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12115 W 29th Place
,µneaeR ty, tiN� m Wheat�ge COMMUNITY DEWLCYPMENT City nfMeat Ridge Municipal Building 7500W.29a Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 June 11, 2021 Daniel & Meredith Vande More 12115 W. 29" PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Mr. & Mrs. Vande More: This letter is regarding your request for approval of an extension of the variance granted pursuant to Case No. WA -20-06. On January 11, 2021, you were granted a 3 -foot variance from the 15 -foot side yard setback requirement for primary structures in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district for the property located at 12115 W. 29a Place. Pursuant to Section 26-115.0.4, extensions for good cause shown may be approved by the Community Development Director if a request is made in writing prior to the expiration date of the variance approval. The Community Development Department acknowledges your request for extension received June 11, 2021 and hereby grants an extension for 180 days from the original expiration date. Please be advised that if a building permit is not obtained by Monday, January 10 2022 your variance will expire. Sincerely, iY¢n+seti P ��,w. Kenneth Johnstone, AICP Community Development Director cc: Case File WA -20-06 www.a.wneatmIge.co.us LIMITED ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT 12115 W. 29th PI. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Nos. Per applicant Asbasros report suixnined Our sF M i all dia less Men 32s1 M1oe'ever as only t dem ing a door opening Into the existing hi All existing siding and such to ranai i+.,..c._.. �./ COWR depector to verity in had. Prepared for: Homeowner Homeowner 12115 W. 29th PI. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 (720)272-7568 schultem@hotmail.mm Prepared by: Alta Environmental LLC CDPHE Registration No.: ACF 7045 W. 37th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Contact@AltaEnv.CO (303)669-7007 www.AltaEri 1 NNIROAll 2 Q i 24509 � %,&e Table of Contents Section 1 Inspection Project Summary 1.1 Homogenous Areas in Work Scope -Table 1.2 Summary of Asbestos Samples 1.3 Sample locations (optional) Section 2 Results and Recommendatlo s 2.1 Post -Renovation Asbestos Containing Materials Notice (if identified) 2.2 Photo Log of Asbestos Containing Materials (if identified) Section 3 Project Overview Section 4 Asbestos Inspection Procedure 4.1 Suspect Asbestos Containing Building Materials 4.2 Sampling and laboratory Analysis Section 5 Conclusion 5.1 Limitations Appendix A - laboratory, Report and Chain of Custody Form Surfacing Material list of Acronyms TS Textured Surfacing ACM Asbestos Containing Materials PL Plaster ACBM Asbestos Containing Building CMS CMU Sealant Material SOF Spray -on Fire Proofing Thermal System Insulation G Good DT Duct Tape/Wrap D Damaged PI Pipe Insulation SD Significantly Damaged Miscellaneous BRA Baseboard Adhesive F Friable CA Carpet Adhesive NFI Non -Friable CategoryI COW Composite Drywall NFII Non -Friable Category lI CT Ceiling Tile DW Drywall NA Not Analyzed FTM Floor Tile Mastic NO None Detected MA Miscellaneous Adhesive MS Miscellaneous Sealant EA Each OT Other Material IF linear Feet RSG Roof Shingle SF Square Feet RSH Roof Sheeting RSL Roofing Sealant Trace sl% by (Point Count/Composite) SVF Sheet Vinyl Flooring —ACM (>1%asbestos) WG Window Glazing Section 1 Inspection Project Summary Job ID: 20211008-3 Inspector: Joshua Masek Date: 10/08/21 State Cert #: 22489 Client: Homeowner Customer: Homeowner Property Details: Site Address: 12115 W. 29th PI. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Property Type: SFRD Age of Construction: Renovation: Inspection Details: Type of Inspection: Limited/Renovation ACM AHERA/Reg 8 Reason of Inspection: Remodel Affected Area(s): Dining, Living SW wall, exterior, roof Scope of Inspection: Partial Renovation Potential Spill IdentNkation?: No Work Scope Notes: Additon SW portion sample Npteal Laboratory: Aerobiology NVLAP #: 200-860-0 Results Time: Next Day # of Samples: 5 1.1 Homogenous Areas in Work Scope - Table ID* Material Type** #of Samples Material Description FunctionalSpace Quantityin Scope 1 TS 3 tan orange peel texture Kitchen, Living Room, West w 400 SF 2 CDW 2 tan o.p. joint compound Kitchen, Living Room, West w 400 SF 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *ID - Homogenous Materials ID in Homogenous Areas Table & Bulk Samples Table **See table of contents Reference List for how to classify homogenous materials type 1.2 Summary of Asbestos Samples Sample ID Homog. Mat'I ID Bulk Sample& Locations Table Sample Location ID* Material Condition Friability Category Analytical Results TS 1-1 1 (See Map & Photos) G F 3% Chrysotile TS 1-2 1 (See Map & Photos) G F 2% Chrysotile TS 1-3 1 (See Map & Photos) G F 2% Chrysotile CDW 1-1 2 See Ma &Photos G NFII 2% Chrysotile CDW 1-2 2 (See Map&Photos) G NFII 2%Chrysotile 1.3 Sample Locations $44tL Y yry oer� 1.3 Sample Locations Map (Continued) Section 2 Results and Recommendations Asbestos -containing building materials have been identified within the affected area(s) of the Site Address. Any repair, removal or other activities that will disturb asbestos -containing materials must be performed by a certified and licensed asbestos abatement contractor in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Any friable suspect asbestos -containing materials identified as having trace (51%) asbestos through laboratory visual estimation must be considered to be an asbestos -containing building material. Further analysis may be performed on friable materials having a visual estimate of <1% by point counting, which is a more quantitative analysis of the material. Any work performed on asbestos -containing building materials and/or trace asbestos -containing building materials is subject to OSHA regulations, including but not limited to: hazard communication, asbestos construction industry, general construction industry, and respiratory protection standards. Worker exposure assessments are part of the asbestos construction industry standard and include enursion limits and 6 -hour time -weighted permissible exposure limits which, if exceeded, may require additional engineering or administrative controls to properly protect workers engaged in activities that may damage or disturb materials which contain asbestos. 2.1 Post -Renovation Asbestos Containing Materials Notice Plans for renovation were not known at time of inspection. Please assume ACBM(s) identified in this report are accessible with the potential for disturbance and/or damage from material contact, vibration and/or air erosion. CDPHE requests that the Client notify the current property owner and all site contractors of the ACBM(s) present at the property. 