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10600 W 50th Avenue
City of rte:- eat PJ e BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION PERMIT NO. 202002121 BUSINESS NAME. B&C Custom Covers INSPECTION DAYTIME Fri., Oct. 30 @ 9:00am INSPECTION DAY/TIME_/O/4?' ZOIC' INSPECTION DAY/TIME_ ! '// :2 ADDRESS: 10600 W 50th Ave Unit 11 CONTACT NAME: Ronnie Castro (303)424-3353 21250 SQ FT _ _ —OCCUPANCY TYPE OCCUPANCY LOAD S CONSTRUCTION TYPE ❑ SPRINKLERED ❑ NOWSPRINKLERED n Insnect(Ir Signature p/_TO/8672>0 Date i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: f.) S . X4 0, S 5 Job Address: f ' /Q W_5D t Ave / i Permit Number: ZV eft a Z -"—' / ❑ No one available for inspection: Time l r>"F ANI PM Re -Inspection required: Yes o When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci, wheatridge.co.ueinspection Date: /V 30 Z ?Z Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE w 00 00 00 O O O N N a U a N O .a, c rn 0 V) a A A Q N N 'r1 Sri °z cG Q a C kn 0 CA, jj c a 03 a JHtNOO w a x w 0 A w 3 U rn b � A O v ° o V � N a w +' 0 H N E, S w N U O aa� ro 0 0 ro w N N O A U w H 4 ro q° M N 0 a� -,I ro " x U z° w ro 0 a) °1 -1 A 0 U �ro a U yUj H O ro w 44 q � U 4 ro a"i Uwvfl U O O U a City of wheat j�idge BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION PERMIT NO. 201900888 BUSINESS NAME: S2 Signs LLC INSPECTION DAY/TIME Thurs. May 9th @ 10 am INSPECTION DAY/TIME INSPECTION DAY/TIM ADDRESS: 10600 W 50th Avenue Suite 10 CONTACT NAME: Allison 2500 SQ FT �J/-5' I OCCUPANCYTYPE 101 OCCUPANCY LOAD CONSTRUCTION TYPE ❑ SPRINKLERED NON-SPRINKLERED Inspector Signature Date ITOF WHEAT RIDGE 1�9�Balld ng Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: I oC,-_-2f2 e;z5 A-4 - =-` 1LD Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspectipo, . T ime -' A PM Re -Inspection required: Yep N When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: )�Inspector: YL--- DO L----"- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE -. . .: -. . .r ITTIM . . . B y order of the City of Wheat Rid Building Department for the following reasons: t5W,PP �R,o - 4 - Ply7� >TZ2 5: OW PIP This notice may be O NLY by Building Inspector: j Irergrerel"Meri.11119T&MM M, / 6c� ,o m/. fir: r L-)I e r. 7 order of of •• •! • Departmenl f or • • r g reaso P" S ° / �f3t�.- d•A . ` � `�: \',6.1C f'.lc'".:ti✓ �� + a RN r' 3 ry p is s . i2 L t This notice may be removed ONLY by the City of Wheat Ridge Buil Department! I I Date: £rr`�. der B uilding Inspect REQU,'*TA ,MUST BE efY, YofM "eg tNf"ftCFOR :INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Commercial Fence PERMIT - 101678 PERMIT NO: 101678 `. ISSUED: 07/02/2010 JOB ADDRESS: 10600 W 50TH AVE EXPIRES: 12/29/2010 DESCRIPTION: Install 6' enclosure around 'dumpster 15' ** CONTACTS * ** owner Lee Kunz Development sub 303/S49-3250 Donny Varra 10 -0196 A Shift Construction * *:.: PARCEL :- INFO' -: * * Gty �f ,4 ' eat b� Date: [, , H ?MMUNIII' DEVEI.OPMEN"i Plan # L { F�,�4+ (f./,- J Building & Inspection Services Division Permit # l 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303- 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303- 234 -5933 Building Permit Application �'aopetfiy Adci)ress� � 0 � Oa L.7 Sam /'}✓C Property Owner (please print): Lc# k,NZ Di ✓s pn✓A6,, ZL Phone: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: P O / .Yov✓l, A' 16t S City, State, Zip: Contractors City License #: Phone: 3o3 SZl4 -3 Z. S gab pontract0* Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # 1`3esxra�tl�n�of work:, � r r / ��^��� /7NGL05 v2[ f/ -2oUND 9 Uw'PSf7/C / $ Contract Vaiue�y� /s �A Review Fee due at time of submittal):. Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. $ � lt/ i OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full .responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge . codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; than am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity . on this application. CIRCLE ONE (OWNER) )CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESE�NTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR)' PRINT NAME: TONING GOK�M�ENT5 �p� Re>Yrev�2}i 9 UILDINGDEP�RT,�I�1T'fip,JJ� DATE: y Bldg Valuation: $ .. � . .. . . .. ... � . .. . ��. . . . .