HomeMy WebLinkAbout6301 W 48th Avenue'SOO WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 The City of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 cwheat City Admin. Fax st 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 '~Ridge Date: MaY 9 1 994 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: PROPERTY OWNER(S): EIisGPII F.„7anirP Anr3arcnn OLD ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached. ~ G AUTHORIZED BY: DATE S- '(I,LI n - DISTRIBUTION: 1. Property Owner 2. Je£ferson Cty Assessor, ATTN Data Control, 100 Jefferson Ctv Parkaay Goiden CO 80419 3. Jefferson Cty Mapping, ATTN Addressina, 100 Jefferson Cty Parkway, Golden CO 80419-3350 4. United States Post Office, 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge CO 80033 5. Public Service Co., ATTN Roy Crafton, 5460 W. 60th Ave., Arvada CO 80003 6. US West Communications, ATTN: Document Control, 1005 - 17th St., Room 540 Denver CO 80202 7. Water District: Wheat Ridcxe 8. Sanitation District: Wheat Ridcxe 9. Wheat Ridge Building Division 10. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 11. Log File 12. Other NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED HY: DATE: rev. 04-92<pc>offaddnot . , uva nuv~.n ~ 4r Zb LpT T7 COT 73 Gor z y t~ ~ Lv- 3 0 Zt/ ~ ~ b~la0 I r~ I_ • i ~ 1' 2 Ur - - - - ~ - - - - - _ ~c~ ' ~12+ Z~iLr✓F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ : ~ ~ _ j s I cor ~ ~ . a ~ ' !a1l6 j ~ ~ /L ' ~ ~OI T 1 , _ • I \ W 4 I I G n S I ~ I J Cv. i ~ Jf 4 ~ e V ~ - - - z.s r~ -A----~-- / ( ~ t \ r b ~ J p V) Q ~ ~ ~ hW W > ~ F..~ ~ a ~ o > ~ ¢~rn z , U~ • ~ t a_ H RECEPTION NO. 92932510.00 3/36/92 8:45 RECORDED IN COUNTV OF JEFFERSON STHTE OF COLORAUO RECEPTION N0. 91104758 11/11/91 11:00 16.00 RECORDED IN = COUNTV OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORqDO PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED (TESTATE ESTATE) ►-1 THIS DEED is made by Aae nna niros as Yereonai RepreeentativeoftheEetateof 7 d a n' A'arrnn a/k/a Teador~mRfunmarried peraoN••, deceaeed, Grantor, to SQ~antee whox addreeaie A~88NA.6N66FA6N / 22993 Ya11ey~H{gh Rd. '*a/k/a. no•a Ili Riar.amo js, Morrison, CO 80465 WHEREAS, the ebove-named decedent in hia lifetime made and executed his Laat Will and Testament dated Januel'Y 17 192~ which Will was duly admitted to pEbfM~B(infotmal) piobateon October 24 1988 bythe Distritt Court in andforthe . County of Jefferson .andStateofColorado,ProbateNo. RRPRFtnl . W, ~Gi~ntor was duly appointed Personal Reptesentative of esid Estate on WHERE 9~ ,19_, and is mw quali£ed and acting in said capacity. NOW. THEREFORE, pursuant to thye powers conferr~ed upon GranWr by the Colorado Pmbate Code, GranWr does hereby sell, rnnYnO,fPun~`ed"Y~`en[IhoUSan~t over unW Grantee (in joint tenancyY(for and in rnnsideration of ~ Dollara)"(As the person entitled to distribution of the property under the above captioned Wi11)* the following deacribed reai property situate in the County of JCff¢1'SOn , Stateof Cobrado: Lats 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,75,16,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, and 33. Blxk 11, BERKELEY HEI6HT5, SECOnD F:LING, er.ception those portions of said 1 13,74,15, and 16 conveyed by the par.y of ihe first part on October 1, 1942 by Marranty Deed recorded on October 5, 1942 to Albert H. Blakeslee and Maude M. Blakeslee, and except those portions conveyed in Deeds recorded November 4, 1953 in book 830 at page 257 and on July 26, 1965 in Book 1810 ai _ •uaue_258 anu_exceui G11Y.UVf:41U0._!Y!.n9 