HomeMy WebLinkAbout13180 W. 43rd DriveCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: DALE & SHERRY LEHMAN Property Address : 13180 W 43RD DR Contractor License No. : 20385 Building Permit Number : 74808 Date : 11/1812002 Phone : 278-0170 Company : CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS Phone : 278-0170 OW NER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance wilh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Construction Value : $545,171.00 Permit Fee : $3,447.50 Plan Review Fee : $2,240.88 Use Tax : $6,542.05 Total: $12,230.43 Use: Description : OFFICE / WAREHOUSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC Zoning Comments:; Approval : TRC OK. 15 NOV 02. SEE REDLINES Zoning : pID Approval: DM Approval : MJG W alis Lfectrical License No : 19585 Company :Over-all Electric Expiration Date : 2/28/200 Approval: OK/KS ~ OK. 11114/02 OK. 11/18/02. SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS Roof : Stories Plumbing License No :21455 Company :Custom Design Cont. (Plmg & Htg) Expiration Date : 8/31 /2003 Approval : OK/KS Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : 21455 Company: Custom Design Cont. (Plmg & Htg) Expiration Date : 8/31/2003 Approval: pK/KS (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorddo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the buiiding authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normaliy required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fWl fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change ihe naturel Flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspeclor hvenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shail receive wriiten approval on inspection card before pmceediing with successive phases of thejob. (6) The issua e t a permit he approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approvai of, any violation of the provi ' of e des or any o[her ordinance, law, rule or regulation. a Chief Building In ector 06/06/2023 12:46 3032770576 KEM PRINT PAGE 01 Custom Aesigu Contractors 701 Kilmer St. Gotdeu, Co. 80401 Ph (303)278-0] 70 Faa(303)216-1121 6/5/03 To: The City of Wheat Ridge Attention: Knisty 'Chis IeCter is to inform you that we have changed electricai regairding our job at 13180 W. 43rd. Drive - permit #14808. We are now using Over-All Electric - Liceqse #19585. We are not Harvard Construction for this job. Tha you, I.eeRoy ?Okyle Custom Design Contractors DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14808 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 11/18/02 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: DALE & SHERRY LEHMAN Property Address : 13180 W 43RD DR Contractor License No. : 20385 Phone: 278-0170 Company : CUSTOM DESIGN CONTR,4CTORS Phone : 278-0170 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by lhis permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable WhVat RAge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW NER)(CONTR4CTOR) SIGNED DATE/Z:~_/ -e Description : OFFICE / WAREHOUSE Approval : TRC Zoning : PID ragjC4 Bn 5.:~ Approval: DM 01 lie"~~~, ~ Wo„r~cs;C,~ omms Approval : MJG Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : 21446 Company : HARVARD CONSTRUCTION & ELECTRIC Expiration Date : 2/28/03 Approval : OK/KS Construction Value : $545,171.00 Permit Fee : $3,447.50 Plan Review Fee : $2,240.88 Use Tax : $6,542.05 Total: $12,230.43 I.1S2 : L"j' -l~ IOCO.OO ~ 7. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : OK. 15 NOV 02. SEE REDL ES j►IBg ]1,j OK. 11114102 OK. 11/18102. Roof : "'°"~~Contractor is r0- Se ~te: W~os and consuvcting in ovtcments iaccordm ~ approved plan and required development y~ to t1 T~ C~ty is not responsible for inaceurate infomiaLk w6mitted within the plan set and any eoLift umrs cesuiting &om inaccurok ln SEE ATTACWED COMMENTS Stories Plumbing License No :21455 Company:Custom Design Cont. (Pimg & Htg) Expiration Date : 8/31/03 Approval : OKIKS Residential Units : Mechanical License No : 21455 Company : Custom Design Cont. (Plmg & Htg) Expiration Date : 8/31/03 Approval : OK/KS (7) This pertnit was issued in acwrdance with ihe provisions set forih in yopur appiication and is subject to ihe laws of ihe State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable orUinances of the City. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixly (80) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 720 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension orabandonment has not exceeded one (t) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall tie paid for a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change ihe naturel Flow of watercausing a d2inage problem. (5) Cont2ctor shall nolifythe Building Inspectortwenty-four (24) houre in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing wi[h successive phases of the job. . (6) The iss e of a permi[ or ihe approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be constmed to be a.permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of ihe provi ns f the V i6dj codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building pector 5` DEPARTMENT OF PLAMN{YG AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING [NSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WiIEAT;RIDGE, co soz,s qPpLICAT~o N Property Owner : AQ Property Address : ! /eftl w ea ~R, ~fe 2 Phone :~;e ~8-~l70 Contractor License No. : 2-0 g5 Company : '~fc(y AD'--r OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING ~ yLj ~O~r G7`d s Phone : l~~l? ~ SI G l~~ AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are aecurete, and do-not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of 4Vheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrietions of reeord; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that i have read and agree to abide by all condftions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibifity for compliance wRh tpelNheat RMge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appiicable Wh5pt Rige ordinances, for work under this pertnR. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) I Description : D ! c ~ u"'~ ce S ~ t Construction value : 54/5,~ 7LaO Permit Fee : 3y4t 7. 5 d 2PkF aty~.as Use Tax : l~S~FZ.OS Total : Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Zoning : Plp n.L:~_~ !!!l~Ol~{~JI l8% ~ - Approval: \'jtsN oz ce _e riI iq I v7- t~~oz Approval : MJh II 1' Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : SIC : Sq. Ft. : j y ~ 1 ~ Electrical License No Tg, plumbing License No : Mechanical License No 2 /C{3~ Company:/7(atvaF,7 Ca~f~iTrv`lO~ompany:cuftm~/7~t;y,~ Coy75'~c;6,4Company:C4rtt,mw sJa^yy c~~f~~,•s- c- l&cY'rPc Stir- Expiration Date : Expiration Date : E)( Approval : Approval : qF (1) This pemfit was issued in aaordance with llie provisions set Porth in yopurappliration and is subject lo the laws (2) Thisulations antl Bu~tling ode M Wheat Ritlge, Colo2tlo or any other appliable ordinances at Ne Ciry. pertnd shall ax ire if A the work authonzed is npt commencetl wiNin sixry (60) days ftom issue tlate or (B; a0antlonetl for a periotl of 120 days, (3) If this pertnit ezpires, a new pertntt may be acquiretl for a tee of one-hatt the amount normalty required, provitled . odginal plans antl specifiratlons and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeAed one (1) year. If dfang exceeds one (1) year, tull tces shall be paid kr a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone that will change Ne. natural now of water nusing a d2inage pro6lem. (5) Contractor shall nofiy the Building Inspector Aventy•kur (24) hours in advance kr all inspeclions and shall rece~. - proceediing with successive phases of the 1"ob. (6) The iuuance of a pertnR or the appmval of d2wings and specifirations shali not be consWetl to be a pertnR for . of the builtling codes or arry oNer ortlinance, law,'ule ar regulafion. Chief Buiidmg Inspector GIT't QF (dHEAT kTDGE 11141f02 $,57 AM LdG Custorn Design roritra . . . . . . fiErEIP7 tdO:CtsI4041 At10l1MT Ft'ISD ZONING PLytd kEUTEW F 2,2¢0.88 zprf PAYMEMT F;ECE_TUEU AIlOUNT cti ioiis 2,240.68 TOTAL 29240.88 . ' . 4\NHE'q~- APPLICATION FOR MINOR DUMPING/LANDFILL PERMIT APPLICANTS NAME: C~c ~'i X4 ~AQ S r~ t? ef!"~equ S ~ APPLICANT'S ADDRESS s 74 4fe ~6p / (Include City, State, Zip) ADDRESS OF FILL: DATE OF APPLICATION: All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved permit is effective for a period of one (1) year from date of issue and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code or other applicable City adopteii Resolutions or Ordinances. Nofe: All public improvements, when constructed, sha//be mainfained (by the respective individual(s) and/or company responsible for the construction of that public and/or private improvement in the respective developmenf) on a deily basis, or as needed, such that they are free of mud and other construction debris tiacking from the site. Failure to comp/y with this requirement will resu/t in fhe enforcement of Artic% ll, Specified Nuisances, Section 95-16 (4) of the Cify of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. MINOR EXCAVATION AND FILL PERMITS 1. 1-50 Cubic Yards: No permit is required for dumping or excavation of earth aterials, which do not exceed 50 cubic yards, provided, however, that any fill deposited is on natural terrain of less than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope, or such fill is less than three (3) feet in depth and is not intended to support permanent structures, and in addition, such fill or excavation does not obstruct or otherv✓ise adversely affect any drainageway. Should any of the above standards be exceeded, or a drainage way be affected, a permit shall be required under the guidelines for No. 2. 2. 51-500 Cubic Yards: Dumping or excavation of earth materials not exceeding 500 cubic yards may be aliowed with a permii approved by ine City cngineer. Ail appiicaiions are io be submitied on ihe appropriate completed application form and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and sketch plan indicating the following information before the permit wili be issued. A Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. B Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. C. Location of existing and proposed drainageways, irrigation ditches, etc., and indication of how and where historic run-off will be maintained on and through the site. D. Cross section area to be filled and/or excavated indicating original slope, new slope and depth of filL E. Statement which indicates the proposed use or purpose for said fill or excavation. F. Relative elevation of adjacent properties. G. Erosion control plan showing placement of control devices such as hay bales, etc.. Filu on EnginentTocmWill Permitwpd 1 Rev. 04/02 3. 501-20,000 Cubic Yards: Operations in which earth material fill or excavation exceeds 500 cubic yards but does not exceed 20,000 cubic yards may be allowed by a permit issued by the City Engineer after review of an application and supporting information. The following information shali be submitted with the required application form: A. A site plan, prepared and signed by a Colorado registered professional engineer, at a scale of no less than1 inch to twenty feet (120) which illustra#es the following: 1. Location an dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. 2. Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. 3. Location of existing waterways and drainage courses indicating any changes. (for a site containing an estabiished irrigation ditch, a letter of approval from the appropriate ditch company shall be required). 4. Location of existing and proposedt points of ingress. 5. Location and extent of existing vegetation, proposed changes in such vegetation and methods of rehabilitation on site vegetation after earthwork operations are complete. 6. Erosion control plan. 7. Grading plan with existing. (dashed lines) and proposed (solid lines) ground contours with contour intervals of 2 feet and spot elevations. 8: At least two cross sections (east to west and north to south) through the site showing depth of fill and/or excavation. 9. A drainage report may be required if site runoff characteristics are changed. 10. Relative elevations of adjacent properties and structures. 11. Statement of purpose of intended fill andlor excavation. 4. Performance Standards: The following provisions shall apply to all Minor Excavation and Fill Permits: A. Rehabilitation: Within thirty(30) days after cessation of filling and/or excavation, rehabilitation for the site shall have been completed in accordance with the approved plans. Rehabilitation shail consist of leveling, grading, landscaping or any combination thereof to minimize potential erosion and be acceptable to the City Engineer. B. Debris: Debris and/or contaminants shall not be used except with the approval of the City Engineer. "For the purpose of this Section, the term debris shall have the same meaning as the terms "garbage, trash orjunk" as defined in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 15-4." In no case shall debris or contaminates identified or classified as hazardous waste by local, state or federal agencies be used as fill in any fill areas within the City of Wheat Ridge. C. Excavation and/or fill areas shall be graded to facilitate weed control until final grades are set and site rehabilitation and use occur (must be leveled with side slopes not to exceed 3 to 1). Files on EnginentTo=mWill Pelmit.wpd 2 - ` . Rev. 04/02 5. Permit Fees* 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yards 101to 1000 cubic yards for the first 100 cy plus for each additional 100 cy or fraction thereof 1001 to 10,000 cubic yards for the first 1000 cubic yards plus, for each additional 1000 cy or fraction thereof 10,000 cubic yards or over $10.00 $15.00 X $15.00 $5.00 $60.00 $4.45 $100.00 TOTAL $ / ~ OO *Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 5-76. AII permits shall be applied for prior to fill deposition or excavation operations begin. 'Any permit applied for after cutting or filling operations on site are in progress shall be subject to a double fee and other penalties as prescribed by V1lheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-1004. Any fill requested under this permit within the 100 year flood zone MUST COMPLY WITH WHEAT RiDGE CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 26-801, FLOOD PLAIN ZONING ORDINANCE. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND UNDERSTAND THAT i CANNOT START THIS PROJECT UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. I SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS WILL CAUSE IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. APPLICANT: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: ~02 S7"EVE it/~ayE,~/ ApplicV s Signa e 'C' y Ei i er ' Owner's Signature (if different than above) «/B/, ~i Approval Date Files on EaginenAFormTill Permitwpd 3 Rev. 04/02 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 FAX (303) 235-2857 LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATED I`d~a`~~. ADDRESS 13tao W, 413rz~ ~R,V~ Lor to E~T6+ rNn rk, Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to determine the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, T ~ Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer cc: File Files on Enginen}\Developmeni Review/Forms & form leHers\Notifica}ion of PI Res}oration Rev 05/00 PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS Date 1ajoz Applicant L. e~r C Gc cz Phone # 3-~7 81-61 Location of Construction Purpose of Gonstruction C~gW4T_10d_ E3u~,.o.~b Buitd'mg Permit Vatue Single Family Commercial ~ Multi-Family • DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES Development Review P.rocessing Fee: 100,00 $ t1=4f), o 0 (for document processing) Single Family Residential Review Fee: $50.00 $ (for review of applicable technical.documents ) Commercial/Muiti-Family Review Fee: For review of exisfing technicai documents $100.00 $ For rev,iew of technical documents for construcYion in righY-of-way, final drainage report and erosion control plan 500.0 $500•OD Subdivision ImprovemenE Agreement Fee: $125.00 $ (for document processing and recording) Development Covenanf Fee: $125.00 $ (for document processing and recording) CDOTAccess Permit Fee: $100.00 $ (for document application and processing) ' Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: $100,00 $ (for document review and processing) Flood Plain Variance Review Fee: (for document review and processing) Ciass 1 appiication = $150.00 $ Class I Publication/Public Notice = N/A Class II application = $250.00 Class 11 Publication/Public Notice = $90.00 $ TOTAL"REVIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) $ lPOO . o0 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITfON TO THE ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. SignafureofApplicante~ oate O ~ Files an Enginent/Forms/Reviaw Faes-Building PermitAp Rev Od/Ol 04 W~T DEPARTMENT OF PUBL/C WORKS BU/LD/NG PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW / °L o R A9o Date: `~l ~ 8loz Location:_J,3~eaw ~3Wz D2WE Attention: Building Department I have reviewed the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a~MF+~au~ at the above referenced address. Please note the sumtnary comments below. L L-- Boundary Closure: ✓ OK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations. 2. ~ Drainage: a. Drainage plan and report needed _ b. Drainage plan not needed c. Lot drunage/grading to be reviewed by Building Division _ d. Site drainage/gracling provisions have been reviewed and aze: OK Not OK; refer to stipulations. 3. ✓ NPDES Pemrit Required: _ Yes ~ No 4. Public Improvements: a. street pavixg needed: Yes r No b. curb and gutter needed: Yes. ~ No c. sidewalk needed: Yes ~ No d. street lights needed: Yes v No e. storm sewer needed: Yes ~ No f. letter of credit required: Yes v No If a letter of credit is required, for what improvements? _ Amount of letter of credit: 5. ✓ Subdivision Agreement required: Yes No 6. _k:f- Development Covenant reqtured: _ Yes i No , If Yes, for 7. Traffic impact analysis and report required: _ Yes No 8. State Highway Access Pemut needed: _ Yes ~ No 9. ~i New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication recommended: _ Yes % No If yes, what is recommended? 10. All exishng dedicated roadways/alleys meet the standazds of the City: r Yes _ No If no, which do not and what is requested: 11. APPROVAL: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its approval subj ect to the above and/or attached stipulations. rg~z Sign ture chael Garcia Date 12. NO APPROVAL: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not give its approval for the reasons stated: Signature Michael Gazcia 13. ✓ Sripulations attached: _ Yes ✓No 14. Sununary Comments: ~S /~4ulRrc 77;) c. o. isSu.anru T'o GO• lsS~m.vcE. Date 14 car,oN Files on Enginent\Foans\B1dplxn[3.frm . Rev 05100 . . ~ ~re rotect~oli Dlsfriet July 29, 2002 City of Wheat Ridge 7900 West 29`h Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn. Building Deparhnent Re.• 13180 West 43rd Drive Dear Sir or Madame: FFPD-108-02 The F'airmount Fire Protection District has no objection to the release of the permit far the above-mentioned property, with the understanding of the following. 1. Provide a fire hydrant within 150' of the FDC, if not already present. 2. Submit fire alarm drawings to this office for approval. Sincereiy, FAIRMOLTNT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Damian DiFeo, Fire InspectfrProtecting Lives And Property Since 1962 Z~ -A'~ , ~ _ ~ 4755 Isabell Street • Golden, Colorado 80403 9 Phone (303) 279-2928 9 Fax (303) 278-1252 City of R'hest l;fdge, Coloretdo Bm'ildiug 1A3si4on PDau Revkew Corceeklon Natice e7 L~ ~ e K- Mdress: 13180 W 431 Cdve Owner: Lehman Contraotori Custom Desigr, Cont. 1'rojeet: New 15380 sq ftOKce/Warehouse Occspanc7: F1 • H S'ulwntioeu $664.5K Date: July 29, 2002 1!~Cotrecf address ta 13180 W 43fd Drive. 2~Addres9 ai( red!ines and resubmit redunes with reeubmittal. 3✓Provide coniplete cades enalysis for aroject that has Geen prepared Gy arohitect, A! Have architet provide ail intormation required per state iaw as high!ighted on attached in!amation. ~ Provide i;rgaqon systerr plan and information wiYn landscape plan. Stair risers canrbt exceed seven (7) inchas mdximum. UBC 1003.3.3.3 P. one-hour coMdor is requi~ed to meet exi6ng Gan oMCe area through Ft occupancy, see redilnes and -rovide corridor detail. UBC 1U04.22 8!