HomeMy WebLinkAbout11907 W I-70 Frontage Road NFrom: no-reolvCalci.wheatridae.co.us To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial Interior Remodel/Tenant Finish Date: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:11:33 AM CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report any suspicious activities to the IT Division. PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial Interior Remodel/Tenant Finish Application for Commercial Remodel/Tenant Finish This application is for Commercial Remodels and Tenant Finishes. Do not being work until the permit has been issued to the General Contractor. Required to Submit Proof of Submission to Fire Department Proof of Submission to Arvada Fire Submittal Mitaka 4-18-2022 Ddf Fire Department Begin Application PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 11907 W. 48th Ave. Property Owner Name Mitaka Property Owner Phone 303-910-5282 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email reasterly@aandbbuilders.net Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" APPLICANT INFORMATION Contact Name of Robin Easterly Person Submitting Application What is your role in the General Contractor project? Wheat Ridge 60220 Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contact Phone Number 303-778-8555 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address reasterly@aandbbuilders.net for Plan Review Questions Retype Contact Email reasterly@aandbbuilders.net Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this for a new No tenant? Business Name of Mitaka Tenant Detailed Scope of Interior remodel for existing tenant. Work - Provide a detailed description of work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Location of Work Office, storage Square Footage Area 3943 of Work Being Performed Asbestos Report - If Field not completed. applicable Construction Plans scanned on 11'x17" or larger Project Value (contract 83141 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) Valuation adjusted to $193,601.30 SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Robin Easterly Pe rm it Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number : 8666 Date : 3/24/99 Property Owner : Property Address : 11907 W I-70 FRONTAGE RD NOR Contractor License No. : 19537 Company : Quantum CM, Inc. Phone : 422-8957 Phone : 423 4123 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or wvenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabiq~ Wheat Ridge ldinanqes, for work under this Rermi$. (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNE ~ DATE Description : Tenant remodel / finish Construction Value : $58,842. 00 Permit Fee : $706. 75 Plan Review Fee : $459. 39 Use Tax : $$82. 63 Total: $2,048. 77 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~m~v~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : RIEWOROMMIM Okay per comments 3123/99 Approval: DM Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : 19908 Company :MC-2 Electrical Contractors, LLC Expiration Date : 3/31/99 Plumbing License No :17201 Company :Total Plumbing, Inc. Expiration Date : 8/31 /99 Approval: Mechanical License No : 17942 Company : Denver Heating & Air Cond. Expiration Date : 11 /25/99 Approval: Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subjecl to ihe laws of ihe State ot Colorado and to ihe Zoning Regulations antl Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any, other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixly (60) days trom issue tlate or (B) the building authorized is suspentled or abandoned !or a period of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may Oe acquiretl tor a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifiwtions and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) yeac If changes are made or d suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, (ull fees shall be paitl for a new permil. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a tlraina9e problem. (5) Contraclor shall notiy the Builtling Inspeclor Rventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing wi[h suae55iVe phase5 Of the'ob. (6) The issuance of a pejmit or ihe approval o~drawings and specifcations shall not Oe consirued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violaGOn of the provisions of the,b/ilding~odej or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulation. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 II q0'1 Property Owner: 'ES-4~lA M#jr-Kf-T1N4 PropertyAddress: "RAi W• 1-10 fROMTh4f Rr'>• MORrt' phone: 303• ~(ZZ-895~ Contractor License No. : 19531 Company : Q04JTV M C N~j 54C , Phone : 303- 43- 4123 FP4 gp3-423-CoSZ,S OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANOING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations ot the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume tull responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Buiiding Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable heqLRid I es, f r work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : I -Eill (N ISK Zoning*~6omiiierfts~ Approval : Zoning : Constructionvalue. ft$,Sq2.- Permit Fee : '70Ci' , l5 Plan Review Fee : 4 5q. 39 Use Tax : Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY d k li Cwnemrvts Approval: L)m 3•2-3i PliblgWof e . ~ Approval: Occupancy : Walis Electrical license No : 1qq Company : MC Y Expiration Date : Approval: n fflPi~~ Plumbing License No Company : "r'pmri. fl,g4. Expiration Date : Approval: N (PIMMEtW1Fe~l1~ A . REGEiVED Mf,!? 1 " '°,"9 Ft. : Y Residential th,r' r/ Mechanical License No : 1"7 Company : 1>ENt/e{2, }{-1 Expiretion Date : Approval: IN ~[3S~5iWUi~'eMMO (1) TTis permit was issued in accortlance with Ihe provisians set forth in yopur applicaGon and is suEject to the laws of the Stafe of Colorado anA to the Zoning RegulaGans and BuilCing CoCe of Wheat Ridge. Coloratlo or any otlier applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) Th is Dermil shall expire d(A) lhe wark aulhonzed is nat wmmenced wiNin sixf/ (60) days from issue date or (8) tlie builAing authonzeC is suspended or abantlonetl lor a penoE o1120 tlays. (7) ❑ this permit expires, a new pemnt may Ee acquired (or a fee of one-hall ihe amount normally reQuireE, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans anE specifplions and any suspension or abandonmenl has not e:ceeCed one (1) year. It changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be Daitl for a new permiL (4) No work of any manner shall be done Nat will change Ne natural Oow of water causing a draina9e Oroblem. (5) Contraclor shall noliy Ne Building Inspeclor twenry-lour (24) hours in aEvance for all inspections an0 shall receive written approval on inspeclion wrd 6ebre proceediing with successive phases ol Ue )ob. (6) The issuance o/ a permil or lhe approval of tlrewings and speuficaUOns shall nol be construetl lo Ee a permit for, nor an approval o[ any violalion of the pmNSions of Ihe bud/tliny/.c,oa,/es o~r a/ny other orEinance, law, rule or regulation. ~J( `rfJr~= - Chief Building ector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Roof Stories Certificate of Completion AND/OR Compliance CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW, DOES COMPLY WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE BUII,DING CODE, ZONING AND OTHER RELATED LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: TENANT FINISH OWNER: Wescom Marketing ADDRESS: 11907 W I-70 Frontage Rd North CONTRACTOR: Qnantum C M Inc-11049 W 44th Ave #101 Wheat Ridee, 80033 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 11907 W I-70 Frontage Road North Wheat Ridue DATE 5 y CHIEF BUII,DING OFFICIAL ZONING ADNIINISTRATOR INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 INSPECTION RECORD JOBADDRESS I~~~ ~ W.T-7a F/NhP BUILDING PERMIT N0. DATE ISSU€D TYPE OCCUPANCY OWNER J / CANTRACTOR /VuA-lulw C~ SETBACKSFROM PROPERTYLINES: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACE PERTAININ T THI B INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundat'ons Footings Caissons Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproofing POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED oncre I b Fla r: Electrical (Ground Work) Plumbing (Ground Work) Heating (Ground Work) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Rough Electrical f~ .3- c°.S= 'f'ly^ Rough Plumbing p ~ ? ~zr-- G- Air Test Gas Piping 3,L5 g~ Rough Heating & Ventilation _ty, J7 i-v- (above must be signed prior to iraming inspection) Framing Insulation Drywall nailing . ~ 7 G Roofing Refrigeration Electrical underground F'nal Electrical r'- Plumbin e2q 15• 1/1L Heatin & Ventilation ~ q I~- Frame G( R.O.W. & Drainage Fire Department „ . Parking & Landscaping OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER ►ENMRMUMlEN f 0 Y O 9 ~ 2 m T O r O ~ 0 Z Z C) m m a m N m O w ~m o a m 3 J ~ n n ~ m (D ~ O > m O ~ m 9 ~ ~ O S O y Z f~ r O ~ rr ~ u cn C w ~ ~ O c ~ c pri 9 F (D ~ O ~ ~ C-) N ~ c+ (D -s ' O 1 D 0 4 O 9 O f w c Z n m ~ ~ ~ ~Fm' ( D w c n » » m ~ m T m m 3 m m n ~ 0 + ~ ` / F a m m J 35~- d m m „ M ~ ~ c m p~ ~ onS m g ~ ~ o< ~°+mmm 1~1 0- o a ~ F~ m O mR3Q H n ~ ~ c ^ m om~a ~ 0 ~ ~ppm m m0 ~ m .1 y ~o r° ~ 9E O ~m ~ 9m nm ao ~ ~ e0 p C ~ m ~ N n t O= O m napa ~11 o D ~ y m o ~ °;1 m m ~ 0~ 9 O o _ mm ~mv m ~ m ~ y P ~c 6 0 J N N m 0 nD ~ --1 < Q O Sov M V ~ v w O O O E 0 3 a V O ~ LI mSO~ m ll v m m V O m ~ ~ o 3 T n ~ - m Ci S p f o C I ~ j 3 C} S Oi t~ n O m0 N ~ (D O ~ a io n 00 L 0 Z ~ ~ 0 o o ~ Z S 3 W i ~ D 3 m m m ~ m ~ ~ 0 y c m c 0 a O .y+ ' J m < S ~ m y ° v ~ > c m ~ ~ n ~ m m 1D F ~ 0 9 O 0 m • m ~ f ~ c 3 C) A ~ E A A S a n (D The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE (303) 234-5900 ~he at WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80215-6713 Ciry Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept Fax !t 235-2949 GRidge DATE: m qq Y TO: ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT FROM: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ESCROW REFUND Reimbursement is requ~~ s=~cfund~ being fo~ ~a Fronf~9e N' W eSGOm /Y~arThe landscaping has been completed to the City's satisfaction. RELEASE TO: WESCOM MARKETING INC. CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT 11907 W. I-70 Frontage Rd. N. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 AMOiJNT: $9,500.00 Alan White, Director of Planning & Development ~„~,CLEOUAi'Li, Date: ~ & ? y A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion has been requested for: ADDRESS: Purpose of 7 -7 -'70 /7/L CJ/ ` ~ Building Department Approval: Remazks: zoning Remarks: Public Works Approval: G Remazks z G cc a O V ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ W G N Q M = N ~ oLL v Q # x 0 Z ~ J ~ d A O J a 0 ~ 9 > c O N Ol N N A % Y dN $ t~ c 10 A ~ d~ ~ o C N o w ~ r 0 d rn ~ C 3 a y O c o T ~ ~d 9 ,L d N 9 M ' M N j •0 OI ~ A v t m O « W O ~ C 0 rn 0 w m Y r ~ d = 0 C ~ d d t d t0 7 } ff m 0 e 8 3 m ~ ~ = M G Fa- N F W 0 W ~ 0 Z 0 d ~ R LL INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 J08ADDRESS EC 013 SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH SOUTH EAST INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footings C ~/L ~ ~ Caissons n Reinforcing or Monolithic T therproofing Wea POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical (Ground Work) s Plumbing (Ground Work) . 5(:% P, Heating (Ground Work) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Rough Electrical Rough Plumbing iS. ~ Air Test Gas Piping n o' y,9 Rough Heating & Ventilation (above must be signed prior to framing inspection) I Cb yt, /J`{ 2- f ~I? x- Framing Insulation Drywall nailing ° Roofing j- o . Refrigeration Electrical underground Final Electrical Plumbin Heatin & Ventilation r Frame ~ R.O.W. & Drainage Fire Department Parking & Landscaping OCCUPANCY NOT PERIVIITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER WESCOM MARKETING INC. CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT PROPERTV LOCATED -41841•W I-70 FRONTAGE RD. N 1\Qdl PAY ~Y7 TO THE ORDER OF f/. ~ n, ryor,wea~wn~x. urvawmeoooz m.an.wa FOR~ ' 0 2 3 7ii' 1: l0 700 2 i LBI: 80- 49n■ 237 ex-z1,no1o DATE $ 7ISoo-_ w r.U. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 The sum of t!2~ /'77iG cLQ /114 DOLLARS 01, to be held in escrow with C,4z 01 ~G~~~~/<,•ot~ (City £ Wheat Ridge, Opt on D) (Hank, Option E) until landscaping and parking lot improvements are completed at 1 ^ ~L-I_a aio~ v X0,4 01 /vorA (Description) ,dheat Ridge, Colorado by / ~ ~i9-r^l .7'~~u' ~ C (Contreveloper/Owner) Phe City of Wheat Ridge shall have the absolute right to withdraw the 3scrow funds £or the purpose of completing the landscaping and parking lot /I )aving of / /12 -7 3hould (Contractor/Datde'loper/owner) °ail to complete or provide said landscaping and parking lot improvements )rior to the date o£ Aflz41- Z3, t`n'6, 'he only requirement to withdraw the Escrow funds in behalf of the City of lheat ridge shall be a letter from the Planning & Development Department of he City, executed by the Director of said Department and witnessed by the layor of the City of Wheat Ridge. Said letter shall state that the andscaping and parking lot improvements, as above set forth, have not been ompleted or provided by (Contractor nd that the date of (°1`LiS /Owner) has expired. (OPTION D or E) ESCROW AGREEMENT LANDSCAPING AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS -2- CEPTED of Planning & Development Department - City o£ Wheat Ridge) (Bank - Option E) dress r4 < < ~ ce / - 4a (Contractor/Developer/Owner Phone Number Phone Number t e 7 2 ~ mporary Certificate of Occupancy for structures covered by this agreement y be issued by the Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge for a time period not exceed six (6) months upon acceptance of this agreement by the City. -DEP~ARTI4ENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 5662 BUILDING tN5PEC710N bIVISION -235-2855 GCFY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 8/15/97 7500'WEST 29TH AVENUE ' WHEAT RIDGE, GO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 11907 I-70 FRONTAGE RD N Phone : 422-8957 Contractor License No: : 19537 Company : Quantum CM, Inc. Phone : 423 4123 OV+MEWCONTRAGTOR SIGNATi1RE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT tnis pertnk application am accursta, ations M the City of VYheat Ridge or measurements shown, and allegatio by all wiMitlons prLated on thia DescripGon : OFFICE 130ItdING Construction Vaiue : $465,000.00 Permit Fee : $2,720.