Miiiiin SLai.e ~covenants, easements and restrictions of record, and subject to general pr I taxes for the year 7990 and subsequent years. Toaether with the vacated alley adjoining said lots. Vacated December10, ~ in book 786 at page 396. V , TMs deed is beinq re-recorded to correct the leaal description contained in deed recorded November 11, 1991 at reception no. 91104758. As used herein, the singular includea the plural and the masculine gender the feminine and I'neuter genders as the oontext may require. Executed NpVe^ber 5 ,199.L.. **Teadora DiGiacomo a/k/a Dora Di STATE OF COLORADO Jefferson COUNTYOF as'Yersonal Representative of the Eatateoe Teodora Di Giacano a/k/a 6iaeamo ~UnmerriedPersoN'•Deceesed h ss' 1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5th day of November .1991 ,by Adelina Biros Rg PersonalRepresentativeofthe Estateof eo ora t 7acomo a a ea ora t atomo (anunmarriedpBison)'!,Deceased. a/k/e DOI'a Di 6idCOmO W itness mkh'aiid ariil official sesl. Lr ~ s~ 4`~ u Not>ry Public irried. If strickeu. .ilt Colorado S[atutes regarding homeatead uirementofaDeeditomsurvivingspouse. _ CPC46.PereondRevrewenlaliee'eDeedlT<elate}a..ameww.w.~.uisew.uu~~e......e.~e...cow~.aowai-Uenntaeu-~w pl~ll "Strike ifdf exemptions 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. eox 638 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. B93#4752 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND THE MAYOR - CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION TWO SETS OF BUILDING PLANS AND TWO PI,OT PLANS MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION BUSINESS NAME ADDRE55 CAPY OF DEED AND IMPROVEMENT $URVEY REQUIRED SEE ATTACHED ~ SPECIFY NORTH FRONT STREET NAME 48th dV2. (CIRCLE FRONT) N E S W SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES ON ABOVE SKETCH; SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. OWNERS NAME Russel l Anderson LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR Nnna LIC. N0. METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIP710N ATTACHED aooRess22993 Vallev Hiah Rd PHONE 697-1268 ADDRESS 6301 W 48th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO arv Morri son CO ZIp CODE 80465 LAT N0. BLACK N0. LOT WIDTH DEPTH AREA I SUBDIVISION FILING INDICATE THOSE OF THE FOLLOWING OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOW EXISTING: Curb 8 Gutter_ Sfreat Povinq_WOter_ Sewer_ Stam Drninoqe- HAVE ARRANGEMENTS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE NOT NOW EXISTING: YES_NO_ ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THIS PROPERTY; YES_NO_ STORIES UNITS EXTERIOR MATERIALS~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN? I hereby certify ihof ihe above setback distances shown on fhis permit opplication are aCCUrote, and do not violo}e applicable ordinances,rules or regulations of ihe City of Wheat Rijge or covenanis,eosemenis orrestricfions of re- cord; that all measurements shown, and ollegations made are accurate; thaf I hove read and ugree to abiAe by all conditions printed on ihis opplication, and ihat I assume full resDOnsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridpe Building Code (U.B.C) and all other9ppligable Wheot Ridqe ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) DATE PERMIT FEE USE TAX I TOTAL FEE 1$/ 2 3.`"=I ~ SO.FT COST Z~.~ !