~ SeCOnd floor exit staits da nat meet separation I'equirements of one-half the diagonal of the area served or torty-sa (46) feet, reGRange exit stairs to meet requiremert. U8C 700414 90"Combustion air shown on sheets 7 and 70 do not match, correct sa both indicate 12-inch size. i0!~ vide specifications an radiant neakers proposed. "1~yn'a room toilet stail door does not meet handicap accesSiWtity requirem2nis. ~~toY~de complete door arid window scheduls, 1'~. Labei GFCI o0lets in offlCetba;h=m area5 and labal ali shop outlets, as GFCi mot;nted not less than i inches above tnish 4oor to bottom of boxes. 14 how hGm/strobe locatbns on efectrlcal plans !>P vide 211 su6-CptltrectCS on permit app?tcation at time of repuhmiHal. 1~vide approva! letter irom iire distriCt wRh rosubmittal. 4~Revfew attached certifiCa?e of oCCUpanCy requirelrerts ihat are eflec:ive.August 2002. Please make these edditions or Correetions to the submittai and resubm;t (or review, if yau have any qusationa pletfse contac:t me at 343-235-2E53. Thaz!k You, Dar3n~o~an Cades Ad"mir.is;ratar o~ f~ ~ q ~ WARRANTY DEED 'l'HI6DEliD, Madethis 22nd chryof December , 2000, between Rimfirel0, Zne, a Colorado Corporation oftheCounty of Sefferson andStateof Colorado grantor, and Sherrydale, LLC whoselegaladdressis 13059 Wolverine Ct, Littleton, CO 80127 oflheCounty of Jefferson andStute of.Colorado ,grantee: WI1'NESSCTH, That the grantor, for und in consicleralion of L6e sum of TWO HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS,($208,000.00 the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, 6as grantecl, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents doex gran[, bagain, sell, convey and confirm, unro the grnntee, his heii:s and assigns forever, a1L the real property [ogether widi unprovements, if any, siWate, lying ind being in the County of Je£ferson , and State of Colorado, described as foltows: Lot 10, ' . 44th Industrial Park, a.Planned Industrial Development, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado aLsoknownbystreetandnumburas 13180 West 43rd Drive, Golden, CO 80403 TOGRTHrR with aII and singular the hereditaments and appm4enonces thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and tlie reversion and reversions, remainder nnd remainders, rents, issues and proYits.thereof, a»d all tlte estate, rig6t, title, interest, cluim and demand wha[soever of the grantur, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bazgxincd premises, wi[h the heredi[aments and appurtenances. TO HAVL AND TO HOLll the said premises above bargainecl und described, with the appurtenances, un[o Ihe grnntee, Uis hein and assigns Focevec And the gran[or, Por himsell', his heirs and personaCrepresentulives, does covennn[, grant, bnrgain and agree to and with the grantee, his heus and ussigns, IhaC at the time of [!ie ensealing unddelivery of Ihese presents, he ix wcll seiaed of lhe prcmises above conveyud, has guod, sure, PerCect, absolute nnd indefeasible estnte of iuheriftince, in law, iu 1'ee simple, imdh:is good right, full powcr and lawl'ul uulhority to grant, bargaiii, sell and convey t6e same in manner and form as nPoresaid, and ihat the s:une are free and clcar from all former and other grnnLS, bargains, sales, ]iens, taxes, ussessmen(s, encumbrances aqd reslrictions of whatevcr kind or nature soevcr, except f'or taxes for the cnrrent year, :i lien but not yet due or payublq casements, restrictious, ruservatious, covenants , nd rigida-ol'-way of record, if any. The gruntur sh.ill und will WAI2RANTAND FORIiVGR UEFF,NU ltie ubovc-bnrgained premises in Ihe quicl and peuceablc poxscs- sion of lhe grunlee, 6is heirs and xssigns, ugainst all and everY Person or persons lnwfully claiming the whole or any put thercuf. The singulafmmnber shull include the plurul, Lhe plurnl the sinyular, and the use of any gender shall be applicaUle to 1ll genderx, IN WiTNI3SS WHCRP;OR, the grantor hos executed this deed on the date se[ forth above. President Rimfirel0, Inc, a Colorado . Corporation By: ~A k ~ ~ Joseph AC_,T23z1, (J III, President STATE OP COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) The foregoing inshument wac acknowtedged before mc this ZZnd Soseph A. Uhl, III. as President Colorado Corporation.. MyCommissionexpires•: August 23, 2001 yi'itnqss my I nd und &ji No[ Marilyn Ehrlich NOTARY PUBIIC k'Z4@F COLORADO Public Fr.;X`V~~,.... v ~ ' S~AL ~ nR day of December \VAltllAN'I'Y UU.I;U (for 10bwueranldc RccimA) tnssumwum mt,, a nnr,eantinnn rn ~ ~ t.kJ ~ ~ 8k~~~ , 2~ W ~ 5 ~6 I 00 , ' ~r , i ~ i ~N .v ~ ~ ~ i ~ t i I K E I E E ! f ~ ~ ~ m ~ , D .a ' r O , ~it,ly ' j . ~ ` ' ~ a~ -I N r (T) ~ 1T1 ~ i ~n N ~ .P ~ . g 1 ~ `d O i ~ (Jl ~ i ~ i N f ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ! m 1 . . .J ~ ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . _ ~ ~ . _ i , _ ~ m tl~ : r+7 C3 , ~ --t b ~ r ~ m . " E ~ E ..f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ i ~ N 1~ • ~ / ~ ~ I \ J ~ `r 1 • ~ ~ y ~ N ~ ' ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ {I~} ~ t ~ i t 1 T ~ ~ ~L ~ I rn ~ i ~ 1 I ~ l ~ ~ ~ ! ~ V / ! ~ 1 - ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ 4 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I ♦ ~ I I . ~ ( ~ ~ V / • ~ 1 n ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ C ~ i ~ - r ~ . , ~ Cj► , ~ ~ --I ~ N u ~ ~ ' ` y L. z ~ r~ i i » Q i ~ ~ ~ t'~l ~ ~ _ ~ , ~ f Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ '`I i N t V . ~ ~ _ y ~L i ~ ~n c ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~P ~ ~ ; ~ ~ F ' ~ » ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v ~ ~t F ~ H ~ t ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ ^ lv H r/~ l1 ~ l! 1 rn V1 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ -t-' r ~ V V ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ~ ^1 i IV i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ff ~ i ~3 f ~ ~ Q i ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ y'~ ~ f 1 ~ 1 ff 1 ,~'q} tlRttiilPtdj r o`~ ~4~Ri .C~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ g , § ~a m~y~~ ~ ~ o *~5 's, r 0 ° ~ e i{~ j;% ~ I o ~ e C: , r°° a ! ~ 1 ;:~m 1 D a~ ~ d t~ ~ r. " c`9 0 ~36 Z f~ Lfi dP p~*, r S / V/ I q ~ I'tl a ~@ a ~ 7 * ~ 1'i ~ ( °mb~sOA~ ~ ~,~€~y~~~~ ~ ~1 ~ V -7 ~1 / CA ~'+i~ 41~~ y . i/! t~1 9 ~ ~ i f `f'~ ~ -~i I E E f 1 I ~ ~W~~~ ~ pp~~v0 r= ~W<WO ~O ~ - A N r ~ rn~P 0 Ut Rf U1 p ~ NA ~N ~ W `p t~ G'~ ' z° ~ 0 z O~n ~ND ~ ° ~ ~v00~%c~ ~ m Ut t- O t/) n W ~ ~ ~~D~m p ~ ~ N ~7 %U = %U a: i r p~ l~ Uf -C ~ ~ pAC O~~D ~ m~ ~ ~ ~Zm ~ t ~ pC-< ' v Q~p C) %~T _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ~ ~l . _ _ i ~ t ~.J _ _ _ _ _ . . _ i _ _ . A ~ i m ~ ~ ~ i'4°w ~~5' sa~ ~ s r p ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 z 0 z f o ~ ~ ~ ~ x° 0 0 ~ N ai a x m g ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ O ~ O O G ~ m ~ } ~ L1~J ` / WedgCor, Inc. ~F ~ COLOR SELECTION GUIDE MISTYGRAY DEXTER PAINT TRIM 26 GA. 24 GA• BLUE • MISTY GRAY . SUNSET RED • OPT. 0 COLONY GREEN • AUTUMN GOLD • SPANISH GOLD • CINNAMON BROWN • STONE BEIGE • oP? . WHITE • • • ROYAL RED .oPT. • BURNISHED SLATE •oPT • ROMAN BLUE •OPT. • DARKGREEN •OPT • GALVANIZED • • GALVALUME • • • SUNSET RED DARK GREEN COLONY GREEN AUTUMN GOLD Final colors of coated metal may vary slightly from samples shown. SPANISH GOLD The colors shown are based on information available at the time of I' publication. Manufacturer reserves the right, at its option, without liability, to change, add or delete colors. L. PANEL CONFIGURATIONS 5tq ARCHITECTURAL PANELeJ 36'COVERAGE HI-RIB STANDARD WITH PURLIN BEARING LEG 36' COVERAGE ITE ROYAL RED BURNISHED SLATE ROMANBLUE BLUE COLOR TRIM AVAILABLE AT ADDITIONAL COST. CONTACT YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER. i 4< Nw a i? ? 1 ~ ~ ` ~ ( ~ p 4 I Ci 7y yyG 9 t 1 Sp . T~k)`U ~ y f ~ ~ ~ a h~ . yS~~ C ~ 5 W C S.yf T'. 'Jai ~ ~ ~ v SURF 64C3D MIST 73C-1 P PLATTNUM 136-1 P CLOUD 13A-3P ~ I TAN . , . , . 35B-2T SAND 38B-1P BEIGE 378-1P . . . . . WIfEAT 28A-2P 398-7 P SHRIMP 12A3P SALMON 71 B-i P GOLD 37G2T These cobr chips are ~ asic r,epresentation of stantlard colors. Slight color tliHarences may occur between sample material and finished protluct. BLACK 78A-1A EMERAI,D 61A-1A METAI, 5213-4D GREEN 608-4D BROWN 39A-7A DOESKIN 25133D DRIFI'WOOD 3913-2T BLUE 64C-4D Y\ ~'Yr Y P ~'U~ ~R' Y~ ~S z ] I `c Y YP T R; ~ I SURF 64C-3D MIST . 73C-1 P :.~I ~ f PLAT'[NUM 1313-1 P . ~.I . ~ . CLOUD . . ~ 13A3P ~ f TAN 3513-2T SAND ~38B-iP BEIGE 378-1P . . WHEAT ~ . 28A-2P ~ . ,-p~~~e~' F-'•^'e ♦ 1 ' Y . s- t Tti P ~ . * 3 1 . , ~ a d "1 y . V ~ ~ ~ o ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x, ~ , , , . . . . . , . , . , . . , . . FOG 398-7 P SHRIMP 72A-3P SAI.MON 11 B-1 P GOLD 37G2T NOTE: These color chips are to give a basic representation of standartl colors. Slightcolor diflerences may ocwr between sample material and Sinishetl produd. WedgCor, Inc. COLOR SELECTION GUIDE ( DEXTER PAINT TRIM 26 GA. 24 GA. BLUE • MISTY GRAY • SUNSET RED • oP? . COLONY GREEN • AUTUMN GOLD . SPANISH GOLD • CINNAMON BROWN • STONE BEIGE • OPT. 0 WHITE . • . ROYAL RED •oPT • BURNISHED SLATE •oPT. • ROMAN BLUE •oPT • DARK GREEN •OPT. • GALVANIZED • • GALVALUME • • • MISTY GRAY SUNSET RED Final colors of coated metal may vary slightly from samples shown. SPANISH GOLD The colors shown are based on information available at the time of publication. Manufacturer reserves the right, at its option, without liability, to change, add or delete colors PANEL CONFIGURATIONS ARCHITECTURAL PANEL 36'COVERAGE HI-RIB STANDARD WITH PURLIN BEARING LEG 36'COVERAGE CINNAMON BROWN ROYAL RED BURNISHED SLATE ROMAN BLUE BLUE COLOR TRIM AVFIILABLE AT ADDIT/ONAL COST. CONTACT YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER. Dec. 11, 2000 3:23?ft9 lST~O COM.MERCIAI Dec 0? 00 1No, 1611'0''P. 9/10u= ImpCOVement Location Certificate Properry Address: Securiry Tifle and 44th Industrial Park Wheatrldgq Golureda Lele81 Description Lot 10, 44th Industrial Park Subdivis9nn Coanty of Jefferson, Srare of Colorado Certircation I liereby certify [hat this Imp1'OVemenLLocatioq Cenificatc was propaKd for Security Titlc and First American Insuranco Company, 5995 Greenwood Plara Blvd. Groenwood V iqago 80111.47 10. The improventent loceiion being based on a previous peapetty sucvey sliat has been monumented by others, or my own prOperty survey at the timo 7 prepareQ this lmprovement Location Ccitificaie, and thac it is not a Survey Alae or Improvoment Survcy Plat end Uiai i[ is nnt to be relied upon for tFia esrablishment of fcnca, building or other future Improvcmrrit Lines. TAo found pins, cresses, fences abdlor streq right-of•weys were usad w drtermipc [hc hous0locacion, I furc]ier cercify thnc the improvemenrs on the above deacribed parcol on this date, December 07,2000 wccepc utiliiy conneotions, era enlirely within the baundarics of the narcel, excepe as sbown, that shere are no encroaGhments upon the debelibed pramises by improvements on any adjoining premiscs, except as indicared. And that thero is no apparont cvidence or sign or eny easnmant otossing or burdening any pan of said psrcel, exoepc as notedor eonqined in thc [icle mmmilmenc or jnsurance policy, and said pruperty is not affeeted by ditchos. Notico Aceording to Co7orado law you musC commcnce any legal adion based upon any defcct in tAis sucvey w9rhin three yeats elter yvu first dSscover such defoct. ]n no avent, may eny action besed upoq any defeet 9n thia survey be commenccd moro [han ecn years from the dateoCcortificatio» shown hareon. ' Clear Mountain Surveying, ]nc. 12860 W_ Cedar Drive, P.L,S_ 29421 for and on Suita200A baha►foAGle MountainSurveying,L1.C Lakuwood, Colorado 80229 1 2 d Phoqc! (303)984.7855 Fax: (303)984-7656 ~JQ z•d T66'ON;eived Tlme Dec, 7, 4:39PM e6669Tz eeE Wdbs:z 4zeez~z •gne ' AO BO'IC 164 1(ORRLSON, CO 60486 ' PHONE 308-984-7866 FAX 908-984-7888 Deo 11, 20002. 24PMuFFSTCCO COMMERC lA0 N IMPRO VEMEN`1 LO C , ~S~ 43ra~ `'y 3037583253 No, 1611 CER'~''ICA~I~4 9~TZ ~ J ~ ~i T1o ~i I ` VAC T LAND I Y LEGEND I I c.Kuc.o I ' wwim ~ 1 I I " CMICNM I I , a ~ ~ I I ~ a i..~. I ~ I I I ~ CE T l com"r ; 30B NO- B199800 SCALE: 1" = 50' SHEET 2 OF 2 P. 10/10'3 Rec2ived Time Dec, Frint Time D¢c. 6, 3;03pM E'd T6b'ON 86669S2! Ea£___,yJdG6:2 ,.200Z'L '9flti ~ a SUNTUBE IV 65 TO 125 MBTUFi tNFRA-RED HEATER SPECiFICATIONS STRAIGMT TUBE Direci Ipni (no i ComCUStion cham6ar Rotatable reflaCtors Tube ciamp Relix Heat aG7us1, ex<henger brecl EMO VI[W Direct Ihe heat where yoo want it. Each 5' or 70' reflector is indepentlently adjustabte irom ~ 0° to 30° SIOE VI{W Superior Reflectional Etticiency of 9' 33 of 36 intm-red rays are directed to the tloor, nc back on ihe tube. System monimtlng Ighf6 "55M BOTlOYVIFM STG: ~ is~ - ~ S~ es $s ioo~ a iio iis~ i~ iir B W _ ! _ 9 _ B _ 1 _ B _ B o _ B i _ 8 _ B _ 6 _'6 _•6 6ASIMPUT-MBiUN1UTOfllP 65 70 75 60 0.5 90 % 100 105 110 120 115 125 xwuxr Tuae Lexorx• N/ ! ~ ~ ZS p jA N i~ MIA N~► X/A IU~ Np W~ M I7~ NIA WA N A I UI~ 30' Yes Ycf To Tn Yu Ye~ rit Yet WA N/A WA M/A WA 35' ro Ys Tai Yn Yn Yei Yet Yn NtA Np X!a WA WA ~q Yn Ye: Ye~ Ya Yu Yes Tn Yes Yn Yn Tu Yn Ya 15' NIA MIA N/P X;A XIA N/A N/A Yei ra Yes To Yn Ya w q/p N/A N/A fl/A N/A IUf Np Yu Yet Yu YeS Yet Yet CLfAflANCES TOCOMWSi16LES 7 7T 9Y' 1T 7T 77 12 1s 1T 77 17 TOPOfflEFlECTOa 17 7T 7 FPONTOFftEFLECTOP ' 24, 24, 24. qp yp 2C Y/' tC 3T 32' 71' 3T 3T MOUNTED 0 MO'JNiE01T030° 21' 2Y 21' YC 24' YI' 21' YI' 37 3? 37 3S' 37 flEAR OF BEFIECTOP ' 1Y 12' 17 1P 17 17 17 97 1Y 7Y 11' 1T iT FADJNiE00T030 fi0' 6? 6P fir BQ' 6F' BP bP 7P 7'C 7t 7T 12' BELOW PFFLECTOP 'io cromplete model number, select ratlient wba lenglh Irom ttrosa speclieG in this tabb. SPECIFICATIONS BY MODEL APlD RADIANT TUBE LENGTH STg. 8TG. STO. ST6: STC• STC StC. EOB . .2$B_ . 30! .75i <OB 158 . SA! WS 7NPUiMBTIIX NFT 011 W' WA WA Yas Yes Yet N;A M!A 65, N, 75 p/A ~ Yn Yn Yn N/A N/A 8a.85, 40 ar95 WA N/A Yet Ym Yet Yet Yn ~ WA WA Nll1 X/A Yu Yms Yn .5,11ot15.720.tY5 i0 UYERALlOIMEN519N5 i8. 16' 78' 18' 15 16' 1C , wioTn u, 27• 34' JT' 42' a' ' ss ~ IENGtM E%NAIISTVEIRON. 51 t 5 1~85 P 226 266 275 4 379 ~ 350 SXIPPINGWf14HT- LbB•_ unniHrninolmm!nouspe clbdinthisu➢k SYSTEM B SERIES • A.G.A. and C.G.A. Design Certifietl. • Tested under ANS Z.83.6 latest edition antl CAN7-2.16M91 and CANt-2.17M91. • Natural or propane gas (Nat or LP) • Minimum inlet pressure: Nai gas -6° N1C LP gas - 71" N/C • Maximum inlet pressure: Nat or lP gas - 14" WC • 65, 70, 75, 80. 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 175, 720, or 125 ir.put. • 20', 25', 30', 35', 40', 45', or 50' of radiant tube. • Vented or unvented exnaust • intloor or outdoor combustion air. • 35' maximum length of 4" O.D. vented exhaust. • 35' max. length ct 4" O.D. outsitle Gombustion air. • Dry - no contlensation of flue products during sieady-state operation. • Direct spark ignition- 100% safety shui•oH. • Positive pressure biower with pre-purge cycie. • Straight L, Z ar U contiguration. • Simple chain han9ing arrangemant. • Preassembled in 5' and 10' sections. BURNER • 120 VAC - i Phase - 60 Hz, • 1.33 full load AMP tlraw. • 1125 HP blower motor - 138 CFM tree air. • Yz" FPT gas inlet. • Pre-Mix, precise controi ol Air/Gas mixture. • Controls isolated irom combustion air. • Electronic Ilame monitoring for saYety. • Air pressure switch for air flow safety. • Three system validation lights for sa!oty. • Spark and flame observa4ion window • Factory lixetl combustion air orifice. • 4" O.D. combustion air collar - staritlartl. REFLECTORS • 15 3/4" witle x 61h" high x 5' or 10' iong. • 24 ga. (0.024") Mirror Brite Finish Aluminum. • 7.98 sqft refleciive area per linear foot. • Aotaiable 0° to 30° (patent N4319525). • Scientificzlly designed Sor optimum in}raaed dispersion. • Snap-in or snap-out without tools for ea5y removal. • ReP.ectional elficiency 91.7°h COMBUSTION CHAMBER • 4" O.D. tubing x 76' long. • 14 oa. (0.083) Aluma Thertn (Aluminized Tiranlum Steal • 3.48 Ibs, per linear foo!. • 1.052 sq. 9t. of radiant surtace per lineas toot. weaT excHaNGeR • 4" O.D. tubing x 5' or 10' long. • 52 ga. (0.109") black steel. • 4.531bs. per linear foot. • 1.052 sq. it. of radiant sudace per linear foot. • Wave formed turbulator for increased efliciency. TUBE CLAMP ASSEMBLY , 4" I.D. x 8" long. • Compression coupling tlesign. • 18 ga. (0.052") Aluminized steel. • Inner sleeve rJiih precision meshing . teethfor uniform draw antl pressure. • Sliding hanger for expansion 8 contraction. ^ 8.00 4bs. per iinear foot. •(4) z!u", 65 Ib. torque, zinc ptated carriage bo!ts. . Turn6uckls #5 malleab1e iron - s1s" eye to aye with locking ruts. Puli tesPed to 7201bs. WARRANTY • limitetl war.anty covering all aurner componerns and controls ior a pariod of Iwo (2) years, the combustion chamber, all heat exchanger(s), tube clamps, retlectors antl reflactor brackets for a period of five (5) years; the turner core tor a periad ot ten (t0) years. ~ IN APPLICATIONS LIKE THESE AND YOURS, SOLARONICS GAS INFRA-RED HEATERS SAVE ENERGY AND IMPROVE EMPLOYEE COMFORT SUGGESTED SHORT FORM SPECIPICATIONS Heaters shall be of a positive pressure, dry, noncondensiny design, under steady state operation. Controls shall be isolated from combustion air to prevent corrosion of bumer components from wet or dirty aic Intermittent ignition shall be accomplished by direct spark. Maximum power con- sumption shall not exceed three (3.0) amps, for minimal electrical suppty requirements. The bumer shall have three (3) system vatidation lights, indicating "POWER ON", "AIR PRESSURE NORMAL", "BURNER OPERATION NORMAL" a factory pre-wired, three-prong power cord, and an inspec- tion window through which both the spark and the flame may be observed from the fioor. Ccmbustion chamber shall be 10' long and Yeat exchanger shall be 5' or 10' long. Tubes shall not be less than 4" O.D. 12 ga. (0.1 C9") black steel, weighing not less than 4.531bs. per linear foot and with 1.052 square feet ot radiant surface per linear foot. Tubes shall be joined by 18 ga. (0A52") alu- minized sleel tube clamp assembly and shall be a minimum of 8" in length for maximum support. Clamp shail be ot a compression coupling design for uniform draw and pressure and inc4ude a sliding hanger for expansion & contraction. Tubes shall be supported by factory suppiied, #5 malleable iion Wrnbuckies with lock nuts. Tumbuckie to be pWt tested .o 720 Ibs. The last heat exchanger shall have a tactory instailed wave tormed turbulator for increased efficiency. Reflectors shall be 5' or 10' long of 24 ga. (0.024") Mirror Brite Aluminum tinish (highly polished) with 1.98 square feet of reflective area per linear fooi. Reflector design (shape) shall be, and have not less than 91.7% Reflectional Efficiency and the material finish shall have a reflectivity of not less than 9800. Reflectors shall be independently rotatable from 0° to 45° without disassembly and be removable, (Snap-in Snap-out) without tools, (or deaning. Heaters are to be design certified by the American Gas Association and the Canadian Gas Association and comply with current Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements per applicable ANSI and CAN/CSA standards. Heaters shall carry a manufacturers limited warranty covering all bumer components and controls for a period of two (2) years; the combustion chamber, all heat exchanger(s), tube clamps, refiectors and reflector brackets for a period of five (5) years; the burner core tor a period of ten (10) years. HEATER LOC!lTION (FEET) NOTE: Lower mounting heights mey be used if persennel are not kept direetly under heater. Befleclnr Standar d Parabolit not desl n certiliatl) Sianderd 8 Paratrolic Mountinp Mpfe flnrkantal 30° Horizonlal 30° Horhomai 30° Honcontal 30° Xorizonhi or 30° (npul - BTUH Min(mum PAnunlinp HeiOht Olslanse Ffom WhiII Minimum MounAnq HeipM Distanee Fram Wall Max. DiaUnee Betxroen Rows 65,000-75,000 11.0-710 9.0-77.0 8.0 1.0 13.6-15.0 itA-13.4 6.0 1.0 90.0 80,000$5,000 11.543.5 9.5-i15 0 .0 1.6 13A-15.5 71.5-13.5 6.0 1.0 90.0 90,00045.000 12.0-14,6 10.0" 12.6 8.0 1.0 14.0-16.0 12.0-14.0 6.0 1.0 95A 109,OOP705,000 12.5-14.5 10.5-12.5 8.0 1.0 14.5-16.5 12.5-14.5 6.0 1.0 95.0 110,000-115.000 13.0-15A 11.0-73.0 12.0 1.0 15.0-17.0 13.0-15.0 9.0 1.0 100.0 - 120,i700 13.5-75.5 11 .5-13.5 72.0 1.0 15.5-17.5 13.545.5 9.0 1.0 106.0 125,000 14.0-16A S2.P-04.0 720 1.0 16.018.0 14.6-16.0 9.6 1.0 105.0 This chatl i0entifies minimum mounting heights. Since inlra-2E enerqy iravels at 166,000 miks per second in a straqh? line with minimal loss ot energy, ihere is praCticaily no!imrtation on ma<imum mountinq heiqht Saaronies, ~ ~ (t P.O. 8ox2f7, Rochestec MI48308-0277 ~ 7-800-223-5335 Fax (248) 657-0357 InCsneda. 