 4/ L 'sZ 40380 z: // 2 'O •' 0 7b'N0\55'= CHECKED BY DRK DRAWN BY SMS RENO JAMES PROJECT NUMBER 19277 SHEET NO. 10 °oo°000 0 ° 000 ° ppp°o °00$00 p$ao B °po°000 ° 0 0 0 ° m� oa�o 0 0 0 0 0 X061 Q0g 008 050 °° x000 0�0 (E) 2" GAS GAS FI c °00°00° ° oo °°° 00°DOp o o a� p° °°po °o °oo°oop o °oo°oop o o° o o° o 00 0 00 O o c0 PROJECT ADDRESS 10550 W 38TH AVE. N EXISTING 2" GAS LINE VIF INSIDE BUILDING ABOVE CEILING u u `(E) 2" GAS LINE TO CONNECTION POINT PER SHEET M1 1 °0000o o o�00p° °oo p °00 0°moo A�°0 o0 p po°000 ° °O 3 ° 0 00 D 00 po °o o��o vo�Pop 00 oo °O°o°p° °p °� op°00 °°0p oo� O �0 zi Q °0 0$00 0$°o OHO °O a o a �&� 0 0 0 O°O po°000 o o 00 ° o°off N �q�°°°°0° °0 0° 00 o° °p 000 0 0° o0 0 00°000 °°oa 8°p°�°yj O L7 000 00� °000°o 00 o0 0 0 °00°0 0 °0 °° ° °a °poo p °% 00 _ oo�pp °o °oma °°000 0°�°0° o Q o 0 0000 O O 000 °°° 0° 0 moo ° �° ��� ° o°oma O o 00 0 ° °$00° p$°o p p oo � �o� ° dog o � o �a n o°o°g°o°boa °° oV r7 °0p$pa $°a pp°Q 00 00000 OODao� SITE FUEL GAS PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" cft of Wheat Ridge 4/22/2020 bf revision BI DI LI MI NI OI P ISSUE: BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 REVISION #1 (R1) 02.07.2020 FIELD VERIFICATIONS/CHANGES CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRIAN@CALLAHARCOM °oo°oop p 0 0 �° 00 Z O CO O 00 J0 Q W (91 � J °4 ° Lu _9 Q 00 W (E) 2" GAS GAS FI c °00°00° ° oo °°° 00°DOp o o a� p° °°po °o °oo°oop o °oo°oop o o° o o° o 00 0 00 O o c0 PROJECT ADDRESS 10550 W 38TH AVE. N EXISTING 2" GAS LINE VIF INSIDE BUILDING ABOVE CEILING u u `(E) 2" GAS LINE TO CONNECTION POINT PER SHEET M1 1 °0000o o o�00p° °oo p °00 0°moo A�°0 o0 p po°000 ° °O 3 ° 0 00 D 00 po °o o��o vo�Pop 00 oo °O°o°p° °p °� op°00 °°0p oo� O �0 zi Q °0 0$00 0$°o OHO °O a o a �&� 0 0 0 O°O po°000 o o 00 ° o°off N �q�°°°°0° °0 0° 00 o° °p 000 0 0° o0 0 00°000 °°oa 8°p°�°yj O L7 000 00� °000°o 00 o0 0 0 °00°0 0 °0 °° ° °a °poo p °% 00 _ oo�pp °o °oma °°000 0°�°0° o Q o 0 0000 O O 000 °°° 0° 0 moo ° �° ��� ° o°oma O o 00 0 ° °$00° p$°o p p oo � �o� ° dog o � o �a n o°o°g°o°boa °° oV r7 °0p$pa $°a pp°Q 00 00000 OODao� SITE FUEL GAS PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" cft of Wheat Ridge 4/22/2020 bf revision BI DI LI MI NI OI P ISSUE: BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 REVISION #1 (R1) 02.07.2020 FIELD VERIFICATIONS/CHANGES CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRIAN@CALLAHARCOM ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 ''n O Z N o J0 Q W (91 � J o 0 NZ Lu _9 Q 00 W J W0 a0z z Q V F- U W w Go a) 0 W aQ W ~ > OD a LU � w Z N 0 W o x ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 ''n w w N r WZ W (91 � J QW 0 NZ W Q 00 W O z x7w U Z 04 w O w w Z i Zo OD 0 W � w Z N 0 W o x 0 0 U ENGINEERS STAMP Pp0L1�c'll / 1 w ' Q 40380-01 O ., 1111 . kit , ....... c' = CHECKED BY DIRK DRAWN BY SMS RENO JAMES PROJECT NUMBER 19277 SHEET N0. M2 9 8 6 s 4 3 z AI BI CI DI EI FI GI HI II JI KI L 1 50 k� 3�4W EXTERIOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT TO MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS PER IECC C405.2.5: -EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF AS A FUNCTION OF AVAILABLE DAYLIGHT -WHERE LIGHTING THE BUILDING FACADE OR LANDSCAPE, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE LIGHTING AS A FUNCTION OF DAWN/DUSK AND A SET OPENING AND CLOSING TIME. -WHERE NOT COVERED IN ITEM 2, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS CONFIGURED TO REDUCE THE CONNECTED LIGHTING POWER BY NOT LESS THAN 30 PERCENT FROM NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT TO 6 A.M., FROM ONE HOUR AFTER BUSINESS CLOSING TO ONE HOUR BEFORE BUSINESS OPENING OR DURING ANY PERIOD WHEN ACTIVITY HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED FOR A TIME OF LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. (E) MDP 3�4W 480Y/277V 800A F - (E) (E) PANEL PANEL 45kVA (E) "SP1" "DPI" XFMR PANEL 200A 200A "RP2" 125A 70A �$ G MCB zoo P 20o TO AHU P zoo P ATS 00 T P -110 \ ONELINE DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE (E) PANEL „LGA" (E) 200A PANEL "UPS1 11 0 UPS GENSET Geq T SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS RECESSED FLUORESCENT I--" STRIP FLUORESCENT (E) PANEL 11RP2" WALL MOUNTED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT z FEEDER DATA *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD* J ® VOLTS: 208Y/120V 3P4W COMBINATION EXIT/ EMERGENCY LIGHT *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS IN FIELD* DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A SHORT CIRCUIT DESC. QTY (n) SIZE CU/AL CONDUIT TYPE MTG: SURFACE NEMA 1 MAIN AMPS: 225 PH V f M Isc A PA D MOUNTED 277/480V 750kVA 30 XFMR PANELBOARD L❑ DISCONNECT SWITCH W A.I.C.: 10k MAIN BREAKER 125A MCB 16,900 DIMMER SWITCH $3 SWITCH THREE WAY $T TIME SWITCH $SC SWITCH SPEED CONTROL $Ms MOTION/OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH M DESCRIPTION CODE kVA DkVA BKR CKT# A B C CKT# BKR DkVA kVA CODE DESCRIPTION TRAINING RM REC. 2 0.54 0.54 20A 1 P 1 X X 2 20A 1 P 0.54 0.54 2 CONFERENCE ROOM REC. TRAINING RM REC. 2 0.54 0.54 20A 1 P 3 X X 4 20A 1 P 0.18 0.18 4 CIRC PUMP E ENTRY LIGHTING 1 0.40 20A 1 P 5 5 X 1 6 20A 1 P 0.36 0.36 2 RESTROOM REC. (N) UH -1 2 0.24 0.24 0A 1 P 7 X X 8 20A 1 P 0.18 0.18 2 REC. FURNITURE (N) RECEPTS/OH DOOR 2 0.96 0.96 0A 1 P 9 X X 10 20A 1 P 0.18 0.18 2 NORTH WASH REC (N) SHIP LIGHTS 1 0.32 0.40 DA1P 11 11 X 12 20A 1 P 0.54 0.54 2 NORTH TRAINING REC SPARE KITCHEN 1 0.35 1 2 Al P 13 X X 14 20A 1 P 0.18 0.18 2 HEAT TRACE CONTROLS SPAREOA2P CONFERENCE ROOM LIGHTS 1 0.50 0.63 15 X X 16 20A1P 0.18 0.18 2 HEAT TRACE CONTROLS SPARE SPARE 2.50 2.50 If 17 17 X 18 20A 1 P 0.85 0.85 2 COPIER SPARE SPARE 3.10 3.10 20A1P 19 X 1 X 20 20A1P 0.18 0.18 4 1 VAV HEAT VALVE BLANK SPARE 3.10 3.10 21 X X 22 20A 1 P 0.54 0.54 2 ENTRY OFFICE REC. BLANK OUTSIDE LIGHTS 1 0.25 0.31 23 23 X 24 20A 1 P 0.36 0.36 2 S/W REC. SPARE SPARE 60A2P 25 X X 26 20A 1 P 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 SPARE If SPARE If 27 X X 28 20A 1 P 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 SPARE RECEJV ING SECURITY LOCK 2 0.18 0.18 20A 1 P 29 29 X 30 20A 1 P 20A 1 P 2.85 8 1 SPARE WEST FURNITURE 2 0.50 1 0.50 20A3P 31 X X 32 30A1P 20A 1 P SPARE If 2 0.50 0.50 If 33 X X 34 30A 1 P 20A 1 P SPARE If 2 0.50 0.50 If 35 35 X 36 30A 1 P 20A 1 P SPARE SPARE BLANK 30A1P 37 X X 38 20A3P 0.50 0.50 2 NORTH CENTER FURNITURE SPARE BLANK 30A 1 P 39 X X 40 If 0.50 0.50 2 If SPARE BLANK 30A 1 P 41 41 X 42 42 0.50 0.50 2 " Description Lighting Receptacles up to 10kW Receptacles over 10kW Motor Largest motor Heater FIVE (5) KITCHEN EQUIP NEC Subpanel Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Demand 125% 100% 50% 100% 125% 125% 70% 100% 1 Conn. 0.32 9.37 0 0.36 0 0 0 0 Dem. 0.4 9.37 0 0.36 0 0 0 0 Dem. 7.438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Load Summary Ph A Ph B Ph C TOTAL Connected Code Demand Load Summary Ph A Ph B Ph C TOTAL Connected Code Demand kVA Demand kVA 2.9 2.9 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 10.1 10.1 28 Amps 28 Am ps kVA Demand kVA 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.4 6.0 7.4 7 Amps 9 Amps Demand Amps per Ph 24 30 31 1 50 k� 3�4W EXTERIOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT TO MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS PER IECC C405.2.5: -EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF AS A FUNCTION OF AVAILABLE DAYLIGHT -WHERE LIGHTING THE BUILDING FACADE OR LANDSCAPE, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE LIGHTING AS A FUNCTION OF DAWN/DUSK AND A SET OPENING AND CLOSING TIME. -WHERE NOT COVERED IN ITEM 2, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS CONFIGURED TO REDUCE THE CONNECTED LIGHTING POWER BY NOT LESS THAN 30 PERCENT FROM NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT TO 6 A.M., FROM ONE HOUR AFTER BUSINESS CLOSING TO ONE HOUR BEFORE BUSINESS OPENING OR DURING ANY PERIOD WHEN ACTIVITY HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED FOR A TIME OF LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. (E) MDP 3�4W 480Y/277V 800A F - (E) (E) PANEL PANEL 45kVA (E) "SP1" "DPI" XFMR PANEL 200A 200A "RP2" 125A 70A �$ G MCB zoo P 20o TO AHU P zoo P ATS 00 T P -110 \ ONELINE DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE (E) PANEL „LGA" (E) 200A PANEL "UPS1 11 0 UPS GENSET Geq T SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS RECESSED FLUORESCENT I--" STRIP FLUORESCENT (E) PANEL "LP1" WALL MOUNTED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT z FEEDER DATA *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD* J ® VOLTS: 480Y/277V 3P4W COMBINATION EXIT/ EMERGENCY LIGHT *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS IN FIELD* DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A SHORT CIRCUIT DESC. QTY (n) SIZE CU/AL CONDUIT TYPE MTG: SURFACE NEMA 1 MAIN AMPS: 200 PH V f M Isc A PA D MOUNTED 277/480V 750kVA 30 XFMR PANELBOARD L❑ DISCONNECT SWITCH W A.I.C.: 14k MAIN BREAKER N/A 16,900 DIMMER SWITCH $3 SWITCH THREE WAY $T TIME SWITCH $SC SWITCH SPEED CONTROL $Ms MOTION/OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH M DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION CODE kVA DkVA BKR CKT# A B C CKT# BKR DkVA kVA CODE DESCRIPTION OPEN OFFICE LIGHTS 1 0.60 0.75 20A 1 P 1 X 2 2 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 SOFFIT LIGHTING SPARE 2.77 2.77 If 20A 1 P 3 X 4 4 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 SOFFIT LIGHTING ENTRY LIGHTING 1 0.40 0.50 20A 1 P 5 1 X 6 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 1 SOFFIT LIGHTING SPARE 5.54 2.77 30A3P 20A 1 P 7 X 8 8 20A 1 P 0.31 0.25 1 OVERHEAD LIGHT CENTER SPARE 5.54 2.77 If 20A 1 P 9 X 10 10 20A 1 P 0.50 0.40 1 ITT AREA LIGHTS SPARE 5.54 2.77 If 20A 1 P 11 X X 12 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 SOFFIT LIGHTING KITCHEN 1 0.35 1 0.44 20A 1 P 13 X 14 14 20A 1 P SPARE SPARE CONFERENCE ROOM LIGHTS 1 0.50 0.63 20A 1 P 15 X 16 16 20A 1 P If SPARE SPARE 2.50 2.50 If 20A 1 P 17 X X 18 20A 1 P 0.56 0.45 1 STOCK LIGHTING SPARE 3.10 3.10 70A3P 20A 1 P 19 X 20 20 20A 1 P 0.25 0.20 1 EXIT/NIGHT LIGHTING SPARE 3.10 3.10 20A 1 P 21 X 22 22 20A 1 P 0.63 0.50 1 CONFERENCE ROOM LIGHT OUTSIDE LIGHTS 1 0.25 0.31 20A 1 P 23 X X 24 20A 1 P 0.31 0.25 1 COMP/TELE ROOM LIGHTING SPARE 20A 1 P 25 X 26 26 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 COMPUTER ROOM LIGHT SPARE 20A 1 P 27 X 28 28 20A 1 P 0.38 0.30 1 COMPUTER ROOM LIGHT SPARE 20A 1 P 29 X X 30 20A 1 P 2.85 8 1 If SPARE SPARE Demand 125% 100% 50% 100% 125% 125% 70% 100% Conn. 0 0 16.63 30.87 0 0 0 27.9 Dem. 0 0 8.314 30.87 0 0 0 27.98 20A 1 P 31 X kVA Demand kVA 24.6 21.9 25.4 22.6 25.4 22.7 75.4 67.2 91 Amps 81 Am ps 32 20A 1 P SPARE SPARE 20A 1 P 33 X 34 20A 1 P SPARE SPARE 20A 1 P 35 X 36 20A 1 P SPARE BLANK 37 X 38 BLANK BLANK 39 X 40 BLANK BLANK 41 X 42 BLANK Description Lighting Receptacles up to 10kW Receptacles over 10kW Motor Largest motor Heater FIVE (5) KITCHEN EQUIP NEC Subpanel Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Demand 125% 100% 50% 100% 125% 125% 70% 100% 1 Conn. 5.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dem. 7.438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Load Summary Ph A Ph B Ph C TOTAL Connected Code Demand kVA Demand kVA 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.4 6.0 7.4 7 Amps 9 Amps Demand Amps per Ph 9 9 9 1 50 k� 3�4W EXTERIOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT TO MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS PER IECC C405.2.5: -EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF AS A FUNCTION OF AVAILABLE DAYLIGHT -WHERE LIGHTING THE BUILDING FACADE OR LANDSCAPE, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE LIGHTING AS A FUNCTION OF DAWN/DUSK AND A SET OPENING AND CLOSING TIME. -WHERE NOT COVERED IN ITEM 2, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS CONFIGURED TO REDUCE THE CONNECTED LIGHTING POWER BY NOT LESS THAN 30 PERCENT FROM NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT TO 6 A.M., FROM ONE HOUR AFTER BUSINESS CLOSING TO ONE HOUR BEFORE BUSINESS OPENING OR DURING ANY PERIOD WHEN ACTIVITY HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED FOR A TIME OF LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. (E) MDP 3�4W 480Y/277V 800A F - (E) (E) PANEL PANEL 45kVA (E) "SP1" "DPI" XFMR PANEL 200A 200A "RP2" 125A 70A �$ G MCB zoo P 20o TO AHU P zoo P ATS 00 T P -110 \ ONELINE DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE (E) PANEL „LGA" (E) 200A PANEL "UPS1 11 0 UPS GENSET Geq T SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS RECESSED FLUORESCENT I--" STRIP FLUORESCENT (E) PANEL "DP1" WALL MOUNTED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT z FEEDER DATA *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD* J ® VOLTS: 480Y/277V 3P4W COMBINATION EXIT/ EMERGENCY LIGHT *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS IN FIELD* DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A SHORT CIRCUIT DESC. QTY (n) SIZE CU/AL CONDUIT TYPE MTG: SURFACE NEMA 1 MAIN AMPS: 200 PH V f M Isc A PA D MOUNTED 277/480V 750kVA 30 XFMR PANELBOARD L❑ DISCONNECT SWITCH W A.I.C.: 14k MAIN BREAKER 200A MCB 16,900 DIMMER SWITCH $3 SWITCH THREE WAY $T TIME SWITCH $SC SWITCH SPEED CONTROL $Ms MOTION/OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH M DESCRIPTION CODE kVA DkVA BKR CKT# A B C CKT# BKR DkVA kVA CODE DESCRIPTION COOLING TOWER 4 2.77 2.77 20A3P 1 X METALLIC 2 20A3P 2.77 2.77 4 COOLING TOWER If 4 2.77 2.77 If 3 X 3 4 If 2.77 2.77 4 If If 4 2.77 2.77 If 5 0.0835 X 6 If 2.77 2.77 4 If TRANSIENT 3 5.54 2.77 30A3P 7 X 8 20A3P 2.25 2.25 4 CONDS WATER PUMP VOLTAGE 3 5.54 2.77 If 9 X 10 If 2.25 2.25 4 If SUPPRESSOR 3 5.54 2.77 If 11 X 12 If 2.25 1 2.25 4 If DUAL ARM PUMP 4 2.50 2.50 20A3P 13 X 14 30A3P SPARE If 4 2.50 2.50 If 15 X 16 If If If 4 2.50 2.50 If 17 X 18 If If XFMR RP1 8 3.10 3.10 70A3P 19 X 20 70A3P 2.86 2.86 8 1 XFMR RP2 If 8 3.10 3.10 21 X 22 If 3.58 3.58 8 If If 8 3.10 3.10 23 X 24 If 3.69 3.61 8 If BLANK 25 X 26 50A3P 2.85 8 XFMR CP1 BLA NK 27 X 28 t285] 2.85 8 If BLA NK 29 X 30 2.85 8 1 If Description Lighting Receptacles up to 10kW Receptacles over 10kW Motor Largest motor Heater FIVE (5) KITCHEN EQUIP NEC Subpanel Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Demand 125% 100% 50% 100% 125% 125% 70% 100% Conn. 0 0 16.63 30.87 0 0 0 27.9 Dem. 0 0 8.314 30.87 0 0 0 27.98 Load Summary Ph A Ph B Ph C TOTA L Connected Code Demand kVA Demand kVA 24.6 21.9 25.4 22.6 25.4 22.7 75.4 67.2 91 Amps 81 Am ps Demand Amps per Ph 79 82 82 1 50 k� 3�4W EXTERIOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT TO MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS PER IECC C405.2.5: -EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF AS A FUNCTION OF AVAILABLE DAYLIGHT -WHERE LIGHTING THE BUILDING FACADE OR LANDSCAPE, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE LIGHTING AS A FUNCTION OF DAWN/DUSK AND A SET OPENING AND CLOSING TIME. -WHERE NOT COVERED IN ITEM 2, THE LIGHTING SHALL HAVE CONTROLS CONFIGURED TO REDUCE THE CONNECTED LIGHTING POWER BY NOT LESS THAN 30 PERCENT FROM NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT TO 6 A.M., FROM ONE HOUR AFTER BUSINESS CLOSING TO ONE HOUR BEFORE BUSINESS OPENING OR DURING ANY PERIOD WHEN ACTIVITY HAS NOT BEEN DETECTED FOR A TIME OF LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. (E) MDP 3�4W 480Y/277V 800A F - (E) (E) PANEL PANEL 45kVA (E) "SP1" "DPI" XFMR PANEL 200A 200A "RP2" 125A 70A �$ G MCB zoo P 20o TO AHU P zoo P ATS 00 T P -110 \ ONELINE DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE (E) PANEL „LGA" (E) 200A PANEL "UPS1 11 0 UPS GENSET Geq T SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS RECESSED FLUORESCENT I--" STRIP FLUORESCENT Q WALL MOUNTED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT z FEEDER DATA *VERIFY SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD* J ® BATTERY PACK EXIT LIGHT W/ ARROW COMBINATION EXIT/ EMERGENCY LIGHT POWER DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A SHORT CIRCUIT DESC. QTY (n) SIZE CU/AL CONDUIT TYPE CIRCULAR M ILS L, ft C PH V f M Isc A PA D MOUNTED 277/480V 750kVA 30 XFMR PANELBOARD L❑ DISCONNECT SWITCH W CIRCUIT BREAKER/DISCONNECTING MEANS W ct� SWITCH SINGLE POLE 16,900 DIMMER SWITCH $3 SWITCH THREE WAY $T TIME SWITCH $SC SWITCH SPEED CONTROL $Ms MOTION/OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH M (E) MDP 2 500 CU NON-METALLIC 1,000,000 55 26,706 3 480 0.0628 0.9409 15,901 (E) PANEL LP1 1 3/0 CU METALLIC 167,800 25 12,844 3 480 0.1117 0.8995 14,304 (E) PANEL DP1 1 3/0 CU METALLIC 167,800 25 12,844 3 480 0.1117 0.8995 14,304 BEFORE 45kVA XFMR 1 #4 CU METALLIC 41,700 15 3,806 3 480 0.2034 0.8310 11,886 AFTER XFMR 3 208 10.9796 0.0835 2,290 (E) PANEL RP2 1 #1 CU METALLIC 83,700 5 7,293 3 208 0.0131 0.9871 2,260 ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND RECESSED FLUORESCENT I--" STRIP FLUORESCENT Q WALL MOUNTED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT z BATTERY PACK EMERGENCY LIGHT J ® BATTERY PACK EXIT LIGHT W/ ARROW COMBINATION EXIT/ EMERGENCY LIGHT J DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A CL/ W QUADPLEX RECEPTACLE 120V, 15A OR 20A Z >-i RECEPTACLE 240V, 40A O SPECIAL USE RECEPTACLE 1=f M GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER WP(P WEATHER PROTECTED ®® FLOOR RECEPTACLE PANELBOARD L❑ DISCONNECT SWITCH W CIRCUIT BREAKER/DISCONNECTING MEANS W ct� SWITCH SINGLE POLE $D/DIM DIMMER SWITCH $3 SWITCH THREE WAY $T TIME SWITCH $SC SWITCH SPEED CONTROL $Ms MOTION/OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH M TELEPHONE/DATA PORT TT TRANSFORMER MO WATTHOUR METER PC PHOTOCELL XX -X EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION J❑ JUNCTION BOX N� HOMERUN, ARROWS INDICATE NO. CIRCUITS CIRCUIT RUN, IN WALLS & ABOVE CEILING - - - - CIRCUIT RUN, UNDERGROUND OR IN FLOOR (N) ITEMS SHOWN HEAVY AND/OR DENOTED WITH O (N) ARE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ITEMS SHOWN HEAVY AND DENOTED WITH (R) (R) ARE EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED (E) ITEMS SHOWN LIGHT AND/OR DENOTED WITH (E) ARE EXISTING TO REMAIN UNLESS O OTHERWISE NOTED -r ITEMS SHOWN DASHED ARE EXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" A B I D E FI GI HI I JI KI LI MI N ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES NECESSARY TO INSTALL THE COMPLETE SYSTEMS DESCRIBED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFIED BELOW. THE DRAWINGS ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL DESIGN AND EXTENT OF PERFORMANCE REQUIRED. ALL DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS SHALL BE TAKEN FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 2. COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODES, UTILITY COMPANY REGULATIONS, AND THE APPLICABLE AND ADOPTED CODES OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 3. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW, UL OR ETL RATED, OR A RATED BY STANDARDS ORGANIZATION APPROVED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESSFUL OPERATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. PROVIDE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLED. 5. PROVIDE EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING FOR ELECTRICAL WORK. PROTECT ACCORDING TO OSHA STANDARDS. 6. SUPPORT CONDUIT AND EQUIPMENT FROM THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT SAGGING, POCKETING, SWAYING, AND VIBRATING. 7. PROVIDE SLEEVES AND INSERTS FOR ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. SEAL ALL PIPING AND CONDUIT PASSING THROUGH FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES BY APPROVED METHODS TO MAINTAIN THE FIRE RATING OF THE ASSEMBLY. 8. PROVIDE COMPLETE SYSTEMS OF CONDUCTORS AND RACEWAYS USING CONDUIT AND/OR CABLE ASSEMBLIES APPROPRIATE FOR AND TO THE FUNCTION AND LOCATION AS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER THREE OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. CONDUCTORS MUST BE DERATED PER CODE. LOAD BALANCE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM TO WITHIN 15% PER PHASE. PROVIDE A COMPLETE GROUNDING SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.C. SECTION 250. 9. THE FOLLOWING CONDUIT ARE APPROVED FOR USE ON THIS PROJECT, WHERE APPROVED BY THE N.E.C.: EMT: ELECTRICAL METAL TUBING, GALVANIZED PVC: POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CONDUIT, SCHEDULE 40 10. METAL CLAD (MC) CABLE ASSEMBLIES MAY BE USED IN THE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, WHERE CONCEALED OR WHERE NOT EXPOSED TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE, AND WHERE APPROVED BY N.E.C. 11. PROVIDE GALVANIZED STEEL OUTLET AND JUNCTION BOXES, EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. BOXES SHALL BE A MINIMUM 4" SQUARE OR OCTAGONAL, AND AS DEEP AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF TYPE CAST BOXES WITH GASKET AND CAST COVERPLATE FOR WET LOCATIONS. THROUGH THE WALL BOXES ARE NOT PERMITTED. PROVIDE PLASTER OR TILE RINGS FOR ALL FLUSH OUTLETS INSTALLED WHERE REQUIRED. 12. PROVIDE SPECIFICATION GRADE IVORY COLORED DEVICES THROUGHOUT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT. SWITCHES AND DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE COMMERCIAL GRADE. PROVIDE COVERPLATES FOR UNUSED OUTLETS. OUTLET PLATES MUCH MATCH SIZE OF MULTIGANG BOXES. 13. ALL WIRE IS COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, OR ALUMINUM OF APPROVED EQUAL RATING. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE RATED FOR 60OV. ALL FEEDERS SHALL BE THHW, THHN, OR EQUAL. THE CONDUCTORS AND ALL LUGS SHALL COMPLY TO THE 75'C RATING. 14. ALL WIRING FOR 20A CIRCUITS SHALL BE AWG #12 THHN/THHW COPPER WIRE. HOMERUNS OVER 75' SHALL BE AWG #10 THHN/THHW COPPER WIRE. 15. USE PVC IN EARTH OR IN SLABS IN CONTACT WITH EARTH. DIRECT BURIAL WIRING SHALL NOT BE USED. OUTSIDE THE BUILDING, INSTALL AT A MINIMUM OF 30" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. WHERE DAMAGE MAY OCCUR, USE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL OR INTERMEDIATE METAL CONDUIT. 16. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN A CONDUIT FOR A 30 SYSTEM SHALL BE THREE (AO, 80, CO), NOT INCLUDING NEUTRALS AND GROUNDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 17. POWER WIRING COLOR CODE: FOR 120/208 AND 240V 30 PHASE A BLACK PHASE B RED PHASE C BLUE NEUTRAL GRAY, WHITE, OR 3 WHITE STRIPES GROUND GREEN 18. NO CONDUIT SMALLER THAN 1/2" SHALL BE USED. 19. EXPOSED CONDUIT IS ALLOWABLE, BUT DO NOT INSTALL IN AREAS OPEN TO PUBLIC. EXPOSED CONDUIT MAY BE INSTALLED AT SURFACE MOUNTED EQUIPMENT AND AT OTHER LOCATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE ARCHITECT. SUPPORT CONDUIT PER N.E.C. RUN EXPOSED CONDUIT TO AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO BUILDING LINES. 20. PROVIDE CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE LOAD CENTERS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. BREAKERS SHALL BE FULL WIDTH, THERMAL MAGNETIC, PLUG-IN TYPE. PROVIDE MULTIPOLE BREAKERS WITH COMMON TRIP AND SINGLE OPERATING HANDLE. PROVIDE SEPARATE GROUND BUS. PROVIDE A TYPED PANEL SCHEDULE IN PANEL DOOR. 21. PROVIDE NORMAL DUTY, ENCLOSED, FUSIBLE, AND NON -FUSIBLE SAFETY SWITCHES IN ENCLOSURES SUITABLE FOR THE SURROUNDING AREA AND CONDITIONS. LABEL SWITCHES FOR FEEDER OR MOTOR SUPPLIED. 22. PROVIDE BRANCH CIRCUITS, FEEDERS, JUNCTION BOXES, DISCONNECT SWITCHES AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM. MAKE POWER CONNECTIONS TO MOTORS AND CONTROLS FOR HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING, PLUMBING, AND OWNER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED. 23. EXTERIOR LIGHTING FIXTURES, RACEWAYS, BALLASTS, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF AND SUITABLE FOR TEMPERATURES DOWN TO -207. 24. ALL CONDUIT THAT PASSES THROUGH FIREWALLS OR FLOORS SHALL HAVE APPROVED FIRE STOPS EVEN IF NOT SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. 25. ALL CONDUITS LEFT EMPTY FOR FUTURE USE SHALL INCLUDING TELEPHONE CONDUCTORS SHALL HAVE A CONDUIT MEASURING TAPE OF 200# TENSILE STRENGTH OR EQUAL PULLED INTO THE CONDUIT AND TIED OFF AT EACH END. 26. IF HIGH LEG SYSTEM, HIGH LEG PHASE TO BE PHASE "B" MIDDLE BUS AND BE MARKED ORANGE THROUGHOUT SYSTEM. 27. ALL 120V RECEPTACLES ARE 18" AFF AND SWITCHES ARE 48" AFF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, OR AS SPECIFIED BY CUSTOMER. 28. EGRESS LIGHTING SHALL HAVE GREEN LETTERING ON A CONTRASTING COLOR, 90 -MINUTE BATTERY BACKUP, AND BE WIRED TO UN -SWITCHED HOT LEG OF NEAREST LIGHTING CIRCUIT. 29. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE ONE LINE DIAGRAM PRIOR TO BIDDING AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. i'ft or Wheat Ridge uIlding Dhbw IS BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 R1 ELEC FIELD UPDATES 03.11.20 CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRIAN@ .COM ENGINEERING COMPANY z O w z o w z C) < J LU o CL/ W J Z >-i z a a0 W V �LL W =C) F V � oW > CL/ W = W ct� J C) D >- W w Z Q LL W CD J ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 w w w z T- W � QW Z:) N N Q z W Q 0 7W w z =C) 13zZ � w O w zC) w Q z C) D z W� w Z 00 CN 0 N W 0 I- c� w O U Fd1dng@mn*mes-oom NG, P.E. 291h Ave CO 80212 -5105 F- 'I ENGINEERS STAMP NO i CJ •v ;_44/ 4/ 01 LU 'sz 40380 z: // 2 'O •' 0 7b'N0�55'= CHECKED BY DRK DRAWN BY SMS RENO JAMES PROJECT NUMBER 19277 SHEET NO. 10 B FI c o�00po 000 p DA 00°000 0 °O 3 °00°o moo o0 0 0°°°°00 ° 0 00 D 00 po °o oo oo 0 0 ° v 0 vo�Po °0 pa ° OQ °� op°p0 °°0p Z� Q °00$00 O�vo �O p a o a 00 o° °p 0000 0 0 0 Oo 0 00°000 °p°a 8°p°�°yj O o odJ ° 00 0 000 °000°o °p 0° oo opo°o °°o Op°°0$0�0�v0 4C o 00 o0 0 0 °0°°0 0 00 °° °0 °a °poo p Oo°o o _ oo�pp °o °oma °0000 D0�0o°°° o Q o 0 oO�o O �� O ° o°oopo °°°%O 0 PE O o 00 0 o°oro°o°o p°o °°a vo °°oogop°o°°boa oV Q 0 0 �E�' QQ 00 00000 OODao� SITE ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 0 Wheat Ridge A B C D E F G H J K LI MI NI OI P ISSUE: BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRIAN@CALLAHAN.COM voopo o0 0 poo °°o OOODOp 0 ''n O w w ° °° °o r Z x o o a p0 QOoo � J O C) Q J a Wo OooOoop o °00000p o Q>o z9 z °ooOO°°80°°°°00 o 0 0 o�000Q ° OOo oOOOo R- Z w V Q O 00p0 OvOO°° °p0V°0 w W °0 i 0000 00 OD 0 ~ °D7a �°p W a LU Op N 0 W W P, ° Opp O �� x � 000 °0000000°0 °�Jp o� 0��00�Opp wow 0000 OOoo °R°p000°°°000 00�o °0Q°00000pp°°°p°� p0oo °0�°000o0pp°°os°OOo o o U ° 0 ° 0 0 °ro°0o°o p°o °°a °o p 00 00 0000 0 000 Op00 0 000 Ovga 00 Oo 0 O o0 O� O O O o Oo O °Ro 0 0 0 0 00 °000000 0�°° 000°000 0 00 0 000 °a oOo°oa °o oo°000 ooe ° 000 a o oa 0 o°a °v@8�8 °a 0000°Ba °0%o° °°Vao Ooo % o®$ oo 0A PROJECT ADDRESS %opo °�'°v°1 10550 W 38TH AVE. °00°0000 0 o°0000$°o ° p°o (E) 150kVA XFMR ° 480Y/277, 3�4W (E) PANEL DP1 ooh (E) PANEL LP1 oroo oowB °000 a: 0 00 0 (E) MDP 480Y277) /277) °°go o LL (E) PANEL RP2 o AND 45kVA XFMR 0°Opp v%v°°°o"' (E) CT CABINET AND METER 0 QE6 R 0 °°0 Q 0 O ° O ° 00000p �° 10 0 QOo00 °p °° °o % p 00 OHO �� 00 O O� 0 0 O Q Do VA' O O o Oo ° OHO O 0 ° 00 00o 000 °� p o 0 0 00 °00 00p0 "D" Op°° °0000 pQ°0 BI o° 0�0 Ov0�p0o iz B° 0 0 � 0 0 o� O° O o Oo 0 °�J 0 0 0 0 00 °0°°0 0 00�110° °000000 Ov0° PROJECT AREA o�00po 000 p DA 00°000 0 °O 3 °00°o moo o0 0 0°°°°00 ° 0 00 D 00 po °o oo oo 0 0 ° v 0 vo�Po °0 pa ° OQ °� op°p0 °°0p Z� Q °00$00 O�vo �O p a o a 00 o° °p 0000 0 0 0 Oo 0 00°000 °p°a 8°p°�°yj O o odJ ° 00 0 000 °000°o °p 0° oo opo°o °°o Op°°0$0�0�v0 4C o 00 o0 0 0 °0°°0 0 00 °° °0 °a °poo p Oo°o o _ oo�pp °o °oma °0000 D0�0o°°° o Q o 0 oO�o O �� O ° o°oopo °°°%O 0 PE O o 00 0 o°oro°o°o p°o °°a vo °°oogop°o°°boa oV Q 0 0 �E�' QQ 00 00000 OODao� SITE ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 0 Wheat Ridge A B C D E F G H J K LI MI NI OI P ISSUE: BUILDING DEPT. ISSUE 11.05.19 CUSTOMER BRIAN OSTLER CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION BRIAN@CALLAHAN.COM ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 ''n O w w N r Z x o W � J O C) Q J a Wo Q 00 E Q>o z9 z z x7w U a° = Z w V Go a) w W Z i U OD 0 ~ > W a LU LLJ In N 0 W W o x 0 0 ENGINEERING COMPANY 0 ''n w w N r w x W � J QW 0 NZ W Q 00 W O z x7w U Z 04 w O w w Z i Zo OD 0 W � w Z N 0 W o x 0 0 U ENGINEERS STAMP � 1 O� Lu ' Q 40380 (D ., 1111`vi��1, .VNOki `55�= CHECKED BY DIRK DRAWN BY SMS RENO JAMES PROJECT NUMBER 19277 SHEET NO. E2 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: a � ' Job Address: Permit Number: tl ❑ No one available for inspection: Time /PM Re -Inspection required: Yes �U_0 When corrections have been made, sc edule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspgctio- Date- _ • Z ' Ir s__r ect - _ ; L C O � o to N O N i p O '6 Rp 0 U L p Q co LO M 01 C Z FL w E Q Q d M O QNN m y O � O M >Q> + /Jj)I v C�co { f L C O � o to N O N i p O '6 Rp 0 U L p Q co LO M 01 C Z FL w E Q Q [1 r �. w . . ........�..... 75 g'rIl xovii u Y U N 0 p a9 C O m Ai N 3 O a7 .� O p vs � N i31 _.. m ca v (R � U L N U a0 N C p � p p m r Q 3Su m a) Q- ,OO 02 h / Li VD > tlJ \, fry L cn CL a �mai � = C -0 O W p t�..J Zi 2 m r —tn as E0 CR U Y m [1 r 1 G Z� 2390 South Lipan Street - Denver, CO 80223 phone: (303) 742-9700 fax: (303) 742-9666 email: kadenver@kumarusa.com www_kumarusa.com Office Locations: Denver (HQ), Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, and Frisco, Colorado April 16, 2020 Mr. Mathew Martin Jefferson County Public Library 10200 West 20th Ave Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Subject: Structural Steel Reports, Library Service Center, 10500 West 381', WheatRidge, Colorado Project No. 20-1-119 Dear Mr. Martin: Please find attached the Visual Inspection and Reports from Key Inspection Service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Scott B Hougard Project Supervisor SBH/deb Cc: file 54# lagwe m Svutiae 473ff S. ZWa:d V X"uao.V, ed ffM5 (720) 6t8-5208 de&.,rer(-Domifeek mar Client: Kumar and Associates, Inc. 2390 S. Lipan St. Denver, CO. 80223 /per 15, 2020 Project: 20-1-119 Library Service Center 10500 W. 38th Arvada, CO. Location/ Description: 1) Top of Slab to Roof Level. Gridlines A to C and 1 to 2. Observation of bolted connections — Column baseplate to slab, Girts to column, Rafter beam to column, Rafter beam splice, Purlins to rafter beam. Connection Type: Bolted — Snug Tight. Method of Observation: Visual. Results: Based on our observations, the connections observed at the referenced locations appeared to be the proper size, type, in the proper location and placed in general accordance with the identified project drawings and applicable code. Referenced Drawings: Apex Structural drawings dated 1/16/20. Star Building Systems drawings dated 10/29/19. Observations Reported To: Rich Calahan with Calahan Construction Inspector: Dell R. Key, CWI ICC Special Inspector #8721724 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: AI /r_ Job Address: l® Sid Permit Number: ?.0/'1 ® Z- ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM� Re -Inspection required: Yes &0 When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.cL wheatridge.co, usfin spec tion Date: 1712d9.?O Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE a i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Y,)— Job Address: Permit Number: �✓ � 23 r 0,AV'( (_ t�e �`e, /({„,i(Ier'i3O i (..;�/ j- 1 .' C is Si .�Qi i t 1,J No one available for inspection: Time b v AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Vis' No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date:— �0 - J, 261,} Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE e i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:=!� Job Address: + '� � Vij, ' Permit Number: 9 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: h ttp://www. ci. wheatridge. co. us/inspection Date: /, f,. C-11' Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE 1=,,/ Inspection Type: ` '� e:, Job Address: 1 <nl Permit Number: ( 1 T5E� ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 00C_ M/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes When corrections have been made, ch ule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www�w.ci.wheatridge.co.u�nspe to Date:l. '7�.20�sn ctor i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division 1-J (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: �� S Job Address: U UL - Permit Number: 14) () 1 Ci Q) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time @ '1 Ll � AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes Na) When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: h ttp://www. ci, whea tridge, co, uslinspec tion Date:14' 93 'd-11") Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: (-I c Job Address: I uyuo a" -V--?W, A\) Permit Number: 2 0 t c 6 2_�7-i f '14 n L ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www. cL wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date:_9 15' 7(,?' inspector: kr- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office e (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: \ '?- 4--)- Job --) Job Address: l: S '.. D t,. a-�- Permit Number: 11; a ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: de' No 1--17 When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date:– Lu b-, Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE �`� W heat MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 2911 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(aki.wheatridge.co.us I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Date: Add to Permit # 6) / 16) a�; z 8y Building Permit Revision/Amendment Application ' Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: J d 56c> W 3gT-0- A- VL`. Property Owner (please print): Phone: 3f CD3 5L--43 Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Submitting Company: Contact Person: ��/7;1/ 7,--3,12rLyV Contractor: C�2Wh iVI Cv�1l5T Phone: 303 7Z� 20S(2 Contractors City License #: Phone: �G✓ �'2 �8� Contractor E-mail Address: ��/T%�� Gf3L���• Please Note: Additional valuation must include all general and subcontracted work to be performed related to the revisions and/or amendments declared in the description of work and which were not included in the original permit valuation. If revisions or amendments increase the original valuation, additional fees will be due at the time of approval. Depending on the scope of work, additional plan review fees may be due upon approval ($60.00 an hour — 2 hour minimum). Description of revised/amended work: Sq. Ft./LF Amps )e::�,ctwvi�-974A) go;�,AJ.D Btu's Squares - t: 9 - / /Z-51 -f- Gallons Other Additional Project Value: (Must include all general and subcontracted work to be performed related to revisions/amendments described above) E OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) NT or (AUTHORIZEDREPRESEN TIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: yly)'1/ SIGNATURE: DATE: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMMENTS: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer. t Y 1..,., .�� La"► O PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS Reviewer: PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Building Division Valuation: $ rAM N* i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE \ Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:-� Job Address: W 01 -A - Permit Number: .�D 1 �j t� 2 Z� r)t., .,ice `, G �4, W y ,j I-ry i L ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM e> Re -Inspection required: Yes N6 When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: ' ��� `�� Inspector:��` DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Apex Structural Inc. 9416 W. Quarles Place Littleton, CO 80128 January 17, 2020 Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Jefferson County Library Addition 10500 W. 381h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Sir or Madam: This is a letter of compliance for the foundation wall reinforcement for the above referenced addition for a pre-engineered metal building. On January 17, 2020, Brian Panning of Apex Structural Inc. observed the foundation wall reinforcement between the pilasters, whic-h will be poured monolithically with the slab on grade. This work complied with the approved contract documents. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! Apex Structural Inc. Brian A. Panning, P.E. President G ® A s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office ® (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: S k- ry� Job Address: 0 Uj k> -y�- A,, Permit Number: ie nr e &l LJNo one available for inspection: Time `�L AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes 60.> When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date: � L ---I • aQ �, --' Inspector: 4-- ®O NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: cic_ r Job Address: V (:::) 1;j k1�w L Permit Number: l Cq v — ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 4_' AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: \ , V - c3 c>� cM Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division �.