HomeMy WebLinkAbout11225 W. 46th Avenue♦~~i . City of Wheat Ridge Residential Plumbing PERMIT - 080359 PERMIT NO: 080359 JOB ADDRESS: 11225 46TH PL DESCRIPTION: Replace water heater. ISSUED: 04/21/2008 EXPIRES: 10/18/2008 CONTACTS owner 303/484-1253 Estella Carrilo gc 303/534-0881 Gary Kenfield 01-7152 Precise Plumbing PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: r-3 SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ **-FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 975.00 FEES Permit Fee 50.40 Total Valuation .00 im. TOTAL 50.40 I hereby certiEy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or cwenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this pesmit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signature of contractor/owner date1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set foxth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State o£ Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permi[ expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the ori9inal plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall noti£y the Huilding Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance £or a11 inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card be£ore proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be consCrued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any otlier ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is s je to field inspections. - Signature of Chief i g Official date INSPECTION R~ UEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WE5T 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) ~PLICATION Property Owner: Ca~~ % /o PropertyAddress: i/xZt a6 Contractor License No.: / 7/ 32. .TH C Phone :303-- H S'y-/a s3 Phone: S3 5! 61 8' R-/ O WNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF TJNDERSTANDING AND AGREL+MENT I heazby certify that fhe setback distancas proposad by flils pemut application ara accurate, and do not violato applicabla o[dinances, nilas or ragulations offha CiTy of VJheat Ridga ot covena¢tr, easemanfs oc rashictions of racotd; ihat all measuremerts shown, aad allagations mada aze accurate; that I have read and aBee to abide by all conditions printed on Uils applioations end that I assuma full responsibility fot complianca with iha Wheat Ridge Buildiug Code (U.B.C) md all othu applicable Wheat Ridga Ordineaces, for work uadetthie pmnut (OWNII2XCOMRAC'[OR): SIONBb~~ATB Description: / ~If ~O~CC ,~.liAZ-°.- Construction Value: ,.SSo Permit Fee: So, y c Plan Review Fee: T i.ca Ta.r• .Sr.a,. s Si'C>n j Total: . so, ya BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: Approval: Zoning: Approval: wwc:;~woolte~,:<,»:.:: ` Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expirarion Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) 7Tis penmit wns issued in acewdance wiN tlte pmvisions set foM in yaur application end is subject {o ihe (ews of the State of Colomdo and W Ne Zoring Rcgulatioas anA Htilding Code of Whwt Ridgq Colondo ar em/ othv appliceble udinencm oFthe City. (2) Tttis pemit shall expiro if (A) ihe wodc autlwtized'u mt commenced withi¢ sixty (60) deys from issue date oi (B) the bujlding authorized is suspended or abandonedforape[iod ot720 dap. (3) If tlus pmnif expires, a new pemiit mny be ecqu¢ed for a fre of onehelf the emourt nomully raqtimd, prwided no changes liave been or will be made in the onBwl pleos and speoffications and eny suspmsioti ot abmdonmenthaa mt axceeded one (1) year. If changes have been oi if smpension oi abandonment exc<edaone(1)yeer,fWlCeessMll6epiidfotanewpa¢niG (4),. Nowodc:ofa¢ymenn¢aMRbedonetLn[willchangethemNralflowofwateeceusingadreimgepro6lart (5) . ConhactoishellnotifytheBnitd'wginspecWrtwepty-fou[(24)MmsinaMmcefoialliaepectionsendshat] iaceivewrittenapprweloninspectioncazd6efore proceedingwifhsuccrosivaphesuofthejab. . . . (6) 1'he issue¢ce of a pemut a[ tha approval af drattvngs md speciEcaGOns shall mt be canshued W be a pamut for, nor m app[oval of, any violation of the pcovisiom ofthe building codm u vry ofhw ardimncq lew, mle o[ tegWation. Chief Building Inspector