1370 SanGhill Orive Ancaster, Ontario Canada L9G 4U5 (905} 6A8-371Y FAX (905) 646-7766 Sea Us On The Intsrnet - WEB SITES ~ -.001 e~ r / e S11N1'lJ E IV c 130 TO 200 MBTUH INFRQ-RED SERiES HEATER SPECIFIGATIONS STRAIGHT TUBE EieOm'cal SYSTEM o~~ea spark LOftl • A.G.A. and C.G.A. Desi n Certified. 6 ignltion • Testetl untler ANS 2.83 lates! edition and (rropimt) comeustion CAN7-2.16M97 ar.d CAN1-2.176191. air collar . NaNral or propane gas (Nat or LP) ' Comt~s~mn ~ • Pdinimum iNet pressure: Nat gas - 6 WC chamEer Poeer LP g85 - 11" WC oumer • Maximum iNet pressure: Nat or LP gas - 14" WC flotalable reneaors • 730, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 760, 165, 770, syssm 175. 780, 185, 190, 195 or 200 M6TUH fnput. ' Oas i nlet monitmin~ ~gMs . 4p', 45', 50', 55, 60', 65', 70' Ot fdtlianl fube. iube clamp Relietlor • Vented or unVeOted exhaust. Hea[ eejusimem • InGoor or outtloor combustior, air. exchxnger bracket • 40' maxirnum length of 4" O.D. vented ezhaust. • 40' max. Izngth of 4" O.D. outside combustion air. • Dry - no condensation of flue products during steatly-state operaiion. • Direci sparic ignition - 100% safety ShutoB. • Positive pressure biower viith pre-purge cyde. • StraigM L, 2 or U contiguration. • Simple chain hanging arranoement. • Preassembled in ,i and 10 sections. BURNER • 120 VAC - 7 Phase - 60 Hx. • 1.33 full load AMP draw. • 1/25 HF blower motor- 138 CPM free air. • Yz"FPTgas+nlet. • Pre-Mix, precise control ot Air/Gas mixture. • Controls isolated irom combustion zir. smeview • Eiectrenic name monitorog far satery. eNO rew • qir pressure switch for air flow safety. • Thne system vaiidation lights for safxty. Direct the heal where you ~ • Spark and !lame observation window. waot iL Each 5' or i0' Il-- • Factory tized combustion air oriiice. rellector ls - • 4" O.D. combustion air collar - standartl. indeeendensly REFLECTORS adjuscable trom ° eonau view • 15 314" witle x 61i2' high x 5' or 10' long. 0° to 45 • 24 ga. (0.024") Mirmr Bn!e Finish Aluminum. ' Supericr Reflectional • 1.98 sqJt. re`lective area per linear foot. Efficiency af 9 iJ°6 • Rotatable C" to 45° (patent k431E125). 33 of 36 intra-retl s are tlirected r • Scientifically dssignad ior oplimum infra-red ospersion. • Snap-ir o( snao-out without tools for easy rzmovai. ay not to me iloor Re.lectior al etticiency 91 J% , bacx on COMBU STION CHAMBER t~e tu6e. ~~j~ 4" O.D. tubing x 10' long. 14 ga. (0AE3") Aluma Therm ;Aiummized Ttanium Steel) SPECIFICATIONS BV MODEL AND BTUH AAT{NG • Pain?ed black with high emi55ivRy coating. 49 Ibs per linear toot • 3 STG STF SiG- STG SiC- SiG57I3- STA- ST6- SiP SiGSTG- SiG- STG-STG . . . . 1.052 sq. ft. of radiant surlace per linear tpot. 130- 135- 710 145- 150- 15& 160- 165- 170- 175- 180, 1E5- 190- 195- 100• _ c _•c _•c _•c _•c _•c _•c _•c _ c _•c _•c _•c _•c _•c_•c HEAT EXCHANGER GRS INPIITMBNN N0.T GA LP 730 135 • 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 2O0 , q~~ O.D. !ubin X 5' of10'IOf1 g 9' pRDIANfTI1BELENGiH 40' Yet Yei Yes Yes Yei N/R XlA X!A NIA N/F N/A N/A N/A N/A NIR . 12 ga.(0.109") black steel. e5' Yes Yei Yb Yes Yes N/A N/A NA N/R N!A N!A N/A tUA NIA NU . 4.53 Ibs. er linear toot. P 50 ' Yes Yes 5 N01 NIR Yes Yet Yes ~llA MU1 Yes Yes Yes Yu Yes Yes Cn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yet ris Yes e9 Ye' Yat veS re~ • 1.052 sq. N. ef rediant sudace per fnear!oct. 5 60xia x!a xln H/A res raS Yas rrc rn res ras res reS res res . Wave formed turbulator for increased etticiency. 55 N/A N/A N/R WA Yes Yes Yes Yei Yn Yes Ye' Yes Yes Yes Yet 70 N!A NM NA WA Yes Ya YeS Yet Yee Yet YeF Yes 1es Vm Ya~ TUgECLAMPASSEIWBLY LLfAPpNCES TO COMBUSi1BLES TOPOFPEiIEG':OR tA' 12' 1r t1' 77 12' 12' lY 72' tT iT tY 12 tY tY . q" I.D. X8" IOOJ. FRONT ^vF pERECTON e' IB' ° 1E' 48' eb' 58' SS SB' SB' S8' 68' fie' 68' 68' BB' • Compression coupling tlesign. a MOUNTECO MCL'N7ED t TO 90° 19' 4E' <B' 4B' GS $8' SB' 58' SE' SB' 6B' 69' 68' 68' BB' ' 18 9a. (0.052") Aluminized steel. M9UNTEC 31 TO 45' 7P 7P iR TP 7P BO' BP !U' 87 80- 9P 90' 90- 50• 5r • inner sleeve with precision mesRing NEAAOf PEFLECTOP ' 12' ° 17 12' 17 7T 11' 12' 12' 17 1? 71' iT 12' 17 teeth for uniform tlraw antl reS5Ur0. P 72 M1iCUYIEDD T045 BEIOW flEFLECTOR 82' 82' 82` BY 8T 92' 97 42' 92' 92' 1117 iuz• iar 102- 102- • Sliding hanger for expansion & conLeCtiOn. 'To<ort~leiemotlINnombecse!Mrad'wollcbaleng~M1M1Omflwsaspxifetlm!hialeble. • 9.00 i55. PCf {If1E3(f60t. " SPECiFICAT10NS BY MODELAND AADIANT NBE LENGTH •f4i sie . 651b. torque, zlnc platetl car!iage bolts. ' Tumbuckle ? 5 malleacle iron e to e " e e StG~ 5rG• sia sic- sra sio- 57G - y s y with Iocking nuts. Puil teste6 to i20 Ibs. oc ,5c ,oG 5~c -56C bK 7 OC w R Nrv ' n Ra GAS iNPUbMBTUN NAi Ofl LP iw,iss.iao.ias Yes h'ps Y¢s Yes Y WA WA WA k'A Yes °s ves ru • Limited warramy covering the cem6ustion Yes i Sc 155,is,165,im,175.talIts,190,Its~2w wn es wa ves res res ves vzs chamberandburnercomoonentsforapariod OIMENSIONS 0 W 16, i6 16' 16 f6' 15 ts~ of twc (2) years and heat exchanger(s), WGe I ~E~~TM az sr sz sr sr sr >e 7 olamps, reflectors and reflector breckets !Of 8 SNIP%HdWEIGXi- W8. 375 310 350 765 4C0 435 4 5 p'rfl0d Of liv@ (5) V085. ^o compleie mxkl nuv' er, selxi MBTUY reWg Irom Pwa specliad In 11 is ~eYa. ..i IN APPLICATIONS LIKE THESE AND YOURS, SOLARONICS GAS INFRA-RED HEATERS SAVE ENERGY AND IMPROVE EMPLOYEE COMFORT SUGGESTED SHORT FORM SPECiFICATIONS Heaters shall be ot a positive prassure, dry, noncondensing design, under steady state operation. Controls shall be isolated from combustion air to prevent corrosion of burner components from wet or dirty aic intermitteni ignition shail be accomplished by direct spark. Maximum power consumption shall not exceed three (3.0) amps, for minimal electrical suppiy requirements. The burner shall have three (3) system validation ligh;s, indicating "POWER ON", "AIR PRESSURE NORMAL", "BURNER OPERATION NORMAL" a factory pre-wired, three-prong power cord, ar.d an inspection window through which both the spark and the flame may be observed from the floor. Combustion chamber shall be 10' long and heat exchanger shall be 5' or 10' long. Tubes shall not be less than 4" O.D. 12 ga. (0.109'? 51ack steel, weighing not less than 4.53 Ibs. per linear foot and with 1.052 square feet of radiant surtace per linear foot. Tubes shall be joined by 18 ga. (0.052") alu- minized steel tube clamp assembly and shall be a minimum of B" in length tor maximum support. Clamp shail be of a compression caupling design for uniform draw and pressure and inciude a sliding hanger for expansion & contrection. Tubes shall be supported by factory supplied, k5 malleable iron turnbuckl=s wiih lock nuts. Turnbuckle to be pull tested to 720 Ibs. The last heat exchanger shall have a factory instal!ed wave formed turbulator tor increased etficiency. Reflectors shall be 5' or 10' long of 24 ga. (0.024") Mirror Brite Aluminum iinish (highly polished) with 1.98 square feet of reflective area per linear fooi. Reflectcr design (shape) shall be, and have not less than 91.7°/, Reflectionai Efficiency and the material finish shall have a refleciivity of not less lhan 98°ie. Reilectors shall te independently rotatable from 0° to 45° with- out disassembiy and be removable, (Snap-in Snap-out) without tools, for cleaning. Heaters are to be design certified by the American Gas Association and the Canadian Gas Association and comply with current Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements per applicable ANSI and CAWCSA standards. Heaters shall carry a manufacturers limited warrenty covering ail burner componerts and controls for a period of two (2) years; the combustion chamber, all heat exchanger(s), tube clamps, reYeciors and reflecror brackets for a period of five (5) years; the bumer core tor a period of ten (10) years. HEATER LOCATIQN (PEET) NOTE: Lov+er mounting heights may be used if personnel ere not kept directly under heater. ReAector SlanCar e Para6olic notdec l ncer111faA StantlartlBPara6olic Mauntin0 An01e input • 6TUH Hari=antal 45° Mdnimum Mounting Helpht HoIiaonlel 45° OlsWnca From Wail Horizonlal 95° Mlnlmum Mouminp Helphl HDrimntai Dislance F 45' rom Wal{ Hurtzontal ur 45' Mex. Distanca Batween Rows 130,000 14,5-16.5 12.5-14.5 72.0 1.0 76.548.5 14.546.5 9.0 1.0 705.0 135.660-140,000 15 ~-17.0 13.0-15.0 12.0 1.0 17.0-79.0 15.0-17.0 9.4 1.0 105.0 145,000 15.5-77.5 13.5-15.5 12.0 7.0 17.5-75.5 75.5-17.5 90 1.0 705.0 150,000 16.0-18.0 14.0-16,0 12.9 7.0 18.0-20.0 76.0-18,0 9.0 1.0 105. 155,000-160,000 16.5-i8.5 14.5•76.5 13.0 7.0 18.540.5 76.5-18.5 70.0 7.0 tOS.Q 965,000-170,000 77A-19.0 15.047.0 73.0 1.0 19.041.0 17.0-19.0 10.0 1.0 170.0 175,00048Q,0o6 V.5-19.5 15.547.5 14.0 1.0 19.5-21.5 17.5-79.5 11,0 1.0 170.0 185,000-190,000 18.0-20.0 76.048.0 14.0 1.0 20.0-22.0 18.0-20.0 11.0 L~ 115.0 195,000-200,00 18.5-20.5 16.5-18.5 75.0 1A 2Q.5-22,5 18.5-20.5 12.0 1.0 115.0 This chart identifies minimum moun6rq heiAhts. Since inira-20 enerpy travels at 186,000 miles per secrond io a straiAht Iine with minimal loss of eneryy, there Is practically no limitation on mazimum mounling height solarmics, anc , P.O. Box 277, Rochesfer, Mf 48308-0217 ~ 7-800-2235335 Fax (248) 651-0357 tn Caneda; 7370 Sandhiff Orive Ancaster, Ontario Canada L9G 4V5 (905) 648-3741 FAX (905) 648-7765 1../ City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development Buildinq and Zoning Inspection Division 7500 W 29^ Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 303•235-2855 303-235-2853 Fax.303-235-2857 June 18, 2002 Notice to City of Wheat Ridge Building Contractors Effective August 1, 2002 all building petmits issued after this date for new building projects requiring a certificate of occupancy prior to use or occupancy will be required to fill out the attached application for certificate of occupancy. Also, please find attached copies of informational check off lists of common elements needing to be completed and approved prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. • The certificate of occupancy application form and applicable inforxnational check off sheets will be attached to each buiiding pemrit when issued effective August 1, 2002. Prior to requesting any final inspections the following items will be required to be completed and approved, • All landscaping must be completed and approved. • Drainage certification letter from the engineer of record must be submitted to and approved by the Public Work Department (COMMERCIAL & DUPLEX OR LARGER RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS) • Improvement location certificate with spot elevations or contours indicating fmal grading has been completed. (RESIDENTIAL PRO.IECTS) Please note that the check off lists are inforxnational list of items commonly checked during final inspections and should not be considered a comprehensive list. If a11 applicable items on the list have been completed prior to requesting a certificate of occupancy, the final step in your building project process should be timely. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 303-235- 2853. Sincerely, Dazin M g Codes d 'strator APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ciry of Wheat Ridge - Building Division Date Permit Number Address Suite/Bldg # ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL Single Family Two Family (duplex) ❑ NEW MULTI-FAMILY # of units Fire Sprinkled YES I NO Fire Alarm YES / NO ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL SQ FT (complete informafion 6elow) Business Name Telephone Business Type Use of Space Previous Business Type Previous Use of Space THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: ❑ Newly Constructed Building ❑ Additional Occupant ❑ Change of Occu pant ❑ ExisUng Building ❑ Change of Use Please answer the followinq: 1. FireSprinkled YES/NO 2. Fire Alarm YES / NO 3. Operations will produce dustlwood shavings or similar materials YES / NO 4. Operations will involve fhe repair or replacement of automobile parts YES / NO If YES: Describe the components repaired or replaced. Does the operation involve the use of open flame or welding? YES / NO 5. Is the business a drinking, dining or assembly use that will have an occupancy of more than 50 persons and/or serves alcohol? YES / NO 6. Which of lhe following best describes your operation? Office Onty Retail Sales Warehouse RestaurantfTake Out Food MedicaVDental ManufacturinglDistribution (descnbe process and end product) NOTICE: 'NO 6uilding or shucture shall be USED orOCCUPIED, and no change in the exkting occupancy classification of a building or strudure orportion the2of shall be made unfil fhe Codes Adminishatorhas issued a cedificafe ot occupancy fherefore as provided herein.' `Issuance of a certiRtate of occupancy shall nof be construed as an approval of a vblation of the pravisions of this code or o/ other ordinances of fhe junsdiction.' Section 109, Uniform Building Coda 1997Edltlon . NO TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED . . . A separete application is required for each ienant Tinish space and/or building: I HEARBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SANIE TO BE TRUE AND' CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WNETHER SPECIFIED OR NOT. ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS AN APPROVAL AP ANY VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCES OR REQUIREMENTS OF THE JURISDICTION. Signature of ApplicanL Date: Contact Name:(print) Phone: City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 W. 29t" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 (303) 235•2855 Web Site: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPIvIENT DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHECKLIST** The followine items must be completed before a Certificate of Occupancv will be issued. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REOUIItEMENTS: I. Compliance with all relevant ordinances, resolurions, vaziances, approved site plan, etc. 2. Complerion of all landscaping per plan and/or Zoning Code. 3. Completion of alt pazking improvements and driveway connections per plan and/or zoning code. 4. Completion of handicapped pazking spaces and signage. 5. Removal of all conshucrion work trailers, materials and debris. 6. Removal of construction debris from neighboring and/or surrounding sites. 7. Removal of all construction signs, banners, etc. 8. Separate permits must be obtain8d for permanent signs with the permit being approved prior to instaliation of signs. 9. Sepazate permits shall be obtained for fences and/or retaining walls exceeding 48" in height, if not indicated on approved plans. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: 1. Compliance with all relevant ordinances, resolutions, variances, special exceptions, etc. 2. Site grading to be completed for positive drainage away from building and if applicable, in compliance with the overall grading plan(s). 3. A Drainage Certification Letter is to be furnished from the engineer of record stating that the paving and drainage • improvements have been installed per approved plans and specification. 4. If the property is affected by Streetscape requirements, any required Maintenance Agreement needs to be signed prior to requesting a certificate of occupancy and any required escrow in lieu of the construction of such items needs to be paid in full. 5. If applicable to the site, s4eetlight requirements per Excel Energy design location shall be completely installed. 6. If applicable, all City of Wheat Ridge approved surveying documents, such as the Final Plat and/or required sepazate easement instruments must be recorded at the 7efferson County Clerk and Recorders Offioe. 7. Removal and replacement of all daznaged public improvements, sidewalks, driveways, curb/gutter, etc. 8. Installation of all public improvements, lraffic control devices and signage per plan, zoning code and/or Public Works requirements. 1. Completion ofFire Deparhnent access requ'vements . a. Surface b. Width _ c: Tuming radius d: Fire lanes e. Secondazy access 2: Fire hydrants a. Location b. Access 3. Building addresses or numbers aze posted, to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting-the properry. Said numbers shalLcontrast with their background and shall be not less than 4 inches in height. 4. Knox Box is onsite and insTalled per F've Department requirements. 5. Eire Sprinklers , a. Tested b. Inspected c. Approved with signature on inspection cazd or ietter of approval from Fire Inspector d. Remote annunciator installed and located per Fire Department requirements. 6. Fire Alarms a. Tested b. Inspected c. Approved with signature on inspection cazd or letter of approval from Fire Inspector d. Remote annunciator installed and located per Fire Department requirements. Z Exit and egress requirements aze completed, i.e. exit signs, emergency lighting, etc. CTTY CLERKS OFFICE: 1. The owner or tenant of ANY buildings, offices, apaztments or stores, etc. must apply for a business license prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. Contact: Dema Brianza. 303-235-2820. BUILDING DIVISION: 1. Landscaping complete and sign-off from Planning Department _ Yes No 2. COMIlVIERCIAL Drainage CertiScation Letter to Public Works Department _ Yes No 3. RESIDENTIAL - Improvement Location Certificate with overlot final grading indicated _ Yes _ No 4. Completion of all parking improvements. 5. Completion of handicapped pazking spaces and signage. 6. Fire alarm and/or sprinkler system to be approved by Fire District. 7. Building addresses and/or numbers aze installed. 8. Construcrion work trailers, materials and debris are removed. 9. Neighboring or surrounding sites and properties aze cleazed of all construction debris. 10. Finish grading to be completed for positive drainage away from building. 11. Submit an Improvement Location Certificate to show all structure dimensions, setbacks, easements, 5nish floor and site drainage elevarions. 12. All subcontractors (electrical, plumbing and mechanical) aze required to request and pass their final inspections. 13. Special inspection and engineers letters aze to be submitted as required by Uniform Building Code, Chapter 17, 1997 Edition. 14. Elevators aze to be inspected and approved by DRCOG State Elevator Inspector. 15. Buitding addresses or numbers are posted, to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background and shall be not less than 4 inches in height. 16. Exterior sta'vs, steps and ramps have guazdrails and handrails intact. 17. All driveway, sidewalk and paved surfaces aze complete. 