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $5,580.00 Tota! : $8,300.00 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~O ApProval : SM 717197 Zoning : PCD Approvai ; Approval : GK 8111197 Occupancy : Walls SIC : 6531 Sq. Ft. : 7376 FINAL PLANNING APPROVAL CONTINGENT UPON CIRCUlAT10N PLAN. ONE (1) MORE PARKING SPACE REQWIRED P.W. REVIEW SHEETDATED 8H1197 Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrica4 License No : A44R5 Ptumbing License No :`f 15r Mechanicel License No : Companq: Qe*we2 R-%►+n-- Company,: T•rac P~r.rsrn~MC~ iwe. Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : W/•l?P' Expiration Date : Approval: APProval: 13,1c Approval: (t) R ~~U pannit ~psued In~ ~ wfth ~~edcp~pp~ydoraao~ort e ry dAer~epp°k.a° e~b ~adi e~s a the G~iy.~ levn or me srero a caoreao era a the zordrq . (2). Thfa PoRnit al~ tlfewak a no~lf la rwl cammencetl wilhin NxtY (80) daY+fiom iesue dete or (9) the buihllnp auMa~ized k suspeMed a abandaiiad tot 9 DB~ctl W~t3i1dByS. (3) If this P~ BxW~b4 8 new Defmit~~rtrey 6B acQutred iw a fee of one-heK tlN emOUnt nmrWb raquketl. ofovitleO flo Chan9ae have Ceen ar WNI 6a mede In tlre p9pitii plens mAd~s~Nuns a'M a'ry s6pe w abandonment has rat exceeded one (1) year. 7f Chenyas et9 made of$ euspBMion or abenEanment exceb08 are (t) YeYt. (uN teet tluX be ~u~TOr a ~ew pertnit . (4) No vKKlc of my mprmar shsk 4e Gdro Net wAi chenge Ba naWfai Ibw Mwater ceuaY~p a Cra4wpe pmWem. (5) - Cartracbr nhatlnotlty the BWltling 1~gp~~ lwenly'tour (24) haure in advarwe for aN (nspectbns and sheA. reodve vnlpan approvel on fn8pecibn caM hetore wiMwc~eaaFrephg~9g otthap' b. (e) eisslea~Ga ~ s OermitM 1fIB ~M~o`~~~of d~aWinpa end sGedfitetlona ohell nOt ba conahuetl to Oa e pemlit fOr, nor en aPProval W, ery vbletlon W the Pmvisions of Me.buNdinp wEea or any dMr Inance, law, iula or mgulatlon. . Ch uiiding inspector For ayor THIS PERMIT VALID QNLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIE BUILDINf3 INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 294-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION RECEPTION NO. F0413967 19.20 PG: 0001-001 210 RECORDEU IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 5/I5/97 10e56e42 W A R R A N T Y D E E D THIS DEED, Made thle 9th day of May, 1997 between Lake Front Partnere, a Colorado General Partnershlp v of the County of Jeffereon and Q/ State of Coloratlo, grantor, and I- ~.,1'~( Wescom Marketing, Incorpqrated, a Colorado Corporation V 1 V whose lagal addreae ie 4860 Ward Rd., Wheat Ridqe, Co 80033 I~ of the County of Seffereon and State of Colorado, granteee: WITNESSETH, That the gtantoi for end in consideration of the sum of ON6 HONORED TBIRTY TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100, ($132,000.00) Dollars, the receipt and sufficiancp of which ie hereby acknowledged, hec grauked, bargainad, sold and conveyad, and by t4ese prasenta doee qraoi, bargaiu, 4e11, covvey avd eonfirm uuto the grankae, his heira and aseigns foravar, all the real proparty, togat6ar with improvamantc, if any, situate,lying and being in the County of Jafferson and State o£ Colorado, dascribed as follows: Lot 5, Block 1, Lakemont Center - Stage 2, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. aleo known by eireet and number ae Vacant Land, , Colorado TOOSTHER with all end siagular the heredikamanks and appurtanancas thereto balonging, or in anywise appertaining and the revarsion and ravarsions, remainder and remaindere, rente, iseuea and profike thereof, and all the estake, right, kitle, interest, claim and damand whalsoaver of the grantor, aithar in law or aquiLy, of in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and eppurtanenCes. TO NAVE AND TO NOLD the said premisas abova bargained and deacribed, with the appurtanances, unto the grantea, 6is hairs and assigns forevar. And the grantor, for himself, his heira and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargaia, and agrea to and with the grantaa, ❑is 6airs and assigns, that at the tima of the ansealing and delivery of lhese presenta, he ie well seized of the premisea ebove conveyad, 6as good, cura, parfect, absoluta and indefeasibla astata of inharitance, in law, in fee simple, end has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the came ia manner and form as aforesaid, and that the eame ara frea and clear from all former and othar grants, bar9ains, salas, lians, taxas, assessments, encum6rancas and rastriclions of whatevar kind or nature eoaver, except general taxes for 1997 and eubsequent years; except eaeements, reetrlctione, covenants, conditions, reservatione and righte of way of record, if any; w w u > ~ - ~Qa~i •'.t, .~3'r~" ~3.20 o~d ~n The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the abova-batgained ptemisea in the quiet and peaceable pocsessiou of the grantea, his heirs and aseigac, againak all and every peraon or persons lawfullp claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular numhar ehall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gandar shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor has axecuted this dead on the dete sat forth above. Lake Front Partners, \ a Colorado Genera~ Pgrt rship ~ I BY . STATE OF COGGRADO ) ee. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me County of Jeffereon ) this 9th day of May, 1997 by Lake Front Partners, a Colorado General Partnership Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires mCZ '~L /~~~'~'1 t$` No. \LL~;Ln NOTARY PUBLIC 3700 E. Alameda Ave Suite 340 Denver, COGORADO 80209 PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ANO FILL OUT FORM COMPLETELY 4~It Date Buildin it Number ~ 9~~'~M M "T- Address Applicant '`/"~con, State _ ZiP Phone Z~' ► J, City - O o Ta R -1JsttT`'~ Location of Construction (address) ~ 10127 Purpose of Construction o 154 Building Permit Value $ q65 e eo Commercial I Residential _ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) eD $50. Base Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 minimum Single Family Residential: .003 x(value of improvement) $25 minimum fee $ [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-wayJ ~ MuIG-Family/Commercial: .0050 x(value of improvement) $50 minimum fee $ [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminarylfinal drainage study and erosion control plan(s) if required] $ Site Plan: $50.00 (Not appiicable for single family residential) $ - O' Right-of -Way/Easement: $40.00 + $5.00lpage recording fee . s- Devebpment Agreement Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 $ • $ - o' State Highway Access Permit: $75.00 application fee $ - a' Traffic lmpact Review 8 RePort: $100.00 processing fee $ Fbpd Piain Variance: Class I=$75.00 Class II =$150.00 ~ 1~ • TOTAL REVIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) $ The above fees include one follow up review to verify that initial deficiencies noted are coRected. Additional review and/or processin9 Past the follow up review and/or processin9 WiU be charged against the building pennit aPPlicant at the above fee schedule. Please note that additional fees will be assessed for those pertnits related to construction of public improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact.the Development Review office at 235-2868- Date Signature of Applicant DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING PERM/T APPLICATION REVIEW Date: a /t t CaselBuilding Pernut No.: oF '~9T U p7 coZo R Ppo Location: 11`10~ .J- _ - i* F=eet~7a~c 13b - nom-r+-1 Attention: Building Department I have reviewed the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. ~ Boundary Closure: OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. 2. i Drainage: a. Drainage plan and report needed _ b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: x OK Not OK; refer to stipulations. 3. NPDES Permit Required: Yes X No 4. Legal Description: A OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. ff not OK, please explain: 5. Public Improvements: a. street paving needed: Yes b. curb and gutter needed: Yes c. sidewalk needed: Yes d. street lights needed: Yes e. storm sewer needed: Yes f. escrow required: _ Yes If an escrow is required, for what improvements? x No +c No 7- No ,c No K No _L No Amount bf escrow: 6. Development Agreement required: _ Yes ?C No ff Yes, for 7. / Traffic g pac analy sis and report required: Yes x No 8. ~ Y State Hi hwa Access Pernut needed: Yes K No 9. t New roadway or alley R.O. W. dedication recommended: _ Yes x No If yes, what is recommended? 10. ! All exist dicated roadwaYs/alleys meet the standards of the City: x Yes _ No If no, 'ch not and what is requested: 11. APP OV : Th ublic Works Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its app v, subje to theAbove and/or attached stipulations. _oo/m. --~8 9~ i atu Greg Knudson Date 12: _ NO APPROVAL: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not give its approval for the reasons stated: Si~,wture Greg Knudson Date 13. Shpulations attached: Yes x No ` 14. Surpmary Comrr)ents:GLrwl le1 a~od~nc~l AramulL ,4o bG ~p tWl rHwdV/ Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHAtS':OFFICE P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 June 26, 1997 Mr. John Eckert, Chief Building Official Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034 RE: Wescom Marketing 11941 N. I-70 Fr. Building C Dear John, We have reviewed the plans for this building using the 1994 Uniform fire Code and have the following comments. 1. Site. 1. The address numbers shall be posted on a temporary basis and shall be permanently affixed to the building in a minimum of 4 inch numbers. UFC 94 901.4.4. 2. All-weather fire dept. access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 46,000 fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildinq prior to above grade construction. UFC 94 901.3. 902.2.1. 3. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. UFC 94 901.4.2. 4. The fire hydrant lead that is shown will need to have the hydrant installed prior to above grade construction. UFC 94 903.2 2. Exits: 1. The exit doors will need to be labeled as noted on the plans. UFC 94 12.107.3 2. Exit doors will need to be openable from the inside without the use of key or special knowledge as noted on the plans. UFC 94 12.107.3 Page Two 3. The future tenant finish spaces will need to be designed so that what appears to be one exit is suf€icient or additional exit doors will need to be provided. UFC 91 1209. 3. Corridor Protection: 1. It appears that door number 110 needs to be an approved 20 minute assembly. UFC 94 1112.2.1. 2. it appears that doors 108 and 103 should be one hour rated if this wall is also intended to be an occupancy separation. UFC 94 1112.1.1. 4. Exit Signs: 1. Exit sign locations appear to be readily visible, but will be subject to field inspection. If areas are noted that signs are not visible, additional signs may be required. UFC 94 1212.2 5. Emergency Lighting: 1. Emergency lighting locations appear to be good, but will be subject to field inspection. Additional units may be required. IIFC 94 1211.1. 2. At the time of tenant finish for the lease spaces, additional emergency lighting will need to be provided. UFC 94 1211.1. 6. Portable Fire Extinguisher's: 1. Three 10-1b 4-A rated ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher's will need to be provided at each exit door and one within the future lease space. Units will need to be mounted not less than three feet nor more than five feet from the floor to the top of the mounting bracket. Units will need to have a current inspection tag. UFC 94 1002.1. 7. Mechanical: 1. The roof top unit schedule notes that RTU 1 has a CFM in excess of 2,000 CFM and will need to be provided with automatic shutoff's on supply and return as noted in the Mechanical Code. Page Three 8. Electrical: 1. The occupants need to verify that sufficient electrical receptacles have been provided as extension cords and multiple adapters are not permitted, nor shall flexible cords pass through walls, ceilings or doorways. UFC 94 8506.3 2. Exit signs need to be placed on a separate circuit with a lock on the circuit breaker. This will need to be verified by the Electrical Inspector. 9. Interior Finish: 1. Carpeting will need to be a minimum of a Class II Critical Radiant Flux and documentation will need to be provided prior to installation. UFC 94 Appendix III-A. 10. Additional Comments: 1. If doors 103 and 108 need to be one hour assemblies the doors will need to be labeled, "Fire Door po-Not Obstruct" in a minimum of 1 inch letters. UFC 94 1112.3. 2. Any code requirements that may arise from construction will be addressed. 3. Twenty four hours notice is required for all inspections. 11. Requests: 1. w2 WOllld request that d h"'"'^^ T°'"'^'} ~be 188II6d until access is provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building is provided and the fire hydrant is inetalled. sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District Steve S ei leder Deputy Fir Marshal Fecelvetl: 6/24/91; 10:40AM; 303 235 2857 puantum CM, Inc.; k2 J~n-24-97 10:02A DEVREVFAX DEPAR7MENr OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTtON DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company 303 235 2857 Building Permit Number : WESM M~.