2.2 Photo Log of Asbestos Containing Materials Section 3 Project Overview Alta Environmental LLC (Alta) was contracted by the client to perform a limited repair/renovation specific asbestos inspection (inspection) at the above referenced "Site Address". The inspection was conducted by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accredited and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) certified Asbestos Building Inspector. The inspection was performed at the direction of the client and only includes those materials, locations, and quantities specified in the "Homogenous Areas in Work Scope Table". The client is planning repair/renovation activities that will disturb suspect Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM) within the repair/renovation affected areas at the Site Address. CDPHE Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. S. Part B —Asbestos (Reg 8) requires that all suspect ACBMs be properly inspected and sampled by certified personnel prior to conducting any repair/renovation activities that will disturb the suspect ACBMs. All samples were analyzed by a laboratory accredited under the National Voluntary laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The CDHPE has established the following trigger levels for different types of properties, which specify how suspect and confirmed ACBMs are inspected and subsequently abated: • With regard to single-family residential dwellings (SFRD), the trigger levels are 50 LF on pipes, 32 SF on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55 -gallon drum • With regard to all areas other than SFRDs, the trigger levels are 260 LF on pipes, 160 SF on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55 -gallon drum The purpose of the inspection was to identify, visually inspect, and sample all suspect ACBMs, at the direction of the client, which may be disturbed during the course of the repair/renovation work. Section 4 Asbestos Inspection Procedure The inspection procedure was conducted in accordance with EPA Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the EPA Pink Book, CDPHE Reg 8, and applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines and regulations. These regulations specify requirements and protocols for conducting asbestos inspections, sample analysis, and asbestos abatement. 4.1 Suspect Asbestos Containing Building Materials Homogenous Material Types The inspection involved identification and sampling of suspect ACBMs in the areas established by the client that would be part of the scope of work. Suspect ACBMs were grouped into homogenous materials based on color, texture, and date of application. Homogenous materials were given distinct codes (CDWO1, FF002, TS05, etc.) based on the type sequence of the homogenous material. Details about the size, color, condition, friability, quantity, location within each functional space and other important details for each homogenous material were reported as part of the inspection. Homogenous materials are grouped into one of three categories based on intended use: 1. Surfadng Material — material that is sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied to surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surtaces for acoustical, fireproofing, or other purposes. 2. Thermal System Insulation — material applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss or gain, or water condensation, or for other purposes. 3. Miscellaneous Materials — interior building material on structural components, structural members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing material or thermal system insulation. Homogenous Material Friability Each homogenous material was given one of the three following friability categories defined by the EPA and CDPHE: 1. Friable Material — materials that can be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2. Category I Non -friable Material — materials that cannot be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure including resilient floor coverings, gaskets, packing materials and asphalt impregnated roofing materials. 3. Category II Non -friable Materials — all other materials that cannot be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure that do not include category I non -friable materials. Homogenous Material Condition Each homogenous material was given one of three condition categories based on visual observation defined by the EPA and CDPHE: 1. Good Condition — No visible signs of damage were observed during the inspection. 2. Damaged Condition —Visible signs of damage less than ten percent spread over the entire material or twenty five percent localized. 3. Significantly Damaged Condition — Severe damage greater than ten percent spread over the entire material or twenty five percent localized. 4.2 Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Sample Collection Bulk samples of each suspect homogenous material were collected randomly throughout the homogenous material area within the scope of work. Bulk samples were sampled all of the way through the material so that all associated layers within each homogenous material are represented. Bulk samples were placed in closeable sample bags and then labeled with a permanent marker with distinct sample identifiers (e.g., CDWI-1, FFC2-1, MISC2-3, etc.) for transport to the laboratory. Sample locations and photographs of the homogenous materials were also collected at this time during the inspection. Sample quantities of each homogenous material were collected based on material type and quantity detailed in the following table as required by regulation: Homogenous Material Minimum Number of Type Samples 0 to <1,000 SF 3 Surfacing material 11000 to 5,000 SF 5 >5,000 SF 7 Each Material 3 Thermal System Insulation Patch < 6 LF, SF 1 Miscellaneous Material Each Material 2 Laboratory Sample Analysis Bulk samples were submitted to the laboratory along with a completed chain of custody form to the above listed NVLAP accredited laboratory for analysis by polarized light microscopy (PLM) techniques per EPA methodology (EPA -600/M482-020, Dec. 1982). Microscopic visual estimation was used in obtaining the percentage of asbestos within each layer of the bulk samples. Asbestos Containing Building Materials EPA and CDPHE both define an asbestos containing building material (ACBM) as a material which has an asbestos content of greater than one percent. In the event that a friable material is estimated to contain "trace" or between zero -to -one percent, that material must undergo a point -count analysis by the laboratory to confirm that the material is trace asbestos -containing. Further, if a point count analysis is performed on a bulk sample, the point count result takes precedence over the visual estimation result. See appendix A for laboratory report and chain of custody documents. Section 5 Conclusion Alta has performed a limited repair/renovation specific asbestos inspection of the home/facility located at the Site Address. Through visual inspection and laboratory analysis of bulk samples collected at the Site Address, Alta recommends hiring a certified general asbestos abatement contractor to remove any ACBMs that may have been identified within the scope of work. All inspection activities were conducted at the direction of the client and only include those materials, quantities and locations detailed in sections 1 and 2 of this report. See sections 1 and 2 of this report for information regarding inspection scope of work, suspect ACBMs, confirmed ACBMs, sample information and laboratory analysis results. 