18. COMMERCIAL - Certificate of Occupancy Checklist is complete. (see anached) 19. RESIDENTIAL - Certificate of Occupancy Checklist is wmplete. (see attached) Note: Not all listed items mav be relevant to everv aroiect. CI'1`Y OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHECKLIST** Address Date: SITE: Initial ❑ All landscaping is completed per zoning regulafions. (To be comp[ered and approved PWOR to reques6ng aJrnal inspedion) ❑ The Public Works Deparhnent has inspected public imprwements and any damage has been repaired. (To be completed and approved PRIOR to requesting a fnal inspection) ❑ Improvement Location Certificate (prepared by a Colorado licensed PLS) with spot elevations and drainage arrows to be submitted with cerfificate of occupancy application (SEE EXAMPLE) ERTERIOR: Initial ❑ Address posted ❑ Weather tight structure - paint, primed, caulking, etc ❑ Exterior wall penetration sealed ❑ All Lose bib to be equipped with vacuum breakers or anti-siphon valves ❑ Gas pipe painted ❑ Exterior guardrails (36" high) and handrails (34"-38"from nose of tread) installed ❑ Exterior deck - Yes No ❑ Ledger bolts installed ❑ Exterior light fixtures installed ❑ Exterior GFCI receptacles (front & rear exterior doors) GARAGE: IniHal ❑ Gazage doors instafled ❑ Gazage door opener-Yes No ❑ Garage door reversing mechanism installed and functioning ❑ Fire ra{ing of walls and ceiling (wo [ayer on ceiling ifframing members are space greater than 16" o.c.) ❑ GFCI outlet mounted not less than 18" above floor of bottom of box ❑ Gazage steps and handrail installed ❑ Solid core door with closure between house and gazage. KITCHEN: Initial ❑ GFCI outlets (two circuits minimum) ❑ Kitchen sink installed with hoUcold water ❑ Gazbage disposal ❑ Dishwasher properly connected (electrical, plumbing) ❑ Range hood RESIDENTIAI,- CERTIFiCA1'E OF OCC[IPANCY CHECI{I.IST - Paee 2 GENERAL: Initial ❑ Switch and receptacle cover plates ❑ Light fixtures installed ❑ Smoke detector installed, location, A/C power, tested ❑ Closet lights, type, style and location per NEC requirements ❑ Handrail height and wall returns (34"-38"from nose oJtread) ❑ Guazdtail height and baluster spacing (36" htgh with balusters spaced such tha[ a sphere 4" in diameter cannot pass through) ❑ Environmental air duct registers and diffusers installed ❑ Window screens installed ❑ Egess windows meet egress requirements ❑ Bathroom sinks installed with hoUcold water ❑ Tub/showers complete with hoUcold water ❑ Tile surfaces grouted/sealed and complete ❑ Water closeYinstalled with proper clearances, shut-offand caulked to floor at base ❑ Ezhaust fan or window sized not less than 1/20 the floor azea or minimum of 1=1/2 sq ft in size ❑ GFCI receptacle functioning and located per NEC requ'vements ❑ Jacuzzitub - o GFCI protection o Access location, readily accessible without use of special tools or knowledge ❑ Tempered glazing ❑ No un-vented gas appliances shall be installed BASMENT / CRAWL SPACE: Initial ❑ Basement-Finished Unfinished Partial #ofrooms ❑ Sta'v handrail height and wall retums (34"-38"from nose oftread ❑ Underside of basement stairs fire protected if open for storage ❑ Steel beam pockets grouted ❑ Support columns aze plumb and properly secured at floor and at beam ❑ Smoke detector installed, location, A/C power, tested ❑ Crawl space o Under floor access size (18"x 24 ) o Support wlumns aze plumb and properly secured at base and at beam o Furnace - Yes No o Waterheater Yes No o. Combustion air o GFCI Service receptacle (required iffurnace or water heater are [ocated in space) . o Switched light (required iffurnace or water heater are located in space) - o Under floor ventilarion ❑ Concrete slab ❑ Structural wood floor o Under floor access size (18°x 24') - o Under floor ventilarion o Under floor cleazance (IS" to bottom offloorjoist, 12"to bottom ofbeams) ❑ Sump pump installed per plumbing code ' ❑ Sewage ejector installed per plumbing code ❑ Floor drain ❑ Mechanical equipment working cleazances ❑ Mechanical equipment venting complete per code ❑ Pressure relief valve drain terminated between 6"-12" above floor ❑ Water heater installed in drain pan if located on wood flooring Note: Not all listed items mav be relevant to everv proiect. CITYOF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING E1ND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHECKLIST** Address Date: STTER'ORK / EXTERIOR: Inirial ❑ All landscaping complete per approved plan and/or zoning regulations (To be completed and approved PRIOR tu requesting a final inspecBon) ❑ Pubiic improvements inspected by the Public Works Deparhnent and any damage has been repaired (To be completed . and approved PRIOR to requesdng a final inspecfion) ❑ A Drainage Certificafion Letter is to be furnished from the engineer of record stating that the paving and drainage improvements have been installed per approved plans and specification. (To be submirted with certifcate ojoccupancy applica8on) ❑ Address posted ❑ All temporary exterior signage removed ❑ Job trailer removed ❑ Site grading to be completed for positive drainage away from building. ❑ Removal and replacement of all damaged public improvements, sidewalks, driveways, curblgutter, etc. ❑ Parking lot paving complete ❑ Parking stalls complete ❑ Handicapped parking complete ❑ Handicapped patking signage installed (minimum of one sholl to be "van-accessible" with 96" access aisle and 96"parking stalO w l4G~'.Nh~C f44je . 4~ m ~ a° n~o n n n o 0 0 o u n. eo uI Ia n n o n ~ o ~ n a n ~ ~_a Q o 0 COMMERCIAi. - CERTMCATE OF OCC[JPAIVCY CHECHI,IST- Paee 2 ❑ Handicapped ramps and accessible route requuements aze complete u.ei Lama" S Surlace or qamP uvellanEing ,t.~~.~ I Xorlxonlai PrcJ¢[tien er Xun ~ ~ -T lUmmam Rae Naumum ISUtlznml Rop•nun SIuPv m mm m 1:72 lo<798 30 76f1 36 9 . I:160 G720 3a "dJ ao 1_' Componenu of a sinple ramn run and samnle ramn dimensions 3gm~' aN~remqmaheu :~"C-~ Y y~p vtarcdl:l0 "ece. v:x nerc x e a lerel plmv naN alrnt Built-up Curb Ramn Measurement of Curb Ramn Slone ❑ Trash dumpster enclosure complete ❑ Site fencing complete and screened (where applicable) ❑ W eather tight structure - paint, primed, caulking, etc ❑ Exterior wall penetration sealed 0 All hose bib to be equipped with vacuum breakers or anti-siphon valves ❑ Gas pipe painted ❑ Exterior steps and/or ramps aze complete ❑ Exterior guazdrails (42"high) and handrails (34"-38"from nose oftread) installed ❑ Handicapped ramp guazdrails and handrails installed per diagram - Nna0lon a'°~°^ ~ SY A' N ~ I y' ~ I ~ ~~9i71177Y weu - - ~ 7~ ~ ti ver.iwlpuarenM i . . . . . ~ g-~~ ' rJY~ raYYn Wn .tMmxa plGtlpm CONiMERCIAL - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CHECKI,IST- Paee 3 GENERAL: Initial ❑ All Fire Department inspecrions have been completed, approved and signed off? ❑ Switch and receptacle cover plates installed. ❑ Interior and exterior ligfit fixtures installed. ❑ Handrail height, eactensions and wall retums (34"-38"from nose oftread) ❑ Guardrail height and baluster spacing (42" high with balusters spaced such that a sphere 4" in diameter cannotpass through) ❑ Environmental air duct registers and diffusers installed ❑ Exit and egress requirements aze completed, i.e. exit signs, emergency lighting, etc. ❑ Restraoms o Floors have smooth, hazd nonabsorbent surface and eactend up walls at least 5 inches o Walls covered with smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of 4 feet above floor o Mirror and lavatory with hoUcold water installed per diagram - o Water closet and grab bazs installed per diagram - (b) Sida 9Yd1 o Urinal (if applicable) installed with maximum rim of 17" above finish floor ❑ Electrical equipment working cleazances ❑ GFCI receptacles functioning and located per NEC requirements ❑ Tempered glazing ❑ Floor drain ❑ Mechanical equipment working cleazances ❑ Mechanical equipment venting complete per code ❑ Presswe relief valve drain terminated between 6"-12" above floor ❑ Water heater installed in drain pan if located on wood flooring, in an attic or furred space _ ❑ Backflow device installed, inspected, tested and tagged. COMMERCIAI,I. - CERTLF[CATE OF OCCOPANCY CBECKI.IST - Pa¢e 4 ❑ Doors installed and labeled accordingly within rated assemblies. ❑ Maneuvering clearances at accessible doors have been maintained per diagram - om~ . ~ x ~16wx24mf~ 7 ~S I nores~ ix. ~ae am~cmore+emxe 1n flaiRJ~i~~~~ SWOMO Ws FLILO . _ ~ i !omlY[ . yy~~ . E ~ ~ • ~ XOlEa~35uf~13~ "mnir+mdf=~r - ii~ urc'„na no~ mm>mm~n.n o r= I~ ~ rmE r= le x nvo.w mJ~~YW~OfAW. rox.~... o a~ b W~W ~V /VF~(Im~ PMSh9Gwn % ~W 'laeln f~ :ro,e~.xku„omn~m~nxwmna«~+w awc ~ . rv~m:v~nn~usmml=nw.~vemrn. •mx ~a ew eerwe.* - e.md~o ow~. NOTUNlemntlmrn~6aeaqq.~YnheuimmkrMan. amlv f 5~+ . . . = : ~ ~ f ~ tYr FHN~~OM~~aen YNslIAsASp~h-~dbODeptl ~ndFdmi4 ,24 x~ I OEM=! _ ~ utra sunMw•xn- &~e FYg oax,m3rmenaunro ❑ Handicapped interior signage installed at restrooms (located on wall at latch side of door, 54" above fnishJloor) 8 Fire-LiTe'ALarms www.ltretlte.com The Flre•Lite M&9200 is a compact, cost-effective, ad- d:essable tire afarm control panel with a capacity of 198 Fire-Lite 300 Serles devices. A single Signaling Line Cir- cui4 (SLC) Ipop supporis up to 99 smoke detectors and 99 controt or monitor modules. The panel uses suAace-mount technWogy and is designed foe ease of insPallation and progcammirg. it features the latest in fire protection tech- nology, including maintenance alert and automatic detecta test. Its new, larger enclosure is capable of hausing 12.0 AH battenes. New as of September 1, 2001, the MS-9200 will include on the rtwtherGoard (Rev. PC-D) built-in inteAaces tor a printer and remote annuncialors. FEATURES SLC Loop • SLC can be configured for Nf PA Style 4, 6, or 7 operetion. • SLG supports up to 198 addressable devices [99 detectors and 99 mon+tor or control moduies 1, including aew addres- sable dual monitor module. • SLC loop max. length 10,000 ft. (3,048 m) @ 12 AWG (325 mmz). Noditcation Appiiance Cfrcuits (NAC's) • Dual Integral NACs, Sryle Y or Z(Cizss B or A). • Silznce Inhibit and Auto Silance timer options. • Alarm, troubie and supervisury relays, standard. • May be programmed for Steady, March Time, Temporal or California code (requi:es soRware PM 73750 or greater). • 3.0 amp NAC Dower, ezpandable to 6.0 amps. Programming and Software • Autoprogramand Walk Test features identity twc or more deviaes set to same address. • Keypad programmabie on panel, with two user-defined passwottls. qlus an Autoprogram feature. • Custom English labels per point may be manuaHy eniered or selected trom an internal library fi{e. • Remote Ackoowledge, Silence, Reset and DriL' via MMF- 306 modufes and LCD-40 remote annunciators. Usertn4arface • Integral 40-character LCD display with backlighting. • Real-time clock(calendar. • History 61e with 500-event oapacity. Advanced Fire Technoiogy • MaintenBnCe alert wams when smoke detector dust acCU- .mulatioq is excessive. • Battery charger for up to 60 hours of standtry power. • Watertlow or supervisory selection per monitor point. • Svstem atarm ventication setection. smoke oniv. eptember 13, 2001 DF-51276 A1-100 I MS-9200(C/E) Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panei , Section: Addressable nnEA S6Z4 CS68 (MS-9200,MS-4200E) (MS.9200C) Califomia F M State Fue Marshal 7165•0075:158 (MS-9200) . MS-9200 • Fusetess, power-limited technology meets U: power•fimit- ing requirements, effective May S, 9995. • Oetector sensilivity printout (requires v2.1 software). • Presignal delay option per NFPA 72 • Rapid poll algorithm for manuai stations. Responds to atarmlactivation in less than two seconds. • Operates with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1,000 it.l 304.6 m) for retrofii applications (U.S. Patent 5,270.523). • 300 Series addressabie devices teature decimal addrass selectian. Addrass a( each device can be easily set in the fisld by use ot a screwdmec • UDACT-F Digital Alarm Communicator reports 56 zones or 188 points to a Central Station. • Built-in pdnter in[artace • UL listed for pertnanent aitach- ment. LCD•40'series alphanumeric, 40-character, backlit remote serial annunciators operate over built-in high-spead EfA- 485 port. Up tc 32 may be supported on the MS•9200 (requires software PM 73750 orgreafer). - locument is not infended to be used !or installalion purposes. we try to keep our~ cl in(ormafbn updo-date antl accuraie. We cannot cover all speciiic appiica- or ahticipate all requirements. All specificafrons are su6ject lo change withoul Fot more iNormation, cantact Fire4fte AWrms, One Fire-Lite Piaca, Narlhford, ecticyt 06472. Phone: (800) 627-3473, Tolt Free FAX: (677) 699-4105, FAX MmHIIIiiMAIffACIm DP-57276 - Page 1 ef 4 SY5T6M PERIPFlERRLS AND 1NIR{NG za vcc \Z •E!a-k85ln1edacebd111nco ih< m olheruoarE - b wires 1 l INewasof 4lt1011 ocaoc~ LW'40r- mdLCD'/OL 25 O(L)) ua xeen mcn L~,CD-A 4 I L~ e ~ ~J I InlnaEUF{ESbop 24 VDC EIA-485 in ACS . Mooe (Z wirss) ~ ANNUNCUTORS AfMLED ACS/ACM 4DIA. • --e i-~I ~ . Optional Aererse . PolamylCiry Bor Ouryui(Oln RTM-Bf) BOptionelFo•m.CiAmOAeleys lo•ae• ACY-eRFi Y<VOC O e 11~ 11~0 o) 7m7im L-3c:]'00 oa e 'EIA485 sn4 EIA-7711nuK+ce Au11t info tbelf5-8100 AevAC-0 NACs (WOfification ADPGanue Circuns). Beils, synais, avobas 'EIA232 Interhce buiti into ihe motharDOrc (New as ot 911YJ7) ~ : 11 'A'suffi:NOWeeoindu34EnnaradriV GnaEart rytiW 900 $NiBt MVdb. 1)'CsufSa Oatignala5 CereOUn rar&m YS9200. 91 lCAap aMpiniaroIXim cannol ba usW simW+anao WIRiNG RgL4tlIREMEfVTS The SLC requires use of a specific wire type to ensure proper circuit operatlon. It is racom- mended lhat.all SLC wiring be rivisted-pair shielded tc minimize lhe eftects of electriral inteAerence. Wire size should be r.o smalier Yhan 18 AWG (075 mm') and no larger than 12 AWG (325 mrr?) wire. The wire size depends on the length of the SLC circuit. Use the tabie below to determine the specific wiriry requirements for the SLC. Wire Reouirements pjstance in Feet (meters) Twisted-pair shielded 16,000 (3,048) 8,OW (2,438) 4,875 (1,486) 3,e25 (98.i) Unlwislad, un5hieided !.OUO (305) UDACT jypical Wire Tvoe' 12 AWG - Belden 9583, Genasis 4410, Signal 96230, WPW D999 14AWG-Belden9581,Genesis4408, Signal 98430, WPW 0995 16 AW G- BeMen 8575, Genesis 4406, & 4606, Signal 98630, WPW D991 18 AWG - Belden 9574, Genasis 4402, 8 4602, Signal 98300. WPW 0975 12 - 18 AWG SMOKE DEfECTORS SD3so SQ956T CD75D DUCT6ETECTORS D350P D750flP Y04ROR5 4YF 300 4YF 702 C11f400 CRF-700 1700 NINI M6NITOR M11F301 vuu sTarrox 6072 lX V.5121M:mrt 1. AWG wire size canvers{on to metric s'rze: 12 AWG = 3.25mmI; 14 AV1G = 2.00mm?; 16 AWG = 1.30mm', 78 AV.'G = 075mm' Psge 2 ef 4- DF-51276 - COMPATiBLE ADDRE55ABLE DEVBCES All feature a poiVing LED and rotary address switches. CP350 ' Addressable lonization Smoke Detector. SD350 Addressable Photoefectric Smoke Detector. SD350(T) AddressablePhotoelectricSmokeDetectorwith - Thermai Sensor. D350 Addressable Duct Detector. D350 Addressable Duct Detecbr wi;h relay. MMF-300 Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of normally-open dry•contact initiating devices. Mountsinstandard4'(t0.i6cm)boz. incfudes piastic cover plate and end-ot•line resistor. I Modufe may be configured fw either a Style B (Class B) or Styie D(Class A) initiating device circuit. MDF•300 DualMonitorModute.SameasMMF300except it operates in Style B(Ciass B) anly. Rrovides two Class B circuits. MMF•301 Miniature version of MMF-360. Excludes LED and Style D option. Conneds with wire pigtaiis. May mouM in device backbox. MMF-302 Similar to MMF•306, but may monitor up to 20 comentional two-wira detactors. Requires external 24 VDC powec Consuft lactory for compatible smoke detectors. CMF306 Addressable Contrd Module for one Sryie Y2 (Class BtA) zone of supervised polarized I Notification Appliances. MounGS direaly toa 4° ,(10.t6cm)eleclrical box, NotifirationAppliance Circuit option requires exterrea124 VDC to power notification appliances. CRF-300 Addressable reiay module containing two isdated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. Mounts diredly to a 4" (10.16 cm) tiox, surface mount us+ng tha SMB500. BGr12LX , Adtlressable manual putl station wi"h intertace module mounted inside. 1300 :This module isolates the SLC loop from Short --circuitconditions (requiredtorStyfe7ope2tion). Compatible with legacy Fire•Lite 300 Series devices. Please conSuft facrory Ecr iurther information on all the 300 seriss,devices: CP300, S0300, SD300(T), C304, M300, M301, M302, C304, and BG-tOLX. AIOTES: 1) A"sutfix should bs included only when otder- tng ULC Irsted units (e.g. SD350A, MMF300A). 2) For more on MS-9200 Compatibie AddreaseDfe Devices, p(ease see the followl rrg data sheets (document nambers): S035GVSD~07 (OF-5Zt49j, CP350 (DF-S215b), MMF.360 uerlesMlD ;-30D Mon/Pw Mor3udes (DF5212i) and BG- 12LX (DFS2013}. E!A-232 PORT PIM•24 PrintedPC Interface Module, Cable. D89F Connector and 9-pin male to 25-pin femate adaptek DIM-485 LCD-40 Display Interface Module. NOTE: PIM-24 and DIM-485 op7ions are not avatlaWe simWtaneoUSly. NeithertheP1A9•24 orDlM485is needed wiUi the MS•920b motheroard Aev. PPD. COARPATIBLE ANNUNCiATORS! DEViCES USING EIA-485 PORT LCD-40 Sedes: 40-character, backlit LCD-type fire annun- ciators capable of displaying English-language text (requires one DIM•465 per MS•9200 panel !o interface with up to 32 LCD-40 annunciators). Requires software P/N 73750 or greater - contad Fire-Lite Technical Services about soft- ware compati3ility questions. AFM/AFM•X Series: LED-type fire annunciators capable of providing up to 56 software zones of annunciation. Avail- able in increments of 16 or 32 with ezpandable (AFM•X Series) and non-expandable (AFM Series) coniigurations to meet a variery oE applications. LDIYI Esdas: Lamp Driver Ivlodule seres for use with custom graphic annunciators. UDACT-F: Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter. NOTE: For more on MS-9200 Compatibk Annunctafors and Compatible E!A•485 Port Devices, please s6e the following data sheefs (document numbers): LCO-40 (DF- 31474), AAWAFR9-X (DF-57465), anC tDM Sertes (DF- 51384). FIELD-PROGRAMiYIIIYG FEATURES Of(-Un* Programming: Create enGre program in your office using a Windaws9-based PC cnmputer (order pro gramming kit PK-9200W separately). UploadlDowntoad sys- tem proe,ramming iocally to the MS•9200 in less than one minute. Auto-Programrning: Command the MS-9200 to pro- gram itself (takes less than 30 seconds). tn the Auto- Program mode, the MS-9200 scans for all possible devices at all addresses, stores the device rypes, and addresses tound, and then loads default values for ail options (General Aiarm). It also checks for two or more devices set to the same address.' On-Une Ed1k While stiil providing fire proteqion, tha MS- 9200 may be programmed from the front panel. Simple menu trees displayed on the LCD allow the trained user ro per(orm all (unctions without referring back to the prograrn- ming manuai. Enyilsh Label Libraryr. Quickly select abels hom a standard library of rtrore than 50 adjectiveslrwuns, such as "FLR 3 HALLWAY," ar enter custcm labels leflecby-tetter. Use recall function to repeat previousty used label. Prognm Chack: Automatically catch common errors, such as relays not linkad to any zone or point. MAIPliENA1dCE ALERT The MS•9200 continually monitors each smoke d9tector and responds to a reading of 80'% of the de2ectors aiarm threshold: If the detector confinually reports an 80°/, thresh- ald reading (8110 of what is required to be an alarm iondi- tion) fa 24 hours, a trouble condition is c2ated. This re- duces the risk of fatse alarms due to dust and dirt by alerting a troubie (maintenance) condition rather than initiating a false alarm. AUYOMA7tC TSST OPERATtON The MS-9200 pedorms an automatic test of each dgtector every hvo hours. Failure to meet the test limits cauSes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset cieals this trouble. DF-51276 - Page 3 al 4 MFPA STANDARDS The MS-9200 compiies with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Syslems [equirements: • LOCAL (Autofnatic, Manuai, Watedlow, and Sprinkler Su- ' oervisory). • AU%ILIARY (Automalic, Manual, and 4NateAlow) (requires R?M-BF). • REMOTE STATION (Automa4c, Manuat, and Waterflow) (requires RA61•8F or UDACT-F). • PR6PRIETAFIY {Automa6c, Manua!, and Waterflow). • CENTRAL StATIQPI (Automatic, Manuai, and Watertiow) (requires UDAQT-F). CABIPlET SPECIFBCATiOBdS Door. 17.11" (43.46 cm) high x 14.71" (37.36 cm) wide x 0.375" (0.95 cm) deep. Backbox: 16.96' (42.93 cm) high x 14.50" (36.83 cro) wide x 4.50" (11.43 cm) deep. 4rim Ring (part # TR-4-R): 20.02" (50.85 cm) high x 17.62" (44.75 cm) wide. SPECIFICAt10N5 • Primary Input power }or MS-9200 and A9S•9200C 120 VAC, 50160 Hz, 2.3 Amps. Rrlmary Input power tor M5-920PE: k0/240 VAC, 50 Hz. • Total 24 V system power: 3.6 A(expandatrle to 8.6 A). • Stantlerd Nokllicetlon Circults: 2(Styte Y or Z). • Expanslon NotlftcaUon Circuits: up to 89 (using C,MF300 moQule). • NotlNCation Appliance Power: 3.0 A(expandable to 6.OA with XRM-24). • Four•wfre detector powzr: 300 mA.• • Non-resettaoie regulsted power: 300 mA.' • Nomreyulatqd power: 2.5 Amps maxir.wm.• `NOTE: Su6traCt !rom fotaf 24 VDC source. • Battery eharger range: 7 AH • 18 AH (BB-17F battBry catinet for 18 AH battedes). • Remote cha'tger (panel charger disabled, requires MS-9200 cirquif board R71761, avallaMe June 1, 1998): 25-120 AH (use CffG• 120F). • Chsrge Noe; rete: 27.6 V. • Charger eurrent: limited to 0.8 A. • Control panpl Atarm, Troubie, Supervisory flelay con- tact ratings:2.0 A0 30 VL+C. COPiTROLS A►tdD INDICATORS 4ED INDiOATORS 1. ~ AC POWER (green l. 2. ~ FIRE ALARM (red). . 1 SUPERVISORY (ysllow). - 4, -AIARM SILENCE (yeliow). - S. SYSTEM TROUBLE (yellow). MEMBRANE SW'IY6M CQNSROLS - L 0.CKNOWLEDGE/STEP 2. ' AtARM SILENCE 3. DRILL 4. SYSTEM RESET (lamp test) 5- 70. 