~KETI~sC~ ~-ARR`14.~t%-Gt{ 119 0~ W,'C-7o Phone : 42Z- Sq51 iRs~) ~rzor.lq[~ RD./~- ,tM ~11b6(PS 4TA~w!'rUM LM~ ~►.iL. Phone: 4Z3-A M3 ~ OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value; I hereby ceqiy that Me setback distances proposed by this permit applicaGOn are aecuqte. ana do not violate applicable ordinanoes, rulas ar regulatiore of the Cily of Wheat Ridye or Permit f@E : covenanls, easemente or restrictions ol record; that all meawrements shawn, antl alleyations Plan Review Fee : matle are accurale; tAa[ I have reaA and agree to abide by all conGtliana ptlnted on Mis applicalion, and that I aseurt+e full resportsibility tor comPliance with fhe Wheat Ritlge 9uiidin8 USC T0X : Code (U.B.C.) and all olher app4cable Wheat Rid e o nces, for xroik under this p iG (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE 4. Zry q7 TOt21 -(t : Descriptian: IAFW C'0VASTR0CT%0N - pfflC,E Otap,- 7 6 b? ao `l ~C~(j• ~ eU1LDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Z~1Ti1alPlttf~ 7•7•SIC: 4t531 S4.Ft.:7~37(e~r Approval: d~ F~ki. 6FH2Whl, Ca(.Irrf~C-,F{,i ; U.tPof1 Zoning:ftA CI¢C.y~l.brio~ pUF~t MB°i LC~ BtllldCtl-Cb~BPit~7 • ~ ~ Approvai: P 9E~ ~•~1( Approvaf : Occupancy : `Walls . r2EJIEvj 5PO`!.8'( 9!4'R%n 6/11 I-t" Roof : Stories : Resi1bntiaYUnits : ElecUieal License No : Plumbing License No _ Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date ; Expiration Date : Approval- Approval: Approval: fU mia pemiit wn baue0 in aocorosnce wim tne provisians set latn In roour aroDiicmion and is sup~y ro tna uwa or me S7ste w Cdooeo and b me zanng (Z~ mepuAlioro arW BuifCfno CoOe d WTen RIEye, Cabrado or any o1Mr e4plieebls pd~s d Y~a Ci(y. peimit slwll eapiq 7(q) " wpk aulhp¢ed is mt commenceE wdrym aW (50) dpye from issue date a (0) the Duildrauthori:M h ! a0an0oneE ta a periop p/ 120 aa~s . q uspendad a (3) ongina~~lans a a~paer~(v I~yM xY w~~ fa a fee ol oro-Mtl Me amounl npmalty repuir~. provi~pE ~p y~argea ~ave Eeen a wil he nyEa in Iha eKceetla Me (1) ye9r, NII Res a~ill ~ ~~0n d aEandonmanl has n0I ezCeBtleO d1p (1) year. If clurqe9 are metle p rc suspeMion a aDalMplmeM psiC la e new permif (q No ww7c d any mannx ahall ba dorie the! wiil chanpe lhe nahrd Ilow of wster rau~q a Crainege problem. (5) Canlractor aMU nu~iry the Bui6np Ina~eclar pvenry-!wr (2a) Ipus in advanu M1x all ~napectlons antl ahan reoelve wriqen approval an inapecllan rartf bePore y~oceeUlingwiM pnaxso pb. (B) 'f~e Bsuante rmit tha approva~ atlrawinge and spedfiraUons ahan no1 be oonahu¢A tc pe a permtlor, nor an appoval M, any vpleGOn of 1ne provisans MVteb~iqln Oe9.u dhero 'n , rrepulalbn Chief e ilding Inspector or ayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHtEF BUlLD1NG INSPEC70R ANQ MAYOR CAIL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PREOR TO [NSPECTION Date P_02 "-/Za/q7 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 August 11, 1997 Police DepL Fax M 235-2949 GWheat GRidge Mr. Bob Vermillion Equitable Realty & Investments 632 Gold Run Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Lakemont Center Lot 5, Block 1, west I-70 Frontage Road & Tabor Street - Approval of Drainage Letter and Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Vermillion, This letter is to inform you that the letter dated July 28, 1997 from Ed Jennings, P.E. which outlines the proposed project in relation to the approved final drainage report dated March 4, 1997, and the erosion control plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on the I-70 Fronatge Road and/or Tabor Street as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining the I-70 North Frontage Road and Tabor Street on a regular basis such they are free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Ed Jennings, P.E. shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a letter of certification stating that the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan, have The City of HEGYQEO PAPER Mr. Bob Vermillion Equitable Investments Page 2. been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the drainage report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or Certificate of Occupancy. If v.o1[N7ave any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. Si ce ely, Greg Yludson Development Review Engineer GWK cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Jack Hurst, Interim Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John Eckert, Chief Building Inspector Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner John McGuire, City Surveyor File FRUITDRLE SANITRTION DISTRICT 11460 West 44th Avenue WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 Phone:424-5476 August 4, 1997 City of Wheat Ridqe Planning Department RE: Sewer service for Lakemont Developments To whom it may concern, In response to your request regarding the proposed development in the Lakemont Development, the Fruitdale Sanitation District has sufficient capacity in the downstream system to accommodate the proposed building subject to developers extension of the main line, at their own expense, and compliance with all other aspects of the District's Rules & Regulations. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, n Il A. ~J~~J\x~.~ Kimberly A. Greer District Manager cc: Mr. Jim Phillips, Westcom Marketing VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX 424-0828 July 29, 1997 Mr. John Eckert Chief Building Inspector City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 Dear Mr. Eckert: This letter shall serve as verification that water is available to the proposed project located at 11941 W. I-70 Frontage Road North in accordance with District and Denver Water regulations. Upon final plan review, additional Pire hydrants may be needed to meet Arvada Fire Protection District requirements. Also, improved water mainlines may be needed to serve the property. Also, taps to serve the building structure would need to be purchased and installed at the owner's cost. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Si erely, Kathleen M. Kadnuck District Office Manager cc: Jim Phillips AUG- 7-97 THU 7:18 ARVADA FIRE PROT DIST FAH N0, 3034224569 P.01 I ~ Arvada Fire Protection District FFRE MAR8HAl.8' OFFICE P. O. Box 3•D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 426-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4888 FAX TRAN3MI33ION Ddte: 4- u _ 7 I as 4-) Number of PaQea including caver sheet: a~- To : ~ C~ USHcn r P- ro n.7 Aq I>aa_,o_-z_ Phone • a,a - c~ I tiu Fa= aa -z - ti- S a~_ 8rom: Steve Steigleder Sax Number: 422-4569 Phone Number: 425-0850 Comnenta: Recelvetl: B/ 7/97 7:25AM; 3034224569 CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 2 AUG- 7=97 THU 7:18 ARVADA FIRE PROT DIST FAX N0. 