HomeMy WebLinkAbout8695 W 46th AvenueFW"EgTR City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Date: l/ s~~~lI m 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 04" //v Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-235-2857 Plan Cq _C 06 0 o Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 °<oano Permit Building Permit Application hD~IG ~i'Ynif' Property Address: Pl 9 17 and Property Owner (please print): .Tarpp 1-1 L n.ro~, Phone: 3p.3 qZ l- ~~j II b Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: / ~I! f~rI l J U 1 J City, State, Zip: ki C-e~ C- O V-~, -2 06 Contractor: Contractor License Phone: Sub Contractors:. Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: 4 Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): Construction Value: $ Description of work:. (as calculated per the Building Valuation Data sheet) Fu o U v c/ G a /f~ / G C Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ ©c C-5 . Sq. Ft./L.Ftadded: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps 7-L~~C~• OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans bject to field inspection. CIRLCE ONE: (OWNER) ( ONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESE TATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: aa~d '77y 17-gv" SIGNATURE: Date: I'I Bldg Valuation: $ 4KAJ," - I The City of Wheat Ridge Flood Plain Development Permit Application Information Permit WF o~-o7 Date b ~v Owner ;7 f2 Q So 1 z n ~ e ~:7 Telephone 3u.3 - q21 v-z) Address / Cl K r n F~ 7 .f # Zo s YJ e "e "V 4-v G a u Address Project Location/Directions P q < ( ez; 6 tG, v e Project Description -Single Family Residential -Multi-Family Residential -Manufactured (Mobile) Home Non-residential Other/Explanations New Construction -Substantial Improvement (>50%) -Improvement (<50%) Rehabilitation L ~ dOrP yr C 'e- Class of Permit/Fee Schedule lass I (structures for non-human occupancy) $300 -Class II (structures for human occupancy) $840 (includes public noticing fees) I have read and understand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plain Permit. ,e! 4.4,,r4- Date (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name Z_ Z-W/{ C The project is proposed in the Floodway Base (100-year) flood elevation(s) at project site Elevation required for Lowest Floor Source Documents: Reports/Maps?i4 . Floodway NGVD / Floodproofrng eai _2_~ OAZ Channelization Fill -Bridge/Culvert Levee Proposal Review Checklist Site development plans are complete and depict flood hazard data. Engineering data is provided for proposed map and floodway revisions. Floodway Certificate and data documents no increase in flood heights. Subdivision proposals minimize flood damage and protect utilities. Lowest floor elevations are above the base (100-year) flood level. Manufactured homes address elevation and anchoring requirements. A Floodproofing Certificate certifies floodproofing designs. Other: Permit Action Permit Approved: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file). Permit Denied: The proposed project does not meet approved flood plain management standards (explanation is on file). Variance Granted: A variance was granted from the base (100-year) flood elevations established by FEMA consistent with variance requirements of NFIP regulations Part 60.6 (variance action documentation is on file). Flood Plain Administrator's Signature Date Compliance Documentation Map Revision Data. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FEMA for a flood insurance map revision. Fill Certificate. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map revisions. Elevation and Floodproofing Certificates. The as-built elevation of the builiding's lowest floor was certified as NGVD; or the building's floodproofing level was certified as NGVD; by a registered professional engineer or licensed surveyor and is on file. Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance Issued on Date Rev. 3/11/03 Hw OW constructing improvements acceding to die approved plan and required development smndu& Cite is not responsible Inaccurate info wbmWW within the lan set am iOS X . f c •i 3 i L-0; G E P O r O~ Su :7o, 8V lSE^vr1 DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT M911117519 7500 wES7 29tn AveNUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. eOx 678 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUIIDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. AfPUCATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERALj L'~'l \7--~; yj h _7 OBADDRESS~:L~ Y~ L4/ OWNER vv~•.-" ADDRESS ONTRACTOR 3 ZIP CODE DDRESS PHONE , 2 CT PRIC :ITY ZIP CODE ~ CONTRA 'HONE LICENSE NO. DATE d❑ Wall❑ Proietfinp❑ 01hsr SorD Faa 1. TYPE Groun 2. MATERIAL Totol SQuore Faet it N P SIGNS o. om 3 ILLUMINATION Ya❑ No❑ TYDe Elecf. T BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N- S- E_ W Zons_ ADOrorod,Zo^s I^+Wcl°r 4. SE d (Specify which ia front) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DiaopDrws I. TYPE Solid0 Mon Tl+an 80% ODenO Len Thon 80% Open MATERIAL Hsipht ? FENCES . SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zma_ Apprwed,Zone Impeeta 3 . ved i sappro (Specify whieh ie 1ronU ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ~ Yz G. F e t J d ~ L' i~ U l L ~ OTHER 2 3. ORAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,TME FENCE , OTHERSTRUCTURE,Glvirvu uisinrv~w rmlm.....r..~...~-(SETBACKS OR PROJrRREE TNS IN0.UDED) PROPERTY LLINE i SPECIFY NORTH ~ N STREET NAME nlr SHOW DIS7ANCE5 FROM THE MAIN BUIIDING TPADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGULAR LATS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MAXIMUM OR pVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION 8Y THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. o..~r ~nu~ ~ CYDIpF ian nnvs FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS N0T STARTED WITHIN THAT TIME. _ MECHANICAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLU MBING PER MIT STATE UCENSE N0 STA7E UCENS E N0. M . IWIREUNOERSIZEBILIEGAI INU F100R BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH NQ FUEICiNsQ'rGatdlPropaN EbeSda~ ALU . T BTU FO CED AIR R WATER CLASE = ~ TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER BTU STEAM - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS Bl+TH TUB AIR CONDITIONING -BTU CHAN~E SERVICE-QMPS SHOWER OTHER LIGH?ING SINK GARBGGE DISP REFRIGERATION SVSTEM HEATING ATER H Retri erant Gra+p POWER SU8-CIFCUITS E WATER UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC.) AUTO. WASHER Poundt Char e AUTOMA7IC SPRINNLER SYSTEM FIXTURES DISH WASHER EIEVATOR WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FI.IXXt DRAIN SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 8 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTl+L FI%TURES PERMIT FEE I hereby ecknowledqe that this eDDlica- fion u correct and understand thoi I USE TAX cannof start tAie prolect until thia appli- calion is aDCrovee. I shall comDly wirn TOTAL FEE the lawa o1 the Sta1e of Colorado and 10 the Zoninq Requlations and Buddinq APPROVED DISAPPROVED Code of the City ot wneot RieQe. Aoy violafion of the above terma win cause CHIEF BUILDI immediate revocation of thls Oermit C~J NOT VAIID UNLESS RECEIP s 3, G4-o INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe Date Issued eenf~ Sipnay • ! CALL 237-6944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237•6944 Ext. 255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . . Correction Notice Job Located at I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following viofations of City and/or State laws governing same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. D a te Inspector for Building Dep[. FopM wRa- 2 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG m y G/ DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500WES729thAVENUE BUILDWG INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 234-5933 P.O. BOX638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THI$ PERMIT VALID ONLY WMEN SIGNED BY TNE CWEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ANC RECEIPTED BELOW. JOBADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS Sjt' CITY Z~Y~ t-~~ /'FL ZIP CODE PHONE ~L 4Q`3LICENSENO. ~ OWNEFV_ .~.~..c~ L c-Gl \Tc, Lr l-~ J cu t2 ADDRESS .f~ ~4vrruti'//xo1 Y~J JtiJ- eL PHONE ZIPCODE _.L.ehv CONTRACT PRICE $ U U DATE ound❑ G P Wall❑ Proiectinp❑ Othar SorDFOCe r I. TY E Total Squme Feet 2. MA7ERIAL ❑ ❑ N DS T Elkt. Permit No. a ILLUMINATION Yse SIGNS 3 Y . SET BACK FROM PROPERTY UNE N 4 _ 5_ E _ W Zone_ . Apprwad,Zone Inspector . ($pseity whieh ie frMt ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisaDDroved lidl I Mora TAan 80% OpanE] S Lost Thon 8 0% Open o I. TYPE MATERIAL ? - Height . FENCES 3 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N _ S_ E _ W Zma_ Apprwad,Zone InsDaeta ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisoDDroved (Soecifv whichiefront) OTHER I2 a. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE fENCE,5IGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, GlVllrn DISTANCES FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLUDED) ~ SPECIFV NORTH STREET N4ME SHOW OISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TtrADJ01NING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES; ON IRREGUTAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES,NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANI:E. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. ..o'o. nn nevc ~annn 7uF nATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN THATTIME. PLUMBING PERMIT . MECHANICAL PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. STATE UCENSE N0. I$T 2ND 3RD 4TH FLOOR BSM N0. FUELC'ude0na Gai al Ropam Elee Sdor ALUMINUM WIRE UNDER SIZE 8 ILIEGAL FORCED AIR - BTU ~ WATER CIASET - BTU HOT WATER METER WASH BOWL _ STEAM BTU - AMPS BATH TUB AIR CONDITIONING-BTU VICE-AMPS SHOWER OTHER SINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM GARBAGE DISP Retri e~oM Woup -CIFCUI75 Wl+TER HEATER L~ar s ppunds GE, DISPO$ER, ETC ) AUTO. WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FI%TURES DISH WASHER EIEVATOR WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FIAOR DRAIN SIGNS URINFL TRGNSFORMERS 6 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDiT10N TO OLD WORK OTHER RES T MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI% U REMARKS I Mreby ocknowledqe that this apvIIco- tion iE Correct ond understand tnat I eannof start this piojbcf unlil thif oDDli- cotion it apOroveG. I sholl comply witn fhe laws of the Sfole o1 Colorodo ond fo the Zoninp ReQulolions ond Butldinp Code of tt+e City ot Wheat Ridpe. Any violation of the above terme will cause immediote revowtion of this Oermit PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE DISAPF'ttVVtu • - CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR, NOT VAIID UNLESS RECEIP of Wheat Ridge CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS Date IssuedT,4 / '-~y~--- 0893 o C1~~ OATE M19 N . RECEIVED FROM ~ m m D ESS A LLARS S~-- < I ~ DO . o-~ FOR ~ Q (yb p-L v AMT.OF ~ pCC UNT CASH CNECK ~ .'"t iLa_~.-~-. AMT'PAID . .nnicY I BY