�..� .. .. . . . ... . . . . .. ` w a § - © § ■ ��2■ . � 2 % k � \ . u� } . )07 . §w � x } , ~~ \ ° CL c C - 2 } 006 �6 / _ . � � ■ - . ...: �...... ...22�.�. .. ....:.... / °VO . . . �yk• /�9 §� »« \\ � ���.J ) . �. .. \... . . City of Wheat Ridge Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 070368 PERMIT N0: 070368 ISSUED: 04/25/2007 JOB ADDRESS: 10600 W 50TH AVE Unit 6 EXPIRES: 10/22/2007 DESCRIPTION: run gas line to existing furnace CONTACTS gc 303/423-7905 Timothy Bartels 01-7674 B& B Heating & A/C owner 330/348-9312Gas Consultants, Inc PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USS: UA SUBDIVISION: 0058 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUNIINARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 630.00FEES t Permit Fee 38.49 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 11.34 TOTAL 49.83 - Commentar Subject to field inspection I hezeby cer[1Ey that the eeCback diatancee propoeed by thie pemit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancee, rulee or regulatione of the City of YPheat Ridge or covenanta, eaeemente or reetrictione of record; that all meaeuremante ehown, and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree Co abide by all conditiona prinGed on thie application an d that eeume full reeponeibility for compliance with the Wheat xidge suilding Coae (i.s.C) and all other a lic 1 Ridge dinancee, for work under thie pe:mi[. Plane eubject [o field inepection. 1. Thie pemit wae ieeued in accordance with the provieione eet forth in your application and ie euD]ect to the lawe of the 9tate of Colorado and to the Zoning RegulaGione and Huilding Codes of wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thie pemit ehall expire 180 daye from the iesue date. Requeete for an exteneion muet be received pzior to expiration date. M exteneion may be granted at the diacretion of the Building Official. 3. if thie pemit expiree, a new pemit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amomt normally required, provided no chaxigee have been or willbe made in the original plane and epecificatione and any auapeneion or abandonment hae not exceeded one.(1) year. If changee have been or if auepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, full feee ehall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any maaner ehall be done that will change Che natural flow of water caueing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor ehall notSfy the Building Inepeceor twenty-four (24) houza in advance for all inapectione and ehall receive written.approval on inepection card beEore proceedin9 with eucceeeive phaeee of the job. 6. 'fhe ieauanCe of permit or the approval of drawinge and epecificatione shall not be conatrued to be a permit for, nor an approval ny violatio of the provieione of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan r _ie eubjef~ ~lield Snspectione. aate IN3PSCTION RBQIISST LINBt (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY SUSINESS DAY FOR INSPfiCTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. ECTION LINE- (303-2345933) 4iA, ELOPMENTENT T RIDGE H AVENUE CO Dale APPLICATION Property Owner. C-o9S G~.L.+'.at 1'NN C~j ~ ~ NC. • PropertyAddress: lOCOOO c.Z.160`' Contractor License No.: ~-7 b'] l~_, Company:J~~•~ HEF~"1NG HC°' Phone: 's, 'Jo T'+? - Phone:~_ L~ 3.~ _`7I() s ONMERICONTRAGIOR SIGNANPE OF UNOERbTNMU" AND AGREEMENT I hereby ceNN tliat Ihe selbadc distances Pmposed bY Nia P8R^h ePPkcaNm-ae.acarab, and do not vblale e~pb wdinances, mbs a regulatlons d the CNy of W~t R~ °f ~na «`e'o-ic°°°' oi Construction V alue: $ fi ~j0 reaom: n~at aa measurements smw4 and e1legeuoia "~ade ere xa,rate: uial I nave resd ara apree m ahide bY Permit Fee: $ • all oond'~ions DM~ ~~h0° ~~at I auume full respmsibiliry fa complisnce wAh tl~e Wheet Ridge Plan Review Fee: $ BuiMirgCadaN.O.C)andetlotl~erapplicableWheatRidgeOrdirances.fawaku~erlhgsDmmM1 UseTaac: $ UATE (ONTlER)IWNfRACTORi: SM,NED . (arrt+Ewtca+rRnncraar. rwr+rEO DA,E Total Fee: $ ~ L DESCRIPTION: &/1 iP<A.