3034224569 P.02 I Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHI-!l.:S' OR-iL-E P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, C9LOt?AD0 ~;_^01 Telephone (303) 425-0850 FAX (30) 422-4589 August 7, 1997 Mr. John Eckert, Chief Buildinq Official Wheat Ridge Huilding Department 7500 w. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 RE: wescom Marketing 11941 N-I-70 Fi. Dear John, We do not object to a building permit being issued for this location. Mr. Hob Vermillion will be sendinq a letter to me that the hydrant that was removed will be replaced with construction of Lot 5. Mr. Vermillion has also stated that with the completion of the sewer line, in conjunction with Wescom that the secondary access from W. 49th Place will be completed. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District lleve S eidlec~.'er Deputy Fir~ Marshal The City of 7s00 WEST29TH AVENUF ~Wheat WHEAT RIDGE CO 8021 5-6713 j303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax a 234-5924 Police Depl Fax a 235-2949 GRidge August 11, 1997 Mr. Bob Vermillion Equitable Realty & Investments 632 Gold Run Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Lakemont Center Lot 5, Block 1. West I-70 Frontage Road & Tabor Street - Approval of Drainage Letter and Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Vermillion, This letter is to inform you that the letter dated July 28, 1997 from Ed Jennings, P.E. which outlines the proposed project in relation to the approved final drainage report dated March 4, 1997, and the erosion control plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance -with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on the I-70 Fronatge Road and/or Tabor Street as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining the I-70 North Frontage Road and Tabor Street on a regular basis such they are free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Ed Jennings, P.E. shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a letter of certification stating that the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan, have Cj HLCVGFDPAPEP Mr. Bob Vermillion Equitable Investments Page 2 been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the drainage report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or Certificate of Occupancy. If yo4-,,have any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. Si ce ely, ~ Greg ~udson Development Review Engineer GWK cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Jack Hurst, Interim Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John Eckert, Chief Building Inspector Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner John McGuire, City Surveyor File RBCBiVBtl: 4/16/98 4=21PM; APR-16-98 THU 4:26 PM > CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 2 Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. 0. Box 3-D ARVpDA, COLORADO 80001 Tstephone (303) 423-0850 FAX (303) 422-4569 April 14, 1998 Mr. 7ohn Eckert, ChiefBuilding Official Wheat Ridge Building Depaztmetit 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Access Wescom Marketing 11907 N. I-70 Frontage Itoad Dear Joho, P. 2 At your request I ana providing a letter on the access to this building. Wescom only owns one- half of the access lane between I{evin Gilligan's new building. Wescom has paved the portion of the access lane on their property. Kevin Gil6gan is responsible for paving the South halfoPthe access lane. This access laue is usahle but difficult for fire apparatus in the present condition. I was not provided consttuCtion plans for Kevin Giltigan's new building. If f would have had the opporlunity to review the plans for this building, I would have had Kevin provide all weather access on the North side af the new building prior to above grade construction. If you feel that the situation is o£ a such a serious nature to withhold the Certificate of Occupancy for the Wescora building, this will be your call as AdmSnistrator of the Firc and Building Codes. SinoerclY, Arvada Fire PKOteCtion bistr4ct /e Steve Steigle r Deputy Fire Marshal ReCeivetl: 4/15/98 4:21PM: APR-16-98 THU 4:26 PM > CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 3 t Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. 0• Box 8-D qRVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephvne (803) 426~0830 - FqX (309) 422-4568 April 15, 1998 Mr. John Eckert, Chief Building Official Wheat Ftidge Building llepartment 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Hrass Armadi.llo 11301 N. I-70 Fr. Dear John, P. 3 We have reviewed the plans for this facility for conformance with the 1991 Uniform Fire Code. 1. Site: 1. The address will need to be posted on a temporary basis ancE permanently affixed to the building in a miniihum oF 4 inch numbers. UFC 91 10.301(a). Amended•. 2. A11 weather fire dept- access roadways, minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 46,000 lb. fire apparatus will need to be provi.ded to within 150 feet of all portions of the building prior to above grade construction. UFC 91 10.203, 10.204(a),(b). 3. The islands need to be reduced two feet on the fire access Lanes to allow for adequate turning radius. UFC 91 10.204(c). 4. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" with signs that meet Citiy o£ Wheat Rzdge Standards. UFC 91 10.206. 5. water J.ines and fire hydranrs will need tio be installed, operational and capable of providing the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 91 10.901, 10.403. ReceiVetl: 4/16198 4=22PM; APR-16-98 THU 4:27 PM Page Two 6. The Underground fire line need to be approved by the Fire Mdrshal's OfEiCe. UFC 91 10.903. > CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; Pape 4 P. 4 and fire hydrant installation will Valley Water District and the 7. The fire department connection for the sprinkler system will need to be installed and maixitained within 150 feet of a fiXe hydrant. UFC 91 10,501(a).Amended 8. Landscaping will need to be instialled and maintained that a three foot clear space is provided around the circumference of fire hydrants and fire dept. connections. UPC 91 10.105(a). 9. The trash enclosure will need to be of non combustible construction including gates. UFC 91 11.201(b). Amended. 2. Exits: 1, The main exit doors will need to be provided with a siqn stating "This Door Is To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours. UFC 91 12.106(c). 2, When exit doors are used in pairs they shall open with one operation. Edge or surface mounted edge bolts are prohibited. UFC 91 12.106(c). 3. When panic hardware is installed on the additzonal exit doors no additional locks or latches may be provided. UFC 91 12.106. 4. Panic hardwase shall be instaJ.led at a height of not less than 30 inches nor more oF inches. The unlatching force shall not exceed 15 lbs. when applied in the direction of exit travel. UFC 91 12.106(d). 