12-key pad with iuil alphabe[ 77 - 2G. 4 cursor keys 21. ENTEF 66D DI3P4AY - 40 characters (2 x 20) with long-lite LCD display, backlit. PRODUCT LINE INFORAAATIAM MS-9200 AddressableFireAiartriGontrolPanaC Incfudes LCD display, single printed circuit bcard arld cabinet. MS-9200C Same as above with ULC listing and DP•1,8 dead-front panel. MS9200E Same as MS-9200 with 220/240 VAC, 50 Hz transtortner (UL listed). RTM-BF Plug•in Relay Sransmitler Option Module. Provides eight Farm-C reiays, plus municipai box and rertwte statlon connections. DP•t•B Full-length intemal dress panel (requiredlor FM apptlcetiorts; included when ordering MS-9200C)• UDACT-F DigitalAlarmCommunicatorTransmitter. XRM•24 120 VAC, 104 VA Transformer. Expands system power supply. Expands Notification Appliance power from 3.0 amps to 6.0 amps. 'pIM-24 PrinterlnterfaceModulerequiredioconnecta 40- or 80-column printec •DIM-485 LCD-40 Display InieAace Module required to convert EIA-232 to EIA-485 for use wiih the LCD-40 Series annundators. PKA200W Progremming Kit for Windows&-based PC computer (requires PIAf-24 artd associated hardware). 7R-4R Trim Ring forsemi-ffush mounting. BB-17F Battery box, required to mount PS-12160 banories. BB-55F Battery box, raquired to house two (2) PS- 12250 batteries andone (1) CHG-120F battery charger. For bafteries greater fhan 25 AH, - consutr /acfory for housing(mounPing arrangements. CHGd20F Remotebattery chargingsystam.Requiredtor chargiag 25 to 120 AH batteries (can only be usedin confwction with MS-9200dreuitbaard 1171741). PS•1270 I Battery , 12 volt, 7.0 AH, (iwo required). I P5-72120 8attery, 12 volf, 12.0 AH, (two required). PS-12180 Battery,l2 volt,18.0 AH, (two repuired). P&12250 9attery,l2 volt, 25 AH, (rivoreqidred; requlres CHG-f?OF). PS•72550 Bariery,l2 vott, SS AH, (tworequired; requires CNG•120F?. FCPS-24F Rertwte Power Suppiy expands NAC outpuls by 6 Amps or totat system power by 4 Artps. 'NOTE: PIM-24 and D1M-485 opGons are not available simuitaneously. Neither the PIM•24 or DIM485 is needed with tha MS•9200 motherboard Ree PC-D. Windowae is a registered trademark oP Microsatt Carparafion. Page 4 0' 4 - DF-51276 May 3, 2001 eFire-LITerALarms GENERAi The S0350 and S0350T Addressable, Iow-profile plug-in Photoelectric De4ectors use a state•of-the-art photoetectric sensing chamber with communications to provide open area protection and are used exciusively with Fire-Lite's MS-9200 and MS-9600 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels. The SD350T adds thermal sensors that will alarm at a fixed tem- perature of t35° F. Since this detector is addressabie, it wili help ernergency personnel quickty locate a fire during its eady stagas, poterstiafly saving precious rescue time while also reducing property damage. Two LEDs on each sensor light to provide a local, visible sensor indication. Rertwte LED annunciator Capability is availabie as an aptional accessory (Pan No. RA400Z). FEATURES SlC Loop • 2-wire loop connection. • Unit uses base for wiring. Addressing • Address6ble by device. • DirecE DECade 01•93 (MS•9200) and 01-159 (M&9600) entry of address ArchRecture • Unique Singie source, dual chamber design to respond quickly and dependabiy to a dread range of fires. • Sleek, low-proEile design. a Integral communications and built•in rype identification. • BuilFin tamper•resistant feaiwe. • Removable cover and insect-resistant screen for simpte field cleaning. Operation • Withstands air velocities up to 9,540 feat-per-minute with- out triggering a falsa alarm. • Factory preset at 1.5°k naninal sensttivity tor panel alarm threshhoid fevei. • VisiWe LED 'tiflnks"when the uMt is addressed (communi- cating with the fire panel) and latches on in aiarm. Mechanfcals 149 SD350(A)/SD350TcAj Addressable Photoelectric Deteetors Seciion: Addressable Devices , pf 4L>' A ; ~'.M 9ERV1G 7272-0075:194 04her System Fea4wes suaw $ A c N • Fully coated circuit boards and superior RF/transient pro- tection. • 94-VO plastic f{ammability rating. • Low standby currenf. Options . • Remote LED output connec'ion (Part No. RA400Z). APPLICJ4TION5 Use photoelectric detectas in life-safety applications to pro- videabroadran9eoFfire•sensingcapabiliry,espeaally where smoldering tires are anticipated. Ionization detedors are of• ten better than photoeledric detectors at sensing fast, flam- ing fires. • Sealed againsi back pressure. COIdSTRU43lON • Direct surface mounting or electrical boz mounting. These deiectors are constructed ot LEXANO in an off-white • MounPS to: single r,ang box, 3.5' o= 4' xlagonai box, or color. The S0350(T) plug-in low-profite smoke detectors are 4' square electrical box (us?ng a pfaster ring - irtictuded). desi9ned to commeraai standards and oHer an attractive ap- pearance. his document is not iatendetl to be used tor insteilation purpases. We try to keep our ■ A o Moo~ roduct intormation up-to-tlate and accurate. We cannot caver all specific appiica~ \ tions or enticipate aii requirements. All specifica:ions are subject ta change wiNOUt V nolice. For mora intormation, contact Flre•Lile Aiarms, Qne Fire-lite Place, Northlortl, ConnecticW 06472. Phene: (800) 627-3473, Toll Free FAX: (877) 699-4105, FAX EN~IMFEN~R 6 RRINIFXIIUP~ Made in th0 U.S.A. DF-52168- Pafle 1 0l2 INSTALLATION The SD350(T) Plug-in Detectors use a detatchabie mount- ing base to simplify instailation, service and maintenance. Mount base on box which is at least 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable baxes include: • 4" (10.16 cm) square 6ox with p!aster ring. • 4" (10.16 cm) octagon2l box. • 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagonal box. PRODUCT 61NE lNPORMA3lON D SD350(A) SD350T(A) RA4002 8350LP • Singie•gang box. NOTE: Secause of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC loop, end-otdine resistors are,not required. Wiring "T- B224RB taps" or branches are permitted for Sryle 4(Class B) wiring. OPERATIAN Each SD350(~ uses on8 of 99 possible addresses on the MS-8200 Signai+ng Line Circuit (SLC) or up to 318 (159 on each loap) on the MS-9600 SLC. R responds lo regufar polls 8501HH from the system and reports its type and status. 7he SD350(T) Addressable Photoelectric SensorT"' unique unipolar chamb8r responds qu+ckly and unitortnly to a broad range of smoke condi;ions and can withstand wind gusts up to 1,560 feet•per-minute without sending an alarm level sig- nai. 8ecause of the unipolar chamber, the SD350(T) is ap- prozimately two times more responsive than most photoelec- tric sensors. This makes it a more stable detector. . DETECiOR SEMSITIViTY TEST Each detector can have their sensitiviiy tested (eequired per NFPA 72, Chapter 7 on Inspection, Testing and Mainfe- nance) when instaAed/cor:nected to an MS-9200 or MS- 9600 addressable fire alarm control panel. Tha resuits ot the sensitiviry test can be printed off the MS-8200 and ~viS- 9600 Eor record keaping. SPECIFICATIONS Voltage range: 15 - 32 VDC (peak). Standby current: 300 pA 0 24 VDC. LED current: 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC (iaiched "ON"). A!r veloclty: 1,500 ft./min. (7.6 m/sec.) maximum. Diametee: 5.0 inches (12.7 cm), 62 inches (155 mm) installed in B350LP Base. Height: 1.7 inthes (43 mm) installed in 8350LP Base. Welght: 3.6 az. (102 g). Operating Tempereture Range: Q° to 49° C(32° to 120°F~ SD350. OperatingTemperatureRange:0°to38° C (32°to100°F) SD350T. Temperature: 0° - 49°C (32° • 120°F). Helatlve humldity: 10% • 93%, non-condensing. Addressabie Photoelectric detector (8350L base included). (A) model has ULC listin9. Same as above with Shermal element (B350LP base included). (A) model has ULC listing. Remoie IED. Mounts to a sirgle-gang box. PVug-in detector base (included). Diameter: 6.1" (155 mm). Muunting:4' (102 mm) square box with or witho plastic or sin9 octagon box, 3 V2" octa9n bo 9le 9an9 box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.5" (38 mm). Plug-in System Sensor relay detector base. Diameter.62"(157mm). Mounting:4"(102 mm) square box with or without plastic ring, 4" octagon box, 3 1/2" odagon box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.5" (38 mm). Plug•in System Sensor sounder detector base.Diametar:6.0"(153mm). Mounting:4' (502 mm) square box with or withouk plastic ring. Mounting box has a minimum depth ot 1.5" (38 mm). Pape 2 ot 7- DF-52549 (a Fire-uTe'ALarrras wwwJlreUte.eom February 15, 2001 DP-52013 E-500 BG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station Seclion: Addressable Cevices GENERAL The Flre•Llte BG-12LX is a state-ct•the•art, dual-action (i,e., requires two motions to activate the staiion) puli sta- tion that inCludes an addressable interface (mounted In- side) for Fire•Lite's addressa4le MS-9200 and tvSS-9500 fire alarm control panels. Secause the BG•72LX is ad- dressable, She control panei can display the exaat loca- tion of the activated manuai pult station. ?his leads fire service personnet quickly lothe location of the alarm. PEATU RES • Aesthaticaily pleasing, highly visible, dual-action design. • Meets ADA 5 Ib. mazimum pull force. • Easily operated (duat-action). • Attractive shape and 'exturVd tinish. • Mounts, semi-flush, to a standard single-gang (2.125' (5.3975 cm) minimum depth), doubta-gang, or 4' (10.16 cm) square eleclrical box. • When the handle Iatches in down pcsition, the word "ACTIVA7ED" appears at the top of the handVe in bright yellow to cleariy indicate the station has been operated. • KeyAock reset; needs only a 114-turn to IocWunlock. Includes BraHle text on station handte. • Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC bop (accepts up to 12 AWGl325 mmz wire). • Optional irim ring (BG.7R). • Meets UL 38, Standard for Manuaily Actuated Signating 8oxes. • Maintenance personnei can open station (for inspaction and testing) without causing an afarm condition. • Builbin bicolor LEO, which is visible through the handle of the station, fiashes red in normal operation and latches S ~ ~ S on sieady red when in alarm. Phanual stations connect with hvo wires to one of the con- CONSiRIPCEiON trol panel SLC loops. Each manual sta4ion, on rAmmand Sheil, door, and handie are molded of durable IEXANS from the conUO1 panel, sends data to the yanel represent- (or poycarboaate equivalent) wiih a ts#ured finisfi. ing the state of the pu!l station switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address settings (01-98). APERATIOTI PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it 40 iatch in the dowNactivated position. Once latched, the word "ACTIVATED" (ir, bright yailow) appeass at the top ot the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from the bottom of the staiion. 7a resat the station, simpty uNOCk the station with the key and pall the door open. This action resets the handle; closing the door automati- cally resets the switch. @ US A BG•921X Dual•action addressable puli sfation. Includes key lock/reset feature. SB•10 Surface backbox. LEXANO is a registered trademark of GE Pfastics, a subsiolary of General Electric Company, tlxumer.t is not intended to be ased for inslallation purposes. We Irylo keep~'~ protlucl intormation up-to-date anC accurate. We cannoi cover aEl specific icalions or anticipate all requirements. All specificafians are suGjsd to cnange out notice. For more Infor.nation, oonlacl Fire4ite Alarms, 6re Fire-Lite Ptace, hEorC. Conner,ticW 06:72 Phone: (800) 627-3473, Toii Free fAX: (877) 699- ~ f YYY~CI~i unnwunn State Fire Mershal 7150-0075:184 F M. APPROVED DF-52015 - Pa9e 1 of 2 BG-i2tX IN57ALLATION The SG•12LX can be semi-flush mounted into a single- gang, doubfe•gang, or standard 4" (10.16 cm) square etec- trical outlet box, or surface mountetl io the Model SB-10 surface backbox. If the BG-12LX is semi•flush mounted, lhen the optional trim ring (BG-Tfl) may be used. The BG• TR is usually needed for seml-flush mounting with 4" (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). ELECTRiCAL SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voitage: 24 VDC. Maximum SlCloopvoftage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 230 pA. ~ a 1 2 3 4 0 ! I ( ~ L~ ` G c U I rJ t\ _ 1 ~ ILi Back ot staNOn wlthoud dooe. 4 ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERfNG SPECffiCAT10NS - Manuat Fire Alarm Stations shall be rwn-code, with a key operated reset Icek in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they canlrot be restored ta normal except by use of a key. An operated station shall automaticaily condition itself so as to be visually detected as ac4ivated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-coloted LEXANCW (or polycaAwnate equivatent) with clearly visible operating instructions pro- vided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the tront of the siations in white letters, 1.00 inches (25.4 mm) w farger, Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB•10; or semi-flush mounting on a standard single-gang, doubte-gang, or 4' (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Acl (A6A) or per nationalllocal requirements. Manual Stations shall be Undenvdters Laboratories listed. Manuaf stafions shall connect with N+o wires to one of lhe conuol panel SLC loops. The manual station shali, on command from the contrd panet, send data to the panel representin9 the state of tMe manual switch. Manual stations shatl provide address setting by use of ratery decimal switches. PERMUVAL CBNNECTfONS 1 SLC 2 SLC o s t ~ ~ ~ ,oor s - e s n LED Px9c 2 ui 2- DF52013 Cower open to show easy access Po MMX modufe, rotary switch, and UL lsbef. IIYSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ENSTRUC'flONS SpectrAlert Horns, Strobes, ared Horn/5trobes . SENSOR A Division o( Pitcway For ux wiiii the fotlowir.g malels: 3825 Ohio Avenue. St Chnries. lliinois 60174 Horns: 32/24 Yolt: 7112i24 t-8045EtiSOR2. FAX: 630-377-6395 Strobes: 12 voiC 51215, 5121575 ~ 24 volC S2415. $2430, $241575, 52475. 524130 Cembo: 12 vatc Pi215. P1ZI575 24 volc P2415, P2430. P241575. P2475. P24110 AAd s::fFa'K "Inr xeathcrpn,ntl'.aN Undho:n'swlx rtdhrn~singcn{y. .J r E C I 1 ~N~~e~,e~. Adu su(fLx'k' (or otrtduor simuc cnlg md huosing nnly. \ .4dd sui;tx "F.. (or units msr',a1 F@FGO.'EV' (rn EvAf. cr'AC;' fur AGE\'. avzifabie on Gdl T:. mA t,wsi;:g onl). r41r1 suMIx "P" (ur p;ain (IlomprinteG) 241575 nnly. . Iu1c 5uf'Le -RLY' for ReN LeciS. 'nL"r' (nr.lrtih^ Lens.-'GI P" [cr Gmen Lens. or'BLP' (ni Rlur Lens. Avai!a;i, or 2475 pla!u md housing oaly. 4dti suHu'1V. fa v.him transing Spesifications 1%ott2ge Range. DC or iui!-Wave Recti(ied Horn. 10.:i [n 30':'oIts Slrubes & Horn/Strobes'. I Z-volt mode!s - 10.5ro 17 volls: 24-vol! mcdels - 20 ro 30 colts ,wiih tdDL n;odu;e): 12-vol: mndcls - 11 to 17 volts'. 24 voli i±1Mirls -2i to 30 va.< with omtime duraiions of 1 uc. or greater. t lk t s ¢s NOTE: Hum and comba imits wilt operale on wa Fiasii P.a:e; t F:aah Per Sccond Opera;irg Temperaturc: H Series. 32 F:u :21i' 6(0' C co 49' C) Horn ami horn/stmbe moAeis are indoor tistcd. hating a rempcrawre range af 32` F to 15U° F(U` C te Efi` C; and are Rainproof per UCSQ (NEN1A 3R1. Strobc unVy modeis nace a:emperature range a'-40` f to 158` F(-40' C[0 70' C), and are indaodouedoor listed oer d - 41 C11638 artd indcor I!sted per Ut197:. The 529110R is ratcd 60 tandela 0 -AO` C. 52475F znd 524:5i5K are 2te candc!a T -40` C I.ight Gwpui' S4ndets "ith 15 only in tlie model number are listed ac 15 candela . M1Todrts kich ISiS zre liued at 15 andela per UL 1971 but wili provide?5 car,dela cn axis (svaight ahead) Models aith 36. 75 or 1:0 ase ra!ed for tha[ candela. Mode!s vviih a rrd, ambec green or bliie lens a.^e listed a[ 75 candela per UL 1638. Sound Ouiput Sound output ;eNels am established ai L'o±drmriters Laboratories in their reaerberant ruom. Ahva.%s use the sound out- put spedRed as UL Reverberanl Ruom wnen mmparing preducts. Listin;s U. Fb;. CSfbL M1!FA. K Scries mudcls arc l'L. CSFM. :'.1E.4 listcd only, Generai Description The SpeetrAlere ser,co nosiCicatiun appiiances ara designed w meci the rcyu!remrnts of most agenci°s govem,ir,g lhese dreices, inc;udino. NFFa. ALi.7. The Natirn;al Ffre AlBrm Cude. L'L. E;vl. L'Sf11. !'dEA. Al1o, eheck %cith your loca( Auttwrity Haeing Jur.scicriun fnr ether codus cr standards that map appl_:. Tlie Speo::llen serfes can he ins;aE;ed ir. sc5trus u.uig 12. o; ?Jvn{i paticu DC er fu?t •.va~c reniY'icd .[ELtk} umaer suppPes. ?tse serics :an aisc bc ins:alird in ;qs:er.is rz•yuiring sYnd;roniraiiun linodu;(, 'NlL`L required! ur sisltr.x that cio noi reGuLC s}ndircni.a;icr (Tio mndnle reGuired) N07'rCE: lhi> manuni shall 6e lc.`l VeiUh die rn~ r.er: usr: ih;s ea,~i~;merv Fire Rtarm System Considerations- Temporal aiid Vnn=TriuporaI Coded Signals: T;:e 1n;r:i[,m \':iUC[inI l,Nucite annu !!+c \aU:mal Fur :\4:n:a Crrcc iUyuirr t!cr.. all !io,ro uscd Im' b.:l_iin~; c~s~ :ratiun ins,alb.d +(tcr Iulc l. must piuduwrt TzciporeV Coird ti;gnak- Sigr~~l, u~.hn than iliose used iLr uvacua!vin pu;poses Gu nut h:noto pru dtv:c the Ir,.apural Coded Sigual. Tcinpur:il codiri; ie a.teivplish,!;l 4}in.:,r. rupting a;teady sowiii iu the fuCak',ir~; menmer: I ~ - : Sr Suc . $e::. .t. : $c". 112 ..f., 1'i, $t>c. Rr~pu:n;', '..Uft ~'..V~, Off unOtl Power Supply Considerations Fane's t,pically supp;y DC tilte;ed voliage or FbVR ((ol!%v2ve rec[ified) vv;tage. The system design engineer nmst calculate the nwn6er eF units used in a zone bazeJ ori the iype o: panel supplq Bc cenein ine sum ot ali the device airmnu do noi exceed the currene cap-aoi;ity o[ the panel. Cztculations are basecl Ofl USInR [Fn decice currem found ir, the subse- quent charts and nmsi be the curren[ specifieA tor the ±qpe of par.ef power suFPti' used. . . Wlf@ Sli£S The.designer n:usr be Smr tl;df the la;t devim on the circuii has suCfcient wol~agc to opera[e tLe devi;:c a•ithin irs rated aolcage, L41irn caiculatir.g dic coliage available [o the lasr Cer'.ce, i[ is necess2ntn cr,iiiider the vol[- a;c drup cluc tu !he resis;an.e c( the w:m. The ti;ic6er tl;c .~ire the less tht, voliage dtor•. Gcncrallv. (or purptises o( dMCrmining the ai:e siae neo- essary foi the sysiem, it is Gex co cvnsider nit of zhe devices as -lumped' on the end ut thr supply ri*cuiL (simutates `worsl ca;e'). 1)Pir;d taire sbc resi~iar,cc: . . lII A4PG snGd: .Anoroxima[c(y 8 nfiins%1.000 fi. IG Ali'G so':d. App;asimately 5 ehins'I,DUO ft. I4Al1'G soliA: Appro>imaiety'3o!mi5{I:Uf10ft. 12 A1t'G sulia~ App'urinta:ely 2 chnts,il.0(1i1 ft. Psa;nplr: A=.5uliv, yuu 1l:me 16 dt,iccs on a r.une and r:ult rrquirr.5 50 mA, arciagv .+,}d 2000 P. uf !t :t1A'C; r:i!ing {Inlr! Icrgdi =aut};oin~ +rc- iunil. Thc vn![-i;;r ai iL•c c.id uf tlm lauli is O.p50 n"np" p(r doeice x 10 do\9cr: s 3 ohnts! 1 41'lU Il. s 2t)110 (L ~-;i rults ilo;p G...hm fl..i... J AYERRGECUR0.ENT(mA) PEAKCURRENT(mA) ~ INRUSHCURRENTimA) 12YMit€15 ~ 25J Modefs I2~s4sls . I 2iYMS +2Y.MSt9.eJs I <YMsAs3 1asv ~12v j17v f xov I zav , aov iasv I izv : irv j zov I zav~ aov +asv ~ sxv I irv ~ zov ~ 24v : aov ~FNF'OC FF9'OCIFWF ]C~1PN{{I vC F F GC fYR 0 yFWRIDC FVfitl[:IFNq OC ftVri JC HR ~ ~ OC y FN0. DC ~FWR DC Ca~Se~a CGrNftIJGJiNN OC 4NWtIO-C PWRI UC 'S 1331159 i14151+81 4tp$p 61 d3T"601~a~ 4G 960~<6~50 <6016Y8a ISr2p4 1J~ ~95 90 ID5;92 124 140 '90 9~1'Zeli16 15 ~2,'4I 199 '661221a211}99'J57 56 60 49~~G2 av0E5P0 d9G5Y0a6q 150t19~ 11SOY01 I50 toB '/oyt0.1261fA 185 9ZrJ5116+t6i114'i2'1 fi4 41 NA NA N~A NA NAr NA BI 3i I 6) BY ~ R~]Z NA J1+NAS~14 NA1 NA 18]~101I187~219 1Q3 116 NA~IN.M1 NH NA NA 5IN 29 116 152'<1 19B ~7S NA ~ NA N0.1 NA NA ~ NA I 45 f~0T3Y 159 102, ta . I N4 F4T4 idqiNA ~NA I hA 350~ CdC*)/0 3~0 dtl0 NA ~ NA ~ 10.}NA N-4 ~ NA t~_1<C ~8~ : 90 337 110` NAN0..VA NA~NA NA tEd1210 :4J.t~t !+5'~;.1 NA.'!1!NAINA:V4~NA c60560JC5PSIC-S?G:6N NANAfNAil'80:27C~42~.,230i230i310 • Is cC moGe'S wilh;klrre: lo ls Narn Only: Highllow ismP I 703V 'i 12V ~ 17Y I 30V 'i 76Y Lav _ I^terupt. LOW Y...../Cf.nhe 30 ed[ NighlLO» TamP ` Tona Yolume INOn AVERAGEGURAENT~mA) P9Y ' 26V 30Y ~ oc Fwnl OC :WR Y. ~FWA Eli Hi3h 7ema 9' 1105 92 IJO 87 90 -NOC mi 95 117 SC 115 66 114 , Low Tem 69 96 ' 80 55 15 87 Nor. 90 98 8i 10' 75 6 1 3000 HZ HigM1 T8~ 102 108 95 .105 95 1R5 _ INertur^l. N n 97 116 9d i[I 93 ttt _ i0w Tem 92 S6 Ai 9' 79 9~ Nr.t 41 f00 8° 101 BU Bl liom/Strobe 15 ed: ~ A4ERAGECUftftENT(mA) 12VIlifty~,y I 2-4Y-M94€L5 I'_~ Migh:Law TemP 10.5V ! 12V I 17V 20V ~ I{V 30V L,8 YoWme„ Mun 0 Pd9 C(NR"0. 0.4R'CCihRl~y.. fNFI'JC f6'F IEBCVO High TmmD taJ~W012<1 167.95 142 691 B".-1 5E118T67+ meCb Yo't dJ~t7112C,6r19a . 