- BUILDINGDEPARTMENT US€-ONL S~-~- Approval: Zoning: BUILDINGCOMMENTS:-._..-._. - ApprovaL PueiIcWOwcsCaMwENis:--~ ApprovaL• Roof: Stories Residenlial Units: Occupancy: Walis: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Electrical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expirotion Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: yppiri - - Approval: APprovaL• $ (1) This Pymg pu IisyeA In scadMCe with Na pmddonf got toM In your apDika6on and b su6Jecl lo Me Iaw~ ot Me Wa ol Colondo and to Ne Zoninp RryulaOons md BuiIdM9 Coda of W'eri Ridpe. Cdondo a mY ~a NualIable °rdi^mas d the Cily. (2) ThM pumK shW pDim H(A) the work ouNorlxed b m«m^K^ced wkhin stdy (601 days hom issue date or (B) the bullMnp wthorizsd Is msDwded w abanOOnM ton period of itOdrys. (3) M Mh Demdt aPkn, a nm Parmut may M acyuired Iw a in o/ onMaN the amounl nomully reyulred, prorldM no chanpa hare bnn or will Oe ma0e In the ai9fna plant md spKiNcatbne md mY ousPmsi°n or aMndaimenl hu not auMed one (1) yar. H chm9et hrve bw or N tutPm+lon or obandonmmt eacmda one (1) yw Ar tTief5i~Wld~irYmwprmM. done Wlwlll c m . umin9 a dninape DroNem. _ -NawaAotauY~~-µ~ W Iy-y_(2 houn In Av~nte lor all Intpettl0ns anC ahail recdra wrltten aDVroval on Inepectlon uN Odwe (5) Ca~iraUot ~aN nWMy-Me BuiIdM9 Intpecla-Mwh' praeeding wiN wccaM'a phun of the p6. (6) The Inumce of a psrmll m Ne approval of EnvAn9»n0 speclficNionc shall mt be cansW ed l0 6e a pertnR lor, nor an aDproval ol, any violatian of the provisionba Uebuildin9codetormyatherordinance,law.mleorrepulation.__ - . j MTRA M TRUMMEL 8.ASSOCIATES Fire f'rotet[ion Consultants February 4, 2000 Mr. Kent Shriver Fire Marshal City of Arvada 6503 Simms Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 RE: Rocky Mountain Bottle Company Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Marshal Shriver: Please find enclosed one complete set of plans and one complete set of hydraulic calculations showing the proposed modifications related to the switchover from the pumping system on the pond to the potable water source from the water purveyor. As you can see from the attached plans, two of the remote areas within the building did not work. One remote area was below the mezzanine in the Cullet Recycling Building. These drawings show the necessary modifications to the sprinkler system in order to make that remote area work. The second remote area that did not work was the small system within Building 29. As you can see, we had to parallel the 3" cross main with 4" pipe in order to make that remote area work. All other remote areas that we calculated within the building were able to deliver design densities comparable to the occupancy of the areas. As you can see, we established a flow and pressure point on the 4" line for expansion into the unsprinkled office area at the old entrance to the office area. The sprinkler contractor should use the pressure and amount of water available at that point for his design calculations. This drawing anticipates a complete disconnect of the supply leading from the fire pump to the underground pipe supplying 1400 SOUTH 2ND STREET • CABOT, AF 72023 PHONE 501•605-0780 • FAX 501•605-8673 E•MAIL mtrummel@cei.net all of the fire protection systems within this plant. This connection will be traded for a new 10" connection to the new water line utilizing a reduced pressure backflow preventor in the northwest corner of the Warehouse. We trust the enclosed documents will clarify the work to be performed and proof that the city water system is capable, with some modifications, of satisfying the sprinkler system demands within the building. Our analysis of the existing system does not take in consideration the existing Warehouse or any work being performed under a contract at this time by Western States Fire Protection Company. Please review the enclosed and let us know if you need anything further to satisfy yourself that this switch-over will have a positive rather than a negative impact on the fire protection sprinkler systems within this facility. Should you have any questions regarding any of the enclosed, please don't hesitate to call me at (501) 605-0780 and we will be happy to supply answers. h urs very truly, 4Q L M.L. TR MLT/st Encl. Cc: Mr. Gary Durbin Jacobs Engineering 0 a s ~ T m ~ ~ ' e c Nj O 1 ~ m ~ ` = • m O ~ O O ~ I ~ cr A m 3 a rrk 6 Of o ~ O ' t m ;m x os N , M ~ y O ~ m U3 ~o ~ 7 C R t c ~ O g 1° O » y N ~ A7 ~ oS+ ~ o A 3ay a m d o ~ O y ~ A tc m ~a o ~ ~ y O y y C ~C ~d ~ a ~z r o ~ tA N d. ry 1° 3 m ~ m N N (C Cl < a C- 0 c 0 e 0) a I't_ 'T> ♦ ♦ ~ ~ ~ F~ r01 u = ~ * * n ~ T o ~v 2 ~ D N ~ N ~cn v rn to C ~ v ~ YI m / ~ m '"l ~ _~~k~~'~~"rY44'~Df ~o ^ t,~.