HomeMy WebLinkAbout12220 W 52nd AvenueMoldenhauer Engineering Inc. P.O. Box 757 Longmont, CO 80502-0757 303-651-1690 Fault Current Study J. A. C. Industrial Park 12220 52nd Street Wheatridge, CO 80033 Total fault carrent available at [he secondary side of the 500 KVA riansEormer is 99,000 amps at 208 volts with Z= 5.5%. Assume an X/R ratio of 12. Z-] = 208J99,000 X-]= 0.00210 X.9965 R-1= 0.00209/I2 Z-1 = 0.00210 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Building A: 500 MCM Aluminum Xc500 AI. = 0.00379 x 200/100 x 2= 0.01516 Rc500 AL = 0.00375 x 2001100 x 2= 0.01500 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.01516 Rc500 = 0.01500 061725 0.01517 Z 500 = 0.02297 lsc =?A8/0.02297 + 5X238.8 (Motor ContribuUOn) = 10,249.3 Amps Symmetrical Bus Aluminum XcBus = 0.01450 x 12 /100 = 0.00178 RcBus = OA0844 x 12/100 = Q00101 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.01516 Rc5W = 0.01500 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00101 0A1903 0.01618 Z Bus = 0.02498 Isc = 208/0.02498 + 5X238.8 (Motor Contribution) = 9,524.1 Amps Symme[rical Panel LP Unit Al X4/0 = 0.00383 x 88/100 x I= 0.00421 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 88/100 x 1= 0.00470 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0A1516 Rc500 = 0.01500 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00101 Xc4/0 = 0.00337 Rc410 = 0_00470 0.02240 0.02088 ElectricaUMechanical Consaltant 2 Z 4/0 = 0.03062 Isc = 208/0.03062 + 5X191 (Motor ConVibuflon) = 7,747.4 Amps Syaunetrical Panel LP Unit A2 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 95l100 x 1= 0A0364 114/0 = 0A0534 x 95/100 x 1= 0.00507 X-1 = 0.00209 Xc500 = 0.01516 XcBus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 = 0.00364 0.02267 R-I = 0.00017 Rc500 = 0.01500 RcBus = 0.00101 Rc4/0 = 0.00507 0.02125 Z 4/0 = 0.03107 Isc = 208/0.03107 + 5X207 (Motor Contribution) = 7,728.8.4 Amps Symmetrical Panel LP Uni[ A3 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 138/100 x I= 0.00529 114J0 = 0.00534 x 138/100 x 1= 0.00737 X-I = 0.00209 Xc500 = 0.01516 XcBus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 = 0.00529 0.02432 R-1 = 0.00017 Rc500 = 0.01500 RcBus = 0.00101 Rc410 = 0.00737 0.02355 Z 4/0 = 0.03385 Isc = 208/0.03385 + 5XI99 (Motor Contribution) = 9,139.8 Amps Symmetrical P'anel LP Unit A4 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 143/100 x 1= 0.00548 R4J0 = 0.00534 x 143/100 x l= 0.00764 X-1 = 0.00209 XCSOU = 0.01516 XcBus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 = 0A0548 0.02451 R-1= O.OWl7 Rc500 = 0.01500 RcBus ° 0.00101 Rc4/0 = 0.00764 0.02382 Z 4/0 = 0.03417 Isc = 208/0.03417 + 5X199 (Motor Contribution) = 7,081.2 Amps Symmetrical Panel LP Unit AS X410 = 0.00383 x 203/100 x 1= 0.00777 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 203/100 x 1= 0.01084 X-1 = 0.00209 Xc500 = 0.0 1516 XcBus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 =0.W777 0.02680 R-1 = 0.00017 Rc500 = 0.01500 RcBus = 0.00101 Rc4/0 = 0.01084 0.02702 Z 4/0 = 0.038W 3 Isc = 208/0.03806 + SX l91 (Mo[or Contribution) = 6,419.9 Amps