3. Exit Signs: 1. Exit siqns will need ko be provided with battery back-up. UF'C 91 12.111 Racelved: 4/18/98 4:22PM: CITV OF WHEAT FIDGE; Page 5 APR-16-98 THU 4:27 PM P. 5 ~ ~ Page Three 2. Additional exit signs will need to be installed in the main aisles to clearly indicate the direCtion ot exit egress. UFC 91 12.111(b). 3. Exit signs will be subject to field lnspection. AdditionaZ siqns may be required. UFC 91 12.111(b) 4. Emergency Lightinq: 1. Night lights shown on plans will need to be provided with battery back-up to provide sufficient exit illumination and the occupant load exceeds 100 persons. UFC 91 12.110(a). 2. Need ta provide emergency lighting in the rest rooms. UEC 91 12.110(a). 3. Emergency lighting will be subject to field inspection. Additional units may be required. UF'C 91 12.110. 5. Sprinkler Systiems: 1. Submit three sets of sprinkler system plans and hydraulic calculations for review and commen't prior to work commencing. All work is to be performed by a StaLe of CO licensed sprinkler contractox. UFC 91 10.503. 2, A sepaxate pecmit will need to be obtained from the Wheat Ttidge Building Department for the installation of the sprinkler System. 3. The Pire department connection for the sprinkler system will need to be installed and niaintained wi.thin 150 feet o£ fire hydrant. UFC 91 10.501(d)- Amend2d. 9. The fire departroent connection will need to be installed to provide a minimum clearance of 36 inches above finished grade- UFC 91 10.506 (Amended). 5. Approved back flow prevention will need to be installed in accordance with Valley Water District Standards. ReCelvetl: 4/16/90 4:23PM: APR-16-98 THU 4:27 PM Page Four > CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE; Page B 6. Audible fire alazm signals wili need to be installed that will activate upon spxinkler system activation. UFC 91 10.508(a). Amended. 7, Sprinkler systems if over 100 heads will need to be supervi5ed by an app=oved central, remote or propr3etary service or to a constantly attended station. UFC 91 10.508 8. Tamper switches will need to be aupervised and shall send a distinctly diFFerent signa2 to the moniCOring company. UFC 91 10.508 9. The sprinkler system control room shall be labeled. UFC 91 14.503. 10. Additional comments wi11 be made at time o£ plan submittal. 6. Fire Extinquisher's: P. 6 1. Fire extinguisher's sha7.1 be a minimum of a 4-A rated, 10-1b A8C dry chemical unit installed at each exit door and placed within the aisles that no greater than 75 foot travel distance is provided. Uk'C 91 10.501(a). Amended. 7. Carpetiing: 1. Carpeti.ng shall be a minlmum of a Class II Cri.tical Radiant Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to installation. UFC 91 Appendix IV-A. 8. Electri.cal; 1. The owner occupant will need to veri£y that sufficienti electrical receptacles are provided as axtension cords and multiple adapters are not permitted, nor shall £lexible cords paes through walls, ceilings or doorways. UFC 91 85.106(a),(b). 2. The door(s) to the electrical room will need to be labeled "Main Electrical Disr_onnect zn a minimum of 1 inch letters. UFC 91 85.106(C)• 3. Need to provide locks on circuit breakess for exit siqns Emerqency lighting, A1arm circuits as specified zn trie Electrical Code. ReceYVetl: 4/16/98 4:23PM; APR-16-98 THU 4;28 PM : Paqe Five 9. Additional Comments: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 7 1. A Knox Box Tcey Box will need to be provided and contain necessary keys to gain entry. UFC 91 10.301. 10. Any cod.e requirements arising from construction wilJ, be addressed. 11. Twenty faur hours noY.ice required for all inspections. 12, we request that a foundation only Buildinq Permit be issued until the fire hydrants are installed and operational and that all weather access is provided to within 150 feet of all porti.on5 of the building. SincexeJ.y, Arvada Fire Protection District Steve Ste gleder Deputy Fire Marshal P. 7 Receivetl: 4/16/98 4:23PM; APR-16-98 THU 4;26 PM > CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE;. Page B , . Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHAIS' OFFICB P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COI.ORADO 8a001 Tslephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4568 April 16, 1998 Mr. John Eckert, Chief Building Official Wheat Ridge Buildinq Department 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Vista Village Retirement Community 9860 Tabqz St. Dear John, P. 8 We have reviewed the plans for this facility for conformance with the 1991 Unifprm Fire Code. 1. Site: 1. The address wi],1 need to be postied on a temporary basis and pezmanently affixed to the building in a minimum of 4 inch numbers. UFC 91 10.301(a). ,Amended. 2. All weather £ire dept. access roadways, minimum of 20 feet of unobSL'ructed widCh, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 46,000 lb. fire apparatus will need to be provided to wa.thin 150 feet ot all portions af the building pri.or Co above grade construction. UFC 91 10.203, 10.204(a),(b). 3. E'ire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking P"ize Lane" with siqns that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. UFC 91 10.206. 9. Water lines and fire hydsants will need to be installed, operaL'ional and Capable of providing the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 91 10.401, 10.403. 5. The underground fire line and fire hydrant installation will need to be approved by the Valley Water District and the Fire Marshal's Office. UFC 91 10.903. Received: 4/16/98 4:24PM; APR-16-98 THU 4:29 PM Page Two > CITV OF WHEAT FIDGEp Page B 6. The fire department connection for the sprinkler system will need tv be installed and maintained witihin 150 feet of a fira hydrant. UTC 91 10,501(a)_Amended 7. Landscaping will need to be instialled and maintained that a three foot clear space is provided around the circumference of fixe hydrants and fire dept. connections. UFC 91 10.105(a)• 8. The trash enclosure will need to be of non Combustible construction i,ncluding gates. UFC 91 11.201(b). Amended. 2. EXits: 1. Hardwaze scheduJ.e was noC with plans. All exit doors need to be openable from the inside withouC the use of key or special knowledge. UFC 91 12.106(c). 2, If panic hardware is installed on the additional exit doors no additional loCks or latches may be provlded. UFC 91 12.106. 3. Panic hardware shall be installed at a height of not less than 30 inches nor more of inches. The unlatChing force shall not exceed 15 ],bs. when applied in the direction of exit travel. Uk"C 91 12.106(d) . 3. Exit Signs: 1, Exit signs will be subject to field inspection_ Additional signs may be required. UFC 91 12.111(b) 4. Emergency Lighti.ng: 1. Need to provide additional emergency lightinq in rooms 121, 122, 123. UPC 91 12.210(a). P. 9 2. Emergency ligkating will be subject to field inspeCtion. Additi.onal units may be required. UFC 91 12.110. Reeeived: 4/16/98 4:24PM+ APR-16-98 THU 4:29 PM Page Three 5. Sprinkler Systems: > CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE: Pege 10 1. Submit three sets of spri.nkler system plans and hydraulic calculations for review and comment prior to work Commencing. All work is to be perfozmed by a State of CO licensed sprinkler contxactor. UFC 91 10.503. 