� A (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:P Job Address: U `?a�\ n -� c Permit Number: U \fit 02'� Z� 92) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ` ' `' ` AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http ✓/www. cL wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: V4 1 ° ' Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE F City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Addition PERMIT - 201902328 PERMIT NO: 201902328 ISSUED: 01/13/2020 JOB ADDRESS: 10500 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 01/12/2021 JOB DESCRIPTION: Addition to the existing Jefferson County Library Service Center, serving as a drop off area for vehicles to unload deliveries. *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. Square footage: 800 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY GC (303)595-0214 DON CALAHAN 170479 CALAHAN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SUB (303)419-6153 RON DICK 170624 ARAPAHOE PLUMBING CO INC SUB (720)328-3335 BROOKE COLBY & JAKOB HEARLEY 140292 DUCTED COMFORT SUB (303)434-0335 CRAIG REYNOLDS 021669 LORD & REYNOLDS ELECT. SVCS *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 420 / Storage Warehouse; 0 BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 110,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 777.76 Use Tax 2,310.00 Permit Fee 1,196.55 ** TOTAL ** 4,284.31 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IBC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. **Prior to final inspection approval - As-builts are required before approval of the Building Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. City of Wheat Ridge K . Commercial Addition PERMIT - 201902328 PERMIT NO: 201902328 ISSUED: 01/13/2020 JOB ADDRESS: 10500 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 01/12/2021 JOB DESCRIPTION: Addition to the existing Jefferson County Library Service Center, serving as a drop off area for vehicles to unload deliveries. Square footage: 800 I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, po Flans and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuanceor ranting of a it shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any . applicable c e r a ordin or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to f any inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. city of � heat ic�ge LCIMMUNI VY DINT K-WMI N I Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 291' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 " Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: peri-iiits(c.uci.witeatridge.co,us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: PlanlPermit # fib/ Plan Review Fee: 0 Building I I Permit Application '? *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: Property Owner Email: Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: , State, Arch itectlEng ineer E-mail: ae I !2 Contractor Name: L/ON- I C' -'- City of Wheat Ridge License #: Contractor Email Address: For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please .� CONTACT NAME (please print,: CONTACT EMAI L(please print): '�D✓ tNt" Phone: _�PS _!IY-4 • 2-57.6K Phone: �Qi; • �� � &7l :. 3o g •CSY4. Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # • ►1 ❑ RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work; For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appli nce size and ffi iency, type nd am nt of materials t be used, etc. �b✓.�Z e)� Ve Sq. FULF Com/(/ BTUs Gallons Amps Squares For Solar: KW # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: �_ Construction TypeZv_') � Occupancy Load:_ Square Footage; Project /Value: (Contract �1 value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE, OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pennit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes an rdinances for work under any permit issued based on this application: that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal ow of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to lis hat entity on this application I, the applicant for- this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information vrovid brn the andlication. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) Signature (first and lastnte): _ Printed Name: �Z ZONING COMMMENTS: IVAU Cr t Reviewer: 14,01 Iq BUILDING DEPASTMENTCOMME T Reviewer IZ/2�(q PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: n() r (AT O E REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (C .VTR4CTOR) ® DATE: Imo( DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASS(FLCATION: l CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Building Division Valuation: Ity of h6a W at f irk co_)MMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR • s . s This form mint be signed v each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: '{! �, Permit#: General Contractor: Electrical Sub -Contractor i Company Name: ""it'Phone #:-1� q a�'-► ' � ��� State License #: f_ Master #: {� Wheat Z&e Lice #:_R (required field) � J Signature of Authorized Agent Dad I Plumbing Sub -Contractor Company Name: Phone #: State License #: :mgr #: Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Irate Mechanical Contractor Company Name: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Phone: required field) Date City of Wh6atP.,i,6(dJge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must be signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior Jo permit issuance. Project Address: 3 PVF, Permit #: qo�6 General Contractor: CG16,h4,'1 CeAffi4,440X Electrical Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Plumbing Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Wheat Ridge License #: Phone #- Master #• (required field) Date Phone #: Master #: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Date 1 Mechanical Contractor I Company Name•( did 4e+ Phone: -?- 3>%9&' 33SS�_ Wheat Ridge License #: %- c;k Ic .(required field) SignoMfe of AuthorizeM Asknt Date `1 Gmaii Brian Ostler<brianostler421@gmail.com 'ermit application accepted - West Metro Fire Protection District RECEIVED message oReply@mobile-eyes.com <NoRepty@mobile-eyes.com> NOV 0 6 2019 Wed, Nov S, 2019 at 7:08 At a: Brian@calahan.com Your permit request for Jeffco Public Library Service Center at 10500 West 38th Avenue Wheat RFdYV 6e 4QU ti c haan ar epted. The Job Number is: 191106001 Description: An 800 s.f, one story addition to the existing Jefferson County Library Service Center. The addition will serve as a drop off area for vehicles to unload deliveries. Thank you for submitting to West Metro Fire. Our typical review turnaround is approximately 3 - 4 weeks. If additional information is required, you'll receive a notice from the reviewer assigned, or a no -reply notice from Mobile Eyes. Please be sure to check your funk folder if you feel you are not receiving the Mobile Eyes notices and select "Not Ju nk-. If you check the status of your review through your Mobile Eyes Contractor Portal you may see a note that says "zoning checks not passed". This is not checked until a permit has been issued and fees have been paid. This is an internal way for us to keep inspections from being requested until the above has been completed. NOTE: Re -submissions shall only include the pages that are affected and additional pages that may be required for the needed corrections. Re -submission of full sets, unless specifically requested, shall result in the rejection of plans. � t. West Metro Fire Protection District E 433 S. Allison Pkwy, RECEIV y, „' akeT'Qh CO 80226 WN Phone 303.989.4 307 www.westmetrofre.orci�Q �� 7 �� � 0 gest Mem) FI►e Rescue Tenant Finish/Improvement Permit Application Per 4APPNT NFORMATION ' 1/ Company Name: �/� �a� '_�/r�� /'�� ntact Person: Project Narrm/Tenant: J �-I tel/ i�y /f Project A rens (I dude /(�� 1 gym,: W� ate:p�fjYp ode: Phone: �4 . Email: �I� C�� Design Prof oral (if applicable): t a(� / /.5 Phone: Ema SUBMITTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED (NOT AN ALL-INCLUSIVE LIST) ❑ Construction plans and documents shall be complete and of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail compliance with the applicable codes, standards and amendments. ❑ Electronic Plans to Scale- One Set Depicting Existing Conditions, Demolition Plan, and Proposed New Conditions ❑ Include Mechanical, EIK:trical & Plumbing Plans (MEPs) ❑ Written Scope of Work ❑ Full & Proper Code Analysis ❑ Life Safety/Egress & Exit Pian I, the applicant, verify that plans have been fully unlocked and unsecured at the time of plan submittal. DEiFERE1D SUBMITTALS/PERMITS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING WORK Fire Detection Systems Fire Suppression Systems Underground Fire Line Access Control Systems Medical Gas Systems Kitchen Hood Suppression System Emergency Responder/ Radio Amplification Systems Photovoltaic/Solar Power Systems BY SIGNING BELOW, I CERTIFY THAT: I have thoroughly read and understand all information on this Permit Application and that all Information supplied is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Construction Plans and Documents shall be complete and of sufficient clarity to Indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail compliance with the applicable codes, standards and amendments. If this Is not the rase, my plans may be rejected and a re -submittal fee may be assessed. Review and approval by the Fire Code Official shall riot relieve the applicant of the responsibility of compliance with applicable codes, standards and am nts. **Both "Corrected" and "Revi fans th t are submittedor further review shall be placed back in the queue in I order they were received. a will n onger be 9In ference over newly submitted projects . Corrected an; Revised plans could also be s j o a�onal fees.*r Signature of Applicant: V // 1�� //✓ Date: 11 4 I C1 Plan review comments and status regarding projects are available by logging in to your contractor portal at www.mobile-eves.com/PA Index. aso?Submit=Logon .. Oct 18 PROJECT INFORMATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Occupancy ❑ A- B ❑ E ❑ F-- ❑ H _ Classifrcation(s): ❑ I - - ❑ M ❑ R - ❑ S - ❑ u Type of Building: XNew Building ❑ Existing Building Fre Protection ❑ Fire ❑ Fire Detection Cl Standpipe ❑ Kitchen Hood ❑ Other: Systems to be Installed: Suppression System System Design Standard: ❑ 2009 IFC 2012 IFC ❑ 2015 IFC ❑ 2018 IFC Square Footage of Project: Desaipt' n r / I, t>v” If qS.=p.Work: 44 r t SUBMITTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED (NOT AN ALL-INCLUSIVE LIST) ❑ Construction plans and documents shall be complete and of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail compliance with the applicable codes, standards and amendments. ❑ Electronic Plans to Scale- One Set Depicting Existing Conditions, Demolition Plan, and Proposed New Conditions ❑ Include Mechanical, EIK:trical & Plumbing Plans (MEPs) ❑ Written Scope of Work ❑ Full & Proper Code Analysis ❑ Life Safety/Egress & Exit Pian I, the applicant, verify that plans have been fully unlocked and unsecured at the time of plan submittal. DEiFERE1D SUBMITTALS/PERMITS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING WORK Fire Detection Systems Fire Suppression Systems Underground Fire Line Access Control Systems Medical Gas Systems Kitchen Hood Suppression System Emergency Responder/ Radio Amplification Systems Photovoltaic/Solar Power Systems BY SIGNING BELOW, I CERTIFY THAT: I have thoroughly read and understand all information on this Permit Application and that all Information supplied is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Construction Plans and Documents shall be complete and of sufficient clarity to Indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail compliance with the applicable codes, standards and amendments. If this Is not the rase, my plans may be rejected and a re -submittal fee may be assessed. Review and approval by the Fire Code Official shall riot relieve the applicant of the responsibility of compliance with applicable codes, standards and am nts. **Both "Corrected" and "Revi fans th t are submittedor further review shall be placed back in the queue in I order they were received. a will n onger be 9In ference over newly submitted projects . Corrected an; Revised plans could also be s j o a�onal fees.*r Signature of Applicant: V // 1�� //✓ Date: 11 4 I C1 Plan review comments and status regarding projects are available by logging in to your contractor portal at www.mobile-eves.com/PA Index. aso?Submit=Logon .. Oct 18 it 24Y 2328 9 �oCOMcheck Software Version Envelope Compliance Certificate Project Information D E C E I V E D Energy Code: 201itlECC NOV 0 6 2019 Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Location: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Per#_q� Climate Zone: 5b Project Type: New Construction Vertical Glazing / Wall Area: 'I% Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor- 10550 West 38th Ave Jefferson County Library Brian Ostler Wheat Ridge, CO 80022 10550 West 38th Ave Calahan Construction Lakewood, CO 80033 1661 Wadsworth Blvd — 19.0 0.512 Lakewood, CO 80214 Additional Efficiency Package(s) 303-984-2568 brian@calahan.com Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations. Building Area Exterior Wall 2: Metal Building Wall, Single Layer Mineral Fiber, [Bldg. Floor Area 1 -Warehouse : Nonresidential 0.084 800 Envelope Assemblies Assembly Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget U - or R -Value R -Value LI -Factor Factoro) Perimeter Roof 1: Metal Building, Standing Seam, Double Insulation Layer with 800 0.0 19.0 0.051 0.035 Thermal Blocks (d), [Bldg. Use 1 - Warehouse] Floor 1: Slab-On-Grade:Unheated, Vertical 2 ft., [Bldg. Use 1 - 120 — 19.0 0.512 0.540 Warehouse] (c) NORTH Exterior Wall 2: Metal Building Wall, Single Layer Mineral Fiber, [Bldg. 710 0.0 11.0 0.084 0.052 Use 1 - Warehouse] Window 1: Metal Frame:Fixed, Perf. Specs.: Product ID NA, SHGC 15 --- — 0.300 0.380 0.35, (Bldg. Use 1 - Warehouse] (b) EAST Exterior Wail 1: Metal Building Wali, Single Layer Mineral Fiber, [Bldg. 320 0.0 11.0 0.084 0.052 Use 1 - Warehouse] Door 1: Insulated Metal, Swinging, [Bldg. Use 1 - Warehouse] 21 --- --- 0.370 0.370 Door 2: Insulated Metal, Non -Swinging, [Bldg. Use 1 - Warehouse] 168 - -- 0.101 0.179 SOUTH Exterior Wall 4: Concrete Block:8", Partially Grouted, Cells Insulated, 710 0.0 19.0 0.043 0.090 Medium Density, Furring: Wood, [Bldg. Use 1 - Warehouse] WEST Exterior Wall 3: Metal Building Wali, Single Layer Mineral Fiber, [Bldg. 320 0.0 11.0 0.084 0.052 Use 1 - Warehouse] Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitied.cck Page 1 of 9 (a) Budget U -factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY, and are not code requirements. (b) Fenestration product performance must be certified in accordance with NFRO and requires supporting documentation. (c) Slab -On -Grade proposed and budget U -factors shown in table are F -factors. (d) Thermal spacer block with minimum R-3.5 must be installed above the pudin/batt, and the roof deck secured to the purlins. • •e PASSES: Design 1 better than code Envelope Compliance Statement j /j Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represenEetl in this d cement is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit applic do . The propo*ed envelope systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 4.1.0. nd to co ply with any applicable mandatory r uirements listed in h Inspection heck st. Name - Title Signature Date Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date: 11106/19 Data filename: Untitied.cck Page 2 of 9 COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies thata code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C103.2 Plans and/or specifications provide all ❑Complies [PR1)1 information with which compliance ❑Does Not can be determined for the building ❑Nat Observable envelope and document where ❑Not Applicable exceptions to the standard are claimed. C402.4.1 The vertical fenestration area <= 30 ❑Complies [PR10]1 percent of the gross above -grade wail ❑Does Not area. ❑Nat Observable DNot Applicable C402.4.1 The skylight area <= 3 percent of the ❑Complies [PR11)1 gross roof area. ❑Does Not ONot Observable DNot Applicable C402.4.2 In enclosed spaces > 2,500 ft2 ❑Complies [PR1411 directly under a roof with ceiling LlDoes Not heights >15 ft. and used as an office, r Not Observablelobby, atrium, concourse, corridor, =— DNot Applicable storage, gymnasium/exercise center, convention center, automotive service, manufacturing, non - refrigerated warehouse, retail store, distribution/sorting area, transportation, or workshop, the following requirements apply: (a) the daylight zone under skylights is >= half the floor area; (b) the skylight area to daylight zone is >= 3 percent with a skylight VT >= 0.40; or a minimum skylight effective aperture >= 1 percent. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 i High Impact (Tier 1) ; 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 � Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage _ Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 3 of 9 Section # Footing / Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.2 - Slab edge insulation installed per —_ ❑Complies [F04 ]2 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not C,Not Observable CNot Applicable C303.2.1 Exterior insulation protected against OComplies i [FO6]' damage, sunlight, moisture, wind, EJDoes Not landscaping and equipment E]Not Observable maintenance activities. EINot Applicable C402.2.5 Slab edge insulation R -value. L EComplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [F03 ]2 ODoes Not JNot Observable E]Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: ---- _- -------------- 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date; 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 4 of 9 Section # Framing / Rough -In Inspection 1 Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID --- -- -- ---_I — ----------- C303.1.3 Fenestration products rated in ❑Complies [FR12l2 accordance with NFRC. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.1.3 Fenestration products are certified as ❑Complies [FR13]1 to performance labels or certificates ❑Does Not provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.4.3 Vertical fenestration SHGC value. ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [FR10]1 ❑Does Not [7 Not Observable ❑Nat Applicable C402.4.3, Vertical fenestration U -Factor. ❑ Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. C402.4.3. ❑Does Not 4 [FR8]1 -'Not Observable ENot Applicable C402.4.4 U -factor of opaque doors associated ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [FR14]2 with the building thermal envelope ❑Does Not meets requirements. ❑'}Nat Observable ❑iNot Applicable C402.5.1. The building envelope contains a ❑Complies 2.2 continuous air barrier that is sealed in IDDoes Not [FR20]1 an approved manner and average Not Observable assembly air leakage <= 0.04 cfm1ft2. 17JNot Applicable Air barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. C402.5.2, Factory -built fenestration and doors ❑Complies C402.5.4 are labeled as meeting air leakage ❑Does Not [FR18]3 requirements. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.5.7 Vestibules are installed on all building ❑Complies [FR17]3 entrances. Doors have self-closing ❑Does Not devices. ❑Nat Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1; High Impact (Tier 1) ' 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) ; 3 !Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 5 of 9 # ( Mechanical Rough -In Inspection ! Complies? ! Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C402.5.5, Stair and elevator shaft vents have ❑Complies C403.2.4. motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not 3 [ME3]3 close. uNot Observable ❑Nat Applicable C402.5.5, Outdoor air and exhaust systems have LComplies C403.2.4. motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not 3 shut when not in use and meet [-]Not Observable [ME58]3 maximum leakage rates. Check %Not Applicable gravity dampers where allowed. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 ' High impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3! Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 6 of 9 Section # Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions s C303.1 Roof insulation installed per ❑Complies [IN3]1 manufacturer's instructions. Blown or ❑Does Not poured loose -fill insulation is installed ❑Not Observable only where the roof slope is <=3 in ❑Nat Applicable -1-2. ------------------------------ -- C303.1 Building envelope insulation is labeled ❑Complies [IN 10]2 with R -value or insulation certificate ❑Does Not providing R -value and other relevant ❑ Not Observable data. ❑Not Applicable C303.2 Above -grade wall insulation installed ❑Complies [IN7]1 per manufacturer's instructions. L1 Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.2.1 Exterior insulation is protected from GIComplies [IN14]2 damage with a protective material. ❑Does Not Verification for exposed foundation L]Not Observable insulation may need to occur during f Not Applicable Foundation Inspection. pp C402.1.3 Non -swinging opaque doors have R- EComplies [IN 19]3 4.75 insulation. 0Does Not EiNot Observable E]Not Applicable C402.2.1 Insulation intended to meet the roof -Complies [IN17]3 insulation requirements cannot be l -Does Not installed on top of a suspended Not Observable ceiling. Mark this requirement L_2Not Applicable compliant if insulation is installed accordingly. C402.2.3 Above -grade wall insulation R -value. EComplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [IN6]1 —Does Not [Not Observable ��Not Applicable C402.2.5 Floor insulation R value. DICompfies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [IN8]2 7 --?Does Not FNot Observable uNot Applicable C402.2.6 Radiant panels and associated ❑Complies [IN18]3 components, designed for heat ❑Does Not transfer from the panel surfaces to the UNot Observable occupants or indoor space are l—FNot Applicable insulated with a minimum of R-3.5. C402.2.2 Roof R -value. For some ceiling PiComplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [IN2]1 systems, verification may need to ElDoes Not occur during Framing Inspection. Not Observable 7`Not Applicable C402.5.1. All sources of air leakage in the lComplies 1 building thermal envelope are sealed, =Does Not [IN1]1 caulked, gasketed, weather stripped ❑Not Observable or wrapped with moisture vapor - ❑Not Applicable permeable wrapping material to minimize air leakage. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2' Medium Impact (Tier 2) 31 Low Impact (Tier 3) --------- .—_.... ._._— __._._ __..T _._._--------- Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 7 of 9 Section , # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.I D , ------ — --- C402.5.3 Where open combustion air ducts — -- ---- ❑Complies [F15 1]3 provide combustion air to open ❑Does Not combustion fuel burning appliances, ❑Not Observable the appliances and combustion air ❑Not Applicable opening are located outside the building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope. Such rooms are sealed and insulated. C402.5.6 Weatherseals installed on all loading L_7Complies [17137]' dock cargo doors. EJDoes Not Not Observable ------ ---- ---- - --- ------ F-INot Applicable C402.5.8 Recessed luminaires in thermal -- — !Complies [F126]3 envelope to limit infiltration and be IC `Does Not rated and labeled. Seal between Observable interior finish and luminaire housing.Not =:Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions. 1 !High Impact {Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2] 3TLow, Impact (Tier --3) ---- ------ — _ — - -- - L..�—..._ act - Project Title: Jefferson County Library Storage _^ '- ^ --------' Report date: 11/06/19 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 8 of 9 COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: Project Title: Project Type: Construction Site: 10550 W 38th Wheat Ridge, CO Allowed Interior Lighting Power 2012 IECC Tenant Finish Addition Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Dan King Reno James Engineering 4900 W 29th Avenue Denver, CO 80212 A Area Category B C D Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts 1 ft2 (B X C) 1 -Living Areas (Warehouse: Medium/bulky material) 800 0.60 480 Total Allowed Watts = 480 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID: Description 1 Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 1 -Living Areas (Warehouse: Medium/bulky materiall LED STRIPS: Other: SCONCE: Other: 1 4 50 200 1 1 50 50 Total Proposed Watts = 250 Interior. . better than code Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2012 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name - Title Signature Date T— Project Title: Tenant Finish �. wr Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck. cck Page 1 of 11 COMcheck Software Version Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2012 IECC Project Title: Tenant Finish Location: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Climate Zone: 51b Project Type: Addition Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 10550 W 38th Dan King Wheat Ridge, CO Reno James Engineering 4900 W 29th Avenue Denver, CO 80212 Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type & Description 1 UH -1 (Single Zone): Heating: 1 each - Unit Heater, Gas, Capacity = 45 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency = 82.00% Ec, Required Efficiency: 80.00 % Ec Fan System: FAN SYSTEM 1 — Compliance (Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes Fans: FAN 1 Supply, Constant Volume, 2000 CFM, 0.3 motor nameplate hp Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 2012 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name - Title Signature Date o f 3``80 C� fis5I-0 N AL Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 2 of 11 COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2012 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. section # Plan Review & Req.ID Complies? Comments/Assumptions C103.2 Plans, specifications, and/or ❑Complies [PR2]1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be ❑Not Observable the standard are claimed. Information determined for the mechanical ❑Not Applicable systems and equipment and bulbs and ballasts, transformers and document where exceptions to the control devices. standard are claimed. Load calculations per acceptable engineering standards and handbooks. C103.2 Plans, specifications, and/or ❑Complies [PR4]1 calculations provide all information []Does Not with which compliance can be ❑Not Observable determined for the interior lighting ❑Not Applicable and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided should include interior lighting power calculations, wattage of bulbs and ballasts, transformers and control devices. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) + 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck. cck Page 3 of 11 # Footing / Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID � C403.2.4. Freeze protection and snow/ice ❑Complies i 5 melting system sensors for future ❑Does Not [FO9]3 connection to controls. ❑Not Observable I, i ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 4 of 11 € Section # I Mechanical Rough -in Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re .ID !C403.2.3 HVAC equipment efficiency verified. ❑Complies See the Mechanical systems list for values. f[ME55]2 []Does Not j ❑Not Observable' I ❑Not Applicable C403.2.5. Demand control ventilation provided ❑Complies 1 for spaces >500 sq.ft. and >25 ❑Does Not [ME59]1 people/1000 sq.ft. occupant density ❑Not Observable: and served by systems with air side ❑Not Applicable pp economizer, auto modulating outside air damper control, or design airflow >3,000 cfm. C403.2.7 HVAC ducts and plenums insulated. ❑Complies [ME60]2 Where ducts or plenums are installed❑Does Not in or under a slab, verification may ❑Not Observable need to occur during Foundation ❑Not Applicable Inspection. C403.2.8 HVAC piping insulation thickness. ❑Complies [ME61]2 Where piping is installed in or under a❑Does Not slab, verification may need to occur ❑Not Observable during Foundation Inspection. ❑Not Applicable C403.2.8. Piping Insulation exposed to weather❑Complies 1 is protected from damage (due to sun,❑Does Not [ME7]3 moisture, wind, etc.). ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.8 :Thermally ineffective panel surfaces ofi❑Complies [ME41]3 sensible heating panels have ❑Does Not insulation >= R-3.5. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.7 Ducts and plenums sealed based on ❑Complies (ME 10]2 static pressure and location. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable []Not Applicable C403.2.7. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 p ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.2. 'Air outlets and zone terminal devices ❑Complies 1 have means for air balancing. ❑Does Not [ME53]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.4.2 VAV fan motors >=7.5 hp to be driven, ElComplies (ME66]2 by variable speed drive, have a vane- ❑Does Not axial fan with variable pitch blades, or ❑Not Observable have controls to limit fan motor ❑Not Applicable demand. C403.2.6 Exhaust air energy recovery on ❑Complies [ME57]1 systems meeting Table C403.2.6 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 0403.2.11 Unenclosed spaces that are heated ❑Complies [ME71]2 ' use only radiant heat. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 5 of 11 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 6 of 11 Section # Rough -In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions I& Req.ID C405.2.2. Automatic controls to shut off all _ ❑Complies 1 building lighting installed in all buildings. ❑Does Not [EL22]2 ❑Not Observable — ❑Not Applicable IC405.2.1. Independent lighting controls installed ❑Complies 1 per approved lighting plans and all ❑Does Not [EL23]2 manual controls readily accessible and ❑Not Observable visible to occupants. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1. Lighting controls installed to uniformly ❑Complies 2 reduce the lighting load by at least ❑Does Not [EL15]1 50%. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.2. Daylight zones provided with ❑Complies 3 individual controls that control the ❑Does Not [EL16]2 lights independent of general area ❑Not Observable lighting. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3 Sleeping units have at least one ❑Complies [EL17]3 master switch at the main entry door ❑Does Not that controls wired luminaires and ❑Not Observable switched receptacles. ❑Not Applicable _ C405.2.2. Occupancy sensors installed in ❑Complies 2 required spaces. ❑Does Not [EL18]1 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.2 Primary sidelighted areas are ❑Complies 3 equipped with required lighting ❑Does Not [EL20]1 controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable [C405.2.2. Enclosed spaces with daylight area ❑Complies 3 under skylights and rooftop monitors ❑Does Not [EL21]1 are equipped with required lighting ❑Not Observable controls. []Not Applicable C405.2.3 Separate lighting control devices for _-E] ❑Complies [EL4]1 specific uses installed per approved Does Not lighting plans. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.3 Fluorescent luminaires with odd ❑Complies [EL19]3 numbered lamp configurations that ❑Does Not are within 10 feet center to center (if []Not Observable recess mounted) or are within 1 foot ❑Not Applicable edge to edge (if pendant or surface mounted) shall be tandem wired. C405.4 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies [EL6]1 face. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3 Additional interior lighting power ❑Complies [EL8]1 allowed for special functions per the ❑Does Not approved lighting plans and is ❑Not Observable automatically controlled and []Not Applicable separated from general lighting. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2)� 3 Low Impact (Tier 3 -- --- – Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 7 of 11 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 12 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 13 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 8 of 11 i section I # I Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.iD I C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable a per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Thermostatic controls have a 5 °F ❑Complies 2 deadband. ❑Does Not [17138]3 ❑Not Observable []Not Applicable C403.2.4. Temperature controls have setpoint ❑Complies 2 overlap restrictions. ❑Does Not [F120]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Each zone equipped with setback ❑Complies 3 controls using automatic time clock or ❑Does Not [FI39]3 programmable control system. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F ❑Complies 3 (heat) and 85°F (cool); 7 -day clock, 2- ❑Does Not [F140]3 hour occupant override, 10 -hour ❑Not Observable backup ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies 3.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Furnished HVAC as -built drawings ❑Complies 1 submitted within 90 days of system ❑Does Not [F]7]3 acceptance. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable V C303.3, Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC ❑Complies C408.2.5. systems within 90 days of system ❑Does Not 3 [F18]3 acceptance. ❑ Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. An air and/or hydronic system ❑Complies 3 balancing report is provided for HVAC ❑Does Not [17143]1 systems. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.3 HVAC control systems have been ❑Complies 2 tested to ensure proper operation, ❑Does Not i [FI10]1 calibration and adjustment of controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.2 HVAC systems and equipment ❑Complies [F127]3 capacity does not exceed calculated ❑Does Not loads. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Furnished as -built drawings for ❑Complies 1 electric power systems within 30 days ❑Does Not [FI16]3 of system acceptance. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 1 I High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) 1 Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 9 of 11 Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID _ C303.3, Furnished O&M instructions for ❑Complies C408.2.5. systems and equipment to the ❑Does Not 2 building owner or designated ❑Not Observable [FI17]3 representative. ❑Not Applicable C405.5.2 Interior installed lamp and fixture ❑Complies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [F118]1 lighting power is consistent with what ❑Does Not is shown on the approved lighting ❑Not Observable plans, demonstrating proposed watts ❑Not Applicable are less than or equal to allowed watts. C408.2.1 Commissioning plan developed by ❑Complies [F128]1 registered design professional or ❑Does Not approved agency. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable _ C408.2.4 Preliminary commissioning report ❑Complies [F129]1 completed and certified by registered ❑Does Not design professional or approved ❑Not Observable agency. ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Final commissioning report due to ❑Complies 4 building owner within 90 days of ❑Does Not [F130]1 receipt of certificate of occupancy. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.3. HVAC equipment has been tested to ❑Complies 1 ensure proper operation. E --]Does Not [F131]1 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to ❑Complies [F133]1 ensure proper calibration, adjustment, ❑Does Not programming, and operation. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions; 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 10 of 11 Project Title: Tenant Finish Report date: 11/04/19 Data filename: Z:\2019 Jobs\19277 10550 W 38th Jeffco Library Annex\ComCheck\ComCheck.cck Page 11 of 11 Rev. 09/2017 COMMERCIAL Building Permit — Plan Review Worksheet Submittal requirements: ❑ Copy of Deed ©Ste Plan (to scale) Elevations Address: 105-0y W, 3$t`` &�02 Lot Size'`' -b1-0 (J?��i ,r) sq. ft. (t°� � ubtar�y 6 ' z9 C w/ F.rk �q) AJ L. a Zoning: L Use: }tts I ct (r Related Cases: Property in the flood plain? `* If yes, add surveying condition FLD. Subdivision: lJ 0A'e --tM Q- Any conflict? (Y/N) Type of project (applicable survey conditions in parenthesis): ❑ Accessory ISP, ILC or site plan none if in floodplain (FLD) Addition ILC and site plan if w/in 2' of setback or in floodplain (FND) if in floodplain (FLD) ❑ New Site plan based on survey/plat yes (FND) yes (NCM) Maximum Lot Coverage: %0 % 3 �� 2� � _sq. ft. Existing Improvements (footprint only): Proposed Improvements (footprint only): Building: 111 013 sq. ft. New Structure: sq. ft. Other: sq. ft. Addition: q O b sq. ft Other: sq. ft. Total Existing 111713 sq. ft Total Proposed t7l 17l 5 13 sq. ft Lot Coverage 25 % Lot Coverage Z6 • % Required Setbacks: R �n , Sper_ S X01 R Provided Setbacks: FR 4-13' S '6q, S L Zi R t 3 Commercial buildings may not be built in-line with existing nonconforming structures. For additions or new construction, is the structure within 2 feet of minimum setbacks? Y45 bwf- fxi5tm If yes, add surveying condition FND. Maximum Height: ft. Proposed Height: Zp• £j ft. �t Parking Spaces Required: Parking Stall Width: Handicapped Parking Required: Parking Lot Buffer Required: Access Aisle Width Required: Drive Aisle Width Required: Maximum Size: Proposed Size: Parking Spaces Provided: -f h_ Parking Stall Length: Handicapped Parking Provided: Parking Lot Buffer Provided: Access Aisle Width Provided: Drive Aisle Width Provided: ParkinZ Notes/Access Notes ❑ One interior landscaped parking island is required for every 30 parking spaces. ❑ A driveway connection must be made from the existing edge of pavement into the site, and shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. ❑ No vehicle entrances or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. Access points must be spaced at least 100 feet apart, measured from inside edge. Access points on corner lots must be at least 25 feet from intersecting right-of-way, except arterial or collector streets must be at least 50 feet. ❑ In commercial zone districts, curb cuts shall beat least 20 feet in width and not more than 35 feet in width. ❑ For all uses, one access point per property is permitted. Landscaping Required: _7"Q % ( s.f.) Trees Required: Shrubs Required: Non -Living Max: Street Trees Required: Landscaping Provided: Trees Provided: Shrubs Provided: % ( s.f.) Non -Living Provided Street Trees Provided: Landscaping Notes ❑ Street trees must be at least 3 inches caliper, and must be deciduous. ❑ All other trees must be at least 2 inches caliper. ❑ All shrubs must be 5 gallon buckets. ❑ Metal edging shall contain all areas of rock or mulch; rock shall be at least 1-2" in size. ❑ When calculating non -living landscaping, areas of living landscaping may be excepted out of the rock beds. ❑ These exceptions are based on the radius of the specimen after a two-year growing period. Freestanding Light Height: Wall Light Height: Photometric Plan Submitted: U� Maximum FS Light Height: Maximum Wall Light Height: Architecture: Refer to separate ASDM or Mixed Use checklists. ❑ Metal buildings not permitted for accessory structures. Number of Access points: Distance from property line: Curb cut width(s): Distance from each other: Rev. 09/2017 Streetscape: Does the permit result in any of the following conditions? ❑ Construction of new roads ❑ Platting of new lots ❑ New development ❑ Additions that increase gross floor area (not just footprint) by 60% or more (use formula below) (proposed floor area — existing floor area ) / existing floor area = % increase If any box is checked, does the frontage meet current city standards? If not, streetscape construction or fees -in -lieu will be required. Curb and gutter required? Sidewalk required? Amenity zone? Other? Fee in lieu required? (Confirm PW has added in ADG valuation and fees as fee code SCDF) Are any other conditions required? ❑ Permit is not business license ❑ Separate permits are required for fencing ❑ Separate permits required for site signage ❑ Parking in conformance with Section 26-501 ❑ Landscaping in conformance with Section 26-502 ❑ Lighting in conformance with Section 26-503 ❑ Driving and parking surfaces must be hard surfaced paved ❑ Owner/contractor responsible for locating property lines ❑ Foundation certification form (FND) ❑ As -built survey (NCM) ❑ Floodplain certification (FLD) City of Wh6atpN e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Plumbing Subcontractor This form must be completed & signed by the PLUMBING SUBCONTRACTOR performing plumbing work on site. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: C�° �� fj , K3 General Contractor: ` , L', y A,QJ--3 ) CES l �, FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITH MISSING INFORMATION Company Name: c� 1= �' IJl /l� `� Contact Phone #:—L'(1 7 Wheat Ridge Contractor License #: ( 7 0 D 9--H (required field) State License #: ( l I Master License #: r �Ti5 -3 -65- Printed Name of Authorized Agent Signature of Authorized Agent (Q ate i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9rBuilding Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: �,i�- Permit Number:�c+G ❑ No one available for inspection: Time y& I�VQCAM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes N -o-) When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: P U CA, Inspector: h DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -.A Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line '(303) 235-2855 Office e (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:�L_ �,e--r- Job Address: Permit Number: A c) 19(q (10 C Lj No one available for inspection: Time i, AM/PM Re -inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office o (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Y -y--3 C C, Job Address: Permit Number: rCJ_ z, a . o L�_ / - " 'I, I < . I.J No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-593 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Mechanica PERMIT - 201802996 t, f PERMIT NO: 201802996 ISSUED: 11/27/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 10500 W 38th Ave EXPIRES: 11/27/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace two cooling towers, two cooling units in computer room, and condensing units. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)403-5044 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JEFFE SUB (303)744-2235 Michael Black, Robert McCready 180330 Building Technology Systems SUB (303)419-3710 Trevor Parmenter 022321 SouthPaw Electric *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 420 / Storage Warehouse; 0 BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 100,490.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 740.03 Use Tax 2,110.29 Permit Fee 1,138.50 ** TOTAL ** 3,988.82 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All work shall comply 2012 International Codes, 2017 NEC (if applicable), and ordinances adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. Work is subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications= applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further all t that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and at all rk to b performed is disclosed in this document and/o its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature o ER or, NT R (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued aced on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Offcial and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Divi 6, Th ss nce or grant', of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any ap le 'de or a rdinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY City of W heat jj iss COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building $ Inspection Services 7500 W. 29t1 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: perm its(a)ci.wheatridge.co.us I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: k^* Plan/Permit # � �/� UO�� Plan Review Fee: AID, /1 i� Building Permit Application *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: Property Owner Property Owner Email: Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: /O zoo 0• j hvG City, State, Zip: L,&Jla-Loc> , Co gy ;;1_ 1 S Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor Name: Phone: fig %i6rxrs,Phone: 30'3. q-63- _,5 O 4 Li City of Wheat Ridge License #: Pyo 3 5 © Phone: lad. 576- • O f O 7 - Contractor Contractor E-mail Address: b For Plan Review Questions $ Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): O lo Z Y`L/ Phone: Z CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): b r y 6 K; ldL,'�, g _1(n. -s ys7�m-5 , r, o yn Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # 1 3 V_ I W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all highlighted fields. [COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Provide descriation of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. q 'Pr o jr�c�' �1 �l cl v�t-e5 i �n.� r-�moi,�' ca r•� 1r� � �rYlcn'�' m +k� C. 3.4 tet/ c-C>o (I' VI 4 ear I -U'%) Corn ��'�r ronm c oto t rIr) v n i -}-5 a.v� oQ Cove S1►� ��-�- 1?' u -b l c- [7' v� b �-5 o rt �-k� c�tr a�ui�rt s 2n 5 co hfl 0 '�k b C PL - Sq. L Sq. FULF BTUs Gallons Amps Squares For Solar: KW # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Square Footage: Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ 1C�o1,4qo ., 0O OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CON CTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) ONTRACTO Signature (first and last name): DATE: % �/� .2_0 f Q Printed Name: 6 ey t6l B 1f-�t�w ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPA NT OMME Reviewer: t PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: -'55 17 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 6i) Building Division Valuation: J00 qq) City of Wh6at id COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must he signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: Permit #: General Contractor: BUTt_D1NG --rec44f`J3t-o&Y SYQJTe�S Electrical Sub -Contractor Company Name: S QU fl+ PAW CLC ctRZ c Phone #: 3 0 3 —'4 19 - 3 W O State License #: Master Wheat Ridge,J.ic use #: (required field) ature of Authorized Agent Date Plumbing Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Phone #: Master #: Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Mechanical Contractor Company Name: Date Phone: Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Date Bob Brady From: NoReply@mobile-eyes.com Sent: Friday, November 9, 2018 11:00 AM To: Bob Brady Subject: Permit application accepted - West Metro Fire Protection District Your permit request for Jeffco Public Library Service Center at 10500 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 has been accepted. The Job Number is: 181109001 Description: Like for Like replacement of existing air-conditioning equipment Thank you for submitting to West Metro Fire. Our typical review turnaround is approximately 2 weeks. If additional information is required, you'll receive a notice from the reviewer assigned, or a no -reply notice from Mobile Eyes. Please be sure to check your junk folder if you feel you are not receiving the Mobile Eyes notices and select "Not Junk". NOTE: Re -submissions shall only include the pages that are affected and additional pages that may be required for the needed corrections. Re -submission of full sets, unless specifically requested, shall result in the rejection of plans. 1 P a Stipulations: Interior Remodel - Demo, New Ceiling Tile, Patch Carpet, Paint, HVAC, Electrical and Relocation of Fire Alarms and Some New Devices. Removal of Existing Elevator. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Owner: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JEFFE 10200 W 20TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 Contractor: Scott R. Kennerly 2390 S KALAMATH ST UNIT F DENVER CO 80223-4200 For the Following Purpose: Commercial Remodel Cod �Editions No change shall be made in the USE o V, P 0 2012 ICC/2014 NEC this building without prior notice 2006 ICC/2011 NEC and a new Certificate Of Completion 2006 ICC/2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other - C)Cifff — TUAding Inspector oning-Administrator \ \ : \ � VELOMETER SHORTRIDGE FLOW HOOD ANEMOMETE SPEED INDICATOR METER V OLTMETER INCLINED DRAFT GAGE MAG NEHELIC DWYER "A" PRESSURE GAGE PRESSURE GAGE-DIFFERENTIAL PYROMET THERMOMETER • +► ma �.s ff PROJECT ALTITUDE t VELOMETER CORRECT" 1.10 APPLIED T , R O CITY CONNECTI WORDED PRESSURE READINGS ARE MEASURED X CORRECTED D IFFUSERS AND REGISTERS AND GRILLES RII E ALL DIFFUSER R MAKE TYP C EI L ING IPM R MAKE TYPE RETURN REGISTER MAKE TYPE ` S UPPLY REGISTER MAKE TYPE ' RETURN GRILLES MAKE TYP • +► ma �.s ff PROJECT ALTITUDE t VELOMETER CORRECT" 1.10 APPLIED T , R O CITY CONNECTI WORDED PRESSURE READINGS ARE MEASURED X CORRECTED CONTROLLED AIR, I.I.C. DENVER,COLORADO AIR SYSTEMS RECAP SHEET JOB:JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE CENTER lmk t .. S o ft ware, COMdieck M M �* 1. di "h�N`� ✓*z t .� M isA Yk' , a+ +.. � t r it.?v -iM' .. '; # I I 7111a =4 � r : �- a ,+�, ,a�� �.,�, .. s ,. „ r ��� . �� � � « «. a « * r n`. a I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY�k;� I c ity of at C] W -16 1`]Zi,,Ch Date: Plan/Permit # r) '. - I ` , Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. Property Address: 10500 W. 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner (please p Jefferson County Public Library Phone: 303-403-5040 Property Owner Email: Lisa VanderHeyden <Lisa.VanderHeyden@JeffcoLibrary.org> 2�M 1 9 11 19 NFIFF 1 11 1 11111! 1 i i 1 ! 11 ��� Address'. 10200 W. 20th Avenue City, State, ZIV: Lakewood, CO 80217 Architect/En in er. Mary Gulash, Gulash Designs, Inc. / Brett Pumphrey, BCER Engineering Arch itect/Engineer E-mail: mguIash@quIashdesigns.com Phone: 303 -816- 35291 303- 422 -7400 - ---- ------- bpumphrey@bcer.com Contractor: Kennerly Construction Corp. Contractors City License #: 080070 Phone: 303-742-7989 Contractor E-mail Address: scott@kennerlyconst.com Sub Contractors: Electrical: Eagle Electric, Inc. Plumbing: W,R� City License # 019932 W R, City License *Vlechanical't- W.I. City License # LWjj!q1x;1W Complete all information oil BOTH sides of this form Sq. Ft tLF 10,566 Amps EM Squares $ 11 Wwoo I OWN E 11WONTRA(TOR SIG NAIJ I RE , OF1, N DERSTAN 1) IN(; AN 1) AC 11F FA1 Ii',NT I here Icy certily that the setback distances proposed by this peniat application are accurate ati(l(lo tint violate ipplic,tlileor(litiaiiees. miles or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or coveriants, caserrients or restrictions ot'record', that all measurements shm"i and allegations made are accurate; dial I have read tind agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applicatkai wid that I assurne toll responsibility tbr compliance o'ith applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any pernat issued based (in this application, that I ato (fie legal owner or have been authorized by the legal oN ol'the property it) perbam the described work and ani also authorizcd bN the legal ovNnerofany taitity included on this application to list that entity on this application, CIRCLE ONE: (011FVE'R) (AV7710R11!,' EPR,11--'aMNTA E) qj' (0fVA`ER) (COA Z - Y PRINTNAVIE,, ScottR.Kennerly SIGNAl'URE. DATE- DEPARTMENT t3 t, ZONING COMMMENTS: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICd Reviewer: J BUILDING DEPARTM NT COMC ENTS' IJ Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: OWE OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department .. Received El Not Required Ill 1 1-1 : • City of ]�9 iiii, q Myt "S, q it M =01,1111i: ► 11 A copy of this form rnust be completed by each agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Ub &06.33 Signature of Firm Representative or Individu --- * Wheat Ridge Sanitation District * Clear Creek Sanitation District * FtuitdWe Sanitation District * Westri•• e Sanitation District * Other Signature: Date: This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Owner: BOARD • TRUSTEES OF THE JEFFE 10200 W 20TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 Contractor: Ernie Crownover 541 E GARDEN DR UNIT 0 WINDSOR CO 80550 For the Following Purpose: Commercial Demolitio MARTWMARTIN 400000� rlDNSULT�NG ENC�Nfflas Lisa Vander Heyden U 'faly'd 10790 West S0 Avenue Wheat Ridee--CW-o-ra*10 80031 Jefferson County Library Service Center Martin/Martin, Inc. Project No.: 1� zecm�� L referenced project, state as follows: 0 i 11 �� �1 ZMEMMDM #� 2. During the course of construction to date, we have made periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the construction. To the best of our professional knowledge, belief, and opinion, and based on these limited observations, we believe that the structural work currently in place is in substantial conformance with the Contract Documents, and meets the structural requirements of �M 0= --- Brian T. Tinkey, I Associate G:\PROJECTS\12.0056,S,01\WP\12_PO56SOI,,Aug,,4_2014. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 90215 MAM 303,431,6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Z a� Lisa Vander Heyden # Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Jefferson County Library Service Center 09121t t� 1;010 t Ll 11, 1111-, referenced project, state as follows: SMEZEMBEEMM During the course of construction to date, we have made periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the construction. To the best of our professional knowledge, belief, and opinion, and based on these limited observations, we believe that the structural work currently in place is in substantial conformance with the Contract Documents, and meets the structural requirements of applicable codes and regulations of Agencies Having Jurisdiction. ME= ZI G MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 90215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN,COM o * o M • • ill' •!• Address: Complete all information can BOTH sides of this form Set. FULF Eau's Gallons Amps "Fi .° I \ Squares Other min Irm. Building Division Valuation: Melissa Macke 11 Y - ----- --------- H Marguerite Romero Project Manager From: maf1to:scanng[@1gggq[pDd] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 11:45 AM To: Marguerite Romero Subject: Attached Image « >�m° # < \«/ ¥ Permit #.I ?.. ... | »y »» «± 2 +» <4< © \ d +x +» «<« <« « ya « >« joll IMM ntrn :M a i# #a ! >.a r City of _ P UBLICS WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235,2861 F: 301235,2857 Date: 0146 Lze'�Y_ Location of Construction: Purpose of Construction: is Single Family Commercial Multi-Family Development &Aew trocessing Fee: . ... __ ......... $100.00 (Required of all projects for document processing) Sin We,Family Residence/DuIllex Review Fee:..... .... - $50.00 Commercial/Multi-Familv Review Fees: 3 Each Application will be reviewed by staff once and returned for changes, If after review of the smondsubmittal changes have not been made to the civil documents or the Traffic Study as requested by staff, further reviews of the Application will be subject to the following Resubinittal Fees: • Resubmittat Fees: P submittal (!/'2 initial review $300.00 4"' submittal (full initial review fee), ...... .......... . $600.00 All subsequent submittals: ...... $600.00 (Full initial review fee) TOTAL REVIEW FEES (due at time of Building Permit issuance): PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO T14E ABOVE FEESJHERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. www.ei.wheatridge.coms Rev 1 212 City of ]��Wh6atP, L WORKS Ldge City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. tmm�� Mneat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303-235.2861 F: 303,235.2857 Re: Third Review Comments of the Drainage Letter/Plan and Construction Plans for the Jefferson County Library Service Center, Dear Ms, Aschermann, I have completed the third review of the above referenced letter and plat received on January 3, 2014, for the proposed building demolition and parking lot reconfiguration for the Jefferson County Library Service Center located at 10500 W. 38"' Avenue, and I have the following comments: Drainage Letter & Plan L All previous corarnents have been addressed; the Drainage Letter and Plan is hereby approved. I. All previous comments have been addressed; the Construction Plans are hereby approved Stormwater Oualitv *i ati+n 0 n t 0- irl Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager has not yet reviewed the previously submitted Storinwater Quality Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) Manual. Comments pertaining to the 0 & M will be sent to you under separate cover directly from Bill, Please note that the 0 & M must be finalized prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion for the project. For questions pertaining to stormwater quality, please contact Bill directly at 303.235,2871 . ADDITIONAL ITEMS: WIVWXi-wheatridge.co.us r*TV#VrT10r — ng JanuaTy 6, 2014 Page 2 Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensing. All work within the public Right-of-Way shall only be perfortned by a municipally-licensed contractor, 4. Materials Testing for any Construction within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-W'ay. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Fhe above comments are as of the date departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235,2864, MEMM David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer/ City Surveyor CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Russ Higgins, Field Semices Supervisor BillLaRow, Stonnwater Program Manager File www.d.wheatridge.co,us Jeft'Co Library _10.50OW38t,11 - aPprovallty.doo Public Works Engineering January 6, 2014 Page 3 MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR 31 UCMAI RURNHHUHM Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado, All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. www.d.wheatridge,coats JeWo Library_ 1050OW38th - approval,ltrdocx r ! • • January 6, r P ag e r Table 720-1 City o f Wheat Rid R equirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), I per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trenc SHTO 145 Sidewalk or pipe trench may be combined Moisture- Density Curve, I per on -site soil type AASI1TC7 method determined Sl"T 1 O T99 I per import material source By soil or materials type E mbankment in - place density, I per 2517 feet per lane per 6- inc,li Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 203..07 Roadway subgrade in - place I per 250 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203,07 Sidewalk sub grade in- place I per 2517 feet of sidewalk Mininimn density per soil density, Colorado procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in -place density, I per 200 feet of trench per 18 Ivtinimum density per soil Colorado Procedures Inch vertical Interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in- lace 1 pei° 250 feet per latie 11iillliiiuni 95 0 o of rnaxinium density, Colorado Procedures Density, TI 80 Lime treated sub grade in place I per 250 feet per lane No less than 95 of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement treated base in place density, Colorado Procedures I per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract "17134 documents, Hot Bituminous Pavement I per 1000 tans Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder P 64 -22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in I per 100 tans 92-96% of maximum density, 1 place density, Cola. Procedures Concrete compressive strength I set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AAS.H O Procedures Concrete, sidewalks an curbing Concrete air content and slump I per 25 cubic, yards PCC" pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing w w- d- wheartridge. o cis Jeff c Library___1050OW381h - al)P M Itr,dcxr Jefferson Service Center North Building Demolition November 21, 20 APPROVED r Y Subjed to Field dons Wheat Ridge Building 1. Mate'. w S" Plan checker I JA 6u!pllni3 41JON 1 uOlPlOwOO InUIS940 OAOIS kejq!l oilqnd Alunoo uosjaj4ar AqoleNunVq uoser souor 4)aquz'13 Aamu!J Ueue ffo :uoqduoso(3 )OO(Old :1081uoo luallo :jUallo :(S)JOOUI u :96jelp ul ledlOuud :J IOOfOJd FANI - 103rOtid to ECO09 00 '1 96 P!8 IBNAA jawoo aolAiaS Ajejqll Alunoo uosioner ff• L t 10 t 10045 Vldr As elialljo u6lse(] loofqnS to*S*9900 ou qor CLOMILL SWO jaluo:) oolAiaS Ajo4qnAlunoo uosiagar alt1j. 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'swalsAS (ailuag 4/11 L£LL0 0 adolg leoguo 4R4 OOOZO 0 adolS lauueyo 11 Z6 0 Uldap leoiluo u! 00 ZL 4ldao leuLON 5114 1,1!ui;ul AP019n weailsdn ejeO Indin0 Jn0 a id 4 a1;nO d3H .;C& jo; a *uuo ;g loiluoo smoj_� 0311u0, NO :4 6VO =p COI anJoS L9'0 = S ID 00.5 =ooLD = D S o (pbZ)OVO3 =D :uoilenb3 aoi}!jo E)wnssy HO lON 14 9£'O =p col anloS 0'£ =M:D S I D 00'5 =oolD =D S ymim0 =0 :uo!lenb8 aiE)AA ownssy 0£'0 (Ml / L .i oogo Is ££, L =oy `eajy uadO jealo it 981 =Ml `JiaM 10 4l6ual 4 5'Z =a `lalul to JalaWeia suogelnoleo;alul !OSb o1S jo;da:)wjolS £ lOZ /8/ L L :ale(] Vlf :A8 moa4o 8AV :A8 u6lsaa 9900'Z L :'ON 1 DSIof :loa(oJd suoilelnoleo buiziS joldeowjolS Saff NJIS3Q � va - saolnap juawjeaJj JajeMWJojs Jay ;o 10 u6lsap aqj ul palloolJano ua7Jo We jegj '(sjlis pue slelo) sjuawipas auli bulpnloui 'sezis aloilied jo abuea ap m e col SSJ OAOwaJ of pazls jaNiew aqj uo jojejedas juawipas pue Ilo Aluo ay} sl jojdaowjojS - peol juejnllod pue awnlon gouni lejol aqj jo abelueoiad dews e juasaidaj Aaqj se lenowaJ SSl lenuue 86eJane agj uo joedwl alpl aneg sjuana guns 'aanannog 'sIuana juanba.ilul abjel jol sanulluoo Juaw1e0J# anlIlsod - peol juejnllod pue awnlon IlejuleJ lenuue ;o Apiofew aqj juasaidaj }eqj sJuana wjols juanbail hews jol lenowaJ SSl10 lanai g61q e sapinoid jo;daowjojS - rn000 jou seop (moos) juauwlpas painideo Alsnolnajd jo uolsuadsns -ai aqj pue sao.inosai jalem lein>eu 6uua)ua waJ pa;uanajd aje sjuaulnu pue silo aaJj 'sleJaw AAeaq se yons sjuejnllod jo slanal lue04!u6lS - swjols abjel bulpnloul 's}uana ilejulej Ile col lenowaJ SSJ anlpsod sa;ejauab ubisap pa}ualed s jojdaowjojS -uoliejol3 pue uoljejedas AjlneJ6 gbnojgl sluelnllod bulnowai Aq }jouni ja>emwiols }eajj o} pazls sl joJejedas juawlpas pue Ilo joideowjo }S aql wajsAS ao;daowjojS ayl - s ;o lS l, jo ajea moll Aplenb jalemwiols e COI juawjeaaj anlpsod snonuiluoo 6uipinoid `uolinqulslp azis alollied (pues pue sjlls 'solue6ao) aul j e JOI SSl %Sg 6uinowOI anlJoafgo Aj!Ienb jejeM aqj sanalgoe logtb OJS lapow walsAS joideowjolS aql uoi;epuawwoaam walsAS jojdaowjojS - tiewwnS 6ulzlS jojdaowjojS aqj sl liodai slgj of pagoelib - (SSl) spllos papuadsns lelol jo leAOWaj aqj g6nojgl anQoafgo Aj!Ienb jalem paugap a analgoe ueo walsAS jojdaowjojS moq saulllno podai s!gl ani3oafgp Aj!jenb aa4eMwao ;S OO IeagAA uoileoo] V/N jagwnN 4 0810 id jajueo aolnuaS tiejgl Ajunoo uosiagarl aweN;oafad £ L OZ /L/ 6 l I alea uoizew.io}u, ;oafoad joideowio ;S ao3 WWMS3d podab paliejaa 6uiziS .iojdaowaojS jo IdaowaojS -:ill - saseajoui ales moll aql se In000 lou seop moos bu!leo!pu! 'lenowaJ SSl an!le!nwno ui au!loap ou s! magi - lenowaJ SSl lenuue a6eJane aql loedw! Aljueoq!u6!s lou op sluana a6jel legl jealo s! ll - pazAleue sluana wools 10 a6ueJ !lnj agl lnog6naq1 joldeowaols Ag luawleail snonu!luoo aql saleilsn!l! £ ain6!3 - sale] Moll luanl ;u! Ile Jo; lenowaa SSl an!1!sod snonu!luoo su!elu!ew walsAS joldeowjols aql walsAs aql ;o mull uo!lualap (Z ain6!3) peol SSl • (beep COI pajoaJJoo 'Me] sa)lols) sa!1!00lan 6u11119s alo!ped uognq!jls!p az!s alo!ped spouad luanajalul (l. ain6!3) "ead 'uo!lnquls!p 'uogeinp 6u!pnlou! 'lle;uwej leouols!q snonu!luoZ) • sialaweied al!s :(Z x!pueddy ui paluasaid slsAleue jo tiewwns) bu!zAleue Aq le^owaJ SSl selelnoleo lapow 6u!!llas aql - 6wlll9s s! lenowaJ SSl jol ss000id l!un s,iojdaowiojS - peOl SSl lenuue a6eJane aql eonpai of sau!lap!n6 Vd3 Sf1 sMollo; paluesaid elep lenowaJ SSl aql 'an!loa(go Al!lenb aaleM paugap a ana!goe of pau6!sap s! 1!un joldaowjols liana 'uo!s!oajd s,WWMS `dd3 sn ql!M - sialaweied a1!s pa!l!oads pue elep Ilejuwej leouols!q leool alep -ol -dn wojj A6olojpAq salelno!eo weiboid aql - WWMS dd3 sn uo paseq lapow uo!lelnw!s snonuluoo e 'joldaowjolS jot WWMSod bu!sn paz!s si walsAs joldeowaolS goe3 ABOJOPoy}aw u6isaa 170OZ 'suo11eJap!suo0 lejauaE) — 6 awnlon 'ap!nE) u6!saQ ao!lowd luawabeueVI lsa8 JaleMwJolS `dd3 sn — „ aq pinoys asn pue uol;eoydde s ;l ajo}ajeq_L - spoy;aw slsAleue aaidwls pasn Alop►M jay ;o Aq papino.rd;ou aje;ey; srseq aps- xq -aps lenpin/pul ue uo sdpyg 6ui6euew pue 6u101sap joj sar;ypssod saajjo uol;elnwrs snonul;uoj„ ""(llejuiei �(liep jo u I uey; ssal) hews We S;UOAa llejulea; /(l;uenbaaj ;sow 'eaae uanr6 �fue ul - slapow a6euleap uegjn ioj pasn swio ;s uflsep uegj jallews yonw we s;uana llejweJ;soW„ „'la ;uoo s ;oedw lewaad; pue uol ;oa;oid aoanosar Aplenb ja;em `a6jecloar ja;eM punoj6 jo sanl;oa(go;uawa6euew ia;emwao ;s ay; aoj waouoo;sow jo aae swao ;s clews ail; `ajojaaacll - saoejins ueqin woaj _4oilseM;ue;ngod ;sow aoj alglsuodsa,r we fay; ';uawlpas papoia jo uol;deoxe ay; ipm 'as l n�a)lrq - a5impea ja;eMpunoj6 pue jjouni uegjn lenuue ;sow ioj alglsuodsaj ace swjo ;s flews asayl - u6rsap dwg pue sanss ro �plenb fa;em qpm pa;eosse �flleord�(; sia;awejed oi6olojp�fy pegsaa ;ern a;eulwop ( yejulei - ul j > - a - l) swao ;s yews ;eu; azyeei o; awoo ane�l sleuoissajoad as ;eMwao ;s Al6ulseajoul - w ao;s jA -001, ay; o; jA -Z ay; woaj 6ul6uej s;uana pools uo pasnooj;uawa6euew aa;eMw.ro ;s ul spopa A1ae3„ spodai bd3 sn `ApAIJoe 3i6ojoapl(y a;euiwop swaols 1lewS ,aojdaowaojg -:Aa FF." 0--,, alt - peol luelnllod lenuue lelol ay) to a6eluaoiad lueoq!u6lsu! ue �Weo sluana )uanbai;ui objel `AlasjanuoO - sluan9 wools luanbail flews Aq paliodsuejl si peol luelnllod lenuue aql to Aluofew aql •snoiAiadwl %S -Z8 `oe £L'0 COI SOOZ 01 Mb `OZZZ — NO113dViS b3AN30 COI a;eU mol_A Aq peon luelnllod wJ 6 uo - 1 •Z ajn6i (sp) mou r 0 0 v o_ r a - llouni to awnloA lenuue lelol aql to obelueoiad llews e luasaidai Aaql se `lenowaJ SSl lenuue ebeJane aql uo loedw! 9111!1 aneq sluana luanbailui a6je� awnloA llelulej lenuue to Aluofew aql luesajdaJ sluana wiols luanbail IlewS 'snolAuadwi %S -Z8 `oe £L'0 Jo; SOOZ of BV66 `OZZZ OO — NOl"13dViS U3AN3a 1o1 a;eb mol,j Aq awnloA }4ouna • 6 ajn6i j (sio) mW3 c n 0 x 0 c 3 m e ao]daowaolS �1� •seseajou! ales mog ayj se in000 jou saop moos sajeolpu! lenowaJ SSl aAl;elnwno ul aulloap ou aaoIaJayl 'IenowaJ SSl lenuue a6eJ9ne ayl;oedw! Allueog!u6ls;ou op sjuana a6ael ;eyl a;ON - pazAleue s;uana wjo ;s jo 96uej IIn4 ayl Inoy6nojyl SSl sanowai Alsnonu!}uoo jo;deowjols 'SOOZ 0 18V66 `OZZZ — N0113dVIS kl3AN3a joi owu mol j Aq lenowab SSl aAl;elnwn3 •g ain6l j Lg1 (sIO) ale�l Wool j om 8 ( %) snovuadwl 58 ( %) lenowa�l SSl £CO (oe) eaiy 86euleja !OSV o1S IapolN jo;deowjolS sh Ob 5'£ 0£ 9 0Z SL 0L 50 00 . , TrI I i_I . 0 M c> _1 c -0Z c _ w 0£ m` Ob cn m 05 0 v 09 OL A �i 08 0 06 m jo]daowao ;S -��A =IF I Uze 86 00091 O1S 86 000£1 01S 86 00011 O1S 96 OOZL 01S 96 0009 01S 96 0081701S 176 009£ 0lS £6 00172 01S 16 0081 01S 16 OOZ 1 01S 16 00601S lapoW joldeowiolS lenowab SSl S AjewwnS 6uiziS ao;daowao ;S 0 0 (slo) (u -oe) a6Je140sip 06ejols a6eao ;S weaj ;sdn - s ;o l9 to ales mog Al!lenb jalemwjols e COI luawleaJl an!l!sod snonuguoo 6u!pinoid 'uo!lnquls!p az!s aloped (pues pue slps 'so!uebjo) au!_� a Jo; SSl %98 6uIROwaJ an!loafgo Al!lenb jaleM ayl sanalgOe i09V 01S !apow walsAS joldeowjolS aql 8'Z8 ( %) ssousno!maduil £L'0 (oe) easy lelol eGiv 06euleia 19' 1 (slo) aleH mou DM OS ( %) lenowa�:{ SSl y/N ani ;oafgo A ;dent) as ;eM M.,O kZSo1701 apnl!6uo N „817,917.6£ apnl!lej SOOZ of 81761 spjooad ;o siea,k OZZZ 01 00 alelS N0113dViS �13AN3(] aweN Ile;uie21 uol ;ewJo;ul ;oafoad AaewwnS u6isaa jo ;daowo ;S 6 xipueddV aoidaowjois All sa ;oN luag WE loelu00 u!liew uwlJ Wedwo0 uol ;ewjojul .jauBIsaa 00 'a6p!a leave uo!leooq V/N jagwnN loafad lalua0 ao!niaS tiejq!l Aluno0 uosiagar aweN loafoad £ LOZILI ale(] 2 w 4 m woo - joldaowjolsj@� uii E9LL - 606 (008) L sleualeyy jaNu!a ;oeluoo aseald 'aouels!sse jo sau!nbui buioud jod - aouels!sse jagljnl jol an!;eluasaidai joldeowjolS leool inoA loeluoo aseald - sloiluoo sll!ds o!l!oads jol pay!pow aq Aew salewgse u6!saQ angeluasaidaj jo;deowjolS leool fnoA loeluoo aseald 'suo!;eo!ldde pa6jawgns jod •snnog oiaz 6uunp pa6jawgns lou si u!ejp wjols aql leyl awnsse salew!}se u6!saa palaldwoo si uogorulsuoo joke 'fluo suo!1!puoo al!s algels uo paseq aje salew!}se u6!sa4 - adid lalu! auo ,Slug 'u! E u!E u!E sad!d lalui ald!}lnw ad!d 1alui albu!S 0009L Dis 0 1000 L L Ois .u! L . £ OOZL !0917 gejn64uoo ad!d lalul OiS 01 006 OiS saouajama suol;en813 }vanul ;apno pue;alul :snnoll se WE saouaJal;!p uo!;enala Panu! 1allno pue lalul - sad!d lalui aldginw alepoww000e Aew OOZL OiS of !09t O1S slapow joideowjolS aql Aluo - sad!d au!lui jo/pue lalui u!seq go;eo e ql!m uogounl of elge ;depe s! !09ti OiS aUl AIuo 'lenoi.uaJ (SSl) spgos papuadsns le;ol uo paseq sluawai!nbai loaloid og!oads to an!leluasaidai Aluo aje pals!l salewgse u6!sap - joldeowjo ;S J WWMSZ)d bu!sn suogelnw!s uo paseq aie salewgse eouewjojiad joldeowaolS sa ;oN uG!sea io ;daauaao }S uo!lnq!aIs!Q aziS ala!Ped aoidaowao ;S All LLh6'0 997 OZ OOOZ EZLZ 997 OZ OOb b9£0'0 Z'Z OZ 09L L900'O 8' L OZ 09 ELO&O £'L OZ OZ sM % wd sill % wrl 4 A1!neJE) �(1!oolan �(1!neJ9 bu!IllaS o!l!oadS uo! n u s! 1 q l 4 az! a o! a S I l� d bu!ll;aS oq!oadS uo! n u s! 1 q l 0 az! a o! d e S I li pues pue sll!s 'so!ue io au!d 'lenowaJ SSl lenuue ayl eu!lap of pasn uo!}nquls!p az!s alo!lied ayl s}s!l molaq algel aql - sasinoo aalem lein;eu mo olw pabiegos!p lou aje 'salo!lied auy of ajagpe ley; slelaw A p su ogjeoapAq se Bons 'slue;nllod ay; to Aluofew aq; legl sainsue l}ouni wal sapped }l!s 6u!now9a uo!lnq!aIs!Q aziS ala!Ped aoidaowao ;S All 'molaq olgel ay; u! popuep! walsAS joldaowjolS ayl ;o weailsdn uo!lenuaUe lopow of pasn dlysuo!lelei a6je4os!p -96els pue 96ejols -96elS uopenueUV weaa;sdn asle3 uo!leillgul lalu!M sy4uow Jajulm ON (SP) MOO JayleaM tia mol jay;eoM /Vp Vo (Aep /sagou!) aleb uo!lejoden3 Ape(] uoijejoden3 60'0 (� - ale�l uo!le.►aua6al 99000'0 ( elea Aeoea 17'0 (j4 /u!) aleb uolleill3ul •u!W t7ti'Z (j4 /u!) aleu uo!leillgul . Xevq uo!lejllgui alew!lse of pasn si uo!lenbe s,uoPoH sJ uoi4eJ;lllul Z6 (syluow) Aouenbai3 aoueualu!eyq - suo!lelnoleo lenowaJ SSl jol pawnsse s! soueuelu!ew ;o Aouanbai3 - uogeluaw!pas J01 awnlon 96ejols ayl soonpai do -pl!nq luawlpes Aouenbaj eaueua;upW SZ'O u s,6u!uueyq sno!nJad 960'0 u s,6u!uuelry sno!nuadwl Z'0 (v!) a6ejolS uo!ssajdad snovuad 90'0 ('w) 96ejolS uo!ssaldaa snovuadwl Z ( %) adolS L9E (0) 4ip!M soilspem iey3 ooeiins ssausnowedwl £L•0 (oe) eajy lelol eaJ-r a6eweJa GMS suoildwnssV u6isea jo tiewwnS Z xipueddy ,aoidaowjois 0 0 s ;o 4 -oe 96jeyos!p 96eJolS 'molaq olgel ay; u! popuep! walsAS joldaowjolS ayl ;o weailsdn uo!lenuaUe lopow of pasn dlysuo!lelei a6je4os!p -96els pue 96ejols -96elS uopenueUV weaa;sdn asle3 uo!leillgul lalu!M sy4uow Jajulm ON (SP) MOO JayleaM tia mol jay;eoM /Vp Vo (Aep /sagou!) aleb uo!lejoden3 Ape(] uoijejoden3 60'0 (� - ale�l uo!le.►aua6al 99000'0 ( elea Aeoea 17'0 (j4 /u!) aleb uolleill3ul •u!W t7ti'Z (j4 /u!) aleu uo!leillgul . Xevq uo!lejllgui alew!lse of pasn si uo!lenbe s,uoPoH sJ uoi4eJ;lllul Z6 (syluow) Aouenbai3 aoueualu!eyq - suo!lelnoleo lenowaJ SSl jol pawnsse s! soueuelu!ew ;o Aouanbai3 - uogeluaw!pas J01 awnlon 96ejols ayl soonpai do -pl!nq luawlpes Aouenbaj eaueua;upW SZ'O u s,6u!uueyq sno!nJad 960'0 u s,6u!uuelry sno!nuadwl Z'0 (v!) a6ejolS uo!ssajdad snovuad 90'0 ('w) 96ejolS uo!ssaldaa snovuadwl Z ( %) adolS L9E (0) 4ip!M soilspem iey3 ooeiins ssausnowedwl £L•0 (oe) eajy lelol eaJ-r a6eweJa GMS suoildwnssV u6isea jo tiewwnS Z xipueddy ,aoidaowjois i I 0000L �S3 N 13M suo! ;nqu ;s!p az!S u!ejo jo ;daowjo ;S Jo; VAIMSOd 0 OG OZ 0c Ob c 3 c 09 09 T 0 m m. 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W7 V140114reps 1 2499 WEST COLFAX + P. 0. BOX 1 51 500 0 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 8021 5 • 303-431-6100 JM 022014 Rl # i. ; R !, # RUNOFF Fable RO-3—Recommended Percentage Imperviousness Values Fend Use or percentage Surface Characteristics lrrous pervr ness Business. Commercial areas 95 Neighborhood areas 65 Residential. Single - family Multi -unit (detached) 6 M ulti -unit (attached) 75 Half -acre lot or larger Apartments 80 Industrial. Light areas 6 Heavy areas 90 Parks, cemeteries 5 Playgrounds 1 Schools 50 Railroad yard areas 15 Undeveloped Areas: Historic flow analysis Greenbelts, agricultural Off -site flow analysis 45 (when land use not defined) Streets: Waved 100 Gravel (packed) 40 Drive and walks g Roofs 90 Lawns, sandy soil L- Law ns, clayey soil 0 * See Ejgores � through R0 for perce ntage imperviousness, # A + (1.3 1P – 1.44i' + 1.135x" – Ol for C,, ? 0, otherwise C = ( (R - ) el) = � 7) + ( M W 0386i' + 0.774i 4i + 0.04) (R4 -7) C = A + C'C / 2 ti Ur ban • and Flood Co ntrol RO-9 DRA INAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V. 1 Table Rte Runoff Coefficients, C Percentage Imperviousness Type C and � w � WE mown- N 1 ,. 1 1 111 Mumma# ONZIN "�j�X4�«' e� YIF !► �: 4 ,i it Y i • F 1 r # r i w y i IM '1! y � # • ♦ k p i` �N •� Y• *1yri Ilrlrl ! �! fi t W��MIr •a yy Mum MOMOMMMINUM MMERIM pi�'firy M. �ye # 1F R t r R y r • y # Mm MEOMI MERIN ♦ t = Y 4 N ;t is r t ' r M IN IO N i"� r • '�� i • M ONN IMM E RIM r 4� O NO MI i y� ♦ 2007 -01 R -11 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District P ROJE C T PROJECT NO- 1206 6��� DESIGN BY AMB Ih BY JTA JU y.... REPORT TYPE, �unoff Calculations DATE: 08 kpZ SUB- COMPOSI'M RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS GRAVEL O OA2 Provided !` ........ _.....�...._ . ......_ ..� .�,.. .. ,... .. _ ... ....... ...._,..... . _� .,...,. .... .,. ...... �..... ..... ......._.. e...� ....._..... ._.... NbSCAPE .04 . , ._.... _ ....._ . .._ .... t ar 013 i 1' *i R 0,96 100 SUB- COMPOSI'M RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS GRAVEL O OA2 Provided !` ........ _.....�...._ . ......_ ..� .�,.. .. ,... .. _ ... ....... ...._,..... . _� .,...,. .... .,. ...... �..... ..... ......._.. e...� ....._..... ._.... _ . , ._.... _ ....._ . .._ .... t ar • R SUB- COMPOSI'M RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS GRAVEL O OA2 Provided !` ........ _.....�...._ . ......_ ..� .�,.. .. ,... .. _ ... ....... ...._,..... . _� .,...,. .... .,. ...... �..... ..... ......._.. e...� ....._..... ._.... _ . , ._.... _ ....._ . .._ .... C7iPA4 SITE O SI 9.94 I 4.57 17.69 B 4.76 69.9" COMPOSITE - C-VALUES 1112012013 1:59 PM G QAN ENI11 .0056 «Jefferson County Library SerrAce CenleAE GORAINAGOPRELIMINARY RATIONAL As CALCULATED BY: AhfE3 STANDARD FORM SF4 JOB W 1200% -72— CHECKED BY: SU"ASM4 TIME OF CONCENTRATKIN SUMMARY mojfvr. Lsc DATE: , LTA 2222— (RATIONAL ET1400 PROCEDURE) MARTtN /MART N raC GMANSENIO� DO%JO.— Co.* UWWySel— CWw%ftGZRA0NAGEkPREU%0NARY RATIOTALv% SU"ASM4 INMIALIOVERLAND TRAVEL TIME CHECK FINAL DATA Twe g) f &J (UROAWEO SASMS) t, REMARKS DEWGN AREA =7777 �4 t LENGTH SLOPE ML comp lot I BASIN POW C, I W�l I ft "N ft)n c Iz d3a (4) 011 (6D 7 � W (10) pI 04 113) (14) t Pm 07-1 #10 00250 55 56 00 , 59 20 311c O's 63 .... .. . ...... .. . ........ ... ....... ... .... .... ... .... . ... . .... . J -- - - - - - - -- ... .. ... .... ------ - ---------- ........ ----- ---- - ------ - ------ -- - -------- ------ --- -- - - ---- ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - . ... .. ...... MARTtN /MART N raC GMANSENIO� DO%JO.— Co.* UWWySel— CWw%ftGZRA0NAGEkPREU%0NARY RATIOTALv% CALCULATED Y:: A AMS S D�RECT RUNOFF mom u i 1 1 CALCULATED SY:.:. AAA CHECKED SY: =kTA DATE lI/WI3 STANDARD FORM F-3 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN (NATIONAL T"OD €7 .LIRE) JOB NQ:. 12,0056 DESIGN STORM: 100-Y ONE-HR. GIP; 2.61 P INFORMATI PROJECT NAME: JCLSC PR OJECT 12 PON NAME: Required DA TE: 201110,2 MARTI /MARTIN r ......__ , .. -,.. m , .._....d....,� _., a figure EL7S 2, Ut7FCD (V.3) Chapter 4 Page S -73 1 IE D Q (0.5)x () *�3 r Ut7FGt7 (V 3),, Chapter 2, Page SQL --., -, Where: !E RI 4 —1,1 (10 1 .t-0" 1113) ._ EURI r , 1 1 (1 1381 r 1111339} 1 "Equatians SQ 19 -SO-13, Ut3FC7 (V 2), Chapter 10, Page SO -12 1 `1 s � � • * I = Percent Imperviousness Required Storage x (A RF, 1.2 UL7FCt? (V 3), Chapter s Page S-69 ere: CV q ] X .. _ . IN --L"',- __. „_... #1DFCC? (V,3), Chapter 2, Page SQ -24 Water Quality Capture Volume (Watershed inches) CV 11/20/2013 2 :00 PM G:UANSEN1t12,0056- Jefferson County Ubrary Service Center\ENGTRAiNAGE ul CV.xis PROJECT INFQRMAILON PROJECT NAME: JCLSC PROJECT#. 1Z0056 POND NAME: Provided DATE: 2013,10.22 MARTIN /MARTIN us CX 0.911 —1 jqv +0, Ba rre E - D 8 — Page S 73 4,13ED WQCV = (0.5)x *UDFCO (V. Chapter 2, Page SQ-24 Where: EURI' I ,,=LIJ2.0491i-0.1113) j E(JRV =IAJI.2846�i-0.0461) IEURV,, = 1,1 J1.13814-0.0339)j Equatons So l i - SO-13, 10, Page SO-12 mmzmmzm• � # I % 4 WA Q i 1111 zk"M 27 M M q M I = Percent Imperviousness ft'jow"W]UM . ------------------------ ---------- 1 Requied Storag) � x (4RI , 4)x 1 1 1 iRequired Storage i", 1x( , IRf',A) 1 L 12 j 'UDFCD (V 3), Chapter 4, Page S-69 V, 3), Chapter 2, Page SO-24 Where: WQCV = Water Quality Capture Volume (Watershed Inches) Area = Contributing Watershed Area (Acres) wQCV 11/20/2013 2:01 PM GAJANSEN1\12,0056-Jefferson County Library Service Center\ENGNDRAIN Ate E\provided WQCV,xls HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 12" Outlet Pipe * Inlet Capacity (100-Year) Rip Rap Sizing Friction Method Manning Formula 0.00 Solve For Discharge Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.02000 Riff Normal Depth 12.00 in Diameter 12.00 in Discharge 5,04 f47ts Flow Area 0.79 it' Wetted Perime 314 ft Hydraulic Radius 3.00 in Top Width 0,00 It Critical Depth 0,92 If Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 0.01737 Velocity 641 ftts Velocity Plead 0.04 it Specific Energy 7.64 it Fronde plumber 0.00 Maximum Discharge 6.42 ft Discharge Full 5.04 ftsls Slope Full 0.02000 ftJft Flow Type Suticritical Downstream Depth 0.00 in Length 0,00 It Number Of Steps 0 Upstream Depth 0.00 in Profile Description Profile Headloss Average End Depth Over Rise Normal Depth Over Rise Downstream Velocity 0.00 It 0.00 % 100.00 Infinity ftls Bentley System, Inc. Haestad Methods SolftodoelftwMaster V81 ($ELECTseries 1) 10811.01.031 11/2012013 2-01-47 PM 27 Siemens Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertwwn, CT 06796 USA +1 -203-766-1666 Page I of 2 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoNOM0906wMester (0811.0143) 11/2012013 2-01 PM 27 Slemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06796 USA +1-203-766-1666 Page 2 of 2 Project:: JCL SC Project No.: 12,0056 Design By: AiB Check By: JTA [date: 11111/2013 .. a .J = VSO I II �( pll III ) OM III I�IIII :ity, V= 6.41 ft1 Slope, S= 0.02 5 v O 17 x _ 1 f66_ Z The Stormceptor System model STC 450i achieves the water quality objective removing 85% TSS for a Fine (organics, silts and sand) particle size distribution; providing continuous positive treatment for a stormwater quality flow rate of 1 .51 cfs. Stormceptor provides a high level of TSS removal for small frequent storm events that represent the majority of annual rainfall volume and pollutant load. Positive treatment continues for large infrequent events, however, such events have little impact on the average annual TSS removal as they represent a small percentage of the total runoff volume and pollutant load, Stormceptor is the only oil and sediment separator on the market sized to remove TSS for a wide range stormwater treatment devices, Rj Jr MAMIALS' a k 3 R ja MAMkAM' Stormceptor Model STC A Oi - Drainage Are ( 0.7 T S Removal 85 Impervious (% ) 82.8 WO Flow R t 1.51 I.I 7z© «z- w, Stormceptor Model TSS Removal ... 2.. ...: .. ......... #T %6 ..:.: 8 \ §y. 0 ..91 STC 1200 . » :4„ ; © STC 2400 » »a„ © \ » 4800 5 :2:a# w STC »# i <»; «#■ q < y 13000 98 STC 16000 i . :&a.»ww«. &:..:a ■ at adhere to fine particles, are not discharged into our natural water courses. t below lists the �particle size disthbution used to define the annual TSS removal, t"' Ctk 4FLtCr : F+&CF W✓t«"SGt fGf6AttLit t Gravity Velocity rt%i IiGiW 0tZ" E.7i&S$,i i1Ji.R((UII Gravity Velocity m // % 3Vs Pm p iU 20 20 13 OM13 60 20 1.8 0.0051 ISO 20 2.2 0.0354 400 20 2.65 02123 2000 20 x.65 0,9417 Width (ft) 357 Slope ( %) 2 Impervious Depression Storage (in.) 0.05 Pervious Depression Storage (in,) 0.2 Impervious planning's n 0,015 Pervious anning's n 025 rage and stage4s harge relationship used to model attenuation upstream of the Stormceptor System is in the table below. Storage -ft Cicharg ef Roa jr J AILS io�if+f�itf'biya�.:li'4i �t h`Yi�t•iRiRtRl f'. � . �. • E -► iii _,. • ^' 1F '* iii• '! ""i.:: ♦ • Uri ited in'this section. Rainfall Station Rainfall Station DENVER STAPELTO Rainfall File Name CO2220.NDC Total Number of Events 52654 Latitude 9"45'48 "IV Total Rainfall (in.) 541.9. Longitude 10 4"52'10'W Average Annual Rainfall (in,) 14.5 Elevation (ft) 5255 Total Evaporation (in.) 1513 Rainfall Period of Record (y) 58 Total Infiltration (in.) 142.0 Total Rainfall Period (y) 5 Percentage of Rainfall that is 57.5 Runoff ( %) wz 0 $WrOtOvOr Tair dall Ev Rainfall Depth No. of Events Percentage f Total !Volume Percentage of Total Events Annual Volume in, a in. % 725 5401 86,2 310 36.6 050 we 81 352 21.8 075 160 2,6 08 116 1.00 82 t3 71 8.5 3.25 33 0.5 36 4,3 150 41 0.7 58 6.6 1.75 16 0.3 26 3.1 2.00 f 8 01 ' 15 3.6 2,26 4 01 8, 1.0 2.50 1 0:0 2; 0.3 2.75 2 0:0 5 0,6 3,00 2 0.0 6 0.7 3.25 4' 01 12 1.5 3,50 2 0.0 7 0.8 375 2 0.0 7; 0,6 4.00' 0 ' 0.0 0 0.0 4.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 450 0 r' 0.0 0 0,0 475 0 0 0 0 0.0 500 0 0,0 0 00 5.50 0 0.0 0 _ 0.0 5.75 0 0,0 0 0.0 600 0 _ 0,0 0 0.0 625 0 0,0 0 , 0.0 6.50 0 0.0 0 0.0 615 0 0.0 0 0.0 7.00 0 00 0 0.0 7,25 0 0:0 0 0.0 7.50 0 0,0 0 0.0 7.75 0 0.0 0 0,0 8,00 0 0.0 0 0.0' 8.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 �E.25 0 43.0 0 0 0 i y as .3 es f { i W +N °""' "•• .• Flew Rate Influent Mass Effluent Mass Total Mass Cumulative Mass Cft tarn ton ton 0.025 95.3725 5.4493 207889 719 0,141 98.3249 2,4871 20,7889 S8.4 0 318 19:7692 1,0273 20.9889 951 0,565 20.4523 03366 207889 98.A 0.883 2O,6W8 0:121 20.7889 99,4 1271 20.74933 0.0396 20.7889 99,8 7.73 207735 0.0143 20.7889 99.9 226 20,7834 0 0055 20,7889 100.0 2,86 20.7856 0.00:22 20,7889 100:0 3.531 20,7878 0.09911 20,7889 100,0 j 4 273 207878 0 20,7889 100.0 j 5.085 20,7878 0 20,7889 700:0 5,968 20.7878 0 20.7889 700.0 5,922 20.7978 0 20,7889 100:0 TW 20 7M 0 20.7889 90010 3.041 20 7869 0 207889 100.0 10.206 20.7889 0 20,7889 1000 11,442 20.7889 0 20.7889 700.6 12.749 20.7889 0 2078139 100.0 14.126 20,7869 0 201889 100.0 15.574 2617" 0 20,7889 700.0 17.092 207889 0 20.7999 100.0 18.681 201889 0 20.7889 300,0 20,341 20,7 0 20.7889 900.0 22.072 20-TW9 0 20.9889 900.0 23.673 20.7889 0 20.7989 100.0 25.744 20.7889 0 201889 100,0 27.687 201 0 20.7889 100,0 29.7 20,7889 0 207869 100.0 31,793 24,7889 0 20:7889 1000 I UK— 0 Stwnceptur Cumulative runoff Volume by Runoff Rate O verflowed Runoff Rate Runoff Volume Volume 6.141 976DOO 529242 = 64,8 0:316 1 220822 284375 81.4 0.565 1337"468 167 88.9 0 683 140176 104969 93.0 1,271 1439436 66110 95.8 1,73 1463682 41468 97.2 2,26 1478763 26M 98.2 2186 1488W 16186 98.9 3.531 1496947 Wo 99.4 4:273 149M3 5238 951 6,065 1501360 3811 901 5. 968 9502145 3017 99.6 6:922 ISM3 2158 99.9 7946 15M926 1237 99,9 9,041 1504886 273 900 0 10,206 9505161 0 1000 19.442 I 161 0 1000 12149 1 161 0 100,0 14.126 1505161 0 1003 0 95.574 1503161 0 100.0 17.092 IW5161 0 100.11 9$:689 1505161 0 100.0 20,341 IW6161 0 400.0 22.072 1 961 0 100.0 23873 1 161 0 100.0 26:744 1505161 0 100,0 27687 I 161 0 100,0 29.7 IW6161 0 100,0 31:763 1505161 0 100.0 Cumula Volume of Runoff by Runoff Bata For om: 73 ) a: $2. raiftw swkw DENVER STAKLTON .. 100 "T so kk '� @ 20 .. 6 } t -,.n...,,,iu n 0,0 05 to 1.5 2.0 .5 3.0 3,5 Z Mm T c J .. f.. E � www.d.wbeatridge.coms January 6, 2014 Page 2 Impact Study, Storms Sewer Plans, Street Construction flans, Grading & Erosion Control Plaza, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensin>. All work within the Public Right-of-Way, shall only be performed by a municipally - licensed contractor. Bill LaRow„ Stormwater Program Manager File wwwA." 1efil'o libwy 10500 ,?38th - approvat.hr,d re x &«&y6 ? #:* Page : ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION www.d. +we! . ...2 . +,D Uraty _ 1050OW38th .a » January 6, 2014 Page 4 Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Sidewalk sub grade in-place I per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, I per 200 feet of trench per 18 Mininturn density per soil Colorado Procedures inch vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in- place I per 250 feet per lane Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), I per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M 145 Sidewalk or pipe, trench may be combined Lime treated sub grade in place I per 250 feet per lane Moisture-Density Curve, I per oil-site soil type AASHTO method determined_ AASHTO T99 I tire I per =import ra= source aterial urc a By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, . I per 250 feet per lane per 6-inch c Minimurn density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 20107 documents, T134 cc Roadway subgrade in-place per -2 fee, per lane T Minimum density per soil M"' mum tires density, Colorado Procedures I per, 1000 tons rde, Clas i sil'ication, Section 203.07 ior Sidewalk sub grade in-place I per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, I per 200 feet of trench per 18 Mininturn density per soil Colorado Procedures inch vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in- place I per 250 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T 180 Lime treated sub grade in place I per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Ce_tnent treated base in place I per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract density„ Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement I per, 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot, Bituminous Pavement in I per 100 tons 92-96% of maximum density, T209 place density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength I set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures I I Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and Slump I per 25 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures I I Concrete, sidewalks and curbing % , w" , A.whcatridgcco,us JAV'o Library_1050OW38th - appiovafltrAxx mree + a. �axarx • r s e. e • > 0 s � s � � * 7 • � y w • r w. • s • • • JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION # A e", MU TMOM, Co ' (; q i Y A l l m 3 y R YIIIe +11M It 1 1 A • r s e. e • > 0 s � s � � * 7 • � y w • r w. • s • • • JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION # A e", MU TMOM, Co ' (; } i R YIIIe +11M It 1 1 A • r s e. e • > 0 s � s � � * 7 • � y w • r w. • s • • • JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION # A e", MU TMOM, Co ' (; } i YIIIe +11M • r s e. e • > 0 s � s � � * 7 • � y w • r w. • s • • • JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION # A e", MU TMOM, Co ' (; ..... --- .._ry ,____ s 1 0 1 � � j �"—' ".�- (g { JEF"R+.7A.7N COUNTY S#G74,.IV LIBRARY AN SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION I 106M W 36TH AVENUE, WHEAT FODGE, CO �: m mm „ t F& d t s r # ,rw t rt * l s M� t5, � P P � a f i ti a lk �Y # ,rw t rt * l s M� t5, - c JE FERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIB SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION 10500 W 38TH AVENUE, WHEAT R CO i { } 1 "} p �M. w 4 � G t t tt k t i t lie k g q C r fix Y m 9h 47 l y x - c JE FERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIB SERVICE CENTER NORTH BUILDING DEMOLITION 10500 W 38TH AVENUE, WHEAT R CO i { } a z # "# a logo �M� n o � Q-1 #" * x s i s 2 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY t� t a WIDOW 1d3HM `3nN3AV H18£ M 0050 x NOW10INK ONIanInB Hi2ION 2JRN30 301MM Acv 1ian onend �dNnOO NOS�13J Er W a o m o q W y Cl' Z 6LY y Z S � U CV Z "Qw t?� oWa 0 zFln p 0 ?..2> Z q'^ (5 h p^ Fl Z u a 2 a M z ua W Wv c a C] i3 CU o a g p A U O 7 Q O 3 U O 4 w 0 m 3 b�k ivy j_ s ^F n� h�. `s4 on Y N ` N N O •- o m m � (D CO o vi w c� LO W g N Q � I � 0 W 0 z i 0 t Z W g` W } Cf m0 a m o F �w �� � {. } G CL Z �; m z a Q Q \J co d P LL t W LU M m w u o0 o w � 0 p % y Q c W p m, -j d C LL W N c W Y 0 W O U z O w o O W r r z O m rn S a WIDOW 1d3HM `3nN3AV H18£ M 0050 x NOW10INK ONIanInB Hi2ION 2JRN30 301MM Acv 1ian onend �dNnOO NOS�13J Er W a o m o q W y Cl' Z 6LY y Z S � U CV Z "Qw t?� oWa 0 zFln p 0 ?..2> Z q'^ (5 h p^ Fl Z u a 2 a M z ua W Wv c a C] i3 CU o a g p A U O 7 Q O 3 U O 4 w 0 m 3 b�k ivy j_ s ^F n� h�. `s4 L I f) is 'z ;^ A 0 CN - I I w 00 0 N 1336YS 36(00n rr -M mr. 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Must comply with 2006 IBC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entit' named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this doc ment and /or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field in ec Signature Ch' Building Offical Date INSPEC ION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. 91 lu 15159 FAX 303 237 8929 303 Best Way 0001 /001 m ` h. 2011 12 :26PM AMI MECHANICAL No.0923 P. 2 li a Wh6 City of ���� ak Ad Date; ComMUNItY DCVEL0P1dTNT plan # Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 -235 -2855 * Fax: 303- 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303- 234 -5933 Building Permit. Application Property Owner (please prinO: Ne�-&'t''G� �Phone: Malting Address: (if different than property address) t Address: igk km City, State, Zip: 6:) <Zcipt- 1 ���t�� !'�"r'v` y�•�e d! C�� � t ` �- t� License 01 -11-101 a3ltursr,4?!lir�su:�h. Mechanical" { Electrical: \-L1 Plumbing: �� t/1� ( f� ` City License # Z •� 2--n cp City License lt Gily license # . � rviTJf I VS'�V §onfral�a{ue.Lt—) LP� Revioty Fan (due of time afsuomitlal): squares BTU's Gallot s — Amps 8q Ft. OWNER(CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UND)✓R5TANDING AND AGWZ MENT I hereby cariify thattho Setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate e,td do notviola e, appliesb16 ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheatmdgo or covena»ts, c"onleats or trsldot!ons afineord; that all moasnrcments shown and ii(logathons made are aeetrate; that I have read and ague to abide by alt conditions printed on [Iris application and that[ assume fill responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge Bodes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based mi thus applies( ion; that]. atn the legal mvncr or have been 6rx11o.L7 d by the legal otnter of lho properly to parfonn the deseibed work and am also authotizedby thckgal otaxree of any entity included on thts applieoflca to ifstdrat tntity on this applieanan. CIRCL &ON.& (0lI'NER) (CONrRUcr 7R) ar (AVTHORl'27itl REPRESENTi1TIVb7 al (OYf+MR) (CONTRACTOR) : .tpeEf`�3.' -" ; °- _.:s ^� R,:tdl�_ttLL:US`'i�JI?^C ..':_ "a °Slid sir:_" - -r 2 yt ..Ra , _...... - -��i� <ae.F,rea ���' y.r";', �.,.- ._*'''Qw;x,krf�;,1'r ".�'�% .,". z _ 5_n' •,�i1:a' -: - ' . $Mth[�u�:. - . °t- ; -y: ?.. .,.:i: •.. .. .�- t§Yi e �.:' - ' i � _ r ?cF$ °•9.- S5q: r5 -r; l,�.a,�. r:" - " Ts1. giisapt' vsI?:! n'. o" tcrstGekita4uiiP ,d $ �y,,��lr - -- °5i. City of Wheat Ridge Coxcrtlu tv Diel m iavaeg Deurtrce Once this is received I can continue the review for pennit approval. amm 8) SUBCONTRACTOR has included crews necessary to perform work in both the Library and Administration simultaneously. 9) SUBCONTRACTOR has Included all coring, drilling, etc for the mechanical work. Including patching of materials with the exception of drywall. 10) SUBCONTRACTOR has Included all necessary infills for roof curbs not being used after demolition. Roofing is Included. 11) Temporary protection as needed for openings. 12) Cleanup to trash receptacles. Receptacles by others. 13) Firestopping. 14) Coordination with all other trades to ensure a seamless installation. 15) Schedule for construction 6 -1 -11 to 8- 24 -11. 16) Permit if needed will be an add of $2 ,589.59. 17) Restoration of any roofing, landscaping or parking lot due to damages Incurred contractor due to negligence will be paid for byAMI. 19) Any expenses charged to AMI's contingency will be tracked by a contingency log and submitted with the monthly invoice. Approval of contingency charges must be approved prior to charging the contingency fund. Any and all dollars left unspent at the end of the project will be credited back to McKinstry. An audit of all costs will be performed at the end of the project. FIM #6 .7 -- library service cent FIM Description To improve operating efficiency and reduce energy consumption, the main air - handling unit (AHU) at the Library Service Center will be replaced by a new unit with a variable - frequency drive for fan speed control. Economizer cooling will be provided, along with a vartabie- frequency drive on the cooling tower fan motor. Subcontractor scope of work mechanical 1) SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials for demolition of existing systems and Installation of new systems described below. 2) SUBCONTRACTOR shall remove the existing 50 -ton water - cooled split DX air - handler (Carrier model 5013,1054, R -22), including fan section, coil, compressors, fitter section and mixed -air section. All modules appear to be sized to fit through the 36" exterior door. 3) SUBCONTRACTOR shalt cut back existing condenser water piping and supply and return ductwork to the extent necessary to permit installation of the new air - handling system. 4) SUBCONTRACTOR shall remove the existing outdoor intake system, including approximately 20' of 16'- diameter duct, 36x12 Intake louver, and 12° inline fan (Dayton model 2C223B). 5) SUBCONTRACTOR shall remove (2) existing gas -fired heating water boilers, Lochinvar PBN0750, Including circulators. Cut back piping sufficiently to permit replacement Installation. 6) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide new modular air - handling unit(s) equal to (2) AAON V3- ERA -3. Modules shall be sized to fit through $6° door. Total capacity shall be 20,000 cfm @ 3° w.g., 32 tons cooling. Cooling shall be by a water- cooled compressorlcoll set with water -side economizer, and shall have multiple circuits with full capacity modulation and 25 turndown. Provide hydronic heating coil (integral or duct- mounted), sized for 60 ° F EAT, 95 °F LAT,180°F EWT,140 ° F LWr. Units shall come with factory-wired controls and native BACNet or Lonworks controllers (protocol TBD during construction). 10 7) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide new outdoor air intake system, comprised of approximately 20' of 18 diameter (or equivalent) duct, 36 °x16° drainable aluminum louver (increase existing opening to fit), and intake fan equal to Greenheck SQ- 140 -B, (2000 cfm, 0.13° w.g., 277V/1ph, 1 /3hp). Provide with ECM for speed control with 0.10VDC input signal. 8) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide (2) new gas -fired condensing bolters equal to Lochinvar KBN501, including boiler sequencer. Provide each boiler with condensate neutralizer kits equal to JM Boller Works JM -6. Route drain to nearest floor drain. 9) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide combustion air inlets and flue vents of size and material as required by boiler manufacturer (basic of design, (2) 4° stove- pipe combustion air inlets and (2) 4° AL29 -4C vertical flues). Install for vertical configuration through roof above boiler room. Existing Flue and combustion air penetrations may be reused. Seal unused penetrations weather - tight. 10) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide (2) boiler circulators equal to Armstrong EB (10 gpm, 30 It w.g.), or as recommended by boiler manufacturer, Provide each boiler /circulator setwith 1 -1/4° supply and return piping (1 -1/7-thick insulation) in injection configuration with main distribution system. 11) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a dual -arm heating water circulation pump set equal to Armstrong iVS 4380- 2x2x6, 460V /3ph /1hp (50 gpm, 30 It w.g.). Provide with premium- efriciency, Inverter -duty motors, and onboard VFDs and pressure sensor for integral variable -flow control. 12) SUBCONTRACTOR shall replace cooling tower fan motor with equivalent premium- efficiency, inverter -duty motor (460V13ph/3 hp) and matching VFD. 13) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary covers for roof penetrations that prevent inclement weather from damaging the substructure. 14) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary covers for roof penetrations that prevent inclement weather from damaging the substructure. 15) SUBCONTRACTOR shall connect existing supply and return building ductwork to new unit supply and return 16) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary heating and cooling required during construction. 17) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all final details and measurements required to accomplish scope 18) SUBCONTRACTOR shall support all commissioning activities following Implementation of this scope 19) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a factory certified startup technician to startup the new RTU and boilers. Startup activities must be coordinated with MCKINSTRY. 20) SUBCONTRACTOR shall properly dispose of old RTU and any other waste generate during the execution of this scope. Architectural 1) SUBCONTRACTOR shall repair any damages to interior finishes created during the execution of this scope. FIM #7.1 —Arvada Library FIM Description This scope of work is to change the sequence of control to utilize the evaporative cooling section as the first stage of cooling as well as adding demand controlled ventilation. Subcontractor scope of work Mechanical 1) SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide and install a 24x24 acoustical boot on the return grille of each of the following spaces (total of four (4)): a) Meeting Room 118 on first floor 11 I i I II Is' T- O A �� // �° 1 c �Is i I I $ 1 , w � w Il Ih e- Q s I I I v D v �. f SAv I k o 1 � o ul I �xb���4 N m g s0. ' I E_ c a. D LIERARY SERVICE CENTER' ® JM'MRSOPI COUNTY PUBLIC L SB , 1 , WHEATRIDGE. GO. h a. m'!71 OA V - -- - - -- s: '� LM _ e o T I MM m A MRS �P ° ❑ ° ❑ ❑ ° yp us . / � \ � �j y d \ / \ - . / � \ � �j f IV. I � ,=. f El ^9 a u� � r e r . � _ � f S i • I W ( Q Se�st S Qn Sz 1 I i oS * - 5 Z s -'ns F R SAwc §B G _ oP- ° v,, o n i : vu�-O , ! 2� Q . �...: .....�� >v ��... .,. ......._. . . . . . : . . .. : . ... . . p { \{ \( \ / \ a . » ................ p { \{ \( \ / \ f,l &1lJ7 2 ( fI!{f �(S SI F N . .;� \ . ♦ A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE � Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 235 -2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:�c Job Address: 9'e' �6 Permit Number: r°1 5we""(1 A ❑ No one available for inspection ime AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes / No i When corrections have been mad, ¢all �or r i` spechon at 303 - 234 - 5933 Date: Inspector. DO NOT REMOVE Hls NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r' (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: J Permit Number: tQ C 7Z7- ('-Z ~ OTZ,~z- I) ~c 1,t5- _ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes viff, "When corrections have been madere-inspec ion at 303-2345933 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOW IS NOTICE • City of Wheat Ridge Residential Plumbing PERMIT - 094061 PERMIT NO: :.094061. rISSUED:' 11/13/2009 JOB ADDRESS: 10500 W 38TH AVE `EXPIRES: 05/12/2010 DESCRIPTION:. Gas pipe emergency generator ***'CONTACTS owner Jefferson County Library sub " 303/738-9351 Tim Berube 02-2374 Berube, Inc PARCEL :INFO ZONE'. CODE: UA 'USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA `BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED `PROJECT iVALUATION: -:2,000.00: FEES Permit Fee 90,10 Total Valuation .00 d, Use Tax 36.00 **TOTAL :.126.10 Conditions: Subject to field inspections. I hereby certify. that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions. of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions. printed on this application andt" t I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat `Ridge Building Code '(I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat.Ri Ordin nces, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signatu of contra for/o date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes. of Wheat. Ridge, Colorado or any. other. applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be receivedr prior to expiration date. An extension maybe granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permit expires, -a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension orf abandonment has not exceeded one ,(1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be.. paid for anew permit. WHEgT ~oF Ro City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 291h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 ` Fax: 303-237-8929 °O<olxr°° Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application Property Address: i 0 Cj ® fiy 3 S -V . Property Owner (please print): CoU_ 01 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: State, Zip: Contractor: ac y- (n dJC- r Contractor License Phone- 7 3V 9 -5 5 Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: Company Lam. Y-~ CIZ\- c, Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (-description): Construction Value: $ 2 / ~kZ) Description of work: (as calculated per the Buildinq Valuation Data sheet) Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ Sq. Ft./L.Ftadded: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNE ) (CONTRTOR) or PERSONAL REPRES ATI E ( NER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: 1 ~ Irv - ~--SIGNATURE: Date: Date: Plan Permit v % `t" o& DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14391 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 8/26/02 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Property Address : 10500 W 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : 18210 Phone: 275-0166 Company : GOLDEN-WHEAT RIDGE FENCE CO Phone : 423-5441 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cedify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are acwrate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full res " ' ce with the Wheat Ridge BuildingCode (U.B.CJ and all other app' e Wheat . e ordina ces, forwork underthis permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Use: Description : 1-10' GA;EbZk D~h&SfER (6' HIGH, CHAINLINK W/ SLATS) BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Pleaae Note: dwnee / contractot is responsible for locating property lines and consVUCting improvements according to the approved plan and required development standazds. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction ercors resulting from inaccurate information. Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subjec[ to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations.and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any oiher applirable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 tlays. ' (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or a6andonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural floWOf water causing a drainage pmblem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspec[ions and shall receive written approval on inspection card 6efore proceedi ith succes e phases of thejob. (6) Th ' n i r the approval of drawings antl specifcations shall not be construed to be a pemiit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provi ns th ' i e n otherordinance,law,ruleorreguiatioa. . Chief Building Inspector Construction Value : $420.00 Permit Fee : $0.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $0.00 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Pennit Nwnber: of WryEA r,~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENLTE WI~AT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) C~CORA00 ,yHHyp~p r/~i'3"~-iTdO~fr 4V . Property Owner: :YtF~'iQQ\ U~MAtl ~U)A~C L-; Iam~{ Phone: Properry Address: (p~j, W 3g %e ~ ~ . Contractor License No.: eNaaTO~r~~ ~..ney P}lORC: ~Jy~"'-yy9y'~ OWIVER/CONTRACTOR SIGNA'1'ORE OFUNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I heteby certify thazthe setback dis[ances proposed by this permit application are accurate, md do notviolate applicable ordinances, mles or regulations ofthe Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenan4, easements or restric5ons ofrecord; that all meuurements showq md allegations made aze accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application md tha[ I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Whez[ Ridoe Building Code (U.B.C) md all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Construction Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use fax:$ TOt3t: $ Description: cA e ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONINGCOMMENTS: N Approval: Zoning: BUILDINGCOMMENTS: 41 v~ ApProval: PUBUC WORKS COMMENTS: Appxoval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Resi Electrical License No: Plmnbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Exp'uation Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: ApprovaL Approval: Approval: (1) This pecmit was issssed in accordmce wiW the pmvisions set forth in yonr applicadon md is snbject ro the laws of the State of Colorzdo md m the Zoning Regula¢ons md Bvildivg Codes of WLeat Ridge, Colmado or any other applicable ordinances of tlie City. (2) 17iis peimit shall expire if (A) the work anNorized is not commeviced within sixty (60) days &om issne date or (B) the buildivg anthonzed is suspended or abandoned for a pedod of 120 days. (3) If tliis pemtit exp'ves, a new peimit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the mnount normally reqviad, provided no changes have been or wiil be made in the odginal plavs andspecificafions md any suspension or abandonmenthu mt exceeded one (1) year. ifchznees Uave Feen or if snspension nr ahanAnnmem exceeds one (1) yeaz, fidl fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any menner shzll be done that will change Ne nanuzl flow oFwater cansing a drainzge problem. (5) ContractorshalluotifytheBuildingluspecrortwenty-fow(24)hoursinadvanceforallinspectionsandshallreceivewrittenapprovalonmspecfioncardbefore proceeding with successive phases of tliejob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings md specificaUOns shall mt be wnshued to be a permit for, nor an approval o$ any violation of the provisious of the 6nilding codes or auy other ordinance, law, mle or regulafion. Building Inspector Certificate of Completion AND/OR Compliance CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW, DOES COMPLY WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE BUII,DING CODE, ZONING AND OTHER RELATED LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT LAWS OF TI-E CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: OWNER: Jefferson Countv Librarv ADDRESS: 10500 W. 38th Avenue CONTRACTOR: McBride Electric. Inc. PROPERTY ADDRESS: DATE: 8-13-99 CHIEF BUII,DING OFFICIAL_EJ/, ZONINGADMINISTRATOR LSEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 8869 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 5l10/99 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 10500 W 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : Company: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abi ions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility f orc~f an heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat dge~dlna*r(c s, r er this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED .%"ATE~~ - Description : Inst r de isting concrete pad Approval : Occupancy : Walis Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Phone : 232-7114 Phone : Construction Value : $11,425.00 Permit Fee : $20925 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $209.25 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Okay per Randabst of DRCO 8k t3~,~~L ~Jt1l{/~ ~r'T okay Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date`. Approval : Approval : (i) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur applicalion antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo antl to the Zoning Regulations and Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable oMinances oFthe City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (6) the building authorized is suspentled or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If fhis permit expires, a new pertni[ may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, PoII fees shall be paid for a new permit . (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel fiow of water causin9 a dreinage problem. (5) Contrector shall noliry the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successrve phases of the 7ob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an appmval of, any viola6on of the provisions of uildin tles or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. . . . Chief BuildYng Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 9155 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7/8199 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address : 10500 W 38TH AVE Contractor License No. : 18146 Phone: 275-6160 Company : McBride Electric Phone : 303761-6176 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not wolate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Construction Value : $1,700.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $25.50 Total: $70.50 Use: Description : Install 3 phase 208V circuit for requirements of lift and install 3 phase disconnect per code requirements w/o53404 Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (i) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is sub~ect to the laws of the State of Coloratlo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any ofher applirable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not wmmencetl within siMy (60) days from issue date or (e) the building authorized is suspentled or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifcations and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (7) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e the naturel flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) ConVactor shall notify the Buildin9 Inspec[or hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceediing wiih successive phases of thejob. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval oF drawings and specifcations shall not be consVUed to be a permii for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. __Thie~f uild~ing I p or DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 Date : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Properry Owner: ~ewps,`y',Cl bf04N J '~J'~~"~J"0t ~o~ Property Address Phone: : ~C~ Contractor _License No. : tYA LP Company' ~O-RC ae [ (A~~lrt C ~ nC ` Phone:3253-7(Q t -(Q L7~P OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT alue : `~v I hereby certRy lhat the setbaGc distances proposed by this permit application are accurate. rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or ces di Pgfrtlit F2e ~ , nan and do not violate applicable or wvenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this I h Use Tax _ . ave made are accurate; lhat application, and that 1 assume full responsibih for compliance w@h the Wheat Ridge Building n Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable dg din for wo er this permit. $0.00 . Total : OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIG D DATE ~-92 USB : ( Description : 3~~Q Z~u C~~. .~p~- re u«C ~ ~le[~kS c~ ~ ~Pf- ~-r~ =i~sfOUe 3 ~7r-r~- ~~5eon ~PX- Ccx~ "r o . BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. FL : Approval: Zoning : BalfdlfTd~Cb~~9 Approval : P_II61C~b[R~~~~ Approval : Occupancy : Wails : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electricai License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicai License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval: Approval : (7) This pertnil vras iuued in axordance wiN the pmvisions sel torN in yopur appliwtion and is subI'ect lo the laws of the State ol Coh2Ea afM to the Zonirq Regulations aiW Building Code ol Wheat Ridge, Coioratlo or any oNer applicable ortlinances o( the City. (2) This pertnil shail e:~pire if (A) Ue vrork auihonzed is nol commefwed wf1Mn sixty (60) days (rom luue Eate or (B) the buildi~ aulhorizeE is suspende0 or abarManeE 1w a period of 120 days. will (3) o(rig~his inal plans e a~iid~ speafirz~~u and eny s s~penlson or ahzndonme la'has not exuceeded o^e (1) 9yea~r.• ~1 cha 9es a eamatle a if susbeen pensm orbaba^da"^e nt exceeds one (i) year, tulllees shall he paid lor a new pemd. (4) No work ol any manner shall be Cone ihat will change the natural flow of water wusing a drainage problem. (5) - ConVactor shall notify the Building Insoector M'enty•four (24) hours in advance for all inspecUons antl shall receive written approval on lnspeUion caM before roceediing with successive~hphases ot thefj~h. ^~le or reguWtion~ons shall not be consWeC lo be a pertnil lor, rwr an approval ol. any viaWlion of Ihe provislons (e) 1he builtling o cotle.ces or aY OiheP ad~na^ce. ~W n ~ d Chief Building Inspector For HEN THE SIGNED ILD THIS PERMIT VALID CONLY ALL W234 5933 24 HOURS PRIO'R TO I~N PIE TION ECTOR AND MAYOR