~~2 BASEMENT-ROUGH THE PROPERTY LOCATED ATtL ,N% u~ `T[ + 'f y~~,r BASEMENT-FINISHED IS PRESENTLY ZONED G" &k7\ ~ iLps)-f3 GROUND FLOOR t THE PROPOSED USE )(,_IS NOT) ALLAWED UNDER THE ZO NG ORDINANCE. SECOND FLOOR ~ ~ CO MENTS3L CY ~ OTHER OTHER BUILDIN OgT $ y 2.S C ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT _STATE N0. GTY N0. STATE N0. CITY N0. qTY N0. PLANS REVIEWED (-OK)(_NOTOK) PLANS REVIEWED (_OK)(_NOT OK) PL.ANS REVIEWED_(_OK)(_NOTOK) ~l NO PLANS NEEDED NO PLANS NEEDED NO PLANS NEEDED PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUED TO PERMIT ISSUED TO PERMIT ISSUED TO ~ PER REOUEST AS PER PLANS NO PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS N0. PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS N0. ~ AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MYOFFICE ~ DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED 8Y ~ CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR BY INSPECTOR CONDITIONS: - - (I) TMIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED IN AGGORDANCE WITH iHE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN YOUR APPLICATION AND IS SUBJELT T0 THE LAWS OF TME STATE OF COLORADO AND TO TNE ZONING REGULATIONS lND BUILDING CODE OF WMEAT RIDGE, COLORADO OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF TNE CITY. (2) THIS PERMIT SHPLL E%PIFE iF (A) THE WORK qUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITMIN SI%TY (60) DAYS FNOM ISSUE DATE OR (B) THE 9UILDING AUTHORIZE013 SUSGENDED OR ABANDONED FOR p PEPIOD OF 120 DAYS. (3) IF THIS PERMIT EXPIRES, A NEW PERMIT MPV BE AGOUIRED FOR A FEE OF ONE-HALF THE AMOUNT NORMALLY REOUINED, PROVIDED NO CHANOES NAVE BEEN OR WILL BE MADE IN THE ORIGINAL VLANS 4Np SPECiFiLAT10N5 AND ANY SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT HAS NOT EXCEE ED ONE(IIYEAR. IF CNANGES ARE MADE OR IF SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT E%CEEDS ONE (I)YEAR, FULL FEES SHALL BE PAI OR A NEW PERMIT (4) NO WORN OF ANV MANNER SNALL BE DONE THAT WILL OBSTRUCT THE NATUR F OW OF WATEfl GAUSING INP PflOBLEM. (b) CONTRACTOR LL NOTI f THE BUILDING INSVECTOH TWENTY-FOUR (29) P~K 0 S IN ADVANCE FOF pLL EGT p SMALL RECEIVE WRITTEN PPPROVAL ON INSPEC ON qRD BE RE PROCEEDING WITH SU GESSIVE VH45E5 OF JO APPROVED CHI F BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR M O i ~l [ Ll I N a P p ~ N W/OX/L. . . . . . . . .X / x I O ro ~ v, ~ =N o ~ a \ A k J F 0 -P 3~ ~ I ~ p q ~ ~ U 2 ~ w 0 C ~ - . . . : ; , ~ wioxiz \ ~ 0 yy/ x/L ~ . ' cry \ Y ~ ~r ~{'„y • ~ F 1 O ~ ItA k ~ ~ N c~ ~ a o ~ ~e ~ c ;n f . . ~ . - . . . . w i o x i z I ~ N ` ~~TL~ . \ 'll EERING INC. 1& 00110 * 761-8055 FAX: 761.0841 NO, 91-11219 Anderson Steel ,o,~Kr of dcvuv t y1 .9cc.~^r" vi`t~,4-;~ /9. 766 P~ 39r, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: aLots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, C-, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 3 ar.d 32, Block 11, RL::nrELLY HEIGHTS, SE;,',tdJ FILIN ex-ep'tin~ these portions of Lots 1 14. 15, and ~conveyel t'.y the ,arty o-f the f rst part or, Octc,,er 1, 1'42 by kar:'s,r, , Deep it:Oru;d on OCtol)-l _ nl`,t4 t~ AII.-ert N. and I°I - UOe B-a,e"it'' , a.",u cept t h o s 2 pory,:i0ns con"C,rf'.l iri Lee3ti ! OruPt~ t!o~yerl .r 3953 in E(.0.K 810 at tale 257 r;:id ot) July 20, 1955 in J~Qol-. 1810 t PqL p,R ?.S8 and exce ft `any Tloor, lv1nS Mate 1:iSh-,,ay P;7 72. ODUNT1' OF JEFFERSON, STA~1'E OF, COLORADO. CENSUS TRACT FLOOD CERTIFICATION This communitynoes participate in tlhe National Flood insurance Program This community oenot participate in this National Flood insurance rro;:am_ : nerepvcerGtymatmeaowrtyoesataedhereod crateamvrnaeoodhazaraon cary.