HomeMy WebLinkAbout12391 W. 38th AvenueINSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings /Caissons _.. Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground - Reinforcing or Monolithic ROUGHS Sheathing Weatherproof /French Drain �. Lath I Wall tie Sewer Service Lines Mid -Roof - Water Service Lines - Electrical Service CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) _.. Heating (Underground)' DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGHS Sheathing Lath I Wall tie Mid -Roof Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Gas Piping Rough Mechanical . ABOVE INSPECTIONSTO BB SIGNED. PRIOR TO PROCEEDING Framing - Insulation Drywall Screw FINALS Electrical Plumbing. Mechanical Roof .Building Final Fire Department R.O.W & Drainage S INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS SHOULD BE CALLED AT.LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. Parking & Landscaping "NOTE! ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY -NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED , PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER ♦ Y CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPE TION NOTICE ii Inspection Type: A Job Address: / Z°i n t ~L Permit Number: ~/C?07_s : I I ❑ No one available for inspection: Time/ PM Re-Inspection required: 'Yes When corrections have been made, call fore -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 0 Inspector: V14 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: /WllgR i Job Address: 1-U9 j ?Y7 ,&15 Permit Number: G E ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ) AMA Re- Inspection required: Yes ,. * When corrections have been made, calf for re- inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Date: /ice Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division 6010000 (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: r %7 i fl Job Address: /,5 ,5 C>'/ =-A VV Permit Number: _ 1,1'7C~ 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time (Am/ Pm Re-Inspection required: Zes) No When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector. 44, . DC~NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE I 100751 ISSUED: 03/25/2010 S:' 12391 W 38TH AVE (EXPIRES: 09/21/2010 N: T/o: Install 31.66 sqs. of 50 yr GAF/:Elk HD dimensionals .-.4, City of 'r, W heat 1dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Penntt#; Building Division 7500 W. 29'^ Ave_, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 • Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Facsimile Building Permit Application Property Address: 1 39 tl 39' r- Properly Owner (please print). o r} Phone: `y 3 X ~ 10 y Malling Address: (if difrerent than property address) Address Contractor 'eY Use or sppace racription):TLwe O Q f~ ,~~p t i Sh e S DescrlptPon o worn;,,L p i Orr 7=~la l k 171 So 4A l+jD V%kLr„e§vr+e.( 31Lfo 59`{,~< Plan Revlew(doearUMNofSUbmmaQ:t: So. FULA addado in of the cc( man Rr~w ur mia parRle epppcatlan are accurate, and do not vblam applicable ordinances, h legs covpanante, easemelfa Or resh)ctlons of record; that eg meaauromanls MOM. and and 9mpeanee withathe hl v be lt R~ Idag0 Bulldfng Codlee (I" c) and all tOp hepr applica61 meat Ridge Crrdinaanoee wr wohrk Plans subf ect to fluid hsaecYfon_ CIRLCEOW.' (OWNER) (COr17RACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESS TAMIS of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) lBltirNAMe: gc~ !/Jitke5 _ SIGNATURE: A-/4- 01%Y _ Date: ZONING COMMENTS: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning: Reviewer PUBLIC WOOM COMMEM: Reviewer. DULDINO DEPARTWNr COWAEM$: Ravie a r.. OCCUPANCY: ARE OEPARTI1ENr:; ❑ approved nd Coritmwds 0 disapproved Q no review required Bldg Valuation; S Credit Card Pa ant: 11 @ credit card listed on file. Date: Print name: /Q,/~~ Signature: T..~d-...-._.._...-. LLOD99LEDE d21D0d0D?J WdBT t2T 0102 S2 .aeW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 15410 4/28/2003 Property Owner: THOMAS VALDEZ Property Address : 12391 W 38TH VE Contractor License No. : 17152 Company: PrecisePlumbing Phone : 432-2104 Phone : 534 0881 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : REPLACE WATER HEATER Construction Value : $480.00 Permit Fee : $30.55 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $30.55 Use : mo BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zomiig Comments~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Bu~lding Comments~ Approval : Public;Works Comn~ents';~ Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No :17152 Mechanical License No : Company: Company:Precise Plumbing Company: Expiration Date : 10/18/2003 Expiration Date : Approval : OK/KS Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnitwas issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning - Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This pertnit shall ezpire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days (rom issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half ihe amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in ihe original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change ihe natural flow of water causing a drainage pmblem. (5) Contrdctor shall notifythe Buildin9lnspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shali receive written appmval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issua o a permit o e approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the pmvisio of t e es or any olher ordinance, law, mle or regulation. i • Chief Building In Vector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Numbex: BiTII.DING INSPECTION L1NE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) ~~~~~~OiV Properry Owner. -14om e s ~p 44~ Property Address: /13 9/ Phone : ~!?2- ,Al° V Contractor License No.: / 7/ 3~ Company: Prc c 1,5 c Plvm s• c- Phone: ! 3~/- 0 rS' O Wri'ER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSPANDING AND AGREEMF.NT I heazby certify that the setback distances proposad by this pemut application are accurate, and do not violate applicable oidinancu, rules or regulafions of fhe CiTy of Whaat Ridge or covenanfs, easemenfs or cestrictions of record; that all measurements showq and allegations made are accurata; that I fiava read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applications and that I assume fiill responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and aIl other appticable Wheat Ridge Ozdinances, for work undertbis pemut ~OWVCRxCON1RAC70F):SIG~nD N18 Description: e/O Construction Va1ue: S' fl'O ^ Permit Fee: 3 0- rr Plan Review Fee: TTaa TaY• ,Sr.an.s St'oc:11 Total: ,3 o• s~- ~ Electdcal License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) 77tis pemut waz ismed in accorda¢ce with fhe prwisions set forth in your epplication and is subject W the laws of the State of ColoraAo and m the Zoning Regula4ons anA Huilding Code of Wheat RidgG Colorado or aay othw applioable ordinances of the City. (2) 17us pannit shall expue if (A) the wo[k autho[ized is not commenced wittin sixty (60) Asys from issue date or (B) the building authorized is smpended or s6andoned for a peaod of 120 days. (3) If Ihis pevnit wepsses, a new yemiit may 6e acquiiW for a fw of ono-half the azwmt nomially roquiced, piwided m changes have been or will6e made in Ne ongi:ut plans and specifications and my suspension ot abmdonmenthaz not acceeAed one (1) yeaz. If changes have bean or if suspension w ahandonment exceeds one (1) yea[, fWl fees shell bepaid for a mw pevnit (4) No woik of azry inannrs shall be done that will chaznge the naNal tlow ofwater cauting a d[aivage problem (5) . Conhactor slWl natify the Suildivg IaspecWr twenty-fou[ (24) homs in advance Fot all iaspections and shall [eceive written appiwal on inspection cazd before proceedivgvriNsuccessivephasasofthajob. (6) The ismance of a yeunit or the apprwal of drawings and specifica4ons ilull mt be cons¢ved W be a pevnit for, aoi an apyioval of, vry violation of the ycotisioas of the bvild'vng codrs ar any athu ocdinancq law, rvla oc cegulaROn . Chief Building Inspector