2. A separate permit will need tn be obtained from the Wheat Ridge Suilding Department for the installatiDn of the sprinkler system. P. 10 3. Standpipe's need to be installed as access is not provided to within 150 feeti of aZl portions of the building. UFC 91 10.203. 4. The fire department connection for the sprinkler system will need to be izzstalled and maintained within 150 feet of fire hydrant. UPC 91 10.501(a). Amended. 5. The fire department connection wi12 need to be installed to provide.a minimum clearance af 36 inChes above finished grade. UF'C 91 10.506 (Amended). 6. Approved back flow prevention will need to be installed in accordance with Valley Water District Standards. 7. Audible fixe alarm signals will need to be installed that will activate upon sprinkler system activation. UFC 91 10.508(a). Amended. B. Spra.nk].ez systems i£ oves 1o0 heads will need Co be supervised by an approved central, remote or proprietary service or to a constantly attended statlon. UFC 91 10,508 9, Tamper switches wi11 need to be supervised and shall aend a distinctl.y different signal Co the monitoring company. UFC 91 10.508 10. The sprinkler system contxol room shall be labeled. UFC 91 10.503. 11. Additional comments will be made at tiime of plan submittal. Receivetl: 4/16/98 4=24PM: APR-16-98 THU 4:29 PM Page Four 6. Individual Una.t Smoke Detection: s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; Pa9e 11 1. Smoke detectors within the individual units need to be a 120 volt unit with battery back-up that pxovides a J.ocal a].arm only. UFC 91 14.103(g)6_ 2. Remote indicating devices still need to be installed within the corridor as noted on the plans. P. 11 7. Fire Alarza System: 1. Submit three sets of plans and specifications fox review and comment pribr to installation. Plans shall inClude a floor Plan, locations of all alaxm indicating and initiating devices, alarm Control and trouble signaling equipment anriunciation, power connection, battery calculations and wring YYpes and sizes. UFC 91 19.109. 2. A separate pezmit wi.ll need to be obtained from the Wheat Ridge Building Department for the installation of the fa.ze detection/alarm system. 3. The Electrical Inspector for the City of Wheat Ridge wi11 need to conduct a ruff wiri.ng inspection. The Fire Marshal's Office will conduct a ruff inspection of device locations and witness the final tests. UFC 91 14.103(d). 4_ The permittee shall provide writiten certification that the system was installed in accordan.ce with approved p13ns and specifications. Copy of Nk'PA 72 form enc7.osed- UFC 91 14.103(e)- 5. If a DACT is provided two telephone lines will need to be provided. One dedicated line for the fire alarm panel and the other li.ne may be a business line. NFPA 72. 6. Additional, comments will be made when plans are submittgd for review and commenti. Received: 4/16/98 4:25PM: CITV OF WHEAT RIO6E; Page 12 APR-16- 98 THU 4:30 PM P. 12 Page Five 6. Kitchen Fire Suppsession System: 1_ Submit a minimum of three sets of fire suppression system plans for review and comment prior to installation. All work is to be performed by a FaCtory Authorized Company. UFC 91 10.503. 2. The fire suppression system will need to be placed on a separate zone on the fire alarm panel. UFC 91 19.103 Amended. 3. The exhaust fan shall continue to run and the make up air shall shut down upon system activatioxi. UEC 91. 10.503. 9. All electrical and gas including hood lighting will need to shut down upon system activation. 5. A 40-5 rated fire extinguiaher will need to be installed at the kitchen pull station for the system. Uk'C 91 10,513(d). 6. Additzonal comments wi11 be made at time of plan submittal. 9. Assembly Occupancy Requirements: 1. Drapes, hangings, drops and other decorative material shall be made from a material which zs not flammable or shall be treated and maintained in a fire retardant condition. If applicable please provide flame spread information. 2. Occupant loads will need to be posted in assembly rooms. UFC 91 25.114(a). 10. Elevatots: 1. A pictorial sign wi11 need to be posted at the second floor elevator stating "In Case of Fire Do Not Use Elevator, U9e Exit Stairways. UBC 91 5103(f). 2. Communication will need to be provided from the elevator car to a point outside the hoist way. UBC 91 5103. 3. Please label the elevator control room. 4. Please provide keys to the elevator to the fire dept. Receivetl: 41.16/90 4:25PM; CITV OF WHEAT RIOGE; Pape 13 APR-16-98 THU 4,30 PM P.13 Page Six 11. Fire Extinguisher's: 1. Fire extinguisher`s shall be a minimum of a 4-A rated, 10-1b ABC dry chemical unit installed at each exit door and placed within the building so that no greates than 75 foot travel distance is provided. Please contact our office to place extinguisher locations. UFC 91 10.501(a). Amended. 2. If fire extinquisher's are placed within cabinets and are located within corridor walls, the area behind the cabinet will need to be provided with 518's X sheet zock to maintain the corridor rating. UFC 91 10.601. 12. Carpetinq: 1_ Carpeting shall be a minimum of a Class II Critical Radiant Flux and documentation shall be provided pzioz to installation. UFC 91 Appendix IV-A. 11_ Electrical: 1. The owner occupant will need to verify that su£ficient elecCrical receptacles are provided as extension cords and multiple adapters are not psrmitted, nor shall flexible cords pass through walls, ceilings or doorways. UFC 91 85.106(a),(b). 2. The door(s) to the electri.cal room will need to be labeled "Main ElecCrical Disconnect" in a minimum of 1 inch letters. UFC 91 85.106(c). 3. Need to provide locks on circuat breakers for exit signs Emezgency lighting, Alarm circuits as specified in the Electrical Code. 12. Additional Comments: 1. A Knox Sox Key Box will need to be provided and contain necessary keys to gain entry if not available on a twenty four hour basis. UFC 91 10.301. RecelVed: 4/16/98 4:26PM; APR-16-98 THU 4:30 PM Page Seven CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 14 P. 14 2. Fire doors that are rated 95 minutes, one hour and one and half hour will need to be labeled "Fire Door po Not Obstruct" an a minimum of one inch letters. UFC 91 10.602(c). 13. Any code requirements arising from construction will be addressed. 19. Twenty four hours notice required for all inspections. 15. We request that a Eoundation only Building Permit be issued until the fire hydrant is a.zastalled and opezational and that a11, weathex access is provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building. Sincerely, Azvada F"ire Protection Aistrict Steve Ite'g eder Deputy Fire Marshal