Symmetrical Panel LP Uni[ A6 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 216/100 x 1= 0.00827 114(0 = 0.00534 x 216/100 x 1= 0.01153 X-1 = 0.00209 Xc500 = 0.01516 XcSus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 = 0.00827 0.02730 R-1 = 0.00017 Rc500 = 0.01500 RcBus = 0.00101 Rc4/0 = 0.01153 0.02771 Z 4/0 = 0.03890 isc = 208/0.03890 + 5X207 (Motor Contribution) = 6,381.5 Amps Symmetrical Building B: 500 MCM Aluminum XcSW AL = 0.00379 x 320/100 x 2= OA2426 Rc500 AL = 0.00375 x 320/100 x 2= 0.02400 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 0.02635 0.02417 Z 500 = 0.03576 Isc = 208/0.03576 + 5X216 (Motor Cantribufion) = 6,8972 Amps Syuuuetrical Bus Aluminum XcBus = 0.01480 x 12 /100 = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00844 x 12/100 = 0.00101 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = O.OW 17 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00101 0.02813 0.02518 Z Bus = 0.03775 lsc = 208/0.03775 + 5X216 (Motor ConVibution) = 6,589.4 Amps SymmeVical Panel HP X2 = 0.00420 x 6/100 x 1= 0.00025 R2 = 0.01640 x 6/100 x 1= 0.00098 X-1 = 0A0209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00101 Xc2 = 0.0(H)25 Rc2 = 0.00098 0.02838 0.02616 Z 4/0 = 0.03860 Isc = 208/0.03860 + SX l9l (Motor Contribution) = 6,343.6 Amps Symmetrical 4 Panel LP Unit B I X4/0 = 0.00383 x 30/100 x 1= 0.00115 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 30/100 x 1= 0.00160 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBas = 0.00101 Xc4/0 = 0.001 15 Rc3/0 = O.p0160 0A2928 0.02678 Z 4/0 = 0.03968 Isc = 208/0.03968 + 5X184.2 (Mo[or Conlribution) = 6,1629 Amps Symmetrical Panel LP Unit B2 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 87/100 x 1= 0.00333 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 87/100 x 1= 0.00465 X-1 = 0.00204 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00 101 Xc4/0 = OA0333 Rc3/0 = 0.00465 0.03146 0.02983 Z 4/0 = 0.04335 Isc = 208/0.04335 + 5X1762 (Motor ConVibution) = 5,678J Amps SymmeVical Panel LP Uni[ B3 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 97/100 x 1= 0.00371 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 97/100 x 1= 0.00518 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00118 RcBus = 0.00 101 Xc4/0 = 0A0371 Rc3/0 = 0.00518 0.03184 0.03036 Z 4/0 = 0.04400 Isc = 208/0.04400 + 5X176.2 (Motor Contribution) = 5,6083 Amps SymmeVical Panel LP Unit B4 X4/0 = 0.00383 x 169/100 x I= 0.00646 114/0 = 0A0534 x 169/100 x 1= 0.00902 X-1 = 0.00209 Xc500 = 0.02426 XcBus = 0.00178 Xc4/0 = 0.00646 0.03459 R-I = 0.00017 Rc500 = 0.02400 RcBus = 0.00101 Rc3/U = 0.00902 0.03420 Z 4/0 = 0.01865 Isc = 208/0.04865 + 5X176.2 (Motor Contribufion) = 5,156.5 Amps SymmeVical Panel LP Unit BS X4/0 = 0.00383 x 178/100 x I= 0A0680 R4/0 = 0.00534 x 178/100 x 1= 0.00950 X-1 = 0.00209 R-1 = 0.00017 Xc500 = 0.02426 Rc500 = 0.02400 XcBus = 0.00178 RcBus = 0.00101 Xc4/0 = 0.00680 Rc3/0 = 0.00950 Q03493 0.03468 Z 4/0 = 0.04923 Isc = 208/0.04923 + SX 176.2 (Motor ConVibulion) = 5,106.5 Amps Symmetrical - ~.~~poo MO[pE,~A~.j~ _GO•\E' ✓y•O 28456 . ~ . i 4' • ~C>~~ 6 -q