(zone j,apmrang to Cie most anentnooninsurance rate map irrmi, p:ooucec oy the Federal Management Agency IFEMAI. Flow razaro mapsdatea 2 _ a. d 1 Community nurne ti1~= 0-7 Peneinumoer IMPROVEMENT LOCATIOtj CERTIFICATE ~7 I hefCDV aerafymalmis imtN0yef11emtofaadnlOeNflrale waapreperetlfdf DIPS' INTE 1`"'~u~111'' UL' tit is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat. and mat it is not to be relied upon for the estao isnment of fence, building, or outer future improvement tines. I fuller aroty that the improvements on Cro shove described parcai on this date /0 - Z -'7 G4 / except utility conrtecuons, are entirely within the bounoanes of the parce!. except as snows, that there are no encroachments upon me described premises by improvements on anysolarung premm". exceptasi cicated, and that mere is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or ourcening any part of said parcel, except as noted. This document is protected under the laws of the Federal Copyright COSWIGHT-ALL Att. This drawing shall not be used by die dientor any other party to( P&ORA00 ENG E..Jedlll I ~1. any purpose other than that for which the drawing is prepared. J~ t.f! ABSENCE OF SIGNATURE AND/OR RED STAMPED SEAL INDICATES A NONCERTIFIED CERTIFICATE. +~.Q ~ ~ RECEPTION N0. 92032579 3/30/92 8:45 10.(40 i RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0. 91104758 11/11/91 11:00 16.00 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED (TESTATE ESTATE) i~ I I THIS DEED is made by Adel l na Bi ro5 as Persona] Representative of the Estate of Tandnra Ili f,i acomn a/k/a TPadora Di G7' AC4IDWunmarried person)•*, deceased Grantor, to nderantee1 whose addressis 1(Ikh/,fib/'db,h/ ~1W,8,tlAl,~lb~~ / 22993 Valley High Rd. **a,/k/a nora ni f,i acnmo /j, 5, Morri son, CO 80465 WHEREAS, the above-named decedent in his lifetime made and executed his Last Will and Testament dated JanUdY'y 17 ,190 , which Will was duly admitted to (~6tr~) (informa]) pmbate on OCtober 24 ,19 $ , by the Di StY'iCt Court in and for the County of JeffeY'S0n , and State of Colorado, Probate No. -MPRROI • WHEREAS, Gr ntor was duly appointed Personal Representative of said Estate on OctOber 27, 198~ 19 , and is now qualified and acting in said capacity. ~rn ~ > cD N rn 4cr, , ~ ~ ~ C 2 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers conferred upon Grantor by the Colorado Probate Code, Grantor does hereby sell, con~e~y ss~,edt~en ~~IOUSdns~t over unto Grantee (in joint tenancy) *(for and in consideration of n, Un Dollars)"(As the person entitled to distribution of the property under the above captioned Will)* the following described real property situate in the County of Jefferson , State of Colorado: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,'15,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, and 33, Block 11, BERKELEY HEIGHTS, SECOND F?LING, exception those portions of said loi 13,14,15, and 16 conveyed by the parsy uf che first part on October 1, 1942 by Warranty Deed recorded on October 5, 1942 to Albert H. Blakeslee and Maude M. Blakeslee, and except those portions conveyed in Deeds recorded November 4, 1953 in book 830 at page 257 and on July 26, 1965 in Book 1810 at 2"1 72 so nownPa e6~3~ 9"g35'f~"~y~1 4°~tNh°Xve~iuey w i i.i~ i n Si.a i.e "VW~~1 liurteha~ces, r~eeeanc~cearo~liens and encumP6rances, except: covenants, easements and restrictions of record, and subject to general proper taxes for the year 1990 and subsequent years. * Toaether with the vacated alley adjoining said lots. Vacated Decemberl0, 195 in book 786 at page 396. 6~~ , This deed is being re-recorded to correct the leqal description contained in deed recorded November 11, 1991 at reception no. 91104758. As used herein, the singular includes the plural and the masculine gender the feminine and neuter genders as the context may require. Executed_Novemher -gi ,199L.. as ersonal Representative of the Estate of **Teadora DiGiacomo a/k/a Dora Di Giacomo STATE OF COLORADO Jefferson ss. COUNTY OF Teodora Di Giacomo a/k/a ~ (An Unmarried Person)'* Deceased The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5th day of November 1991, by Adelina Biros as Personal Repregentative of the Estate of Te0 oYd Dt Gl dCOmo a a ea ora D~ 7 dCOmO (anunmarriedpg'rson)"; Deceased. a/k/a Dora Di 6iacomo Witness muN'a~Tari4'official seal. My comiljYs`afoNexpi, f EQ~ ' _ 71194 • (y~ p/ +1. 7 bO , ~014-014 ~y e C'~ ~-';~y p h- Notary Public ,ti:,.oa g iliarried. If stricken, consiilt Colorado Statutes regarding homestead i4uirement of a Deed from surviving spouse. CPC46.PersonalRepresentative'sDeed(Tes[alel eraaro,aeunn,nine.inesw«t 44mnvrnue,coiaen,coioraeoe0401 -(303) sie~osaa-seo **Stri ke if deC exemption5 $ / ~ k~ w. c a a 16 / 2'6 -g~ ~ 31 ~ ` .32 12 A i tr S 6 ? 9 9 'o ~ I-A 2•A 3 -t- 5 i y ~ .y e ry i R.O. w. r?-.0 •w• ~ ~NT~~25T~4TE 70 , ; M~I E~tlN OrylilM. M CGMYRWNI 1~1~ ~ ~ 21 ,c q~rfz-tT j - - ~ INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~/~~l Ce~' T CJ - 116?27--~5 ~ DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# .5 PERM ITM BLDG. CONTR. ( X^ ~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. I - j °1- TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE D REMARKS ~ INSPECTION TICKET Joe ~ ~ ~ ADDRESS ~7 ~Jz ~ DATE: d- ~ BLDG. PERMIT# PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSR INSPECTION MADE REMARKS Jw~ W.R.FORM E19 oi q/ ft -7 Uo iNtiOC:c:7it:N Tict<FT 3C / ld VS CK,-L C1ATE: BLDG. PERMR;I / ' 17V0 PERMITk BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. ~ TYPE OF INSP. X_iJ WSPECTION MADE ~I I 2 REMARKS W.R.FORM 61g ~ /INSPECTION TICKET ADDRESS y~0 (zi ~ ~o ~ 70 CaJ. DATE: CL2 BLDG.PERMITN ~s ay ; !y~ (-7 7aS i ~ i PERMITN BLDG. CONTR. (t)~~~ SUBCONTRACTOR INSPECTIONREQUESTED~`~-~~ ~ 41 ~i V70 F,(301 ~ lo INSPECTION MAOE ~iI/~ ~ REMARKS4e -44-216-6e o, 30 l~v ~ W.R. FORM!-19 / s 9,/ BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237•6944 Ext. 255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE + • Correction Notice Job Located at / I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws governing same: y : L f ~ , ~ . f i . J ..........t..: : ' ..t....... ,.J......~: -......u.. ........x You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date....... ` 'Inspector for Building Dept. fOFM WR6'23 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. ME91114883 237-6944 ExT. 255 P.O. Box 63e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SiGNED BY ?HE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ANC RECEIPTED BELOW. 7n ~~~,t PPLICATJpN FOR MISCELI.ANEOUS PE bUT J08 ADDRESS OWNER ~ CONTRACTOR~ ADDRESS~~ j/ ADDRESS V7 PHONE ZIP CODE -r----~---- . ~ O ~J CITY ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ PHONE - LICENSE NO. DATE I. TVPE GrounO❑ Woll❑ Proiettin0❑ 01hef SMDFete 2. MATERIAL Tolal SQuen Faat SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yea❑ No❑ TYDS ElW. Psrmit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LME N- 5_ E_ W Ze,c._ Approvad,ZOna Inapecior (Speoify which is fronf ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Diwpprab 1. TYPE Solido Mon Than BO% ODSnO 1,,ess Thon 80% ODM - MATERIAL to FENCES 3 SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S__ E_ INSPECTION TICKET (Spetify whicA is front) ❑ ❑ E ~ Jos ADDRESS OTHER 2 3. C DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTUI DATE: BLDG. PERMITM ~`/`Sj (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) STREET NAME PERMITM BLDG. CONTR. l-" " SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. L2-3/ TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE qZ REMARKS SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, STREI DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MA%IMUM OR pVERO.GE DISTANC APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED l W R FORM 619 jPERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSL ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO._.2_Z0 S PLUMBING i STATE LICENSE N0._ NDER SIZE 8 IIIEGAL FLOOR BSM I'. ALUM INUM VARE U WATER CIASET FpqCEp pIR BTU ~ _ BTU HOT WATER TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL - STEAM 8TU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB AIR CONDITIONINC-BN CHANGE SERVICE - AMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGHTIN6 SINK REFRtCaERAT10N SYSTEM HEATING GARBAGE DISP ATER Refri e.ont GouO POWER Su8-GFCUtTS UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC ) WATER HE AUTO. WQSHER pyunp~ C~ar s pU7p~,~ATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIXTURES WIRING MOTORS 6 CONTROLS SIGNS DISH WGSHER FI.OOR DRAIN URINAL ELEVATOR TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER RES MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTU I Mreby ocknowledqe that lhis 0OPl1ca- ti0n is torrett and undlrstand that I ppnnof stort tAi3 prOjett unlil this aDDli- cotion is epOroved. I shall comDlY with the lowe of Ihe Sio1e o1 Colorado and fo ihe Zoninp ReQulations and Buiidinp Code of 1he City of Wheat Ridpe. Any violation of the obove terms w}JI cause ~n./(ermit te 9 cfS-7'fV CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS REMARKS f!7~ 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.0 . BOX 638 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN Si6NED DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT pERM1T N0. M92413828 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. BY T JOB ADDRESS ~ A CONTFACTOR M ADDRESS .Y~ - CITY ZIP CODE A~ a 163 LICENSENO. ANC RECEIPTED BEL9w. OWNER -C, ADDRESS _ PHONE _ CONTRACT DATE ! ZIP CODE $ PHONE Wall❑ Proieotinp❑ Other SorDFOCO L TY7E Ground❑ TotolSCUme FNt 2. MATERIAL EIW. Permif No. SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yaa❑ No❑ TY7e Zone_. AOMftb, ZOnO Incpeotor 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N__ S a E~ (SOkity whith is fronl) ❑ 7 Le l _ fENCE INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS OTHEI a`~ ^ DATE: ~ ~q BLDG. PERMITM ~ ~7W URl DRAV DATE: BLDG. PERMITM,~- pERMITk (51 VKYI~/~7o S LM( PERMITM gLDG. CONTR. BLDG. CONTR . /Yw SUBCONTRACTOR !1I SUBCONTRACTOR - DATE INSP. REQ. DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. TYPE OF INSP. "-r INSPECTION MADE j C) INSPECTION MADE/ U~ REMARKS REMAFKS RE! / i 5Hp1 ~NC Gc~ 01, L~-- - iT W.R. FORM &19 ~ TI W.R. FORM 619 SSl ~ E Solar STAl BSM IST 2ND iR0 4TH ~Ep ~ ~ aI ~ » ~ ALUMINUM NARE UNDER SIZE 8 IILEGAL FLOOR A T U B NO WATER CIASET HpT WATER - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL STEAM - 8TU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB AIR CONDITIONING-BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGHTING SINK REFRiGERAT10N SYSTEM HEATING GARBAGE DISP Rshi aont CxouV pOWER SUB-CIFCUITS WATER HEl+TER pounds CMr e .._...~.,ipeurc nicvosER.ETC.) AUTO.WASMER nuTnueTICSPRINKLERSYSTEM 9 9 REMARKS FLOOR PERMIT FEE I Mreby ocknowledpe thot this oDDlica- nd undentand that I t USE TAX tr o tion u conec cunnpf ftort fhis projett until thie aDDli" EE $ ` cotion if approved. I shall ComDIY with +ado and to l C TOTAL F 1p02-3 o o the lows ot the Stote ot lions ond BuildinQ l Ap a tM Zoninp ReQu Code ot the CitY of Wl+eat Rid e. QnY pROVED CHIEF BUILDING} D SPECTOR,City of Wheot Ridqe violatio the obove term . CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 i ediate revo tion of tn perm't 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS , ~ Date Issued / - INSPECTION TICKET JOB DRESS ~ D DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT M911I17740 7500 wEST 29tn AvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 237-6944 exT. 255 P.O. eOX 63e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNEO BY tHE CHIEF BWIDING MSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BETDW. , JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR OWNER _ ADDRESS _ PHONE S. ZtP CODE ADDRESS ' -'t~ ' 1 CITY ZIP CODE CONTRACT/P~RIC~E _ PHONE LICENSE NO. DATE 1. TYPE GrounO❑ Wall❑ Proiettin0❑ 0ther SaDFOCs 2. MATERIAL Total Squon F"t SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Ya❑ No❑ TYDe ElW. Psrmit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zons_ ADDrwsd,2ona Inspector (Soetitv wAith iaffoM) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisOpproved I. TYPE Solido Mon Tnon 80% ODanO Less Thon BO% OpOn MATERIAL NoipM FENCES 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTV LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zme_ AVCra'b,2ons InsDecta (SDecify which is front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisaDOrovod c 1 I. ~ OTHER 2 3. ~ DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTUHE,GIVING (SETBACKS OR PROJECTqNS INCLU6ED) INSPECTION TICKET JOB / ADDRESS l~J ~O (4 ~ ) 11 / ' ~ DATE: -2~ - / ~ BLDG. PERMITM ' 17 "7UG / 7705 PERMITM ~ BLDG. CONTR. STREET NAME SHOW DIS7ANCE5 FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TPADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND 'DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. - APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONL PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE.DATE OF ISSUANCE If V ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO IMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO SUBCONTRACTOR " DATE INSP. REQ. Q-Cti TYPE OF INSR INSPECTION MADE ~ REMARKS ~ WASH BOWL` W.R. FORM &19 ~ METER - AMPS BATH TUB LJICE-AMPS SHOWER SINK HEATING " POWER SUB-CIRCUI7S WATER HEATI UTIU7Y(RANGE,OISPoSER,ETC) AUTO.WASME FIXTURES DISH WASHER WIRING MOTORS d CONTROLS FI.DOR DRAIN SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS GDDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER J U' ~ NOT VALID UNLE55 RECEIPTED FEE PERMIT S!~ 3 I hsreby ocknowledpe that thie aDP1ico- t I d th AX ~ ~ o >n u torrect and understan a il thi li- USE T J• I s OD mnot ffarl this proltlct unt $ itian ie ap0,oved. I shall comDly wrtn TOTAL FEE • Iaw$ ot tne State of Colorado and 10 ~ ( G di PPROVED nq o Zoninp Repuldtiona ond Buil . _ ~ City of Wneoi Ridqe. AnY de of f~e e ll D CHIEF BUILDI INSPECTOR, City of Wheat Ridqe cous dation of t e obove terme wi CAL1237-8944 EXT. 255 mediate re cohon of tnis per-t 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE 12_ J 6 G~/ ~ FOR INSPECTIONS . Date Issued ic nl. s,ana