~w. p, _~,.y jr ~.~'rrc~,:Y~r+•Y~~i~~^'i~~~ I'~R?`~'~'~t~`~~~~'~~19~"~,~P~;,W,~". ..w_ ~KDPPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 10135 BIfILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 2/17/00 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(303-235-2855) , M Proper(y Owner : Property!Address : 10600 W 50TH AVE #6 ' Phone : 431-4445 Contr$ctar License No. : 18586 Company : Columbine Electric Co. , Phone : 4321244 /C4NTf7ACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT eYtifythat the setbackdistances proposed by this permit application are accurate, t riolate applicabie ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge ar y easemBnts or rbstYictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegaHons eecufate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this i, end that I assuma full responsibildy for compliance wdh the Wheat RidgeBuilqing t,Q,} and alfother applicableWheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. ~dription : ~ Construction Value Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Use Tax Total $2,000.00 $6925 $0.00 $30.00 $99.25 Use: Upgrade service from 100 to 200 amps, add power for several relocated machines Approval : Zoning ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: t Z Approval: , ~ Occppancyf : Walls : Roof : Stonies : Residential Units : r' i ` , . . . ~NCtrical License No : Plumbing License No : ' Mechanical License No : x ,N ~pany: Company: Company: i,;•~'~„ A~cpftation pate Expiration Date : Expiration Date : xd ~prova! : Approvai : Appraval : ~r41'! This p@rmit was issued in accordance with the provisions sel forth in yopur application and is kub1ect to Me laws of the Slate of Coloratlo and to the Zoning ;Regulatlon§ antl Bmltling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable oMinancesof the City. ' 7bIB permif,shall expire 'if (A) the work authorized is not commencetl within siuty (60) tlays (rom issue date or (e) the 6witlmg authonzed is suspentled or s i .}abentlOnEdYor a periotlof 120 days. . y r 'Ifthispe miil expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-halF the amounf normalry'required, provided no changes have been or wlll be made in the r '.;otlginal..plans antl specRidtions and any suspension or abantlonmenf has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes ere matle or iF suspension or abantlonment exqEetls orle (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new permit p (1~y iNOwolk of any mannersliall be tlone that wiil change the naturel flow of water causing a drairyage problem. 7 ~i 'Cbt7traClw ahall no6y theBUilding Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspectipns antl shall receive written approval on inspection card 6eFOre jpnCeetlling with spcce3sive phBSes of the job. The is9U2n f a permit or the approval of tlrawings and specifiptions shall no[ be consW etl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of tlie Eml CU4odes or an iher ordinance, law, rule or regulaiion. Ghie uilding Ins ctor f' ~ ' ~ , f.~: z DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 APPLICATIo N Property Owner : ~p~Bd'~. ~vlc.-. Property Address : IO(ooo W- ~~4~- A v-(,,• ~ lo Phone : c{31_~~~ J Contractor License No. Company: CO~Uv4'iv.w GG_c4ric, W. Phone: ~43Z-IZc44 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distanees proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of rewrd; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read antl agree to abide by all condRions printetl on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applieable Wheat Rioge ordin^ces;for work under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ( LJA&~ I t_ ATE Z~'_CC~ Construction Value A Z pooaL Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : Use Description : Ufi(1a ' se 'r v; ce, -(~n.