611W~5fi e4 1 55 ~107 I ln.v . T9mp_ NAINA.L'NA'~Ni,'.NAj6_tl3Sf'7~71E ~ o' NA ~ ft4 I M NA . ryp I YA I 6 I 7]3 SG , 85 '~OOC hZ Hiqh TE np <4+ f9 ~~t5 1E8 ~ 3/ 144 T7? ~9P 83 75+ 94 Ifter:i.pt _ Yan .al']J'2~ifi8 95'-146 6. ~951]~r.]3~5:m lCw ^ TxnU NA 'L~ Va Ni NP~ 7 7 tiA~fi3 I~5 ; 6Gt 5 591 80 ~ Nan -I I'~A4h' NA +hhA 6'+ 5, 59 5;T60 ' 86 Nom/SVO6e 1575 ed: I I HighlLOw Temp Tona Vafume INan AYERAGECU 70.SY tIV I y t 1Y oc~'r'nu uc rwR° vwA RRENT{mA) 14V MQQp 70V ~ 14Y 10V x.w~~ oc ~~~va r,c =vm Electm- High Te,nO ~I 19? 152 18i t19 16a 15 Bti 1o B2 ~3 88 ntch. Nn 1'8 19Y IS'. 1df 1ti' f5+ 94 '!Y 9E 74 1C4 Low Tem NA NA NnI NA MA NA 6779 62 'l 51 77 Nrn NA NA NA NA tiF NA 69 81 83 87 61 d8 13000 M+ Hign T m if9 195 15t 183 115 12@ ea, 9 '1' 9~ Rt 95 leterropi. Non 1'9 1 1?6 ?52 18] 113 1E8 'IS 59 7E iCi : 13 1U] Lew Tem ~A NA NA NA NJ. NA /0 ]9 6tl ]9 ' 65 B: Nan 1 NA NA NA NA YA NA 69 83 55 85 R5 , 8]i Nem/Strohe 75 ed: MighlLOw Temp TaOB VOluma fNOn AYERAGELUR- REN7(mA, OaY Metlalc 1QV 21V 30V DG FF'iR CC fwR DC iN'R Eleclro- Hgh Temp 161 ~91 1. 8 '5' 17. 7fi. m4Ch. Non 16J '98 1C5 1E9 132 169 Low Tam 156 182 136 162 119 155 Nen t57,182~177 162 I19 157 3000 H2 MI3h TCn, tt9 196' 151 112 139 174 InterrvDl. N.n 164 191 173 177, 177 Low ?em 1591164 14C t64 t27i 160 Nan 154-186 ti 163 124152 14ern/SUO6e 110 cd snd 75 ed with e9lored lens AVEFAGECURRENT(mA) 26V M°ee`S Migh!!ow TamP 20V 1 YSV 70V Tone V Wme Mcn ot~~wn~0~ FWR GWR Elec!ro. High Tamp 188 441 165 205 ta< YW mech. Non 19E 23P 16 211 145 243 Lo'++ TEm 11i 27: 15 1G4 132 i89 Nen iBt 232 154 2Ua~t~e ~90 3W0 Hz Hi~h TEm^ 193 246 :68 21a H52 YG'~ Inle[ruPl. N n 188124 2 167 21'/ 151! Y10 LOw Tem. :B1 23a 15] .116 ~76 1S~ Non 182 252.15 205 ~3] 195 Soe+rtd Output Guide UL Reverberant Room dBAO voits DC Anecfroie dBA 010 it./velts DC aQJ: iz u a 211 32 im az u za ?A N 'Eemporal Lov;Volume F!ec[roroethanical ti.a NA NA 75 75 79 N A NA iVA 9: 'Jti 98 3CU0 Hz ir.:crrupted \A NA NA 75 79 79 NA NA tiA 94 96 98 . High Vo(ume Electromechanical 75 75 79 82 62 82 94 95 98 IOD 101 102 3000 hzinte;rupted 7i 75 79 82 85 85 94 95 98. 100 101 102 NoiiLrnv Volume Fiettrornechar,icaf \A NA NA 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 99 Tompcnl 3060 Hz [ntei:l ":A NA NA 82 82 85 NA NA NA 54 96 98 High Vulunte Electromechanica: 79 79 AS 8S RB 88 54 95 98 IDO 101 IOZ 3000 Hz Lnrerttipced 79 82 65 88 86 88 93 95 98 100 101 102 The samm numher of decices using t2 A1VG wire •,,ill producz r,niq 2 volts drop Tne s. n',e devi,ec using i8 A\l'G wire w'ill prnduce 8 rolts drop.Cnnsult your parel manu(a.turer's sprciCications, as wcl(as SpecnAlerr's operating voii iar.gr to dztermine accept- a6ic roltagr diep. . Horn Seiections Hocns arc lano;5' set foc high %ulume, IFiaporid rude, anA etec[rome- chanicaltonr Tonrs, ?Ho ioncs nmy bc sclectcd using thc jnmpkr plug: Ic;mi on ihc pricled circuit boau d.. Witl: tkejmrper olfset. the :o! ir is th:. clrcuumecf?znica~ suu:id. With thc jur.y;c: in Fr,rcc. the ton: is a 3 k}iz sound. . . '~OTE: lVh~n nu~ecmd Irum Pl~'H viGipi}. ~onc~ miii bc modulaled ftun:rd nu and sIQ by 1201i~. causiu}; tlir tnnc. :4 spu~+.d difCcrcn~ [roin [ii ptn,r~ . Temp!Nun Temu: 7empural codin, or tior-Temoorel coding caii be selected us- ing thc jumper ptugs lora[ed on d:c prin;ed circuit board. Witl, thc jumper otfsec-, the tor.e paue; n is the Temporal Coded SignaL 14'ith :he jumpec in ptace, ihe Non-7empocal cede (mntimious) tone is active. Nlgh/Lr,w Vo?umo: }{igh or lo%r volunic may be sele:tec using thejumper plugs ?acuted on Ihr pririted ci!cuit boarcL With thejumpr,: iu place, thc snurd ouiput Ie•:cl is the high levcl. N'ith the jumper o(G sec, the sornd output Iecrl is the Irn•; level. The low volur,:c setting miut 101 be u>i=d %rhen !he de':ice is poa'c;cd Gom a 12-vul[ panel. ND7'E: Alwaps prnrrr dmr= es beforr scttinS jtuupen. Mounting Diagrams: Hvm sur(ace mount: Screw types used far mounting: A= kG r li/-0 piruiitc B= 6-32 s 1 3!5 cnal hcad C=6-,S2 1 15/ 113 p80 hCiid D = r,fi plasu:e E= 5.32 3/4 ila; hrad Slrobe or Horn/Stmhe with smati.tootprmi mounting plate: 2 !NC49Al".K 4i8 2. Compir;r [ie:o %ciring . 3. .Viount urit to skin wiih screws A. NOTE. Horn and sk;n may also muun[ fo a'?anch box using strev:s B instead ot srrews A. f90fR dAltCt IIIOYtN' WAiL OPENMG 1hU5 i 9E IARGE L Break ult li,ur c.,s ,r..,,t . 2. Comple;e (ield v;iring. 3. hlou:i, und to back oo>: with scre%Ns B. niaking vuc a,all open- ir.g is I;vge enough tor trnninals v) Rt thranigh. Horn with universal mouMiny plate: SaeNv plate !o bacle twz I.cnii srre%as C. making surc lc;i:? ope^ inS is equal to plate opering. . 2. Break eff tour iabs Grom unit. 3. Cumpletc field wi!ing. - 9. ]nscrt ImWng rib on unii into sot on plate. 5. Push into plxte. 6. Securc unit ic p'a:e k'id: sarnll. OL'AL I l. biount pVaic m back box with screN+s E, making surc ~NnVi upcr- iuq is eyual to plate oprning. 2. Cernpleie licld %Niriiig. . 3 insc:i locking rib it,o slot on Ji:a!c. . 4. P:uh intr, plr.« c. 5. Secarc iuut to plate %;'iUi scrr+v D, _ Svobe ar Horn/Strobe surface mount: Strobe w Mcrn/Strobe with universal mounEing plate: 1. Mouni skiit !e back box with screws E, 1. Mouut ski!'t to 6ack box with urews E. 2. Coroplete field Wiring.- . 3. liisert lncking 6b into,lot un plate. - 4. push into mcessed area. S. Secure urct w skirs wiih screw D. Mount plate w 6ack box, making sure wall opiu~ngis eq~.iai+.e d1e plate cpering. . 2. Slip •,vims !hrouKh pla.a 3. Compictc IieW roidng. . 4. \`:oui,l unit tii b2tk hox widi screv;s A System Opeption: Non•Synchronized Devices Figure lA. Rny combination of modefs powered 6y a 2•wirz circuit: H09N ~ HORNIS'ROBE STftO6EONLY c•~ i ~L~ ~ r r i~~ r 1 ri I ~ - I Figure 16: Horns and sUObes powered in tandem: N6TE: Suppiy pmver must be mntinuous fo: pioper nperaticn. TO NEXT DEViCE OP. EOL FACT00.YINSTALLED JUMPER5 FROM: FALP, MODULE OR PREVIOUS DEVICE Figure 2A. Any comhination of modeis poviered bya A-wire circait to provide inEepeadertt horn and strobe operetion (Remuue (actory installed jumpers, see Figura 28): NOTE: StmLes must be prn+cred continunas!y for hr.rn oneraucn. M'_=1 IE'I I ~ R ~I N "V Ic ,o . M B 0 5 . T T t ' q. R: ~ .pl p; 01 ~ BB E Figuro 26: Horns and sVObes powered independenUy (Horn opente6 on coded power supply): NOTE: SvobFS must 5i• po•sered mr.tincously for harri oprratiun. Mf.PN4 fApCRVIA6ALLfD . JUNPfRWIRESRfMOVFO ry__ ~ MO1C6iPO0F6VYl1 iONE%i lEPOwEafD:OxTwuOU^IY MORN OR iOF MORN CV[R %LiOF. 'O N~T RiROBEb FWOM ~ ncr.xoocLe STNOBEOR Oiv¢e wcf EOL ~ s..µ..•snoi~~~.inan ~ ~ ooxot,ue..eMnw«~. ~nei:m`y~oo xoiia.~'vd-.. WARNING i The Limitations ot HarnlSVObes The horn and/or strobe will not iiork wicbuut pnwer. T;~e bnnvstrobc gets ics powcr from tlu firei,rcurity Panel mor.iioring uie alarm sys;em. ll' powcr is cu, of.` for any reason, tl:c• hor:i'su'ube v+iU not praa'iAc the desired audiu or v,sual wa: nhtg. The horn may nut be heard. The loudnc•ss of use hurn merts (or exceeds) cutrein Undenvriters Lzbor,itories sta-,idards. Howc%r;, ihe horn n:av nor aiert a sourrti sleeper or or.e who hac rcccnily uscd drugs cr has bzen drinking amholic beeeragcs. The iiom r2v not be heard if it Is placed un a dif(erent Iloor Gom the uerscn in hazard~or it piec€d iuo tar akcay to he heard e~er ;hr ambicnt noise such zs treffic air cmiditioners, mac64;r;ry or music appiiances [hat mLti prerent alert pcrsens Gom Iiearing thc alarn-,. Tlle hoi n may not be hcard by persoi s tvho are hearin3 i*npaired. NOTE: S,robes musc be pow ercd corninuous!y for horn oprr2tion. ~ ~ The sigual strohe rnay not be seen. Tne elrctronic risu21 ~~;::n,i.^.g si2ns, uszs an esvemcly reliable xenor. Ilzsh tube. It Ilashes zt ;r;,st once eveq- secar 7hc srnbe must nn; be i-istaIlec' in dirrct suniiFht or a.rras of high light in;ensiry (over G(7 fooc cendles) %ehere Cie viiual llnsh reight be d'.srr garded or nui s.en.'!'he sirobe may no; Se scen by tPm ~i5uallv impaimd. The signal strobe ntay cailse seizures. tndicidua;s wfiu ha%e pcsiiive a}iCliC fC}ppi15f lU V;ti:13I Sl1:IlUIi N'!I}7 seizures, sudi as pcisons kriih epi- lepsy, shnwd a%oid prnlmiged exposure to em•ironnwets in which strobe signals, includine this suobe, are activated. The ,r,gnat strobe cannot operate from coded poK'er supplies. Codr.d poeeer n:pplies produce irnertupted ptiveer. The strobe musi hace an mlin- tervpted wurce of pmcer in order te opcratc corre:0y. Svstem Sen>or reo ommends tha: the hom and sigiial strobe ah+ays be useu in mmbina!icn su that iha risks iroin any of the ahove limitatinns are :ninimi/ed. ThrerYear Eimited Warranty Svstem Senmr warrams its erdosed horn. suvbe, or horr.lsnobe to bc (mc trom dciects in materials and workmansh!p undcr normai use and sercice (or a period uf th.ee years Gom date oi manufa. Wre. S}'s:em Sen- sor mrkcs. r,c ochcr cxpress warrant ' v for this hvrn. stroUe. or hontlst:obc. No agem, rprescntatire, deelcr, or ernplcyce ot the Compan, 6as the au- thori[v ta increasc or alter she obfigations or lin'atatinns af this N'arranty. Th2 Ct:mpa!y's obligztion ot ihis Warrauty shall be iintiled to tLe repas or reolacement of any pan of the horn. srtebe, or hom/strobe which is (omid tu 6e Jefective, in meleri2ls or wror!:manship urder r.ocutal use and senice durmg Ql,u ttirce yca* pcriod cornmcnting wiih thc dalc of manu[aC.sro. Aflmr pin;n[ngSystem $ensoi's roll (cce nun;ber S0C1-iEN50R2 (136-7 (nr n?t( wrr, Auihori/n:VOn uumber, sunu deCcnice nwtts p;.<.tage preE. ; to: S;stem Scnwr, Repair I>epartiuent. RA k__.. 3N~5 Ohio Acenae, S:, Char)es. I: 60179. Please indudr a note descriliing ihe n;alfunc tion and suspected cause of f2i;tve. i he Comp2nY shall not be obligated to repair or replace wnits whir.ii ere found tu be drfcctice because of d8magc, unreamnatlc usc, modi[icet;m:s, or alteraticros occurri, g aftcr the d2re o[ :nanufanure. Li nu case shnll the C.ompany be!iable (ar 2ny conscquential oi inc:deirial damnges lbr breach c( iliis or any othe; %^.`z•rraniy. expressed ur linplied whzlsoever, even if lhe Icss or darnagc is coused by [h= Cempany's negliµcntc cir (ault. Sqmc s[ates do not eiovv ihc erduslo:i or limitaition nf incdental or consequeminl damnges, m tP:e abovc limlta!ion or exdusiun may not ,ipplv w yeu. This 4V, rraaly give; }'ou specii c 12gzi rl;hts. and you ma)' alsc hace odher rig'nts which vary 6rom state tc. stxte. . June 25, 2001 ` CMF and CRF Series ~ FI!'E:-LITe'AL°cl!'I"T1S Addressabie Control and Relay Moduies .....,w ....u.., ,.,,M Section: Addressable Devices GENlERAL CMF-300 Controi Module (Replaces C304) The CMF-300 Addressable Control ModWe provides Fire•lite Aiarm's MS-9200 and MS-9600 intelligent control panels a supervised Class B(Style Y) ar Class A(Style Z) circuit for Notitication Appiiances (homs, strobes, etc.). Addressability allows the CMF to be activated, either manu- alty or through panet programming, on a select (zone or 8f08 01 C(1V2f8Q@) b85IS. CRF-300 Relar Modute(Replaces C304 configured as a relay) The CRF-300 Addressable Relay Module provides the MS-9200 and MS-9600 systems wi!h two isolated sets ot Form-C dry-contact outputs tor activating a variety of auxil- iary devices, such as fans, dampers, doar hoiders, con- irol equipmen:, etc. Addressability allows the dry cantact to be activated, either manually or ihrough panei progr2m- ming, on a select basis. FEATURES • Built-in typz identification automatically identifies these devices to the controi panel. • lntemal circuitry and retay powered direct4y by two-wire SLC loop. The CMF moduie requires power (tor homs, sirobes, etc.). • Integral LED "blinks" green eacn time a communication is receivedfrom the control panel and tums on in steady red whsn aetivated. • High noise immuniFy (EMFIRP{). • The CMF inay be used to switch 24-volt NAC power. • Witle viewing angle of LED. • SEMS screws with clamping platesior wiring ease. • Direct Decade 01•99 (MS•9206) and 67-158 (M&9600) entry of address. APPLICATlONS The CMF is used to switch 24 VDC audible/visual power, 7he CRF inay be programmed to operate dry con:acts for door holders, Air Handiing Unit shutdown, etc., and to re- set four•wirs smoke detector powec CANSTitUCT10N! • The face plate is made of othwhite NeryKA. - • Controls include two rotary switches for direct-diai entry ot address (01•99 on the MS-9200 ar.d 01•159 on the MS-9600). • The CMF is configured for a single Class B(Sryle Y) or Class A(Sryle Z) Notifica[lon Appliance Circuit. • The CRF provides two Form-C dry ccntacts lhat switch togethec r- w~ FM dPPProved 9 AVICE - rmuows:ies ~ ip76310 , e,/~~ n TEN3915~'~ 2 4~'/\q~p,~p~'J1 ~ 1 . ~Y a~ ~ne 9 -'1 J CMF-300 and CRF-300 Module OPERATIOtd. Each CMF or CRF uses one of 99 (MS-9260) or 159 (MS• 960Q) possible module addresses on a SLC loop. It re- sponds to regular potls irom the control panel anC reports its type and status, including the oper/normal/short s[a- tus ot its Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command, it activates its internal reiay: The CMP supervises Class 6(Sry!e Y) or Class A(Style 2) notification or control circuits. Upon code command from the panei, the CMF will discom nect the supervision and connect the external power sup- ply in the proper poiarity across the load device. The dis- coanection nt the supervision provides a positive indica• tion to the panel that the control relay actually turned ON. The external power supply is always retay isolated from the communication loop so that a irouble conditian on the external powei supply will never intertera with tha rest ot Yhe system. NoryO is a registered lradanark of GE Plastics, a subsldiary of Gener2l Electric Gompany. hi, dxument is not inlended to be used for installation purposes. We try lo keep our produci intormation up-to-tlate and xccurate. Wa cannot cover a8 sDecific t appiications or anticipale all requirements. All specifications are subjscl to char.ge ~1 l wdhout notice. For mare information, contacl Fireiite Alarms, One PireLite Place, Northiord, Connecticut 06472. Phone: (BOC) 6273473, Toll Frse FAX: (B77) I649HIql~IRiMM1FiF11B11E OP-52137- Page f of2 Rotary Ni!ches set a uniQUe address tor each module. The ad~..izss m2y be set before or after mounting. The built-in 1YPE CODE (not settabfe) will identity the module to the controi panel, so as to difterentiate behveen a mod• ule and a sensor address. SPECIFICATIONS FOPt CMF Normal operating voitage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum cureent draw: 5.1 mA (LCD on). Average operaiing current: 390 pA (LED tlashing). Extemal supply voitege (behveerr Termina(s T3 and T4): maximum BO voits (RMS or DC). Dreln on axternal supply: 2 mA mazimum (using internal EOL relay). EOL resistanse: 47K ohms. Temperature ranye: 32°F to 120'F (0°C to 49°C). Humidlty range: 10% to 93% nor-condensing. Dimenslons: 4.5" (174.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 4.25° (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box. SPEtIFICATIONS POR CRF Normai opereting voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Meximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Averege operating current: 270 pA (LED tiashing). EOL resVStence; not used. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humtdity range: 16% to 93°k non-candensing. Dlmenslons: 4.5' (114.3 mm) high x a" (901.6 mm) wide x 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts ta a 4" (tOt.E mm) square x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box. PRACUCT LINE INFOiFM/8T1AIV CMF300 Inteltigent Addressable Control Module. CRF-300 Inteliigent Addressable Relay Module. SM8500 Optional Surface-Mount Backbox. C6500 Control Module Barrier - required by UL for separating power-limited and nan-power !im- ited wiring in the same junction boz as CMF-300. > ~ E MOUNTiNG DIAtsRANlS Nate C6500 A.fodufe 8anier, which creates isolated quadrar.t. ISOLATED t]UHD4t0.NT r . ' D. „ . ~ ~ 4" (109.6 mm) square x 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box eeLav coNTACr RaTiNCs fn. 6et6 CMF eano4 CRF modeds Load Descripdon Applicetion Max~ V t C~e~~ Resisnve NorrCoded 30 VOC 3.0 A Resisti~e Coded 30 VDC 2.0 A Resis6ve NortCoded t10 VDC 0.9 A Resistive NorrCoded 125 VAC 0.9 A Vducove (Up = 5 m,) ~oded 30 V~C 0.5 A yduccve (Up - p msy Coded 30 VDC 9.0 A hxfucoue (PF = 0.35) NorrCoded 125 VAC 0.5 A erzrm.m I Page 2 ot 2- DF-52130 ~ Conductile LL° & XLE° & Statmate LET" & XLET°' 114711~ Conductile LEO & Statmate LET^' Reformulated for low emissivity, these DOP-free, Phthalate Ester-free tile products otfer a nearly 50% reduction in outgassing compared ta standard ESD controi vinyl tile. Conductile XLEO & Statmate XLET"' Utilizing macramolecular technolagy, VPI has developed an innovative low outgassing ESO conlrol flooring solulion. The resuli is ihe lowest outgassing commercial resilient ESD flaoring in the worid. XLE utilizes an extremely high mol- ecular weight permanent polymer plasticizing system which, unlike most lower molecular weight stantlard plasticizer systems, does not allow migralion ihrough the tile compound lo ihe surface and therefore is not losi to evaporation ar common extraction. When XLE is tested per ASTM E 595-93, there is less lhan 7%iotal mass loss and over a 98% reduction in collectetl volalile candensa6le malerials when comparedlo DOP or Phthalate Ester vinyl tile. . For'COnductlle LE & Slalmate LE only. i i i OUTGASSING PROPERTIES NearlV 50% reauclion in outgasslnp when compared to OOP TML antl CVCM Irom outgassing in a vacuum ar Phihalate Ester conlaining producls. environmenl (NSTM E 595-93) For Conduclile %LE 8 Slalmate XtE anlV~ ~ 1/ tolal mass lass 8 over a 98% retluclion In callecled volalile cantlensable materials TML antl CVCM irom aulAassing in a vacuum when campared lo DOP or Phlhalale Esler conlaining protlucis. environment JpSTM E 595-93) OSTATIC PROPERTIES Besislive Characlerizatlon ol Materials- Passes Floor Malerlals (ESO 57.1) EleclrlcalNesistance' PointtoPninl-2.5x10'Rto10'SE PoinltaGrountl-10•Rta10°R (RSTM F 150 or NFPA 99) Palnl lo Craund->2.5 x 10'Sl EleclmslaticPrapensity(MTCC-13E) c 50 VOi1sat20%relaliaehumidip <300VOI1sa120%relalivehumitlily With ConJUqive Faolwear Stalic Oecay ' . (FetlerolTeslMethatl101C, <O.Otseconds <02 secands Methotl 4046 at 15%flelative Humitlity) R PROPERTIES Fetleral5pecilicalionsSS-T-312B, OTHE . Passes iYPeIII,VinylTlle PSTM F1700 Passes NFPF Lile Sale1Y Code 701 Class I Interiar Flaor Flnlsh Crilical Badlant Flux (NSTM E 648) > 7.011 W/ cm' > 1.03 W/ cm' Smoka Oensily (ASTM E 662) <450 Flame Spreatl (PSTM E 84) <75 - Slalic Laatl Limit 700 psi (MOtlllied PSTM F 970-93) I I Homogeneous xolitl vinyl lile thal has contlucllve elamenls ol Ihe carbon lamlly Composllion rantlomly, 6ut preciseiy, Gislrihuletl ihmughoul lhe tile. OOP-Iree & PM1lhalale Esleriree Gauge liH" 24" x 24•' Nominal5izes . Cuslam Sizes Pvailable INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Ptlhesire 8 Spreatl Fale M750 Conductive EpoxV Atlhesive; Cavers 150 square feet /gailon TYPe one:1/16" x 7/16" Square Natch wlth 1116" Flels ttowel Size" TyPelwo:i/ifi"xV1fi"TtlangulatNalchwitht/16"Flalsort/ifi"HaIlCimularwithl/32"Flals Cmuntling One 2" x 24" copper sltlp Installetl every 200 feel Na Iloor linish requlretl. As stantlard, VPI tile has a burnishetl high gloss linish. Floor Finish Ta achieve an enhanceG hiAh Alass, wef-look apply VPI Slatic Canirol Flaor Glaze. RRANTY ElecUical"' WA Five Yeaes Free imm tlelecls in workmanship One Year dlltl 1113t¢fId15'° "AVerage of 5 ar mare readings per NFPA 99 or ASTM F450 test methotl. "Ttawel size selection Is tlepentlenl upon su65urlaca type and contlllion. Please referto VPI's installation Instruciions far praper Irawel size selectlon. -VPI's Exclusive Warranty is valid only when installed with VPI k150 contluctive adhesive; please contact a VPI representative lora copy ofVPl's Excluslve Warranlyforluriher tlatails. UPI u150 contlucfive adheslve must 6e usetl in the installatian of VPI E5D Conlrol Vinyl Tile la achieve laleral tile-lo-tile conductivity. ~ Floor Praducis Division Custamer Servlce: 1-800174-4240 3123 Saufh 9ih Street, P.O. eox 451 hl1p://www.dataplusneLcomNpi/vpi.html p . She6oygan, WI 53082-0957 U.S.A. Tel: (920) 458-9664 Fax: (920) 458-1368 r ~ ~l ESD Control Vinyl Tile E CONDUCTILE LECTRICAL ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES Electrical Hesistance* Point to Paint - 2.5 x 101 ta 101 (ASTM F-150 or NFPA 99) Point ta Ground ->2.5 z 10" Point ta Ground -10° to 10° Resistiue Characferization ot Maierials - Passes Floor Materials (ESU 57.1) Electrastatic Propensiry (AATCC-134) < 50 VoRs at 20% relative humidity < 300 Volts at 206 relative humidity With Conductive Fwtwear Static Decay < 0.01 seconds < 0.2 seconds (Federal Test Method 101C, Method 4046 at 15% Relative Humidity) PERTIES Federal Specifications SS-T-31213, OTHER PRO Passes Type III, Vinyi Tile ASTM F-1700 Passes Underwriters Laboratories Meets UL Standard 779 and is UL Listed UL Classitied per MIL-HDBK-263A NFPA Life Satety Code 707 Class I Interior Floor Finish Critical Radiant Flux (ASTM E-648) > 1.08 W/ cm' > 1.03 W/ cm° Smoke Densily (ASTM E-662) <450 Flame Spread (ASTM E•84) < 75 Stalic Load Limit 700 psi (MOditied ASTM F-970•93) I I Compasition Homogeneaus solid vinyl tile that has conducfive elements af the carhon family randomly, 6ut precisely, distri4uted throughout the tile. Gauge 1/a1, Nominal Sizes 12" X 12" Micro-squared tiles; plus or minus 0.002" square 24" x 24" or 36" x 36" Pre-grooved orsquare-edge Custom 8izes Availa6le INSTALLATION i D MAINTENANCE Adhesive & Spread Raie X150 Ganductive Epoxy Atlhesive; Covers 150 square feei / gallon Trowel Size 1/16" x 1/16" Triangular Noich with 1/16" Flats or 1/16" Half Circular with 1132" Flats Gmunding One 2" x 24" copper ship installed every 200 feei Floor Finish No floor finish required. As siantlard, VPI tile has a 6urnished high gloss finish. To achieve an enhanced high gloss, wet-look apply UPI Static Conirol Floor Glaze. NTY Electrical"* WARRA five Years Free from defects in workmanship One Year and materials** ~ 1 i •Average af 5 or mare readings per NFPA 99 or ASTM F-150 test method. . . '*VPI's Ezclusive Warranty is valid only when installetl with VPI k150 conductive adhesive;please conlact a VPI representative for a copy of VPI's Exclusive Warranly far fudher tletails. VPI #150 contluctive atlhesive must . 6e used in the installatian of VPI ESI) Conlral Vinyl Tile to achieve lateral tile-to-tile conductivity. ~ Floar ProUuaGs Divisian Custoroer Service:1•000-894-4240 - ~ 3123 South 9th Street, P.O. Box 451 http:l/wiv~v.dataplusne6.coMvpVvpi.html Sheboygan, Wf 63082-0461 U.S.A. vpi@tlataplusneGoom TaL19201458•4669 Eaz:19201458•1368 11 MK2023-1097 GEO-tel~nica Engineering SOIL TESTS ~ PER(OLATION TESTS FOUNDATION DESIGNS . P.O. Bax 266 Fmnkmwn, Calomdo 80116 We6: x^xw.geo-teknica.cam Fux: 303-660-3615 Tel: 303-660~0300 . Custom Design Contractors 701 Kilmer Street Golden, CO 80401 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION OF ` 1060 ROGERS STREET ~ JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO REPORT NO. 02-324 June 21, 2002 L,' ~ ~ S'y<•. ~ ~.x~ c~. - ' 31737 j0. ~2b ~a . ~ ~~.~1nr~a~~E~ Subsurface Investigation Custom Design Contractors Single-Family Residence GEO-teknica Report No. 02-324 GENERAL This report presents the results of data obtained during the subsurface investigation of 1060 ROGERS STREET, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. This investigation was made to determine the type of foundation required, allowable bearing capacity,.ground water conditions and any problems that may be encountered during and after construction. SITE CONDITIONS At the present time there is an existing residence at this location. It is our understanding that a single-family residence is planned for this site. If type of construction changes from that specified above please contact this office for additional recommendations and/or requirements. FIELD AND LABORATORYINUESTIGATION Two (2) exploratory test holes were drilled on June 11, 2002 at the site shown on the Location Map, Figure 1. These test holes were drilled with a four-inch (4") diameter auger advanced with a CME-45 soil exploration drill rig. At specific intervals, the drilling tools were removed from the test holes and soil samples were obtained with a two-inch (2") diameter spoon sampling tube. The depths at which soil samples were taken and a description of the soil encountered are shown on the Logs of Test Holes, Figure 2, and the Summary of Laboratory Testing, Table 1. Afl soil samples were carefully inspected in the field during the drilling operation. These samples were classified in the laboratory through visual inspection and laboratory testing to determine the pertinent properties. The natural moisture content and dry density was obtained from relatively undisturbed drive samples of typical soils. Swell- consolidation tests were performed on typical soil samples, see Figure 3. These tests indicate the behavior of the soil upon various-loadings in a wetted condition. Auger was refused at a depth of 8' in Foundation Soil Test Boring #2 during the driiling operation. FOUN Based on our evaluation of the subsurface conditions, we recommend the proposed residence should be founded with continuous concrete footings. The following design criteria should be used, by a professional engineer, to design the foundation. Subsurface Investigation Custom Design Contractors Single-Family Residence GEO-teknica Report No. 02324 1) Footings and pads shall be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1,200 pounds per square foot (DL +'/2 LL) if bearing on the existing native soil. 2) No footing or pad shall bear upon topsoil or soils that contain organic material. 3) All continuous footings supporting perimeter concrete foundation walls shall be at least 16 inches wide. 4) The foundation walis shall be adequately reinforced and designed for an active pressure based on an equivalent fluid density of 45 pounds per cubic foot plus any applicable surcharge or hydrostatic loads. 5) All loose and disturbed soil shall be removed before pouring the concrete for the footings or bearing pads. 6) The bottom of the footings shall be a minimum of three feet (3') below final grade for frost protection. 7) Some minor settlement may occur with this type of foundation system. CRITERIA FOR CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTIqN The natural soils appear to be adequate for basement concrete slabs, garage concrete slabs or exterior concrete slabs. The client must follow the recommendations contained herein regarding the construction of concrete slabs on grade. It is very important for the subsurface soil moisture to stay constant during the construction process. When sandy soils have an increase in moisture content, they may consolidate and settle, potentially lowering and cracking the concrete slab. When clayey soils are exposed to an increase in moisture con±ent, they can increase in volume resulting in movement and possible cracking of the concrete siab. Any concrete slab on grade shall be designed as `floating' slabs, and shall not be connected to the foundation system. Siab movement should be expected. Use of the following recommendations will help to minimize damage, cracking, and movement to a concrete slab on grade where natural sandy or granular soils are present: 1) The slab should be placed directly on the natural sandv qranular or non- expansive soils. The subgrade should be compacted by use of a vibratory plate compactor or wheel rolled by heavy equipment prior to placement of the concrete slab. The subgrade soils should be kept moist, but nof wet, during construction. 2) The floating slab must be separated from the foundation or utility lines to allow for independent movement of the slab. A positive control joint must be provided at the junction between the slab and foundation walis. 2 Subsurface Investigation - Custom Design Conlractors Single-Family Residence GEO-teknica Report No. 02-324 3) Control joints must be provided in the slab to confine cracks to the joints and not in the visible area of the slab. Control joints must be saw-cut or tooled a minimum of one-third the thickness of the slab. The maximum slab area without control joints shall be 200 square feet. A maximum dimension of 14' in any direction is permitted. 4) A minimum void of one and one-half inches (1'/2') shall be provided at the bottom of all non-bearing interior partitions. Drywall or paneling shall not be placed within one and one-half inches (1'/2') of the top surface of the slab, allowing space for upward movement of the slab. 5) If a hot water heating system is used, the piping may be cast within the concrete slab, if the slab is reinforced with steel rebar and special care is taken not to damage the piping during future construction activities. Nails shall not be driven into a concrete slab that has hot water piping. Base plates should be attached with construction adhesive or anchor bolts cast in the concrete slab at the time of placement. 6) If a forced air furnace is used, a two-inch (2") flexible connection should be installed between the furnace and the duct. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE The installation of an exterior foundation perimeter drainage system is required for any habitable space below grade level. See Perimeter Drain Detail 1, for a suggested method of installing- this system. The perimeter drain shall discharge at a daylight location a minimum of 15-feet away from the home. The daylight end shall have a screened end section to prevent rodents from entering the drain. Alternatively, the perimeter drain may discharge into a sump pit. If a sump pit is used, homeowners should perform routine inspections of the sump pump system to make sure it remains in good working order. Failure of a sump pump system can cause serious foundation problems. SURFACE DRAINAGE The backfill soil around the house should be moistened and well-compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts with hand operated mechanical compaction equipment to prevent future settling. Controlled puddling of the backfill soils is not allowed. For proper drainage, a slope of 10% (1' in 10') away from the foundation in all directions is required. This slope must be maintained for a minimum distance of 10'-0". The owners are advised to immediately fill in any settled area near the house to eliminate containment of water. Down spouts must discharge onto four-foot long concrete splash blocks or into metal gutter extensions to direct water away from the house. 3 Subsurface Investigation . Custom Design Contractors Single-Family Residence GEO-teknica Report No. 02-324 The owners should be cautioned regarding the instaliation of a lawn adjacent to the foundation walls. Lawn irrigation must be more than five feet (5') from the foundation walls to prevent wetting of the subsurface soils. Lawn and/or plants should not be planted within five feet (5') of the foundation walis. We recommend providing decorative gravel or bark around the house, as shown in Foundation Grading Detail 2. This method will prevent ponding of water near the foundation and provide tor proper drainage away from the house. GENERAL INFORMATION Based on this subsurface investigation, the proposed foundation appears to be technically feasible to be constructed at the proposed site. The structure should be designed to be constructed in the direct vicinity of the boring location. If the proposed location will change, additional borings will be required to assess the soil conditions at the new location. Permitting work will be required to obtain any local and state approval, and design work will need to be performed by a qualified professional engineer to bring this project into final design, and subsequent construction. The construction of this project should be carried out by a qualified contractor with experience with similar projects. The construction process should be carefuliy inspected and documented to ensure the construction is performed in accordance with the design drawings and technical specifications. In`any soil investigation it is necessary to assume that the subsurface soil conditions do not vary greatly from the conditions encountered in our field and laboratory testing. Our experience has been that at times soil conditions do change and variations do occur and may become apparent at the time of excavation for the foundation system. If soil conditions are encountered which appear different from the test borings as presented in this report, an engineer from this office must be called to inspect the open excavation. This inspection service is not a part of this report. The work contained herein was performed by, or under the direct supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. Professional judgments and evaluations are presented based on information gathered during the drilling operations, conversations with the owner and/or contractor, and on experience with similar projects. The performance of the project is not guaranteed in any manner, only that the engineering work and judgments rendered meet the standard of care of the engineering profession. The engineering services performed are within the limits set by the Client, with the usual thoroughness and competence of the engineering profession. No other representation, either expressed or implied, is included or intended. 4 Subsurface Investigation Custom Design Contrectors Single-Family Residence GEO-teknica Report No. 02-324 The parties specifically agree that GEO-teknica Engineering Inc. has not been retained nor will they render an opinion concerning any environmental issues, hazardous waste or any other known or unknown conditions that may be present on this site, since this is not our area of expertise. ~-Location Map Property Line - - I I I W ~ d ~ ~ w N L ~ ET Garage House All lncatinns shown abnve are based on specific infnrmafion furnished by others or estimates made in the field by GEO-teKnica persanneL The locations, distances, directions, etc. are not the result of a property aurvey but are approximatians and are not warrante4 to be exact !t is the owner/buil4er's responsibility to define property boundaries and ensure all onsite imprnvements are located within the platfed site and out of inapprapriate easements. All distances are to be verified prior to excavatinn. Q Foundation Soil Test Borings O Percolation Test Holes ❑ Soil Profile Hole N Unsuitable Soil Profile Hole Figure 1 N Depth Feet w a) L ~ Q Ol O ~ U O C ~ cr C U O 0 N M O N a om~ 3 ~ N N p_ ~ N w~ 0 2 o L E ~ c ~ y M v i ~ N V N vi ~ O N N N ~ N w N ~ 01 O a La L Y ~M - m ~ N 4) l~0 ~ N N C!1 m~ ~c s O E ' ~ ~ mm p m ~ -p > Q Z C Z N O_ ~ M v : N C N W J O 2 H N W F LL 0 a 0 J m ~`-~4" ~~\\\\v~~\ \\\l'IIIIIIllL p Vv N M C) C y mo o W Q m ~ = d a = E d ~ W a f0 ~ W~ Z m j N o •LSI O Y I C W T 'O ~ C j a _ UI 117 LLI ~ N 1~I1 ~ N N~ U N L 2 y N y Z 0 Z a 0 ~ ~ V ~ E d.~ ~ ~ r Q ~ zN o 9~Q! a O ~ M ,a U v im UO U> f/J E 55 O W p I ~ N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I iaa~ uidara N N 7 ~ LL SWELL - CQNSOLIDATION TESTS Jab Na. - ~ 3wa11/Conaolldat2on unCer preaeure Cue 2o vetilnp ~ a 41'51 0 ~ --z o 0 0 E-~ ' 2 d s.. ~a a..o-~ U~ . Veter edded to aemple ^ 100 300 1H 3M zH 10M 29.000 f ❑apth. -n_ 9011 oeacrip2lon:~SR/J_,t Taet Hale Na. Swell Potential Ghart SWELL POTENTIAL AT 1,000 LSS. CLASSIFICATION 0 to'/z% Non-expansiveNery low 1/2 to 1'/2% Low 1 %z to 3'h% Moderate 3%2 to 6% High 6 to 8% Very High Greater than 8°/o s Critical The swell potential cfassifications are based on the percentage of swell for samples placed on swell/consolidation machines under a surcharge ofi 1000 pounds per square foot. FIGURE 3 + +8 a a 4. 0 ~ o`'Z ~ N ~ ~2 c~A-d t, ►-y a~ a ~ 0-8 Z..~ SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS Job Na. y-- ~ - ! 9re11/Coneolidetlon unCer preeaure due 2o wettlnp -T t Natar ed0ed to semple 100 300 1N 3M SM !0M 20.000 ' `_j Teat Hale No. _L 4epth. 05 - 9a11 Daecription. "nii I ~ -I ~ T a a ~ w,Cx:3 +a 0 ~...,o +z ~ --o 0 9 H -z vQ_a a~ a wo C/) p -8 ~ Teet Hole No. ~ qepth Swell/COnealitletion untler 100 300 1M - preasure due to vetting I uotar edded to aample :iM an ton cu.uvv Soi t Deecrip2ion Figure 3 + +8 a a+~ 0 o `2 ~ ~ v~ O -2 ~ CL) c~ A - d c. au a ao -6 cn 0-8 ~ T a a +6 0 ~ E~ - 2 N d' U Ga _ A a~ a wo ~ o ~ SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS Job No 10B 300 iN 3M 9M 10M 20,000 Teet Hole Na. ' Depth. 9a11 Oaecriptlom `j'') 9ve11/ConaolSde2lon under preeeure tlue to vet2lnp NN\ Metar eddetl to sempla 100 300 -1M 3M 5M Teet Hole No. _[lepth.._ Soil Oeecription svall/conaolldetion under preasure due to vatting I I { I I , Moter eddetl to eemple lY7Yl Llo.lonCl Figure 3 t9 z H N W H ~ O F- ~ 0 m J U. 0 ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ N O 0 ~U ~ T cn c ~ 0 O ~U O ~ N O N O N N N d L ~ Q N M N 0 `m ~ E ~ z a 0 -3 L Q) N .1' L 7 ~ C O C a ~ - ~ In a C N ~ O E Y O o E N > "O ~ 'Q j Mn ~ t ~ Y W O E O ~ N O v ' E a o a 0 2 i 'v O E N (n ~ ~ o :D E > W z -J m 2 y ~ m O C~ m ~ > E ~ u i ~ W ~ v a~ C: W ~n o c~ y > W W U Z Z ~ ~ 0 0 > CD ~ ~ > } ~ ~ c n v i } O 0 U ~ 9 U U U ~ V p y a O i ~ ' 1 O ~ N ~ ~ c 0 ° m -v 30~ o ' + } O N o U ~ u E N N N ~ N 3 M O ~ ~ ~ e N M 't N W ~ N y (O N f~ 0) M a N ~ c w c e N LO N N ~ 0 U ~ L y ~ M 00 co ~ O d . po ~ r 2 Z W J m Q ~ Brace walls, top & bottom, prior to backfilling Concrete Grade Beam - Floor Slab Expansion Well-sloped - ~ 12" per 10 feet min. Do not dike /--withsodoredging - Top 12" of well-compacted backflil Moderately Compacted Backfill ~ / \ Dampproofing Polyethylene glued to wall and extended along the bottom of the excavation. 15# Building Feit • ~•o i~~ ' ii \o'~~9i.~•o: ~ to 1%' Clean Gravel 4" diameter perforated pipe. Slopedrein pipe 1/8" per , foot to dayllght, or to a sump pit. If to daylight, cover end with screen. Backfill around the foundation should be moistened and compacted and the final grade should be well-sloped to preclude ponding of rainfall, irrigation water and snow melt adjacent to foundation walls. CAUTION: Do not dike or impede the flow of water away from foundation walls with sod, edging or decorative gravel and polyethylene. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge into spash blocks or long extensions. DRAIN SYSTEM BELOW GRADE AND BACKFILL DETAILS (FOR FOOTING FOUNDATIONS) 4" MIN. Detail 1 6-0" Minimum ; ~ -`T 1 ~ i I 1 i~ i ~ i ~ i ~ °O o i i $DO~°Q a5 ~ i ~ a~aoC i i i i i i Glue Poly. to Foundation Wali Decoratiue gravel or bark area )O~oo°O~ °o°Q o 00000~0~ 0 °Q a 10 0 0 i i i ~ i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ Foundation Wali i i ~ i ~ i i ~ ~ NOTE: 6 Mil. Polyethylene sloped away fran foundation Grade Metai or Wood Ed3a with ;4° spaM aF hottom to allow for the release of wffier 1. Provide a minimum slope of 12" in the forst 10' from the house (10%). 2. Downspouts and extensions should extend beyond the gravel or bark area. FOUNDATION GRADING DETAIL GEO-teknica Engineering Detail 2 GEO-teknica Engineering SOIL TESTS • PERCOLATION TESTS FOUNDATION DESIGNS P.O. Box 266 Franktown, [olarado 80116 Weh: www.geo-teknica.com Fox: 303-660-3615 Te I: 303-660-0300 Custom Design Contractors 701 Kilmer Street Golden, CO 80401 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION OF LOT 10, WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO REPORT NO. 00-258 Original Report Date: May 18, 2000 Restamp Date: 7une 8, 2001 GENERAL _ _ This report presents the results of data obtained during the subsoil investigation of LOT 10, WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARIC, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. This investigation was made to determine the type of foundation required, allowable bearing capacity and ground water conditions at the time of the subsurface investigation. SITE CONDITIONS At the present time this site is vacant. It is our understanding that a commercial structure is planned for this site. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our evaluation of the subsoils, we believe the proposed structure should be founded with driiled piers and grade beams. The piers are to be a minimum of 12" in diameter and drilled a minimum of 6' into weathered claystone/claystone and at least 20' deep. The recommended maximum end bearing pressure is 20,000 pounds per square foot dead load plus one-half live load, the side shear resistance is 2,000 pounds per squaze foot dead load plus one- half live load, for the portion of the pier in bedrock. A minimum dead load of 15,000 pounds per square foot is recommended based on pier end area. If the minimum dead load pressure cannot be met, the pier length and penetration into bedrock should be increased to offset any dead load deficiency. A side sheaz of 2,000 psf should be used to resist uplift. The recommended diameter must be maintained at the top of each pier hole (no mushrooming). The drilled pier holes shall be cleaned of all loose material and filled immediately with concrete to prevent slough of loose soil or infiltration of water. The concrete piers shall be reinforced the full length with three (3) number five (45) grade 60 rebar. The rebar shall extend to above the top row of horizontal reinforcing steel in the foundation wall. A void form of four inches (4") shall be placed under the grade beam between the drilled piers. A representative of this office must conduct an inspection during the drilling of the piers. If the builder or owner is unwilling to accept the risk of slab-on-grade movement, then a structural floor should be utilized. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE The installation of a foundation drainage system is required for any habitable space below grade level. See Perimeter Drain Detail 1, for a suggested method of installing this foundation drainage system. Ground water should not affect or be a deterrent to the construction of this structure. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION , I Four (4) exploratory test holes were drilled on May 3, 2000 at the site shown on the Location Map, Figure 1. These test holes were drilled with a four-inch (4") diameter auger. At specific intervals, the drilling tools were removed from the test holes and soil samples were obtained with a two-inch (2°) diameter spoon sampling tube. The depths at which soil samples were taken and a description of the soil encountered are shown on the Logs of Test Holes, Figure 2, and the Summary of Laboratory Testing, Table l. All soil samples were carefully inspected in the field during the drilling operation. These samples were classified in the laboratory through visual inspection and testing to determine the pertinent properties. The natural moisture content was obtained from relatively undisturbed drive samples of typical soils. Swell-consolidation tests were performed on typical soil samples, see Figure 3. These tests indicate the behavior of the'soil upon various loadings in a wetted condition. DESIGN AND DETAILS FOR SLAB'ON GRAbE CONSTRUCTfON The natural soils appear suitable for the support of exterior concrete slabs, garage slabs, and basement slabs provided that the builder or owner is willing to accept the associated risks. If the builder or owner is unwilling to accept the risk of slab-on-grade movement, then a struchxral floor should be utilized. If the owner and builder choose the option of a basement slab the following recommendations will help to reduce slab cracking. It is very important for the moisture to stay constant during the construction process. When sandy soils have an increase in moisture content, they may consolidate and settle, potentially lowering and cracking the concrete slab. When clayey soils are exposed to an increase in moisture content, they can increase in voluxne resulting in movement and possible cracking of the concrete slab. Experience with similaz soil conditions has shown that the following details help prevent damage to a concrete slab: 1. The slab must be placed directly on undisturbed natural soils, or on recompacted soil. Do not place a gravel layer beneath the concrete slab. 2. The floating slab must be separated from the foundation or utility lines to allow for independent movement of the slab. A posifive control joint must be provided at the junction between the slab and foundation walls. 3. Control joints must be piovided in the slab to confine cracks to the joints and not in the visible area of the slab. Control joints must be one-third the thickness of the slab. The maximum slab area shall be 175 squaze feet. A maYimum dimension of 16'0" in any direction is permitted. 4. A minimum void of three inches (3") shall be provided at the bottom of all non- bearing partitions. Drywall or paneling shall not be placed within two inches (2") of the top surface slab, allowing space for upward movement of the slab. 5. If a hot water heating system is used, the piping should not be placed beneath the concrete floor slab. If a forced air furnace is used, a two-inch (2") flexibie connection should be installed between the furnace and the duct. 6. The soils that will support the concrete slabs should be kept moist, but not wet, during construction. 7. If the builder or future owner provides decorative gravel or bazk azound the structure, see Foundation Grading Detail 2, for an acceptable method of installation. This method wi11 prevent ponding of water near the foundation and provide for proper drainage away from the structure. SURFAGE DRAINA6E Y ' The backfill soil azound the structure should be kept moist and well-compacted to prevent future settling. Controlled puddling of the backfill soils is not allowed. For proper drainage, a slope of 10% (6" in 5'-0") away from the foundation in all directions is required. This slope must be maintained for a minimum distance of 5'-0". The future owners are advised to immediately fill in any settled area near the structure to eliminate containment of water. Down spouts must dischazge onto four-foot long concrete splash blocks or into metal gutter extensions to direct water away from the structure. The future owners should be cautioned regazding the installation of a lawn adjacent to the foundation walls. Lawn irrigation must be more than five feet (5') from the foundation walls to z _ prevent wetting of:the subsurface soils. Lawn and/or plants within five feet (5') oftYie foundation walls should be hand watered and this watering kept to a mnumum. CONSTRUCTION DETAICS In any soil investigation it is necessary to assume that the subsurface soil conditions do not vary greatly from the conditions encountered in our field and laboratory testing. Our experience has been that at times soil conditions do change and variations do occur and may become apparent at the time of excavation for the foundation system. If soil conditious are encountered which appear different from the test borings as presented in this report, it is requested that an engineer from this office be called to inspect the open excavation. This inspection service is not a part of this report. The parties specifically agree that GEO-teknica Engineering Inc. has no been retained nor will they render an opinion concerning any environmental issues, hazardous waste or any other known or unknown conditions that may be present on this site. 3 Location Map ~ I ~ I I I ( I ~ I I I ~ I ~26" 2 54~ I I ( G 4 I I I I I i ~ I ~ I I I i 52 4~' W. 43rd GEO-teknica SOLLIESTS PERCIXATIONTESTS FOUNDAPaNDEAGNS Q Foundation Soil Test Borings O Percolation Test Holes ❑ Soil Profile Hole 00 _ `5v Z Unsuitable Soil Profile Hole Figure 1 N N L ~ co LO N O O O Z m 0 7 N w J 0 S H N w H W 0 0 O J T ~ ~ L a) T N 0 > c 3 > > o T O . ~ ~ (6 ~ N N > O T 'O C L' U Z'rn ~ > y 3 . ~ .a ~ . 3 0 r ~ ~ T y 3 _c 2 Z' N 2~ > Y C cu N ~ ~n .II > ~ > 0) Z } y } } 3 g o O J O o O (n U E U E U Y T U ~ J~ J N n JC" a - J J C ~ U J+- J J p tA LL ~ ` L.L 'O L1j E 2 ° ~ w W~ w m w Z w - ❑ ~ ❑ O 0 ~ i LLJ Q N 2 Q V ~ QE ~ f Q ~ 'O = N N 3 N Q E I- a7 Z Z Z N Z ` ~ ~ ° c 2i 2 E 2 E U 2 > ~ o 9 N 2 0 9 2 ~ N N n ~ O ti N ~ ~ M . , , . . . . . . . _ N N C N 16 V Y d ai 0 IJA C7 U) W F- O Z N ~ O rn ~ ~ N ~ ~ 'O ~ ~ c ~ 0 C N N 3 a~ f6 3 N N ~0 L O CD Z T m N C N Y m N 3 N N Q E ~ ~ O w ~ U !E 3 N L fl. N 0 ~ ~ ~ N N fl- ~ ~ E c° m U' t ~ -o (D O f6 Q ~ 0 m ~ N O ~ ~ ~ 3 > M O ~ w ~ a) 2D N ~p U ~ N C a) t ' N ~ a) ~ - L U h O M c)C N M 0 ro LL LO ~ 0 ~ N S~.LL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS ~oti Na. S~U_~ , _ . + a a+ w~+ 0 ~ o' ~ v0 ~ ~ c3 d ca A ~ i. ~ a~ ..a ao- cn. z o- V T 9vs13/Cbnsotsaetion „naar preesure dus !o vettlnp S 6 4 2 ~ 2 4 ~ 8 Yetar etldn0 to aemple . , T i08 388 1M 3M 3M 10N 28.860 Teat Malo Na. ~Depth9411 Deecript3on:.~WIF-C&a1 g Sily-CLflYS7pMG NC~~I,EStiv R~f ST\F , MUIST, DAQK a a., 0 ~ --z o 0 OE'Z vA _4 F.. a~ a ao -a rn o U ~ 100 300 1" ~ Test Nole No. ~Dqptn.~ Srall/Canaalltlstlon untler preeeure dua Yo vettlnp ~ ~ 4 tar atlCetl to eampie 3M 5M 10M 28.080 Soii Deecr3ption. MF'CLAY~VERYSRAIOY TIFFVE2YM0/5 ' Mt]fT~EI~,pR2iCl32owu~Figtere ` ' G2EY + i a a+ w~+ 0 ~o « ~ C:E+' a~ d F, a~ a WC~- cn. z o- U 5`H.LL - CONSOLIDATION TBSTS : Joe -QL:25 9vsi3/COnaoliaetion unCer presewa aua to veStlnp S 6 4 z ~ 2 1 J 4 F 4 - G 8 Meter atlCetl to aemple . S88 388 1N. 3N SM 18M 20.008 rast Hols ao. ~DoPtn.-ZL so3t oeacription: C(.FlYSTUA/F_ 5',~ ILTYrVE12Y Mt)157' Oc-iv6 /6"Y ♦ a a }z v..~j+4 O ~ t2 ~ ~--z o 0 a E, - : w -94 vR -4 a~ a ac ~ o V 100 300 1M 3M 5M 10M 20.890 ~~7 t Taet Ho1e Ha. /L DapYh.~ soit oeecription. MMF-CLLIY~SAAIDY,,VERY STIFF VERV i MO►STi CRLCa2EDUS, giyre M OT`TLEO, 'gRO~,JUI (,IC~ hFT ~20WiJ. I 3ra12/Conaoliastlon untler preaeure tlue to wettinp . Veta1~ aatled tn eempla ML - CONSOLIDATIQN TESTS Job me. m-zdb- , - + a ..a + ~ + 0 ~ o' ~ vo' AE' a~ d i. a~ a v~. z o- V T 9rsillCbneolSdet;on ~aar praesurs tlue to rettin0 S 6 4 z ~ ~ x 4 a s 4 1ter eddeC to aemp2e . T a a ~L 0 ~.,~o +z ~ --z o 0 ~ E..• - z a> d c~ A _ 4 a~ a wo -o ~ o -S U 108 300 1M 3M 5N i0M 29.880 Test Hole No. ~ OapYh..~L' So11 oeacriptian. CLWS'-FnNEtS~_VE~Y M~,~I UI.IVE/GREY Figure ~7 i(LEC i8B 388 1M 3M SM 18M 28.008 - ^ , S1YKLL - CONSOLIDATION TESTS Job ft. _Lm~ - i a f... + 0 ^o } ~ v0 ~ aa d i. a~ ..a ca. z o- V ~ 9vsi1/Cbnaolidetion wfaar preesura aus tc rattlnp S 6 4 t 7 Z 4 a S watsr eCdaO to aampie , T i8! 380 1M 3" OM 18M 28.808 Taat Hole Na. ~Dapth.oSL 9a11 Omcrlptlon: MMF-CLAY. G(ZF}VEL(.,Ya SRNDY VE2Y ST~cF,vER~c Mo~SC~~0.owta Sre1l/Conaoiltletlon unaer prsaewe tlue to wettlnp . Yetar aaaeC Tn aemple a a ~L 0 ~~"p t2 ~ --z o 0 AF°z e~ d c~ A _ 4 a~ a ao ~ p 8 t..~ lnn sne 1M 3M Df1 . 1BM ZB.Btl{7 Test Nole No. _Z__Oepth.!1L saii Deacr1pt1on.WEATP PE17C..lAYSTDAI_E.SIC.IY,vERY Mu1ST UUvE162EY Figun _ 5`WELL - CONSULIDATION TESTS ob NQ. _QL2aL a a + 0 ---o ~ o' a~ d s, a~ a C!~• it V ~ 8 9rai1/COnacllCetion umar preasure Cue So rsttinp ~ 4 z 2 4 G 8 Yeter eddetl to aemple , - + 180 388SM 3M 3M 10M 29.000 ~ Teot Molo Na. ~ 9apth_~L 9011 Baacrtp'tion: L g (F", MOST txavE ' 2E Srell/COneollCation untler -praeeure dua to vettlnp a 4., +,4 0 --~o +z ~ --z o 0 0 F'Z a> ~ cJ A _ 4 c~ a ao -o cn o -e U vetar eacec to eample 108 300 1M 3M 5H 10M 29,890 Teat Nole No. q OapYh. U, So1l OeecriPtion.MMF-CCAYS~l R~~FQY~VERY C1+lC.F}2E EprFigure ~ 82o~•1t12, tY MOl ~ SRLL - CONSOL IDAT i 0N 'I'ESTS ,,ob rr~-z5~ . + t-A P-~ ♦ 0 ~ o` ~ -o ' AE' a~ d c; A • s, z o- U T ` 9v.i1/COnsossaetsonunaer pressura Cus ta rattinp S 6 4 z ~ z 4 ~ 8 YeYer eQtletl to aerple T 280 309 1N 3M SM 18M 20.808 ~J Teet Mols Na. 1 9epth.~ 5oi1 Oaecription: WEATHERED CLqYSTb1.lEjS 1LTy I VE2V MOISTi OIAVq'zREY Srel2/Canaolldetlan unrter preaewe clua to rettinp ~ "vetar noaea !o eamplo a ~ }z 4-. 0 ~ ~--z o 0 .0-a b.-o AH "Z a~ d a~ a ao -o ~ o V 10B 300 1M 3N 5M 10M 29.960 raat Ncie No. y OOpYh.~ soil UeecrSptlon.~t~ST oLWE' Figure : G2E\t ~ z E~ ~ H ~ 0 H ~a 0 ~ a w 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X a ~ ~ ~ G a mU ~ C p: O v w o ~ y .a v b ~ a 00 N N O O ~ E :3 Z -0 O ~ ..rn ~ ,>1 T N . _ N : ~ i Q -5p N 9 > N > ~ . ~ E o - ..N i' :T r- ' N C - ~ .L O - ~ . O - O > 2 0 2 ' ~ . j w . w ~ > T O E w O E .S - . . , .J L .N . N 7- N .U - U C N ~ N q o L. . . ~ T ' L5 ~ ~ N O C 3 N > N• > N.. y N > > N' . y. i ~ ~ 0 > ~ 3 O O ' . T U i a c > N T ~ 'N ~ ` :N c _ - (6 ~ N L W ' ~ c6 W M Q N cq ~ N > O E (0 tA C M (D O E m Z O E ~ t/J C Z - E . cf) gCY g° g~ Q~ g ~ ~ g~ ~ (JL UC ~ ~ U-a J Uy ~ U Q ~ U-Q Q ~ m Ja J0 - J~ JO ~ u J J U 'N ~ J ~ V1 L L J i LL~ : Vl J 0 JE L~ l Li i 0 U E j . Q w w " W Z E w - 1 w 0 LLI z ' ~ w ~ LL Z - w ~ l], z ❑E DCu p 0~ p oo W O o~ w 0 Q~ Q Q O Q p = f- ~ ~ } ~ i VJ' N ~ m Q (6 Q Qo 3 . Q U ~ Q~, g o Q W ~ < ~ W ~ 2 > ~E ~ > ~ ~E ~ ~ ~ (0 o ~ ce) o 0 0 ~ a o , 0) M A ~ a ~w o R 'O ~ N OJ 00 I- V I~ V CV W W. m'o o I~. O N N O O. V t ~ -F N 'i- 1? i~ i- c-. i~ 3 r., i- i~ + t t . ~ o U L ~ E 'N N T- N N .r N N N ~ N I 0 ~ I r ' , ~ ~ 0 ' ~ M N N ~ N d b0 ~ G= o ~ o o M ~ OJ lO ~ O V V O) 0) d ' (fl ~ m ~ 67 d) (O N N I~ ~ p„ o N r ~ L C ~ M OD Lr) in (m CO '7 CO 'R I- m. ~ o 0 ~ U r r-. (h W co LO CD O LO U') O M Nr V m A " m . o z x I - T - N N N M M M V I W ~ F¢- BRACE WA11S, TOP & BOTTOM, PRIOR TO BACKRWNG CONCRETE GRADE BEAM FLOOR SLAB I EXE'ANSION JOINT VOID BEiWWff77J PIERS 10 Ff. MIN. _ 12° pEq NOT DII(r=WI7}i ) aR F.DGING TOP 12' OF4Va1-0OMPACTED BACISHLI. MOOHjN'fgY COMPACTID BACfQaIL PROOflNG POLYEI}iYiFNE GLUED TO WlUl --AND DRENDED A1.ON(' Tf-IE BOTfOM OF'fHE IXCAVA'itON. -15¥ BUILDINCi FELT , 4- MIN. 3t4' TO 1 1/2' CLEMI GflAVEl. 4" MW. 4" DWMETER PEAFORA7ED PIPE SLOPE DHAIN PIPE 1/8' PER FOOT TO OAYUGHT, OR TO A SUMP PfT. IFTO DAYl.1GHT, COVEA END W1TH SCFiEEN. BACKFILL AROUND THE FOUNDATION SHOULD BE MOISTEh!!ED AND COMPACTm AND THE FINAL GRADE SHOULD BE WE1L SLOPED TO PRECLUDE PONDING OF RAINFALL, IRRIGAl10N WATER, AND SNOW. MF1T ADJACENT TO FOUNDA710N WA11S. CAUTION: DO NOT DIKE OR IMPEDE THE FLOW OF WATER AWAY FROM FOUNDATION WALLS WITH S00, EDGING OR DECONATNE GRAVEL AND'POLYEfHYLENE. DOWNSPOUfS AND SILL COCKS SHOULD DISCtiARGE INTO SPLASH BLOCKS OR LONG D(TENSIONS. DRAIN SYSTEM BELOW GRADE AND BACKFILL DETAILS (FOR PIER FOUNtDATiON) DETAIL 1 ~ FOUNDATiON GRADING DETAlL CR SAWAFEk PaLY. i0 8 hM= POLYEtHYI.BrE SLQ'IM AWAY FF" FCiBVOATqN. METAL OR M00 MM `MiH.1/2' SPPGEAT 80T1DM 1'l7 N1 dWW f{7R l7EFEF&SE aFWA7Ffi. NOTE 1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 6' W THE FiRS'1' 6-0" FROM HOIJSE (TO%). , 2 DOWNSPOt11 S AND ECTHVSiONS Si-±OUID ECT'EiVDm BE`(aND THE GRAUEi_ OR EARK AREA. DE77V12 E ~ nd d ~ 0 ° a ~ c m ta A d -y ~ O ~ = IQ ui ~ O O N H ry N c ~ m ~ m d C :2 U U) N V UJ U W ~m o 0 M o ' y a pd N ~ Q Q 0 p° ~p w O ~ O W yU n=N ~ ~ 3 ~ y ~ v i t = C W { L 9 t ~«o ' O N F 0 cc N $ c 9 - O ~ O m F r L m o3 .a c.'3 t ~ L i m a o o i rts ~ rT a U cm 3 H 2 NN N rO i V N U ~ N O D C 9 C ('7 4F ~ C U O U O o W rn rn C 3 V c m g la n~ o W ~m~ N 00 cn p Vn o ~ a ~ a m 00 ~U N 00 y ~ V W Z L Z ~ o ~ n~i a`o p d O > ~ 3 0 ~ p a J n ~ N o O~ } ~ O c U I- W ~ w Z r m W I W J FS- E ~aa2, Z Z O < K e > ' 3 0 ~ LU 0 a H ca 0 0 d O d U C U 3 m a d U o m ~ oa n~ ~ L 3: 3 O rnzI c V c J L a ~ O U ~ n N ~ t ~ c0 ~ E m L m L z° u c c a ~ m ' U m c E 'a c N Date: A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion has been requested.for: ADDRESS: I t~C I ti PURPOSE OF Building Department Approval: Remarks: Zoning Approval: Remarks: Public Works Approval: Remarks: yec9`~~rU.3 Fire Marshaf[ Approval: (If Applicable) Remarks: Sanitation District Ap (If Applicable) Remarks: Water District Approval: (lf Applicable) Remarks: Ed )ennings PO Box200662 Denver,Co.80220 Phone (303)388-1867 FAX (303)320-1987 Engineering Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co. 80215-6713 Date: 09/02/2003 File: L601113 RE: Drainage inspection of Lot 10, 44TH INDUSTRIAL PARK (13180 W. 43rd Drive), Wheat Ridge, Co. Dear Sir: This is to certify that on this date I inspected the above described property and found that the improvements have been constructed in substantial compliance with the drainage report and plan for this project, prepared by me, last revised on November 4, 2002. Sincerely, ~ z ~7iL~.( A✓f.'~ ~v Ed Jemmngs PE & PLS cc. Custom Design Contractors Building Permit Number : 14808 Address: Description: Inspection List 13180 W 43RD DR I OFFICE / WAREHOUSE Number T e Date Approval Remarks 40549 RE-CEILING 8/27/2003 ok/bb 40616 FE 9/2/2003 1 1 OK/BB 40625 F-LANDSCAPE 9/3/2003 DIS/TRC NEEDS TO ADD 3 SHRUBS - RECK FRI. 5 AUG. 40626 F-PW 9/3/2003 TG NO APPARENT DAMAGE VISIBLE WITHIN THE YC 40636 FP 9/3/2003 dis/b 40637 FM 9/3/2003 ok/b 40684 FP 9/5/2003 ok/b 40685 FF 9/512003 ok/b 40686 FB 9/5/2003 ok/b E~ FIIVDY%, s ~ i ~ LLJ Z f Gn'3.. U) t= 0 ~ U CO W ,~I 0 W s Z z a a ~ Q C/) 3 ~ 4L J 0 ; W LL w = m F- w Z ~ 0 o ~ ~ o 0 J I- cr p w U) a U 7 O p 0 Q z U cc N LLJ ~ U O Z x 4-7 ~ ~ ~ q `m M ~ ~ O ON Q~ M ~ u ~ O~ ~ 0 V J W 0 cc V > U Z a ~ U U O w a ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ a w 0 ~ ~ O 1 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ n W w ~ ° C) 0 ~ o~ _ W s Q W ~ ~ ~ 0 z LLI ~q `Y. cl) Ofl ~ ' Z ~ cc - ~ Y (n z ~ o 0 w a ¢ ~ W. a O C) O W o ~ O ti o. m o ° ~n m o U) _ ~ o ~ 0 U W d z - ~ 0 z nz ~ cl: W a ai' a U) J ¢ p , p Q ~1 Z c~ D ~ ~ o LLI a Z _ z ~ I I I I z c o id O LL ' 0 . u y 0 1) U `o m ~ o . C ~ 0 p a t f6 3: Qc~ ~ c A ~ 0 0 w W z z (D 0 ~n z w cl W ~ m a _ ~ W O m Q Q ~ z ~ ~ W cc ~ w ~ U o ~ U a p z ~ cc O ~ LL U• "6 ~ co eD d ~ a c C i L] ~ U m - w a x • I V ~ v ~ ~ g D , o o ~ , Q Q £ ~ O ~ b 3 ~ o D ~ 3 I ~ ~ I I ! ~I m ~ J ~ N I O. m ~ ~ ~ ~ { ti'' I ~ ~ ~ c -o d I m m N 3 R' ~ (0 c = ~ ~ I O E ~ J ;ui ci ~ s o, o z 7~6 I -6 S 3 ~ 0 0 ~ o ti ~ a ` 0 0 a"i ~ m E ro b p m v m ~I S o ar a[ w w a i ~ 2 F, a I l i 3 3 ~yn 4a7'~~ LL O ~m r 5+ ! r ~ H = w a LU >7 J W3:•r; z F- z Cl)~ ; WNo~LL[ ~ aL) , ~ a F- U F- ~I 0 0 W Z J 0.r Z a i 0 i j GEO-teknica Engineering, Inc. Foundation Observation Form P.O. Box 266, Franktown, CO 80116 ' Ph: (303) 660-0300, Fax: (303) 660-3615 GEO-teknica Job No: 00-258 CONSTRUCTION SITE ADDRESS: 13180 W. 43`d Avenue Lot 10 Wheat Ridqe Industriai Park Jefferson Countv Colorado OWNER/BUILDER NAME, ADDRESS: Custom Desiqn Contractors 701 Kiimer Street Golden CO 80401 Ilwe hereby state that observation were made as indicated below and that the items observed were found to be in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications designed for this project and the site where it is constructed. Date Observer 01/09/03 DRILLED PIER OBSERVATION SC SOIL REPORT INFORMATION: GEO-teknica Enqineerinq #00-258 FOUNDATION DESIGN INFORMATION: Malouff Enqineerinq Reviewed and Approved by: Jay S. Bleier, P.E. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2855 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Rldge October 14, 2003 LeRoy Quail 15405 W 7`h Avenue Golden, CO 80401 RE: 13180 W 43d Drive Wheat RidEe, Colorado 80401 Dear Mr. Quail, Per your request, this is to inform you the above referenced address was designed, built and inspected per your architecis design standards for seismic zone 1 as defined by the 1997 Uniform Building Code Chapter 16. The above referenced address was inspected, approved and a certificate of occupancy has been issued for this address. If you have any further questions piease feel free to contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely; ~ Darin M g , CBO Codes A inistrator Cc address file From: Total Landscape Solutions, Inc. 2015 S. Ogden St. Demer, CO 80210 To: Rapport Inc. Building 13180 W. 43rd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO Attn: Leroy Native Seed: Install approximately 10 pounds Native Foothills m'vc @ approximately $1.8~per pound Total price = $18.50 ~ .2 5- 7--rd~2 3 1s 10380 ~ CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS 701 KILMER ST. 303-981-6195 GOLDEN, CO 80401-4041 23-320/1020 DATE nni i eRS L! d..~m i L1 UILlJ KFm'J" BlJ51NE55 BANK IJ~~D - ~ 15710 W. Cnlfvc (303) 29J.2265 coiaeTM co soaoi ~ . utl1~380~~''s:L02003206!; 30 77349~~' The City o7 GWheat GRidge 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-80~ J" Custom Design Contractors 701 Kilmer St. Golden, CO 80401-4041 . . fffl-' tul 2 ~~(a p\I^%!/ U-ITrire 1~rotecfion D~str~c~ _p a~ll/~~~~ . Protecting Livea And Property Since 1962 $eptember 5, 2003 City of Wheat RidSe 7500 West 20 Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ATTN: Datren MorBan Re: Rapport L►c. 13180 West 43'd Drive Darren, This letter is to advise you of t6e final alacm and sPrinkler acceptance test conducted on 09-05-03 at the above-mentioned location. All alarm systecns & wmponents were teatad and performed as required. The Fairmount Fire Protecrion Disvid ba4 no objection to the re(ease of any cettificates of occupancy for this area. Please feel Bee to contact me with anY 9uesti°ns or concerns regarding this project 303- 279-2928. . Respectfully, Fairmownt Fire Proteetion District 'Ton Ligraau, Fire Inspector CC: File 4755 Isabeli Street • Golden, Colorado 80403 • Phone (303) 278-2925 • Fag (303) 278•1252 00 39tid id3Q 32JIJ 1Nf10W'JItii Z9ZiSLZE06 Z4:LT £00Z/90169 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 Correction Notice Job Address: ! 3/ °p u/_ ~i ~ y~/-~.-• ; ~ i A . . °.:;:~3 >,7 ~ 3 J ..:..'-_'_d A I A i <-.1 3 i When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at ~ ' 303-234-5933. a ~ Date: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE