HomeMy WebLinkAbout9021 W. 46th Avenue7500 WEST 29th AVENUE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 237-6944 Exr. zss P.O. sox 638 BUILDING INSRECTION DIYISION PERMIT N0, B91#4493 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLO. THISPERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDIN6 INSPECTOR AND TNE MAYOR - CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION TWO SETS OF BUILDING PLANS AND TWO PLOT PLANS MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICA710N BUSINESS COPY Of DEED ANDIMPROVEMENT SURVEY REQUIRED 41 FRONT ~ SPECIFY NORTH STREET NAME (CIRCLE FRONT) N E S W SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES ON ABOVE SKETCH ; SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTV LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. OWNERS NP.ME p -'a'V Ag" rE ; G 'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION l CONTRACTOcR ~'~'m C.NO. METES AN BOUNDSJ DESCRIPTION ATTA ED ,.CI ~4Gr4~L PHONE422ADDRESS ~ ud ~ ~ ADDRESS //S CITY~/.7'.P`cAt eo& ZIPCODENG»T~i tATNO. Q BLOCKNO. LOT WIDTH/2'S~ / DEPTH ZAO ~ AREA SUBDIVISIONA G'/~sn~ ~ FILING INDICATE THOSE OF THE FOLLOWMG OFF•SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOW EXISTINGCurb9fwTter_SlreeiPoving-Water_SBwer-StocmDrainage- HAVE ARRANGEMENTS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE NOT NOW EXISTINGYES✓ NO- ARE THERE ANY SPECIAI ASSESSMENTS A6AINST THIS PROPERTY: YES_N0-4=4 OCCUPANCY Cd4 5 E%TERIOR M~AT/$RIALS+ WALLSZRaq~_52-R~R00F Q ^ 12 3~b STORIES L1N2. uNITS REMARKS JVI~Li<f.~P ay `xay l OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT PERMIT FEE , 9b I hereby certify that ihe above setback distances shown on this.peimit application are accurafe, and do not violote TAX 81 easemenis orrestiictions nf re- or ovenonis Ci} f Wh t Ri] f }h i , y o ea ge c ons o e applicable ordinonces,rules or regulot cord; ihat all measurements shown, and al legations made are accurate; that I have reod and ogree To abide by all AL FEE 2 I conditions printed on This applicotion, and ihoi I assume full responsibility for compliance with fhe 4Vheat Ridqe £D T Building Code (U.B.CJ and all ofher applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under ihis permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE NLY I•-l ln -q SQ.FT. COST BASEMENT-ROUGH THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT BASEMENT-FINISHED IS PRESENTLY ZONED LZ-~ GROUND FLOOR THE PROPOSED USE L!felS) (_IS NOT) ALLOWED UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE. SECOND FLOOR COMMENTS: ~ 33- 2 g GARAGE , OTHER G-7 9S 2~ ^ OTHER BUILDWG COST$ ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL 'PERM:IT STATE N0. CITY N0. STATE N0. GTY N0. CITY N0. PLANS REVIEWED (-OK) (-NOT OK) PLANS REVIEWED (-OK) (-NOT OK) PLANS REVIEWED-(-DK)(-'NOTOK) NO PLANS NEEDED i NO PLANS NEEDED NO PLANS NEEDED PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED ~PRIOR TO:ISSUANCE OF ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT `PERMIT ISSUED TO PERMIT ISSUED TO PERMIT ISSUED TO PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS N0. PER REOUEST AS PER PLANS N0. PER REOUEST AS PER'PLA'N5N0. AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND DN FILE IN MYAFFICf DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT llNTIL CLEARED BY DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT LMTIL CLEARED BY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE CLEARED BY DATE CLEARED BY DATE CLEARED :BY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF HUILDfNG INSPECTOR gY BY BY DATE DATE DATE CONDITION5: (1) THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED IN ACCOHDANCE WITH THE PflOVISI0N5 SET FOFTH IN YOUR APPLICATION ANO IS SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OP THE STAT£ AF WLORADO AND TO THE ZONINO REGULATIDNS AND BUILDING CODE OF WHEAT HIDGE, LOLOflA60 OR ANY 07HEfi APPLICABLE DRDINANCES DF THE LRY. (2) THIS PERMIT SHALL E%PIFE IF(A) THE WORK NUTHORIZED IS NOi COMMENCED WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS FROM ISSUE DATE OR (B)7XE BUILOfNG AIITHORIZFD IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERI00 OF 120 DAYS. (3) IF THIS PERMIT E%PIRES, A NEW PERMIT MAY BE FCOUIRED FOR A FEE OF ONE-H LFNTHE AMOUNT NORMALLY REpU U,PftOVIDEO NO CXANGES HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE MADEdN THE OflIGINAL9LANS FNDSPECIFICATIONS AND ANYSUSPENSION A DONMENT HAS NOT E%LE NE(1FYEFR. IP CH'ANGES AAE MA'DE OF 1F SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT E%CEEDS ONE(1)YEAR, FULL FEES SHALL B AI FOR A NEW PERMIT. (4) NO WORH OF qNYMANNER SHALL BE DONE THAT WILL OBSTRUCT TNE NATll AL LDW WATER CAUSING A RAIN P EM. (S) CONTFACI'OR" ALL NOTIFY THE BUILDINGINSPECTOR TWENTY-FOUR(24 HO RSIN VANCE FOR ALLI PEC 0 5 AD HALL RECEIVE WRITTEN APPROVAL ON JNSPECZ.~6y'CARD. FOftE PROCE INGWITH SSWE PHASES 0 T JOB. ~ ~ APPROUED xt DISAPPROUED c . O~ . Recordedat...... o'clock....... .....M.. ._/...../C-2 ~ 9007/ ~/6 ~Y.~~,¢> I~ n ~ RecePtion No.........-- . .......................Recorder. Tffi3 DEED, Made thia 23rd day of March 1972 -ftt betweea ~ gTANLEY F. INGALLS, JR. and IMOGEN H. INGAL S ah► n K ofthe n%- W Couhty~of ;Jefferson and Statebi Colorado, of the firet part, and -nr-~ . ~ BILL R. BITTICK and SHARON A. BITTICK ~ of tLe County of Jefferson and 9tate of Colozado, of tLe second parE: WITNE9SETH, That the said part ies of tha iiret part, tor and in coneideration of the eum of------- THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------------------------- DOLLARS -to the eaid part ies of tLe firet parE in hand paid by esid psrties of the seeond part, the receipt whereof is -hereby confessed and aclmowledged, have grpnted, bargained, eold and conveyed, and by theae preseata do ;graat, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, nato the esid parties of the aecond part,theilheira and assignn for- .:ever, sil tLe following descrlbed lot or parcel of land, eituate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State o4 Colorado, to wit: Lot 8, NORTH GREEN VALLEY SUBDIVISION Jefferson County, Colorado TOGETHEft with all and eingular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertain3ng, and the revereioa and reveraions, remainder and remaindera, reata, iseuea and pro4its thereof; and all the estate, right, title, intereat, cle'vn and demsnd whatsoever of the said part ies of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargeined premteea, with the hereditameaW and appnrtenances. TO HAVF AND TO HOLD theesid premisea above bsrgained and described with the appurtenancea, unto the seid part ies of the second part, their heira and assigna forever. And the eaid part ies of the flret part, for them eelves, the iiheire, eaecutore, and adminiatrators, do covanant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, thei$eira and aesigne, tLat at the time o4 tLe ensealing and delivery of these presente, well seized o4 the premises above conveyed, aa of good, sure, perfect, absolute and inde4easible estate of in6eritance, in law, in fee eimple, and have good right, Pull power and lawful authority to grant, bargafn, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the eame are 4ree and clear from all 4ormer and other grants, bargaine, ealea, liena, taxea, sasessmeats and encumbraacea of wLatever kind or nature soever. and the above bargained premieea in the quiet and peaceabla poeaeseion of the said parbies of the second part, their heira and assigns againat all and every peraon or persona lswfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the eaid parties of the tirst psrt shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the asid part ies o4 the~fixst part have hereunto settheihand end eeal the dey and year first ebove written. (3EAL) AZX~ Q'L'~LfJ ' • Staifley F. n lls, (SEAL) ~ ~.~.R_ ` : /'..(3EAL) ~ . /1 STATE OF COLORADO, Imo n H. Ingalls Connty of Jefferson ) ~ ~ . . ~ t,~ . ~ ' ~ ' . i A,G , . ument was acknowledged be4ore me thia 23rd day of March . ey F. Ingalls, Jr. and Imogen H. Ingalls [es April 2 , 1975 . Witness my hand and o4ficisl aeal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ f Noffiry Public. . . . . / . . . . . ~ v . DEED.-For PhotoQraDbie 8eeord. -Hradfard Publtahine Co.. 1824-98 SWnt 8ireek Dmver, Colorado 2360 759 A:~: Fi R L 5❑ N NGINEERING LoT7 . ' 021 z~. LaTB J1p (11 sri1C~IS S~ m P i N ~ ~i - M -r- \ ~ J G ~ WE57 9E,1-Li PLACE Sa`F.O.w, I 2q' 5 0 J p d)I ~ i-: W C% ~ ~ ~ ~ J I ` J I G~ SCRLE ~ This certifles ihat the above is an accurate plat of u. survey made this Y9(1+.h ~'!\doY of iMa-C l 072 ~1 I of the property described as Lo 5', NO~tTH GEN VAtLEY SU$DIVISION, County of Jeffersca, State of Colorado, ` Including the Iomtion of Improvements, known oasements, Aphts-of-way and oncroachments by or on the promisos. This ~j survey should not bo used for cons}ruction of fencos or other ImprovomenY. ; ta~ur , CARTaSON ENGI3I~R,%t'Gs TNC. ~ c1536 W01tOri St%'0o$ ~ VZr A? D8i1V8S2 C0l03'AC10 80202 . ~ ;~,o QI7r~rPRp Phono 222-97E~1 z22-97lt2 ~ ~ 41~~~ OwNER: (BIPiICK) ,Viajestic Savings and Loan ; w ; ADORESS: 4615 Field St. & 9021 W. 46th Pl, i~ TIiLECO: Chicago Title Insura.^.ce Company SURVEY NO:-~_?91~; GASE NO. 72-1-212 ~A_ 33 r --I, °r ' ~ ~ =iozi L o -r e ~ N91`-,1H GC~EEt~! VALLEY 5u~G1'~r~,,,.,pi 'SE F~-E'?S0 N GO->NI-('! . r i 33 C-1'I c~U E s-roRY SRIGIi nve~15 x y '1 - L Cov. -~a n ~_z - ~ s ~ •j'a ~'jo 2 ! w c~~ %4 ~L ~ ROOFI:7G-SPEGIFY 15# FELT UNDERLAY - ENG.TRUSSES 5/8"PLYWOOD SHEATHING DOUBLE TOP PLATE FACIA 3/8"EXT. 2x4'S-16"ON CENTERS h"IMP. -21 ; 35" ANCHOR BOLTS 6'-0" O.C. 2x4 PLATE 4#50 REBAR 2 TOP & 2 BOTTOM ~ • ~11,•~{ Y. . .II •D:_'•j : .,f}'.. ~ FINAL GRADE ~ • 'r_~ ~ . Q,.' . . i a . Q ~ • 1• N : 4 ~ ~ F: P+`~ r~` ,;ti: r;s to Fielu I ~ . ' ~ cc, i3ullia:(t;'. C" • ~ %,qh4ai Rid,- b•'. V' ~ 12~~ t,h:., er • gi~neu....... O\U~4LL°S~C~I 4,N10NOLI744IC ~ SLAE50 /J4~ A t-IL193 v INSPECTION TICKET 6 JOB ADDRESS ~~~l L'L)" y6 !~x TN DATE: BLDG. PER~/ PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS . I- ✓ ~ INSPECTION TICKET ~ J08 /,1 ADDRESS 9oa i y6 ~ eea"d-c DATE: gLDG. PERMIT# Vt19-f PERMIT# BLDG.CONTR /.e-- DATE INSP. REd. °?'-13-9~ TYPE OF INSP. -4, INSPECTION MADE g r- 0_/ ~i - REMARKS ~ 1 - d eo` W.R. FORM E79 / v / c~ ' / INSPECTION TICKET Joa ADDRESS DATE: BLDG. PERMIT# yW93 PERMITfl BLDG. CONTR. lv F" 6~_ " C ✓--c-t SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. 9 7' ct TYPE OF INSP. K C- LG-c_ fi )11 INSPECTION MADE o/} _4~kj. REMAflKS .'»-e-✓.kA g/,C~ vr W.R. FORM 619