~..~ [ oo ~ Zc~o a~g , ai~` p ~u+-e.n, }cr SQ uv~aL I'CI.OCA~~ iMO cU't~Q s . BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Approval: Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : J~S UD Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : ELQ..j,.;` Company : Company : Expiration Date : a-Z~? ?C-fDll Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnit was issuetl in accorCanm wiN ihe prmdsions set forth in yopur appliradon and is subject to the laws of the State of Coiaratlo and to the Zoning Regulations anC Builtling CoOe o( VJheat Ritlge, ColoraEO ar arry oMer aOPlirable ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the vrork authonzetl is nat mmmencetl within aiaty (80) Eays hom issue tlate or (B) ihe Duiltling authonzetl is suspentle0 or abantlone0 for a penoC of 120 Eays. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new pertnR may be acquired kr a fee of onrhalf the artaunt nortnally requireQ proviCed no changes have been or will be maOe in the onginal plans antl specifiraGOns entl any euspenaion or ahantlonment has not exceeded one (1) yeac If changes are maOe or if suspension or abanCOnment exceetls one (1) year, full fees shall he paitl Wr a new permil (a) No work of any manner shall be tlone tliat vnll fhanBe the naWral fiaw of water causing a 02inage pmDlem. (5) Contraclor shall noWy the Builtling Inspecyor Nreny-four (24) haurs in atlvance for all inspectiona antl shall receive wiitten appmval an inspecUOn car0 before proceetliing with successive phases of the joh. (6) The issuance of a pertna or the apPmyal of tl2win9s antl specifip6ons shall nol be conaWetl W be a permR for. nor an epproval 01, any viWation o1 the provieians of Ne builtling cotles or any other oNinante, law, iuk or regulaGOn. Chief Building Inspector ~ARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ? '$l!1l.DING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Properly Owner : KUNZ LEE R II Property Address : 10600 50TH AV Contractor License No. : Company : Building Permit Number Date SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT b~eoManences gruies or regula6ons of the Cty of Wheat Rtlge oe~ le restActions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this ume fu11 responsibilHy for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building or applicabla Wheat Ridge ordman, for work under this pe~ itl- . , ~ WiPhpn : 12" X 24" SIGNS (2) 2871 4/5/96 Phone : 940-5159 Phone : Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total $73.84 $30.00 $0.00 $1.85 $31.85 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : ~ Approval : Approval : :r'upancy : {cai License No SM 4/2196 PID APPROVAL OF 2 MAGNETIC DOOR SIGNS Walis : Roof Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : n Date : Expiration Date : Expiretion Date : " Approval : Approval : 7hh pampt wu iseuad In accordance wiM the provisions set forth in yoPUr application and is sub1~ect to the laws ot the Stale ol Coloretlo antl to the Zonin9 , lOU~one antl BuiWirq Cotle ol Wheal Ritlge, Coloretlo or any other applicable oMmances of the Ciry. rized is suspended or r i(p,~ TTfi pMmft shell expire if (A) the vrork authonzetl is not commenced wiMm sxdy (80) days from isaue tlate or (B) the builtling autho i, . . ~pandm~e0 ror a per~oa a tzo aays. ~py~ pxmK e~irey, a new permd may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provideC no changes have been or will be made in the ' - p{oy~y plem and speUlfcabonss an0 any sus0enswn or aEandonmenl has not exceeded one (1) year. If chanpes are made or if su5pen5ion or aban0onment ~ i' x. a ~zpWs ons (1) yeer, NII fee6 ahall be paitl tor a new pefmit. t, tNpypllc pt amy manner ahall Oa tlone Nat will change the naNral Bow of water causinq a dreinage pro~lem. Cptlr~r ahsll noUy Me BuiWiny Inepector N+enry-four (24) hours in atlvance kr all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection Card before I iing s popNd wHh ~7M y~uance ot aucceasive a permtt or the pheaeso f t~eepprovel of 1'ob. d2wirgs and spedficetions shall not be consWed to be a permit for, rwr an approval of, any vio1a6on ot the pmvision ' pf the pu{yinp copea or eny other ordinance, law, rule or regulaUOn. Cht Iding Inspector THIS PERMIT CALL• 234-5933 24 HOURS P IOR TOHNSPECTION G INSPECTOR ~ Stories : Residential Units : DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner :Ae<~-' % 5 g)~,C- Jn/'Odl a~ Property Address : 10(~06.- LP-) 5`c7'~"~•% Gl/Y,`¢~~ Contractor License No. :J Company : Phone : 9 tIgo- 5/ j-9 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certi(y that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge of covenants, easements or restnctions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appliwtion, and that I assume full respansibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, jor work under this p'ermit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ATE--'/-"-`-'- Description : I~x ~ ~ Approval: tvik,. Zoning : p, p B~i[IIAInaS390mlftb'3 Approval : Approval : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY `41zl.l"'~,~,e,rn,Q, Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: J Plans.Requlred T_"~ Company: Expiration Date : Approval: PIBns Required J Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : ,j a Total : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: ~ ~F~ns~teqyi[: (1) This Dermit was issuetl in accortlance with 11ie pmNSions sel (orth in yopur applica6on antl is SuCject to the laws of the State of Coloredo antl to ihe Zoning Regulations anC Building Cotle of VJheat RiCge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciy. (2) This permil shall ezplre if (A) Ihe work authonzeC is not commencetl witliin si:ry (60) tlays fmm Issue tlate or (8) the EuilCing auNOnzetl is suspenEetl or aEanEOnetl Iw a periotl of 120 Oays. (3) If thi5 permR expifes, a neW pertnrtmay Oe acpuireE for a lee of one-half the amount normaty reQuireC, proviCed no Changes hava been or will Ee ma0e in the original plans antl specifications and any 5us0ension or aDanAOnment has not e:ceeded one (7) yeac If changes are made or il suspension or aGanCOnment ezceeAS one (7) year, full (ees shall be paitl lor a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be Oone Nat will change Ihe naNrel flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. . (5) Contractor shall nolily Ihe BuilOing Inspector lwenry-lour (24) hours in aEvance (or all inspecuons and shall receive wntten approval on inspection c~ara belore prOGeetliing wiUllucce55ive phase5 of the job. (6) The' uance of a permit or the approval of Crawin9s and specif~cations shall not be construea to be a permrt for, nor an approval ol, any violation of the provisions ot OuilAi g cotles or arr ortlinance. law, rule or regulation. C/h/ V hief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION r ~t ~ ~D ~ ~WA • p ~ • 0 0 ~ \ R! ~mi cr N%s I ~ ~ 4 tfi ~wi ~n, {W ~i N 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ _ 1 I 1 04/29/2007 01:52 4402321834 GAS CONSULTANTS PAGE 01/01 GAS COMSULTANTS, INC. 7590 INpEPENDENCE pRIVE WALTON HILLS, OHIO 44746 TELEPHONE: (440) 232•3200 • FNL• (440) 232-1634 M.ay 1, 2007 Mr. $i11 Mazowski V✓heat Ridge Building Dept. Fax:303-235-2857 Re£: Building Permit 0070368, Gas line at Unit #G, ] OG00 W. 50`n Mr. Mazowski: Gas Consultants is a gas appliance testing aRency head quartered near Cleveland, Ohio. Our company designs, tests and cextifies (via agreements with UL, C9A and ETL) gas appliances for manu£actucers such as Txane, Rheem, GE, and Whirlpool. In Colorado we verify thac gas appliances operate properly and s&fely prior to m8nu£acturers producing them. At our facility in Wheat Ridge, we set the appliance up under the vent stack and attach them to the gas line. We then conduct some safety tests on them, Upoa completion we remove them Froar the test area and relocate them to our Evergreen or Leadville facilities where we repeat the tests. None of the appliances will be permanently installed in the building. Hopefully this will ciose out the permit. If you need any additional infoxmaUon, please call my ce)1 phone at 330-348-9312. Thank you, N~ Carl Suchovsky