5.1 Limitations General Comments and Limitations Reasonable effort was made by Alta to locate and sample accessible suspect ACBMs within the scope of work. However, for any structure, the existence of unique or concealed suspect ACBMs is a strong possibility. Alta only inspected and collected suspect ACBM bulk samples in the repair/renovation areas at the direction of the client. This limited repair/renovation asbestos inspection report is not considered a comprehensive asbestos inspection report and is only valid for the materials and locations detailed in sections 1 and 2 of this report. Should further repair/renovation work expand outside of materials and locations listed in sections 1 and 2 of this report, those locations must be properly inspected and sampled by qualified personnel prior to disturbance of suspect ACBMs. Any subsequent abatement of ACBMs must be performed in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations pertaining to abatement, transport, and disposal of ACBMs. The asbestos inspection was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill exercised by professionals of the asbestos inspection profession. The results, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are based on conditions observed during our limited inspection of the repair/renovation areas. The information contained in this report is relevant to the date on which this survey was performed, and should not be relied upon to represent conditions at a later date. This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for use by the client for specific application to the project as discussed. Contractors or consultants reviewing this report must draw their own conclusions regarding further investigation or remediation deemed necessary. Alta does not warrant the work of regulatory agencies, laboratories or other third -parties supplying information which may have been used in the preparation of this report. No warranty, express or implied is made. Sincerely, J \ Joshua Masek Alta Environmental LLC 2255 Sheridan Blvd. Unit C Suite 323 Edgewater, CO 80214 303.669.7007 contact@AltaEnv.CO Appendix A Laboratory Report and Chain Of Custody Form AEROb10tOCiy A LAbORAmRy ASSOCIATES, 4ZINCORPORATED Expertise Since 1997 Certificate of Analysis 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 www.aerobioloay.net Client Name Alta Environmental LLC - Colorado ^r,�(� ® Date Collected: 10/8/2021 Street Address 2255 Sheridan Blvd Unit C Suite 323 W �tl Date Received: 10/8/2021 City, State ZIP Edgewater, CO 80214 TESTING Date Analyzed: 10/12/2021 Attn: Josh Masek NVLAP Lab Code 200860-0 Date Reported: 10/12/2021 Client Project Name: 20211008-3 / 12115 W. 29th PI., Wheat Ridge, CO Project ID: 21044944 Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: EPA 600/R-93/116: Method for Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials, EPA -- 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763, Interim Method for Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y� Layer Percentage g Asbestos Detected Asbestos Percentage Non -Asbestos Fiber Percentage Non -Fibrous Material Percentage Matrix Material Composition Client Lab Sample Number 21044944-1A White Texture with Beige Paint N 8 ND TL y Tats 100 W Wokuteaite 21044944-1B Off -White Paint Y 7 ND 100 TSI -1-1 21044944-1C Off -White Texture Y 1 CHRY 3 97 C 21044944-1D White/Tan Drywall N 84 ND 35 CELL 65 G 21044944-2A White Texture with Beige Paint N 6 ND 100 21044944-213 Off -White Paint Y 5 ND 100 TS 1-2-2 21044944-2C Off -White Texture Y 1 CHRY 2 1 CELL 97 C 21044944-21) White/Tan Drywall N 88 ND 35 CELL 65 G TSI -3-3 21044944-3A Beige Paint with White Texture N 4 ND 100 21044944-313 Off -White Paint Y 3 ND 100 hl=haa7 "as Laboratory _ naly�t Page 1 of 4 Shannon'0 11=2F4 Asbestos Lab SiT- isar AC s Artmobte ASim_A l to ALN = AnthvphyLbte CKKY & ihrrionle CR N Crocidolite TK.M — Tremolite Tr a Trac* �'D �\ons Lletected AH m Am[nul Har B M BiOdtr Q � Q=tz ==Ceuulou C=Cafate T=Txr FG = Fdwr 01a D = Diitems %I w Varmieelite h Ri . .\Iiae=al R-oal G w G}prum OY . Other '_11. I*fixa S1 = Synthetic DR k Orpnic TL y Tats OF = ()VQ a W Wokuteaite P - Peflits AEROb10tOCiy A LAbORAmRy ASSOCIATES, 4ZINCORPORATED Expertise Since 1997 Certificate of Analysis 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 www.aerobioloay.net Client Name Alta Environmental LLC - Colorado ^r,�(� ® Date Collected: 10/8/2021 Street Address 2255 Sheridan Blvd Unit C Suite 323 W �tl Date Received: 10/8/2021 City, State ZIP Edgewater, CO 80214 TESTING Date Analyzed: 10/12/2021 Attn: Josh Masek NVLAP Lab Code 200860-0 Date Reported: 10/12/2021 Client Project Name: 20211008-3 / 12115 W. 29th PI., Wheat Ridge, CO Project ID: 21044944 Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: EPA 600/R-93/116: Method for Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials, EPA -- 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763, Interim Method for Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y� Layer Percentage g Asbestos Detected Asbestos Percentage Non -Asbestos Fiber Percentage Non -Fibrous Material Percentage Matrix Material Composition Client Lab Sample Number 21044944-3C Off -White Texture Y 1 CHRY 2 1 CELL 97 C TSI -3-3 21044944-31) White/Tan Drywall N 92 ND 25 CELL 75 G 210449444 Composite 4 Layer Drywall System Composite N 96 CHRY 0.04 10.98 CELL 84,97 G 210449444A Beige Paint with White Texture N 2 ND 100 21044944-413 Off -White Paint Y 2 ND 100 CDWI-14 210449444C Off -White Compound Y 2 CHRY Tr Tr CELL 100 G 21044944-41) White Tape Y 2 ND 99 CELL 1 210449444E White Joint Compound Y 2 CHRY 2 Tr CELL 98 G 21044944-4F White/Tan Drywall N 90 ND 10 CELL 90 G CDWI-2-5 21044944-5 Composite 4 Layer Drywall System Composite N 96 CHRY 0.08 11.02 CELL 84.90 CIG UX11aal Scaler Laboratory _Laalynt Page 2 of 4 Shannon'0 11=2F4 Asbestos Lab SiT- isar AC - Aetinobte A31=_A l to ANwAnthL p ylLte CIRY � ihr+7oliie M - Croc1601an TK.M - Trrmalits Tr - Trac* SD -\ons D,ttected Ail- Li.LIILL. I;�: :i-3Ender Q QW[tY = = Ceuulou C = Cafate T = Txr FG - Fdwr Glan D - ISiatems %I w Varmieelite A Ri - \Urv"al R-ooL G - G}prum OY - Other 13 - I*fita S1 - Synth tie DR k Orpnic TL - Talc t]P = ()VQ a W Wokuteaitr P - Parlits AEROb10tOCiy A LAbORAmRy ASSOCIATES, 4ZINCORPORATED Expertise Since 1997 Certificate of Analysis 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 www.aerobioloay.net Client Name Alta Environmental LLC - Colorado ^r,�(� ® Date Collected: 10/8/2021 Street Address 2255 Sheridan Blvd Unit C Suite 323 W �tl Date Received: 10/8/2021 City, State ZIP Edgewater, CO 80214 TESTING Date Analyzed: 10/12/2021 Attn: Josh Masek NVLAP Lab Code 200860-0 Date Reported: 10/12/2021 Client Project Name: 20211008-3 / 12115 W. 29th PI., Wheat Ridge, CO Project ID: 21044944 Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: EPA 600/R-93/116: Method for Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials, EPA -- 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763, Interim Method for Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y� Layer Percentage g Asbestos Detected Asbestos Percentage Non -Asbestos Fiber Percentage Non -Fibrous Material Percentage Matrix Material Composition Client Lab Sample Number 21044944-5A Beige Paint with White Texture N 2 ND TL y Tats 100 W Wokuteaitr 21044944-513 Off -White Paint Y 2 ND 100 21044944-5C Off -White Compound Y 2 CHRY 2 2 CELL 96 C CD W 1-2-5 21044944-51) White Tape Y 2 ND 99 CELL 1 21044944-5E White Joint Compound Y 2 CHRY 2 Tr CELL 98 G 21044944-5F White/Tan Drywall N 90 ND 10 CELL 90 G DkLchavl "as Laboratory _Laaly�t Page 3 of 4 l /# Shannon'0 11=2F4 Asbestos Lab SiT- isar AC s Aletinobte ASim_A l to ALN = AnthvphylLte CKKY & ihrrionle CR N Crocidolite TK.M — Trrmalits Tr a Trac* �'D m\ons D,ttecled AFI m Ammr a Rw B m H1tlAU Q M Q=tz = = Ceuutou C m Cafate T m Tar FG = Fttrrnm 01a D = Diitetns %I w Varmieelite hRi ..\Iiae=al Wool G w G}prum OY . Other '_11. I*fixa S1 = Syntb*tie DR k Orpnic TL y Tats 4P = ()VQ a W Wokuteaitr P - P"lits AEROblolo Y A LABORATORY \_ ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Expertise Since 1997 Client Name Alta Environmental LLC - Colorado Street Address 2255 Sheridan Blvd Unit C Suite 323 City, State ZIP Edgewater, CO 80214 Attn: Josh Masek Client Project Name: 20211008-3 / 12115 W. 29th PI., Wheat Ridge, CO Certificate of Analysis KV an,• TESTING NVLAP Lab Code 200860-0 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 www aerobiology_ net Date Collected: 10/8/2021 Date Received: 10/8/2021 Date Analyzed: 10/12/2021 Date Reported: 10/12/2021 Project ID: 21044944 Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: EPA 600/R-93/116: Method for Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials, EPA -- 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763, Interim Method for Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples General Notes • ND indicates no asbestos was detected; the method detection limit is 1 %. • Trace or "< 1" indicates asbestos was identified in the sample, but the concentration is less than I% and cannot be quantified without point counting. • Samples identified as inhomogeneous (more than one layer) are separated into individual layers, and each layer is analyzed and reported separately. All regulated asbestos minerals (i.e. chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite) were sought in every layer of each sample, but only those asbestos minerals detected are listed. Amosite is the common name for the asbestiform variety of the minerals grunerite. Crocidolite is the common name used for the asbestiform variety of the mineral riebeckite. • Tile, vinyl, foam, plastic, and fine powder samples may contain asbestos fibers of such small diameter (< 0.25 microns in diameter) that these fibers cannot be detected by PLM. For such samples, more sensitive analytical methods (e.g. TEM, SEM, and XRD) are recommended if greater certainty about asbestos content is required. Semi -quantitative bulk TEM floor tile analysis is accepted under NESHAP regulations. • These results are submitted pursuant to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc.'s current terms and conditions of sale, including the company's standard warranty and limitation of liability provisions. No responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted. • Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this report, Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. will store the samples for a minimum period of thirty (30) days before discarding. A shipping and handling charge will be assessed for the return of any samples. • Aerobiology does not guarantee the results of tape lifts, microvacs, wipe, and/or debris samples. Accurate analysis cannot be performed due to particle size, media used, and/or amount of material given. Analysis of these materials should be preformed by a TEM. A result of ND does not indicate that the sample area does not contain asbestos. It means the analyst could not identify asbestos in the specific sample for the reasons listed above. Notes Required by NVLAP • This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government. • This test report relates only to the items tested or calibrated. • This report is not valid unless it bears the name of a NVLAP-approved signatory. • Any reproduction of this document must include the entire document in order for the report to be valid. Page 4 of 4 0 WttrbxallKyy L51Kw.r.�lr�. ' a fmm�r 4xr 114.' EMIR � ti:�! HSLwaV G7YYI 'Awn 1�n epi •� y s 34 as r 1✓rribp! i �. �MWbe za Su lcul 1-I- Or✓ 1-i Z is I •'S • 3 WI.1- u4 v 1 •i,i LAB USE ONLY LM ix< A.. l�� ^PT 'rHrW 'ai-SCA. m later r. IhV'M1 �air: n�I M1Ar IYI IN.1=.ri.Y1l pY�k} ten. Ic Li Cdwa�k Tkparmw-aw ��_ ; uF Publir I leald� and Fmimrurrml ASBESTUS C:ERTIFICATION* This aaifin a &Ai Jashuo A. klasek S rrri Gra7i1ru NC: ILIBA hu tort rhe mquimmots ot'_5.7. 507, C R.s. and .lir Qualiy- Ctio4zzol Comm inim Rcgubt5ua i:+m. N- Pmkh badishaaby ceAlSed by iba njr of C*Iorsdo is 11tr follow* dixipliot•; DaUding Inspector* INGrLI- Febnen 11- 2PI1 F.ip:rn ylrrik lo• :III] -rlrcwll�Y.Ji,=�r a� N. •.w IW=Lwdpp N rrrn..rq&' pLL y ri A.::,. A .: A.... s4 .t N VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE "All work shall comply with the 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes" A complete set of stamped truss manufacture drawings which have been verified by the structural engineer of record shall be onsite at time of frame inspection. Uplift connections and bearing points shall comply with the drawings. Manual J,S,D shall be provided to inspector on-site for the rough mechanical inspection so inspector can verify the equipment sizing of the split system utilized for the Mudroom Note: The foundation system shall be inspected by the engineer of record or designated representative and verified to the Building Division by means of stamped inspection approval letter provided to the building inspector prior to, the first rough framing inspection. A foundation inspection is also required to be performed by a City of Wheat Ridge building inspector per 2018 IRC, Section R109.1.1. Fire Blocking and Draft Stopping shall be installed in concealed spaces per R302.11 & R302.12. Smoke Alarms shall comply with R314.2.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarms shall comply with R315.2.2 Interior partitions erected on concrete slab on grade must deal with deflection and slab movement. Stair Handrail shall comply with R311.7.8 and guards shall comply with R312.1 Insulation and air barrier sealing shall comply with 2018 IRC chapter 11 "Approved construction plans, and documents shall be on-site for all inspections. "Work shall not be covered or concealed without inspection. jwh�aLage w D a0al (111011-.11{e101i[r]GI9k C@10111 These drawings Were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was Exercised in checking for code compliance The stamping of these documents shall not be Construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto, Plan Reviewer: Steve Jones Date 11/12/2021 DANIEL AND MEREDITH VANDE MORE CONTACT: BIGDAN@GMAIL LOM CONTRACTOR: TBD DESIGNER: MOD 2063 HOYT STREET wcEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 (916)5941769 AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION =5528.32' SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" PROJECT SCOPE DESCRIPTION - NEW ATTACHED 2 -CAR GARAGE OFF THE WEST SIDE OF THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. NO OTHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR WORK TO BE DONE TO THE HOME. ZONING ANALYSIS: 10,741 S.F. (.247 ACRES) R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PRIMARY STREET DETERMINATION: WEST 29TH PLACE Q REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED ( A FEET (MAX): 35' 14'E 1/2" W A9th°"` FRONT 30'40" 30'-0" PROJECT: #20055 15'-0" 12'L" REAR 15'-0" 81'-0" 0 U OR Ave O W W�A PROJECT ADDRESS n N12115 W 29TH PLACE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W215 Ell —W -44th AYe-- 'X 44th Ave e PROJECT DATA: ,Fwy — JURISDICTION: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE a ; BUILDING CODE: 20181NTERNPTIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 2018 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE VI38m Ave .. ... 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONBERV/ IF 20M1 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE �( ` m g y 12115 W 29d1 PI' II W 12115 W29M PI, W 35 AveIs DRAWING INDEX Wheat Ndge, CO 80215, USA 1wI Add Harker W 37M Ave w321a Ave woma Ave SPI PROJECT DATA/SITE PLAN + Al FLOOR AND ROOF PLAN _ - A 29 Arc A2 ELEVATIONS - A3 ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS wnmAve W 26N Ave /// `2' W 26 Ave AAm Ave W26m Ave 3 0 n it �I VI 2N"Aue W 2 Ave I W 2 Ave W2nm Are N VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE "All work shall comply with the 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes" A complete set of stamped truss manufacture drawings which have been verified by the structural engineer of record shall be onsite at time of frame inspection. Uplift connections and bearing points shall comply with the drawings. Manual J,S,D shall be provided to inspector on-site for the rough mechanical inspection so inspector can verify the equipment sizing of the split system utilized for the Mudroom Note: The foundation system shall be inspected by the engineer of record or designated representative and verified to the Building Division by means of stamped inspection approval letter provided to the building inspector prior to, the first rough framing inspection. A foundation inspection is also required to be performed by a City of Wheat Ridge building inspector per 2018 IRC, Section R109.1.1. Fire Blocking and Draft Stopping shall be installed in concealed spaces per R302.11 & R302.12. Smoke Alarms shall comply with R314.2.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarms shall comply with R315.2.2 Interior partitions erected on concrete slab on grade must deal with deflection and slab movement. Stair Handrail shall comply with R311.7.8 and guards shall comply with R312.1 Insulation and air barrier sealing shall comply with 2018 IRC chapter 11 "Approved construction plans, and documents shall be on-site for all inspections. "Work shall not be covered or concealed without inspection. jwh�aLage w D a0al (111011-.11{e101i[r]GI9k C@10111 These drawings Were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was Exercised in checking for code compliance The stamping of these documents shall not be Construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto, Plan Reviewer: Steve Jones Date 11/12/2021 DANIEL AND MEREDITH VANDE MORE CONTACT: BIGDAN@GMAIL LOM CONTRACTOR: TBD DESIGNER: MOD 2063 HOYT STREET wcEWOOD. COLORADO 80215 (916)5941769 AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION =5528.32' SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" PROJECT SCOPE DESCRIPTION - NEW ATTACHED 2 -CAR GARAGE OFF THE WEST SIDE OF THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. NO OTHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR WORK TO BE DONE TO THE HOME. ZONING ANALYSIS: 10,741 S.F. (.247 ACRES) R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PRIMARY STREET DETERMINATION: WEST 29TH PLACE Q REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED HEIGHT: A FEET (MAX): 35' 14'E 1/2" SETBACKS FRONT 30'40" 30'-0" SIDE INTERIOR 15'-0" 12'L" REAR 15'-0" 81'-0" Z Q ^J LL W H U) 0 U w O W W�A Ine n SP1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 28; BLOCK 3; MOUNTAIN SHADOWS FILING NO.3 SUBDIVISION; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON; STATE OF COLORADO. GENERAL NOTES: IN JULY 2020. 2. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY ALTITUDE LAND CONSULTANTS OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON TO DETERMINE RIGHT-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD AFFECTING THIS TRACT OF LAND. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29 MONUMENTED AS SHOWN HEREON. ASSUMED TO BEAR N 89" 30'01" E. 4. ALL PROPERTY CORNERS WERE FOUND OR SET AS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY. 5. ALL MEASUREMENTS IN PARENTHESES ARE PER PLAT, ALL MEASUREMENTS IN BOLD ITALICS ARE AS MEASURED IN THE FIELD. 6. ALL LINEAR MEASUREMENTS WERE TAKEN USING THE U.S. SURVEY FOOT. 7. BENCHMARK: ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON E412. ELEVATION= 5574.00' (NAVD88). LEGAL NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVERED SUCH DEFECT IS DISCOVERED. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. INDEXING STATEMENT: DEPOSITED THIS __DAY OF 20 , AT M, IN BOOK OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S LAND SURVEYIRIGHT-OF-WAY SURVEY'S AT PAGE($) RECEPTION NUMBER COUNTY SURVEYORIDEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR 12115 WEST 29TH AVENUE LAND SURVEY PLAT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. LOTS 28, BLOCK 3, MOUNTAIN SHADOWS FILING NO.3 SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. &p51$ Ci BEMINGS NORM LINE OF THE NgiMR OJARTEROFME VICINITY MAP: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, KARL W. FRANKLIN, A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: -THIS SURVEY ISA TRUE AND CORRECT LAND SURVEY PLAT AND WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND COMPLIES WITH CRS 36-51-106. -THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THIS SURVEYOR'S KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. -THIS IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE. THE USE OF THE WORD"CERTIFY'OR"CERTIFICATION" BYA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING, CONSTITUTES AN OPINION REGARDING THOSE FACTS OF FINDINGS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THE CERTIFICATION, AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. LEGEND: ELECTRICAL LEGEND: DUPLEX OUTLET O FLUORESCENT STRIP FIXTURE 220V OUTLET DD DOOR BELL O FLOOR OUTLET ELECTRICAL BOX TELEPHONE OUTLET SD SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR 5 SINGLE POLE SWITCH CD CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR JS�3 3 -WAY SWITCH O JUNCTION BOX y CEILING MOUNT FIXTURE T�E SWITCHED DUPLEX OUTLET 1-0 WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE WP WATER PROOF DEVICE PENDANT FIXTURE 8 E ELECTRIC METER 12 GD GARAGE DOOR OPENER RECESSED DOWNLIGHT ® RECESSED WALL WASHER O DISPOSAL SWITCH CEILING VENT FAN LV LOW VOLTAGE 0 CABLE TV OUTLET MOTION DETECTOR UNDER CABINET (�0 LANDSCAPE LIGHT DS DSWITCH /�(�'j�\i t62" HEIGHTEIGHTABOVE FINISHED FLOOR CEILING FANO MOTION SENSOR TIMECLOCK ELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK. 2. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL PANEL SCHEDULES / ONE LINE DIAGRAMS & CIRCUITING DIAGRAMS AS REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING DEPT FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT. 3. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OFPART VIII - ELECTRICAL OF THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. 4. IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE DESIGN DOCUMENTS AND THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, THE CODE SHALL PREVAIL. 5. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH SUCH CODES. 8. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK WHICH IS CUSTOMARILY ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AS THEY RELATE TO THE WORK OF THIS PROJECT. ]. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES AND DEVICES AS INDICATED ON PLANS ARE INTENDED TO ILLUSTRATE LAYOUT ONLY. 8. LIGHTING AND OTHER NECESSARY ELECTRICAL FIXTURES SHALL BE AS SELECTED BY THE OWNER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE. 9. PROVIDE SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 10. PROVIDE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKERS INSIDE EACH UNIT. 11. DEVICES TO BE'DECORA' TYPE - WHITE 12. PROVIDE GFI OUTLETS AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 13. ADDITIONAL EFFICIENCY PACKAGE: LIGHTING EFFICIENCY INSTALL 100% HIGH EFFICACY LIGHTING WITH A MIN. 75 LUMENS/WATT IN 100% OF SPACES. INSTALLED LUMINARIES MUST BE CAPABLE OF MEETING THE RECOMMENDED LIGHT LEVELS FOR EACH GIVEN SPACE TYPE, PER THE IES LIGHTING HANDBOOK 14. CIRCUIT BREAKERS OR CIRCUIT BREAKER SPACES RESERVED FOR THE EV CAPABLE, READY AND USE INSTALLEI SPACES, SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE PANELSOARD DIRECTORY. ALL EMPTY CONDUITS FOR THE EV CAPABLE SPACES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AT BOTH THE PANELBOARD AND AT THE TERMINATION POINT AT THE PARKING SPACE. I,S,D shall be provided to on-site for the rough al inspection so can verify the equipment the split system utilized udroom LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE LIGHT FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED OTY DESCRIPT. MANUR MODEL CODE FINISH IAMP TYPE OTT WATT A 5 -RECESSED CAN CONTRACTORTOW/DOCRSREL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IN FIELD IE) 'ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO HAVE 2. PATCH AND REPAIR ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AS NECESSARY WINDOW OPENINGS 3. PROVIDE NEW INTERIOR TRIM AND CASING AS SELECTED BY OWNER B 4, ALL EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2XS @ t&' PC, UI 4' FLUORESCENT 5. ALL EXTERIOR WALL TO RECIEVE R-20 KRAFTFACED BATT INSULATION U.N.O. 0 S. ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2X4 ®15' O.C. U.N.O. WET WALLS SHALL BE h0 @ 18" O.L.. C I WPWALLSCONOE 2 SEEMFORSUPJOINT NOTE: QUANTITIES LISTED ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. N m ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4' =1'-0' I I PREFINISHED METAL DOWNSPOUT (rvP l PROVIDE T MIN. OF ICE AND WATER - SHIELD @ ALL OVERHANGS �I `01 gl I I I I I I I I I I I I A] PROVIDE 2MIN, OF ICE AND WATER SHIELD 0 ALL OVERHANGS '1e T3I•s� VENTED SPACE AREA: 785 8F VENTAREA=1m OFVENTED SPACE AREA VEWAREAI VENTAREA= 5.23 SF (NET) REQUIRED VENTING TO BE PROVIDED USING ROOF VENTSAND SOFFIT VERTS, RE: ROOF PIAN MATCH A] N2 EXISTING d° NNheaI0, O�yo'ing DMso CESLOPE SLOPE 3. 3:123:12 MATCH EXISTING MATCH EXISTING I - I I I I I I 1 0 I H I o>Z y V LINE OF EXISTING M HOUSE I I ALIGN NEW RIDGE) WITH EXISTING FINISH KEY I� EXISTING WALL TO REMAIR PATCH AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY ® NEWINTERIORWAIJ_ Mt@%'O.C.U.O.N. r--1 EXISTNGWALLTOBEREMOVED ® NEW EXTERIOR WALL -2XS STUDS @15'0.0. U.O.N., W/ FINISH PER ELEVATIONS I I O I LINE TO Al OVERHANGHANG TO BE REMOVED IEIROOFASSEMBLY: TO REMAIN I I Ds� —L II I II I N T ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0' A] 51/2" NOTE: ALL (E) WINDOWS AND DOORS TO NOTE: FIELDVERIFYALLDIMENSIONSPND GENERAL NOTES BE REPLACED WITH NEW ONES IN(E) REFER TO STRUCTURAL PIANS FOR GS,NEWWINDORSEESRS TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION L DEMO ALL EXISTING WALLS AND PARTITIONS AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE NEW MATCHOPENI WORK CONTRACTORTOW/DOCRSREL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IN FIELD IE) 'ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO HAVE 2. PATCH AND REPAIR ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AS NECESSARY WINDOW OPENINGS 3. PROVIDE NEW INTERIOR TRIM AND CASING AS SELECTED BY OWNER 0.32 -FENESTRATION U -FACTOR OR BETTER 4, ALL EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2XS @ t&' PC, UI T=TEMPERED, RE: FLOOR PLANS 5. ALL EXTERIOR WALL TO RECIEVE R-20 KRAFTFACED BATT INSULATION U.N.O. 0 S. ALL INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE 2X4 ®15' O.C. U.N.O. WET WALLS SHALL BE h0 @ 18" O.L.. T. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD, AT 2 I I O I LINE TO Al OVERHANGHANG TO BE REMOVED IEIROOFASSEMBLY: TO REMAIN I I Ds� —L II I II I N T ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0' A] 51/2" W T 31/2 B'-0" 51/2" 0 AT 2 SEEMFORSUPJOINT DETAIL FOR STUD WALLS ATOP OF SLAB W D BUILT-IN rq CUBBIES/ STORAGE SHOP MUDROOM N I DN 4R wl WOOD CAP M14Y A.F. F. OVERSIZED I 2 -CAR GARAGE 1 r I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 4 ` A]2 51x2' 11-0- 10'-0uz^ zz-0' N m GARAGE LEVEL PLAN SCALE: 1/4' =1'-0' BLL IN EXIsiwC WINDOWS DINING FILL IN EXISTING WINDOWS LIVING ROOM u E E D Al uOve 4%Mn.. C SOUTH ELEVATION %{2 SCALE 114-=1'-0' WEST ELEVATION SCALE: IW=1'-0' Z WDO 0 U o F a 0O = O 0 r w W N O NQ ui 17 rQ CL ED V ED ❑ S Z Q J W O W a ry O LU z N+ E E d0mE bn� tJ�dc D A2 MATERIAL LEGEND O MATERIAL: HORIZONTA-IAP HARDIE SIDING STYLE'. TBD COLOR TBD MATERIAL BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING WIDTH: TBE, COLOR: TBD © MATERIAL: CONCRETE COLOR: NATURAL MATERIAL: WOOD FASCIA TO MATCH METING FINISH: TED MATERIAL: ASPHALTSHINGIES COLOR TBD uOve 4%Mn.. C SOUTH ELEVATION %{2 SCALE 114-=1'-0' WEST ELEVATION SCALE: IW=1'-0' Z WDO 0 U o F a 0O = O 0 r w W N O NQ ui 17 rQ CL ED V ED ❑ S Z Q J W O W a ry O LU z N+ E E d0mE bn� tJ�dc D A2 EXIST. EXISTING STRUCTURE FIREBLOCKATONEOFTHESE ," 2 LOCATIONS PROVIDE R-20 BATT INSULATION MIN. EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL PROVIDE SLIP JOINT AT ALL NEW WALL � AQ SCTHERMAL SECTION AND SLIP JOINT DETAIL ALE il4"=1'-p" SHOP 4 -THICK CONC. SLAB r3 -OS, SECTION A4 SCALE: 1/4"=1'4" INTERIOR WALL PARTITION BEYOND PROVIDE S' TALL GUARD AT STAIR AND LANDING W/ OPENINGS NO GREATER XXTHANA4'SPHERE 2 -CAR GARAGE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING OVER UNDERLAYMENT AND 10 OSB ROOF SHEATHING ON ROOF STRUCTURE AND PRE-ENGINEEREDTRUSSES- FILLED WITH R49 KRAFT FACED BATT INSULATION NEW PRE{INISHEO GUTTER OVER FASCIA TO. GARAGE PLATE BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING MATERIA -LEGEND O MATERIAL: HORIZONTALLAPHPRDIE SIDING STYLE TBG COLOR: TBD OB MATERIAL: BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING WIDTH: TBD, COLOR: TBD © MATERIAL: CONCRETE O L FILLED WITH R-20 KRAFT COLOR: NATURAL Q MATERIAL: WOOD FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING p FINISH: TBD OO MATERIAL. ASPHALT SHINGLES COLOR: TBD SHOP 4 -THICK CONC. SLAB r3 -OS, SECTION A4 SCALE: 1/4"=1'4" INTERIOR WALL PARTITION BEYOND PROVIDE S' TALL GUARD AT STAIR AND LANDING W/ OPENINGS NO GREATER XXTHANA4'SPHERE 2 -CAR GARAGE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING OVER UNDERLAYMENT AND 10 OSB ROOF SHEATHING ON ROOF STRUCTURE AND PRE-ENGINEEREDTRUSSES- FILLED WITH R49 KRAFT FACED BATT INSULATION NEW PRE{INISHEO GUTTER OVER FASCIA TO. GARAGE PLATE BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING ONTYVEKBUILDING WRAP ON 10 OSB SHEATHING ON 2X6 WOOD FRAMING @16" ry O L FILLED WITH R-20 KRAFT FACED BATT INSULATION- p PROVIDE CLASS I VAPOR RETARDER (INTERIOR SIDE) j POLYETHLENE, OR - UNPERFORATEDPLUMINUM FOILPERIRCSECTON [ R702.7. EXISTING FFE h 5529.7V= 100'-0" ARCH AVERAGE GRADE h FT MIN. �55283T SLOPE TO. GARAGE SILAS(MON TI w FOOTPRINT NORTH ELEVATION J AQ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 28.28'Y S 4%M1N. NEW CONCRETE STEM /Cj WALL &FOOTING SEE STRUC ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING OVER UNDERLAYMENT AND 10' OSB ROOF SHEATHING ON ROOF STRUCTURE AND PRE-ENGINEEREDTRUSSES- FILLED WITH R-0 KRAFT FACED BATT INSULATION PROVIDE S' TALL GUARD AT STAIR AND LANDING W/ OPENINGS NO GREATER TIANA4-SPHERE frf------------- SECTION AQ SCALE I/4"=1'-0" EXISTING DECK TO BE Nil OPOSE WITH NEW PR PROPOSED GARAGE FOOTPRINT FFE EXISTING ARCH 5529.]8'=100'-0'ARCH AVERAGE GRADE 5528.32' T.O. GARAGE SLAB (FRONT) EAST ELEVATION AQ SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" E d 0 m E N0 o LIE tN�dc O U) Z O U LW v / r) Z C/) Z O w W _a Iw City of Wheat Ridge Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 201801836 PERMIT NO: 201801836 ISSUED: 06/25/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 12115 W 29th PL EXPIRES: 06/25/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Install 3 ton ductless mini -split system with cooling/heating with 5 wall mount units; install ductless mini condensate pump *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)256-0168 VANDEMORE MEREDITH SUB (303)770-2776 GARRETT WEILER 170351 888 HEATING, LLC SUB (303)503-2362 Raymond E Miller 180155 REMCO Electric *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2404 / APPLEWOOD KNOLLS, PARAMOUNT HE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 14,927.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 313.47 Permit Fee 283.55 ** TOTAL ** 597.02 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Work shall comply with 2012 IRC & 2014 NEC. Per IRC Sec. R314, smoke detectors are required to be installed in every sleeping room, in hallways outside of sleeping rooms, and on every level of the structure. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I . This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, anew permit maybe required to be obtained. Issuance of anew permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to f eld inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. ►A, City of W �h6atf dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 2911 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(cDci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: G/C rj l /y Plan/Permit #ac I y 0 � 01/t3 �� Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: l�rlJ� ` U Property Owner (please print): /�� , � f�p/'� Phone: f� • ��� • �� Property Owner Email: Jz %W u 17' a on m ' -td l ; t • Tenant (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Phone: City of Wheat Ridge License #: /7ZyZ,5 / Phone:. 23b3 - 229 -,277-76 Contractor E-mail Address: For Plan Review Questions $ Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): 5,24,-19 r!' f�S/`7 il! t�S Phone:��f/����� CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print) Sub Contractors (Must provide vvneat midge License tvo./: Electrical: e4FM Cly Plumbing: W.R. City License # 7 W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # ❑ COMMERCIAL ErRESIDENTIAL Description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. 46 �Oe—; Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Sq. FULF BTUs Amps Squares Gallons Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) ONt'NER)CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application: that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. 1, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CO.YT*)OCTOR) o (AUTPORIZF.DREPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Sienature (first and last name)-./ -44 /l it 9 /' m DATE: C1/ Printed Name: ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Building Division Valuation: FORFFFICE USE ONLY City of gate, ... 4?7Wh6at le COMMUNiTy DEVFLOPT dg LEN�4%%j plaolpemit # Building & Inspection Services Division z o I So I L11 3 7500 W. 29$" Ave., Whet Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Review Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application (please print). ProPertY OwnerEmail: 2o. k Mailing Address: (if different then property address) Address: City, State, i r Arch t c Eng a E-mail: Phone. Contractors City License #: Phone. ne. Contractor E-mail Address: Sub Contractors: Electrical. Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # WR City License # WR City License Other City Licensed Sub. Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License Complete all information on BOTH sides of this fear f+s«2*\*y »<w « ©^ 1 »,w » -I 0 NEW COMMERCIAL ST y « 2R $ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE $< W RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL e■FIN $ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ■ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING RESDENTIAL ADDITION WINDOW RE @ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY2STRUCTURE(Garag «», pec ) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTUREy\�:_,g\ shed,: $ MECHANICAL \\SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR orREPLACEMENT ■ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE\d%R§_/R or RE \\ 'ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE /%REPAI REPLACEME \. $ OTHER ■:�r� t . . . . ° Sq. F LF /. \ . \ «. .` \ k ~ 3 \°.Gallons Amps? : y° .. . . « ?.. Squares.. \. » a \ \< y. y Other s i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Far INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: k49/; Job Address: ire 5 ate. 2 Permit Number: 015P,3,226 APPRov6 c> ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/ Re-Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 11o Inspector: - DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: lPe�,4 Job Address: d.;2j /S �_ ;277W &4e,6 Permit Number: 1_ 73?26 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ,2f VAS AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes *When corrections have been made, can for re- inspection at 303- 2345933 Date: Inspector: a,c� s DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE N "4' City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 093226 PERMIT NO: 093226 ;ISSUED: 10/12/2009 - JOB ADDRESS: 12115. W 29TH PL EXPIRES: 04/10/2.010 DESCRIPTION: Reroof 26 sqs CONTACTS owner 720/244-4032 Richard Atchison sub 303/274-1111 Manuel Rocha 02-1129 Horn Brothers Roofing PARCEL INFO "ZONE CODE: UA -:USE: UA G SUBDIVISION:. 0712 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ . FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 11,624.00. FEES Permit Fee 272.10 Total Valuation .00 r1~✓t! Use Tax 209.23 TOTAL 481.33 Conditions: 6 nail installation mid-roof inspection required. Board sheathing spaced more than a 1/2 of an inch apart requires plywood overlay on entire roof. Ice and f, water shield' required from-:eave edge to 2' inside exterior walls.:. ***Contractor/Property owner shall provide ladder(s) secured in place for inpsections.. ',`Subject to field inspection. I hereby certify.. that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or egulations of the City of. Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or .restrictions'. of record; that all measurements a own, nd allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide. by all conditions printed on this v application a d t I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge ;Building Code (I.B.C).and all other.' applicable a rdinances, for work under this permit Plan aublect to field inspection. Signature f co r or/owner :.Ida 0. This permit was issued in accordance with the, provisions set forth. in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to. the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City..: ,2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension maybe granted at the discretion of the Building Official.. 3 If this permit expires, (a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans'. and specifications and any suspension or abandonment: has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for anew permit. ,4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. %5. Contractor shall notify; the Building inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. F'6. The issuance of a permit. or the approval of drawings and. specifications shall not be construed to be a hermit for. nor ignature of Chi u ding (Official T: date NSPECTION EQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE (303)235-2855 EQUESTS MUST BE 'MADE BY 3PM: ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE rFOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. F City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Date: m 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Plan o~toanoo Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Permit Building Permit Application /o Propt rty Adtlress,• Z211,5- Property Owner (please print) Phone: 220-24cl - V S Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Contractor L&ri fO,T,r,~,u Contractor License Phone: Sub Contractors. Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): Construction Value: $ 11,1 Z/ DBScIrPriptii/offn otwo 7"e a r c, r.v~ncd eSko ",s (as calculated per the Buildinr~tion Data sheet) rS4-r-tD r Plan Review (due at time of submittal): $ Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares e~ BTU's Gallons Amps OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appfication and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. _ CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTR CTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATI~ f (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: Ira SIGNATURE: ` ' Date: pEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 12443 " BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 7/11/01 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner : Property Address: 12115 W 29TH PL Contractor License No. : 19402 Phone: 237-3250 Company : Aaark Heating & Air Conditioning Phone : 431 8015 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and ayree to abide by all conditions printed on this applicafion, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description : INSTALL 5500 CFM COOLER W/ 110 AMP HOOKUP Construction Value : $1,550.00 Permit Fee : $57.05 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $23.25 Total: $80.30 U se : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : yk Zoning : Approval: Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in acwrdance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub7ect lo the laws of the State ot Coloredo antl to the Zoning Regulations and Builtling Code of Wheal Ridge, Cobrado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permM1 shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not wmmenced within sixty (60) tlays fmm issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 720 days. rovitled no chan have been or will be made in the (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may 6e acquired for a fee of one-hatf the amount normally required, p ges original plans and speafications and any suspension or abandonmenl has not exceeded one (i) yeac If changes are made or if suspension or a6andonment exceeds one (1) year, Full tees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Coniraclor shall notify the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive wrilten approval on inspection card before procee g with successive phases of Ihe 1ob. (6) The u ce o a p it or the appmval ot drawings antl specifications shall not be construed to be a permit tor, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of bu i any other ordinance, law, mle or regula6on. ...?,•i ,r~/ Chief Building Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PI..ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building;PermitzN„um gUILDING! INSRECTION DIVISION'- 235-2855 CITY'OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: ~ 7500 WEST29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : AI-v ! --5er" Property Address Phone : Contractor License No. : Company Phone : ,J OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT / J J~~ ConstrucGon Value : ~ ' ~ I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, petRllt F@8 antl do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or ragulations of lhe City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or cestnctions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations US8 TaX : ~ - matle are accurata; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibiliry tor comphance with the Wheat Ritlge Building ' anc~r5 or work under ihis pertniL ,rOG3l Coda (U.B.C.) and all otner appliwbla Wheat idge ord TE 17- 1 _ r~ (OWNER)(CONTR.4CTOR) SIGN DescriPtion BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY m*~ - Approval Zoning : ~ Approval: ; Approval : t. : ` Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : . • Electncal License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : ` . Exoiration Date Expiration Date : Expiration Date : . . e•. Approval : Approval : Approvai : , (1) Thie pertnit was iuuetl in aaorclence wiN Ne provisions set fortlt in yo0ur appliqtlon and is subject to Ne lawa of the SWte of Cobmdo antl to tlie Zoninq Regulauons enE BuilAing Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any oNer apphcable ordinances of Ne Ciry. G G M e (2) Tltls permil shall expire d(A) the work auNOdzed is not commencetl within sixy (60) Oays from issue tlele or (B) the builtlin9 auttwrized ia suspen m+y t. abandonetl for a penod of 720 tlays. Me (3) if t~ia pertnit expires, a new permtt may De acquired for a fee of ono-half the amount nomwlry required. prwidetl no changes have been a will be ma0e in plans and apeaRcatlons an0 any auepenslon or abantlonment has not exmedetl one (7) year. If chaipes ere made or if suspenaion or abandonmenl original ezteeds one (t ) year, lull fees shall be paid for a new permil (4) Na vrork of a~ry manner sllall De tlone that will Uange Ne naWral tlow of water causinq a tlrainage problem. ctor shall nWiry t0e Buildirg Inspecta hvenry-four (24) houro in advance ror all inspecUOns anA shall receive wntten approval on inspeclion car0 6efore ntr C 5 o a ( ) proceediing with successive phases of the job. ance of a permit or Ne approval of tlrawings antl spedfcaGOns shall not be consWetl ro Ee a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of Ne provisions i Th 8 e ssu ( ) of the builtling cades or any oNer ortlinance, law, rule or ngulation. Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION +p DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELAPMENT 7500 WEST 29tn AVENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. M92#17871 237-e944 ExT. 255 P.O. eox sse CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. JOB ADDRESS ~~~I'O w' r!Wy`f4-- y`1Ctt-P-- OWNER CONTRACTOqR ~ ADDRESS 2~~5 ;0a ADDRESSv'~~~7r{~ (`~'L I/fI~. - H PHONE ZIPCODE UZIS~ CITY ~,L1~'~~ ~ ZIP CODE r/ ~~mp~'~/ ~ONTRACT PRICE $ PHONE_._ 79`7- y67f7 LICENSENO. L~ 1. TYPE Ground❑ W0110 Proieotinp❑ 01hor SaDFoee SIGNS 2. MATERIAL ILLUMINATION Yss❑ No❑ 3 Typa Total Squon Feet Eleef Pnmit No . 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N (SOeeif whiaA is fronf ) _ ❑ 5_ E ❑ _ W ❑ ❑ . Zorn_ . Apprwed,Zma Inspeetw Disopprovsd FENCES 1. 7YPE Solid[:] Mon TMn 80% OpsnO MATERIAL 3. SET BACN FROM PROPERTY IINE N_ 5_ E (SPecify wlrieh i! }ront) ❑ ❑ Lou Thon 80% Open HeIphf _ W Zone_ ❑ ❑ Appraed,Zom Inepeeta DisaOCroved L /1 Jt 1 - - v i~ OTHER DRAW SKETCM OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE, SIGN, OR OTHER STRUCTURE, (SETBACKS OR PROJECTpNS INCIUDEA) STREET NAME SHOW OISTANCES FROM Tlff MAIN BUILDIN6 TQADJOINING HOUSES, STREEI DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DIS?ANCE APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRI THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED W PERMIT Wlll EX%RE 60 DAYS fROM DATE OF ISSUANCE ! iS INSPECTION TICKET JOB DDRESS a mrt z._ DATE: BLDG. PERMITB J I~JJ, PERMIT# BLDG. CONTH. \ AMCI i SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. C~j TYPE OF INSP. \ DN. G, - L~z 71 ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PLUMBING F STATE LICENSE N0. FlEMARKe V~ ALUMI NUM WIRE UNDERSIZE 8 ILlE6AL FLOOR BSM IS eSolw qp, WATER ClASET TEMPORARY METER WASH 80WL BATH TUB NEW SERVICE AMPS CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER W.R. FORM 6-1e LIGHTING SINK HEATING GARBAGE DISF POWER SUB-CIRCUITS WATER HEATER UTILITY(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC) AUTO.WASHER _ FIXTURES DISH WASHER ~+~~^^ti WIRING MOTptS d CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEMTOR SIGNS URINAI TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI%TURES REMARKS e that thia applica- kn wlad b PERMIT FEE ~ q o I Mre y ac fion is torrect ond underatond thaf I ii- USE TAX ,j eannot ftarf this project unfil this opp cotion ie apvroved. I enoll comply with TOTAL FEE $~a `7 /U the laws of the Stote of Colorodo and lo the Zoninp Requlations ond Buildinq APPROVED A Rid , ' ny pa. Code of tAe City af Wheaf violation oi tne obove terme will cause CHIEF BUILDI INSPECTOR,City of Wheot Ridqe immediote revocofion of thie permit. Date Issued Q NOT VALID UNlESS RECEIPTED K.6Sb 7 m Do CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS